The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 15, 1848, Image 4

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Yo wFAND Rriumrzas
.3let s ttr,A ui Orrnat i". 4-73 ' &14/14• 1 "
AVM a -rtA/ 10 1e44/ o Md*crOM4 l l. l.o.
flally.calls Oar tetentiorilla Dr . Warne stidelt•
CdaXi.Flnteldrinfettifisii Ibl Iho mesereslian•Of the
health of both Slxrethet It ans. fedokluelpient
Einntfchial Athellins Asthma/ PHurM,
Disordered state or p T iutoosperg. or &doers, Dis
eased Vphiy, )YrepepaM,'F. l l l Oltal-vin of the
Nen_ nrlow(Of Mosculator n rower, Ake- dies
DA .Q GUARDIAN ensues to the-
Dented/2W rblief of Fimalee suffering front Irregular,
ties, and another ,'rogue dafficulum and diseases Mei
dental to worftn, Whether oreasumed by cold, wet
feet. or any,situilar INudielow exposare, and all thin
without the use of medicine; as the
delicate and
liens:use tidy con 'tag moment apply it to herself
without the poasibffity ot incerting any nob or danger ,
or any unplefsantrendUi a
d shm from it, and with the
certainty of olnandratimmehate relief.
Dr. Ltarren'sGeladitui is nocaWb.penny, or one of
the many husidiags of the day; but a is an instrument I
made upon strictly scientific prtnetples, in accordance
with We Laws of Electricity and Galvanism; and for
neatness, durability and efficaty, Infinitely cutpcsams
ererythingof tho kind ever, before offered to the public
for therelief °Mamma, and, in the language of one of I
the most enlightened menof the day, is prom:unwed to
be ..the greatest discovery of the nee
A period of noting than tour yews hub.a occupied
by Dr. Waren Inbringing the Guardian to aspresent I
nate of pleectiou—dttring which time it Las in
the hands of some of the most eminent physicians of
the North and South, as well as lathe dwellinrs anti
isthmus families, who hare used it lor all of the above
purpose', with the most perfect success. and who have
cheerfully gmen their unqualified approbation of its
efficacy and value, c. be neon by referrum to the
Alan.] ablaze:nom accompanying it
Dr. C. IL Rarrett's Guardian tit secured from tannest
non, s patent from the United States Patent Office.
and Le had either with or without his Medico-Electro
The bledico.illectro Galvanometer, In point of beau
ty, workmanship, durability and power, cannot be ear.
passed or even equalled, and the subscriber feels iha
he hazards nothing in the assertion that a will be Maud
to possess more power and efficacy In the treatment
and removal of diseases, by Galvanism and Electrici
ty, y,elan sm) other martinwrit either In the United
States or Eu r ope. The Medan- ,
Electra Galmmouteter
is warranted in every respect, and with common meth
nary rare will last a life-tane, and is by far the cheap;
rat, because the Lest, bistmmetn ever offered to di,
public. A manual accomptimea them, giving the tone
ample instruction aof practical experience so dint r
isreadily mielligthle Loam mind o fevery one, wino
the • •••••• •ay or arrangement is soeh that a add may .
.t WI IL
Ally gratuitously given. and all comma
nicanom cheerially answered per mall, either in rela
tion to the Electra-Galvanometer or Guar d ian.
Medical men are invited to call and examine Dr Bar
ren's Guartu., and test rte efficacy .
For sale by II RICHARDSON, sole Agent, 71 Mar
ket in Pittsburgh
ER ,0 0 0 PERSONS Philadelphia
&ate, eta testify to ?haul:fade:Ad efficacy of that
oowertal remedy,
fn Pulmonary Coniamption, Cbroule Bair:chats and
Sore Throat, Asthma, Chronic Cistarrhollandag of
Stood. Pain he the tide and Brass; ctilt): of
whoephig Cough, Croup, Weak Nerves
LiverVervous Tremors, Pali - Mahon of the Mark also,
Liver Consplanu end Adicuon hflhe Kidneys.
his medicine, the invention of a sum mho gave the
cabled otPulmosimy, lirmietual and Sectoi@ diseases
lie most rigid examit.non. has novo, been before the
public Urge four yew.. Dyeing this 001 . 1.1111100 per
.nntsell seine of the most remarkable cu es on record of
l'ouno 'try Consumption—secured the recommend.
las m,d hceol . Oriel... to thei ropractice, and the
rhh..l approved 01 thousends 01 persons in ordinary
s. vete Colds, Cougas, in Hoarseness, Spitting of
fluid to.
About four years more i wns attacked with Dirs
let! me which lee in a miserable state of tic nidt, in
•zi -me debility <with • gement.' prostration of the eyre
with violent pains in the breast and lota of two
ine, arocaestrienre of which i was unable to attend to
nip ...oat biome., or pennon any kind of work. I
Named to treend physternia and used various reme
dies, but without any benefit, and had despoired of ever
obtaining a recovery of my former health. But some
time last June I was advised to try Thomson's Com
pound Syrup of Tar and Wood Rapala, and incredible
as It may appear. by the time 1 had taken three bottles
the debility, pain and every aerate of wafering were
completely removed, and I was able to attend with re
stored health to my usual avocitriona
Of Dickinson township, Cumberland ea.
Read the following testimony from a respectable
member of the Society of Friends, in Poughkeepsie, Pi..
"This may certify that in thc spring of ISO, my
health was very feeble; I 'nu ofikeled %XIII the
side. with other alarming Symptoms, and s red much
from great debility. At thw time I pa d from
Moses Dame two !Miles of Thomson's CoMpdand Sl
- of Tar and Wood NaathA from which I eiTerien
eed great benefit. my health being now good; and I
cheerfully recommend the article to all persons who
may be suffenng with general debility, with rimpuinis
of • dectina A RAILUI WILTSLE
Poughkeepsie, March 15, la 1?" -
Prepared only by him= & gircason, .t the N. F.
earner of Fifth and Spruce streets, Phil.
void by L wit.cbx , yitysbure; and by druggists
generally. Prime 50 cents,or Ond Dollar per bottlo.
LUNGS.—The unprecedented success winch has
ctendal the use of the
I elf the varieus forum whirl lrtuation of the lungs as
sumest hue induced the propnetor train to call ace,
then to this
..... _ _
Tho annual:tie weather which marks our fall and
winter months, is always a fruitful scarce t of
- - ---
These, if neglected, aro bat the precursors of that fa
The guesttory then, how shall we nip the
the bud! how shall we get clear of our coughs. and
olds! is of vital importance to the public. -
will be found to the taiiseng Panama. In proof of this
we have from time to nme published the certificates of
dozens of our best known Mama., who have experi
enced its curanve powers. These. with a ruses of tea
tim.. 7 from ail parts of the counter,-trom
Miumers of the Gospel, lee., together with Copious no-
Gees from the
we have embodied to parupldet farm, be bad
gratis of anyicjit.zmegn,t,h;o=lLtg country.
have been need en this ray.
throughout the Felted States and . Canada, and we cha
lenge aav men to point out •
winch. when 1111E11 according to directions, and h e .
fore the lunge had become fatally a:so:gemmed, it has
ever baled to
Wlgy, then, need the inflicted hesitate! ti by resort to
the an.,able nostrum. gotten up by nq 1, en individ
uals u
the assumed name of wine Co • • phy„
aide,. and puffed Into notonety by .martifterrn , p e e.
sons equidly unknown? Whilst a medicine of
Ls to be had. whose vouchers are as homer—our sees
bon.,—many o( whom it has
In order that this invaluable mei:keine may be placed
within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have
put the once at
Jost one half the usual coat of coMpt =ethernet.. it to
for sale by Our agents In nearly every town and village
over the west, who are prepared In gyre full informa
tion relative to O. T. SALTM., Proprietor
Broeilway,Cincinnan, Ohio.
k NIFRCII ANT OF THIS CITY, who had been of.
flirted enth the asthma for four years, had taken
almost every 11110., ,Hi. phyeictaw eminently atten
ded him. and he hod expended over two thousand dol
lars lie never believed to advertised medicines, hat
cons dereit them all humbugs Al last be tried Dr.
Tay ior's Balsam of Liverwort, from= Beekman etre.,
New fork. and in six weeks was entirely cured, hay
b4 taken otti, three battles, Tins is only one of many
1 1, 01 , 1 where imaginary obtectious tO a patent medicine
have prevmtted person. from uting this medictne, who
have expended huadrede of boilers to their phyiteituby
t0V0.111.- 4 411/ 1 in the end Oct their recovery to the infal•
elbeacy of this purely ve ge table preparation.
Tbdie is tie ninake. that this. medidine is supernal' to
any remedy ptv,ernaciL by medical advisers This
11 1 •1. 1 0-0 1 bas taken dit year. to mature, and is the w
ren -e.eoy or dimmers ever introdUced to the public.
1(11 IrPo Y s. Cocoa on , innocence. or Borneo
Cs • ii,"—Sudering ler a long note with the.. Complains,
I had oven up ail hope or being cured. I had consult
ed 1 11 C 1101010 e 10111 homeopathic d Ors in vain I had
toed many arttcles advertised. hot found no relief. In
dekpair I bad given up the use oTall medicine. Hear
ing of the great virtues of D,r..Taylor's Balsam of Litter.
won, and the great cares it had performed, Induced
Tr 10 try th •nd ID my great joy and astonbilftent, I
V. 0•1 Vetter daily 1 continued its nut, al.a his Sugar-
Coated Pills, until lam entirely cured. Dr. Taylor's
B, sant of Liverwort is the best medicine in the world
for those complaints, and will core every ono afflicted.
- - - -
Captain of the Nancy, of New York.
lurnons CCll2. I have suffered from the Asthma •
very long time, and have used every:medicine I could
obtain for its care 14 vain, .til I teed Dr. Taylor's
Balsam of Liverwort. This medieioe has afforded me
most-manifest benefit. and ii in my opinion, a cure for
this distressing dimime; more especiOly, us I know of
many cases among my friends, where It hna been high.
ly successful. Persons interested ate invited to call
gamy residence for further information.
MRS. S. R 1.711331, 518 Laurens st.
Bold in Pittsburgh by J D Morgan 93 Wood st; I
Townsend, 44 Market st; I p Soryser, nor Market and
Mendelson & Co, s'aberty st Price reduced
to $t,M per bottle. Iva
lAraltGANtt COUGII SYRUP—lt!provee to be die
ISM great Panacea in curing my child's distressing
num the Temperance Banner, Nov 31847.
Cocas STRUP.—We are not in the :habitof gullible,
much teas taking gamut medicines, bat we feel disposed
to recommend hlorgan , s Syrup to those who am afflict
ed with a cough. After having tried the astral rem..
dies to remove a constant and distressingcough, that
had for several days adlicted one of oar children, with
out sneer.., we were induced to try Noreen's tough
syrup, and by It relief was obtained In • few hours. It
proved to be the panacea an this case pt 184147 .
Prepltrod win:amain and retail by the proprietor,
JOUN I) 1101/DAN, Druggist,
[eh ? 'mod at, 1 door below:diamond alley-
- - .
I iL,TOB.AIIT 1 superior fb eni °Om remedies for
Oesighe, Consumptkes, Broaebilis, mama, mad other Nano.
tag etreetwoe, is Oro tlite sae. oem. who commuted the
ale of In their freedom ten men ago etill prefer ilia all
Other nimedim cram axed; and when any have been induced
to try other yeepareleas they
almost westiably been
dbappDi4.l.4 rece ring the benefit whidh was reasonably
anteipiled from the high prams bestowed by the proprietors,
sad have named a l6ewie of J Varsc - reireserr,
• remedy Out has
its lto corer W 1 as relieve!them emtl which
proto meet bed eelea erryeng pollaseiary &mum
je r .p. bly
mr .1 7 by Dr B. /eyes Pr1 , id411p1 . i. , :47 , 1g1 on
Orsorttwlf Founts st
JYNE'S HAIR TORIC.--After ring Mb article
trig, we unhesitatingly premomee t to!". what it mates
Mid articter - witliont any erceptaru inuse, Audi.
nonotatiern and preservation of the tow. Saw. We know
of macro= ineterum when Mir her been to heeds
whah hive been bad for yams; ..d we think woman do
grader fan* than to recommend to all our Medan who o, r
r, their hair, to make a trigof thieTaniciamdiaely
Ratan Mall
Fatah. in fittaborgh at the Raids Ta Shwa, N.. 75
Fourth area, Dear Wood lemT
- 1\ ifORGAN'S WORM KILLER Ir f 4 superior to all
171 other ream: Ilea for Worms.
Aim 14th, 1841.
Thu; may certify that I gave to two Of my eaildren,
three and.ftve years old, two , caspoortfuls a. Morgen's
_Killer, to each of them . The youngest passed
*gimp worms, the smallest coat; 'or have meowed
less than seven Inches. The tidor puled w larf , . a
motherthat we could eel begin to touill them. I are
used all the' popular remedies I "ore ;the public for
• MOMS, but can say with a clear conseirmae. kforgan's
Worm Kilbo Is far superior to any now before the pat.
Bakerstown, Allegheny wanly.
Prepared had'aeld wholesale and Mall by Rusin..
)Bgl Wood Um% PWrWorth
- •i
crlrrcivrm arsure or
. .
SA RS A P A RILL aad Rleasiogof tlo •
The mina extraordinary ritrilielne ti , the yi'orid I
Mr Extract itpari.up Quart 'BottleWit - iiiri,'
taus doom; Ottoscatto..oid sonrootkOro. Poo.
perm. to Os, *Old. It corro , :.,
pwri ritri 6404,44 r..
we iitbr.44...
• 'Patin ttanta
a. +
She mat boning and engerforttro. this Somplatila
small other ntadlehnet vihilett aradleateettieills
ma, ft Invigorates' the body. Itirbue nr the very bins
Elver known; Wane only' purifies the whole ileum, and
OtrClathen the porsothboill Creel% Itrm pen had rick
Woel a power posvested by ho other vnedietne And hi
this Iles the grand areret brit. wonderibleuccesa Ittah
porforound 1.11 two yes., more than 100,000 •
rums of mavens puss of disease ; at low 15,000 went
rotuddervil incurable. It bin. dyed the .tirca II more
aft 10,000 chihinsu during the two Fast etwor.
(0,000 eases or General Debility ago
wont of Nervous Energy.
Dr. Townscod's Harseparilla inviirosetes the .hole
',item permanently. T th.w nbs, barn loft their.
nausculsr enemy'. try thrudrects of incdkine or itltsere..
mittv.l lb yo o te, or the excessive holeigence al
the 50n.100.......1 brought on • esuerstl physical pro•tr4.
orate• space, lar.sit role, trul.mon,
sevortio4 prernsturvirvay and 'achon, li:utce.
tolenrri., that 4.1 thennee, Con•univrion. can lb ep.
~rely re.torev.l by thl• phnueat remply. TLis Sorsa.
partlln Is flr *op•rint to .aoy
Ilarisoraliaa Cordial,
A. It renew. anti turtgarate.lll Ityttert: ,Itts iettrity
to the lied, etr , unh to the macular eyettoo. to •
vent ritittortlinhry degree.
diastaniptioo Carrd.
Orman and Strraidam, Conronp lian eats be rind.
Brnardirts. - Cionsirsrpaan. Liver Compd.:Jae_ Coat.
Calarni, ej maim,
, Scream la a. Oast Reran Faun, AVM
Smseate,',Lhjtratt er PrOlse Crperto•
ralin; PainLs SA. Std.. P.c., haw
bets a t GM b. canni.
r=e, April 23. 11817.
0.- Towstax.m4 warily believe tbet year flusa pp .
rilla hat been the means, throe.). Providence, of sar6.
ttr. I havemr eremsal yams bad a bad cough. it
L iweanse worm am) men. At Imt I raised large Tame.
ties of lamed. had sight Sweats, and war mealy debili
tated and mitered, and dtd not lire. I hero
only used your Sarsaparilla • Mien then and thews be.
a ...deed champ bee. wrought). me. lam now table
to smells dl over the city. I raise me blood, and my
reozb has left me. Yon can well Imagism that l ttm
thankful for them rods.
Tete obethess servant,
NUL RUSSELL. SS Cathecine..i.
or. Totrusensd'a fian ale aparil M l. is a mitering, endepenly
ton, lor_lpient Cocaumpnorilemma, Prolapsus
Uteri, 01 Falling of the Womb. Costirceess, Neu L..
ersrlscea, or Whims. obstructed os difficult linustrow
tun Inconnueure of Urine, or toritieumry duelter-,e
thereof and for the general prostration of the system—
natter whether the remitter inherent cameos came,,
prodeced by Irregularity. Moms or accident. Nothing
O.IM be more surprising than ha garating
on the burn. flame. Paean.. all wraith... issth
fromaakiett it, at once become robust awl NH cal
ea -ray ender italeflueura It imosedintely counteracts
t earthier...sae( the female Dame, width lathe great
eof Barrenness It will trot be expected of us, to
woes of so deb.. a nature, to exhibit certificates ol
cares performed but we tan assure the' afdlemd, that
hundredsof cams hose been reported tow. Thousands
of cases where factultes hare been without thildrco.
after uring • rear bade. of this insaluabla modem e,
hare beau bleaad with fine. healthy offspring.
To Nloateero,oond MiroAed Ladies.
This Eatract cif Sarespardia has been exprragly pro
pod in referalme to female complete.. No fensele
who has mom to sappoee sho le ppreaching that
critical period. " The
of Wk . ehould eeglect
take la ale it la, certain preventive for any of the
corm:mom and horrible disesteem to which Cenral. are
mbject at dila limo of life. Tide llrlai emy to de.
magma years by using t
are reediting. Nor
Is it len valuable for ttmoo who approaching
manimmi. aa it ie calculated to mist native , by quick.
.nag the bloocC end innorating the slate= Indeed,
[bra medicine la invalcablo for ail the delicate disco,
e 1 to which *mace me mbject.
It bracers the acliere system, renews
o fpermanentl the
• cal enemica by commie; the insporities f the
body, not go Ilir atiendatiag as to produce mbecopienr
relaxation, which is the case of mom credleir.e. taken for
feniate seakormsami disensa. By rising fee bottle+ et
many severe and paella/ surreal open
noes coop be prevented.
Groat FSlmolai to Mothers nod ChiMsg.o.
It fa the eaten led stoat effectual medicine for purify.
ine the systemand relieving the eufferincs attendant
upen childbirth ever discovered. It streugthens both
the mother and <told prevents paie it,.
er . ..• and enriches the food, those who Int, it
ilttnk it is Indispaieable. it a Mthly u•-ltd both
and utter confineenent as it prevents diseases attendant
arena childbirth—in Costive-ova, Pile., Cranips.
ito of the Feet, Despondency, Hoertbure. Vomiting,
Pala in the E.t . a.! Lai ne False Paton lietnorrhapt
to -1 in repolairer the telrettinell and equates...lK the a,
cuintion It ha en otos , The Brent beauty of this
iodide* in It Is sleety. nee, nod the mi.vt delice4 use
moat al:mensal . ..llly; sere few eases retpure any oth.r
methane, in scone a little Caster Oil, or litagnain
eoduL Exercise in the open air, and light mod with
'Ale medicine, will always ensure • safe trd cote
moues Chalk, and • rem./ of Preintemmem roe ,
ally in we, whnit applied to the face, very goo .poll it beauty. They close the pore. of the skte and
r•h,-ck the circulation. which. when imuire is not thwart
by disease dr powder. or the skin inflamed by the
alkalies used In eospa, hematitic. haown production in
the n boucle face Di me^ at wen a. ill the riirden al
Leh and delicately tinted and venerated fkawere A
t.r e active end healthy circulation of the Obeid., ar the
of the pore. rich blood to the extremities, an
that which paint. the countenance In the most evil.-
sits beauty. It is that which imparm the indescribable
.ad duke. of loveliness that all admire. bet
bcone ems describe. Thu beauty is the °Rhyne; of am
inbire--eot of papier swamp. It there I, of II 'I., tad
.Itchy circulation, therm los no beauty. If the lady If
fair as driven ann. , . if she paint, and era cosmetic.,
and the blood I. thick, roil end impute she le mot bean
tif al. If *lie be hewn or yellow, nail there i • pm. and
octive Alien'. a sires • rich libana to the cheek., end a
brintancy to their eyes that is reanimation.
This I. • kir the soother. and especially the Span ,
hob Lodi.. are so mush admired. Ladle. in Mr north
who mks bin hill. caercion oy are enn61...1
enema, 01 base opiiiled their minipteanon by the appli
in iif del...noes • nim tore., if they vii-h to re.
rain elastic. y ,ifetep. ha., mat opine., epee/iliac ryes
red boauttful eonipleamea. the, should low, lire Town.
taint's' Elarsoparillm Thousands who her. ten-I It..
en, than initiAril. one deliaLted. Ladies of ryzy
nueoo crowd nor near. deity
Toone last Minus Dr. Toe anode nersomuille, herr
iarmdahly calked Men Muff • (real Remedy u r
ruees, 61E7, - E, .al beer rmord nor l.dl. end rorr elan
vloeh relent. ha the ....plat, of women, .oe I for
—ether men lebe pet op nuedtrone, has* since the gene
...ems of Or. Toulasend's Pareepurilla isromplam.
feculent to IhmsloM, recommended their, Mthougb pre
wetly lifer dld ode. A amber of three blostures, Path
Mori n= to (.metes se they amtrarate
rod undermine Om etninfitotiee. Dr. Irecusend's is the
cAv and bent remedy fee the numerous female coup
i d tut.—lt randy. Vete. fat of effecting • permanent
cum It eon be taken by the Imo deliente COLIMILE,
la any cane, or by . theme expecting wbecome * the mates, edreehme. m It prepare. the eyenfre
,1 prevents p•ito or Jaeger, andstrengthen. holb
e:uttter and chill ße careful to get the genuine.
Thu tertifieate crouilm.trelv prow.-that this Rana
haa perfisct control ntri the most cal.iinalr
aof tbn Blood. Threw orraotta cores to otter house
, uprocodanto. .
Tbree Claildrem.
Tovmmomm4-IYom 8., I huve the pleimure to
omo you that three of my clol•Inm have beet. cured
o', he Bmetrala by the are of your excellent medicine
'I I° y were afflicted very severely . ittt hat Sone. ; berg
taken oily four WWII.; it took them sway. for tibia
I feel eiyaelf order great obligation.
.ISAAC W. CRADi , 108Woostaren
Oplalens of Phyalcians.
Or. Townsend is almost daily mewing ortim from
Foy sielsos lo dithreat parts of the Union.
Thu to to calcify that sra, the undersigned, Physicians
oftbn City of Mk...q.t.. In vaxacroas cues tereserth
eJ Dr. Ttornsand'a Bansaparilla. mad believe it to ba
este of the min valuable preparations Iv the market.
iII..PON. E. Lk
1/.. B. BRIGGS. Ai D.
A rtmay, April L PPE. P. E. ELMENEVBF.II. D
()win: to the great success awl inarseum rale of Dr.
To...rmsturs tlarupa.ilia• a somber of moo who .are
hu.rnerly our Aosnta hare commenced wade, tilarsapa.
r, ILA Extracts, E./ixtra, Diners. Extracts of Yellow Dock,
Lc. They generally put it up in the woe limped bob
-los, and woe of them halm sluts and copied our Moots
b•emeat.—they are only Mlitatil39l, and
should be avoided.
gipal Offles, 120 FULTON SlTei, Sun &dbl.&
Co. 0 !State street, Boston; Dyert
S, 132 North Second mreet. Philadelphia 8. &
.lase., Druggist. Dahmer° ; P. M. Cohen. Chariest.;
Wrizhi 4 C5...151 Chartres Street. N. 0.; 105 P.M
Street. Albany; and by all the gossips! Dre 7.
g ••0 and Mere:mi. gensnlly throarlsset the C.
West Indio and the Camas,
N. IL—Persons inquiring for this medicine, should
not be IndueetTto take soy other. Druggists put UP
Sarsaparillas, and of course prefer selling their own
Du net be deeitved by l -Flom. for Dr. Town.
send's. and take no other. Remember the - Townsend's Batimparil ." sold by the sole agents
N. K SELLERS, General Wholeiale & Retail Agent
No. 57 Wood street, and D. hl. CURR,r, Allegheny
—. jekl
Itnr V. U:100,
TRE undersigned has long been convinced of the
i neeessity for some medicine adapted to the urn of
ildren and Infantr In aupereede the on, of ell More
medicines which contain opium, and ha. et g itch sue.
eeeded in preparing and offering to the public u medi
cine fully answering chery purpose toe ail direa rgro i ~,e
bowels, without the time of that detmerinti. drug, or any
other calculated to Invite ii. eh,. e rr , Th e i,,j a ,,, 1 , ,,,,
.M.ll has been hilly torte.' ar il In rd the lasi twelve I ,
months, by numerous pet. P. and fount, to portentsa I -
a xt
m eraordimary virtues aid to prodnee all the .stun. A TOS4jUITO NETI'll—IVe burr ohm opened a Inter
/dons effects .. set Sono on me hid or direction.. Di. ' I.T.L lot of Mosquito Rent, of oat excellent qualm end
arrhima, Vomiting, Chalie s Oriping. Pains, Simmers and I remarkably cheap. inid AL I'..XAN IlLit A DAY'
Disease. arisil from Teething. ammo linutedtately , , ,
without Mouth ng any of the :unctions of the body, I, CoTTON-27 haws to utrofei for sale. l 2' . ,
reducing the happiest and MOM pleasant waned; ,i , WV( InAIAH DB.. /.1 & g - o
mg Molent pain to tt and joyous onto of iIIIEESE-115 boxes now landing; for role by
toga the little sufferer.
_V__ ger..l ISAIAH DICRIA & en
Tbe had wholcsalcand retail, of the Proprietor Dr. • •
JOHN SARGANT, Diuggirt end Apothecary ; John 1011 AIL ItflA D (..L'lDE—Doggett's Rail Rood (:on o
Ilitchell, Elliott tr. Beckham, and most other Druggists rs, and (gazetteer for I Mo. witb Sectional Map ot
Allegheny and Piushergh.deM3 the grout melee of travel A few copse* received nod
DR ----- - —'--------- - - --- ' for role try jem it iIINWION & s'rfiCiccoN
just received of Dr, Townsend's timmapatilli, the I un-roN—.so balm Tennersee Ceding in item and
most extraordinary Medicine In the world! : This Es , 1.../ for stun by •MyZi .vl=T BO •t' El, on (runt ,
V act Is put spin quart Moles. • Rid Birdmen eheiper,
pleasanter, and warraaletismperitir to ant sold.. It
CUICA disease *MOM M)Miti,, ~fre,t4r,-10.1YMIllig , m ,i!
debilitating the patient ~ . .. ..r_ - -.- •
LOOZOVT76,l,oo .t& T Nl ,,,, U9EMMlPledpersenshnee
copyDM, labela, sea „pot M
..m? aweine In the mom
shaped bottle. Ace thuttath bottle has the written sig
nature of S. P. Toorntiond. • .
R. E. SEI.LERS, Druggist, 47 Wood ~,,,I, betwe=l - IRABCIDER-•luMils Economy Crab Cider, bun
Third tied Permit is IM. Townsend a only wholesale , . V teceived and fot axle b -
and feu agent Ad agen Pittsburgh, of whom the goelpte ~• /riff MILLER ..t. RICKETSMI
article can be bad. '
D. DI. Curry has beep appointed the .obe, areal an. • 1 INSRLD olt,—a) hid. Linseed Oil. in Doe shipping
Allegheny city, of !holm. Me genulim enle10:0 be ..,11,‘ . or* , ' '`, recut ora r i trlZ l : b iriagFersoN
heel_ 1 ; lieu` '
ii (i att i. e l s . die AND ni t iz A ntf buyers i i i> .4- 4 IV
ne Itsahippain CAn y ILE SOAP,Stitl lb; on !t • air .
o r: , :e at by
OM peas of UMW Lyra tied vary bw. own i A",
- - ~ - ~svx,... e w-. ~: =Fz - ~Y r~r .. ~...i i~3 ~~ r,^- ` s..s N , d";t ~f ~ ..:,,. r` - ~- ~=
4e .tip, ..
N_UNA*IIIIII-EBi.: , - -
. - Ert.c , itipiamoilKs.A.Na..VouNlMY, .. . . r n El O is I o s l .l El la
~ ,-.. ~ 4., - Erreattcsat,rPo. A , , : " • • /
cl*• la - Uri - ANYIII.I.II/1T .0 GO .9 ' Z.1.01.........,,0-rrill: 18.48. lie
= O - * . . ,,,, ; , r , b 1 . 1 44 , 110.21 . 7 . 1 , Wer011en 11 . (71.40.. tr..,,.......,..,„
China, Spawn,* Mazda: Speeders, Drocrng Frunze', , BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEI4:I,AND.
Railway Acad.,. Wametsr, TsvalersoSPool*% l ) , . W. T. Malan- Plitvouro;
Prunes, Dams , / Card tirmders, tso., Wrought !too
R. Palm & Co, Denver, }Propr's.
Briaang turned all urea of Cast trop,(hairs and elikwyoflo & Cakamdttik. Cleveland
. angerNaf the Imed•pattems, slide co d hood Lathes, .— Irene is cow ea no v c ool , cm (l,3 gbl
,Att„, owls of Witold. 1. and passenger. (mot Pluelmreb and Mvveland, ti
( Catitulgs of tansy dean-Hutton 'fora/shed on short no- , coy Point Onlthe C n1 ` ... ...' 1,4 v, r
re ' l' '' .° "". 1 .c.C. , m .. 1 . 1.1 0 1 Mtn , (scaring, Iron , One boat trove, lattiburgh and Cleveland doily, mu_
',lag, &a. Mom, Ripe flat hetulog Pkoi,or;s, es sr ring in conneetton with Me small:Mono Lake Erie tool
froleNVlnders east, IMO fancyreashogs mieyagy.— Arlehlgan. between Pitotburgh and Beaver. end a line
th-den: ed of the Warkhotwe of J .V.. 1.., & C.,., L. a, . a” , ............ Pnr . Wl , oli Mirk end crlucAo
erty WORT, toll have pfonNut takientrots. eta on lakes Erie Huron nod Alielmean.
ilkikke-vo Property forw arded to airy part of the Onion with
Hell & 03-4. R bloarkeut A C',..G L dispatch- I7' Whl. 'l'. MATHER. or
"2111 tr, John- !runt dr..HOCN Pitlabekin JUtCb A.CAUGHEY, Agents,
G C & ) It it orrmri I ?mchrvntle „ ur ou cm Water and Ultrutlifield Eta, Pulabassly
Ca. 3 o
ALLRdlantlY VaNITIA N ' AGEI3 - 133i—lavd, Parks & Co. graver
DUNG F.IIITOR I' (. Parks Li timesuiWn, a,
- J 0.11. 4. .8.. Cao-CF R
1 - . Cotes &Co, Warren:,i, TARR* thsa mettorito inform Fla f ru .,,dl .- D It
& Co, Ilreadpory,
=•"' 11nd the mfg.. large thin - It;* rne.nrf A & N Clerk. Newton Foil,
....=--.1 C;oons to full the :eat •..1c F Lewis, Nesopon;
Z- 0I - the Diamond, At ilnra), .het- a *od J&H Al Whinterry, Carapbellspors
i---- ,• Cant supply of Mom. 01 nun on.i colors lit 31 - 31riila Ravenna;
1.-.=-.---, 'andficatitine,an: cot - woody Sop:011 halld, ' 31 AC li Keith Draokuni
..g= • also at No.:. Wood on, Pittsburgh. et J.). . 31iller & Toole, Cn) anoga Falls;
.I. Poillips , 011 cloth WRIFFINNO Wheeler & Co, Akron;
„V,01v,11, Samara mule to order In the he, 11 1Fle. arney, lilbha A Cal, Handosky.
DORIS repairs-II an the short-at poem Waugh., & Earle, Toledo;
,N.`B. Ha Blind* will bo pat up. 'nano* any a d' , -i I; Witham, & Co, Detmft, Minh;
tiOnal elhpase m that they con be omo ran to n an. ' 3PCIore & 1111.1Itoms, Milwankia, WIN
'M I . I In gmouf-fur or lot waratrig ono , v..10,u11:. r .u,; II J tVindow, Chicago, IIL • 1. Apt 4
of orris Cr.e " Pc .4 , +: 0-‘,"1..,1; ILELIANCE . PURTAULP. BOAT-'Lag ,
Z '' ' . /.846 1 .fia
rpm: Propricion a this old ,eittablished and ft *I
11 Port:tele 11. n. LOto. harmg rtmoved their -
Ow to roliodeloolo. tro a touch larger Warehouse
un Marko on.. th en, they formerly occupied. told also in-
istvwed Mew room for stomp, to Potslaursh are now
prepared to corer much peeler Notate* to their (avid*
and patrons.
Good, corned by nun lone ere not transhipped be
tween Pindoirgli toot Ptuladelphaa, bring earned ea.
Orel) In Porottne Scene.. Boas To shippers of doer
and other goods requiring carefu/ handang, this is of
importance. No charge DlO4O (or receiving or shippipg
goods. or ads unclog charges. All goods forwarded
pntatly, and upon us reasonable team as by any nth-
Vt . PE. AI, 10 Y . A.. 0 1.,.11 .r f 4 DNS, - -
-, C 7.1 1 , 1 MAXE,:tc, mall. 1 , Gh.::l6lllSta '...t.VDl4}t
` TA !liift"., car., of, l'allll .1d Clan !Lint . ,,
O'ntrknire Gm E., V iln 'A, ~,..- mu:4mo an P.....,:.:
r-,,,...titir:, ,r...,r.: .1.: , I, , a.l, 4, I lin pebil,. ,Lat
",- con /''',.. a 'i ~. , :.4 U ... qAtt a, I. . V v , ' ' Y tt , ";.' n
ha fin , oi,i.s.durtc::‘,.' A a..n .. a on hand n !.1,,,, a,-
rnonerd,otocndy n4-.0. f' , nl4,. dov , d, (trod no . ' f ir ,
ohcoi in k. ,u > boo , i•,..1 .• ~ oh par, anti 1,0, rat .y
"ad. 4 . 14 , 0044 of rovin.l. t , :iv .., 4 and mu-m:, ;IDE all
' n " . k i., -Mi . P , h 444 : -. :us Wc loop N. larg- oo
6 1 ‘:
' . rn ... 4r4 , ikt.'.'.,.•!...0 , ~,, ~, , •L.,,, k 4 I,,roaa.
' . '"'t, • le .4.1 mow,- r•. crop, , onp. ad,.
....* cad , vorl to drata. , Ty {r Orr, , 'he 01- .nl
Ind on at adonal a;ooda a, n r . ..0...- , .. -, I 04 , goad`
O thr / - 11tris.. ~..Alk,. , :t ., t: lii... to , ~,,,... t ,
.04 and ars. Vol ha, 0 op^ .: , :i., -- . , o noo. tint
.r. 1 ,4,• 40, any uttiti:'cl or Oa. 44 , 4 ea . rol„. 4 I .a,
hirry on toddled tn rda.p4l) oil 001,...0....; ~, 44
--- _
C:10'2'1411 81.1.81/IT I ROA. A/11) TIIG
• No 8 tdaricei Pdadnergi, I'coa•
"r/18,11 , 4c1140LS haysog route grcat tolou :menu conitructrOO of thoir Ct./OHM,: ::"liVt•So,
everthrily itiOttoptrulls Steaa boo' ,
1 Lid eiLlitallo b•cfote perelaselag We cem
Utt Novo., Forges,Nou OVOI) o:h.t kaoio
7opper, Tat and dloort Iron yrOri otcedzo.ry ftle . .,e4
ag Sieelaboal.
We ilao stake to order oil the el.rtext natio: Su'
Puke. &to Chono.ce; Copper work tor !metal k.r.vor•
aid roer; ran o 7 pl• tour: ttour
Yrtr& 811LNIFF &
F N RE tti AID 1.
DI callughstm. ittertr Pltitsburcla,l Pct,
4t - treAolue, No, 137, IVood firtr-i t rtltthurg4
WILL conetisrtt) k cep art lhand r .nd mr:
jr.Mani or Ware, or rat rw,
sivetiorqualtty. Whnica.:4 amJ countr)
r chllll3 ore rryczthlll) .nv.tatt m cu!l nto
Onme fur thelnlielatS, as Ir, or, d•lrraanm.l -r!
Menet than bonnier bcfzre bee, ,tlirod
t) , Ce re lent Ly
,11 , / mlrrepte, wLil lebrietly w nC.n In. C...
V. .I.m V* 0. - T
1,1 LII.VAN 1 at 1.k.D1.11: uuuluttt
.1. 3:2111Dy On 1,1,1 Cut, , tokt n e r x l
ty ot l'tto
I..uu,exte, rar.enu",ni llt ~cLvu
CCU of Marto: nr-d MU, stnoo, ,,u.
Our 11r ork• cortuoze to tut! opt, It nod c a
COTI.III :.dd..rg to out wock Ittt t un
u! .0. us u, le
Frnou theoar, .aornororm.g:
• 61LIllaleAuLacellrer Er-, 71! •
he has loco, d harve;...T A .t-earn...
%A.Aimat,. ha! .aduccd Irm to take alt Iv:
terra of rear or. U.. he rat.
weaptes. }:taver elec, .urne, ele.) !...elde Th.
i'MAbYt , ,riap Chorea Fraro on• rerr o • Zr.. rr :r 1).•
above [mull inures, end a dot foto pie nee Lop..roor•
tt and rertarc a bl:ar , r. p•rtaa.p-. orre-
No-ar oahar.d and finurLdno to 0..• r itoriea.avro
tlea, open and top 1.11 r: es at.ll re •ey
Warr:age,. trade to ordr... fon% %ever., Orr
HEALD. iII:CKNI , R & Co. inum watar at, a, 13
wharvea, Phil`, offer for ao:a un ace,nraucala,..,
terto.a.CA.W pkga Nlanefuclurtal To, , arro. •.W .r
1. 6 n0, N..ida. atici
.t 1114.5. and C.ta I,nolea
who alai ball bolc-a.ct tito appro.-,J
Jranle El U 1,111:. OabOril ,!. 117ur,g,
(.rant & IN 1,11.:ur.5. A Cainuu.,,,
H Jon. , et Tun, Sr IJuucJd.
' Wutuuer (U.
June. Moran., Jr. A (I AtutograJ.
.1 Thornai & 8. a. I.aud.uru ~. Jlrr,•:ead
J 1' Conic,
I r..., /I,0: . . Wm 1,,,•••••0•1
Il 11 Vaag - ..,
Pur•lnus Ilutuu-ou, 1G,..r• .1. It•uu,•.-.0..
I:em. itolJuasork S. Co. lu-e,
It Metcalf. Joan 1.,d es.
Lawrence Lomer, .1 1tutu.... , ,,
(troy it Gray. 1J II I ur, • r,
11. Jandesun, Yuri. V. late,
DM Branch. —AL..-.-.
11 , vG:.• Leaf Tobacco wrapper. and u,.. 7.
N fa .1 00 do uu
C,ndueo, dr du uu
, 1 .1 Jgo de Cuba do do il
8t :I...unmuu de do ,I,
lu,u , .a , litudea do. part 5,- ,In
. . •
V6l6fitli. 10.1. 1•6411316!ic I•tr 1.6.61“1116,616.615 and exporti
:setd . Penn a., Co:se...rut
1 ‘,,,inn Scrupc . I.eruntn hpro, Pi pc
S,,,Lch 531,1110041, ,•14:cn..L.11
I o.lqun l‘enus, Ifiltll36. "Pt. 11 , erganeol,
Calabria I,quonce, VracutaB
rill A. pi% IS
N Vll I.\A, I ,[,.\ (trEEN , W RE roal.
No 111 Wonn
• .
r r rE bulrsertberT wr‘h To iTTATorrn “ulTirc o,:vritTly
"Tot UT* are now op- ... slew Ion! Iv rvt. *rook
TT•..uu. Glany, I.,tuvern.verr. ItrTntro Tat.,l Fancy
,rT.T ,T. coroprrarog,,titc on , l mutt I.Tarr.onal.T.T
oa, of
r,Toc.. Chula p,,,..1 , L , Lud IT :••••.
'TT;TTrysctr I rno-SroTTe loner
, TTurtTit I•Tut-tv rrcw porivrns, TT
1,-vri col -
n: , . at..Ty of Tea Oer., a If ,
ITTTn. .TY su .Uru v, o • -Tr
t trvtel. m
ITarlor I.upb. to .5. 4
IT•11.1. It vvc. n gr..err I ~•4.01i111•..t
rTIT-arur,oar oullrr• untl bowl pro, rTvTorT 0• e . 2 ,10
la 0101141. our avaurtutcnt of ?cult puTTartT.o Tor TOT,
Country :Merchants • un find n large ,tmk ••11.
urable to country anles, which we utii 00;1 141 ma.
..We priea.
liurbetne enurely new, we feel avis6,l of I,e•
or able to plea oe al/ who luny :a vu: u•
[14,17,11t1Awl )
S. I.l.l'l'N
17Et-SETIA4 oLI tSD9.
I , lllteveetevt and bem tranet y e•ev.,Corv.l to:11.4 C
hofore—tuoor on the new etylfro• • f. , C ,
.od eve-tombionable East, oe•,v, ....... Ai
111 t_h Al' 1401.. L. or fitfArtlN
fr nr.dr border of n/1 nor. and or.. el
Uohno Alcrehants•ne caber. ,
ov , -a
zoo Inc the above rbr themeelvv•
t,1,1,..k0r r Ithere! etChet.o. oh,
OIu:, salt P.Vehasttut
' f a 1 17l7Z.tre 'C' s ° 1 ( 11Vr m 4 k t r l ' s n e
I...eutat haviog Is en thoroughly reeved a t..,•••0rt1
terralart• eleffaatly I.d orati . .l l•
10tv Opct. ig,r lonic aecouartalcans. I. E., ar.
ail that those weo way favor low o inv. gal ran.
ge volt bad all that thee dew, pro , , f
led lo li, earl
.pe and on rcaoona'ar. n-rm• Ile dea•rattned n•
paki , no expertise in making Ins coartblirloarpt worth)
f public patronage. ticoeconantalationt rot
°ending a few ,age.
lee Creatnr. and all refs, eh•
eats suitable to the ecrown, e 4 small,. car hand
Jrsal aftlatrlELll.
dlenolaglihela TaSlating Elsteb
ISA AC WILLIAM, Litaper aiiil hers to in
form thisciukens of Pot-burgh and otter., that he
now opening ui his MUMS Oia ,`lnAbfir.:.l street. un
der the aboveßolt,. a large and lienutlitil assortment
of Cloths. eassicar-res, bilk., and other Vestincsi
together with suck other articles as are ri'untreii fos
aentlemea's wear. Ilia goods have hero earcfaity se.
leen.", and age of the newest cod Inu
. taic itonulde
aa well as of superior quality customers
may depend upon Laving their rlothes made up in
.11t.1111.. knob cannot lad w graufy the taste of the
moat fasudious. subtly
fraiSCCO-10 lan Ijrineb or. Watkins' 0..
2 do do doextra pounds.
sdo do ' do let and
to kegs No I. 6 twist;
10 du PO Cnveedish;
6 Ito do Nag:
/0 NI do ii , garit
00 do bolt spent It do; (or sale liy
SNONE /MUSK— lavmetakco the larg^ aadrom
nood.olla Stool, liuu.e and Bacon Start boa,. ad.
, osnor our W nrelso.e,. o, Canal Ilmon.,re are pre
pared to •tooke rod .0, I.itcoll nreu.ow,olo tenon.
KJ F.R & J O&M,
marl' Canal bit., 'war 743
A SECoND lIAND ('IA-NO, cost onaii.olly 11:100,
and has bee,, 111 use oilOo' lour yen ra price now
Pl7O. for w il e by 10/IN II nc,
10)3 n 1 wood street
O. :Lt:C ., ; , A ,n lt ,, -5 I.hda
11 ks I'. kiUIV LoNc
CoA. .
x. , b)
71/ (rant 1.1
Sl T' l l !e i lt 6 cti ) ; ls6l7l e a.. A art A met `T's'oecle" c h o ' ca d
Mon, lkoot , Plant and J.unct
0t variely. rtiYtta
OTAAII—O rant• extra Potash, joss reeerrarl an
{onr:ronsio Mel for sale by
Jrl4 1411.1.F.1i tr. RlCKl:7ll3oshi
RANDY rases choice Braildy Fruit,
jct.t received laid for solo by
toe. & ItICKMON
Canal Cula, Peon 111.. Pittsburgh.
(eh% . Pb 51arketA. 54 Commerce st_. Phila.
JOHN MeFADEN & Ch., Forwunling and Commas.
skin Merchants, Canal Basun Penn at., Pittsburgh.
JAMES At. DAVIS A. Co, Flour Factors and Commis-
Merchants, 227 Market, 12.141 64 Commerce ft..
rni &Wl
arAdvances made by either of S.; above on Flour,
Vt not and other descripuons of Merchandise consigned
to them.
UTICF.—The subscribers have disposed of their
serest to the PCIIII . III and Ohio Linn to CLARICE &
'4 ILA W. of Pittsburgh, and JOSIIPII s LEWIS, of this
They will continue to transact hardness for the line,
at their AVaretiouse an Brond street, totsual, and he
%pest for it a countiunacc of the patronage of their
friends. JAMES STEEL &
Phsladelptua, Starch Sth,IS4S.
Pean'es. wad Ohlo Trona octatloa Co.
Doable ikalv Lauo of
FIRST CLASS .NEW lit/al`+ AND CAR: , ,
nrr..ara, en rataartiar COO. eartvaant rrriserraon
• • •• •
6 / 1 W1•1 - itl CrtIES
CLAIN.T &T HAW, Corm] Bonin, Pittsburgh.
LE W N A 111.111.11R.119 Alorket st. Philusieiphto.
/AS STEFIL CO . Auts. Broad street
tWDEN. CLARKE& Co.. 7t , North ti.. Bull.
IV IN/ R RICK, Av.. 19 West street, New York.
, 1 •1111: subscribers hate this day .inociated themselves
1 . together under We style of Kier & Juco, for the
par.. DI contlisaing the bueinesalormerly canted on
by Sinuttel Kier, and 143i161 a continuance of the Ob
er& paithaaov heretofore extended to the house.
Pittsburgh, March I, 104th U. F. JUNES.
k:hrall'o'ver'll7:l:Tierrn7:l7:7l:••ben IX.l.6.3:P'lnhal
devatell, and 111 0.1 low rates, as any Other teaponalaia
Tlir shenhOrk orehtrpers , rhtsir io rood Park or Bo
on,. to 6o:/Lamb k bust. is parucuturty requested. in
urrauch us sur arrezigriniuns rius...." It, carry uteri
srueles throurtA to Vetter oilier than an) other hire.
& JOSEkI. Prorrtry. /lasin, near rt.
Pittsburgib. tilnreh List?.
11./1 IL. 11 0 11.1,00,
1,7 JUNNlS—Commisstan sad intisuritak 31er
c • her., and Wnolusola Dealers in Iron. Blom..
colt. Producc, &C.
1 , —, , romat uhronees nu consignment. mutt(
NX3I 33331417, Z. 0 13.1M1-131, 113314 crass. PL31,11.
Pill.hurgh. Ptinndelphm.
To Plsl/osic itiasao wasu Itaasialto• et
HENRI I•RA Fr 1 Co.. Canal Rusin, Pittsburgh.
Dl - til.ll. /IL NI PURE S A Co. No Ntar,,ei st.
H corn, / Nur!. nnrulogn •1,
1031 t , :arke. Nu Pl. old Shp. Nen' I
I lik'llTll'l....—The ,n) I, of on, Enc. , will be known from
..ner th/t dam, Pill•inirgh.
t at Henry Graaf
! t.n . Pb.ladriptun, a* Dnilliii...lAinipliappeo
ND' CND • .
(MIAS 111
• (RAFT', Vituburgi,. marlin
ilak6:24 1848 . SEM
Fur the Treth.per:4ititm of Previa to nod films
11IR 4. ft1.1, 4 11/N. Ar.
1.1331.10.3•33. /33 Ph. a4lelpllnt
TAAA3kca 0 1:3033,3 3 ,
I 111.3.4
I r gond.•
prodnee wilhdcspair , 33.1.3
333 13 nnn.l vornlde Iron. They caimdently !lupe
iI r hnon prompt:lr.. in elnavern, goode—iw
-13 mote Id rerrylirrt—enpaelon• wareitin,•
•.-• each ror• tu!oritnig ne , ommodatios is, snippet
own,. rs prndureiugeiher wan their 13033, elpr.
3Lne 00 , 1 , 331133[•1,3311101111.3 buvanes... nenurn
0 ale,: e..,,,nee Of ihni liberal pnironn4e they
n.rel.y gran-rail, melt nowiedge.
A:I ro,,is,ineni. by and tor IN, Ilan reeeiyed, char
nn nr.d lor.varded in hny 31 , 11.11T,131 directions tree
r hut, contlimeint, advancing or siorage.
Or3ntlimcily .C1.11111103a3131,
an inured In oil spolte••
•,, accts.
UASII Tim Market at. Phiuielplita.
TA NEVE hr OVONN(11t, Put...,rb.
aroNNt)ft.. & Co, North al, fialuinure.
%VAT II , d Cedarat. Near hart aps
184.8 .
r 1 tol;t nu tI lt.iumen I.tne, cortipoaed of licimbont•
1, Ink - el-41e iuul Michigan, beta - reit Pniaburgh and
Deaver. and rectal. aid pnasenser Cana; Boats be
tureen Beaver anti Enc, and C Read a hue of first
e alealitlanala, on:Tellers and vesse,a an the Lakes
is prep•ren in entry freight and psiieugers.tu aii pod.
nit the Erie CiDiai. and Lake Eric, Huron and Miehi-
11.2r131.5 every far dry for conve! idg frelght and pao,
:engers wuh promnisteu and Impact. the propnetur
and agents resperitully Pollen from dteir friends • con
tinuanca of their pationaaa
C II R REED. Proprietor.
REEL) PA IRKS a Po, Beaver, Agent.
.HiILN A CA UlillE), Arent.
•,14 eor (Valet nnd Smithfield its. Pittabargh,
iftiatilr 1843. Lidritigo '
to and from ine I Asivrti ciors. via Cumherland,
T ill. proprietors at this popular line, Itays'ittice Muir
organisation largely oicret.ed their facilities to
I ,
ttw 01 shippers. and a, now prepased to aid b greater inuount I;) the FIVE IIAV LINE,
y additional regular wagon. at Inui rate.
'II m - lot sill run through° m the year. delivering
at. ihrii .4 ihr ai f feins In Baltimore at II Pitothurgh
ov • roinognees Cl specified rat.. and time.
, •11 , 111.,• , • I Philadelphia for the line should he
1111,a. d J 11 RU1 , 01.011, KIJUMOIT "
Tire only agents are,
DVS Charles at., Baltimore.
P:DCIEFFITJB & Co, Combariand.
IV CAISS. Brownsville.
(clef J C 111DWEEI- Pittaliurgh.
iftg MAMI&
ta 0 , 431
d,;Ac my a , t umberhmJ tram tr. hoax ar Aljargla
vh.s us lb, of Edgertais A Co
ttsburgh and assostrn merchants Inc vohlied Us>, J
ty 'A.m.0 5 i1 , 2 South Chart. Lt lialtunitt, is th. op})
Assiburtud areal of On. Lttta u 4 Oh. Eaters acts.
The nal) .g. O O art
C BIDWELL, Pittsburgh.,
0 W CAtF lirawasvala,
EDO A A TON j Goetz:oberland,
dealt( J B ROBINSON, Dahlman,. • "
700 CT AtIMALLAND, AALTIAtozr, wAlsniiricrtolL
!WA. atm 1 , (100, DoSiON ANI, ALL T. AArrO3Ll
Ma l :d a t:b in e m ra c tzlid . il;l . { .. goo .. d d it
11an...140e going East, connecting wult Adams &. lel
Exam. tinny, at Ll.Allmon,.
'Through receipt. wall be poen to any or the above
pluccs. hlcrchandise and packages of any sire or
wrlght focal:anted.
Kipress climes doily at 3 r. a.
nov"ahr Si, Char Howl Hustling, wood sr
NVTllltOrtll Triansportrallois Company. -'s:J=1'111% 1848.
1L.9111,..1.14 011,0 RAIL [go..
ARF'Prepored trunopor: good. out? produce 10 and
from :hr tidos on ravollible WIT.. Ad.
dress or apply to
D. LEECH & Ors Canal Basin, Plorburgh.
HARRIS A LEFA,H, Nos. 13 & 15 *mai Third at, Phil
J. TAYLOR I SON, Agta, No 14, N'th Howard at, Balt.
A. A liturrr, Apt, No I - West street, New York.
Potsburgh, March MA, Io4S. markt
JFY it Ctrs
Passenger and notesittwite• °MOO.
CO Continue to bring pen.. s
from any part of England, 1r - land. Scotland or
Walen, upon the !host liberal terms, wi th their
orlon punetuelity and attention to the wants and f ort com
oof emmignmtv We do not allow our panelmers
bed by the awn:dreg maim, that titter
eons, as we take Charge of them the moment nig" re
ism themselves, and see to their well being, Ind de•
vputell them without any delendun by the first ships.—
Wc say des fearlessly, us we Oct" one of our pun.-
' gen to show that they were detested 4,+ we an
by on in
bverturolovhikt nousenda of others were detained
months. until they could be sent In wine obieraN at a
eb ?, p rate, which too frequently proved their es.
IVe intend to tterform ow contracts honorublY, cost
what la may, mod not net au was the ease last ninon,
with ether ogeers,--who either performed not all, ut
when It suited their convenience.
Prods drawn at Pittsbaro for mm from II to
l i au " N P :l Y Uk . r B:o t tl i gd * ai r t''d'" Dank. in Ire.
• Enropean and General Agent,
kb! Mk area, earl door below
Valanble and Atutacit*ls New Boots.
AMARTLYES History ordteGinandins, 9.v0L,12
13 am.
Mtmon'Life ofektemsner Bayard: 42 asta
(j. P. R. James , Li of Henry the Fourth, of France,
2 vol.-12mo.
Smith's Consular Cities of Chlom 12m0.
Neu/Werra We Micros Chn44 h vo, muslin;
Monet". F r ..h Gleattunrk: ok a rime Sheaf from the
old fieide of Continental Europe.
Capt. ilsory's Sketches of this Mexican War. 12 mo.
Glets's Story of the Battle of Waterloo; 12 mo.
• A Summer in Scotland, by Jacob Abbott; 12 new
Literature of dm Soith of Europe; s cobs
12 rms.
norm's .Adveutures in Mogiso and No Rocky
Mountains; 12 too. metslio
Posthumou. Work; of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, a IL
L L. D.
The Proctinal Astronomee by Thos. Dick, L. L. D.
Lite of Jeremy Belknap, D. D, Historian of New
Luther nud the Reformation, by John Scott, M. A.,
The Aliddle Kingdom, with inew map of the Pim/Ire;
by S W. Williams,2 vols. 17 mo.
The Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring D. IJ,
The Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring, D. Ll 4 IS mo.
Teaching it Fleienee, the Teacher an Artist: by Rev.
IL K. Hall.
The Carr, hi. Court and Peoples; by John 8. Maxwell.
lActurea on Shakspnare, by H. N. Hudson.
The Artists of America—lllestrated with nineengra
onga on steel, and containingaketchce of the lives of
Allston, Inman. West, Salary Trumbull, De Vet as
Rembrandt Peale and Tboa Crawford; I rot,g vo.
The Orplors of France; couthatting Ageteltelt of the
livcsofjesotartioe, Thiera, NitsetleolL Dorton, Mira
beed,rlinrot mid others, with portraits of each.
„Headley'. Napoleon and alai - abets; 2 vela If mo.
Headley's Washington and his °encode; 2 vole, Ghat
Ileadlers Sacred alountnina.
The above, together with a large collection of Stand.
, ofd Work., Classical and Schaal Booka, for sale by
JOHNSTON ft STOCKTON. Bookaellara,
carper market
- - - -
1.1 lett worka, 4 vol.'
Chalmers. Dully acriptiture Handing;
lilettunr of the Life of Mr.. Pry, hod col;
The Con vent_by the author cif "Sehoolgtri in Prance.'
Lady Mary, or Not oldie World, by Rev C 11 Tay
lor. NI. A.
Margaret, or the Pearl,
Murk Calilloch intim Merchant's Clerk, do
Life of Pollak, author of `Towns of Tune:"
'Me Listener. by Caroline FIT;
Lectures on Shalispeare, by 11 N Hudson,
Life of Oliver Cromwell. by) T Headley;
Napoleon and hi. Marshals do
Wash:noon and hat General., do
Power of Me Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring. D D
Bethel Ping, do do
Religion Teachinthy Egample;
Pulpit Orators of Fra.nce, by Turnbull;
Genius of Scotland. do
Life of Rowland Hill; Free Church Pulpit, 3 vole
Orators of France; Now and Than; Henbane. Poem.
Margaret Mercer;
Jacobus on Matthew, adapted to Union Qnesti.
Arthur's Popular Toles-.."lbches in the W orld,"
"Making Haste to he Rich." ' , Riches have Wings,"
"Keeping up Appearances." -Debtor and Creditor."
For sale hy ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,
ielswood and &3 market at
- r) Fx:Ei v NU and lot sale, a lot of choice Piano., with
Elk, antiwithout Coleman's. Cohan Attachment, by
Nunn. A Clark. N T. One of Nun. & Clark's Photos,
with the Attachment, wit, taken to England by Mr
Coleman, and among many other toatimomals at act
nitration tor tint elegant mucitnen of American .1111
nod ingenuity, elicited the following remarks from
It. Thatherg, rho gretuest living.
n, an. 18,
My Dear Ntr—ln enclomng al. letter m to J toy triend,
Emmy. to uch nuot retrain from again elig
to you bow I was pleased with your "A;o1i
Attachment," which 1 co n sider an a great musical Da
proveMmit. Ican assure yoU tO. Ott toy ram shall
with f{rcal picanttre do my olmOot :o make your lore*.
Ilan known. For sale by 11 IiLk:BEE,
'it' 41 Woodwell's furniture rooms, 3d .r
Nlll Bl iron.—Lotiennga in Europe; Or Skelebes
of Truer , in France, Belgium, Switzerland, lady,
din.triL tireat Britian nod Ireland. with en
•rpendis. ennikining observation. on European char,
ties anti medical institution. By John NV Carron. NI 1./
the t author of af ‘Vysid-
Su:l . -Control, a novel. By Mary Brunton, author of
"Di oripline."
Vol. 111. Daily Serlpturid Readings. By the late .
Thoinn• Cknlmen , 111./ L. L. D.
Pert 4, 'Ulm Thousand and line Nights. Ilartients' ll
intirsted edition
\ Vivian/ an Cottager, a book for children. tly the
author oh Herbert." &n.
The !shove works reciyed this day and for sale by
VEW lillOKS—ltlemorkela of the Itatrodoehon of
Itlethodisna seta the &astern Slates, corm.rtlong
btog rept/teal nausea of lot early presehers, sketches of
Ert ehdrebek, and reel...heel ofsu early skrug
alesasid auccoa.ten, by am. A Steve.. A. NI. Just
Aleuts of Rev Ilevtd Altmd, D late Altsmockry
to Chola 1,, 111: nephew, lime kVilbemsott.
1.1t0.t. lb. . 1 1vrettant'sClerk: by Rev Charles
B Tayter. NI. A., poseur of vlireords of • llood klasis
I.tte. ..1...5t1y Mart ." - Marraret. or the Pearl." be, ie.
The above, Atilt a large tutor - deem of nesrbooka,mt
Imo I and mod reersrulg. ra.t.urrr
SO merket at
LlOOKS—!roan, at CIF.
L• 11 ouwo.t. and 01 dm wan and campaign. arming
.nc rum?.. 1. reck Pamiota In Emanmps
, canna, Imo. toga—in Iwo v 9-
• —epicnc.d -op, ...U. nauccrot., maps and emus-
• , :e•tl-11 ye or the am 111. from
I our :a the ❑nly Land, French Scam and Sketch
Lc ' Inn rced and tor Rale by
BI•talla Prams Pfau*.
. .
A SPLENDID tosortment of Rose
wood and Mahogany grand ICIIO7I Pr
ance, PIAI !Mottled and for wale.
Alto, two splgadal Rosewood Pianos,
o no Goieman's
eel prated ..F.tis attac bosom. Finished
I , . Po- moon modern to le, and for talc or
ie.,25 P DLL' It OS, 112 wood et
10 ARABIAN Nwirrs — I . :May .O .IY detag't 6 .1.....-
~y •.,,,,, 111 ClUltsc of publication uy blooperADue
s. ~, e w Yon'. To be completed in twelco poets
Pt r• In :tot received and for sale by
corner market and ad ma
m ai
Canal Packet—SWALLOW. Capt. Ford.
OCEAN. Cipt. Winters.
\NE of the shove Packets leave Beaver every day,
/ SunalaAs excepted, and arrive next morning at
rrrrn Where they Connect with the Nati Stages for
Akron and Cleveland. urving at with of these planes
•re tngh:.., One orthe Packet, leave Wa , ren daily.
1 1, 1' 11. end arrive nt !leaver in time to take the
morning pleurae.: for Pudeburlith.
't I rvs hLE:FFING WELL Warren.
ht R TAYLOR, PrOpra•
Tilterniall TV rat LAIR it TORT . , 110r111
canal Packet—Pwairrtsvama, Capt. /riffle*,
TaLtroaa ea. Pollock,
Lana Eon, " Truby.
" " Perron*, Drown;
" Pau - soon, Sayer
The above newand splendid Pauenger Packets have
commenced running between HEAVER AND ERIE.
I ant/ will too regularly during 'the sermon—one boat
leaving Ern every tobruntg u tl o'ciock, mid one Ilmv•
tett Heaver every errAlAr. Immetlustely uslok.the arrt
val of the ateambmst klichigau (tom Pittsburgh.'l he bouts are new and comfortably furnished, and
wn'l rat , litmalth bay hours. Passengers to •ny
point on the Lakes. or to Niagara Pall.. will find this
route tbe moat coottortable and expeditious. Tickets
through tio all porn on the Lake con be procured by
Apo) tog to the pinuprtetors
Art Pi. burgh,
eor. Water and Smalafield sta.
AGENTS:—Jas C liarenton, Butiado, N V.
C M Reed. Erie. Pa.
C C Wick Greenville. Pa;
M'Earland and King, Rig Hood, Pa,
Hays A Plumb. Sharpaburgb, Pa.
W C Malan, Sharon ' Pa.
D C Mathet=aaki,
R Iv cuatu New Castle, Pt Jr
" . .. -- "" - ' 4 = 1843. iffikliat I
DLTIVIALti itutabusgh, Lthursville, Johnstown, Hebl°. lidaystrergh,Water street, f ITuntingdoit COttfandPe
Thi. Line was formed exeluaively for the special he ,
ram rnalwion of the way beam... The Proprietors,
thank tul for the very liberal petronage they have re
newed during the lam two years, would respeetfidly in
form their friend. and the public that they are how .1111
hetet prepare.' to deliver goods et any point 011 the
Cann: and Rail It ad, with promptnees and dispatch.
Piekeeortb & Wood., Johnoloorn.
John Miller Holhdayebureh.
C A IWA nutty & Co, canal boon, Pitteburgh.
Rrroareerma—Pinehurgh--Rmith & Smelair; J A J
Mol&,111,(.4 & J Il Shoenberger, R Rolan.n A Co;
kieere, Haffaley & Smith; John Parker; Wrn Letteorr &
.'0: Ur P Shoenherger. ;eau
wssaylwarda Casual It Hill Itoadlti.
pressyn.t Paako!t Line,
1848. mmk
lEnclusively for Pitmen/gem)
fit Hyr. public are respectfully mantled that Ws Uwe
j will commence runtime, on the Rid tun, and can
nonr throughout toe Amu*.
The bout. are new, and of a superior close, with en
larged cabins, which will give greater comfort. The
cars arc the latest construction.
A boot will always be to port, and traveler. are re
quelled to call and examine them before engaging pas.
sae elsewhere.
( Pure only nine dollar. through.) One of the beats at
dm lime will leave the totaling topposito U. 8. Hotel,
corner of Penn earent and Canal, every night at nine o'-
clock Time at day.. For information, apply at the
°Mee, Monongahela HOW, or to D &Co
h el m Canal Ilaaitt.
Merchant.' hantir
" =5 . 1848. Mill
%La t...el•L ANT. 411. lOaln
GOOIIS consagned to our care will be forwarded
wnhout delay at the will lowest current rues.
C A Al eANULTY 11. Co.,
Canal Rash. Patin et, Pittsburgh.
Cid and 365 Market at, Pb))'..
je2o Smate• wharf, Baltimore .
M..ela 1848.
Q RIPPERS and others are Informed that Una Line
0 will COutl , l”. u, run Ihrouchout theyear. leasing
.14111+ Paalutc inerrharldi.• taken 01 law rates
1 1erchandlie from Baltimore brought out al Goal
rate, Thee, five days. .1C BID WELL, Agt,
ater doors above Along'. House, Pittobingh.
onyl7 P South Charles in, Baltimore.
1848. Mail
llate,ll day.
Merchandise trunsporled .1 Canal rates .
Water nix Pittsburgh.
4171.4121 argot, Saleune.
For co very of Dormant 'and IMPOT With
held and Personal Estate—thin Settlement and
Arb . 'on ottatosnermal, Trading and Mho , Deb ts;
See . Patents for Inventions m Great Britain,
Irelandf and the Colames and Depeadeneles there.-
to belopging, and Negotiating for the Perrehasti or
Sale ofghe same.
THE Pliticteal object to the establiahment of this
Agency is to set at rest in the most saits(nctriry
and econfimical mann, possible, the numerous claims
for property winch citizens of the United States really
have, orrtnagine they possess in England and else
The efforts of designing and unscrupuloue Wen have
been actively engaged m influencing a belief on this
subject is many quarters, with a view to petty pecula
tion; and evidences of the fact have liven so frequently
brought to light ns to render it organdy necessary that
aa'offiee he established hav i ng for its object the mein,
faction of those who have been deluded, and to ester,-
sob the claims of such as are the rightful heirs to doubt
-1 All property, or that which Is lotproper.y withheld.
I Articles to the leading journals in the principal c,,,,, , ,
of the Union are frequently appearing, headed - fowl.-
Ley Estate," "A Great Fortune for Somebody," •.fileet
togs of the Hollghmit's at Woreerter." "Chase Meet
ing.," 4. a c . the authors of which are generally law
yers seeking practice, on adventurers, whose only ob
ject is In feed upon pablic credulity, by producing an
exchecneut which anty.reall. (or themselves unshed/-
ate vim. End who are generally speaking, without
the slightest knowledge or the sublet.ts they put forth.
The evidences of this being a tact are every where
apparel°, no in no oafs single instance have Mete 11l
i""ritietl etPectations been realised, and it is with ~
vie.. to the correciton of this evil that the ...toner
has effected the most extensive armugetneno to sanely
theinquaring. as well at to satisfy the curiosity of those
who, intluenced by fanid,y 'connection or otherwise,
wish to pursue the mvertifatioll of maners often invol
ving results ofthe most impend°os magnitude i
As regards real estate:in England. the bulk of it ts 1
subject to the taws of Entail and Primagetuture; and
eVer since the revolution in 10S°, the principal estates
have been subjected to We changes which always eni.
se on revolution, confuniorr,..nd change of dyne:qr.
and although there have been special laws passed for
Patneular purposes.all those which have reference to
Wm subject. and which were passed subsequent there
to, are still availsale in eases of legitnnate right. It is
not, however. intended in this advertisement. to refer
antecedently to the American resolution of 1770. at
which period, 0 great number of persons entitled in vto
no. sears to property, abandoned the some by jommg
the revolutionary party. This not, in itself, was sulti•
°lent 'o lead to confiscation where it was directly held
by such individual/0 bat when those nbandontng the
same were next in suceession to the then possessors,
the case became altered; and alienation front home and
family were made the bangers to rightful inheritance.
Another fruitful source of insesogetion is found in
the Unclaimed Dividend Book of the Bank of England,
and this, furnishing as it does, each English name that
has ever existed as n holder of funded property, is the
main reliance of the unprtncipled traders in public
The modes of investment are exceedingly numerous
in all parts of Farope, but in Engle id particularly so;
and the subscriber is prepared to show the facilities
which he possesses. for an Investigation in any of We
means above alluded to. Besides all these, Were is
property ponitively bequesabed, and which, in conse
quence of the absence of the parties to whom demised,
becomes Involved in and subject to the laws of the
Court of Chancery.
lit all cases, even, of supposed family connexion, We
most pun tier and satisfactory information can be odor
ded as to the feet. connected with the members of fam
ilies; no manter how remote the date or s
ase eemingly dif
ficult We investigation; and'where the e has alrea
dy been undertaken by anybf the numerous person.
who pretend to a knowledge of this business, and who
have altogether failed in obtaining, or omitted to afford
the information sought by the victims of their specious
and delusion, the trustier is the more mania, ander
taken. because of the greater eatisfaction I/I ti 1 1 1 ,1.14
Whore the pretences amber. have obtained so much
nntuerimd coofidenen
In the settlement of Commercial, Trading and other
Wes, the necessary legal and mercantile ACCYxa
will be brought to bear, inexperience of half a centu
ry in this particular branch, is the best evidence that
rut be afforded of the abillis that will be bestowed on
molten coming ander this be d.
Inventors and others 'equinox Patent righemeu red
in any or ell parts of Europe, can have the same Mice,
ed mitt very Intling chenre over and above We usual
fees required nt any given country. Every informa
tion respecting the probable expellee., and the mono,
operandi will in all umen Ise cheerfully afforded; and
the (aniline, particularly in England, for disposing a
the nght, Zr.c., are of the most extesisive character. In
troduce.da are also offered to men of weadh and high
reepecuthility. Whatever belongs to this department
is ample The alumnae. therefore, of the public in gen
eral is prigticuliarly solicited to this branch of the Agen,
ey. tommunications by letter are requested tu l v post
paid. ItbXititA.ti FABIAN.
:19 Water Wert, New York
_ . _ •
Zion. Chas. P. Daly, Judge Common Plens, rs:. V
Chas. Catiudge h. Co.
W.J. T. l'apsuott,
A. ibrket.,
Edward Sohn:slur, Cmmonsti, Oulu.
A Painhoh Esq. ?rest Patchlo Bank, Buffalo.
oalca FOR
lof boat (or nmldtng. made by r.""
improved madame% Mr which be has obtained a p em
and attrees to give purchaser. a written guarantee that
they are ' , lmager, end Will resist woo and wet weath
er and Imbibe leas moisture or dm:apneas than any oth
er brick, en d u r a ble rat body and impertor texture
sod much mor in every respect, each brick
being subjected to a 1.1...knur1: nt . kevera/ t o and pan
seaciux nandwooke smooth entlace end n edge.,
they make • front equal to the beat front brick
Ttiey have given the iinnath.l vaustaeunts to all who
hate purchased. A kiln eat, be seen ut my worn., and
kp,inuen Co the Gazette othee.
Taro.. brrtrurg nupplied tru.rruelverr tor thrrr troildrug,
uttrl wt , tolig liandsome grow bock. ~t wr osr.l
rai. , ll..orrurr t9l,:ir, c ou norro
ham, /hue 12.
satiated then:twelve. together ranter
the style and tine
of Selto/ey. Rya. tt Co , for Inc manular tare at Waal
Type, and aa that
type altogether made by machi
nery, the inveunou of Issue NI, Singer, one of (ran ,
they feel conlidera that ditty oder • more perfect nntete
of itpe, and at much lower rate. than any hennotor..
offered to the Tuned States, and am nom read) to net
order. tot Bin same.
All °Mesa addressed to Soholey, Ryan & Co. ul
their office in Diamond alley, between Wood and
Strothfietd ascots, will be punctually attended to
rmpnetorl of newspapers, on eopyin; this ad
erusemetit 3 mouths, Lad mudum us their paper, 0,11
b entitled to receive their pay in type. on purchasing
tni :e Waco the amount of their bill lot adverusme.
attmtuas, proasutau tie witagusto.
°Mee , at the Exchange, Baltimore.
D EDIXED HATES.—Iie charges have been redo
ced on all Messages to or from Baltimore. Pins
ourgli or Wheeting, and a corresponding reduction
made on all telegraphic despatches forwarded from BM
unsure West of Pittsburgh. Pa
Etsras—The charge for a telegraph despatch to or
trots Baltimore, Pittsburgh and 1% beeline. is 45 cents
Joe !lie lirtt ten words, and 3 cents for each additional
1,1" No charge Is made for the address and sigma
Lou! the completion of the South Western Lute of
Tmegraph from Memphis, Tenn.. to New Oriemos, des
patches von Le forwarded to Memphis by this mute. and
marled for New Orleans. fell _
The Allaighany Camatery.
AT tar annual meeting of the Carport:not, held on
/X the sth mat, the foilowniu ?moons were imam
money remleCtesi .112.0aers lot the ensuing year:
THOMAS AI. HOW E z Pre went.
JESSE ceatn.urits,
J A.NIEZ 11.. - SBEEH,
J Freest, Jr.. Secretary nod Trearut
The annual statement presented the
Company in a very prosperous condmot
itt the city H.No. Wa er street
OAN SAVE from 15 to 25 per cent. to) purchoaing
V Heir OIL CLOTHS direct from the obinutacturcrs.
No . CARMICHAEL have opened a ware
hoax, No 135 North Third street, above dace, second
dour South of He Eagle Hotel, Pntbiord.ritts. where
Hey will always keep on hand a complete assortment
01 Puent Oootto Carriage 011 Cloths. 20, 34.4 u.
nod 54 inches wide. Figured, Yenned and Plain, of
Ibe inside, on Muslin Molting and Luzon. Table 011
t4ittitta of the Moat desirable patterns, 56.40, 41, and 51
none, wide. Floc:4 Oil Clothes from gs niches to 21 feet
' , nee, well seasoned, and the s ite west style of patterns,
all of Wet, own otanufaeture. Transparent Window
Shades, Carpets. ho. All goods warranted.
i Manufacturers of
No. Sao South. Probst Strooty
Bath of 7 A. Ribron's Cabinet Wore Massuf y
A LL orders left with S. S. loon, it the abets of the
Aqi. Merchant's Hotel, Pittsburgh, teal be won:tett)
adeuded to. TAUS. G. DERR 1
oefilo-4lv A. C. NlCKblionist
XPERIENCEDjudges, on • trialoh one and a half
millions, since INS, pnauounce tins nrueld unser
ptui•ed for durability in the construction of ail kinds of
Furnaces. Price 1fit1,73 cash for loads at 11l hi, guar ;
Boreed nine months uso. Orders for a Necond quality
livar Bricks will be executed at Stu per NI, if so de
sired, without guarantee. A stock of the_ first quality
nnw for sale at the warehouse, •Sloan'i - Wharf,' Ca
nal Bushy, by 1 MIA W SIACLAREN,
irypOnt Kensington Iron Works
piIIENIX FIRE BRICKS—The subsk-nbcrs tiavang
been appointed sole Agents ey tire manufacturers,
fur the ask of the celebrated - latuctua Bricks," are
now prepared to till orders for any quutnizy, at Sal,
cash, per la*. For the construction al winner, of
all kinds, thane bncti have Loco pronounced by row
petetit ledges as being superior to all oiler are brick,
now 111 use. C A aPANULTY Co, Cuss! Basin
PORTABLE FORGEzi-11 vet, ort.ele.
Bellows and all Bac el, rig., o i l ßto
dies b mom.. A frxr fu•e rer'•l.4l I, mai+
(21:1.4.16Y UN JOHN ADAMS—Delivered
„Ls May Bib, 1,41, at the &hoot House of the Suit,
W Ltd. eittsburgh: By It. M. Breckenridge.
Petilisbecl by JoitssTuN and for
sale by all the Llook.llets In the tiy. 1)7
WINK. --0n sir puke and 1.11 but abls Pon, Sweat
Alantga, and Ililtwaira 11'watt, ettatpristug some
vary atoms and superior brands, recatved and Ws sate
an accominadanak ten.., by
my!! 4l'h Al SI ITCHNI,TR 10 lawn,
LARD OIL-50 bbls ' , unarms. Durckhardt's brand,
Just received and for sale by
10 6 J KIDD At Co, GU wood at
e kArt i- & O seeks superior Oats, reed per steamer
tf Dillgent.e and for sale by
WISE MA.I...ACJA WINE—W yr casks sweet Alnla
ga NVins,lust received and for sae: by
togi kllLLnit t ItiCKETsoN
W HONEY -3 ir 1 1 , 117
,jul2 V 1 water 1,1
Nya, VOW OLAwa—Orki Owl bAln, for sal. I,y
1 jEEF—d bbls pickled; lbw IDs dned; for ;clue in
MACKEREL—No and 3, In ball and yr bbl.: (or
sale by Jill 8 F VON BONNHOltbir it Co
D ROOMS-23 doz envy large g. b. Brooms, lo do
Rocheater do; 23 do Com do; tor sale by
ARKEREL3O bbla new No 3; reed and for sale
Esa 81INS-399 lbs for sabs loss us dose conugs.
.I.Loses9- jyI4FR/ END, RHEY & Co
_ .
EATBIE2I7 seeks Feathers, pan landwg and
far ago by 9919.9W19 BOWEN.
lsv 79 In aj
Iv 1;1
Asthma, /Inureludo, tiputustu.lllood, Pain in Ste Side
. stud Braun, tors Throat, .110arsatIMIN . Palpitation
LOF neon, WitoopineCOutit,2Coodp, Hives,
Nervous Tremors. Liver Cproplooo. and
Dooxood limineys, are radiettilv
cured Dv
or. Skirtaytke'a Com nod Syrup of Wild
It,. mild and .Ch err
old ple
ant to (he Mat, pedectlylstac and
bunnies, mat tt operauollet chid yet it to ogle of the most
powerful and certain rem...lit/4 . ms Cowen:wt., of the
Lnags, Cough, colds, Snehrate, Sinning Wood. Liver
Complaint. l'auss in the Sid e or Urea., and general
Debilny of the Consatattan. !that eru ever Invented by
the skill of man for the rel.:lice the afflicted public.
Certificates and evideuces.of it, wondertutcurative
powers arc daily received truer nil it is im
crpossible to conceive the eginterate sadterate and mm
y that has been relieved mar fi, oo „ / , oor
we calculate the immense benefit shot shall accrue from
tt hereafter. AU age , . ...Zest and commumous
alike affected by it, nod the dew,* is eradicated from
the system, the constituttentrepuired, maul health
lured I. F the use of On. Switian's tAnc e ,,t„,, s r . r .„
W“..a LAMM,. klow massy. sufferers dd . vre datly be
hold approaching to on untimely grace, *netted in Me
bloom of youth. from their remit ves and 1 1 . .epts, artltet
ed with that fatal mulady,„ oltich
porites the utterable sufferer nail he o t<ybndthe
orer of human skill. If such sufferers would only
make a beat of Dr. Strayuc'k Compound Piny of Wild
Cherry, Limy would find dierasetves scion, 'relieved
than by gulping the varioualneffective remedies with
witteh oar newspapers abtalhdt Wu 'Vegetable Re.,
dy , heals the ulcerated lung, stopping profuse night
sweats, at the same tone lacking untura/ and heatuty
erpectontlion, and the pantin will soon find himself in
Me enjoyment of comfortable health. The public should
bear to men/ that Ur. SwaYtut is a rcgtilar prucusing
physic., and has had yara er eSperienee sit diseases
of the Lung, Chest, dn. The tortgtnal eta), genu
ine arucle in only preparen S. WA I N ear
ner of /Eighth mitt Race sweet, Phtladelph.
Of alt the cures that has e eel Leen records st, we may
minty say the annals of medicine cannot Ruttish one to
surpass mast., watch now stands as a Living wool m curability of cousumpuou, nVI . II bad ncen
despahed of. l)r. Sway ite . s.esaropound t3yr.. of Wild
Cherry a
know all professes to he, toe greatest toettscoac
h the n world.
The T. Rie.4es of 1. 1 / 4 t:11.1.62&11..
Da. Swarms—Dear sir,—For the goal ui the poblie. I
(eel myself In dui) hound to' metal) IO use ,c-at num
which your Compoutid Syrup of i 1 lid Cherry perform
me.nay part, l reel as it every body ought
to know it. I was atilicted with It cough, lape,
tom ot blood, night sweats, , hoarse/ions, tuid souud of
the voice indicating an sdarnuog stale of the disease;
my appetite woo gone. and My otrength had so far fail
ed me that my Mends arid.hysician were poTthaded I
could not supra', n s. Aly stater, woo was my
matoue care-taker. made numfey where kite would Ise
likely to procure the [llOll emu., relict Mee was raid
that if Dr. Sway itea Comp.°. Syrup dr Tifild Cherry
foiled in the cure. my life was then hopeless. 1 oar
modlciase wits immediately lireellrttl, and the first tau
eliertia:oetTeh.entf,ymiciamd u) ate
lellontl tad e
m c sirenr "c 6 d w th ati n
much improved. In short, if has made a putout cure
of me, end lam Si this present time as hearty man as
I wis h, and have good teethe to believe that the use of
Soar medicate has raved me from a premature grave.
I shall be
to gwe any infontosouti respec nag
my base. I Al Ramem,
chestter at, between/ace and vine ete.
Consumpuves, Read! Read: Or. BBttvvaynete Compound
Syrup of Wi'd Cherry. :
In about the year le/7, I lima it iteceiaary In my
professional practice, to compound a medicinal prepnr-
MICUI for diseases of the chest end lunge, possessiog
more powerful healing propernes th
ou tots atom hah
erto knowu odiseases. lit my CC/Mel/CND
SYRUP OF WILD CHFART, I have beet, very the-
CCSAttli. The truly utonishitig cures roamed try my
medicine soon spread its there shaved; (or It owes n 0,,,
of as tureen to mataufactured newspaperpotts or tor
ged certificates—the real Intriaine memo of my rout.
mute le the only souse of ttepopularity Its eatenstve
sale soon excited the envy at carats specitlatons ii the
anlictloas of his felow creatarea so much so that itt a
few years from the time that My: preporatibit was Intr.
dared to the pulsate and an great demand, a. firm to this
city, finding that my prepatation had gained a here
repothlion tor Ils collative ptoperoca, came out with
what they called Dr. Withal of 11ild Cherry.
Tha reopectable lied popular phyvician had Ito more
to do with the arcademutt poor „Sam Patch. 'the name'
of Ur Waiter le attocased to oink,/ it appear that this eta.
111 COL practitioner was the original biota.r of the pre
pummit; such is not the tact The above , firm, the re
al inventor, thld the recipe and right to inanutheture
some patent medthme dealers In Coact/toad for the
West mid South, laid another:ln New Park for the Eh.,
who SliellVSTibt, II is asserted, oold our to a droggtot it
lloston—so the [loather of hotels 6110 WiIICS tt may have
changed is art enigma ,
In thine places they assert, it onanated from a ifhy•
•1(q. l'ailadelphtn, othcm, tram •
elessachuthaa So it has hilsebood and stratagem
stamped ot every teature.
There have been a number.' other prepared°as par•
porting to corneal Wild Cherry put out sauce, from the
hand. or thexperience . , which the public should guard
elpliSSl, as they coutsurs ...ID( the eintieg Of Ole not.
itch .14 only gettable preparation, whit, bears the -lg.
nature of Dr sway - ate Oh tech bottle. The sera
manufacturers oi to te
putts an d false tieniernies pre bare
the dortatg eafrontery t coutiult air pubiie pu- i
citaiuntr tuedlcate, tile Only 11141) f(001.1.M. CIO WWI t- -
nal preparation of TT ,id Uteri - before the public,
which to proved sous.ctorilp by the public rec N. of
o e ConllOSOLlVVellitil at l'ennoylvaim. or a:. van-
OA 0111 cf odmiol documents lilt. 11. ST , / A T NE.
Inventor nod sole Propraitor at the rename Cant.
poolio n) rap of Wood thorny, curlier of.Eigl2ll2 end
Hsuoe street., Pitaimielpheis
l'ampatets coo he °taunted snit, aelting forth an
artay 0f teatthiutty that win ...loco Ulu Smut step.-
eat to! the wonderful' vit . :ace 611)r ewaynei Camp..
Syrup of Wdel Cherry. Call - and get ate. that all my
read. Parea.e Lie ouedicath, a. as Cl
IP,cue. who,er:Le and run... .•or Agent.
I ete;el.N
uuru e r uutl ad I .1.!er,., eta. b JUNE, I, bourn . ,
ei. A FA /INF.,'FI/L: 2r. Co. corder Of Elmo anti
tt oad uud kith and Wood, and Jull.N AWL:HELL.
Allegheny flty.
1.111.. JAYNE'S ALTERAT - 1 1 / 1 i
We have been !oforrneur bp Aire Ito. or &eare per.
formed on her t..) I.n. Jayne's Anerative, winch 1
I proves in putperwrity over eirery other remedy of Lae
kind She hes been attheledt. the 1.1 at ;teen yeast
aeon I l lClCnSt_e; or W 111 1 13 :ELLINne, attended
se ou auterutione and enfol.atiou of vartoa bon., da
ring ware h tone molly piece, have.brro dhseharged from
the .:1114. acme 01 the credium, andth her 111',/,
W Trig nail hand, and tr.. lielh mae, troth elen
te prat Lone, and iroth the llght ince nal, panful
Ter. on other pare ol her pees.., whichhone Ladled '
the uL.:; Of a number of the tidal ..,,.,kill r..hye.coutool
at —dung; nom of limo Om( her euderings have
been and dept.:dole About three RiOillitS
amn alin was Induced to try De. Jaridt4 Alltraave
wro e nh bus had an astoenstlatgly happy efret alto,, her,
I.)' romn•tng ali pant Si,., aseelliage, and cbautila the
u leer • to lint, at the mane in. her genera! he aiLh
!MD herniae completely reaeren.,o that, alu. men a, tan;
more. than rue did before she commented the: ate
of Lb, truly saluaL A prepanon—>at Eve Yest.
ler further ovonnaLon, Impure of Mrs. Hots, No 1.2 e I
FL' et: et. l'hnadelpsoa
Far ' 0 n,"tf the TEA. Sla 'RE,
7.4 Fount at. ncar Wood.
- - - - -•
/6..k.1C ORE4I,
INtS.S.—Scriweila in all it nit:Wolfed limns
whether in that of King's Kohl, enlargeineb;,, is ins
glands or bones, Goitre, White Swellings, Chronic
Kheunlatism . Caner, dismnies of the Skin or Spine,
or of Pulmonary Cuosumedon, emanate from one
and the same cause, which is a poisonous principle
more or lon inherent in the human system There.
hue, unless this principle can be uestreyed. no r.cii•
cal cure can he cdected, Sat if the principle upon
which the disease depends, is removed, a cure
must of necessity 1011 ow, lab matter under u hat form
the disease should mandeq alma. Thus, therolore
is the reason why Jaye Ws ALT !MAT IVC is no um
vernally successeul iu rortOYing so many malignant
diseases. It destroys the virus or principle from
whir those diseases have their engin, by. entering I
into the circulation, and with the blond is conveyed
to the roomiest fibre, reatneing every ywrtiCie el
disease from the system. 'Preparm 2 / 1 11 sold at Nu.
Souls 'Third Street, Plvikaeloota.
Sold at the l'elun Tea Store, d05..1`.; onr•b strec.
Pittsburgh snenll
le eau, of the
'to Then. other
k ADIES no Ise eoilemon Izt urea Lao, ire
ortell net ewer< how reignan4 “;ter.t.,o, 1 / 1 ro
the at in! how cohere, how tough, how tat,' sr, „ Inw.
and unheanny the -kin appentre oiler uslng pre/resed
ehelk: ktea.den, p,lltuurata,.,Cessnivnolg lelte yowl
wy 0, lead. V, bay- prepared a beauutul
aruac setuer, we nail JC)A
t/ITI.1! t, I. p erfe ctly ln pLlfieled of al,
deieterloos qa01,1./es; end isnpArts .o c 10/11 h nate-
Ce,j, healthy, islabasier.e.ear. Llrms Arline, at ate none
/line scOng o
e co.mtne Or. the Sk/n, wtaklng :t 'on
an [OlO/11/
Dr. Janus Annereon, reentlas, Cheimill of filialts•
ohusene'iseys.--Allot 11.naljwn.4 JO. ta's:Vanish Lain,
Waite, k bud n poisonous dm inool heat/NW hod natu
ral, at the urine time Inngtxnt wh , te I ever saw. I
rt./Dv eel/ cOnse,enhouefi recommend Its Ilse In
whose skin rmiuires beautifying."
n"Price Si cents It
10 , e1t.1,1 liy in.k.h.l.A/N, at his Bnot a P..
Store, el 9 I,uerty cram, h ead of `A 004, at en
rn hi
the ho of
the B 4 Boot.
lAdiee. ladies, Pm artonlehed, rw
When you know that poll nee p for:opted
A natural, 4(o-like, snowy white.
That you w/h soli use daimon Chalk,
Aral look a deathly yellpir fright,
Toe theme of laughter and of talk
If yin wouni uric a boa:. of 11.1.Nk 'ht
would glee your skin ev e /baster ye, /1410011 Wh'
and atll,cme tone Clain and /mooed bo!J it
JASON'S., et, Libort) at .in
klfrota per 1.0. r
PA no.oe PER
1 . {WS W. FIELD ollupi tor mi., at lac .os•' prican,,n very extonvivo
IoCUI. 01 PAPER. coutertstog every p0311.“*. 6,{V.
adopted to the wants of cone/rows in nil 60(q10,:. or
country. Paper of all kinds =tutu- to *Mar at .Son
not .re
1 an cock of PkiINTINI.: PAPER is uhusuttliy Wyar
a part of arhtch ta of very auportor totality.
of every aoserpoon. /mom toll ;Wu kept realtanal)
ire Clow, Footartroor tt t w a
Blearh: ug Pon de: 811, Lltramorwr, Tar; ne. Cte c
c,r Atit:sl
ornas. Rale Rope. lraaal•opr, Bwrgota, r
pun, aao,l, tot tetnett the toggle., prer
pate YZIY thew r iot. JalYa • 44 '... r
_ _ _
Dr. W. P. luilatuPa Prep:thus& Plaster.
U B.tYP adolphia, now oder* to the patine LisVog
enable Premium Plume, the : footmen whir. itr
long and hiedexperience, been sortaiaidoery
tablnibed. To all women who may be rkillicted
Prolatima Uteri, or Fallen Womb, he rommintm" , . ".•
!te eingguarante a sue' •poeily rare in
Mon spare of two to Mee wee as. •mitied wi,h
~t re end test — diacardnig all the mamma* lutruntemil
and expeent ve bandage* m hhig Ili um.
con.leutio. In cuing iniuntuoh It, he ha• flat fax
4n mu cue out of t h ree bitialred n. J no) oitrue pa.
Alpo for Rheum...taut and Wrak Limo.t or
tended with pain, Were ta uvdnug tv darel
atrunlind relief or cdratlnk v r are. Fur ea.. I,y
I. I Vileok. corner thasuond a•sd Alarket ft
Braun Lll.Frty um( Ft Clout ,t,
Dr J Sargent • Federal and Dtl4llo/Id, An,
gern y etty, k. o. DCII/11411 ••I , t Diamond, 4
j'hr" . •
jLuarfc.r ngtvertis" • 7
ements in snene;;P°..."4-(414
. . 2
A Chalfant* to ;ha World.
TUV ENTS -FIVE Dui-LAN/ 4 tr 11 ba pant to any one I . .tr n. nuare. I i months, without altersttoo,... 10
mho wtil prootace a spot rd' p cot. green or dry, that 1 • • •• I: ..
moo* i
00 , ho oe one ted 'soh no , 5 ltri ProVO Cliorr ooo l 1 I.cch addition...l ofttlatO f r 6 month.
Soap 1 no. e the tatuttoetton et tot gong to the people et
't . !1; " . b 32
tnu place, that tilts arudle, uy nag oortrunpawentent on ~
, cow NMI i I
d• iil/ f trolled to the ...wry tor eitcrultitg `' .l. 9 ol 're• ' 1 ctOnt.ll. rece . "'"..-- 01 .1 0 1.. i ii, ri" US an- c
,• " ' '4l op
create, tar. it: tett, cut, pawn. or nog i,gler greal ett, 1_ ; •
tognee, nom .., at getatleiltutt . tat Ingn . lkpitlill 4, Lath ldtlito•nslectt.t., tor 1% months ..... ... 10 00
carpet.. ,• owls., merino kivC.s, 141.1..:•' L,I.:LC:). I ' •O Jauaree. t 1 tannin, re'wanin At pleasure, XOO
sc. crgtou. I , IJIIf Ing 1. rtaing dial pate aster will nut
..., . a . • 6 6,62:55, •.. ...... 0 0 0
, p ligt. ar gl th o e rc ,o tt u t
d attLer t c b st e t
w 1 Ley, ~,, .gt.wrzsg./.1 la O• 11.2 sneak..
wshoal IL if it cotsone dollar per eako. In trying dos I One saltssaltsire. 3 insertions , ions• g I 00
Soap on more than 300 belt SAN wins. ii. . - mien Additional insertion,........ 37
paces., and talon:ins, I hare *illy foUnd pieces of
wig. two of alp:acct.. and dadr. DLIONZSO CLIO&
Of Oahe°. on winch it l . ~,,,, 6 Olt
the colon therefore bonne putting it on a light I.' ''. 011 ...” et t T ea r , •
try a sample of the dreg first. I stated:ls Decease " . • ma months 600
lam determined not to Mem:Mond it any .tnotagoc Wen • • - •• one year, daily & weekl, 10 00
limos" mbe 'Wetly vas. Nti Hot. t• sin mango ', 'I 7 •
Pnee, lgl eta per calm. Sold, wholesale and remit 110
•OvlliTiouglNTO IN WIILLY /neat., —
6'lbyeen4 It • BELLERS, , For V) !Inca, or less, One insertton, ........110 64
`-•• '"4 " •• •• Two, '' ........ 073
VAS --30 half chests Ylf Thy 30 do do Inci,,,,k, do. •• '• '' Throe, " ........ 100
30 do do Gunpowder do; 30 do do blank der, 3u es,A; .• ~ ~ Th,,,,,,, ~,,,,th5. . ........ km
ty is Gunpowder and Y hi, in store and for solo ..)
" " " Six ''• .........6 00
' " " TwoWO • .... law
M-EDI 1.
Purify Your Mood.
I IL o r_ SOILLI—Irear Sir. Last Spring, and da•
/31 ring tne preetoo• mutter, I ores severely satiated
with a scrotal°. complaint to my leg. cod had beau
Cu, come mouths under the care ot physician. They
saml or ease with almost incurable, and they coalrl do
Ltlle tor rue- vent nearlybelplait, but with
id go
aof crutches could wi th ithgculty got abuts. On
last I posehased of you, and returnee... a d aggus . 2„x,
Too', SAJLILLtIaII.II. After the tme °Coro bodes, the
toren commenced heeling. cud I laid wilds my crutch
esing only a cane. I thspensed with my elm. and
the end of the fourth, eras so well ma to all day
in shearing cheep. lo ad, I need five bottles. The
rofala and sows have all healed op; end since lad
smuttier I have seen no appearance of tho disc=
her C0111141., d . ant! am IMIA. in the et
I .1,11, with confidence, hoping tha others may be bac
elated mthe same way, shot the Stu.aparilla sold by
you, has been the mean, aid the only an, of effect,
tag lie cure- CORNELIUS I. £OSk
r'or sale wholesale and retail, b
dr.‘e B. A. FAIL6TOCE co
cur front P wood os, also corner wood a 4
r Cream de' Acroanda Awele', for ahavuir,
Cr, von a la Rote, for ahavong;
A coonoe Cream. den
S. 1., :tone Rouge, on Porcelain nand.
So cant scent bap, perfumed with Lavender, Angle
test .theo;
lor..euhal powder pude, 01.11 patterns;
Fo.'oeased toilet looges, contalnong fragrant aimed+,
re f the lodneke - chul: a anent bag, and loilet anapsonlnf•
wole pre , enra.
?co ono, CO Cl,o ones powder;
le, an vilclll. , }l. ha:, 0.1.100 a rho tool, on iancy or common wrappers, (row 'eau-
Joi,s' Soap; Nyeripa Soap; Rose Lap salve; ?
Sheu soap, Soda soap; toaether w thvarietyeat vatiapethictery: trectvetti tor sale
13 a. FAHNESIv ltat & CO
col btu A w. A ats
Palairmary Balsams.
l AI GSSEIS. REE..I/ CUTLER-1 feel it a Mal , I
ILL owe to my fellow ereatures, lo stale ,grametiung
Imre ro am:chug you VegetaLie Pulmonary italaam.
Since I first used the S aloon, reborn eleven yean agm
Om happy eifect of ortyleh I then gave an aceount o,
Love Lad sem rat weave complaints and attack. at rev
Imes. one a few days mice, and 141 every mstume
hate owed the Balsam alone with complete and perfect
te,,ece., It har errecied relief and cure in a very few
dot v It I. etrlallily rwe medicine. Ido not know
Ihat It will cure a fixed comumpuan, bat I believe it
will b. to many cases • preventive, and prevention is
Ocltt.r Wall cure; I do themiore, for the love ofmy /al
low men, emocaly recommeud the use of this Dram.,
111 :al pulmonary complaints. 1 tun confident Bat it
1.11. 1.. y en the menus al preserving My life to thiselap,
hammy .1611 C In 'al BEN:IA.MIN PAILSONIks I
or we by II A FailiteSt.k, & Co, corner first and
wood nod also corner wood and tlth. /Mg
1,:1[1.1.1.:115 IMPERIAL 0l11,(.14 SYRUP. -11 nag
ij power to cure: Prrismeau, Yen 14, ISO.
It. E. pa ,(y wae has ;or ye ar. been attertat
dt.tresung conga, accompauted with mlbrus, fat
the cure of winch she used didemut cough remedies,
rthil had the advice of toe most 4.11440 l privacy=
England, bat all was unavailing. By chance 1
of your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced la ba7
a Lott. lin tool , although I had no belief law anything
couta remove Mr COMphiliAll. To to) great surise,
Iwo doves gave bee mmediate relief. She Is a n
troub.ed with a cough, but two Leaspoomnyl of Syrup
at way stop. a I ant minified, after •he of Wave or
lout }earb, that Seller's Cough Syrup is the beet mate/
ed...ite I have ever tried caber in the Old or New
W. !Rammer...,
Seventh Ward, env of Pittsburgh;
The above certificate should induce MI who An'
troubled with cough or mama, to give dut 5YraP
al. It may be had for 25 mans a bottles at the d
gbeny ctiy.
110(OS of R E MELLEII.S. 47 110.4 rat
Sold by Dr Cassel, lob weed, no d 1) tl Cray
Patentßlock teprioel Traeley
INVENTED—For Me rekerand rarmaarml
r Ciro or HERNIA or lib PTCIE. (Suited to all
rite, riot man:two( ton Trust
Ittwine coca with whmh II may La worn. Teo pad of
4,04:*e10g neatly ladaMteJ on 'mango, yield. Wpm}
.00.11110Ay part or it, and tumour:Ay wimp. Itself to
Soy febintilleat made by Inc wean, can Le warn
Nrurr•tri intornufroon, nal , / a Cure Is efected. The Gab
e, Lora hove made 6r14114.0.11. for Lae manufacture
t Ihe:a .sumac TraopeK, it a aeperior Style, in PLUN
Ic . 1 r .•11. and bare them now for one at Mow °Moo, No.
ootti.fieto et near etllh , ralobilrO,
thlO. K Are
1.1 . 0 . IV. RA RE/.711AN.
62ELLERS' VE.R.V.IFI:GE—"Supertor .3 may I have
ever u.d.7.
tlehmax Tv., Faye. county, VA, Match 4, la.
hlr. IL k. xtxxxxx.s—t hereby certny that I have used
y our Vernufage M my family, and believe st canal, if
ay w tootc,or to tut) . 1 Maya ever toed. I gime to one of
cendo one dove, which expelled about &I wotsits.
Prepared and told by It E SELLERS, 57 Wood st.
.4old y Ur Crone'. fab Ward, 1) .11 t-orry, Allegheny;
,' In ontne, Temperancerdle; and P Oren., Lip!.
~ .....m.,LO 1.,A11.V, TI2I-WEEKLY & WEEKLY
As gat 4 . 1 .w/hob:langs. 3d sc, Amor Na Pau 8.06,
o ATP:3 OR A, oVEILT/13/380.
~., am° of It lines, or leaf
..So 50
rwo lonCrtitose without akentionl,.... ...... 0 IA
.......... 100
.Inc W ed& •• ..,....... IAO
i'lt:ro .
Joe Month, ~
.. •
- .... ?
by .
prepared sod ant ongtodendonX4 -
and prime Lim' fill, told
YoareaT,Webaserelalla Gan Pint
/eh 19tb,1Bpl. -
Me. /1. Soltrat—A was. ofdaty to patrol thilaTidel
induces me add my humble tenitimeshio Dsorrefyitaajtaa/p
alebrated ar Pah. 1 have deterred doing ort Dr pars,
@Darin napery Crockett's maim, tit. one, "malt Agfa.
go Khaki." .Ales of the many paper:anew of sop..
lauded to the glues, have mak mar oldiviaosiseta
your Linwpi Is hare besmeared to the pilule, and, Indeed,
I brittle enty twurvint them all, oo they are just abet
repreeiat them to to I hare Wee afieted with User
lay .ants Gem ray youth' have Narked Mrahi
maws aumetat pbFaas, to wham pt mach aloes ban
lan each Hood; vomited and physic-lied almost'. doll sal. rated Der 6t i es, and fatally green up arMsearaltde.
hit. 1 wee imbibed w trj your Lira Plus, mad 800NOOT
st. ELL. Cl,, boo of which or now natileient to bal:meta"
of pato to the oda, and Me other elapotats, in at WO
O maim boar Pats are ahe the best eathartie lover am*
hong ettLi tent griping or gam; much Oatmeal at du slaw
ash, bat gen of mcch relief I here kept Meet is ml one
ter 6 or y years; Deal hundreds of beam, and have omit
hoard • 4,1 f easplaint altered by any an who hat end
than. 'they have eapiceded alma entry other ia this
onghborhial, ad ta • sor t how will harsh these ell.
wnatly teatatared them to as lowa er mean playas,
wether Gar Lteereentaplarat or Billie,. Allitetiesse I eon
siege Mon far superior to Glean! or MO Blew Pill • attqaele
nu tTAin7l—.4.a than are other Pith M ien ths pebble
cardsustaser Pills, peewits who great GENULlTlisbeold
ale Mr aid take mother thas those prepared end sold by
seLl.kaS, No 57 w00d... hear.. Third end Tomei
red by Dr Catin, Fifth Wird, D kJ Cum, allegbeity
- giyikropnetliy, Whir C ure 115.4%1.1. 1101UALS manse his unease
thants to the eitizemi of Pittsburgh and Alleghe
• nay Mr the very liberal support and encouragement ha ha
ha, received anthin the fiat au months. Thal the Wan
ter curd should acquire such celebrity, if neither
strange hoe mystenons,evhon it is tousidered brow grant
nutnlop of e.t.a of every vane' of diseases, both
acute and chronic, have been cured by • judicious tom
of 0. 4 lrenuany, where it ongtuatcd, sit thousand
oldie worst CIL,Ci, that were given up by the mast skil
let physicians of Europe a t wearable, were eared by
the tuustortal Priesnitm the hounder of the Water Cum
lu hhigiland, Prune° ituQt America, thousands of bope-
Irss cotes hare been toad by it, and the niallereal
klydroputhic establahrtente raw to aucceafal Open
don eo doe Putted nutter, speak volumes in favor of the
Dr. Moms barmy permanently established himself
in the city of Palsbuigh, throw doors sonthweet cif In alley, On Peon street, is now prepared to take •
number of boarder. and Ire. than at his Iteuse L atid
thew who patter beans treated at their own dwell
anti be punctually end
l ll .authfu attended. He may
consulted at his offtee Irma clock ull 3 P:11- , asot
aeon 7 to to in the evening.
N. IL—Every variety of baths made use of in -be
Weter.cure, both for Indies and gentlemen, con bo oh.
tented tot the Athenteum, on Liberty .treat, where they
bate been recently erected for the aroma ass of Hy
dropathm palmate, and where every flotation wW bo
given by the polite and attentive proprietors.
Gr T.iOR Con eat English Remedy.
tloa Tin
for thecunofty
Move disemes. is the IiBMIAILLABI BAJA , ' tfl OP
I,IFE. discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of
Ttootlon, Boehm& and introduced into the United Maas
under the onmethate supetimendence of the inveulerip
The extrsordntary success of this medicinaiu tK
rum 01 Pulmonary diseases, mutants the Accede=
Anent m mitrinug for treatment the worst possible ea
bef bilious hr tonna' in foe community—eases that seek
relief in vain tram any of the comm.' remedies of dm
day. and km c Lasen amen up by Me mast dia./relished
physteinm as
and °mumle. The Buns:dr
i/1.14218.111 has cured, and core, the moss dovetail
of r asea. It is no quack nostrum. but a ha mmy, Eels
fine writ ieine. known
estaMiatted ma
EVery fatuity iu the Tuned States should be supplied
aeon Linehan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, heedsy ha
coulasnset cmmumptive tendencies of the limee.
but to be nerd tut a ineventive medicine ia all cases of
colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in the site and
of mton and soreness of tha t a brochltla,
difficulty Mewing, hectic
th et a , mgh sere ezasei.
anon and gunmetal debility, asthma, influenza, vs
couttli and croup.
Bold to large Wattles, at 81 per bottle, with feR WM
non, for the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, minaining a mass of English and Ameri
can cernlicates, and other evidence, showing the alas
equalled merits of th i s meat Englis h Remedy, may be
obtained of the Agents, gratunottaly.
For sale by If A FAILNETOCK k Cu, corner of
et and flood and Wood and GM sta. mare
tiny tlJ2t ,7,111.`t:f, wall
I. ~. ..,CIerrVOMILI of the Protestant blethodut
Tie untleridgited basi n g been ataieted diming giOpaig
Ware with a downs< orde stoonthh, sornetirurtgpm
ddc,ilg great pain in th e stomach for tenor twelaehotill
without , ntermissloth and altar haring tried canton
yethedies wan lade efieet, wen furnished with a bottle
oi Dr LY isynebi Carinmative Ualaam. Than he cued ac
cording to the dirnetions, and found invariably !Cynthia
Goer:WM, roused the pain In abate in three or friar can
on, and in hereto or twenty ninth.; every messy
Pell:quip') was entirely quieted. The. =din= Frtan a(
kiivaritinaou whenever indications or the applageh of
pain were perceived, and the pest was th ereby prevent. l fie contulued to a,. UM medicine every da=
and roll:mt.:tea the morning. Riad ra taw
n.f:l t %vas . fa,r restored, that the safferor was relic.
en from a large remount of oppressive pains From ex
11,riellee, therefore. he Mtn corgi:Mall) , reeolitme , rd
it v ve l aCarethrative thusam, as a listen:yr,' tandlein
air d senses of the aturaithh and bowels. A ntIINN
lee Mile in Pittsburgh at the itl'lPMErytigla
it Courtlystreet, near Wood, and also at theDrOj
Flow of II I . nC/IVVS RTZ. Federal went. A !Ingham,
An senortment Net teed *nd fro eldi
tnya 1 KIDDh Cd