The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 31, 1848, Image 4
I=l MEDIC AI-, sito .-- ----EMBFllltplip, pctOpSGSORS AND -97 '1 .,. 11E DOLIOICAL SOClNeThefeet ...: t• ~ • .... r . f Man d Di* serge tgam ri tii e TECS l a- •UffitTliWerli3;-.Theehhettibef Ittethi, iam moos: us Dt.liirmhthrea Guam; .1 !GIGY nor ~a a for the preservation La tixi ezpresaly int end e . c holer a ans. Dena' brniciist - -41 M"" t " Nh ""..--- tat Debi li ty of the '''"umittutt' Nleutisy, Dena= Bronchial Affections, A. 6, 1)11"1".ed ""f tie. thc 1:17111"."."' 9-1 2a, lee lhe n' e Pita lli titn -D te te"aa,.....,.,_?,..„,Pim'arpr Mar orWervona Power, I --,n—Efairr.Trs GUARDIAN com se ottlitt. - Mhe el Females safferi Gem Int - - I ~.ell other Uterine dilliculu..4and &sena= -- --- ------essint., whether occasioned by cold i wet I derma m o r a ny similar iniudiciertis exposure, and el . this ;;Iti.tth use of medicine; as the lietat deli... eeff ' intuitive lady ten at soy moment apply. to ...elf wide/Mt. consiteilly of inctrenng any tisk or dingo?, or any unplestsant tesults arising from it, and the ernuanty of obtentietkontediste rani TOL Eiartelfill Guardian ii no catch-Penny. or one of the many humbug. of the day; bit it ts . an mourn.* mute upon strictly scientific principles, in accord.. with the laws of filee_oleby and G ia.they alventinsu rup and i . e fo: wanes& &stability -, 41.. 9, treerothing,of the ki.eves before offered to the o f ter the relief of disesse, and, in the longings of ogxee' the ectomenliglaeoadmenofthe day, is peonies.. to diecomey of em agi." beethe V T.= t ua ,thart post y earn liss beenoecupind - Ae°` 'e beingial the Giaribut to at present by - Barrett *.- • a, i ontr Wasp lime it trnabeen in Mate of perceetiOD-.. -7- 5...., omission p4ians of the hands of some of the a - iragar of ini the North and South, as well as , - .ii e r - ib". 1 moons families, wbo have used It in,... -..i.psuime papoose, wi th the most perfect enema lesion a s-, anci .---- ..,, cheerfelly given thug unqualified spillrs: efficacy and value, as canoe men by tethering to the Manual of bummed., aceompanylng lt. , Dr. C. B. Barreiro Gaarcllart ie seenrcafroos innornii dans by a pateut Rout the. United Sloths 8M.% Office, sod be other with or Without his Medico-F.1.m0 Galvanometer. 211., Medico-Electro Galvanometer, In e s paint of bean ,setpehmanship, durebillry end power• m. be art ptp meed o: even equalled , and the subecnber feels Met be hamrds nothing lithe amertion that it will be found I to pm.. .0.-13.pOINGT 11111 d efficacy in the , UmMient and dal ssiiiiseatics, byGalvanism n aild Mectriel- i t a, t h an any aka :ststrinnent, either the United Ames or E a mes. gyr Medico-Eleatro Ualeassometer is warranted in every roaDett, and with common /mill nary care will last a licerjend is by fee the eheapl _ ' ert, because tbebeas, hula'- Veer eghied_t e the - public. A manned accompatußS thets, , ff . leihtt tee,thelt ample instructions,. of ical exTeh est it' i t e a t , ts readatintelligibla tithe o te mind of evely O CUB om s ... 'cry of artungentecit is such that al doom Ite....menue with it. - Any information gratuitouly pima, and el cominn caunes cheerfully enswered per mail, either In rela tione. iiinuo-Galranometer or Guardian. Ma men me invited mull and examineDr Das* m eia G ua rdan, and test as am.. F or u p, b, M. siCatABDSON, solo Agent, 71 Mar- Fog ~_lrittstsFlA•____—____---------,2----'r-%"1 T teso IXIXSO NS Philadelphia Philadelphi a altme, can tify to the wonderful efficacy of that 'INON'IItYdOhIPOUND SYRUP OF IPAR AND WOOD • In Pulmonary ConsuniptVlonic Bronctdris mad Sem Throat, pwarrh itting of Pain In th e Ride arid lireasi4lubry of =deg, Whooping ,Cough, Crag!, tak and NervonsTremors,Pianantien of thrf 1 1k 1 Mli Liver Complaint end Affection of the Kidney!. • ml. medicine, the invention ofa men who gave the =bit,. of Ptdmonary,Bronehml and Pectoral dimes. the most tied exatraruntan,baa now been berme the public mar four years. During this period It has per formed some of the most remarkable cwta ou reconl of Pulmonary Consumption—secured the reeommertelai tan and use of phyaicians La their prima., and the warmest approval oldie...oda of pe . trari In ardllitt7 mad wane Colds, Coulim4 i n Iltmrmenen , l OPitd.B et . Blood, dn. ASTONISEUNG .Aboat hum years since I was attacked with Typh. Fever which MR roe in a miserable state or health, in el ver, debility with a general prostration orate sys erso„ witheiniem pnias m the breast told lots of appe-. tins, in ennacepunce of which I was unable to attend to cry usual batmen, or peplum any that tif work. I z.le o d to several phymmane and used various reme bat r e c d any benefit, clad had despalredof ever tab ing • recovery of icy fanner health. Bat some y ou last Jane I woo mimed to the,Tbote Com pound Syrnp °Mar mid Wood N and mcredible us It may , Lope., by Ma ame 1 hail token ihree boat. the debility, pain and uvory settee of maiming were etnapletnly 'removed, mod I was able to attend with re inured .alth to my itsual avocations. MARTLN CLAUIFY, Of Dickinson township, Cumberland co. Read the following testimony Cram a revertant,' somber of the Society of Friends, in Poughkeepeie, N. York. VALUABLE TESTIMONY. f•This miry certify that the spring of ISRI, my health was very feeble; I was afftleted with pale mike side. with other alermargsymptoma and suffered mach Sven great debility. At that oboe I paretrased from Moses Dame two bottle. of Th01333013'11 Compound Sy rep of Tel and Wood Nepauti Com Which I experiee cod great benefit, my health being nowloodi and - I cheerfully recommend the article to. all pelsona who any be tittering tech general dehility, gnat 0700 p of a decline ABARAId WILTSLE. SAX" Poughkeepsie, March LI, Prepared only by AMIN= LC Dawns, at the N. B. runner of Fifth and Spruce streets, Phila. Sold by L. WILCOX, Piciabmo; and by druggists generally. Price to cents, or One Dollar per bock. myl 15/1.1/%11/M GINSENG PANACEA! THOSE BUFFERING WITH Dldr OED LUNGS.—The unprecedented metes , which hos itunted the mut of the GINSENG' PANACEA n all the traria. Amos which Irdudirm order lunge es. somes,,Jus tedneed the proprietor again to call anen. tton to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. zee...Ma yrcadter . which marks our fall sod W The harf =MOS, LS SIVISPOILI- --• COLDS AND COUGHS. These, If neglected, are but the precnrsors of that fell destroyer, coSUNE . TION. The question, them, hoer shall wa nip oor ILSITOyet M • the bud? bow Mal ere get clear of coughs and olds] rs of vital importance to the public. THE GRET AND ONLY will be found plte A Gi REHED Y nseng Panama In proof ofthls we have from cane to toms peblished the certificates of. demons of our best known citimos, win; been experi enced Re curative power* These, with amass of tea 17,DraL L 'IV' f the raqi' f al NDIN 0, BrOZWUM• of the to gether with eePiem Uses from the JOURNALS ,OF THE DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be had gouts of anytt,rmtarassnegrlrSti,ri.xin92; cuntry. have been used ANDap. THOUSANDS TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the Untied Stales and Canada, and we elm lenge any man toE,&olnard& mom n wbish, when token Wording ta direOlimea end be nne the lungs had become fondly disorganized, i t h.. eve, fhiled to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE, Why, Men, need the alts ed hesitate! oby resort the one-rable oastrexer, god op bye- s aalae for the assumed name or some es d Phy sician, and paired into notonety by certifier , sons Y equally unknown? WNW medial:Do of • UNPARALLELED EFFICAC Is to be had, whose vouchers are at hanta,—oar Del/b -low-man of wham it has SNATCHED FROM THE °HAVE • 1 - In order that Wei:minable medielnesawy be placed within the reach of the poor sts well the rtalt, we have pm the price at ONLY Furri °sass, Run cos half the usual ems of tough medseines. m for sale by oar agents in nearly every town and village ever the west, who are ptepared to give foil Inferno den relative wit. _SAIR, Proprietor, linestlerey, tor, Ohio. Pt ERCHANT OF THIS crrY, who bad been et- A fumed with the mtlimafor four yaws, had taken almost every thing. physician constantly &nee ded him, and be its expended over two thousand dol len. lie never believedinedverrised medicates, but conakiered than all 'Lumbago. At Imulte tried Dr. Tayko's Bale= of Liverwort, from 73 Beekman west. New York, andin six weeks was entirely. mired, hav ing taken only dare bade. This is only one of many pl. where ACIMAArf ObICCIIOI2X to a patent medicine base prevented persons sofa this medicine, wh • ban expendoi hundreddram to their phymcisns IA man—endlui the end owe their recovery unbends!. lible efficscy of this purely vegetable fireparatand. There is uo tnistake, that this medicine is irapsdor to any remedy gresetibeA by medical advisers. , This has when Sl Years to mature,'• and la the ea red remedy for diseasesever introduced to the emblic. HAMIZIALTIA P CAIAIEL, SAO &roam= or limva orsmg—sa.ivg IbT &longtime whit Mem et:enplane, I had riven up all hope abettor cured I had commit ad the hotanic and bonmepathim &mots in vain. I had used many h ad advertised, but found no relief. In • demair I had giver_ up used altmedicinee. Hear ing of the great virtues of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Laces -11014 and 7 the great auras it . bad performed, induced sne in il, lo aw edStrY and amonishrneni, woe better daily. I eorianu its use, also his Sugar- Coated rale, until I am' entirely cured. Dr. Taylor's Balsam of lA verammt is the AAA medicine in the world for those complaints, and will core every one _afflicted. SETH 1../itVRM. CE, Caputo of the Haney, of New York. .esnou Crign—lhAte suffered from the Asthma a wry long time, and have med every medicine I could obtain for its cure hstrainosinil meine Dr. Taylor's --- Balsam of Liverwort. 'This has afforded cm most manifest benefit, and le, in my opinion, a core for this distressing disease{ more especially, ea l know of many eases among myfriends, when, II has been high ly succesaftd. Persons interested are invited to call at soy residence for further Information. MRS. RUTON, 919 Laurens st Sold to Plualnicah by I 13 Morgan 93 Weed st; J Terwromnd, _{s7darket su SLATSCI . , coo Merkel and 2d or, denon Co a ft Liberty st Price reduced to RUB per bottle. 1e93 MORGAN'S COl.lOll SYRUP—It proved w he lip great Pnne. In curing my child's distressing • cold& Prom the Temperanee Banner, Nos 31817. Cooonßlnure—We are cot in Use habit ofpotang much lets takielpatent inedielocs, Vat we feel dwposeu recouromend d ot is Brrop to those who are inflict ed wish a cough. alter baring tried the input rem: w Mello moon a eatudant and distreseng cough, that had for Wend days afillnadaoe of Oar children, cough witlr Mt pwe warn iladllClNl 10 try Monson's asap, ftesS, try It relief ,wea °hulloed. a taw hours proved to be the panacea in thi It s case es east. Prepared wholesale and retail hy the l proprteter, JOHN D MORGAN Ban wood 11;1 door Selene dole Way. ------ ------- - A ITRONO 111,I1,ENCZ that Dr JAYNE'S 11X- A nen:lamer sapariorUl all odor remedies kw BrooehliAltheea,aad other rel soal "tt°Ee awl the same mi., who eamaleacett the a as h. thels Amino tear4r ... er etil I other remedies of the hih•;' eni hoe besstindoced Y try other F"P"."Ov thrl he,. Oast hmahatly ken tu , ma' Irbich was miserably Eros the high prune beetoved bate=^ eei hem returned to the nu er Jews' • wooly th at bee VMI Ailed to relieve theoi. sod lea preliebay seem bad its mod ht arreoth. ooNtoon &seem 11 .1. 04 .4 by D , D. Igoe iialilphk, end sold= KUM k 1 ALM. JAY NES • dserladtwt! - 751 Foal* a TAINIVIS GAM 1; s pan gran grads • J , lialmageollOy prcoattoo. tab. what ttproGa , a•-4.. Out ankle, watant coy omptice, 00, form. oninestkon aoll vrownlboo of UN. ham 6W.ko,n, of mosso= mango ,iiirlcrokote Ism be. natured to hew& yid* Web* bad kw rim aid on ik4k Intaaioot do anstarhwor tbak to rearommi to all our roadui who kr Wing akar Mk, to oaks a trial of thirTaohtlasmodistoll Ike asp. h Mb** st !h. Halos 14.711 • -- , MORGANS WORM KILLER is fat Mortar to .11 Wigs seraadlaa tat Worms. ' -• .1 Jim i1t)41845. This wig liertifilbas I f Fws u w two of mt cadre:4 Wee and Rest leers al, ioponfula of Morgw• Warm NNW, to swab o {beet the imigest owed shop we=sitta? atullesieboll rot bameairostwOo Ws LW eeettilbeoes. 'The Wow ;wed so, hose • samba' that we mail= to corm them I bare Wed aft the • Poradu , Wore the public for esomst bat east say with wOw eouseisazes Margate. Wei =la is far superlcA mall, woo before the ptlb -41160 - BA•11/111•JOILNISTOPL, Eakarsurwn, Oble•bwireortoll• Parsored awl sole wholesale Lad retail by the pro peisms, JOHN D MORGAN = ri. PM Weed dm% IMBE2II ,"±>, ~ .. .• on. 'l' 0 arzar. D , B SARSAPARILLA. Mateo and blettely dm Adra. Tb. met extmmthenv Inetlfelet Ihmool4l7R Thu Zama te ,ent try Qatel Hoak. ff.A.121 thnot dummy plitatenter, moi - remented , parior esgoold. It .no **Just • ''" The gran WWI ate •ivaiwlty athbeenaperMa woo ell othanthildnote. &MA& ihotinnO t . th• ems, It twAgaratnotho bati.._4„ka s t r garNia . se ' AND 111/1. Ewe, Ware.; Itnat estemo 6 . ""r"fil. pee Mbar ateMe7Andlt ,Ilea ' , Jan; Ax,,eorthlattecess. Ulm t 5 =f 1 =17,,,,,,„ m mom thsa 111:000 —o_,u±V mire mom of distant' FA hest Won hmarebta. It hat Nivel the Dm of mare wad.- -alio; the JIM pad gemons. than co* Gone - rid 'llelsilitl sad 10,000 ewer • • weer of Nervous Energy. Te1f1.0.1513..4.416 kr•Sbm wormsboosly. To escom mba Aare 1.. t ttisq abets of smodlebto br alb, or dm rostra laskiamf of: ii;s-Ts !mien set: Pb, 40 4=1 don ado norms gum; Inas bf f p mpsellell3lthili, palSaillts dory oolbsoimibbs. ist isorbrils !ism Gaul dim" Csnsrampslao. bon bit . tire!, mamma try Übr pMusat somody. Thte Ace* rati!.l._l46.""W to SAY Celtill*Ae Ai is r os;Ssi rfoumh 441111 I trlprntl to the limbs, and ststl. l4 $ 9 ”tho., 1 ! aims sztraordiamy &ire. Consumption Cared. -n• 01114F+1 mut Mamie/so; Coussaytims rem ho coml. limorkilio, OSHFIZarb, Livia Comptast. Oslo ablarri,;_CssU. 4ribmio. sTAIVSY illood, &r b am& Us CteetHe prbee fag^ Arbs e.ste, DiFsbar Prsfisrs mar im!isb, P.M Us Silt, • Yes ma an be era SPITTING§ 'MOOD. der Trrk a rin mit war barn Tour Ana boo Moo thermoses, Wink riorlolerow. otrit cont. I ham (be se years hod IL bad Cough. t became worse sad .at.. .Atltio Imbed largo moan. dos otblood, bad night e.aa. sod woo'mtally toted and widowed. and did Doi Moved to Um. I bare only and your Elarooparillo • dont dm., mid More Imo a ontdorfel edam Moo oth 1 oto tooti oblo month all ored , tho city. I Mee ro• blood sad my , elmob boo telt ism You me wen Italirboo that I am &Lomita} tot bum molt. • ; Tom °boleti 1a711.M. ,seal ave e ll uFatholisers) fletimolei Dr. SimmsesilBarsapatillo la o atoMetlro sod S" nom do Inelplool thenoweptimi. liarramma, to. Uteri, or Pontos ditto Womb. Codboomm. cord:ma, or Whites, obsommod a a 4lbleostreew Um. loroontomite of Uri" or lo • discherp thereof. sad do lb moral prommios gloom— . maw wttetbor tfie matt orinhar.µ ewe or won, prodmied by irregodorit7, atoms wweittood. Notbloo sot be more earpridag Masi 1.11..daj amt. cm the bloom Ikawo. Paws* al orie sad lani bide, hoot tatting boa mow botomo nibmt sad fin of romp wider Ito Whams It bromosibookr aroatierticte the oterroloomem of th e Amato frame, which to tin great at Barromom It will oat be e_ottod of mkt* tam of so delleole • roam, to macaws ol corm peettircied boo me cato swore tbe ofillmod.llmt hondredsof moo bombe. roported to wo. Tboinando of mum Mien Wane. tore bows without childroo, After a few Whir at this tundsoble a.d ham beiscbromoil TO lisobby talbprioo. Sletbare Thb getreefof Nuentominn ig t=r i ar pared to reference to female entoplakta No anode who Mt mere to suppose oh. o ar.proaridas Ora( Zllnnind. • The tere eg ti/k• &ma .4. d ne SS ts • eat* preventive tbr any et Ors =MOW Pa *MO* akeitiei to mbirittemala are subject al abb time ofi , Thla pared bey de ebr Lard fir emend jeere ertni gregy:ba. Nes b leer nimble re as =Wood, nit I, enterdatid toinatat mum by quiet ening Ake blood' met b:ArMALthe puma Indeed. tLia Istedkins tont 'for be debate dime see to ebbh women are bled. It braces t h e whole mum. norm permanmely tbe no.ovel enirrtee, by removing the imporirim of the lady, mt so preb 11 ' 4 '64 :4 2 w female 'Worse end drama By eabi a fa. bottles al dim medlee. Few perm cm! paella manrieal %non time may be prevented. Great Bleendoig o DitwelffeWs and Wltibisslab • It I. the sato and most effectual medicine for purify. hi the synth,* .d relieving the refferiage wends.. both 1311.2 chaddrirth ever dbeavereoL 4 strengthens dm motherend child, prevents pain sad &mesa hv emus and eurietent the food. thwee• who Ism nerd it 'oink t. hviispwroeble. It u highly useful both before end after asit prerests dbethes ettendwa span eldhilarths—th CoWveness, Pike. Censor.. Swa bs et the Peek Despondency, lleerthern, Voopitiag. Poto ht th e Dank end Loins, False Palm, tlenvarrhaget V. the. an la It is shwas sobvvng 167 --T.L.I malt ddie.n it met medlet sunnewlklD, wwy 113. • .• 010d1.13. MOO • nta. ca'avil4a-gatiS neefuL gnientbe la the eyes nit, end light food with thle weedldne, ww &helm mare safe end wery vas inentent Beauty ate. [leant. Coomsta, Chalk, awl a urety of preps e. /sky in use, when applied to the bee. ray nem qui it of it. busty. They close the poem of the akiawart. . beak oputrumtlo which, oh . nat J aie is 1104 th by n, discus orpowder, u skin Whetted by the haUm =don to used s tl owa Use stoma Cum Diviner ss Iv& Yip tVgardes of del .4 eadicusty dated and earbsinend lowers. A fue, amiss ual lasedity circulation of des Asada or ohs rental:mg teethe pera liCk blood tar the extunalties, le that which paten the usteumcell io the mot h asq cite beury. hie aka which imparts the shades and team of Webs= that ell admire, ton eons ran describe. This busty babe p 1.14 of aw lare—ect of pewrise req. If titers is sot s lee mad hellthy attest:ion, there is so heady. If dm Indy is !kir es driven mem, If dice paint, mad tow comosties, and and the Bled is thick.ceid mad barn the le dot bust If If dubs brows et ud there is pars actin blood. St One • rich bloom to doschosks, sad • inelleacy to theirs:roe that Is flociandam. Tide la wly the surbm mot esperuay the Spew lob bathe% am math. Ladle in the north who malts tem WU triad" or ors conduit la clew musk or btu spoiled their comedubm by the sppik cation of delsteriests mimares, If they wish to re. elseticay of sup, bmoyeat spirits, spesidiny eyes ead busaild caothieziona they shouldMe Dr. send' s Sersgarills. Thonmads who have mind It are mars then padded. are defighted Ladimi,of every assioa crowd us oftdat do4y. Nadu Aes,elhar Ladles. Thom UM T‘llrllUMrs Sa2llll4Ml l / 1 1, b...nagy theist:off zeta Rued/ lhv tuba, *a &a, essi Imre cop6d me Fat bike ud which relates to dm cmaydahattof lemma Ina I for .or/ —other of ober P.O op atedkau, Waste.= the grew somas of Dr. Towasend's n•Ba ba comptsbui tuidest to desseles,r - oO. meadu deka satitutkh _pre they did mak • umber dam. Itsw. Tillk due, ere Warless ta fool. ei they unseats disuse, sal maleratlee the coestiltmiu 7 ' Dr. .t'ait's b the only sod beet eseCfne the ousereso anstale crew ptalate—dt be ever ham eirbal=nassams c orm. It em be by the must d ibms/e• 111 =TAM, all/ thou espectise b 6tenme mar. n, .iii the pasta& edrastairea es proper. the symos mai mutate - pats or demur, ud mrsurthese both mother &ad &ILL Se him pa the isusina liceetiels Clued. This meditate conclusiesly.proves doe Otis Barra pulls has perfect rammed our the meet d ohnistata die al the Blood. Three parsecs core ose hoe. as unpuctsimetel. Tkree Children. Ua Toutomatra—lltu Sir I I have the plums to inform yen that throe of my &Urea hare - been rowel of the .Soefols by the us of your swell..[ isedUchw. They Luau aimed wry sturdy with bed Bev.;hue Luke. only four bottles; 11 took them swey, foe hich I feel myself seder great obtigathsa Tann, reepomfely, BMW W. CRAM 11111Wseemees. . OpWoos of Pkireletsas. Tovanad le almost daily nxotehil V1bi..6110 Physicists Isidifferenti peu doe Union. We to to caM*thet we, the enderdinsd, Physicians Chy of Aftey. hhoo DLenecesens mem meads se D. To larstruhta and batiste it be elm alba moo minable ytepotatkato to the eaten . P. PULING, IL vnusori, N. D. D. R. & 111149% _IL D. Alhatty, April 1.1847 . P. & EL=DDORP, LL D CA VTION• Oldtif 10 the great sienna and Lamm ads of Dr. Townswad's Issaapsrilla, a :Tuber of menwho won fonneMy Agellt4 C 0116.14,4 Ilarsips nila Entrants, Elis.hrs, 81mra Muses of Tallow Donk, he nosy irewerally pat it op in ths 1 , 1.• shaped hos dm, and maw of Sham hays 10.1,141 and copied onsoniven dsessents—ehsy are only womtdesir insimOnsm, mad .bold to avoids& Priselva, 0111c4 126 FULTON Fltnani N. Y. lieddbay Co.& 6 Stata anan.2l.44u; 12 7 011 Bons, 132 North &mond Mee. Phit.d.lphi , B. !Inane, flaltbsora P. Cabe& Cbarkann ; Wright & Co, 131 Channel Street N. 0.; 11 Bondi Pearl Street Albany ; by a. aft tie prior-Tel Drug b ( Pearl and lfferehasts yanaeally tbrollyboat lb. Caned avea. West bullet and Oa Canad • N. B.—Persons ingalrtug tor this medicine, dortild not be lodoeed to take any other. Druggists pot up Sarsaparillas, and of course prefer selling their own. Do vat' be deceived by anv r •inquire for Dr. Timm sdnits, and take no other. Remember the gent"- toe "'Townsend's Sarum:oil a." sold by the role agents. R. E. RICLI.ERS, General Wholesale & Retail Agent, No. 17. Wood sutra, and D . hi. CURRY, thy. Allegheny P• I PRAM I t BUT IN EVERY MOTHER'S HO HE undersigned has long been co= th e n“zsaity Inc some medicine adapted to the tile of Children end Infants to sopetcede the me of all thom amdielnes which tomato opium, and bas at length suc ceeded In prepuing and offering to the publta a medi cine lolly answering every put*. fossil disease. or ure bowels, without the uo dl that detetenous drug or my other eraleolated to boom u, the 01.11. The Mani Pro 4 area has been fully mated arm med. do Into Manisa months, by numerous persers, and Moan fomeat all the extraordinary Tartan. Slid to produce a ll the aston ishing dhoti ea net Mirth on the bill or direetmorus M ershon, Vomiting, eh 'l3lriping, Pains, Sickness and plena... arising from. acting immediately without disturbing any ' the unctions of the body, 13104.dinj the happiest moat dement transition Rpm violent pain to a franc d my°us state of feel- Ton the bald caterer. be had wholesale end re f the Proprietor Dr. JOHN SA.ROSPIT. Dinairt and ApotheesqL.Lt Mitchell, Elliott k Beckham, and rood ether kileghenelnd Pitlebargh • t o wNSENDIf BARSAPARILIaIa.-150 donut _lf Jest received of Dr. Toweeend's Sarsaparilla, the most extraordinary median* in the world! This Bl oom i. put up Inapannbolden It O. 4il times plesoa t or. and ~wad .panot dio . ao . ch rTi ens,. dieasaa *Mead so:edam 9.10.n6, 0 * the padart. Loos ars unpner . yersona have =pied Mlla bels, sod •pra UP th e is ulturod bottle. See that each brittle the mitten isanan or & P.Tainaend. R. finadiain, $7 Wood meet, between Third and Pomp, Darnimd , s only waler:Lie a odd 'at agent ter pimbegh, of wham the genuine atomic CU be - hid. ".• D. It. cam bia been AvVointed tha ohs Nona ta; Yaks 6 tkr . 12 1, o , ftitosi ife outdo ant. itutrod had. Emq . I . • . iro • • molt*" the stow:too 0ft...11m w onew slowly of 6 00 4 almwast smoio rad vary low. 871:1 liii= =ii=l;m=m . . 1'......„ ff .. w . NUIi .'.ae : TORIES. • Emma — ALS 1 4`101/3ICR 4 SONS - - k" ' -- ' 4I I X . ",... . a AND FURNISHING tlNDEß #4i;l44llb*Eud. , •+;r of l'e&& lud . a. Clam streets, I,_reclattliall'! ...,,, && &.1 4 1 1 .= fb . l k r T it " 7/,,, ...... are e.diar ..., - ,17. &i n lay ' , and attend tO - rale& , jos bd Cat '• jr - efitakera Always cal hand a eat ' i' ..d.tractr made Coln; compel, lined and fin v belt manner; all aorta arid shuts ready • rAde f Am.& of damsel, Cambriek Illtid mann, and all 1 ' ' l l_,* l made In appnrred styles. We - keep a lime es vs. men, of and e and blank, Corn; silk and kid Glum, =-4,_ - , le - for pall bearers and mournerA crape, capt, col. .. ... lt,lind every thing nerreastal for dressing the dead, - *vat on reummbk tern:tails we purchase all Our goods r 'like *Astern mums • Also, ether plates for engraving ' • t, the name tad ign. We have &splendid ne . hearse and homes, and any munber a the heat carnage*. Every lianganended to jyrounnly and punctually. mutt y .7-r- -- - - - BEN N ETT & BROTHER, _44.YEzNalveke hie/wpm:lT R.KR.1,4 . Larsoingb.m .., [near Pittsburgh,' Ps. Ikfirriwure, No. 137 i• Wood street, Pittsburgh. WILL constantly keep bn'hand a good assort. 61.1210 i Warbiut Ovum:on manufacture, and , .saperktrinnalu). Wholesale and ommry ale, Chants sea respeetibtly invited to call and ea :amnia for thin:attires, as we are determined to sell dm:qv than heaters before bees offered to the pub- UP. Orders sew by atalltaccompartied by the sash or toy mien:nee, will be piamptly attended In. lebt, . --- lameans. Ames E. LiroLla VLI2sT GLASS seSTAßLlsiinzrr. MULTAN Y LEDLIE atisurtfachne and keep con .l.Ta Map! on band Cal, Aloulded and Plain Glassware, In an Its earlettes,atilteir W erelong., cor ner of Markel and Water streets, Pittsburgh. Our Works continue in full operation, and we ens coastal:Ay adding to oar nook. which enables us to fill With promptnesa. Farthssers Ito respectfully 4941Ififi Wantland eifififine prme% and tem. *Net' • COACH MAKING. • • FROM the very llberal encoornge =lathe subscriber has received 'Luce :" he hog located himself In Allegheny, t ' y g elttilllio;e i rtr Dot 'McAteer ' meet, Immediately bes 43 the Pmbytetign, Chardh. Ifitna* n Ibnregpeeopetn the 1 1 ° /*MP, WWI/ tit pleu ite, hr hope. to mer and lopedirp tKrVolnio Nowonhand nut4lng ttiorder, Rockaway Bug. . 09 0 4 atid top Snipes, evgry description of Cantegas madam order, kom seventy-Svc dollars to eighthsoarev. . (cep.l4lll /Of IN SOUTH. 14 ANUFACTORED AND LEAP TOBACCO.- HEALD, IRICKNOR &Co, al nor th water at, and t 6 . ' X "' T'Lli an." foo d 1: P'' i r . o 4 2lT 4'g f ekgs isn facture ha c , e , a,, a _o w po=a, hall pow* !Fs, b's, IPs, Ira, lti'a and TY:I, rIMI aWalf . bt a ze d' aVtPe g iorav i ins 3'. . l'4 „roled f =, • ir James H Gram, Osborn A Braga, Grant &Williams, A Cubism., Simms & Son, WDonald, Webster Old, J Thomson,' Jame. 'Thomas, Jr. A H Araustead, "" .1 Thomas & Son, Landhom & Armistead, .1 P Coates, , J M Cobbs, .. • a o l lr itute a'r r . ''' ' t A A C H:it, Green Halt; Wm Dawson, Pearl & Norwood, J II Black woodZ; Huth Par, Keystone, W H V Edmund Henry, Portlattx . Vrt ' inson, Husaren & Robtoson, JUBA, Robinson & Co. John Seth Halsey, R Metcalf, Ender, Lawrence Lottler, J. Robinpon. Orly & Oray, DB Tomer, R Jamieson, York Mow, D M Broach. —ALSO— Havana Leaf Tobacco, wrappers and Alters; Van do do do. Cleltepe - de dd a tio I Si l Joao de Luba db 0. 311 i ?Tarts & Go 2, part fine, dO Kentucky mis s do do do Kentucky vomits grades de 4o Minas Last, suns'''. (or siondßaltdota and allPott: . SlRPnah i t e. ....,,...... Co nn ec thmt and ob,o, Vuainla -raps, sweat; German Pipes; Pipe heads; Scotch Snuff (loose and bladders; Maceoulta Meal; lonnal Beans, Havana batc Ono Rose; Bergamot; , CalabriaL/oprictr,PatenrCiSerldlslll(nivas, Spank, , . 80. &e. . PonavußipA, my is b g r - -TeoMade on the moeialmed Eastern p and meat Cantatmable &seem patterns end colors. Alm THE CILV.A.' SOLL, BLIA VON BLIND, cm hand or made warder of all saes, and at all priers Camay Merchant. and others are tented to call and examine the above for themselves, as all nail be sold wholesale or retest and a liberal dednetton made to wholesale parches!. mildly A WESTERVELT - - 141)111CDALE DANCIIII-4TbE. rr A Proprietor ofthis well finnan pace of resort has as pleasure of Informing the public that ha can. Itstaneut haste( been thoroughly refined and repaired, and the grounds elegantly lard out and decorated is now open rut ant arconnotalatton, sod he lotion barn. sell that Mow woo may tarot has wttatbstr patron age will find ell that they desire, provided In Me ben style and on reasonable terms lie ts determined to spare no expense in manng ha nablahment wonby of public patronage. lie has accommtehmone for twarduur a few tarrullea Ice Creams and all refresh ments suitable to Um ...sow orr. ..10/111115 ISAAC Will TAMS, Drapei and Tailor. begs to in JL form the citizens of Flushurgh and others, Mat he is now openutg Ms roans on Smohfisld wee. ors der the above Note!, a large dud beautiful Eason:mut of Cloths, Cassia:term, Satins links. and other gestate; together with such other arucies es me required or gentlemen's wear. His goods have been trustfully so. 'acted, and are of the newest and most tastuouable styli, as well as or superior quality. klo COMOMere may dend upon having thou clothes made up in a manner which cannot flial to gratify Me tame of Me must (umbras. le r M TOBACCO -1 0 liss Brunch & Watkins' ado do do ex.. powad., 0o do do IM and 16; 'Pt kap No 1,0 two; ° 5 d o o P ea ' Plot SD M do bega n is do ImlCElpanish do; WILLIAfor sale byMS myfi _ D S MOSE HOUE. S— Aartng Wm. the modicum Smoke !Vase and flacon Storehouse *S hutting our NV arehouse,on the Csuaal IOW& we are pre pared to smote Lad store he On memmalde terms k JONOZ. marl SECOND HAND PIANO, coo onginally ow A and has I.e.n to use about fittio 7,21, pone; now 111,75, Col tow II MF , ci JOHN R, H; wood elfert r 1.3 - .. - NTO. suueii—a Ws& prone for wale low to <lase iN • Cruisigument, by _ S ,WM 1 - 1" BOWEN, PM :V trout .t Ar ' ius et G°9 ” isa A o A sit of kit A t v ir ÜbOd pruoo,l Mull, Byrum, Book, Plaid awl Burunet Mlurbool, of ovol7 ouriely milfO ISICr.aIrIITO NETZL,W.7..bave jus i t io ofr g o u. nd a s ti torge restmalmbly cheap. jag AL;.I..Z'SDIER it DA Y_ CIOTTON-27 balm to arn.s for solo by ItgrAtAll DICKEY a Co _ i'IIIEEME-4M boxes nom landing; for We by ismsISAIAH DICKEY ft Co AIL ROAD GLIDE--Doggest's Roll Rand Gunk jA, and Essatteer for I MS, tomb Sectional Map. of the great roams of travel. A fat wri k es received and fit! Ws J.V.IIMSTO IVITON-40 boles Teriangsee GUop:k n store •nd for W. by mro WEMY LEAVEN, 90 front st 1000TAR11—O ranks extra Potash, mat reserved on 1. consignment and for sole by I tal4 MILLER R RICKETSON DRABLDRAB FRUIT-12 ease. choice Brandy Fran. Y Art moved and fur sale by )eld MILLET. k RICKS SON CRAB CIDER--ab bbl. Erononry Crab Cider. b. Peed:lived arid for sale J.,14 MILLER BICKETBON LI,NSKED OIL-20 bbla Linseed (MI, n Bne rhipinng order .rar received sad or t safe by r MILLERBICIFMSON lASTLLk: suea—cuo Ito on 1111.1 and for rale %-/ /71 1 KID!),& Co, OD wood si HOSE 110SE!-7 110 feet I inch 3 Orr Ho.; 3 ' 003 .11 " " 3 30C " If " Jain received by D. Leach & Co'. Line, and for dale at the Indra Dabber Depot ; No. 3 Wood et .120 1 I 11 PHILLIPS AC DV E--3 bbl. pove'd,pisi teed and f0r114.10 by J aaels D A FAIINP/MICK &Co (111111/31E 111111EN-14 cues just •• • e VI by augla B A lAIINESTI-ICK &Cu ItYE../Fli gale by f J U tllrtlt wood at 1i.71-TON YARN AND lib. Cotton 4,„/ Yam, ased Nos; 100 inale• Selma: Ibrsale by augl7 JUICY ullAvofrru ONEY IN THE COMB—la cues of very superior /I. quality, for gala by ISAIAH DICKEY& Co, trout st p WE'D CHALK —I cr.:: Astiiir„oel EB l andlol .ate by PAID Ist and wood sts rwil7 _ VEATFIERS - 3 lucks but ree'd and for .o.le by .1` &1417 WICK & .WC AN DLESS ..-- PIIOSPROILUS—ke lbs Jan ren l / 4 1 and for sale , by amyl! IS A FAIINItti I OCK & Co CIIEEBE-400 boo Cream Ghee., putt reed nod for übs by nogll BILLAVN & CULBERTSON No. SUOAR-0 blots various grades, for sal , by • 20 snail) BROWN & CULBERTSON . . . Hl2O OPS— bale. prima In Kin Eastern and Western Near York Bops, • fresh .apply, lust teed and tor sale very low by 8 . 0 ,10 BROWN & CULBERTSON IwEED9 AND CASSIMEILES—On botHignment and for sae by auglo ORO COCHRAN • OCIIN bIEAL-40 bbls Corn Mama, C P landaus brand, just reed and fur sale by aujo.o 5 & W fiARBA UGH jjlltRIN6-15 MEI No I Herring, in more mil for .11. sole Vr., saga_ J c ppwew., Ar CIIEEI3V-4.5 ass large mem Cheese,)usr received and for sale by ..10 S F VON lIONIeIIOILST & Co • MESS . P4ORIC-15 u b i t;l u s /dem Ire:WT.:IA .od FLOUR SULPHUR-4 bbls jam road and for ads by u A FAHNLITIOCIC d Co, • .16 cur la and voodsis u - - OTTEN EITONE—I easirJort reed sod for ..Ie by kik angle. B A FAHNOISTOCK &Co YTMETIAN RED—IO bbl. Bog. Venetian Rod, for uJel by nap J SCHOONMAKER & Co .. WHITE BEANS-110 bble„omoli, for men by s I , ,a 47 B VON RONNIIORST &Co 'CORR VINEADAR-16 tibia for Balo by augs , FRIEND, RIMY &Co, 57 'rater at EER EININI3-3:6 lbs for sale by D .416 FRIEND, RIMY &St S . E :.=:rat i l:6 v. 2 l / C fi h' 6K InfICANDP; Eeiik AVA COPVS—tibsp_ sii .%)an it e m rnm mAsp e — Eit Jt Ess va foe, .als by ARO TRANSPORTATION LINE& Tap 17NION LE 1848 . BETWEEN PIITSBURGH AND C EVELAND. W. T. Mamma, Pittsburgh; RUA P.m & Co, Beaver; Prop.'s. CIVAIVILD & Cossoncema, Cleveland MHE above Late is new prepared to &simian freight 1. and passengers from Potsburgh and Cleveland, or soy point 09 the Canals and Lakes. One boat leaves Roxburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in connection with the steamboat! Lake line and Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Beaver. and a line of first elan steamboat., propellent, brigs and schoon ers on lakes Ern, Huron and Michigan. Properly forwarded to any pm of the Union with &Hegel, hj WM. T. MATHER. or JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent., cot Water and Smithfield sta, Pittsburgh. AGENTS. Heed, Parks & Co, Beaver; Parks G & Co, Youngstown. 0, E W COW. & CO, Warren; D Bosterlek . & Cq Breadport; A & N Clark, Newton Kiln; F Lewis, Newport; J & E M Wruolesey, Campbellsporl; .! U Arklride, Ravem.llt M_h CH Reuti Franklin;, 15 - heeler & Co: Ak Barney. Gibbs & Co, Sandaskr Toi do; C; Williams & Cs, Detroit, Mich, MClure & Milsasiatie, WiL II I Winslow, Chicago, 111, apla RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LIAR. 1848. Attliklar, raa rassseo.artos oa stadissoirs BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. THE Proprietors of this old established d first Portable Boat Line, having removed thor de pot in Ptulridelphta, to a much larger Warehouse on Market st., than they formerly occupied, and al. to. creased their room for storage at Putaburgh, r are now prepared atron to offer ranch greater Mediu. t o Mal friends Uoods earned by 00 lyre are not transhipped lweaa Putahurgb and Philadelphis, being earned en il,4ll, In Portable Seeman Boats. To shippers of boor and other goods requinng careful handling, this Is of Importance. No charge made for receiving or shippum goods, or advancing charge. All ges fortirankd promptly, and upon anreasonable terms as by any din er line. JOHN 1313PADEN 34 Co, Canal Basin P[...4 at. Fatal:duet. JirttlPid itr. DAVI§ a Co. ibboi 9::1 Market & 54 Coemerce at, Pnila. JQW_IT MeFAMEN & Co., Forwarding and Odium. don Merchants , Canal Bub"; Penn a 4. Piturrarga. JAMES M. DAVIS A Co, Vic= photon and Commix sion Merehanta Z 7 Market, and 64 Commerce st., Phtlatielphia itch% iir - Adrances made by either of the above art Ebutr, WeWI and other descriptions of Merchandise consigned to them. feb% NOTICE—The aultsenbers have disposedTaftnetr in- Wien in the Pennh and Ohio Line to CLARICE do THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH 8 LEWIS, of tins wtil continue to transact business for the line, at their Warehouse on Broad street, as usual, and br mat.for u a continuance ol;Ze iz ; , 4au s h r n i vi dim Phlladelpnia, March sth, 1948. PermOa. and A sus.. don Co. Dorstle Dat4 Lgrse of FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS, TOTAL= ,13. T1L.161 , 011T WOW 1 1 21 . 11 , 14T,X zerralwaes am C.l , Tilt.l CULL, CLARKE B 'MAW, Carat Ukkih, Pinkbumh. LEWISA KIULER. WS Mulct at, rtulwielptoo. 4.4B.STEEL A CO , AV., *owl aro.. WDEN_ , CLARKE tr. Co , 7S Nardi a., Bah W. IVRELICK. Agt, 1k West arm, New Yolk. ma*: 7 0-partners p. rrnME sehaertbera have Mk day associated themselves 1 . together ender the mle of Kter & Jones, for the t=re f l Titer, el e so b llC L i i t n e eo r :unolu d i r ee c of L d oo end patronage heretofore extended to the hoe. SAMUEL M. KIEII. • 13 F . .10f.21 Pittsburgh, Math 1,1843 EMI'S roarklii.s. 110 AT LINZ. COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF FIRST CLASS FOUR SECTION BOATS, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE VIA CANALS S aE err prepared to reo.ire anirtditrird height to the above andtaterrasitate place. with an touch atch, and at a low rates, or any other responsible The nitration orikupprri wishing to send Pork or Ba con to Baltimore in bulk, u particularly requented, in asmuch as nor arrangements euable on to carry ouch articles Waugh in betterrder than any other hue. BIER A JONES, ProOrti GIME BAWL, I.kt 7113 at. Pittsburgh. March 1, 1417 k JONEME—Commisaion .d Mr...anima Mr. chants, and Wholesale Dealers m Iron. Blooms. PeOduct, Liberal cash advances no cocaina... mar LI Philadeipbia CNIOX LIN EC, aaaMk "tipa a amd a ma". PIA e•!.. 4. IfECRY GRAFF h Co. C anal a Basin. Pittsburgh 01.711Ltt, lIVNINIREYS lt Co. No 147 M•fltr. n tltgl ar IVOTICE—Ta atyte pat n.—. _,„ alter din data, at Patsburia as Ifenn - ter. b. Co-, satt:al Platadelplua. as Daulh, Ilumpary)s & Co .RAH.' ND , I nib G GUT LIE CHAS. 11131.PUREVE, HENRY GRAFF, Foul.; . muCnf PITTILIVROU PORTADLE BOAT LIRE IS4S Far tA. Tramaportorwm of Freaght w and fn... PrITSBUROH, PUMA DELPHIA, N ... , YORIC. 210, , T0 \ Shiladelpnte T a U'Lostosa l'ittynoren rk Tins old etstabltaked Low bents now . ottera Um, Itot pop.or• l 0 forward gouds and produce with deepatek oral on the mow favorable to The) e s hope thQr well ki.own promploce• in debt, .g good•—ae etioar safely to mode of carry Ing--o•par touy wary/you yea at each port alfordong aced rrartalattotty to stoppers and women. of produce—together Yana Utetr long lope-- rum. and cact:lining .u(1..11 to bus...era, vett: secure them • coolostrance of that libels! polypi...(, the) beret., gratefitl I) acknowledge . Alt riovignmenty ity awl for Um ine meaty rd. char gee pastr.aawd Yorwartted ra any requtrad &tycoon. free of <barge for C001111.410[1, advaiteing or moragy Notn.,. directly Or 1111.11,1,cl.! y WAWA txualll A.I follllllUnir 146ns. ,143.011 y amended to on aophc• eon to the follownor ayent• a CASK 1171 Market al, ru3 huielpb at. TAAYFF. a OVONNOR., Canal Sane httsburg• 0 CONNOELY gr. 00, Noril sty Baltimore {1714 kt WILSON re Cedar st, New York ILO LAKE ERIE AND INIOUIDAN LINE. EagMi 184 S• 14EL Tum grail knows, Lane. composed of steemboats Lake Erre and }Babuyan, between PetsburgA and Deaver. and freerkt end "mower Canal Boa. tele tureen Beaver and Erre, and C AI Reed+ ime of bra <las steamboats propellers end Tessa+ an the Laker Ls prepared to carry Inerght and pusengers ail pourt on h o Em Canal, arid Label Ere, Huron glad Mehl Fled Having every &AIM. Or curve , ing Nigbi and par unions with prompter. and dispatch. be propreeto ud agents respectfully soiree Amu urea (needs cot, .karma of their patronage C M R REED, Proprietor. RELIIi, PARKS II Le, Deaver, Agents JOHN A. CAL:OHIO', Aunt, apt{ Woltallind Mauthfield tire. Pitiabegh 1848. ECLIPSE TVA NSPOILIT A T lON LINE. To and from the Eastern emu, era Curnouratur THE proprietors of at. popular ens. ha•chlOre 1.1101 re-orgsatratron largely recreated more tulle.* • ureer the wishes of stepper+, and are now prepared Lin forwent • greater amour by the FIVE DAY LLNE, as al.o by addittonal regular wagons at low rams Tres lon, will nut throughout the year. delliretlnf goods throusk the apses in Baltimore no Pittsburgh to owners and conognees at speeth.l non and time Shipments from Pheadelphla for the tine &odd be muted "Care, 1 II Robinam,llalutuorrs" Th. only wow ar., J B ROBINSON, vi s Charles st, Baltimore. EDUERTON fr. Co, Cumberlan. W CASE, Brownsville. relA - J C BILTWERIa Pittsburgh. fiNktaal • ..., • VICLIPSR TRANSPORTATION LINE 'I ha Propnators of tht. popnLar Law ham ehaurd AgcneJ . Cumberland Gam the home of AURA.* kAh you to that of Edgerton h Co. Pataburgh ud armurn in...that& art notarod that J Dat ly Robinson ho Booth Combo Ilahttoom as Lim 00l antborrad nem of dim Lot m th. Eurant amt. Th. only gem. art 1 C, SID W ELL, Pittsburgh, O W C.C.S Ilnsmemmli., B.DOAIITON # CoCumberiaad, B ROBINSON, Bahimaor, wur,zs . et0; , 11 tozpnEss ron .111.1111...1111, .1.11210., pea, OW nod o lWTO " M ' er " s ' atiti r n7goods ” a 3 re c otta inforte. ed that this is the fastest, safest, and moot expe- Ans Line going Emu connecting with Mama& Cq's Express daily, •t Baltimore. Through receipts will ho Given teeny of the above places. Merchandise and packages of any sue or weight forwarded. Ekren closes diary at 3 p. u. it U VICKERY, AgeSti nod Fit Charles Hotel Buildings, wood st - I.Vi - eitarn - ifionailitii Company. IS4B TO AD O K l L d BALTIMORE m h NEW I'ORK - - Ina rrorsysvaars eke MOO 1.4.11. LOADS. RE prepared to transom - , goods and produce to and from the ohs re cicias on favorable Warts. Ad . or apply to D. LEFLII & Co, Canal Ruin, Pleliburgh. HARMS & LEEUH, Nos. 13 &lb bomb Third st, Phu J. TAYLOR &BON, Ars, No 14, Mb Howard .t, Balt A. ABBOTT, .41, No Y West nivel, New York. Pittsburgh, March 11311, 1448. mango 1=M331321 Passenger and Remlttanste 0111oe. HANRDEN k CO. coomme to bring pergola intfroe any Port of &Wood, Ir•land. Scotland or Wales, upon the most liberal term.% wait then usual punctuality and Mientlon to the want, and com fort of emmigrants We do npt oor tigers to be robbed by the swim/nag inampe that totem the sew porta es we take charge of them the moment they ra port themselves, and me to their well being, end de. snatch them wltbOat any detention by the first daps.— We Bay this femlenly, as we defy one of outpassen. rem to show that they were detained 48 boon by as in .Liverpool, whilst thonitande of others were detained menthe/ until that' model be seat in some old era& at a ch:p rate, which too frequently proved their coMne. We intend to perform nor contracts honorably, coot what it may and trot set ae was the ease last season, with ether oldlsseme—who either performed not all, or when It wilt& their convenience. Linda drawn at Pittsburgh for any son from ti to nocpayable lastly of the psovincial Banks in Ire- Llang, England, Scotland and-Welea. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Ettropean and General Agent, kb/ Fifth eneet, cm door below lgood. BOOKS, MUSIC, &o. Valuable and /Musette . . New Books. L AIWARTENE'S History of the Gironduts, 3 V01A, 12 Simma' Life of Chevalier Bayer* 19 mo. (1. P. R James' Life orHerITT the Fourth, of France. m 3--12 South's Consalar Citi. of China; 12 mo. Neimder'a Life of Jesus Chnst.; a ws. muslin; klarvai's Fresh Weeping.; or a new Sheaf from the old fields of Comities.' Europe. Copt Henry's Sketches of Me Mexican War. 19 mo Meta'. story of the Wattle of Waterloo; 19 too A Summer w Scotland. by Jacob Abbott, 12 mo. Siarnanch's Literature of the South of Europe, 9 cols 12 ma • Ruiion , Adventures in Mexico mud the Rocky NIOULIM1112; 12mo, muslin. M;== Prstronomer; Lde of JueremncalyA lielkonp, D. D. Historian of Now imnpshow. Luther and the Reformanon, by John 'ott, M. A. vole. The ?diddle Kingdom, with a new map of the Empire by S W. Williams, g volx, L 2 mo . The Power of the Pulp.; by Gardiner Spring, a D. 1•lmo. Bethel Flag, by Garduier Epring, D D 111 mo. clung a Science, the Teacher an Art.: by Bre. The era, hit Court and People; by John B. Maxwell. Lectures on Shakspeare. by H. N. 'llse Mous of America—lllustrated with nine engra vings on steel, and cortianning sketches of the live, of Allston, Inman, West, Stuart, Truss . .. Loll, Ile Yet (14 Rembrandt Peale mod Thos. Crawford; I vol. tl vo Ise Orators of France; contanung sketches of the lives of Lunarnne, Thies, Napoleon,. Dorton. NI., beau. Comm and others, with portrasts of each. Headley's Napoleon and Marshals; i vols. IY mo. Headley't ‘Voshington end his Oeneralsu 2 vole, Isha Ileud ley's Sacred 4qua tante. The above, togethePwith a large collection of Stand ard Works, Classical and School Books, for tale by JOHNSTON & KrtancroN, Booksellers. je3 corner market and 3d ant 1\ TRW AND ATT CTI RAVE BOOKS—Chnuners` S.e IA leot works. 4 vols. Chalmers' Daily Scripture Reading; Memoir of the Life of Mrs. Fry, 2nd vol; The Convent,by the author of 'Schoolgirl In France.' Lady Mary, or Not of die World, by Rev C B Tay lot, M. A. Macy t, or the Pearl, do Mark Chinon, or the Merchant's Clerk, do Lifts of Pollok, author of "Course at Tune." The Listeuer, by Caroline Fry; Lectures Shakspeare, by N N Hudson, Life of Olivet CTOMWVII. by J T Headley; Napoleon and ha Marshals do Wuhington and his Generals, do Power of the Pulpit, by Ourthner Sprang, D Bethel Flag, do do Ballston 'reaching by Example, Puling Orators of France, by Turnbull; Genius of Scotland. do Life of Rowland Hill, Free C'liurrh Pulpit, 3 vols (Hawn of Fretless, Now and Then. 6 , 111L1110N Poem: filar ores Mererr, Jacob. on Matthew, adopted to Union Questions; Arthur'. Popular Tales—"lisches In the World," "Making Baste to be Rich." -Riches have Wings," “Reeptng up Appearances,' •• Debtor and Creditor " For sale by ru.Liorr a ENOLISH, jels 1 , 1 wood sod 56 market st . MOLIAN ATTACHMENT. _ • • . RECE.I with V KU and for sale, a lot of chums Pianos, and witbout Coleman's .rgoltali Attachment, by humus & Clark. N Y. One of Nunns I Clark's PLllLling, with the Almaac/it, seas taken 111 Fhgland by hit Cgleinait, and among otbei telbsuisnosis of ad miration for Ibis elegant specimen Of American skill and Ingenuity. eliened the maiming ;remark* irons S. 'lsaltierg. the greenest Pinnut llcmg lAsanoll. Jan le', VAS. • • ^. Ail AMY Sir—Lu enclosing a letter to my Mend, Mr Er.and, Pax., I caustot retrain from again expressing o yo u how much I. was pleased amtlk ).our Attachment," which I rounder as a lyre. tumor,' on provrment. I eon assure you that on my pun I shall with cram pleasure do no utmost tonoti, your Invests uop known. For sale by II KI.h:BEEL trY.`s Al , Vo.n.lwrli•. furniture towns. &Ist V LSI Loitcringt in Europe, or Sket,la; .1,1 of Travel in Frulre, Nelßiu Switteirlaud, It ly, Aulgirta. (:realLiMaiu and Ireland, with on apptindLix, coo...mtg obwrviaisoitii u,t Fatrour...t chart- tw• mid traidwal °wow.. By Joh; V," COrwit. TI L) 11 novel lit th- col., of "Kiniliet I.ollµ'' - Two Otil M,o .'{`lll6," Ci==Z== ••.• • • • VoL ILL Daily Sierynural Reading. Dy the late Thomas Chalmers. D. I), I. L D Part 4. The Thousand and One Yiyhu Ilazpecir 11. loutroimi edition It Wham the Cottaaer. a bolt fa. eetsdren lly the author Os ••Ellen Ilerbert.'s Jt T" abuve ...4 I s cet&ve4 thas day and for +tale by MA JOHNSTON & STOCKTON kW BOOKS—Nlernonals of the Introdaeh.3n of hlettnedeam two the Esateru State, eoruprteditt ban raptoe•l tkoure• ol Its early preacher.. aketehaa of its Stet elitttebea. and retntla.ceucee ita eat., saute glee sad .uree•.e'. 807 A stereet, A. duet pablohed. MentOtt ht Rev Dared D, ls Stmatortary to China. by too r,,;,..ew. Rev Cr R %Vahan:lwo, blurt Itl.tton, We Merchant'. Clerk: by Rev Charles 6FV U 't. A.• author of - Iterord• cd a Goad Man'. ' Mar)." - Nlarattret, OIL. Pearl," oke Ate. The above with a larva uateottotent of new boots. on hand and jam reee,,vtu, 1.1.L%(1Th ENGLISH, apYt Id market it ENt TEIUHDIKS If tstor>> of lot lic•- 01111 tan, and be Greeknd eampalant arming from the cronies o f 1 .1 1 ,f.01 in Kroancloa. wq weir country from the 'l' ult.!, 1 oite—at two vol orne.—rplendid Copy with nameroui maps and corn. Tole, I,e ter.' .ittlol,lllVe of the teten r '.,sra. 111. from U, •..1. • • a... Ihrly klownray, tarot,: 1.4.114 t, V•O3 :40 awn -1 rlkeor !And. French Stage, and Sketches .n t J•• 1 ree'd and inr sale by Iat"ALD & klEk..'4ON •I• Yt 'at mark e I meet_ Trazoo' Plano. Immo scum) n- Tnnflarl rust liwaised arld tor *tar Alr.u. IWO .plendol Hooey)... Pianos, I.llh crolernz., ee..-oraned .Consan 11.111 tow,. has•lled most modarn .1) aoo or We •1 /. - 13 F DLL lit wood `L PEARLY ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF THE 0 A RAID AN Nl6ll d..1r 11 .d tar 1 .. - r”-ading. to evoriaor of public). by Harper . Bro ther.. %rim lora To top compirt.4l tweJ or part. .roe,- Part I red and for rat.. :I JO/L'ISTON t STOCKTON, raptor marker nod :LI TRANSPORTATION. , KEED, PAUKB & Co's. PACKET LINE. ItIKA VIKII AND CLEVELAN D Uri F. cis ‘l' MUM:, Canal Past.— SW A Mk/W. Car Ford - °CEA-N.O4A •ner. ( ) .‘ V: of the abcrr• Pac hem tome Ile **** ',cry day, tS t attday • and atrtve or. morning at WWI'S, arlter• they ,onsacet with the Man Stages for At ma and Cleveland. arnving at each of these nbsees betore night One of the Packets (tote Warren daily, or S St.. and arrive u healer to mar to take the mamma steamboat for illtsborgh Cr 1 1 ,2. LEEVINtiWELL. Warren. St Itt TAYLOR. Prop rinm. DEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE rneXlVell Se rcal-tm••• Canal Packers --Paaeam J , Capt ednea. ru, • Polloot. '• Traby, Parrovta. Weer, raLCIIION, " Sayer TT, tame. new an.: .plendoi Pauenger Parkets have conameared running between HEAVER AND .ERIE, and nil ma regularly Burma ihr aea.aun - one boat laavfog Pen. very morning at tivilWt. and one lea, fug lhavet e•ery re•ning. Inunc4tately after the ten. TS, Of the ateasaboal Mmlngan (torn Pmanurgh rbe built mincer and comfortably turn...bed, and will run through to lorry hoar. Pa..enarra to any go.o on the Laies, or to Niagara Ptcl.. win and tht• Mule the moat comfortable and cap...boons Ticket. through to all porta on the lAlte rain be procured by apply nig to th• propnetora. REED, PARKS& Co, Heaver JOIEY A CAUCCHEY, Aet fhttOiurgh, cur Water and Sm!thiteld eta AGE'VTS —Jar I' Dam., Butram N C hi tired. En., Pa C C Wtelr.tereenvtlle. Pa, all'ariand and Kin.. Mg Rana. Pa; Hays & Plumb, Sharyaburgh, Pa: W C Nial.,Sh•ron, Pa; D C Mathews, ihilaski, Pa, W Cunningham, New Castle, Pa. iyl • WAY LINE 1848 • .... urtrium., rtng THICTILVISPOITATIoN or W.CI MOO. ETW13 , 2.4 Pittsburgh, Morsrtlle, Johnstown, Hol p I iday %burg b. \Y ate r street, t Huntingdon Co) .n 4 Pe ter.hurgh. Tins Line sea formed eachturely for the .pedal ac• commutation of the way buuneu Tlte Pro pneton, thankful tor the very liberal patronage they hare re leleed during the lase two year., wouldrespectfully in tern, their friends and the public Ono they are now still better prepared to deliver goods •I any palm on the Canal and Rail Russia with promptness end dispatch MIMMIS!MI AGENTS Plot worth & Woods, Johnstown. John Miller. Hollidaysburg& Li A M'Andhy & Co, canal Isamu, Pinsburgh Err allot & Soirlarr, J & Mr Deem, &J H Shcieliborger E itobitioni & 0.1; Moore: Hafalay & Smith; John Parker; %Tin liehruar ta Dr ahranilier , er. gin) Penneyivania Canal & Rail Road Eli press Past Packet Line, 18 -"k ",:a" =aZ=M:t (Ezelumvely for Pssmengers.) .I , IIE public we respectfully 11110Mled that this lJn. A will commence running on the tun mot, and roll Mine throughout the Seaeon. The heats are new, and of a mpenar class, with en forged cahitu, which will ;pre greater comfort. Th cars •re the latest construction A boat twill arwaya be in port, and travelers are IT guested to call and ex .:tine thew before engaging p. " rave 'l" onl h iTlne dollars through.) One °Nile boots tins Line ertll leave the landing 'opposite 1' S !tote corner of Penn street and Canal, every togLt at nine to clock 'rime 31 Jaye For information, apply IL Mee, Monongahela lloutte, or to It LEFA:II ik Co ieted Coital !Insist Dlrrohantr' Trom•portailon -„ z IS4 8 . , n 4 t 34. FOIL PHILABFILPHIA AND BALTIMORE- G°OBS consigned To out core will La forwarded eritbout delay at the lowest current rates. C A kIeANIM.TY & Co., Canal Damn, Penn st, Pittsburgh. MERSEILLES & REYNOLDS, 272 and 365 Market at, Phil'. ROSE, MERRITT & Co, wit Smith , %stut, Baltimore. ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE MAU. 1848 • .... •ud others are informed that !AOC will ectliilitlC la run throughout thu your. imtviug daily. Produce and wort:hands.. taken at low rule, filerehaudrve from Baimport brought out a 1 Usual rates. Time, five days. J C BIDWEILL, Agt, Water Cl, Ildoora abort /Bought. House, Putsburgit. J B Etc/HINSON & myt7 99 South Charles at, Baltimore. PIONEER TRANSPORTATION LINE, 1848. Mt.lia DRIWERN lIALTIAIORE AL% I) Timr, 5 dam zu M'"h"di" " F= " l4l7 t & c t ' L ' l l i r eTkl: %Vster atom, ilsLeburvh FRAILEY & MARSHALL, Agents, iat4 47 1.44{ meet, B4lu.ore EIIIILOPEA3 AGENCY, For the Recovery of Dormant and improperly With held Real and Personal Enate—the Settlement and Arbitration of Commercial, Trading and other Debts; Securing Patent. for Inventions m Great Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies and Dependencies thereon o belonging, and Negotiating for the Purchase or Sale of the same. rpliE prtuctpal object in the establishment of this 1 Agency is to set at rest in the robot saciatisetory and economical mann, possible, the narnerous claims tor property wluen muse. of the United States really b•ve, or magine they possess In England and else where. 'lle efforts of designing Mad tlnSeentelloo3 Men have been actively engaged to influencing a belief on this •object in many I,ll,laelees, with a view to petty pecula tion; grad evidences of the fact have been so freqnentlY brought to light as to render it a:gently necessary that ell . olftee be established having for Its object the satis faction of those who have been deluded, and to estab lish the claims of such as are the rightful heors to doubt ful property, or that which is unpropeny withheld. Articles to the leading journals to the principal exam. of ;be Union are frequently appearing, headed "'Coven ley khans:l 'A Great Fortune for Somebody, - -Meet. tugs of the Houghton's at Worcester," -Chase Meet ings,' to to , the arnhon of which are generally law yers seeking practice, or adventurers, whose only ob ject is to feed upon public credulity, by producing an exenement Which may realize for themselves immedi ate pin., sod who are generally speaking. Without the slightest knowledge of the subj.ta they put forth, The mdences of this being • lint are every where apparent, are in noone single Instance have their ill founded expectations been realised; .d it ts„,with a view to the cOrteetion of this evil that the snMentier has etrecleal the most extensive arrmigetnenix to satisfy the inrsturtng, as well as to satwfy the curiosity of those who, influenced by family coneeetiou or otherwise. wish to paeans the ntrutixallon of Matters often nivel. mg results of the most stupendous magnitude As regards real estate in England, the bulk of It is %abject to the laws of Entail and Primogeniture: and ever since the revolution in tOOs, the poncipal estates have been subjected to the changes which always en s. int revolution, confumon, and change of dynasty; and although there have been special laws passed for particular purposes, all those which have reference to this subject, and which were passed subsequent there to, are mad available in cases of legitimate nght. It is out, however, intended hi this adventiement, to refer antecedently to the American revolution of 1776, at which period, a great number of persons entitled sates. nous ways to property, abandoned the same by joining the revolutionary party. This act, in itself, was end cient uo lead to confiscation where it was directly bent by such individuals; but when those abandoning the mune were nail in syeeesSloll to the then possemrs, die ease became alleged: and alienation from home and family were made the barriers to rightful inheritance, Another fruitful source of invesUgation is found in the Unclaimed Dividend Book of the Bank of England, and this, furnishing as it does, cab Eoglisb earne that has ever existed as a holder of funded property, is the moo relitioce of the unprincipled traders to public credulity. The moiler. of investment arc exceedingly numerous in all pans of Europe, but in England particularly so; and the subsantter is prepared to show the tnetlnte• which he possenws, for an Investigation in any of the means above alluded to. Besides all these, there property posaseely bequeathed, and which, in conse quence of the absence of the parties to whom demised, becomes meolved in and subject to the laws of the Coon of Chancery. lu all eases, even, Of supposed faintly ronnevon, the most positive and minsfactory Jugnmation can he alfors tied as to the facts connected with the members of fam ilies. no mutter bow remote the date, or seemingly dlf finch the nivesugauon; and where the can has alrea dy been undertaken by any of the numerous permute who pretend to a knowledge of this business, and who here altogether failed in obtaining, or omitted to afford the information sought by the victims of their specious and delusion. ate mutter is the more readily under taken, because of the greater satisfaction In aiding where the pretences of others have olmstiteg, so much nnmented confidence. . . In the setdemerit of Oantaternal, Trading and other Debts, the necessary legal anti mercantile annum will be brought to hear, an experience of half • centu ry in this particular branch, is the best evidence that cult be afforded of the ahilliN that will be bestowed uu matters coming under this he id. Inventors and others requiring Patent rights secured in any or all ports of Europe, can have the mune effeet ed ut a very trifling charge over and above the usu•l fees required in any oven country. Every informa tion respecting the probable expenses, and the mode• operandi will at all nines he cheerfully afforded, and the tecilittea paruculerly //1 England, for disposing of the right, 40, are of the most extensive chanicter. In fra...m.lois are siso infereil to men of wealth and high respectability %Vl...ever belongs to this department is ample The attention, therefore, of the public in gen eral is particularly solicit...l to this brunch of the Agen cy Communic4tmins by tenter are requested to be post paid. BENTII AM FABIAN, EMIEMMI Ron Ch. k . D.y, Judge CI. Common Pleas, N V Chas. Cartlid. A Co. W r J •r Tapeeoo, O. R. A 'beach., Eq. Edward Schroder, Eq. Cole omen, Ohio . A P.a.'s. Ewi. Pewit. Pwehoi Haut. BolTalo jy4.thaer9eorwien BRICK FOR BALE tI'IIF. undersigned oilers ler sale • superior article of Lirick for building . , Made Ly his Steam Press, unproved machine, Inc which be has ohlarned it patent, and •grees to give ;inrehasers t wrlneu guarantee that they ars stronger, and will resist frost and wet weath er and urdithe less immature or dampness than any oth er limit, posse...rig greater body and superior texture and much more durable in every respect, each brink Laing subieeted to a pressure of several num and pc.- ..414g a Lan/some smooth surface and even edges, they nuke a from equal to the Lest and brick They have given the gre satisfaction to all who hare purchased. A kiln ra n ho he seen at ray works, and stn,nien at the Garen.- office having supplied meut-elve•tor their bstidlngs, a”.i uisn, , 0.0 lit,, suisrrsot liatd .01,1 rating u I 3 ea, eau ohlain thew ri PEGG. Batniughan),intie 11, I,i-tn.._ WOOD TYPE .L ANN.,. WOOD TIPM "Marc, LT MT, SVIGLI. PA. ISAAC M. ot ot r an tr. Co . tor IgiEay,,;,= 7 Typs, and as last, type is attagetnes taa.U.Ssct no, +. the triveohoot of Isaac Stuger, one of die firm. Ilwy feel confident that :nry offs, • MOP, perfect arfic ot if pr. and at Muth 101..11 rate. than any ...galore offered in the Untied Stale. and are now ready to fit/ orders for the ma. • . . All orders addressed to Schley, Ryan & Co.. at their QM.* in Laaonsud alley, between Wood and Southfield Wee., seta be punctually attended to. rroprtroors of newspapers, on copytug tutu ad nerusentent 3 months, and senthug us Inca paper, will b. enn Ord to meets. %ea pay in type, on pureho.our tar. , tones the asuottut of Urea bill for ode erustng. le7lloo AbIERICAN TILLMORAPU COMPANY Ml2EMaii Ocoee •t the Exchange r Daltitoore. I,I F-UCCEL) an.rm.— the churges base Oran redo, cell on ad hicuaga•to or mom liaJusuore, Pou. or W Lemnos. and correspondlng reduchon 'node on all teiegrapbec despothae•lorwartled tnon utoore %Vett ot Patten-ugh. Pa. Hama.— rho charge tor • telegraph despatch to or front BaJthotors. Pitutstrgh and W beating, ot 4d cents tor the first ten word. and 1 cents for each aildtnottal word Lir No charge o made (Or too address and squa ws. out the eocnplesou of the South Western Lute of Telegraph tom Mentptus, Tenn , to New Urbeans, dea pate tee can tea forwarded to Memptos by this mote, and maned for New Oriel.. jell • The Alleghoin e y Cematery. AT the 111114.1.0 rnecung of the Coryaetan, held on ter Jte .tost the toßowtoe Pod.'" "'d" rao•.1) re-elected Managers tor toe eumung year: THOMAS HOW E r Preaiden: JOHN BISSELL JESSE Ca Furrit ERS, riIANIEL HOLMES, WILSON NCANDLK , CS., JOHN H SHOELNI3EIttiER, JAMES H SPEER, . . / Ft xsze. Jr . :ra-cretary and Treasure, The annum.] •tamtuent preeentrel the offers of the Cotupauy to a •ery prosperous conditton Thetr pare ,11 We coy Is No 37 \ cer etrect 01% 011101211ALLICKS., XPE:IIII.:ACED irides, on • tnal of Doe and • hall _CA oulhona mucus Lola prvuourn:e tots snuck! unsur pas...l tur durst.uhly Ita the cunotrucuuls ol all Itroda of FFurnaces Vrice ICAL:S casts for loads of 10 PI, rum, /Lowed nine tooradm use urders for • second quality Bone. I.lnrk• artil be aiorated at SN per St, II to de bcr.d. gu•rantee. A sure tof tAe first usably ta now for sale at the warehouse, 'Sloan's Wharf,' Ca rrot Ilaslet, by SILAW MACLAREN„ 011,6-11 geu•inflon Iron Wort. lIIKENix FIRE lIRICKI,V—Ttu , subaerlbers Uselag Ueen appointed sole Agent. by the tO.Oliettirerl, tor the sale 01 lb° celettraleat - Phan. Bricks,. Cr, now prepared ur till orders for ton guanury, at VAIL casts. per 1,101 For the coostructiou of (unmet, oi ail kmds, th ese beleta hare beets proooloiced by cola. pelent ,udge• as being( superior to all other fire bricks now to use. C A tiI'ANC I.T /1. Co. Canal Uagnu. myal FOIL STKAIU BOATS. URTABLS. FOKUSS — A very enurement arbele. 1 Delivers and •b toe mese can Let...eked by toe ban dice by 'admen. A tee. nerd ar4d,tr.aajr.b.y..„.. ------- Lll LOGI ON JOHN QUINCY ADANlS—Delwered .12,4 May lid, 14 , at the School noose ut the Mutat Ward, roasburgh. ' Hy If. M. lireelrenrolfre. rpuhdred by JOHNSTON & S K FUN. mu' for *ale by all the ttooksallen to the nty ITI WINKS -10 yr coats and YU Ind bbl.Yort Sveee , Malaga, and Madeira Nl'ine, eoutprimng mama er, elsoiec and •upenor brand, received and lor sale ou accommodating terms, by ml it %V a Al Illurrty sr LAN.D Oil. —5O lads superior. Ilurclihardfr Irraud iosi received and for sale by -1 Kilai k l'o, al wood at rack* supenor Oats, teed per steamer lhagent e sad far sale Loy reed J e. H YLUVI), Ramat Church Buildings 4;2 WELT MALAGA WINE-21/ qr ca.t sweet Mal. fru Wtne.,ust reee/ved laud lur sale by /a2l NIILLEIL HICKETSON Alr twr INDIA lIONEV-2 oast laralltner and y y fur sule by JAMES DALZELL, /el 2 21 water st WILITI.K/W GLASS--Su' ILts eAtU, lot .ale by 014 s 1' VON I4LINNIIO/LST 10 t s or VU 11....1,41;,1i 13E12E-2 bbis lurk led, lAA, lb. &led; (Of sale by VON IiONISHORST A Co A ACKFIREI.—N. 2 and .1, la half cud yr bblr, fo in *ale Ly j) I I +Y VU lIONNIIORST aCo Dltou.Nit+- ,t 5 do, extra large g. h. Browns; 20 do Itocaoster do, .1, do Corn do, tor ude by F VON UONNIIOR-ST & Co andACK"RE : "'P It ' r!I V o by 4 II2INLt Y TC lb. lur sale lew_na 65 , 0. comp. KND,R4LY & Co I,IEATIMILY-17 ',Lek' , Feathers, just lanthog and I t tor sale by W F-ITON BOW EN, Iyl3 70 front at IjAHLP , V: 4 sacksilarle‘. for sole by O__ WICK & AVCANDLESS - - APPLES --5 bbls Just tee'll and for sale by vista WICK fr. ACCANDLMS BIRD PEIBPS:RS—OO4 :Lapel resolved and fur sale XIII by B A FAIIN I ,"11)CS: b. Co, augl9 conger Ist and wood sts bIENNA--300 tu.t reed and for ule by lohglb 13 A FAIINESTUCK I Co _ . Ilhd . o u n i or N IJ;k ae s i L` b y l'— a / Ul f g g b lo 4 1-4' tg tilrAlTll7llllO' INSEED OIL.-111 We for sale by iirma . .14 anti DRAIN & LARD 0117-:11) al; and 4 half !AA', tn store sod to ”le b • nu; BROWN & CLILHERTbON_ D ACON SItOOLRERS-10 clubs lost reed and for I) rola by soglil BROWN a CULBERTSON COFFEE--I:NJ fur. k• Rto Codee, a prime use'. putt received nod for rule by alugl? W ICK & M'C ANDLESS BUORROM POTASH—OW lb: just rec'd nod for sale by B A FAIL EOCK &ILO, corner lit sod Wood Ca LOICAL. IMPTION Asthma, Bit:matins, Spitttt%/ . Llcirbi, Pain In t h e Side and Bream, Bore navel, Mille Heart, Wbooping b, Cron = Nervous Tremors, Liver end Diseased Kidneys, are. Bally eared by ; Dr. Seroyineos CompouniLayrnp of Wild Cherry. it amild and pleasant to the Male, perketly tare and harmless to its operations, and yet it Is one of the most powerfhl and certain *mete' for'Cousuramion of the fn up, Coughs, Colds,the Asthma, Spitting M ood, Beer SOntplaint., PULLS at . Solo or .Bressi, mid general DcLailtr of the Constitution that alas ever unmated by the skill of man for the relief of the, afflicted public. Certificates and evidences of tea woridernal curative powers are daily received from all quarters It is im possible to concmve the registd ot stuffentig sad mis ery dun has been t eller 6anished by in tsar MI we calculate theta:roan= benefu Mat shall aoerns from it hereafter. All ages, Ream, RIM constitutions aro alike affected by it, and the disease is eradicated from wedthe nyermn, 0.... _ . 0 , u ,14.9,nn renal*, and health r a t eodhr h=ars W71...S S d ne, .0 . /1 lß r i w yy e y m e i a aQ/d approaching ai an unconely bloom of yuth, from their relatives and (firma', afflic that Anal mnimalf CONSUMPTIDN, which armies the miserable inter. until ha la kayoed the power of tinm. skin. If melt MruStrers would only mate a trial Whir. SWAY... Contamad Cherry, they would find thenoonves stoner relieved than by gulping the rations ibeffikum which oar mawspispefili abound; this IVegembh, ly' heals the ulcerated inhVi t stOPPing Profuse s4tlt sweats, al the SIMS tinte intinemg a natural Nd healthy expectoration, and the patient and soon find himself in the enjoyment of corosbnable health. The public should bear i s mind that Dri Swart. reguMr practising physician, and has had years acenerienne dise. s e. of the Lune, Chest, ft,c. Thelenglnal amt me article Is n B DK. SWAYNIN w U tN ah OTHER IWI t iMATEH iI VATT.. 4N all the cares Math. trot been recorded, we may safely say the wards of medicine gamma furnish ono to surpass this, which Oise stands at a living proof of in. curabdity of musumption, area: when life had been despaired of Dr. Svrayuch Compound Syrup me of Wild sall professes to be, the greatest dioine knownm the The True Riehha of Life Health. Da. Surarna—Dearlear,—FM the good of the public, 1 ltd myself in duty tamed to Ms* to the great cure which yew Compound Syenpof hi/ Cherry perform ed un me. For my pen, I feel as, if eVery body ought to know it_ I was Mitered with violem coutte tin voice lod night meals, [mamma, and Of the mt.e.wig ets Mmehtig PAM a Um dime= my appedte was gone, and my strength had eo far fail ed me that my friends and pharaaman were persuaded I could not survive many days. Hy luster, who was my anxious cam-taker made inquirr where she would be ukely io procure the mom cantata relief. She was told that if Dr. Sweyne's Compouml Syrup of Wild Cherry foiled in the cure, my life teas then hopeless. Yam' medicine was untocifilately procured, and the first Ws de gave rebel, and by the time 'had ccrameneed the sloth bottle. my cough hod leftmeead my suer was much improved. In short, it has ramie • per ect core of me, end I am at this present- time so hearty a man a. I wish, and have good :vaunt to believe that theme of your medicine has saved me froze a premature grave. I shall be pleased ID dive cry bWrmetioo respecting my ease. I AI Haar% 39 chaster St, between race and vine us, Mina CALMONt CAUTIOM Consampuvea, Reath Reed!! Dr. bwayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry . . In Mann the year lan?, I found it necessary In my prof...mai preview* compound a medminal preps.. anon ror diseases of the cheat and lanes, pissesemg more powerful healitig propettimituut any other hith ertoknown for each Mamma. la my sitkPOLND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, I hey. bellulferl Ma , ceasful. ,The truly astortiablileares effectild 117 m uni med awn spread Its fame road; for it owes none of its success to matulfactured neirspaper pure or for ged certificates—the teal burinehi -.merits of at 7 , com pound la the only cause of Itsjimpulanty. eeteastve sale moo excited the envy en certain speculators . ill the &Nimbius of his fellow creamy', so much no that in • mw years from the Who that nly preparation was intr. duced to the public mai m gredldamand, a firm la duo city, finding that my, preparation had gained • high reputation or ns curative prownes, eerie Ma with what they called Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. This respectable and popular pliHtiemo odd 00 more to do with the article than poor Salt Pinch. The mime f Dr Wistar u attached to make ft appear that Me em inent practitioner was the original inventor of the pt. paranoia inch is not the fact. The above firm, the re al meenlor, sold the recipe andrAjMt to latilliOdaelMe m soma patent modicine dealers Ciamunau for the West and South, end another In New York for the East, who afterwards, it is asserted, sold ono to a druggist in Etomma—rat the number of hands into which it may have charmed is an enigma. In some place• they assert It einanated from a phy sic.. in PhiladelphUn in others; - nom a phyaician m Mammilasetut. So it has falsehood and stratagem Bumped in every telltale. There bare been *number of miter prepanuions pat , porting ta comae Wild Cherry pirt oat mace, from the hands of inerpenencm which the pubileahould gm= &gun.; as they Mnltalln noon of the virtues or the ot nal and only genuine preperaumar which bean the - Wean of Dr Swarm on o=lo bottle. The preset,' monafacturers of their pugs sad Mae certificrum have the daring cemetery. ad cantiOa Um public soma mar. chasing my Medmine_, the only tulip genuine andsuili. cal prepwridhou of Wild Cherry. before dal Writes whirl is proved sausfactordeby the public records ,o 1 the ComMenwealle 04 Pennsylvania, as well as ran o other odtmal documents, DR. H. SWAYNE, Inventor midsole Proprietor of the genuine Com pound Syrup of Wield Chatty, Corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philauielptua Pamphlea can he !attained gratis, seuing forth au array ut lettustatiT that ttnalrinao the meal akeph cal of the acondemal virtues of Dr.Swayuc'a Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry: CRS sod get o n e, that all may read. Purchasethe medicine, mid ea coast. For isle, astolemilepud the AKents. W 01 Tllol.\, .l hharools4 UIiDEN A-SNOWDEN, roster l% uod a. 4 !Arany .t.:S JUNES, trAJ Llberty a, 11 A rAIINENTLICK ea Co, corner of Fire and Wood and Math and Wood; mid JOILN MITCHELL, Al trebeity city. Marra • DE.A Ffikill ALTrEATIVE. We have been infornsed by yrs. Rime of • core mar—, blawd antler by Dir. JArite Alterative, •••P , 8 vex it; saperioht rposestrAltry woe tatiiAtice7 — rs and infolihrieo.of rihriesTaiones, de nag which time moo fleece b. - Tribe= discharged fmm the items' bane of the erableseb from both her are., WM. mod hands, and from both Lege, and from the left rel oral tope, and from the right: knee besides phials! lee,. on other pans of her perrop, which have traded" We ;01l of a somber of the mom eminent physiortuteet our ca. —durong Irma Of she time hei satferings have been exerundarg end diiptorstble.- Ahern three months otnee and ora• tridilerit to try Dr-Jajneso Alleratrte, which !Lai had an ardorsushihrs/y (sappy effect upon her, by rrinnwag all pens hod hurts/lingo, and clalltag the errs is, Seal, whflif at the throe time bier general health hal become eatepletely esstOteti, So that she how weighs A lb* more than sae dul bedire she COUtaaaLLOad the use of this tr•ty valttabis grsepsttoss—qtot. Eye. Po. For further uvormatna,mquiro of hlts. Iteee,Ptia.l2:l Philadelphia: For hale in Plostkirgif, at, the PEKIN TEA STAtlitE, 7i Forme Ilea, Weed. • HOF ULA AND SCROFULOUSWLLL FJ tb.S.—Screlide in All its Inaltlplisil loans wNether in that of King's Rvit,enbizsmests the glands or hones, Lte .Whitts lags, enrol. Rheumatism, Conser,Wisoases of the Skm or Spine, or of ruliaunary Chni.Sitinptiort, °female from use and the same cause, which is a poison°us principle. morn or less inherent in the homes system. Thin. fore. unless this prioeiple.ean be destroyed, no indh cal cure eau be cfiected, bet it Use principle open which the disease depends, la removed, a cure west. of heceraity Follow, no matter ander shallot= the disease should manliest hied. This, therefore Is the reason why J Alines AC TTTTT LYE is so um versa!, successlol in removing so many malignant diseases. it destroys the virus or pin:kelpie from stilm those demesne trays their drigm,by entering into the circumuon, and with the blood is conveyed to the monies% here, remoeing , every pothole of disesso hem the system. ' Prepared and sold at No. 8 booth third strest,Thileilelphis. Stud st the Pekin 'lea Shire, N 0.72 Fourth wrens nrchlt IA Dike a Who U,b Coos:lob Plegarad Qttaa are 1-4 °net: tuta aware haw lite/ 4olly µvinous t is to the alai! 10.•/ tonne, troy rough, haw sallow, ,allow, Said unhealthy the said appears after using prepared chalk, ilesubs, tt itlfunalla, e 0131411114 &large VIM LAI) et Iced. e bard preparetla bauutitel vegetable article, which we call JOZ I II4I'S. dPAtWStk LILY iirre It to perfeelly turtoectht. helug purified of all deletenoas gaalltieslland tt mipietti tin the skin a Oath rat, healthy, alahaacrieleae, tiding: white, al the same note acing as a east:tune On the skin, waking it eon and =watt, Dr James Armen4o, Freon:L.l Chemist of Aiwa c husetts any. 'Anti analys,,N; Jones's Spanish Lilly W one, l bad tt possrancs the must beat...Cul and oann nil, at the mote time totweent white I aver Law. I certainly can coßscientendyllCOJlLLnend me roan whose skin requires tinasta i y ns." 1 M aori, at his Boot d oboe Store,tli Liberty street. head of Wood , at th e .Li d the Dom. • Lathes, lathes, I'M unntished, When you km's, that yea areproottssd A natural, Ulla-like, towel' white, That you wilt still use common chalk, And look adeathly yellow trMiht, Tat Mame laughter undo( talk. Ifyou would L.. :a not(Oh/NV:4 Lilly-white, It would give your skin Inn•lldsASler.yet natural white, and at the date clear and koPlose tL ttuld al JACKSON'S, MO Liberty at= h , es cert. per Pot rave P W A.A.E 11.91JS E. o. DUULL.LINGI BLIP, NIInW I VDUS Mt FIELD Wren for sine ai. the town Mansineiurers.priees, a very extensive it.trtl meut of PS PER. astopsising eirecy possible variety, ildeptx4 Mina roams of ponsaaterarn all section. alba eaniary. Paper of kind* ma to order 11.11 note. Unstuck of PRINTING' PAPER is iransunal large sirrsTira L l is: k ir i aßtr i l i nki,AZ AlALs of livery ...Nilo., inrported eornit i l i r e a b., rte: /shins., W it Clatlii,lPOinthrictior 1 itp Bleaching PinsithriPthe it ringine,Tnritie, a e., !se Canvass, We Rair,Ginntitin, Bagging, V. 0., ni putissedoor orkiir toe 110iSt price m C ot, NM be paid y . York, Je!yjlS4o, Dr. W. P. latal.d.aVa•min... Plmasar. DR. W. F. LILAND, LheAledical College ( Phd- D atielphia, nod often tO-tkistpithlte !us twit.. Vet table Premium Plaster, the mis.Qatet of which, after long and tried experience, Ilea Leen satisfactorily et utbUtlieid. To Mil 'mum who timy be adlimed with Prolapse,. Merin he recommends hit gnarardeelng a sore kind sitealy core the taint apace of (rout tiro to thee cote 11 applied with care ead rest---disearding all the counileutostritmenta and expensive baddages so Mug in use. Thu, he feels conscientious lo attains, mattutich as he has not failed in one case out of three hundred and fitly-duca pa tients. Also for RheneWn sin sal Waal, Brews or Bank, at tended with psis then • nothwir to excel tint Plaster in affording relief°, effectiug • can. For sale by L Wilcox, corner of lliantond end Market It w enn & Thaw; Liberty and St- Clair sts Dr i °organ Federal st and Diamond, Alla ghesay M' Diamond, I:firming dun - A O F Vlealp. tet the World. rrIWE.NTY- Alls will be paid to my one I wbo well predate fir pl,nt. green or &yob.% cAnnot bare trael WI lie.ol, hammed Qtenteml Soap. I the =Wee al mum to me people ol an, place, drat Mc &Wilk, byr my ormlaprorement on at a ,,,ja eurrrellml l 0 o.le conger, Mr exereeting pease, tar, tackti oil, paten; et tiny mbar grenai epb- Sloane, Imo dl hind% blgonillelbeb • orlarkes' e t = ww o, obi,: pled.; ottruMfattavrta, Moms' ha, without rrdorkog tont:Wog that pare water will am mime. More Min op. Mom.. poison. puts of the 000)001 have _;old- me they amid .1 be anthoot It; if IlOord One &Uttar aloe la wpm Wb Yaw on more than 900 artattii or light allke. away u s. peteaa, and calicoes, I hate Olt bend three piano 0 1 ult, two of alpteett, wad ftair•o( oailimon which It chanted the colon 44n:Nz*.beGm Puha' 4.0 a light dram try oomph OfDr:geetii MM. 1 cub Ws became I am determined not to rem:Ohm:4 tt any sunitear *ea Mom to be aril:lly true. N .11 lion. by Pnee, iYi ou.-a eats. Bold, whole:tido cad • It E SELLERS. deal V mood el . rIIEAS-30 asliabesis Y UT.: du MI Imperial do. 3340 miGampimilar do do black dix 30 eat; ty bre lamp... .4 Y Mauna mid for eale ielto B le CULLIER7BI3I.; ~...;:~ ~ s _ ~~. MEDICAL AnitinkZ=ltivt i vriz UHL Moms' Inorary, Waterxdoill Go_ i ., I nth, Igegi Seikrwr*Lopso orderly uly to r. thlmairo n , tauter tooth my lanais tatimosi is foor of eckluata Live, MIL 14r. derma dotes selleriog to Derry Cocketti arm* °to em yea a t e tita go .bed. '" Meet ditto new preperstims of map.. and q=, landed to the skim, ham .oak into obrolothisce Piste have born offered to tho pobllo .41 Trelien tiny rail ',entry them .5," as they an I . yoe rrpressat them to be. 1 hen Mao .dieted with Ulm Complaint Croce my yoottt; have maned nosh; omploy a a corny ania.atpho,fc to whose I othl loth ban km moth •bo vomit:Mud pkgmelned SUNNI to 16.04 nitrated 6or 6 Imsesoad drolly givea op es hound& le Ita67 I wee inbreed to tD , your Liner - Pills, and SOON GOT WELL. Om box ef is essersefSeitst to keep ese ether of ply is the eidelood all the other symptom, kw at hoot I le menthe. Toot Tilts melee the best eallortir I ever modi Wog Gild. act griping or globe; mesh Sumo at the now t ark, bet goe ose moth relief I have kept theca In my mom bra es 7 pan; wad kondreds of boles, and hare enter beard ..lost. oresphisit awed by any me who ha red tam. They ban tothereedeel alms man other pill is this asighborhordood ix • short time will banish them all. ornanly rerommod them to LI mown osedurg whether ibr Liver Colophon or &dims /Schou. plma dder tbes far raporior b Wowi or thte Elba rill &gen- (W &MII—As then ether Pills bef!r! . i ttr ' pabass . causo Lime Ptilla, penom who mat thetoT,Ntille &koala ark kr and tan mother thea than mewed mad odd by ft • SILLLEBS, Po 57 Wood-et booms Ttdrd end roar& Lints. aeldby 1)e-. Cosa, Filth Ware, Et M Coiov, albite= any. or tLm TIOCITOIII. W. MORRPS reutres his sincere thanks to the Citi.ll. of Pittsburgh and alleghtmy coy for the very Liberal sum= end encouragement he has received =dun the that ea months. That the Wa ter care should apeolre such celebrity, is meld= strange nor etysterstmewhen it is consideredbriegram • numb& of C•SeS of every variety of diseases, Oath acute and chronic, have been cured by • italic/ma ass of it. In Germany, where It origltuded, thousaad of the wont eas= theta.= given op by the most skit fol physicians a / , '•eps aa, incurable, wen =red by the =mortal Priesailtr, the founder of the Water Cure. le Engiand. France and America, thousands of hope- less cases have been eared by - tr, and the namerees • Hydropethic sitabfishments sow to successful opera- don bathe UMW States, speak vo/nmes to favor of tL practice.. Dr. Monis having permanently established hintmlf in t= city of Pittsburgh, three doom southwest air. win's alley, On Penn meet, la now prepared to take a somber of boarders mod treat them at lug housiLasid those whopeefer being treated Co their own awe eel be punctually and faithfully attended. He may consulted at hie =ice from 1 o'clock till 3 P M., end ; from 0 to 10 lo the evening. N. 11.--Every variety of baths made use of In Is Water cure, both for lathes and - gentlemen, can be oh- •• Mined rut= etherierum, on Liberty street, where they have been recently erected for thee/ones. use of Hy- dropathic patients, and where every aueetioe wo be !riven by the polite and attentive proprietors. =lee= • 0r..1 English a.m.ny. FFORCougha, Colds, Asthma and Consumpuim Th e , GREAT - AND ONLY REMEDY for the ma oldie above diseases, is the /fUNOAMAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated De. Buchan, of London, kligland, and tritoiduced Into the United Stales order the immediate mperintendence of the inventmas The extraordinary mecca. of this medicine In cure of Pulmonary dlitemes, w orients the nineties& 1 . 1 Agent la adicning for treatment the worst possilde ea ses that eau be found in the community—eases that seek relief In vain Gorr any of the common rentediee of the day, and have been given Rib) themost physicians so confirmed and meursible. Tlai di = en Balsas has cured, and will cure, the meg desperate 4 pf cases. It to no quail nostrum, but a standard ling- p, inedicinh of known and einablished efficacy. Every Ninny In the United States should be with Unchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, nor= I counteract the consumpure tendencies of the Maass, but to be mad as • preventive inefficitte to all cues of Fi colds, coughs, spirting of blood, pain us the side and chest, Irritation and somnens of the lungs, brae-bins, difficulty of bleating, hectic fever, nit sumts, motet anon and general debility, asthma Litenza, who opl a{ cough and croup. Sold in Wko bottles, at 11l per bottle, with lbS dlne nona for this restoration of health Pamphlets, containing • 113.3. of T.. can certificates, and other evidence,. equalled melts of this green Feels! : r t. °bowled of the Agents, gratuitecaly. For sale by B A FAHN - MiTOCK t Co., corned of It and Wood sod Wood and 6th 104. marl DR. JAYNE'S CARRIIN ATI VIC DA.IIIAII Lt HUM the Rae ASA Sill reN,• well known M = ar Clergyman of the Pnatestenthlethodlat The undersigned lama beenalaleted during Me put I winter with • lilac .e °film steouteli, sometimes pto diming gram pain la the atomectifttrtes or twelve/roan Y. vinthDlaantenalzeloo, and atter Parma tried veriois remedies with Little effec t ,, was famished with a bottle ofDr Jayne's Carminative Balsa This he esed es =to Um dlreetions„ and dread navarlably that the t , caused the paha to abate In throe or fear ans• ores, utd in fifteen or twenty Mimi. alsry mensarka was entirely quieted. The medicine was -taretardsosed whenever iridicaribniar the approach of pats were perceived, aed the pate seta thereby Prima- .1 ed. He combatted to sae the medicine every no= and noontime.j.he morning, and in • few health au tou r teetered, that dm aalferer was mks, ed from • large amount of oppmadve pain. From ex patience, theretbre, he ean confidently recommend D 1) Jarne's Carummdve Balm.; as a .dowry medloin for diseases of themomach end bowels. A SIIINND 1.1 key cityA3l ;"/ For sale in riusbargh as the LINN EA 72 Fourth street, near Wood, and atop at theDmi eta, of If P MARTZ, Yederel steel. A leeway Parity Your Mood. Ua.o. E. SLBLEI —Dees Sirs Last Spring, .4 de- 7, at. rum the previous severely maim. 2 with a mntrulom complaint in esp. legs, end kailleen for some months under the must et ; phmicians +do/ said uty case was almost incurable, .dte , „ Id could do but hide be me. 1 w. nestriy heple. , 4 °di with W aid of matches could wish di ooh lu me/ and i laid aside my many / m, mug only a ca.. idth my cane, and I. the end ofthe fourth, was oo otolLas to amiss all tier In shearing he. In an, I tut& five horde. mrofina and soma hamr 41-hailed top, and .mss hest 41=0 I' I have seen adalppeinsum of the discs., bet ). hams continued, and am now,lnattamost perfect heath. t .tau with confidence, hoytingthitz others may be tem C caned in the mums stray, th at theAlarsaparilla .old kir you, ha Mon the mesa .d the only 171-041.11 of die., tug the cure. COB. US J. MS& :f lot µla wholesale and retail, by dam B. A. PARIPM , I•OCE h. Co aor. front P wood W k Woe.;nun wood k • V INIL PREUTUZLXILY— i. 1: Cream de' Amanda Amara', ter shavarm Cream • la Remo, for a/mettle, Almornle Cream, dm bt.overfine Bo on Poroelairtabanda baegant stem bags, performed wvO . Lavender, Anglo-- , t e rra NMI; Itesotifol powder parrs, o( all ,patterns; , Enesosaed totlet boxes, emnarnour fragrant cane. . for die hmtditoraluef; • scent bag, and loan sou vs, mu. : ,i ", able tor parsama. .! . . PetsLan., or Chinese powder& . ]. bon= vegetable hat, nI, ~, bear.. od, In fancy or emozoon 'mappers, Croft seem- i . 41 ,,, i ~, Soap: Nymph Pow Valk Lip salve; • 7.1' t . hen Map &eta map; together arab a groat variety ` : of bac purse:wry: rust reetovedicar tale by '.,' BAFAIINK &CO avlo_ ear Mb & wood stn :, _. _ REPTISIMLER,—I a fe el ' . du ct I M. owe to my fellow oreamms, to statemehinty Sinee fizen mete empee thed the tusg your V Balsam, etieueb about eleven le PubutharrHalsess m, . year* the hap elect of which I them save an account oc I have bad seemed severe compLatats and attacks at etT lungs, one • few dap. since, an& in every instance I W have used the Balsam Linn. with complete end perfect. it µteems. It haa 'affected relief and cure in a very few days. IT is certainly • safe medicine. I do nut know that it will care a hoed consumption, but I believe is r ill /.43 in many cares • penantive, and preventwa I. Wiser than cam I do thentam, far the love of my 114 low men, earnestly recomowo4 the use of this Belem& in all mona/Tcomplaint.' lam confident dem It has been the means of mese:type my life to th sa dry„ Bolton Jane lA, kid. BENJAMIN PAID .ONlt.iftt For sale by B A ' , Naum:ink, fr. Co, comer a re , Led wood and aim corner wood and ath. MS C.t ELLER'S IMPERIAL COUEIi je 0 pourer town! IFTracapaso, Let leg. 9 R. S. terioater—My wife has hn years bean sabest to • di/magma unigh, acoomputi . . ed fi n the cure of which de oaed thatyaa agh mimeos, and had the utvica of the mote atairea Ohysacaara lf Englund, but all unta anaVaßlag. etyma, I be r; of Your ImParod SinlPt wea induced to toY . ■ bottle for ova, although 1 bad no b. ,11,1 that could remove ber aomplablL To my great aurpaON two done gave her bomottiati- tetteL g.he i• as area t isootned with a cough, but two tuutc oooe f e t at Syrup taws> • stops It. lam Ilatiehodgler a trial of three or P, too, yew., that Seller's Cotigtiftrup 1. rha Luc or autbeltte I have ever tried m the Old or Pew t: Wore, , nomarana, BOTVWI Ward, tety of Plustaarga. The above centAcate, ahoohl. aldose ell who, troubled with cough Oiamitata, If.* ItYruiwirt- 4 al. It may be bad fat t% cease a botOteou the droll ooze of RE SELLERI I . wood So4l try Do Canalidth woad, and P, A Carry, Ala- 3 Patina Block Ifni. sir Trusis s M EWLY INVENTED—Fort/ e retie/send Perris:era 1 3 Cite of HERNIA or Mira U RE. iguileo tr sires the superior clams.' e.os Ti... consist in die can with sense". it oiny b e wo n,. Th e pal Wdod deldg neatly Weinced 05 ponds, yields t, Fes- 24 Mite id& day pan a{ i, uid.litorousbly adapts n.el ii uesseirieni ...ifs by We swears, It eon t.r witnest internOVison, nuul a care is elected. I tie terbers have 'olds trtaa u lur We Man,. feLIPIII .1 Oa to Teaesea,to l eillyeriuy Ayle elute w yn dess, yrd hay o them now for pito< at deer Lite.e, , L 1 n, at lieu Stith, Piedberge. OILO. WATT Pal D. W. KAuFktes • VERMlPUtiC—pertor to any .rea narrd.” bleawas TT, Fayette courtly, Pa., Mande l a. 13..4taa-1 hereby eeruty Om I 1 yens Vennianps ram, family, and belle•e r not superm to any I have ere. used. I c.„, ai my eluldien one dose, which aTpelled abor . E VI ood Prepared and sold by H EIIfELLER.s Bold 4y Dr Camel, 61h Work hl Car,, 67 VI . W J Sundt, Ternpenneenrdlg sad I• j aL „„ . t hQu y reneevile. 14 y 4 • YRINDIES—An SUOSIIIO4I. jpimy mal 1.3 by tuy3 , D D Ac Co P: B e UO ................. Pt; ut.ISIIED DAILY, TIII-D" ELOCLY w)161CI.; Osztur Seiktheip„ NA t Oue toserrion of Wheel, 00ess, ..... ....• $ 0 aj inuertioeu withoutelterationu,. ......... 0 Three • '• . I Out; Week .... Two Weeks 16 Three •• Chau Month, Tato " Three " 0:7 Loner advertion - mentain mote propoo . on. One .quate,s vaciatha, wittona aitcration... 10 CI •• " -•• " • 16 t Each additioa.sal ovary fore months 5 1." 10 C, One agttare,6 mooth..,reneviable at Peuurt• 13 " " " •• " Vt) 3:3tho3tlittamat atom= for Ittnotatta 10 e i lSoto atlttattett, 6 mouths retaattle at picas..., 30 Each addiuunal aqoare, ' 6 noloth - 8 nristror 01 7141.W1117-Llf 10,1 LT PAPIRI Ono square. 3 inaortiona, S 1 each additional insertion,.......„ wrisztas, glans. Five tines or lea, one 'enc. " " -• 6 6 e: Ms* yead,kleily & weekly, 10 w au mantles urssiunrs II vriscsar tarsi. Par YU bees, or less, One Wierh00,........10 •••0 Two, e} " 0 1 •• Thre ........ •• ••Three mon I ths, .%14 4. .4 44 " ..• • ...A.(' " MeV. ,•••••••• .. T ... t.3s ~. _ :..L: •~ ~• . - ~ - t...