The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 14, 1848, Image 2

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es and Babseliptieres to the ricelkloser
esui and United Sulu. Gazeue, Philadelphia, teethed
• • •i ••• tide glace.
zwe _will oreccits:and Garwsri tree of eip'ease,
irenisetwmti and satneripticaukrnbis mar.
tib -
and fo
s m ,,i rwap iw w this mill be et:mitred
rded in= thissml
a7rTssi: Prris%Mau DAILY Ossiern published
, Trs-Weekly, sod Weeldy,—The is - Serves
LWlmmo •11110. 2 i Tsi-Weekly le Five boilers per
annum; the Wieldy is Two Dollsrs per annum, micas
I. advance.
WirrAnna:Ms= are earnestly requested to hand in
&Mr firms before 6P. 'ln nod o early in the < l O no
Practicable. Advertisements not inserted for a speci
fied time win ian.istay be charged mtil ordered not.
'Foil Lena? Comartercial Lanciligence,Doaleetle, Mar
kv.., Raver Newt' Impcnte, Mousy Markets, Ito. lie •
(4 Page•
Desseerstin *big alosolniatons,
Tnosaastd. T. SPlesmua, of Washington.
AUCIF P. bannicesos, of Lebanon.
;'•-- 1. rosepBl3. Clarkson, 13. Henry Johnson,
Johq P. Werherill, 14. William Colder,'
R.JainealiL Davis, . 16. William 11PlIvatne,
41. Thos. W..lndriehl, 'lO. Charles W. Fisher.
• • A U. Rimer, 12. Andrew 0. Curtin,
• IL, Joshua Dungan, 14. Thous IL DaSidson,
• Sohn D.Stanle, 11. Joseph Markle,
8. John Landis, 01. Darnel Agnes.,
^9.•Joseph Schnsucker, K. Andrea Loonus,‘
In Charles Snyder, R.I. Richard Irvin
IL Widiarsi o..liarlay, 9.1. Tktoms. S. SW,
12 Fnuica Tyler. SL Sanel A. Parriance
• -FOR CANAL coglasifiosrx.,
s 0.•
lititimasonits asid Vitt:Lig Nominations.
Ain coNaufs,
- • .
Tata •aasai:l.LT•
LEWIS C.J. NOBLgt of Indiana.
IirWARTZWEL.DEI.I, of Pittsburgh.
tigentyl44cas, of
atirektAll Nam, of Lower Si. Clair.
AIN: 5004 T, :41=2'
134= L.
JOHN E. FO'STER, of Baldwin.
Ike skext pap for Telegraphic Blew.
TIM CANDIIIMS um rox'Tert Hour LAW.—
MI/kr — Ten Hour Meeting in Allegheny, on Wed
n.:ll4 evenlogon which the candidates for As.
sembly Were invilea,but three appeared, antribere
, reeze,unf cauree,:Demcanals—Mesars. Mitchell,
Snowden, and Hamilton. All made excellent
which they warmly approved of the
&erbil the operatives in holding out. The fact
-that the. Whigs did not attend is magnificent.—
The above is from the Pod of yesterday. The
'Detaxvie, of the same political complexion, gives
thelsllowing account of what the Democratic can,
&dates said, as follows:
'The speech of .Mr. Snowden was short, and to
alillltalt4.4olaring, in the event of his election,
• he skald sustain the ten hour law, and would not
wander It - perfect until the odious contract proviso
WlB9trickeu from it.
Mr. Mitchell next took the stand, and in as elo
quent oakum: portrayed the iniquity of the twelve
• homenystem; and assuring them that ten hours,
and ten hours only, would be supported by him.
gn Hamilton then responded to a cell of the
ateoa6', declared himself in favor of the ten hour
- `systelot, and shotild he be elected to the office of
-representative, its opponents, and the opposers of
the laborer, will have to look out, for his motto will
In to them, name grape.' '
• There is no dispute about the Ten Hour Sys
• tern: Ne one opposes it, whenever and wherever
it is feasible. The subject at issue in, the propne-
Sy of establishing and enforcing a len hoer law in
'Pennsylvania, regardless of the ruin of our manu
factures, while in the Eastern v „re. the mills run
twelve hours. The Locofoco candidates go for the
• ten hour law, and even for striking out the proviso,
- without any regard to the ability °emu matiatio
Curers to stand it, or mite ultimate effects, in ban.
fishing the manufacture of cotton from the State.—
We rains issue with them, and oppose the cent,"
lishment of such a suicidal Sc! here, until it can
be made general throughout the Union. On this
issue we are willing to go to the people of th.s
county, at the coming election,ind leave thkin
-duattions' fiumers and mechanics, and all other
•.. • ..
' meir who have the least local' interest in the wr
•,- fare of the State, to decide whether they will lisma
- to the aboard ravings and frothy declamation of a
few unprincipled dematfoittes, or to the dictates of
'other reams cad common sense. Who will be
benefited, if no other manufactories are erected to
oar midst, and those here at present are driven
away? Will the farmer and mechanic, who have
Hand a market for the products of their fields and
Weir Mar and skill, created by these factories?—
: lffillthe operatives who labor in these mills be ben
efit:led, trrhen they have destroyed the very sour
ces of their support? Who will be benefited by
the abstraction from circulation 0f85,000, weekly,the
prsducuer labor in Allegheny city? Will the shop
keeper, the Winer, the gardener, the mechanic, the
house builder, the lot holder? Who? When this
mischief is done, the factories driven away or Or,
the operatives impoverished, and the krtilisica
streams, resulting from the products of labor which
now water au many different channels, dried up,
who will have occasion to rejoice? Let these ea.
cruktes answer.
Bat it will probably he denied that such conic•
quences will happen. Those who assert this, lack•
either good scow or bones: intentions.' It is per
preposterous to suppose that a business
wbich is conducted with so narrow a margin, and
rise to contend with so spirited a competition, can
eihst at all, at ten hours a day, when the great ma
jority of the .mills ran twelve hours. The differ
ence iaihe products date two systems is greater
4111l . tha teofite of any. mill in the country.
We . therefore call the attention of the people to
tiihaaiiallter. `The Democratic candidates declare
their deer mirietita to stand by the ten hour law,
..and even to destroy the proviso which renders it
- at all tolerable. If they suweed in this, a death
blow is struck of every cotton factory lithe State,
without any advantage whatever to result from •
, , written. Other States, not cursed with such
- wise legislation, will profit by our Oily, while the
tea hem system will not go into operation until it
becomes a gerteml, not a local law. Let the pro.
plc, then, choose whether they will be led by a set
of heatless demagogues, or by the simple dictates
of aortursin mum.
kfaxatiox 701 hleacer.—l never knew a mar
tial' for money that did not end antisopity. Yet
managtog mothers and heartless daughters are
continually playing the mom unlucky gum. I be.
• rms. many think that they will not have a better
' chance, and dread being dependent Sack mar.
,triages, no, doubt, sometimes carnet tolerably ixan
fietable, bet a great number would have been far
happier tingle. 111 may judge by my observation
of each mitten', marrying fora home makes that
home &nary tiresome one.—/Lfrs. Chad.
•is Orange that people will not learn wisdom
in some malign, either from experience or.obser.
vadon. They vllfnlly abut their eyes and close
• ',thigrea.Ml, so that they can neither hear nor see.—
• This is pittticahnly true in the matter of marriage.
Foolish parents and silly daughters imagine that
' money is or more account than any and every
thing elan. If a ylmatman is only rich, it matters
turf whether he is [mall:gem, mober,and
or ignorant, dissipated, and dabaudied. The abi.
to dwell In a fine have' costly rani
tore, and live in a handsome style, outweighs ail
considerations of improvement, of happiness, and
of usefulness. Bat the remits of such gaily are,
squandered riches, and consequent , poverty and
disgrace—blighted hopes—ruined, health.—a bra
ken heint—and an early. grave. Let parents
and daughters remember that sobriety, industry,
and piety, lie at the foundation of all tree domestic
Win 'Where theser'exist there is a pledge for the
present and a promise for the future.
Tire Ramments Remisoms.—lt is stated in the
Ramer° Patriot, that the Dilemma of the Balti
more and Ohio Railroad Company, to avoid any
• danger of mistakes in locating this road west of
Clitobnrland, have united with Mr. Lanobe, the
chief engineer, Mr..Ton'a. Knight, well known in
this onounanity, and Mr. Child, an eminent engi.
'neer of New England, and that them gentlemen
Me now, end' have been Cm some time, dtligently .
, tracing the neceaaty lines, and in ma.
thsuesquisiti cambial:um, over the most dif-
AMU parts of the line, to enable them to select and
renottunend the best and mom desirable route.
It from the surveys of these gentlemen, we
presume, that the reports have arisen of the illll
- of the =se.
ZSr Ma*lieors of thqiztalerit/stezza
An adjourned =Ming of •the Whig'citizO4 of
the Borough of Elizabeth- assemela tithe Town
• Hafithis — iiiiidelT/trthe amuse of Mains a
Rough and Heady Qub auxiliary to that of the
county. On motion; the meeting was organized
by calling lames Masan, Esq., to the Chair, and
aPPoitablif C. A-lArro Secretin. Aher a few pcni•
neaxzemazlcs by Daniel McCurdy, Esq., relative to
the approaching Presidential contest, and the ad
vantage of forming Mute; the Committee op.
pointed at a former meeting for that purpose, re
ported a constitution for the government of, the
dub, which was adopted with great unanimity.
The following resolutions being reported by C. A:
DMVO, Chairman of the rnmreir n.e on motion
were unanimously received and adopted as en.
pressive of the sense of the meeting.
Whereas, the time is fun approaching when the
people of the United States will be called upon to
select suitable persons tor President and Vice Pre
indent, end, inasmuch as the candidates of the two
meat political parties of the Nation are now before
its citizens for their suffrages, and,
Inasmuch as the present National Administration
has proved odious to the people, recreant to their
every interest, ruinous to the prosperity of the
whole country, defeating, as it has done, dm very
and vital measures which secured its elevation,
and instead of the constitutional leegislation, rear
ing that detestable and mach to be dreaded One
Man Power—adopting as its basis that "might
makes right," zio cobs sir psi., sic two, a doctrine
unknown to any', save the most despotic tyrants,
Inasmuch. as we solemnly belive that the elev.
lion of Whig men end Whig measures would
bring about a more happy and prosperous state of
affairs, therefore,
Reefed, That we will exert every honest and
honorable means in our power, by our votes and
influence, to defeat the present Administration, its
ropporters and principles, Kt deleterious to Mu colu
mn:l good, and to promote Whig principles by se
lecting for our chief rulers men competent and
willing to execute them.
Rumford, That in Zachary Taylor, we recognize
sound and substantial Whig, "a mind richly stop.
ed with profound end practical knowledge,' a Roo
prceeriptionlst, a man of the whole country, one
who has cast a halo of glory around the Strom and
Stripes wherever and wbsaevc they have floated
over him—one esteemed and remecteff—loved
most wizen known best—who can neither be
bought, Wild, nor seeted-..and "(Pen. Taylor never
surrenders," a sure guaranty that our rights and in.
wrests will always be safe if oommtttcd to his
Resolved That in the Hot . hlillord Fillmore co •
hive a great Whig champion, of known and ac
knowledged merit and ability, associated, as h.
has been and in, with all the great Whig principle
especially the one in .which we have snuff an imm -
diode interest—the Tariff of '42.
Raolord, That with Gen. Taylor and Millard
Fillmore at oar head, we cheerfully enter the con
test, and will move onward, certain of glorious vic
tory, and the reettuntion of sound unwavering
Whig principles.
Rooked, That in the Hon. Lewis Cam, the
peat Michi-Gander, we recognize the eulogist of
Louie Philippe and Monarchy, the man of •see
my letters and recorded votes on both sides of the
question," notoriety—the supliara partytool—the
friend and advocate of -Free Trade," to whom the
word "Internal Improvement" makossuch a "noise
and confusion es to prevent his being heard on that
important question,"—whose sympathy extends to
the gallant and campvwestied soldier, in the shape
of "rags" and reduction of pay, and to whom we
will oppose our unanimous strength in November.
Ro,olerd, That in our present Representative,
-the Hon. Moses Hampton, we have one active and'
efficient—a firm adherent and supporter of the
Wilmot ProvisceProtection, and all other measures
of the great - Whig party—s man ever jealous and
careful of our interests, and one who received the
highest encomiums of the late vent ruble race of
• uincy, both for correctness of policy, and ability as
a statesman.
Bi•ssrisq That in the late nominations for man .
ty officers, we have the fullest confidence that they
are capable and honest, and that we will give them
our cordial and unanimous support.
Resohxd, That with Gen. Taylor we believa`the
power given to the Executive by the Constitution
LO interpose his veto, is a high conservative p• ever
and should eerier be used except in saxes 'of clear
violatintt of the Constitution, or manifest haste and
want circonisideratton by Consrress, that the known
opinions and wishes of the Executive .for many
years past, have exerctsed undue and injurious la.
duences upon the legislative department of the
government, and from thin cause, our system Inu,
been in danger of undergoing a great change rota
fts tine theory.
Resolved, That we agree with him when he says
that "war at all times and under all circurnsta.ices
is a national calamity to be avoided if cornpai,h:e
with national honor. That the pnnciples el xi,
government, as well as its true policy, are opp , AeLl
to the sabjugation and dismemberment of other
countries by congaed."
Remitaid, That upon the subject of the Tara
the currency—the improvement of our great high
ways, rivers, lake and harbors—the will of th
people as expressed through their representaiis
In Congress, ought to be respected and carried on
by the Executive:
After the a2loption of the resolution., the meeung
wee briefly and ably addnessed by Samuel.Frew
and Daniel M'Cordy Darin, on the anbjen of
the coming election and gubernatorial no.maa
dons. When—
On motion, 4c9mmittee of three were appomted
to form a "glee eltdas2....ehtointed do •
Graham, Morgan Robinson and Marion Ashburn.
On motion, a Committee of Vigilance, consisting
of font persons from each school district in the bor.
ough were appointed.
Ori motion, a Committee of three were appaint•
rd to procure signatures to the Conadutiort.
On motion. the proceedings of this meeting be
The meeting thee adjourned to meet on the las
Wednesday in Angina.
C. A. DaAvo, See'y.
Elizabeth, (Pa) Aug. 9. ISSA.
Hon. Thomas Ewing
By permisaion, we publish the following extract
of a letter from the Ron. TllO.ll. Lwow, of Ohio
to Wu. IL JOIENSTaI, Esq.,of this city. The letter
was eat intended for publication, but oar readers
will be pleased to see that the 'Old Salt Boiler,' as
ham familiarly called in Ohm, is disposed to visit
us, if he can; and that he gives Taylor and Fill.
more bin warm and powerful support. On last
Tuesday, be was to address the citizens of Sandos.
by, an the "'Siam of the Nation," and he will
doubtless visit other Western Reserve C0U11606.
The Whtg Exceed we Committee will take an early
opportunily, doubtless, to invite him to visit us, and
make due prepartions to extend to him a hearty
and hospitable reception.
Eitrar. of a Lauer from the Hon_ Thamati Ewing.
" I will endeavor, if possible, in the course of the
canvas, to visit your city. I have much duty on
hand at home, and do not know that It will be in
my prtger, but on my visit to .the eastern part of
Ohio, will try tod make a spare day or two Or that of the Whigs in such parts of Ohio as I
have visited are now going in heartily for General
Taylor—we shall lose very few, and gain many.—
If out luau be not greater in the North Eastern part
of the State, then I apprehend we will give a very
large majority; but it is imposible yet to tell how
much the disturbing Gums In that quarter may in
jure us. Thom among us here who wished for a
Northern man—one opposed to Slavery, and a
thorough Whig—in favor of a Tuff, Internal Inr•
proves:pent, &c., ace, reason in this wise;
Case or Taylor will be our P, resident—Cats is in
faros alp the exercise of the veto power—General
Tayloeis opposed to it. if we have a Protective
Tariff and improvements of Rivers and Harbors,
we must have them by a vote of the two Houses
of Congres—Taylor will nor nee Executive influ
ence against either of those measures—Cass ail/
Taylor will no veto either of them—Cass mill veto
bah- We gain every thing by electing General
Taylor that we could gum with the moat thorough
friend of those measures—we lose all, If Cars is
elected. The mama is the cane, as it respects free
and slave territory. We find in General Taylor,
too, the friend of Peace—one opposed to enures.
Wan upon our neighbors—one who duly appreciates
the horrors of war, and who in the heat of bottle,
and in the flash of victory seised every ixctioion
to negotiate a truce or peace, and stop the etfu,ion
of human blood. Cara is in favor of war—out ac
tually disposed, I believe, to fight the hauls him
self, but speaking valorous words—bullying Eng
land and swallowing Maxim at a meal, and young
censure against General Taylor Or his humanity
—hence, those who wish for Peace, choose Taylor
rather than Cass. They look upon these things s
practical men, who are disposed to do the best that
circumstances will perszt; and no man who reit.
mos, doubts what that is. Oa the whole, I think
we shall lose Arta votes and gain many.
I am, very truly,
Wu. IL Jona:sox, Esq., Pittsburgh, P.
It having been alleged that the Hon. J. J. Shn•
g'ertand, the Represea s tative of the Albany district
of New York, was agallla Taylor, the 031TellpOno,
dent of the Honk American, says:
"1 ma authorized by Mr. Slingerland and Mr.
Botts to give a flat, erofthette, and utquated von.
owl:mien to every syllable of these allegations.—
From fine to last, the whole awry is a sheer and
deliberate fabrication, without the pretence of plan.
stbilitY of even a missrppreliwwiew to sustain it.—
Indeed, the val.
_reveres at what is stated is true
la both cases. Mr. Slingeriand wrote to the May.
or of Albany, germs corms and cosclissior rzesuris
for supporting Gen. Taylor, and urged his friends,
by every consideration, to cooperate in his elec.
lion, and to abstain born any third movement, the
effect of ',Web would be to prompterthe prospects
of Gen. Cass."
It was F. 0. J. Smith, one 01 MY. Can' asso
ciates in the land speculatidn; who inknnad the
Lonisinae Journal of the flail m the 00.10.
tow= Tinacor —Pans mar 01 • WATCtr
3411, — OlkSaturday morning last, the dead body of
a large and rather well dressed man was bond
partly in the water, near the Point, on the Manors.
gahela aide. It was discovered that ho had been
shin through the head, and soon afterwards a
man named Francis Mankey Came down to the
river, and admitted that he had fired twice at the
deceased—that he had loped him standing on the
steps of a house near the Mot of Liberty street, be
tween three and four o'clock in the morning,—had
questioned him as to has business there at such on
hour—that the deceased hod refused to answer—
turned and ran down Liberty street to Water,
when he (M.ruakey) pursued and tired nt him—fol
lowed to Penn street, and seized deceased, who,
alter a short scuffle, escaped—again pursued him
to the river, and fired a second lime, when the
mussed party disappeared. The crowd became
highly excited on hearing the particulars of the af
fair, and violence towardsthe watchman being ap
prehended, he was taken to the Mayor's office.—
Coroner Richardson lancing empanelled a Jury of
inquest, proceeded to inquire into the case. The
following facts were elicited,
Dr. Armstrong was called to make an examina.
tion of the wound. and under oath, made the fol•
lowing statement,—*`On "the right side of the face.
about an inch from the angle of the mouth, 1 found
hard substance supposed tube a slug, which
Rimed badman% and upwards, rupturing vessels
in its count. From the appearance, it is pre
sowed it entered the bath of the brain, which was
sufficient to produce death, ur.d did so produce
at this' ease, in city opinion."
Mr. S. G. Robinson was the next witness exam.
ined, who Stated, in substance, that about the latter
part of July, the deceased came to this city, and
stated that he was in search of n half brother
whom he believed to be in thin country somewhere
and who was a Methodist Preacher. He had a
note from the Rev. Hunter, giving some infurmn•
lion about him. Said he did not went to find him,
however, as they had a large estate in the old
country, which would Gall to him, (decessed,) if his
brother could not be found. Deceased looked like
a dissipated man, but was not drunk when 1 ,art)
him speak•. He was an Irishman.
J. M.,White was sworn, and stated that the de
ceased went by the name 0, White, and claimed
to be a relative of witness—a second cousin.—
Have known him about three week,. Believe
him to he a relative of mine; but never heard Li
him before.
A son of the deceased was neat brought in, nod
sworn. When asked for his name, he coil;-1 can't
tell what my right name is; I have always called
myself Allen, and never heard'of being White be•
fore." He Went on with the tbilowing statement .
"My father, (the deceased.; belonged to the L. s.
kitten Dragoons—man an officer—and deserted.—
I believe he changed 613 name when he deserted.
and we have been known as Allen ever since.—
Me has been in this country about three weeks—
we came with him. I hove a brother here.-
[lt appeared that the deceased deported ht, Reg._
intent on'account of some difficulty !Moot promo.
Francis Manion made the fullosatag statement
I was at the Lamp Post, wirier of Liberty and
Water, this morning, between 3 and 4 o clock. saw
deceased coining up Water street, he went up Li.
berty, and went to a door and stood on :a door step
and looked around. I went over to where be was
.and he lell; I killcoxed and asked. -Where are von
gnu* so early!" He replied: -Up street.' -Wasn't
you standing at that door'" He did nut answer
1 again asked:—"What lapiineas Lad you et that
door , He made no answer, and then turned nip!
ran down Liberty an hard as he could. sti.pret-
ed hint and ran after hnn. Ile turned round the
corner of Water street, when I caught wat. Ile
still said nothing to me, and broke imose front rtio.
Some country men writ near, when 1 asked fir assistance, but did not get it. when they left . the de
ceased fled from me, down Writer street. and 1 at
ter I mei' ••aep or Vit lib -a yet.... " •
rrshoot au ay... I did Mr caugh t
him agmu ;Weer the mouth idt Penn street_ Ile
knOckeil me down and kicked or •-everal times;
but I started alter tom again end cri9grit ban. soon
again he broke loose. and ran into the r:ver I re
warned there about half an hour. Several watch
men were with nie—we thought the Ferry boat
hat taken him on board. Didat know that I had
hit hint. bidet want to ban, only to ware
him. One barrel had elb.t. the other a ring—l fired
the shot first. the slug afterwards. I arrested this
saute nine near the same place about two weeks
ago, on rampicicton that he was a thief.
After considerable discussion, the Jury agreed
upon a verdict based upon the statement of the
I watslimAn, uthdosh wanthl the teatimmay in relation
to the transaction that was elicited
The deceased was buried at the expense of the
County, as the sons declared that they were Jest".
cute. He wee a puddler, and had worked for
Woods. No money was found upon his person,
nor any article that would induce a suspicion that
he was a bad man. The object of his being oat at
so late (or early) an hour, will probably remain a
mystery for ever. as there appears w be no wit.
messes, except the watchman, on either side.
Mackey was arrested and committed for fur:her
hearing, until Monday. We deem cornmeal
proper at the present tinge of proceedings.
At the Mayor's office, on Saturday afternoon, coin
plaint was made by a nick volunteer mat arrived
from Mexico, against Wilhelm limaings, for rtenl•
ing a bundle of clothing. Mr. Mendenhall, thy
volunteer referred to, was about leaving Hughes
tavern, on Water street, when liattingrodered to
carry he bundle, and receiving it took advantage
of the volunteer's feebleness, and ran off with a:I
his clothing and other sroperty. Hastings was
committed to lad.
The poor fellow no shamefully robbed, was re•
raced to the last degree of emaciation, by diners
consequent on an injury received from a wdd
mule; and had only just been able to reap, this
city, on the way to his home, in Uniontown
lie had been n member 01 . C:on:many F, r , th Itre.•
merit—for acme time ducharged—but confin.d by
illness, till hie comrades had all left Mexico.
After the commitmentaf Hastings, Hughes. tile
tavern keeper, called at the Mayor's ounce, no'd
avowed that a fellow called Welsh Tom, and not
Harding", bad taken the sick man's bundle. Mr.
Hughes either would not, or could not, make oath
to his statement, and Hastings remained in husk,
dy, Car a heanng on Monday.'
ACCIDEVT.-S. R.. H. Barker, a youth of ninieen,
was killed, accidentally, on Friday last, under the
following circumstances. A number of young men
had gone down the river, near to the head seven
mile Leland, fur the purpose of hunting and fish
ing. A proposition was made to engage in a sham
fight, with their guns charged with powder OD ly—
all the guns, as was supposed, having been care
fully examined. One, however,wris unfortunately
overlooked, which contained a load of srpi.rrel
shot s and at the first fire, young Barker was shot in
the breast, and died soon afterwards. The Lody
of the unkirtunate youth was brought to his to.
ther's residence, in the Fifth Ward, where a corns
ner's jury entirely athonoratecf the lad who had
discharged the final shot.
A delicate young girl, of fifteen, was a'rrested on
Saturday, and brought before the Mayor of Alle
legheny, for participation in the taatory riots. She
was required to find 5300 bail for her appearance
at miurt, end future good behavior; but said she
was determined to go to jail, rather than give even
o months, to keep the peace.
She bad persuaded herself theta was her duty
to punish those girls who went to work, and loosed
upon herself as about to suffer as a martyr; and
several friends endeavored to persuade her to ac
cept bail, go horny, and behave herself; but /the
continued firm, and was committed to jail. Alas:
for the poor hale creature—thus early sent to eon•
sort with the vi' --and be contaminated with the
depravity of a common prison. Surely she cnanot
grow better there.
The daughter of ItYr. CABS" Eaq., leather.
dealer, Allegheny city, had been out on horseback
ono day last week, and on her return to her lather's
door, her pony stumbled over a pig, threw her on
the pavement, and Isrerated her fare terribly—
laying epee the forehead to the hour
Cirraa Eva.stos.—The late Rev. D-intel
Isaac was both a great wag and great soar
ker. " there you am," cried a lady
who surprised him one day with a pipe in
his month, "at your idol again!" , Yea,
madam," replied he, coolly, "burning if."
TIGHT Lscrso.—A learned doctor,. refer
ring to tight lacing, avers that it is a public
benefit, inasmuch as it kills all the foolish
gitis, and leaves the wise ones to grow to
be women.
YFss Illotl- - T,haty at tile Whigs.
lb the Editor, of*Pietstarribastets:
1 tee by the Mein of Friday morning that the
Beaks di:invention" have nominated Martin Van
Buren as the "Free Soil" candidate for the Presi
dency. Why cannot all . irte 'Tree Soil" men vote
the Whig baked Have notthe Whigs at all-nears
been conaistent on the qbestionl Look at the
votes recently taken in Congress. Where were
the Whigs when Texas was admitted into the
Union? On the side of "Free Soif' or against
Let the record answer. And where was Senator
Niles, of Connecticut, and Senator Dix, of New
York, on that memorable occasion , Again, I say,
let the record answer. On the ear of SLseery,--
' Editor oar of them, if he hod notodwith the Whigs,
old hoer resented the anareutieu of Tents, and
all the horrible aorterqueoces that &regrown out of u,
tVar nod Peeta,oe." Again, how long is it
since Mr: Van Buren was called 'the Northern
man with Southern principles," and yet they now
wish to be considered as the exclusive friends of
"Free Soil." For one, I wish them to be put upon
a longer probation begme I give them my support.
The Wing party are the rent friends of "Free Soil
. have been consistently so. What, then, can
the friends of "Free Soil' gain by joining a sepal
rate organisation! I cannot see. It is comdstent
for Loco Foco "Free Soil" men to come out, from
. .
their patty, but they sh7uld join the Whirs, where
alone. in lay opinion, their votes will tell infdrther.
tag the desired object . FREE SOIL.
Plttsbnrgh, August 11, 154 b.
The Lancaster Union nottcmg the appearance of
overnor Johnston at a recent County Meeting,
-His appearance upon the stand was hailed by
three deafening rounds of applause, which were
again and again repeated. Indeed we have seldom
witnessed so cordial and enthusiastic a reception.
After the cheering had subsided, the Governor took
the stand, and spoke inn three quarters of an hour
in his usual clear, calm, argumentative style. lie
alluded w the happiness and prosperity which
Pennsylvania bad enjoyed under the operation of
the Tariff of 1642—t0 the injurious clients of the
Tariff of ISI6 upon her best interests—to the origin
of the late war with Mexico—spoke eloquently
and feelingly of the gallant services of our army
there, and of their claims upon the gratitude of
the people. He then alluded to the Preamble and
Resolutions adopted by the Legislature of Penn
sylvauta, in 1520, upon the subject of slavery, and
denounced to severe terms the attempt recently
made to Congress, to.extend its blighting influence
over the Free soil of the new territories. Ile coo•
eluded with a most eloquent and effective appeal
m 1:11/01. of Taylor, Fdlinore and Middlessannh.—
' We will only add that the high reputation which
had preceded Gov. John,ton, woe more than sus
tained by his speech on this occasion.
The Island of Borneo, throughout the
whole of the northeast coast, is, with few
exceptions, a low land covered with jungle;
but so beautifully verdant does it appear,
when viewed from some distance, that you
would be led to suppose that it was widely
cultivated. This idea is, however, soon dis
pelled on a near approach, when you dis
cover a rich group of accedes, palms, ban
dani, and numerous trees as yet unknown,
so luxuriant in themselves, but formir.g
one entangled mass, alike impenetrable
to European or native. What, in the dis
tant view, we fancied a verdant mea
dow where we might relax from our long
confinement, and amuse ourselves with
recreation. now proved to be ranges of long
damp grass, interspersed with swamps, and
infested with venomcnit snakes In short, I
never yet was on a coast, which, on arriving
on it. pronnsed so much. and, on landing,
caused such a series of disappointments to
those who love to ramble altaltd, as the coast
bf Borneo. To the naturalist, however, con
fined as he is tothe shelving-beach, there is
ample food for employment and research
the island abounds in novel objects of natural
history, both in the animal and vegetable
kingdom —Maryails Borneo.
There may be a world of wisdom in many
of the old saws that are floating about in
newspapers and school books; but, for all
that. many of them—notwithstanding we
are told never to look a gift horse in the face
—will not bear too close a scrutiny. Fur
example, one of these old saws runs, • de
pendon:e is a poor trade to ieltow." as
auy other trade (a :Lisbon Pr) could be lob
lowed--as it we were cot in an active, pas
sive, massive state of dependence from the
bawling, squalling days of infancy to second
childhood--supposing we should reach that
lengthened and interesting period of depend
ent existence. No dependence, indeed! It
can't be helped. his our rnaaifest destiny
—one of those prommciamen(ox of nature that
never ha. and never can be set aside. We
depend upon our wives for an unreasonable
share of domestic felicity—upon our fathers
for "notes" as well as comments—neon ac
quaintances for company. doctors for pills,
cooks for dinners, chambermaids for beli.
and—worst dependence of all-1344n our
abilities for a fall crop of fame and dollars.
And thus it is (trim the cradlesp the gave—
with man as with woman—we depend for all
that we eat and all that we drink—all that
we wear and all that we teas—in short. all
that pleases the eye, tickles the palate,
charms the touch, or 4 ailis in any way to
the comfort of onrainrichlar and oliactory or
gans.—Seare Goastle.
HURRICANZ re PAUS9II.—A tempest occur
red at Bromberg, on the 18th of June, the
phenomena arid 'effects of which were re
markable " Masses of electrical fire, like
broad sheets or clouds of flame, encircled
the steeples, towers and chimneys—now
blazing with lurid splendor, now giving way
to total darkness, and then reappearing with
brighter effulgence. So loud was the rolling
and bursting of the thunder. so overwhelm
ing the rushing force of the wind, so like the
rattling of cataracts, the hissing downfall of
the ram. that we could neither hear nor see
the terrible effects of this awful phenomenon,
until it pleased Providence to command an
end. Then a fearful sight met our eyes. It
created no surprise tnat, with such a hum
cane. whole roofs of buildings should be
wrenched ftom their places ' chimneys hurl
ed down, and hundreds of windows torn
from their fastenings. This was almost nat
ural , but great was our staprise and grief to
discover that the noblest ornaments of our
city, our two lotty towers with their cupolas,
were literally hurled from their foundations,
and, buried deep in the earth. No one knew
of this misfortune for loud as must have
been the crash of the falling towers, the
noise was overcome by the uproar of the
elements, and the deafening echoes of the
incessant thunder. Bromberg has the ap
pearance of a place shattered by an earth
quake; but, God be praised, no lives are
lost, and although the surrounding crops are
prostrate, they may recover.-
SKAKIIO HANDI.—SOITIO folks will have it,
that a man's character can be told by his
laugh. It may be en; but, we think, the
shake of a hand is a more certain test.
From the extending one. two and three fin
gers, down to the bone-cracking grip and
pump-handle shake, every shade of charac
ter is truthfully yet forcibly depicted. There
are others, again, who have no force of char
acter, dribbling out a harmless, milk-and
water sort of existence. Such permit their
cold, clammy hands to be taken--and there
it lies within your own, innocent of a return
ing pressure—unconscious of its close prox
imity to real flesh and blood.—Neals f',-ax.
A most singular instance' of terror in the
human species is recorded in the Journal de
Medicine, pour Pn 1817. It occurred in the(
hospital of the Salpe•tnere. A female of ad
vanced age was so affected on hearing that
her daughter, with two children in her arms,
had precipitated herself out of a . window,
and were killed on the spot, that her skin, in
a single night, from head to foot, became as
that of a negro. (The same passion turns
the hair white, of which many instances are
on record.);!
Err Una rue rumen Aleana-11 you wish to be sae
pessful m any undertaking, you mum alway,,," th e
eroper means."Eberefore if you have a cough, use
Jaunt's Erpocteuaye and be cured, for it is the prom
mem.. Save you Asthma or Mfficulty of breathing,
then the only efficient means to cure you ito use
Jayttc'e Expectorant . which will immediately overcome
the spaem wluch controma the diameter of the tubes,
and loosens and brings op the mucus which clop theM
up, min thus removes every obstruction to a free reap!.
rotten, while at the same tune all tallammation is sub.
duct', and • cure is certain to he effected. lines you
Spittourof Blood, Pleurisy, or in fact any
Pulmonary Affecttott, then use Jayne's Expectorant
nod relief 10 vermin. and you will find that you have
used the proper means.
Poe sole to Pittsburgh at the Peale Tea Store, 711 4th
street near Wood. Janl7
~ xi. I:irsnuuur.—We would •au attention to
this e x cal len t remedy for Cough•. Colds. Consumpuorh
Asthma, and all affections of the 'Throat and Longs
Having several times within a few years past had Lcca•
slott to uses medicine of dos kind, we have by wiperr
mice tested its escellent qualities, and are prepared
recommend it to others. MOOSter. or other pubim
peckers militated o'tlb Memel:M.l affection. will find
great benefit from Its use. It is prtpared by a semen.
fiC phyltleian, and all clam. will find it • safe and e 6•
C 41310111 medicine in the disease. for which It its re.
commended.—tColunthe. (Ohio) Cross and Journal.
For rale at the Pekin Tea MOTE, NO. 70 Fourth tame.
U:r Don't have yellow dark Teeth—they can be
made pearly white by one me Man a boa of Jones
Amber Tooth Pace It hardens the gams, sweetens the
breath, 44. Sold al dd Liberty at naval/rawly
siuraum4 smogs.
BY Tintlif .etudry we of I anvil Fielsa, ime4
out e. th e 4.913464 Coon of Allegheny County,
and Inme dtreeledt will be ea - posed to sale, at the-
Caten Hone, m the elm' of rimborgi l / 4 on Ram,'
day, /*member the 9t, A. D. 1940, at 111 Welock, A 111 7
the following described property, to wit:
Alt those lands and tenements inelmtedm share No
one, set offto James VT Newnan and wife, In the pat
nne.'of the Reel Estate at; Hannah Johnston. deed
determined in the Orphan's Court M.Allegbetty coun
ty. at March Term, A. D. 1E46; and fora more portico
tar description of said premises, referents may be had
to stud proceedings remaining of record in sold Court;
being the same property which Janne W Newso and
inid woe, by deed dated 14th 0mb...19t0. recorded in
Deed Book 4, C, Vol. 76. page. 44.0 grouted and con
veyed to said P C Martin. Alm. all that other lot of
ground and the Moldings thereon erected, situate In
htt toveuship, home part of a large lot of trotted de-
minuted as lot No 3, in the plan annexed to the poru
uou of all the piece of lead saute partly in Phi town
ship. and
/ iianly m the coy of Pittsburgh, being that
poruon o the northerumost ed of r lot. outoborod to
the plan annex to th e tut will oo
nt and tutame An
drewlVamon, Tsui, dec'd,bounded and described as nil
lows, to inn. Begthong on the Farmers' ts klech.ncs'
Turnpike Road, at the distance of 21 feet 6 inches
westwardly from the corner of Union alley and mid
Turnpike Road, and running westwardly along said
Turnpike Fitted 21 feet 0 Inches; thence northwardly
parallel with mid Union alley 07 feet 111 niches to en
alley 6 feet wide; theme at nght angles eutwardly l 9
feet, thence sootharardly 1147 Met 111 inches to the
place of beginning, on the Farmers' and htheitamete
Turnpike Road, being the said property which became
duly rested in gaol P C Marlin by deed poll from Eli
jah Trevino, Lsq.. Shet ta of Allegheny county, dated
301.11 Jsituary, 18401 recorded to deed boat 11, Vol.
73. pagd St, and by deed from Alemander Block sad
wtfe. dated 11th September. IC4A recorded
hook 3, , t* , Vol. 72, page OW Alm, all thole other
four lot. or pieces of ground s 1
and now in the city
of Pittsburgh, Nos le), 199 191 and 192, in Cook
Cassatt's plan as recorded In book 2, S. page 19, and
bounded and described as follows, to from Begnuung
on Cliff street on the Maumee of 40 feet from the corner
of Ceases street, thence extending in width on Cliff
sired towanls Ledlte street Da feet to the corner of lot
No Itto, and in depth to Cook street preserving the
saute width, 150 feet 2 inches. each et sold to extend
ing in width on Cook and Cliff streets .44 teet, and In
depth upon Clam Cook strum 191 feet 2 niches; being
the same property which Davit William.; by deed da
ted Sept. 7. 1645, recorded in deed book 3, 11 , Vol 71.
peg. 624, gritted and conveyed to said Martin Sei
zed and taken in execuuon ns the propeny of
C Mart.; at the suit of Zetinlon Kinsey and otlgo.
and to be sold by
Smuts 's Ortrust, August It, IS4S. augl4tvi3tS
Starling /Medical College,
171 sregular Jewon of L: n c e tu o mw o‘ ill commence on
continue sweet, weeks. During the whole month of
October. three lectures will be gtven daily on the fol
lowing subjects:— Microscopical Anatomy. Mirror Sur
gery. Insanity, Poisons, Physical Ili
is and Bota
ny No cites charge is inside for this month, as the
lectures are intended only to make the winwr course
more complete. During the water stx lectures will he
given daily. The course ofd nstruction embraces n
avym suluects, and is believe to be as full and thor
ough as it any similar instinatioo. The meas. of illus
tration are ample, and every facility is &Corded to
those who pursue procure' Anatomy A recent dons
'son of SIttI,WKI will tumble us to erect a commodious
college edifice, with a Dospstal attached. This will be
completed us about one ) ear In them ean time. very
comfortable rooms, sufficient far the accommodation or
220 sunless., are secured
Henry lb. Child., M 17. Prof of Obstetric. and D.c.
eases or Women sad Children.
John Butterfield, hi D • Prof. of the practice at Medi
Richard L. Howard, AL D., Prim. of Porgery.
Jesse P. indims, M. D., Pro/ of General and Speniii
samilel M. Smith hr. D Prof. of Millen& Medics.
Tbempeoucs and Medical Junrprudenre.
Francis Carter. Pt. D Ptol of Physiology .of Gene•
ral PathoLoty
Fredenck Merricii, M. D, Prof of Chemistry and
Norman Gay, M D Detnonstrator of Anatomy
Lecture,. • 550 00 I Nlatriculation •• • .53 to
Graduation ... • • • iru 00 I Lksacicmig Ticket 5
OVA board from 51,Mi to 52.tal per week.
Lim Facility.
To Eniginoors, Blaatilnloto and Others.
T H s k :go e l:747 k bll, od alte . U.7l:uk a e n ji ' t) ' :, ° ttTe P ste r ste d r c );
dcbouch of their Can., a t+teans Pump, or other Ma
cry, capable of biting into Me Canal ut an eleva
non co =lleen feet from tiro. Creek, to the beat man
ner as regards ettn_lency 1/11.1 economy. two hundred
thousand cubic feet of water per hour.
Tha Company to to Engine a, hlachinists, and oth
ers to oder plaits for the •bore work, to be accompa
nied with drawing. .d descrtpuons, and estimates ot
Lt. doily cost of Mel and attendance. they will also re
crier from such persons Proposals for tn.dfog and
fuoi , g up the Nlitellinery, if desirable to the parry ale the plan. respectively , offered.
or the Dianiqud, where Venthan Blinds of all the
different sites and colors are kept on hand ur made to
order after the latest and most approved Eastern Inith•
Irma. at the ,honest notice and on Mt most. ,wiontible
Also, the cheap Boston roll cii'aplit !Rind Tanspa
rency wild Paper Comers 01 all ho different tine, and
pattern., on hand and Inc sale low for cash. Old Vent
hart I.3linds-patuted over and repaired, or taken to part
payment tor new ft M w ith 1 - , Pro'pr.
N 11—All work done with the best material and
workroanstop, and warouncit to idea.. the moat 11"-
odious. auglo-dl y
Allegheny city. Aug. 10,1540.
- - '
Allegheny School for Girls.
ri,HE Filth tisesaitiu of Miss Wildis :School, will cora
-I,ruener oli Monday, September Ita. Rooms in
Federal sues, Allegheny. next dos. above the Poet
'Name. for session of eleven weeks.
First CM , . lalti French_ 00
:legend Class , • e tierinan . .i
Applic• may he made st Ler resiocuce 10 An
dersou street. Allegheny, near ''he 'laud r.trest RI loge
MAREILL WORKS ON W 0 NM, isT . P1TP31.11.1 , 10.11
10. 14 - 11.K.11114,
i , osTiNurf . .... , to /ennui miul
k..,.. Vaud., 'lona,. Ilend istinies .la,,tc.. ~
,ee rt. 4 Plen lop+ot tore., unit dontn•t.e iiill,
a regu,ar mid lad price.
N o—Brawings tor . yout, he lamm
ed. of any des...notionteen:talents Ile solicits a snare of puUile
p1211 . 011.11ge elio9-iill
renneylv•nta Rol/ Road Co.
tiaNut ICE is Ilcrebj prrA taut ,14c Fdth
lostalincitt et Fine Dohs., tics' allure, ~ re.
quircd to be paid on or beasts. me Vast mii
ot gdpictober ner, and the timid Instalment nu the
hest day ut November next.
'S . LlEilitt,F. V BACON. Tres-u ter.
N. N —lnstalme „di sell: Lc received ~y \\ - ...11
augl4-ilis littissi, Fist, at NI WILLI ' . later.' al.] Nlerrnadis liana
towi Llr.., iiiTiLll ED OR STOLEN, from the pres " r " - "' " ` Pl
Altist mutes of the suoscriber. on the inoray,g m IgAPER-30 ream. extra large Straw Pat.,. very
the 12th inert, a chemmit sorrel MARK six E heavy and strong, tot hardwire. gig. 2:i hond;ea
years old. middle sine. withert any sta.. net Cap, tor confectiners, <neap post and cap Paper.
810 will Le ',aid by the subscriber Mr Ina return of the for s ale sty J SCHOONNIAKEIi .I. Co,
m•ie, and If stolen, 115 for the conviction of the , Sir' audit 21 woosi at
For Rent.
augl4-difse Water to. below Pr no
Z IL A GOOD threc-story linek Dived
:Jig. svph
(BLEACHED MUSLINS—A A Mason A Co, a, Slat - double back buildings, Dining Room nod Kart,
j) Let st, Carole. opened Demitreesnallottioasst eery r on the insno tlimr—to .11.eglien, lils, Last
cheap bleached lalaalins at be Also, 1 more rues of Contemn. second door below the Methodist 0 hole,.
the 4Se do Alto. aril:other large lot of Me remnants of Renkll2oll. augli-sll,
Cohen. at Gig. attgli
. - I.XTIOE TO ISIFIRCHANI,3. , —The advertiser sob.
The piens, be dritvered at the office of the Cutup,
oy, under seal, before the aceond day of Octobernext,
of which tune tley will be opened and judged of by the
Board of Director... fullown. vt,
For the plait winch may be nalmitged or n. hest, a
premium of threr hundred dollars will be mini
For the best plait a pre of two hundred
dollars. and tor an, other" which ium
the Cbroparty map
rhooie to remm, one hundred dollar each. he Com
pany wilt return. under seal. to the pence. respective.),
all We other plane
Any in:omen°. required wtll be furnished on .pp:,.
eauon at the °Mee of the Company. No rbj %VAL, T
.treet. rbiladelphtn
Cambria Furnace for Sale.
unJevagiled vein oder tor ..ole nt
I 4011 0.4 i 111411.1i01. 1 4 4 e Lill day ul
the .o.:osa in: ,ran t it, :ae h rt.,
01 V 400. lest". Hee.. a. . tor tr. oene or tir
<Tertian, of warcl fin.: to 'att.—The Furnace erected Io
loud ecastpluty. 'aria the irteaut engine and futures, aud
hot blast ap,urstus; the tools used Clout the furnace,
dm lot of land on which the Faros,. suLnda,rolo.2olll.l 4
shoot Efieen semi of land. and rim Interest oh the *star
hem to litty •..rer of land boueht of It K Do lharr
The salt a.ll L. held on Ire prenuse•, , hr I..wa
alatp et Ta•anudge trutuaut county Ohio. and ve:11 eon,
menet at 10 o care A .S 1
Tze or Savx--One-fourth cub, and the baianne
n four, etgln and twelve months.
AV. S. C. rrris,
itti AY CALICOk.,--A A Mason A Co have recd I;ll ° eds. a permanentllllll.llsll as Clerk Or
r ~. tc
\/ another largo lot of Calicoes, at Lt yards for tine ta a Clothier'. establishment Respeessble
Also, good yard wide brown Mastitis a. S:e can be g.vra. Address to
More Wrought Collars, 1* augl I '
bbls No I Ntaekerel, ..}) do No it do; :VIII
1,1, Shad, 6 bbl. Lake Finh, 2vl bblv Iletnny,
for .ale by S I' VON LION suoileT ken.
.31514 a 6 from vt
, I , AR-115 bbl• North Coroins, for .010 by
j •oot4 4 F VON BONN HURST th Co
M " !(.
. .
FLOUR-3U Dbl. for gale by
11, .01 F VON BUNN lIORST • o
"DEP PER—lo Dag% for sale by
LARD OIL-20 ,t,I for sale. of suporaor go.diry
ougl4 MIA LI, & ROE
110= bale. WeAtera
I!NSF:EI/OIL-0 tails Cmownoto
n 0514 AVGILI. to HOE
. _
ODA ABll—lo rook. double refined Sala Ash
1.7.1 do do do
Warranted equal to uly In the coy. For attic by
augl4 C H GRANT,3I Yeller at
T OCISVILL.E LlMK—Conatantly on hand •Vd - for
l'alc by atoyll C N C,R.ANT
OSM—..7) Obis for solc by
j_)EPPER-74 begs on hams, and for sale very loot by
angl4 C II GRANT
TIRE MUCK-19,0W now on the whorl, for sole by !
a ull ISAIAH DICKE)" A Co,_ (rout at
LARD OlL—Durkbardrs best, lust reed and for sak
by _ !mold J KIDD & Co
rrowNsExtrs SARSAPARILLA—Id dot for sale
1. by augl4 J KIDD& Co
L'(NE POTASH—At rebut by
fresh supply for sale by.
RIO COFFEE-100 bag. pnme Rio, Am recurtog
and for Rule by
FI.OI;U-48 Ude choice Bash Family Flour. Jur, re
calved and for rale by
CIIF.ME-2P2 nu Cream Cheese, lust reed and for '
sal< by augla BROWN & CVLBEWN,,N
C. TURPENTINE—Ai bbl. La boo order, jam
0 teed by multi I J SCIItrUNId A KER & Co
SYTS. TURPENTLNII-25bble for sale by
aoall BRAUN & RER
it:WAC K. L e
'' 4 ! ; " Mp „ BRA UN 1;1:R
TjHOSPIIORUSI—ItaI lbs ior quls by
j align BRAUN & REITER
LINSEED bbl. or sale by
LARD bbl. and 4 hsl( bbl., to wore sod for
sale by ' anglo BROWN & CULRERTSON
DACON SHOULDERS--16 casks insi reed and for
jj sale by aoglO BROWN & CULBERTSON_
NSUOAR—SOO hods various grades, for .ale by
gORS -20 bales prune lst sort Ea own, and %Truant
New York Hops, a (tech supply, illst reed sad
ale •ery low by
___a2u, LI 10 ' DROWN & CLILBF.RTSON
AELEY MALT--dOO huab grown; and uaground,
fbr ude ay_ auglo EIRO%VN & CULIIEWISoN
(IOItN BROOMS-60 dot for wale by
IG METAL-90 tom Cumberland Elver aletnl,
lauding :rom .ton Arnentan Star and ka t Wetzel.
JAMES DALZELL, N avatar at
LA"'&e.—ed keg. No I Lard; Y hhda D;eon; land.
mg from Mar a/ashler, and for ale by
I,ILANN ElS—Brown end Red Flannebn on conagn
1:" meat and for sale by
magi° (IEO COCHRAN, IS wood st
T WEEDS AND CA9BISIKEL—On calm : amen arid for sate by au .10 GEO CUCH • N
CCEN MEAL-40 Ws Corn Merd, C p
brand, reel reed and (or sale by
• -
ERVING-15 Obis No I Hernog, nl Mora awl for
lo• hp wort J C 1111 ,, VF:L_L, Aot
large ereuro Clieeßo. Just received
•nd .or syle by
- -
MS PORK—IS bbls Mora Pork, jou reo'd and for
I_7lsolo by nuatO W HARBAUGH
RYE FLOUR—ZS bbl. Rya Flour,Just reed .d rot
sale by augtO Y & W HARBALAitt
eId.NDLKS--larl b. Cincinnati Mould Candles. in
1.../ store and for sale by
sued 8 & W lIAIICAUSJH
- -
SOAP -2 No I Rosin Soap, in st on 211 , 1 for
salt by auglb S & W HARR/LULU*
LINFIEED OIL—RU bbl. LAI-mad Oil s in ss tir awl Gar
sale by & W NIGH
EO/00,10 N• 1110111/ laCtltat•,
• • ••
TAS next Fall and Winter Conroe of Lecmres
lateness 112 this lostitution on the first 'Monthly in
November, and continues tottmouths, which b im.° -
diately aftersucceeded by the Spring and Summer
Session. which also cmOinues four months. - A gratui
tous prciamaustry course commences on the first kloit•
day in October. and continues one month
FACULTY. Tick et .
M. D, Anatomy and Opernove Sur•
• - SIO PO
J H. Oliver. M. U. , Chi:attain . and Patinas, •
w. Brach. AI. D.; Surgery and elution! Medi
A. H 1.1.. Oliatetnes and Diu.,
al Women aad Children• • .....
J. R. Buchlutan, NI. D. Phywology. lusr :Wet 01
Mcdielue curd :11,11rui Jurisprudence
M. D, l'uthotogy. Theory alle
I. se of Library, Pd. I:ta Fee, 610. Demonstrators Ticket, 44 0pt...,
al. One hundred dollars paid on or before the Oral
Monday ni November text, will be received pal.•
eat ni mr the entire 1111M111 of One ,tudea.—o,
Matricedwaon, Lthrao . and thimonstrutors Fees e
rho comae of Instruction embraces a lull told tho
rough presentauno of the various &Tarifa,. of
cal science taught in We Wading cotleges 01 Artier,. a.
together with much addthonal minter, not imparted
any other inslllution, viz: recent and tioportant thicu.
seriesw physiology, bearing upon diugoosa and prac
tice; a more thorough and procticsl system of Mi.teria
Medics and Pharmacy; and a rinorined s) item o,'
practice, bawd upon extensive experience and rem,
She research, which enables the practitioner better th
preserve the vita/ energies--to discard the use nbier ,
Earle' methcines, and graeral depletion, and to ,r..a:
with success many medical and surgwal Co res. 11141
battle the !Joust resOurecx of Medicine. O.IX or nor
lectures and ex sthinauons will be given dad, Cow,
dates for graduation, tit additiou to the pick... sit
time 01 study, mist have atteuded two regular,•
ate courses of medical lectures, like lost of wiudii most
he pi thu Insmuthy or one Coarse titer four year.'
prat . Of O.
The institute was chartered to 1e45 The classes
attend , the lectures have numbered as lotions.
1,114541, dl; 1E415 , 7. 127, 1,17,,, =al It is expected that
in two or three years its classes win he uniong the
largest in the Lulled Suites. The collegiate edifice
(corner of Court and Plum streets) will be enlarged in
sufficient or rbe reception of tau or IMO pum
heiters upon Intsiness or soliciting tislonnatiou<roust
be addreased to the undersigned, pc , . paid?, Noths or
wlectit Banks, of the Sloven in which the stddents•
side. will be received in the payment 01 Wes. 'Wawa
may he obtained 111 the city at from SO to Rdpc r week
Dew of the Faculty.
Summer Retreat at Pleasant Green. i
SEVg.H.A.L fanlike, canwe now Leaccommodated with
Boarding, at the ll known mansion of Jam,
Adams, klub deed. The Mansion in situated al the
lower end of Manchester, two mites from the city, coin.
pletely secluded from noise. and surrounded byexit,-
sive gardens, and fronting the Min, where the t,t•
frequently pass enlivening wriliout mornag the gene.
cal quietude of the scene The man or huemess can
pure. his avocation in the city. OaLe his meals and
spend his leisure hours with his family. where they
enjoy- the delightful scenery and pure bracing air or
the Country. rile in and can always comniand the
best medical attendance from Ihttsburgh ur Mirglretiy.
half a dozen Omnibuses run constantly ou the roan to
the city—and the Greenwood packet lands a short dia
tom's tram the house, so that no difficulty o to go-
mg to and Worn the city ut any rune front 7 A Nlccur.
to half
past 10 at dight rb. teems of boartmc w,ll he found
very moderate, and no r don tospared to render gees.
contlertable to all respects.
Respemable mdividuals or small parties wishing to
visit the country during the its). son be occoranioda
ied with meals uthe regular hours of 7A. NI. IP. ,
M Excellent stabling and carnage room
ran also be procured. aegis dOt
Retell GronerT for Sale.
rr 11!...shob.sewrtsisvc
cawing ,,,,, fru a na 4 l;u: t r u e s t :: i
lot of wellselected Dry booths, and to reuf his and,
one of the best to Allegheny city, situated on Robinson
sweet imMalrately west of the Canal Bridge, mithe
north side. The stock of Grover., is wave As-recta for
a retail business, and the stand is of n very superior
character, offering sus opportunity seldom esp.:a:led A
reasonable credit will ha given, mid possession can , f 2
bail at ally awe.
Ile House and Stand is well adapted to the Fanu
Berns's.a, and a would pay well, in that neigh... Brood.
fIII'ITON YARNS, ,ke --SOAAL:I, lire uss,or,e,lNosi 150
k„,/ bales canate kVlot, 1.54 do Ratting, Curp,l Clam,
etc, Twme. r (We a rnanto.cturer.
I 1ut.t..k1..T-20 [ln Cobalt. iota rra•d And for .ale by
tl "ct J KIDD '.'o
IDUT ASH— a casks rece,utg trout suur Lake Frie
.1 and lon sale by augl JA.NIESDAL . bELL
DACON A-%1) FLAA L SEED—SUOu Lts b bags
1...) Flaxseed. ,ust recelved and for sale!,
sug I I. S W :s'rk:RNIAN
. .
Faacy Starch. :or sale
ri 11: BY &WIN E— Lark 'poi. To rpeolo - 1;: aura
and for sole b, IY 3I J KIDD A. Co
COFFEE -253 bogs RIO 1.4 !U bags; Lago.ayra
fee, orrroutir by canal 111 d :or sale by
31 water and rki wont su
SLERATI:S. auks Cleveland :tan
lets for
M Bala to , jai. WICK & M'C N DLESS
an h Co. ', moo lust
reed alb pa of Alosquno Nett, ofvartuu• gual(•
des and width. i) . 40
LAll) OIL—VA IA/ 1 / 1 Burkhardt's, on bond nog /or
sale by )5'24 J KIDD
ACt7A.kikiAl: :±NUFF—J not recd n i ttr o szi , e ,n by
TOBACCO—MO do: Fine Cut 'tobacco. tchewing,l
on !Laud and lor sale by Jrdi J 11UJJ hCo
ATS—V.S., buah Oats. 3ut reed for snie
_JY 6 Nt tt NreethlJLE-,13
VF.. RED-50 Iddi, ,uat reed tuld for sale by
aug-2 cornet Ist and wood
SALERATUS-10 bb4, obi. fer .de by
STONE PIPE 3-90 big Slone Pipes, tot sale by
.7 ft MYANDI.E.,..t,
dol Jaw Tuba, for sale by
SEGA COMITIOII Cifart, kg sole by
RUSHED bbln Crtrabyrl Sruga. for
b y cup? WICK it NI'CAN ',LESS
nrrE BEA.NS-40 bbls small 'Pante lkans. for
Bala by laugl WICK ix. NI'cANDI.I,_,I
j,NL{UR-411 bbl, Ite.h ground Wheat Flour, AI 2.5
bbt. Rye Flour, just met! nod lor yule
SSCasks st Salto, at store awl !or tad< by
. &oat I. S WATERMAN
A I °LASSES-4U bbls Sugar HOU., a prints article.
for for sale low to close constrontent.
/731 A TWouu, JON ES &
lADIES 1101141/1T C01.1.2.115--A Yria•on fr.
. Co, Si Market sr, have just mo'd 31. t dor Wrought
Coils., A:ltch the) are welllng at :he ,ory pore c
QL . CiAlt—lco Wads prune :I, IJ Sugar, fur aale by
1.."1LL J fr. H 11.01 11, Houod Church
011,—1500 gallons bleached Sperm O. Hon do n
tural colored do do, YOU do bleached Wbale du
do, 75U do brown Tannere - thl, it/ cock, 10 101,1,,
Strada du do; IU do Brown do do, rrist reed and tor
sale by 1)1 7 MILLER to RICKKIInIN
FISI4-300 lib's No 3 Mackerel. sdo No do. lOU
bait do No 3 do. tU do No 2 do. lu du No I do;
just received sod for sale by
if I.7;TAItD -- 12 0 begs Long Island Mustard,
I do do * and* lb cans, 5 cases do do tin, 5 IL cans,
just recd on consignment. and for sale at Eaniterti pri
ce.. by /y 27 MII.I.ER lc RIC K
ACICKREI-7 3 1,b6 lazgr No 3, 10 half do do No
IV 2', 1U GNI* du do No M nu do do Non, Sal
mon, In store and for Bale by
o; t
I_)ACON—S bluls Bacon :.4tlcs. for .ale loaf
ill by 172 t 0 BLACK 111 RN &Co
FLAT WATS FOIL SALE--12 large autf.taiwal
Flat Boats for .talc I.3.yotre of
.26 corner of Penn and Irwin ata
SCHOOL BOthili—M•Gulrry's :knee, a large stock
just received and or sale by
Vollt SALE—A Lathe. woo a lot or shall,
r kr Moo, a good art of Inacksonnia Took Eo•
o irL 7 ALA IC A. to
01,01 A-100 bide freah ground Flour, :oat re, .nal
r wale by ,yl - 1 W IIA RBA Coll
D OMAN CEMENT-10 bblA for Pale by
of Vo:4 BONN
FFLOCIL—Ick bbl. for sale by
I.l‘ , j r& $ F VON DONNIIOR , T sCo
OLAY-30 kr:alien:our Clay. in Fame
Ur order, received and for vale by
CI OA P-40U by. No I Soap, pnrrie
•igruacut and for Pale by
FINE FLOUR—SO bbl . Fme Flour, on consignment
nod for sale by iyia tib:LLEFL`i S NIUOLS
LA RD 01L—M bL No I; 2S do No:`, 10 do P.rff
for wool. f...r sale lq
111.7 9.EILLEItz , S NICuLS
- • ---
I h , ggy cod Ration. Seale at Auction. , jai l
On kloaday. August 14te. at 3 o'clock, p hi, alt.
commercial sales room korner of Wood and Fifth as, writ he added to :he mile of Groceries, fOrmlloro: hr., '' dm • I V PACKET
1 handsmne west bombed a:Aaron:AM boggy, with fall- '' la r. 1I 14
mg sop. I t•lattorso scale, to weigh 1500 •ud i. FEIN well known line of splendid paamker .=•
m.gl2 JOHN D DAVIS. Auer or . o , ow oJo op ooo d a up, huge., Inallimns mes
mshml and furcushed, sad moat powerful boats on the
~e g Goads, fe, at Aveturn- : semen of the %Vat.. livery accommodation and cams
On Monde)* =wrung, Aug. 14, at 10 o'clock. at the fon that motley eon p.m., bas l:',"...P.”'ded for P".
comma''' Sale. Rooms corner of W ool and Fllth pe
: .11ger.. The Line issa he. m oration for five Ter s .
streeq, std be said, animus reserve. the entire mock us ' —Loa The
It million of people withoutlhe least 13.,
a rel. dry rods merchlost, who Is decilutog business- : ry to their persona '
pr boots will be at the Coot ed
consteung of a great •arlety of mast:not:le foreign sod , Wes. strem the day previous to naming, for the meek.
dome , . ...Pis eod ns+ne) Dry Goods. which may be ~ Coil of rrelght and the eutry ot passengers on the rtSfr i
exam:Aced previous, to the sale. i ter In ell cues the passage money smut be FM.
Ara o'clock, mit:oc,
vekarrote asto dalloCkatt.l. 6
, ~ re , „,,..arc abd chime, cutoproong • vat- I SONDAY PACICILT.
sal adomment sustable for housekeeper, a great van. 1 The ISAAC NEWTON, Cat” , A. 4-3 MAI ". In"
sty 01 top. . Sc, a quanut> of giumwere, ham... tos. l leave Patatourgh every ...ay morning at leseeletalL
ware, 0,,,,5 e : 0 1 00 0 0 , globe Mr., Veuett. and trans. ' IVltecling every Idamslay ecetang as 10 r sr
parent m endow hi ado. hues amt cotton dy Is., trots 'I Nay sat, 1a47
.....t. sciodusc gosh. Atea. blacks., a b 00 0,..
~, I,
A deuce.: aadortment ut.neW aud.cromt baud hoax- I
boid radhisure. among which are otohoJapy h oo k
mid , egrclar), Arca, .. g and comm. buret., hats seat 11,
sand rocktng chatis Aldo. a quanta of Foc ,
ugar LOU. toomme.s. mockery., N ao 1 shad. HP
boscd cheese. Sc
:ipve rvrit .rrzrir x-rn OTIS"
Cutlery jewolr), renewal instrnmems, a large a.
portmeta of fealnonable ready made clothing, bop,
'Lot.. umbrella' saddles. br'dles, whips. manks. Rt.d
a. 1,1 ..'rebus. glum pistols, fancy and staple ea-
Smatieficia Neale Property at Aumon.
On Saturday, August lath. at J o'clock, on dre I Cs.
MOW,. WU/ be told that valuable lot or ground nt, late
rweet. commencing Ist the dtamirce • al 10
wet morn the new id. F. Church now bring crectr on
Me corner °Mkt cet, hamng u Isnot of YU It. ex tend
ing back 110 A. to Miltenberger'. alley,, on wit. en is
erected a mt,ttanneJ two story Brick :dare and Dwel
ling House. being a desirable SittlAliColl for Mr ;i.e.;
and also. a well finished three ttory brick Dore ding
Ilnu Ironton: on the allry etrrnaid Title rdi spa
TI-3(.llF—Olse thirdeac io h, te•ridue to two &goal
annual payment...llM interest; payable serm-s alto ally.
augl I JWIN U DAVIS, Au el.
c0) Snrc6DAT Evi.2.2. Aunt 12. 22 •
E Toe tullawttur performers we entyr.ged, land will
make Ills, first appearance on :Saturday. Aug. 12,
F. H. Alorungt, Ist tiudnust;
1112042wtek. 2d V w
T. Viek, Banjo Ilayor.
H. Aterrmunt. nrcordecto,
W. Hunt, (:our,
J. k: Robinson. Tacnbortnt;
J. W. Ltattoup, Castute . tts:
nini in Pante Taghoni, Vocalist and Dm.ew.e.
(Er The Opera of - Sant Sbottletscel,” written
s ue Mr. Bmoup, author of . - Voßy Von Fransay." tte
produced next Monday evening. Rug II
Hudson'• Panorama of the Hudson Rive r
ri`HE Proprietor of tins greatptantre Mttre North II
ver t oll his way to the h:astern mum') will existb It
his Panorama at the above fiat fats o t , IX Vitt tt
ONLN.counneucing on Monday eranthg, August Ht h.
and contraue dunng the week.
It la painted oil 12100 feel alewives., and repreame
every City. 'room and Landing, on both udes. inoh
NCYII . [lay to the mouth id the blohaiirk Mau r.
const4tuting One 01 Ltd largest and most beautiful Pan o
ram*. in die would
Aderunsion only IS cents—Children half once. TIC k
eto to he had at the prlnctpal Hotel. and at the doom.
Loon open nt 11---l'anorkozu to commence rcoreing
nt e} o'clock, prectsely. • nugli
THE Autumn :MemnonWu limutunon will coa
-1 umence on the first Monday in September. Room.
on Federal Street, to "Comonade Row," 211 door Comm
the bridge
count of instruction and the rate. 01111111. are
the benne us heretofore.
Formore minute Informnuon, see eireumar or apply
to the nstructur, Mr. N
Reference :any also be made to the following gent 'e-
T F. Dale. Allegltetty. i lion. C. Sltaler..\4laburgh
Rev Elliott. •• µay. D. 11 Riddle
It. Sm.canz. Rev 11. bycr,
r.L,I . F.RIOR Barons:be situ/ Horne.. rest
it. ct u bum. I rots lir,. MAl:ding top, brilJ. J.:pooled.
bends.nely tined end mooned--in every rerspeet a de
e carriage fora private family. harrlng been coo.
strumed wall., ell the moderns Improvements, nseeurong
me greenest amps. o( room and con , ensener,wtN
My :rest Weight conaretent slurabiJny, ;bid tor
want of um, or she amuse Is estrout to leers tba city.
lire cern-mgt. .s to Le en at the 1 .ivory J.s.table of
lOL.ksDELL.. S t
Clair Weer •
A.. 0. n superior Saddle florm for sal. belonging to
tne sonto concern. I ;squire vs alai e nog 12
lI AVING .o.d our cadre stock 10 1: II Gu.r.Nr, wait
clo qng our old L.ur me.. we hereby so
.ut tl.e ordrouudu of 511 our tclund. kod cu.-
dl/. r • all ',V AN 01:XTER.,
l'...ldarrlt. Aug .Idi. 1,4 b.
I U. GRANT. Who.,sale Grocer. Comn.o +n
l'ot..r•hug No 11 Unreelau,V.
mmtsszet KI2SIMMCEEM
No. 81 Wood street. between Dia
' 7 0 mond oder and Fourth street. ha. now
opeo and tor sale a large assortment of
PILNO FOR'rkS from the above man
ufactory. of O. Of and 7 octaves, of the latest styles. and
with nil the recer i treprovetneuts, which WWI be .am
to purchasor, at the - Boston Cash Price." invariably.
B•plendld taw Pianos
Tilt.: ',towline, powtous to leaking
for Eun to rrptenork h.* stock. will
dospow of loamoce of rus stook on
nand at reduced pnces, havorw
ble terms. It consults of a 0110100 SCIC<LIOII 01 Pianos
mode nY Nano* Zs Clark, N. V., and Jonas Chicken:lg,
Cl 13os1 on, 31.4,0 f 'from 6 to 7 octaves, of rosewood
and in rimpury. GLUM:rent styles and prices.
traney rrests from Esaritys.
subscrtbet. hare now history a very eztensive
1 n
a...true:it at Fun for ladies wear, which halm
bee purchased in Europe by one of the hots, at very
•ow prier, during the monetary crtseA succeetitng the
FT etacu Itevolottan'
Thu advantage, which they possess over any nth
house In the trade, will enable them to sell a very e
cc rcto article hitch below the market price.
Merchants and others will ativance the, ow
interests by exeunt/mg this extensive assortment.
hULls', BROTH E.'Etrt,'lmporters.
tsCt :tacit (Nlulberry I between Yd and 3d streets,
QOl.Oll - iII'S.E.NT, is now prepared to eol,ect the
three tn. - tains , extra pay which 1 u been grunted
by a Care act of Congress to the Troops who have re
turned from the Mexican War, and to the heir and
representallves of those who were killed in battl£, or
died on disease incurred Inn the service
Orseca, Elatiiitag, apposite the Coo
House. Pittsburple &age-dila,
1 ti at W M
CARR, Anufacturers of Umbrella
Sumac] and Ores. Done, No. I 3 North THIRI
weet, above Mace. PHILADELPHIA, invite the a
tentron of Merchants and Dealers to their extensive •
sortment of the strove arliCres, which they oder at n
duced prices All cx•autiatron a &elicited.
JPUBLISHED—An tliumration of the Type,
Allegorn, ma i Trophecteg of the 0;d "I moment:
By \ Von= M'Elveri. min finer of the Gospel at Dundee.
The above popular work. which treat• of the Typtc a/
Perm.s. Things and Places of toe 0;t1 Teetanterm
which hat ocen out of print (or so nie um, and for
winch these has been u great demand. we nave mot
rcpubliebtd tn u neat Nty,—mill pages. o Prier
50 tents ELLIO TT &
VENV FALL t/001:5—A A Mason 3 Co, CO Mara
street, ure now °penult; at eases and packages 0,
new Fa/I ltoods, rom
p 'lsms 10 pen new styles Ong.
buns, I.'rettrh. Englikh and AMICIICIIII Prsitts,
:swots and &cis klusltns, Collars. Capes, Laces
ii OSE 1108E2 . -71A) tee: t tneh 3 pig /law.
Just reeetved by D Leech sk Co's Ltne. and for sal
at the India Dauber Depot. Nu. 5 Wend st
. 4 0 .1 lc II Nil MAPS
M '' fu e i l l il a N ss k: or a tni„ D oT
dune Bandiitg, nil widths, front filches to 1 , / turn
In width, whlch ate will sell at rusitulacturers price
carrlage eared to the purchaser, at No 5 Wood s
utsts , J PHILLIPS
- - .
CIAJTHS---2500 }da Floor OiCh. varlort4
ll patter.. 1101 4-4 Parra
147 dor Tab!e Cover, a .plend,rl artlele—, an t Le
Le•t. rtaat recd trorn the Platilipa,:le tartorv. ,ad rot
No.; No lVoral tug, & II 1.1-iILLJYt.
EESE,--40 bis Cream Cheese. a ilo;
slort mud mr.ale I.y & W R
lIA UA Cal
-vv ughext market price paid
ILEA SIDES—IO dusk , . clear Sides, just reed and
lJ tor Icy 'coin' A CUNNINCitIAId.
nug, 147 Itherty st
)EARL ASII-10 csmks Yaarl Ariz, Juot reed on
cuttstrurucui and for Falb by
Ilb:1-:.SL—W bxs now lauding from stn. lillohigan.
for sale by ItIAIAAH DICKEV h Co,
Hugo irons il
FIi•IIA: , :DTItOrI—aI bills Whoa rtsb V ,
V ball do 20, 16 bbl. Trout: 4 ball do. ior , r " . 4
and (or wile by sup ISAIAH LACKEY &to
A I)-.10 bids No 2, lor sale by
- _
DEARL ASH-7 cupk, ut •iore Alla (or .:e by
_ "Cd _ 'SALA VICNI:1 A. C 6
DR BEEF—Itco Ito, for snit 1..,
our, 1 v, BONN 110R.,T S. Co
X r CI!.ASSES--1:al !Ads Plawauou Uhl
1. hapir Hour do, in More aud for &e b)
_RE01.11: 4 4,6 2. Co
391 Droradwa Now pro k
I led Ninalum:Bareges Lace., kkohnidderiest ._,
no*. Shawls, Healety, Glovca, Lawns Oyu„
They invite country Merchants, visidng New York,
1.0 examine their stock before making thew
Mr. Muir was for many years of Me hose of A. T.
Stewart & Co., from which be retired oa the Ist of Jaw
I e 41,• and Mr. Junes Dickson. who hu an idleds. , Id
the "undo , ) was also cavoratiky known-ha essab-
Imemenx surathy
ircifrii — Yriild Antr-Dyerpoptie
. H 57.1147.2 .
general properdo ."-C‘M"'
tire. Farrar es and Tonic. In die com Men disor
der. ari d Wits (re .inpradenee in diet. migh as sick
ness an .01,m in •
0( lb. stomach. he album besidscb,
kr., w nem a memetee is required, this corktiltiation Is
eery apedicot,:, for ni carminative and soothing of.
wittiest immediate relief when usu. or
rickneas exml. Its purged re opened= upon the sum-
Bch and bowels is gentle war effectual, mud its Welk"
properaes impart strength to he ingeria,
thereq enalangtheaeorgens to perforsot&eir propcy
Inactions with order and regularity. ,
The price has bees reduced from 59 to 941 cta a boa.
For male wholesale and retail by
corner front and wood, and dth and wood sis
iv IS Agents for Pittsburgh
'EW 1 /VIIEAT ELOUR--14h64a Family
Flour, made inom new whitgerheat,ftigt meld and
i3ALTS-. --i e.t.a 'we...things, a prone arucle, Fo. „ .
art 1, for sale by
.1, nu consigimaeni Aug', J C BIDY, ELL. Ad , 1...) jyur F VON BONNHORST &Co
iL ct
P I(
u - tg
It 11.11S1, 1.):`.. te Co
EP,C6I W.l.:p.m Salt., IFsglc work,
,übt recr,veLl maul cur saso by
MORGAN, Drum.t, woad .‘
DL. ACKINU--.50 dux Morn'. Chnl . lenge illackgyys.
Dor yule by aug2_ JOHN D AIORUAN
Stkelne, torarkqe) for
!WIN D AlUttl.A.N
Wei 'Jorge Cork, recd nod for .ale by
n.ort JirtlN U MORI•AN
C ON- 7.; I
LL.. erg.. .li,k,rsl, lin sale by
L AG r
.. C(21: 0 1 -;g1— . r y bags Laguyrn Coffee,
I,IT BEA:elbbls small, lb: sale by
_ 1 1:4; a F VON Hu NN 11011 T &
Y -
INK-00 keg, Book otol News, for gait
I by ouri J SCIIOONMAI7:Et. aCo
I 1 LAS B-200 bOo 5210 and 102111; 150 do 709; 10 do
imed, 10.014 to 14121.4 on band and for gale by
nuf. J C lilt/WELL, Ast
The 111 010 .\(:A 11.U.A Cyst SiNikir., leak.: Plus.
!.urirt, every :Monday Llornutg at LO o'clock; WA..ET
~,r )* Monday evening at 1U P. a.
The lllBElit2slia No. a, Capt. J. ii....mtnazza,
leave Pout/nigh every Tu eaday morning
to deletekt
Wbeeluig every Tuesdag ermoug at r.
. . . . _
The NEW E.NCiLAND MA. V, Capt. tt. Mai, will
lleave Pittsburgh e Weetteattay morning al 111
oeieek Witeehng eve ry
Wedn,aday eveniat at 101,31
The BRILLIANT, C.o. G.., will lease Pill*
burgh every 'I Imroday mormne et 10 o'ciocki Wiebalai
even' Than y eremng at JO P. lc
14 . 81 DAT PAG/LET.
CLIPPV.II No. A Capt Canoga, will leave Pitts
burgh every V ridgy morning at t 0 o'clock; Whee/Ing
every Friday evening at 10 P. Y.
NEW Lls tWN AND PrrrsttUßDU DAILit
S 4 8. Ram
At Woodwell'a. St 'Mint st
wood lind SG rattan st
. - oniu- 'or •3.0 I,y
- •
The mESSENGER, Capt. S. Rceo, will leave
burgh every Saturday montkie et ID o'clock Intetakeig
every Satu.aay evening at IU r. a.
;via thasittow,)
LAaves Pitt shag& daily, ate 0 w... , A.
rives at Glugo es, mouth of the Sandy and Beaver Ca
eichic 9, and New Lisbon ail, mom Wglti
Leaves New Lisbon at o'clock, P. kL, th.
tnp canal to the river during the nighi„) and Olugow
9 o'clock. A. 91, en d mires at Pilishargli all P.
AL—thu• melon r contitimoue ho. (Or climmirps...
•engers and ht between New Whom chid rat. •
burgh, to Moiler time and at leon rates thstaby may
whet route.
The proprietor o (this Lane have the plumate sib:s
torming the public tat they have fitted op Mobil eau
Canal Boats, for the accommodation of passongera Lod
'freight, to run m c onnection with the well kaawa
steamera CALEB COPE nodBEAVER, and comsett
mg,a at Glasgow, • rith the Pittsburgh and Muth,
nb end other daily Unto of 'steamers down the Ohio
and lilialuouppi noon The proprietors pledge them-
Ives to spare no ei, Tense Or trouble to Wail emu
fort, safe. end Maoist th. itud ask or the public a share
of thew patronage.
next cti,
a w. HAI usnucH, Put 4 ,
It. HANNA, & Co.
crlyll-Lf J. LIAR/MIX LH & Co. I 1.3444.
NOTICE—me gear= r BEAVER, C. K Cada, mu
ter. will leave after this notice, for eWalla puma
ally, at n o'clock in the u orning sll3
1 . 1348.
Dully P ackalt Line.
The full comp new boats eccaphste
the Me CI •r the present masons AT
..7•42a/g4 LANTIC, Capt. James Parkinson;
-•—• • ALTIC, Capt. A. Jacobs; md•LOUID
APLANK, Capt F. Bennett The hosts are egattetY
new, and me fitted up woho ut regard to expense. 'Ev
ery comfort that money cm rrocure hes been wedded.
The limos will leave the Ala nongahela Wharf Et at at
the foot o f Rom at. PlasonFres will be psmonel on
Saari, as the boats will writ snip leave at the anVel ,
tool Mom 8 A. IR. and 6 P. I .1 latai
prrraßuttuti e. %VHI :ELINO — PACRETZ -
The swift a Emmet.
Dorsey P Kin ne7, master, will leave
larly for Wheeling, on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, at 10 o'clock preeisely.
Leave V, heeling every Manley, Thursday and ESS
tantay. at 7 o'clock, n so preciw 'ly.
The Consul sill land at all the Intermediate ports
Every accoolostaßon that can ba procured foe the com
fort and safety of ptassengers hat • been provided. The
boat is also provided with a self-acting safety feud to
prevent explosions. For freight or passags a aply on
board or DAY. D C HER
feb4 corner of I at and Smithaeld
The spleltd A r i t . st k a t toz , r
Cox master, Will leave for ' Mare
ad intermediate ports that day.
For (resell or ,wage apply on Imant. angle
The new mower
Borkomeater. will lean. for Ilanabove
lend inlet-10,1w.. port idis,dayl
Fur treight or passage apply no board. aLLII2
The fine steamer
Parkinson, master, vmll leave for the
above end adermediam pores shle day.
Fur freight or passage, apply on board. ausle
The fine steamer
Cock, master ; will leave Po the slaw.
and intermetham ports ads day.
For freo,rht or passage apply oo board. aagl4
The Mt; nnd11;;I manias shiltmar
Cant_ II M Hill, will leave for alms*
d all unarmedMte ports this day, at
4 o'clock, P. M.
For fletcht or passage aptlly on board, or to .
oo;Io J. NEWTON mars.
Tha splendid new steamer
Jacobs, muter, will-lame Ibraboso
m iEle ri
ports Ibis day, at
For freight or passage, apply on board. 6110
FOR LtlNtriNlWiti ANii ST. LOWS.
'''Pn it a Orla •
N 1),
Cope, master, will leave for the the,.
attermethata ports this day.
For frolght or passagc, apply on board. aagtO
The fine new he draught greamor
LEWIS! ETZ 1)1/1.,
mpson, master, will leave for the
ye and iutenuediate Rona regular
y. For (mien or passage, apply on board. sag 10
~. Thewne and splendid ileantell
Limas, master, will leave for above
d. intermediate ports secularly.
laTor freight or passage, apply on board. 'mtg.
The splendid steamer
maggaiglaratta, master, will leave An abseil
od termodmos ports mi . Miaday.
For freight or passage apply or, board, or to
augd WILKINS, Agl
"...„„,„... The new and haht draught steamer
zikai n. /(cornm, master, will leave go the
bove axed intetModlate porta %hi; day.
For freighl or prussic apply on board. sage
Aggit. The fine new steamer
Bowman, muter, will leave for above
.._ intepaedLte ports this day.
The line steamer
Conley, mutat, will lanes for above
rd intermediate poets this day.
For frabFbror partrt.w apply on board. ardrs
The fora drama:
agi sn 'orr'er, 121.431', yr - H N M.2,'hr abort,
ad intermediate portshir day.
For fret easaaga, apply on board . ang7
The fine ateamer
A J EirClure, master, will keys for
above aod intentriedisto pons this
don at 10 o'clock, in pliwe of the Clipper. ,
For freight or panne apply on board_ _ amp
&Ai°. b‘b m i dn stes, will
Thomas,a Yale for Om
.Dore and Intermediate ports ibis day
Por freight or punts& apply on board lug
as ear The splendid steurnor
Men, master, will tense roe above
and intermediate port* regalarty.
l-r fAt . 2! Pl73 fr Ep w ' r e . board.
The splendid outwits, steamer
!evens, muter, will /envy for above
d Intermediate ports nastily.
For freight or Passage, apply on baled. earl
The neat and substantial low water
drew Poe Master, has reamed her
regular ups between llntlgepon, Studish.and Pins.
burgh.. itving Pittsburgh 00 Mondays and Thursdays.
he nette FOR
T end ni ineeneet-
WELLaV a/Lae,
mailluthienen, crueler, will leave kw &Own
and ell iniereciediatelona inniTednen.
days and Saturdays of each week. Few freight OT
"age applY on bOltrd Or to