'•••• • ' •..;inti far St. Lotiis ,• y bate: " - a " -df; 1060 bbls Nos. 9,4, .;dwdared; 'AIU do Cnrsh. kV, ad; 44 do • '; -_ en7lB AQ Biros 7 1101assea. I L 044 bblaLoil(fagar, Nos 2,6 and 7 . • do PlirrteHear ' Orlearts Al 27 do °•.. .Rogar Benue do yn Hove and for We by - & 91 ainctiELTEM 160 liberty st d arts bratu do j o rd I'd teen: h San Liverpool; & do 510 bags Rio Coffee; 300 boxes 719,8i10 end lOrld W Wail for sole by JOHN ORIER, Eqr" F RE.BI r 1 ' FINE CIJT CHRI. VINO TOBACCO —dIni and Jon Anderson's, Ind recd and for sale by HEALD, 1311C6NOR & Co, 41 north adder and 16 uortl_Lerharves, jell YARA LFAPTOBACCO,3OO bal. V. Leaf To bore°, wrappery, aral'auperior quality-I,V and 3 cats—Just landing fmm brig Anthracite; for sale by HEALD. BUCKNOR it. Co GERM&N PIM3-4134 bus and 3 gross Gann. Pipes, mmlium just. Landing from pkt and Waal. by iced.* HEALD, BUCKNOR & Co ISll—lsatte Cruse, Baltimore, Md., Will be glad to bare orderr from his friends m Pittsburgh and elsewhere, for the purchase of Shad and Herrings do. ring the season. Orden executed with despatch, and at Merest rates. Charges for purehumg light. mar% FLOLL- , 250 bblrectm, for limit one, just anteing and for sale by JOHN 8 DILWORTH, D 23 27 wood st ``TOFFEE-2% brigs prime green Rio, Willing and 1../ for sale by Jr_a JOHNS DILWORTH SOAP -80 Ina Cincinnati Nob, for sale by iy 111/GLASSES-16 kegs Maple Molasses, tnature and /Y 1 fur sole by jyW. ENGLISH fr.HEINEIT HCKNTS AND TUBS—IVO dos patent Buckets; k .LIS dodo Tubs; to store and for ante by • ir29 ENGLISH k BENN} ALERATUS-1= lb. jam reed and for wale by fJ iY2I .1 ODD e. Co EATITERS—Prime article on baud and for sale by OW COCHRAN (O,ODA ASII-15 casks Jas Slug:lran k Son.' first 10 quality Patera Sod. Ara, la store and for sale by 104 W & Al miTcHELTREF, Mitt:tang et pLEACHING POWDER-lhouks of J. idneprun &So. , Brat wilily Chlonde of lame t for sato by j 714 W & hUTCHELTRia: - -•— LARD OILc-25 bbl. pure Lard oil, in stare and for sale by jr.a , 0 BLACKBURN & Co La. - SR largo Lou; two IX bus& 6,6, 7 atul 8 small do; 410 do crushed; pro do powdered; Ia store and for Mile by JAMES A HUTCHISON & Co, .dipino of St. Louis Steam Sugar Refinery Q H...IIOLASSEB AND GOLDIM SYRUP-30 bas FL L ouie l u l a r I I ta " to o • f o ctr i deu S bjf P 10 21T 14 ]AS A H ICAHN & Ca IMM== - - JOEL MOHLER, car wood and sth 2M!PII XTORTH CAROLINA TAR.—IIO bbl. N C Tar, in 1,11 good order for sal!, by BAGALEY k SMITH le and 20 wood at 0.3 MACICFR bbbe for eels by IY -29 JAMES DALZF.LL HORT9—TS bush Shona, for sale by JOHN 9 DILWO : RAISINS - d0 bza f and for vale by &NO BACON-14,000 lb., hog round, on consignmen , , for We by 1731, J D WILLIAMS, 110 wood at TkirORQUITO NETTS—A large lot of Mosquito Netts, .111. full sized pieces, for sale cheap. A LEXANDF.B. & DAY, „MOM 73 market st„ N W cor of the diamond BARE PLAIDS—A lot of handsome enrage .1j Plaids. which we are sellitur at prices greatly be low what we have ever been Able to otTer the slime quality for. 1)19 ALEXANDER & DAY Q HOT-44 kegs, ais'd Nos, for sole by IJ Jy2l JAS A HUTCHLSON &Co LEAD-330 pip Galena Lend, for sale by Ira JAS A HUTCHISON & Co, COTCH SNUFP-300 !be but reed and for role by 1 , 7 WA J MOD& Co W 00L—V sacks us store and tor rale by JSAIAH DICKEY & Co, front et ROULDERS-19 casks prase boon &hosLanham 0 =sired sad for sale by Iy9B DROWN & CULBEHT.ON k bk-4006m, prime EtioeCoffee, receiving and for, gaabp. jy 12,111-N DALZELL bbl. No 3 Mackerel, In more and jr2S S h W HARBAUGH IDARLEII - -810 bosh Bark', L.7 , , ,W l TAttr o l i by .1J Jra COSESSE-6 ball extra prime Cheese; 104 do W ‘,./ do; just received and rot sale by anti WIC% M'CANDLESS VEATHERS-4 sacks prime Feaibrs e, fa sale by nap WICK &111 , CAALESS VHITS BEANE-72 bbls Small White Beana. for Aide by. wail WICK & M'CANDLESS 141100519-10Sdo: Cons Brooms, fir rale by WICK & ItVCANDLESS LASD OIL—PA bbl. Lard Oil, prime order, ia and bbl., relived and for sale by aagl J KIDD g. Co REESE-63-tiss prime W R Cheese. Just ree'd'ltud C for sale by sup WICK at hCCANDLI-litS Qik.F.RATUS—Rt casks - Ohio rialeratua for sale by st.tlitn WICK A ACCANDLEept EATHERS-300 lbs Kentucky Feathers, for sale F by anga WICK it kI'CANDLESS SIICES—Groond Allspice, Cinnamon, Cloves, NI. mad, An. in 6 and ill lb Cans, for eby WICK A. sal 61*CANDLESS C H ff:s" .rE7tY ' b ' h,',7I`7ATiI'=LESS GROU 1 CONGER-20 keg. pure 15 b._ WICK & BI'CANDLIS LARD I 4 kegs No I Leaf Lank for sale by angs WICK & lIPCANDLESS STRAIGIITS OIL-25 bble for sale by _ 0'25 JA.AtEki DALZELL • PRIME RIO COk kr&L—lBo bags bawling nod for sole by jr/5 0 BLACKBURN & Co Yoe sale 4y an .F LOUR -400 bbl. bac Flow fin sale by • Offo JOHN 8 DILWORTR 1011LUE AND ORANGE PRINTS, and blue Merri- XII monk do, eonstaudy ou hand at loosest prices, at wholesale room of W R MURPHY, cor 4th and mullet As, Si story DLEAC . II£I/ 111118LINS—A A Mason & Co. are now JD opal:nog 10 eases of Bleached &lianas, erws7rW+ o ll m. -beat brasses of pillow ease and sheeting marlin. jral iFICIFFEE-150 bags prime. Rio; 10 do Lagonyra; 10 N../ do old Gov. Java, for solo by angl J D WILLIAMS, 110 wood st TUMID BOARDS-40 dos Rives Patent Mlle, In Ty maanincuirer's prices, for wile by ;Mgt D WILLIA:tifS A A - OBS CIIEAP CALICOES—A A Mason & Co have IV/ received another lot orate. very cheap Calicoes, 'W yard. for one dollar. 1/31 ACON-30,000 lb. an., Sides and Shoulders, in LIP smoke house and store, for sale by aos ll . ROBISON fr. Co, 199 liberty la POR& IN BULK-65,900 lb . Sider, 15,090 do Hulas; tI,OOO do Shoulders, in prime order, for sale by w.R 110111 ' SON& Co _ . G... lbs Grease, suitable for maehinern for sale by surf R ROBISON b. Co RO COFFEE —IaI bags green Rio Coffee, just melt and for sale by magi R ROBISON &Co • !BOAR-80 labds N 0 Sager, 40 bbls Loa do, 'in la stare and for sale by sue R ROBISON Jr, CLBOUND PEPPER-30 bz9 prison Ground Pep Per, VI Cor sale by nug7 WICK & WC/L.IIILE S tultchests (mail Young klysonann renal, ( Irapowder, anrossebong Tess; 91 cabby's do do, or We by on WICK dr. WCANDI 43gs I • FPLACCO—La3 8s IoID 16;, I2s, , and i Cavendish Tobacco, superior brands; for vale by one WICK & M'CAN DU3B AILD-121 kegs Lang just reed and for wale by , y mytin JAAIEB DA.I.ZELL A LUM-40 bbl. just reed sod for sale by jot. ang2 B A PAIINIMOCK ACo - bbls "soap oaken," just reed and for XL, sale by augS B A FAIINIMMOCICACo ED LEAD-)Bo)lbs Red Leal, (superior )lost reed R and for sale adlo J l thr• A Co e v o co b D y A—wo Carb. &do e =f i r fr :d c an o d vfOULD CANDLR3-110 be. Muold Cantllas, ~,T, AV.L consignment and top ..2e by iyg, SELLERS Is. NICOLS BACON - 90 0 Ms 81des, fit - rt drrSitraritsk ac , Hems, country cured, for sale by iY23 SF VON BONNHOBST ts. C o EY—.l4ew boles White Clover, for ea], by T 26 5 F VON BONNHORST h • 'Jo T OUISVILLE LINE-20 bbls for sale by N 5 5 SP YON LKINNHORST / _ II'ISENG-5 sacks now landlor,for sale b y G/TY S [SAUD DICKEY a. Co COTTON -55 bales In suns and for tale by 1125 MAUR DICKS V & Co SCORCHED SALTS-10 bbl. In 'urn; fo r .115 by i)O3 ISAIAH DICK IX K MADDER -6 blids crop !dodder, ow I eodiog and for sale by 425 BAN&LEY & BMPL . B Air ACKER/Z-229 bble Large No 3 Mackerel, (1818,) Landirl and for sale by 33 23 BANAL:LT & SMITH GRINDSTONES—A lot of "Rain.boaesr s;per,or new Brighton Grindstones:lig= No 24 to 3a, just tdeeived and for sale by /224 DROWN 0- CULBERTSON MALT—BarleyThat, In store a ad for sale by 1721 BROWN lc CULTIERTSOIs; teice - itore salo tow t.y jese BROWN & 01.11.13ERTSON trOPS—Mbalcs Corint, by 11. i BROWN kCT ILIIERTSON xrjulAr,v NANKINS—TIn, bale . eeliume N. kin., for eele by jell) MIACXLV; rid NV 50V. 1 1 1 4: 2 4 2. 4 b te11.0. Oils meld from Salo. laElt & JOB .F.S. Canal Basin °FLAB WU and Pak J aka, for sak b yy E. jrAlrf . WALLAC flillaNS:: -16. 0 las Wfts-mks; eiva—Cheesn, and for vale bv 01 , 1 ROW r DAL.ZI , II.II, • ALAIONI:i sack. , S S Alr3 ands, jot .ale by & rCANDLM9 ACKERF.I.--50 bbi,No 3 large thae,ketrel;-20 bbl. do do, for sale b• dual it Ft FLOYD UTTM-45 kegs and 5 kb's o consifforoon4 for ear by ougl R FLOYD . ... . DARLEY--90 awoke Barley oar consiproanu R., .1. Do _by aulL J & R PLOYU 7 - -- /lIODAC6O-60 kegs 0 mi.' Tobacco, au' ...10 by 1 1 - J 731 ATWOOD, JONES ec Oa CiCOBCIIIINGS;- 5 casks Scorching' non rcerrbinl 0 for tale by ant ATWOCIAJONLS dCo lIIOBACCO-60 bias Ky Leaf Tobacco, 171 ATWOO .J 0 nUCKErS--e0 dor Unekats, for pale by 11 .be WICK & AVCANDLESS ;OVIIVIERAI A RECORD. 194 , s AUGUST. 3la 050 013 3 thanday 511 649 723 4 Monde), 519 048 884 5 Tuesday. 513 647 941 6 Wednesday, sit 646 10 47 7 Thursday, SIS 1 46 11 SD 8 Friday, 6lO G 4,4 mom. D OF T AUGUST tOex. ow. PITTSBII Orrus. Pirrsauson Saturday Morning. Anau,t The weather yesterday was wane, rainy and unpleasant Or -out door business. The memos by river Were very light. and the market in evecy'res apeet-was very dulL FLOIJR—No new feature in the market. With the exception of a few snail sales from wagon. at former rates, nothing was done to the way of ttest hand sales. Sales from store were very light, and ranged from 4,18 to 4,25 es bbl. GRAlN—Receipt, have been very light, and prices of almost every kind are UOIIIIO2I- We may note limited sales at the kllowing rates.— Wheat, 80i of rye and barley we hear of uo sales corn, 35037 e; oats from store at 30(17:31 st , bar. GROCERIES—The market is steady but not active, and regular sales are effected at tbrmer rate. PROVISIONS—ReguIar sales of all kinds at former quotations. Sales 5000 lbs city cured ha. can at, for shoulders, Or; sides. 440341, and hams at 6c f/ lb. Sales of No I lard iu bble at ii4a7e, mad in kegs at 7c p 81. Crackers are in fair demand, With regular sales from manufactory at the follow. inritatew—Batter,4,so; water, - 3,75; pilot bread, 3,. 50 p bbl; sugar and soda crackers, 7c p th. But. ter is dull and very little doing; moderate sales in keg at 94094 c; and in rool, at 100s12c, according to quality. Cheese remains steady, with sales of WR.to a fair extent at 5, to 54c, as a quality Of inferior at 4404 p OlLS—Sales of Linseed nt 5.1; of lard at 5241 53c '4p gall, and of Tanners' at SI 70119 p bbl. HONEY—Sales in a regular small way from store at 16018 c SOAP—Common %sin soap is selling at 4 I , : p lb, and vaThrgated at I dia. BROOMS—SaIes of best land at $1,b1g2.25, and of inferior and common, at prices rouging from SLUG to 1,50 p doz. STARCII—SmaII tales of Cincinnati No I at 13Ic p lb. BUCKETS AND TUBS Sales of Patent Bea• ver at 2,25; and of tubs at $9 p doz. WHlSKEY—Limited sales of rectified at lag We. VlNEGAR—Moderate riles are effected at .9a 9ie p gall SALT—Sales at Canal at 61.25, sad from store nt 81,29@1,30c t3 , bbl. Tax greatest competitor with the United States for supplying the world with bread, is Rums It is estimated on good authority, that the quantity of wheat annually exported from Russian ports, neer ages 20,000,000 of bushels. Nxw FLoca. MIL= to itfiCHIGIAN—Wr see It sta ted that within the lest eighteen months not far Glom sixty new flouring mills have been erected in Michigan. PRICES OP FLOUR AND GRAIN The following statement will show the prices Of Flour- and Grain at the several places mentioned at our latest datmo-- Floor. —Wheal. Coro. Oats $5,25 $l.OO 53 27 . 414,044 • 1.10 5s :12 5.50 1 I 5 60 56 . 5,00 95 44 . 5,75 1,10 46 2 . 5,50 1,00 44 24, 5_50 1.00 44 2 4 4 . 4,75 911 a•-• Yh . 5,00 1.00 35 23 . 3,62 75 25 24 . 4.00 23 22 . 4,00 75 22 22 . 422 90 :74 2,n . 425 97 37 70 . 4,50 1,00 45 30 . 4,75 1,00 50 33 Phdadelpbm Now York. Boston Baltimore .... Richmond.... Georgetown. Alexandria... Buffalo Clevelnud... Cincinnati... St Louis.... New Orleans Pataburgh... Montealer... Albany Famthe Maastr--Ohl Diamond market lost evening, was richly stocked with every thing to suit the taste. The vegetable end tiara depart ments were emnsoolly well supplied, and the pin ces of every thing showed a I...derable reduc tion, Moon Wednesday tel. Fruits sud tuellons orelbewanaing MOM aim/Wont, with o rarrrespood ingeheopness in the prices. The !showing b a carefully corrected list of quo tations. 1.1( tall Prices Its Ms Diamond ki•rker. Wednesday blaming, Au•nntt II AppB.B,ip , ick• ••- • • 16023 Mutt0n....... .... '5 0 5 Beer, brut sob, 4. lb 6 0 7 lOats, 1 , Po . ..... ....7 039 —Mob •--..•-- - - 40 snions, hl6 pr 3 •• • - 010 —Corned....-,... 2fl 5 htddmg Lever, plb 1 id - —Dried -.9 gilll I IL. b•sheoln 5 a-- a - fk., r bunch.. - •• • 30- .enronip, p bowl-. 6 0 3 Bather, (rah putt 16 II 014 !Potatoes, p 5 pk sk, 5 Du do It all • •• 10 0- • —Dodo.• • • • • -0- Do Apple. qt- 300- ,--Swort VIA . 0 Bosh in lim p pk 10t0 ,—new, i , pk •• • -0- - 88 rd per n, 18 qt -0.- d'eaciea p rte h. • • 0- C..W.P. , V' brad• • • 3 0 4'—Dried, 9 qt.... 5 0 5 Cezob,P bench • • -42 - iPield, p ace. •• • lea - Coeumbares p doz. 6 0 8 , Pees, to boil, ppck- a - C hi' '''' tint 9pr 250- ISatmeges, f lb• •• • • 7 0 '.' and.... . -4)- —hlrai 007 asesonta. P. qt 01 1 - . ---oried . 6 fa/- Corm:v.l, tiO.M, tro 40 0- Tem., Prd4m 6 35 007 %ernes. p c2.... -2/ 4 —Deed 311037 Coot, green, y doe. 60 H os keys. livh. each • • 0- Ctiuots,•rrpe, P qt -0.- . --eleatwd • • ..1.0031.51. D.- 1,1 1 ,,, k. , ii per• -0 'Vest, but cuts, rlb -211 6 i ---thone d.... • • 310-' Strawberries, Pqt -43 - ECAP 66 6 7 010 FISH- Gem, ellse, owb • • 0 .I'erelt, p booth • .. .Z 0 . 31 3431 bknizt., P q4 lOO- nicks= 25 la .. P. , .• 9 lb. • 0 5 i'Ssekers , •• • ....12i025 rook cd 550 6 iCe fish :81 050 Ekethry, qr. qt Bgo , FLOUR 113001Comb, 4P 11, - 16015 'lVhest, DV Its 2:15 0- —41, 1= 8 , ii qt..lti 093 are -0- . 3_, lrod !P . - Z - i, b43,,n,h gg plant 0 /15151.15bemet f.ge 6 0 8 1 . 013415011,r i pk• •• AD— PI= sp ot • • • • ...8 016 Nlellons each •• • • - M== New York, Aug. 7.—At market-1200 beef eat. 'de, (chiefly from the south.) 80 cows and calves, end 4100 sheep and lambs. The salmi range from 56 to 7,50 sr cwt as in quality. 100 left over.— Cows and calves--Supplies not so plentiful as last week; prices are well maintained. Sales range from 820, 25, 37,50 to $45. Sheep and lambs come in more freely, and more than enough to meet the demand. We quote the fanner at 51,25 (2.50 to $4, and the latter at from SI, $251,50-- 200 unsold. Hay and straw remain without material change. Sala* of good Long Island timothy at 60070 c per cwt. Straw at 2,8203,50 100 bundles. Mar ket well supported.-ICourier. Brighton, Aug. 7.—At market, 150 beef cattle, 500 sheep and lambs, 525 amine. Prices—Beef Cattle—Extra 6,75; first quality. 55. Sheep—Old, 51.,5002,25 lambs, $1.2502,75. Swine—Leas pigs, 4105}; (at bogs, 4}c.—{Boe ton Journal TIZET •Cni , Uri a DILLI3IO—The orilnal. only Me oad genuine Liver Pill, prepared by R E Sellers. Pacrierrrowts, Va., June 7th. la4B. Mr R E Sellers—Some years since I was much ben efited by tong year Liver Pills, end as I on • great sufferer now, I enclose you one dollar, and wish you to send me the worth of it in Liver Pills, by lie particular to send the same kind—they acted like a charm when I took them before. Your.,&C. 0 CAMBLIN. Prepared and old by R. E. SELLERS, 07 Wood st. Sold by DT. Cassel, 51h want L. M. Curry, Allegheny; W. J. smith, l'emperanceville, and P Drove, Law renceville. Cstrrunt.—An Mimi pills called ',Ter Pslls are coon tartans or imitations. m2l IX7 The soft, Angelic expresmon of some temale• is o grateful to vw, He the repulsive; coarse, muddy, yellow facto of ethers, excites disgust—the stone with males. Could such people be induced to try a mike of the true Loan' Italia Chemical Soap, they would be enraptured with the change. They would hove u deli- Cate, clear, white akin, whde every ittsfigurement Of A ion would be removed and eared. rArnoia.....aNtnact—persona who hove bought cheap counterfeas nod tinitations of this, nod have had no et fectyrodueed, must try this, themount. blind. ask for J..' Soap. Tar sale at WO. Jsmuis, mtl Liber ty street. soar% Ba l lTee:V , ' ‘ h, R LMl tr7 ' ll! .. t r tgrn' i tt . plea Jane , ' Soap i• used by many phystcluo, on this coy in coring the above, and we would not 130/1.:1C111101110y gel unle**Nre knew 11 to be all we .tote . AR a coametie, the ,or Jones Soup ' . perhap• the only Snide ever known That removed mpurilm.l end cleared sod beautified the U., ;oolong a non. dent, smooth and vetute as an infaure. Sold by {V \t. J Cli• 640 N, IL Liberriy Curet. numb f Worms, by their irritation, augment the score turn of mucus or slime in the stomach, In which all so, they involve them/mice's and ti Jr saidthey b-ed upon it, and If deprived of IL they die The velcliraled Venutfuge prepared be U. A. FA IMF:STOCK, Pittsburgh, Pa., la admirably adapted in as operation,- first, to remove the protecting mucus, and secondly. expel the worms rendered helpless and sender by lug thus denuded. It ls • remedy in which every eon fidence can tie placed; and that it has anetvered the purpose i. manifest from the hundred. given in us favor. Jon ."Tion arbiter skin of berm, than .now, 4.lrd pure as monumental Mohnsim " All females have akin like the above, who use Jane' Spowsb Lily 'White. It waken, pure snowy, yet nom aally white. Sold at 60 Liberty street. /Ylb • Loi. who use Jones' Spanish Lily White, Lave alway. • fine white transparent etta. Of thog t Intl will enlist'' , any -one. Sold only un ettoburg It, at ill Liberty at noel Mondavi y - Ocu't ham, a Foul Breath—lf you have. use a Maio bow. Autitar 1 . 01.. Thu. will make your Mouth parcel, whiten your !reit, ate Bald at Mt Likerry at. =I:J trr Danz have yellow dark Teeth—they row be made pearly white by Due time uattig n hac of Jones ember Tooth Paste It herder. the getrol, twerteas the bees% Said at 89 Liberty .t. novlllehwlY PORT OP PITTSBURGH. ARRIVEL. Louis MeLane Bennett, Braun:.llle Lake Erie, Murry, Beaver. Michigan No 2. Gi[soli,' Bearer. Pia Lie, Jacobs, Browruville. Camden. Hendrielooon, M'Keeaport. Niagara, Cox. St 'tams. l.ody Byron. Miller, Cia. DEPA ItTED. Louis McLane, Bennett. Brownsville. Camden. Hendrickgi, Brownsville . Javob., Brownavirie Lobe Erie, Mvey. Beaver. !Michigan Nu 2, Gilson, Beaver, Lewis Danube. 1;ock, St. Louis. Revolution, Hill, Cm. Had,oa, Poe, &Jonah. The nver last eventng at dusk was 3 Met 5 inches • scant, in channel, by metal mark, and &Hs PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1549. For Philadelphia every evening .0.'9 - o'clock, by Leech , . Parket. Giber opposite the United States Hotel. • Steamboat Parket lace. leave. dad). for ClllOlllllO.l. /0 h. IL Passenger Packet vta Brownsville to Balttarurc and r A st and Or a • Mail Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 a ■. and 19.1, at. • Western and Southern Matt Coital Line. ha a. North-Western via Cleveland, daily, In a. 0. Ens and 'Western New York, dotty, 9 a. ar, North-Eastern tuiladelphte, daily, oxectt Sundays, 4, a at. A RIUVALS AND DEYARTURE OE MAILS. Eastern Alai! via Philadelphia. due 3 A. al.i.C/0.-• 12 West's Neil, Cincin & Loinsv, duotl r. sr, closes A. South. vialialumore Al/V.11.113t0n, due tl r. s. al's S.. is Ninth %Ye...meta Cleveland, due 10 .. cc, close. VA. Y. Erie and Western New York. due a r. st, closer ti • at Cuzsn Is strangely desithetthe to the hit than cuticle. (or skint the sudden change from heat to cold. and the smoke causes yellow, dark, coarse com plexions. Then it is -that thut the pores of the akin should be kept open their mouths should be freed from anpurny—twos thus the anuient Roman Philos°, phers cured all diseases—they computed that more diseases and unhealthy vapors left through th the tores of the skin, than any other outlet of the body It Is necessary, therefore, to keep the pores open—all humors are dtspeUed from the skin from the pores, whoa they trash with Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. I have seen it clam the worst and oldest eases of Salt Rheum, blrystpel., Old Sores, Barber's Itch, Sore Head, Ringworm, when every other internal and external remedy had failed—tot effect rendering the skin vitae, clear .d soil, though it be yellow and coarse, Is woo. derful—tt removes FreelCes, 'Pau, Sunburn, hlorphew, and thstigurement of the skin—hut per.ns utast particular and ask for .Iresth Strap—to be hod in Pstuburgh at WM. J ACKSONIS' sign of the Btg /thot, 89 Liberty st. Prier ai rents. novl9ditwly 1:1:7 Citizens ire honorably assured that the follow tng are the actual qualiuee of s 3s. bottle of Jamul' Co ral Hale Restorauve. It they doubt our word, they cannot these highly respectable eitirsas, who have tried it: Mr. Geo. 1/soken, 41 Elm in, New York. Mrs. 31sulta Reeves, Abide avenue, 13rooklyn Mr. W tn. Tompkins ft 2 King at, New York. Mr. Thomas Jackson, Momour's H. E. Cullen. Late barber ileaml.a.tE. America. And more than a hundred others state, though ails must suffice, that it will forte the hair to grow on the bend or face, stop ti falling tiff, strengthen the roots, mog scurf and dandrut front the roots, and maknig re red v or gray hair St SLLIZIC o fine dark look, and keeping dry, harsh or wiry hior moat, soil, clean mid beautiful, • very, very long tune. Sold at AV'S. JACK.. , ON'S Liberty st. JO, Fr - ca sleisAuca, Ann Blimoos CourLancra—Allho long known es a sovereignremedy for chronic cases of Hepalsc derangement. the proprietors of Dr .111..ene's Inver Pills were not prepared for the follow lug gratifying evidence of its capacity and curative powers in Ague and Fever, aunt Bilious europium., Ef===UM -Messrs. Kidd & Co.—About oue year I was labortug under a very severe attack of Um Ague end Fever. but by the use of KFLane's Liver Alb I isi.a• soon restored to perfect health. I believe them to be the best medi cine for Bilious complaints that has ever been offered fur sale in this section of the country. . JAALES SIIARPF-" For sale at the Drug Store of J. KIDD & Co., Wwood .treesir4 ID — You foolish, silly old fellow. read this. and be no longer bald, veluskerleas and hair/era. 5.1 r %V. Jack• sow of su Liberty street, lt s ntatitagb. Pa, certifies on the lid of February, 1,47, that 51r.Thoa. Jacksou's head, on the lop, was comely bald for 15 )ror., and that by using two liet 'bottles or Jones Coral Restorauvr. the hair is growing last sod thick. Sold in Newark by S. OLDS Zs SON, 25,. Broad at, 11. VAN BLS47IRIi, corner of Broad and Nantucket .t niart..l) Irr Vello. - Teeth and porno breath, Spongy gums like rotten death,: Is rq,ialmse nod dbrostmg All could have teeth . white as pt. aft, Sweet Urea, b ard gums—man or gob ll'hy delay'—ha, gum klv baste And use a box of Inure uoth Paso. It cwt. but 'G Etta., owl a really o wlllll article ng . ) Cc. tbc tccllt o fttle cluttuol. :bid in l'ltttaturgh eY Ltberly nor tOtlict.t•l tp . lb, your tour :all on, dark your hair turn gray Ito dr - 5 or dirty, I Noy! I: . 1A• tea..) iilukt it ....ut,rylky sad hoe, Dark und uad I.ortasel.a Dok tau rut none! Cud Lla uu have t. your or rho loak• to For a lutole of Joao.' Hair KoZoruovr ktrudt, ti you base iced half you would 'el/I , y be .4 ist !tie luvrqy edvel uotue or lun s' Cosel ii Re.toruore he. our 4 rrureds buvout Esull. Sold al W L4berry 111. LICIVIDOViijr t r:r Alen never ...anti to enclitic,. It a orthless •Wr 111.-t11C111... w .tuna tea. Tht. en. voionii • as greu aet J.. 1 ‘s..re a bot.: 0. thy t•..• : il•e Lusted It Yalin,..lo-‘. • \ ertutiage which is thqont) paw an 4 menu, cure ior worm.. lius been counterfeited to many sections of the commit). and person. 1.1111 , 411 d be on %hetr guard wile,, purchasing to yet the gC/1111/11r arin - te. prepare , it Pittsburgh, Ps aptt RATES OF DISCOUNT an l'ht , NT- t; N. HOLM ES 4 SON 8, a...learat 8r0.,. A. 55 MA," airc. t, •Itit . Pei...via alai, Indiana. of l'atatsurali •• - -Par a. 8T.., bee I Bank atar.crop• • • .• March. 5. M.. Bald • Virginia. •Par;Krebange Bk af Va. I ii•rard Bank • • •par;Farracra Bk. or Va• Dank 0. flerrnantown • Par!Bk. vitt., Valley,— " " Chester County • • •par Bk. of %layout " Delaware Co • • • par! \l. et Al. Bk , W heel atK " Alonurowery Ca • -par, do 31organtowtt• .. I • Northoenbet land • .parlN. W. Bank Va•— • Columbia Bridge Co.• par, do Wellsburg •-• Doylestown Bank -par, do Purkersborg••-• • Fawners' ak. Reading par Ten 14. 11.,k. co. pa, lik of Tr...lesore,•• • • 5 Farmers Li'k La.aerta'r par For. fr. 'llerch`ls Lanemstcr Co. Lik.• • • •par;Plantene Bk.• •- • • • • " Lancaster Ilk.. •• • • parlUnion Bk. ........ U. gate.. Bonk • • - -30 Brlasettri. Brownsville Bk. pariSeste Bk o 1 MI oiseuri• •• • I W.etilligton Bk.• • • •-• ••• i ' /Worth Carolina. Getrystiergh Bk.— • IlBk. of Cape Bear " Clmberstisirg. • ...... " I &Lerch's Bk.44eivebere • 2 Sumach.. Co. Bk.- 3 iSlate Bank • 2 Lehigh Co Bask, —. Mouth Carolina. t IR. of Charle ,413 a• • • • • 2 • • • ", , Commuyt Lai Lff •• - • 4. 85. of 9enrcelow rt. •• • • Irddl to n Carl sle Fr Bk • Farmers' and Drovers' kik.of likkuburg•••• • • I Bank, Waylickbkrik. • I klerclulnlk ..... --• :Planters & &leek:x..llk 9 -- • I Bk. of South Carolion • • 2 Marx 1•314. OM= 1 Baltm'e tt.OP.Rscrili .111 1=!=1:021 West lir.cti It. I glany 'A • Ifcilef Note , Pur. 131 :4,74;:u1.",d iii;:tifiii7l , ...a.• " Farmers' & ile'ehanics • City &County Scrip-- " Bk. Frederick Ohio. Frederick Co Bk.•—• • • " t‘tais Bk. and Stancher I ilasernown Bk Mount Masan ..... • • " !Mineral Bk------..... i Steubenville. • " :Patapsco Ilk. i Sr_Clainville-- ...... Wnsh_Eigtenlik•—•—• " Marietta ..... —• • --- " 'lllk.oi W eXtillirtfler • • • • .• Nen Lisbon• •-••.—• • "*. Michigan. Cincinnati 13anks ii .Ilk. of St. Clair -- Columbusdo• " 'llli.of Muer Entsen•— Circleville —• • • •• • " .lichigun Ins. Co••• •• 5 g a ,„. sv iiie ..... —.— "Par. & Mesh's Bk 5 ruinun • ...... " 'Wisconsin TerriVy. w..., ‘ ,„..._.......... - 70.111ar.&Firela.CoMilwle 3 Massillon —•—• • I ! Canada". s.ndoky "••"' ... 4. :All solvent Banks 5 (lenaga •• - • 'l3.k of England Notes Gold peels Value. u. x e .. ..... . iNnpoleons 3 Dayton -.---- • " ,DoCais 2 15 0 2 20 Western Rearms• • "' Eagle, old • ••- .jo 40 Franklin trk Columba. " !Eagle, .w •••. . 10 00 ..... " !Doubloons, Spanish. 16 00 Lake I * .ne.•• ..... •• " Patriot- •••• • 15 50 Sciota• • • ...... •-- 10 " 180 , nr.igas ..... • • 481 _ _ Lancaster • •—•----10 loluenir -- 600 Hamilton.-- .... •. •13 ;Frederickad'on g 7 a 0 Granville • 50 ;Ten Thalers • •• .. 7 se Foivu'rs Mk Canton , -60 7Ten Guilders ••• . 3 5 0 Urbana —4O 'Lotosi.Pors• ••• • 4GO lientueky. I Exchange. Bk of Kentucky 1 iNecr York Om Etk.of Louisville ' :Philadelphia •• • •-- / pr. Norhcrn Mr_ KeutuOry • ° , Baltimore •--... . :pr . Now Yor,k--Citv Bankv par. Intortor Wks.._7Ll The Banker. , Itl,gashae • • THE BANKERS' MAGAZINE, and State Eir t annno Regfster, devoted to the .disseminntion of Bank SISIinICK, round pnnoples of Banktog, utility and prin ciple. or Life Instirance and Savings Banks, English ' and Amerman Law Dectstow in reference to the bind nee. of Bunks and Bankers, &r. Edited by J Smith Bologna 1 . 1111/Ctalli unenuon will i.egiven as heretofore to the compilation of recent derision. respecting Dank., Bro ker*, Dills of Exchange, Promisaary Notes, itsory, B on ds, Notaries, Damages &0., in the Coate of Alas. this its. Connecticut, New York. Prowylviiiiia, Maryland, Virinnia. South Carolina, Ohio, Louisiana, ,Tennessee, anti other States This will be one of it e mosbimportant featords of this work, nod 111 it claim the attentson of Presidents, Gasliferi, Tellers, Notaries mid others. Among other details of import. ance to bankers and others, the work will contain sta. °sues of the Banks in every State of Mc Union; bon graphical sketchesor inent Rankers of Europe and Amencm °Metal T prom ables showing the debts. Lust expenditures. and financial condition of the rove. /al Staten of the Union Published monthly, 64 pages octavo, at 'Plums Dol. lore per annum. ELLIOTT Zs 7,1 Wood n. •urd Ageids for Hunkers' iitagarine DACONL-Intai LLB Me., sands; Shoultieriti - for sale jJ by jyl I S F VrYN BONNIIMFBITA Co L i lk i l S 1 .it' - ) y n P —lsrat e by fir SF io yi BONN HOFBIT & Co 131ICE-15 it< rues fresh Rice, landing this day and for 1.1., rule bylfs BAG ALEY k BMITII bas ratio Cream Cheese, for sale by FRIEND.IIIiEY fr. Co, 57 water at ...sit —7 rota. it ow_loadotitt tt..r oak by sA IA li DIOS & la j frout st """"3".'" ltiti h t l tt ' DILWORTH mbrrEit—a, keg. Motor, for kale by JOHN 8 DILIVORTH ACON.-8000 tbs Bacon, just reed stud for sale by JOHN R DILWORTH Q A FITT FUBE-5 bbl. Safety Muse, tor tale by 0 /111. JOHN S DILWORTH ilbfkr—nlti bob. dew mond Hemp; ... , tdo hiMnE; do, in Horn mad on robe by JAS A HUTCHISON tr. Co nn 10 CAL&FVX--164 Loym,primaa.. roe'd Imd for tale by 3y14 FILIEN 0. OHM . h Co. 7 L'lOl4Y NlAI~"3 ;M n I. Lolh white and 47,r i i . 11 . 1,10 k t . e n st. d i r el ie fil d r 11111: by Jr& 8 a W HARUA UGH 171,0U1S—IOU bids frost, ryound nous, just rued and E (or talc j rst 5 W HARDAUGH fs V MAGNETW TELEGRAPH C rrrrr posadelaca of Pittsburgh Gazette. NEW SUMMER GOODS room rat arsr You sash moat:saunas Accra.. Correspondence of the Pinsbazgh Gazette E are now opening a fuse stock Of fresh Summer . CONGRESS. Goods. direct from Me New York and Philadel- XLactions, where they have been purchased with- Wiziottrox trot. August 11, testi. ,in the last two weeks. at a very great weriflce, Mere- The Senate last night passed the Oregoo Bill, ' b j: n t l a::,:,.... a- ", 6 . a t7,l':=l!`:l: with an amendment extertehng the iiiismetri Cu,:,- ' cinsens of Potsburgh and vicinity to our a”ort- Pro.i..". #he P .' o . (k ..'. — AY. , 31, N.Y. 22- I'"T.r.t 7„.".. j ' h ;. h rf,":‘,..fit,:r.V,f,,7":21".":, ,`,. 1 ',.°. In the Howie, the Civil Appropriation Bill being 0r.. . either by wholesale or retell. a Soo chance Is now under consideranon, the appropriamiu to pay for i 7.l,7` d trr unn g 1, "'" th.g'i''' Among "" the Armisted slaves was stn.:ken nut. The House i A lot of very cheap cord and bik fig'd Astry'd Salks; " . * Light and dark Loon.; Bleu rejected the approptintion In pay tur Col Fr,' .. ... u ~ Gingharws tuunt's Survey. • - of extra fine blk kaki and limped Basegc, whack 1 0707h g aZtacia t - 0:1 Pally, for ladies dresses; House—The bill ordering the Lievrgui Railivad Bill t o b r engr o n n o d . w as rec,ii.ndered. and the ' do light colored nod black Barege, very cheap, • de new hansoms Vesting do whole subject laid Lin the table do very handsme liarege Shawl.; A Committee of Conference ws, appoin.ed OD • du ry. choop blk de do do fine blk milk Mantilla scorf.; the Diplomatic Bill. I do handsome Parasol. and Parssoietic, The Oregon Bill wan then called up, and the do Artificial Floareni v . do very cheap Linen Looses; (Jaenvtga ir Ca tme A r- Senate amendments giving the liuvernor the Vela ALSO-1 A fine stock of super French Cloths end Ca. power were mewed—ayes :hl, nays DM. The met Cosjmere•, p X : one extending the Missouri compromise to the I l?rge aleOrimen, of pe n ,. of all pncea ; Tichng, Ppeale, was also defeated—ayes h 5, nay. 12 " , . c t lrs ' itOu M r ' ll:i h ri7ige an. in . viTe w th h fa b les ' cral7tte l4- tit ' io g n 'b o ' f 's :a n sti t.. in the Senate. Mr. Benton's resolution providing I buyer. ALEXANDER a DA V, efirt 75 marker at, N W car of the dtunortif for the publication of the proceedings of the Senate I in the Union and Intplligenver, we, amended slightly and passed. The Post Route Bill was taken up and coaled. ered. An amendment abolishing neYrapaper port. age within thirty miles, was debated. A Committee of conference ou the Diplomatic Bill was appointed. rarr•.pond