The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 15, 1848, Image 1

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Ar' w =ll4" l4
N i ,tar e,,, , .,.. 1 4 4 and Leather Deal
kgtotota—John Grier Pittsburgh, E. Levlca &
Co. Philadelphia.
carmigaments of Wesfern Leather solteited, and lib.
and advances made, if required. feblainto
TWOOD, JONI & Co.. Commoston and For
1. wardluE 4danhatna , limo returned to their old
swat, Water and Flout streets, Pitdsborgh. 00.21
samolauca. aura 00030 E
gig l et? ?Of StfC n lni " r a ßo t ts, Pint:
.lb, Pa. mayl4
CLUMITION, • aqourli.
ROWN 4- CULBERTSON, Whole.ale Grocers,
sad Coihnisalau Merchants, No. 13.5, Liberty a
I, l l.lugh. Pa Pa
A. PAiriNESTOCK Co., Wholesale and Re.
• tail Dmggists, comer Wood and atl, sts. jyt
AGAI.EY & BALITE, Whdlnale Woe.* to and
20 Wood sureet Pittaburgh.
-_ _
C A. IdeANULTI & Co, Forwarding an :
m ..nlasdorOderehants, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pa.
Wll. COLTILLIY, 3000 F. 201.11.5., larva W natuun.
lOLEMAN, ItAILMAN, & Co., hlanufaVrtrera of
1,1 Carrtage Spoor stud Axles, A. L. and Spring
Smel,. and dealers m Coach Trimmings of every de.
lesiptlatt, izmnsainctory on St. Clair at. Warehouse 43
Wood at, opposite SLChailea kiutel. J. 2 2.
IL =ALT. 10113 WOW.
IDWALT & GLZIRART, Wholesale Grocers, deal
-12 en in Produce and Pittsburgh hlmnfactures,
aar of Lawny .ud Ilnud sus, Patsbergh. Pa. tei.l7
WK. I, SAY. I. ram,
NOLIS L IMMNETT, lime English; Gallagher
4- Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Commission and For.
muskeg Merchants, and desden in Produce and Pit.'
burgh th'''''etttne, No. 37 Wood Id
tl and
P. P. TILLVD, peo. Run, . loom.
Co, WholoSalo grocers and
ston Meschnous, find .Rants for 141 11" .
Cotton 1' rah NOS. tar Watorosno IRI Flout au
h, Pa. i febti
W s BLUME, Plan's. Folio Manufacturer and deal,
1 • In Maainal Inarnmeras, 142 Wood rt., near real.
gALLAME, LONG & 2431.L8R.1 3 e1l wad Bras en s
Founde G rs and Gas Finer& lu9 Front, betwe
ood and /31nddi at rimanugh, Po_
1118h1 Woo Oren for old,Copper lard Bross
GFABOE COCHRAN, CommOnnion.und Forwarding
Merchant, No. Ca %Thad erect. Plusnogh. - myl7
I-IILLEIX BRINCVr, White and Ited Lead Mann
(armor, Paint 'Oa Oil Merettau, corner of Lit
er and O'Hara. : Pinsk , h. loin
Enaum mtuT,_ 1:0111SZT DICE.. /D.
BAIAII DICIMY d Co., Wholesale Grocers. Coen
11Inrchanas, and dealer. i. Ptndano,
atm-and 107 Proof greats, Pntstrull
Touti iIANEIN, Attotrws and Counaellor at Law
gg and Cowl:Riminior for the State of P.110)1.111/1
ht. Lon* hto.,klate al Pnahurgh
Bitraaramta—Ptuaharkh: Hon kV Vorwatd, Hamp
ton & L&War, & John L Parke.
Illosellai Sample, 11.1'Card & King. jeltly.
1:0 3 1LN sarrii i - 707,1iialesalc Grocers, Forward
ing and Commit.ion Merchants, Dealers is Pro
mo! Pittsburgh glialmfactres. No, 7 Commercial
Bow, Liberty /anti,
near the Canal, Pitbburgli, P.
TBRYAN, Rectifying unt Wholesale
U dealer in Foreign sod Dornesue Wines and Li
-4.4.314 No- 114 Marty street, and 63 limmood Alley
h jyl.7-dly
I AmlsZ. Cam of the flan of Algeo and
te Metialre,) iderelser Bt. kaursles Drirldiage
Thud street, near Wocsi,Firtsburya.
AME 2 HUTCHItnON, et. Co.—E...moon to
U Lomb Hutchison fr. Co.. Coutt. - ession hlenhants,
and Autos of the St- Louis Steele r3apte Refinery.
U water and 92 froze mem., I' o.
_Merchant Tailor, Eichangp Bat
U dings, Clair n., rim:bush. xiint
1 Ukai S. DILWORTEI—Wholeeale Grocer, Pore
tp dam asd GOLO.Ceireiort Melchor:, No. V, Woed
ItioßGAN,Wholesale Drugulrt and drai-
Y W In DyeSinfro,PauuseOila, Vanurne., he. N 0.93
cod strea, one door South of Dim:gond -they,
TANDI Mli,./s., tr. Co, (sticeeisot to Joseph 4.
op Darla,' Ship Chandlens,a 1 6 Water street- or3l
UOkIN EL MELLO*, Wholesale and Retail dealer
blosin dud Idoskeal batrumetas, school 800.,
si, Slates; noel Yens, Wails, Printers` gasps, and
BatiOtlia generally, No. 61 Wood rtu.bargh.
-Rags tat or ain trades sop 15
JSCHOUNMAKER fr. Co., Wholtsale Drugosta,
.1410.2 M Wood meet, Pituburgh.
j O i LLN DAVIS, rtioneer, comer sth wmi
.0 WINSTON & STOCKTON,Boolopellere, Primnr.
and Pal* Manasscuren, No. 54 Market EL, ?au ,
11FA BEAD'S Boo t Wore
near Markt@Mei, J.. .rh. :=.
ilary. iaceM
I"o6lllnagethxt2lad tinc
L'ir.4BEacorTs°?ci: 9- ;,in'T:ik.,.v:L"' ---- #
, Melt
11 . 11-1,.11,1=8*,
.Cartruey urclicucd at the a4uul,races: octal
10.11 N OILER: Wholesale Woe dealer wP •
tl daso,.Plusburet.rdautunctodaa, Pla el,
Am, No. YU Labetv st y Pj burger ____ iwJ
ePAYD, (law J. Floyd fr. '" Cea 4 Whrle7al
U • Groecn, No. Um Libeny
Chita DALZELL, Wholesale Geocer, Cemrauston
Morehead, and &eater m recaletco and Pattataret
oot ,, tuer.4. N 0.24 WW2( et, reasourgh Auld
Yeasty/us Iron Works.
T spas, Co ., 10.01000.0111 of altar
J./ hes Mx, :Sheet, !loiter I=o anal Nub of the Des
quality. Warehouse, hi 'satyr and luh mut s 4.
hbWATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forsrard.
ing and Cosatmsatou Merchaet, Dealer w el •
Stputatacmcres and Produce, Not. M Water st
and as Floats:- in
asmer tricuart, )083 MIRO.
kffeLlikaer & - SEUPTON, 117holexals For-
At112 , 6$ and C00101:1111011 Metehallts, dealer. 111
0 and,tur., N 05.13.11 1:1S
Wood Imo rouboroX .
itERCER, BROTHERS k. Co,tomathslon Mts.
ehal±l.s Phltadelpbul, for the sale of produce go
D. I. ld6eral advancos mode oo cousugumosOs.
aaa. D. s'au. - o.l=l C.
a. ROE Wholesale Grocers sod Com..
ALL skip titerchauts, Na 194 LAberty Pionburdk.
X. ate, /SEA MOIIR. 1,11. L. 63MICL
NALLEN C0..4 Connowdon and Forwardlug
Merchants, tVater and Front su m bOtWoOD
od and Marke't sta. ALA
W. 1L1CK.11110.5.
ILLLER & 111CYLTSON, Wholesale Grosses and
COM:ataio.ll, ale rclumt 4, No. 174 Linen) , Pots
"lth, pull4
laell.ollD & lUNO, Wholesale mud Retail Hat and
aIL Cap Manufactures, and dealers lo- Fancy Furs,
corner aWood and FOUR sut. 'and.
1101.110,1 k 80N, No. 53 Market at.,
tlg==p,:r. Fourth,zchaog ,,;:cille fl c ... ra t a.. .,
Bank Noun and 13pccia
CD , Collectiou mad on all the principal eines
thr • hoot the Unilcd _ _ deco
MOIIERT MOORE, Who/...N. Gr oc er, asculying
Distinct, desks In Produce, Pniccurgit Maculae.
tom, sod sll Muds oi Foresho mo1;11/nossue Wmes
and Migilms, No 11 Liberty Cr0e1.... On hoods vary
lslllll mock of soporsor old Mosiongshola artusSuy,
which will too sold low for cult. ' • y
iori t t LEYPEIIT .,
I,lo P . r=ce
gilabillitt. •
T. LI'ECU, Jr, IrAMICT alld pellet In
Award and llonaratie &adl . ry. lianlwarc 111,1
Tplanamgo, of all deactiptunta, No. 1.5.1 Wood
Pittsbyrsh. ap.l2.
TA /clump BARD Whaluale and 'Retail Dealer in
jy Leath.;, M.
M emmkkars' Twas awl rind
T•llltere and Cutler. root ., and Tanners' Oil,
Dia a ioo wand 111, Piteenargb .
41:111111NSION Co.,Whalemie produce
and CoadhManicut Merchants, and Dealers in Phu,
• Whammies, No. lbrr Libeny ri,,,b uza ,
ItC"4 2'
!Co P.'l lnd oksllletllglait'C'l=l,l6;4=
Jrlilt.ighl tetat
paotrr. CUMINUILIOI, Wholesale • Gioses,
I/ an taTroduce and riusbusgh Alanufacturss,
144 Llbeny /9
L dlt MI"
Ito irt Gratenes, Produca, a tul ' aurgh Illoat y Meer actuars
sad Chlarlda Wan
Tba lushest prates, ht cash, pald at alt tithe rot
-tya. Comer of Petro SOd Irwin sta. caLts.l_
SMITH I JOHNE3stN, AV totemic od Retail Dealer.
0.4 Laees, Doom and ERIK)
4tuaJa,rso. la market street, :W door aoove Third at,
• C OLACILSTS, TllO6 a War&
VIA= & WHITE, Wboltarde Dealers
naz tad Dow.. Dry Good. No. 99 Wood •
94 4 , W. LIA1188.1.4.:11, Wool Mort-haute, Dealer.
!kJa. ia Flo= aod Produce generalty, , aao Foranxrama
,nag CLll9l.ussUnk Morel:mots, rio. 0.1 Water rau.
O. •
trirnSiBAGA.LEY is Co, Wboicasie Grocars &mien, Na 41.11artet areety lutiveen
eviCIRA; !Soul side, eLilodzlpiva.
i • 1 - _ mom.
-8 l. NICtS,
Prodace awl General Com
' riliarroin Melretrauts, No. 17 Liberty in., Plauburglr.
my, Limed .nd Lard Oilt,
VON BONNooasT, Co., Wholesale Gm
- cgrai Forwonfing auCCotruniaston Montana.,
_tally...ll)llmb ninonftetnreo nod Western I'm
banntennonwl to then now watabouse,old sou*
~,torno From at. uul ChMaCery Lem,
NO. •
1; ,t 1 I N t
t:ttis •—•
4 .. AWE,
.and lbournasslon
...u.,Dr.alisr svulace and euilb orgh
CS.W4- 11 .....1 MILE %bat. aaL
blerrissitt7,..4 N 0..;
.0014..riusbanta. p 24
M. 8. FOSMR, Agent Mr . Manic.n solemn and
TT proeurluPponemns, at the , otlica of W to E Sus
Itti,ZaT, Moira tudithug.„ dtb st, Pittsburgh. My ..,,,
to the general laud Waidiloglon, will attend to
yTyadpan there free °Simpatico to applicant..
;WM le arasolara.
/CMCAILNDLESS, (Locce•son Lo 4iJ. L.
WialL4 irtialoslxt • LitoceriL, FOrWellneg end
W dealers• - 1,l• - .,1 , 7111MV edeln., dealers Loa, !Naas, ILLIILLL,
.tat, and ihnsbugh An...l...Lures generally,
Wool and W.. ...eels, en.nergn.
N___ •--
animal, No. 90 Fiwal in. between Wood and
. .
IP- .
•- - .
. .
_— _ -.., -- _- .....-. . -. ... - , __ _ _
•i.', t"'
-- 3
- -
' L , KI 1 -,
t n _
ip i • ' -li
t t
t , , , • t., t,
VOL. XVI NO 7. ,
- i - •
. .
wW. WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill Perin:M
. lag establishment, No. aid Liberty ea, Joe, the
canal. ma is
Au - M. GARRARD, Dealei" . .in Palley and
TT Dry Goods, No. 71.01erSel otruet. PsusSuJ 4'.
W WILSON. Dealer iq Watche, Jev e!ry
, Silver Watt, kiliukry Good , , te.c._, No. 57 Ater
ket et. _
AV R. MURPH V, Wholesale and Rctail denier in
11' • Foreign nod Domontie Or Good. north cart
comer of Market and Fourth cm auggi
TO.O, m. n. %Y-e«
Wril. YOUNG & Co.—DeaJeri In lentber hide, &c.
143 Liberty si
It NI. MrTVIIELTILFX—WhoIesaIe tirovett,
• ntetifyiug DeWitt., and Wino ottd Liquor
kereltants, alto, Intporter• of SoOnMb and Illeketung
Powder, No. IGO Liberty at titt••ttrgb, Po. tanNtly
OLIVE. 111..“.1..C.0808 8. JON..
LU,ACK.III.3tiN & Co., 'Wholesale Grocers and
V. deniers att Ws. Boot Suire,,and Pittsburgh Al m n.
unmoral estietes, have on haud,.at all tilitee. full and
general assortment of goals in their line, Water turret.
near Cherry Alley, Faushurgh. auld
- •
TOON AL. TOWNSEND, Druggist old Apot •ecgry.
tl No./45 Musket st- three doors above Thu st. Plus.
Idegh, Mill have constantly on hands well selected ins
sartment of the best turd freshest Medicines, which be
will sell on the most rensouahle term.. Physic..
grading ordeal., will be prow. , at ended to, and sup
plied with HlTricies they may eel upon ELS
([7Physicians Prescriptions twat be necuruiely and
neatly prepared from the best orn.rthin, at any hose 01
the ay:or 14ht.
Also tor sale, a largo stock of fresh and good Per.
me nul
AGLE anToN WORKS,- Pin.b.,lo. Manufac
ture Cowan Yam, Camilla Wick, Bug Twine
CarpelCoctrkt Yam. Chain. Warps, kn.
(Successors to Arbuckle h. Avery,)
jaae Proprietor.
LEDOUX Co., O. 77 Canal street,New Or
-Cis leas. ' Agents ior J. IL Arrnant's ErLenalva Near°
&Jag. Refi nery. Always on hand large stock on
Load Powdered, Crusbad, Clanited and Bastard :Sugars,
in Twit," and Barrels. Also, ;Sugar Hogan Molasses.
Prices liberal, and a falr allovvaniT made on all Rakes
of or oboes 50 barrels. metal
Sl.Oatottgabela Ltrery Stable.
1106ailT H. l'arrr.itr.tAN has opened
the large stable au Fa . .., running Utrougn
to Second et, between Wood and aunathent
,tes t of the rear at tile Monongahela Ilona.
unit an enurely new .toek of Hone. and Cumages ot
the best totally nod Integt .01.1.. Horse, leo Il
Pi Ve
r) in the nest manner. /1-titY
MIN," 6.1 /1-VDIL,. IN
paddlers' Irouniongtry, Durum and Coach
Moss, Deer Heir, 17oristsh, se. Go.,
nit No. 1.1.1 uos rn-r.5..0
12 IL Eltll3N, Desacrln Trimmings anti Van<ny
j: Hoods, Tom. :41,r11, Ivory nod Horn Combo.
%Vootto Verna nod Worsteds, Button, Needie,, Fos,
'1•144.4., Brades, to. Metket street, betweit
mood and 4th at.,Frirsborgb. jr3ttiy_
AND 'AXLE 110., - /HRV.
301.171 7. Qtl4.G..
=AO rosin,
ANUFACTL lik..kW of wing and blister :nett,
I.lj pidugh steel, steel Omagh wimp, conch a d enti
tle etwintra hammered You .Ice, and fiddlers hi
(cable cottage, twin engine lamp, and conch MIIIIIIO4,
generally. corner of FL. dad Frout Flu...wreck.
Fn. elet
Itcra Wood—All quautmes 01 Omen
Black 'reale, dente up to quarter, !tail, nod
u pound package, mogu,g et, per ;,...usei
131.51.1. jr A. JAYNF.S. Ael.. for rekso Ten 1.0.
LAW UtelqUE,6.
Busier, Pa
c01, m ettr. i m . 21.1 , ,212 ,d 11 o A t r .
, b r i ;
ddUM.ICS, Yu. 12.eter to
.1. tr. ii Floyd, Utterly 22.
W. 1 2, , du 1
JeTrres rkttsLurgh
123. Ka) God
11. SWEITZI.B., Attorney al Law. dame 3d.1,
apposite dl Char:e• 110 21, l'uLg.,ur,,h,
ka.'id PnwnlWY
tuLL. Caren conduct.. Vu
Black..lock, Bell & fo g 1
Citurch & ‘.:amber..
IL T. 1,14311101.
J. Atunwy utd CantuL.-dor w L aw.
Citionaad Ohio. Guilecl4llll.. 14, r,..4.1tc1 awl
awl Indtada. and to krnturity prtnapt,)
nucutted b. C0L1112,10.9451.1 . ICI 1, 4 nt,tlc
•pranta, kw taking L*.pounti.,
. .
11m. ro—Hun. Wm. Bell d Sou, tl rus Claueb
W. 0 ;m:I &
x j : 01)17nd
• .3( .0 11.1.1.- /tt
~IMk> F. ItLI Atto-vo y or Lar. itokoweirt
Horlding. Grout street, uearty opt.totto irro Court
•uut , Uat
1 11-1.2.113143:1 WWWIII.I.
r , ‘V METZ WELuER, ArLomeysa!
have removal weir oft., lo Ihr Sum uauo'
hutillh belween Ahcy .real ststot
WO. H. ROBINSON Adonmy u 1.;.0% , . btu re.
• moved tus Other LC dlif Ea. Change 13.1d1.g., et, unit door to Aloe/road Johum aptly
VILs FINN, , Jr.,Ak m a l'illlasurp nq oo
are blioual Surety Its v Cowpony us /Iwo
uttelphra Fire kbaks upon buildings and tater:nand - me
o. every deserts/lam, and Name flirts upon bulls or
cargoes of russet., taken upon toe unos. lavoruble
lA' Otruus In the Warehouse of W. IL lloimes rs Bro.,
N 0.37 Water, near Market +meet, Ilitsburatt.
sueceas of this Caopu..) sioce the esusb
lishumul of the 401.1 lit 1.41.1 Ca), w,m tile prompt
ness and liberality wall womb every closin upon, unsa
for 10. boa deco admilMd, lolly wormt the tigern
/u•kung the couhdence had puLrusw,e ut usa mewls awl
coeurtwoty at largo us the Delaware .11. 6 luua.
railer thuopany, wale it 611.11 Lilt seamenal atwasitag
ae¢n ttostuussou among use Must etwrialuog {lt rkau.....
phie—aa ha w 8 au o.Lupte paid-tit capital, vetuch
operative or its charter It coosineuy ascreuausr,,
washug each ',woe enured a. due share t e e
wok. 01 the eumilaut, without auvolswg hue
respoestlairty whatever, andritcreture as pee
L. Mutual prtectier threat. , " t ct ery
Lure, non iu l 4 ntain atiincnvennu 0% 4 n
'Pits d "" air ""' uuttler "m a P rtg Y o3,4 '" rc ' ti 't"' L.c o n 7, ;:/ u " n " :: g tu h
main Ficrunatic. nun lomnal ininifinicc , proncrt), ut
Luis city and tie Vlctutty, WW Vll .014)0101 t b b
no) and Inver..
. • .
Arthur U et." , sa Taylor,
:40.03 . 1 W. Jonas, MuL, r y x .14oe,
Edward '1 bower.,
.1 , 1 1 / 1 1 A. brown, no IL A,,A,
Joao Wlame Vocoara D. f lood,
Thorears. %Or. aLL,
sArouel F. :Irwin, Fraure• Iloatens,
inorrarel brow., b. Ariator Aoroola,
AnTillJa U. cull , LA, Ines
Elzma D. SlinlyMain bee' y.
'1 is the niacin lusutheco Compan y in the United
Stales, haVtiig been Mar wren in 1.1.4. Its hamlet is
I•crltetual, &nu lists Ito 0.411 snitailnig, long c.Sjierienne,
uutple meaua, dud .asooLutz at. nsk. ol an coat. 11.1.-
cnuracter, tt utay ue co... Leered as OdCrliig SLI-
M acurtty to the pool.. W. P. JUN ra.
At the Lututi4• g of Atwood, Jones & LAG tti a
t.. and Front envois Flusnurgh. mayU
p L' erTl P L u e ' n ' t ° l. ‘ „ . :l 4' iti "" :„L d d .
on every dereCripturn property, Ptuttourgt , Awl toe
surrotoulmg country, On LAVO11111•4C en.. 'Floe com
pany has a perpetual charter.
Capital, P4UU,OOu pand tn.
Couutigent, Fund • YOrrAllut)
(idles eoruse of Third and hiartLet streets, FLusburgh.
hpllntf W AR/LIGK 11AltriP., Agent.
rruk; undeTeigned,thol autl.rteed Agent of Amer
.'. leen hire Dimino.. C unmeny al renntleonuin.
continues to etlett toinifollCo ugai s ur Liamoge
tgOlust tire, coo nuuWng., oiescoulualue, lotluloro Cod
property, not eitou OaCLatUous, (WS Goy nu
yili to GU t,OI.:IIAAA, woe. , an.
, 11•11 E. SI4f6CILIIIE.M.I;eI, been upposoteg Agent pro
tem. ot the 1.11.101,1• Ce COlnplat/y 01 . 1 .10,111 .A.OOOO,
4.14.1 IsAuf! tilleml L 0 the outer l/Uss/1. ,
0, the 40,e,,e), throruschoo.4e of A twooll. jOliee
A\ up Ig \ 31. 1•..114.‘1,, AK,
I UST Rk. 4 4.1%4.1J, oerex huge egsol unroll
01 illlll4 Unhher t.e4e-14, evtOprtetng
44 .neet , eeeu., 4 dor. I raveling Hoge;
4 Suck do, i'• pu' el route,
4 Yee . oe, 1 - ,tuttp 11111111/" . 10.
ItscGrlg.l.ll.e.; -
1101. 1 1-410.<, 0 - rre.erven,
Y. 4
11/1.1 014-4 L•urrtae Ckgh, hoe au1004;
uoe pear Leggings, ut niectena 4ty,e,
" +• wl :tf: "' t
' ln ..' •
' 1 Gust Govt.., 0.41 of vbte4 min. ante etestp
for cash. wh01e..4 or tvtoo. at No 0 410011 atrenh
443 J h. 1.1111.1,14.14.
lift iL uu Pwilllusia a sec, W kn.
WAIL YI /1.44 !Of eCt.ln.
runu.,... 1,
111... a • V i l . : 16 " 1 "' 11.0 " c11 7 . "„ rot '' g .14
le;tteay sad 'neural. sve
• Dr. k ntummuck,
Dr. Hobert Simpson;
James n. Crult,
11r-A' ;than no.;
NI, Ilea) Weaver.
lALYdux 'mummy tench
V very hoe egticia. A low dOusio elutaraeipato
hhhira, Hoch the humufoetety of H M
whmh the nrayiraiim of boot makers is iravorYl. Just
recemed aura tot solo by yut-Isu a: Cu,
,M 7 114 astray et
I 1 , 7 DIA RUSI3EIt ILILLS--aldoxen Wilts Rub
bet CMOs, at tblerctil colors. 11e cab tortueti tut
ai bete to merebonts al very tow prices, on 'urge , yosit
.DUes, at the lathe Robber
1Y id J a 11 PHILLIPS
I (R.E.RS 1.4.%V Cob, VERY CH —W I ktuphy
1,1 uontunial cur/tut of 4UI tud Markcl ft., ha. Stepp
vet! a Large lutof Luvrus IQ 444 eu per ) era, these.,
tote *OW at tug., prices.) tqurau.or utx 1. scuefally
use *limning at teaucad prices.
osClurro LACE-400 yordo Heavy Loon 14 nod
tto 11.1ChCS WI4IE, tor AlOssull42 Ltaheo, llow open low
lug nail> by V II EA U.
WINDOW GLASS—WOO bas b.. 10; DYJ do Dixtd,
121 do thxL4j Woo 7.04 4u do laului UU du
10 do Mx3u; for We by
• and Forwarding
...w_ ' ....:t.._
TO Country plerchants.
ALARGE STOCK of Hekool Hook, Paper, Station
kry, Ac.. guitable for c9uritry• vales; among which
Writing Papers, of fine, medium and common gull's
Letter Paper do do do do
Note Paper do do do do
:SOW and Letter Envelopes;
Sin., Pencils, Naferr., quills and Steel Pen.;
Window Pop, (yard wide) plain cool printed:
Bonnet Boardr, different
thank Book, at pleat variety:
Family/ School and Pocket Bibles;
Crown, medium, and doable crown wrapping paper;
klettuffie's Exlectic Spellers and Renders;
litty's Eclectic An:honed.;
Cobb', Primers, Spellers and Readers;
Sanders* do do do
Aritlimeto, by Adorns. Ravia,Colburn, Smith. Stook•
ton, Ea' newton, and others.
Geographies. by 5 id ehell,Olne y, Smith, kdorari.liood
rich, Parley, and others.
Grammars. by Smith, Kirkham, Bullion. Weld. and
ethers. For sale at low prices. by
SI wood ids 5 doors above Stit.
The htgheo market Flee mud for good muted rags,
in ash. sip Ls
New Publications
memoir, and enneal remark• on his genius and wri
ting, by James Morte,roinerT; and otos hundred and
t evenly engravings from dravrings by Willi= Harvey.
1,. two volumes.
Sea:semis Booms Tiarroxmoz—The four Gospel. and
Acts of the Ariosdes, in Greek. with English noses,
nienth philosophical, mid exegetical; maps, indexes,
togrther with the Epistles sod neocalypoei the
whole tanning the New Testament—Fur Oar use of
Schools, Coheres. and Theological Seminaries. By
Rev .1. A. Spaucar, A. M.
A Now Novok—Mtilevaninees Eve.—A fairy In la of
love. By Mn.. S. C. Rail.
JAM.. Hese, IV.-112e life ol Henry the Fo oral.
king of France and Navarre, By ii P. K. Jo we,
Complete lit four pass. p 2 vol.. cloth.
For mole by itiIiNSTON & STOCKTON,
Bookma-llers„ eurinc; of Market aid sts
PLANT ARVd STELLAR W 0111.116 - A pope-
Inr exposition of the great di•eoveries and Lheo_
r.e. of modern aswonoinyi by 0 M Mnchell. • Di
recior of the Cincinnati Ohs. rvalory.
lieneley's Italy. Alps and illaine.—latter• front Italy,
the Alps and the Ranie. by J T Handle), dutbor of Na
po...Am and ho Marshall, Wa.thingion and his Gemar
a..., he. New and reviser] edition. . .
Smashes of Coal—The ticographical and Geolcmi•
cal OtSOILCIIOUA of Mineral Combustibles of fossil fuel;
including also, nolleet , I.BllOet of the var,ous
mmend ' OtIO101101.1• and
employed in arm and
minittiacium. illustrated by Maps and Magmas; set
cmapanicd by nearly 400 smosucal table., and Hui
ncl an of muirral cgmbusattles, ho; prePnred by V kb
nol Crowing; Tts)Jor.
Just mom, cd a lets copies of each of the above wet was
—tor rule by JOHNSTON lc S'IOCKTON
Tk.k.ellers. car market & *lst .1.
BOOFS--At the Apollo Rutldkng..Founh •Irrel, n <o
0w.1.--1 mixt.° D We/come ID 11‘.. 6.r.u;er,
. .
111 e t2zas. his Court add ieople, by J :-.14-11.11;e14
The °rotor. of FrlLliff.l
The Laven .1 the Apo,tles by Bacon;
The l'unattem and Luca Pnlietple, b E
I'h Coustimuoalls and Glfyoll6 01 the iil,ly Apasn'e
with IA 1..511.11
akll l / 1 011 . 8 Utn 01 m< un tie 01arlbonrogh;
Noruatler'n hale of Chnst. 11. high. near orallectlat
and tulannenldevelopecnent,
al the Apollo liutldtags. Ilb street
Alliaer) Lite o(Joi a. puke 01 Vlerlooreu,gh,
watt coiored map*: by A Al' ~o e.
Second Vol. Chalmere' r °same:was %Vorke—Serlp
tore fiendlege.
The tale Of Chna t, to 0-1 hhnoneal cohacchou
and htaturleal dflvelnpe menu by Angustue Sender.
;.ITue "um 444 e 44' Gerbaaal Wuhan by duals lid.
I. Blumenthal. ProlevLor. iu tack.
insult College.
""" h r ' .• rod lbstory of England.
Now and nor by Or. Went., author of Ten
Th " • "' °Y.. ' and others too numcroos to mentson.
Call and sea. 4 ,w 1. HEAD_
PI T T 8.111UVA:611 F — Eal ALE IN El TIT UT IL.
r ~ tll 4_ tun°, under the fLLpervtantan of Mr. and
lr /*LIPP,. PUP open tor the reception of pu
pu••••• w tit Le counted inc sense place on 1•••ni
•L " •... ~ cotusequence PI IPPILP change. having taken
P.•••• •tew lta
huge occ
wo urred, and those de
."... dud t daughter. under their care,would
'•• Lo AA early uppllcatton. For tcrhif lee
.101. 01 apply to the PrtncipaL
C. R 1,30010,V0.10 4. 1,0001-40.1
TubACIA Uu3►6ihhto.l 31EntliAMIA
No. IVllarsea and No. 117 Sooln IVater
j3EGS to iciforto tt.e uode aod dealers generally, of
1...,,, 4 1:..aLthr matte tocn orrang m nu
ILJ, Lac.o mat,,ucturc, sod the lirowers e iltof
c. rvi 1.0:c, .1..t.1.0(1rc a• Will susure
a large nod 0.0.011..1 00,p1) Di 11/ 10410.010 g desertp
tOloa oi i'VOucegs, 1.10 teal uponllooo.ol-
00,1.00 10000 us any ewer house JO Cu)' or else
wives*. nod all goods ordered into, Worn be ws.r
toted c.,0al
Fiavatta, lionutqa; Conn.: )
Vona. ' Porto Ittco; Pcou'a. }Seal Leaf ILO
COO. 1g0.... , Florida, ) .eneeo,
ALPO-9r Ir eeleb - al,l plotnattc . St4 Coven.
do.a. atilt o .u.portt.z t ut stto.r
and otto,.ors o', Ms, 00l did, Lanny.
e. es nod It.. I.oote. 1'0,ut..r4,0,a Too..
ex.. sweet and foto., ottolc awl L.ti u4.0e1, wordLLo. 100c16cr cv• 0.101) Or ar10:10 belong
-1 e
the rode .101.6d1y
Produce, Comudas .ton and Worsvardlui
al is KC HANTS,
NO. 82 Norrit V Bsl tv. O,OISWArm
• •
6‘" "rtlattnlpton
iiarcrolt, 11 :aver a Co t
dm.. Harr. slot et
Allen 8. Ira atom. Sew Vark
St, ester. h Harvey, Baloutoro.
Ita.galoy t Stn.&
Lturunagc.& Co ptnsLvrgL
tiler a. Joao,
Literal casti ad 'execs ou consignment. to
mar:Ar.dl y
And Gesisseil Commission Jilorshiant
. . . .
Se 13 Sam Al.= :sr...
R.EFERFACE—A--11enry Grag & Co. l'lttaburgh.
Rodgers a. Menock•
hoole) it SOD,
A. M.. D.suarY, MaYMilt.
C ILO rice binAbutu, Jr. Loutavllle
Duulb. liumplacy• d Co.
Mercer, btu & Co. MEW'
Recd d Drotber,
Du ulh a Co.i.ry, N.rk
CommisslOr; ;mkt /forwarding klerahwat
NO ORO." rirraurissiu,
iuNTINULZI wow act • gruel al 1.;...0 1i1.41012 bu so
kj M . P.. especially the rowan. awl .we in Amen-
Ch.l MlLlll.lllClyrefi Rod Produce, and u,tg and
torwarding bowls coiougued bhot care. As Arent tar
muitatuchwea, he w Inc conutwilly soothed with
the prtocipul aructe• ritialuirgh 31auithic taw at We
loweet whofesule prices. Urders and coutoginnents
:tout) soothed. /1,1
D. F. COSWAY & c 0.,0
1 • - -
)ORIS 1 L"I thot,u auua. , uo and Forwarding
Men:watt. 62113 i'rodurc LcWerHleo attend
Lao Purcoacc, :tole and awpmeur of 1•41 iron, Coal, &c.
arras ra
• -
Atwood. Jou.. & Co,
Lore... Sterling & Co.
ttrettL Lontsts ) & Co,
Woo, Neort. Co.,
so non rnunT,, ciscunAn, mon
Kok, a t llercLaula gencruily, eon
R E OCs.iIs RRY,
ULM fibihu L 0,11006103 IaniCIILAT,
AND PE41.F.11 IN
Iron, Nails, COottnil Yarns & Pittsburgh
Illanulsoi nre• generally,
lU vinno rrnerr, rrrnacnou,
C1IL: 1 / 1 1111nTI AND ST. I.OOIS.
Oder to tell ut either oetuteuhateut,.. l lauds of Met.
clou.eltse, St the lowest .t.ttr , 01 1..01111411•14100•, n 441 are
wore.) prepiered to umke advances. Ihe best of role
rrocee. 'oven required Leth re addressed to • Rhea
pour, ue prompti) attended to. Jyandly
ttolues eov[. c. V. NaLtitx. ti Wanva g
Prod uce and Commission Merchants,
No. gnopt , p e Row, Exchu.tge
Hese.. 4 10-1.4•44 10 4.44.4, Smilers n w., Joh. K. Knouut, „
kiu,h Je uktoe, Cultuoore, XL Abell fr. 4,10, Sellers a. 4514
Gt., tics. ,y 140,1, 6104411 fr. CO., tqoacksett & NVh.e, l'ills-
Purgh. A.l lirrier, T.l JlVltzghltesemy A Co. Cantur
en. rourOdly
1410. T 111,44,114. W. 14..142111 • 2314.1.1...
Atonal." , tare. asf Linseed OIL,
N. 40 L., etehth w4.•4eet,
1/111.4‘.2 . 1 Onto
paid for •
W3l. 11. CLAUK,
Forwarding Mere nant, OrownsvOle
Aacod• pututuo.l, 1,41 1a1t1.1414 . { ol kr "'"
mr ,s 4
Yor rmy enortrwtwo.. urp t.. 1 , 013.:• * g 111 / cus.
airr . tO
O. • /NM.
Oie. 4e W ester tttttt
wcu 110.
W, it glen prucular situation to the sul L„,g of Ym
duce, Ill: to Wile.. lor purChaiSlOg-
ILLY 11 to--C. °Org.. al urg . nal & CO., Eno burgh, Pd
OZNERAI. COll/1115610/11 /11 BILCIL7LEIT,
to HE 1 Ht. t•ALE o& I•KoDuCt. al •HU V ISILIN 6,
10:1 Dual Is. :Smuts s
.tAI .1111. HIE, Mu..
si I'3 Lys argil.
l't sr• rt.— rniocit. A, to. 01101-4-dAM,
U 1 E here Callen an rbbce bum :Watery oirpOethe
".....ereeeueet r the prewal, where we
wat relator Inuit.. Ca axes,taw hope ran
be erect: arrattgemeuu be rt ., already tPcdu a 55555.,
1555 We. req... Mew. weli al.u ye be to Madmen* at
ottr when W recetvo IrtagaL.
A Al 'AN IiLTY &
550 Can cl WWI, wren. at
& CO
(SUCCCII.OI. to Rent. It o m & Co.)
GENMSAL LOA/ 11 ./da/Uft ntifiCitAng,
pialicalar .I..itiOn Po id to Lu; ;ale of Wool, and 41.0
n 1 addanCgo sada oa caailguareats.
OGAN & KENNEDY have this day associated I Li IOIITtiTItGETId A L T I ht 0 Et E.
Lwith diem in the Hardware business, Philip WU- ! POOG Alin TIICKSTON, niorantrorm
ion and Edsrald Gregg. The style or firm will here- ' RTHIS establishment long and widely known as
r oter be Logan , Wilson & Co. This arrangement era- I being one of the most commodious in the city. of.
tiers it desirable to - elose the old business log soon a• . ilikono..l has recent) y undergone vcry rites.
possible. All persons whore lialoiont have matured, I vire alteration. and improvements. An entire near
are esps-eially requested to make inunethate payment. I wing kiils been added, containing( immerous and nirg
Pitobursh, Jim t, 1,19. I sleeping aprinments, and extensive bathmg moms.
' The g l,adison• department has also been complete!!
• I reorganised and hued ilLin a moot unique and beau •
T (MAN, WILSON & CO.—lmporters mtd
lr Wvolerale Dealer. in Forcipt and Domertle Hard.
ware, Cutlery - . Saddlery, trc.. 1%0, Wood street.
burgh:are now (ally preyarr4 with n rrt<ntlY imPdr .
wed stock of Hardware. cutlery, ofret very great
anducements to .. - ..ternbu) being deter to
compete to peter of the Atlantic coma. Al
so on band as extensive imrortment of Pittsburgh Hard
ware, etc Shovels, Spadea, Forts, Hoe-, Vteett,
oil of albeit will be sold at the lowest manure, turere
pricer. tool_
aTHE aubmr bent having recently masked into
partnership under the name of Gal &OM. long,
& Miller, for the purpose of carrying on the Bell I
sod Brats Founding and (lea Family business In 1
all its branches, have taken the stand formerly Deco
ied by N. Gallagher, N. 109 From street, beta:tee°
Wood and Smithfield .11., where they me prepared to
execute all orders mr Bell. Brass (.....ling., of every
des rim.. sod Ha , . F tongs with neatness and des-'
patch. Steamboat jobbing prompt
G &laud AG ed to.
S. A. LONG,.
I'. 11. MI I•ER.
N. B.—The attention of Machin.. and Engineers IA
toasted to our antinturacuon metal for a reduced prior,
which ha. been pronounced superior to Rabbit's by
numbers who have used both. Steamboat builders and
tie public, generally, are el a requested to Coil and ex
our superior double Indian Forte Pumps for
amend... and domestic u! 1.
riIHE partnership so long egtatiug ander the free et
M'rd t Bing. was by mutual consent dliisolveil
on the let inst. The bustnets will he closed at the et d
stand by either of 113, using the near of the firm •
that purr... Being desirous whi urLusio. •
closed wall as Little delay as tentathie we wonld ti
spectfully request thrown tudebted to rn •nd the
their accounts. JOHN 1/ 3d*CORD.
/wit' D. KOH:
JWIN D. M'CORD having easomated with him his
brother James hi'Cord, under the style. of bl'Cord
/a Co , will coating the Hat. Cup and Fur business In
all its various branches, wholesale and retail, at the
out stand, corner of Wood nod fah atrealS, esters they
when a continuation of the patroitage ea laterally be
mowed on the old firm. JOHN D NVCORD
reuriug from the old and well tools, firm n 1
Nreord Is. King. I ntost reweeUlly reessounend to
tba patronage of the publie my et.elsossof., filrsom
Alleord 'I. Co laY^ 11. D. !EOM-.
ropartner.hip hercnotare natMihg between ibe
nutp,,,,bers. under Went) le tpt 51 t.t.i. Llu•hheld ar.
hoe, eiptted to tiny by Ittattatton. The hominess of
the hew vrtli he .10Cli tPyLti & Hoe
JANIF.... , U. 1/1'1:11.1.,
1/1/9/burgb.,.luly 19,1E4.1.
Tlle undersigned well conunue the Wbolesole
eery and esuonstsinon 14 ..1,11, under Inc firm of MINH
and Ron, at their ont .u 4.1. Nu. lU4
A 11.)31 Libert) strces.
• w.u.TER c HOF-
, 6
Having o
sld nay Inter in the firrn Hus.
A Roe to toy loaner est
ivartners, 51'111A. Roe, Hate
tat h e
p.'essulc recommendu. them to ray friends and the
S. It BustiriEt.D.
Vo-Partste "hip Moil.,
VI sTErtitINS of %Sheeting, :thumberger
of and J A. Siemkton at Pittsburgh, Itave
this lay entered tutor co partnership ander au
firm t tatephens, Shoenberger Co. at We Anchor
iron o orks Wheell%. Va.. :or the purpose of Imo.-
Mawr, tg iron sod nails eleven dekryboc,
gT suos.ainicacoms & co.
ANcuou. mos 1V0R1.14-
Ina.ling, Va.
M o na., tore all tud o boUer, ahmet, bt i
u ron end
al a- A steel etipue stom old
and aslea. Ilenz con
oected with mhoonberyar • d Juanita works, we min
dor an aruc Is of !tonere tron 1 breaded Shoenbericrl
,goal any n mule in count r}. A:l Cl which Veal
Lc sold an the . YomburCh Inn. , mcnoom o( We
our k• ner 1 11onnwa awl 11 mcr mc. no It
DrssoLovi he p.rtnemlup ultticrto &
e Vat
urn and firm 01 .grasnant
cell. It this day 41.Ilted In) nnottel conn•cm, JOO.O.
TEU [manor disposed °this enure "de re-1 10 11. Woe,
man The bortemm of the are firm aid be acttloni
11. Wolhomanoetto or authorized to tn., the mune 0 4
late Eno for that pumas e. H IV IGHTMAX
ninolndam tj, L ty 1'471
THE Sta,, , ber ko now pr•-ratrn teanatactoxe
of Conc., and %Vt.:, Niact,t,cr, at Um .eo n n
kit at H y•htrean . • !Atop
L...erty ami \ Valet late `t, mI tu pnamyl
anent... %%* rarrat ,
I,4relt al. between Falet , H and Snndnalal
Alle.gneuy city.
kturelatlck ' utere«l la am
• ed We stela!
,rnact.gincd, corm , ol ovr, tsA Nil. Art RIM Pius
11. ,- tou-t...• • the
al r.'..durtemt the R , (.4
It NI 111.414.
4/1.5.4l 0, `. 5 , .
Spring, Arle, Atte! load less Worts
( 1511.14 AN. Ilall. „AN h No . Loving comineted
‘,.., their ar/v » - u .5 ore now po•pmett to mama.,
bite eve ry desertion,. 05 5 ..welt
and I'llptic Springs.
Iron Axis.. Nine ncort. Koster. Nat./ and Plough
mire,. nod to, w/e. o, wk.'s, ',oar , " and round Iron.
watch 11,,
odes ,or al,oo latent, ter ma at their ware
house. No 4./ Stood a...5-I, w tiara they also keep ou
hum! u coraptede Katt LA 'dome asnortroent of Coach
I,,noronTst, Merrlnass kianlware, Malleable Casings,
?lons suoi Ir..
a I Manufactured Toba eea. L... H.& Co . bare made arrangements with Messy.*
, ' Day ft Croitr_ gammons:toren of Shoved, Spades, Yorks.
~,,,,...0 E,., °ekes-asst. HXSl.555itrY I lic)...". u r e ' , o , ..'"'" P ., •ar . mot win trop coo *Dolby ou hand every article
J. , , .. , r .E.. . , c . : , , , ,, ... , ..... n . , .....
._.,• , , , .., ,,, ,,,p ; . ,
~ ,, t . 2- ) 4 0 . -I8 d '''„, , d , 0 00 M ,, a r, U . ..: t . , t ' 0r t ;,,,..„. n0 .,,, „ ... ',‘L'
.. ! tsoils n) mem reefers are train -coolly solicited to
LI and the allio•ted pub., to n •.s , tor , tOS mt. OP - I. /1 , 10 do ' clo ... au. e. price* •nd tette...ill be our lateral.] ,y2O
p 0...) 0; g.v pig pubitcoy to we • ks. r'orrdtoorY I . RS do do Pearl & Harwood - -asIL - Near Mare' ware Mouse.
.a , •a eMpeclursat an mi *et( It 070,5 been mammal I 4 do 1 Robinson '' UM " I.• ~ .r. ~...... J../'.1 . /1 IN //Oust 41../..., comer of
to)r re•vensi years with a severe c aeals. hes. , fern , 17 dodo do •
,5 - . t e g gers4sk-.5;:m:!.1 Synod mid MI sts , Pkttaburgh. 11a4.
and us courammtant U M Istul see need
only , o‘areat , 2 , do do Win Dassou ../..1!..r,,'. )Y 'mg withdraw - a from the lino ot
to Mum 'r out a short UM nose mule e/ tsar/tee- eon , llte SJ do T Wroshiss .. ,•. t, 0.5,1 et...• ,• oodwell. nu the tat of January, 1,41. I
lull oi 1646 r. when, acing more revere,* attacke-0. and , 37 do U
.. .. t s take pleasure In •rinumbtcom to my Incsals in toe en)
havnig resorted
all my former rm.-show. and the pre- 1 Udol. T Dade's . -p .• , and emottry. taut I 1,45, ).curd toy 1,05 e store at the
•c woo, fit 01 two of the mom respectable WO Memos . I 6do It Macon'. .. .. ~ u , Ain, ,e nettled pt. ten /laving puretiowtel my gas/. lot
4 do lLabaltia .. -la •• 1 cash. nod ramlr urrunecurcum with laan.unorela In
lue ellig se tt without denviog IMO be unta, Or dm
emotodrb tin ‘d•iStvt y ) . tg L.. • I. w' "n.
''"°°-.'" et busl lisodnlg ITO'. seimmer imiligra ekets, and for sale I let* re Lary sod in 1 - Larts . pe to I. eons/win y suppled
lunhest- .woe„ Ilia last gleam of hope woe about . I by iIKALD,
11 1 IiNOR & Co. 1 I sin till) preintreat . turntse ktbrdware of all tents.
. muse. I had reconariteuded to me your Expectorait . - 41 .sli water 314.04 mirth what're*, son as guott tots. alai as mw sa any. house East o,
mu ,. m e ,. .4 by. that Bet. who doe. ad things In the /eat pati a u e ipaia 1 %%est. Ni' rm.. and othere arc respectially invited
• to call and ertnalite my elect., before puretiamou nee
`"`"--." ` ,l `""'" ''''
!''''''''" I\ t AN U PACT CRUD Toß o 3 bi LIP atones whore . . i .,"„ 0 ,,,,,,,, ,5
c 0 . 4 , ,,,..,
. p.., .
w. cock:
est physic ni. arid Ineu_s, I was oft a tea . 519 s tamed 5 e
permssweet lb lanap r Steamboat asid saddler) hardware, gtm truatemp.
'.'"`" my 4 ' a ' '''' .7 '. C"
' ' 'T '°` '''''
° ''''-"th.." 1 ''', d hat f 1/I: ' Wbster Old supariot .carat 0. 1001 1 0 files. Naylor'. meet. cutlery, ed tool., aeon
•lietto to 11. ) lloal - oeys, enjoy tna ~nee nelter 001./la than V es neva
I bad for te a year, rheum* id - Lawrence Leiner " ,• I locks, laicise. sit) tacs, butt Mares, strata,, Urliols t an.
j,,,,. Ir. 15,,,, L . , R 5 " (,entry & Revs . rr '' Xa 4 r• &a " , tory p.a.., 51.W1t. It.hegany boards and veneers and
I leopcolllaly 10..11.1. IC , ' 411 atter oracles connected vnttt the hardware bust
yur =de in l'otalrorgh, at we Pekin Tem Store, 7 - 2 1 W. '. porskos 'ode la E. are` " 0 . -
10 • hielsod
root Si Inver t. nins.liloolllld
~,., i ad '' Latere.• Lett, 1r - Soh fp plug
City Ll•guerrlanOiaifery.
.'', S 1 11.• l ' h. "‘ oe ° ,i ' S ' ls s . , :e '''' bo of. ' la ' lle 'c c " toz.e .'"' l . a 1 . ,...
,s, L 1. . , ~,,,,,,,,,,...,111,,,,..t.a.,ret A. " "".." N '' -- '• I Just t ang.ll.ll from soartmer, an d for sale 6 1'
o. . 1 ',Wiser... HEALD. I SUCKNOII & Co,
N o.'"
" 7 "4" _' '171"::". "-- .' 1 r.s7. t ' tt u to rg at h .. 'L la ° ttl ' ; ` .. "-' S ' a r Pi ` ril u loy ''` d h in' it' ott ' e ' r ' . th° T th'g tte p " ti ` o. '
Whol. wale Drug Store lit the City of 1
.y ..
New York.
I IAP loft lean , tolls Straw W. 'appal Paper, all lbws, tie are assured tout 0.1 we /all.lllngreVe.llUla are itects-
T i kt h U n T i Tle tg U n r ' u d g ' b r a e * t 7 te ' s ' : " :‘T. l s ' 41/ToTli 'd atre " ek th in e I I tea . ;Ma noted Cap Wri dog Paper, sal , mot 0 l• 1 hr 01 . L'lw•f°.l.l 6) Aff Hobo,
~,,,, e o . ) - , of ''
New Vert, and ere preparri! to supply i ggrt - ruled ar t d plan t letter do; all quall,.; aho !tun been a coustata operator inisea Ste art IEOS
Croggatot a. country klerchaom with Drug.. Palms. i 15 If s Flat Cap, Inat discovered. Foote sallilaelloo . guarauteed to
(Ins, Dv.. *lath, Fora Ott 11.11 d Al0r11."Ila Pr cautery, , I. 4/ - medium Tea P all woo May Iteroate hie patrons. Nix. H. will refer
Madel', ‘Y 'carer .1k }leader's Cheuurala tor then own , 1:0 gross what and blue R. white Sonnet Boar lalth pieosure to fdr. Porter. to unto. enshushment he
, if/port:own I %al .11 rah , article• in tacit bite on b..- , ICU reams Manilla 0.1.10011 WC Paper, In. oppoted or the last twiny: mouth.. Famoy Poe.
of a a e (1.0, quality a* ton, a. Inv) ,111 lro.pur- I MY - klardarvo Vol mt; prst reed and for trans Eaarsvisiss Lbstuerreotypes, On., accutately
ceased In do l o os soy ...era On/ • sale low by . SEN - NOLIX 4 & SEIF.E. copes. tulcoesses .aseti to an) weather, auto set in
New lock. F o b, • B. A. FAiotf, , Tocac I Co. 1 „,,,w4„, ~,,, r pane and Igltel•lte ItiCILO4. breast pout cuses out name*.
- - DI• RTC he, --li , C , h-r , ?, m ,".. jr . L , " 0 °'''' AN CFACTURF.D TOBACt .1 , k- -Id etwt. wttd ...'• . " I "."`"' ' ' .7l , o '''`" "'
L'`'"`" °l"' art, end '4"
ire IVe the 'Nei '
... pain as lan sif . ',ear
, T , O PAIN YERS. K. ''...” '''''''' K ''''''''''' --- • ' rire, the toltoart, broods ol• •Colus 050 : 0 .... i. ~q4- -D i ty „,,,,,,,, ~,,,,, , ,i , k m, s _
uuderstg ,re 4, Pas, .... 6 U" .l • M ` .. ''' . ' ''''''" man ,. Isom manufeetinters of libehm ehd •od I .l , g g ' 1 Co. ,at , , La ' • ~,,,,,, A A Mason &
to New York . alive awd .. d ...d• ;'ell •'.'"' ".", burg, wawa writ be son/ to the Ur do a.' , cdct'e d r. ' - ' . 1 . ". : t"' a ' s. " d 0 d.. °4 . coeolk
tic. , article 05. Chrome lt " . "......... 1 'Y 4... • 7J Larriarttne 6s,
pouted tstwiss and 4 aeons, n easet ot French du, to
' hod it to work well, pr. I every vartaiy or my 0,10 cases of good style (bag
-14. Nlarchcr, 0 , flu, cit y) nn,. 6O do /obit Hunker as;
ot arunce with a t , haum, 4du acts - r4)10 , s roils 4 do blue sod
duclog a hue t .rilliaut uns t d ""'''' - - 110 do Henry O. /met la, Ls and u*.
oncod tt to our ormliren 1c0e.... do bleached du•litia, all anYtha. 41$0, came
very Soper. Of body. and recur._ , ~,.., ~„,,, ~,,,. ~, it uo C Jume• W.;
lit the trade -• a in ovary parto d 5"",
_,_ 5 - -, -.:.,' -° 'lddoß. R. W•rwtel E. : / ra ced/ed. brown arid Moo Drills, Cottonatles, Checks.
Urenu we Imo e own used. Ne '"' cork, ' OOO " .." 10 5 do 3 Al. Steward Ss mad 84; I toogbious, se &et at in welch will be °tiered at am
I...mrs of the city co !owe.. Eastern yholesele pnee. my.
Signed by t I firms ot prwucul p. - „ , , L , , Sd do James Istaihisou ss. I. S WATERMAN _. _ ~. .__ ...
New )not This unequalted Chrso 00 w 00051 ,...",l ..' „.,,, Impt 31 or .ter and to tront ate Po '' il ' cbth " . 41 ''' , P . '
.d or R. E SELLFILS. No 47 %Vn, .1 s. ~ L. 'he . - • - WIUSTStAN-Jta.luscturer oi all kinds of cot
,u, • h teat 1J SILIPS' PATCNT BLOCKS. LL. aid wooden machinery AIM ben - city Ps
--"'" `''''''''' ' ''"' " ' T '''''''''''''' ' r'''''- .-.. '' _.. . -11111. F. sübgenus( ruls for salt a fall asso tment of ' .tweeLe g . go ! su eje sst o'r of ,.
A Fi• ,e Set of Teeth fot - da ''..."..
.1_ his Ships' Palma Blocky '151 ayes, &0., ;Clawed to (" a o it.,,aiZ7i r p ' ;.irei t l o to " a o s w ee ' ,.. ". Urals,. with dispatch
AV 1!11 . 1' . .. ' . II•4•I! • Y, „„ I" . ,, O , Lifi_ n I I EL E _:L f.J . , , i ,. 1 , 1 ' . ft i 4. 11 , 1 2 . the wade.. Alpo, complete sobs. of libmks, adapted to `, O , ail kinds ut insehmery in at y line, such Ira lallievre
u 7 , T . :..: 1 ..`.1 11 :
,a1,,,L011111ci,.,1,:duw0z,v,.,7;,,,,....-ii, I , ae.e.lett soy copacT , pti , t k lp atia d ktrzarded 10 sty 1 ,, c , va, spreaslens. rants, gnialtug ume/ouca re/trays,
Paste, have the appearance or the most ocean/Icl ivory, put 1 d i , r ,, ,,',',....7, 6 ',71.1....Z a 5 i aa :2,,,. ,T, , , ..„,,,, ....,les,:t .P,ll-, draw, .4...=.0.r...1!,P1:d..rpnt,,,,,,,..1`ntrb. lowa waren
t r coautry work,
4 " . 1 • 1 :1 1- t: r ` tbri “ .7. 7 . ' c ",. brata r dT •dtli d Yd"•:"'id7nl; VA' '' ' ' ' ' '" _- ."h` " Wm "' WT&S - id " B U tir k l " ing ' Sltp B , T N A e P w Ll l B. 'ork ; ' ,,,, L ak' . ...` 7 .,, a . , ' . .. L. t ' u ' ds ' ol l e "l al.. "W ting '" itta ' il d elo ih o 'n rd ."'d er, o i rp b. lat M ei g gi ' V. •
vautageout , even to those teeth that art in • goOd COn• •Pv". l, ....___
Mum gir l rig them a Isenuitful pobsh, and preventiog • - ---- Patent Soda Ash. _____ _
__., 1 factortes or mills al reusenable ebarse.
u",i . d...:;", 0 __ Neutreal). Childs tr. Co., filankstoclt, ~ell
premature decay. 'Pause .'re ady decayed it pre veins , CASK,' Jas. Muspratt & Most's brands, 'Wet lead- , . C 0.,. ' fl ock h, C o . j as . A . Dray.
(rem hem" rung woree--il Klee tacos 5.1. an are be. 44 *learner Northern Light, and ler eale by ,•• L twig, Pet
coming luo dee. awl by parser ..e a ~1 ,eo
ns 'b. nig Soca W .k.,AIMITUSLELTiIk.T., ,,,, AA :i BRASS FOONDRY.
foulest tee th deticalell win. ttttd make the breath de- 100 Albany at 4 ,, ~ L1.1‘.. ,, , :ken rod Brass Founder. has re
itmously i is, et. Sold by t\ }l. JACKSoN, -0 I,theny snylB _ ___ ._ .__
D in ., A ,,,,,,,,,, , I',TAL, WARk;--Just len coved fro a.". bunt anil eomtaeue, . 4
...°. " . " 4 '
street. nttirM) where. hew n t lit pica..... 4 . 50° 01. adi d"dee
fik.. - .IIPTCA NESTOGM..eI V IrALSILIPUIeke.. JOS the inanumetot .., " . " . ' n C° " . r° ' * ; " . 1... '
a,ae. front 10
A rEw we... • ..e.,otte . ot my ebnirren, aged Stool do; do Sugar lio sr la's d' ug d , C ;:li rg : I t : .0,°.d..::0,,P. ode, cr.::: laut:h " ,:te " au " ::.o " :, ' ;nd hells or so:
.rkfive y ear., ~,.., s uu well Mr he. coal day, sad the large Pitchews, with 11 to /Mobil outbid*. cask Irvin palms oi on. ... s PPloe•
um. imerea s ,g so loarmutgly thitt 1 iellfCo death Obis, with llama F. ' y, urryy l', . a l/ t pa I ta , ce model. uod wan - stood to Lc ot tue beat LL: .l'n4.'
A - 01115) be the rr t Ilavom neard of .1. goo“ ederl• jai GILL , _ ''.._ -_!_.l -t g -' g _-_ g ---"-
. Altou to; It met Puma, Counters. ILatling, 00 .o ` .
41 Fahitestock' „ gee outage woeu admltustored to the - yi ass piAssas P. 51001 Soda A.I. L. , r . 0.0 u „,, L .," „,, Lu Lu . o .. ~,,, u ~,, l,
,611dren Ed. , a , e t nors, mini Utiokiog my child ought ~ et .,,..,,, ~,,,, l ., a , ag Beta attain.' llorth Carat - ~,,,,„ „rid ~„P„ , ,1 „„.,,. ~,,,„„, ....,
!',. ~...,, .Inure 4011ie of We aYnipmma, I ilk•d. ~ .. , 13,) 111., Kiski for sale Ly A. Fl 4 the sole proprietor of net.
""' g ° e n anmponiiitti• Lit the Vertnifuge, and to oty Wat Si MITCIIVIL.TSE7w rt. Rm., s it ,Ai) ceiebruted tor Sue reduchou ot
Tree. al. us 7 I' . 1 .'"'1.15....t5T1_ 11/01.011 Itt InAglancry The Lieges isid ,:osupuninoll
e: re ' re ti n ' . a ... " : ' , 1 ' 4" : 1 : ' : 5% :1, 1 1 7: 1 : :::. : 6 ". : : s ' ic h' l ' 1 :- . Le' doer
V.' e
, 7 b . o: coon
or ' to d q•liwNtsENlyes 84a,51r2 at.11.,...14--do__,.,_,b_al_os,„tebi...d 0.bpb1e0b,:dg.h....P.11.5.01157,..
Bolos, G.. 0.
7 . k , 11 . 1' 1, y, LOL ,O, c , 11 , t ,, e n v, ,
. or i i , u , i rv w .i o t: 1 1 d wo o . c i e d a d sio , n , & ru t I n y
, j 1 .,,,,
.... ,. .F u r
a+,.E‘.....1....)2R.,.. i
or. throat, atid . Killikat Y RAIL. oi the old
JAS. G. Ha 15/ SON.
d T. t gala., N. B -As FL E. S. is Dr. To istsend's ouly aemit for ', firm ol R. &S. Hall, is reauttiae
g.a.!°M2Y.'"'lP '''', P ' `. "- AP"' j "' ''''''
- ''''''''"- " I . : . t o ns , t;t7p ,,, b od , th . e , Le L ti.sie article mad' alw•i• L. ,. . , i r i l 4 . ., .
„1..„...tuue,..Y. largo
g ti b vt o. .... nic t t t .., 1 e , :4 1 ...
ir OOK IlEttft-Read the 1 . •Illoww 1 11 1 . o fllb' w° ' ~,, ._- . _
M'CorsoAtivul. ill t•s o .• 0.) 9 1 ~.. • .1 0 ,1 0 ,, 0.1 U0..5.. ac .. 4.11 10, 11UVEIVellIC1114 01 Ole LrALVC.I .
. Pwwwer, Widow, alai otscr I . lotiets. of the lalest Mad
1 i„, O , 0 , 01 ,,,,0, ~,,w In ear
~,,t i ,l s i :o i sr .t o, c e. l try, ht h. t iti i i, l l , t . L...t ies t :, s 4: l l t oX l.r _ s vd r` . .7° . :" , ,t : d.
"Fag Informed by 5,5, srcionw. Ow Lsuerty street, Pittsburgh, oppmatm
led, without any apparent Sleet. h _ the U.) "bale, I- actor), na Alieghatiy ea), neur Um
Collo.. Facto') ~C /monk 11Iackstock, Het a Co.
the age. Iti Was place of Me •Ode CPI 0. t'..!! 1 ' . ;: r v ,..7”;
lugs, 1 age.
toduced Lo give it a trod. M a rs laughter oa* delely
new 51,titea, lacluordiug to three Opus, my . .
relieved. I hoer no lieSnation 1.151010.1 4 a. 40 .P 1". -W . el, J. hi Liak A, iloaikgiudere.
! .7 r err ellii soclag, st tne •LOVO oust/teas corner
141( yl ,% Vint ....0 Iu rd .111001., Illosourgb, witere
lot, that Sollars' V•irrotage ut:,11,,,,ci;;,tetv15,...;.1ir.,...,„.,..
.0, are preload to. ytt) nor., io our Into woli des
pe..ell. NVe attend In our • ork perwmity. atril anus
sg;P,, ie ; p l a s
.. r . •
~,,d y and %,,.,,„.. 7c.. ,..,, ,,... b e. y 16 R,, , ,. hr h c , :u4v i5e . , :c ti , ,,, 1 r5, , ,,, c N t 0, , , , . , 5 ce . 7: 1, : .:;5i5i5, 1 ,,,, y a .;. ct...._
wins. wall oe gtvon 10 ,Egan, Lti as meanie. und ti-
Poptalart because Gtoodi .
Cool, Spears, !eller+ , Co. Pu, hlitrch L. l c .
itii B. It it SI-.1./..1,1t5 , ---I have neuriy old LP di
. e c,_
131. tuge mot Cough Syrup you sent ma. %oa
. l
untoge to without excepuou We Last ever oiTaral 1 1 dm
migabothood, having proved howl wherever us. td
The Cough Syrup' and User ra , s have also pee. wt
1 our ohl imrvt. 1 SCkfl'r, Postman.: r.
Prepared add sold by ft r. SISLLER.SI,S7AVood std.
sold by Dr Cassel.= Ward, U id Curry, Atlepheuy, tr.
IF )Smith, Temperanurrille. Mar 0
' ER.
ULN•rlillsNT t• Me most mirmaal remedy 'Jon ,
tio, public for the cure of tenor, nett, dry said , 'awry
movie* of the Ince, neck surd body, scaly rot ,poomS,
tot/ ad mac, disc.., WI 0110 •114‘. feu 0111...0.11 Is.
warranted free trout mercury. or perlectly ate. and
may im Lined at all titans and Unger all gamin, and
A Peen .uoply of t„'• vaLiable remedy tacekvsol •nd
for awe I,) 13 A FAUN I'Mal..n.lh. .0 a'o,
. 10 co cc r i.. aer of Val and .117.111 a.1.1.0,Cur-1i50011.114 .._____,::ood
I, l o[l. INVALIDS -AND-iNEAN fr...--tv‘ltntny e Ar
.S.: roar Root Rusk feeder, a dehmo. sod ingbly
uutsimus (owl, winch never turns acid on the osomeb,
palmidiotsrot,t,oca: roavuer.rsalt,yuregc,,,outtocaled boyrthop,m,fae:sAalrt,yoi.ll
Hoots El bellx• f *mud la too debnitated MontaCh of tn.
vli, asal a Moro streagthotong and cimitar/M. food
fur iiinvits. I , or sale by t II SEILLER Sy
I rif mood at
(10.VAD.T21111t/tilllP—SSin. g
day aa•ocial , 74/ wktti bou. /coo It't oeue. the lbs
, bosittem Wit hereancr be raw dua•Jr4 the
.r m". sA tn. ',owl', b. Cel 1V11.1.1).11-I I‘ , L.Nli..
/SO It
Brown, Bwlcp & Coy
/leafy Wad,
1) Lace& & Ca.,
Ciarse & Thaw.
lay will keep constantly 011 bind a large supply, which
they will furl We to dealers at the lowest market price
On nosh. lap J ,Sll/Bils
ful style. Infect or arm-gerent of the House .
hoe been remodeled, with ,3 a
angle eye on the pan of
the propnetors, towards the comfort and pleasure ef
their Guests, and which they confidently wiser% will
challenge companson with any Hotel in the lint u.
Their table o ill always be supplied with every strb
menial and luxury which the market affords, nerved
up in a superior style; while in the 'any of Wines, Ice.,
they will not b. surpassed.
Ili conclusion the proprietors beg to Say; that nothing
will be led undone on their part, widen the paw of their
outman., to render Chit Hotel worthy th,e contuined
patronage obtheir friends and the public generally.
The pneei for board have also been reduced to the
billowing renew
Ladies' Ordinary, ft 1,73 per day.
Gentlemen's " the
N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the Haase will al•
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
which will convey baggage to and (tore the Hotel. free
of charge.
- - .
~2The wabecrtber hiving assumed the manage
went of this long establbthed and popular Hotel,
respectfully ennottnees m Tomeiterm and the
Publ o generally. that be will he at all times Tampered
to all =Sedate them en all things desirable in a well
regulgted Hotel. The House, is now being thoroughly
',pained throughout, and near Furniture added, and no
painewill be spared to make the Exchange one of the
eery_beit Hotels in the country.
Thdealettereigned respectfully aolicits a eentinuance
of thSi eerypairone r the Mum boa heretofore
Prone etor.
f . Lemieux; lIT.
tARISTHROCIaiIOft:fIOti begs to acquaint hi.
friends that he is agnin lessee of the GALT
/lOUS , louimllle, ifv, erhere he hopes to meat
all h
old friends, ...nog "Lem end the public, 11101
110 e shah be spared to make all comfortable who
farm him with their patronafr g _ wovw tmlld
Übllit - leto ave.
flout or, .LINTEL corn AND VI•TH MI.
tAR . i.cd9TF, late Elank u nf r 37 E Llged C f i l l eAt l l'hiln•
‘-41141Vb"." Prnurietor,
WH . ITE, BROOK& h. CO., would rest/m..101p ill.
TY nom the public that they have erected a..op on
Lecock. between Federal alai tiatidasky streets. a
ere new mat end are prepared to receive or& lor
every destaam .0, vehteles, Conches, Chariot's . Bit.
proem. Mem. Phrtann. &e., itt.e., which from their
I ong. rapertence to the manafactureof the above tvork,
and the tataltues they have, they feel coultient the p are
enabled to do work ou the most re.onatile terms with
those waning articles in their tine.
P&YIWIIP.rdCOhIe I\ll.lllols to the selection of o tate.
Anis, and turnip none taut competent workmen, they
have on hesitattnn tn yr... Ming their %colt. We
therefore tisk the attention of the polite to this wetter.
N. 11. Remo.g dour to the Lem manner, and of the
moss reasonable terms. .31f
Stockholders, likke
rr s f i lE ttntekholdera by the Toughichoady' , keno.
Convany aro hereby notified and restored to pay
to r. Jame* fianoltott, the Treasurer of the Company.
the sumo( Ten per cent oneach share 01 their .me a.
on or before die MO day of Jely. next and a further
suet of Ten per eaut.oo ur before the Vlth day el Au
g,. oeXt The stockholders will also take notice. that
the Ilse, authorise. the eulleelieni of thles per cent per
month. on tertaintent I not punctually made, et Inch if
found necessary, will eu.oreetl. By order the
J H Ouvaa, Seey. . left
AjCi a ft ., l•lB ,, r
hold Lever zr t oL c lv . ed ,..., at ,, N d o tj o
detached do; do et
Leptee. Id Sliver Pateut Lever do;
.n do detached do; ti do Leputo do; le (gold Glean'
Llano, best quality.
Also. • pod rostunment of Urea. Pins, Far Rings,
14nder Flout, (odd Yen- dud Pcoods
The &love 'roods have been received with the last
five vreetta, and anti to Fold at reduced pace s r
sous erteltota port... a good and cheap Wittr
would do well 1,11: ri,lll. to purehtssing
jr.53 ZEAL/LON alNla, CV.
((t 1.1.) KG IA IN ANIONS. he K Murphy he. voLh
5.5 tn • few hurt nehri•rd o sAdlithhol •hppty h f
Low.d.ale Nahtlhs, lord stfr n .) She bleazhed Dellis.
tour.. unbiesehet do, She long 01hrhk , ••.
lsh Laoene, leery low Whoa 01114.11 had curd
do. roper Cambia.,t, IP the Dr) Good• tiOLF•e.
E corner ith sol,hlar Wee..
Nl7boireale Roo up .0
Dr. McLane In Teo •
.11115 is to sera, that I parcliimed one vial of Lie
Ilelsrme Worm Opemfie. seine two month. lo7o
.et pm al a mon at tuinr. tome acren years old. two
earpoelts NIL, sod although the anemia may appear
ergo, let I boon no doubt but Mere woo upe:ord. of
too 1111.. A. WO.. ;mused from him, no uunna
1001 me gitarter of an inch to two met
110 es low,
Bone* Creek. Cured co Tenn , Dec 117, tar 7. ra`24
Leeching, Capping end Bleadaug.
12'11. Ninlitit4, touccell.l Ie 51. R. Delar,
No Si Flfdt meet, between Wood and
arid Freoh Loma. naceived month y--al/ enalanco
boom. Mclarenco, the of P10.4'0.7711, Al.c•
gneny and Birmingham.
I mann cherarfaily recommend to the ph•
leca and all my format Mende arid palm , Mr K It
Ikomis bent' titorougitiy acquainted ' add Um bunt
neli add Vrollity - otvatrouar,
kFUR LADIES' 1) of the
;to . : kinds, Vi.-13.1k grade uted Ice( gimp I,uttotu,
is...tuithLourgh do; Fett.ebeel d Oi GotdOioo do,
nod Urup du, Nett ithd riot, di I, together mat white
nod corn Litton, for tale at 1. 11 lift, 'ON & CO' •
tit )17 TrilTl6lll. g ,oat
rt;;;Atill'a L Ron/ow/is Se lump
jloboeco; lb do hl yeria do 110 do; th do Int Hurt*.
on du do At do .)I.y.'• .10 d. do do Enders' hooey
do. 6 o plug, ce.e.,•4*3 //wad mkee klyer's supertur
Ardd. ° ' .° d° , 4 . do , • th do do 'C h. =me' ;Vector Lea do;
'eat recetved aud rs/ uy
1./OZ Corn Xrooresi4tiisk• Parise;
WV s6d.tis
b 00..; (Udine Sees wax; 5U bos No 1 Soap,
IN do star Candle . IS do ?net kiasds; bblk es. d
Nos Loaf Sugar, I or sole by
isibtership N otica.
r award Heald.. Jaeob Heald & Go, ialtanored
lhond C. Moll' mutton, and Joho•
h..d. p argo assortment of Won Stone are, auto
tole (or ma ,apuokm, n o tntk, &duet we tollll trl LI/ & (it:lff,
Cut of the litt Vaults!, wood it
•-- • --
tCOLD IV ANTAL; RIBBONS akeartioeut of hlk
X.) 1.1.1 on shunts add Saws Ribbililat ope
whol ned
nurday, d odorcd low by the piece, at
mune ofW II AllAt
northeast sir 4111 and market 41 . 51 story
—lb bade yellow oaueseeed Warm; to no
, .15 do Shoulders / all
st of Poo. q. aux._
a-Lelis NIOOLS
1 rib -
I AND PRIME POECK-4.0 bbls Was P•rk; 3
T; Pe ""
""3 ELLFIII4 k. NiCO
kith:B ACID —4 Ibe, Of a bupartor qualny, ren.
wved. lot able bY
Imezu uAT Ls-reatxr FOR SALK—ou. tow
1. 3 of Me En le steamer Wyoming tor sale on secom
e mantes mr Ma For parunntars enere
& W %WIG%
piquet md,Frlmi Ala
15, 1848'
-LAIPPEricoTT 6 sank. •
- fLat,9 TS SirieVer &VA.) •
MithiI.TP#CTIMERS of Phsartifi finasPlW:ir sem
.rtf Wood and
anuk 44•Pimburwh. 4, I; sweidcflarpgdeetased
and tl Surviving partner Mr. coJ UpPeecedt:
samoisterlloiroutaf with Mr. Wm
will hereafter be conducted sunierMa MTN ,
con Barr.
Trial of a rare in Cinclanatl, o.—We, the on ersiga
ed were ',Tercet at the mating of one of S Strickler &
Cl3', Improved Ithreutz fire-proof albs. The safe eras
placed in a furnace on the piddle bad*, and objected
to the intense beat of a stone coal ilre for more than
three houra In one hour and a half the safe carats to
a Might red heat; the doer of the furnacethen
*lased, Which caused an Increaned and steady h eat for
the balance of the time, moil Me cast iron wheels wore
partially meltedofn the furnace was then thrown down
and the safe cooled and opened The money, pupam
and books which it contained were as perfect as when
placed there. the binding only of the hooka being la
med by the water in cooling the safe. We have no
hesitation rommending it to the public WI Side
superior to any we have ever mean tested, and Indiana
that it will stand any heat which might be produced,
ecept • heat which would melt it to a solid Mali
Springer Bg. Whitman, L Wonbington, Kellogg T
Kennett, Benj. tinier. W G Breese:lSt:rug Smith,
S Deegan tr. Co Stedman, hLayard & Co, Wm Manse,
Mead & Wirunor.
We, the undersigned. selected the safe spoken of
above, from a lot in the store of Truber k Arthet
Refer to Cook lc Hereto. Brokers, Piwibarghi
Hussey Harms /e'en, do dein:ad/kW/I , S
ru: Lir - ruche, -. DMA D. WIC. 1.1 uoilits.
ANIIFAC CUREHS of Hammered and Cast
. Steel
.01 Shovel. sod Similes, Axes said Hatchets, ?di11.%
Cut, Circular and flue Saws, Hay and Manure Foreir
Hoes, Mattocks, Picks. having completed all th
arrangements in the construction of new machinery,
sod in trounce the best workmen from the most cele
brated establishments of lb< Cast are now manufactur
ing and will keep constantly on hand and f or sale al e
the aliost articles, having availed themselves of th
improvements. and or e dethrtaluad that ill work
. trunithlp and material thy will not be excelled They
premise to produce artie ea equal, if not superior , to
any that can be had in the Fa s . They Invite the atten
tion of dealers to an examination of their Week before
purchasing elsewhere, as they are convinced that they
will be Obit. to fill all orders in their Liao to the entire
satisfaction of purchasers. Warehouse, Water street,
4 diem. West Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, P.
N. S.—Persons hosing business with Wm. !Joyce
eon h. Son will please call on Lippencon &
Pittsburgh Furniture Ware Rooms.
----- -- ,„
Tii 0.5. ThiMr , Sr...
, A large and splesadid assartinent of Puma
ore. suitable fur Steattaloata, Bowls and pal.
yaw dwellings, „constantly on hand and
Eta triable toardor
TOO presant mock on hand cannot be exceeded by
.y ; 'malefactor,. in the western c o Pa wont '
sraei,,,,,• to purchase would do well to give me a call.
&A lam determined my paces shall please. Part of r
the stock coneasas an—
al e„silas with Plush and Hair-eloth carer.
2 do' klahognny Nome Chang:
14 ~,„, Divans
12 dos ~‘aisa mahogany Chung,
12 ..,,, , /any %Vora/ Stands;
2 don to. bogany flocking Chaim;
13 marble .. 0 l B"aatabr BaXe 3 " . /
2 pair Ono, bans;
marble tat` Work Stands; '
to eherry We.'
/ 1 Stands
hlnhogag), mg Chen . ), end Poplar Bedsteads a
all ale cramme.. and v ant. ma oriturnt of coca..
fur twur< so' . , h.", t o ., numerous to mention.
LA Dtl , 3t ARC CAIII * l/ /NED AliAl SST USING/
THF:N . arr nen aware tir w frightfully innwinias it into ~
1. me rsan—how roar., t anw rough, how sallow, yet . ~,
law oral anhegney the skin Afar:ars after rasing pigpen , ~
parrot ets,' Itc•ialen it to In nnosnacenambanall o La , g , ~
qatanuly of le•d .
We have prepared a beau:afal getable rude.
which wr rail JtlltireS' SPANI`iil LILY WHITE. I.
as perfectly ingtommt, bang pitlal:'ed of all deleterioni
qualauca, and at Isamu - as to the start a natural, healthy
alabaster, Hear, taring while, at the .M2O than aCtilla
en the shall mating at soft mod smooth.
Dr James glider...le. i'rneltcal Channel Of Ma..
chosen.. says, - After atialymng Jonas' Spanish Lill
%Vb.. I hod it pos.F.. tbe most Imantifill and nuts
eel. land at the colon lame innocent wham I ever saw. I
<411.4n1y cur. 4,4...clentioupq reeo.lllllentl al silt to al,
whose ski., reuutra. twat:allying." I'llere.. 0 eau. 5
001 -ofd 1,) i.o of in, liaruN, .0 Liberty ;ah arta,'
Pitt Ma. chine blocks and Irts IT.
ri T 1,005011. 1,.
1 l /FIN %Witten/1 r 3. to., arc preparrd to bold Com.
at/ ..a. ‘,.....,.•,. Nimrl,ol , ry or ever dew rapuon, seal
Canto. Macula,. Spinning Frame.. speeders
;raw.ea keener,. Ran way Heads, %Varpera, Neoolers
arrersans l'•amcs. loom._ ward Grinders. 5.0 %%trough ,
lour earan,ue turned. v.l ~Zr* of Coot 11011. Felines ant
ila4lo - 1• 4,1 Or lelcal patients, slide sod hand I..athee
and ,uois of all lEto,4i. Ceoa , tifs f every descriphoe
abrolotard on ...rat lioner. rattero o s co r e to order for
law I#l .1, 1 0. lroo Ita.ane, Le, eartana l'lr or heat
la; I's, tar • 3, .. .. . 'l." Iv" 0000 mild nu.ry
tla;. era.: ,14 .rro. ra left at the II arrll.o.l , re 01 J
P.a. , S. 00.. Laleerty ..trret. aul hone prompt .iron
Refer to Black soma, Heti Jr. Co. J K. Atom - chew' A
1.%, . I, I. I% am,. Jahn ',Vt. & ~,,. r ateburgb . I'
C & J at l\ artier. r,,,41.rwe1. 1..'
Iksoks ruled us •n) pattern and bound sub
y. Hut.* i dui:runts ur old books Wand cure
toil,- rupairs:, rum. , put un hooks in pit leuers.
. nave work in our line are mulled to call.
Prices Lao t. sordlal
l candy and Beaver Canal.
Lri. "4 L ire v l ;Leer o
sakd C)nupany wlll untwist.) on %1 educe
0. slay August next, td we Cabal tithes., in
•w Listo
bon, Oble, benufeen we huurkof o'clock, A.
At., and 4 ciokutict.e. ut day.
Secretary tl. & Y V. tws
tietst aua-Wrou
hu ght laWa IT Ub
Xl l4flcr
b....LA.4, for t,,,,,1c00tne, Grow:term*, Clurenos,
.t. L.A.MON C
to. Allegheny city
joliAl34 . ____,_____
To Coortraotoro and Bander*.
Fula SAWS, , cry low, to cid. tem ousuua of lito
a km el L onetuable & StriClael, 3 pair of Vault
uvors,of euperlur roam...aro. Apply in
~,,v,./. id ar, let door from 'rood
1 UST RECFA V E la—A large and splendidaasortmeat
aViuths, Coo. meg., V estangs, gravaia, tee, and
tor sato ny I , P. iLLltaolid, Marmot Tailor
lASI ~ under S lononganela liodea, itnithtiall at
YIC; 11l —ton tons, Olno Formal's Hirt illai t anti
ea, per lurg,nld; 6U trots lifiblart ,. Fll , o l .,
iftaliill Co. P.O a. l L ll t;= l l:',Vi L sori . , Ca,
WWI/ •
FOURTIf sr..
Tsubscriber respectfully vet
1. the owners and enpunts of
strap shining Pittsburgh, to
stock of carpeting, no we sale
street They CORSIft of every vs
CMS/ fashionable styles of Carpet
'nought to the Western lastest
built expressly for the carp.n , id
lest' of expeuse,i been tined i
=stern style.
The carpets reoePring are of
des nohow and m brilliant co
They comprise, in ost
part. of the
Bule o r2or Tapestry, a new so
pros. the;tientios of
hie largo and .pi , iittlt
e al hot new innre... 4th
(the Imtr. and
PI, Oil Cloths, tic- ese
. The tours bat list ,
04 has, te41 4444.
, ia Lite magtossetit
the latex design, silt
EnAllsh and American Drus
ln, new , sits
fliapri:Or Ingrain: new
Roe : gyoW
Common do
Plain and Venitlani
lima wiper cord twilled do;„
ftoyal ito;
Aheep Pelt;
Chenille, •
yard ande;
do do
V do do
do do
Co do do
Cotton, list, rat and hemp carpet, common ail cloth
oil cloth table coven, wormed rad linen table oovert,
window shades, colored and plant Matting, stair fade
trimmings, carpet bindings, aml all other goods usnall)
kept in carpet mores, all of Will(' h will be sold ou
reasonable tern= PA any in the ray. ageing made ne
angernente with one of the largest manufacturers in the
east, order. for soy style of carpet wilt he promptly for.
warded by telegraph, and dehrered in one week, at s
small advance or the manufacturer% price. •
Purchasers are paruculurly reeptested to call before
parcliatting elsewhere, m feal confident we can sell
as cheap so they can Ins purchsaed to the eastern titles
marls' I.
Oil Clolhs4
- •
NEW and -plendtd vailoty,
agaZZELitarON 42 Market
50 gold lever Watches; .46 silver
lever wedehee, Durlish; tel elver dr•laolicaiwier WILICa.
20 saver I:Enure watcher, 25 other ,quanior
watches; lT fins gold chain,. t doe e rr nyle eur ri rune
5 dos plain gold hoop nark 6 doe aii.orted rings: mu
steal boles, pLiying a vmtety popular Lad/ Lk grow
steel slides, all Mac,.
FANCY 00008
5 dos fine Fano, oak and paper; 5U dot common Fan ,
6 dos fins vetoed bead hag:, new 'kyle.; Ur Jo: fine
vitehet bead bags, new styles; 5 dot Emu crotchet
s, new style., ies dos kW parasols. ,sorted,. Stara
tassels, fringes, gilt and silver., (or regalia. Riau: am,
firmer easely swooned; doe fine noel screw pin curd,
ions; I dos line Ivory acre , . put Cilehialia; I do: fine'
wood screw pin enatuous. d fine assortme
trf nt of near
Toys lee. kc.
sPaitrd - A - TDsufanir.if ooo Ds.
& C. 1.. kiirrilo.3l &CO,
Pittsburgh. New 1 ork.
A. A. Mason C 0.,&
MO. 00 Market sweet: between 3d and 4th pts, Pato
1.1 burgh Pa., have recently opened (ri
ds tnew and
elegant gait, With an mternsive stuck of rt Spring
nod Summer Conde, comprising Upwards of three lion-
Area packagas„ of the lateral Rad moat fitaiiioll.,ble
styles. Merchants throughout the country are portion
lady minted to call and ezatuura our noel, as nom
inenuou to oder oils goal! al the towel , . Fls , rert ,
rholesale prices One of the firmrestderg New
NI, will be constantly sending no freshwippltes or
roost desirable roods. thatch, totrig us every La
-dill; ill the trumaell. a, our bus.oess cod; I be
po.w.wad try Faimen use. Piices art therifore
,uarauieell ix. be as
kw ate lowest New York and
Ftunerlelyinta rains. ap7
W R „ I : r g, E . G( 4 tV D : F 3 O iu li tt i Pli E n 6 L7 — I :node lochs.
° ry
merit east corner of 4111 taadlarleet Oa, a lull sAsort•
meat of white Goods for dresses, tacit as Swiss Mu..
oi, pia n and fog d; Mull Alan doi barred JueltuaetA Mull. wad Jackuucts. Al,O, vartouse est, Its DI
Duda (or EventeDg Dresses. inctudias a (cu . patter, ot
aew styles tani.naderetti }lawsmeant
New /roods NO: I.e recelvitta• touty tor weer
mane, tuctuding n tayier art's Goods, Linen
sad Freact eweta
Yew. rid etuttuo.. eery tow.
Merchants are wooed to esatuote gooda told pri•
cc. az wholesale ru.nls, up staler. 'rite assoranett .
large and prices vet) tow.' spit
pry ponies aelcuttua to tam ssroraacta Di 110. 1
dtuda, at 11v
road., sad ,41.ilkey, zuw, kl.atuasl.
agursd List sLu.tre, ler Lather Dews r A
wrtweut 01 fine Earl son, ALatietterter..urd elc ucl
ottigharos. of utswrat styles;
Ws.. 110) l'etatt--0. lul
of these err,. dcongl , le goo.. ateludtt.
path, clan, rt.tte and ...tub.. por t a.. at new soil beau
tre palterer
Fem., Ores. I,atrns--Vink. blue, lilac, brown ana
•oati.oi newest patterns and Mat calor, salad h{ d d.
tor lufaute. Also, tlealmautcs, ol large and stouh he.
tees. tor tilts te and tateutts'Oressca.
Fautruulered Owtss drool pancrus. for evenina area
•tes. new at) los, colored damask tarletons, du, and it
tall assortment of rsues. aeraercs. grennarloost. crap •
shawl... Le., ad the northeast earner a! Fustriu sad Aar
act storms. epda
JOHN KELLY 4. Co, iteaceuwr. m 11,01 th, IV,aO
Inca.. tr. Co.) Al ".tte/11'..% 14 COO.l
..O1 salvo", Prllladelpale, Lc; :r ave. lo atono thin trictia.
anti patrol., 01 the ,ale tinu, and "mow," et•tpos 110, that they are HOW 10 00000 "a lad ~,rolg
lutrialer FasbiOutl. Also 00 #1.1,0 MAI sCicet assort
Aol 01 %Vogl of Eogland aao Pre. 0 , Lgotu.s.
M and Veglitgl.lo aquell they tospoollo,l tarlt.
LUG r apsoUcoi. apf4::11U"11
fIACKLETf t. t\ 111 ot., No latreet. arc
Jrcracava .‘ • yea y large tout watmce stocky( crock
...,artaag Dry very recent purr aluM, nod lasugh
under Ule mock tY nitlo clictlaushaocre, toot ovular
arty oro properitl. cod wail cad m ma-troala, at a vet)
ou maculae oh alio eaatcru
We mould rosaucat cdi oar 'tabula. visitutg out city lu
per our clock a tall C.“ 1111.1 14.144A1, mad we eel othata
dent they wall Sr tourely Aorionort or the chooporow
our moot. opt. of
rESTING:I—r-Sup French btlaCs.,
merca,awl v. I
reuch, tm,.tied, row.. quaaue. Lual lei. in ever) P. le ni.4 4r.tuty Cnall
Art.rtt;rrz--sup silk warp. QUOGIII • 1-40111. ZJI(I.I.t
0011./. We/ desirrwe comuugpfor geor: verus. cm, wive
°Slow Iraq Li Um S Clow 610,0,
apri corirer stl; 0.4 wy0.,1
. .
liut3l)S, No.
Id Wood steel, nut all natal. tied are
receiving during tee 11,111.11, la large
11,•../ VC /WO, WICUt a VW. witicti °icy cc
cr uterasalis at .rev pricer. kus.l tencuitaiole terin•
Relieve% iliac they curl give eiatirc .u.tiatirenou,
vsuiriently Invite all aurcuwaa viinung lee ctrl
111C14 a call.
A. MASON ft .Market strect,.e opener,
.La..w carrolorco as,oreacar o. ure., t•oorts, J ost re
coavorl pot lisproarr, cotoprunt, LIAZ tor,l teol too,
nonnourcOlo loook Vrc...voda to c•
wood rn
urty—amon,rvt wincla wo areutruo
ml , 40 p• ctn. clog c
rc o.
urvide. run C
do nocre, oco , snrorc, u Alm W
good. O-
Al 411.1•2 caw
des, trerce,.pc., 11.!..a.a.wsed, EIt44OIIJ4CO•MI.
se. Sr. &VA/
D ltE.-AS UOUUS.—A A ALAdtI.N Co, Aik
ttatrc pun rce al a .pie u.... 01
“ows, tiAAnag wiut.“ mai ut
puuu, posAl outpca 1.00/0 01 aU a. 40
u.uc, sinyca • oreu.klictry oknpe
puula :',01.111 00 l.uoooloo, lanty
Se.—AicianJer S v.., 1 ”.
LA it ucwauull ballu tit wed a., Ina .1 lx r6e]
cel ,uultues aud acvotet oty 1114,,t0.4, .plc
pa.tu auu ureemt flack uer.e.ges. ..“14
op,Gutud Freacia u4w.,
Lual Doeurkukuu 14k 01114 ..“ a:..y.c ac 1.110
/Lid Due Ao•esus.
Au 114.1..gu0t1s Gave Uecil pCreirA>ell at we taLc p.
elikyLaly vaLcelll.Sea.
at sOld al api.,
wy4 ...... 1.
S we ti.k Wl.l—Alcia mita ar. buy Lia • o
. µup...ricr new • au are
pc...lac Catania 1.1410 . .,m4 Was, Cuittall•aue, cook
Anaorusiotat ol ottlo ru.Ocroa latta plala •••A• c,-
•or tomalle., trout 310 to a. luc •o•Lca
ally t.onto.l to rilLuo•sc ult. sou ••••*,
utol scu.ue ot Wont Ale sopc.tioteo oasuly
r y a. •olal leitlorkomy
•l•••Ort•LICIIl, lit rattTri.....ny,U.V 4l)•1
111 T O. VAJ111.t . .1.1•1.• Is c.A.
y y ti•vtog y lur •41• C. 01.0.1"
‘l, WIC •.0 • tact . . • • •••••1, I% 01, Al4 l / 1 111 . •141.1 ••/. •••,••
•:1.410.•t• 11, al, 111%114,11 1..4.•LL11.t.• ni/C•Ctati ••••0•••••••••
JIIP.t ulu,n~.. .a..y..i..,:'-.ry
good .assarcataul al /114/04
.101 1
feLL;rt.°, tuu c, ..%Cd/1<.41 1.(61C/1),
. KV
nv.Pl I . /4 111 V./ .001 Sl
LUTILS ANL 110z+11:kt —J ulz re< J, Jua
tu 14 a. 01.4. pt.l put, up
1•111.1 1x10 , 1.11. a 1...1•LL1C•
to, ca. 1.1c44e • at. s • tut. ...ti
••1•••Ve ,•• W" , .".
1. mutt..
I . I OW 1.111% e,;. A r
tio,eLAT tu.,l, wol
large cow:H.l wod. tie .c.l
wove's mat, reccl tso. 2.2,5 1111,4/(1, •• A..
rkTLGothr.w•—...ei""••••-••,•••••••-- • ••• ,•
1/IC cit), neel 0,001,00 ..16 1•1••.<1, 0
g “( .441, LiO 1 . 1.1 C till, 0, kod-,“; do zooid', a.
soy up ~.000,0, • 0000 80 we 0,0
z0.0 . 0 .{0.4 Ai.e.tans otteet.
ray KINSEY 11. KNo.
\ V "taillti"itLr'l°°pedDS—Aorri'c'i..7ini'po'd"e‘ Prt".:::tp.'
S.M. [Yid ycutfg 4ud. neon Atuelmh if4d.kuy I.lsvrii%
Nild•o4AM •pollcd ..Stun~
Waal muJ :navy Lueen.
all Or winch OaVe .1461 arrivcd atoll Arum 1110 , 1.112
portal,mid :or lIMO low to Lite irtldo.,
te. witrrr.
JEIVELItY—Fdae bout .11uuulure ..uocei do d. L'Ock
OM tor Moir, du du I.ltca.l luo, do do l:ar 1q
do Ftdijer Iloapt; 1ag.11.5 40 do . t.o.
4 , 4 do do how odd do do tfedid“;
eidaps. Those to want oiftue JCWOU'y o w w to it
tl/1 On as 4<lo[o pulotaatag,
myttS 4 KNOX, olor . toi
opau Manua; alltoWet supply pi thoro
•upernur llnUoOLol4 l :lo l lhtlitutidg Aastddr, .154, Ou•
Lousdula 00, 01111 OUO,,COOSIumSI au OSJItI n glinon
weal 01 evaly goad* of tiandiyi lodr etelO pllOcA
.I.l4o,lriaL Lluao.S for ibtrangstuld bosouls, put
flax, oud very cheap, uontbisial Caro. Of 411 i Ito
1,7 Para rust =covert a very superior Fssoorl
I,,NWu hiftelleU Liao mo.r o.
salanellastunhoiW lonclum
watt brown ak.ons4 q.4tuu.N Y"a•
Mys for the best! be sangalne and.nheerfel,, ,
Trouble and sorrow are friends in disgaleo,
Nothing but Folly g4s faithless and fearful,
Coinage for ever is happy and wise:
All for the best—if a man would but know it
Providence wishes us all to be blest;
This is no dream of the pundit or poet,
Heaven is gracious, and--ell's for the betel
All for the beet! set this on your standard,
Soldier of sadness, or pilgrim of lose,
Who to the shores of Despair may lure
A way-stricken swallow, or heart stricken
All for the best! be a man but eardiding,
Providence tenderly governs the rest,
And the frail nark of His creature is guiding♦
Wisely and warily all for the best.
All for the best! then fling away terrors,
Meet all your fears and your:foes in the
And in the midst of your dangers or errors '
Trust like a child, whilir yon strive like
All's for the best!—unbiased, nnbotmded,
• Providence reigns from the East to the
And, by both wisdom and mercy surrounded,
Hope and be happy that all's (or the beat!
A correspondent of the National Intelli
gencer, writiog from the Allegheny Moun
tains in Georgia, describes en old hunter
whom he found in a log cabin, in the centre
of a small valley completely hemmed in on
all sides by wild and abrupt mountains, and
one of the most romantic and beautif nooks
intaginale. He has lived the for thnty
years, is about sixty years of . and wean a
king white beard,. He professes to r have
killed in his planate about four thousand
deer, and =Cried the correspondent of the
Intelkencer with long stories of his advert•
tares with the wild beasts of the forest, some
4 which that writer has condensed as.fol
locus: '
"On one ocnasion he came up to a large
4ray ct , olf, into whose head he discharged a
halt. Tua animal did not drop. but made
lin way into an adpining cavern and disap•
?eared. \ramie ver waited awhile at the
apeaLW4, Boil as ne could not see or hear hie, he concluded that it had ceased to
breame. whereupon he fell upon his ttande
-I,d knees, and entered the cave. On reach.
i g the bottom, he found the wolf stint r .
when a ••clinch fight" ensued, and the
tunter's knite completely severed the heart
of the animal. Oa dragging oat the deed
volt - into the sunlight, it was found that the
tower jaw tia.l nee., broken, which was pro.
:ably the reason why he had not sueeeeded
,n destroying the hunter.
At one nate when he was out.of amio
,ition, his dogs fell uion a large bear, and it
.0 happened that the latter got one of the
, armer in his power, and was about to
squeeze it to death. This was a sight the
-hinter could not endure, so he Unsheathed
'us area hunting knife and assaulted the
clack monster. The bear tore off nearly
,very rag of his clothing, and in his first
,i , unge with toe knife, he completely cat off
Iwo of his own finger., instead of injuring
.he bear. He was now in a perfect trenzy
it pain and rage, and in making another
effort.• succeeded to his satisfaction, and
tamed the vic'orv. The bear weighed thee
hundred and fifty pounds.
"On another occasion he had fired at a
'urge buck near the brow of a precipice
acme thirty feet high, which hangs over one
,f the pools in the Tallulah river,. On seer .
mg the bock drop, he took it for granted
.hat he was about to die, when he approach
ed animal for We purpose of cutting its
hmat. To his great surprise, however, the
buck suddenly tipping to his feet and- made
tremendous rush at the hunter, with a view
of throwitig him off the ledge. Bat what
was more remarkable, the animal succeed
ad in its effort, though not until Vandever
had obtained a fair hold of the buck's ant
ter's, when the twain performed a sommer
•et into the pool below. The buck made its
ascape, and Vandever was not seriously in
lured in any particular. About a month
nbsequent to that time he killed a buck
vhich had a-bullet wound in the lower part
,f i s neon, whereupon he concluded that he
, ad finally triumphed over the anima! which
ad given him the unexpected ducking.
But the most remarkable escape which
dd Vandever experienced happened in thin
wise :—He was encamped upon one of the
ofty mountains in Union county. It was
leer the twilight hoar, and he had heard the
:mai of a won. With a view of aiteertain
.ne the direction whence it came, he climb.
upon an immense boulder.tock, (weigh.
tile, perhaps, fifty toas,l which stood on the
very brow of a steep hill-side. While stand
rig upon this boulder he suddenly felt a
winging sensation, and, to his astonish
nem, he towel that it was about to make a
earful plunge into the ravine half a Mile be
ow him. As fortune would have it, the
imb of an oak tree drooped over the rock,
it'd as the rock started from its tottlish form
lation, he seized the limb, and thereby saved
us lite. The dreadful crashing of the bould
r, as it descended the mountain side, came
o the hunters ear while he was suspended
ni the air, and by the time it had reached
he bottom he dropped himself on tke very
.por which had been vacated by the boulder.
andever said that this was the only time in
.its lie when he bad been really fr.ghtened ;
tad he also muted, to at for one day after this
-scape he did uot care a finger's snap for the
.iaest game in the wilderress."
- '
The caw will lemernoer for a long time
those who are kind to her, and will often
•,route so attached to particular persons u
nidked by no others.
1., th e H t es' s ods of Scotland, the COWS
wild in the woods during. the summer,
at come back again to their masters when
e a ..ow to fall, and winter its coming
The poor in that country live much on
nink of these animals iIIIrTUP the winter;
, d" it beme very mint there, they take great
, r e of them, and build a warm place neat
heir tic n rouses. where the cow and tne
mdy can be rear each outer. In this way
,e cows arid tne family are much. together,
d !let sironetv attached to each other. In
, a string. hen the grass has Brown, the
ow again aces to toe mountains, sad when
•Ie re ants on the setting in of win'er, not
knows all her old trient , s, but by a pa
•,iiist kind of lowing, lets them know that
eis glad to see them. The people speak
..ndly to her, and by their actions let her
snow that sag is welcome to her home
,gain. These gentle Creatures, by such mild
eatuient. not only become strongly attached
a the families to which the, belong. but
,row fond of the music which she hears
nem sing. This taste for musidisoften so
trong in the Highland cow, that she will let
'to one milk her who does not single her at
he same time.
SIMILES —Men are like buglee; the more
,rase tnev contain, the 'archer you ran hear
nem. Ladles are like violets; the more
noieet and retiring they appear, the better
'au love them.
Passeaves —lt is said that to set newly
nada preserves for several cra'ye open in the
,un t ie one of the best methods at making
beg( keep through the summer tuaferment
.d. It is worth trying. •
Ben PRESerrywrior..—WhesHtionng man
has a love for reading, and of coutoca health
.al relish for intellectual pleastge#, he nas
become possessed of one or the, heist preser
vatives against dissipation.
ti roe
3 mm.
Tee plaything of 4 dull is idoll—tho god
of a man is a duLac. ,
ariii z