JAMBS A. BUTCRISON & Co, Aioo for St. Loot,. Stearn Sugar Refinery, No. 43 Wooer and 92 Front Strse..3, , Phtsbragh, PA, Mow to store the following moment ofrefined_Sniars, for sale tow: 6 bze dembie refinM twee Ina( loco bbl, New. 2 , 4 ; 6, 6 7 and B small do; 1130 do Powdered; MI do Crush- Slags" and llfolaasoa. 148 1 41bbla Loaf E ig agar,Vot r i, 0 and . 141 do Priam New Orleans Lloagasem, 27 do Saw Holm do To sum and [or sale by 1V &M BUTCIIELTIU:FI. liberty at QUNDRIES-30 casks Sods Ash, branded .V Steel, O.a Pon, Liverpool; 30 do do do Jame NotarialdoL_YUO bags Rio Coffee; MO bare, 0, err° end Ittel2 W Cor ssle Ly ray . JOHN CRIER, SRI lib, EIIESH PINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO—Mrs =lees and Jew Anderson% jam reed and for by HEALD, BUCK/COB tc 41 north water and HILIOTIII wharves, WS; Philadelphia VA RA LEAF TOBACCO-29G bales Yen Leaf To. ~ • 11Parl, and superiar qualify—l, 3 and 3 ems hat humans from brig Authracite; for sale by REALM. IIUCEVOR Is Co rIERALAN PIPF.3-054 tms and 3 gross Garman Ur Pipe., modulo, bowls, Jon landing , ham pkt and for kale LtY Hal iIIICHNOR*. Co DlSH—lsaac Cruse; Ballroom will be glad to hnseenders from his Wein!: in I r atuburgla and elsewhere, for the purchase of Shad and Hermon do, ring the mason. Orden cremated with despatch, and al lowest rates. Ch .-s for purchasing light, mars -- VorrON VAR:04,44.-40000 lb*, assorted Nos, C Ifirts,,Ca•pst Chatty Caudle Wtek,,jaird COMM I* VOO bates Lamas, for sale at roattafarturers' .lowest once., by FIUEND. RIMY 6. Co, stems for matosfsetorrrs FtATHERS--I0 wack. for sale by *4W - FRIEND. RIMY& Co -- ASH-4 casks Inn recto smltor rale by P C 4, Ira". WICK & &PCANDLV.SB rRIGANIM-110 lbs Jan rac'd and (or we by B A FAII/41,7-4TOCK k Co, corner let and wood me ALEX. SENNA-20 0 Ws Just seek! end Cot sate by gukris 11 A. FARNI-STOCK s Co QWAUPS PANACEA-0 met jun vet , * 'and for 4,, - jiggly au rM B A PAHA ESTOCK *Co *EII.II.VERIZED ALERA.TOS—i4 brv, • very Ns perior article, packed In pound and lull Pound pipers, for retailing; for solo by aura WICK tr. WCANDLESS ULVERISING RALEKATCB-0 mak; • viry a P Parker &rade, last read atul for gate by WICK & WCANDLISS OATS-23(1busb, josx reed sad for side by LS WATLIIMAN. sus% 31 waxer end OS from at Q ALAI) 01L—lit ^ keu fresh, just seeld and for We 17 u 9 it A Fa HISITOCK 4 co, eu629 • earner ist and weed its SSIA-200 mansion reed and far male by swra B A MANN} STOCK & Co ETRACT LOOWOOO-60 ewes just reed and L 3 sale by aus43 B A FAAN r.SCOCK Co NM FALL GOODS—A A Mason & Co, co mark. area. am now optalng IS mutes of rich azyk. o Mont:rack. Handl= mai Cache.° Prima. magi rtAPRS AND COLLARS—A A Mason & Oa have I,z, Jun reed GOO more of datuue very ehemp Wrought Giffi., at Met 2IX) Moursting do, new aiyle; 24.0 Wrr tßaudolg do, maw Um' supertax; oleo, ho Wrought copes °lvan°. priem , 21, LV W/PS MCSLINS—A A til.ork & Co. have pat 0 opened ¢0 pa Wilms= sad Swiss [dualism imgi9 SPIRITS TURPENTINB-2 9 ttirts Turpentine, in prime order,just received tu.dlor sale by ' - unirsa•lur lIEN Y C KAILLY (IKEA HONEY-2 e 222.• Cubs samined Haney, just NJ Ter...need and for .ale by HENRY C KELLY T EAD-750 pivot Lead, Lot ~I+3 by attra J. 41311.3 DAUM. 10 lIIETAJ.-90torts CombeTland River Pig Metal,' in Mote aud for Iwo by abo) JAMES DALZELL 19 osokr 'Wool, for solo by JAB DALZEI.L AG —9 sacks country miznl Bags, Vn .aba by JAS DALZML CLIEESE-4t , Lis Cheese, j reed sad for male by anti& W ICY & AVCANDL&MS CtIEIZE-12 casts W R Cheeee, Just reed and for sale by auyo WICK & WCANDLESS :4: on MC, , , • r sale by •u ..1/ WICK & ITTANDLC39 LARD -9 kegs No 1 Leaf Lard, just reed .d for sale b 1 mgl9 WICK arCANDI.FRA ~~y~~:A;r.4 ~~~~rr: - n vrrma3rmm~r?~ r~=sv[~~t[~ • "VOR RENT-4 coammoilons three story }trick Warottotwo,ontld•trews.. Ptincesiatt giver; tome distely. _For terms apply lo sage 3 C El GRANT, G. water st CARL YLEe9 FRL - Nnft REVOLUTION—The French Itsvolutioa—A Hitoory: by Thom. Qu ills. t two volartm—clath. For .le by ! 0 6V9 JOHNSTON SiO - K MN QPTS. TWEITTEVE-- , 4 661 s for !We by .agll 881 UYk REI IijILNERAI. WATER CORES-5 bales for Gale by aagll BRAUN & BPI rEIR kosvilontrs—tuo lbe for sale aaslmr tr. RE/TER 13-6 nek• now heading; for sale by LiA.I A H DICKL•I & OTIOK-68 bales &lawn, and far sale by 1723 ISAIAH DICKCY & Co - ARLBY MALT--& XI bush groand aad unvoattd ID J 3 for da b an BROWN & CULBERISON CORN frObts-A1fra.404,7,11b1„,,,,."7 METAL-6.0 mn, Cumbaiitood River oukl, landing from stars American Star and L. Womol. -augld JAMES DAIZRLI, 24,vracer Baltimore, Aug. 18 -- Cattier—Beeves have do. elided to day, ow log to the h"g's "FPl' which came turward. The o ff erings at the sea es reached 1320 head, of which Stifft were acid and WO were dnven to Philadelphia. Prices ranged from 824133 ip 100 112 s on the boon, equal to $405,75 aet, and averaging 2.50 poss. Hogs—We quote hogs at $505,50. -- • 1t111 . 71 .. FF . Et y liet bap prime Rio, just reeeiviag augie BROWN & CULBERTSON LRIPORTS EIT HIVED- ARD, he,-94 Imp No I Lard; glad. Linton; LIM .14 lag U.= Paw Quaint, and for nabs by • .10 JAMES DALZELL ALIENS NERVE AND BONE UNDIENV—A fresh supply tar gala by ta 11 .1 KIDD Co I,n-oue-28 bbls chain fresh Fatally Flour, just re calmed mud for axle by augl4 ➢MOWN & CULBERTSON IILEACHING POWDER -SCI auks of las filuspran Al &Sons , first quality Ciller& of Lime, for sale by )04 W & 111 MITCHRLTRER RD 011.-23 bblo pare Laud Oil, in store and for LARD by jvIS 0 BLACKBURN & Co rit - RFLNKEI BIJOARA-S boo 1/ It large Loaf, two bbls a, 7 arid 8 emelt da; iSID do crashed; 180 inrordsrad; in store and for tale by lAMBS A HUTCHISON& Co, • 494 Aanots or SC 'Louis - Steam fittjar Refinery SODA calf -18 casts double refuted Bode& sb; do do do Warranted egad to any in the dry. For sale by sal Id C H GRANT, II water, TEL"cinema and bas fine to extra Y. Hyson; .0 _" Imperial; " " " Gunpowder; m For sale by " D WILLIAMS, 110 woolPowebo c i Intra Iraii&CCO-60 las Ira Thuit to Honey Tobueo, re. .4 nirtos fressttanal and for ule by Eigia • JAAIESDALZELI., Si water at •MACKEDEL-133 bble Nu 3 b1abb.,..1, bratuled j 335, re wo atul timbals by • .1 JAMES DALZELL FkIaTHEMS—Iu bags Feathers, for sale by 'corn JAtdes IkALZELL T 01118VILLE - I:6lE—Conitaroly on hand and fo ode by angl4 C /I GRANT ROWN 4L0i114 bb la for We by _ a CIOFFEE-40 nags Green Rio, in store and for sale to itlore conaignmcm, by V. B & CV BARHAM 6 - 1.4155—MM bas barb and 101 .— WV/Ineom GNAT., Ass rse'd per sum Loots brq.sno, sod for sak by itaglO • B& Vr kIARUA UGH lOw arrEAr.e.Ns- 4 o h W ICK n ull White IWnws, Ty 190. - - by .te WICK & M'CANI)LESS for MIIEPPEB--7l berm loud, and Cot ple veiy low by ' anl4. C H °KANT .riE DKIW- WA° now on the wharf, for sale by angle ISAIAH DICKEY & Co. front al ABD an. " —Thuk t= b.g,iest ma i l% f a or co sale C l i=rov 6 .trta ll s - at - i/ a*" "P"n4 RITA J D WILLIAMS bblrillsirifiMia d c , ent.hw arrd ,,,,h,rieedi 23 do summed Loa( for *Web) , aug2l J D WILLIAMS 7'1 24 1 31:%; titrg Ginger, P `ff ni tlr z ,,`"; au men. Cassia, keg Mace; ground ' Spices in great aviary; for sale by *swat J D WILLIAMS Tiocz FLOIIII-2 eases superfine, for sale by luir4 CANDLI32-5 bmSperm; 10 do Star; Ibdo sw.rioe; frauds, by am6Jl J D WL1,14A518 DOT/LSO-0 Mils prime, /or sale by anoll J WILLIAIIB - O — WADRJ.E3-1 bbl Lard; 6 pee Raf ba Carpet; So do: licri Woollen Sacks,• 60 do Zino Was sads; on 013- =moral and for role by; mapel J D WILIJA.MA D u 4 .6IONM- ( 81:12101. pat.) Ast reed and for rale orz . • JUDD Co VIT. LOCIWOUD—J • a reed and for solo AJA ;suer 1 I/1 0 D a i - ,,, .LizATHEas--10 ...to lir taro by ,a; I assr2l I / ODD &Co liOrtOt —2 bbls reed lids day and •r We by . 4) SOD/ TASSEY & kl/EaT 4LVN--300 *ors and for sale by & 13iFIrt P . ABli--(11.00 lbs. a prime +uncle., i,...tore and tarsals by sup( TA3.3EY 8. BEST TALLOW-1 bbl:sold and for . Le by ' TASSEY & BEST .11U bott•--Xl . Ws Coin Neal, C P /mega V Wind, meld pot stuffCompanlou and for solo by IMMO . 8 A W HARBAUGH lutra p 01 . 1 V o l a rd. supply otidar i t . irs JOHN HEW. 81 wood at A LUM—so bbl, Allan, Joss reed and for oale J sciiCoNMAKER Co, sogl6 wood st FED—s , bog. WLothit3Qlfil bbli Clover do; for owls by augi J b. It FLOYD CLEAR SWES—iO casks clear Fides, feet reed an 2 (mule by, RO#T cUNNINGHAM, . . - auKB ADDER—ebb& for mde by M 14 4 lit y L .. : au6l4 s P VON BONNHORST & Co II I(fi - PLOOZWE ibraiiiiili'Lly align SY VON BONNHORST & Co 1 3E :Zit" h. rin g ir d . AoNNeonerrk co • SPERiI! Wamuited pure—! casks fm nab. by RD 18 J SCHOONMAKER Je. Co HALE 01L—L4oda Eto al. for sale ry aoilB J BCHOONBIAKEE A. Co FlBn-197 bbls No 3 Mackerel. (1849;) 89 half do No 3 do, me; 20 do do No 9 do do; Jost reed ood for Ws by 00820 MILLER Ak RICKETSON ICK-20 times prima Riea, - jma ree'd ami for gala by .4 2 0 MILLER a RICKEMON PrUltif,-16,b1s Nardi Cara/ori; for by j. aa4:l4 8 P VON IBONNkICIUST a Ce Sitiii - Sanl Moos Mn.oo' AUGUST. I rise. I seta rises.' phases . 20 Sanuday„ sd 27 Sunday, 20 24 Monday, d ira Tuesd ,ay 6 20 •90 Wednesday, d3O 91 Thnrsday, 6 31 1 Friday, d :ITT/BOUGH BOARD OP TRADE COMITITRE FOR SEPTEMBER. JOSIIT.U. BAIMA. W. BARRER: J. cAscrraval OFFICE PrITEELMOU Givavvr. Friday Morning, Sept. 1, 1,48. } The markets yesterday presented nothing new or interesting. The azajlquietness of the ..eason was manifested in almost every branch of trade, bat ia the way of general sales a fair amount of business was done. Considerable activity was manifested along the wharf Some eight or ten hogs being busily en gaged in discharging and receiving [might. We noticed considerable iota of dry goods boxes scat tered along the wharf, which we viewed as on in dication that the fall shipping season had in reality commenced. The day wan rather dark and gloo my, with some promise of rain, and the weather was pleasant 63r out door baainess. FLOUR—The receipts yesterday were not so heavy as on previous day, and there seemed to be animprovement in keling, without, however. any material advance. Sales of TM bbl. on the wharf at prices ranging from 4,25 to 4 37. The atore sale* were in limited lots, and ranged from 4,37 to 4,44, according to quality. Corn meal is sold in limited lots at SI ,62 p bbl. RYE FLOUR--Very little coming is at present, and supplies are quite limited. Moderate sales hum store at $3, and from first bands at 2.75 p bbl. BACON—There seems to be a decided improve. meat in the market, with an advance in some kinds. We note sales of best city cured from smoke house at, far sides 44, shoulders• 44. and hams at tlfe Ih. Hams in separate lots have been sold atic p 14. Sales of prime western cu red meat at, for shoulders 4014, aides 44, and hams at 05610 p m. Country cured bacon in loose lots is sold from f to to lower as in quality. LARD--Market dull, and little doing. Limited sales at Giethe for No I in bbls and kegs. BUTTER—SaIes of good keg at 96 . 9 k GROCERIES—The market continues steady, bat little activity is manifested in say article, and we find no change in prices. Regular sales of N 0 sugar in small lota by hhd at 44W , 65ic p according to quality. N 0 molasses remain. firm, with sales in limited lots at 250 p gall; of sugar house at 400450. Rice 416131. Rio coffee 740 7k. Others articlesunchanged. FRUlT—Green apples are selling from 1101,31 as in quality. Green peaches sot river at 11,50 p bbl; the article was anther CHEESE--Regular sales of good W It at sia 54, and for extra quality at 6.1(070 4. EL GLASS--Saks of city brands Bxlo et St, or country do at 53,50 i of city 10x12, 4.50, country at 3,6203,75 P box. The extensive ittrating dock• of hiessrs. Brook-a, di Co. which was sunk • short Urns shine at St. Louis, lass been raised, and will soon be in opera tion again. Spirit of the Domeot-I—o—Diarkets New Orleans, Aut. 10, 1518. Comt—The only sale transpired to day is a lot of 100 bales. Prices are yet unsettled, but Mid Ming cannot be quoted over 51851. Sugar—Small sales of Fair at 3.c. Molasses—Small sales-at 20c. Flour-157 bids Soar at at 33,20. This is the only stale we have heard oC Corn-255 and 500 sacks white sold at 45c. Pork—Nothing of moment transpired. Beef--200 MA, prime sold at 9,50, 70 at 510, and 20 Mesa at $3,25. Bacon—Sales 30 tierces canvassed ham. at 7 Gents • Lard—Nothing transpired. Lead—Sales 2:6 pigs upper mines at 3 9D. Bale Rope—lso =Ha aold at 7le Wluakey—Small sales al 161007 e. Cleveland, Aug. 29, I StS. Canal Receipts--Flour 344 bbl; Pork 37; Whir key 259; Wool 48,931 Aug Butler 11.9975; Lard 2.927; Potters' WIUO 21,6505 Coal 21,400 b.; Wheat 37,249; Corn 15,113. Marlmts--The sales are-290 bid. door St ,50- 50 bbls D Adam's 4,56, 25 Portage Mills 4,621, 25 Etna Milts, extra, 5;25. 3700 bu wheat 93,, 6,500 do, on privgde terms, 2000 do eom 301. 6.140 do 40}c, 2000 do to am." to three days. 40r, 1.300 Mt oats 201 e, 1,300 D. ham 7c, 7* do batter. 91e, 2000 do 91c, 2000 do 9e, 100 bbls bigbarines 19/e, 12 do wbiskey, 17;400 Ws Hail wilt Sl,lBl, 3 bads 12 0 sugar, coma= 41c. • Cattle Market- Cinciiimsti—Per Ringgold -4 stoves, Jos Porke & en; 20 hhds bacon, E Heozeltan; 12 aka Imsdes W Bingham; 28 do iron. Coleman, Heilman & eo; 100 Ws &on., S MeClarkazi '& 100 do do, W E. Cope. Lortima—Per American-6 hhd. tob; box samples, 85 aka knthera, A Gordon; 5 hinds Immo, n_B4 ght; 100 bee map. Miller & Rich emon; 2 hes tools, Whitmore At Wolff; 25 oshn con; 23 Ws do, 38 bbl., 6 h( do. 25 kegs lard, 10 hp Seathent 24 do mod, II Graff & co. Bernarr--Per Mlchlgao-2 Las hooey, Sarni Ea sign; 1 box 1 trk 1 ottest,J A Caorrheyi 1 box. Fro Bier bxs cheese, J A Caughey; 19 do do, 8 & W Blubaugh; 26 bxs cheese, Bridgeport—Per Hadsoo-26 We floor, 9 bhda tob, 36 sks wood, D T Morgan; 11 Mods too, J S Dilworth Y co; kchest tea, 55 Mule ob, 11 ake wool, 180 bblo, door, 1) Leech & crx 9 mks bacon, W Bingham; 26 alm wheat., E Heaxeltom. St Loess—Per Paris-6 bbl. buffalo tongues, nbls 11 calm, 16 pigs fors, A Barka; I box rotes D Leech dr. co 51 asks bacon, 47 In do, 57 blds land, M Allen du ecq Eirbbls scrap iron, Lyon, Sborb It co. Parkarsdwer—Per Companion-3 Ws tob, R Daleen do err, 65 bbls apples, owner; 40 bbls apples J W Peek; 4 bbds Leech Sr. en; 1 bbl arm, McGill & ROC; 33 bbls flow, Clark & Thew; 090 water melons. 6 Mho apples, mane.. Naar:Zia—Per Cumberland-62 hgs &when, 62 do ginseng. I do wool, J Forsyth & co; v csks ginseng, 2do beeswax. I I * feathers. J W ler & No; 5 Mid* sugar, I Penney, jr; hi. cotton King, Pennock & ec 62 hgs feathers, 25 do gin. Deng, 2 mks flaxseed; I Dickey & co. C H GRANT Da PillLstre's Lrose Prue—The great and increas ing demand for these Piss, is the sorest evidence of their excellence. People try them and then recom mend them to their neighbors. No one who has ever suffered from the Liver coMplairit, or from any of the diseases arising from a disordered Mate of that organ, failed In obtaWng relief if he tried Dr. fill.noe's sod thus they have worked their own way into popu larity by the astonishing earns which theyale every day performing. Read the following certificate: übluasstrsa; Crsna Ce. April 25th, 1517. “Messrs. I. Kidd Co.—Gentlemen: I write to /1)- form you of the benefit I have received from the Um of Dr. ACLanes Liver Pills. I have been severely af flicted with Liver eamptint for a number of years. and have been very mach relieved by the above nam ed pill lam anxious to use more of theta, as I think y I he will-effec an entire of e: and I am confident that ran sell a good t many of them. A ymthis ItolY. tut acquaintance of mine, used one or two doses of theta, and &aid they relieved her more than any pill .he had ever used. She le afflicted with consumption. or liver complains. W. G. BUTLER." Poe sale as the Drug Store of f . KIDD A Co, DI wood Street • t:00(10 ti:r7XX Chula tomrnngely destructive to the htt morr =lee, (or skin) the sudden change from heat to cold, sad the smoke canoe, yellow, dark, coarse com plexions. Theo lib Millulzive that the pores of the akin should be kept open—Mat their mouths should be (reed from imputity—tisvas thas the onuieut Homan Philos° Owes cured all dizedesi—shey computed that store di•e• •e • and ,healthy 70111 left through th the sores of this skin, thou any