The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 15, 1848, Image 2

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    4k~t_r/~Y►l . :iu:{ji:ftY YA~~lßY
-WIMMA , . OO *
sD U ft 6 1 ,111
TUESDAY . MORNING; ATAiub a U, 1515.,
iinuaarzzaque istowntaituanwia.
Advernaementa andSabscriptiona wtherianhAmer
can and United Ewes (4azatta,,Phdadalgh4 teceived
and forordAdad trani.dan office.
yotticarximairss. -
• Vfe wiU receive and Comma Ow of expense, ad
vertisements and Isibteiiielens for this
Subscriptions id this valuable pllpPa anllba received
and forwarded from this mace.
tts.MT Geztrta Ls published
Ltg lri Tt7AV l lTler Weektp.--The Dally is ekerea
e per ektreese;3l4 Tei•Weeklyjs Fere Dollars per
--sersom; the Weekly is 1 . 7r0 'Willie ,or =my strictly
iw adea.s. , • •
IgrAtrrizristee areas:many requested to bend in
thistr favors before Sr. ss., and as early in the day iu
practicable: .Advertieenserds not inserted fin a speci
fied lbw will invariably be cbarged until ordered out.
Fox Lattaireiird pdallirreitee,Doglextie, Mar
Arts, River Kewaj Imporls, Money Markeix, ac. see
third page.
Doineoratie Whig Nomamnions,
of mire , max. :
1 1[011•11 M. T....WRIT. Le ; oClVashington.
PsDrAra of
1. Joseph Clarksoh, 12. iteury 3033.33..
2. Jobn,F. Weaterill,„ , 1.4. William Colder,
3. Yuma& UMW 13. Wad= MRlTelde.
4. Thos. W. Dulfield, le. Chmlm W. Fisher,
D%nlfl 0. Ulmer, 17. Anat., O. Carlin,
11. Joshtm•Delmas, . R 1,721910 R,Daridsou,
7. Jobe,-D. Steele, M. Joseph ?footle,'l3. lad Land* all. Daniel
9. Joreph Setanneker, 21. AndreorL=s4
10. Cbarlea Snyder, 22 11.14ham1 Irvw
11. Willia2o.o.l2atleY, =Thom S. SL II ,
,FranelsTyler, 24.13ar0l A. rnmemee.
. • . •
Alitheasonlo and—Whig: Br o .i.ations
Ef Egg' 11, SA. El PT 0N•
. or errnamatt.
• rot •sasalaj.l.
LEWIS c 4. Noin. , 4 af lndlhl..
M. SWARTZWIMDER; of Pittsburgh.
RezgerianexoN , or Loiter St Clair.
/OLIN SCOTT, of Rosa •
-^ • • • •• -•-
DAN= BFCURDY, of Elizabeth Borough
JOHN K. FOSTER, of Baldwin.
liciaixt , page for Telegraphic News.
ilea Dint /Page tior Oliscallasseares Nelms
Rumour Storsat—llie Lexington (Ky.) Atlas,
of Tuesday WS states that that city was filled with
rumors the day before, and thrown in a great state
of excitement, on account of the dimovery of a well
laid sebeine, lbre wholesale atswanding of the ne.
Roes of that vicinity. Thirty sixalaves were miss
• ing, fres Woodford and 'Ftentdin Cannes
,The Maysville Eagle,. of Tuesday, gives an ac-
count of the escape of thirteen slaves from one
neighborhood (North Fork) in Masan county on
Saturday night„bekmging chieiy in Wm. and Geo.
I.Greadowse. It states also that a gang of be.
tyres:thirty emdfdly tummies were stopped on Mon.
day evening, same twelve miles from Maysville,
and seven from the river, by a number of white
ineO, anon whom they fired, dangerously wound
• Rig one in the thigh. They then pursued their
way. The Eagle mentions that some Warty res..
tote hien had left that city in parson, and about
6wty from the town of Doter, all well armed, and
determined to capture the runaways.
News, has been received that six slaves had
crossed the Ohio river near Ripley, and escaped
through the sans of Ohio.
The'Lanisville Journal sates that a telegraphic
despatelt received late on Thursday evening limn
Lexm,gton, mays
An expedition is wising. from here firs Harrison
armed kir the purpose of taking some runaway
• , negross and abolitionists, who are surrounded
there.. They have had several battles. Charles
Faster was killed. Thin is alarming. Great ex
citement is ms •
Tsui -Sams Mayas, agruntac.—The is
gent Washington correspondent of the North Amer•
icon, alluding to the d, sill in the Washington
Unioni that the Government had any knowledge
of thOprojectad revolntionisang attempt in Mexico.
wid= there is unquestionable evidence now in
that city, that a schen= for revolutionizing several
of the Departments of Mexico, with a view of form
mg the Itepoldie of §ierrillindre„ has been in pro.
go for some time past, end is now considerably
`lf is not believed, bat it is LIMON, that General
Shieldi participated in the preliminary organisation
of this movement, and, I apprehendrke will not
venture to give thin toxaemia:a, or say caller impli
cating him in each a rierigu, an,unqualifted contra
diction. He cannot do so conaititently with truth.
The Admanistration in not ignorant of the pm.
gramme convened with this outrageous proceed.
ing; and &it does not sanction it directly, it winks
at the efforts of those mho are now conniving et its
success. Persons in the confidence of Mr. Polk,
and high in the estimation of the party of which he
is the head and embodiment., are notoriously M.l
- in the concoction of this scheme; and,
more than this, they are determined to put their
plans into etecution, unleta arrested by the laro
arm of the Gererumemt
little moment,' I tun not permitted to speak folly
thitiseriouttsubjeek but I can say that the—Pre
ideut will nos long have the pica of ignornove
!hetet his indifference, or to justify his neeect of
&An fa. it will be brought to his official notice by
a representation on behalf& Mexico. The
matttm and the proof are here on the spot, and to
a shaprwhich the Executive cannot avoid re
A ram. wenn 11.50WING--kll article in the N.
Y. Tribune, exposing the Mock /tension allspice
in that city, makes the killowing statement :.
Let all strangers remember; wee for all, that
there is no establishment in 'the City where real
watches and traluabhuewelty are sold at auction.
Such goods have always a osarly fixed and keno
sic value; and can neither dm bought nor mold
at any great redaction from the standard price.—
Whoever offers them thus is a "'windier or a thief.
Enter he has molenovhat he sells, or else the 1111 i.
'des Elfi offers .ate nd6ing but_ paste andgalmaized
pewter, and are unruly worth- By following
this plain direction, the stranger in New York will
save hismoney and avoid being obliged to regard
Wand"' as • fool and a apcantey.
DU= ors Plencrozanica—New Orleans pa
wl announce the death of bun N. Ramon, Erich
at Maturion% in Mexico, where he bad published
the American-Am, since the American army look
posseasiOn of that place. Mr: Fleescm was a no-
tire of this county, a brother of anon C. Floson,
Egg., and leaned the printer's art in this orrice:—
His Mother, who resides on the island, eine
Miles below, and many other relatives, mourn hie
death. " Mr. Flamm was a man of respectable
talents and great enterprise . , and published a very
incirmicieg-yaper in Matanumur.
'"As Migration ofthe Types. Allegories and Praph
' .cieref lA. 04 Testament. By Wm. M'Ewen
Minktet of the Gospel id Dundee. Pitrebuser
published by Elliot at, English."
This it, n neat AS tiro. volume, of 265 prmes.—
The subject illustrated is an important one to the
elided= theologian, but we have not leisure to
ascertain how well the author has acquitted him
self. Gut we can say, that this book is a very fair
specimen, of book manufacture, and does much
credit to the enterprisin g publishers, and to our
friend, Mr. George , Parkin, who executed the
The praMice of pollee men, and watch
tying and using fire arms, or an y d ea dly w e apon,
cannot be sufficiently reprehended. It Is a relic of
. lewleariam, which ought to be /Mimed down in
every MVP/limed community. It can never be jalib
foible to jeopardize the life of a fellow being, io
making an arrest, except Ina case of clear self
defence, or where the offender's arrest nom atone
lately nommen , to %hinter) , of the liver of others.
'fte lamentable occurrence of lam Seoul:lay
should prove a warning which should not go un.
DR.OrTai it= been 6®d witty on a second in
dicuaellkiu-"ra*Vo34,fix Ong deans. The
• remaittdetV.tho indictment; against him were then
Laid , evalfer the purpose of taking up the ease of
- Seam:UM Calif...a the veaseL
Tinv."Smaar Braman," published in Alm),
Ohlo, COM= 10 WI enlarged and improved, and
with the names of Taylor and Fillmom Akins at
- the mastlied. -Tkde is one of• the meta which et
diet healialed it ii-published by I. Teesdale, for. , !
meitfot die State -Jaantai.
Our eartespoident, IE4 p;leee verrieter
estitg hieterical bet& His letter is worth rend.
.Tnz Taus Wm is the title of a handsome
paper , ust swhOfis Motmqernon, Ohio, by E.
XfiWirt Llsoupports iutd Mom.
PANAirtum, Aug. 7,1818.
n th "' Rd4oia Pitttbu rgb Gault&
. .
In your Gazelle of 3d Angrist, I obwri•e an edi I
Mind nonce dommenclatory of a splendid steel en- ,
Raving, by Ladd, from a painting by Manisoir, do-
signed to illuitrate an interesting historical incident
connected With the times that tried end pieced
men's souls! Rom Christian ought to rejoice in
the production Many work of art tending to exhi
bit in maturing Rom, the spirit of our Revolutionary
Fathers, as Manifested in their reliance on Divine
I aid, and their reverence and respect for the Chris
tian religion-Lyrovided such work is calculated to
prwervem correct impression as to oil the main
features connected therewith, which I think this
effort of the -artist is not adapted to accomplish,
especially when ushered into notice as it is (very
innocently) by csurilated lama of John Adams. I
have seen die article which accompanies your no
tice, headed .'Beauttful Reminiscence,' and which
originated the idea of the painting by Mattison, go.
ing the rounds of the papers far a long time, and
credited to the • Newark Daily Advertiser.' It par.
. ports to be a letter from John Adams. Now, air,
in view of this painting, and the Letter of Adams,
I am constrained from a respect for historical truth,
to say a few Words concerning this • First Prayer in
Congresa,' and do no, convinced that your love for
the troth of history is web, that you would not
Publish any statement in your paper, even if tree,
repro: it nem, if narrated in a manner calculated
to mialend by any unfair means. 1 defy any man
ID read what purports to be from the pen of Adams,
without arriving at the conclusion to which the
writer - undoubtedly aimed to lead, vie that the
memory of the Rev. Jacob Duche, one of the chap.
loins to the fret Congress, Would be held dear, as
a pure and glowing patriot of the American Revo.
lotion. Nothing, however, than such conclusion,
could be farther from the truth. Only a part of
what Mr. Adams, in the work from which the quo
tation a muse, says concerning this man, is given,
and Mr, A. is represented as saying concerning him,
what he does not my. Lis undoubtedly true, that
Dacha men a c haplain, and, that although an Ems
impalian as he was,' he made an eloquent prayer
for the success of the American arms, but Mr. A.
diWs net say, that that prayer, or that any thing
d eee o . this day that prayer was made, "was
enough to melt a heart of stone." To rener the
prayer of Docile effective, and to render conspieu•
out its vile Mithor, the writer has been at no small
pains to garble a letter of John Adams, written to
his wife, and dated 15th September, 1774—(which
letter may be found, voL 1, page 25, Adanw• L e t.
tem.) In that letter occurs the following sentence:
' These votes'—referring to resolutions concern
ing the blockade of Boston, passed 17th Septem
ber, 1774— , were pawed in full Congress, with p(r.`
feet unanimity. The enteensthe affection, the ad
miration for the people of Boston and the Massa
chusetts, which were expressed yesterday, and the
fixed determination that they should be supported,
erne enough to lark o Wart of stone. I torte the mars
gush into the err. of the rare, old, par* Qnoders
of Prawideariers'
On turning to the article, on copied into your pa-
per, you will ace that the latter part of this quota.
tion in most egregiously misapplied. A writer who
can so Orniharly make qiiotations from 'Adams'
Letters; as to combitie disjoint.' extracts into an
effective whole, so much at variance with the au•
thor's design, should have added, by way of cone
meutary, wparagraph from a letter of Mr. Adams,
in voL 2d, page 13, which in a few words puts the
character of this Rev. Gentleman in such a light as
would plaoe his devotional portrait on a par with
that of Judas, nod associate with the picture. so
far as his representation is concerned, any thing
but hallowing emotions. or contemplation. Mr.
Adams there writes—. Mr. lauche, 1 am sorry to
inform you, has turned out an apostate and a trai
tor. Poor mark I pity his weakness moil detest his
Wickedness.' As further illustrating the character
of Ihiche, 1 might state, that on the Bth of October,
777, just seventeen days previous to this lasi quo.
ted letter of Adams, he attempted to undermine
the integrity of the venerated Washington, and in
n letter of great length, allAi the most cautionary
preliminaries, he goes oe to say that he (Duchel
• sras among the first to bear public testimony
against having recourse to threats or armed °pp°.
%Ilion, but the tomtit became too strong for my
feeble efforts to resat' He declares that 11 'terra
sad alternative, either to that the charchesor con
tinue the service, without using the petition kir the
Royal Flintily.' He says that, ' ether the fatal Dec
laration of Independency; he was .surprised and
distressed; JD receiving notice of his appointment
as chaplain, and raaltly accepted the appointment.
declining that he • could Lave but One motive for
this step.' and that was • I thoufht the church 11l
throe apokves. for hts prayers in
behallof the colonies, he mom carat,: tly, iusi soap,
and pertinaciously kdaors w corrupt the virtue. of
the parent chieftain of that or any other age, by wt
only paintipg in the gloomiest colors the situation
and proVects of the American cause, but portriv.
nog in vinyl drapery the future glory that would
encircle his name which would ' appear with lus
tre in the annals of history. [See a copy of ibis
celebrated letter, in rot 9, page SI, Hatrarirs Reg
utter of Pennsylvania]
Now, ail., these are miszputable historical pc.
and in view of them I would suggest that addenda
be made to the prominent personage of this punt
ing in the ohape of tent and habfs peering from be
neath things:rade stolen 'livery of.W.aveu,' ma that
while the piece will truly represent the pare and
holy emotions governing our forefathers, it will
further Illustrate the diElculties by which they
were beset, and not. entail for the memory of the
blackest osnor a degree of veneration doe only to
the patriotic and pure. Duche was the worst of
traitors and of men—he convicts himself of acting
Judos like in his most sacred calling throughout
our early fungi;.le—reeseing sympathy, and
pleading to God with is lips in use behalf that he
might the more effectually operate to onidestrun
trots. Such men were infinitely more dangerous
and troublesome than open enemies, and the con
templation of their existence in the midst., and ea.
laying the confidence of puts men, worn down 14'
the almost overpowering cares of the Revolution,
naturally conies the mind back to Apostolic days,
and furnishes some, but very inadequate then, of
the trials which beset the paths of our firm fore
fathers. Duette was succeeded as a chaplain by
Bishop White.. Mr. Duffield assisted at the same
time, who is very handsomely mentioned by Mr.
Adams; but as the Presbyterian clergymen were
all active on the side of the Colonies, it is no: and
has not been necessary to mention any one as dis
tinguished above his klkrws i s patriotism. Darhe
was a copastrir with Mr. White in Philadelphia.
bat afterwards fled to England, and when the let
ter went to England, in 1737,t0 becoosenated, be
mentions in his journal the presence of Duche. It
ie hard to realize that any real sympathy could
have existed between tiro men of such opposite
characters. Whinge°, in his letters on the "Pro
natonal Literature of Pennsylvania," among the
• . n.
papers of the Historical Society at Philadelphia.
u otes Graydon as lumina Duche "a weak and
vain man," one "who wrote an insolent and pi,
,umptucrits letter to'Oen. Waahington, in which
he advises him to renounce, what he in pleased to
style, "a degenerate cause." The object of the
artist is nodoubt right and proper"—a 6nle =dor
male, perhaps, in the selection of the occasion
for the exercise of skill. For the design of
the *wirer of the article which called forth thin'
production, I have •no nook charity, as be not only
mutilated Ids althorily, but suppresaed• an Impor
tant part; and in tootter• of history, the doctrine o
exploded that 'we may do evil that good may edam'
I will not prolong with an apology for my lengthy
article, which seemed to me called be at a time
when one in attempted to be palmed upon com
munity as a glowing patriot, but in view of
whom, real history he must with Moore exclaim -
Oh for • tongue to curse the slave
Whose ere.. like • Oesdly
Pervades the rourleits ofthe brave,
To bloat them In their hour of .ot.
The New York Herald gives the following no the
probable rue of New York—
Whigs, 217,000 for Taylor
Old Hunkers, 110,000 for Caw
Barnbomers, 121,000 for Van Buren.
The number given to the Barnbarners includes
15,000 abolitionists,.
In 1814, the vote stood thus
Total, 485,W4
In ISO, the vote fix Governor, was as &rllows
Young, Whig, 187,671
Wright, Dens. 161,306
Yourtg'lr majority,
The Editor of the Wheeling Times might to
know that Lard wordy never help a hod cause, or
convince an opponent of mistakes. We have no
dizpoxiliOn to detract from the merits of the Wheel
lag route; but it is ourbusiness to publiah the new.
of the day ; and if we have been miainknmed, we
will chserfuky correct any aitsertion we have
made- We cannot, however, take the demal of
the Wheeling editor, without 'further evidence,
ageing the statement of our respectable infor
Tait Poughkeepsie Eagle has finally nused the
flag of Taylor and Fillmore. Mr. Platt considers
Gen. Taylor's express acceptance of the Whig
nomination es committing him to the Whig party
and its principles. The chancier of Mr. Pillnthre
side to reconcile hint to the ticket.—There now
remain, we believe, but , the Seneca County Courier,
the Yates County Whig and The tribune, among
the Whig journals of this State, uncommitted to
Taylor.—N, Y. Drawee
FALL ETACTIOn — The following elections take
place la thu succeeding monteue—*Vermont, &p
-lumber 5; *Maine, September II; *Azkansaii, •
Georgia and *Florida, October., Maryland; October
4; *Sandi Carolina, Octinher 9; *Pennsylvania and
*Ohio, October 10; *ildithigan A kilwassppi, Louisi
ana Tow, November 6, *N. York and *New
Jersey, November 7;osthussc belied*, No lle sub. r 13,
*Delaware, November 14.
In th,oie States which are Marked with an as.
teriok ( 1 6 mambos of Congredir are to be. ebosen
aa wall State cancers.
TIIONLS •3. FlNtil,. D.. 11, woe been appointed
&aviary of the Pennsylvania Railroad Oosapany,
rine' 0 . FULL Esq, resigned. Mr. Firth de.
servedly enjoys a high charactes for energy, laud.
nee luddla, and Wald integrity. Ur. Fallerlatibodt
embarking in ithomereantile business, and he car.
ries with him into his new "'there of action the
beat wishes of fa who have win:teased the courtesy
=tram Ability with which he discharged the one
rous duties °Oda late odice.—PAlL
W e are indebted Cain old friend, Dr. V. J. Ram
geaud, kr a copy ofthe California Star, of the IW
of epriL Our citizens will recollect Dr. Fourgenud,
as a gentleman in good practice in this city, who
left, with his family, a year ago, for alarm= and
who has settled in San Francisco. doctor,
with whose literary tumour citizens are acquainted,
is, we observe, a contributor to the columnd of the
Star, and an article oo the “Pio,mets of California,"
is full of .merest. Some of the Picts and sums
Cons which it contains may be hereafter transfened
to our columns.
The Star complains loudly of a duty of twenty per
cent, ad valorem, levied open all goods arriving in
the ports of California, from any quarter °film globe,
and hopes that the burden will soon be removed.
Information has been communicated to the Star,
that a large emigration from China may soon be ex.
peered there. Some of the "Celestials had already
made their appearance.
California a represented to be in a pretty quiet
state. For more than a year no disordefs bad on.
carved—the native Californian were beginning to
mingle with the emigrants, and were gradually
turning their attention to agriculture.
CnL Mason, Governor of California, had homed
• requisitionfor one thousand volunteen, to garrison
Mezatlan and other Mexican ports in the south.
Captain. Hoar expected to raise a Isatialion from
among the Mormons at the Salt Lake. Four com
panies were expected from Oregon.
The rains had been abundant and the pro..
peel for good crops was cheering throughout the
An immense mine of silver has been discover•
ed in the valley of San Jose, four miles from the
town of that name, by Mr. J. F. Reed. The vein
is described as being three and a half feet thick.
Laving an uninterrupted run east for three miles.
the depth unknown. With a few hours labor, sev
eral tone of use were uncovered. It was fine
ore, and required but little expense in smelting.
The Star notices the death, in the N. York Regi
men( of Volunteers of Ist Lt. W. C. Tremmels and
2d Lt. Charles C. Anderson. Captain Turner and
2d Its. Ilarrison,Jemaings, and Day, bad resign.
ed. 2d It. Termule was discharged from the see
The Star urges upon the emigrants by all means
to keep the "Old Road" from the States to Calturr•
nia. Their safety and all their property depends
upon it. Last moon, all the companies arrived at
the settlement by the middle of October. The fate
of those who have taken the "short cuts," it is said
ought to be a solemn warning. , The horrible sof
feting. of those who were overtaken by the wins
ter too*. an the California mountains in 1846, are
enough to appal the stoutest heart, but even these
were not sufficient to deter Mr. Wiggins, with a
party of about eighty pernons, from attempting, last
season. a new route across the country to the
head waters of the Sacramento. As no tidings
of this party have as yet reached us, we are con
strained to (ear that they have all bees the vie
tiros of that inhospitable climate, or of the treach
erous and ferocious Indians who inhabit that re
The then population of San Francisco is set down
at over five hundred soula—males (adults) 575
males IT7. (children of ages proper to attend school)
Immense beds of copper on., and caves of sul
phur and saltpetre, have been found in the vi
cinity of Clear Lake, north of the Bay of San Fran.
A Pnres Current gives us some idea of the cost
of living in San Francis,. Bacon, California, 16e;
imported 25 e P 1 5 fresh beef, 52p mai, Butter, 50c
p lb Corn, ready sale nt 81,50 claurEggs, 5 4 k c
dor, Flour, California, Si p cwt Oregon, 114,25;
Pork, salt, imported. 814 p bbl, Potatoes, Calikie
nia, 50e p Oregon, 75c; Wheat, oltoutrY
avendocked, 624 c P bu.
THE Toes on not Oniony'. BILL—The following
are the yeas and nays in the Senute, upon the pas
sage of the Oregon Bill—
Yras—Mesas. Atchison, Badger, Bet, Benton
Pernen, Borland, Breese, BI ;LL Butler, Cameron.
Davis of Missiastopt, Dickinson, Douglas, Downs,
Fitzgerald, Foote, Hannegan, Houston, Hunter,
Joianston Md.,lohnson Loutstana, Johnson of
Georgia, King, Lewis, Mangum, Mason, Metcalf,
Pearce, Sebeatian, Sproanor, Sturgeon, Tummy
and Undertwood--33.
NArr—Mews. Allen, Atharton..Baldurin, Bred •
bury, Calhoun, Clem, Conran, Devi.. ' of Manackin
seas, Dayton, Da, Dodge, Fetch. Green. lisle:
'Hernial, M lter. Niles, Phelps Upham, Walker,
Webster, and Westeott-22.
Atenra - r—Messre. Clayton, Rush. and Yule,
of the Senators wetter . In fuvor of the telt, 2
were tout the :levy and S from the Free :oat
of those voting to the neptive, 2 were from :Slav •
and 20 from Free States.
Among the Domocratto Senators young in fa
of the tall, 5 mere from Fmr, and I t from pla
States; against the tll. I n from Free. and 2
Slave Staten.
The Whtg Senators front the Free Statet all
ted against the tall; those tivoi the Slave Shuns
in favor of It.
Arrutrrnoorecitr rue Clusemana—A ndrew R
Chainlkea, Esq.. says the Philadelphia Evening
Bulletin, has been appointed and to his excellency
Gov. Johnston, walk the rank of Lieutenant Colo:
eel This ism nppointmeut whsith 0 pan us
great pleasure to record. Mr. Chambers is one of
our most estimable nod influential mtmens, and
one who will mflect honor oa, as well as denve
from the rank 'Would that such appointments
were more frequent
Josicru, sn English:nom resident of the
Thud Ward, Allegheny, tau exammed he&are
Mayor Campbell, on Friday last, on a charge of
participation in the robbery of Geo. Conzett, a Gerr
man, residing' to the same Ward, on Monday eight
last. Comma's house was brokett into and robbed
of a silver watch, a small sum of mosey, and two
gold rings—one valued at 914. Pierce was reels
10 pack up the nags some days afterwards, in the
street, by Washington M'Keivy, who offered to
purchase them from Pierce, and dually obtained
them, far 50 cents. M'Kelvy immediately showed
the rings to Colleen, who identified them as part
of the staled property, and arrested Pierce Gar
the theft. ?teem proved, in defence that he had
told McKelvy he did not Wish to sell the rings, and
that M'Kelvy moat expect to surrecrder them if so
owner should appear, and there being clear Vl
derma of Mr. P.'s utnoeeneennd general good char.
actor so established by his neighbors and acquem.
maces, he was discharged.
Wz understand that Dr. Wm. Itlcliennan Mor
gan has resigned Ina satiation as Itemlent Phys.
clan tiftlie'Pennsylvanis Hospital in Philadelplua,
titer a residettett there r of two years, and returns
to Pittsburgh to pursue IDA profeasion. Dr. Morton
Still has been elected to fill the vacancy occnsioned
by his resignation. Dr. Morgan is a young:innn ut
distinguishad Islam, and we doubt not will sioa
take a prominent position among our physicians.
Tux A.L.Lithitra Currod Facroxto.-11 was
report.' yesterday, that the Factories would all
rent= work Wis morning, and that a posse bad
been summoned to protect the proprietors in the
exercise of their rights; bat we learned last even•
lug, from the Mayor of Allegheny, that all the ma•
nunicturers had convened and unanimously reeole.
ed to suspend operations until neat Wring, in ooa•
mequence of the mobocratic demonstration made
yesterday, and threatened for to day.
KAMM, Tua WATC71......1 charged with killing
Allen, or White, on Saturday hut, was brought
out on a habeas corpus, yesterday morning. Ser.
eral physicians whohad contained the wounds of
the deceased, declared that they were superficial,
nod would not have caused death—that the imma
Mate cause was apoplexy ensuing his falling into
the eraser. Hon. C. Darragh appeared as bin coun
sel. The decision in the case will be given at 9
o'clock this morning.
}dawn's Panetta:Lc—This fine scenic exhibi
tion of one of the most beautiful neer, In the
world, a auraoting crowds of admiring visitors at
Phial Hall We can assure such of our readers as
have mil seen it already, that it will richly repay a
The view of the city of Nets York, with with da
spanks:is barters and extensive shipping, is alone,
worth the price of admission, end the whole scene
Gam the mouth of the river as far up so it extends,
with cc various cities, towns and landings, and
the views of the splendid country residences
which aft presented to the eye on either margin
of the river, is worthy the admiration of all.
Przscotimmt.—A beautiful rainbow was observ
able for above Wan hour on Saturday sildraocia,
spanning the eastern horizon, yet no ram could be
Seen or was ll:Wan to have occurred for some
time previous.
No trace boo yet been obtained of the parties
concerned in the robbery of Mr.. Ingle., of San
dusky street, on Sunday, the Gth inst. She was
robbed of a gold watch, and other articles, while
absent at Church::
Turas is something so great in a single
good action, that the man who, in his whole
life, hoe performed even one, can never be
wholly despicable.
A ism= glass of water, sipped ten drops
at a time r in perfect silence, till the whole
be taken, is said to be a convenient cure for
a person in a passion. Thin is the last ap•
phcation of the water4iure.
THE BUT -KIND OF :4.4.1 . 0D3E.
Of all kinds of exercise, walking is that
which is the moat universally amine* and
at the same time the best. Calling so Many
muscles into action, and eaps. , -tsUy those of
the lower extrerhities, of which the circula
tion is apt to bb more languidly and imper
fectly performed, from the degree of resist
ance presented by the force of gravity to the
return of the blood to the heart—eating,
moreover, so much of the moving apparatus
of the body into reciprocal and balanced as
tion, flexor and extensor muscles being cor
resyondingly exercised—walking is undoubt
edly the beat of all exercises for the purposes
of health; independently of its secondary,
and by no means little useful effezt, of car
rying the respiratory
. organs into freer and
purer air, and exposing the system to the
extraordinary, and, at least in the colder and
temperate countries of the earth, the health
ful influence of the direct rays of the sun.
The degree of the exercise must, of
course, vary with the age, condition and
habits of the individual; btu the degree
of exercise that is in most cases ser
viceable, is generally much underrated.—
Two miles a day is the minimum distance
' which a person of moderate health and
strength ougnt to walk. if the powers of
the system increase, or are stronger to beg i n
with, the minimum ought to be four miles.
The object should be, in, most cases, to walk
the fear miles in an hour; and the invalid
beginninr , ' , perhaps, by walking a mile or a
mile and a half in an hoar, might w ally
increase his rate of walking, unt had
accomplished this end. Quick walking calls
more muscles into action than slow walking
does, and is, therefore, better. The muscles
of the back, and trunk, neck, and arms, are
comparatively very little used in walking. A
person can hardly walk quickly without using
them to a very considerable degree. It is a
maxim so sound and important as to deserve
frequent repetition, that the greater the num
ber of muscles used, the more advantageous
will be the exercise. The majority of people
are wont to think too much of the other kinds
of locomotive exercise—as carriage exercise,
riding on horseback, and sailing—too little of
walking.—Robinson on Did and Regimen.
BONAPARTE'S HAltrre.--His partiality for
the bath he mistook for a necessity. He
would usually remain in for about two hours,
during which time I used to read to him ex
tracts from the journals and pamphlets of
the day, for he was anxious to hear and
know all that was going on. While in the
bath, he was continually turning on warm
water, to raise the temperature; so that I
was sometimes enveloped in such a dense
vapor that I could hot see to read, and was
obliged to open the door. Bonaparte was
exceedingly temperate, and adverse to all
excess. His datterers, probably under the
idea that sleep . is incompatible with great
ness, have evinced an equal disregard of
truth in speaking of his night watching; Bo
naparte made others watch, but he himself
slept and slept well. His orders were that I
should call him every morning at seven.
was, therefore, the first to enter his charn
ber; ut very frequently, when I awoke him,
he would turn himsell and say, ! Bout
rienne, let me aleeff a little longer." When
there was no piewsusg business I did not dis
turb him again till eight o'clock. He in gen
eral slept seven hours out of tweaty-four, be
sides taking a short nap in the afternoon.
Among the private instructions which Bo
naparte gave me one was very curious:
" During the night," said he, "enter my
chamber as seldom as possible. Do not
awake me when you have any good news
to communicate—with that there is no hur
ry ; but When you bring me bad news, rouse
me instantly, for then there is not a moment
to be lost." This was a wise regulation,
and Bonaparte found his advantage in it.—
Boorriennis Memoirs of Napoleon.
hablintrslTT or THE Elaarit..—Abont two
thirds of the earth's surface are covered with
a sheet of water, constituting the sea, the av
erage depth of which is estimated at about
two miles. This referred to our usual stand
ards of comparison impresses us at once with
an idea of the great amount of wider wrest.
in the globe; and, accordingly, imaginative
writers continually refer to the ocean as an
image of immensity. But, referred to the
mass of the earth, which is its own proper
standard of comparison, it presents a very
different aspect. The distance from the cen
tre to the surface of the earth is nearly four
thousand miles. The depth of the ocean
does not, thereto* exceed one thousandth
part of this extent, and astronomers have
Justly muted, that were we to place a repre
sentation of the ocean on an ordinary artifi
cial globe, it would scarcely exceed in thick
ness the film of varnish alleady placed there
by the manufacturer.
Crsuous Foci to NATURAL HINTORT.-Ukt
cently a young sparrow, unable to fly, was
observed in the grounds of a gentleman at
Hindley, and an attempt W 21.. made to catch
it, but in vain, as it escaped its pursuers by
hiding itself in a hedge, near to the locality
of a thrush's nest, which had young ones in
it. A day or two afterwards the young spar
row was found quite brink and hearty, in
the nest of the thrush, where it had mu°.
duced itself, and, like many human inverters,
bad desroyvel the natives, the young thrush
es being found quite dead in the hedge bat
tom, beneath the nest. What is still more
remarkible, the old thrush is bringing up the
young intruder es tenderly as if it had be
longed to her own brood.
each (mart of berries, shortly after the cook
ing of them is commenced, add a tea
spoonful of salseratus. This will so neutral
ize the acidifermas juice which they contain,
as to make it necessary to use only one-fourth
put as much sugar as would hale been re
quisite had they been cooked within:it using
ADVICE TO THE LlSlLEl4—Always dress RS
neatly and as plainly as possible—let Floru
be your jeweler 1 and a rose-bud the only
gem about you. Ib is covering yourself with
gew-gaws, like fat cattle, only indicates that
you are intended, like them, for market.
A LAWYCII once jeeringly asked a Quakes
if he could tell the difference between alio
and liketotu. "0 yea," said the Quaker,
pertly, "Erskine is a great lawyer; his ta.
lents are admired by every one: you are
lawyer'abro?licit not like•wue."
(his thoughts, like the waters of the ses,
when exhaled towards heaven, will lose all
their bitterness and saltness, and sweeten
into an amiable humanity, until they de
scend in gentle showers of kindness upon
our fellow-men.
" WHEN I am making up a plan of conse
quence," says Lord Bolingbroke, " I always
like to consult with a sensible woman."
Lord Bolingbroke was a great man.
Err You foolish, silly old fellow, reed WI, and be no
longer bald, whisherless and hairless Mr. M. eeh.
son, of 80 Liberty Orem, Pittsburgh, Pa, certifies on the
Id of Pottmer', Its 47 that Mullen. Jackson's bead.
on the hip, was enUrol bald for II years, end Wet by
hang two Is beetles o fJones. Coral Ban aesiorause,
the bair is growing fast and Buck.
Sold In Newark by 16. OLD'S & SON, il7e Broad .t, &
VAN BUSKIRK, corner of frond and Nantucket st
lilTirellow Teeth and putrid hretitti .
jipongy if. 0.1 like rotten death,
Is reptaluve and disgusting
All could have teeth ea white a. pearl.
Mascot breath--hard rm.—Alan or girl.
Wh—n.y quickly b.
It costa but 113 colas. tint iv really u Ireautilul article
I ti ?Ez
limoteretli a fine enamel. Sold an no l' v lindia:L
ti. 7
Worms, by their Irtitetton, augment Na sere;
lion of mucus or slime in the stomach, in which, gi
so, they Involve thenwliresi and it in said they feed
opon It, and If deprived of LI they die. The celebrated
Vennifuge prepared by U. A. FAllNk2Trocic,
PlUal , ollh, Is admirably adapted it its operetta's,
first, to remove the protecting mucos, aid secondly to
expel the worms rendered helpless and tender by L
ing Nos denuded. It is • remedy lu Which every con
fidence eon be placed; and that It lies answered the
purpose Is mildest (tote the hundreds of ceruficates
given In its favor. ley
Ton ACTED MEE • CHALID—The origina l only true
and genuine Liver Pill, prepared by E Sel era.
klr R E Sellers—Some years Inner I was much ben.
ekted by using your Liver Pills, and as I aro • great
BulDrer now ; I enclose you one dollar, and wish you
to send ma die worth orit in Liver PULL, by snail. lie
p...ucsig, to rend the same kind--they acted like •
ahem when I took them before. loom,
Prepared and sold by R. E. EIF.LLERS, 67 Wood at.
Sold b 7 Dr. Caw!, Rh ward; D. 61, Curry, Allegheny;
W. J. H.mith, Temperances/11e, and I' Drove, Law.
CAOSIOII.-M 1 °that falls canal [Aver Pals are coon
terhain or imhatiOnn. Ira DXXOGILL CT: "Or • Review of Lo.
aofoeolsm, from the constneneemmt of the Mintinls.
MUM] of James X. Polk, down w tha nomination
of Gen. Cau. In Rhyme: By R. B. Ainsworth!' This
very maiming work: which has lately lities , published
in Ibis dry, Is for sale at all lb. Book Storm.
Don't have yellow dark Teeth—sh. ran be
mile white by one tune twins a boa of Jone.
AMIAT Tooth Paste It bank.. the gam, sweeten. the
breath. ie. Sold al BY Libeny u. novllkthwly
QT Uss to Poona hrpoi—if ism wish to be eee
pcasful in any Ondertakut f you 011111 &temp 'sae the
cooper mesas.' "ffitentlbre i. yoo have a tont., entt
JATlttii Extracsonalsr and coned, in it is the proper
meaus. flare you Asiltan or difficulty of breatffing.
hearthe only ef f icient means to cure you its to on
Jayne's Expectorant, which will immediately overcome
the spasm which contracts the diameter of the mhos
*Led as
and brats, up the =Was which clogs them
up, alai thus remove* every offirtruction to a free rasp,
canon, module at the same time all inflammation is nab
duet], and a care is ceitain to be of Hare you
nronasitia Spitting of Blood, Flearitry, or in fact any
P1L1M102.1117 Alfecuon, then use Jayne's Expectorant
arid rehrt to rentun, and you will find that you have
tined the prop, meant.
For sale or Pit .burgh at the reffin Tea Store,. TX 4th
tartlet Inas Wood. tanl:
Jarxxb Exracroatlvr.—We would call attennon
ibis excellent remedy for Coughs. Colds, Conrumptten,
Asthma, and all arections of the Throat and Longs
Having several dines within a few years past had Dern
soon to use • Medicine or thus kind, we bare by ripen
cure tented its excellent qualities, and are prepared to
recommend it to others. Ministers or other public
speakers afflicted with bronchial affectious will find
great benefit from its ose. It is prepared by • smenu
fie physician, and all classes will find it a safe nod etfi
cartoon modeme in the diseases for which It is cc
commended.--IColumbos (Ohio Cross and JounsaL
For sale at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 7o Fourth meet.
INIOANF.-.55" or bri0438 . • VbXIFISOK!—A..
the hundreds of letters, certificotes and orders rowels<
by theproprietors of um medicine, the folloannu 4
selected to show to character, and the effect of its use
th a distant part of the %Vest. The hiessr. Colton are
dry goods roerchents, but are also agents for the sale
of the choicest medicines.
W13C11.1 . 1211, L o, &epl. 110, 1,47.
"Nlessrs Kidd & Co—We happened to get • Jo, or
mi.•••• v•,•••(••• last rpring, prepared by yours
TUNES. So soon as the vannitage was totrodured in
our community, the demand became so great for it that
our stock was soon exhausted. It has produced the
best effect wherever it hos been used in this section,
and is very popular among our people. We are deso
TOUT of Obtaining the truedlcirfe hereafter direct from
myourselves, as it sells mere rapidly than any other
mei:Lwow we keep. Please send us a gross
ately. D J & J Mr COLTON."
A genuine article of the above valuable medictue
can he had at the Drug Store of
augls J NIDD Co.GI. wood at
Valuable Waal E
rilllE understguetl, timorous of sealing 44 bootless-
I and devoung himself to the retto itt of hi.
t,,nl,b, will depose of his inter...slatting o fourth) to
about 70 acres of ground nearly opprestbaus'ettY, in
south Pittsburgh, in and above Itummg crawl,
tag some alba bandsametst and most convenient locu
tions to the city (or, and moo edvantageous
lot manufacturing.
will sell either one of the plats by the acre or in
single lots, to soil purchasers. This property bus im
proved rapidly to value once being opened out lo t sale
within the past tee - y ears. nod that it will continue to
do so, I will guarantee to the purchaser an adroit, of
at less) any per cent. ott his payments woltin the nest
flee years, by hie giv tug me the privilege of repurc
tog or selling at any penod within that time. by paytttg
LIM so advance prop ttttt poste to the above,
. .
Those smiting handsel.. and convenient •ttn• for
retsidences,-or gmmost advantageous tor manufactur
ing. will please apply
uot dteposed of at pn•ate tole. prior to Monday.
the 1-Ihday of . Yteptertilter neat. it rill Or ...tiered at
public sale on that day. or 10 o'clock. A.:11
11trwingllam. August 15. 1 , 4.
Allegheny Flehord for tart..
1 . 1:
Federal Allegheny, hell duar eit.ove the roc
Ftrat Clara. , $lO Frew h •
S.con.l Clo 5 lierunto
ppltraucnis may be made at her re.odenre tat An.
demon tamer, Allegheny,near the Hand :great bridge
wish their
rir' t
'Zgh .rho
to a e
ho ra " sid„e nth<
oc r.7 "' ' rra n n oh "d'' XlX
hoarding for three or tow girls, In a Ronal,. prorate
manly, reaaonable term. . Refenener. y
to the Hey Dr. ilerron, Hen Mr l'reaton. Dr f
and Dr Bruer. •uirl6dillvitst•T
Desirable Lot• for Sale
Ir ouLsenher Mid out e:evert In no 111.
tooth sloe ot the Fourth:slfeet Rood. nod olotut
atol one winner mile. from the curt Hun.,
These luta catitain .sth from our to Iwo sled 101 l
of land. arid will be sold on eel...ovile still ur
touNNNlttli to( terms It I% Orem-a ItOnort.took rylo ru
.otto any exptunation of the advantages of the.-
lots. Their vicuuty to this COI god to the hoe to the
Ventral RUA Hood, recommend Mem stronsiy as vt r j
desirable country residences.
The subserther ohm offers for sole aeon: seven hon.
droll acre. of land in l'rankno township, Allegheny
“aunt) 111/001 seventeen miles tram l'itothurgh. .5 /to
nine Untotg lots to the rough lo Biruntigh•nt
sugl. , 4lrn EV11.1.1.: H CRA It,
WANT. flats day dupose4 o( part of my 1/1
R r.ll o
IWe firm of Emma:. Sterltng Co. no my .0110. w
oud samorl F Sterling. iiF.N RV STERLING.
gccorthrig to the ahore arrangement, we have time
day as.weisied with u• as partner. the above named
The Lani," will Le corning-rad u heremiore. ander
the tuarne of lAARENZ. STY:WANG et Co
Vmmurgh, gogno 14. Itetn. aughlogArluaT
= „ g m% CAME a the pla•onuon of the sol.ver,-
in Ross town.l.lp, Allesheny roomy.
Nr.a , about al.. lath or July last, a red horny
OMNI/ COW, wlth some 'rhea, on her bark. a
•p.ark tto stony her bres, belly and part of her
elea. supposed lo be about Du or .'no )esra
The owner desired reme forarant prove pco
!•errr supl +site het awn). ot • • %sal he ...Id ner , ....1”,
les 11. Ar
Onl Lat Saw Ulna and Planing Mae hlna,
kf-1-11.1acne (Trf
THE asl.seribora Suso_on hood tor tole St image stock
of planed Flourlcsa." Also, s sanely of soared .and.
ock, as startasboat Hacking. Lou auLtngs, jots., scat
ling, arts:low frame .rod. &c. &a They are alto Inc.
{naiad iorac,se
and MI on short nourn, order. for any
arucles 111 tiar,r Itne NEVILLIi U CRAIG & I‘ON.
DI-CIIROAI POTASH-6W tb• ju.tree'd slxd Tor
1101 sa:e In HA FAIINtrOCK Jr. Co.
augl3 comer I.t and wood Its
AC DIF.-5 bbia re'd .Ad APr
.AALa ti A FAIINLS ruck' k. co
IliktUSIE GREEN-14 caws Just ,ec•d .nd for sate
augito u A FAUNIFAITCK't: n Co
BU:ACHED AtlifiLLNS—A A Matson tr. Co,OU Mar
kat at, have put maenad Smote ease. of those very
cheap bleached Aloshos at Iv Also, 4 more case. of
tlw 4h- do Also, another large lot of the remnants ut
Caner, •1 Gies au; I 7
ir CALICOV-q—A A ]taws & Co have teed
other largo lot of Cith,ol,ll. at ZS yards wr One
Dona: AA., Kond pant wok brown Aluanna at nie.
More Wrought Collars, Ittf .414
7 'ISII—.2” Ws No I Mack;rel. 81 do No do; :40
bbl. Shad. 0 Rd. Lake hUtt, tai Al,!. Herrings,
for sale by S VON BUNN HORST A C
__!o I 4 33 from
q , AR-16 bil. North Caroht., for .14 by
nolgll F VON -, LIONNiIuRAT Co
M 'kp lg nl i hd. trlP ,' 7o!4 '). l3o:q 11011 ST t'o
liN. F . :411,c o
s i.i* or *Ale y
pi:PPM-10 t for .ate by
1 AHDGIIrJO LW. for sole, of supertur queloy
IA noel AEGILI. dr HOE
BACON—A small lot country Ham, for sale low to
close conuatancut. augl4_ & RUE
HOPI , _ —6 ba!,e Weslern.
LINSEED 011.—I0 Ws Coctonau.
... augl4 .
_ . M1411.1. rt ROE
s ODA Al4ll I. c.a. double relined 14.114 Ata,
I do do do
Warranted NNW w any In the city. For rale by
auBl4 C H GRAN'!, 41 Winter el
LOUISVIL.I.E LlME—Conshanity on hand ILI ior
mak hy augl4 C it 'MANI'
DOSES—Z.I Lbl. for Dale by
aug 14
. band, and for POe very low Is)
.414 C 11 catANT
.IRE BRICE -11.1C.0 now on the wbarl; for sale by
ou#l4 ISAIAH DICKEI & Co, front nt
LA RD OlL—Burthordnr best, Just recd nod for role
by su6ll 1 KIDD &
j. by 00114 J KIDD & Co
}'INI POTASH—AI retail
(mob 'apply for N•le by
IIiLOUR-26 bbls rhowe fresh ramty Moor, Aro rr
cereed sod (or •ale by
CIIEFSE-10/ bze Cream ebettyr.just yer'd and fur
sale by au 14 BROWN lig CU1.13431.Th0N
Q rrs. TUILPFATINE-20 bbls in fine ceder. )uoi
reed by nugll J AKER &
PM TURPENTINF:-4 b 1.114 for sole
L sug/1 BRAUN & REII%R
AA INV.RAL lA'!ifRH COKKy-6 bole. for rule by
PHOSPHORUS -lOU lba for sale by
•ogll BRA Eli & REITER
LLNSEEID OIL-12 Lads for sale by
ARD 011.,-40 bids and 4 WI L 11,13, in htere and for
sale by an ,10 BROWN & CULBERTSON
DAWN SHOULDERS—Ia casks Just recd and (or
sala by magi() BROWN h CULDERTNON
NU. SULJAR—Ll:lotitidn various grade., for sale Li)
a asigth BROWN & CULIIERThoN
1101:6-2? bales prtme Ist son Fanern and Wesert;
1.1. New York Hops, c fresh supply, Just recd cud
lot sale very low by
773AR1.EY MALT—GOO bush ground andung rumor
.1) for We by .ogju BROWN cutanurn-,,,N
lORN BROOMS—Cu d for rale by •
%,./ soffit/ BROWN tr. CrIAIERTSON
'DI( METAL—DO tons Cumberland Rmar Nlmal
landing (rum mums All.llCall Slur and I. Weltel.
auglU JASIM a 4 aster •1
LMU), ex —O4 kegs No I Lard; y hhila
mg from agar Caulnur, and fur salell
r,ILANNEI.B-11roarn and Red Flammls, OH cunrign
meet and fur pair by
engin GEO COCHRAN, PO wood al
rpWk.T.DS AND CASSIAIKRM—On consignment
1 and for sale nu •10 OW Ci/CliliAN
CIORMIiAL-40 Mg. Caro
by Meal, C Ansh‘na
brandouat racM and far =Le
71 ERRIII(1-15 bbl. No I lierringol* 1"
jai male by ttuga J C ISIDWFII, A g k
rilinE2E—slsham larp cream Cheese, just recolaitl
and fur .ale by
ESN TORS—Ii bids ]lees Knit, jam ree'd and for
eclely auglo S fr. W HANNA UGH
it Y sta Y b iA / "— rrug b lt i.R" ll l rArTA F lT/311J1111 or
rIANDLE73-15u bss Cincinnati Mould Candles, In
store and for solo by
S"P-1 1-5
. Lilt No I Rosin Soup, ht store nod for
solo by englo & W HARI:LAUGH
LO49EHI OIL —IOWA Linseed OH, In store rind for
site by 88 10 0 8 k W
LINSEED 01L-46 Lids Linseed Oil, on End d
for r.le bY 107 3ELLEEtb k Dijeld.san
Seleotle Eedlaal Inapitute,
- • • - •••• -
AE noir Fa:l .4 Winter Course of LeCdures
menees in this Institution on the Mat Monday in
November, end eorninues four months, which is mune
diately slier anteceded by the Spring and Summer
Oe.ion, which also continues four months. A grata:.
prelunntury noun., commence. nu Ula fast Mi.-
day in October. and continue* one month.
U. L. Dill, M. D., Anatomy and Operative Sur.
k e n'
L. L. Jones, IL 11. Mauna Medtea, Therapcu.
nes and Botany
I 11. Oliver. M. D., Chrrrnotry and Pllannuey •
W. 13,.h. M. D.. Suracry and Milan.: 31e.b.
rano 10 CO
or Women and Chadren
J. R. Buchan., M. 11.. Physiology. InsLitlik, Of
Medicine and !Jean,' lori.prudriwt . •
T. V Morrow. M. D.. Ptallolog ) 1 :IC ory and
Matriculation Tcket. Si Use or lAhrary. dcf. (.1:1-
auatiati Fee, dill Demonstrators Ticket. St option
al tine hundred dollars paid on ut hewn: the first
:Monday /II Novel:Mier next. will be received its pay
merit in full tor the allure tuition of one studrin -the
Mainculanon, Library, and Demoustrutore Pees cr.•
' TV:coarse of instrucuon embraces a full and tho
rough preseutauon of the vermi. deparunents of mode
cal science taught in the lending colleges of America.
together with much addmonal matter, not itaiwtril
say other insutuumi, viz. recent and important dim is.
verses in physiology. bearing upon Magnums and prric
,iee; a more thorough and practicul 5) stern or Nloteria
firnee and Pharmacy; and o rearmed .y.terti of
practice. band upon extensive experience and scion.
Utie research. whichenables the oracular. , better to
preserve the vital energies—to discard the use in nier.
curial medicines, and general depletion. and to trot
worth surer** many medical and surgical Clkr , n. 1/1
bathe the usual resources of niedictue. Six or seven
lectures and examinations hr given duo) Carol,
dates for graduation, in addition to thennuis. ry
erne or study. must have attended two regular rot lee t•
ate c of medical lectures. Oho last"
he in this ourses
Institute I or one course alter four years
The ILlFfillt. was chartered In 1545. The classes in
attendance upon the lectures have numbered us fiat lON a:
el, 1546-7, IV; 1,1141. It 1. expa-ctrd that
in two or three years its classes will be among the
largest la the 1. ruled States. The collegiate edifice
learner of Court and Plum soma) will be enlarged in
1,49, sufficient for the reception of 90U or IWO pupils.
Letters Kam 1,11.1/11 . 1.n or solieunig Interments, roust
be addressed to undersigned, N ., paid en`
solvent Hanka. of the Staten In whieli the oedema re-
• -
atde, Nall bo reretved In the payment of tees Ilourtt
way be obtained to the coy al 1 roan by Ia 1.11 per week.
T. V. Mt.litHlAW. M. U.,
Ikatt of the l'aculty.
• • • s will rum urtu<
T.l itT r of ;iocuitirtil ur mid
continue cistern week-. During the whole mouth nl
Oriober, three lectures will be given dully or.die fo:•
rlerom.upicrtl A/IntOltly. : 1 / 1 1101" 'SU r
ry. Poi.ons, l b yucul ihuguoiti• rind Bota
ny. t, extra ellurgt 1. mode fur in, mouth. the
lecturer us e intendcd only in:ikr the wooer rourle
MOSS complete During tin winter oil lecture. will he
given dnily. Thecourse IAoS einbrnee. s•
rosily imbn•cti, and Is r edbeher to n. tutu and rt•ur
ough u• I/I MS) south, I /1.1111.104 , 11 Th.. 111,111 A 01 it
nod I SCS utfortleil to
1110.0 who pursue pturucal Alta..) A recent Mnin•
collot $30,101 will eunble u. erect ii
egec ektifue, WWI n I.lo.pluil attached Thi, xt4 he
rouipielea /II shout one year In the inc. lime. very
lori4Lile room., unlit-lent lot the isr,onimu.l3tion of
urn serureil
Deno II NI D. Pro, of 01...irD3r. aoJ 1/15.. too %Vogue., al.lCl,ldrrn
lilll ituttclit. Id. NI I) llrdf L.; of
Hit: ard I. Flower I. MU, l'rof Sutgrry
1<•..1 !knit NI , rt.l of oenerul arid Sperm!
Frralerick Nlcrricl. NI D. Prof a ehrsn..try neol
Gal , M U. Driin.siralor ul A Invo.,
tw-Ctur•• ¶.l 141
t. nuluuwu MI Tick, 300
Good 6ourd 1,01111140 02.1111 r Art•L
To Enjidneora, Machinists and - Others.
4.0.3,11 of me, Canal. a t•letou P ump, or atherh
nte le
rar'', capon. co 1,11100 1,11. the Canal at :tit Het,-
nOn to loiter. tart from ILl:sad Creek. in the 1.101-
ater as
regard. etttrieuey and economy. two hundred
Lou eamt Colo, 'eel wWet per hour.
The Company Invite rortteer, Marlon., and oth
ers to offer for the shore work. 111 ne,ompa
ed with drawinp and deAcrtptiot.a.utal tomcat,. CI
the dull) root ut mei and attendance, they will al.o re-
vetre !rot otorh pr,on. Propo,al• for busklsug and
uwog up jot Maclottery, tf demtrnble purl) tor•
ntoluag the plans re-pee rely odered
Ibe plau• to thr Livered 341 Ow °fru, of the Comp,
y. uuder .eatl.l,lol, the rood day of t/elober nes,.
at ...kiwis tar, they urtil is opeued aIW ,udged of 14 the
Board of Iltreetor..aa follow., oft'
Fur the plop Ilk loch may In adjud,, , eol of as bent. 3
V,333134 of three hundred dollars will Le void.
For the next I,st 3133 at-risotto, nundred
do: ar, and or any others which the.Cotripait) tuily
to retain, one hundred donar,eacn he Coin
will return, under seal, to parties rt.spv , ttr..:
al. he other
An, inturniat,on requtred Ai ill , e hirnisned on appli
rallo/1 at the oilier of the Canopily W
a. No. nif All(
srreet, Phlladcithin
nual44:ot C NrWlttll.l.l. Jr l'resident.
Sommer Ilegreat at Pleaaans Green.
ti u ,ll - .VI,IIAL /111•161,,, 4 an “4,,V „
U Hoarding. at the well known ramtston or Jame.
Adams. Ewo . deed Themastsson t• situated at the
tower end of 31noteheatcr, wo miles from tbc city, com
pletely secluded troth ts'arss. and surrounded 1,) eXten
site gardens. and trottung the tr i m. where Inc toath
Irequently pw. crutv.mtrtg without marria4 the
rat quietude of tic scene. 'rye malt or bonne.. ran
pursue Ms asoc•non ut the city. lute lo• steals mud
spend letsurr hours enth his unruly. where they
enjoy the deltghtml scenery end purr bracing an of
the country. The I nvedld run aliany• command thr
ben medical attendenre front Pittsburgh or Anegbeny.
Ilalf a dose. 0111111bUICI lull no me road to
the eny—and the trreenwood packet land ,hurt d s
tance nom the noun:, .o that no enitrult) occurs in ,ro.
tag to and from the etty Mt sup USIIC Crum 7 i 1 to ha:l
past lU at night- The terms of boarding will Ire mend
very moderate, and no effort is spared to render guests
comfortable mnil respects.
Ransectuble indietdua4or small pante. %e.t.a.; to
nut Me country durum the day, can Le accommola•
\I. IP. 31,
and 41 P M Fserilent stab:ma and carting. rum.
can also to pros red.
Cambria Furnace. for Sale.
mitt: undo-Gs/pled Yeti; odor for sale ur punk< bur
bon. en Tbunolny. the firth day of October next.
the tollowtato prolye.4 a...noeued to thmo by the io:e firm
of Vinton, I.enna. Itreae . ;or th e benefit of the
eredttora of ;mid firm. tow it:—The Furnace eterte.l I.y
said company. wan Orr meow comity and haulm, nod
hot bleat apparannq the tool* uacyl about the tuntoce;
My lot of laud wt; IC the Furnace s tands. rootanton;
about finceu arm. of land, and the nacre. or the .auk
firm to filly acres ut land bought of K K Du Hoy.
The sale well be held on the prento•es, to the town
chm ot Tullsoadme., Stromlo county, Ohio, and r:I com
mence at 10 o'clock. A. NI.
hel•llororery for Sale.
subsertlier, desirous of 'miring trona business.
wishef to sell Ins stork
of Groceries, and u nail
lot or well mleeted Dry hoods, and to rent his stand.
eon of the boot in Allegbru) cay, situated on Robinson
sire., immediatelywest ol Count kiridge. on the
north side. 'The stockGrocenes is well selected tor
41' . retail basins.. and the stand oi 01 a 'CO' superior
character. olerorg an opportunity seldom equalled. A
mawotable credit wilt be given, and possession can he
had at any time
The House and Stand is well adapted to the FKISO
linsmasa. and 0 woald pay well, to that neighborhood.
IRY, Fault Aide
of the Diamond. where Veil:nen 811114111 of all the
iliderent Btu+ and colon ue kept on hand or made to
order atter the latent and num approved Eastern tub
sons, at the ahortext notice and on the moot rea+oimble
Also, the cheap lloatott roll or .phi Blind Transpa
reney and roper Curtain. of all the dtderent loses and
patter., on hand and for 'ale low for malt. Old Vein
non Minh painted over and reputed, or token in part
payment for new. It 11 w FarrElivELT. Pro'pr
NI: 11 —Ail work done SWIM the tn.t lamella' and
worknnondop, and warranted to plea. the moat Do,-
Odious. auglo,lly
Allegheny city. Aug to lit
CONTINUES to manufacture hionuments, Burial
Vaults, Total, Head Stones. Mantel Pieces, Cen
tre and her Tops of foreign and doinearte marble, at
a regular add fur poor.
N. U —Dr wings fur monument., vaults, At. itt ruts',
ed. of any description. Ile aotteds a share of pul.tir
patronage. two-flit
1.11:2 ttTRA YEL , OR STOLEN, from the pre
maw. 0( the subscriber, tt o the inonottg of
the Mk ion, et elteanut sorrel MAKE, xix
yenta old, middle sae. wstouut any uteri,
1.10 will be paid by the mob•ertber fur the return of the
tours; and ti stolen. $95 for the colmettou of the thin
'll,lthi K. LITCII,
(S toes Si. below Peon
pm• En--5 1, reams extra lortre Straw Paper. very
Immo) , and !Prong, iar hardware. 3,e. aa bundles
Flat Cup. an confectioners; cheap paot and rap Paper.
for sale Ly J 2,4I7IIOONMAKER Jr. Co,
_tug!'_ _ 24 wood at
VOTICF: TU MERCIIAN'I'S. — The advertiser so',
11 etta a permanent sulatton as Clerk or StaleKtnatt
tn a Clothier's establitlnnent. Respectable reference
CUII be para. Address to
lOrruN VAILNS as.ortrd Nos' ISO
%_/ bales Candle Vick, ILO do Balling, Carpet elunn,
&c; lof sale or mann fselurera loweo prinen.
FRI D, n.
lUDALT-200 ILe CoLalt, just reo'd and ion sale by
tl augl J KIDD& Co
pOT ?, SH—n cask• recolvinst foal stens Lake Este
and los sale by magi JAMES DALZb:I.L
B Al iku lng Ar
S TARCH:—ir'
riICiII'ENTINE --, V WA. sjr Turpentine, Just roo'd
and lot rule 40 j 731 J KILL) Jr Co
101 , 1:1;1:-2531.0.pi Km, and 10 bngn: Lagusym Gor
ki far arrrollig b) canal 0101 fur oak by
/Yal al okollcr ioolC4lfron,u
V.ALERATUtu—TI rusks Cleveland Suter:taus,
L7'%V K C
Ij sale L7'IC & MAN
MOSqUITO `MI' ---A A Maxon A Cu. Lave just
reed WO I. of :1108i0100 Nello, of venous munti•
L jyvi,
RD CilL —25 I) Lo 11UTIdinn.h's, on hand and iot
o b) 1)24 I KIDD& Cu
MACCABEAU SNUFF , —Ju"reed and for min by
1) J KIDD C-o
ri3OLIACCO-110 dos Fine Cat 'Tobacco,
j on hand and for sale I.y ;3 . 21 1 AMOS,
ATs-12U bulb Or., just reetl mud for mr:e. Icy
ki J/0
Y EN. RED.-50 bbl.
ALERATUS—IU I+l,l, YU bi. , fe r
nog? N F VON BONATIIOftz 4 T 8. Cu
CLITONE Lae Slone Pipe, (or
1,3 au 7 WICK di AiN:ANDI.I.....S
Tu"ld do, large Tubs, for sale by
Q. , DOA MS—tidd M Common Cigars, for I.]e by
CiVKIED IMIGAR-30 hhls Crushed Sugar, Yur
rile by .ug7 WICK ..4.M'CAISILILKM
11111: Au bblo nsuall Wkite Henn, wr
TV et.le by .1,7 Willia WCANDLESS
- - -
I) Goodr, Sts, us Ara-tioa.
a, Thursday morning. Aug. 17, at to o'clock. at the
cOnnetteccial Sales Room, corner of Wood and Filth
strrebb will la- told. without cescrac. tier rash curren
cy.. cateastre asset-tattoo of frralt seiwonable staple
and fancy Dry (itatils, 1 . 0/11114/111ir of ti giro variety of
prott. 31nociwatcr peak., lawns, bolero Inc, super
b., cloth. ctioucocreit, sattincia,lllMCVS, tacann' de
lames, OtticY v. - stoats. biark dress •illts, block
aatto. serge., silk and cambric heals main'' , d '''' .l4 `
sewing silk. ptoent thread. hostery. gloves. bleach...l
nod !mown mast., checks, twiting. umbra:bob rata.
At 2 o'clock,
I nail lupe. French Brandy; 1 Diatform scale le, weig-h
.151e1 ins. 5 hbls sugar hawse mains's., 6do No I Icon
,nod shod, crate a s nortedqueenzwar e . 4 half chests
young hyuni tea: stock of ge0,..„ (ruin n nnnrchnn ,
derlon, nonmens, e 4
bgn VoTona „
taboo,. 25 boxes
A pole rul assortment of new and stood hand boa,-
hold 211 !MUM, among which arc,
and common bores., 50 (5n, fancy and eormnon choir s. woo., hock oads •
tables, work . and wash Stand:, wm.
dow blunt, looking glasses. Ale
Al o'cor-h.
Cutler).welry, musical boorurnmon • a Isegc
comm., of ,e
...ion:table ready tomb! cloth:nu, h o „,„ .
char umbrella, naddler.Lndlen, w hips, gold
and •over watches. guns. ponOln. fancy and unpin sa
nely good, nt.e.
ma:. .101 IN D DAVIS, duet
Athotniztrator . Site of Groomes, Querns...are
Rorer/.&l Furritture, eft.
ot Friday. Auzu.i I,th, at tfrlork. 1. II the
rood, ut Third and Bus 111 he sold loy order
of Mr /Wain IN' (1 , 011, ..1111011.t1inu, of :he rcair of the
late I' rho deetaird. the halaree o(a retail
•turY of grin..IMI.IOOIIK Whith rode. 'repot,. allmorr. ginrer. &r Also. hsh.
rdirgnr, countor .ente• and welghtio. a quantity of
q arra, ware. huasehold turnout', ow: bet Moor cutter's
tool, /to
augl± JOHN r.) DAVIS, Aunt
Spur Odd Street Properly of Aucuon.
Ott Saturday. :sagest RAI, at 3 o'clock. on the pre•
noses. orst! l.e sold that valuable Lot nt ground situate
on Southfield Street. conniteneing at die distatice of . .4.1
tort trout the new M. E. Church now lietog erected ott
the earner or :tit slier, huvou; a trout n(_o It. extend•
tog hauk Ito it. to Mdienhercer's alley; I.lll deb i.
rreetvd a substantial two story linrk Store nod Dwel•
Itio4 House, bring a desirable mean. for Itu*.tnrss:
tool also, a well lintshed three story lortrk Dwelling
lloune fronting on the alley aforesaid Title indispu
table. TERMS—Otie third cash. residue in two equal
annual payments. with interest. pay aide scull-annually.
appearaner ol tion 5A51.1: BROTHERS'
I:Thr lauuwmg performers am engaged, and m 111
111111 C tlnne Ern appen rnncean Naturday, Aug 11.
And I.s Taghont. nod Llan,us.•
t/pera at -
Sant SlatOlcheol." rittro I.y
Mr. llaboup, author ot Yranna)."
produrrtl sm. Monday
a ..1. - co . !rtg sag I I
- - •
dson's Panorama f the Hudson River
, I , IIF. I'mprielor alto. great paeture alio. North II
ver tort I. way to the Eamern rare.,) w ill riptLit
no l'anortatun at the rtbove /I DAI 0
UNI-1 .eotomenring on Monday evelllllg, Au,;ual 14111,
end comm. Jurthy the week.
Ira loomed on 12.u0 fret .1 eau , . It, and rapresenta
entry Crq, Townand Landrog. on both oole, trout
Nrw ork fia, to a he Mouth or the Mohawk River,
con•thoUng 011 C 01 the large. and tuort beautiful l'ano.
ranoor In the world.
Admr.onon only 2Seenta--Clohlren hal( price Ttek
et: to br had at lilt proleipal Ilotrl. and at the dock'
Door. open at 71—Panoranta movlna
at o rlock, prreg•ely. augll
JOHN Tl'}Ain 1.3.1),
Ikon 01 the ',Jowly
~ Fedora/ Aired, co - CaOoortrie Row,'r:d door !rum
W, urto,ro
the o(utalructioti land we ra.:l n
nme u httrrlaure.
Vur more in: mat informalion. 1-1711/:, opply
To 110.141.°c1°, N W. N11.a.c...1.1E,
Dr T F Dale, Mirtorlty. lion 1 4 haler.
Hcr. D. IL Fiaddle
Nir H. t' Swum.. • Rrv. IL Dyer.
suriatioa Fano') Ilarouche and flame., et.,
cru Iron axle...landing top. bras% mounted.
hwsd•untely Fluid nod ttnumed—ot rver) reopect ¢ de•
ruhlr carriagetor Ti imvate !aunty. Laving Levucot,
uc lid with a,l the loodern tmprovementr. a x
great., notout.: of room ,md eons enteric, wt.
the irast weight commtent wttit durabi tty Sold tor
want of urn, an the uwrt to leave Itl• ray
ne eve m4e is to Le t ormt the Liver, Stable of
RIJN LILASOI-.1.1.. Cio, id.rert
H A VOA.: suit! our roam 1104 . 10 C GruhT. Rath
Nt th i't:U. •
THE I . VlStath.-XTEIt.
Ihttstturgh, Aug 4th. 1.41,
('1 • It. GRANT, NVlmiesale Grocer, Cornorusston and
ll Forseartano Sliacttant. No. 41 Water et. aul4
DOLE /WEND FA. DIDD 1r..1....“11, DADA OD
MI/No. 1111 'Wood sire. between Dlgh
moo 4 alley , and Fourth street. hos now
open .d 101 . .0L0 t 1 /WOO ii......neinot
PIANO FORTE,I Irmo we ara,itan
uf.tory. of I N ci and 7 octave.. of die hoc, .tylcs, and
with all die recent nnprovemei., which will be sold
to pureli.ers al the "Bost. Cash Prices' invariably.
Splendid New Planes.
ffTHE. subscriber, previous to leavlnsi
th fifii for e East to replenish his stock. will
thaw:is< of the [nuance of his stock on
hand at reduced pruiesi and on favor.-
'.de terms. It consists of a choice 10/000011 01 Pianos
mode by Nouns a Clart.'N. and Jonas etnekertog,
of Boston, Mass.. of from 6to octaves, 01 roses
and India/any, of diderent sty les and prices
tram Europe.
mar: subscribers have now m.tore n very extenalvc
assorintont of Pam for ladles wear, winch have
hero purchased to Europe by our of the firm, at very
low prices du
. ring the ortetary crises succeeding the
French RevoMilan! in
Thi..l%hotnge, when they pore,. over any other
house in Vie trade, witl enable them to sell a very ex
cellent oracle much below the market price.
ID- Merchants nod others will advance Moir own
mterests by examining this CIICIMIVC 11$2 , 0r.c1It.
FIROT/lERS, Importers.
w s. c ans,
w. H. LT*O?4,
Q . OI.I)IER`S ALMNIT, is now prepared to collect the
three tiniuths . extra pay which bits been grained
by a late act of Congress to the Troops who have re
tanard from the Mexican War, and to the heirs and
representatives et those who were killed in battle, or
died ot disease incurred in the service.
urncc IlakeweiCs Building, opposite the Court
House,. Pittsburgh
D. W. CARR, Manufacturers of Umbrella,
el • Parasol and Limas Hone, No. 1,15 North Tined)
•treat, above Race, YIII L.ADEI.PiiI A, lIIVIIC the at
tention or Merchants arid Dealer., to their extensive a,
•ortmeni of the above Snide, whir) they otter at re
due.' pre-es An emu:inflation I. sobeitto
1 Utrr PLIBLISIIED--A Illu.trat/ou ef the Type..
AlleFortas u/.1 Prophecies of the Ohl Testament.
Ii) Wllham M'Ewen, tuunster or the l.okpel at Dundee.
The above popu:ar work. witch UV,. OA the Tlpleal
Perlman., Trunks and Vlaee. ot the Ohl MA:unc,
which hak been out of print tor -onto Imo, and f ut or
which there hal been a peat demand, Ike hove Itt•t
repuldtkhcal In a neat .:pin—el4 pages, mu. Prtee
LO cent,. }:Luorr ENislAtql,
XT EW FALL A Mason & Co, 60 Markel
simet, emuow opening ^u enact , and pet keg.., of
new Full eoingnin
sg A part new iitylem hnig
liana, French, KtiglL‘li told Amenean Prima, Mull.
Swisa and Book Mita:ins, Collars, Capp.
H OSP 1105V:..-7V4 feet 1 melt 3 pig lit • e,
.Tll.t ref...vied Ly II Leech 4. Co's Idoe, and for sal
ai We Indio Ikubbur Depot, No. 5 Wood Id.
.11. II
VI deIIINE LIANIANI.:—AVe , have now band u
IR full of Vutraosiacd Indio 11u .lrer Niu
. . ,
Line Banding. all width, nom Ij taches tu ru ,uche
w~J•4~whicitw uIl sell at uutuulartur....tri
nod onrnngo sued"to Ott Purclue, ut No a Wood at.
augu J k II 1.1111.1.11'S
CLAJILIIP-2:Anf yds 4.4 Floor lid l lotivvartou•
41 patterns. IWO .
44 - r pat'rs
14: dot Tubas Cov ars, a apletadtd arty t
Lem, just reed from ate rhilhpnelile factory, nod for
.ale at No 0 Wood et
_!_5.11 EHILLIES
I)EAKI. AS/1-10 cask. pearl Ash, inat nec'd on
ConsignMelit nod fur .alo 14,
t‘MIKESE—Jat ho. now laadtug from Mow Michtgao.
KJ tor .ale ISAIAH DICKEY 4 co,
_ et
W I 116-1-VaFITal i k: %! 1" /
o !a a n t r F : h i
and for sale bp nog, ISAIAIi DICK.EY '0
IA RD-12 tdas No 2, for ante by
. .
1 1 )EAII.I. Adll f cask, 14 morn and for ante Ly
0040 --
- •
DI.A:aSES--150 4410 Plantation Molowea bah.
/TA. Soots House do; to atter; and for sale by
11 HO/11, 1 0.11 &Co !
bercWllo, ran .1 totil t i l o o t , e;it , : „... l.
DR; buns Pig I rou, squid< and otbur lot•
Gey'suillablo lot ioundry as rolling for
Mk by atiO ft itillISON
- _
121 . 50 M SALTS-51,111.'4..43u Sults, (F- - iglo Work, :
124 Justroceivotl und lui - •ito• I.y
. 4 JUAN 31.01D.A lirvgiut, wood p
Br..7CKING—Sti do. NioUcoi • Ctio , , , rogo
for auk by unvi )011:\ D Awa y,
CORKS --O notes 41,14 G,.. ato h .
uurt JOHN D
r 4, Colloo. r r Y do iby
1,61, Inrgt Nu 3 Macker t , by , bt , by
. 1 / 4
1" . _
I AUL: Y COFFEI,-•11.0 L4so
)tii.l roe ' d and tor nal. by
%GI./ & HIC.KI-1,4•N
I )ORINTEItI. , INK-30 kce Hook and
j uogs eiCHOONMAJC.RA & Co
T ADllis WROUGHT CMLA.R., , —A IL Maboo
J Co, CO blurket icod. rortt au duz Wroo. rid
Cullara, which they are selhng at the lori pnc. of :,21
vGAiit—iu) htuts prime N 0 Sugar, for sale by
& ityLpvD, liobna Chum s
l~ rural eoboan. ,lu do; u(1 do blcocbed Whole le
do, 7.41 bran. t, Tanners' 111, cast, in ',IA,
Smut s dodo, 10 do Brown do do; loot rr, , d y 1 (or
rals by j),7 MILLER IN
By John D.,Davis, Auctioneer
T Vtrl, Pluycr,
11. Merriman. Areordro,
%V. Hunt. Gum,.
1. E. 1101111.%011.'rntraborm,
J Vv. 11..thoup. 1%1,111
it. K.L.E.BER,
At Woo tit Tlurd A
W. D. Fester,
111 b.... •
s V
well known lino of splendid passenel sstes.te
er% LS now competed of the Isselretlsertnnall
huishell and furnished. MOP{ powerfulboats on the
vrava, o( the %'est. Every accommodation and cam
10.. that mney can provut lo
e. has loom provided for pas
seegers f ur Line lois been in operant:al for five rears
,•111v.1 a million ofpeople 'cahoot the law min.
LIiCIT persons The boats will be at the foot of
‘l'ood street the tiny previouA to starting, for du coca,.
of freight onol 1110 can . ) of passenger, on the =go
lern It! a ! rases the {omega money must be paid al
ad vitae,
It* 1.7
Tur 14A,11.1 NEWTON, 1.1114 n. A. G. MUM, 1•1•1
icove I . ...burgh 1-rury runduy ,noring at 10 reelor/r;
r•undr) ercumg .1U r.
May .-1,.1-41
The :%hiIN(TNGAIII:I.A. Cart teneses, will lemma PlM
writh .1i4141,1, u. I, 01 lu.i eloek; Wheehmig
The 1111.11r:liNIA No. 2, 0001. J. k. , .. 313-112, will
leave Pittsburgh. every Tuesday morning at 10 Weloelr,
NVheellnK every Tumin, eventoe at 111, al.
• -.
Tl., NIA% F-NGLANI. No. 2, Cur. S. llicaa, will
I..,xic rvcrylnr.lny morningln 10
o'clock, Wbcding Wedzientley evening .110 P. X
rue B1111.1.1.a:ST. C. (Oucv, vrtil leave Pin.
"Mt` every 'floarailay rtoolung at to o'clock; Who.,hag
vccYTlnowlay cvoutog at lO r.
CLIPl'Ert oCapt. CO will hove Pint
.uegry rh
Prp CVCIIIII cvery Friday Itioramg a'W
tto o'clock; heel.'
.. 10
Capt. S. Rk , o, w ,111, ." Phu '
mrgli Saturday morning e.l 1U o'clock I'i - heeling
vrry Saturday rretung at r
NE\V I.isnoN AND Prri,ni Run DAILY LINE
114 48. aigola
tvi.a 0U.0w.)
Leaves Pittsburgh daily. at 9 o'clock, A. Pl., and sr•
riven at Glmpow, Onouth of the Sandy and Beaver Ca
at 3 o'clock. and New I Jahon at 11, mum night.
Leaves New Lisbon ni h ituakul ale
trip canal to the river duritts . the night.) and Uloursow
at 9 o'clock. A. A. and einem at INnaburals al 3 P.
M.—thus nlasing a coittioluoub line for et.rrymit pas
.t.siger, nod 1,101 between New LiAboll and Pam
.horror tuna. and al !ma rams lhan by any
other Nate.
The proprietors of this Line have the pleasure of file
wool ugthe public ihnt they have tined oplwokrat deal
Latta] thests. tor the accommodation of passenger* attil
might. to riot to connect:on with the well haulm
steamers CALEIICUPE and III:A VIAL and eOurteut•
lag. at Grosuott. with the Pittsburgh ulid
tau mild other dolly lows of stranters down the Ohio
and MiAso.sitipt rivers The proprietors pledge then.
ve, to spore" - hot elloottote or trouble to titslll . o r00:1
t o r, sal. tr aud distttel, aid wok of the public a share
of Ott, toutrtAtagot,
r , Gr. W. IIARISACWI, ""Orgh.
K. HANNA. & co.
tayll af J HARIJACGII tx. Co. t N " ' L"b'n
NOTICE-Ite Mean., BEAVER. C. F. Clarke. maa•
ter, wsll Iravr atter Mt& [Kure, for falnCtil
aliy, al (•Irlork thr monang
113411. — l4 - 41
Daily Packet Lino.
FEBRUARY 1.“,1 , 4c. FEBRUARY Ist, let
The Cotionetnie new boats complete
Inc line tor the present W.S.llOllf AT.
LANTIC. to Capt. imam Packinsoni
ALTIC. Capt. A. Jacobs; and IsOULS
WI—INK, Cart E. Beni., The boats ate emixely
new. wed are fitted up without retard to expense. De
rry comfort dint money can procure tins been provided.
'Piro Moats will leave the Atonongabela lVharf Boat at
the root of Itoss st. Pa ssealers will be punctual en
board. as the boats will rertairdy leave at the advise
scii beer, n A. Al. sad 4 P. AI jatt3l
- rlrrit't Rt.!!
D0 1 , 1,::w p tt ic t:14: 1,7 4 ,14
LI 7, Mester, IVO 101.4
rico:tidy for Wheeling,, on Monday,
tkedueldny and Friday. ri 10 o'clock precisely.
Leave NN keeling every Tuesday, Thoraday and Sa.
aril., .7 o'clock, a tn. precisely.
The Con.ou: will land at all the intermediate pond.—
Ft, ry stacornodatton thet-ean be procured for the cam:
lon and matt of peeve-unarm has been poovtded. Ttlit
levet to also provided with sell-acting fety guard to
prevet, ex - pitman, For freight or passage apply on
oarEl or to DAVID C HERBST,
;Jett earner of let and Snahhheld sta.
...,„,.. 14., Thc splendid atennter
ll• ,l Cos. ma.ter. will leave Gar above
nd Intermediate porn. tlns dal.
For irvight or paasage apply on Lroard. augll
The new steamer
Der e,nrugter, ova lea ve ler the above
end interrnedlote porta Um. dap,
or frolzht or pa, age apply on board. augla
The fine steamer
Parkinson, master, will leave for the
ye and intermediate pomade dity. ,
For Irelybt or pasnee, apply on board. aaglll
The fine steamer
Cork, mister, will leave fbr the allow
• -- •••
and totem:telltale ports IldethllY•
For nreiam or passage apply on board. anl4
new and fast running steamer
.• CasL R M Hill. will leave for above
intetmediant ports this day, az
For helot or passage apply on board, or to
nave .1. NEWTON JONES._
- FOR CI;VCINNJiiiirVISITT - Wlit. -
The splendid new steamer
j and 'b ii; emrtne rtsk.Vil=
4 o'clock P. M.
For freight or passage, apply on board. anj to
The elegant reamer
zuctr i=c;ope, moster.owill leave for the above
nil intermediate Porte this day.
For freight or passage, apply on board. swirl°
'f ac auc lirW light draught
Thompson, master, will leave for tho
hove and intermediate ports regular
t.....f0r freight or passage, apply cm board. szkg
The new and splendid steamer
Lucas, master will leave Coy oboam
d intermeduste ports regale ibr.
szpor (Tight or passage, apply on board.
The splendid steam..
Marsala, rnaster.ln•,
4, 0 10. Ti
nd //Iterated/ate po ' ,;, e t io:o o y . •
For freight or passage apply on bo or o . or o ,
Isla.The new ;5 . ' i f . lAl! , t t tl s rn o u l et steamier
bouata, ...ter, will leave for the
Lose ..... intermediate ports this day..
For freieht or pausae. apply on board. au& '
'''''"-- The fine new *teenier
_ . Reiwirian, maim, will letiviserraboeis
e land intennedinie ports thisday.
For ireiubi ~,,„...,v, apply 0 ,, h0n ,, , , , ,_ .
FOR t11NC157.517-"-
rs.- The fine steamer
i . RIO UR. 5 1.13E,'. _ .., •
Gonley, rammer. win Immo for abase/
and intermediate ports Iles tiny,
For freight or passage apply Du board. augs
The fine summer
wro3rme., -
,E-gs.62Fewler, Master, will leave for labor*
HMI intermediate per.. this day.
For freight or passage, apply on board. .teg7
1" The
h". 14:7 " E
I''''''.. NGLANDi
A . 1 hltio'.e, mower, will le.”e for
e IIhI 3 III* anal interaiediate port. 9rO.
at to o'ehmk, hi plum. of the Clipper.
Ito freight_or pasear apply en boast. awl
FO 'l hot: gsVIELE.
- -
Toe light drZV . L.7I .
Thom.. ma..., will leave for
Alliabove tool Ilarrtnediale ports thin. day.
For ree:Or or parsave- apply ."
Tbe npleadol
ntastr-r. 11 leove for Itlrcove
and - toterrnedion, ports regularly..
For fro%l3tor pa•morr. apply on bonrO.
ST. ° j°--
• PWwint i rn. , We o r , e ✓ r Mart ter
IgatJarne, rnarl. , r, wilt cove fart obove
Op nd intermediate rrn,..t.
For fretrln or on...arre, apply or,
. .
U r -SON,
I.6, Ydaster, nurauraiiret
ri , grdar .P. L',O.Tuo aoort, Sur nab and Pits
t'“`Kh' Pn ' bu M t ' dt Mondays u nri'llnandaya.
/Y 7
611EGC UR - Pf.ciaa• 1-oß — st - ; SIL
e new and fast wean.,
antes, minder, will leave for above
. r . nr" And all u:ediate po on Wed0e5,,d..,,..
,, d ..,,..
~ST. mm ports on of each wcck For freight OT
board or to
E() II 15111,TF.N111,1IIGER, Art.
321 nro.dw.y,
s - rI
TMI.(IIITERS ANL/101313ERN of Silks, Freneh
tud Nlnenno, Lehreges. Laces anbroidettot, en .
nos, tillawls Hosiery, Gloves, L ow's , B een e...urea,
They invite country Merchants, yustuadi Now York,
to d tamale 'heir stock before making thou purchase..
:lir Mote was for many yearsol th e house of T.
an & Co.. mini wb'i i he retired on the tat or /an.
and Mr. Jenne ackaon, (whe ha. an Intern: in
th " h u`i^...,l wail - also favorably kuorrel in then *stab ,
halenent natal,
D. N.olt,s Tonto—ootoa—Airtli;Dropeptlis
r 1,111.; general propenie• or these PUN.
PurFutive and Tonle. In the co=llloll
ern djpr
nrtai,g (rem inprodeoce at diet, bc, such esMck
attn. Ind .oren..• oi do; much, hear burn . saoh,
he • n theoteire Ir required. an,. CM111117.114111D to
key) , .or armthauve sod sodthing et ,
44 ' 10 lonstr e Jstov mile! when nausea or
eitrt purgative I.IW ',Won upon the stom
ach nod s howol. to mots and effectual, and tts lento
nu:pert/re impart strength to the diguriva orirana,
thereby wielding these organs to peribant yuoper
functions with order and regelatitr, y
The puce has berm reduced_ fr01a,54.44
For sale wholesale and retail by esel
Cotner front and wood, and 4th .
tyl3 Agent. for ‘,
WIFF.AT FL(IL7R-14 bltla ens t.otentsy
11 Flour. etude Iron. new white wheat, jthe..fte'd and
1111/ ILNIS—r.• Puts's Patent, for sale by
i& s P voN BONNIIORST & Ca