;~~ ROCEHLEB& c TT Jti'uuTac.7.l,", rtpc.t, MN. Pan it•lre OM the following' 1431 Rom 1' 0E14 4 8 for sale loan h doable re large Litaa lOW bbla lion SA MO anddaroall do; ZIO do Powdered; KO do Crash. 43 do Clouded. fortg BMW sad Molasses. 1 HMIS Pnme enrol 413 bole Leaf Sugar, Not a 6 Led o 7: VII do f!ti=e New Oilcans Meue., S 7 do Sava lipose do IM Mare mad for sale br : 6! burcriEvraF,E, 1501.ibe EUNDRLESO mks d eal. Adk, brooddal Mods & too, Liverpool; ad o do . do .1111=1 gan & Pooh dot 200 bogs Rio Coffee; MXI boxes 10, EMIG mid LULU IV Wass, lot ask,, try . ~ . . &AIN RIM myts en G liberty at EIRESH FINE CUT CIIIEMI4O TOBACCO—Mn and .Ico Andetirrn'a, 1441 zeo'd mad for bY BEAM, BUCKNOIt& Co, 41 55M - weir =I 15 aunt wbarveir, Ira& LEAF TOBACCO.-190 bales yarn LoafTo tr-1::' 11744. " % r d io= ih roo or i a l cL itsl - LD. RUMOR & Co HFA (TES3tAN PIPE3-4/511 bbs 'autat 3 groso Getman =dam bowls, Jot latakg ft= ph and fot axle b - WA D, CitNOR do Co WlSH—lsaac Crase,• Hal bid , , W ll gbeg 1 him onicni from his Mends Pinsbargh and elsewhere, for the wirehase of awl and lieninds ring to season." girders erode:ea with destateh, sa d at lowest rates. Charges for purchasing light. marOS rVOTTON YARNS; Ite.--0400 wanted Nos, C Yilta..Carpet Chain, Candle . ct, Conn Twine; 9 A bake Ratting, for aide o manniaetwece lowest prices, by . FRIEND, RIIEV & Co, angid alreade far truumfacturers FEATIMBP.-10 gar.ka lot te t u a n, RILEY k Ca TASII-4 iska lust feel and for sale by Y mita WICK & WCANIM.KSS OH: cl9lO/I-Num-110 Rights* re&d aad for sale by B A FABNMOCK d Co, wag2ll ,• comas In and wood su LEX. SEDINA7-9X , lb. jar 'd and (o r moo by rALINFSTOCg a. Co WAIN% ANACEA-6 oar. jost reel aira for solo by sag2s B A PAHNESTOCK &Co MIIPJLVERIZED SALER4TOI-44 wd biar,..1,0u...a M r periar artlatts packipi i trzad papa ni for aii.gi do angt3 WCANDLASS IDIIILVEIUSING SALEZATCS- 6 darks,• wry s pastor snide, lust ne'd sad for ssla by _WICK is arCANDLF:33 OATS—OD - blab, Just reed ins finale by L S WAIT-MAN, N. 01-water and 02 frost .1 curtail, tut reoNtend for sale S tq inUll-11 HA FA4ESTOCK is 00, , , , corner Lst sod wood ma C ASS lillta maw just mkt and for sale b II A fAIfriESTOCK b. Co •• 41 - 1 ••• GAMS just ree , and cr Vile by awr39- B O PhIiNtSTOCK hCo ikTEW FALL UOODS-A A Mason & Co,6o.laseset Alt execs, en m. ape • • Ise tas of rich style& of MEI AND COLLARS—A A Roam & er r teed RS move of those very cheap Wrought Oothip,lll2le; ELIO Mm do, mar style;3lY) Wet roajr Fu.mor. ,1 dd sought MRS MVSLINS—A A Ramo & Co. hcAm tom S opened S 0 pi md Swiss SMITS TURPENTINE--71 bbl. epts Turpe.tioe, in prima order,,just received cod for sale by corn-lor , HlaihY C Cnk HONEY-9 casks Cabs strained Honey, jay Iseetved t ibtsale by HENRY C KELLY T FAD-750 pigs or Lend, for rale by ang'a ' JAM S DALZELL DIU METAL-40ton" Curatit earn' Meer Pig Metal, la MOM awl for sate by OOL-12 auks Wool, rot solo by Mitl-9 sack. country mixed Rags, for cola by .1.10 aug29 jps P•• ono t rtHEESE-42b.ts Cheese Jost reel and for sale by eurgso WICK & M'CANDIAIiS casks 'W R Citeeoe, hid reed and for cle a r, : .g 2) WICK It IWCANDLESS PORE—Jast reed and fay =la by WICK& WCANDLESS ARD-8 kegs No 1 Leaf Lead,tnet reed arid for sale by .01 WICK & LIVCANDLREtS FEATBERS-31:11 lbs prime Kertenek y Feattren, for Brae by aurig WICK b. 111 CANDIASS RANT—A commodious three emu Brick Warehouse, on 21 street- Foramina mean Munk y. For tents apply to ams 23 C El GRANT, 4l water et CARL WS FRENCH REVOLUTION—The French ReTolution—A History. by Thomas Car lyle. In two tolomes—cloth. For sale amen JOHNSTON & Q FPS TURPprEINE-25 We for sale by fig • • BRAUN A RESTER A fINIZW. WATER CO/Y& ; —a . bales bee , ule by DROSPHOROS-1113 Ms for sale by J. •sae & REITER , for solo by norm-45 bales in COTE On 7‘,/ 1725 MAWS DIC &Co bt Ws t,,'" . 70"8R0' Nd3ratra3EM.§* irtORN 1310:10b15-00 do: for sale by =OO 'BROWN & CIIILITERTSoN Ma bIk:TAL-90 tom quaberiand River . landing from stmrsAmeriera-Bur and L Wetzel JAMES DALZELL,9i water rAnkitc,--84 kVi Not Lint a lads Bum; land: Jj I.4r.from =dr Ca•bler;and to ..abl by. ltst 10 "lalflOil 'MIZELL AMEN'S NERVE AND BONE fresh apply for sale 49 en 4 WO IVY kb-100 bags prime Rio, Met receiving XI, and for age by angl4 BROWN k CULMOrrSON MILOUB.-26 buts chaimi'fraah Family Roux, Just re ,E =ad and for mils by el l BROWN a CULBEIFF,4O N ALECHING POWDER-4D casks of ]asMarpran Bons' fuss quality Chian& of •••• bar sale by y 1.4 IV&M •.• ." , LARD bbl. pure Lan d ' wars and'ai nale by 1449 . 0 Bit. b.' :URN &Co rbbls 4,5, 0.7 ande malldrs do embed; 180 poordered; dare andfor isle by • JAMS A HVICERSONO. Co, ly9ll Aderdeadtat. Louis Steam Sugar Refinery SODA ASH--18 casks doable rained Bode Ash, do do Warranted equal to atty in the city. For mein by anima 0 fl GRAM, 41 voter us filched, antflan fine to min Y. Hysoni 93 _ lar= e, 'Poarettemta Par, eale by JD a IrOBACCO-60 by In Mat as Homy Tobacco, ra j caiciay froatcanal mad In sale by aoral JAMES DALZEI - kV?' .b in t# ' •"'" • l'gbr' DALZELL .FEATRERS—lubnigs Taub.? for salia z Va.RB9ILLE LlMR—Constanty on hand JJ. oils by 1'3414 C GRANT 11:013137N-49 bb{/ for tale by 11ritagla 03n'EF.-100•811 GIL= Rio, in score or.ini for sale to close eansignment, try ; saga 9 & W HABBAUGH - bin 13n1W and Writ Window Gloss, • Ail recd per a= LindalKanis and for Ws by k W HAKBALIGH BEANS-40 Mils small Willie Bowan, for,. 44 by rue WICK S APCANDI...MB Ti bop on bitadnad for sale vary low by SugH C H GRANT riglitra r7 -18,00U.nOw on the for sale by T 412 IL DO-Eturkholdoo boot, Dm reed awl (mode 4.d by . "x 41 4 .1 KIDD & Co- - riOPME.-Illiblio y3Soo Elm 30 - dO do LoldsoY3d IL "10 doold Ow. orai' for We by • , J D WILLIAMS Idada - pirtioNW3 bblirigkiifte4 - 3 do 0 =waist and yoteolited; 33 do ....fled do by an 2 l J D VICES-3 bxg Plblebur, 3..d0 ' Ido pee lilogoil I Cain Mafia SIM ei) onus Can* Idodc ground ariety; da Ws by kef 50321 DWILLIASS3 9 ICY FLOUR-9 cues suporilho, for sale b . , • • =1,03-4 bxs kl):•1; 10 41313ut1; Mdo Btearbsei alb by autat ILUvriLums ---• 130TASB-6 bbl. Prime, for sole by nova J D WILLIAMS ltbl Lent apel R•g' Carpet; Si dal Woollen Baelpsi 50 do Ziate Washboardsau con psment sad for axle br . 4 01: J D WILLIAMs D NDS — (B l =O , pa.) JIM reed and (or 144 =laJ KIDD & Co LOGWOOD—Jast ree'd and foe We .1 KIDD &Co Et. -7 - io • • J KIDD & Co TILE V•; • • • • • • rr 7 rlll 9 CON--01:10 BWeti. in More rrod for rrthr by TASSEY t BEST EARL ASIT—GUOUJUs, • prune anseleln one Gn. sale by TASSEY & BESI TALLOW-1 bbl reed nod Car sTASee by mirn SEIC & BlaIT MEAL-4301 bbis Corn Meal, C P — ATishirti brand, reed per Companion and for =le by 8 & w kIARBALIGH ,Airrires OurrAßS--* 'apply of rdrotio's cola bated Spaniab jog reed and for .ale by JOHN H bb,. Ahro. jou reed and for sada by ISCHOONAWLER & Co, auglb 91 wood sa r 211 :" 631 .11. Thocobj Beietr2O bblv Cloven diq for sale by " trig Jle R FLOYD -~___ _ A LU/d—Ro Cucea SMEA--10euk. clew Side%).l teo'd end tot sal. HHon A curtrimoitem, suss ADDER-41 UAL ku In wt.' P VoI'iIIONNHOBST & 0 imitala=3s Wi - for sale - by .64 BIP VON Balframicirc c o .pEPPER-10 bap for sale by 14 9 P BONINROPZr & co SPERU 014- Wan4. l 1. " -6 mria fey bel e by awylB • J SCHOONKbyw a & WHALE OlL—Crude andit: auglB SCHOONILILY.ER & co FISH -197 bbl. No 3 Marketel. ( 119 41'90 hairdo Ne a do, 1819; 20 do do No 9 do do. Ars ree'd and for rats by aog23 MILLEN & WICKET9Oyr 11 by tleprircur=V • ela c ad r tlie •414 bbb. No b Covina, forWs by _ F VON BONNHOFItirr & Co COMMERCIAL RECORD. 7&I1 --1469 GUEIT - 71 - naes. l3'3' iktaniay, 27'81333day, 49 99 Monday, Tuesda_ :30 Wsday, 91 Thursday, 1 Friday, PITTSBITROR BOARD OP TRADE COMMITTEE FOR AUGUST. SAL 11•11111 ALL. Jas. names. am ',mow' OM= PITTIEWZGO Gazrrnr, Thursday Morning, AUgnS , 31 , /54'13 The markets yesterday were ateady, and C.caa tions were without any important variation from those of the previous day. The weather continues quite pleasant, and the river is again gradually falling at this point, with little less than karr gran in the channeL FLOUR—The receipts were quite full, amount in to about 1000 tibls, with sales on the wharf of 500 bbla at 81,30, and some 200 bbls in small lots 01 4=4,51. The Grain market is dull. Receipts ore very light, and no Wen hose transpired worth report ing. Provisions are without change. Bacon contin ties in fair demand at full prices. Tiro Grocery market continues steady, but not active. A fair business is done in the way of gen end sales to the trade, at Cornier quotations. PIG METAL—A sale on Wednesday of 400 tons Canal metal at 624,58 io ton, 4 and 'O, moo. OILS—Of Linseed the market ia bare. Small mica of Lard at 52c IP gall, and of Tonne!' at SI2 Bate r bta. Tam Nsw Mssmwarst—The hull of the Mess.. get No 2. Capt. I C Woodward, has arrived at the wiuuf on the Allegheny aid. She is given up to be one of the handsomest models ever built here; it is from the yard of the Freedom boot building society, and does the most ample credit to its build. em • She is 250 feet on deck, with a 30 feet beam and 6 feet hold, and with the pourer intended to be placed on her, she is bound to bee runner of the Very first quality. Capt. Miller, formerly of the Arrowline, has his flew hull safely moored on the Allegheny, and a number of workmen. are busily engaged in her completion. She is from the yard of Cock & art, Brownsville, and is designed, when finished, for the Allegheny trade. Cent. ComaEncs—The killowing is a list of ell the principal articles of trade shipped from Pitts burgh East, via the Pennsylvania canal, nom the lat of June to 25th August, 18th, inclusive:— Julie. July. Anne& Floor. bble 17.775 .10,457 7,175 Beef & Pork pkrd 1154 14,970 47,650 21,100 Baton, IDe, - 1,327,616 3,5.52,397 2,769,037 Bulk Pork, IS, 11'7,919 77,921 169,300 Seeds, bo, 417 418 616 Tobacco, lbs, 607,293 1,338,432 1.006,289 Lard, Feethen, Wool, Cotten. E et2 ;r, Elids, EMl=9l Deer skins, u Furs, Whiakey, bbla, 1,017 1.537 1,241 6trocesies, 14 107,718 460,171 296,005 Iron, 44,461 58,504 8,a50 u Nails, 3,418 . Rags, 29,503 35,336 27,154 Wheal, bu SOO 3,519 Gala, - 1,311 Glass ware, IN 6,447 '73,115 45,671 Parley, bo, 2,605 1,556 Bo Ws robes, IDs, 55,842 416.323 151,261 Pig iron as =sings 189 ...•-• 336,262 771,218 God, Ns, 1009 Hogs hair, 151, 12675 Nrvr Contranrairr —M A Bradley, of the PHce• nix Bank, yesterday d'attmted a new counterfeit 5 dollar bill on the State- Bank of Obio. payable at the Troy blanch. The- general appearance of the paper and engraving I. bad, and can easily be de tected by comparison with a genuine bill. We understand a number of them were passed in the market yesterday morn paper. LIVERJ.OOI., Aug. 12. —The last meek has been ono of quietness in the commercial circles. The cotton market has been. steady: sales to a moder "`rT^s; 77:lsoe These has been OQ 4:4 the decline. The liege mad _ . . . . isoprovementi in fa:, i eices Me somewhat lower „Watley is still pie I, and the rate of interest continues moderato I he stock market has been tolerably steady, but at the same - time mlueet to fluctuations. During the week the cotton market has been gales and inactive. The sates amounted to 22,230 bales. Buyers were a alibied Co °bush' American descriptions at a slight - decline on the rates cur rent on the sth inst. A mong the 'Cesar the week. speculators, took 1700 / laterican; 5710 American have been nurchased On export. The sales m London have been limited, at previous rate, Yin N O 31851 d; bowed Georgia 3005 d. Stock of Canon on hid at Liverpool is now estimated at 601,790 bale*, against :396,560 at the mate time last year, showing an increase of no leas than 21:15,530 hales. l SIDD & Co Asa matter of comas. the trade will continue to rule dull until continensal affairs have settled sod the Irish agitation completely subdued. Various ad very conflicting realm are afloat as to the existence and extent of the potato., disease. It is admitted that the disease has made its appearance this year, but It is not believe 4 that the plant hue been injured to any serious extenL The general reluctance of speculators to open ale to any extent has ceased the =an market, throughout England. Ireland, and &animal to fluctuate, dating -the week. At Mark Lane on Monday last the fluent desaiptimus of English wheat is:dot at 54 58 shil lings per paatter, which was in ,oats instances a dean° / atuliinit_pair quarter over our quota tion, of last week. The demand shim Monday has been sluggish, but without affect fug soy de cline in prices. lodise corn wee not in weave de mend at an of the my ...hats beld during ...he week, but the holders were unwilling to submit W tower Ines. The value of flour in the same m arket is at 24029 shillings for United States, and 23;421 for Canadian. D=Tl Indian corn mer.l finds buyers at 15, 6d6il6s. per bbl. At the tr iarket held during the week, trade has been tok trebly firm, and in some respects active, and "Moir gh no actual advance kw taken place in wheats prices have been in favor of ' .the seller. At present, the value of lI'S red quitted at Hs lOd to 8.5 whits and mixed 7. 8d to Bs. 6d, ha. Flout, bola of borne and foreign produce con tinuos steady, and the top mice for the best Wea ern is 29 to 3Qs , bbl; Phila 27. 6d to 28s 6d; Balti more 27s t3d to 28a 611, Ohio 27s 6d to 29s 6d, and Canadian 28s 6d. Core, 'nest Western canal flour 295030r0 Indian owe 30 ira:a l corn meal 15531.5 s 6d. Cotton, no cheeps—gee WI report. Ti t abundance of new potatoes in most of our wartcets has limited the demand for Indian corn, so Wiat is this market that article sold slowly at 30 to f.t2a for white and yellow. Cured provisions lied a moderate sale at steady prices. Beef is ran pistty falling off in supply. Pork of good quality sells tat extreme pilaw, whilst the middling sorts tire_ disposed of at extremely low prices. Lerd, both in this and the London market Is ta ken to a considerable extent, and firmer prices are maintained. The logic market has been rather active, sad • good demand Or home coMomption ha. prevailed. Merchant" manifest firmness, and prices are in , dined to advance. Advmes from the manufactu ring districts are rather drab but for most descrip' none of goods, both cotton and woollen, prices are suptteaL Coma& for money, lowest MI, highest 8611 slog 86. -For account, lowest, 861, lughest do- sing 86. 1110M511 do Laptops; Da hl l Lartz's Lama Plux—The great and increas -1.4 gataamd for these Pills, is the soreat evidence of excellence. People my them and then recant met-1d them to their neighbor.. No one who has ever mad Bred from the Liver complaint, or from any of the dm eases oriole from a diserdered Unto of that organ, f " .41 - I . o filkinfitg relief if he tried Dr."fil'hanels a rol tints they here worked their corn Om) . into Pell. - / sritYA t m t , asamithlng cants which they are every g. Read the &Molding eertificate: "Altitisman, Cerra. Co. P. / Ail 1817. "Mwtvr& J. Eidd Jr. Co --Gentlempre n::Dab, I write to in form you of the Ireflt I have received from the one of Dr. hllionels UverA.P.4lls. I have been severely af- Alicia With Lints'esamplalnt for at mother iot years, and hale beep vary much relieved by the above nam ed pill. I ant maims to me more of them, as I think they will effect an entire core; and I am confident that I can aat a good many of them. A Tonna Regalia lance of mine, met/ one or two doses of om, 'One earl I they relieve d her i psoto than any pill she bed ever need. She Ls airlietati with consumption, Of hirer complaint- W. G.I6I.ITLIM" For I ale at the Drug Store of J. KIDD & Co, 60 wood meet. met 0 Cravats strangely destructive to the bu m. n cuticle, (or skirl) the sudden change ham heat to cr4d, pad the smoke causes yellow, dark, comae coin-' !nektons. Then ills requisite that the pones of the skin Hutu* be kept open—that their mouths should he freed frau impurity—Wu thus the ancient Roman Philos° Amu cured tdi dinettes-ether computed that mom: dia." Kees and unhealthy _vapors led through lb the oared of the skin, thus any other outlet of the - body It is necessary, therefore, to keep the pore. open—all hunter. are &spelled from the akin from the pom e , when they wish with Jones' Italian Chemical sote have seen it cure the worst and olden eases of Rheum, Erysipelas, Old Sores, Barber's Itch, Sore Head, Ringworm, when every other Internal and eaten.' remedy bed fulled—ha effect render i ng the 'skin; white, clear and scdt, though It be yellow and coarse,•le %cp. derfal—lt removes - Freckle., Tan, Sunburn, Murphey', and disfigurement of the skin—but persona must ba partitular and ant for Joan Seap—to be had in Pittsburgh to WM. JACKSON'S., sign of the Big Coot, B 9 Liberty n. Price W cents. neetoditoily "Thu whiter skin of hers, than mum, And porn as monumental alabaster " All females has° skin. Wm the above, who use Jones' Spanish Lily White. lt maltetb pare snowy, yet natal tally whisa. bold at ea Liberty mum aiVal Cl=l2l I Moon% phase.. 1 3E E IS 634 721 6 32 034 6 31 9 41 630 10 47 6A 1162 627 mom. 5 65 5 SO 5 SS 6 20 630 6 31 5 33 96,987 106,732 99,816 134.458 111,493 269,198 171 501 30,428 27,538 82,562 56,091 303,344 786,565 355,744 76,408 370,857 520,359 91,529 25,748 21,248 3,558 10,222 - 4,752 20,259 12,425 58,331 8,384 5,430 27,127 15,510 5,511 COMI &FACIAL PORT OF-PITTSBURGH: ARRIVEL, Louis:McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Lake. Erie Murry, Beaver. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver, Caroline, Day, Freedom. Paris, Manua, St. Louis. Ringgold, Cope, Cin. • Companion, —, Wheeling. Mary Ann, Duncan, Franklin. Arrow, —, Brownsville. Arrowline, —, Brownsville. Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and Wellsville, DEPARTED. Louis McLane, helmet, Brownsville. Lake Erie, blurry, Beaver. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Zachary Taylor, Lucas, CM. Dover, Reno, CM. Columbian, —. Cin. Wyoming, Fowler, SL Louis. The river last evening at dusk was 3 feet 0 inches in channel, by metal mark, and falling. Ciracurnati—Per Mary Ann-500 bbl. flour, I) Leech ar. co; 40 bhds bacon, H Grad 6: co; 52 bids dour. W Greer; 52 do whiskey, R Moore; 16 do do, Wm Leiner, 10 do charcoal, I S Bonnet; 54 aka glue scraps,/ Schoonalaker 6: co; 12 aka wool panotrger. Per Nominee-40 hes soap, 24 bbls lard, S George & co; 90 bids flour, E Greer; 150 do do, W Greer, 9 hhds barns, 1 bbl do, Sellers and Nicobr, 7 do do, Joseph Jordan & son; 1 box, Wm Badger; 2 do do Jno Birmlngham; 4 bgs rags, 4 bait do Johnston & Stockton; 1 bbl lard 1 do flax seed, J S Dilworth; I bag feathers, Wick & McCandless; 56 bbls dour, S MoClurkan & co; 21 bbls peaches, Geo Richert* 50 bbls apples, C Rowland; 1 box melons, passenger. Per Cashier-40 tee hams, Wm Bingham; 27 hhds do, 15 bbls hams, 4 do seed, 1 do oil, 11 Graff 6c co; 10 hhds bacon, Sellers 6r Nicolig 15 eke fen. the* 1 bbl beeswax, I Dickey 6r, Co. Per Visitor—llo bbl floor, Miller & 3 bge teetherr, D Leech ar co; 500 bills flour, V. Sanfwit—Per Wellsville-12 bllds tob, I) Leech co; 4 aka feathers, 2 colts bacon, Boyd; 25 bbls floor, McKinney; 20 do copperas, B A Fahnestock & co. 1 hbd tob, Baleen; 9 ska wool, 46 hbds tot, el Greiff; 56 bbls flour, Clark & Thaw; 20 bhda tob, .1 A Has; 214 aka wool, owner; 5 sacks corn, W Moore. Wheeling—Per Consul-2 bhda bacon, S Mc- Clurkan & co; 20 bbl. flour, L Browning; 41 do do Crum & McGrew: 43 pm barnn, James McCully; 27 oaks bacon, 21 bbls flour, 5 & W Harbsugb; 11 sks potatoes, 33 bbls flour, 7 bbl. eggs, 5 bge rags, owners on board. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR IS4 O For Philadelphia every everstog at p o'clock, by Leech's Packets. Office opposite the United States EMEMIIIME!! 10 A. Y. Passenger P.eket •ta growu•tlle to Baltimore and Philadelphia, 0 A.. la. and 6 r. a. Mail Coach Low direct to Philadelphia, 0 • Y. anJ 121 r rt. Western nod essottlorn Mail Coach Lane, 6 •. Y. F===l:=l2o3ll2 Ene and Western New York, duly, 9 a. It. Nona-Eastern tonadelphia, daily, except Sunday., 4, a la. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. Eastern Marl via Philadelphia, due 3 I, . r., closes la ra %Yearn Mail, CUM. & Loulsv, due 8 r. mr, Moses 3 a.. South. viallaluraore &Wmhington, dm a r. r. el'. 5 a.. North Western via Cleveland. due t 3.. 11, closes Erte and Western New York. doe 8 r. r. closes 8 a.. Citllene are honorably assured that the follow are the actual quahues or • da bottle of Jos.' Co tsl Restorause. If they doubt out word. they cannot these highly reepectable clowns. who hate tried in • Mr. ueo. Backen, 11 Elan sh New York. Mrs. Mantua Reeves, hly nle avenue, Brooklyn Mr. Was Torun/m., st, Near York. Mr. Thomas Jackson. Mornont's 11. E. Cullen, late barber steamboat S. Amen., And more than a hundred others state. though this must sulk., that at will fares the hair to grow on the head or fare. stop it falling nt; strengthen the roots, removing murf and Sandra! item the roots, and making light. red or gray ham assume a tine dark look, and keeping dry, harsh or wiry hats moist., all, clean and beartmul, • very, very long tune. Sold at WM. JACKSON'S es Liberty at. 171 CeI•PYAKIIVLIJA, Logan nu., Va., July 02, leka. Me. FL E. Sellers—Dear Sir I take pleasure In cer ttrytug the good effects of your valuable Vermithipt. My children being meliand Ranking ttmtght be worms, I tried several kinds Vermifuge, without any effect. I concluded to try your Verinifuge, winch I did to satisfactory effect. so ranch so that my Intl. daughter. near three years old, panted something near one hun dred worm. at one time. I then recommended it to my neighbor, who have toed It with success; so much so that we sold out in too weeks the mpply which was laid in for ail months, and nearlyevery day some per son ts conatngto the store for Sellers' Ventuftwo Respectfully your. It S. CHAPMAN. Prepared and *old by IL K. SFLLERS. 27 Wood st, and sold by druggists generally. of Ptusburgh and All legheny. asigtO E r- Worms by their Irritation, augment the sere tion of mans or slime tri the moments in winch, all as Wry involve themselves; and it is sad they feed upon it. and if deprived of it they the. The celebrated Versnifege prepared be 11 A. FANNIE:STOCK. Phrtehurgh. Pa_ is admirably adapted in ma operetta rltr7a=raf. 'lrkkt.,VM;4iLle _ ' .inestee e and that II has answered the pawpawlsrnantfest from the an of cerufteates given in its favor. lab ID-You foobsh, silly old fellow, read this, and be no longer bald, sikuskerless and hatrleas. Mr. W. Jack s, of Si Liberty MT., Pittsburgh, Pa, cernfies on the 3d on of February, 1e47, that Mr. Thin. Jackson's head, on the top, was enttrely bald for 15 years, and that by mans two 3. bottles of Jones' Coral 11alr Restorative. the hear t. grossing fast and duck. Sold in Newark by S. OLDS & SON, Sc. Broad .t. VAN BUSKIRK, corner of. Broad and Nantucket O. miar.lll RATES OF DISCOUNT, R4IP UP 1/112011UNT-CORRECTED 11l N. 6101•5111.11 dt. 5051111,, Exchange Brokers, Pio 155 Man ea suers, near 41 Pessmayl ramie,. India... Bank of Piusbargh • • -Par Btate Wk & Wane bez• Exchange Bank Par WateScrip • •• • • Merck. k. Man. Bank 'Par! V irglala. Ilkanfrinhuielphia • • •Patirscharige Ilk.of Va.. Girard Bank ..... • •• - p a r Bk. of Va• • • Bank.of Germantown -par BL et the Vallay,--- Chester County • • •parof VIITIEBII- • • - • - • Delaware Co.• • •pariM.er. M. Bk., W'heallog a Montgomery Co. • •par do l'ilorinatown• •- • " Northumberland- •por N. W. Bank Vs.- -- Colombia Bridge Co.• • par do Welisbarg Doylestown Bank par do Pnrkemburi •-• Farmer.' Bk. Rending-par Tenn . Pittner.' Bk. Bucks Co. pat Bk. of Tertne.ec. •• • • 3 Farmers /31 Laucatdr•par Far. & Flerch'm Bk • -• . Lmactister Co. Bk.• • • .9. Planter.' 8k..• - • .• • • . Ismacaster Bk. par Union Bk. " V. State. Onak• -.--:M Miason. . Lhoemmillla 1111.- • par• State Bk of Muisoun--- 1 Wu/nog - ton Bk.• ••- • • •/: North Carol 1 6 0 , 7 .h0ye, BE.-- • 1 111 k. of Cape F'ear• • .•• • 2 Chambenhani• • " March's IlL,Nershern• 1 littsquehanna Co. 8k... 3 Mate Bank- 2 Lehigh Co Beak, - Baugh Carolina. Lonstown• •• • -• • • - Camden 8k......2 Middlatowa ....... •- • - 1 Bk. of Charieston• •• • • 9 Club " COMerrii: BY 9 Erte Bk. - • 40.8 L of Gleortetown• •- • 1 Farmers' and Dro.crs' j/lk.of liamtioro• •• • .• 1 Bank, Waynesburg. • I illerclianut Bk • 3 numb.; " ,Planters &Mecha's Ilk. 2 it onesdale -.., -- • I,llk. of Booth Cuoline • • 2 1, 0 ,, anon par' Nar_yland. POW Yilk . . 'Baltimore Bka••••• • • •par w Foss . ng ....... .. .• 1 t=irt e 'a &O R R Scrip .10 York Bk. nand Bk. ef Allc- Wert Branch Bk. t " Mazy ........ •• • •• • 1 Relief Note. ..... • • - 0 ;Far. Bk. of Maryland • • " M& II Bk. Pon dn. a !Farmer.' & Mechanics a llty &County '3.:r.p •- " - Bk. Frederick• •• • " Ohio. 'Prederlck Co. Ok.• - Stata Bk. and Breeches I 'Hagerstown Bk •• • Mount Pleasant ••••• • • a 'Mineral Bk •- Steuhen•,lle. . a 'Pumps. Ilk Eh Glairsville• - • ...... a Walk:Op. Bk •-• Marietta a 'lllk.of V% es:mintier Of, New Lisboa • ' killaltilgam Gin ciumal Banks a . Bk. of Si. Clair-•• • Columbus do• a 'Bk. of River Raison- -- Ctraldo'llie . . . llielilgan 1.. C 0..... 6 Zancs nil , . • - • ... • •-• . Far. & Mecb's Bk •• -.• • 6 y 5 0 , 0,„, .-.-- -. •• • " %Visconsin Terrill"), woo , rt „ _ _...._ . 70'Idar./r.Fire lo.Co.Milar'e 5 Canada.. Massdlon .....„,... k . ... - r All solvent Make- •• • 6 a... g ." . !,.. .. .. .... i 'Bank of Entland Now. Norwalk ••• • ..... ••• • -...-64 70 4 ,, ~. „ 1 „„d.--..-.. 4 Clold&Spooll Vslll4. Xenia a igo a spol.. •• • 3 01/ Dayton ....... •••. - . . cats 3 150 120 Western Item,. •-• " .Eagle, old • •• • , 10 00 Frankliii iPk Goland.. " 'Faille, new •••• . 10 00 Lakes, ... ..... .. " .Doobloons, yma,sp. 16 00 e Erie- • • • • a Do. Patriot .. +...... l5 60 Ocio.•• • a ',Sovereigns • • • • • 485 L.ancoster •• - • .... -10 Ignine. ..... •.. _ . 700 Ihernhos• 13 ,Fradericksd'ors.•- • • 57 so D cans iu s . ...........10 Ten Thaler. • • • .. 7so Fis k.,, B'k Canton - -50 Ten guilders •.. . 750 Urbana 50 Lorlisd'ors. • .... 45 0 a. .. tac ky. Insalois44•. LO of Xantacky I Now York POO Bk.ot Louisville a 'Philadelhia •••• -. / 9ms Non:lcm Ilk. Ken Miry • "'Baltimore • -•• . . . is., Now Vork-arr flanks. par taw., FPII,-. 1 PIANOS. Frill, ON hand and for side, the following Piano Form, direct from the manufac turer, and al Eastern prices: No. I. An elegant rosewood, sin rm. raves iron framed Piano Forte, made by Chic. kering, Boston, Mt No. a Same es the above, V 75 .. 3. Rosewood, Cbtekering, 350 775 Oalo & Co. Chick ortng, Manhomin Cam' _lpany, , I Hem) 400 Piano. Herr, to 1 . .1; 1 pante t t ,I fo l t , ; , :za . 7( the hee Nano Pones, for dery .01 9 " 10. Grand " 11. " Second Old Pianos taken in pa above, by JOHN H. Soto Agent for Minimal ern Pennsylvania. Bplend 4 News Plasmas THE subscriber, prewous to leaving' for the Fin to replenish his stuck, will dispose oldie balance of hts stock nu hand at reduced prices, and en favora ble ten. It consists of a choice selection of Pianos madeby Nunn. & Clark, IC Y., and Jonas Chickering, of Boston, Lam . of front 6 to 7 ixtuves, of rosewood and rushosany, or different styles and pnces. KLEBER, iytit —__ Al Woodarell'e, 83 Third et —'"iftlieilee—y—Puii,atitWilFtiiia-Eseriipm• - fir 11E. subscribers have now in store s very extensive assortment of Fors for Ladieswear, which have been purchased in Europe by one of the firm, at very low prices' during the monetary crises succeeding the French Revolution! • . . This adventure, which they possess note any other house in she tredekorill enable them to sela very ex cellent article much below the market prim's. fla . Merchants and others will advance their own interests by exemining this extensive assortment. ROLI BROTHERS, Importer Asat (Mulberry) between Pel and 3d streets, Philadaloia. D • - • ALLEYS PAI N ' F.XTRACTOR in Ave min um• from the time of ito application, rearm, the pales front the worerest burn. scalds or blister, and will heal wounds, ulcer s and sores of soy kind wahout Sr., This valuable Pain Extractor can be had a( /OEM D MORGAN, /:truggiat, No st3Ligood strata, asoril 8010 Agent for Wedvn Pears. ftY MAGNETIC-TEUGRAPH. orrespendenee of ittAblarghOas elie Correspondence of the Pinsbutgh Gazette Deitoeratio State Convention. autumn:mu, Aug. 30, 1648. The Democratic State Convention met this morning, and organized by appointing Jas. Man shall, Esq., of Erie, President_ Therules governing farmer conventions were adopted,. Nominations were made inc Governor The disposition of many of the members to get through the important duties of the Convention, e motion was made to go into ballot for a candidate for Governor was then adopted, when the follow• 'lig was the result of the first and fourth ballots: Langatretli had Bigler Black Eldred Loggstregh hid Black Bigler Eldred Considerable binding being manikwed upon the vote just had, it was thought prudent by the friends of Black and Bigler to move an adjournment, which resulted in favor of the motion—yeas, 67: nap, 63. Longstreth's friend. voting in opposition. The Convention meets to morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Correepondenee of the Psu.eborghOasette. Whig State Convention. Iteauttemon. Aug. 30, IStB. This Convention meets to morrow morning at 10 o'clock. A fall delegation is present, and from the Meting manifested by the members, there is little doubt but that William F. Johnaton will be no• minated on to morrow. The best atifeeling pre. voila among the members of the Convention Dow present, and some think the nomination will be made unanimously on first ballot. Correspondence of the Putsburgh Game. /115,W YORIL, Aug. 2411, 1818. Collision on theapringdeld Rail Road o,7l2lffECizra The Cars on the Springfield Rail Road came to collision with a buggy containln€4ld.r.llion and hi. wife, both of whom were killed. The .dukes from Furope, by letters, have been received by our merchants, per steamer Britannia The news thus received has not all eted our mar bets to any extent; but on the contrary, it has pro- duced a dampness upon the sale. In bread atolls the news has produced more firmness, and holders even demand an advance, but buyers refuse to advance. Sales of Genesee dour have been made to some event at S 5 62, and Southern and other bmnds at S 5 50. In Grain, no change reported. Corn midi coutmcree in active demand at 56 cents per bushel kW mined, and 60c for yellow. Correspondence of the Putsburgh Glue. l'ils.i.rtmoar., Aug. 30,194,- The markets are not active.lders at Flue are asking $5,50 per bbl, but buyers refuse to put; chase. Sales to a moderate amount of Howard street at $5 25, and Cry Kills • shade higher, but S 5 25 are about the correct agates. Gram—New Southern Wheat sells freely; for Reds 105 to 105, and for White noans eta per bushel. Coro—Sales moderate, and arrivals bet homed; mles at 48c for White, and 55 to 110 e for Yellow. In Provisions, but little is doing, and the limi ted supply quite suiluneut to the demand. Sales range at last week's price. The Baltimore street wholesale men appear to be busy, but to what extent of sales t cannot sap. Grocenes and other merchantable products are unchanged, and sales to a very limited extent are Correspondence of me Pillslarzaa Gazelle PUILADELPIII.4, Aug. 30, ISIS. I have DO new feature to report, either in change of prices, active demand, or heavy receipt. The holders of Flour are firm at 16 30(53 50c per Ul; and family dour to a small extent sold al SS 75t:0:0 per barrel.. Grain—Aa jet but little is reaching our market. and sales to a limited extent at 10:S.11108c for reds, and 110 to 115 c for white. Coro--Sales to a moderate extent It bei to We per bushel. Provisions remain unchanged and inactive. No change in Coffee or Sugar, nor do I hear of any ulna of Whiskey; consequently, I renew yes terday's quotation.—Y362 per gallon. Our city it tilling up free wets arenrez-rni , Vat to hie et the c Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gismos Cincinnati, Aug. 30, ISM Our markets are immure, and the supply gene rally limited, yet lolly equal to the demand. Sales of 1,000 barrels of Flour at $3 SS to sl— demand the latter figurer. Whiskey firm at 1134 to 161 e per gal. Cheese dull, and prices of yesterday hardly Lowed 011—.10 barrels sold m .52 errs decline once yesterday. Provisions firm--Grocenes steady. Caton—Active demand. The Banks of Norwalk and Sandusky are not purcbased by our brokers. Nor yet the last to lay the old multi." TniF. EMPIRE COOKING RANGE possesses the following advantages:—The oven is cowtandy supplied pare hot an, rendering the operation of baking as perfect as when done In a bnek oven. It has a Chamber exclusively for Roasting melds with a spit. thus doing away with all the roasting at tachments In the shape of i'un kitchens." It has a large cooktug capacity, with an unobstruct ed list surface an the top, which all bousehmtpers can appreciate. It can be set up lambent mason work, in any ordina ry fire-place, or to the room as a stove; enabling those who occupy hired houses to have the advantage of a range at the COO of • stove and lastly. It burns less coal than any other cookmg apparatus, fexemplum the F-mptre Cooking Stove, which Iselin r sale so wholesale or retail, at GILBERT'S Empire Stove Depot, 4IS Market mica; Glnunl Row, Philadelphia. Henry Extract from • rt•ommendanon from H Barb man, Ertl, =I Market arcet:- - You can me no term. in recommendation of a, *loch I will not endorse if referred to." anl{23-drodtDec2llbroaw lIELLIENG UNN.EAN BOTANIC GARDEN AND NURSERY . . 2 LATE of William Prince. deceased. Floating L. 1., i.e. New Poet. IV wan & Co.. Prop,. ton •• In consequence of the decease of Me junior and of the advanced age of the surviving partner, the entire stock of this establishment, comprising every desenp- Pon, including the newest end choicest varieties of Yam AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, Vines, Plants, 80..., An., will be disposed of at very reduced pnces, order to close the bwaness as speedily as poarible. Chders accompanied with the cash, to the amount of Ton Dollar., or upwards, will be supplied at • reduc- Poo of 2 per cent from the usual mimes. Nurserymen, Venders, and others, wishing to pur e Mt. by wholesale, mill he supplred at sock reduced prices according to kind and quantity, ea will probably prove satisfactory to there. Descriptive catalogues grabs, on application post paid. Orden ival a and catalogues supplied by 8 N WICKERSHAM, corner of Wood and Sixth ats. Pitts burgh. augge-toanitte Are hilie - Diral and girishanioal Drawing. THE undersigned proposer to commence, at the I opening of the next crouton of the Um crony, a course of lectures on Technology. together with Itfa• chine Drawing and Civil kMinnecnng, provided a suf ficient number of students can be obtained to minty the attempt The charges will he !leper quarter. The following gentlemen are referred to: Dr. Upfold, Dr . Dyer, Prot. Stephens and Mr F Eaton. eurS•eodagep4-61 FREDERICKOVERMAN. CIOUNTING HOUSE SAND-Di dire in store and I._/ for sale by nutria REYNOLDS it SHEE 111.113 S AND BUCKETS-. -GO dot Bearee Bucket.; to do do 'tuba; to store and for sale by aurth L S N'ATERAI AN I _ • • RON-40 ions Iron, assortod, for sale try .8105 Ln NY ATERMAN N A s i a l le ' b "al begs Nails "d is L iii : a \;ijA a i l =N for y aurl3 . _ 4,2 REDS-276 built Clover Seed, strictly prime; 20 do kJ Timothy do; in store and for sale by _augiq Q TEEL-A general assortment of Cnot, Sheer, E, 101 Blister, German, Sprang and A LI Steel, to store and for sale by emcee L S W TERMAN 'SABLE CILAIN—A lorfic Cable Chain tunable for bieamboats, nom 600 toot in leorh, for sale by aug23 4VATERMAN UST received at the northeast corner of 4th and t? Market streets, Needle Worked Collars, Wrought bonnet Ribbons, eery cheap. •ugas rirklAl4-211011 - : s Young Syron Imperial, Ciunpow- J, der and Black Teas, for role by SHOWN b. CULISFIRTSPN, .04 I4G ltbeny st irtstrUlL—Knpt eonstaniliron hand and for r sale by aurN BROWN O. CULBEIITSON TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA- 19 don for sale by augl4 1 KIDD & Co j'INE POTASH—At retail by augl4 Bill --- trItrDONI,..-oLrie lust rec'd .nd for lug e y atir.tri II A FAHNETOCK It Co 'E/ANDY AND WINI.I-6 cabs French Brandy; 2 jj do Pon Wu, 0 do Aledrir. do; received on COU- P lirtunem and for talc low for cash, warnintedme,l, anal fd.StrEY tr. tIFZI' I_l . F:11 - bale. NIA/111111 Henn% jurt re 'd and tot 1.1 •ele Lr BROWN & t.t.4.IIERTI4UN, _° .sl_ 145 Ilberty Pl,T,i'suz:6 - 11 , „Trialbit‘E7r4 d Zoilr° FAHul,y FLOUR—t 4 bbl. Flour,just reed and fm sale _by earn WICK & OCANDLESS ULOUR-167 bbl. superfine Flour, past received per steamer Hudson and for sale by so, JOHNS DILWORTH A I 0F23-40 0 lbs Cape, A ree 7 l and for Pale by FAHNESTOCK & Co, --- corner Ist and wood nit • • L ARD -43 We No 2. 10 ... 77 , 4)iffAl s co, peon uld Ironti ets 'IILT UMW WANTED, to go to Philadelphia, to take charge of an Infant Uood recommendationa will ho tatiotred Apply Immediately at We other. angl7 DRY GOOD& LYHD , II CLIZIMT, imaxpoati ur. FOURTH-BT., BELOW WOOD. THE subscriber =Peet:folly requests the anention the owners and captains or !mats, citizens sad strangers suiting Pittsburgh, to his Lino and splendid oath of carpeting now for Salo m...tom., street. They consist of every vartaty of the latest and most fashionable styles of Pupate, Oil Cloths, he, ever brought to the %Tun= awake'. The sutra has been built expressly far the carpet busuressorndhos, len of expenee4 been fined op in the most magniheent modern style. The carpets reeelvitng ate of the richest and most bnlllant They comprise, m part of th Supenor Tapestry, anew as. file English and American Bros. sels Lapses's' Ingrain, new sha &NU &Tenor Ingrain; new do- krt; Flee Inman, Common do Plain and twilled Venitian; Extra aver cord twilled do; Boyal do g Sheep Pelt; Lbendle, Allicerd; Tut Wilton ale; Brussels, Common; f yard mode; 49 votes 29 ' 29 I 9 I do do do do 4 do do da do Cotton, list, rag and hemp carpet, emmuon oil cloth, 011 cloth table covers, warmed and horn table coven, window dudes, colored and plain marring, emir rods, trimmings, carpet bindings, and all other goods usually kept in carpet stores, all of which wall be sold on as reuonable terms as any to the city. Having made ar rangements with one of the large.' IMMO factumrs in the oast, orders forauy style of carpet will be promptly for warded by telegraph, and delivered in one week, in a small advance of the manufacturer's price. Purchasers era particularly requested to call before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident we can sell as cheap an they can be purchased in the eastern eines. marra 6 W. LYND. EW BIIMMERIGOODS DION NAIN TO. AND CHILADVADDIA LODDION4 U7E are now opening a fine stook of flesh Summer Goods, direct from the New York and Philadel phia Auctions, where they have been purchased with in. the last two weeks ata very great sacrifice, there by cabling on to offer far better bargalas than we nave ever done befere In calling the attention of the cameos of Pittsburgh sod he victnity nur ment, we do so with Me confidence of our prices bein g g such as will erinere perfect satisfaction; and to boy en, either by wholesale or retail, a fine chance is now otrered for promning great bargains. Among those gut received are— A lot of very cheap cold and blk fig'd & suip'd "• Light and dark Lawns; Gingham*, • of exult fine blk kg'd and striped Bemire, which are a var . , great bargain. A lot of handsome Cote Pally., for ladies aroma% do light colored and black Hemp. very cheap; do new style silk Vesting do do very handsome Berne ;Shawls; do very cheap hlk do do do fine blk silk Mantilla Scar* do buldsome Parasols and Peruolena do Anil/Mal Flowers; do very cheep Linen Lustros; ALSO -A fins stook of super French Cloths and Cam emcees, veldts and colored Linen Drillings, Cashmer es, Bummer Ceseimeres, Drap Etc, tec Ac large assortment of Prints of all priers; Ticking, Check., Motto., &e., to which, as well so other arti cher moue line, we invite the special attention of cash I buyers. ALEXANDFR & DA Y, l ent 7 3 market ea, Pi W eor of the diamond A. As /11A110, t CO.. Fotm 60 HAMLETT ST. BETWEEN THIRD & FOL HTH, BEING desirous of reducing their stock previous to the commencement of the Fall Traria, well offer then extensive and Naltlooable itapOrtatept for • few week. at greatly reduced prices. Amongst their wittmetti tgag_he r a nd excellent styles of Berege ac. )7.h P t l ! of which are redaree In price folly one third. Their stock of Shawls is very ertenaille. and com erases every known style. A few canons of crape and silk Shawls just !arrived will be sold extremely low. 4 cues real Scottapham,wdl hew ld al LA eta., Itztl•I prise hl rept. English Calicoes We, Amer can do as low as 3 4c; wrought Collars Inc; Mo.- 11° de Leine. Me; good Alpaeca late; Bonnet Rib. bons tic. Their mock of dart green pure Satin Pmasols and Parsaolettes, comprising uplrards of MI, of every style and quality will be offer at very low rates. Broad dub. Caseimeres and Vesungs; also, all kinds ammoee molls and Cottonade. licasekeeping and domestic Goods of egery deseripa ties. Merchants will &heap. find at our wholesale room. as Lys.. and deurable an usortmeni af taisis ma is nasally found in eutern houses, MCA at equally low P I:WY nor prier, from which no deviation can be made. 1071_ - 11g1V - VALL ootoDs: • .- - _ SMITH k JOHNSON, 46 Market street, have juu received, and will be constantly receiving through the season. from the Frool, a `corral usortment of Sta ple and ti.ney Dry Goods and Millinery articles, adap ted to the fall and winter troth., to which they would particularly Unite the attention of purchaser.: A vonety of Scotch Glngharnic Tutted do: French dm pboln and fancy cord Alpacas, comn and .ilk warp do, Mohatr and Oriental do; Calicoes of every style; 05 dor bun camOrte Hdlirs; clear lawn do, Re. yearn do; cord border do: 5 canons thread Laces, wore as low as eg cos; 10 do cotton do French work cop e• and collars; do do otandrng do Mourning do; crochet do; 10 carton. laden and gents /3siou Kid Gloves; 25 do. ladies talk age thread and cotton do: SW do do rotten Hone, all colors, 10 do do whim and blk .ilk do; 50 do gents g do, Cobb., 11011000, Thread, he, in great variety, wtorh will be wild extremely bow. aurk3 Y.T. JL MURPHY kaii_otrelelgriltrikaliUdSeoteli g ingham. cotton and steel frame mutton. One rue Parasols, including green sum Turk. ilk elk and brown silk, of extra sires. Also, one ease bleached Drills, alu, .31antan Rib , Lions block and colored; alike Satin do; Lrnen Ging. hunk, and MMus styles of summer Good, selling at reduced prices. A lot of super Manchester Gingtiamo, t Tl d H2:7 ' l;olll.7=l v ot "L of brand and other Bon nets of ui urmter's shapes) selling off 01 from 371 e to $1 ht o M le e s acloerer oflth and Market sc W mamarr awry—entrance from lih sL /Yr FANCY - SRI -GOODS, BEAMAN & MUIR_, &al Mreadwar / N•eir rlt r Al PORTERS AND JOBBERS of Silks. French pfln. I ted Muslin., Damps, Lace*. Embroidenes, Merl. no., flhaorla, HoWery, (Dove; Lawns, Hannbaxines, AND ALLOT HEM TARIETIFJ3 OF FANCY GOODMi... They brim amowly Merchant., mutiny New York. to ea./nine their stock before making Met, purchases. Mr. Muir was for many years of the Mown of A. T. Steetram & Co- from which ke retired on the la of Jan. 18401; and Mr. Jame. Dickson, (who has an interest to the husines.o ems also favoratily known in that cstal. Itskinent mar3O. BONNETS—W It titorpby Is selling onus remaining stock of Bonuels et greatly reduced prises. Bonnets of last ariuter's styles, (mgri 23 tents to ULM. CHEAP LAWNS—A Lugo lot of Drava Lamm, r tweed m 11/1 aeon per yard. WHITE GOODS FOR DRFA3SV4--.A supply pm re erred, and offered very l ow. . . DARXOIbI6HAbI R—Fbel; due styles Of Oinghome, lobe found at dry gaede house of pity %V a AIL R SEW PALL GOODS WM. YOUNG & Co., 143 Liberty street. male s y y tenuon to tbeirvery extansive stock of Sole Lea. der, Morocco. Tanner's 011, Since Thread, &c , consti. luting a very general assortment of goods In their line of business; all of ortuch bas been *elected with great care m the Eastern clue., std ta now offered to put , chasers at reduced poets. do examination of died stock is respectfully sollcued angls HOMEMADE FLANNELS--W Murphy has 1.- d• few yy. white, brown and bard Horne-Made F lannel . Ago, Ago, Home-Alade BLAN KETS, • good article, and at a low price, at northeast comer Ith and Markets eta. augt MCX44IIITO NETTB—IUUD pieces 7-1 and 8-1 plow white and red and blue barred NCIA, none long. A 1.., *1,114 and 19-4 heavy &billet., imported eopresslgilfor • superior article of Aloagnito Netts, for city sales, loot recerved by WO BRACK:LEW A WIWIT, kg wood WHITE G OO' S FOR DRIISSEM—W R Murphy g hoe rust received an invoice of Mite DRIP Goods for ladies, snob as French and Scotch Mnl: Meeruta, Nansooks, Satin Laid Jaconets, de, very low. A 1.., White Bonnet Ribbons, at_ northeur cor ner of Ith and market sur. leYl SEAGRASS FOB SKIM'S—A supply lately meet ved. Also. corded and Marseilles Skirts; also, Mosquito Netts, white sod colored; wide Boldness for do, at dry goods house of ' NV RSIURPLIY, j 73 northeut earner 4th and market sts ANcitnrrEtt GINGHA MS—An Mantra of rea M Mahehester Gingham., of new and handsome patients, received yesterday at the Dry Goods llotunr of pir4 W It MURPHY ULCAND NANHOOK MUBLINS—A general ao aortment of Moll and Nannook Manias (or ladies dresses, mat recetved at No 75 market street, northwest corner of the diamond. A VICANDER & DAY BERACIELS AND TISIACES—A • Mason & Co, 60 Market it, have farther reduced iv prier their as .runent of Bermes and Times; also, Grenadine., Granites, Mohair instal, Poll de Chive, or. iye NEW FALL GOODS—A A Mason & Co, U 0 Marken meat, are now opening gD eases and paekages ot new Pall Goods, comprising In port now styles Cling. Kama, French, ilnglish and Amer.can Prints, Mull, Swims and Book Muslin, Collars, Capes, Laces. anglo STANDINGADI COLLARS—A A Mason & 1J Co. 60 Market in, have just opened 40 dos of the most fashionable styles of Ladies Standing Collar, Alm, 90 dm blooming do; 10 dm Wrought do. 1797 LACE CAPS—A A Mason & Co. have just reed 111 dos Ladies Lace Caps. also , new styles Christi setts, Wrought Capes, Head Dresses, Ladles Belts, &r. REMNANTS OP.CALleoFAL—A4lhrisswit a Co, be Market at, are doting out a large lot of remnants of Calicoes, at folly half the usual price—good fast co lored Prints at age. aug7 DMA: AN ORANGE - PRINTS, and blue Merri mack do, constantly on hand at lowest prices, at seholeule room of \V 11 MURPHY. an a l —_—.... nor 4th and market ma, HI story --- -- • . -• . J) i . ..SIACHTD — fiIigUN - 11-- - & Mason k Co, 00 Ma r km or, have prat opened 5 mom caws of those very cheap bleached Mos.,. at dc Also, 4 mom rases of the 410 do. Alm, another large lot of the remnants of Calico, et ea. augl4 CHEAP CALICOES-A A Mason kCo hove reed another targeted of Colima., at 55 yards for One Doll.. Also, good yard wide brown hl.lins at Mc. Mom Wrought Collars, 1111 augl4 BINGES AND GIMPS—A A ItrasOO&Co,lso Mart F ket bare r.% reed BM dos of floe hik and cord S. Fmk., of all wollite Al.o. Gimps of every Yet rimy and color . AA_ MASON ft Co, have mat ree'd 6 cams of . Prints, of beautiful neat dark figure., al enema. , ow prices. Aim, MI p. I.yone.e Cloth. Alpaeco, a, which they will offer st great indocernents to our. ohmter. utl7 A. MASON & Co, have must teemedther large aarehrtmebi of th ose cheap Bleached ano Mos dflrks, at lygird '1 - M 'cents. op. 3 px.o. of d. t, o very' superior cached bluallos, at 8 eta. aog74 gUST ItEtEIVED-1500 ps Mervinsack, Hamilton tt and Cocpeeo Priam, of very dearrable my les. AA MASON & Co T ACE CAPS-5 dot fancy Cried Caps, rust re'd7n Li nugl7 A A MASON &Co,. J KIDD & Co FLANNEL!!—Brown and Red Flannel., cid cdosign went and for ludo by OW COCHRAN, 25 wood at AA. MASON tr. Ca are nos. open/Dill C. 41-41, . 6-4 end 10-4 Sheeting, very derarnble for family engin salet ck k - - 01:1PHAN/P COURT lIALICs TIN' Virtue of an coder of the OrphatteCourt of Arie l) gheny cenoy, Peentaliana, in No. 51, Jana Tdrm, 1846, 1 will expo., to ale; by poblir vendee or outcry, at the Cart WM., in the eiM of on October 01,1848, at 10 Weak, - A. AI, IX= M on day o r () c ube; in% nll that apnea Lot or Bice_ of Ground, situate in the etrY.of finsirorgh, beginning on Penn street at the distenneof 52 Pest westwardly from Itlarbury street, and nundrut Wong iNten sued westwardly 38 fan thence soculatardly, line with Idarbory street, 110 feet to Brewery.nlital thence along said alley easterardly 28feen, and thandP northwardly, a parallel line withidarbut7 tone, 110 feet to the place of beginning—with all the apporto• naces; on which is erected three small name and one smell Brick Dwelling Hotness the same be4wM ject to a yearly ground rent of one hundred and augur dollar, payable quarterly forever, to Anthony Dra • Ids hein and amigos. Trawl or gnu—One third cash on the delivery of the deed for the premises, and one third in one year, with interns from the day of ale, and the other one thint in two years, with interest from the day of ale, to be secured by bond andmwlgage on the Mmises. - MARGET Late Margaret Thompace, Administratrix,rwu !Wm Thoraprort, dee'd. the latest design, with • lora following CambriaVlSA ell Der THE undersigned will offer be sale at public min den. en Thursday, the fifth day of October earl, the following property assigned to them by the late firm of Vinton. La Beene& Co.. for the hermit of the credttors of said firm, to wit:—The Furnace erected by said company, with the steam engine and fignms, sad hot blast apparanw the tools used about the &maga the lot of land on which the Furnace stands, cowrie* about fifteen items of land, and the humeri of the said firm in fifty acres Mind bought of IL K. Du Boia. The sale will be held on the premises, In the town ship of Tallmadge, Summit county, Ohio, and will com mence at 10 o'clock, A. I. Imes or Sstr—One-fourth cash, and the balance in four, eight sod twelve months. W. S. C. cms, W. H. UPSON, Door Mots. Oft Cloths. THE subscriber has laid mu eleven - Lots on the South side of the Fourth Street Road, and =out two and one quarter tidies - from the Cuurt Rouse. These lots contain each from one to two and a half acres of land, and will be sold an reasonable and ac commodating terms. It is deemed unnecessary to en ter into any explanation of the advantages of these lots. Their vicinity to this eity,.and to the fine of the Central Rail Road, recommend Them strongly ILI very desirable country residences. The subscriber also offers for tale about seven boa deed acres of land in Franklin township, Allegheny county,. oboist seventeen miles from finsburgh. Also, nine bu ilding lots in the borough of Birmingham. aug 5-dlm NEVILLE CRAIG. irMGUAIILIC PRt PERTY POR SAidd. jaTHAT pnopertp Isaly ocanded by 11. Nixon, FAq., on Craig street, near Robinson, Allegheny city, will be told on accommodating ms. The lot Is 33 feet 4 niches on Craig =vet, mon= through to the Canal 150 feet. There Is ago= two story frame dwelling house sin the premises, lately built, and the lot Is well improved, containing • variety of choice fruit trees, grape, shrubbery, as. This property is conveni ently situated for persons doing business In either Pin. burgh or Allegheny, and is a desirable residence. Till. indisputable. For ten= apply to %P&L BOYD Anne ney at Law, olive on Fourth street, above Smithfield. 2 - 615 - Acres Coal Land for illa/o, SFITATED on the Monongahela river, about 16 =les dem Pittsburgh and 3 miles above third Lock, in the immediate nelghborbood of Messrs. Lyon a Shod), and Mr. John Herron'. parches. This fine body of Curl will be sold at the low prier of BO per ure—one third in hand, balance in her equal annual payments, without 1111GRItt. Tide indisputable. Location very good—Cannel be surpassed. For further particulars enquire RALSLEY, who has • dralt of said pro petty. Residence tld st, below Ferry, Mr. Adams , Row. N. B. There is another seam of coal on this tract, about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality. jrAhdtf fg. Heal EAtata is Ohio. A TRACT of land, 90 acres, in Harrison, Pottage Co., on the Cuyahoga river—about DO acres under Im provement. Also, two unimproved lots in the village of Warren, Trumbnll Co., 00 feet by 90. Also, • lot of ground an th e centre of Hartford, Trumbull Cu, with Roe derailing home and more—one of the best Maas for a merchant on the %Yemeni Reserve. Any or all trus progeny will be sold on eery accommodating temm ISAIAH DICKY& Co., feblfa Water and Front stn THE large and well built Factory, erected on Relax ea street, Allegheny city, by R. S. Casson, East.. to ared for sale at a bargain. and on easy term.. The lot on which the Fectory is erected, front. 100 feet on Rebecca street and runs back 110 feet to Park street. The main building is of brick, three stones high and 60 feet long by 27 feet wide. The Engine House is large and commodious, with ao engine, tenter, slack lac- all in complete order. The property will be sold low, nod on oulvantagesnistetma Far pnee terms, ac., enquire at this oaten a• - •tf 2 THAT commodious brick dwelling house and large lot, the residence of him Jane 'Magee, on Webster street, noar the head of.l3ecerdh Meer, on which area amble and carnage boon, out house., bete oven, and a variety of shrub. and grape vines. Poosesunin will he peon on the is of October,or teen er if required. Enquire on We premises, or on Wills, near Washington sweet, of M D LO%VRIE. aclir3-dir VALVABLI. FARM oontaining 140 acres, sins.. tett in Itehnont county, Ohio, 7 mites from St Claims:tits ands mar. nnrth Mtbe National Road, and in tate (tithe m,.1 destrable nerghbarhoods in the coun ty. There is ander toluratton about ninety aeres.onth Uyoan2 orcharst.rc, &v. Far term. and other partic• lan, montro of JOHN S. DILWORTH, angla 27 wood sr THE subs, rit.e r 1.11 sell nu aecommadanag terms, valuable tract or unimproved and, situate on the road leading from Bnghtoo to Franklin, about eighteen nines from I'n/sheikh. and about eight tulles from the town of Firedom on the Ohio Hoer. The Batt con tains 4111 acres and SO perches, strict measure The lend is or an excellent qualtty, about 00 sums cleared, and well vintergd. and will be sold either in whole or ¢ qf convenient vice. to suit purehti.ra at LA, Mrl.o44Gll.lliLla CLIIWIC Wril. BOYID, t. in M y'recii , kyrtf T Property Ira Alleghroy City tor auhacnbern oder E a number of einxice j, Lots, situate to the Second Wari„fronting on the Common ground.. on easy tem.. Inquire of W. O'H. ROBINSON, Arty at Law, St Ch at of JAS ROBINSON, on the premisca. mytruidevirT Valuable Residence Imo Allegheny City for Sale. I IONTEMPLATING a removal from Allegheny city Nj offer my then for sale. The preAttses are in delightful order, and every way worthy the at tention of any person tvishitt atleh v.pqt_r. W. POIAIDEXTER. JY2O Riau 14iuome LOT, Storehoinie and Dwelling, &time on the Erie Extension Canal. in the saw of West Mid. ; a cleanable location for a merchant Also, a Lon and good Dwelling House well milted fora Tavern Stand, In the village of Oningevillc, on Stab line of Ohs*. Tenn, easy. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co. (obi° Watar and Front zia. TOME dwelling houses umated on eth street near an lindge, in the city of Pittsburgh. Al so, • room :5 by ill feet, with a corivecat nonce' on sth wt., near wood. Also, • frame two /nonce, with an acre of ground enclosed and undo culdvation, Inman. on Ohio lane, in the city of Alleghl ny. Inquire of I D Wil IFA MR, - . an To Onacrora, 12. FOR PALE OR REttil', the Pittsburgh Brew ery, with all or brewing apparams, matte on Penn sleet, add Barker's alley,and now occupied by Geo. W. Smith & Co. P 01.11•1011 given on tan first day of April ensuing. Fbr term., he. et= BRO WN Is MLR N, fabdrat lea liberty st. rIOAL LAND FOR SALE—Careen acre. coal land for sale, aim., in bend of the Monongahela River, above Drownsvitle, Pa.. having a 7 riot halo Of twal which will be sold in exchange for %oda. Pot parte.. or. apply lo k W.,11 ARRA GU Mk towed Id WARI.I-10USE FOR BALE.—The subscribes offers for sale the three story brick Warehouse on Wood .trees, occupied by IL Tanner I Co. It rents now for Cow per peer. spl7. To Lot. The subscribers will rent part of the ware hour.. now occupied by them Apply to LEWIS, DALZF.LI., at Co, JIM'? . 54 water street A Eine two story bock booze,. main street Lil Allegheny city, neat the upper bridge. The lot Is Yd feet in front by 10Oldeep. For terms inquire of fields( A WASHINGTOI L eth et Por 11pp4, 4,4,. THE large Ere proof ware h ouse, 41 (*et trout by _Uttar feel deep, on second st, near renal. Rent mod. erste Inquire 01 J SCHOONALAYER & detg wo od A Smoke ninon initiated on Plum alley, for rent. Inquire of ROBERT DALZELL A Co, Libor, denl3 EXCHANGE PkHOKERLS 66v, VIDEIBBIT, HANNA & 00 TgANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and deafen 1.3 in Foreign ned Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposita Bank Notts, and Specie; Fourth vireet, near ly opposite the Ha= of Pimburgh. Current ft received on &mate—Sight Cheeks !or cap, anir Menem made on nearly all the principal poMia in the e 4 Ut e h s tres a t premium paid for Foreign and !mimic= Gold. Advances made on consignmenu of Produce, dap ped Sant, on liberal terms. mchls 4. 1104.4108 4 SOBEL. • BANKERS and Dealers in Ekelinage, Coin and Bank Notes„ No. 55, hlarket street, Pinxburgh. Selling Rates. Exchange. Buying Rues. New York, yr Cincinnati, * die Philadelphia, Ido Louisville, II do Belmont, do St. Louis, I do Buying Rama, BANK NCrTM.. Buying Rates. Oleo, 2dm Co. k Scrip Ordsnai disc Indlono, "do Behar Notes, „ do Kentucky, "do Pennsylvania Cy "do Vik "do New York do "do A IL wi,„1,,,,, a do. New Orleans, "do Toone...tie, 11 do hlaryland, "do rnteattf . . Svaziall Zjititir - _I3I LLS 00 England, Ireland, nod Scotland bought to any amount at the CUlTtill Rat. a Exchange. Also, Dmllt payable In .y peel of the Old Comtrica, front LI to 1.1101, at the rate of SS to the .0 Sterling, without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, European and General Agent. WS. 6th at one door west of wood. outlet( JOSErlt EL 11131. r.O. cosai. HILL IL CVUUY, ANKERN and Exchostoo Brokers, Book. In F oe . elgo and Domestic. Tim* and Bight Bills of 6.1- chenge, Cclllfi< .ceA of Deposne, Bar* Notes and Coin; No W Wood street, third door below Fourth, wool Cdr. malt( ririiAsn IMILAMER RAHN. 'ILANKI , 2II , AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, desk. in Foreip and Domestic Stile of Exchange, Cot A. of .ihositti, Bank Notes and Coin, comer o 34 and Wool ;meets, directly loppoalto Se. 01billet tel. usszelidlL Mfl3ll -1 19MH:31 - 3 , V Pi Ds— Ginn Indiana, Ermine y. 1111,soun, Bonk Note; purchased at the lowest nacre, by N. MUDD & BONS, doll 33 Market street. BILLS OF ILICOITANGE:—Sight elate on New York, Philadelphia, and Baltim N. HOLM }& SONS. 33 Market at. Commitly for sale by delo COLLECTIONIS—Drafts, Note; and Aceeptart• 0., payable in y part of the Ordem, collected- ma the most htvorable term,' N. HOLMES & SONS:: dclo ea Mutat a. _ ACON-67 pleee*, hntaU6ll, 4616 try aoglB WICK AIdVANDLESS Mime country eared just roretred und w. .ale by o urai meg a DIVAN/WM __ -~fic• FACTORY FOR SALE PAtilf voRTUTLE M=M=l== MX=ll I==ll3 Ir'r, For Renr. ~...__....._~.~„_nti: r.~., , zy';^Nr ^ r»^~ u,=,..',.-:;p;,'"~ - ` MFR`Y'~ ', ~:t:.^'.-';:«~~.^~.:v~~~~ BATS : CAPS, Mk 101011ETS, INLIFIEUMMITaII HITS. THE troboorlerviim odd/two, to hi. ow o Allt ,a ud u i .*„ . : o o,Latic lin 'dodo smogs-4 ellitastottoothitaloss* &Pm It: Otg; Oho mot ilioldosoblyt bolters *Nis dry of,Now - Toilt4 far a not... •olor e ely OM* Warm Snit Mr Masi an= i t i p.l ,soc a few Eascsjcsoliermi--- vas be a „my 'and bentillt.hal st liis sam Au _ond:Cap Store, SialtbLoad : door matt of Foal* *hero gum et ~..• • a variat7 of tut 4 Cops of bis aim ~ • •+ taco*toile and re. tail. Han mole to ozdor cco ... laid 00. 'IIIIW i /AMES WILSON. ( Osat ealaslVig la Atir Carnet of W - Beseu pARTI4 si:tr ro*lame= as i atri td [at . ottr Trtule. Caps from our establisbkocat of the . ars sarsats i f sod doputsassub of th e weird lona, said si the Imp nu= Commit tdeeetouits,lpauchaslog by irholesals, atr respectfully Invited to itallsod a our So* as I , en, coo say Irish confidence dist Ls mu O ds siers sad rsans, It 1.11.1 not stErefin a coasparlsou with soy house in Pbiladelptds.. ' _ (417,; wrnAw GOOD& to DEALERS ant to Wand= EL IL PALMER'S Wank of Straw Goods, Of the iptins i .=. Di part of lwl D.St WEEta Dim mable dfx Mamie= btu Pearlacc Beware der, Itatlalt t . lbFrench ban e; eplElMtp, t“. it.. HA holm Wan Lett Panama, Fancy Straw, do Braid, _ and Wald, Pedal do. Also, Artlletal Flown:pi REMona, U. Straw Bon net Warebonas, 9.1 Inanitetia mariS • :••.i-• • • eb 4,CHEAPEST Faiddanable Heter =t t airipll Sem, 79 ninth street 9 99 99 990aiodldwi Store, cart.- .., of Wood meet KE , C.Xittin Wey. 1t76h.4 MISCELLINEOUS. °annuli's.; Magi Agars db . Commaellors Our Psalm, Ocoee for pmcasing end !loran Painful, isenVir , d_ Woman= on filechanies and eau to tliehrts, end onlAnte an an Ponngn Laws of Patents. 'DROP. WkLTPII H. 1011NSON, late of PbAsd./' phi., and Z. O. BOBBINS :11f Washhagthe (to be aided by HasanilCoowles,,,Esq., late _ of the United Stet. Patent OHM) h.** themselves together for tke pros,thotion df the above branches of professional business, eithesin their office, at the Patent Mee, or before the Coons; and will de vote their suldivid attention to forwarding the inter est of Inventors and others who may consult them or place business in their hands. Idr. KIIDIVICI has for the put twelve years bald the poi: of fdaehinest in the United Etudes Patent Office, and . red . %that situation to take part in the insult and . His talents and peculiar fitness for the theportant ea so long fir ed by him, have been foltr ”r u EL rognised by Inventors whamver the office itself is The office of Meson. J. & IL Mon P street, oppssue the Patent OM., u, D. C.„ where communi ations, post paid, trill be y . attended to; exam. teatime made., drawings, epee pas, and all he papers prepar modele.pmeatedwhen ded red—on reasonableterma. Letters of enqutry, expect ed to be answered after esintainallons had, must be to compuded by a fee eflivedollars. In the duties of their ditto which perMins to the Pa tent Lows, Mane. J. & IL will hit mwialed bi • WO gYentleman of the higbeat professional Character, and fully conversant with Mechanics: fsod other Scientific solveen, myiltbitr.wlyS IT is a great saLOALCtiot to us to be able thus publicly to mthounce, that the great demand for our soperfor and iris rid preparations of our "FAMILY MEDI- C ^ Cu exceeds oar most Sanguine tepee parte y our Indian Expectorant and Compound Carminative Balsam, whirili for beauty of appearance, superiority of mgredierne, and the compounding of them, together with the thintense•dispanty in the she altar bottles over any others—the beautiful and orna mental engravings, and the tests dieplayed in the put ting of them up, le a further incitement to the mochas er. And as many of my old friends who knew me DH. Go,vse Loonan,r) when In the employment of Dr. . Jayne, I now beg leave respectfully lo inform them that I am one of the Arm .of LOUDEN. & Co , No. St Arch street, below Third, reasextenut. where I shall be happy to sea therm who, aided by his bomber, a regular graduate of the "Hbiladedphia College of Phar r:a,. make, pot up, and compound,' with our own every article comprising cm !"Family Medi cine ^ Ws: Indian Expectorant. Compound Gamma- Live Itatsam, Compoood Their Yertnifore, West Indian Sanative Ptlls, and Oriental Hair Tomes. We further beg leave hi remark, (and we do It with a confidence that eannotim shaken,) that we have din. covered and made an iseProvement on oar Oriental Hair Tanis, that fax exceeds any thing ever offered to the public. Give as • cell at No: • !LRCM sweet. Our terms alone are an inducement, and we am sore of the re • , augt:3m THE STAB, OP TUE WEST VENITIAN BLEND MANUFACTORY East aide of Mo Diamond, There Vanden Blinds of all the different uses and colors are kept on and or made, to order tact the latest and mostapprovid Eastern MU ions, at the alimen nodee and on the moo reasons le terms- Also, the cheap Bostini roll or split Wind Transpa rency and Paper Curtains of all the slat:ant sires and patterns, on /ma and thesele low foe enstr. Old Vent- Can Blinds painted over and reMLired,er taken in part payment for new. R T, Preepr. N. B molt done with the best material and workmanship, and venteinted to please the most wheys. soglO-dly Allegheny may. A 14,10 , 1841 ELOHICTION. •' orrtcs os TIM Prrrsaveon Gss Conn, 2 ram a 5110.1040 S THE Stockholders aiihe Pittsburgh:oas Company, are hereby nounc4thet a meeting for tee ;purpose electiog Six Triremes for weld Company, will be held at the office of the Woe., hareem the boarsf 0 and 5 'dock, P. M, ou llouday, the 4th of Se p tember, 104*. AVMS hf. Clirustir, Treasurer. tayaisternn pi kwiu b° 10,1P40. . cOrgill'9,lllllt. IHAVE dua day Maroon o pan of my Interest in the firm of Lorenm Staniar Co. to my mat, gob,. 13. and Samuel F. &staling. HENRY STERI2IO. Aenording to the Waive arrangement, are have this day =rammed with na as partner, the above named ROBERT B. STERLING, and Blii1M: F. ITCERLINQ. Tito bnameu wiU.bdconducted so bm.lofpre, under the name of 'LORENB,.STMINO & On FiuMergh, Amanal le4B- . MAikarlenT _ TE saburibers have on hands 40 casks Soda Ash, Yu M111p111.13 a Elba's, first quality, betng the bal ance of their spring stack, which they , . will sell at 4in par, or 4jo earrency. 4 [Laving made inch large sales to the principal glasaand soap minitacturen of this eitl, they deem it unstecessary,to any any thing at lavas of the brand. They take this opOsnouniry. to annum. Uteir custom ers and dealentmmglly t dad 'l7 have ordered itur . 114 9 =1,,,bic a:rivoixt " t2grt i fall trade, ea thenceforward kegular sopphei throughout the season, which they mill - sell at theloweet market pries for esA or approsedhills. je94 W k. M MITCHELTHEE. 160 libert st iCieli — lrealo And • tbakrapept is PILLS. .? THE general am cies of these 151 h aft Canniea j. 111 , 0, Ptl e and Tonle.. In the cornmotor dere Resin drnee in diet, =ails • k neon and soreness o ihe stonsach, heartburn, he h, an, where a medlcise Is recreated, this combinanciu is eery app li cable; for its earosinellre and soothing ef fects gm almost innaedi..ste rellef.:when nausea co SiCkll.ll exist. Its pprgatire operatton upon the Ctrs. Leh nodwels is pants sad .eirectual, end Its tonic properties impart strengthdic hresuse organs, , h.T.thY enabling Were ta i perform their proper Ihnedo 11 ns with oOesland regulirity- The pried has boon seduced heat do to 95 cts a hoz. Par sale witelesaki and retail by B A FARNESTOCKA Co, eomer frontiand wocel,and 6th and wood so i7bs haents for Plusher's'', MARBLE WORE ON WOOD HT, PITTS/HMO:I. IP; 171711.113.11' L 1.13 to ClONTlN.patinfactoto promments, Banal Van Tombs, Vinal auxa., ante! Pieces, Cen tre and Pier To, 4 la i l e rlgn and domestic marble, at • VAIL( sad fait N. B.—Draerios. Bar monuments, vault., &e. furni.b. ed. of any deem - quite. He sollelta ahue of mtblir patronage. angedlf Ist ARTICLE , OP STEAM PACKING-4cm t0 ...1 ...I mired by ea - preas, Are ibe India &Abbe/ Steam Packing, for eylin4Mre of emaratauna t 3e. T&& . "" le being much the twat kind Wet bee ever been offered for the Mimeo, are cal the attention of Our steamboat on sneers to it. It wilihave them a great amount of labor; for when a cylinderis once pecked It will not require to be packed again before making one or two tripe to St. Louis and back. ' For vale it the indla Rubber De r.; No 5 Wood et. • jyt3 JG II PHILLIPS EIL LIAld ShilTIL Rennfactemtv of Conon and colored Linen, Fringes CM Mmes. /a.; Sewing and colored Cotton Ftingcs 111 k cod mop= Parasol. Gimp, *heir, and EtUr. Bclhon Thes, made to order cdt Ste Menem notice, 52081, corner oflfaiden Lane and William, entrikkm No 65 William aueit, third floor, °ear Abner & ElTe' atom, No 65 Maiden Lan York lyio VILECTRIC MACHINES, at fraralMtolltr, Faeoro- Ea Magnetic Machthes,from.ditrerent eastern mann. [titterers; Martha Clocka,for Milli boats, canal boats and factories. Also, Chemicals, Thermometers, etc., Par sale by BLAKE k Co, oi:intermarket st and the diamond N. B.—Electricityof either Mini mbninbitered u the direetion of phyaimana. "ITISITERS TO` THIS ILETILEAT eon be foenishoil y with • Lunch at all hours of the day; .1.0, lc. Creams, Frail Confectionery, to. The steamer Glee. wood makes her regales tope as mat, leaving her Pitt street landing et 0 A. M., and at hilt pest emelt boar ' 77l7 P f t or i I tetl7 4- the (3"4'. A moonlight u 10 woe of the Getden ladeuribable is its beauty. • - A • & NiCHOLELON ass now selling off at A moderate priers therfollowng••articles: Platform Scales of all ;hind; Istning tcam toe to 301 X) pounds, of superior Uorkmanabst, - assorted Hollow Ware, lightsattema C•mktne &ores; Wood Jo dp, Cool Duple and Balloon Stoves, for charthes, Selliredonses, &e. &e. Grates od Grafp Fronts, for pular', chambers, kllehena, &c. : • Ploughs and Ploljgh Outlllo ofvttrioo. kinds. ATCHURS &NICHOLSON, Libertyy, head or Wood Pt _ _ _ H AVING 'old g oar erkire stock to C B.Ousr, wi a view w elotiog OUf oklbus/oesa. we hereby lick for biro the patronage of all coy friends and LOOM M. RO. W. POINDEXTEJL •refs poiND}-,nCrEli. Plttsbe righ, au. Guam, Wbo:e•ale Omer, Couan..... • V • Forwarthug literriosat, No. 41 Water 0. mai PPAPEII-61) reamsriiii — large hitraar Paper, ty healer and ttrblitC,lar hard - waft. kn. Id blnadltra Flat Cap, for aentettioners; cheap Oast and cap Paper, for sale by SCHOOIMAKER f. attati , 14 troW tt ,-___________-_-- iEcsTHREE FINE DEM:WM HORSES.— INte. fine Draught a.ma !or a ude, mite bi4i"l7l",i,lt.LlFZLL I Co, mei! 7 elm buin, hberty NOTICE TO SIENJEANTE—The advertiser .oli• it• • panne:lolli shoaled u CleiY or Salestpal I. • Ciotbier'e•e•tabbaltment. iLeepteueble o k„ ue ., eon be given.: Iteldlnes •131 ariumau. • , BciALF itemdne }health. Calf Skins, • 47,.,21::L l' afac A toraf dau'' .11 131 C P nt hi lrfp* ll6lPt" tet wtdel. the attentiosi of boat' mike. 1111 , 112& JIM received sad fOr sal, by W YOUNG & 4 ICI liberty tt,. je27 SUPER MOHAIR LUSTRE% Am.—ly H Mby urp Ha cm Maul alidlasconmard of Alpsta and Mo. halt Imams, ado ineladln lit few pieces HO' HO; AMH: bICAnd ced'd cm; wed dorsann sniped dmicalatmed from in*. and'caadientaly can be Win tairest pc.ll- 61. t eottlet.ot Ath and Markel no. BACCIAI4O caluiShocadats, Ispding hmo alembic PlActiesigattrjmut by wCI $0 6' 59N it &ppm, to .ectOnd k • hi ElllcA I. THE ONLY. RENEDYI • . - • . _ Kr 1 RAC? is an invent b 1 remedy for Epileptic Flo or Falling Sickurs2 es, Spam* he. it t, kunwo, that from time inunsmorod, pktricima have iromounrod Win ne Ilia incurable. It has bathed all thcit skill, and the boasted power of all medicine, and erotrouroemil thou sands have sabred through • mirerable examen ro, and at Last yielded up their lives on the atter of iolanity. With all deference, however,. to the opinions or Ms peat end learned, roe say that it him bees cured BART.'S V or3Cl ABLE RACT, For einem yearakou been tested by many persons who have Indicted with, this dreadful diseam, and in arty rase where it has had afar trial, has effected • and etas T an 4 =baths, cured by the em et tide Indy womlerfol sitedicine2 &0d the fothowtne remarkable been of the son of Wm. Semen, DR., pieltutelphia,sitlrcted with Epi leptic Fite yeara and & mou th s. Atter my elhng through Eire and, &Wand, Germany and France, coo. tubing the most entitteot physicians, and exPendl Pod toedianc, medical tanament. and advice, three ou. sand dollars, moaned with hie sou to this country in Nostemberlast, with= receiving any benefit wham• er r and was cured try . tming HART'S VkkETADLE FaTELACT. Mr. Wanner Pecore's Letter 'to Drs. Nana sad Ilan I have spent over three Hemmed deflate for mail. ciao and medical attendance I was advised to take • marl* Ramo with him, wi th I did I Ern mana xititel Ettgland. I consulted tho-most eminent Otero In respect h.th- tut; they acesolned phym hies and preectibed ace.c.iingly. I remained three months erithrettbtrteivatig any change for the better, which the about two hundred and LOT' dollen podrotrei ~by the physicians, and the moot that I received woe limit °widen that my sou'e case was hopeless and post. through Scotl and I;4 . l=4 w :sae. oiled mrned home to In the month of November Lest, with my to eon as far ffont being enroll es when: I left. lum your advertisement In one of the New York papers, and concluded to try Hart's Vegetable I,Ytrazt, went; Tour statement. and certificates of no luny cures, some of twenty and thirty peen' clanding, end I Cm aware you I ant not sorry I litd so, as by the um of Hart% Vegote2 ble Extract alone he was restored to perfect health His reason, which WSJ so d, r ;cheat totudit him for business, bi entirely restore with the prospect now before bluff of life, health ctrl usefulnesa He ts now Di years of ego, yeors and 6 months of this time has been adhered with tine coat dreadfol of th.e. asses; but thank God he in now enjoying good health. nj Now, gentlemen, faithwnbout works I don't bellow In. To say duct I chill b e ever grateful ,o you Is one thing, and as I here enclose you one hundred dollars I halm no doubt but that you will th ink this is mother and quite a different thing. The, debt of gratninde I still awe yon, but please to accept the present ammo as Interest on the debt in advance. Tones very respectthli a WILLIAMECOHE TO THE AFFLICTED: . - - One of the proprietors of this Invaluable medklas was afflicted for several years with Epileptic Fits. The disease had produced the. worst effort his syrtem, vie Loos of memory, Imbec il ity of and • perfect prostration of the tenons system. He had Wiwi the skill of the best physicians for seven years, and grew worse under their treatment, and ha knew that this medicine was his e hope for health and life, and was therefore determined to gave it a fair trial, and to persevere in its use, which he did, and the resell was IL perfect 1.1.0111130t1 to health, which was cond. ted tonnterrepted for nearly sixteen years. We would refer to the foll Owing persons who have been cornd by Wing Mai Vegetable Extract Col K 1100.1w', daughter was afflicted nine yeas) residue aiYonken, Na'. York. W Bennet nine yews, 171 anted et. Jutl Elloseph ssnwth, severimrs, Dover at. kr 11 W Smith. York= Mein. kiln. L. B Kelly, twenty year., Staten Island; bps. F. itrlreef, twenty year., Yorkville: hlles E crane„ twelve years,ll2 Hanneently et • Wm II Pel, twenty-three years. 73 Norfolk:ok Jacob Petty, four years, 174 W.., 0, Philo Mouton, twenry- eight years, Oreenessife Po Judge Randall, et Fast Broadwa, New WA., Thomas R Jones, of the U Navy. Referencem Jennings, t o tam st. Bridgeport, Cez also made to Dr W L. Monroe, Guilford, 0. Rey Rieh ..eett, West ihmexparril Re , T I. ftsh{ Baltimore, bid Mr Joseph Bradley, 115 Orchard etN Y. C Donghton, Eghtormh st N Y.; Mn James Bertholf, Chester. Orange so. N Y John Faber, 178 Eisebeth st, do D A Richton, 214 Delaney al, do Jones Smith, Ms Suffolk at, Charles Brown, BO Water at, do AU of which may be called upon, or eAdr.m.d. pout Peld Fred. e! by Dr S Haar, Date loans la Hart,) Now York. O F I:NOMAD & Co, 140 Alain et, between Ai and 4th sts, and 109 Maio at, between 4th and AM stoma, Cincinnati, Ohio, wholesale and retail agent. (or the soca, and west. I, WILCOX, Jr., corner of Market at and the Dial =ad, only eel Plusbt Pa haehrwty ASTHMA, OR DIFFICULTY OF RRF.ATHINOT— This diesel., is caused by a e sroxychnsl construe-. [ion of the sir oar, it is very debilitanne, ahnost caus ing suffocation. DR. SWEICFSER'S PANACEA is the only ceramic cure Hoarse:mu can be entirely cured by c free use Di Dr, flureeuer's Panacea_ Catarrh, or common cold, lebleb, if neglected, ,n terminate in Consumption, 1 elrectually relieved and eared by Dr. Svreetscre PASUIetIL. Bronchitis, if ancheeked., will effectually lead to Bronchial Consumption, but a timely use of Dr. Sweet ser's Panama will ctectuallx curt n. Inflammationor the Tonsil. or Sore Throat-111m discsof, often leads to senors Couself ...noes from neg lect, moil as ulceration of the throat. On th e Ant symp toms, Dr. Bareciser's Psthroca should be procured and ased freely. Coughs nod Colds find a sovereign remedy In A. Sweeter'. Panacea. Pocummuu Noths—A very final diocese, re=ading from a violent cough and cold on a debilitated or bro ken down constitution; aged pennons are subject to it Vs Sweater's Panacea simuld lacused on the first rye toils, which ore a mock or col d tlizhi Somata. This debilitating complain) will meat Sta.Sectocrls Panacea. awl appearance of coosunip doe symptoms, which are a pp not Inn the side and breast, nigh or spitting of blood,iif Dr. Sweether's Panacea Is Gael? used, no danger need be apprehended. When the Lunge, the Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes temente clogged up withphlegm an on to impede reepi ration or breathing, Dr. Sweet/wee tome=s, which in • powerful Expectorant, should he taken accenting to the direction& In9 oar climate, is iTiecand=:f,'"gm',7..XJ:ll,' to on. Nee 111 per kale, gix battle. r For gala by WIL JACKBUN, Mir Libery g be big boot noaligly 50,000 E 11.50 SI ILAVE emed lA. Tay lore Ilebeain of Liverwort, .d be. cured or It. would nee. proved tbtor the.oneece(lbilmoefeeTer.linpag.mlendie,rui... Comm 10,090 bare been cured of Dyspeptic Consempuon aad Liver Complaint. 7,000 have been eared elite nohnta. N 640 h al m been eared of general prmorauon of the n System. • " . 3 %110 . 41 , 17 .a b 1 een crud o . f - Rhettimue. Puna, mob the eeaee SAW have been cured 1 Liver Complaint and Cough. 20300 muted of Scotian,. uranium.. 60,1193 more have been cured of coughs, colds, pains in ts.a Side and chest, night sandhi, want of appeute, km of mice ' whooping cough, datbility. and many oth er complaints vehicle bents anthill/ danger.. &wir es which so often prove fatal, Do. Taylor'. Salaam of Liverwort is the only successful remedy for the owe of the above complawits. .14.1 tan, bung a violent cold, used to cough and raise thick putrid mane,, and Gnarly could not turn crier to bed front weaklier+. He had every rymptom of coasumption His p a Drs. Vermule to An demon, said he was inctumbla yet strange as it may appear, this medicine fully restored his health. SOPHIA GALLON, t 1 Norfolk et." Slottor Counerm—"Hatting respect for the mediral profesition, I determined to consult them In preference to using what are called Talent AIM.- eine.' Nut for several months I have been troubedl with Asthma, which hatted the remedies of my phut. Man Your medicine I have always behaved very benedeled in sorb eases. Pluding the skill of my med ical advisers at fault—unbeknown to any one. I procu red your tialsam of liverwort. which I deemed a very valuable remedy—ae it ha. had a most wonderful ef feecopon me, comp ew/y upreitiong my complaint, amt mato log me to perfect health. lou may refer to me whenevet dettirvd " D. J. 11 Bold to yittaliorgh by J D oforren , 93 Wood sk J Toartirend, 13 kith ket .t; II arnyun nor Market and 3d 3ti use Hesid ewo hauten A. Co, Liberty sn Price reduced rids to St pe r. 1111EDICAL4. - 01111G IC AL asickelCid. No. Odi DI Am uN 0 ALLEY, a few doors below Wood street, to • market. . DR. BROWN, having beep • regolnely educated to Me medwal -▪ • • "ll:t ; .profeulon i and been for some dew .• • ta general prattiee, now confine. . • :•'•• his attention to the treatment of . 4 1 / 4 th ose prwute and delicate emu) • ' X plaint, tor which his opportunine• • r 'd ti re ape . ece peculiarly quality hlre yast ties.ditously devoted tit steely • treatment of those complus...irk, ,t,, c h time he has bad more practice and has coxed more 01- [11,20 than C. ever fan to the lot of any poetic alone:et amply quaridea him to oder usuranem of permanent, and satisfactory rem to all eflicteet Frith deheate diseases, and all &scum sal ind theca Ram. • Dr Brown would inform those attieted with pneate diseases which have becomechronic by time or ag I pavated by the at of arty of the common nostrums ot the day, that then compliantaean be radically and thor oughly eared; he having given his careful auention to the treatment of such eases, and sueesedee in hundreds of instants, in curing persons of inflammation of the neck of the bladder, and kindred ddeases which often result from those Calls where others hale eon/nutted them to hopeless despair. He particularly Inn.. such as have been long and unsuetecandly treated by othe rs to cellist:di him, when emery ibutatintion and be peon them, and their eases mated it, a earriai. thdrough anti kraal/gent manner, pointed out by along expenenee, study, and in vestiasuou. which it is impossible for those mimed is general practice of medicine to give any ono class of disease. ErrElentia or Flupture.—Dr. Brow n al.o !writea per mits afflicted with Henna to call, Id he has paid panic alar attention to this disrunr. , Skin diseases; also Pi Pithy, eta., speedily scrod a rn.L i , b k. „7 . u f etth we being at • dantance, by stating their &seam In %dna& ovenni a I ate aympi toms, ens steam medmites with an, aa, ydd,, r i d s T. BROWN, D, post pmd, suannikv.. th tts c rgo. 0.5, Diamond •Iley, oppowte Übe ,early Mesta'ere —Dr. Brown's 0. 'any d i , for gbeumusttom loupes ne ',sunny (or thalp.infui Der ones and Pliant!, COnnailing B qt.., No. 1,3 En.. mood siley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The D..wtst la al way . no hoots. rp. No eon no pay. des la. pit Vnbneetoelt tt Cote Ifinbefaclent, a high favor as an apoticootott to 0t]..11111..a -, tory afdictlens, nod at the wine tert• • ...in.. as eR u emollient. U A datincsueli teed has been very belied.. .n cos.-. of chrome boon:misc. Glandular Swellings i'o- 1 b mat, Itrun to, Fond.. de. &e Tbe cent6Cats is rout feralemo..l welt linown A lp One city: WNW time ego accidentally fait from a scaffold, Wad severely .prune d both Clay anclen. They tonne diatrly swelled a that my boots hod to be upped, In order to have them drawn off—rue suffering they cann ed 08 1 1 / 1 81 intense In Ibis situation I procured • bot tle or II A Fahnertoeh & 00's Rubefacienx end •her not or two appliestions I experienced ouch relief I used about one bottle and a bell u,d in &boot vido dap the swellinget,tirely misiodisl, and I was enttuty meted from any other pain, and experienc e no more inCetagoience front the ta L In all canes of swelling, benign, dienmilthas. I.arould most c he erfully re unamcad theltatrawir..t. July 17,1818. • • . • ,OF.ORr/E. BASSETT." For salowhidthsaie and retail b y 13 it FAIINFAITOCK cotter of Wood and First and Wood and Sixth =NO. jeg3 _ - - CEO. W. SMITH 11211. their frtemis and the pahtte thud:my dace • * Pr l on a arg.torteeetioh with their late ectahlich meat la Patin ster4, knarn is the Pincher& Brewery, having-remarEil 'WO ai,thro _bal.., to the POINT lIREWERY.IIII4ZI MylEtiia,rl,l4, • - 111.4 g. W•iihoctae. won pnee taranialpald for good clean raga esti, elbnlakaate InPniirreee Mc:IA/int wool! 54 12814 ka•ibl 71. w. cv iA. 6 K, " IN'D• bel. PO= Übßill • I k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers