The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 17, 1848, Image 1
ESTABLIS RED IN MSG BUINESS ti ANSe, l'ilnat aCo —Rule and Leather Uessl ‘C , Ferry at- New Y ork. Martha -cua--/ohn Grier I'vtabergh. K Lrvtek Co. Philatlelphia. ConstruneeWof Weetein Leather %fa riled. end lib eral adeaneet made, if retiutred. frh I Atim A TWOOD, JO ES tr. Co.. Coonna.on and For. arardiag Merchants, bare rerun .-d aid ?nand. Water and Front Plt(*Lough. 1/1“11110.1 B.IIN, °OR RTra OT I arr.. ti.4 , 11;?7 /. ~ ktI.IIER., , ~.„. of ~,M.viszl,edsg,l7cl.”C:lr " 1 4 333333119413,_ a. 3. ...own. BUNN q CULBERTSON, Wltincaate Lapeer. and Conmaten Merchant., No. 1.15. Litonny .L. hna stotra Its A. FA ItNI4SII)LA h W.. Wbotesinle and He • Mil tirugai....-onocr Wand amt!. h nu. iyl•_ Grorero. ao• _ A....ftleAtil2LTY & Co., Forword.flg and Con. Moroiton Morchitun,Cutui Bum, Vitisburich mein! 5W1L..L.113.3., JOSS JA, OAILKIN, 111101d:31A.N. 11A10/AN, IL Co.. M0”0f.,,,,„,... of AO Carets,. tstrittp. tntd A. a and Sprasy !Steal, wld dra •n Coach Tr. - tunny% of every Sot senptiout maintiactory'an St. COM at . ..thous.. 1.. el. opposite HLCla•actt Jaw, a. IMAM JOHN G.... 1 1, LI IN ALT fr. TiEEII4ART, Wholeanic Grocers. de a.- Kd ors Pa Plodded and eittaldirca Mao...tore , cor. Slatt_ a . 1..... nd ltadd_ata. Pdtabaraa Pa. , 1e. , : ars. a. ranClltt, /....1.16 , I. litrolsl nIUMA•I3II b. BENNETT, (late boatiab. Uallaalter , • ,t co.l %I, botesidc larocers. Conoxuasten and For. voaraadlag Zdartrooda, and dealcra on Produce and PI.. 'll.Urgb Nanuiactures, 60.37 NN nod 11., Iddcreen d aoe ild srt - ^. ---- 0011 . . ace. eon, L) Rlt,nu RIFF tr. Co.. Wholes. iaroccre rand Commanson Merchant., and Ann. for Bright. , Cotton IL•roa, Noe. 57 Water, and Iva Form eIV . month w. au; ktr_ Piano Forte Nl•numeturer and deal a in Musical luetrumeot•,lll' ‘Vood near rnrht ALLAGith:R, LONG h. stiLi.Eit, Bell arid Brates reauftere and Gas Rut.. titi Front. between ood and Souihfield rtmrs, Popaurgh. Pa. Er tligheet price given fur old rttpt er and Bra.. tic!, EvRUP C O CHH N Commicu nand F ' on.vtO l~ MerohauS No. J 1 tVooo.~rr , ' i~l'fln•uorce: m;il rect l irrnt lii t' t a.7:l and'UVibi..le're"idaußed..,t,Lrletraa Mwtu j elh . _ LILLE DICLEI 105551 DLLIA, 20 SALAII UICLEY Merchant, Whbluanie Com on and deniers Ln Produce , NOA Imlamrter. and IV: Fenn, HUN 11. HAIN K.N, Attorney and Cotto.el tor at Law d sod Corrustiostotter tor the eCIIII%, aul• bk. Low., tlaw. Putabutatt ) frAndexacds —Pittaburdh: Hon H.' Forward, lump ton b-bitit.r, M'Extulteaa & AL'a..ur•_ John E Parke, Hiseells k Semple, Itit-orti A Atug. telk,iy EON SCOYF es Co., Wholesale utoe. rs. Forward• mg and Commission Merchants, Dauer,- di Pro. pod Ptusburyth Alantilantife. No, : Commercial Roar, Liberty sired, near the C4IIIIL, P140311[01. P. mayday -- - - JORYAN, Rectifying Ik.iiiicr. end Wholesale . dealer in Foreign and Don.e.m.e V. toes and LI- Wturs, No. 11l Liberty street, alhl I'd Lam oad /they • Fittaburgh,-4-bc iv ll'.dly 'rt. ad atm, net, %'.oat. PittstmlE Itl LOSES au n tl.":llSa, Co.—.,ecesoes Lewis nson lc Co . C.rtomrso , o Alesehmsts. ami Agents of the St. Lou.. ,se 3511 +u• or Refiner). too. 45 Weser ended tram I•ciuts,l4. .ant - - - 1 EL BLACK, Merchant Taßor, hang :•u ltul dams, Clnir ?areburgh. URN 2. DILWORTH—WhoI..Ie t•tocer. Pm duet and Commission Nisi - ilium, Wond st. Inaba rust J1 ) ); -" e .I,c.illN . s .l l r= g . ,n v. street, mu door Saudi 01 DiSinolle Alley. bar .. :ant Jr., & Co., to Jo•l4ni 1. Dtvis,) Ship lAtaudlors, Al Water sues:. Crt,tl. 7. .o bLELLOR, ut nod Reil denier ?antic and 6suriteal ilistrUm , lll.l, School ifoo,n, rar, Slater, steel Seta, guilts, Pruites , Cord., xotl Stationery geserully, No. 01 St, ood n.. rtltt-tturtglt iLr Rairs soup., or takes iu trade. SCHOONArAJCS.ft lc Co., tt Loleme Droiso.t., J. No. St 11totAl street. l'at.toorgo. TiltiN D. DAVIS, AuCtioneer. corn... Sin and Wood stmeln, rittsburr,s. ots, J ------ •-- - kiNePON n, ut eIOCKTON. BooksAllere . Prter, 1.7 alai Paper /uarrulaeturcrs, no. 4.1 lutarket St., ell.- reo • L kft-tartl book Wore 4th, uoar Nark I Woo, 0 a (Ammo khoolowcat, talsci.rus., sod Alcilaudeo Lao.. and matmouory 1 IV: R(313E8.T3A: \ 5 Co.. 1.1•...:1,1 nod Eatanug• 'Woken., cotue, ut t AP -4- 414".. ilutet looloouga, riusbar,,ll. e:41" • b tAirranc) TWIN Latak.ll., Whoteutte Lroccr. dclLer to ?ro t' d.., ealsantry,l.l Alli.t.i.aclurc*. I t 4.. I, en, kg. Ok_i y :t No. to. trOony at. ri.i...rsh. lye J 36.14. (WTI) reACY.D, (late J. Floyd A tS a lamas(, Nu. lee eAtteri) greet. mite AAtIJ Ldl.L Ltd, 1% 140iC-6.6C tirOccr, Cc ,M,C(C111.1.. lle.1•411 . /II erodu., 11.11 J Yolatnag:. A1....c0.:b. Nu.. S, It:Cf r.lialnirgh. Vero,.lna iron Works. 1 En IS, , Ur, ttats.numt:turerr of nil Ja us Ircio anti Nat.. IA ihr visatty. V. wit..., water ~at .5 trout rt. just. WATE.RA.A.N. Wboleuale Grace.; For..mud atercuan, Dealer in VIII. Al.numeturer. utni product. Nou. Jl W uter wed m riOakt kaasta..l h 6HII"TON, Wholesale Ureter. I. or IsatJuts I...outiaLsstou dualers hce Alatttoncwre. Nos LS uud 13:, 1400.1.1., S-41.hurgh. eLLi & eotunn...aou Aler *AZ ‘C)!Tart"'""l4.t'..r. Us: TA WOW. li . /.1.11,8 C. LOS I Gi.siL tc.ftWE, holesale Groccrs BB Loam.- in 0011 attrClia.lll., -No Ilk Liberty Pt., t . MELO rt ALLIS, ALEX Ntnica. Wm. a xi.... ALLEN 4. 2 . 4 I . or -^ ardt, iluelcbam., CS .r ut Front bC•W<CO aud .1/sark et - & EUCKETSON, Wol , a‘le Carol:era at. AlDagutuaantOtt Atarchanta. N 0.170, I,Air•tly al, rlaa. h, n . L ~ a & KING. AN'bolesuie a.Le. Ketail Jim tutu Clap hitUailatetutel. mull tica,er. at Iliac) Fut.. 01.6 o W wtd maul 1. nth Aty. juJa & SON, No. 55 Morkw .nowto N door arum etirlle 101 tonato, aroloo Furosio , sod toGwentue to.h. et kantowo,e, .....rrsurno, 01 ItTwi g. busk Notes nodnpeciw t:ulleciw. now on nil the prouopal ram+ forou.Lbuut tnr Laneol stales dcc I ° l " Jk kA' •u;le, M"' Uctl ‘l^ cr i„ " l' b rll l l7 " l .6 lS ° . " u ' ry, '' tl gc „ C"'Y in? awl all 15... 0. harrio s, WC+ aud 1.14.ur5. Nu. II LAUcrl, •irct . n..,u 6 vcr, I InrgiO clock of supct.r ow .11• ••• 4016:un.wn 1; 1 1.2 , 1:A , rtu c.f,Dr.aldc co Ptualoamtb. c'n " IiCAARD T LEECH, lt, Impanel ;sod Dea:cr a•C47..ign and Inoneauc t 0.1.11 r, hurl war, troamunra. o; an arscriplauu., No. IJJ flood at- etl.,b“,ah- zing, ---- krcuA RD "CARD, 'Wholesale wad Reuul Decoct 11. Myer, Morocco, ...mloranakcra. Toom tod h 1 , and Cutlets' too., and lauocrs' 11.1. No, owl raw.rgt , nepiu eosinll. Mt, 61,30 N co_ , Allolesoic I, , occrs, I . ,oduc, ;;;;, and +lb /;..N0 1'„.„„t.:4, Pa. it ° r jrr a 4 a l)4 n. toml 1 1 . ' oru k C°.. .e W roc e" l2. e t. G t.l "'cr 44/ eratuce and en.i.nryb .51..4aurtusc , 1...411, flusburgq.k.. .1.4 , 0. i44ltcrty _ _ 1, LA L. O. ILLIMMI., — I E l4 l l U Gitauu for p i rry ,.. r ., cl;n , s ,, az:s r ! , tio n na:l:o .. t.. ars a trrocarlaa ero.lues, tes.uurglt Nill.ll‘ll;rlWre and Chlatras II Utah. Tao prsces, sh cash. paid at aJI hams for coo, • • raga Contcr .21 I, tal, =JO SrA.O.l us. f ij . .krni a Arithien SL holosaie and Raoul Deerr• aa in la&hoary owe, Lases, Ilowary and FYILC, ASoe.les,NO. 4tt Ilarsst street, .id door 64070. YLuo Mt. Siga Xs:HITE, Wholesale Dealers 0. Yattorop .tt bometuc Dry Lox , . No sal Wood at ay fetal, %V LLARISAL %cool Dcaler. ux now Nl.llll ,tor.uru., lb/14 C 0121.1.6.011 ?doll natl., No. Wutcr Bnctlx. cAtt Tti, BA Ci.11.i.:1 Co., Whole.. Grocer,. kW' 6,7 14e4azet NI •r •e :AL €4O. North .14,1 c. t.,lttacipthaa. mov., V.maaarn - sseulkon JO. 311,16.11111-4,10 6.2 ka.A.A.KS R NikAn.S. I . T.JACc u.iL4 l~elu nu Lulu lUisslou hlcrtasii, Nu 17 Laberly st., Pittsburgh scrizi, LtLLUUOJ! F. VUN BUNN/AU:LOT, tz. Co.. Whole-ease GPO. eery ForhAtu..,. too etlllllll.lloll Men: 111.11 y en ai kitt..l.•4lgL qulttunclutu sod dace, hot. requoroo to tutu Yr. W t...tiounc,,ot4 p 4... i 6, COM.' of FrOn , n and t;h.,,ccr, rior7 krih , aua C.A..1101. JeotVult, ifcboct VtaLwee owl ettooureu tmo“. - - .looluted truck. Cane Ile. St 1141 •f ii-thr•/ LfLO r, h. eaten roncra ewe Met Mono, d Mode, et traduce ' ood et, rlttsburieu. Al. a. FOS I La. Agent , Dr faciown ao4hefe yy procur., uthec m. e. A u , 4th rt. ,,of ifO•V 9 00, an tLe genera lanu 1.41,ce at 1% ashogglou, will utend to 7 btowese there Ore of expeoce to applicant, meell-dty ;A ICK & MCA' DLESS, (successors to & ivy \A let.) Ntliolestut tiroccrs, Fumanting 8.1“. Ovatztuackin Slcreutuas, dealers w boll, Ulm... sztl ViLletnargta Atsultuacturcs gen•rally. Noon alO W • 1"31.0.411(. ter SOW t..N—A;ooonolob moo Yorworolus ly Allsrokant, No. 00 klout Ootwoon ow aua WIWOI Strooto. fob.% ! ' -• „. -J.. CA II 11 8 V. W.ILLACE, Mill stone noll V jug entnlaislnent. No. 214 L:l,erty ne:, ins win! W• ZJ l, r y U L A R •, A ft ' o p , I n7k •,!;*;<"'LYl,7L'.dirtl7.ll.'l.- Ny. Uri Good.. anh raa R (Iles of Market aunt Fourth r, aogal uras roe., W YOC NG & Co.—Dealer* io i oathr r Y 143 LAL,cm. cr: c u r; 11,tban., nlualmpon , rs r;f Satin Ash and So. lOU Irberty Patsburg h. _ 0.1115. S. /0:1,-4 BLACKBURN IL Co.. Wholesale lirocers and \. J. dealer , to Ult., Boat Store, and Ptusburgh Man meldred artinira, have on hand, at all times, a_fuli and :r•tersti u,tment of Fn.& in their': ee, Rater !anent. .ruf Coerry Ailey, FhttAl.orgh out. I VIC , M. 'TOW SEND. Drugpst old Ape, teary. ,) No 45 Marker a.. three doors Ph. , VII, PA Pit.. • , tirgh, anti bare emisouilly on hand a we'l•eleeted are .ortmant of the hen and rreahenn Metheturs, which lie will sell oil the moat reaaonable tern, Phyrictane rending ordcra. will be prompt'? at ended tn. and aut.. ;men with article, they may rely :Tot,as grin. c. 10 — l'hyamions Preeerptlon, won he accurately 8114 neatly prepared from the be, materials, at any of to day or tright. Also for gale, a large stock of frealt and !rood Perla ,mtl L , AuLk... cum.*: WORKS, Plusburgh, Manutac• L'a tore Colton Yen, Commie W llntuog, Tort, Coverlet Vora, Carpet Ctoun, Worpa P}.' MICA tr. MMWMI t LEDUL.X Gs w., NA :7 Canal trees, New Or r leans Agents 'or J.U. Armaul's EAItILSIVO steam euger Refinery. Always On nand ft large swell „so 1..4, l'owdervo,Crusfigit,Clurlfwd and Basta ra sums In 'I torecs gad Linsvele . A Aiso, Sugar House Molasses Prwes Ilberal, and a .r aauw.lee made oath sales nt or drove .50 wine!, anon!! Monongahela Livery Stable. ..k.itutsFaiT H. I . 4 , l7r.tteulA nus e,,ened the large stable on Vast st. TUI:Illlog inroogb no I.r.cond mi. between \ Vol. sad ,mnlll3c,d sta.. athe rear oi use Alounnganc:a House. with all enure.y new ',Lock et Hors.. and Carnes' , or tile nest quality end mess ail les Horse. kei, atnve r; ni tee In.. manner /YzdlY RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., AN/J.1,1,11M baduirrs' Irounrunpry, lianas and Coach Ala., Deer, Varnish, Gc. kc., a I 1 Nu. L.., Is u4n. • H EA lON, Doan, !a Trtootling. and V.lntl C.Khoda Torton. Sank, IvogYald 110(11 to nolen Varna and 4% °vont:a. ttunons. Nerd.n, T pre, Braden, do No o 4 alarket are, belsval Inn moad and 4th at.. I : insburnl. Jrztti:Y =l9 JONES & %VIGO, ANUFACCL ILERJ sprtJ.; Liwer Merl. in. plough steel, ptee. plougn, oucl.l d cl.p dprtng, ea, rcd tton anu ,Irairrs tn table casusige, fire 4k, a. cow. .ruuntinr! genera..y corner cn H. Is PEKIN TEA STOKE.-No Foarth 2111 •ter.r at Urn., Ett..k dor,. Ur d r poLud ~.ckagcs, ra,tglog t.. 8 pr r 81-50 ": A lAI AS ,0 I • LAW ,Ur MI;IN= co.oloc , ito.or .1 to rtoyd, Woolly ,t 'kVW. ‘ , .5.0.c0. do .iaunes dldr,doLo Fi S 11. t•WhITZI...R, 4.oorocy at Low, tact. as • oppototr Ultortolt 110 el. ht..,.r. " pottupto to t. .otiecttone. to 1% .t.o• 1" t sto.- (tree. c00t.... .10 I.I.E.FER Tn Wart .00. Bella Co ,arotbett. ‘ .l . l:l , t,ury U Hunan.) hcntac•• . prouipt. au.d carr• 1...) ullcauett :0 trui/...•t•velcr aor ,tottt• cr•••• • for Lskti, Depo,, Kxr —1 . 106 Km. kfr a ,01, Curti Charmll 6 r0,276t6 16 lia, m o- .4 .1 \ ••61, 6 lAr:rt r •-•eore to Lowne and . n: I y Law. t.l (.ruin strct t, opyu,..ike 114-z Lou. e .. ? . „ al 6a Lttsr, Uage.Cß , UltV. nhi/ ,%, .1 t'4 •N . - ,,AJAIIC) Aal Litt, , .141 C O t r A/I,llh ,1 lwet it ac:l, ‘V l/. At.r..•) . los °tact. w tt.e. h. ,111.14 6 e foot to Atocrsua., Jodzia oP , •• 11`01.) ttAALE Db.LAW AWE AL if... 8 t: ILA tE. CO jUlt.\ Jf ....4,1t1 . umeare oc.c trt "nu c. 0.) .rgacs of 1.11.01 i lealP, ~rJ e Office in Lae, t, arenour, ci 0 B rlolmcs a Isru. 4: 1, , lat”.cl e.ltsl•Urol n.—ILo. luta I. ottipw., 1,1111.11 Cal 01 111 C /I.Nrait..) 11, ;lag anitl .6a. a• Wall rye!, ,asial aaastaaa laar air Sta Inr.• ..11ca ...Ca, a a 1,11. bar 0: la a (lac Ci. 111.10,111, al ur, Iv Ueo, are ~ inao . laale .1 Bun Liar al..,ll.aaaaalai e•no a...1..1mM ullivo, Liat ao . Laity, oar,. tar Witt,tattala 1.,1 , 011 a.••Larc, si.l,r rc.n.itarabilv”al) ham - , alocl ..l a. ,al.la4.ll...l.4aotapata Oltacsat IL a, yogi. 11. an Manta FILM ANL> lINSCH IC ANV. 11" , a, s s N: , 11 pc/ uaniala...4nl ~,,, r.,, WHIMMM=I 1011111 ....112 1 voi Oro , . 14 idle, r. Cope, . A RTH 11 I_, 1../1 - t 11[Nei I 1. 4 tisc lDstipa.) .).1..c 1))),..g L..))),, I;• • I/0111 r )..))))..).)) ".)•• '" 11, r fi FICA.IIS-1.1.1i Fink: IIeLItANCE. Cu. • i r pa,a ler f1J1,61,1.1 tl vcry yri,peri) rt uuJtul c Ir)V , n., l nr , I Jo! olia pas Operpctual cwt., ¶41..4, paid M t nut, cornet ni "111 . 0 and Mara, ure. asoilou qAnkl....tyn IL, A,III f l i ! E 2 r nittallLlOUn lam n, 11.,1 •04 rA ...0%.:11 It •. San. urr:..upp.ll,tetlztgcteliil: ‘.'ou:::,l':„'t LNLIPIA tl LOXCELL GOODS. Is'r • . ar, 4...4." us, ty .11 111)1AF rtu,/t,♦ t i I/44e, • i • 11C1 - 1111): Js l •et, I •• • I ' tW )21 . . CPI 4-1 L.°. =0112:0 I ' 1..1a artach wti: De 41.1 i• Lrcy •or • soh v• Na a J II IFY . 'LA/lb. — T.l — in, r.Ur uAt .s••••Laittnola ter” . non, ol ktouc.zi., 11J11c , i nu, I Act 1/Jult Mt.x." kaLsc, . nht:‘,— dt, ••1.t., 1/141salaclof n .11 . •Ltentla , .. ul lttuAr.l• r • Cd. bto,an; 1101 .0•4% •t . . N A 121:1.1til-.1113.11.1... , --. 1 ,r union Olt:la.:rent r tin. :urn rn .Isl C Illyr.ll/I.d. ',lf) s6i LL~ 4, tun n nuunci 0r,,, ;So., •i /Y 4., J d si LAW !s6. Vt.HY tc .).•IptL) 1-1 a...Wag:ant. cuts,cl kolKn.) aii•rAcl :tuft fctt. re.) • 1111,e Jut toll—uvicas t•i cLA ) /LW, 40111•01.1 hi.,14•( gc•c),..) Usa, upcultg rcUuca• pt.Cec .1),4 DAVID r'c.miaa ro LACE -1W yurthrheav, Lace, 1 "cbes vossle. tur •V 0,C.1 W17.11)0,V 1 a.../,‘,//s—.outl l / 7 . tit°, 1.50 Uo 10.1.12, 117 tio IUII4, O. do /1, /0 do -/g.r. zo JU ,Luo, lU Eo WL7:I7, lor sole OI 1711 I'o country Dyer eA•&alt A LA RU E. SI Urnol BooltA, raper. Stamm ary. tcc.. nuaablc (of c.alary Attie., among Evlncti • rnp.n. of fine. indium 11.1111 common Leger ropes do do do do Note Paper do do do do Nttit. 1111tI Lever Envelope.: Prdc.d, d and Steel rend; Window Paperwide, pint. and printed 1.111 . 1• • nr didbrnin Blot k Bd.". n gren vaned. Fenn,y, School and Poeidd Robles; Crow, medium. and double crown wrapping paper; Eclectic Spellers and Render.; Rey, 1..,ec0c Arithmetic., Cobo'e Prisocra, dpellers and Reader, sender. do dd do Anti...lire. by Adam.. Davie,Colburn. timdh. Stock • ton. 4:niereon. alio miter, l.eovepmes.hy Al nr hiql.Ulney,Smith,Alnrac,Good rt,n. l'ar•c),mal other, urandimr... ii) awth, Kirkham. Build/rt, Wald, aka others. For 14/1r ni low pricer. by J 11 MELLOR, BI wood 41. 3 doors above 4th. The *beu market pnee cum] fo. good [nixed rugs, cs.ll neele New Publioationa. M rl C'ditlC . ‘l:" S of of d Jog a i \TiTt ' o '. lt. c w 7 a mcniotr. mid critical remark. on his genius and art -nes. by June. IlloittaisinerT, and one hundred and twain) elernivings fronialravringa by William Harvey. two commas. See,. Ls'. Lima Trisisstays.--The four Gospels and Acii of the Apostles, iu Greek, with English soles. critical. palominhical, sad exegetical; maps. indwar. cic together with the Epistles and •pocalypse, tne wholeiorining die New Testament—For the use of schaiis. Colleges, and Theological Seirunaries. Ity Kea J. A. Spencer, A. Si. A GsAv Nova.--Alilissunmer's Eve.—A tam tale of wire. Sly Nlrs. S. C. Hail. Jura Hahne IV.—The life en Henry the Fourth. entg of France mud Navarre, By O. P. R. James. Complete m Um, per paper, yak. cloth. For .ale by .H.HINSIUN & STOCKTON, Boottelitrs, comer of markel Md IILANKVA RN h. A popu ior expo.oloo of the pew d,coeerirs end 'lice:r ile! of Fliol•n. 4... remotely. by CI Mochell. A Al, Dl .r e4or of olc Cl...met! I Ile. nw/re. Alp. .d —l..ers from Italy dlr. Alps a. .J J I Hwallicy, poi hon . of INcl pule. end hi. Nleruhallu, Wasclungion and ha Geper uis. kc. New xtul rrvised edtuou 9tatir , ice a lieottrantocal and Gt.(' , 11,111ClJoka Ni Cotolotkittles or (mail foe!. ittclustottt ale.o, I,olJrcn am' Io.nli ace of the venous ntittrrai i•utntorott, vott•tatte, employed in ars and nolo utacturest Itiortratcd by Maps nod Diagram., ae t.ob.puttertt ...or!, •11, stattsucal tattles, and !Mao. aljacoirout I cOnlUustilACA, &c, prepared by 1601 tir,71 ,, ,1•1.nZ Tat 'or rre , /se, oleo. copien clench of the above works —or et A bp '` S'l Oen FUN. Lthoitecners, cor market re 3d at. inTApono ktin hn ny, Fourth 'meet, near j woo.- to the Strange,. I - na Czar, hi.. Court null People., J H Ala-swalli Vac Orators of France The 0' the APnstwit. by Bacon; Tne Puritans 'son tucks Principles tr E The Consetuttolia and Craitons of the Holy Apostle, with a Prize Lass-, - , Atli bn's I.lll' of trte Mks or Marlhorough: eatider's Life or Christ, in its tnstortcal ronnectron Rod histortcal developement4 Harper • non Apptstoo pubhcations general:y. Senuol suolts. Mapss. Stationary. tre. 11=1 ve,th cotorrd iroapn• I,IA O!,d Von. Cnalmers' t'oslitumo. %Vorkw—Scrir. lurc Readiuga. Ttie Lor toi JefLus Chriat, II its historical roma:elms s..d historical sessiussmetts try Ails's.u.s rienlider. lryss.lii,sl Irvin Sm. 4th L.,rman edition 1.. y ssosk sad E Eatmetitheil, Yroics,” la Dick “ll4l, I'.•, rin Vol Ptetoria! litstory of England. Now a . 113 Then, l,y Dr. %t wren. author Of Ten 1110.110.4 ales,. and. other. too numerous to mention. --- and seu. aptU L READ. --- PITTSBURGH FEMALE INSTITUTE. ki ...1 t 1 ., 00. 1 t 0 , .- 0 ,:;a 0 t., , attt, ,, a , s l l l l.l ll c o l , Zenr o Vi:Lo rc li p o u l o, 3 , lr .i ta. ,. zd . olds, and wtll tte conttnued at the atone place o....iuerty .bree, l.i cOtl.,,urt.ce ot 'owe change', Ittartng mkt, Noce. a few vta-utottea bare occurred, and Wu, deatr• ot , ~tading d-tugitturs ruder their care, woutd ao wei, to matte an ettrt saitpticattott For ternas ace totrcutar. aptdy to Elie erto<notal. ap.l U. 4 \VAR DIN I G a; CORM ISSION CHAD LEt, K. DANE.SHOWEII :1161‘LItAli IN, td suu.ll Wituncs, 01L11 No II: South ?HI bka.l . /II BEGS to tuft. m u.tle 41.,L1, gcarrnlly, 151 tunt tar) Luve made coca arroesi mtit. t.o Luc adorer. ,001 tar 1, 0,0 er• 01 LL , e•L, r•L IL IL• seLLL Lut.ur,c• moo L ..LLLLL.L 0 , L. L. , •LLLLL id.L.L.LLILL - L ,L L , L . 0, Lovh,..; LALLIL Oe. 0010 11.000111 114.,da.1111g W., 110 U. 111 rdY ortia. nvi.cre. L. L L ouds ordcred Iraoln them LALLLI ILr wxr !Lo rtprc4Cl,lllll.ll.lll, S; Duni.Ko. Von,. iCeo, ( 6,41 I...cur tn. & j baCCII, A. 1,0 —M., • ,eirt , ..e.El roltidDr Stag Caren. . • .... s • I L a/k IiAttAILT, INEBIIIT a. omttaET sox, FLVu rt AC T - W'S Produce, Comeal...lon and Forwarding a IIIA ft Ts, No 62 Norio WM/a"... t, ‘r•T,lt w . ‘Lt1.1.1,1.1 g.E9¢1170 -- )01111 11. Brown & t , M ‘"" I. ' Ptioadc,pll.• Baruroß. k ,5 ”agn,e) t. l o ) .item a. k• la V.. New York ‘N atuer. & ilurvey, Baiumorr 13a...wry rqba.u. & Co I alm); o•rt..• 4. k. lice r & Jon,. Lc Labe', rovt tnly•nres ou Colll,4gamentr to ow nt.,4”11) 1.11/6.41.. eeav 14J.. Vro.Tal, LLi_rviAK ER, t CKY & LOCH FACTORS, And General Commls.lon alerCiatailta, No ILITERIk l.rwra I'...burgb. atlernek. lallemnati :nay tv”,r Louts.u, tiumpurc)h & LA, I Mrtecr, a. Co. aca.4l brokorr, lank unniocry, New lork Commission and fr. Gear Kens tag Merchant L In um• nut u gcuctu, eurutrultonouUni r,yeemc) kor purclat.c Awl .uk. ALlierl au d rqualuc tag atitl /1/1• lA,. A. Agetu lux •upp.....1 With .ON [IN W11,1,441Cyr .re rcnprrt.ts,t)_ I:= I=ll DORTSA: I ti. s i oForward, i , akild NM,. It. Fut 64.,, Irou, lkna, !cc AlOO,O, JOOO4 & Co.. i.01,04.: 0 ,00.3 A I 1,,111. L 000.0) A • 0., LEnMaa & ANOtFLION, M=JIMIESZSEMZiEI .1i1,11../. 1 . F...isf.; 11.1 N IS, `fl Krßt 1,110,11:0•041/W AT. coCII.I,IA 1.1010 10 Mc ft 110111 A Aciiefaii, in ApVl GL HOL OKGE A. Cit BERitY, k. ..AiOC ..R. e libot, JAI) iU.u.uiJoll l d 11L1 qI&I~ . . iron, Safi., COLLOIA Tarsal. & Pitt•bargh RIAMIUISIC.ure• gLueral•y, Ito it. rz iLL I NAL t.toit L1.01114414A JILLIAIDITS •ALtX. LtVY 5. a ri.O'b. (.I.NtAr.Nes LOUIB. . ,rfr .1. ITI 1....a1... 1 .111/W, • • ...Ida O . Hr, ll.•••1.M. 1.1 li, Tat uLre ttttt Und .T pl. litukc nahraorc•. I lir 004 UI hlr r.l IA UTrs ithe I liOr-Ar X 1x...1C r YR Rs 1.1•111,0-N _ . LUVt i MAR.I IN & CO., Produce and Coacturic•ion Merchants, Ka, It r ,u...K.0n0 Kuut.K. 1.1,0. u... 7,111.11 a ..taf,ll. A • tr. I at CiaLl4l. ISO.UPSO3I G ". " ‘" COMMSJJICJIV OIL Auo Nanutor.orer• of Laueeed • Villa. tud / Iti.• 11. CL tai. POrWeLrcliag .•sw wait, u••. 4., I.) / •,4 ii.formtuva. to FUN. , II /I CLN• MAT.JEWS & PATCH, ...;01VIN11061U11 Mt HANTS. 9n V 1 atcr sLreca, , LOI vr,rutra. thr erllu.r of Pro. lo oouer• pait.oaAt..g Patsbutatt, Pa. ISAAC CFLubt GENERAL 10.untlinaluIN lIIEILCIFIANT, LI. I !rr • r OT •ru S 111 P MMWSIEMIM ,ruu....,1 41.1.11 C•• uAuaki. 111). , tiouße can crecl urru.ugelucuu Luvu.4 nircutly Usaeu ivaUt Lur ,uut purpuee L...., will al.'s ye 0.4 ut reatituesmal uut rceelve C A NU...NI:LTV b Co, ap4 c.v., Liu,. latent 61 LYMAN, REED & IZ4ucetn.ort Ica Heed, lturd Sr. 0,0 6101111t , Iii LUAtiAbilninnhUUAc U, earucutar anenunn paid In on sale of Wool, and lab.; al Wynne.. Mad* on ennuiunania. anyldedilawlY PITTSBURGII, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 1848. LITERARY. 111:031 <Ver, .usiel) 01 efU,tc LcLoag /I / • lllaourgli /..tut liar al and Cetialgialactilm Brown. Itornry tt Co carat. I , Leech it Co • r. Arts A Thaw MEM I=I!ZIME =SI 1141 i5...1 II.;11.8. O . ISAI;tIMKE, MD. • I•ok.Lwrgli —lt i h CUPARMERSHIPS. y °GAN /t I.:}INI.DI hove thin day asunisted ..oh neczn o. the kinrdwnre twones, Pinhit W on ntni F..l‘a a nd rlqrg The y of 14,t0 wrl her e• ,r I,ogun .ot• a Co Thu. alicesuertt •en .era It desiratoe to close ale old lirr •0011 All grown. Whoic have matured: got.. u experiah . lly Jai,t•que,stril to make in - mice..lle payment rtusbr I, f OGA.N, WILSON 4t. CO.—lmporters one I . o:rsalr Dealrra rurcr,, nod Lkmnenne Hard mtre, Cirlery. Saddlery. &c.. 129 Wood ptrert. gd. areitow filly poopured frith a rrce,aty Impor ted %noel of Florthrtire. Cutlery Ir to oriel. very groat todueeraeola to western henna cletermtu,d romp,te pnr-s rt, on) or Jrt A.',‘,,tlr. ciao, Al -140011 hood aw exten4tre a&Aoronela or Ploahurah Hard- War, ell: Siloam, Spode*. Fur Floe , V•cos. c.. till of Contra IS 11l I, .old ro. the :000,1 111. , 111 . , to rr is Price janl AE TH aubeer Imre, buying reecialy entered Into partitenthip under the item, o r Out egher, idea. R Miller. for the purpose of curry peg on the Bell aakd l'rua• Fottettang and fja, Fitting bootees':a ell Its branch., have taken 'the mud form, rly oven pted by H. I,llllnsher. No 111.1 Front sati. between Food and Stanthheid ate., where they are prepared to execute all order' , TOT hella Brass Caattito, of cvery tics rtpttota, and tan F Mug - . wan ileallie. and dtes patch Steamboat ',thug promptly attended to. H GALLACatt R. S. A. LONG, F . H 111 LE:IL N. B —The attention of Macho.. and Fogoleere it invited to our anli-Ktiraelloa metal (or u reduced peke,.4 hiela has b en t.ronotthred thpertor to Balatti , by nurnhetto who have used troth. Swami.. haildcm a al the public, generally. ate al o rettunated to omit and vu. amine our euperiot double hettou Force Pump. for ateamtmet and domeatte u a. Ul~.olatlon 0 u let mat. l'he business be closed at we nit' stand by either p 1 U. using then ntil, of me firm that purriosc Doing desirous .0 ur trek. Closed with 85 'nt ie delay a. pus-it wo would opectiully regent rho. , indebted mud Fell.. their ELCCOIIII.. doll\ It srcorto. /V . H, D Co-Partnership. .tl (3 l., H re N the U r . J am es lPCjK :l l l ) 'Co l" rd n l i t tl ” : "' rt ' ls 'a c ' s d t y ' O f ( Tle i :rYs & Go , will conunu the (tat Cap and Fur bustneas in all We Itrtoos branchea wholesae s t and tetati, ..t the old stand e e ar of Wood and sth reets, where th ey •ollCit a continuation of Um patronage so liberally be .tosved on the old firm JOHN D :11'COND Jids , JAMS Q. 51" CORD IN relit - mg from the old latol me, known firm of 51 . Cord 8 Krug. I nto, re•treeti:ly recanntotttl the patronage or the puha:. nay loaceettor, aleasta. hl'onal a Co. Wel H. U. KING. DL.ulntfoo cupanneritup Iletc.lorc e ivaiaq hetween 1 lithecr/bers, Lauder We stj.c . x 13u-O tit Id 6. hr. expired Wig day by line/tonicl, ne bustuess of tfie lino will he settled by Moral 6. Roe. J D. r , If. HUSH F1k.1.1), All i. kit 11-. Jul!, Id, - - Me undersigned V•ill coll.. the Gro an, Corn:l..l.m nuunr.a dr,der thr firm 01111'bill and Ruc, al thetr 010,6114. No. OA Lttorr,) st,el J n,. F., 31 'GI \ LEEK C HOE ilainng 3001 ray interost to the firm of NI Gil!. Bush til 800 to rn> form., >ioniser.. Ai toi. doi ,I to r plonsurc Jen fccollTrudlisg . thorn rti>i trlrt.ds anon the pa true t.; Lit_ 4)0.-Plartson ratolp Notice. Fli;el - 11.175,i , 011 V nort.i.g. I: F 2 , lrittiorniir _CI. .:unlnte. J A.., , tock‘on F Mitt day entered iinoe co , partorniup under milt and kern of Stephens. nnooni.iort,or A. Co., at inn A..tehor Lmonsore., Whooit.oc, Va., tar the puriol.o o( manu facturing iron itod of a cry description. E ETEPIIENS. E. fumy:at...a . n PTOCET.. STEPHENS. SHOENBERGER & CO. A NLI191", 1.,:t0N 1% OKA, Wheeling,l a. Manufacture ni: Lnd of toilcr, ...el, bur .MII and s, A. ti Ateel el:pur Aprc.c A ILLLI vcs Irertur Con. :rlLocuDerger a 01.1 ..L.LIL.te work.. we can °Afar al. article ot 14111.413 11,11 Sho , ntkerAcrl etrun: to no :nude ..1 Lac cou.,!• A.. AL . alch Le w:d a: toe PairturAr. pow, A. Wartin,use of the worLe cot net of Moor, an,: .. AL, A,. 0011 I'S SO L UTIO Di —The. purtaerrh.p hilnerto c. under styir an Lrln oi 1S ,:sulanu k Dra thls aoy tlls.nivca I , t two:, ftl routs hovo.g asspo....d of rtns it t% 101. r, The b of toe hem to) I ,11:111,1.usuars.. wholloau .. taane 01 the •10 firm tor that purvo,.... it. AN. 1'1:: J UAI.L LLJ.. .nana.arturr all TUE , :b- prt • 4:1 M1!111 Urucr• at R. WI/ Ulan r Liberty%%site 6trepts, ou,cie.LW prowp, ltettnon. H. WII.IIrALAN, Lomeat IL, twAvirrtcp FNlers: ri.l.7.•audast) ApV.l*ll) VI/ I ter, Jame, 1, 1/L the y.l 1,1•t • Lr. 1001tc 011. • .1 eilt, r,CcOted silckilll y—atteadam , a.I T 11:11edill • .. ... ...• ' \1 1.. t• •-"' tr . and thertungnam `" "..! •"" I posl cheeriall) recommend to the pnyean "' 1....11,41 al. nm)'form, mends .11i patron, rms, Air Is Aorn• ~c,14 lboroavily ncquettocd with the bun ttc•• end eo RetnY o 1 mar:2.l y I t, IJIL AL Manufactured Tobacco, torn.a..' 'W.f....a., & stet. •uno-rtor. etrer., 5 Ip. 01 1 . 11 —lO , A D , R II :r Lon-. ,L3t .k.n.t to Ito ?Tv., & tlaremod's ado o ~, .f 1 0.1 .50 do i'cor. Har0 . ..1 rapectur,,, od 11. .4 ortt II do I ROLlitSOll tor sevrqul yesra wink a 4evrr.. ,ts. tr r I .1 Jo do vosteostd...t a.nd ked Ottl, d.oturd .21,19 do IV to Davraon J.Kr r odt a .10.01 100 01000 33 - r tvltt's ul olst• It, •to Yr r ollo,rt: do Li Anderson no - r•••• , ,, lo in) toren- - r . . - 11 d.r.. 011 LI t r.- ' 9 do L Dal° , 1 . nn r 3 do It Macon. tot nr K0rt,<,,.1 ,Itnont Orrtvp .4 an) .to.a. tl.e 9 00.n.00n 0 , snr ,, do l• "r •• .oroltr, iron. siestner and packets, orns for atle 6, 1110 lota Klcullt hot,te 05110 aLoW '0 111/CKN ,, It & Co, .0 95 I ha.; rt. onzsnrilued to tn. ut..l 1.0,5 - 41 norm ‘saLer el DLL no,. 0110. V.. atott blea..k.Al Mut roOtog ou no tlno. I.llttto to l'lruladelptda tnc an•- - end 1•0 trory to Illr loot .1.0416 tot dt) phy ..,J [root., 1 ve. o. w day• .orn nly tool. elit/ wt....deo by tor use or ,o.oe. 40-nat to my ...10 . 111,, In . orr heuttb than nws tor ten pmr• ore 11.p.nttly ) no. s ot, J. w l'arstLL lof ntt,oorgn. at tin . Prkm Too , s tore. 74 eo“rts ti A Itt‘tt,attt, S. A II Mt N. 1 t .ly LI I. t.V rAti,xt, =N I .,=CMIZIX=I EifriZEl a c .1 le ~;aged In lA, ii‘ii.7l:47l7r,L'Ur itr It No Jo., • tr,ot. Nrw lork, . 000.01, ,100,001. x Drat. k • ••••••. 1.. N• .011, tore po and Au.• ALtutt:er, tt cuvetr .tOutde tot tower ustlgttal and ati t.t.11.1 . t., 110 , 11 .., 0' 1.,,,•• 1 ttetan, 01 u sq,ctr yawn) us tOW tit, cast I, , pur- Lius, litts or tut, 081.•10,0 0 0) :,cw Vora, Febtli 13.. a t n/I.\ Co.h Marcher's Chrome Green AN) PAIN 5t1. ltA n1.1(0 Ac—lVtt, the utetlermf,al. ?minter...oat la ttal tu ttte cw . New 1 ora. uned et:to ,ti ttow u.ut, ttcw nide oi t.ll l•ret.t, artu,,,) ,tro K. Mart .s tt,r, ot Ws, ctt), and hid t, ti yr , . dul /41g a hut. lorititant Ear,. t.reett type-L.l.r th e, wt ttopertor body. and recothutetul tl to our Wellllcla to rude La ill every ilarlieutUr the 111th Cltrotue Wee!! we has, rver uned New l'ork, door 1.47. .St`,t t ;t:e., 14,1 firm. 01 practwal pat tt tut , co al ~ork 'nos uorotoitstttl t wool , 1,1, to tun) ttatt at R I: 5k.7.1.1 - R., No .7:7 oott out., t..t. ut cictutuve. Carne)'tor 111..., In 11111 , .t A Fine Set of Teeth for 33 Gent. , )111'k. Tklha 11. LOLL. 111. ttk.ALTIII 1,1; 111 out,. th) •trt-to. aver In.- ~ noon or torute clr . tat - tt tin tt - now t note, have the appteartt.tyr 4.11 Me daLI.L/J iota). wol toe ttable 1111, Ili , / k ilo , cll dr, r hut. tbat tii t 111.1) , tte• teattuorcoutt even to tttostt tt.t - th Lunt tar , t.t • ,tIJOI.I ri•.l. n mat, Ewa ;kro,,,,tiktg pretruiturr Chewy atreatty Oct - toedtt Ftrteht. trout oenottung worttc—ot att.° motet., ettt, h. 41r bc• con.tug too,. tutd 11, R,r.ovettittre tt rend, the outent deltrtt,ty ro,. awl entatte that breathdt u. •weett Solt! I,) 1511 lAt . ;I.r Later , y rnara A. F•LiNESTOUkOti k wcct.x uuce.uut: oi ,afivr or du) 5. 01.0 V luc ....,•••• Jrlvr,u•r<l uairsuln,,, 11., I 1.4 rt.,. liar., urn', Id :111. rd,.• mF tharsturk . . \'rrlttollgeto thy etutdreat ut 14. y 1e ahOur, and Itutts: • ••II Id ruiKli , uavr llht • mptorl.•, I gavc Uur Loll a 1.011 1......1,001.11.1.• 1,1 1.1, V.'”d to to.) Slcal aslOnLatutiro , sttuo.l Ilioneo,..lcly din. hat e , ,tweett too,l oirgr 'Nur it• tp-olt It .3, sotto aosl II uuw rcoln,q,ly I•revtuat tu Lait , up; tne croattoge. Uto wurut. wuut.l °res./D.1.1 , N 11l /16 1111 . 051. MIII 0,11 .enf...4 It ‘OOlllO die tt.,m .tru.tgul.atult. /AS 1. OA Ttutmenta., Venatttka co, Ya.. Apr: 11.E.RE. -Road Inc iollowtvg cerutwaor. I_l l Donn. \)a)LA . . /1111 .• 1 u,a) 2.6) ten orms, 111111 ) anal 1 1/1,1 c 1) cr.. 1.10/rU.,A. 6.1 r rir• 1,1. 6,11.01.11 60 I.,,afrill Llt)ltu, 1111Spit)vc of tae uu. Vreltkl ,kgr, I woo it.tturcd w gi, , Inn • auuv.d.,:g 6:rt .Imot. rtto , ed In)), 11,04 Lruit u: 07..4 LI 0, 01.1) upin tu)) 1)1. V ,Trilutt4sc , ss r ttuat IIA.I-111$., so I L.k . .X. I'rep.leU did . 31,1 bY R ;,7 Wood 11)- S also U) U) 12.4.01, Gilt 1) alU.r 11 SI cum, Al,. Corny, elm 51 tn. J 01)00), re.peruiwcv:llo, Popular. bream., Goodl 14 EL. I. Ito 0 A.l) 11.1 u 1./ I 0; E Y. (2,611 M uc),uutorl.oua S l, lati o e , o i J r, epareurovooe.. Co. 1, : t, vrr I, 10 1 ) , kit ILLOO re cM; 6t p+ °u vel age hon u.I ulerevcr 460 11 I'S. Gotek v am.l4vcr lgu lzkVc .900l0.0) 14100110), IUUr ult . ) fterVl ,I.:(11 - 1. room.Aaler Yrrparotl rnd soul I - . 5t.1.L.h..R.,..11 1l loud at- Antal u) Ur Cassel, 010 1 rd. UAI CAM, Allegheny, A J tiKuitt.'o ciaporlute..viii, mar) L'LL.E21i4..A11.:13 11 Lit ANU Tell hat LulNT5ll:,s, r tua: troJetly oetoet I. pulp Mr rut., ot 1.. et. oLlt, go tool water) 'hoopoes ot the taro, orek and uoti, roatatuar. Ital all outer th.easra oi the .01!. I los It/ Immo. ALtrtu,tAd tree tram torrent) hotret. .atr. ems Ma) as,rl al a': lan., .1 “nd l-le.allaialiCalS A heel, supply to I n ct vtouaLtr t-o.rtl reed pat: 10! gala Iv U A FAisso..stto.a. A Lo cor.ter ot Ist and Wood, also, cornet 0. onii 'pull wow cruets. }`OR INVALZb iS 1NVit , ..1 . 7,c.NT - .7. IoW Rath anent Powder. le dettuanta and maid) 5u1t140‘181.4.1, Winetl cove! turas Rind 0.. the en:mooch. and to now unlVersal y recommended u) nodally in pretereuee to Lintel, dego, tapioca, or padtt Arrow Hoot, es better ouaed to the debt...teal 41001.0 of to. Void., and alnore otrenctlentna end woo:magnet lOod lot milli.. For .ale by It I. tGLLGII.Y. mar:re, 57 woes/ st fir e for ldez. of c , UL, will keep constuully on wool u lurec suppty,waseb they will torothe us dealers at the lowest thanee, pnce for emit.lelD J ILLY& Co HOTELS roc, varatrron , raooetemua lis eAtabliahment long and widely known as h,oly; own of the most commodious In the city of Baltimore, has recently undergone very erten. sive liberations and improvements. An enure new ortug has been added, emit:Lining nuthertins and airy siceping nportments, and extensive bathing rooms. The Ladies' department has also been completely an reorganized and nod up in a most unique and beauto. ful style. In Met the whole sees gement attic House has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of Ms proprietors towards the comfort and pleasure f their Guests, and which they eonfnietuly oaseia will challenge enamor son with any Hotel in the LI. a Their table 111 always be supplied with every sub. sinninl and luxury which the market odor.. coned tip to a supenor style, while in the way of Wanes, .to, They s ill not be $11111.150(1. In conclusion the proprietors beg to sayolust nothing will he left undone on their pan, and on the part of their assistants, to render this Hotel wortty the wntintted patronage of their friends and the pnlitte genr rally The prieeS (or board have also been reduced to the following rate.: Ladtes' Ordinary, 81,75 pet day. Gentlemen's " 1,60: N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al, wars los found at me Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotol. free of chugs. mart( EXCHANGE HOTEL. COLT. 00 PENS B. It. MAOISM-, FITTIO9IIOII, FA- The subsenber having assumed the 0- .1 meet o this tong established and popular HoteL respectfully announces to Trisection and the Puolic generally. that hew ill he all times prepared to accommodate them In ail things desirable In a sea regulated Hotel. The House is mow being thoroughly repuitsd throughout, and now funuture added, sod no point will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotels in the connu7. The undersigned respectfully solicits a continuance of the very liberalpatronture the House has heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, febadtf Propr Mr. THHOCK-HOGTON'S GALT HOUSE, ARTS ' • ~ ' SIGH'/'ON begs to acqaaint hia friend. :. e is again lessee of the GALT HOU:. ' isaille, Ky, where he hopes to tarot nil hi. old there and the public, that effort shall • rdi iared to nuke ail comfortable who 111001 . MRS with t., peromyr , foetidly IVETI STATICS C 111120.11... SICTWtI-N ritrut rta `APPOSITE inie Hank of the United State, PhD. delphot. M. POPE MITCHELL, more Proprietor. MISCELLANEUU6. NEW COACH FACTORY, 1 . 7141 TR. BROOKS & CO.. would respectfully fa form tae publim that they have erected a shop Oa Lacock. between Federe/ and Sandusky streets. They ere now mak Int nun are prepared to receive orders tnr every deser; ,tat vehicles, Coaches, Chariot s, Ha renown. tritr,ws Phretons. de, Se., which from their long experwbce ill the manufacture of the above work, tic attars they Lave. they feel confident they are etiabted to do work on the most reasonable terms with those iduitrug article, in their line. Paying pat-heeler stteumin m We selection of mate rials, and hamar; none but competent workmen, they have no ACAltalloll i warranting their wort. We thmefore ask the atteunon of the public to this matter. N Repairing dond to the best manner, and on the must re,wonabk wren, rednf Stockholders, take Notice. I.: Sun: Stro,ders in the Y ouultrOalterty Navigation Company are beret , : netted and requt red to pay to lir. James tia;ettlOn, the Treasnrer of the t °moony, tn• sant of 'Vets per rent on eace share of their sleet, . otlte;fore the 12111 day of July text and a further rum often per cant.. or before the I th day of Au gust Iles, The sto:Sheitlers wail alto rata notice, that the its, Runlet - Ire. ;he eolleellOn en One per rent per month,. Instalment I urn panetutrily made, which if found necessary, will be enforced. By order of the hoard. ALFA PL.U.NIh..R. Pre.. J 11 Ours& Scey.ter4 • JEWE re LRY—Jo. ceived at No W A 6 17 .CNIgaT tc et meet, t, Gold Lever , N• 4 (10 detached do. ddo Leptite; 111eliiver PI.III Lever der, .11 du detached dc; odo Letoue do, iv Gold Guard Chatea be, quah47 . _ MK., A good a:wen:mot of Brenta Pins, Ear Rings, Fo.ver Root, bold Pen and Pencils. The stare Co •de hart been noticed with the last Ere tweets, and Intl be sold at n-dund nice. Pc r. so, wodong to parotidse a good and thrap Want., trod, do wen cal- prcriodc to pElleh£l/111g ZEIJULON caNSF.Y. k.UithlA NANKIN., tk Slurp.q ha, woh• T In a fear days recrtred an addtbodat auppi, of Lo .dale Naukn.w laid 50,0 r.) fine bleached comrnou do, unbleached do. fine Long t.tettt Shiroluep, very low ) wade Cotten Heat, / , 14tiro01 do Pan, Cuabrlca. . at the Dry Oooda Here. N k:roroer nh end Marko! wean,. c Room up •tairq Dr. 011eL•ne In Penne...Do i 'tilt. Is lo term) that I purchased one vial of Dr. My Laoe'v Worm xp.cifc, twine twd month. ago am pave to a AM 0/ 111111, some seven years nt. two earica. , or tull,tand anlioug6 the &Imam utuy srao, ti I have no doubt but there upward. or at. tu vas y° wow. passed from Wm. turasunt tee as quarter of nit inch to two toehes lq, long (1 %V I 101. LI DA V. Hors s - •colt. Corral co. loon Dec P. 147 Leeching, Cupping end nteetling, 1: kJ ILH,. tr,tt . ,,,tor to Al. K No SO Koil Wee, Itotwerot 01,1 Awl ,tto ``l ANC' FOCrl RED TONAL:CU—A/ Sr 3 & b ruberm r 'wet, lb lumps uwt Ula t u.ter Old "meta, sweet lumps II Lawrel., I,oLLk.r Oeugry & Naas et Eutel Itt 4(r1,e141 Law re nee Lottier 6a &Oa plug J 4.1 lanthog from •teamer, 'or Julie o).H 111:CKNOR k Co, 41 N w aler pu nod MN wharves, m)'3l l'luladamtua, I) A l'l,ll :nal 1411 , ,irkar ‘Vrupping Pain, ail hale, 11‘.rem. rated Cap Wnuoit Paper. :Su r wed nod plaln tatter do, all q anima" 190 Vint Cap. rned.uto fea 15e , arose who , and bine & white Bonnet Boards 101 reant• Mann, k:liVealpe Paper :u reed and fo .ale low by & collo r peon and Irwin Sta , Au FA RED TOBACCO—In start end to at .V 1 lui,ouiul. Wendt or 'I °nee., consign meats Cr menulectorers or Richmond end Lynch itufK, Ue Lade al reductul :I L.tall/num GU JO Joan Rucker 51. Ili du Henry A. Jar.. le, ho ant'. et, 3I do L Jahn, 5., lii do R. B Warwick ea lU do J Stoweid he and Übi T 7 do Jellies Madison as L WATF:RMANI /Luigi at antler end 02 itoin '1 , 111.; tu,•riber oder. tar sate M.; a.sorltnnit of I haa 6turps c l'unent I”ocks, busy., £O.. adapted lo ue mute niso. complete setts of Ulocka, euluptckl ye...A, or em espaeay. put up tee forwerdeel Rey port of .1•.- Leen., willso.ll delay and at Me lenveal pie• et. 1....N1. VIT.+: me lutle w1,1.1•11IllICS I. SM. GFA./ W e.Te.PLES, up 4.oortta w'recS Id iturUim Sbp, New tort GEfl=tMMI -I,_l CASKS J. C. nplra Utur.ds,jl.ll Land- Irurn urea, r Nortge,rnt Light. uad tor *ale uy MITUFIGLI'KEK, lOU Lit.tertr st 13 It tb ITANN IA NW L, WAIL E.--Juat received from e toLoood tut), Ordolioia Cadet Pot., do 'leo do, do out,* add L.resin Cdr., do slopdo, do WIUIIUD, do No tow. do do, do Coffee L o,lld mon ot va,e at tow prtcea 0 , riteller. Dlnsprertt.s P.l.pat soda - Ash — W s CA , .) , ) imoolug Irmo aleakuer NOrdi ClitOd• v„).J no, lor lo) _ . NV k M MITCIIELTREE., Inv 111...rty nrKt I 104,....P.U'r , S.lll-1A YAHILI.A —UV tag of ttit. 1. µrum hid .utu,urr iticcliciue., thin fly reed lot isle W Lulrnwc soil ft 11111. R ESELLERN N II A. R. F. N. ke th. Towunentl's why atom for arhele may cagey. he had ul .n k% hoe street .nyIJ YOH LADIE2.3 , DRI•NSM 0, tho follow. LI mg kinds, slat-611k gradulmed leaf olio Willows, •„dclLourgtl do, It ZIII..InCi do, Castilian to, 1 awe , o Urop do. ;sou and elms° do, together stitili entity wed cll/ . 0 W , wu, :Of Y H EAI • Uh a Co's wt tt 'l • rtmming :More, WS natirkel al 71 7 ,11.05e11's .1s lump tol,occo, 15 do Ai yen's do do du, 11) do Ita ilurtsr an do do. Ito do 10. C. 11/ Uo do, do Enders' none, uud as plug, I. coons, 104 thy or( tmies MI era super.. rFAZIII. do, Lt/ do. I. do tln Thomas Nectar Leal du, I ot ceortved and ,or sal.. by je MILLER R RICKETSON Doz. bdooi Brooms, d cook. AA Ash, 6i) dos tl.ll_l low 1 aro, loath. diecetvol; al bat no I Soap, on ens, enstilldt; It do Pint Floods; bids tis..l do,. Loaf Sugar, ior mar by m y KNOLISH Co-Partnership Notice. EALD, Ist.,to,olt m Cu. have imaxclaind with thein 111 their l'olioneo and Liornmassuoit bosoms* and lieeld. 'late ol Jacob Heald & Co, lilellitnored Latvia C. 01eCataiiion. and John A. Warner in) 10 STEAMLIOATS AND HDTV:LS—We have ot, J: bw,a a large assortment of iron Slone Ware, atut for ntettaluOala and bolt. Wttlets Vre Win soh .uw Ii h fiwrre, ai ,v ~it taat en4d Wrought Iron nailing. ( . 1 , 0 ., L , 1) c . , ,1 . . A , N:l . 'l. ,,, L,L u lt . l , aft , LtN nt S „ _.,1 . rt o ara , r o tso: , n . t 4 oft . l . 1 ~t -t, ' , " 'tv uo t-, .. t0, , ,• • ,, o or ,, otteot to 0 r,...,.. m ., s . p. , . ,• o . tont.. 11.. oval) , doecnittion of /roil ~,,,,,., , L„: , 1 0 % ,, t r„., ~,,,,, byt ..ty 4 , : „.., it P wboi 4.,. 0t,,,,, tor is.,color, ecutelorloo,tttottscnra, he. he r .of of lV nailttPtli, A. LnAluts rit Kiw.X., tyttl uorthefon cot 441 and mortar st •Ixi•lnfif •'''' ' ''''' .4 C r. g... Allegildi6 , City lIACON-1.0 hltsllll.yellos , cumussed /Jams; AU 11.1 Ndus, 25 do *00...1.f0r5, aII 01 . ptvue jciti MEa.,EXI.thILOLS M ESS AND t: PRI:tiPORK-1U bbto Meos Pork; U do pro. do, tar Sale by O.IP SELLERS & NICOI. 'TARTARIC ACID —4 an, of a superior quality, re I.calved slid lot sale by BRAUN h REITER ` TEAM tsuAT ErTENEET FOR SALE uue hW 10 vi LL• 010: 1001.6031 W yOM.IOg wt we 00 41000.041 e 1140.11.014, bras. For par•eulars cutout of 5 • W 14A gueUOIT, Wsubr audyrsoLliti M F, LANTOUS SarPIErENCOTor db Mikan. ANTACT (" I./ . tlll 3 V c r kl hid °r i tr e lrs l Ptoo( sake, with side, second street, between Nord and ih6eld Pittsbarith. .1 9 Striekler has dsl . Ce.”!! and the admiring partner Mr . Joe Lippdnom...'.* ...banned himself with Mr. the C business will berearte , Ins concluded ander the smile eon & 118.17. Trial of a wife in Glocitmati, 0.—W0.0. the kinddmird , ' re were present at the testing of ono el 9 Strickler & Cog improved Pheenie fire-proof sees. The .safe ores placed to afuraace onthe public landing, and subluted to the intense bend a atone coal fire for more than three hours iu one hoar and a half the auto came to a blight red heat: the door of the furnace Was them Moiled, which ceased an Increased and steady heat for the balance of the thee, until the cut iron wheels were partially melted off; the menace wee than thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. The money, papsr+ mad books which it contented were ea perfect ea when placed there, the binding only of the bookk being lured by the water In cooling the safe. We have tut hesitation in recommending it to the poblid as a tale mecum to any we have Over seen tested, and believe that it will stand any hest which might be • optalaced- Leapt a heat which would melt it to a solid tow t Springer & Whitman. L. Worthington, Rellogg Kennett Beni Crier. W P Breese, Marva Smith, 7 S Dungan & Co, Stedman, lanyard & 00, Wm man* Head & %router. We, the undersigned, selected the mile Ala rove, from a Lot in the store of Trebel' & •ft - lave, SU SPRING t J HEL,LOCI. Refer to Cook I Harr* Brokers, ihugh Hussey Hanna! Co. do do I YP /AIL LIPPILICOTT. sons o L a anMeaa LIPPENOOTT & CO• yr A NUFAC U HERS of Hat:meted and Cam Suet 1.71. Shovels and Spades. Asta wadHatabets.'Nlill, W Cat. Circular and rant Sates, Hai, end Manure Forks. Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, dre.. hernia completed a/libels arrangements In the constructtonOf new machinery and in "reunite the ben workout: (Paola. meal eels. bated establidhmenta of tee Elul aro new saatelleetul-. log stud will keep constantly, au baud and the fete LP the above artlclea, having availed themselves of the latent improvemettus, and ate determined that In well manship and tuterial they Will not be ezeelled. Thep promise to produce ante es equal, if not suds% any that c. be had us the Eat . They invite the intag lio . of dealers to an examination of their Moth before purrhg elsewhere., as they see convened that they will be amn abfe m fill all orders Itrtheir line re the entire wt./keno. of pittell.erl. WflrehOOSE, Waler street, donna OVeon Monongahela Hnue, Pittsbnegh, Pa N ll—Persons baring business with Wm. Lippert .1t A Son tell please call 013 UpptllCOU it CO. *CUM!, Mc=MEi7Ml Pltuburgb Furniture Ware Rooms, .15, TAM" /MM. A large nod splendid aasoruneni of Ferni• ,ure, nuanble for Steamboats, liotelnand pri• rate dwellings, constantly on ,band amp made to order The prurnt stock on hand cannel be exceeded by any manufactory in the W. 11.121 ominu7. P WIMP wlshusc te purchase would do well to give me a call sa I ant determined my prices altall ple.e. Pall 0' the stock cousios in— 50 Wes with Plush and flalr-eloth onrerst 9 dos Mahogany Nurse Chair.: 14 pair Lhrunin 12 dos Etu mahogany Closing 12 mahogany Work Stam's_ 3 dos maliogatt) Rookin,g Chars; IS marble top [heats/mg thireatta; par Ottomans; 8 marble top 'Norit Stands; 19 cherry Work Sads; Mahogany, 31 epic ; Chary,sild Poplar Bedsteads sr all de °wisp.. and • large as enrol of roomer Striature too attmerfala to meshes Mann, LADIES. ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST USING COMMON PRIGPAILED THEY are not aware how frightfully itouriests it leo the shia—bow coarse, haw rough ‘ how sallow, gel low and atthealthy the ti n t appearsafter wing ptepar mord chalk! I:asides it is boarioas, mumbling slur quatany of lead! We have prepared a bemtifel vegetable article which we call JONES SPANISH LILY WHITE. I is perfectly Innocent, being purified of all deleterient qualtues; and tt impana to the skis a tumoral, health) alabaster, Clear, Living white; at the same time amine as a cosmetic no the akm. making it soft and =tooth. Dr. /antes Anderson. Practical Chemist of Mama chUsetts, says: "Vat analynng Jones' Spanish Lil) White. I hod it possenes the mar beautiful std nate ml. and at the same time innocent white I ever saw. errwatly cast conscientionaly recommend its use to al whose sloe requires beattlifyirig.” lance, 25 cents bon Said by is +l JACKw I N.nt Liberty n. month Pitt Machine Works and Pontiary. r & are prepared to build Cotten J and 4Vosnen Monet:wry of ever description, aucl Cardsni bleat:lnas. Spuudng Framea Speeder. iiratang Frame, Hallway heads, lilarpers, Spoolers, oresang Frames, Lanus.. , ard tsrindera, Weoogh rn Irv. Shantna tued, nil size} of Cost Iron, Polite, ant dangers el the !west patterns, slide and band Lathe. • . and toots of MI clod,Cameo a every deseriptim I.triosued oil +bort uouce emtents made to order ft). troll ttsiloor, k.e 'Steam Mete for heal .g ••: Iro n t% twit). - Sash and fumy Cas Ken" tly Orders lett at the Warehouse of! Painter tr Co., Liberty street, will have prompt atteu tiOu. Refer a Blackfoot-K. Heil & Co., J. K. Mooreholui Co., %V artier. John & bons, P ooburgh C &1. H , Vonter, ten.> L/It./t Spring, J . k :le, Steel and Iron Works. lit. A‘, A.\ a. co, battng completer tnrir t 0.... xa, a, novo propa,ed =worst. tam every learnpuon Of Coach aid talptio ?Spring. Iron Ash-a, Americas. bosun; Sanas and Plougi to., al: all uoc. one, • mare sod round Iton ottnen ottcr .or 'ale oa i,sal Lena, at host ware -11011,. lo Wood alert wacre lasi also kora 014 fasol,l a con - toot. ba.L.rionts of Coact trinuilors, Herlwars, Nlatkabla Castings linos and Iron C.. H £ Co., nava made ariangemeata with Messrs Day 8. Crotta. nt ta,.:aatu era of Shovels, Opadaa, Fork. . sad a . 1 ,1 he. p on baud erery aluca GEIIItIG than, Lala.rri are o•spectially aolAotted a,.. a. pr,ca. an tam, aq,l ac mule lit,cral grai & IL t • 5 5 Hardware House. Sci II ,‘ tith...‘ CLL. corner to tt ooe .11 to it... thttattergh. line techenteen !mut the firth tst of Jammat7, L 047, I mite otras.r e,,ouiscing :0 el) intuit to C ii) Alta 000.10). law I ear opcoed uty ,ew store al the. suo,e ilitrt.l4 purchased 0t) gmtif lot ca.a. .ttatte arr.egrut.,,ts WILD tosusa.acterers it. WI! ..11, 0,1 r.uro,.c cot...tautly supplied I ate .t. .r...stt ft/101+n., us all rm• s ~r I.yot • mt) Itotsse k.ast 01 4% CM Marc 00..1 s aro rung...lett). I..alleu ca.! Rllll es.•ot.tte In st.RA. pstretetsme rise. vate,c. Ihe compruts ts part et Ate stpek: Mic:sl.llll,oLi: sod saudmi earths - are, gin. trustuausgs Net, Naylor s cuter)', edge t04..1e, a tale, sums. Inlet me) thelt. merges, sure Ws,n ee or tory pie..e, saw,. a...1ey...ay boards mud tS, 11114.1 Ie noo.tectoct with th e hanlerare bust. City DalluerrlititGiillery: .4 ViCI 13,04.1:511. Houk. 1 / a . 4.) etlizeba of Path. CI, 6,1,0 and ie..). that be Oa Late the Vaguer. iont,r obauptha hp Alt Porter pub. axe win 6140 /1.1.11 . 0VCILIIIIII• are SeCtl. MO. ..11i Lc L1111.,.1. 111.13 opens.e by Mr Ho6e, who has 1.0,45 Clattltd., unee the art wan ataroveted t ottre a . action ts gun tea so 0.4 who may tre o othe his patron,. Air w4l baler wan p.eatu Os ICI tut . Porter a whote eamhlialtment he Lao operthen Iva ute that twelve M. 0.. VW.) . Par. h,,rat,nsA. oa,,oernper, ant rOlll,l. L.benew,es t i ny breather, awl ant so ...acts. Orval. punt res.., a/1,1,4111.. instrucitoun V. 41 10 rrory crunch tot the an, and ap p alat_ul funottned. .0 Dill IvIAJIJ..4 NII:FICHANTS—A 31a.moti Cvi au Morsel At, nave received a esses St Cheap ptionvd L.A . :iv and Cl Prencli ,to, of er) vo, le. .Pises of hood style earns, 4 do lieu: vt - , id ?Ruts, 4 do odor and orange —at cuco.. do tolvaexed Alavtlats. all widths. Also, rate. bocacheo. brown aud woe. Drills. Cotionedos, Curets. tarngnguig..l.l.. Cl., an oo '4lllOO will ha veered 51 inn csl Larglc 001 wnOlcaart prices. IT, 41 Penn trine hlssoitikop. I I WICi H —afa,utucturer IA all kinds Of cot. j_L a toot null vvuonen uichnicr), A/lewieto city,Ya awve prepare,)wnt; loot', lull and successful op. VII ono le execute enters with dispatchnar 1111 U.* 01 IlleCILICCI) 111 ISly Ude, sorb a, willow. (100001, spreaders, corus, grinntsig ti drawing , rll.lura, rp,nalura Ihrurcrird, Wools, 'women art10.110%./1•IC ur 1 . t..or ttiln;o( country wort. .*lllO SOd 1101 uteru 4 nahCl, and ICISag in goo „n; An, laud., In onto:, or plans Fs , ainr.(l,ll ,alollls 11.1 reasonsule Citarge. 11 rat nc,nloo), Churn, ar, 110., HlankemcY, 1 . 0,, lour!. Pennock SIA , Jas. A. talky. BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY • • A. ..,,.,,",,..,..., Real we" r uwaler, boa re beet met couttocuctel euetitcaa at rue ow statul ...ere tte is ue ptert.ed to toe tlts out oOatoue dos wee If ICald., hioattatotot, slid halts of every otme, from £0 o 11,01.41 poluule, eutt truth putter/to of the most apportv. eu Ztvlrlf , eaul 4 urf eutell lllO hest moloratals. •. • . 31incrai bs Liter cutups, Loizasitre, 'Lulu% &a wire iliac Wild eyes y vur at) ui on." Cosusigs., regtured, •ur•os4 Lulu [ll/IsLICIIIU tar, ,calm. man,., F Ow sots iiruplizior ANTl.Arrisis VOA 61./ ,s,I) Cie1.4111.11/ tor tn. rettocucto DI 11 . 1411011 111<f). e011.411./.14/11 4ila boat. 11/1,1 Mt MI limes tittty Plopigtis, Plough Co;iT. njp. Wagon I HALL, of the old taw ot Ft- A s. Hall, ts meowed rote Image kol al ilea ot rivuKlts, toug“ Vitalluis, Wag. 0,104,1NV[11.11,.. 01 the Lxpvp, euc null other 1 . ..0.,k15, Of the latogit and uu~tyuut tagrn 1..11 ~,,.cnr freet, elUabsurt, opposite wt• ".% ~.r. It. ill I) ~1 .I.l.egrica) city, urn me ,otto "I elleuEstock,Bal dc. OClCiffr, +re ..wo tuc ,woove ...Imes, Corner 4: 11 uwltwo tee eitUnmigth wb,,ns w. kre pr,rasttl wu a.) work iu vut /lUD WALL dee yn..o c Law wurk kyu.. tacoon wi.“ Oc giV.ll tw oak wnl to ILS uealuele and do. 131A.4 Itooka sawn tunny pattern anti bound sub .tuaueuVi Lawan ituaauera cola 'took. Wood Cara yor 5t.p.0r..1 Nutatea put On book* iv gut Settee.. Into Ittwt ttuvr• murk ual bile are ittsiled to cell Cr.:ea 10 VI nayaku touody nuittewarUsn.,. •H h tur Ja,suy and waver Clllll.l ulY~iuu t, ioureu, mutter& toot slot:hoax tor • ..I eh. ronurotouroY 1,411 us hohlen on t 1 onus, c), -a), Ne ci) of L1,01.‘ uant, st 4.114611/ CClst, In Acw, UhtY, uto7c,V4 tut I.6dtel Or 10 O'clock, A. A., mud 4 o evert, ut *mu thy. CNA.. IA HOSTETTER, hue hatary tr. 6 Y er Co To COuti ; sotors and lindni. VOll y tow, to cluse 1/10 lid , Adludiel dew I lut born 011.400040.00 a auteldar, 4 pair Of Vault worts of superior uou.alissture. Apply to ei-FAA.reioisk; utl./14E. k. at A, Ltd ud hod wood J or UST REI..34IVILLI-1, large and AO:maid as/a:nu:mut ciuttw, Cassicuarie, YeAu.up, 4.:rava, &a, and or mic by I. WILLAAALI, Alt/TALUI Ls W. 1 ., • aye end.. Mot.o.logelmlolionse, satiltdield Y lullltUN—Cx/ tour, ult. Forubto tlot Wawa, arri wog per itrugsolu, be loos ootl)n Fraluree, ,rulttlaw for 0610 by t1U413/11.DrirOVILKed & Co, /7 12 Wont it DRY & VARIETY GOODS LYNN'S CARPET EBIPORUIII. FOURTH Sr, tikiLOW WOOD. THE mthwriber respectfully aqueous the attention of the °timers and captains of hosts, eitirel, e n d stranger. railing Pittsburgh, to ha large and eplendb , stock of carpeting, now for sale at hl* new mores. 4th street. They eoneler of every madly of the lou st not moot Casino:table style. of Cur Pets, Oil Clot he, fru . eve. Western to the estern market. The e has bet, built egpressly for the carpet business, and lin., Ireeerd lesseof erriense.o been fined up m the most magnifiers modern style. The carpel* receiving are of the richest and mon brilliant" They T apestry ` part. of the ittdmmr s a new as- likiglish and American an. aelm ratel2ol Ingrain, new abn- IsegTeNot Ingrain; new de ot.; 4/10 llllrrerei . jOrr.reel do Plain and milled Venn:lna; galls ..Per cord milled Roy.] d Atwen Pain :handle, lilieSe4 lute, QA Wilton the latest design, trite •lers. (amebas, e==;l trossels, tonamotr I yard wide; I do do do do I do do d Cdeotton, do Ilet, mg and help carpet, common oil Colt it Cloth table coven, worsted and linen table cover, grindsnr shades, colored and plain miming, stair rbdp, trimmings, carpet bindings, and all other foods usual') kept In carpet stores, all of which will be sold au a. reasonable MMus as any m the city. Having made ar. 1.1(6121etn1 aritliont of thitlargest manufacturers in tht aut.-orders kr any style of carpet will be promptly warded by telegraph,. sod delivered In one week, at • wall advance of the mahnfacturer's prica Pnrelmsers non parnmilarly requested to call before purchasing ebtemberai ai we feet confident we can set " Chr.P' . eon be purchased in the esatern cities =rid F, W On Crioths4 m:iacn NEW and splendid variety, a. ' ZELLULQN BLIBEYI3, 67 Rorke. . street. 60 gold lever %Vetches; 48 silvw roved troches, Eniptid4 Xi silver deleclied lever watch m; dt, Cum L'Ephie Watches 63 silver quern, aratehtuk LI fine gold ehaine; I doe new style ear rings 3daz plant gold hoop dog, a doe emeoned rittiPN fi ...- steal boxes, playing a emery an popular airs; 12 gra,. steel slides, a ll maws. FANCY GOODS - Odom fine Funk silk and paper-, dodos comm. Pans d doe fine velvet bead bags, new styles; lit dos fen orotchel bead bags, dew styles; 6 dos fine trete!. purses, new styles; MS din fine parasols, assorted, Sun enets, fringes, gilt and silver, for regalims; LO dot liardower vases, a tried; I doe fine noel scree, pin rush iort dos alle ivory sctew pin cushions; I doe be wood screw pin mut:dons. A fine /11•01 1 / 3 10,1l of new Pays, fr.c. Sri. mar di SPILLICO — &ND SUMMED GOODS. S. /11155071 4r. CO., o.a. sirrituse &co. Pittsburgh. New York. A. A. Sisson & Co., N 0 t ..60 i t t , t . r ,er eet, be e i n ve t e l l y sn op 3d c‘, lnd , Llst . l, w Pi a tt . s o elegant store, with an extensive stock of rich :sprung nod 8.1.1er Goods, comprising upwards of three butt .rod packages, of die latest and most faindonabit styles. Mewl:nuns thretighout the country are purlieu Carly invited to call and examine our vet, es it ow anention to odes our goods at the l&remt Fasten wholesaki prices Otte( the fine resui.g In Nee fork, will be constantly marling 11.1 fresh supplies o ;he moat desirable goods, Were.). giving of every fe eility to the twos... of our business Mot could tm peweesed by Eastern Houses. Priers are therefor rearanteed to be as low ms the lowest New York MI. nuladelphia rows. apt In:UTE GOODS FOR DLIMSk.N—Open Nts snort. 11 rag, u w a muariws Uri tioods wilt east corner of lth and Markrt sta a lull auto , clout Of white lanais for tree., such as Swats Me ads, pla n atal.fig'd; awl Stull do; bIISICEI .I.oolloi, ; awn Malta and Jackotteta Also, venous styles o teals for Ending Demers, Wet:Mang a few patterns u name new styles Embeetadered Allstate Rooms. ar New goods will oe recessing :lady for a wee o come, tneltattag newest styles Urea, Goods, Law sod b'reneh titughsona ttruns and Chintzes. very Jo, Ilerchanta are wetted to examne the goods Yid prt Oft wholesale rooms. up stain. Tie aasurune, -large aad pnon very low. apS j INEN LESTRES A.N.IIUINUHASIS—Vi Ala. £4 pay invites attention to nag ausorunetat of awe, of various saintles and %punnets.; also, datnasv. gored /Aura Lwitre, for Ladies' Ltraturs A large a.. /mama w Sae Kaaba., Swacteater, slid nein.. nughams, of newest styies; aiso, Hoyle Prautr-a ta wsurtment lame eery dessrable goods, toeludtb, .tult, aloe, blur and double purple, of sew utast beaut to pattern. breech Dress 1-strus—Pink, Mae, also. breams as. iurf, of usarest patterns aud fast colors; small figltil .ot 05551 a dralrwitaies, of large .1 small fa b • IV., toe ladies' and matiltuts' dresses. - • •• • • •- khabrateterod Zurtsa eress pauorns, for enesung dno fee, owe, styles, colored anume turfman, do; nod f “111 usorintent of om ff orairen grefaultues, ern, shawls,shawls,tn., at the northon en, si come; 01 FOUfIO and Mar •011. StroClj. 111. IMMO • -.-• . JttO.,7 KELLY k eco, tstto castors mßobh, Witte bother A co.) SliailevlaaaNt r £AILVRS, lin elms , ah street, Yruladelphia, beg leave to storm th. inch,. Led paLfetn. el the bre:Weed AILLALIS6eni •hattlag aty, that they are twat itt receipt ot tht hprlng le. hamster Fashuthas. Also a ehelea aud select ass.”, went 01 West of estgustui sod Frettett Cloths, C 0.., acres and Vestiaga, to which they reopectilhl) .avtt .00 r attchticha atrls'aunt • G DAY GOODS. HACKLk.:I - 1' It, No. w , bowl Erec t , receivi g • vet y large and C...2111•1VC stock al frt.. risay Lay 0.4.. air very receorpureitsiae, old ova,. .. ,, ..ler the moot iaaaraine cattail...act-a; and wale. Jr, are piepareal, awd anal ay mar...axial a yr/ ; iiilvauce we eaiiiens lYe wouldrcioeti oay city i our Mock a ply cz..ziwatlun, and we , eel Cottli /Let they will Oa eattioly of the cheaptie” iar sloCii. trh.WrtliU.:T to —Sue France [tall ato.ta...taa, acres, a...tcl wtt . tone, 11 . .14 iutportcvl, colors., yuat.otos aoLl pew= lo every ScLu lUd"lb—Stip silk warp Laticto 1.44411, Stll.lll, utal dcairaute CIMIa1(0. getita: Strut, at pro, t.ow Loy to the city. kl.llaiiNea...l t:lotat N 0..; spit_ 0.0 auul wtae..l Fla fill A OKLATT 4 W sATT dis, WHITS, W y Ur" httiVLIDS, , fro 1 / 4 •acel, aavauu haul, cast aro eattaltau t'vast .4 Ilartag WOmutates* sea., tara• salaustve aesoruncill Utt t 1.4101,5, vrtuch we) at Ito 11.1.1".11.11.• al ow prtors 3 it/ttl reasaaa de tan. ring that May can Kt. unite .1.1111.1111, 1.11 , r ...dainty lutist tilt Werrtlau. Vtultug c;ty toyl. IL Mi. at.,l Ad AL&IttON d. GO, X.4l , iirtl Strevt., Ile outlaw Zitt• an ttu.tuttutt ul Ltan. ttovds, put tt co pat r4„-,ntu. cwittputwt we largest awl stw •kuk. 01 1”...04 to I.e 0.4411.1 Jity-4upootion Women '4,1 , pn et tta Omen 0... You ulievre, article, nod gnu. 4.114.1... goutlao iu usaraet, RON, mu. 4., .egos, I . l.4Ktex, Moist:Ur rank., Fre1,,1.144“0.,c, 1 ictlss uutn_ts.--A, 4 ALASU . Pi CO, W Mara. 11 •vicet, b.'. Plat tec'd • apmsuud laasvruuvuk cas ut•yua, •Wcrug wtuea way 00 10000 —I . isara, plaid .00 altipeki rMerNic vi all ,gayllics, .I.aue, mohair sinpca, laraaadiera, 4.111 otripc .....uuea, warn du Stun. nut, :Racy •k, t r•au. 5641.1•40013, 6u. Zee. a ~tERAGEJ, 6C. — AJCZadutl tr. U • ueautatil sat. al pi• sictsea u 1 aut. 'wattles ne wc.4 It, I.evricil, .p -.111 pm. awl InOrtlll Witca lAuen.ll-uaLac• Mad ..awl... unl, .w to strlpc tle A.a.Ltic Ewe 66p4c,.. AU l aa.l oo d. tai heett pureaseed at the late pe. euaaury auetteu saws hi .Sew t UCK am eattiatleittel te. tete it Ulla iU • Keret met:hoe mein re,,tar arta, MMIEiI HA WlS—Aleixodor 6 La., ...e LI "lon We uopurvez Ut Plow ton" au auute eawa • ....aloe t,wtuu taape ctua wits cout.ualug • eout,no,. ootorthOoteu awl put.A.o atm of e. .ut • susta ouzo., ituut tu Imams re, tovit. C 1111.11.11. Olean aullorta, ot • lter tu .uat gouty ol toosit 0111 OtlvtlflOr to sassy lusture Ottereo Jils wankel. .31440E11W Ultenp. Alas, I . llluCl Sod Otragl3 buovra. Coal Je.111., ,u./ a....quoct.t, at roomtatUtos) low enc., to, 4 V‘i UL YUIi.CLLAIS LizALS--11. ekausunin LI& nna tecetvul Um to. Age.= y lot solo us Jutac • • rinte, Uwu t nnwt, Akt.mat .1)4 taw, iWntre Oymtail 611c..U0 JULU n. Allll/1.241, Utueol J 4iatelttetary, apl7 eut Wt..* Aual uth sta ILUVES--A good I.4loflnlent of 1.1108 Sad gab. inact, WILW and COLtne4lssoo, 1111 l r urea, ..wa &lad £05.41‘,.0501., lax,* aloe. blucs uusureal 5 .0.21.1,10 wove*, eicailuat stnese, an. ...Ivo N.., inor,n4lB Yf ogrA k. WHITE, ISO Wood., _LAJV kW. &ND HO'ditEELV--.1 us, reo d, SCSI don 1,1 woo uututi, sstuto, Laos, and stute LUIWu Hu.. ua scull O co.. per putt up tun 11,44 l 4dluslyu. l• as .K.,. Mal OH Rut ONe, Lliralml, au Un.”.l ltaPics, al., 0 . 4 ....1.10-11.ce oujvki stv uluves beaten awl omen 4,14 wisU Uardlysol las llticies, W 1411144 0.41.1 al upLl 0.101 t e at it JULIA:SOWS, t 6 ,turret st 091 r.RY , ll ULUVE.I, &C., AF WHUL,KsAI.k.. Joo due ttosc sod waif Hose, for at., Wl•uleu vstua a tato tot td ul., cotiou WC taste tdrou. uIOVC• 0410 301111; just rocessoll atom Use uuptarttus W. tor sale scAstieolus ottikfrosd, by r , F EEL, GOOD6--Staal wag , meet itt we 41141 Neelveleta, LLO pseals, rute do, do rams 11....g5i do do CI...TS; do Slicics; u bey 61.1.gej do fop ..o us, jU4k rne , 6 St the tats kauc Mom VI &anti 61NTiliN tc. FINuX kirrEuuoDs — A ASO/lartusseut of pWm. chl r• nod .rsls..l.ll2Cll3rlus, plain susilcUald J &scour u aeon Rug Mulcts Atult, 11•411 [ls/101, LIMN. Anussuoisa, opouusl VIClOn• Lawn, 'l.llziatu. .11. 1 / 4 1, Wpm.. asusurtuseut ul YOUIIIOIIa pada 4514 1.107 Pselli,l.4ets, cultpugs, suseruuscu, us, M/1 01 VVIILCM woe was strived imam Imo MO tut poruste, laud sor aid tow tu usu mule, 07 m 717 sittAI.ASA. r r & WHITE JKW I LHY_Ftne Gold filtu — Naure Clue, do do lolCak eta toe Hair, dd do *raw rum, ...oz., ittus. 001,0 AII6III 11.1116n4 w, att Owed tfatn.s; ISO uu t du; do aorcuwo mud ern., d.du Orndetr, W. 4474 Thoao to MY. of ant Jewelry will .10 4011 bctarb tlrvitauteg. 114.1 d. KI.AzEV & KNOX, ol.rke"' Vitok. sULRTLHU LIUaLINS—W. s Autos , ha open Wet aturistil‘ • atlalet WINO Of tie. Vol, euperial afttlell Loag t.40e11 5111.1104 ystslititsi Wee, Sits itemeLivite 00, Pee CatistattUy an time to alters meta at every vane 01 quality, el low Mal pnecv Ala , . Wee Litmus tOr illarattes ...a Weems, el pen U.S, este very catty, as 1107921e1eel cote. in 41.11 eat .Magnet strew. sole .j . ttbealr.ted Zip 4LLLKTlbilela—euezetaao , &en., nava ALA ee.weed a very severeur weeereeue4 , ueueru and uteseatre stsetnese, 01 we molt c0W!.494. et aillnaten este quaoluse; also, u1011Cha• SileetUarg, iau gash..., al eta pc , Did say 4 VOL. XVI. NO. 9. ' MTSCIET,LANY. YOUTH AND AGE. The following beautiful lines reeinttiv ar neared in the "Etonian," a periodical star •'vnt twenty years ago by the boys of E. College. I often think rash tottering form Thakjimps along in life's decline, lace bore a heart as young, as warm,, As full of idle thoutihts, u mine! And each has had its dream of joy, His own unequaled pare xmlsoic'e, Commencing when the Nutting boy First thrills at lovely woman's glance tnd could each tell hie tale of youth, Would think its scenes of love evince vfore passion, more unearthly troth, Than any tale before or since. Yes! they could tell of tender lays 5 1 ,t midnight pennel in classic shads! days more bright than modem days, And maids more fair than modem maids ')t whispers in a willing ear, Of kisses on a willing cheek ! Each kiss, each whisper, far too dear Our modern lips to give or speak: Of passions too untimely crossed, Of passions slighted or betrayed— ')f kindred spirits early lost, And buds that blossom but to fade: 9( beaming eyes, of tresses gay, Elastic frame, and noble brow, And forms that have all passed away, And left them what we see them now. tnd is it thus? Is human love So very light and frail a thing? And must Youth's brightest visions move For ever on Time's ruthless wing? ' \lnert all the eyes that still are bright, And all the lips that talk of bliss, And all that forms so fair a eight„ Hereafter only come to this? Chen what are earth's best wishes worth, If we at length must lose them thus? If all we value most on earth Ere lung must fade away from us! HESTER ANN ROGSRS-HOLINESS. I never read throttela that poouiat -took, the "Life of Hester Ann Roger•. I yesterday From a few giant: .e Jages, and from remarks made above itaracter, I had conceived a p ctatast her. I took her to be a VIAL • and enthusiain; and I apprenended impte would inculca e the imoreision in:uncut piety is charanteized by faith npressions and dreams—eagerness fur r :ions stimulation—and by as unuatnral etravagant fondness for worship; so tn.' u, perfect, one Mail be constantly under ailment. by nignt as well as by day: ;deo the mind in a wondering and ail fri tate. Beading her Memoirs I eltscov, tat though her mind, especially in her e y xperience, was somewhat tinctu•ed •ntnustasm, and her oevotional ex.roue rere too ardent and protracted for he 'ffialth and comfort; yet these, in view n ter whole character and life, ware but sour • •a the sun. They are, however, Meng to too bold relief in this book, (not tufts, bin as virtues;) while many of Ole treat excellencies of ner character are no nustrated by such facts and details as to resent them with suitable impressiveness (et there, is enough said to give the testier to conviction, that Hester Ann Rogers war n extraordinarily good woman. Her taifh in Christ was unwavering; her we to God was pure, spontaneous, ono verflowum; her benevolence was unlims .4 and active: she was hemble, patient, ilifient in business, affectionate to the end fren, and assiduous in tier attentions to her usbano, whom she loved with pure and eep affection. Yes, .she was a true we uart. :+he set her near on giorifyir g God. nd doing good. Though she died young, he was the mother of seven children, 'horn she conescrared to God, and strove lc , ain them up tor piety arm usefulness; and rte instrument of the convereean of scores, erhaps hundreds of souls. I am glad •ave read the book,' and I believe it will no nod to every conviderate reader? though lch persons as will not allow the eminently nine to have any human nature in them, eve no toleration for their - foibles and I +it igs, will find occasion for their ungenerous nticism.—Cm'res. Chris Ade 4- Jour. CURE FOR HICCUPS. I ravelling, some time since. by railroad oral Ceibmbus to Baltimore, I toot my seat nmedimety in front of a gentleman woo las suffering under a-paroxysm of olocup, a degree that I tied never oetore witne,s -d In a few minutes a person appeared bm the end of the car, aid touk a seat be ode him, when he said, •. Sir, can you tell 2hat is good for tne hiccups? I have been Ahmed in the way you see me since pester lay noon, and have had no rest, or relief rum a ohysbian to whom I applied for as •,stance : I am worn out won suffering. - o whom the person replied, '• Sir, I will are you in less than two minutes by your catch. Have ounndence, tor I am su a I an do it. Held up, high above your-head, eo fingers of your hand; lean back in your .eat s opening your mouth and throat. so as give a tree passage to your lungs; breathe .ery long land softly, and look very steadily t your fingers." In les! than the time ape then the cure was performed, one hiccup oily occurred during the mat Tae patiebt iuld not express uts gratitude; watle tne iractmoner only exacted trom num, as a tee. le promise that he would exteuu the ki,,, ridge whom he had imparted, as reel as he ad received it, aisqtring him that he %V MAU mover be disappointed in the result. We were all struck with the fact. And ciany of us considerea that the stranger ws ent by the appointment of that Power, ou. enktnateu as a pa:Awn/or proculdince -ten I have °nen nad occasion topact. •don patients In the same diaoroer • ever washout the moat signal su.ess ILEN NOT BORN Among the many ainudern.l alcove., lr.Laitioun boa made mi peweel and ts, sl science, none to more uonotuiut LLtm, u.' terra announcement of die tact mat u o me not burn, but putts. He fei 'flue ropy". have said in [us ate speech: • mho total error in ore idea that ail me re born 'tee and agent l purpose in es . awe tuns, and I eta net a Laid to meet ti.v untrig prepuices wi e tavor. There is p,.. . word ut nun tu the proposition, as cum nualy understood, •all men are oorn or, men ate nut KM; infants are 00111, en.n any grow to be men." Lae all diacoveries of genini, this one onkel, us at onus as so settle vuleut Luta .15 LL wonder we never saw ;so before. Kane transiatore 01 the bible, Intoned men as they were, made a great balueler wnsu (ley wrote--' Man, that is ior,t of woman. a of law days, and ;all of trouble." lux roper rendering would have been ban, that ire nom of woman, are ot !hew claps, tite— ineu want at metapnysical preeiaton to re naruable.—Nutronal Era. Ins first newspaper wad printed in Eng and to 1042. Tee bra; nt 130.t0n was in 7th4—only on one slue of ban DI a sheet ot ,rust—pubushed by John ,Carapbeli, who Lyles tumseU "postmaster Ot ;few haglaud, Boston,"--and being, I behove, Meruly ne only Postmaster in ail New Etignatid. ' flay 1 be pal - aimed for copying one ul MIS .arly advemsementsl "t o be sold by the miter 01 tuts paper, the very best uegro roman in town—wno nee flea the small ,six and the measles, La as Deafly as a hone,, a cost as a Dial, and will WM& ate a Mao rear. Lloram A popularitr—n has many snares, and 01411142. •