j;ø' M=! GROCERIES, ko. JaMb3d.-111;7TCOISON asCo„ . 4ger.‘• for St. Lon.. Steam &war ftelinery, No. 45 Water and PJ Front weer, pirabpro, pa,,, have in stoat the following me a aortment reliisds42-01, for Gale bw 6 his do.bia. - raned largo Loaf, 1060 tails Nov. 2,4, 6. 6, 2. and . o sardldoi swab Powdered; 1310 do Ch ad; 46 dri /agar sad Molasses. 148 FIELDS Moo N 0 Sugar, .4. OW, Loaf Sugar,ltos 2.11.1u5d VI do Primo blear Odranaldolnaaop, '•i7 no' ” Sugar Ilona, L do • In store od for sale as - • - W & AI MITCH ELTREE., la; liberty a ielDoll'S coke Sods Aoki, beaded M I pee e le; uSow" v 1; dR".. 3001,0xe. tIASIO" 8° doi bog. " 1' Pr'n 1 tuxiM r" al e by joliN GRIER, liberty et "EvitlEali VINVZIJT MEWING 'fOI3ACCO—Mre Jr Miller's and inn Anderson's, Ott reed and for sale by HEALD, BUCKNOII & 41 north water and 16 north wharves, __—io24 Philadelphia ARA LEAF TOBACCO-39G bales Yara Learro ' bunco, orrappery, and auperior quality—l, 2 .d 3 eau * —last landing from brig Anthracite; for sale by HEALD. BUCKNOII tr. Co fTERMAN PIP 44-434 b=a end 3 gross German T. Pi;oos, medium bowie. Jost landing from pkt nod for sale jr44 HEALD. MICKNOR Zs Ca ------- T,alSH.lttosso Cruse, Baluniore, Md., will be glad to haveorders from hi. friend. its Pittsburg - Is and elsewhareS for He . purclsase of Shad and Ilerrsogs du - • She season. Orders /aerated with despatch, wad as crates. Marg. for purehraws mar'S FbOUR--25h bbla eiva, (or family oro.lust arriviog and for tote by 'JOHN 8 DILWORTH, 27 wood st CIOFFRE--1.1 1 0 bags prime green nip, miring an 4, k, for sale by_ _ irS JOILN 2. , DILWORTH SO tsP-730 his elneicnati No 1, for sole by irS 2011:4 tt DILWORTH MOLASSE-16 Yen M i ie Moluta., in store and . fir said by jr2S L.NGLISTI BENNETT 13 . 0CEETS ANDTUBS--1 dox pent Bucket"; 5 jyt 'dodo TabN in Mare and 00 for sale s `y ENGLISH a BENNETT 42:ALElidTUS-1600 lb• Just tee 41 atul fbr sale by o'lytt J KIDD & Co FrtITIMI-Prime a rt icle on hand and by 14 - GM) COCIIIR N SODA.A.SII-15 casks /so Maspiati & Sous' first quality Yusesst Sods Ash, is store mud for sale by /yl4 W & Di AIITCHk.I.TRM WO liberty st Dl e rakalElNG POWDER—PM tasks of J. Hasp by s' LP &Sous' floa quality Calonde of lame., for solo W mitemramt LA IDOIL.-23 bills pare Lord OIL in store and for .ssis' by JOS 0 BLACKIittRN k Co REFENEVEEtrAgS7:S toss 111. turre Loin; ono bids 4,1, 11, Tart 8 small do; Rid do crashed; CO du powdered; in *tom and for side by JAMES A HMIIISON es Co. - jyfi r l kgends of Bt. Louis Ste= Sags, Refinery Qll. PIODASSE3 AND tiOLDEN SliSup--s) fib'. St Laois N ti Molasses; 'a do do Golden Syrup; DJ Ikldodod.lo tau gallon kegs du do, tot sale lq • ITS., JAN A ilt/TCIIINON k Co gOWNftLNU'S SARSAHAILILLA— ., rant teed . firrsalo by .10}2. MOHLER, 417 Paat Buildings, tor wood and 5dE p:,. A:METH CAROLINA TAR-110 bbla N C Tar, in good order; for ado by 13AGALLY a. SMITH LS and .211 wood st 0.;3 MACKEREL—DO Ude for sttle by JANOS DALZIILL • HORTS-75 bush Shorts, to cab, by JOHN DILWORTH IDACCIN-14,000 An, hog ro•md, . aomlgnmen , , ftt Ado by 1y:11. JI) WILLiAms, nu wood •t irOSQUITO NY.Trt—A large tot of Mosgutto Netts, JX.L fah wed ptrces, for sale cheep. ALFIANDER t DAY, jygo :5 market st, N W ear pc the datasond TgI,AREGS PLAILLv—A lot of haaduustli llaregr - .UV 06113:14.1Whtch we are veiling al tutees greatly be low what we have ever been abbe to otier the came • rigality for. jr/O AI.I:X AIN DY:R & DAY ‘,..1110T-4,4 kg EAD--140 pigs Galena Lead, for gule by, .11 j 524 JAz A 1t1iTC.111.:54.)N &Cc, MCIM== CI_COTCH eINUFF-500 ltra Just [led nod for sale by , 4114 1 }UDC &Co TIT 001.- sack. 111 sore add rot sale by TV JyL7 ISAIAH DICK bl'i & Co, front at --- SHOULDERS -4 castapr/mo bacon Shonidersou received and Cru sale try Jr2S- BROWN & CULBERT: 4 AM _ _ OFFEI:-100 boo prime Rio Coffee, receiving ,nud kirseb , by jyttd JANIT:S DAI.,ZEI.I. ACVERF2..--50 tails No 3 Alsiekerel, in sto« int far sale by jrn & iiesunutai BARLEY — te O nnnn LbainY, snor cutd for sale by jy2l) n &NV I IARBAL:GIi CHIE-11 b. extra prime Cbeere; 1W do W dui jig* received and for rale by 1 ant WICK tr. .X•CANDLF-SS AITIBTE Ymnit Mute Ream, f IT sale by mail %VICK tc M'CANDLES:3 matoome—toy dos Corn Brooms, for sale by szsgl WICK it AVCANDLESS eZn 1.1.? ai l: prime order, in 6na ' KITM & Co CaersE-83 by.rpieruo W It Cheese, met recd and for side by tatss WICK k M'CA,INDLESS SA.I.F.K&TC/3-6 casks U=io k-atcrutua. for tittle by 5 W I,K a NI•CANDI,F.iit-- VW/ THELIIK-4 0 0 Ibm Kentucky. Frittaers, for mak . SPICEIK—GrOund Cinnamon, Cloaca, Mn.- KO to. in 6 and 101 b Can., for sale by WICK & NINCANDIASS amWTB -4M kis Chocolate, for rale by WICK & ROUND GINGER -7 1 5 r keg+ pre Gro . cord Ginger, For sale by alxo WICK 2c WCANDLEL' , :i L". 5 . D—l 4 kegs No I Les . fLrli k rbole ss STRAIGLITS JA OIL—OS bblo for sole MES by DALZELL mks by OF Cr•FEE—ltO ß baelsotN rl co for ado F L 7g l-11:110 fine Flour, for • _b JOIINIDILWORTII BBLEACHEDMUSLINS—A A Mason & Co. are now opening 10 cams of Illegmbed AlusLins, comprising the best Maims of pillow case and sheeting mustins. (`COFFEE-150 begs prime Rio; 10 do Laguayra; 10 4.1 do old Gov. Java, lot sole by aogl J O WILLIAMS, 110 wood 01 TIETASII 130/.117:6-30 do awes Patent Zinc. at TT manufacturer's prices, for male by angl. J I. WILLIA.MS LJ MORE CHEAP CACOES—A &Mason & Co have eceived another lot onhose very cheap Calicoes, RA ants for one dollar. 4y31 B ACON -5 0. 00.11 lb. Hama eidea and 6hottiders, io smoke bowie nod store,• for sale by Itit.olllSON 6 Co, In liberty DORI IN BULK-61,M Ha Sider, 16,,M do Hums; JL - %MOO do Sammie., m prime orde4 or sale y au. BLIBLSON k Co GREASE -3000 Iba Gieose, =liable far machinery; for aide by aug4 R ROUISON &So 1 ,•13 to COFFEB-160 bags green Rio Coffee. ram reed and for sale by anti R ROBISON &Co , , QUOILB,-80 !Aida N 0 Sugar; 20 bbl. Loaf do, in 13 OM and for tele by aug4 11. ROBISON &Co fIROUND PEER -- 3o h. prime Ground Pepper, '‘ , JI'I kr nk by sug7 WICK a IVCAPIDLE...SS Ml4O ball aunts kcal Young flys., Imperial, powder, and Povrellong Team; 04 catty dodo; lOt Ulm by ang7 WICK riposecco—ma hi J58,.1Ga,144.18, 5a and la, lump J. Caaandiah Tobacco, aupetini brands; lb: 8818 by WICK' & 1511,381.,11,LE. 4.11 D-25 kegs Lw 3' reed end Wr eNe by moo JA)11.15 DALLELL ALUM --4o bbls :cm tet'd add for sale by .dai. . FAHN }",:r/NUCF. S. Co QSLIP-4 , 3 bbh "marl makers," just r'e'd" and for sale by • 13 A FLUNMTe-- 13ED EX&D.-5011:1113e lied Lead, leoperiar,) Jog reed All,'"dr.r4"" ..61 Ji.LUD&Co C at T Ut as bi SOnA- 4001 b...p Cera• Soda, mat teed and Jade J KIDD & Co - - IkArOULD CANDLES-4 0 bo ?Scald Candle, oa A.V.lLsigatbent sod for Salo by m aSELLERS k mcoLs fr•O01 1 i.:-E 94ANSSilies; EMU do Shooldess; IGOU do Ham Cacintlry cured, for sole by • 8 P VON bONN HORST & Co IL7ONLY*A for bares in to Clover, for;oe jl&a VON BONN nuitssr &Co .. LOUISVILLE "U rfA i rO bt .4 ' ltN ' N ' to 'y it-ST & CILYSENO-6 sacks to* land:rig; for sale by ir2s It , MAH DICKEY & Co C °77 .," -66 "I" in " Isi ' Al t i o li UICKIW & CO • OCOECIIP-D SALTS-10 tibia 114 atone: for sale br a I - DICKEI' Lc C.. .RASDDER -5 bisls crop !Madder, now lauding and •JY.A. or f sale by jyp BABALEY & swrit . 4 ACKEREL-- . M bbls large No 3 !lackey J, f tOlb,) IY.IL 4miug sad Oa wale by BAGALEY A. Gcipstoms—A tot of "Rainbowt." sopatior ass Brighton Grupdatone, from No 21 to &y )set seesissa and for sale by jygl ARO & CULAIFIRTSON 71LNALTY—Bortoi Malt, In ttono and tot onto by ira fIROWN & CIII.IIFRTV.ON GiiimiiffOisalolorr by lb bt , Va BROWN & ROSS-4IU haler for &We by le&G BELP VIrN & CULBERTSON EL OW NANYINS—Tvan bales genuine Nan kan4far sale by jail) SHACKLE:I'T dr. W urn.: MEGA Otl.--4 bbla Seneca Oil, re ed from Sall.llB 10 works and for rain by ..area KIER h. JONES. Canal Basin POPLLE LUMlttia, dual Pule Jolee, for sale by irMtf W. W. WALLACK am. Waster. Reserve Cttedeill ore ' end for Pair by 7.1% IHOET DALZ tr ALMONDS -4 slcks 8 9 Almonds, for tpy ' 176 WICK & AVCAISDIAISS _ _ _ A o 3 bbls do d for sole by _o_or J b.R FLOVII TIVITEIt-43 off s Nod 5 Obis on c.n. r ,„, JD . 10 or J & f 4 FI.UYI) BARLEY -8 5 sacks Parley on conorg;nettu forI; _ ant__ tr. a FL,0 , 11,1 Tnr imacco _ so i w ig Tobacco, for solo by WA ATWOOD, Jong A Co 42CORCHINGS—.5eztains S.eoratanp 1.7 for sate by 37. . 11 I . W . trO L BACCO- 50 alas LeaYTobstro,for ATWOOD, JON!, DUCKI•ITS.—EO ma /Jackets for sale by A. 30 WICK Ic IWCANDLESS - - • O • &KUM, PITCH AND CORDAGE—AIways on !maul and (or sale low by SELLERS a NICOLS - - - I\l' O. ISUOAR—GU 6hd. N Al close conswasarn; ; r ot JAS A HLTCLIMON 4. Co cOMME A! WORD. San San I Moon j sou. rises.' phaoce. "5 . 10 - e el 56 — 615 5 11 0 45 7xl 5 10 0 48 9 01 313 1147 941 ; 514 6 46 10 47 5 15 043 11 52 16 0 41 morn .1111r1;rditY, 13 Sunday. 11 Monday, 15 Turaday, 10 Wednexhxy, 17 Thursday, 18. Friday , PITTSDEROU BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEF. FOR AUGUST. JAS MARSHALL. JCS. PMOCE. WrrOwll. Or. Ylr.lt Yrriaacaon Gazarra. Monday Morning, Auguat 14, 14.4,.i The mm kete yesterday were generally very quiet, busirimus being mainly con tined to loiwod or retail sales. The river, though gradually receding, has still a suf f iciency of writer in the channel for the present limited demands of the trade an that quarter, and boats of the middle and smaller class, are running the regular trips from this point to ports below. FLOUR—Very little in coming in, and sales aro on a restricted scale. Sales in small lots were ef c.ted Item first blinds nt 4.125a4,15, and from store at 4,2 4,3 l V libL GRAIN—The market is very quiet. and we find no sales worth reporting. Prices are nominal and show no change from lost quotations. PROVISIONS—The market continues very inn, wth regular sales to the trade at full prows. Bacon is in good demand, with sales to a fair ex. teat of city cured from smoke house at, for should ers 4c sides, 41, and hams at io 4? DS. Prone western cured us sold at about the same rates as the above, and good common from a 1 to le lower. Of lard, we can hear of no sales to any consider able extent, but may quote the average prices at 6107 c, no in quality. SUGAR AND MOLASSES—The marlict is steady but not active, with regular sad. oC N U sugar at prices rouging according to quality, from 11 to 51e p lb. by the hhd. GREEN APPLES—We note Moiled sales from first hands at 51,25R1.,31c p CHEESE--Smno lots continue to arrive by ri ver, and sales of W R arc regularly elected trout store at 545,1 c p W. BUTTER—SaIes by the beg at 0;391c Q , 111. Freah toll from store at 121 e, ordinary at 10e per pound. BEESWA X—ls nominally worth 10i - k.20 et, p pound. COFFEE—sales of 30 sacks of Hut at Sunk p pound. FEATHERS—We oote .1/les from e in lint lied lots st 31531 e p lb. DRONVXRD.—A return volunteer by the -name of J Rerta, was accidentally drowned from the etea• met. Lady Byron, on her upward trip !mei Lou, vita. The boat hod stopped at Manaus , about one o'clock a• night, when Kens in walkmg round the end of the whorl boat, act-Mentally tepped overboard, and was drowned before ass stance could reach him. Mr. Rerts resided, as we are informed, in Wisconva, and we, on his 14,1 y to Harrisburg, where his relations reside. The fine steamer Stagers. Capt_ Ccx, will leave f o r St Louts direct, this allerupo a. She ts ca a , of the'first class' St Louis packets, a nd uill afford the most agreeable accuutmodattr,a, an d a y t ,„.y., mid safe passage to all who may be passing that v' ay The fine new light {.caught creamer, high Inn d Mary, leaves for Cincinnati and St. Louis. tbi, at RI o'clock' This 1., a fine boa:. and Ler ace,. modations are among the best. 131PCNILTS BY RIVER. Cireelargati—l'er Faughount-30 bg. leadiers , I Forsyth & o;c 1 bbl oil cake, J B Gather., 1 boo gad., Carting, Robertson & co; 3 hhds ham., bids do, 5 bxs starch, Wm NI G,,,rerdy, cskr COl2, J 51cFadea S co; 30 Lida sytar.Ley. :CO d” door, Smut Meaurkno; G 3 bids whiskey, W Lei, I mer & co, 150 bbls door, Ed Greer; 1 hes feather. 4do paseng, Dickey; empty bbl, Campbell geom. Sr Loots—Per Niagare.-4 . 299 the buffalo robe., A Beeleni 144 dry hide., Ewalt & Gethart; l keg lead cinder, D Leech So, co; IS lige sundries..l ao Kerr, jr; 10 Ithde tob, A Wallingford; 30 time meted Bissell So Semple. .Lortiertate—Per Lady Byron-31 coke bacon; ( - 4 Grier; 5 copper bull., I bbl copper, Lavingeton, Roggen &co; 15 eke scrape, 1 due now :atom:are, for, 20 lags featbere, A Gordoo; 12 tihde Clark tt. Thaw; It bgo tesuwro, Forced, alley So co; 1 bbl hquor, 1 keg do, Blowhole]; b xbe wool, Toiletry So 13 do do. 4 t 'tile lard. 2.1 'oer fete there, II Gun!. 30 etc bb].. aid do, Soittb, torte put metal, 51t,:tirdy Lou.,(un 5 bbd. 11.51 Ihd eel! 55 co; IS bhle wheat, 1 bird tob, 2 Oti Dilworth SO - co; 31 eke care and oats. Si iforrage, McGill Sc Roe. embers for sale by ' & M•CANDLE IV lung—Par Cashier-50 bbls dour, S W liarbottgtx 1 box mdse, 13 A Fahnestock; 53 bbl, dour, .V White; 10 rolls leather.] B Baud; 1 boa nt., Htebeili 9 hdLs gaper, 5 C 'WI; 2 h.r.s, 15 bbl, apples, 147 pea por' o c, 17 bbl tluur; owner a. board. Paoonsnyz Dv liocitACl ...Or a Picrirsc of Lo ortfocoiska, from the commencement or the Aciminiis tration of James ki Polk. down no tint nomiaatimi of Gen. Cass. In !Thyme: By C. S. Ainsworth This 0007 nmoowg .ror k, which has lately I c , ti to this city, is fo r sale at all the Book Stores Do. APL sWe's Lim Pius—The'great and ran reds. hag discern./ (or these Pills. is the sorest evident, of their excel' enoe. People try theta and then recoin mend then,[ to their neighbors. No one who hoe ever suffered irom the Liver complaint, or front any of the disease, analog from a disordered crate of than organ, failed I ,rt obtaining relief if be tried Dr. MlarieN Yrlla aid ti.lita they have worked their oven way into pope larir f by the astonishing curve which they aleevery db . ; performing. (Lend the followorg Certiheale: ..blu.ssocao. egarros Co. Pa. "Messrs. I. Kidd Ss Co --Gentlemen. I waste to in form you of the benefit I hove received from the use of Dr. 111Lanehi Liver Pills. I have been severely .IZ /tiered with Liver complaint fora number of years, and have been very touch relieved br the above neon ed pill lam anxious to use more o( theta, an I Mink they will effect an enure cure, and I um confident shed I con sell a good nanny of them. A young lady, an anqoaintance of mine, used one or two doses or mem. and aid they relieved her more than arty pill ens hod ever used She is adhered with consumptioo. or Liver complaint. W. G. 131:11.F.R." For sale at the Drug Store al KI DD Jr. Co, em wend street. gusto EU' Worms by their irritation, augment th- ssete arm of mares or slime in the Inorrineh. in cream, a l. I so, hey Involve themselves; and it is cord they Iced upon it, and ddepneed of it they die. The , le healed Vermifuge prepared be A. li.lllSit.Sl , K;li. Pittsburgh, Pa., te admirably adapted in as operation, fine., to 'moose the protecting mucus, at, tl secondly, to expel the worms rendered helpless and Amder by tie ing thus denuded. his a remedy in win eh every mac; fidenee can be placed; and that it hesanswered the. pun... is man:lest from the hmtdreds of certificattm given to its favor. lei Taal scrim Luck • Conn!—rbe oral Thal, only true sod geriatric Liver Pill, prepared by It 1 ; Seller& Paddervirovrit, Ya.. Ji the 71.11, InnlS \lr R Sellera—`Poore y+vira mime I• • roach ben efited by using your Liver Pills, mid t a ram ti great nuderer now, I enclose you one dollar, and wish yon so mod me the semibold in Liver Pill 4 by eaml. lie particular to send the s isid—the y acted lake II charm when I took them before. Your Prepared and sold by IL 1!.. SELL,P3I H, 57 \ Yowl at. Sold by Dr. Cassel, sth word; D. M. Cu: n- . Allegheny; MI .1. Smith, Tenuperanee,die, and I' Dray°, Lew. tenet:wile. Cerno.e.—All other pule celled Laver Vitlv are covet terfettv or 1/171IMII:101511. jell Cuoncorarly-0,1.0g0n co. V., I uly I Mr. IL E. Sellers—Dear Sir. I lake pleasure in 'dying the good effects of your von. Able Vcroilluge. My children heing stek..andtbinktog it 'sight be worms, I tried s e ... al kinds of Vermifuge, U. out any effect 1 concluded to try your Vern:wage, 'CO tett I did with satisfactory edeet, so much in that Uay little daughter, desr three years old, passed soinethi..g taw one hon. eed worms atone tone. I then renown tended 0 to my ne , ghbom, who have toad It wan suet,. as, su touch .4/ Ulm we sold out tit two weeks the sup ply which was Flesd in for au months, •nd nalir!y evert ,Iny solo, per sou is coming ion,. store for tie It e r.' ernumute ResperSully yours, It M CHAPMAN Prepared add sold by 11. K ill, 57 Wood Si. end told by druggists generally nt NO Atourgh and Al. legherty. ID — The solt, Angehc expel...mu; of some lemalc, Is 4-rateful to view, white the repulsive, coat,. muddy, yellow faces olethen, eau es dtu-rus, —the sumo .ttb mules. Could ouch peut,le theluce. to try u vuke of the true Jolres' Ituhru, Chem.:a. So:si .. they would Ix enraptured with the chan w ge. oohl nave a dells eats, clear, h' ,e every woligunsusesu or eruptiou would be remoy. „. 4 o . oc , Nana —er wluh ice lwm;bldroop counter...to and smltlrrone of lbw, and have hod Ito cis. feet produ?yd, Must Iry 1b,,, the ortg Into !thud, ask for Jo:nror rale ut 3,0 111./N . , .40 EA ty street. =WA . try 'VT 11F.RTS.1 IKyouDoe, y our hair tall all. dove your lour turn ray r burgh , tell dry, or dirty, I prey? If'tiatbo • you can make It 0911. y Cad for Dark VA, healthy, and beauteous ne One heir of tootle ,lad V, have this, you have but:three ahrllu, 1 a o o For ", bottle of Jones' limn-Re vtoratlve. RAf.ll,l. If you have tool Lair you oroahl really be ay! Woe aed at the lovely eller , n lane eltiOurtr . 1 1,1 0 Jo , ore' Corel Hair Restorative boo an It; It Heeds 4,110 V Stead at LAberty at. ooettalawly tzr Stat Bittern, Scurvy, Old Sores, Ecystrcine Eturber• itch, Chaps, Son, Heads, Sore Scurus, Jurors , ttsp is used by many phyr :clans t uft any cursog the above, and wu would out co sell notices we knew it to be all WO same.. I .lre Mnekerel; 3L 1:nil . . AA . lfllC Jones' sr op is pedlo, lior only amok ever known that removal itnpurtues cleared awl boautified the skin, ranking i 3 on, clear. smooth nod white as nu Intuit r. 5..ta by 1.4.11. JACK SON, eti Liberty Covet. !norm in irmt toed and ,p,.JONLZ & Co And pure az monumental alabaser." All females hareekin like the, taNJVG, who are /one.' Spaniel] Lily White. h maketh pure snow). ) rally %white. Sold at Si Ltherty st met. QT Lutes who use Junes' Spawan LA Winne, Lave Canny • • fine grime transparent skill. 01 th,,, Will s attaty any one. Sold aulY Llbed y at novivoanawiy tarVDon't have a Foul Bream--It you h a ve, o abllling bottle ofJonea , Anther Toota re will luau your broth .weer, white. your woo., &o.— Sold to 1711:1“UON/7 0 &Igor, for rale lo ==il 2=:S EI2MMEM "That whiter Skin of here, thon arrow ... . PORT OF PITTSBURGH. F I ETMAGNETte ,- TELEGRAytt . 1 - I)RY GOODS,- -- i. Iti pi. I 411;111 . 5.5==.5 `C Routh:lee ot Pitlairntrpth ll e. DEW SUNLSLEII GOODS - . Orpnan's Court Sale. - r aax coo ;,.,. Cola .. es t i-5,5,nm,, sperm.. ' N pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Codt of I Coriespendepee of the Pittsburgh G aze W .. 1 Ity Fl ...pow opening • hoe stock M fresh Sommer 1 I Allegheny coopty, dated the sth day of July, A. D. I Indiana Election . Ciooda, direct from the Nee , York and Phisadet- . 1040, the uuderogned Administrators of all and singu ; phis Aachen', whom they have been pnrchnsed P-Itli- I Dar, Me goods and chattels winch were Of MaktfieW CI sod:mart, A,Strat 120.. NI lut the last two week, at a very great sacrifice, Mere- Forsythe, law of Allegheny county, deeesdid. wilier , I send you the result of the elstutott for them. bYvc " W offer far ''''..' ba.'15... 4 ' ban ' a e P '''''' 1 :,..“:.. 1e r , ly d P a ' y b o i ,b, ° l7 / ,,:p: r n ue th .g e r. l'rrrip o'clock,' hers of Ailtemitll. an bar Cs received—the table I e.. ever none before In calling the attention of the I Smoot , . 1 callers of Pittsburgh and Its vicinity to our assort- I A. AL al Mat day, the following described Real Estate. T u e , t h it,....we s t 7 ,,,, ve .r, ith the e , trtelce u ct o fou . r u p d ri w ce .i s Ite L o y tg . I the Property of said Matthew JoreTthe, to win low will oboes the state of parttes, and how the 1 o I Ail that certain lot of ground situate In the 3d Ward etnier by whole P o:Vor rend!. a fine chance is now : or 11 . etrY of Pntsburgh, and Menu. on Chatham st offered for procuring great bargains. Amo r e those ; twenty lbei feet. end extendlng back olds ofone just received are— hundred fret. and bounded end do-n. 1.1.11 as follows, A lot of very cheap cold and blk fig'd te atrip'd Silks: I to wit IP-ginning at the corner of Lot N 0.5. to the plan - •• - Light end dark Lawn. ;to partition among the hers of Andrew Watson. Ern . - Gingham. deceased; the no- by Lot No 4in said plan northward -- of extra fine bib ig'd and striped Barege. se s t es I ly one hundred feet. ton point two feet haw inches from arr a very great harp.. ; Chatham street; the nee from sad point westwardly A lot at handsome Cote Pally, for ladies dresses, I twenty lii teen to s lot granted 10 tiny & Dilworth, do fight colored and black Barest, very cheap; I nowowned LI Anios town. thence by said lot south .. ut-w style silk Vesting d o t rely one hundred fret. pi the southern line of snid lot Is very handsome Barege Shawls. No Z. thew , eaocrty . 111.. et lo the Welch Church lot, do very cheap blk do do die place oi beginumg—bring the same lot of ground du Ent blk silk Mantilla Scarfs,conveyed by Thomas Scott, et. ua .by deed dated 251 do handsome as and Parser.. Aloy,1•34:1. to said Matthew Fors).the, and on which is ,in do Anthem) Flowers; erected a brick budding, with blushed stone basement do nen' cheap Linen Lustiest 'lite said building is nearly new, nod is now rented at AI ...o—b fine stock of super French Cloth and Cos- : SI tid per annum. and is one of 'he best locations In the omerea. tonne and colored Lawn Drilllngs, C•shmer- t city torn private residence etts. BBntnict Cassimeres, Bran d' Etc, hr hr. A , And ntro, upon the anote day. at 3 o'clock. P. AL, all large assortment of Prams of all pot-e. Ticking, , that certain lot Of ground, the progeny of said Matthew Clio—A, NI usluts, he., to which, PA Weil as other ant- . Forsythe. situate, ly tog and being of the Fifth Waldo( cies in our Diu we invite the special attention of r ush I the city of Blottlotrill , Memo. twottlY - fitor CAN) lee" . buyecs ALEXANDFR h DA I', Liberty street, nod extending back s, distance of one , Al 75 market at. N V.' coo of the dmmond hundred 1160) ['eel to ,pnite alley, and bounded by pro ; petty in I lolircrove on the one side, and property ot William ACCutly. iipoil liar nher—upon which said lot the., iserected,frOilllll 06 Liberty street, a large ' doubt , t ti 0 story frame dwellinz house, with swite basement; 000 trooung upon fffting alley 5 two tram, d u elionr. with stone basemen., the whole pre - nos.- m ..um tor 1.412- per ASIIIPM. FOr Imo- 11 11111/CUiPTA. 1114PIrt of Robert Ild•Creadw or /lenity i a lac, Attu...toots, or °I.!. BART° , sth street. Alt) . for Administrators. a or•-•15w a ordiT • _ - ARRITEL, Louts McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Lake Erie, Murry, Beaver. Wring - an No 2, Gil son, Beaver. Bai:ic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Camden. flendrieloson, M'Keesport. I❑hi:Wander. Parkinson. CM. Fairmount, Poe. St- Louis. Columbian, Comet, Boyd. Zanesville Philip Doildridge. Moore, St. LOW. DEPARTED. Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville: Camden, Hendrickson. Brownsville. Baltic, lamb., Brownsville. Lake Erie, Merry, Beaver. Michigan N o 2, Gilson, Beaver. Eureka, ThOmpson, St LOllll Pacific, Campbell. Louisville. American Star, Hanna. Gin. America, Calhoun, Louisville . Cumberl.d, Miller. Nashville. The river last evening! al dusk wan 3 feet 0 inches scant, in channel, by metal mark, and fah. The weather yesterday was yery warm. The U aermometer at dusk stood at 64. deg. PASSENGER ARRANGFAIENTS FOR IW For FoileJelphin every evening 11 o'clock, by I rcech's l'ockcks. Office opposite the tinned Suon, E.,.. au b en , P ac k e t Line, leaves daily for Cincinnati. • • Lil A. X. .4•ACtlAer Packet via Broarmieille to [Lattimore and •. a. and 6 naafi Luaeli Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 A r. and 1 /Yantt it anti Southern Mail Coach Una, 0 a. a. I , loll.ll•Wentcru via Cleveland. daily, 10 X. a. ne wtd Western New York, daily, 9 a. st. onit-h.vstent unindelphia, daily, except Sundays, 4, a a. - - - ARRIVALS AND DEFARTURE OF MAILS. F.A.mern Idad via Phllndelpnia. due 3 A. ex., closes Id r. Wex',l Cinch. d, Louis., due Pl. r. er, closes 6 A. di. dotal, via_Uallitnore &Washing...a, due d r. x. ers 5 A. x North NV cstern via Cleveland, due 10 s. x., close• 9 ...as Erie and Western New York. due 8 r. u.. clodes 8 A. ■ rErrus Cxurts-ra Ls strangely destructive to the hu- Man euucte, (or skint) the sudden change from heat to cold, and lM smoke cuuses yellow, dark, C 0611 4. com plexions. Then it to requisite that the pores of the skin should he kept open—that their mouths should be freed from unpunly—'zwes thus the anaient !Lomat, Philo.. photo cured all diseaser-they computed that more Ji.•e• e and unhealthy vapors left through ih thewres of the sam, then any crier outlet of the hody /i is net:es...sr). therefore, to keep the pores open--all humors are dtspilied from the skin from the pores, when they wash with Jour,' Italian Chemical Sosp. I hoveseen cure the worst arid oldest cues of Salt Flamm, I rysmelas. Old Sores. Barber's lie It. Soft Ei.e, Ilingworm, a hen every otherinternal and extents! remedy had foded—tts eSect rendering theskin white, clear and tart, though it he yellow rendering coarse, ts wou deriui rt-rnoves bite hies Tat, :auburn, Morphew. anJ dtefirnamtueut cf the shut—but pervons must be particular end a fur Johns Soap—to be had IMusburgh IsVNI. JACKSON'S. sign of the Dig Hoot, 89 t atrerty st. Pram DJ cents. novl9dkwly ff./ Ottaens are honorsblz Immured that the follow ttt nee the •••1211•11111110eb 0/ •3s bottle of loxes' Co ral Hair Restorottre. li they' doubt our word. they ronot thesetatepeetable elliseas, who have tried it: . . • 511 &co. Beek...llElm st. New York. Mrs. 51a11I1u , M) nlr avenue, liraok•t o Mr \ Vot Torrittkut... 1N King At. New York. Mr Thomns Jxe knot, Aloutour:a H Cutmu, lute burl,' luearlattual S. Amerata And me than a hundred other. abate, though Ott. Int,. u or tube that a arid turf, the hair to grove on the head a: (ace. stop it main, • , d .strengthen the root, minoring scurf and da y our the roots, and nuking It;ht. red or gra;. I,afr as•otue a fine dark look., wad liceping dry, hir•n or acne , law mond. son, etc,. and beautiful. • n ver.y, very I..rt . tune Sold at WII. JACKSON'S sir Liberty at. .r 1" - - Frock Aora. ADD Bodoes Cowl-Limn —lliac long known a. n reign remedy for chronic mica of derangement. the Kornai." of Dr. laver Pills were clot prepared for the follow ing gratitylog evidence of us capacity and curslive po we r 4 in Ay ne oral k. ever, sad Whoa. eouiplaini, Nov IN, far . Kuhl tr. Co.—AN:tut Ciiic Jew . 1 wt”lnbortrte under a verypcsere nnuck o. tne Acue und revrr, I ut L. the use to Nl'Lane's Liver Pi.!• I v•as won restored 14, rerteci 1,011). I 1"-lieve them tu se to clue fur Ittstuu• coruplatats that has ever neeo "Sere,' tor sat, m :nt ,citun of IN., country. JAME:S. SHARPE For lu :be Dtu4 Store oi J. IiIDUS. , VO4 Creel Ej - You old leuua, :cad lhos, and no on;er wh..ker, ,, lotrics• Mr W Jack • , LOWity stltet, ritt,t6tar i t. rube. ust the apFeloruar), 1-47, that Mr. on head. on '4 , :up. w hare;) laid for 15 yenta, sod thntbY u•los, twtP hale. ut /oat,' Coral Hatt Ile.orutivr the It.. grow tug inst and thick *OO th ivv...l6t/LLYS SON, 27, 1120,0 .t,fl VA N coruct of Ltruai nod shotuetet .2 , ra) L- 4 . "Vellow Ice 114 and putrid breath, . gum. like rotten clioguslmr.. .111 ltr,r teeth ika vrElie as pearl, ,„ ,„ •L —,l,luett—nnt or pi.. A ,, 1 44 , 4 9.w lot 'tooth Pon,. 4 „.„ .: . . 45 Calla a t.rautiithi •riir .1 nor liod.k..•ly ni". Nen never attegopt to °4 " . ' ic. ' • w°rtrd"" Wm le. liner valuable mcnbetnea •: u,ed ` 4 ....1 Y ""." ted.or le knave woo eounterteen gretto ermue ki were hallo ;pker of the I, u•nvl II A Fabneorn. 6,, CO .IL 'l. I L O , • rl/ iunni rtlret, get the geuulue a.rucic, pr , pwroe Plll•ourgr, iiAl'kS OF DISCOUNT IIA i CC OF 1)05/0.3U NT --Ck/Illt.C.:3:1 - Flr N. [COL/SIRS Et SONS. swage lirolcr., .t a 55 Di at 1., I rare, no•r 53.• •I Penn ay/yr-331a. 133.110.90.. 11 0 t. •,f 0 t /"..../ frit • ••••iar :00:0 I.;'ir 5 113aucter • 1 :icact.ge Hun: ' Lerch. 3. : lan. Dana • 3/ / r Via-glade -34.. of l'arla ..leipla... • .•, , ...r.V..r.,aringe Ilk of Va • I /ti 30a ••" • • ••• pa Fannerr Et. n/V a• • '• lank of Gan...La/Dorn •Parint. or the V ahoy,-- E Cheat:Er Coon) v• • • par'llk. if Vlrginia• •• • . - " •• Dale a-oro Co, • • 0r0 , 51. &V. 112., WI/celiac 9 31/ixtrarrery Co. •pur do Morcartrovro. • /. -,31,,,,,,0 / /,.. / . c o • • par ;V. W. ISAitt Va.-- i :oleo /0, it" ou,, t ... • • par. do W ellaba rc •. - • • t Itoyic.rosco hank • • . • pa/ , do Parker 0 , 11 ar• -- • • Far/Pero' AS. Eler.d../K•pur' Telaraesr••• Fault,: Hi flock, Cl. j.olf j DO. of Tormesaer. • • ' 3 I:moo,. /3•9 1,, / ,.,.. / • , • piaFar. k 11crch 23 13k - • " Lacca.3ter Co 0.• • • • fltil Co...sters' tik.--- -• • • La oc toter 131: .. •• . cc/ Union ilk. U. /33 to-. liEnk•••••• • ... 1.• 311.ourt. /Crow ...tall.. iii. ; or'Staie 22 of 31,siour.• - . I IV a.:on.cion /31. 9 /1101 - 2 b Caron Ger vow r...::3...:_- • I ',313;•°: Cape F . lar" ''. 2 Co./ / .0. c . ral/arc • • ..... a i ll.. Lit , Nessauri: 0 Caviar aanuo Co. Ilk. 3 4 .01.0. that • .•• •• , lot,tt Coil:lot , - South CALXOiIIIA• ~,,,,,,,.j j. .. ... - Candes 11k...... • - • ' Alaldir :own .- • - • •• • • 1 . 130. of Coaricctoo. • • .• 7 • /iota 19: r., ./ calor/. • I 4.0000011 lit 5 ,i,, , ...0 . ....... - c • .9(1.1.00 raDtreta'• /If • 1 Ho c..... 15• • - 1 I 15. of SelllllCaro ,, i , i• • 2 inarylastd. 1 I aluroarc 1/33.••• • - • par 41 ahrrEc &r,l It lit•cr p .10 ~. ~. . 1 - C. ret,cria.orl the. of A .0. 'Vc•/ lirocr o 1.. _... 9 lace; ;. i IC-', f V.A , ..... • • ••••• ° ji, .1. lit., of /Cary:au i • •I 4 IT 111. ka/t. do • O F. tarn' & N7..1.91..9 TA 1 .. . j .. j . 8 C ~..„..,,,,,...._ 0 I It. C'redeitck ••• • • • Ohio. Fro derielr Co 0.1/.•- • .. " croc lc Rod Bra/10000 I Ilai,ercia ,II BM •• • - 0 Moo ; ,I Vicaran,••• 3 • • • " Ma ... , •a I / Dr •• -•---• -" 1 , St . a .. ...... ." P sua.p.. Bt• -•••• •• • I St .C'...‘ ot,de .......... 0 W aslcap ;ton Eili•-• - • " jj •A If Ifitt J•••••-• 0 Ili.of It cstramaier -• '• ,Etar I -Lobo a• ..... •-• • ''; El 110h 1 / 5 0.3.- Cinciaoct. fiosaka-••••• " Uk. of ..!.. Chor,•• • .-- Caftan , . do• (1. rot, ai, , " 13k. of EU von Ramon • •-- .. • " 51•Chig - 3 1 Inv . Co/ c .. Z ar•c3o /lc • •-••• •- ..-• 0 Far. LI IP cell'. Illi • • .... 5 p o u l am .—.-..._..... " Witco Olin Torrat•y. ‘V00r , ",.• •• . . 7U' If ar ,t Vrc 10.0:ad,: or't. 3 C samdea. ...,,j,,k, ..... .. •. - .Aii.lol,l al Hank g• ••• • 5 /rococo •• • • • - .. • . I .Dua l of -1 9 / 5 11And .Imm/ Clev ela n'a • --- • —..-. i Giold IL Elpool• • fottto. ....... • ..... . • INapolua ta -- • • • • 3 1 49 D a y / on ....... ..... _ 0 11/00/33,- ....5 02 20 Wactern Ileacret •-- " .iingle, oil I .•-. lo o u Etta/Cho Irk Colon/hos " igalila, OCV7 •• •• • 11/ toe Chtllicuthe " Doohloccsa,l4paola h. le 00 ' Lallic Fr, -• • •.. - " Do. l'airtot. -••-- • • 1.5 50 33caa • • • • ••. - - " Sovereigns ..... ••• • 4f/ Laocai,c ..-. ...... -10 'GO/neap •-•••- -- 500 ria.mtliou• • ••. • • Frederick arrow.- -..57 CO (5/.3.0;1:5 S. Ten Thal•rta .....7 ED Err= `7 V ~ D CoAtoc•-••So ,Teo Golitlarc • • - 3DO Urbana ID ;Looirld'ors• • •• • • 450 EC ',teach', • Ir/s rk 0 13 . 3 41C0• Ht of K, 3/Ecirc iii.r.//c., •.•o.or ^ Thitadelphla • • •-• 9pi at Piralc il4 licoloq y • • ://althoure ' • kr ,,, New Ye vt.-env.l3...ekr2 tar latefoLl 311123.-_ . 71 7 'be Bankers , Dlagaafne.• MBE BAN V 5.1214. MiaZINF:, and Nate! Financial lievwed Lo the clis.aminahot , of Bank BLatothaa.tha, principle. of Hank tor, utilit)• and pnn of I die Is.. ie*nee and Aavth. Hook s, FA:tallith and ATerICIIIi I. L! v • Dat•Lonals• so rrlrrer to the ha., nr. of Lt h !,LLA LLO ,I Banters. &o Kthtetl J. sMilh 111 be given ....Ile'"? fore to the Porttcular .tiontton ; mOmpiiittipit Of 700 , 11 1 a 'cottons resperuntr ..oka, Bro. ter., UM? of Eachrtog Noe et Hood?. Noumea_ Damage 4. f. '"' • ett , fork. Prat uyirsitts. klarytend. s o ot, Coroltort. Ohm, I ?mcaw?, Tenn...es , . mod other Stow. Thtr wttl he • •te t ot 11 e room trafeartor I teaterett work, ' f ", gt wt 4 ," 011 lot a the atienonet Pre..l 'to„kkt Notaries nett other? Among , rifler sietnin lis Mips-, ouco to honk ere and otherk, the .Ork ' , fill et n•tato Its? gr a ph of the flanks in every Pt •L. alike Un ton; Iota? graphical etches Cr prominent li.rtoken noroPe mad Allirlteri, (racial Table? rhg del butt.- neks, expenditure?, nod Donn ritti con 'ku" the eery.- rat Y 1 ter of' the l'ttion Th Polfltshed monthly,Wpages 001.0 0 , nf r`" lora par illtuurn ELLIOT T A. I:: if /Ll° 11, 75. W non' .i. multi Acrlttm for 13g Oral , ' M s 4 tine A LION-10 , 0 - 131.71; iAst-1,7,-; 1. 7 05 a ..ghao-ia,, ',A ar 'oak -L) l'y WI SI , VIIN De INNIII))1!'r M. Co _ . . it I _ _ ,)A1.51 SOAP-15 ", (or mile !by //IL 11 F Vt 7N kil VtINIIOII FT & Co 1) 1t . ! ,, E-L5 Hereon ) ; ~..o e tth Eici•dAsz ttlil,,,ls4rgitis, IL' . 1 .) ('lll F:LLItE-411 lorn ex..; Cry.../m (Imes..s 7 ior molbrute,.at eby N... , /V 2.5 Nit !END. R/lEY & Go, I )EARL AAII-7 tanks now lan dint; (5,••51“ by ISA 1&11 _DICK FA kc.. fr 7 n ! ., . -- '74i, - ()" Z: ..:4 '''''''''' '" t ''''''''iiit i"a r tiIIAVORTH _.— 1 jurrbit—,:4l koi •, Itnttnr, far sa la by )„,„4:.15 jou) ; fi DIL!WORTH4 . 1 D ACE E-AIIO 5n • IlgtoOtt, just rat 'd and !or tale by .I)..ljriP JOHN SDM iWORTII QArEt - Y Ft).).; -6 - bil is 111-.,,VP-i. no, lot .a.l/3 by L - 7 "..F.5 . /0111 H DIL WORTH -- -- EtFIMP-1 G 1 basmood Idu acr Z 9 ,lo Naailla do; In stzre-a nd for rak by JAS A HUTCNIS, )P7 & Co COFFEE -151 hie* 11P7;.;/": 11.16 CORNC . o MEM.— .2.1 LW* &nannies ' ;An 4/11)4 Com Meal, both wi .ite nod yellow, In st. 7Ve . and On aide by A& MI ` HAI/AMU .--1 1 ' Q.Ek:ll-5a bogo , Twoonly `Medi 4l bbl a Clavor do . : for role by aogl / & R FLO'. 1) LINSEIED OIL -40 Was Linteed Olt Oa baud Yd try WV SELLER ' S s bIICOLS p.AII, counties oast their votes. - Whig. I..4rnrwrat. Bartholomew Dearborn... Davies, ... • Hendrick, lianmck Knox . Jennings,... . Marion, Morgan,..• l'utnain Randolph. . Solh% an • • T Ivaco - no< I pi0n..... undeburg LL'eyne... In the district minposed of the counties of Has tholornew and Jennings the Whigs have gained one Senator. In the Henry County District the Democrats have gamed a Senator. E=l==l St. Louis, Aug. 12, 151.3. The return. which arrive from all portion, of the State, show a deniocratie gain. King n elected Governor. by perhaps from 7 to 10.000 majority. Correvottdenrc of the Pittsburgh Ouse, PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PUILADU.PHIA, Aug. 12, lu4n. Our markets nto inactive, operator. waiting the arrival of the Steamer from Europe, which N now Inn./ dur Fharr—Sales to day at 55 to 2.5 per b' ' r beat brands. Sales confined prablitally to t. trade and bakers. . . . Wheal--Salen of new what ai 07o; and I. red 10:0 per bualiel. ii.nompta and &imam nominal. Provisions—No change ot consequence in Pro visions . llama steady at 'lc per lb. Lard, in keg. Ole, and barrels 5 per lit, and in active inquiry. Whiskey—No sales of consequence are reported to day—sales range, during the week. at from 22; to tllle per gal. Small sales of Dry Goods are malting 10. the South Western trade. In the coatte of neat week the far oil trade will take a start. The weather very warm and sultry—the streets dusty and de serted--all loalnunables oil . to Cape May earreepolviettee et lb, l'attlattelt Gazette NEW YORK MARKET Nt.w Nod:, Aug. I I, tt P. II We have no marked change in the rater of oat markets to day. The expected arrival of the Stec ter Atiadta, at Boston, entirely unsettles our market. Up to 4 o'clock this afternoon she hail not been telegrapned, and it is reported that the harbor at Roston is eidinple teiy enveloped in a dm', fosf whirl, if she is outside, will prevent net Iron, comma up. Flout---Sales of Sfs;:i 12i per barrel—very I , n de in market. riirn—Salea !il" Western tamed at to ill co per bust:lei—mem lienvy. Wheat—None arnving . and very little in vtore— sales id red et Mk per turtle]. Port. and Liar 1 are held urns at loaner p“nev and the demand ci pretty viod. to Cotton tratiaccoonr arr coined. n. in ontialat the care when a 'team, n dno kiownrs generally is dull. The con animation in iiiir nmrltet is : a poill col wav The Itutiat Convention appear. In turniati epeettlation for at who deal in poliaer. RA LTlmuttE NI AFi I-71' El= We are ttnattied to g.ve .0 env Iran...tritons I dour. that I,uid Le re:reo Itt,..tc. Ihe market too urettlett at present...w.ng to the expected a steal of the ti..stort Nuurci of Howard ntrert at 4.1 t. and tor Cd M t t: a h t 4,7 a Sdt t, tt cooti y taraton Nye Flour-Sales nt 2 , P 3 tta w Int , : at tt told law at sf.a:ss. Ltata brlttga'Z.a. tt Int. for \Vhodcev—Salt , at -3 a i.hd, tool .n MAt-IKET Our market' , are illuct,,r, und •now iiµ a Tamn.. ger qtinrnuon of tran•niimn, hour tne la.irr pace or choice brnati•• uti.y. N, rule , gr 3 a ,‘" rti , y 11.1 . " e itatYrilwi , !l.lll ,4• t: ?r• ee, and • Lard—,` , ,ex In Lbls ui It, ugly extent til Leg. 71 whiskey —r_iams of bh. at t>/.• v gall. The water being at terry low sht, no km portant tnotaectiont. Ore gong ,n upon the rye, The trade to ut the eanda ue the anal elual own • 1.1.1.AES- A A Nil... 1. c o. YlAlarl...cl hove do. or lite rr Ice 1,4.- • ...Ad... •.• ro. • . - - lA I .. CAI , -A .1 .rL. a I de I rt. 100 apnoea. c. 6e• :land or road.: ru order _ •o'••ceit,er Alteka• 'AK noioetory, • •• 6110 wocor .1 •- V . ENV Wi1t...1 •f F1.01:II —4l In.d. r ) ./.N flour. ,ust tr, a and for VoN, s.oN.Slloit•rl.',‘ _3; „2- • C I AL 1 : A Nl O / 1-'olt , ~,....,,.'..—,,, :•.,.1,...,,,: Wee n. &Da Bro wn.:11.... Yu . unving c 7 (Znot ve,,, co ..a. wt..cnu....t.1 .., •-yrrt,.iget 1 , “ c1.x...1• l'F., in,:..1. , - ~.. .pl, ..., ~.,, i 1. , A , Il %111 , NI (AI .C........i .; . . EMNA:,TS CA.1.10 A k I.:W. Nlaritel .t., Alf 1.44,1111, a Nag. et 1 , 1011114.1. 1.11 C•ill Of,. CC 111:ly c.lui the I.rual pr,c—cowl (Iva co lored Pro.. nl.fc owe DLL F:N oRAN( , F. FRI.\ an 4 Mrrn. snuck On COU•letilli 31 lOwt.l pricev, 1 ?113. wbolranle 001113 ILI.III •gl ear FIE and runt - 1..4 4., Ft UorY TATeXACIO.-Iwilolfottj c , 2 s&auTER 01.' a: VASTY. andi.wn Ironton and !Aqua's,. tee e and for J),7 PILL N 10111.1,11 M. Tents-75 yri ig TO. for fait I , y Jon. ciauLtia 7 Cilill/11 OF TARTAN—emu for for .nitlT _ /91.1. WAILFUL 'ANILLA I.ll:A.PO , —Fur talc by AG5— , ...0..11a Bap, ree d usla . EL 117 . BACON -v= Bid, /VW RIM, Ny :qui., and loi able by 177 TASSEY h ta:vr • • I I /..01-S—Ckt , wasataril aim% on bend Viale 121 'l' At":31 . :1 istln . _ale dPf LF-- , -19 •norito Drps'd rre'J!lits trld 011 'l'etkinV.l Isl.- 4 I RA"su{" ha. d wt "fl/„'ll.l.l.otiA A abliobfi, - 60,7.iLt.Th,, , ..1; to A. ougt , 11+,71100N Co. F 'Nona It Ve.:Si.:TIAN lII F U J SC tI }:ag VenlA Mt rttpul 11. o. '2', OON N • QLIAR CI."RF'.D 11A11...-42 bermes al 'O"• rut..d Fon.ly Ilan, very line. 3, Li and tot tale ;., , Fl.l F R. o.ny A abd lox sale by 1.00 Es. 100.1.t0 lona sIeILIM mug; R. IN h 111-.I'PEIrr, I(0 Are ov.l At WHITF: 151:ANS-4111 , b1a , sog7 al I: VON DONN.III.ISI 0 f V INI-M.AR-1.1 61.1. ,0. at.gs FROND. O.IIEI & Co, oat st -4:1 1.F.H".~ \IC('L~ • T %Mit tIKIN,—.t. ILn ,or ,Lolo 7 LI 2.145 D MIEN' t 1111•4111\ C.bor?oot; itll4lo I'mocoro; 0 for uutal 1A ILK & 61\i• loov , romeol JoYo C. 0- 0!ro, 1.11 !trio by oogl WICK & W; NV Gls.; so ,1 0 stmt. WICK & I AHD 011,-13 bols 1.a.1 0.1. for .1.10 bow 1.?1LK_1,_1521'•,..1. JANIE: , D. I.Z I ni 1 , 4(1A Al.!. Coles . V•uognr, wr .a , !• by v. 0341 .1 ANI DA 1.ZE1.1., I water vt _ _ ^ WCIOI,—.LI tool," on conotronio ,,l l , o , •nla 67 augl / & It FLU% 1 , , Round I'llurch a tkl'e , A N- :10 bbd. Pi 0 tiognr, fair to priver, an IN „ consignment and for vale by no^o J C ul D - wr.1.1.. Art - ___ • i 1011DArrel-li collo yr and U mob IManllla and tarred N....) Mope, of eopatior totality, for ..le In* to ulta oneigusueni. sown 1 C 111 OW 1.:1 ,I ~,, or .-_ -- - -... {:l i O e F . V E1.e71:4(1un..1,::: , i . , ;litle itto jA C ,4 . , ll D . ~, I.l ntni i . ! try .!F9 •..4 water et AA ACIOIIIO,-0,, bins large No J XI tie karel, landin4 J„Vi. soul for filIC fry ann./ .lA, DA 1.7.E1.1. . . - - • -- __ („Lo ALTPETIIL-10,0 Ilia Ref . Periperre, ire . vols b y 1:1 our* . !I!: 110J2LPJ!.A. 1,L1._ k. by -. r . AILD OIL.- in Ws bard Oil, superior, mt . .In by ...urd J riC IiOUNAIA K EN A Co --- - WINDOW u% sorted ouael,ttut Obb t0111130,0u bond and for sale by TASSKY o BERT 10A rie,Te - ra, Laze., %Nati Brasil Sugars, ilk Imp, tor mle lIMiALEY Et. ftstMl - "Lv EATII VMS AND CCYFI'ON—Io begs Feathers, and .126 bales cotton, pe r strusuer Cumberlend. sod for safe by JAA111.1)&1...1.E1.1, "i1"11-'A ptS - 1 -1;.4 I;CA itleoebing pow. lor der, JO Alusprati & Son's brand - 1 0 lust removed, the remainder to alyiVo o few days, for sale by & M ALITtIitILTRIS. laberry st KNOW ALL MEN THAT BENNETT t CO. ./O'E removed tramltet slntket street to ti etr new H Itplentlid and intmenee estabitthateat to be known the TOWER RAIL currffisu RAZA AR, No. 102 Market sucet. between Fifth sad Sixth, Pklll-LIMe• Ptak. • • • . The propnetors4:l a reluctance in promulgating what in any way ht appear like the usual Bombas tic elaggeration of me al the trade, but will beg to quote the following notice from one of our city paper, - One of the greatest curiosities that our city affords to the stranger. is Bennett b. Co' s great clothing store. No. Intl blarket greet, between Fifth and ball, winch has been styled -. Tower Hall," from the peculiar Lila the front The building is an amennense on, our seven capacious rooms, all which are stocked with every variety of seasonable garments. arranged in the moat perk.. order and regulanty. The proprie tor* take great pieesure in showing their building and contents to eilmina. particularly granger*, and to those coming from the country—we know of no place more wonlis of a visa. A. A. MASON A. BO MARK/UST., agrwEEN THIRD! FOURTH, thet .lock .13Ti,r'er:od. - ..,zr,mtr,"ortreg Fall r T rader will offer their extensive and fashionable assortment (or a tew wrek., at greatly reduced pnees. Amongst their as , siorunciit may 'to found excellent styles of Berege.. Tissues, fircnailines, Prilmyrininea, &Knee, Dress ydk s. Lown• and Muslin., Ice. c_ all of which are reduced in price fully one third Their .1.. - k of Shawls i• very extelouve, and corn. pilau et. r, knowu style A few cartons of crape and crib Shawl. 3 sat received will liesold eittomely low 1 cue. rent Sewell tonclotmovlll he cold at 141 usdal pro, xdi cents. good English Culicoe• Arm-1 . - N. do oa low*, 3 and le, wrought Collate ISe, lin de Lam., Idle, good Alpacca I,fc. Runnel RM. loot• ISO Thor also of dark green pure Satin Para•ols and Parasoleima, momproung upwards of Sato( every at yoe and 11131011 V. will he attired at very tow rates Llroad Cloths, Cassire• and VC4llllg, 11/.0. bird, oi *TIMER, trod. o.lld,:oll.o.dadrl IE2E= num Merchant. twill always find at our wholesale room. am largr a id deatrutole an assortment ut good. a• . nasally Mt. td house. and at rsinalti Inw pneca ..t) at rice. (rum which uo itertatton ran , it MURPHY 6a• orwurti this trturnoir. one V . mnrella.. Lacludlng Amer, au and Scotch stnitham, coma and steel frame pul{ham. Ose rh.e Yara•ota, Ineludnur green satin Turk. UII st:l anJ brows u'k of extra sizes • . A.to, • e our rat Ineached i1i143. 1/1/./tatt It.h• Non, Work and colored, tratlr t , atto dO. 1../nen t. h,• harnt. enn rtout ri),rs ot atonmer 1/0./.11/. tel.: rereducedprn rt ar . A lan 0/ rap., Mahrbr sir r Lane/tan, good //qt., a .0 late/y ' , ere" ed. CHI' , I . 1 / 1 lot of bread and other Ihtr nets tnt lest yttntet , napr•• hel.sna tni in SI. al the corner ot 411/ *et.: ]ln, •r tie. lVholesale roar. On td - - . , - 111441 4,01,1 4 . 1 . •t _ _ - - 11S 11ITF: GrX)DS FUR 1,131 , 55Y.5.-- ,, Anti ,, . t,n• ,5...) rec.-art' a lull assortineet a 0,,, Koos., 1.81. es Lnesses, inca..d.o.,4—,coten lins, swiss do, sao.ook do; plain Jaennets, red do, soon barred do. Al,so FOr Ermapp Dressew—White embroidered ;Viol.. Nlu.lins, pink embrmdered 'Tarlton do. blue do; new ryie damask and embro.dered do plain while, blue, pink and strew colored do, al...embroidered and "saris, Muslin.. by the )ard. for Fveianip ihesses. alto lila., lot ,awls. Scotts and Capes— Freon and !fled., needle work Collar, an allsoruormdl [m.ur and beautiful style LI/Lell Cambrle flandlercincia. ourn. do, 4 , 1 al lowest mod] once.. at nom east corner and market si. ASTIIMA. OR DIFFICULTY OF: BREATHING...- Thts Mseaoe is caused by a parozymial constr.- _ ....„., or oco of the air cello ale vary debilitating, almost coos ..yor.„. or . ~.r los sotto< noon. DR. SiVEkiTSER'S PANACEA If the wally to inform them eertoto eon , . o 1, , z ,, a Cu . N . , llorirsemos eau be merely cured by a free me of Dr. wed. ott_onemuto. where Isnot, 5a,........._ft Panacea_ sooner. or common cold. which, if neglected, Init me tarn:. wb... 6.ded by his brother, s I , g rPI dou. of the "Pella: Colleee or Otot - ' termotarc ia . r n s l. , ..a. „ tottz r r . to t. n .., , IL:factually relieved and tufo. - 11134 e. • itht Up. and comp onus, Wllll oar own 1 e tre. ' rir r i ,on., r.... o • r ~.... ,noporog, oar „,,,....o. moo. iiIO ,, TIIIhn. if unchecked. will effectuality lead le off4EXTItH • 1.,... i i.. iii , ia.l Flr me torso, Command Camillo., i ftft. eirior whi pCoosomtioo bog s timely use of Dr. Sweet. „. r ~,,,,,,„,. , „„,,,,,„, ..,.„„,, 5 „,,„,,.. w „,,,,,,,,„ seri. Pairacm effectually cure tt -n)- City for Sale. ~,,„,,,,..*.,,,,,,, („,„,,„, ~,,,, i.„„,.,,. 1•34,......” of we T0u.,1, or Safe Throat-This ~..• ... .., • 0 of ....re , 55 , , bror . b ....., oArr „. ~,b ArA. ~,,,, so . „ o 4 ~..., 'dote.. r often lends ...noun conmquences from erg "' ' i s r ': 3 W .rd ling . r. rift ' ontoleto • watt calmer I.c *link mt.; that we ha.. .... ire. reeir i' ° ei".... , of the ft.°. ( to the fi4 ,12 , ..- „.. ilk• fore of, nom, Dr fsereetserN !Mortara should be rocs. and 1 f in ser...l un. mime 111 lltipfecement ort our totem. ' ft Las ' Sr era. Sr Ilsor Toute, thui tar exceed s any thing ever odered or I y es „_ r ' rerr l • , , I :be puohe • eve ... rt e u.I 01 Nu. 'l4 A Itttll suet 1 ..re . ' ... 'it'd' hod a . 00,0 51x.11 0 0 remedy U 1 DT. Sweeter'. Panacea. t ltul we see oure I tror re.. oft.. .r. . ' Inducement ' - PllnelllolllO Notla.-A very fatal diseitse, resifting . 1 ot ow result - tousl.m ---- , from a violent rough and cold on a debilitated or be 7\ F.V r a(K:OKS-ill/Cory of Conuess-13tog,phicol ken down comtituuorn aged persons an sanded to it - 11 rind Polmeal. comp...lig Memoirs of :demi., of. Do. Sommer'. Panacea should L. word on the first the Cotters.. •••• the tinted Staten, drawn from mother.- symptoms, which are a cough or cold. the mono. embractitg the prominent egen. ui Weir ' 1 Night Swears.-TbS, deb' taring complaint will meet , ndeted :tee.. and their ro,neetton vrtia the polluetti ho of•y• of wolf a timely check, by using Dr. Sweetser's Panacea. ~,... nor . : by , i. , .rr U. 5 s b0 ... 0r. 0,„„,,,,,,,, ~y u,.. con. option.-If on the firs. appear...me of cousumps oar du. I cotton mecum, steel ortrail• and mcconutle autograph.. eve oytoptoma, which an It pats m the side and bream Kings an. Queen. or. /.lie in oth Palace-comic.; tOllll or mining of blood, a Dr. Sweetsees ream-ea. Cots. of Hoopoe al Sk melees 01 Josephine and Mena LOeben, , `rev.))' o•ed. no danger need he apprehended, Lena PhOmpe, Fe rdotufft of Austria, Nicholas, Isobel, , %Vilma the Lange. the Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes ' It Alt itt li. Leopold. end Vimoron by John Lk C Abbott Limon. clogged op wild phlegm an as . impede mom of 4111 Berne. ...keen on /antes. Peter . John and Jude .- r , ration orb reathing, Dr. fivreetstr, Panacea, which is minas. No explanatory' and procurolLon We semis] eon .' a powerful EXpeetorantelmeld be taken aoooodiog to en Mit de* ot Jame. Peter, John had Ju :try' Ai men liar., the directions. kc he .Mnl . lirover.or. the Truentog Wffe- a ikonestic Inflocum-This distreasing epidemic, so prevalent o 4 Mac Temp* ram , Tale by Charles Burdett, author of We oar climate, is erfeedilyoured by Dr. Sweetser's Pans. taw.: •Conn to:. Child 'hr I 00. ‘O, •eti. I. II aro'd the 1.0, of the 'loon Kings. by Sir F.dward Price 11l per bottle. or .ix Minim for LS. • fro'l Bufwer Li Itot., liner Complete in two parts. For sale by NVIII. JACKSON, SB Liberty st, sign or d N': Part V lisp. r• Itlnstrated iiili.fou of the Arunwt he rig boot nOvsisly fr ea. N., ht.' Erocrosturomit. ---- 9000 PICD.SON SI low p. The above works received thoi nor. and for cab oy Ty 2, v E noel Dr. Taylor:. liolsain of Iguinvort, and • It aIIiNSToN fa KrocK.ToN. . ri been cured of Mimosas that would hove proved ~..,__. :ft. Bookoei... eor Mori. , and do or , ' font, but tor the hoe of thia eitruordinary medico.. vet h New Publication& 20.1 Ru have been cured of comumptioil in rations oar" ll isTotty ~t, tUN 6111i..5, Houniplocal and Port- rouo* nor ,. 000pr 0 . „,,, 00 .. 00 ,,,, 0, th e o „.„.„„b er ., o f lie M.* have been cured of Dyspeptic Canoes/mon Palo congress of ,b, I S . By II (4 Wheeler. Illustrated sod L o Co.Ploint d do. by mane/ • ous :foe: portrait.. he he Vol. I. octavo 1,1001 h a m bem cored of the Asalmia. do. 1 The tVtorom or CDI Ciro; ...aiding •peeebeo and 5.000 have been cured of general prootranou of the the uddre.m., wor..teci portraits. Edited try 11 lires.y. 1 ' Nerve.. 5Y.... Irmo 3,tOU hove been cured of Rheumatic PairlS,with the li II th hot I Sow in Cuifforute. Hy Ihlyern Bryan t. mulmicy of diseased lung.' oto loor.. Nib a. 5,4. 11, on dome.. p oor, J„,1„, and Onter base beet. cured of l'iver Complaint and Cough. d est lattice. 2.5 M en red_of Scofulons complaints. 11.( cb0 . 0 ., ant i ~..,,,,,,,..ogo rm. , jay bliss kr' norm, so. 50.0:i0 more have been cored of coughs, colds, pains „ff, thor or - To see. 0011 io M.": - Conque he he to the side nod chest, meta sweats, woes of appettte, my I !dory (mover, a Igtinest.c Tr.:excreta< Tale BY C. loss of voice, whooping cough.. debility. and many orbs Pardett ' em compl el nt • which bring on di me Mongered. dxsea. of I Kings and gee... or Ltfe in the Palace. eofinillUee em which r. p t Prove rim!. Dr. Taylor's (b.lasma of ' , e , ' of tosmneal @ketches of lobe and reigning trovereigos. , Ltee.. 7 . to the . 7 .Y onceemfol remedy for the eure By J. S. C Abbott_ of the above minphunia. A Firm Book in Speoush, or ni erection. tooroductuan ' I 'out ...ft.( • r..l er ft ea.! ' ..ard...340 and „ , 0 rho ~ o dy or. rh it zrr , orr ,,, Lontru . o .,.. Br I ~,k , ...m . I ruse thick putrid matter. and Mall,' 'geoid not turn The Dying Robin soul other telex: By Re v. Dr Alders. j over -in he'd ...rarre ..• H e hod every er.P.re Tr Ju.t reed by It. HOPKINS. , of coommotion. 11. physicians, Dn. Veranda A An- Aso , no }0 ,, r4 „,, , o n A ,. , despot. said he woo incurable. yet sumer! •• it may 4 .• ens I 'Successor to I L. Read.) ! oppear, this medteme folly restored his health. • 'SOPHIA fiAI•LON. 11 Norfolk at.° ' Patent Soda A.L. --- rg•liE subscribers nave oat Mods 5. casks, Soda Aah. ' ‘. l, o F'' , o ' ,,,rt y M l7, o /:„.7 0 ,, C.' ,17: '''. , 0r ,,T, " ,..,,, H r 0 . 33r f 0 rirra . n0 r i roi for , 1 1 Jar !Hooper. , & Soo'. food quohtlt l'eroll the bor . I ot preference to using robot are called •Patmt Medi. i I oftee of r.e. ~print, avert, .... Wry will ° e ft rft hie i eines: But for oeverol month. I hove been troub at eatrentrie lour prioeu. U:4QUITO 11 Murphy hns rcr'd IYI l .apply of Alosolooo Neltitl,Firsush le•Is. who, gsoso, wod barrcd, Of ai: , ta, ontooro lot 440. wry wlde, wad ollerrd at low jo.w, 4ythe pow, to sotto .ri7 - - I 1 0 R Murphy Kara re :l rivr d (eVe ptece, whnr,, brown 2‘;,/1 bar a 'bone-Ala& rlannels Aan Home-Mod. BLAN KETS, I, good a rtirle. and of a low price. at northerrn arnrr 4111•11/1 Marl. tr I.l* ntql N11084,11' Nh:lTS—luupteces7-4endN plow whits nod red and blue barred Nona extra Loos 00,10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 heavy Bebinetia tinporn:d expressly Inc a suporior ankle of Mosquito Netts. lor coy rule., just race-trod by )4310 71/IACKLETF a. WRITE, 09 wood et Air RITE Gr../ODS DRF.1494...—W It Murphy yv has just received •n Invoice or White Dv , - ts tiusals tor ladles, .01 as French and Scotch Mull :Ousting, Nana:talcs, Satio hoed Jartattets, etc, very low. Also,%Vidal Bonnet Ribbons, at northeast cor ner of 4th nd maxim an. 4 teat %.2 . gdZ;ll):Si i , 01I81(.11lTA siipply late!, rerio• 0 ord. ktso, cordrd and itlaraetiici.. vik,:t., ad, Mogan° Nene, white and colored: s.ide ilocii.otta ~r do. at dry gouda hue. of W 11. MI: 1(1411, 0 tiorthealit cornet ith and market iita - Al A'.• i i . - F 0 i , it ; i4 , 211 6 i i. n i I g Y;i: Li HA tl f t4;A w a .. 1 n : I o ofi h r . e .l , o t 1a ,,, patterns, received yesterday at the Dry Goode How, of lic.hl NV 11 NIURI'IIY ULL AND NANd.OOI( MUSLINSA general al, eorrment Cl Mull and Namook Mush. for lather dresses, tom received at No 76 market tired, nortbwrrt corner of tee diamond. 1410 ALEXANDER . & D4y IjkILAGES AND TIPSCPZ--A A Muon & Co, GO JJ Market at, have further reduced to price their oi• aatruneui of Lie rages and Tienuett; atm, ( :re outline., Omahas, Mohair stripe., Poll de Chore, A e. p b S U a r rn ß e rot oftf:L l F C tench Lioth ' s, " w h re e h j et " : a ' n l : " .• ed ling much lower than we have ewer before sold the some quality ALEXANDER I DAY, tr.RANI Dr market N W nor attic diamond Tract of Land for Sale. rpm , . 511634 C nber until .el/ on arruirmiudating tedrot, a valuable tract of unimproved land, situate on the road leading front Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen miles front Pittsburgh, and about eight miles [rum the town of Freedom on the Ohio caller. The tract con tains 4(r4 aeres and Ai perches sine, measure The land is of an excellent toddy, about 90 aeres cleared. and well watered. and will be sold either in whole or tit farina of C011V,11,11 Rl2l, to suit purehaaers. For ihnlier partieulara enquire or Wlll. 801 D. Att`) at Law, °Mee on lab at, above Gatahneld, Padburgh. ear/GO/to - If T VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. IaTHAT property lately occupied try H. Nixon. FIN C.. on rate street, near Robinson, Allegheny coy. will be sold cm accommodating terms The lot to 3.1 teco 4 meth, on Craig street. running . through ! to thiqCsinal 1.111 Met. There to good two story frame dwell - trig house on the premises. lately built. and the lot it well itnptuved. continiung a variety of choice fruit tree, grape. sboilthery, de. 'llus properly is convent. ently Woolen for persons doing business tn either Pius burgh or MleglietH. asid to a desirable residence. Tole ildwputable. For 'trine apply to BOYD, Attor ney at I.ois,tace on Fourth street above Smithfield_ 265 Acre• Coal Land for Qat_ A sot the Nlotioligaithis ricer. about 16n:ides ST troth Pittsburgh and 3 noie• above third Lock, to the toonviliii,e neighborhood al Lyon ik `short!. Ittry: Mr Jo" , Hero., Natio,. Tins ere body ro on; wt., Le odd at the low price of fs.H per acres—one third in band, butane.. tai five equal annual payments. ...thou , in err, 'lbw. tildispotable. 1.0,11401% Ver, go...l—cumint be. ourl Fur further particular. enquire S liAlosb.b.l, who has a draft of said pro per. Reodenre id it below Ferry. Mr. Adorns' Row 14 '1 here isanother not of coal on this tract. about 60 feet abase the lower. of al xcellent quality. tyzi, Real Batate In Ohlo. . . A TRACT ot land. On sere, kl rtson, Portage Co., /1., on the Cuyaboea met—at/01AI 30 sere* under prz,vernent. As.. two ohnoprov.rd 10t3 to the village of W ttr re n. Truitt lent by Kt Aleo, a lot of ruund in the metro of liartfurd, Trumbull Co., 'tth • M.: norm—one ot the best sultd• l'or 1.., , 11111tt on the Western Kerrve. Ally or au WI, prone, ' .0,1 be rn,c! On very aecomenodaung tereo• ISAIAH DICKEY k Co., kW, lVnter and Front slit. . Ste nu. Engine and Saw Mill for Sale: - ly s ; ,nl,nl ha;gl i nt 3311.: Lath 1 . ,111,% ...,:nent. and :Le I- runs< I-W[lllBllp, coo c.a....mane and uccoctunwlet• an excellent one, and zbe nor, Lud Lola Clllllpg !Slut, a!t.: tolldlllo/I.uut n per . r e .: iAtlrcy, operu MMMIE k lY.; ° ‘;, '" " 7 "4r4 : : • ° I:VII.L.E. 13 CRAIG dc SON MIMEO TIIAT cornanaltann. to dwelling house and !!If ' s7;e o . I, on Walca sr, sten.n.e •nnJ rnornur house. out boutet. tkekt. vc, k x outlet) o: slid grape vnnt.n• ..; cn nen: on, tine I, n.nf Oetnr.ker or souu , ret 1,1 the prern , ., or on \\'V; e. near \l..n 'I t i e.. on M B L()NV RII-1 Valuable Residence in Allegheny City for Sale. 11.\I ENIII ATI:\ , iroa/ AbrfLeny cay. t. I prrintAes are e.,r, way worthy the Propel, y Allegheny City for Sale. t 1 •4. r.) •ut.- , :,." ca••• • 4 .1, •• totnntn-t 14 ,•• I ;•••• • utd frostung ot. /on, ntt,. rm. 114,04 r t • I 1:.:11 •`• ni Leo, Clan pt - tht•prrttstm-s ilea" ka.•.: sae ne neer County. 1./WC ilt.Ull, o 00 the Ln the rll,llre o f WC3O ...ex t, a rnerchnnt Aloe. a su,e4 for Tavern •. tv . t and Pvnut t. err....,^ MIMI! r dkt . A :an a cos wan about au aorta e, - .4 of crow.. uz.rd ut Oakland. The Aar...place of all kluda, atd 6or uctua ar.utely out c: a.: r, t.'.: .t.rl of t'n< etty An p otful,. ul,.lea , • the e•'y Apply to ATWI.).OII Co CiCISED:3! A • hrlct dwelimg house on elven 0.. toe first of f001.,1 1 111.11,d i1t4141, n( I A It I 1.411 D. lOU Itl.er , y street. For Rent. A •T, o bwick dwrli.ng boo( .5 ne ,, a ti divisted bunk ol the Oluo 1,1 r. t.t.rou, of M nchrstrr. Arp,y JANIE.' A IIUTCIIISON k. CO ulute° ort bin:,L,,All.l• . ..Le city ot la rttt.barga. Al. :Z; •ret ...as convenieta en . • A 1..,. a it me a,10...ed mai ito.l , r e. etty of Allegnr jr 1111 wood e met EBLIZEIZ2 FOR SAI.F. 01{ raAT the I'l,burgh llTew• •r). Iprc , ,ng npparutp, rttantc . V.I. ;tr.{ balm ,tailey.and now ocrepto“ by l,eo 1l 11.1, .4. CO P.ton g't ,, n on the hr ~ A . dal 01 vnt r“1.4 For t<.r., qcsa Ar ISKONVN h CVLBERTSON. 145 itherq nt i n t WA It r 11( rt SE FUR SALE-Ti. Mlbscriber oil. !of ..t•t. l'w.....tury bnek Warehow, w. 4.1 rret. ocrup.ed by IL Tanner a Co. It rt:ls /too lor $lOl. per ....ea - - --__ The near threestory bra proof Mack store or I la secood st. iroar oecura rr rd by Edward Evans, for mot from Irt of aa. oeht. Impure of / ,CHOUNNI&A.E.B. & Co., 9 arms! street 2 The outiscrtber, wtil rent part of the 'eve. dnee now ocrupled by them. Apply to DA1211.1. A. Co., -- _54 water .treet. a t ALFRED D. KEEVU., f a CH PI,ST Faithionaiiit Hatter in Fnothurnli Principal Store, IV Fourth MGT, Mationicturom and accm modation Store, nor ner of Wood attn. and %%ram o alley. 11:41 pneea always moil for ohionitin Fun. inyttily fiUNIAILLL PA8113109 POLL lIATS. JAJLST received item New York, the Summer Style fat login cannoning- Whne Beaver, Pearl and Whits . French ' Crlinsither Ilea, wnh Venal/gars. Those In ideal of a tin•ualul, light flat art respectfully invited to tall P MOUSA.,: asayild 1 73 ',ow at, 3 dims alrova 41.11 EIIIBESEA MINNA t. CO BeNI~'.RP n. k:XCILINGE BROKERS, dealen m Foreign apd Lennemie Eashonse, Cenafientes of Depoenn, Bank No and Spade; Founh sum, neat ly oppoeue the Baal of Pittelniqh. Gomm money renamed on deposits—Siyal MenU rot sale, and col lemiona mule oa nearly all the principal points to Me United Stacey. The InYmEn presort= paid for Foreign ea American Gold. . . Advances made on coneignments of Produce s eh* • Ewa, on liberal tem.. saclls 8. HOLMESAIb SO3B, . . . . BaNKEES mad Dealers in Exchange, Coln and Bank Notes, No. 53, Market meet, Piusburgh. Selling Bates. Exchange. . Buying Rues. New Yort, p r Cincinnati, I ilia Philadelphia, . do Louisville, 2 doi Baltimore, ' do SL Laois, 2 do Buying Bates, B K NOTE. Buying Mica Ohio, I die Co. & Scrip Orders,2 din Indian. "do It •• do ...._ . . . Keatocirh '.• do l'enzwyhrezus Cy do ndo New York ~.o -do V T -I' o VlTtee::nz. I do New (Mama, ;al Tonneefee, 2do Moryload, -do fetaltf NAZI. Lt. LULL W. C. CCU. HILL le. CURRY—Bankers land I.e.han.ce Broken, Deniers in Foreign and Doto.entte 11mo and Sigh, Bills °l . E.:change, Certificates of Dopo•lte. Bank Notes and Com; No 65 Wood street, third (loot below fourth. wesA fade. murtltf . -- _ . . - - - FOSSIG EXCHANGE. - DILLS on Kngland, Ireland. and Scotland bought to any amount at the Current Rates of Exchange. Also, Drafts payable In any part of the OM Countnea, from 1.1 to MOM, at the rate of $l5 to the 1 Sterling, wttoout deduction or dimount, by JOSIIUA ROBIN SON, lkropean and General Agent., awe sth at one door treat of mood. anted' ALL. 11/JaIMP-1 SOW wan Ba lot KBARIER & RAHN, BANNERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealers in Foreign and Domestic Rills of Exchange, Cm =cams or Deposite, Bank Notes end Coto, corner of Al and Wood meets, directly . oppose St. Charles lio tei. roarmdly W 'as , Ek klt PON DS Oleo ~ndian Nentocky, Missouri, Bank Notes, purchased the toaster rates, by N. 110124F9 tc SONS, delo 15 Market meet BILLS OF EXCHANGE—Sight Cheeks on New York. Philadelphia, and llahiceore, Constantly for tale by N. HOLMES. tc SONS. dell/ Si Marker mt. COLLECTIONS—Dr ~,, Notes, and Aceeptan ess, payntils in any psis of ihe Onion. collected on toe most favorable terms. N. HOLMSZ fr. SONS. dell) 50 Alityket sr_ M ISC ELI ANEOVS Consulting Engineers& Counsellors for Patentees, Office for procurtitg and defending Patenta, imparting tnformatron on /dot-built , and the apphration of :rori rue, to the A rtt, and onAmerrieaa end Foreign Law, of Vatnn:a. pRY w O. ALTER R. JOHNSON, Isle 01 Om, and '1 C. ROBBINS of NVnshinortott city, ltd to saleil by. [board Knowles. Fitt. late 'Machines! et the Minted Siam. Potent Office.) have aiated them•eive• It - Tether for the prosecution of the ssoc above branch.... of lousiness. either in their office. at the Patritt Office, or before the Courts. and will de vote their UndlVldell attention to forwarding the inter' e•t of /I,