• - ro TIM PROMSORS A ri lfEdismis OP THE SOCIETIES, aim foc-orm. 'vs s • INTESUNPFEDSTSTM"Thembs criberltspeet, fnyatiaDagatMlWDenditardo;Dr G F. ritati, exptssal . — intetideid' for the preserrialn of the health of htith Its , .—adtetherit laisea!f,rom Inent Pl:Alois, or ea ly comumplion, Debility or the Lungs, ,IltottcharAffeetions. Asthma, Pleurisy, Deranged and 'trultinleted mate of the Liver, p 145... er DD. :eased Sirie, Cholle I)lspepria,"Palpitat i on of the Veen, L o s.o ofidtiscitl ' ir.irrliaMOos Power, &c. tee. DR. C. a,lsertanTrs ovARDIAN come. to the iminedraterelief ofremaiesiotrering from Immo.* other gt o t ,,, oteultres and diseases tacit dental to - Vontam by Oecasioned by cold, wet feet, or anyalmilarinjutllelom eXpostire, and all' MIS without thatei of medicine; as the most delicate and a , any momcnt apply it to herself Prilluaistihe possibility or Inca rrum any risk or danger, or any tropleasentresalta etialpg from it, and . ..jai the certainty O (O6TM-tuna Immediate relief. Guam:inn is no catch-penny, or one of themagy d o firms of the day: . but it is in monument inietty scientific punciptes in accordance with I n e i w s or Electricity and Galv ! anirret; and for i a aLdambility and etheacy, infinitely surpasses everYthingot,the Wad ever before offered to the public for the relief ottillease, and, in the language of one of the most enlightened men of the drry, is pronounced to .the.gretuest discovery of-the age. , A permit ibf no lawi than four year! has beta occupied by Dr. Barrettin bap the Gauntan to its present state of perfection bring which time It has been in the heads. of some at die most etnineat physicians of the North and Smith, as well as inthe dwelllims of on. nitrous fatuities, who have used it for ail of the above putyllbaes, with the MOM perfect success, and who have cheerfully given their unqualified approbation of ite efficacy and value, .se can be seen by referring to the Ilanaal of InstructiOtO accompanying It. Dr.C. D. Bantu's Guardian is secured from innora tionaby apatent from the United States Patent Other, and be had either %nth or without his 3lediers-Electro Golvanoineter. The Medico-ocm° Galvanometer, in point of beau ty, weirlemanship, darabilitli nod power, eannot he our miseedar even ciptalled: and the sabscriber feels that hehasirda nothing In the assertion that it will be found to possias more power and eSeacy in the treatment and removal of diseases, by GelVanlom and Electrici .ty Proth . than any o th er ins&tunrid, either in th e United sior Pltrlpa. The Medico-04.mm Galvanometer overs...Ma in every respect, and with common ordi nary care will bagi a life-nine, and is by for the cheap; because Me best,: itlAtitlMClll ever offered to the rat, becaus e ma. acchumonies them, giving the most anZnistructiinis e ofpramical experience, r that it y Intelligible to the mind of every one, wilily It,e in ay of arringcment :it such that a child may with it. Any laform-dion gratuitously given, mid all comma -11{.111011.11 criaLny answered per mail, either in rela tion to Me ectro•Galvanottiemr or Guardian. , Medical area are Invited to call and examine Dr Mir ma's Guardian, and testis efficacy. Por sale by IL RICILLEDSON. sole Agent, 71 Mar ket st„ Piusburgh... apMnitf • - OV= B, O 0 PERSONS in Philadelphia alone, can testify to the wonderful efficacy of that powerftil iemedY. TiIOAIPSON'SCOUPO OOD N OND SYRUP OF TAR AND WAPffui. Id POla:weary Consomption, Chnmle Bronchitis and Bon Throat, Asihrint, Chronic Catarrh, Sliming of Blood, Pain in the Side and Breast, Difficulty of Bremiting;NNltooping Cough, Croup, Weak Nerves and Nervous Tremors. Pa Intuition in the Mean; Liver Complaint and Affection of the Kidney.. This medietne, the, nvention of a man who gave the the rablect of Pulmonary . tronetual and Pectoral disc the the mog rig's! eammoution, has now been before the Oldie some our Testes. During this period it has per formed some ante most remarkable cures on record of RAM:nary Consumption--secured the recommenda tion and use of phys,cians in their practice, mud the wannest epprovul of thousands or persons in ordinary and revere Colds, Coogns, in Hoarseness, Spitting ot Blood, An. ASTONISHING CUR.'S, About four yearn since I wits attacked with Typhus Fever, which left toe in atalseirible state of health. in extreme debility with u in prostration of the sys tern, with violent pains la the bremt and tom of appe tite, inconsequence of which I was unable to attend to raT meal business, or perform any kind of work. l applied to several ph yrtisane and used various reme dies, but without any tinned; and had despaired of ever obtaining a recorery of my former health. Bat some UMO last Jule. I wa.s advised to try ThOLTMOIV. Com pound Syrup of Tar and Wood Plapthet, and incredible it may appear, by the•tires I had taken three Donley the debility, pain and' every sense of troffenng , were nompletely to I was able to uttell septi re stored health to MT 11Mal INIMMIOrM MARTINO Of Dickinson township, Cumberland en. Read the following testimony from a respectable member of the Sot•ieu of Priehdr, in Poughkeepsie, N. York. • VAItU ABLETESTONY “This may certify that in On LM qtring f ;S4O, my health - was very feehlr, I woo Wale./ with pain in the side. with other alarming symptoms, and suffered mach from veer-debility. At thet time I purchased from Mosel, Deny two bottles of Thomson's Compound Sy roof 'Parotid Wood Naptha, from which I expenen eed great benefit. ray health being now good . , end I cheerfully meormnend the article to all permus who may be =feting with general debility, smth aymp•omot of • decline. A.1LA11231 WILTSIE. Poughkeepeie, March Prepared only by A. a. plciscol, at the N. F. corner ofFifth and Spruce streets, Phila. Sold by 1.. WILCOK. Pitutiorgit; and by druggists generally. Price a. cents, or One. Ikatt-r per bottle. rey9 SALTER'S GINSENG PANACEA! rpo E T SUFFERING WITH DISEAI3F.D LUNGS—he anpmeedented success which h. nended the use of toe GINSENG _PANACEA all the Park)as forms which Irritation of the lunge a.- Mita., has (minced thel,proprictor again to tall anon- CLOD to this - • WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The elating - able weather which marks one fall and wooer months, is always a fruitful source of COLDS AND COUGHS. Thew., -If neglected, art but the pretursors of that fell destroyet, COSUMPTION. The questlot, then. hoer shall we nip the destroyer in the hod? larfw shall we get -clear of our coughs and aide! is of vital importance to the public. THE GREAT AND OIkLY REMEDY will be found in the Ginseng Panacea., In prorif of this we have from tome to time published the certificates of dittos of our beat (mown citizen's, who have experi nced its curative poers. These, with n mass of in muouy from alt parts o w rthe tounu7.—thorn MLPICAL MEN OF THE FIRST ST.-kNDING, Ministers of the Gospel, ke.. together with copious on. bees from tho JOURNALS OF THE DA.I. we have embodied in pamphlet form, nod may be bad gratis of any of our ageots thttaLkah.l l the country. HUNDREDS OF BOTTLES have been need in this err. THOUSANDS AND rUNS OF THOUSANM , throughout the United States and Cannel dwe chat lenge any man to point out a SINGLE INSTANCE which, when taken actordont to directions. and he. fore the longs had become fatally dtscegumred. it h as ever failed to fIEFFECT A PERFECT CURE. Why, then need the aglicted hesitate! it by r. Ind's-id the ...rable nostronts, gotten op by ne • 0 v eals a ler the. assumed name of some d phy sician, and puffed tom notoriety by certificate r per. sons equally =knower Whilst a medicine 01 UNPARALLELED EFFICACY into be hod, whom vouchers are at bonie r -our neigh bon, -many of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE OR AVE In mdar that this invaluable medicine may be we within the reach of the poor na well the rich, we have Fat the vie. • ONLY PIETY CENTS, Just one , half the serial non of cough medicines- it ts for sale by our agents in nearly every town and village e ves. the west. who are prepared to gore frill informa tion relative to it. • T. SALTER, Proprietor. Drcadvray, Cincinnati, Ohio. MERCHANT OF THIS CITY, mho had been ar- A doted unlit the asthma for four years, had taken almost everything_ phy•ielmix coast ctily atten ded lien. and he had expended over two thousand dol lar. He never believed ni ndverused medirine, Lon considered them all hi:mirage At law be tried Ur • - Taylor's Balmer of Licerwon, from= Beckman Meet. New York. and in six wears van entirely cured, bay mg taken only three twine. Thin is only one of many eases where Imaginary objections to a paieni medicine have preowned persons from using ibis medicine, who have expended hundreds of dollars to their physieians in stint--and in the end owe their recovery to the infal lible efficacy of this purely vegetable preparation_ Thera is no mistake- that this medicine in superior to soy remedy prescribed by medical advisers. This medicine has taken tat years to mature, and is the rest remedy remedy for diseases ever introduced to the riablic. ganwarni Nate, COI7OII, aim Sneer:eras or Bazars Cument—leitafering for a long time with these complains , I bad given op all-tope of being mired I had etnntiltl ai the botanic and hoincenathie &aura in vain. '1 had used many oracles advertised, but found no relief la demair I had given up the use of nil medicine. Hear. ing of the mast virtues of Dr.Taylor'S Balsam ofLivert - _ won, nand the great tufts it had performal,indUced me ro Inc it, and to my great any and asternislunerd, - .3 was barer daily- 1 consumed is use, also Ids Sum.: Coated Pill.uatil lam entirely cured. Dr.Taylotte Balsanaof liverwort is the best medicine in the world. (or dame crompltams, and will care everyone afflicted: • BETH LAWRENCE, •.•• Captain of the Nancy, of New York.; Asmara Consue-I hove auffered from the Asthma a vary long time, and have used every medicine I could obtain for its core in vsin, mtil tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. This medicine keen/larded me meet manifest benefit-and is, in my opinion, a cure for thin disixeselint disease; ranee .specially, as 'Suns of many eases among my friend , where it hos Leen Wei ly mecessfid. POT.Lin interested are invited to call at my residence for farther MOH.lnform ationM OH.B. RUTON, did Leurens Bold in Phiaburgh by .1 D Morgan t. 9 Wood oh 1 Tameateral, Aa Marken all itsayser, cot hlatket and ad ampHenderaon re Co, 51..dierty at Price reduced to 111,5Pper bottle. • duct IIifORCIADPS.COUGLI SYRUP—It proved to be UK mai Panacea la curios my child's tbsuessing cough. Praia the Tempemnee Banner, NOV 3 1C , 47.• Cosa n. am not in the baba of puffing, mach leas taking patent medicines, but we feel thsposed to reccortmead Montana Syrup 111 those who are ethic, ed with a conk After having tried the usual reme dies to remove a constant and distressing cough, • that d p i aettetal days tifilieted one of our children, watt. Cot auceeasoire were induced to try blorgan's cough syrup, and by it relief was obtained to a few hours. It proved so be the panacea in this case at least. Prepared wholesale and retail by the proprietor, JOHN U MORGAN, Draggist, feh7 wood at, l door below diamond alley. A STRONG DVIDENCY, that Dr JA YNE , ti EX PECTORA NTT is soper.or to all other pouches for blACetusuopticok, Aroarhitis,Autuu aodother Fkleno mry auetme e is du the memo venom. erho comeneaeol the se of n to their Aunties hen years mg. dill prd'a nto Ot other uusedies of thaleind; hod vhcre say boo. heath:Awed to try other preyorehooe they hum eared elreariably Atom:lied reeceing the Wendt ethiett nu 'numbly auttetiarsellues the high padres bertoweel by the proynetoru awl tau returned to Ole xoe of Jars. , Errscror a. • remedy &Atha never 9ile4 to them. aretwit . teh palably . uner hut Its eqAft in limiting pulgoatury Queues ft. - MSS SOT bf Philaeiphin, dad wad.. ig=tutf ALEX. JAN NID3 f-onnhnn 'WRVS a*la TONlC.—After stein this article trial, We arateeitatiolly yeenizirote it to be whet profiree c.--tha bit reticle, vnthoal any exception, Ivlne, forth@ letedoratitlb anti preeemition of the brawn hair. K e know a =WV= inetisteee 'where heir has been restored to heads wheat kin beta bild tor year.; 10we think we morel do Ekyor liireetintznerid lb ell our readers who at =bob hair, to make • trial of thi•Toale immediately ddeo AUL Par asl. izilittalvare at the lieskbt Tee I= i llii,72 FOrteth etreeb:eilrar Wood • "" ikA9ROADPS WORM KILLER ix fur dor w all illYolhettatitedtel for Worm. • , .. • Sone 14th, 164 a. Thu; may ' crufy ihat I gore to two of ;or pund, n , .three and art yarn ald, two teaspoonful. of Morgan'. Worm Pp:4pproach,* 41teca. The 1 - ocuagertpswed Milarge .Irturoaubtterawilieri Cad: rot harssoessured kasthart retreuntehes. The eldea putted so largo barber that we ecrold sprite& to repot-them. hove used all the poiadWitemedits ..'ore the pablle for www, tertian say With palest immatace, Morgues worm Mller *fat sopeiior a any now . hcfcite Orr Dub- SIOII42....IOWifiTON. Bekerattli*olligheny ea** - Preprotetrand told - *Wesel° mut :retail by the pro prietor. JOHN D MORGAN, Drage.; Yotuiletreetell'inercoth 121 „ ~ - `'? "I " '",.: - `: i .l hi . 1 ., .1. 4 1. • El•- , f1 45 ,.' 1..9. " . •; , F 1 : ~. ,..,litlr lf , f ni ' - 1..),,Ue-tiftl, 1... . - 7 - _,41 'llill .'----7,-; 41-111,4! A.,1., • .., . -.:. - fzia,i,..--....-1----t-21.,- n,r, .”. , teollierNflf la Ot - _ - ' _ S 'AP A,R L Madge and Metiv of . SAP sisfe. Tbo ma. estmordloory 111 b tho TAW Rotrast is pa op is Qattrt Banks: it looi thaw ekeeeper, pfehimattr,wog emwastesl ow • patior le N se/d. ft sow ottbend eetwltisyp, Mane*/ yr debilis •• Potions The vwat b.ttmondooperlosity of [Ms Sampan ever all other rnedleinerais,thgt What etedicates a.' CM., brebroratat the body, kb. Oos of tha mg but SPRING AND SOMMER MEDICINES Ewer know, h um only plague the whole voteme and; trength.. the parson, 6th creatti unk . p.uv .o 4 reel blood. a power rammed by mother atediVi. And In list Pb. vend...sent of it. watiderfld memo. Itists 4 performed within the Inn two yens; morn Pb.. 100,NIC ruses of severe case. of Dame or team' IVO , moldered inenrablo It boo .and she rim of tau. than 10.000 childreoo during thetwo past mama.. 10,000. mem of General Debtlirf , NOW want of Nowaronua /EmorElfs Dr. Townsend'. Bara:will. laddgmti. the Isola syatent permanently. To ibosa who ;aye loot thew emwtdor sney by the effects of,Nodlisino or /Adieu", on conmadt. =soothe os. .... ,t4 4. l lDlltcb-.1 - the pewion. and brought ott • vaterolp *al p ree n. o f mt.. ; istritudt, want . of ambition, promatosa ashy sad a.m., homer,- nts towards and dog alma". Catunmpti, tuoio renewal by thislpbmastost -TWO Ramo ts far softens to Way, ,I• atiniiteraling OardiM A. it renters anil lievigonees the *mem, eves nethrity to tee hada, wed ttreeph laths mead. trim, in a most extraordinary Jelin, 11.nimsoiaptLoak Cued. Cleave and Strengthen. Colt cox it eared. Brexeiitit, Liver Coagatiint Odd. Catarrh, Oftgls, .Atikas, SjnatfiNg ATAAL, Soreness in 11.4 CUM, Hectic rterktiright Seeets, Ditto* or Prig/rat Elam. mien; Pain in du Sidie'lte. • kat add es irrotarl EIPITTERG BLOOD Nee Xiirk, Apra Std 1817. Da TOIDIVSEXID—i rosily bettors that year Sersapt. HIM has bees the meant , thmuth', PmNdenlq (sating my Ufa have fbr umlaut years had • bed Cough. It became aroma and worse. At last I raised large quest.. ties of blood, had night Sweats, and wax greatly tube] mud reduced, and did not expect m live. I have only used year Sarsaparilla • short des, add there ha. a tramdeeftil change Wes wrought in ma Yam mw able te walk all over the ally. I mho no blood, tuol my roath has tell ma You coo Wen iStnille that I aim " thankful fur theaa regatta Your obedient servant, W 31.. RUSSELL. 65 Cattourinwet. E:= Ur.T Berraparilla is • stinersio eml .57 rare Ibr Incipient Consumption, Berretta., Pro ea or Pallier of the Womb Caldron., Pile, •rrhaa, or White., otrttsttelied or &Moult Idensinsio eon. Inetiortrimice of Urine, or Involuntary &shams torroof. and for the yoneeal proatratlen of Des truism— unitunuer whether the result of bawl= muse or eau., produced by irreiratority, Mama or occident. Plodder oba be woe reeprzel¢6. than he bertiperadei Woes en th e Inman Cream. Pelson, all waYneaa d lard. ind, from mkt. it, at one been= robust end fell of emirey under ha Wise.. lnunadlidely eountenete r. nerweleernees of the Amnia trams, IN - Warn the great "lase of Ebarrenneta It will ead dmiespeeted of tor, to enaes-of eo dellionte • natura. - . +abbe , cartilleadne c.urew performed but we an emn she Winter), dun hundreds creases bore ham reported tor. Thom.. 01 cuse where families have teen without children. altar ming • few bout. of tide invaluable med.., Lees wen Waned with dna healthy offer.* Te Mothers sad Itlarried Thia E 1.11.1 of Barlaparilla has base expressly pre rime reference to Caroni. roloptalete. No retnalr who itas muoe to suppose ale is uppreachirrg that critlml Period "Tlle ham of should umlaut to roan It as it ladecortain prermetire of the orouarour load. horrible dlausses to eilith female, ars subject et this thise.of life. Ws period slay be do labed /be several veers by min. We medicine. For 1 it lee seltishte for those whet ye eproacbing sr. ,isantiodd, as it is celesta/ea so subs saliva by quick. ening the blood ud•htrigorattnethr myosins lode d, rimliedne inyoluable fur all the delicate irtsea • to • luck, W 001111,4 are.mbjeel... It beams the .hole system, mom. permanently the tnl energies by removing the empathic& ef body. ores so BerAtOreniatiat as to Fatima subamome ewlematien. irteitk is the ease of man meditinem take. foe boxisle weakness and slimes By ooto atm Miles ol tees medlecine, moor mean mid painful surgical opera team may be prevented Great Illesaissgs so Plosherosued Childress. It Is the safest end roost eirectol modicum foe panty. Ind th. spud.. and ralirringth.solferitot atmodant upon child.birtb ever discovered. It suet:4llmm both the mother end child. pee•nsn. Poo nod r°- and enrich, the fossl. those who hare 0.,l II I i..14k it IS isulszpoocabk. Isigbly useful both Is..fore and,pfter easdnentebt, as it prcycnts flfsensca a, feudal:it upon childbirth—in Coadvencaa,Cramps, figrel2l- me of Ma Feet Dospondsmy, flearthurn, Vomitiay. PPala at the Back and Loin. Floe Palm, Betnomhaka Ind in regulatirrz the scanuons and squalls/mg the cm coition It has no equal The mat bestay of thi. meat:ism 4 It ls slwayvasfn, and tb• mom dalicat• • most saecculldly, msry taw macs regain , any *that mlistaa In some Bale Cashm OB„ or llcsgssesis, I. nsoful. Fsetrla i o lle open air. mai BEIM 'bad with thm madicina, will always stoma a oh and mazy so. fine:norm Bounty gunk Health" Cosmetic', Chant mud • satiety of prep/wallow pnw golly to Der, la ben applied to the fate, Iltry boon aped It mar its beauty. They time the pen. of the skin, and ebrck the eiretdatiatt witiek when natters 6 net thwart , *I by diamwe or powde r, _Ore eklo Inflamed by thr •ibalies amid in soaps: bematillev 144 ownredoetion io the human face Divine,' as well main the Ifeallen aril and delicately tinted marl indented dowers. irre, active and healthy circulation of the !aids, or t rooming of the pool rich blood to the eximinitire, that which paints the 000101201nreet he the most exoni• i• beauty. It is that which impart" the Indeacribable .o.ides mal flashes of loveliness that all admit., bet o.rrter sae deecribot This beauty Is that oitmrtur of nor Nre—not °fp:nada,. orromp. If there I. not • 7me and wealthy amalgam, there Is no beauty. If the lady is Li` as driven mom, if she pal., and nee comnetina end the blood ...hick, told and impure, the not brow l.fuL If vhb be Moan' oryelkisr, and there le pare anti actin, blood, it fn. a rich bloom to the cheeks. sod I brilliancy to their eyes that la fasctoatimr. la why the motherly, and especially the Bpur oh Wits, are ao =eh edmhM Ladies in the north • ho take bat little exercise, or sre conined le close rooms, or have opoiled their compilation by the ell. t whim of deleterious mistmes, of they wish t o re. 4 eisatiratr of mop, booyent epirits, vp.kJing_eyea •id heactifel tompleikma. Ibtkald use Dr. Tow* tbousauda who bare tried it, ere ..re than stttisfied. are detlyhted. bailer of every 41.10, crowd our taco daily. Notice to the Ladies.. Thou. Coat imitate Dr. Townoworo SampanDa. hoot 11 , variahly called tim..er. , v.a=l./.4 An S. males, dre_. and Ira,. bar Uhl and circular , ctrat relates to tho coroplobta of woman. woo forams' —other o who pot vaadidoo. ham doco the VW sre,. o(Dr. Towasestro BomparMa oarplaino 0.. o.iato 10 females. rootoxamodod theirs, althoogit pre ,•uumly ttady did ear. A number of than 111liwtoreo, PiDo I art injusioas to fosoolaa so dewy goopslots &alud, s: J undermine the conattodon Dr. Towcuents io tha ...ty and best nosialy fm the naneempo female Cline 4/21.5--it rarely, if aver Ws of anew. a permanent luta It cao be taken by the moat delkame female; cos., or by dram expoodos to become mother., • , tn thereatest rullotatapts, so it prepare. the eyeteen ~,1 prevents pun or &Apr. ona stroortiouto both: 11.1 Child. Po etoefolto pi the gannitte. CETES:I=3 This certificate coocivehrely proms that air bares. p‘r.O. bee tow ho f the perfect control over tbe met Outlast. di* o Ely' eel pnvons nisei muse ooprecederited. Three Children. . . _ Da. Trarosraro—fkiir Sir / have the pleasure to yeti that three any children have bran corral of dr Scrofula by the use of your estellent tradielne. They were eflictod very serenity whh bed Sorra ; ban ira en only fear trades ; D took dram rany. for which tel travel( ride great obligation. Yount,repectfutly, ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wasner-.t. _ Opinions of Physlclans. qtr. Toranrad to almost daily receiving order. Imo „PI y .iciens to different pane of thit Milo.. Time it tocertify that we, the undenigned, Phydraane of tb• City of Alba y, bare is tounerous aura at Dr Trainee/re Sarsaparilla, sad Wars= rite of the moat valuable preperatiora In the market I. P. PULING M. IL J. WILSON, it B. BRIGGS, M. EL Albray, April 1,1847. P. E. ELEIENDOILP. JIL 1:113= teeny to the treat earcess mod hamersie We of Dr. Too noohrs Sarsaparilla. • Dumber of arm who 'rem Cooorriy our Agenta, haveemroneaceekmtsklarDorsapo. rOis Extrarta, Bitten. Eznomisof Yellow Doerr, • . They generally put It up in the same shaped bat some of them have stole and copied ens mlver- L....manta—they are only worthiro haD•O• •• end sh..ahl be arehlesL Mee. 126 1 7 17LVON &nisi, Bon Building, Y V. Bedding & Co, 8 Btaila strreaßoston; Dy9u ,•, 111 North Second street. Plalatielpitia B. S. it -nee. Drama. Baltimore P. U. Cob.. Citatiestoa ; & Co, 161 Chartres Street, N. 0.; 105 Smith P. :I Street. Albany; and by 01 the principal Drvi r, • • end Merchants generally throughout the Unites/ Wen Wirt sad rim Canailsa. B.—Persons otquirbig for thin medicine, should Suu.., Induced to take any other. Druggints put up riaparillas, and of course prefer nailing their °tau. Do not be deceived by any—inquira for Dr. TONVII• nend'e. and take no other. tr,e. Remember the genu ine • •Tournsendbi Scirnaparilla." sold by the role agent.. R. N. SELLERS, General VVboleaale le Retail Agent, No. 57 Wood meet, and D. Al. CURRY, Allegheny etty. Jelo PEA:MT' PinAOM, MOT IN 1111=0, BUT IN EVERY rdornEws 1105.112TEAD. midervighed has long been convinced of the pecemiry far mime medicine adopted to the we of Ildren sod Infants to supersede die we of all those motives welch contain opium, and has ul .ength sue. eerdril in preparing and offering to the public a meth. eine fully onswenng every purpose for addle...war tue bowels, without the use of that deletertoor &LI, Or soy other calculated to mane U. the cent The Intent Peng • aces has been lolly teat.' tra-l. the lam twelve months, by numerous petwes. and Wend to posaesa ell tine extmordinary virtu., and to produce all the aston ishing effects as set term on the odl at donations. Di. srfbrea Vormling. Cholle,Griping, Pallll,Stekness and Diseases arising from Urothing, eettna nenlediately without distarbmg any of the function, of the body, producing xhe happiest and most plenum transition from violent pun to a tranquil and Joyous slate of kel. ing in the little sufferer. To be had wholesale end retail, of the Proprietor. Dr, JOILN i , BGANT, Druggist and Apothecary; John lion Beckham, and Meet other Druggists n All , .gotenyiknd PittstinAh. decl3_ DR. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA,-6tl down last received of Dr. Towneend's Sarsapardia, the most extraordinary otorliorne its the world! This Er r act is put op in quer - thou.. It is air times eaeapee, pleasanter, oat warranted superior LO any sold. It ; noes disease without vomiting, purging, Wokorooff or delrilimting the patient Loos ewe WarbfftalnOSlL—trardlieglitPenLl,Le ; copied our labels, and pet up l e bat in MO Wag . obeyed bottle. See that each bottle has the written mg, nature of S. P. Tewllitied: .. • • E. E. sFI.I.Ffifi,MEV, :17 IVood stet, between Thud end Feurth, is DT, waserid's only, , wholesale led; Tvall agent ler Ditubunth, of ream the Bsnehtus I ardide ean be had. . - Iblil. Cum has been appointed the sole event fit? 1 Allegheny city, of whoa the genuine article can be bad.: lis I KWWilk."l' AND CAP RIBOuNt--- r . , itt's* dm anentkro ofinayert to • new unity of - o %/nada of reams& ellat and very low.. torn . _ SEEM ii-^'~~7T ~/VI~LI L~Q~ PITT tadcuniglwoeics AND FOUNDRY, I Prrraaecan, Pa. J9.43,-,VI(.I4IGLIT, AltE Replied to bold Cotton and Woollen Machin. ery_ of ea description, mach lip—Carding Ma ttlicC4ro.l.cia.s Dmwas Frames, Raisin IWO% Warpera, Tarillera,Spoot., Lamming Pram Loma, Card Grindera,..&e, Wrooatit iron Maiftg turned all sizes of Cast Iron, Pullin, and Itallgera,of the latest neuter., elide and hand Lashes, and Innis of all Lado. Caittings or every desenption for. On short no. PIII.IIA rude to order for Mill Gearing, tree ra,hng, (Le. :hewn Pipe for heating Fulcrum, Cast Iron Windom Sub, and fumy Casunp generally,— Orders! (t it the Wareliousa of J. Palmer*. Co., Lib erty strert,„olll have prompt suentson. Hem re Blackstos S. Bell tr. Co., / K Moorhead & co.. G E W [weer, Jain Irwin & Sons; Pillsbiorgh. C & H Werner, Steubenville. MOP HI—AN BLIND FACTORY. A. BROWN A --- LLE6 . lEirr T j kliES °llVCl4:; thke method to inform los friends l And Ihe 4witilic an large that hi. FortorY 'AgOlaar in fall operaeonon the west side timillattwend, Allegheny, where n con -Rant amply of 11110111, Of venous C/11011 . IL I4I1 1 911 lUeS,a2Dconsnarttly tempt% hand, al. at N 0.6 Wood st, Pinsbergh, ni k H. Phillips' oil cloth waseroom yg41144.1.1. Biltatenlnadt to order in the best style. llWarrepo i tZt the shortest notice. tioNOIT. Fin ' will be pat op, without any addi• taoaese that they can be removed in mo meet incase office or tor warding, and eritbolit the old of crew e oci4dlyilisrlonshy WAIL ALEX A it EONS. CitiFFIN MO KERS AND SIDER FERNISIIINU U NUKE TAREN-S. earner of Penn and Et. Clair street', onposns the Exehunge Note!, entrance on Penn street, respectfully inform their ft enda mad the publte, that 'they are prepared to farmsh and attend to evcrytlitny, in the line of Undertakers: Mutat , on hand a large es. eartertent of meaty made CollEne, Covered, hired end Gn• Attired in the very best manner, all cone and 1.12 c/ ready made Shmeds of tie noel. Cambric. k arid muslin, end all sizes made it, approved styles We keep a large is art:neat of white and black cotton, sl k and kid loves, smirk far pal bearer, and mou, crape, col lars, and every dualorteeesif.ry to rhera r dretesmg the dead. and on reasonable term, as we perch...lt all our goods the Euteni eland Also, silver Matey ror engravlng he name and ago. We have • splendid new hearse rand horses, and any number of the Leta Ostrlllfir, Every Mum attended to promptly and punctually. r COPPILI2, ALLERT 1110 AT, AND TIN W ABE MAN Ll FACTO R Y No S Market street, Pittsburgh, Penne: g - lIIE suhscobers haying winds great improvements I to the constractton of thoir COOKING KUL/WKS, rrepeetindy invite persons building Steamboats to ea , ' andat xam. before purehas:og, as ws can supply themwith Dent Moves, Forges, and every other k Lod it Copper, and Sheet Iron work necessary in furnish. dig a Etenanboat. We also make to order on the shortest notice Sal Tube. and Chamber' Copper work (or Steam klngines and every variety at work in out lune. fel& & SIII RR SENN ETT i BROTH E R, YFF.ENSWA RE MANUFACTURE/tit, Birmingham, [near Pittaburgh,l Pa. Wart/taw, No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh. wIV ILL connantly keep ou hand a Knoll meutand at Ware, at nur own manufacture, and auperior qualny Wholesale and counto NI ex chants are respectfully Invited to call and at Chine for themseloec ' a. wa. Orr dr tertman a to sell eheaper than aanterabefore been oTered to the pub. he.' j Order, cent by mail, accompanted by the rash or ear rerrrener. will be promptly attended tn. l'nbt.l P. M0w..,. l.¢VW■ SLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMENT. ULVAN't et LKULIE donautacture .d keep eon aumuy ou ha. Cut, Stoutded .d Plain Flint Olaasararcon all its varieties, at Wei; Ware ho use ear n, of Madan and Wale, streets, Pittsburgh. Our Works continue an full operation, and we •w constan•lr adding to our stock. NalitcL enables veto WI Odell trlllt promtatnea... Purettaiwra are reApcitiall) willelted to call .d enamor prices and ter.. wagtail COACH MAKING. fitOblifte very Ilberal rbeaortnre ea ment the sabsenber has received share S., he has located hmoself in Allegheny, lls'Amii,• has induced him to tattr a lease, for a term of years, on the property he nor oecoptes, an Beaver Street, immediately beside thb PresbyterianChareb. From the long experience to the above has...a and a dune to please, hr her;es to mer. It sad receive a share of pobl.r. patronage . Nov on band nod inieb.ag to order, itortka.oY gjes, open and top Buggies, and every d0....P. 0 0 of oftrringee made to order., from seveoty.bve dollar to ateht hunemt. isen3-dtfl 1011 N SOUTH. UANUFACTIIRED AND LEAF TOBACCO - IT 1. HEALD, BIJULNOR A Co. 41 north beamr st, and 10 N. whams, Phiba, offer for rale on arcommodaung terms, GUI/ pkgs Manufactured Tobureo. COll5/sunfi of pomids. half pounds. Shi, t's, 125., UV v Le's end xis. lamps; s', iTh arid iie ;nog. and IT4 IJobeir Tw a t, to whole andlinli tiosev, oldie followmg approved brands, •lri James H Grant. Osborn A Bragg, Crum & Williams, A Cabanisr, 11 Jones & Son, NFDonald. . Webster Old, J Thomson, Jame• Thom”. Jr.A H Armistead. • J Thomas A Son. Landhorn A Armistead, J P Coates. J M Cobbs, DIMIT A Royster, J A Clay, IP, A Butler , C A Hall. Liken Hall, Wm Dos--on Pearl k Norwood, J S Llinek bona Nom Poen. by H Vaughan. Edmund Henn. Pomonaßobsu.n. Russell k Holnii• on Kean, Robinson & Co. Seth Hulsey, R Metcalf, John kinder. Lawrence Lower, J Robinson, I stay & Croy. D B Turner. R 1 sinle+ou. 1 ork 11 tow, D N Branch. —ALSO— Havana Leaf Totem,. wrappers and hllers 11,0 do 410 JO Cienfuegos do do do St logo de Cola do do do ed Domingo do do do Itiuria & Lluiden do. part fo,, do bib . smile do Jo do Keiouc 1 y ranoua grades do do Virginia Leaf. suitable for manufanturine and erisor Sniosli Seed Lew, Penn', Connecticut and Ohio, Vi p rgo.. le, raps... eii German Pipes, Pipe heads, Scotch Snuff bemire and bladders:l Maceouha Meal. Tension Beano. Havana bassi Ouo Rosh, Bergamot; Calabresi Liquonce; Patent Cavendish Knives. Spunk, Be &c. P 111 LA DEL P 111 A, 111) ILa SION OF THE MO PITCHER. NEW Cite A, GLASS h QUEKNSNARE STORE lia 11l Wool, Brun rr HE subsenhers with to inform the nubile generally that they are now opening a new and large mock in China. Queen...are, Britanina and Fancy (loud. compri.ing the 'inept and moo fashionable pall veva of French Chino plain and gold-hand Dinner Set, do do " Supertor Win-Stone limner " Flosnog bine (2 new pattern.) Liverpool " • great tamely of Tea Set., different quaint..., Britannia Breakfast and Tea Set.: Waiters—a beautiful article -'4 (Sothic,. Parlor Lamps:, lComeliux, soaker.) Blase Ware, • general uwirtment Steamboat wavers and hotel proprietors ate invited ii. examine our worriment of wars storable for tbear GEC • Country Merchants can find a large stork of articles suitable for country sales, which' we will sell at era goutible prrees. . Orr stock being entirety new, we feel satisfied of be tng able top/ease all who may favor as wnh their eat , ion . erq Tll ' ht;Lottade on the men - wed Eaptern A.— THEmost fastoonnbla Eastern pattern, and colors. A n d THE CIIKAP stow., or 1.10911.thl BLIND, on had or a ode io order of &Ilia...and at all prices. Country Merchants and other. are invited to cad .rtd EX•mlne the above for themselves,. all will •thld wholesale or retail, end a littera , deduetton made to arlthleaals purchasers. abidly A WI , STE R V ELT - ROSEDALE GARDENS. MANCHESTER. THP. Proprietor of this well known place of retort hat the pleasure of Informing the public that his club lishreent baring been thoroughly refitted and repaired, and the grounds elegutly laid out sod decorated. is dow open for melt accommodation, and he datisrs alm ost( that those who may favor bun with their patron ge will find all that they desire, provided in Lite ben st Le and on reesonable terms. Ile is determined to spare no expense in making his establishment worthy publte patronage. He has accommodations for boarding &few families. I. Creams, and 41 rein ah ments suitable to the season, eminently on bend psfett LEVI BURCHFIELD. nanoskirahala ;louse Tailoring Itstab. lishment. HAAO-WillstitAldth Draper arid Tailor, begs to in I funn the citizens of eittsbargh and others, dial he ir now opeamg at his rooms on Smithfield fleet, un der the above Hotel, a large mid beautiful assortment 01 Cod, ttasstratturs, Seam ; bilk., and other Vesting.; together with such other articles as are required for fentlemen's wear. Hie goods have been carefully se eted, and •re of the newest and most fashionable style. as well as of superior quality His customers may depend upon having their clothes mode up in a manner which cannot fad to gratify the taste of the mast fastidious. atedlly 10LiACCO-10 Las 13ronoh Wai ;A. 9 do do do PEI.% poundm 5 do do do I:5 .d 16,4 10 keip No 1, 6 twist; 10 do POI Covendo , lo do do Plug; St I da tit= do; foe mcle by rn) 9 11) WII,LIASIO S . /JOKE litAlSE— having taken the large and Co.. mothous Smoke House and Bacon Storehouse tri mming our NVarehouse, on the Canal Sum, the are p • Pired to smoke and store bacon on reasonable term KIER dr. /ONES, mint Canal bum. near 7th A SECOND HAND PIANO, cost orbymally 8300, .11.. and bap been in UPC about four year, pric e now 612.5, for sale by JOHN MEIJ4 R, JP i 3 01 wood street U. SCGAR-3 Rids prune w for Ita T fo ri t o oto wi ro :N e , lose . construnent, by ;e5 YU front rt HITE CIOULVA--A A Mason a. Co. hove ou hand W Melon vet assortment o( White ooode, corn rill mg Mud, Swum, Book, Plaid and Jacouei of even , vaneay. mid) OSQVITO NETTS—We have fust opened a large 431- lot of klippen° Netts, of an ersellebt gualtly and remarkably cheep. feat; ALEXANDER & DAY_ CRYITON—V7 bales to amve; for sale by 1e22 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co GEFIIFv-121 boxes now landmg; for s ale by 0 22 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co I) AIL RO.kll LtUlDE—Doggett's Rail Rood (lode XX and Gamitmer for 184 A with Sectional Maps of the great mules of travel. A few copies received and .for sale by Jell JOELNSTON k STOCKTON tOTTON--10 bales Tennemee Oaten, In more mid for sale by mytal WEST BOWEN, 90 front st cask. Calm Potash, fast rescived on CD11.11(11r0411/ and lot mle by fell MILLER a. RICKETSON _ . nRANIY FRI.IIT-12 ctaea ehtnca Brandy Frau, tun r«eived and for sale by • 14 MILLET. & RICKETS.ON ,C,PAD CIDER-24 bbl. Economy Crab Cider, Just received and for We by _jcl4 MILLER& RICE - P.IIION - . T IMBED 01L..-201ib4Lineeed Oil in fine shipping order .i•ei received and for sale by MILLER RICKETSON 80/18—a10 lb, on hand and for staii by 1 KIDD, it Co, $0 wood si BANSPORTATION- - LANE& THE 'UNION LITE 1848 - BETWEWjPITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND Mauna, Pittsburgh; Rath PAM & Co, Beaver, }Promos. Claw:mat & Co, Cleveland IllMlEsbove Line is novr_prepared uun.fon freight and passengers from Putsburst and Cleveland. or .y point on the Canals and Lakes. One boat leaves Pittsburgh and Clevelstrul daily, run ning m connection with the mcamboats Lake Eno and Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a line of first elan steamboats, propellent, brigs and salaam era on lakes Ere, lituott and Michigan. Property forwarded to my part of the Union with Mapatch, by WM. MATHEFL or JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agents, cor Water and Smithfield gas, Pittsburgh Heaver; R G Parks k Co, lounmstovrty 0; E W Cotes &Co, Warren; D Bostwick &Co, Dread - Pon; A & N Clvk. Newlyn F.IIo F Lwow, Newport; e r E M Whoriesey, Otunpbellsrart U APlinde, Ravenna; M k C H Kent. Franklin; ?Slyerk Tuttla, Forth., p.m; Wheeler & Co;Alion4 Barney, Chbh. & Co, andu.kr - . W . a4ins & IMMI=I3I2MMEM . . .. . , WC/ore h NV diatom, Abla;aokia Win; H J Winslow, Chicago, 111. *pH . . RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, inifall 1848 . - M-*a TO{ TILANSTORTATION or 14611011•XLIZE BETWEEN PITI`SBUBtiti AND PHILADELPHth fist 1 of th is old establied and hest 1 Portable Boat Idne, hay tug removed the tr de pot In Matadi.Minas to • much larger Warehouse hlarket rt., than they formerly occupied. and also creaved their room (or storage at Pittsburgh, are now prepared to oder much greater lamlines to their friend. and patro.. Goods earned by this line are not transhipped be Inman Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being earned en tirely In Mortable Pennon Boats To shipper. alitau and other goode respnnng careful handling, thus is o importatter. No charge made for receiving or shippin; goods, or ad•aneing charges. All goods fonsarde• promptly, and upon as reasonable terms as by any oth et line. JOHN hIeFADEN & Co., Canal BM., Penn st., Pittsburgh. JANE. M. DAVIN & Co., fetal 227 Market &61 Commerce st., Phil& JOHN MeFADEN & Co., Forwarding and C4MIIIIII aunt Merchants, Canal Hawn; Penn st , Pittsburgh. JAMFb M. DAVIS& Co, Flour Factors and CoMaw mon Men-hanw, Market, and 54 Commerce sr, Philadelphia feb24 U - Advances made by either oldie above on Flour, Wool mud other desenpuons of Merehandsze consigned to them. Irb24 ATOTICE—The subwritierhh;ve di have tercet to the Penn. and Ohio Line to CLARKE A THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH S LEWIS , of this city. They will continue to transact hi:mine-As for Merin, at their Warehouse on Broad sweet, as usual, and be speak for it a continuance of the patronage of their friends JAhlk:S STEEL A Co Philadelphia, March Sib, thIS. Pean'a. and Onto Trans tortat.losp Co. IbnbL Daz lava of FIRST CLASS t.aiNV BOATS AND CARS, mono= TO 111Al000T 600. ',onyx. rrrrs•titoO AND WT., CITI4. CLARIiE THAW, Canal Basta. Pittsbamh. LEWIS VP Market st.,Pluladelphi JAS. STEEL It CO., Ara, Broad street. COWDEN, CLARKE A. Co., :a North at., Balt. Agt , la West street, New York. marls Vo-pairtatterahlp. subscribers have this day associated thernAKiee 1 . together under the style of Klutz Jones, for the purpeae of rootintdrtg the basines• ripberly earned on by Idurnuel ht. Kier, and "elicit a "outlet:lance of the lit. oral patronage heretofore extended to the house, MANUEL !it KIER, E. F. /ONES. Pittsburgh, !dank 1,1818. KIER•S PORTABLE BOAT LINE, COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF FIRST CLASS FOUR SECTION BOATS, FOR PHILADELPFIIA AND BALTIIIORE YLACANALS. RAILROADS. lITE are prepared to reeerre and forward freight to TT the above stud toterstiedate planes with aa much despaleh, and at ea low ran., as any other responsible bre. The attanuon aslapto-rasmslang .end Pork a Ba ron to Balumore an balk.. parucularly requested, arrangaments enable as a carry such almaea through ut bet.r order than any other hoc. JON E 7.4, Prop . .* canal Baas, near ?Mat. rinsborglx, March L saaeLtiza 3 107.1:0. KIER ar JONFS--Corrinntsion and forwarding :Der chants. uid Wholesale Dealers in Iron, Bfoomes Sail, Produce, Ice. Liberal rash advent,* on consignment, merit( LINNIT GRAM N O. DVIILD, AND CHAN DCtmQl➢ ' Pittsburgh. Phsladriphta. UNION LINE, :2= - To P HENRY GRAFF & Co, Canal Bassi. Pittaborgh. HUMPHREYS & Co, N 0.147 ?aortal at. Phil. C 11. Root, corner Nonb & Saratoga as JOl.Oll F Clarke, No 13, Old Shp, New or<, '`,P" VOTIOE—The style& our firms will b. known ll= IN and met this date. at Pittsburgh. as Henry Grad and,. Pluladelptva, u DttuA, Humphreys ik Co. HENRI GRAFF. NDII END 0 DETILII. 1 Philadelphia. CHAS. HUMP lIREYS., HENRY'GRAFF. Pittsburg 4. M. 4131( PITTIMIIIIOH PORT/Ai/La BOAT LINE iliaoalB4B.l2M For du Trawportaiion of FreagAs to and final PPITSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, N. YORK. ISOSION . AIke.. Itolutilma S Coop. Philadelphia. Tssrmt te O'Cofirlon. PitHburgh.l THIS old established Line being now in full opera. non. the proprietors have made enermave arrange. mem. to forw•rd goods end produce with desparcsu and no the most favorable terms They' confidently Lope tb-fr well known proamtnes• delivenng g ood. —pe. cuffs, safety ,n mode 01 Carrying —eapaciou. ware/wo w.. et each pu rl, affording acconustodauoas to shippers owners f poadime—together with their long rope nefmc and unremitting ,amnion o business, will smear, so Mee, • eollMitittliCe of that patronage they hereby gratefully nek_uowledge. All rinigiptiMan. by nod of dna line received, ch.,- ge, paid, and torwarded In nny mquired threcnons of charge tor commission. advancing or storage . Nu Interest. directly or indirectly. in 'Mambo., All CM Malmo P M.o. promptly attended to on applica tion to the following agents: HORBIDGE I CASH, POP Market at, Philadslplria. TA A FFT. & O'CONNOR, Canal Basta, Pittsburgh. O'CONNORS k Co, North id, Balumore. WM. R. WILSON, EH Cedar st, New York. aps . LAMP. ERIN AND mionaoss LINE. l igagEffli 1848. TTlkewAntniihZ;4= ;1,1=.11 Beaver. and freight and passenger Canal Boats he. twcen finance and En o , and C Reed's lone of firm elsos steamboats, propellers and vessels an the Lakes, u prepared tons, carry freight and passengers to all point& on the Lair Cavil, and Lakes Ene, Huron and Michi gan Having every (Amin, for fronveslng fr eight and.pas sengers retch promptness and disp . ateh, the proprietor and agents respectfully solicit from their friends urea. Lumen., of their patronoi Chl RAI. Propnelor. REED, PAR &Co Beaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent, roe Water and Smithfield - sts, Pittsburgh liEgitur Mia. 1848. ECLIPSE. TRANSPORTATION LINE. 'fo and from the Fasten cities, via Cumberland. rp 1E: proprietors of this popular line, huve.rince thelt re-orgoziration largely increased their facilities to meet the wiehes of shipperic hid are now preparod to forward a greater amount y the FIVE Du Y LINE, as also by additional regular w as at low rate.. This will run throughout We year. delivering goods ter n and agents In Baltimnre sod Pittsburgh to owners and consrgnees at specihril ours and thile. Bhsproentsi from Philadelphia for the line should lie marled "Cure. J U Robinson, Baltimore." Tim only agents are J B ROBINSON, 99 8 Charles •t, Baltimore. EDGERTON la Co, Cumberland. G W CABB, lirownsvi/ls. felei ~ .1 C BIDIVEF.L. Pinsbumh. ECLIPSE TRABISPORTATION LIKE Jill 1 b. ?revelatory of dna motor Line harechanged th A/racy at Cumberland from the home. of hlcEsig it hi pore to that of Edgerton N. Co. Pitteburgh and W1:10/1r12 ourehants are notified that 17 Naomi.. No frf South Charles et, liattitoore, is the on author-1m l agent of tht. Line in the Eastern deem. The only agents are J C BIDW ELL, Pittsburgh, • O W CABS Brownsville, EDGARTONCoCtuabyland, d,,413ti J B KOEUBBCFN, Baltimore. GREEN di-ot):411-EmPanes Vol DALMOAIL WAIItUVOTON, TBILAXILL At _BMW IMITO3I, AND ALL TIIII FANTrILV lkilkatCH.Abilb land others sending roods are Infibrab ed dial this is the fastest, safest, and most expo. ditto.. Line going Finn; connecting wall Adams &Co , a Express duly, at Baltimore. hrougb receipts will be given to any of the above places. hterchandiae and packages of any .100 or weight forwarded. Express closes daily at 3 r. • -- . H a VICKERY, Agent, norArif St Charlie. Hotel But Ange, wood et WesieriOrrams , MAIAC 1848 Oltettrultht GLI.. 848 PHII:ADELPIIIA, BALTIMORE & NEW YORA VIA riIIMITI.VANIA An OHIO 411., I{o,oll. A" prepared to tratispor. goods and produce to and from the ex ve cities ou favorable torn.. Ad. dress or apply to D. LEECH & Co, Canal Ruin, Pittsburgh. HARRIS & I.P 'H, Nos. 13 &15 South Third st,PhiL J. TAYLOR k SON Acts, No 14, Nib Howard ayßalfA. ABBOTT, Agt, No YWest street, Now York. Pittsburgh, March 19th, WEL roar9O Pass agar and liaralltaamo• Ottlea. jatifuNIRDEN & CO. continue to bring p.m, t from any part of England, In-land. Scotland or Wales, upon the most liberal tenps, 'Nab th eir usual punctuality and attention to the wales ,tad com fort of entringrents We do not allow our post .ke en to be robbed by the serimilitqf scamps that infest the sea port., as we lake charge of them the moment they on. port ibennelvea, and we to their well being, sonde. spotch them 'without any detention by the first ships,_ We say this fearlessly, as we defy one of our pubis- Kers to show that they were detained daimon by ea io Liverpool, whilst thousands of others wore dental.] months, wail they could be Leal In some old Md., et a eh 2 p rate, which too frequently proved their roam We intend to perform oat coptrame honorably, non what it rimy . , and not art is arbs the case loot atalloo, with ether la/beery—who either performed no all, or when it salted their convenience. D r iat. drawn t r amtsbanh lin any nun front If to gma t , payable land, FTeln4ljemind and Wales. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Earopean and General Ageni, fall FM 'meet, sas door lookror Woodi - BOOM -M,'4;;-- Valls/AG/a allSl AttraatiVel N.m Reek.. LAbIAMTENM•S 4414,41 of Lk Giroaduds, 3 mho s 12 Simms' Life Of abevalier Bayard; 19 em. G. P. R. lameirLlfe of Hew, the Fourth, of France, 2 vols-.491aa.- • • • • South'. Consular Chun of China: 19 mo Neander's Lite of Jesus Chemu h. so, musluo Marvel's Fresh Gleanings; or a new Sheaf from the old fields of Continental Europe. Capt. Henrys Sketches of the Mexican War 12 800. Mears Story of the Battle of Waterloo; 19 mo A Summer in Scotland, by Jacob Abbott; 12 ma . Sismondi* , Literature of the South of Eurape, 2 vol. 11 too. Radon's Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains; 11 mo, mbslin Posthumous %Works of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, 1). D.. L L. D. The Practical Astronomer; by Thos. Dtek, L. L. 1), Life of Jeremy Belknap, D D, Historian of New Hampshire. Luther and the Reformation, by John Stork M. A, viola, The Middle Kingdom, with a new motto(' the Empire; by S W Williams, / Yolk, tot mo . The Power °film Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.. sumo The Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring, D; 12 ma. Tearlhtng a Science. the Teacher an Artists by Rev . B. R. 11.11. The Crar. hi. Court and People; by John S. Maxwell. Lectures on Shakspesore, by H. N. Hudson. The ,Anists of America—lllustrated with nine engra vings On steel, and containing sketches of the lives 01 Allstoo, Inman, West, Omen, Trumbafik 1k Wm no Rembrandt Peale and Tbo.. Crawford; I vol, C ax. The Orators of Prance; containing sketches of the nye, co,Losnisruue, Titters, Napoleon, Dalton, sbca be au. Gum,. end other.. with portents. of each Headley' , Napoleon and filarishals; it vols. 12 ma Heildley - • Lkustissigion and lus Generals, 2 yob, Into Ileadley's Sacred Mountains The above. together with a Inure collection of Stand ard V. orts. elusions! nsod School Books for sale by JOHNS-lON Bor.;knellers, jet corner faurket and 3d sin XTELV AND ATritAc - ri v E HOOKS—Chalmers' Se lect works, 1 vols. Chalmers' Daily Scripture Reading, Memoir of the 1,10 of kir. Pry, Ind vol, 'the Col, enoby the author or 'Schoolgirl in France.' Lady Mary, or Not of she M. orld, by Rev t' It Tri, • or, II A. Al &Tannr th e Pearl, do Mark Cli nton,il or the hies-limit's Clerk, do Lam of Poitok, author of -. Course of Time, - The Listener. by Caroline Fry; Lectures on Shakspeare, by II N Hudson; Life of Oliver Cromwell. by .11' Napoleon and his klarshal, do 2Vashingtou and In. Gelirtill, 110 Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D Ilethel Flag, do do Religion l'e•citing by Example; Pulpit ()wars of Franc, by Turnbull, Genius of Scotland. do Life of Rowland Hill. Free Church Pulpit. 3 vol. in-atom of France, Now and Then; liethunes Poems Maret Tierce, arg Jacobus un Matthew, adapted to Union questions; A.rotsurN Popular Tales- - Riches in the World." -Making Haste to be Rich," -- Riches Mire lA-togs." -fieeptim up Appearances,' .. Debtor sod Creditor' For sale by ELLIOTT N. ENGLISH, I'-13 wand sold SO malket.t JEOLIAN ATTA,CIIIIIICIIIT. . • . . ~r and Nunn, Jr. Clark. 'V I One \ t•lark's Pintos with the A uaennirot, was taken to lijigland La' Mr Coleman, and among many ocher testimonials of ad miration for this elegam specimen of American skin and ingenuity, elicited the lollowing remarks rant S. Thallirrg the greaten hanist living Loshois,J•n In. 1445. My Dear Sir-1n ens lonia a letter to my mend, Erand. Pune, I cannot refrain from again explossing to you how much I was pleased with your - .Erilion Attaelinient." which 1 rounder es a ere at marital un provemeru. I can mum you that on my part I shall with errut Wel/SW . ..do toy utmost toot•lse your rayon. non known For sale to ELEBER. At Woodwell, furnntiro room.. :Id at NENV IBAJKS.—Loilerings Errrorw, or Stenches of Travel in Fronts, ileigiUla. Switzerland, Daly. Atoll.. Prussia. lirrat Britain and Ireland. with au appendix, containing °lnterval/on* on European chari ties and medical institutions By John IV Carson, NI D Angela. navel By the author •of •`Emtlia Wynd ham,' - Two Old Sierra Tales," et, Self•Coutrol. a novel By. Mary Branton. author of Vol 111. Daily Scriptural Reading.. By the late Thomas Chalmers. 1.11 D. 1, I. It Pun 4, Tire Thousand and One Night, 11- loolnited edition William Mr Cottager, a hook Er children BY the author or Herbert," he, The .hove works reorived dos and for salt by 021 JOHNSTON d KrocK . rt,N • N EW BPOKS.—Memortals of the Introduction of ,4,N Method's= IMO the Eastern Sums, romprising biographical notice% of int early preachers, sketches of do heel churches, and rem inmeence• of its r•rly strug gles uul suceeseest; by Rev A Stevens A. Si. Just publuined. Memoir of Rev David Abair!, D D, late Missionary to China. by Ms nephew, Rev Si It Williamson. Mark Milton, the Merchant's Clerk by Rev Charles B Taylor. NI A . •athor of “Records of' o Gond Man's Lire: . -Lady Mary Nlazgaret, or the Pearl." ke The above, n nth a large •twornient of new books on hand arid Mi. receiving. ELLIOTTA d K.NoLool. 50 market at BOOKAle—llistory or the um. bey- L.Motor, and of the wars and camp..lens arising from the straggles of the Greek Patriots.", Emancipo till• Melt tobatry from the urkish Yoke—in two vol. ornes—splendid ropy with riamorvo• maps and engra ving. .'luolf titse trw re.or. a \V dliara 111. Irma I. io -ro , Compa:s4.lo ;he slash or the lio.r orplones Hairy AlVarbiay, tinting tonornee, with UV env.- Toro :la the Holy Land, Emrich Stage, and Sketches 10 Chian. Just ree%.l and lot .1, by Mc DON A LD k LIEALWON aped ell market street ===! fitippiiiA API.E.NDID a..rhoent of Rose wood and Mahogany grand uchon P. anos, Jo.. finiahed and or anl. Aloo, two aviendni Rooesr %AA 1 . 11.104, ...nth Coleman'. erlebreord .1,411 an attachment., hnuhed It the moat madtrn oyle. and tor ..ah. at Y 131.U.51 E. IN wood st S UPRRI3LY lI.LUSTRATRD EDITION OF TILE ARABIAN :Vit.:NTs. —Kiproo.ly destviet.l tor blun tly reeding; n roe of publienuon by Harper A Ur. tarn., New York To tte completed in twelve pare. Port tette.. received and for elute by JOHN:MON A. STOCKTON, •ett roreer market and . .13 1.1 TRANSPORTATION. REED, PARKS & C 0... PACKET LINE. IS4B. „at , BEAVER AND CLEVELAND LINE. yin NYARILEN. Canal Packet—SWALLOW. Cart Ford. OCEAN, Capt B. avers 0 Lo n f e lli y e . R e lax Parkins It a e , L ,d s I e r t e n: , ~B rin a , v . e Lii r e n r , v . d o y .; Warren, where they roomer with the Mail Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arnattig at each of these lade] betare night. One of the Packets have Wasren.JADyi at 5 P. M., and arrive at Beaver rime to takef Ric 'ar NAVirrltlV ," l a Nn i ZTE, h. Wa rren, j B 'TAYLOR, Proprolm. BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE. TIIILOVOII wrun LAX It PORI, I.IOC ILL Cana/ Packet—Pa:am Leant, Capt. Jeffries, Pollock; Loot Bat. Truhy; Prom., - Drown; " FALCO - lON, Sayer. The above new and. splendtd Pa..eaaar pa r k e r. hove commenced runntng between BEAVER AND.ERIK arid will run regularly dunng the .canon—one host leaving Foe every morning at V o'cloek, and one leay. tag Beaver every evening. immeiltanqy eller the arn. vs! of the emamboat Mielogan Born Pittsburgh The boats are new and comfortably furnished, and will run through in forty hours. Pasarngera to sot point on the Laken. or to Niagara Falls. will find this route the most cattier - table and expeditious Tinker, through to all ports on the Lake ran ho procured by applying to the proprietors. PARKS& Co, Deaver. JOHN A. CAFGBEY, AgL Pittsburgh, COI. Water and Smithfield ma. AGFPFTB.—.Tas C Barman, Buffalo, N Y. C M Reed, Erie, Pa. (.TWlrk, Greenville, Pa; and IDna, king Henri. Pa, Hays 8 Plumb, Shamaiourgh, C kla.an.Hintrort, Pa; D C Mathews, Pulaski, Pa; H IV Cunningham, New Coale, Pa. jiL . MERCHANTS , WAY FREIGHT LINE. aliaWA 1848. -Mita RIXI.LIUMI 'OR THI 111.0. TIIPORIATIOX 07 WAT rain oUT BETWEEN Pittebuega, Blairsville, Johnstown, Han lidayslmeret,lVaier street, Illumingdon Co) and Pe ter.burgb. This Line was formed exclusively for the spoetal ac• colemoOsuon of the way business Tho props,n,,, thankful for the very liberal pntronage they have re cetved during the loot two years, would ftspeetntily In form their friends and the public that they are now still totter prepared to deliver goods at any point on the Count and Rail Road., with promptness and dispatch. • - PICK WORTH & WOODS, JAMES A LORE, OEORGE TRINDLE, JOHN MILLER & . • A G Pickworth Woods,.Johnsiown. Joh. Miller. Hollidayaburirh. C A lit'Allohy Co, conal begin, Pittsburgh Rcrlut.r.hoo—Palborgh—Smith th Sinclair, J McDivitt; GAJtiShoonbcrger; R Robinson A R Moore; Bagalcy a& Small; John Parker; Wm Lehmcr Co: , Dr P ribrienhorgar. ieW Pennoylvanta Canal & 11.11 Road Ex presayast Packet Line, 1848 . ...... FROM PITTSBUGH TO O YIIIDAISELPHIA RE, lh DAL, Tibl (Exclusively for Passengers.) rT , HE public. am mspernfully informed that this Line I will commence running on the BM inn, and con tinue throughout the Benson. The boats areand of a superior class, with tuned c new,abins, whsch will give greater comfort. The ears are the latest constructs.. A boat will always be M port, and travelers are re quested tp call and ogainnie them before engaging pas na e re i" onr d ' ibe dollars through. ) One of the Imam of thin Lim will leave the landing lopposite L' 8 flotel, corner of Penn street and Canal, entry night at nine o'- clock Time days. For information, apply at the Office, Monongahela HOLM-, or to I.ILEFCII &Co ItOl Canal Ita.in. Merchants , Tran.portatlon Line. 1848 . FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. GOODS consigned to our care will be forwarded without delay to the lowest current noes. C A M cANCLTY /c Co., Canal Basin, Penns Pittsburgh.. MFRtOEILLES k REYNOLDS, and - = Market at, Plan, ROSE, MERRITT & Co, Smith's wharf, Baltimore. ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE. MAN. 1848. ST , T. E . R t.raving dolly. Produce owl merehmutse inter at !ow a re v r W eel. Marehmolim from Baltimore brought out at Canal rate. Time, five day. .1 C BIOWELL, Age, Water at, 9 doors above Mona , . House, Pitusburgh. I B ROBINSON or BOS/131, myr 92 Soath Charles or, Baltimore, PIONEER TRANSPORTATION LINE; ataMi 1848 . Mita BMTWEEN DALTUdOELA AND PITISBURUD. ID - Time, 5 days. „413 Merchandise iraruiparted at Cm& me.. FORSYTH& DUNCAN, Agents, Water suet, -hustlers IL BRAZES' & hIAI4BIIALLLAgems, m2O . 47 gAglit sues, Baltimore. MO',LLAU - OUS. KGELOPEA.N AGENCY. For the Recovery of Dorms= and Improperly With held Real and Peresnal Estate—the. Seuleme-nr and Artaitratiou of Commercial, Tr a. 54 andel:her Deb.: Securing Patents for Inventioni in Great Brim., Ireland, and the Colonies and endehcierrherean to an belongmg. and Negotiating for the Purchase or Sale oldie sara n HE pnompal object in the establishment of this an Agency /A 10 set at rent in the most satisfactory and ''dnnommel manner possible, the numemus for property 'stitch canoes, of the United a n retlj have. tart mug,lne they possess in England and e where. • 'tile efforts oft desigtung and unscrupulous men have been ueuvely engaged in influencing • better°. this 'sweet in many quarters, with a view to perry pecula non; and evldeuces of the fact hove been so frestnentlr brought to light' as to render it urgently necessary that an °thee be established having for its object the stun thcbon of those who have been deluded, and to estole bib the chums of such as are the rightful heirs todoubt thl property. or that which is onproperiy withheld. Articles to the thornily journals in the 0n...pal cities of the Union are frequently appearing, headed -Town ley Esthle,” 4 .1 Great Fortune for Somebody," `Meet ings of the lloughton's at Worcester." -Chine Meet- HIV.' /ie. /Se , the authors of which 11.00 generally law yer, seeking practice, or adveuturera whose only ob )ect is to feed upon public credulity, by producing an eiclternent Mitch may realise for themselves trounslir ate guns, and who are generally speaking, without the slightest knowledge of the subjecn they put forth. The evidences of this being a fact are eve* where apparent. as in noone single instance have then ill Sounded expectauons been realised; and it is with a view to the correction of thot evil that the subscriber has effected We most extensive ....get... to satisfy the Inspurnig, as well a, to satisfy the curiosity of those who. induenced by family connection or otherwise, wish to pursue the investigation of marten often invol ving results of the most stupendous magnitude A. regards real estate in England, the bulk of it is subies•t to the laws of Entail and Primogeniture, and ever sines, the rev lotion in lard, the onowpol retains have been subjected to the changes which always en sile on revoluti ethifurdort mid change or dynasty; and although the on re have been special laws passed for particular pun - roses. all those which have reference to this subject, nod which were passed subsequent there to. are snit available in cases of thymus. right. It is lint, however, intended to this adverusernent to refer antecedently to the Asnenctus revolution of 1776, at which period. a great number of persosts emoted inva rious ways to property, abandoned the same by touting the revolutionary perry. This act, in itself, was Ruth tient ha lead to confiscrition where It was directly held by such sud.tduals; but when those abandoning the saute were nest 111 SlleC09•1011 to the then possessors. the case became altered; and Abelian. from hotne aid tautly were made the Isomers to rightful Inheritance. Another fruitful source of stivesugation is found in the L'itclaimed Dividend Hook of the dank of England, and this, furnishing as it does, each English name that has ever <2lolell as a holder of funded property. is the main reliance of the unprottipled traders to public credulity. The modes of olventment are exceedoigly numerous ii all parts of Europe, but In England particularly so; and the subscriber is prepared to aline the 01011111011 wtheh he poss. for au Investigation us any of th e 111e1111111 above alluded sse to tteeldes all these, there is property pthunvely bequeathed. and which. to rouse. quence 01 the absence in the parties to whom detudred, becomes involved in and subject to the laws of the Court ol Chancery. In all 01.1011. eNen, of supposed Windy connexion. the most positive 01111sausfac gory insormation can be odors tied as to the facts connected with the members of ram ifies. no mutter how remote the date. or seemin gly betsit the Investigation; and where the caw 11.1 alrea dy been undertaken by any of the 01111101111111 persons who pretend to a knowledge of this UlllOllllO6, and who have altogether rioted to °loai ing. or omitted to afford the infornianon sought by the victims of their sp.:louse nes. and delusion, the matter is the more readily under taken. because of the greater satinfactlon in aiding Where the pre trnees of others have obtained so much untuented confidenee. . . In the settlement of Commercial. Trading and other /Vb., the necessary legal and 'mercantile acuaca la ill be brunetht to bear; an experience of half a centu ry to thin particular branch, i• the beat evidence that ean he afforded of the •thlirt that will Or bestowed on Matters vorning under this ke Inventors and others retiutrtng Patent rights secured Ln any or all parts of Europe, can have the same elect ed at • very MMus charge over and above the usual fees required in any Well country Every tittunna lion respeetuig the probatile expenses, and the moduli operandi will •t all times be cheerfully afforded; and the lamb., particularly in England. for dispostog of the right. the ,are of the moat extetistve character. In troductions are also turreted to men of wealth and high respectability. Whatever belongs to thus depart cut is ample The attention, therefore, of the public 111 gen eral to particularly niliened o thi• branch of the Agen t.). I Otllll.llllllr .1011 4 by letter are requested to be poet paid. BE-NTHA.4 FABIAN, 3r) Water street. New Vora. MM.= A. 71:11.1LETED TO lion Chas t• Lo y, Judge C' 1. Common Pie., Chas Cardidge & Co. & J.l Tnoems. G EL A. Rickel.. Fig. RG word Schrader, E.N. C/nrAnnah, Ohio. A Patehin, Esq Yrrs't Putehm look. Buffalo ;y4 . dtaw:Janato&rd . BRICK FOR SALE. rj ill F: tillJerseKtl,l offers for sale a supenor article J of bark tor bonding. made by 111. Stearn Press, Improved osuclime. for which he hos olnained a patent, at..l to glue pureen „guarantee that iltry are stronger. and will resod !cost and wet wean, e, and imbibe less tumours. or dampness than any oth er brick, possesong greater body and superior texture and much me durable in every respect, each bock brntg subjected or to a pressure of several toils, and pos sessing a handsome smooth surface and even edges, they make a front equal to the best trout linek They have given the greatest sat/situ-non to all who Its re purchased. A kiln can be seen at of works. and •pee one], at the Ga.... odic, I •uppli.4.l Ilteievvri e. lor 1.4.1111110, .11111, Lohooxrooror •o,,ertor nerd enl whit pavtog Ortek. e OUllaltl thelll limnatglanna, June 12. lei- WILLIAM SCIIOLEV, 11. IL RY.AN. ISAAC M yINGER, !Olt"! IL 310H17.15t , N, hoeing ot them elves lofether under the style and title ot Hyatt . far the mations, ore ot Wood T ye. and a. their type la altogether made by machi nery, the Vll.ll of 1,12 r AI ,liger. one or the Arm, y lee! confident that they odor •more perfect larttete at type. and at much lower rate. than any heretofore otfered in the United Stairs, and are now ready to fill ortiers for the same. AB orders addressed to Seholey. Ryan 1 . 0, at their office In Vtanatind alley, between Wood and Smithfield Ntreets, will be Mille wally attended to Li' Proprietors of nereapap,s, on copying this ad. verosement 3 month. and .ending us their paper, will • ...rallied to fee,a their pay in type, on purehasniie ihr .t• WO,. the amount of their Lodi fur adverustng. AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. astmauat. nrmaraod AND WHKILLNG. %vEsri.Aot LINE Ocoee at the Exchange, Baltimore. KIJLCaII FLATE..--11te charges burr heeu redu ced on all Nlessages to or from Baltimore, Pttts- Ott 44'hecting, and a corlespouchng reduction [node tit all telegraphic despatches lorvrarded vole Bal. lifOorr WrAl or ilttaloorgh. Pa. liana.—Tlin charge tor a telegraph despatch to or 1,0411 Salome., Pinsourgh and N% heeling. is 45 cents tor tr. brat teat wont, and 3 cents for each additional word. 1.1.1 - charge is made for the address and signa ture aul the completion of the South Western Line of Telegraph mum Nlemphis, Tenn.. to New Orleans, des patches can he forwarded to filemphis by this route. and imolai for New Urinous. toll - The Allegheny Cemetery. A T the annual meeuni of the Corporator!, held on /1 the sth [net , the fol lowing permits were totem Intraely re.elected Manager. for the ensuing year THOMAS 51. HOWE, Preement. JOHN BISSELL, JESSE CA Rani F:R.N, NATHANIEL HOLNIFS, W 11-.4 /N MTANDLESS, JOHN H. SHOENSERGER, JAMES l SPEER. J Fthorre, Jr., Secretary and Memo r 'lnc annual stamment presented the alrall, of the Company in it very prosperous conthoon. Their office nt the city 0N0,:t7 Warr street Jell COUNTRY INEIRCIIAN TS C.AN SAVE (Ann IS to per cent. lip pa relsuing their OIL Cl yrus dtrect from the manufacturer. POTTER & CARMICHAEL have opened a ware• house, No. 135 North Thud street, above Race, second dim South et the Eagle Hotel, Pitikanaunta, whet' , they will always keep on hand a complete assortment at Patent Elastic Carriage Oil Cloths, Ye. =,411, 44, 4£ and 54 Inches wide. Figured, Painted, and Plain, on the inside, on Muslin Drilling and Linen . Table Oil Cloths of the most desirable patterns. 38,40, Eland St Inc Lea wide. Floor Aid Cloths, from 1. niches to 21 feet Wide, well reasoned, and the newest style of mamma, all of their own inettufacture. Transparent Window Shades, Carpet.. A.c. All goods warriniteiL in)aril:d3m DERRY & NICKEIWON Manufacturers of IWNINGIS, SACHIMI BOTIONA, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN !SAGS 0? ALL ozscairraolts • lle. 364 South Prone IStrest, Back of T A. Wilson's Cabinct Ware Manufy PII/LADELPHIA, AA e, Lpordoz left with S. S. Moon, al am office of the .treadedm. ch `I Howl, Pittsburgh, will be potimptly THOS. G. DERRY seplo-.110 A. C. NICKERSON ORIGINAL .HOLIVAR BRICKS. , UXPERIF..\ GED )udge on • trial of nor and a half 12f million*, since 1n45, pr %, onounce this article onto, painted for durability In the construction of all kinds of Burnaces. Piles 6:13.75 rash for loads of 10 SI, guar. antred nine months use. Orders for a second quality Bolivar Brick. will be executed at 500 per hI, if se' de sired, without guaruntee. A mock of the first quality is now for sale at the warehouse, .fitloan's SVharf,' Ca nal Basin, by .1 BIOAtV MACLAREN, orprktf Kensington Iron Works lIIDMENIX FIRE lilt/CR..4- , Ple ettbsertbera basing been appointed rule Agee 11Y the o.artiteetarere, for the sale of the celebrated “Pitaptus Bricks," are now prepared to till orders for any quantity, at Sit, cosh, per , Fur UM C0.M.1101.1 01 nutmegs of all kpids, Ile. bricks hove been prououtteed b y es of 0.111.111 g superior to all other fire bricks now to use. C A eI'APIELTIc & Cu, Cures) Damn. eay3o FOR STEAM BOATS. DORTADLE FOliarblzi—rt very enurement artzele. bellows and all the forge eon be castled by the han dles by Iwo men. A few art reed and Tor sale by ools ULOUY UN JOHN QUINCY ADAMS—Delivered .112 J May I hh, letri, at the Stat.l llotwe of the Sixth Ward, trtnaberer By R. M. Breekenrldge. trublushed by JOH NSTUN k STOCICIVN, and for sale by all the lkuskwllers in the city. tyJ INES-41h yr ctwks and 20 illd 1J1.1• Port, Sweet Malaga, and Madeira Winea rompnstug souse very clime, nod super or brand., reeetaed a n d for stir on accornwodadu g term, by my la W h al :lliorcilEurßnr. ten liberty st LA RD UIL-60 bk....opener, Burelthardt's brand, inch recewed and tor sale by /Y 6 J KIDD a. Co. GO wood st fIATS—OU sucks . superier Ont., reed per slcaurer V e and for gale by rest .1 h K FLOYD, Round Church Lioildinge Q NVEI:r bIALAGA WlNE—glgr casks sweet Mal. gu Wine. Just received and for 'Mc by ie2l MlLlikat a RICKETSON W3'r INIJIA 111/SEY-3 bed. Just landing and iur .ale by JAMES 11ALZELL, Jain ... 212rater in Wl:a DOW ULnyin—A.l, 1,1. e4lO, tor saiell 0,14 a I , N. 1.1 :, In/NNinlitell* LAI-1 EET I FlilN - f-la 10 - n7 Iii...211;1:1 100 j tiZ, r . .ale by toll 1 , 1 , VW\ MINNIIOIIIIT a. to LaEF.I-2 bills pickled; 1500 Ina dried; for sale by P /YU S YVON IlDNNI100.137: A Co_ VT ACKF.R.EI...—No 2 and 3, to half and qr bnle; for at. Pude by J7ll 8 V VON IWINNIVALTV aCo BROOSI9-16 dor. extra large g. It. BRI011121; y do lioatteater do; . 4 do Corn du; lot sale by JYI.IS V VON BONNIIMIST 8. Co _ . . . - . . nor:AiA b e i KEßECL; y 36 ,4 l , 6ltt F tt l i t 7A7 l7 ;d ttlit. 7 ,,, ( l sr .1) Co vorKni-Tx.ri"‘";,-1117inviz,rram _ 2EATHF.ELS—It packs Feathers just landing tad j 2 for rale by WESTinti BOWES, ~ ~4 ~- NETre - GONSWIPTIOIRi - Asthma, &oaths** Elitintrig SOW, Pain in the aide. Red lice.; Sore' Three; rioanentaa, Palpitation of the Resat, Whooping Co Croup, Hive% . Nervous Tivmors, Liter and Diseased Shi c hrela, b a y ie early D. tilwaratera Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry/ It mild and pleasant to the taxa, perfectly uth and hartele . .. es or.rauotre, sad tel It is one -oldie most powernti and certain rutted., ihr Consumption of the Lauga, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, bottiug Blood, Liver C 01804.1. Bao. in the 8140 or, Bruast, .ndgeound Debility of the Constitution, that was , aver invented by the still of man for the tuneful' tile afflicted public. Certificates and evidences of its wonderful curative po.gure are daily received from all Trance. it is im possible coueivc the ngregam of suffering and mis ery tinsi hat. bee. he:netted by tx nor can we calculate the immense benefit that thal I accrue from it hereafter. All a g e .. se-e.4 Cud coastuithou are ..,,,,, dreet ,d by it, and the disease is eradicated from the sYsteett theeons a mtwa repaired, nod health res taged by the use of Da. Swarna's Couroum, Seam ox Wan Coronae. HOW many suttees do we daily be hold approaching to an untunely .t.t.t.0.„, the bloom of youth, from Our relatives and ,„o.toL,7otitoot.: ed wash that fatal malady, C ONSI. - . 11 Pr107.4, which weal..s the miserable uder.' until he so beyond the power of human skill. If such sufferer. would only make a trial of Dr. Swayne. Compound Stump of Wild Cherry, they . would find themselves Sooner relleVed Wan by gulping the various meant ye rerheflies with which our newspapers abound; this •Vegatable Reme dy' heals the ulcerated lungs, stopPiag profuse Mght sweats, at We some time autumn a tantral and healthy expectoration, and the patient will Unit find himself is the eujOyllleal of comfortable health.' lie public should bear in mind that Dr. Swayne is a 'regular practicing physician, and has had years of experienCet la diseues of the Lugs, Chest, dm. The Iprigutal and rielyracno tee antele E, only prepared DIL MAYN N cor e., of E i ghth and since struts,'Pluladelphin... ;iijifflllEtt HOME carrinexal Of all the cures that has ever been recorded, we may safely say nin the at of medicine cannot furnish one to ...spas this, which now stands , as a living Etroof of*. curability of consumption, even when fife had been despaired of. Dr. Sway welt Cul:von:ad Syrup of Wild Cherry 13 Oil it professes to be, the greatest media= in the known, world. Tire Trwe Rktlsas uf life 11 DR Sw•rax—Dear Sir,—Fur the good Md. public, I feel myself to duty bound to testify to the great cure winch your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry perform rd on me. For toy part. I feel as It every body ought to know it. I was tainted with a violent cough, spit ting or blood, night aweara, hoarseness, aad siwnd of the voice indicating an alarming state of dm disease; toy appeum wax gone, and my strength had so far fail ed me that my I nen& and ph yvician were persuaded 1 Could riot survive many day. My stmer, who was my anxious core-taker. made inquiry where idle would be likely to procure the moat certain relict She was told that if 1./r. Swaynes Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry faded in the cure, my Itle WOO thou hopeless. Your metlictne was Immediately procured, and the fins bor. tie gave relief, and by toe Irma I hod commenced the ormla bottle. nay cough hail left me mdmparrength wits much unproved. la Short, n bas mode a perfect case of me, end I sui at this present dam as hearty a man as wish, and have good reason to believe that the use of your medicine has saved me front a premature grave. I *bail be pleased 1, give any information respecting my clue. I 31 13....v:q. at cheater at, between thee and vine sub Phila. CAUTION' CAUTION..' Consumptives, Read! Read!! Dr. Swayua's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. In about the year ISt?, I found it necessary in my prolusions! practice, to compound a medicinal prepar n u oon for diseases of the cheat and limo, posses.* more powerful healing p .,„ roperties than any other hith erto known lor such di us es. In my COMPOUND HUP OF Wild, CHERRY, I have been very sat , cessful. The truly utontalung cures effected by my medicine soon spread its (nine abroad; for ft owes ache of m success to manufactured newspaper puffs or for ged ceruficates—the real intrumiti manta of my com pound is the only use of its popularity. Its extensive sale soon excited the envy °iceman speculators iu the adlicitoas of his fe,low creatures, so much so that twst few years from the time that my preparation eras 11140. dared to the public and in kraut dernand, a firm in this city, finding that my preparation had palled a high reputs. ti u for Ha curave properties, came out with what they called Dr. Wistaria ttalsam of Wild Chen*. This respectable and popular phyaicum had no more to do with the article than poor Sam Patch. The name of Dr Wistu is attached to make it appear that thin em mem practitioner was the original inventor of the pro puuton, such is not the tact. The above firm, the re al inveutor, sold the taupe and night to manurumne to sonic patent medicine dealers in Clll6lllllti for the West and South, wd another in New York for the Eau, who afterwards, tt is asserted, wild out ton druggist in Mute...-ao the number of hands into which it may haie changed is an etugism. to SOMe places they, assets it ttililnithilt fmm a ph icon is PhiladelphiN mothers, from • physician in Massachusetts. So It has falsehood and stratagem stamped to every lemurs. • • There have been a number of other preparations pur portmg to contain Wild Cherry put out since, trout the Lands of mexpencuce, which the public should guard against, as they contain none of the virtues of the m tml and only genuine prepartmon, which hears the nature of in: Swap. ott mach botfle. The present manufacturers albeit. puffs and false certificates haVe the daring effrontery to caution the public against par chamng oty resdleme, the only truly genuine and origi nal preparation of Wtld Cherry before the public, winch to proved sausbictortlY by the dab , . oNa o 1 me Conurionwealth of Pettneylvalins, us well aa vari ous other °theta! documents. DR. H. N YE, Inventor and sole Proprietor of the genuine Com-. pound olyrup of ViTild Cherry, corner of Eighth and Race Misc., Philadelphia. Pamphlets can be °Loathed grotto, setting forth as array of testimony that anti cutortuce the most sheOtst °so to We wonderful homes of Dr Sway - tic's Compound Syrup ui WO,l Cherry Call out g.- 1 one. thal all may rem]. Purchase the tnedi,,, 11,50 c. xtu I. nria.d. by the Agents. WAI TOOHN. Sl Mark tst , OuDEN th SNOWDEN, corner NVuod .d Ltherly Si.. S JUNES, LOD Liberty .5,1 i A FAIINYNTtyCh oh Co. corner of Firs. mat Wood mud set ts and Wood, and JOHN MITCHELL, AllegUrny ray.tosr^ DR. JAY - NOS ALTERATIVE. - . SWe have been informed by Mm. Hose of a care per rotated on her by Drs Jaywe's Alterative s which proves Its sapermonty over evOry other remedy of the k mod mane has been ulllmmed for the lasi sixteen yeast with NECROSES or W urn.: sw ELLINUS, weeded wino inerrant - hp and crifor anon of vermas bones, do• cog winch time woof peces Gave been discharged from We irontal butte or tut ei,namm, from both her arm, wrist• and bands, mud Pau both Mas, and from the tact le I oral hone, and Imm the right knee, besides paluhal We .n other parts at het person, which have bugled kill or aumber of the cocoa eminent ph 'amiss. of ow . en m —dosi n ng most of the time her surlertugs have been ca era mi. ng and deplorable About three months car was induced to try Dr. Jayne's - Anemone, wbeb bat had no uttonmshmngly happy effect upon bee, renbmv up: all pain and rierelboas, and mamma the u , er•lm lo heal, While at the .awe time her geueral health has become completely restored, no that she now weighs Iles more than she did before she commenced the sae or thin truly valuable prepation.—{ear Eve. fort. ' For lartbef 11110rMal.al, EtiqUire of ilea Rost, No. MI Frllmeit st, Phlladelpkos For tale in Pinsbergh, at the PERIN TEA STOKE, 70 Fr...mil sm. near Wood. • 5 CK01.1: LA AND SCHOPULOUS SWN:LL INiTh.—Scroinla in all its multiplied forms reef:theme that of ifitig's knit, enlargements a the Vaud. , or bones, Goitre, White Swotliege, Chronic hentuatiom, Canner, diseases of the Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one and the same UM., Which is a poisonott• principle more or len inherent In the human system. 'Pharr, fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, no radi cal cam can be etlected, lint if the principle upon which the disease depends, en removed, a care mum of necessity follow, nu matter under what lose the disease should manliest itself. This, therefore is the reason silty JAYNE'S A LTER•TI r. u 50 bpi venally successful to removing so many nvarigimat diseranw. It destroys the virus or principle froin whino those diseases have their origin, by entering tato the circulation, and with tbp blood is convoyed to the minutest fibre, removing every piatiele 01 disesce Irmo the system. Prepared and sold - at No. 8 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin 'roa Store, No. Te. Fourth stme. Pittsburgh metal LADI&s WLe Una Coo , mon!rcparcdChalk, are often not aware bow taghoolly Injurious t m to the skin! how coarse, how rough, how sallow, 0, claw, and anocalthy the skin appears afar ustog prepared chalk! Heade, it o. troormot, :mato wog aln rat goon lay 01 lead. O. c Lust pared a Le:mound reomable tattle, teach we call .I pre 011ES'S - SPANISH LILY Wlf ITk:! It is perfectly Innocent, beteg purified of all dela...woe qualatesi and it =pans to the skin a natu ral, healthy, alabaster, clear, living white, al the tome nine acne{ its a etraseteue on the akin, making Ulan and rmooth. lame. A nuenion, Prat ue aJ Chemist of Blase,. chases..says: "Atter analysida Jones's Spanish LillY White, 1 find it possessea the most beautiful and nub rul , at the same time innocent white 1 ever saw. 1 rennet', can consmentusualy recommend its use Mall whose skin requires Sentillty tug.( , gPile< 23 acids • boa. Sold by W al. J ACI 3UW , ash. Boot and Shoe Store, fit Liberty street, head Of Wood, at of the ltig ilooL Ladies, Indies, I'm aamitished, Whco you know, Jac you are pro:1311.1 A natural, life-llke, snowy yvtattc, ===TM And look • deathly yellow fright The theme of laughter end of talk. If you 'would a. • box of JONLio Lilly•whoe, it wools give your *lna •• alabaster-yet amoral white, and et the morie lime clear and unptove it. bold at JACAS(JN . P., WA Liberty M. Price 'execute per box.. rayd PAPER WAREHOUSE. no.g BOILLINU BLIP, Ai lEC W iyiciA W. FIELD offers Mr We at the lowest 4, I Atmtufaaturers' prieeA, a very extensive assort. mem of PAPER. compramg every ponwtde variety, W apted to the wants of eonsororrs to ail sections orate ectunlry. Paper of all kinds made to order at Shim not too mocker PRINTING PAPER is unusually large a parlor which is of very Bahama. quality PAPER MAKER S DIAPTEILIALS of every damription, imported and kept counattly oh can., no Feliargs, Wire Cloth, Pourdrinicr Wires 13Ielachmg Powder, Blue Ultramartne, Twine, de., ise KAUAI Cunsass,llale Rope, Gras, Rope, Barging, e. e, purchased, for which the highest price. Cash will be paid lyrly New York, /chills= Dr. W. P. Inland's Premium Plaster. T XII W. P. INLAND, of the Medical College hf Phtt 11 allelphia, now offers to the public his 111411. Veg etable Precut+. Plaster, I/mot:alines of which, eller long and tried experience, has been satisfactorily e•- tabilsbcd. To all women who may be afflicted with Prolapses Uterin or Fallen Womb, he reeommeuds his plaho ster, guaranteeing • sure andapeedy cure In the srt apace of from two to thee weeks, if applied with care and rest—diutuding all the countless instruments and ex penstee bandages so long ni nee. Th. he (rent cotricienuous iu statmg, Mesmer+ NA he hos not failed In one case out of three hundred and hung-three Also for Rheum:ton= and Weak Dream or Dart. at tended with pain, Were is noilung to excel this Mosier in affording relief or effecong • corr. For sole by I. Wilma, miner of 'diamond and Market st Druun & Rei ti ter Liberty and Si Cita, as Dr 1 Sargent `. Federal a aad Lhamond. Alle gheny city Jacque* I Co, • Daum. and Diamond. Birming ham. le3 - • A Chal/oogo to the World. TWENTY•FIVX put .I.n RS sow be paid to any one . I ...liftman. • Won dry.that Cillll. be a:treated with I toil , Improved Soap I Kaee thr sauslaerroa ul some to Lao people at this plate, that this article, rn 0,711 lommyement on it,arw s mend , : unrivalled in 6,- .4111,0 for o llraetlnt erease,tar. p'• n. poor, or uy aro, r,frwrjr inane, , rout +0 Va.' , or Warner,: n' eq1713.1., r.thr., Mantra Fuser! s' Imonets, he. without nuaring .m 01140311 parr waler wilt nal more. More than orse thousand persons In different pare Of the country tome told =they wmild nal be So it, If it cost one dollar per cake. to trying this Soap on more than 300 snickt of light slam, tatins, al pencas, and calicoes, 1 have only found three mecca of two of Monson, nod four of calico, on which it ehmmed Morel - am therefore before puttelg lt all a tight dross L,7 a wimple of the dress firn fatale this ntearree, am determined not to recommend it any stranger than know to be strledy true. • N LI non. Pnce, 1111 eta per cake. Sold, Wholesale and ietnil by It E SELLEMS, doe9l 57 wood st TEAS -35 bait &ems Y HT.; 70 do do Impemal 30 do do tionpavrdev . do 30 do do black do; 39 eau ty bra thuspowder and Y H, In awes and for sale IatI'BROWN CULBERTBObt' ; ~' ,TY: MFDICAL A GREAT CUSS, palbroked by dr orvisai 04 w iz /laza mains Lin: po,cared ad sail by it lc =LS. Idols* , Femmes, Westinetelaml Ca , Ptso • Myl7th, lal7. Kr. E. R. Stamm—A. solar of ditty ilayosimal thadadol indommine Made my Imola. taliattery in Ikewrayourjuky celebrated Lira nib_ yle" deemed doing m yam, adhering to DaryCroekett estelnc"ht. Sure you ari . = go , ohm go ahead.t* Not tithe many preyerstiate of and quocks, lauded to Me ikies,lerra sunk moo obGrawa abaci yule Lace Pile hare been Wired to the public, atalr '1 bairn they will ...aim Men they an jit= Tyomo repimicat tiara to be. I hare keen edited with Lira Complaint Aum my mete him tattered much; emplapit many eminent phyeiciany to wham I paid MK* 0.1.33 hre lost mach b • mane* and Nyack* await° deatha minuted sor 6 tones, end enally . girain ap inentable, 106.7 I was lamed to tartar Lear Firla,aad GONG WELL. Otte boa of winch imam safilirient to keepasstiaar of Nut in the ante, end all Me other ampt s.. 6r at least IS eamthe Year Pills .re also the besteallearee I erelnewli being atikl, not griping or girerg moth i1d131.11 at the stow ark, bra gnu ma much relief than kept thins in .7 for 6 or 7 years; .14 hundreds of boats, and hare it=. heard a @Mee complaint wend by any one who hat 1.4 Them. hare mpercedet 1.13.11 weary oilier pill *the end to s short tam will bannh tbea all: earnestly ramonamad theca to all Neon *Mow PT*, whethwhether 6r Liar comilaint. or Bitlioos dillatioce 1 can. er them fa topertor to Calomel or dm BlotalL ihropeci kt.l7l76l6—As them are other Pill, helea L &r im cmtco Lira Pille paean who wmt the ozir be and Wu no other thas those prepared and milt bail RH ealli E au Leas, No 57 truoil-at between Third ant Poor* strata. .9.14 by Dr. Cue*, Mlle Wait, D N Cesar, kllaghwo city, Ilydiropathy s or the Weiler Cure. DOCTOR dENJ . W. MORK'S returns his since. thanks to the citizens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny coy for the very liberal support und encourage.= he haa received wattle the last six months. That the Wa ter care should acquire ruck celebrity. is neither strange nor mystenous,tchoo i tenons:4l.yd bow grant another of eases of every nanny of diseases,: both ofand chronic, have been cured by a )uslichmt• ass of it. In Germany. where it originated, eta thousand of the worm cues, that were peso op by the most &U -fa! phylum. of Europe or incurable, were eared by the unmonal Priesrunr, the Mustier of the Wow: Cwt. In Fugland, France and America, thouttinh of !mgr.! less cues stave been eared by It, nod the nuknorous llydropmhic establishmems sow in Racer:eat opera tion in the tinned Steles, speak volume. in Wed: of the practice. Dr. MOMS having permanently established himself in the city of Prusburgh, three doors southwest of if , Wile" Idler, on Penn street, ta now prepared to Mks • number bf boaniers and treat there at Ms hoot: t ad those who prefer being treated at their own dare • will be pancurally and faithfully attended. Ile may co - I=lml at his office from t "cloak till 3 P. ki, and from 7 to 10 in the evening. N. EL—Every variety of baths made use of to ho Water cure , bothfor ladies and gentleman, ean be ob. =sad at the Atherszenta, on Liberty street, where they have been recently erected for die express use of ily dmpadde patients, and where every aupimon will be given by the polite and attentive propriabilk • Growl English Remedy. FOR OREA'Pte l t l ittltVllTD l,* for u rl ' efe k'dl are ort atroVe diseases, is the IRINGIARLSH BALSAM OP LIFE, thscovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of London, England, and Introduced into the United States under the Immediate superintendence Mate inventorla The extenonlinary meccas of this medicine, b. tar sure of Pulmonary , diseases,. traumas the Amerinart Agent in soliciting for the worst possible to. sea that ran be found In the communtry —ea,. that seek relief to vans from any . of the common of the day, and have been given up by the moat distiogashed physicians as confirmed endincurable. The Hungimi on Balsam has cored, and will cure, the most deverate of cases. It to no muck nostrum but a standard Env Bah medicine . , of known and mtiblishal efficacy. Every fanuly in the United States should be supplied web Daehan's Hungarian. Balsam of Life, not only to counteract she consumptive tendencies of the e but to be used as a preventive medicine in all eases of roughs, spitting of blood, pain in the side and chest, irritation and soreness of the Mop, hemline, difficulty of berating, hectic fever, night moats anon and general debility, asthma, ialuensa, whooping cough and scoop. Sold in large bottles, at 11 per bottle, with fall direc tions for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a truss of English and Ameri cus certificates, mid other evidence, showing the un equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may be obtained of the Agents, gratuitously. For le by Id A FAANM'OCK. & Co., comer of et and Wood end Wood and 6th Mt. mare DK. JA Yni CAIIIII/..NATIVZ BALSA* L , HUM the He. AHA SHINN, a well known and pop tithe Clergyman of the Promitanthiettiodim Church The sulderalgried have been enlisted during thepast winter with a disease °kite stomach, testetiron pus. dating great pain in the stomach for tenor twelvehoura without intermission, and after having tried vain= IV.Mettln with tide effect, was furnhhed with a boats of D, Jaynes Carminative Balsam. This he audio. cording to the directions, and found anvarlably !Mudd* medicine caused the pain in abet in three or fourths. tars, sad to fifteen or twenty minutesevery activation was entirely quieted. 'nte medicine ;TX . ierwards used whenever indicationsof the approach of pain were perceived, muddle pain was thereby prevent. ed He condbeed to use the medicine every evening. and .0610111.11 m the morning, and in a fur weeks health wee so far resumed, that the enterer was relies ed frime a large amount of oppreuive pale. From es pa e, therefore, be one confidently recommend D D Jayne's C 11,011.111111•0 Balsam, u a salutary motels for diseases of thestomach and bowels.. A siIINND Allegheny ea y,1721 For sale In Pittsburgh at the PhICI N TEA STINK 72 Fauna Wert Wood, and also al IheDTUS Sion. ail V SVeItVAHT.Z. F rdrnlareet. Allattyay Pacify Your Blood, R 0. E. SlBLEY—pear Sir. Lao Spring, and du- AU. nog the prey - nem winter, I was severely alltiobed with a scrofulous complaint iu my legs, and had berm for some mouths under the cant of physicians. nary said my mum was almost incurable, and they could do but bole for me. ' / anis nearly helpless, bus wiltillus aid of crutches could with difficulty get about. In May last, I purchased of you, and comnauteed aging Rats iota Soissronu.s- After the sum of two bottles, tho sores commenced healing, and I laid aside my crutch es, Using only cane. i stispensed with my cane, and at the end of the fourth, woo so well as to esind day in sheering sheep. In all, I used &vs bottles. The wrofula sod sores have 'all healed up, and eines last suirtiner I have seen no appearance thediseuti, but har e continued, and am now, in the re= perfect healtil I state with confidence, hoping that others may babes caned in the same way, that the Sarsaparilla sold by you, has been the means and the only means of affeet, tag the core. CORNELIUS J. ROSE, Poe sale wholesale and retail, by &kw B. A. PAHNt'SfOCK & Co cor. front P ... w00d sta. & also corner wood &Slthde • VISE PICRBUZILICIELY— Cream de' distandet Amend, (or shaving; Oren= a la Ross, lot shaving: Almonds Cream, de; superfine Rouge, on Porcelain stand& Elegant scent begs, perfumed with Lavender, A ogle term Biel; Beanufal potr ;mile, of an patlerizei limboasod to boles, cootamiag fraipmat extratta for the handtrehlef; a neat bag. and Wet maps, sun able. for presto.. ressitia or Cloacae powder: ledirm golf - data° hair oil, Bear's oil, in limey or common "'rappers, (rose leant- JbhaLnes goap; Nymph tioxpi,•.Host Lip ulve; MHO soda map; Mamba wan • great variety of fine perfumery: gm received; for sale tor B A ' , AAR ..iOCfC CO nv le car Wp & wood eta Pulmonary luy REED CIIyLEII-1 feel it a dray I Au owe to toy fellow creatures, to state something. morerespecting your Vegetable Pulmonary ilalsana Sate I first seed the Balsam, stoat eleven years ago, • the happy erect of which I then gave en tecount of, have had several sevens complatuts and atteeks al my lungs, one a few day. sine, and In every instance have used the Balsam alone with complete and perfect success. It has effected relief and cure in a very Lew ' days. It is certsduly a safe medicine. Ido not knew „ that it will cure a fixed oonsomptiou, but I believe- It will be in many cases a, gravamina, And prevention to better than cure; I do therefo got the love of my fel, low MCA, eUrne.lly recoanciend nt, the use of this Daiwa, In au pulmonary mime/ants: I mu confident that it ; , ~1 has been the means of preserving coy life to MIS day. ' Boston June 1t '46. BENJAMIN PAJISIJNSea • For sale by D A 'Falmestock, k. Co, corner filet emdl greed sod also corner wood and GM. lal9 SELLER'S IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP.—It has 'wives trseurel Phressemon, Feb.l4, /n 47. B. E. Sutures—My wife has Mr years beau satinet, • to a i?trejsaguit z tcer =with ,og l it, We cure the advice of the moat eminelMy:reit England, btu all wee unavailing. By chance I beartg.... in your Imperial Cough Syrup , and was Imbued lo buy • bottle Mr trial, elthough I bed no belief thee knlftbing could remove ber complaint. To Joy at sum= , • two doses gave her immediate reliet &mat " troubled wall a cough, but two tempoonafal of Syrup always steps tt 1 sal aatiabed it after a trial of three oT , lour years, that Seller's Cough prop is beet covet teethe.. I have ever Bled either in the Old or New Paratoosoris, Seventh {Yard, city of Pittsburgh. The above certificate tilmuld Induce...ll woo ara troubled with cough or asthma, to give the STreP al. It may be had Mr , cents a bottle at Use drug store of E.SELLERS, d 7 wood sr. Sold by Dr Cassel, atluiritsd, and 11 II Curry, Alle gheny cur. . Patent Moak Spriag NE W LY /P 4 MDITED—Formo roti,,fond Pennant:lt Core of 11EIINL1 or E YTURg. (Salted to all hilit• - • auperior claisoaof this Truss consist in the itata• oarativa visa with which it may Lie warn. Ihe Pia At weed being neatly balanced on Apriugs t gieldgia plea &WC an any part of It, and thoroughly adaptailiwif to 010 •Cillellt Wilda by the wearer. It can lie worn ',Wheat iaterninamon, until& Care to efeeted. It. ten Wit.leira hairy made arrangentano far Inn atantriaetalla tlimie valuable Truax's, to a napenor style, iti 1%114 delta a, and have them ace. foe win at their White, No. r 7, mattfichl at. near Ofirtai two. W ATT, Jere D. %V ILA UVFNIAN. SELLERS' VERAIIPUGE—"Superior to any I have ever used." Gnome Tr, Fayette county, Pa, March 4. 45. Mr. S. E. So.l.mur-1 hereby certify that I ha‘e peed your Venuifu,ge to my famny, and believe trot ouperior to any I b•ve ever used. 1 gave 1411:16 of my etuldrea one dose, which expelled about E 0 WOMBS. • El.l Ef /Is IoN. prepared and sold by R E SELLFThe 57 Wood Sold by Dr Cassel, bib Ward; D 51 Curry, Allegheny; J Smith, Teinperanceeille; and P Draw, Law; reneecille. my 4 RINGFZ—An nasorlmenl recid and fur ant S by MY3 I J KIDD hCo '• PITTSBUFLGH GAZETTE, ' i'1.:1.1.13111ED DAILY, rat-wEisaciAt a. winsuill La a .As (Matto BeiWows, 34 mower ate Pea Wag, ' a at A TICII OP A DVICILTIIII.SII3., One trusertaun of 12 !ince, or leas ]tiro a nserboue without altorettons, .......... 0 76 Three •• "" .... ... .l .. 100 One Week •• . ......... I 60 Two tVeeka " •,2 50 Three " '• " • ••••••••••• 3 00 One :.Inett, " . • • 6 4 0 ° Two " " ..... • 00 Three " 7 60 Er I.a•ngcr advertisements an serra;prOp.t.-6,•N.,4 Oo e ay,tue,ti mouths...about alterattoo..• • 1 Z ...'"' " " 12 " ••• . Each hddmonasl &par elly r 6 mom h 5,...... 300 4 " • .. ••••• w ''''' . Or, wmare,6 Menthe, renewable al pleasure; .10 00. .. , f 10 00 Garb ahhtiotial.quane for It wombat 10 00 I. '"' .`l 6s rtat, 6 munthe, re'veable at pleasure, 30 00 Each edditionalaquare;6 mouths, .... 800 . arencLe 01 Taioirenzl.r in ball.l tunas. One cquare,Xibserihms $1 60 • " " each additional inset/ton St Valivia Calms. Five lines or less, ooe year,. r 6 00 .• aft m0nth5,......... .600 ' oats year, early & weekly, 10 IX a, •• Ili: months " " 00 •DYzaTiszvVVVl TV v..... ?Lill. FM' to 1..., or ton, Oise rosertson, ..... ...SO 65 Two, • 0 70 ,` Three, •• Three mouths ' V6O " - -Six • 6'oo • Tw.le ". L . . _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers