The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 16, 1848, Image 2

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    1117311111G11 GAZ
Advertisements and Subscriptions to the HeedsAmer
can and United States Queue, Philadelphia, received
and forwarded fronnhis office.
M.Wo will receive and forward frac of . erponse, vd
'en:ismer. and tobseripcin. for
Sedincriptions b nes valuable Pg. , wni be , received
and forwarded from Ws axe.
DemotrAtin Whig IN9salnatlons,
7 t AmsNAIl. T. fillKirausu, Wasbin tan
. 1. Joseph GI. Clarkson, 1:1 Ileury Johnson,
2. Jo:WV. Wetberill, 14. William Colder,
.a. James M. Davis,_ 12. Witham 111`,
.4. Thos. W. Duffield, 16. Chart W. Fisher,
Diudel 0. Dimas, 47. Andrew 0. Claim,
0. Joshua Dungan, id. Thos IL. Davidson.
7. Jahn D. Stee le , ID. Joseph Slarkle,
6. lota Lands, 21. Daluel Aknew,
D. Joseph Illehonicker, 21. Andrew Loomis."
10. Charles Snyder, T.L Richard Irvm,
11. William G. 'Raley, 21. Thorn. S. hill,.
12. Fianein Tyler, 21. Snell A..,Purviaoce
AnUma•onlo and Whig Nominal/on•
110 K ASSZAgIt:LI.
ixtvis C. J RUBLE, of hlism,
N. SWARTZ %V t:LDKII, of husburgb.
HENRY LARGE, of hliffiroi:
HEZEKIA II NIXON. of Lower Sr Clair
DANIEL 1111:3111.11Y, of Elluabrth Borough
'CHIN K. FOSTER, oi Baldwin.
"1 have no private purposes to accomplish, no party
purposes to Lund up, no enemies to punish—nothing to
serve Lut my country."
-The posse r given by the Constitution in the Exert,
ye, to Interpol. his veto, is a high conservative pow
er, winch should never be exercised except in cases
of clear vtolimon oldie Constitution, or utanoest haste
and want of consideration Ly to "
"The personal opinion. of Me individual who may
hoopers to occupy the Executive chair, ought not to
control the action of Congrese upon questions of do
amnia policy, nor ought his objecuons to be interposed
where questions of 1.-iiinstitutional power have teen
tented by the canons departments of government, and
smtuieseed ui Ly the people."
.Upon the subjects of the tacit!, the currency, the im
provement a oar great inghwaya rivers, Ira.. and
Italians., the will of the people, as expressed through
their representatives in Congress, ought to Le respect
ed and earned out by the Executive. -
-War, at allr times, soil Lauder all circumstances, is n
national calamity, to Le avoided, if compatible with
natiOnal honor." "'Cie principles of our gorenimeni.
as well as itz true policy, are opposed to the subjuga
non of other matrons, and the dismemberment of other
countries by cosiqueet, for, in the language of the great
Washington, 'why should we quit our own to stand ou
tirreigu grown/2 a Z. TAYLOR.
Bee First Page Oar Miscellaneous New.
The Buffalo Nominations—The Doty of
That there is a deep sympathy in the Whig 'party
in the Northern States—and to some extent in the
Southern—with the great principle at the bottom
of the movement which originated the Buffalo Con.
tension, and which is now causing vast excite
ment in several States, we rejoice to admit is true.
We would not have it otherarise. The Whig pm ,
ty, in the mass, has always been on the side of free.
dom, and hod it not been for the misguided course
of those who went out from us, and opposed Mr.
Clay, in 1.14, the annexation of Texas. and the
consequent extension of Slavery would most us•
suredly have been prevented. The Whig party
then, no pow, presented a firm front against the
encroachments of Slavery.
Bat ought Whigs, because friendly to free soil,
to support the Buffalo nominations? Certainly not.
Nothing can be gained in this way, that will not
be more Certainly secured by the election of Tay
lor, and the ascendancy of the Whig party. The
success of the Whigs will elT:ctually and cer
tainly prevent the extension of Slavery—the sin
gle idea of the Bernburners—as the election of Mr.
Van Buren, wke he is not to be trusted with a
single other Whig measure. He has been con•
tending Gor the destruction of the Whig party, with
the most unrelenting hostility, during his long poli.
Genf career, and the Barnburners of New York,
whose chosen leader he is, do not hesitate to avow
their irreversible hostility to Whig principles.
But even were any thing to be gained by the
election of Mr. Van Buren, more than by the sun
emus of General Taylor, which we deny, still the
support of the Buffalo nominations by individual
Whigs, in the absence of any correspondence of
action by the Whig party generally, would not se
cure the object sought for, but would help the enure
of slavery extension, and produce other lamenta
ble evils , by the election of Cass. This is especi.
ally true in Pennsylvania.
There is but one inset and safe course fur Whig,
to pursue—to vote for Taylor slid Fillmore. h will
be time enotigh4o distrust the Whig party on the
Free Soil question, when it proves recreant to its
high mission.
The Factory Question.
The Cotton Factories in Allegheny did not start
yesterday, as bid been announced; neither is our
local reporter entirely correct )11 saying that th.
proprietors bad resolved to suspend until spring.
We learn from a reliable source, that the proprie•
tors me assured by a large number oftheir hands,
that thef are anxious to resume work on the same
' terms as formally, and by the aheritr that he was
prepared promptly and efficiently In suppress any
demonstration of violence on the part of those
hostile to the peaceable effort. to start the nulls—
The owners, however, hod reasons to apprehend
a actions, if not sanguinary, conflict between the
authorities and those who would assemble it/ in
timidate the hands, and therefore resolved to anal
pond indefinitely, leaving the question of resump
tion to be settled by the future disposition of the
The proprietors being earnestly Ilaposed, if pos
sible, to remove such a state of things, and ha ring
constituted a committee fi,r conference with
, mammittee of the operatives, which they may
at a meeting exclusively of themselves, appoint
—the hope is entertained that peaceful coon.
oils-will prevail, and all pasties harmonize in pro.
mating an early resumption of business, and en
ultimate accomplishment of the ten hour reform, in
a manner that shall relieve the Pennsylvania mills
of its wilds burthen. We sincerely hope—for the
sake of the State at large—and for these cities, as
well mithe oyeratives and the employers, that this
dispOsition of entity may pervade every mind.
Since the stoppage of the mills, on the Ist ult.,
the wages of the suspended labor, and the daily
contingent out lay—would have reached an og.
gregate of some 535,000, which m ,t passage thro'
- the chanoels of trade would probably have repre
sented 5150,000. All this I 3 irretrievably lost to
the community, to say nothing of the privallon and
klt by many families thrown out of cm.
&Meet—the lass to the manufacturers by idle
capital, ..foregone profits, and custom estranged—
the injury to Pittsburgh, in the diversion from it of
bean' orders for some of its staple Labrice—end
the discredit which it suffers abroad, on account of
so-prolonged a L.P. in its ability to supply its or
dinary custom, resulting, as will be said, from a
prevalence among us of a spirit of opposition to
the laws--ell these considemlicne appeal ID until
&war ofm prompt and hannoutims adjustment of
these unfortunate difficulties.
Tux Remove LOOOFOCU Tsairr.--0,,, N . York
letter gives an account of the deplorable wo w
queues* of the Tariff of 1816, which ought to make
every Pennsylvanian pause, and look at the c 0 0„...
quences in the (wore, and ask himself if duty d oe .
ant require him to do all be can to avert the OA
storm of nun now lowering over the country, by
voting for men pledged to repeal the obnoxions
measure which is prodtiFiag so - much mischief—
We do not yet feet, in this section, so sensibly so
om the sea board, the disastrous workings of the Lo-
COZCO Tariff, but the rumblings of than approach is
heard in the falling price of pig metal, thd heavy
stocks of manufactured iron accumulating, the low
price of produce, which will be still lower, nnil the
iirdreasing stringency in the money market. Even
the =mess of Whig principles, by the electioaxd
Taylor and a Whig Congress, will not avert the
evil (or some eighteen montlutiar two years to
norm—hit bow much worse will it be to know
Certainly that the day of relief is put oft for six
years; by the election of Case The election of
General Taylor will inaptre confidence, and ren
deilthe remaining existence of the' Tariff of ISM
tetttlahlel . while the atccesw,WCase will involve
our`Mataifirotttring interests ip irretrievable ruin.
_ ;!.1
It would be a happy thing if some people in our
day could Ce brought to their serums as readily as
was the poor tailor of below. They then
nligkt same little good knile:Stiorlicer akkast
they wank! not do i:nuctiharm. We hive a good just now about our city, who have taken it
into the`Minth pall" of their heads that they. are
specially commissioned to make known the great
law," of human brotherhood. We find them in the
"market places; at the "corners of the elects," and
upon the "house tops,' declaring against monopo.
hes, denouncing the nch, and proclaiming univer
sal and unlimited right to all. They are wondrous .
wise. How can thy help feeling that they are in
,pwed of heaven, when they can see so plainly the ,
right of every idle, lacy loafer, to help himself to
the earnings of the hard working, industrious man!
Poor stole' They forget that they are only MM.
ling o very old and gunning lecturer; 'who has far
a great while been travelling about preaching the
male doctrines.
We have heard that once upon a time, he vial•
ted a very beautiful garden, where he found two
individuals,. who appeared to be very happy, and
in the enjoyment of earery blessing they could de
sire. But in some Way—perhaps he got upon a
lox, and made a speech—he pot into their bends
that the great one who owned the garden and em
ployed them, was a rich tyrant, and was depriving
them of their just rights. He based this charge
upon the circumstance that there was a certain
tree to the garden which they were not to meddle
with. This was outrageous tyranny --ti direct in.
terfrrence with thele,univernal rights, and they
ought not to submit to it. Well, the poor creatures
thought they saw a 'new light - -a direct "roves
lutton, - -and so they went straight off and plucked
sonic of the fruit of this tree, and ate it, and lo'
their eyes were immediately opened, and they saw
what naked fools they' were, and how completely
I they had been taken in, and from that day to
this, they have not ceased to curse that cuntiio
lecturer as the greatest impostor and humbug in
the world. Now in the mirror presented by this
little story, a gooil many people in our day may
see themselves if they will.
Dean Swift .and the Tailor.
A tailor in Dublin, near the, residence of the
Dean, took it into the "ninth part" of his head that
he was specially and divinely inspired to interpret
the prophecies, and especially the book of Reie
lationa Quitting the shop-board, he turned out a
preacher, or rather a prophet. until his customers
had len his shop, and his family were like to famish.
His monomania was well known to the Dean,
who benevolently watched fur an opportunity to
turn the current of his thoughts. Otte night the
'fluor, its lie Mimed, gut especial revelation to go
and convert Dean Swift, and next morning took
up the Imo of march to the deanery. The Dean,
whose study was furnished with a ea. door, saw
he tailor approach, and instantly surmised the mi.
titre 01 . hat errand. Throwing himself into an at.
made of solemnity and thoughthilnesci. with the
Bible opened before him, and his eyes fixed on
the 10th chapter of Revelations, he awaited his
approach. The door opened, and the tailor an.
nounced in an unearthly voice—
•. Dean Swift, I am tent by the Almighty to an
nounce to you—
"Come in, my friend," said the Dean, "I am i
great trouble, and no doubt the Lord has non
you to help me out it my diffieuhy."
This unexpected welcome inspired the Milo
and strengthened his assurance is his own p
layette character. and diiipased hint to listen to th
•94y Mend," maid the Dean ' "I have just been
reading the HIM chapter of Revelations, and I
am greatly distressed at a difficulty I have met
with. and you are the very man sent to help
me oat. Here is an account of an angel that'
came down from heaven, who large that
he placed one Del on the earth and h Oed up his
hands to heaven. !Cow my knowledge of Melba ,
mattes," continued the Dean, -has enabled me to
calculate exactly the size and form of this angel,
but I am in great ditriculty, for I wish to ascertain
now leech cloth ht will taro to make him a pair
of breeches, and as that Is exactly in your line of
business, I have no dotibt the I..)rd has sent you
to show me."
The exprositian • conic like on electric shock to
the poor tailor. He rushed from the house, ran to
his shop, end a sudden revulsion of thought and
feeling came over him. Making breeches was ex.
tmtly m his line of business. Ile returned to his
occupation, thoroughly cured of his prophencal
revelation by the wit of the Dean."
From Now Turk.
Correspondenc e of the Pittsburgh Gessue
New Toes. August 12, ISt'.
The we Just closed will he long remembered
by the manufacture,. of woolen good., who Live
seen thousands swept off by a fund mile at auc
tion, of their stool.. Three large sales have been
made, composing the goods of the best factories in
New York and New England, and in no case did
a single yard realise cost. The predictions of the
friends of protection have been more than maimed
by the operations of the tariff of 18113. and its effects
are room disastrous than the community dansAti
contemplate. The Middlesex Mills at Lowell have,
reduced their machinery to one quarter, the Salle.
bury Co. to one bah: nod a large number of small
Its have ceased altogether. The cotton spinners
ere no better oil The - James the best iu
Amerion, with cotton finly per rent cheaper than
last year, has stopped "to repair," anffShe hirgsk
mills at Newport gopped entirely. The cauna of
this ruin is to be found in the aweidal attraction of
the tariff, which has exposed, as to the competition
of paupers, and given us the alternative of work
ing for half our old rates, or of leaving Our shops
entirely. The reduction of duties has been as fol
Tarifforl C. Tariff of '42.
Cassinaeres, 30 per cent. 40 per cent
:Colored Cottons, '23 4312 u
Uncolored u 25 45.25 -•
thread, 25 45.26, "
Baines, 25“ 43.53
What has been the effect of••the removal of pros
lemma ? an increase in one year of one' hundred
per cam in the imports of cottons and woolen's, as
the document, will show. In ISIS we imported
62,516 packages, in 15.16, 69,695, an amount within
our flacons of payment, but no sooner was the tar
id removed. than the imports; increased and run
up to 130,104 packages in a single year. Who
cannot see that our workmen mast remain idle
until this vast influx has been Consumed. Another
cause, and a prominent one in,running oar man.
factories, is in the fact, that we pay a high duty on
' raw materials, drugs, dyes, &c., that is not paid by
the English manufacturers who drive us from the
field. Twenty six abuses Of articles 'entering
largely into our cotton and woolen goods pay 25
per neat in New York and are . admitted to Liver.
pool free. Seventeen classes pay 10 per cent, and
twelve classes pay 5 per cent. This duty is a dia_
eriminating tax against our home industry, and is
so much in favor of English ldoms and spina.;
but we have‘not seen the end yet. We have no
hope from the present Congress and the one to
to be elected cannot reach the matter until De.
.ember 1`49, by which time many, a spindle that
now hums hustly,,and many a furnace that burns
brightly, will have been silenced and gone out,leav
mg the laborer time to reflect upon the policy
which has ruined hint.
Money upon particular securities, has grown a
little easier and can be had on call at 6 per cent,
but four and six months paper still sells at lelper
cent a month. The market is flooded Wilt New
England paper, made by borrowers so urgent than
nu y price is paid. Paper as good as A. St A. Law
rence St Co, has sold at the highest rate. Capital.
Out are very sensitive and prefer to keep their
money where it can be controlled at once. The
export of coin is temporarily checked, but still eon.
lidence does not exist. Failures occur often and
though not large singly, Ore disastrous to Individ.
tints Freights remain at the lowest point, and not
one cargo out of a hundred now afloat .in Amen
can ships will pay the owner a profit over the wear
and tear of his ship.
The result of the Butralo Convention has been
highly satisfactory, fur the iasue is now narrowed
down to a point none can mistake. The fastidu
Whigs can now choose between an hottest m
who will, leave the people, through Congress, to
decide the great question of free territory, and one
who never steal by the question of freedom, but
its President gave his whole influence against it.
The nomination of Van Buren will be the death
Wow to Cass here; and the ' Barnburner' ticket in
November will beat the Baltimore Convention
ticket out of night
The continued hot weather, the absence of thou
sands from the City, added to the approach of the
steamer, has caused a dullness in undo not often
seen. Indeed the trade of the city w duller at the
present time than for the corresponding period
seven years. Merchants do not pay promptly, but
ask extensions, and buy small stocks. Thin mm.
plaint is not made of Southern men alone, but of
the New York State trade, usually the hest.
An attempt was made a day or two since to ar
rest a man named Edwin Haywood, ilarged with
obtaining goods under Gibe preterites from Hump.
ton, Smith & Co., of Pittaburgh, to the amount of
82,500. The prisoner was discharged on the tots
lowing ground.,
let. That the allidavit on which the warrant was
issued was defective, not showing positively that
the alleged enure was committed in the State of
Peunsylvanut. 2d. In not showing ihnt the pri.
goner had fled from that State; that an inference
might he drawn from the affidavit (mode by Mr.
Smith! and from the residence of the parties
agrieved, that the crime was committed in Penn-
ylvania, and that the accused fled from there, int
13 only to be derived from inference, and- that i
.t sufficient to Gmnd jumahmion In the officer.
tut be alleged positively.
On the decision being announced, the complain
ants iiresented to the Judge further affidavits, in
which they Ist, that he should hold the
prisoner under the habeas corpus am, on the ground
that a sufficient caw within the statute was there
shown: and, 2ndly, called upon him to citunizin the
prisoner for examination, as a magistrate having
criminal jurisdiction. The judge declined to inter
fore—l st, because under the hahe-as corpus act the
new proof should be presented at the hearing, and
that closed on Tuesday, and it is too late.
Stocks have rallied to day, and Treasury Notes
close at 101 i other kinds of stocks are hi er, and
there is a gool deal of firmness at the with
more sellers than buyers.
The first ahip of K. K. Collins - es Co.'s line of
steam packets was launched to day, and looks as
.gruceful and elegant as could be desired. She has
been bulk with little regard to expense, aila will
e the Cunard Boats work kir their laurels and
piatengens Already the ctorent of ttade bre been
turned' towards Atterican ships, and'anothei year
or two o tsrell see ,
es,,as 4u ahead of" John Bull in
.struneis ;IS we now are in railing slap& (1-
Cleans nine' in Gensireses.
We select hem the Washington eofrellPand.nce
of the Baltimore Patriot, the. Sslkosieg account of
t fk ; .elosirlt; in Congress, ,O they
hietere , v -...wOptittiy mail:
Wesulearoa, Aug. 10.
- 32eilareale eitigeitemeat to bo Houses of
Congress, 'no-day, 'km been very great—very
The debate in the Senate on the Oregon bill
and the Wilmot Proviso, has called ont Messrs.
Webster, Calhoun, Reverdy Johnson and Berrien,
in the best spectatens of their great oratorical
The Senate Chamber, at the Moment lam pen
ning thin, (half Fast . eight,
i, P. M.,) presents one of
the most gorgeous and brilliant scenes I ever he.
held. The great gas ebandalier, with its twenty
thousand lighted jets, aheds an indesenlably rich,
mellow golden light, upon the damask velvet li
nings of the galleries, and the crowd of males
and females who
1l these galleries, and upon
the grave and mighty Senators below them, who
are deli
decide a gueatioit destined, if not 1.00 dem. ,
ded, to shake this Union to its very centre'
In the House, a variety of business has been
transacted. I have 0111 t, amid "the noise and con s
fusion" 'going 00 in !the House while I write, to
enumerate only an item or two.
A-resolution passed, extending the customary
5250 extra Compensation to the following officers
of the House: the Chaplain, the,
the Doorkeeper stud the Postmaster, and also the
customary extra compensation to the workmen in
the lidding room.
The House consumed the greater part of thus
session in the consideration, in committee and
out of committee, of a large number of amend
mews to the Civil. and Diplomatic Bill At half
past nine o'clock to-night the bill woe laid aside
until to-morrow, and bills from the Senate were
taken up and acted an.
At ten minutes past ten o'clock the House ad
The Senate tr.aight amended the Missouri
Compromise, so as to run it clear through to the
Pacific Ocean, and then passed it by twelve ma
iority. The impression is that the House will ni
p,' it. A scene of uncommon excitement is nu.
Weattnarron, Aug 11, ISIS.
The Senate was engaged most of the day on
the Post Office Appropriation Bill.
The Rouse went through with avast deal of
buaineas. It defeated the Georgia and Alabama
Rail Road bill, granting public load in aid of a
Railroad, in which those States and Mississippi
and Florida are altercated.
The Oregon Bill, with the Senate's amend
ments, was taken up tar action. A most peroep.
tibia sensation pervaded the Ka A call of the
Houae was demand.] and had. Is was band that
197 members were present.
The veto power, giyen to the Territorial Gover
nor, by the .Senate, was sumken out.
Then came the great amendment, the Missouri
Compromise. The vote on agreeing to it, staal,
yeas S 2, nays 121.
The majority agamitt it was "tarty save one." —
Among those who voted to sm4ain it, were lour
members from Northern Staten, to wit • I limits J.
Ingersoll, Charles Brown and Richard Brodhead,
of Pennsylvania, and Althorn Birdsall, of New
The House took up and passed the River and
Harbor bill, by a vote MHS yeas to 62 nays- Al
most a two-third vote.
The Army Appropriation bill, with the emend
meats made by the Senate, was token up in coins
mince of the whole, (Gen. Chapman in the Chair;
for consideration. Mr. Botts, chairman of the con,
mance on Military Alfaini mode some forcible re
marks in support of the Senate's amendment to
increase the personnel of the army beyond the max
imum of the House which is 9,060. That is, that
each company is the dfteen regiments shall have
44 men, with the discretion resting with the Ex
ecutive to transfer or increase, as may be deemed
expedient, to any extent, provided the personnel
does not exceed 9,060.
Mr. Toombs made a sift - speech of unsurpassed
power, agents* the increase proposed by the Senate
andlin favor of actual, hona Jicle, retrenchment and
reform is the expenditures of the General Govern.
meat. His speech was listened to with marked
attention, and contained honsecrtalit, which ought
to be remembered by the modern &aux-rata who
profess economy, but practice extravagance, to the
last days of their lives..
The Senate's amendments were not agreed to.
The committee rose and reported accordingly, and
the House sanctioned the report.
The House took up the bill from the Senate, to
settle the boundary line between the United States
and Mexico, and, after refusing to lay it on the ta
ble, referred it to the Committee on Foreign Rein
It then took up the bill granting public lands to
the State of Michigan, for the purpose of construct.
ing a rail mad, and paned the same.
Mr. Gayle moved to reconsider the voter poss.
ing said bill. in order to move an an ore-oilmen:
!hetet° the !all granting lands tor n radrono through
Georgia and Alabama. He made some among re
marks against Northern gentleman, who would
vote lands to a Northern rail road and refuse them
to n Southern rail road.
The Speaker declared such an amendment
would not 14:in order.
Mr. Gayle thereupon withdrew, and Mr. Mc
.(2lelland renewed, thontotion to reconsider. The
motion was carried.
A debate now arose-, In which Messrs. Stewart,
of Michigan, King, of Georgia, McClelland, Hal
hard, Henley, Eris, of Maryland- and others, per.
Mr. Stewart repelled' he charge of Goy. Gayle,
that Northern, members had killed the Southern
rail road bill. He and it had been killed by Sou
thern men.
Mr. Hilliard replied warmly, and after showing'
that the Southern bill rejected and the Northern bill
:posed were precisely ahke, made such coinnieuts
as the circuunitanc prevented to tun mind.
Mr. Gayle Mode some very hard hits at the op
ponents of the Southern bill, and several Omen
convulsed the House with laughter.
Mr. Bowdon, in reply to his colleague, Governor
Gayle, explained the grciund open which he acted
In voting against the Georgia and Alabama hill.
The debate over,
a motion was made to lay the
Northern bill on the ale—which was decided by
yeas and nays, in the affirmative—yeas. SI: nays,
77. So the bill was rejected. Both bills killed.
The news of the action of the Buffalo Convert.
lion, received here by telegraph to day, seems to
have had its influence, as evinced by the vote
the House, this evening, On the ComprOmise qua
A few days ago the offimal orgon was grinding
out peansof praise to the Sonora TWENTY ONE
Northern 'Democrats,' who a band of unsha.
ken, unternhe . incorruptable patriots, stood
ty up and voted for the Clayton Compromise!—
inn, where are they , Echo answers, where , All
but four goae—left the platform and gone over
board They ' have heard that Martin Van Buren,
their old idol, has been nominated fur the Preside.
ey by the Buffalo Convention' What shad
ows some people are, and what shadows they
pursue! •
• Four of the unterrified yet remain—and one
more—Mr. Richardson. of Illinois, authorizes me
to say that he to for the Missouiri Comprommu, and
would have voted for it to day, d' he had not pair
ed off with a Whig member.
Mr. Holmes, of South Carolina, facetiously pro
posed this evening in the lobbies of the House, that
Southern members should give a public dinner to
thefour uunterritied democrats . ' in question—and
to do it rerni 3 Or they might have no guests' If 21
could be cut down to for in ten days, how for oil
could the dinner he put with a certainty of having
ea oafs of - the 4as a cleat
ouicians cypher up the answer
The Senate tosday released Dr. Houston co.
his Contract torert and publish the proceedings
of that body. He was allowed 52500 to release
the contract for the next short session. Many com
pliments were paid by Senitorsto Dr. Houston and
his talented assistant's, Messrs. Fowler and Prevu t
for their promptitude, ability and industry, as well
as the fidelity of their report. The only drawback
to the amassment was the lack of a InettWen for
the daily publicanon of said proceedings and de.
' bates on the morning after their occurrence. The
Senate hat passed a resolution for the proceeduas
and debates to be published hereafter in the Intent.
veneer and the Union.
WASHINGTON, Saturday, Aug. 12.
the Senate, the chief subject of deliberation
ras the Oregon bill; mad debate was commenced
in that subject nut o'clock, A. it., and, with slight
ntermissiona was continued, with great spirit, till
10 o'clock, F. a t „ at which time Mr. Johnson, of
Georgia was speaking. The motion pending was
Mr. Beacon's, that the Senate recede from the Sen.
ate amendments to the Oregon MI The Senate
Chamber and lobbies were thronged. 'and there
was no prospect of a speedy termination of the
Messrs Benton, Berrien, Calhoun, Bell, Turney,
Butler, Houston, Webster, Yale.° and Johnston,
took part in the debate. In the course of his re
marks, Mr. Webster said:
"He was not willing to extend the area of sla.
very, or to increase the Wave representation in the
other House. He thought enough had been yield
ed when twenty representativea from the slave
States, elected by three-410h. were in the House
of Representative. When the constitution was
adopted, no one looked ter any accession of new
States. Looking to the new eircurnstances--the
acquisition oleo much new territory—he thought it
his duty to take his stand, and to say that he would
never vote to extend the area of slavery."
The debate continued, as we learn by telegraph.
until Sunday morning, when Mr. Benton , o amend.
meat to recede, was adopted, by a vote of 22 to
25. The hill then went to the President as it came
from the }thine, with the Ordinance of 17717 at
tached, and is now a law.
In the House, the report of the committee of con.
Terence touching the disagreeing vote betwixt the
two Houses upon amendments to the civil and dip.
lomatic bill Was concurred ia,
The Senate !amendments to the post route bill
were disagreed to, excepting such ea pertain strict.
ly to the carrying service.
The Senate bill granting right of way and a do
nation of land to the State of Illinois, Aar the con
struction of a rail road to connect the waters of the
Upper and Lower Mississippi With Lake Michigan
at Chicago, was rejected—yeah '74; days 'PI.
Cee.a-"--The report raised by, way of Key IVest
and Pensacola, of an insurrection in Havana, and
the loss of five hundred lives, proves to have been
entirely unfounded. It is said that the whole island
is perfectly tranquil, and has been so since the flight
ofGen-Lopez. It was szipposed his brusher r . conspir-
Mors who had been anesta would be released with
out trial. A 8 slaver, With six hundred nes
i °
botrfrom the coast of Africa, had been
rosTght ' :o Havant
Compo — ndents mpg have patience. We will
lateral to 4tem a lasi at our room will allow.
Th• Pirsuaaylvanta Rail Road.
The submined correspondence between our
County Board saddle Directorial the Pe nnsyl min
RA Road Company, will be reed .with great sari_
faction by our citizens. It informs us of a final
dose of the subscription by the Commissioneers
of Allagbeny County to the StioCk of the Pennsd.
vania Rail goal, and the formal acceptance by the
Company orate teams.
The bonds will be issued about the let of Ico.
irsuCt Qr rua Countssamosts or
Tothe PresAttazonterx Comers', June 4. I 345. j
ident and Directors eau Ponoxy!myna
Rail Read Company.
G es - rmmi--Conmec e d of the importrince of the
;Teat and interesting internal tmprovement, in the
u resecution of which you are at present so zealo
t engaged, we have taken into our serious and
anxious consideration the proposal of a corporate
subscription by the County of Allegheny to the
na p' s
Catal Stock of your Company; and having adopted
rse which struck us an the most proper
and expedient to obtain on expression of the opinion
and sentiments of our fellow citizens upon this
question. so deeply involving the prospentyof out
immediate community, as well as the travel, trader
commence and business of our entire State, we
have resolved to make the conditional subscription
of twenty thousand shares of the Stock of your
Company; im the following form—
'Tor the County of Allegheny, la the Common.
wealth ofPetinsylvania, TWENTY THOI.7SAND
(Signed by the Commissioners of Allegheny co)
tided Whe n we shall receive at this aloe een
your corporate seal and the signatures
of your President nod Secretary, of resolutions by
your board in conformity to and carrying out the
conditions and views expressed by the Rail Road
convention, assembled in Pittsburg on the 3lst ult..
we shall then immediately proceed and complete
corporate subscription by issuing our bonds or cer
tilicates, and performing whatsoever other duties
may be required at our hands by the provisions of
the supplemental law of the 27th of March, I SIS.
In order to avoid any omission and to obviate
any misapprehension, we beg leave to indicate
to you that these resolutions must sbow
Ist That you have accepted as part of your
Charter the Supplementary Act of Assembly, op.
proved the 27th day of March, ISIS.
2d. That the lainds or certificates to be idby
the County of Allegheny will be accepted issue n pay
ment of the stock subscribed by the County, and
that six per cent, interest will i.e paid semi-mine,
ally to the County as Stockholder, under the reg.
ulations @dented by the Company on the 14th of
April, 1645, but so as to meet and be siniultaneou.
with the interest payable tin the bonds or certi&
eates of the County of Allegimay.
11. That your Company will pay the nix per rent
interest ou Coutity bonds 'Sr certificates. as above
mentioned, until your Rail Road shall be rumple
ted. and afterwards will imply towards the same
their proportion of the pecans and:dividendson the
said Road fur the purpiwe ul linieninirying the corm
ly of Allegheny.
4th. That the ',m.,* of the said Rail Road shall
be permanently and finally established within the
City of Pittsburgh,
fuh. That the amount of the corporate subscrip.
lion made by the County of Allegheny, together
with the additional out,, of one million of dollars,
shall he expended by your Company in the con
struction of your Rail Road from Pittsburgh east
ward to the Allegheny mountains.
It may be proper for us to say, that the Wads or
certificates in payment of the Stock will be issued
in specific sums, payable in thirty years after the
date of issue, with rtropons, or cern Linden of inti-re.t,
for the mutual eon venience of the County of Alle
gheny and the holders of the bonds.
We are, gentlemen, your Mist servants,
JOHN WDOWELL, Commissioners
Philadelphia. June 2D, Dsb.S.
At a meet= of the Board of Director+ of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, arid this day,
the following resolutions were adot led
Remised, That the President be and is hereby
authorized to assure the commissioners of Alleghe
ny chump. in contbrmity with the reqiusitions con ,
Mined in their letter to the President and Directors
ofthe Pennsylvania Railroad Company, dated the
4th day of June. I ut,.
_ .
Farm. That the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
did on 613 14th day of April. ISIS, at a meeting of
the stockholdera held on that day, accept as n part
of the charter of said company. the supplemental
act of Assembly, approved the 27th day of,
I S.
:wand, That the bonds or irtilicates to be is,
ed by the county of Allegheny. as described in
said letter, to wit "Roads or certificates to be issu
ed In specc amounts,"payable in thirty years after
dente ot lamue %van coupons or exrtifientes of
atta-bed, pictiging in addition to the legal 01,1,-
gill:••ns it the county, the sunk m the Peniisylva.
nut Railroad Company subsenbeil tor by said coun
ty. together welt the interest, eartiouts and divi.
dends of said stock for the payment of the lutenist
on stud Fonds and final payment of the principal,'
trill be accepted in payment of h e stock aubscnbed
by theaeounty, and that 6 pet cent per annum will
,be paid semi annually to the county as stockhol.
den, under the reguhttious adopted by the compile ,
ny, on the 2Ath of Marbh, lAta, so as to meet bud
be simu:taneous with the interest, payable on the
bonds or certificates of the county of Allegheny.
Third- That the company will pay the six per
cent interest before mentioned Until the said road
shall be finished, and afterwards apply to the pay.
ment on the said county bonds their proportion of
the profits and dividends in said stock.
Rural, That the terminus of the Pennsytradin
railroad shall be and hereby is permanently and
finally established within the city of Pittsburgh.
Fifa, That the amount the cot porote sub.
sanption by the county of Allegheny, with the ad
&norm! MID of one million of dollars shall be es.
pended in the commuction of the Pennaylvnnin
railroad from Pittaborgh eastwardly to the Allegbe
ny mountains.
Extract Crum the minute,
S. V. MERRICK, President.
Fri/L-r, Secretary.
e Kentucky Itunawnys.
The numerical strength of the recent stampede
seems not lobe known by our Kentucky neighbors.
The Mecrepanmes in the number of slaves said to
have run away, according to the statements of
different papers, are so great, that the whole matter
has probably been exaggerated.
A telegraphic dispatch was received in Lexing
ton on Tuesday, from Paris, to the effect that five
of the escaped negroes and one white man had.
been taken near Cynthiana, and lodged in joiL—
The Observer says.
"The information farther is, that the whole coon.
try in that direction was aroused, and that no doubt
was entertained that the whole at the negroes
would be taken."
Another dispatch, rereisied at '7 &clock Tuesday
evening. mentioned the arrival in Paris from Cyn
thiana, of Mr. Donner, who stated that when he
left ax or seven more of the slaves had been ar
rested. e
A pnvate dispatch was received at Louisville
front Lexington AVednearray evening, which elated
that the excitement wax increasing, and that an
armed expedition was stating (rain the city fur
Harrison county.
A.postactmt in the Maysville Herald of Wednes
day afternoon says. , “Wri learn that a company
of men from Harrison county under the lead of
General Deatra of that county, had arrived at Ger.
mantown in this county in pursuit orate ntnaway•
and reported them as encamped on a ridge near
that place.
Lei Loeolbeon.
Sr. Loins, Aug. 14.
Dreadful Arcidrrd—Flue Co&tined—ifty Lscri
Lust, Dock Parrrogors, bender a number of her.
At an waly hour yesterday morning, the flue o
A boiler of the steamer Edward Bates, (n new boat,
built at Cincinnati and owned in St. Louial oaf.
lapsed near Hamburg, Illinois, killing fifty deck
passengers and Come of the crew Several per.
*one were wounded, who were brought to this
place. The dead were buried at Hamburg.—Jon,
Local Affairs.
A covairrrce of the Factory owners fell pater,
day for Western Virginia, to examine sites fur the
purpose of building up a manufacturing town.
This project is sincerely entertained by all the
proprietors, and by some of them very enthusfasti.
cally. We learn also, on good authority, that a
cotton manufacturer in the eastern part of the
State, who visited this city a fow days back, has
agreed to late 5100,000 stock in this town, and to
erekt a huge cotton mill. The danger that Penns
Sylvania will entirely lose this branch of manufacs
tare, for which she is well adapted, is imminent.
Three sites are offered the company, all between
Wellsville and Wheeling, in Virginia.
Ora information thnt the cotton proprietor. had
resolved to suspend until next spring, was not true
to that extent. The suspension in indefinite-- or
nutter the resolution to go to work yesterday was
mounded; and there is no prttuthility that nay cc.
Lion will he taken on the part of the proprietor. at
any early day.
Doctors Irwin and Dilworth, accompanied by
the Coroner and several , other persons, visited ye•
terdoy idle/moon, the graveyard where the remains
of Allen were deposited, kir the purpose of disin
terring the body and re-examining the wound; in or.
der to determine with certainty the extent; bat on
opening the coffin, it was found that decomposition
hod proceeded so far as to render an examination
impracticable, although the_body had been interred
but three days. We never witnessed so loathsome
a sight.
Marrarr, the areuchman, having, as was stated
yesterday, been brought before Judge Jones, on a
habeas corpus. was released on $3OOO bail He
procured the bail at once, without difficulty.
lasnann.—A provisional meeting to adopt e cons
striation and take all proper measures to kma an
association to aid the patriots of Irgjand In their
efforts to throw off the British Yoke, will be held
at the Oregon House this (Wednesday; evening, at
half past seven O'clock. 'All the friend* 'of Ire.
land arid of civil liberty are desired to attend.
...... , '^+cox c :... "PSS'sSl'l: ~ .... { -
Oorr•spoansae• of Plttiburgh- 0"e5144
Clestatg Seenee to the Benaitte—Appotnt
mierats—A Challenge.
Wastecorron,.fing. 15, Hit&
The last act of the Senate the the confirmation
of the Howse. Mr. Burnett, Attorney Genera 4 or
Chief Judge of the new Territory of Oregon, e9d
iusothatea, !deur*. Bryant, of Indiana, and Tur ,
lacy of Illinois.
The subject under discussion in the Se tate.
which caused the rupture between Senators But
, ler and Benton, was in rerence to a series of res..
°lotions which appeared in the New York Herald,
some days since, supposed to be from the pen of
Mr. Benton, reflecting severely Upon the character
of Gen. Kenney. Mr. Butler denounced mid re
wltnions, and said they were "dishonorable.' To
which Mr. Benton replied, "if the gentleman from
S'Juth Carolina called the proceedings dishonorable,
he/would cram the lie down hie throat"
This remark of Col. Bentoirs drew from Mr.
Butler a challenge.
The Municipal authonties had both gentlemeu
arrested and bound to keep the peace.
Cheering News—North Carolina Elec.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 15, 1if.15.
Auer both parties having claimed and given up
this state, it is now ascertained, beyond doubt,that
Manly the Whig candidate is elm:lft! Governor.—
In the Senate the Whigs have two of a majority,
and the House of Delegates is equally divided.—
A Whig L'aited Staten Senator is certain.
orrexpondence of the Putttbutgli Gazt-tte
PulLxnal.PnU, Aug. 15, I hi h..
Since the promulgation of the steamer's news in
our city, the Irish population are busily engaged
in making collections and otherwise preparing to
aid their fnenda in Ireland. It Is expected by ma..
ny of the learned of that nation here, that this re,
(AMIE/nary 1110Vrtlient to that country• will either
liberate them or sink them deeper into bondage.
Quite an anxiety awaits the arrival of the next
steamer. Her new, will, doubtless, be of the most
important character, and will tell tin of the future
fate of that unhappy country.
Our market Is mute fins, in consequence of the
Increase in pr'ms of breadstuff's in Europe. Sal.
of Flour this morning et $5,15, nod •km motpenur
brands $5,25. l i e latter was fur bakers use.
Oraln—Sales of prune new when Wheat at
105 c, and Red at 101kislu2c per Web. Corn—
Sales at flic Ibr Yellow.—We are without transaelluns 10 any
extent and Nair, of small lota are made at la.l
week's quotation, Lard—Sales at ;le. per lb. it
hbla, and btabl m keg,
Carrevotstlenre of the POtaburgh Gott:,
Pot t.rimoas, Aug. 15, 1515.
Our city Is tilled with all sorts of tumors in rota•
don to the unkwtunate affair between Senators
Butler and Benton.
Our market for Floor is firm, nod prices nre in
o ndeanciug state.
Flour—iaien to day for Howard street at $1.57:,
nil Lay Mills is held at wotboutpurchasers.
brain—The holders demand as advance, which
s refused by millers. The lest weeks prices may
se a Is, data fur the proses. Corn--Sale s of while
leirelbe end Yellow at :Per. per hush.
The foreign news has not produced any armies
de or marked change upon our markets. Itreads
tutrs are held up, but there seetnOto disposition
.n the part of buyers to yield.
Corresponarne r of the Pittsburgh
Ytrw YORL Aug. 15, INIS.
The Steamer's nears has produced firmness in
our market, so for as bread stiffs are concerned.—
The holders of dour am holding at $5 45 to $5.50
for Genesser; nod Ohio has broeght freely, to day,
-S 5 121 per barrel.
Corn Meal --Sales at $3 14a$3 lb per Lbl, and
tt is held by some at $1 25.
Rye Fluor—So/es at $4 per bbl.
Gmin—f....:ales of Western Wheat at 103 to IOSe
per bushel. Corn--Sales of yellow at 6S, and
mixed at fele per bushel
In Provismins, but little is doing, and prices range
the same as before the European adviees. Lard
is firm at if to 8 eta per lb.
Ifpon the whole, the Steamer's news has had no
effect upon oar marketi, only In the Flour and In.
than Meal, and Curn. These articles have slightly
advanced; but they remain in toe holders hands a
Correspondence of the Patithergn (Laren,
Commasn., Aug. 15,1545.
Tramsactions in Flour have been hunted for
some days paw. The arrivals both by land nod
water ore limited Moderate sales of superior
brands - at 53,35pe? bbl, and bar common grades Me
t44,ealt figure that canto °brained 1. $3,50.
PrOVISIOII.--We can learn of no transactions on
which to rely fur (IMAM lolls. Small sales to city
trade of limos, l cur, Shoulder, 31, and Sides 4 to
41. Other articles under this head remain Grin
and unchanged.
Corn--Sales to day are limited. The news of
the steamer halt caused bolder, to rental. firm
and acme look kir an advance. We heat °fantail
sales from wagons at 30 cis far prime Yellow. One
lot brought 32 eta per bush.
The dry and Lot weather is decreasing the ma,
ter in the river.
There are a goadlynomber of stranger+ arnviag
Gme the West, en route G.. the East.
On the morntng of the 16th roar„ in the 734 year of
her 68V, Mr. kuz.eerg CIICMPTOIC
tier tones! rein take ftlaec on afternoon.
at 3 oelock, from her lam residepee, comer of Colwell
and Henry street., to proceed to the Allegheny Crne.
A' virtue ot • writ of n
Veditions EXlionne, mincd
moo( the Dotrict Court of Allegheny county, and
rte directed , will be exposed to sale •t the Court
' House to the coy of Pittsburgh. on Saturday the rah
day of September, A. LI II:48, at 10 o'clock, A. A/ , the
followthg described printer es operly, to wit
AU Its right, title, t and claim of George 51
Evans, of, to and to that certain tract or parcel at
land situate on Chortler* Creek. containing 21 acres
and BD perches and Ilk links, part thereof situate in
sO_ Clot, township, benndml as follows: Dertnoing rat
stones; thence north 421 west 31 perches to • post on
the creek branch. thence by Scully's other laud and
by ...mart north 64 east -Zs 2 , 114 perches to the begin.
Ring cannoning Eve acres, including del perc h .. of the
creek, brute the same which John Scully and wife,
by deed dated April 90th, 1845, recorded to book 2,0.,
page 61, conveyed to George M Evans. Artother part
thereof bounded and dr-scribed as fuilowin Begintutig
rat a gate post, titmice south 64 deg west 11 perches to
a Pont, thence extending on same line 4 perches into
the channel a a creek. thence down said to •
thence 4 perches to a post on the book of the creek,
1111.1 thence worth ON earl IV
b e au perches to the gate
port aforesaid contenting 81 perches, strict measure,
being part larger tract mimed by patent, March 9,
1792, to Edward Handy, 11.11 d which by virtue of a deea
(Vote John S Scully and wife, recorded in book 3, E.
page 3, became vested !elk., :11 Evans. Another port
of said tract bounded and destortlied as follows: Bego t .
lung at a Mark oak in Robinson township; th ence
south 88 east perches 6 links by land of Robs Ilald•
to a Moue; thence N.M. to perches by laid of
Baldwin Murphy, into Chanters creek to a Stake;
thence by the several mmrsea of said creek 4M perches
U het,. toe locust; thenee by landk of Rohl M'erty,
Wait piths to hickory thence all the following cour
ses by hied of said 1,, 'Coy to the beginning: Ist, S. w 23.,
13 per Ches, S. 11, W. 8 perches; S. 8, W. It perrhest
9 la, E 5 perches, S. 3, E. et perches; S. 9, E. perch
es; S. 4E. II perches; S. 17, E. 8, 124 Itnka; S. l 14 tl
perches; 8. 40, E. 9 perches; S. 44. E. 3 perches, 96 to
• black oak. the piece of beginning. canto/tong 1U
acres, perchea IUI links, with the allowanee, being
the same whtch Hold 51`Goy, by deed dated Oct 11, I ea.4l,
recorded in Book V, 0, page 139, conveyed to George
Room; said tract of land having erected thereon •
dwelling house, stable andother buildings. Seized and
taken in e;rcution no the property of Co-orge hl Evert,
at the sun of Sarah T Evans, mid to be sold by
Shand'. Office, A0g.12,1848. -
- —•- _
Exec agave Sale.
WILL LM sold at public vale, on Thursday, the mot
day el October nest, on the pretnimm, all or Ilia t
barn or tenet of land, late the property of Dewy Shoot,
decd, minute on the water, of Plum Creek, la Willi..
ones from Pittsburgh. Said tract von
tame about hundred sad fifty-five aeres, and al
lowanee—about ninety acre, cleared, woodland aplen
dldly limbered, and the whole well watered. The tm
provernems . are, two Log Dwelling Douses, double
Barn, Spring House and other outhouses, Orchard, he
Thin properly to convenient to a grist and saw mill. It
will be sold altogether or separate, to tun purchasers.
tmeit—One nalf cash, and the balance in three
al annual payments, with interest. For further
eulara, inquire of miller of the undersigned.
fiEmItGE Rat3E, Plum tottinshtp, i
CbiltillVELY, Wilkins
EW WDRlSS.—Vattity Fate, a novel without •
Hera: by William hialtepeace Thaekery—wlth
I/attain by the author.
The Taunt of Wildfell Hall: by Acton Dell, author
of “Wuthering Height."
The Young Schoolmistresa: by Joseph Alden, D. D.
Part 6, of ilarpera' Illustrated edition of the Arabian
Nights' Entertainments. New tranalmion, arranged
for family reading, with explanatory notes: by E. W.
L.e, Esq.
Looting Logarithms—Tables of Logarithms of num•
bees and awns and Tangent% for every 1,1 geettntla
tee Quailranti with other useftil table.: by Elias Loomis,
A. , Prof lathe mattes and Natural Pinlosophy in
.the University of New York, author of n "Treatise on
Alvebra,^ lir. tee
The above work. received thie day and for kale by
engin Lksikeellers, coo market and 3d no
Chronicle, Pool, Journal and &mertean copy.
rpfiREE hutls and NI. Female Teacher; at Wanes
1 of IMO to ilbboti, wanted for Na several public
Schools in the Fourth Ward of Allegheny, which it to
intended to open on the lit of October. Applications
in writing, aildreaaed to the ciodervigned, loath he revel.
veal by him, or by T Elliot, 'of wham further
information may be obtained,' until hfooday the ith
day of Paptember proximo, at V o'clock, P. hi, when
the eaanvontliinii will be bad nod the Teachere select.
ed .14NI1 i ROWERS, ?reel of lii , eiora
Al/eglwitA . A a. 17 , loam.aualo-.11
VIAL PALE—A Family llots;,li y;:ii T ;Wd,
rd all round, imitable tor suthile or buggy—so buret
that a child call handle him. For sale by
1.1.• Pa
- --•
SULPIIUR--5 bras Just re 'd sad for sale
ear In and Wood ats
I. l7 .,Eit's'uNE — "ykAir=i&o,rizo"
IaiIaIO9PIIORUS-40 lbsistree'd and for sale by
SPEBE k MURUAN, may be ednsulted at
their office to Penn Street, Corner of Irwin's alley.
To Engineers, Machinists Sad Others.
LIE Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company de
tigh to have built,
Steam Pump
Lebo( their Canal, a &mon Pump, or waft 3 1.-
ekiarrY, capable of Hung tram the Canal at at:fetes..
non of sLeteen feet frora Broad Creek. In the best man
ner as regarthilhflaciency sad economy, two hundred
thousand cultic feet of water per hour.
The CO:vasty invite Engineers, Machinists, and oth. ,
en to otter plans for the above work, to be as-compae
!tied with drawings and deseripdons, and 'estimates of
the daily rest of inel and attendance; they will also re
ceive from such persons Proposals for building and
biting op the Machinery, if desirable to the Party fur
nishing the plans respectively orrered.
The plans to be delivered at the office of the Comp,
ny, under seal, before the second day of October next,
at which time they will be opened and lodged of by the
Hoard of Directors.. follow. viz
For the plan which may be adjudged of a. best, a I
premium of three hundred dollars wdi be pool.
For the next best plan a premium of two hundred
dollars, and for any others which the Company may
choose to remitn, one hundred dollars each. The (Yon.-
pony will return, under seal. to the names respectively,
all the other pious.
Any informa re
tion quired will be furnished on ninth
street, Philadelphia. ration at the other of the Company. No. coilWst,ftT .
C. NEWBOLD, Jr., President
Valuable Real E ttttt •
'rRG andenrgned, desirous of •enitog hi. bovine..
health, will dlspose of his interest (being ow fourth
about 70 acres of ground nearly opposite this city, in
south Pittsburgh. in and above Birmingham, rompris
tug same of the handsomest and most convenient lain.
tons to the city for residences, and most advantageous
for manufacturing.
I will sell either one of the plots by the seen or ill
single lots, to snit purchasers. This propertyio
proved rapidly in value inme being opened not for sale
within the pima few year& and that it will continue to
do so, I will guarantee to the purchaser an advance of
m least fifty per cent. on his paymenm within the next
fire years, by his giving me the privilege of repurelm,
ing or selling as any period within that time. by pn)
in f
Imo an advance proportionate to the above.
Those meshing handsome and convenient sites (or
residences. or the MON edventageous for manumetur.
tog, mill please apply immediately.
Inot disposed of at pnvaie sale, prior to , londay,
lsth day of September next, it will be °tiered at
public sate on that day, at 10 o'clock. A.
Birmingham, August 15, 104g.0R/USUY
Cambria Ps' • fr
rl• Furnace for Sale.
T Hl . u . tileraty r. neA y 7 o l , l . otr b to d r ay se l o e r at o =l , le ,
t u r it o c t:
thefollowing property aestyl,l to them by the lase Gnu
of Vinton, hems Reese Co., for the beneat of Me
creditors of laid arm, to win—The Furnace erected by
raid company, with thin steam engine and Intones, oad
hot blast rotor; the tools shoot the loniser;
the lot of loud out which the
the en standa, containing
about fifteen acres of land, and intereat of the clod
hem in bury acree ofland bought r e K. to, s.
The sole will be held on the pretntees, the town
ship of Tallmadge, Summit county. Ohoo. and will noun
mem, at 10 o'clock, Jr 11f.
%V. S 10+16,
W.IL UPStEsi, 5
THE sub D
scriber Is. I •Iroble L
an! t•
out fo
even Hale . ut• ths
South Aide, of the rourth Street Rood, and abou
Ito and one quarter rodeo frtotu the esturt
These loot rontatta eatth trom oste m two and a hat
acres of land, and setil be sold on reasonable and ac
to/num./ming term, It is deemed untteresmary to en
Ire ;nil, any explanation of the advantages at the,.
lot• line tr rtetany to Ibis city, and to dor lion of the
Central Rail Road, recommend them .trong.y ver,
de•trulde coutdr y residence,
. •
sr). subscriber aka otters for sine about sen bon
d/et! acres of land in Franklin township. Allegheny
eounty. about seventeen miles train Pittsburgh. Also,
noir budding lots in the borough ill binniughayi
surls-.1 NI:VII.I,E b. CRAIG.
Out Let flaw Mills and Planing Machine,
rilifE subscribers hare on hand for sale a large star k
1, of planed Flooring. M.o. a variety ot sawed rind,
such to steamboat Decking, boat sidings, bot ats. scant
ling, window fratue •noif. a, &c. They are also pre.
pared 10 receive and till on short none, orders for any
irides in their line NEVILI.F. Y. CHAD, &
aug IShcwkw I inT
Ririel/ Grocery for Haile.
subacrther. desirous do retiring train business,
wishes to sell his stuck at Wocenes, coda sand'
tut of well selected Dry Goods, and to tent his stand,
sllO 01 the Lost nt Allrgheir cot. sttuated un Robinson
treet. immediately west
of the Cana/ Drills, on the
north side. Tue Lock ail Gruver - les la , well •Stlected tar
a retail bussites, and the stand in ol a very superior
character, olfcristg an opportunity seldom noel:rd. A
had aso al au nably
lane.e ertaill will Le given, and possession can he
The House cud Stand as well adapted to the Fr.
13t - stNIMI. and it would pay well. in that neigh i•Oli10041
0.... East 'add of h eDiamond, Where V.llllO-11
Blinds of all the different sizes emd Colors
are kepi on hand or made to on!, after
the tweet and most approved Eastern fats].
ions, at the shortest nonce and on the most
reasonable tenon.
A/ao, the cheap Manion nod or split I.lllml Transpa
rency amt Paper Conams of all the different meet and
palm rns, ou Lund and fur salt, 101.4 . ill cash. Old VeJ.•
!101l 11Innle omitted over rind repaired, or taken in part
payment for new.- R wEsTEtivra.T. tarolpr.
N. U —All work John with „the Item material and
lawnt..orkmanship, and warranted to pirate the moot (as
Allegheny eity /Lug. le-14
111 A VE tlos day disputed 01 part in i.t 11l
Me firm of Loren,. sterling t'o to my tont.ntere Ilold
I; and Samuel Y. Stcrnne ((EN RV STERLING.
, eort , .:., 'he n , rsvr hat, lb.,
t!ay nasociat 11/1 us R• petrtoer. Ill< al.ove Iturpral
The hostnesa VII/ be conducted on heretofore, undeh
Ole name of KFERLINB tr. Co
Pittsburgh, Augort 14, 1&-4S. ougls. nl'
/ lONTINUES totuatinfaciare Monuments, Bohai
I.j Vaults. Tombs., Head Stones. Mantel Pieces, Cen
tre end Pier Tops of foreign and domestic marble, at
a regular and Mir price.
N. B —Drawings for monuments. vaislis. So, in nsM.
na of any deseripison. Ile 'numbs a shah cot publle
STRAYER Olt STO L.E...N. from the pre
mists o the subscriber, on dm wormin Oi
the leth f
met, a chmanui sorrel MARE, g eta
years old, middle size. without any marks.
010 will be paid by dm Nutmerslxr for the return to the
Mare; and if stolen, g.k...1i for the CWIII.OII Cl tiorthief.
Till/C K. LITCH.
Watt, at, below Penn
- _
DAI . E.II---50 reams eltra large Straw Phper, vcry
heavy and sarong, for hardware, &e. bundles
Flat Cap, by confectioners, cheap pan add cup I•aper;
by !tale by J SCIIIJONAIAI:EIi &
augl I 24 wood
ma a pentmient .uution a. Clerk or !lain.
in u Clothier's establoitouctit. Respectsible referen
eon be et ren. Address ro
soma J. K. WNEMA RA
(lOTTON YARNS. &c.-30.0c lbe assorted Noe; ISO
hale. Candle Work, ISO do Ratting, Carpet Chan/
ac.c, Twme. lot sale mantilneturere lowest prleem
jytd FRIEND, RIIEY /c Co
lbe Cobalt, ma/ reed and for sale b)
lJ ungl I KIDD &Co
I )urr ASII— e cast. receiving from enor Lake Kro
and /or Kale by frog/ JA.LES DALZELL
D FLAXSEED—a/UV Ilw Bacon; Ybags
d, Kist reek./red and tor sale by
P 5 / I. S W AN
b.t3 Fancy Starch, for sale by
i augl. L S WAFERNI AN
I F I URPENTINE—ttI Lb!. Spas. Turpentine, Just ree
and for sole by jy3l J KIDD & Cu
II lc/FEREIL bags Rio and lu bagel Laguayra Cr
'fee., arriveng by canal sad for Kale by
/Y3l water nod Cc: /two sts
QALERATES—IKI casks Cleveland Saleratur, 0
kJ sale by Iy3l WICK & AFCA.NDIA.. - SS
MiIYS:4I . I/ITt) NE:EFS-11 A Nlavon & Co. have AI:
SOU pe of Alonettoto Nene, of venous goal
nes and width.,
LARD OIL—oS bble Burkhardt's. on band and
sale Ly 1,24 J KIDD& Co
IVI . ACCABLAII SO/ l'FF—Jnet reed and for liale
Jr 24 J KIDD Co
rokIACC(I-luU dux nee Cot 'Fa/mecca 0/hewn/a,
0/1 hued and for sate by Jy24 J KIDD &Co
0 A'L'S—.l2.lbaob Oats, Jun rer nod for sate by
V EIN . RED—al ALts)a•t rre'd alai for aut.. by
artglf corner Ist and v. paid Ms
S A i.7 . ATUSIIT --- 1. a, xale
.S 111: Al.
TIJN -00 10 - x - • Strum !hoe, (or aril,- by
1,7 au, 7 • WICK 41 rocANIA,F,s,
T UBS ---12 dot 'arr. Tubs, for sale I.y
S :Am M l'astnno , (: l ls-r i r t
, i i tc7 A el m e ty Lusq
IRUSIIED SUGAII-3U Übis Cruoded .. tagur. fur
sule by sug7 %VICK Le APIIANDI,mu
SITS. TURPFAVIINE.—Vo Wuto 14nu order, just
racy by nagll J SL:IIOOSM., .4 ,o
\VATEH COKKS-5 bale 4 lur sale by
augl I
OSPHURUS—IUU lbs lur main by
INSEELi bbl, for sole by
LAIIU Olirlo bbl. and 4 ball bbl., on ) I n ,
••l o by eloslb BROWN S tI.IIBNTSOIN
B ACON SIIUULIJERS—.I6 conks Jun reed and for
N O. SIR:AR—WO blide rarioux grade., tor oale by
ROPI3--:10 bales prime .on En -tern and Western
New fork Hop*, a freel• .apply, Jun reed and
ale very low by
. _ .
ARLEY 11A LT--SW Iroalt pound and uugrouild
JUI for Kole by •uglti BROWN
. .
__ ..
(lORN BROOAIS-50 dux lor sale t,i
k) eugle BROWN de t,CI.E4:RTSON
131 G MKTAL.-100 ions CuneLerlasel River Mere:
lending item Firers And6rienit ,Star and I. Wetzel.
augle JAAIE-.3 DAL.ZELL, 24 'note"(
L ARD, ks.--e 4 kegn No I I.ortl; 2 hhch Ba con; lam/- tog (rum guar Cushicr, and ior xule byy
auglO JA.I E D.U.%ELL
v LA:YNELS-- Brown and Red Flannels, on consign
./2 moot and Cur sale Ly
liEO COCHRAN, 16 wood Ft
. . .
ul l 4l for .ale Ipy uuglu
fiCHN bble C...rti Meal, C Aruhuta.
ki Lawn!. past reed and 10,.sale by
teuglu _ h W lIA RBA Mil
I_l ERRING—.IS buts .o I Herm& More and far
sale by auga 1 C
(111EME--: tua large cream Cheese, just react red
anti for *ate ItY
}:SS Wm. Me., Purk, Jac reed and for *ale by tu b a HAalitt CC 11
RYE FLOUIt—Z bble Rye Flour, just reed and for
sale bw .ogle $ HA /113AUGII
CANDLES- . 1150 bze Cincinnati Mould Candliis,
store and ior sale by
SOAP-22+ Lis No I &will Soap. en store and tor
•010 by MARIO y dr. %V lIARBAULM
I 011, ntorr arid for
by ' rruglu
LINSEKUOIL-A0 1.61. Lnn. 1 on baud and
tor .ale by jrr LENS a NICULS
- =1
By John IX Dayton, Atuitioneer.
Dry Coos,, ft, of Arithor.
Oa Thursday morning, Aug. allO o'cloek • at die
commercial Sale, Room, corner of AVoOd and meth
rein ho sold, without reaerrei for cub Clifton
ey. an ...lye assortment of fresh Seasonable staple
and fancy Dry Gooch, consisting of a great variety or
mini, Manchester gingham", foams bilmines, super
fine clothe, el:veil:mere, senior...yule..., maim, de
lames, Canty vestinge, blue black rei,i silk, black
satin, serges, silk and cionbrlt fe, merino shawl.,
searing silk. patent thread, hotiery, gioves, ttleach,d
end broom muslin, cheek., umbrelLay. para
sols, Sc.
At 2 o'cloat,
I half pipe French Brandy: I phtform scale to we.git
3500 the; 5 bbla sugar house molawes. ado No I trim
wed shad; I erase ushoned queens:warn 4 ludf chests
young hyron teat • clock rroceries from a nierghenit
declining ',winces; 4 Ikki Virginia tobacco: boxes
eptuiish cigar.
A general auonment of new and .eland hand boost ,
hold funiiture, among *hick are mahogany drawing
and emulsion bureaus, .of turf and f 1 34.1013 attain,
u,d, yeg g. whit., work and swab atAnda, win
dow blinds, looking glasses, le.
At 74 o'clock.
Cutlery. jewelry. mumeal instruments Mrre
sort:tient of I.l , •litortabla ready made ctothms. Loot
shoes, umbrella*, saddles, bridles, whms, trunks, tol
ri and seisesgoods, %v &r etches. puriy.pistols, fancy and staple at
my e.
Adminutrator . 3 .Sole of Groerrit.,,
IfoxisehoLl Foo-niture, fo.
Chi Friday, August lath. et 2 o'clock. P.
roraer of Thin! cußoss streets, wll be sold b urg
of Mr Adam s o n, adatintatrator i of the estat e of
of tin e
late Fella fiwinit, dreeswad, the baluster of a Fetal
•torb of grocenea, aiming which are entree, let
trtolasaes, pepper. allepfee. ginger, ac: he. A
vinegar, counter scales and weights, a q
yuevezertire, household fitrolture,ona set stogy
100/5. tee.
Sotrtitfidc/ : 4 tron Property at Andrea.
On SaturdayAug ust LOS, at 3 u s elOca, ust th e pi
mr, will Lie so valuable Lot 01 gro.nd min
on Smithfield street, commencing at the dmtanr
lent from the new M. E Church now brine cc
the corner or:1h soots. bacon, la front Of zi
ing bark Ilb ft to Annenberg, s alir) • Ott which •
erected a submsmtial two story Hitch :stun. and Derail.
ling House, being a desirable situation .T bustuesa
Ho also, • Wrii finiahed three story br,ck Dwelling
use wontang on the alley aforesaid' ride indispu
table. TERN:2-oms third cash, residue ttro equal
annual payments. wt. Interest, pa) able B.lll,2mm:illy.
augll JOHN D DA ViSi Atm(
EW CUM l'A N 1
(4iftsT appearance. of the SALILK linoTtirw•
L Tate following pertoriners are engaged, and
woke their Artt appearance on ,iaturdaV Any IA
R Moraitge,
J Etiatherwirk. ted
T. Vick, Banjo l'inyer,
11 Memnon.. Arratdr....
Al. Iluul, (intuit,
J E Tanshoid. ,
Al Balton, Ca.ony 11.,
.1041 1.1 Petite In, Vocal. 11114 i Dan,ease
gr,r— The Opera of SAID Stoitilehet,' wrntrit 143
Balioup, author Al 'Toil) An
produeed neat Monday everting. augl I
Hudson's Panorama of the II udson Rivet
rptiE Propr.etor Al thia great picture Al the North
J. vet ton In. way to the Fitment rinect
his Panorousa at the above Mull for la SIX D.,1'2,
ONL 1 .conisueneing on Monday evening, Angtod
and ronnnue during the week
It is pannedon fret of eanvs.m, and repreq-entr
every City, Town and Landing. on both nom
New hurt Ita) to the mouth of the Mblin,k, Myer.
eorimittiling one or the large., and too, heutit,ta; Pao.,
tarn. 111 tile *VI Id. only 2.5 cents—Childr, ban - price. Tick
ets to lir had at the pruicipal Hotel. and Al the door.
lo ck. open 7}— a.ranta mcomzUctac, sue, tI E ;
el o'c precisely'. au,11.1
rpHE Autumn Sermon of ti. In...maws tel! ror
4. usence un ttr, Monday tot Roan
un Federal mrrel. - Co , onadr. Ron: . .1 .loor fro
the brulgo
roar', or instruction and tin 1,11,1 Of Il:1611
Forswor larrrtocore
ore [motile Information. .er otreolar or appl
to Rae inkructor. N Mrrcra.r.
m en:
Rererruce may also be made to the follOwlng gent..
Dr. T. F. Dale. Allegheny. Cler, Pntotbury
Rev. D. Elliott. Ile, D. D. It
Ale Li. I•. , srustx. • Rev. LI Dyer,
. .
Allegheny Sehool for Girls.
rplll-: Fifth ,slo Nll, W•uieeltirbOoi. 11 ro
men's on Alooday, :+epleuibrr noon..
Federal .irect. neot door ntware the P
for./on of clov. weeks
l'o•xl Clamp • •1 4 .10 Froneb. .tzs
S.-cowl Lilts, •• • • O tx•rtoon
Applarlmoon cony lor mode oer modem, ol Ai
own we,. Allegheny. near the Ilarul wee! Ilrolg
tug Mats,
NOTICE. - --
A VNG Fold our rodre .rockC IL Gaa,r,
I o r,vr to vSortng our old lrit.ttnear, Wr.licreq.y
fit tor ,tin Irro pa, rm.', to 0 1 . nor inert& uosr ru
k lit I it !
TIII. POI\ WA 1..1r
I'4l,Lureit. Aug 4th. 1-4
IGRANT. Whoirpole liroorr, Corno•
kj. Forwordoo, Morctooo. No 41 lN'otor pt
kwths A.:I FOR rith ...rail. nitx or
NO. dl Woodstreet. between Dion mond alley and Fourth &trent, has now
open and for 5010 al large tomortment of
PIANO FURTEd4 from the above man
ufactory. of 0,61 and 7 octave., of the latest sly:es, 3101
with all the recent unprovemeot.. wLtch will be sold
to purchasers at the - Boston Cash Priers' , mvartnnly.
!I pies:Wild New Pianos.
fiNiOOTHE suto.eriber , previous to Icahn.
for the East us replenish lus stock, int
dispose of the balance of his stock Lir
hand al reduced prices, and ou furore
Wt. luny. It tunnies oils choice seleenon of Piano
made by Nunes h. Clark. N. 1., :and Joatts Chick ering
of lionton. ,Ise.., of num a to 7 octaves, of rusewoot
utd rualtorsny, of dulcrent styles and priers .
il“2-1 At 11.
ell Third at
Fancy Pars, Crean froth Envois, -
rl l ll . l - 2 . s o oesezhe o n f i h F a a v r e ,,
C o ,, o r sir 1.: .
wa very r •
r a t
been purchased in Europe by one ortht firm at very
low pricer during the monetary enters ucceeding the
French Revolution!
This advantage,
they - posse. over any other
haus, in toe wade. will enable them to sell a Very,ex•
relined article much below We market price.
(r./ . Merchants sad others will advance their omit
uttere.ts toy examining this extensive assortment
__,XIOLII4, BROTIIFittS. Importers.
Anon I ArolbstrY) between 2.1 and Id streets.
Pennsylvania Rail Road Go.
:1113air NUEICIi lierelly.spven Mat the Fifth
Instalment ot Five !Sonars per than, in
wilreti to be pant ou or betore We First day
twptenitier next, and the Stath Itwutlinent on the
tirlt day z af November next.
tiEUKC,E V. BACON, Trita•urer.
N N.—lnstalmeats wall be recexved by ‘V v. fl
. at Alanufacturers' nod Alerehams'
augre-coaltsept I
'Vin. B. Foster,
ULM F:R'S MIEN IA now. prepared to coi,ect
thlatree ruoittla , calla pay which I. been granted
by a e act or Coupe.. to me I'ruoia who have re
turned i'min ale xtrait \ aint to the bed. iind
reprrectitatives or those who were killed 111 battle, or
ed of Mae..< incurred in the ...I vie.
' Unice. Balloting oproiiite the Court
, . _
J ls h 4 W. CARR. llvrulurn,rrr. tubrrilet,
. Paragol and Wes. 13one. Nit 1,5 Noiilt
• reel, aboYe !taco; idyll, the at
tention of Merchants and beaters to their rite..., at
' , oilmen, of the ahoy, arlic.e..tyh,co oder a, re.
dove,' pewee
All I. ••../C/1,1
JI.ST PU131./81IF:D-- An dlumution ofLI. Types.
Allegories and Proplieciea of the t 'ld Testhmen,
14 Will/ton AFF:wen. august.-. of tltr Gospel oh Dundee
above popular work. winch lreutx 01 the 'Pypical
Person. Things and Places of the Old Testament
which has been on: oI pro. aoine time, and tor
which there been a great demand, have pp,
republished ni a lirm ..tyie—N.iit page,
cents E1.1.1p Cl'
augll :a wood a.O Sts wallet .1
01150—A .A Mulon Co. GU Mail,
sireel. are 1101 N Up l -114/1g and paek ages of
411 w Full Good., rung...lna a 0 part new stsle. ing•
ham, French. Engliwli and Anter,eui t ..... . Mon.
and Boot A1...1n, CoNar, Lae,
_ .
tees 1 inch 3 I , te lloae
Just received b),D Leor li
I the laths Hublit,r Drat.. N. 5 I‘, NA .2
_ _ . 1 .4 11111114.1 e,,
r lac e Llasidig...ll widths, nom to 16 iikefil
and c t r l., we will .ch et suanulneturcra-priee.
a g, rriage saved b use purcbavr. ni No 5 IVood s
y. 1 A
"'. t : °*r " ;Tv y.d..
147 dor Table Covers, a apleudid
heat; fiat reed from Use Phillipsville factory, and for
.0k 01 Nos\rood.r augt JAH PHILLIPS
tier. L AS I I - 10 . easks Pearl Ash, !n-2 road on
2. cone/guinea, and fur sale by
111EESP-5.4 boa now lauding from atuir
%_/ for sole by ISAIAII DICKEY A Co,
input of
111 TE iLikl bbbi tetie Pot?,
• 1,7 half dodo; Id bbl. Trout; 4 do. Juti rec. 21
and for *ale by taiga ISAIAH 1.211-1,12,1
12 AHD-1111,61 x No 2.1, fur *Me by
DICKF:I &('o
13EARL ABll-7 ca-ska us more and anle by
ail, ISAIAH laCkl-.1
Pbml.o:l Abp:asAcy. A bbl.
.01 Sugar }toast, du. n, 0101 t. and 2ur .22.1. 1.)
aug4 H HOBIStr.s. Jr, Co
and l n t s
r iHl a iSt '
.iP ing 4 l ' tfr .
Kale by angl e HI BISON A 2.
P 1 SIJM SAL:T.—A Sohn. kag, wOr A)
..1 re.,ed bud Fur by
skirl D Mt 112tiAN. Drugglo., wood et
II )1-ACK ING-54, dos Ai Challenge Rlacking.
I_ll sale by atig . .l J(/lIND 1112114,41,N
c .oELAC—ltard Stretnc, (orange) for
by eurre JOHN 1./ 311/I{I,AN
bule. C, eke. reed and for gale by
\.) JUIIN 111111/11 , •MN
C14 , 110N—.5 I 4,-. lot
A • kW, J,,NY:,..4
—:lb Su
LAUCYKA COFFEE —lob Gage Laguyra Callen,
lul mutt' and (or sale by
VI f lIITEBEANS—LM Gbhe mall, ort •ale by .
_TV » , :d S F VON BONN IIORST tlt Co
D RENTERS' INK—at beg. hook o wl Newa, 6i talc
X by auga
‘Y jC4ITAjt'
R hal AKER .t. Co
.1 AI 4 I T hl i ra t. t ij r4 l au r re Ns . ; ' re e 'r tl Mt dbAa . ' 4 " ro a' a 41
IlseCo whrtit they am selllng ra the low poor of_ )3
j y:11.
UG • R 11.01 him!. prstur N 0 Sur., fur aaln by
3 J R FULA b R o un d chu,a.
Twelt T hus we known line oi epletutlid passenger Blom. .
... now comatawd lartrert,awilhol;
fintaltea and tarmehed, anj mo v e
werful boaho ort the
water. of the West h.Tery acetarattodation end tom
tort that / 1 1011 C y catt sett, has been proenied.for pas
sengers. The Lane has been itt °potato= for tiveq!utt.
earned a trothott of people without the least tope•
rt . to their persons. The hunts will be at the foot of
ii ttoli "[reel the day previous to starting, an the recep
tion u" treighi sod Ore erne) of Passengers on the reale
CISJIC • the passage money must he paid in
The ISAAC \Y.%% I'U\, Cst,tt. A. U Als,
leave Pittsburgh every vandal trtormag at Aset
ID o'clock:
Wheeitue every sand:ay evetung at I. P
May PI). tr.l7
t'apt t.., /II /rave
imrcn rv, Ilototin.
rn Alutalay e•ratna at 10 r. u
o Whet-hug
The lIIHE TVESDA R.NIA No V. Capt. vriN
heave Pmsbu rgh every TuerAlny mornin
Wheeltng every Tuesdet- eventee al 10 r g .
to o'clock;
The NI:W FeNULAND No.:, Cam.. S. paaa al win
leave htuhurah every 11.etbe.da roomin 10
wleelg; Wheefiea every I.l'cilnenhay)
' , eaten ai g
10 II
•• - •
• - •
burgh every Therwhy mununs of Whe,ll/14.
every Tburrday rvenw h u or 10 r
The CLIPPd:1 P 1
No.t Cato. Cooons, will leave
burgh gygryy
evetun Irtday morning at lu o'clock, Wheedler
g r m.
I'h AIR.,st:NGEH, H.:N0.14 e,
11 lVe PHIS.
Sulurdnyh every Somevening .run) too
at P. Ph reuir : &clop W h
maim 1/I4 X, efia=
(vta. 01.-kaaugv.)
Leave. Pluaburgh dao). at "'Clock, A At, and ar
il veils, I.llaAgow. ,11/10lIth 4)/ the Candy and &miter
at .1 o'clock. atm! New lAthu n ui 11, r.arua night.
Leave. New Lithon at G u cloe.a . I'. 51..
thp c
at V anal then yer durins thr undo., and Glitegoar
A. NI., and arrive, at l'ut.huzgh al 3 P
NI —dm. mak in, a etlll.l/1.11 title for carrying pa.-
, eget, nod Itah,hl Irctx ern Nr,v laaLai utd PHU.
o .ourter man aid at it.. rale. than by any
ather rute..
'I he proprte or, of tip% I.tar have the pleathre
the public that ha} have tilled up r.vufiral alas.
thth 'or the accunanothwon of aorogera and
h e
in run vonneptaat wall the 1.11 koala%
•tt.r. I'.11.1:11 ct,P1.: and 111...AVEtt, and ethweet.
mg. at Liusauw.tht,thurgh ad thacul
um and other duly isitt. .u.nmers down the Mtn
inn Aheinisipie neer., The uthprnethr.i.ledge their:P
ei vex •p are ..xpen..- ur in-ura room
ott. raki, and thsiattch. aial ail Of the • •b•r•
A L"I • II”ItIl Ell 'l' • '
to I J HARBAUGI(A Cn. New I.bon
NIYrICE--The , reamer BEA V EH, C IC Cllulu, farm
er. will leave aver this now, fur NV r Villa puncLu
-11:1 5 . .. a u'e lock i.a the morning
lMlly Packet Line.
WM:ARV in FF:BRUARY 1.4 184
The (snowing new boots complete
the !me for the present seasons AT
' hq, LAISiVIC. Capt. James Parkins.%
ALTIC. Copt A. Jacobs; and LOUI4I-1
NPLANI.I, Capt Sennett The Loots are entbrely
new. and are fitted up without regard to expense. Evt.
ery comfort that money ran procure hos been provided,
The Boats well leave the 3lonungalrela Wharf Boat an
the foot of Ross st. Passengers tie punctual on
Isiard, as the Loots will certainly leave et the edam
hyvil boars , - A Al and 4P AI ien.9l
Pfx,..4:111,11 d It lIEFILL‘ts PACT 'P., - The swill steamer
.;:mporsey P
• S m U as t ier, will leave
egularly for II eelg, on
Wednesday and Li in o'clockh in
Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thu”day and Sa
mrday. at 7 o'clock, a in. precisely.
The Consul will laud at all the intermediate porta.—
Every aver..mmo that can poxered for the com
fort an .I
d safety of passengers has been provided. The
Low is also provided with a self-acting safety 'mad LP
prevent explosions. For freight or passame a t i sp r ply on
board or to DAVID C HER ,
(464 comer alias and Smithfie ld Inn
The fine new steamer
Lois man, master, will leave for above
..1,1 intermediate ports day.
For freight or pit age, apply on board.
.„ ~.... „,, 44 The light r d u rt i l l u i it Tiiper
. • Davis, rnocer.,-Lii ,e'at e u'ir tie above
l inter:mimic ports regularly.
For ireight or porrage apply on board. maglb
_ _ _
ro aka z
The fine steamer
Parkinron. master. will leave (or •the
hose and in tertnedtata port this day.
For freight or paxsage, apply tut board. angtfi
jiggiet un
The fine steamer
L'oelt, limner. will N leave for the Worm
id intermediate prim this day.
For freight or pnorage apply on board. •1415
1.0118. .---
...,... The ranting sMamet
_ Capt. R It Hill, will leave for above
. . . . _ _ _ n d all linerm edit. ports this day, or
I idelock, P. M.
For fredght or passage apply on board. or to
The splendid new steamer
Jacobs, master, will leave forAlberrp
and nvermedlaie pons this dly, fl
o'eloel 1' NI
For freight or passage, apply on board.
The elegantsteamer
C n o r , ,,, T r as m t e eksr w il p l o le n a . ve for
this theabove
tor freight or passage. apply on board .00
1.01 IS
1 h e new light draught steamer
Cr:LW:4g; Thompson. master, will leave for the
Y- Yor - and I litrrmediate ports regular
ireiglit or pawrage. apply- on board. aug 10
ro.dw.y, Nees York
11 PORTERS AND JOBEIERS of Silk, Freoch_prin
-IOA litirrge, Lace, Knibroideiie, men-
Ifotiery. Glove, Lawn, Itoialhamses,,
They invite country Alcrelmin, , maatiths Near York,
ex•ttune their mork 'mime making' their purchases,
; :tir. Muir wax (or many penes of tee house of A.T.
t64str wan N Jo. iron, winch he retired on the In of Jan.
e bMid Air Jame. Inckaoth lwho an interest in
oonne., )tea, afro favorably known in that estab
Eol! Tonic and Antl-Dyspaptio
fr 1
ne lF: genrenl propertte. of throe Pills ore Carmine
, e, Putout,. and Tune. In the common ling,-
Jet. rtrie,ne from imprudenee in diet. !Le .•neh
a, rick
and baro u
e nt n,. oirtl %
eln...numb, heuntntru •e
hesdh r
tn.. he dn cruutred. dna combination is
city uppltcald, for Muni/nun,
and •oothing
t give altmun ntimmlonr r.lirf when manna or
natters ',tut 11. pup gun vr operation Von the stoat
we and Lowe:, nod edecival, and lonia
oroyernea Impart Crenell, to the digestive organs,
.heirchy mo.n. °rpm. to perform their proper
. O4etioan 1.11111 Order and regularity.
The price han tweit reddmed fro fit/ to 15 els a boa.
For We wholesale rind retail by m
It A Fit &
„ n
corner front soil wood, and 6th and wood us
Agents for l'ittaburth
•La PUTASII--Snil Ihr toot rre'd find kw
ir 11A FAIIINIES & Co,
corner 1.1 and - ;;Ztod;ts
At: httle poted,tuet reed Cod for sale by
^!.g"'B A FAIINPSTOCK eh. Co
111 HOME G li — te.E.N-1 I este. p...t Pee'd tote ror
auttl.s D A VA.IIN leere , Ck et Co
't A
: CIIED : 1 1U.SI.IN. A A /dawn ett, 60 Ala,
k , tt. have just opened ;more ...roof thine Vel):
trileAp bleached Ittellot at -rlao, 4 wont ease, or
4iv go. auotleer lane, lot or' the rentnazOo of
Callen, at
tor tale C'
111EAP CAL4COE..—A A 3lanou k C. nave ree'd
V another large lot of C.,,,toes, at 2: yurden for One
Dollnr. Also. go. )urtt ;,row at ann.
Nor} lVrnnnhi Cariptr, runrl4_
F fsll—Nl No I Alarkerel. H! do N 0 1•1 o; syhf
tbi• nbail. 0 0 ,, • lake l'"to .1 boo. ilerrtnirse
wr •nie oy VON tIoNNSIOR, r c o ,
i'ugl4 from st
•I,IR-15 Lb" , North Curoltta, tor tale by
_ .
VE FLOUR-30 ot.i. ;or , 00. , by.
.^.¢1.1 S V( IN ii I ANIIOIIST kCo
I)EITER-Ilt begv tor rale by.
Augl-1 F VON BONNIIOIt . ST co
L ARD UlL—at bbl. for Bale of sopopor •Ittality.
pog4__. GILL& ROE
jA,ON—AIII otcountry for nolo to
kr t o
ofo.r ronsigranoot. nog! (f11.1.0k ROE
Ir iP''— augl 6 4 b"k"
".'"e "
. ..... _
INSEED ito Ithin Cute:nowt.
Nt'4114.1. &ROE
/OA A:311-1., en•tt • doultie echoed 3CALI A•h;
1.1 • I Jo
W u do
14 airanted ryoi to ally to the niy. Pot sale Üby
C 11 GRANT, 41 water at
NVILLE LINIE--Cooltanlly on hood sod for
.ug,4 C 11 GRNT
bbl. for sal . e
I ) ) KITE.R-74 Ime s ou 4.,14, andandf u , ,p/c Verf ,4,1. L t . augl4
14 P414'
`IRE 'iltiCK— c. I / GRANT
/ I)Uti w .o o,i ,h e %vb... 1,, ... 1 . bY
ISAI A I I DICKE% k co, front,
ARO 011 . -1 /uTkhurd t , 1,...1. ~,t rre . .: and for sale •
L 11
t.gl4 1 iiDDA Co
',I,I) WiNSEND?!4 SA RSA PA g/1.1.4% —1.2 do: for sale
ouv 1 .1' KLDD is Co
P OTAS 1.1 —.lt r,a;l c.‘
C'OFFFX.—iett beg, pnme 11.6 Willi
M4I for rtde toy
-- _
14. I• eholee fresh Folbuly Floar,ihal n ,
rrerrd and ior •We by
nrs4l4 Itinil‘?l& cuumarsoN
f.L.E—tvu b Cream Checohdh*, reed and for
W HEAT FLA HSE-14V•Za extra Family
Ficittr, made from gem, tetras beta,juat reed
tur . .y•ti jytti uktoWN
( 111 1;i1113-0.5 Fora s Yatrtti, for sale by
Wid I L & ROE
J Isf DD 3 Co
J KIDD it. Co