- r -- , F"...1.1i,?. /JUT 11. .•- - • ~.,..,?.-.. 2st-Amitsim- list. 1786. . - - ' 'TOM . CARDS"... N I..lPHAifani.-liida NA .I.4mAtm pall - - ''Z'',4l . li= 0. tatvg York._ oho. Gout Pittalititili .0,-.lo4eit k. 4.- 1 : 6 •= of WisTein .stikiei :Wawa Ma- A c iestadunted made, iireutdrial t-s t . _at _ "A t':" . 4 a,i' a tiVlDOD, - IV - IV - 0"...•V0n end • For- 0 2t 1 .. 1. 1. , ,, ,i 4„,7,K•r0r - ' , did* Merelants,'lntur retuned - 0 their old • steed,'Waler sad Front ttlea Paten:TlM -cult geuenty.o., - neat Ch Geode ulna. -.••••' 4 - ~i ring & Hill%M., Wholesale and Hetall -Drug ,., - ,su, caner 44 litany and 81. Clan streets, Pstu. • • ' -., 159ditirs , 5, a, it mum- • - . , pILOWN 4. CULDEMPAGN; Whistesala Einscreta . auLCostralkian,Merehatus, No.l4lLLEfieily gn., lii• h. Pa. '",SeDly, 4 • , gips koIIAHNESTOCK k GotaWkdosala And Be- ; 11. tad &incest', coma' Wandansilith sta. jyl ~- , RACiAIVr ii- FiEal.„,Tir Waale# ll ,Gla alare, fi u`a cossy _- 90 Wood street e-naoarsti: - ' a ' --c .- . McANULTY A. Doi ,Fonraiding and-Coat. a ;,-, ,tlaia,aalmfil oolloool 9 9ol BaAns_PatiltonVlsPa.• % I.:nk diAsal4s, mut, taltskuul, _ la& Id,Vittittan. kiMpLFAIAN DAEU4krit a• Co, 3DoMaiOatalaly • •••ILA Giuttagyliortop awl Arks„ A. II: 'l9lO - 130 _ 'two., wag deal•t" ta Ccad Tiuuzi.e. aravarr ... ~:. saTagiaft,pandigum on Eli Clair 11. %Vital:ode 41 -Mood", annosita Si. Casaes Hotel. ' 10,21 , ,:: n: Zama. - - - - ions vatdalar. „Autdier • 4 ,....,. GEHHADT, Wholdele- Einaterk de* ifs In.Pbtaloce• and Prostenvir Manufacturea, e'r. ',2'n• kFLibiew •nd Hand stm Pitudnugh, Po.. ;soli •.• Lula: 3,113&=‘,_ __. :WM assewei r , . =TANI:ILI-4H. 10 id tea LT . Dive Deglish, Diflatber . .....e Coq migaku andor;„ a - - . yE•li ,... skellaanyand skalds 4, •u WI ma; a• `""iaMbiii o - 37 W 904 italatated.aa a. ° .- -•--. TV.ma,' .._ i_DaLIIIIEV A. oi, Whofeamia Ovum Oa , r..,,, i n _ ,011 erkllM4 . ll&& "WU a i rt , gg e :f ¢,l-acris, NUa. Wour, and i raa IL jAhlaGnErt, LONG & /HlLLSR,Flailasd ant. ' • Puutdon and Gins Muer& Mk Mut, Insured - . and liddliftehi pi s Paa ....lA__ UT Highest- pike , Webb: ohiCoppy ava.aa 1, i rsEoßClEtClefhtAn, I:s3alialakaiiiiEF 6l4 m 44.. • V • 1.11 - 1116611 Con; No.llo•WOodutrat rtmtberyth. myt" . 'Ala ILMIT DEUNOViiitaand -Ste& isaiiatic; ..1, I. &ewer, Pad and Oil Mudd; conter Llh taattagand o , ljaniatse Mustard. -. - . ..• 3814 __,,, - '''' .as 'aniiii Diciii_ . ' ' ailalial Dmurt, c % .... - %l=l/4 1 , 1 70 i.,' W.1'.'.",`,.=, . .- - r “.- awn ad ly7 ga i t drets:Pitlibirgh. Rol IT 1 ~.logrilitltiNll3s;Attalstry .A 4 emmeneri, LA.: - .. --- itr - starminna.ko z tor 'he Maur of Pertussylvida T • I i0'1104:1&11011 11 ktd•Pladmaita•ii -- • - a Wattir=Ligruitral-4'2.4gisaaf=i Help ..4 . ltatava, Wawa k King. • julatt . 01141950iFs Co, W li i ol v auleiron Panatd :ling:ll Cocumustonode dnDesi n o it Po ',e.l„OartheCAN„„co',.l It:,kne , * BRYAN, lieettiying Ditaillbt, tad WEbtidalei ed 4:Dbaner la-Fetaign and-Dottiraite Wind and L. No.-114 liberty sueet . , ad 01 Didund-ATT BRYAN, r , Pa- ...,_ •- ..• . ' - Willati ' a ' WA I n 4 1=falir 9 Z, Milciit e 4 ~.y - ,1. 4t vet. near Wood, Pinsourgli. .- ,ehnts A. t •HUTCLIBe, A. •ieriuef j ssor to t•=rv ' I rr "1 cliet. i... Steam at-51104, laitiettwiacrt.a493 Dent mum, pvtatough. " i1.,"1 :4 ”. 1' - I. ' " " ----•- - I • i itrile3i. :ixt.acv..ltietehard Tailor, EIC&COILO Hod •st, UT dins, et. Chia o.,,Tnuannitb uatit• 2 : 4 tf4: T e lilN DILWOMMI-Wholoside (010000, Pao. ° il , aa.::: - Leona Uotakdasion.lderdsnt,No. 27, Wood 1., • „F . , oly.h. ; , . lea/ . to4o}ll1 -D. )101111AN, Wheedle a. ~and &id- Maar& , s•-• - •strin Dyebiods,Puictu,•Oila Varnis..., No-VY 1 % ood SUM, ofis dace Saul of Ikatand ABey,4l s burgh. ..t. AMEB . .'',11.., At.-Coi, , liFsettliit.tir . I oseph . • ' p Maim Mug C9aMlonr,sl Water nreet. .0.31 ~_. ~-7'EEIN .11. VELUM, Wkdatale and Reaa - rfq i "- ~, tin lattste and landau! • tuartunents, Pattial ',. • •--. t, noes, Meat Pens, Quills, Printer.' Cazdi: swath., rs,,,satty,No. 61 Wood at, Pindtnrcirn- v i . .• ,I. '''''' 'll:Mttts bonen Or taken lam a& aap ,',.. i••,•:f...IiCHIXiNIiIAIMEI A Ca, Wholesale - Dragguaa, • , '', U • Net 94 Wool uted,Fultsidirgh. ' '41:1/Cd D. 'DAVIS git , Anenoneer, older ad, and - Weiod I _ ,bur. *adlt j OL v NIZX LBTOGlCTON il ltkaania . 13*: ; Ili t•trursh. te4,_, " 0 * ~,„,, , TOHI9 GIDED, Wholuala -Grocer, dealer u. Piro T I. ,ier And, Pittsburgh ofacutros, I , oa, PlinesAre dc.ltal y *; aire., No . lIM Litany It., Pituburgh. Sint lbw in . Do, r inug norn, 1131,11•1.9 1 r4 _,,,, - 1 - A. R. FLOYD, (Ids J. Floyd A. Co 4 4 • o`2o._____ CV • Gloms, N 0.192 Liberty area. 00 , a VAMMI DAISELL, Wholesale Grocer, , : -.--- cl ' , AP. Mereitant, and dealer in Produce and PAW,. Tr a IZtirsoaractuteu No. 24 'Wnit a., Moeda:llyd - junt lEM es MlNl*Forwarkag V ,M. es-aossiders io..TlMultPtedurgit . - Leox! • .•-• ' CaaaPHnlo. nearkhlt t dSLL J• ~-, ' .. Vesuvius Iran VIE.II , Me• - . . .1:17 eat ear. & Coy snanoinetnren aid" nu , t: &es Dat,Mieet, &Las /row sad' Naha aisles bea , Diarehouse, Al sue' anditilikont at.- . al. : 8 WATEIOO4 YAW:I.O Omer; Format. 4.. .- ;.12.1.5.....ri - frd'idera..4 l .k=. l .. bi - P.P.." ,1 .. ,4 Prfi , lfLep; rw; .It-W.10.1 a. , '''..-. 7rOdTi . ln/ - - , .„,• AinF.- - p•i•-- Iwo .....s. ...a. , : - ~,.. g ,„ :411,wr, eikiwiim, va. .,,, : - , e y ararkag-assi COURIa6IIIO. Verdant', dealus in , -.... si :ndlatudarilailast, No. 08 r 9O , - I[kERCES4; - lc Centicalsididi: ,r -43111 Ftluistphiktim Da vabiotio949." - 1 -a n - -asrattr .Maral sultrands suds on dusignneur. . • " - 110 ,6, e1a ..,_ ,•.• Ice s - suds; •s - araumr a .1. ~ ,- , a2 tMit& ar: re NO.F., Wbollasie 'Grans» utus • -"- ska - Mahibut, No. 194 Litany 'I, Plc: ~ a _•,.. IL, & 05., ComedviCa 544 F. • --. Merehanub-Wsier-cad Front its.. • •-•.' - ' HlLVElHON,"WhdataMGroarni and ' --.- - Vbutulation Abledsnts, t4d. Mt, Lailltigt 7 k r-u. 1 16 1 . Pa. IiteCODD A. LONG. Witoksala asolittnall lint .1.-• F t d ,C OI ddierrm a i ,a r a 0.,,.ii A. Ida' 55 Slniiat et., second dear Dom tamer or Fourth, duller. in Fter-sts eado Bill, of Exchange, Cutadion of , • • • 'Salad Nous! 0n489 000 . , n 7 . (Q -, Come e' " :',97 5 ,7 ,44*; " Z• Ili -•- .k '-vinuluersww,..aro2.er De • LsDer t `Thblit4•Plktritiall . 1 - t -a ... gun:lAD MAU -er linew 5e... - Darpanire.. ' luut fv? tio.,u 1 0. 1 1 4 1.4.,.= :I . 1 ,- 1= Ur}, 0 , , •• T, " WHIM, valor easii. • „ 91.'1 v..-r is iallEaT•l4DlVll, It and Ski& in - - por -sad Dontessba • itardarsra • , -.- itaidiw, et oil t .. ps. 120 W • • • oule and Hata Dude In IL 1.12, litoree co, &Leask-en' Toodrand • d - fit r ifrWti m* r mi ttL, embs'.-. aabttrgd 7l ig -t " , " . 2‘.' n:t. ' "I' ' R I : . 401(1156 1 :0 - *rorViliar e (Udder.; ildd Cr ' _ ' 4 1trui Conakutzianderchads; awl ikagei ' taaanawaret, Na taw Iduld'at, YPi, li a• :b . ': Pa. ~ - 1 •*• ''. fI, 1 . t ' tae L. . OM= D. tRYI I. k, eq, Whole...la - taw rs, ".... :, 00 90 0 ialaniaa 0 FMCW w# V o 7 l larli • 1 . ... X.Malled a l 4 MALMO - at O . 4 11011 T. A. CUNNINGHAM, ViUkals- 0 . ~,' Deakt in .Prodace and Fittakno , • . to.l44Liberipat:' - . .- _, ~ ly . 11 NOPM 4. 81113; A rdEiovi . • „Elhl Marchasits, GM the linny t 'Cr • . a i. • an to - Onkeries, Produce, Pia.botgb Maul • ./111 Vihissi , W oo a. asall,..ed at aila" '.' • • r tsp. Comer o Perm lrwin sta.- - -.. &JOHNSON, Witolessie and Hata Si l e r t a tillimery t axis, Lion Boats? ved Astlela,Na Ea/ .11,40° .100 0 1,al a m "- 'dr. 4, Pandurgb: '• - - Ai liaanstalr, 001 f. 1. . -§ t I L ICILL/EZT it -WISITE, - Wholesale ••• in .: andaDosesenda Dry Goxisl Pialail s, , - ^ felt , HAEHAUCtIii Wool idessbzota in Floor and Proteane gsamllyi snit •• •• • . Conudisiina Marehant No. dd Wtty et a na. . - reid Mil kIaGIALEY t6b Wbeiewate Grec • ' 10 Produce deadeye, /Sec =I Moiler woes, lunerec • mud Nor* Lido. PhdudraPtd 3 6 "LI 7-7 Voti - BoN,Ntloesr - a to., Nytkosak , Pi -- • v xtcriiburgh • _ W xtinh nod esteto • 4ellieve removed to thrtir Dem mareboose,(ol4 • lem Ammer of Froorst and-cawwqrAmPLll 4- " WhoLasalnuroetra and '” Alteejlertballboutd dealers W PrOdEr N • idatatnindatrin. t , • • •1111/ 1 :*,,, It- POSp ~A gentrarMeMtkii • • ' • it dsOnss Mies of WM: dangs, 4th a, Pitubaigh: My Kra. 7 dahmejnirar Yazd am: at Washingtory*l pliptesullieto ft. of awn." to appliciwOo lois rt. WICK OMAN/ 31 41A (wwicr, ! Wholcsule Oncesi, • Coptzdniorl • Littomilhirosouid Plltsburep 'of NlTccd "sad Walel -117t7ta.7=4105 --ErIIOVVEN---Crot Po • difroitso No. Yu Front st. ST =tea. 'Ww. vvALLAck4 Mill .w. Mt—T , ... - - plg astabti!Wnent, No. 4 . 44 Ltbelty gr., GA/ULARD, Dealer h , F 9 .e7 and - 11 f-..0m1* Na 79 Market ma; :.. . W -V7.• WILSON, Dealer Waltham, e Blili•••ry Goods, &a.a•. S 7 lun st, • v. - • • • - • - • • Witant, l l whoiesidi idatitgall Fu and barriestie Dry u*, corner of Market and Fourth au. r•• .•••, 1/7.... ccr 4 .64mi. = 45, • • • • ••• —•••-• •• , ... 61.,.. 4 . ~,.. ~, r , , ikf e.il;;, v 4;,.:, . :vs .../ ~,.. .., .s . . t., .s. e, —li...a s t ...mu. 4 ...,...14.silir . , i 174111.41EFSAlli NU al f'sc...n .11 IF .1 .. i ...lei.) 6•afi /.. • '•u ..54..11.,..t. •••'‘' , I r : _.._..,. ..: . k : - .: i ' T , , . , . . : • ''''' , .o. 1.... ft . .. . . ... ' ... 1. ai ...f/ 1 • • , lli Anj...,..... • I ~ , lt, - • , . a t J. 0 ,), , , . , Y = 3 3 0- li 3 ,4 3 3 1, 3 ) sa:IJJJ.4I4 2141 33 . ... - . ... . , 8 . L.:. ~, ~..., - tCKRDR. :Ur /11:000.1 ban% .40, E.e.tiflliVVlN,Ata.Wine. vs] Lago. c,j4.Asti a Powder, Pio. 16)" 417,41. ircasa..ayi ' • docopal a 1001 ISLACIMIELN a. Co" Wholesale Chace ne Lod deafen is Oils, Ilostatsce, sod rodbardh Man. —soared anklen,htirn a tides,* fop' twd .01Mt3l:atisortaiont0£ goo& /a dmet, •-etaaChr Alley,,Pittsbudes, . . anry TOHN'llt - TOWNEEND; Dret g lsreld . APOtkedtFY, IV 'Nd."O - 3110ifet it.;three dead alkoll Third at_ Plus ' §Orgh,sifllltee'lledsisedle (natal . a - Arett Selected as. • 'gond:le/it *Ellie . bhtt wur l eibeaE r ' aitit c vb n a ~, ' , elll' sell 'bri- llietdotTr ib '''Wf;l %o ' d• tt seddliir °pee.. *itt our ...t. .., 7 . . P lubrltvl4l4-'l4,%leittni:x=i.„ • _• - 1121 . 1.1k . d . Ir MlLL 'i lleterials, et Any heOr of '''. . Pelirea fit . , jbp rot 41L - Arlo •115 r ite, a huge stock of fresh and good - Perk, - . 4.1 i e .5 ”•• . Ma P li gWi b tir; jtn:d illbreinairtratjalnlitlg through -lb second er, between' Wtod and ninindield etc; In tinrrear Itnuanganela House, vidraereadrolynew stock of Honer and Carnage% of ba, war and ham itylek llama kept al Ilse. ,r in therbell 121111111eL IY2dIY R . ..1;44ARD . T::LE EC H, J R., gartdlenr-Itoicumagetfrilazazia. and Coach Hsu. Deer Heir. Vernlab, Le.'4le... iyil N 0.133 Noon 87.:Prrasunau. EATON Deem io Trim min sad variety 't Moth TOTthill Rae% Nat , 11an Combs, Toots and Wortedalin Monies, Pm., Tooa Brabosite:, C o. Crldastet sun bowren Dia- Fin e9t andAst h. ITITSBDOLI ekluso AND FACTORY. ./ 13 4, 4 .T 4 /QUM Y. 0.. avires 14,17T0R14 ALANUFACTURSRS spissir Oa blisr steel, .0411 h ce.Fl lls ‘kdk soulds, marl and edp lap=med i ron e Ism enstanladtps,aua to.CII ill=all2o t onally, comas of (Coos - and Trosit-sta s Pitublarsk, 27,,kani TE*,834:0131:::-Nd, I,,Lry ikacTiTf"titli-rufi".kliGlTlP' end , El. irX944441M%NaCA..04 Pa'pound i Cu INSURANCE._ _ OBLAW 3111TEIALINSURAtelt.CO. 1.1 Mal klkila KY, Jr.okirent Pruabrirgnros.tke 1.101- were Mental asifietitlnounnee Couvany of rbtle artelphia. Tineranka upon to:Waage end uleveliandise 4i-every .rlasedlinoth . and blarinaltiske nee:I:all. et tiargoea of veautie, taken upon lbe Wear Severable • ... M . ' °Melvin. ale Wascietivait B. klatmes %Wier mist blukel avert, littsbutg4. 151—ElheRtli =ached Of gas Company silica the matt listlinent Of the J.gency. to Olt eel, "nth* prompt rulas and liberality with whiehlmerY elhietropeat them for loss has Peen mimes* tally warned* agent tra inviting . * coat** amtpatronage el his friends and the comoreutitlr allarger.lo the Delaware Pt. N. Lam m.* emaliann While it has the additional ensantages ahlttl Mallen* among the most !formatting m Plutocrat littlistws haring an-e*feignetatin taxied, witichhy the operation of as chatter is constantly meremang, as .Ytehlloil op cash pen* masted his Mho slisre m toe pro* of the company, without insulting lam lb any traponstbilay whatever, and therefore • tut pomismnag the farmed geramede divested of slim ointozmus turo,and in us most uoe4 , Ingl2l OD MARINES INSUBAXCID. fill i lO y entrece Company of North Anon. ,tba utrou.g! utak. panni endli antPovrsd =usinmice Pd.**, m thitreny met on shipments- tirthe Co. ' mid Mesta diratui 0 C. 513, basal W.3cpcs, .lob 4 Wb i,.• Xbossas r:4,39370. mad V. • ~II~M Jiiassll Bowman,. Seel. TIAls is the oidow 1050rt00ti.4% , 147. , / Smuts,' lioung bus. atone:radio It. ctomor pe_speut.O, olviinou ato !ugh swatltstiOlug - ..1W.n., Bowie moat., and evoloms Vrtak/a of •4I esip Imuiss etrarActer, tt alay.k. o sdems p~E,ooorlty tot. OulOto.. . W. et Vw-C01001 ,, g kilom of Atwood, Joob. & Co., W tor ual From moat rowtortglx. - sooy6_ 'l4l.A3giii.inr VMS INSVILA.SCE 00. r 41F: Fr..k.u. Fu Insanwca Couipanny,of .1. phia, will m.,m hum rack°, petutancia mind limned ota every . ilissonpuoil propoity, an Plasnaryta Owl me suraranionsoy . country, on isoanclabs menu. Ms cow pony Pm at perpetual °tuna 54C13,C00 paid in. Couliciirtl2; Fund ' 01105 cas4ei ofThil ond 'trona, Y=lllllll4 , WatIERIC/i Agent. rinirrondenkurd;did) sulltoused Ascot of dor Amer -1.413 Vtra insuranaw CoOdwuy ad . Ithdadelptus, 'corditiser • bOlrl iondwoco ogoood low or dwoogr woman Soo, ou b=„nanwra t forroloro Lod' prow % Orkt.dXl1 - 4 111 , 11.1 CAI and vidium. LILIJ COLLIKAN 103 wood rt. NE SUBSCRIBER bu b7Piurlti4" pry said mil issue Palsies and lanced ua the oilier business M2I!=!;iMMII FORW4IRDING & COILMISSIQN. I. IIICLLLDO LA C. CELILIZLES EU ...E.IIIICINVEILAIr..CO. IIIBACCO:CUILIVASIOJI ;111136CILLIMI, No. W . Booth Wharrea No. 117 Sinath Water at. PHIL". LW/34nd Brbe lt 2 r 4 a°_ t":47V'd Y.'nt NUM l hP.3ruti aj W4Roe4tM. - .4 , .. gt!?.? „ 7?" VF:D Inkier plum, ita 11 . are a lute Manta:it - Imply the follcurtug detour. f tiou of Tobacco, which wt be sold upon u accom modating temms as any other Loom in thin city or ciao arttue,.on.d.all giioda ordomdfrom them will WI an.- remod-egaud. to repra_saatattorc • Haysmar Tloungu - Coon.; - Tang ecTUr- Hato; Penal.; - Leaf tn- Cobol' • *ink ?tondo; badco, 1- UV)- . -nratat'a celebrated deornalle Siert Unven dlsh, with • largo itaKirialllll.ol4l.lltB panula.ribrand,a, and gualineartf paw* ba, nos, la, 16a and*, LomPi U r n, ba and lb.-5156 Lodi.' Tarim; Virguna Twig, &a,' Oman and.plain, In mbnla and half bottli„trood - szatbr a l t ahenrld& aurtyremikay of arneta billong - - . jelddly BASSET, H % NEW=6 Cr/LUXUATHI?N, _ FLOUR FACTORS, PithUwe: Canned=lon and. Forwarding NornaWriern, Aire 129 Werra P r, PIiIDMPHLe. Re9ine-40ea H. Brown it Co Banta-Wm t Co. Barcrott, t P1U 1 . 16/ 0" - tca AttenATuacin, - New York ' Welters a 'Harvey, Beltialore- Deetr i Cta • Bad, Wilson& Co li Zigend end erinureeren C 0.11571.111201114 AO oar mnr30.14 • r * .? .-- sczacusn • =tut =v. tont Winn.. ELLMAKER, ECKY4 erne Clamerat tip. LI Warn Werra elsito., • PHILADELPHIA. /Lr e g6ltE7C,lll-.-.44f.puter.Co, haseurs4. . . . n b. Sherlock, t Ciaeinnati coley Hog $ • A- 6L.. Januarnhisymile. • -, Charles Basham,..7r; Loaisrgle. • Homphreis - Metter; BM. &t o. raid's'. 114 , ( 1 11 -_Dsautisccenuttrarb.sresr - GEOISGIDI3OOEEttI9. Commission ma* WarmorThs. Bissonosit iso-91:11110oD , Ism:maga, • Ca147173$ vwßi4ViVr.all eau tristrafisstares and r“...uni, si ' , calming sod - GreaudlogGoods eossigsed to his ear. .41.1Ldjth lot Abe hisasemres,ho ••111 - be coastsally sopptrea wt trio ptiagapal assides of Pittsburgh Alanufsewte itle erholasrde paces Orders and consigarsenti saraespeerfi: jdl yodelle4 en w. udassarrs Lam eC. nabstrits P lase of Nashville, Tem. LEN ME R-4 -AN DE RS 0 N DEAL ..=R•IPP DIMON FORWARDING tr. COM. s.tfl imam Airaouvrre, - ritkit. l =7 , l;tr riNdsTAT T VI" *. Paßatal t i %Uhl ; w woo FORWIIDIMI 1001EISSION 1it11147, IFo4 3l .l l o ll ,o 4 iitr i anktili Pittsbdrgh ; * =wall LoVI. C. v. Lam. a . s. ussmos3 LOVE -t- MARTIN 4 CO,q produce and Commission Sissolion“. ‘ligPki" R°w • Elchmits Place, Fisiamoss. Rynoor-D¢ys,in.O.Sial,d , ". &Co... Nils IC assent,. Hugh 1.1. 1 1 1 /.. Anc " 12 . Cqfkar & frwrptar,..Strith 2r 03., 232kneklaU rutr. IO; T 121hrog&nertry & co, & cm. UM?, WU. H. CLARK,. lit OTWILI4IIIIg literlallillt, lirownovllle, Pa Amends put:tomtit) , to the Formulist* at pi,,,. • For iihi • informatioh, Ipgly o F:911.8 liTil 4. elnq CAN, Water a. air - - iiii-BAAC Clip/1E GENES 00 = I 1/11151sr$ pizilcuAirr, - FORT tiALE OP PRODUCE &YROVLININS, • Nos. ltet tad /07 elmant's Wttall, _ . . LIAL2IhIOELY,A I D. - Resaltsm--literebso of Pittsburgh. ' Whetting, Vs, -...R. C le At Co. mariti-daro _ Noi 4 icss to sUlPPallal. . Ytare mien artioraco t odoedintety: il o ,, gosite to ear burnt onueupose,.for toe prosela,• ere we sr ctruuts,ct busmen as usual, ouul ri tt bduss mu be erected, arraagetostos perm b utronay, , ,.F9 rosds for that purpose. Wets wrll imlwayi be on itsultoess al Oli, wharf to receisofresgh' C t. .-----,. A WANULTY & Co, Canal lissom Liheihr et • WOOL. YICAINI., REED - t-0 BS~lssectuars at aged !bud k Co,) glib comaissiim zßEClLiterg, Tuceturg.don p r , C ee n iae brWooT,..oL La, adv.ussalsolg on tonalgametzu. Etyllkdityrip Basmoval. Q,ELLEtish.moio.. mmayid wzio. 15, Oa &Mk atmtkilvtie rlaad. . • 101 tam. ATTORNEY AT LAW, - Bader, Pa WlLalso attend m collemknis and all other husi rtnis entrusted to him m Butler and Armstrong counties, Pa. Refer to J. & R. Floyd, Ldberry st. W.. W. Wallace, do Jamul Marshall do j Pittsburgh. dly Kay & Co., Wood .1. • j joul I uBWEFINCER., Attorney at Low, office Id et., opposite St. Charles no el, PAIAIuoTh, iU tdelll attend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette nod Green commies, Pa. • REFER TO Blsekstooki Bell & Co., } Church & Carothers, Pittsburg& _ U. T,hionfan, reselailly - • EJ. HENRY. AtlOTuey and Cknutonthall at La w , . Cincinnati. Ohm. Collections in Southern Ohio, son m Indiana, and in li'ainuoky, promptly and ems , fully encoded to. Commissioner fOr the State of Peon. iyivanicy (or taking Depositions, acknowledgment., az. &.e. . _ Fla• • mm ro—Hon. Wm. Bell tc Bon, Curtis,. Chueh & Carothers, Wm. Hays. Esq.. N't Moak tr. Basra. Met . . IA / ILLIAMS I SHINN, lintecessors to Lowrie and FY %Vll',zonal Alter.,, End Counsellors at Law. OfLee north aide of Fourth street, above steuthfield. febl7Atterix__ . - JAhIIS F. lIEHR, Atronit 7 . at Law, Hatay/rattle Sodding, Want street, nearly opposne the Court I.lo.<.augg-3to _ .. .._. 1•101 DUNLOP, . I. .Y. 11.11501 lIINVILL. 7 \ UNLOP it stm - cu., attorney at Law, Offices ou Li Southfleld, between _d and lob suf. -_— LICIHWAILD le SW ARTZWEI.DER, Atto t, — mey. - i r Law, • h ave removed their alms to the South aide o' Fourth it., between Cherry Alley and Grout street. aped. O. H. ROBINSON, ittrotroey at Law, tom re moved once oee to Me Exchatyps Braidings, St Cava. 1,1 tion. tn M.rmn. Inho• 14n11.1,.. To Cost:1110y Dlerehassts. A LARGESTOCK of School Books Paper, Station ary, Re, suitable for country sales; among which . . Writing Papers, of fine, medium and common qu•lt's Letter Paper do do do do Note Po per de do do do Now and Letter Envelopes Slates, Pencils, Wafers Quills and Steel Pens; Window Paper (yargendel plain and printed; Rootlet Board!, of different qualities; Blank Book., to great variety; Ponta', School and Pocket Bibles; Crown, medium, and double crown wrapping paper; McGoffm'a Fcleenc Spellers and [tenders; Rogs Eclecue Asubmencsi Cobb'. Primers, Spellers and amulet"; Sanders' do do do atrithmetirs, by fifths, Ilavis,Colburn, Smith, Sloe k. Emerson, and others. Oeagnpoida, by Al sleben, Olney, South, Morse ,Good netirt.=, and others fi ••• 01, Kirkham, Stallions, Weld, and others. For sale tu low prices, by • • • RI vow! at. 41 deers above 4th. :The highest musket pews paid for good mixed rags, cash. aids • • .1\ TILTON'S POEMS, illostrated. Harper's new 231. edition orate Poetical works of John blihon, with - •• .. . . . . . • memoir, and crtesl remarks on Ma geolaa and rims wigs, by James Montgomery . , and one hundred and twenty engravings from &Romp by William litirsey. Sr'esssis Wawa ninhower.—The row Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, in Greek, wah Enghsh note, critical, ptolosepbutal, andexegetical; awl., oldeJnv , ate, together watt the !lastles awl apocalypse; the whole torronig We New Thasonent-1. or the use of Schools, Colleges, and Theological Beannanes. By Rev. J. A. Noumea, A. NI NN Novsta—htillsormener's Eve.—A Wiry tee of lave. By hlra. S. C. Hall. JANIS . Haas. I V —The life ot Henry the Fourth, flag of France and Navarre, Uy O. P. R. Jam.. Complain to font part, pgrmr; Y vols. cloth. For We by JOHNSTON X STOCKTON, lard Dookrallena earner or mark. anti W 1... Cbszlft - Tarlar; - Aathmse White, Jacob JlVrttotwa, .toba R. tetc Richard Wm. WM* Vria.Mi Heeteuy PLANgTASLY A ...T.P.LI- As papa- Jar caportitioa of We roma Mac:ovules and theo ries of modern astronomy; by 0 it Alitehea, • a. Lto motor of the Cimannatt (Theetvatory. HeaJley's Italy, Alp. and Bloc.—Letters from Italy. the Alps and We Mane; by J T I/sultry. author of Na poleon sad his Mamba' la Washmetin sod his Heuer. els, kr.. Nem and remised tidal.. tkausues of Coal.—qtm GeograpineaL and bitoion. eat distinctiona of Mineral Combustibles or row= Met, Inettidmg also. notices and lot-alums of the vamous =nem! 'quanta.= substances employed in an/ and [l:l3l.l..fitettati, ilium/at= by Mops end Diagram.; un =mutiniedd by nearly OW statistical table., and I Moan idyls's of miner= combustibles, &a; prepared by Web. lard Crowning Taylor. .I.t received a few caplet cicada of the above work. —tor sale by JOHNSTON & &lUD/MON. iyb Booksellers, cor market d ad sm. NEAELL Y READY FOR PUBLICATION by J. A. tr. U. P. JLLALM, Clueinnali. the following new and valuable Works—, Dainiphan's Eaticalition—Cannairoal a sketch of the life of CoL A W. Domphan, the Conquest of New Mexico; Cl= licarved Dvormad F./Liman,. to binu =ma; Doniptatif Compama saamst the :Ca vuos, and km =paralleled !larch up= Cadtuabna nail Durango. and the Operations of Den_ ateeild_iiitom l cruh a wr t i ttlle7ute K" . ""'" A Es }homy of Kentucky-4u Asa:goal. and Natural Cortostues; Geoguaphical Statistical and Geological deseripuous; with aneadotes allesarent Life. and 1:114.15 tow one h.tdred thographleat Sketchre of duninguish ted Pioneers, SOldicra Stabosindo, Joel., Lawyers, Di , 'vines, tee; Illustrated with forty eogravirip. by Lewis Collo., I voL Alamo. The Twelve Months. Volunteer, or Journal or a Pri vate in the Tennessee Regime at or I evalry, In the Campaign of Matted, daring_ LW -47,:.n afoul en ar want iat the Murk of We Regiment to ben Cruz_ a description of the Country pass , id over, martueM. We toms, kn. of the people, Sketebes of CLAP L /St " wants of all the woo. of otly a Volunteer Ilawnents, and a full Binuory of the Mem can War, List of Kil led and Wounded, ikc; illustrated by a lama number of correct wears and plane, by Geo. C. Faster, 1 volume oemen. feet New Puper mad Bwalatitablialiketant • 70 Woo. Ss, earwax Potturn sap Maw= ALLMT rinis subscribers have itiot opened, at the above stand, aForge .toot of d ifferent qualities ruled end plain whizz and Wm Write/ rf end Loner Paper, row mermal nod paalust post Flat Cap, decay nod medium uns pawn, for blank books, medium and royal co lored Punning .Papers; medium, demy and rap stay BmWs and - Ledgers, superior paper and beet hustern blotting; School Looks of all kmdc 1.11.11114 :orks to Theology and Sciences; thults, gold and steel Pew, Wafers, W. 1., Bill File., &e. Ito- Blank Backs of all sizes ruled to pattern, and hound 111 the most substantial sawn.. • Cautuay 31erchatata suppited at lowest wholortale un coil for cash, or hags at crab prteett. .1013 PRINTING.—Havmg • Job otrwo iu towlectunt with our woalttiahment, we we propane,' ur execute all . . . ardent bakplain and faze y Pol rong—hooks, pamphlets, .UK elan, btainese card., bilis of tadwg, he., wi th des patch and at Icier price, tLLIUT['s ENULISII, mys 70 wood st, borween Ste said dogwood stley,__ AT OVE STORE. Olt Market meet, No AG between 3d and Ith, may at all Onus be fou.l • leave snack of Theological and Miseellaneous W. 1.. New books received u woo as published, and sold at low- Sct - Ertice.. The publivanon• of the /Meru. Scteday hool linton and Maissachasens Sabbath School So ciety, always on hood. Cutdognit• Throtehed nq ap pheatton. hILLIMT d h.NOUISII., fd3f2 .66 ma r ket st, between 3d told -4th GEARY'S BUTLER'S ANALOGY—Hobart! An H alras of Btshop Brater , & Analogy of Retype.: , Na tural and flzacaicd, tculte cooraltasoa and war in of s.arra, with notes, Also, CranfunPektowdlons fo r um/nation' rertseditad adapted to the use of set not., by .ChArlek E. West, 'Priactpal at Ftrager's Rabbi te, in tha Mr of New York. .3101ILION'S DE SENECTIY/T. DE AAIIC,TI lAN, /ca.—The de eariectale de strucams, Paradoza 3 and Soca:duo. Scipio. of dc.cro, and the LAG of Al ueua by. Cornelius Napo, with Englath Nowa, Cn. ilea I and ksksanatory, by Charles Asiboa, 1.3 L. Li IRE' BOY'S SPRING BOOK--Descripti so of - the Benson, SCebOry, Rural Lac, sod Gaunt, 3y moues- Ittentt b§Thomas Miller; with VI s 3. A 0 Et, BY MARRYA,TT—The Chtle Laes of the Ca t, altar nu, R. N. New ° ao b poßE ngovuirropi, or La oral Vizier, by U. P. 11.. 'nu t Oar, works racalsed this day, And. for solo by 191E:mos A srs...e.tcroN, .soyi4 RoOksellem,saL marker s sd al .1z EW • WOLLYl3—llansty Falb • novel without a Hoot by William Makepeace That kery—wn dtheuations by the author. The Tenant of Wildfell 11.11: by Acton Bell, author of o Weithering Height.. The Y 'Schema:dare.. by Joseph Alden, D. D. rand, of re. illustrated alarms of the Arabian Night. , Entertainments. New ...baled , in, arranged' toe leanly reeding, ends explanatory tun .ec: by E . La Looms' Eat Logarithms—Tables of Lagar Ulna. of n m . bees and nip. and Tong.= for every tee maculate of the quidiant,aith other ...hi too.. try Eu.. Lootele; A. M.: Prot Mathematics and Nantril I l'bilueopby to the University of New York, author cf. u "Treintse un he. he. the alive work. received tks day and for sale by JOHNHTONtt ttrOCKTON, prbkselfers, cor insirket imdlYl .is New Publ le eettooss. ISTORY UP CONGRESS, Dtograpitleal and Poll. jl [teal, eempeteing memoir. of Re, members aWe COW/a. Of - the U. 13y II G lifinitrarnd by unmetone titeel portraits, &o. Os_ Vol. I, Md., rb. Wnlings of C. M. Ci ty; inaluding epeeebee and addrenses, with neat portnnitsi b7it ed by ,11 Grotty. 1 eel, e en What I Saar in Caltibrin By }Awn, Bryant_ ic a i a a a r Nowa, VoL lb , on Jame., Peter, John Lad Lute_ Cluesum and Coumer-Charms: By Men Mimosa. as thor M"To seem and m lee," "Cannumm" trc. &a. Mary time., a Domestic Temperance Tale: By C. Burden. illaga and Cisme., or Lahr in the P-afue conarating of bisiormai sinnehm of Into and. rasa lying Yardman.: Uy a. N. C. Abbott. A PIM Book Ili Spanish, or a primtioni isnrodurtion io illy golly of Y. Spaniab Language; By J.. ?niacin. Thp Dying Rubin and Ottoir 11y Bay. D . Mdon lust roe:Vary B. 1,101100754 Apollo ltaibJ.o ~ Wt 01, oSliceemlol . a L XTEW Yule of ,Crottrare/1.117 J T Headley .1.1 Power of tiro Pulpit, by Uardluer faprrog,ll. Hodull Flag, do do . 4 1e.t... Oct tioupoilu blatthew um/3 Harmony; LUeurreu on uturta t rearu, Yob of tam or sacteorr• of tea VoI.;NY .y to (duty and Iturnorutury; Footsteps of alessinh, I've Comeuy by author of !khan Gni in France; ow and Taco, by-Warren, Sketches of Lesnone, oar Parable. and hiiranles; s Welcome ba the Stranger; • flees= upon Earth, tigorketon, a tole of end for &igloo& V vol. For solo by muao rr jelo 7e wood and ad merlon ' Mi l iCs 4-4 frrf roemcfroas the publislier, end for wale at the aledro co drei Irma. those, 4th et, n ong Wood. :rupporl* Proverbial PM/ owaphy, trt name nyie"futn*,,, 6 beautiful book fora present. preparation fdr drel Palpit.• Sketche• of San:none oar the Perebleof And Miracle. offbeflrerll the autbor of the ePptt Cyclopedic—WO sketches, a.. The I:74g.it olliecuon of ser mon. by the untationiment livmg fdramse.. Vous—M.4 Good, Cap l o o n ywe, Lov pet ihpu 010, !Wot Meditation,. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING; AUGUn ' 30, 1848. ,LAW OFFICER CM= BOOK TRADE. COPARTNERSHIPS. - CO-PARTNERSHIP LOGAN A. KENNEDY. base tins day associated n witb them to the Hardware business, ap an end Fitstard Gregg: 'rtie rtyleve firm will here. after be Logan. Wilson S Co. Mt* arrangement ren ders it damnable to close the old twouttess ss coon las Poasible. Alt persons whose liabilities have matured, an especially regy.tul to make moat:than: payment. Pie har s h, Jan I, loge. y °GAN, WILSON & sad I .1 Wholesale Sealers in Foreign aiid Itommtsc H.N. Cutlery, Saddlery, fee.. I SS, Wotid street Pitts burghlare now fully prepared Ann a ri/CcUlly Impor ed stock of Hardware, Cutlery, ai , ro ofrer very great inducements to western buyers, being denseramed no compete us prices WAIL any's( the Atlantic clues. Al so on hand so extensive si.rtment of Vitalist risk Raw ..., vit. nilmvela. Spades. Port.. Hoe., Vices, 8p., a1l or whicit will be sold an the lowest 0111101 a. Curet. prince WO, OO+PAILTIV BQgRIP. .. ._ ATHE subset bent having recently entered into partnership under the ttarne of Gal agher, long, te Miller, for th e purposeof carrying on th e 1;01 nod limas Founding and bias Fitung businessin nll its branches, have talen the stand formerly ore.- pled by H. Gallagher, No. lel Front strum, Imtwetu Wood and Smithfield sm., where they are prepared to execute all orders lon lbillit, Brass Castings, of every desi.npuitni, and Ga. Fulling* with naidness and des patch. Steamboat lobbing promptly attended to. 11. OALLAGIIKII, S. A. LAING, P. 11. 11111.1. M. N D.—The attention of Machinists and Engineers is melted to our anu-suracrau metal, for • reduced price, %bleb bus been pronounced superior to Bubbit's by timbers Nebo bemused both. eteambent balkier. and the public, generally, are al.o neguested to mill aud QS ami e our superior , double Muon Force Pumps (or steamboat aud domestic sm. LONG, k. Dlsiolntion THE partnership so long exulting under Qui hrpot hl`Cord h. King, was by MUM.' consent dtssolved on - the tit tint. The business will be closed at the (I'd stand by either toting the 11.1.111 c Of the bum to Wit purpose Defog deur°us to born r bosuns., closed with a. hut. delay as possible we would bib speetfully request those indebte d to call and the War accounts. JOHN D SITORA utt. It D. KING Co—Partnerskelp. TOM D M'CORD having associated enth hiss be, el brother Judas ACCord, undo , tbo atYia of MV4 , d tr. Co., will continu- the Hat, Cop and For business in •Il its various branches, wholesale and mud' , at the old stand,• renter of Wood and tab stream, whet* they *elicit a continuation of the patronage so liberally be stowed on the old fin. JOHN D ArCOIFLD /AM IN S. M'CORD. IN rentiog from the old awl well known firm ol Al'Cord k King. I most respeeally reoommetid to the patronage of the puhfie my MC CV•10I11, !deem. htheord & Co. H. a KING. Ppm.: copartnerstop heretofore existing between Bite 1 subscriers. under the style eu Ilusbfiel4 k Roe, expired Bus day by Luitutuati. The busuiese of the firm will be settled by artlill k Retell; JANES h B. IJUSHFIELD, WALTER C ROE. Potaburgh, July 10, Isia. COP A RTNERSIIIP The andepOrted wul tonunuo the WiliOiC•lall Gra eery and Chillltltillloll b4.1•11.1,LL, Under the Ono of WWI and Roe, to Ulna old stand, No. J 34 ANIE W S D. hew). etmot. WALTER C. RO# Haring sold my interest In the hem of 11111.1, Buds field & Ben w my former partners, MYIIII dr. Hoe, I Mtn pleasure to recommending them to my friends and the public. Jr4o $ DESHFIELH. 04.- - Wextlas rshlp Notion , W. STErlif-SIS of WitreAtng, E. Shtentmrper t s of dentate, and J. A. Stockton of Vutsborgh.huve d th.s ay entered twos co-part:ten/up under style and Ems of Stephens, Shoenherger & Co., at the Anchor mon works, Wheeling, Va., for the purpose of M.ll. fastacmg Iron and netts of every description. W. I TrftIVIS.,AItWICABEWM., lA. STAVIAtO.I. 111T4PIILIGNEI, 1111101CNBERGEII CO. ANCHOR IkLUN WUIIKS . iViterhng , Va Manufacture all Iktrul of boiler, sheet, bas Iron and halts, A. B. steel ehpuc sprang - said eon. itected moils Sltoenhariper's old Jumate worts, ve tan odor an article of Juniata iron ibroaded tlttoeubericr) cuual to any made of the eolllllry All of swairb be sold at ate Pittsburgh prices. Warehouse of the works corner Monroe and %Vat. sell, is this day dissolved by nuallzd e0n..., John In, burnt! dispose i of In• entire Intorest in It 01r. eznn The business of the late firm wall lie eon!. by Wightmen, who as tothanted.in use a.. name a the Isle tiru tor tint purl., se It. ItTM AN. opt2ial tar bull 1 47; 1 TILE Buhecnber It now wowed to manufacture all k ;oda of Cotton and Woolen Alec no.c , ry. al the •aortc^d nouce. Orders leU at R. Wwbustao a F.aglue Sawa, ear ner Libcrty and %Valor atrcc., seOI .ucc , wah Ouuna , aucuuon II %V It iNTMAN, 10-acok ea, between Ff. aieral and Sandoeky eta, eptelkUy A Uecheuy XT(YrlCE—Jsinte. liurcitfield am trarr...t uTlLigs Dry Good. ‘4 , underula,l, 00/004 04 Fuorm •,• t ornsasepemg Frb. I. 1.4, T n t01,....f.•• lot toe pre snit Will Le couslucu-al under mr,uer 03.11,14 IY : 10. P ART EILSIIIP— in 1 oda', hart gm,. k.. 1 day .....clated with him !unit Al't. doe, hla ilArr :swan.; will hereafter he coodueird under the firm of Wm. Yottug &.:o. WILLIAM lit R;:sil;. J It N:1:\ h. MEDICAL • Joy Men• Expectorant. !Mans, Cuitunhouta co .0, Apr. Pa Leal LR It JA \F_+Latta - I feet hound to you nod the alatched public, to *veal myself of I op portunny of giving puolictty to the tutraordutary turrets et your kLipectoreut tram) sell. Hunae been atllieted for macrel yearn with a sever roast, Iscc. Carer •thl Its concountant dtseentes, and seemed only donned io huger out • short bat miserable extstence, mall the I tall of IOUS), when, belts, more wreraly attacked. titot having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre scitptions of two of the most telopCrtable phyatetotP to the neighborhood without dertemcany benefit, or the solanon of surety nagbut iew days or ' , metes tan of tnest—when the lout gleam of hope smut about to va.mh, I had memo:needed to or your k:spectorant-- and hfitued by that Dem,' who done all thongs in the nee oiler meanit—and eoutrary to the expectaboa• of truthhy.to nod itter4s, I was in a raw days mused my bed, and eras mixt/loci by the me of a Matte, to attend to my buatheas, erdoyout since batter health Man I heal for ten years prestous. Respectfully yours, ft.c., IAs.W. Fur sale In Yulaburatt, at the Peale Tea 'Stott, 71 Fourth smtet.nted/ U. A.. Fausmroce, A. It - Rau, U. t.. E•tirlimixtel,,ll'lltsborgh. li. W. Fan:Maroc. Vithelii•slo Drag Stor• 111. City of gear 'fork. TIM undersigned ate exicituvely engaged to the Maoleartle Drug buentes• at No. in Joan strett, in the city of No 1 oat, and are prepannl to sdpitly 1./mutat, and century Merchants wan Drugs, Punta Oita, Lye-Ends, lore gn on American Pe fuditury, !dander, Wearer k !dander's Chenueals, tof their owet unportanon) and all other articles tu thra line or flume ness, of a stwertor qualiky •• low tut tne) can brephi. chased in thts or any eastern city . New Yort, rehlti B. A FAHNEti r rtk7K k Co. — WfaiiibeiviCirrociae Green: "(W PAINTEIIN, ULIND at —We., the i t ...tempted, Painters and Blind Makers, of the ally of New York, have used and tested, pod are now using a new article °(C... Green., manutactured by Geo. K. Marcher, of thm city, and find it to work well pro ducing a fine brilliant Pane Green appearance, with a very 'opener body, and recommend it to our brethren to the trade at in every particular the best COO.. Green we hare ever used. New York, June 1,'47. Signed 4..-firms of prammal painters of the caty New York. Tina unstislied Chrome Green tutor ler hest of U. E. EIELLY, No 57 Wood skeet wh. has die exclusive @puny for ns sale In Pmsburylb. A Fine sot or Tiiitis iii A 6 Cente Teem I'UCL tit:Ai/my Ty GLAMS.—Yellow and anhe...Y leelh, 4011, be ing once or Pones cleaned wi th Jotter' Amber aunt Pula hare the appearance of tea moist .autdal tr, and at lb. same tune kis so perfectly innocent aryl es' nutshell fine, that Its eoustant duly any 111 highly ad- Vantagoous, even to those teeth that are 111 a good oun, fission, pving them a beautiful polish, and preventing s premature decay. Tliose already decayed It prciverds from beeotrufsg wonse—it also fasten. such as ate bo• coming loose, and`by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicate/y.10.a, and snake the lirettitt do lma...ly sweet. Sold by WSLJACIL.JN, bl,l Liberty Street. marrt D. A. ISAWIENTOSI44 AA A rk.:‘%. weets lunge, one of my ...en, aged about yeara was unwell for sever. days, mad the int.ess increased fur ritarrrungly that I feared death would be the remit. • Having heard of the good effects fahnemock'e Yrnauttege,ohen adlentnethfed I. U. et thiroutof ukt nenentyare x and thenking nty child sought sus, .c front worn., .one *fine syroptonli; I &Ye It Ouu . an d half teaspoonful: of the'VerMitugeomd to my bend ostanishment It edroost unmet:timely ditchargerf 6te5e,,,,, Wit and lin largo mortar.. Ma health wait mum . restored, .'a4 it is taw remarkably. roll. Pr,•vioot ta g., :snatfuga the worms would oecamanedly nseis, runt, and•loiftek (eared It would dtb from stromplation. • 'JAB. G. DAWNON. • Tioneetn, VeCo-ngo era, Pm, AMU i 1 40.1: tsfsk3 - LOOK likart --Mend the follorblhg kettiffelste y, Asnotatavd.7.l. Onto, rany4, OA& ' -• tfhi s ri. t hat my Inthellaugtnei was Otheted with' worm., alai shas • 10504 teem. =modus. so cal led, without' any app. tot 411 -55 t. )350.18„ by a u ,o nc ,,,, Me sonnets o f sellers , tiernu „,se it a Mal. After goring few noses, according - to relleeed I have 50 nerstne .oo . waving rt a. my oplo- ion, that Venamage ~• me best ailAull .M211711. 1 V WILEY. Yeapaned and wld by FL. vl aTlrood et. NUsednlw by Ur 5. ard, - Ir al: ory, Alle , gheny, istul Wnt.J.-Smalirretifirenoniceville, 17:1; 530 - odl G ELLE MS' I' A 5111,Y AI ES! Coat. trims., 4cilenhan Co, Pa, Alarch 1, lon. • /A/1 Ft It SELLEIL. , -1 have neatly told - 411 the er , Kalov , hod Cough Sy rap you sent toe. Your Ver n henget. WllhOul arAlaptlLM the best ever olrerVi re ' neau• t : ProTisted and mild by P. F. etkiLL/SlLil,s , 7. l Youti I rk by Uri...o4sth %Verdi DM Coe”, „Ailegh t = .W ..J.Strodte rolnitatanorplle. Pl I.'ALA'S aIKtaKBILA.I3,II.. rryit :10INTAlk:NT Is tno Moo ettae. rt POIM lur Ilep cure gf Kuo, ry a wen ry pen eplos of We faccoseck 111.11 , 0 , 1 y, away Mequon., up I all 'Miner dnems thersalm••• e Ointment t. um mended tree Isom mercury, •••••plaiee , hren , e , an to nes ybe rased•ol moos atoLundor nerewpsuntena_. teak torMaY ui two epOnablo remedy teceivedfor itale to A ermtNEVrocr Co; , e• truer of ij§t . s.fid *KZ; alw, coiner delta sodasood. LO: aVINTALaIf6 AlaiTikitriltili.--wwmay, ; • eon, Briar Rezak . Powder, a .delstrictua .sall toatelood, strlteattrrevor Coma Lad its. •001. orttedilaltalecostar_gsdtiod.b.y.i o meat in' Vet ' ..s att " Te [lt Yol " g tt:Ye;'doVirt'sl'ti li*roVol'a alafi aria a Wino strongittentag and brhaivauma food. for Illi V. Foe solo by K SkILLERK, sad 67 stood st f 1110 .1 tatdrontigued bartog bee u appointed solo agents 1 r des sale Of Ilfurelidoldt e. strpenor.l.ard (AI, o dl keeternsaitaraly on hand a large supplyotthich they r al formed to dealers al Übe Ipotesi matter puce for c 4 alolo ILWif HOTELS FOUNTAIN-110T - EIL. • WORT STREET BALTIMORE w+n Ann ==IRA, rnoctuarorrs. establishment long and widely known 4X- , betti one of the most Comrdodionsin the city of Baltimore, has recently trudergone eery erten sive eltorancy and improvements, An muse new wing haa been added, containing unnerves and airy '71'!"1.111TP1. V r t c"L'lp'l, reorganized and fitted up in sr most ;zebrine and besotts II Pot style, In fan the whole arrangernent of the House .bas boon remodeled, with a s ingle eye eh the part of the proprietor s, towards the emmfort and pinnate af their lluests, and which they confidently amen will I challenge conipartson With any Hotel in the Uoiett. Their table will always be supplied with every sub martial and Incur,' which the market affords. served up an • superior style; while m the way of Witten, Ac, they will not by stirp.sed. In conclusion the proprietor, beg to wty, that nothing will be left undone on their part, and on the Pan of Ihe' , I recistrunt, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage ofilielr friondsand the /albite generally. The prices 'for board Wore abut been redhead to t h e following rates: Ladies' Ordinary, Gentlemen's 61, ,, per day . N liaggsge Wagon of thri r- ilooaa wit] sl angya be found at the Car alai Yaeasoboat lading., wa e tch will convoy baggage to andiron% dm /total, free of m:. mita DOIM ON 1 . .11 A.. C 4.111111 23,11711100“01, The subscriber ham. usuated the manage. a su moot of this mug eetablished and popular Hotel, rettpectfully sunouncea - to Travellers stri the habits generally, that be will be as all tine. prepared to accommodate them to all things desirable mg - elated Hotel. The Howe ot now being thoroughly repaired thrineMout, and new Funnier° added, ana no pains wtll bespared to make the Exchange true of the very best Hotels in the country. The undanatmed mapontfully solicits . .6ounuitance or the very liberal patronage the Home lau heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTOS feleadtf Propt ator. OFLROCITaIIORTOAPS 011.1.7' HOUSE, ARIS TIIRO A GIMIIbegs toatonalln ht. 2 fri n. ends that be is again lessee of the GALT HOUSE', Louisville, Ky, lob ere be hopes td meet his old friends, ssearing them and the public, that no effort shall be spared to make al/ comfortable who favor him with 'then parronaie. laltrinbirtitai r gB 1107-ffi, • cum.= a., SKSIVXI3:WiIIi An. VEI2II rut PPOSI YE late Hank of the United Suter, PIII. O 4 n =hia. M POPE MITCHF.I.L., P.mpnotot. MISCELLANEOUS. BMW COACIEI VAGTORY, AISSOFIZST. EIBOOKS a co, wouhl mope...trolly in- Ty form the pobbe that they /LIMO erected a shop on lestock, between Federal and llanduaky street. .1 key art now making awl are prepared to receive ordem for every dew option of vehicle. Coache. Chariot's. roaches, Buggies, Pitmen. he., (cc., which in:m . omi long expenence to the 0111/1111.CtIlM of doe above wore, and the fat-notes they have, they feel confident they ern enabled to do work an the may remonable ter= with those wanting •rticlm In that. tine. Paying particular •ItElltiOiltO the .election of mate rials, and having none bat competent Workmen, they have no hesitation in warranting their work. We therefore ask the attention o( the public to this =Met. N. B. Kepturmg done to the two moaner, and OM the moat reamottable term. 1e321 IridE Siockholdets In the Yougtuogheny Navisamon Company are hereby notified anil requited to pay to, r. t. James liamilmn. The Treasurer of the comr.q. the sum of Ten per Cent on each share of thou' sior , c, en of before the lint day of July nett. and a further card ofTen per Cent, On or before The Pith day of it u. Kurt neat The suck held,. will also take notice. that the law ...arises the collection of tine per Cent per month, on Inusiznents not punmually nude Inch, 0 build necouary, omit be enforced. By °eds.+. or the Board ALEX PLUMED. Perot. J 11 Ourca. Seel, meld • ' • WATCHhS t JEWELRY--last rece rvad at No el Diarket wee; VS Gehl Levet Watches; 22 do detached do; ddo Logiam 12 Silver Patent Lever do. at do detached do, Gdo Lentos do; In tiold Utosal Chains, Lest qoaliq. Ala, • good assortment of Breast Plus. Ell Roma l'lnger Rums, (Sold Pro.. and Penetta • 'Me /avec goods hove hems received woh the last flue weeks, and will LW .old at reduced pno,. pt r 'on wishing , to, drachms, a imod and cheap Watch, would do well ki call prevonts m porchasths. 13,10 ZS/A/LAIN }3N ES. F.XIi(IIA NAN IONS; ke.--Vll R Murphy has with k..7 In • few days received an addiunnal supply of Nards., told •t)t.,l 4. tileithed COlllO3l. do, aublowbed do. fine Long Cloth . Uhirnge, I nab Linens. (very 1o+.) white Crenen Mose, lend norti d0.1 . 4.r tLe the Dr) Liocale N F. , `On.CT 4th and Marker worm. _ine . 'Wholesale Rooms up awes trlu Dr. Ilet.ase la Tocasseaoro. THIS ts m ceruty watt purchased one .tarot Dr. .g, MuLam , . Worts clpeethe, alma two mouth,. ago told VIVO to • von of tame, roma revert can old. two saagocal. full, and although the amount may appear arr., roc I hour no doubt I.out them was upwards oil rwo rwatataith trouts Norma kora dna, metaitatter .10.0 0r..• garner or loch to two Loch.. Long. W itOLLIO AY. =2WW2II Leenleteag Capplma mud Bleeding., O NRRIS, tratneeteroz to M. FL Delany Me 55 tlllhcreek between Wood, and Smon• Deb Fresh leech. received month:3 - -arendance WI boort Reference, the phymeratts of Prosburgo. Mk. gneny and riaroungbam. I mom cheerfully recommend to the physaciens. (am rhea Ansi RR my former trends ro:rd patron+, Mr h. B. Norm se Lew,' thoroughly mqueurand'arah the Miser lEEE= It aaanfact aced Tabae co. PAS botary a lio) stet s ancestor swaet 5 ;pa `-n do NI A Butler . * I. hl do Pure A Harweval's 5 31 /to do do 25 do do Pearl & Harwood - 3A 14 no J Ralonvou 57 hi do do 3/ do do Wm Dawant 3/ do r Wright's 37 do 7, Anderann o du L Dad" • do H 51searra ✓ do Kate la lutst bonding from steamer and packets, and for sale by IiFIALD, Huey:Nog e Co, 41 north water st and 14 aanh artrairvaa eta& rbalaaelplua AIUFACTURPD TOBACCO-9 hf alones 111. &tims anpertor *anal lb lamps. :Shalt his Webost 11W supertor overt.% lonics 34 `• Lauunneo Lotuer 54 33 (itmtry A RO ',Wet 1.1 n iM Lamont ldo la Fore) 64 l• to •• ble Lead Lawrence Looter e St& 61 plug last lam:Lang faun summer, and for sale by 10:ALD, lIICALNOR & Co, 41 N water si .ad to N wharves, roy3l Phsladalpica. °AYER—VW bills biota Wrapping Paper all sacs, CAI room. ruled Cap Writing Paper, 9UO" ruled and plain Icalet allquainies; 11:0 " Flat Cap 470 ^ medium Tea Paper,. 160 fir°. ohne and blue & white lionnelßcardsi 10) reams aLntlta Envelope Pape r, ee'd and for GO Hardware Paper , pod r sale low by ILEYNOI.IIO a SHEI4, mylalm sooner *nit and envoi so lk ANDPAI7I4.II47D TOBACCO—In limo aria to ar I.V/ rive, the following brands of Tobacco, remold.- men!. (rata manufacturers of Rieloarond and Ly nett. Wog, which wIU lo .old to Me u.ao at reduced niter 73 Ors Lama , . As. 00 do 4.1. Rucker o, a 110 do Henry G lames 1., 5a and faii 31 do 1.. James Sr id do H. ji, Warinek ti; lb do J. di bovrard da and Us, • 07 do Jamas Madison Is. I. b WATERAPiN water End 09 Front as native' - D if ''' • I PO OFFICE on nilthaela striascid door nein?! or Third wirer Dr. Madeira re. n pc'denitr Motion Ws pmleuigwai ser vices sto abamuscria of Pundiardb, Al legheny and einkury. , Raraannm—Dr..l...l4. Fad B rock Dr:P Filindrock, Dv. Robert Stormy; loans Craft, EMI. • Mr. William Thorn, air, Bea Timm, upo7:2lllm 011LPI.PATIGRIT BLOCKS. THE subsuntau oleo for sales, full ...Grape& of Ls Shiro' Pamoildloelts, Shively gra., adopted to e•trude. Also, complete sato of Blanks adapted to veis.l4 Of any Capacity, pot up and forarirdad ib any parrot •!....Onalu, velthord defy and at the Moretti PO -00. ' Lionicat -vr,r.r6 for sale in tpisatiura to sett purchasers. (,E0 api.ramittawTd.R gurling 811 p, Novi York -Patent( Soda Ada.. g A CASKS Jar Moonlit & bno's branda,lost. mg from strianacr Northern UM. ior Solo NV air lELTRk.I., by • 100 liberty st Itanratt's Plaelat Soda iA.L• CASK 1 1.7 , jlr b dl y ng Cfromstel4ner North Caroli = W MITWER.TRM, . . lw Illutlyt.47* l • I I , OWNtiENIPIi IiA.IISAPA.RILGA-30 Las DOAN great prow and mama medicinal, thia-daT reed kad la oat., viholcaal&Aud re t141311' t SELLE•II* - -Ai it F:B. la Di. Townsend's' tally age us for p ‘i t e .s 47 l.all: ; : .mn _ oge , oidu . ttoa_eler . fitaPalaira ,_ ti at 671j7(1NN11 Ft/It 1. - .iinrs . butzst>t, orde wk.- - D hig-111ada, icrodusue&leat loop buttons; bratulauboorgb doi .i+Aatriaol &ai-CasPlian Tuaail and brou do: Nou.nudflaus. do, .toletl,tii.,ll:4lll 0010 441;01'1 Lino, tor sale al PFI P.ATQN & t.L's Trim frig Slai46,ltdaatel al. ; l '7 sL . a.A n GCSJ-2U lailliisaolifali * RiAnniaolfa . 51 loop 15da 111yera'adirdo&tr 10 , To tta Hurts , au dal doi IN do Myer..- la dcVdeo Aid Jo godora" lumoy -dow Ur Flom liloaaea,sllAwariluase• Aiyat'Aaaperlot -.taw:natl.:Li/a; EV do, 4P.d l kdd L !'" d * loaf racakYl l o sod (91 lalo by __)cls awitinertkiri. II • l i Lroo rl - 1 li—ix-At-'6IC Toal=loollNde:orattbas No 1 I or 'do'ar - Nadlz II do elOt'4aods; a op! ?„ Bogen (or .L., c ILISII k lIFNNRIT • ••• • .CasParasassYsthllp #f }."1.41J90`04 it.!'?9 ,. . d Y . 4 -4 ttrtn, II thou 'roltaeso and eorruniston hosJoeS4, a 'Oda; Bata of Tiebb - Ttesita'Sree,lraltimarej Ustvid'e.litleeemosoitcantS Sohn A. Warner, - style, ol,'D al ANTAL! RIBBONS —An oseprtmeta oT§TI %..) and cord Masten and sat. @Whams, at/sot-Wes tenlay; f ad -atteted Sass •by -the- piece, srattiesole rootessof • . - NV , ir4 northeast or and D1ern...c0...,Nz1G,,,,,,thd.,5h0utya1104..7.74:tEL.4.74.53,1puve441 4LA: • VrESS AND ettlatt: POLUS.-10 bbl. Vete Fatal .5 •AL thsprottat de; -lostaslo by. leltS . fratTARIO.ACIII-4-/Ls, of .u/prilocqudiky,. j. wpm' sad for sale by EIRAUNeEMVER' `TEAM Howrllfft•lkUT lOW MALE—One her oht ,h," 6iu ateninef Wyman% .fizr sold on occom aolanni tams. For patuculoftv'enquao of B W IiARBAPGH, 144 . 0 1 . X1 WIT indyniat os MISCELLABEOUS. . . • ZAIPPENCO'rT *DLO* (Lee 31 StrictSeilt•Col =der/saving do,,eecWd d L end We surviving peruser Str.-Joej , i_PP°F.* lidaelated himself VVitiC Egan, Ute ppm aolt- & arlltereafter be easulrtetellasiderilitl style druAitxm° Barr. Thal ot a mare in Cinclonati, thettßddrigst gd7f.",, , ,7„n'PlT,fir.' 44 „a r roat. ra Vett'... placed in a furnace tin the Intlatelthable,llhd auh/vet.d to the totem. heat of tratone . root irt-het- more then three hours. In one hourand .1011'410 , mi. calm to bright...4_ hod; the . dram of ihn.fittatce.aras then elosed, which caused 611. lac mgae4,... 1 .4c.dY bent fi e die balance of theme, until the enliven vitteedharere partially mettta.l mt . fhtunce , artufthenawara down rued the safe tooled and opened. - The mow,' 4.1 4 v1t and books which it Dental/leavers u portect.aatalleu tlaced there, the biudlooly of Alm hacks hetes to. ared by the - taster ill .11uu the We. We ddee no, esadon recontradu is it td the fibtle '&1 d safe superior to any we have ever sew tested,' and believe that it will wend any beat which taken'. be, lood!teed,, scant ahrutt %stuck mould inch it to,aaolhiskass, Bprtnger & Wittman, Worthlt,, Pikes L. Kennett, Benj. Uenee, W G P Breese, ,th T Vatungan & Co, Stedman, !Bayard & Ceti War maw., Mead b. IViruitor. We, the undermanned. selected the LOMA of above, from a lot to the men of Truk.* AAu •, d m. , a rgent. CO - B 0 S KF:11:00: . ' ' Refer to Cook & Herrin, Broker*, fittekVol: llussey Hanna & Cp, tin do i ( do ,__ t)°' raixirienerrra. nues LIPPENCQTT & Ger eftAir ANUFAC Mirth:RS at Hammered and Cast Sttef Shovels and Spades, Axes mid" Ifshilseten Cut, Circular and Om Sash. Hay and latantat:lanta, Hoes, Mattock., Picea, Ad, basing completed all their arrangements in the epustructieu of new. machinery, and in aceuning. the beef, wotkinen fro& the Meal. Pile' bented establishments of the Fast are nerve naanunictur n and will keep constantly on hind 'and fer e 911 the abase !Milt. Irg. losing availed Oren:eelsee of the tales( improvements, and are determined than in woike imutehip and material they will of he expelled, ;Tin' promise to produce attic. equal if pot sallanor, to ny thot can be had in the Eau. They 1.1{4 , tee anon non of dealers to an examination a/their *Mehl:Mama purrhimintg elsewhere, as they are convinced thextkey will be able to fill all orders in then dee matte entire eatisfacnon of purchaser.. Warehouse. Watel - 4 doors West Monongahela House, Pitn.burab, Is. ' N. B.—Persons having Wetness with WO,. Lippen con & Son 101 l please mat on Llppencett & Co. Ocl9ally JA WCXMWFA:t: ==1:::==1 it•St same mama, • XA lase and splendid anon:mead orFuta mre, suitable for Stetunbcaua, Hotels and pd. rate ilwellings,constantly on bead luta made to order. The prevent Illock on hand cannot be exceeded by any inattufactory in the western country. Fusions wiablug to iturrh”e would do lard tO tetee ittd A th.l c 116 1 11r61 detentinscd toy pewee shall please. Pall tee 610ek G4IIMIIIII 1H— . • 5o sofa, wlth Pldsh tuld Hair,loth °Pact , : 2 dor Mahogany Nam Clraink 14 Ram Mauna; 12 dot hue mahogany Chaim; 12 mahogany Work Stands, 3 dor mahogany Rocking Chairs; 15 marble top Peening Unrenurd pulr murmur.; I marble top Work Stand.; le cherry k% lurk bitandei Mahogany, Simple, Cherry, and Poplar Ralisteatis of sll de•crlpuone, and a large m•ontnent of comaroll filrmture .(chain, too notnerons to mention. Inmate — CAM A RECA Iri 1 rthaTA (IA INST USINO HE `r are not ammo. hum Ingtotutly 'Amnon. it 14 to she skle—bew coarse, how rough, how yel. 1. low and unhealthy the akui appears after using prepay pared ehalk• Besides his urounoas, containing& hirge quanow of lean! We have prepared a beatittfal vegetable rule* which we call JONFIS' SPANISH LILY WHIT& 11 ni perfectly innocent, being paroled of all deletriljoos qualiorc and it imparts to the skits s. ns , ars4 kumakl• alabaster, clear, bring white at the same Mae wrong colxxend en Mo skin, mein it soft sad maw*. Dr Dimes ander/ma. Premien! Cheratit of &Immo ehosens, arc uAller analykons Japes' Spanish Lily find nor...asses the MOM bealintlitli Ala I*M. ral, and at the same time innocent white lever AMM. I certainly can ctometenuonsly recommend its sae w Whose skin requires beautifying." Pnee, 23 emits • box Suld by `V H. 3Arliearei. HJ labertv st rostkli Pitt Menial EME J . WRlllifT .4. this, are prepared to build Cotton h) and Woolen Maellisiery of ever• deseripnoih Such as Cardiac hinehtfirst ' , punting Frames, Speeders thavringr Frames. Raiforay deeds, Weepers, spooders, Deeming Plumes. hotions, Card Cirtoriert a lth. Wrought Iron She fit us turned, ail sthea of Cast Iron. Pulite. nod Hangers in the iateet pattern., althe and hand Lathes, and foots of an hinds Castings of every description iormatted On short noner. Pancreas made to order for Gearthg, Irun Ratline, de SOILIII Pipe for beat. fog Pactoriea, Cast Iron Window Sash alai fancy Cam bium generally Orden. tell of th e liVaretiouse of J. YaimPr S. Co., Wheny street out have pnimpt uteri ne. Refer to 111.cir....1., Jon & Co., J K. Illoonvire r nd & Co.. (1. Warner, John Jr.. in & Sons, Pitralwrgh; 0. rl h I If Wyrier. Anti , . _ 1,4 s Ovrlnc, Axle, Steel and Iron Works. COLE .AN, 11.11L , 1401 & Co. having completed thou new worn., on, now in . ..paged to onialtunife tun eVery dcworwtfoli of font Elan. Springs, Iran A.c.rs, .1 //1,11.11. Hinder, epriog and Plough Steel. and all awes ot wean. are and roam! Iron, whic they oiler for sale off Inperal tern., at their are noutkNo 4.1 \ mid wee, where they aka keep on hand • rowpfote n 1,4 intsome assoritneiht of Coach Truntrungs, Carriage ilarddrare, hisheablit Castings, an. atrul Iron C... H. & eft . Luse made arrangements arith Ileum Day & Crotra. manufacturers of Sbovela, Spades, Parts, by will beep constantly an hand every article vnade by them. Dealers we respectfully twitched to ad, iwpnces and terms wilihe made liberal. WV, =M:EM • JUSEVII WOOL/WELL. corner of d . 1 , , 10,\1i.'0" ^ Wood and :hl tea •Putadif 11rtv -11:1...t'1- tag wuldrawn " wool ' un Eau of ear atm 'oodwell, on the let of January, 1}47 1 take pleasure in aneoutieme to friends l i p the city and country, that I have opened my n stare at the slave tian .., ted pl Clueing pundit... ew 3 my goods for cash, and Mailc 401.1.11,111E1. wall ilizatiLlCUluret• this country and in Europe to Le constantly *ape:tad,. ram fully prepared to tuna. Ilartiwure of all Iguals, art its good tams uul an L.A . as any house Eau or West. Morahan. and others are respectfully matted to call and ex Winne my snook, betore parehastneelsei where. fhe allow tug amattrute• a pan of h u dock: Steamboat and saddlery hardware, gun uitgt i rettaga, Ire, Naylor's steel, cutlery, edge tools, lamella, theca locks, latches, scythe., bull Maoist se- Urn planes, saws, utatrogany blunts and readers, sad all usher uncles couttetted mina the hardwanqatral amok mabiltf City D•gclerrl•nGille.r.y. 1111.1. start. mr OFTIC/SUILDIN4• I C.l .1. HOGS G<K, le o. arm thedrisens of Vitt.. O. burgh and Stanley, that ha lia. taken tlut/Sagner• fauu hp... lately occupied by .Ur. Porto.' Thu pob- UO area is.. the laic unproveubnitaara ted, atietrill . Vaunt!! tali operation by ktr bow, woo has been coostaist operritor suicdthe ar4aas sc best discovered. Futile satisfaction Is iguaran to all who may betas= los pafrona. klt. It vplrefer with pleasure to It. Pont,. In whose Ibitablistieseltit be Loth operated for the last twelve months. Fundy , Per tranS, /...114,10011,Th Daguerreotypes, • accurately rapist!. Isikeneenes takes in may weather, and 'el iu lothtets, breast pins, sums sod name. lwuncuons itvolt to every branch of the art, add ape pandas turtuatied. T o e.t a t:S Irk et 452; 1 1:;r a e C r .. < cod 6 HAN ft ' sheet premed Lawns and Mashie., casco 'of French do, of every variety of style, 10cases of good •tyle Ping hams, {do new rkyle , Anuts; 4 do blue stud orange Cal tams, at do bletteaell'Ni astute all widths. Also, Xaaes ble.ned, brown and blue balls, Codes:auk, litughtutes, ac of which will be offered t the lowest Embank wholcoale prices. Yd Penn Maclaine ;Shop. T_T WlGllTMA . N—Manufacturer o, all kind* Of cot. _ILL. ton cud woofleu maeluneig, Allegheny Na The above works being sow in to il Said succeast 41-op ertatiod. I am prepared to execute orders with dispatch tor all kinds of tuachluery to ray her, such as wLlows, packete, spreaders, cards, grueling tosotunes, nutatapt, drawing frames, speeder, tlnoutlle, looms, etno/cti lards, double ur tauglo, for unerchtua or cOuntryLroritt ' - 4e.: slide . hand la th es and tools gao. ; mode to eider, or platglov natl. at tetuottallia ". adds A Co, Blackuocs, , hut. A-. Gray. ASS FOUNDRY.: and brass Foutalor, - re ad butanes, at Sus old ittand, 4aaaed so sea hat a/4 alarm. 1 Bolls of eyev7 size, ream 10 platie roilOf the zee. t •ep foe -1 is b. of 0.0'0.0 faseeo.ele. ,Ceonlallb Reeang l , fte.l f Ware. essuugs, reslulted, eesuett manlier. nor Ot Amilinva ebnited Tor the noildtuon al 'Yee Boxes and Wm - 1A.140u Quati4IRAVTZ 4 — • O.OHEIIiT 1411,1,di0 old fiat of 1 , 4. Hall.Ovutalio lutmg rule yltialilllkee of 'loughs, eloagheazdtfp; Wag amprovoulemo of tho• Leaver. odes Plough., talk* /awn Lod . ty street, Plthaborgh;, opposate 'it, n Allngluny btu the MI. l. katuuk,Bh • • • de 124 . .s 6 J. /11;4 . rd atrentg 4Y , rc uyeywond Wdo auy murk uur wiry de natal, We gintid per wort pergunally, gad taruun Ire given ka ,ogurd 14 Iv 'waling., and d mutiny. Lilauk Books ruled m aoy pattern and homed sole Mat:daily. Book. in numbers °cold book. boatel ear fall,' or 1,0111 , 1. Nameaftut mwu oks tu, ' dart haat, work to our lora are latuted li Tho;Ito uau ateho - - AK4.ra y , sw.kholar."o:.thp*#447: 4 .4Na : ,,p vi l, ota i ntay, are reb) noUlio tllal Su pm tor ot sord CoulaiDay Vont brettbl.M.. wluort ouy • tl.c rlh day of AUgtua Intimiture CrirraWllico, la :sr .r Ci2LoOrprweep houto ofMo t tiret,2... 111_, mad 4 avalalt,e. of paid day. - ...• ~ ...1721,1a1" • - • .•'^' C Gait atilFWVOtigt.l. tron' r t o t/ 7.: v ir .., 67 . n w 0e 0 r0 , ;i.ie .. p . rty55 ,,,, e:1 4 1 . 0:!8 . .... 1S v. v ct .., :r u 0. ....1v..., ..u(eLtea &c.f. L.AM(IST erslatert, Allagaraq uP In!Er.it.JO•NdWiet.4•MV• 1 . , , 0tt BALE, very 'iovev tcrelove the weal o( Ihe .112 laletine erGerniable La..4l4x.etle.r, IpeAr j......,,a_app0(10L11.44111.13.1V. Air t y n g t. coNsTuz..i; .e • ti!t,or rte . = Nocao..l krattilila." kUr"4°PiVICfiNADM.ent _ , otmetes, etungo.,, et , or wr .41e by 1; t't mpi).lo3, !derma kr, " tiro ' • 11ndb r Stommirdttels 'House, mhbfkkj .4 _ Flu ItuN— IOU tun, Ohio Funailillqrl3l4.c.n.7... ',IRK per Itilliguld; to."lticklein oultint Co. Va.) : • • -- 130(111111X.E, NV ILION &Co, . jyt: wouatil . MMIMEMNI DRY NARIETY GOODS .- - ~ , . .NEW a sp a if VarnstY, at - ,:.1•04...c...'4 1 - - ' - ' - EfffiGLON WlNSbnne.67 Market ...A . -,... • , week, , . .311 geed li;vef Wiftelkii44'4". ill vet levereratehes,V gketlesedatltelonilatir watch- etG. ed Miler ki! e watch., ..Td silver... qua rder slmtelter, 11 fine go ' il - ternik . I:l; 4 ld'ileW Milo her rm.; RorefaM gold Itoopriagaye asearted ritly";_li mu sical 6 0x 0, 10.1 44 11 a Ya n rF, 64 P 4 ',P,t''' ' i r 9 U g"" ' steel slides, all sixes. - - ' - 4 . " sd. ft. Fans, silk au paper, 5040: eomtion Fans; 6 Sot - et et tt - Seleet bead hagamew - now . 10. dos Inc crotch bead,baga, new atylesi.tfi dos .Awaprotellet purses, new styles, 115 dos fine parasole,sawrterf; Flats, Meseta, Witigea gift and Silveri for Mt alisa Igdosfine town vases, a=ortal; 1 dead na ste o ) a. 4 14 . 5.Vpin P.° ,h " M p ak I dos fine ivory screw a cashumr, dos fine wood screw plenashomt. - - dr finersisiortmeatof Dew smut/ sPaxxiiiigrOvidacioros . ~. stadetakl4 '' • - ' C. - i. Aarreder mm, . .I'ittsbzugh.. .. .. .. . .. ese lock. A. A. illation a; C 0.,. . VG. Go Market street; betarcen . fid and 4th eta Pins: .I.lt -burgh. Pa..have =candy. ape* thete t new aim re, th an. iatensive stock of etc h So :I;a4-141 " , C 4 ;dsh ‘ f, en aritildig [spared& oftsitoeatutri d4.l 'Peeksil...nf .a. 4404 Iva. atom .A.40..b k, -. styles. Merchantsthroughout the country are eaktisu• larlyinvited to .11 and examinottuistook, ,ils, it our 4"444444 10 9ger our treads. at Me t t lovrast .Eaentrn wholesale prices. Ono of itioitini residlOgin Igtow York, will be constantly ;ending-tor le 401 6 91.4e4f l eilitrnt ' e trens .'"4 g t . i l t' - sr Lh' iio Migirth " at : v aW ' posses ' s. by &t t o H 0... Plitt,. ~ 1108-er. m reamed to be - as taw. the lowest New 'ork d ap -1171EG00DS-FOII,DR --- nit& m 1," , a margin, au, Goods Ho a north 'yea edro , tai i . tft . and Market ilk 'a KW . rt . mama( whim kw dram., such es .liotkla 1 l yZtlitir d .ll.liti v k d a, -, 0 - O,VJ - .4 " 1: t'.; aouda . .Esse:or Dresmea,nehullog it O4 enure new styl. Embroidered hi.lat Robes. I LCP.Neargoorlrevill Ws recelehrgetaily fora week to coneLmcleding =AIM Atyles buts Goods, Lid. and French Limetams, Prints and Cithitiei, - feryleer. 1 .. lllmettaa are invited to 11.111416.1111tp* and pn- 1 • .an wholesale roomas AI. ed"!- I . 4 . 44 ' 14 ? 4° n ' ! lams and pde as very low. " SF3 4 T INKY LUSTHEB AND GINGHLILi-ri r I 1i isby inllths ettentien to far asserma.t of -ab ve goods, of . various shades and gnalities; Akre, _ k, Linen Lance, for Ladies' Dresses. AL large all'unetrt - ot fine Eastman kinneheeter, and , Fie eh , Gingham, of arrarntstyles; she, Halo Prints-a ell ' awortment of those very desirable goods,lndia rig pink, Mac; blurt and double purple, of new and beano fal patter... . . . t .., French Dye. Lair.-Piiik, blurs 'din, brOwn and bat of new.r patteree and fast colon; small fig'd do fey infants. Alsgilrillianunes, of loge and small F,,g unsi, for tubes' cod infante divas.. - ' " -.: - 1 Embroidered twin tinwatasuerna for evenings's . .. set" new styles colored damask testate., do; and a full .florttnent OF tissues, Beane* granediaLL crape shawls, rte., mtha northeast comes of Fourthandhier, kat street. _ CO. . tt ',ell , MI FL EATON k. CO. see now s recifying direct fixen i F. idiportcre ind manufacturers, elltslie . 140 1, 0 , , u tt oi-Feney cad Staple Tridunings, Hosiery and V my. Hoods, among which aro-Block and cold • a 'Fringes; do eo Drehe do; Embroidery and Tr tee Gimps; Taseel,. daratry and other dress.tkssont, .black 5110 Laze ; 1400 cambno Hdkfs; Arnficial:FloWers and Wreaths;' Cheinisettea, needle - worked': Coldtre, sand Bags and Flumes; Ivory, Eimer and Feaster Flints, Kid, Silk cud Lisle Gloves; bients Hosiery, GlOvesare; ebildtene and wouteas' Hosiery; kterßrashea Conti.. sad nods Eros.; Window moor and Trionadne; Tulare' Trunnurigle Shirts, of merle' and yoidis' shwa as. be, which they offer on favorable terms; tit their wore, BS /dark. st. near 4M._ _ Jett _--.-- MCC= TORN A. Co, (snonemari Robb Wine d dUnmet /a Cwy MERCHANT TAMURA HU Cr.- nut street, Pluladalploa,beg leave to Inform mb fn and patrons of the late arm, and armletsMattimy,tros any. mat they are now m reeetpt Rork/land Fashrom. Also a chow. and select as ment of West of England and Fretteh Cloth!, C 'u, - meow and Venoms, us which Mey e ipspeetfully matte than attention apihhdOm SPRING DDT GOODS ~ HAMLETT e Warr% No. 19 Wood street,, aro la mamas a very lame and ostensive suleksit 'pring Dry Goods of very recant pushiest, arni boned under the most insomniac eireunistanoes: std winch they are prepared, alai will sell so tnerehanu, u a very small initialise en the eastern cost. We would request ell merchant; stetting out cif) . to give ottz stock a Ina 0i.61111.141.4 and we feel confi dent they Iron be entirely • of the ciiespnese of out Biwa. . anl7 French titrd :enacts, mere., and wenn fasractilea. CLOT p V Freocli, iresh tweeted, all colors, qualities hioi qrice. Cionoi.o in every style situ' ' LOH ahliel-ne.—Sop milk warp. Queen - . Clout, Soupier Cloth, and &Actable ehatiagefor gams' wear. at plicts below' any 111 the coy. HCallitieUN'S Clore Nine, πeoruer brim arid wood yte 111111ACKLETT & Wll.llBy 1017110 'IA:SAL& DEALERS INIINLY BOOBS, No. yir eh Wiwi suety have on hand, and aro canatitui ly receiving daring the brininess season, • line and C. 11.1•1•0 asaothetat of Dal DOOM, which they of fer to toatchazda at low prices, and ttfuorkabie terms. Believing that they coo give mere wilasfactitni, they coinideeily /ante alt wont:icon. vomited C. cd:i them A. MASON A Cu., GO Malt. Are., nre. opeedita . un extensive essoriduits of Press Goode, 'del re vved per r.xpreas, eoutyrasing• the largest add Most. AstuelAum stuck of Press tddoin to de wand to our city—amongst whim wee 1ne.411, OU p. extris nen ein urviddree rout de I.4levre. wave µAnd., Add.ilie Most desituble. seeds to tno wad xet.; 1•1.0,Ada n stripe Coal. ties, tscregaa,Tisseve, Stripe, Frenebaswenell., Se. etc, ; /4'47 ' I \HAW 4001.ki.—A A MASON k, Co, UU Mirka, stirct, have met reed • ayleaubd Kama-tub:o ol uress. (Amos, slung %%Amu may be tuuutt-LeVbfed, , foam, ptyd nod lanpod /Mange of all goalitles; sot wawa, molaor .rope.,Lirevadotra, strapl, oe Ladies, plaw do Vaud., dt Übaldo+, Idiocy ddk, }ranch Jaaoaeua, Jae. 11. c. ar ld .cl—Alexauder t'Dety aavo bow Op.. 1) a ovatdool vault vi , sped mud plaid tierages, ol wa attest instates and newest styles, imported; also, splew dui p.m tn. ureocha °tack /Swages mut kulacsa, *plead. French Lawns, Ltuen Laws. and Onantuntly a tall asstortnseat els, pma and maim serve de trance • awl lbw Awaneas. . ~ All mew prod* nave been purebinien al niO laiiii , per l, sates ill =piney umbel, Neiir 1 Ott me Pinhole [lin h. will be rota let n :mat redueboa from regultu p lee A LEAnkfilLie:ll. 6, /IA V, my 4 Canker .1110110.1 and 1171.11n1 St I.l:); ... aa k v , ve .. ec u t . tretl ... atre ,, tl genuine Canton dope Show.., coat/311mm a complete ereeruneat at embroldarettand plain shawls, of ail ca .os pealraca, 1000 EAU to tlat. ladaea 000 pecuully 0.0005 to 10.0 000 them shawls, beemung mat some of them are superior to any before oiretva tau caret, 'rimy mitt cc void sumotkalny eneop. Also, Etna 'Fatima and nature Shalom and deottai a Ina aunt - uncut, atremaritouty lops prices. tort - Ir‘f POIICELANI subsenber Minna meet rat We nOlO A4ol.‘ty lot weal ...2144, .twte dt. to • k'ittsre, (imam, Molar and 1.14.10api , .L 1.21 00E4, apecoal JUiL AIUaLL.r../1, Llnagguti. &La Apolnamtry, apl7 cos wood and Can sts LOVES—A good mennortnient of ladtestoul gents ‘S black, %elute cdliite4 Cohen, Late, TOrced, snit and Uwe. Waves, iarge. size. Also, Wee, and ceroidl French Aid Woe., IL excellent etude, and loge eiceN pot opening by apitt • Sttilitailtker A WRITE, 99 arood al 1A.1F.8 AND HOSIERY—Iust reed, ND duel... G dais Onset, wilt., brown and elide Coihni Hum, nom tit ennui par pans up the b e en quality.. Alai:, lOU du puts Conon NOM hose; too dud bale , thrtad, ulk and baled ("louts Lao, ,0 cartons Label Dojun Aid wrens. Dealers and other. ,hut wuh bargains in the &bayou/mice, will &id Lid. at 444, &NUN h. JUILNSON'S, 40 marketet , LIODINNY, tiLLIVkN, AC, AT WHOLENe F., 4J,„ AN dua Now and halt Ness, or roan, *unman sad , einillreth with a large lot of silt, tenon and lido daread, ti,liures and Urns; jut reCet•ed 1111 M Importata mud tor wile whole-aide and retell, by area STEEL 000174—Steel Beg Clarpa, tb Law team.- 4IA Me any ikeel rands, do taretaaarts t CIO Parse do; do Mom Wogs; do do Clang do Wrp.; do Key limp; do Top Camaro; put teed u tkokteer FanO7 Dale, IN Market greet. my to karisEyk !cox • _ _• HITL 600116-A rou assironent attain, ettles . o It add stripsal Slanuanort, piton sad sitiewd Jam:mots, ywu. nod ttedtsciablud, wax Mali., Bishop istsFil t a t Noinstots, .pathad Idol's, Visions Lawns, ToristOO llualans, together orals • toll assonant./ of Llolhooll t h, boob and tansy Notts, Laces, hatsinga, Insoruup a de , Wt of watch /use lost tumid atetth from Ms ant porters, and or vale low to the Oda, by oyi7 LIHACELETI' tr. Warn!: ,k iCiflNgifitNblg - t;-=MTiI - Tia — u — crvOTiliau — d AL attoorunchl of Vallos*ed India Itubbar Map sot, lataitaillig, all 'widths, atom Li Lahti so lb aoches to "wallah salamis Ira wall sod atintuottitaatarets poses, and on, sowed to t ting outclass., labia 5 Wood at nor/ , • Ja H PHILGI ILK OIMES AND FRINGES—Just as 'baw 1, lon Kinsey's, No. 67./Ilarket Won. Al - dm yanks bust COLZUJI oPritrioses widths, omen's alisilitices, salsable rot AtaidiDai, At. lei duo yards Skimp, aLLiridthsaind styles, Lou cape at. typos ag'il Ada coal Assling, ants3 . . yW . I :Fe ria The subscriberiog deanoin of closnag oat Melt press* st04:10 r/SOSEllagi. sod Altley ,lroOds benne reaugentg 4fien new note, l sell weir large •..onsotl euts id COS; from and seer this date. a t Tae aont compliant. SKIMS tinny ildfcreatietyles, ...ta one.. flora 4 cl•o to IFI gaol. /Sib F II EATON Re Co EW.l.l.4ll"—Fine (told lameature Cash; 410 d 0 Lou. 1/lets for Haar, do do tbedost-l'utr, do do Ear , lime s; M . do Forget dlusgiq do ulo Cluoas; do du bob do; do du puma, and Peas; do do lirsonlexa sod Cliup. Inuit dram Jeerers Unll du well 10 col am Us LetAnc puttouLag. Loyld ' ICII , I6EN .t. KNOX, market et sturcrm 'bIUBLINS—W & Murphy Pt* open O. mama/ . tot Jeer supply of thaw Very evertor Walsh Loojp.:Jotti Shillivaljeltaa erea, du* Lottedale,do, tad baarooeypt.tiOd 41Q° eaa,!*,- matt' bi . averi , grade of citialli) . , , ,Wdleattah ,prieet orreaTtriatt lane. ter elitraPl , l4Peatai or pm .anel very chomp., at Ite.aaaerptiteror• tat lad ' , WENVINGSAbiti itaw4allaterieed.a.Yorr. aditerid( .Pg"""" are.aar4 hlearaed &marinas, of the most cetebralrd oiaitelastate, prall evCdtit• m/ wow eeirarsO,Oherhati. ' eoWtooarale.oreaup., at ralr quaJouea.artdr Per Yard ' ii&Lki-t.,:j.-W-Nti,' r-1 , " M.rui" 1l rartLei.t coisierol'ittCaad Partial sta, ay. - p1 : • vett iarorlazortaaretreo t+/'ore Per Mot 'hemp,. • iota paid at Mewl praeoal AiTata patently_ alacropeauti at [adored prices.,... 1 - 10151 Ci J liHfs9 11401316 1,- A A Magri XI &Pat:it Off tßedterprattereved mat taatijr,L i. ty fee Goods & power ritthroadeMeera pj at tW veseeadittreepriai&O, PIA Cheve, Laarus ME:slins, bb.A.A,11.4ANY1:19.143.1‘. iIICE-400 21 - ez oficittTo besig.Lacei ri z • 171. ia wen.. ga, an.l4 1.17 : 2,;; :./109?-:tt.;Tirit - giathi r ri. 3;10 40 AtiZiiitpie,A-il.mn. . P4 ass tinarteps43 migra.o4P nau-V. 1 4 vow MtillulsnePrenell, wan& 4,l:7#7l4:nrweir:l VOL. =l= JJYtaiRY YY rp taga:GinfiWSAtt; Fmane to 1 Regotter, devoted.wthetelissemmatton of Bettlit tamm., souniptiovipo,ol.l33.4.m . ' 0v.1.Y and pee eLptes tanlanet ani s §.,.ptga Itaaty Englisa t , nd American ß OAtworte terefeithe' to the butt, nes 4 o(otßigko 0.4 440 ,1 1b4d' S..th ronteolut attetutioti Win triii 4 r,l mtcretqfore to the otryt.loon 4,1 recentionialona rospacill Dinka. Bro ker, Dille ilt;areirtager, E r irtAttiwirY . totes, (Jean . , lionda.Nolarica„Pp;map, Courhp of Mem. •achoaemyr.. ‘ potb*ancpt, or 1 r Maril=4: torinia. e.aothC+,Oblo,tonyia,m, Ton/taimr,•44om *ll - bO*lo' of OP mombzipornant.(canaca of Lac . wort L aud - will to Ci 11.411 the; =cation; of Prewlenta t Volta ti Trllet., NotABCD.MIOI.ItoVt. 'Among otber+lotillE‘44 I.ruport mice b era and cnjicra. *ark .'illg s ntain 1411411...0tiett a 144. ke.g): Sl.be of the - Ut‘itntt graphical. aktiobeit , o:romnifill3Saketi 3 Of Europe .04 Ametipai CIAO 04. able. illOaribt u the how now. orpowlttates,,,a financial cOp 'on of tab .000- ral Sates of the Unton:. Publiahnd tufmthly, tH,pasea oeLayo,_at Three MO !Aware! Lima= ELIJOTTIe ENGLISH, 1;5 Wood Ft. ausl - Agenta for Banters' 7tl.‘trature. • Baker 4r, .Berllbriest• Pabllsnalkoalto known publishing latLus. haat a full sapply of n-u t books on hand, wt./cluing can sell at the eastern es/ nes, wholesale, • sad -ratn.U.• wtneh have bean. reenialgtastlortby Mom, trt7age been hlghly raeommo•mqrsts , ateetittagtr totc.img and valuable, may ha filuntrwthnersdl, jt and Pro pie; In/la/Uhl iVelnomo tulhe Strange,/ /lethal Flag, by Dr. BPdlt NaPwlebn Al/Shia ilauxtal* ion and his Conon*. The.Sarred illnantaina; Orators Ckadof Franco; Teach/lag tholcankor on Arm.; tta • Mau/web:a Uniform Works; T. S. Arthur', &faking Basle In lit Rick, Ittelet banoWipgs, Keeping up Appearancos,flatitorand itor, ke. kr. Alnth Illnlwerrka from the ;mu of R9tott Carter, the character of whose ..pnblizadous is won known 'Cur- Tecate& Titentogy r in - .4 ye:W[ool44w OR Baum.; Me 4 2=zorilLha .. 4onrilza, , b.:4 4z aukhoja c ic o haol az publisiLed. , 4449 1 7 CBI .. .IOU'', my 9— 18.10donalindtiEliaarkat . XTISW .800K13-411stonf ,OF sYlneol It and.poliursti, ecnortstosihromoisti of UV..l4hers or the Cones. of the Matted States, drawl( pai'Shthee. as aoarce~, * aFahhaeirig. the prthmice.al. eyr;ati - brtheir that , ' end rbsOr ohaeochtcou writ rho belittcat haply of gm. Amos:. by /tansy G. Maoism, psis' traped. by ay meronasteallostrans ititaAso-sitiule alalpgita4l , , d. Mop aad taste Si, ?r,L.lfijp ts. Vas. sting of Histocicial tiltelettes of Itisepttlrenstirdnitti(sLatitsa, Louis ntilippe, Pertligaif Austin' ,NielittlasMobet. lan, Leopold and Irmo-Hat bilohn .9V Mahon,. Barnes Boise Q. James,. rater, 'lolitt Vitt Jude Notes, explanatory exal pearti ee tette* epis tics PCJamei, Peter, /Wu: mod - ..albt3SC,Barnes Nary Grover; or, the starting wiry tape/ate Tamper - wee Tale: y Charles Burdett, ttu Or bf the Child' Herald, the Last Of the Serpa aelgel by Sit E 4 wurd Balsror.Lytton,Ban. Complete in itect paktay Part V. Harper's lllostiated:Ktlition, pr Ihrithiso „. Maim' Entertairunewa. The above, works ieedied this day L iAtitijet stsle",by • JOH-NI:MON & ToCKTGY Iylo Hookitillers,eoy Marlet and .. is ATENV BOOKS—..The Writings of llirc oilgs /A Clay, includthg Speeches end Addresses. • frlited, with i prOfage and memoir, by Horace fireely) - The Ann Book in Spanish; or, • practical introduc tion to trietscudy rit.tha SpanisiLidingoage: containing fult bbiliabakehl trillibinendlon,.tittartimar, arms as On ilm'olletdorlimethod of constant latirs;ion and repetition, reading tossers; and a voentrulary; The whole adapted for the use of private. learnemi Or for elusei under an instructor. By JosepktlalkOid, A. 31, author of .6 Compendium °Mumma Altotim nes," inc. • • • }leathery and Sister. - a tale of domestiC life; by Frederit• Bremer. Translated from- tire -originnl un published manusempl, by /buy Hewitt. The Dying Robin, and other tales. By Joseph Aldt,, D. D. Just received and for rale by JOHNSTON& STOCKTON .IVrßOOKS—[anuses on Shakspeire, -by If :‘ , l illsoo, in two !plumes, • . The rower of the Pulpit, or piste cwalgtai addressed te. Christian minutes, and Mow rube heanthsimon the indnence ors preached Gospel, by to Bev. Qardiner Spring, D.-D. The Peasant and his Landlo el by the Baroners Keening. • Translated by Mary HOw•Ill• Laniattineis Girondists, Vol. 111. History of the Gi rondist, or personal memoir or the patriots of the French Heveltmom from unpublished sources—by A. de La . • A less ...WA. Oa , of the ...ore works reeelval Mrs day and kw Salo by . JOHINSTONA STOCKTON, Booksellers, my3o corner martet and ad its 13'19 1°' 130ORS!!—Lectures on Theology. by the hte Arse. John Mee, D. U. pubbahell under thr , uperintendenee. otitis son, with a burgraydneal lawn turba-, by an American editor—eoruplete an one roe• ume. . lin-KW+ Theoingl, 4 vo.s 4 - 44 - ard's Worlnf 4 vol. Chnnuors' Worirs4.4 vnlo. "(tender's CkrUiCh hltstory. Ist and 2.1 vols M'Ernen on the Tyke of Chnst.Uust published. Mao, Mk largo and nOiIArAOCICLI InPek of 1134;o'ngfral liiscellaneour, and School Books, for kiln row by ELLtorr k EN9IIIAII, • . augST 7.3 wpod gad 60 :t. • VrE eV MUSIC—Oh Susannah; Rosa 4<o; rnen; • Ned; What most O Fairy DVOLOI Le: WWell• er, duett; Boatman DOSICCO Blue Rtniata; 'ftemoone nois Carolina Melodlea.B fiwn•Lite so but • Write: The Oteem le Bann Ile Mountain Mlider Invitation; Sleep ng I dreamed, Last e; Agana.. Qtricksteln lielyenus Qe,..kett.p; May Queen, toranlete; Qt.mter HIII down; Waits; Jenny Lind'; Bongo. Alvarado Quicketcp. I r., Beason to 'be Bad; Etheoptage Airs, van boon /louse of Leisure; Sylph Qoadirelhea, by Unmet: Kate Sr 811 mm, Be Kind to Each other; I'll be no SobeterestvAW/fe, re aiiied by Erpreis nod for sale-by ang.l4 J 111 hIE I .LOII, Ed wood or • E.N. ZACHARY TAVLOB.--Portrote of Leen Z Ul" Taylor, by N Colterunder the toursediatneuper meenelaltee and Iltreetions of the undersifund dancer., froth au Origuothrketall Inhere trout life, u Coto/ergo. oy Captain Broth A D C. • U Connor, TJ 8 Navy: ciatergoA.lll"Zoil,4Ut George Lient Topographteed Engineer, .Hassy • U 5 Nary: JOHNSTON in sTuah7DIGLN 7e2l • Booker/Begs, eor 3d oral enntAit ono r °VON SONEISIVoteh you 'WI bi• Boyliglpt jj Widow tdoehteog Remy D'Afore; bog. Sonitorr. Sloyeng the Deer,..Gantioner Bo l ts" — , The Tom Biol.. Fury Boy; Aolctoo not what I me 'Moto* lA., Banked Car, liLy Mother-Deer; (Sdo nor nay i love thee apti j'grpre„ but don't Forget; The Cdurnelton. Angela NYWspet.; .510111Ing Dream; Suer, Jes.te wun Young and i.unlo; The Northland lur Me. Molly Bowel. Pas gale PT JOIN II MELLON, Je2l of wood et f UST PUBLISHED—An 11Immanent of the Type.. 411euoriesd Propheebes of the Old Testament: Wrltlion ttrr:oren,mluiitterof theficropalat Dundee . Tbe auovo per pule, work, which mats of dm Typical 11,irts• and Placa' 14 . tho-Old.Terneasuern4 erbrdh blot Leoncon of - Triter for nosne.thuni rnnd for *lnch th ere hen been a great deconmdi-lvei barge suet republiohed In a heat stre—W& - pnewilleten: Price SD teat. ELI/1071` en ENGLISH, tugll T 3 wood and till atarkor or IM , EW r ..YORK III" HEADLEY—Thr.I.I&_ot Oliver aN Cromwell, by.J T Headley,antbot of . .Napoleon and Ms al.shanyO 4The Sacred Mountains.' - ington and tusGlenerala," etc. ele. Recelved this day .4 for maks by . .JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. Booksellers, cor market and ad ma I., , RANCR,Outlirrs, of tbo History of France, from Me turbot macs to Ibo HaVOMUcto of Ir4-I—lur 40:10as azldTatekilies—Witti IttIIIIMMIT cognomina, and questions for itts sustoltimloo - a pptipplh. mat '7OHRKTNt RIYMICIWI FASTR Vitt 'cm rozing..,•rnqua, tl Lemon and I:iF~nehee, Nit taediand foraite try JOEL fdIIRLE.R A IRS. SPEER . WO/ILAN, may .Ix7c.artsaltett at jj their office int Seutiaareca, corms orlzarirre tattey. aagtfl.date QoAR--441 , ini t ansin'taap, - iiimbeVind for 13."14 !wee S tr.7yl2l2:B2aluif tok: 21:1timeliIlice, reed arid for gale by ROBISON & Coi I nie Litl3W-400 , gm* Pig Iroq Shade end other fur Emees,stutabloqor foundry • and rolling mils; tor " 1 .'4 .I> • a= KIN & 'Co • tlrJ(l* slaxi-a - baloba pailAnt q ut works) I'Jos; ;6 Je died' and fol. "by JOEL'S D AN lewd ULRI.EY--600 lamb Bayley, in mom an4(or sale by II Jr& • • •ti ILEFfit-11.1m extn prima- W /1 43., law ce.ceived andfor ule by magi wiciC4.,abdiktiss •-- - - Eitits (orvale by r•- g t - • WICK krIIIINECLE3.3-• L ute: :sup • • wyrx SVCATM.V.49 I)ROOMS—tun do Cons groama, foe ula by U nue WICK Or. LA RD OIL— ID 6Ias Lard Oil, prima iirderTin i and t bbl. , reenivent , nied for wale by .1 .L KIDD & Co . _ HEERE--141 biz prime R Mee_ Jag reed end for sale by .:11g6 WICK & biN,NDl.baq . - - - --- --- SALETUS—IdI enke Ohio Balcnitus, fat' sale by WICK a 14111.NLILI•SS •- , . FF.ATH ERS-3CO lbo-Kaauclry Peogsts,,for We by .9gs . WICK & ArCANLIIAZ.S SPICF-n—Ground Allspier,Cinnamon, Cliva±es, m... rag, &c. in 5 and 10 lb WC.,K f o& . it/4A LDLESSugS _ - _ OROCOLATE—MtarChonotayaf‘oralLL* - augs VVICk L WRA,NDLENS_ G MROUND OINGL !ap prrArtto4 Civet. et. isle by WICK N . NPCANULF LARD —ll key No I Leitiatdi [O44Ja by /MAN _ ERS futuRITS 011 , -44td4Ribraala C. , S.jr2s ?NE RlO COFFIIBO rivil ag g and !Of il, by iy2E) — to BI ACYBufeN kCo I?LOUR—iIO bbl• fiaiYbanl o, .srd .1! # ll • •• •, - /01111 1;7211.WORTII tyLE.I4IIED .s_A Afd q &Q.." now JJ opesdag-larawr a(Blea.bed dlastutb,csbornang tup. Eaien. of Dxllow tar. dnd , the.!lng V."" CUME.-430bags.primei Rio;;. to-do yairbbyra, 10 do old Gov. J avA, for sale by sulgt "iu' I TI WlLLWit9,llolrood WASH: ••• I.....fnet"er'-' k-I,I7IVILLIASS MAI ; . A.LICCIap—A 71M pt Co bare Afrretelvealinotlier Wei thateretpetwirpC.be.“, 24-Yard.taz nu dnuna , - Iy:a ACON — AUBD Uowthusui, Hides and li s 7;xTulders, to smoO'bo n se and .mine; lot info by augt g Romps aZ049 2 / 3 b.rty • !float: I lititH--4000 Slide443,loldo flub. ; F ULNA do &wide" in prima Lader,.-ibk sale by sorrtwx*., sitilibriiiiaeltincry; fOrliti br • gam s WIttituSIDN aCo • lai.o t. 50 bap pabdititieefttua reed alaitaa Cala at atilt 0..11N1 ds:Nb_C=ltotii=ratdo,,s.in 1;t ,'I t'{ .111 T
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