•'~ THE PROFESSORS AND HE3IBERB OP THE 3IEDICLL ISOCTECTIEL - Mother, Wife and Daughter IN THE UNITEDSTATIZe—The sabscribarreSpect tally mils your attention to Dr Bsultsires GCSE 0111S, expressly intended for the preserration Of the' health of both sexes—whether it anses from Incipient Phthish, or early con...name, Debility Of the Lungs. Bronchial Al:recto* Asthma. Pleurisy, Deranged and Disordered male of the Liver, Spleen. or lUdneys, Dir used Spine, Cholie, Dyspepsia, Poilffigeon of the Hew, Loss of dlusealar sir Nene.. Power, the. &v. DR. C. B. BARRETT'S GUARDIAN Comes to the homedlms relief of Females ratiering frem Irregulari ties, and all other Uterine difficulties and diseases hien , dental to woman, whether occasioned by cold, wet feet, or my titular injudicious exposure,. and all this without the one of medicine; on the most delicate and sensitive lady can at my moment apply it to herself without the possibility of incurring my risk or danger, orzunpleasatitrexits arising from it, and with the be. =Gusedim is no cammediate tch-peony uny,_or one of the many humbugs of . the . day; . but it to . in instrument made uporstrimly scientific principles, in accordance with the laws of Electricity and Galvanism, and for neater... durability and efficacy, surpasses eveirythlnstof the kind ever before offered to the public for dm relief of disease, nod, in the language of one of the mom entightened men of the day, pronounced to bo *the greatest discovery of the age." Ape of no less than four years bus beep occupied by of oftnig the w {.. u i h t o t boo e. sit Me hands f somerho most eminent ph a. ysicians of the North and South, as well as in the dwellings of nu memos families, who have used it for ail of the above purposes, with the most perfect success, mil who have cheerfully given their unqualified approbation of Its efficacy and value, on can be seen by miming to the Manual of 'mimeticas accompunying it. Dr. C. D. Barnett's Gamdian is secured from Mria. i noes by a patent iron; the Pate — nt &ice, and be had either with sailboat his Medieo-Elleetro Galvanometer. The MedicoiElectro Galvanometer, in point of beau ty, workmanship, durability and power, cannot be sur passed or even equalled, and the subscriber feels that he hazards nothing in the assertion that it will be found to pw.eaa more power and efficacy in the treatment and removal of diwascs, br Galvanism and Electric'- Lthan any other instrument, either in th e United es or Europe. The Medico-Electro Galvanometer is warranted in every respect., and with common ordi nary cam will laN • lifo-ume, and is by far the cheap! est, because the best, Instrument ever offered to the public. A manual accompanies them, kiting the tenet ample instructions, of practical experience, so that it is readil y . intelligible to the minof every one,,. while the • w • •ay of arrangement is ouch that Child may with it. Any information gratuitously given, and all comma nications cheerlully answered per mail, either in rely don to the Elettro-Galvanometer or Guardian. Medical men are invited to call and examine Drßar min's Guardian, and leans efficacy. For sale by H. RICIIAILDSON, role Agent. 71 Mar ket st. Pittsburgh. apdPidtl /AVER 5 , 000 PERSONS to l'biladelphL 1../ alone. can tem.ify to the wonderful elDeacy of that powerful remedy, THOMPSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR AND Ito Pulmonary CommjniptioW, Chronic Bronchitis and Bore Throat, Asthma, Chronic Catarrh, djpitting of Blood, Pain la the Bide and Breast, atherilty of Breathing. Whooping Cough, Croup, Weak Nerves and Net.. Tremont, Palpitation of the Heard also, Liver Complaint and Affection of the Kidneys. This medicine, the invention of a man who gave the subject of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Pectoral diseases the most rigid examination, has vow been before the public near foe, years. During this period it has per formed some of the most remarkable cures on record of Pulmonary Cormumption—neenredthe recommende d. and one of physicians in their practice, and the warmest approval of thousands or persons in ordinary end severe Colds, Congas, in Hoarseness, dpitting of Mood, ac. About four years nine I wlfis attacked with Typhus Fever, which lea me in a miserable state of health, in aureole debility with a i general prostration of the sys tem, with violent pasta in the breast and loss of Lippe, dta, in consequence of which I was tumble to attend to my usual business. or Known mil kind of work. applied to several physicians and used ellelo,ll reme dies, but without any benefit, and had despaired of ever obtaining a recovery of my former health. But some time lam Jane I was advised to try Thoinson's Com pound Syenp of Tar and Wood Naptha and incredible as a may npporr, by the time I bad tykes three bottles the debility, pain andevery sense of suffering were complet removed, and I was able to attend with re stored h ealt h to my usual avocations. . . CLADDY Of Diekiuson township, Cumberland . Reed the following testimony from a respectable member of the tsociety of Frtemls, in Poughkeepsie. N. York. `Shin may certify that in the spring of 1646. my health sons very feeble, I sem at-Rimed with pain in the aide. with other alarming symptoms, and suffered much trom great debility. At that time I purchased from Mows Dame two bottles of Thonmon's Compound Sy rup of Tar and Wood llinptho, from which I experien ced great benefit, my health being mw,good: and 1 cheerfully recommend the article to all persons who maT he suffering with general debility. milt sympoms of a decline. A RAILA.SI WILTSLF. Poughkeepsie, March 15, ISO." Prepared only by A 30.7 le Stereo", at the N. F. nosier of Fifth and Spruce street.. Phila. Sold by L. WILCOX, Patel/meg and by draeglan tpeaendly. Price 50 cents, or One Dollar per bottle. atoll _ SAZTEIVEI - ---GINSENG PANACEA! rpo THOSE SUFFERLNG WITH DISEASED LUNGS.—The Unprecedented success which has ttencled this use of the GINSENG PANACEA .1.1 the various forms which irritation of the lungs.. sows, has induced dio proprietor arm° to call lava lion to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The chnagable weather which marks our full and winter months, is always n fruitful source of COLDS AND COUGHS. The Audition, then. how shall we nip the destroyer m. the bud? how shall we get clear of our coughs and old.? is of vital importance to the public. THE GREAT AND ONLY REIFEDY will be found to the Ginseng . Panacea. In proof.of this • we have from ume to one published the certificates of doncos of our best known citizens. who hove experi enced its curative powers. These with a muss of les titootty from all pans of the country.--from MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIR .4T STANDING, Ministers of the Gospel, to., together with copious no : tides from the JOURNALS OF THF. DAY, we have embodied to pamphlet form, and may be had grads of any of our agents throughout the country. HUNDREDS OF BOTTLE have been used in dna city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the Dotted States and Canada. and we ata lenge any man to point am a SLNGLE INSTANCE it which, when taken according to directions, and be. fore the lungs had become fatally disorganised, It has beer failed to (EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. Why, then, need the Maimed heniinte it k r moon to the ....Wale nottroma, gotten op by tn. o fiedi T id. unit u ler the ansnmed name of some no • ;..e. i d phy. tie.; and puffed into notoriety by eeetifieebt t par t... equallyunknown! Whilst medicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY is to be had, whose vouchers aro ai home,—oar nigh. Eon,—monv of whom u has SNATCHED FROM THE OR AVE. _ m In order dui this in medicine ay be placed within din reach of the poor as well the neh we have put the pnce at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, Jost one half the usual cost of cough medicines. it is for aale by oar agents to nearly ever y . town rod village over the west, who are prepared to mve fall informa tion relative to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor Broadway, Cincinnati, ro o' . AItIVRCH ANT OF THIS CITY. who had been =l !timed with the asthma for four years, had taken almost every thing. His physicians constantly aura- Gdad him, and he had expended over two thousand dol lars. He never believed in advertised medicine., but considered then all humbug. At last be tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Lieerwon. from 73 Beekman street, New York, and in Pil weeks was enure/y cured. hay ins taken only three hordes. Thu is only one of many ease. where imaginary objections to a patent medicine have preventeepersons from using this medicine. who have expended hundreds of dollars to their physicia. in vain.--and in the end owe their recovery to the infal bile efficacy of tins purely severable preparation. 'There is no mistake, that this medicine is superior to any remedy prescribed by medical advisers. This medicine has taken '2ll years to mature, and is the so rest remedy for diseases ever introduced to the public. Ihn g c. A y N • PAINS, Cocoa, ANL SHOSITISIM• or %LIN Crum--SllfferiNg for a longtime with these eompill., I had given up all hope of being cored. I hadcoaadl ed the botanic and hoincepathic doctors in earn. I had used many articles advertised. but found no relief. In despair I had given up the use of all medicines Hear ing of the great virtues of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liver wort, and the great cures it bad performed, induced me to try li, and to my great joy and astonishment, I was better duly. I continued its use. also his Sugar Coated Pills, until lam entirely cured. Be. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort is the best medicine in the world the these complaints, and will cure every one afflicted. SETH LAWRENCE, Captain of the Nancy, of New York. ARID. (tam.-1 have suffered from the Asthma a vary . long time, and have used every medicine I could obtain for its cure in V. 11,1, until I tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. This medicine has afforded me most manifest benefit, and is, tri my opinion, a cure for this distressing disease; more especially, at I know of many cases among my friends, where It has hem, high. ly saccessfal. Persons interested are invited call at my residence for further Information. Mtn. RUTON, 218 Lauren• si. Sold In Plttsbarg,h by J D Morgan Sm Wood .ti J Townsend, 45 Marker st; H Smyser, roe Market and 34 .tar Henderson & Co, 5 Liberty st Price reduced to 11,50 per bottle. JMO MORGAN'S COUGH SYRUP—It proves to be the great Panacea in curing my child'. distressing cough. • • Pram the Temperance Banner, Nov 31617. Cooun Sraer,—We are not.. in the habit of puffing, mach leas, taking patent medicines, but we feel dmposed to recommendalommn's Syrup to those who am afflict ed with • cough. Alter having tried the usual reme dies, to IT-1.100 a cotenant and dist:easing cough, that had for several daysaffiLieted one of our children, with out seacoast, we were induced to try Morgan's cough syrup, and by it relief was obtained to • few hours. It proved to be the panacea In this ease skt lent. • Prepared wholesale and r ete ll by the proprietor, • JOHN D IIOgGAN, Druggist, wood st, 1 door below diamond alley. A sTRONG EVIDENCE that Dr JAYNE'S EE LS. PErrYOII.ANT b superior to all other remake kir loo j Coostonption, Bronchitis, A stbonoted other !Wino- Wry teliont s bid.' the some it'vtvra• who coorminiced the Irr it m their [readies ten year. ego Uhl Kamm'," all other remedies ash. kW: end where aay tO try other preperaLone they hare absent otintri a mi a ge ,, reoaring the Waal which Pa ... g m = "4l i ER= the high prams holowed by the Ptapruto . hare litorned to the nee of Jame' Eiracroaane prowdy that has never &ilea to relieve them. and which robibly nem had itseqoal in arresseg pulmonary dam. iteptred only by Dr D. Jayhe PhiladeEdith wad eidel oa alinb7da.w ALEX. JA 1 NES Fourth n. • IAYNE'S HAIR TONIC.—.OIer geeing this article a trial,.. nobentatiagly protertnice it to ho what it peeks. se—dhe bad articht, withoutany exesptico, 000 forth. restoration erol promotion of the ham hair- VI e know notherous instate= when haiLhas been restored to hada *lda have been hell for years; we think wecannot de =Sow than to reecenstmad to all oar evade,* who ar heir hair, to =the • teal of thirTanie immediately Sod. /dui For eta to at the /Nokia Tea Store, Ns. 711 Fourth aleitete • AN' °ROAMS WOR:1 KILL,ES in ha meaner t all AL other remedies for Worms. Jane 14th, 184 e. Tins may certify that I gave M two of my og ihd.., area and Ave years old, two learpoonfols of Morgan'. Worm War, to each of them.; The youngest mowed .20 Imre aros e., thertmalleet coati rot have mgo.mg lea than seven Inches. Tha a pasted so large a amber that , ore mold not begin,' to room Mara I have lied all the popular MEtCIiiIIII 'IP ...be the publio for worms, bet can say with a Clear conscience, Morgan'. Worm Killer is far superior to en .now Dana the pah a& SAMUEL JOHNSTON. Hatermown, Allegheny canary. Prepared sod mold wholesale and rota by the pro. *WM JOHN D MORGAN, 40% Woody:mat, I PM 4 . k ' ~"h~~fi':i~%=lst ~: ,~..::,. WOOD NAPHTHA, 60 take bat Bnle exercie, or are con-deed la close room, or Fare .pled their complexion by the bpplb cal.ou of delmerimm inistorm, if they 'rub to re. rain elarticity of map, buoyant spirit, specialise eyes cid beautiful complexion, they ahould use D. crud•. Samapacilla Thou auds who hare tried b , are 1/./ton thra/ ratio/fed, are delighted. Ladles of every ea. crowd one ogle* daily Notice to the Luellen. Those trim lento. Dr. Townsend's Sampanßs, ha, te.-.viably called their muff a yeses Remedy for Fe aulees, dee. and have copied our bilis and areulan sr inch relates to the complus. of woman, wog I for .or: —other msa who pot up medicine. have. since to. mem seeress of Dr. Townsend's Sarseparilla Ina amplesom Inshisut to females, recomm.d- theirs, anis/ugh pre moody they did WC A amis. artisan Mixtures, Pala &c_ on Injurious to fecal., as they summates Masa.. and undermine the constitutioa Dr. Townsend's Ls the s.sslv sod best remedy for the nnmerons female con.. plants—it rarely, if ever fails of affecting • penmen., terse It can be taken by the most delicabis fumed., se coy case, or by thee. ex pectin[ to Issecortm•inothers, ct the grealest adventsgess, .. it prepares the mama prenreets pm. or danyte. sod strsmiltheu. both se- , her cod child- Be careful to yet the genuine. fficreifolin Cured. This mrti home conclusively proves that. this Sams pe Ilan has perfect control over the most obstinate di* of dm Blood. Three persons cured in one songs t. ocprecodenteri. Three Children. . . . Dv Tovinsano—Deas SI, I hen the plasm:ire to Inf..rro you that three of my children have been cared of 7tn Scrofula by the ow of your excellent medicine. They were tainted very severely aith bad &me; hove only font bottle.: It took them nosy, for which I fevl myself' under great obligation. Opinions of Pkyoicions. D. Townsend is alma. daily receiving orders from ri.r.lean. le different parts of Gls Union. this Is to certify that we, the endersigirmd, Phyricians of the Ctry of Albany. have in nonimius esses pnmerib. ed Dr. Towtoiend'a Sarsaparilla, and believe It to be ooe ofthe moat valuable preparations In the market It P. PULING, AL D. J. WILSON, Y. D. IL B. 13RIGON M. D. Alhany. April 1847. P. E. ELMENDORY, 11. D . • Onang to the treat ...can and humease mle of Dr. Tonnaeurfa Haruparille, • number of men who .en formerly our Agenta have commenced resider Sanaptc rcc, Karam, Elixirs, Diner. Tattraen of Tallow Dock, tc. They generally put It up in the trams shsped boo .114, end crane of theta have male and copied our .dyer tirrnmetn-chey are only northless imitatloaa and oh.ould be avoided. Principal Office, 110 FULTON Street, Ben BoWins, N. Y.; Redding tr. Co, 8 State Meet, Boston; Dyott Sen, 132 North Second 0.0 , 0, Philadelphia; 8. 8. Hanna Drwiat, Baltimore; P. M. Cohen. Charleston; Wrieht & Co., 151 Chartres Street. N. 0.; lit Booth Peer! Sire, Albany: and be all the principal Droe. rn , and Ilerettuda renerally thromrhout tho I:rdied t..., Wier Indite and the Canada.. N. R.—Persons inghiring for 'this medicine, should not be induced to take 'any other. Druggists put up Sarsaparillas, and or course prefer selling their own. Do not be deceived by ant - - inquire for Dr. Town . d' and tube no other. Remember the genu ine ' . Townsond'. Sarauparil a," sold by the sole meats. S. S. SELLERS, General Wholesale /t. Retail r a. No. 57 Wood street, and D. IL CURRY, Alle eny city.-- - --- Jr' PEACE 1 PEACE II NOT IN sCeilleo, BUT IN EVERY MOTHER'S HOMFATEAD. drHE uuderaigned has long been convinced of the necessity for came medicine adapted to the me of ild,T. sad Inf.t, to sopereede lit ate of all those medicines which Contain opium, .d has at :wird& sue ceeded in preparing and offering to the puhlte • medi cine fully tinswering every purpose for all diseases or use bowels, without the ow of that tlelvtertotiv drug, or any other calculated to moire ti; :hc easy The Infant P seen has been hilly tested one turd. the last twelve months, by nioneroua pencea, and folio topanne.. all j — - - the extr.rdi.ry Vittnea. and In pindae all the Aston. , 'X/ OSQUITO NEll`l5--We have lint opened t; large thing erects as net Willi on the bill of direettons. Di- i al lot of Mosquito Net., of sit excellent quality and ..1,,,,, yocoing,Cbohu a tinpin g , Puns, Sickness and ' reruarknbly cheap. je23 ALFaANDER a DAY Use.. akuung from Teething, =long immediately vvithirot &urbing any of the f.etion• of the body, rIUTTON—X7 bales to arrive; for male by fnproducing the happiest and most plea.= transition V /eV- , _ ISAIAH CICKEY ACo . colent pain to n tranquil and joyo= cam of feel- rimEßspi.,--125 hoses cow landing; for gale by the little glacier. k j yithl ISAIAH DICKEY fr. Co To be had wholesale and retail. of the Proprietor, Dr. - RHIN SIARGANT. Druggist and Apothecary: JohnWIL ROAD GlllDE—Doggen's Ran Road Undo Mitchell, Eliot, a Beckham, and most other Druggists and G=atieer for 151,, with Sectional Maps of e_tiLleirheNit and I,ittsburgh. deel3 le, gotat route, of travel. A few espies received and DR. ThWitikiErklas SAROAPARILLA.--60 dorm for a it. hy Jain JOHNSTON& gmck - rori .k. ' , Collie!' oil), Townsend', Sarsaparilla, the (10170N—..X1 betel Tennessee Canon, in more .id most extraordinary medicine in the world; Th. Ex- %,_/ for sale by out . ) REST BOWEN, 00 front .t Once is put op in quart bout.. It is six times cheaper, . - - pleasanter, and unwanted cinerary to soy sold. It . 110TASII—o casks extra Potash, put received on cures disease without voreitiog, purging, MCI/ening or ccialrament ctd iiir isle lrY • debilitating the pauenk mil !lIILLER a RICKETSON Loot OCT CON 1.1111,210-Nic— tlnprifteiPled Deno. hav e copied our labels, and pin ,,,,,, , 0r,,,h4 I. u h , : • I)IORANDY FRUIT—to cases choice Brandy Finn, saes bow, san that ~,,h how. h. the ~,,,. I,l=l received and for tole by ' nature of S. P. Townsend. . ° n g - ! Jen 3IILLE R & RICKETSON . R. E. SELLEES,,Dmgaist,S7 Wood street, between'! rIRAII CIDER--20 bids Economy Crab Cider, Mist Third cal Frock, is Di:Ton.a only wholesale t, received and for sale by and Mail W. , ' fbr Pit tebUrght ereshese the genuine jell MILLER & MCKETSON trade tan be had. ---- ,' . „D. M. • Carry h.! b."..i.appoi.t , R. SPF:ER. J. FINN., Jr., Secretary and Treasurer . The tumult! stritruical ',rearmed the affairs Or the Company t is Noe.ry; pru a volVaspererousmeet office condition Their nt :1 'Or COUNTHIN DIERC HA N TS riAN SAVE (non lb top er Cl,ll, LI . lJrCh4llls k) their OIL CLOTHS direc t front front th e ntanu p tacturers. Po rrER. & CARMICHAEL h•re opened a ware• house. No.1:11 North Third street, anove Hare. second door South of the Eagle Hotel. PitiLancLenta, where they will always keep on hand a complete ummrtmeso o f d e Elnsir riage Oil Cloths. Ir.. 211.441, 40, 4r nNi niches wide Figured, Palmed. end Plain, at, the Inside, on Muslin Unlnng and Ltsien. Table Oil C m loths of the most desable patterns, A/.10. 4.1 and SI niches wide. no*, thl Cloths. mono &. inches to 2t feet wide, well seasmted, and the newest style of patterns, all or their own taunt...tom Trumparent Window Shed., Carpets, Or. All roods warranted. myth:dam DERRY & NICKEINO:N Monufazturrro of . AWNINGS, SACAING BOTIONS, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN RA6I3 OF ALL DESCUIPTIOffI No. 384 Bonin Front 8 eeeee each of 7 A. iiilacner Cabins! Ware Manufy PHILADELPHIA. A LL orders leg legit S. S. Moos, at the office or the Merchant's Hotel, Pittsburgh, urto h< ptemPRY encoded to. THOS. 4. DERRI MMUMI ORIGINAL 4/BOLIVAR Bp.vms., PERIENCED judge, on a trial ot one and half .1:4 millions, since It4l. padvotance this snide unsur passed for duribtlny to the construction at all Itlnds of P'urnaces. Pnce eatl.74 cash tor loud. of Miteed nine months tem. Orders for serand quality Bolivar Bricks will he clammed at Sal per M, if so de sired. without gUaralitco. A sck of the firm quality is now for sale at the wto arehouse, Ill... La's Whisrf,' Ca nal Ram, by J SHAW MACLARKN, • azpllar Eenstngton Iron Works • DHG:IIiIX FIRE RRICK-S—The minsenbera harlnK We appointed pole Agents by Inc Inatkularturen, ler the ude of the celebrated - Pbrein a rc now prepared to fill orders for aio yountity, at SUL cash. per Ltelii. For toe conmroction 01 tornare• all kinds, the., brtek. bone been pronounced by com petent Judaea 3, •liperior to till other fire brick• now or use. C A M'ANCI.TY A Cat. anus Basin FOIL EITKALI BOATS. PORTABLE FtrRI.MS—I scry en tivrooent art.ele. • Bellows and the forge can ;,e rt.r, I.y 11, Mtn.. Bee b y two men. A few ju•t end snle EULOON' ON JOHN efl;INCl* ADAM:, --Delivered May 11th, le4s, at the School House of the Sixth Word, Pittsburgh: By 11. 11. lireekehrulre Published by JIM-VS*l'ON A HIMCK lON, sod for sale by all the Booksellers in the city. /la WlNtai--to ijr reeks and . .JO Ind. obi,. Poo. Sweet Alalaga, nod hladeira RSne. , comprising wine very chose and ruperior brands, received and for sale oil aterommaluting tern., lip my II W n hl lOITCHF.I.TRIM lul haerty rt - - ARJ/011,—.50 superior, Burekhardf. brand, Jolt received and fur gale by __JY O I KIDD & Co, 611 wood et OAT: -6U .000 ottliNeriOr Oats, rue LI per sle.lllor c and fur tale by Aryl 1& R FLOYD, Round-Church Ruddings S WIWI' MALAGA INF- i n, y r cask. sweet Mol t A Challenge to the World. Wsa W.., JUSI received and for sale by rp WF.NTY•EI Vk: DuI.LARS will be pool to any one toil NIILLER & RICKETSON J. who wilt produce • spot of p.m , , twee or dry, that n be a limes Improved Chemmal W k i.r:r. b V ) 2 l - , ' ' "UN EV- T a iA i b 'P.'l.. .'" 5 la llng and . 7 44 ° . t I hove o the roeted uus with facnott of gapes to toe people.of Jell " .." L ten IJALLLL, this place, that this atm le, op any own smprosement on C li, now stands unrivalled ta due country for extrteung W Its ler W GLASIS- boo , XlO, for sale by - I grease, tar, pitch ; oil, paint. or as other mean soh. tell S F VON IsONNHORsrp & stance, from all kinds agent:omen's or Indies' clotiony, S HEETtotpto j,,,,,,," Ness3 , - 7T;i" -- ,,,, , ; - '3 - 7,,.- 1 - , : , , carpets, 111 'e moth, merino sbatirta, Inol,' bonnets, solo by ty 11 14 F VUN L UNNGGIIST A. t . 'o ' k -, .',..“ .W..ng .n>aiing tbet pure vr-ter will uot _. i soue. More non one owe e. t o noi",.. B EI : E I -- 1 2 bblo PteXietli , la* In. doted, or saie iiy ! parts or the country have told se they woold not be SI.N UN RoNNuort....cy & i. O , without n, .1' n coat one dollat per cake. In trines this, ' I map on more than 3CKI uncles of hail silks, same al- Vi ACKEREL-No 2 and 3, In half and yr Nth, I, . end GIOICOGS I have cal fo d 0 . 1 . .. d. 'O r il" S F V°N B°Nr.iii°}l4l. I. " L 'a lfr a , t w o or oipoce: ...1 zor i or :Ile°, thro e oncr ' ieh a t: _ [)ROOMS-15 dor extra luge '• h. Brooms, tot du I eb.Wed the color; therefore before potting It on a hi g h s Rochester do, .0 do Corn do; for sale by dress try a ample of the dress first I state this Decease /Yll . S F VON BONN HORST A. Co lam deternstned not to reeoramend It any stnancer thrto ikAr A C KERE.I.) bbls new No 3, we'll and for Kele ; 1 too ' '-r i EriCilY tree. /I Holz. rnce, / cm per ease. Bold, wbelent and retail 4.11. by /yI4 FRIEND, RIIEV es Co i by E E ISELLEES, D EER t iKINS-300 3y14 lbs for r it le i tq p to , ilotre l Fo a stscosi decli4 37 woo' o ---- i . T b EAS--30 half chests YLITea; 30 do do Intparial do. r, IDEATHERS-17 meta Feathers, )nat fondles' and 31/do do Gunpowder S i l3o do do blank des au e&r, .11' for Isla by wh..-roN AWEN, ty rs Gunpowder wad Y is otoro and kw .2.1 4 12 70 horn a lean v wrie cluarjas&4"2. MEDIC CONSUMPTION, A.. Et Mrichrus, Spnung Wood, Path the Side nd an nod sore Throat, Hoarseness, PalpitahOn of the Heart, Whooping Cough, Croup, thee; Nervous Tremors. giver Complaint, and Dmeased Kidneys, are railicallr Com te by Dr. Inayne's Compound Syrup of Cherry Wil d It is meld and pleaount to the mote. perfectly safe and her-tale... °pennons. and yet n u one of then oot power-MI and rennin remedies for Consumption of the Lunge. Cough, Cold., Asthma. Spitung Blood, Liner Complaint, Dams In die Side or breast, and general Debility of the Constitution. that wan ever invented by the still of: ale tor the retie, or the attiteted pubbc. Gertihcams d evidence. oe wondercol c.artre power, arc daily received from all quarter. It is im possible to eoneeloe the agvegate of se &rine and nos that hat be relieved orbar.ll.l br nor can we calculate the inuman benefit that shahs ccrue from it hereafter. All age., and e „, tatttattatts are etike affected by it. and th e due., ts enulmated from the •'.tam, the Canstnotion repaired, a n d h ea l th ere , toted . by, ho' use ol Da. SworNMs Conm,,,, S tarr „ s Wu. Carahr. How many sufferers do we dail be hold approaching to an untimely gr a y s, wrested. alt the bloom of youth, trout their rel... and inenit• adlmt ed wadt that ..,..1 malady, CONSOIPTI6N2 w.tes the miserable sufferer until he is beyond the power of human skill. If such sufferers would only make • tn. of It,. Swarm's Compound Syr, 0 1 Wi ld Cherry. the y would find themselves soon, ra i r „., than by gulping the ran.s ineffecure remediea with winch o u r newspaper,. abound; this •Vegetable Reme. dy' heal. the ulcerated Imlgs, otoppmg prof., sweats, at the same rime Inducing • natural and healthy ' expect..., and the patient wall soon find tainitelf In the emoysnent of comfortable health. The public should bear in mold that Dr.. Sway. or a regular practisin g phystman, and has had year. of expenence tat dt.ines of the LIMITS, Chest, /cc. The ..L0riki,ha1 1 !..4 0 .4 1 4 14° e ~. .7. : article u only pp posed Itta. nor of Eaghth and Race streeto,,r it mp ANOTHER HOME Ch.RTIFICATE. Of all the con, that ha.. ever been recorded, we may • safely iitty the annals °needle/lie C2llllOl Aunt. one LO purpaar this, which now stands a brom proof of the curability of consumption. even when line hod been dem:mired of. Dr. Swayne O Compound n) rup of Wild Cherry to all it profess,. to be. the greatest MNI/Oine 10 the known world. The True Rock. of ii in fr Ileak.A. Ds Swayet—Deny Sin—For the good aily public. feet myself in duty boind to manly to the great cur wtuvh your Common:l Syrisp of Wslst Cherry perform. ed on the. For my part. I feel as if every Lod) ought to know M. I was 'Labeled with a violent cough, lot 'ung of blood ;. mght sweats, hoarseness, and soon of the voice indicatmg an alarming state of the disease; my appetite was gem. and my strength had so (or fail coulddm that my friends fan ph were pereuaded I not survive many day.. My sister, who was my anxious care-taker. etude tnyetry where she would be likely to procure the most certain relief. She wee told that if 1.. h. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry failed n the cure, to Me waa then hopeless. Your medicine was inareeMately procured, sod the first bot tle geve whet, and by the untie / hod emneseneed the auth bottle. my cough had lett me mid my etrength war much improved. In short, it has made • perfect cure of me, end I am at this present lime ea hearty a man as i wish, and have good reason to believe that the use of your medicine he. saved me from a premature gni,' I shall be pleased to gone any information pecong no hese. I Al Mu rea ria, ha... cheater at, between rant and vine Its, Phila_ CAUTION-' CAUTION!! Consumptives . , Read! Read!! Dr. Swaynea Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. In about the year !KU, 1 found it necessary In my professional precut,. to compound a medtenial prepar ation tor &seams of tire chest and lungs, puuessing mace powerful beehng properties Nast any other hoh ern, known for such diseases. In my COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, I have been very sue ceseful The truly astonishing cures effected by my medicine soon spread its Mine abroad; for . owes none of ems success to menuthentred newspaper puffs or for ged reruheatcs--the real intrinsic menu of my com pound Is the only its popularly. ha exte.tve ease noon excited the envy orcertion speculators inthe edlismons of by M.low creatures. so notch m Mat a, few yearn from the lime that my preparluon wt. Intro duced to the public and to great demand. a firm m this city. MM./ that my preparation had rained a high :g ti tmice tar into cur:love re penes, came out with ,they rolled Dr. NV tater's Relearn of Wild Cherry. This respectable and popular physician had no more to do with the article Mn. poor Sam Patch. The caste of Dr Wolter is attached to make is appear that this em ote., praconon et was the origami inventor of the pre paranon. such is not the tact n. above firm, the re. el sit ventor s sold the tempt. and right to mannfarture to Naar patient teed/cum dealers sit Clown/um for the Kestand South. and .other In New York Mr Me Fist, who afterward, it is sescrted, sold out to a druggist in Horn o the number mhands into w-htrh have b it may changed is an eulgut. in .111 e places they assert it emanated from a pity memo us Philaddrible4 1.11 other, froth a physscuut tit Alesmehusetis So It has falsehood and stramgena stamped us every Mature. There have been a nmuher of - other preparations pur porting to eons., Wild Cherry put of since,horn the hds of inexpenence, 'Ouch the public should guard gem, as they contain noun of the virtues of Use only nal and only genuine pmparnoon, which bears the sig nature of Dr. Swaytte on each bottle. The present mastufactureM of their puffs mod false certificates have the daring effrontery to caution the public ages.l put - chatting my mecheine, the only truly genuine and origi nal preparemn of Wild Cherry before the public, which w proved satisfam w ortly by the public remade of tie Commonwealth of P• 1111 1!) . 1.111a. Os ell as yttri um. other °Metal documeum. OR. 11. SWA YNE, Inventor and sole Propriptor of the genuine Com p it oun me str d Sy eaks. Phsladelplue.rup of Whild Cherry, corner of Eighth and Pamphlets can he clowned rums. setting forth an array ol te.ll4loliy that Wlll coliVkiicu din 0.1 skepti cal of the wooderiul virtue, of Dr Sweyuca Compound W ! Syrup or tld Cherry. Cull and get one, that all may . read. Purchase the medicos, and es ream , Fur sale Vrlieleaotle amt result. Isy the ..kaent• IVAI THOHN.S.I Murk., ,I, Mil/F..% A ~.NI, ,V bEN. ; ~. Purify Your Blood. ..u..... ',Nal a d 1,,,,i, ~. S .1t,1..- I, Liacc, AT /I 0 F Slfil..El —lncur Strt Last pnng, and tie. es. n A 1 - MIN F- . • I'm's ' a Ca. canter of Viret and 1 ..0rs the prem.. wooer. I we. severely ail/toted tt „lid ......a.. and Wood; mi. /V HS Al rrefiEt.i... s, '''ll • '' n 't - uino. comPlmn , se my legs, and had been Alice-belly any. , „.., for Solon months mder me care of physicians. They . ~,- , mtd my ea. Vrl.4 almost timetable. and they cotd Lost little for me. I was nearly helpless, bat will the OH. J A YelEat ALTERA .II V - E. l es a d L oi l e p r . u r if . jhu.,.es cdooelfd)wioutfisl.iffidccuoli.,y.gect.:bodut.....llnßALay I,Ve hare been informed by Mrs Rose of a cure r. formed on her .0 y Dr. JaynOis Alter a tive, which proves litipe”Otar over e,ery other remedy of the „,,,,_.,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.„. 4.,, relic u. , . c ,„ . . b. a. port, eOpuneneed healing and I lard emit, rev ''' t b. kind She h. been afflicted for the lam gie. years w m AtHeitoktEs or WHITE SWF:LLINUS, mtendent ~,, these„,,, e . se. I „,,, , top ~.,,,C7,1, V., an ulcerations and enfolmiuton o( various bones, du- ~, ,,,,,, Oldie 1 . 0 „,,,,,, , ~.... ~.,.,, an,. ....ad.), ni anertnbg sheep. In all. I used live battles. The ring min eh amp many paces hove been dweharged from the Amu., none Of the emmum. from lmlk her •l^l., scroft.la an on re• have all healed up and since lam ,We mad hands, and irate bath leg., Otto UP. the e : ei , have r I b seen tIO &or...ant/ire ot the mimes., bat m. oral hone, and (rem the egret Ithhh t b,nel,.• ' have routomed, mid in now. 111 lIIC most perfect health/ etc , tt .. one, P.M of her Per..., w him , hove Mand,.l 1 state with confidence, hoping that others may he ben the sk til or a .i.h., or u.......,,,,,,,‘ P h Y t htmt.ov gutted in the s ame way, that the Sarsaparilla sold Ity. oar cm , . — dem.; man of the Dote tee ... d onor.. O.° e you. has been the means and the coy mesa of effect. been e.eru.a,a4l and deplorable. About three months ~,, ~, ~.... CORNELIUS J. ROSE, tench sky era. seduced Os try Dr.J.syncts Alterative, f'or nal° wholesale and retail, by tench bat had . astoulahlugly happy effect upon her, ~,,,,,.. B. A. FARNatTOCK & Co b) t s , n.m.fl all Pmo area m vent.f, and cooto.X tll ear. front P woad nisi &a...c0rn...w00d 1a5t....• wee, sto heal, while at the same tune her general health- • has . secente completely restored, so thm sbc now weighs F INE 1,1-.llt VUDIRELY— Xs de more than see did before she coinmeuccd the i.e 1J: Cream do' Amanda A mere', for Maytag, of Oils truly VII)L11.1( prepotton.—{.at Eve. Po, I Cr. nth •la Rose, or shaving; For immer sworn/anon, snows, of )Its. Rose, No. 122, Almonds Cream. do; Nimes: st. Plillidelphte I, Sups . rthne Rouge, on Porcelain stands; For sale me Pittsburgh, at Mil PEKIN TEA STORE., , Lscrent iss. cto Isms, perfumed with Lavender, Ang le• ;11 Frmras at. ad/. Woed. JO l more suml; l 13eauttful powder puffs, of all panel nt, Embossed wallet boxea, Contesning meagre. extracts • i for ,he henstkesutiteft a scent beg, and tai let soaps, suss- WM ? lof presents. risme or Chinese nowdet; Ins.. vegetammle haam WI. I od r , al tit osl, se Imlay or OMMulaul wrap!. re, tn.. *MM. Jones' Soap, Nymph Soap; Rose Lip salve; Sheir soap; Soti• wapi together Watt • great variety of lino perfumery: last teemed, tor rale by H A FAH ill F2lrocK A. CO nor drh ,r wail ate 4i,11..R01..: LA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL 17 INGs.—Sermula in all its multiplied forms' whether in that of King's h:ml, enlargements n the glands or bones, Goitre, White Swellings, Carom( Rheumatism, Causer, diseases of the Sham or Spine, or of Pulmouary Consumption, emanate front one lend the same cause, which is a poisonou, principle mote or less inherent in the human system. There. e fore, unless thin pneciple can be destroyed, no radi i car cure can be etlected, but if the principle upon which the &lease depends, is removed, a cure must of necessity follow, no matter under e hat term the Sumas° should Manliest Iteell. This, therefore no tar reason why JATNY'S ALrlharlva in se um versally successful in removing so many malignant diseases, It destroys the virus or principle from , whir i those disease) have their origin, by entenog ! into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed to the minutest hbre, removing every Fpirticie of disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No. 1 I; South Third Street, Philsdelpfus. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 72 Fourth strce. Pittsnurge incn.3l ;, • - - JADIES Who CA CorarriOn Plepered Chn3, are 1.1 Often not aware how frightfullyontirionA sln I i the skin! how coarse, how rough, bow sallow and unhealthy the skin appears after using prepared et,,,,ik; Besides, It it overuses, contemns aisles quart sty of lead. Stir hare prepared beauutul vegotobie arecle, which we JONK.S'S SPANISH LILY itiTE! Itis perfectly tnnocene Leung purified of all deleterious riws-litiesi and It moans to the •k 1„ ii nein, healthy. alabaster, clear. bringfete, at the Same time acting AS noSnolof On the skin, mottos it son and smooth. Dr. James Aneenton, Frac-Peel Chem.st of Massa caosetts msys, "After analywa; Jones's Spam. LUIS White, I find it possesses the noes beautiful and natu ral, at the same time innocent while I ever saw I certa,rtls can consceottomtly recommend its Site ball whose stun reqatres beautifying." IE7 - Fri, 25 cents a box. 1110 -- Sold by Wfil JACKSON, al his hoot Col Shoe Store,E9 Liberty Street, head of Wood, at the sign the Big Boot. of Ladies. ladies, Pm .MEdshed, ag When you know that you are pronused A natural, life-thre, snowy white, That you will still use common chalk, And look a dahthly yellow fright, The theme of liorghtel and talk. If you would use a box of JONt. , :l Lilly•white would give your skin an alabaster yei natural white, sad at the same time clear and .ptorr it Soul at JACKSON'S, CI Liberty EL Prier JTcent per box. • PAPER WAREHOUSE• No. 113 UILLING.SL/1., NRIN TORN. ‘I . RUit W. FIELD offers for role at the low, el , Manufacturers' p; ea, a very cstenr.v: sr..oft. na.•.it Of PAPER, comonsing every poss Mic rancty, adapted to the of commuters ,h all accnonr of the country. Paper of nil kinds made to order at chant not 00. 1 i,,.tock of PRINTING PAPER ta uneettall) large a patio( which .101 vet 7 superior quality. PAPER EAKER' ATERIAI.I4 or every descripuon, In:polled and t opt wool on han_, viz Wire Cloth, Fourdrintoc tres Bleaching Powder, Blur AGRlUltramarine, Twine, ec. , he R eltitvasa, Bale Rom, Groa. RoM, D NMms, .• = - haled, for wh,rh the highest price tanh will I.< p. 0.1 lfY New York, lelyy I,lg. Dr. W. P. Inland's Prom Dimes Plast•r. T 6. W P INLAND, of Mei hledleal College of Pntl ad now offers to the public too Ind.,. Veg. etable Prermum Plaster, the qualitfas of wtoeh, atter long ablisand tried experience, has been soußfacolY Re ihed. To ail wom to en who may be afflicted with Prolapsus emria or Fallen IVitrob, he reeocumend• los plaster, gimmateeing a Rare and .peedyin the short space of from two In thee weeks. if applied . 5 . 0 care and rent—disc:Mit:lg all the counties& twirumelllll and e locum ve Moulage& so l 111 US, MA. ha ethlth-1.111011l 11l Usti:lg, niumue ong h a. he ha. e.toci 111 Olin r d ain ont of three hundred and On, •three pa , Ado for Rheumatism .d Weal Breast or Back. at tended WILII pain, there is notlong to excel this Maoist in affording relief or efferung a curre. For sale by I. Wilcox, corner of Diamond and Market at Braun & Reiter, Laberty and Si Clair sts Sargent ^ Federal et and Dminond, Alle gheny city ham Jacquee & Co, Denman and Inamond, Binning- ~,~~.. liiiMIEMEZZii . . 4:SA ?CURE, perWrieed by the ortribillned delete,. neat IrllttillG Like PLR prepared kW sold by R 11rj„, tdo We i lr•VlVlT,Weieoraleast Co.,Pa, • hay Lke r. R. R. Sarkakk—ii mute oldely tapes Uk alfeestne toedd my humble tedimosym &rota yonridliszed ymo r orated Lim ?Ills. I here deterred doinr ea tor years, ad th hering to Dar) - Crockett's maxikt,':!be eve yka are rikitt, and en ro ahead." Doer of the m an y prinartaike. oft quacks, lauded to the skies, hub stalk into oblivion einet 1.4 r Liver Pt le here been offirea to thapubitc, mad, indeed, I 0 .) them IA" as they anklet whin ykt repeated them to be I hue beau adlicted with Liver C.i.,..1131 from my youth, huretaffened meets: employed eatineatphyrietan k to whore Ipaid mach money; here money; here keu rezoned end phyrk-lied almost to deat; mkreted sor 6 num, and &a ll y rhea m manta/elk le / was induced to to. your Larerrink, /sod SOON GOT WELL. Gee km of wokh iliNsue.l6.l3ll to beep meeker ofiparn to the ads, acid all the Wier !tyrants:nu for at feed, %mouth. Your Potts are rim the be e t eatheke r I tree used, being mild, not griping or rt. Ler much wk.., st the stook ad, but rt. me much rel.ef l Imre kept them to awe Ore • or years, told bauadrede of bisam, and hue my never hekrd • tin{ e camplaint uttered by soy O. who bee toed them. They hue taperceded eke.et every other pin to this beirtiborkial, and in • short doze will knish them all. earseelty recommend them all ;wreak ding phyke. wisreom kir Lamer emplane' or Jlilfiovo directions 1 coo. soder them far superior to Cahintal or the Qlue Pill. /input holy pure, J L 51 onus LAUTICIN—Le there ere other, Pill. Wear. the putdic canvas Lam Pita , pcnom who were the URNUlN•lehorald IA for and taker mother than those prepared and tadd by It J.: SELLERS, No 57 Wood-st he -tenon Third ma Poen% etekti. ri bead by Dr. Ceaut., b inb /raid, D 51 Cower, Allerhany Dtiydropaslay, or she iVter OCTOR elliNJ. W. 510FIRIS ret a urns los omens [4thanks to me masons of PLisburgh and Allegheny 1 re" c r e t t h r e ed " Zla l , ' „ the .uppon nod cocoon lances mobthe. 7'l. line Nits 1e• more should acquire such celebrity, la neither t •Utre nor Myetenous.whera .corterdered bow great apmber of eases of every vitrmty of diseases, both otut. In • re and chrom e k or e been cured by 1 1 141.0.1 cue Germany , ¢ it On flUftlett, LI thousand fay 'ph ns' oll o ''' En .'" ropet t " 1 " 1 8 11 1 :U714 " L p ; eb, by the moat e.red alb iminonal Pricektu, the founder of the Water Cure. I by d England, France end f ence., 4, of of hope. 4. cee•• bee, been cured by t; • ot the tiitaterrue rdeoPutbrr eektibetuncuts new in . .ucce , efut an t, in he I:toted State, vette volume* in t4COI . tithe practice. • pr morn. h°`,.l Perenanehtly established himself tin the en/ of P.Othoithi three' doom southwest of ir i,Labeoyr,tootlariLentionsnirdrit.. J rest icomw pLetred h ie .,, talt a those who prefer being treated as Iheir own du-Mange, will be pouetually land from siu.ded. fie may be o:insulted hio office front I o'clock ttll 3 I'. 51., and from' to Inn, the evening. ', N. 13.11 very varietyvar of baths sued e use of in lie Water cure. both e nod gentlemen, cno be ob tamed at the Atticructten. on li.llesmy street. wh o m th e y have been recently erected for Me core.. use or 1 4- dioPoOoe pone.* and where c sem mtent.oti wsll gavel: by the Nine nod allentlvr proprietor. :eplaelm •• Great Engll2.ll Remedy, FOß&ufttroth,L`vhzri'g' 2,.=Peranc!orTib ve i: abo dieemles, is the / 1 1;NGAItIAIU BALSAM OF la Fly domovered by the celebrated Dv. Heenan, of London, England. and introduced into the United &wee under the Inurtednur superintendenc e of the inventor& The extreonlinary tierce's of that medicine, In Ck , am of Pulmonary dy.aneea warrants Me American Agent in enliciung for treatment the worst posstlele ea- Rea Um can be toundln theennitumlity —robe S I list seek relict in vain from tiny- of the common remedies of the day, and have been Kneen up by the most dishiqpilshed pity eicians as confirmed and incurable. The liumearf ao /Salaam has cured, and will rote, tie most desperate of cues. It it no quack tiostrunt_ but a standard Eng lath medicine, of known and estabicshed efficacy. E,ry leanly in die Limed Minion simukt be Rupp/led winth Bactuttes Hunganan ll:daunt Lde, not only to optthe eonsumptive tendencte. of the climate, blit to be used as a preventive reedtcine in all cases of relde, rough., 'plm,/ of blood. pl.lll 111 the 'tide me eke., t:ruatton ant/ soreness in me lungs, brockiMa. illithe ally of brewing, hectic fever. night rieeals, ation and rough and cr genera oup. / debdaiy, ammo, no a, luenz whooping Sold iu large bottles. at $1 per bottle, with full &vac uole for the reetoration of health. Pam plilets.emonining a etas of English and Arum* ran certafteatte, and other evidence •bowing the un obtai equalled merite of this great English Remedy, may be td of the Agents, gratuttotulv For sale by 13 & & Co, comer of et and Wood and Wow and Uth sat.marS MS. JAY NE'S CiAitllltlMA T 1 V EfALej 1, , brief the Rev ASA nFII \N, 1M1,;1 known and pop iriar Clefs, rams of the Protestant Methodist Church The unsterelhntsd having been Mir red during the PAM int., with a slisellse 01 the sumach, sometmes pro clog great pain in the mournfor nor twelve horns Nn intermission, end anti, having tried vitriom regionals. with little effect, wass furnished with a bottle of Dr tr Jaynes earminanve italnant. Thisbe used so noresnig to th e directions, and fund invariably that this nwteltesue caused the pain to ', rice or Ear ornsr y . tura, and in Slices or tar.Diy arm...very enem r.en.tnn Wan ecstasy truicied. The modicum was af terws rds aged whenever indications of the approach of inim were perceived, rind Ihe parn was thereby inhveol. ed tie r r - mu/ruled to tura the medicine Ovary ensiling rind sometimes in tar mortUrtor. and to a few weall Creanh Wln to far restored, that the sorry roc was relies od from a large amount of opprensive pain. From e/ penance, therefore, he au ruishdently recommend fl I) Jay ne% Car trunatir c Balsam, as a salutary medic in Ibr diseases of the stinhach and ho wets. henyA hilliNND Alle . ei t y.yy. For sale in Pittarcurgit at the PEKI g N TEA 2TOR II 72 Fourth street, near Wood, and iihro at rheDrug ;bore or Ir l' SCHWARTZ Yoder-al ' , en, Anna:ma, ovi6 Puilinositcay. d M ' o '43 l:e to . my (allot eLrelaturea—lo tin" soainaingi afore respecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Liatsmo. uiC. first used the klelona alma , eleven year. ago, the happy effect of which Ulan plVe ciceoulit of, # bare hail several seems com plimits arid at ry tack. ist un one few days some, rind m eve inetanc e b u g., used the Balsam alone with complete and perfect .ucce...l. It has effected relief and cure Ina very few days. It is certainly a sole medicine. I do not know will dolt it will cure a fixed consurnpuou, but I behove it Le In many cases a d prevention is better thou mire; I do therefoie, for , dull met nif my fel low men. earnestly recominetol the use of this Balsam, to an u nary pulm complaint. I tun ronfident that it has lee r eans of preserving, toy toe to this day. Pronati June Ili, '4O lIEN;IAMIN PAELSOPiB., For sale by It A Fnhnestock, h Co. corner first sad woml and also corner wood and 6th.jail) ELLER'S IMPERIAL CUCCiIi S 1 RCP —II has 0 power to cure: l'orvant nua Feb. 14, 1,17, R. E. Sent rass—My wge ban for years been subject W dietressing cough, securnpanted with totth.. the mire of which Lima d.fcrcill rough remedies, nod had the advice of Me most eminent pitysimans in Faglaid, bbi ail kVEuI uziamuling. ay chance / hoary of yuor Imperial Cough Syrup, mtd was induced to buy a home tor trina although I had no beim( that .tything could remove her eon - miaow To my great surprne, Pro rouble doses gave her finineinate retie( she is at Mass td l n oh, hut two .3.5p00111 of Sm alwayf mop it jam *hushed, niter a trial ( of three y o r lour ears. that Seller's Cough Syrup is the best cough inedifnue I hare ever tiled either lo the Old or New Worla. ITta Patrolognar, Seventh Ward, ln city of Pittsburgh. a certificate uce a who trolie Love übled with coggh or whine,should to g l ue d ru ye the Syp a triare sl. It may h`'had for ZS Ceuta • bottle. at the drug note of R SELLERS. 07 wood m. Pub! by Dr Cuss!, fith wanC nod H Curry, Alto-(troy car. ALP:. _ EWLPMnEN B E a — k Fort, ss ir Trs d .• Permanent 11 Cure of HERNIA or ItCPTUrill. fan,ted to all /15.4. r «upc,lo, elaim. e( tn,. Tru.. conton in the ~Data > 3 4111..0 can With ivtairn inty or worn. Jnltl at arans Deu s beauty balanced on fiiiiortai ...la to pro. fate iio 1.3) pat h h i it, and thiooisgbly adapt,. itself hot loolreme by r 4 in be ttiOlelA interinistion. until r r• iithirten The tab- Ml.l.irit have attune arrangeolenia in, toe inantif actor* Ulnnt IttiA,‘, .0 Suptr:ur atyie, in Vbilai Jc i fia , a, and hare thvon now !or ru.e 01 tors oChee, No, bioithfielo v. near. Cilia Pdtiourah. /Eli. no Arr. le Yt U. Ka UFI-'hlabl. SI:I;I,ERSd* E—"Supe r to any h.,. liaatu.a Tr . Fayette ••notity, Pa.„%lareh 4. '4n Ly Mr. kt- obroo that I have a!4your Vermtlage In boy family, beheve II equal, tf myno: super.; to any I haver vet used. I gave to obe al ) ch.ldren our dose, Which ezi,lleal about NI worm.. I•rrpared and .old by R E 5ka..LE17..6, 67 Woodt `.bid Dr 1a... 61h D .S 1 arm . , At'canon); tY J Temperasteemllot dad 7' Draro, Law man, die my 4• • YRINGE76—An assortment itt.l to 'd and for sal 0 Li___ mS•{ J KI tsD & Co • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, IRI-WI.EKLY d WEEKLY At oat:a. itutidiuo, 3d w , most Lia Fan Qat. t:ATfrtAi OF A DVIKFLTIB/210. One thaurttort of FA lino., or 1e55,...... TWO insert...to Without alteration*, .......... 0 flue° • • / 00 • • ...... 'One Week .• •••• Two Woek. 4. 1 50 ••I 50 Three .• " ... 300 Ono Mouth, •• Two ~ g:4;.'' ''' ''..' ' Longer advertol : enaente in same '''''''''''' ' l ' ... '''''' 51:12 1. One sivare.6 mouthy, without alirrsoon,... 10 00 •. 15 1.11 ... b 00 Each a.hlitionaal wioare for 6 mood. 12 • 10 00 Use square 6 usoollo. reuesrablo at pleasure, 15 OD " isEach addltional !News lor 12 toosolas 10 00 Two ago., 6 m u nch, re'wable at pleasunu„,3o 00 Loeb suchtlonal "wore, 6 month., B 00 WILLIILI on riII...SIMI, IN 6,1 LT RADITIA. Otto itittale. 7 tumulus., SI 50 " each additional insertion 37 ■UI(!EU canna Five line. or In., one year, • ...... Otr •• lit months SGM one year, daily 8c weekly, 10 ft. Loolairreeirarrrs 11 wroxio For th hoes, or lesa r One ........50 .54 D 7J " " " Three, ........ 1 Ile Threo mouths, 3054. •••••••• 6 CO " " Twin " 011