The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 14, 1848, Image 4

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    F{'' :'',r...,.5.`" . ':'^: ~,2 e, .mo t -, _.. .F..n n t' ! .• ~.. .. z., .. —,'-~ ; _
_Mtn To ITEM
Serth•Ts • Wife and 11l
INTHEUNlTEDSTATESC—The subserliterrespect.
I. Slily calls your envision to Dr. iis e nzrZ 3 lloT r aft•
beilVell7hler:—Tritetilcaelr iraijra from incipient
rheas* or early constunytwoDibliiry of the
Bronettlel Affections. Alarm, Pleh 7 l o 7 , Deffsliffe
Disordered state of the Liver, SPiool , Tdillefa
eased Spine, .-Cholic, .-My;rpNwof, Pitalion of the!f amain gelltl i f i 7 7 7,
lema on
suffering from Irregulari
ties., an re
d all ot ef
herflierice dlificultiessend_diseases mei.
to women, whether °cannoned tiy tol l & vret
dental Mbir inindicloas exposure,
'thous die We *Medicine; Al the mop delicate and
shire ladY can at any moment apPly it to herself
without thekensildlify ince:ni any risk or danger,
or ony =element results arising Tram it, and with the
.omMinty =obtaining immediate relief
Dr. Barretes Guardiao is no catch-penny, or one of
the Many humbugs of tin day but it is an uturament
made upcm strictly scientific principles, in accordance
with the laws ot Electricity and Galvarlism; awl for
=Mesa durability sad efficacy, infinitely =passes
evemhlag of the hod ever before offered to the cum in übl
enthe relief of disease, and . In the langnage of of
the most enlightened men of the day, is prornanced to
be witplieet discovery =Me age.*
A of no tem th en fonryars =she= occupied
o llarre p.,re n .uo in b,rir„Jring.,:e.kdaardianch
u to
h ' oe ts Dreamt
thetas:As of some of the most eminent physiciens of
the Need end South, as well as in the dwelUgs of nu
merous families, who have sond e s Inc all of the above
purposes, with the most perfect cees, and who have
cheerfully given than unqualified approbation of its
and value,. as eon be - wen by referring to the
Mame of Instrocuotte accompanying h.
Dr. C. B. Barrett's Guardian is weurefrfrom innovo
tious a atone from the United.. States Patent Offiee,
and be had either with or wishe his Medico--Electro
Galvanometer. •
The Mintico-E2ectro Galvanoutoter, in point of beau
ty, ffrorktruinstdp, durability and pitvmr, cannot be sur
passed Cr even equalled, and the subscriber feels that
habarands nothing in the Rescreen e tit
he will be found
to puma more poorer and efficacy in t treatment
rancrLml or disease*, by Gelvanum sad Electrici
ty,•than Amy-ether instrument, either the United
Stades= Farrope. The Medloo-Electro Galvanometer
is wiffronald In every respect, and with common ordi ,
cafe williejliosime, and is by far the =leapt
because Met, instnamet ova offered to The
le manu al
p beat them,
oam giving
so the liL n i c tl
readily. intelligible tot= mind of every n one,
_whil ' e
the •w• sty of arrangement issue= that a child May
wish it.
Any Infonuaiort gratahously given, and, all comae-
Mentions cheerfully answered per Mall, cutler in rel.-
tio* to the Elctra-Galvanometer Guardian
Medical man are invited to cell and examine Dr Bar-
MIPS thllsomd mutts efficacy.
Thr sate try D. RICHARDSON, sole Agent ai , 71 Mar
ket st,Pittsbnre nffedtf
, 0 0 0 pas in Philadelphia
Olarnalons, ca n testify to the wonderful efficacy of that
In Pulmonary Consaraptlon, Chrome thrombi= end
awe Throat, Arnim Chronic CuMnitt Si.itling of
Blood, Pain in the Shin and Breast,__Dilheulsy of
ursailnag, Whooping Cough, Croup, Weak Nerves
and ?ferrous Tremors,talmodion of the Hoerr, .len t
Liver Complaint and Affection of the Kidney..
This medicine, the =vendor. of a maneho =hee.
stobloOt ti t palmonary,l3ronclual and Peral
the most ied
exam has has now been before the
mar Torn years. Daring this period it has per
formedmaseofthe most remarkable mites on record of
PrdroseMY Ormsumpdon—steured the recommenda
tion and eau of physielmor in their practice, and the
warmest opprovat of thousands of persons to ontinury
end ,ravers Colds, Cocoas, in Hoomeness, Spitting of
• Blood, Oa.
About Was years drum I was snaked with Typhus
Fever, which left me in miserable anus of health, in
extreme debility with a
. guotral prostration of die sys
wm„ with violent pains in the breast and loss of oppu
gns, ire consequence of which I was unable to attend to
WI usual busmen, or per-lona any kind of work.
Mrs: eevetaly benefit, de phyuciens and need
of ee r a t d ie refue
l:en without an hed ver
a. recovery of my former herd . But some
dote best June I was advised to try Thomson% Com
pound Sy rap ofTar and Wood Naptho, and Incredible
Y it mny appear, bb d the time I had token three bottles
She debility, rieia every sense of suffering were
completely removed, and lIN able to attend with re
' Moved kcal= to my usual avoctions.
Of Diekinson township, Camberland eo.
- Reed the following testimony from a respectable
member of the Society of Friends, in Ponghlteepsie,N.
('pile may certify than in the spring of lli4e, my
...Wild' was very feeble; I was afflicted with porn in the
side. with other alarming symptoms, and suffered much
from imal debility. At that llQle I purchased from
Mota Dame tun bottles of Thomson's Co I
portexper d By,
map fir Tar and Wood Ninths, Om which eien
. cod peat benefit, my health being now good; and I
Cheerfully recommend the article to all =mom who
suffering with general debility, with symptoms
may be
of adecline. AILAHAM WILTSLE.
Poughkentwie, btereh 15,18 47 .”
Prepared only by Ana= a. Drumm, at the N. F.
corner of Fifth gad Spruce streets, Phila.
Sold by L. WILCOX. Pittsburgh; owl by
generally. Price 50 cents, or One Dollar per ' b i cM. b"
LUNOR—The unprecedented cess which has
tranded the nee of me
all the viiiou' forma which irritation of the Mims as
sonter, has induced the proprietor agate to colt =ea
don to this
The changed., welcher whinhul *Mace marks our fall and
winter months, is always a fruitf of
These, if neglected, are but the prectirsom of that fell
The question, then, bow shall nip the destroyer ut
the Sod? how shall we get clear of our coughs and
olds, of vital importance to the public.
will be found In the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of this
we have trout time to tune, pqbashed the certificates of
dozens of our but known citizens, who have experi
enced Its pcnirrahe
..These, with a mess of tes
Idlnisters of the Gospel,togettior with copious noi
tines from the
oni have embodied in pamphlet form, and miry be had
gratis of any
iiliftrlagiVtirn the country.
throughout the United States and Canada, and we ell.
lenge any man to poen out
)11 b
.61., when taken aceording to directiona, and b,,_
fore the limes had become fatally dimmer:diced, It
Why. Hun; need the afflict.' hesitate! It by resort to
the m i serable 11051.91% gotten op by eon
salsa ler the wooed two. of some ea d phy
sician, said puffed into ontimety by certificate r par-
Soy eqaallgrilmownl Valhi a =BM= of
yto ha, whose vouchers are at homer-ourhomer-our neigh.
bom bo
b—many of whom it has
In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed
within the mach of the poor as well the rich, we have
Put the primal
Dud one half the usual coin of cough rocchelnes it is
ftr de try our mean in nearly every town and
over the area; who me prepared to
_Eve fel informa
tion relanwt to it. T. Proprietor,
assess Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.
dieted with, the &ahem for four years, had taken
every Oleg. Ms phyeicians constantly atten
ded him, and he had expanded over two thousand dol
lars. He never believed in advenised median., but
eonslde them all humbugs. As last be tried Dr.
Balsam of Liverwort, from= Heckman street,
New York, and in ax weeks Vas a eny cured, bar
ing taken onlythree
_bade. is only one of many
easetuwhere objectio. to a pathos - medicine
Lava end
ed from using this medicine, who
• hare expended hundreds of dollars to their pliyucians
inwain-andlei the end owe their recovery to the infal
lible affteacreof this pmely vegetable prepermion.
Thertais no mistake, that this medicine i. superior to
" ~.._Y rs="ll Pniteribed by med Mal advisers. This
Illass.".“. has taker, 20 years to mature, and is the ea.
.-; rectrernedy for diseases ever introduced to the pub.
fingerstarui pAra, Come, ago 81101WHICW Or BILVM
• CIWIXD:-.-Ethirefing the • I=4 time with these complains,
,up pli hope of being eared. 1 had console..
adbarium In homeopathee doctors in vain. I had
Vaal meal ardelcs advents ed, bat 'found no relief. In
despair I had given op the Ingot allmedicines. Hear
ing of the great TlM:tee of Dr. Taylors Balsam of Liver
wort, apor the great cures It harLposforMed,.induce d
Meth ITT it, and to my great joy and utonthament I
enable:ter daily. I continued ita use, e. his Sugar-
Coaled Pills, anal lam entirely cored. Dr. Taylor's
Balsam of Liver:son Is the best medic
ine in the world
for these complaints, and will core every orm_allieted.
Cpptainof the Nancy, of New York.
Afurresta Cos:m-1 have suffered Gum the Asthma a
Imag iime, and have need every medicine I could
oWarybtain for its cure in vain, wall I tried Dr. Taylor , .
Beds= of Liverwort. Tide medicine has adonled me
Meet manifest benefit, and is, in my
. opinion, a cure for
this dhstresehts disease; more espectally, as I know of
Jinni caws among my friends, 'where it has been high
,. 0 ineeessfuL Persons interested ath Matted to c
stay all
-residence for farther Information
MRS. S. RUTON, 21.9 Laurens a.
Bald in Pittsburgh by J D ?done= 93 Wood t. J
Taw:wand, 43 Muriel so II Panyser, cor Market and
ad thg
_Henderson A. Co, 3 Liberty at Price reduced
to gip pa boUle. tea
t verve to he the
."--"-'--------------------EIICI -COUGH HYBIJP-I
, . groat Panacea in eating mire.Mia'. distressing
Thom the Temperance Banner, Nov 3 1947.
Cocoa arans.-We are oot in the habit of fre d, =
much Ices taking patent medicines, but .re feel
. . .to recuternend idor's gyrup to those who are 01 . .1-
.. ad erbh a ecagh- Imam' tried I#B .12.1 reran
' dies to remove a monstant end distrusted cough, then
had for several day. afflicted one of our children, witb
trot memo, we were bsdneed to try Morgan's cough
syrup, and by it relief -ems obtained tee • fear hours. It
proved to be the peruse. In this ease at least
Poepared wholesele and retail byffiVrroprt et p r,
rem wood it, 1 door below dia=ahey.
PECTOILANT Is ernwr to it otter remedies for
OM",ois h.doost,toelothor Pew
orf doeswa is the this ssosor parent whee...ecoad the
're aft fa their &Winn non err oor mill prefer it to .11
rasodissof the the; god whore oar be,.
to Dy otter pre ter almost
parations thar ost
iararieblf lima
in riscerlsol the hmeDl 'Flea Ire
=too the high pree.bestowed by Du
hart ramrod to the us. of .Inmso &worn." co
• immay that b armil.a ,to nye•• them,
and which
curly J ain --
PWLddptiii oda.
perprd"ljakwtf • ALEX. JAI NES
73 Fourth a
._tO TOITIC.—Attor v d. ails vital.
a Vid r. tolintow.g.7 moo.. it b 6. lad itGhtko
ts--tho bat — artklot *la." oni ostoptiott, in or,
d mcsarptio
inAlstiOos told timwtotion of go beano bal. Ws know
team.. Idlers hair bat bees restored to heads
tad& booboo bald for rang not yr. think Ira moot&
criliorktor th an to reeontionti to ell our mart thus at
Wiliam& ktis, to =kb • trial otabkrTanininito
Peek bi Pamdmesb it ta, 'satin 'Lai Stars,
h Nit.79
reilthAttstt sow Wood inneSdAnT
-------- ----
ligonvis WORM KELLER L. lir suparica ta nll
PK other lentedlas.for Warm..
. Tins may madly Mat I gave ••os tyro of my eanditly
WOO and Realears old, moo tesspoonfols of Morgan
Raw War, to each of Me= The younyem passed
owls worms, Om gangliest ecolli rot have me
bisp a
I,lo.Mise moreninelms. Mks Odes' roamed so
antler dintiracouni not bexin to dam to .lbs
Peigrefit sln.
: • fr.=,=4.
Weptin:abinnsaparior to no* bstartiinen.
"O X 6l
O M i F ae e saMrn-ndMPO', 6P
ON W M a
---......_._.____ --....--- ~- i ----- -
• -- •' • -ii ,l-7 , * .-.4"1 ' 1 1 -. 4 .
1 r
'.-1 1 11144 • ,
.114 i-
ii.l, r
1111, .4 , .0 , i
I i tri i . .sig
:‘ • is —.—--- ''-'-'„
_.: ~, • I 1 , . r
• h hi - 11;1;ft U-1,1 IMr gi9V
',,,, c,. ---- . c , —."' ..Z.:,U,„,_ -- •,- ~ --,,..,
, , _
.2tPattlM MITILLCI . al ..
Ths acid O.
M extra uter ordinary Weil e r .and Btict / s
1 xite A
: World I
Thi• retract o pa op is (bort BL the l
c e it it ey
Nato clearer, Avocado', and narrated ow
prier to say ooLtL It caret widest
ateiting, parixr, dared./
or dolildattag tie
The great beauty and superb:Wiry of this6aoapardic
to,. elf other medicines is. tbAshiln it ensile...the &a
-m, d trairrsts6 llmt body._ hto Gana the very hew
Ever known; It not only purities the golds araov. 0 .•
gronobista the peruse, both erecter wax ploy ea/ rink
blood r x fai wer prowessed by Weave. medians And la
thio lies the grand secret ants uvroderfllltitexess. It bra
perforettod within the Ina two years, more 11.00 100.003
rnres of severs OW of diskque; 14 WO O,oo° 'OOOO
considered incurable. It hat cared tbe bore of more
taco til,ooo children during the Imo pot Ancona •
10,000 mum of Chou ral Debility and
want of Norton Energy.
'Dr. Townsend'. garseiverilla invigorates the whole
s} 'tern permanently. To thou. Who bore lent then'
tot.tutor energyby tbe effects of medicine or
commstA in by the extent.* indulgence of
Ot,„panionotteis ens general physical poistrw
ton orthodontiae spans, lethande, wont of =attain;
r g , n g, g e wnatooa proattann decay and death." bathe.
toe reward' that thud diners. Consumption, can be ea
weir mum& by this plosennt remedy. Thin Banr
vorilla i. far superior to soy
Invigorating Cordial,
n renews MI teritorates the nols, gives *cavity
the limb. and .trouftb to the mosc e ular sy.teo, t
unet entraordintry devet,
Consumption Cared.
Gleams cad Stecogrthee. Contanytthe con be cora.
Brosithetir, Coseemptios. Leon Gopipteint. Col&
Ostsral, Q.egfo, drams. Spiaisii et Moir.
Sassuris tlu Clark gm= Yissk Fight
ileac Erg Or Prtfue Expects.
talcs, disbar Side. k. Las
Ins d um it coal
Yew Yor k April 2 . 1847.
Da.t oarrrignes—l wily believe •ttmt ram Samna
rige, has bete the gamma, through Providence, of terms
my U. I have der overtly." , had a had Cough. It
brume wow and worse. At last I Weed largo tonnti.
ties of blood, bad night Sweats, and woe greatly &edit.
toted and reduced, and did not expect to lire. hare
ouly esed your Elarsapatills a short thee, and there a
ho y ,
Duey changebeenteretoght hi ma lam now elle
to walk all over the city. I relit no blood, and my
cough has left ma. Yon can Imagine that ma
thankful for these results.
boar obedient servant.
WIL RUSSELL, 65 Catbarine-ah
Fen nedlitlno.
Jr. Torresend'a Sarsaparilla la a menage and speedy
tuna or incipient COUSUpti., BILM.IeII,
Uteri. or Patting of the Wong% Costiveness. riles, Lair
corridra, ar Whites, obstructed ar ElanaTinr
non incontlasece of Urine, or Imola:any discharge
din-mind for the general prostration of the marm—
oadtbar whether the result of inherent mute or oscine , .
noduced by irregularity. Mien or accident No
on ho mare surprising than its inv4 , oranng effect+
on the ha®a frame. retool all wnhaess end tarnb
nide. from taking it at once become robot and full of
tawny under in infieen?.e. It inissicannsit, counteract.
ter. mrealestorna of the female Mum. 'which is the great
me oi Barrennera It will art be expected of cm,
noes of rat dation,. • taws, to ralibtt certikany
.o n
performed but ere can mane the rained that
hundreds of oases Mee been reported to as. Thernandr
of cams where Camber ham been wittant children,
after ming • few !mune of thin herslaable madicin,
ban been blessed with fine, bonny offsprie4.
To Ushers coiciftiourried Ladle.
This ?alma of Ihrzarela bac been expressly pro.
pared in reference to eninle complaints. No fettole
who has reason to soppme . ebe le approachlog tbal
critical period, Tic tore ef life Mould segtect to
take It. as it le a eertein preventive bar any of the
nurcomme mei horrible disease. to which (maim aro
subject et this time of lira This period may in sto
leged fix mocrol Teem by ILI/Ulf dd. maids. Nor
in it less valuable fox throw w h o are appro.-nose mm.
inanhood, an it it miculated to maim nature. by gala.
ening the blood nod gorating the system Indeed,
the =Siam. is invaluable for ail the delicate disc:
Lei to whir* women ans subject
it homes the whole system renew* prorracrutly the
ex,reel misrule, by 'vemovin; the onourtuvr of the
landyrant no fits ellmulatiog as to prosiest. sobsequee.
relaxation. which is the case of most 'medicines taken for
female weakness and disease. By minx s rev JiattitMle ni
this riodielna many severe and painful mortm l novo.
doom cony be prevatited_
Great Bleoning to Mlother. nod Children.
It is the ashen find most effectual medicine for mlt, •
ae the mu= and relieving the aufferinc. attemlang
upon childbirth ever discovered. It strengthen. bo th
dm mother mid child, prevents pain Lad dta , ase. in
ert-arca and aiclte, the (noel, tboae who have •1•44:1
think it a indapexaable- tarlul both before
and after c0nd0.... Is pence. &sea.. ata•mlant
arm childbirth—in Coativenc., Pile., Cramps. dwell
fee et the Feet. Thespondeacy. Heartburn Totnitina.
Pain Back tad Lai., False Pain, licinorriame.
In regulating the seer... nod equalizing the car
...anon it has no could The grad beauty of this
needled. , la, it is eine,. raft, and the most defies...
n most seecenfully. .ere for fames require any nihri
medicine, in roan a Du. Caner Oil, or Magnesia,
earful. EICre.B in the open air. food with
themedicine, .111 ne•ye ensure ` saf e and Cool
firTilMent- •
°eatery Mod 'Rental.
Cosmetics, Chalk. and • moiety of prepartiCions geoe
rally in use, settee lapped to the faze very soon sp
oil It
of to beset,. They dem the ports or the Ain eit
ebeek the circulation which when tooire la not thwart.
ed by ditotoe or powder, or the skin billmned by the
athalle• .red in temps. beanufiea to own prodection ta
the v human twee to wok me in the garden 01
rich and delicately tinted and variegated flowers A
fret aeon e and hollthy circulatiott of the 8uh1... , the
twining of the pure, rich blood to the •etremities,
that whieh palate the eidintenance in the Matt earl,.
coneebeauty. Itts that widch impairs the iudescrdeshie
ades and !Italics T h i s relinets that all admire, but
cued e beauty is the offspring of we
terropt a (pee e camel , . If there Is net • free and
. heahhy cirmilation, there no beauty. If s e ledy
fair es driven maw, If ay paint, mid a cosnisono
and th e blued Is thick, cold and impure. she is no; beau
tifuL tf she be brown or y and there is pare •ed
active blood, it gives • rich bloom to the cheeks, arid •
evillieney to their eyes dot is fitchiestina.
This I. why the mediens, and mittecially the Spare
tah ladies. me ma much admired. Ladies in the north
whet take but little exercise, or aro confined awe
roam; or ton spoiled 'their eplesion the anvil.
cwt. of deletertour mixture, If they wish to re.
emit elastkog of step, buoyant spirits, spukting r epee
red'.el compleahou they should use Dr. own•
seed Baroparina thententle who here trod 0. ere
noire than satisfied, aro delighted. Ladle. of every
imeinn. crowd our d,
dike daily
Notice Le the Ladle..
Those that imitate Dr. Towneeture
insariebly milled their Oat • least Randy fur Fr
asslcs, ike., nnd hays eophad per Mils an emote' ,
which rebore to the complaints of women, totl for woe , '
--ether man who put op bare, since the pro
ewer. of De Toirosead.• Batesparflia in complaints
inrideat to female., rocommervieset dohs, although pre
0 0 . 4 1 the, did MR A mob. edam. Mixture.. Pole,
get, ars ingstrioug m Amadei se shop lejllfmmaie
utidertelto the constitation. Dr. Townsend's b the
only and boot remedy for the nemermis female cnto.
plainte—it rarely, if ever fails of effecting a perea females,
tr, It an be taken by as moat delicate
in any case, or by those especebilf to beconifi noithera
eith the creamt adventagest so it prep= system
aid prevents pain or dearer. e red • a. b.'' ,
;nether sod child. Bo manful to get the genuine.
Scrofula Cured.
This certificate concloslrely proves that thm Bares.
carilla has perfect Control over the mold okat one ho inate
i me
of the Mao& Three persons coreln
t • uoprocedantel.
Three ClAldres.
Do Tuamotu—Derr /Pr I have the pleasure to
Inform you dot three of my children have been cured
.t . d. Scrofula by the um of yaw excellent medicine.
They wart afilimmt very severely with bad Sores ; hay.
tAken only four bottles ; it took than sway, tor 'which
I feel loyeelf under great obligation
182rALUN, lOC Woosteret
Oplm.ioMa of Pheolelwas.
TooLuard is aimont daily receiving order* from
Physicians in different parts of the Union.
This is to certify that we, the uodenigned, Physician.
of the City of Albony, have In onnicrou. cases present.
rd Dr. Townsenei Sanaparills. mod believe it to be
one of the most valuable preparations in the market
U. P. PULIND 61. D.
E.. B. BRIGGS, ht. D.
Albany, April 1,1841. P. E. ELJIENDOE.F. N. D
Oaring to the real memos sob immense sale of Dr.
l'ownsend.• Sarsaparilla, a number of lona who wen
formerly our Arms, hareem: mewed mating Dorsal.
mils Emmet, Miairs, Bitters, Entrants of Yellow Dont,
an. They generally pat it up la the same !duped hot.
der, and some of m them have stole cod eop/m1 our =lron
usemem•—thay are only worthier* Marano., and
should he avoided.
Prineipal 015ce. IV3 Pl 7 TON Street. Sun StOidi6l,
PC 1.; Redding & Co. e Sm. street, Boston; Dyott &
Pans, 1311 North Second street, Philade/phis; S. B.
li•urea Drurtrba. llaltloaare ; P M. Cohen, Chariest , . ;
Wright & Co„ 151 Chartres Street. N. 0.; 105 South
Peerl Street, AMmy and by all the pooopel Drug
ous end Morella.. generally throughout the
uruna •Nea born.. ma the Ceendee
N. 13.—Persons inquiring for this medicine, should
not be ssuineed to take any other. Druggists put up
Sersaparilloa and of nourse prefer selling then owl:
Do not be decoked by sny-1110U170 for Dr 'Town
send's, and take no pther. Ds — Remember the geun
ine "Townsend's Sarmparilla" .old by the sole open , •
R• E. SELLERS, General Wholesale & Retail Agent.
No. 57 Wood street, and D. 11.1.. CURRY. Allegheny
City. jetin
murmurs HOMESTEAD.
THE undersigned ha. long . been convinced of the
necessity for some medicine adapted to the use of
ildren and Infants to nuperceda Mr one of nll those
medicines which contain opium, and has at length enc.
eerded in preparing and offering to the public a numb.
Glare fully maweling neer) . puma. for all diseases ol /lie
bowels, without the ow dl that
drug, or any
other calculated to Injure to the rant. The Infant Panll !
acns has been tally mewl wandm the lam twelve
months, by numeroan perste., r (mind ) to to
,posse. ell j ------- —.-----:---- . . .
L. verge
the eatmordinary moan. end to produce all the salon. j ti L if OSCili ITO Nb. rty--v. e have ...Pe e. ,!.
taking effect. sestet town on the lint of mrectzone Di- J. .I.el. lot of Mosquito Net., of on excellent quail ) , 0
ant." VOlSSitillg, Cholia,Gnpmg, Pains, Elicitor!. nod ' rernerk•bly cheap. ) egg ALEXANDER f• DA%
Dimes,. arising from Teething, acting Immediately , corroN ,,, ~,,,.
~,,,,c; for
~„ t.‘ ,
without difilitthing any of R. tev.vvve au. body, I .., " ISA lAll Lift:g Cy aun
producing the happiest and most element transition j j _l.-- .
from violent pain to n ...gull and joymbistnte of feel. (IHEESP,--123 bores now lending: far eel , ' n, i . O
lag. the little sufferer. 1,./ wile !NAIAD. DR! N
s o T i o m be s tr atG w ANT tibleut , le and retell, of the Froelich:if, Dr. !
Druggist and Apothecary; S L — AIL It. AD litlDE—Dogssit • Rad Road t,tods
Mitchell, Milani& Bckham. .and mom other D a el
It and Dee . avew for iel , "vith 9 'cv v ' vd M.P . °'
doe I 3
a Allegheny aria Pittsburgh the great route. of trays!. A fr w copies received and
for sale by !en /01INSTON ft smocruN
Due ...WWI of Dr. Townsend. Sarsaparilla, rho nOTTON —5O baler Tentic . wine Callon, in %lore end
most extrutedittery medicine intim world! TM. Ex- 1f.,/ Inc sale by my - 41 %A bli I' BOM,' EN, In; tram at
ti act is pat up in guert bottles. It is Ma dines cheaper,
. 13 - 6,i,i s f i LJ ~..,,, .. n .,, p 0 ,0 4,„ , ),,, r „. 0r ,,,,,) 00
plenSaritter, and warranted superior to any told. It • . , . ~_
cures disease without vomiting, purging, oek ening or consp,reern and tor sate 1 y
debilitating thepalierit. j olt MILLER & BIeIf.EIRON
; —_—
~...,,,/"1'""1.."17,., A....,Th'73—UeVriveiLlvdP.rr,°. /.... I BRANDY FRurr-19 ..e. chew. BreedY Ftna ,
w.f... Mir wnew, ... put up ortruterna w we /11140 lO.Ol received ~„d my sale by
shaped bottle. See that each tank has the written our , •i 4 hiII.LER & RICKETSON
nature of S. P. Townsend.
I " ____-------
E" E. SELLERS, Mulli" , 87 Wand street, between , rgRAB CIDER—St lib. Economy Drab Cider, Just
TWA and Feuit It Dr. Townsend's only wholesale , ‘,./ received and for sale try
guild ' sall.sgen,fr Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine pie MILLER A. RICICEISON
Article can be hail. —__--__—
. MAL MOST thee keen appointed tt,,, „,„,,,, . E 4„,..,,,,.. ViST.F.D OIL—IM bids Linseed Oil, in fine shippteg
m received and for solo I ,
had. •M at
thelki" • 'ikia .14 .' be. 1 :_, T li_____._._ ;z . 7 --- ' " I '" " ?mut% a.ltcrErsoN
lia.iGishs—amtbssil'of b. — , 1 5 a: hiwP t. -,rIASTILM 130AP-400 lbs on band and for al by
10 14 .• alumna Wl* sadlizy % P AC jY3 J KIDD, is Co CalsrOodest
EL LLD Is, .r .1:L 1./ A 1. , la A as ...."
---- •-•---- -----,------. 1
k p,..,..,........1.,
Jan ,WRIGIIT & CO., lB4B.
i tzgi i .
IL lit , E ry pre O nre v d to b d rald e Cotto . a an
i l , Wooleas—C.n 31V , 1n . : REIM
. iLL
1 chineinSpionitarame"'s,'PSped.dersi Draw'ritt 1"..,e, BEGIIGH AND CLEVELAND.
Railway Steads, Warpers,TiwillersiSpontet `I Otessing W. N P Rittsburgh;
Frames, Loom.,'Clard Grinders, ike. Wrought Iron Firsit, Pmts.& Co, Heaver, liPropr's.
I Shafting lusted All Sizes of Cart Iron, Pattie. mid Cans-roan &Co • eiwne ct Heaver,
, Gangers, of the latest pattern', plute and hand Lathes, rritE above Line is now prepared to transport freight
...I 1.0.0 of all kinds. j sad passenger. from Pintaburgh and Cleveland, or
Castings of every deseinptihn furnished 1111 short co- ' any point on the Canal% and Lakes.
I 1.0. Patterns made 10 artier for Mill Gearing, Iron ' One boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily. run
: railing,Ao- Steam Pipe for heating Factories, Cast : rang in ectunectloo W"01 the steamboats Lake Erse and
' Iron Window Sean.
Stacy Castings generally.— Michigan, between Rusburgit and Beaver. and a lme
i Ordersi eft at the Warehonse of J. Palmer A Co . Lib- ' of firm chugs steamboats, propeller!, brig. and whoop
, er r ) . stre ,t, will havo prompt attention . eta on lakes Erie, Hama awl Mteugan.
r . ULM= I..lop,erly forwarded to auy part of the Union with
• FRacksmck, Belt A Co., J K Moorhead A. C., .G E diapatch. fir WhL T. MATHER. or
1. Warner, John : Irwin & Sony; Pittsburgh JOELN.A-CAUGHEY, Agents,
I,6CA .1 11 Wierner, Stetibettetat. PLED '
JOINS A. BROW N nor Water and Smithfield its, Plasburgh.
' AGENT:Ai—Reed , Parka & Co Beaver,
R Park. & Co, ougstown, 0;
E W Comic& Co, Warren;
, TAKES this meting to inform his friends D 13ostvelek A Co, Breadporn
4 _ r _ r __—_
--.. and the public Miners that li.. Factor/ A& N Clark, Newton Fall*,
4: __.., _ 's:norr in lull operation, on the ..eit side , F Lewis, Newport;
7.—= - -_,: - .1 of the Diamond ; Allegheny. where a roe JA B M Whittlerey, Campbeltsport,
..--ttt • stint ' , apply Of Minds ot ear,oua colors ; J U Nitride, Ravenna:
.:..--=? andqoalitiethare eons:awl) kept en ban. 31 &C II Kent, Franklin .
- , ===f- also. at No. 5 Wood .1. Plusbarg h it J. h: Miller &Tattle, Cuyahoga Fiat;
U. Phillips' oil cloth WilleMonl. • Wheeler & Co, Akron;
Venillatt Shatters made to order in the been rifle. , Sarney, Cabs A Co, Sandusky;
Blinds repaired at tat shortest unties. W Mauls A Eagle. Tole-do;
N. B. His Blinds trill he put up, without non add,
-ti Williams & Co, Detroit, Mich,
tional erepuse on that they ran be removed in a ma- NliChtra A Williams, lillivraukte. Wt.;
mcnt in case of fire or for washing, Anil without the aid H 1 Winslow, Chicago, 111. nptl
n( a crew de a '''''"dlY"."'"‘" RELLANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE,
TF-,...1e;;r:'..1..-, 1848. =Liar.
- -
El. ALEX/15111 & SONS,
OFFIN MkgF.HS ANlrp-A.oK^:ldlti N 1; OF.It -
% i f Ttlfi F.kS. earlier Cl I can and ltt. Ciao streets,
...pooled.. I isehane- Motet, Otirtilltc on Penn street.
e.predully Initrin their fronds and the public. that
cloy are prepared. (inrush and attend Iti,veryttung
Ore line of Undertone.. disksye on hund a lard OM.
sortment of ready moue Calling. covered, lined end to
othed in the rerg hest manner. nit sons and sizes ready
mode Shrouds of du unel, Cum..: and mush and ail
tikes mode in approved AI les. We keep loree as
mrtment of whir und black. ectlon. k and kid Glove.,
sable for pal l benrers and ',your..., crape. taps, uol•
, Mrs, and every thing neeesktirY tor
rhe dead,
and on reasonable terms. as we P
r rch•sa o f our mods
in the Eastern trues Alen, Silv e r Oa. , lot 0ng , ...k .
die nat. and aco. We have 6 spirwlid bLIII - 60
hmue, and nay number of the omit ear I..very
thing attended to promptly and punctually. intaly
corrsan., SEIRET IRON, AND TIN .
No S Market street, Pittsburgh, Pens:
rrni: whseritters huvwg read< great Improvements
in the construction or the, COOKING cTuyE...,,
respeculdly Insole persons building Statnotonts to era I
and examine before purchasing. as xenon supply thew
with Deal Stouts Forges, and e otta, hind of
Copper, Tin and Sh oot Iwo work necessary in furrush
tag a Steacalrost.
We aim cuts wrder on the shorrest nonce Sal
Tubes and Cluunber; C npeer weal for `ten ol ngrss .
and every esrety or wort. :n our tar.
nisaaingtum. wear PI ttsbargh,l Pa.
Werrehouse, No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
N ha v e i n l i L or re.n k eep on a d h a u 17:1 4 .1 ran' r
surieltorqualas . Wholecale and count° Mei
' chants are revert:ally invited to ca:l Anil ex
amine (or themselves a• vv. are dsterm.neil to
cheaper than hat ever befoce Cecil naci:e..: as the pac•
thsir r. sent by rnshnecom;•smed !!y the eneh •
tty reference. anti be ptotnpuy attended tn. Let
P. ftact.vwxr. /Ana, Lantatt
YIIiI.VANY & LEDLIE rnuouracture and keep unn
sunny on hand Coo Moo idol and ?torn
littastwasu, in all as varieties, to Lac r cur
Ileum Market and Water streets, l•titstrurco.
Our Works tionttnue In hot °person:l 'and we nr
roast.= 17 addlue to our atocit n .-tattior us to ti
order with prountrneas. Purr ltorierti are Ft:so-Tool]
♦ctirited to colt.. examine preen nun tr
T0)11,1 y
FROM the very , e venurvße
meat the vahgerMer herirm ,ved move
he nee t e emed thro-vir Atleghent
q,tANILet hay ,ndtteetl tont to take a iettre. for
term of year, on the property he non.
oceopted, in Denver street. :nunt Mateo,. betide the
PregleytteanChnreh From i he long ',pent nee to it.
above business and n dtetre pleri.e. he hope, tort'
it and receive a 'harem pelt. pa tionege
Now on hand nod f.roshot,e to net' , r. Rook away Bog
gm*. open and top lingittee. and every de, r.ponn o
Carnage. made to onler. tram goventTrive tintakrn
auehthuneret inert:3.llD /011. Sftl.Vlll
10 wharves, Phs, offer tor solo on or COVIIIIIO4IIIUJI,,
tertas,bUOU pkg. Nlonotaclurrd 'I ouereo cooo,oo
Poutoit , halt lootode.. pt . , .0 v. 1-'1 ,10
euc p:00. and 1:. - • 'loot.'. Iu
...Attie nod toklfboxto O Atv tollovon g approve , . brOOd',
James If Grant. Oshosn A Itraisa.,
Grout ?a %Valium.
SJOllef er. $O3l it Donald.
V.'ebsier Old. 1 Th0m.....
Jame. Thom.. ... A. II Ant...tea ,
J Thomas tr. ~. 3 /3.131133.3 , 3 a A ri.....,a , l
J f' Coatcs. J NI 1'01.t...
l.rior) .1 Roy., J A C...
Ni A Wirier C A Han.
Cr:rut Hui. lt*in Liu ...on .
1 . ..arl h 7..0rv,001 j , lila '...004... '
• .... I' ,
lb II Va.n.thn.a. I Au...... 1 Hen.,
I•orunox Hau.i...on. Rusgr ; A 1i0•......... ,
Km., Robinson Y. Co Seth lia...c, ,
II Nletcalf, Joao Et.dri
LaVrrtnlee Loiter. J , on.
Gray h Gray. ID 1.3 Turnr, r,
R 3ranielson. Vora War,
H Al Hrasse.h. —AL.'S...—
H.I.MS heal Totomr o. a - suppr rs and 0..0..
7 aro do do do
Cies:Aug.. do do do
St .Ingo do Cuba do do do
St Domintio do do an
Nana & tsuidea do. purl hoe
l ay sra, _,. oo
gebtacky voriou• grade• .... do
Virtinia t,:,(. suitable 1... :m0m.... 333,3333 mud elpor.
SpAll , b ,I,L3k: 1Aa.,1 . 004. a- C 3333333-. L.• 131 0330 I 31.30.
Vtranua &raps. sweet, German • l'il.r. Plp, tirods.
Scotch Snuff ti0c...0 and tiladder, Nlarcodbo Meal,
Totowa Honor. Havaaa b.., 1,140 1:3333, IlerigalnoU
Culabna L.3llllollCL,P3ltelllCarrii.l•o Kniveal•punk,
Sc... he Pill LA IJKLI'LLIA. MIA:.
___-----. _
NEW CIIINA. (;LAS- & A ay, ~ToRE
No II I ‘14A30 Stuart
THE .I,sentoork with tnform r macro I y
1, that Way ere now operotta It 1/GIW and /111,. *tuck
o t f Chine, trWilt,lniamon and Fancy
comp t 6
M v e la'est AM' retro faottonahle pat;
kern. of
ri , neh Ch ma ittnta and go:a-band [honer
do do ••
Soper - tor iron-Stone Dinner ••
Flowing Wee nt hew pnt,rn ^ •
A dm. ranery of Tea Set!. queht,..
Ilrtunto• Breaktapt and Tea ret•,
Waitcr•—a betatuful etude ..t.jueen . II Guth,"
V.r10,1-4.Pet (Content. , maker.)
Ole. Were, • general akkorment.
Steamboat owners and betel proprketors nn tsvidr•tl
to naming our tukorunent of ware tottatde tor their
Conntr7lerehants ran (Ina • large stock of art, le
.noble for country sales. wluch we w .dl sirag
noble pnces.
Oar stock be; enurely new, we feel smashed of tre
ong sole LO please all who nsay svor aswftlf ft,
japlTanf&wl (.11.1.& GETT
rI , IIE, - _ _ •dY
1:0 before—made on the moat approved La .tern p!an•-
•nd movt feethonahlo Eastern poderne a,d color.. A '
CIICAP ROLI, or 80, CON BLIND, on hand
ofetade boarder of .11.trea, and at all prices.
Country Merchants and other. err tnetted en.i and
example the above for
andshem*elvev, us all
wholesale. or fotaf a h.thrrho dedoct.oht matte
Ihrbolesahhe iduchaserr.
aul dl
put; Proprietor of this well known pier,. 01 resort has
1 the pleasure of informing the peddle that hi. estab
livluneut horse hero thoroughly refitted and repaired.
and the grounds elegantly laid out and decorated. fit
now open for their .I.ICOMMOIIB.II, and be flatters him
thst those who may favor him with dine patron
will find all that they desire, provided in tits hest
style and on reasonable tarots. Ile Is dElettnillfd to
vpure no expense in making his establtahment worth)
of public patronage. /le has accontroodations for
ociarding a few! amilies. Ice Cninms, and nil reftheit•
mews sultabth to We season, ea:latently on band
illoniagaholsHOnie Tailoring Eaton-
T SA AC XV ILJ.I A.AIS, Limper and Tudor, turfs to la
1 form the citizens of Putsitu ill. and others, that he
le now opet
aboung at Ms rooms un Smithfield street. un
der the ve lintel, large and beautiful asthrtment
of Clutha. (Inatome es, habits, Silks, and other Vesu ago,
together with such other articles so arc requlred
geol.:nen'. wear. Ills goods have been eareitilly ve-
Meted, and are of the newest 1111 d movt caebtottable
style. •It well as of supenor quallty. His euvtomers
may depend upon having their clothes matasde up
us a
manner ertuch cannot tail to gratify thetaste o
natett fastidious- - apArlY
T OBA CM —4O las Branch A- NV attune As.
do do do extra pornpoun
A do do do It, d flirt
10 k!p e!..1..1,111‘r"•c
lU dZ I'gl:6avetsfltah;
5 do do Viol( ,
' do tf , a
20 d o half SgpanJarA,l
h do. for .al= by
n* ,
I gf. nod iN;
S'tioL'Muoilt,UtLf;:l.F..-I'.ftv.ontonsandu'l:le Ytao'rdhouno
Kon,f4; our Werrhoure,oo floc Canal kinfoo., wt: arc pro:
""d to ~note
/l ' F l gr. ' ) ",', N ",.2• Z
Canal louda. 7Lb
A SF.COND HAND PIANO, cost uriunslly
uol has been 111 144 C about four years price 110 l•
6175, for sate by JOHN H
nl ysosol street
SI lIAR-5 hlak prane. for .le low to rio.c
..conetgorne , try W EST. 130 IN , E.N,
WRITE 10D9--A k Co have 011 InlsTd
extenolvn nasorment of NVltne. Want., ruin
roang Soriza, Book, and Jaeonet ?Anon.nyaf,
of noon, variety.
Llane, Amin removed their PLip.rictof: d fi d iv e. t
pot in Philadelphia, to 2 mint larger Warehouse
on Market st., 'bad they formerly occupied, nod also in
creased their MOM for storage at Pinsburb. ore now
prepared to offer much greater facilities to their tkiends
and patrons.
Goods carried by this line are not transhipped be
tween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia being ca rope en.
unity In Portable Section Boats To shippers of dour
and other goods ragoinng careful handling, this is of
importamec. chatge made for receiving or v r tu , k . i . ln a nA
goods. or advancing charges. All-goods fo
promptly, and 111,011 as reasonable terms as by any oth
er hoe
Canal Basin Pennat. Pittsburgh.
JILISIFS .I. 'myth & Co
kb 4 .,
Y 7 Market & 61 Corninoree st, Phil&
JOHN hieFADE.N & Co., Foriaariling imd Com=
on Merchants, Canal Haain; Perm st„ Pittsburgh.
JAMES M. DAVIS tc Ca, Floor Factors and Commis
sion Merchants, 17 Market, and 54 , Comtnerce at.,
AS el - tore solpbuyons ei th er
o l o a f :l:a s :re Alrig,Ta
,0 th em. fob%
- -
'VC/TICE—The subsenbers hove disposed of their hi
ll tenet In the Yennto end' Ohto Line to CLARICE &
THAW, of Piustough, had JOSEPH S LEWIS, of this
They will continee to transact herniae. for the line,
1 their Warehouse on Broad street, as usual, and be
peak for it a continuance of the patronage of their
Philadelpuia, March NI. lee&
Penn'.. and Ohio Trona rtation Co.
Double Daily Lane of
N... TO 11.2111TOST .001T1 OftrAfT..l MTSMIRSIVI
CLARKE &THAW, Canal Italian, Putsborgh.
LEWIS a. BUTLER, Market et_, ll:Wad - mphla
JAS sTEEL. & W.. Ago. Broad street.
COW DE.N, CLARKE k. Co., 716 North st., Balt
NV. PORRICK. Agt, tY Went street, Neer Volk.
eulemnbers hoer May day associated theamelee
tegether ender the busine ss Kier fr. Jones, for th
purpose of cannellini( the formerly carried n
by sanntel Ni. Kier, and milieu • continuance of me
eras patronage heretofore extended to the house .
Pinabatlgh, Zagreb 1,1918.
r a e bto r : c e p szl , l7Tlceivz . .t p t tW forward irerghl to
ileamoeh. sun m aa low rums, us any other gestural... Mir
Toe attention of shippe sr.slarlg to amid Pink or
eon to Baltimore in bulk. rs.
puruculatly reque•ned. ,n
-umatieh as our arrangements enable tatin carry Limo
&runic.. through in better order than any other
KIER .4 /ONES. Prop'im.
Canal Basin. are r :w n.
Pittsburgh. Morel" I. 1,47
. MX.
& JONLIS--Cortircu.oon and forompland
chant", and Whoiesale Denier. no Iron. 11loom
Stun. Produce. .4c
csuhadoancem on con.ognments marl d
NAN. 0.11“, X. VI TUX /11., 'lntl
thipiaarrh Philadelphia . '
r g ig
To Philado p on mort,
VIA C•NALA •ND .:1300,41.
(111AFF & Co.. Canal Ramo. Pittsburgh.
orm.II.IIUNIPIIRIiIYIk & Co, No 147 Marto st, Phd
C It •No.sous, on North & Sarstols sts Ban. I Ax „
bow , F Clarke. No 10. Old Shp. New k
rrICE--Tbe style of our firms will be known, from
and aver this date. at Patsburgh., as Henry brad
& . ankat Phtlanellottia. as MUHL llosuphrays J
1111/4/F r. Co
sou uri D DUTUA t p t „ 1 .,1,10,,
HISNILY GRAFF, Pksargh. Tour4:l‘i
F.7r the Tralsoporsoz , an of Fraght to and /mos
PITS. HI Rl,ll,
itoramos & Coda, Phrladelphi•
T.. S IreONNOIL. l'iabisrgh
ri , HIS old establuhed Lao. hetngnow in opera-
IJOR. the proprietor , have made extensive arrange
me to wo
forward roods and produce k despatch. and
on the MOM favorable limns. They couhdently hope
the r well known promptness in delrverrng goods—pc
ftl.l2 r safety in mode of earrying--ospactorni
se . o r estiv rdhuu
eh port...fording acconsmoriabous to .hipper.and earners of produce--mgether with their long asp,
rience mai unremitting etterinciri to tautness. will secure
to them courtiniarree of that Irlferal patronage they
hereby graierully acknowledge.
All consignments by and (or that line received. (h. ,
rea paid. and forwarded in aiiy required direction. free
or char, Inc commission, advancing or storage
No nacre.. directly or indtrectly. in steamboat , .
AI. r nrntuar. alsol, promptly attended to on appr.r•-
tlOll to the infloorrng ants.
& CI Market al. Phihadelphia.
TA AF FY: & O'CONNOR, Canal Mow, Pittsburgh
O'CONNOIL 4 & Co. North at, Baltimore
WM. B WILS(IN. ) Cedar at, Now York. ap3
==B 1848.
THIS well known Line. composed of steamboat.
Lake Erie and Michigan, between Pittsburgh nod
Heaver. and freight and passenger Canal How be
tween Heaver and Fine , and C Reed's hits of fan
elms stentaboats, propellers and vessels an the Lakes.
Is prepared to carry freight and passengers to all ponds
on the Fine Canal, and Lakes Erie, Huron and Slid
Hallos every facility for conve!ing freight and par
sengers with promptness and dispatch. the propnesor
and agent. respectfully solicit from their friends u con
00min. of Maar patronage.
0 Id B REED Proprietor.
REED, PARES &Co, Heaver, Agents.
I a• 14 roe Water and Smithfield .to, PiHstiurgh.
1848. main
To and from the Eastern attic., via Cumberland.
Till. proprietors of th is popular lute, havestrice their
re-organs:noon largely increased their facilities to
nu, the wises' of shippers . and we now prepare! to
lorward • realer amount ' by the FIVE BAY LINE,
as aim by nifilmonal regular wagons y ear. w rates.
This time will run throughout the y delivering
goods tern II h the agents In Baltimore Pittsburgh
to owners and consignees at specified rates and time.
Shipment. from Philadelphia Mr the hue should he
marl , rd 'Care, J Robinson, Balumore
Th• only axe.. arc,
918 Charles st, Baltimore.
tr. Co, Cumberland.
W CABS Brownsville.
C BIDWF.F.L. Pittsburgh.
C tMg ,
_ strionia
ElLt:4lPElE,eror.RnlfiisProolLl'iLTMN6L.l NdEth—.
asp wy at Cumberland from Se house of bleliaig g i.
vire to that of Edgerton Si Co.
Pittsburgh and western merchants are nordled that J Bay
ly tiulunson. No 91 Booth Charles et, Baltimore. is the only
audiorthal Kent of this Lina in the Eastern claw.
The wily monis are
C DIDWEL.L, Pittsburgh,
0 W CMS, Browaaritla,
EDOARTON 1. Co Cumbarlsod,
J B ROBINBONI, Baltimore.
- ditiftbiec co.'s EXPRESS
'"raNCliiiiSOW .JS'"tidiri7golistlit •
ed ' that thin is the fastest, safest, and must tarre
d... Lille going KtiAl. eonarettng wan Adonis & Co . .
Express daily, at klailiniore.
Through receipts will be given to any of the above
places. Merchandise and packages of any sad or
weight forwarded.
Express cloves daily at 3 r a.
II f 1 VICKERY, Agent
novaelf St. Charles Hotel Haddam.. wood at
W lb Tr otatapoiirairota COmpatti.
1848. mg 18`217
ARio: prepared to transport good. and produce to and
from too abs ve cam. on favorable terms. ad.
drew or apply to
D. LEWD it Co, Canal Basin. Pawburgh.
HARRIS & LEIP.3,M, Nos. 13 & 16 South Third ra, Phil,
I TAYLOR & SON Agra No 31.641 h Howard st, Bal.
A. ABBOTT, Mgt, No '1 Wet. outer, New York.
Palshurgh, Nlareh lath, Itata. mar4o
Passenger and Renrittnnee °Mee.
AItANRDEN at co. continue to pe rson s
from any put of England, ',lent scanned or
Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with their
usual punetuanty and suet:aloe to the wants and cont.
(on olemnsufronw We do not allow our passengers to
be robbed by the seedling scamps that infect the sea.
ports, as we take charge of them the moment they re.
port themselves, and-see to their well being, and d e .
snatch them without any detention by the first ships.—
We any thus fearlessly, as we defy one of our passen
sera to show that they were detained 40 hours by
Liverpool, whilst thousands of other, were detained
mouths, until they could be sent in some old craft, at a
clik l p rate, which too frequently proved their coffins.
WO intend to perform nor suntans honorably, cost
what a May, and not act as was the cue last season,
with ether ofilcers,—who either performed not all, or
when it suited their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittaborati for any aum from El to
Lino% payable at any of the provincial Booth. in
, O , lftind, Scotland nal Wake.
Euoran and General Agent'
Gbh Fifth area, ens door WOW Wilaski
. 0 1 . 066. „,..,4 Improperly With- Asthma, Bronettam Spumy Blood. Pain in the Ride
For the Recovery
held Real and Personal Estate-the 5e11k.....! and and 8.A.. Sere Throat Reareene., PAIMOion
Arbitteuou of CommereitTradine and other Debts; of the Heart, Whdoping thumb, Croup, Hares,
Securing Patents for Invelmons nu (Heat Britain, Nervous Tremors, LiVer Complaint, and ,
Ireland. and the Connotes .ad Dependent., there.. Diseased Kidneys, are radically
to Iselouging, and Negotiating for the Purchase or _, _ , ear e d by
Sale 01 the satne El • Swayne a Compound Syrup of Wlld
It to land and pleaear e it h th e th rr e y ta . ew. peifectly safe and
ar HE principal object in the establiehment of thil.
i Agenc7 •lc to ael at rest lit the moat unstaetory
and econormeal manna r pousible, the numerous chants l',fts_o4.7,.,ous. and • yet nt t a doe of the most
for proper. Cairene of the Caned States really r.........v.„,,„ Meiling roe Cou.uiption of the
r have,
u, o e : r t . :: gut
d e they iio g ns .u se d ss u
u t to 1 , :; u 1 a l
u n u d , and else-
We net.
, 70 ,, g t, ,. ,,,r, "_ .e. , : . : ,,, ,!,: ,, , ,,, :u. ... ,..7,71
di:r . :1,,,!:,:t5 , ,,, ,, ::, ,,,.... : Liver
Wei actively gein i n duenethir a boric: .to att. o , Ft. of r.
~, ,of re het of the edictal panda,
ulnect an many quarter, with it view to petty pecans- Ler... dai ly
„c oet . nees of as wendenkil curative
tan, and evidences of the MCA have beea so (resiliently 1...... ~',,,a‘j.'d tone alt 0..... la la a. -
broght to light ea to render It urgently stecesnary th at r . ,, , , z_c p . ...,1.:;,,-;„Z"F r 'a ,, ~...r.n.g fed W.'
MI tat< be esuiblashml ham. for . ta. , ate emas- ea . / . °°- "` . ..... , ....acol ity tt, uor mat
faction of those who have been deluded.
to e-stab- we calculate the name eitefitthat shall accrue from
'oh the claims of each as are the rightful hears to doubt. it hereafter . All erap th se.s, and coustautto. are
'ol property. or that which a ImpropeTy withheld alt.' vdec.d by as .4 d the as e r a d ic ui,j from
Articles in the leasluhe !mime. in the proletpal cane. VIS system. the e...... n relnhatad , and health m
e( tho Union are trentiently appeartng, headed -.Tow,. t \ o . red by the am 01 Da IS , WATNI a Conrail:VD or
ley Emma, - 'A (ireat Fortone for Soinebody.e -Meet- kan Canaan. How many sufferers do we daily be
ings of outs at \Yon:ester." -Claue Meet- hold .Pptottelnalf to at, '.•.al.
..inners l/I.e• wrested, i t , the
tngall tu. the
md , the authors a which are generally low. Boom of youth. ... a.: ....J ..1 honands. Übe ,
yer• seeking praettee. ot adventurer. wh.e only oh-
t‘al._„!.°.,,„ha,,lfla,°_a taut .. ,. . la "i .._'-‘.:','"a:srh-IN.• wdatea
jert Is to feed upou patilic creduloy. by productne att a - l the aaa awr .... .utfeetr an t 'r be)on the
the which may manse tor th emselvee imoncd. Power of h..° • .hffl. It fa.° ...... 0 . 14 only
ate r e d nd who are geuerally apeaking. wabout ...he a ~ .I of Ur. S'...T.e.C..P4a.ya° Si .l. of kVild
them). they would find themml 'wooer marred
the slight knowledLuf the madects they put forth.
The emdences of Leslie a tact are every where than by plena; the various Ineffecir:re mute. with
apparent, an in no one single instauce have rhea ill ..., oar faewa100i..... °14.4 lh a. Y°P.,..a.,Remo
lounded expectotaosts been realixed; and at as with a dY bents the ulcerated Wog., ..P1 , ..4 P le me.
ore. to the correction
t e ns is cad that the submnber ......, . the... F.a.1'a.....4....." and healthy
has effected the moos e xive arrangernetits to male, the
and the puma{ wlll aeon find himself in
the imitating, . well (a Li
ths. carman , ' Maniere eatloYment of ....table heollh• The Pobho should
who. Influenced by family coanecnon or otherwise. be ar , me acted that Ds. 6melea tan regular Procuring
, 0 6 0 0 .., oo . ouo th e ,„,,,,, 0 „ o f mi me,. o d ic" ~,0 1 .. physician, and has hail years of exp.-mime in diseams
Ting reaults of the most stupendoue magnitude 01 the Lungs. Chest Ac. The hangmen and only) gent.
J. regards real estate in Ragland. the balk of it is rile article at only prepared DR. SWAYNE, NI W cot.
o ver to the laws of Entail and PriallOgenintrel and al. of Eighth I.° Race .1" , ...., Pla.d.ipt...
over since the revolution to lase, the priori* estates ANOTHER HOME CERTIFICATE.
have been subneeted - to the changes which lways en. Of all the cares that has cum been reeerded, we May
.„ .......i.,......f.,.... „ e d change of ey ... iy , inanely say the stands of medicate cannot (atonal one to
and although there have been animus! laws passed for surpass tho, which now studs as ri liCtlig proof of the
particular purposes. all those which have retcrence to curability of conniumption, even whets hie had been
this subject, and which were passed subeequent there. °°'..e a l . • DT Sw.l l te a v Come.atial $ Y rt. of Will
are sail ammlable to cues of legitimate nelat It is • Cherry a s OH ......v`a to be• the ere..t a...a e
not. however, t o in this nuirertisement, 10 refer ' o °. hal.." world
antecedently to the Amerau terohltion of 1770, at The True Riches of lefe ie II h,
which period, a great ;number of pertains entitled in va• Da Swering-Dear Sir.-Por tar good of th e public, I
n os
ways to property, abandoued the same by Mau. feel myeeßno do. 0 to tonal) lo the great mire
the „,,,,thee...e.y p ai n. This net, too , e, was ru gs winch your Comp:mad Syrup of
if Cherry perforat•
costa no lead to confirmation where It W directly held ed on me. For my part. I feel as if every body ought
by each individuals; but when those abandonang the to kn... I was .lhacted watt a atone. octogit, ttpO
tno were next in succe.ion to the thee poasessors, Ong of blood, night *weal s
. hoarnaeltee. , and eoata° of
fa..became altered; and alienation from home mud the amen indicating art alarmthg slam of um &seam;
m i lyfai were made the barriers to rightful inhentance. Day app.. w. gone, and my strength hail so fat fails
Another fruitful source of investigation in• found in ed tne that my mends raid phy memo ware persuaded I
the Unclaimed Divend Book of the Bank of England, could not survive satiny days. Sly cater, who teas my
and Wm, furnishing so it doer, each English name that anxious ...taker. mode tiapnry where ahe would be
rattled . a holder of funded property, an the lately to procure the loom certain relief. She was told
main reit.. of the unprincipled traders
part= that al Gr. Sway., Compound Syrup of Wdd Cherry
credulity. failed at the cute, my ate was then hopeless. Your
Tim males of invesunent are exceedingly unman. meal... was oa......Perwaredt ma l the filet bota
ll parts of Europe, but in England particularly soi tie gave rebel, and by the lime I had commenced the
sixth bottle. my cough had led roe told my strength was
n and the subeenber is prepared to show the facilites
.....h he p,,,,......, tot ral ~,i g ...or, ~,o, a t o much Improved. In short, it hist made a perfect ears
meats above alluded to. Resides all them, there i t of me, end lam at this present ante °simony a
property positively bequeathed, and winch. In cense- I wish, and have good reason to believe that the Yee of
become al the absence of the parties to whom dentinal, your medic., has raved me Mom a premature grave.
C osta Involved la and atabject to the laws of the I shall be pleased to gave any Informatain teepee.%
Court of Chancery. ray case . I M Rauch
In all cases, even, of supposed family connexion. the Y. cheater st y between race and vane sts, nits.
most p.ative and sauefactory trifortatation cult ne aloe. CAUTION! CAUTION.'
Bed as to the facts connected with theinetnits of ism- Consumpures, Real! Read!! Dr Swayne's Cnmpronthd
then, no matter how remote the date. or seemingly v
seemingly dal- Syron of Wild Cherry.
ficalt the investigatton; and where the wane has alma- In about the year l a uff7, I foinul a necessary In my
dy been undermsen by any of the neater.. per.. profeimional pracuce. to compound a Medicinal prepar
who pretend to a knowledge of thts buatne.. and who anion for da n ce., of the cheat and lungs. po.essiug
have altogether failed in obustroug, or °mated to afford more powerful heath.% properties Man any other bah
the Information sought by the vof their npeesious. cr. know, for such In my COMPOUND
•nd denumon the tnatter an themeemore readily under- SY Rt. Ia OF WILL/CHERRY, I have been wery sue
taken, beeline! o ' f the greater stamfaction an aniang coastal The truly astonishing cures effected by tny
where the pretences info thers have obtained so much medicine soon spread its tame aerosol' for it owes none
nomented confidence.
rat as success to manulactured newspaper puffs or for
th the settlement toe
Cornmermal. Tending and other ged cetaiticauw-the real-intrmste merits of my eon.
Debts, the necessary legul and rarreaalle A cta°, pound LA we only cause of itspopularity. Its extensiwe
will be brought to bean an expenence m l half a ceutu. sane soon excited the envy of certain speculators in We
ry ta this perticular branch.. the best <valence that inlheliOna of his fellow °realism. go Mach so that so a
Cali be afforded of the abilliV that will be best Owed On tew years from the ume that my preparation was intro
tuners coming ender tote he .d. cloned to the pubtic end In groat demand, a firm an this
Inventor , and
s ther. requtrurg Patent tlgh. secured cay. funding that my prepara had gained a high
al nay or all part of Europe. can have the same effect- repot/mon tor curative nou n propenes, cute out m a th
ed at a very traltng charge nye , and M. o
. the uson What they called Dr. Wtstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
fees tet,tared in stye. coat., F.Yery Intermix. This respectable and popular phyeleian ha d no more
1.1011 reepteling dray pbable expense., and the turn/us .do wall the uncle than poor Sam patch, The ethth
on.readl 'natal al ell limos am ehee.allY "'ord. , . and "" pr \ Via"' a s "tt.ahtal to make it aParlar that this era
the facilities. particularly ut Ragland. tor dui...rim of meat pow attune! Was the angtnal itteenlor of the pra
ttle tlght, he s aran( the most extensive character In- par:1110n, .mcit lc not the tact The above firm, the re
troductlons ae lso offered to men ot wealth and loch al toventor. sold the recipe and right to maaufacture to
respeclabllay Whate•er belongs to tins departatelot come patent itlndleinc dealers nit Camthrtati for the
IS ample The &ammo°, therefore, Ennio. public tta get. and tlellith, d another in New York for Um East,
eral at imrtieularly solicited tu In. branch oral, .kren• who L
aterwards. at l as asserted. Instil out to a druggist al
ey communicatirm by leiter are mouested to be post Boslon-m toe
tuber of hands in. which it may have
pant BENTHAM FABIAN, changed oan magma.
11l Water street. New 1 ork la some pate. they ...eel 11 emanates! from a phy
ilanrarillrethea sae C
's. ma steam at Philadelphia; an others. from a phyvsmon to
Hon, Ch. P Only. Judge C't. Corintion Pleas. N V, Vlaseoclanamo. So at has falsehood and stratagem
A. Co. stamped in every fermate.
ay & IsT Tunic..
.. Then. hail been a umbel of other preparations par-
111 u., •• ortslng to cumin Wild Cherry put out mace_ fr om the
.ot 1 In lb A Rick. , Esq. n and, or inesperterice. n otch the public inbound guard
A. Pate n,.., Esq larea't remnant Beat. Buffalo against. us oar) contain une of the vartua of the oriel
. last y4.dumvlrnisofitst nal and only Scituate preparotton, which bears the nog
.. unicK FoR RAZE. -- - . nature on Ur. Sway. on each bottle. 11,0 present
A"'""""). THE undersigned unfera for ule a ....tor sinew f.a,!:aa,r_a!,c_tf_T_OY!h_!ar_Pafl"..ld fointeF4tttft,,,,canlhia,Le.
,y Rev Cherles 1 et I,nek tor heading. made by he. Site
Pre.. " . e , `.noon
.."...”.7..`ta'..a...r.).7.. o „. "a sellpubic
. ei . i. ,,,, N ..... improved triads... fur which he hal obtained:
,i,,a..teg., .7 ,„ ',0 , 1, a ,,, , ,,, ° , 0 wa ,, c i a t aa. ... a° ,,,. e a ) , t!....,.,..aeu,,,..p..bat
th„ p e ....i • th , a, •ott oat... ewe11a.h.........l quer n ” ...,„ I ...chi. ;nosed saustactortly I. y the public rec,tds oi
. of „ e „, hoo k a ,. they air snob eat 'at , fral. 'rem mm,."''''.,‘,‘, ~,,. Ime Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, os well . von
,t /TT & ENGLISH, "r al." lt"httl e le . " ... ie. ' °' " . " 1 "`" '"'" • ~.. ota outer official document. OR. 11. a W AYN 11,
e r y einr h s ., sr et no ml, po••••• , ttott y,Y0,,, body a.° superi or caws' lavemor toad sole laroprietor ot me genet. C0m
iii7.,,,T,:.7:,h,.;7,,h,,;,,--- .red touch treare dun '.' evmT '''P e `'' . : , _ pound Sa tip ot Wiund Cherry, comet oa Eighth and
beme, • •Libiccted to n presaure en ...Ver. ~,,, • ... P.. ...,.., ~,,,,L , ~,,,,,,..,,,,,,..,
wars and rampant,. - ce , laala a 11a11! , .C.1e ... we a° ;', aaY .' a ' a l . "' I• , eon bo °banned grato settienn fonh hit
.• tireek Pat
a they make a trona eq. , ' . the Lent fa' . ' a ' a. , , n a rray un ...noway teat wit. cortVinee We nuan akepti
ol the •rumisi Yo u , Y love l"rat tha gr""t"'" "'"''','„'''''„";%.'',, 1 ca ut the ...adorn. virtues et Lir °•Wayae° Compound
) wali atancrog have pure lused. A lat. can he... a `' 'y '''''' aaa. " si rap of M Ltd Cherry. Cal. and get °inc. dial all may
win... Linen al the ( - scetic other
. , ce .,, i c a„. n i • •.„ 1,,,, , rel.d. Purenam we, edicine, mad a, et it..
at , ve of the - "..` ~,,,,F , `uPO l '"' ''''.',„,,,,,. , ~. ' , I ttott,,ttitt tttttl triad. be 1 ... ‘,iitn -
an an fann" , and lCislil , e laiiatclaii , al."- ......-• l • .".' r "" '''' W.NI Mt ,irs.,AlarLel .t. OtillYN J. s. to WDEN. I Purify Your Blood.
et,.: ..ti.ll 1..v0w one t, cm, .susaas :llc F. or„ , ..,_ ~
, i j „,,,. ria „,„ , J ,,,,,, i s., i_,,, xf a. 0 E. SIBLEY -Dear Sir Lest Spring, .1 du-
In AAC ultlast. s t , 'l '. .n .k L'AllN t-- ILA br a. a„. Canner 1 ,, f Ira. Uml 1 .I.LI- nag the prey.. wanner, I teu .veraly afflicted
Unninightini, ittlic In I-4- u I Wood and sixth and Wart. aim JOHN MITCHELL.. 1 w aaa ...Yale.. caamPhaila an .7 legs . 431 had 1f...
WOOD TY Plt• Ailey :wiry etty. ...„ 4 1 for some months under the care or pbysiciana. They
ens liOrill AllanUCAri WoOD Tyra racrorr. AT PITT- , DR JAY fa E'S A LTERAPI ir h:. ---
r.era 'Y ea " wee almost Irre "" ble ` ' erkl d 'Y ""'"ld do
We nave Imenimonned by Mrs ; Raw- of • care Per' b a ' it " i o " f "l e ' re 'b tche ' m s ' houl i d "'" wah titlE n''r e l ul Y t h y n ge lPi t e abo b ut widi lia Mal i"
,wire °C./ market street SCION SI.
- HOLEY. If. 11. RYAN. [NAM" :11, 1 . 1 gy J r A g u
Malone Freme Piano. - 11{1LSLLI.Akilir..101LN If MORRISON, having im- ', ' ree l ' """ ). r ''. •L Y ••* • l'•••••.:der...,;h but, i peret,,,,,,,, o f you, red , 0066 . 6 .4 . i. . 6 . 8....
__, A S PL K IN , DLI ' er'•°""t",°‘ of Ross- swatted therunelves together under the i'', rand none I ntr.,l;:t %1,71,:.,...,,,,,.=7..,..7,..?th,f.r..rry_._2,..,?!___,.. ion, Rammer...LA. After the tan of Pero bontrea, dm
f rilly!
wood and welter any amine IMMO , rs- „, yetioney, Ryoo &Co .(1,.. the mort uracture o r; iv oir o i
..... :_ ii"iiiri.„l.l-dni,i,7ll.iNel"l4ll;ChEirli;;lcriq
mended 1 sores Comm need healing, .d I laid aslde nay crotch
anos. just bombed ud fur sal, Typei and as die. type .al "that "'a d° hY ...- a tiler rat.On , and enfolation of rano. tunes, din- I.,',b,":god°onfirAlTo":..,:„. 1d.:,,,,,,,,1iWi...itt.,,,Y .jr.di
A 1. ., r ... atldeh dta Ral'aaaa , Plarta a t 'Mr!. the ion °a Isaac M• auger
p • tar. ' 1 one winch •tone mart- -.ewes have been dnschamed from
wan Colenlatilg celebrated .a.olitat enrichment. finn•hed way feel confident that they offer a more procei ort,c , e , ~,a,,,, ~ h, ~ e, ,„...,,,,,, „ h . ~,,,, h er a In shearing sheep. In all, I .ed five horde. The
in the mu, nualern in, I, and tor ante rat al,A., scrofula end sot. hove all healed op, and SOSO* LYN
1,-15 of MP , ...I at mach .."' ''''' th''
h'r"'"'" weans eau cud., atm 14.0nn both Mg, .11111 item the lett ' ~,,,,,,,,,,, I have ~,,,,,, ... pp ....,,,,, 0 , .„‘„,....,,, b‘,l
IT 111 wood . in the Fatted tam,. and a. n ew .. a l a° ana . n a'a. lone . and .... Lill right kneet ‘le‘'''' PA.'" : have einitlialed, and Stu mw la the moat cmcfeetbaalll4
''''lrt.oit'i'h"L'lls d seh II .1, it' ai u•cen - ot, owe r par 3 o i . her pen eon, which ha ve baffled i i . i . i ,. , e ,....fid . ...... ~,,,,6„.„..,.....y , ,...,
0 A/A-FBAS NltillT-Exprenely deo/A..4(0t thaw. r A Didd r dto e l ii. '"' . ..t. i ',,t .. . i " •,,..., the it .tt ut . e. nunteer et lac most venom/I rhythm:asset : h ue d “, 06 ..06 way, i i iii , ih. , 5i....p.w.i...iii 77
ill reading to moose e publiention by Harper da Drs. , ton
„,,_ ~.. ,'” ~, , e ,,.,,,,, ~,•,,,)'„,,, . 06 ,.. 0, l oar eta roam{ e h gin al the t.Me her Auden/is, have 1y . 5 h .. b ...., ......., the only ... . ads . "
‘,"•• Nr‘ , 1 ork To ta completed t a t twelve parts. . 3.awaaa'a treat, aa- -- e --- --•-, , . d. been elm man rag and deplot able, AbOut three months , r ,„ 06 0 , 0 ...
Pa., Ist twit reeen ed and for we by ID" Protatetha of ae".... papers, ." a. °11. "1 aa ' • ' ' swim she was nnitared to try Dr. Jayne's Aiteradwe, - 1; 0 , 6 6 whole... CORNELIUS J.. RODE.
/ Paper, wia
JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, I vart.eraettrll"."l", '"'" .""long ee ree r . wash Im" sad an •amal•lnk la in.PPY efi r,,, .a.n her , db.,: e an i il 1 . 1 , I m ik m,c,c 1 a
b, .. ct , , at. , P.T alt MP, on P0re...4 by i e rnov,4° All plan UM surellngn, .d canning the '
corner market and ad ars , Lii . 6 r ,.. 06 . , i ,„„ 0 .,,,,. i 1 eor hold r mood eta, h _ dap corner wood &R&M.
, Maw Lanes e amount of Wets t tut et iui •;.;i:, ww Lc as the same tone her general health , __
! 'Y....1'3r.° 0..!
• • as• In:. aontoanne completely restored. et, boat see hoW weighs I r;iar. PIititPUBIERY-
Co ~,, 'our than she d.d before rho eonatttneed the we , r Cream de' Amanda Amere', for shaving;
1 n0..wm0., tare... AND
estates-vu. 'of ...1.• trllk y vahial... , prepatton.e- Isar Eve Poet. Craton ala Rose, tor shaving;
DBE% PALIKS & Cm's. PACKET LINE,. I Wh..arTERN LINE ', Fa turtner inturnamsota i taqtare of Mrs Rom, No. tau . Aare - node Cnsam, do;
Omee at the Exchange, Baltimore. I k,:atttcti ttt. P4Lodelpan. . • Superfine Runge, on Porcelain etandL
I.l,uctu ,
11.63 . 1. __ Tbd
0b.., . ,.. . ii ... i,. . i , 6,.. I
_ L g ii , or.: a . i, .T 2 I..llnliaigli, al Lhe PEKIN TEA ?FIORE., ' Eterant meat bags, perfumed with Lavendei, An 1a
, y
Eilli 1848. 01.,-,::: , Rl)5 ; term Mint;
ccil on all Meath:gat to or trom lialtimore. rot.- , , t•Lt - tt !too , ){'nod.
----- Scanufal powder pads, of all patterns.;
- Wag r Whe l'lmt, id n correwpondum ano:ton - -
HEAVER AND CLEVELAND LINE-van WARREN 00 ,,,,, Jr : o n ioi,o'4luodespateltim thrwardeu mum Re, ,St GOEt LA AND L-CROVULDUS hWELL. r-oaa..ed Mae , hoses, contenting tragrani e gftheth
Canal Pee ket-SW ALLOW, Capt. Fold. moose s,Vest et Pmaburgh. Pa. , 1. ,.„ .. _,„.„.6 6 . 11
.1 . 06 1,0.4 f„,... for the hantikelehief i a scent hag, and toilet maps, rani
OCEAN. Capt. Written. able for prestos.
1 R A mar-allile charge fo , r , a tdelx:pia
, dcsrott 4 a , h to or ; e bother In that of King's Eol, ealargements o the I i „,,,,.,,,, ‘. ,,,, Ch
tnewa powder.
( ):'''' '' ' ' :: " 'd. `';''' ':::::Pr4r''''''endt'e.'"'''" rke'ay.7.'7,7lVlS"..i Za * r "' ll ' te fret Le ' l e' l non. leer he e l ing .
la " andst ' io ' L ' l ' al 1 V . ;.1,7,: - ...-.,, L ' a ' at' a Pr hula aa ' ll ., a° l ° • e;" ... , la , t in, o,roolo hat off,
m,L.ser dineanis of the :net on , e
Warren, wharf they connect with the Mad Stages for „ 0 6
charge ~. .d e io , ~,,. , d ,,,, ~,,,t sagas - 1 istroslti Pulmonary Coaaumptam, emanate from on e ;[ et.l . r; "''''''''
- '''Y - common wrappers,
("'" 'Mai.
Akron end
On ariving al each of the w Planes
before eight. One of Che r Packets leave Warren da [bye _ le tame Catioo,.WhiCh la a paniOdals pnrielpie 1 ones' Soap; Nymph Soap; Rom Lip naive;
air. P. al., and artme et Bettye , in ttata "" trra" the Limit th e c vmpletion of the South Western line of a i more at leas whereat in the human system . There. ;
dc h . h , e , tl wraith , • a lit i together watt a greM variety
mooting steemboal for Plushurgh. . Telegroph from Alemptua. 'ie... to New Orleans. des- I lone, unlect the prolciple .o be destroyed,. tads "' • Pee... 7 13"d:FalLtilari=1,
a. N
I I k. t.F.FrEsuwELL. Ilk aTre a, i pr ., 0 „,,,,.. p a tch es con 6, forwarded to Memphis by tins route, arid ; o yi can eae bo effected, butt f th e p riuth pie epee I
St II TAYLOR. marled for New Odeon.. POI_ ' whtch the disease - depends, la miaowed, a can
or gab & wood ass
~ _ ,
The i Ilegheny Cemetery. • most of neer:aunty follow, no matter under a balloon
T the annual a.... 10 of the C.V..... held 00 the damage ebotild minden( ttseil. Tins, therefore
Athe nth ma.. the rohalataa Ir..'" were r """'" as the reason why Ins .`s ALTS.RAT IVIle •0 and MOW'S) , te-hleetha NI• . .-Pr ° 1... t. ' ''" U "V'' '. ' vernally succetalul oi removlog . many malignant
11, twes M. 111/NV F., rendent. i I,
tinieagiell. It destroys the eltus or prtn.ple from
1 Esse enturniEV,S, I whet those diseases have thot , ortgla, by entertng
NATHANIEL 110L.ME• , ' into the circulation, and with the blood to conveyed
WILSON SVCANDL %8., to the minutest Obre, removing every amrtmle of
JOHN IL StIOENLIEL'OEL diseam from the system. Prepared sad *Old at No.
JAMES R. SPEER. b South Third Street, Philadelphia.
J F 133111, ecretary and Trellatirer.
imoo.l Jr.,.. we , pmgcs , red the at. , co the Sad at the Pekin Tea Ston, No. 71. Fon . rth same.
Da T iat ' P e tiny In a v*'ry'prosperoo. coudaton. Their office . Pittsburgh mc,i
to the esty re No. a W. er street. lel2
CA N SAVE fofootls •to ..J.5 per e e th. ay purchamag
their OIL CLOTHS direct from them onnlactarer ,
NI rrtm fa CARMICHAEL have op anal • war"'
house, N 0.135 North Thad *meet, above goer, secon
door South of the Eagle Hotel, 1.1151At5.,....• where
they will always keep
. on hand a cotaplete •11nrs11;
*ainitivor,„...-wmidc:"Wi,°Z, '..10„t,h,:-,,.',.1L-,.., tm
the insane. on Mtisliti Willing and Linea. 1 able 011
Cloths of is moat desirable [wheats, 35,10, 46 and 51
Orbs. wide. Floor Oil Cloth., innate mates to II feet
wide ; well se.oned. ad the newest style ot pallOpta •
all ot their own raanulacture. Trunspareut \ Vim/ ow
Shades, Carpets, st.c. All goods warranted.
rarffdalffm - .
Idanufacturen of
N 0.1154 South Front Street,
Bath of 'I 4. Witsara's Cabinet Ware Mantsfy
A LI, order, left with S. S. Moon, at the when of the
1 Merchant's lime', Pittsburgh, wall be eminently
ended to. THOS. G. DER a Y
sold-illyA. C NICK ERSoN
Valuable wed Attractere Bear Books.
L AMARTLNES Maury oldie Glizeobus, 3
,uituts' Life ofChevalier Bayard; N mo.
G. P. B. James' Life of eaty the Fourth, of France.
vols—l 2 mo.
Smith's Consular Cities of China: 1! mo.
Meander's Ltte ofJestaaChisst; s no, =palm.
Marvel's Fresh Gleanings; or a Imo, S.beof from the
old fields of Conunemal Europe.
Capt. Henry's Sketettes of the Mexican War. 12 mo.
Gimp's Story of the Battle of Waterloo; PI mo
mer ut Srodana. Jacob Abbott; 12 ma
Stsmondt's erature oldie South of Europe; 2 vole
V/ Eno.
Ruzion'• Atlventuts, in MPSICO and the. Rocky .
MOLISIULIur , yY me. nundin
lb:lath...tan Works of Rea. That. Chalmers. D. D..
The Ptarucal A.tronomer. by Thos. Dick ßelknap. D. D HIRLOIi.I , 1.. 1... D.
Life of Jeterny I of New
I lam pcla re.
Luther and the Reformason. by John Scott. M. A
2 vo a.
The h4idille Knirp.lons, with • new map of the Empire
by S Williams,2 vol., 12 mo
'The flower of Me Pulpit, by Gardner Spring, D. D
IS mo.
The Bethel Flag. by Gardiner Spring, D D. 19 mo.
Tenebula a Selance, the Teacher u, &matt by Rev. p
D. R. IlaIL
The Coax lus Coon and People; by John S. Maxwell. g
Lecturer on Shalt spear , by H. N. Hadrian.
The Artwits of Amenca—lllustmted with nine engro
volga on steel. a nd conraiorug sketches of the lives of ,
Allston, Inman. WegL Stuart, Trumbull. De Vet on I
Rembrandt Peale and Thor. Crawford; Trumbull. `
The Oraims of France; coutammg sketches of the ,
lives of Lamartose, Then, Napoleon. Dutton. Miro-
beau, Rutarit and others, with portraits of each.
141:711ice::!‘9‘tr.r.ahlr:a and Ilarsh hu 4.1:; . 9 v i tnls 2 .
v F/ ol mo es m,
IleodicY'n Sacred = l a tan n
The above. together crab a large collection of Stand
ard Works, Clamocul and School Hooks, for sale by
JOHNSTON & S N, TOCKTO Bookreller,
led canner market and 3d ats
TRW AND Arraecri FE BOOKS—Chtilmera tie
.1.11 loot work, 4 vols.
Chalmers' Daily Scripture Reading;
Memoir of the Life of Ms, Fry ..Ind vol;
The Conreubby the author of 'Schoolgirl in France:
Lady Mary, or Not of the World. by Rev C
r. I.
Margaret, or the Pearl, do
Mark Chalon, or the Merchant's Clerk, do
Life of Pollok, author of -Course of Ttme;"
The Listcner. by Caroline Pry;
Leamres on Shakspeare, byR N Ruda.:
Life of Oliver Cromwell, by T Headley;
Napoleon and bit Marshals
Waaltingtou and his General, do
Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D D
Bethel Flog, do
ReligionTeachrng by Examplv; do
Pulpit Orators of France, tr., Turnbull;
Genius of Scotland, do
Life of Rowland Hill; Free Church Pulpit, 3 vas
Orator. of France; Now and Then; Beattine'S Poem;
l d ina /I ' s n' oi n t i g ne au r t ; tew, adapted to Utlion Questions,•
Arthur's Popular Tales--Riches in the World."
"Making Has. to be Rich." "Rnchea hove
"Keeping up Appearances" *Debtor and Creditor.'
For sale by ELLIOTT ar. ENGLISH,
7, wood and 56 market St
RECE/VED and for sale. n Inlet choice Pianos, with
and without Coleman's .'opal; attachment, by
Norma& Clark, N T. One of Nunns & Clark's Plano,
with the Attachment, was taken to England be Mr
Coleman, and among many other msturanuals of ad
for this elegant specimen of American skill
and Ingenutty, abetted the 'allowing remarks from
S. Tlmlherg. the greatest Ptanom
lartart. /an. IS. 11.4 k.
My Dear Sir—ln each:mak a termer to my fnend, Mr
Ernest, Pans, I cannot reirmti from age. emotes mttg
to you how much I wa• pleased with your “_Eu ban
Attachment." whteh I consider as a germ musical tin.
provement. I can as you that ou toy mu sical
wah great pleasure do my uunost to make your Meth
uon known. For sale by II KLEBF.R.
_At Woodwell'• furniture rooms. :Id et
Eln BOOKS —Lottennka in Europe; or Sketch , .
of Travel In France. Belgium. Switzerland. hal r.
Austria i
Peuesta, (nem Broarn tint Ireland, with • m
appendx. eoututning observattons on European chart •
ors and medteal institutions. By John W Pursue. M 1)
Angel:.- a novel. By the author of "Fatidia Wyttd
ham. • -Tyro lid Men's Tales." ew.
Salt-ennui - 11, a novel. By Mary Bruuton, author of
••Dise ipline "
Vui 111. DalyScniatural Itesedtaes. By the tote
Thomas Chalmers. D. D. L L. D.
Part 4. The Tustusand and One Ntghts. liarpere' Il
lustrated Cti/1101/.
W. basu We Cottager. n hook for children By the
Wall. 01 ' • l .- .llrll Herbert. - be.
The above work/ re<lVed 11. day and for sale by
ted4 JOHN:4'l'u:: a. tcrocKTON
VENN' BOOKS—Memonals of the Introdocuon of
Mettual.m into the Innatern Brat., comprtanty
luograpincal nonce. of ...early preacher.. sketch , of
its nra churches, Rita remnaseence• of It. early ,trug•
au , had bl . Het. A Steven.. 'A. NI Just
Memo. of Rev David Abeei. D. D. late Mtamostury
to LAuta. by In. hei.hru. Rev Li H. Wollameott
dot Merchant's Cl. irk, by Rev Charles
B Taylor. M A.. author of - Kee ord. nt Hood Man's
•• Lady !dm -Margaret. or tire ?earl." Ac. de .
The above, with . . large ...noteut of uew brook.. on
hand and just receletng ELLIIMIT A ENGLISH,
angl 56 market at
I:NC/L.lSn BOOKS-11.ply of the woes Iteld
o.ut.on. mul of the wars and yamnntgns munng
:coal sirogatea on' tireek snots in Fotanetpsn
. n.• f country trout the 'ruttish Voten-in M. 001-
Cup) wlth molter. s snaps and engem
••• 111 , retcn a' W ILom 111,
lin tor. vonrnst, tn 2 .1.
to 11,‘..dv 1 ,r.pturr.
:110 , .ura), utr•ilmt roma nre, cogra-
, UT t . 4 the Ile:y Land, French Stage, and Sketekccs
.n , 11111, J Lift rrc'd and for sale by
TOaot , lll TO ills Lan I 3 roar, 1110Cra
Canal Packet—PENNSYLVANIA. Capt. Jeffries.
Ttmcont ea, •• Pollock;
Lakil Eat. Traby;
Parrozna. Brown,
The above new and splendid Paasengar Packets have
commenced running between BEAVER ANDIERIE.
and will run regularly during the season—one boat
leaving Firm every morning ate o'clock, and one lean
tog Beaver every evening. immediately eller the arri
val of the steamboat filleribran from Pittsburgh.
The boats are new and comfortably furnished. and
will run aaell
through tit forty bouts. Nigettl m sny
point on the Lnles, or• to Niagara Fall., will find tuts
route the moot col:minable and expeditions. Tleket ,
through to all ports on the Lake ran be procured by
apply mg to the propnetors.
F:ED, PARKS K Co, Beaver.
JOHN A CA CORKY, AgtOntahurgh,
cos. Wate r and Smithfield sta.
AGENTS,--Jas C arrison, Duffel°, N V
C Re H ed, Floe ,P.
C C Wick, Greenville, Pa,
INV Purloin/ and King, Big Bend. Pa,
Hays A Plumb, Sharps burgh. Pa;
C Malan, Sharon, Pa;
D C filathears, Pulaski, Pa;
R W Cunningham, New Castle, Pa. ry I
1848, a,
13 F7TWEILN Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johnstown, Hal
lidaysbargh,Water street, luapungdon Goland Pc.
This Lino was formed crolusivety for the special me
commalaton of the way hue... The Proprietors,
thankful for Me very liberal ratrowe they have re
ceived dorms the last two pubs, traWd respectfully
br a t heir friends and the public that they Sr. now Mill
brct prepared to delver roods at any point on the
Calm! and Bad Wads, with prompt.. dispatch.
Fir kwortb fr. Wood., Johamovrn_
John millet. liolladaymporgß •
C A IWAnulty 3r. Co, canal lamin, Pine. rgt.
Rmrczastrms—Pittsburirt , —Smilh it Smeltur , J lc 3
Mr Dems; O& J H Phoenbergeri R Robinson Co; R
Ettore-, Ilagaley South; John Parker; Wm Lehmer
Or P Shocnheror.
Pennsylvanla Canal & Rail Road Li..
pros...rut Packet Line,
flaclustvely for Pamengen )
subtle are respeepully informed that hi. Line
o commence running on the grit ivst. and eon
hone throughout the eteason
The beau are new, and of a superior class, with en •
forged caning which will drive greater comfort. Ti
cars nee the kneel eonstruc.o
boat w calla lways be in poll and travelers are re
quested to and eithillne them before en fen
La dollars through.) Otw of the boats of
this Loie le 111 leave the landms iopposoe V st Hotel,
comer of Pena street and Canal every night at nine o
clock rime 31days For InfOrmallon apply al nee
(are, hlonongdhela Houle, or to 1) LKFICH &Co
Canal Basin
Mershants . Transportation Line.
00Dtt coniugned tn ewe will be forwatded
T.wittlout Aelal at the lowest current rate*.
C A bIeANULTY & Co.,
Canal Basin, Penns t, Pittsburgh.
2711 and 363 blatket st, Phil'.
019 Smith's wharf, Bahtmore
_ . _
nia 1848.
SHwirlr me U- C a it ‘ r th r L'" ;
daily. Produce and merchandise Men at l ' oe7 n ra v t ' e u e.
Merchandise from Baltimore brought out at Cattail
rare.. Time, fi v e days. J C BIDWELL...AV,
Water it, :I doom above Monet. House Pittsburgh.
myl7 99 South Charles at, Baltimore
. _ -
1848. 1.41414.,
[Dr Tune,
6taT. LU
M""th"l 3T i.c
I = a DUNCAN A6ema.
. r ittemstb. L
evien.kv & Buss re,
) 49 47 141,1 Meat, Ra tilitet•
.. .. 'h
one KS.'
TC,IXprjuENCEID judge, on a trod oi and a
JEJ millions, since pronounce Wm arnele unsur
passed for durability to the constrocuon of all told, of
lcurnacea Felon 5'1.1.73 cash for load. of 11) NI, guar-
Indeed nine months use. Orders tor a second quality
.Solivar Bricks will be executed at per hi, ti w de
nted, without pommel , A stock of the firer quality
sa now for ante at the warehouse. 'Sloan'. Wharf. Ca
n =l i t b 7
Kensington Iron Works
PHCRNIX FIRE BRICKS—The subscribe:fa nee mg
been apposnled sole Agents by the Inatome to rem.
for the sale ot the celebrated -rtment: Brake." are
stow prepared to till orders for any quantity. at
cosh, per LOW. For um coledrucnott of turnards
all ktud, thee.. bock. have 6(4111 pronounced by rou perent Judge , se t
two, .upersor to all other bre brieltr
now IA use. 4' A nEANuury A Co, I 'anal Ss,.
mi 49
I OK ISTb:/111. BOATS.
PORTABLIK Foßtili.›/. vet) . cnovrmeitt
1 Bellows ell the forge con tic Cart
410. by W01...rt. A ie. , .u.n ree'.l ,or sain h)
_CA May tmh, at the School ot die Sixth
•. Ward, Pittsburgh. Hy R. M. Ilrericenridge
Pt&lathed by JOILNY.TON & y roc:li lON. and for
Pat, by all the Rook.tiers in the city. ,yd
IArINKS-4u qr maks and '2n
IT Malaga, and Madeira Wine.. contnriting some
very dunce and sapenor brand., received and nir sale
uecomtuals tang terms. by
rtyll tt , A M ICU 101 l st
L A.juftsn, Ilurelt berth's brand,
J MOD Co, ne weed st
r 1111i.iNtlk.D DAILY, 1111. W k.FIILY fr. IVYWXLY
At tat Demur BuDetimp, Sd a., roar am Pad Was.
Ono latent.. ol 1: Utica, or lop, C P . 5 ,1 1
liN.,, InEtertlon. grothoat alb:lntim:lL..., ~. w.•
Flare • •ir . 1 b o
•••• .....
One 15( rmk ~ „
.. I eO l
Iwo Weeks '• •,
:I 1.. ..:
. . . . . . ..
... .. ...
.... . . . 1 4 6 W O:1 0)
Three •• .• .• ‘. 300
i ,Ikt IN6-013 amik• surnor Oats. rred per ,moose One Mon., t• -
J Dilayence and 101 . sale 6y i.
got J Jr. It FLOID, Itonnd Church Buildings I Film& " "
World. LT Longer advartmentent9 ID .....rr n.0. ...
51‘VErr MALAGA WINE-2u yr casks sweet Mula 1 any ant Ono aquare , 6 moult., wabodt au, o ~. 1,., ou
ea WOIC-41.11.1 received tutd tor ante tty
°•-•' a MILLER & al 'KET .... Lb 00
r.lllOl. be aciratted vvitt Dna'. hovered Cbtramal ,
1 who will produce n spot of paint. Xreen ot dry, that . . 1 , 2 „
tact additioonal for 6 monlba, b co,
l ‘rE.- - n , INDIA RON liV--5 Mid. As: laittli)L4 and soap . I have Put antistaMmn of raying to Inc people of i „ „ . 9 • ' • "'
I: " ...... Ick 00
Vl' Mr.. li . t JA.lth,Dl DALZ ELI. MIA lace, :hat at& article, by my OWn amprovemem on 1 000 „ .
~ ,, ,,, wo . p 1 ...,, ,,, lb 00
,ett _ . .24 venter • t t , mw funds unn•alled In tine...airy for extracting t square, 0 moo. . °
WI-II3OIV iv LANN—.SOI Lca NAI tor sale to create , tat. purl& ell, paint. or ..7 ou. , greasy .1. I . "it •.
o. "
.. r- W u ,
)lA4 N V YON lit IDINIIORNV & .tanee. tram all k,nds of gentlemen •or Ins! mit u tu u,,,, k",,,,,t, wd ,,...„. q .,, ‘ „ for 11 rt g 0.,„.,,,, .. iu
- , ---- r &rat., • Moths memo thaw I. lanit , :mime., 'r ya ~,,,,„,,, ~, ~a , ,,,,,,, rewalae at Osman., 30 OD
L. 3 II mr itars-10 Km; .\ 04 .....unat tvt, J uttitlit...tB
.tc, ,J,,,,, r tja, ng any dung thy. pare vetoer WU! not Each ,a,,,,,,,„ 4 1 ,nare, 6 months, 800
0 sole I.y )111 s r 1. , tiN DONNOttP.N.I A 1 Er
~,,re. MC:- 11. , 1 one Ihommod cwt.... In different
- - rur sat, an ral-W IP ttall.T MILO.
11-01F—il bbls melded, 1500 los (Ince, iut /A r ' , ) part* Of the I ountry kaye tend Me wry would Dot On , 51 60
13 II S F VoN uoNNIIOIts F,I. o t wanant tt, dit east one dollar per cake. In tryout this Ou7 wyuare 5 1..,7 ,,,,,.1
Soap on more than 3110 moles of light 11Ik1 , mats, al- .LI .1.00 31
' 1 11„ ACEEREN o 21 023 , . haLf and qr lattis, tor ptctu, and enheoes, I 00,0 only found three teener or 1111111= CLADS.
111. ..Ie by oil S F VON BUNDDIOKST & Ut' , silt. two of alpacca, and four of esheo.ort wheh a 1 , , .. ~, i n ,,,, opt agar 6 011
13 . 00 118_0 d o . ..... 1 .,. ,0. By t om& •Ai do changed dm color, therefure before pathos
. 0 on a hgb, ~ rl7 . 1 . • • ••• . • .
" ma months 6OU
J.)loocheater do, 11.5 do horn do, tor sale by d.a 2 0 7 • 111-1,1 4" o f ‘ 1.1.. " .• ar". ~ 1 1,. ......... ,
~ one )ear, dad) , & weekly, 10
au I know to be atrunly true
B F YON BON d o HOILNI &Co 1 ..., 11111. , 1. , .., W re“. 1..." 0 00 9 ...ger khan
Nll Nom " so months "
•OYesTinlll.llTS 11 w =RSV Puss.
1 1V1AbCylMitE --Wl.r"
. I byPor'' 11l
ti'ld'awha'lriEll'lßS'd "" 1
For 3U lines, or inn, One resortton, ...,....... 50 56
:DEER SEINS-31M lbs for sale ioyr to mum 1 , decßil
ILICOL. Jyll rttlEN 11, R_HEY tr. Cu re
_ - T EA„,_3O Mat cheats V 11Ten, 30 do do Impertal do ~ '' " Three, " ............ 100
. .h pat handout' and 3U do do Ounpowder do; 30 do do blank dos 50 1.4 - ' " Three mouthS, . saw
LIR/a/ l E 3s—r ..." F `,trigAN,, Bow k;,..,, ot 1... .porl•det and Y kf, In store and for was it,
r Dar ask bY " " " So o ........ 6ou
" rrn TU (root al IMIF BROWN 6 CULBERTSON.;
-. " " '['yacht • .......i. 01/
LLIMES Mr no Use Comniaou Prepared Chalk, are
Orion not aware how frtgitt . ul; • ,burarus t ma to I
ins llama: tow C0a,...110w rough, tar.e •oa - , yalmow, 1
Lad unhealthy um appears ally, usury prepared I
Mallet Berdes, it trinjuramoi, contarrung a .a oke quern
uty of lead. We have prepared a beautaal Vegetable
article. which eve call /ON blte'S. bl'ANlbll LILT
Witrru l‘ re perfectly innocent. bemepunfied of all
deletermas qualities, and It treans to ate skin a natu
ral, healthy, alablvaer, Mar. bymk white, at the same
tune acting as a cosh:mut on the skin, making it wft
and .000th.
Dr• lames Anacreon. PTactit al Chemtst of Allen.-
chase.. Ways. -Atter analysd; Jones a Spanish Lally
I Whir, I find u possesees the most beautiful and natu
ral. at the same tune tonucent eetute I evee
saw. I
certainly can con. etttlum. y recommend It. as< to air
whose ram requires beamllmlying "
iß . Pv‘cr 15 cepti a boa.
Sold by 14 NI JACKSON, al his Boot and Shea
Swre,tf/ Lcltoerty street, head of WOOti, at the sign of
the gig Pont. ,Z.
Ladies. ladies, I'm astoniabed,
When you know that you are promPsed
A natural, Itle-Ilke,.nowy white.
' That you wilt stilt use cpannon chalk.
Add look a deathly ye Mfrs fright.
The theme at Janda. and of talk
It pa would Use a Imaz of /ONE'S Lilly-wh , a
would glee your skirt an alabaster yet natural wh•te,
land at Um mimaxao 111. e'er° .d improve It. boat at
JACKSON'S, e 9 Liberty at. Price 25 ce m e per i,o.
1510. 911UILLASti BLIP, Sli,W V OILK.
SV FIELD ode" , lor val.: at tile losvcsi
Manufacturers.' prices, a very wort.
Erwin on PAPFIkI, comprisiug ever, Pvtrlulc vcriely,
adsptal lodic wants of eol.l.l[lller3 .5 .11secuour of the
country. Paper of all kinds wade to order at .Lan
cc Bock of PAPER is unntivnll'i larße
a part of which. of very sttperior qualtly.
PAPNIL filAK—Eft 81AT1C4,111.1.8
of nutty do•er,ptiOn. imported and kcpt constantly on
' 11trr' Oath, Fourdrinier ts .ssra
Bleaching Powder, Blue Ultrunasuse i Ttyanc, ,i s
P. 1.68.1
Clk IMIC Rope. Ora. Rope. .
purv.ard. ior wnsch the ILlchezt pricetlash v,ll. bg
17%37 New Vork,
Dr. W. P. laalhOld'il Premium Plaster.
`I It. W. I. INLAND, of the Mentual of
adelphka now otters to the public his Indian Veg
etable Premium Plaster, lie qualities ot won... after
long sod tried expermuce, hos been aat.afactortly ea
tablialud. TO all women who may be anheted
nd• Ina
Prolapsus Ulan. or Fallen ‘Vomh , lie
plaster, guarantranag `sure and apdedy cure 1.1 the
port apace of front two to thee weeks, ti applied watt
care and rest--disTardiug bla the
and copensive haittlages ao lung 10 11... T . . 144 he I ..,
ou maims. 111•Sratiril aa be L." .at la.led
one Tape t Cl 6tree hundred ni d tifty-three p..-
Also fur rthetlOl4.lll and Veak Itreasl or Back, al
-1 tended with paro. there I. Oinking ea this Plaster
affordmo telt, or etlecnor a c are p ot sg i„,
L corner of //141.a.nd and Mut., at
Braun h Rene, 14tertg ant ht. Clear oh.
lh 1 Sergeni ardoral at and Ihainond, Atte.
agehtieuneYo Detunan and lAamon“. 13icrtung
A GREAT ClllLlDdrieritased try= • • • • Isar
Gland gamine Liar Pill, prepared and • by R L •
Marne PaClall,Westalakink ON net
Ally 196180. A
Sdkrsr—Astare otrteglayatileal lliaditual
=wants hark arylonalits teeitrany la Dear et yotejaag
celebretcd Liver Mi. I base deterred doing akr yam
adhering to Deny Croasta seasint, , ate ant you are rtleds
thee a shed.' ( Most of the may prgaratiors of amperes
ad gawky laded to the elties, has soak into adiritatenee
your lever Pxls ham beenoffared to the pubtie, eari. imkeed„
I bears they al •-ourvim them all, ea they are Jan .bat
you merest:et them to be I hare beim antic= ,rot Warr
Compliant from my youth; ham suffered =chi ogkrya
imarty enamarsicians, to whom I paid =a =NM Wm
list much tea vomited and pe/ . red =Kam Is
=a tetb- = sor titoses, and Dua ll y 'nen up es hearata
I es indowd to to you Lim Pills, and SOON oar
all ALLthat box of welch le how sakimt to pmeelar
of pun to Me Mks, ad all the other eymptems b, at tellat
ID mouth, Your 15Its mho Me brucatharde I ever mak
bang mold, net groping or gang much alma a the sae=
air, but pm tee mach relief I Ism
boon,than is my earl
kw oer 7 ymira sold &madras of ad c a n maw
beard a
he • complaint uttered by any am who has mad
them. They ham superseded almost army oder pill la this
area:naiad, ad in short mow will =at, tier sil.
tarnaly =wasted them to all perm& =ding physie,
whether kr Liver knesphott or BMWs Alai= I ame
nder them ter superior to Calomel or= She Pill. Regewe-
I'L I i .. Y AVV6III—As Wan other Pills tte e 71=
catrkro La= Pills, peas who art= OXNUINC area
ask for ad take nectar than her. prepared ad add by K
6 SELLERS, No 57 Wood-at =am Third sod Para
aid by Dr. Cases, leilth Ward, I) M Coax, Al
ifiWropitity or the Wester Cowes
Docroa BENJ. W. MORRIS rename his eat=
thanks to the Mama of Pittsburgh and Allegheny
any for the very liberal suppon and encouragement he
has received warn the laat six mouth. That the Wa
ter .10 should acquire such celebrity, at
Mr= rious,when is consulered bow vat
a number of ewes of every variety of thmenses, bath
acute and chronic, bare been cured by a judicious ea
of It. In Germany, where a ongruated, six thousand
of the worst macs, that were given up by the most AU
ful phyvicians of &trope as incurable were cored by
the immortal Prieardece the founder of 'the Water Care.
In &glad, Prance and Amenea, thousands of boa.
leiC.C • have been cured Lp It. and the numerous
Ilydropattuc atatraments sow in ammeter opera
tion in the United States, speak volumes to favor of thir
Pr lcr ' Morris having peraumeully established himself
in the city of Pi
Penn three doors southwest a tr.
k lley, on Penn street, is now prepared to take •
number of =ardent and =at them at
house, and
w i l l who prefer bang heated at their own dwellings,
will be punctually and ahfully attended. Ile may be
consulted at his office ( t ool I o'clock tilt) P. M., and
from 7 to l 0 in the acorns.
N. B.—Every variety of baths made use of in he
Water nu, both for Indies and gentleman, cm be eta
tamed at the Athenaeum, on Liberty street, where they
have been recently erected for the express are of Hy
&overbite patients, and where every attanuon will be
given by the polite and aUenuve proprietors.
Gress& Bugligsh Itemedy.
VOR Conghs, Colds, Asthma end Consumption! The
r GREAT AND ONLY ItEs'illlDY for the cure of the
snore diseases, to the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP
LIFE,, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Huebert, of
London, Fffigland, and introduced taro the linked Stoma
ander the immediate superintendence of the ininratiaral
Tbe extraordinary success of this medicine, in 1K
care of Pulmonary diseases, vrarrents the AMlltiCall
Agent In Mliciung far treatment the worst possible ea•
m• that can be found in the community—cases thatroek
relief to Own from any of the common remedies of the
.and have been given up by the most distingnishesl
physlcumffi as confirmed and mourahle. Thu Hungari
an Hulse. has eared, and will cure, the moat desperate
of cases. It is no quack nostrum, hot • standard Eng•
medicule, of known and established efficacy.
Everyfamily in the Malted States should be supplied
with Hueban's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to
counteract the consumptlve tendencies of the climate,
but to be used so a preventive medicine LEI all cases of
colds, coughs, spitmig a blood, pain in the side and
chest. irrion and soreness of the lungs, brochitis,
difficulty of bresung, hectic fever, night sweats, =Mei- •
anon and general debility, asthma, mduesma, whooping
cough and croup.
to large bottles, at 41 per bottle, with full Elec
tions for the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, contanung a mass of English and Ameri
can ceruficates, and other evidence. showing this un
equalled menu of this great English Remedy, may be
obtained of the Agents, gratuitously.
For sale by B A FAbINESTOCK ft Co., corner of
st and Wood and Wood end oth stn. mart)
itWil the Rev ASA-81101N, a well known mad pop
titer Clew, man oldie Protestant Meabodidt Chuith
undersigned havlng been afflicted during Map=
winter with disease of the stomach, samethaes pro
ducing great pain in the stomaeh for ten or twelve he
with°. inteMildskum end after haring tried •ariou
remedies with lade effect, was furnished with a bottle
of Dr D Joyce's Carminative Balsam. Tata be rued ac
cording to the directions, and found invariably autthis
meilteme caused the pain to abate in three no fear min
la and in fifteen or twenty annutuevery =MUT
pelisation was entirely warded. The medicine As
tertvards used whenever inditations of the approank of
pain were pereeived, and the pain was thereby prevent
ed Ile conmmed to use the medicine army ate
said sometimes to the morning. and in a few
health was so far restored, that the sufferer was relies
of from a large amount of oppressive pain. PFCm en
penrilte, therefore, he can cucthdeally recommend Et
J a) ste's Curnunntive flotsam, as • wintry
for d.seases of the stutuach and bowels. A aIIID4IIID
Allegbeby city, 1
For sale in Pout:argil so the PEKIN TEA ffiea
79 Fourth street, near Wood, and also at theDrog
Store of if P SCIIW•HTZ. Federal duvet. A lambing,
1 . 3 "1 -1 4 - ol du ty l
I'l ewe W my . tellotr C e U rnatn . rea — to nate ' so 4 •
tuure reepecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsa=
01C0 firer used the Balsam, about eleven years ago,
We happy effect of which I then pre an menu& of,
have nod '<versa severe complaints and sneaks as my
lungs, one a Caw days mice, and in every instance
have used We Balsam alone with complete and perfect
stic...ea It has caroled relief and cure in a very few
days It is certainly • sale medicine. Ido not know
that n will cure • fixed consumpdon, but I believe it
will be in many rases a pnwuntive, and prevention to
better rhos mire; I do therefore, for the love of al . =
low moll earnestly recommend the USO of this
in all pulmonary murplairits. I am confident that It
has Leen the means of preserwpor my life to this day,
Boone June In, '46. BENJAMIN rA.BSONB4
Pin sale by 11 A Fahnestock, Co, corner first and
wood and also corner wood and Oth. Alf
SELLERS wtreatm.. SYRUP,--It has
pow. to cure! Prrmatmon, Feb. 14,1E47.
it. E. Sattaxt—ltly wife has for years been subject
drstressiug cough, accompanied with asthma, (or
the cure of which she inted different cough remedies,
sitithad the advice of the most !Mine= physicians 111
Eugland, btu all ants unavailing. By chance I beard
or your Impenal Cough Sy nip, and was hiduced to buy
a bottle (or dull, although I had rua belief that anything
could remove her COMphallt. TO my great =grim,
two doses gave her immediate relief. She is at times
troubled with a cough, but two teaspoonallid f Syrup
always stops et lam satisfied, idler a trial of thee. or
tour i , ears, Mut Seller's Cough Syrup is the best cough
tuctiletne have ever tried either m the Old or New
World. Wk. PAnDovimi,
_ . .
seventh W ud, bay of DiaStanikr
The above certificate should halo. all who aro
troubled with cough or asthma, to give the Syrop a tri
al. it may be bad for
i r s cas s its a bottla, s7 t od the drag .t
more of
*chi by DT Casual, 6th ward, and I) II Clury, Ana
gbao y easy. , 0.14
- -
Patent Mont Spriotg Tpsuno.
Ell/LY INVENTED—For the relinfand Permanent
LI Cara of HERNIA or RUPPURE. (nniteil ail
saes )
superior Maims of Ors Truss consist la the eoctu.
tenure° ems with watch it may be worn. Tim pad of
gram mug) neatly balanced on springs, yields to prose
rote nn boy part of it, and thoroughly adapts itself to
my movement mode tiy Yeutter. It coot worn
umum, ,otermilamo, anal cure I. Maumee. The an
te, hers hare made arrangemenui for the manufacture
al t its fel ralaable Tras , 2S, in a superior style, to Pallal
e ,
• u. mad hae them now trar aliie at their grime, No.
77 awl/60am.v nem VW, YntsbumA
rel.l D. W. KAEFFNLA N.
ELLERt3t VEIINIMIFr- - 14upenor tO any I have
rver tilted."
lixamA.X Tr., Fayette coonly, Va.., March o.'4+.
Mr It. Satamm-1 hereby comfy that I hare rased
your Verrurfuge in my Carroty, sad believe It mirml, if
not roperior to any nave ever used. I gave tootle of
nI y children one done, vrhreb expelled about OD worm.
- -
Prepared and cold by R E SELLERS, 67 V) owl in.
Sold by Dr Cum!. Sib Ward; I) SI Cony, Athegbeny;
W South, Teinperanceville; and P thsvo, Law
renceville. my{
YRINGES--An assortment toot reed and for sal
sj LY my 3 J KLDD