ESTA_BI.I§ FIF,T) IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS NI LAPHMI Ca.—Ride and Leather Deal- AO ers, Perry rt. New York. ktsirarric.-4ohn Grier Pittsburgh. E Levick k Co. Ph:Rabb:lom Cuusignmems of Wentern Leather soi:cited, and ab efdl advances made, if required. feblidam A'MOOD, JONES Lc Ca. Contanssion and For warding Merchants, have warned to their old stand, Water and From streets, Pittsburgh. Octal MIME. IMAMS, 000901 'EITEL PRAUN A. REITER, Wholesale and Retail Drug giros, comer of Ll teeny and St. Clan . streets, Pitts. elt. P. tosyll aLWThO, N. B. BROWN. IDILOWN 4. bULBERTSON, Wholegitin Groom., I/ and Communion Merchants, No. UM, Liberty Pumborad. Pa. dc3lly. .1) A. •FAIINFMTOCK a Co., Wholmiale and Me l). tail 'haggis:a, corner Wood and Oth sts. jyk DAUALEV & SMITH, Wholesale Grocers, LS and Ai Wood street Pittsburgh. • A. McANULTY & Co., Forwarding and Coto. C mission Merchants, Canal Llasin. Plusburgh Pa. mint - WV. CULICIUOI, SOHN F. MI..TLXOII, .I.lllt. W. 1[1.13.....1. NOLE.LIAN. HALLMAN, tr, Co.. Manufacturers of Carrterie Sunup emit ,Arles. A. H. and Spnag Steel, and dealers to Coach Trout:minas of every de , sertpuon, manufactory . on St. Clan . .. Warehouse 13 Wood at... opposite St. Charles Hine!. . IDWALT GEBILLART, Wholesale .l:roccrii. des! j`Jere in Produce end Piusburgb Manufacturer, Cur wir of Liberty and Hand stn., Pittstargh. ,e,•r• W. IL =IGLIs. SAY= I. liClll l . & BENNETT, (late EnOtsh, tiallagher E f Co.) Wholesale linnets, Contoutrust and For. •Maratos Merchants, and dealers in Pro,hten and burgh Maoutactures, No. 37 Wood pl., Oevocoo d. cd 3d streets.- octl - 7. 3. ISIiVII, 010. PM, JAY= WO.. 1 4A. 1RIF.Nil RILEY tr. Co, Wholesale 6rocera and Comm aslon Merchants, end Agents for Bn;hturr Como larva, Nos. 57 Water, and ter }rant ay., r InsMIL. Pa__ - feint ats '- ' and dealer FBLUAIE, Piano Forte Alaaufacuiler a. A: • la blaucal lostruamina, IPJ 11001 1./.. Itc-11etal 1 . Ant m - - • . 9.ALLAGIIER, LONG & MILLER, Re and Bruits Roanders and On niters, 109 Front, between rood and brantinald streetsPnteburgh , 117° Highest Price given forold Capffr sod dela GEORGE LVCllRAN,Carounaliost and For or Marabout, No. DJ Wood 'trot, rtutOurgh _ Irj 11. BRUNOT, Milo and Red Lead Mann- Ay (sourer, r...n and thl Merchnnt, corner to lali k .112Lnd Otthara suL rituburgh. . ~tr. MILD DICIILT ROM" DICK., ID, .I[l3AlAil DIChEY fr. Co., Wholesale tirUCCTS. COM miss= Merchants, and dealers in Nuance, tttos.Lo Vona and 107 Front street., Psttsburgh. non' JOHN H. RANKIN, Atrney and Counsellor in Law to and Comroistionar for the Slate Of retool ama Loin% Ma_ (late of Partebuoth.) Ransaracm.—Psuaborsh: Hon IV Forward, Hamp ton & MWer, Al`Candless S Weltn', John E Parke, Bemole, M'Uordt King. L°us scorr & Co., Wholesale brocers, Forward. in,l and Co-on Merchants, Dealers in Pro . and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No, 7 Cotruneretal Bow, Liberty areal, new the Cauca, Pittsburgh, Pa_ tay&ly JBRYAN, Rectifying Dutiner, and Whoteazle . dealer in Foretell and Doreceur Wines and Li loon, No. 114 Liberty {Um., end Ed Diamond Ailey Piusbozgh, Pa. jyl7-4ly JstaskS S MeSSUIRE, time of dte gum of Aleo and J Metinired Merchant Ttulor, St.Wa ies Boudings, Thad street, near Wood, Ytuseurn b. JAMES A. RITTCIILSON, & Co.—Successors to Levu lintehison & Co, Commission Merchants, amiAgents of the St. LOU. S.lllll of nr Refinery. too. 45 ender and DS front streets, l'idslud zt *nl JBLACK, Merchant Tailor, Exchange Buil . ding., ea - Cnir at, Pittsburgh. Jo leu OHN DlLWORTH—Wholescle Grocer, Pro data ComMinioll Merchunt, Nu Wood at, PVS .r.n4 TORN ri. AIDEKLAN, Wholesale Druggoo, and deal t/ er Ll7eZraffs,PaaltChls, Varnishes, he, No. ki -Wood suee, one door hoods of Dramood Pine AMI IMRE, Jr., &Co (successor w Joxph Aktvis.,)&lllp C.bandlotnol Witter arc, oettl _ i jOIL7 4 1%.51%08.Vt0 . 1eau1e . and u6 Itetj B dealer PaperSlatea, Steel Pens, Q'tulla, Prtuteita.eards., att Stationary generall No. 81 Wood at-, Pttodrurgh Dwitaga bought or taken in trade. sepiti T SCHOONN odzim & Co, Wholesale Dfisggists, • No. U Wood street, Pittsburgh. JWIN D. DAVlPpLuegrorteer, corner WI and Wood atreeta,Pittsburgh. onto TODINSTON dr STOIS IiTON, Bookeellera, Primers O and. Paper fdra N rforturers, o. 44 Market Plus h TL. MEAIPS Book Store, 4th, near Market meek, U Classical, Theological, Historical, School, Miect lan:cm, tad filethiarist hooks soil Stationary. T W. ROBERTSON Co: litudten and Varhartge s Broken, corner of Wood and .tr.. Met-tastes .Ilotel Readings, Putsburgs, • ELI- Currency purchased at the cues' rates.. peal TORN GRIER, Wholeude Grocer, dealer in Pro t/ dyer, Pittsburgh Manufactures, Tin Platesias. ate Ne. :.ti Ilber et, Pittsburgh. : Jett3 Joni 11.01 D, lIICILLAD /LUTE. T & a FLOYD, (late J. Floyd 6. Co.,' ‘W4olesele • Grocers, Cu. 191 Llbero soca. seps IdEd DALZE.II., Wholeerde Grocer, CGLIWII.IOII Merchant, end dealer In Produce alai Pant burst Manatienanss. Nard Water in., Pdtabargh. Auld Vesuvius, Leon lifiriii"ks. EWLS, DALZELL & Co, martufacturers of all u ses Bar, !Beet, Boiler Icon arul Nails Grille best quality. Warehouse, 54 water am! 105 Gran ft. jaula El WATER-MAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward biling and Couancsatoa Dealbr w Yin,. • Ationoractures arid Prodace, NIM. 31 Water sad 64 From 127 parnIBLIECT & &LUPTON, Wholesale Grocern, For warding and Communion Merchant., dealer. is mince Eal Mahwah dlesnufnewnu, No la and 133 Wood sL, Plunhurgin ce Lel • MERCER, BEWTHEALS & Commission Mar. chan_ts, Pkillestelplost. for Me sate of produce got; tinnily. =mai advanccP made on eousignmerms. [shim • IAeCtILL G EVE, Who lewdly GroomNd Count.- = aim Merchants. No. litt Laverty st., rauburgh. X. ALM; 1..1CL. KitALLIN tr. A Co- Commission mud Forwastbag dierstudde t 1 1 awe and Front sub, between t and !duke% sta. AM/ . 'IL eiILEZ " r/ RICEETSON, W1t0L.Lt ' ,......Li Caruzusetatt tderctustas, No. 171) Liberty st-, raw- Pa.pLui4 McCORD & KING, VC1106:41k1 and Retail lint and ' Cap Manntatunra, and &sacra Co Faddy Furs, Winter to Wood and Fula vu. punt HOLNIIilll• dr. SON. No. -53 Market et.,emd Ai door iron earner of Fourth, dealers in Fo se reign wad Dmiestio bills of Exchange, ecruheates Devoe ' ;Nang Noicaanil Specie. -Irr Collections mad on all the principal came 'thxxonaliest the Oohed Stings. F . accl7 --- - - ROBERT 111.001 LE, Wholesale Grocer, Dectifying Distill., dealer in Produce, Prostnirish Dlmufi- Was, sad all knids of For.. and Daum‘Lic Wines sad Liquors, No. 11 Liberty We.- _Da band a very large supck or• superior ad alutmmraliela wlinkcy, which will be mid Low for coal, oplL: I y EILERIION s. REI'PEILT, Prod.. Deal.* .r.d Doraroission Mem halm, No. IV, Second .trees, (MORD T. LEES:II,D, Diport. sod Dealer M Donicsue S.ddl. ry Dardware and Mne Trimmns6a, of sll descriptions, No. uthi Wood 4, Pinabtargts. arohi 731D8A9D BARD, %yew...J., gLud R. 1.11 Dealer in fl Leather, Morocco, Shoemakers , Tome Ond Find. Tanners , and Cialers"Pools, and Tanners' Oil, No. 100 Wood et, Pittsburgh. said% 103 W /011.Cld, /ANC. IL lummox. 14ROMPiSCIN Co., IVO°lesare (irocenu Produce and COMMUSHISI Merchants, m rsur ul Deale riILF :h Manufactures, No. led Lawny sr, Pluelor t ge. Pa. ItOELEFIT DALZELL tr. Co, Wholesale (iroc , ers, Ccam%Wuoo wid,Forwardlng hierehltuts dealer& Produce and Plusburgb hi.ufacto.res,erry w . at linsburitt, i.b 11,OUT. A. CUNNINGHAM. Wbolecale Gruc'cr, Dealer us Prothich and Pittsburgh Manufacturch: o.l4HLlberty 1.10 EYNOLDS h. SHEE, Forwarding and Ccemmiselon jy aferchaurs, for the Allegheny lniver Trade, ilea/- ell in Groceries, Produce, Pittsburgh. 11Lenutecturee and Chloride of Lime. Thehigheatptteca, in C. 1.311, paid at all llama for coop ta7 toga Cotner of Yana ated Lrarin Ws. Pa= QMITH & JOHNSON, Wliu!aside and Hamill Deaden 1,7 in Millinery t ooda, Lamm, limitary and Fancy leti b o. asset,3d door laroPd 11.11 kittaburig : 111/11. 13 170311. te:411 4 ' 7 1 : %. 191 UTE, IVboleriale beaters in Forego arid Domesuc Dry Goods. No. W Wood et febiTif {iiii7/lAiliaLlill, Wool Mora/unit, Dealers F,w Platy and Produce generally, and Forwarding Cl: tio y...TM Mertbanta, NO. El WSW tn., rims. SIAM; 3iAGALEI* & Co., l'illotesaloDiocent and Produce demure, No. 2M Market street, between Mk 0 . 4 eatt Pion& tuda Plnladelptua • noon it r i=critintnton. Jenamamma Eats LA.. & NICOLS, Produce and attnerul Cam- IS mission Iderchtma No. 17 Liberty sr., e‘nou, g h. fiperus Liam:alarm/ Lord this F. VON 11 9,i54.10,E.5T, tr. Co, Whola;ato Oro -11.74 irguiutfihouLLCoouoplaiort Iderelossits, 6:Sant resoavg to th,.4,,,,,r 3 Il e „ W „:"T n3 ,__P' . :„ &O. 'dol7lCf of ' , root ai....1 ch, Lu i m i . t . .. i.i..iin, o .A.nafr.t. td- ii ,,, ~,, l'or aum.aloon al lioniant,Deatior sa Pxothwo lad Voutroigh um u iartured ottiekl, CriF. VI -294..7.9... 7 1 / 3 at. ' 4121 IBEzz Ayholeaalo Groe 7 ;i. I.' ;.a"c - ..- . t 'lti,i I dealen in l i raducie. No. 35 1:1, titobuigh. • L 052.1 Tula. a F . OhTER, Agent lot Aliment nnei,,y and Ty pAtementg penstuney at the mike of WI. r. Au g . Ito, Esq., Dark'. headings; 4th at, Plttebee i gh. tit due (enteral land othee al Washington, yew a y , Or business there free ef eXPertC• .kildtcttstA tentl4.4ll • MIX n vac., aorta IrCai.Liar ICK dr. brCANDLESS, (succese . ors w LA J. D• TT WActaleasJo Urocars, frorarii. g Casogasivina hlerchonts, dealers in Iron; Nu* i e sonvot Yams, and nualnugh hlmulactures geonrolly,, c.,Pd. a Wood and %v., •Treets, lArkrßOWEN—Comm4Astna itud fvransr ler t chant, No. VO nom tl bciwok Woo immt Blatket gnus. tilla24 . 3 Amy. t a 114 CARDS. WW. WALLACE, RIM stone and Futnah tug establinktneut, No. %I Liberty 4 ., ennal, me r. _ ._• GARDA/ID, Dealer awl Otaple Wa Dry Goody No. ite Market Imre,PinaLurcn. novt3-dly w wlizWary, is, Dmk.,• m Warebc, I,Wlry, Silver W Military Doak, No. 57 'L a ' ket st. nor. W R. 31trld'HY, Wholesale and Rctiol denier in T Foreign and Don:ten:le Dry Goods, north cart rorner of diarket and Fourth sta. sugz TOtl6, lice. 1. 1 . C1,1 0 - WAL YOUNG k CO.—Dealen in leather hides, &e 143 Liberty et. jeut3,4y & M. MITCIIELTREE—WhdIesnIe Grocers, I'Y Rectifying Distillers. tuid me arid Llqtypr ercliats, also Delponers of Sala Ash and Ulenehing Powder. go. I GU ' Liberty st Pittsburgh, Fa. janddls . . . . . .. . U, I . - .11LACKBIALN & Co., Wholesale Groeens and V dealers In Oils, Boat Store, and Pittsburgh Mon opole:red artio/ea, Wiesen band, al MIAMI., a full and scherzi assortment of goods ha their line, Wamr street. near Cliemy Alley, Rattsburgh.. _ tutu • -- JOILY AL TOWNSEND, Druggist sad Apothecary, No. 45 Market at., three doors above Third as [`ma. burgh, will have constantly on hand a well .elected as sortment of the boat and freshest Medicine., vs Inch he will sell on the most reasonable terno. Physicians sending unless, will be promptly at ended to, and sup. plied with articles they may rely upon as seattate. ' LIO. Physicians Preseripbous will he accurately and neatly prepared front the brel material., et say bout of the day or night Also for sale, a largo stock of fresh and good Perfu mery /sot IIAGLE. COTTON WORKS, Pittsburgh, Manatee. tore COMM Yarn, Candle Wick, Liatutur, Twine, Coverlet Yam, CarpeChnin, Warps, he. he. .411'`IPHoNNO.Cli & Co, ISuccessoo to Arbuckle & Avery.) 15112 Proprteturs . i LEDOIA & Co, No. '77 Canal street. New Or ..(1„. leans, Agents tor J. B. Arinant's Extensive Steam Sugar Refinery. Always ott hand a large stock of leaf. Powdered, Crushed. Clanged and Bastard Samos, to Tierces and Barrels Also. :hoar House Molasses. Prices liberal, and a fair allocrunre made no all sales of or above AU barrel. tatatt 1 . 1/011011141111.14e/i I.l,Tory Stable. .dt:i... ROLth.RT 11. PArrii:tiziON It.. opened the large stable on First st, miming through to Second at, Itemoiett AVood and Mnstnneid 05..ul the rear of we MOnollifallela (louse, mai on courtly new stack of liOrses aa.l Carriages ot Lie best duality std latent styles Boom kept at Lit t in the 11[41 naattner a:ally RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., cern.= 650 Saddlers ' Ironmongtry, Hamm and Coach Trimmings, Mou, Deer Make, V. ash, ire. rce ))11 So. ILO %Voou 1.1111.1r1“:11. L , EATON, Dealer in Tf 11311111 d g 3 mai Variety Hoods, ad Shell, Ivor Bora Comb., Wootan Varna orto mad Won:aide, itu y umm, an -Neodica, Pine, Brailes, he. Gt Alatkat µroeL ocitrea Dia mond and 11th Putaburgh. . _ PITTSBURGH STIML WORKS ANIfTSPRIND AND AXLE FACITOII recta L' IONS; Coax r. or too, JONES & 14,171616 M ANITACTUMEES of sprina and Muter steel, 4.7.1, plough steel, steel plough trings, roseh d cop he siamra„ hammered iron axle., and dealers in n,nt 'sable ramose*, hro engine lamps. and cocoa truummas adoorolty, earner ores.., and Vront etr4 PER IN TEA STOICAL—No. 2 Fourth t-, near Wood—All kn.:nitres of Green and 13Isek Teas, done up in quarter, hatt and n.e pound packages, ranging fro tt cll. per pound MAU. jyt A. JAYSI:S, AgL for PULLII tea C LAW OFFIC4S. , WAL TISItsLIN, - ATTOLLAIET AT LAW, Brain., P nthrr Inn.- NVlLu.L.4nlrtro.neet:ido in hcoli..l,•:tlijounLit,ntult,ll eounme.. Ye. Ruler to R. Floyd, Ltberty et l IV. IV. INAtince, do James Maranon do dly Ray A. Co,Wood H. am: H SWEITZEIL Attorney at La., ol:Lce Ai • . • oppoute Ht. Charles Hmel. Pittsburg m, ayeuo promptly to Collection,. In NVa4ll,,gum, Ft, rat. and Ureen yommez, Fa. MEE! Mork etoek. Bell & Chorea & CarotArra, :-.l"at‘i.o 13 T. Morgan, .) ,re. lad:, t iE n HV ate .MS2 3 7 "‘" t ' E. i:IU a .:ielnl,sers and n Indiana, ndto Kentuea) prompt.) and C4,- fully attended to. Commas:otter An ite Slate Poo., %Vault, for taking Depoast4enn. ackegiorleagmenß., Ete. &e. URI Tv—Hon. Wm. HMI a, Soo, Comm. Church & Curtailer* Wu. Hays, Olorl 11,:3 DM= 4 _ A/ 1L1A519 k SIIINN. Nucer.tora to Lowrie and T IL / •d• • i.4r.••• , Cll Aat lat.. laltce .•ortlt attic a. Fault...a. • •••••.1 •t' Stattattir.a. lettettl&arly I AKE'S F. ISERE, Attornt y at Late, lialrewell's 14olding, (resat street., nearty opposite the Court Homo atig9-3m 7, 'l:L.l2lmm SSIV CLL. j DIY LOP t NEWELL, altor aey at Law, °dices on ulf Smutitfteld, betweeu Jd and ittr its - - - uouw&u4) & ARTZMad-IJEII, Attorney. al j: Lave. Mote removed their °Mc< to the rioutt role cal Fourth rt., between Cherry Al let and t ta tr. 'Orel o. 1E ROlffiN3oPi, Attorney at L. h. re • w. moved his office to the Exchange thoultuga at. Clear et, next door to Alderman Johns, apl:iy IIsIiSETANCE. DEILAW JULE MUT UAL ROSIELLeINCE. CO. I OHN FINN} \. Jr., Agent at Ytusburgla Mr toe De:• tp aware klumal 'Safety Insurance Company tit Sou. adetplua Fire Risks upon buuldmgs and merchmullse o. every description. and Magma Risks upon Mills or cargoes of vessel., taken upon the most tavaraLle terms. Er Office m the Warehouse of W. id Holmes d. Bro., (ro 37 Water, new lilerket street, Pittaburgiti. N success of thla Company since the lionsout of the Agency 111,11111 City, Wart the prompt new and liberality with ...web every claim upon Mem for low has been adjusted, Italy warrant Ise agent in thethe confidence and patronage oil.. triton's mat the community at large to the IJeLttia are Al. h. insu rance Company, whale 11 has the tidditiorml advantages nil rustatravoit among the moat llouriatoug .IProllincl puta—as haring an ample paid-tsi capital, w tiw.h by the operation of as chance to constantly as Lidding to each person nieurcO Los due ere of the pnihts of the eon:wally, without Involving Min in an) whatever, and therefore as posseaptig liar Mutual principle uivesit.l of every olimisious ira lure, and in Its most attester torn, no. FMK AISD JIAILIIt fi 1110SUILAISCE. 01000 pertueutent gnu hauledlhsurnuee ust.prupert), It.u. city oast ViCLIIIIr, Ott Mu:Arta. b) roe Cl. .1 and River, lIIMEEM Arthur Ci Co.ein B=l %V. Jane.. Howard SHOO. Jacob 51. Thomas, Joao A., Joao IL 4C, John Wane, H..carro /4 Waal, Thomas r. Cop.., W. V. elan, Samuel F. South, FraJOcs Hoskons, tlamucl Brook., N. Austin AalbU., ARTHUR II COFFIN, Prul. HUN. D. Srranuca.o, :Seep. This is We indent Insurance Company in die, cwmd Staten, halting been chartered in lOU. Its elierter perpeuuth sad from its high ....thud, long tiperwore, ano,no means, mil avoiding L. risks 01 au 000 a ban- S.W. cam . ..U.4A may be considered an °cranny am p., s, curtly to the public. W. r• JUN C. , .S At the booting Itoont of Atwood, Jones A Co., Wa le, and Prato art.l Yiushargli. may* IniLAXILLIfiI YULE INSURANCE. CO. llrlii . Fraitkini Insurance Company, of Pluladel- A.wal make lunu twice, immanent and tiansted un every deeenpuon of property, in Pivabur4o and the satrotuidin country, on lavorflrle terms. raw com pany has a perpetual charter Capital, paid In. Couungeot, Fund _ _ Ohne camera! Thnd and Market frosts, Plstntrv.,. epIIaU IV ARILICK "Ittkra.nt, Age al lEnt!:=2l fritEntabentrgoreti,dwy atrusorued Agentbfil ~A rhea. lcaa fire laxurawee Comprw) of Phl ro m.,, m, eontinnes In edect insurance at et 10. or d oom , agettlet rtze, bellthoge, merturitelue, property, not extra hexer . ..wax, re tete cli ff up/ 4 , - . IIE SUIYACRIAkai has been upl.ointed Agent pro 1 tams el Use insurance Company of lortb am! will moo Yuktdes and attend to Uulaxitaar Immo". Um, the wnreunma ui Atwood, June, h. U. ui,fu 11,1 , 1.. J.C1.12t, uler .o • -- • ••• INDIA 11,111 1 / 4 841. GOODS. 0 UST 41F.C.1.:11/1.1), per EXocccur, a . largo vunrueul of huhu lioldror I.oatht, corriprtstug•- , aJoc tharrecs' Coals; 4 dux Tcaveltug Sued, 4 back do, 4 • porn, Oudot, 4 " rem do; " ump Stook cut; 2 Rmang Jacket 4; 1 `• Custom.; 1 " /101 6 . eoccmi 6 " Lift Pruner:cr.; 100 yttcdmot 4-4 Uuruage Cloth, hoc a 2 t/012, 24 204 Parr Lollglngs., cot ddlarcat •tylcc, _copra, wok accru., witcuut du, I u Coo Coverr, all ut Lich will to sum romp (or caulk. wlrolccdlc ur roar!, to No L Wood strcet. apt) 1. II L'I4ILLI4.,t, Ott.. W. .1. iltlAlitioilriC, b — a - - --- .;,.. .-- , ()Fric: ou Southfield street., hi door m ourth 0.1 Thud meet. Dr. A1a..., no ri a i i . _ il . spocully teottern hu profe.okaor oi wr. nee, to the calm.. of l'in..but ; ti, Al. legheny stui vichely. ktxnuascra—Dr. A. li. AlcDoweu, • Dr. r. kPluteasock; RoPen btu- yaw, Jame., tS. Crati, L Mr. W Wl= Thorn; Ml=E= 1ALF15611%.4.- - da dos graham very lute truest. A fa,. nob., wont the munttfacusry of U M (4.ww,d, WI:lid& the alletaloll a hoot wetted. toccival and lar sale by tilnirela 0. Co. jar] 141 .sue.tS wt .I,N aul,L'Ea dozes Watt lutist ass. bet ...Ws ut “We , est colors. Na Call tartseh us. "Uc' ill very low priest, ill forge gum.. st the ltu bb crvcpoy vv..] as. J t 14 /..A.W4iiti,lag WU:dr—Wit Murphy ddri•oaat comas Grath and Market ails, has feces. ••4 • 11, .gt boidflaw. to /14 Cl. per y Inereio, (0 " at klgaer price..) buniutior goods gen./41.11Y • , • 44 'opening al reduced potties. Hid - - - LAC 44--100 yard,. heavy Lane, P 4 and AIL PO men. wide, lot adossuno Al.. now Upal and tor tale by lygo a' II LA lON w CO WINDOW GLASS--1010 bx. 0.110; do 10112, • 123 do 10010; aide. 700: 40 do yo Ilya, 11/ do I/412Yr, ior .Alb by /YU S F VON SONNIIOHST & Co To Country Merchants. /1.. A LARGE STOCK o( School Book!, Paper, Bunton nry, &c., rumble for country' rules; Among which Writing Papers, of fine. medium and common qu'lt's Letter Paper do do do do Note Paper do do do do Note and Len. Envelop.; Stoma, perieils, Wafers, Quills stalifißgel Pens; window Paper (yard wide) plain and printed, Bonnet Boanis. of different goanues. Blank Books, in great variety; Faintly, School and Pocket Bibles; Crown, medium, and double crown senapPink Alc(intlie's Eclectic Spellers and Readers; Ray's Eclectic Arntneucs; EMaiatiial Main.lies, by Albums, Ilsrus,Colburn. Stubh. k ton. Emerson, and °them r Aeog ri qie:, ,, b d y o fili e b , e , hell, Olney. &Mal, Morse,Good- Granola., by Bruit'', Kirkham, Bullion., Weld. and other, For salr el low pacer, by J H MELLOR, Si wood at, 5 doors above 4th. i, :r r n n e ch h r ghest market pnee paid for good mixed rags, aple • _ New Publication.. Al l Litio N n 'a of the Potsg ' eal itu' rks of . JolL l M e to r' t ' t, nub la memoir, and erinealjernarks on bin genius and wrt tlnga, by Jame. Alontgontarr, and one hundred and twenty engravings from drawings by William Harvey. ln two volumes. Srsancit's Gam Travaererr.—The four Gospels and Arts of the Aportles, is Greek, with lithglish notes, e meet. phdoeophical, and exegetical: maps, indexes, et r.. together with the hltistles and aparalypse; the whole nothing the New Feetament—For the use of Schools. Colleges, end Theological Sentinsine, Hy Rev. J. A., A. N. A New Nordsant.merhi Eve —A fairy tale of love, Hy Mts. S. C. Hall. Jeeco.' Harm IF.—The life of Hoare the Fourth, king of France and Navarre, By 0. I'. R. Hance. Contplthe (oar path:, Pot Nale by JUIiN B I IoN it STOCKTON, iaud Booksellers, corner of market •od )4 sts DL ANETA HY th. STELLAR WORLDS--A popo r lar nrpostrion of the Trent diocovenes and theo ries or modem astronomy; by 0 M Mitchell, v w, Di rector of the Cincinnati Observatory. I fenitiryis holy. Alp. and Rhine--Leven front holy, the Alps and the Shute: by I T Handley, author of Na• poletan and his Motahallti iVastunrston and to. Gener al, ire New and revved edition. Statistics of Coal.—The tiemgrambical and Geologi cal dietineurnis of Almend or formal wed; tncludin sl.o, notices and local.ties of the various mineral ellb•illneePt employed in arta and manufactures: tlluatrated by Map • and Diagrams; ac companied by nearly 40U statism , al tables, and I LIM an acs of mineral combusubles, &e; prepared by Rich ard Crotalum Taylor. Just received a mar copies of each of the above evorks —for sale lt 811.:JP1 & STOCKTON, lye Bookseller a, ear market & 3d sts. .13POOKS—At Me Apollo sfmes,Fijuith Street, near NVood. 7 lrelano's NVelci arm to the Eitrstger, WIT;1;:a; The Orators of Prance; The Lives et the Apasdee., by Bacon; The Puritan" and their P flexible', by E Hall; The C011311l“li005 and 0 aliens of die Holy Apostle, with a Prue Essay: Allison's Lire of the Deice of blarlborougb; Ncandcr's Life of cheat, in its historical cordieirbon and historical do relopenteub flamers lend A pro.etoris publications generally School Books, Paper, Stationary. ex. ate2r J I. RilikD N 13 . ‘!' the A 0,7011. 8-2 . " milt=4 — h. veLth colored maps: by A ollisou. Second Vol. Chalmers' Posthumous Works—Scrip. ture Readings. The 141 e or Jesus 'Christ, in us historical ConnecUOn aril " 00 . C ., aut. lopernelit: by Augustus Neamilar. Truurau. o (rum tl .e Jth Getman edition by John Mc- Clintock and Ct. , 1: Blumenthal, Professors in Dwa in:mit College. Fourth Vol hole of England. low and Th co, by be, Warren. author of Ten Thousand aye' or, and others too numerous to mention. Call and sec. aplB - J L REA.D, PITTSBV ROM FEMALE. iNIITITITTE. p T i l i t S f•- l te ".. :l o o 6 r7ts ' s n ulTo ' pe d n e k7r7; '"' e ree'e'ptiofollsofsopud •-•‘1. 41 be columned at the same glee- on Liberty ttmct, consequence of some changes having taken PM••, • ow vacancies have occurred, and those dew ott‘ of it' acing their daughters wider their care. Would do to Make an earry application. For terms see a, or apply to the Pnocipol. era F(',IIWAIII)ING &COMMISSION. C. a . 11_3♦I.DO COAULICS S. DAAENLIOWEB. Q. CO. I'UIiAUCU COlllllBBlOl4 MERCILISITX, - No. SO South Wharves, owl No. 117 South Water rt. I3to tutorial thetrud; Oars generally. of /limns rgli. :hat they have trtade such urrangrnsuns wan the Virginia mannineturer, slid (:rawer of the West, est ladle;, um other ' , Lucca, as mall insure • larb and enti•tant supply ot the follussing deserip uon• of Tutiusco. which will be sold upon •• accosts. suudaung terms sa any other house 111 duo city or - whore. und all goods ordered from them Tall! be era, rented equal to representazon: tievuna; Dorrungoi Conn.; Van.; ram wee, PC1111'1114 . 1431:Cd Ldtf Cuba.; 'goo. k Flonditi boom; r , lehrsted .Lirorciatic Slag Coven dt•h, veldt u large .I.olllelellt air other popular brands. and quJoate• og fro:mut. S., ea, P.l. soul ;ha, Lump, tt and low Plug, L3d/Cl . Two.; Virginia Twt &a, *erect and paw, tu whole mod half Ooze; and tin, together taut ever) vanes) of uttele !mama- I ot the ,rade. 0,16. =MOM BkK ET, tiESBIT & OILBILETEION, FLOUR FACTO RS, _ Produce. Clornualaalon and roiwarding M IS KCIIANTS, . . 112 Noxell Wnwavws, wan 1 . 20 %Vo,o Sr ., PHIL kirr:LBUIA. Hums rtr—Jotur 11. Ilrovro & Co Rouen Steen & Co Bancroft. Beaver At Co. • ""' South., Bauwley &. Co Allen & Paxton, New 1" orb %Volum rs & llorcey, Baltimore. Bouoley & Staub, • Burervage,tVitson & Col ur rnuurg 111114, & CO kler a loner. a.. 1-1 .d. be rtd coal. advances on consupun ‘ eltl i ro our T. C. IreiT. ILO. WALLIN. ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., LO tit FACTORS, And G•neral Comminsion 21•Irehantln No 13 Sucre WATEMVIIIINZI PHILABELPHIA. B.'aIItF.NCES--henry Grad & Co, husburgh. Rodgers & Sherlock, S. Schooley tr. Son, •-••••'""."- A. 11. January, hloymile. Cborir. Boatmen, Jr., Nadi Humphrey, } ph Mercer. B. & Co. Co. Bro. dor/ Reed & Brother, - opLdly lturalh &Cousinery, New 1 orb Etatoz and Forwarding re haat I 26 yruot. Sr., 222 . 22821.. L; trmswet a general Conum mon busi• krnes, especially m We purchase Ind sate 01 Amen tan .11-anuiantras ea and Pruducc, and us reemsing and terwartling (Moms coniagned to his care. As Agent for Wn 111manunturr 1, be N 2 -111 be constantly supplied wills We pruimpa/ arunii s or Pittsburgh Alartubwinre at We lowest wbotesaw pness. Order. and ecromgrunents are respt-cuults-_srth ietufd. Ar) 6 Y. CuNWN. L. L 202.11662. Charles T. tor, Ambrose 00 Olie . , B. F. ,CONWKY & 00., DUIITSM XT/I, Ohio COMMWIOII and Forwarding 1 Merchants stud Produce 'Waken—al. attired to the Purchase, tattle ae Stupmeot of Pus Ir., Coal, tee. . .. Atwood, Jones & Co.. - Brown, Bailey & Co ; LoreitsSterling% Co., Nervy Graft Grail, Lindsay & Co . D. Level, 6 Co., 14 on, rieorb & Co , Clarke & Thaw. martially &aim .. __. J. 9 1.../21.81, — o. W. aSOOOIOOI. Lace of dirburgb, P Laic pftiptiville, Tenn. LEHMER 4 ANDERSON, DEA LF./L,S IN COTTON, FOR W ARDLNO It. COM mlysioN MEItC HANTS, 3 . s I non cr • na, uon 110AIRVAT,citiCI3XATI, 011(0, Morchanu Pit6b4.io___.L. GEORGIE A. BERRY wumact, ALE anoczas; 1:0111 , 40110 iii i,U;u;ulsnlUn UM:HUM AND L /EALER LY lrom Nails, Cotton. Yarns & Pittsburgh ilataulbeto ree seminally, am lu wooD DID 101 T, 111712Clgau, diii;TiONEEES k COIL MISSION MERCHANTS ALEX. LEV Y 8110.8. CINCINNATI AND ST. LOl7/8. Offer to mll . either row blohntant, CI kinds of Mao ...ohm, at We lowest sate. of Comouanotta, imal are alway• prepared to make a , Ounces. d aa beat ol rela te nee. goon ,r required! ol..ertem a mad to • oker boom, will be prompty ant nded to. JyJUdly 1100A0O tour C. W. 1/11111. p. a. HAMPTON LOVE. MARTIN 4-00. ; Produce and Come nisoden Alarchauta, No. At, Hopkans Bow, F. talthaga Place, 1 1 / 1 .21101.1. linrsa vid.suo, Va. den & Co., John K. Randal, 11,110 Jrnaias, Ilainalurc, 51. Allen & CO, Sancta A Ni run., liatsorton. Www & attacklatt k %Yana, Pito. nt Iro; AJ NV T alnaughtmoey & Co., thump. :th thaslall _ w. u. cAuytual.. TLIODAPHON •S CAMPBELL. - - - C:OMMISSION MERCHANTS And ZdAnunntazer• tasted Oil, Nu. ou ARlugnln. Area, CIACIPIIO.I7, 0100. aplilytErc...h Feud for Flagened,„i_ll WIII. Va. CLA.ILI4 orwarding Aare CUM IL, EiroVr...•ni., P. Attend. purlieu...l j in we Forwarding of Produce, an. an. . . Forany bneraeuo is, apply to FORSIV/I & Voter mi. mite D. stselorws, w. T. ream. MATO EWS ar. PATCH, COMMIES'iON MERCHANTS. Mo. got Vw otter .creel, Luca. Mo. Will give prdeutar outman to the selling of Pro duce, and to ordure for purchasing. twee ro—Ocorg a Moor. 0 Co., Pittsburgh, Pa snail ISA AC CRUSE GENERAL CO, EMISSION MERCHANT, t• OR 'llll. SALE L 'F PRODUCE & PILOVLSIUNS, Noe. 105 a od 11l Sauxul LIALTIMOtir- Mn. Caviraracos--Illere Innis or - Pittsburgh. Viu—a ecotone & marlO-d6to NOTICICS TO sniPrzita. Wti have lute,. a a odic., Latruedialety opposite to out bond wurctouae, for me nt,arnegg was wut transact haziness n • usual, until • new hotnit — dari be erected, arrangemeots having already been 21 . for mat Dusts will always Law reason at our wharf to (reelect teca :ht. C A hI'ANULATY St co, . 4 4 canal Boom. Liberty la WOOL. ' LYMAN„ RIIED,& CO., (Succew as to Rea d Hurd a Co-,) OHNERAL c nuataniiim Dliiicuuntas, v. Funicular attend." o paid 18.Ths sale ofWool, andliber- MMEMIti PITTSBURGH, MONDAY LITERARY. UVfllfld COPARTNERSHIPS. CO.PAILTNEIII3 HIP• r OGAN & KIDSINEDY have this day- usociated I. wait them in the Hardware business, Philip %Vit. sob and &Nand Gregg. The style of firm will here after be Logan. Wilson & Co. This •rtangemera ren ders it desirable to dose the old !mamas vs soon as possible. All persons whose have matured, are especially requested to make inunechnte payment. Pittsburgh, Jon 1 , 15.19. y°GAIL WILSON & CO.—importers and 1..1 Wholesale Dealers to Foreign and Domestic Hard ware' Cutlery, Saddlery, Ac., 1519, Wood macs, Pati bn_ gh,lare now fully prepared with a recently impor ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, &c.. to offer very great tudneemeuts to western buyers, being determined to r ompete in prices with soy of the Atlantic cities Al so on hand au extensive assortment of Pinabutych Hard ware, vls: Shovels, Spades, Ports, Hoer, Vices, &v. all of which will be mold at the lowest manufacturer's prices. Pita • CO— • AILTNERBIIIIS4 THE punier he havtng nscenfif entered Into partnership ender the name of Gat agher, long, & Miller, Mr Me purpmse of miming on the Bel end Brass Founding and Gas Fitting business in all It. branches, have taken the stand formerly occu pied by IL Gallagher, No. 109 Front street, between Wood and Smithfield C 1.., where they nre prepared to execute all orders tor Hells, Revs Casungs, of every des, notion, and 6.1 Fatings with neatness and des patch. Steamboat jobbing prom ally anended to. U GALLAGHER, rt. A. LONG, P 11. 9111 LER_ . N B.—The attention of Machinists and Kngincers is invited to our ann-uttraction metal, for a reduced pure. which hiss Leen pronamiced superior to Rabbi:, by numbers who have used both. Steamboat builders and the public., generally, are a 1.0 requested to roll and cr. amine our superior double netion Force Pomp. for -teumbont and domestic u-e. dec.l y GALLAGHER, LANG, & AHLLER. satlOn. liE partnership so long extstiug wider the fino T Areoril & King, w. by mitred consent dbisoirod on the Ist ilia, The tontine. will be sinned at the 0:a stared by either of us, using the ulnae of the fine that purpose . delay , to ,„"";:coti . - spertfully request those itutebund to cell and its their aecount, JUAN D STCOIL/1, D IW ( CosPortstorshlps JOHN U. iirCORD basal associated with him his brother James M'Cord, under the style of M'Cord & Co, will continu the Hat, Cop and Far business in all its canoes branches, wholcolle and retail. tat the old stand, cornet of Wood and SW streets, where May soneit a conumnuion of the patronage so liberally be stowed on the old beet. JOHN D P.M JAMES S. ArCOH.D. IN reline! from the old arid well known firm of APCord At ging, most respcodlly recommend to the patronage `of the public my succeasors. Messrs. Wooed & Co. mg," H. D. KING. Mame!saviors. THE copartners heretofore existing between the sulseerthets, u nder the style of 811.11, klushheld tr. Roe, exptred this day by Itnutauott. The bususeas of the Sinn will he settled by ft Roe. JAMES D. hOGILL, b. H. kiESIWIEED, WALTER C. ROE. r't.b.,llh., July 19, Idly. The undersigned contrnse the Wholesale Gro cery and Commission business, under the fits:tarifflrtll and Rue, at their old stand, No. 191 Liberty street. JA , F4I.IDIGILL, WALTER C. ROE. !faring sold my interest in the firm of Moll, Bush- Geld k Roe to my former partner.. it floe, I take pleasure in recommend., them to my friends and the • Oldie. rya° F. lITSHFIELD =4Z=M== VIV. STEPHENS of Whiten:ls, E Shienbercer . of Juniata, and .1 A Stockton m Pntsburgh, nitre tins day mitered Mute co.partnerstup under style and firm of Stephens, Shoenbcrger h. Co., In We Anchor iron works, Whechng, Va., lot the purpose o r manu facturing wan and nails oi every descnpuon. eW. mcrifres. Ll. utocreznazs, J. • STOCITON STEPHENS, SELOENBSJIGEJS CO. ANCHOR IRoN WORKS. =ELI Manniamnre all kind of boiler. Meet, bar iron and mails, A. Et steel ennue stomas am/ a 2.101, Beini eon oneted with Ahmuberger'i old Jumma works. we ran tiler an article of Jammu iron St...atm:gar? cm mil to any mute tit tne rol.llo . A. ot which swill he sold at the Mind...o L o ts. Wsrehouse of the anat . /scorner of filen me and b% met sw. inlll . I.)lng un i de U r7l l e 4) .l7l — c * mid rui r' oTS l ZTitiV h' s r .l oo l i .C:ll ' . sell, is thin day dissolved by mutual consent. Jobn tell harm( dwposed of' bus maim interest to It. Wight. Ms.. The business of the hoe firm w.h be settled by Vigidanne.who is authorized to use the name of the late tow for km purpose. 11. witeinmAN. apt akfina Duly 1'471 DAL:ZELL TM: E uhaenber m now prepared to manurarturr all hurls of I 'orlon and Woolen Machinery. at the .honest notice. Orden left at IL Woad/non a Eamne Shop. cor ner Lamm . and Water armour, Inn meet with prompt attention. It. WIG HTM AN. •••. • . . Leunok et, between Federal and nutduaky ate) epceOlLy Allegheny tory. ivßurchfield has au Intrrert In the .11 Dry Good. Bualneaa ronductrd in We name or We orderargued, nonscr of Fourth end Market •to. Ibur burgfit rromme we Feb 4 ittl- mettle will be a - ooducicd u,w. r ue turuset st).r of menuW It bit HPItY PARTS lEHHIMILP—Wm 11 ottnf day assoeuate d wah ww. John R. NlVAthe, the lea ther buctoeas .1. hereafter ta. conducted under the firm of Wm. Y omC G Co. WILLIAM ViRiNG. 1.03 J:at/ It :Ma1...". F. bIEDICAL. JO, •Jaea. ICl.Upoottarnaat... Cotumbrels& tin, 0., Apr. at loaf. hound of nd Lo . ) co r pornbnity . ofe e m g p as bnetty to Mo i l rizaordomr) edects of your myself avang been stfluitcal tor several ) e a rs wi h • rever• coos.. hectic lever and its concomitant Mu noes, end seemed only doomed to linger out o . b o n b ut Intset•LPl• emsootee. until-the toll of Is. when, roore severely ,tacked, and having remned to all my i firmer rommiam , and the Pro eruptions of two orate me u rooPomando Ph) inoi.n. in the neighborhood without M 'notoft ony h e o n lini ni° comb:dawn of surely - mg but a Ursa day or wee " tanhest—when the last glee of hope was ohoot in violist>, I had recommended Ur me year h . ...t0 - own'. run kju eaar d by Li ming se t u , doe• all Mows in die useTtf th e means—and contrary in the of my physicians and thentlx,l was itt a kw O•F mooed trout my bed, and was routtled by .me use of n bows, to attend to my business, onto mg salt. , better health than I had for tea years previous Respectfully yours. An, Jos W. Filial- For sole in Pittsburgh. at the rel to Toe more, TJ Fourth street. tours U. .7,71-'l7ai.iracK, tty. it L. .Plusbergil W. Ftaxisro) Wholesale Drug Store in Ow City of Seer York. . . THE undersigned aro enrauatrely e uga t sed In the Wholesale Drug newness at No. alt .lunn urea, lu the city of New lora, and are prepar td so supply Itrorgists and country Merchant, won L tug*. Pao. , Ws, Dyn.eturra, Finn go nod Amrrke. Ye ,'ornery, blunder, Weaver & NG/oder • Chetuwais. la•( , or •r own ltuportauon) awl all other vocies in /Lea b bit of busi ness. of a waperior quality ea low as they c en ho put• unseal in Unser any eaeteni city. New York, Febia U. A. FA icst Esruc -- 11.14erolloor's Ckurome Green. . .• • • • • rip° FALYTERS BLIND MAKERS, ac--We. undersigned, Painters and band Makers, of the e at New York, have used and !eared, and an now a new article of Chrome O ianaiarta red by Geo. K. Maceber, of this city, and non It in work wet. doting a tine brain:tin ?aria Green appearance, with k very sups for body, and retonanaentt a to our brethren the trade so in every' particular the best Chrome Greet% we have trier used. New Vork, June 1, 47. Espied by at firma or pruerreart pa utter. rt,' the city of New ork nu* Caro rue raven nteY 1 4u had of Il E Ek:LLYKS. No 57 ltr uod street, • the exclustve agency (or its sale in Patentee, . A lITIne Set of Teeth fiw Ail - RITE TE/Flll, FOUL. uti y yiiUMS. S allow end tinhaeliby teeth, ever ,t -tug once or Write cleaned with. Jou.' Amber Tool h Paste, have the appearance el die meet peatitii/ Ivory, and at the was n // w perto ctly innocent and el' untastely fine, that its eintatalit de ely too u highly ad vantageous, even to those teeth Ulm are m a good con. When, pithy them a beaudful po Itsh, mdprevertung • ! premature decay. Thaiie already decayed it prevent!, Item becoming woree—ii also Gudena weh m tee be coming loose, and by perseverance It tell/ render the foulest teeth delicately white, ae.d make the br e ath d g . lichnisly sweet. hold by WM. JAcKsteN, alp Liberty meat mars 07 - 11. PAMINUSTOCK'S Vl 5 / 1 /11,L AkT;NV weeks .see, one eluldren, aged about fnee yam, was unwell fur srveral day., .0 the shear nureased so alarmingly that I feared death would be the result. Having award or We goad effect. ofifithsicatock's Vent:Lunge when udnumetered lo the children of my neighbors, and Mulling child ought have worm/strum wine of the sympumw, I gave it one and a half leasperonfols of the Vertoffuge, .d to my great astonishment it almost Immediately Mat:lmaged between 2911 and toil large worms. Its health was soon restored, and it is now remarkably well. Previous to taking the Verona uluge. Me worms would occastully rise in ire throat, end I often fear. It would die from strangulation. JAE. 0. DA w6oN. rtoursill, Vending,. co, Pa. April .1, 'de. .13 LOOK II ERE— Read the following certificate: M'CoarlXtravu,La Ohio, May a, DAS. This Is to certify Wet my little daughter W. afflicted with enigma, and that 1 used several tes.dics, w eat. led, without any apparent edict. Being informed by the agent to this place of the succeu of Sellers' Verist. fags, I was induced to give it a trial. Afar erring a f e w doses, according to directions, my daughter was relieved. I have no hesitation to giving It as myopia. ion, that Seller" Vermifitge Is the beet e stn.. MATTHEW WILEY. Prepared and sold by R. E. Sellers, No. 57 Wood at, Sold slap by Dr. Cassel, fah Ward, D. M. Curry, Alla. gbeny, and Wm. J. Smith, Twaperanceville. rya Popular, biii.use (4o SELLERS' FAMILY MEDICINES. Coot, Srauso, Jedersom (:o; Pe, March 1, 1,49. is R E SELLERS--I hove nearly sold all she Ver. 111 miruge and Cough Syrup you mama Your Yee. deluge is without exception the best ever offered in Chi. neighborhood, having proved good ertrerever The Cough Syrup and Laver Pills have dap given sat lef.tion Vont obh servt. I scan', Postmaster. Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, 57 Wood en.; sold by Dr Cassel, sth Want 11 51 Corny, Allegheny a W J Smith, Temperer:a:mile. mare LJUDY'S CELEBRATED ITCH A.\ D TLTTETI OINTMENT to the most effectual remedy before the public for the core of teller ' Itch, dry .d watery pimple , . of the Ince, neck and hotly, scaly •ruptionS i and all ntherdisea.. of the skin. This Ointment in womusted free nom mercury, is perlectly tele, snit map be umd at all tune. and soviet ail elm...omm. • A fresti supply 01 into valuable remedy received and for sale by 11 A FAHNESIOCX tr. Co , - - Coroar of lot and wood; olso, corner of Uth •ud wood streets. Jo I FDR INVWITtIki AND INFAN'FR.—Wnitneyw go roww Root Busk Powder, a delicious lad highly madams food, which never tams acid on the stomucA, and a now universally recommended by We faculty a Dear,' Sago, Tapioca, or plain Amer Root, Y better suited to We debilitated statnaa of in. 'sands, and • more auengaening and wholesome food for infant. For aide by R E SEJ.A.RILE, margfl 57 wood et pH& uudenogrted having beau appoint. sole agents J. Lor the sale of Burekltardi & Lbts superior Lard (Al, wall keep constantly on hand o hole supplymtdek they wal (Immix to dealers et the lowest wartot pneh Lot cal lad J kill/D & Co MOttNING, XITGUST ,21, 1848. HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE Vona ANZO Ynosarma, raorairrote. EITHIS establishment long and widely known as being one of the moat count:tedious in the city of Baltimore. Ms recently undergone very exten sive alterations and Improvements. An clans, new wing him been added, containing numerous and airy bleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. The Ladies' department has ark, been rompletely reorganized and tined op in • moat unique and beauu ful style. In fact the whole arrangement of the Home he. been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the proprietors, swards the comfort and pleasure of Guaata, and which they confidently anion will Challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Uldoo. ' Heir table will always be supplied with rem" - sot. genial and luxury which the market affords, served tip in • superior style; while in the way of Wines, he , they will not be surpassed_ In conclusion the propnetors beg to say, that nothing will be left undone no their part, and on the part of their aminerns, to render that Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. • The prier. for board hare also been reduced to the ' following rates: Ladies' Ordinary,. 51,71 per day. Ckntlemmea U 1.50 N. a—The Baggage Wagon of the Home will al- Way, be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hetet, free of charge. matief 111 CII A ErGE HOTEL. MIMI= 07 MT IT. can Pirtliff.3l.l. Pk. 2 The subscriber having assumed die manage ment this long esteblislied and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Traveliers and the Public generally, that he will be at all tunes prepared to accommodate them in all Stingy desirable in it well regulated Hotel. The House Is Dow bring thormighly repaired throughout, and new Formture added, and no pains will be .pared to make the Exchange one of the Tory beet Honda in the Toomey. The uuderragned respectfully solicits, a continuance of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore reserved. _ . THOMAS owerroN , TALROCKJEORTONtS GALT HOUSE, LoCtatuLLa., at. 2. . ARIS THROCK.MORTON bop to acquaint his (minas that he is agam lesson of the GALT HOC'S'', Louisville, Kv.. where he hopes to mutt all b. old fnonds, tustinnir them and the public, that no effort 011101 be spared to make all comfortable who thvor him with their patronage. Pull I dly_ _ ''' Arrillt - ED irralvdi - ivorks - , -- - CHEBN. fl briWILIX toot t A. 31, NIITLI Sta. OPPO dip tI . TF. late Bluth of the United Stater, Philp M. POPE MITCHELL, marat Proprietor ALSCELLANEOUS NEW COACH FACTORY, •11.2011. N. WmmTF forM;h a e ll guablie t ' ll i atthC . Y• m hi c s7e id ereeted ' u 'h' s i ko lY p ' o n e . Lneock, between Federal and Sandusky streets, l'hey nre now meklite and are prepared to receive order, for every descripboo of vetucleis Coaches, Gliatiors, Be rounnes, Buggies. Memos, &c , /to., which from their long experience in the manufacture of the above work, nun facitlities they have, they !eel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable Wrote with those wanting oracles in their lane. Paying parimular summn to competentlecu of mate riels, and haviog none but workmen, they have no hesnamfn in warranting their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to tires matter. N B. Repainng done In the beat manner, and no tee most reasonable Harms ps3-if Eltookholdiege k Cake Notices jrBE Stockholders to the Youghiogheny Navigation . 1 Company are hereby notified and required to puy Alr. James liamhon, the Treasurer of the Company, the awn of Ten pet tent. on each share of their stock, on or before the Igth nay of July next, and a further sum nit Teh per cant. on or before the 12th day of Au gust nest The stockholders will shin take natty, thst the law authorises the ecrilertami or One *per rent per mouth, on mat:aliments trot punctually made. whush. tf tumid necessary, will be enforced. Hy inlet to the Warn. ALEX PLUMP:IK, t'reer J B Orion., tinny. let s . - WATCHED & JEWELRY—Just reccwed at No 117 Market street, td Gold Lever Watctietc 22 do ached do; odo Impair, 12 Silver Palest Liver do; al do detached dc: odo impute do; lit 0,.1 Guard Chaim, best quality. Also, a good assortment of Bernet Plus, Fmt Finger Mop, Gold Fens •hd Pencils The above goods hare been received with. the lost five weeks, and will he sold at reduced prices Per ron. wishing to purchase a good and cheap Wawa, would do well to call previous to purchasuni. 111 W ZELIFLON KIN!sEY UEUR6Lt :t.; Kl.Ntepac.—W H Murphy bee with in •le deys received an additumet supplyof Lansdale Rankum, st yl e ) font plea:bed Licata, , common do, unbleached do, fill! Long Cloth 'Mining.. ll`b Lutlnlst terry lore.) whim Cotten Hose. lean cord do, Paper Databases, &0., al the Dry Good. Hour, E corner eth and Marker streets. Ery- WtrolesAle, Rooms op *min :LW ===== ---- . • . 'I 'HIS is to corify that I purchased oue vial of la. I.loLuuts'y Worm 5p 4c. soma two months aco sad pat to a son of mina masa OG•till Tea& old, two spoor full, aud althougla tbo =nouns may appear arm yet I have no doubt but there auupward. of wo 111=11.6.2. Yli.loo Famed from hint, Ittolsaursng Yam me quarter of au melt to two Inches bang. 0 Ur IiOLLMAT. Rowe Croat. Carrot CO. Mall. Deo V. taPt • Leashing, Cupping Rad itlasidiug. la NORRIS, iSoccesrisr io M. R. pets., Pi. No 66 Fil th street, borereep Wood gal Staith held: Fresh leeches received mouthy---aßepdatiee nu hours. Reference, the physicians of PittebOrgh, Ant goeuy and Biroaingbara I most cheerfully recommend to the pity admits. fans thes and all my former friends and patrons, Mr I: LI Nome as beta( thoroughly Acquainted wit). the bus, Ile, had worthy of patronage. mar4ly M. It. DeLANY. C=M== =I • 4s i. , , ,,, , , :, (; ;;: 1 r,- ,:nc ii ,lr ter , ..upe r or 10a572 T .; 19 LI do Pr ce & Hanroara - 5 • 21 do do do ZS do do Paw! & Ilarorwal 56 " 11 do I Robtuson 57 hfdo do 2J dd do Won Dawson " 21 do T Wrighl's 21 do (1 Anderson 9 do L T Dada's 5 do R !locos'. do Emend . JOE landing Isom wounds and packets. and fur solo 4) LIEALD, LILCICSOR k Co, 41 nonh water .t and ld nonh wharves, Phdadelphla AN ITFACTORED TOBACCO-204V id 4 vioues A. Non's naperun insect lb lumps. 75 half ho. Webster Old superior sweelti. Imps 36 " Lawrence Latter " ha - tea Denny h. Roy wer " he Dupout Ida la Ewe) -• tis id - McLeod b '• - lb Lawrence Lather 6s &Os plug Jun landing from steamer, and for sale by HEALD. YIUCKNOR A Co, 41 77 water st ted lb N 1.1. 1. V eft, my3l Pt.l Adolphus. D A PER—WOO bills Straw %Propping Paper, alt uses, 41.0 reams ruled Cap Wraurig Paper, 3101 '' ruled and plant letter do; qualities, 100 " Vial Cap; 210 " medium Tea Paper, 130 gross whne arid blue Ic white Boduet Boards; WU reams Malaita Envelope Paper; 150 Hardware Paper; just re 'd and for sale low by REYNOLDS dl 84TEE., mya.v/Int corear pear aOV intrla law qq ANUFACTURED TOBACCO—In dio and to ..- .P 1 rave, the lollowing brands of Tobay watungn menu hum manunicturen of Richmond nd Lynch burg, which wall be sold to the trade at re cited rates: 7J lass Larciartine its; 03 do John Recker be; 110 do Henry & James 1., Se and o. 31 do L. James 6.; 10 do 8.11. Wairenek 0s; IV do I. M. Steward ha and doi V 7 do James Madison 6s. L. 8 WATTADRAN magi 21 water wad 03 front Its SHIPS' PATENT BLOC/111. '12",1; Vip."T`g'.°P.,rir.`'i.,;„—t.a.l,"..:4-1,74.°1 01. Or ULU. Also, complata tats. of Blocks, adapted to• tray capacity, put up and forwarded to my part of :ivy I.huon, without delay and at th lowaal pm. ern. 411,11titiZtl 'VITA far sale to guanines to am aurchmera ORO R AAPLI , 23, op/-enicana•T&S U Hurling Kip, New York Patent [Oda AM . . , 44 C u A.: ( ll.B rom J . .....llll4pyalt fr.dott . . bran ti ) u land• Northern-- Id TC ' t' Pak by my,. , I liberty al 13 ' INIA OlLTALWARE—Jastrieesved Rom the .. aufactory, Brnanala Coffee Eons, do Tea 4 „ i 40 Su „, te Bowls and Cream Caps: dt i Slop do, do large pitch . WWI ildai du Molasses do do; do Coffee L.. , with 1.04 • For tale at low snort 1 ,.0 GILL & UPPITY, Sign Big l'acher. _ % h o tsAli.uetitai'PertrlB4anlsh CASKS o . ndtay eamac North Carat s-NJ sta. and for Kale bY W & .11 MITCHtTREE, se7 160 II rty street - . _ . l owissm y., , A a t APARILLA-46 Las of tint Kau •Priad and soot aver °temente, this day. reed and tor sale wholesale and retail, by i R TELLERS DN. —A. It. i.. S. I. Dr. Ti ”Y..."ld'd 'IT agent for Vtusburg 0, the genuine mimic may alw •be had at No M Wood street s narld BUTTONS FOR LADII.' DRL11 1 b... 4 1 , " 'h. ( Wl."' t. og kmda, vic,•Blllt gmtluateo . l o_nr ,p_ b 0,,..i. Airandenboargh do; Fantamel do, Ca ." ...1 ......' and Drop dos Nett and Plath do, tor, la r with white and col'a Liners, for aal• at I' ti Fab ' N k Co'. i t , : Trustmiug Store, .' m.Y"' "I l'`..T.„ ' ---- ., g: - . - 1,- .k. ''''!';'2,l:,,... 4 „'h.Vii:" , 'l , ':,,iliffri , `:. do do do, Al do Myer's Y rb " ao do, MO dO kßat 'Ye- h oney flew Os plug, itt caves, 00 dwarf boxes /dyer ' ', •01. '!,.. 0 - Arornaue do, RI do, 4U do do 'Morals' Nectar , '.'" ..i Mat rmeired cud for sale by selst MULLED. a. lucalgrs . ON J,l( rooms' iz I: MON B 4 casks PotlArati 00 do. I OU . Tow Ta t; ttemaraM 60 b • No 180. NI or do star thut a; tO do: Prat Viotti% 111 bbl. ass Nos Loaf Itimul , for .ale by .03 - • ENGLISH arsgrr ..._________:______.- . - , - vaaftetnarship Nertle • ' T_YEA.I.B, BUCKNOR & CO. ham toted watt ..LL Mersa In Welt Tobacco and Commlialau bounces, toward Hotta, slate of Jacob Heald & CO, Baltatadas) David C. McCammon, and Johu A. Warder. my Is FOR STEAMBOATS AND HOTEIM-11ie have on hand a lam assortment of frau Stolle Ware, mut ewe Cro stentaboads and Maisie wlnals wa will sell low 1511.1. a, usrry, 5577_ . sign of the 11syrymuner, wood .sr_ 10L'D ItCANTAU FULILIONS—Ian assprlment of blk Li and col'd Maotau and Satin arboortaiopened yes. mong), wad uderod tow by tne piece, jar wnolesula rooms of W I( friU,lirkik, 1721 northeast ear Orb and mantel at. lid story D ACON—IO hhds essressed Hemsi Jo bidesi Wdo dbottblare, all=rjorlty jelu 8 ' NIOLB EBB AND Ming PORX—IO bblej Wes Pszki — C, /1.1. do prime do; lor side by fold SPI.E.F.It *NICOLA rITARIC ACID-4 lba ofi sopa . 4or quality, re 1 oohed and for sale by agau r & RerrEn `TEAM ktUAT INTEHEWP FOR Ann Wyoming Mr .116 on dcooni mothl.g 'corms. PM . ft:mettles. ent Aro of & W3l y ;A WetBAUGH, op? :so WaMP= eta MISCELLANEOUS. latErti c ISIS ZeZPPENCOWT A SASEs (Low S Siriokler k ANUFAcTIMERS of rhea: ere Pry $,.01t1 side. reeend cheer, be M een W Smithfield Pittsburgh. J Strickler basins, deceased and On rocrirtnir partner AI. LiPP.jro", basins, olth bit. SVm C Blur, rho, butOooos will hereafter be conducted under the style a L) ipon eottk Ben. Trial of a safe in Cincinnati, o.—Ws dtrandertdltt ed were presetn atahe testing of ow. dr,/ Sarkkl" Co'. tmproved Phremz fire-proof safes. The acid urns the In a furnace 031 the public hauling, and itini•St_i°. to the intenne heat of a Inoue coal ire for Clara three hours. In one hour and a half the cafe . catoo to • bright red heat the doar of the femme wail chub closed, which caused an Increased and steady beat for the balance of the.ume, until the claviron wheels were partially melted off; the furnace was then thmerwiown and the safe cooled and opened. The money, paper, and books which it contained mere as perfect asmeen placed there, the binding only of the hooks tieing la med /iy the armlet in cooling ths safe. We have no hesitation in recommending, it to the public as It suprior any we Imre ever nen test.d, and Lellave that e it will stwid tiny heat which might be n produeed, zeepfa heat whteh would melt it to a solid masa. bennr, t Whitmoo, I. Won.sssl=itm • t nn Keett, Elms. Urner, W P Breese, 5 Dungan Co, Stedman, Ittlayard fa Co, Wm - minatt, Neal A Winstor. We. the onddnigned. solemn! t h e safe Vit i t,t 4 of bove, from a lotto th e 1 , 10.1 of Trubor Au . the Allo so C OSPRING • - - - B J KELLOG. Refer to Cook k Harris, Brokers, Pio4bl:welt Hottser Hamm & _do 1.1: e,l4srlyB hIA. LIP YENCOTT. 4011113. WICK. I-. 11010 /I.N. . - LIPPIENOOPT 6. 00. ANUFAC rURERS of Hammered and Case &eel I.U. Shovels and Spades, Ascii mad Hatchets, Cm, Circular end Gut Saws, Hay and Manure reeks, Hoes, Nlnttocks, Picks, !Lc., having completed their arrangements In the construction of new machinery, and la st.eniing the hest 'workmen from the most cele brated establishments of the Pa eans now miousfeetiate jog and will keep comanntly on trend and foe vale all the above vitals?, lowing availed thematic...l . the latest improvements, end are determined Mai lei work man.hlo and material they will um be excelled. , They promise to produce arde.e. if not =pert.; to any that emu be had lu the Cask. They invite thA erten loot erne:tiers re an examination of thelt SLOG( before purchabne elsewhere. as the are-convinced Wax they will he •Ide to fill till orders in their line to the entire sahsfeetion of purchasers. Warehouse, Water sneet, 4 door. Went Alonongshelo House, Pittsburgh, N. EL—Person. herons bareness and, Wet. apen eon & bon wil pleane roll on LippeneOU tc CO. oothely J/OkftS W. WOOPWELL. Plitsbus-g Is Ftsrstitsara Ware liolOotaa, red, swan treat, ZaA large and splendid assortment of Pont lure, suitable for Steamboats, Hotels and pro vat,. dwellings, constantly on nand and made to order. . , The present emelt on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the veettem 000007. Person. sorbing to purclume would do well ea give me a call, esl am detonamed my pm.. .hall please. Part of the Mock mmmmta it .54, no.. with }quail and Hair-v.l9th co•en; dor. Mahogany :lure. Chaim, pwr Mast., 13 dog fin< mahogany Chaim, N mahogany Work Stands; 3 din mahogany Booking Chairs; 1.5 marble top Unsung Bureaus 6 pair Ottomans marble lop Work Staub; Id cherry Work drandr, Mahogany, Maple, Cherry, arid Poplar Itedsteadsof oil deaeriphona and a largo wonmeut of common rumour, and chairo, 100 antneroua to mention. LAbif.•47,iiii: CA L'TIE)IT: AGAINST USING _ . • • . • rilHEy are o aware Law frightfully injeruzas It is to I the skin—how coarse, how rough, how allow, yel iow mai tatheai thy the akin appeadsaftortastug prey/a!-nuty ilk• Betides it If tummies, coautuang • lugs qua Mad: We have prepared • beautiful yr-getable article, which we call JONW SPAXISti LJLY WHITE. II It perfectly tanoteru, beam ,purifted oil deleterious qualities. and it Imparts to the situ a nsturtL` itratithri atabastor, clear. i 1•114 Orblte; at the tams time ae as a cosmetic • km, makiegit salt and =oath. Dr James ambition, Practical Medea of Maws. e1e....t...ayt: -After analyzing femme Spanish Lily Wiate,l raid it In...CASCO the amst Lowrie/1 WM maw rut. and at the same time imloceut White I ewer saw. .entiay ran easiscientionsly recommend its Mae to all aim. skirl beatuifying.r Prim, 13 ceutil hold by W:11. - =IV Pitt illooknuo Work* and Foundry. 111,50.1.411. --• . . 1011.1 WHIGHT & ate prepared In build Canna ey and Woolen Machinery or ever, deacripnan, mush u. Carding Machines Spinning Frarnet, ga i Dimming Proxima, Hadvray Heads, Warper=ers, Dressing Frmes, Lean., CardGrtndeia, de. Wroneghi Hee Slauung turned, ail N.% pleas& Iron,Pillnee and /Isere rlt o( the iate.t pauenu, elide and hind When, and mot.. of all tin& Cmtings of every description NNeion abort ranee. Patterns made In order for m Lieenog. Iron Rodney, he. Smam Pipe foe hem. tag Famorte.. Cara Iron 11;unloiv Saida and fancy Case gener,tly Orders Imt at the Warehouse of/. Palmer a. Co, Liberty street, will have prompt atte. ILefer ro Blackslock, BeJI & Co., J. K. Moorehead & Co.. U. K Warner, John trano & dons, Mnaborei G. C. h J. H. Warner, dleulLoovillo. idol& 41. ESN h. Spring, Axle. Steel and Iron Works. 11dILMAN A. Cm, baring completed h_f their 110,P works, tun sow pre pared to manufao tory orerr deocrlpuren of Coach EPI3 springs, lean Axle, American, Mister. Spring and Plough C reel. and all suns of mall. sthsare and round Iron, awa th ey oder tor sale ost liberal torsos, al thou war. twooe. No 43 Wood street, where they also keep on natal a complete and handsome auoryment of Coach 'rrtratnings, Carnage Hardware., Malleable Castings, Nails and Iran. C, U.a Co.. ha re made ornuwernente with Messrs. Dap tr.Crouni, manufacturers ofShoirels,Spades, Forks, and will keep conoontly hood scary oracle wade by thcm. Isis respectfully witched to o , prices andand tams wi ll ll be roads liberal. IsYS _ _ New Hardware Homes. JOSEPH WOOL /WELL, earner of :74 Wood sad 2.1 sta.. Pius/Mier mg withdrawn Mont the firm of suer sae lot of January, 1i147, I take plea/tun In announcing to my friends to the city and country, that I hare opened my new store at the above named place. listing purchased ray prods for colt,. and toady strosuremanta wan amonfacturers In tins co mt. y nod su Europe to be cmstamly supplied, I ran folly prepared to loraesh lln rawen of all Cubs, on as good terms and as lone es any house East or West. Merchants and mhos are respectfully invited ta call and examine my sou . k, before else where. The loitowang mammas. a part of has stocks metunboat and sadalery hardware, gran trimmings, Naylors iamb, cutlery, edge touts, aorlb, mean, loeks. latches, scythes, bus tungea, sereurs,Umon Voir tory planes, saws, nushogsrry boards and veneers, end ela other uncle. ocameciod with the hardware bui mchlltf 1t.... City Dagaerr/an Gallery. Till...uer, row oamon 6;2 110(..L bag* leave to inform abs cittrans or Pitt. . burgh and vicinity, that he he taken the baguet non booms lately occupied by Mr Porter. The pub. Im see assured that all the late unpeormneata are sem red, area will be brought tam operation by Ale /loge, wno has been a ooawa opetmor atacerhe an was area ducovered. Entire, satiolisebon guaranteed to all who ropy become his patrons. Mr. IL will refer with Measure to Mr. Porter, In whose establishment ha has operated for the lab twelve months. !wally Pot- Wad, XOgraYntSa. DataerreatkPea accumiely copied. Ltkeuessea taken re a l uy weather, and set In loCketa, breast puu, c frames. Instourtions pun in n e e - try branch of the art, and am patinas hummed. jeitat AMaarso • Co, nil /dark. at, have received 6 cues of cheep C Lawn* mil Shaslms, a cues of Preach do, of every ' , Witty of style, le cases of grab style thug. nams,ado mix sly 10 Pilling 4 do blue mil°ruse Cal icoes, ail do bleached Musthisoill widths. Also, cues bleached, brown end blue Drills, Cononadso, Citecky liumtusona, as, etc.. all at which will be oberwl at the lowest Eauttara waaioao4o pncea coy 94 \ \'lGHT.MAN—Alanufacturet ailkanda of tale JUL/ a ton and woollen machinery' , Allegbuy city, l's 'the above works being now and mocesalul op. Bruton, I am prepared ter ereeute orden With dwpatch ios all Mud/. at UlaCaLury lit my line. such as .thir.4 packer., spreaders, cards, grunling machiuu, rauwaya drawing frames, spooders, darOmida, /OM., oroOnlo cards double or angle, for merchant or country work, mules, jacks, and band lathes and mob in geta. crib All kind.. ot Malting made to ordat,ar plansgtm en for gearing scones or mills al mum/able charge. floras ein-keuuctly, Childs .4. Co, 131ackatock, Co., Mug, Peu/mho &Co as,. A. Gray. DELL AND FOUNDRY. A it;I:FUN, /led mid lintas Founder, Ltas rn diabull. and commenced barna,. at has old stand, .here be will be pleased to me but old custom urn mot triemb, . . cherea,lstemarboat,and Bells of every slut, from to to /11,U1A/ p 01.0014, C.l twat patterns of the =oat annum,- ea models, and warranted to be of the best anaemia. :ameba/ ‘l/ ater Owitits,ebuntvbs, Bailing t 1i..., Logyther with every . ..every of lima Outings, If required, turned nett !hushed to the [mato. nuumer. A. F. to the sole propneur of Bearer Ann-Atm. [WM ALUTA.I., so pasts) . Ociablaled LO! the unluettun at Inoliollla 1130011111eLy. The Boise and Coct4whution Ault be bad of turn at all dines. ____ &la_ ri6ugh., plotigh Ceathass, _ Viiition Ilexes, die. B e HALL, of the old less et kL b e. iiall,is manufau. awing large q u•ts tattoo et eleughL kquutrt Cattioge, Wag on ....., a..., ~ ...0 the unprovemeau at the Leave,. I'e cork, Mums, mud other Heaps, of the latest and beat putlerns now In ate. Isuresouss. WO /sibs:fly .treat, Pittsburgh, opposite Ilae lay rectory, In Atte-gib:my City, se. the I.actuf) uI A•• • 1,4, •••Ck ,,, A 4 A, 'kit a. CO. J. un.titribi, . . • sue •ugnged to Use atuova buainese, corner 05 ‘v uod sees lard sumer., /NO...burgh, where ure prepared to du assay work lit uur bee' with Ik 4 s. pack. aYe wend to oar work personally, and turoon wed be given in regent ID neguiesa sod du raudity. Munk Books rulal to wry parlorn. and bound ado. stsurually. nook. to nornocra uruld book. bound cue- Cody or repaired. ...mows put on balks letters. Thu. out Lave work rnour line are. 111141C4 to sail M' P rnytkill Sand y , lulu; Stooartunwre or Inn nAruly and !Mae., Caul Cowpony, ate nimbi nonfood War an election lot /Art ' 4lo °, Widen on %ladnea ,,,„,, toe aw day or /Wigton heir, al tun gnaw (Mee, to (Ana, hoover% too hoary of in o'clock, A. oarlock, O. AL, of arrld day. Clint,. lA. HOuTSTT 'Wool eon:dowry & P -• ,and Wrinnipal Area /tailing. Tki,.4u.llll4csa Ha i.tepdrod to 940 . 01414 miter!! up. uk ,nele ters ever,y . tleextipuon el INa tenVirhee, 7rgtellet r dc. de A. I—AAIUN l 6 6.6116, Allegheny eny To Cauttraottotew and blunders., to ciow, Um WWII.. albs late tinuoil.roustable tcslllctler, plor /Awns, 01' itopersor utadotaetwa. Aiiply, to CONSTABLE, UV 91IM t Co., 'Mar al.t,ln door (ma wood JUST ILEX:EITHI,--A large andapreadna, t/ Id Clothe, Ceeetrneree, Vestlags, Cravats, ke., and ter sale eVILLI4.A.IIS, ddarvAnt Tnior, ander Alanongatedn Mows°, ounnacdd. el ialubs—ton to C/610 Varna. i 45.4 vu% r" ith'lrg."4 311 Unti Ltrockidyu nausea, tralnlin W mi Ho. t51141,40T 4 3. 1 .07 BUIWADOV., %%, ILION is Co, 1919 *au a DRY &. VARIETY 0001' , . • LYIW3 CARPET inmost:rum • rougra ST., BELOW WOOD. rplossabscriber respectfully request. the attention of .1. • the owners add • captains or boats, eltirans mtd stranger. visiting Pittiburgiti to his large and splendid smelt , of es:meting,. now for side at has new stores, 4th street They consist of every variety of the taut and most-fashionable styles of Carpets, Oil Cloths, ece- ever brought to the Western =whet The store has been bout etpremly far theca - rpm husinem, and has. idea rd. less of expense,) been fined opt. the most magnificent anaiern style. The carpets receiving are of the ticktest and roostbrilliant e They comprise, in part. of the Superior Tapestry, anew an he English and American Dm. the latest deslloi, with • tor& following: 4 . 11 .1 . ingrain, new sha -13emor Ingrain; now de- Floe thgreini Common do Plain and thrilled Vanden; Extra to ce per cord twilled do; Royal rI Sheep Pelr, Cheadle, . Arlicarni Polka; !me, G o; Wilton 1 l a d le; Ragas Brussels, f•Common yard ende; • do do do do on Clothed 4 do do 6 de do COMM, liot and bop mrp. t, Ot cloth, it Cloth ta l e covers, wonted and limn cable oven, window shade., colored mod plain mania& stir . 4 ... Innornags, carped bindings, ead all other goods jestorltl kept m °arrest stores, all of which soap h. lurid on es reasonable terms as any &the city. Having ore or thngenrents wi th one of th e largest menufeenthe In the MA order, throaty style of names will baps= tly for warded by telegraph, and thersered in one week. at • sotallodvance tho menufacterer's pricer Purchasers are irstrocularly requested to earl before ourchasing elscortens, as soh feel cenithent hen sell a cheap asthey can be parchatted to the eastern cure. trocrth E. AV. LYND. . Door 210t5.2 EPEW ood S ; UL,012 KlVEY'S. 7 4 l ;k o e ' l Greet. 30 gold lever Vetches; 49 silver lever rthes, Phlghoth; 28 sliver derached lever wale b ea; 20 silver L'hlpine watches; 23 sthrer 51.ruer watches; 12 fine gold chetah. 1 dos new style ear slogs; da.plain gold hoop rings; dos assonal Grum 2 mu sical boxes, pla A s a variety of powder Lin: 0 gm" meet slides, all FANcr GOODS 5 dos fine Pa., silk and paper; 50 dos eprt Farts; doe fine velvet bead hags, tow styles; ID do: hue crotchet bdad bags, new !styles; 3 dos fine ,crotchet Pareertdcwstyles; :Odor fine parasols, insulter); thus, teasels, (tinges, gilt end silver, for regalia; 10 dos. fine flower vexes, assorted; dos fine steel screw pin cash iering 1 dos fine Ivory sewer pin eashionG 1. dos fine Tom wood sk. /sc. screw pin cnehlona A fine assortmentof new • ramm a. cc.,o, & co., Pittsburgh. 1-I=rn-k. tla Ai MAYO& & CO, WO 60 Market ureet, between 3d and 4th nth Pius. bargh Pa_ have recently opened their hew nod v4i 4 s ks en co mmetatire stock of dred pack/arts, of the= 4s a u rt i d most faskuonable sLyles. kferehants throw/ghat the country .ti 1 ,61.000. lady invited to eW and gamine our stock, ks 11 mu intention to offer our goods at the knout Eastern wholesale Flocs. Ono of the firm residing in New York, will be constantly sending us fresh WOW.s of the most desirable goods, thereby Firing as nee fa cility in the transaction of 01:11 . business Moor be pauested by Enuera HERO.. Prices an there fore =ibisto be as low as the lowan, New 'ork and te re s. lap lATHITE GOODS FOR I.III.ESSEZ—Ope dun morn yy. ing, at W R AlUY'd Dry bloods Rome north cut comer of kth and Markin ats, a full assort ment of white (Mods for dresses, such es Sims Mas h., plata and frg'c Mau Midi dc, barred Jackonets; plain Mulls and Jackonets. Also, Canons styles of gooks for Evening Dresses, inclodunr a flew pnuerus of enure new styles Embroidered Masan Robes Cr New goods will be receiving daily fot a week to come, "mending newest styles Dress Limas, Linen and Preach Gin, hams, PrilOS and Chintzes, eery low. Merchants are invited to the goods and pri ces 11,1:121nale MOMS, up stairs. The 4,lollocUt largcand prices very low. LINEN LUSTRES AND cIINGIffAMS—W R Mar phy iavrtos anendou to Ma aulerUleut ;of above rods, of various shades also, damask, Spired Linea /44tre t for lodic.' Dresses. A large as. iortment of hue Enlist., Manchester, end Fiench Uitighsons,of newest styles; also, Dogs Pructs—it awn/scum al these very desirable goods, • including pink, lilac, him and double purple, of tww sad beau, =7 - Dross Lawns—Pink, Was, lilac, brown and bo of neirest;anerne and fast colons; saidl fird do foe Infants ADo litilliantines, of liarg , -e,anti small fig ures, 63r ladles. a lnfants' aid dresses. / Embroidered SWI.I drew 4 olnin dres s, new styles; colored damask tarietons, ri; and a full assortment of tisanes, hersgres, greundines, crape shawls, ke., st the northeast earlier of Fourth and Mar het meets •••• up, CAVA. Tofu; KELLY &Co blutemmnr to finish, Wine brener & Co.) MERCHANT TAILURS,HrI Chest nut onset, Philadelphia, Deg leave In storm the friends and patrons of the ism firm, and strangers visaing this city, that they He now iu receipt at Um bynng and Summer Putnam. Also a choice and select assort ment of We of England and French Cloths, Coast omens aad Vesungs, to which they respeettittly invite Ute,r attention. _tp)l,d6m SPILISIGI Dalt GOODS. );„ I ,II.ACKLF:fT & Sel Wood street, are receiving • very large and ertensive stock of fresh Sprang Hry troods, of Vacs recant purcase, and bought under the most favorabie cammonancesi ausl winch they are prepared, and will sell to merchnnui, at a very small ativanne on the °amens eau. We would request all merchant/ visiting oar city to give our stock • Mar irammanon, andwe reel confi dent they mm be entirely smashed of the cheapness of Our stock. apl7 VTlNLiS—biap French 6;'d rums, Silt,, Carla ' metes alai aqua: Cla./Etiri—Uup Frau., Leib imptined, all eoliars, qualiticaaua price. e A ss . via tuearly sly. and quality. CAZH IIk.:RETT:6-13.16 ailk arta?.(4.ra:is Ciotti, Simi., and dralratile CLUILIIp thr gents' wt., at pnces prima any 111 dm city. Cloth Susaa, apt? corner 6th and wood stn SEIAIDIELLETT & WRITE, un-/ow , . DEALItiIB IN DRY (.14.XIDS, No. V V & Wood Remy Aare on hand, audios coostam ly feeerriug dorms the busmals seaman, a large and extensive assortment of ILSOLIIhh, whreh they of. ter to memberru at low prseea, and resaeLmlllo tone. nolietteg that they can give ellthe liatulecLloll, Itle) eautillently invite all merchants Matting the city to gels UM= a call. A A. 5/' & Co., 60 Market street. operateir LI.. air ealeuarva assonexeut of Ore.. 0.04,, Just re g./V:l4lpar Clapreas, coloprisoir the lessee; sod oion , asitioilable stock of Drees Goode to be hand to toes utr—erooarst. winch Ire meatlost,4ll ps exam rico eta. uruidered Yell dq Cherre, ago motile, anal the 140.1; desirable roods iu the marret, also, sat. stripe chap tia&Pe, FoenchJacouett, IftliS IiQUDS.—A A MASON & Co , dIS Market JJ sweet, have pat reed a spieudtd associations us uress 00046, szoOug which may be tuund— Figured, pia., plaid mud -sawed Bensige of all ualtte& AIM tissue, saohsur swipe& linsuastseni, sa ti n stripe dc Lasses, plaid do Vaud, Si Challis& usury silk, tench Jacoocus, an, he. nista &C.—Aressurder & Day have 110 W open 1) • heassusAl saws suyseil mid Wrist Berage& of the ducat %washes and newest !ivies, ouporscsh suq spice• dui plum and Smelts black Berages mod splcustul /react Lawns, Loon Luisa. sad Uiughauts, • tell &mussiness hit, aud salon stripe de I.lthics and One Alpacca& IDU.. goods have been purchased at the late pr . . e l tory aucbon sale. lu Allow Port and tulavielpata, & be sold at a great tedoelloll Item reratal plop. A.LEJLAALIkaI oontar dianutad and markat .....o—Alessailer a Day have seems. tttleul 14,7 from the ism.rter la Ne* r ark an eat., CYO Ul geou.e Canton Crepe ethawls, coritalatug a complete .sertmeat or comrades. sad plain Wavle , Of all ro tors .0 realm., 11011.e40 Mapco an rei• pactUttlly llilf/led LU coatroom rheee etraw is, belmnag teat 11004 01 ltre impeller tu say Lagar oderml tin. market. They W . l/1 be sohl inmerkably cheep, • Al., talk Thine, Lad Mrage !Warm mot Scar* • full yacrittartit,Bl rerrimlClOaly 1040 pared. [Uri WIIITE PORCHLAES /lEADS—The subscriber havtup received Me tote Agetrey forsale or J tures, mos a Cos ?tale, (km, Pivot, Molar tad Ihricesie dames Teton, invites Dentists' special IMO/Mc. HAM. Drumm add AouthemmY, cot vors,sl sad Mh ars (LI LOVF.../1 good asamtment of ladies arid gents blaek, estate sod °seared Cotrou, Wale, 'fluvial, Throm Worm, large ease. Also, black and coarrect Preach Kid Chores, ea excellent anrc/e, tual lathe uses, just opening by • aPH SILACKLETT a, WHTTF., 09 wood m LOV} AND HCAllkalf--Jusi reed, NM dos La l7 dies Mack, white, brown and elate Cotton Hose, Item 01 coal. per pan opMae !moat oaadly. Also, luh do: etas Cotton klainlOsei lOU dos lisle, thread, raft and noon (Doses; also 6 tartans Lad'. Urnttt told woven Dealers and akrlersthat wish borgalus Is the above articles, wlp t ad thee, at ann/ 'II A JOHNSON'S, 40 market st • ILISJSIEIit, GEOVITS, /EC., AT WHOLINALE.— .. ipmdirs liesnmaLtonf /lose, for men, nnnoon and eminro n, with a largo lot of snit, brood 010 :es MO.: J.. 1 received from the Laporte. sod ass tor sinn orholarue and man, by H EATON A Co TEEL GOODS—stool nag taws, me :moo A 7 meat mem the city; Steel beads, - do bag 'rarnoth de rune doi do ?Knelling% do do Clasps- bade:, do hey Hl_rdtri Lop Just rye% at the new Fa./ Store, to Sre, Enr !linnet strum. ntyld 141N214Y KNOX tikralf - FNOOO Dri—A usonmout ot plans Coil. y nod wiped Goon/n plain sod chi rd Jaconets. 16unas and Scotch Noll, Soot Alostins, nashop Jrar'n 4 , Autumns, spotted muds, liurrona yawns, 'rancor, Alusitas, tosether woo a lull aamiruncut of Sotnuetts, plain and fancy Netts, Lancs, mouth noes. P, an, all al winch nave last Irrnred /rash f rom toe too Furman, Lod for sate low loth., ' / trarle.ny . „ HITE, Loyl/ A Cam.; iil.l do L d n o . Nadi do, o bros. eood .d du taut Wo, uo LID Folder Jo do Own! ,Inlaus; 41. t„, du do Voucaa and blooeadd rosy'., 11u}o Au wow oasis JanoVry moll do Wail to. did ou tis bv.tor mito__;W`vebY It 10101, roaritat 113 LLWVE 8111wriNii mu!sults—.Wit, N ,„, v ,„ .4; era*. 01. WO* Amy ms.l4,Lo4ti elai=wg "pus, also fula Loomisle tbs, ,as Oa bind Won, mina al caul 0.4, 19 14.43 low mutt paces. Also, Irish Luleas";lot's II mill bosoms, of pura max. sod rsfl osooln at oottosasbromer ol alb am* • tliitiTOUS jut 14•Mohreit 11 *sty supdzik4 asonnstmu tesorssAWSOlMmoodialyetioolio, most celebrate maostssms! 94 Mirth!. mud guaLtissi bleaelkoU tr(tiLlr iiltalfiLlifti £ asia per youct. $l4, . , ZEE EI=IINEW 'x - Cri. No. VOL. BOOK TRADE. ikTraavir again roaruntscivrtow b t v.. r .lksm, Cincinnati, the following new and valuable Worts— Doninban's Expedition—Conts , niuj • sketch a the L lllb of CoL rt. W. Dmipbair, the_OOnaptest of New Nlegico; Gen. Keenney's Oven ExPodilbe to (fly. fornm; TiontplimOs Campaign a Na=l his wmandleled Raub Upon cf htoo .n.... 1 uld the Operations of Gen av e at Sant. Fig with • nap and Engravings, by ,Mn T Hughes, A B of the to Regiment of ?Meanest Cavalrys .fi r t av y, of Eemmegy—Ms Antiquities *Liza Natural Cunosmes; Geoganataleal Statistical and Geological descriptions; wutt meadows of Pioneers Llfo, and mom than .0 hundred Blogniabigal Ste:chime dbllnanish ed ioers, Soldiers, Sintntfien .Imists, Lawyers, Di ines, tsc.; illusuateM with lorry egrwe rno . by Lewis Collins, I vol. ocinvo: EEL The Twelve Months' Volorttecr, or Journal of a Pri ma ixt the Tareueo Regintatu 01 Ca 00 4 7, h, the 848 -47,e ,, 0 alolo/K at , Clatlpmgh oflllo co; oast of the Mooch of tit 'il l ' tgiment to Vera Cettr, • deuription QC the Co.l.l7_platSed °Per; mulac., A.C. of the people,. hketehee of Cam • Lac, ae eoanti of ell the aetiont °father Videnteer eoty and • fall Meurer of tholtteadean War; LIU 01.43 Kil ted nod Ti•eorded, tkot illostrated by • lam number of corral view* sad plans; by 151.3., I volume oatamo. duel New Papers. wad not Establlalanaesst, 75 Woon Sr. smarm Poesy/ son Insxosn ALLXT. THE subscribe here prst opened, as the alatte. stand, a large stock of Ilitre:eau qualities rated and plain white undblue Writhor and Lone? Paper, cont. trowels! and packet post Flat Cap, deftly and medians writing papers, for blank books; medium and royal co lored Printing Papers; medium, demy and cap Day Books arid Ledgers, superior paper and best hastern binding-, School Books of all kinds- standard works in Theology and Sciences; Quills , go sad steel Pens, 'Wafers, Wax, Hal Files, de. de. Mont Books 01,111h:es ruled to pattern, and bound In the most sabirottnial manner. Countly Merchants supplied at lowest wholesale ;ert en ibr cash, o or r rugs at cosh prices. JOB.PRIPPITINU.-..fissiug h Job orbee In COMICCIiOIII with our asablistunent, no are propved to execute an orders for plain and fancy PrinOng--books, pamphlets, nit:elders, business Fends, bills of Indingte, with des patch and at lowprices.' "RELIC/IT&i•MW,ASS, tort 79 latocataz, between 4th and dirotiond T OUR. STORE - mayn kind et street, No 56, between 3d and th, at all times be fou • large stock of Theological and Miscellaneous Books Neer books received as soon as published, and sold at low est prices. The publiearkuts of the American Sunday School Union and Massachusetts Sabbath School So ciety, always on hand. Catakignes furnishal on ap phcation. L. 1.1.1017 & ENGLISH, mr2 58 market st, between 3d and 4th Mew Hooka . ; LTOBART'S BUTLER'S ANALOGY—Floban's An Jal alma of Bishop Butlers Analoryof Religion, Nis. Meal an Revealed, to the constimuon and course of eature, with notes. At.,., tirantardis questions for ex amination; revised and adapted to the use of schools, by Charles E. West, Principal of Rower's Justine, in *A VI S SOgra t t&NECTLITE, DE Amicrrus, &a—The de &sienna, de Ancins, /vandals, and doinnittou Scipions of Cicero, and tbsLlki of . Amnia, b Cornett. Nepas, with Eng/ish Notes, Critical and ltnrObS42 PßlNGlM—Desc i tiPt)a n of the &Swims, &ono', Rural Life, and Country Amuse menis, by Thomas Miller, ern 30 illustrations A NOVEL byBY MARRYATT—Toe Children of the b SLR THE by G. P.R. Pores; ODO_ Capt. filarry FL N. RE. BROUGHTON James. , or Latirel Water, The above workanactived this day and for sale by JOHNSTON a. koccrox, meth Booksellers, corinarket and ad au — Blotar & Sarnia to riIHE subscribers having been appointed agents for the sale of the publications of the above well looter. publlabby boccie, have • full supply of lOW' book. ea hand, which they can sell at the eastero pri ers, wholesale and retail. Among Ihn. work. watch have been rerierUl Maned by them, wh.ieh have been highly recom as ogneedingly Weresting and rateable, may lie foond—sThe Cam', the Coast .d Peo pie; Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger; Bowel Flag, by Dr. timithg; Napoleon muthis Harahals; Wealthy ten .4 his Generals; The Sacred. Monntains; Orators of Fran' & Te.hing a those., the teacher an Artuo eakrifette Elisabeth's Uniform Workw, T. S. Arthur's iittking Haste to be ales Riches have Wings, Keeping up Appearances, Debt t Crmilitor, Also, the works time mess of Kabob Cortar, the eharachir of whose pt e ions is well Mimeo. rur thuneM Theology, In 4 sit Haldane on Ramans; Me- Choy ne's works; Tlw . 41, by anthorof &noel WM to France, An. Ne oath nmeived as soon as Tubb... r..1.1.10TC & ENGLISH, my & 76 wood and 69 market ata NEW BOOKS—LiIa of Cromwell, by J T Headley Power of the Polpit, by Gardiner Smug, D. D. klathel Flag, o do J.... on Gospels, Matthew , ,with Haniony; Locum. on Shokspeare, 1 vole; Path of Life , or Sketches of the Way to Glory and Immortality; Footsteps of M essiah; The Convent; by author '(School Girl in Fran.; Now and Then by Warr.; Sketches of Lemon, on Potables and Miracles; Ireland • Welcome to the Stranger; Hearer. upoe Earth; Rowboat; . We of .4 for 9 vols. For sale by ELLIOTT& ENGLISH, J6lO 76 wood and 56 maract au NN EWBOOKS—Jost received at the Build tugs, .Ith street, arol for sale by J. L. READ: Ke .ty wanee G of the History of LOUMMILIt, eIOGII. of Lectures, C. amine. A &scoursa on the life, chanteJer andpublie servi ces of James Kent, late Chancellor Mate Mote of New York; delivered before the Judiciary mid bar of the city and state of New York, by Joint Doer. History of England, from the invasion of Jell. Car to the reign of Victoria; by Mn.. Moab.% a new eddion, revised and enlarged, with questions; y Eliza obbie. mylit \TEw BOOKS—Lace ms on Sit t tkapearc, by 11 N ill Hodson, a two voter:nes. Die Power of the Pulpit, or plain lbettglus addressed to Chriation MOlillOrs, and those was hear them, on the tolloence of a preached Gospel, by :be Key. Liardincr Spring, D. D. The Peaearit and his Landlonl, by the Baroness Kooning. Tronalated by Mary Derwin. Idnaarnatt'S (Krona:kirk Vol. 111 Howley of the Ur natant, Of OGROILLIDOCOODIf Of the pa t non or the French devolution; from ..published am. .a—by A. de La- A few copied of etch of the above weeks received his day =ld for sale by JURNSTON de SIVCICTON, flookwellers, my3e - corner mereet and al au LECTURES. Char. SHAESPEARITS Lite and actor, ha Theamcal Lypur. , tun ?cents, :threw. me., by H N nude:in. Power et - the Yalpit , or thoughts addresned to i:Luvi.lati Mutate.. sad these who hoar thaw, by Uet'e• aer Spring, D. 11. Ter Athena-nu Preetthe Condemned, or the Ynatily betui the ectenutie eritcm of naediciari, on . die principles, for all clarinet, by W Beeeh, 11. G. Fore-or by ELLEAT 2 ENGLISH, ot, eterue, •l. bet. 3d mad 4th, aud 78 wood st, bet. 4th and U.11.11‘..61 n!ley. my3U Books. UM.STORh..—RobertscoVa, Rollin* (Abbott* Aar ,Weirs, hod. Europe, Prescott's ovine, Per are., caolcVs France, Arnold*. Bowe, lispers Pictorial Ettglimd;:tilcutrke Home; llallosVs Cocuituusoual thawi sr ot Itialudatiat Anwides Later /kenos COatmouweaito, Schaaf s Howe, Ilarota's houory alba own unses, wan ow., Olial"We Ahntres toorroj sue Crus t:ooy, UMWIIIIIOI tionary et Os hugs:soot. '!'merry'. Htotoricat Works; Neel'. History OflUte Pumas.; 'Mots French her; Tartar's MaitatabrAnc`rstat /hod. limo ry, introducuou la tea Hulot:yea' Lai Clench, by /say.; ntgtoley'a !tome and. keened; Bastes . Folios The ouove, an many other vale/ado work/oft", saw by„ . marl 1 11 4 '.t• :110,07 LJA Set:STEIL?, ADD A @Okla F.CTS—The khan der's Doane, a practical treauser.on Grecian and nom. Archttecturn, bogesbwr argh..apostMens ot We Dothan style. Also, Prar.J..4 Treausnerna ticome try, Decimal Fractions, aleasundbm. Trigonometry, an d CarCarportaty sod Joinery, embracnigatr the neceasarY and particularly adapted to tha wants of um lass experienced. Sy Chain. lUD, practical architect. Revised and unproved, with sildwoneof VILA, and dchool llotme Arc hitecUrre, by HlDialln,lockitechwod jest daruard, Esq. deconilrevesed etrillOil. For sale by J READ,'Apcitio litribinorafth at. XrkltV FtOUJiS Jnat ree.c.,s e , uan wad for sale tu we haraltolist Hook` Store, 4th at, near Wo li od. Ttrpper'or P roverniarPhiloiophy; in three styles oftraling; a baadtant taxer Mr 10praseaL erepasstioe tor thoilulpa.: Stetchea of rtcrmons 0 a the Pasattle• and Miracles of Christ, by the author of the Pnipapyclopedist-500 sketches, ho. The English Pollak endemism of .or. owes by the 0:10R 0X0.1116111 nrut g dirinte of England. Alumnae Voss—Doing flood, Llhrstian Love, Loy . eat moo me,flarred lderlitmiona ' my 24 Widow Wo4t4. ; ITV by 1 dian .4ayhttrt; aLwylog um Deer, esoodotior Root : 'ate Tsvo Duds, Flury /toy, elk me not whit szo 'r o o t Low datiasol Car; trip Moran. Dear, 0 ehr not say love 41.0 not; Forstra, 0.111 don't Forgot' The Ceameltom Angola Whisper, +Longue Dream, gore. Jesse was oang and dimple; Tha Northland tor Ado, Molly , &sawn. For sale by JUllfi 11 MELLO'S, ;e24 al wood et I IFE OF CRUM Wk:LL—Just receiVaji Per express, IA Haunters Lilo of Cromwell. to arm VaL r anti aim its Eafects, or Fragments (root my Port Folio: by ML Palmer. ' }Donee or(Srac interior Life by Upham; La o o f FAL., LpbaLe, Alinmarmts aleutodseal, Bev. A. dlevetui, The egbylise rot" cullecl.loo 01 40r1330. O the 1210114 0.00101 using themes orahig, d , 00 emb u demons on um Yarebsea SSW Life of ConsL J L HEAD, 1010 Apollo Daltdorgs, 4th street . c - GEN. ZACHARY TA YU/Ho-Pr/Mad of Gem Z. . / . 03 . ; ..„- ty re thadar whder the leuroodtate gul l "'"":cc auo dkorraotheof Ilarmaluequed othee ‘ ,....„..0 atetelt Mace, front 41 at Caceargo, ' DT ellPl3litl hiloa A De , DCa/useua U 6 aarr; Geerrip . e.A.-AVCaI ,Headyl, A (3; (horse t'cl 1.6 1 .6 11. 6 PA1eak tea/pacer. Harry ager -0,, L ; Aavy. JOHNSTO.IIe HtliCil /ON, ,e'll - a:vase/tars, coup and market an , ONSTIPATIOIie pCoarmetlesao cut ed arnhout Lr theeactahhetaleciroralt k; KY the - Now dad proved I ' l l3A/it'll...A 11l k;KYAZitieNTA." 10IL MIMI IIanUOLLII vegetable, lout Also, t o Pat .har- ..,4 celebrated Tre.tate oil Coadipaiiin and the wee .uat value ot the Erratical. Hold oar). et um Apollo uildtagaltratreet, oear Wood ; oy Jett kr Ely LIUO/04—Leuers from Italy, ra new mad re mud by,J Aleadley. Abe Plabetaiy Sloi/ar Worlds; a of expo mums of lb* pert um:oven. ;Ma dlaktnes of modern .1.31113.121.•,11:1,,•013041 tem./cams. uAI MAMA. ad, A. AL, /knee= a Mil. Combuisal Observatory. sae aIbUTO atartalusvreort and Me ime by „roe; k:AiI,L.IB/1, tow So amok. at %NAN . tor twaupyjo--,Tho Laic of Oltrer t•fitratt; muter, atEllor of •lapoloon motto* otosloyofv.—orb"lsstrodlthistains," -Wash -0 *us di,st,coerals l 4 , eLoiclz. ,U,ocrred this day nu nye we •by • Ataaysrox STOCKTON, r tootatiliss, oot Suickot mad al sta ILIILAMX—Upthips at erielatorr.bir Yraure, .11.7 Lup ea,y4.11. Limas Fo.,Uio rtioNeAtton of ltb—for :aulotiadif ilausanjils-magrairtags, i.cums to Ul• azusnatma apepßs. • 401111STON & STOCKTON idaux,...wiaty,ouy bbrio U Ididiesei r w .Lo tb aYd 4.a..A4U4Ll ut.RIS-utSu 1iu1ibur.1:4?%ibi4,,,,,, Ji Lt o Or " m uUr . I, I 4ATHERS-17 Jy'27 - "- tor mud by . LUOKEY E. CO • - J L READ