PUBLISHED BY NYIIITE .4. CO. TRI7RSDAY MORNING, AUG. 1 . 7 1818. PHILADELPHIA NORTH ANEEBIOA.N. Advenuentents and Sabunpuous to the North Amer. can rod ironed Stars Hazen!, Philadelphia, reeavrd End (awarded from throatier. 'NEW YORK EXPHICBS. We will receive and forward tree of expense, ad vertraeteeers and uabeenpuons for dria paper. COMMERCIAL LIST ADD PHILADEL— PHIA PRICE OVIIHEDT. Subscription, to this valtuthle paper will be received awl forwarded from this office. QJ Tee Prreouswast Duks Osaterre DI published Daily, To-Weekly, and ‘Yeekly.—The Dolhtts per azinum, Jw Tn-Weekly Dollars per annum; the Weekly LI Two Dollars per annum, srridly 114 adroacs. itrAnavorreirei are earnestly requested to hand in ar.r !uvula I.lore r. a ., and MA C11(14" 111 use day •s practicable. Advertisements not tweeted for a speci fied time will invariably be charged until ordered out. Foa Lana. Commercial Intelligenea,Domestle, Mar teta, Itsvet Sews, Imports, Money Mart., !co .er third page. Democratic Whig Nomauctions, FUR PRESIDENT, ZACHARY TAYLOR, FOR VICE PRESIDENT, MILLARD VILLMORR, ELECTORAL TICKET •SkINATORIAL ELFLTORS. Thomas M. I'. hilLannsit, of Washington_ Joan I'. Sant:mason, of Lebanon. DrSTRICT ELECTORS. . . 1. Joseph (i. Clarkson, 13. Henry Johnson, :t. John P. 4Velherill, 14. %Vilham Colder, 1 Jain. M. Davis, 15. William 111112ame, 4. Th. W. Dufficid, 16 Charles \V. Fisher, Axial (1. limes, 17. Andrew U. Cur., 6. Joshua Dungan, Id. Th. FL Davidson. 7. John D. Suck, 19. Joseph Markle., John Landis, 211 Danul Ago U. J.eph Schmocker. 21. Andre. Loomis.] In. Charles Snyder, P. 2. Richard Irina 11. Wllll3l/11 G. Hurley, 22. Thomas S. SAL 12. Francis Tyler, 24. Snail A. Purvianee FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, MICR ,MIDDLESWARTII, Antinamonia and Whig Nomination. FOR CONORMiS, MOSES HAMPTON. or ITITSM.I2II. to' •3•.11431.T. LENtS C. J. NOBLE, of Indiana. CHRISTIAN SNIVELY. of %YUKou , H. SWARTZ WELDER, of Fillaburgh HENRY LARGE, of itigih.r. litEP2O4ll. HEZEKIAII NIXON, of Lower St. Clair rumor., JOHN SCOTT, II R 02... not 01 rut COLIIIIS. DANIEL fiI'CURDY, of Elizabeth Borough. JOHN K. FOSTER, of Baldwin. /TATE COMMITTEE . • The Members of she WHIG sibrtisa eottuarrras are re • quested to meet at Harrisburg, on the list mutant. aril u`ekiek, P.ll. ALEX'R lit/OLSEY, automat, GRAND NI ASS STATE CON XENTIOS. The eiutens of Pennsylvania, friendly to the eleeitoo 01 MWMMI MILLARD FILLMORE, Vmg eared to arasearatile in Man Meeting at HA R SBUR ' G. On THURSDAY. the 3lst day al AUGUST at I &Hoek, F. M Farerere. Mechasura, and Workingmen: Manutiseturera Traders and Meru:rant.: Men of all pur.uita, occupation. and.protesston. AU who regard panty, tntegnty, fidelity and cepaei iy an es.entaal eJautents of 11 Just National Adouniatra non: din 'rho are opposed to hypocrisy, fraud, corrupt:on false-dealing tad Violence in the conduct of puuitr atisonn MI who are in lavor oflepalaUou by the represent., live. oldie people, uncbcateil by a tYmntlctme.c"'" of the VETO power. All- who would recite the country from the evil.. which now paralyze turintlustry and defeat its eater prim, All who would give adequate protection to Amen. can labor, and thus increase the means, extend the en joyments and elevate the COllditloll Of die Amencon laborer Al! who would promote, by judicious encourave ment, Lite developentent of our own great resource, Agricultural, Manufacturing and Mineral: All who are true (needs of filmie who dig in me field., and delve In the mines, and ply al the loom, !um mD In ille.workvbipe tad on the highway.: A!!, of all clutter, creed. and condiuotte, who der, n to secure REFORM AND BETTER TIMES, ate invited to be present. e, Pe oiaylvmims: from farm, and for g e n furnace. and cool-pa, and (aetory: cam aroad-nil and river, 1 . 1.12 village. and lowa, and city: come nu ahowthat you are not insensible to soar totere.t+ COD. and show Mat you have not forgotten, and ma you will not forgive,the base deception of which ) have been made the victims come and show that 3 ou one grateful to the hero who .. .VCR SL'ILHOIJIM. - rya! War you appreciate Ma man who "sans to eseom i au VISLI/L• FROM ma tortroastrustry." Distinguished Orators from all pans of the noun .will ha them to addrou you: your attends from all sec sic. of Um State will by there to greet yea: and you. and they, and tea t kriettortog that t:ssz cast as Itx. ViTIIIXVIC ALL ems.rocantsat, - will 'mince lathe al.u• ranee of cerium 'notary. ALEXANDER RAMSEY, Munro. Morton McMichael, George F. Miller, Thomas E. Cochran, David Deoper, Robenlredell.. Lot Benson, Waabingtoa Townsend, William H. Perocrt. John C. Knakel, Joseph Paxton, James Fax, Geo. V. Lawrence, Benjamin Mantua., John Fenton, • 'Ro a m Lear,Ftnney, Thomas J. %%anon, L D. Wetmore, George Rimy, John Morrison, 11. H. Etter, H. W. Patrick, Paul S. Preston, Samuel W Pearson, •/.1. C. Darlington, Alex. W Taylor, . Duval W. P.C1 , 011, State Central Commillt , N. B. Alt papers throughout the State. friendly to the election of Taylor and Ptllmoro, will please copy sod publish all day of meeting. THE PEOPLE'S PLATFORM. "I have no private purposes to accomplish. no party • purposes to buildoie no enemies tp putush—notiong . serve but my country." "The power Kivu by the Constitution to the Eger. dare, to interpone his veto, u high conservanve pow er, which should never be exermied except ta cases of clear violation of the Constitution, or manifest haste and wean of consideration by Congress" "The 'permute! Emma. of the individual who may happen to occupy the Executive chow., ought not to eborrol the tattoo of Congreu upon questions of do mestic palmy. tuir ought his objections to lie interpoud Where question. of constitutional power have brae seeded by the outman departments of government and acquiesced In by the people." `Upon the subjects of the tariff, dre currency, the provement of our great highways, river, lakev. a n d harbors, the will of the people, as expreued through their representative, in Congress, ought to be respect ed and earned tot by the Executive." "War, at all tunes, and node all circumstance,. a national calamity, to be avoided, if compatible with nat honor." "The principles of our government so weltll u its true policy. are opposed to the sobinga tion of other nations, and the dismemberment of other countries by conquest, for, its the language of the grew Washington, by should we quit our own to stood on ormgn ground.' " . Z. TAYLOR. See Parse Page for lelsiiellaneons fire See alert page for Telegraphic News. The Factory Qmeatlon !The Democrat of yesterday, cantinasa long am. °le on the Factory Question, entitled "A Plea tor the Operatives," and signed by "Wm. Brown and John Richmond." Who these persons are, and whether they have any authority to speak fir the operatives, we are unable to say. The chief part Adam article is taken up with arguments to prove that it is better for the operatives to work ir hours than twelve, a position which nobody dis. pates. All agree, as for as we know, that it sea. tremely desirable this Factory labor, as well as ry other, should be performed within ten hour+ As nobody disputes thu position, it in uselew to publish loeg artiiden to prove as propriety. The remainder of the article is taken up with on attempt to show that the Cotton Factories of Alle• gheny city make large profits, and are therefore abundantly able to run on the ten hour system— and the assertion is made that the "employers pro. fits Wild amount to some 40 or 50 per cent: As an answer to this reckless statement, we are au. thorizied by Cuaares A vlar.y, Esq., a gentleman whose word is unquestioned and unquestionable in this community, to state,—that the pintas of the Eagle Mill, (Messrs. King, Pennock Sr C 0.,) fur 1847, was ninon per trnt.—and this too, without el. (owing any thing for the time and attention of the proprietors. As this factory hut always been considered one of the most profitable in Allegheny city, It is easy to see bow wide of the actual truth, !nave been the statements made from time to time by those who have "km upon themselves to interfere in a mat. "r which they do not, or will not, understand. Soma days Since we published the purport of a conversation stud to here occurred betweeaTbur low Weed, Esq,, and RAW. Mr. McElroy, Whe,,it will be remembered, was sent out with Gen:Tay lor'. army mirth° Rio Grande. The Rev. Mr. Mc. Elroy'. favorable opinions in - regard to General Taylor ' th ere expressed, hoeing been doubted, the chairenan of the “Whig Commies:en( '76^ of Wash ington city, addrinised him a note, t o which th e following is his reply . ANSWER OF THE REV. MR. Mcmgay, Bom"luiy29 D ux IL--On my return from New Yorii today, I found yours of the :Nat, and in reply stale that what is contained in the slip enclosed as my opts. ion of Gen. Tnylor in substantially correct Mr. Weed ls not to be suspected, from my knowledge of him, of misrepresentation.. I regret, however, to see my name in print connected with the Presi dential candidate., having always stood aloof Irom politics, and never voted in my life. lam, very respectfully, your claimed friend, &c_ JOHN McELROY. Ton Harrisburgh Intelligencer says that She Governor and his Secretary are now busily en. gaged in the perfomanee of the new duties devol. ed upon them. Mr. Heine., Secretary of the Com . monweolih, returned from a brief visit to his borne last week, and has since applied himself closely to his new vocation. Alex. L ftuasel, Ecq, of Bed ford, Deputy Secretly, arrived this week and has taken charge of hie department. The' Gorrenor and Secretaries have taken rooms at Cove:rya Hotel Mr. Cooper, &Wiley General, has not yet arrived in town, hat is engaged in the discharge or {he dries of his office PoMints 8,114114 the *Cain e. dierants at luzatiz. Fromthe London Chronicle, July tEI. It *meats tolerably certain that we are-on the eve of an insurrection, whether it has exploded or not. Reluctant as we are to say arty thing inculpatory of the goverment at such a time, we cannot but ex press our Surprise that Lord Clarendon should have allowed the leaders of theLeag.ue to have told Dub. lin, knowing as he must have known that the an. nouncementofLord John Russell's measures would be the sequel of the erne. If he could not have arrested them legally, he should haVe exceeded his legal ~power to do so, and waked Mr an indem nity. Ho - Weyer that is past now, and they are at liberty to fight. We have always given them credit for being bold, unscrupulous rebels and we think so sailL Indeed if they chose it, they could not retreat now- Their madmen followers will keep them by tiirce et their head, and we understand that they have fully compromised themselves with Government by their proceedings of the last few. days. So we cannot avoid the conclusion, that the conflict is impending and certainly never will the government of this country engage in one with a clearer cons scientx. of right, or a more unanimous consent of all loyal and thinking men. It is remarkable that notwithstanding the vast amount of passive distal, alty which exists to Ireland, theletual excitement of the more dangerous character is more widely diffused than might have been expected. The west and north are comparatively free from the contagion, though Rom very diflerent reaso ns The accounts which we received from Kerry, Clare. and nearly the whole of Cormaught, are fa. storable as regards present tranquility, and the up, parent absence of excitement among the people.— In these counties, the people are more primitive, more subject lo the influence of their clergy, (which is at present exerted to prevent rebellion,) and more affected by physical depression of extreme distress. The orgaaizatiou of the clubs has in a very few Instances been extended to the went of the Shan. non, nor have we heard, except in Galway, of any preparations being made Mr insurrection. Ger tautly no alarm is felt among the gentry. Ulster Is safe—the demonstration of loyalty and physical force made by the Orangemen on the 12th of July, have precluded the probability of any out. break in that province. We do not even expect partial risings there. In the northern and midland amen.. of Lemster, the case is different; the peo ple ore an energetic, determined race, the driven. dents of the English—end the great majority Ro man Catholics; their character and organisanon render them less prone to the wild excitement of the Celtic South, but they are thoroughly anti-Eng. iwn in feeling, and would be cure 10 rise if they saw a chance of success. La consequence of Smith O'Brien's proceedings at Mullin,gaber, a large meeting was held lately by Lloheney. The Government united orders for the formation of a Camp the well as at Tilton. Camps are already formed near the seat of the Earl of lielborough, At (he Irish Mining Compa ny works., near Liellingarry, county of Tipperary, the working men all returned to work yesterday, and arms that wen• taken from several parties the day beGare, were returned to their owners. Our latest accounts from Lrelaud state that are rests Mr training and dnlbng had taken place at Drogheda, that it was rumored that Smith O'Brien ad been captured, and that the pollee had made search Lac arms in 43 houses at the mule instant of time. Stumps were on Thursday refused for the Felon and the Nation, which therefore could not appear yesterday, inasmuch att they, were not to be trans milted through the mt , 4,and if dewier. ro wise to the pvincet;'.the police seize them at every point. Warrants were positively sent to the South on Thursday fur the arrest of the insurgent leaders. Their names are mentioned, in cluding Mr. Meagher, Mr. J. Dillon. Mr. 0 Gm , man, Jr-. Mr. Doheoey, Mayo, &r. Mr. Deem O'Reilly has returned to the North. Mr. Luber has gone to the Lemster border, Mr. Mayo is also breathing country or, and the whole literary phalpn s, as Mr. O'Brien once termed their confederation, seems broken and routed. Flom the European 'roue. tit July V. The state of Ireland has been the al.-sorhing theme of interest during the week. The isaufederates, all the fury of despair, have now entirely thrown off the mask and declared their unequivocal pm , pose—first to kill and capture the 40,000 troops statioried in Ireland, and then establish a republic. The events of the last few days have opened the eyes of every genuine lover oforder and real liberty, and all disguise being cast aside, the only question is in what mode to crush the foul rebillian which has almost broken out. After the announcement given in our last number of the intention al Lord John Russell to propose a suspension of the habeas cormon act ns respects Ireland, our readers wit: be prepared. for the most rigorous measures. Accordingly ou Saturday, the 22d inst., his Lord ship in a ekme unanswerable speech, which was only interApted by the improving shouts of almost every member to the House of Commons, moved for leave to bring in a bill which is known as a st.. pension of the habeas corpus act, by which the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. to the tone being. lo empowered to apprehend and detain until the tirsi of March, 1'349, snob persons as he shall mispeci. The provisions of the new Irish habeas corpus suspension bill may be applied to Liverpool; but this in a matter upon which the Government has not yet decided From the 3d Edition of Wilmer's Europeass TIMMS. Corretcond.ce of the London Chronicle . Dim us, July '26. The Admiralty Steanaer . .Ancker' entered Kings' ton harbor thus morning, and a Queen's me,sen ger, who came exprim,, from London with a copy of the act fin suspen ding the habeas corpus. A special train was at once provided, and the mes senger proceeded by the rail road to deliver the act to the Lord Lieutenant. The Government has determined on a considerable number of prrests, and it is stated that a number of persons not hem. tofore openly connected with the revolutionary movements, ore to he taken up. At this hoar, half past 4 o'clock, the Attorney General and Solanal. General are at the Castle, and it has been arranged that the warfarin; are to be issued this afternoon. Mr. Smith O'Brien and se. vernl other leading members, now organizing the clubs throughout the country, are to be taken into custody to night, and if the attempt to arrest them should not lead to an outbreak, they will he brought up to Dublin to morrow. accounts from the South this morning are really moat alarming. The confederate leaders ap pear to be so insane as to contemplate an insitrrec tion, and indeed already they have little doubt of an atonal outbreak. The deepest anxiety and up- Prehension prevails 'annonsvt the gentryaud well disposed Mall , Gentlemen have come up to make representations to the Government of the state of their districts, and ',mulling arum tin their tenantry to defend their families and property against any insurgent movements. Lord Farnham, from Craven, and magistrates from Wicklow, and other counties, have been in attendance at the Castle to day. • The danger is imminent, but the Lord Lieuten ant is well prepared and determined promptly to crush, If he cannot prevent, an insurrection, rimed on by the wicked men who are now endeavoring to . produee a convulsion. Troops are constantly arriving from England and departing fur the South, where the danger is most pressing. A troop of the Sib Hassarsrm their way from Cork to Newbridge, has been ordered to halt at Kilkenny, where it is to be stationed the the pre sent. -Four oompanies of the '9llth which landed thus morning from England marched direct fin Kilkenny. The remainder of the regiment, on the instant of their arrival, u-ill proceed to the same destination, arid at an early hour this morning tie troops of the I 7th Lancers, with two pieces Mord. tunics., left town for Dmischauchlin, county of Meath, where disturbances are apprehended. The police in the not stations of the disturbed : counties, who would be comparatively defenceless ~ in case of outbreak, have been ordered to conies ,j trate at the eland' station. The government seennties have declined fully I I per cent. al our Stuck Ezehange to day. Coo. sots foil from S to 337 Notwithstanding dl Ih,. alarm. 4,r which un innately there is ample grounds, I Atoll cling to the - hope that there will be no insurrectton. ludeul belief is as strong as before that there will be no ne on. outbreak, and that the government will be able to crush at once any insurrectionary attempts. The squadron of Sir Charles Napier has arrived at Cove. I ler I.:x...xllnotty the C 01.1124.1. of Cl.tren don, With some of the children oft he Lord Lieute. _ . . nont. left Kingston tins morning for England. I have seen letters from Galway, USCAIIIITO and even frinn 'Tipperary, which state the convict tem of the writers that there will be no outbreak rns LLTEST coos fiLELAND. Lo•rppd, .fisly 29.--Our express, which left Dubin", at 9 o'clock last evening basting arrived and our adviees convey the gratifying intelligence that Dablin conunues perfectly tranquil, hilt no further news boa been received. Our Wiuerand correspondent'. letter has plat arrived. It is dat e d yesterday and states that all is quite there. cONIIIMPIATIM •118.12FTS In LIVIMPOOL. The magistrates of this town, it is said, have de. termined to arrest the leaders of the Liverpool de magogues. Br. Reynolds, onocipating this MM.', has fled to Birmingham, to which town an officer hos been despatelied•wlth n warrantor his arrest. From Vittmer k Smith's limes, July 29 THE DANES ANTI rug 0E4,000, • The reluctance of General eranzel ha slam the armistice between tho Danes and the German Co. federation, has not been so easily overcome. A temporary In., On, however, concluded for flirt, days. Lord Palmerston. who appears to have afforded the latest authent.o inksrmauna, stated on Tuesday evening that he had Nen received communications from Berlin, !min which he hoped that ilia difficul ties interposed by Oetteral Craned!, winch are more of limn than of substance, may be overmtne, and he, (Lord P.,) enll felt .n6dent hopes that the armistice agreed upon at Mahna will he signed and The news from Vienna is to the 21st instant.— Th e opening of the Lhet by the Archduke John, wu to take plain on the MlLowing day. After this ceremony, me V ofthe Empire will return to Franlcknt, and it is said th at the Emperor wtll af.• tement e retuni to Inuspuck, to his capital. 21a The eshle of Prague waa to be retied on the Flom the Danube principahtle., no further asi thenuc intelligen ce has been received of the pro ;Per. of the &Min. armies. After the expuhuon of Prince Bihesco, the Provisional Government passed decree. for the abolition of punishment by death, the esigbludunent ado, liberty of the press the organizauen of a National Guard, a loan of the muskets of the people to the State, and the aboh, tion of nil rank. and titles The RaMilllll, however, we believe have de. wended the restandlon of the Prince, and will probably insist upon it by Some of arms. ! Load Pslmeratoo. asserted, some days dgo dint op to the latest dates the Russians had not en. tend Wallachia; neither bad any Turki.h farce. The occupation of Moldavia by the B.usidana is still not regarded as an act of aggression. Although the events which are occurring la such rapid socceasion in Italy and in the arraying Aus• Man pronnennerayhoon alter the character of the Basilian policy, a reference to &. Petenbargh for instructions bow to act has been made by the Ras sian representmive at Bucharest, in cominipience of the revolution in Wallachia, and no answer has yet been received. If we may credit the Viennese journals, the peas entry of Wallachia regard the Russians as their deliverers, and they allege that the country people put to death the emissary who had been sent among them to stir up an insurrection. These papers po shinty assert that the Russians have entered Wal lachia, and would eater Bucharest on the 15th or 16th. In Italy the war Is carried on with variable sue. nese. The Austrian. have enteted Terraria; levied contributions and =pees, and then again with drew from the city. By the most recent accounts from the royal camp, all communication between Marotta, Verona and Llegnagno are completely in terrupted. The quke of Genoa with 25,000 men, infests Verona oo both aide, of the Adige, it. the positions near Rivoli The Duke of Savoy is on the other aide of Ducastella to prevent the egress of Austrians on that aide. Continual sktrmishes take place, but none of a character to decide the late of Italy. The chambers 01 Turin have voted for the annexation of Velum to Piedmont immediately. The king of Naples was made trosringantof the election of the Duke of Genoa to the thirllneref Sac ily, and he commeuced preparations on an eaten. sive scale for the invasion of that island. It woo calculated that the knees available for the invasion would be about 20.000 troops in Calabria. about 5000 in the fortress of Mersin, and 600 or 800 in Naples It was expected that the embarkation would take place about the 30th and they would land at Syracuse. SPA C. From Spain we learn that the Queen has bees officially declared to be eneiente. However, some impediment has occasioned alarming fears for the frustration °CM° hopes of all loyal Syantank We thought that the Montemolintat 4 movement on. the Northern frontier had not succeeded, but the oc counts are as little trustworthy, that it is impossible to speak of the subject with any degree of certainty. Don Franciscode Paula, the father of the King Consort, has been exiled. ItTLIOAL Nothing remarkable hat occurred In Poring. The last dates are to the 19th plumy from Lebo. when affairs were very gloomy. INDIA. The Overland Mail from India has arrived, bring ing dales from Bombay to the tat ot June, Calcut ta to the 2nd of and Hung Kong to the 24th of May, inclusive. At the Chinese puns every• thing remained quiet. At Bong Kong there was a better feeling for the import business. The news from. Francce had occasioned great alarm, and business was ut a stand still. Riley, Cur rie iY Co. bad stopped payment. CvXMIERCIAL. The progress of trade and commeree during the peat week has been greatly retarded by the extreme uneasiness which is felt respecting the mimeo( affairs iu Ireland. The markets for Colonial produce have hitherto been less active with the exception of all - which has been in fair demand. The roles of eutlon are to a moderate extent. The Corn trade has been active and pnces rather higher. Manufactured goads are less inquired for home use. The money market is cosy, aunt the rates of interest remain at the ligglre bat quoted. Since the sailing of the Amenea, the mles of cue toga amount to 34,190 hales, of which speculators took2:400 American, and exported 45,90 Amertenti, 1 5 401Pernams and 30 Surtax, leaving 2.5,390 bales for the consumers use. The general tone of the market has deco quiet and without anumuloo. Prices of nearly all desengasona remain the same OM on Chit day week. If any change it is in l'avor gat the buyer. Speech of Collasset Black. To the Editors of the Pageburgh Gazette. The speech of Colonel Black, delivered on the third of August, at Philadelphia, has been publish ed in this county for political effect, and public at tention challenged for it in the most marked man. tier. Is We consider it Err game LO note some points raised by the gallant Colonel. After introducing himself to the Democracy of Philadelphia in an earnest, though partizan esor diem, he blinded to the statement of the New tir. leans Bulletin, that he would vote fir Taylor. and as he voted, ea would Gem fifths of his men vote.— It was not necessary for the Colonel to contradict this statement in Pennsylvania, fur it is here known that having Bung himself ant of the Whig party. he would not vote for Taylor, having no interest in common with that distinguished Whig. It is also known that he could not, ifhe would, influence the vole of kiurtifths of tn. men, simply because they are free men of Pennsylvania. The Colonel has teamed somewhere, perhaps from Father Ritchie, that it is a Federal notion, -that the people cannot judge for themselves, and cosequently are not lit kir self e.teerineut We will not say what uur s not a Federal uution, but We defy the Colonel to show that the Whigs hove ever taught or practised such a principle.— The Colonel and the writer were Whig. of the same day, imbibing their political knovrledge from the same sotures, and neither of us were ever taught that the people were flammable of eelfgov ernment. "The glories," iraya he, °of Palo Alto, Reseal de la Palma, Monterey, and Buena Vista, are blazoned to the world le n t apurpose. That purpose to make General Taylor President' Is that Colonel! •Think ngnin. Your humor Is rather racy. Did not the fire spirit of these battles wake for war the the military spirit of the nation, and supply the lack of energy in the Government! Were they not lalazcined thro the land before Taylor was thonght MEW the Presidency. The masterly skill and judgment displayed by him, in the prescore of a superior and diaciplined Me, endeared him to the hearts of the people, who ore now anxiously waiting to do him honor. The great Whig Con- vention responding to the national heart, nomina ted this illustrious man kw the Presideoey, and therefore a poinicianof yesterday isaya "It is weak to say, that because a man is honest, a good sol dier, and victorious in Mur battles, he must of nes county hone the nature! ability and discipline of naiad, in the proper school, to manage well this complicated machine,"—our government, we sup pose,. Why, before the Colonel was any trouble to his nurse, General Taylor was fighting for this Constitution of ours, for our free institutions, (or our rights as an independent nation, as laid down by Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Monroe. The war of 1812 tried our Institutions in every part. They were applied. for the first time, to • state of war, raising every question of beligerant rights, national finance, and state and natumal sov. ereignty. Did General Taylor Lee through the discussion dour rights as a nation.arid a• a private citizen, preceding the war, and did he risk his life in defence of the mews of Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Mod. mon, and Mr. Monroe, without knowing any thing about these views, or the nature of the government they explained. The gallant Colonel admits that General Taylor is honest—then, d he is honest. he would not do any thing soles., he thought it was right to know what is right, be must understand the subject matter he could not know, aidea he would investigate. He did light for our instate. tons—be. would not, as an hottest man, have done so, unless he thought it right lie anild not have de cided whether right or wrong, without a knowledge of the subject matter, but be did decide in favor of the views of our government. He must, there fore, have studied them, and consequently must now understand them, as taught by the Fathers of the Republic. This old porno( is the subject of a young north, in the pretence of the mirth loving Demise racy of Philadelphin. Whigs of Allegheny :coon. ty--think of 'Sam Black' dilating on the ignorance of General Taylor, and his insulting speech sent here to gain votes for him' Aye, for Aro—the lawyer, the soldier, the wag, the awn of lasi,' Let on have a specimen of his taste. The CoL says— 'Giving a man military rank And smothering him in gold;like beef steak in onions—will not and does not maim him any better than hit companion, the soldier of the line.' T. true,' the old tiese rial never astonished the mails, with such elfin, site wit—such elegant site in composition. Wr think we smell the onions. The Colonel hits the old General again, saying— Walt characteristic tintliancy, he avows himself 'a Whig, but not an ultra IVhig." 'lf lie 1:3“ de, fine whet it is to be an ultra Whig, which means some thing more than a Whig, or beyond a Whig, I ahould like to hear him du The Colonel need not have troubled himself giving .us the literal meaning of the word, for It has been popularized, and means be that is extreme in politics—it means just such a Whig. the Colonel used to be--tioisy, open mouthed, a. he once may wittily observed, in 1840--speaking of his mighty eflbrts In the Whig that, for the but two weeks, the latch string of his month had liteganylning outsido door.' The Colonel, is hisailluaiou to ki.r.CL4 was truly eloquent. It seemed as if the ide that great man had for the moment brought. mind back to truth—his soul had high communion, and (hand lolly utterance; but the work of a part;. zan must be perihrmed. In his remarks OR the Allison letter, his thoughts gravitate to mitodrita non, and be makes low sport a while about 'briny legulation•—no such phriase being in the letter. He also gives a private stab at another gmat chieftain, saying, " And it is also well settled what amount of caloric and cold water will produce 'a hasty plata of soup.'" We need not tell an Udell'. get public that cold water and calorie ate the com ponents of warm water only, not soup. We aliould be careful not to show our Ignorance when we exhibit our wit. The opinion of General Taylor on the veto power, is web an ope as Kent and Story would approve, and it could not have been so clearly and concisely expressed, by a man ua. acquainted with our instinatione it is the very spin of the constitution. The fiillowiag is Kees view of the veto power .--. Thisqualifled negative of the Preaidenr upon the formatiou of lawe, is, theoretically at least,some additional • security egatnan the pump of improper laws, the . sughpre., Judice, or want ado° reflection . but it we. pally intended to give the presidents constitution al weapon to defend the executive department, as well WI the just balance of the Constitution, against the usurpations of the Legislative power." Compare the viqw of the old General in the Alli son letter and that of the Colonel in his speech, ' with the view of Kent, nod we predict that the view of Old Zack is sounder, than that of the in. indigent legal Colonel. Congress as the organ of the popular will is the only supreme power in our National Government: having power to propose amendments, even to the Constitution. The fin. men of our political compact never contemplated such a being as the President of a party. Parties are so nearly balanced now that a majority of two thirds is not to be expected whim even the most arrogant assumptions of executive power. The President, with a party in the minority, whipped in by his patronage, can control the Supreme pow. er—Congeems the agent of the popular wilL Gen. Taylor declares that the popular will shall govern. That he will not be the President of a party—that he hu nothing to nerve but his coun. The great 'Whig party, because they love their countryy mote th aillbeit pally — bemunei-they despise proncrip. - lion, because they wish to see the true democratic principle thepower of the people governin kir Tsykii and therefore Colonel Bleck charges g, the Whig party with a deserticut of all principle, can.. quently as destitute of virtue, truth and 'wavily , and yet young Whigs of Allegheny county, we will be called upon to vote km this calumniator of oar party and indirectly of ourselves; by all the at. tachments dearly aleociehon, play ground fellow. ship, and school boy recollectiorus. They would even consent not to claim his election an a party victory if we would agree to vote for him. We lied thought to quote Goal Moon Err the benefit of the . Colonel, the fable of the farmer who warmed the frozen viper in hat bosom until it mug lom to death, but `Let him alone he is joined to his test Correspoudanee of the Pittsburgh Gazette. Taylor In Western Reserve. %wms., AulBo. The nomination at Buffalo ar does not g. I m 2, eet oral cordial support by but feu , Whigs. The Rase,_ will yet go for Taylor. Ido not mean it will giv. him a full Whig vote, bot at least a two4hirda' one 1 speak, of course, within the scope of my acquain lance in this and the adjoining counties. Truly your. Load AtOdrs ILATIMITID FOX VIZ PITYSDDIWII DAILY (IAZKTTL MCHTifia to Beata or lesa.ssa—A Very re, peasable and highly enthusiastic meeting in behalf of Ireland convened at the Oregon House last even mg. John S. Wilson, Esq., won called to the Chair, and Messrs. John Taylor and 11. lireornuck. are. pointed Secretaries. Thomas Howard, EIN., haring been called to stand, addressed the assemblage in a speech of much ability, which elicited great applause. At an conclusion, the fiAlowing resoluuons were otleied by Mr. Wm. Lowry, arid adopted unanimmuJr— R-saleni, That a Committee consiating of— persons be appointed to prepare articles of lissom. noon for an organized Society, auxiliary to the N. York nod Philadelphia Societies, and to aid them in raising funds to meet the approaching, time al. ready existing crisis, of Ireland's struggle for free. dom. The ibflowing I. the Committee appointed hod the above resolution: The. Howard, L Harper, Luke Tamil's, J Dunn, Wm Stevenson, John Parra, Wm Lowry, Johu Taylor, John S Wilson. John J Mitebell,Joo Coyle, Andrew Burke, Capt R. Porter, W Kane, Jr, 11 Kennedy, Wm Thompson, Robert II Kerr, Thos R C Fleeson, H Ml.:amuck, P M'Keits, J Machin, John Tugware Reaufrad, That the above named Committee meet on Friday evening next, at such place e r the chairman thereof may deatguate, in order to ruin! the duties of their appointment. On motion, the meeting adjourned, to reconvene in the Diamond Market on Saturday evening, at half past 7 u eloa, when the Constitution, Se. the As wall be presented tor adopt.' JOHN S. WILSON, pre Jowl, H. Serretanert. Al'Consi A area Qraarsrrt—The police have siicreeded during the last few days in arresting all tout of a desperate gang of burglars, who have been tigur. tug in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Cincinmti, Ronal°, Utica and elsewhere. On Monday infOrmatton bad been received by telegraph of a burglary commit ted ia Queninati, with a descryttou of the perpe trators, Emanuel Stilts, and Alexander Hardy who were arrested in lbw city. On Tuesday, William Manta, a colored man, infarmed against lox Gland and accoinplwe. Sherry Duvall, as concerned with himself ut burglaries sod robberies at Buiralo, and in Allegheny city—that of Mrs. lngles, of Sandos by street, Allegheny city. among the number. Mr. Monts lunisell hoped to escape, but Wt. no LI n Innate as to be liable to a bench warrant, a s a hi. guiva from Janice on a previous oecasron, and four worthies—lwo white and two black— have it seems Leen th.vompltees in nomerou, penes, are now in Anil together. A watch found upon Lruvall has been identified by the owner, as also some spoons belonging to Mrs. logics, together with other artrcles. Moots had quarreled with his accomplice Duvall, stud so infirrrned in revenge. The lour rascals bad troy elled together some Ilee.lllll.Mg .I,parl.l. Of New York. Peunsylvanta and frhsr—leaving tier trace. a r‘,.J:Jerly... tn 3;1 thrt,t.;4l‘,. A soi.oimt who arrived at the Virginia hotel. comer of Water and Ferry, about five days since, died on Monday afternoon, at r. r. , and was interred at II on Tuesday. The deceased won very al when he mune to the city, and continued toolil, cline rapidly till death took dim away from sorrow and sugaring. All that could be teamed eotmern• lug him, wit that his name was Goheen,—that he had been a member of the 12th U. S. Infantry, was a native of Cheater county, Pa., and hada relative named Donaldson, residing somewhere in Pitts. burgh or Allegheny airy. No papers were Giond in Ls possession. The expenses of his funeral were Lorne by Mr- W. B. Tnuattwin, the proprietor of the Wel, who. with a liberality which does Iton honor, prurigled o handsolinewatfin, and made other suitable :mange meats kir the decent interment of the strn nger's remains The steamer Sarunack is being provided with a new apparatus for nothing taw of atmoapherie pres sure no an additional propelling power. A dale culty was expenenced kieretothre, in 14011161 es penments, (tom the fact that the advautage dented in high pressure engines, from the hennas of the water by the steam, preparatory to its being thrown inbu the boilers, was lost; and the cold water neves aarily thrown at, rendered it much more &result to generate geoto. Mr. Crawford, the inventor ui the new plan, is confident that he can bring the wetter to a boiling Nutt in the heater, while avail ing 'muse'," of an atmospheric pressure of fully 6diar. Iron pounds to Ilia square melt. The apparatus will be ready for trial in a (ow days, and we shad then be east/Jed to speak more accurately of its capstan., Our present opinion is that a will ga• ewer. The weight of the entire machine dues not exceed 2,000 pounds. Tut Curio:4 Fttel,llll2,-11 was reported yes Corday morning, that a prop&sition to enter into a compromise of some kind, bad been made by a portion of the manufacture., to the female opera tives, but on inquiry of the manufacturers them selves, we ascertained that the report was unthomb ed. Thu manufacturer. declare their willingness to rotifer with the gilts themselves, at any moment, but will receive no proposition from any other par, ty. Thou conviction a unshaken, that they can not, under present cireuntwancea adopt the ten hour system. Duns - Natl.—An inquest was held yesterday morning, by Coroner RicheiribMii, on the hotly of Lewis Isfoinniel, a lab onng man, lately engaged in the store of Messrs. Rieketson & Allen. Mr . Mammal had gone into the Allegheny River, with three friends, about ki o'ck.lek last evening, and while swimming above some rails, near the bland street Bridge, lie 4V. carried Muir, one til and drowned. The demaaekl left a wife aod oeveral ehildren-- all of whom Were (rule the eaf at the tear of his death. AcCIDVIT.—A small boy on his way to school, in passing the Church building, on :he corner of Wylie and High street, we. struck on the head with a brick, which accidentally felt from the build. lag, and xenon:4 iniured. Workmen engagetk Deer the street cannot be too careful, ea persems, particularly children, are always passing, and nen in danger of being hurt by the falling brick. EDWARD 84110111 Na, a at dor.] tnan,was arrested on Tuesday ana+rOu g ht 10 the Mayor's, odlee on a °ham, of rape, o6poillad on the person of Marta Brinks. o white girl af fifteen, whom" attract. re• aide at McKee.' &MUM, three and a half low the city. CITABLE! HAIONAE a meddlesome, quarrelsome; captious and profane huckster, well known in the Diamond Market,:as one ur The tribe who Cadge in articles of questionable fitness for the LIIIIIOII stomach, wan properly fined on Tuesday, by the Mayor, for using threatening and profane language to Mr. Cole, a very respectable fanner from Mon. tour's Wand. Mr. C. bad taken a markeictaud which Hni,gmm claimed. . - Gomm' Lady's Book, for September, has alrea dy reached mi. It is ornamented with one of the finest engravings we have lately seen, entitled, "Dr. Johnson's interview with Goldsmith," besides several other engraving's and illustration& The reading maker of the usual character. A Lsny—the wile ol° e;iit Mo re considered a gentkman—appeared at the Mayor's Mike, on Tuesday, to enter a complaint against her has. band, kr heating and otherwise abusing her. She however relented_declined proceeding against him, and returned to her unhappy borne. ailucher. a Gen oceturtal ymaerriay at t h e Court House, just after the Ihnnocratie Convention ad. burned, between Meagre. Charles Barnett and Brown.lrwin, in consequence of ' words 'Takeo o debate COM= Ds:immune Coavairrrox—The Cass and Butler Democracy of Allegheny County as. sembled in Convention at the New Court House, yesterday, at 11, A. at., to elect delegates to their State Convention, to be held on the 30th instant, to nominate a gubernatorial candidate. Colonel Al exander Carnahan was called to the chair—Messta. Gilmon, Stewart, Blachmore, Lillie, Cunningham, and Willson, appointed Vice President', Merma- R- H. Kerr, James Ritchie, and J. N. McClory, Sec retaries. Delegates attended from nearly all the districts, and the - Convention was very respectable in appearance. The following resolution, drawn up at the prima ry meeting in the Ist Ward of Allegheny, seas adopted unanimously, as soon as the list of dele gates had been called over. Re lead, Thal we, as Democrats, would recom mend oar delegates to vole for no person as a dal• elate to the Harrisburgh Convention, bat those Who are friendly to the Ten Hour System:' • Nominations were next made of person.. to h e marked for as delegates, when Col Rody Patterson offered a resolution complimenting Colonel Wilson ld'Ctuttlleas for his magnanimity, democracy, dec., to declining a nomination fur Governor. The res. olution at course passed, nem. con. Messrs. 11. S. ISPGraw, Michael 61108, James A. Gibson, Perry Halter, & Charles Hemet having been elected delegates to the Harrisburg Convention, on mahout of 3. B. Sawyer, Esq., they were uartnittiou. ly instructed to support Hon. Jeremiah Black, of Somerset county, as the Gubernatorial Candi date. • Mr. Sawyer also offered a resolution relative to the death of the late Governor Shunt:, expressing respect for his memory, and gratitude for his ser vices, which was likewise adopted unnnunously. Ms. R_ IL Kerr, offered a resolution to instruct the candidates kir the Legislature to sustain the Ten Hour Lew, without the special clause, which was passed without a dissenting voice. After the transaction of vane other unimportant business, the Convention adjourned. . _ [xwa rsarr.—Th. CAlowing . n teleraphte des patch nseersed yeslenlay by the gentleman Whom it is addressed. PIIIIAIM-PHIA, Aug. 10, 1b4,5. AT,. JVo. C. AI - Vanity Nino nulls In Philadelphia—all that are work. lag—comply watt the Ten Hour Law. The Globe Mills work two sets of hands, ten hours at night, and ten hours daring the day. Pour of the Mal., MI MO idle, on negonnt of niaLing repairs. All the nulls in Manyuak and Montgomery county. and tire nulls in Delaware county, ...manly with the tea hour law. • The Factory Operativex, avid their friends avll hold a meeting nt the Market Howie, in Allegheny City, thoi eveuing at 71 o'clonk: Iit'OSOIV . % PA:10,1/01/1.-TE. magnificent painting continues to attract large and highly delighted ma thence', at Philo Hall. As its may io our city is MO expected to be long, all who have not seen it will not low' the opportunity of doing no; and Mow who have seen it, will And the second or third view to he even more interesting than the first. The exhibibou vdl be opened this evening to is o'clock, precisely—so that an early attendance at the Hall is necessary, to obtain convenient seats. lion. Thos. 0. Edwards and General Ritchie, Members of Congress, ntstved hut 1114 ht, and toeh lodpngs at the Monongahela House. Hon. George N. Eden, the Whig representa tive from the 14th Conareastodal Distrui, JechneP a re-election. His secoeasor will doubtless be con cealed to Schuylkill county, and the name', of Charles W. Pitman, James H. Campbell tad A. W. Leyburu are. announced as candidates. 117. Pl.lll.Mialva.-11yoo sylph to be atm pessiut In anyundertaiing, you must •Iways Mse the reopen means.' Therefore, if you have a cough, use J . Earar-roasn and be cured, tor °is Me proper menus. Harr you Asthma or ddriculty of breattuthi, then the only efficient means to cure you th to u se Wayste's Expertorant. which will immediately overrode e .punt which contracts the diameter of the tubes, Dud ho en. Willi bnug. up the mucus vehieh clogs them up, ohd thus removes every obstruct.° to a fire respr ratans, while at the Pont how all Inflammation b dr ed. and a rare r. ecrtact be efieriell Have yea Breccia. Spatial, of Blood. Pleuncy, or to on yea Pulmonary hdreuon. then o.r lawn , . Expectorant and 1- rerucc acid yica st 1,..1 titui pco /MY t eve..l We r o per eictu.• For de m PlUsburgh at the Pelin Tea :bore, id 4th strew um. Wood. latst7 3•Tne's Kircerunswr— We would ern attention yo this excellent remedy for Coeghii, Colds, Cowman:loot. Asthma, and all el - new:cis of thii Throat and lungs Hernia eereral mere within elite year. paat had twee. aloe to a•-• medicine uf dos kind, we have by exp.,. epee wilted its excellent qualitiea, and are prepare d to recommend tt to others. hlinisters or oilier public speakera afflicted with bronchial affections mill find greet benefit from it. um". It is prepared by • *ciente Ge physician, and all classes will find it a sale and eth os It...theme on the diseases for which it es re commended —lerrirtmhos (Ohio/ Cross and Jouniel. Per vale at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 70 Fourth street `That arbiter skin of beth,lll. And pure to mottuthental alabaster.” All females have akin like the above with ithe Jour.' Spasualt lall While. 11 raaketh pure mnorry. yet maw rail,bite Sold atLtherly street Is la Yaiwtusura Dastocnacr. "OT a RCN CV/ 01 Lic •focossto. from the conuacticement at the Adomite ounts Jame. K. Polk, down to the ttotennatioo Geo. Cass. In }thyme. By K 8 liktraronh." Th. 1y anitiolog w‘rk. which has lately been published this city, to for sale at all the Rook Store, •144-1 w Ellos/nets Meal A tuat knotrlalge tattle French Language to 45 la. Br:W, —Reading, . s Wrung. erica/rum, and es perfect as • Scholar eau • . 1101HrLF11 FICIiFII2./W2,2.1, lowly Iron Ea- A.!. tope, oder. to kw Iriends and the to general bat uervier, by new and the rno.t approved method ot studying Me French language, by winch be warnints the real macre.. and tatprovernent in that ddiciat but beautiful tied tarilwantide lanuage. I I te unposarnie to Warn it itt 12 or 24 lesson, as WMd leachers pretend and pram.* to do; as he himself had spent idliben }Calf to France, nod exerted all Meal,. 111 hut rower to heroine a perfect master Cl what he .row prepooe. to Impart to others. . . Socaenption haw arc open in Gazette and Cocoroer. rim! (savor daws. The COUVIIC WM be open on the IN September One quarter, consisttng oflelleavan. in a claw, 131 U. kbr private interview, M. Piotrowski will moot rub pleasure any person. ur the Monongahela House nug17.4.12w• - _ ii•OR BALE, corNTiCr stukr cooloonag about two •nd a ft hail acres, unwed on Me Allegheny rode in Ma over, near Manchester. The ground .iscompletely stocked with the choicest fruit trees, voles, and fruit shrubs, and the place is believed lo be the cheapest so well as one of the mow desirable now in the market Fur particulars apply to LIEU PARICIN, IL:rosette Booldamt, Agent for My owner . . Klocklon. T 111: mutual meeting of the Stockholders of he Nor. Merit Liberties Bridge Company, will be held al the 7bll noose of said Bridge, on Saturday, the latti foil, at 6 o'clock, P Al., to elect more Manage,, and • Treasurer for said Company . E WARNER, Secretary. Allegheny, Au; 111, auglLiklt THREE PINE DHAVOHT HORSES.— Three hoe Draught Hones forsale, SM.- a We for dr•ying, &a. Enyture of WALLINDFORD & Co, _magi; canal basin, lawn y at if TURSE WANTED, to go to Philadelphia, to take 11 charge of an infant (loud recommendauons will in. required Apply immediately at digs office _a[ll7 AND rahl PS—A A Mason It Co, 60 Mar .L.` het el, have mei recXl inn dor of line blh and cord Huh Pelages, of all widths. Also. Gimps of every va. 'rely and color. eeel7 CAPES AND COLLA RS —A A Meson t Co are now opmung let/ bee French Wrought Capes, to. Sous qualtims, and .500 Pico and Hue Preneb . ,ernbror. tiered Siendlna Collars, at very low prices. augl7 At ON A. MAS ATlT,There peat rte..' 6 ruse. of • Pnuts, of beautiful neat dark 4gure.., et extreme , ly ism prices. Also, IVO ps Lyonesn CIoUL &c, which they oral offer at greet inducemeens In por• cheerers . augl7 LACE CAPS-6 Jos fancy lace Cape, pat reed at magi? A A MASON & Co's 1313:FLOUR—MI bbla for sale by llr aogl7 .11)111.4 H DILWORTH, ID wood at `lOl - lON A liN AND BATTING-opp Yam, acted NOli RC Irate* &Whir for sale by augl7 JOHN S DIEWORTH & Co 'IIONEY IN THE. ROM eases of cep superior jj quality, for mile by augl7 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, front et 1 3 ECK/ CHALK s ert A s i . u A rtt ic r s eg aud i t ale by augl7 corner 161111111 WOOLS MO LlRArums —5 toot/. tact reed and for sale by augl7 WICK & APCANDLL.SS • hEER SKINS-For sale by augl7 WICK & M'CANDLEMS fIOFFEE-2:13 sacks RIO Coder, is prime allele NC V tOCIIIO.I and rut solo by magl7 WICK & &MANDL FISS F woad SALK—A Family Hume, 6 yearn old, warrant .. 4, .a ddle dle or buggy—so quiet Wal dehild eau handle too. For Mid by amid TASSIW &.131.T T,11.011R SUL.PLF• —- r by VR-4 LadsJost recd nod for role B A PARNESTOCK & Co, or lit mod wood or augttf 1101'1'EN STONE—I cub just reed end for sale by LI A FAIINIESTOCK & Co p i I fIU * S ag : iORUS-4.0 lb. Mei reed sod for sale by sugld LI A PA/INE.NTOCK & Co rIRs. sPEEit a MORGAN, may be consulicO at j_l their Lahr to Pe.oreni. 0 011101 . of 41 , 6 , 14 alley. auglAdßu• o ARLEY MALT-203 bu.4lground and ulwrouna, f) for gale by auglU BROWN .k CULIMItTIION / SAO SWAMIS -So dot tar .adr ougio BROWN ar. CULLIERTSON y _ 1(/ METAL—BO tom Cumberbuie-Riyor Heral, landing Warn mon American Star and L Wetzel. aagte JA.1.1159 DALSELL, t3l warm to LARA Ac.--al keg. Na I Lard; y hada 1.1ac;;;land• ;Tar from mar Cashier, and fur ton by augtO RALRELL LILANNRLS—Brown and Red Plnnneir, an catnip, meat and far role by I_llll 101_ ___._ OW COCHRAN 48 wood at (41111 .. 11E510-11 racks now Ir BA di t ab i viceforicsale PICKY CO COTTON -46 balm in sari "Ad for sale by Jr/5 ISAiAH DICKEY & Co To Esigineiers. llachtialsts wad Other.. IHE Qiesapeaka and Delaware Canal Company de sign to have Malt, at Chesapeake Cny,the western beneivof their Canal a Steam Pomp, or other Ma elinieryt capable of lifting into the Canal at an eleva tion of sateen feet from Broad Creek, In the best man. tier as regards efficiency and economy, two hundred thousand cubic feet of water per hour. The Company invite Engineers, Machinists, and oth ers to offer plans for the above mirk, to be accompa nied with drawiiiirs and descripuons, and estimates of the dotty cost of mei and attendance; they will also re ceive from such persons Proposals for building and fining up the Machinery, if desirable to the party fur. nuking the plans respectively offered. The plans to be delivered at the office of the Comp? - ay, under waff before the second day of October neit, at which time they will be opeued and lodged of by the Board of 'Ammar., as follows. viz: For the plan which may be adjudged of SA beat. premium or three hundred dollen wilt be paid. For the next best plan a premium of two hundred dollars, and Inc my others which the Compare may ehmse to retain, one hundred dollars each. The y Com pany will retuni, under sem to the parties respectively, all the other plans. Any iniortnatton required will be furnished on appli cation at the °thee of the Company, No. httl .meet, Philadelphia. at4114-dbart. Valuable Real Estate. 'I , IIE undersigned, desirous of settling lot kismet.. j and devoting himself to the restorauon of his health, will dispose of his interest (being one dkurthi in about 70 acres of ground nearly opposite this city, in ninth Pittsburgh, in and above Birminghnm, compris ing some at the handsomest and most noriyunient lions to the city for rriiilrneel, and moat advantage.. (or manufacturing. I will sell either one of the plain by the tree ur ill single lota, to snit purchasers. This propeny has un e in proved rapuily value since being opened sat tar sal within the past few years, mid that ii will continue to do so, I will guarantee to the purchaser an advance of at least filly per emit. on his payturnm within the next hire years, by ha giving me the privilege of repurchas ing or selling at any period within that time, by paying him an advance proportionate to the above. Those wishing handsome and convenient sites far resulences, or the most advantageous for ruanufartur. in g, will please apply immediately. II not disposed of at pit to sale, prior to Monday, the link day of September next, it will be offered at public sale on that day, at 11l o'clock, A. AI, . . 0 ORMSBY Ithronnghaso, August Cambria Prarrithre for Sale. TARE. undersigned soil oder lor rale at itublir out. hoe, en Thursday. the Gott day of (haulier neat, the following property imatirned to Mon by the Late brat f Vintun, Lewitt. Reeve A. Co.. for the biniedl of the erednors of said tiro, to sic—The Furnace erected Inc seci company, with Umpteen, engine and fixture., awl hot blast apparatus; the tools used abOul the furnace. the lot of land on which the Furnace annals, eoillaumiq 064.1 filleens .res of bind, and the interest of the sand hill] to fifty ecrer of land bought in It K Root. The sale will be held on the preemies, in the town ship of Tallinadge, Summit comity, Ohio, and vellbrms, melt, at to o'clock, A At Tut,. tivt 4, ..K—One-ftwarlis fiord lige in lour, eight rod twrlve month, mugld-dt. Desirable Lots for Sale. frIlE subscriber Ms laid out eleven Lots on 1 South side of the Four - Ml.4lre. Rood. and atm two und our quarter wiles from the Conn llou These lots coatatn each fr‘tm on two and h gen, of land, and will Ise sold on reasonable mid 1 commutating term. It is deemed um yto c ter itito may explanation of the advantages ofthr lott. Then vicinity to thts coy, and to the line of Central Roll Road, recommend Meat strongly ifs trt destrable countrserraidences 'Pie subscriber also offers for sole about seven hun dred sere* of land in Franklut township, Allegheny county, Kb./ I seventeen tulles from Entsburgh. Also. tune building tots in the borough of Binutitgbani. aughiettlat _ __NEVILLE B. CRAIG. _ - T. B. FLORENCE R. H. YOUNG. Xr ED/ AVOILKS—Vainty Pair, a novel without a 11 Hero, by William hlakepeace 'Mick ery—with illuairabons by the author. The Tenant or WIWWII Hall. I.y Arum Dell, author of u ll'utherlog Height." The Younf4oobniaires.: by Joseph Alden, D D Partti„ of ta . Illuatrateil edition of the Arabian Nights, Ihnertatinnenui. New translation, arranged for tamily reading, wok eaplanainry nom, by E. lb. lone, Kay Loma.' Logarithum—Table. of logarithm. of nom. hem and mat. and *Emmet. for every test aecooda of the quadrant, wok outer useful tables: by Flum loomm. Af:tl., Prof Illathemaues and Natural Philosophy /it the University of New 1 ork. author of a "Treatise tau Algebra," kr. be. The above trolls reeeived thu day and for sale by JOHNSTON & grucicroN, IJookuellers, roe market and 1.1 am TEACHER:it WANTED. IMIRKF: Male and Nine Female Teachers, at salaries of Sow to 85011. wanted for the several public Schools in the Fourth Ward of Allegheny, which it to intended to open ott the lot of October. Apphcanons to ernitug. addressed to the undersigned. wall be rec.. real by him, or by' 11. FILot M. 1)., (of whom further fo Inrmation tun) be obtained.) until klonday, the 4th day or September proximo. at 8 o'clock. P. M. when the examinations will be had and the Teachere select ed JANIFM RODUk:kL.S, Pre et or Directors Allegheny. Aug. 13, IMO. ang16.31 Retall Grocerz for Salo. oct from o ,; lot of well selected Dry Gouda, and to rent his stand. one of the hest in Alle w gheny coy, situated on Robtnaon treet, mlinechately est of the Cot,ttt Bridge, on the north aide. The stock it lirocenes dillekreell selected tor a retail binuneso, anal the stand is rifot every s ebaracter. coloring a/I opportunity seldom equalled. A reasonable credit will nad at given, and possession can be The Hotter and Stand la weil adapted to the Fterr 111•INIUM. cud tt woutd pay wett. that tielgliberhoo.l. mug') ,12,v A1:111,1,4 ail/DOUSE. --• TUE STAR OF TILE WEST A* VEIWIAN BLIND ALaNUFACTOR 'V Eau aide of the Diamond, where Venn/at Bland. ot ail the different wee, and cola ore kept on hnrid or made to order ruin the latest and most approved EMlllerli ill•il ions, at the Honest notice and on the mon , e reasonabie term. Ala, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa rency and Paper Quint. of all the different 1112.1 and patterns, on hand and for rale low tot eash. Old Veim nen tilicuis painted over and reptured, or taken in part payment for new. RAI tVFyTF.BVEI.T. Pro'Fir. N. 11—All work done with the hear matenal and workmanship, and warranted to pie" the most ime Whims. saglOslly Allegheny city, Aug 10.1h41. - - COPARTNERSHIP. , IliAvE this day ilaipoaed of part Of my intereat the gm or Lorenz, Sterling Co to iny sons, Rob, it and Samuel P. Sterling. ILEN RV STERLING. •ecordniK to the above arrangement.. wr herethis J ere associated nth' es Iss partners the shove nianird ROCIF:RT 11. STERLING, mutt P,A,111.1411. S3TEFL/.11443. Ike busters. will be conducted as Iteretaore. uu the name a I.OREINZ. DTI RLlAlti k C. Pittsburgh. Aegust 14, lA, auglAshiw I tuT Opt Let Maw Mills wd Planing DI pc 41 • •/.11.1.t erre rpm: subsenbers have on hand for .ale a large stock I of planed Flooring. Also, a variety of sawed stud, such as steamboat Decking, boat aiding*. Joists, scant ling. israndow frame stint Or. kte. They are tuba pre pared to receive and fill on short notice, orders fur any ankles 111 their line NEVILLIf kl CHAR; fr. tuoN. au gliill wikarinaT MAILIiLi: WORKS ON WOOD ST, PITESLIUtteiii• E. WILKINS, /IUNTINEES to mantuiscture Monuments, Burial \_/ books, Tomlin, Head Stones, Mantel Pieces, Cen tre and Him. Toes of foreign and domestic marble, at a regal', 5.1 fair tine,. N. H — Drawings ler 100011.1Mellte, vault,. &X furtn•b ed, of any description. Ile solicits a share at public patronage. aug9-dit STRAYED On STOLEN. from the pre al lbe subscriber. on the morning of the lath tont .. eheinnot sorrel hIAKE, sik . years old, middle size. within. any marks SW anti he paid by Ito subscriber for the Celan, of the mare; and it stolen, 52.5 tor the conviction of the duo( THUS I. 1./Teli, water .t, below Penn angl4,l2w APEIt —SU reams extra large Wiraw Paper. very Leavy and wrong, extra hardware. &a. bundle. Flat Cap, tor eunteetiuners; cheap yaw and cap Papal Isar sale by J SCHOONAIAKER & Cu, mug!! 24 wood NOTICE TO AI —The advertiser ails a permanent situation MI Clark ur Wales la a Citable,'. establish Ite*peatable teleran can Le given. Addrew to !wall / - 10TTONI YARNtS, lbs assorted Nos, 15u hales Condit. %Veck; 150 do BattittgXerpet Sc, Twine. tor sole at mo . m.fot - torent tow." , prier , lYtht RHEY At Co 1 0 13ALT-2100 lb. Cobelt . to-1 tre'd su t i ot i d u la lol ‘ o :o by sa DOT rrce.rong from !our Lake. Fine aud of sale by nog JAMES DALZKI.L ))ACON AND FLA.2011.11.:1)-511.V lb. Bacon, 1. begs JJ Flaxseed, lust rermvcd and lur pale by augl I. S WA PERM AY fJ Waal Starch il l:T. l t t e T by xiAN raltnidllusirTretr T"r°".ll7ie: • II IIrFFEE.--43 base Ibu and 11) bags. Lague) re C. orrmoe 1.7' 1.51111, and for aalr by I. NV A TEILNI AN, /311 31 water and, d 2 front sls S A Lt u bl 'ru''—a n . ; . l "" A‘ 9 l l ,. : ;;" l :ll . ,: B 7, l =.l.l.4 s w m1 , 1 1 , 1111/ p 1 5 , 4 0 E:f7 1 : . - 4 - . A .,,,,, A r l: n szit a t ue. tad width. iu 112,, LARV 611.—Y.i ibis •1 bond slid . 4 . 1 0 by j)ti 4 _ _ MACCAVEAI: SNUFF—Ju,t rre'd mud for nude b J KIDD & to POLLACCII-100 dux rum Cut Tobacco, (chews:kg, on baud and JUT sale by Iyg J AWL) .1. Co OATS-11‘) bosh Ono, part rec'd anJ bur .ale by flu WICK & bIIVAN/J1.1,11.$ ITEN. itED-40 bbl. I , ur: reed and for an K le & bt .. augd_ corner lin and wood sir SALERATUS —lO bbls. 20 las kn . .ale by 1,7 our! y F VON BONN HORST & Co (ZTUNF: PIPFS--dO bar Slone Plpes, for ale by 1113. 7 WICK & M'CANDI.FISS r~~UUB—ly dux barge Tub, bar male by WICK & III'CANULENS SEU ARS— M Common Cigar., for uule by aug7 WICK otbI'CANDLI*3S GRUSIIIKD SUGAR bble Crumbed Sugar, lb male by true WICK M'CIANDI.EIIrI (2 TURPENTINE--20 bid+ ~ fine trrder. ju. 1.3 rec 11 J tiCIIUUNAI AKER aCo Sbbls for {ale by • aogll BRAUN /t ItEfltft IkrikkAr. tailtliS-3 bale,. for sale by _ augli IfItAtIN i itErrEit 0,31.1101111.4--10 u lbe kir eltle by LIRAUN tc RtITElt LINSF.M) WA. , for sale by augll BRA UN lc REITER LICED Gur,L4ointis and.l hair Inds, vt, , tuhs by uur istuAri DACOZ4 SHOULDERS-10 casks pat rec'd and for We by augur_ BROWN a t..1.11,8ER750N ikrU. SUGAR—AP [tilde ratious grades, for Pale by a augIUBROWN k etaxiarr:4:un LICIPS'—'N brie% prune lot eon Endent told tUreterti k_g. New York HIV, a Ireell supply, paw rec . d sad fin male very low by aught 8110 Vry & CULBFrtTSUN CA.Utllak4lk4-4.ea contdpunetit Ind for vale by auglo GEO COCGEAN -__- (10R1 , 1 AINAL-4o bbl Coro Meal, C I , AlOll4ll ‘,..., brand, jog reed arid (or sale by auglO IS &VI HA ItllAll6ll _ IkadiNO-14 bids No j nerrier ill store mud (ur sale by ll4O J , CIIEW3E-2.5 bia largo cream (Are., just reeelved and for solo Ly "1 7 _ 81 • IJONNIIORST Co ESS PORK.-13 Mile M.,, Pork. rust recta arid kir OUI sa4Ly atiglU 9 a W itARIJAUIJH - ' -- " - ' ,77.7--Y V!.. e j - T" ,- . l nFTrTV7 l. 7T 7 7 3 77'f7FA7F.'nlf'O7NZg t? , 7l% , Dry Goods, fr-, at Aachen. On Thursday morning, Aug.l7, atIO o'clock, at the eommercial Sales Roma, comer of Wood and Filth streets, will be sold. without :emcee, for cash curren cy,. extends° assortment of fresh seasonable ample liner Dry Goods, consisting of a gre at va ri ety of prints Manchester ginghams, lawns , lalatarines, super hne cloths, eassinsems, urinous, &Meccas, mouse de lames, fumy vesunge, Mete block dress silks, black H , w!, serge milk and camb ri c hakh, 111C11.110 shawl], KUlg silk, parent thread, hosiery, gloves, bleached and brown Ertasliva check', ticking. umbrellas, Pan to* &c. BA ?o' clock, 1 half pipe French Etra l uds, I plalforto scale to weigh 3500 lbs.; 5 hills sugar house naulasses; odo No 1 trim med shad; I Orate wironed ylleensaraltl 4 hal( etre.. young hg fen: a ; hock of pge, from men.hata declining imslnem 4 bus Virginia tobaccia 25 bone. Spanish cigars A general ...fitment of flew and second hand house hold furniture, among which are mahogany deeming nod summon humans, sofas, fancy and common chairs, bcdateads. tables, work and Wash ssaada, win dow blinds, looking glaesea, he. C. NEWBOLD, Jr., Presrden Al 7i o'clock. Cutlery, jewelry, musical itntrumelit, a large as. eortment f ii.bsonable ready made clothing, boot, shoe, timberline. saddle, [ did... .taips, trunk, geld and silver,watche, gone, pistol,, farmy and staple ye. arty goods, &v. atm 15 Aiiniinwtrorce'v Nole f Groceries, Qt1f1,1111,4171% Ilousehold Furniture, irc. On Friday, August 1.911 b. at 2 o'clock, P. M.. at the corner of Third and Ross street., will be sold by order of Mr. Adorn Wilson, administrator of the mums of Ms late Film Cainn, deceased, the balance of a retail smek of grocenes, aniopg wich are toffee, tea, sugar, molasses, pepper, allspice, ginger, do. An. Also, fish, vinegar, counter seales and weights, a guru - ally of queeusware, household farniuire,oor srt Stone ratter's boobs, An. an gl JOHN D DAVIS, Anal Smithfield Street Property at tluttreat On Saturday, August 10th, at 3 o'clock, au the pre mises, will be sold that valuable Lot of ground situate on &unhitcld street, commencing at the distance oil° feet Dom thewcw M. E. Church now being erected on the corner of tat street, having a trout of .V it. eatemb tag back !It It. to filthenberger's allez; on which is erected a substantial two story Brick Store and Dwel ling Douse, being a desirable situation for business, and also, a wed finished three story brick Lhavlling House fronting on the alley aformuml. Title indispw table 'EI.:DAIS-4)lm third caah, residue in two equal annual payments, with Mere... Payable semi - anuutWlT. angl I JOHN I) DAVIS, Aunt. AMUSEMENT& EAGLE. SALOON CONCERTS! Coustcaottu hlaccarov Korman, Ammer Ph IT a NF.LV COM PAN Y. 14MRSTaPPearratee the SABLE BROTIIERS• The following performers are engaged, and will make their Lent appearance on ?Alta.'s,' Aug. IT R Murange, let Vfolintst; J Ittlatherwiek, ad Violin.: 'l' Virk, Mono Player: 11 :Remnant, Accurdems: IV. Hunt, (Miter, J. K Robinson, 'famborine; J. W. llnhoup, Casunette; And La Petite Taghont. Vocabal sad Danneure EY - The Opera of -Sam Shofflabeel, - woman by Mr. Bahoup, twthor of ePolly Vuo Fremeay, - coil he produced next Monday evening. frugal Hudson', Panorama of the Hudson River AT PHILO HALL. T ilvEe r P to m n P la ' TO "' w r a ' y ' t ' o l"l 6! " EfsV n m io e " ltie a s, ( r ' w r ilre n a h j.:f has Panorama at the shove Hall for a SIX DAI ONLY, con durin g on Monday evening, Ag' nal 11111, and continuedurin u g the week. It is painted MI i 2,000 feet of canvass, and reprew every City, Town and Landlng, on Lath aides, fr New York Hay to the mouth of the :Mohawk Flo rotaallatiug Otte at the lurgeat and most beautiful Pa rainaa in the world. Adoconuou only tieents- , Chtldreu half pi.. Ti. eu to be had antie principal Hotels and at the door. Doom open 71—Panorama to contruento at b o'clock, preewely. s. c .uns, Iv UYSAJN, A " 'g YOUNG LADIES , aliaallll3T. • rpm Aulama Samoa a this Insiteunon will nience on do' 'Prat Monday in September. Room. on Federal street, m "Colousde Row," yd dour front the bnilges. The course , of instruction end the rates of tuition are the same as heretofore. For more minute information, seecircular or apply to the instructor, Mr. N AV. Mercst.r. Reference may also be. made 10 the following gentle men, Dr. T F. Dale, Allegheny. 111. LP. Sbaler, Pittsburgh Rey. D ev. D. Riddle Mr. H. P Swurlr, " er. H. Dyer, aagilt Alleßtiosaffite Gal for Girls. rpm:- Fifth l:koksiort of Mts. Wson's School, will com j. mence on Monday, September 4th. Rama tn Federal street, Allegheny, ni n edoor above the Poet Office. for sewson of eleven weeks: Full class. $ll.l Frenth— .. . • •F• 5 Second Class— ..... S German...... ••• • 5 Apphesuuns may be made at her residence tnA person street Allegheny, near the Hand street Brute. sugln.dlm• NOTICE. A :c . ro l e d n r .; ,,, vorbute c .! l.G we t i r r e wi urn ry ur thr pteroung, of all OW (flood. ft/1 rl.l HU. POlNuEvrkat, POINDFLATKIt. PulAborgh. Aug. 410.1,1 A el H. GRANT, Wholesale (irocer, Comm N.J• Foracankna Merchant. No. 41 Water at. JOHN 11. nuaLLort, soLa sacae iron tux gammon/ nut og CIIICHERINIPS C EL Ell R A T 14 /./ GRAND A.Nlls SQUARE NEW SCALE PIANO FURTL. IM9II I NO. Si Wood street ; between.Dia- Mood alley and Fourth street, has now open and for sale a Inge impartment or PIANO I , ORTFIS from the above man- Wilt:wry, iii b. GI and : octaves, of Me latest styles, and with all W e recent improvements; which will be sold to muchness at the - Boston Cash Pricer' it auglo Splendid Neer Piano. THE &absent/el., previous to lumens 11114:11111for the East to mplenisk his mock, wa ' duipow of the balance of his stock u . hand at reduced prices, and on favors Lie terms. It consists of a choice selection of Piano made by !Shinners Clark, N. Y., and Jonas Cbickering of Mason, b10t.., of from e to 7 octaves, of mown, and mahogany, or MlTerent style. and prices. U. KLEBER, IvIN As Woodwell'a, ea Third at Paney Sara, hest. ticim r Eiiirope. - rill-1E subscribers hove now in store avery extensiv • I. amownent of Furs for ladies wear, which hay - been punThased 10 Europe by one of the firm, at very l Em ow prihces'Re duutioring n! the monetary crises succeeding th ricvol This advantage, which they possess aver any othe house in the trade, will enable them to sell a very or • eellebt article much below the market price. ID" Ill...drams and others will advance their own ottererts by exam:ring lbw extensive assortment. SULIA, BROTHERS, Importers, ntl Asicit tAfullwrry) between 24 and Ikl streets, autr.d.:lln Plaladelton. oster, cZOLDIER'S AGENT, . now prepared to collect the kJ three mouths' extra pay which has been granted by a lute Oct of Con ss to tbe Troops sato have re turned from the tilex gre ican Wm, and to the bHrs and represcututives of those who were killed in battle, or died in disease incurred in the servo,. Orme, Bak ewelfs Budding, opposite the Court Houses Pittsburgh augn-J2w DRESS E. To S R OUTHERN AND W DON RNESTE MERCHANTS W CARR, Ala.ufnetorers of Umbrella. IP • Parasol and Urea. Bone, No la.Ll North THIRD stns., above Race. PHILA DELPID A, liirtic the at tenuoti id Mr rehants and Denten, to their r2lellriVe aortmeal of the also,. antcla., whtrii Wry oder at re ductal p 'c An rininkliatlull n Kilifiled, ayri-alth• AJI UST PUBLISHED—An dluidration of thr Types. llegones and Picipheeles of the Old . 1 ...theta: By William ACEvven i wormier of the Go•pelni Dundee. The above popular murk. which trent* at the Typical Persians, Things and Piave, of the Old Testament. whirl. has been out at print for some tithe, andfor wheel there has been a great demand, we have Just rrpabl.hcal la a nen. style-269 pages, 14 goo. Prirn 541 rea. muorr A ENGLISH, sogll wood and MI market st FAY FALL GOODS—A A Alii•ots d. Co, 41.1111s{txt street, are now opening VA/ canes and pitaLages at new Fall 41004.1, collaynsillg in part. ;ear Styles (ding. ham, French. English and liyaertcan Prtnts, Mull. :awn. and Boot Muslids, Collars, Capes, Liens lu 1 1 . 0 S E. I (r. 4. — t uo te:t; mcb pis Horn atO .11/ - Jot! rectosed by Leech Co'• Line, and fo r totle at the India Rubber thynd, No- Wood , wigs JS II PHILLIPS A f (uill"a'sNsfOrnuaAeN„ 1 e ". • chute Dahill/Ig, •Il unto itichea riche, wishh, which we will nt inentirecture” prices and carriage saved to ,be purchaser. et Nu .5 stiou,l auga aL J & H YItILLIES ci..4)ros-y.,ou yiitt-4 FlOO, Oil Cloth. serious k_p isatietois Itniu 4-4 " yes pat's, i 4: duo Table Cur ern, n splepshd oruele-enidi beat, lust rend horn the rhdlipsvillst laelory nod for sole at Non Wood oi auri J Oil PHILLIPS KARL eaidts Pearl Ash, Jost teed 011 consignment and (or sole by riugst Rom. A CUNNINGHAM _ /1 i1:074 7 -40 - 4no G.w !adding from am Michigan; ‘_,/ for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, front at gA/ HITE FISH AN U TRutrr-tso bbl w 4 Flay , n golf d o d o; to bbls 'Youth 4 hadrilite Vat neeM r , nod for tale by ou ISAIAH DICKE &CO L ARD btits No 2, for sale by • auga ISAIAH DICKEY & Co DEARL ASH-7 casks in stoop and tor sale by DICKEY et to y •1114 silatlet . in store and for sale by . ug ll "tr R koaiS(tsi ). co It id ..; ;tt ueroea -, 50 - etirl i a JN a. co I)Ri Pty Iws, Shade odd uthor for anle I Races, suitable for Onindry nod rolbilg rodlu I . of "ices, 0044 it RI LIDOJN &Co LIES4I/14 SALT2I-6 Egiston Sults, (Eagle A., meowed tool for side by hurl JOHN I) MORGAN, Dr9gy on, st'92a.!''._ DLACKING---50 dna Mailon's Challenge Illackiug, 1.)I /or solo by ,atio JOHN D 1 1 1 ORGAN AVM SHE LAC _ - loco Gm Sheltie, hintll4l7l, sale by nue. JOHN D M.0.92 , AN COML.-2 boles large Corks, reed and for sale by _ an t 2 JOHN D MORGAN -101TFON-73 ultqfo‘ 1 .1 3y31 JONF.6 & r o .ye No J Aloskorei. 1ur1 . "7 ---. ) SELLERS & NICOLS LAtztryttek COFFEE--lOU bags Laruyva Coy,, Nat reed and (or vale by 1127 MILLERA RICICETSON VIIV MTN BEANSlo l. ll , l l znA v %rg a 1 2 ,y , a co )m1 Y/i INTERS' INK -30 kers ljpg,j, and cw, (or _J:4•C itOONIMALER A Co A DIES . Vi koJeIvITY et oJ.Aits-A A llo , on Marvel rt , have Imo reed Wkoosthi . hicb they no. selling al We lOW pvlea 01 eau. 031 IthdaYnixj.; .for b 1.3 y 101 J LOYD, 110.1 d Cludreb ir"itlott7t."--aratorkFt [411'111:V. riANDLEI4---itoo bar eincoraall Mould enndle in more and for aalo by v, auy{e. S S OAP-:} b/l. No 1 Ravin Sonya in more and far sale by auglO 8,4 ”r lIARBAUpii f lINSEI/ Laaseed Oibinsnoveabd for ado by aug4o S A \‘' HARE/ALIO/I . - -- PISMO 01L-auLbh-Lisraned _kan d d for ale by JyV: 5E1.444t9 oar NICOLSan AUCTION SALES. Ity Jikts. D. Davis, Auttleasti: JOHN D DAVIS, A A . I.l.KN's NERVE AND 111/1,41 LINIMENT fresh supply t o t we 1 , , 4.1t1LL ..._ J KIDD& c._ 14 10 COFFRE—I y tO 44g , prime 11,4, jolt recessing end for e.ANI b ___lLo,gl4 PROWN k cuLagarsoN lalLuult—:.% Fatnity Fl Just re -1: ceived And for .a o le lq hash _ 44414 DROWN 6. cuLnEj . irrsorir CefIIEFSE—W3 nes Cream Chee4e, jun rec'd oral for .alc b) welt BROWN lt CULBLirrsoN V. 4:11( WHEAT FLOUR-14 LILO s eon Paasily• 111 flout, t rod e from new white ate' pus see'd ana tor ”Ie by y.b ELROWN &C C litaiNS-35 Foss's Patent, for ealc by 1.4 ITgi S P VON BONMORsz & as STEAMBOATS, CINCINNATI & PITTAIIIIRan , m ag e jai n ai l DAILY PACKET LINE. T ens well known line of sMendid plummy! &MM. era is now composed of the largest, Millen, bp, ittuabed and furnished, and most powerful beeu the sinters sinters of the West. - Every accommodation and ono. fenthat =slay eau procure has been prkted for pas sengers. The Lt. has bee n pro sided operation for BTO pea —has curies! a million of people without the least us*. ry to thew person. Ths boa. will be at the foot of Wood West the dor presto. to atoning. for 110 7. 7 [ion of freight and the entry of passengers on the ter. In all eases te passage money muse be in advance. SUNDAY PAcIIET. The ISAAC NEWIVS, Cain. A. U . IQ= wt.! leave Putsbuegb every Sunday morning' at 10 Weloelq Wheeling every Sunday eventag at Itt r May A 1,1817. MONDAY The itioNoN(..4 caw CBS. sTo., .11 leaLre Pimp llurKo e very Alonday woratiaag ut Ito o'clock; AVlteelisql every Monday evening at 10 r. TUESDAY PACKET. The i n sERN 9., cr..pL Sumans, will leave Pebtirgh every tueveliay morning 10 o'dock; Wheeling every 'hefting evening Al lnc. WEDIMSV PAILIET. vitl The NEW kI.NULAND DA No. 2, Co C pt Otatt, leave thoolkorgh every .Wetluevklay okorools at IA o'clock; Wheeling every Well:nevi./ 10F.1, PACHICT. • bu rg The 13811.1,tANT, Capt. Oaaca, "nil leave h every Thursrlay morning to 10 o'clock; k 0 . , "Y nrs ee/las u. 14 evening 'at Y PACKET. Ile CLIPPER No. 2. Owl Capons, hrril leaPitts buh every Prlday mornrug at 10 cOrtoreki { Po burg Prtday evening tit 10 e. The DES ISATURDAY PA CKET. iNGSFI. wal Imre Phu.' burgh every Su...our 10orta0g xi 10 weloek 'Wheeling every Sa.untuy Q. to P 10. • NEW LlsßuN AND. ITITSLIU RU ki DAILY LINE • OF' CANAL AND erEmit rAcKETs, 17 4 lit - 7' 7, t 8 4 8 atiamit otannovvdock Leuven Pittsburgh daily , gh daily, 9 bin and no ro rev at Glasgow, mount of the Sandy and n...• 0 .1,1 at :1 o'eltielt,. and New Lisbon at It, tame sight Lti- Leay. New lAsbon alb o'clock, P. :ILO:eating th• trip canal to the noel during the end Glasgow at 9 u'ei.k, A. AL, and arrives or Pittsburgh at 3 AI —thus inakiug a continuo. for eartyiagp... sense. and freight between New Lisbon and Pitts burgh, so shorter tole and et less ruses than by toy other route. The proprietors of the. Line have the pleasure orie; the pubbe that they have fitted up twoOnn moh canal Bolds, for the heeoll.llllothitiOrl lull aright, to not to cinotection with tie we ll Known steamers CALEB COPE and BEAVER-, dad connect sag, at Glasgow, with the Ptnsburgh and Eine/s -wan and other daily Lutes of steamer down the Ohf• and Alownsippl riven. The proprietors pledge them ,tve. apace no erpense or trouble to innwe cool (err, and dispatch, and sek of the public • shins f then UTHORI2ED AGEiNTB. fLARTL.N, S fe PU4barrkL ft HANNA, Co. New Lash°. aryl Int J IiABBALOI-1 kCo. NOTICE—The steamer BEA VER, C. R Clarkaokt, ter, mil leave titer this notice, toe Weltwills iftetetn ally, at 9 o'clock in the ottornit 1114 Se PITTSBURGH Q. BROWNSVILLII Daily Packet Limy. FEBRUARY let, 1918 FEBRUARY 1541134 LEAVE DAILY AT 8 A. M., AND 4 P. M. The following new beats comperes uniElo. . me line for the present ~aeon AIM LAN'lle, Capt. James Parklausea BALTIC, CapL acobs; and LOUTH WLA.NE, Capt E. Bennett T heboom are entirely new, and an Mad op wi thout regml to expense. DI- Cry comfort Mat money proc hae The Boats nail leave the Monongahela ‘l7lt (Bantu the foot of Ross st. Passengers will he punctual on board, as the boom will certainly leave at the after timd Lours, ~ A. N. and 4 P. AI Plat prrrButigo iia. Wiixturfiii pect — r -- m— , , -‘,.. The swift steamer CONSUL, - ' Dorsey P Matter, master, will lama guiarly Inc it heeling, on Mandan I , Vcktriesdny and Frufay, at 10 o'clock preciseiy. Leave 'Wheeling every Tuesday, Thorsday and Sae nardny, at 7 o 'clock, a m, precisely. in iEgilL The Consul will land at allhe Intermediate porta.— Every accomodation that co mbs procured for tho com fort and safety of passenger. haw been provuled. TM boat to also prov,ded omit a self-acting safety guanil to prevent explosions. For freight or passimOy on board or to DAVID C II ' ;feb4 comerof Ist and snalthfieldsta. FUR CINCINNATI ANDST.. LOULS: ---- 7 - „„,.. The tine new steamer SIENA.NDOAJI, Bowman, master, will leave for abort .and Intermediate porta Ibis day. - For freight or pmsage, apply on board. • _- - - FOIL Cfrie:INNATT---:- The light dratothl steamer FRIENDAHIP, eggitams, master, Is all leave for the above nd eittennedistelpogregalas4. For bright or passage apply on bo ard, 11 .1416. ---itbatkß CINCINNATI - P.-IX-Ktl'7-- ''''.- The fine steamer HIGHLAND Pashmoun, master, will l Eß e , hhe fin the above and intermediate imstsetearlall• For freight or passage, apply on board naafi Foe ST. LOUIE a ILEMlsfeliTirelt. • in tizaiL 1,,,,....... The fine ster.,,o, s s roomar, Coeh, manor, grill' leave hu d dle alma. For freight ortamated "Wr ally . o th n F=l,thin Y'airgLi - rOirST:-1.0U15.----- --- ,„„,_ The fame end fiat ....intr SIGII/101 intatran.i R Cape, R 81 REill,V OLUTION, min leave for eberes ~ ..all intarmedoste pone this deg, at . . . 4 o'clock, P. M. bbr frennt or passage apply on hoard, Or la o J. NEWTON JADNEL u ght CINCINN ATIA - NJ : ST — L - 41/1g rit The splendid v ew Mr er Jacobs, master. !M LITO R R and Intermediate port A y. for abov e a this day, m 4 o'clock P. M. For Reight or pasamge, apply on ho• Ae d Flo tro•-,- The ringing 5ter,,,,,. 11 „ k RINfJOOLD, Comen e a ,. .z . 7 II leave for the above Fireight or p a ,e. apph oeninTrc;.4s day. ug FOR sT. Lulls. The i n . new light draught ateareer LL'lllB WETZEL" Thompson, !neater, will leave for the T. hove as s intermediate bona regular For &men or piwetbre, apply no board • aIIII/0 FANCY DRY GOODS. ,i SEAMAN 84. MUIR, 321 Droa-dway New V •eks. 7 kl PORTERS AND JOBBERS of Silks, Preneked:!.. ,I, ted Slaslins. &weans, Late., Embroideries, /lev ees, Shawls, Hosiery, (Movs. Lawns, llormh AND ALL OTHER VARIET/I , Z OP FANCY GOZIAL• They invite country Idervhants, at-sitars blew York, la elan/Int their stork before mating thew parebs g e n. Mr. Muir WU an away hears of the boo.. af A.T. Swann & Co., How winch be rented on the la of,lart. HMG; and Mr. James Dickson, (mho hat an Interest la the besiness,) was also favorably known in that totoa,. Indtment. Di...-lAiittosali- awl- A,,, U _ maf ,perlstllo PILLS. ,TUE general prop of there pills are Cavraina lire, Yurgattre k ends nto In the eurrunon dows ers arising rreat imprudent., indent, On., such as sink , - aces awl serape., or the stomach, hearttnnt, headach., ha., where a medicine to segnired, this . onabbudina is very where for es stannniative and soothiztg' ef fects gine a ble; amatediara rellif wenn ristaseleaw sickness eaten Its purgauve operation upon the Meek Orb and bnweis is gentle and effectual. and As TOM a ',revamps impart strength Kt the LI/eit/0D thereby enat.ling these orgaaa to perf,ro their. functions with order and regular*. The price has beet. reduced fru., Ell to 25 es. a bar For sale e-hrtissale and retail by HA, FAHNESTocg Cp, cern, front and wood, and rah and woe A As &rents far Moshe' egh D_ I-C/1110M. POTASH--;q0 P OH—WO lbs jut =chi and for suFyswe by B PAHETOC/1.40cs oorrier inrairOd J 4 A DVE—S bbls pow4l,josi ree'd for Ws by C 1.4,15 B A FAHNEz.VOCK & Co (1111101113: OHM: N-14 rase. Jut d aftt fo r We '-I by aldsl.s 13 A FAH- & Cra ...-_______________-_____— ____. ._.._____ 1. RA CH HD h 11.191.31/9 -...1A h laVitt '..: Co, GO /War- Ai kat at, have Jog opened aMO te casr.a of those very cheat 3 bleached Alachua at he Abaa.. I wore ease, of des 41e do. Alec, ... " he , , V- lot of th" 1.13. M... Callao, at die. CIIIKA reCATICui-..LIA .17aao;&: obToTaiochi- Lbill:'."Wialraol,"roo.rtgrd".::l7., Zoaot..rtillirdihnPaibt, klorolya__ 2 mtloyallsaaa Ip_____ _ ong_24 Fisti-2U bblt No 1 kook - oral: 20 do No 240; 2bbr bbla 02nd a o ;.. v l o .o N tat x - i s ala N ; ifo)lii sTbz,.._______L....l3.tmatfoc:raiaire a. nor mile by _ augl 4 . 1 1 NR-13 bbta North CArnhur for .5471 Vb-y ./ ... _041.4 o P VON BU N N 10#,STLS* k i r AITER-2 blots ihr .. .alo try 14 _ 114 0 VO:si 130NNyORST &Co Et __ , ,a IYE PLOT - 30- I 221.,40 Attlr by - ~!(11.__ t• a VON 11011Nih/aST a, Co . . . Puz,F;; -- a" "P la.;°fillIky130:1lNlilllin & L"P— 0,...51e, or so quolity. ~.4 111C1 LI. & ROE IMILN-, 0".Z ,- ." , ' ,7, '. - .",,,m74.'"r ( IIZLI`PZ E "" 1 1 01Z-71 4K bales IVarslosa. L lNyF:EUOlj_l, bbliL:ia•.nneq ALqi_7l. jou•ks üble nAttAlk-le t 4L otla t k .kek do do. "."'"" ""1 ""Y' :;‘(7IWAY*; 41.raZI:r uulyvlLLx 0” 4.4..643" 1 bY LIrI attgi4 '4I6IIINT for Ly , CII °RANT 1 ,) VPPEIt-74 bop on ho_r4l,,uid .0, - ,...e,y0rx _kb. by .1. avgl4 c !YOKO:VT 1,,1RY: LtRiCK— {Y,iiiX) 110 WOll LW ve6. ~ala bY r sugl4 • r A KV lill:Liurkhardrn bebt, Ang , oc a .'d (°.. "k 11 . 4 by nugl4 J KIDD &CO "I". N SEICIPS SA tRAPAILILLA—.2 lion km We , bi augi4 _ .4 KIDD& Co - ecrrAsii— A , retail nugl4 J IDD &Co
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers