The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 11, 1848, Image 2

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PLTTIIBIIH,Gits,, ,- :: •
FRIDAY MOItNING, AU'uba ' il, 1818
Advordsomoots sad BobserMtions tho North Amer
ind' sad traded grates Gazaudi fVodelobia, received
and Winded from this offer- - •
3We win receive and forward free of expense, ad
ventselcumn and sabrzipsion# fat this paper.
'• - PILIAVAICEI 0111111ENT.
the icr i pt ipp a roads valuable paper will be received
tad brwarded firm Ws atm
thsWVpermaritert tiszu Warn ts published
n I -Weekly, and Weekly.—The Deily is Seven
Mao par smnek the Tri•Weekly Ls rive Dollars per
essoma; the Weekly Is Two Dollars per annum, mats
e ea
12- ra ben b = 5 rres early inThi k i ' d .n ay d ria i2
practicable. Advenilemeats nor buried for a speer.
led dere will invarlablrbe charged until ordered out.
Vol Lam Commercial latellmace,Domeatle, Man
Asia; River Nem,' howls; Money Markets, he. see
WM Pade.
Dirnicieratie Whig Nemliiatienn,
C T 14,,, 5ta"..
MOMS Id: T. DPlEnnas, of Washington.
JO= P. Simonson, of Lo anon.
11. Joseph O.Clarkson, 13. IltoryJohnson,
John P. Wotharill, 14. PA/liana Colder,:
".3. Jams IL Davis, 16, William 11Eilvaine
;4. Thos. W.Dafileld, 16. Chart. W. rubor
I. Denial 0. Llitner, 17. Andisar G. Curtin,
6. Jonas Dungan, la. Thos. IL Davidson
7,,J0h0 A Steele, ID. Joseph Markle,
• 8. John Landis, Dl. Dude Avow,
IL Joseph Elclunicker, 111. Andras" Loomial
10. Charles Snyder, 21 Richard hvin,
11. William O. Ha nky, Yl. Ttuomu 8.1111,
19. Rennin Tyler, 24. Sans 7 A. Parvianc
Artimaseale and Whig BrOMlllAtlOall
so• ♦astral. Ls.
LEWIB C. I. NOBLE, of lidlstis.
M. SWAB= WELHER„ of Pittsburgh.
HENRY 1480 E, of Afilllint,
HEIHIBLAN NIXON, of Lower St. Clair
JO/DI SCOTT, of Ross.
DANIEL nioußny, ,;(
JOHN K. FOSTEJL, of Baldwin.
gee next page Or Telegraphic News
Nawa ax Txrevasre.—Oue readers will notice
that we give very extensive telegraphic reports
from every quarter, frum which early intelligence
is desired. But we very much question whether
many of them are aware of the heavy expense
and severe labor imposed 'upon publishers of pa
pers who treat their readers with such a rich morn
ing repaid. The noon of night almost Invariably
finds us engaged in this work, while our re aders
are enjoying the comforts of natural and undistur
bed rest. It haebecome so much a custom to find
every thing in a newspaper, that very few ever
think of the toil and expense endured, while near.
ly every one is ready to find fault if the over task
ed editor does not come up to this standard of per.
R.. it ;:L i
Things now kick very cheering for the Whig
pasty, in every direction. The defections arising
from the Free Sod question, do our opponents more
injury than us, and for a natural reason. The
Whig party, as imcb, is known to be sound on that
question, and all but a very few, have every cow
the position of Gen. Taylor, who will
_not interfere to prevent the will of the people from
being carried out. Oar opponents, on the 0313illa•
ty, both as respects the avowed principles of their
party and their candidate, are opposed to the Wil
mot Proviso, or to any interference on the part of
Coasters, to *prevent the great calamity of slavery
extension. The consequence is, that every honest '
opponent of Slavery extension among them, has
ao remedy but to join the five roil movement—
The Whigs will, therefore, gain more than they
will Lisa, from this cause.
The pressure arising from the effects of the Tar
iff of 1846, are gradually but surely working fir
the Whig cause. The iron interest in the Furnace
region is greatly suffering from the operations •of
Chit unwise measure, and men are becoming
enlightened as to causes of the depression of their
business. Our Wool Growers are also feeling, to a
great extent, the ruinous policy adopted by the
party, and which Mr. Cass has promised to carry
oat We are Informed that the Wool Growers in
this region have great difficulty itifinding a market
Inc their present clip, and that consequently they
are solacing much inconvenience and loss. We
sincerely hope they may noilize a safe and ready
salefor their wool, but me ask their attention to the
424, that the sacrifices they swe obliged to make, are
a direct consequence of the Tariff of 1846. No ow
prindieed mancan doubt, Lima( the TraiitioflBl2
had continued to the present, that the home demand
would have kept Wool at goad prices and brisk
- These and other causes, such as Caaa's personal
unpopularity, his submission to Southern dictation,
his furious war spirit, hie unsenainty on the river
and harbor question, the fawning sycophancy he
displayed at the Conn of Louis Philippe, ece.,
are steadily working in favor of the bravo old tof f .
dies, whom every body admires and loves.
In this county there has not as. yet, been much
activity or zeal displayed, but we are assured era
firm and devoted attachment to the Whig canto
and, to Whig principles. Mr. Hampton will be
home in a few days, when we understand a aeries
of Whig meetings will be held, and llin'atunpaign
be actively commenced. Other members of Con.
grins will probably address the people here, on
their way home, but we regret to learn that we
ahem* have the pleasure of bearing Mr. Cowart.
A 'EMT from him, to a gentleman in Misplace,
Sestets that his private business requires his
Lion as soon as possible, and that he will take the
Mote direct Tome hems after Congress adjourns.
We are sorry to learn that Mr. Corwin, like hun
dreds of other generous spirits, has involved him.
stab! endorsement, and that he has to labor with
untiring industry to pay other people's debts. The
personal sacrifices he makes,by his close attention
to his Senatorial dories leaves, him but little time
fir his praising Pomona' obligations.
Sul Co make up kir the disappointment, we have
*awns in announcing, that we have just heard
that Hon. Tam Etyma, of Ohio, Is expected here
chiefly. The Whip of the county, and the citi
..zeris generally, will be delighted to hear this able
and tried Whig, and to welcome him to the hospi
talkies of the city. The Executive Committee will
:WILIM all necessary arrangements for these con-
Setriphtted, meetings, and kir any thing else neces
- wary and Priper to advance the Whig -cause.
One. Tamales Tizarmerr Os THE Onto VoL.-
tortwats—da the more repine end unprlncipird
gado° of the Federal press pretend to deny that
Oen. Tsryki treated the Ohio Volunteers In the
teen smuurrtm and murres manner ' we copy from
the Ohio Statesmen the following st atement of Jos.
Bettnekof Franklin county, in that State, to sustain
what we have hitherto published on this min eck--
• Aut.
With the above elegant and polite paragraph,
the Poe introduces a certificate of Joseph Bennet,
tt Ft 2 hitliz,eattmy, Ohio, to corrotkreue what M.
known as ilie,:'Ckicken Thief Slander'—but the ,
editor of that delectable sheet dom. not tell the
world, what it could in truth, that the Ohio State
Journal publishes an extract from the records of
Franklin county, to show that Joseph Bennet was .
indicted before the couttatheie for rimiking a hog'
Glorious company, indeed, bas the editor of the
Pont got among, and hard run must lie be to find
something against General Taylor, when he resorts
rashe testimony of chicken and hog thicker. Ile
; : i ntuit And other authority than this tashow that the
berme and brave old veteran acted a 'ehoterjet
rind !bratritmot, before any body will believe him.
Indeed, we wonder if the editor of the Post be
lieved the 'sheiks he utters, illmaeX We doubt h.
Gas. Taylor's character to kindness and hnniani.
:obis soldiers, Wands on testimony too andante.
ed, si be shaken by Sildi disgraceful
Ckristutte Herald of gte dfrierro Malcaiist Ms. CLAY.—The fact, stated in our telegraphic '
Aritagial CAUrdij" r nde it the title of • new despatches, that Mr. Clay had * travetedfilly
Wily paper, jusi ism:m.3,in this city, by Bev. A. to vote for. Mr. Carcrareas, is as highly bramble
GiiP; by Authority' of the Geeertil;P:alfelleae to the mat 'spawn/in, as it is gratifying to the
' et the African M. E. Church. It is of the me. thousands of bis Whig friends throughout the Ile.
_ -idol., well-filled, and we Wish it, great ion, in whose hearts Mr. (Ray's name causes
enlightening nett itnprovieg t bit mop. thrjli which is Mt ZS,4O ether man. It also put.
ridetinin gat which it is more especially aeilive4. to nna -the numerous startlers which hare , been
3 t ' ,-. 2:1.1Are-tittpe . the various elutes of our ohisens will hidOstiiously cireulatedithat Mr. Clay viewed Mr. ,
enterprise, by- whim? inn - Crittenden with =Then, and would not rtgret his.
eltelPa• -- defeat. Mr. Clay is true to the Whig virile as the
( - = . 4 o :l,7 p . i ti .th u r s t„ Golmicr is . . o p , ci : en of , as T er wanting to
The Campaign
tlMs l ,ll,4l4lt*WßlNOMltiitkrinirt.
tt!a to thasiphissiintiaftk read",
ersiii4etrir from tiot • Hon. Tbout“ , few
vor' , Of the elm:liana( GerreeidTailor: 'F/is rename
for his position :eyed utisfacgorV.--pr.4:,
Sin—Year letter of .11u114th.inst, leached
me half an hour ago, and I avail myself of my ear
liest leisure moment, to reply. I have seen in the
papers from various parts of the country, contra
dicts:ay ontjecturessm to the vote of this and that
person, and amongst others myself.
I have never doubted as to my duty ;ma voter,
since the nomination was made. It is true, I did
not wish. Gen. Taylor. I preferred others to hire.
Brit a 'Convention of \Flags was called, eijaressly
for the purpos• of agreeing upon one of the five or
six persons maned. I was in favor of that Con
vention, sodas it wee thirty conducted} I 6tel bound
to sustain its nominee. Had the man been named
that I wished, and the friends of Gen- Taylor had
refused to sustain him, I am sure I abould feel
warranted in charging them with bad filith. I can
not apply one rale to myself, and a different one to
others. Had. the Convention, named a man who.
was not a Whig, or wha was infamous and un
worthy, I should feel in that' ease, absolved-from
any obligation to - Support Beth a man. But Gene.
ral Taylor does not fall within either of these Mae
res. He is • Whig, He is above suspicton or re
proach in his personal character. lie has Played
himself worthy of every public trust confided to bim,
and that I think is n rimsonahle guaranty that he
will not fail in this. ',billow the nonslaveholding
States object to General Taylor, that he lives in a
slave State, and owns slaves. Did not Mr. Clay
live in a slave State? Does he not nowt Was not
Mr. Clay a slaveholder? Yet we were proud to
vote for him, and I would now do more and sacri..
five more to placsiiiim in the Executive chair than
I would for any man in America. And so would
thousands of the purest and best men in the free
States. Thus, this objection is not insuperable, as
we have seen. The nouslaveholdingStalesishould
ask this questiore—Will the man proposed, (whetl•
er be live in free or slave State) use his power kit
the extension of slavery to territory, where
it does not now exist? On this point, what is Gen.
Taylor's power? No more, I answer, than yours,
unless he should exert it through his veto. Will
be dethis? I answer, according to his pledges, lie
cannot. He has said in his fever to Captain Ali.
son— , The personal opinions of the individual teho
may happen to occupy the Executive chair, ought
um to control the action of Congress on questions
of domestic policy, nor ought As objections to be
interposed where questions of constitutional pow
er have been settled by the various departments
of the government, and acquiesced in by the pee.
If slavery is extended any where in territories,
it most be done by net of Congress. Is it nut a
question of - domestic policy," Clearly it is. Ilia
it not bean settled that Congress has the constau
tionnl power to prohibit slavery', .The Missouri
comproglise and various other similar exertions of
the power by Congress, recognized by every de
partment of the Government, answer this mien.
tion in the affimative. And all know that this
has been "acquiesced in by the people." Thus
then, it is clad* that the people, if they wish to
restrict slavery to its present limits, have only to
elect toe proper men to Congress, and their will
will be law, uncontrolled by that no moth abused
veto power. Indeed the doctrine of Geo. Taylor
on the subject of the veto, as laid down in the let
ter above quoted, (intended for publication and
therefore to be considered as a pledge, is in my judg.
ment, of mom value as a principle, in nor system
than any which have been advocated by the Whigs,
since the revolution. Thin despotic power, by its
use and abuse,jhos the the last few years, extended
its tyrannical grasp to every, even the minutest
question of legislation. It has ranged, uncontrollii
eil, over our whole system of domestic policy,
front the establishment of a Bank, down to the
erection of n harbor at the mouth of a creek.—
Every act of the Congress of a free people, has thus
been Made to square with the judgment or caprice
of ONE MAN. Such a government is an pectr_
rate definition of despotism. It is true, it only
continues Gar bur Ivan in one hand; but it is none
the less a despotism while it lasts, and if it is to
be longer tolerated, will be continual, the only
change being the transfer of obsolete power, from
the hands of one petty tyrant to his successor. An
honest man, as General Taylor is Admitted to be,
with such opinions and reasonable Mtelligence,
which even his enemies concede, cannot make a
bad, or dangerous President. I have been risked,
how can you, who denounced the Mexican war,
vote lbr its Hero My answer is to me, plain and
obvious: Gen. Taylor was an officer of the regular
army. He took Ins commission when a yonth,—
He contracted to fight when and where his cons.
try called, and to obey the orders of his supcnors
in command. The President was commander in
chief He ordered—aen. Taylor obeyed. He act
ed as Scott and hundreds of others did. It was.
and is, the new of their duty, taken by all °Zoo"
of the army and navy. It is a very different mks;
hoe watt volunteers. The Government requests
—it does not, cannot command a citizen to yolinizi
leer hie services, in a foreign war. The Govern
ment can compel the militia to 'repel ievasion: bin
it cannot fiance beyond the United Mmes. lose, o
single man, except he is in the regular army. In
the speech, for which I have been so mach con
demned, by men who never read it, I took thin
distinction. It la too obvious to escape any one.
who chcoes to think.
I intended to say a weed concerning General
Cass, but I have not the time, and need not tux
your patience further. I will only add, that in my
judgment, his views of public policy ore more
pregnant with danger to the Republic than those of
any prominent poini , isii ever yet promulgated in
this weary—and if carried out, as I fear they
would be, !should he nocceed, would be fatal to the
happiness of the people, and end in the tortd sub
version of mu present form of government. His
wdd schemes of want of conquest, and unbound.
ed =taxation of all neighboring countries, and
sorts of population, are fraught with evils, in my
judgment, quite too obvious to need illustration, to
say nothing of the reckless disregard of rights,
which they imply. That he entertains them DO
thane sincerely—as I run willing to admit—only
readers hini the more dangerous. If he were not
in earnest, he would only be a demagogue, and
might be expected, when such pretensions had ser
ved the purposes of an election. to change—an he
has recently on other subjecta—.his opinion. Be
tween two such men, I cannot hesitate. I know I
dater with good men, and good Whigs, but I must
obey my convictions of duty, and cheerfully yield
to them the same right.
Truly your friend,
I. hi. Guineas, Bloomington Grove, Lou.
STATE Or .NUCTISZI . .rns Hors.—The inquiry
in often made, says the Albany Journal, as to the
result of the Presidential contest, in the event of
its being carried into the House oillepreisentstivas.
Although there is but little of any such
thing, we subjoin the political complexion of 1.1
body, by States;—premising what every one know.
that, it no one candidate shall have a majority cf
all the Electoral votes, one of the thnie i highest am.
didat. voted for by the People, sh it ca
by the House of Representatives—each state cast
ing but one vote
Loco. Wino. Tiro.
Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire,
Virginia, Massachusetts, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, Connecticut, Georgia-3.
Alabama, New York.
'Mississippi, Pennsylvania,
Louisiana, New Jersey,
Arkansan, Maryland,
Missouri, North Carob..
Tennessee. Florida.
Indiana, Ohio,
Illinois, Kentucky-12.
There are not Bernborners enough in any of the
Locofoco Stews to affect the vote for Cass. Soling
if the people do not elect a President, the Hattie
More nominee will be very likely to hove dyne
sailing in Congress.
Mxxicsn nres.—A communication has been
bade to the N. O. Delta, hum a reliable source,
that seems to fix on General Paredes, the author
of the revolt which is now in full vigor in tile city
of Guanajuato, the charge of being directly under
the influence of the Spanish 13ourbons; in fact, of
being the acknowledged agent of the present titu
lar King of Spain, the husband cf Isabella.
A large number of the citizens of Vera Cruz
have petitioned Cmigress to enact n statme decla
ring Paredes an outlaw.
Robberies between Vera Cruz and the city of
Mexico were becoming so frequent and audacious
that the Monitor insists that the perpetrators should
be ebot as fast as detected.
The Monitor states that of the $3,000,000 receiv
ed from the United States only one million mortals
in the Tiessory, and calls upon We Treasury Dr.
partment to account for the disbursement of the
two millions.
thesurzcs OF ma ca'rams.'—This is the title of
.4 Very handsome monthly publication of music, in
the quarto Corm, by Joseph T. Atwell, 201, Broad
way, New YorL Each number contains 20 pages
of music, Including an engraved Vignette. The
number before us contains several tine pieces of
mrtsi-Latittong them are—' Thu Heart's Misgiving;
with a splendid colored Lithographic , Vignette—
Poetry by Morton—Music by Guylotte. The Mo.
theta Entreaty'—' The Bride of the Ctuallo'--The
Herdsman,' an sung by Jenny Lind, tke. Price sii
per annum, or 50 cents a number..
peen. nature Wratol in the
,Whiter? Earth had gemmed a
- cold arld.elalirig appearance. The forest
'Was striptied:pf - its verdure, the- mountain
was - covered With snore, and the 'river and
lake. mirrored over. with ice. Around our
dwellings the northern blast 'howled mourn
fully; and as the sky saddened with the
gathering storm, "through the hushed ai r
• the whitennag snow-flake The short
ness of the and the, dreariness without
reminded us of the shortness of life and the
gloom of the grave.
• IVho•has not seen nature again, when the
winds of Winter were passing awabefore
tht breezes of spring? The fiel ds,once
brined in 'Snow, and the valleys, long locked
uP in iay Seep, awoke at her instilling pow
er; and Verdure, springing forth, robed the
hill and ,plain with its coat of green. The
skies were changed; the sun sent down his
rays; the trees put forth their foliage, and.
the Wilderness grew gay with the notes of
the feathered songsters.
And thus with man. The winter of life
comes, and he gods down in silence to the
tomb. His form fades from our view, his
voice no longer salutes our ear. Memory
sighs and weeps "o'er virtue gone;" and
love, fond spun that ..gladdens our earth,
mourns that one has fled and left it to dark
ness and despair., But does spring never
dawn upon the night of the grave? Is there
no immortality for man-no hope of waking
the slumbers of our friends, and seeing their
forms again?
"As for me, I shall behold thy face in
righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I
awake with thy likeness, 0 Lord. For my
_rim& shall rest an hope; and fluid wilt not
leave my soul in the grave. Surely good
ness and mercy shall follow me all the days
of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of
the Lord for ever." So snake the Psalmist.
"I know that my Redeemer liveth, and
that he shall stand at me latter day upon the
earth; and alter I awake, though this body
shall be llestroyed, yet in my flesh shall I
see God." So snake Job.
"Our light affliction, which is but for a
moment, shall work out for us a tar more
exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
while we aim at things which are not visi
ble, lintel the things which are visible; for
the things which are visible are temporal,
but the things which are invisible are eter
nal. For we know if this earthly house of
our tabernacle were 'dissolved, we have a
building of God, a house not made with
hands, et 'mat in the heavens." So spake
" I am a pilgrim and sojourner on earth,
looking forward and pressing unto a city yet
to come; but thou, 0 God, art my way, and
wilt bring me safely through the wilderness.
to mount Zion, the land of rest—the habita
tion-of thy throne, and the place, of the re
deemed." So speaks every Christian.
And shall we be left in solitude to sleep
the years away Shall we lin down, and
rise net? Shall the mid tomb 'ever hold us,
and we never meet again to love and praise
Him who has conquered death and the
grave 1.-W est. Chris. ..44.
stone, art eminent merchant of Bristol, who
lived a century ago, was remarkable for his
liberality to the poor, and equally distinguish
ed for his success in commerce. The prov
. idence of God seemed to smile, in a pecu
liar-manner, on the concerns of one who
made so good a use of his adinence. It has
been said that he never insured, nor ever
lost a ship. Once, indeed, a vessel belong
ing to him, on her voyage home, struck on
a rock, and immediately sprang a leak, by
which so much water was admitted as to
threaten speedy destruction. Means were
k il
instantly adopted to ve the vessel , but all
seemed ineffectual, as e water rose rapid
ly. In a short time, he ever, the leak stop
ped without any op
_ ... t cause, and the
vessel reached Bristo in safety. On exam
ining her bottom, a fish, said to be a dolphin,
was found fast wedged in the fracture made
by the rock when she,k ; which had pre
vented ally water from entering during the
remainder of the voyage, As a memorial
of this singular event, the figure of a dol
phin is carved on the staves which are car
ried in procession, on public occasions, by
the children who are educated at charity
schools founded by Mr. Colstone.
Tim Omens on nit suss 01110.—A wri
ter in the American Review says: "he
Genesee trail, which we have been treeing,
was one of the routes to the 0-hee-yo, or
Allegheny river, for those who sought to de
scend that stream towards the South-west.
ahee-yo, the radix of the present word Ohio,
signifies, by way of eminence, the Beautiful
River; and the Iroquois, by conferring it up
on the Allegheny, or head branch of the
Ohio, have not only fixed a name upon one
of the great rivers on the Continent, but in
directly upon one of the noblest States of our
Tux Case Psarr.—The New Orleans Bulletin
" qhe present position of the Cass party reminds
tts of a story we once heard of a farmer, who, one
morning let his sheep out of the pen. Having pin
down the ban, the old man stood by to 0000 t then,
as they hopped over, and began, There goes one,"
7-"tbere goon two,"—"there goes three,"—"there
goes old E`we,"— , Mere goes a black one,"—"there
goes a whole heap,"—and come them, there they
all go."
So it is with the Cass party. At first we could
count the deserters—one, two, three; but it was
soon axertruned that the &mita., were brmlara, that
the ban were down, and the "old ewes" and the
"black ones" began hopping out very Gist, followed
so rapidly by "whole heaps," as fq bid defiance to
any attempts to count, and soon poor Cass will
have to exclaim, "Carte them, there they all go."
" Presbyterian Tract, No. 1..
• The enemy grows deeperate, and has seized the
livery of heaven to serve the devil in. They have
laid their impious hands upon the church, and have
wrested it from its holy office, to be used as an
engine to slander and oppose Gen. Taylor. In
proof of this, a fnend placed in our hands yesterday,
a Tract of 8 pages, evidently got up in this city ,
entitled "Prutyurian Traq,No. 1." Its subject is
the importance of choosing good 'biers, and the
Scriptures are amply quoted to sustain the positions
of the writer. For several pages all seems hair--a
very good religious tract—but on turning to the
sixth page, the cloven political foot appears, and
the attempt to elevate Get. Taylor to the Presi•
deny, ts denounced as a continuation in ■ course
of wickedness, and he is charged with being a pax
false swearer, on the testimony of the editor of the
Daily American; and the question in asked, why a
Protestant nation should prefer him "to such men
BA Benj. F. Dealer," Ste.
_A more shameful attempt
to slmder and injures man secretly, and under the
garb of religion, and of a large and popular church,
we have never pie.. We hope the names of the
men engaged in this scheme will be exposed to
the community. We. are promised the name of
one of these righteous tract vender., and we hope
every person will carefully note down the name of
every man who given him a tract, until alter the
election, that these wolves in sheep's clothing may
be caught and exposed..
Ma. Conwin.—We direct the attention of the
reader to the letter of Mr. Corwin, of Ohio, which
we give to day. If there has been any hesitating
Whigs amongst as, we trust the opittloni and ex
ample of an great a man, and true a Whig no Mr.
Corwin, will have a beneficial effect IR leading
theca to we, that the path of duty, under all the
circumstances of our present position, points to a
cordial and efficient support of Taylor and Fill
more. Especially is this the duty of Whigs in
Pennsylvania. Here there is no question whatev
er, that the contest lies solely between Taylor and
Cass. The vote of every Whig given to a third
candidate, proves a direct assistance to Cam, and
goes to secure his election and swell his majority
and if he should be elected by such meow., and
war and the extension of slavery shall be the
consequence, every such voter will be virtually
guilty of the great wrongs done to the country and
liberty—wrongs which they refused to prevent by
exerting the-Means in their hands.
Tor National lutelligencer sara,—"We regret to
state that Mr.:Senator ClsTrus has been called
home by the severe illness of his son, just returned
from a voyage to Europe, made in a vain seerehof
health. Ho hopes to return to hie place.ia the
Senate boron, the end of the session."
There wea 'quite a row on the wharves in Phila•
dolphin, on Saturday afternoon law, from an at
tempt made tit rerwue some Wares of a Frenchman,
from Barbadoea. The Wanes .tuck to their mat,
bier, and he Sanity got thorn off,
. A sou, Aug teu tams' labor as a dny's work
ball been inJetantely postponed in the &nate of
Atwsrs turn a deaf ear Nagy slanderous
reports, and lap no eharge against any body
until well founded.
lat2ll2 ' Prrisavaira
DAILY G.zerrz.
AT the Mayor's °thee, yesterday, we saw a
42slu sitedoakittiffillow, an [Tishman, apparently be
*reed 30 and 3 5—in stature about five feet live—
beard'vely black, and long unshorn—clothing ex.
tnnsely filthy, and appearance and manner evirs•
cing insanity. He had been taken up in the
streets as a vagrant, and plead guilty to the misde
meanor of having slept in the woods for the night
last past, having neither home nor friendi
America. Be alleges that he came into this count
ty recently, via New Orleans, that his true name is
John Gallagher, nod that be had been imprisoned
without cause five days, in Beaver, on his way
hither. The Mayor, however, finding him is sevs
ern! respects to answer the description of a prison.
er advertised as having escaped from the jail of
Lebanon, Warren county, Ohio, on the 3d or 4th of
August, thought it proper to commit him till MID.
mastication could be had with the Warren county
Sheriff. The escaped prisoner is called Charles
Barth; and a reward of SW was altered fur hisap
prehension. If Mt be not the absconding prisoner,
poor Gallagher can scarcely congratulate himself
on his reception in his adopted country—if we ex•
cept ■ present of e suit of clean clothing, for which
he is indebted to the Mayor and his assistants.
DIFORJUTI., of Jacob Michwl, of Pitt town-
Ship, a warrant was issued yesterday by Thomas
SteeL, Esq., Gut the arrest of Thomas Martin, who
in a drunken frolic, had broken the nose and ra.
verely injured (perhaps destroyed) the eye of Mr.
Michel, by striking Mr. M. over the face with a
gun, Another complaint was made .against Mar•
tin, by Mrs. Philip:rut Heidelberg, a very respecta
ble German lady, residing on Mr. Cratt'a place.—
Mrs. 8. took out a surety of the peace against Nita"
tin, be having attempted to stab her with a large
TIM FACTORY Mentors, held in the Allegheny
Market House, on NVedoesalsy evening, was ud
dressed, among other., by three of the Democratic
candidates for Assembly—Messrs. Mitchell, Snow
den, and Hamilton. All three mode frothy speech.
es in alto: of the Ten Hour System. Oue or two
appeared rather disposed to earn notoriety by quasi
approval even of violent measure; bat without any
very decided expression in that direction. The
candidates having disburtheued themselves of their
fervent love for the opernuves—which they had
not discovered to exist till they became candidates
and sought their vote. T .Mr. Watson, a reveler or.
ntor nest took the stood, and labored to show that
all sympmhy with the working class was confined
to the tender bosoms of the patent Cass Lkreocrats
—those very cousiNent pleaders foe the reduction
of hours of labor in Fsctoriea, and the extension ft
chattel slavery *abroad, to conquered territories
now free. He was admonished to quit that kind
of gammon, however, and confined /loosen to
course of speaking less calculated to betray the
pabtical martamvering at the bottom of the n dm,
Hester Jones, consort of Isaac Jones, and moth
er of E. W. Jones, campLained before Alderman
Steel, yesterday, against her husband, Isaac. for
beating and otherwise greatly mal-ticating her.
and against their hopeful son, E. W., for attempting
either to shoot or frighten Ler with a pistol. War
rants were issued for Loth sire and son—but Mr
Steel thinks it useless. as the weak mother and
wife will, as heretofore, relent liclore to-morrow.
and petition foe their release: They are meiotic,
of a very troublesome set of denizens of Pipe
town, who tight and make disturbances con
A SCGCSSI,OOL—The owners of mambos:,
would find it advantageous to make le,' delay
the stands at the termini 011 . 011IGS. Pedel3l ri2ll/B ,
13 detestable at this dusty season, but ninny pre!
U to being detained fifteen to twenty 111111111C3
the sun, while opposition yelueles -head" es
other is waiting for. passengers. Nothing ca gat
ed, in the long ron, lty the delay, for three in
could frequently Laclede when now only two
INTIIIZIOrrIr.-- - 6ay what you remarked a
young volunteer, to our hearing, yeNirrday, - , , ,y
what you will about courage. lowa that I colt soy
heart leap into niy 'Mouth at the lint rife Ul every
skirmish is Mexico, and the test men In our rank,
staggered bar that trroment: hot then We thought of
borne, and those we left behind us, sod could not
be cowards Sat them to hear of ik" We know
there was not a braver hero m the rank than this
young man.
UNIM•NLY—Two of the opeanves int:rated 1:s
yesterday morning, that they bad been advised by
the Speakers at the Factory meeting—to let the
manuramturera alone, but to Gem the nr/i who
went to work, whenever they could meet with
them. Thu u abomniable—sanetioning the abner
of one party of females by another, Iterati, Ire
former choose to exercix. thmr right to lookt rim,
tracts to labor twelve hours or even longer •f they
HUDSON'S Panorama of the llutbion River
opened at Philo Hall last night Nolwithslandirl
the short notice. the Hall at an earl: , hour V.,
filled with a highly delighted audience. The ext.
Litton will Its open again to.usght; and a. the ev
lungs are short, it would be well to go early to ih
Hall, that the exhibition may commoner soon..
and thus be able to clone at-an earlier hour
Amato HALL—The concerto. agile grenade
continue to attract full and iluthiotudile house
hiattight and Saturday may he the Octl night.
these perkirinanees, they will no doubt lot favor
with fall houses.
Tim Allegheny Factunea continued quiet yoite
day. The three which had commenced operation
continue running-. but the Union did not reauni
as one of the morning dailies alleged was intr..
CHIN Int AGAICULII7RF. —ll there be one
thing that the genius of this extraordinary
people has brought nearer to perfection than
another, it is the cultivation of the sod. The
economy of their agriculture is beautiful
the whole country presents the appearance
of one large garden ; no large commons
starving a few miserable horses, nor parks
and chases laid waste for the special put
pose of breeding rabbits, are to be met with ;
the land is meant to feed and clothe the
people, and to that use its powers are direct
ed. Not an inch of soil is lost that can be
made useful by the most laborious arid ap
parently unpromising industry, save only
such parts as are set aside for burial-grounds.
Swamps are drained by canals, which carry
the superfluous waters where they are turn
ed to profitable account in enriching land
that otherwise would not be productive.—
Hills are terraced to the summits, and the
banks of rivers and shores of the sea recede
and leave flourishing farms to reward the
enterprise of man. I know nothing that
would be likely to be more valuable from
this country than the report of an experi
enced and scientific farmer, could such be
induced to bestow a short time' ih travelling
to China and making its agriculture his
study,—Fbrbei China.
PAPIIII MAIIIAO.—We were informed, a
few days since, by a large Paper dealer in
this city, that it was not at all uncommon
for him to have in his warehouse, and sell,
at 9 o'clock in the morning, paper which
was in rags a hundred and idly miles from
New York at 9 o'clock of the previous
morning. A better illustration of the power
of steam could not be given, or of the pro
gress. The rage are placed in the duster,
thence conveyed to the troughs or vats,
where (in some kinds of paper) the sizing'
is mixed with the pulp, and from these vets
the paper passes over' heated rollers, and
finally between two immense heavy iron
rollers, which give it the glazed surface, and
it is then cut, folded, packed, and sent to the
Railroad ; all in the course of a few hours.
The telegraph enables New York merchants
to order paper in Massachusetts at any mo.
ment, and receive the returns, manufactured,
and even ruled, by almost the next steamer.
—N. Y. Jour. Corn.
irr TIM Pawn Ilfunta—lfyou 'lrish to he no
possful in any tmdonaking,you must darns 'ace the
cooper meant' Therefore Al you hatea cough, uso
Eanoweelor and he c a se for It is tho proper
He y ou Althgt• eimcully or broadens,
then the only edicts/It paean to cure you is to un
Janter's lispectorent, which will immediately °cocoon',
the opesnawhich coalciala the diameter of the mhos,
and loosen. and Wogs up the men winch elous thou,
op, slid thus removes treaty obstnceoh to a free tont
noon, while at the satoe tiym ill Inflammation be sob.
dead, Ltd a moo be comsat to be elected. Huse you
bronchitis, SOiana 0(1/4:01, f oc i any
40 "_lions ,lbout Yllke - Expectorant
and Mal la oaoui, .hno you will um fiat you have
Fort= Itituibutitt at the' Pakila TeaStora, 79 eth
street near Wood. , • • }aul7
Er BytoosseFrei Totaocia,er "Or it Review Of Lo•
eofctecdzio, front ihe .00tateeeneetantrt of the admin...
=ion JFesee PQM; "Were *ids 130112111311116.
otOott•gioe,,,ittlerm BY F. B AillnYtmk" fl
very motor work, which bus Ludy been publishad
la'Wavily, Is for sale at all die Book Bowe.
tdisan.suis , Contatsastillai .
• TitilAittiiintlionse • Whirimsteitss, of Adetheut
cOursl' are requested to tusele hi MaiLi.g.,
at the Ogle places, In the several election on
Stimsdak, the lUth or August, 1918, - Melees Deleaates
at a County Convent/rio t to, assemble Di the Conn
an,Wedstemby, thatlrld of the same month, at
10 o'clock, A. M., to appoint Delegntes to a %Vella State
'•neentaan at liarriaburgh, fin
nonunuion of
candidate for Governor and also to nominate et eandi.
deflator c9tunisalaaer, in place of Thos. Fairless., de
ceased. •
e '
The primary . meetinge, in the Wards and Bokoughe,
will ee.acertbro at 71 oMock, P. 31.-1.1 those or Me
'Torch...hip, at 3 o'clock, P. M.
—.... . .... ...
Chairman of the Committee of
of Coirea THEßS, poioleuee.
/OKA E. P.o. HIE; SecretarE
/.I"l.•at's Lie. Pars—The great and increas
ing demand for these Pills, is the surest evidence of
their excellence. People try them and then teems
mend them to their neighbors. No one salmi has ever
•sulferad from the Liver uatoplaint. or from any of the
diseases arising from a disordered roue of that organ,
failed In obtaining relief if he•tried Dr. Allone's Pills,
and thus they have worked their own way into popu
larity by the sun:moiling cures which they to every
day performing. Read the followilog certificates
"Illtunarcao, s omas CO. Ps. /
April 2Sth,
"Moor.. J. Kidd & Co —Gentlemen: I write to is,
form you of the benefit I have reembed from the use of
Dr. AVlAlte's Liver Pills. I have been severely at,
Haled with Liver complaint for a number of years,
and have been very mach relieved by the above nam
ed pill I ant anxious to use more ot them, as I Mink
they will edert an entire mire: and I am confident Mat
I can sell a good many of Mem. A young
am/ amine lase of mine, used one or two doge« of
and mod they relieved her mare than any pill she hail
ever used. She is afflicted with rouatiMplioll Or liver
W. G. uvri.F.R.-
For sole oil the Drug Store of J. KIDD gc. Co;80 wooal
.nett., euglu
CIIII.III.42OVILLE, Logan co., Va., July
Mr. H. E. sellers—Rear Sir I take pleasure in cer.
rifting the good effects of your valuable Verinnage
My children being stek,and thinking o mien he worms.
I tried several kinds of Verinnuge without ally eller,.
I concluded to try your Vermilisge, which I did with
satisfactory effect, so much so that my hide daughter.
near three years old, passed something near one bun.
deed swum. at one tone. I then recommended it to rtil
netghbora,.who have toed it with success no much so
that we sold out in two weeks the supply which was
laid In for six await., and nearly e•ery day some per.
rtot ranting to the store the Seller.' Veraisiuga.
Itespecoully yours, U. IRS . RA PhIAN.
Prepared aud sold by R. R. 5 . F.1.1.} 57 Wood st,
and sold by druggists generally, lit Powbergh and Al
legheny. augln
- -
On the lush 31.1, Mks% /ow. K Ginner, daughter
of Robert and Anne Christy.
The triezlds of the family ere requited to attend her
funeral, from the ressdence of Ler futile, to the Stub
Ward, on dos day, Angull II at :I o'clock, I'
No. 42 Old Levee, New Orleans.
[U- Particul
Nl ar attention given to the receipt and
forwarding of e r ndi ze, tor winch we an, niada
ample arrarivemente
H trot TU Mem, Malcolm Leech & Co.
flurbringr. 11114 on & Co
David Ritchie,
Andrew \V) tic. F.,
g I • tIA ntirn•S
IL ST PUHLISIIED—An lustrauton or the 'rapes,
all..sorsca and Prophectraof the OW 'Emolument
Ity Wsltsua 'l , :aacts, mosister of the Gospel at Pond,
Ebe above popular work, sa - hteh treats of the Typical
Peratosa, Tlunga foul Planta of the Old Thalamus,
who.b hno heels out of prop for w sone, :tu.l lor
which there Lao I ..... ss Krem demand ow ,
we have JLIPI
reputtioalool eu a neat atyle—_V9 page, a too lace
u,lI wood 011.156 market aul
FIRST ricerEtt IN CONGRESS, I 774 —it
tew co n ic. or :Ass beauttral new Steel E g -I'4, n
rettsam tor tale at the Krehett, Hotel. eorner Penn
and St. Clutt .trecte. nout Nlonasty next, 4111 lust The
Pol,ll..her Wlli leove nor t ittentnait on Tuesday next
Fn ee ,n proof eoptee., st.on. 0,1411-21•
1 ) A PLII-40 ream% etira large Straw Pap., very .
Leavy and otrooq, tar hardware,
Plat Cap, ior cottleetivar r, cheap post and cap Paper,
for ..rt:e I.) J SCHOONMAKER S. Co,
27 woo.l st
Tu RP ENTI N E:— bbls In in. unit, just
rec.'l by mug! I J "IIIOONNI A EH &
TLIII . ENTINE-25 LI,I. for nul. Ly
1~.10.11 BRAIN k
!NIA{ Al. W.k . riat Maley for .ale Ly
11-i.•0101 BRAUN .4. 11.1.:1FER
PitosPlioßus—iuu.or .ale Ly
IINSEED OIL-. lar . ale Ly
g ugll BRAUN dc RErrEn
AR /OIL-1U bblg nua I half bldg. 01 giorg and lor
1 \ SiItrULDERS-16 , “ , k• l u.t ro.o'd ...I0
l r
) aug ang MOWN d. Cl/ 'Alf:R . l'st"
. •_ .
I. it- ,11. till.). *anon, grade, for gale by
. :main "' BROWN AIT hlyrithy bV
Mr gale very lyw by
sugin It Rf .I%* N 1 . 1.8 / . :lITSON
13 A itI.EY Itunb ground and unf round
for rale by auglo 1111.0 , k N a CULIIEWI SON
IlitOONlS—do day mr gale by
j bo 1014 Cumberland Boyer Metal.
...ding Iron. yisnry Amerman Star and I. Wetzel.
augl.l J All E.O DAL7..1.U.10 24 war, .0
LARD. As keg. Nu I Lard: Ybadaßacon: lamb
gnu 11 . 0111 Cu.lascr, and iAlt .16'4
audlO JA If 1.g4 lIAI.%ELI,
LAA Bro., Reid runnel, on cottiiipi
wont arid lor 3,11 C. Joy
Bn COCIIRA N. i wood xi
. .
ri‘ ‘v I.:EDS AND CA.VSINIEIiF- , -- i . )11
at , d for *air tty unKlO GEO COCHRAN
„ .1 , 1 ra I. I' A ut,
auglu S %V ['AUL:AI:IM
Mll:Uy and for
_ _
/ Onrumall Alou Cantl,., 111
k .torr And iar <alr
4,.!4 'AI' • 2, 1.1• N. I It Soap • la alto, tool for
%ale LL a Lay lo S W 11AHEALI.11
- - -
s Lot . s ecll ;;o u r A r
1 7 : e
, 14.1 1 ;0r
,/ $1 I:A It- :10 bbd. AU Sugar lairlnto, on
. and lor sule by
any. , J t• BIDWELL, A gt
101W/t1.1:- 9 volls 91111 /11Ch Ntatatllu I\lld.,Cd
LJ Hop, o tupertor tottlitt . to t.ttle low itt ..1045
rut...99999, t
stt,tl/ J t' Int/WELL .tigt
FEE bag. RAu ittoding by
ea9a, 99.1 tor .Itir by -IA: , DAL:ZELL
3.1,, 24 want, sl
rA , '/.; - Idd • large No 3 Alec ',rel. landing
I and for .air by augn JAM DA 1.ZE14.
S A 1 ; 1::: .i k
1 7rit I:—duo bs nn o K
l; nor stale by
I A F a t!) ,
u n , l ...Ins lard
i s l: }h • .,,
1. .tu . 7 . z A it
or, rrb y
_ .
b ll"L' a al; \-
'?::,, B fi'L'L ° :!:; l l'Art.l l l'`J: k
br. At In and 10. r It, 50 do :in; tAI do
1,1 lox to w 14111.4 r, on build and for sa:r by
our . J C HIUWEI i.. Agr
- - - -
S. 1 ,:c=1.: 7.7) '
11 En RINI:— IL 'ebb. Nu I liernog, ui .ture and lot
solr by mug, 1.11)%1, Agt
1.1. r trans Cber.e, JUM recoved
and for tub: by
)"F7FlI'--luu or
l ot!: t;ti ' ll i t 'l /NN 110 RST & Co
11111,ASSKS--150 bbls Platuanou Alolassm 2 Lb!.
jr Ntgar Was.. Jo; Lo store and for sale by
aug I -" It ROBISON &CO
I( —m bryer• Roe , ree'd and tor attic by
sari It HOLIINON at Op
. _
DR/ I RUN—%U lour I'll lion, Shade and other or. 6
table krr lowidry nod rolling mill*, for h,
hale by R RIBIttON & Co
ESolo, (Engle workolj
'oat received and (or role by
Cul 01 JOHN D.N(IR(IAN. Drnium, 7004 at b e
D LACK INli—:u do: blazon'. Cho/lenge thar&ing:9
.1..) tor nole by itogll JOHN 1J AIORUAN El
limnSl ,j4njl)fo Fjot gt: N
balep large Corks, reed and
.-75 bales Tenn. Cotton, for solo by AMES F ICRII. Attorne yat Law, Bultewcll's
ATWOOD, JUNL.... Co 8 51 55.5, GM , $/r. s t/ o e s ill .PPo.t.' the ( c urt
tue. attp-at
A 1 1 """'" -4 " '''''' Bug"
C pane
enki 6TUN YARNS, Ac.-50,00U lbs assorted Nos; 150
tor sale low to close coustgwnent.
/731 ATWOOD, JONIZ A Co $ hales Caudle %Vick; LOU do Ratting. Carpet Chain,
- '
ADIEU 101101A:11T CULLA/IS-A A Mason i Ttotne, !or sole at rnannia
FRIEND. H 1110' h l., cturers lowest prices.
A Co. GO Morket st, hove poit reed 30 dot *4l Wrougt -- -s -
Collars, which they urn selling at the low pnce I f 1104DALT-200 ILA Cobalt, Just reed and (or sale by
Iy3l ii . 5 51 J AIDD h. Co
• •
Ql/liAll.-1W lihils prune N 0 Sugar, fur sale by DIOT ASII- e casks receiving from stun LAke . Ene
k Li.O _ J .Ig. H FI.OI 1/, Round Church for sale by augl /AMPS DALII.I.I.
/ ILL-1500 gallons bleached Sperm Oil; lal3o do ACON AND FLAXSEED-5050 lb. Bacon; V bags
ki total colored do do, VDU do bleached W.linle Ela”ecul, iust received and tor sate by
do, 7)0 do brown Tont:era' 011, in casks; la I , ntigl I. S W ATER 51. A N
Strait's do do, 10 do Brown do do Jost reed and
sale by ” .. .r: MILLI/it& RICKETSO,4I * AIteIt-.2.:i Vs. Fancy Starch, for sale b y
, 1,.., _ eliig, i
- •
UIISII--31. 464 No 3 slackerel, sdo No 2 do, 1 1 01IPENTI \ Hal LLD Sots. Turpentine, Aist rec d
I.` bail do No 3 do, :51 do No 2 do; 10 do No 1 i „.. 1 ,; . „....i, ~. - iy 31 J Ka.) &co
mat received and for sale by
I)n AIIIA,EII & FLICKETNM oFFER__2.S.3 bogs liio a n d I 0 bags; Lagos yra Cot.
Nil 1./STAND-Mu keg; Long Island Illostaiviloti fee. arrcriog by canal aod for tale by
L OLL do do 1 and i lb cans; 3 eases do do 40, 5 lb ci. I. S WATERMAN,
/um ree'd on consignment., and for sale at EastertWlyal :II water and da Wont as
CI ALERATUW--ZI rusks Cle , crland Soleratus. for
VI ACIiEHEL-75 bbb. large No 3, 70 half
, d 0 do p sale b) iy 31 01.1‘..),h NIVANI.S.V.S.,.
111 ..., 1u re, 4E/ du Nu 2', al/ kola do do No 14 liii.:AB-,5.0 belt chests IILIS D, Imperial and Impeal Teas,
von,ln store and tor sale by
»'24 0 RLACKIM
—.....- ILN A. I j ' ,
~`For_ 11 sale by •,° u.
_-_-.. -
7 )ACON-31dida Baron Sides, for ant,. low to
I) by ly2 0 BLACKBURN 8.
I - - ---
ILAT BOATS O SALE—Ia largo aubat
flat ifGoo for galt. J.:aware of
je26 corner of Penn and Imo
LI CHOW. Si /OKS-1111;ull - ors Series, a l air.
0 just received and for subs by
lets 3 ILEYNOLDS d 9
FOR SALK—A Loll., watt a lot of shafts,
Ac. Alma o rood set of blacksmith's Tool
quills of 1917 LILA 6T.
1 -6 io iTt k : el D a l t have , N6 C lo st o tenud
moat fashittuuttle evict; et Ladle ' . Siandul
Alm, :Mt dos Muumuu do; :to doe Wrought du.
lACE CAPS—A A ?Hawn S. Co. have lust
d dos Ladle. I..see Cann, elso, new toles
seas, Wrought Capes, blend Drusses, Ladies
I; 1 4 , 11*1 t.Nt. -A twit otapa.l) ol 110011e:I
oi , briereut width., ...thole tor 'toper mai
101 l epotheth, Au, wall be thi lucid of tootle to
the souse ober, Agent lot the hluithlheloty. 1
/)r (Wit. (74/CIIRAN, 23
17144"rijAVIDIgIVILVA71 C0r...1
Q . OAP—IXO bre Cilloinnou No 1 booth to P
0 for sole by jyyS o 11 1.ACUIU ' 1
Flour, made from new white wheitt,Jl32
fur .de BROWN &OULU
Firts's Patent, for sale by
X—) .1)1h. 9 F VON LI(INNHO
105X.::!:i t fdt - Ili c i.t.;:,
Os• - •
TS. next Fa Sind tober.l _As
teener* Millie ID:WM*I. — 411 ... 4 Y i.
N0TC611.1;.. awl conatorea*Lreiilikiet ts m0m
diately otter sneeeededlWll Ind . 90 . 0 . 0 es
&Won, whit!" title cort#ll4* 1. A Milli
totts.prefinktunry mate . on .t he first Mon
-day to October, auelcoulisiaes
FACULTY. - I Tieket.
B. i... 111.11. M..D., Anatoory.a.boßitiye Stu-
L I Joliet., M. D, aleterigi .151?"'nn,nPen
. une . end ktotasy,.. - kir;.... c.f. 10 00
J H. Olteer. M. D, Cfiertestry . rbil=ter • 1000
W. Beech, M. D. Saner" tpialeni Meth
_ Cll. 1000
A'H. Haldndge, M. 11..15hatiti441/D144"." .
of ‘1 • omen nod Children.o ... 10 nu
J. a Buchamm, hi. 11. niantlatl(4(44 of
Aletlicuie and Medical Jade 1 10 00
T. V ;Morrow, M. D., Valhi, I ;b 4 arY 44 ` 1
Pracoce• of Medicine••."• • 1 ' .. " • ni UU
Matriculation Ticker, ,__bnLrr' " (4-
duation Fee, $lO. De 'tic ke t. Sa• - opium
al (Inc hundred Minim, .4:4' before the 4'.
Monday November ne Ibe received S. Pay
ne:. in 11111 for the entire t 1 4.' 44
Nlatrieulation. Library, . 01tln.16roW(r. "•
dented. . .
The route of iiustructiopnwa a full nod dm.
rough presesitaumi of the vnlido 4 “. 44 "W roval
eat science taught in the lintalWll" o f Am.."'
together with touch addinsnalter, not imparted it
any other insuuniau, vtn Rand important dtsco
venes physiology, peucpou diagnosis and Limr
nee; a more thorough andP44l (•:•(4(4("(''
Meows and Pharomey; returned sYstein of
practice, based 15p0uent..XP 4(4444 . 4 " sent.
ofic research, which cua11be0. 1 . 44(44 ' better o
preserve the mai edergillf.d th e dile m met.
curial medicines, and dep t
, 4( 0 4 . 44 (° tart
with mince. 11 Norgirlti raw, that
battle the usual resource ( ill
w ' 4 " . B ' 4 4 """
lectures sod smarnmados. givco dad y. Cmolt.
dams for graduation, Milian lo
time of study, toast havntded two regular rollegt•
ate coons, of medical leSs(th 4 144 ". w bwh 10001
be in thm lusttlate,) otew." 4 444 r four years
practice. .
The itounote watchug ittl' 4s ' The n'l""'n'" in
attendence upon the lac seenumbered as n:
jAhry . bi„ ~... SIM expected that
Iwo or three year , gyp,a will be among Ibe
tergest In the United tho':The collegiate edifice
hunter of court and plltrects) Will be enlarged in
tenla, nudietent for the 0 0 1_ 4 ' 6 ' 44 orWO° Purln.
letters upon bunittePdhetuttg nnormatiort, mono
be addre.sed to the mg.ed , Pont paid. Note, at
rolnent hanks, of - the It in tuck the stitching re
side, will be reeeivedrePthYhteht of lees, Booed
may be obtained in IV at " V. "P"r ‘ y r"‘
VeSL/t10111(0W. M. D..
Dean of the Faculty
ougu-dto, July tai
Ealahh.thixi, and j r.the gra.l. of Sheer, and
or ,
— B„ enacted lay the 1 . 1i1(C.
17 ofp tna b utg h , tlp t and Cowman thanneala
.1.„„, the uh-on atreet, Beech ail.
ley, Forbes PaSrich htle,
Lorust st, Eahle altria el, Apple alley, Vh•kroy
„.„,.6„,, a „ .Vast Britain Alartun
pre, at s o ,„„lagte at, Cho,thu: as. Boyd at.
Cooper d Blur: eifeet. sod Prailiaylvo•
„ fromreel to Jun:olivine atreet.
Ist I y taxed hod emu,
„„„„„,,„4„eplona what,/ A .1 li., each
nod signed I,y the Ho
cl,rlE, of th•
o n„ t ope. neknowtedgioelat. he and
are Lerehy 4,1 to eeritiy aahl plum A. &
It.. their approval...l'
So.a—ltolt enacted, he . That she said
flora he dad in ale °dice of the Revorthang
, g ,„, n ,„d Other ..eeuiall iheieof, the Reg
or other SO are lortodden so sake ale said
plunx out u( ,h. When regulahng, eheili.E by do.
Oh.. 4.—Be it I' ettacted...4e , That the grade .
Boyd street at i action will. ' V at"•^•."et• . b.
I.e ti feet lower e grade a. marked an the ply.
A. & 8 . , t h a „ a as uniform to...ending grail, i
the ara d, o f L o l a and iota ‘Vat.suit de...end by a
a „,r . . ra gra d e a grade ut Peinnt)ivania A veltu
w aoa ,„ 0„,,.., jaws
.a w
antra/TM asecodslig pad
front Boyd at, eatith ,at eaatardly.. and Ira,
Boyd streetedly it ILliall fall 100 'vet per It
, a , „02..Boagoat. •Shang.w...ircet .hail ri., by a,
aa „ ona aa „ ra lade to the grade of hoed.l street
aaaa maa a a a dparin lat 01 this Ordinance. Farb ,
~r ar, s h a lt n ib outland grade Pro,,, ik,y.l street
oara ll, to the cravenstreet. be
~.„„e a B oy d a Fatait ..treet, ails •110W,1 on • the plat
A., a „ y a ong goo Ist 01 thi.. Ordinance la the eon
teary not,thalr.
aaa. s . __B o dier ordained. Sc. That the grade
a ore b y a „,„battiall he recorded I/1 111,- other lu
recordmg DA, under ii,l et ,WII Di flirt. u
Ordtaned acted ult.., a .ass la Coulirds. t:
I.t day of AfA- 41 '.
Xj...l:lltollEfiTsoN, Pres'L C C
Clerk C C
- JOIIN Pre•'t S C
!ft S. C. aug7.3l
1,..,,,,,0treat at P 1
unt/ Green.
c,EvE. A fthrs can now he accominted ante
the well knornanaiou wn mansion of Jarnea
Adana. is counted at the
lower end wiles from lb. nty, corn
.,.fr ocu °elle. and surrounded by eaten
,(e g y r d,4 fronting the (Am. where the boats
„ 4 „,„,i,entivelang wOhnut marring the re ilr
4 .,‘„ithe een, The man of Lamm,. ran
ud p o „ u . hpartost in the cit . ,. Ist hia Mire, Lild
xprhr4e k . Lour% with In. 1.1.11 y. where they
jo y Ual scrucr) mid pure bracing sAr Di
the faun in. e.ll a).; rutmistalikl the
hot ,n,liendartre front Pittsburgh or Allegheny.
Half a ,kikiiiibuses ton e 011.111111) on the road to
the elly—m Greenwood pocket loud, a .hurt di.-
n.dionar,Mai no difficulty occurs In gn
us in
ami the ruy at any tun rom 7A. NI to hall
Thtikterns. ut arding will be found
add fila ellarl LA %poled to render guests eorufortiln , r"Pe".
ipk taiduala or small part., wi,hine to
elan thelry during the day, earl he aceonumnle
,4 the regular hours of 7A. Al.. Il' .
so d 01 !Excellent stabltug and carriage room
eta ani"caT,A,
ella Grocery for Sale.
enimpber, deorous vl retiring Crum 61.11101,
sv p t... vock et Groceries, and small
bt ‘breied Dry Goods, and to rent his stand.
Ai, u nit in Allegheny ctly, situated on Hob:noon
~,,,hately West of the Canal Bridge, on the
north .took sit lOCCrICI, ts weil'scier led ior
and the .tand is n very ^uperior
oi,,,jering OrpO.U1.11) we.. 40.11 1 ,4,416,4, A
re .,,, t r edit will be given, and posses.ton ran I.e
Lod aPt.'
Th4s and Stand to well adapted to the Fe •
Bastnala would pay well, *a that licighbothoo.l
au4 Al.:11ISON %Vool,lltlls/..
Vt:l‘ Te ' l l tl ‘ I) .
tle i r A r N Ve! . :l ' i " al l' lT ' l ' l..
„Iwo., and
are kept on hand Or 11111.4 e
"dethe latent mnd 11.1 approved Eatiern
titartent nottee a n d
d 011 the mom rcutuna
A/ eheap tio..inti roll or mil. Blind Trati•p•
~,,Paper Curtain,. or all the different int,. at
hand and mr , nle low Jur each lid
j:7 11 0 pointed over andrepaired, or taken in pa
p,Of new U 11 IVE, , TERV ELT. Pro pr
71. murk dune velar th e neat material al
ip, nod warranted to ple.tse artoli
Any city, Aug 111. 104,
• 1 -
iiirgheny School for Girl..
(4 rotreet. Alleghen)'. text door the Po
I tor •te•smit of eleven weeks
N.. • SID Preneli •
anon. nia) he made al her re.idenre in A
dfreet, n Allegheny. near the lid Stffel Hridg
0 . 1.11 ..14..T Ytk• T. C.1.11.1,1”6 ..1 . OF
tliFil NO S I Wood street. between Dia
mond alley nod Fourth street, has 11.•
. open and for mule a large ussortment or
VIA Nt) FORTES from the above num
(p, of A Hi and 7 °cute,. ol the last styli, and
II the recent improvements. which te will be sold
flamers •I the - Boston Cash Frites' , invariably
manufacture Monuments, Ilona!
MIN N . Tombs, Head Stones. ?darnel Pieces, eon.
d ricr Tops 01 lormirti and domestic marble, •l
Illas and iblf price
S.-Draw tugs tor monuments. vaults. Ac furnish
ally description lid noliens a share or public
. ...t . ' sugnnlit
For Rent.
A (WIOD three•story Unek Dwelling. with
double truck hoildings. Dining Room sod Mich.
en on the •ante floor- its Alleghen) city, East
, on, kecond door brew the Methodist Church
-- mile-din-
... •
.IcE To .111AICIIA NTS —The advertiser oI
As v pennnuent sstaatiost as Clerk or Suleouna
establlsholeat Respectable rrlerciice
>e Oren Address to
w YAId. li(1011$—A A l'ilasou k. Co, 60 Mark
Mt. ant tam °remiss 1.41 eases and pack oge• .
11400 do,
•ti comprtoing in part new styles liing
French, Ettgloth d Amer:ran punts. Mull
rood Book Aluslins, Collars, tapes, Laces
• gld
‘VOLIA raaks - Tennutlea" double rehne.d,
10 for kale by jk2o POINDEXTER & Co
0:3(011TO ran - rp—A A lalton & hove just
LU. reed WO pa ul ttloukiudo NettA, of ya,tous quail-
Rex and u•nitli.
LARD bbla Burkhardt', on hand aud .r
aale by J KIDD&
..,MACCAIJEALI SNUFF—Jam reed and for sale by
.1 KIDD &
11 , 0BACCO-100 dart Emu Cut Tobucco, (,hewmg,)
,j an Lund mid fur !tab, by J kiln/ & Cu
ATI7--ItIO Well Oats, ree'd and for Jude by
Y EN ' "ED-41'
wle by
aug2 corner Istand mood
`Q ALERATUS—iu 461..10 bza, fer tale by
1,0 mug? F VON LIONNIMItST &
Tuzyd.; ks Slone Pepe., It, t.le ..)
7 ICK & N
‘1,814-12 duolargr Tubs. for gala by
Q EVARS—ZW Al Common Cigars, for.nale by
aug7 WICK &.
. . •
_ .
uCUSIIED SI:LIAR-3d bbb. Crushed I.ugur,. (or
ndo by nag? W/CK & !IFCA .
WHITE 13FIANS-40 .bbla small Whale 8... (or
TV gale by aug7 WICK & M'CANDLESS
FLOUR -20 bbls (moll groood Wheat Flour, and 25
bblr Rro Flour, run reed sod for solo I,y
Q SALTS-30 wake 9 Salo, in stare and far sale by
Liy .91 L 9 'VATERMAN
i rnt
_. '
AUCTION '::8;Ari.n.t.,f,,.1-
By John D. Daw#2,llaiitenn6
_ .
• Dry Goa, tri - at Azuftw;„
ChOrleinday morning, Augb 14. al lb at the
commercial Sales Room. corner of WOOli and Fitth
sweets, will be sold. wi th out reserve, the eilltn`m.rk of
onsretail dry goods mernbaui,wbo cs declining Litanies.,
cisting of a great variety of seasonable foreign and
consistin g staple and fancy Dry Goodsi•erbreb may be
era/tuned previous to the side.
At flePeickek,
Tr. 2 171:11A SOD .1.110.721.-
nl 2 Orates queen...are' and china , compnstug a gene-
aaflaale for houtreteopets; a rent van
ety of toys, he; gownity of, h•nlosare, un
moote clocks, globe lamps, Venetnen and trans
parent window bl red, , Imen and COMOII fly netts, iron
softy, window sash, area, hatcher, shovel., he.
A , getteral asaortmmtt of new and second hand house
hold turuiture, toaattt which are mahogany book eaah
madresretary, dressing and common bureaus, hair stet
sofas and rocklug claim Algo, a qoanuty of grore
'teal sugar house malamea, mackerel, No. I had, so
bodes cheese, tr.
AI 71 o'clock.
.ibsoalry, mussels/ ursirrintents. a large a
sorthient o( 11ml:1;i:suable ready made clothing. boot
shoes, umbrellas, aaddfca, bridles, whips. ruins go
suit salver Watches. guns. picots, rune). stud staple •
neHi gopis, Ac.
uugll JOHN D DAVIS, Atm,
'Baal, Engravings, Paper', 4e. at Ancttan.
ON Saturday eventlig, the latkl/ inst. Si s o'clock,
the Commercial Sales Hoorn, corner of ‘Vood sod flit
awSeis, will be sold u large col/canon of valuable rat
cellancous nooks. embracnK st.dard works on theo
Cy:history, poetry, arts, scieuces, music, Al. Al
no letter nod rap wilting paper, family and Fusel,
Dinka, tilauk books, piano music, gold and steel pen
A quanuty sic engravings on various serjertft, de d ,
'ought JOHN D DA VIN, Atm,
Smithfield &fret Property at Auction.
Chi Saturday, Aaguq luth. at 3 o'clock, on the pra•
wises, will Le sold tout valuable Lot of ground situate
on Smithfield street. Commencing at the distance of :NJ
feet . from the new Al. K. Church now 'rung erected on
the earner of 711 i street, hating a twin ot . ..41 It. extend•
mg Lark 110 It. to filittenbergers mile), on which
erected a .uhatatilial two story Uric :Store and Dwel.
and House, being a de.trable situation for business:
•nd also, a well finished three nary brick Hwelling
liouse fronting on the alley aforesaid Tole tudiepti
table. TF:frthOtie third , 5.h, residue in two equal
annual ha ymen.. with seincannuall)
augll JOHN U DAVIS, Auct.
Chola and Qaeensleare al Auctioil..
lin Saturday morning. the Pith mat, at 10 o'clock,
the commercial .ales room, corner of IVood and lii
wee., will Le .old wdhout re,ree, tor cash, p
Nada. by order of John Foray the, Sheriff of Alteghet
county-4 ,rater China and Ltueennware. embracing
harninonie whielt .LII embracing
in lot.
sad purchaser. ari:alt JOIIN It DA VIS, Auet
Legreor.y ire., at Attetgan.
Ou Saturday "writing. the I . Jih • at 10 o'clock.
the. warrhuusr of Mr. John lank., Jr t ., to Third sire
AWart) opposite the Nod iidice, will be sold with°
Fe,telV,, tor club curroncy. quaintoy of Vreneti Brio
dirt and Wines oi various dose riptions. in evosica
Madeira tn.., sherry claret wows so Goole
L.M Wale old Motioriguhela whi.key A hug.- nunal,
sit iron bound bone!. and keys, fi and raat ,lar,
rertifirr, together with nvariety ot other artirlo• us
ally kept to aliquor Mit
EAGLE J3A400111 CONCERTS( vsruauas Errlf NG, AL oral' 12, by A
FIRS appearance' of Me SABLE BROTHERS'
1 The !Allowing performers are engagnl. and will
•inake their first appearance on Saturday. Aug IV
E It. Alumnae. Ist V tolititrit;
1. Blatherwick.: l / 4 1 Violin/sr,
T. Vick, Banjo Player.
II Nit:name., Accordeon,
W. Hunt, thitiur,
J. E Robinson. Tamboriiir,
J. W. kinhoup, Castinens;
And La Feu. Tagil... Vocalist and Dm - muse.
[l7" 0r.... of "vans Shulllcheet,.. written by
Bulio up, author of - Polly Von Frstusay," will be
produced next t ut
or evening.suCL.
6i - 11101'1A SERENADERS!
DERS, w connection with the tonner Troupe, for
one Week, lieginnidg this t Monday ev e• ism July 41st
The eventim's clt tertarnine in will cows. 01 a (Rand
Concert ti) use Ty 'Olean Vocalist, atter whirl, Um
Justly celebrated band of Ethiopian ~creUnders will
make their imps:at:vice and give a •eries at the,
table enteiluillcuentA, conatsliiia of Pickle Songs, Wens,
Overtures. Extravagnitatia. kc .
('Lange of pi °minute iug lit y.
For parliculurs see nuDahl
Admission only LB cents.
_ft - A great qUantlly of the rat lee ('ream served
up TO vl.ilOrs.
II r 'Fbe best order and decorum pre•erved t l it y r o osty
out the rl/111,
.son's Panorama ofthe Hodson Rivet
v II , ..: , 1 ; r o o „ p
1,1. Ponoratna at the ul•ove 11.11 tur n , 11.: , 1' 1M It.
tNLY. ettannellein . s on Thursday evening, Augual
la th e La mid eotmitue F riday and Saturday livening, 11
pinte on 10 UM feet M . cativo., and represemo
every City, Town and Landing. on both vide.. front
New York Bay to the mouth of the Nlohnwk River.
constttuttnE one of the large,st midmost beautiful Yana.
mama it the woold
Adrin•aion only Z.," rent.- Caildrett half price. Tn.k•
et. to Lc had at the pluietr, no. tb,thoe,
Door Dian at Panorama lu VOISULICIIee tisoVing
1,4 Priuck, preaniely
Fursenz rraerrom - rwran WOOL. •lID Alsaarr sigEITI
originßi. Virginia Serenader
And positively their loot prior to their departure Ire
'tins city. The pertorniunce will conclude with
Doors open at pant 7-to cortunener post
Cr - Cards or edmirsten, tn CCM. Ilene. ran
obtunwil at the Mononguliela House. a n d at toe do
ring the evening.
Npl”,dld New faiiwbos.
. .
0 1911 THE solue Fiber, previous to leaving
for the Eant to replenniii Inn stock vrill
dispo, or the balance of his mock 1111
band at redact...l prices, and
on la vorn•
.te terms. It coninots cola choice aelection ol Vienn.
made by Nun. & Clark, N. V., and Juni. Chic k cribg,
01 130.t00. Klux, of lrnlll to 7 octave*, al ro•ewoo,.l
sod mahogany. ill ditkrent sly len std pricea.
1y2.1 Al Wumlwella, 4:1 Third 41
Pommy Pura — fresh from Europe.
ruilE subeerthers have now in store a very erten./
.I. assortment of Furs fur ladies wear, winch ha
beets purchaaed k:urope by ow of the firm, ,
low price ) during he monetary crises succeeding t!
French eol!h. advantage, which they pose over any orb.
Louse the trade, will amble them to sell a very e
eellentArticle much below the market price
lu" Men-hams and others will advance their ow
1110,4. by ciminning this exienscve ups° r [went
$1.11.11, BlitfrllEßS. Importer,
, 0 Awn (Mulberry) between dd and :Id streets,
nuel•dant Philadelphia
111. F
QULDIER'S MiENT. ta now prepared to c - olleet the
Uthree mouth.' extra pay whirla hen he. , granted
by a late act of Congreas to the Troops who hove re
turned tram the Neater., \Var. nod to the hetra and
represcittauves or those who were lulled in battle,
dted of II ...Lae Incurred to the acre.,
Ituttdtog. oppeatte
I lour, htlaborgli.
\lark el ‘t, are out a large lot of reihnont
ealiroe*,. lull) hull the ugual prlce—goo.l
lured I . riniAllt ob. atag7
Inch 3 pig Ho-,
Jul.! teri-d toy I) Leech A. Co*. Line, and to la'
at the luilta ive Lk-pot, No. S m,.1 ..1
& II k• 1111.1.1 I'S
mlu s ortr en
rJ Inds R u „ n „
w l n , , , 1 1
i.htne Houdin. all width, front I I Loehr,. to Hi niche
in wtd•lt, Which the will tell at manufacture, price,
and carriage saved to the purr at No 5 51,000 t it
IL CLOTHS--2500 yds et-4 floor Oil Cloth, v a tiou
lj patterns. Moo " yr . * parr
14: dor Table Coo Cr,, a ..plcodid artlrle—can't
Lent; just reed front the l'htflip,tlle factory. and for
.ale at No S Wood it. nags J& H PIIII./.ll'S
. _
WIELSC.-50 ta• cream Cher., fin, oro c t e.m
•tore non for *ale by yyl S & W
WOOL! Wm./01..!—The highest market plee plod
tn ash for Wool, by
-- Imp _
11.1.:A111411)ES—Ille.k.clear Stdaa..ousl reed and
\.) for sale LT itoor A CUNININ4:IIAM.
aug, 144 ItLett •
DILA RI. ASH— I 0 ra.ks P e arl Aslit roeo on
I. con en t signmand for sale by
suet liOkrl A CUNNINGHAM
(1111.:E -- 90
SE tzcar laraboK Irmo gam , Ma.higan.
.J for Pule by ISAIAH DICK EV A: Co.
n W f ron W t HITE visii AND TliOt7r bblo hat PIM;
buff do do, Id bbl. Trout; 4 half au, pal reed
rod for suit by Imp IVAIA If DICKEY A. Co
ARD-111bble No 2, or 'tale by
P -•
•_ _ _
ASII-7 casks to store and for sale by
A LCUDOL—Ib tad. A leoliol. for sale by
suee • J SeißaiN MA KER & Co. wood et
Veneti a / 1 .14.d, for
lode by nage J SCHOONMAKER &Co
LiGAR CURED DANIS-111 uerees Schoole &
nnati) yoga: cured Family Hama v y
t i ne,
sou's (Cinci ne. ree'd and lot allie by
aim; sKt.l.Eas k NICOLS, lawny o
lbs - birelieese FeiTiber,,eo
r nod fo, solo by aue7 SELLERS & N
laudingl) Pioneer and for sale byy
aog7 ROFIERTSON & sEPPERT, uU .mend
111 111 . T ug E 7 B EANSVO r b4N•117 , 11 ,:, ;,:w 1 a 1 1 1 , ; , , y .,
'rIDER It - MUM:AR-1G bid. (or sale by
sog 3 ' iIUENyI, R REY & Cu, 3 , s"'"
l EER AKINS—,IOO lbs for
4;, - ; EGARS-44.0 171,nroots; lapKt enbr.p,
17 for tittle by eugs WICK
A r . , G , L , TA:L1134./ .
JA . VA CliPVIt- 4 -l j : bags old I:uvrrnoortit Jars
Poe. fur sale by oug.s WICK K ACCA NDI.R.SS
WINDOW (OAS-14013, hlili 01 . (Ans.; St; Jo
741 k do, Ge do 10.12 do, ;or sale I.y
lAIiD 011,-13 bols Lard Okl, fox •Eqe low to close
I coosikgnmcm, by ougt JAM Fl 4 DA hZELI.
VlVCiarr, for •0 le by
eyhi JAAIEs DA 1.2 RI. L, :N vvnlar el
" RF r i7,7;
& ; hound v'Luryb
E , u,- , 3 buy 10..111 : 4 ,a, 9 übt, rov
L 1 k It •ul. L.l tillg I J dr. R 11.01 11
- - •
11 TM—LS kegs and 5 646, for
3 gni., by Wort J & FLrD
13 A b R y LEY—:15 ”ck . :: l nriny on collstFnuTll . ; .
TOLIACC - 0—;56 Cep, 6 Intial inhere. for sal. by
4_17 3 1_ ATWOOD. JON'.
C4JRCIIIN6S-5 cad" danyciunga, ondmail and
oan rale by jrn ATIV(X/D, JONES &Co
rponAcco-4o bads Cy Lear Tobacco, Iqy rile by
far- I.IEL sat .
OA•ll`'S¢' c•K E T LINE:
1117 nr 1§ wen•kholmilinc of.eidendui passenger &Mi.
eis new compered at Me lapytat, Mann;
be. oohed and furnished. and inomi powerful beeu ott.
waters. of ilta.Wist. Wary accommodation tad torn.
fon that money ten prOftlre, hos been provided for pesv
• , Mcra The Line bits been in operation for five years
—has carried it Million of people without the least lot.
ty to Mew persons. The boats will be at the foot of
Wood sweet the day Wenn. to starting, for the rceep
bon of freight and the entry at paswitgent on the
to f.• In all Calta dille passage money must be pm
The ISAAC NEWTON, Capt. A. t.. MASCO, arLi
leave !utsburgh every Sunday morming gu ICI n'eltnek;
Wheeling every Sunday evenung al 10 C.
Nap z.l, 1617.
C STIMC. leave Pine•
barrh every Monday mornang at 10 o'clock; WI:Mc-bat
every Illunday e 4 rung allO r. at.
Y C.
The 111}1F.KN TUESDA
IA No. 2, C PA
am 1. KET
liitviramTa, Will
leave Potaburgh every Turatiaytnortung at 10 We/act;
Wheehag every Tue...l*, eveutort at to r
. -
The NEIV F.NyL.kNIt No. 2, Cap .
2.Dcatv, will
levve Plitztturp,h every Wednevolay no:truing at 10
o'clock; Wheeling every Wedtteulay evening allO P. 111.
The BRILLIANT, Cam Gaac, leaoe Pitts
burgh every Thursday morning at lUb'cioek; %I/beehag
M Thursday evening at 10 P. Y.
The CLIPPER No. 2, Cast Caw., will leave Pitts
burgh every Prole) , morning ea to oieloek; Wbeellag
every Fraley evening at ie r. e).
_ ......
buryb every Saturday umentag , et IU o'clok WbeellAs
every Saturday evertrug at
4 8..
Leaves Pittsburgh eg da A
il O y, at o'clock, A. and co
at tiloarage, (mouth tke Sandy and Beaker Ca.
nab) 3 o'clock-and New I.tohon II Same night.
Leaves New Lisbon C cir hawk, P. At; (maid., Lb a
trap r unit! act the raver donor the rught) land fillosner
al 9 ogrlock. A Al, and Brno," at Plusburgh at P.
AI —thus ma atio cotionnon• line foe e ‘tiy i
oencern and ft...girl I. -twee, New Lishoulta=-
Lorna, in shorter tame and at less rules than by any
other rouic.
The pruprielors °lda Luis have the pleanons of le
fortnilig Itte pandae thal they have ratio/ up Molina class
Canal Boats. fort Ow 1.1 , 011 1 / 1 10.1Pii 011 of passenger. and
Ireusin. lu rust n. - eustusw ~,,,, vrnh the II Icemen
oteamen CALEB CI and lIJIA and ...mgt.'
log, rd ralattgow, with rho Putoburgla and einein-
Ilan nod naher daily lanes or nteamers down the Ohio
and Ala ~,, intim ravers. The pruprienstio pledge than
felve. in spare no expense or trouble to insure cam
Amer. safeti and diapatch, and .k of the public a sham
of then. putrOssage.
A 1 1AltilAUGH, # Pkglaburgh.
H. HANNA, to Co.
myl I :tf J. I.IARIJA UGII & Co. Ne. Labe.
NOTICE—Tbe steamer BEAVER, C. E. Clarke, assa
ler, will teal, ail, thir notice, Mr Wellsville pmetas
ally, at B Welt.t in the mornin jel3
Daily Packet Line.
FEBRUARY I rt, lasts FEBRUARY in, let
~, The fidlowtng new boots eomplot,
Joie or the present WA/OM AT.
LANTIC, Copt. James Par"__
ALTIC, Capt. A. Jacobs; and LOUIS
SFLANE, Capt E. Bennett The boots an entbety
new, and are fitted up sinthout regard to expenan. Ev
ery eosniort that money can procure has been poor Wed.
The Boots will !care the filmic...Melo Wharf B.Lt
the loot of Ho. at. Passeng err will be ponctdal on
heard, as the boats will certainly leave at tho adver.
used Lour , .i A. SI. and 4 P Joni% •
PITFSLILIItiII rt Wilt:EU:kr PAO/47t;
The mut steamer
:“7-7 CONSUL,
Dorsey Kinney, master, will 'easy
regularly for Wheelmg, on Monday,
Wednesday .cl Fridop, at In o'clock
Leave 11 heehng every Tuesday, Thursday and Sae
trinloy. at 7 o'clock, a m. precisely.
The Consul milt land at all the mmernediate ports.—
Every stecoinodattoit that colt he procured he the cam
fon a n d .suety of passengers has been provided. This
bout is aleo provtded with a safety guard to
prevent explomond For freight or passage apply on
hOttrti or to DAVID C. HERavr,
feb4 corner of let land Smithfield sta.
141 The light tlezlnt i. vmer
Thomas master have 63
e h*
end intermediate
e ' dla
Tor livlght or Pamage, apply- boardise " glO
. ...
t y..,.,... The new and fast miming steamer
Capt. R M /fill, will leave for above
and all intermediate ports this day, at
4 , i'vnuk. I'. Al.
Fur freight or passage apply on board, or to
i.. The splendid new steamer
Jacobs. master, will leave the Abase
. . . .
and interinediaie ports this day, so
1 o'clock I'. M.
For freight or passage, apply on board. aug 10
The elegant steamer
menteskar:pe, toaste, will leare for the above
lid intermediate ports this day.
_For freight or passage, apply on board. 10410
The foie strainer
Cock, master, will leave for the shah*
t'o~_fre;sod intemmiliam ports due day.
ght or passage apply on hoard. ..40_
ph The fine lime hgqhl draught muster
Thompaon E‘ m?smr, 4 1 1tve for the
re and mterrnediam ports regular
y For freight or patisage, apply on board. og . LO
Tim new nod vpleutlid steamer
OR, •
weL ZACHA RY ueas, menet, "nil TA
leave (or abort,
d intermethaut ports regularly.
slot. freight pusage, apply on board. aug
FOR ST 1.0118
i by •plendi.l r:. araer
a, ,-.•
. Ma d flie re.,
r in:si t te!:, A 4l ' lenve pone on t tir , tare
Fur freight or a s
apply oh Swami, or to
in & i l t d ch.
~,,... The new tlO l , vkd s. rahl steamer
Koontz, master, will
kw Me
y ut
e and terniedtaie pans thin day .
For freight or passage apply on board aug9
The fine new steitiner
.4;1114 SIILNAN DOA N,
Bowman, mater, will leave for shave
and miertnediate ports this day .
I ly i
-Ib. han-
* ltl ' 7l l ' i ILA N DE,
(ionic) master will leave for above
ad iniennediaie mans ibla day
For freight or passage apply on board
__ Jiari___
, The l steamer
ute steaer
: dilli NS OMINti,
4 - Fowler, master will leave for ahoy*
nd mitenueolinte ports Ibis day .
For weight or passage apply an Lima,. angl
The fine int liner
i J ..-
-. The
...„ : A I 51 Clare awner, will leave for
s.. -,—.- he above and inannedlate parts this
day at 10 a Llotli in plate of the blippsr
lot intahi or passage apply on banrd
kb I'LL...VI-I
...7" The
fine ltreH me ANDF.R,
Parknisou maste L r, will lea,
for the
above and iniennedmie ports dils day .
For freight or passage, apply on board eagl
Fog tiNcrx—nr.irri
The splendid steamer
r 1 '.
Ingfidia' }Mien, master, will leas* for aka"e
errstedlate po mgu
rts larly
_lior freight or paniage, apply on hoard.
_a_9ft .
awns The 'pica:L.lpassenger steamer
boron, master will leave for above
nd intermediate ports this day .
}or height or passage apply on board Ist_l
FOftll — killkikrOrl AND OUNITS/I
The neat and subsmatial low water
__ steamboat
_....tadrevr Poe hinstor. bas 'nomad her
.egular trips browse. hundgepon Sank. and Pima.
hare, leaving Pionburgh Mondays and Thursdays.
I' t. hr:r rink
Th e ne ts and fast steamer
Dames. mask,. set!' leave for Imon
da and all toter - mediate ports on Wewatm•
rt and Saturday, at each week. For hei
,ght or pas
apply on board or to
rebid r./Er./ El MILTEN/IFIRGERtAr't.
SEAMAN & mufti
321 Broadwy, Nea, Vo r k
tent hluslins. Baregmb Ireees, Embrutderier Meri
nos. Phew's, Hosicry, (Doves, Lawns, liolnleasigg.e,
They inane etiourry Merchants, rotting New York,
lo eillloloe their k hotore oohing thou purchases.
Mr Mint seas fore,alt tears co ino house of A. T.
Stewart rt Co.. Irmo orhteh he return{ ian the let lan.
teaks and Mr. Jemeri Dickson, (who has on ietemsl
the loormiess,) was also favorably known in lime climb
Der. End's Tonle and
/1111 E general properties of these Pill, are Parthiltn
a use, Purgative mud Toole. In the
dere warring tuna intrude iihm to diet, !cc., thch rick
noes and mecum,. IL 1001.401111Ct1. OCR
go,, Where in ltiOdieilla it fs
reglaired, thi n . earn “on
very applicable, for its Cla rOloOlUpe and soothing eb
krt. give I.llloel immediate relief once natures or
sichneth exist Ito purgative operntum upon thy 07. P
nob and bowels s:entle owl ethernet, and 1 ,, tome
properties moan rength to the disertme. organs,
thereby ennblana these organ. to Peri . ..lo.m r
.lOlellolla With order nod rreoiervY
The prier hay been redur, Ono 50 tr, 7.i ets a box.
For sale crlsolcmde and retest by
HA FA /1N F2-7mcg
earner front and wood, end J. and wood ars
AlOolle for I.Olabillrful
7'usorrif Ert , Wh o /UN MF.RCHANTS.
I •tr ft CARD. Manic o f
t , • Parasol unJ Press Lone. IN, 1,, N or d, T ifi EL ß
Ytreot. strove Knee, FNMA rE1.141/A s invite the at
tention or Merchants and lk , a i„„
ir ezunsive a.
rortritent of f l„ of r,,
dared pfleell At. notion if 1 1011Cik.d
augl , d.tar
rIOAI. LAM? FOR .rlALE—Sevrtlili*.•• e.:71,
for bend of the hionoheahela,thver,
aortae lithrwrthydle, P'n. hoeing • 7 foot vein of 'coral
sch.xit wilt let sts'
-XSAI r• ...change for goods For pardon-
•th od , to 1 , 1 et • W.IIA RDA bbillf ':lt wood at
ien riUR-Z -4s-T,rsMre for sire lir
FISH LW, •prtng inspect., for vale by