JAKEZ,.._ A. Herron:sos ca Co. se. Looy. ' l, :mmintOrnisiltlner7. nu. and elt Frol6l Meet, Piet i b t ,,h. have in stone the fo ll owing. or sort:nw ef fn fi n for sale low: alas deVirle /ergo Loaf, 1060 bbls Nos. 4, ISe7...ead ft doj ado Powdered; 2Coe do Crualx mil 46 do Clanfled. mile - 8 44 air and nolaisaea. 148 MIDS ON Sagan 46 bbla Lae Sugar, Ni,. 2, 6 and 7 . 141 - do Prbooldear Orleans blolad4o, Wdo " :Swear Honda do Iq store and for dale by 3:Trawl:mkt, ittolinorry ot SONDHLEH-33 casks Sado dab, branded bl !Reale 00, LHerpool; 30 do do do James atugfrat.t Eons, dqddo bags 810 Caret.; 300 borta yo r dzlO sod laiU W Glass, for sale by JOHN GIFUER4' sa9os fErtlibatt_ EREBH FINE CET CHEWING TOBACCO—Mr. •111111ces_ add Ina AndersorN, rant recd and for 4 61 , HEALD, BUCENOR A Coo, • . 41 north waltz and 16 12onlk removes, ben Phlladel • hia Vtatit LEAF TonAcco—mo Min Yin, LeafT. -basso,, and supe ri or quality-1, 9 and 3 eurp—Just I • from brig Anthracite; for side by • M. . HEALD. BUCKNOR& Co Prior , haYe alien a shade. The receipts yester day were- limited, with sales on the wharf of 200 CLlElthillo PIPE:3.-054 lasa and Oen" n bbls at 4,30, and 100 Olds at 4,25 e bbl. 0111 ijr medium bowls, Paw landing - from pin and I fog w o w jai HuogNoß is E n I quote no large wlm from store; regular dray load ISR—true Crave, Baltimore, ALL, will be glad to lotsare disposed of at 4,3734,40 p bbL F bane orders from his friends in Pinaburgh and RYE FLOUR—Sales of 20 Mks from store elsewhere, for the purchase of Shad . and Hemogs de in - nag the season. Orders executed-wan despatch,- and bbla at S 3 p bbd lowest razes. Charges arpurchaslmelight. mar2El CORN MEAL—Sales at $1,62 p bbl. nOTTON YARNS, &e..— 60,6X1 Lbe assorted Non; lon GRAIN—The market allows no material change bales Caudle Wick; ISO do Bening, Carper Chain, • Its; Twine, for sate at manafticutrars lowest prima. • from last quotation. ' Receipts contlnie light, and iT O * FRIEND, MIRY &co very hula is doing. rtOBALT-20: les Cobalt, J i m reed nodICIDD for sale by GROCERIES--The market u without change eagt - • with regular limited sales as 03Ilowc—N 0 sugar', 1,1107' A.Bll—souks receiving from stmr Lake Fria ,1„.- arid for sale by env JAIIII. DALZELL 41051 c as in quality. Molasses, 27 .6128 c. Rice, -I,#, ACON AND FJ s TUC", r „ a lbs 0 4vas to sic. Rio coffee continues dull, with .U.Flarated; last received and for sale by bed sales at 7/511c for good quality. Other arti. L S WATERMAN ales, no change. • BACON—Receipts continue full, and literal shipments are making- to the eastern market.— Regular sales are effected at our last quoted rates, • It will be seen by advertisement that the One Light draught steamer Comet, Boyd master, will hereaßer run between this point and Zanesville , meeting the Jenny Liod at Beverly. 71:Cil—Wo las Fancy tharch, for sale by angt L WATMLNIAN VEN:RIiD-60 bbla just reed and for sale by B A PAIINO3TOCK & Co, stoga corner to and wood su CALERATUS—io bbls, bx., fer !aid 6 T , a4s 7 8 F VON BONA I.IOBBT At Co S TONE PIPES-00 bi Stone Pipe , aka.. tEiih,tis rptrus-u dos large Tuba far sale by 191E_ WICK & III'CANDLPSS SE4AILS-300 NI Common Cigars, for sale by _1(41 . Meg A SVCANDLESs CRUSHL.I3 , -811GAR--30 bbl . Crushed Sugar, for rude by .g 7 WICK & ISCCANDLESS SPTt3. TOISENTECE,--03 bids hl fine order, jun: lec'd Ly anti J SCHOOMLAICER &Co Q7lll TURPENT/NE—Z bbl i a a f t v i lt , le i bt Erna S 1 ale/ LNVIA. L. WATER CORER-5 bales for sale by /I.l_ BRAUN & RFUTF.R la ll ostuosus.-4,th lbs for sale by suet _ BRAUN & REITER GINBF..NO-5 sacks low landing; for We bi 'W & Co O OThCCV—SG bales la store i rlfa i t i co XiALT_ 0 bush ground and =ground. Xi ferule by aught BROWN is CULBFILTSON CORN. BROOMS-50 dor for gale by . origin BROWN A. CULBERTSON JIG •mETAL—ao tons Cumberland River 1/e - al, Lading from sumo Amerieu Si. and I. Wesel. atop JAMES DALZELL, g 4 water et r ARA dr.-84 kegs No I Lard; a WA, Bacon; land .ff_a log (eo state Cashier, and for sale by /ARUM DALZELL ALLEN'S NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT—A fresh supply far sale by augl4 LIDO k Co JO 09 ,0 F r FLE ,T, Inti Legg prime Rio, just receiving and angl4 y_ BROWN h CULBERTSON LOUR-5I Ws choice. fresh Formly Flour,jort ro ceivedd and for sole by augH J3IIOSVN & CULBERTSON IDLY:ACHING POWDER-20 east.. o(ir. Mospran &Sons' first quality Chlonde of Lime, for tale by EUTCHELTREE LARD OIL-2S bbls peue Lard Oil In store and kw sale by jr29 O 13LAelf,BORN & tIikrINEISRWATIL4-5 bxs DR luxe Loaf; two trblsl, Cy ft, 7 and B swat diN :DO do CIIIShCai do powdered; in stare and for tale by JAMES A HINCRISON & Co, kali Agents of St. LOWS Steen! Sugar Refinery H. NIO4,4BSES AND 00EDIN SYRUP-30 bbl. S bf do ot i g= 6 i tlck4:l 3 :ll l o, * r d .:err .1724 Jes Hurcinsoir &co T oyDizsEpiiPs LLA—lnn ree'd and (or sale by JOEI. MOBILES, J It Post BeiWings, nor wood and Ssh Its IVO/011 CAROLLYA TAR-110 LL4 N C Tar, m good order, Corsair by DAGALEY t Shlrm //ZS to and :V wood .t Nom- 3 MACKEMEL—IOO bbls for sale by .4,1_1216 JAMES DALZF.I.I, SHORTS—T 3 bush Shorts, Or tale by 43 - 25 JOHNS DILWORTH bACON-14,5U0 lb., bog round, oo consignment, for JJI sale by jy3l I D WLLLIAALS,IIO mood st OR4DITO NETTS—A lame lot of Melvin° Neu, /TY full used piece:, for sale cheep. A LEX ANDER & DAY, Win 75 market st,3l W cos of the diamond BAREGS PLAIDS--A, lot of handsome Dr;egc Plaids, attach sec are selling at prices greatly bo lo. Nebel we hare ever been able to offer the woe cpea‘ity for. • 17 20 ALEXANDER tr. DAY SHOT --44 kegs. &Led NZ* kly sale by big - LISA HUTCHISON tr. Co T EAD—ezai pig, Galena Lead, for sale by L 1721 - JAS A HUTCHISON & Co, SCOTCLISNUM-600The joss reed Led (or rale by J KIDD*. Co UT 00L-72 sneks m awe and for We by T lyt 7 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, front st Q BOULDERS-19 casks prime bacon Sboalders,inst 0 received and for safe by BROWN & CULBERTSON sr‘OFFETe-100 bags prime Rio Corea, r;esivisgabil %,..1 for sale by IMP JAW'S DALZII.I. LA ACKEREL-30 Ws No 3 Mackerel, to and for tale by l7 a P & W if Aft.BAUGH OIL CLOTIIS-2.51X1 yds 8-4 Floor 011 Clothotts patterns. IWO " 4-4 " " ye* path" 147 dos Tattle Covent, a 'splendid artiele—ein't be beaA just reed from the Pbillipetidle Newry, and Get stale INo 5 Wood et. : & patuaps T EAS -40 kitchens and bra fine to ertra V. Nyerto,• 10 " "" U " O l Tpatv .i'd der, 15 `. "-. " Vtrerehougi Fos gala by D WILLIAMS, 110 wood .1 agYl COI:TEEL/10 bags — primeFlio72o — doTdonyra; tcreo old Gov. lova; for sole by even JD WI 1 , 1 ,15 Sa JO - W: 7 h — }WA • iiimet 111 - 6.. 0 bbla ebarifietr, edo crushed and pulverized; Z 5 do alosorted= for sole by_ .. 41 ett. . DWIb SPICES-sbeige Pimento, do Pemyi ) bid Cloves; 2 dolma Ginger; caeca lda=rd, twinned sae. GO mats Cassia; I keg Mace; ground Spices at variety; itir vale by sown t DIMLIAAIS R ICaL I DUH-2 cases superfunt irthw - 13 0T61311-0 bblr prima, for =le by J D WILLIAMS •C:IIMS-11bl Lard; pc. Eag_Carpeti doa Woollen Saekriad . do Zoo Washboard.; au rad. .d for rale by net J LIWILLIAMS (Shi.ea parr ran - reed and for sale so. /KIDD& Co T,I3M -7 :LOOWOOD,-.ljmi reed nn¢ Sx.see aor4l - . .JKIDDeco F EIIIIIIO sacks - for stdebr F KIDD Co Y. br — Tglt-2 tibl4,reet alio do otforlo7liiß,y atria TASSEaIItZT 'I4ACON-4014dide.,tnmore and fin mac by imerl . TABSEY & BEST lbs, • p greible, In .wro and (brash, by aura TASSer BEST TALteiß—l LW nal and Oar ado by atOt • TABBEII & BEBT FOR BALE—A Family Ilona 6 Tau. .1,:i., arni a t - ed all mood,aaitable Car saddle*, bagitypitgaiat that a childatha•bandle May Far ma:baby' -•- • ~ augla _.. _ S ° 4" '8'& 1 !1:171!1`1`314%7 1 ' cloareldEAL_so I.ns Corn Meal, CP, 4.n.shats brand, rrn'd per !ant Comio s in a jo l n v trzilltliateity l i r A Haws GUITARS-1 supply or Marlin's eels- LTA Waxed Spanien Caftan, just - meld and for sale by jras_t IR_ JOHN H MELLOR, 81 wood's% A LUM-) Ws San,. .leil i rldlt i l i t e l'Y angl6 al wood at EED--M bass' flmaby Seed; bbts Clovei doi for sale LT =4O I li E PbOYD. rILEARSIDaI-10 caskoclear Sides, lost toOd !and V for aile by • 710ELT A CONNINOWI, eve liqopy TIRT BEEF-11)V0ibs fut.sale by• - ohAl . r VON BONMIORST co YE FLOUR --s bblsin gore pod for sale by, R 019 ENGLISH k DENNM LACE Fl2ll-8 bbloVa iasp r ej N tr i s c l i for taleiry RST* Co Won Shales; (orariveTror sabsby Imp JOHN D MORI.rtIN_ (101121M;-2 corks, reed and Da isle by .nrca _ - JOliti.D NOROAN • lOISIDNIXES; INK-9r kegs Book sod News, ka sale frie ' • • J'SCIIOONATAKER lb Co RYE r 11 0,-;23 bbls Eye Plow, ion reed and for sak sesta _S tr. W HADUAIJOII_ CANDLE/L . 4u b. CincosnanßlQd Candles, so co . . is. for sole by 110 W DER-26115 sate byS & HAMMUGH ' 171 rulgl4 R P VON" DONNHORST &Co RYEFLIAIII 2 34) bblo for oals by • 0104 A P VON BONNHORST a Co PEPPER—(u Logy for sato by ull4 F V O.;IILONNIIORI37' tr. Co 1 ARtl . olll.—ltti bbls for sad, of supycj or t 1,4 antli WO & g ot I tecTizr-- - mull lot country Ham . . t0t.1,Ty0,;,,T,„ lidole efralagfrfrient. 19511 frito.L & RO , tiff bal. *cater. maga IWGILL t ROE INSEfrIDOIL.- -7- 10 bias C-6 , elaruzir ----- .1,4 sfral4 arGILI. t top SPERM 011.1Varranted pure - 5 casks for salai; eriglB 1 SCHOONMAEER &-co W HALE 01L—Crude and Refined inr gala aeon Ity AKER lc Co RED PEPPER - 2m lb. groundjuakeed and for sale try aeon B A rAwasrockc &co . QREEP EIRINS-00 - doz Sheep Skin., 'for raddlezz' 1...1 ear, In store and for sole by anal. a &IV HARD/MTh ItAD 14QUULLICE,--41oulbs joy reo'd arid Toirigai by 13 A FAHNEBTOCIC Co, Ouzle oma: lonand wood El lAit—LS bbli North camas, for •by . augl. . 9 p VON IitONZOIOEST & Co LtasAsec. SimiWon . sets. I rises. . MTh -- - 43 - `etc — : . - 618 C 2 727 .6 20 40 4 .74 . 221 90 041 642 39 10 47 0 91 27 11 Zs 5 24 36 020 m. to ye snaw, ?r e". 1 1 7;, Wedsesday, M Thursday, ad Friday, PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TBADB COMMITTEE FOR AUGUST. 11.•.v.•L Jas. rEVITOCIL G WETMA.... Orrnic Prrnmorton GAzirros, Thursday Morning, August 24,1,18 The merest" yesterday were generally very quiet, With no marked change in prices_ The weather was cool ana pleasant kir out door tams actions, and a fair amount of business was done in the way of general sales to the trade. • FLOUR--Tbe martin is a little less active, and .... The &JD:ming were the Prices Current of Amen? can stocks to London, 4th August, 1678. Redeemable. Interest. Price- U. States—Federal, 1868 6pr ct dollar 96 Blemeachuaetta, 1868 5 . .lerg. 97 New York, 1660 5 " dollar 90 Ohio, 1860 li" 90 Pennsylvania, 1810 5 " Louisville, Aug. 19, ISIS. The river was about on a stand last evening, with 4 k lett water it. the caul The weather ut clear and warm. The Cumberland had 30 inches water on 01 sheath on Wednesday and wan falling slowly. [Journal. Louis. Aug. 17, 1..ti4&. 'MCAT= A. , a) Rirtms--Yesterday a heavy rain fell which cooled the atmosphere and effectually laid the dupt, to day it has been cloudy, wet and unfavorable for out door business. The river op posite here is receding, and from last accouhts all the upper streams were in the same condition. In the Illinois 61:1r feet is reported on the principal bars by the steamer Domain, down to day. From four to four and a half feet in the chanpel from this to Keokuk, and twenty-two to twenty-four in ches on the Lower Rapids. In the Missouri scant three feet Is reported on the bars from St Joseph to Brunswick, and three and a half from thence down. From this to cairo there is a channel depth of from seven to eight feet on the principal tiara and the largest class steamers continue to go oat heavily freighted.—[Repute. The .steamer Amaranth reports having met the steamer Pakatine at the foot of (stood 10 to tow of the Yazoo Belle, the P. having bunt her for ward cylender head. No person was injured by the accident.—Pt. Louis Union. The steamer Domain reports the canal boat Iron City lying sunk a Hennepin, Ills.. having on board about 2,000 bushels of Wheat.-151. Lou. is Union. IMPOIT •AIa.;;OAT STITISI7I;--The fOIiOWHIS table shows the value of Foreign Imports into the Untied States annually, since 1513, and the relative rates of duties received to the value of that par tied of the said imports subject fo the payment of dunes under our Tariff Laws. It will he considen ed a curious document. year Dutiable Total tm- Gross do. Per et du ' import. ports dua ty on imp 1833, 375,670,361 5103113,311 521,1 77,578 33 1834, 58,129,1 52 126.521,332 18,9h00,706 33 1335, 71,956,249 149,985,742 25,690,726 32 £8313, 91,923,554 169,680,031 80,816.329 29 1837, 71,739,186 140.986 217 18,131,101 25 1333. 52,857,399 113,707.404 19,702.525 31 /639, 35,690,310 162,09!,132 25,554,531 29. 1810, 39,945,315 107,141,519 '15,104,790 . 33 1 1941, 61,926,146 127,918.171 19,919,492 33i 1842, 68,535,601 100 162,087 16,602,747 251 1813, 29,179,215 161,753,769 17,061,109 58 116441: '38331,401 109.034,702 31,14 0,363 35 1815, 95,106,724 11 7.234.A64 25,641,672 26 1816, 98,921,058 120,691,797 fa 452.861 24 7, 69,019,068 101,531,558 39,4`t8,256 44 1846, - * 32,000,000 100,000,000 . 3.3,000,000 40 -*Partly estimated. When we see that the imports of merchandite in the fiscal year just ended have been nearly great ws thehut, and reflect upon the diminished exports of breadatuffs and low prke of Cotton, n must be a master of wonder to us aU that the fi nancial embarrassments of the country have been so inconaidemble.--1N 0 Times. INIPOILTS By HIMEJI Broom—Per Skipper-1 lot sundries, Miler Sr. Rickerson; 1 exp box, A C Bradley; 62 bra cheese J A Caogbey; 3 bgs seeks, Reynolds Sr Shoe; 10 bdls piper, Post, 3 bbl, eggs, 1 do butter, Miller & Riekeboa. Csresisormi—Per Rio Grande-30 bhds bosom, Gries;2 bxs mdse, H Graff; 50 bbl. flour, Capt Irkerliag—Per Cinderella-60 bbl, flour, S & W Herbal:l& 169 do corn meal, 3 mks bacon, 62 bbla flour, 1 keg butter, 4 aka bga, S IvlcClarkan & co; 17 aka wool, Clark & Thaw; 2 do do, D T blor. gen dr co; 3 can bacon, Patterson• 17 empty bbla, G W Smith; ll= bacon, D Wi lms; 7 bdla paper, S C Hill; 12 bbls flour, Orum & McGrew; 21 bids flaw, It Reed. Lnriseißs--Per Pacific-138 hhds mud tics, 206 bble bacon, 83 do oil, 5 do blue lick seater, 6 Iv feathers, 2 bzs mdse, H Graff; 58 bgs feathers, A Gordon; 8 1 pipes brandy, 41 bg• leathers, 2 bp ginseng, 4 hhds sugar, A Grier; 15 burs feathers, It H Xing; 4 bxs books, NV Bingham; 12 blida tob, D Leech de ea n:r Clara. are honorably smeared ana ate I. are the actual qualities of a 3s. bottle of Joints C ora Mir Restorative. If they doobt our word, they Connor these highly respectable citizens., who IStive tried hi Geo. Beckett, 41 Elm sa New York. hltallatilm Retires, Myrtle uremia, Brooklyn. 11r. ,Wm. Tompkins, IN Icing sr. New York. Thomas Jackson, hlotruarr's Island_ EL E. Cullen, late barber steamboat 9. Amerriea. And more than a hundred others state, though rots, oust romeo, that it will force the hair to grow on the hem I or tiee,_stop it falling off, strengthen the roots, removing skurf and dandrur front the roots, and malting tight, ,sod Or gray hale rosurne a fink dark look, and keeping d.-y, lamb or wiry hair moist, soll, cleat and beautiful, a eery, eery long tome. Bold at Whfi 'JACKSON'S 9 Liberty sr :TO C.resasvn.t.r, Logan co, vs, July V, 15451... 111 E. R E. Sollars—Dear Wu: I take pleasure in Mol lifying Ma good alkali 'af your valuable Vermifiaget. My nhildren being aick,and thinking ifiaight be won., I triad several kinds of Vertnifuge, Without any aiiet -1 eodeluded to try year Vermifuge, which dul arid mistactory effect, w mash so that my little daughter, near'shree years old, passed something near one bun *dred,woons atom Mae.. lame raceme:umbel it to my neighbon, wh0..., tried it with =cense; so meth so Um we sold oar m two weeks the supply which Was laid In fossil months, and nearly every day some pet. San is coming to the store for &lien' Veraurftro Resonant:llly yoars, • 8.1. cimmieN. Prepared and sold by R. K SELLERS, 67 Wood at, and *old by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh mid Al; leghenyauglo . . BJ - You o read WM, be no lunar bald, whiakerlua M Joa and nna.. M and M. W. hack s.* of Fe SO Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa, COME. on It., 3d of bruary, 147 that kin Thos. Jackson , l head, on the top, seam entirety had 'forls.years, and that by ruing tons 3a bottles o Jortei? Coral Bats Itestorauve, the ha at is crowing fast and thick. Sold in Newark by S. OLDS & SON, 178 Broad st, VAN BUSKIRK, corner of Broad and Nataucket et. riarr2o. • l YeeUow Teed; ltd pound by.,mh, • :spoon gam. likneotten death' lanyndlive and disatuung. • ,All valid have teeth as - white as pearl. Sweat breath—bud puma—a.. Why.delayl—nayquinkly haste Janda= • hoz of Jona(' Teeth vane. • It oath .bui 24 Gents, aud redly • betudifill article Mrs the teelh.a Cute enamel. Sold in Pittsburgh 'betty ILL. utralttdkor•l r rfIXT ACM. LIM • CII/ESI orlalnat, ordy u. anclgentune Liver Pilkprepared R E &Hirai Plearrrower, Va., June 7 01;160. Mr R F.-Sellers—Some years since I was much ben. efited by %sum your Liver Pill., and a. I am a Mal suffers, now, I enelose you one dollar, and wish y ou to send me the worth Grit in Liver Pills, by mail. - be particular to send the saute Itind--they acted like a charm whisi I took them berme. Yours, ac.,.. tM=M • Prepared d sold by R. E SELLRE,, SZ 01;4 s , . Sold trY,Dr. Cassel, sth ward; D.N. Curry,Alltgbeuri W. I. tinattb, Toipetaneeville, told P Provo, Law rencerrille.. Carnet—All wirer pUb cuffed Llve'r Pills are coun terfoils or unitations. E7Does your hau toil off, does your Saw torn Ivor hardy Is It dry, or dirty, I prayl If Nis that, you can make it son, inky onn.f.nt Derk end hea lthy, and beauteous as due brut wallow And to havo this, youlave,buCiiiree abiltirsgs to give Fora battler ortflours , Heir Restorative. Reader,lf you have bad bait yousevold realty be AA totlabed at the lovely offset a throe sholloss bouts of moues , 'Odral . Hair Restorative has on kilt DP .11/1 but one thid • &id at sib 'AMU Sf- . • non. tiblkwar • QT Idle. who VAC loner Spanish Lily V j6ita, Wye ....Ts • al:M . 101/1e traoraporent rakm. t his a. trial dl *Wary ally one, Sold only m Pittrab .rargh, at 89 laberta st, norlo daodra,/ UT Datil !lame yellow (task Teetb—tb ty eau be mule wally *Me by elm taree Iniag • LK, a al Junes JimberTOOth Pule, 10.4dees tbe gams. r vermin Ow tataappe it 89 [A.m. st. 60, PORT Ot PITTSBURGH. A.RRIVEL, Skipper, Sumps, Beaver. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, 13marnaville. Camden. Hendrickson, Beaver. Cinderella, Calhoun, Wheeling. Lake Erie, Murry, Beaver. Wellsville, Barns, Sunfish. Skipper, Stoops, Beaver. DEPARTED. Lotus McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Luke Erie, Merry, Beaver. Cinderilla, Calhoun, Wheeling. ' Lewis Wetzel!, Thompson, CM. • Skipper, Stoop, Beaver. Consul, Kinney, Wheeling. Oswego, Grace, Cincinnati. ""The river hot evening at dusk was 5 km 0 inches in channel, by metal mark, and falling. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1649. For Philadelphia every evetung at 9 o'clock, by Leech's Packets. Mee oppoeite the United States Hotel. Steamboat Packet Line, leave. daily for Cincinnati. 10 A. 111. Passenger Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore and Philadelphia, 8 a. at. and CI r. X. Mail Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 a rs.. and Wi P. X. 'Wester. and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6 s. u. North-Western via Cleveland, daily, 10 s. &le and Western New York, daily, 9 s. North-Eastern wiladelphia; daily, except Sundays, 4, s x. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURE OP ALA II a Easteru 31131 via Philadelphia, due 3 A. at., closes LI r. AVest'n Mail, k.Loalsv, doe 8 r. ar, closes 6 a. r. South. naDalumorae.Witabiagion, due 8 ...lc 0.5 A.M. Noah Wesvem vat Cleveland, due 10a. in, closes BA. r. Erie and Mutant New York. due S r. w., closes tl a. N. I.I.,—SALI 09 M'Lantrelignruosi—Among the hundreds of letters., certificates and orders received by the proprietors of this medicine, the following is selected to show its character, and the effect ofits use ill a distant part of the AVmt. The Messrs. Cohen are dry goods merchants, hot are also agents for the sale of the choicest medicines. W c dlessrs. Kidd 9. C. l:scut:snob Inn., Sept. 93, 1847. —e happened to get a lot of lil'Lantefs Vermifuge last spring, prepared by your selves. So soon as the vermifuge was kurodured in our community, the demand became so great for it that Our elefek was soon exhausted. It has produced the best effect wherever it has been used In thin section, and is eery popular among our peOple. We Rea desb eons of Obtaining the medicine hereafter direct from yourselves, as it sells mote rapidly ,than any other medicate we keep. Please send us a gross immedi ately. D J & J W MILTON." A. geumue article of the above valuable medicine can be had at the Drug Store of augtti J KIDD &Co, GO wood st P.m sea Anus, Alon Htuom Comm-airen—Alther tong-known as a sovereign remedy for chrome eases .ol Hepatic derangement, the proprietors of Dr. 111• Lane's Liver Pills were not prepared (or the follow ing gratifying evidence of its capacity and curative powers to Ague and Fever, and Bilious compluunsi “Msnuosseso, Nor. 29, 1947. "Messrs Kidd A Co.—About one yeir I was laboring under a very severe attack of tha Ago. and Fever, but by the use of hl l Ltinell Liver Phis I was soon restored to perfect health. 1 believe them to he the best medi cine for Bilious coroplanits that has ever been offered for sale in Um sr-coo:tor the emmtry. JAMES SHARPE." For sale at the Drug Store of J. KIDD & C0.,G0 wood Erect. ;OS 1D Salt Rheum, Scurry, Old Sores, E7ysirtel narlter's Sett, Chaps, Sore Heads, Sore Beards, P pies. Jones' Soap is awed by many physicians m thiu city in curing the above, and we would tiotconumentronuly sell artless we knew a to be all we state. Asa cosmetic, the true Jones' Soap is perhaps the ordy article ever known that removed =panties and Cleared and beaunfied the ittnt, making soft, clear, smooth and white as an tafant'. Sold by %VM. JACK SON, ho Laxity street- aura "That whiter akin often, than snow, AnJ pure aa monumike enta th l slabaster All fema e s have akin le above, who twe lance' Ipainah Lily White. It maketh pure snowy. yet twni. natty wk.. hold at tta Liberty street_ /71. RATES OF DISCOUNT ItA &EUr UIBCOU M—CIORREVIED N. HOLZINN i BONS, Radiant. Worm, no. 00 &lariat lanai, neat Ca Al Yc anarivuti a. Bank P"..b.rgh ••-•Pv•Stalc Dranche •• • I Exchange Bank Poe fratetierlp - • • • • • March. & Mao. Bank • nazi gittia. •- -ParlErehange Bk. of Va • • ii.rard 8ank..... .• • . par.Farniera 135. of Va• -• • " Bank of Bertainiovni •parillk. Aline Valley,— " Chester Co‘mtr• • •parldit of Virginia ..... • " '• Delaware Co • • . per:111. & Al. BE. Wheakor Illoingorriera lb • •parj do Morgantown- •• • I " Northam:km.ll.d • •parlN. W. liana Va—. llalignita Bridge C 0... par; do Wellsborg• • • • I Buy ia-niorn Bank par! do Putters/meg runners' Bt. Readipg- par' Tennessee. F+mrn Bt Buck Co. par! Bt. of Tanneasre- •• • • 3 Pamir., Irk I.pnea. r par Far. & •-• I...nriunet Co Ilk • -iir Namara` Ilk •-• •• • • " Innen., Di •• • • • • pee Co :On Bk. U. :ft.., hook --- 3ThiaOnkiri ttrourturorlle Bk. par State Bk ol .11rasoran•—• 1 WaeL•npon IA •••- • • • i North Corollas. Bert asba rah LB •—• • 1 ;Bk of Caper Fear •• • 2 Cbanabersb era , • •• •“ Merett'e It Newtern• 2 Samoa/mans Co. Elk • 3 cum Bank 2 Lehigh Co Bank, South Carolina. L.C . 11/Platrll • - -• • • — ',Camden Bir ..... .. ••- • a • .._ _r . . X.l , ddieLowu • •r-q • - - I •• of CLuiesion• • • • 2 Flne Bk • • • •• • • ai• Dr_ of GOUtatlttnirll• —• • Ftrancr..' ox 1.46% t• Hk .ot 112.1261212• •• • 2 Nie a, uci,butg • I Merchazuo irk Harrutrug ••- ••• • • ;Plaatery Di 2 Honesdale •• - • • • I ;Bk. of South Carolina • • 2 Lebaann •• • • ....... p!r Marrla2l4. .8.14. 1' L k i 'Etaltsu'e4.ollßScrap •/./ / Oust berland Bt-of dile- West Branch at I khan, Nures • • • • • • ..- • " ,Fa.r. Bk. of Mari - land k 4 Iy DI Bk. Pius. do " :Farmers' b. alcelatue, City Pc Cocory Sc up • - Bk. Frederick Ohio. Fred r uek Co Bs —• • • ' Sore Bk. and Kt Anches I •Ilegrn•tottrts Stettln-tiv S. Cltur.• • : 4 4 =7 . 4.tn Bk. Slatnetta ••• •• ...... t , . of wems.l.s., •• • • New Lst,on •,, . •o , Michigan. Cioauaaao B•Ink.I••• •• • “ " 'Bk. of St. Cla• • • •-- Columbus do • " ktk. of River Itausem• " M'4".gt?l‘.' w. M===itl Wiscosiks?aa_Tgarrtey WEE= EZ• Camados. 3 1 .dusiry • • - All saloon' Banks• ••• • • 3 Gencorn •• • • -. • • • • • I Bank of England Mateo Norwalk- 6 - e - gegieivl •—••-- I .oold lilpse — I; 'V.:61.3.4 Ecru& 6. Napoleons •----•• 3ea - • Datton ....... -• -••-• • " Boca. S MCI 11 lett We4letn Reserve •-• " Eagle, obi • •• • • 10 Clo Frantele 111't Columbus " rEaigle near •••• • 10 00 Chillicothe " / . ./olitibons,Sparitsti Id tn. Lake Eric• • • •• •• • • - " Do. Patriot 15 do p,t,,,... . . ....... .._. " Sovereigns •• • • • • 1 itb Lancaster • • -•••-•10 iGturteas ••• 0 OU Hamilton 13 Frederieksd'ors.•• •• S 7 Ell Granville. ...... •• • • 50 Tim Thaler,- • • • • .7 04 FofriCrs B'k Canton-._.50 Ten Oatlders ••• . 3io Urbana 50 'Lohisdltrra• • , ••• • 400 fLerstrucky. litsch•ssipa• Bk of Kentmkt I New York Pffa Otto( Louisvdle ^ Phil adelphta pmi Norborn Bk. Kennett • .. Baltanora • •-r•-• • [PM N.'tr York--Citt Bulks, par. Interim Vb.-- I MWMM=OIMI ACADEMY ion YOUNG LAW/143. Na 40 Lmscrrox 0400 - ST, 5A141.1011 , IP/1E PRINCIPALS OF THIS ACAS:II:MY announce J. that their next annual teem wilt commence on the PI RR' MONDAYIN SEPTIZLBER. Under their direction extensity° improvements and addition. are now being made its the Academie build ing, which will add greatly 40 the comfort of all eon, co , nedi enitto secure this, elm °sancta-sus szsrx that they will receive so sonertossi. pupil x beyond their sweat number. The../0e449 2 a Of this institution lives it adenoma. perhaps could not Le combined elsewhere. Th e number of pupils, for the last siz year, Lae averaged about one hundred yearly, and during the hod acade mia year. it to not remembered that there was one ease of indwpoeition, worthy of oote, in the familyt thin goes to shove I. perfect bealthfolnesa. it is central, mid easy and convenient of secua,..to all parts oldie South and Wow. The beet Professors, of all the 'useful nut iiwaALMA;siaaae.‘aiialZll • . lessors of Music, of the lint in the country, a r e enga ged; It i. honored with the a:garden.. of individual. orate highestatending in the community where it ex • andliekrw Men. wifi be found the nmes of many tacit pans of the:ountry, who hovo ,or have had, d le tc f r ;e n n l ch k ileVfol: l ient will be lit charge of highly educated Parisian lady, of several years experience in tnehing, who wilfreilde in the (molly, and In the advancement °fibs pupilaspeaking it, it iedeagned to use it entirely . in acticersauen. A Prokasor to the department of Pinang' Science will deliver • Cann of 'centres, during the man, totting with complete aoparans, all the wont useful and beautiful expenrocuts. chic. and Alre,Archer will Ito present reams one of the nheo/ none during every hoot of recusant% and beelike taking classes for iustructinitthey will h ave a surnmendenee of the whole establishment. the 1 0401 of the institution enables the Principe/. to. afford these edvmtages beyond • school of a small umber of puMlawelfe they avoid the evils of an over. grown estabdahmerit,• by no{ receiving 610 r. than .tlghteen popitoweaehinstruear. 'fbe terms for ittoseholtiatic year, for board and Eau filth erkication. are 1512014 no extra charge* being made, b at for ornamental bganebas and foreign languages. Thalami, in the day school are $l5 per quartet for the Wl...teed Classes, and SRI fbr dtetanler classes. Hefei to Mai Gen. Scott, U. S. A.; Bishop Johns, Richmond, Va.; Rev. Dr. Wyatt, Rey. 'llion Atkinson, D. D m ,Rev. J. M. DUOCIaI, D. Roe 0. Demmer, D. D., 0 . 01 .....; Dernard, Esti, Va.,__Dr. /LW. 'II* Va.; Don. A. P. Hagby, Ala.; Flom W.L. kay,..Mtut4 David 1-1.1, Miss. llarOt tcher is &graduate of Weal PoinTtladertiy . - - W n University. rrI,MHE next session of this ,inatitouou will open on Monday, the Mb day of September. taws—For the common Exarlish branehet and the Preparatory Latin Books, Stil per annum. For the higher branches, BULL Mr. Daniel Holmes, of the-Sixth Ward School, will take charge of the Preparatory Department. N. 11.—Students entering the University will Le charged for the whole session according to the above raves. except in caws of protracted Wetness, or when • special arrangemeru to made with the Principal. Arrangeinento nave been made for insulation In the German and Preach languages,. and in Architectural and Mechanical Drawing, for which moderate extra charge. will he made. If. DYS.a, Principal. aut22-eodid COPLUVlthilealtitrire . . . . _ INAVE:thse day dupoond of part a my intorect 1171 A.the firm of Lorenz, litallahrr h Co. to my aoaM obs. Ut and Simnel F. Starling. HENRY-TF:ftLifitr. Areording to the above arrangement, we have this day assoesineti with as as partners the above named ROBERT 11. STERLING, and SAVJEL F. STERLING. Tim buomms bpeedleueted as leeretofore, under the name of LORENZ, STERLING dr Co Pid.vbur ouglb-dtoulmT emoval. CELLERS 7i NICOLS have removed to No. IL, one door above:their old st..d. 13,21 JPASTE arid Gore Lozenges, Varga, Pepe, el /Amen shd Liquorieedust rectd sod repeal," LT JOEL IitOI4LIA DRS. SPEER & MORUAN, may be colisslteil their office ui Pete, street, corner of 11,ritde alley. shgrilktato• SOAP-4414s No t had& Soap to awns and for ule aualo H & W 11,71KBALION Q' . CORCIIiNGS-1 LW, for ash. by ._ 1.3 angle WICK & WCANDLESS . - 104THER3—) wk. prime Feathers, for sale by j: sops WICK & DITANDLESS BY MA. N 1 TE Cerresparbdeac• of;PltiiirativilliGlki•iii. Corntspaadeace of the Pitubscrgb Gamma. Orsat Irish Ithistissig is Olaelsanatt. CINCIMULTI, Aug. 23, 9 P. a. The meeting last night in favor of the Lich Pa triots was large and entbusimuic_ To night the whole city a up, and the streets are literally crowd ed with both sex., wending their way to 'the meeting now in session-5300 have already been collected for the cause, and a much larger amount will be received to night. Free Soil Ratification Meeting to 80/1012 Boar," Aug. 23, 1548.. A very largo and enthusiastic ratification TUCK Ing was held by the Free Party lan evening in this city. C. F. Adams, the nominee of the Buffalo COD. vention i3r Vice President of the United State., addressed the meeting. Correspondence of the Pmsborgh Goma., PEUI.EDELPBIw, Aug. 23, 1848. . - The Spirit of the Times, of this city, publishes a letter from its correspondent in Ireland, which fur. then confirms the important intelligence of the suc' matt oldie Irish Insurgents. We have no material change di the markets.— In Flour, sales to a limited extent have been made at 55 .50035 G. Grain—Wheat, wdes et SIGil 05 for Reds. No White otleriog. Core—Sales at Ott cts for Yellow, and 56 Sor mixed. In Groceries no change to notice. A small hit !sines., however, is doing to the nigh trade. We will look after this trade herafter. Provisions--This species of trade being so inti mately connected with the Grocery business, both are in such a state at the present time, that figures could not be relied on. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette Nnw YORK, Aug. 23, 1643,. The markets are still inactive. The Pour trade :is improving. Several lota have arrived by way of the canal since the fire at Albany, and ralcs 'lleae been made to-day at S 5 Cr Southern. a.:.1 $5 25 for Genesee. Grain—No sales of Wheat reported. Core— Bales at 60062 mat per bu for Southern. Rye 73. Provisions—Mess Pork--Sales to-day atS7 7L/p' t 2 per bbL No change in smoked kinds. tGreat anxiety is manifested for the receipt of the ews by the next steamer. The Sarah Sands is ow out Id days to- day, and will bring two day's later intelligence, and another due on Friday or 'Saturday, with seven days' later than the Cambria's new. Corthspoodeteee or the Pittathugh liazette. Curciaastt, Aug. 23,1545, Flour—Sales IWO barrels at $3 60(3 75. ,• Whiskey --Steady at 1 hfc per gallon- Cheese in good demand at former rates. Linseed 011-600 barrels at 53c per gal. Pig Iron—loo tons at $25, on time.; Provimans firm—Sales al 1.000 lbs limas at 7e fir canvassed. Groceries steady, and prices unchanged. Passimorritt. Et.arriox Low.—By the act of April 11th, latb, Assesaors are required to open their books immediately alter the second Tuesday of October, and are required to assess any white freeman making application to them to any time within ten days of the time fixed by law fire the election of electors for President and VICO Prep dent--sad to make out has for the officers oftmid election and deliver the name io them on or before eight o'clock on the morning of - the election. A Sorrussa Coavrertme—Several of the writers from Washmoon city, think that the South, tinder the lead of Mr. Calhoun, will get up a Southern Convention, in an °fleet to the Buffalo gathering that noimusted Buren. An effort just before the adjournment, however, to get up a meeting of Southern members to protest agatust the course of Congress on the slavery subject, entirely failed; Mr. Mead of Vaginas was the prime mover. =1:X1131 A last knowledge or the French I.angnage in aenat'—fieadtrtg, Writing. Spearing, and as perfect Prottunoattlott as a Sc holar enn Inmate •. RYDOLM PIOTROWSKI. Isle:) . trom En . rope, offers to his frtend• and the publ, In general to. wry we, by a never and thr most uPPrrived etrettiod of stsidpne the French I•ognage, by "inch he warrants the realsuccess and improvement tn Mai di:bruit. but beautiful and fashionable lansuaae It is impossible to learn it 111 to or 24 lessons.., some teasel:tiers pretend and promise to do, mr he hinuelf had spent fifteen years in France, sod exerted sit Mtn. in his power to become o pertert meaner or . what Ile now proposes to impart to Mlle rs. Suesertption 1t... are open to °aunt- and Coronae, coal paper offices The cosine will be open on th.e,lll September One gunner s cons.iitig of :XS tielnavr to';. etas, 910. For private ioterr to w, SI. Floaros‘ wall no:0i with plea.ure soy per 31ouortgaho. liokme .41417-42 v • Cincinnati Chemical Lab° ttiTE produeaoo of flowing now a cock of over P. 44 eat. rd toys /fib Vicrol ori hand, arid ben), able uranulactone 4 a). •-rt..Y. Mal <redolent I arm rupply all 0.1•1144. I 11,1110 keep conrisztil an hand A nuts. Cop peras. Agou FO(ILI, Murrain" Aerd. Norm.. Sawhorse add Aceue P7hers, A AAIL4OOIIk Force., Lc. A c and •Cleohol, from Vial Idiot rem. c// orders addresaed talmy ae Melva ogeula, Masora. LE,PI & 1. - 0, of Curournati, wlll. be promptly atlexud m. POTADII WANTfa>.—.l wril P.O dm hastiest coarter price for • good ameba 00 Penult or PeAris, u the OAF gelloal&Cdreatical Ledo ram muetmo of Coattrea and Ventailretta, DT 'ld Allen a Cols Drug More. eoruer &Thou and FAIN ...CCU 00010-41 yr E FLASSELLI THE ISTA.P. OP TUE WEST 40.... VENITIAIe 1114 ND SLANUFACTOR If, Kest aide of the Dtamond, where Yeomen 'Mode of ell the Mfferent eizea .14 color. are kept on hand or made to order Mtn, the later, and moat approved Pastern (oak tons, at the %honest nettle and on the IMO edeonable terma Al., th e e beap Borth roll or lipid Blind Toutapt retier and roper Conan. of •11 the ddlerent leser and pattern*, on nand and for We love for cash Old Veal- EMU Blinds painted OR,' and frpnined, or taken In part pa them for near. R M WhISTRKVIO.T. Pro.pr B —All work doer swat the best snatertal and worktnerohlp, sod warrented to pleas. the MOO fare toliete. mug tbell y Allegheny tny t Ault 1 0 . PILOIIXSALB wtll Le raved by the Street Corot =wiener of the ad Donnas until Saturday, the 9th mutat, al b o'clock, P hl., for grading and payola Wylie wow,. from klro meet to Fulton street, and Towel street born Wylie Wm. to Pentssytsanta Awes nue. The 'radian and payola on Wylie street will Le bul for separately, end Towed torreo together. The work when completed. to Le paid for to Houle beano( Wettest o the rate of 6 per coat per oatiritha, and Ite die.9eble to to yeara W7I. IS. THOMPSON. augtN ad Met titCethelathelo.th. FALL FA.BIIION. 4 1 14 mown; will iturodues Hie Fall Style of Hats on Saturday. August Rath. nod In leant Of a neat I.ld aUpeeior Ma, are wettest to ean and eialettne al No. 7.5 Wood dreet, 3d door above 411 s. our:3,lllk SILK GIMPtt AND PRINGFIS—Jost roe'd at Zebo• lon )(ropey'., No 07 octet meat dol yards L ick cut Mlle Fringe, of terroOS snab.l peo*ros trod once., scalable for NooUllaa, &e lidos yaltts (iimp,all width. nod cry hpo,for nape &c. 44 pc, ard silk coat litodiag. kufr , CE101(1f1 jartistot of liantrufisetikrtai Ukruco. L A Scdttipiltitig Itukell k liolonson's Wikotet.old Grant's Go; Nice It liorwoOrt'S liOiroyosP and oilier popular brands, Just reed and for halo by arben 1:114OWN & CTILIIERTI4ON, 142 11l ay al L A HD-Ht Mils No It, for sale by napß ' ISAIAH IfICKEY &Gs VA - RE ASH-7 cask. iu sift, and tiii — .l. P iir r -- ' nue H H ISAIAICKIN {c Co MOLASSES -00 tibia Plantation Metlassasi iyi belt fin House dot 111 store and for onto by .0 it HOIIItION b. Co D- . ICS:-7uo tierces Rion. rsv'd rod ib , ...b , by stool R ROBtryis k Co itf litoti-Utsiii.ii. Fig Iron, etitaaaAbitior tor. nacos, surable for um:4o and ivilling mill.: fur oaleby a‘,14.4 R atHISON & Co pit'SCiiil siAfirs:-G tibisßiiiuTmSisfte, - (Fogliivorksi }ant received and too side by sue JOHN D MORGAN. DrattliSs,scOO&O , BACIONO--de iiiii - Nroin;;OWille'llgo illocirgi Jor sole by otigY JOHN D MODOAN - ' - ....- .--._ .-,-...-..- t &CON-10 caskistibmaiders, londitug from Maroc! Pi -and for solo by ourr RGlllRttylifOgiiitEPPtlr, I.lll_:trorosolArL ur 14FFF. BIRANS--.20 bbis smolt, for cola by • ' -"" If y . 1 7 8 F VON . ROUNOORST kCo ClblOt VINKAOKR ;LRlbtll74iiiiiik . by 2E45 FRIEND. RHEY do Co 57 WV. /1_.... DEER SKINK--11Xl lb. for lode Ivy ang --.- 5 FRIHAD, UMW & Co Q HHA Ks-50,000 Havana Chatearla; 14,000 Prineiri 1.3 to sale by augs WICK &.31'CANDLEHet , biIAKICAIHO COPPEE--45 bus - Tifarleal bo COKeel for sale by ausl WICK !F. IrCANDISS jVa A , fc?r o stte l irr a l ;% . % d l i ClCTlSlarb l iltl e e . litni'DOW GLASS-140 hr. RZFO W Glass; NI do 719 do; 59 do 10x12 do; for aalt. by anns WICK & M'CANDI.F....B L . ARD 016-15 bb ) . j.ard DR; for sale low , to close . f.R.lng.Med.bit- • anql_ /AWES DALZRLI, 1NWA.0,40 boisvmei Asiale by Nugi JA.".E.. DALLIS LL, 0 J 0 .5r Ft= 1 Z:111.1. 4 wag . N . 0 SUUAIt--30 ktbds N 0 Sur. ,Inir to prone, on co/wpm:mint and tor safe by _ dug:,_ J C x IDW k:LL, Ago IUFFEL-41.4i bop prune ittu Co Joe, landing by 1„,_) canal ana Inr AMMO) , 1, OALZF.LI., glop • al water Alt . _ ikeriEttka.--UO tthlo large No a 111140.o:el, intutottt J. 74.. ant] (or , sic by o, Atri•tguk; 7 4, lb. Ref . .ttittnor ...411n1 :111a . y= J .0114./UND in.t.d PEACIiII.B..-1 suck Pared )'caches, for sole Pby ukclel WICK aIV VCANDIAN3 A , Nak lo 4 l-7 3 Ws juack r sale by • .8.16 FAHALEsTOLIC KCO - - CIIAO3I l tl as ‘3 , A cvfh I ,,r 4t b s y„ Law U augart WICK. a: WCANDLESS grad. Attl--111. - Caska Jpaa nscolt,a# orntrarnitati and for rule hy ango ROM ns. war Fan 'aura 31intarrarn 1.. a fa sale by 121.&1411.1UCKEY ar. Co. — Wla rc. ta '" F;:h W 1 1 . 1!! .. ia l lPrd 4 o; N IIM . ir i gn7n lii • I Watt and ft* sale by antra MAW DIC aCo APB. DRY GOODS. 'Ear stutrana (mops Slum ate ars toss sun minsgumegunlcOliddiik 1117XIMPtilitat opening • fine stdek - of Plimmer V• <Mods, direct from Me New York and Philadel phia Auctions, whore they byre been purchased with in the Inst two weeks at a very great sacrifice, there by enabling us to offer far better bargain d i a. we gave ever done before In calling the attention of the citizens of Pittsburgh end its vicinity to our swan ment we do so with the confidence of our prices b l being such as Intl ensure perfect wustlietton, and to al bay en. ether by wholesale or retail, a fine chance I. now offered for ',naming great bargains Among Mow just received are— A lot of very cheap COW and blk flied le strap's' Sas, " Light and dark Lawns; • - " ngh '• of extra fine bib fig'd and stnped G ißareamm ge, which are • re— great bargain. A lot of handsome Cote Pally's, for ladies dresses; do fight colored and black Baregs, very cheap, do new nylemlk Vesting do do very handsome Barege Shaw* do very cheap blk do do do fine blk Mantilla Scarfs; do handwrite Parasols and Parasolens, do do Artificial Flowers; Al very cheap ',men Inures; AI.SO—A fine stock of super Preneh Cloths and Cas owners, white and colored Linen Dnllings, Cashmee ens, Summer Casstmeres, Drap d' net, be de , A large assortment of Prints of all pricen Ti dings, Checks, Molina, be, to which. as well as other arti cles merle htle, we tome the special attention in cash buyers ALEXANDNR A DAY, x--51 75 marketst,N W tor of the dis-- - - - KNO.W , ALL MEN THAT , BESIINZTT 130. • 11)1tA,N.repIertadfIcua 192 Markettareet, w mart nea aptendld and immense eatabbaktatent is be known as the TOW RR HALL CLOTHING BAZAAR, No. It 2 Market attest, between Ptah and Sixth, PinnAnate MM. • The propnetors feel • reluctance in promulgating what lit any way aught appear like the usual Bombes. tic exaggeration of some an the trade, but will beg to quote tbe following notice from one of mu city papers: "One of the greatest curiosities that our city afforda 'to the stranger, le Bennett & Co's great clothing store, • No. UZI Market street, between Fihh and Climb, which has been styled "Tower Hall,. from the peculiar knish of the (root. The building is an immense one, contain . tax *even cumulous moms, all of which are stocked with every variety of seasonable gurinents, arranged in the most perfect order and regularity. The propriec tors take great pleasure in showing their buildnig and contents to citizens, partleatarly strangers, and to those coming from the country—we know of no place more worthy of visit. myVat3na EITASOICA - 004 00 MARKET ST.,. iitEnFEEN THIRD k FOURTH, j.)Eidili desirous of reducing their stock previous to JJ the commencement of the Fall Trade, will offer their extensive and fashionable assortment for a few 'weeks, at greatly reduced priers. Amongst their as soruneat may lie found excellent styles of Herne., Tissues, Oremsdiusts, Pillmyrirrines, Poll srCheve, Dress Silks, Laarrissaild Muslims. Ac die , all of Which ore reduced in price fully one third. Their stock of Shawl. is very extensive, and com prises every known style. A few cartons of crape and silk Shawls put received will be sold extremely low. 4 cases real Scotch Gingham, will be sold at 141 usual price tH cents, good English Calicoes Ws; Amer sem do at low as 3 and 4e. ' wrought Collars tic; blue- Ito Laines Idle, good Alpacas Idle; &min , Rib bons Their nook of dark green pure Sean Parasols and Parasoleties, composing upwards of 500, of every style and gualliy, will be offered at very low rates. Broad Cloth., Casennerel and Vestingiq also, all kindsof gamine' Staffs Commute,. thniiskeepiNOtiaddoneuk, Goodabf p•mrdewery.-•. - fiTiitsgiints vdill always find at our wholesale rooms as large and dealrable an aaaortmentOf, it as is ...ally mand in camera houses, and al 'equa igood lly low prices. Only elm pnee, from which no deviationcan be, made. }MN ' fClitlittliii• c;Penecf mon - ling, one V V • case Umbrellas, including Amerman and Scotch gingham, cotton and steel frame gingham . One cue Parasols, Includtrig green soon Turk, bib silk and brown silt, angina sues. Also, one rasa bleached Drills, alma, Hunan Rib bon., black and colored; white Saw, do; I.men barns, and varioug i ltyles of summer Goods., telling as reduced price. Slot of super Alauchester Gingham., good styles, also /ately received. CHEAP BONNA lot of braid and other Son net. (of last anutur's shape.) selling off at from Tic to SI, et the corner of Ith and Market sts. Wholesale room. on Val suiry—entrauec from 4th et /3,1 To,,Clieiltry A/arches. 1.• Q lATTH AIN0,1 01 1:614 0 31,41,116111 t ket street, blue ,74 0 eti4tiClS trues:Scmiasucenulming In rut orplain Sums, Armonk Braid., to/terrain do, Gltap do Eelanne do, China, Pearl and Florence; 6 eases Palm Leaf Hats. Infanta' and Boys' Leghornand FteMd do- Arn hem] Flowers, in every swm' lsou, duo dor Lathe Cotton from 76 cents per do. op to the finest qaalityt IkU doe Gents half liou; a good assortment of Lisle Thread, Silk and Cotton Gloves. 73 ps Mikis, ps Waddem do. Mkt dos Linen Carabne do; 13 car tons Conan and Thread Laces. Also. • good aims mein °CO:salsa. Itntmoa Tbrenda. Needles, Pins, Cut lery, Jewelry, AL e , to all of match they will oiler • pert inchmeinfol m price. to purchasers atyl3 H EATON a Ca are now moment, direct from .1 tutpurters and manulactuners, a largo assortment at Fancy and :Staple 'Frunmittga, Mastery and Vartety Moods, among which are--litack sad card Mantilla Fructes; do ,so Dress du, Embrendery and Vireos Gimps, Tassel, dame) . and other dress Hottoum black Silt Lace. Linen cambne 'Mrs, Antficial Flooren Sid Wreaths. Chennsettes, needle worked Collars. steel Rats and Purses; Ivory, Ebotty mad Feather Fans. 1001.10 lk sad Liar (doves: Oettts Move,). Glove, kr. ckuldrens• wometue Ho.larr Nair ktrusbett, Combs aperlrootti Vto.bdot Soar. od Thomung.i nolOie. Trimming. 9b1..., of TIMPS , and yotHlis• cifts. au• lc, winch they oiler on favorable ten.. It! their 000,0 Market 0. ne. ,tel 4 BONNETS--W R Alorpby I. telling offilta resstamtng stook of Bonnets at peat!y reduced prices. Bonilets of lan) wtoter'll miltnt, from 25 cent. to $l.OO CREAY LAWNS—A large lot of Die.. Lawns. re. Dated to lilt tents per yard. W/lITE kitY/Jibt KOR DRRSSF,a—A wel ly;on, re ed, and ollernl eery low DARK CaNI.IIAAIS--- awls daft style* of litogbannt. to be tlound at dry goods house of W EI MURPHY _ . Ctlff'Eß MOHAIR_ I. 1: Tam, itc.—W It Murphy sailiandititallasaansocat of Alpaca and Ms batadraltells orikaditatfaut yoallues , Enetwartg,it,sr pm...a-weer • .apart er' Also, btk anerced Alpacas; barn tan do: satin atiipcd den purchased from the im porters. and cousequenty can be sold ii Lowagt pttera, at north east terser at ath and Martel tts _ . (IHOICtr: DRESS 6001 AL—A A M.A. tr. Co, me c/osia4 tam lama muck of imam:able Lamm Goo. at nLI grraric reduced pnrec roasamm of Ba re:gra, Tam., Grenadine, lirmutc, Po:1 de Carve. Iran. and Muslaa, black .tad fancy ddk. eLOVES AND AlMS—Smith A fottroon„ 48 mar- Ito street, bare received a large wank of lung and short Fttlk Fillet Gloves and Mitts, Also, Litle Thread, fldt and Linen Gloves. Alio, v cartons of Baton Kid Gloves, which will be sold at wholesale and retail en trained), low. jciti • -ry ONII.I.IIIADE FLANNELS-4V R Murphy hat re reired • rear pieced white, brown and hard lloine-Made Flannels. A's& tome-Made KUN- O:TS, good article, and al a low price. at northeast earner d ub and Markets st.s. magi NUTTON YARNS, be —441100 lbs assorted Nos, C ki Vasa. Carpet Chaln , Candle Wink, and Cotton Twine; 144.0 baled Datong, for tale at bianatieturers' tower privet. by FRIEND. RHEY & Co. 147 intents for nitanonentarers MO6AIDITO.INKFTS-10M pler , er tetb. - ..E4144-and blue barred Neus„ extra loos. Ahut, 104,11-4 and 19-I heavy Robinette, tmsoned expressly for a superior article or Mowstito Mums for egty sales, last received by 1011 stincia.r.ni WHITE, 99 wood st wHITE GOODS NitDRFT3SRS—W R Murphy TV has Just rooeived an invoice of Whits Dress Goods for ladies, wren as French and Scoter, Mull ?thoduts, Nansook halo, hard Jaeonew, Re. very low. Also, %Thus Bowie, Rebhan; at northeast cor ner of MA mad market sus 021 • - O . F.AGRASS FUR SKlR're--A supply Way rec.. ved• Also, corded and glersettla Skala aim. Mosquito Nate. While feed eelehed ir Wide Dobloetts for at do, dry goods name of R MURPHY, 173 ',aliment corner Ith and marker all Atlel no l b ES.l; u k r :R o l. o ' 4 l.N h Ci HA alf)..-n:wArt, ye a llL . peatrA4mMeiveig yestenfia?at the anocits Weave • jeg • e H 111/11,PliV • • - . - -- • --- DLL AND NANSDOK MUSLINcI-A general we- ATI eatmeitt of Mull mid Nansook Alma. for Oldies drama, dell received at Not 4 make" 'urea, zionnenne toner alike diamond. ALEXANDER DAY DERAGES AND TISSUES—A .4,Mosem & Co, GI Market at, have further reduced so puce Mow us obrunent of Berlins and Moult, Cifell•Allans, Granite, Mohair swipes. Pott 4 Clieve, le. sytiaa NEW FALL GOODS—A A Mama & Co, 66 Market • street, are tow opening 20 cases and package. ot at+ Fall Good., comprising pan new laying, Glng • hso Emelt English 'MI Amadeu Pont,., Swim. a, and noel Mulms, Collars, Capes, Laces uitt, A DIES STANDING COLLARS—A A Mason A 14 , 0 1.0=P211L. qtr. No r t9geabd 40 dqo or m itielOsArr Youhr..Ktunding-croli Ai.,ltirlionjiownigiorottedatwmoughtd..- tynt LACECAPS—A A' & Co.lniVe rooki Id ading Lace Caps' leroi now ire ChAFI. liens, Wrought Capes, Head Incurs, Ladies Uinta Ac. An • oItEMNANTS OF CALICOLI4—A A Mason tr. Co, Gar Market at, are closing out a large lot of manners (Dimon., at fully halt the usual prire—gOOd (AA no. lordd Pron. at GM. t•augr LUE AND ' ORANIJE — PIONTK Mid blue Merri ll mock do, constantly 6n halid law., pnoo., as , Metals room of • W &Mt - wash& and market els, *A sunty_,_l R/IlDttr.4 . l o :k .4742. R.• LP stlnsv 6.III.OIO.MIIIILSOTMenrowsy blaaand at fk. Alm s 4 more mama the 4 4. MI• Also, another large lot of tlns reanumts or Calico, al 616. augl4 FTHI - 1 — I:AiICALICOES—A A MitsOnti to — litive — rec'd 2_l umber large lot of Calico., at yards for One Dollar Alan, good yard wide brown Muslim at Ain. I Mow Wrought Collars, IS augl4 I/ GIMPF—A n Mason A Co, oil Mars , ket at, have Jut teed duu dor of lino bilk and Bond MIK rrniges,l of All width.. Also, limps of every v•- rusty and color. angi7 AA A. ALISON it Co, hiwn nut reltStki canes of • Prima, of twatallu.l twat Auk. tigurea, at extreme kaaw Inlays. 'Moor Wiry. tryourniu Cloth, Alpaeca, * h.bt ItVilleetanuraltr-pire chasten:— ' • ...IC" 4, T A ( 1 1 . A, d c!,t1 . 4 er pr A ie A p s etrav a reB: 4 l . (UP 7 . - tii 4 VC)( , ITAT6.-- - VrillYaiiii . eri are now oprning Fteno Wrouglircan .9" mats qualities, and 000 Ned and fine Freuen am rat• dermt rttamli.,e nt vary low mice. 00017 V* .NILLA B& Ns--01 lb. torah Vanilla Llama, of reca 'cry superior quality, and in, rune order, Fual direct froarldexico. Colddeutamrs.lce eft= wakkra, and whet, tupfluni eery low by the quantity, by 11 .A.F..1 INJEZTIX:II is Cu, cornet Isal and wood ant I,L I • TING--l am simply of WoolleffVeltikm, -.V Me/ammo acidtha, atatable for paper maker., cot, spanners. A.c, will be fat band or media to or et by fatatenber, Agent for the manufactory . •JyNi GEO. COCHRAN. WI carp:lst Ptrli b d 6 ; 1 11 4° Is I ll i tn c y k"' Patr; tilitVit ml l i f I for • [li, DON NEIORty s W. WHEAT FLOUR—AIbbI. matra'•Vantily Ficar,losi nso'd and fo. sale by ' • • 1128 8 F VON.I3oNNIIoRBI Oo t 33 thud .1. ft P ., :o l l7x. ClnelmaLL No tso'" in of and Ibr wale Ir 1713 .IMAIAII DICKEY it, • UGAR. CUREQ, ILAMS-1.1 tierces Sebordey 0 Soo'. (Cfneintrti) le/gummed Family H. very Sea. reed and for sale_ by. r4F7 REI.I4EB & NICOLS. liberty st TIIERS-4/68 lb. tire Geese Pratien, row , d d for sale by nue SELLERS & N/ICOLS HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, Ca t. Pomace tor glee iTHE undersigned will offer for sale a 1 publie wid boa, eu Thursday, the filth day of October next, e following poverty ossived to them by the laie firm of Vinton, Lewis, Reese & Co.,for the benefit of the Malt ail of said firm, Funtar• eteeted by bald company, with th e .team costae sad fixtures, and hot bleu epparating the tools used about the furnace; the lot of land on which the Furnace meats, ' about Aileen acres of lend, and the interest ot= ar a fift yOre* eland bought of RK. Bo Bois. ne sole Witt be held oh the premises, In the town ship of Tallmod ge , Summit eourity, Ohio, and will com mence at 10 o'clock, A. hf. T. 1115 or SAte—One-fourth cash, and the balance to fear, eight gad twelve months. W. 8. E. MB& W. a LIMN', I Assignee. 1 Desirable Leta for BAL. M: subscriber has laid out eleVen Lou on the toI South side of the Polotti Street aCtitmail t sj,,___..! o and one quarter miles from tie 7_ 4 . 4 . 41 tc r „, „,.. These to. contain eaeh fie m o. to tirivaw44... acres of laud. .d will be .1d on retosnabbs Bid BP' commodau ex ng te is rms. It deemed unnecoannyvailp ter into any planstionof the agegutagenOrthens, Iota: Their vicinity to this cio , aod to titer lins'i(ol.o c,o rable tral Rcouail Road, revommend themstronglVlVlVVY , ........_ . desintry realdence The subscriber ahooffera s. for sale about died acres of land in Franklin timinti seven ban ut ip Allegb.eY county, about seveeen Mile% from stertsbUrgh. also, aim boilding lots in the borough of Ilirunnaham. suegin-dtm N£VILLR B. CRAM . • d_k uno.al VALUABLE PROPERTY POR BALM» TIiAT property lately ocyupied by H. Nixon, Eaq., on Craig street, near Ritison, Allegheny city, will be sold on accommodating MM. The lot is34l feet 4 inches on Craig slamming through to the al Can Ida feed TIM. la a two story frame dwelling house on the premises, built, and the lot ts well improved, containing • variety of choice fruit trees, grape, shrubbery, &a. This property to cemverd, endy situated (or persons deans busiums in either Pius burgh or Allegheny, and is a drolrable residence. Title indisputable. For terms apply to WM. B2YD, _Attor ney at Law, °Dee on Fourth street, above om.iugetd. ap4-dif and tar Sale, SITUATED on the Monongahela river, aboutl6milesl from Pittsburgh and 3 miles above third Lock, In the immediate neighborhood of Mesas. Lyon! Bborb,l and Mr. John Herron's ;Purchase. This fine body of coal will be sold at the low price ofe33per acre--one third in hood, balance in five equal annual payment... wahom Interest. 7111 e indisputable. Location very good—cannot be impasse-A. For farther particulars enquire of S. BALSLEY, who has a tired of said pro- peny. Residence 4d et. below Perry, Mr. Adams' Row. N. a There is another sea= of coal on this tract, about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent qualiy. .IY l, :dg 6 Viaet of Land forgal*. rivEd'utiabbrenb"t7flui u nimproved v a' arland, roue on the road leading from Einghton to Frinklin, about eighteen Wiles from Pittsburgh, and about eight miles hem the town of Freedom on the Ohio nye, The tract Can t.. 403 acre. and du perches, strict measure The land is of an excellent quality, about Wavescleared, and well watered, and will be sold either in whole or to (Otto. of convenient one, to sat purchasers. For further particulars enquire of WM. BOYD, Alt'y at law, otliro on 4th st. above Smahneld, Pittsburgh. myo4,d4rwaT • .. Real Estate In °filo. ATRACT or land, 90 acres, in Harrison, PortageVer.; on the Cuyahogaaver-about 30 acres order W. provement. Also, two unimproved lota in the village of Warren, Trunuill,Co., GO feet by 90. Also, a lot of ground in the centrekliartford, Trumbull Co, with • fine dwelling house store—one of the best stands for • merchant on th Vesta= Reserve. Any or a/1 llus property will be sold on very accommodating terms. DIC KE Y it Co., feblo Water and From Ina UIXM! THAT commodious brick dwelling house and large lot, the residence of Mr.. Jane Aimee., on Webster street, near the head of Seventh street, on which area stable and carriage house, oat house., bake oven, and a vanety of shrubs and grape vines. Possession will be given on the let of October, or soon er If required. limpury on the premises, or on Wy li e, ne•r Wiwhingtoo street, of M PI LOWRIE. Out Let Saw Millannd Planing Machine, ALLIKILI”T CITY. PrifE saber nbe re have oft hand for sale aiiirgiflinii& rig pinned Flooriog. Also, a variety of salnedstild, melt stesuntmai Decking, miner *Wings, Joints, smel ling, window frame stuff. Or. de. They are also pre pared to receive and fill ou short notice, oniers for any a rticles to their Luc NEVLLfiIi B CRAIG &SON. angls-illw&wlinT FARM FOR BALE. 4 VALUABLE FARM coutairung 140 acres, grim ted to Belmont county, Ohio, 7 miles from St. Ciairsville and 1 miles north ofthe National Road, and in one of the mod denirahle neighbeirdoods Maw mean ly ?bare is under color anon about ninety annes,antb a young orchard, &e. &c. For terms and other woo- Wan, inquire of JOHN 8. 1.111.AV0W1%. .740.1 17 wood In VOA. SALE, ACOUNTRY PEAT contenting about two and a half tweet, situated on the Allegheny side of the river, neer blthcheater. The ground la completely stocked wlth the rhoiceat fruit !sees, vines, and hill/ Shrubs. and the place 16 believed to be the cheapest as well as one bi the most desirable now in the market For particulars apply to GEE PARKIN, G.ette Buildings, antl,dlw Agent for the Darner. . Vala•ble Realdrnar Ira Allegbray City for *ale. C • -• • . oNrE.m PLATING a removal from Allegheny Any, I offer cuy wwdence here tor male. The premises areu. dellghtfol order, and every way worthy the at . tenttnn of .y person wwlund much proyerry. • Ir. R. W POINDEXTER. Real it n Blamer Cooler,. ALOT, Sturrhouse and Dwelling. situate on the Eno Estruston Canal. in the village of Wen Mid dlew v., a drawable for earrettnot Also, Lot and goal Dwetitng Douse well Salted for a Tavern Strand, to the village of Orangeville, on State Ilea of 011ue. Terms easy. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co. reale Water and Front as. Property In Allegheny City for Sale. Common ground...ay torts Int - Imre of W 011 ROBINSON. Any at Low, St Clair el or of JAS ROBINSON, on the premiere. tort:ll,4laq T Par Rent. A ncw ihrca .t.r7 Unek thlreihns hoar" ea Wyhe .treet—Poeseeseort given on the fuel of oft' or sooner tf mioired. Inqcore of • 1 fa H ILOYT IVY hberty Infect Bier Kam: A two story bract dwelling wish about ernes u f, rtzt0... ..t,,,, t ,d, i 0n pe e bank attar Oblo river, JAAIIII . 117;k:Ig A 1 45:4 ° k Co. . _ . _ ja. THREE dwelling houses snarled on lth creel Al •r canal budge. the city of Pirtabtirigh. Al. • room 76 by YU feat. with a minutemen. en trunee Oil fith st_, near wood Also, • hum. dwelling, two stories, with an nem of ground enclosed and under euluvalion, ~taste m, Ohio sane, in eiry Alleghe ny. Impure Of J n WILLIAMS, 110 wood sire.. To Brewers. lIFOR SALM OR RITZT, the Pletebergh Rom try, with .11 as brewing movements, manta an Pena .veer and Barkeep alley-and maw occupied by 000. W. &anti A Co. Possession giros on the Ent day of April ensuing For tarots, &e. e ire of BROWN & (NILE N, kberar 145 Dryly et. . . . . _ CGAI. LAND FOR SALM—Seven acre. oval land for sale, .aunts to Lend of the Monongahela River, above Brownsville, Pa., having • 7 foot vein of coal oir bah will bet sold in exchange for good.. For platten, apply to Foci6l B A tv N A RBAVGII 33 wood el t ink, 4RFAour.,roa.9.• Throotoortuoty (or . solo 4tor awe Atom tnieloWXtobottoo 'bot Wood tibetit, occupied by IL Tatiabit:Co. , 'lt rents tilt" Forslooo per year. • • • op tr , •.: • -__ L i • ,Thri; tot mlc irimilt or Apnlnext_ ulre of J BCIIOON ' hCo., 24 wood west 2 The subwribers rent part of the ware house now ocemieV i Lyeito co, Juin. 61 water street. • A Isar room or: the Pd awry of the warehouse .cupted by the aoloarrilsers, soon the foot of Wood street—a good lonsuon tor a steamboat agency or all lanarattee aka. }MI4 BOLLIIIANS A. GARRISON. Vvr 4e A Moe two story brick booze,. main street, Allegheny <try, neer the lapped bridge. Tile lot I 23 I tto teem by lOU deep- Ftto terms kelvin of _dglbtf A WASHINGTON, gth st For emit. THE large Bre proof PranhOZW, 94 feet how by Lit BO feet deep, n second rtt,, near wood. Bent mo& emua. Inquire of J SCHOONITAKER dela 9/ ssart . For Roam. A Smote House, situated on Plum alley, for rent Inquiry of ROBERT DALZELL hammy otn,st. dect3 I'itI.EXCHANGE BROKERS, &c, ----- HUSSEY,. _HANNA • 00. .DANVERS, EXCILANGE BROKERS, and deniers in losolgu and Dornemic Enchange, Ciminero. of ...,....„ Notes, and Spence; Fourth meet, near !Y %wows , the Bank of Pittabargla. Qum= meet sod on deposite—Saght Cheeks far sale= lectspna made on nearly all the principal point' in the Ur, tare T e highest premium paid for Foreign and American UM . A vane°, made on consignments of Produce, dap te.ipas' t, on liberal terms. mehlit I N. HOLHEI II SONS, 1 . ID MOMS and Denim in Excimmee; Coin and J) Hook NO., No. SS, !drake* street, Pidshargh. :1114 Halm Eschewal,. Buying Rama No York, pr Cincinnati, A Rs Phildelplua, anti /do ( oalswillo, 9 do do Si, Lotus, ore, 9 do Buy ot Rote., BANK NO7'.W. Dario / Rates. .Ohna II dis Co. & Scrip Orden, ) die Indi4na. "do Ronal Notes, "do Sandi'', ado Pcnnaylvonta Cy "do VireinM, "do New York do do de Ullmann& ido New Orleans, do do T,,„..,,,,, 9do Maryland, ado fettNif . . . FOREIGN EXCHANGE; ----- on England. Ireland, and Scotland bone to n ILLSy mount at CM Current Rate. of Embalm. I Omu payable In any part or Me Old Counufus, from. El to gate, m the rate of IS to the A Sterling, arithaut deduetion or dismount, by /ORM il• ROBIN SON, hktropean and General Agent, race Gth at one door west of wood crellttlf sOssiai n. OLLL VIII. C. cm.. HILL & CURRY, nAirsKEILS and kszetiaage Draken, Dealers In For. .0 4 11,0 and Domestic Tune uld Sight Dills of Ex e, Certificates of Deposita, Dank NOWA mid Cani No Wood stmet, third door below Fourth, west sins _mural tf ,a 4 CONVAJID LIM I""* I6.&INEWn. & RAHN, ArcxEns AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, &alert tp Porefge and Domestic Dills of Earbarage, di oleo of lkpoeltl , Sank Nora and Coin, comer of .3.lamil Wood stream, directly opposife yb Muria lokyitdailfiett.2lllol3TS - 1 Otoo, Indiana, Herm:dry, Moutourl Noma; , parch ased at Me lowest rater, by . HO Bank N. LMES & SONS, drlo 33 Mutat street BILLS OF Rrxonurams—sight Ch.clu on Near York, Philadelphia, mad Baltimo re COnstindy for sale by N. HOLMES ' & SONS. 40.1 35 Market at. nO4LECTIONS-Dralls, Nate., andAsteepian _ices payable io any pars deo LW., oa the moot favorable terms N HOLMES & SONS. dela ad Market sa ' a , 1,11 . .=1 .1 HAT& CM&AND BONNETS. ICA 4111Lartra'Z't-,, * 673e44'°L7 4771 6 4:1 4 r 5, 0c0 i : 21666 4 . 1 faeldobable batten of ths 01 New a ‘ .4) dar lapplyeliktettOe ibterniest meebreiz • a raw cues, gib be ebbed • va7 :kb sad tenuribbtbei by dill* iu boy as end Cap Suite, StobiLeld itteei seeped aM_ l O Ol l or Foonhowbere lan be: foe* VelVetriety-fpnbtu end Cos corlds m w lirioleude bed re• tea, Hiaiiiii4olo . o4*lo/109n kra v WILSON. `;' ,111 1 01:11W-46-00i. 4 Lleateasaakit. hteerd &Mee Paohlonabbi Elrtpt•ris, Coma of Wald aqd Fiji& Stmts. Ipa.RTICRLert attention paid KY pnr Retail Trade. GeritlealeaS em rely ripaa Rear* their flab and Caps from oat establishment of the arar maamtian and voantanattay of the Lean much and at the tow= MPS. InhoonFry . Merchants, intrehadny by 'wholesale, are respeelfulty invited W ash and enarinne oar SILK* as We tall Say With confidence that,'” Mania 41“.1.11 - 1 and waxy, it "sill not sitar in a eonipanson Iron au) hoose in Philadelphia febll. STILILIV GOODS DEALERS are invited* lo examine K H PALMER'S c atork Stravr a Good., of th 31 4 13Z e l l S— a =co m Braid; EngtiLh Don stable dot Asondurt do *China Pout do; Cobtog do Botlandh taco; Plumy Gimp, ac. A,. HA RL m, Palm Loaf - Pamtma, Fancy Straw, do Braid, L ilan o d Braid, Pada] do. Also, dodfleial Flowers, Bib' bons, /co. Straw Bo net Wareham* RS naarket utar4B /41ALFRED H. ILIGSVILL. 0 6 ' I . i CHEEPEST. Fashionable Hatter in neburgit. • ihianiptd ._, _Flu" 79 F o urth Manesettlthit and sccuausevaawka Store, ear ner of Wood Erect and Virgin alley. Highest priers always paid for shipping For.. mythly KISCEIi4MOI7B. C .a....M11 R & Counsellors (Or taantast Office for procuring and demo e b= patema, inipanin information on Mechanics and applwation of Be - epee to the Ana, and on Auterisan end Foreign Laws of Patents. 1 11DIROF. WALTER R. JOHNSON, late of Philadel. L L - pine, and z. amansts of Wubinn city, ito be aided by Hazard 1/mewls's EN, law Machinest f the United States Patent Office,) han • ,, soc. b. ec t pummelses together for the prosecution of the above branches of profeesional business, either in their office, the Patent (Woe, or before the Courts, and will de ath their undivided anemias to foramens the inter n of Inventors andthers who may cortsolt them or . lace torsions in their heads. Mr. Knowles has for e past twelve - 34nm heTd the 'pest Of Michinest in the nimd States Patent Office, and reilgos that almmion to take pan In the present anderta.Mn_g. His tedeole . and peculiar Mena fir the important office so long fill. ed by him, have been tally re: L ognised by Inventors !wherever the office intern. The office of Meson J. & S li on P street, appestat she Patent Office Washington, D. C., where communi- Italie., post paid, will be promptly s ounded In exam !onions msde, drawmait, specifications, and all rNtris- Ite papers prepar models, procured when deu ted—on reasonable terms. Letters of enquiry, expect ed to be answered after examinations had, most be et conmanied by • fee stave dollar. la the duties of their office which pettains to the P.- {eat Laws, Messrs. J & IL will be assisted by • legal gentleman of the highest professional character, and hilly EDIMITZtIit with Mechanics and other Scientific subjects. my9kciftwlyB ElurtWe. km Pnewo. IT is a great satisfaction to us to be able thus publicly to aminence, that the. great demand for our anomie, end splendid preparetkins of our 'TAMMY NIEDI CINBILfar exceridaoar most gaga. ex - mutton tfltati l v l e EVlsam, whic Indian r : rg :story ' " ot 4 appe• P"' , superhwity of ingredients, and the compounding of them, together with the immense disparity in the sue Of one bottles over ens , others—the besnanl end orms annual engraving., and the taste displayed in the put ting of them up, ts • farther Locitement to the purchas er. And as many of my old Blends who knew me B. Gasses Lomax.") when in the employment of Dr. D. Jayne, I now beg leave resplictfally to wrench th em that I I= one of the Arm of LOUDEN I Co., No. Si Aneb Arent, below Third, PHlll4.l)arau, where I shall be happy to see them; who, aided by his brother, • regular graduate of the "Philadelphia College of Phar macy," make, pot op, and compound, with oar own henna_ svi=ele comprising our "Fausily Medi antes.,o Expectorant, Compound Carmina tive Balsam, Compound Tonic Ventage, West Indian Sanative Pills, and Oriental Hair Tomes. We further beg leave to remark, and we di) it with d confidence that eminot be shaken) that m havedis covered and made an improvement on our Oriental hair Tonic, that f ar exceeds any dung ever offered to the public. Give as a call at N. 84 AECH street- Our terms Mime are an Inducement, and we Ire sure en; the result. atagi.am Patent SodaAah. NHS subscribers have hands ZO casks "AA, Jas blaspratt & Son's, fins quality, being the bal. since ant.. spring mica, which they will sell at 4}e ,Tor 13e currency. Having made such large sales the principal glaasaad soap m.utacturen of this y, they deem it unneeessarg4o say .y thing favor of the brand. They take this oppormany to apprise their Custom ers and dealers generally, that they have entered large lifrom the mine mannbmturen In &gland-41m first palmate( which willarrive in time for the fail trade, d thenceforward regular supplies throughkon the mason which they will sell niche Lowest market price for case orspproved bills. Jae %V & M bIITCHF.LTREE. len libenvirt ' 1 liiJEW iloOttli— The Writings e Wtings of Cassino Marcella. Clay, including Speeches and Addresses. Edited, shah a preface and memoir, by Horace Greely, The Vast Book In'Spanish: or, a practical introduc- Linn to the study oldie Spanish Lan:page: containing Mit instructions In fOlhatioCiallon, a primmer, ex Lon the 011endorff method of constant imitation and M petition, reading lessons, and a vocabulary. The *hole adapted for the use of private learners, or for classes under . instructor. By Joseph Salkeld, A m.. author of "A Compend'unt of Classical Antiqui ties," etc. Urothers and Sisters,a tole of domeanc 1144 by Ffederika Bremer. Translated from the original nu pablished manuscript, Mary Hearin The Dying Robin, a nother tale.. Bp./oat-ph Alden, re D. Just received and for ride by .-011--JOHNSTON & STOCKTON 1 . 1.41 - EHHOLerst Plagasbne. ... HE BANICAB.SIIIIAGAZLNE, and State Financial Regiater, devoted to the dissernin, snu of Dank 8 ucs, d pi principles of Banking, utility milt:rin e Im of Life and Savings Banks, English AiStaliCa.a Law Decisidus in reference to the bud as of Banks and Bankets,&e. Edited by J. Smit h' =cm Particular anermon will be given a. heretofore to the compilation of mcentdecishans respectum Bock., Bro kers, Bias of Exaltation Prax!issary Notes, Usury, Ronda Notaries, Haulages, &e.... it, the .Courts of Mao. a:echoer-ma Connecticut. New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ifinis s doutlaCanalina,Lila'g ri p u , Tunuesseey and oche State.. This will h 'of tbe mint important features oldie work, mad ' itself claim the attention -Of Pro-Menu, Teller., Sibtaries and others. Among other details of import mace to bankers and otbera Me work will clamant sta. tunics of the Batiks in every . State atilt Union; bio kAL,... g Weal sketches or proisunent Banker. of Europe merimu (racial Tables showing this debts. bust expemlunres. and financial condition of the save. ral of the Union. Published monthly, 04 ;Ines octavo, at Three Dol . . . ... • ELLIOTT Wit:llan, 78 Wood to. nand Agents for Ewan re' Unarm, Eln, Zeal 's Tonto and duel-Dyspeptic PILLS. r= general liroportics of these Pills are Carmine tive,Purgatrve sold Tonic. In the common dew- Mum from imprudence in diet: &e., tech is sic k een. end women the stomach, hawthorn, litolach, kg., when a medicine M. required, tido combination is very applicable; for its terminative and aocabing fts nice almost immediate relief when mune, or eel,Mma exist. to purgative operetion upon the stem med towels is smuts and m ental, edits tonic properties impart mewl to digestive organs, tharelay enabhagthese orgaus to peribna their proper Mammas with order ondregularity. The price has Mee redhced Prom 50 to Y. eta a box. For We wholesale *mimed! by • A PAILNESTOCK & Co, corner front and wood, and thh and wood so lyls • Memos for Pittsburgh N EW ARTICLE OF STEAM PACKING—Mist re- Pankmg ceive f d or cy by lindersexpress, 500 lb} India Rubber Steam of steamboats, ie. This uncle being muck the best kind that has ever been offered for Ma purpose call the attention of oar steamboatsteamboaten gineers b• ,we save them • grutianionntof labor; for when a cylinder is once packed it will not tenoire to be packed again Imfpre making one or two trips to St.Limis and back. FotAale at the Inglis Rabbet De- No 6 Wood at. qt 3 Jd H PHILLIPS_ yirIELLIAM 85TITH, 'Manufacturer of Cotten and colored Linen, Fringes Gis Dresses, Ac.; Sewing 9 and colored Cotton Fringes for silk and gingham Patasole. Gimp, Mohair, and Bilk Billion made to order on the Mariszt none*. Etroceriter of Lane and Willipm , entrance NolBs Wiltiem meet, third loot, over Miner k. flyer Rote, No 65 Maiden Lan • • Work jr", r RIC MACHINES , ai from SSMIIIT:S Memo- Marneue. Madames, from diffemat eastern =ow fat rers; (deride Clocks fat steam boats, canal boats an factories, tam, Chemicals, Thermometers &c., for Oda by BLAKE & Co, comer market si and the diamond • N. IL—Riestsicii, of eider hind administered at Ma dmiso ii..._ GRUM:A In...ar tratillinrB7 VBITE.S 9TO TiIi ' ItPTIMAT can be fernished with a Lunch N ill hoop of the day; also, lee ° Cream., FruitOunteetlonarr,&e. The steamerOreen. wood makes her legal ar trip. a. usual, leaving her Pitt Gtr et landing at BA. AL, and at half - prim etch hour (e.eept 10 until tui P. 51.--liailog the Garden at 10 P. Ild. for her Mat tnp N the city. 1 • moonlight view Of the Garden is lude.cribible In its easily. - _ lir ,_____,_,_ __l4l4_ J .Zrepp —PVTlErj a l ld . Propheei . es Of the Old Tea 'TY tam By William ArEtven, minister of the Gavel at Dundee. lla, above popular work, wkleh trails of the Typical Ptiform, Things ands Places of th e Old Testament, whiSh has been at of prim for KCIO time, and for which there has been • Veld demon have limit repnblished Err a neat .rtie,thlD 8.00. Plies dadcent. muorr k.. ENGLISH, gtl 78 wood aril Se market at RTIW:IO3 b. hilnunt 0.,.... • _ A :litlas NICHOLSON ant , nowaelllng DJ at moderato prices the folLovving artieles: P ormSealee of all kind., lacier:dog Irmo 100 to woo pound*, of superior workmanship. &Hormel Hollow Ware,llol patients; Coal Cooking Siodem Wood do dot Coal .kalptle. and; Balloon Stoves, for dharches, warehOuses, &e. Grate. and Grua Fronts, for parlors, chambers, kt k~tck 1 Pl tad Plough CastuAs of various kind. ARTHUHS & NICHOLSON, 411:112to .I.lh4ry, head of Wood st T'ANS Al' COSZBY WHOLESULE oaRLTAIL The eubseribers being dealmus of doling out their prmentstociVof Trimminneimd Fancy Goods before removing to rhea new more ' will tell their litrge assortment ed Patient cos; from and after this date. Thei assortment comprises iromething different and at princedom 4 et. to 113 oath - . WIC rFN BATON a PAPER S 9. rest,xtra getircaor Paper, vf bot Val strong, far larder - am-au. ad bundles Flat Cap, for . ioofedioriers; cheap poor aurkealXrat.ti (br stale by J SCHOONUAKER .1k Co, astall . *4 srood of _ SWUM) OR STOLEP4. J— Mims of the subscriber. oo lb. motoring of sPA the Into lae.,a Amami •orrel M AM; : years old, middle ose v wstk.int LO7 coons. I 1310" will be paid by Ow sot:tomb. for the relay/Ca tbe muot .44 WSW., ass rot the os.eMioo O(III daec THOSJILLITen, . Wannat, beld*Perrn THREE FINE Threeltos Hr.. 2 0, Hand* roc salsowit. (ordraf . azaa.iis 4 augl7 _eanal aft basiraaa ityCc4as rClotcs To biliaCHAMS,..4beititkatiiiiiooi. chi 4 poorstmos sitaktion Bateismo loath, wabllshrottot. Respootabla *bronco eon bo Addzets B.l!Mmixt. (111.-10 0 0.00 1 19nableaclied*;iim On; MO do na- V raraldpioredda do; aleachol Whale do: )rdl'llo 000411 'haw* tr e e 10 Ws" strld's dado; 10 do Broom do • jut reed and Or sale by 1,17 AILICL73OOI MEDICAL. _ _ .I.4"7"L'US! TU ONLY 1111=1110l1ri iorARTS VEGETABLE EXTRACT Umlaut bi. mealy Art Epileptic Fits or Falai Maas= Gired a i s ., Spaces, Ae. It /a wall Imams, dm Mut modal, phyineiass haveareaoliner4 Tie rat {acanthi.. baited all their skill, and the boasted pasta of all mailleins,aind seaseqUesty tkoa sands have ladasid throlio •trlintable asittrAelt,eoi at lait yialeee as their Lim it tn. altar of Ltuarsity• With all dataranza, however, to the opisiostaof Mat aa 4 Mnraed, -va lay thatlt has berm aura& MUMS VEGETABLE EXTRACT, shre rn w ithared h a w il i tbaWn s • d s= M n l every caw whore it haa had • litir trial, tureetect a Mre of 96 years and 6 month; cured by the no of this truly wonderful medicine. Bud Wm- Som.the following remarkable ease of the sea of ~ -r Phildelphia, atilletted with 1... ee Let m T Eoll un god S menthe MOM pa through ngland, Scotlan Germany end Fume, emoi tulting the most eminent phsiian., tad an=lear medicine, medical treatment and sand dollen, returned with biz eon to this country tel November toot, without receiving any benefit whine er, and waa cared by using HART% VEGETABLE =TRAM Wrillam Secore's Lester to lbs. Ina end Hut I have spent our three thousand dollan foe am& eine end medical anendanee. I was advised to tube a tour to taro pe with Ma, wi eh I did. I irst . .1 Eastland. I consulted the most eminent ~* ay !± there In respect to his caws they exeminesi Wa l. etc's-Abed accordingly. I remained throe months without perceives; any change for the better, laded, cost me about two hundred and fifty dollars pocketed by the physiciau, and the meet that 1 received was their opion that my son's ease was hostages mad pad. truly wearable. I accordingly left England. and mew elle& though BeothukL Germany and Waage. andre aimed home in the month of November last with my sou m far from being cured as when I le& saw you advertisement In one of the New Yorkpapaya end concluded to my Hart's Vegetable Erase; amultyciur statements and certificates of so many cures, some of twenty and thirty pare , mending, and I eau aganntyas I am not sorry I dui so, as by %house of Hart% Yeepro(l I We Extract Mons, be wee restored to perfeet health. Hu reason, which was se far gene as to eat him for brtaines Is entirely restored, with the prospect now before Wm, of life, health and useanness. He is DOW 29 Teem of age, end M rears and 6 months of the time has been iialleted with this moat dread/kJ etrittas eases; but thank God he is now enloYlerrod Ulla Now, gentlemen, faith without work* dont believe In. To say that I shall be ever gretethl to yells ow thing, and as niece OACIIM you one budred tir= have no doubtthis but that you will think is La quite a different thing. The debt of gamine& I still ewe yea, but please to accept the present Oman en Interest ato the debt in advance. (Si ed,) Yours very respegta um gn MEMO,RE TO THE AFFLICTED. One of the proprietors of this hdralnals easalobss wee afflicted for several years with Epileptic ilte. 11te disease had produced the worm afeqee his rime., vim Loss of memory, imbeci li ty of sad • perfect proatration of the nervous system .e had treed the Meth of the best physlelaus for BIM= Mtn, sod Grew were under their CMl4Ol6Ollt, sad he knew (hat tine medicine was his o hope for health and Ede, end was therefore to give it a fair wal e and In persevere in ire use, which ha ' and th ereniall was a ?maxi rest o ration to health, w was con*, and anurtemiptol for nearly Manuel years. We would refer to the following persons who have been cured by udng Earths Vegetal. &suet Col E..Dmrlow'a 4uOter sow Meted eine TUN resales at Waken, New Vint. W Rennet, nine years, 171 Grand a 1 ELIZROV.II, 63•1111 years, 19 Dover et Joeeph ethe years, East Brooklyn, L: H Smith, New York Casicau Roam 13 Kelly, twenty years, Staten Wendy( N, Mies E APRea, tweedy yfta, Yorkville: li Miss E crone, twelve years. 119 Hanente=4 Wect 11 hrenty.tbree_years, 73 N Jacob Petty, feu years, 174 Dolesuipm, Philo Janson, Mum. eighlyun, Grogneastla s Judge. Randall, 94 East orwry, Now York. Timms It Jones, of the II Na Caen Wm Jennings, &am a. (X: Reference We made to Dr W It iehard L Monroe, GRIMM, Res Weet Davemport . X Rev T L Baldniene, Mr T. C Josep Dondhont, h Bradles,lM Orchard it, NY. MIS Mn James Bertholf, = , °rantsN TZ so, Njlf. John Faber, 178 Elcaboth at, . de D Mean& MB Delaney at, do J Chants B r a w% MO Water no, dO MS Wolk at, All of which may be called upon, or eddrassed, pare 1r FreilYarn. and by Dr Ha" Oats Frans & /WO O New F THOMAS & Co, 14$ Main at, between Sd and ath six; and 110 Mate st, between 4th and Sib south and wan Oblo, wboktiale and mull emu for 1M L WILCOX, Jr comer of Mattel at and the Dla) mond, only ash to • • taladawly A STIUdA, OH DIFFICULTY OF BREATLIR4O.... sAI., This disease is canoed by a parourunal raa non of the air mils; ii,b,ralitamor, alma cans. osuifocazion. Dft swhauswg PhIPACEd. is the or certain core. Ili:terseness can be entirely cored by a Dee use al Dr. Sweetser% Panacea. Catarrh, or common cold, which, if neglect/al, will terminate in Commuted., is effectually re/ImM and ogled by Dr. Sweets.% Panama. ronchitis, if unchecked, will effsentally lead. BBronchialConsumption, but a timely one of Dr. Sued- , ser% Panacea will effectually cure n. Infiturorsulon of the Tamale or SOM Throat—Tida diacaso often leads to serious comorancorm from eag le., such as ulceration of the throat On the Ant tome, Dr. Sweeter, % Panacea should be preened and ased freely. Coughs and Colds find • sovereign remedy IA Dr. te Sweer% Panacea pneumonia Notha--A very fatal disease, resulting Cram • violent cough sod cold on a debilitated or bro ken dowegonstitution aged persons are fable. u it— De Sweeter's Panacea should he used on Mt first symptom, which are n co ura or cold. .Night Scresta—This debthoung complaint will meet Itch a timely check, by using L/r. Stammer% Panama. Consumputut—if on the fiat con appearanee of mtuttonp• tlre mroptoros, which are a pain: the ald6 sod tda= breus, rauff mr blot d itZ. cre pee els.% Panaceas IVKen do n t:ours, the Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes become clogged up with phlegm w/ as In impede respi ration or breallung, Dr. Sureeleer's Panacea, which to ahe pow directierful Expecrant, Moab'rant, be taken according to ons. to Influenra—Thisdistresdag. epidemic, so prevalent it our climate, Is speedily cared by Dr. Sweets.% Panto ma. Price SI per bode, or di bottles &LS& For sale by VIAL JACKSON, et Litany at sign o habig boot. noramy 50,000 PTECRSONSI HAVE used Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, sad beets cued of diseases that would have proved feed, but for the lee of this extraordinary medicine,. 10,00 e have been cured of consamption in Twins fortis. 10,000 have been cured of Dyspeptic Comanaption end Liver Complaint. 7,000 have been cored of the Asthma. SVOD have been cored of general prostration of the Nervous System. 3,000 have been cued of fihmuuntie Paine, with the tendency °Miscued lugs" fielti have been cored of Liver Complaint and Cosign :soo cured of Scots:do. complaints. 40,003 more have been cored of coughs, colds, pains in the side and chat, night sweats, want of wrote', toss of voice, wkoopthx cough, debility, and many oth er gomploinui wMch bring on those dangerous dens. which co often prou filet Dr. Taylor% Balsam of ia th e only summated remedy far the clue oi the above complaints. °M) non, hums a violent cold, used to couh end rick duck putrid menu, end finally could n o torts over in bed from ' , entrees. He had every symptom of tonsamption. His physicians, Drs. Versants k. An derson, said he was Inescrable, yet strange es it MAY appear, this medicine fully restored his health- Puri • Mama SO cmPHCos IA GALLON ablu, le No seoc e eV , suntea--i ng the medical profession, I determined to t them in preference to mug whet are called +mem Moll. eines.' Bat for several months I have been troubedi with Asthma which b the remodel, of my phyd cien. Your medicin b a ledve always i llieved my beneficial in such usu. Finding the *fete md ical advisers at fault - -nnbeknown to any °nisi mom red your Balsam of Liverwort, which 1 dmmd vary valuable camel of it has had a mast wonderful ef fect upon me, completely uprooting my complain; and reitb,ingl to perfect health. You may refer to me te whaver mired? , D. J. B. Sold to ushargh by J D Morgan, 93 Wood sr, J Tolouread, 45 Marketaq H geyser, cot tdates4 and 3d on, Henderson It Co, sLiberty st. Poles nednced to MAO per both. • s No. 621, DIAMOND ALLII, a ' market - • Grtir doors below Wood seem, le - • DM. 13114131/17X, baying been . revalue , ednestief tooth. medical • Ise and been tar some timea, now eengrew • his neaten to thy treatment of . • ash those mime and defiers. tom: plaints for which his opportunities =dimly • tr'eeraslurinay denoted to steer iv. treatment of these coamehus,(duirtg which MIX kolas had more mulee and has cored more pa. dents than ton ever fall to the lot of any relaxes macs union,) amply temdifies him on offer aminattees of speedy,permanent, and satisfactory core to all do diseases, and ell diseases arising Hem from Dr. Brown mold infants those Meted with mese • dimes. which have become chrome by time or En • graveled by the use of i am br the enessum nostrums Of the thry, that their comp can be radicalfy andelme ougbly eared' he baying given his canal meads* to -the teen:neat of such eases, and succeeded In hundreds of instancos in curing perm. of billanuttasimi of tem tech of the bladder, arid kindled disuses which eau result hom those eases where others hue muitimesd thew to hopeless despair. He particeerry inns sank as have been long and wisocceseally treated Sutlers 'to mineult him, when every eadsfaction will be prui them and their carts treated in • eateild,llenenb and lelernsant Mariner, pointed ant by siong expellent:a, • rtb s Y - .hi.), it l• lawasib tar shams • .e,ine...d is =d . practiee of medicine to Oro arty - 111` Hernia or tun.—lM. Mame ids° burnt/ ° es ., time nfilletedenth Hernia tO call, as he hasped tiler attended to the derma. rg disuses; also Pi' - 1 , 7 PILO', Ms speedily • Chae. very low. N. B.—Patlams of cub sex teem ste e 4 mating their disuse itteiving.all the syarpj - • tame, can obtain medicines with directions for use, by addrewing T. BROWN, M. Di postpaid, and earl.. - Ogee No. es, Diamond alleycepremitethecereredy Ilonx R mu-roe—Dr. Bkownis newly disecmared Temp de, feTßemeeedem lea speedy and orttain , remedy (for ••• • • ••• this 0•Will trouble. It never &Ha Omenand Private Ranzaking Reams, Nn 415 balm alley, Pingtampii Pa. 1140 Dewar le always -et ' )57 No esinstiO pay. ...._&. :1T ea tasebalkakarete ...4 - Xtt knah (atm as an external applicauou in Mamma. w., ... tory arnierlona mi at the same thne a Mantua M. • ~... ell us emollient. II A Fabnestoek & CO', Raheta- tient ,has helm eery beneficial. in eases at Chasm* • • , 1thena.44.4.. Glandular Sw e l llntsSomahrOal s Maio- !,. , l!. nstliPrains, k, i tt . F., i , in g. i adkidckkisfen .., • . • • tandeman well Immix. , . . .-, . ~--. . 5‘ ..1 same Ma nip accidentally tat risimi4. 4 4E44 o., and 7 , ezely etnuned.lsoth my anal* T 47 wa n , distal .welled an that my boots hart to be Hpp4 Ark order loroa them dims.. of—the =T.,* 4 4 , ow , ~,,,,,. .4 me t wu karma In this altuaticeil p a bek ~,.. de oipr a Fab:sweet & Coy &theme-lam, and aner ,„ • two aNdieadan. lanrnned =oh railer. — ,4use:t i bout orm lunnlo ,== il ln about two 4 14 anig IT.irp, liaa experien' w e. = i 113400 maim° Gm the dal. In all vista ediandat, ' • ILn±in t 2 . hentaatiany eta, I Multi 11:1104 CheerrOP 7 I,_ . the Rketadent. . -.. .384fL ' ° GEORGE RAERETT.kr '"*: . Far tadewholocaki and odullby B APAIOLEdmir ' " • k, cgs °Mod!! and Etna and Wood and Sialk ',' •. 2 .• oro.w. wpm di, ldeaditurktlattpablicAarbelk om =Trot= un =s, 41 4 .401141 5. ono , knint, removed war antraalwrorda BsB Y. in Fist arrst' :7•101811kIrITIO inerub pita forgood e en re 4 .4,101-.--„,jrakosi,jo.‘ sage •-•`-" - deep.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers