«.—SXE-AJI-ftaAXS. PITT#BI7IIOII DAILY PACK ETI,LIN rores Well known Uhe of splendid passenger Swans - now easapmed of the Mares; mettles; hes bed and flunishod, and most powerful bouts on the waters of the West. Evesy aceournualatiati and eons Sort Mar into . eanyerocate, has beets presided for pas sengers. The Lme hu been In operation for five years - .has carded antillion of people without the best brio- eo their persona The boats will be at the foot Of Wood meet die day prelim:ls to starting, for the reeek Yoe 4/ freight and the entry of rasa rs on the rev. ter: so - all eases the passage money must be paid ir Od•onCe,.• - SUNDAY PACKET. •Ster ISAAC NEWTON, Caja. O. Moos, 711. lend Plusburgh eralas7 Sunday nraiOdnal as 10 o'cloct Merlins every Sunday eassung at ;10 7, In lint 151,1517. MONDAY PACKET. 9LeMONONUJNw A papt. Bloat, grill leave Pin* burgh every blonday moninig at le o'clock; Wheeling *very Monday evening at 10 P.M. MEl= IeaveMBEELNIN No. Capt. J. KUItaLLTLII, leave ritiaborgb. every Tuesday morning silo o'clock. Wbectuak. ovary Tuesday evening $ 1.0 P. IL . WEDNESDAY PACKET. • • The:NEW ENGLAND No. 9, Cook S. Thus, will 12111/0 riukborAb every. Wednesday mandog 4: is o'clock; Wheeling ever Wednesday evening i LOP. TIIIJRADAY PACKET. Tk. BRILLIANT, Capt. ARAM will Nave Pitts. inittb - intryEsaty rimming id 10 o'clock; Wheelits every Tivirsasy evening At 10 r. tc . _ • VEIDAT PACKET. - The CLIPPER No. f, Cwt. Canoe." will le.ee tretith every - Friday tooruln at IA 'o'clock; Wheelitki freely niday credos at 10 r. a. ' • SATURDAY PAOII3.IOT. ' .11w MESSENGER, Cape S. Riau, willleave burg* every Seawley moralog et 1p o'clock Wheelie, every Swonlay everang at 10 r. NSW LISBON AND prrrsuußou DAILY LINF OF CANAL AND STF.AISIPACKETS,, 1848. • pzitmli • (eta atasactur4 Pittsburgh daily,at 9 o'clock, A. M., and it rt vie Itamakt orthe Sandy and Beaver Ca. AA) at Sole Wet , and New Lisbon' at 11, apse night. Leansa New Lisbon at 6 o'clock, P. td., !mating the trip canal w the river during the and Ellarcow at 9 o'clock, A. "'Loma arms' Piuslntrgh at JP. ill..—thus•usalung a ccanimsous tins for earning pat aingirra and hints between New Lisbon and Plus burgh, us • short.: time and st teas rate. than by any others:nos., . • • , Ths proprietors of ads lane have the plasm* of In forming the pablis that they bare fitted op two fins elan Canal ata, (or the accommodation of passengers sad freight, to tun in Colllll# tiOU with the well known summon al .PH COPE and EiIt,AVIA and connect- Caugovrorishatte Pittsburgh and (Snail. nra. and other duly/lora of stelanan down the Ohio *and htiasimippi Saar. The proprietor. plat*. them selves m spate no enema or trouble to in nom .544.01017 and dispss.b, and ink of the public • share I . IIbc".PIum rTHORISED AGENTS. AL BARTLN, &AV. NARBAUGIr, PbubwEtt• • R. HANNA &Co.. .I.IIARIiaIIGH hen; New Lutent. • rrariftre—The steamer HEAVER.e. E. Make, nu► seri will kart after this noti ce, for Wellsville ;einem. ally 6194:Oehle r in the mo . • . • ;Inorreavuon&miewsrvium Dan y Pao;Lilt Line. FEBRUAIIYIst, 1819 FEBRUARY 14 181 , • •• • LEAVE DALE AT BA. bi., AND 4P. M. . . • The following new boats et:caplets • • tae line Mr the preient seasons AT. LANTIC, Capt. James Pat 3 TIC, Capt. A. Jamdag end LP Ii'LAND, Capt. E. Bennett. The boats are new, and are hued up without regard to expense- Ea erroomiott Mat money mut proeure has been provided The Hosts will leave the Monongahela Vilarflkat u •the foot or Moo st. Passengers will - be punctual on board, as the boats will eertalitly leave at the attar 'Wed bolus, 8 A. M. and 4 P. bl Mai - PITTSBURGH &W • ' CP • s - .7, --- . r The Rift steamer ~ CONSUL; p. P Mn : , masmr, will team goluty for Wheeling, on Monday. .Wednesdny and Friday, at 10 o'clock precisely. ' *Dame Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday and Fla ,urecllT, sr ? o'eloct, a m, preciiely. — TIM P enni will land at all Me Lmermediate "Ivory accomndation thu can be procured for ti= ens and safety ctgers tube= provided. The 'boss is GM . with a self-acting safety gaud le :Norm cap ?or freight or a ssn or board or to DAVID I fbbi corner of lot end Smithfield ma iraWIC-1 :IF.LY, ECONOMY, tr. PIa r EDOM PACKET ..... .., . The splendid light Ilrught steamer . Ara m CAROLI NI, .Day, r, and ran as a regular dal et between Pine:env and the :above par., regularly balding on the Allegheny river ormashe the math of Pin street Tire Ca ro line swill touch in all the landingsbetween the above pone. for the accommodation at the market people and the tr.. galling piddle. Leaves Pinshergh every day at half past two o'clock P. M. returning leaves Free-dam eve . ry day at 7 o'clock i , L M. The proprietors of this Line have purchased sad fit ted up the Caroline in • superior manner at a consider able esp.., expressly fdr this trade. They pled . % Shaanalves that the boat ahall =male to the trade, .hopei by strict attention to the wants of the comment rty, to teat. their support. ._ Cr . Pants eehts. miggailealkerMT flEfitrlail PACKET FOR I.E. SUNFISiL The new add fast steamer ie. IairI...LSVIL Bantes s nidster will leave for above all Menne:ham ports on Wednes days and Bancrday4 of each week Per freight or p.... • age applrou Omani or to . FOR CINCINNATL _._ pew and splendid steamer „ZACHARY TAYLOR, • Morgan, master, will leave for ahoy. totemactliateports to-morrow mot ranged 10 o'clock. *Fog height orpassam_stey on board. ll._ FOR CINCIRNATI AND ST. LOUIS. The fine steamer IYYGMING, jt7...4.1h1q .. lFt7rier, master, 0 7 , igle i a t z e tr y. abore *For freight • • asta___epply on baud. ang49 FOR CINCDINATI. so. The ROlVeld steamer II NANDOAR, Co master, will have for the a iry and intermediate porta this day a 10 o'clock. ' Poi freight or pa ssage s apply on board. ang2 o ._._ -- REGULAR CINCINNATI PACKET. The fine steamer HIGHLANDER; .idat i g , arkinson, MART, will leave Coo the hove and interatediate parts this da7 For [might or pusev, apply .= board. sagD3 M2Mitl;l2ol maLThe wlswilliVi c gme r ovum. Simm, master, will linwri (=above imient*li.tetwrii ea. day. moll. on board. unr26 B 1111111VSTHERGER. seams Far freight m p FOR CJACINIOATYAND The nevi &teenier HIGHLAND MARY, Furkednestet, will leave for t ie above d Intermediate ports this day. For freight or passage apply on bout _ nngß -- Y01413 - T. , „ . . . .. . . . ... The Boost Coik, sciaster, grill icase for the shows ansl intempodisiie pans ibis day. .. .rarritigtd,or plunge appiy,aa bawd. • - adag 6 ...-- - , • anciiiiituftkitsvaa.r. PACICZY. _ Boyd, muter, bugged io the onsdr and will mu replan) , to r`tonectiniwiilstlin learry'Lla, li n g her at Bower y:- The .Comet leaves this idlerapon 4 dolosk. ~,.ghtor pawsagis, OO 4 / - .4 2* FOR CINCINNATL • r BIOGRANDE, ,Gooloy, oninn, loose Cm thaws • ad inwrioadiato ponsshis dsy. FOrimidlat or panags apply ao bond- an di • Tiefirrneie gi444 .10m, iranght stammer • " LEWIS Talmage% master, trill leave for the et awl intermediate norm regular 7.. For IbSEIL! 2 rlmp 4 ;_apply on baud. anal . - - FOR CINCINNATI. The spleciebl aro ste 6l:NEVA amer ~ Alex Dein, otaster leave for the re nod talermtelate ports this der at 10 e'eleek. igg I • - • CINCINNAT • - • .Ul/1: - The IWO sze COL thlee leaveGorady, ,master, will leave foe shave d intermediate pons this day. 'Far freight °epitome, apply at bowl. ants --- ' CARPETING, OM CLOTHS, Le. W. hi , CLINTOCK!S CARPET STORE, N 0.75 Focira Si,.m .4"NNE of the largest and tho ptioa choice mock. of %_Jr CARPIITING in the market, embracing a the umal qualknos from the most approved manufactories, that have been tooted for dinabitiri to fabric and me tots !gamma Velem Carpetitog " do Broads do • Drawls carpeting, Extra Maniac /IngC suP. 3 PIY 00 Tuftad • do Pup Ingram. do Wilwn do Pine do do . Brussels do Common 'do do . Marogaetared to order In 'new pauerns; adapted to parboil, basement. and chamber. Painted Oil Cloths, rot dining rooms, entrim, mt.* .bat.., kitchen. it.c. Straw blotting, Stair Rods, Window Shades and Pivots*. Cotton and Woollen Docking from nue third to three tar& wide. Door Vats, fro. go., to which tho anon. -11.111 plattimis al wholaale and mail rapeet. WIT Invited: Wascroorn, one door from Wood .t. ri ffic ii ON tUntl Usti far sale, the knowing Pluto Fortes, direct nun the manotne . =emend et Patens plea: N 0.1., An e/egata roaewood, six . ot. I.IOICI Dim fieemei Piano Porte, made b 1 C h. k. ...11NC mai I rio ' :.. %ewes the above, 175 "4 fitoovrod, Chiekering, 350 ' ft . .. 378 . '.6. " . CV .. 0. , " 423 "7. . " Gala & Co. 200 ~ 8. . Cbiekarina 44 ti 0 . • " MIIOII.IOIIII 6=l= ... 10. " Grind (Ham.) 4OO it, “ Second Pho.no, tr 0,..,,, so Old Pianos Won in Pnr , . oameo, for ..,,, , the above, by P .HN H. HELWR. of Wood ~, Bole den t for c„ojaering's Piano Ponca, for West. ero Penni -_- B • end' , cSW Planes. m i n TUE intinleriber, proxioni to Ism' for the Eton to replenish his m oc k , .1 , - dispose of the balance of his mock 011 . , . hand at tent:end Pekes. and tm favors. 'hie tetms. it connsts of a choice selection of Piano . madelif Minus & Clark, N. Y., and loam Chtelotring! of Nom& 61 ses.., of form 6 to 7'oetavesr of rosewood and mahogany, of dideteet styles and i r UM ces. nisi . At Woodwell's, Na vete •-• .., a 45 PAIN - VETEXCTOR.iiiIiTid - dre - trdn• 1J ines from the time of its application, moovo ths palm front the severest bents, scolds at and wilt heal wooed., raceme mid sores - of sit b := had se.- This-valualatt Pain Extractor can bo hisd of. . . JOHN D MORGAN, EntAgist, No 63d Wood street, siiiii ' BMA Admit ton Woman Paws. THE - PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PRICES CURRENT, Ashes.—Dary 20 pr. cent- Pots 4041 Pearls 50-4 9104 Prorehuss Salemon 610 6 Sods Ash 100 Ale—per eel- • -5157 Brtstlss—Dery 5 pet cent. American 0 Batting—per 8011 Eagle s —9012 i Hop 'earel—per bushel. Small Mite • ;Ohre Common & neird 02002 Ihzokets—# dot. Patent Beazer •• - • • Beeswax—DatalTntr. Yellow 19020 Blooms--tom Blooms ihtllS7s Broorns—c doz. do Copaviva • .30 0 74 . Batley •• - ..... Flrimstone 4 0 5 Glua—per to 'Camphor. reflued• •40 0 45 Pnwt. Common— •.11 0 13 , Chloride thine, cask 60 7 1 Honey—Dory 90 per cent Coehmeal• -• • ..... 129 02-00 Cub• per gall. ••• .. 0 C o p peras rO5 Tartar 26 0 25 Womern erYmb p Ib 111 0 1C 140 2 • Clll.oll2g—Duly lit or. et.. -Obse•- 110 13 Gintiena ~ 6- 2 ;Gall. 000 GO . Haty—per ton of =XI lbs.— 'Gam Arabic 55 0 70 Mmothy ... 7.00 0...50 Copal 96 0 50 • Illdea—Ducy 5 pet cent.— ' : si Tyy.ints.... 41 0 Xi Nlissouri —0 t 5 16 0 II • Spanish 0 t. m ayt iY., ----01.25 I Do. rAlted 0 l'i pee. 50 0100 ,Do alar. per akin • •1,00 01,62 , Ddapt, poittdered • • E 5 01,00 . Grren 0 4 iLitimre 51-0' o}' El emp—Dury 25 per cent ,Isittfoonce Root 7 0 9 I Nlissolati k Ky ••• • 00115 ,1 Ildtpiorice Ball 15 0 20 . Al.,,iii. 4, lb !pia ,- Lae Dye 25 0 ICI Hops—wry 20 per cent agnesia Curb 25 0 35 Elm 'pl. '46 m 0 10 Madder, Umbro• • - .14 0 16 ! Indigo—Duty 10 per cent. Madder, Common •• 0 ; Bengal, lb• •••• • • • ID) 01.66 Myra, Turkey 20 050 ' Spanish- , 1.10 0103 , Oil Vitriol 4 6 0 sMatullo 95 01.00 ' " Castor 01.75 I Iron—Dory 30 per cent. • • • Eterchantable• • • ••1,12i01,25 Shekt r lis—P e . 1,734/2.25 Baverd. Chesnut Oak • 5500600 Clack Oak 40400 Hemlock 3.6004,10 OCial—r.kirylo per ct. At the river 5 0— From wagon 5 ON Cotton—Duty free- Tann. and nlabama.• • .5 01 6 1 Choeolato-0 Number ' 1 0011 Coctra, prepared ..... • 90001 Citnalles—Duly OM et 00— COT &Pod moo. ....... . .... . 101011 Pinsburgb 2l O -- ' Cincinnati d . o . ...... 21 Sperm, best brand.. • .35 032 Citurtlne- - r Foundry bpi. Inn, wi'd-483 et Tea kettles dos . 6507 Wagon balm" 18 ib. 412 70 Counter weights f set. • • .40 S a d irons 4Fr. net 4. • • -4105 Cotton Yirna-0 ID Short reel— No. 5 to No. 10 11 "11 to 13 le u Cloves 2.50 cram " Lemon 3.Z. 0150 " Pernet 3.00 04.00 Opium Turkey. • • .440 au* Quirr apu ep..4n Rhu , root rei 0 by Sal once IG Sal Bodo .1j 0 5 Sawa& • ts 0 03 Tartaric Acid 40 0 50 Vitriol. Blue 1110 12 C Dye Wood—Dl:l%sp. e . ?.. amarood Paatic . ;le 3 Loffarood, chipprd• • .910 21 eathers-diary I.r. per. et. ad val. Kentucky Ohio& Peonsylys. Almonds shell'd••• .20 0 23 Soft to 0 IY Hard Currants, Zug. Filberts Gmundautr•.... Fig Turkey••• Malaga • • ..... Hallam. Muscat. " 14 .• • 17 ILl: m 7 t ire . r ; l ,. e d t a p . e . z lb No 0). No. 500 • 76: 667 " 70D 6! Bunch 2,00 0 Bloom, old 0 Cranberries 0 Lemons, Sicily ho • • • • e 211.00 Oranges do 7.011 00,50 Peaches, dry, bit • • 1,50 0— Apples, dry 2;0 70 Apples.Green,bbl• 0 liPtre thick—per AL Bolivar 01400 Common 15 0— Flour—Daly 20 per rent_ Ertra brands, 1400 Superfine• • • • • • • • 4.37i0.1.40 ~__ " MO, 960, 1000 510 Coverlet Yam' ill lb. • • . 200 Carpet Chain 230 Conon Twine& 200 Candle 'Wick , —Ol5 0011ho—Darf 20 per 11. mars, Old white 12014 9 0 & 710 71 Havana• • • • • • ........ • • Copper —Duryr2Dpr et pig has and old 5 pr et old free. Brasiers 27043 Sheathing —027 10019 Cordage—Duty 20 pr. cets Manilla . —0 13 Punk* yam, fine. •• —ID 11 conotom• . • - —0 9 Hemp Bed Crds per dos— Elena long 1,5003,00 f titSa ' L i i red . Corde—p:l l ; ° . ° 40 yd. 6 thread--• —03.50 20 & 30 do • •• 4,7505,63 do Plough lines 0 571 Duamastles—per yard. I to et addeul (0O time sales 1 , Broom Cotton 306 840 do • 07 eon Shngs. A Nod- 0 74 Allegheny Ds —0 &Derry DlPitt Mill— —0 71 Oregon D Union Mill. —o— Penn hfill• ---0 71 Pittsburgh do 7 laurel D—• • —• --07 Saage--,-- —O7l Pasha. -- --13 0 1 Lerma, C. —• • —416 Massimo.-- ---- • •-06 &Übe:mu corton•—•110 111 1 I:leached do•--• • • .402 do do—• • • •F l 9 do 11 Brown drills••---• 71 9 Bleached.-- 04011+ e Ttekings • •-.5 '3 1 2 Hamilwo-- 1 1 Lancaster-- • • —4lll L ancaster L. C. A. • • .--015 No t superior • •—• —Ol Colons' Ounbries 4109 Flinty Prints.— -- • • 3101 21 Fa1l River Blue. —• , -010 Fall IL Blue & Onsogo 90104 ruga—per Aloes 14 0 17 Alum- -• ........ ...3104 Asafterida 18 0 25 Acintforiiv- 10 0 11 n iie•• • . .".... .. . 1 ,,,.„'N' d•,_ 423 0 2 5 3 Rtum . :/;;;1"X4th pf.so 5 2.0 Rye Floor •• • ..lve S too k.-pr 1001 b. nt. . N. CO 090 ° hlf. bbls• Beeves 3,500 4,60 . f 4, 40 0 60 Backaheat, pr el. Hors 3 . 53 0 — Dia Holland 105 a 1,75 u hit bids. Cow. es Calres• • .0.00 018,0 sugar -Duty RI per eat_ Feed--per bushel t Sheep 1.000 1,50 N. 0. puma hhd 41 ' 0 54 Bran 19 014 Stalassen-Daty 30 pr. et " Sur, hltd. 0 Shorts 25112 ' Sug . ' b°.°°- • "- 49 0 45 1 Illtymta, .1., lb• .9 0 94 - Flsh-duty on fore ' s. caul N. °seen. 0 0 I Brazil " lb. 110 94 m ttek .,,17?..?,7 '1' 1 ' ,00 0,„ .57 , N '''''' .l E"...:LS--0.5 20 Pulverized, Philad• •• .0 154 Nal, hlf. bbla• •• -0 6 R a mo per 17,1 . .!.0. 3 ,„ 0 3 _, Salt,-Daty 50 per es ., No. a ...... •••- 8 0 - Pitch • - . 3 , a) 0 4 3 , No. I, afloat 0 1,"3 13 Nag, hlf.bbla, •• • • - 0 - Tar, Allegheny • • 0 "l, in store •• • ---0 1,313 No. 3, 40042605 • N. Caroltaa• .400 0— Twirl, do:. box • • ..... 0 No• 1, kuta•-•• •• - 0 - Turpentine. rall• • • 48 0 65 1,, gh,.. 31- D'M 33 1 . r '''''."- Herniate, No. 1•• • • —0 6,00 VA rni+h, Copal. •1,75 0 .20 1 r'r . e lr• ' ...... 015.50 No 2 .• •--•-•• • .- 0 , - Rolls-Duty 30 p. 2.-per Pe , bog —• • 0 1,3 7 4 Salmon, No. 1, old• -- 0 - keg. 10 lbs., ( su i t , t wi t , Raltpostre--per lb. New 15.500 - 1 cent advance imr lb 1 t' Ta Saleba seeo - tre • • •... .... 940 10j Shad • 6,500 9AOOd 1005.54 ', t00 ., .. 1500 2 , 75 per 16-(10 per Cod, per drum 0 - a 0 04 " .40,0 et. off for cash for =Lenard 11Pur- 60id ..... ..... 455u9 Tobacco.] Doty 40 pr. et. Red Pax, No. I 0 07 0 1 so u 4750 —t CiP./..°l'''' 4 0 ft " 3- --- 0 371 45 ..... ... 0 5,00 1 hlrnaftd do 4 0 7 Muskrat •- - 10 0 l 5 34 ..., ow Lathes' Twist._- .1040 I D IS ro 000 hurt ro 10074300•1110.• SLACK R 4 '....'' ll *' - 0 „. 23 Sptkes per 0•—•• 0 51 ' Plod .1.0 o 0 9 MA.. tank— I ' , 23 '• Pressed tu g 8 I Plug tn boxes • - -.14 017 I l Class. No 1-kshe Balt Phil. N. Y. Deer 1012 per L..•-14 0 13 ,otter 5t,,,t4 Olosaa.- Onknua-por 115- :2 0 ' , d.r '.•: . L.1 .. 1:• . ....7::: 1 ; I lte7.se,BATlt',.Tl-I'.l'obse t Blank Born. Plusburgh ._ 0 B 12. Lump trt box - 0 IQ I co, Tallow. W. Glees, I Quart per pos•s• •- - 09,00 011 a-per rat 13 '. " 19 0 17 and Whtsky pr 06./ Ito DO Pinto dO. ...... .." -- ° 7 •°' Linseed -- ... ._ _054 le. " " of 014 I Class Nog-flemp,Flai Mad'a seme,s,6 to gal-09,00 1, 4 ,H ] ci ty _ 5 . 2 0_ , Scotch mustf.- -•14 0 16 1 to bus. 1,00 , - - Claret per srou• •• • - C 9 9 00 Gime ....... -- - 1,30 0 1,30 I /L°F 0 13 1 GiesNo 3-Drtml F t 'Window Glen, per box - ,„,_ Sperm bleached 0 1,25 1 -• - u , rr o 7 lID NIP 0 0 Leather, Old RaTa, City brands. t u Unbleached - 0 19 0 Too-Doty 0 per cent l stuns, Seed, Wool, 100 - 8110 04,•-- 84,00 ' " Fall-- ••- 0— '.... - . 1 .... - -' 65 0 " 0 ' Class No 4-Roornmx, 10.519•- - 0400 Whale--•--1_ 7 3 owe Gunpowder 43 0 50 Fentliers,Furs,l3snro'd, 19518•-- - 0 7 , 1,0 Tamers perbbl. 16,00017,00 Y. 1 05 1,1 1"""• ••- 30 0 130 Bops. bldse, loose Flax 135 - - I Patent 4°,1404 to p 0 ,,a,p, 0 .. -. 50 075 Marts , Inouranelt. I 16014 -4 1 40500 15 Palnts-per lb. Tin ato-Daty 15 pr . et. Rates of Insorance on cargoes of Country brands. Pros, Blue 70 CP 90 Ranch lock ... 0 steam and keel hoed 8610.• 30 5 0 350: Lampblark 510 7 1 X 0 tO 75 Pm Patsburgit to NS' heeltng Vo 10- 11051535083,55 Sped Wtoultir• •• - • 150 9 Tallow -Doty 10 pr cent -•• to and from Clammed 010 1 Onsspearder-Doty 20pr. Chrome Green T. , 0 55 Rendered • •-•• •• 7 0 se, •• •• to L ostsu n o. go_ , , ~ GM. '' Yellow No 133 0 33 Rough SR 6 i - -to St Louts, :No • 1 011 PPM • 4.73 05,50 " - 'No 1.0 0 ei ' Soap Grease 10 4 ' -. to Boonville.do 10 5 , . .. i Eagle, Q lbs•-•• •• - 0300 Bruns wi ck Green 19 050 Vlees--per boo 1 , to Independent, 2 011 Do 400_1 lb. c.a.'s- 07,0 Ntlitte Lead. dry... 610 01 Sold boxes 0181•• .• . listen. 111 • • 11011 I FFFQ do - 04,00 ••OIL pare Irit 10.) I,rai Wines-Duty 10 pr . ,• to cent 1 " Memphis. ye rt .. . 0 1 Engirt do. in pstpers•- 05,00 •' No. 1 -SI 0 1 1 35 L. 1' Madeira duo D :WO 1 - •• to N. Orleans I DI I Rock powder 3,23 03/....0 Red Lead 640 v L PTenenlle •IX 0 1.50 . From N Orleans to Putsburch• 1 011 ' Grain-Duty 0 percent Yellow Ochre 4 0 5 Lisbon.... 75 0 LAI I St Loos, 1 Ole Wheat - 140- Yen Red -•410 6 Dry Molar. th, 0 70 , Char," b) good rt., Botts ] ] • • I Rre 50a— V e rdi,mn. .... •30 0 29 ' Sweet nv 0 0.5 ' to New Crrleans i'4 M RCA AL WU ORD LEll 33 616 326 31 723 213 637 931 3 117 631 961 330 6 61.1. IS 47 331 1 I 6 111 LI 573 6 33 6 27 a.m. 25Satorday i 27 !Sunday, Monday, 15; 'Faraday. 25) Wednesday 21 Thursday, 1 Friday, . _ PITTSBURGH BOARD OD TRADE COMMITTEE FOR AUGUST 1/13.• It 13311•13. SOS. TECNOCIL. REVIEW OF THE • PITTSBURGH MARKET, FOE rue wiz =Delo AUGUST 29. The markets, daring the week jug closed, have been generally .very quiet, and prices of almost every thing present Little . or no change since our last general review. The weather bas been quite unsettled, and the frequent rains during the week have had the ten' deny to keep the river in fine order for nartga tion. The river business is yet extremely limited, and heights from this point to ports below, are. down, almost to nothing; but as a large number o the merchant. of the West are now in the Ed . ern market laying in their fall supplies of goods, we may soon anticipate an increase in the river business, with a probable advance in freights to something , like a fair remuneration tar the trouble of trawl:Orb:lkm. ABIIES—The market 00111112UICS very dull, mid no material change has occurred in the pnces of any kind. Sales during the week have been very light, being entirely mauled to limited lots to the trade at the Mowing quoted rates:--Pearls 516351. Salmi. 5163 6 e, PoW Oft, Ssomb‘pg• 31340 . and Soda A.sh at 4634ic ALE—The market is without change, regular aides of good common are being effected at S 6 r bbl. O( the finer goalies or ale, the market A bare. APPLF2.—Beceipts have been liberal, and pri ces have sligltly declined. Regular sales on the wharf are reported to us at prices ranging accord ing to quality from 871 to SIPS q bbL BACON—Considerable quantities have been re. arrived by river, but the greater portion of it is in tended for immediate shipment east. The &cue Wens to the supplies of the market have been such uto keep the prices firm at last week's quotations. The following may be relied on as the ruling figures of the market—For prime city cu. red hams from smoke howw: 6 0 6 4, side. el, end shoblders 40344 c tp B. Sales of hams separately in small lota have been effected as high 4k• 6lc p Bt. Sales of prime canvassed hams at 6t97c. For prime western cured bacon, and 6c, are about the ruling figures of the market. Sales of a fair quality of country bacon in loose lots at a I to Ic lower than the above figures. - - BUTTER—Receipts have been light, and auir. pile. are limited. Sales of '2O teem in small lots at 0 , 091 c. Good fresh roll butter is add from store at 12/415c y BEESWAX—The market is inactive and very little doing. We may quote nominally at 102220 a go& BUCKETS AND TUBS—With light sumaiea there is a good demand In the market, with regu lar sabot of the former al $2,25, and of the latter at 1.339,50 p BROOMS—There is a fair demand in the mar km, with regular sales of best kinds at 5i,57a2.25 dos, and.sar good coalman, 51,121 to 51,37 is obtained, according to quality. BEANS—The market is dull, with small sales of good white at 1O 15a • bu. CHEESE—We notice nothing new in the mar. bet. Receipts during the week have been for, but aa a large portion of it is intended for irnmedi- ate skipment east, no great acceastou has been made to oar market, andprs exhtbit no change from last week. A good quality of W Ris sold regularly from gore in limited quantities 01 5163 51e--and extra quality at 8t(1c ,p lb. CRACKERS—ReguIar sates us follows: Wafer Crackers $l,OO p Butter do. • • ....... 405 " Pilot limed 3,50 ° 4po DTlPer gi Sugar do Soda Crackers. p CANDLES—•The market continues meetly, with regular sales of City Star at 21c; of mould at 10i, and of dipped at 9c rp COTTON AND COTTON YARNS—Of the former, owing to the long suspect ion of the facto. ries, nothing has been done worthy of rep or t. 0 1 yarns, the supply has become very limited, but prices have remained unchanged. The fuleries generally have commenced operations again on the ten boor system, with a deduction of 16 per cent on former wages. ARer so long a period at idleness, we may confidently expect a lively fall boldness. CORN MEAL—Very liule is brought in at pr.•- sent, and suppbm are hmited. We note eumli sales try the bbl at $1,62. COAL—Nothing la doing except the regular home trade. Sales from. data at se, and foam wa gon at Zia bu. DATED FRUlT—Owing to the abundance of groan fruit, nothing is done in dried worth nod• - - t i gXED BEEF—Re-VW sales from gore at 80 810 ;p ID FLOITIL,-Aftersome little fluctuation in prices, we And the market to day about whore we left a a week since. The sake at the river, during the part week amount to some MO to 2,200 bbls at Qum ranging from 4,25 to 4,31 p bbi. The sales Ira M stare have not been heavy, being entirely AND RATES OP NADINE INSURANCE, PBEIOHTS, Bar. Juniata' — r 4 0 44 " Common 3 0 31 Sheet 510 71 Boiler Plates tl 0 61 Nail. *a i Plough wings 440 is 5 " Slabs• • • ..... 4 0 44 Russia Sheet 0 15 Dead—Daly Si per rent. ATiscoori Pig 40 I Bar • 44 0 4 6 / 1 1111 aires Pipe per 0 40 12 Sheet 0 0 Leather —Duty 20 pr. et. Sole. Baltimore• . . •21 0 22 New York 14 0 17 Darn SlaugVr 12 0 14 IS 0 20 Skirting 21 0 24 Barnes. black 19 0 21 Bridles, black. pr. dot. sides 30.00 030,00 Russell do . 80.00 043.93 • • 012 121 • • Sf 9 •501.50 • • Iqo Upper fioished• .23,00 022.00 Knpe. fiai.hed• • •44.00 MOM Calf Skin d 0... • 15.00 020.00 Lore Leather••• 18,00 0 N. Eogland Seeding, No. 1 per do, • • .45.00 0 No. 2 per d0z•••.25.00 0 No. 3 per dok• •• • 25.00 0 30 Sheep skins AO 5 Lumber—duty 53 p. e. ad val. per 01. Pine, err. in, pr M. 40=03 Common •• 010,00 Clear, 14 “ 030.40 i Coral. 14 `• 015.50 Clear 2 u 040.03 Crilo'n 9 •• 020,00 Weird hl g 11n do• 019,03 I in. common 0 Oak do do. • • •• • • • 012,00 Pine shop'. p 10002.'5 0 3.00 —84.37 i 3410 —4O I none confined to limited transactions to the trade, at ALT—Sake at the canfLl at $I .2n, delivered 4,3%34,40 q bhL at 51.31/ p bbl. We are again requested by a dour dealer just VINEGAK—Saiet of good elder vinegar at Sur returned from the east, to urge upon the western v gall, m bbin ytc manufacturers of dour the imperious necessity Of an even system octares on dour Mils Ile , WHISKEY—No chance in Om market. Rego' the eastern dealers are bitter m their complaint.. 'a.' sales of rectified at 14x1 etc q gall. in relation to 11119 important matter, and that the WOOL—The alumni coming in 111 small, and subject mourn be tyro hardly pressed upon the very little is doing. Tea lollowmg are the price ' minds of nil concerned. All that is necessary, n.. paid by our denlers. we remarked on • Cotter 00:4991ou. is fir the hid lers to pock every pound 17 the ham! Mat Is essary to make it stand the test of tanteril Lion, having the proper tares mdellibly marked on I the bend of each barrel. In this way a her sator faction will be rendered to the eastern dealer, and DO further cause of complaint can be charged up. I on the manufacturers of the west_ D Moo FEATHERS—The market is still on the dull order with moderate wiles only 01 1:33.c p /b. • FlSH—Prices continue quite ti.m, with register sales to the trade as folk.ww--Inacherel. No '1 7. OS's. No 3 5601;45 p Ltd. Shod .3.50 , e759, and herring S 6 p bhl. FREIGHTS—From this point west by river freigtuis are earned at for lower rates by more than eighty per cent, than the pnces charged tins time last year. which fact is owing entirely to the abundance of water and the great scarcity of freight. As the rates are merely nominal, and without any fixed character, we ran give no cor met idea of the rates charged. The rates on the canal from this point east, are without change. The charges on the Bsittmore route from this point to Cumberland, are as follows—Ham Boots, Bonnets and medimnes, 35e t• cwt. Dry Goods, Groceries. Queenswore and Tobacco, 25e p cwt. Coffee, salt and fish, 20c p cwt From Baltimore west, we find the killowing list of freights in the Baltimore Amencatc— The charges on the Baltimore and Ohio Rnil Road from this city to Cumberland are no follows: Hats, Boots, Bonnets and Medicines, 35c per 1000 lb. Dry Goods, Grocenes, Queens. - are, Tobacco 25c per 100 lb. Coffee, Salt, mild Fish, 20c per :100 lbs. Freights to Pittsburgh by the Susquehanna Rail road and Pennsylvania Canal, art as follows, viz: Dry Gads, Hata, Shoes and Bonnets, b.sc. Bales Domestic., 75e. Leather, Groceries and Hard. wart 70c each. Queensware. r..ov Cofree, 50e. Mackerel and Shad per bbl, 61,26, and Herrings. &1,120. By O'Conuor's Line, Thy Goode, Oce. 75e; Hard ware and Grocenes, 624 c; Queensware and Taboo. c 0,60; Tin Plate and Copper, 45, Coffee, Tu, Fish, ace, 45. GRAIN—The market has been very quiet, with no change in prices. Receipts have bees light, and supplies are extremely limited. Moderate sales of Wheat at 80c, of rye at 50, of barley at 45e50, of corn at 3'V3't•'N, and of oats at 26c ba 00111 store. GROCERIES—The market during the pan !week, has continued very steady, with no marked !difference in price. The reompta into the market have been light, but from the marked sameness in the price., present styptics would seem quite sal. ficient to the demand. Sales generally have been' on a limited scale. N 0 sugar by the tdid, 41081, , loaf do Sel is p lit. N O molasses continues in good demand, with regular sales in email lots at 270325, mostly at the latter price. Sales of S H molasses at 43005 c. Rio coffee is sold regularly !at Hall, and as bigb as So Sir small parcels hest ' kinds. Sales of rice by tierce at 511a5ie ay IL.— '',. For other articles under this bead, see table. GLASS—The market for all descriptions of lea's is quite doll, but prices generally are without change. For correct prices of Window glass, see table. The following is a correct list of the prices of dint glass.— Plain Tumblers 1 pit, from 5 to 10 oz each, r don, net 31(332 Pressed do l and 1 pint, from 6 to 10 flute do do imaeq ; Decanters, qt, light 2 ring, giant stopper 1 7'7 do do heavy 2do cork 3 70 do do do plain do 2,55 do do do pillar do 9,55 Wine glasses, plain 500'75 do do pressed 170 1,870'1,70 1 Pitchers qt, plainrs do do pillar and ribbed 7,55 do Iqt or creams 05 1,25 Molasses Cans, pt plain do do do ribbed 1,b7 Plates, 0 in. premed and dg 75 Castor Bottles, fluted G 3 Jars, 1 gal, Laquered cover 250 do gal do do 3,251 HEMP—Receipts hare been light. and supplies 1 are limited. Small sale, are reported to 55 at the rates of spo p ton. HONEY—The market is rainy , supplied with s good quality, and sales bare been regularly effecti ed by the boa at 16c go IS. 1 1• HOPS—Very little doing. A. good article by I the hale is nominally worth sal Go an IS. HAY—A fair amociot lion been disposed of ! from wagon at 6765,50 fur new and old crop. i IRON AND NAILS—No change has occurred in the prices of Iron and Nails. See quotations is table. METAL—In P,g we eon quote only one sale lof 52 tons II It, nb, at $3O, 8 mos. :bona lots of H R. continue to arrive, nod there is hale or no demand in the market. OILS--We cart note nothing new in the man. ket. Regular sales of linseed at ;gem, of lard al 52u p gall, nod of Tanners' at 8170516 p bbl. POTATOES—SaIes at 5006.2 e p bu. nosIN —Sales of crude N C rat 8303,121 c er barrel. RAGS—Sales from tint hands at 316131 6or good mixed rags. LARD—The market is rattler dull; very little is coming in, and we con bear of small sales only at di to bbls, and 7c in kegs for No I. LEAD AND LEAD PIPE See table of quota• latiorts. Pig Dl_ pum, 6 moo. Allegheny. No. 1. Foundry • r " Forge' Tennessee • - - ,fl36.tu WOOL per I:3—Dory 3:1 pet MILL Prime 0 Full blood 0 Mercer County. - Foundry pig n u 2,3 Fo Nhontn,Coomy.o 4 l:o -- . Foundry. —0 For, do —0 ___ I=l - I=l =cm • • •• • • Plaster Parte—dory free Plaster Pan, • • 55 IP lee Provisions 13seen Halm 51 Bei Shoulder. _al cip4 Sides. ateil Horound. city eon Olt Prelghts7per 100 lbs. N Ct.uanati Dry Goods 0 00 '47:Louisville. 10015 Dry Goads --01 4 Heavy ............... -• •• •• • • 14016 FromLotusvtlie to te IMMSI . . 2. in •0 64 bnis.•—•o 61 Butter 1, in lcs • 0 111 " 1, in ril. 120 14 Cheese, W. ft 140 .51 Crack's. Flush \ V.Cr. On Goods Heavy • • • To W. LOW.. - - Dry Goods 4o 50 Heavy 0 3U To Cleveland and Erie. Do. Butter Potattorm—per bmh. Comm 0 Neshannoeks p. obi 0 Rag s--Dniy 5 per cent. Country mixed 30 3* Do. Rood white —0 44 Meeeper Dry Goode 0 40 Heavy 35 o 37e To ond from Brownavi Dry Goods (down) Produce, ac. lapl • NulledlS, Dry Goods 50 117:1Vheelm ZOIP 30 Dry Goods Rice. 5 0 5-1 10.0 s—duty Linseed 20 p e- Clover 03,25 Timothy 01:7i Flaxseed ..... •• • 96 8 2.50 B 3J fiploes--per Cloves sni Cassiain Mntv• • • 22 (Anger Pepper• • Hoary To Zoneoville Dr) (rood!, • To .-7 11enver Dry'Goodx " T ' Aew Orleant. ==l 6040e1 .TlOl 0/ 10610Ift OT riot /1.1101TLV• Maniac 0 121 Snakeroot—per lb. Virginia 0 14 Senecen at 1101ap—Dury 30 per cent. Pittabirrgh No. 1.... 4 122 _ 41 CANAL AND AILUOADO. Ashes, Pot and Pearl, Butter and Bacon, 60 Beef, salted, do 00 Bale rope and Bagging do 70 Beerstr., do 75 Bones. do 63 Brooms, do 101 Cheese, do 40 Corn, • do sit Cotton, do Li, Chilled Rollers do Drugs and Medicines, do 1,00 Dry Goods, do 1,60 Dned Fruit do 75 Flour, per bbl. Pars and Pelines, per 100 lhs 1, 0 0 Feathers, do 1,40 ' Furniture, do 1,00 Olassa-are, do 62 Glass, Windper he 60 0 Green and dry frnit per 100 11.4 75 Ginseng, per 100 lb. Su Orocenea, do 00 Hardware, do 75 (lops, do Hemp, do 70 Hide/I,olnm Nei dry 6125) do Anciun. teel—per lb. Form. Cant & Shenr• •• •• • 180 17 Do. single 0 16 13.1 Gerrunu 0 11 Eagle • 0 11 " Hoop L 0 13 Pittsburgh Manufacture. Gem. Steel. •••• • • • 0 6I F.nglinlr blister 0 12 Amerie. blinter• • • • 0 4 Spring 540 tif B2r, t iroTl e .r. 1 . 1 00 06 2,30 Roeuelle ..... 1•,2, 50 ®3,50 Leather, do SO Lead, do 40 Lanl and Lard Oil, do co Oil. Cutnr do 75 Linseed Oil, do 75 Pork, per WA do 0 130 Raga per 1011 b. 62 Ropes wad cordage, do OD Specie do 03 Seeds, do 70 Skins, Dear and Buffalo, do 75 Tallow, do 50 Tobacco, Leaf, do 62 do Manefaentred, do 73 Wheal, do CO Weed do 0 87 , Itiiskey, per bbl 150 ommon Wool bloo4i I do Full do Prole All articles Dot nuenturtned la thus list, may found eurts,sly quoted in the above general t No material change has oemirred in the Money' marketed the East. At New Yorl• on the i . t:ite a little movement was manifested in *mac de scoptiom d Stocks, but the market generally was heavy and sales light. Sound Stocks were heavy and Treasury Notes dull, of 31, and 4i only was bid for Government Sixes. &roily first class abort paper was praised to day at 728 per cent. and treasur y note loans easily made at ti per cent. Gaul paper went as 10019 per cent. The Government payments now being freely made. has thrown considerable money hal o the streets for employment, and the influx of cot in. try traders paying op their spnng Inlla has also had a material influence in loosening the ow stet' market_ In regard to the prospects of busy cat trade, the Tnhooe "The noire of hammers, nailing boxes up, is heard late at night. giving evidence of a tat ge bu• ones. The Hotel registers show a large my of country merchants in town fir their Fall l dacha, and they find our merchants amply per pared to meet and supply their demand. The an ortmeots of dry goada are large and venoms. Toe supply of drew goods is not stmernbisodant french scnptions are scarce and high. Generally prices are high. but Gmgluima are cheaper than hut year. Woolen goads of desirable deaer lotions are about the same an last spring. Bro•an and Bleached Cottons are very low, hot the • sirs are of low pri ce. Generally business this Fall promises to be healthy and large. The Boston Atlas of Friday says—J.o,ring to Commencement at Cambnd ge, on Wednesday last, the Banks in this city ww.e closed, agreeably to custom. Thursday, therefore, was a double day , and to form some oolong , of the hilliness done at the Banks yesterday, are ate informed that the re' cetpta in the foreign at oney department of fhe Pat folk Bank—exclusive of the other hairiness if that institution—were nu ,e hundred thousand doLlaza." The Stock Ear bangea of the East are arith.ut t any material change. At New York tin the rtS inst, U S .Ta ims sold at 931, and Treasury None. at 1031. At Philadelphia on the 291 h, U S 6 pew cent, '69 at 1041. Etc la wage ffiarkel• During the past week, currency has become quite scarce. and there is an increased demand at the streets. We find no change in the rates' of Eachange— Owing to the fact that many of eur merchants are now going East for the purchase of their fall imp. plies, Exchanges on that qua, ter haie been a little more active, without, howe./er, any change in the rates which we quote as _ Selling rote. - _Buyingr . rate. o d. New York, I pri..rocyi n .. a11, Philadelphia, i " Lsmaville, ' " " Beltunore, i " Sl Louis, " ~ BA.IiK NOTES. Borne rates. Buying rules. _ . - Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia, do Wheelie;, Tonneimee, Beeves—About 400 head Fere offered at the yard on hlonday, , nearly all which we:re taken lb at 31050 , net. The ofre ng wee mostly or au ordinary quality. Sheep—About 110 head we re roll at SI 10 each. • Hug `small asks havr transpired at . ..3e eta per pound. Brighton, Aug. 24.—At market-10004wer cat. tie. 1.100 gams, 23 pans working ogres, - 43 cows and calves, 2000 sheep and lambs, and! 800 swine. Beef Cattle have fallen oftfrmn last. week's err. ces—first quality, 6,25; second qua' thy $0; third quality 5,75. Stores-2 years old heifers and stores, $l3 to $10; 3 years old do, SlB to $23. Working Oxen—Sales dull at $67; $93, $lOO. Cows and Calves-027, $29, $33 tad $4O. Sheep and Lambs-111,25 $1,5 4 3; old sheep, 82. Swine-51; old bops, 4 re.--{BO _sten Traveller. tr - Ladies who use Jones' Spun sh Lily 'Whits, ha,e always a fine wlnte transparent sit „fn. Lir this a trial sstll sausfy any one. Sold only an prushnspla, at es 1.,,ber4 it acmlsdancholy I BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. i HOUSES, LOTS, F Correspondence of:Pittsburgh G D 1 " virtue °lan outer oitticToighanat Cons of Aig Correspondence of the Ansburgh Garen.. / sbeny County. Senn& Irani*. in No. AC Jun; Flurarontr, Ky, Aug. gb, I S4B. Tdriu, 1,46, I will expose to san e, tif Judaic vendne or The greet lightning law sac, between Morse,' ;asi l t i r: s o%loc "‘ t, VI g' bet i lig un k si. Kendall te Co, and H. O'Reilly. wlll doubtless Mond of Oetohrt. ISt., all Nat certain Lot or Piece re m Nc coy of Rnaburgh w begi terns continue a week or ten days longer. The first owe on P:Z d Vt ' rer lit the distance of P 4 feet estwardly days were spent in bearing the bill or complaints dram rd 'Z in g ginn r y Penn ,, g " .egn °I - M.lam MOTS!, Kendall and others, on the .me one with wcnwar dl N r ler . liurT:itre 'b e7 c l7o feet Brewery trey: Jude. IL O'Reilly's answer was beard on the 3d th„,; n ^,;,.,. ,„rtr , ... 4 nil% n g.nnrni r fnn wi n gnn Ann i . n o day, when the two telegraph systems were exam- I , net to the ) 1;i1;: " .7 1 ,, ,- 4 1`" :"7 "h wi m, h an the iitlP avd toed is Court, under explanations of Mr. Barnes. ' 7in n' t:en c si r l ' ilie b ir b oneri; '" 7 l Sr " e bein g sub ono of the inventers of the new Columbian Tele- , n )rativ gronnd ' 7in i i c' oione h undred and g eight graph, used on O'Reilly's Louisville and New Orn pay nble quarterly foreveti lottimil Dross , ' leans hoe. This is one of the most important law ! js d aon or third rash on the delivery of suds ever contended for in the United Staten—it I with ricule'r'erstd'i'rogri7Tl7.l; and * s n afe, tbi l the exceeds the celebrated steamboat controversy, and ‘, l "'" '" It'ar'. with li'tvM.t tram to day fade, o be secured by bond 11.11t1 m =titnt r m s tl i iA3ruises concerns the public far more than It can possibly I concern H. O'Reilly. Morse, Kendall, and F. 0.1. i. 4 . - Li.. rhom i c .nir oos: r, b .. Smith ceotend for an exclusive monopoly of the principle of Electro.blagneuns, in its appheation I THE undersigned will offer for of t public o n en Thursday the fifth day to telegraphing in the United States. H. O'Reilly's --, following property'inisigned to thetab °'"* et: L'l rra '. counsel resist. the claim, asnerting that a general " c f r :f i ",r n, ".. l ( •. 7i. ft ' . '"""' Co.. ,rb for the he r th neh l t of the principle like Electra Magnetism cannot possibly said company, with ste ' i:ll7.n:Ze g e:d e Utu re re ' s, cd asi bg d be milder eubyect of a patent—even if the c la im- hot blast apparatus; the won. used about the furnace, the lot of land on which ihr Forum. stands, contAining until had iscovered said general principle. about Meet, suttee & and the interest of the said Madison C. Johnson one f counsel . fir .7.V:::,?:,:'' . „7„`tt d „ 1 r,',, h ,, "1 ,,,t:!: is jhra appointed Attorney Critnortil of Kentucky, ship of Tailinailee. summit ' county, Ohio, it ' .1 ‘ 1111 ' :::. but ?Ain continue with Mt. O'Reilly until the case t ' or u cem t A- 1 if, rth rash, and the instance is decided. in four, eight and twelve months. W. S. C. OTIS. Judge Monroe is United States Judge in thin gu ,14.4,,, NV. li. UPSON% Ann ‘g nnn.. district. under whose jurisprudence this important andiexciting suit in being beard. With this geoCe mar's legal attainments, and the profoundness of his judgment, this important case will doubtless be decided in such manner as to place individual ern terpise fully in competition with soulless monopo lies. • 70 75 IAO Pa 3,50 as GP 70 Mr. Smith, it is well known, is the head of the hne of telegraph between the cities of Boston and New York, and through his misguided spirit of ae mimmodationio the public between these two cr. Des, the citizens of Connecticut were compelled to petition their Legisistute to reconsider the law al lowing said lion to pass through their t atste. The line at present remains without protection by law. and seldom is there an instance, when the foreign news is passing over the line, but the wires are re vered, and the public, through the unpopularity of the hoe and its manager, are seriously the losers. Great Whig Bleating at Albany. ALnsay, Aug. 29, I sIS. The Whip of Albany, who were disaffected et the nomination of General Taylor, held a very large and enthusiastic meeting to night, and after speeches being made by Messrs. Tinder, of North Carolina, and King, of Georgia, passed resolutions to favor al Taylor and Fillmore. Putunetznis, Aug. 29,1649 The foreign news has had full time to develope itself upon our community, and the partial influ ence it has had upon our markeu will subside without materially affecting even breadstuff's.— Our Flour market has been more firm, and sales have earserienced a small advance; but not to any amount, so as to make quotatiocs available. Sales today at 65,6iXit55.5 6 per bbl. Superior family Flour has brought $5,1 $2,S'7 per bbl, but for city use only. Gram—We have no transactions in Wheat or Rye; but rekr to yesterday'• quotations. Corn— Sales at 56 , 360 e per bush. Nothing to quote in Provisions. Grocenes—la this species of trade the prices toe firm—Rio Coffee 6/071, and Sugar 4861. Whiskey—Sales u2l 22c per gallon. • 'd Floue--demand good, and prima unehruaged ilea at $1 81103 85 per barrel. Whiskey —Sales at 160164 per eat. Linseed Chl—tialeia at 1,3 eu per gallon. Lin.rii--Sala at 7 cento per lb • in barrel. Wad a demand. Cheese—Sales at Semi tit per P. Water falling. izt PRICES OF STOCKS. EXCHANGE. 1 dls. Co ai City ()idlers I dia.. Relief Notes, " " " Pennsylvania Co. a New York. " Maryland, a " " New Orleans, " " Cattle Market. ALISOIIENT, August V., 1848. I=l Correspondence of the Plarorgh Guerre. Corret.pot;lence olthe i . ;tsiwrgh Cluxem , Nr' You.a, Aug. W, Our Flour Market is rather active. and yenta day's prawn well maintained. Sales of Genese at $5 02 per barrel, and Southern and Western $2 50 per barreL Cosa—Large sales have been made to day of Southern. princmally. at 56 cta per bushel for mil. ed. and 60 cts or yellow. Wheat—S.les of Southern red at 10' , 410t ., per bush, I. Provmoons Ilan—\o lame roles reported. 'r Cell range at last week's transaction. Cor,•spontlruee of the (.or•tle PORT OF' PITTSBURGH ARRIVEL, Beaver, Clark, Beaver. Loom McLane Bennett, Brovoav dk Lake Erie, Murry. Beaver. Auantm, ParLimon, Bmareavdle Mtetnaan No '2, thlaott, Beaver, Caroaill, Day. Freedom. OFI'ARTED. Lorna McLane, bennett. Brom:m..llle Lake Ell, Murry. Beaver. Atlantic. Part:mann, Brownsvdir. Mtrhlgan No 2., Gilson, Bearer. Caleb Cope, A. Murdock. Beaver. Geneve°, Hunter. Mums nye, Catduer. Mckiatick. Wbeellng. Carohne, Day, Freedom. The riser last evening at dusk was 4 feet 0 inches in channel, by metal mark, and falling 1I = . . A last knourledge of the French Language ut 45 Lea golly"— Reading, Writtng, Speahtng. .04 au perfect Pl9lllillf IgliOn as • Scholar can Imiunta. g ro p e. PIOTROWSKI, lately front Fir II • rope, alma to his fneuds and the public in general has service., by • near and the most attpreved method of tendymg the French language. by whieh he warrant. the real aueveas and improvement in that &Mean-In be useful and fuhionable language. It is impossible tolearn It in IV or kV lessons, as some teacher. pretend end promise to do; as he himself bad spent fifteen lean in France, and seemed allmeans in ho power to become a perfect master of what he now proposes to Impart to ethane Suesenpoon tins are open In Rexene and C.ononer • vial paper Mimes The coon. will be open on the Ist September. Ono quarter. consisting of 21 lessons In a tllsva, Ito For private Interment. M. Piotrowski will meet with pleasure soy person, is the Monongahela House. _ atoll 7nltare Raney lirtare. fresh from Europe. T HE aubscni.rs hare now in stors a eery extensive I.assortment if Furs for ladies bo a r. which hove been numbered in Europe by one of the firm. •1 very low prices , dum g the monetary Cti.ll mace...hog we French Revolunont This advantege, which they possess over any other house In Vie wade twill enable them to sell a very ex cellent article much below the marketprice. UT Merchants and other* will advance thstr own Interevis by examining this extensive assonmeni ROLM BROTHERS, Importers, fid Arco (Malberry)between rd and Pd strum, st_lLL.tiMes Philadelphia ELECTIOIS• Orrice OM YEN PlitS.9lll.okt GAs ( CorrPANY , uguatlBlB. Suackholders of the Pitts burgh G. Compan S y, are hereby noufied that 1, reveling for the purpose cTelectlng Sis Trustees for said Company, will be held at the office of the Work., between the hount of g nod 5 1348. o'clock, P. M., JAMES M . Con Monda, HRIST'S% the 4111 of Trea Sepsurertember, N. 8.--Cerdficates of Stock will be tainted to the pe, mine entitled to receive them, any time titer thi. date, August 19,1513. itugl.9.9ar J. M. C. _ COPAUTNERSHIP - • - I lIAVE this day disposed of part of my interest to the firm of Lorena, Sterling & Co. to my scros,Robt. S. and Saantel F. Sterling. RFYRT STERLING. According to the abovearmig ement, we have this day assoasted wuh us as partners the above named ROBERT B. STERLING, and SAMUEL F. STERLIN G. The business will be ocmdoeted as heretofore, under the name of LORENZ, STERLING h. Co Pittsboali. August 14 1548. altirldtAdtrelosT N EW FALL 4100 M—A A hlason dr Co, GO Market street, are now opening SO cases and packages of new Fall Goods, comprising in part new styles Ging. hams, French, English Ind Ante Wean Prints, Mull, Swiss and Rook Muslim, Collars, Cgpes, Laces_ awed • ADIIaTITANDINGCOLLARSwA AMsson le .0.4 Cis 00 Market at, hare .Instopetted 40 doe or the mod fashionable styles of Ladies • Standing Collars. Also, fit dos Aloornins dm PO dos Wrtnesht do. 1Y27 L - ACE CAPS—A A Mason A. Co. have just reed la dos Ladles Lace Caps, also, dew styles Chemi sem, Wrought Capes, Head &wart, Ladles Belts, he - ‘6. 00 VALI AA. h kt 1, are closing out a large lot of remnant. V Calm..., at full) half the usual price—good fast co. l t 'cod Pratu at tike aug7 _ 7 L.Uk: AND ORANGE PRINTS, and hive Mers a:mak do, constantly on hand at lowest price., at ah VIIO room of NY H MURPHY, anal cor Ith and market am, Id story TullifiAN£A Co,Gialtu ke, have jUll opened Smincemea of More very ), e h e „, w oo 'abed Moalltut asX taw, 4 more cams of the lye d o Also, another large lot of the remnant. of Calico, at O. augl4 lvHkoP M ol e Ar3l7gl 01 yard wide brCa n Must.. at lie . ' More Wrought Co 1 2 1 nrll yriNails A N n l . NIAIP.. 4 —A A Almon rt. Co no Slat. ter hone lost arM 400 don of boo bit and colbt stA F, meo , of all wn. ith. 01111 Os of over, ve. r . e.ty and cow. lust reed cam. of A MASON b." . Priam, of boatman! n 0. 4 . 44 k flit..., at eatrome. .‘ Lfottem Cloth. Alpaeca, Ame prices. Alto, lID .ka , winch , they will eel. at ;Mal Inducement,. to put, chasers anal? A A.MASON A Co, woo flyceived mother -CR, large 1.11,470113ent of Maio tilaaahed Mo. boa, .1 44, a and 7 coots . Woo. 3 ° W. of 'hot. 7,7 1 I.Parlor Bleached juji JUST RECEIVED-300 ls. Merrtmeck , ""'"'" and Comma Fruits, of very deldrable Pyle* AA MASON & Co LAC ,d aul.g?tPB-6 .4Ze.k A"C'o's LANNEiii--Brown and Red °neonatal:, meat and for tale I. auglo cieo COCII 1 - 01, . "" 1 " TORS SKINS—Poe sale by ingl7 WICK I.CANDLIES. 00.PEILAWS , COURT SA.LI6. De sTribfe — L ois THE subscriber has laid out eleven Lots on the South side of the Fourth Street Road, and about two nod one quarter miles from the Court House. 'lll.ll lute contain each from one to two mad a half acres of land, and will be sold on reasonatle and ac commodating term.. It to deemed unnecessary to en ter into any explanation of the advanuaires of these lots. Their vicinity to this city and to the line of the Central Rod Rood, recommend ' them strongly so very desirable country residence.. The subscriber also offers for sole ratan seven hun dred acres of land in Franklin township, Allegheny county, about seventeen miles from Pinsburgtt. Also, tune building lout in the borough of Birmingham. auglb-d I m NEVILLE B. CRAIG. VALUABLE. - PICOPEIITY POR SALM. jtst THAT property lately occupied by It Nixon, Esq., on Lriug street, 111,11 . Robinson, Allegheny coy, will be sold on :mem:maiming:terms. The lot Is 33 feet 4 inches on Craig sweet, nutmeg through to the CAM.] Ifu feet. There a • good two story frame dwelling house on the premises, lately built, and the lot is well imptoved. containing a variety of choke fruit trees, grope, shrubbery; he. This property is conveni ently situated for persons doing business m either Pitts burgh or Allegheny, and is a desirable residenca Title indisputable. For terms apply to WM. BOYD, Attor ney at Lew, office on Fourth street, above Smithfield. ap4dtf 26 6 - Acre• - C - o - TaT rind The Sale, • • . SITV ATED on theiiionongalicla over. about 16 miles from l'ion.arch nod 3 min. above third Lock, in the immediate neighborhood of blesses Lyon /11. Shorb, and Mr. John herron's purchase. This fine body of Fon will be sold at the low Once 0(633 per acre—one thole in hand. balance in five equal annual payments, without Interest_ Title indisputable. Location very good--cfmnot be surp..ll For further particedars CINUIre MS. BALSLEY, who has a droll of said pro perty Reudenee 2d 111, below Ferry, Mr. Adams' Row N a There other se of eon on thou tract, about GO fret abov an e the lower ism . of croon.nt quality. ygodifS. FL Tract of Land for Bale. THE subscriber velar sell on aecommcd•ung terms, • vluable tract of unimproved land, situate on the mud le from Brtallton to Franklin, about eighteen miles hum Pittsburgh, and about eight miles from the town of Freedom on the Ohio river. The tract con tains liel acres and no perches, strict measure The land is of esrelient quality, about 90 acres clewed, and well vrat,trd. wad will be sold either in whole or man. of Coo venicitt site, to suit purchaser.. For further particulars enquire of WM. BOYD, Att'y at Low. orrice out {lb st, shove Sautkineld, Pittsburgh. tyolci.sl.4 , ortf T Real Sates.. f Oble. A •- . - •- - TRACT of land, 9/ acres, liar non, Portage CO., on the Cuyahoga nver—about 9J acres under im provement. Also, two unimproved lots in the village of Worry. Trumbnll Co.. GO feet by N. Aloe, • lot of ground it the eentre of Hartford, Trumbull Co, with a hie dwelling house mul wore—one of the beat moods for • merchant on the Western Reserve. Any or oil this properly will be .Id on very accommodating ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, febtO Water and norm sta FACTORY FOR SALE ri` and had t Factory, erected on Rebee 1. ea +nreti Adegltru) ca). by Il S Casson k.:so t• offered h.r •ale at a t , arga,n. and on easy terms. The mt o etch the Factory is erected. fronts WO feet on Rebeeea • , ree.. and runs beet 110 feet to Park st reet. The maw IA of brlck. three stories high and GO feet long I.) - L7 fent wide The Engtne Noose ta large and roan:mellow, with un engine. boiler, stack. a , . nil in comotete ~rner The praises, - will be sold ,cvr, and Wstl vantaceou. terms. /*or pea , . tern,.s c at this odice. Tii AT ennirrioaintio ant( thenlline house end hire, Mr. Jane Magee. Olt eti•terecr, the bead of Seventh streci, on whit, net n *mine snit c nirteice bowie, out houses, pvell .10 •at %/crabs and gniric vines. inn tie ecir.l int tt, ot October.or soot:- tin- prenu.c.. or on Wylie, M II LOWRIE- ne•r a.n.,., ~,,, •Lrert. tug'4,lll VALI:AI:LE t Alt ‘I ,ontnintng On notes. 11.1(13l. rotno, 0610,7 tulles from Si ti •an of the Slnnoual Road, and rel.torht.od. In the c 00..- t 5 orresonrail2 1.4 truas abet panic , JuIAN S DILWORTH_ It wood at to one AN Ihr MOO ty There too!, eu e e young orylterd.Sc — Property In Allegheny City for liide. Ct.ttlorl gtound 01. rnAy Irrupt Inquire of • (V 1)11 IV tttlNsoN, Ally it Law. rt Chao n of J.tt Ni WI tN, on thCprvirwes. mil , dein , T _ Velemble ilealtlenee In Allegheny City zoos' oi from Allegheny city, ‘,../ 1 oder 3111 rr l' , , re tor , ale The prem...., ore to de .0,, r, nod ever, way worthy the stl. team:on •h,t, •ttr., proprrty ;, It W LrFIXTER fiats lYalala tat Jilercar County. ALOT. avLd I ,, octllitg.lnlatt On the Kne Etztrtottott Canal. 111 the village of V. cat gild• ). dieter, a detnratov twat.. nor a merchant Also, a Lot and Komi 1). , .'0PC ;1t.... aell .aped for a Tavern I Stand. in the vt.inev o. .trangt.vilitt. an State One of Oh,. Terms •nt. DICKEY & Co. fetal/ Water and Stoat ate. iIkTHREE el wrihne situnted on 4th street near coital bruice in the en y of l'lnisboro. so. ?cam A- I:3 b) Lin with conventent trcnee on .sth in.. near wood. Also n frame dwelling wiro stone, with an neve of ground enclosed and tinder cultivation. cumin on Ohm lone. In the city of Allegbe ny Inquar of 1 I) WILLIJOIS, tin wood street FOR Sh I.E OR RENT. the Pittsburgh BMW ,ry. oink a, its brewing apparatus, ornate on Penn street and Ilatker'salley,and now occupied by Geo W honith At Co. Pouession given on the first day of Apr ensuing. For tem., Sc. enquire of 13RoWN a. CULBERTSON, k 111 hh at glO5l. LAND 111 R :4. 1 .1.4e-rwverf acres coal nod sale. in Fend of the Monongshela River, above Brovensetllr.situate . having a 7 foot In of coal which wol he sold In exehatlge fur goods. For puttee ... •coly in 14 , 551 :45 W'11" A RBA UGH .11 wood at W A EIIOI2SE FOR SALE.—The sediscriber offers for sale the three story brick Warehouse n Wood strret..copied by R. Tanner k CO. It rents now for gluts, per year. apl7 WhI. WILSON, !r. 'MI 501.4 , ribrr. Mn rt.nt part of the waL • boom. now trouped by atria Apply to LEWL% DA.L2F3.1., A Co.. only 54 water Street =CM A Fine tam story brick house. on main street. la Allegheny city, near the upper brultre. The lot Is YJ tort m Iron, by lIMi deep. For terms inquire of. dethtf A WASHINGTON, Ith QM= . . _ .JAM large Ctrs pr.( warehouse. 2t feet front by JAM feet deep. on second ss, near wood. Rent mod erate. illqU/re of J IieIIOON.NIARER & Co., dela 21 wood st For Rent. A Smoke Flom, roomed on Plum alley, for mot ingutra of ROBERT DALZELL k Co, Ahem •Rtr•Pt deoL3 EXCHANGE BROKERS, oko. 1117SSZY, HANNA & co., "ij ANKER-S. EXC/O.PitiE BROKERS, and dealers DI in Forman and Commute Exchange, Certificates of Deposita, Rank Notes, and Specie; Fourth street, near ly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Carrera money received on depositc--Sight Checks for sale, and col lections made on nearly ell the principal potent In the United Stater. The highest premium paid tor Forcign and Americo Gold. Advances made on consignments of Produce, shi, -- . hbesal terms. mehls N. H0L212219 s BONE, DA:MEM and Dealers in Erchan_go, Coln and Mlll Dank Notes, No. 65, Market aired, PM.ahurah. Belling Kates. Psehande. Buying Rate. New York, ipr Cusemnau, 2 did Philadelphia, ido Loa!mile, 0 do nedUmnre. i do Mt. Louis, 2 do Daylna TUT... DANK NOTES. Buying Rates. Ohm, 2 dim Co. Zs Scrip Onion,* di. Indian. "do Relief Note. "do Kentucky, "do PennaVvonta Cy "do __ Virinity.' "do New Port , do \ Vhdelmg, ido New Orisons, Tennewee, /do Maryledd, kb/4d ronzias ExeliCANOn. ILLS on Englund. Ireland, and Scotland bought to not amount at the Current Rates of PI/change. Bruits payable in any part of the Old Countries, front LI to 1.11 0 001, at the rate of RS to the £ Sterling, without deduction or dit.count, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, kiln:Toon and General Agent, dike sth ill one door west 01' wood. ' ?