The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 19, 1848, Image 3

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HUTCH/SON As Co t Agents for St
:Stem Sugar Ref uter , N., 4,5 1,4 vs, and 41:1 Fenn. •
Pin•bur h% tia.;tr - in slate the following a.. i
tsaout of refined filiscars,air sale low:
!Lai doub.c n, ia a Brae Lore 10tUbbls Nos. 1,1, 1 ,,
I. 1 and s 5t54.114,4 Oda Powdered; 024.. do Crust.-
do Clarified. . • atylS
S NO ugar amid 11lohurses.
4 40 bbl. 7. 4 ,084 gar; N. 2,6 and.;
144 do pride Near Orleans M 01.1.,
27 do agar Hoysa do
n store and forma. hi
ICA lawny 4,
UN DRIF.6-4 0 casks Sada Ash, brooded Al Steele
& Boa, Liverpool; 30 do do do lames
unreal & Soak do,. .'DO bags Rio Codes; 300 boxes
0010 sad 102131 Nti Wass, foeJO
We by
001 liberty et
Miller's and Jno Anderson's, just reed and for
41 110111 water and 16 north ve
je44 Philadelphia
I- ARA 1..F.A F TOBACCO-340 bales Vara Leaf To.
basso, wrappery, and superior qsality—l, 2 and
- ors-just laiug &out brig Ambrasne; for sale by
WA HEALD. RUC KN9H. fr. Co__
SILVAN PIPE-41.54 bra and 3 press German
I Pipes, madam howls, Mat landing from pkt and
r gale by jag! HEALD. 817CRNOR & Co
ISU—bane Cruse, Raltimore, WA., will be glad to
have orders from bis friends to Pitulnio and
mediate, for the purchase of Shad and Herrings du
she season- Orders executed with despatch, and
owes rams. Charges for purchasing light. mar 29
01TON YARNS, As. —50,000 lb. assorted Nos; LSO
hales Candle %Tack; ISO do Batting, Carpet Chain,
• Twine, for sale at tuanufselorers lowest rosier..
- 10BALT—@U0lbd Cobalt, jum reed uul
K for saC o by
sue J&I o r k. C
OTAliii—Ovaska receivi n g from some Late Erie
and for mato by augl JAMES DALZELL
!LOON AND FLA.X . SEED—Staro lb. Ranee; 9 begs
• Flaxseed; rece ived and ler sale by
augl , • 1. $ ATERMA
pia Fancy Statell, for sale by
Y EN. lika " . . , * bbi.
re. 71
.g* corner tat and wood dt.
ALEINATLI3-10 bblo. JO t oo fer .ale by lt
rib an.
PIrES-40 bz.Slono Pipe*, for ulo by
I oz large: a, for NA o y
- .
' l- ri EGARS--Duo m comm.. ci g ,... for rule by
ad eug7 .. Wit.:li er az'CANDLESS
—, • -- C• ..
RUSH kli SUGAR - - this Crushed Sugar. cur
.le by . aug7 WICK teId'CANDL.F.SS
PTS. TURPEI4,7I.N&J-90 bbli in fine order. lost
reed by /met J SCIZOON 1%1 AKER &Co
SPT& TURPL."ITINE- 25 bb Is far We by
ang.ll & REITER
MINERAL WATER CPILKII , —I - bales for sale by
anti. 11RA1.711 & REITER
PBOSPHORUS-IGO lbs for sale by
.° 2O l
umirsr- - 6 "".
I Nt g ili fo l./ICKE &Co
C °I7°N
—44 bob
- ir - t - 4211% LICIT:v a co
- DABLEY MALT — SAO bush ground =ld ongtouod
0 1J Cot oak by tooVI BROWN & CULBERTSON
CCORN BROOMS—GO do: for side by
lu ALREAL-90 tong Cumberland River Metal,
Y landing from Ware American Star and L. Wetral
ainrlO JAMES DA UMW., 24 'rater ai
LAHD, tre.--81 kegs No l Lard; Sbllds Bacon; land
from srmr.Caskier, and or sme by
frestivnitply for sale by
•ugl4 J MDD & Co_
I[3 COSTE-4U prone (Lie, Just receiving
and for ante by. ---
FLOUR -26 Islas choice fresh F0.191i) . Flour. ;um ro
coned and for sale by
LEACHING POWDER—WI casks of Jas Muspratt
XII &Sam' first quality Critoride of tor .Ide by
T AHD bbls pure Lard Oil, in wore and for
.L. 4 We by pan O BLACKBURN & Co
101EFIED — allitt.1-6 bet OR large WO
bbls 4.5, 5,7 iwid 8 small do; 230 do °maled; Hsu
do powdered; in store and for sale by
jr24 A nts . of Sc. Louis Sworn Boron Refinery
SH. 510;..A541 AHD GOLDFN 4YRUP-10 bblo
. f!r o L . ocus:4 H'opuses: sdo do Golden yropi
kf dodo; t tel{ gallou kegs do do. tor sale by
/PR JAS A fivrcillsoN & Co
for solo by JOEL MOHLER,
j 17 Pool Buildings, nor wood and SW sls
gado:der, formai, by /3AOtLEI" h SMITII
10 ‘Lad Lt) wood oh
NU.— ---
3 MACEEMEL-101/bbls for sobs by
LI HORTSF,7S bush Shorts, for ode by
B .
ACON--1043 lbs„ bog round, on contstg . nrctoo , , co
sale by Jyal J 1) WILLIAMS, 110-wood st
ONDITO NET TS—A large lot orfflolcsaito Netts,
.Lyy full used ptecea, for se ebea
AL aI F.X&ND p.
jy2o 7.5 market st, .N W cor of the diamond
DAREGE PLAIDS—A to: a immix: one Partge
Plaids, which we are annum at onto* vomit b.
low what we have ever been able to Offer the woo
quality for. ly2:1 ALEXANDER & DAY
SHOT -44 tega , ess'aN j ortlfais by TCmsoN
if 24
E.A.130 pigs Galena Lead, for ule by
S COTCH SNUFF-500 lb. put reed a j ed li tr p sn o by
(( iTM
°°iyl;;':2 ucts o snore and
rEe,t . Ts, front st
SIIOULDER3-19 caske prime bacon Slinalders,pist
received and for sale by
BROWN iE ctaxEuTsoN
IOFFEIk—IOO bags prune Rio Coffee, receiving and
for sale by J 5-4 JAMESDALZELL
MACCERRL-50 bbls No 3 Mackerel, in note and
for sale by jy29 -$ a W lIARBAUGH
O bush Burley, tore and for sale by
CHEESE—O biz emus prime Cheese; lot do W
do; just received and for solo by
dog( a , WICK 4, III'CAPIDLF'S
BATHERS--4 sacks prima Panthers, for sale by
ILITK DEANS-77J Ws Small Whim beans, for
sale try ant WICK & lIITANDLESS
BROOMS -4M do: Cora Brooms, for sale by
T AHD bbls sad Oil, prime order, in i and
.1.1 Ulm, received and for ode by
one. .1 MID & Co
/ - IHEESE-83 bay primp W Cheese, just seed ansl
kJ for sale by angs WICK & bITANDLE3B
0 aag s
AlERATUS—ttlusta O
W hia K & Sakraut
WCA s,
ND for
LESS sale by
FEATELII9---Cud;The Kentucky Feathers, for salo
• by ens WICK ic breaNDLEBB
SPlGES—proand Allspice, Cinitrossinit Cloves, llus
tsca,.AZ in 6 and 10 lb Cans", - for ealt; by
nirs. WICK & 61TANDLE:319
nEICKIOLATE-2 0 ha Chocolate, for sale by
G -
GINGElt—g pr GramdGi2gar,
Fat sale by angS WICK ez WCANDLnIS
LA RD -14 kegs No 1 Lea , f w a i sal;,n i feal
QT G 01V . 3 bbls for sale by
0_4723 - • JA t VE . DAJZELL
PIEGA E RIO COFF£G—M bags landing and far
sale by jy29 0 BLACKBURN is Co
LO 100 bbl fis• Plow for We by
LEACHED aIUSLINS—AA Mason &Co. are nd
.lE:t sr
opening 10 cases of Bleacheddloslins, comprising
the best bran. of pillow case and sheeting mina'.
GOIFRE-150 begs prune 1110; 10 do Laguayrin 10
do old Gas. Java, for aide by
__artist ILINILLIAbIS, 110 erooda
TTASHfIiiiRDS-40 &a Rice's Pitent . Zinc, it
manufacturer's prices, for..le by
ORE CHEAP CALICOES-44 31ason it Co have
Mreceived another lot of those ry cheap Calioes,
23 yards for 0120 do llar. /VI
8 Ac0:,—.,.., lbs Hams, Stelefihoulden, to
nu ro 4 Re house and more; for sale by
U ROBISON & Co, 199 liberty at
_ _
PORK BULK—woo lbs Sides - , 15,000 do Hems;
22,000 do Shoulder., to primeorder,
for sale by
sue R ROBISON & Co
fIaRASE.4O OO lb. Grease, suitable for InaehlneOi
1,.)1 for sale by sort B ROBISON &Co
• -•
RIO COFFEE—VW bags greet Rio Coffee, hut reed
atsd for sale by slos4 _lt ROBISON &Co
Q_LIGArt- , -E 0 bilds N Sugar; bbls Loaf do, in
store and or sole by aus4 11 ROBISON h. Co
dr±ROUND PIiPPEU--30 bis K
prie Ground Pepper,
Ns for sale by mug? WIC kWCANDLESS
ra.l3-14D balf chost• (mob Young ilyson.
Goapourder, arid Powebong Tema; 104 tams do do;
b 7 • 1.417 i Id•CANDLEI4B
osecco—tan bzii 325, Ins, 1201, do and loop T Cavendish Tobacco, superior brand; for sale by
av WICK & nreANDLEss
_ .
L l 3l-10 bblsrust reed arid Cot sale by
OBIN-25 bbls• "soap makers," Bot rac'd and roe
aalsh9atti2 B A riamESTOCK 8. IX_
'TIED LEAR—VWO lbs Red Lead, tsuperior ) just reed
A ... 1±./ forsale by
_",_ i K LD fr. Co
CARO. SODA—:Au lb. wp Club. 41. oust reed and
for sale bye nue
--s - trjl.l) CANDLYS-90 lms &Wald Candles, on
wunigrunent and for sale by
010_______— ISRIZERS & NICOLS
IDA cos--COCI lbs Sidesl2ll) do Shoulders; 1010 do
' ..1)) Hsi" counts y cure for subs by
liOlr a y—A iv,... ;boNzlio , Bc ?Jre, for .re by
ifyAviLLE.. '. 6l ,FrAti , l'ixNtLtT.,...
F.---Ti.,__3o.--a-i; No 3 Mackerel; 5 do No a r
half do No 3 ,o; 20 do No 2 do; 10 do No I do;
last mehred and for sale by
_____ ,____. ,_
ILASS-200 as. asin and 10xA 1:0 do 7x9; 50
ased, 10114 to 14.1115 an hand and fo •alb by
lT C ll/DWELL, Agt
0.341111-4;reasks Scorching*, prime article,
1 o f; 'Email/nu:tem angB J C BID%
:I — C ACID-400 IVA for sale by
AR)) 42a,40 bbls Lard Oil, aaperior, for sale by
adatoo MAKER& Co
fIORN • fkrEa."-arisbis Atukhun'. tun
k dried
11.11 1 , beak white yellow Cd'd
_ store =I far sate
Gu...s,A rnm ivwx
saL by !YU
C0415111'4 iA t, ItEl ORD. PORT OF PITTSBURG if. .
inuardny, 7517 --
ettuday, 5 in
5 Ai
5 .41 I
5 .24
13 6 15
6 h. 741
640 b 34
39 9 41
10 17
6 37 11 37
6 36 mom
el Tues.lay,
24 Thursday,
'45 Friday,
OFFICE PIIII , 6I , RGit GAZlerni; 22
Saturday Morning. Angntt 19, Plit,
The weather since the rain has been cool and
pleasant for out door business, but every tVrg .
exceedingly quiet, and sales generally on a ra , trlct. IDIPORTS DV RIVER.
ed scale. Clncirinhe•—Per Zachary Taylor-1 box books
board,Mitchell & Gs
of notice FL° change in the ree li ng b il ori l) : " 4 . nird r s t; alm bdl 4 " c a a r rbors rit ' rrol:Thom s,on
or th e market. The 61:110unt, brought to yesterday 1
lianas; 4 aka wool;Geo LI Oith; 9 bhLs mluske P y, 2
WWI very light, and very little was done, rather bra claiet, Wm Norton; 21 bxs leather, 1 bbl do
from first hand. or from gore. M'e note sales to 30 bga feathers, Wm Bingham; 69 bbla whiskey,
a limited extent from first bands at 4,1n64,25; and . i 11 .Faden & eo; 2 5 bbla hams, H Groff; 4 cska
. 00 rchloga John McFaden & co.
from Store at 4,37a4.50 et Md. ' Irlurimg—Per Cinderella-93 bbls flour, S &
GR.AlN—eery hide is doing in any kind, and I w 1 ,,, 6aug ,, ;
23 do do, N S Hama; 72 sheets
owing to the near approach of the new crop, pna I iron. Constable & Burke, 5 aka wool, wr Bingham;
ces are rather on the decline. Of Wheat, Rye • 100 bile whiakey, atr Dolphin; 11 kihds bacon, Car.
I '33"bablal'ifil..... - nig Ts 6 l ; .i t
. 3 1k 0 e b li bl 6
c l 5
ko dour,
4 0 r u b g
k m ,
i t
o b t d k c
Gy r
seed e,t , ' ;,
mil Barley, prices are entirely nominal, and we t
have no sales worth reporting. Moderate sales 3 cal., bacon. S McClurkan Itz co; 30 bbla dour,
of Corn are effected at 35(&37e at bu. Sales of Patterson; 4 bbla apples. 11 Davidson.
oats at 270'... from store. I .13ridgeport—Per Wellsville-10 Wills lob, Ido
CHEESE—The market is without any material : bacon, 61 bbls flour, Clark On Thaw; le bade tub,
,t, bah, paper annan.l6 roll. leather, Bingham.
Sales in small lots at 5;6:15}e ip dl.
k p . a , rkersbtfr g Car Companion-10 Ude tob, 3
CRACKERS—No change in the market. Reg-
A ga ß . ,.. nitte i r i,i i ,d oi n i
, e n a k gs R DaLull; 13 1161 , • tob, Jno
Mar sales are effected dt. the renewing helm—
I , iii bbl. flour, MeCrill Sc Roe;
Water Crackers 44,051 p hlil. 150 bile corn meal, S& W Barbet:lab; 50 do done.
. Butter do 4,75 .. C Anshuta; 26 by. feathers, 11 Graff S: co; 104
Pilot Bread 350 ,• aka wool, 1 NlcFatlen St co; 11 kga butter ' Jan S
Sugar &Soda Crackers 7c f p 111 I.h:worth Sr co; 5 bbls butter, Church & Carothers;
OLLS—We notice no change In the market.— '7 hills tub, Bingham; 4 eke wool, 2 bbis lard, D
Small ea k a , of Linseed are e ff ecte d at 51 c: o f l ar d Leech & cc; 900 water mellons, owner aboard.
at 520 ap gall, and of Tanners' at 5170a19 per
SOAP—Regular sales of Pittsburgh manufactu
red variegated at 104 c, and of rosin at 4 Vert is
CANDI:FS—SaIes of City Star at 2.10; of mould
t 10l®1 Ic, and of dipped at Illists
HOPS—Not much doing; we quote notionally
at 8010 e.
HONEY--Has been corning in quite freely, and
we notice sales of a superior quality at t s(al 6 c
I pound.
GROCERIES—The market is entirely without
change, nod regular sales to the trade are effected
at last quotations.
PROVISIONS—We have na change to notice
in the market, former quotations are well nut
The market throughout is very quiet- with no
aterial change in any thing.
Capt. Jenkins has a ~(earner on the stocks a
Brownsville. She mill, when finished. be a tine
boat of the middle Mass, and is designed for the
Pearl river trade. •
The Messenger No 2; now on the stocks at
Freedom, will soon he ready for launching. She
is to be, when finished, one of the regular line of
Packets from this point to Clucutna!); and in
staunchness of construction and splendor of Snob
is expected td be Jus.t such a job as the median.
its m this quarter may well be proud of.
NOW COVCITILFEIT — A new and dangerous
counterfeit bas made its uPpearance among us,
and has alriady found pretty general circulation,
one man in Alaysviile having been roped in with
four hundred dollars of it. It is a ten on the Troy
Bank, New York, purporting to be under the
'Safety Fund," and hears well conaterieded sg
natures, made-evidently, with a pen. The princi.
pal hied vignette. is a locomotive and train in per
spective, and those on the ends are, one a steam
ship, the other a vessel of War under sail. The
bill we saw is marked letter C. It will be well
enough Gar the public to be ou the colt
Carron sap Coors—The first bale of the new
crop of Cotton was mid in Savannah on Saturday
week, for "/ cents per pound.
The Columbia South Caruhan saya--The pro.
pee'. for n heavy Corn crop, - ap the Lastricts of Fair
tiehL Lexington. .;.sfewberft , and Union. a, tar 2,
our observation has gone, is`coosiderably lessened
by the recent drouguts. The Cotton crop is very
promising, and is, on the whole, much superior to
that of the lust year."
The Albany 'Pad Patriot. of the I.2th insr, says:
",We saw a now bag of Cotton offered tar sale in
nor streets this morning, the 24/ inst. The bale
weighed 320 pounds—tim Cotton in a Liao article.
and sold in oar market at 7 cent, It is estimated
_pod jodges that i hen- is tam, than Its) talon
of Colton now open in aunty'
litcn Mtn t o WokcooTwt, Mass.—The Spy gives
a list of 52 persons and firms in Worcester, whose
property valuation this year exceeds 525,000.-
I%e highest on the hst is Stephen Salisbury. who
is worth 5352,450; Isaac Davis is pot down at
$111,750; Levi Lincoln, SSt,SOO; Alfred L Foster,
SI9J/00; John Davis. 589,5:+0, Pliny slerriek. 531
500 Charles Allen, 525,100: lra I'(:Barton. 527.50 U:
and 9 H Colton, ;formerly publisher of the Spy)
C.LICELCI or Ts:As—The Galveston Civilian
publishes a statement showing that 10 ships, 59
steam vessels, 19 barques, 47 bngs and lei
Itsl vessels—arrived at that port from
July Ist, 1847, to July Ist, 1 hitt. Ta, seeount
does nut meltide coasting vessels.
Nem York, Aug. 5. iSi•a.
genets continue to advance, and Treasury Note,
clewed at 1040, cask, Morris Canal rose l; Far.
mer'a Loan I; Canton l; Norwich ar. Worcester I
Long island 0; Erie New Stock I; and Hameln ,
all cloamg in favor of the teller.
There is a fair business doing Ibr the 'steamer a
Wednesday, at the following quotations. London
10910109 ft Parts, 60 days, 2.51 21; Amster.
dam, 60 days, 4010101; Hamburg, IsSifits.n Bre
men, 7816181.
The news by the Acadia has had a favorable
effect upon the market the B madam Ifs, which ha.
improved, aid closed firm at the advanced rates
The firmness at present,' however, is brought
about by the short supply of dour and corn, aided
by the European advices. That the fueign mar
ket will advance to an extent that will mum a
large rise in produce here there is little Ulm, but
there is good reason to believe that a fair and stew.
fly export business will be done, much to the ad.
vantage of the country. To the farmers this out
let will be of great benefit, even should corn stand
at last weeks' rates, and flour at the same figures
daring the winter. Those are about the natural
pricing, and such as reward the produces liberally,
without the consumer paying an enormous tax, or
stimulating production to an excesaive degree.—
Corn at the prices of last week, or even higher
there is but little doubt will be in demand, and
form the basis of a large fund against which to
draw in payment of the large imports we shall
surely receive under the low tariff The effect of
a renewal of the corn trade un the business of
the country will be very bene ficial, as it will give
the debtor. of the interior the means of paying
their city creditors, making the latter able to meet
the paper held by the importer and manufacturer
—a matter of more difficulty now thin is consist
eat with a profitable basinesa, as the rate of inter
est in the street shows. Besides thin advantage to
the trading classes and the. agricultumlista, the
shipping interest will find in the opening of the
grain trade, the means of replacing the torus of
the present year, which p're not small. Colton has
fallen a little, but the canker; of the decline are not
of a character to make it probable that it will be
permanent. The peace of England and of Eu
rope can hardly be broken by the Irish eUemphs ut
rebellion, and an improvement in cotton wid most
likely occur!. I se much new crop crosses the
thurstassinsLa, Logan co., V., July V.,
11- K. balers—Dear Sir. I take pleasure to eer•
&Ong the good effects of your valuable Vermindie.
My children being sick and thinking it might he veo•ms.
I tried rat•eral kinds of Vermicirge, without any eirect
concluded to try your VermiNge, wlnch I did with
satisfactory efect, so mach so Mar my little daughtet.
near three yeam Old, pasped something near nue
deed warm. at one tie. • hi en recommended it to my
neighbors, who hare tried It veldt success 40 much so
that we sold out In two weeks the supply some was
laid in Carnal months, end nearly every day some per.
son is comins to the stole for Setters , Yerrnoruge.
R e erring
yours, B. S. C 11.6
Prared and sold by R. K SELIrEILS, 67 W at,
and so ld by druggists generally,
-legheay. ' motto
THIT ACTID 141. A CUP.:—The o ,„ y tr
and gcnuiltZ LaverPJl, ymparad by it
Yarcrirrowx, Jane 7tis.
Mr R E &Here—Some years since I wax tnt;Ch Ire:
tilted by using
Four User Pills, and as I isfal ti Ore
sufferer POW, I enclose you one dollar, end
oi send me the worth of it in Lirer Pips, Lir nom.
particular to seed the same kind—they acted like
charm when I took , them before. Yours. ax.,
Prepared -and sold by FL P. SELLERS. 67 Wood
Polb Dr. Cassel, Stb
esillTX Id. Curry, Al , leghei
W. Abe Tempenince, and P Liras La
Cscriusi —All what - Mlle called Liver Pills are co
I...felts or 141118.1i001• i
Dities your hair tall el, does your hair turn grey
Lit harsh, is It dry, or dirty, I fray!
Ulla - thus, you can make it roil, silky and fine,
Dark and healthy, and beauteous this heir of mine:
And to have thm, you have but three shillings to giro
Foe a bottle of Jones' Sam Restorative.
Reader, if you have bad Loh you would really tx•
mamba! at the lovely effect • there shilling 'Katie 01
/ones' Coral Hair Restorve has au it; it need. , but one
trial Sold al 139 Liberty at. novlSdamety
"That whiter skin of hers, than .now,
And pure as monumental alabaster."
AU females have skin like the shove, Rho use /mans'
Spanish Lily Whim. It maketh pure 'novel, yet tram,
rally White. Sold at e 9 Liberty street- /Yid
iv-Don't have . Foul Breath--1( you have, use .
Melo ehtllinie bottle of /muse' Amber Tooth Paste. The
Will make your breath meet. whiten your troth,
Sole at Et) Lamal et. ryke:llkarly
orisouse ones' 13pardidt'Llly Whit h..
atoroyi'lkEtcoNntite'fradeparout skin. Of this • trod
will misty any ono. Sold only in Pmsbunith, al to
Liberty at no•nodandwil
Lorna McLane Bennett. Brownsville.
Michigan No 2. Gilson, Beaver.
B.Lit., Jacobs, Brownsville.
Camden. Flenarickson, Beaver.
American, Louisville.
Welkvale, Barn,. Sunfish.
• Star, —, Beaver. .1
Gadonllo, Calhonn,Aheeling.
Louis McLane, bentien, Brownsville.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brenrnaville.
:: , Irlichigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver,
Star, --, Beaver.
Cinderilla, Calhoun, Wheeling
The river last evening at dusk was 3 feet 3
inches in channel, by metal mark, and nearly at a
. . - . .
For Philadelphia every evening at D o'clock, by
Leete's Packet,. OtHee opposite the, United btates
Stenutiont Pnrket Line, lours duly for eineinneri
10 A. 0.
Pa...lnger Packet eta Brownsville to Bahicnow and
Philadelphia, 0 a. ■. and 6 r.
Mad Couch Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 a X.
and Isl e. st.
Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, 0 A. al.
North-Westeni eta Cleveland. daily, 10 a.
Erie and Weit.ins New 1 ork, daily, 9
NortlvEamern toiladelplua, daily, except Sundays,
4, A n.
Eastern 3lntl via Phttudelptna, due 3 a. x., closes LI
West'n hind, Curio. a Louts,. due h r. r, closes 5 e..
South. vieLlnittmore k Wastunpon, due b r. x. 01 . .55.
North Western eta Cleveland, doe NIA. C., closes 9, •
Eric and Western New York. due 8 F. x, closes d
JJJ Citizens are honorably assured that the (allow
tuq are the actual qualtuee of a tla bottle of /Oaks , Co
(lair Restorative. It they doubt our wordT they
emuat shear highly respectable citizens, who have
tried th
kl r. L;o0 1.:/ro. at. New York.
kl ca. NIIJ.IIIIII Reeves, Myrtle avenue, 13rooklyn.
r Writ. Tonipktno. lime' at, New York.
r Tnomut Jackunt. klontour's !slant!.
H. 1. Cullen. late I.arlwr Kteamboat S. America.
A.llll own than n Illllolred other. state though thistoost
eusitee, that it wail force the hear to grow on the bend or
foee. stop it falling o 4 rtrengthen the room. et'inoviag
or( nod thuidnit Ivan the roil's. and ranking light. red
OF gray boat entwine a loaf dart loci, and keeping dry,
onrsh or wiry lour moo.. FOR. flea. and brouttent. a
veryi_srry long tune. Sold at 11 - Al. JACKSON'S e 9
1-thertiftt. llto
Fry. no Army. A.Nu litt.tors Castrr-oarth - t —Altho
tong known no a sovereign rem
rredy for chronic rases
or Dr pine derwogethent. the propeler• a( It
)11..ultr , lAver Pals were not prepere.l for the tattoo
ing grata) nig on IdenCe at it. Cap..) . and Connive
power, lit Apat. and Fever, and iftltou. complaiiltft
- MAD:swat:so. Nor. D,1147.
`Meters /Odd S. Co —About ohe }ear I was laboring
undera t. cry oevere nnack ot the Ague and Fever, but
1.9 the tote o; Nll...une'n/..tret Pula I wru soon restored
to perfect broth. I be acrd theta to be the hest mettl
e", ter f+, At. 4. 1 . 1/1111•1a111. at,. ever been offerer]
for pale to tu...ecuottot the coulltry.
For rule at the Drug Store of .1 KIDD& Co, Co waged
rj" Salt Rheum, Scurvy. Old Sores, Esystpeine's Ircn. Cuars. Spe Head, Sore Beurdl, Pim
Jones' Soap Is used by many phvalcians to this city
in cantle the above, and •see would not conseseatioasly
see knew u to Le nil me .late.
u• et,,une,e. the true Jut . ! 3a 10 perhaps the
on.y trttele • r klnlurn that removed kapott., and
o.oared beauttned the al., malting it roll, clean
w•th &rut u 1111 tntant • So, V. NI JACK•
/N luber • .111 r, tuar.l•
h ) •rtr irrnanon., the wre
.lcanurn. L.t %Stet, cal
00. nary {I r •tt . r it tt . It tand
upon Lt. Oil i; 40 pm , o f It tne) dm. Ihe crlttprated
).repute“ by B. A FA IFSFSTI n'K.
Palsourot. I .1.. I% a:nt:101v adapted in 11. 0p....00M
brst,to 101110, tbe protecuitg mums and scronin) to
expe. Inc worn. rendered help/eskand tender by he.
thus denuded. It . urconrd) tti which rvery con
dden,c can ter p.accd. and that it h. answered the
purpose to :moot. , (rum the hundreds of renificates
_ _ .
11,111, UP' In,-(tiLAT.
• - "
RAT En ur DISCXIPIT-CUllit , kl 1 ,
M. LIOLM BS i soas.
Exeliour brotetc, No. SS fititi. .2 strut, near A:l..
I.e.:may( vocals.. Indiana.
Bank 63 V. 11 4 ,11101 • •-us Rote. rtri
& Bnebes• • 1
Kee to: "car
Revco •• nor Bank P . , Virrerila,
licroi pi, lade iph- r F.t r B. rf VI . I
linos ••-• • • • .y.r Fo tiny rk La..; L. .•
I.4ink of Cerra...warn .pe.1136. its. Wei& "
, :hero.: count, • •vor,ll. or Virsio.l
" Brinwate Co. • • •po 1.r,31. NI. BF.,AV brel.t.r
•. lrlonbcotonry Co.- , pat; do Mors-aniosee.. . • I
Nonnunaliesion•l••par i ti. W Bank
Colutnnis Br.nce Co. , put, do W ellsburg ••- • I
Nei .r snivel Uonk • . • • par . du Parterthu rit •-- .•
Farm t'Bk Reed:..• prt Tenn
Forum Ilk or Tennessee • ••• • 6
Punier. Wc Laneocir porycr. & Glereh'is
Lancaciei Ilk.• • • ,00 l''antere' Ilk •• - • •• • -
Lancaster titc• • • • • • • our Coon lik.
U. Amur Ilank • -•• t Missouri.
..... pat Ntutri 1111 of NI bnalle.— 1
Wortnnsine 1:2. 3 North Carolina.
Ceirycbutcsl.o.--- • I 'llk of Cape Feat. ••.• •
ilbonainitstaitc• • ...... IMcbet s Neatiern• 2
Micquelnuin.. Co. Bit 3 ' V ol' Bank ••• • • •• • 2
Fe inch Per.k, - South Carolina.
n• • ••• • - rAlod,a ..... •••• • 2
.bilctocrn .•• • • I Art of Charlockon-• .• 2
Cat Iris •• • Comraerr . . 130
-re 111. ... • • 4 0 tic cal t.corse•nou.• • • 2
F .Ilk of I lunbutg ••• . • 2
Inuit, r. arc ti 010 MC re hoots Ilk.-• •-- • 2
IlartiNnutv • Planter* & bleebisßk•
Fln r sjc.c. ..... -...-.. t Uk. of South Csirolins • •
goinlng ....... •- - • lioitin'e 6.0 11 tiliteop •10
York Bk. I 'iltunbermoil Bk. of Mice
W Branch Ilk. stony ........ • • •
Beer( Notes" , Far. Bk. of lklugland • •
li & 1'.131. de. . Fanners' & kluebanies
City & Coven , Ilk. Frederick •••• . • • .
Ohio. Pude, ek Cn 13k.• .
State Ilk . and U
.. ...ns I 'lluersittan Ilk •
tt inn , ‘ „, • • " 'Muerni Bk • • .•
SStntibenClilt ........ • Para pre* Ilk • •
Cloircetile•—••- •• • " Weteleuton Bk•-•
Marietta ..... .or rum int ler •-•
New r„.nbon. ..... irr,„ 3t Iteltiaan.
Cincinnall Bank! Ilk of Sc Cl• it .....
do• Ilk. of Rivet Itaitret.-.-
Cirelevillo.•.. •• • .• • " Michigan Inc
Zanesville •-•• "Nsr. & Mertes Ilk 6
. ['Viscously. Tenney.
. 70 tilor./kFireln.Cu.Milver 1
Massillon ---•-• •I . Catradast.
Uniolosky - All anieenillukli 6
Group. • •-• • . I Bank of Engi and Note,
Clevelond •-• .
I Gold & Specie glin 6 t.
R0ma,.... .... !Napoleons • • .• 3
Byrom . " !Donau ....... la C? 2o
Icnrlr rn Reserve •• -• ,Eagle, old • .•• 1060
Franklin Irk Columbus." lEo6lo, now •• • • • 10 Oft
Chill:roam ..... . Doubloons, Spanoh 100 n
L A ,k, ..... ,Do. Patriot 13 Gn
sginia . ...... 0 ',Sovereigns ..... • • 4 011
LAZO Mrs Ir • • • •-•-• -. et (Illness 600
ilasunen........ •• • • !ft 'Frederichultor• 6700
Granville 60 Ten Thalers • • • •• 7 00
Varner. Erk Canton • --.60 Ten Ontldern • •2 00
Urbana trn 'l..ooisd'ors• • •• • • 4
Ilk of Kr ...... I New York ••• I prn
01. of ,Vliilodelphla ••• • - • pros
Nmhern Ilk. Gieniu'iry• Baltimore • .Vrai
Bow York-C:1 Bulks. par. Intesitrt FPlot•--
Dr. Roll' 'a Tonle and
PILLS. AkatlaDygptsplle
ernE general properties of We. Pills are Carrnina.
ave. Purgative nod Tonle. In the common distil
tiers arming from =prudence in diet. At.. such tts sick
:it:Fs and sorenv. , ot Ma stomach, heartburn. headnek,
kn., where a medicine ac required. tins combinatiimis
vtdl applicable; for its cormtnative and soothing el.
fectstove annost immediate rebel when nausea or
sickness catst. Its purgative operation upon the atom.
itch and Inwris is genii!, and effecoial. noe its tonic
pr o
impart strength to the digestive orgaux,
there , y them organs lo per - torn:l their proper
tonettons with order andvegolanty.
lie price has been reduced from 5010 ets a Lox.
For .1" wholesaks sad retail by
corner (rout and wood, and Gth and wood Its
.yl5 Agents for Pittsburgh
I\-FNS' ARTICLE eV idR-j3lFit
coved by espies', 500 Ibe halm Rubber Steam
Packing, for cylinder• of stenmtioau. he. This arttele
being much the best kind that has ever bean offered Mg
the putipose, we cull the attention clout steamboat Cll.
,inetrz lo It will cove them a great amount of labor,
for when et cylinder Is once packed it will not require
lie packed again before ntaknig one or two trips to
St. Louis and back. Inc sale at the India Rubber De.
pot. No 5 Wood at. lyld J& H PHILLIPS
VANILLA DEANS:—.6I Ito. fresh Vanilla Beans, of
a very superior quality, and in }lmmo order, just
received direct from Maslen Confectumers,ice cream
makers, and °theisman he supplied very - dote by the
quaittny. by El A FAHNESTOCK &Co,
lYv corner lot and wood sis
Co. on Market at, have just opened VI dog of ..the
mem fashionable styles of Ladies Standing Collars.
lso, 20 dor Mourninir do: :0 dos Wrought do. lyl7/
LAUE Lean. —A A NiA..ll dr. Co. have )ttst reo<l 2
dot Lace Caps; oleo, new styles Cherni
setts. Wrought Capes, liead Dremtes, Lathes gene, he.
, ifffi r lNl,—A eons.. supply of Woollen Felting,
ofdtrferent width.. Au:labia for paper makers,'cot
.em IM re.. be , n-AI tos on hood or mode to order by
the subser•M•r. Agetil tot manufactory.
I • EX) COCIRAN, grl.ood s
'V NW WIIEAT tblv exini Itamily
Floor, too reed end for sale by
jyssl SF VON lIONN lIOROFi I A Co, 35 front at
SAP -RlO boa Cmoinnutt re and
for sale by alld 0 BLACKBURN & Co
—•- - - -• --
11E.l1LNANTS OF OALICOES-A A Alston & 60
Market ah nra donna out a large lot of remnania
c.h r oaa, at fully half tko usual priee--good fmt ec.•
bored Prato. , 61,-
-"Salk: AND ORANGE and - blue 1114irri-
Ena .l,do, equatantly on hand at lowest prices, at
wholesale MITI of W R MURPHY,
__u_dratliand market ata st
lld oni
ULR-64 bbk .tore and for aa/a by
1: :ISAIAH DICKEY co, trout at
ELLER & NICOLB have removed ro No, if, ons
0 door above Mai: old stead.
. . - .
cooriopoodoooo or PlLlsbargl;Grmette.
Corre•poodenee of the l'aishorgh Gazette.
Awful ContingrAtion—A. Portion of liar
City of Albany in Blaine
Albany, Aug. Is, 2 r. II
Our ray is now in the midst of the mast frightful
condagration we ever expencnced. About one.
eighth of it is now a heap of rains.
The whole city is In a most frantic state of ex
citement and apprehension--parents looking idler
their children—children seeking their parents, ur
tering the most heart rending cries.
The appaling scene defies description.
Not leas than two millions of dollars worth of
property is destroyed.
The fire broke out I n Broadway, and burnt to
Herkimer street. The progreh of the flames was
checked by the blowtng op of houses on Liberty
Street.' Several - lives lout by the falling of walls.
COrreepondence of the Poihhorgo
NEw Yucac, Aug 18, 1918.
No tidings of the Steamer. Oar city is easels
aped in sympathy fur the partial destruction of Al.
bany.ZThe conditgration is the largest ever felt
there, and it is truly an appaling calamity.
Flour—Sales too con.idernble extent at sr, for
Western, and moderate sales of Genesee and
Georgetown at $5 50.
Stye Flooles ni Lr 3 3? In $ per barrel.
3;lest of Wheat at 101 to 112, as per quality,
Proviedona to demand, but we have no tranria,
trona to make quotation. from, winch can be relied
CorTe.i.nde er of the 11.bunlli Go r.ct le.
Our markets today nre firm, and prices wet
maintained, In Flour nothing La any great eaten
was doing. Sales at 55,9r.65,50.
Grain--Sales of Red Wheat at tO3. and whit
at 10*1110, per bush. Corn—Pennsylvania Vel
ow brings POe• per bush.
Cotton is dull, and prices are nominnl.
Provisions are in demand at former rates.
Corrrspondeskre of the , PMOLburch tinseme
Out mnrkets are unsettled, and pnves but pow
Flour--Sales of liourard street at St.S7l, and
City Mills at 85,10 per bbL Receipts small.
No change in other articles. The business in
the city is generally dull.
Corraspo neasee of the Pittsburgh Gurnee.
Flour is dull, and. sales of 150 barrels, at yester
day's quotation,
Wbultey—Sales at I eiir.
Tallow—l4o barrels sold nt '7l cents.
Linseed 011-1:3 cis per eel.
Cheese--Quick sales et 0 cts per lb.
Bustriess is dull, sod money matters growing
Tux IND OF vita Stamm—The two Houses of
Congress on Monday terminated their very long
and tedious. and rather unprofitable session, at
soon, according to the pint resolution fixed upon
that time hr the adicornment.
A great deal of business—more even than usual
—has been left in an unfinished stole. Yet all the
Annual Bills. and the Oregon Government Bill,
have, with other important Lfts, become laws, and
the machine of Government will continue to wort
on as usual, until the Senate and House of Repre
sentatives come together again on the first Monday
in December next.—Nut. bad.
Farms Tanner— . ll,XXl scorning said a grave
Quaker gentleman, accosting us, 'prey. how stands
the public mind affected on the presi ritual ques
tion ! ise-Oh ' pretty much all one way - we replied.
.all farGra. Taylor said the (pinker.
••but I shell not vote Cren. Taylor nor for Old
-Rough and Rends as titre !speaks it. - And for
whom then will you vte.' we exclaimed - for
Con. For Co..' ni.t 1: said he. -hut I shrill
hear to tell, I otlppo.c. I Me. Si' vote for
friend Taylor'" We pursues! oar walk reflec
ting that either Gen. Taylor or Rough and Reads,
or friend Taykr, or offo l ver would he splits, certain
to be elected.—Talyor Magnin,
Trtr thaathion or 1..0a - rater thux—The Nation
.] Intethworer, -Neatly all of the more um
portant memo:ten have been ootottoorotated, tactual
all the approprtatton hdlg, nave that tor the army,
which remain, to be finally acted on bat bottom
the excepoons It the River teul I tether Rdl. Wh o ova
bna pawed the Iltetne M recbsi.,
cert been mien up in the prere
lad 11. hover v rr,
received an ti the ade , of both ;fli ',Rant
an it In to the interrO, el 1,0 belly wottitt
probably have hero laird by the executive vet,
Noitlll Caaol-laa..—lt glean ua pleaotirti to an
noUnite that Citant.lathlitiLi. the Whig canttaiste
for GOVICIIIOI . of North Cdroburt. ite
moted by
majority oinhout four hundred vote,
• •
And we have the foto:, urr .: .:Jni•utiotog
that the Whig. bare a novorly of vt,lcs on
joint ballot in the State LemOatore--ine I limart of
Reprreentatives bring a tie end Ma Who,' ---
a majority of two in the Sr tiate.—Not.
Tux CuoLEss —Advices front Sr. Petersburg
ray. that the Cholera Was be.g...4/144 li.11,111.:1
that city. On the 11th. there re:Named 3 1 . 4.2
bents under can; the tame &Iv there werr
5'23 new cages. 21S reenveries, and 312 deaths.
Tun From. Prlll.o7L—There are at prr•eru coo.
tined in the prison. or Pll7l, intplicuted to the m•
urrecoon of June tart. numan bemire. 01 .
Whom 8 1 b15 are men, and 173 women. Uf there,
530 num and 13 women ore :1! and Lod up tu Mir
liowroN tan Minera.o ItAtortoatt —Ai the r
!nation of the opening of the licit 105 miles of the
Boutnn .d Montreal Railroad, which tornk place
last week.. train dears passed over the road eon
titian, two hnolman4.l na-oolirec.
heavy end oirolt, ler bee•lwarr Sr •• bundiel.
Flat Cap, lot roglecian-r , an.l rap Power.
ler exle
au,l I 24 woad et
()rict: 10 MEHL:HA:VP+ —Tbe oeterruser soh
ca• n permanren n.tubttott a. Ctetb ,aleannao
;It• eMahlAshi . ben iteepectuhle relereuees
r., ,n be givett. Adder.. to
111.11.i8E PA.STF. and Gain Lotenx , ., Vanilla , 11.ose.
V I..dmtnt and Liquonec, just rre J anti for .ale I,y
)yl7 Jl,l-1. xl()III.Eit
1).1.A. t 4 PLEK et i/clittili:. ma) t.r totnulte.4l at
their othee to comer ot Irv. 11 i . 6
mart V-ititn•
GUAR cuttED urrrra g.thoo , ey &
Soa's (Onctun.l,l Aug. currA Family II ntn.... very
fina Tce'd w,4.1 fur sale
- .
aug7 SELLERS N NICOLS. :therly ol
MA 1111,1{1-1.4 Um Urn Grnon Fe man no 1.1.‘ reed
j: and for liult by au - 7 Si. Lhalz &
CATCH}. -;S pros lur .le i.l
iiiht. ON— I u sank • Soo
bltlor. landing fro= •teunir r
..) Pioneer Slid for sale by
noc7 Kf IlifyllaSON & REPPY.FIT. ICU second od
WII IT E BEA Ns—l.K/ bbl.• ornsll, roe role by
onl{ 7 S F von. SUNNISOISCI . ft Co
EIDER VIN EAU A ii.—lo WA. for rain I.y
.11,5 . b1111 , 34D. RM.'S & Co 57 must st
......• _ _
IP, Eza SKINS-301. 1 Ms for sole by
If . ;Lagti • FRIEND. R.I.IEY k Co
SEGAILS--X7,000 Havana Cb•rants; 16.01 K/ P ru ne,
for solo by nugs WICK h II'CANDI.F.SS
NIA RICAIBO COFFF:II.3 Idles blerienibn C 00.%
for wale by inagf. WICK & bI,...ANDL.ESS
JAVA Wirff.b;-11/ boys old (Jovoryltoent Jove Co!.
ft& for safe by augb WICK & ASCANDLKSS
WINDOW (SLAVS-14U Las ezlo W Glass; ..r; do
719 do, dd do Wan do, for y
LARD Lod. Lard Gal, for o.rolot low wo close
consulsnnent. by Audi JA Nit> DA LZELL
tobloo Curer V inodar fnr losolo. toy
urlJ FAL DALRFILL t.; wow, sr
001,--23 ;Lacks cm conatgumeni; co , role bY
nog! J 1 R. FIA/VD. Round Church
V O. SUGAR—an Lb& Nfl novo, No to prune, on
connignotout sod Ito Nolo by
/10KUMIE—lirolly :}s ea inch .)Innille Mid tarred
N_./ Rope, of superior yonli•y, too •111. low . Hops
worigitroent, cues C 1111 ) V LL Agt
Ulf/FITE-4;a , bag. rrintc Rte entree, Inadtngt by
%,_./ ennui arid for note by JAB DALZW , I..
nogit ad a•nter Kt
ILF ACK ER EL—SO hII large. No 3 Mack err]. lundolg
and nd lode by ousd JA$ I , A I,Z KI.L
. _„.
SK ALTPTRE.--Intd, blot hanpetre. mr mla by
~,,r9 J SCiitIoNNIAKEtt & C.
ra l l M coTre " :7ll ' 47:01 't11:7.1"ea(c)111".V0)11dae nit
do, 750 do brown Tanners' od, In rarkoc tans
Strait's do der, ludo Worm an Mt' poi reed and lik
W ll O l - 1 1 . !.:b it y PA N . ttll.l bt;l , 7 l, ar i t s t a
j !I
BAC(' Nrll-11ittigtittIlititot• kat do Shoo olt t.. for .AIE
by Jyt I M P VON IR thiN kCo
—•-- •
PALM SOAP—IS big aak by
—/Yll. S F VON IRON N tIr',RST Area
131Cre—I5 tierces fresh glee, landing this tiny end foe
Iliosob by jyti LIAO ALAN A SMITH
1,00 morn Cream Cheese. for sak by
1y23 FRIEND, MIEN A Co, 57 venter st
p EARL. ASH-7 casks nose landing; for ordain:
D'Rft ISAIAH DICKEY e. Co, tront
. .
CI AT6-400 bushels Oats, for sale by
Durrtit--3u liege Butter, for •nts .y
... .
BACON-!4IW lbs Flacon, sist reed sold ,u t ule by
1-2_ /Y%_. /MIN S DI 1.N% Olti II
AFVFY FUSE-3 bbls Safety runt, rot stile by
S y
i.llf iq S Di4AS (MTH_
11 101 l P—l tl.l bales dew rotted Hemp; ..!.. do Manilla
IA do; in store and for sale by
ljt IO COMM-1:4 ba . g • prima tech] and for gala by
1.7 i? 0 , 14 FRIEND, RHEY Co y S 7 st
SEED -111 bar. Timorby Seed, 7 0 11111 s Clover do for
solo by ant J S R FLOYD
CLEAR SIDES-10 clisk a clear Sides. 76t reed i.nd
I ' ' angB63”.''' by
liberty Ft,
Tj 1£ FI,OUR-0 bh . Is In 6tov a elri 9 a ß al f. e : A vi ;
jy . z l
• — tioT, - T - 7.1. -
%Mud gfr`r a co
110,31 IRS NEW Ithth. •ND 1,111,1a1C1,111a
are now opening a fine stock of fresifi-tinumer
VT Goods, direct from the New York and Philadel
phia Anetions,swhere they have been pu rchased with
in the last two week, ate very great sacrifice, there
by enabling L. to offer far limier bargain. than w
nave czar dote before railing the attention of h o
citizens of Pittsburgh and it. vicinity to OW assoc. '
ment, we do no with the confidence of our price. being
ouch as will comae perfect witi.fuction; and to ell buy
er., either by wholesale or retail. a fine chance is now
offered for procuring great bargains. Among those
lust Revi ved
A lot of very cheap cord and blk fied & strip'd Sake;
Light and dark lawns,
.` Gingham.;
of extra fine blk fird and striped Barer., which
area very great bargain.
A lot of handsome Cote Pallys, for Indies dresses:
do light colored and black &urge...cry cheap:
donew style silk Vesting do
do very handsome Barege Shawls;
do very cheap blk do do
do fine blk silk Manilla Scarfs;
do handsome Parasols and Paramlettm
do do Artificial Flower*,
do very cheep Lawn Lustres;
ALSO—A fine stock of super French Cloths and Cas
simerea white and colored Linen Drillings, Cashmer
ens, Sommer Cusirueres. Drop d' Ete, Ac &e. A
large assortment of Prints of all prices; Ticking..
Cheeks, Muslin.. tre., to which. a well as other arti
cles Moor line. we mime the special attention of cash
buyers. ALEX ANDFR. & DAY,
imM 15 market at. N NV roc of the diamond
Tj AVE removed Market street. to their new
II splendid and iMlDelilie evtabarneut to be known
lel Market atty.., between Fifth and Sixth, Pinharime
The proprietors feel a reluctance in promulgating
what in any way might appear the the amid Bombes
tqlcuoe.kagrration of mime ii the trade. but will beg to
followtng uouce from one of our city papaw
--Uneof the greatest curiosities that our env . affords
to the stranger, in Bennett & Cu'. greet clothing store,
No. lea Market street. between Fifth and Sixth , which
has been • "Tower 11a11, - from the peculiar finish
01the front. The building is an immense one.contain-
Ino .vell capacious rooms, all of whieh are stocked
with every variety of seawmable garments, arranged
in thn most perfect order and regularity. The proprie.
tors take great pleasure in showing their building and
contents to citizens, particularly stranger, and to those
coming from the country—are know of no mere more
worthy or a Visit. 41)-40:31n
A. A. MASON &. CO..
• -
BEING desirous of redumug their sock previous to
the rommencement of the Fall Trade, will offer
their exianoMe anti fashionable amortment for a few
weeks. of greatly minced prices. Amongst them as
sortment may be found excellent sryles of
Rereges, 'Fissoca Grenadine., Palmyrinines, Poll
4 1 Cheve. lires• &Ik Isawn. and Muslim, Or de., all
of which are tedoced in price fully one third.
Their stock tif Shawls is very extensive, and com
prises eve r, known style. A few canons of crape and
silk Shawls AM received will be sold extremely low.
4 ease. real Scotch Ginghatri,will ha sold at lie ms.,
as pnee 25 cents, good English C-alieces 10c, Amer
man do 11l itra , us 3 and be, wrought Collars 15c, Mus
lin de Lull.. 12/c; good Alpaca& Info; Bonnet
bons 12e
Their stork of dark green pore Satin l'amsols and
Foram:pieties, comprising upwards of 500. eleven - style
aid qualizy. will be offered at very low ewes.
Broad Cloths. Cashmeres sad Vesting., also. all
kinds of worrier studs and Cottonaies.
Housekeeping and domestic Goods of every' descrip.
Illerelinnts will always find at Out wholesale MOM,
as large and desirable an assortment of goods as is
u.rally found 11 rasters houses, and at equally low
Only Inle prier. from which no deviation can Le
made. pia
'OT IL MURPHY ba. opened dn. morning. ono
if . elt/t.l . lnbrellas.fneltilng American and kleolck
ganghafn, comfit and steel frame ',lngham.
(lee rain .` eel
green 1101111Tark, blk
silk and bro. +ilk. of extra ~an.
Also, nue ease bleached Drillai klantnu Rib
lon., black and colored; white Sat+. do. Llnce ( son:
hams, and vartou• st)les of summer Goods. selltnk n
reduced pI sr es . A lot oh super Manchester (ragging= s
good sivies, moo lately received.
CHEAP 11.0NNETS—A lot of bowl and other lko
nets lot lust Wirater's shispel.l sel.tok o , r nl fro. , 3%'le
81, at the corner of 4111 and Marker hos.
Wholesahe rooms on 2d .I.lln—entrance born CA st
urn-: G(N)Dig FOR R 3lurphy
has totdiy rereived a full assorment of whitee
rood. for L.adtegg Brows, totludgag—Scotch dud! !dua.
Ito.. Sanaa do: NoeoOo do; plain Janonani; Ll•r
-rad do. 11/11111harred do. Adao,
Fog F.:vetting Lkeasea—)'lute arnbroulared Sorts*
M a .dor; pod, tolbrotdered Tarlton do, blue do; near
al) le damask atnped ood agnbroiderrA do, ;audit whoa,
tdor, wok and Altai. colored do. chg.. erfillfollitrad and
n. Mualto., b) the an/. for Evening thcase., alao,
Bieck isrr ShISA. 1., r•earfa and Cape. Frroelt a n d
t , coteh adedle wort au saaortgoeor .0 hear •1111
bra tai at) le I,,aen Cambnc nalalltereldok.,
ing do al/ a: lowest earth pride, at northeast comer
at 4th and market at, xi/
H KAtON (0 arc LIDO, recetrlng ,rrci from
r 11113.portrr• And manufacturer.. • large aa.ortoicio
of Palley and:!tapirTrtormonga. Hualerv. and Variety
Gooc , ,
on which orc.—Hlack nod Manulla
Fnnigre do co Dre. du; Eroltrandery and Vizette
lamp*. Tan, darsey nod other dace. Bar oto; black
41l Isar - . toobrte 11101.1. Arolanni Flowery
nod 11 meths. Chem... tor, needleworked Cohan.
Barra a.d puree. Ivory, E.boor mot FraLiter rear,
h.. niores, tient. •
111,,11. nod aornrit• /Watery. Ilan Ilruatte• Cosol.•
rttol 'I Brostrea, lt indoor, ,hatd.. al , al I r.oto.tor•
'room , ' 'Erin:tromp., Storm of maw. nod your irt.' aaea,
Se a r , which they offer no favorable teat. •i a l ma
loom oh .Varlet at. mar lth
4.2 L l't.R ill.A VRENCII ciarrH9—w U Murni,
an tan ot gentlemen wanting I- 10 0 , N
"%or - uncut Yery Ire..E makeof rreneh
Enettth Cloth, A rew meeed rer) *opener blae
French,mst fee 4. also, IX.realtinD and Caaattnerea.
S , ea‘ varkerY. aurnmer Caakameres 411,1 Tweed., for
memo' and bop , ' wear. Week ganil Vel.ttr white
slarr.eti, a do. ken. ahm• and I.e.rd, red r SI/I All'
ildlri, r and eMorr.! .in.
Mastery. . I:aura. Mermo rami cotton
forsummer wear bat an 4 lane.) Carat.:Clognam
and laeoet do. .Ik ,
- - -
I,J (tootle Hoc ...orates. turner of Ith o daMarket
.van.--likaery blatk Nilk, fot Maettliwt, new fay.
L. , •• blkared white Cr• Fee, hik, white anti
ratzed CntioiL ll.e, Fmkth
• .... .. • - • - ,
A.., ou Laud, a pod n-notlmrnt o' black Mohair. ..It and fa , try Ilarnr. oral Nett Phnerte: white and
mf, t r•pe 'J.,. p,tun n-tipenbroteered, Wack Inc.
51.4.1. , •et-, and Capt. nere et, In he'd : ,, P. for
Capes Cep, ,kr• pta_tn ern Mundt. and Si•t'a- A ,
V. n,,,ren:e lInotn• up eta la here an ele,Pent as.
wortn,ent of I•rtnt, .ir ts alse e kept at Iner pr., s
To Brewara.
, .
i Fraß OA IA: OR RINI*. the Plttsboorh Brew.
To Country literati...sta. . I Art.) ,II tt• urearnig apparatus, satnate on
~.- i &UT li AN l) .1 , + HNr.uN. Au Market street. have re, . 1 ,„„ „n.„,„ nod H „,„„, ekr....d.„,., wc,,p,,,,1
r.•"' 1..
C...• 8‘...... ‘.......' . r . ,.. ". ~ ...Y ti'et , 0 htritth A Co Posseaston peen on the, first
traw. Aurora limas. Alto., ta do, Chaff , do• e'etteette . ,l d ay o f A .,,,,..., ~,....„, For u .,,,,.._ k o . au ,.,,, ~,,f
dr. Chum, Pearl and Florence. Gr ases Patna Lea: 11RoW N h. CULBILICTSON,
Rats- Inmate at•l Hoy.' Leghorn nod late , d do Ara , , ~,,,, 145 liberty at.
fit ist Flow et., ta ever) variety Also, Sitt dos I..adiee ...
Ootion Ruse. trona 73 rent, per dos, up to the finest ' For Rani. -
quality; 1,1111 dot tient+ half Hose; • good asaeorment to
1...14 Thread. hat and Conon Gloves, 75 pt. otak 1101,, :,,
~,,, T . , '..',,,, ...,..,_ fl''' ,,, A
city, Pact
".j " '''''''''. do'
en dos L ' ne " C..*th"c d " . IA "r , Canto„t , .., t ' .. ' . ' td a„„r 1•r " ..,:, the Sleth ' othsglir, - .
... Cotton and Thread Lae,. Auto. • good assoc. ~„. _
me. ot Coo,. Dutton, 'nth-ads, Needle, I . tns, Cut- . '. "..' stlo-dlav
'or, Jewett.). .110 . to an of erbtab they volt offer • 1 ilaaA I. LAND role SALF—Seven aeras coal land '
gr.'' , 1" , ...n . ... 0 ‘ In Oetf'es to Poreheaere .7 T , - ! l, to este. totuttle in head of the Monongahela River,
I au.. o. e limo u•s t o• Te • Ito, tin;
I n 7 foot vein or coal
ele"Pottl''eßN*.‘toaLll of L ---- rt K e! '," • 4 :t y lf . r'' ' ". efll "n el f fie" 1 .7. 'c l: s t . :• ' :„ b 7 , :eqn ‘j ' ‘ Z 7fr ''',.. lTAß c lia=l . :t57.••%=57 -
',tees Bonnets of last winter`, Irylea, Irma %tents t - ' ' , •
1 10 0 0.. W A R.F.I-1t al, SE FOR SALE.-11. subscriber
lIIKAP I.AWNS--A l•rge lot of Dress Law., re- 1 oder. , tor state Inc three story brief Warehouse
' anent to IVI Fe_
___ ye, and I tit Wood street, occupied by IL Tanner tc Co.
WiIITF. 00(3;‘ VIC* DR R.,thr.S—A supfffy lust Tam- , ft feet• now for RIM , per year.
cetofd, and offered very how I 'err
DARR fiINIitIAMS--Rteh dark styles of Gumboots. , -----
to be found at dry goods ittuote of Whi. WILSON, Jr.
DRY 60011 X.—A A Mason o Co.
V bare 'oat rererved •I their NVholessle acorns.
No. GO Market street. 11/ of 'muted Livros and
Mos,ao., 5 do good ary le ua liinsharne; 4 do near style
of 17•1100, 6 do of Colinosdea awl Sommer Stud.: 14
do P...0t4. of every s. • rtery Also, Ribbons, Lame.
Glov., Dowry, Ham &a. Domextres, h., Be. Hal
im. on hand luthossortment of Alpaca and Mo
ho.. 1.4.1. 11 14 131 the different tontine, Illetteling 9 teas
;neer , very supenor Ala° , blk and col d Mpaccts.
har'd bin do; tatty strsped do, purchased trout tile tru•
potters, and consequently can be sold at lowest pool,
bit ramp, at north east comer of Itb and Market Ins.
( - 111010 E DRESS Cloolr..—A A Moron lc Co. are
closing ofT then largo Mock of frodumeable pre.•
floods at sod greeter reduced price. coarreoug of Ifs.
reg., nave., fireoedines, Cireauen, Poll de Cheer..
Lawns end Muslin. black and fancy
• nue:
- -
LOVES AND MlTTS—Smith ts Johnson._ 40 mar
ket Mecca, have received a large stock of long and
short Silk Fillet (Arians and klitts. Also. lc Thrend.
Silk and Linen Also, cartons at !Odom Kid
Gloves. winch will he sold at wholesale and retail ex
tremely low. tete
IT/I/LEAD LACES.--Sulltb & Johnson, 46 Markel at,
hare pl., teed Y cartons more or those o We Thread
Lure, from 124 et• per yd op. Also, one
Nlechlin dm one do Putts Pon e do, Mao IS o f
conon Leers. Dealers and othrs will find II to their
1151C1.1 to call. as they will be sold at extremely low
( 11. 4 * I ti l p T pYy o IV AI noilno — Nl ' ;lln it g l i srlosh Y atr n e e ' r d L. -
while. green. Id, and barrerCaoll els&
bobsnntt Ivry o ide, and offered at low rice.
by the piece of yard.
la Ohl K-ItIADE VI.ANNELI4--W It Murphy ha. re
etdved n new nice, while, brown asul bar d
llosne•Made Flannel& A so. Home-blade
Kr:rs, et good article, and at • low prter, on nolthea4s
earner 4th u,ul Marko. pls. noel
lACES, I.IIX.L'iIiS.A.O —Z9I carnonm low priced and
mrdsima 1.'.01211125, Lae., Inserunyn,lthlllins, pi n
0011 um: y No.. Cl the latent 1mp0th...15 laal opened
)012 21.11ACKLETT:a.
)8167 —A large usortrneat of Woe, bloc add or
anoe, nod fancy Pros, of every derizoble et) le
and qtrulay, awl opeaung and for vole to the trade of
p1411.0,1111111ry low raw. by dm cove, tic.,
BF. 13b:Tl'ONS—OW great*roas white and black
bruq•chder, Ply a nd Shirt Button., of a wiry tope•
tar quality awl littoth, mat reed on nonalignment and
for talc by sitACKL.KrI' k WHEIT.
IS I DO wood at
bIiTTON YARNS, do-40,00n the assorted No., C
Yaru, Gonad Chant, Candle Wick, arid Co.°
Twine; MU bates Bailout, (or sale at tonnufactutere
lowest pricer, by FRIEND, RIIEY to Co,
agents for mnnufnoturcra
Nwhite and 17/2=l.lXXibt.decedsl44.,iind.b-4,,,,t,i0,1n1ign
Also, 111-4, 114 and 11-1 henry ilobinett, imported
expressly for n superior article of hlosqutto Bette, lot
city wiles, 'um received by
teßfl sitiACKLEIT 3 WRITL, RD wood in
Hl'llt GOOD'S FOR DRESSES—W R Murphy Whos Just received nit invoice of White Dross
Goods for Indies, such as Frencb and Scotch Mull
Nalsook in Sudo lined Jimmies, he, •ery
low. Alm. White Bonnet Ribbons, at northeast cor
ner ofliti end market as. tat%
(.1 . EAIMAMS FOR SKiRTR—A &uglily lately reem.
10 red. Also. corded end Marseille& Skirted slot.
Mosquito Net., win,. end colored; wide Itohireste fur
do, at dry Louse of W R 611:11.1 1 11Y,
ty3 tot thewit corner 4th two market etc
ANCLIF.STLR t&lNtillAhlitt—Att not owe (roa
01 Manchester Gingham. of new nod handsome
patients, received yesterday at the
. pnl.Lond!_llN.
of ml4 " N ll l'.''
torment of Mull and Nansook Mashes for ladies
dresses, jun received at No 7G market street, northwest
coiner df the diamond.
Placket .t, have funkier reduced in price theis are
nontrient of Bennet and Tactics; ulao„Grenadines,
Ornuitca, Moho. wipes, Poil de Cheat, ea, ryti
QLi PER FRENCH CLOTHS—we !thee Jost opened
• line lot of blk French Cloths, which weAre sel
ling muck iCIWGI than we base ever before' sold the
km satlielliSeksilisWAS Get Of the &meet*
Oepbasses Ceara gala.
N pursuance of . order of I... Orphan's Court of
Alleglieuy county, dated the alt day ofJuly, A. D.
lb., the undersigned Adnidalstrithem of all and singu
lar. the goods and chattels which wet. of Matthew
Forsythe, late of Allegheny comity, deceased, will ex
pose to sale. by public outcry, On the premises, no
Saturday. the 22 day of September next, at 10 olelock,
A St. of that day. the following described Real &tate,
the property of said Matthew Potion., to wit
Ad that certain lot of ground smote In the 3d Ward
of the eity of Putsburgh, mud fronting on Chatham at
twenty ran foe, and extending back a distance of one
hundred feet, and bounded old described no follows,
to wit: Begirmiog at the corner of Lot No. ft, to thll l E
of paniUmi =mug the he. of AndrewWat son , deceased; thence by Lot No 4 in said pl. mirth
ly one hundred beet. ton point two feet four inches from
ch is o, sim giro. thellee from said point westw ardly
twenty (2 , lect to • lot grained to (lay h. Dilworth,
now owned by Amos Lewis; thence by ald lot so.,
crly one hundred feet. to the southern line of said lot
No. 5. thence easterly 15.) feet to the Welch Church lot,
Me Mace of beginning—being the same lot of ground
oureyed by Thomas Seoul , eL us., by deed dated
Stay, Jell to said Matthew Forsythe, and on which is
erected it brick building, with Brushed cams basement.
The nod butldlug to nearly n nod is now rented at
SI:11 pee annum, and m one of th ew, e
best locations in the
tor Mr a pron.,residence.
And also, upon the none day, at 3 o'clock, P. M., all
shut remain lot of ground, the property of said Matthew
Foritythe.mtuate. lying and being in the Filth Wand of
the city of Pittsburgh, fronting twenty-four 04) feet on
Liberty street, and extenMng back a distance of one
hundred it . fort to Spring alley, and bounded by pro-
pent' of —doling rove on the one side, and property
ol Weham 50tully, upon the other—upon which loud
lot there is ere( ted, frninnig On Liberty street, a large
double two story frame dwelling house, with stone
basement; tadfronung upon Spring alley. g two-story
frame dwellinga, wohnone basements. the whole pre
mt.. renting tor 82.2-i per annum.
For further particular, Inquire of Robert M'Cready
or Henry s dace, AdtinniatratOra, or of J. BARTON,
.sth street, A tty tor Adnunistrators.
THE subscriber will sell onetccominodaung terms, a
valuable of unimproved land, situate on the
road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen
mile, from Pittsburgh, and about eight miles Duna the
town of Freedom on the Ohio river. The tract mon.
tants 4104 acres and to) primitery strict meamtre The
land is of an excellent quality, about 90 acres cleared.
and well water , d. and will be sold either in whole or
in farms of convenient •ize, to suit purchaser..
For further parueulars enquire of Mil. BOYD, Au'y
at Law. Mite,. 4th Ist, above Sninhorld, Pittsburgh.
TIIAT propeny lately occupied by H. Ninon,
Fsq., on emit street. near Roblmion ' Allegheny
city, will be sold on imcommodotingienns. The
Ito is 51 fest ainebes on Ceoig meet, running through
to the Caftal 110 feet. There is a good two story frame
dwelling house on the premises, lately built, and the lot
is wellimproved. containing a variety of choice frnit
trees, grape, shrubbery. he. This property ta conveni
ently situated for persona doing business in either Pitts
burgh or Allegheny, and it a desirable residence. Title
indisputelde. For terms apply to WM. LLOYD, Alum
ney at Low, °thee on Fourth street, above Smithfield.
- 905 Acres CokfLiiiirtoe,
ITUATEDint the Monongehela river, about [Smiles
I. from Pittsburgh and 3 miles shove third Lock, ht
the immediate rieigliborhowl of Mess.. Lyon I Moth,
soil Mr. John Herron, purchase. This fine body of
Cool will ha raid in the low price of FM per acre one
tlnrd in bane. holonee in five equal mutual payments,
without 1111 e 'CFI. Tide indisputable. Location very
good—m.llot be surpassed. For further particulars
enquire of S RAL.SLEY, who bas • dealt of said pro
perty. Bendy nee .21 it, below Ferry. Mr. Adam,' Row.
N. R. There is another team of cool on this tract,
•hout no feet above the lower, of excellent quality.
,yl , 3ltf R. R.
Eststa In Ohio.
A .
TRACT in 1n0d.90 acres, in 'Wilson, Portage Co.,
on the Cuynhogn river—about 30 acres under im
provement. Also, Iwo unimproved lots in the village
of Warren. Trumbull Co., 60 feet by 911 . Also , a lot of
ground in the centre of Hartford Trumbull Co., with a
Goo du-ramp, house sad store—one of the best stands
for a necrebion on the Western Reserve. Any or all
this properly well be sold on very accommodating
feblo Water and Pruitt sts.
2 THAT romth..thous Leek dwelling house and
large lot. tar .....ttee Mt. lane Magee, on
t% ehner •tre, hear the head of Seventh street,
011 1 .% Welt are n sl.hic 5114 ettrtlage house, out houses,
hake oven. and a rofIC1) 011,0flalll and grape vines.
1 . ....e•n0n %ill be elven on the in oßtetotter.or mon
er reugired i.ol4lllft on the premises, or on %V ylte,
near %111.1.111/10Lou street.of Al hi LOWRIE.
.0,1.4111 _ _
Valuable Residrnee Allesheny City
for Role. '
A.!gh p e r nyz
arn ne,ghttn) anter. an ir
d every a ere (or
n/. worthy the a
trlllloll at any p er ..or w.ahtny ouch ptoperty.
Properly In Allegheny City for tale.
c ge " Set„l ' V:enT,Tr b' ee r ti o „ ( g?„ ‘" Z
Gonintoo er•son.l. on ee•• term. Inquirs of
W o'H Kt /It I NSI Any at Law. St Clair at
1,1 J sS Rohl NSON, on the
tied Xlervar County.
uir, end Dwelling, situate on the
Ene Leal. to the village of West 31td
,ses. • dv.tran.r. 1t.C.00 (or a merchant Also, a
Lot and 4 d,vl I'o Hove< rich suited for • Tavern
Star d, nf or,neevdle, ott State line of
Ott.e. • ISAL,./1 DICKEY ok Co.
f,t.te Water and Front rts.
1211113 E!
',weed wolt Inas of ell Itools, and
t• nto,. lama, being entirely out of
notr, of tto. ,
u t, ~Irt cl the co) An orotoOcu
o 1 010.01,1 horiy ior the city. Apply to
ismol ATWOOD, JONES h. Co.
. - „
A to-v tn.,- story brick dwelling bonne on
risen on the first of
prn a......faa Inionv
J , r. r !loom .00001
For R•iaL.
"rt. A mit 'tort k 'thug With about .5 *area
of ctoo .rhateit on me book vitae Ohio rivcr,
; of nchu”cr. Apply to
I A ttli-'-tt A lIL"rCILISON & Co.
dwellal house. , wonted on 4th street
near ta;ge. to the city of Pinxbunrls. Al
a room 75 by 3) feet. watt a eouvesuent
c.. near wood. Alna. • frau. dwelling,
, •,. here Orq round enclosed sod under
•lunlv rnl 0510 lane, In the city of Alleglic•
n) Inquire of 11) WILLIAMS,
MO wood street
three Let.
2 The new three T;
fire proof brick More en
and it. now occupied by Edward Evanr, (or
,ut from in of April eleXl. Impure of
roilll : 8i wood great
The sobooribers will rent part of th e man
.E Th hont.e now occupied by them. Apply to
3.1 water !meet.
• •
A large room on the :hi story of the warehouse
occupied by the ruhacribcra neat the foot ot
Wood strcm—n good location tors steamboat
agency or an In...mice °flee.
An A Fine tyro briek boner On ntain ITEM!,
Alitielte) city, near the upper bridge . The lot Is
Tee, m Trent by 100 deep. For terms inquire of'
dr 15ti A WAStfINGTOiti. 4th rt.
• . .
AI. TIIII large fire proof warehouse, ga feet front by
'I'M tal teat deep. on aceond sb near wood. Rent mei
n,. I wpm ra ot J SCII(X./NItIAKER tr. Co.,
deld gl wood al.
For Rout.
A Palate 110u.e. amsaied on Plum alley, for
Intiutre of ROBERT DALZELL k Co,
amTOE ntherrther, addiuon to his own
ittnariellUrlFlK Hat), has made arrange.
ment•wlth Messrs lichee & Co., Rho most
fashionable honors of the city of New York,) tor • reg
ular supply to hos extra nos Silk Hats, and having just
rceelved u le w - ., gentlemen cats to suited with •
rev, rich and brauti rase
fu ' hot by calling at his uew lint
and Cup Store. Smost.eld stseet, second door south of
Voogd, where may be mind a great variety of Hats
and Caps of ht. own maitafacturc, wholesale and re-
Ilats mod.. to order on short notice.
llrcoao &
(Stirre.... , . Ktngl O h
Fa•latout•ble a
Center of IVoari and Ftfid &Tea.,
I)ARTICUI.AR elneuunn paid to our Retail Trade.
1 I,eillteinen as rely upon getting their Hata and
Cape from our establiatuucift of the MR arkratuaui and
wommtaustar. of the harear iTYLICa t and at the hawser
Country Merchant, purchasing try wholesale, are
respeedolly :matted to mall and exanuito our Sleet; tm
weeon pay with confidence that reganla tarsane
and muc. it will not coffer in a comparison with any
house u. Phlndelphirt. feta:
Enahlon►bie Ilat and Cap M►nafnetory
I,FAtiluti AISSIILTZ. Agent, respectfully
inform. hie friend. and the public generally
that he has commenced the inanuntentro of Bata
and Cap. at No. Wood street, one door above the
corner of Second, where he has now an hand a fine
easortment of Him and Cum of his own manufacture,
which he will ditipme of on Ow most reasonable term*,
wholesale and totoll, for cash or city acceptance.
Hate 011Bileto order et the shortest notice. ap2ot3m
1 2k DEALEIL.a a Invited to examine R. H.
PAMER'S stoc re
k of Sw Goods, of the
sprinsle, comosed in pump(
{SONNET"—Florence Brant Engliab Dun
stable do; American do do;Rhuus Pearl do; Coburg do;
Rutland do; French Lace; Fanoy Gimp,.}..o. &a.
liATS—Legttortt. Palm Loaf. Panama, Fancy Rua...,
do Braml. Ruth:old Wald. Pedal do.
Also, Artificial Plon.sra, Ribbons, Ac. Straw Ron
.o \ Varehno.e. 05 market .. manta
Spring P4shion• for 184 N.
aCOIID & Co.,
At ILA'. NI'LIiND ...i. X ISO.I lIATT.S.
- • .
yle of HA. 011. day,
Their frietida and custornem am requested to eall and
esanune their stock of Spring Hata- Just received from
Neve York, at their store, corner olAth and Wood sta
CHEAPEST Fashionable Hatter in
Pituburgh. Principal Store, 71 Fourth
term. Manalacturing toul accommodation Store, cor
ner of Wood .trees and Virgin alley. Highest prices
always paid (or shipping Furs.
14 SUBllligit Vi'BRION FOR HATO.—
JUST received from New York, the Somker
Style for hale,
comilating of White Deaver, Pearl
arid White Freock CaraMetre Hasa, rich YentaWon.
Those la 'moot of a twoutiful, light Hat are roipoetthlly
isvited to call. il. MOORE.
magg p
~,, . ~., A i ro:11 Alfa dolorig about gag..
111311110 CY, lIABIRA _6 CO.,
♦RLER EECHANGE lifitiKEMS, and denim
in For and Don:wenn Exchange. Certificates of
, Bank Notes, and Specie: Fourth =net, near.
ly opposite the Bank of PlUltuirgh. Cowin seamy
received on depoaite—Sight Cheeks for aide, and col
lections made on nearly all the principal 'points in the
ble remedy for Lltiliplie Fits or Falling Sickness
Gnaw Loons, Spurn, &c. 'llia well known, that from •
tiMeinftlitemorial, physicians hive premooneed
tic Fits incurable. Rhos baffled LIU taeir still. and the
boasted power of all medicine, and consequently thou
sands Luc uttered dam:Leh a miserable exited., and
at last yielded up their lives on the altar of insanity.
With all deference, however, to the. opinions of the
steal and learned, we nay that ft boa beets cured.
For sixteen yenta, hos been tented by tfiany persons
who have suffered with this dreadful disease. &width
every case where it has had a Stir trial, has Kemal a
permanent cans
Fits of BS years and 6 months, eared by therms of
this truly wonderthl medicine.
Realthe following remarkable ease of the sag, of
Win. Strew, inn., of Philadelphia, aillieted with nit. •
fern' , Ektslff years end s months. After travelling
through Famland, Scotland. Germany and Prune, non
tufting the moot eminent physics.. and expending for
:ordains.. medical treatment sod ureic, those tes.
sand dollar.. relented with his son to tea country in
November last, 'without receiving any benefit who..
er, and
or eared by using
Mr. ITtltioni Senores. Letter to Tiro leans and Han
I have 'pent over three thooaand dollars for medi
cine and minimal attendance I was advised to take e
our to Europe with ham, an eh I did. I foot visited
England. I conoulted the moat eminent pliseitusa
there in respect to his ruse; they examined Um and
presented accordingly. I remained three months
without perceiving any change for the better, which
root me abOut two hundred and fifty dollars pocketed
by the phy drawls, and the most that I received was
their opinion that my son's eau was hopeless and
vely (Insurable. I accordingly left England.. and tray.
riled t 't rough Scotland Germany and France. ~t 1 re- •
;noted home in the month of November last, with my
von as far from befog eurrd an
when-I left. wow your
advert:sermon as one of the New' Vora !supers, and
concluded n o try Hares Vegetable Extract. oecitaryour
• vtaternents end cemficates of se many cures, some of
twenty and thirty years' mending. end I can usurn you
Tam not worry I did th. as by the ate of Hart's Vegetal •
ble Firtmct atone. he was restored to perfect health.
His reason, which owe so for gone al to tonal him for
business, is courtly restored. with the prospect now
before ham. of life, health and asesfidneal. fir is nor
to yearn of isge, and Si years and I =mho of Oh
nose oaf been afflicted with tins most dreadful of dis
roses; ton thank God he is now t aing good heolth.
Now, gentlemen, faith withou worts f don't believe
in. To say that I chat! be ever grateful to you is one
thing, and of I here enclose yea one hundred dollars, 1 •
have no doubt but that you will think this is another
and moire a differeat thing. The debt of grothode
still owe you, but please to accept the present of
Ittlertel rot the debt in advaneS
Yours very respectfully,
One of the proprietors of this inulutible medicine
was ellimed for several years with %Mane Fits.
The disease had produced the wont et open hit
system, net Loss of memory, imbecility of offif. l ..d • .•
perfect prostration of the nervous system. lie had
Consulting Engineers & Counsnllors for tried the skill of the best physicians (or anon years,
Polontssal and grew worse under their treatment, and he knew
Often for procuring Lod defending Patents,' imparting that this mcdteine woo his only hope for health and
information on Mechanics and the application of Set• lice, and was therefore determined to g Ire it a (kir tnat,
ence to the Arta, and on AMeTiC.and•Poreign Laves non to persevere tie use, which be did, and the resel lof Pateuta. was a perfect restnrution to health, which was cond.
DIROF. WALTER R. JOHNSON, late of Philadel. ned atenterrupted for uculy oilmen years.
phis, and Z. C. ROBBINS of Washington city. Wowould rothr to din
„ following per.. who hove
to be sided by Huard Knowles, Plea . late blachinest been oare d ' l 4l
o'4 Bor i c VeKemblo Dffleaen
of the United States Pateut Officej have awortated Cot F. nines yam))
themselves together for the prosecution of the above rend. et Yoaorgs New York.
branches of professional Liminess, either in their office, W Bennet aloe years, La Doosod M
at the Patent Office, or before the Courts, and will de- T Fltne nt h , seven yeah, Li Doeer fts
vote theft undivided attention to forwarding the inter. Jo.r-Tb rus , a, Snot Brooklyu, L, T 1
en of Inventors and others who may consult them or If St Sew rook Custom Roue.
place business in their hurtle. Mr. Knowles has for 8 Pz,ly, Stales
the put twelve years held the post of Machiaest le the Mi,. F. MlLcef, twenty years, York.ll,2C
Bolted States Patent Office, and resigns that situation Mew' E twelve poor', :11 Ilinotacraty stft;
to take part in the present undertaking. His talents Wm II Po 'mil, ; years, 73NorfalkA
and peculiar fitness for the Important office on long fill. Jacob Petry, four years, 174 baloney et,
ed by him, have been (buy recognised by Laveinors Philo : twenty- right years, Greenelorth, rot
wherever the office itself - 1s known. Judith doodah, n 4 Exit Broadway, New York,
The office of Messrs. J. Os FL is on F meat, °apostle Thomon T. iones, of the II 9 Navy.r
the Parent Office, fteultinglon, D. C., where commattp Capt Jerio . lo y or, Math aLl3rillgeperi. Cl,;
cations. post paid, will be prompdj attended to; ague. Reference Coss • c
nations made. drawings, specifications, and &amnia*. De W L blare'',
GioUtrr 1, O.
tie papers prepared—and models procured when dent. Rey Richard Tease:4 liiut Davenport Yi
red—on maaonable terms. Leven of enquiry, expect. Rev T L Basitheft, Baltintore e .lld
ed to be uswered after cattail:lotions had. mast be at, Joseph Orchard Y.
comparued by a fee of five dollars. C Domildon, ti lacenth @IN
In the duties of their office which pertains to the Pa- M. DorItio 8 " host.. Orange ga. NIT
tent Laws, Meows I & R. will be &muted by • legal 'John Fah., OR Pla.beth at, • do
gentlemen of the highest professional character. and D A aIoboO L IID B DololooY ay do ,/
lolly conversant with itechatheo and other Scientific J.°. 8 . 8 -i B oubik ' do
subjects. trryofflidh.wlyd Chaties Brown, Pa• fts ster sy do
All of which may ha caned upon, or addraassd j peal
Ilultum In Pars°. paid
1T ft a great suustactiou u• th able thus publicly Prepared by De 9 H o er, (late Itlon Ilanj
to sainounce, dint the swot demand for our superior New York
and splendid preparations o; i• -FAMILY SIEIA- O F
, TUM.J.S to Co. 156 Mato en, benvecn 34 said
CINESS.” far exceed s our moot eoftefflobono. rut sail Ph Math ay between 4th and sth streets,
liantholoo'Y our LlPeeolooffl Cooffloon° Cinetnorthi. Oslo, vsholeorde and retail agents for Nat'
Connotative Bu them. whirls for he thl) of appear..• e. eoup, an d me.j.
suporionty of ingredients, said the conaminiding of L WILCOX, Jr., COMO/ of Market dud gun Dial
them, together wadi dm immense dimwit y •tre mond, pi to th" s ' iatidawly
of oar Inside. over any Othews--tee bestow at and rao
mental engraving, and the taste displuy el in t-e put STITSIA OR DIFFICULTY OF BILEATHINO.—
A •
d. by a paronyeoval en:l.lMb
tang of th em op. to • lumber c.d.:unit to the pun has ,
cr. And as many slimy oil friends who kite w ere '•on of the n very dehtlithang. almost eau
who., in theempoy tae o r tog 'suffocation DR. SWEEISER'S PANACEA is the
D Jayne, I now hog leave reepectfully to inform diem only
lonaner.e. run ho entirely cared by a free OM of R.
that I am one ou the firm of LOLDEN b Co, fin or
Arch streetbelow Third, PHILADIO.Ptiti. vebere I shell B .coles/ I Pono'-' , °-
be happy to sec them, who, aided by his brott,r, Catarrh, or common cold, which, If neglected, will
regulor graduate oi the "Philadelphia Collego of Phu. I terminate in Conthreption • t. effectully relieved and
macy," mate. pet up, and ontOpoynd no
nor own I eared by De Sweeter'. Pahoooa
hand, every uticie compnoing our -Family Sleds. 8 '""0',..• .." 11 eoted• dr..t.. 1 11 teed to
noel," win lode. Expeamrant. Cknpound Carmen.. I COn....P.^t , b. , a UmelY he. of Dr 15.ent•
aye liolsoni Compound Tome Vent:mug, Wes Indian .er'• rore tt•
Sanative Pol.. and Oriental Hair
o-ics ; s
r' of the Tonsils or Sore Throat—This
We thriller beg :eon- 10 r t
Ise eale rk„Crind a we do with I 'l.e.' lonoos eeowegothincea foimrmg
.hake, :hutwe have e ,.. ict. •ueh n , suceration of We throat On the find aymps
J mud mac .
on ..„,,,.. 00mnon „„ „„, „„,„,, tons, D ,weetscre Pitsincea thrash! he procured and
Hair Ton., that far execid• ary g ever offered in • ft.° free!,•
the public. t:ove Or 1. emit tat !sole -1 ARCFI areet Goato aaa'S.... .1 d a nieerelgo remedy In Dr.
Our tern. alone are ma tatiucemeht, and we ars e awe 1 Swee'ee• Ponswia-
-. •
of the result. , n , cij n a , Puennenba N , ,t,a —A very fatal resulting
from rt vicuna cauenaaftmoid ou u debiliaated or bro-
XTEW ROOKS—History of Cemosou—fflogniphical . ken do ' vvn roe to aged penman net, ' , anent to
aW Poliucal, comprising Melnirs of Aleinber. of Sweeter'. Potincr,a should be heed on the first
the Congress of the Untied dintesadrawn from anther- I mar..., w: tlt h to m .
tic sources; el:Elbowing the prosainem events of inew ; Somata—Tins debilitating cornplailit Won Meet
lives. and th eir connecOon with napalms-al hu.ory of, Minh a tame!) . cheek. by uvi I; Dr. Swimmer's Pantries& '
the nosey by Hatay O. Wheeterls-illuatrated oy nu- Co.stunpt ott —lf on the firm appcarthee of coasamps
merman neel4orin s and fer.sunftWoutograpds. --a, 1. uve •sy memos', whieh use a p
tsain in the side and breast,
j Kings and oecus; or. Lac in the Potato—eoluspaing, Ap
rt t.ttiot blip,, if Dr. dameer's Panacea Is
of Htstoncel Sketches of Josephato and Alamo Imuts..: heed he apprehended.
Louis Phtnpppee. Fenlitand of Austria No:Usu. !saki d r I the Windpipe, or Brithehltd pro..
la 11, Leopold and Victorian by John b C Abbott , ownine coigns° up with ,Megan to impede respf-
Barites Note* on Arno, Pews! Joon and Jude.— rotten OTlanoline. DX tf 'A . re totetr‘v Ponces, which la
Notes, xplanatory d prnetieoloon toe fie en: powerta; ,L o did be fakerfaker , oocoming
des of ] awes. Pews J en ohn sod Judge he Al tan Inoue. , rte
Mae) . Grover, or, the Trusong rte -a Lloraest.l Ingtve,sa.—Thi. distret.ine epillenticVdlordealeat
Temperance Tale, by Charles Medea, author of the , oar chrome, mapeedily nosed by Dr. Sweefiefi Thula
`Convict's Child.' toe.
Harold, the Lust of the Saxon King': by Sir Edward Pete- el pcs bottle• or sis tattles for SS. •
Rohrer Lytton, Bon Complete in two porta For nit.. by WM. JACKSON, r 5 Lamm st, Kip 05
Part V Harpers Illustrated Edition of the Arabian he big howl- a t 1 0. 5 1. 1-
The 1
The highest premium paid tor Foreign and A.trieiticen
!Avenues mute ec isigturodts of Produce, shin.
-ped Eest, on liberal terms. iske.6lo
d. noLnEs 4 Boss,
aNICERS and Dealers In Eiekange, COSA
BBank Notes, No. 33, Market street, Pinsdnel3k.
Belling Rates. &cluing. Baying Rates.
Neer York,.
BANK C o. Baying Kate.
02., 9do Co. & Scrip Outer., 3 dis
Indians, "do Relief Notre,, s -do
Rmitock7, "do Pennsylvania Cy "
eky, do
P V u . ' "do New York do o do
Wheeling, #do News Orleans,'
Tonneine, 2do Mary:and. "do
30a1211 11. Mt +. arm. C. Crane
Iff& C Rl—Bankers uld Exchange Broken..
eaJers in Foreign and DOMP•tit Time and etigin
Bina of Exchange, Certificates of De silo. Bank Not,
and Coin; No eS Wood stztvt, third door below Eonpn.
west aide. morn li
ronzioar ExonANGE:
BILLS on Engiastd, Ireland, nod Semiarid bought to'
any amount at the Current Rates of Exchange.
Also, Drafts payable in any pan of the Old Countries,
from Xlubo, at the rate of SS to the Storing,
without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN
SON, European nod General Agent, e 1 5 .0 s th n a ce
door west of wood. ottlluf
sxt.wn unfair' [tows. um.
in Foreign and Domestic Bills of LYchatig. Cer
tificates of Deposits, Sank Notes and Coin. comic at
ad and Wood streeta, directly opposite St. Charter
tel. may&cliy
Dank Notes;
purchased at the lowest rates, by
dclo 35 Market 611,e1
BILLS OF IP.IOIEGENOEC-- - Sight Cheeks on
Now York.
Philadelphia, and
ri Markel ac
Constantly tor sale by
COLLECTIONS—Drafts, Notes. and Accept.-
ees, payable in any part of the Union, collected on,
the most favorable terms. N. HOLMES I 13ONS.
&lb SO Market at
En..rmin.lems. . ---- s — r — o,ocTo Pit-11.60HW --
hove works treeived thle dee. end for sale by , ~.i . A , i, ~,,,., th . ~...,,,, ua ,..,,,
0ci.iv. „ 0 ,. ,4
7014biSlTON tr. STIL/CICTI/P, 11 t.rvbrored of 11...,...e. , a.. would haw. proved
!look eeilera. cot' Market and: d at. t t ,,. b, 1 'or the u.e of , hi! ei I numdlide ry rnedictue
0 dl, tote l•cru Cured of cou.uallpllOU Le TbdiOcil
The Dianketcs' Illagalletes
THE IlANtifr.R3a MAGA ZANE.; and State Financier l foots.
Register, deemed to the dissenuestion of
Staushes, sound priociple. of Rookaiy. utility and pro, : and I.lv_.
mples of Life Insurance and Sitalogs Hanks, IY., Its . 7.not !scot. t• os .
and American la w Dec..... tat mice.° to the nevi- , 5,0441 nave ore:, ~..r,
nes. of Hanks nod Daubers, &a. Edited by J Sonde , NI, VOL, .vest „ ,
lictionott • .1' ou lid,. I,cr" cuat illteantatte Pasta with the
Particular lineation will be given •s heretofore to 'h•• ! tendency a' 0 nails, ,n on •
compilation of recent decisions or (opting Bask.. BA,- 0 tot nave Leto el lon',, Complatta and Cough.
kern. Hole of Exchange. Prixtniss.oy Nov.. 1'.., . 1.1111 cured a. Sculmoa• / . ...101..“,,t..
lianas, Noumea Damao...7m, in the Cetirts of Nis.- : en LW: muse hae been cured of rough., colda. pains
su•huseas. Conneoucet New York, pronsylva at. 'in i s 1... , t . s o d sm elt, Chem 11.• oat, want of appetite,
Maryiand„ Vlrgiota, south Carolina , Chb, Lenoir,. 1... of s°,: e, whooping conga delii.ily, and many oth-
Tensteome, and caber Sol. 'Chia will he one nr ,i .. ' er c. , r 0 Pk. ....t. w h,h tri. i no llan., dungy:voile thetas
most important features 0 , the work, and wit. to 0 , .. , e+ Ia Nit , • • Or•ell prove :oat Lir. Taylor'il Kahn= of
claim Me attention of Prenudents, Cl.hlers, l fellt•.:. I iy.• , , ort t. the too successful remedy for the core
Notaries and others. Among other d• tails or t•np, l ~• •'• n l•os e europium.. .
once to bankers and others, the work will ennuis. NW- ': I • :aortal a violent told, n er d • o , i oug h ..,, a
ashes of the Ranks in crery Stale oft. Union: bun rot ,- . ' peon) luau., and to t ally 0 „,...1,1 no „ o „,
graplacal sketches or pronanint Bankers of Rumps °tat •i., - ,'. fro o r re .. r ..'...'" H. ~h ad `,.,), •).D..
and America; Oficial Tables showing the dents. host-', of comma, bon ins phystcians, ors Vertunle,.& An.
art, expenditures, and financial condition of the •eve- . derson. said hrwa• incurable, yet strange •0 it may .
cal Mates of the Union, ' appear. this teedimas - eily r•_ lured his health.
Published monthly, G 4 pages octavo, at 'Three lid- ' OOPIII A GALLON, 44 Norfolk st d
lan per annum. , FRO. , ANI ELMER or Conn acu, —,- !roving respect Mr
ELLIOTT.A.F.NOLISH , TS Wood •ti_ 1 the medical proicoonn, I rimed lo consult them
suit Agents for Rankers' Magnvine. in ortnvrence to ustitg what are coded 'Patent Medi
- rays: Hut for several in.'int I bare Leen troubedi -
New Publication*. I wo h Asthma, w meh battled the remedies of my physic
0 1.101r . atte . al b a.;:d . F . o „, 1 i;
, 1 ,. N a •, :: , ,,
~, ,,, ,, ,, d ,,;,,L 1 hr n n ,tu el ,,, ,,L, A b ili n o e f e l d y
~ 7 ~
Cougress orth u•
.`.q• an t A.heeler • hi ` ddrd ' ed i•
r e d
0,,, advivers al Inull—onhekuown In .y One, I procu
red vow dal mm of Liverwort, which I deemed a Ye ly
by numerous steel pioa we. too. Vol. 1, Oettivo. ,
The %Young. Of C to. Oar LneMdt q.t . ... , nu , i vall;abir remedy—.,t has had a must wonderful efs
addresses, with steel portrait., Edited ey 11 Urtely I feet arum toe, completely uprooting my complaint, and
vol. Byo , at° tog me to perfect health. Non may refer to me
Antat I Saw in California: !Sy Vilsrin Brytinc •
I whenever desired l '
Suld lit l'ilishoroh hy J D Marg., Pa W D o s od . st /
Barn.' Notes, Vol. 10, on James , Peter, John and
Luke. Towesend. 45 Nlark et so 11. Snip,., . cot barkei end
Charms and Counter-Charms: By .Visa Nl'llitoeh, au- 3 4 „ a it,,,,y,,,,,,,,, a , Co. ,L, i...„„ty
et 1 .,.. t,
thor co - To seem and to be," ' , Conquest,. die .4c • to S , ,:A par„at...
Mary Waver, a Doinestic'rearperance 'Pair:By t.
Kings .d Queens, or Life to the Palace; consisting .„,:32.20„,. No. OA, DIAMOND ALLAY, i
of histencal sketches alum and reigning sovereiga.. t -T. : .,- -- , ' L s, few doors below Wood street, Iti
By J. !A. C. Abbott. ' '' , .). 4 . ,-, market
a ~,,
A First Book in Spanish, or a pram:Mel introduction Sta.:, e...,•'”' DIL. BROWN, haying heat
to the study of the Sp.wh Language: By J Sallirld . 1 11,V1 1, , ..
.. roe !only educated to the medical
The Dying Robin mid oilier talest•Hy - Rev. Dr. Alden. 1P.,•1.,. 6. ~,,,,, • . profession, and been f. ogap, dm.
Just recd by K. KopKiNs . . ...,/:.- _ 4
_._, to genera: pracpec, now confines
Apollolitstaittica, Oh st. I ',O.f- 2' ,..ri . .„47 his attention to the treatment of
augt (S.uccetwor to J. L. Real I I ?;X: - • ••••• ' those Prilrow and delicate cote:
plaints .or which hi, opporamitiee
.._ patent filotiatfilals. : . if, ~ - T , .
,r.a.. ~-, -
, ..,,,.d— . it. expene.e peculiarly unalliu
rllllll subscribers time en hands LA cooks Soda Ash, I 4....5„,.a..3..t.,„4::-... Rim. it Sean oattioataat),.
1 Jae ' NU rr P rnr,dh 6°...• Gres r i ddln Y bed% the " I " to study • treatment of those complanuardnong Wltirgi
ance of thou spring mock, which they will sell at Ile , , 0 ,, , h ., a .. t0 .,,,,,,, a0 , b . oar ., 0tt0. ,, 0pt ....
P ar i or 41e .. '" .. T . hi. ' in mode 'den layer rd er 1 beats than can ever fall to the lot ~r any rineoie mac.
CI the Punt' Moi kW. an d O.I F d ' ddr " deld "" '''' mu' , Intoner) empty quell.. Men to offer assurances of
eny, they deem It unnecessary Marty any thing at foyer ,prod}. ~„.[..tent, an , aabat .... 7 oat .. to
atm ..,
of the brad., ~,,,a delicate&sea., and oil diseases arming them
They take this oppor unity to apprise their ettonin. : „ v .
and de.dersge''rd'ir''''. they h t' e ordered ''''' '',
' Dr Brown would inform those retained with Rival*
ly front tha same manotacturertui laigland—the hrs.
I disease,. which have beer.. chronic: by time or env
ahmtnent of which will arrive in Cate for the fall trade, ... tat. , by the nee , m , of the n0r ..., ronmooo o f
and 8 ...eft...mi. rf-Salts , ""Pi'lf" throughout the' le day, that then' complain. can be radically and shot.
sevoll. Willett they will sell et thy lowest morel price I ~,,,toy cured; he honing 0.,,,,, 1, careful ~,,,,,00 so
for n call or approved halo
tell NV & M hIaCIIELTIIFF..IM Punnet 1 t o b t o
.. tre a . un n , c ,,, n t o o , f,.s,,un.c use.
r,‘,..„.. rind d
o n f e
n e n e n ced .. ed .. t
o tt . .d
, of r W u, :
NEW IiCK/KR—rho Wnitago 01 C+.-stns dlaler , ~a' pert of the bladder. and kindred disc... which °flea
Clay, metalling speeches and Add - osaea., ', ~, from those eras., where alba:. airy. constgoof
with a pleface and memoir. li) lio•are tlreely ~...te to hol.elev. despai He particularly invites curb
'lle First Baskin Spenah, or, n pent-rot 1 itrodue vi naVe been tong Sol'*...neer•-(ially treated by other. .
tton to the study of the Spastinh k.smtuago, conmi.coti.uo Lou, when every its ...non yea: 4.3 ,o , en
full Mall actions in pronunciation. a entionter...xsp , ; • e n', ;poi their Cos. treated in a d mireitit inorwain and
On the "Hendon! method of outotaut ta taboo ~ , , , ~,,,nit t nitia,o.r. poitdell earl by a •orm eitrafiy, B eei
repetition, 'reading lealiOnS, and la nab ma.. ..1 • : sled S t randn luvestignouit. winch OLc nnn" ... '''' tot mna n
whole adapted for the use of privole learner:. or Of . ..,ign4ral in general procure of medicate to give any
elaases under an titatrector. Hy Joseph Sailirid A ' ~,,,, c 1.,,,, of d,sen,c.
:11., author of . A Compered am of Classical Atanati• ' iri-Honda„,B„,,,u,,,—Dr woen also umitos pa
lms,” etc. tat o afflicted with I lerma to call, av lie 0.1 paid panic.
Drothera and Sisters, I tale of domestic life; hy l war a tyennon to this shwas, .
Frederika Bremer. Translated from the oriJitiol uu - Skin dtmatses. also Pi' ..Posy. etc., speedily eared
published numuscript, by 'Mary llowut Charges very low.
The Dying Robin, and other tale. lip Joseph Alden, N 11.—Pancots nf cob ser living ma distal:tee, by
D. D. Just received and tor sale by stating their divesse in A ening, diving all the .y.. 14
Irdl JOILNSTON to STOCKTON ' mill, c an °Mato medal... wan darette. for use, by
. I
AXTTLLIAM KNUTH, Mainf.turer of Cotton and , addressmg T PRITIVN, At. D • peat amyl, and eagles, ,
y v
Linen, Fringes ha Dress es, to , Sep mg I lag a tee
Silk mid colored Coup, VriiiVre (or 1416
Parasols. tamp. Ntobair. and Silk Hellen Frin.s. I lions.' nod rillfll9lll P • (Mee NO. GC, Diamond alley, opp.ite the snotty ..
~,r , ,..,,,,,,,, --Dr ltrown t s newly 66r/overact reme
made to order on the raancat notice.
Stoat. comer of . .. Maiden La.,. MAP.. entraice , 4 fur RIP, IV iiiii tk III I, I.11 , 1:7::Y; and certain remedy for .
Na th Aillinca street, third door, over Alter A. 4 .y.• ! that pititabi sr. 1 1
' Other tabt Pr:. ,no
Consul: nix Rooms, No. as DZ .
store, No 85 Malden Lan '• nrk /I' d .
, ~,,to alley'. Pittsburgh, Pa. Trie Doctor is always al
VLECTRIC AI ACIfINES. at from 13510 Sin, Eiccuo. I hoe , „.
E Magnetic Machine.
!ruin di ff erent eastern menu -' • ITT ~. Care 10111117. deal
factures; Marine Clon k .:. , tor vinare toots, renal Innate 1 K ; A; - . Erili,Z.,,me& & c e ;. a ub . m . i .”—rr.
and facto.. Also, • ocmicels. Thermometer, Se.,! i si 1,,,t, /ago, ga .agter t ial appileanon o,lndam,,aaa ,
/or sale by BLASE toCo. ' 1 wry adhetions, and at the seine nine a stinintanrill
corner market vi midair Mantond ' e ell tuatroollicoi 11 A Fahttestoek aGo Roberta.
N. D.—Electricity of mther kind administered at the I ,„,. i n . b,,,,, very ~,,,,,,..: :, ,
of ct.. .. i. ,
direction of ohy onions. /I!' ' Automatism, Glandular SA - rlling, Sore Throat Vitas
ort.lssNlP—tioti43-AntlENs. 5p.... 5.. 5- Tlie nni,, , ,,,,,, verltfiCalt Ls frbEre.•
I,7ISITEHS TO THIS Rl:Tins:sT Can br tarn ' n 4 0 1,, , ,,,.., ~,,,,
~,,,,.,, ....
~,. , . , -
with a Lunch at all bouts of the day, 5 . .. le' 1,1 11 1 spot Out , ,de aecnksita:ly tell from a scaffold,
Cretums, Fruit ConicetionarY. he The Reamer Oren,' ~,,,,..„‘„) ~a t„ ,,0 4 b o th ~,,y reredos.
i..... ,
wood makes her regular mini as wand. lesciet lie , P ill Mealy swelled so that my Boma nod to be ripped, us
strrectanding at et . A. NI N. and in halt pso each hear I 0 „,,, to ba „ ~,o, Inns",, 0a.7,,,,,
knaeePt lii Unni 14 I'• 1 1 l — i' l t yln . I' ll ' 6."4.1‘ It I C 1 ell lee was amanita lath,. situation I procureh a ton. -
P. IL for bet last trip to the rip - , .. Iheof 13 A Fah•astock A. Co's Rebefacienr, and after
A moonlight view of IN,. tmrdeu Is indr•eri .,.. h ., e i n 3 le to 1 0 . ,...tei d 0r . r , w . 0 , off
,r l , e l. . ti l e d .:
... I 71 1t ri 01c 0rv d m u h . ,.. 1 1.1.. „... 1 .
. beauty_. .
4 Rffiria.4. to •.: le 8i11..[ IN X - r,- 1 , •. IV,,,,;,yi.. , days the rattling entirely subsided, end/ walserntredy ••
.12. moderwr pr ' ices the folloorg ante... T. ...a trom any oast ', t op; mid experieuce noviato --
Platform Reales of at lands. weinning worn ion td .iiironVenienee 1a. , . ' l.l ' r. I.
MOO pounds, of omen°, agostatimiltip: .. . hno.ns, rheum,. Cif , I would 11
uld mosicheerfrilly rue -
Assorted Hollow, WanaliiriftPatteanig`Coal Coolang I commend toe Rubefunent .
lb' l e P.le.
Staves; wp o e de do; Conellitput amt Balloon Stove. CI., H. IN a. . °WAGE BASSUIT.e, : •
for churches, woretwocearacjite. • : . For ,sae, rind rot. by it A FAHItik.NDOCII4,
Orates and Orate trouts, for patlerte, chambers, is. Co, corner or Wood and rots
and 'A'ood and Six
kitchens, ice. MIS. _
__ IC O I .
Plough, end Plough CesunHus of verieria find. --.—
Liberty, heed Of Wood,,ttn
1717altu ,
- ANS AT COST;BY,Al7lloLtaktirOitt
E rt raritrt V onaVatir r tZUs:,
beeibrePresior ttug!tesr omit, wilt.ien.U.l, 4 gt,
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griwrz: pro,ration of the
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