The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 19, 1848, Image 4

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II•th•r Wkte andINTIM UNITEDSTATES.--The satocriharreceet-
A. rally calls your attention to Dr. Ihnorflt. Offalt
?lthittexpreesly intended for the pre errathm office,
MEM Of both sews—whether it wits Dom Incipient
Pkthisis, or early consumpnoci r DekilitT of the
Bronchial Afections. Asthma, Plrsoisf, Deranged A M
Disordered owe of the Liver, *deeo , of Manna IX.
eased Spine, Cholic Dyncepeni rallthetiOn of the
Heart, loos o n t l ooot lw.a t .la r nrous Power, &e em.
DR. C. B. BARItIiTTS OUARDLSP: comes to the
Mthediate relief ofFernalsesoffetit4 from inerelini
des, and all other Uterine difficulties and diseases Ind.
&owto wootoo, t , t ootter occasioned by cold, wet
fisor .„,
of wd!clous exposure, and all this
.dLotne; as the most delicate and
tot = o ko i t i sr my . moment apply It to herself
„ tato . ~,,,,oldity.ot incurring any Mk Of danger,
mplessaat msollearising from it, and with the
ty of ol=letedette
Dr. Barren. is no cuchlienny, or one of
rh o u . ur humbugs of the day; . but II is an instrument
mad. upon strictly scientific principles, in acconimee
with the lows of Electricity-end Galvanism; and for
maims. durability and ethcsicy, infinitely eurpasths
everything of the kind ever before offered to the public
froths relief of disease, and, in the language of one of
theme enlighthoed men °Abe day, is pronounced to
e lizzeatai discovery of the age.•
of no lase than four years has bees occupied
by toe. Darren in bringing the Guardian to to present
slated perfection—during which time it has been in
the Medan(' some of the most eminent ph lam of
the North and South, as well as in the daselg• of no.
methus famillm who have used it for all of the above
purposes, with the most perfect nieces!, end who have
cheerfoDy given their unqualified approbation of it,
efficacy and value, as can he seen by referring to the
Manual of labirbetibbn bbebby,bYiba It.
De. C. B. Barren'. Guardian is secured from human.
then by a relent from the United States Patent Office,
and be had either with or without his PiledicoElectro
The fdedlco-Electro Galvanometer, to point of beau
ty, workmanship, durability and power. cannot be .or
=or even equaled, and the subscriber feels that
suds nothing in the isthmian that it will be Aloud
to poomi. more power and efficacy in the treatment
IM mawsl of diseases, by Galvanism and Electrici
ty, than any other instrument, either in the United
ftam or Europe. The Medico-Electro Galvanometer
la warranted In every respect, and with common ordi,
nary care will lopt lifo-tuna, sod Is by far the cheep/
m, bemuse thelrbst, tostrunient_ vetem,
offered to the
public. A manual aceompanies them, giving the most
ample instmetions, of practical experience, so that
ureadily tithe mind of every one white it
the .
ny of arrangement is such that a child may
3.--essims with IL
An information gratuitously given, and all eomm
We checrhilly answered per mall, either in rel,
clue to the Eleetro-Galvanometer or Gsadiati.
Medical moire invited to call- and examine Dr IL
rotta Guardian, and test its efficacy. •
ffisr sale byH. RICHARDSON, sole Agent' :l
Yet Pittsbatitt. ateffialtf
OVER 5 . 0 0 0 'PERSONS to Philadelphia
alone, can testify to the vanderfal efficeey of that
gneriPSOWSreused 130
In Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis and
Sore Ttunat, Asthma, amnia Catarrh, Spitting of
=Zia in the Side and Bre.; Diffierdry
• , Whooping Cough, Croup, Weak Nerves
and of
Nerrous Tremors, PalMmtion of the Heart; also,
Liver Complaint and Affection Mille Cidneys.
Thla ntedkane, the invention ofa man mho gave the
subject ofpotmomry, Bronchial and Pectoral &muses
the mom rigid examination, has now been before the
publle near four year'. During this period It has per
formed mime tittles most remarkable mires on record of
Pribrionary Consumption—secured the recommende
d°. and tme of physicians In their practice, and the
arannest approval of thousands al persona in ordinary
sod severe Colds,Sougus, in Hoarseness, Spitting of
Blood, &e. . _ .
About four years race t was attacked with Typheu
Fever, which left me in a miserable state of heal* in
extreme debility with • general prostration of the my*.
tere„ with violent paim in the breast and loss of appe-
Me, in consequence of which I was unable to attend to
ay usual besmears, or perform any kind of work. I
applied to several phroctans and used various rell.-
4sp, hen without any benefit, and had des of ever
cibWning a recovery of my former health. But some
time last June I was advised to try Thomson', Com.
pentad Syrup ofTar and Wood Naptha, and incredible
it may appear, by the time I had token three bottl e .
the debility, pain and every sense of sufkoing were
eacopletely removed, and I was able to attend with re
amed kcaltk to my usual avocations..
Of Dickinson lawnshit o Canaberiand co.
Semi. the following testimony a ref peetabla
member of th e Society of Friends, in Poughkeepme, N
This may certify that in the spring of lyold, my
beat& was very fable; I was &Mated with pain in the
aide, with otha alarming symptoms, and suffered much
tiVIA VOW debility. At that lime I purchases:l from
Mean Dams two bottles of Thonuon's Compound Sy
rup of Tar and W Naptins, from which I expenere
sled great benefit, my health being now good; and I
elmerfally recommend the article to all persons who
may be suffering with general debility, wah symptotas
Of &decline. .111ABANI
Poughkeepsie, March 15,1847."
Peopared only Sp A.aerea at. thccaoa. at the N. E.
corner of Filth and aueeta, Nola.
Sold by L. WILCAJX, Pittabargig nod by druggUto
plurally. Price W cents, or One Dollar per bottle.
LUNGS—The unprecedented therms has
=ado' that use of the
fi n al GI ro NSENG P h ANALEA .
SOZOns, has Induced d the p4rietor wns
11103110 this
This chsagable weather which marts war fall and
Waster mamba, is always a fruitful source of
Tkese, If neglected, are but the precursors of that
guewlen, then, how shall we nip the destroyer n
the bud? how shall we get clear o four coughs and
*lds? Is of vital importance to the public.
will be found to the Chnseag Panacea to proof of this
we have from time to time published the certificates of
damns of our b.ll known chtwos. who hove expert
s/wfts curative powers. These, with • mass of teatiM EDlCAL a ni 'N T e II7EANDINC),
ktusladen of the Gospel, Ac., together with ropotho no:
l from the
we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be had
^ grans of any of our
. as thou:lomm the conno7.
have been used In this dry.
throughout the Untied Stiles and Canada, and ere r ha
,lenge any man to point out a
n which, when taken according to direction., end
fere the limp had become fatally diforgaatzed. it Etas
aver ailed L 3
Why, then, need theallieted hesitate by resort to
the etisrrable nostrums, gotten up by u,
tags I Me the assumed' name of some ee • 1,10. d phy
inedart, and puffed into notoriety by celiac., per
ms ecrealli nv Mast • medicine of
is to be had, whose vouchers, are at homey—oar neiga
hork—otany of whom h has
16 In order that this invaluable =Ladle/as may be pineal
within the reach of the poor no well the rich, we have
"Who prim, at
jon one half the aimed cost of cough meolleines.
be sale by one agents in nearly every town and vill age
over the west, who are prepared to give fall infanta.
glen rebid. to It. T. Proprietor,
Broa fl d AL way', Cincinnati, Ohio.
A.IIIERCHANT OF THIS CITY, who hod been of.
dieted with the asthma for four yeas, hod taken
nary thing. His pliyaielens constantly atten
ded him, and be bad expended over two thotmand dol
lars He Dever believed to advertised =diem., but
couuddered them all humbug.. At tan he tried Dr.
Taylor's Ws= of Liverwort., from 73 Heckman omen.
New York, and In Ws weeks was entirely cored, hav
ing taint only three horde.. This is only one of maoy
Cane where imaginary objections to •patent medicine
hen prevented persons from using Chia medicine, who
ken expanded hundreds of dollen to their physicians
to vain—end In the end owe their recovery to the infal
lible dimity of this palely vegetable preptoution.
There Is no mistake, th at MI, medicine is superior to
any remedy pmeribed by medical :advisem Thls
medicineWu taken 20 years to smuncrei and is the en
list raped, for Xmases ever introdned to the patine.
Rentiento Pena, Comm Saorrnas 07 017=1
ietrent.-Serf.m for a long time with these complains,
I hod ' all hope of being cored. I had consult-
ad the Lmanle and horompathie doctor. in van. I had
used Mori add. advertised; bet found no relief. In
of tp I had given up the use of all medicines. gear
ing the nrmes of Dr. Taylor'sßalsam of Liver
wort, dm
to EPS. it had performed, Mann
am to try idt, and to my great joy and astonishment, I
was bettor didty. 1 conned its use, --- nso his Sugar
Coated Pills, until lam entirely cored. Dr. Tlykle;
Balsam of Urn ig the best medicine in theworld
Ha then complainu, and will cure even one
Captain cif the Nancy, of New York:
Rama Cozza—l have caned from the Asthma a
Tiny Mug time, and have used every medicine I could
obtain for in care in vain, main tried Dr. Taylor's
Want of Liverwort. Thu medicine has adorded me
coat mantfart benefit, tad is, in my opinion, a care for
Lo s gbesesainipdionton more ape... Lily, as I know of
many elms amongery (Rends, where It hao been
ilieeterna. Parma interested ore invited to call
at my residence for further Infornutuon
MRS. S. RUTON, 210 Laurens ot
Bald in Pittsburgh by .1 D Homan' 03 Wood su
Townsend, 45 Market sr, Il Sunset, roe Market and
Nag Henderson & ea, 5 Liberty st Ft. reduced
to per bottkC ' jegt
Elitllll.N'S cocoa erYRUP—It pitmen to be we
pest Panacea in curing my child's disuessing
Prete the ltmpermce Banner Nov 31147.
Codex Sam—We are not in th e habit of pairing,
=la lese taking went medicines, bat we feel disposed
to nwastatend Mor eau s Syrup to those who Ire afflict
ed with • coati AAer baying tried the usital rent.
ass 10 =wove act:instant and dis cough, that
bd for amend eau afflicted one of our c "Urea, midl
and enema we Rem Induced to by !degree's cough
=and by It retie eras obtained 10 few boors. It
tlw,_Pwowea in this case at least.
ttepatedwuowswe JO AN retail by the proprietor,
dds7 AN diamo D' e
=cut sti 1 lbw below alley.
A MONO gIfIDENVIt Utte D r 'imfyitvll
A. PECTORIS NT b ouperioy e n ,s ib a ressoks br
Gettela wu. Cassueoptiou, , Etroaellus,
to that the soon
yoto uu tnce ssee . ssee d the
au of is to r Enmities tea
oder sardies thei of the kind; tad at mm uhf it In vl
is by at er.areyaratiout they hme Wort te n ded, b s , s ,
i s *wing dr Woe& mdkit watutouly
!ram theta elk palm bettoorol i t tom
SOLberstotabooll to the use of JAM!'
• PIM* Chet hos arm baled to rejig. Mask ee.s.A:
peal* met had Its equal to amnia pothe esss
/Wound oiy bi Dr U. h i" P A id" ' " lN 44 e ye
stf 72 Foam a -
TAMPS MIR TON tc.--Afacr snimg thin vile!.
4 edam ashemitatinaly prow:coos it to be .1.1 it ?rogue
ow-M hut salJhi, without soy empties, is ma, ;alb.
Miltgke liat i V . ::: !Immo hair. We lame
et sesaamew where la& has beam restored to heads
ishAdi has Wes parr, sad we think we moot de
=bar Una to to all an readers who so
air tedr,to duke a trial of ihieToaie immediately -
lowa illkii . -
//Wads is Plibbwo at tb. Ratio Too Slont, N 0.79
lowa stmt. arm Wool naddllmT
li i irORMINS WORM KILTER le far superior to all
M. Other =Redid (at Worms.
June 14th, lErts.
Tha way carat that 'gave to two of my ealldren,
• One and Its yaws old, two leasicadnis of Wryer).*
Wawa Ma, to each of them. The youngest passed
Maria yams, the smallest astal.l rot haw. measured
ihwa than arm inches. The elder.. pawed Solaria •
ligiabar that wa could not begin to count lheh, thava
Wial WI Ike popular samedies / •fora the, patio for
Wancan .ay with a close eonseienen.lfWgan's
ds farsopetior to nave beg:wader pab.
DiaiinitainSillesteny alum. mn
sal !Old vets/dank and retaahy aka pto.
impose - - Jump D YORGIAN,L=I,
Wad earaelee
. ._ . , ....;
. . ,-;''..r. "Nr'dir.' '-,-, ..- '-'"-;-• :
Lilli rr 1;.•. r T 71 I t iq
t: ~:. ,t - i .
v ,1:,:.$ •--.. ..., .....
I . 4 . 1 il 1.: 1. ' if
---.....1., - •--....-- 14.1,..--,.=r
Weeder end akarLdr eau .idge.
Tim meet entrisordinery Medicine in die World!
Thu M B.Mic.: it it M
thus de per, Anima/re. and ...rated
'mire to My sold. It CUM Without
nowiting perV ag ttickswing
or kW •
The seat Wanly aid superiority adds NertnytrUlt
over aLI other toedisinee thni while liernainnitutOs
.nee, n inviyoruto the body. his Quad' the very best
Ever known: It nest nay porde. the .bole even end
ength.. the push; but it cruste nen inns end risk
Wood: • poster posseneni by hood., model... And In
this liss the grand sestret otite wocidsrfht sue4not it has
performed within the Int emu Tem mare than tDU
ennui of severe ea. of disease ; at Lent MOM) sins"
considered insurable. It hes mead the hoes of men
10.000 children during .be two past nntsocts.
10,000 cameo at Ger/Erni Debility nod
arant,of Nerves. Energy.
Dr. Tooratead'e Sarsaparilla invigorato the whole
.system perreemently theme eat° leave lost their
muscular coon, by the effects of medicine or iediscret
c 0.,„,; rg,uth, er the excessive indtdgence of
the pavanes, and brought co • genend pbyrical pronra.
You untie nervear eystem, laraatude, want of ambithm,
premature decay and decline. hasten.
towards that fatal &seine, Connomption, can be co
unty restored by this pleasant remedy. This San.
ynrilla is fa superior to any
Invigorating Cordial,
A , to „aroe sad font:orate. the intuits, give.
to the limbs, and strength to the muscular system. in a
ant extraordinary derma.
Consumption Cured.
Chums clad StstragtAna Contramption roe S. rare!.
Rranchtitis, Otrantraptims, Deer Comp/dint Colds.
Catarrh, Otogis. /,bore, spinfity
Sergeant% Cu CUM/Ann 11.4, tight
S Erpectite
Pat.lo Lt. std.. but
ef.IB tad us ha nowt.
Ifew York, Apr:l2B. lAD.
Da. Toenctmcn-1 verily believe that your 8..5.p.
Mlle has been the meant, through Providence, or. aving
my. M. I hays for travaralyeara had • bad Cough:: h
beeenm worse end roman At lan I raised large quanti.
het of blood, had eight Swum, end woe great) Y dt*ltd..
tarsi and reduced, and did not expect to live. I have
only. used your flareeparilla • churl and there hat
• wonderhd change been wrought In me. lam now able
t. walk all over the city. I mite no blood, and my
cough has left no, You can well Imagine that I am
thankful for them remits.
Your obedient •lIMAI,
WM. RUSSI.L. 63 Catherine•rt.
Female diredic
Dr. Townsend' Plareaparilla be a sover lime.
nip and speedy
ruse for Incipient Consumption.BireetZet., Protege.
then, or Pailith ofthe Womts C.:thither-ea Piles. Lon.
enior, or Whites, obstrusted or dinkalt Illonetrue
thin. Incontinence of Urine, o Involithtery dithharrta
thereof. ad for the general prostration of the systere—
im matter whether th e result of inherent nue or causes
produced by Irregularity. Muth or accident Nothing
can be more surprising than its Lthigoreting effects
on the human frame Persons ell ereakenn and lassl.
wda from taking 11,00 oat. become robust ad fall of
sthrgy muter ha influence. It inionedlately thunmracts
tarnorveleuthesof the famed, frame which is the great
came of Barrensiesa It will not ho th.ted of us. In
eases of so delicate a mums to exhibit csrtilleetes of
cores performed but we min mare the eirlicted. that
hendthsts of cases have then reported I. tie Thousands
of cases where Camille bare been ithout children,
cfter using a fow bathes of th is invalthbLe medicine, tithe been blessed with nth, heahhy °feinting.
Thl.ToEstrum Mothers wad
rsapar [Married Ladle..
of Sailla hat been expressly pre
pared in reference to female complaints. No female
who has reason to guppies.she is approaching that
cruical period. ` The taro of 10," Mould steglect to
take it, aa it to a mrtain preventive for any of the
nanferoso and horrible disease. to which fermi. an
subject at this time of life. This period may be do.
!arid Jim wears! years by smug curlicise. Nov
la it loss raluable for Mom who me approaehing
nunhood. al It la calettlated to .0.1.1 Datum. hr.:pink.
emu, the blood and invigorating the system leder.l
Oct medicine is invaluable for all the delicate due.
se• to which women are subject
It braces the whole system. renews pruner-nth Pot
, nonal recipes by rernomag the impurities of My Ludy,
hody, not so fay stimulating as to preitne estwequen ,
relaxation, which in the case of teem medicines ono., he
female weakness and disease. By odes af w hooks .rt
this medicine, many severe and painful surgical opera
dons may be pretreated.
Green Bloodisg to Mothers Rod Child
It is the safest and toast effectual medicioefor per
hie the system. and relieving the suffer-inc. noel.'
aeon child-birth ever discovered. h otreerthre.
thenu - niter and child. presents pain -.e:
<reeves arid earkhes the fuel, those who Fat.
. .
think it is indispensable. It La high!,umeini lkmare
end after confulerent , as it presort; thavaael uttrnda.3l
upon chrldtdrth—tn nen Cramp, 'Snell.
insof the. Feet. Despoodeser. Heartburn, Vo m otinr.
rem ha the nest mid I Pub"
end m rerdating the seemtion• .ad equalizing the CI,
eulation h has no equal The great beauty of dm
medicine In it Is always M. and dm most delicate me
immt sneceastlilly. very fee- mum require any other
medicine. I. Foam • hulk Castor Oil, or Ilagneain
emeML Exercise Le the open air, and light fond with
Chi. medicine, will alssys emirs a ado and easy con
- -
C.. and • variety of preparano. gen
Ily in es, when applied to the face, very soon sled
beauty. They elow, the poree of the Eluss...
heck the eimaletioe. which. when nature is not shwa
J by &sense or powder.. the .41st intlanied by tl
!knifes used in soaps. beautifies its covo preiltiettoo in
he `bosun face Donne; u well as in the Arden of
ieb and delicately tinted and eariniseed dowers
tee, active and healthy - circulanon of the fluid., or the
coarthlic elite pare. rich blood to rite aatreralties. to
that which pilots the couotenance in the most Oxen..
rite beauty. It la that which impart, the indescribable
shades and !haloes of loveliness that all admire. bat
t.renone can describe. This beauty is the °Raynor. of tic
tarc—nocorpewilsr orsoay. If there is not a fret sod
healthy circulation, there Ia no beauty. If rim lady it
fair a. drivensnow, If rite paint. and ate CO•MniCII.
and the blood is thick. cold and Impure, the is not beau
tiful If she be brawls or yellow, and there is pant and
brillve blood, it civet a rich bloom to the cheek. , and a
iancy to thelreyes that I. faschistinc.
This is why the southern.. and esprerally the Spur
rib [adieu an so mach admired. Ladies In the north
who take but liWe exercise, or are confined in dn..
ro.,cia or bars spoiled their complemlne by the appli
cation of &death.r misters; If they ebb to re.
elasticity of step, buoyant wptrire, ;sparkling eym
enJ hematitel complexion; thee .hoard me Dr Town.
mar. Sarsaparilla. Tbourands who have tried a. ere
mere thma twisted, are delighted. Ladles of every
etszioa crowd oar office daily
Medea to she Lo-die.,
These tact imitate Dr. Townsend'. Sertaparilla, bee.
int...ruddy caned thedr staff • trot Rena) , for Fe
males, km, Lc., mid hove .thOethour bine mad circular
hick relates to the complaint. of women, woo I lb, wore
—other seem who put op medlar" have, theca th e greet
of Dr. Towneend's Sarea,parilla to complaint.
ineelent to female., recommended thane, although pre
l au , saly d
are iazdid ma
rbam . f A mother . ether klistz
.eta 1 .,,, P1111...
and undermine the constitat Dr. loTtuend's is the
mob and-beet remedy lb, the numerous female earn.
pl - rom—it rarely, if ever fah clawing . permanent
re, Is eas It• table by tk• most delicate female.,
le thy case, or by than expeetkg to become mother.,
Otte therms,.
or a part the system
thd prevents pais or daogsr, sad Menthe= boob
crobor chi cared to get the maim.
--•- • .
Tins calm death COW laxlvely proves that W. Bars.
r.ila bee perfect control over the moat ithatinate
of the Blood. Three perinea cured In the horn.
ThrlM Children.
Ile. Toterteeku—Dear Sir: !bare the pleotten le
' nu you that three of my children hoe Ono eared
or 'ha Scrofula brthe use of yens excellent tiotteoe.
Tn.., were affirmed very overely with hedger. ; haee
k only four bottle. It took them away, foe which
I fr..l myself coder great obligotion.
Y'"" PfleA n T c W d : d alLtlN, 106 Wooteret.
E&Loan ef
o r rove:wen OW d is almost deily receiving order. from
Phrrieleas la dliTerent parte of the Vale.
ts to certify that we, the intim:tried, Physician.
of the City or Albany, have la atunerouil eases pry...ab
ed Dv Townsend . . Dersaparilla, and believe It to be
vat orate [1304 valuable preparations io the wok.,
R. B. DE1.1009, It D.
Albany, April 1, 19P7. P. E. ELMENDORS, Y. D
owing to the great success and Immense sale of Dr.
Townsend's Sarenpurilla • number of men who were
formerly our Agents, bars commenced sulking Sonoma
rel.. Exuma, in, Bitten, Emanuel' Yellow Dom,
kr They generally put It op in the army shaped bot
•ho, and meteor them hart stole sad topkel oor never
timutents—tbey am only worthiam Imitariom, and
should ba scolded
Principal Oak; lm FULTON str... Elan Building,
N Y., Mf Ifof & Co., fl Stal4 otnvt, Bodun ; Dyott &
Pont. 132 North Second street Philadelphia; 8.9.
Hare, Druggist. Balttraorn ;P. tl. Cohen. Chu to.
Wtmht & Lo.. 151 Chartres Street. N. O.; 112 i South
Pei.rl Street. AlE67uyt a0..1 by prinewel Dew:.
and Pl.:rehear grnerelly tbrovybout n.c I:wed
Wet hulks and tl. Conadas.
N. IL—Persons inquiring (or this medicine, Mould,
not be Induced to take any other. Druggists put up
Bareapnrillaa, and of course prefer selling their own
Do not be deceased by any—inquire for Dr. Town
smut's. ond take no other. ID- Iletemtmr the genu
ine -Tow-neend's Sarsaparilla.' notil byte wle !genie
R. R. SELLERS, General Wholesale & Retail Ascent
No. 67 Wood Wert, and D. AL CURRY, Allegheny •
-•• • -
1. 111 Male%
frlIE undersigned hart long been convinced of the
j necessity (or some medicine adapted to the use of
Children and Infants to .percede U. age of all those
medicines which contain option, and has at length su.
c.d. in preparing and offering to the pub. a medie
cine fully answering every purpose lor all disesuies Of inc
boaralll, without the use at that deleterious drag, or any
other ealculated to nuete le ille Oust. The Infant P.:
atria has been lolly tasted isen trawl, the last twelve
meths, by Illantratal power, and tonna lapossess all
Ma extraordinary vittues end to produce all the aston
ishing effects as met forth on the WI of directums. La.
wham, Vomiting, Chabo,Griping, Pam% Meknes, and
Diseases arising from leediusg, alnico immediately
wimont disturbing any of the functions of the body,
eoalocing late !nippiest nod most pleasant tnumition
from viehmt pun too innundl and Jays.. state of feel.
"% in die little =Serer.
.. im bad wholesale and retell, of the Proprietor, Dr.
LORN uscANT Druggist and Apothecary; John
..d,beil, hots & necktie.. and most other Drug..
".._L LI .I!FIitiY and Pittsburgh. _ _
D. r0w N....24 - SAR.:SAPA RI LLA.—fie deren
Pun rcealeed of Dr. Totensend's Santapanlle, the
" u " .4ll ari medicine in the world! Tide Ec
k col is pd Mt Ia Sallal . _ balllall. 111. six tunes cheaper,
ple.anter. and wartaated gaped. to any mkt. It
cum &scam witbenn vomiting, purging, sickening or
abilitating the pada=
I .° l an Paa hm ,.. Tu nts.—'enprincipled penorts have
:tr4= 4 1,741,7;P1i t
i t medicine In th e same
psw e ~,,y H . p . 7.,. ....., nle has the.wrinen alg-
B. E. SELLERS,Dragr nrAppeal soma between
T hird aod Fe V r thr I' Th , I vw4eturs only wholesale
article can bead to elivil, had. o f..Pbin wt
dbk ef na the genuine
D. hf. Om ha. been riNtrairned the aole :gent for
Ape/J=l' e4l.tvOt Vlaina Usti Online' Mtiele can be
. . a.
II t 4 E. .VA II:0 " r . .3. • i
h invited dieaticalloirefbuyere to a new eaPPIT Of
'NT. P. 1 401 0 .; !*WO. OS* OP !PO POP nark
6 .
ar, Temslortun,_.Pa., _ _
i ARE pt . ? a - Ted to build
L a lrldtvoo ' lL ' ; ' biaehin: , i natal . 1848.
.....i ii
chi.:„7.4-,T73,.....„.d...e1=7,,chrh,,i,...,,,, a.
Railway tlead n a - Warpda, Twilleri,Spoote,i;Dressing ' W. T. Hamm, Pittsburgh;
Framer, Looms, Card Drinders. Ate.., Wrought Iron Raga Pow & Co, Bea er }Prom's.
Shafting turned ill stens of Coat Icon, Palliest and Caawsoan&CusarraZa,'Cleveland
ilar.r , s, St ibe Wen patterns, elide and flood 1-ntbes, rritE above Line as BOW prepared to onto/pan freight
and tools of all kinds. 1 and passengers foam Paashargh and Cleeelaml. or
! Coalinga of every dasenyalon fArnlshed on short no- Ray point on the Croons and Laken.
tire. Patternl made warder for atilt Gearing, Iron Coo bonne.'" 1 " nlßba e
!et Rod Clove-W.l daily, ...-
a& &t. Steam Pipe for healing Factories, Cast ontg in connection Wil k mato steamboats Lake Ene and
Iron Windo w ~ ash, and fancy Gasbags generolly.- fitichigan. between Pittsburgh and Deaver. and a hue
Orderst Cl', at the Warehouse of J. Palmer & Co., L, b. of first class steamboats, propeller, brigs an d ,h,,,,,„.
arty street, will hare prompt attention, ere on lakes Ene, Horan and Alichigna
Rasa, so Property forenuded to any part of the Coon with
Blacknock, Bell B Co,/ E Moorhead & Co.. G E dispatch. 6 1' Wht. r MATHER. or
Warner, John traria A Sons; Pittsburgh. JOHN A. CA.I.IOIIKV, Agents,
Wasencrifiteubenrille. Dml9 w,nor Water and Smithfield , Pittsburgh.
ALLMI/F2 , 11 v
'----- : -—- • - - - AENTS:-Reed Parks &Co Heave r,
JOAN A. BROWN Ft It rsiertAN BLIND FACTOR I. C arks & Co, "otinsoorn, 0 - ,
F: W Cotes & Co, Warren;
I) Bostwick tc Co, Breadport;
. r ranl kilEB tluti method (0 infOrha his friends
~ ho panne at large that LIR FartorY
0?'OW , t 1 MI operation on It,. mei t tole
1.1.0 n Diaritond,Allegh'ny, worn. a eon
atom supply of 8, l ada ' of Tarim,. co:or•
andnunlitios,are constantly kept on Mind,
also at N 0.5 'Wood M, ritmoro,r, J &
IL Phillips' oil Cloth iror crown .
Vlajliall S.lautters node to artier in the beet my le.
1 1
A & N Clark. Newton Fall,
E Lem.. Newport;
J d. E Al Whitilesey, Campbellepork
J 0 Allinde, novenas,
Al & C H Kent. Eranktin;
Miller A 'rattle, Cuyahoga Falk
Whimler lc Co, Akron;
Hamer, Gibbs A Co, Sandusky; ,
Blinds repaired at the shone-At omit'' . Watkins A Eagle, Toledo;
N. B. His Blinds will' be put an without any mkt.. t. Williams ti. Co, Detroit.. Mich;
(tonal ercePase en that they rail be removed tit a tn.,. I Al'Clure & Williams, hlilwankte, 1V,.;
mem to else of fire or tor washing ; and without tin. :,,d II J %V utmlow.ChiczagO, In. &ia
of screw dr e oet4dl yawl:an t y _ .._
t* • M. A LIU AN Welt SONS,
TAKthItn. earner a Penn and St Clair street.,
n•pouttrtim Exch.,. 110 E,, cinfoner On Penn .Orerl.
respectfully tonarnt tulle frirod* and the nub,. that
Lite; are prepared tofu thigh and attend to eve ryttottat in
the Ono of Undertaker.. A •ret •on hand a law mt
*prurient of ready wade t utlin.nrovered, Intel and fin
tailed In the m o manner, eon, and %Melt ready
mode Sltroud• of ea rule!. Ombra.* and niu•no, and a:l
seams Made in approved atyleA Vr e keep a tun, a,
rortrueut or wlthe sad !dark cotton, 'lit and Ltd lilovo,
sable for pal I Mrree. and mourner*, crape. eater. mu.
tura, and every dung nreeoory or dot's 00 the dead.
and on retool:mirk tenon, ax we pet chane not our gond,.
Ine Lane. mites. Alva, ntlver plute• Inr enrrra.out
akc or^ jiDale anth•age. Lave a trplenditt neve bear, atat
and any number of the t n , aamagc. Evely
Mtn attended to prompthyand pa:tomtit) . netty y
- -
-- • •
WAR& MAN ur-Acruit v,
N. 8 Market atom, Pittsburgh, Penn.:
'TGIF suborThers baring made great Improvernents
J. to the construction Of their COOKING STOP I.>.t,
respectfully Invite pt rsons building Steamboats to call
sold examine before purchasntg, a ,
s we can supply three
mai Deck Stoves ' Forgo, and every nth kind of
Copper, Tin oaf Sheet Iron work neceoary fia rw ;op
tng a Steamboat.
We Dm make to order on the shone, notice Oil
Chamber; Copper work for S te itin KagiA,
And e er; vszt•uy of work ; n our hoe.
:rho & FfllHit
4.FEENswARE mAlsit:FACTUra:its, -
Birmingham. (*liar Pittsburgh.] Pa.
ilcrehosin, No. 137, Wood street, l'itisturgi.
WILL constanUy keep an hood a pod arpt o
Mean of Ware, of our own utaattoacturr, end
suponorquollty. ‘Vholmale and country Sin r
chants are reepectfully taped to call and rz
amine for tbennelaez, co We are deterratned to .ell
cheaper than tweet, before been offered to the pat-
[0- Orders sent by nail,areoutpanted by the cash or
any reterener. will be promptly !wended at. tet,Cs
P. .11011,,1. J I.coma
; I n u A T N le.a&l,Lan'LLlt
t 1 miLantr:n7l.klei7vric,rn't
tilasware, in all As vartenes, at their I.Varrhouse cor.
net' of Market and Witt., Mee., Pittsburgh.
Our Works continue In operatlon. and we are
coastal, I, odd,og to our stork, which cock let .10 fili
orders with promptness. Purchasers are rerpecuulty
glotord to call and raaminc prices and terms
FROM the very liberal rgtrowaxe
meat the subscriber hes received *sine
he has located himself :a AticgLrely.
liitimivc has induced him to take a lease. for a
=mgt., In Beaune o S f t ye e a t, r immediately e t . e •h he
n t o h w e
Presbyter:an Church. From the Emig egperir bre. In the
above bumniers end a dmiret• plea., he hope. to wee
it uld receive a share of pub.. , patronage.
Nelson Mead and fimatung in °Nur, Rockaway Bug
gies. open and top Buggies, and every dine:rim:on or
Carnage. made to order. from .14VC4Ily.fiTe dollars to
Carr ;
Manama. JOIIN tvirliTH
BUCKNOLI A. Co, 41 north Vi Ater meld
BI Y. wharlrea. Phlra..ofet tor *ale on acrocumottausig
tern. MAI pkg. Menaructo red Tobacco, ron.t.tit, of
potmds. half pott.tda Ye, .1. and .tf.,
6'. and Ws plop, and P. to
whate unl hat( bore*, o f the !ollownog
' Jame., 11 Grant. H.t.orn A [Ham
(.10n: ~.. IVlNiontc. A Calletto.,
II June. A. Non. Nl'Llottuld,
Wel,sier HI& J Thomson,
James Taona. Jr. A 11 A rtat..Had.
J Ilomwt ef :.• , ,0., 1.0.140rn b. A rtnt.trad,
J I' Loatex. J NI Cobb.,
61,11,ry d. Ro,•tcr, J A ray.
NI A 110'1, t• A Hall.
tVot the •..-,
N.,1.1 Pug, I,) , ston,
I\ 11 Vaughan, f.duland Hear),
eurtaaaa liotrmon, Rtrasell A Kotott•an
helm. Rohm.), A Co. Seth Halsey,
It Iletculf, dolor, (A1,,0
1.•: ,, ..-strt. butuer, J Hobto.on.
Gray A. linty. 1./ 13 Turn,.
If laztue,unt. lurk (S httr,
IJ NI Brauch —Al.5u
Ha .ana Graf Tolgtcro. wrapper. and Lllers,
1010 do Jo du
C.eneargno do do dn
.I.: Jan. dr Cuba do do do
11l It.ttongo d:, do do
1..,...t. & I.onlca do. pall fine. ~,
%tlle do do .lo
kri , lo.-I,y cartoal grade. do
V,: owl Lea I. ntwat,l, inr rounufamunag •ad
Atto,o,l 5c..... 1...-ut. Fowl a. 0,1 Ohut.
I:Hennas w eal., Fl a
German hpes, 1 . 4... hood, a
40:,•11 Snotiouo.e altd bladder.;) Nlartsouba Moat:
fonyna 11.c.xua. naval. hia... 0141 Ito, Herratuot;
C0 , ab11141...,04 , ricr, Y.,- n, Ca on , td,. 11 hnlre. ~ p unlt
At. Se. 1 . 1111.ADE1.1 . 111A. rn II
I . IIIN - A, WAS- , &41 1-:E2.s‘\ AKE .FIRE
Nu 111 Snalt.r.
71ro ' pr ' nff " :gt7le " :
:IEIIO. lila., gurenstvir, itntal:nla aisJ
Uw.urompri..g lalrv% and fico. fashoutialotr pn
tern• of
Frearh Chola plant and gold-band I,nnsr io
SaleSupen or Iron-Stone
Plowing blur r: new pattrrna)
A r ;sat vartelF Tea brit dt tie rent una'atte ,
lir;tantott Breakfast and Tea S.
sticrs—a bmanuful srucleGothic
Parlor Lmuns, tt'ororllus, maker
(ion Warr, a ectteral assortment.
Stcsolboat owners and hotel proonetoro are Invited
elmsorte our assortment of wan, suitable tor their
Country Merchnnis can fintt yo,k or.
for country soles, which We Will sell a
unlnc Nunes.
f n, r bLOr k being entirely new,
are feel saimaed o( hi
la able to please all who may favor us with thew
_ , _
Intfore—crinele on the roost approved Panora pin.
and most laelmonabie Esmern pation.. and colors. Al.
or metro to order of all stroa. and at all primes.
Country Merchants and otben are lovard in call and
oaavvne the above far thernaelves , all w.. 1 be mld
torcieuesole or retail, and a liberal dedoeuon mule
nrooterale pang..earn'
an .11).
11.038.13A.LE GARDENS,
r 0 t:At1i...7411 kr e ve pu ner h o n f
tWitunnt haring been thoroughty refitted and repaired,
and the extund• etegantly !mud out and decorated. is
-o open for leery accommodation, sod be natters hon.
Elilist those who may favor hoc with their patroa
age , find all that they desire, provided in the hest
it) le tend 411 reasonable terms. Ile is determined to
spare no expense in making his esteldishment wonky
of modo patronage. lie has accommodations for
neatening • four Larenhes. lee Creams, and all refresh
. suitable to the .4410; eonstnntly on Inanlelrbd
Monongahela Mouse Tailoring /Lela&
I' A At: WII.I.LAAIS, Draper and Tailor, beg. to In
horn the chaste+ of Pittsburgh and others, that he
et now opening it lith rooms est Southfield street, un
der the ahoy° Htel, a Doge and Ithauttful t.sortment
of Clod e, Cashmeres, s, Caanet., th
Stuns, SIM+, and oer Vestotgai
together with such other article+ iseore required for
tientionetio wear. His goods hove been carefully so
h:cried, and are of the newest and most fashionable
sty:Li, us well us of superior quality. 11. customers
may depend upon haying their clothes mode up in a
tattooer which Cannot fail to gratify the lute of the
coast fastidinuw apt9l:ly
1011ADC0-10 his Branch h. Watkins' Co.
. • •
2do do do r itra pound
sdo do du 12. nod 16.,
10 keg. No 1, 6 torno;
5 do
do Pub Covendnan
do Plug,
20 21 do tbegurs3
12.1 do half Sposumh do; for .21e by
1 1/ W11.1.1A519
`Nub E 1101,'9E—.Juring taken the large• and eon
kmtxlu,p. Itatoke liuuse and Bliton Storehouse ad
tooting our ltintaltouss, on the Canal Basin, e crepe.
pnren to .stoke sod morn bacon on reasonable term
marl Canal basin. near 7th at. .
4 SECOND BAND PIANO, cost originally 830%
/I and Li. been 111 use ntiout four yes., price now
*173. for cola by JOHN H MELLOR,
is I:1 !II wood molt
- -
hluk pnrab .le low to clo
,ronwgzoneni, by tVEST.
WVlllTiriroilLM—A A Masan & Co. have on hand
tl/1 extensiva awonmetat of Whim floods, com
prising Mull, Swim, Book, Plaid and !sooner Mashes,
!dawn , . vy. InYMI
UITO Ny.TTS—We have just opened a large
Ley lot of Mosquito Netts, of an excellent quality and .
ennisultanPycheap. jedd ALEXANDER & DAY
ricrrros-27 Miles to truer; for stale by
Lazes now landing far sale by
)11. ROAD IIUIDE--Doggett's Rail Hoed (Mile
tb and tiszatteer for lily, with demloonl Maps of
lb. rest router of travel A few rcpt.'s recenved end
for male by tor! JIJIINNTON & STOCICTON
CLIITON--fik Lades Tem..sat Canon, in wore and
for sale by 1111 , 41 NYES.'r BOWEN,PO front.
yorrnsii • 9 docks extra Pobiib, luxt received kin
coimrgetbeiii and (or rule by
itANBY •FRITCY—IY mom choiee Brandy Fmk,
put received tad for tale by
CRAB CILIBIL—B, bble Esenarny Crab Cider, just
received JUNI fin ~le by
LINSBED OILJRPIRIA lineeed Oil In fine shipping •
'order .42 teeelved and for 1.11b5 by
_tin . l4 MILLER • liICIEMON
AB7ILE•9OAP-40. lb* as Azad and kr sale by
SY3 is Co, Se weeder
1848 ft la
rtnt ramrsniarariosi or
BY:TWEEN errrsliutitili AND our nt LA DELPIII,
rpliE Proprietors 1 this old established and hen
l'ortable Boat Live, having removed their de
pot in Philadelphia, to a much larger iVarthouv
on Market .t . thun they formerly occupied, and also in
creased their room for storage at Pittsburgh. are now
prepared to offer much greater facilities to their friend.
and atrons.
Goods carried by this line are not tratishipped be
tween Pittsburgh and Philudelphut, being carried en.
tirely Iv 'tunable Section Boala To shippers of flour
mid other good.l requiems mueful handling, this is of
onporlaner No charge mode for receiving or shipping
goods, or adinmetsig charge. All goods forwarded
promptly, and upon an reasonable terms as by any oth
er hue.
JN eFEN & Co.,
Canal OO M
Balm Pe A nu D Piusburgh.
(31,24 4.`27 Market &34 Comraeree &
JOHN MeFADEN & Co., Forwarding and Comm,
44011 111orrhas as, Canal Mum, Penn ut, Iltuburgh
JAMES M. DA VIS & Co, Flour Vernon and Conuniv
rion klerebanta, =7 Markey and 14 Commerce
OV - Advauera made by either of the above on ...arn Flour
Wend and other dexeripuons of Merehandize CO
to OM.
VOTICE—Tbe subsenbers have disposed of their
IA at the Petin'a and Ohio Line to CLARKE &
THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH S LEWIS, of thus
e ir will continue to trouser bownew for the line,
at their Worshouse on Broad street. ns octal, and be
seak for it a sontinuance of the patronage of their
friends. J .4.311›.4. s•rmt. & Co
Chiladelpiaa, Slareh Sth, PAS
Pc....7 ...... , a.and Ohio Trawl ortalloa Co.
Double daily Lane of
'IMPALES, TO 13.1lnrOZT aOOO. AETW romonnolt
CI ARKE & THAW. Cooed Basin, Pathburgit.
LEWIS & BUTLER, 119 Mo , ket Skillorrthltia
J AS. STEEL & CO.. Al., Brood street.
GOWDEN, CLARKE. & Co.„ 72 North rt., Balt. •
W. PORRICK. Agt., 12 West otreot, New York.
co - pa -- --
pHE sobsenbers have Mu day Bie r•ieted thetnsnl•rs
ronether under the style of Bi er ie J one ,.
purport, of eon:riming the brmineas formerly carried on
for ton
Ir) Samuel M. Fret, surd token scowl/mance of the Id,
trot patronmm heretofore extended to the bora,
Pirtzburrh, March I, 184-?.
TE are prepared to receive. and foraranl frefght
y the above and naerenediate places with as mak
despatch, trod at as low raten. as any *the rreaponsrble
The anention of rJklpper• krlkhing to sond Pork or B.
on to Balumorr in bulk. a I..urticularly rl,l.lteled.
an, {job k.rTkne.nuonts enable tka to rartl .urk
rueful , through lu better order than guy other itgr
BIER JONF-N, Prortr.
Canal BILIIIII, near •t.
Plttsbetrith, Matrh I, 147
iJ lr:ea J • •
OES E I J. ms
N— tr
Coominnon rind , M o t
chair., and ISlolesalo Dealer, in Iron, LI:oomos
Salt. Produce, ac
e.ll advances on consiirntorn.. marl if
• IVIRI 4.44. IL. MRS., 40.1,/ mus. rtrArromr
Pla•Purali Philadelphia.
ll`o - Phil 1 alp a and Unmet.,
91a Ca Ills 011
lIENRY ORAFC & Co, I:and Baste. Pittrarargb-
LarTll./1,11rA11 . 11R171 - S h Co. No 147 Meek., si,
e 11 Koos, corner North & Saratoga so. ELait
,011,1 I , Clarke, No 13, Old Slip, Near 1 or:, i -'4ft'.
OTICE—Tbe rtyle of our finns alll 1,. known from
at, alter Co.l data, al Pittsburgh. as Won- Grad
Co, audlat Philadelphia. as WWI, Hum y. Co
\U '\U G DUTILit, 11k I
UPINICY Puksburgh. =aria(
Par the Tro.sporrorion of Freight to and fro=
1 U RK. UOSTUN, dr
Itoaatosa. Coon. I'L , lnaelphis
anew,. tor. all ataxia and produce with descan t -1i and
th on law mot, Invorahle terms They cokattleuit% hope
Well known piontptnaaa tn delavenng tn.
tar •101, in mode. eareytng—dapaetou t witiaboo•
te• al arl; port. •ffordom accommodalsons to stoppers
lout owners of produce—together moth thew lone expe•
and utirrinittang that(
butaneaa. will weary
to Ilwal etnaltouvalee 01 that Itheral patronage lbet
twirl,. gratefully awknowle4ge.
All ( . n11 , 0,11,0/10. by endsr atlas lone tre:veal, char.
gee paid. and forwarded an y requarett threetnnw fnw
...hare.. tor conarratemon. advaurane or ttorage
~,tereeAU , tu .l:reedy or noltrecalt nt steurntnet•.
rtinunwation• promptly atlicodeal to an applara
-1/011 to the tullowang agents
CASK If7l Market at. Ptolndalptua.
TA A PIM di I rCONNOH, Canal Basin. Pittsburgh
OVOINNORN S Co, North at, Wham.,
WM.1.1 WILSON, tel Cedar.. Near York ap,
; 71 s•• :Li= 2 I 1848.
THIN m ll known Lane, composedo( steamboats
Irak. Fate and Michigan, hetweeu Pnlatotrgh sad
Meurer. and fretght .tad passenger Canal Boats be
tween Beaver and Ene, cool C B fool'. Itne of hr.
Class mestaboats, propellers and retools on the lakes
is prepared to carry (retain and pas.-ogers luau points
on the Eros Canal, and Lakes Ene, Moron nd Mrelap
'laving every facility for conse, mg freight alai
sengers with promptness arid dosp . atch. the moose.",
and agents respectfully *alien from their frseuds a con
REED, PAR a7.eaver. Agents.
apl4 roe Witmr and Smithfield soh Pittsburgh.
MQtc 1848.
To and from the Eastern cities, eta Eumteeriand.
rlti it: proprietor. of this popular hne,liseertnee their
re.orgetsitatton lamely incroaeed their fatitittes to
inert the wishes of shippeon end are now prepared to
forward • greeter amount by the FIVE JAY LINE,
BA also by additional regular wagons at low rates.
tus lin: will run throughout the year. deltvering
goods thro.n.b thy agents hi Baltimore and Pittsburgh
to owners and consignees at specified rates and time.
Shipments frmn Philadelphia for the line should be
marked "Care, J LI Robinson, Baltimore.'
he only /menu are,
V 2 8 Charles st,
S Co, Cumberland.
0 \V CAS, 13rovrnsville.
I C BIDWERL. Pittsburgh.
E ° A.' , ". T .M.ftrwp o purliarTtaTthaTiet!'" ll3 , l 7
Agcney Cra ' berkand Gems tne hoar of hlniCarg g rs ' Ma- .
gat no to that a Edgerton
Pittsburgh and western mercant, an notified that 1 H.
IJ Itoblivon. ho Pl South Chart. et. 11altinsore is the only
authornted agent of dos Liao in the Eastern eines.
The only ape& are
J C BIDW ELL, Pi tUbergh
0 W CASS. Browumlla,
EROS RTON Co Cumberhaml
J a ROBINSON, Baltimore.
atitirszi - asToo;is'Expluoss-
ma, Vow VIM, hon.., • LI. TIT. 2.21.1..111.21
ikirERCIIANTS and others aendLng goods are orm
.,La eat that this is the fastest, W.!, and most expo
iltuous Line going East; connecting with Adama ft Co's
Eras ill he glean
any atio.
plaerer g . b arreM P tla and paean ''' . of o a r n t y he mise
welght forwarded.
Kap.. closes dolly at 3 e.
11 O VICKERY, Agent,
onv2rif St. Charles Hotel I.lul l / 1 1Nrs, mood oi
W ... . 16 . Tissis
1848, Olt E L .Lttiltd C LII. 1848
o runtsst.vsot.... .I:AD OHIO 111.1.1. WOAD.
RE pr.-pared to transport goods and produce 40110
/1. from the above aide) 011 favorable lama Ad
dress or apply to
D. LEF.CII t Co, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
HARRIS A LEMUR, Nov. 131 44 South Third at , PhIL
J. TAYLOR/480N, Agts No 14, N'th Howard st, Dalt.
A. Atittcyrr, Apt, No 7West street, New York.
Pittsburgh, March Mb, 1645.
Patmenger and Renaltennee Odle*.
ILANDDP:N & CO. continue to bring- persona from any part of F.ngland, Irked. Scotland or
Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with their
ii•iird punctuality and attention to the want. and com
fort of enunigreme We do not alloy, our paaeettgen
be robbed by the sariedling scam ps that infest the sea.
porta, as we take charge of them the =anent l they re
port themselves, end s to their wel being, end
spateh them without any ee
detention by the first shimde
We way this fearlessly, as we defy one of our pitmen..
gen to show that awry were detained to hours by an be
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were denim II
months, mod they could be Seel in some old eraA at a
eh: p ram, which too frequently proved their eOl.,
We Intend to• perform out mailmen honorably, eo ot
what it may, end not net as was the cue lawAtmao a,
web ether oMears,—who either performed not all, •er
when It naiad their convenience.
Drafts drawn at
Pittsburgh for an, win (roam Sr to
land Y , Be at orod l a r rid. th Vr
G....i natik .u.l, -
tabl ' ' rink Mob% OPr 44T.f. Mi,,094
Valuable and Attractive Bev Hooke.
AIIIALMXE.S [Daum of the lilimatista, 3 rola ; Lt
Strome Life of Chevalier Bayard; 12 mo.
G. P. a. JaMes'Li& of Henry the Fourth; of France.
2 vol.-12 ma
Smith's Consular Cities of China; 12 ma
Neander's Lne of Jean Chnn 9 so. muslin;
Mowers Fresh Gleamnp.; or a neer Sheaf from the
old fields of Continental Europe_
Capt- Henry's Sketches of the Marie. War. It mo.
incta's Story oldie Battle of Waterloo; It ma.
A Summer in 'Scotland, by Jacob Abbott; 19 am.
Sismondi., Literature of the Saab of &trope; 1 vole
It ma_
Ruston'. Adventures in Metro Ind the RoehT
Muumuus: Pt mot muslin.
Posthumous Works of Rev. nog. Chalmers, D. D.,
L. L. D.
The Proebeel Astronomer; by Thos. Deb, I. 1.. D.
!ale of Jeremy be/kozo, 11. D., Ninon. of New
liampsto re
Luther ntd the Reformation, by John Seott, ht. A.,
'llte hltdrlle Kingdom. with a new map of the Empire;
$ Williams, 2 vain, 12 me. •
The Power of the Pulpit, by (In:hinter Spring, D. D.,
12 MO.
The Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring, D. 12 too.
Teat/nag a Science, the Teacher an Arttst: by Rev.
B. R. Hall:
The Czar, his Court and People; by John S. Maxwell.
Lectures on Sbakspeare. by H. N. Hudson.
*rt. Artists of Amenete-111.trated with nine engra
ving. ou steel, and containing sketches of the lines of
Allocni, Inman, W.I. Swum Trumbull. De Vet as
Rembrandt Peale and Thos. Crawford; I v 01,,, en.
The Drumm of France; centadittng *ketches of the
hat, at Lamar., Titters, Napoleon. Darien, Mira.
beau, Uunot and others. with portrait. of each.
Ileadley's Napoleon and Marshals; 2 cola PI itio.
Head ley'a Washington and has Generals; 2 vol., B.Mi
Headley's Sur red .Mournams
The atm,, immther with a large collection of Stand
apt Work., Classicul and Sebum( Books. for male by
ps.s corner market and :Id sts
XTF.I%' AND ArritAcr !yr. Ilt iol4S—Chalniera'
11 Met works. 4 vole ,
Chahners' Daily !Scripture Reading;
Memoir of Ste Life et Mrs. Fry, Snd vat;
The Con the author of 'Schoolgirl in France.'
I Ady Mary, or Not of the Wield, by Rev C ft 'Tay
lor, M A.
Margaret. or the Pettrl, do
Mark CUM!, or the Merchant's Clerk, do
late of Pollak. author of - Course of Time,'
The buttener. by Caroline Fry.
Lectures on Shaltspeare, by II N Hodson;
Life of (Myer Cromwell. by J 'l' IleadUry,
Napoleon and Ins Alarsham
Wnshingion and In. Generals, du
Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Sprung. D D
Bethel Flag, do tin
Rchgi I enctsing by Example;
Pulpit Orators or France. by Turnbull;
Gent. of Scotland, d o
1,41.4 of Rowland Ili 11, Free Church Pulpit. 3 col.
Orators of France: Now and Then; Bethune', Perms:
Margaret Mercer.
Jacobus on hlalthew, adapted to Union questions;
Arthur's Popular Tiales- - Ittches in the World."
- Making in be Rich," 'ditches hove Wings,"
- Keeping up Appearance.," - Debtor and Creditor
For sale by ELLIOTT hr ENGLISH.
tel.s 7, wood and SU market .1
RWE'VE!) and for male. n lot of choice Pianos. with
end IVlihom Coleman's /Koltun Attachment. by
Num., S. Nl, t hie of h onus Clerk's
With the Attachment, wes t•keit to England 101 . Mr
Coieman, and 'natio' other testimonials et ad-
Intention Mr Ma elegant specimen of Am encen sail!
and nig.tidy , cliviied Me following remarks from
S Melberg. the pram. Pianist hying.
Ixtena, Jan. IS., 144.5.
My Dear qtr—ln enclosing a letter to my - friend, Mr
Brand, Pan., I cannot refrain front again nano...sing
to you bow notch L was pleased with your - .Eolialt
Attachment. - which I cons.der es e great IntlAiral um.
provervent. I can assure you that on my pull shall
with great pleasure do my inmost to make your mars.
bon known. For rule by HKJ .KBER,
At Woodwell's furniture rooms, :Mat
— Lottentigs In Europe, or Sketches
France. Belgium, Switzerland. Italy.
Atastria. Prusain, threat Britain and Ireland, wall au
append i x, contenting observation,. on European c hart •
lire am! medical 11111M11.101.. By John \V Carson. if D
Angela. a novel. By the author of "Emilia Wynd
ham," 'Two Old Men's Tile.'te
Self-Control, a novel. By Mary Brunton, author of
Vol HI, Daily Serlptural Rr.nda,g , ,, By the late
Tboams Citaliver, D. D. L I. D.
Part 4. Tit. Thousand and unn Nmt,ts fittrpera'
lu•trni.d ethttou
the Cottager, a hook for children. UT the
author of ••Eileu Herbert," &a..
The above works received this day and for mile by
1c:14 101INSTON & teI , OCKTON,
- - •
1300K.5.--kleakonals of the Introduction of
telethodieni Into the Easeernstatn.. comp - bring
biographical ootice• 0f to early preacher*,iikeiche• of
tl* trot churches. and reminiseenee• ui ito earl)) etrug.
glee a.el mu-4,nm, by Her A &reverie, A. hi.
.11•111., of Rev David Abeal, U. D. late Misalonarl
to r'htna h, [...nephew. Rev G H %Viittiam.on
Mar. ta e Nterrhant•• clerk It) Rev Obartes
Tay or. II A.. author o( .. ttecords of • 1.c.0.1 Maris
Mar " - Margaret, or the Pearl.' !se .4.e.
The at. , ve, rt. a large ansorttnent or nerr_loks,oit
baud and . 0 re:lvlng FILLIOTT ENGL4SH,
St market or.
understatted oilers tur able sup,sur smile
1• of brie lc for I , tuldlng. made try hts Steam Press.
Improved nrazustte. for whteh he has °Liam., a patent
ar .
and agrees to give purchusers a written guarantee that
they e stronger. aud will resist frost and wetorcuth•
er and imbibe less mutsture or dampness than any oth
er tonek, pdllsessutg greater hasty and nupenor texture
awl tuurb durable 111 erferY revect, each brick
hemp suluected to pressure of several tons. anti pus
sesslng a handunne smooth ,urfare and even
edge s. they make • (rout equal to the beat (rumbrlci.
er hare given the greatest .413•1artion toil who
bare purchased A kilo can he set, at my work, and
me I IVW.a t a 111. fm. I the
1300 K14—iii,stoo y the tins IL b.‘...
• •ne, of It, .or.. •ncl r0mp.44.1 analog
I.:r crure t, of 11.. (.reekatro•ts Elouanotpa
.,r, 11.01 :tic Tollamo Votc—.o two voi
• —fp , ount
CIVI W itt mop. and
- •
I• 11,. IP 011 10 tlar ••iidr iiu
!lorry Moielday, tp.lng tualiaL :e. T2lh SUern•ss,[••
o the Ilao , y I.an4 . l'renett t rage, and Ilketeh,
.n ClP•uai. Jar: reed and for sale bl
Itletalle Fran.• Flamer
• •
A SPLENDID aaaorthaent of Rose
/449Np arooxl and M/Raan y grand sett
aan.. Jo. ftni.htd atol or sole
Also, two Tleadtd Roverroo..l rtanos,
sta it,egna,' , . eel,bratrd Lotion i.e.:limos, lanoLel
ti 11, moat unto:tit at, ie, anti lot •aln al •
rit , I' lILUALF: S. 112 wood at
13 ARABIAN NlGHTS—Kipreaaly d ~t iEn" ( or ...-
ay ',Woo:, tie r iiiiiaa of publtratton by Harper A 1ir00,0,•,!,...0r
o , o,•,! , ...or 1.... To be rompletrd to tailor par,
hot lit hitt tr.•ested and !Or *Ale by &
auto, 1.111. 11., Alai id a.
s 1848. Alt
I{l - _.s FE( Ari I 'I.IiVE:I,AND 1.1 St' ARREN
t a , rteket— St% ALIA /IV. ear Fon/
ta.:E.AIS. l :apt Ns seer..
( .1
ar.en a . m brrrll of above Pseltet. leave Ikavereverl',l•T•
~t ndaa excepted) and arrive neat morning at
AN' the) ronneet onth the Mail Stages for
1r.., and Clcrelo,,l. orrlvine eateh of these pLaer•
nisbl tree of the Packet. leave Warren dolly,
ut I' M. , actl arrive •t Deaver in um, to take the
gnortnna steamboat for l'lttabor t rh.
Ctyrr , ,a, I.ErriNtJWE:I.I.. {Sartre, t
NI Ii TA r LOH, Proprm n.
"moron s Es',wry atm its.
roma! Par k et—Paste., tv• via. Capt. Jelin..
" Pollock,
Eats. ." Trot,.
'• Psi - roma, " Drown.
^ Sayer
The above new and apts.:idol Pasaeoger Packets have
mantas between BEA •:it AND zEHI
will rim regularly dormg the season—one nom
leaving Erie every morning at Y o'c loci, and one leav•
m g Bearer every evening. imiturshately •Iler the arn.
nil of the iteamboat Michigan from Pittsburgh .
The boats are new and comfortably turnsined, and
will run through in
lorry hours Passengers to our
point on the Lake.. or to Niagara Prim, will find M.
route the most comfortable and expeditious. Tickets
thwugh to all porta on the Lake ran be procured by
Ram!) mg to the proprietors.
P•RICS. & Co, Beaver.
JOIIN A CADDREY, Agt Pdtsborgh,
mar Water and
AGENTS.—Jas C Narration. Buffalo, Southfield - els N
M Reed, Poe. Pa.
C C Wick, Greenvtile, Pau
M•Farland and King, Dig Rend, Pa;
Bars & Plumb, Rharpsitargh, Pa,
Malan, Sharon, P.
D C Mathews, Pulaskt, IS
W Cynnill(thaat, NOW Castle, Pa. (y 1
. _
ea aa 1848.
”CIAMW VIA WM ntarasnroaeanoe OF WAY WILMS,
j ITIIVOIEINI Pittsburgh, Illatthvgle, Johnstown, Mi.
ltdaysliurgh, Water greet, Muottngdos
This Line
formed exelusively for the special ac
commodation of th e sway business. The PrOprietors,
th•nkiLl for the very liberal patronage they bare
ceived durtng the lost Iwo years, would respectfully in
form their friends and the public that they ere now mull
betterprepared to deliver goods at any point on the
Canal and 8 .11 Minds. with promptness and dispatch.
• • -
Pie kw° rib tr. Woods, Johnstown.
John Mater, Holltdayshorgh.
U A NPAnulty & Co, canal baste, Pittsburgh.
Hergazuces—Plusburgh—Smith & Smetair; J &
Mu Devitt; G & J fiShoenberger; R Robinson &Gm R
Moon.; Ilegaley & Smith; John Parker, Wm Latrine, &
Co: P Shoenherger.
Pennsylvania CanalgicilaUrlileadliCi
press:Pasil Packet Line,
(or Pesseggers.)
I public are respecMilly informed Mut thi • Lute
I will rut: menus runtottg on the Rb] gr,g - „,, g _
unur throughout the Season.
- • • •• .
The borne ere new, end of e nuperior clans, Loth en .
rued cabin', which will love greater eornfee• t f The
ors ere the latest construction.
A boat will always be iu pon, aniliravelers are re
quested to eall and examine them before engng)ing
elaewhere. Daa
/Pore only nine dollars through.) One abbe boats of
this Lane will leave the landing loppokite 8. Hotel,
corner of Penn street and Canal, every night et tine o'.
doe k Tune 31 days. For Information, apply at die
Office, Monongahela Muse, or to It LEKIII A. Co
Coned Bustin.
itterobasatO Trwasporttl Nik
aon e.
i i tk r . 184 8. MAII
ri ODDS conelgued to our earn will he foreranded
LT:telthow del•y at the lowest current rates.
I t I C ETA I P II ; "' LLES P or n RE • v ‘ No n t b v
ars soil MA Markel to, I.This.
Jae) Smith's wharf, Rat arsons.
MAN. 1848. da
thout'beyliwa ull t 4 l a ma
dad y. Produce and trierchanifim taken s
Merchandise from Baltimore brought at at Cfisaal
rates. Time, five days. J C BIDWY2
Water st, 9 doors above Moog'. House. Piostiur gh.
myl7 99 South Charles at, lialtimar e
ID- Time, 6 dal*. .ca
Inerchandtse transported at Canal n.e s.
Water sued Pittsburgh. y
• FRAILET MAILS/L6a i a mo,
Light aunt, silkie r "
Y..' :~~: ~,,
Foe*: Reemrery of Dormant and Intro With
held Real and Personal Eidate—the Settlensem and
Arbitration of Commereial, Trading and other Deham
Seuttriug Paten. (or Inventions an Great Britain,
Ireland. and thg Colonies and Dependencies Merman
to belonging. and Negotiating liar the Purchase or
Sale of the same.
T"principal °Neel in 'the establishment of ibis
Agency in to set at rest in the most seusfactorT
and economical pumas r possible, the numerous claims
for property which citizens of the United States renlly
b hersr imagism they possess in England end else-
The efirts of and unscrupulous men hay
been actively engaged in milt/wiring a betcl ou thi
subject an many quarters, with a view to petty peeula
bon; and evidences of the fact have been so fregnen•lt
brought to light as to render It tiff,ently neeessary th
an othen be established has nog for inn object the satis
faction of those who have been deluded, nod to estate
halt the claims of such as are the rightful heirs to doubt•
ful prgperty, or that ich is imprOpet.y wi
nlicipal thheld
Articles in the lead wh ing louse . die p cities
of the Union are frequentty appearing, headed - Towle
ley Estate," "A (treat Fortune for Somebody,"
togs of the Houghton's at Worcester," se Meet
ings," ie. de , the authors of which are generally law
scan. , practice, or adaaattlrinra, wino a only ob
ject to feed upon public credulity, by producing on
excitement which may realize for theins , -/Yes immedi
ate gams. and who are gen
erally speaking, without
We slightest knowledge of the subjects they north.po
The evidences of tide being a tact are every where
apparent, an in no doe single instance hove their ill
founded expectations been realized, and it with u
view to the correction of this evil that the subscriber
ha• effected the most extensive ofningemente to satisfy
the inquiring, vs well en to satisfy the curiosity of those
van, undue red by family connection or otherwise.
wish to pursue the investigatio n of inane. often InIol•
wing remlts oldie must stupendous magnitude
As regards real estate in England, the bulk of i t in
out/fort to the laws of If.ttall and Primogeniture; nod
ever since the revolution in Idge. the principal estaie•
have been subjected to the changes which always en
-00 revolution. confusion, and change of dynasty,
and although there hove been spethal taws parsed tor
particular purposes, all those which have reterence to
this subject, and which were passed subsequent there
to. are null available to c,snes of legitimate right. It t.
not. however, intended in this advertlsernent, a !vier
antecedently to the American revolution at 1'776, at
which period, a great number of persons entitled in en.
rlous'woyr to property, abandoned the .ante by joining
the revolutionary party. This act. in itself, was riE.
cient to lead to confiscation where it Wan directly held
by such individuals; but when those abandoning Ma
aatad were
sefront next hl SUrCenniall to the then ponwol
minify w - cre made the barriers to rightful inheritance
Another !rutin; source of investigation is found in
the Unclaimed Lhvidend Book of the Bonk of nigland,
and this, furnishing no it does. each kkigitsli to that
his ever canned as a holder of coded property, is the
main reliance of the unprincipled traders in public
The modes of investment lee exceedingly 1111/11,0.
la all par. in Europe, but in En r
gland poicularly so,
and the subscriber ni prepared to show the facilities
which lie posse n, ter an investigation in any of the
me... above alluded to. Hamden till these,
property positively bequeathed, and which. in cons
queue° of the absence of the to whom dem.. I,
becorbes involved to and subject to the lawn of the
Court.. Chancery.
In all r saes, even, of supposed family connexion. the
moat positive and satisfactory information can be adur
ded as to the tact* connected with the MC/11bCn./1 . fam
lies. nolnciter how remote the dote, or seemingly die
fitult Inc lncit invesugatton; and where the case hos alrea
dy been undertaken by airy . then n persona
who pretend to a knowledge of this business, seta who
hove altogether (oiled to obtaining. or omitted to afford
the information wog lit by the victims of their specious
and deluston, the teener a the more middy under
taken, because al the greater isaf.faction to aiding
whee the pretences of others have obtained so much
unmerited confidence.
In the settlement of Commerciol. Trading and other
Debt., the necessary legal .d mercantile scestior
will be brought to bear; auespenenre or half a centu
ry in tins porucusar branch, is the best evidence that
ran be afforded of the titbit, that will be bestowed on.
Matter* Coining ander this he id.
Inventors and others renuirmg alsw rights secured
ut any or oil parts of Europe, can hare the same etlreb
ed at a very trilbug charge over and above the tl•LIOI
lees required to any given country. Every trortna
-1100 respecting the probable expvse.•. sad Inc moth,.
operand! will at all times be ho fully afforded; and
the iambi/es. particularly in Eligland. for diaposing of
tne right, 3e.. are rat the most extensive character. In
troduction. are also offered to men of wealth and high
reepeenibilltl tVliate•er betimes to thii department
is witple The attenLlOO. tOCTOIOIT, of the public in gen
eral I. particularly solnoteat to thot branch of the Agen.
y onnitunie aliotu by letter RR requested to be mast
30 Water street. Nero York.
- - - -. •
Hon. Cho*. Y. Duly. Judge C't Common Plea.. Y. V
Ch... Carthage & Co
& .1. T. Tapsnolt.
1: K A lbcketts. Esq.
Edward na-nroder. Esq. Cinctnnan. Olno.
A Put , . tun. Fey errni. Yatchto flunk, kluilialo
cut, 1,14, .vr
uul nolld paving brick, call .4.14 Mc= .... .ot
Ilifontl . gh . ana, Jun. I u. IN•
Ty rli.l.lASl SCIIOI.I.N, 11. II ReYA 1:4.1A47 bl SINt.E.N., .1011.11 11. Moßiff soN. 1,, v ," „,.
ted tbeawolves together LLD , er the ft), and tale
el~ t thyley, Ryau & for the athallinettllV Of Wao44
Type. and as their tytraa altogether made by marl.,
v. the tharataoa of ilLa•t . 11. akiagar. Ithe 01 tar atm,
the, irai Ooalideat that they oder n lamer persert rt.e;e
and at mach lower tales lhao berelolore
udered the :gate, and are now ready to 111
order. (or 11. e .ante.
All orders addreame..l to Scholey. Ryan h Co. at
Weu office in Mar:mond alley, hciween Wood and
Scnitlitteld streets, will be punctually attruded
Proprieto” of newspop,s. on copymg ad•
•trumentent 1 month, and mending u• their paper, will
cni:tled lo rercive iticir pay it pr. on purch3-..1e
I br, usile,Cthe amount oi theirbLll lot md.ertmina.
411 monr., • lIIKLINa
ns - rEitN LINE
Ocoee at the Bacliania. Baltimore.
hurl° or 1% Lacuna. und n corraspondozg redact;
inade 011 aii taleatapinc despearnea In. warded iron% WO
m", Wro ot Pt./K.O. Pa
Nat.—The charge no a laleraph deapalct. to ...
from Dalton°, l'otalouryb and %% necluta, ran
fur .li
0 no tan wool, sod 3 rent. lor each addinosta
ELF No charge /A ode for the addre.. and ..4g
uta conap:etton el the South Western Line of
Teteg . roptt iron. Arm,lns. Ten, it, New t 'Henn, des
pulrnes [MI L.e iorwanled Meutptu 1,) du• route. and
&mailed or New Orin... ell
The Allegheny Cemetery. -
AT Use tulaual meeting ut the eutpurator, held
da. sth lam , ate (I:410u., pc. I)0111. wrrn Lula
re-electeml Ntansfers tor um ennuln ear
'III.,XIAS Al. 110 W E., Pre.,:ent.
Ilene re
NIVANDI.I-:-...4.5. • "
J t 7 mit . . J r. .voererary aml Treasurer.
Tthe annual statement presented rho altur• or th r
onai yoa vry proop eruns c o ndemn o Their odor
oily Is No e . :17 tVa er stret
• •
. . .• .
ru.N SAVE irtitil IS to 23 per cent by purchasing
rJ their OIL CLAIMS darn from the ManufettUreril,
- • • • • • • • •
rrER a CARAIICHAEI. have opened a ware•
hoot e, No. ljd North Thud street, above Race. second
door South of the Eagle tfotcl, Pinasoltartna. where
they , rut always keep on hand & complete assortment
of Patent Mimetic Carnage thl Cloth., ea -38, 48, 46. 4d
and .54 ladies wide. Figured, Painted. and Flue, OL
the Mind!, on Muslin DriWng nod Lwn. Table 011
C10t..., of the most desirable patterns, 78,10, Jtl and hi
inch es wale. Floor oil Cloths. from V ouches to al Wet
wide. , well seasoned, and the newest style 01 patterns,
all o their own manufacture Transparent Wtodow
Shat e h Corpeta, he. All goods warranted. •
kiwturacturers or
Or ALL ocaccirirlocc
No. 384 Bosch PrOnt fltripet.,
Back ce/ 7 4. *Barnes Cabinet Ware Marettfy
ALL orders lof lean 8. S. Moon, ode at the oee. of the
Me rebent's tk - ttel, Pituburgh, ...II be promptly
attendo d to. THOS. G. DERRY
sepll .4.11 Y A. C. NICKRRSON
rxi•EßlENCEDiud g es, on a mail of one oind • half
AtiOSIA, 61100 1043, pronounce this article unser
passe 1 (or durability in the construction of all Mods of
Fenn mar rn.. 89,75 mesh for loads of Id AI, guar.
alum d num months use. Orders for a second quality
Bob. tar Bricks with he executed at SW per At, if so de
nim without guarantee. A stock of the first quality
w SW (WOOS at the warehouse, 'Slono's Wharf,' Ca
nal Bitein, by J SHAW MACLAREN,
pilaf Kensington Iron IVorks
PHCRNI_E FIRE BRICKS—The subscriber. haring
been appointed sole Agents by the manufacturers,
for the sale of the oelebrased - Henig Bricks," are
no., prepared to fill orders for any quantity, at till,
co di per 1,001.0. For the .../11.1011 of furnaces of
ail kind., thew bricks hare been pronounced by cum
protein Judges as being superior to all other lire bricks
now in use. C A eI'ANULTY A Co, Canal Hawn.
. .
DORTABLE FURGEZ , -11 very ronvetnent art:ele
4. Bellow% aml all the tome ran be tarried by th, Mtn
dles Ity two men. A lea , non tea 'd and an *ate by
- - ---
_Cr M. llth, Into, at the School ;louse of the Sixth
Ikurd, thluburgh: D) IL ALLtreckciutdge
Published by /011N.STON & STOCKTON, and for
sale by all the Booksellers to the city. /Y 3
wyr casks and 20 Ind. bbl . Yuri, Sive.,
hidings, 40 Madeira IV/nes, comprtsing soul •
very choice and depart. brands, received and fur sale
on secuminodsthig ten., by
toy II W hi MITCHELTREIK, IGO liberty si
LLAUL) OIL—On We superior, llurekbardr. brand,
NM received and fur sale by
J KIDD & Co, 00 wood at
OATS --60 sacks rtdrenor reed per steamer
Ddlgoar, and for solo by
/CM .1 fr. F. FLOYD. and Church Budd. o
- _
- -
SWM' MALAGA WLNE.--0 yr crutts .areot Maim
gi b., part reb•syed and tur sofa by
W 7 : Lit U b l;" i i r tura t hault am i
- - IN Water st
SHEM' IHUNAO tonotNom 2G, Justtutu, tor
gala by j) It S F VON tSUNNII(11111T 11. Co
BI;—RE F-2 isekredi 1520 111.24.4 for sale by
MACKEREI.—No and 3, he half and qr bhls; ;or
.We by 3ylt S r YONRIONNUUIterY S. Co
DROOMS.-2.5 dos cilia large g. Hroomsi Aldo
Rochester do; 33 do Cbto do, tor sale by
tic CKEYOI=L - .10 bblil new No 3, reed sod for sale
AIL by it , 1i FRIEND, RORY & Co
rkEERSKINS--3111) lint for sale lour to close consign
") metal 1714 FRIEND,RHEY S. Cu
EIFATHERS-17 stack. Feathers, mat landing and
r for sale by WESTON BOWEN
4719 70 trod st
ggth nn , gtmi.hYris Opining_ Blood, da Side
sod reast, Sore Throat, flossenegs, Paragon
of the Heart. Whooping Cough, Croup, ives,
Nervous Tintors, Liver Osm,phum,..d
Diseased Kidneys, are radically
cured by
D. Swayneo• Compound Syrup at Wald
It is mild and pleasant to the taste, perfectly safe and
harmless to to operuhons, andyet it is one of the most
powerful and certain remedies tor Consumption of the
Lana Congas. Cold,, Asthma, Spitting Dotal, Liver
Complaint, Poi. In the Side or Wrest, and
Debility of the Constitudott, that w. e'er invented by
the sktll or man for the rebefot the atthereil ;albite.
powers and evtdences of its wondentil cu m in,
powers are daily received from all queners. It possible to conceive theaggregate of suffering and tnts
cry that has been hanwhied xt; nor can
lye calculate the immense benefit
it hereafter. All ages, sexes, and constattuons are
alike a/reeled by it, and the dwease Is .In:heated from
the system, the coustituboa repturvii. and health re.-
cored q the use ot SW...TN.', Seat , e
WILD LIDOLTIT. How many %utterer,: do we daily be.-
hold approaching to. uttusucty gyaea„ sure d , tit Lv
bloom of youth, from their relative. and
ed with that fatal malady. which
wastes time miserable sutlers, until he is beyond toe
piwer of humor skill If such sufferers a - ould only
make • trait of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry, they would tihd themselves sooner relieved
than by gulping the various Med - e t remedies with
which our newspapers abound; this :Vegetable Re
dy' bests the ulcerated lungs stoppung profuse night
al the same time itiductng a natural and heanhy
e xpectoration.e and the patient will noon find tomseit an
the Nun) meal ufeetutintable health. The public should
hear in mind that Dr Swayne in a regular practising
physician, and bus had years inexperience in diseases
of die Longs, Chest. he. The tongue] and only) genu
ine article is only preparsd DR. Sl‘'A YN E.. N co,
uer of Eighth and Race streets, Philudelplua.
Wall the cures that has ever been recorded, we limy
safety say the annals o(ntedlcitie Cannot furtitsit one to
surpuse whic n h now stand. a•
a living proof of th•
curability of consumption. even when hie had been
despaired of D. r , vayue's Coune.nind :14) rap Lit 11 tld
Cherry is all It prote.oes to be. th e greatest tnedienie
Uie known world
7Ytr . .rbre RICA. J hify 14 Health.
De. SaraVlC—Dear S , r,—For the good ot pub., I
iel m duty bound to testify to the groat mire
which your Compoutel Syrup of Wild Merry perlorm
ea] on toe, For my part, I fuel os if every hody ought
to know it. I was allficteil with vtoleut cough, pit
ting of blood, night sweats, hoarseness, and sodnd of
the voice indicating an alarming stare of the disease;
my eliteapt was gone, and tily strength had so tar fail
ed um my iriends and ph roman wens persuaded I
could net iltlryLve ntany days. My sister, who wm say
anxious rano-taker. made inquiry where she would be
likely to procure the tonal remain relief. She Was told
that if Lk. Swaytia , a Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
tailed in the cure, my life was then hopeless. Your
medicine wm innuedlately procured, and the first bot
one relief, Mid Ly the nine I had consmenced the
inkih bottle. toy cough had left me and my strength wit.
much improved. In short, it has made a perfect cure
end I am at this present owe as hearty a man tia
h, and have good reason to believe that the use of
y Mime has saved me from a premature grave.
I shall be pleased to give any information respecting
my case. 111 Racvstil
ate cheater it, between race mid vine sin, Nola.
Consumptives, Read! Read!! Dr. Swayne's Compound
gyrup of erry.
In about the year I.„17, found'4l neeemary in cry
professional practice, to compound a medicinal prepar
ation for diseases of the chest and lungs, possessing
more powenbl healing properties that atti other him
known for Such diseases. lu my I.O.IIPOUND
SYRUP OF WILD C/lERIII, I have been very sue
ceso,ul. Toe truly mtomslung cures infected by my
medians soon spread its Mine abroad; for it owes none
of stir success to manufactured newspaper pulls or for
ged restate:ie.—the reel hart/tam mew ts of my com
pound is the only use of its popularity. Its extensive
sole soon excited the envy of certain speculators in the
actlictions of his feilow creatures, so mach so that nu a
lew years learn the tune that my preparation was intro
duced to Me public and in great dnd, a firm in al.
city. finding that my preparation hod gained a high
reputation or its curative properues, caine out with
what they called Dr. ‘S'istar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
This respectable slid popular physician had no more
to do with the article than poor Sam Patch. The name
of Or Wtstar is attached to make it appear that this em
tneus praennoner was the anginal inventor of the pre
paration, such 14,101 the fact. The above firm, the re
al inveiot, sold the recipe and right to naanaincture to
some patent mech.. dealers uan ior the
Wm. arid South, and another ut N ew York f it the East,
who afterwards.. is usserteel, sold out
which to n
druay ggist in
Be ig .,, s _. so the number of hands mu, m kayo
changed in an enigma
In mime places they assert It emanated from a aby
sm.. in Philadelphia, m others, from aphysiman to
filassmaumus. So it has falsehood and stratagem
stamped ui every Mature.
Three have Leen a number of other prepaiations per.
porting to contain Wild Cherry
,pat out since, from the
hands of inexperience, which the public should guard
agiumt, as they contain none of the virtues of me ongt
nel and oidy gentune preparation, which bears the arg•
nature of Dr Swarms on each bottle. The present
manufacturers of their pairs and false certificates have
the daring effrontery to caution the public against pur
chasing my inerbeine, the only truly genuine and Ong,-
nal preparation of %Vild Cherry before . the pubbe,
wince is proved mum:intern y by the public records of
tlrana as well as vn
o Doer h o e a C' fi ' orei ' ld l'b oc o u i lli P e ' lftT. )..
Inventor and sole Proprietor of the genutne Com
pound Syrup Of IYhrld Cherry'. corner of Eighth and
Race .trees, lihtladetpunt
can be obtained grans, setting forth an
army of le•tunolly that and convince the most skepli
f- of ol ‘vontlertal vutues Of Dr Swaytto'• Compound
Syrup al drill Cherry Call and get orre. ihat may
reed. Puri-haw the ritodiemo. mot
or Itikir.nle and relail. try me
It Al TllluitN. OfiDkoN hiNo WHEN,
corner I% moll a d I-Merty .le, S JONES, 100 !Aber')
-1, It .0 FAHNI-ISTUCK o minter
of First and
s and ....bath and %Vaud, and JOHN MITCH ELI.,
A Ilea Iwny wiry. mantS
We have been informed hr Airs Rom of acme per
`of meal an her by Dr. Jaywe'is ititieratlwe, which
proven lls superionty over every other remedy of the
Cool she has Leto adiwied tor the last sheen yen.
with ainChttiSES or WHITE g%VELLINI.tiS, attended
w.. 11 erol,o0• and ennfl,al.on or various bones. du. wt.....ninnyrwera have been discharged trout
Lb: ~,,rent bane ot lee Crarndut, (rum 0010 her atlas,
w. • •,. 'O,ll hand, air, lowa boil and (rout the 101 l
.11 :fun, and !rum the rtgat ince, (wallies paltalll
ou other pal. of Lee person, watch have battled
the .t nal Mitt:Mar 0/' the nonal run net. I , 6yd/creosol
our r during moat of the time her miller:ems have
Menelf:mm..lg sod deplorable Afoot three mouths
.r was induced to try Dr isynela Alterafive,
wine Ifae , hod an aiiimusairigly happy edeci upon her,
',way .rte all pain Air/ Swelluig, and ern. Inc
tf, a,. all
al -Le Yen,- laloe her ,eneral health
I • reetured,-0 dn. she now weigha
MO, Man *lie betore she osouicbcoizea Lb< are
al .h. ' • truly 'staid,. a...patron --inat Eve rom_
For 'mutter nitslite o f \li r , 11 0 ,,
I . li. asle•ph,o
I . klf .n a ., at be YEKIH TEA SToftE.,
7". I our., Si nearf, i
K 7 I NGS.—Scrutula in all Its multiplied firms
whether to that of King's Esil, entail:m.las n Phu
glands or bunco, Goitre, 11/One Swellings, ('brunt
Rheum:storm. Canser, finesses of the Skin or Spine,
of Putio.mry consumption, cmunste front one
and the same cause, which is a pomotrou, principie
Lyon, or less inherent to the noir,. system. There,
fore, unless Ws firruciple earn be destroyed, nu radi
cal core can be <dected, but it are principle upon
which the thseme depends, sretrioved , a cure
must of neeetaity tollos., no matter under what form
the disc.° should ruandesa anon. 'lbis, therefore
is the reason why Jaynes Acrt.ttart V k is BO tar
serially succeralul to removing so sunny malignant
discus. It destroys the rime or principle from
whiefi lbws diseases have their ringia, by catering
into the ear:illation, and with the blood to conveyed
to the minutest libra, removing every particle of
disease from the syntam. Prepare, and sold as No.
Ii Sooih 'rwrd
Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. TX Fourth suer..
I ADI/Lb fik co Uri: Common PrepareJ CKalk, are
011011 net aware haler frighoully infunorts I to to
the Ohio! how coarse, how rough, bow sallow, 'chew.
end a:Wealthy the saw appears niter using prepared
chalk! Besides, it it inhuman, containing smogs coda
s t y at lead. We have prepared a besoontul vegetable
artic/e, which we rail JOND3'S SPANISH LILY
11'MIT.: It is perfectl, h nnotem. lieingpurtned of all
deleterious c.-hues; and it imparts to the skin a natu
ral, healthy, a l a/saater, clear, tiring White, al the same
nine acting as a cosateno on Um skin, making
and smooth.
Dr. Joiner honer - ma, Prletleal Chemist of Moan,
cliuetu.say,: `After analysing Jones's Spanish Lill,
White, I find it p 0 04.0643 the stoat treannfel Lad att.
ral, at rho same time innocent whue I ever saw. I
certainly can catasmenunissly recommend tin non Mel
whose skin reclaims bcanufy
('nice 25 cent• a box.
iW Sold by WAY. JACKSON, at his Boot and Sh
Store, Ot Liberty street, head of Wood, at the sign •
the Biel:loot.
Ladles, ladles, I'm otionothed,
W hen you know that you are promised
A notarial, life-like, snowy white,
That you will sun use common chalk,
And loot a deathly yellow fright,
The theme of laughter and of talk.
If you would eon a box of JONES Ltlly•whtte,
would ir,v o your skin an alabaster yet natural whits
and at the unto time clear and Improve it. Bold
JACKSON'S, 00 Liberty et. Price 25 cents per box.
_ •
)(RUA W. FIELD otters for sale at the lowest
Manufactarers' prier,, a very extensive assort.
went of PAPER, ewarriving every possible variety,
adapted to the want. of consumers mall section, of the
country. Paper of all kinds wade to order at rhon
lire cock of PRINTING PAPER is unusually large
ape which of very superior quality.
Of every description, impel led and kept con randy on
boa-, viz: Peltings, Wit. Cloth, Fourdrialer Wass
Bleaching Powder, Blue Ultramarine, Twine, ao. , de sr ars, Rale Rope, GrowRAG S 4
pawl/deed, for whreh the It/sheet price in Cash be
paid 17 , MY New York, /ell/ 1,41
Drs W. P.lnla n dsa Pram! p ter.
r•R. Ml. stli
P. IN D, of the Medical College
ndelphin, now otters to the public his lads.
stable Premium Plaster, the qualities of which, tines
long and used eXpertenee, has been sattsfacwnly
t To all 11/0/oen who may he asthcied wun
Prolapses Uteria or Pullen Vault., he recommends his
plaster, guaranteeing. • sure and speedy cum in the
port space of from two Co thee weeks, if applied with
Care and rest- , direurcling all the
and expensive bandages so long to use. Tbss• he feels
conscientious in stating, Inasmuch as ha has not Well
m one case oat of three hundred and filly-three pa
for Ithetunausen and Weak Breast or Han at
tended wild pant, there ..Moog to exert this Plaster
in affording miler or ed - econg • mar. For tale by
corner of Armond [Ma Mather at
eery and tit. Clair eta
14 ' 4° k ' " - Diamond, Dr J Sargent " "
gheny cite
tol Diamond, Bleming-
Jacques tr. Ito, " Demso"
ham. lett
A Oltudiamgai to it.. World.
TWENTY-FIVE DUIAA RS will be pout to any One
who 0,11 produce • alma p.u., green or dry, that
Cannot be a xtracted with Hutt'. lioproved Chmueal
Soap. I have be aran•facilou us saying so me people of
lets place, It at duo article, by my own impro•emerit ort
now annals unlimited in dux country for
lar,J•4o:l Dl, punt. Of 'la) oiler greasy Sta.
stance, In:O.1 Al kinds Cl gentlen-,n4 or ,
Carpet", Litton clothe, ineruni Shawls, (turn' bonnet.,
ke. without injuring anything that pure tower wilt mt
RUC. Nor, UMW one thousand persons in different
port. the ...try have told me. they would not be
wuboot it; if It eon one dollar per eats. In trying this
Soap on more than 3Ctil articles Of light inks, satins, al
portals, and cancans, I have only frond Woe pieces at
olk, two of alpaca., and four a( mite*, an which b
changed the rotor(' therefore before patting it on a light
dress try a sample of the dress first. !Mate the because
I am determined ant to recommend Irony monger um
kUOIV 10 be strictly true. N 11 Hots..
PM*, ill eta per cake. bold, orheilmalo and remit
by ft X SELLERS,
deal Itbod It
rrEAs—ao half dints Y Teti 3U do do Impori o i d o.
1 30 do do Ginipowder do; 3D do do black do. 3u can
ty bus thuipowdn: and H, in store and for ink o,
A °RSATCUBJ,paIbrmed by the or pk: land adttew
LS Jaa adILS sumia• Liner Pit, prvared sad sohlt7 it; Z 5144
Monza' FaCrouT, Waft:M.4oM
m in i d Ar thm uetel e. .. 4 l lS E La to . „,,r asl S44' d
p.u.. ctr haanb a i .'M ti , tastratataa . ::::7 7 red i j W ia l9thP' Ea c tiltit .d :dally s
Minering to Vary Crockett't maxim, 'be rum yos tea
than goateed." Most of the many preperationst of ash=
and quack,
bat to the skies bars mak ialo oblirioshiattra
}our Lin,
bare been offered to the public, and, ladelak
I belien they will ',arive. Beam ea," m they an last
mend ba num ban afflicted with Liver
Loptaint from my youth, ham adrenal much, a/4MB
Ismmoment physic/e1.,. whom I paid mach mom% IM7
lum touch blood, been rezoned sad physecked aimed
waisted Sur tnes, sad &sally gar. up as lataltabi.
1,30-7 t
. was induced to le.y your Liver Path had 8008 GOT
W EL. tnste boy of which LitnnemoSeiesit to keepsmelear
of Hit. so the site, and the other symptoms, brat loot
aaattbs. Y., ro. are also the best embank. I erode*
a sh, cold, of
ripe, or patn emelt siebswas else Maar
ash, b. give me much milt( l ham kepi them in ray Mon
Cur or 7 yaara; mid Imastreele of beses, sad ham weer
heard s stag se otwred by my rate oho her and
thaw. 'I ha, h.... aajoecaaled /Lahr. resrfother 101 l la this
ea,, and h. a abort lime voll batosh theta all.
aseuvoly rocorsoneed U.,. to all penes. medneg phrk,
whether for Ltaar Camplaiat or Billion. dlfeetions I ecta
Attt er thou Sar aupenor Calomel or the Wm fib. Beeps.
y yours,
J Mows
ChIITION—A., there are other Pint Mitre the pahlie
cebbent Liver Pins p 1,111362 who want the GENUS N gsdkoald
art bun and take to other than thwe prepared and sold by It
II SELLS:Ito, No S: Want barren Thitd and Fourth
hold by Dr Emmet., Fillh Ward, D M Cram, Allegheny
'4 5
Hrdropiathy, or the %V
BENJ W. 3101tRIS return. hot adteare
JJ th.ks to the caucus of Plusburgh and AlletglnOtY
ally for the very liberal support and enconragemeed
hay receseed wit hin the lost six month. That Me Wa
ter cure should acquire such celebrity, us neither
orange nor myetenows,when 11 is consuderml how groat
a t lumber of cases of every variety of &acmes, both
acu. and chemise, have been cored by a judicious use
of it. In Germany, where it 0,41..11, stra thousand
ad the worm cues, that were givers up by the meat skil
ful physic/ante of Europe so incurnlde, were cured by
the =mono! Primula, the founder of the Wafer Cale.
In EnTlaact, Frailty and America, thousands of hope
C.a. bare been toted by it, the nonzero.
Ilydrupetthw e.aldialuacala stow in successful opera
110a la the Coded :rtates, speak volume. ut tarot of the
Lk. Blom" h .rtoir. PPermanently estalittshed • himself
in the eat of Ihttshurgh, three door. southwest of Ir.
whin alley, on Penn street, se maw mimed to take a
s ..
umber of boarders and meat them at his house, and
the. who peeler being treated at their own dwelllw,
will he punctually and faithfully attended. Ile may be
consulted at s falice from I o'elool:101 3P M. and
front 7 to 10 111 the eValaUg.
N to
1 - ) variety of bathe made um of in Jan
Water cure. both fur Oahe, and gado..., eon be oh.
tamed ot the Atbentoulth on Liberty eireet, when they
have been recently erected for the express one of ity
dropaauc paten., and where every attention will ha
given by the pot.te end attentive pros...non.
English Remedy.
VIM Coughs, Colds, Adbma and Consom ptiOnt nut
GREAT AN I) ONLY ItFAIEDY for the cure Oahe
above dioceses, is the HUNGARIAN RALS.A.III OP
LICE, Macovered by the celebrated Dr. trachea, of
1. 0 11ii011.1 . 111101/Id. end introduced tutu the United Stu.
under the 1111/1111111111C superintendence trills inventirfl
Th m
e extonfinary •11C1111,11 1.411111 111C1111C111111, in t
of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American
Agent in solimung for treatment the worst possible ea
1 1 C 1 9 that can be found in the community—cases drat seek
relief fit rain from any bf the coironon rental. of the
day, and hare been given up by the Moll datinguiMed
phy.Cllllu as confirmed and incurable. The Ilungan
mi Balsam has cured, and will cum, the most desperate
of eswes. It is no quack nostrum, but a standard
lash medicine, us known and established efficacy.
Every family in the United States should be supplied
with Lklehan. Iltu4porian Balsam of Life, not only to
counteract the commit:puce tendencies of the
but to be used as a prevenfive medicine in all c o asti n' :ol
coughs, spitting of blood, pain In the side and
chest. trntanon and soreness of the lunge, brockid.
dfiliculty f breaung hectic fever, night sweats, cum.-
alio. and general do bthty, asthma, Induce., whooping
cough and croup.
Sold fit large bottles, at 111 per bottle, with full ffirec
liolls (or the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and Amer).
Cll/1 certificates, end other evidence, shearing the un
equalled me to of this great English Remedy, may be
oinkoned of the Agent., grettotousl y.
For .le Lt A PAHNF-TOCIL k Co., comer of
et and Wood and Wood and nth AM. mug
- -
MAU tile Rev ASA SHINN, a well known and pop
war Clorr enttO of the Protestant flethaLLn Churl
The undersigned twifng been at tinted daring the pant
winter with a disease at the atninash, sometimes pro
duclng great pain in the Stottlach for tenor tyrelvelsoaell
without Intermission, and niter having tried earwigs
remedies wan Mile effect, was tarnished stribh a bottle
of Or Li Jayne , . Carminative Balsam. Thane used ac
cording to um directions, and found mvarlably thal this
medicine canoed We pain to abate in three or few min
utes, and in fifteen or twenty nunntesevery %mew
,neatino was entirely quieten The medicine was at
terornrtisits,d whenever indications edam approach Of
pain were perceived, sad the pain sena thereby ptirlont
cd llr continued to a., the medicine every evening
and tinneurnes an the
to and in a few weeks
he•Illt eo tar restored, unit the soffereis was reliev
et: from a large amount Cr tippre trie r peel. From ex
perinea, therefore, it .. ek confidently recommend
I) 1 y bens skrelittatlve I , 4eurr,„ LS Winery no:dicta
for wane oft he stomach and bowels. A
[Fos sale m hull:aryl at the Ntl"l:lNhefgEacitY.A,
72 Fr, .rect, yr, Wood, and alen at theltrng
vfoire :1 if I nf Z. Yeaerel Atteet. A Itivalbstif
Parity Yuan Blood.
hlt) t. tIIBLI I—Ucnr stir. last Liza and du.
with a scrofulous complain to t
tomy legs, and had be.
ior 111/10e month. under Me care ot physicians. 'fluty
W my cute was samosa incurable, and they could Jo
but lade tot me. I won n early helpless, but with the
sal ni crutches could wllb difficulty get about. In May
loot. purchased of you, and commenced ming Rata.
-rows Ssusaratuata. Atter the loud f two bathes, the
sore. commenced bottling, and laside my crutch
es, using only a cane. 1 thspen.sed with toycams, and
at the end of the ward, was so well as to assist all day
sheanng sheep. in all, I used Lye bottles. The
scrofula alai sures be re all healed 1141, and since lam
anent, I hare Yell /to appearance tat the dlatamt, but
have continued, and am now, in the moot perfect he
I stem with confidence. [wrung th at others may be bon
ailed In the same way, that the Sarsaparilla sold by
you. has
cure. as been the mean, and the only means or
Ing . t
For sale wholesale and rerail,hy
Jaw B.A. FAMPireCtu a
- .( et
cur front rer.so4l stay fr. also corner wood &nth Co ,.
Da EL Ptakuetini ICltY—
vain de' Amanda Atone', for shaving,
Ct.'• l• Rose, air Kw, ng,
Cruou, J o;
Cu, dine Kong, on Parrrlam .landrs
F.:re lat snot bags, perfumed with Lavender, Anglo.
13,4,11/10 powder pada, of ad patterlit;
I:job...sect toilet boron, eontaintng fragrant °attract..
fot tituotte, hie( ; a soma bag. and to.,et scal
able ...r errsems. pO. Suit.
l'uo or Ct.. powder,
10....1.0 ' , get-tole bur oil.
%I'l.l'3od, un fancy or common wrappers, (rose sec.!.
e lus' Soap. Spann one, Boas . Lan salve;
or Sbui. soap, Soda soapi iogetbe , ~ t • Veal
reetved• for sa b le b
''"" B
A Fit'lifilSTOC7K CO
ear nth A synod Oa
fee .t. l r t a duty
more respecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam.
Since I first turd the Balsam, about happy
have buut eleven yewv..,
effect of I en gave an account of, I
d second severewhtch
com th plaints and attacks at
lunge, one a (CM days since, and in every instance I
havur e used Me Belau= alone with complete and per&et
see... In hoe cffeeted relief and cure In a very few
days It to certainly a safe medmilie. I do not blow
dust it anll cum a Axed consampuon, but I believe it
trill be in many cues a prevenUce, and prevention is
better that, cure; I do therefore, for the love of my fel
low men, earnestly recommend the use of this Italsam,
in all pulmonary complaints. I are confident am a
h. been the means of life to this day.
If.. June le, BENJusuN rn.asoNs.4 f
For sale by /I A Pahnealock, & earner firer and
wood nod also corner wood and 6th. Yolk
power to mind ?mud son, Feb. 14, 4147,
FL I:. Srmuram—hly wife has for years bee° subject
to a chstressuag cough,accompanied with asthma, for
Me cure of which she used different cough remedies,
and had the advice of the mow eminent physimans in
Eugtatid, but ell eras onaveilhig. By chance I heard
el your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to boy
• bottle for trial, although I had no belief that anything
mold remove her complain. To my greet a ft
two doses gave her immediate relief. She is at time.rise,
trembled with • cough, but two teaspoonsful of Syrup
always stops it. lam aatisfied, after a trial of three
lour years, that Seller's Cough Syrup in the beat cough
hare ever tried either in the Old or New
World. WK. Fsaawaq
The Love certifi
&Meath Ward, city of Pittsburgh.
acate altiald induce all who era
Moulded with cough or esthm a, to give the Symp a tri
al. It may be had for 25 cents • bottle, at the drag
wore of
Sold by Dr CasseL llthawassLE BELLE )
hl s7 Corry '"°d . 411111. ".
0 , 9' 64' jr
tani Meek sprbsg Truss.
EWLY IN VIMITEEt-or the =Hofer:id PCM.II.I
C of HERNIA or It UE7E/M. (Butted to all
ft. dupenor °Minuet Ma, Truss normal In the Com
earan re easa With whichu may be wont. The pad at
*mod items neanty balanced on springs, yields to prey
tare 4111 any pan Or it, arid thoroughly adapts itself to
vay movement made by the weeder. It can be MOGI
1111 / 1111 1111.111.1•Si011, tUltil Cure Is ofected. The sato
Mt. he n have made arrnogrtnents for the roanuthentre
of Were valttabLe Trusses, n • superior style, m ftulal
tlmplon and have them now for sale at (belt Na.
°Mee, N
11, gdatMgeld at. near ninth, rtusburgh.
telt V. W. Be OFTII.A.N.
Ellitilfiklki—"Hupenor to any 1 have
ever used."
tiamsao TS., Fayette county, Pa., March 4, AA
M. H. E. Stem.xxs-1 hereby eerufy that 1 hove used
your VomitingLi o my (Jowly, and believe 11. equal, if
mit serior la any here ever used. I M., to Oita of
toy chi l d one dose, arlucti expelled abo W ut 160 worms.
Eu Entaiox.
Prepared and mid by E SELleElts, 57 W n• 1
sold by LA Cassel, sth Ward, 1).41 Cony_, Allegheny;
W J Smith, Tempera/mesa and Drava, Law
YIIINGES—Au assortment Just reed and far sal
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es .A. fiumolll/iittliism, 3d sib, mar As PonQQ~.
Oat li,ertlon or IS lines, or leas 8060
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Une square, 6 intotths, mahout alterahon,..• id .13:1
Each eddttiuhasl square for 4 months, •••••• s a°
IS " 10 00
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Iwo AV/MEG monks, re'smolc Il plea/DUD, Z 0 00
Each alktith•uhl solmro, 6 mouths, .... ...... 8 00
011 e square. 5 insertiuM, • . • .. 31 50
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riT4 lines or less, one year. ........ 6 00
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