GROCERIES, &G AMES A. lIUTCIIISON & Co, Agents for 54 Louis. J 81 . 55 = Sonar /5 4 5nery, N 0.45 Water and 64 Front Meer, pja.t,,,, 7 1,, Pa. , base in store the following a. Illaitarent °trained Sugars, for sale low: 6 hi, doable refined large Loaf; Imo bbl. Nos. $l, 1 1,6, 7 and a dri; 230 do Powdered; 200 do Crab- MA IS da Clanfied myle •dogar and Molasses. 148 '4 1 5 bb Is LoalSNinrs Ni °rS, our, d 7; 141 do Prime New Orleurs Dlolosses, do Sugar House do b Com and for sale by W & M MTPCIIELTREF., jog, 160 I ibe •st euks Soda A.b, breaded St Steele le Sem, LAVefrOk 30 do ski do Janus 80I1A, do; MOO bap Rio Coffee; 300 boxes 7ao, Bale and luxl2 W Glass, for sale by JOHN OFUEB, m 716 SRI liberty st geR,F26H FLNE CUT CH } VINO TOBACCO—Mrs Miller's and Jno Anderson , . last reed and for by ' HEALD, BU6E16011& Co, 41 north water and 16 north wharves, I+ ___ _______ Philadelphia - "VALI& LEAF TOBACCO-3X balm Yin Leaf To .ll. Witco, orrappory, end roomier quality—l, 9nd 3 erns-juot laudl from brig Andsmon& for We by HEALD. BUCKNOR & Co GERMAN PIPIM—PS4 bzn and 3 gross Gorman Pipes, Medium bowl & just landing from pkt and for sale b JeldS HEALD, MIMING& & Co e E ISH—isarte Cruse, 13altimere, MAL, will be glad to have orders(tom his friends to Piusburgh and where, for the purchase of Shad and Herrings do ting the season. Orders executed with despatch, and as I.west rates. Charges for purchuing light. mar2c) oCITTON YARNS, ao.-44003 aaaorted Nos, C ‘,„/ Yarn, pet Chain, Caudle Wick, and Cotton Twine, AO bale. Batting, for tale at manufactorera, lowest price., by FRIEND, RHEY A Co, " r 26_ them. for manufactornrs COLIALT-211:1 lb. Cobalt, Just tee% and for sal° by tug( J KIDD & Co ---- POT ASH— a enska receiving from stmr Lake Erie and for sobs by augl JAMES DALZELL BACON AND FLAXSEE.D-4000 lbs Bacon; 9 bags Flaxseed; Jost received and for sale by angl L El WATERMAN griiiCH-25 bin Earley Starch, for We by nags Le WATKRALAN bbla Mat mold and for We by LI A FAHNESTOCK & Co, .092 corner In and wood as QALERATVS-10 bbbs, pU bia , Cu sale by PC line 8 F VON BONN 80R8T &Co STONE bxs Stone Pipes, for sale by sue WICK & 'CAIII/LatS rIBS-12 doz large Tube, for sale by aug7 WICK G WCANDLES - - Q Eli NO 2d C 04111.311 Cigars, for sale by tvg7 WICK & bCCANDLESS CRUSHED SUGAR-30 bbl. Crashed Sugar, for We by lute. WICK fr. lIMANDLESS SPTS. TURPENTINE-20 We in fine order, pun reed b anti J SCI - 100N5IAKER &Co SPTS TURPENTINE-236b1. for sale by LAIII „. BRAUN & REITER ',MINERAL WATER CORKS-6 bales for axle by 1.1. U. arllrn i HOSPHORUS-100 lbs tbr see by • .11 BRAUN & REITE if" . "I.NI3EN6 6 sacks now lending; for sale irbs LIALLII DICKE Y . OTTON-36 bales in store and for sale by 1125 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co MTV Y nista• • • for sale by abgai BROW & •' C " I.II.I3 " KR • • •' ZI • • CORN BROOMS —dß do: for olde by togs, BROWN & CULBERTSON LOU timm Cumberland River Metal, S landing from sums Amerirsu 1512.1 . and L. Wetzel align/ JAM ➢ALZELL, 24 mum at 1 ARM, ike.-811 kegs Not Lard; 2 bhds Bacon; laud imy from war Cashier, sad, for sale by au lb JAMES DALZELL A LLENM NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT—A Jel. Bub supply (or sale hty •ugl4 Two COFFEE—HO bags prime Rio, nisi receiving and for sale by angl4 BROWN it CL'LBERTSON UR-20 Ws choice fresb Family Flour, bast re -calved and for sale by a a / 3 14 BROWN & CULBERTSON LEACHING POWDER-23 casks of Ju Binspran B /Hem' Aral quality Cktloud, of Limo, for sale by J 714 • 01L-25 tibia ma Lard Oil, in store and for nib by iviS 0 BLACKBURN & Co .• I ' • . • isuu bbli 4,0, a, 7 andS email de; MO do emehad, 180 powdenext; In lame end for Ale by JAMES A HUTCHISON # Co, Ins of St. Louie Steam Boer Refinery IPHY ItA Ina lour FL MURPHY !unjust received this trionung by express, anew supply of wide bit to Ms... dila Silk. smelt XTOW OPENING—ED asso rt ed &lmas, various .01 qualities. Also, 60 ps rich istode eol'ULyooese Cloths, st very low pries. auga4 A A MASON & Co TNDlGO—tlearoo. Carateaajase recd and for sale .1 be ace= H A PAHNESTOCIC &Co _ SOLel ASH-1e cuts doable reenneil ego eTitill; 1 do do do Warranted equal to any in the city. For sale by anle4 C H GRANT 41 wetter a - - - ItCAS-1 25 0 iiteliards and baa fine to extra Y. Hy.o " 0 " Imperial; 10 " : 1, Pervreho : Gunpovninel 5 1 " Pot sada by 3 D WILLIAMS, 1.10 wood et rm; .421 rposecco , -ao bas Ira Hunt 5 Honey Tohateo, re etillOg from eared end for sale by *VS JAMES . DALZELL, S 4 water st 4ACR:h:AEG-1V bbls Ng 3 Mackerel, branded 111, 4 &., !anon tad for sale by JAMES D 4 4 WEATHEBS-1.0 bags F rs, eube for ule by mug% JAMES DaL7FI L TWIT UMBEII- 7AVAmiwzr.t, aug94 corner tat and wood ,t. AD GENTIAN-250 Ruing teed aid toT sale • aug24 B A FAME:COCK & Co ry:b .g24 olllB-300 lb, nut need and for sale by B A FABENESTOCK /a Co r T ouisyi ix. I raw—Constaxoly on hand and for aala by nada C H GRANT 081 N--39 bbl. for solo by augl4 . CIOFFRE-10 bags Gra. Rio, in etore and for sale io V, by .119 MM3=l GLASS -5W bas Bxlo and Meta Window Glass, just ree'd per stmt Louis Ild'Lana, and (or sale by ansig 9 & vr HARBAUGEI WfiITS BEANS-40 bbls small Mate Beam,far gale by awe/ WICK ."..M'CANDLEES PEPPER -74 bap on tunill, and for We vary low by on. 141 C HC - - • rilE Dal —IKIXD owb on the whott Sat sale by angl4 ISAIAS DICKEY & Co, hoot at T L EID 01L—Berkhardt's best, ,all roe'd and dunks top! I KIDD & Co CCICIFFEE- - 1F664.; priati4ll - do do Corguirri; 10 do 011 Gov. Java; for bee by S lll O l I WILLIAIIM CIAIL-.-8 Wads "WitoW6 blal. D oleo/ad:di odo malted sad pulverized; 25 do assorted 1.4 for sal* by oo.D. JD WIL IAM‘i • , PICES-8 bags Pimento; 5 dri=eri . l. Obi Cloves; 143 lido pore Ginger , 6 cues 61 assorted dui . 66 Mos Cassia; 1 keg Mace; ground Spices in at "Witty; for ode by urn I D WILLIAMS TIME FLOUR-9 eases supnltne, for nle by ta I D WILLIAMS NDLES-6 bz. Sperm; lOtto Star; IS do Stsasin.; for sale byJDWUJI Mi • 7 OTA2II-11 bbl. pttaus, for sale by J D WILLIAMS DriDOES-1 bbl Lard; 6 pen Du Carpe * Woollen Saar, 50 do nue Vl7'..boar4 ou coo - !nand kw We by .0001 II) WILLIAMS TILLIKUNDS—(ShavOs pat., just reed awl for sale JJ •au J KIDD &Co E x 142 1 . LOGWOOD-4 ast no'd and (or .alt nillitp&co I t iEdiTaiVati—iii lianas km man by 1 ODD & Co m 7 r, (,r safe by 1) awn TAsSEY & BE= lit" ga ACON--MICI rides, in at and for nabs by 40ga TASSEY PS= TwEAHL' ASH-64X0 lbs, • prune mien, income and for sale by magi TASSEV k BEST rrALLOW-1 bbl reed and for olio b TASSEY & BEST 101/BALS—A. Funity Hort* 6 years old,rrt. .ir ed a sound, ruitabLe for saddle or b0gry1,,, ” , - ,,a e , War a child eau handle boa For sale by angle TASSZY & SFST QODA ASH-6 casks Soda ash,jart reed ru.d for Bale 14.7 by - anala 8 & W HASH& UGH CORNC P Ans HEAL-50 bble Coru Meal, hit - a brand, reed per stmt Companion and for sale by 4 4 19 EI & W HARBAUGH Month Mt i a3l 3 pa li n r Ooltars, A jo " lie lY ch; f and for 417 1 b e; aural JOHN H MELLOR, 81 wood at ALlRq— bbls &kap Just rce'd and for wk by t3CHOONJt. ttPg do Co, 91 wood st _ --- • • 0,13:61:0-63 bags Timothy Seed; 20 bbla Clover do,• Mr 17 Ws by augl I & R FLOYD cu f a m. .224810 cr3-I`tit= and 10, 7ci , C 144 liberty H RY BEER-141X, lhs for sale by 1 W 9 P VON BONNHORST & Co RYE FLOVH-8 bblsth atom and for sale by_ OSP ENGLISH- BENNETT L £EH FISH-8 bbl t s l , F rp v rina kt zi l "l i on; for sale by Co 0.1:0 1 g HELAC-1.000 tbs la Sbela l°RST k aala by .4 1 JOHN INIORtirJ2Nt" CO - + 2bake large Corks, reeld and for sale by JOHN D MORGAN P b . • for sale J 8 00N 1 A V.: le Co _-.......—.. To YE FLOCIi-23 bbl. Rye Flour just toed and for sale by on k_% 6 HAIIBAUC#I TUNDLES — Liu b. Cincinnati Mould Cradles, , a.„O atcre and for .s:o amp_ S t W HARBAUGH IkAADDER-2kkk — krsad e 11l angl4 g F V ONBONNIROBST kCo Dirg - FIXICR=SITL - b - Mot F VON ake 4 • BO vNHORBT k. Co EPPES—Iit bup for rale by anirl4 9 F VON / 30 NNHORST & Co T AILD on,—so b bl, for mla, of npeTior_ APtial,k. FLOE angl4 • IitACON—A !I lot country Hun, tor .ale low m close consigument. ausill Ird'OILL BOP bale. Westnm. JLE.aatll EPGILL in ROE uNIEED OIL-10 bb szyttl APOILL k ROE • OH.—Warranted pare-4 cask. fk.sabg by 18 J SCHOONM AKER & Co OlL—crado and : ed. far w e 3y .7 861 . 00NMAKER & Co ,111 ED PEPPER-200 lb, groandanst reo , d and for Aly sale by ants B A FABNESTOCE ICA .-QBEEP SUNS-150 dos Sbeep Skins, for vaddless' 1., use, in stare .d for sale by aus[l9 H & W HARBAUGH • LIQLOIUCE—uvu lbs lo.t tee' • 47 „, S•AF4IiNESTOCK ssygLe come. ist and wood eta me • 15 bbla No n& Candna, for ulibi A anti P VON SONXHOBST & iGii5M 28 Saturday, Sunday, YB Monday, 79Tuesday, 30 Wednesday, 31 Thursday, 1 Friday, PITTSSIIBAH BOARD OP TRADE COMAlrrnm FOR AUGUST . LI& MARSHALL. 301 PICLSOCX. OREL WHYSIAN Prersnuautt Warrra. Tuesday Mornin g , A alma 29, 1945. In reviewing Yesterday's °paranoias of the mar• Let, we have nothing new to notice. The wen. Cher was quite warm, and butane's way retarded somewhat by the &squeal showers of rain which fell daring the day. We have been favored by a further rise in the river, which adds additional facility to the already amphsmeans of transportation by river; but the river business to yet comparatively light, and will likely continue so for a few weeks, when we may reasonably expect the return of the fall trade. FLOUR-00 the wharf yesterday there seem• ad to be an improved feeling in the market. The receipts in all amounted to some 800 bbls, and the sales which transpired showed a alight advance on the prices of Sgturday. Sales of 1 lot of 300 bbl. at 4,2:5; one of 175 bbl, at 4,31, and two lots of 53 and 40 at 4,15 p bbL From store the article manifests an improved feeling, but with no ad vance in prices, We note regular sales in limited lots at 4,37 to 4,40, moody at the former figure. In Grain we find nothing doing worth reporting; quotations continue without change. PROVISIONS—The market is steady, but rath er inactive. Of prime city cured bacon, sales Ire regularly effected to the trade at 4, 41, and 81e for shoulders, aides and hams. Prime western is salt tog at, for shoulders 4c, sides 40341, and hams at Cafile In Groceries we can note no further change.— The market is rather on the doll order, but prices are' without change. N 0 sugar and molasses continue in fair demand, with regular sales of the former by the hhd at 4/05}c p Ih, and of the lat ter at 2Sc p gall Rio coffee is sold regularly at 71 to 71c p A. Small sales of extra Rio have been made at to Miter, and of inferior at to low er than the above ures. In other articles under this head, no chap GREEN APPLE.-4--Prices range according to quality from 81 to 1,25 p bbl. BUTTER--Regular sales of good keg at 20 9tc. CHEES--Sales of W R at 5;935kc p ID , for gootreommon, and of extra quality at Wain CANDLES—The market is nothout chauge.— Regular sales of City Star at 21c, of mould at 10i, and of dipped at 9c p SOAP—Saks of Pittsburgh and Cincinnati ro- Sin at and of saris/stet' at 101alic p 111. The largest book sale ever held is the United States will take place in New York on Tuesday next. From 160,000 to 170,000 volumes by Amer Man publishers will be offered, contributed by about 150 publishers. Betides the regular cata logue of 160 pages closely printed, there are three others, one of 31 pages of English Books; another of 40 pages of American and foreign Stationery; and the third of 600 cases of Paper, containing about 35,000 reams. J KIDD & Co A new salt spring has recently been put in con• nection with the salt Works at Syracuse, NCY7 York. There are now eight springs at that place, seven of which discharge one million gallons of water 3n twenty-foor hours. The aggregate a mounLa salt manufactured between the first of January and middle of Angus last year is 1,673 Eat bmhell6 and during the same period of time this year, 2,062.134 bushels, showing en Incr.'s., of 348,240 bushels. A ready mariner is found tor all that can be manufactured, and the demand it increase. Among the curious statistics, it mug be menuoo- ed that the weight of the National Debt of Eng land in gold would be 6,292 tons, and would re quire 26 ships of 250 tans each for its transporta tion, or 12,551 horse carts, each carrying half ri ton and forming a procession of 25 miles in length. MM3IIII Fhona ant Gnaw—The quantity of Flour, Wheat Cora attd Barley, left at tidewater during the secs and week in Angie; in the years 1%1 lulu 1,15, wee ee Mates:— Flour, Wheat, Corn, Barley, bbls. bu. bu. bu. 1547 79,953 55,912 121.531 3,300 IE4B 44,569 11,243 _139,991 3,500 Decrease 35,064 44,669 Inc. 1;460 Inc. 200 The aggregate quantities of the' came articles left at Udeweter from the commencement of non whin to tha 14th of August, inclusive are a• 121307E0 Flour, Wheat, Coro, Burley, Ws. bu. bu. bu. 1847 2,489,032 2,384,385 4,047,151 298,979 1948 1,017,809 853,881 1.143,614 124.4 71 Decrease 1,141,223 1,530;504 2,903,531 172,505 By reducing the Wheat to Fkitir, the quantity of the latter left at tidewater this year, compared with the corresponding period of last year, shows a de. crease equal to 1,447,323 barrels of Flour. Pmetra.vidita Coat. Tama--The total amovat of Coal shipped from the different Eastern mines We season, is given in the Philadelphia Commie, cial as followc By Lehigh Companies 416A69 Reading Railroad ....... .877,796 Schuylkill Canal 261,014 Delaware and }Judson Cana1...244,649 Tin Coat Taans—We leans that a large ourn• ber of the miners in the Schityllcill region have been compelled to suspend operations for the pre sent The decreased consumption of coal in man ufactures, and the increased supply of foreign coal has overstocked the market, and depressed prices bektw the cost of product ort--(Com. List Tni Ito Tlarrs-4e homing beao• tiful specimen of the effec t of the tone of '46 upon the Iron trade of the North, froto the Burlington (N. J.) Gazette: "Wo understand that the proprietors of the large iron foundry at Lamb. :ruts, in that county, have despatched order. to Scotland for ptg mon, instead of the New Jersey and Pemmylvanta Iron, which they have been using 'until now. Scotch pig Iron can be imported at le is price than that made in our country, the tariff .of 1848 having gone far to wards prostrating it. even where coal and Iron are found in the same vicinity." Fete TRalli TA-amp—The Bristol Calico Print log Works at Tauntoo, were advertised to be sold at auction t iry coder of anwrisees. The Rockland Manufireloting Co Works, 011 the Brandywine near Wilmington, with 120 looms and 4.500 spin dles is offered for sale at a wry low price.—{Phil. Com. List. - - DRY GOODS it LARKET. New .fork, Aug. 24, Stb. The immense aide of Dry Goods by Haggerty, Draper de Jones, was very 11114 r attended, not only by our own dealers, but by I nerchants from ell Farts of the country. The co, upetitinn was ani mated, and the prima obta Med, although u°l setts factory to the owners, were cm usidered to be the full market rates. The Mend eater de Lames sold at 1 2 4016 c, and the Cashier res at 18021 e The agent of the Company states that the lots up on these geode is 320,001. The goods could not probably be produced at th e above prices. There La a considerable decrease in. to a Putducti°,.° of these goods, as the Hooksett. Mil la, which °eve stopped, turned out 32 ono yards per week, end the Manchester Mill. boys rtopper 12.55 looms The importation. of mmilar ;roods have been mo derate this season. Besid,r e Manchester productions, there Was a lar ge e , e ount of other goods, and the aggregate amount m' the sale we. nearly $400,000.—f Tnbune. Irr Clasen. are honorably assured a .1. lye follow In 17,, th 'itgro;;:tige.lf they doubt r word, Jury cannot these highly respectaWe cidsen I, who hove tried in Mr. Geo. Beckett, 41 Elm et, New York. Mrs. &Willa Retires, Myrtle: avenue, Drc ohlro. Mr. Wm. Tompkins, 92 KM g at, New Yon t. Mr. Thomas Jackson, Moo wall Island. H. E. Cullen, late barber ineaMboas S. Ar. And awns than a hundred tr Maryanne, thong k suffice, that it will force the hair to grow on t , te head no face, stop it falling off, strengthen the roots, scarf and dandrof front e roots, and making fight, r•• or gray hair autumn a Urn dark look, and kei 1..13 dr y , hush or wiry hair mobs t, son, clean and be. tosuoi• • v.r.7, ' e n' tong time.' (Sold at WM. JaCILI ON l ' Liberty st, iY " CILISMAIIIIVILL/h Logan Co., Pa, IMY 1. 549 ' Mr. Itllen-1" roar Pin 1 take pleasure der trYlor..the rood etc eta of your valuable Verso ituee. e "drenDelray eimk,and thinking It might be w or Ms, I tried several kinds of Vemnidtge, without any e M wt. I concluded so try vow. Vermiform, which I dal se Mt •I • ti.fiLeSslT street, so much so that my little den& er, near thr e e years old, passed some th ing near one be to rahemans, time. I then recommended it tot ay n alti to thow a rlso . joge to tri o ed we ll e r:th so the s c u c p e p t l s; .0 .4 17 h ! .: s as o lald 111 &Mali MO utits, and nearly every lay some pi ,r -i=rdlo,the more for &shelf Zegillb i g iAri Prepared and. sirrt IP), R. E. SELL ' Pit.% 67 Wood st, leghemy. y ; Rod soldby drs4mism generally,' in Pittsburgh and .1 . augll7 Jones' Spanish Lily Whlte, hat.e 'brari a fine white Lrasparemskin. a( this a Ira .1 will Vadary grany ona. &Id ortly to Plosbatgh, al V o liberty n navlSdandwly =EH QM= ARRTVEL, litgidand litary,No. 2 Burk, Cm. Beaver. Clark, Beaver. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs ; Brownsville. Nominee. —, Cia. Caleb Cope, A. Murdock. Beaver. Wyoming, Fowler, St. Louts. Arrow, —, Brownsville. DEPARTED. Louis McLane, Bennett. Brownsville. Jacobs, Brownsville. Lake Erie, Murry. Beaver. Highlander, Parkinson, Cm. Shenandoah, Bowman. Cin. Calhoun, Wheeling. Consul, Kinney, Wheeling. Hudson, Poe, Sunfish. Dover, Reno,'Cin. The river last evening at dusk was 4 feet 6 inches in channel, by metal mark, and falling. Moon • phame. 33 6 - 15 31 7 :63 34 934 31 941 30 1047 $9 11 39 V mom . 23 5 26 6 2 4 99 670 5 31 .6 33 Cincinnati—per Friendship -17 bbls whiskey, It 13e11.; 50 bxs starch, Bagsley & Smith; 3 do tob, 1) Leech & co; 7 bbls s salts, Rdbertson do Rep. pert; 9 skis feathers. H Graff; 31 bbls smiles. Allen Cordell; 50 do do, J Prunty; 20 tons pig metal, H Coulter & co; 55 do do, A McClurg. Per Dover-13 sks wool, S bbls, loh feathers, 17 kgs butter, J S Dilworth & co; 1013 bbls flour, 16 sks bran, J S Dilworth; 1 bbl I keg lard, 1 ak wool, 3 bbls flaxseed, 35 hhds lob, J C Bidwell; 30 bbls dour, D Leech & co; 292 pigs lead, T H Nevin dr co; 6 bbl peaches, D T Per Genesee-2 ban mdse, H Graff; 2 Janis be. con, W B hoboes & bro; 14 it., 3 bbls, 3 hf do lard, E Heaxelton; 15 Ids innidins, Kennedy 5r Childs; 30 bgs feathers, D Leech & co; 200 bbls dour, 61 Allen & co; 100 do do, W Greer; 19 lands bacon, Clerk & Thaw; 12 bbls grease, same; 126 bbls flour, S McClurkan & co; 2 bdls mdse, owner; 2 ak• feathers, Bingham. Per Zachary Taylor-1 exp pbg, H G Vickery, 180 bbls flour, 1 bale furs, D Leech & co; 24 lou hams, 2 be.. books, H Graf! S. co; 110 bbls flour, E Greer, 1 oak and 1 box hardware, Jos Wood. well; 11 boo starch, W Holmes & co. Wherting—Per Conaul—'7o bbla flour, S & W Harbaugh; i3l do do, J Boice; 30 do do, Cummins & Smith; 61 do do, Orum & McGrew; 36 do do, 32 cart whorls, 6 stands, 2 boa, I McCully; 21 bdl. paper, S C Hill; 32 do do, B A Fahnestock; 19 bble flour, Jas McCully; 32 do do, D P Kinney; 24 bbls flour, J Murray; 21 !As ware, Livingston, Roggen de co; 13 bills paper, Luke Loomis; 14 do do, R. M Riddle, 2 bbl. flour, H G Smith. ,Per Cinderella-14 sks copper, H Grad; 10 hhde sugar. Sagiald; 10 grates, Forsyth & Duncan; 92 bbls flour, (hum Sr McGraw; 30 do Jo. S Mcau,. knn; 52 d, L Man]; 15 aks wool, 11 Chaff, "4 bill. flour, S do W Ilerbaogh. 33t lauu—per Wyoming -77 bbla flour, S Me• C.urkatt; 27 aka corn, 90 rIJ rags, J S Dilworth b.: rea; 100 dry lodes, J 13 13ayard; 8 sks featherr, S F Von Bonnhoret; 2 hhde lob, Geo Wernan; 50 bls cotton. Alex Gordon; 3 Lk skies, 3 bp kathers, 1 do wool, Hampton Sr Sturth. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 164 6 For Phtindelphia every eventng at 9 o'clock. by Leech's Packets. Offics °pout. , U. United States Hotel Steamboat Packet Line, leaves duly for CiIIMPLIMPI, 111 A. X. Fo:•enger Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore and PhiladelpMA 6 A. X and 6 r. a. Mail Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 A X. abd 121 P X. Western and Southern Mall Coach Line, 6 s. N. North•Wement via Cleveland. duly, l 9 A. N. Ene and Wutern New York, deny, 9 A. X. North-Eastern totladelphia, daily, except Sundays, 4, a at. ARRIVALS AND DteARTURF. OF MAILS. Eastern Mall rots PMladelphis. due 3 ♦ closes IS a. Westth & Low.v. due • r , closes 5 •, a. South. viaßsitnitore & Werhs nA-thn due a r. a. c I'. 5 A 21. No Western rta Cleveland. due l U♦.o , osr. 9A. Z. Elle end Western Ness Vort. due y r a. , closes n a Z Ba ti le h R k " ; ' , Tr: ". ti plea. loner' Soap aged by many phyinctans to tht. coy In curing we abote. and we would not conacienbousl) .cl; uolc.a we knew It in be all we stale As a C 0.,. Ur. k the true Ma J ki unes' -Soap ts. perhaps the onl arnele ever nown t removed imrnte• •rtd cleated and tuatethed the srt. manta n non. cleat. smooth and white us an tniedn's. Sold by Whi JACK 70N, EV Ltherty •treet. mama/ try- Men never attempt to ecnamerlell.• arorthleat artlele. hence ClUnable menlminell are (retitle.) imita ted. The knave w, counter.. a medicate comm. as Frew ertme us LI it were a Lank note or the cum ,alf, united B A Fnhnestoek • Venrauge. which is the only .n and eeriam cure for worms. no. been c ountertetted zn te runny • e ctron. merountr). and per•ons •nould Oletr ¢uard when purrhastng to bet the greitune artrr .r.preparu.' •kt rittrituito And purr Le nintruauent al minim., All tculaie• have skais .0, toe Wee:re 110 ttee /nee. Spanish I.oy Whale It mateth pure snowy. yet uatu r roily what, ,co‘4l at eet Laber 111. BATES OF DIV.COUN r-4:oft RELTEL 111 R. lit/L.711.1S A. SONS. e .53, t,az Panss•ylvaulr., Inttl•aza. Bank of I`,ltruuree •• • ••••r , 4 1. ate I:rancht• I Exchange Bulta Illerck. Mao Dank I I 5aaa...r.5.......--aatina. • - -eat Imacomn g eVi. ?at V.. I la.rard Bang • • • • • -par Farmers Bk. of Va • Bank of Garenamown •pat'Bk. of Valley,-- " •• Chester Coast • • -par of Vargtma.• • • • • • • " " Delaware Co • •rrar„M MBk , • lont,rattery ;..a; Moreantow,t I Northomhettand • rat!N W Bank •--- Colombta Co. , • par' do W • • • Iktylettorwn liana pal do kkkkkk aura ••• Farmkrs U. Re:.diz.R•l.:.r Ten. eeeee . Flutters' Bk Rock• 10. rur Bk or Tonoeuee• • Farmers !Pk Larkt...'r 1, 4 . ‘ F t/ . & a...- Law:ea. , ' Bk . . .pa. Planter. Bk.• •• • •• • Lancaster Ilk par Ur.:on Bk. U.Statx-• Uoik m M luoorl. lltokrukv.tle Bk par Stole Bk of 11 ooloari• •- • I h.nron Bk • •- • • • k North CalrOilli•. Gettyaborgh Bk • • I Bk of (Apo. Frar• • . Co kk ok,,o 2 : k .. ......w 'Memo • Ilk. fie wort,. Suagoehlkuoa Co. Bk'too. !:.ok Lenore Co Bank, South Carol's., Le V 10Vrn NI .ea' . Farmers' and DIOS rr` Bk or liamt-org• ••• • Bank, W•ynesbere• • I Mei . .. Mama Ilk 0 Ilasillatmest . Flusters le klret.a's LA, 0 122E1E1 12Elt=:! Relief Not. ..... -•—• " F.. Bk. of M•ryl.d " M & M Bk. Yu.... " rumen' b. Meck.:. " Clty it Coen. $c r.p • " Bk. Fruler•ek .. lib le. Frederick Co Bk.• • " tita. Bk. and Branch. I .11s6erstown Bk m 0,,,, , plemm ..... • • " Mineral Blg •• • •--.•-- • I 1 liteufw,nvi:ll- • " Pap.olll, " Mr•zabinpon Bk •—• • —• ---• • --- " Bk. of M .tranuter 1,750,349 01 .bon Cinealnn.; Bank• " B. or M. Ciao do• " kik of Myer Ramer, Orelenille •- •• . .• • " ?dicingan In. C 0..• • L .. . Maxsil lan • -- . I Canadas. Sandost7 .• . - : in .olvent flank. a . Gemara •• •••• • • I Bank of En4ana N 0.,. Norwalk Oold & Specie Value —.--._..7 ;Gold * Spec] .•. • • . " !Napoleons • . Dayton ........ • •-- • " ,Doeats It 13 0 11 30 3 Vaster° Reserve •• " , Eagle, old • •• • 10 60 rvankun Irk Columbus " Eagle. new •• • • • 10 09 cry: Inmate • —• " ;Doubloons, Spanish. 10 IC Lek e Erie •• • ...... • • " Do. Par not. -••- • . 15 50 Seim 0• • • " Soverelgn. •• • • . • 4 P. 3 Lance eter • •-- --.....-I 0 .Gulnolog 3 00 14y ret tlun• - ..... • • -•13 •Fredenokad'ors 97 t.O Granyil.'e• ...... ••• • • .50 :Teo Thaler, • • • .. 7ea Parm're .11'11 Canton•-•-•1:61 erten (emitters •.• . 3ye Urbana —• SO ILouisd'ors• • •• • 430 Key tacky. SAehango. Bk of Kentneky 1 ;Neer York Dm Bk.of Louisville " ',Phil litelph•l ....... Pas Norhern Bk. Ken lull • " 'Baltimore • Jam New York--ettv Banks. par. Interior IPks••-• 1 A lam knowledge of the French Lenguege to 4.5 Les sone—flendsnc, Wrinne, Fpeeemg, and ire perfect Prunus/elation as. Ccholarcut RODOI.FII PICITROWSKJ, lately from Em I'l. roe, offer. to ht. trend. and tne public to general hie i *emcee, by a near and the most approved method es( itudyme the French languaere. lb which he W1L171.411 the real tuner. and improvement to that difficult. bat beautiful and feehlonsble lancunpe. It t. impossible to learn it in 12 or 24 lessons, as some teachers pretend and promlee to do; a. h.!. barmen( had .pent fifteen )ears in France. and exerted all meant hi. power to become a perfect mantel of what he now proposes to impart Lo other. Sucaeription lot are open u, Gazette and Commer• tad paper otficee The courthanll be open on the let September One quarter, coriathung of 61 lesson. to a 610. . , . For private interview, Flotrowskt wall meet with pleasure soy person. in the Monongahela House augl74l2w• -• -- IIROPOSALS snit be received by the Street Com j missioner of the dd Mantel. until Saturday, the Stit i instivnt, at 5 o'clock, I' M , for gradtng and {tams Wylie street, from Flm street to Fulton street, and TIDLItaI street from W) tin street to Pennsylvania Ave nue. The grading and paving on Wylie street will lie Ltd (or separately, sod Tunnel street together. The work wrben completed. to be paid for in Bonds hearing interest at the rote of 0 per cent per mourn, and re deemable to 10 years. WM. S. 1110611 4 90:11, 66{71__ Sit District Commistuoners Fancy Furs, fresh from *nrope. rpm subscribers have now in store a very extensive t g„ awiortment or Furs fur ladies wear, which have been parchated in Europe by our of the firm, at very low prime during the monetary cruses succeeding the French Revolution'. . . This advantage, which they possess oveany other house in Inn trade/ will enable then, sell s very es. collent aruele marl below the market price. [Er Merchants told othem will advance Mint OWII Interests by examinant Mt. extensive assortment. rtol.lft. llROTtiftli24 Importers, Ell Ante Ihlallierryt between at and adsacral, logl•dtito Pbandelpins. Orrice or Tits Prersacson 6.. j August Ip, Ibid. 5 THE. Stockholders of the Pittsburgh Ciao Company, are hereby :muted that a meeting for the purpose of electing big Trustees for stud Company, onli be held at the office of the %Veil., between the hours of 2 and 6 o'clock, P. AL, on illourlay, the 4th of September, (Ste. JAMES Al. CHRISTY, Treasurer. . . . _ N. B.—Centhcatea of Stock will be waned to the per eons minded to receive them, any time oiler this date jangnst L9' , thin. aniclfi , tw J. M. C. IHAVE this day disposed of part of my Interest In the firm of Lor'mix. Steritrig & Cn. to my sons, lola. a , td Samuel F. Sterling. lILIVILY STEE.LING. Wins to the above atrangem4e day as., Voted with as us w,. t. ,ebn,,,,Lvebate 'bis a ROBERT B. STERLING, and SAMUEL. : _ STERLING. The bestae.M mill be eandeeteil a eeretnarre, ander the nand LORhh. Z, S NO a Co A t confl4. le. mar IS Miter' air DACON..--10 easa's Shoulder., landing from steamer LPMance, twd For e.' 4 . amp ROBERTsmr4 .44 pirPERT, 1W second w IMPORTS BY ICIVICEL. RATES OF DISCOUNT ..:estok tlk ... •• • . 2 I 'Hk. of QIATIC•10113.• • 2 C===f!l -- • I BY. of South Carolina • II Mariland 1 Ilaitma'c 8.0 H p iu I Comberl.4 flk_of Al:e- ~nFton Fik•--~~—~ •• Al lc hlg►n IMEZE=Un " Wts.c!rasy.,:rnrrl!.•y, NEM•I Baldness Men! COPARTNEIIIIiIIP BY MAGNEI'II', TEITURAVII. C rrrrr pond.... of :Pittablargh CI *. Correspondence of the Pataborgo G.cue Pgu-ADELPHIA, Aug. 25, 12 Y. . • • The Democratic County Convention has nomi noted as their candidate for U. S. Senator Mr Benner. Flour--Sales for city consumption at $6; holders refuse fur ordinary 85,50. Grain—Wheat, mien of Reds at 109 vents per busbel. Wlneliey —Sales at :4(4 . 325 eta per gallon, in hhde and WA,. Corr,cpundvace o( the l'a.burgh Gar.te Ncw Yu., Aug. 28, 4848. Flour --.Sales to o constderable extent at Sfi 50 to $.5 62 per barreL The foreign news has caused the holders to be firm at the above figures. Gram—No transactions la Wheat reported.— Corn—Sales to amount of 15000 bushels at 56 cts per bushel. Pork firm at former quotations. Corrupondenee of the Yhtehurgh Gazette Batt Luour, Aug. 28, 1518. Our market to day, shows reliable figures.— Sales of Flour at 45 I:7 for Howard street, and kir City Mills S 5 '25 is asked. Corn Sales et 4Se fur White, Ind 63 fur Yel low, per bu. Correspoodeucc of the Yotehurgh Gazette. CINCINNATI, Aug. 29, 1649. EFlour in active demand, and sales at $3 Wall S 5 per Whiskey—Sales at 163;101. an advance. Grocenes steady at former quotation,. Lard—Sales 300 barrels at 7 cis. per lb--m de. mend Wool—Dull. Cheese—Sales at 3106 cts. per lb. Oats-Sales at 22e. per bu. Wbeat—Firm at 70c. per bu. River falling. Tan Hustaro.—NVith every wi•i. to see the Irish cause succesafttl, me cannot but regret the attempts made by certain newapeper. to deceive the Irish in this country with stones of suceesen over the Brawn arms directly contrary to facts, and bearing co many marks of improbability upon their face that our only wonder is that they are able to deceive anybody. Yet we find many Irishmen lending credence to the wild and vague rumors thus Set afloat, and no two of which have any hind of agreement. Thus we are told in the Tribune letter, that a battle had taken place at Slievenamon, which is represented to be twenty miles from Cork, and in a letter to a Mr. Lavery, of this city, published as a confirmation of this story, and dated the '27th ult , not so late by two days aa the new. brought by the steamer previous to the Last, it is stated that there were 3,000 British and 2,000 Repeeders killed. at Dublin, quite a different part of the country. leach stories were cin-ulated before sidling of the Acadia, they venni/idly bad time 10 be confirmed by the time the Cartitirta lea, a week after. We are told, that on Tuesday, the 27th ultimo, Bnen and the other leaders gave orders for the railroads and bridge, to be broken up, yet to the Tribune letter, dated the 11 inst., it is stud that all the people corning in on the railroads were caution ed not to tell the news, proving that it such orders had been given they had not been strictly executed. but nu insulting to ibe common sense or the public to pursue this matter seriously, and we should not have referred to it again but that we know that many of the warm.heartrd natives of Ireland. who nicotinic would glory in i it since!. 01 theiri-chins trymen, and would not deserve their name it they did not, are building up hope, destined in a iew days to be cruelly diosp;ointed. What the object of oeceptiois can be in this mat ter we canna imagine, that it is deception and not ignorance we do not doubt. It is said Ronnie Tnbune used deception in its account c(tbe letter . Instead of being written in cypher. it is written in common English words, with sympatOctia ink, and [bereare strong suspicions entertoned by those who have examined it. that the writing in acid vvu an addition made in this country —PAIL, Cadge, 1111,!, t• 1 M N' aIMI/VW — Among ihr hundreds of letters Cal , ,Ocaa, and order* ren,v td by 'be propnaloil of la.. mathatac. Lar loilooong welatr.d oho. /la clilrlsrlrr nr. of u. vo• III• th.tata per of t44a a.l art drY ROods marrhanl• ate pp cot. fat , ae •ft.t o. me cheat.t lardsat a., glesrea Iso nvot 7u.1.17 - Messrs Kuld --\l'e I , an, , eneU • 0.: of I.sne s ‘.:lndLore • prer.... • 3our. selves So nano es Use serrunu, ~nuedu u ed ouicomost, Me demand I,varne se grunt fur st Mat our stock vvos soon elbows...l as p , .....ue=c1 roe best effect urnerever nn• Leen t.sesl in no• seen°, mid 111 very our people Wu are Jes, rotas of otnanong the menbelne hereafter uve-I from yourselves, SA II sells more rapidly men any o th er mediemc teen Plearin • mod us • gross ,moned.- aLei) D J a J S COLTUN.' ElM!iiiiiiiNlMl rh,ow Azutnc. eXPregyal VE !Mae rclUalcal wimp tar to apt, yellow lue•• ether., cxcite-a tittatuw—ute same taith otatea bold •uelt pttople , todt.cett iu try cax• tne lave JAINII, Ita“an chem. - at Pomp titer ta ottal ite enraptured talth tate ch moor The o tactl hut e a ...t -eat, clear. white Ott, Lt.e cart . , dialtxurecueut or eruption would Ise re:roved anti cutott . • krrtcri-Lx —Pera.J. wihu hove houpht e heap el.,ocrieu• pod mutation. of tin. hd horn Ftml ler t produced touet tr thlm the ortgoo., Mool. %.11 for June.' Soap For bale I.the y street uoarril Ca" Werra, 1,3 their Irritation. hutment the ...-er.- I.tou of [peens or corn., too the •totesteto.lll setorto, al so, they tn.sster themselves. and tt send they teed upon. it, IL d deprlvell el they H.. • The celebrates! .o . .Fs prepared by 0' A FAUN c..wr, Vittatoerosh. os admorubly sdepted to, los opreato.n. hrst.lnure the peutectottos mucus, and setoodlt sips; tar 'eerie..eudercd helptess u..ltender try he oog those denuded. r It ufeu. dy os tooth ro•ery co - lidence r•so p , .red, and oho. to tons answered the purpo-e Is msoooteo. note the IlUndleda at o,rlifiCate• (Oven It; 110 :Irv°, led, old tel.oer, read tale. and 1/r no .uuger bald ertnelter.eas sad ha, es, I .lr %1, Jack, au or .411.41.ert y hnoule7a. Pa, cerutlen on tar .1d14.1 February. 1,47. taut Alr Th. Jacaeon's brord. on Use top, leas entirely bald far 13 year', and that 1., eerne tern Is brut,. el J.., Coral !Isar 1/. rturatsva, tar law It arouruir, teal and true I *kid an Nayarit VIA, S , i 4 iN.Lr , llro.d rL a VAN toner of Broad and NAnweket et oner-A, JI;JUBE PANTE mod (,um Looenge, t. aim, No•o. Lemon and 4ouorsee, host P, 'al sod tor we =NM 11114. SPI-IER & MORO AN, mar Ae ronruhrd al their Dicein Penn *treat, ronser of frlvi,,'• a,,e) aagla-11:Rn• LOA i'-24 b. No I Rosin Soap. in store •.Itor W 11A1111A11.11 ICE—trUnartet Lee, rre d and 101 rah , Iry It. anal 14 k 4 .IJJro H & Co - - Ijou IRON—VM tons l'lrr Don Snarl,. and °that nit nacer, ru.tahir for laundry alut rolling rtnns. for malr by • mug, It 141111,1/N & Co 12 Psol.l SALTS —6 bbl. Fp.o Salta. )Eagle wort s) .1 ) :4 rust orcomod and lor sow by ur/ JOHN U MORUAN, Druggssi, wood .t B A , Fl y L i ri- , 41,1 bush Baxley, ss a. stw i s i s A ncl it r;it , r s i ll/ 14y Las extra prone Cheese, 104 do VV R do: Jost received and loy sale by ens! WICK & lICCANDLESS 12EA'rhatl&-4 sacks prone Fearbers, for sale by WICK & SCCANDLE&S " I White ()ROOMS-lOn dot Corn Brooms, ler sole by •og I %VICK & ACCANDLESo LARD Olt. --20 bbl. I aid Oil, prune order, In and I bbl., recalled and for sate by augl J KIDD & Co ( by. porno W It (Thecae, ism recta and for sale by etayA NV it:1( d QAI.ERAT I: S - Z.& cuk • Ohio Soteratua, for ye!, by ooug3 I, , EATHER6-4.A , 0 lb. Kentucky Feather., for .14I• J: by augA WICK a. 111T.AND1,E..., 4„„ , ,PICE:a-4.irtiond Allspice. Cinnamon, Cloves, Alo. turd, be in A sod 10 lb Cann, for aalc by sup WICK n APCANDLID3B 111111COLATE-0 Lis Chocolate. for hale by math WICK tk. ll'C AIN MESS MiMiaMl=Eil For sok , by . 1 5 ICI( k 3FCANDI . X.Sff lARU-14 kegs No I Leaf Lard, for sale by ,4 suKS With( k AMA:NI/LE:SS K ni n. A .t ! , Soff rs OIL-45 bbl. for .ale by DALZELL g_IIIIME RIO COFFEE-MO bag. handing and Mr ' ~. I. sole by iy2n 0 IILACKIJURN &Co ' -- II EMNA NTS OF CALICOES-A A Mason &Co, SO I~IA/UR-1M bob; hap Flour for sale by 1.12 blarket at, are closing out a lug. lot in remnants iy2s JOHN 8 DiLIVORTH 'in Co berms, at fully half the uoal price--good nut co. . . BLEACHED SI L;SLINs-A A Almon S. Co arc tam,l lore./ Pnnts at 64c. 00.7 , , „,,,,,,,,c to c .„. of ,o.ohod Al 1 „1„ 0, 001 „,,...„ g 13... c E AND ORANUE PRINTS, and blue Morn ~. ,„ ~....., pillow /Yin wholesale room of W R MU RPH 1 - . / IOFFEE--150 bags prime Rio. 1U E. - i;aguityrsc 10' —,-,-._.." 0 _ ''''' 4 ' h A '''_ A ' arh "' '''. 2 ' l ''''''', kj do old time Java, lot ul. ii> ' ',LEA ciik.ri Ai USIANS-A A - Mama & i n.tio Alin mist Jli IVII.LIA MS, lin wood at pilot at. have Poll opened 6, R0J0 ll•.o. onto". very heap bleached /Muslin. in c. Also, 4 more cue. of -- All ASO IX/ARDS-1M dot Rice's Patsiti Kum, of i the 44c do. Also, mother large lot of th e remnant. a T y Intl.llalLClVfeell price., toy sal. by b , Calico, al 646. mgt. ___ltogl JII WILLIASIB , M ORE CHEAP CALICOES-A A Mason &Co have 'I - IFIEAP CALICOE S-A A Aluon &Cu have reed k_,J another large lot of Calicoes, at 113 yant. Mr One /P. 4. received another lot of those very obtroP Coh°oe'l Lollar. A 1.., good yard wide brown Muslin. at Sin idtrrat4/1 Mr one dollar. 1 ) ,I 1 More Wrought Collars, IVf ant 4 AcoN-40,00u lb. 11P11.1, Bldell and Shouitlen, in B moan .0000 and 11101‘, ior snle by t, have AND OIMPS--A A Muer) & Co, 60 !doc ket at, he pan reed Cal do. of fine Mk and colld mug{ / 1 . A°lll'S°Ai & Co. i&.2 lib&. / ' "t 8 lk Fringes, of all widths. Also, Wrap* 0( every va- T)ORK IN 111.1.K-14,04X/ lbs Sides, IS,Outi do Hun.; rimy and color. nuirl7_ A 'CA.". S'll,ulaol'lli It Polo.ord. - 'orook by A A. MASON A Co. have tut rer'd 6 cues of mug/ _ ti RI- ASE-3LX/ lbs Grease, imitable ler machineo ly or. pure. Also. MO p. I.yoriew Moth, Alpine, l 3 for .ulc by nog. ' 11. ROBISON &Cu ' ac, ;which they will Whir at great oularentions to pun e haters.augl7 RIO COFFEE- Ibis bags green Rio Coffee, last eyed A - A. MASON & Co, have /oat received mother .04 for .. 1" by h ' 444 K R"l4(jr. " & C ''' ..Cl.• large amnia:Nu of MOM, cheap Bleached Alas- Q VGA R--ea lihd. N 0 Sugar, vo Lbw Loaf do. in limy et 114, it and 7 cent.. MI.O. 3 ewer of thou very lj more mud for sale by aug4 It ROdlst/S &Co *.penor Bleached Allwill2 at 8 F , .. .arm GO,_ROEND PEPPER-30 boa prime Oround Pepper, I j UST RECEIVED-WO p . Merrimack. llntrolion for aale by aug7 WICK tr. MICANDLESS ; U and Cocpeco Prints, of very desirable Myles. grinni4 A A MASON & Co AS-140 liall'abests fresh young Ilyson. Imperial,' -'' T or Gunpowder, and Powehong Taw: til catty. to do; ' T ACE_ _ CAPS-5 dos fancy Lace Cap., jut meld • Mr sale by magi WICK & SPOANLILMI4 • ..L. augl7 A A MASON &Co's TACCO-111 boo Mi., 16., 12., es, St and Is, lump 1 12LANNELS-Brown and Red Plarmels, on consign- Cavendish Tobacco, superior brandy for sale by I J: moot and for sale by. 'W7 WICK tr. AITAMAZ.IS 1 auglO - tiEO - COCHRAN, IS wood or A eAtINES TIES:11 SKINS-For ado by LI3I--40 btilspist mold and for sale by mord 13 'LUCK &Co i_l augl7 & CANDI.I 4 B _ WICK SP 1. 1 : 4 . :b , y: b b a l u . s: ''P kV VSZCl o 47W„ ' l ' ll t i ,t " T:o 1 ois /3 • Iti A r C s K a l la N ti " 114 " / "°'" JCTI14 1. 1MO i rrit i"g ' N A C"-67 P'4 7_ , 14 nm %tr ' 4o l. K i n 1 7 1` 1 1.7IA I Ts1DLE8.9 - 13-1) EA 2000 Itis Red head, (super.r.) nui reed f I A d *ale by magi _ J KIDD &Di 1 1 -sL""s' a _ A. MASON & Co, are now opening it cases 9-0, . SODA-dOtlb. nip Coon Sods. P.m reed and 1 I ( 1 7 t ,„ ;:l i a „B i t i for We by augl 4 juin) , co 1 J - 1. b-4 and 11.4 Inheetuigs, very desirable fur (.roily WM. MON DRY GOODS. LYNEPS CARPET EXPORVILM• FOURTH ST., BELOW WOOD . THE subsenber respectfully requests the attention of the owners and captains of boats, correns and strangers visiting Pittsburgh, to his large and splendid stock of carpeting. now for Laic at his new stores, 4th street. They mantel or every varte r y . of the latest and most fashionshie styles of Carpets, Oil Cloths. brought to the AVestern market. The store has been built expressly (or the carpet business, and has. (regard less of expense,) been fitted up in the most magnificent modern style. The carpets receiving are of the richest and moat bnlliant co They comprise, in pan of the Scpenor Tapestry, a new an —, noir: English and American Brus sels; Inipenal logram, new sha ding, 1 Superior Larrain; new de : ygn; Fine Ingroini Comn do Plain mo mid twilled Venn-ins; Extra super rued twilled do; Royal do; Sheep Pelt; Chenille, Altmann Polka; Jute. &c, Wilton • Tafied', Chatulle; 'Brussels. Common; 4 yard wide; I do do .11 do ' do 4 do dO 0 do d j Cotton, III : , rag and hemp eaipet, COl:union oil cloth, oil cloth I le covers, worsted and linen table coven, window sh•dea, colored and plain matting, stair rod, tnnimings, a reel tondiugs. •nd all other goods usua II i kept in ca el stores, all of whie h will Le sold nit a• reasonable I rots as any in the city. Having made ar rangements kh one of the largest manufacturers in the east. orders rimy style of carpet will be promptly for warded by telegraph. mid delivered in one week, at a mall advance oldie manufacturer's price. Purchasers are perticularly requested to call heron purchuung elsewhere, as we feel confident we ran v•Il as cheap as they can be purchased in the encent cites. _ marls E. AV LI All the latest design, with • lora folloorIng: I=EI 11=I=El 011 Cloths:: NEW BUILDILEH4CiOOD 8 FOY YU NU' YOU SOD lOLLUDIUIO.• AUCTIoN, wwE are now opening a fine stock of fresh St.lll3[l. Goods, direct from the New York and Philadel phia Auctions, where they have been purchased with bthe last two weeks. at • very great sacrifice, there y enabling us to oder far better barguns than we nave ever done before In ealhng the attention of the rumens of Pittsburgh and its vicinity to our assort ument, we do so with the confidence of our prices being such as will ensure perfect satisfaction. and to all buy ers, either by wholesale or retail, a line chance is Pow jilered for proeunug great bargains. Among those ust received are— fieryA lot sat fiery cheap roll and bib fled S strip d •• Light and dark Lawns; Gingham., of extra fine tilk hg'd and striped Bemire, which are • re- great bargain. A lot ot handsome Cote Pally*, for ladies dresses, du light colored and black Barege. very cheap, do new style silk Vesting do do very bandsman lineage Shawls, do very cheap blk do do do fine blk silk Mantilla Scarfs, do handsome Parasols and Parasoletts, do do Artiticinl Flowers, do very cheap Linen I.tretres, ALSO—A fine amel of eoper French Clothe and Car snmerea, wt.,, and colored Linen Drilling., Coahmer mt., Summer Cateln3ems, Drop d' late, Ar An A Torre at-orment of Print, of all ;once,: Tlchinga. Checks. Mottling. Ac.. to which. ..w ell •• other aro elm in our line, we Invite the oireetal attention of rook boyera ALFIXANDFR b. DAY, T rat 7.3 market N W cor of We dtarnund KNOW ALL. MEN THAT BENNETT t CO. 77 A VE removed from 11.12 Market street. no their new splendtd and Immerse estoblyhment to he known as the TOWER HALL CLOTHING BAZAAR. No. b It Market ' , Beet, between Fifth and Stith. Puttatta, Tbe proprietors feel • reluctance ut promulgating venal in any way might appear like the asuol Bombas tic exaggeration of somein the trade, but will Lee to Quo te the following notice from one of our city papers. 'line of the pinkest eunoatties toot our city affords to the stranger, Bennett k Co's great clothing store, No. XXXI Market atm... between Fifth and thrh, which ha. been styled - Tower Hall," from the pecultar finish of the Irma 'rhe but:ding I. all Immense one, contain ing seven capaelou. rooms, allot whirls are sta. krd Natal evert. variety of seasonable garment,. arranged in the most perfect order and regulantiy The proprie tors take great ptemsore in showing their building and contents io parueularly strangers. and to those mono; from the country—we know of no place more warihv of a visit. n1)26:3111 A. A. MASON & 00 MARKET RETWIini THIRDS. PC/URTII, E , l h N e enrct cof 10meg rhea seek pr. w their extensvre t. and laahtunahte assortment formtew Week, at greatly reduced pnces Amonxsi the, as sortment may be found excellent styles of flerexes. Tissues, Grenadines. Palmy nnines, Pod' .I`Cherr. Urea, Lan. and Olusluss. Or Or , a.l of 'ditch ere reduced or pore fully one third Tltetr smek of ethawl• is vet, extrusive, and con, lunvever) known style A WY, r.rlons et erupt. and lonaerl• ,ust rere/ved "rill be sold rltrrnt.-.1 .ow 4 ca4e4 !CAI Bca.“ - 14 IA • l• 1.1400. pnce %Scrota. good4:a.gush Col.coe4 Ito-. an, lean do ek• low e. 3 end •40 vreoughtCwiars ISt. Mu 114 de 1.411. e. 121 c. 014,41 A ;parr, 1.1•14. Nonce: H.' 143. Itr • :Mu; •torlr of dark veal: purr cud Peralw.stes. iniqt•ing upw4l,4. Of evro .t) , r aud qualit) ro offendv.!) ../Ve - Broad Cloth. , Ca.ameres and V c.eunp., Coo. .1 immix of summer otuda and encon•urs MiiniiME;E=l Nerchanta will always had at our who...wale rooms MN lama and demurs... ••.4011111,11 011,00 ii• .Lail, w.f... on rawern house, tad CO 3.. llnq et, price, from I. h.c no demi,on mode. ;.qt! FANCY DRYGOODS. • SEAMAN 46, MUIR Dro•Orray, N•or Y - ork, TNIII.ItTER-4 AND JOBBERS of Nilts. French pm. tr 4 Mu•ima. Harrges. Lace.. Embrn.drrle, Mr r, nos. Hrmery. Lawn, AND ALL OTHER VARIETIES or rAN, , , ter HrD~i. 'Puy invite esnantry Merchants. .2.1(.n, New York. to raanunethalr stork before making their pampas..)lr Muir was tor many years of the boon. of A T Wirwart & Co trorn wtneh he triad on the Ist of Jan irsub and Mr Janie. Dickson. twho has an interest In the b./sloes*, way u:ao favorably known an that rout.- Ittinitent insteary has of tins mamma. no, T . raw L istorellaa tne ludtug A mem. an mod Scotch rmeharn. cOllOll 11.101 strei Imam inngharn One rasa Paraso.a. tne , w.bna green nun Turk, •nd brown aaik of extra sites. A•.. WK. rave b•eached Dribs. site, Mangan nib -1,141, Wart and colored. wane Salm ,to Lama. and rarsous at) les of summer et reduced peters A , or of super Alauebestef good styles, latefy mcerved. CIO:AP Lu*csi:re.-A lot of braid and nets lohast wmtert shoves) ..111 off at from 37/.: io SI. at the corner of 418 and Martel BM. Vhoievale rooms on Yd story —mdratirs from 4th st„ . _ 111EAP lisiNNl:ll 4 .—Vi R Nltirptly is selling oil his remaining *toe& of ito•nets si (rosily reduced P cgs. Bonnsia ul la. Wlnters vile., from M renis to 51.00 CHEAP LAWNS—A lerge lot of Dress Lawns, re duced to 124 cross per yuet WHITE tit SODS FOP DRESSES—A supply lust re celecd, and offered very low . HARK GIN(.HAMS—Ruh dark styles of Hingham., to Le found at dry good* house of 1) 11 WP. ML'RPH "1 • II OI , F v e . I ., II I A . Dr ;. FLANNE.L.7: I - . W b ll m P w lu n rphy d litr , e d Horne-Mad Flanners "." : ilocne-Maile .' llLAN• &TN, a good •rucle. sod st a low pose. et ear th en. cc riser and Markets .is sug I 0f.K.41:1T0 I.:M1-1041 pieces 7-4 and plain DI white mid red and blue barred Netts, extra lone 10-4. I sod 12-4 beery Bolnueus. imported expressly fora superior •rocie of Mosquito Netts, for etty sairs4ust received PIIACKLEj* & WHITE, PSI wood at ; WHITE GOODS. FOR DRESSFS—W It Murphy has Just received an invoice of NVhite Dots. Goads for Indies such as French and Scotch Mull Nansooks Satin hard Jsconets, lc, very low. also. White Rootlet Ribbons at noribeut cot nee of lib and outersts. _ _ pras EAfrILASS FOR SKIRTH—A supply lately roves °, add. Also, corded 112111 alaroottloo likarta, alto Moaquito Netts, whoa and colored: onde Botonotta for tlo, at dry goods how. of W K MURPHY', IY3 northeast comer IN and market ;It Nl A s N l• C o l c i rste i r :R Gi G niTa U m N l A Or — ncov A' sM n d r" hri " od ' s f o r rn: pritterns, received yesterday at the D Hoods House of jed4 W R MURPHY at ULL AND NANSOOK MI SLANS—A general KS /TA. garment of Mull and Nansoolt Muslims for ladies dre•ses, just received •t No 75 motet street, northwest corner of the dammed. ALF.X.6NDER & DAY I).F.BAGES AND TISBLIES—A A Mayon & Co, 60 13^ Musket id, have further maimed in pnco their as• on/nein of arrears and Tamura; Moo, Wreath:lry Granite,. Molest, stripes, Poll de Cheve, n e. XTENY FALL DOOlkil--A A Mason & Co, 60 Market La street, Br. 1101 V opening. 20 C.C. oral package* or now Fall Disoils, corapnstng in pen new .1)4 , Ding• ham., French, English aad Aturriran Prig), Mull. Swiss and Book Muslin', Cullark Cape., _ 2.1410 teTANUIBiII COLLAFM—A A Mason & Co, 60 &Israel st. havr pal opened 40 dos rel the most faahlottable lay!. of Ladino standing Collars. !Si [va t Ila dos lifournint du; PO doa Wrought de, t) Y 1 LACE doa LA CAZ-- . e Slaso pc n.&l4ootay. tfl.l. y re t,,, c he 'd 7 l , ll . Aous, Wrought Copes, Helot Dlllll.ll, Ladles Bella, the kr. HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, Sk, ORPHANS' COURT SALE. fN . virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Ade gberty County. Pennsylvania. in No. 54, Jane Ttlon, leen. I will expose to sale, by public vendee or outcry, at the Court Howie, in the city of Pittsburgh, on October 2d. 184°, at 10 o'clock. A. AL, being the at Itlondoy of omobor, 1948, all that certain Lot or Piece of hrowid. %MIME Md. en] of hushargh, beginning on Penn Street at the distance of 52 feet westwardly from Martinrg street, ard naming along Peen street westwardly 29 feet, thence southwardly, a parallel im e with filarbury street, 110 feet to Brewery alley; thence alone said alley eartwardly 30 feet; and thence northwardly. a parallel line with Ma'tin'g street, 110 feet to the place of beginning.—with all the SltPurs" Dances. on which le erected three small Frame and one small Brick Dwelling Houses; the same being nth met too yearly ground rent of one hundred and eight dolrs, payable quarterly forever, to Anthony Drano, his heirs end lestgns. Trams or Sahs--One third cash on the delivery of the deed foe the premixes, and one third in one year, with third in inttwo eres fro the daterestv of sal from and the other one years. m with In the day of sale, to be secured by bond and m MARGARET 'e the late Margaret Thompson, Adminiettratrix of Wil liam Thomp.on. dee'd. augZl.4ll3 Cambria Flatmate tor Sala. THE undersigned will offer for We at public um / .011. ell Thursday, the fifth day of October nest, the followtng property neatened to them by the late firm of Vinton, Reese A Co, for the benefit of the creditors of raid brut, to wit:—The Furnace erected by said company. with the steam engine mad fixtures, and lint blast apparatus; the tools used about the furnace; the lot of land on which the Furnace Stands, containing about lateen acre• of land, and the interest of the sad firm in fitly nem% °flood bought of R. K. Du Rots. 'Foe sale twat be held on the prenoses, in the WWI, ship of Tal.tnadoe. Sutumn county, Ohio, and will com mence..., 10 o'clock, A. M. TAB.{ Or l , leta—lele-fourth cash, and the balene in four, e,ght end twelve mond.. w. s e. orris, w psolv. De•lroble Lots — sr I - Mates 1 . 111, b.eriber has laid out eleven Lots on the I SWIM side of the Fourth Street Road, and about two and one quarter miles from the Court House These it content each from one to two and a half sores of land, and will be sold on reasonable and se commodnung terms. It is deemed unnecessary to en ter into any explanation of the iblvantages of these lots. Their vicinity to this city, and to the line tithe Central Rail Rood. recommend them strongly as very desirable country residence.. The subscriber Wen oilers for stile about seven hun dred scren,of land in Franklin township, Allegheny county, aboitilmq,n miles from Pittsburgh. Also, nine butlding lotstne borough of Birmingham.augln.dint NEVILLE: B. CRAIG. V" -- 11Thafinr - IFfartrZWlty — Nygg - 00L - R - s THAT properly lately occupied by H. Nixon, F:sq., on Cnug street, near Robinson, Allegheny city, will be sold on acconnamdsting terms. The lot is XI feet 4 inches on Craig street, running through to the Canal It'on feet There to a good two story frame dwelling house on the premises, lately built, and the lot ts well improved. Coll4lllllllg n varlet) , of ehotee fruit tes, grape, shrubbery, tic. Thtsproperty is convein enred y .Ittited for person. doing bosom. in either Pin.- burgh or Allegheny, and is a desirable residence. Title nidtsputnltte For terms apply to Whl. BOYD, Attor ney at Law, other on Fourth street. above Smithfield_ ap4-dtf 283 Acre.. Crii7l. - rind - for Bale, SIT ro l ; : , k1;2;: „. 1) , O u tt rg 8 4 1e ,: 1 , 1 : :: , n , n i tt e ll: s abo n v v e er ih aJ e T j ut II Look, u the immediate tietghborhood of Messrs. Lyon ft Shorb, and Mr Johnlierron's purchase. Thisfine body o' Cool Will be sold at the low price of 4}:{3 per sere—one third in hand. balance in five equal annual payments, without interest. 'ride Indisputable. Locationvery good—Cannel he surpassed. For Ilirther paruculars enquire of :4. BAI,SLEY, who has a drait of astd pro perty Residence 2d be:ow Fey, M coalr. Adams' Row. N. It 'Mere IS another seam or rr on th. about till feet above the lower. of excellent quality tract, ,)21 , till S. R. -- - - Trac t of Land For Sale. FrtHE subscriber will sell on accommodating Mims, a valuabletract ui unimproved land, situate on the road lending from Ilrtahton to Franklin, about eighteen miles mom Pittsburgh, and about eight miles from the town or Freedom on the Ohio river. The tract con tains 41,2 acre. sod :tu perches, strict measure The land is of WI es cel:e ut quality, about VO acres cleared, aid wed water. tl. and will be sold either in whole or to fannyof couvement size, to sun purchasers. For lumber paruculars enquire of WM. IIOYD, Arty at LAM, other on 4th at. above Srtlithaeld, Putaborgh. mrendtsself T Real Ritate in ohio. ATFLACT of lond.llo acres, in Harmon, Portage Co, on the Cara/mm neer—about 3U acres order im provement. Also. two ummproved lots in the village of Warren, Trumbull Co, co feet by A/ Also, • lot of ground in the centre of Hartford, Trambull Co., ands • fine dwelling house and store--one of the beat stands fur a Merchnal on toe Weaterti liewrve. Any or all tins property ona rod on very accommodating terms. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, fehlO ater and Front VS. 121123:13 . • . jaTHAT commodious Lorick dwelling house and Lan, An, thr residence of Mrs. Jane Magee, on %%chine, street, ipear the bead al Seventh Street, 011,0 . bac s angina and cartinge house. outhouse., hake . varlet,' of shrubs and grape F'aa vines. wol thc I si of October.or soon er required Enquire en the premises. or on Wylie, near Washnigion street. or M 13 L.1..WR1.- aug.l.-.10 FARM FOR SALE. - A 5 t "; 4 1 L±:A i 1 te 1 , ;1: ,,, F t " : .;11 ‘, ?1 , . ,t 0 , nta , 7 1 2 ,1 2 , g 7 11 , 0 . 1 . c:c • Intr•• , otnd nt the Natton.l Rood. and Lt, r ~.11/1. 0/i• / the coun- A.,..: anout tnet) •r,•...nut For terms and other o. DILWORTH. 77 wood MEM FOR SALE. contam.., It hoot taro and :3 irtec. • Altrgarny shde of the li, 11,1 f I,marouer The ground completely •tor ked urtth ,tinct It frult trees. mitre and Inn rigmhs, and tar roMce I.checed to he Me and as wt. , : 0•II • : the most deurable now ut the market Fur apply to 61:1.) ItKrg (:nsette A[-11l tor the oemtcr Oat Let e.. .e dial!. alma Plesa4ste2tleelalsie, • to.:lt ' LlsAlor stock norms. AL.- a VI, let) of snared stuff, am, stemr,mst Ig clung I.ol•t ~dings. seam ag They are also pre- Nord to ..& • a.. 1 notitce. omit,* for any 11 CILAIIi es SON. Wir :4t.e. 4r . ..-tlll e •Avsigni Properly In Allegheny City for gale. 1 , 11141 , ., • rt% „ dc•a, a amber a choice• • ,Cond Ward fronting on the ..... to .4.) term, Ing.r.r.. Ally at Law. St Chit .t at JA, 141 *UN:A. \• d , the acta.". ral 17 et& v.... I • . Or:NT). NI PLATIN4; • rrnt o val fromAlla.gheny .nry. I oder toy rc.idene. L.rr< :or .ale. The prenu., •rr do .0;1,u order rvre7 v.,' worthy the as p.t•o, •ueh poper:y It /I FIXTER. 1.•• isa Moiver County. A LOT, ~,, L t.ou.r and 'vellonc agnate on the Cas vLl:nrre of Weer li ter, a d.-•.raL •.0v3....10t, .ur a merchant AIN". a Los Mi./ .00.1 in% for a Tavern n0., , ..11e. sateltne of 0..t0 rern • a. • 1,.11.111 DICKEY It Co. le>td Water and Front MS. - • - ilk.dweiling houses situated on 4tL street near canal I.r.dge to the city of I . ntaburgh. morn 75 by A. Ir.. with a convenient en rance un Sus st near stood- Also. a frame dwelitng, taro stories. w:11, acre of ground enclosed and under cisk,sation. s,tuate on Ohio lane. in the cal of Alleghe ny Inquire it J I) WILLIAMS, Jan' . III) wend street_ FOR Shia: OR RFAT, the Ptnsbursh Brew .,rry. wrtil all it. hs•orstg apparatus, sttuate on -I,t street and Barker's alley,and now occupied by Ora (V Small s Co Posseasion man on the first Jay of April rusts ne For terms, &r enqulre IIItOWIS tr. CULBERTSON, 147 ltherty St. Cl/AI. I ..A 1111 Or /v. coal land tor .a.e, •1111,s- Pes.l a.: Lae Nlononsahela River, st.v, stoo 7 t rest al coal winchl./.11 kr rlrllancl. tor goods. For panics. •r• sts , vr. todd .t tt' 11 A RBA Fl,ll MI wood st nWARP:IIM )11 sobacnber 0ch.,.. to, ~le the. throe 'tory brick Warebouge ort Wt,0.1 .trrrt prraplrd by II Tanner h. Co. It rrot• fLow e per year spr, WIC= Thr .ul , 4erliPer. will rent part of Me wan, boom- now Of.'elipird by them. Apply to ifiidd LEWIt4, IJALZELL, & Co., itml9 34 water strwet. Vor Sala. tglA• Fin• two story I•rtre boo, on main etreet, Afiegilen) et , . peer the upper bridge. The lot .tree: et in front y tOlt deep For term* tlitlialre of c1e1.511 A wAAiiparrov 4th or. • 1211=11 AA, Ihr,e f r. prw , i wurehonew, 'II feet front by deep o:, ot, neer wood Rent mod erate loqu,rt o, 1 , CllooS3tAliKil & Co., dela it wood Poe Rent. --_-- A Smoke Hour.. .nuatrd on Morn alley, for rehl I nqu,re of lII , BERT I)AI.ZF.LL & Co, deel9 E X(' HANG E BROKERS, &o, HUSSEY, FIANNA 41. CO., ANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers to Foretga and Domestic Etschaogs, Certificate. of Town, Bunt Notes, nod Specie. Fourth street, °ear ly °mottle the Ihmt of l'ambursh. Current money roof avec] m Arro.tte—Slght Mee'. for sale, and col term,. outdoon nenrl) a.I the pnnetpal points to the United Stolen The loghe.t prennana pnid (or Foreign and American Gold. Ademice• mode 00 con.iroueota of Produce, ship ped Kart co Iterrui temp roohl6 N. HOLMES i BONS, - DANK ENS a...: Ikulers to Flaahange, Coln and p 1.....1. No , . No SS, Market nucat, Pubargh. Kans..; Ran, Exchange. Baying lianas_ No.a. 1 oric, asr Ciacinnau, 9 dig 11.11a.n.phla. fdo Louisville. 9 do Ilanno, ido St. Loma, 1 do But mg P.. , ...... !lAN K. NOTE S . Haan* Rates. Oh, a ills Co. & Senn Orders, 2 dn. ladiann. "do Renal Note*, "do . . do nenn7.l_v2.nin , , Vv-wt.,, "do New York __ d "do do Whoo:ing, ido N. w. Orlood., "do Tenne.osve, 'I do Morylond, "do IrloAtt FOREIGN EXCRA.Iit Bon England, Ireland, and Scotland bought to anyamount at the Current Rates of Exchange. AI.. Drell. puyable in any part of Me Old Couotnes, from II to 1.1104, at the rate of to the .1 Sterling, without deduction or discount. by JOSHUA FLOWN OON. [arum. wirl leeneral Agent, office ath st ou octtßtf e dour weer of wood. /4111,11 II tau. ley.. CM/RT. RILL & CURRY, A N 1i1.31S and Fachange Brokers, Doalers in roe. ,ign and Domestic 'l‘nue and Sight Bills of Ex. cGunge, Certificates of Deposne, Hank Notes and Com; No 63 Wood whet, third door below Fourth, west morel tf •L 1.3.71 Ignwsko Mart KRAIIIRR & nAnist, PA:SIKER:3 AND EXCHANI,I3 BROKERS, dealers iu Forerkil mid Domestic Bill, of Exchange, Cer• ates in Deposne, Hank Note. and Cour, corner of :Id and Wood dtrecUY oPlw C. 1 ."" Ho ' maylAdly WEST/111Wli VITND S Ohm, Indiana, Keutucky, Minuet, Dank Notes; purchased an the lowael rates, by N. HOLMES k SONS, del° 33 Market street. BILLS OF It.SIDELANG4C- 7 Siat . Chrseks an — New York, rtuirolelpbta, mul B.ltaroorrs eak T i o s7 , lray for rale by 1101JklkZ & SONS. riOLLECTIORS—Drofok. Notes, and Accepttio payktoe in city part of are Union, collected 011 tie ay. IYVOThi.;,lerms N SOLki & SONS. 88 Musket irk HATS. CAPS AND BONNETS, =2l itTHE subscriber, in addluon 7 lo his. own iumufacturing of Hats, has made arrangelt meats with Messrs. Bebee & Co, Hite most fmhionabla hatters of the city of New Tork,l fora ma nia, ospplrof his extra fine Bilk Hits, and havios met received a few cams, reedit:nen eon be mited stub • very rich and beantifo that by cal li ng at his new Hat and Cap Store, Srolthield street, second door iota!! of Fourth, where may be foots a peat variety of Hats and Caps of his own mannfactore, wholesale and re .ll Hats made to order on short notice. , JAMES WILSON. 3PCORD & in 4 (ft-- to IWCorti & King) P•shicoaable H ,• Corner of WoOd and Fifth Streets. PARTICULAR attention paid to oot Retell Trade. Gentlemen ean rely 1251.2 getting their Hats and Caps from our establishment of the tar assamsto and twouxuennr, of the war limns, and at the Lownorr MICEL Country Merchant,, purchasing 'by wholesale. are respectfully United to call and examine our ttank; as we can say with confidence that as regards ,catrri and PRI., II not suffer in a companion wult any house in Philadelphia. febl7,, STRAW GOODS. . 10 DEALERS are invited to examine FL H. PALMER'S stock of Straw Gonda, of the " ;30 WE I V= . n d pan f , Ear Dan table do; American do do; un Pearl ao; barg do; Rutland do; Preach Lace; Fancy Gimp, Be. &a. HATS—Legborn, Palm Leaf, Panama, Fancy Straw, do Braid, Rutland &aid, Pedal do. Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, As. Straw Bon net Warehouse. 05 market st mane AnALPB.E.D. a ILEEVIL. CHEAFIZT Fashionable Hauer in .aba4la. Principal Store, 72 Fourth street. hlantuaeraring and Iscootoroodallon Store, Fol• Oar of Wood &tract and Virgin alley. Highest prices always paid for shipping Furs. uty&ly ISC ELLANEOUS. Conanlting Engineers & Conine/Hors for Patentees, - Office for promuing and defes s fi ng p g m e n, /repealing information bacchantes and the application of Sc. mace to the Arta, and on American and Foreign Lowi of Patents. PROF. WALTER IL JOHNSON, late of Philadel phia, and Z. C. ROBBINSof . Washington ,city, Ito he aided by Hazard Knowles, Esq., late Machanest of the United States Patent. Office,/ have associated themselves together for the prosecution of the above branches of profeasional bonne., either in their othec. at the Patent Office, or before the Cows; and will de vote their undivided attention to forwarding the Inter est of Inventors and others who may consult them or place business in their hands. Mr. Knowles hn. for the past twelve years held the post of Machtwn la the United States Patent Office, and resignethat situation to take pan to the present undertaking. His talents and peculiar fitness fee the important office so long fill ed by him, have been folly recognised by Inventors wherever the officeoself is known. The office of Messrs. I. tr. FL to on F street, oppostte the Patent Office, tiVastungton, D. C, where coottanne cations. post pai d, will be prompt!) attended to, roam mations made, dmeftngs, specification; and all req..- ne papers prepared—and models procured when dem red—on reasonable terms. Letters of enquiry, expect ed to be answered after eraMinallolts bud, must be ac compatued by a fee of five dollar.. In the duties of their office which pertains to the Po tent Law; blesses. J & FL will be assisted by a legal gentleman rim e highest professional char.ter, and fully conversan with Mechanics and other Scientific subteen. rirrn,ir. trml • IT W a great sausfaction to as to be able thus publicly to annoance, that the great demand for our supeno and splendid preparanons of oar "FAMILY MEDI CINES," far exceeds our most sanguine expectations, partieolarly oar Indian &pectorant and Compound Carminative datum, winch for beauty of appearance. superionty of ingredients, aad the compounding of theta, together with the immense disparity a the size °four bottles over any others—the beautiful and erns manna erwrranngs, and the taste displayed in the pot. wig of them up, is a further incitement to the purchas er. And so many of my old friends who knew me B. Gsuves Locoso.", when in the employment of Dr . D. Jayne, I now beg leave respectfully to inform them that I tun one of the brat bf LOUDEN & Co, NO. hi Arch street. below Third, PULI-ADZI-M, where I shed be happy to see Wear, who, aided by his brother, a regular graduate of the "Philadelphia College of Phar macy," make, pot up, and compound, with our own hands, every article eoetpnsing our "Family Medi- UTe e t ' Ol m sa e di. l Co .'' } end Tonic Ver e =fg ' c ' und , Wes Ca tTitriali Simeon, Pills, and Cinema' Hair Tunica. - • • We further hex leave to remark, (and We do it with a confidence that cannot be shaken,) that we have dis covered and made an improvement oa our Oriental Haw Tonic, that far exceeds any thk ever offered to the public. titre u• a coil at No $1 ARCH street Our teem, alone are an indncement, and we are sure of the result. augliffm THE STAR OF THE WEST a)1111111b VENITIAN BLIND ALANDFACTOD East aide of the Diamond, where Yeoman Blinds of all th e dutferent cues and eolor• one kept on hand or made to order aft,' r the latest and moat approved Eastern Gish. lona, at the shortest notice and on the mow reason& It terms. Also. the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Tranapn • reucy and Paper Canaan. o( all the dittetent sues tort patterns, on hand and for yule low for cash. Oid - u. Bland* painted over and repaired, or taken in part payment for new R 111 WENTEKNELT. l'ro'pr. N B —All work done with the teat trial workinanshtp, and warranted to pWase the ae moat Ca.,- udwas anglo,lly Allegheny city. Ace. 10. tJ Patent Soda Ash T - • • HF! subscribers have on hand. 21) cask. Sala Jae Muspratt th. Sou* fire, qualtty, betng the lin•• anec of their sprang etock, which they mill sell at et , ow, or 4fe currency Hnvtng made such large sate to the prtncipal glass and soap manufacturers of thi. city, they deem it unuceeilary to say any thing in favor of the bread. They eke this opyarainity to appose their custom • aad diallers grocroily, that they have ordered larffe• y own the same manufacturers to FSorlsotil—the firr hi psnent of which will y e time for the fail trail, ora rclqxt slam:Oleo torOughout rasots which they will sell at the lowest market pric • or cull or app toyed hulls. is.ot tV a at Mi - reirsturst.rats souoisrai ss Dr. Eoff .. Tonic and 41.1W.Dy•peptic PILLS. - - THE general properties of these Pills are Carotins ... rive, Purgative and Tome. hi the common &sol ders anstror from Imprudence in het such as sick ness and soreness en the stomach,rtburn. where a medicine is required, this combination 1. vary applicable; fur us estrounatthe and soothing e • feels give almost immediate mite( when nausea r sickness exist It. purgative operation Kan the stun ach and bowels is genet. and effectual, and its ton properties impart strength to the digestive organ., thereby enabling theselorgans to perform their prep• r funewins with order And regularity. The price has been reduced from 60 to 25 cis • boo. For sale wholesale and retail by B A FARNESTOCK & Co, corner front and wood, amt ath and wood .to Ac,,t• r 0 Plnaburch Valver•lty. THE: nest . ..L t of dant incsanatou will open t.a Monday, the 4d day of Team—For the common Emptsh branches, and a' Preparatory Latin 13ooks, 15,10 per annum. For higher branches, 540. , Mr. Darnel Holmes, of the Sixßi Ward thool. all lake charge . Preparatory Deparmnen Y. D.—Students entering the University, v charged (or the whole session according to the atm.,: rates. except in cases of protracted sickness or irk it a special arrangement is made with the Principal Arrangements have been made for instruction let re German and French Marmites, and in Architectural and Mechanical Drawing, for which moderate extra charges will be made. If. DYER, Principal earn-m.lld MARBLE WORKS ON WOOD ST. PITTSBURGH. 8.. WKLKINR, manu ONTINUMI to facture Alonaments, Burial CVaults, Tombs, Head Stones, Mantel Pieees, u p• ire and Pier Topa of foreign and doenesuo marble, a; a regular and fan pnee. N —Drawings for monuments, saints. &e. h ed. of :my desenpuon. He anisette a shoreof puit:to patronage aug4.4lt Architectural and qmiE undersigned proposes to commence, at ton opening ot the next session of the Col•ersay. course ot lectures On Technology, together with SI It chine Drawing and Civil kbagincering, provided a su ficient number of students can be obtained to histtly the attempt. The charge. will be $5 per gnawer igke following gentleman are referred um Dr. I.lpfold, — Dr. Dyer. Frof.Steplten• and Mr F H. Fuiton. - •• • . . FRF.DERICK OVERMAN. I\TEW ARTICLE. OF STEAM PACKING—Just e- eetved by express, 500 lb. India Rubber swum Pecking, for cylinders of susamboam, tn. This ant,w being mach the best kind that has ever been offered for the purpose, are eolith° anennon of our steamboat en gineers to it. It will save them a great amount of laber; for when a cylinder service parked it will not require to he packed again before making one or two tithe to Pb Louth and back. For Bale at the India Rubber De pot, No P Wood at. jyl3 J tr. H PHILLIP', fiILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer of Cotton and cultured Lutmt, Fringes for Dreamt, Sewthg end colored Cotton Frtnges for silk and gingham Parasols. (Amp, Mohair, and Silk Bullion Fringes, made to order on the shortest notice. Sena; corner of Malden Lane wd William, ennvinee No S 5 William street, thirsl door over Abner & 'ton., No KS Maiden Lan • S ork lym EI.ECTRIC ACIBNES, at from 85 toBtq Eleeil /- Megneuc filmdom., from Mffereat eastern mato.- faeturera Marine Cloelti for steam boat, canal broth, sod raelonac Also, Chemicals, Thermometers, fet• for sale by BLAKE k Co, -•, corner market st and the diamond N. B.—Eleetticity of either kind administered at the dorretion of oh •sielans. •17 GREENWOOD frAJRANDNG. 1711 , 111:RS TO THIS RETREAT can be furnished V with a Lunch at all hours of the day; also. Ice Creams, Fruit Confectionary, Ac. The steamer Green mod makes her regular trips as tuned, leaving her Ent street landing at to A. hi., and at half past each hour IV-r"P , Le) until 10e P. hl.--leaving the Garden at ill Y. AI. for her last top to the city. A moonlight vow of the Garden is indescribable in Its beauty. 15 AIITHCOS & NICHOLSON am now selling ollf at moderate prices the following articles: Platform Scales of all kind., weighing from lOU to 3000 pound. of superior workmanship. Assorted Hollow Warn, lightpatterns. Coal Cooking Stoats; Wood do do; Coal Eliptie and /dungen Stones, for churche. warehouses, to he. Orates and Orate Fronts, for parlor., chamber., kitchen.• he. Ploughs and Plough Castings of various lurid. ARTHURS & NICHOIHON, 19l7;dtdn Liben • • head of Wood et AVING weld our entire ock to C Gum, wilts a view to eloung our old bounce. we hereby 00 R for him the palronagt of all our friend, and eue. IZRVI121:=1 MM=MEI Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th Ir43' CeII. GRANT, Whoniaale Grocer, Concoduion amd Forwarding Merchant No. 41 Water et. .101 - - PAPER—manta extra large Stott+ P . apar. heavy "ad strong, far hardware, &e. Jia bundles Flat Cap, for confectioners; rasa: r1 , ...._ ,. .. 2 4 .4 7 004 Pap ti er, for sale by J SCHOON3IAKER & aura) THRF:E FINE URAL:UHT ROBSIIq. T hree fi ne prettell Hone. for solo, otate t,ta f or dming. Ac EnqOM of WALLINGFoRD aogtr etwal boofoOthony ;t NthicE wmu., II it. permanent situation a. Clerk or Salesman is . s ..mwishotent. liespeftehle references ran be AM:ltem to nugn J. S. bI`NRIAMIA. ALF SKINS-10 dos maims French Calf Skins, • or fine article. A Ors. dozens Pidladelphin os, from Ihs 111111 0fRell117 of El 714 Crawford; to 'tidal. the anemia& of ban makers Is Invited. Just reemved and for sale by W YOUNG& Co,. Jedr7 143 liberty to UPER AIORAIR LuBl'aa4, R Alarphy h4tad a foil moment of Alpaca and 4ilo - at the afferent quallties, inciadinie fne pieCei eery aapetiot . Also, 6lk and eel sewn hard bin do; *and suiped de, putelmed Iron. to,- panel", and coosaticently can Loa sold at lowest K.. Cie pnees, at north east corner of dot and Market eta. Rugg MEDICAL. TOLE ONLY PLEBEEDYI ART . 'S VaXiNTABLE MXTRACT is an Maul ble remedy for Fpilepue Fits or Failure etrin • Convulsions. Spasms, Z. It is well known. that fr time immemorial, pgynciana have pronounced 4.1 tie Fits Incurable has !raffled all their slag. and boasted power oh all urterhone. and consequently th sands have suffered through n nu.rable at last yielded up their Pvcs on rto es,at inso of li With all deference. however. to We opuons great and learned, m e sa o y that it has been cured. HART'S V HIE EXTRACF For stateen years. has been tested by many pen. who have suffered with tins dreadful dtaaaae, and every case where it Las had a tar trd, hen effected permanent core. Fits of 613 ) ears and 4 month., cured by the use a.. truly wonderful medicine. Read nee.U tlowing rernarkatite case of the son Wm. SenErn , of PMladel ptita afflicted with E leper E•ts yehrs and u months. After travel], throGvii Fa.stand. Smutland, Germany and France. er suit,mg the most erntnent phylum., and capesidtruit medicine. medical treatment .4 advice, three du rand dollars, returtn-d woh Ms son to tam coantry November lain onthoist rev etving any benefit what er, and w. cured by mhos HART - Et vEoor ABLE EXTRACT. Mr. William Samore's Letter to Drs. leans and Il• I have spent over three thousand dollar. for MCI nine and medical allendinee I mu. advised to Mks tour to Europe with hint, el oh I did I brat suit England. I eonselred the most euunent physuin there us respect m hi. ease. they cannoned hit prescribed Necorilitutly. I remained three moot without perceiving ally change for the better, whi cost me about two hundred end fifty dollars pocket by the physicians, and the most that I received w their Oration that my soil's Case was hopeless and tai lively I accordingly loft England, and to cried through : ( colloid.6-ennany and France, and turned home In the muslin or November 1.1, with r son as far from tieing cured a. when I lett ryo advert.sement in one of the New York er aPa concluded to try llan's Vegetable Extract, spring yo statements and certlficater of no many cures, some twenty and thirty years' standing, end I cum assure y n lam ot sorry I did so.. by the uof Hart's { - eget file Extract wear, be was remored se to perfect heal His mason, which was so far gone us to unfit him I buss. uentire! y restOred, with the prospect no befor sme e him, of life, health and usefulness. He is no years of age, and 77 year. und 6 months of th Awe has been afflieted wtilt this most dreadful of dl eases;.bat thank marl he is emoitng good health. Now, gentlemen, taint +m now ann. weeks I don't belic in. To say that l chs,l be once grateful no you uof thing, and as I here enclose you one hundred dollars, have no doubt but that you will dunk is hnol/11 and quite a different thing. The debt of gratitude sell awe you, but please to accept the present 11111011 as Interest on the debt in advance. Yours very respectfully WILLIA-M. SIiCORE TO THE AFFLICTED. - One of the proprietors of this mvalushie medical was Minted for mverul an with blptlepue Pm The disease had produced the worst effect upon h system, ct viva Loss of memory. Imbecility of ium4hild pe prostration of the nervous system, Ike ha teed the skill of the hest phylum.o for serest yean and grew worse under their treatment, and be kites that this medicine was 1111 only' hope for health tan life, anti was therefore determined to gsve it a fair trot and 10 persoVere in its user whioll he did, and the rese rest n perfect restoration to health. which was rent red unintornipted for nearly .1.21Ce1l year, We would refer to the tottorgum persons who has been cored by using Iltun's Vegetable Eximieu Col E DenolowN dnnstarr was afflicted ten yean resides at Yonkers, New Vert. W Rennet. nine yeah. 1;1 Grand et. J Ellsworth, scene years, Is Dover •t. Joseph ltl'Dougal, nine years, Fist Brooklyn, L. II V, Smith, New York Custom Hon., B Kelly twent y years, Staten Island.' Miss h. ' Nl'Keef. twenty years. Vorkville, Mir. E C.rnne. twelve years. lux flummersly G Wm If Puraell, rwenti-threc years. 7:lNorfoiff,n, Jacob Petty, four years, 174 Deiancy It. Philo Johnson, twenty-eight years, Greemistrita, i' Judge Randall, 64 East Broadway, New Turk, Thomas R Jones. of itir I: 11 Nary Cant Wm Jennings. ntate at. Undgeport, Reference 11,0 made m Dr W L hionroc,ito.tiortt, Rea litchard 'Nigro.. West ihtsenpost i Y Rev T L EinahAr!(,,Baturtort. 'l :Br Joseph Brad:ea:llh tire hart . , 79 Y. C H Doughnut, 21t. Etritteenth ' Mrs James Brrtho'f, Chcau, O -, ., John Fiber. 17 , LUrst.ent st do D A Richton. 21r Delsitry st, Juices Small, VIC c'ufnik de Charles Brown. Intl Water ity All of which ors 7 la called upon, c- addressed, p • paid Brettaro4 Sv Pr t 4 lieu , Bats Ivan. Os Ha riew York G F THOhIAS A. Co. 146 Mn.n st, betweer. 9th su, end tub Mato ct, between nth an.l sth tare, Ohlo, wholesale and retail agents for eolith and we, L WILCOX, . corner of Markel .1 and the DI mond, only at' inraMdately . SATIIMA. OR DIFFILLLI . Tins dastrate a canard by a paroxysmal ronstru, don of the air cells .114 eery th . tantatute. alenott •-•u that suffer/m.on DR. SWEETSER'S Y.I.NACEa t . at n rare 'fl arola r eta. ran bc ennreiy cured by free use of I iv/center's Panacea Catarrh, or common cold. whlcM. neglecm.l, tdrmanne Con....ummn•d cifectually reilovcd cured by Dr..9wceurr's Yonacma. --- • • . Brunch., if unchecked. wall effectually lead t Brnorniar Con.untpuon . bet a time). use of t , sveet 4:r. Panacea , A. 1.1 rtfor or Inflammation el . the Ton.ils or Sore Throat —Th. onen lead%to .ernow. contequenreb r'roni ket. 'orb a. Wire: on or the IP 'or the firt•ymp tom., Dr Svrreci,•rki Panacea thould be procureu am orod freely. nn I Cnld• find e severnem remedy in 1) Sweeter's Pun QC,II, Puromonta Noth,—A very fats. downs, ~, t oti from a violent cough and cold n detolitated or sett down eon•Utunoll. aged per, are .tr..'ert to tt Dr. Sweeter'. Panacea should he usrst ott the ft symptom, which are a roach or cold. Ntrlsl Sweats —Thu debilitating cortiolanst will m witl;4 Linely check, by using Dr. Sseccumr, Panace oren - olapoon.—lf on the first appearance of constant •Tropforni, avian are a on.. in the twalivren cough or dorms of bloral. le Dr . Sweetly', Itatiueya freely tour,f. nodanger moil tie a0rreh,,,,i,54 when' .e Lung, the Wndrapr. or ltroncluei fah. become clogged up oath litticcni 550 an to Lutne.le re•; ration or Ilreallung. DT. . s 11w A • powerful Lipcclornat. tnkt accorumn the direct... Induenrh—Thta distressing epuielnic, eo prry,,eut oar clamor., is apeeduy eared by Dr. ,Weelse r r Pun nett_ I F ' o " r c ae 'aTl , , 50,000 F.F. - asoNs, - a , AVE u,rd Ta)lor'. I; I..venvon..t. hr cured of ...ea, e. nod have prove fatal. hut tor We ust to , Oho , ertra--• 4,ary IN , ,tkal have boon cured of rt, loupt.on varlou forma. 111.1100 have been cured of I,•pcon, Cousumptto, and Lover Complana. 7.101 have ten ru,d of We A.thma Lova, have tines Cured of a r.. pro%iralJon Nervous tl.tein M;lM==ll 2...40 have !,yea of Lis, roinkla•nt and Couch 52.54 a/ eared of SCOIU OM ~,,, [PIPPO,. ULM, more have I,y, eured of cough, colds. pain in t e vide yriii ,hc.i. kO.DI sweat, want of :tope,. se of voiyy nooptee cumin .n•htlite, and nsaft oth .r compininiet n. hien ' nap on thriye dangerous thecae • `nthc en often prove tatal Tee.o r I N. Y - ort is IltY °WY ion me cur. ine rompla,me nerve; asMien! ' , old, usedo couch and raise , let putrid matter. and hita:ly m•uld i2O. ter, over 1,1 keit ir H. rt id ever) es noin of ronytimption om lice physician., Dry mmi Verru e An derson. said he was incurable. yet strange as it ani appear thin medicine fully restored his health. CiAI.I.ON, 14 Norfolk •: Peon 1 Minim or CONGREM— .. Having respect to the meilteal profession. I determined to consult hosts in preference to using what are called •Patent Med.- eines ' Hut for several moult. I have been troutied, with Asthma, which balfled•the remedies of my OR) u• man. Your me s olteine I have always be-bevel! ve., benefietal iu melt rases. Minh, the skill of my mee k-al RdVIROOR at fault — utiltykriowit to aey one. I procu red alu your Nam of Liverwort. which I deemed a very valuable rye ed y—es it lam had a most wonderial rt feet upon me. completely uproofinc my yemplaint, and whenever toe to pe sect health. Yon may ruler to my deed:. Sold In Pittelierrh hy I it Nlerattn. 91 Wood at. .1 Townsend, 95 klarkm et, II Smt ner, en, 1l arket 3d an, Henderson k Co. 5 Litierty et. Price reduce.. to 81.20 per bottle MEDICAL dr; . No. Ott, DIAMOND ALLEY, a few doors below Wend street, to - market. DR. BROWN, hcv nq bee .:•• I S; . remi:orly cducuted the medley .t. • 7. r° - tret tor score vol- In gent ral procner lONV eort.Sne his attentionto Me treatment o those prtvote tool deltenit corn plotote for whir), h °rpm:moue and exrtence pecutoat) qualify . sae s Inm L pent.* usattluously devoted totals y • treatment of those coloplotots Worm, who , tame he has had more proem, and nes cured more pa tients Nan ran ever fall to !he 101 01 one porno. prae It tattooer) amply qualthe• to to °tic r u.stoonces tweedy. permonent, One ....t.toctory oure to all ;We with delicate diastases. not) discos, 4,10; there from. Dr. Brown would Inform those Mlbeted Ott private diseases which have become chrotta by on, d r ter grevated by the use of any of the common nostrums c Che day, that their complattits can be radically and thew. oughly cured, he haw.; given his careful attention in the treatment of such cases, and succeeded to Landretha of instances in cumin persons of inflantountot of 'he neck of the bladder: mid kindred dxseast, wit,rtt otter: result from those .11%,1 where others haw re.tyng oral them to hopeless despair. Ile purtteular:y itty:te• .ocr, as have been long andunsuccessfully trentrd y otners to consult him, when every tame/action an; ,ven them, Led their eases teemed viareful. thoroun. , veld intelligent matio.r. pointed ant b y n kmv earwi te l iv , study, and invesugvaton, which it I. trnetwvila e for those e o talcaAteLl 4 l: l. le ‘m rie s. rt , l practice of 121,11 , :111, to gave any Hernia or Rupture.—Dr Crown alto Invites p-r. siteafflicted with Hernia to call. at he has paid site attention to this divert,. gk„., di A msses; alsoA s. Palsy, me., speedily cored ci gv_ s T, r 2;,, k ;,ll . n r ,t!‘ sox living eta li , snec,,l,) among their disease in venting, ',giving nil the symp; Wall, can °Kam medicines WWI thrcet,o, i . aimreavnß T D., post piun, mid encle. in CC 6T, Diamond alley, eppos:te the *re-:, House. Iturra..T.ll —Dr. i110W11 . 4. dy for Itheutuntasm la a spectly and et num rernctly to , that putniul trouble. It never latla. Office and Private Consulting Room.. No. RS lt,e. mend eller, Pittsburgh, Pa_ Th< Doctor is u way, w bottle. ID- No core no pay. /welt/ B. A. Fahnestock Co's heabefnelent IN high favor as an external application tic codamr.- bury camuo.. and at the a.m... ttate +manna. a won as emollient. A Fahneatock a Co. Itubeca mint has been very beneficial In cases of Chrot.• Mean:tam., Glandular k.ellinga, Sore Throat, Bau, es, Sprains., &e. /cc. The following c.a.. is Iron a gentleman well known lit U. city: some ume atm accidentally tell froms.redo!and severely spreiued both my anoars. Th a ey—untne diately swelled so that my hoots hed to be ripped, order to have them drawn oid—the authoring they c.c. 64.011,1rtit totan.e. In this sittieumi I procured a bo: tle of II A Fattnegtock & Rul•efactont. and cute one or two applicabonn I exp.crteisenot touch rrhaf. ulrd about one bottle anda tall. arid mu • YOUI (R • days the swelling entirely •übsttled. aid I N.'n, ennwG reiteved front any other pu an n. d erpertenec 11.011VC11:011CC from We la.t In all ease. of awelabc. Itrupea. rbenotaUstn. rte.. I would rtt.t cheer ally tn. commend the Rubefiteient July 17,1,40 GEORGE: ICAC.SEITT." For sale wholesale and retail by A YAICVESTOCK /r.- Co, corner of Wood and tiza, and _Wood and Sia GEO. W. SMITH - Co .. INFORM the. (needs and the panne dad they nu • no longer any connoeunn wall thev late re.tat , ..h merit in Penn sone!, known Iv , the Pl. - buret Mowery having Welt Oe entire Ithwuene 10 the POINT 1311EWF.RY, m Put y Petite E:C!==M rr III: highest Prim in wash pa.ld (or Foot a Ita.a. r.a a j also, vulvas', bole rope.; glaa.. r0pa....,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7: n i z i l c arc., ey ~ I NV al !A la‘Vii.!.4", Wayne 01, beL peon e. leauty . • ;.3 - 1 " • 4,