The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 01, 1848, Image 2

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11 Z 1 1.76QbotflpliODS to the North Amer
can and United States Gnune, Indladalpida, undyed
and forwarded from thin aka.
Democratic Vithiti,Reatinattotts,
TnomasJlL T. BVlCassaa, of Washington
Jaws P. Sommulos, Of Lebanon.
Joseph 0. Clarkson, 13. Henry Johnson,
L John P. WelhenU, 14. William Colder,
3. lune. lLL Dams, Li WWl= 11111vaine,
4. Thos. W. DafFtelil, 16. Charles W. Fishar,
a Daniel 0. linnet, 17. Aadrew G. Canis,
Joalnia Dungan, 18. rhos R Davidson,
7. Jrdso D. Steele, W. Joseph Markle,
S. John Landis, Wt.'
P. Joseph Schameker, 11. Andress W
16. Char/es Snyder V. Manua 10 , 1/ ....
IL William G. Flukey, 21 Thomas S.
IS. FILMS Tyler, 24. Pa
Anthill&SOW° .ad Whig liroinbasitions.
110111til HAMPTON,:
WOO 4••[1611..T.
LEWIS C. J. NOBLE,of Iridium..
M. SWARTZ WELDER, of Pittsburgh.
HENRY LARGE, of 11101 C
aZEllell NIKON, of Lower SL GAD
=IX Or tita COMM.
DANIEL M'CURDV, of Elizabeth Borough.
WILLIAM BENSON, of Alkeghouy oily
JONN K. FOST& m , o;4Bald•rin.
"I have no private purposes to atcomplish, no part y
purpose, to band up, no enemies 10 plItlIA-110thg to
serve but my country"
"The power given by the Cnstitution to R, Ereeto
Us., to interpose bill veto. la n WO conservatiVe pow
er which should never be exercised except' in cases
of clear violation of the Constitution, or manliest home
an I wain of consult:ran. by Congresa.n
'Wm personal opinions of the individual who may
!tappet to.occupy the Elsomnive chair, ought not to
control the action of Congress upon questions of do
mestic policy, nor ought his objecuous to be interposed
when questions of constitutionel power have been
landed by the venous departments of government, and
UnplitSted in by the people."
"Upon the subjects of the tariff, the currency, the in.
rvement of our greet highways, rilleri, lakes, and
a 3 rbors, the will 01 the people, u ;reseed through
their rerkitSclittalvell AY eatigTefa, I to he resiii'vvl•
ed and earned out by the Executiv
"War, at all times, and under all ircumstances, is n
- national calamity, to he avoided, ( compatible with
.101110 honor." "The principles f our government.
as well as its true policy, are opposed to the suleuga.
lion of other nations, and the dismensoerment of other
commies by conquest, for, to t h e longuage of the great
Washington, •why should wo quit our own to stand on
foreign ground: " Z. TAYLOR.
' , A Little More Grape. Capt. Bragg
arrangement PIIMIII.II. of . of a COMlllitlee
point se by ihe Ftouga and Rady Club, to comeguctoap
mid, the delegates of the late- Comfy Convention, ap.
poinnueuts w= for a series of County Meetings ware made,
as follo
The IrWnds of Taylor F111E101,5 and Johnston will
meet at Elisabels Elcirotigh, no Saturday, September
sd, at s o'cloed, rad also at 7i o'clock, P. M.
At Jonathan Welker's, for Jefferson, Mifflin and
Baldwin, on Monday, Sept. 4. at 2 o'clock, P. At
At P. Boyer's. Snowden township, on Tuesday, Sept.
5, atd o'clock, P.M.
At Janata Connor's, Upper St. Clair townsh i p, on
Wednesday, Sept. 6, al o o'clock, P. M.
P. At Notdestown, on Thnrrday, Sept. 7, at 2 o'clock.
At Clinton, on Saturday, Sept. D, at 9 o'elock. P. M
At Janie.. Philips', Robinson township, on Friday
Sept. 8, at Do'clock, P. tl.
Al H. Rawlins Iferriotsville, on Monday evening.
Sept. 11, at 7' o'clock.
Addresses may be expested from the Hon. Walter
Forward, A. W. Loomis, Moses Hampton, mos. Wil
liams, ornelius Darragh. TJ. Ltigharn, Geo. Dvste,
Swartswelder, Witham Boyd, and other,
It is to be understood that the above arrangement is
not tosoterfere with special calls for Wand and Toaru
arilp meetings. augm P. A. MADEIRA, Prul.
Whigs of Third Ward, to the ftreenei
A meeting or the \ Vhigo of the Third Ward Pitts
burgh, will be held at Temperance Hall. Smithfield sit,
on Saturday evening, Si September, for the purpose
of forming a Rough end Ready Club, and a thorough
t hr ‘ t i lrpe ' d o i f hat e al l l V those %who desire to use the true
Jeffersonian principles of Democracy carried outdo
the administration of the government, will rally with
alacrity to t he
support of the brave old Hem who bas
"no plat
purpows to accomplish, no party projects
to build up, no pardsti—nothing to aerve but
his country..
Add - wawa may be expected from Hon. Ithaca Hamp
ton, C Darragh and Samuel Palmer, Eaq. Several at
the Glee Caddo( the city will be in attendance.
See next page for Telegraphic News.
By telegraphic despatch we learn that the Hon.
Ws. F. lomovon, of Armstrong, was yesterday
nominated by the Whig Convention in Harrisburg,
as the Whig candidate for Governor, by =clam.
tion! This result is the no leas gratifying, because
it was fully expected. Soon after Gov. Shank's
resignation we became aware that the Whig mind
was settling down upon Mr. Johnston with ro
ma/Jobb:l unanimity, as our candidate in the ap
poaching important struggle, and in such indica
tion of Whig opinion we cordially coincided.—
Probably there has never bees en instance in tEre
history of our party, in this State, where greater
unanimity was manifest.
Mr. Johnston is a native of Westmoreland coun
ty, where his respectable parents and a large num
ber of relatives reside. He has lived fora mina
ber of years at Kittanning, in Armstrong county,
where be is deservedly popular, among all parties,
and where he has received manysubstantial marks
of public favor. Ile formerly belonged to the De.
=cretin Party, but has acted with the Whig* for
a few pears past• He was elected to the Senate
from the Armstrong District, e an independent
candidate, but always acted with the Whigs in
that body, and during the late session was by them
elected Speaker, and thus became Acting Gocer
nor on the resignation of Governor Shank. He is
In the prime of Lfe, of vigorous health, of fine alit
Mies, of morn than ordinary shrew,duess, and if
high acquirements, being a good speedier and a
ready writer. His acquaintance with the history,
the laws, the wants, the resdurces, and the politics
of the State is thorough; and there is no requisite to
make a good and able Governor of our Old Com
zactuweallh, that he lacks; that we are aware or
That we can elect him, if we try, there can be
no question. He will receive an overwhelming
vote in the Western part of the State, where he ta
best known. An intelligent gentleman, who has
travelled extensively in Westmoreland county,
within two weeks past, informed us that the opi
nion was freely expressed by intelligent citizens,
that Mr. Johnston would receive nearly half of the
votes of that amply.
Of Mr. Longstreth, the Locokico candidate, we
have hula knowledge, but we are satisfied he can
not poll his party vote in the west against Mr.
Johnston, and we presume the Whigs of the eastern
part of the State are sufßciently tired of Locobco
minute, to support tha Whq candidate with all the
scud the importance of the =boo demands.
As the Whig party, then, has an excellent and
popular candidata, with perfect union In our ranks,
let us buckle on our armor, resolved to work fur,
and to deserve a glorious victory.
Some time during hue week, a telegraphic de.
spamh was received at Albany, New York, trans
mitted from the Tribune office, to the purport that
General Taylor had accepted of the nomi
nation of the Localisms ot. Charleston, who had
nominated Butler for Vice President, and that
he lied repudiated all political pledges. The de_,
'patch crested the impression in Albany, that Gen.
Taylor had repudiated Mr. Fillmore, and CaZIOII
great ezesement among the Whip, and a meeting
was held on Saturday evening heat, to take the ,
matter into consideration, at which some *every
strhnures on Gen. Taylor's mune were =de—
nt eseitement was further increased by a report
that the Whip of New York city had held a great
indipatlon meeting in the Park on tbesame sub
ject: The meeting finally adjourned to Monday .
evening last, without taking any action, when, we
presume, having bad time for reflection, and hay
*. teamed the true stale of the esse,,tbe whole
thing will be looked upon as a very ineonelderate
and petty affair. It is not at all probable that Gen.
Taylor entertained the least -design of discourtesy
to Mr. Mame, or that he even knew that Mr.
Butler had been nominated; as Mr. Pringle, in hi,
law, rya nothing on the subject.
Mann Losurntrre, Esq, of Chester, our of
the present Beard of Canal Commissioners,la the
Loco condidate fin Governor. Howls nom,-
mated after an arduous den*,
Mnsc.—Those who wish to take lamas in In
wattanagal or vocal mwea, cannot dobetter than
linongagn the betakes of Professor Rohl:rick, who: e
stheatakonent will appear le another, colmma.-
716 u a Piartizt, soul his oapahlktfin - as a
towbar, can scarcely a azaillid.
pastsrozweir • Thais.
44 . .weras tippezt wes. , .Paomeybralite, may
'.':frersertie ate* l+
dektiy wRi decided.: To - .oo:gr ill sure: err
.General Taylor, we eight to eggyerPesuitthittnilt
Ohio •:Ottr Wbig rendso Obio are hiboeur.
manfully, :ma are encouraged by cheeriiiihapes,-
but_it is VMS ng to deny the fire; that the defection
from the Whig ranks, on the Reserve, is of a very
alarming character. Strange as it may seem, hun
dreds of Whip these will vote for Van Bunn, de
spite his opposition to almost every Whig piaci-.
ple, except that of Free Soil, and despite of
knowledge, that by so doing they do all they can
indirectly, to insure the election of General Cass'
The infatuation of these men is astonishing!
This being the case, it being:ran the Whip of
Permaylvatua to redouble their exertion; that if by
the defection of Whip in Ohio, we lose that State,
the Old Keystone may make up her lack of service.
We kcov the gallant and genuine Whip of Ohio,
may there is no danger that they cannot aver; arids!
that such noble men as Corwin, and Ewing, and-
Collier, and many others, have taken the stump,
resolved to wage the battle to the gate, and to win
a glorious victory—still we want the Whip of
Pennsylvania to (eel that the whole weight of the
content costa upon their shoulders, and to work in
that view, mad under that impression, and to re.
solve that if firm, and steady, and laborious exer
tion can redeem oar old commonwealth, she will
stand at the bead of the 610140Ua galaxy of gallant
Whig States, after the election is October and No.
That we ean win the State, if we try, there to
rust ground to believe. The most cheerier( et ,
counts reach on from every quarter. Oor totem•
rorary of the North eunetican claims the vote of
tics State fir the Whig candidates, and to show
that the expectation In well grounded, publishes
the &Sewing from letters received within a few
days--extribas made almzst at random, and Wall.
lar in spirit to numerous others. The letters from
which these are taken, were not written with any
view to publication, and male from men of mind
judgment and ample means of inkirmation. We
copy them for the encouragement of our Whig
Mectiatocannan, Pa.
Quite an enthusiastic Whig meeting was held In
this little village on the sth inst. in the evening,
and from the number of seeming Cassites who lie.
teoed with honest attention MI Battered with the
idea that the "Hero who never surrender." is
workicti mutiny and desertion in the enemy's
tank., for already three of the most violent Polk
men in this place have declared before the world
their attachment to ' - Old Zook" and his. principles,
and their intention to vote fir bim at the coming
election, and I know others in the Locofoco camp
who are prep aring to make a manly leap into the
Whig ranks.'
Nrarron Ittauvrac
The nomination of Zachary Taylor, altogethe un.
expected by the great majority of Whigs in this
finds a hearty response in their bosoms.
Instead of produettig, as our enemy predicted, area
a show of defection, since his character and prin
ciples ore becoming better known, and the great
dissimilarity between him and the opposite candi
date more clearly defined there are to be found
many accessions to our evoke, and the germ cr oon
is dolly "miming a more cheerful aspect
"My impression now is that Northumberland
county will give Cons 400 majority than was
given to Polk in 1844, and I think in Democratic
Columbia the change will be greater"
HoLLanD, Lancaster Co.
.1 have no doubt the "Old Guard" will do better
for Taylor than she ever has done for anyone."
Atxximome, Pa.
"Our county Blair, are all alive with, stern de.
tenntnation and lively hope, entering upon the can.
vase, fully aware of the mighty consequences
awaiting the issue. We have 'll.ough and Ready"
clubs in almost every borough and towship, which
meet every week."
'in regard to Ibis county are will give a largely
lac:eased vote for Taylor. The Governor's vote,
and indeed general poll Lost fall' was no criterion
of old Lafayette local causes induced uranyto
absent themselves from the polls; and some to ems,-
fire Nothing as that kind need be feared now."
"I know many democrats who will vote for Old
Zack. I know a few Whigs who yet hold out a.
glued him,and who will vote for him if they min get
some clearer evidence eft.. position on the eaten.
con nommen If be would say plainly that he will
not favor it beyond its ' , rascal limas, our whole
tribe of Barnburners will vote the Wing ticket.
Most ofthem are from the Logos.
Several of the hands employed in the mills here
have changed in foam , of Old Zack."
"We have a 'Rough and Ready' club organised
and consider our prospects cheering, more particu
larly at the November election. We have at least
eight or ten Democrats who avow themselves the
friends ofTaylor, some of whom will propab!y note
with as in October. le the township around as dabs
ere organised, and loss or more ititoads will be
made in ranks or the opposition in each of them.
-lathe famous Dickinson I learn from a most tra
persable fauna that twenty Democrats have joined
the club. My own opinion is that Cumberland
county will give Taylor majority, and you know,
as goes Cumberland - can nty, so goes the State."
Botrrafaterat Towsstue. Franklin Co.
"We have already organized a Chikkand am sea.
ably awake to the importance of stomas and
judicious action; and we believe that our etrort will
be gloriously rewarded at the coming election. . As
Wharf, we shall leave nailing undone which the
calls of an injured and bleeding country demand
at our hands. We feel sensible ot the pestilential
blight of locofocoism which has swept over it, and
are determined to exert ourselves to the utmost to
stay its further poaresa
Is our neighborhood we know of noise who have
left oar ranks to unite with the enemy, but a num
ber of those who have here:tame apposed us, are
now with on.
Franklin county will do her duty, and Soathemp.
ton Township more than she tuts ever done.
"T i ts district which I live in will give a largely
increased majority over any election held hereto.,
(ore. We have • rest many locoftfeos who will
vote for Ron oaf Read". It ased to go the other
way 40 majority. It is my candid opinion Dauphin
will give from 1200 to 1300 majority for Tayku.
and Fillmore. You may rest maned that the
Whigs in this section will not leave a atone un.
turned, bat are all alive and doing Joy.
"The Whig pasty in thds county Is orga ana
steadily and energetically Gar the coming campaign.
"Rough and Ready" Qubs have bean lamed in
nearly all of the townships of the county; ere long.
the organisation will he complete. The enthuse
asm prevailing Is safficirat to ware that "Old
Franklin" will give fully 700 majority in October,
and certainly 800 if not 1000 in November.
Oar opponents, I must admit, are doing all they
can by fair means and tied, by fidrebood and trick" I
cry, to carry this county, but they will labor in
vain. We have county officers to elect, which of
itself would bring out a large vote and ensure e '
Whig majority; but the tam of (ten, Taylor being
before the people, will, in my opinion, do mach to
wards securing a full attend/ewe at the polls. He
will secure the whole Whig vote, and will also
get many votes from our opponents. Rome of
their leading men have come out kr him openly
and amended our late Ratification Convention,
whilst ntunerouiCothr-re declared their determine.
Lion to support him.
unit honest German Lamloco neighbor desires
so to procure him a candid TV/lig paper, in order
that he may read and judge (or kumsell'Haviag been
deceived 1814 by that ever to be - remembered
phrase out of which so much capital was made—
Dallaa =add. Tan, of 1102• he mow de
cides to be his own judge in political as well so
other matters, and all who than *Me are safe
the Hero of the Rio Grande, Monterey and Buena
In addition to the shove, we copy the following
(min the Washington Reporter of Wednesday,
which showithat Washhigton County is catching
the aprending'euttiusiaami
SIMS 81101/11-..pawn &amyl—The steadfast
and thorough goi ng
_ Whigs of Donegal Township,
raised a pole in West Alexander, on last Saturday
afternoon, some 120 kw high, on the same spot on
which the pole of 1844 stood. Tk6 Whigs from
the amending townships attended and rendered
good service on the occasion. After the pole had
been reared and firmly planted, the meeting was
addressed by Wm. Pion, Esq, of Wheeling, Seth
T. Hard, and John M'Kee, Fella, of this borough.
The speeches were cheered moat enthmeastically.
We were forcibly reminded of the 'old times of
Sony.' On arriving in West Alexander, our can
were dea&med by the roar or cannon, and tips hew
4zew of the young sovereigns—who participate on
such occasions with great hislarity and with the
whole heart. In the evening a torch light proems.
won wes gotten up, and conducted with great spi.
tit. We 'regretted having to leave before it came
off, being under the necessity of miming home that
evening, but understand that WWl'. Had and
McKee, again addressed the meeting. The Whig
fi n , puree brightly in Donegal, and we are greatly
mistaken if the 2d Tuesday orOmober, and the 7th
of November,' do not tell a tale that will gladden
elf Whigbears. The Whigs there are op and at
work, and all appear to feel the iniportanci of the
coming electiona Let the Whigs all ore: the
conaty go and do likewise.'
How to grow /Hob.
1b W Edgers cfthe Pittibwirk Gaartts.
some sixty yea.. ago, Witham Mullins, • plans
Bootchmatr, left " the land o' cakes," and settled
down at a seaport town in England. Here he was
employed by a company of his own countrymen,
who WM engaged la the expert of Timber to
B, mtland ; his wages were 10d er day. By and by
he thought be °would try and do a little on his own
amount,' and commenced by purchasing two Elm
tree, Ills was his find operation : in the "timber
I trade," Ina it moyed to be the •tiale which in his
attain "led to featnne." ago had tpo children, to
one he DDY. Leo JUT annialie tbc Ga.
em, bad" muc PoitimL—
Being asked be • friend*, heiymd kwyer
manned to
amass so mach Bun each a antsdt.blitaning t be
replied:—. 1 always took cue thin the istrestsirs
abookl be aim thgp lAsers.
A Talk to Ilacer* Whigs. Ts lianuteeturees turf Cepflatlets.
New YOU, August 23,1&4& Ilb the Edito r , of dm Age," g t, Gam
ittNot to bite cease' e nose to spite his face is i Haying I:!6aeneria nateineol in th e Gazette of ,
wise advice, if homely phraseology. Let &saws I the 16th instant, that the proprietors of Cotton Fac- "nitt'm Fareaucutz.—• 'gentleman of this city,
Whigs apply it to this =VMS. The Whig 1 "ie. at P'lindiurgh have suspended operations, enpfred ne Inn inenufleuxreef Marra! Water, end
who 'holds back from the nominees of his party, th e sumer than or su4'i pe oon u y a h, e l 7 o :t o der d th ou the r ee — "' " eue = : i f other .alinnuter beverages, received a lot of empty
alleghtg Gen. Taylor to be no Whig, hes' in this factory owners have gooe to Weston reginin to keit '' , hY the steamer Husison, on width she had
uhinttnut to or ezniere th ey would be free from the which, together with her own bill of height, amour
act, fallen from all claim to be himaelfclassied examine tnea, with the viessuLbuilding up • man. Paid- th e eherge3 from Cumberland to Wheelie&
as each. No true Whig defies arid eels at naught
the ' discipline and organization of the accredited ;74 their attention to s % :P l ' (b° li r ee n t L o t ,: ll i y a eel le &a
s cents. He refused to patina bill of charge !
representatives of his party. Thu son of defection Eastern Yuri:kis. Being myself dto on ., ea (30 cents,/ and the Captain of the Hudson bro't 1
is tee rankest treason. It matters not how antes facturutg enterprises, and lutvmg hail my attention mit, Yesterday, before Alderman Steel, who, of
wary or noble the purpose which men may have is o dt f ft. the 'd beat 6) r yen fitc Li t t r ali g i Pa l! t ! * the
'x'4m,:' coarse, gave judgment for the plaint and the ori-
view, through results whose accomplishment re- ofthe United Stalealhave met with n ul ori v te "mu JOT: sisal debt and costs just footed
two dollars and
quires the aid of mantes of their fellows, the par- more of the advantages necranuy to the build., reesnry-,fes rear, which was paid on the ispot
poae will fail in its execution, if opposed, un- up of a huge and prosperoes manufacturing town. Franklin's dear whistle occurred to our recollec.
than the Great Falba( the Potomac. This place
las it be prosecuted with a unity and heartiness e d • p !,..- don By the way, it would afked much gratifies -
Baum in tths,... county, Fa, about 12 miles •
of resolution.
from Washington city and Georgetown, and 10 lion, we presume, to all Captains and Clerks of
Liberty is the greatest temporal boon—but h er miles by the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal to Alex• den talamna if the whole system aPteParing charges
wow. mom win her from the grip. or ty rann y audria, by way of Georgetown; Baltimore being on goods, ike, could be abandoned. It is always a
distant, (by the canal to Georgetown, and thence
by the help of obedient, harmonious, selfracrthcing
source of trouble--somintmes a tremendous tax
soub who move as ifone hart, one mind, one body. by ailroad.) 52 miles. About 30 mums above the .
Who could sufficiently d esp i se t h e hyp ocr i t i ca l Falls, the Cheeapeake and Ohio canal connects no d risk to the boat—and a frequent cause o
wretch who would seek to spread mutiny in the with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, extending delay in the settlement of freight tils. The prat.
nook . of a „meiotic
army, alleging ! some petty, to Cumberland, in hiarylana, and having branches lice was introduced here, we believe, by what was
eestitoththeirri-„,q,,,,,,, moGoomm ii n command ? to Winchwer, Va., and Frederick, hid, thin g ive
called the Old Red Line, and has now become es,
And what shall his position be defined to be, who, log, by established cunatnuoications, ready access
in view of the events that are impending in the to the rich agricultural valley of the Shenandoah tabluhed, so that a boat must submit to pay the
p rea id eot i ot eafthoon, claiming the elevated some as well as the mineral region around Cumberland. billa of charge, (whether just or not, miunot be as ,
of Whig, seeks to distract that.rganization, through By the insertion of a lock in the canal at the bead curtained in many cases.) or go without freight.
which alone Whigs can. secare a triumph ! A s of th e Falls, canal boats of the largest chum can de. F
well may we speak of victories on the battle field liver their freights of raw material at the factory requently, no we know from eiperience, the
without arms and discipline, as victory at the bal. doom, and take in return freights of manufactured consignee objects to the charges, delays settle
lot box, unless obedience is rendered to fi xed rul e , goods, to be shipped from Georgetown or Aleznos ment, or even refuses altogether to reimburse the
oroeireothettho. m oony, io e i th er case, i s ot, ob. dna in veinal. of the largest class. or sent by the b oot, f ar 0.b.,.„..- . .
mounting alien to ten times more
solute crime. The jewel of freedom—of freedom railroad to Baltimore, for sale in that market. lo
set, as a diamond, in the gold of the law, is as much the surrounding district, provisions are abundant th an her o wn frei ght MIL She may, perhaps, re.
more valuable when acquired o n confront w i t h no and white labor can be had to any desired extent cover by legal process, but frequently prefer" kaine
blood tracked pursuit) as is the possession ohs at onefifth less than the regular prices paid at the a just claim for money actually paid out, to ,peed.
cherished object superior to the uncertain Chances principal m mtubmaring lawns in New England— ; •
and . . . .
of its acquisition. lie who quads when freedom Indeed such is the number of intelligent and in- tag time, incurring expense in its recovery.
is to be won, in charity may be written down mere- dusinoins wale persons now standing ready or it la also a well know. fact that the system fee.
ly as a coward, but he who betrays the cherished employment, that no material advance in the grandy compels heavy sacrifices on the pan of the
Institutions, bought and built by the sacrifice of price of labor need be apprehended for years to ttoont,„to boats, to ("not the accessory amount for
life and the unwearied exertions of great intellect come. . Washington, Georgetown and Alexandria, .
and public virtue, cannot aspire to the rank of the With a population of 40,000, would of the ms elves PaYtng Charges; and those so unionunat e as to b e
cravens—that Is at elevation to which he COMA be furnish a large amount of manufacturing labor, unable to get credit with the brokers and other
content to look up even if the surrounding cntry were not called money lenders, can obtain no freight, and the goods
Depending on the proper exercise of that wee. upon to compete with them ear employment must be
detained until another boat arrives.
This, with the advantage of established means of
transportation. mild eini• -
"Surer set
And better than the bayonet,
A weapon that comes down as still,
As snow flakes fall upon the sod,
Bat exreutes the freeman's will
As lightning does the sell! of God,"
for their perpetuity, he is false to the institutions of
this most favored land who wickedly abuses the
'rights of political power which he enjoyt And that
man who, loving the checks and balances door con
stitation--respecong or proimaing to respect., the
lessons taught by our fathers touching the impor
tance of a union of the Staten—of a spostee, non
interfering, winning foreign policy—of peace—of
respect for the independent exercise of the coordi
nate powers of the government,—the man, who,
hoping these cardinal Whig sentiments, will do
naught afore mean or eon:miasma to aid In their strug
gle for the seats of power, —against that party who
consolidate all power lathe Executive arni—who
have converted patronage into proscription,
thin into intrigue, diplomacy into rapacity, peace
into war, union into discord, and who hold forth
before us the prospective of new and more anarant
enormittee--such an one is unfit for the elevation
elan American freeman. His disgusting attitude
is only heightened by the pitiful pretext that per
soonl considerations are at the Mundation of his
course. Them are but few antis class . these are
they whose motto is— . .Revengv,"
And they who, in pursuit to 213 isolated object',
inch as the non-extension of slavery, reject the alli
ance of a powerful and sympathetic compact, whose
elementary principles embmce every enlarged idea
of tufinan progress, and prefer the strange policy
_of armed neutrality, or of dangerous and imps"
tent orgenization , —impotaxit for good—dangerous
in evil—will, by a dilligent persistence in such a
cane, reap hereafter the same fruit which the na
tion is now reaping because of our want of union
in 1644.
' New horrors dawn upon us. Fresh wars threat
; en us. Hazardous accquisition of territorg preg
nant with the poisonoua seeds of Manama, lie deep Tax Pater Courry Min.) Tx , ..tnita—Mauy
and settled as the purposes of the friend, of Lewis mo„,h,, have e i npeed n i ne ,. We guru our reader.
Cass. Of this we have been finerwarned. All of a detailed account of a tragedy which occurred in
Mexico, they think, may be swallowed , yet do us Missuouppi, In which Washington and Janes
no damage ' They say, the hearts of our people hoes were killed. A man named Brown, and Bid
should be prepared war with England ' Thee iton-itt-law Wages, were concerned in it We
tell as of the necessity which is present kr the an. nee d no, nth
Inen, hat w.„ 4 fe „,
nexation of Cuba' Nor is this just picture of our a time dinmpeared A few months hack Wages
foreign relations relieved by the platform adopted reappeared in the county, and. with a 1:11•13 as
at Baltimore m netting forth the designs of the ad - toed McGrath gut IWO a 4 dstEcalty with young
venally upon our domestic policy. Anomie. In- Harvey, upon whom Wagers pretended is have
dustry is to be left to struggle unprotected 1if611121 toe some chum. Harvey shot them tmth, Co has been
eign pauperism and shielded capital; coninaerce ! reported in the Mobile popes*, copied by us.
is to be fettered by a subtrearmy and tortured Hume then the tragedy has deepened in atrocity,
with apprehensions growing out of the condition na d „„ more lives h ove hero taken ,.
of our Gar,. lye airsir.i. Enlarged and coo-daimon:ll u,at the , n ,„„ and
schemes of Internal Improvements are to be war, go . ,„:„„ b y ey ,„
moot,. rof the a real
redagnmst. An unnecessary public debts is tO be the him a/ Perry count ynl
y. Mts., w °ere Mev hat
accumulated that the horrors of the battlefield may bored the gags of outlaws,with whom their son
be ptuctutherk—thol our young men may he eomPle" and McGrath were associated. Th wor rend
led by the habits of the camp--that the genie. Moor impe. upon Harvey. and hired any. man named
people may tend towards the bander of the advan- to kill hrin, giving loin a thousand dollars for
cing god, Terminus , whose throne toppled before the job Lee took with hint a party of three or
the rude arm of the Goths, and whose fine mite be four, and proceeded to emu his money
read in the history of Nhe man of denl.) , " We l'olang Harvey had been cautioned not to ex-
Whip were called kiss propbetweben we predict, pose himselfand he had removed frau the house
od, in 1814, that the election of Mr. Polk would or cabin upon his farm to hut father's, hot wan to
Ming with it • disastrous war wall Mexico. the habit of visiting his I k e once or twice tiny,.
and foretold to look alter it. This Lee and his party fauna
In 1814, had we gone a atep beyond,
not only, that such a war would exist, hot that it out by enawllng in the vicinity, and took advert,.
would be declared by the Executive without con. i nge oe . otoot ,„ to onto ,
e „ den. _
natation with th e maembled Representatives of. They secured themselves therein, cut loop holes
the People; that the President would, of hi. ow.. from which to watch his coming, and, armed with
potent establish Civil Governments in conquered gun; t h ey ,thenuy swatted at arrival.
provinces, few indeed would have heeded the Harvey discovered the preparations made r
gloomy augury. These fact. are now history. It is his reception und murder. Joined by a younger
no fanatic fear or corrupt motive which animates n• brother, he raised • party of eight or ten men,
now, when we solemnly, si we do, amour our ' all proceeded to his cabin The nantemitats inside
old allies to stand firm agates. the ttdcatmes of were taken by aurpose, hot secured the entrance
those who, by solemn resolution* adopted at Bahl. lathe cabin. Harvey very reek esny led to attack
mote, endorse ahke the policy and the iutegnte of them. He naked upon the door and bunt it s
E. Polk, and whose triumph will he the sig. but they were prepared, and Lee shot him directly
nal for darker and bloodier scenes than those which through the shoulder* and breast, killing hon. lio
have to recently p y
humane heart re immediately
Is as the he Ass the Whig who deserts a. now Rather. a dyin party !node rushed oat to escape, g shot at them and killed smother ma took
n on
let me ask, is he not faithless who will not labor mad George Jourdan.
in every channel of his unluence, for our success! Upon remit lug oews of boo son's death, old
Harvey determined u p on exterminating the
claim of the gang—Old Wages sad his wik.
A pony volunteered to follow him, who proceed
ed nrsughtway across the line Into Alabama in
the readence of Wages. They found the old
finks at home, and seized them at once, nod with
ropes take° with them fur the purpose, bung them
by the neck to the rafters of the house. Wait
ing an hour or no till their victims were dead,
they then left and returned to Alabama.
It is due to the Harvey family to say that they
hare hoe g been known as honest, respectable
people. They are peaceable even to a fault, until
roused by the attack upon one of their number,
and his subsequent murder. It is estimated that
twelve or fifteen lives have now been taken
in the tomedies ma which the Wages family has
been mixed up, directly or indirectly, and our
informant assures us that we must not expect that
the lives of the old folks will go unsynnged.—N.
O. Picayune
[levee Courier publishes the k,llooring ezurect of
private letter to the editors,' from an eminent ge.
Munn, and a personal frientlvf General Taylor.'
--.-....,*Atispast 22. ISIS.
Grar.—The confidence expressed by you I .3 the
leading article of your paper yesterday to regard
to General Trytor, In rekvence to-the Free Sod
question, is, I can assure you, well founded. A
friend of mine, in whom I repose implicit conk
dance, had a conversation with the General on this
•abject last May, and in a letter to me, dated the
10th of that month, he reports that conversation in
&IL The ground taken by him ia, that the ordi
nance! of 57 bevies been passed by Congress, ap
proved by Washington, and upheld by the Judi.
entry, the constitutionality of the measure ha. been
settled by all department of the Government, and
consequently there is oo ground left for the inter.
pceition of the veto. He told my friend that he
would neither veto the Wilmot Pioviso, nor would
he intrigue against it, nor do any thing to embarniss
its passage through the two Rouses of Congress
Aa additional evidence of General Taylor's po.
aition on Mi. subject, we copy the rallowing Nut,-
mance of remarla, made by the Hon. C. B. Smith.
of Indiana, at a Whig meeting in Cincinnati, on the
2lst ultimo, as reported in the Atlac
The last part of his speech, in which he spoke
of the relation which Cass and Taylor Lore to the
extension of slavery, was pointed and kuirable.—
He considered it nettled that Cass would veto the
Wilmot Proviso, and that Taylor would not. A
mong other reasons cited in regard to Gea. Taylor
was this, that he was associated with the Whig
Party, every man of whom, in the North, were in
favor of the Proviso —while those in the South
would not urge General Taylor to veto it. He
stated that he was informed within a week, by the
Hon. Wm. B. Preston, of Virginia, that if the Pro
rib:, should peas Congress, and General Taylor
should wat veto it, h. should approve and ...lam
Asa rouriiii—and nook, Mr. Smith stated, woo the
position of the Southern Whigs.
•In this case, the whole Whig Party would be
united in sustaining General Taylor in not vetoing
the Proviso.'
its corroborating evidence of the disposition of
the Whigs in Congress, we may state, that we have
it on good authority, that Mr. Thibodeaux, of La.,
at the close of the late session, stated, in answer to
a direct question, that it was his confident belief
that General Taylor would not veto any bill
which extended the principles of the ordinance of
'67 over the new territories, and that he would sup.
port General Taylor in taking such a position.—
There can be no reasonable doubt that General
Taylor ts safe on this ground, and that be is sale
on every other Whig measure, is beyond all ques
♦ Carrier Pigeon Express.
The foreign Intelligence by the Britannia woe
received for the Inquirer by means of three =poi ,
tent agents:—fiat, the British steamer Britannia,
from Liverpool to within 70 miles of Boston; Ly
carrier moan from Ma steamer to Boston—and by
telegraph from Boston to this city. This is perhaps,
the most extraordinary feat in the way of transmit.
dog news, that was ever accomplished. The intel•
Space was received in this city by the Inquirer,
wad other papets with which it is associated, before
the steamer arrived at Boston. Of coarse, great I
expense was Incurred, but theanxiety of the pub.
lio for further Intelligence, especially in relation to
Ireland, was so intense, that we felt it to be o duty
to molt to some extraordinary arrangements, We
believe that this is the first time In which carrier
pigeons were successfully used in transmitting for
etre inte4enest with as degree of detail, kr any
•ccataide distance. The experiment in this clue
wailfully and entirely succeisibl. Wo issued an
Extra at an early hour on Saturday afternoon, core
ds cit copies.— everything of i PhiL Je mportance, and circulated
This paper is connected with the association
which Ism manifested its enterprise as above Mo.
ted. Every arrangement has been made, which
the genius of man can devise, regardless of ex
pense, to procure the latest and. matt correct Intel.
ligence ; and our readers may depend on being
duly served with all that is worth telegraphing at
elmeuglisat reigge as moat
notate, cheap labor, fuel, pro
%fames, it may be safely asserted that cotton and
woolen goods can, with equal machinery and man
agement and economy, be mann6ictured at the
Great Falls of the Potomac at a leas coat by 10 per
cent, than at any place in the Eastern Stine*.
The country around the Great Falls is beautiful
and healthy' and the locality *lords water powet
and convenient sites for more than one hundred
factories of the largest class. There is about
acreisof land in the tract, embracing the town and
factory sites, having upon it building stone, brick
clay, timber and wood, and through the southern
portion of the land there-rune a large creek which
furnishes several mill site*, at a Jintance from the
principal seat of water power, upon which imwder
milts and other manufactonerof a hazardous na
ture could be eremed. The property fronts upon
the Pototnuc nhout one mile and a half, and the
river fall* in that distance about 60 feet, leaving
the factory lines entirely free from overflow or back
water in the highest freshets ever known.
The proprietors of this land and water power
have obtained liberal charter, from Virginia and
Maryland for all niannfacturing purposen, with the
right to W. $lOO,OOO to 81,000.000 of capital; and
to hold 5,000 acres of land in Virginia and Mary.
land, with an act from Virginia granting an mem ,
porahon for a town.
As the proprietors do not intend opening books
of subscription, under their charier, for the capital
stock of the company untll the Da December next, t
they mould,. I undetstand,aelt, in the mean time,
an undivided controlling interest. in the whole pm..
perryand its chartered pnvileges, on uccommodat•
tog I,IIIIR, to procured men who have the means,
the skill, and the calm-prise requisite to improve,
what I contudei; this mast eligible manufacturing
site in the rnion.
Any person desiring inkirmation touching the
foregoing property, will please to address J. Q. M,
Washington, D.
nirsahissigton and Beaver.
Conottimsion.o, eict/slllitClL—The proceedings
of the Whig Congressional Conference will be
found in a subsequent column. It will be seen
tbat on the second balot Or. IL H. Item, of Wash.
ington county, was mmigmously nominated as the
Whig candidate for Congress, and accordingly his
name ts placed in its proper position in the Whig
Ticket. We /earn from one of the Beaver dole.
gate. that the proceedings of the conference wine
entirely harmoniourt; and, further, tau all the (tele.
gates from Washington united in giving a favora
ble account of the prospects in thateounty. All
represented Dr. Reed as one in every way lecepta.
ble to the People as a cnodidate, that he would re..
cetve the enure Whig vote and some from other
divisions; which will secure to him an equal vote
with his opponent In that county. Of COWSe this
removes all doubt of hi. election in he district; but
it becomes us to see to it that nothing is left to
hazard or uncertainty in the October election. We
hove but to poll one Whig strength to secure a de
cided victory, and this we doubt not will be done.
We Invite special attention to the letter of Dr.
Reed, appended to the proceedings of the Conkr
once, giving his views to reference to Slavery:and
the Wilmot Proviso. It is all that any candid Pica
Sod man could desire; and nails to the wall the
slander. of his enemies, who had falsely represent.
ed him us holding other opinion.. He elands up
as have done all our representatives, the advocate
of the true principles of Liberty, from which we
may not be driven by all the efforts of the enemy.
—Baaeer Arr..
The following is an extract Gam Dr. Rien's letter
accepting the nomination :
Leay,ing the inatitution of Slavery, within the
1 limits of the States where It Is now sanctioned, to
the certain destruction which awaits it, as the em•
pire error." gives way to the empire of reason, no
consideration could tempt me to any act in a pub.
he or private capacity, which would perpetuate or
extend a system against which is pointed the men
ment-or the civilized world. Every iuouoct of my
nature, as well as every consideration orpatriot
ism, would brbill me to do any thing to disa ppoint
the "manifest destiny" of our oouatry---lhat demi.
ny, I have always hoped, (amenities, indeed, al
most against hope,) to to establish before the
world the gloriotta example of rive Government.
—We would call anent= to
this excellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption,
Asthma, and all afiCellons of the Throat and Lahti.
Having several times within a few years pan had °sea
on to use a used/one of this kind, we have„by taper,-
once tested Its excellent qualities, end are p t . o p ot . o o to
recommend It to others. filinistent or other pabile
speakers afflicted with bronchial erections wlll And
groat benefit (tom Its use. It I. prepared by a sciesiu.
Br phySiCian, awl all classes will find it a safe and effi
cacious medicine In the diseases for which it IA re
commesded.—{Columbax (Ohio) Crass lad JournaL
For sale as the Pekin Tea Store, No. 7u Fourth sneer.
Livel Coursstares-The only remedy ever offesed
public. which Das never faded in workinr a corn,
when direerions are followed, le htLane's Liver
I t he s now been several Teem befoo ;b e public, and
has been introduced in all secuori e in the Unics.—
Where has been used It has Emil the moat triumphant
success, and hu actually driven out of one ail other
medicines It has been tried under all the different
phases of depute, and has been found Ninny aloe.
mous in all For sale al the Drue Stoni
.4 28 J. KID D I Co, 60 Wood et
IV. The escesame or morbid secretions of bile is
well known to mule vioient dlstarbance or the dirs.
dye organs, and bring oo motigosot and onmeners
ble fevers, which often pot an end to life. The stomach
most be cleansed of these (00l secretions, end this can
most readily be accomplished by the nee 0(11 A Fahn
estockle Anti-Bilions rills, which area most Vithilible
family uthutie. 'They can be given with safety a 1 a/1
lime*, Mid afford relief in a eery abort time.
succor Ist end wood, and corner felt snd wood es
execarrzo sin r amirnagazan' razT QAZII
LIBEETT ALMA:SAC Fun 1549 —Mr. WIT. Horned,
40 John street, New York. publisher. We have a
copy of the above capital Almanac, Just received
li by mail la addition to the usual calendar tables,
it exhibits the ratio of population and represent.
tlon—the tune of holeing elections, and the number
of elector. 111 each state—the popular vote of
the old parties since ' 3 6—statistics of the Liberty
pony—the presidential vole of the atoms (rein '21,10
'4l, and the popular vote at the lead three elections
—she number of slaveholding stales, and
growth of alaver'y front 79 ' 3 :01940—revenue and
expenditure s of go vernmeGt fur the year ending
June 30, '47—the names, residence.,
and ‘,l birth
and of death of all the Presidents—table of roil.
made in operatioo—lstagnetic Telegraph lineacotie
pleted, under construction, and to he ccmpleted in
January I, 1 / 1 9—with a great additional amount
of valuable detaila — renoniscenc es , 3c. Terms.
322 p thousand copies, $3 p hundred, nod 50e ip
Cana ED GLASS— We have just examined a
specimen of colored glass, manufactured by Mes..
sea. Simpson, Lecke, Stanger k Co., of 'toe oily.—
' The article shown to it. In a bottle, intended for
hock or other wines. It is of a dear, beautiful
amber color—equal to any that we are !Wen.
Thin is the first experiment made hire, to this
branch of manufacture, and will no doubt succeed
to therullest extent. Messrs. S. L. S.& Co. have
quite recentlyimmmenced the business of maim.
lecturing glassware of all desc.riptionn. Their es
tabhahment le called the Mechanics Glass Manu•
factory. The works are !minter! on Penn et.. above
the toll gate, --the ....rehous e at No. 1 , 5, Wood at ,
earner of Front. There are seven partner. I n the
prnetical manufacturers. We wish them
success; and rejoice that her pl . :tit/cal mrchaniwi
are contributing to the wealth end glory of Pitts.
burgh. Another manufactory id colored glafts Is
to be erected in Manchester.
Tut Wuric—Esery body has beard ut
thia gallant boat—the noblest !dal ever lett the
hands of the toechwticis of Pittsburgft—in speed
still peerless on the western water', She ran her
last la a 11.1,r n day egg% ti! now he Men.-
pt.. as n N, Lad Loo./t, !nit sue
hulk, us wa .brill presently show A. friend gives
us the fi3lloWing account of her.
The Cabso ts used ika a hetet, and aspamoos one
at is—on her lower deck is a grocery and boat store,
a drug inure, as liquor ;Mop, a meat shop, a for.
warding and cornmemion house, end a ro-t iekce.
and the bold itself tst3ccupted as an ace house'
Messrs e haw, Duvall, Sr Alyea, under the
firth of A. H. Shaw data, OWa the bow, ltod she
said to be making a ketone for them.
W3l. Bsttiverx, a workmen Jellm rolling mill of
Bissell A - Semple, was found on Tuesday
cremes; by the police of Allegheny city, lying in a
state of msensibility on the Canal bridge, Robinson
street He had been dnnking rather freely, and bad
been knocked down, and afterwards Licked, for
tome provocation Baldwin seemed to bieregard.
ed with hula conoituersuon, bows ter, as be was
committed to the watch bonne, in the night, and
tined for drunkenness is the morning. We under
stood that his assailant was a fellow workman, but
he was not arrested—baiting acted merely in sell
defence, as was alleged. By thl bye is it ant can
vying the doctrine of self deface a little too far. to
knock a man senseless and kick him allerwards,
Naw Piciox,—Mr. W. De Hasa, of Wheeling. Va..
will shortly publish a - history of am Early Settle
rnedt and Indian Wars of Western Virgvisa, and
adjacent pans of Pennsylvania and Ohio," v. oh an
Appendix, containing much important matter, also
a topographical description ni North Western Vin
girls, as Antiquities, Sm. The work will he illus
trustrated by engravings, and will he put to press
as soon ea a further number of subscribers am oh_
tamed. The work will no doubt be received with
great favor by the public. as Ito aalgeat 1.11 000 of
intense iotemst
IMPS. VlC.lllort IN run POST Orglog..—Workme
are engaged in fitting up an additional window
the City Post Office, chiefly for the accommodatio,
of the ladies. The d.iign is to place all the Ger
man letters, together with those address.' d Io fe
males, in a separate wheel, to be attended by NI
Abel, the popular German Clerk, who understand
both languages, and whose amiable qualities wel
fit him for the post. We cannot tell how the ladle
may regard the arrangement, but our German fel
low citizens cannot fail to he pleased.
Tar Vessacr.r.s.—A letter received by Anthony
Beelen, Esq., of this city, from his son on board the
steam ship VOexuela, then at New Orleans, states
that the vessel is one of the very fastest of her
class, having run from Paducah, on the Ohio
river, to New Orleans in three days and nineteen
hours—a duitancc of 1018 miles. She WEas a: the
time deeply loaded, drawing S feet water. This is
another testimonial, in addition to hundreds of
others, of the skill of Pittsburgh ship builders and
mechanics. We understand the moat flattering
prospects so far attend the expedition.
lone of the Sons of Temperance in Allegheny coun
ty, are to hold a General Convention In this city,
on the loth inst., at which a prize banner, worth
$2OO, will be presented to the Division sending the
largest delegation in proportion to its number of
members, and the distance they come,— and a
gold medal, worth $5O, to the Division next in
number of delegates, &c. Me. J. F. Carey, M.
W. P., of Cincinnati, will be present.
As it has been circulated extensively that Pro
fessor Thompson's health was Robed that he would
be unable to commence his Young Ladle's School
at the time specified—we have been requested to
ay, that he has quite recovered, and will be in the
ly thin week, and will commence according to
Rooms have been secured In Irwin's
rty Street.
Geirmei. Rowom.—The disturbance in the
streets on Wednesday night, was occasioned by
the drunken rowdyism of two young men, whose
respectable connections should induce better tithe.
vior. They were arrested by the watch, with some
difficulty, and committed till yesterday morning,
when after paying n fine of $lO for their folly, they
were discharged._
Acctomer.—Mr. John Wilson was thrown from
his horse yesterday, on the Philadelphia road,
about a mile from the tollgate. Hie arm aold
••ere found to he fractured. He w 4 ta1.,11 to
he olliro or Dr. I,l*. M. herr. erem, L l hi.
• -
Tax TIMATTI3--11 will be /Den, 13 to re-open OD
Saturday evening, under the former management.
The stock company, we understand, is the ablest
which has appeared in the coy.
RQUZT M ' CUTCHEoI.I %rag arrested on Wednes
day night, brought before the Mayor, and held to
bail In $5OO tar participating in the late Diamond
Alley riot.
MAISCITA NACHO are coming IMO thiemeriret.
A lot of twenty five barrels, npe and lUeinOtia.
111 $2,50 par bbl.
Aunt or a Swetnuot--Edwin Hayward,
the gentlemen sitihnitintateided, last October, by
means of fined eredeittlab, is swindling several
of our Wood street &ases of once $2,800 worth of
goods, was arrested bun Sunday, in New York, on
a requisition from Governor Johnston, and arrived
here on Wednesday night, in charge of officer
Crofrett, of the New York police. He was com
mitted to prison in default of bail—ss,ooo in one
case, and smaller somas in the others. His appear
ance is that of egentleman—and those from whom
he obtained the goods speak of him as a moat
plausible and ralang fellow—no doubt an upper
cornet,' wholesale operator, and having associate,
in Gotham.
The principal sufferers by his operauon having
expressed a swish that their names be not mention
ed, we refrain doing so, although they will come
before the public, of course, through other chan
On Wednesday, 30d, uh, at 10 o'clock, P.3s.
Czar, son of Samuel and F.llenoretta E. Paisley, aged
3 years, 11 comas and 14 days.
The (mods or the family are respectfully invited to
attend his fo.ral to-day. at 10 o'clock, A. M., from the
residence or his lithertm Peun street. CM Ward, to the
Allegheny Cemetery.
ODr. Stesirems, Dentist,
FFICh. •t. G
Alms o.
Hetick a, on Fourth street, • Mw
door. above Wood stteet, until the compleuon of
the house nearly opposite. 'teeth w blocks,with arti
ficial gums, atter the manner now universally prefers
reciat the mist, manuf•ctored to suit each particular
case. Teeth, from a Cut rot down to a startle one, in
scned on a suction plate, thus avoiding 'mug to the
natural tee,b. epecniens of blocks suction plate
may be C 1111114144 s e tae ofLce.
operations incident to the profession perforated
with care and faulmulues• augieB-3ca
GR ANT offer. for sole on acrommodeting
1,. terms, Stmt... Rio collce, 72 do lilk Pepper, :110
pkgs Y 11, P r2l d Imperial Tees; 30 libls crushed
end put vensed Sugars; St. do Nos b r aid e Loaf do;
cask. Madder, V ceronns Indigo, Illint Pep
per, I casks P. Sat., 5 bags Race Ginger tido Allspice,
So marts cinnamon, 70 Ins Is. ss. es and IPs Tobaero,
various brands and qualittee: 10 kegs Carolina and
twist do; It bbl. No large mackerel. 75 bads N
s ugar , ;srd ke gs ipoect White; I cask LAO* Black;
Vert Ilis A 11, E B and cam Steel; 116 be. Hunt'. Axes;
3do Holmes' do; 25 reams Tow Wrapping Paper, 160
do c wow bo do; SO dos Hemp cords vt c B. manilla
Rope; 4HIO lbs cote. Faros; 3,6011ba No I and z Rat
bog; 51 bit Rosin Soap; 10 du rem do; 29 bbl. Rosin;
20 reeks 'Pennant.. double relined Soda Ash; 20 Ikea
10011 Glees 114 do Salt/ do; Iter do pint Fluke; 15 do
do do; ado quart Bottles, 730 bt.l. Lime, 115 ken. }mat.
t.'s R/Se Powder; ItS/ do do Rock do; 14 billes No 24
Sheet Iron; Yu Peacock sad Penult Lever Ploughs.
- -
Profetwor of Music and t /quote, at Trimly Church,
rioNTlNums. to give teatrucnou on the Pi o, Oat
to take lesson. of his house, have an opportunity Of
prucnaing a suE6etent tenth of time. berme leavillg, to
Go the truction imparted firmly on the mint Three
, moat eScellent Piano. are kept for that purpose -placed
'1 in rooms N. hem te pupils can practice entirely unclip
turbed Determin h ed to take only a limited number of
ponds, those eta hut wish
to be inatructed limited
ru•ly application.
Taus-815 per quarter of 24 lemon.. Residence,
'.."4Atet;t726.'''6ll2ATl P n ir r.w"`147i.....":°`-'
B (l + l . l4 '. s x .r il — ElP S lt,'"caloteltdLenprefans"Tne: g 4 ;,thhair bee '' si
retailing from the village of Wllkineboagh He had
been with me 3or 4 weeks previous to whiell tne—
, had been in the (Robert', Asylum, Allegheny city— u had
on when he seem away. curt mixed pat.. tweed frock
coat, and green and 0 Mete chip hat—light hair, stout
built. and green
• cattle an ppealong
Any iniorrontion left ut lbw Offire, with Dr. Erving
ton st ibe ()roils/Ca A. turn. or with the subernber.yrill
Int thankful' received, and n (threat chargell be
prod. any personwho will return Lim to Me; a,,d any
p aw ermit barbortng him will be prosecuteal aemarding to
Wilkteeb 11C011 1301'D. urgh. Aug. 31, I,IR. wiplei2t&strAt'S
- - - -.
NTOTICE—The sobecnliers, heretoforeenged LEI
VI the Lune b0ut...,, under the firm of Chet
a &
booing diswontanurd thelf baroness. their took. and
accounta have Leen pared in die hands of Thomas
Steel. Eini . 4th, near Southfield stet rt. for settlement
Those indebted will please rail immediately and settle,
as we draw< to avoid adding legal costa, hut moat re
sort to Mut method of collection, in all carom not quick
ly Kneaded to.
wol -ill..
T EAS—t2I) half chests (1 Powder Teat ID do do Im
pel sal Jo. ...1) do do Y Hyson do: 13 do do Pow
shame do Alan, 12 lb and 6lb coup., of superior qual
ity, for family ow, in store and for gale by
apt (/ 131.ACKEURN & Co
lIITE BRAZIL SUGA bag+ W 13 Sugars,
y"' Kuperior qualm.. now landing and for sale by
UTM EA'S. :le —I esok Nuttnegs, mans emu.,
d 00.+++, ...dun and for sale by
1.4 Sugars. assorted number+. 4 , 1 do Sugar House
M01aa.... for +ale by ftepl HAG GALE' A SMITH
1 TER Mill+lo ea+, Artie neon. mst rer NI and for
I +me •
by H A FA NM F:!+TOCK k Co.
••r, ~ .pt-r Iwt wt..]
. _
1 , 1,l
C I . TI . MN y -70 boars 111 store on con c sif i rmn A l .. IV , 1.
___4l water st
'T7"" -i fn*``o l `S. 4 r;lfti,7
u.r p n . —A, b.. W $
tu ..,71ofersor.;„"or,7401:rtzd
• •
1.)1100,11).1--40 dos assoned Corn, 11 w;;so by
.1 1) IVI LI.IA MS
D EANIS--100 bush 'mai/ Mile. for sale by
(1 en RAN r.,L-J bbls Zsuete, for sale by
lORKS--8 balos moleral, 10 do bottles, 54 bg. V
kJ' 447 gross Long VoO, Jost reed and for sale I , y
sop! E SELLERS 57 wood
• • •
- •
IJITCH--6U bbl. •Z 5 do North Carolina Tar, in
1 good order, lor sole by
sepl 0 IILACKIII:ltN A. Co
Q ODA ABll-0.) eask• soda Ash, (or sale by
(AIL_--34.00 gals sonnies bleasted WOi
hale l;
Iher do do do Spenn do
15 lads do Sorbed Whole do
sdo brown Toone. s do
sdo ho re rns Turpenone. in oo and
for s/nehoiy lr IJI.ACKISCII:d A Co
I IliFt ER— 3W Lags pnate am, WU do do Laguayea.;
le more and for sale by
1 )10 METAL-50 tout, Ramsey rollmop, got sale by
nom gt
L'T\ I". 11111 TE PLASTER—A (Co. bbls, suitable fo
• ammo work, tor sale by
y V ON803:1!:HORST & Co
It C E.ll
L' y oasT & Ca
LATHERS--3.'S/ lbs prime, for sale by
suol CF VON trOsN HURST & Co
DIU IS/1 LL'S 1 HE-3 eases iost rtc`crand for soh
1 _ )b lII A FAIINFSTfaCK tr. CO,
noel' corner Ist and wood ins
CIU.II ARAIIIC—LIO lbs lust reed and for sale LI
anot Lt A FAHAIkSTOCK & Co
ILICKNER'S PILLS—IO gross fail teed and fa
I_2 sale by au ln If AS , Alll\ L.NTOCK Co
• -
neson St. CO. do Market street,
have Ns, opened IoU Losee Caps, of vareous pnees
Ass., Set ke •p-or , coetai of assorted %% reuhs, Coronas
non Mead Dresses linoson Rosetta, &e. dm. aug3o
/ s /Al PS AND FR.I , 4iES-s-A A Mason I Co, have
;Itst reed per kipress, 40 dos of the roost hub
looolde styles of Gimps and Fllnglit, of v. ions w h
im. •
_LI have opened a moo extensive asuiriment of De
insist 'Fable covers, comprising fine medium and low
priced, of all sues.
► vi, E have lost received a carefully selected stock of
k immufsclured Tobacco, of choice brands, winch
we are offering low , minuet/nu of Pound, Fives Lump.
Foie Spun I-aghis, Twelves and Thirty-Teros.
NDRIES—ki tune N C Tor; 10 do Rosin; 50 do No
0 J Mackerel, Wage; IS do Tanners Oil; 5 Ica Rice.
al-430 MVILL k ROE
COFFEE —3UO bags. per Union Line.
.jr3U a ROE
F RENII TEAS-40 half chests, just received.
aug3li 311.11 LL h. ROE
i KEEN APPLES--W bbl. assorted Green Apples,
111 store and for sale by
IWwAaNn b. tb ero e " I:ig m t o i d kr Tub et
price will be paid by aug3o Sk W HA.RHAUGH
T \RY A PPLEs... bbl. Dry Apples, a pad article.
1.1 just received and fur rale by
aug3o es W HARBAVOR
SOAP -050 bk. No 1 Rosin; Hi do Castile; 10 do Star
Candles, In store and fur sale by
ang3ll 0 BLACKBURN Ji Co
TEAS4ISO pockairs, comprising
Young /I) son Peas, hull enc., ttad cony boxes;
Gunpowder do do do do
Imperial do do du do
Souchong end Powchong, ul half chests, of various
outdates and late importations, in store and for sale
In and SO wood st
G lt w O r l i, N o
, 1: y l:P l' t, E u li g
LASS PAPER-3u rellllll. u h 4. Pu euc mw
Paper, .e'Ll ricer, Co band and for • e by
nua29 J ILIOU & C.O
f lOPAL VARNISH-173 btils Coral Varnish, on
hand and for sale by J KIDD hCo
lads/ant reed and for sale by
augtin J K/DD h Co
Roca I'—SW l'lnk Root, tall root) roar recdl and for ride by ourtil KIDD RCo
.I I3AL/11 SOAP—Hydes antra fine Palm Poop, /Pt
rec'd and for sale by name J KIDD &Co
COPAL V A RPOSO —SiXI galls of superior Quality, to
arrive; •r nale Ly
(,21:NDRIL,e—,s reallera, 2.3 do Ginseng; 2
0 bx. do, e tr. Flax.eed; to arrive ; for sale by
SALAD Oft.—lb bunked Bordeaux Salad Oil, id
black bottles; IS do do; dim recd and for sale by
r i~A
NNER'S. 01L-1 inn Cans Browny Tanners On!
I 111 c3nligs, rust rec d and for sale by
surds Intl-LER h RICEKTSON
I RAZIL SeliAß-4U bags linsaie Sugar pest eyed
I) led ior see, by heILL4:II de BelCkarnMlN
DEI .til CE— 121 LitChersoi l 1.1,1 noto.r. 2 02. 110.
r con ;
lust recol,ed on cousigunicut bid for owe oy
_ .
I)EHNED LIQUOMCE—IOO losAst reed and far
rate by U A FALINI,WIOCK Co,
wood sis
DIMAINDY PITCH—IO stands inns reed and for
.ale b b , a A FA HAtiSTIAAC &Ca
S PANISH ARM-16 boles blpunish Wo , s, on handd lot sale by 1 1 1:1 1 / 1 11.11XiL., WIL&ON & Co,
Water at
DACO:si —For We by
.1) WICK & ht'CANDLI34
EMOVAL—F N Est•on & Co. wul remove to thou
Naar bums, Isto tia 1 eel, between Wood
and Nitultet duvet., the rAn dat e of tlaPtatubt ,
-.1-;:51 : 7.;.31-f : 1,:-,,,v. 5 .t2.,,- 1 ,.
By Joh* EN DilyL , Aatatlomiaser:"
Large send of Dry Giaisfs
On Monday morning, Sent. 4, at 10 o'clock alibi,
commercial Sales Room. Cosner of Woed aad
attests, La sold, lin ellenidu as
of sea
souble foreign and domestic fancy and staple Dry
Cbdcarat among. which age It piece* aura mid splendid
R t e
real undo. Irma gz e d triaa woad cloths,
ps Fieneh mush:nem, suunets„ super white Walsh
Itdn..* gala plaid, bluk bombazine, mous de laines,
tr t c m aliegtistos, super prints, eastime . to i !ress
bonnet rsbbotta, line 7 c 'e"a rr'ata do d W ai a lk nat.., shawls
m real vaciaty, damask litt ` ett table cloths, hosisry,
bleached had bromo moslins, tkkings,
at 2 &cloak,
< 11 041.112, nriliarryl it &C.
A quantity of T H taa, ifttA r o tobacco, iogar boom
610,82•00, tett* r; j 011.131 platform
maks, axe., reboot, shouts, china, VB. Wan queet.
gene Veuieti ral ns
an umn.ent ofitonneho/d fornime, looking
etties, and Uno.ipeo,,nt window, bands, fly
hose, de.
t H 'clock.
Fashionable ready A MadeO riot/ made calf
sktu boo., super French style shirts, fine table and
pocket cutlery, ;told and sllettroratehea, Mamel
sharmg cues, lonely goods, d e .
scot • JOHN D DAVIS, Aunt
- - -
To ba mold on Saturday evening. Sept 2d, u walk
.1 ,
the commercial sales robots, corner of Wood and
Vtßb streets, by cataloguer. 4/falai:led mill be Weed,
Dowling's History of Himbarman a Plates; Naturalws
Library, 400 env; British Poet ., vs.* Upham. m.o.
oil Philosophy, 0 rots; AfTelloeh's commercial Die
nmtnrr, 3 volt; prom ivotka of Joint Yol
ManhalPs Life of W sakiigton, 3 sots; LUcyclopedi e k,
el Geography, 3 cols; Goldsmith's Animated Nature, 4
vol.; complete Works Of Lard Syron. SWIM'. Autism
History, 4 vels; Dufbal`s Natant Displayed, it volic
fireerdsow's Oregon and California; Tradsold's elc
eets of Colton% Life sod Tilaegl.f Henry
Utay, s cobs; tkiborne's Waterloo campaign; Lives o.
the President.; The Pederabst; De Tocquevi/le s
..vravr nt America; bin. Ibtrustas , Poetical Works,
Sc. Ste.
fol Alois Brown'.Brown'.oelf iotorkining Elitla, with plooplat..,io
tine late Spy Glass.
Catalotues eau be obtained at the auction store.
sap! 'JOHN .D De Viet, Ana.
C. S. PORTER Massola.
Tim patrons or the Drama and the public genendly
are most respectfully informed tbat the 'Theatre
s v . l4 . ,e t n i for the season on SATURDAY EVEN/NU,
The Company will eonsist; of the following talented
! Aliu AIMS Craze, ! Mrs. Madison,
Mow Porter, ' ' Mr. Poor,
ra JotsSha Mri Archer
hlesshum, John' Oxley, W. E.
Wood, Ar
cher. Poor, Rots, Somad, Palmer, Olusford, Black
burn, C. S Porter Marlin, Master W. WoOd. Muter W
G. Wood. lilastet ' H. Wood,Dlr Karnes, Mr. Cantor.
Melo-Dram:nm Director—Mr. W. F. Wood.
Leader of Orchestra—Hery Zitterbart
MIL./ Daman
M achdnist r. Mack.
Costumer—Mr. Hearin.
The celebrated "Heron Firmly' are engaged for a
few nights, and will appear op Saturday. .101 !
TB now open under the management of Mx ABOSZWa
j.its ongtnal proprietor„ and Mr. Edward Chase.—
Loosened Ice Creams and the various luxuries of the
season Will be served up to a maimer unequalled by
any establishment in the col:miry. Open every day
from to A. to la P. M. aura
eitames A acson, anAmat co ,
R. EDWARD CKER;:tadres this means
of ra-
Dturning his thinks to hie &tends and the
tor the extensive patronage be has received, and of in
forming them thathe has lately erected a large and
wen constramod Madeline, Mr the exclusire parm..
location, at Fhillipaburgh, Pe; on the Ohio river, oppo.
ate the steamboat handing at beaver, where hale ready
to receive patient.. botrdets. and treat dim on liy
dropelitie principles. In addition to his beg expcm
core, and the great aerate which has heretofore at
tended hi. treatment of patimita retrained to his rare,
he has now the additional faellitlee .Corded by an ex.
tensiee builaing cremated expressly for the purpose, con
taining commodious and airy. room., and fitted up with
every riseeasary apparatus for bathing, and ddmiiii..
teeing the treanuept to the mama bandit and comfort
of the I aaeut. Phiillipsinuatt is a most delightful and
fheorailifiLvoilienes,ve=ez,tbi. atiexam.
Acker assure s and of;
those afflicted persons who may place themaelves un
der his care, that every attention shall be paid to their
comfort; and as an assurance of the sat benefits
to be derived, be points wititeonfidence t ti o the hun
dreds who here beenpennanentlf cared at his eabil,
bailment The Water Cure no Mimic,. elfeet.
behind, no is too Mien the ease with thou who have
been treated on the old avant... It (MOT. the dis
ease, itivigoral.s the system, ptotecta from the dengen
incident to changes of the weather, creates a natant'
and active appetite, and imparts vigor to
le antestive
powers. Terrtiectr treentclentuod boarding,
For further patticulars inquire at the eetabliahnient, re
eddresit the proprietor at Fhillipsburgh.'
IHE cubsertbera are no
at low mum,. Milo.
eS hf chests Y H , Imperial, .
P and bib Trita
MI LL do do
10u bay. ROT and Lagutn
I. 168• UM Gov Jura do
150 boa manufacturesl To.
bac.", 5.1,i, 114 , x,,
I lb and a lb lump, 10,
and S. Span do
300 mats Camta
reteivtog amd offer for sale
, vi.
EO bbla No 3 Mackerel
73 b. white Brazil Sag.
tipllcrrtva,No I
13 Ws Bordeaux rural:lnds
E Walnuts
32 " Filberts
34 " Brasil Nuts
" Tenn Grd Ms.
AO tuts W
ai C... Tamale Catsup
SO drum.. Figs
2111•14 Bawl
Meas. Barite Currants
Oa b. Sher/sit Almonds
3 eases Liquorice
Roet Candy
70. b. Sardines
15 “ The erecte r
agreed Cho colate
2 eases PM.,
b. Lecoon Syrup
I case pre.v'd GUlffer
• 7:gross Sleeking
1 0 Ato Principe, Rivas,
Casten, and Havana
bbl Niamsgs
25 bags Pepper
2 osmosis ludigse
'af:. P dln'or'er ;
13 bbl. cbip'd Lossmod
2 cask• Nimbler
13/ bss No I Chocolate
1 saslm Epsom Salts
20 bbl. Tllll7Grle Oil
5 emits Lamp Oil
13 bis Spann OaMle•
43 bs• V 1 bits Pipes
5 masks Rice
37 base Dairy Balt
153 bbl. refined Sugar
ong 3o J 7 W . opd rj,opcsite 'total
S UNDRIES -73 dor Corn Brooms, 10 kegs Maple
Molasses; 60 bra Rosin Soap; 60 kegs ass'd Nall.
Sumer Wrapping Paper, CWOIIIIIII4 CAlldit k, Bat.
160 dos Buckets; 6 &Tali. 10 eon pint Flasks.
Su bah Vinegar; 16 has tdareW 116.d0 Star Candle
ground :Incas of all deserlptlens; cm chewing
Tobacco; Rapp., and Scotch guar- Whiting chalk,
copperas and Alcun, in note and (or axle low by
a O 6 lO Wood ru, opposite & Charles Rotel
Cheealate..Catiea. &e.
W. Baker's American and French Chocolate, Preps,
ed Coco., Cocoa Paste, Prone, Cocoa Shells, &e.
merchatua are corwumersj, who would parchatre
1 the best products of Coe., free from adulteration,
noire nutritious than lea or Cofee, and ta quality Dow,
passed. the subscriber recommends the above articles,
manufactured by himself and stumped with its name
ills Brom& and Coe,. Petie,gs delicate, palatable.
and salutary Minks for iqvalt4 minveiewmtmr nun
odium, are pronounced by the mem eminent physicians
animator tO any Miler preparaliote lits manufactures
are sloo p u sale, in any in:entity, by the most re
/erectable Meer. in the elate= cities, and by their
iments, Haire. Gray & co., of Beaton; James hl Bence
& co, Bamford, Conn; Bosley & Murray, New Yolk;
Grant & Stone, Philadelphia; Tniantas V Brundi,ge, Hot.
tumor; and Kellen /t Bennett, Cincinnati, Ohio.
wAvrKte liAltElf,totcheater Mn,..
For sale by ,isuggi BAGALBV & SMITH
Ottlae at Antarlean & Foreign Patents.
JAMES Uith.KNOUGH, of the- lila hoot of Keller &
Greenough, continue. the bilmiess of Consulting
bonne.- and Patent &mantel, id hat effuse in the city
of WAsIIINGTON. He may be consulted and em
ployed iu making exammatious in machinery in the
tent Office and elmwhere, fn fumishing drawings
and st , ecificatimm of nutehine. and allpapers neeeme
ry, transfer, emend, rwistsue or extend tellers patent in
the tinned Stales or Europa He can also be consult
ed proresainually on all queen/um of litigation aris
ing under the Patent Law, and,
will argue Ba
rons before th e Patent Odle. or an appeal theretrom
for which his long experience in the Patent Office and
in his profession, have peculiarly:fitted-him The pro
temional business of th e late lir. T. P. Jones having
been placed In his hands, all letters in relation thereto
shortie be addressed ter hie, pow- paid. eog3u-dOrn
hi. T HE undersigned tehdre services In the above
rapacity to the mercantile, manufacturing and
mechanical po twos of the community. He will devote
hie time and anention to the - posting and entrusting of
Books of Account. Beetling partiterspip accoemts with
all confidence, opening new booka, On. Cc.; and also
In preparing young menthe the entinting House. Re.
idence Northeast corner of the Diamond, Allegheny
city. JOHN FLEmiNci,A..d
Author of National SYstent of Book Keeping.
Rmaa no Mem. Johnston & Stockton, hrOonahl ik •
Seem. W. Bell & Son, & Co, J. Kerr, Jr. & Co.
John Finney, Jr-, John Arch.,,, -W A
Latimer, Jr.
THiwltzionbirsc.riblirsizish jug e to . re o, tii i ;: halves;
tures of Met, wholesale Drug and Chemical Warehouse,
No. ISt Market steet, Philadelphia. location is
uncurpessed, r
odd Thestock
has been much re consequently
kind de u ce The cutom m of that unexceptionable kind desired by
devery bum.. MAUL AA °pp:um:miry mei no this
ints presents hug, and should be embraced by gentle
nen demons of =dusting in the Drug business.
kXWIN MEB nITil fr. Co
ail T AIPORTERSALTOI7U °hams p,Lbtria.
Led hlushuh UsnifeaLueet,lttabroterina Meri
nos, Shawla, kloalalMG Lawns, Dombaunea,
Thal nt•iw .=49 Marrawnts, Visitin
r g New York,
to examine theis m merit Wort Makt Og
Ste. ,Aasea.
lean and
Mr. Muir was for many yaw l , of Ile lawn F o( ti T.
A. co-IJames width he knnirtia on the I. of Jan.
Mr. Diehl**, (who has in Interest in
the business,' wito 0.4* limn* krkoNa in that mat,-
ClhOrn • Hiermanyj would G .petultuy Inform the public .of Pst.sbiugh md
vlainity am& be will give' instructions on the Piano
rotte, el his own or the rrodehee porch.
itr Term% 812 per gulitler
Addrun cari be found at bir. F. B , arks, Third street
Rsr earraccs—Piogesior fiend Herr, New York,
Prolereerr Henry Robb°. k. haterAor H. Klebur,
John H. Alellot, R2v. W. Parra,' eut, Pinebersb.
NW ; • tr•
laarraror tawaisiga Jo., c rocn., rms. rai1..1022,jr.
lame roan, FWS Fax , JAN= X. Llama
Tno, snarsaa.
atEcnernice , uLAas Woasm.
Q,1311.6.UN, LE:AYE, STANGER & to,manufacto
h.) tors of Vla Dottie', and Window •Glasa, keep
constantly on a general ulaeltileat of the above
article,. Aiwa nuke to snider a puiperior attic]. of
Mineral or Sod.- Water Bottles, of colored glass. No.
lb Wood et Piturtench. Pa..
L'CiB RUGS"..—One bate of fivw: just received, of
bcsattfal styles and rich Cobb., If, sale at
_ _ _
iu GOEFEL—OLI bug% El l in Cale. landing nod for
lirtriALLN SallTl.l
11. t ALDER ANDLNLI/ 4 0. -10 u/rutins Inlkio,}3
IN/ hiaddry, landing and for sal, ny
7, , 18H & TANNE.IreSrp.I
.largovrottodwir3 blick•
,m 1; 73 do Tana 011.
f o r by .404
ts EPPEL{ AND PISIENTO—LSOSkags blank Pepper ;
23 de Plateaus for sate Sy
Fi i ik- " Nik
PITTSBURGH i llROWlpinnu a lllll4B
Daily Packet Ltite.
„.- The 0311 a Instg now boat. oceoplete
-toe- Rae lar the Mani *lam AT.
LANTIC, Car. Rom
TIC, Cain. A. Jacobi
'3FLANK-F. Boned.- The boats mami n o
new, and aree
Enid op without regard to etymon E.
ery Collthit th at eon proem has hem provid e d.
The Boot. will Rove Monongahela Wharf Boy en
the foot of Ross it.. Fasteners will panetnal
boa ea the boat. wUI tenon!) leave at the *dna,
nand hours, 8 A, M. and{ Y. M. -
P/TII4BUI/1.111 blVtif) PACT
The swirl steamer
in alLsn r y P Murry, master, will lea's
MAY for Wrrling, on Monday,
Wednesday am/ Fraday, at 10 o'clock rettimily.
Leave II heeling every Tuesday, and 'M
onday, at o'clock , at, precisely.
The Consul will land et all the intermediate po
Every aecomodation lien can be procured for the com
fort 11114 ellikty of ppaa.oten g em ha'. Leen provided. The
boat resided rtitfit..t
aafety guard to
=or DV' tgliraltrAP,ly an
fete earner of lat and hmlikileld sta.
The rolendid light drught steamer
17 r i : k eztettr4 tweta ratAtesba=rd the
above ponts, romdarly landing oa the Alhen river
opposite the month of Pin treet. The Ca roli ne
tomb at all the horologe between the above pen., (or
tbe aecommodetion of the market people soli the Ws'
yelling pablia Leave. Pittsburgh every day at hag
s." two o'clock P. /11retarni leavenFreestom eve•
ry day at 7 o'elock A. AL ng
The proprietor, of this Um have pereemed and fit
ted up the Caroline in a superior manner at ■ consider
able expense, expressly tor lids tradeTlatedia
themselves that the coat shall remain In the and
hope, by strict attention to the name of the re coausund-
Faro g 3 ty, to remain then seppnt.
echts. anglgt-dikkeekT
The new and fall steamer
Barnes, master, mill leave for anon
d all imennedone ports on Wed.'s.
days and
It of each week. For freight or pas
sage apply on boarder E 0
Tba aplendid new steam
Ekatobs, trawler will !elm tor above
• •
and lawratediata pone thia day, at
• -
For Sleigh or plume, apply en board. 5e91.1
-- FOE - OWe rhtNAIN AND tUtEC—
The elegant menses •
c aLope, meter, mill leave kettle above
d latermediam ports thle day.
mr height or Plum S al sPPIY
The Ewe steamer
Davis mutter, srfil lets* for the
e &lotermedlose
anal. portssesslarty.
• • ma cm
.. sepH
I •
Mo imedla r, willve
ryary maste tea
t for above
. _
uteg at 10 o'cloe.k.
For freight or inseam aPrdY on hoard,, •
FOR CI iciNNATI AND ST. I.oll l *.
no fine reamer
Fow'er, master, will /rani for skew
intermediate Flom tisfa-day.
_. . .
.only cal board. itairab.
Pr) • aFiC,i3i ATI.
eftemThe light drameht steamer
Dowse. master, will Leave k
a S r th e a
•„aad intermediate porta us day
• • •
10 o'clock.
For height or paw,
apply on boartl
The fine steamer
Parkinson, master, will /cave for the
lor above and intermediate perm - this day.
.21. frejal ss tiffe, apply on bona
......__ &aro
Tne fine
4 ste amer
Boyd, muter, has enured in the
bove trade, and will ran reralarly in
conneetton with the Jenny Land, meeting her at Bever
ly. The Cornet leaves this afternoon at 4 - otgoek.
For height or passage, apply on board. ,: aurifi
The fine steamer.
miatienley, muter, will leave fin &Wee
d intermediate ports thli day.
For freight or Demure apply on board. '' •
FOR sr. LOUIS. - ------
mak The fine new 1 0 . alit steams,
7. For frei
Thompson, master will terre . faiths
above and intermediate pone a riffideli
ght or paeans, apply on board, aas9l i
- ------ - - - -
- ----
As Ordinance, . i.,..,
Authni---in dui Mayor to ism! Bondr ti ti Jana of
James and William Tras ;.;
S EC. I.—Bent ordained and mustiest bi the cidzens
Pittsburgh, In Select and Common ,oenella s
we of
bird. That t o Mayor he and be ts hereby radbormed to ri
Isaac Boodarn the memo of hopes Mackadl 000 .
dollars on account of the gnollng of Thaatan legr I.Wa :T",
n ~..'
and bolds in the 13.10 of NI, illlata - Wilion An d
449 dol-
Ittra and 63 tents, being balance in MI for grad
High and Webster street; Oath bearing interest a oh.
rare of d per cent per annum, payable seed. annually
st the Treasurer's office In the city of Pittsburgh, and I', !
redeemable in ten year.. The interest on said berme
hall commence on the first day of AnE Is
astarn. g
Sec. If.-1k it farmer erected, ecer, al the fait 2
eredn, fonds, mamma 'and corporate-
city, be and the mu of the ne I. herein fulcra?. rdon of maid Bonds. y pledged forth
Ordained and enacted into a Mar h t CoOn i
INAIa dap ofAormst, A. D. 1848 cils, thm !
R. Brorms flostzsrm s Clark C. c: 2
JOHN SHIPTON, Perm's. 8. C.
Joan Mama, Clerk B.C.- torg2l.3t
------------7 ------
An Ordinance 7
Azakosising ge Mayor to lease leonels itr.frwer of 1
James Area&
Q Er. 1 —Be it ordained andenacted by Mt tit.. of
0 Pad, not Council.... Mayo be ad he Ls here entherd-
I ...a to issue bond, of the r
city t o the name boy f
Janes t:
.W.Cabe, for nine hundred and filly.serven d 01.., 4
18957.) with interest at the rote of 6 per ecru per annum, ?
, ayable aemi.annually at the Treasurers ono in the a
city of Pivaburgh. and redeemable in calyces; mkt
in the hth Ward.
hoods belt. balance in full for grading Settond street
Br. IL—Be It further enacted, te., Thu Oa faith, i
credit, Nods, revenue and corporals PrbParo of the
eby he, and the earns is hereby pled/rest...foe the pay
mem of the interest God redemptioe of told bands. ;
Ordained and ...led into a law iv o:amens, this
*lb day of August, A D INS.
lAitest] MORGAN ROBERTSON, thornC. C. husk. ..,
R. LADD Roars., Clerk C. C. 9
JOHN SHIPTON, hie . ' S. a '
Jeers Mama Clerk B. C. - ataggl-gt
An 0rdn211.1106, ' -----"'
Relating ti, as Gm*Luray Street. Y
Q EC. I.—B ordained e it ordain and
et c o
oa by Hie einem.
3of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common COrMeilS a} t ,..:
.ambled, That the grade of Liberty street, from Ye-ci
anoint streetto - lianison street, stall Imestabllshed A
las follow. Beginning at the grade of Liberty street ',I
.d limier street; thence fall 14
err 94-100 feet 1
per Ito feet to Harrison Erect, and front Aare. rise i , :,,
39{ minutes or 94-lutt feet per 100 feet m 'the Eutem '-
line of the Sat Ward. ii
Sac. /1.-I.le it further enacted, Harrison
greet Ain be graded to cauformm i rk ths grade of
Liberty meet, as established by Wm ardinan e. and
that . much of any Ortlin.ce conflicting ;Oh the :.
byof this Ortlinat be and the same is here-
by repealed
Ordained end enacted iMons lime fa Otrancils, this :1.
MO day of Aaiun, A. A IS4P-.
(Attest) 810fLRAN ROBF.RTSON, Ptish. c. c. 0
R. 1.1101)11 Rdianirra, Clerk C. C.
erk S. C. 111111.3 M _ 74
Jon, Brun
Ala 0-rrdlittatatee
!.i .
Cdanginrth• Ara of hollow io
lart,q4in the 5... .7 . ,
tenth Ward.
, t
S EC. I.—Re It ordained and t named by the eltisens :'.'
of Pinaborgh, in Select and Conortou Councils
rembled, That hereafter the elections teethe State and 4
b as well a• for City officers lit 'ile Berenth .1.
I,Z;:ed„ • all be held at the Public Scheel 11,ast in said 1 ,1 .
Sc. I.lEle it farther ordained, itc., That .o much: - 1.
any nebulae Onlinenee 'n la hereby uttered. be =A
the saint t. hereby repealed.
Ordained and enacted Into .fate i • '
este day of Au A. A. D. 184 8 .
n Cotuteds, dna
(Arrurril MORGAN R 0 131.21T90N, Prat c. C .?
R. Ronan ROMM I / 4 Clerk C. C.
Jots Mato JOHN SHIPTON, Niel. a C.
; Clerk 'l3, C..* attgal:li
. ___--... -......
wo. 71 Pneent Seam ' ' .
ONE of the largest ..d the most choke stock of 1
CARPETING in the market, embrochsg all the
usual ;plinth" from the most approved toutataatorlet,
that hare been trued for durability to lii lite and co-
, i
T apestry Velvet Capering;
da Bnissels do . t
eyearpeting: }lava Chen.llo east
E..}..tra ply do Toned do
p p
l'itrli- '4l! Wilton do
Brusels do. ~
Common ..0 do
o nd rhambam pa
Mulo‘tetured to rder in new nerrg adapted to
pallbrs, basemenis a .
Painted Chi Cloths, for dining' tWiesta.spirlos, ',Doti.
bolas, kitchens, ie.
Strays Matting, Suds Rods, Wendow Shades sad .., 4
Cotton en Booking, from ur ttdrd three 4
rands orme.and
DoorWooll Slats, &e..3e., to I sraeli th e to
men. ?.
don orporehastre at wholesale and' retail la respect. s
tallyited. inv WatenXllP, o door from Wood a.
oomer o ne
p A Z pF lCS . btll pe * ;l o an Er 14. 0 %/21gaind Straw
WinPllVig PaP.:r:4o doule-urspiftm
straw Wrapping Paper; 100 i bdla !Dalt bell heavy 4
hardware Paper; 450 falls 12 32281nch Etrairy hardware P
Paper, WO ream. mind cap and Leiter Paper,
.11 a.l
- tal gross white Bonnet Boards.; . 7 iNo fauna blue 5
Factory Paper, in store oniii for snit. lOW by
cO/ pen b aud 'Min In
Wrought and Cast iron Itallltegs
rf'Hli subserthers beg leave to Wenn the paboe duo i
f 1 they have obtainea irons the East alkthe law sod
ashionable dee ia . for loan Rsibeg, 1.4 for beau* I
d cemeteries persen• wishing to pmeort beet -
some patterns mill please call sod examine, and Jule '
for themwnves. alditla will be famished it the don- i
en notice, and In the best manner, at AO corner 01
Craig cod Rebecca streets, Allegheoy ei”,
A.l..AhlOhs• a KNOX
. . . • - -
• ruu — Minna: -
A HAIB, TRUNK, automating atone elethe" , " 4 "-
11 per. valuable to the owner, tea b4l at our Store
...e months ago. It seems to be the
charged moldier. The air., is 1..
.. 4 PM.e bb pioparly, and take It to. ,
mtgat • al ILLER a Y. iCICETSON
4 Pall ID'aahloae Car lb,. a
11 a 0. no 0 •
tiara avoid, ilk maw
1)11 ILL introduce nu Saturday, !Wyatt Nth. atiev
Ir Pail .ry-b r of Hat, me received to ta Fee V.A .
Thou In lanai of a out aril beatiniiii Lac, us invited
bull ay their awes, corner of Fit awe Wood .vent..
• ...21
ACRO/ClSAlarrafacutred Tobacco,
comprising Etapall co
obinan'a6s4 ' , Webster old
ori V H Grant a 6si Price Harwood. 6a; Barrow. , .
Vs, and oiber popular bramtv, jut reed and for auk by
aura BROWN & CULUERTSO64I46Iibty 14
(11L—Id00 Ireton. brenehed Sperm 1:114.; /SW na-
V land colored do dot 900 do bleached Whale do I
dq 750 do brawn Toone& CM, fit ciakin 10 bbla
Saran , . do,* 10 do Brawn do der, jut reed and for
aala by fro •? a MEER 1. ILICKETSON
ARDWARE—A choice info( Hapj{ante end
„EL !cr
lealy, calculated foe Fleamboat ..111¢st landing
at.d tor eby augdd fiI,ACNFR.Iik. Co
DALSAM COPAIVA-140 lbs just rec'd and for aale