GROCERIEB, TAMES A. IlUTC1115(lN A. Co, Age.. l 4 for n. Blom Nagar Rainery, No 45 55 el., rind F' street, Pittaborgh, PA. have oi store folloo ;no , 1 4. sornnent of refined Silvan., for sale 1001. 5 lira doubts refined large 1.r.0b 1050 bbl. Nor 2. 4. A 5, 7 And a ../1 do: .Z3O do Powdered. 21ei do Cru•li cd; 45 do Clarified. rn) Sugar and Mu tant.. 148 lIIIDS l'rame S u Hagar, Ald toble LoaiSugur. NC. :2.6 Had 7. 1.11 do Prime New Ilrlrons 'l7 d. " Sugar lioe‘o In Flop, and for onle I.) %V h ?.1 MITCI/I.:LTILLE er 4ern .1 ,04/NUlt/ES.—aU rusk% I,rmded \I Steeir "C . 7 /k sou. Liverpool. 30 do do do lam, Al.l/1211 do. 20. brig. Ito Coffee, 1.1.1 Laze% 701, , ,h , x1U 311n1 lUn L 2 W for •Elle I v JOII . S GRIMM tit Itl,zty 1;ILF.q11 FINE l'l'T 'II)I3ACt , / Pr /no And mud / AiLderif, rcoe'd and mr UUCKNoki Et. Co. 41 north water uod 111 not. valarvr.. Xr ARA I.F.A P TI/HACCO-31/6 bola. Vora Leaf To baevo. wrapper). rind ropenor and %cola—luat landing from Ong Aothra,se: for stile by fro IIEAI.II lit rt. Co ((168.11 AN Lt. and 3 groan t.erinuit Vipe, medium LOW'.. JUII 1611d11“: 11%3111 pat arid 1...a1e by .1 , 23 HF:AI.O. 131% NI /It ACo - _ Crone, Md . be. glad to I.` hav. ordcra from his friend. in ?ittnburlili arid clucceberr. for the purchase or :shod u iA Herring, du. ring thewasun. thdcrs executed Witil tiCITO , h, and at lowcal rt:, Chargen tor porch. ..1,140a. inart.9 -limo. lot u•e. jut, urriviug and fur .ale if • loll:, a 1/11.WOR JY4. uo4 st C O , l o n rc , •:7) Itzw i s y l v t,:nte " AJ Iy= l \ J ° SIIIr;T:II I . ' ZV. i„1 . I M ° l!; A r 16 5 K y . ;l . M 71..\ '' 1; ' 1 1 .1 ," 11 BUCKET: , AN I) 'IA IS , - I 1.1 Ito. dodo Tu,s, in store tool tor 11 29 I.ISII ISF-NN ,jALEKATI. :4-1.40U 11., 'UM icc ,13r1.1 r.., an. by J 1.11J1)1 VCATHERS—PrIute tto traoti sod tor wk. by JY).t 1,20 DA Ja. Alunron Or, 1,3 quolOy Yno-ro ' , odd A .lorr ...Id for .4.11 r 1114 II 100 LEACIIINU e n -k• 1•• 3,1 I) & Son. 10.4 quality Colo.& or Lour Iyl4 II .1 ,/ ?111 , 11E1.1111! LARD (111.—z; bble pure .„me „, ealr b, Irw 1 1 It I. Al KISI H.\ A AL}Xi:\ ::I.'(:AL it rtio btag, 4. u. 0. laudesmall ..1„, ... , ;40 .10 Ju P'wd""'"" 0 0 - 24 Agar. al Lous, H. Nilly.SSE. l, A'ND GOI I,IIN -1 It ll' A.,0 :17 1 413 To IL wr I:‘k.3. 1,1 "I :I re! salt by MM= Noirrit i• A ROLISA TA i I . good ordcr; 'ale by BM, A I,lls . S 5.,1111l )y25 00.1 NO NI 3 ACKEREI.-101 Llm _Wt .. - L o r —' MI , lIALZVI.I. 4.2 ,hom., ;or *alt. y Jr4,_ Ji , IIN 'lt BtsACON—i4m) hor rouoJ, r,olooKunicto ior /e try iy3l W 11.1.1 A 110 0.0 , A Ot LITV N F;rr- , Ala r, .t. Ifull need pH-, a. tur I'lo,r A 1./0( AN DEN A. DAY. jy2o mark,' %I. I.or to the diamond tsARDUE I'I.A IDS—A l lot of haok:soine Hares , PI IVs. which we are. ICCA greatly Isr• what we have e , et 1,4 n io oder Ow watne yaaliu tor. ,)..X1 \ ANDER A 1.)Al . 5 11 1727 " J7S '" -Z 1 . 11 ' ;' ' ,111SON Co J lEAD—SZIUI EAD—SZIU Ga;reva I.coJ, tor pr by 0.21 JA:3 /I .1 Co COTell tre'd ,nd for male by ir24 1 KIDD& Co tll7 Is 22"6"'nfl'ATI HOULDF:IIS-13 , ca,ii Imo mccived and for tale 11 15N BROWN S. 1-1.11:11rSUN IOFFEE-111 , betgs prime RlO Cons,.. er3,l”; and 1..,/ tot mak by jytt. , JANII - , UAI.ZELL ACKEREL—rAt bbl. No J Nl.ookere'. to more oe. IVA for sale by !y29 lIAKBAL,I,II B& RWES—L•O Lush Barlcy, IHMZE--6 bas eitrx prune Cbcc--, 104 de W R kJ do; just recelved and nu .ale by augi \VICK 8 Nl,' kNUI.EISS '7 ihEATHERI.-4 seeks pnme Feather, tor sole by arse_ WICK & NCCAN Air HIT! , LI Sinai/ Whit' Henn, o y sale . by ' WICK & ACCANI/L33..5 r 1111.00A1B—Ini , dos Corn Brooms, for sale Iry 1.) antgl WICK tc riCCAN BLESS , _ AHD OIL-9.0 tibia Lard tril, prime order, in and Lir Istils, received nod tor sale by 3 KIDD it Co b2r , pnru4. W R rr, nod 1,../ to yak by buy. %VICE: a AI'e...NDLI - :Ss Q ALERATUS- r r 1 , 1,10 :or •oth. I ki .46 %V I h A At t • IKATII Po. Er to. tt:nr r iot Jr by %% ICI: 4. 511.' AN PlCES—Ground Miscue, (-111.M011. C:orccr, blur SLard, &c. n 3 and I& lc, Cror r. ror wirr by angs WICK . 1 / 4 . MS CA IiIOOOLATE—AIbs3 aimeoiate. for sale by .g 5 WICK .t..SI'CANIJLE-AS G CIOUND i k x rp tiro!nd liTget IS WICK AL M'CA .P . Or sale I• y sittg.s 1 MID-14 kags So I Leaf Lard, tar sale by Xtr augs tr. AreANL/I-F.BS- STR male. Ao2'in il.rt JAME, y ..4 DALZELI PRIM{: RIO IFFEU.--Ukt bap lasbling d^r sale by lyld II BLACKBURN .Y FLOUR -1011 bale awe C., for axle by It 3 JOHN S DILWORTH D LEACHED MUSLINS—A A dawn A Co are now 17 rinewng In 0( We/relied comprwing We beat brans oi eau and sheeting maeline. 1531 CIOFFE/".---1:101.0g7:1;Inte Ilso; 10 do I.ogus) va., 10 IL/ do old I.uv Jura. for sale 1,3 . augl J U WII.I.IANIS, 110 wood ot WASH BOARDS-5d dux Mee. Patrnt Znic, at muuluucturti'r. price. /VF:C by sulgl Li 1 I) WILLI/LS.IS It if ORE CIIF.AP CA Lift IP.S—Si A Mason & Co have received another lot of Ihove very cheuli Caltcoes, 25 yards or one duller 1)41 eeoni- r .111.0 Ilse Hanle, Sides Shoulders, to smoke houseend PIOVC: for sale by and R. ROBISON & IVlhberly si_ PORK IN BULL-35.000 lb.. Sides, !SKIM do R. 1.; 41,000 do bfbollider•. to prime order, ior sale by K ROBISON & Co • REASE—OIUO Iffs Wens, +u (able fer ronehmery, G for sale by .obl R HOBISON & Co RlO COFFEE-150 bogs erect: ItR RIO COf SO e, fust & ree d and for sole by rofy4 OBIN Co UOAR-60 ['Lids N U SuKor: bbis Loaf do. lo A 7 gum, epti for rule by 0014 K ROBISON & Co f_IROIINIJ Ls. prune Ground Pepper. X_A for sale by sug7 %11Ch tr Al'e/LNIJI.F.SS _ - /VEJ.9-441113•11 chasts lirsb Yous*llynolt, J. Gllsipssorder, w,d lecossrhamy, 444. esnys do do, lot sale by au,g7 • WICK S. 511'.ANDL.E.tite 4 qIOI3ACCU--17.1 bra :la, tee, lan. 5.• a n d In. lulrip essendub nor 144411, for •/11, I,y aug7 VICE tr .WCAND4.F.SS I AHD-Ii kegs Laid, tut reed and for .ale by .1.41 .926JAAIKS DALZELL • ALUM -41.1 bbl. ;us; reed and isr sale by a.lO It A VAIINKSTI.A.Ii tr Co ROBIN-2.5 bbis -soap rusks'.' plat reed 11114 for Bala by - auel II A FAIINFIZITIAIK fr. CO 1)111ED LEAD-- mut, - It. Ited I ood . l.upennr.),usi ser'd and for sals OO6l s:1 KIDD ACo nAItiaSODA--tolto lbs sup Cot. Sods.,ust and k.J(or Laic by aegl J ISIDU h. Cu M 01.11.0 CANDI.E. , S-10. , bee Mould Candles, 4/1 oovetontent tool for awe b) /927_ NICOLS BA.CON—OO O Ito Solos; lard do ,houldr n, IWO do Llano, country rioted, fur sole by jy26 S F VON liONNtiotts'r & co ONF7I. f le , vboren to, Clover, for yak i,y 41.3 L r3r , von, tioNnii(ntr , r& Co • OUISVILLE LIME-20 blibt !or ralc by ty% F VON DoNN HORST & Co _ 1ij1.411-3du L.ble. No 3 ;Mackerel, sdoNo Y do; 110 b•lf do No 3 do; 13) do No 2 do, 11/ Ju No 1 do, rust Meme.' and I, Sole by 037 501.1.}:11 & RICKKNON MlielT. - AHI3-101 kegs tmog Island s . lor.otrdilell boo do do I and l lb cans, b ea. , • do do dd, 5 lb odd, pat reed on consionbut, and but 481 r It KlR...tern on .", by JY2; RICICETSON MACK.FIRM—; libln large No 3; In ball do Ile No ?Ibljub,dodoNoY, 0; 41011 Jo do No 2. Sol- MOO, in more sod nor sale by .IY2d 0 RI ACICHURN & Co 1.)&CON-3 bhd• Bacon Soles, for s..le lo•W to cIo-c 1J by , Jr.& 0 &LACK HUHN & Co FOR KALE--1.1 hag. soloOsottial rr Mat &ago, for .Ir. Floqutre of REYNOLD'S tr. runlet of Penn and Irwin sto HOUK S-1111;utrey's Scot, • largC stork jusl rcergred wail tor sale by KUNNULLIS b. bIiEK Llog SALEI—A wall a kg of nhaftt. r he. A ,, a,. Elrod .e( ur Mack romlie qune,a /Yl7 BLAKE & Co LOUR 100 bre.l3 routed Pour. iusd reed fOr tale by ,rt.t V te. IV II AREA Gll I ROMAA N EIIF.NT-10 LW, for sale by r N IiON UN NIIORST iY 9 t . • • C-40 Ida. ro, V VON Mr:MIMI:NT S. Cu I_IERMAN CLAY brs German Clay, La prone kJ order, rec., e. and for .ale by }may • TAAFIF (rcoNNoit Lee s.O I r‘oap, a Lome snide. on eon .nd ." " fr. bY sELLEIts h NICOL.S irn FIN.EdIL,LOr .ak by g 47 SELLE:LS b7::.1151117et,t Ir ART/ 011.—&• No I, Z". do No I 0 Red Oi L for wool, lot stile Ly ty27 SELLERS & NICOLS . . / , LASS--M Las as la and lUalt, trt) do 709; CO do aar'd, 10014 to 11125 on bond and for sale by au b J C 11l DWELL, AV 6.! SALTS-42 enska Scorching; a prime arbele. O. on consigunanni. augO 11. BIDWELL, AP , F LOC R-20 WA; fresh ground Wheat Flom, rind 25 bbla Rye Flour, plat feed and or sole by nag/ L S WATERMAN SALTSIO - carAs S Suite, in Atom and nor sole by .gl LS 5V ATEILMAPi brag Sugar Base, a prune arbele, kor sale. /oar to dote coneignorant /T3l , ATWOOD, /ONES &Cu • JC: THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PRICES C Aahea.--Chity 20 pr Ant.. Borax. refined ?2 V 25 Oot• . • I'm... . .. 4444 .. • 434* Ba [Rani I+, 11l . ... 2.5.1 0.2 4:5 I'or.l Pearl' 535 6 do I - ol'. - 4v:l 3o V 374 Barley Seorrhing. . • 3/34 ,Brtinaton,. 4 a 5 Glue-per EP .4.1,,,,,, .... . . . °l2' CumpLor. refined 40 Ir 45 POW; Common •• II 3 13 Soda Ath . 431 i Chlorl, 1,0 , .....,k 6a 1 ii...y-Dol e . 70 it, rent Ale-per 111 . 109. Cochtneul • I-- , a 2 .141 Cula pr. pull.. . -• V -- ifillifilles-Bu'y 5 per rent Crean, 'Tartar. .2 , i Sr ...' Weal,rip t osub pISII a I . ` arlll,lll , llli • . a Copp,. .. . • .11a 9 Ginseng-Bute 2,11.1 vt Battlng-uer lb Glue.. ma It I,' 00.. 27 a ...!- 44,k• .4444. -'3ll toil., ~. V . Llay-per Imp of_ 1410 IL.-. 11, .. . .• • --9612} 12ut.1 A rub., 5 % V 7 . 1 Timothy • :AV 0 , .110 a.... - Per b.hel - Copa: • 3 ' or 5 . , Illdes--Do, 5 ~, ..,,,t - SMIIII Mute , .2-277 r. - •p,•„„,., ,o, 31 ft 371 01,, 0 ,,, 4 ~, ..... _,,,,, ~1 Common A ~or 'd 620111 - sh r il. t r .15 VI- sp a ,,,,t, . ... - a .- Bucket.-40 dn. .. Alststw • • ---01 .9 5 113 .ailed.. . -if - Patent Hearer ...1.3- Ipera, . ` 0 411 Ito I/o, nk,ll I Imo 01.02 Bee•vrax-Dutys.2opr rt. Salop. p,.r.5h ,, . ...; 01.00 (~...”.. . .... - V 4 Yellow 19020 I.lolar, • ' Z.•!...r 01 Illemp--Duty 92 ..x re nt - Bllooms-V ton I,llnorte , Row 73. V Nll•wors .t.'liy •• • - griills Bloom. 0700- I, 4 uorier IN.: I- cs 20 51 4 , 01 0 0 t,, 40 .. . 1,.1.d ._ Broom.--y do, 1 .".' 10 .- . '''...' 2- . Elope-lull) 20 per . Nl. ,, ha l . l .hie - 1,12{01.25 Nlaime.tu Cllll. 95 3 . 45 1 , ,,,,, ~,1 •40 „ , ~t, 011..9 Shaker 17509.2:1 t Nladder• 4.2222, 2 2 24 4, 1 , , Indigo-Diu; 110 p, ern( Bark.-40 Cord. Madder. Common - a - Itemral.ll, 1•50.1 01.60 Chr•itut Oak •• • • smaral .NI y rrls. Tu rI rl . • 211 05P Spuo.h ........ :AO @l.OO Mar k Oak 404.."..0 'Oil Vitriol . • 412 5 m n„,o,,, PS 31.00 11,ai10ek.... ..... 3.5004.0 11 - C.tor •• • • 01.75 : 1 0040 _t h ,,,. 3 11 p, „111 , Coal-Duly 2: per et '• Ca , ../a . . •2.00 a.l.:k. , 8,, j„ 0 „,„,„ 4 a 41. At the river • • . .5 a- - Cloy , . . .2.50 0.1,141 ' .. co„„mr,„ 1 0 37 From Alialltl 5 05* •• Lemon . .3.t.5 01.r41 sl,„, s*o II Cotton-11ot) fre , •• Pop'm t . .1.141 0 1• 14, Boiler Plat,. . 6 V 61 Temp. and A 1102 1 ,14 .5 rt 6i • Opolm.l'ork, 1.50 35.00 N„,1,, r , r ...4462 ~, Chocolate-4, 40 1.0111141 t• , . 2.101 .471,101 p,„,t, w , 4 3, 4iio 5 ••so„,b„ I .. . . .10011 1412•14,2.. root . '0•-• at ,ti .. 2.4 4 a I; Cocoa. tr,pared • .3.1e-.:•2 Sal Amount. .10 a 20 , R,,,,,,i,,,,,,,, . r r _ , 15 C•nellea-Irtits 20 per rr Sal Soda • • . 4i V 5 L e .d_D.,,,,. ...,,,,,,,,, t'lly dtpped --- 93- Sot • I , 62 ...... ' N1,,,0, pi, ... . •40 -. m„,,,0d ..... • In . Trirlarir‘d 40 •,? :To . 1,,,, •II et 41 1'.1,1 , 11.0 0 Star. 21 0- , Vitriol. 11111, 1110. I I ' 121 ii/r.Ptru• Per , ' ,l e 126 ~,,,, ~.., ~,..,,,,. .- 1, 0. 311 ~,,D , fly s ve , ,,,,X i V ood-1, . .0. 5 p et. ' 510..., do 0 V 61 - , 1 V I . Leather-Doty 20 pr rt. Ca•tlimga-f lb 2}aFL.II. , Sol , . Baltimore .21 V 24 foundry 1101 SUM :10 . 2-014 I nww,,od. 'hopped 2; :P 'a ' Nrw 1 orb 16 0 I7i ~..,.„,,„ . do - ••2.1 I teen the rs-sluty •2:,,,, et 11,,,,,ag,d ... rr 13 OIS l'et. krill,. V do. . 445d7 92 cal Sl:welder .. . r l' 40 20. IN'a•Kon box,. V 111 th tt2 70 1 , • Skop,. • • 24 0 24 oupter wete - ht. V ...I . .40 Ilartit,.. .10ck... • IV 0 91 ,1 4404 , 4 ro net; -liat:• 8ri,11,.., Murk, pr dur. Cotton T•rn• 4' lb 412... r }1 (X1 0.16.00 Short reel- 1111 , -.,1 do . :4.1 , 0 042.141 No ato No In I lop, lit.hrd 11,00 02,00 II to 1.1 hip., Itto.brd :24.00 336.00 . '..11 skin do 1500 02000 1.3 t., ',other 1400 V - N I•. gland Sratittir, Nu 1 per do, . .45.1.10 0 - No 2pr i• du, 35.30 V -- Nu . 1 p, r dor . . 4,.000 . .to • , ,,,•-i, -kin, .. .216 5 Lumber -dut,A./ p r ad NI .•.. pr NI -- Kennirk • 41 I,llw, Pruit :mond. Itl llv rd I Corram.. Lr i - ! hill n+ -;rd. ;iitooodont• • 1 1 Fte, Turkey 19; La ‘lnlnga 607, 1 it,nl -hr - , u 0 i Bunch •4141. 011. iilllll •:,;.1 I Bloom. old 4 , l'yvetlrt n% lb ..21 1 0. I Carpet t 1 entoo... 1.0 oi um 'lwtoe • ! tip, do : or; II -- SI , 1 . 0001,. drl. hu 1. 'AI ti. Coffee - Dui,' ri I d„ 1;77t 0111 who. 1 ' 2014 ! ppl.. 1,1.1 • .11 et, ' O I , lre Brick I.3gua, rat • • - rs I nolevut 1. , I Coolsoon 15 - - Plosir I,lv r 1 per r„.l Copper—Bury Or rl pie I F.., I , Tan.l. 1110 - bat o ri.l prrt old -tor.eritlr Inc reu•lng o•I 10 no .2.1 Lansg rr,f do, No ft hear 1,4110 • tlorttace - In,:) pr re:t I *or ill •al tY Wm .1 up , • 40 I ' Fred ••. • • Pair , " . .... -• • • • —0 11 INrmi • 15 et I, F.• ..- 10 rim... 1 1 VI sh •-dut). caul Ilrap per dor- Ili v., re-tit 1. .0 • • - 1 War•ll.s 515rIerel 110041/1150 •itt2-6 ,Cu I. hif lib'. • ._0 6 i'dMllllllll I . lOOlCh 1.. .. ••• o:6i.ati Xo 11. 'of Corit.ii-per Jut N o •1, . - 6ono - l 0 yd. 6 inroad -0510 'N o I, krll • 0, & ou •••• - • •0.:411 . 14.n tie„,„.„ -0400 do Plough Ilnr. 01015 N o _ Dam eagles-pi, turd Snits... No I. old. -- 0 -- 11 r•,adOeil kir nide .n 10. I N,- o . • . Brown Cotton • .;06 sh ri d ..... . • •• • •• . j do Jo 60 7 e.nd, per dram •• - m - I , unrilit'gr ANoI .- 71 • F ur ._ Allegheny 1.15 •• • •• •- - Rod Coo. No I •• • - 0 ell A IWO - D Pio Mill • • •-0 71 i. Irreg.,!) !moo lid, -x- Murkrnl. 10 Nonntoot Venn • -0 71 0 dr, Pittsburgh do • • 7 Mink • • •• • • •• • -- :Li' Laurel D•---.• • •••• St :7, prom .•14 0 15 Pownaton 'A• • • —O6l Black Houle. boomer C . .--e6 quart pro fro.. • o , i.tV .•4 brown room, • • • 1101111 Matra wine..l iv Rai,- I alraelleid do 400 Churl, per yr - 0.0.101d0 do. --- •• . •71012 Wind - ow Elan pro 6,1- 4.4 do do • •-- 01214 • Cno bond Brown .• 7 1 0 9 ',ln net, Riehebed.-- 910 111 r Ttekings -- • • • •6101 i:. I 11.04M 0 ;i• --- •-- -•—3 la Pft tent do. 100 14 to laown'a A. C A • •-44,424 C0w.... lir alethueus 40 4 6 4 ,ato. :1920 110 . Co t superior • •-- —• • --0104 los - • • • 1.4,433 Colored Caulbs".• 44:i9 u po er -• ! Fa ll Praps. ..... . rent Fall Rlyer -...•--4040 •Fria, Alerrtmac •• • • • ------ —4311 Fgtgle. 6; It” •• • Fall K. Blue S. Itrunge Witiot D o d o , I Drugs—per lb FVFI.4 do • • Noe. Mumßo do to pup. , W pow arr Amitrudo « • Grain- Inv , ISO r Arrow Root A los-forts, ',, :I. i:ti ..'fl E itCl A L RF, ( 0111) 1.4. A LGI. , t'T 1 Is Niturday, 5 11/ 6Lo 1 6 1 I El Suls.:2, 5 II G 1111 721 II Monday, 3 12 1. Ir. ., .14 15 Tur....1:9. I:. 13 6 .1: I 941 1 16 W.,11Er..41 - ts . , 1i 1. /: 4., ... 17 1, , Fr..l.y. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE COM MITTEE FUR A UUU,,T rE=MMI=ISSI:I3 REVIEW OF THE PITTSBURGH !MARKET, TOR THE WFS.I( Y. INfi •I'lllls'f 15. The operations of the market for the week juo ended, show little, if any important eaarase in the pnvesof-eny oriole. Every thing eontinues very quiet, and sales generally have been inanity con tined to the regular limited or retail it-Aust.-Lao - is to the wade. The weather has been warm. and h•r the mom t part very dry. The nver continuer to tall wl ovtv. but there m every sufficiency of Water 101 I,,ht • draught bats, which are gill running their mins tar tripe from thin T. 11111.0 ports below. The river business, although light, will not loose in t tiny:ln man with a corresponding period in :•oy nurture year; and as the announce mouths are now fur ad• canned, the fall trade will twin open upoit bnaging with it that bustle and activity in business which u always uo welcome atter the extreme dullness of trunk attending the warm runnier The supplies of groceries in the market are err urely sufficient to to the demand. The roue may be marrFof Provision., of winch. although cowls, able quantities have been passed to the ilroarn roarket, supplies hare been kepi gime firil.l./V the river receipts. ASllES—During the present dullest season of the year, very little i 5 doing in any artiee, snit pro cis show no venation from last week's quoiwions. I Limited sales are ellected at the following isites Nearls, Saturants, ilfot, Pots. 4;f14;. and ScorchingsAit 3184 c 1p Th. Sales of soda Ash at 404:r 47 tb: APPLES , —Green apples have been coining in 9 . U11e freely, and prices show a further decline hint bend saLms.are regularly ellected at the river at 5t@1,25 a bbd, according to quality. ALE—We hear of no change in the prices of last week. See quotations in table. BACON—Notwithstanding the liberal shipments east, the receipts by river have been simli an to keep the mar Let fairly supplied, and pnees have continued very firm, with a slight advance on some kinds. Best City cored hams have become a filliel-CarCe, With an advance with sonic of our dealers of f m he in the Ch. The sales of the week have been quite link in the way of gene ral sales to the trade at the follonflirk rates —lle.t eity cured, for hams, Oratilc;Sitles, 4 tc, and should ers at 4c iv Th. Prime Western cured is sold at, for hams, tic, Sides, and aboulders at 4c yr m. Loose lots 'of good country Micon is sold at lower rates. BEF.SW AX—We quoin nominally al I'lV4o. nu tole.. • BUCKETS AND TUBS—The market m fairly supplied with Patent Beaver, unit we note regal ler sales from store al 2,25 1p Juu. Sales of Tulis ■t 5959,50 p doz. 1 . /UTTER—We have uo change to notice in the euarket. Receipts are quite light, and supplies arc limited. Moderate shies of keg from nit/re at 91c, and of fresh roll all 21,.. 4. lb. KEANS--Tta• market /A (NH, widt bold sale, only ni 706175 c v BROOMS—The market oileatly with rerviat ealem at quotailana. CHEESE—Rreelput cumulus lalr,aor the pre.' ent warm season; the ,huarket I isirly supplied with regular sales el pttnes ranging 31,,,ding to qualay, from 5 to 60 e b. • CANDLES—SaIes of Guy Star at 71 t. .•ny mould of 101, nod of dipped at 9c co N. CRACKERS—No change in the Market. H.-v -ainr roles are cliental, at the 161 lowing rate-- Water Crackers "tatter du Pilot Bread r , :gnr &Soda Crackers IX rrroN, cxyrru N YARNS AND EF:T INGS—See correct quotations in general table. DRIED HUI - IT—The murl.•et is dull, with small sales only 111, (or neuelteu, SI ,r,u, of apple, ut ti*l7oe DRIED BEEF—Regular sales from store by the quantity at b 2 FLOUR—The receipts during the week have been light, and prices •sbow no material change once oar last week's exhibit. The market is yet very dull, and sales ure almost entirely confined to limited lots to the trade. Sales of some sit linm ered bbls have been effected from tilat hands ut 4,12(34,18. The sales from store have also been in limited kits at 4,22414,31 as in quality. lETSome of our dealers it (hist:ll,km very just IV complain of the uneven system of tares on dour barrels, by the manufacturers and packers of dour designed for the Pittsburgh as well its.the eastern markets. We would call the purucular attention of the western Millers to this important subject, for it mono in which their interest RR well RA the interest of the dealers here and la the cast, is iii• volved. We are informed from a rehable nature, that fully one half of the dour shipped to this and the Philadelphia markets, an not correctly tared, and not a sufficient gonadal , of flour is put into the AND RATES OF MARINE INSURANCE, FREIGHTS, &c - 4240.110 t Y • - Wr kJ 1.1 glm Jo - 0191. I 1.1 COI/1111011 -- Ink do do 671-,W kime• ;0°0112 , 5 a 11, •avt,d, .4.1 r, fT 1..)O Ll', Stock.-- ot .I.l"ka [4l CI, AI I . ll:Ven • 6,110 al,OO .1 , • 1.1:11 9.1 V. - . pr ..awn as p riel.— • • • 0 C=ll {[01.1.1 ir n A r •1 ) eurolool 4.90 0-- $,O-1. Copal 1.75 0 2.0 U Nails-1.10) - 30 p —prr I per I HO;i"-. 1 Janta:a 175 ;me s., • • 4:30 5.00 rm., lb 0 E.l r . r ... - Y 7 7 Oakum-frr IG I , ll.l.urrti • • 011 s --prt g Sprrui loleachral Scorch .oull•-•• • 11 0 16 RuPPee • 1.1 Cut &Dry l lb pnp 0 '25 Tea—Duty 11l per cent. Intpertal• •• • 0.5 0 In Gunpowder 4S d 7LI Young Hy.c. .• • 30 0 13U - Pourlrong ••—• w 0 Paints—per 11, Tinplat• Doti I. p, Pro.. ue 0 90 }lnnen 1:11.-k I.wini•l.l3rk . • • • tie •X. • 0 10 13 ,pud 5% In •') Tallow-1)11,y 10 pr rent Clirusne • el Rendered • lelow No I :CI 0 Rough .... • •-• • • - 2 :P.% PI Y 1 Un in r.reen 11 90 dry • 1 ,1 a 05 Solul • Oil. pure Oct Ino 0 1.€05 Wincs—lhay to pr ce . . I=M!=MMI • ...... . • 7.'s le6 per W.! if. 110a...9•131.1 61 . .: it —4 - ixl to' I k \.. I Rrd 1 .1 't ri11,.. \ rd r • barrels It iitipkrtant or the Wr.tern NI tier' tii brand, of door ecotone Id thin tudrket wit <a ,_ht and tare- can 1, relied 1/ p worth we I on the barrel, than th w hirlat , in can-lennly put up. 'rite toren should Ic d,tinetly rnrutrlted tin the table. and luntend of wetglong a few bareek and averaging the rent. an we are informed a• the euntorn with many. every barrel nhould Inn neperatelv weighed and marked ace.rdowly. .;.1. 11 I: Lnd.. :tre remuitt very hrtli reietilar 31 the I‘. l l i 3 - rait-, —,311.01. ya I No I usackercl 11 N, 2. Y 7, alld No 3, and new beTng al s,7rixiSt; tv I . l'...‘TtiElt: -, —The marketts ittachve, with It" 1... en tbed 'teethe tit , completion of however. no nutshell change in the prices. Mod. Cleveland, t . ...funtbn• nrol ...meat, Itaarond crate lodes are ettected nt 31(dldo 4 M. At Cle‘ein:td, .!( ,, Y, ut the SI 26 , )0 , , needed hos FI:EIGIIT..---Iturinv the present dull aeu.oth i„„ %viten freights a 01l 1im..14 are wan,, the rate. in „ all direct"... are nominally tile ohne a. we 11., Cr to tett lest week. tnarket an. undergone lolls any change, unless it be that some of the ',rm. pnl articles are 14reorning more tint, Saks ut N tali L.nn oho .hgtue.t ttlir angar were mainly mutinied to limited lots hyr hit.] at 4 Cr:lslc. according to quality. Lord nogg .old regularly at prices ranging according io change quality fru,. to Ilc p ttl. Pales of N U mob— ., at '2710 . 2.5c, and of sugar house at 111Y,14. - si gall. Regular sales of Rio settee at ;l' vu. and N„,„• some interior lots at 71. ii p lb. Rice ranges novo lr to .'.i. as in tpinlity and ipinnttiy purchased In ItalHAmae all other articles Hader this head, no change. GRAIN—The receipts at present are very light and very little I. doing in nay bind. We roan ohs, quote;stnall .ales front store at the following nom, lmlmr mini rate.—Wheat no, Rye fins: Barley 4 ./11`. t:orn ai, and lint, :it p lid N . —Regular tales at new at the scale. at d o Wheeling : lid:MP—Small 'tipple, only are held io more wait Imeted sales ul dew ha at the rale. of SI 10 4,t nt HONE \ from 01 I box., to lute --The goa:111. of the :eve, o'tered e the yutti on M o nday were t t,te.rt M. wort, ord.,. 1101'S--I.tatle doing by the bale, At IRON AND NA IL,S—We notice au change la whin, we, goo, e a u „. of , the prit-ea. !Leg - stint lalet to the trade ant elleeted at quotutpunA rite tip. and A I•nte portAta of the .4.ltottry at fe I.F.ATII ER—The Nlariret eutilintte. Meetly. and Ltr the wnnrr, and 1 . 1 :HIL• a m nei i.r the price, uttehangett For. 'meet quotatli/113 hee la. ble LEAD—Regular sales id pig at 1:c, anti ut lnr at 1 lc to lb LEAD l'lPE—Pricea vary aecoraltag to PM, front Ptic Y 4irit. Ll:ialliElt —Regular gale, are transarted at the prices gaoled ta METAL—The band 11 cztrrinely dull. end .ale, ere not to be made et liceig pincen; and the chance for higher rater nnenia Qui of the quetilion We find no Kale. worth reporting A role of n iennli 1,1 of innintla pig is reported .1 526. la top Sn h-rn thee the Rattle article would hove linnight four, months ago. LILOOM6 Ire held at srts(crs7) v ton. &I EA I.—Minter:lie enle. by the 1,1,1 el $1 SI Yet. marker is 111 a tittlet taint., wall rer lila, loaded toile. of ten.eed at fotritrea., of lard at gall, and of Tanner.' at 81701419 v Ittd. POTATi 'ES—We now, limited &Ile' from fir,t hands m , 1..6 - 5111 I,lpl, and from +twee ut $1 v bared. ito:3l N englineal al 5%4 3 barrel. SA LT—Sales at rite venal at 4 31,2 51. WO. JAY—Sales of tiny notenfactored vanagated at l bl. nod of roam at 4101 ip IL. • 'PAR—Moderate .ale , are footed at Si per barrel. Tt)W YARN—Moderate sales nee effected of Tdc p dos, tt,ll. VlNEGAR—tinlea of goad ruler rattler Iv the 111 at 9(d9c v 'W 1115 K EY—No change fa the roarkel. Rego lar sales of readied are effected et I , st. 4. WOUL,--The mount eoining In 111 %mull, foul very little In doing. Tim rollotetng are the Flee, jinni Ly our dealer, 'onimon Wool blood 9161 . • 7 V n lb Money, Stocks and [Basin.. At New York on Finlay last, SOUllti Stccke were advancing, and in good request. Harlem continued buoyant, and there was generally a good feeling in ra Treasury Solent had improved with salt, at 4 per cent The inquiry for treasury note. tans large, and the auuunt lltitralg Was Lu t moderate. New Limn was itelitng al dI. In Pell. Mere Was 'Ma little daisy. Tie market " ' l '""'" ..ll Y •r t3terling, and the tendency to downward In Freights the movetnent is moderate. Some Cotton was taken et 537 d. iOO bbl, Provisions at 17, Gd, and 5,000 bu Corn at 51c1 in bulk. Money is still more easy to day on call and first class paper is in better demand at 1 per cent per month. •Tltp packet ship Argo, yesterday for k la vre, took• oot $20,000 I n specie. On Saturday, Treasury Notes were again higher and . clused at IVI cash. IL 5 G . . ul '6l rose I; an d K e ntucky Ca I, Utica and Schenectady ruse I' l :Livros Canal 1; Farmers [man I; Norwich dr. Wof reeler g Eric Iola) Stock I. Harlem fell I; WI R.etuitng Pig PI oCal - pr ion. c mu.. AO,ghotty No I Fotoolry - - e $ UU For Ilatoot, , No I P.mlll MEI Mererr Conn Foondryrg E=MEI Plaster Parts- Purl.• Provisloolo 84i , u11 liaum • c i l itao 1.r.1 No .I,lk i. 1116; Butt, I. In i7hre.e. W R - 5 51 Go•hr • I ull V% tit pr MA... • _GD 3.75 1.1515. r • • • • 4 :A. Potaoes-1,, Common • • —id - Neohntioork..i, ..1$; w - p.r ••,11 Count!) nix e. • -3t 3j Do good Whitt' - Of L. Illeesper tb ..... • 4 (. Seeds-Jo, c Cloyr r • • • al 3.2. , Timothy 0tr . 1.37 I - hi ttJta 2.,3 W :1., Splicer—per lb. n fIP Nlttu.• a . 2. , litstgrr • • 9 41 11l Nuont.r. . 1., I 141 • P"Pl , r , • • 7 n 1 Al.pice 4t I,; Snakeroot -Irrl In Vtrytutto • • • at II Soap—Duty :AI per rent Ptitaltur4ll No 1 4f /I .1 I l:toctottutt •• • - a 41 1 Steel--prr Yu FI K PIe II Gael BShea: • • Iti 4t 17 Do. ttototte• •• • • 4t I. lsrlitifl!l • . a I I ll le •• • • •4T 11 Hoop I. - • t.t/ ; Yittnburgh Ifleno mem re G4,1111a1l steel Engll4l, blister • • . fag 111 ArnrFicein 1.18. t., • ii! Spring • • • _.....Sirs Brandy, ',l3ottrx 1.50 Horbetir ..60 d Y. 511 R.m.Juai'ailti 1,,,u ( n Hußuild tiOgAr —Duly prr cent SV prim, 10.1 - • -if f); , 119.1 • al vrlk9r, 9. 9 0 91 143.1 40 91 Nulvcritrd. Nlllll,l 0 1_•1 ; 11•11- Duly 10 per crwa. 'No I. alloc •• •if I .... I r/ 1. inn, _.- -O1 -PP Twl•le 001 hoz. • • .•0 Shot -Duly ?Op, ecto Prr keg..... 015,50 I , r bet .... •-• • . Yl 1.:01 Saltpetre--per lb I:loopetre 010 101, Tobacco-per 1.0-(loper off for rash for Mantird Totmero 1 lbav 40 pr , ruund do 40 7 ' I.othes' Twoo •--..1010 Plug Ie kigi plug le box,. •- • • 11 0 17 6 1 1 , A0.1 10. Lump 10 boo - 0 111 '• '• • .•. 11 IS r I map tpl a - - 520 I 40 PL 1.-4; 0) I 1.15 e+ttl. I . Tritend.. 2ia • I I.sobutt• , •4i4.1 5 DrY •31) a 3.1 ert • 1 1. 8 I vi a I :.1 At the bo.rth Treasiay N.te• ante. Sta.., F.nrni•n Tre.l NI-reh Cana , 3,1 ,need lnd,ll.l .•nd anton e v pi we Itesdlng R declined I. and H slam , E‘cHANG. — Forv.g. —There.. no ~ ernent knvigt: to day, and nr, , in pr ve• Viola tsoo• were n• I,lll.est on first clan., . . "days I 17.. Atv.Aterdltu, Hnm burg tin•urru 7 - 10 • ': The Clevebt•l pareln .u/ t:•at +udi••,ent .tu.•L ME= Exchange In inn OVA. V in..., every tinny , The lolha•iog are lid peesen rid. ,4 Es tales are yarded ry than w r her, k on , ‘ ," bir ~,„.„ h „.„ . Some 1:410 head were utlerrd /J."( /sear , •ne tin and Latillug—:lnle4 204) .beep rt 1 , 1611.n+), and luanbo at SI elicit POIII PlifSbUtit7H The river lavi evening at dual; VIM' lee' S Inche• neant, in channel, hl• metal nix rk. and fall, iNI/1”1/, —S•LP or V rum hue—Amat , the butoireds of leha Ctl/ilvtile• and order. nreetved by the proprietor, of tht• cord.. toe, t1..0 following .alerted to thew Ile character. nod the effect of to a dt.tant port of the Weht The Menem Colton lI.T dry goods merchants, but Me: also up oas .c o r the Rale of the cholecal mediernea 12111=11 "Winenearart. len , Sept 20, tee; "M Kidd .4. Co We happened toKyr a tut of Verndhige 1.1 unlink. prepare 3, by )(nit .elvea roon the vernilloge wanu itindueed in our community, , the demand became at, for it dint nor Anelt War Row. eilittU•tett It 111. I .rodueed the Lem effect wherever ii has Lean uaed in Ihia seem", 1111f1 tonal a t lv o e b rypoipug latrh ae m me ng i c uu ne r p e o r pl a e l ie , W d e i reaerte droo from yOLlrrtelVer., no it Meth.. Mune rapidly dl an any other Mrdirillo Yee keep Plea.. mend , rtia• onenedt• afrly [I I a 1 (V COl,ll)N.' A Ernular. follicle of .lir tbn•e vslv able medsetur can I. 111V1 01 the Drug :slur, at tug 15 1 KIDD 'o. CA. wood •1 try• I!. VDT YUGO. Mea n --lly TO he SOO peasful any mulertaktitg ; )ou IFI aiway , use rroper reran,.' Therefore, a JUll I JOT u cough. tree J•v Lart-croualer and Le cured , to r I:1111e proper meant lit., you Aallima or dill out Ity of brientlinia, then the Duly efficient 11101111. lo cur. you to 000 Ja)t., K.p..riorant. which ,111t$ ram diaiely overcome the` w hich which coins - nein th r amr ter of the tithca, lOW bOOT.OIIe and bring, up the Oln CYO WOO• 11 clop• theta up, ohm) thug removt, every Mott lielloll TO a !fru rerm. rulton, while at the alone unto all TITILITIOIIIIII.OII T• dried, arid a ruts to certain to cdectrrl Have you Brooch.", Spirting of Blood, Pt early, or in met nay P on ulmary Affection, then ut eJ a) im.'e tro.ctoritio 111.11 yeller is retigial. nod )au will laud that you have uard the proper men... rtillaaaleit Pintharth at ilic. Pelt:it Tea 5r.)... Tl th Street near Wood. mine I , yrurriouur e would call ellention In dn. excellent reined) tor C (nigh. Cold..V. 'swept., Audio., and all •Irectioi A 01 la.e Throat nu/ I.ottr‘ II • elm, several awes with in it I r eVe yanuls pan t had ore • non to use a Inedielne 01 thi• bold, we hove by expel, elle< tested on esehlleut qualities. nod are l ireparedto recommend it to others. Almoners or or her panic speakers adhered with bronchial mg - cello' , will find great benefit from its use. lIIx ircpured y • octerni• phyniesaa i ell clones will f find tt nin tie mid eau Minions medicine to the disco:es for WI. tell it so re commended.—(Colombo. (Ohio) C1 . 0.s and -lewrosl. Far sale Sr the Pekin Ten Store, No. Four di street. roy23 113 . " Paossiminatva Paniamars...tir n Reales x of Lo. aofocoisra, from the COMM meat of the .dminis• Italian of James K. PoIk, VOCC down to the not nnation of Gan. Caas. In Rhyme. fly K. lit Ainsworth This story amusing work, which has lately becu in thltsliod m Oro coy, ta IO; sole Al all thq Book Stores RENT, 11 a 'I I !M1 3,0 (IQ 0 11 Wool per th—DuT) 311 per rent prme ..... rti:l I.IINn ..... .• blood blood Pullet) Comma./ • rwb reuelted• • • Whlskey—t , r Heeilhetl 193 Ras , . Alononznbe:3 1-2 I I tb Sheet • • • • • ct it) Slab . • • ......... • Prelglnt•-- per Dm I, To1.•11.14.1 Dry rrory.l, To Low.% Dry m urnvy Lou, I Ir. av) . . ......... • !o C.veland and F.:ror Dry 1:04.4. • To and !ruin Hrown.villo olown! • tupl • • • I Nn.i,ri lir On (,00d Ileu N To \ Isrellll3r Dry • • ... •• • at lira,: . . 4t - Zutti,vlll,. 14) . I leav • . . 5 Zia ti To 11,1 v, r I I lea% 40 9 . 1:11., r .54462 t ANA, •N'tt Iktt/Clet A. 1 1 ,33. Put and 1,3,1 11,1 Nurlrr and Einvun. au r.ti Bab- tour 2133.1 Huggins% .1%, 711 Nrr du hone, 3lu Broom.. C.r 3 .• ull t'13%11,1 R 013.3,3 Unit , and 111,133-mr, ood, 1/1,31Fr1a33 Flour. 1.3. r 1•13 I Fur% nod Prltr33-, r liat lb. 3 %AI Fewher, du 131 u I ° Ylll/1111r. do I do m l lila.". Windt", per I x Int g. I irktell and drt.31%.% I.•,(du 11, 133er 40,1 I i:rocrri.• Illtrawer Hemp. rho,. Lard and 1.”31 0%1 0%1 do 73% 1.3%3,3%31 du 75 Pork. vrr bea do 0 150 Ra.-. per 101111, 61 Rap , * 23%J coral',, du 11l Nwrlc• ad 00 do '3O Skin.. and Buffitlo, do 75 Ott :AO Tobacco, t.-el. do hinnufarro red. du 75 IN hen:, da 10%1 ‘‘ vol. an 0 ". Wilo3try 0 da II In 4 Jo AI Ch... No I -.A 11 , . - on, Bauer. Lard. tilil.lll, and W11...1.y Clua~No Pat nalea I,[ Ch.,. No I—Dl,rd Fruit I,other. 014 Rag.. See W oo ;. 1,20 • Ow. No a Fr Frullarrn loose Flat Marine In•suraoe Rate. Pi I ...Iran, on mtg., 01 .tram and Yr.-. Lout. ht.burollo Whre lour Vo ft,- - •La sod from i,net nnau.l) 4 I to 1.00119,11, k • • tu • llu I 4011 •• to lionn,No Jar 1 7 t •• af•Vf .• - to 6a.ton. l , 11011 l'tot IMIETIS •• - to N 14, an. , I W . l t Fm o N t,-1,3a. to l'ot.bury I. I v , II ,t Ixou, I ill, ' Ch.trct-% 1 , , rood I ...I 1.1oto• i • ' to New Or.••xo , =ITEM Bu ping rite P.A NUT ES I:uye rst raire. d— C.S• ily rd.., I diti Note S. New Lori:. \ I Its re Orle au, " ALI-DosWiv Au r t,4 i 4. 1,4' ARR IC LL, Low, McLane ISenincit. Brun 1,-,11.• Lake Lrir, blurry, Beaver. Michigan No 2, Gilmni. v cr. Javolo,, Brownevtile. Arnerenn Engle, Aildtroun N rr r hr a n r Shenandoah. -. Cur Forriol.hro Dave, Cr.. Loyal Hanna. Al lronrild, I in IrEPARTEIr Loner hietaro . h•erstrett. orrvrerville Bohr, luerribrt firourttrvtile. Lake Erre, trlarry, Bea, .r. hinringun Nor 4, I ;Inn, heaver. Ito Grande, Connolly, :A. I,,orrer DRY GOODS. NEW SUMILF-11 GOODb num not tvaw roan eatu rattoatuutatit •ixtriuMt. VVE arc stow opening . n ftite .trek of fresh Summer I' Goods, du - eel trout the Now York nod Phtludel pion Auettontt. where they hove been purehahed with tit the last two wee:, ut very great ettenfiee. there. It! ettattllng utt to offer Ine better bargain. , than dt,t, evrt donne before la ttelling the attration o( the rt :aerts ot Itntsburett and %Irma) to our uswyn nt ant. we du ea vet th the confidettre of ourpm ere twit, •I•dit xtit eneure perieet .a.l•fartton. and to all buy - rt. el., by whlt'ett3itt or ret.utu fine .honer I. now terett for pet -until great Itttrgutne Among inure rect., ttre A lot 01 very cheap rot'd and 1101 & •trip'd Light and dark !Awn.; • • - Ginghaut.. . cite, hne blk lig'd nod .otiped Rarege. which very Trent bargain A lot of handsome Cote Pally, for ladir• d do light ulorrd end Murk iiarege. very cheap. .tcw style %t l, remutg du .1u set.) handwrite klarege Shawl•, do , rrY.hrop blk do do du A, ilk •olk Nlaindla Scarf, hund..gar l'ara.ols and Para•olett•. do do Artificial Floweret do very ch.-1y Linen Lustres; AI SO—A hne•tock of super French Cloths and Co,. , •.stirrFwhor and colored !Anon Drilltags, Cx‘tiair, c Cris...ere, Drop d' Ere. Ar Ac A I It, ••.,rtmrnt 01 P 1 .10,41. of all price.; heck.. Mii-hint, hr . to which, es a• other aro. lea ...our c inv.te the opretal atteakkois rushn, ALEX ANDER a 'DAY, te 75 market at. N W car of the diamond AYU W AI. I. !%1 FI N TII A T BENNETT & CO. LEAVE removed from Ite.!!iltirket .reetoo their ttew . I vl, ndul and onmeo+e,llthrneto to he koow a I the TOWER II A LI. CLAYTHINti BAZAAR. No I ft Markel •11ee1, between FlCtit and Sixth, 131.t0,0ta.- The proplirto, (eel • reluctance in pruinuleatink whet any W3V might appear like the 1.061 Honda, gr r:111011 01 AOlne in ;Le trade, lint will Leg to non. the following [inure 11,111 our of our lily' pper, -One ut the greatr•t CU1'10.11,• 11/1110la city :11:rOttib 1./ 110' ...lige, nt Lien:m.ll & I'd. great rlotlinig .tore. :\ a: 1,1 Market *tree, bib ern thktli. which II t ii) I,d - Power [loll," 'runt the peculiar finiPh 01 the It old. The hu.l.lingtoe, CO:112/11. •c•rilt:llpalluti , :von.. all of which arr .locked thevery 1001.1 nrranked thr itiukt prrlcci order and regularity. The proprte lk r • ink, Vein .11:e f. 11.1, 1:110W111, building and end .lents to clitzens. particularly nu - nuke,. and to those ••••111111g [root the country-we know ol no platr more lib,. viktu iny/13:3rti A. MASON A. CO., 6e MAKKFT ST. BF:rm.:EN THIRD ro FOURTH, I doorou of roduelog thou Hoek previous to the ..o nortiencrinent of the Full Tondo. .111 offer their exteo.ov , nod innhronable liailOttirlent for n low ,ly red,ccd prices. Amonset their us oritot •.1 U, '4'1.01. rletllll,ll sty ICI. of Itere , "'lssue, I,reoruhue Puheyritone, Pod a tut, e. Dm-. I,nwiis end Ac u:1 whie h fortitlerti in prir, fully one third Thrir ul `qiViln vt.ry 100 l rlr ot, /,own rlyle. A few carious Of cog . ..lad nha wl. jo.t receivni Ix sold extremely love 4 cam, r•-al tunghtun, Le sold et hti cis , ussal pit et- c.f.i.. good English Amer. u, low •4.111/111 4, wrought Collars lac, Mutt. Ito do La torsgood ' Alpecra I,lt, HOl:Ulti HrL I.Ko's 120 Theo' ,k of dart greer. pure Satan Yara,.ll , and Parnaoletu •consprolog upward• of 500, of every style and qualm wall 1.. olfered at very low rate, Broad aI ohs. Cavomerel nud Vasongs, alt k "Oa of run .toer stud. toad Cottonades Hu uaekee ping and domestic Uucala of e•ery denertp. 0 „ NI, relival• wall •Iwnys find at our whedeude romn• a• I . ,•... tdc an a...mral a: goods a. I. , re.. a. huu,... an o d at equany low I , (torn snhkch no devisnon can Le I{r H NII HYil nas opened thin marilinc ‘ . one . murcils, cluthug Americmi and ,cotrb glee II ISM. canton end .teal frame gingham. tine I . nru, , :- .nri.l,ll. green Win Turk. blk I.,kwn•uk. of exit.. 1112 u. A.,•, too- cat,. toraolted Dtt:l‘. a:so. Memtou Hat ton, lo k tool coturoti. wtote Soon do. L..111•11Cong• hon., an°u ot)lt's of 'tattooer arlOng at rt tr.,* A tot LH super N:ancheater (itogbacus, good toy.. a,ro latelyreceivett :11 EA I ' ittl7S:Sf:ltt A ,ot Itratti aro: otht, Ilon orts ink, • •nape- , oot 14: trorn .ritt to 111. tat trot r °tort of 4,...,4 Mark, tta. hoir.a r r.Koto. on 1: stor, —rnrreture from 4th et. W i . lll , l=l=l , V ,, R 54..1a lur Lot ',en Drrura.Lnrholing.-Seulrh [MPH MI,. tir. Jo Nor,..k do, pi Joroortr, szoo.i bar rrJ nun 6 arred do • • Fo Lvesuot en.r.Jrreol SSA IS , MM... {ot rzoortodeowd Torlwo I.lur nrw dam ant al npeol and elnl.ronle,ll do. ,la.o who., Woe. font Katt •Itsw , olorgol do. algo.,zuroldrrcd and NloO L o '.) )ard 1.11 Evening . }{lacy Lo st, awl.. Scarf, and +yrs- Frgo.h alol Seco., ne,11.• g.. Collar, an uggortlocot orw. And 1, g ,g 0 0.n0 1100110-le Hood noo,ro• log do. ail at low, Ica. pro,- et north ru tvorner of and magi, to o•le I, , I:ATON & ate , no. rree“ d.r, ISOILI . nann.nner, meal na.llllllarWtrra. a lan. lITVl.llllelsl ni Fanny Ind Map. mum:7lx, tlax.rty and..N unety ncni, ;anon,:nn•--13.ack 1,1 ti 1n J.• do rdot ~,,, der) and VlLec ..mps. Tu.*, nn l nth., dress Moon, Muc it k I.snn en.. 1 1 ,110 ildkt., Arut..•tal and men,. enrn, rtls venre.r.d Onn• cm.drer.' so 4 waro,s, . It, u•lar unr. town Tr“))n))))), True ink), !)tiun o( men.' 4314 )outh.' p‘zes. Y. r ~ od.•r lerme. ol r I.L.h FRENCH . - .1.41111, 1\ It Muria.. tho ....Moo. of 5V rani mot, 1.111/. avuaritteld t•I very Iwo. [pal, of Crehrn and VI/vgls. C. 0.. Alo poet , ff .folwoor Iffof•k w 11..04, and CJOSIIIIIICIT, li great in y,vumErtes ia..lturres 101 v./ kr I.etrkVent.. 1. 1, •.. •.•,. lio. , rr) At' • "lute. lent" rotion I or 411, tats,rat •1•• t.tnttmzu %ad hatnoct do. I.c. jc: • Pk:Pik:l) FISTEHDA 1. nt K 14) Goods Howse, norittea...ornet oI Itls ao I Nlarket m...t.-I.:Loa,r black Silt Illf Martillas; ors. , et ylr 1.1 r..• • L00[ 1 ,n0..., la and Crapt - a. LA, tr xnJ T.. J Culturi #11•0 011 a cool a•wortlvrett of Llnrlt liy 0 i t An,l taoc, Hum,. anti Nen ShavEl., whit. rtc,mid tml.r.3d. red. 1,1 11. ta. I • ••,a Capr. t.ew at)le ftk inf o lo.rr an etre:l., n• 1,11111. Sr 10 k..Pt al To Country Merchants. %.;. MITI, ANI/JOIINSON. 10 Market .runt, have re: reive.l lh raw.. Marne.. cottutstdia psr of Wahl Aurora trend, V,r uu la do, Lunn do. k'cierite du. China. Pratt •ittt F.oreure, cukr• P.M Lear I,lalit• •old 1,1 • I/U.l'U nod hue,L/ do Art farm. Flowers. in every 'lathery Al.. Stat J./ LailJr. 1 . W.1011 Ma, (your ]S rent. pet 110, uo hur•l qualli), lon doi nah Ilo.e a oo.oJ 01 1.1• 10 1 bread. thlk nod Colton f uoted.. pn 11.10(.. in, pn Woodra• do like do. Linen l'anthrte do. IA 1•01 , 0116 CORO" ! I . hretl Aloo. n rood st mew or Comb, liunonk. Thread, P Needles. owst.ort Cui- IrtyJewett , he . ail of wllieh the) 1,11 oder 1 Kerr: duturentetit oneek to outrhanerg. nipl3 . _ 1111-AP Vt R (iorph, .a vllnr of 100 ennanyttut toctek thtunelt (ratty seduced thee• boom, a, 10 , 1 n iris, r 1•) les, nom to 511.0 LAWNP— A lingo 10 1 of Ursa Lows'., ,c .laced to 121 cent. pry ycni WHITE ttlAttl , ll l l7 11RIZ•dir-S—A kupply !wit tr re., ed and offer,l err)' low GAltti lilNtillANlS—lttch dark stylek of Gingham. to i.e luund at dip good• Lou, of :121 V.' R MURPHY - At • 11111.11,A1.11 Dlt lAA/DS—A A Maar/A k Oa , at holesaie No 110 Nlttrltel ca.., of rrlnlrd lawn, u.AI ,11 u.lin•,ll a0t..1 .11 1 e c.flAngbarua; do n.-1a 11 do of 1,..100ad. 21 . .1 SonArwr Stuff, or r‘.o rmty 1.10 , A. y. ,haw v n DwAnesur, &c. /No A-1 NitttlAlti Lt I•TRKS, eLtt --IV Ft Jl•rl4ut On ua toLnd a lull YO•OtOT.COE 0f All•wca aril Mo. halt Lo. frs. of On. dllor•III yrohner. Inc th'ing 0 .esv plena. vrry otro o ono A'.n. lint and eoi 4 Apneas. hat d lilt do. •at.o du • pureha•rd (loth the o• Furter, and eonseattrotiy can ba sold al lowest 1.551- bit price, at norm 0:01004000 04 440 and Warkrt st• 111INCE MIENS li(ol), , —A A h1..0n k Co, are clo•tnp od their surge •u.rt ut 11.0.110111 1 b1e Ilr<.• s 61..1• ui 6143 greater reduced prwea. ronrunana of Ik,. r , *aues, lerenadioe.., Beaune., Poi) de Cheat.. lawn , nd Sll”.llLiA,l.lock and I,,aacy t1i14., A< - •-- t LUV Fs •:.1) & Johnson, CI on k ...met. hove rec.., 'urge stock or long end . Wore. end A 1.... Also, I, le Thread, smug of. Itujou Kai 1,/acrd at whc,:esale sud.rettul ex rr , : a...1y le, Jc.. •1.1 ii r.d, ACrS.—Ntnnh A. Johnson, 44 Merl,t u. I . h „„ iue , re ,•'d 2 carious more of those synk road rxee, from 124 P" Yd .p. On! enrtnn nt M do, ad, do Paris Paint drA cartons I,, re „ n ee ,3„ . .• end otlicni will find It to they rest to cell, as U,e7 ~11/ ba sold sti extremPlylow jrB I liSqUITh NErritari— W Murll3 recd 1,( t„, u.gmand Amer .uppp ~ tll• who, Creel, blur ni‘d ham bobineti 101 do. very 'Auk and k ' w to. the ova, nt yard B. (JAI NI AIDE: ra FLA :a Wlt 71,1.`tRa Y tota erived a levy pieces winte, brown Illotne.slndt• Flannel, A so, Itonie.ttlade u good rucle, and at a low pa re, al DOI curlier 111 and Market. tto ctit6.l 1 ACES, &C.—iNt cartons law riccal sad Edglnp, LAMS Nev. of die /Witt Impartitilurs, just opened I. v ic it! LAcKumr win Tr. )10srm—A large assortment of limey ts blun, blue nod ur abj end ley Prln, of every desirable style and quelt el, ty, pot opening and for rale to the trade at eltrnordtriary lt,ty runts. by the rase, At Jed SHACKLE:Tr tk. VIfITE IJiNE UNS.--dint great gross vellne and Linea Suerndar. FI) and ,hire buttoas, of a very sap , 'tor qualny and tun•lt, 11.1.1 r..rn un oustennzent and tor by SIIACKLETT 173 UP wood at /11 ll'ON YARNS, hr -40,01N1 asaurred No. a._./ Yarn, Carpet Charm, Caudle W Irk, and Cuttoit Twine, WO boles Batting, for Bale at ottumfacturers lutvest price, by F7IIESID,, 111111 , 01 re Co, ,y 7 agents fr Inanuiltiotnet,• lOilltlar..4l! N vrrs- IWO pieces 7.4 mud !Wpinto /I artute and red nod blue barred Netts, e.cra lune 11,4. tl -I and 1:1 , 1 heavy Itolnnen,- ornroired ea prexall fur o rnperior &MCI° a Mop lur Cll y sales, IV.I reerived Ly lam sllAClU r gri A. IV RITZ. 19 wood et WHrl'E 00013:4 FOR -DRESS&+-121( R Marl hy ht. rum nycenred ark lIIVOren or \Aline Dr-so Good, inr laden such as French and health Mull Alneltna, Nauwul. , 10.11 Inked .111C011els, hc, very low. Also. White Inatel ltddronv, at nordreuvl evr• nrlt oflth nod Martel al*. _lr:A 61 . RACiRAss DOR NOIRTS--A snooty lately rrren- IJ ved. Alen, corded and Marseilles Sauna Mostonni hen., whim and colored; wide Roamerse far do, at dry goods house of W R MURPHY, j 3 northeast comer 4th and market at. CiINO it A 51S—iin 3tnvoice of rr a IR& Maliehester Ginghanis, of new and liendoinie ' , interns, received yesterday at the Dry Goads House of • jr•tia W R MURPHY •VLI. AND NANSOOIIUSLINS—A general as /.11. .wriment of Mull .0 Nairsook Matti. for ladies dement, last received at No V. market street, northwest corner of Ric duonond DERA OES AND A MM SOll A CO, to 11 Mar let et, have further reduced in price their av surnaant sot Berages Dna TUROCIS alto, Grenadines, Granites, Mohair stripes, Putt de Cheap, ac. JO UPER I 7REACti CLA7THS—We hove jolt opened IJ o fine I, )t ofblt Fftriell. Cloth', which we ore sel• Dull mach I pore? thin we hare veer belorr. Snid thr ew:us qtrifitO. 'ALEXANDER a. DAY, oklo • 75 market th N W or of Ihe [Lomond 3.~ }G.. , .iF HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS; _ Orphan's Cingrltihflas IN pursuance of an order of rbe - elpVlizi'o Coon of Allegheny county, dated the istfttd.q. *J4O. the undersigned Admininnuorisollitli - VMAggo; r. toe goods nod chattels which were ref Mattionsr. Forsythe. late of Allegheny county, deceased, wRI so; pose in sale. by public outcry. on the premise, on Saturday. toe Pit day of September nen, ai 10 o'clock, A M. or that tiny. the following described Real Estate, use prop,- rt y of said Matthew Forsythe, to Inc All that certain lot of ground situate In the 3d Ward of the env tit Pittsburgh, and fronting on Chanute at. cooly ran feet, and extending back a distance of one nindeed wet vnd bounded and described as to wit Ora inning at the corner of Lot No. 5, in the plan .t partition among the heirs of Andrew Watson, EN... deceased. thence by Lot No 4 in said plan northward y one hundred feet. to • point ton) feet four inches from Chatham street; thence from said point westwardly twenty WO) trot to a lot granted to Gay & Dilworth, uuw owned by Autos Lewis, thence by sand lot south city one hundred feet:to the southern.line of said lot N o tt them, raiterly fe-t no the Welch Charch , tro . 100 ptare cif beginning—being the same lot of 103 , ve)ed by Thorns, Scott, rt. uz . by deed deed tild May. I-43. to trod Matthew Forsythe, and on Which Is rre tell a brick building, with finishe atone basement. 'the said building is nearly new, and is now rented In Slat/ per annum. and t• one of the best locnuota ladle city for residence Andthe same day, at 3 o'clock, P. Si. all that rertant Imo( ground. the property of said Matthew Forsythe. situate. lyttig and being in the Fifth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh. fronting twenty-four NO) feet on Liberty •treet. out extending back a dtsbutee of one hundred (Rol fret to Spring alley, and bounded by pro. perry or flolingrove tt the On< ode. and property 01 Willies. M'Cully. upon o the tithe —upon which said lot lerrr i• erected. fronting oolt4berty street, a largo double emu •tory irsiue dwelling house, with stone basetneatt; and fronting tit.. Spring alley, 2 two-ator :name tlx riling,. with stone basements, ate whole pre noses renting tor 9.5.22-. per Koltun.. Ffurther purucultm, nqutre of Rohert ArCready or Henry!i Adaer. Administrator,, or of .1 BARTON, 5111.trrrL A tt'y tor Adnalloaratorq Tract of Land for Sale rpiil:subsc riber anti on accommodating terms. a hduat.l, true' uusitistproved land, situate on the rued 'calling trout Brighton to Franklin, nban eighteen. tiles stein Pittsburgh. and about algid ruder trout the town of Freedom on the Ohio river. 'Pim tract con tains acre• and :dr perches, strict measure The had y of a cr regent ninthly, about 90 acres cleared, and well water-d. and will be sold either to whole or rlll a 1 ,37, l 0 purchuers. l'u r tanker pax - oculars enquire of WM. BOYD. Attl , of I.sw, office on 4th sn. above Smithaeld, Pittsburgh. nithl d&wit T VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR IiALIL titTH AT property lately occupied by H. Nixon, Esq.. on tretig street, near Robinson, Allegheny co', will be cold ott accommodating ten.. The lan is TI fret 4 lodlee on Craig street, running through to the Canal Isn fret. There is a good two story frame tivvr 11111, Law, ott the pres, lately built. and the lot xcII improved. contattung a variety of choice fruit trees. grape, shrubbery, Sc. This property Is conveni. mutat.' for persons doing linsinriss in either Flux burs It or Allegheny, and a a desirable renderer. Title Iltot•putablc For vents apply to NYNL BOYD, soot ., lit Law, office on Fourth street, above Southfield. apt-ittf 265 dere* Coal Lend for Sale, 111. &TED on the Monongahela over. about 'Grades sT) iron, Pittsburgh and 3 (LIOCII abovn third Lock, in the tinitictilate neighborhood cif Messrs. Lyon & Shorb, and Mr. !alai lierroti a purchase. This foie body of tool will be sold at the iow price of sai per aere—olie third ill hand, Lulan, in five equal annual payments, With/ flit 1111,C. title indisputable. ',carton Tan g raid—casino: be surpassed For lumber parneulars,rco I.IIALSLEY, who has • oruit of said pro. pet,y. Rea/deuce:ad st. below Ferry, Mr. Adam,' Row. Nl2. Tberllother sesta of coal on this trees .coat 00 feet above Um lower, of excellent quality. 8 B. Real Estate lit Ohio. ATRACT of land 90 acres, m Harrison, Portage. Co., on the Cuyahoga river—about 91 acres under in. pro vement. Also, two unimproved lots In the village of W erten. Trumbull Co., 60 feet by NO. Alto, a lot of ground in the centre of Hartford. 'Trumbull Co., with a fine dwelling honer 111141 store—one of the Iwst stands for a ineretiant on the Western Reserve. Any or all tior :.;ere w...! be told on very accommodating term, IoAIA.II DICKEY A. Co., fuLdo Water and Front sta. 1313121211 Lop, THAT cotranahou• brick dwelling house and glares lot the residence of Mr, Jane Magee, on %%et's', strect.near the head of `seventh street. on unich ore a stable and carnage house, out boasts. hake oven. and a variety 61 shrubs and grape vines. Possession u a. be p cell on the lot or October, or soon require., I.' nt. the presnues, or on Wylie, near Wao.b.ogon street. 01 M B LOW RIE Valuable Residence in Allegheny City for sole. ioNTENIPLATINIi n removal from Allegheny city, I otter nt, remdestue I' for mt:e The premium aren df:kr,blllll ord.-Land every may worthy the at. ;moon at uny wtatung•mh property. 1 R. W POINDEXTER _ Property In Allegheny City for Bale. rigiL *unmnbern oder tor sale a number of choler Lot, *mime in the Seeond Ward, frommg on the ton t num ~roun.l. Oil cmy mon. Inquire of \ II 1:011INsoN. Any at Law. St Oar at 01 J t 0 liMitiNS , N. on Ineprelmm, to, or WIT T Itoni Estate In Ylerc•r County. 4 LIFT. u4,4won, an the Eno. Flx.•/•• , .” Cana!, In toe vii.tsge of %Vest Mut 4:e..0. !0n for merchunt Also Lot 3,1 11.. r •, Hut., ,e;! noted fur a Trove Ith s fiLY ot Co s , rr and Front as. For Rent. =l4 A ix, axelling .“11 sboat ski acre. , wah trutt 0( t6PkuW, and re • .. f an.l etly An °stub In. rny Apply Lo AVVOOD. PINES tr. 011:13=1 laA I•net dwelling Louse o Nt. ••• •• z on ;Lc tint • - .311, . r r.. 1 Inquire of it ltherly street For Rent. I A ~.., •...r) lenb about 5 acre I re ~•1 y ...en.' •It a r.e.l c.I. :r v L a ilk . o 1 the Oleo 1,01 1.1 L.,.eur h 0 !.1 eel.e,eer Apply t 1 , •. ' J A5l :$ A 111.115.141 , 4.)ti 5. Co. . To Let. Pelt; "MIRY d w•rlit11( int - hated on 4th amt t,IIIII 141.1 g in the city or l'ittighorich 7.* ,7 'hi fret with • ronvensenl en as lee on .101 l *l. pear wood. A/ at • truce dwellinr. rwo 51.31,01. ..r/ grourt.l rtlelo6,l and under •.i i /hos lane, in the city of Allealo • J 1) %%11.1.1A-112 , , 110 wood Farrel. AF r Jlt I Ft ENT. ine Yil.burgb Brew rrs ucal, r•mw,nK appuntu, yawn. on ..t,ct and lima., • .diry And now crecuplod Lr 1....) %% '4ll .11 l'o.r•mon Elven on the firm "' "" - "'" g . &. F..'!'.9!!".7 I.IZ IN% 14.5 lawny at. 1711=1:11 anth Lack lanlna Room and Klnch• • nr Ante that. —LA Afierthrny coy, Ea. I.r,ove ;he Methalial Church 1‘11.9-diNV 1011. LAND !till SAI.I:—SeV,II act,. coal Itold •alr. •lius&o. I.clot of Monon,golarht Ibvv alkuVe havtag foot vein of coal 411 • art..:4, for good.. For paroco - Iv AREII‘)I'Sr FOR SAI.E.—The subscriber oilers for sate Lurt twee awry bnek Wan:muse ou %% owl mreet, uccupaeat by FL Turnor a co. It rents now turSlioj per year apt, To Lau Ira! The new three story fire proof brick store 00 ga er in and . now .cupked by ralys - ard Frans; for tern nom IA or Apnl uan lotpalrt of sclicortmenat & co., Ph, •Mmonlwo, will of part of the ware house now corrupt,' I.y them- Apply to LEll'lt, Co., Roe Rent A o room _dl ory ase lba warehou curt..d t.y the aueacrtberg, near the foot of \\ o, street—et mood localton tor o steamboat woe) . or a.t InAuranee nitre 114/1.11,AIA: it GARRISON _ EZICIM2 AA. A rm. m . r , %tory brick boom, on main street, IBM Allegheny coy, near dm upper bridge Tbe tot la 43 On to front by 104 deep For tenni , toquire of deldtf A WASHINUTON thlt st EMZ=II ,1 TII F. large fire proof o &rehouse, 24 feet hoot by AR. feet deep, on eevond A. near wood. Rent mod• erg.. hum o an of J tIC llt/llNhiAlik. — R hCo , dela 21 wood en For Roza. aA Smoke Ilou,n..nunted on Plum alley, for rrnt. Inquire of ROBERT DALZELL a Co, HATS, CAI'S AND BONNETS 6ABIIIONAULE. FIATS. 4 TI(IC 1 , 411.1 . 11 if in addition to his owns a manufacturing of linta, has made •rtanga mania with Alesars lichee & Co, lthe moat fashionably hotter. of the int) of New York) fora reg atta supnts at ht. naafi bite Silk I lota, and having mat nmetd u new ca..---, itent'ainen .wt Le aimed with a cr v) rah mid brautali that by milling at hoi new Hai ud Om ;Ma, Strintitteld sweet, second Mica smith of Noma, whom Inlay ii, agrelt ornery of flats tool Cap. of hoi vwn zunnuMentire, whohaam and ;e -mit Ilan made. to order on !Mori none, apt: .1 A NY I L KEN I)PCORD 6 CO., INneve. , .or• M'Cord dKing) 10••hlonable liattere" COl - 11, of IVooel and Ftfth Streets. -11 . 1 0 STICTI.AIt eitesinon paid to our Retail Trad. ran rel y getUng diva Fiats and ci„,„ nog r .11111111011.11% Or the stet htexttateah nod w „.,,,,,5ur, of the Latin !MYLES, sod at the LoWlitei rnu of Country ...chants, purchasing by wholesale, are respeettutly inv. led to aall and elemitie our Stock; as we Van ray with confidene. that so rvgarils Qu•LITI nee POlO5. it will not suffer in • notepanson with toy house in l'hilittli•lplus. tebl7 1.• 11 iO/lAble fiat and Cap Maimlactory. ,eru)a,,E y. ANSIIUTZ. Aorta, respectfully two W ICi Y rot. M. freed. utul public generally Mat Ile lin. commenced the manufacture of Hats tad Caps al No :El V.' uod atrcr i, one door above the wt. has now 011 hand a fine is...ortuse tit ot Ilat. and Coos of his own nasumfacture, hr of nn the most reavonahle terms wbolumsle and retail, fur rash or city acceptance. Ilm. mad , to of lit' I to the ahostess notice aptlkain -' STRAW GOODS. gkDEALERS ore invited to exonutte R. 11. PALMER'S .tuck of Strew Goods, or the ispnag .ty le, emorosed to port of BONN rrs lorence Seoul; Dtglush Dun. Made do: Alllerlettri do do, Chloe Pearl do, Cobol)" do: Rotlend do; French Leer; Palley limp, he. Ate II ATS--Leleburn, Point Leaf Panen:u.. Fancy Steer, do listßi. Rutland Pooh!. Prod.! do. Aloe, Arttbriel Flower, he. Straw Bon -0.0 Warnhoune. US 01 toertM , ._. . _ AI Spring Fashions for 16411. Lit PIeCOILD i Co lure. au ~ & dAndiss, r ILL uttrutiticu the Spring Style of Hots this day, y y s..rdor, hlarch 164 d. Their friends add ( . . 101IlrfP are requested to call end New !heir stock of Spring flats, lust received from New York, at th eir store, corner of Sib and Wood its. gross 4 A •rtto : ti .4 : .., fix A CHKAPIsIST Fashiouable Hatter in I n re ctnil i t=tartft i n ,"' il i feac BW coreruodatlos "4 72 Frn'tb Store, cor ner ot M oai areet and Vtrn alley. Ilighell prices alwaym paid for Alpping For. aiy&l - - - — BUDIMFJt FASHION FOR;NIATf. AJUST recetvell from Near York, Abe Budd*, style tor ham, emulating of Wldlte Bearer, Next add to Ertgeh Cassimere LIMN( with Vedomwalx 'rm.. •••••I of • LeantlfahilittlllatiliimoafaV inoltod meell. z • hi RE,el: rearlS 7 5 Mad di, 9 door• above ch RATES OF. DISCOUNT, ILATE2k OF LBSCL/UNT-CIMIREOTELI M. HOLMES a SONS. Exchange Brokers. ,so. 85 hlarlel street, ace, (tail Pannsylvamigr. Induitue. Bank ofPitzsbaigit ••-•Par.Stote B'k klirnnedes•• EXchlnge Bank PactS'attetleri • Meech. k Man. Bank •Parl •a" Bkr.olPhiladelphia. • • -p.lEzebilage- lc.of Va.• • 1 turned Boat ...... •• • pall Farmers Bk-of Va . Bank of Germantown •par`,l3k. of the Valley, -- Chester C • • •perht. of Virginia ... - • " Delaware Co..C • •par.. 11.& N. Bk., 55 1 beeline " Montgomery Ca • dud do Mosso tote- • • '• NonlinalberLand••par Ng W. B a nk. Va•--- • Colombia Bridge Os.• • par Zo Wethrburg Doylestown Bank par do Pukeralaire• • ' Farmers' Bk. Reading- par. Te nnes s ee- tani. :among' Back• CO. par'Bk. of Tese • • • 5 Fumera Irk Lmicas`r•par , Far. k Merch'lr Bt • • • “ Lanese:. Co. Bk •• • •po•POln ironcß Bk. -• • Lancaster Bk. par' • " U. arate• Bank— • Missouri . Bora nsvtlle Bk. par Sum Bt or Missou • • 1 Washioanio .j North Carolina. Bettyaborgli Bk.--- • I ilk of Cap,. sr Chambershorg• • .... March • 11. o • 0 Susquehanna Co Bk .. 3 Sts.e. hurt • • • • " Lehigh Co Bank, Booth Corolla.. Leoriatown• •• • •• • - (Camden Bk ..... • • • Middletown •-• • 1 'Bk. of Charlesion• • • • - Carlisle • • " Conunere.a! Ilk -• • • Exie Bk. •• • • tti Br. or Georeetoorn-- - Farmers' and Drover.' •lik.of liamtiorg• •• • • Bank, Wayncatiant• • 1 'Merchants Bs Ilarnsbunr " -Planter, d alcchais ilk llo••eadaie ---•-• • 1 ;Bk. or South Caroini• • • Lehauon per Maryland. Pottsville " Baltimore lit 0.••• •• • par Wyoming ....... 1 ,Baltirr's & 1111,cep Iti York Ilk 1 iCeortierian.l Bk bf dile • W rot 111...nc1s Bk. I Khan,' • • • " " Relief Notes • • -- Par Bk.or 31aryiard M M Ilk kaits do." Farmer.' d Merkel,. •` City sr Comity 'term. - Bt. F redeta k Ohio. Frederick Co lik. -. • •• Plate Ilk. and liran.`hea 1 illoghrklawa Bk '" • Mount Pleunnt•-• fu inee al 85...... Steubenville. - 11 Wampum 8k......... 1 Cltursville••- . IWasklngtonßt Marietta Ilk of ta estnontler • • •• Low Idstain • Alla Ragan. Cote lunar` Books. •• •• • a lit of St. Clad ..... --- Columbus do. ..... • •• ,Bk threleville• • • • • • " Alichigun Ins. (...}S• • • • • a •-. •• Far. & Aleck's Bk Putnam • • " rWlseonstal Territ'y. Wanner • - 71/ittlaereFirclo.Co.3ll,We Canada+. aandusk y . Folverit Bank, 5 Berth*. •••• .• • • •. I Bank of England Now Gold Spec Is Value. Xenia o 'Napoleons . 3 Fit 2 15 0 2 .31 We sera Itcrot ve o Eagle, old • •• • Primal. FPO Colornbes " .Eagle, new • ••• • .0 011 Chillicothe •-•- • . " ,Donbloons. Pyani, Ir. Gil Lake Brie • • • ••• • ° i n Do.i'atrtot ..... ••-• • • 15M Berme • - - • .... ••• • a Sovereigns n .1 Lancaster - • • -JO Crulaeas i en •- • Frtdenekad'ora 1.; -V • • •• • • •• • • trU Ten Thaler, • • • • • 7Ri Forairs Ink Cantor. -SO Ten Bailee, ••• - 1,0 Urbana ... •• • stl I.JoimPors• • •• • 400 Kentucky. 'Exchange. Ilk of licatuck) I No,. York ' j pro Bk.of Lotnevrlle Pre , Vattern Ken tu'ky " Baltimore • l.rt. Neva York-Coo Banks, par Interior 31115,• -- I EXCHANGE BROKERS, (kz. nossicv, HANNA & BANK:ERB, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers in Foreign arid Domethc Exchange, Certnicairs of Heposite, Bank Note, and Stiente; Fourth Noce, near ly opposite the think of .1 I Stoourgh. Current mousy received an depoitite--Sixid Cheeks for rule, and col lections made on nearly .1 the principal points in the United States. . _ . . The hisdles: prom= plod for Forst,gn dmeneen Gold. Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship ped East. on Itheral term.. mehla ==l DAINEERS and Denkr. an Faehante, Com aid Rank Notes., No. 54. Market meet, I'da.sburs h. • . - Selling Ram. Exclumgc My um Rules New York, kpr Cum/Imam 2 do Plidadetplua, k do, Lomsvdlo, 2 do Baltimore, kdo Si. Loom, . 2 do Ilaymg Room, BANK Ncrras Baying llama Ohm, 2 tilk Co. tc Scrip Orders. 2 dis Indimia, •• do Rohe( Notes, Kentucky, ° do Virgil:an, " do do ‘Vhechng, i do Teneetee, 2 do felt24ll • - • • . . - - T j d. CURRY—Banker. and F..tehange Brokers. Li. Foreign slot 1)0/11.l. Tune and Sight Bilk of Ll.ehangs,Cerufteates of Deposite. Bnok Not, and Coin; No G. 5 Wood street, third door belarr Fourth. west sole. morn U FOREIGN EXCHANGE.' B ILLS on England. Ireland, and ScotMA bought in amount at the Current Rates of Krehange Also, Draft. payable to any part of the Old Coutdoes, from II to 1100 U, et the mutt of 95 to the L Strrlin, without deduction or dtecount, bS JOtstiliA ROFIGN SON, European and General Agent, otter fth er rine door west of wood. . r, EE lIUYEEII (KIM, RD tuth KSA~ER b FLAMM, BANXF.R.S AND PACkIANGE BDOICERS. dca . to Foreign end DOVICIIIie Lillis of Exchange, Wer• lalfiles of Depotttie, IF.. Note! nod Cutn, rota, ot 1.1 and ood etreets, directly °pp.'s/. Sr eltarieti Iltt ur- s krAIifFUNDS Ohso, parcassed at the lowest rate, by N HOLMES & SONS, delo a Market street. p o rLl;ielliiPinlClOHANGlStaht Cheeks on New York, Plaladetah.n to.d Conotantly for gal,. y N& SONS datu :LS Alar Let •1 COLLECTIONB—Drafta, Note., and Arrep.l,- ees. payable la soy part of the 1..m0n, collected v.. the moat la vocable terms. N. 1101.4111›..1 & sON . S. LlelO SO Market rt. Ai ISC E LLINEOUS. great ...action to as lobe able thus puhlu•l IT to announce. that the great demand for our super., wid splendid preparation of oar “FANLIIN it Ebb CINF.E.'' tar exec,• oar most •angunie expectation . ikarucularly our 'infirm Expectorant and compound Cam-motive Balsam. Wti,b for beauty of appcaranr, thennorny of inrednta. and the curopoundom .. together the immense disparity 01 the n t , Wow bottles over nay otherc-41e beautiful and omit. mental engravings. and the mate displayed in the Ung of them up, I. a further incitement to the poreha er And as meny of my oid friend. who knew me ( - II lies yrs Lox nec."l when in the rinplw mew of Dr D. Jayne. I now beg khan respectfully 10 adorn. them that I amone of the firm ot LOUDEN 1. Co. No -I Arch street. below Third. where I slot be harm) to see them: who, aided by his brother. regular graduate of tlie "Philadelphia College of Ph,. make. put up. and compound, with our ow it bands.. every article comproung our - Family Med, ones,' or Indian Expertorani. Compound Carmin a. lure Dalsam, Compound Torim Varnitfuge, We. Ihtlle 'I Salience Pill, and Onental Hair Tomes. We tonher be leave to remark, and we do n wok • confidence that cannot be shaken.) that we have di 4. covered and made an Improvement on one (Meet 11 Hair Tonic, that tax exceeds any Mina ever °dried in the public. Uwe no a call at No. r 4 ARCH poem our terms alone am Mr inducement, and we are sore of the'remn. migELMI WA!. WILBON,,Ir. New Publications. IS,TORY Bete rephical and Po .1.1. beat. eon:muscle memoirs or the members o( Cossedu of the I fly 11 ti Wheeler, d by ”s w &. el portraits. c &e Vol I, steaso The Writings or t 1I Clay: ittctuding Teeehes wet rahlreage•, tnth r reel postman: Edited by II (troop I se:, 4 err ....,,, them AIIII im ri in ne • , I III) phy.t• etot. 0 . nI no m'''''' 1.." nos r/ - ...- t. -ed ' , err I , efietal ti, gi , i. rm.,. f .iitlom t , btif of med. N Whet I Saw in Colitornirt fly Fti. , elll Eln . ,lllt. . I ~ , ~,,,.„...., m„, ~,,,,,,,,,,,„ ~, ~., ~,,.. see„. ~,,..; N' II. ' .I . V. ' '‘', .. i... 1• 1.t.1• 1... . 111 I red your tlaisaiii tr, 1.1 et reran. whom I deeme eery Lsi ke 1 est-able imnedy in, . mt. e•tl a most vionderibl cf. Charts. and Counter.Cherms By Misr srlntosh, au. , ~..n oon one. en goo e ,,,, „ 0. . n0n0500,!,., e‘0.5pi.50,,,,,,d floor at .. To seem und to be ” ..(ionquest," he. tee. I eo ,„ 0 t o n s one , 0 r0. , 0n no oossjo, y nn „, n ~. , i ne in me Mary Groner, a Dome-tor Temperance Talc By C. , n , he „„ ne oie „,, en Barden. i D J. B. ' Sold In Puts:mega by .1 II Mnr,.., 53 W. 04 ~ I Kt^ ellt.” , ttr;°' h in. in the Palace, en " ..tni n Townsend. as I,arket V. It Mn) set. ror orket and of historical sketches of late and re's tong sovereign.. , Sal, iienaeo„ Co. .., Lso_os , on so Price ,nann,., By J B C Abbott. A. First Book on Spanish. or a prscucal intgodingion ! to e L • 2 ' per '''''''' /Yllil to the study of the Spanish Lang - mtge. Ily .1 Salk& J. ' MEDICAL &•SPRIDICAL. OFFICE. The Dying Rohm end other tales Hy Rev. Dr. Aldc.i.. ,e.- t t- No On, DIAMOND ALLEY, ri Just reed by FL IiOPKINS. • ~..4. , ,, _ . r fern loom trebly Wood Wet; to Apollo llullding, Ills st, • :g t , i .,- . .t.. . niers, Cnom'esunt m 1 L. Read . , 1 ••:.;Yi15,....,:- :1 DR. BROWN, having he. '4l -- ---- - ----- 4 1 1,' Nita i. s r. : regularly educated to the Matinee) Patent Soda Aah. .. ~ •nt, , ,/,..,..i5tit..) professore!. and been for some nom THE subscribers have ou hands be casks Soda Ash. , o eg ,J.,2 nee ,e 5,... on eene ., ~,,s ene„ no ., e . confine . j Jag Mospratt J.k :iron', first quality, being the bet. ~,.:-..7,4,.;!‘....i. non enenneno on ohe 0r5. .. r0e.. . •nce of then sprutg .took, 'ranch they wall oell at 4lc eef o t .7 .. ;';-...,:? ‘ ..... theo ,... p „ eoe and ..,, oenn : ';' , ,,, 0 ' l pa, or 4gc currency. Hornig made such large sem* 1 4 11 ( .:il t e tt i-ZAlk phut.. lot which his opportuntnes to the protexpal glass and sooz,gpattotocturers of met 1 '...,.... ..,•i. o . no . e .,,,,, eng „... ..,,,,,,,, non ., etty. hey - deem it unaeCeasnry Lef say any Using Ise rusor . i5:.5....; ~,,,, ~ ~,,,,.„ ~,,,,,,,,.,: 1 ,v ,,,,„ of the era .4 to study ft treatment °Otiose entriptatno.iilunits w .66 er Tl a " 3 dealer. rs 'i tt " eu ' e P rall ' y. ' l n h ' hl ty i ki n ey 'P h P aTe ' o t rd he e i r r e ' d ' ll ' e c re... ! t o = s n j ooo ! i n trit es t : o T t e :r s r no tt t t r , o n ' o ' n e ,7,:t h Z s y rue e e o .. o t o , n T e ° 7 o . o li t ,:: '. , from the •nnio lonsadattntern 111 Englead-thi. 1.0 . 0000nne , ...,,,,, , nen n e , horn . der n ,,,,,, neonn f eno . sliminent ut v. loch will ornee in serve tor the full trai'e nerd :rmt-z„,l and neoon(geonory enet , on ell enie ., and thencelorwaid regelgt, supplies throughout vie ! O tooth ireiwate disease, and all diseases alining there ...u-on. which the . , 0 , 111 *ell at the lowest market pro, , rom. for cosh or unproved bills,. pull \V & 11l all ref lELTREFI, IGUbbenysi . Dr. Brown would btform throe attuned with private dtsenses which have beeome chronic by time or mg XTEW BOOKS-the NVraing, of Cassius Mantel:es ' gee dry, by the nee of any of the eomm d on ii nostrums d,o of IN Clay, including Speeches and Addresses. Edit, d. 1 the Mat their compliant* can b e fa n S oo an with • profane mid memoir, by Benue timely. • onghly cured; be having g . 11,4n hr. ' e ztanunn to 'rhc First Book in Spanish, or. a praline,' Introdue• the treatment of such casco, and succeeded it. hundred/ bon to the study of the Swoosh Language, emtlannitg or timbutres In coring portions nro n os ,, of to ‘. ll4mm . stualo o f s t .„ lt n e lull alStlactlona in proutoteutuots, a grammar, ern' , v neck of fille h , .. c 7. ~ _:. _ L, l'' _ bar _ which__ _'' .c . RIS 01111/0 U 1 4 .1111011( melhal of coestant imdation M 1 id . resbit from these s seiollf i r ! o : 7 ,; ;r u s isry v „, ,- , 7 . 7 . 1 u :il repetition, reading Mesons, and a vocabulary. Int . Mem to hope), deeperl p 0.-ole adapted for Me use of pion , . leoructo, or ob . 1 IRA have been long and un e sucees ' sfu ,. !l ; ‘; , i ,; re , o m oir ol l o b h ) . ' ot , ltt v ra Classes wider ral ,lnotiOClOr By Joseph balkeld, A !to consult him. whe . o , e a t te m ~...m. t .,, ,,,,....,,h0r,,,,0, ~,,,,d 111.,.nuthor of . `at Compandmm of Claimed Amigo, o Mein, and their case re .. d ,s. o s !0 1 .,,..,pen 1i e. . 11e.," tin. . Intelltgent manner, potnti it i y z ~ b, .r t e , Brothers and Hinters, / tale of dontestl, fife, by ! toady, tmd Investignuon, which tt is troposat e tat those Fredenka Bremer. Translated from the Original us sugared in generol pt , et:: ,„ : tti . :tit he . h ie , t p o . i , give v p e o ::,... published numuscrlpt, by Mary Bowl.. ' one elan , of discos, nits -Dr Brom afro invites par Tbe Dying Robin, end other tales fly Joseph AIM n, . ...e ir?- ikr nin n '' it° D. D Just received and for sole by roar .'pined wlth Ileum, lion JOHNSTON to STOCiRTON ularss.ttcli..,tio.n.,t;os.o.ltLiti,s,trse,, ~, , . N.,thly ~,,,,d WII.LIAM shirr'', Manufneturcr of Cotton Ivo! . cher ,. ko ., colored LBSeti, Enure for pre...A./ 4 '4 Scnootil N B --Patients ef cult sex living lb n distance, by Silk and colored Cotton Fringes for silk nail gnalhain ~5 , ,,.,4 a,,,, ~,,a . ..... a, ~,i,,,,g , 8 .,,,,,,, oi, ter .pl, liar”ols. Gimp. Molten, gold Silk Bullion Frlnges, inn, -nn it meitiesnes with direeuons In itio.. by mode to order on the shortest nutty., oddresstog 'l,' BROWN, M D., port [god. slid eneloss Snobs corner of ri !olden Lane and 1 Wlllseat,e nuance on i n, No tlfi. %William SLICCI., third door, over A4noll A. W . ,' u.d.i.„ N a wt., D iamon d a v e . ?, 0pr0„,,,,, the ..e..,,,,. store. Nu 63 Mroden Lan , ark n . lll • Hoare. T,ILECTRIC NI ACIIIN Lg. ni nom efito Slog Dery m- . . s . R . n ne .. etu s ... " _. " '_., - e_ Dr ' s /t os tei sp re s n . lt y nr s 7 ,, , i F , d rs ti' , 777 , : ; t oLo Onst hs o r 1:,,,' Magnmic Moclunes. from diderent eastern mein. 'f or : . r_nf,l i t i ftnn o fT , T . nev, d r t ........., lecturers; filar.. Clocks tor *teem Wan, canal bog. 'irisl',,,l' o i : ,o in a in n l ool ita p n ri o ,r m ate n con.s,.,,,,.. ..,.. aa iii: and forgone* fqsat, Chem.. ads. Thermo:octets, A.: , ". I g II ' , AK , g O . n. Mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa The libetor 1. always al tor sale by , of market at and the diamond ll oin n- N. b.- FJertncity or rimer kdudadmtnistereit lit the tr_r N. c... pwr• Ascii/. darecuon of phymmanr. - 17 11: - C - Piihisestoe&ico ni ls Libet'aolena, . ~ ORIDENWOOD GIAJIIDEN S. , TN high favor as tom III,I.IL: upplic , utusn llk plilliiMli ' VISITERS TO TI lons RETILEAT dot be tornialied ; , s l t, J i n n i ., n s, nit m o . l i i o n o.„ o , : o . o'' l l b i t .. . F :t .lsfi fi e. s is tott lst,,,, e ,: tr e...& - o cos eUM ...f. Ru u e l h ant troni , f rks .. with a Lout-h at all hours of the day, also, Ice t cleat h 0,,, ~,,.„ „,). Creams, Fruit Confeettanory, /r.c. The steamer (snots:lie 1 ftssososs!us. 50 ,, 5055 „,.. snee:,.s.e. Nora ort„,.. msw E wonni . ekee her regular tripe.* usual, ....vont It. , Plu CIA 5„,,,„., ic, kg., 'll, I. Bowing cerHie - itT'is (coin te .'" ;:e l p i t ' l ' i d ru g t.t a il Iv t A l , ; 'A n i l . ~ - l ean b stitt ' t ; ' r, 1'`.,,‘ 1` ,,, i 'u ,, ' ,,,V. c - t t t.: ‘ , " 7,,, " ,,,1,, ih w ie , y , e/ /,,,,'„ from aaaram: P. M for her lust trip to tits city o , ~ , . ' 0,01.0 ...t1zeW:.P r. '" 1 b o l t , al .nej.s. nm r h.._ __ _s7L'' order to ',sin them drawn otr-the ttilietftt h :thi T n P y Pe eti: A moonlight view ot the Garden a• i., P S AC, , , ~, . ...„ .,k, w that my imam im‘L . . 4 . its beauty. g a n,... was tntegra. In Di. altuatlon I pronared a Nu -1•0. 0:B A Fahnestock to Co's Rubenictent, and utter ~,,, or two applications I experienced couch teller. I used alma one . boulo anda half and in about two dayo the Sitellihri entirely rubsideill, andl lint entirely ratived Prom any other pain, indApperienee ant more theadiretticriset ROm the fad. In all eau's of evrellint, bmism.rkeamatisro, on-, I would moll eheorfuily 1- ,cettluctentithe Rabefaeicat. JoltiTiteln. DFOGGE BASSETT." For WO nrholesaJe and retail by D A FA HN DAWN:K. &.,00, corner of Wood and First .id Wood Awl Fittift .-..„ MMMI ARTIIPu.S & IN are now ArMug 01l at moderate priees the IcAlowtolg j: Platform Scales of all %a d., ienoilog Mmt ,04 - 11 30Uu pounds, of superior erorkiu.ship„ . &awned Uolkm Ware, lOtalballara , ' Stoves; Wood do dm Coal anti : ALM.. ,k.v4a, for ohtur.bea, wasehomies, &a, hti- Grates and Grate FrOttla, Ate parlors, ehamlners, titebens,&e. Plough+ and Plough Castirigs of variouskl ••, • & NICIIO/480N,:' • 11 17 5, Liberty, headidWood at: Fi.Ns AT con, BYWOOLM3AttIetiIiSTAIL- The . . o t scribers bring detittont of doing out their p r .tost : neck of..Trixondoosatid:Feeor tioteht to t . reeittoebt to them neer more . talltielltheitlattpt titte‘e.tmeet ian. 0 , 3%; &OM in *Ray this dam The alsertotentootopmseciouweintAtent 43, 1. end at ptteeiftototA elk noutt:' . 17 dm/ , • - vo tiro Ir4t. .~~:; w :..:~ . TIM- ONLY RILDIEDYIL HART'S. NTZETAIII-1 . 1 V:XTRACT is on Irmalca hie remedy for Epileptic. Fax or Falling /4iekwaa r'onuttluiouru Spann., d.c. It Is well known. that (ram too, hurt/comma/, phyro tan. have Km:mu/wed 14.ilep. .e Pita Ittruruble It halt 142 ed their ako.l. and the o mor.-. of ail rnodirtne, and consognemly /boo , •and , t have •dd0r...1 through a onserabie extalense, mud ..t last wear !lye% on the atuur of /moody. With . drieTcr.e. however, to the opinlems of OW errs/ en/ learned, +, .at that it hot beet cure./ /! i• A EXTRACT, For stu ren year., ba‘ betut tested by many persons •utlf. ant dreadful diPaa.ze. azu.l in e.,ty case wherc be, land mAr ,rlal, nas eCeetell . I,rtn•ncal cam. Flt tr • o: ueld year .r, .e luekl d 6 month., cored 1.7 the eye of • it , y , Atl,l 4rme ItotAo,ll, r.inartal.l, came of 113 C son of ni l'hinufelphsa . ,Meted will. Frt. ~nic Fits LI years and 6 months Ayer timvellang, thineh.ti Eng hul. Scott had t.e I many end France, coo th. ,o•• , rirlent pity, CIMIS, and expending for and IldTer, flare. th0u ...1 &! rnch irn t ht. .on to this country In Novrinbrrlos% wnhout ret r. w- any benefit ortst.. "..‘” ''Y Mr Wl'nem Necurc's Lett. r to lint. 1 , 1.1 ml Han I have spent ,u,er threethousand dollar, for owe.. erne and medical atitiolunce was advised to take a lorope u.. 11, hon. tit eh I did. I first stunted I...gland_ I ere.,,,al 11, most eminent phyaicians there i respett to b.. ec.r they examowd him and prescribed accordingiy I remained three months without perceiving . on) vintage fur the better, which cosi me about I'o hinidced and Oily dollars ;rocketed ,y the phyrdetans. sad oi, must that I received was Mete opinion that my son's ease was hopeless and pun rely incurable I accordingly left ESoriand. slid tray. tided through ~otlsiod Germany and 1 ranee, and re turned home in then nth of November trot, with my .on as far from beingsored Re when I left. I saw your adyert.iwenent role of the New York. papers. anti concluded to try Ilart's Vegetable Extract. seeing your statement. and rernbeate• of so many rums, tom: of land thirty veers' •tanding. arid I canes.. you I ant not wit I dal so a. , by Me oae Brit. Vegetal Me Extract alone, he sees restored to perfect health. lIIA reason, which wro so tar gon sa to until him for business. is entirety re•tored with the prospect now before hint. or lite, health and .<10;11C.. Ha is now years of age. and te; years and f. mouth. of this lime has been adhered with Mot most dreadful of dis ease.; but thank God. he is now emoying good health. Now. gentlemen, faith without works I dont believe tn.' To say that I ells!: he ever gratensi to you ts one thing, and KA I here enr:ose you one hundred dollars, I have no doubt hut that you tail think this l other and quite a different thing The debt of gratitude I roll ewe you, hut please to accept the present amours na interest on the debt in advance_ One of the propneiors of this invaluable medictn• wan allitylecl for Ptcrew yearn with Per'optic Fry. had produced the wont curet ayou Ins rystera,m Luz memory, imbecility of mind, and a I- Tin prostratton of My Imrvous system. Ho had tract the skill of the by. parse/arm for seven years, vl grew worse under thou treatment, and he know Mat Nix med/cmc was lux only hope for hya.lth .d life. and was therefore dememtnncl ge a lair trial. and to persevere t. he in aso, ^Hoch dt iv d. and tho result an 111 perfeet re/tors:mu no health, which vre3 cunt, sled l/intern:lroned for ny.clly rasteso years. \','e would IGICr to the tollowtag persons who tare horn earedlLy tralng Harts Vegetable Estraer Col C Denelow's daughter was authored ann years; resides at Yonkers. New Cork. W Rennet. rune yearn, 171 Grand on 1 o.A:worth, ,cve., IN;;er lose;kk utue yttiru, ELuu Brooklyn, L H tl Suuth, New York Custom House. I' !o Johmon, eloht roux, &rec . or /Lied., Randall, hi F.r.t Ilinadoray. NV.' York. ThoLnao R !pr.". of the Navy. Copt Win .3CrLraL.,, Stale SI. Brltigt9Or, Rolorducc also mode , Dr W I. Guilford, 0. R. Richard Trigetr, Wort Ihrechpor, Pr 2. Rev T L Euehnebl,l3.lunuore, Me Mt Jo , iepn Brzydity. lid I irehard C II Liorighvin, 'AA liglitecntc et N , b M. limp, rier.o.t, Chevier, Warm, so, rki r ;r. John Faber, Ell Eubbletii Li A Richton, =iN Deltibiy JAMES IVI Suffolk n, Co Charier Brown- lot Water at do AC nI which MAT le called upon. or liedruervd, poll puff Proga- - ed D: Mar., kia:• 10.0. hHan s ) Nov . ie, ols? o czoLa Ne . o . ono., " do Marylisol, " do F TfiOMAS tr. Fn. t tr. Nlain at, latw - enn :Id and 414 Ti,, am! Nisi.. It, Letween .Inl and 511..aseeta, Omonnata, Onto, turd tanul .gents for the booth end west. I. WILCOX, ]r, earner of . Mart, et.nd thn Mal mond, only WI in aantdoooly AST/ITIA, OR IttFFICISI.TY OF' BREATHING.-- 'Pita La ',nand hy a parozytanal construr. non 01 the ~.• ynyv denilitutg, olntont mom. ...• •utio,atia , Ott SWIAIT,..y:R•s to on ll yl rerun , . rum oareene , ran tn• ent:Wy n0r...11.y • free mut at Dr Sa•••••;•••ra• Pr.atte.-• , el.l ir ~ • ~:•ulx SII. , dectuoll, re:.ev, nod Closets. I.lllr 11,r na,l .ffeemally lead to Bro, Con.olry,on o ,:t. utnriv uwo Sweet r urti; Purr 1,..141/111I.110:1 T0n ., 1, or sore Throat.—Tloa nd. to .t o riou. rmi.rquener, (row hvg eet, curb OA owev . r.onol tne throat till thr brat r) mp tom, Dr. Panacr . ...‘ pnould pra.ured and find a novrreagn remedy in Dr: Kentucky, Bank Note, Piwon.o^:y Notoo A eery foto: do,age. reeultinfr (TOM v.0 . -wt rotico and cold en • detolitallot or too ten down cow - taut., aged peso.,Aus,,, to o ISe ,WVetri P:1,1 , 11 ../taint t, Jll the Grot yyrnpinop. which it,a •!oolott vol.! Night Serrate --Tine de , o'i:atyi4 coutplatio [art.( IVINI ch , ci. by ocog , Nye.cleere l'attarea. -:hr ittel n;•p[lf11/1e, nl toomonss v,' • munch are . 1 .a.,+ an Ilie Jude and tireast, y.,ela tood r• I , .nacra frscoy 111 nger too,: appretooohol Wotoi the \I ~Ippc.r 8r0m . ..a; Tol.eo ,come dosttrt: op with pillroot tFI r.0.p.- .tOOO or Nreatholy, il 11 .p.lwrrit.l atould toitcit tourelistg to the dtrovoonu. a Iwdurn to —Th.% dstrteeyng rpoiernte. prevalent it our ,rtnuu., to ou put t , y It. rrweetrtre. Pan,. eea. Loolle urcu brn... for qS AcKs , ,N. -9 ,„, r i A v u-rd „. . ed..: that wou•J huve plu.v W.I. ror oj,jur w' • lq)uhaS'e bet, ••urcd lort. 11l cell h I.eeullred oi L.N tst,ull.ot.ot, and l'otr.plattet. .lAlt have been cured of thr A ttm t 5I 4. have ttrea pt.,rnittm ott the Nervntt. Sy•trut IMi!MEN= cvrr.t oi Lzvcr Compluittl Ind rourh ZAKI turcd u,talu!ous coliritur, W. 1,00 nun, :.:t.e rrn eur , d cough., eo.d, pa. 4 in .14.. .111 d C 41. st. night 'weal, wnnt ot ut vow, ..hoping cough, delimit) and mriny oLli• wh:ch t•rlca nu tho.r .Ixnaerouc utnehot , rn i•rnvP I.Lst l'r BiLls.m of I ortL. In, only snr,,,ml rem-m- q' rure of the ntv - •ve complaznt. ••Nly ha•nor n ni rota u•ed oeuu,lt and roiFe ;woo.: eon, • orol , •uld out turn over to bed trout wcok o , Ile •' v•• ;ammo 11:1=1Ille , prr/orrener Ito , GEtcri - V7iittiltirEMT, 'INFORM !heir friends and the public diakmaiuuv, no longer any GORIIeCtIOD With ItiCit n.b.u merit in Penn 'tree:, kuirsin us the l'ingbe ti Brewery. huTinA. removed, limit cub:, by:in, I.omr ciREWERY, in Pius atm, Ware house. TLIE higheat pncr VAAII paol tor .0 0 .1 cpriViss,lnat. tope, rra.• Gangs., ac ,by I. w CHAIIvICI, WA ',aye. et, beg. peon 4. bbetly MEDICAL. Your. very reepeetittily, WILLIAM SECORt. TO THE AFFUCTED. .Iy. county yes., Staten Island.[ Mlieef, twenty year, , Vorkstlls: Crane, y tart. 111 llnnurter. sty; Il Paysell, twenty-three years. 7 NnyfakX, :, Petty, foot. yea., 174 DelttnnY " 50,000 PERSONs
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers