The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 11, 1848, Image 1

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** - "'"ESTABLISIIM iN litiel.
a:1; •”11.:!•••: , •" 7:: •
kaliElitalikllAJA t Co.—Htde and Leather Deal.
ele Yrko.
lia=act . nobta N firier Pittabargh, E. Levitt k
Co. Philadelphia.
Caturigrattents of Western Leather solicited, and lite
t.llitlatlearteei if repaired. Ca blalika
Ira n & Co.. Coomum and For
. ...a .
nand, WataraProattriZPingrilLw the ir
tejeata RIVER of M , Whalens and
arry and St:Clair mewßetail Drag.
atiar s, Pi n
urge:Sa. - Earle
5 , : kr. IL SWIRL
_:. l&OWN i N, Wholesale Grocery
.i, - mad Commission hie WU", No. 14 5 , Übe t 7 s t,
. 1 1
Maim li: Pa. ' 6 em t •
7D A. FAHNESTOCY &.Co., Wholesale sad Ite•
t , ,
! ' AP WI ihttelrista, earner WocA and ihlrata. )71
, ';''- , MALEY & WITH, Wholesale Orman, 111 sad
. ' gb Woodmen Pittsburgh.
A. XeANIILTIr & Co., Forwarding ' and Corm
' • minima Illetehaats,Caual Basin, Pittsburgh i& Pa.
.4'4; - • me
. .
ansus, 1088 V.../BKOMIN La. VP. 11811848.
1.:101..E*A15,11A.1141.e.N, St Co, ihuudfireturers of
A.„/ CarringerSage Axles, sae opun E r
• e ASPS, and dealers in Coach Tnnsuunga et' every de.
I..seriyhiononandamory an St. Warehouse 43
„ Wood rt.. opposite Su Charles Hose& jarda
& GEICHABT, Whale:an= G
a, denl•
Proda and Pinsbnawb Manalatharea, aoa.
and Hands Pitubar. h, Pa. leld7
_ .
• .-..LAlFl:a...iiaitgli. J. SZNEIrtr.
-soLasm & BENNETT, Gala liktglith, Gallagher
Gei.) Wholesale-Groears,.Grmmlnion andFor
iewax"i I'l'l.g_hlwrar and Pitt s.
Geo In Pledged and ititi
,Illtrgb'semule.pres, N 0.37 Wood at, between rei gad
r'gdraseete. , ..oeu
1.., ,
_4. flan, am. urn, ram noon
:" . .tliltr n =t
i IrEY & Co., Wholesale Grocers end
Blertheats, sad avow for Brightee
.... ..ooliteros, No. 67 Warr.., sad Ills Frontal..., PiLtu6
. . re.b.9
.'eLIi , BLUME., Piano Forte 142.nulketuret-ind dealer
silM4 in filarial.), Iruununeats,ll.l Wood at, aelu
gn&I.LA.GKEB, LONG & MILLER, Dell and BaU I. bo
Fcmoders Ou Merv, Front, between .1
Wood end Smithfield nue% Pittaburgti, Pg.
Irr" irigitert One given lot old Copper and Mau.
• en_EONDS COCHlLAN,Conimisiiiiin and Forwarding
VIX Idnirehmair No 20 Wood wiiiuntiorgii. Fyn
G 7 (EASY /MASCOT , Wane and Red Lend Panne.
val% lardarer, Faint =UDR Bleteheed, comer of Lib.
4 . any and (Mara eta, rinebeuga. jets _
:mum imzzT,_ I.OIIW =SIT, 314
DICII7I3Y Wholesale Grocers, Cont.
piston Ideletuum, End dealers in Prodace, Nor. DO
. 4 aim and 107 Front streets, Pittsburgh. 0000
OaNriausisin, Munich end Courwellor It Law .
'mad COlMainloner for the State of Peunsy 'Bout
Loads. M o.,(Wadi Pivaburghd
" pinsbargla W Forward. hltunP.
'7- 1 3604 hlilles,Jd'llandteas 4 MIA bre, John hug . 0,
he Semple, IPtlard &King. , 1014.4
Wholesale armors, Forward.
Sag llN ar rar d Comatia 4 Co, io litorehants,pralers
Nud Prce
Sall Pittsburgh blanufaciums, Do, 7co
hhowitiberr, greet, neat tho Canal, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Rectifying Distiller, mad Wholesnle
• dealer fn Foreign mad Domestic Wines end Li"
4.410 ft, No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Dismccd Alley
of the firm .rk o ‘ f
B, Alide u,,o o and
Biet..ea.) Merchant Tutlor, t:h
;': .•• W o o d,ra.b.ll.•
• cVload unreel, o • •
' •I'tIAMES A. HUTCIUSON, & Co,—S uccessors to
. • : 7 ., Lewis Hutchison & Co, Conitnimo,, _ .
Agents of the St. Louis Steuno no r'.
NIL 45 yrs= sad 99 front s ts, Pinsb.rgh.
at.eq, ni t = wgt, Tallar, Exchange Itall•
. &tem St. W... • • jainn
.-, ,-,. ‘1011N a Du..wpEFrii—whawd. (iropst, P
':'.,...-':-'",' ' •dm ...i Commission Merchant, No, ri, Wood et,
ixiburei. ..j.4
ii•34c7ollN D. MOlLD.rd . W l .4.*•=l:4 4 N 6s o t
: f; 1 I.'" in °Ye SUdr tor 13. 1 ,:iih th 2PDi...311 All.l. Phu.
~ f :2!tp€4 .t..v.
- DERR, Jr., & Co, Ortecesser.ia Jeseph Gl
V GaeW Step chandlers, 30 Wrest , erreet. oe3l
/OEII4, Wholeutle and Retail dettlFi
1; ktt)dasiti and lluateal laanzeteata, School Sao.;
Slates Steel Yeas, Qulllb Primers' Cards, mad
generally, No. El Weed at, Pittabersit.
. • ... . .. • .
R DAVIS, Auctioneer, cornersth and Wood
lir streets, Pinsburr r h.
!,..10UNSTON t STOCKTON, Booksellers, Painters
• ' ling . /Ng:ls idanufssuarers, No. 44 Markel sa-, ?nu,
• ;IT L. HEAD'S Booklib, near Zdssirct screeti
Classical, Theological,
and,Methodisz Books slut htallouszT.
T • y w. ROBERTSON &Co., Bankers and Earl:gang
. Brokers, in of Wood suld ;tl su,,Alerenant
livid !landings, anabOrzna.
ILLY* Currency pothased al the ustad nitro octil
011 N GRIM Wholesale Grocer, dealer in Pro
duce, Pit/g:ugh litssular..tores, Tut Pi 0..., a.. Y. ,
No. =I Libor, Pittsburgh. • latss
Tea rtatu, WC.= noir,
61 :: :' 7 , ' :'
t: ' : r., • ,(DP • ((totem N 0.122 Lnbetly WOOL sep6
j.,... daram
' '.. • T D,4 i 7cl i , Wholesale ((racer Cemmission
j'r: N Merchant, and dealet is Produce and Pluaborgh
; `,:c i - ' 4; , Kan:Sumer. N 0.94 Waiet at-, Ptuatnagh )autta
1 - :: Vesuvius Iron Works.
l EWlS a,el:go '"h t i , tiOi k ier C trio ' rel l' firs ' C ' e o L ” t
aunty. - Watchman, 64 gram: and 105 front at. '
kiiB WATERMAN, Wholases Grocer, Forward
. kg and Conimiasiou Merchant, Dealer is Hu.
h hiadostaetures mud Produce, No. 31 W. at,
tea Front Ir.. FR
LAlWititer& hiIIPTON, Wholesale Grocers, Yore
worths; mut Commission Merchants, dealers up
ro ana Piusburgh Manufactures, Nos. 13 and 1.13
Wood sty Piushasgh. febZl
EacEa, aurniats M
Plaladelptua, fox th sale o! pmdoce gni
= n Laberal &tisanes, on eon .manta,
us. D. &Cana- WAL2II3 C sor,
A4e6ll.l..k.Wholesale Grocers ,Pin Comm
Ali aim Merchants, No. 114
st, sburgh.
At= =ors, wx. G xmcz-
ALLEN d Co, Comonainan and Pam r
Alerchanta, war and PIO= b ena
kluid /dation sm. and
. .
BICILEPSON, WhoLemale Grocers and Merchants, No.l7ll,labeny sl,
a d .. 1 4 P. ' jaul4
cCURD & KING, Me!auto aml Handl Hu and
Wood Alamdact oKith rea, and dealer. ill Fluty Puny
. ca and ma. }and
HOLMES & SON, No. 55 Market ex, second
door from corner of Fourth, dealers in FL=
and Dcateatic 15ilLa of Exchange, Ceruhcates of
M Baia Notes and Specie.
(0 .- Collection. mad on all the principal cured
• • • hoot the United butte. der.l7
MOUINDEMTEEt 8 Co., NR h01e4.1.10 Grooand Come
edam =1 Four =lung' Paranoia, N. 41 %Vigor
=mt. dec2s
OM= MOORE, 'Wholesale Grocer, Recofying
DisUlhor, dealer In Produce, Piiisbunti hla nufse
loses, and ell oi Foreign nod Ike:nes/10 Moo
aid iryooq No. /1 LihOrty street. (hi hand * very
tarp amok of eupenor old Idossongoliels whiskey,
"dud' will be sold low for cash. apLYiy
EtrELEI6ON & Produce Dealers and
Commission Minehanut, No. u g Second meet,
ACCAAND T. LEEC i, Wm= and Doak, IA
Foreigo dad Nomad,. smal ry , ilardwaro and
huge Tthillitillp, of all dastriptions, No. latt Wood
ttL Piusbargh. ai ' 4> aro
I, [CHARD BARD, Vilholeule and Damn Dealer in
Leather, Morocco, Shoemakers , Twirl and Mad
mp, Tanners , end Coeval Tone, and Tanners' Oil,
;do. ILD Wood ?kW, . • septa
&12.0Tes ,i5 n0 It Co- Wholesale 0. roed t. rsi.. '"a r
and C 0 a
111031311101:1 tittellttunts, and Dcaleis o Pitbi..
lidanitfiletures, No. MO Liberty at., PitTati.
FIAT DALZELL & Co, Wholesale Gemara,
Commirtion and Drtneartlidlr filerehanta, dealers
and Pitubuligh Idanidartaxes, Liberty se
inidnirtrh, Pa. le teal
riff. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer,
Dealer In Produce and ?imbrues M tura
o. teeth:4,lly as 1
L. 0. XV1A01.93,' .
1) BIN ours & 13REP,,, Porwardlng and l Comminion
. iLLPleschany,lot Alleglmay River Trade, deal
, , Cain 011) , -.6CS, PrOdEte" Pmsbargh Idaneaesuree
and Chieside of Lime.
Ilkanlihempsiem, Langan, paid at sll times far eonn
try raga. CIIIISGT oc Penn Ma AIM
,QMTpI JOUNMiN, Wholesale nod Retail Dealers
IV la Millinery • sods,. Law, Hosiery and Fancy
artleles,No. 48 Market .Beet, ad door abase Third at,
• creel
V Aln f .l.l-37 YAMltri,
WarrE,An OIL
oissale Decders ln
komp. and Darosmis mcy Goods. No. IN Wood
-- AWN
fa •ff BAKELNUGH, Wool Merchants, i"...sra
aj f , Floor and Produce gomendly, Nod Yonaranland
dua Comainslaa Noteltdros, No. No Wafer
OW tel.
S hiat . an:ALEW N. lf Co., W i lgua . le 4 o b. rocen nxt d
and sae. Nonn Pluladelphia. nennS
_ -
:1; , 4" t & 711041,13,. t T
Illoil! '" i
Smission leorchanu, No: 17 I.llotrf IL, rumbas;
Ligp,ed 4414/ Lard Oil&
VO LlONNlionsr, Co., fr.. Wholesale Gm.
(as; Cotonnimiun'.. Ilisretututs,
• • glib,llol islamacionsand Wesunn era
lo thou new
VMS! of From M. 004 tauneery Uwe.
No. Mo.
mu ,. M. iLtba, I, i.nru o Pit - 4 ni miminamion
ob urehu t.Desior iu klininoo mud Yiusburgn mat.
tactlutd mule ' C ed 1 ""' " e " 7 th 0 . ft4l
rodduszy & I. VtiT, %Vitae/tato Upiiiii ZiEjj, - .1,1i.
6 0 . hunt, Ism, and dealers in Yrodono. No. Is
st., Chub. Nk• MS
VW M. it. rose. A Agora tor Neiman smanon arid
. '
VW promring p., nonon,at dm
Pace of Wm.
tin, Egb
Burka bat tug., 4lb 01 ttbrg.. My son
in the iremoral land a&s . 1 Wuninitio.t. ond to
say bonnets doiro floe o...imPonce to appiteants.
• nur14417
1011 A D. anti., DA= lIPC•NMag.
& SIVANDLESS;• %mamma to 1. &IL IL
I Wield Wholtualo G. Garb F'orarananr End
COMILiBI6.I Morahan% daah 111 nvor /WU , Gl.*
Unto% Yarn% and kitosbangh l'acannunnro enerdilY,
totssr of Wood and Wand Mal% PWitagniD,
ttai BOWVi—Comnusaina . and Forwarding
Merchant, No. DO Front at. between Wood and
er streets, feb%
TAL GARRARD, Dealer !n Fancy and Staple
s Dry Goods, 1 , 10.11 , Market nave, Pitubargh.
W WILSON, Dealer in Welobe., JesvetrY,
TV - , Sileer Wore, ?diHwy Good., h o. 57 Alan
. ket at. nov7
D. anianty, Wholesale and [Dud , dealer in
• FOTP and Domesde Dry Goods, north east
r of Market and Fourth rte. aug.2l
WIL IMMO, /30. L Warir.
WM. YOUNG & Co.—Deaden in leather hides, /se.
143 Liberty sc n 05.19
NG M. MITCH.V.LTFIEE—WhoIesaIs Grocers,
Ilectifyiug Distillers, and Witte and Liquot
ehalus, also, Importers of Soda Asa and 131eaching
Powder, No. I.olLiterty et. Piusbargh, Pa. lansdly
o • a .c.„. , ... •
iILACKBUILN & Co., Wholesale Grocers and
dealers la Oils, Boat Store, and Pittsburgh Alan
nowt:red articles, have on hand, at all times, n full and
general assortment of goods In their lute, Water greet,
',ear Cherry Alley, Pittsburgh. 0013
TOILY M. TOWNSEND, Druggist wad Apoihrmary,
eft No. 45 Market st., three doors above Third as Pins.
bargh,hrill have constantly on hand • well selected as
sortment of the best and (rashest Medicines, which be
will sell on the most reasonable term.. Physician.
'coding orders, will be promptay at ended to, and sup.
piled with articles they may rely upon as genuine. a
p PLaysician:i Proscripuons imcarately
neatly parea from st be materiels, at any boar of
day or algid.
Also for wale, a large stock of fresh and good Pbrfo-
EAGLE COTTON - WORM., Pittsburgh, Mannino.
tura Cotton Yam, ContUe Wick, Batting . , Twine,
Coverlet Yarn, Carpet Chain, Warps, in. in.
(Successors to Arbuckle & Avery,j
Jana Proprietors.
it.LEDOU.X. & Co., No. 77 Canal street, New Os
I leans, Agents for J. U. Armat's Extensive Steam
Sugar Refinery. Alwaye oar nand • hap stack of
Loaf, Powdered, Crusted, Clarified and Bastard Sugars,
in 'names and Barrel. Also, Sugar Home Molasses.
Prices liberal, all a fair allowance made on all sales
of or above bli barrels. metal
Monongahela Livery Stable.
416. ILOHCBT H. PATrhiiStiN has opened
the large stable on First at, ritninitg through
to Second at, between Wood and Smithfield
sts., in the rear of the Monongahela House,
with an entirely near stock of Horses Ind Carriages of
the best quality and habit etylel Hones hopt at bee
ry in the but manner. /YnilY
OIPOYM LXD 111•111 /711
addles' Ironmongery, !loran& and Coach
doss, Desr Hair, Vanrulatk, Occ. &c.,
1311 N0.13J rrrrualaolt.
EH. EATON, Dealer in Trunmings
H no orn Combs,d Ntanety
a G odoe, Tortola Shed], Ivory told
ton Tarns and Worsted, Holum, Needles, Yin,
T.dtes, Brutes, he., No. dr Market street, hymen Ina
mood and Ch at.„ Pittsburgh. .IW 3 d4
_ _
sus Jomio,
JONES 16 417100,
ANI:FACITRERS of .pang seed tamer steel,
/IL 'plough steel, meal plough wings, coach a .d el/n
-ue sprusga, hammered iron axle., and deniers in mal.
'mule unsung., Ito engine lamps, and coal. trim/mug.
K iens corner 011 Las and erout l'itnibu
LTEKIN TEA STORE.—\o.: 4 Fourth
st, near Wood--AU quanta:es in Green end
Meek Una done op to quarter, ban; and
o e pound packages, raninug non du eta per pound
51,50. ai A. JAYNES, Agt. Int Vet. ft. Co.
LAW utelgium.
WA!. 'll Aitsl..LX,
• litakr, Po
WILL also attend to colter:wens and all other bust
netts entrusted to him ut Iltaler sod a renstmog
counties. Pa. Rater to
J. Zs R. Floyd, Lawny st 1
W. W. AV atlace, do (
James Marshall do , Putstturgh.
dly Key tr. Co.. Waal .t. ) tan:
IL SWEITZER, Attorney at Lew, Clare 34 Et.
s oppatte St Movies Ho el, Pittsburgh, will ai
tend promptly to Colleetunts. ut Washington, Fro e. .
Green commies, Pa_
Dlocketork, Dell a. Co. )
Church A. enrotbers„ , t ratetturgO
1) T. 11orytot, 10<13.11y
L. HENRY, Attorney and Counortiot at Law,
. CleteDoom Utoo. Collect:Diu to Vauthetu 01lio,
.a in Indiana, dad m Itentacky, prompt)) . and cue
fuhy attended H. Cosnalextourr 10,118 Stale Of PCIIII
- itOr toting D01....L0n, 11:lowic4,0nects.
tte. ro—Hon. Wm. 8.11 & Caro.. Chur,6 k
CarmLert. Wm. 11 41.
/•14.0 Inrstor,t
. iana.. brwicii.
%I.;:.•11Jk . AL SEW ELL, atuneey at Law. enace• on
JJ Smithfield, between ..ha and 4. cu.
a•oawmil) fr. SW AKTZ WEJJJER, Attorneys a'
Law, have removed their Other to the loath lode o'
Youth at, between Cheery Ai and Grant need
0. ti. ROBINSON, Artorr.cyet Lew,
=reed his office to the Eachange tholdotp,
Ctn. at, next door to Alderman Joa.. atat,ly
URN 11.NNLY, Jr., Agatit at Pataaarnu tat att. t-
I Alutoal :very Counauty of fat.,
adelphia. Fire Ras. upon bundaugs and merenaantar
o. ovary deacripbotn sad Sinn. Riau upon Lou. or
nano. of v..* taken upon the moor favorable
• •
1.13' Office in the Warehouse of W. B Honaes k Bro ..
No. 37 Water, nest Market are., Piust.argn.
N. B.—The attecess of nits Company gawp the estab
lishment of the Agency nt tins coy, wan ,he annoy,
neon and nneranty anti, watch every claim upon Meat
for Mu has nalasted, rally warn:Lon the annul or
Lowlands' the confidence andpatrostage Wie n. mewls sod
the eotaituntifty at large to dot Delare to. S lora
mace Company, white tt has the adohoottal advouteges
anis:emu ttou among the most ttoutustuag m Podatte4-
phut—es having on ample pauttfits ceplw, educe ay the
operalltio of its Chance to constantly tacreastor,, la
pieldlog ID each person nudged Ilia due share at the
profits of the eefropaut , without thvol root tom to ah . )
osponsibiLly whatever, and therei ore as Possessoffs
the Mutual pruteaple divested oi everj oboestous lea.
tore, add le its 112,11121112C11Ve 10n2._ 110P4.
•• •
, 11Y... Mammon Compaoy NorM America. toyough
jw only aurnonxeU Ageta, ae suo.c mar. odor.
mate peroamem and Mayo. Luna ranee oo propen). to
Mil coy nod on vicuaty, nod on angancron u) um Ca.
nal and Rome.
• •
Cuarles Taylor.
. .... . .. ..,
Sam' W. Jour, Ammo. N tmc,
Edward Smith Jam. M. ltmams,
John dß:m.4 Jong IL ;.c.l,
John Whitt' Raeuara U. 'Woad,
ThrAlm r. Cope, Wm. Wet.,
SumoAl F. Rawly Fra.l.m6 kluaAmm.
Samuel lirpois, 4. Austm Aliaboue,
ARTHUR 0. MITI:, hs.l..
tirm D. &Mums, lbec'y.
This 6 the oldest hiallflilet Company in the linnet
Eludes, having been etiarnired m Res. lu charter
perpetual, 61Id frt. to nigh smutting, long experience,
1.11,1 c means, sad tivoidmg al. math clan eitia bat
&nines character, It may be considered as otfering am
ple s-eutity In the public. W. P. JUN rz.
At the count/4 gloom of Atwood, Jones h. Co, Ws,-
ter and Front streets Piusuturgh. mays
Yraukliarire Itwurouce Lampani, of rhflatiel-
I ph* will nuke Wsu ranee, pertuauwo and mulled
on awry deacripuoo of p(Opc111, to rittenitgti 0110 wo
wartokinding 0000117, 00 1400101.116 {CMS. TT. cow•
patsy has a perpetual charter .
Capital, SWO,OOO paid tn.
Co:limpet, Pond exere,out)
Ottiee eoruer of Thi , d and Racket streets, l'ataborgh.
FrUEundersigited,dudi autoorised Agent °Caw Muer
1. lean Vire lusdraneo o...puny ut Ymossielptua„
coal/ones to erect insurance against loss or damage
agtunst Fire, nu buildings, utercemadise, maltase sad
peoperty, Ent cam hazardous, u/ Low edywad eternity.
apt 4 tai wood at.
r irtZo lj ltl i eta l taz ' ante 's C ,l Xl/13 ' ol North en e ' sl P e ' s, ° ,
and wail issue l'ohewe awl tumid to the other Uwe...
05 the Agedey, at the warehouse of ',twat., Jou. , Ic
Co. aple l5 to. P. JUlik., water el
dMP arxerlie.D, per Exp...., a Salle sweat uoaut
&Who Bobber Snoods, coolpessing
-9 do: °dicers' Coats; 4 dna 'Prove/fug Bags,
4 back do, 4 ' pairs rigout;
4 Yea do, 1 . s..astsp Ulautels;
2 . Beefing Jacket., Afiesasons,
1 " 1401. COP..; Ltle rec./vets,
100 yards& I.ll.fistnage Csoth, fine &ruck',
Vi dot pate Leggusgs, IN dile:cut styles;
2 Capes, wt sleeves;
•• M s mut do,
. 11011 Covers; all at welch wall he said cheap
for cash. wholesale or rehul, at No 5 Woodsweet.
a ir.G. 1 & H I'IIII.I,IPS .
Dli. W. J. ,111ADEILLIA, Dent ac.
(Wrie.k.ou ewuuj esreet, 34 doo
none or Tined Mee, ler. hisasseo - • re
I ?:::ti Uhf
legbeny Lod 'newsy.
Ur. Y. labucgort,
u. Habbrtbll3lPH l o,
Jame. A. Cron, LAN.
AU. %Valium thorn;
Mr• 13ent•lboovin, opantrun
'ULF SKINS-34 do gentian:. French Calf Stab.,
_,/ very ono onto.. A leiff daze)) rAlAlAclpin
Smut, tram the anumfactory of H Al IiTSV , IO(O,
witch the alloutnns of boot makers n wetted.
crooned and for talc try W YUI4H. tr.
jen7 143 Ilberty rl
1 riatti RIJIILIEIi WWI:It—JO acacia solid India gab-
A act bail., at dalerant coat, %V Ow lutassti aus
'acacia to sleuth..s at very low PIICC6, 11l large
UUC., at the law& Wildcat Veitut, NO a woad e•.
JYt4 J lc II rttILJAES
11ak.135 LAIVNO, VLKY entar—W it Murphy
uorthesitt comer of adi wad =tact sta has mm
sad s large iota Lawns to lot cu par the.t o,
fore sold al algae! . prices.) mummer lioods pcsterally
also opicontar reduced Kress. ry la
N1.d8.41.3T0 LAC4OO-41a heavy Lace, 1:14 11.11 d
LY'itches "vide, tor Itiosepoto &m., now open and
not Araleby /T." it k..o'roft & co
WINDOW GLABS-1000 tas 13410, 150 do 1041:4
125 40 10:14; floc 70d 4040 1.3010; I& do 11x10,
a° 2432 4 tot bale by
etc, tol
Rev. J
Fa l
P 1
for exposit.
ries of modern sm.
rector of the Cincittot
Hem , ley's Italy. Alps i
the Alps and the Mantel
poloon and his Mareltallt
als,&c. New and revise
Statistics of CoaL—Thl
cal dist/nctious of Miner
Including also, notices
mineral iiittortinious subst
manufacturci; illustratedl
commemcd by nearly 400
alyses of minzral combo
aril Crow ling Taylor.
Just received a few cop 'eh of lb. above works
—for sale by JUL & STOCKTON,
lye 800 market dad su.
Fearth meet; near
N °ed.—lreland's We the Stranger;
The Czar, his Court and :by l H IdasureLl;
The Orators of Prance;
The Lives of the Apostle
The Pantos and mein aby E Hall;
The Commotions and GI the Holy Apostle,
'nth a Prize Esse_ ,r
Allison's Life atilt, Dale h;
Neander's Life of Christ, • torical canner
and historical dove!
Harpers and App) ' on. generally.
School Books, Paper, Sudo
NEW &WKS at the A. • ...go Mk arreek—
The Military Life o J I. ialarlbatoagit,
with colored maps: by A Al
Second Vol. Chalmers. no Worka—Sorip
tura Reading..
The Life ofJesns Christ, la cad conarendon
and kimono& dem:Moen:oM: groom Namder.
Translated from die 4th rimAnron ay Jan Mc-
Clintock an Cam E Blomentrofeasom in Dick
nison College. i
Fourth Vol Pictorial theta land.
Now and Then. by Dr. I , author of Ton
Thottaand &Year, and oaten s to mentiAn.
Call and me. We J I. It.E.A.U.
THIS histltimon, muter die ' nof gla and
I Mra. tioshoru, LI sub open nneeprom of po
nds, mul will Ito condomod . pia OqLiberty
weer in cons...nee of having Wren
pl., a low Ta<laCies ha., anertho.llo w ould
of o: ptannig their dough. mow, would
do write make mi early ag . For mmia ..e
entalar. or apply to the Print _ any
...... .._..........._._._,__
1011,1 V. VIO
_; 11k....L.13.0 .31.
ToBACCO eullallsaiDA Malfs,
N. No. kt South %Irk:area. end N. u th Waaee a
waPe3S to inform roe Wade a nd g,..onaly, ,
Patel.; u rge. that they have a , ru ,,,,, f u .
tt we litrgotta matututetualla Growers of
the West. Wevt belie .. and Mbar w. w il l tonare
ais and enuetant supply of d ugu ,i g _
twits of Touacca which will be ...num
modaung tent.. ay otter ail,- or e 1....
where, =ld all goad. orderad from ' be war
ranted equal to repotweatatana
Havana; S. Dustunge; C
1' ant. Porto Hilati Panlefietk , heal W
ell., L„,,i ; k Floral b o
ISI-13raneh , eilebrated Ar as
diva. with a 1.-,. an.0r10,13 of tar brands.
and quantax ul vaut.l.. Z... Cr, M. tl - rt,.S
) 0
:1.. G. m. sod to Plug' 1.k...i,.,' •I'w ~,,a
0.e., sweet nd plat. In whole era eau, w
and tut, togeteer with every varier 'de hgl i ous..
. jeleally
A- :G.AllirnOL
Produce, COMULIS•1011 and vding
No VI Scorn VVELLltrilen &Snit 7,..
a Ernt . nr.—John H. Brown & Co.
Hobert Stern & Co.
trareron. Heaver k...C0. .4 46 .
Smith. Harratay & CO.
Allen I Paxton, tort
Waiters & Harvey, t o r ..
Regale/ k Smith,
Burnnage,Witson &Co , _
Holley, :sown & Co '
Kier le Jones. •
irr Liberal cash advance. an e r . ro our
anthem.. . ly
P. , C 1.1.-1.21.1 c....1LL.E1 =CT . ~,,,,.....
And General Commi.alota pant.,
No. L 3 Socru Wavaa.l3 .
Pitt ILIA.
REFERF-NCEd--.ltenry Gran & Co, El
Rakers tr. Shertoek„,.
S. SvAlooley & Son, F , .....
A. M. January, Maya
Charles intanna Jr.AH.
Duni& liturnphrept &
Mercer. Bro. & Co. hojoryo
Head k Brother,
Doan. & Canaram . y .
C0M.1711111.10.12 and Vorarardlnig g„
ao. Ii WOOD W., etirltelin
('mONTISUCato Iniaoael 7 geom./ b.,,,,i.
nen, especially in ilia purchase gild , on .
an Manufactures and Produce, and in g tad
forwarding (Hun& consigned to hi. ca re. of (or
the Mnoulnettiree, to wlll be CoitiOntOly I d n ay
the prniclpal articles of l'iltsbergh Nine at the
lowest Wl:Wk....iv 'lnce*. Orden, and a a
are respectittily rrentened. • , _ - .07
A 7 e 0,77.7
0. la CO
‘,. •021.
4 JOFTSM. •LTH, Ohio Cenrunmaton and ding
A Merchant, and Produce Dealer. hold to
the Purchase, Sale and Dhtpment of Pig I 9 &,,,,,
awn lln
Henry (7
D. Leech /
Clarice &
Atwood, Immo &
Lorenz, Sterung A Co., E t'
WAR Lduallay k. Co..
14 00, Short , A Co.,
tr 1-4.1101, 0.
Line of limbargd, P Liam of t.
NO. N ;NON? MIMI, .002 14110•DWAY, CIS
Refer to Merchants generally, Piiialm
FORWEnhu Artllteineilbhlo3 Its
Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns & Pi
so le WouD new, rllll3.Raii.
Oder to sell at either estabitstament, an kb
elevates, at the lowest.step 01 CoMfoisalo
always prepared to make advances. The be
re...spree if moulted. Letters addrea •
house, will be prothially attended to.
a. 1106IZS LOVe. C.: V.
Produce and Commission Mere ,
No. A, liqeur's Row, Lichange Place, •
hula ra-1. vulvas., Sanders 6 Co., John K.
Huhn Jeninue, etalumorci AL Alleo & Co, Sol ;
coax, llumpton, Smith & Co., Stanchicu & %VW
burgh: A J Wneeler, T Caltnuttnneseci S Co.
reed. vuosreatu,
And DlAnulactiarers of Mussed
No. '4l Lolumbie erect,
e.pll4lT (Lrartarta paid for FlAcmcd...ol
Porwarding De re
went, Borw issvEll
Attends parileitserl, lo rr of ' •
die. Sr.
For &by ndbrmatwo, apply In FORS/7/1 et;
I CAN NV•ier et.
w Alarm[ors, w.
40 %Voter LLLLL 1,
HT. Lome,
Wafpve pthoular attention to the selling •
duce, nod to orates (or purttilwll4.
Rain To—Gcotga Alorgan CO.; Pittsburgh,
Voit'llfkitS&LX PIWVIS/t)
Nos. 105 anti 107 booties Wll/00/
itortabscro—Alerehants of Pittsburgh. •
nnKlc& CO. mor29-ill
NN, E have taseu m othco inunediataly oppo
our burnt wuenousa, for me present, Who •
wal trans. , . business as usual, Linnl a new house
Le traded, arungentents having Mundy been
for that putpose. Boats will always bo m teilLatte
our wharf to receive freight.
n. Canal Mum. Liberty
to Heed, Hurd k t 0.,)
al Poznanlar Went= paui 111:1 tha inlenal/s of Wum le nd ti
. adosneo. nude on ca
taper, Station
s; among which
1 common qu'lt's
do do
do do
teel Pens;
L°GAN & KENNEDY have this day esso e ,,,, e d
with them In the Hardware badness, Philip Wil
son sod Edward Gregg.. The style of firm will here
after be Logan, Wilson & Co. This 217augement ren
ders it desirable to close Om; gild business us soon as
peon/a. All persons whiditdlnbilines bass matured,
are especially requested to tttaite inimodiate paymenc
Pitisbor A h, !on 1, 1849.
T OGAN, WILSON & CO.—importers and
Weificsale Dealers in Foreig - n and Domestic Hard
ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, ha, 129, Wood meat, Pitt.
burghlare now fully prepared pith • receuily
ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, has.,to oiler very great
inducements to western buyers, being determured to
compete in prices wth any of the Atlantic cities. Al.
eo ou hand as extensive assortment of l'insbuigh Hard
ware, six; Shovel., Spades, Forks, Hoe., Viees, he.,
all of which will be sold at the lowest manufacturer's
prices. joist
wyapping . paper;
t, Smith,l3toct
-1, Alorset,GoOd
mt, ivem, mud
, above 4th.
mired rag.,
apt 6
. ... .....
THE mince ben having recently entered into
partnership ander the name of Gal usher, long,
& Miller, for the purpose of carrying ott the Hell
nod Bran Founding and Gas Fining badness its
all its branches, have taken the stand formerly oceu
pied by H. Gallagher, No. 109 Front street, between
Wood and Smithfield sta., where they are prepared to
execute all orders tor Delhi, grass Castings, of every
di:4,6o°n, and Oni Fatinge with =men and dew
patch. Steamboat jobbing prominly attended to.
P. H. Mit-LEIL
N. 11—The nuention of Machinists nod Engineers Is
Invited to our anti-attraction metal, fora reduced price,
which has been prominneed superior to Rabbit's by
numbers who have used both. Steambontbralders and
thepublie, generally, are al co requested to call and ex•
amine our superior doable betion Force Pump. for
steamboat and domestic a •e.
Mi o r
q with
genius u =a
and a
till= Harvey.
tit Ezgtsr i neres, d
';mope Indexes,
pocalypse; 60
VcrF do? usa of
2tainizTe;. — *
Eve—A fairy tale of
1! F .res nh :
rite% and 3d ate
Tpartnership so long existing under the firm of
j hl'Cord & King, wets by mantel consent dissolved
on the lst inst. The will ho closed at the old
stand by either of no, using the name of the firm 1 , ,
that purpose. Being desirous to ha re our boob , " •
cloned with es little delay, no possible we would t.
speetfully request those indebted to Call and settle
their accounts. JOHN I)..II'CORD.
1125 H. It RING
diecomnica end theft
hi Mitchell, M
ne.—Letters from Italy,
iesdloy, author of Na
-ton sad his Genhr
TOHN &FW RD having associated with him las
Itir brother Dunes &Cord, under the style of Al'Cord
& Co., will cantina the Hat, Cap and Fur buntneess is
all as rations branches, wholesale nod retail, at the
old stand, corner of Wood and sth streets, hera they
rotten • continuation of the patronage so liberally be
edges, and lltSlan.• stowed on the old ban JOHN D ta , CORD.
lie; prepared by Rich. ASS JAMES S. M'CORD.
ratddcal and Goologi
tmitiblea or fogad feel;
•shuns of the rations
employed in arts and
tLoN roofing from the old and well known firm of
&Mord it King, I most tespoodlly recommend
patronage of the public my auccessors, Meat
. filioord re Co. jak3 H. D. KING.
W. 13TETIIS of Wbeelmg, It Shamberger
ofJoniata, a nds. A. Stockton of Pittsbrugh, have
this day entered int. co.parmership under style mid
hem of Stephen; Shoenberger tr. Co., at the Anchor
leoo work; Wheeling, Va., tor the purpose mann
factoring iron and nails of every dewripdon.
torleal conneethan
[Wiggling, W.
Alenufacture all kind of toles, sheet, b. iron and
nnils, A. B. steal ill y . sunp u and ules. Being con
nected with Shoeubergres old Juniata worku we can
eller an article of Juniata iron (branded Shoenbargerl
equal to any made in the country. Ail of which will
be sold at the Pntsbargh prices. Warehouse of Una
works corner of Alontoe and %Vault au, mytl
Drssoz. UTION—Tbe partuninp htmerio exiii
ing under the style end arm of Menu. 6 Del
ui this day dissolved by mutual conunt, John mi•
sell having disposed of his con. inisran to IL Wight
man. The business of the hue End will he actilwl by
Wightmun who ts authorized to use the ruse of Ilse
late funs for that purpose. FL WIMITMAN.
spew holy 1 IT( 1 DALZELL.
1121 MEI
TILE Stthae , ftwe is now prepared to inanntactass all
kind. of Cotton and Wooleu Machinery, at the &honest
nonce. Goitre left at R. Wigtanssole kleguie Sidon, cob
net Liberty and Water MCC°, will meet with prompt
Leacok at., between Federal and bandaslry eta.,
epc2Odty Allegheny city.
Ds.luurntoo- , tx. ipsaincretup existing bowmen
ath sidaseriberz, under the aryls. of Poindexter k
t.%) dissolved on the Lai hy nautual Consent.
K. W. Poindexter is enthomed to mule ad the business
NOTICE—Hay:dr putehssod the enure totem. of C
H. Want, tt, We law cosec re of Poindexter k Co., awl
as/wedded my an, Theodore Poindexter, with ow, We
saltness /owl we co/mooed as moat under lete style of
Pooutesser a Co, !my It ht POINDEXTER._
14, E
7 UFIC.,Moses Marchtleid has an wwrest ostlse
11 Dry Goode ltsamews conducted tit thd tome of M.
tordersevied, earner of Fiturda sod Market cis, Piew
burgh, conmenews Feb. 4, lei. The bowness for the
present wail he esti:Meted udder the tomer style of
ma }I W It Ml, RPII
10•VAIIT9E68IIIP Wm_ 11 mac ttani7l7l7M .
1,,/ day alitommeni man ttn.John R Wearta, Melts-
Mar &mums mai Itrynatter . conducted altder LG
firm of V. Young k. Co. WILLIJOII YOUNG.
mat JNO K 31'CliNItt.
Jayne* , kf, xpec normal. -
Salta, Columbiana co .0. Apr. 24, I:41.
Dft. a JA I'NEIS: bun rtta—l feel Lon to yms
and the salami manic, to avail myself of this opt
porn:may Miriam; publicrty to the eannordmary effect.
of you Expectorant en art - welt Hama; been aglimed
for meant years with • severe coggh. brow a i d
and as coneenutant diseases, and sunned only doomed
to linger oat a short but miserable existence, mail the
fall of taA, when, homy more sesetely •aulted, and
laving marred to ail my former remedies. mid the pm.
script.. of two of the moo respectable phy ewes in
the ne.gbletrhood without Jenson; an, benefit. or the
consolation of untying Ma a few days or weeks at
farthest—when the tut gleam of hope was about hi
vantsh, 1 had rotoottnecidrtl to me your Expectorant
and blessed by that beteg who doe• all thongs to We
nN of the means—and montrerg to the upecualonv of
my phyoeiens and friends. I was 100 few day. raised
from my bed. and wu enabled by tae use of a Culla to
attend to my business, enloying once Miner health than
I had ter tau years previous.
liteipentlhay yo.tru, be, J. Vv. Emu_
For sale In Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 72
Fourth strut. mar./
if A VT. naloca, A. it MLA, N. Y. City.
IL 4 FLAArirrou.ll . lAstAtrgd.
tit FAA:mg-Inc,
Whokosolo Drug in the City of
Now York.
I TV Wholesale • b " uatil ' 10°
Pan city of Now los& and are prepay& to supply
Druggmot and country Mambas. with 0114, Parma,
Oita, llye-aturre, Fore an and American I. futnery,
!Mader, Wenver hlandery Chemicant, lof then own
importation) and all other moles tit them line of hi:ei
nem. of a .uperfor quality as low aa they can bmpur
eh•sed rq thm or any eastern city.
New Vent, reblo 11. A. FAILNFSFOCK ✓r Co.
RLaraiteoes Chrome Grass.
undorsignod, Painters and Mad )takers, of the say
on New York, have used and tested, and are now mom
• new much, of Chrome Green, manometured by Geo.
K new
of this city, and foul it to work weal. pro
ducing • hoe bnlimat Pan. Green appearance, with •
very supenes body, and recommend it to our brethren
an the Trade as in every partichiar the hest Chrome
Green we have ever ased. New York, June 1,'47.
Signed bygt farms of practleal painters of the coy of
New York. This anequalted Chrome Green may be
had of R. E SELLFRS, No 77 Wood street, who has
file occlusive agency for Its sale in Pittiberga mar I 3
A Flue Sot of Toirfh for 93 Ceuta.
V GUMS.—Yellow sad unhealthy., teeth, after be
ing once or twice cleaned with Jolla,' Amber !Oath
Vesta have the appearance of the most oviautiful ivory,
and at the same time Ito so perfectly itatement sad si
Vusitely hoe, that to constant daily use is highly ad
vaittegeous, even to those Meth Mat are hi a good con
dition, 'flying them a beaulffal polish, and preventing a
premature deny. These Greedy decayed it prevents
honk becoming worse—it MAO Wiens mach as are be
coming home. and try perseverance it will render the
foulest Meth delicately wlute, and make the breath da
helously sweet. Bold by WhI.JACKHuN, vS lab.ny
street. mard9
_PEW weeks duce, one of children, aged about
jajl4o WY %unveil for .veral days, and the
Lines. increased so alarmingly that I feared death
would be the result. ll•ving beard of the good effects
of Fattnestoell'a Vern:Una when administered to the
children of my ne.ghbors, and thualung my child ought
have worms, Wow some of the symptoms, 1 gave It one
and a halt teaspoonfuls of the Vermituge, and to my
real astonishment it almost immediately &taunted
between 50.0 an toSo large worm. Itshealth was soon
restored, and it Is now remarkably well. Previous to
taking the Vernufuge, the worms would occastonally
nw to its throat, and I ofteo feared it would the 110111
strungulnuon, JAS. U. DAIV: 4 ON.
Tionesta, Venango co, Pa., April 3, `4B.
LOOK HERE= the followiong e
tao, mruft.icoate,
ills is to comfy that my lit=anghter woo agita tai
with worms, and that 1 tried several vemediet, ao cal
led, wabout any apparent effect Being informed by
the agent in this place of the !access of aellere,Verml
fuge; was induced to give It a trial. idler giving
few dose., according to direcuons, my daughter wire
relieved. I have no maitation in giving as my opin
ion, that Sellers' Varatirage to the best extant
Praareal and wild by R. E Sellars,
Cony, at.,
Sold a t t., by Ur. Caasel, Gth Ward, U. M. Alto.
gooey, end Wm. J. Smith, Temperaucerille. iy3
Popular, becalms Good!
C. Serm_ ,o Jefferson Co, Po, &torch I, IMO.
ltir alt E, SY.LI STS -1 have =ally sold all IMO VW ,
colfuge and Cough Syrup you sent me. Your Yet
nuittge is without exception the best eta? Offered in this
neighborhood, having proved good wherever used.—
The Cough Syrup and Laver Pills have also given um.
istiction Your oh't servt, J Sairr,
Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS,b7 Wood at.;
sold by De Cassel, fah Ward, D of Curry, Allegheny; Cs
%V J Schuh, 'rem, .raneeville, Mars
OINTAIENT to the meet edectnal remedy before
the panne for the cure of letter, itch, dry and watery
pimples of the lace, neck and body, acsly eruptions,
and all other diseases of the skin. Thm Ointment to
warranted free from merdury, le perfectly stire, sad
may be used et nil times and wider all circumstances.
li iresh supply of Oda valuable remedy received and
for sale by, i/ A FAHNEsTOCK le Co,
L corner of Ist and wood; also, comceof nai and wood
• sheet.. ml
a %OR INVALIDS AND INFANTll.—Wbstney'e 4r.
i row Root Rusk Powder, a delicious and Suably
slari .ll, l.lo . lll , :td . ,:lne u : n er de tur ba nlcid d. oL th :7:::
tam now utuversal y recommended [ITU:m.I.IIIw in
reference to Omni, Sago, Topmee, hr Vide Alm.
slid., and a more strengthening sad' wholctrome food
r haunts. For sale by It IS SLI , g....F w .M .
HE undersigned haring been appointee Idle agoras
for the sale of Ilurektuirdt & LON superlor Lard
IL will keep eoustautly on bead a large supplymniab
ey will famish to dealers at the lowest market pried
1 KW!) a Co
ANILLA. DeANS—Gt lb. fresh Venilla gleans, .1
a very superior qiuulty, end w prime order, jail
calved direct from lactic°. Confeetionvs, We cream
, and others eau ba supplied vary low by Ws
salty, by B a_PolthlESTuCli a Co,
cornetist and wood its
ciTTLE coaKs—io bales reed audtra
. » _ ~ ti -:y , . , . #F; Hr.:;K_-: w.> =F t .~ - ..:_—iz:t~ :.. .o..a<~i'e t
^'"s`:.. _r~t.....~.,....a-.:......~ns '_,,~M;~ear~tcE,. -k'~~' 'w's-._ ..;w ,~....,,,,. -~,.....,;~ _ Y:':`^.: ~ ...r"`°i;
7000 LTD THIIIIITOIL andsnintraL
THIS establishment long widely Imam se
being one of the Man commodietta in the city of
Dahlman,. has recently undergone very atm.
sive alterations and improvements. An, enure new
wing has been added, containing nornerons and nill
sleeping apertmenta and extensive bathing mints.
The Ladies' department has thee butt ,tedllddiT
reorganized and hued up in a most unique and be ams.
rut myth. In foes the whole erre-gernent of the Hones
hes been remolded, with a Single eye on the parlor
the . pinprietera towards the newton and pleasure of
thew Guest; and which they cond.demly anaelT will
challenge conversant with any Hotel in the UnlTt.
Their table ..11l always be supplied with every sub.
startled and luxury which the marked affords, served
op in a superior style. ' while In the way of Wines, IC,
they still not be surpesuil.
In conclusion the pnaprietors beg to say, thumbing
will be left undone on their part, and on the, partofthen
asaistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends pod the pablie generally.
The pmes for board hove also been reduced to the
following mew
Ladies' Ordinar y. 11,76 per day.
Gentlemen's 460
N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the Haim will al.
ways be found at the Cat and Steamboat Landings,
which will convey baggage to and front the Hotel, free
eche • . maythf
comma or raga .an sr. ciatarls., rrirsainton, rs.
2 The subscriber having assumed the manage
ment of this long establtehed and popular Hotel,
respectfully announces to Travellers and the
Public generally, Mni he will be at all times pirepared
to accommodate them In all things damnable s well
regulated Hotel. The House is now
f betthoolrrbtlw tiX3
pea willtare o mate Elchange one
of the
eery ben Howls in the country.
The undersigned respectfully vandal a continuance
of the very nand patronage the House hag hereto
received. THOMAS OWSTON,
febadtf Propretor.
.14111.001011011TOLPS GALT 110170 E,
APIIB THROCIMIWN begs to acquaint his
friends that he is again knee of the GALT
HOLM -', Louisville, Ky., where he hopes to meet
all old friends, ossurnig them and the public, that
no bffort elan be snared to make all co:atonable who
farm him Trait theluatronage. ITTallty
---.---- VN - T'T T R.D STATE.* 1110TML,
causer sr., arrtvzsm rooms tub neva .
r i PP 9 S I TP. late Hank of
POPE MITCHELL, Stares, , Phila.
‘j eua d rflr ' Proprietor.
W H"IiR- t C t ' Z d IZT 'Ur T .
(OPLthepua4cittly araerTp n
..te nt between Federal aa danduskp meets Thep
are now making and are prepared to receive orden for
every dna-Nitwit ofvehicles, Coaches, Charicd'a /3a
touches, Ikaspes, Plutons, he , whieh from their
tad fii ' crlru " mi m ley havelheyfeel or eonfident " thel e al
enabled to do work on the most reasonabte terms with
those aratiming arucies to their hoe_
Paying panneular attention to the select/on of male
nuts, and haring none but competent workmers they
hare no hesitation in warrantutg their work. We
therefore not the attention of the public to tbs. matter.
N. a Repturtng done na the best manner, sod on the
mom reakoliable wrens ieltf
Stockholders, talc, Notice
THE SuiektoHerein th e Youghiogheny Namganon
Company are hereby notified end required to pay
tokir. Junes Hamilton. the Treasurer of the Company,
the torn of Ten per cent. on each share of their motet,
to or before the Phh day of July neat, and a further
sot of Ten per cent. an or before the WM day of Au.
gnu next. The stockholder. will also take nonce, Mat
the law authorises the collection of One per cent. per
month, on ittmalments pot pitnclually made, which. if
found necessary, will be enforced. By order ot the
Board. ALEX PLUMItak Press
J ROuvn, kee'Y•
‘ l . LE:s t R Y l4 — L tet v s e t v
aYatcbe d o at 8.,
douched do; odo ',pine; llSilver Patent Lever dot
X/ do detached do, 6do Lepuce do, to Gold Guard
Chains, beet qmltly.
Also, • goad msommeni of Breast Pins, Ear Bongs,
Pinter Ring., Dold Pa ve
be Pencils.
The above goods have been received with the last
bee week., and will be sold at reduced prem. Per.
waking to pantheon • good sod cheap Watch,
would do well to call previous to purchasing
EDILGIA NANKIN., &c —W R Murphy hat letth•
in a few d•yereceived an additional mpply of
Lansdale Natant. Mid wittiest fine bleached Brine,
comalha do, nottleached do, hoe Long Cloth Stormy.
Into Lipens, (very beef imitate Cotton Roan, lead tof f
Ms Paper Carchnra, he . at the Dry Goods Hon., N
II corner ilk and Market streets
Er:r Whole... Rooms op stoat. /TilD
111113 is to cemfy dm I purchased one nal of Dr.
itoLanel Worm Spect6c. too TWO months ago
sod VIM to a WC 01 moo, soma 10000 TWO old, two
northers full, and anbough too &mount may appear
sago, yet I hove no doubt but then was onwards at
me 111.0a0li MAC= nomad bout brotium tg
ems mg Quarter of =lnch In two inches .
O W now AY.
Rau s '
Cribb Carrol co, Tenn, Doc V, to l 7. 1.91
reehltag, Cupping sad . ple.itn,"
I. l.l:lZUl.9. ° 7:teretts it or to 1t 314 tri;11.,.. )
No CO Illth moot, between Wood and ituta•
Frost lecuties careered rnonittiy--ationdauce ail
Se! this phyotetans of Pa:stare, Ate
&coy and itirrnnigham.
I Ma theerfallyfil#o6ll3.lll/ WI the physientiv,fam-
Mos and ail my (wow (nerds and mamma, Mr. IL' li
Norris as awns thoroughly acquainted with we busi
ness aoCanarthy of patronage
inar-ily St IL DLI-ANY.
Bingselanatured Tobacco.
FIXS Gentry A Hoy ater's superior swum 5 lan
"IQ 20 do 01 A Bantle*
111 la do Pries A HarwoodN - 5
91 do do do 16 -
13 do do Pearl A Harwood • - sAlb -
14 do./ Robinson
57 hi do do
OS do do Wm Dawson
93 do T Wnght's
37 do 0 Anderson
9 do L T Darbe's
5 do R klacon's
9 do Mueller
1.1 landing from steamer and packets, and (or sale
41 north water st mud IS north whams,
1021 rlsslatielphia
A I 4 IF. N L :F n A . 's oupanor svrec ß t A lf lumps . ht
73 bolt boo Webster Old supenor sweet S. lumps
36 " Lawrence Lamer Sit
^ (Mossy & Iloss•er - 3s & 6s
00 - Crapout ids la Ease, as •
Sle Lood
00 " Lawrence Lome, ' 5s & 6. plop
Just landing Rom steams', and (or sale by
41 N water st and 16N vultures,
rny3l Philadelphia.
PAPE:It—Mt bat . Straw Wrapping Paper, all saes,
oral reama ruled Cap W slung Paper,
9m- ruled and pia. letter do, all qualms., ;
100 " Flat Cap;
OW " medium Tea Paper,
150 gross whim and Moe & white Bonnet Boards;
101 reams Merolla Eloveiope Paper - ,
60 - Ilsadararo Paper pest reed and for
sale low by REtNOLDS 4 BE+IE.
my3:dam corner peon and amen to
_ . _
ANI:FiCTIi RE!) TOBACCO-Instore and to ar
ealrive, the Allowing brands of Tobacco, comugn
ments fecm manufactarera of Redmond and Lyra:l-
,0,6, heat s w it
be aold to the trade at reduced rates.
;3 las mn Se;
60 do John Rucker de;
110 do Hong & Duna 14 6. and es,
31 do L James fa;
10 do 1L R. Warwick fla
19 do J. M. Stawardl+ and es;
17 do James Madaon sa. L 8 WATERMAN
Lugt 21 seater and B front it.
BE subscriber offers for sale a fell usorrosera of
bit Ship.' Patent Blocks, Starea, in., rulapted to
We trade. Also, complota sew of Mocks, adapted to
veuela of arty capacity, put Up and Rawarded to any
part of..*Pe. Union, without delay and an the lowest pn
LiLINUM VIT.& for sale in quantities to sou
purchases , GED W STAPLES,
api4M3raerTAS 36 Burling Slip, New York
A A CASKS Jac Aluspnut & 3ou's brands, just land
tug tram stemmas Nortbern Light, and (or sal. by
myth IGO libeny st
JJ the manolemory, Ltritannia Coffee Pots; do Tea
do; do Sugar Bowie and Cream Cum do 81op dm, du
ludo Piteeers, with letr, do Mimes dodo; do Coffee
Ufa*, with lamps. For tale at low priced.
GILL k (JETTY, dirt Big Pitcher.
CARKS just lending from steamer North Carol'.
slar ha gad for sale by
160 hherty street
.J. vest spnng and sammer Medicine, Ihts day reed
mad tor sale wholesale and retail, by . . .
N. /I —As R. E. 8. is Dr. Tosonzend's only won for
Polnbar_gh, the pontos gruel* may always be bad at
No Waal streeL tuyl3
DUTTON* FUR LAMES' DAMES, of the follow
ing 'bade, vim-8a irradnated leaf prop buttons;
itroodertbourgh Vantateel dm Coalition do, T.OOOI
and Drop do; Nen end Plant do, together with white
and eol'a I.iuea , for tale at Ffi EATON & CoNt
Trimming glom market at
.1,41"oC 6. lump
o o,• 16 do &Ilene. do do do 10 do Ira Hurt.
do do do; Alyor's lb do do; d 5 J o Fedor .' hooey
do* S. ping; 12 mum, 96 dwarf boxes Myer'. supers...
Anonattc ON CO do, 41.1 do do Thomas. Neetat Leaf do;
just receseed ood for sale by
100 DUI Cora ltroornai cask. Vol Ash; 51)dox
Tow Yard; IVOltra ileuwa.o bza No !Soap;
Lai do o u Candles; la do Pint Flasde; 310 WA. ued
Nos Loaf Suter, for male by
Co.Partaxershlp Notice. *
trEALD, IJIICIUYua O. CO. !ma sasionauid with
IheLo In their Tobaaoo and Coadniiition bitsineu,
tAtionul Heald, (late of Jacob Heald fr, Co, Baltimore,)
David O. tdeCammon, and Julys A. Warner, 03715
EOR Kra,asiitAAfla AND HOTEL S—We hue
ballet a large assortment of kart Walla WM!, sail
n for numinous and hotel*, anima we will uil
DILL d. atsTrv,
sign alike Lig YitaligHoroi_d_
MANTAU ttIiSFIONS —An assortment et oiit
end cold ragman and rtstin Wigton% opened yes
idrday, and offered low by We dome at wholesale
room of W AIURNIY,
but northeast oor 4th and market it sal story
DACON—IO Ulla yeltok aarytasaad L&YuYti lo do
j) &dui :0 do Uhoyldara, all of puma quality.
jeld SEL.A.EitS & NICOLS
Nil M 3 AND PELIALEPORK-10 bbls Mum Pulci
01 do paw doi for sale by
isle•A " & NIGOLS
WARTA= ACID-4 lbs, of ,a Roman quality, re
j. caved sad for sale by
of*. 'LIZ mamas Wyoming-for We on - seem,
wasting mum. pasucalsrasuoiCuns of
5 is 5711.5%8.400H,
Vl3l4lmarentlytons am
- • -
(Larel 8 StricklerCo.)-
IIiaItiIIFACTURMI. of Ptursit' fire proof easy
lost aide, woad areas bereseireViroodi an au
Sauthifield Pittsburgh. J s Strickler 60'14
arid the sasuieisar partner Mr. los Lippetteolt,Vrt
associated himself with Kt. Wm C Barr, Om Inuloose
will hereafter be emsitteted ander the torte of PPEiail•
eau & Cam
Trial of. .alb tut:Semi man, the seders*•
ed were present at the-testing of one ef .1 8 &riskier&
Co's improved Phatuis lireitroof safes. The ea* was
planed in a furnace on the pubtle landing, =ld sahlectral
tOtinthstettsei hem of Owns real fire Tor moral than
three hours. lu one hour and a half Lbw elf, came to
bright rod heat; the door, of the anthem thee
closed, which caused an Inerliaied end maser beat for
the balm. of the time, until the east Iran wheels wont
partially melted of the furnace was then thrown down
nod the Moe enoW acid opened. 'lto money, PZ"
and: books which contained wens
gg the :peke% n
Flee t her t iu ; , ,, the binding. only of the hitl ve htl e In
teeltititin to reerimlllal trio the !labile as a safe
superior to any one have even Men tested 6
oW elea li
cn e
" . t., °
Sating.' Whitman, worthinsum, lulog
We, the anden4ned, selected the safe spoken of
above, from a lot In the .tom of Truher & Anhui, the
1 41fvras C 9 SPAINGEB'
I .
Refer to Cook & Harris, Broken, Pittsb KELLDG urgh;
Nosey Hanna! COOds, do DlClrLlertyS
rai urrencorr. 1011 X D. VICK. C a non..
ITANUFAC i LIRERS of Hammered and Cate &eel
AL Shovels and Spades, axes and Hatchets: Mill, SI
Cut, Circular and Gm Saws, Hay and Manure Forks,
Hoes, Maxtocka, Picks, &e.-, ha ht/ completed all their
artangtonente in the construction of now machinery,
arid in securin the best workmen from the most cele
brated cast eau Of the Ent steams cuanufaettu ,
log and will keep constantly 041 hood and for elle all
the atone articles, haying availed um: selves of the
latest improvements, sod are determined that in work.
°unship and materiel they will not be excelled. They
promise to produce arty as equal, if not superior, to
any that can be had in the Eas.. They invite the atten
tion of dealers to an ezanunation of their stock before
purehasing elsewhere, as they are convinced that they
will be able to fill all orders in their line to the entire
satisfaction of purchasers. Warehoutle, Wmer "Mt,
4 doors West Monongahela House, Pittaburgh, Pa
N. a—Persons having business with' W. Ltppen
con t Sou W.ll please call an Llppeccou & Co.
Pittsburgh iursilturoW.ri Room*,
IS, Tam snare. ,
Ai . .S(la. A large and aplomb/I assortment of Foul•
lure, savable for Steamboats, Hotels ILIA pri•
rue dwellings, constantly on band and
made Co artier.
Tin Present stock on band CILIUM be exceeded by
any. manufactory in the western country. Pawns
artshtug to intreEue would do well to give me a call,
as I ant determined my pnces shall please. Part al
the stock Conital, in—
30 sofas enth Plush and 11air.ololh roams;
dos Mahogany Sumo Chaim
14 pair Divans;
10 do: doe mahogany Chairs;
11 mahogany Work Sunda;
3 do: mahogany Ducting Cluarg •
- 15 =utak, top Dressing Ltureema;
8 pair Onoruans;
8 marble top Work Stand.; _,.—..
IS cherry Work esandai
Mahogany, Staple, Cherry, and Poplar Bedstead. of
all de ertpuom. and • large msortment of common
forsentre ono chasm, too manterotm to mention.
PPHEY are not aware how hightfullyinjustous ii is ts
J. the akin—how coarse, how rough, how ealber, yel
low and unhealthy the skin appears Uter using prepar.
pared chalk' Resides Itu injurious, containing • large
quantityof lead!
We have pimps:tit a beatuditi vegetable article,
in perfectly innocent, being purified of WA &hilarious
qua/Ales, and it Imparts to the akin a neutral, healthy.
alabuter, clear, living w hite; at the same time &this
as • come& ou the she. making it sort and smooth.
Dr. Js Anderson Pub& Cbenust of Massa.
&mutt. says: “Atter aunly.iug Imes' Spanish Lily
White, I end it pouesses toe mot beautiful tad &to.
rut. and at the MUM time inuctoelit white I eves saw. /
certainly can couscienuotally recommend to an to ail
whose skin rcq SM. beautifying.. Price, 55 cuts G
boa. Sold by WM. JACKBON,PJ Liberty et. meal
Pitt Machin* W
TORS WRIG HT Co., are prepared to baud Cotton
gl and Woolen !rlnchinery of ever• deserting.; such
as CArdang Machine., Spanning Frames, speeders
Dravrlng Frame., Railway Heada Warpers, spoolers,
Dressing Frames, Loonts. CuilGrtnders, foe Wrougta
Iron Shantng turned, all.. of Coot Iron. Pulite. nud
Hangers oi me latest p.m.., Cade and hunt Lathes
and toots of all Kinds coatings of every desortpuon
formatted au abort nonce. Patterns made to order For
}With...ring. Iron anding. to Steam Pipe for heat.
tog Factor - tea, Cast Orde r siow Salt and fancy Casa
goner *ta r t . len at the Waretionsa of I
Palmer At Cer, Lrberry attn., ard.l leave prompt anat.
Hetet to Illarksext, Bell & Co, J K. Moorehead &
Co, G Visor:ter, /oho Irorto & Sone, ?Auto:HO ;Q.
C. & J H Warner, Stew:K.llvolt, Auld
Spring, !kale, *Heel and Iron Works.
lULE HAIL Co., baring completed
‘,./ weir new works, •,rt now prepared to =none
tun ever 7 descnplion of Cinch and hippo %Lip,
lion Axles, Ann-Beam Blister. SWIM and ifti
Bwel, and all nee. of moan , enure and round Imo.
winch Buie oder for gale no liberal terms, at their ware
house, No 43 Wow d streo,, where May also keep Oa
hood • eumplete aid handsome nsonment of Coach
Trimmings , Camalle Hardware, Malleable Canino,
Nam and lion.
C. IL& Co., beet made arrangements velth War.
Day &Crone, manufacturers of novels, gpades, Forks.
ie.. end vrtll keep constantly on band every snit.
made by teem. Dealers are spectfully soltettat to
ail, as pricer and isms srul be re made bberati. jrO
JOSE.SII WM/DWELL, corner of
Wood and ad sta. Plusburgt.
attr,draant from the firm of
eon , rucalsrell, on mu to of January, 1047, I
take pleasure in announcing to my friends m toe city
and country. that I nave opened my new store at the
above lamed place.. Haring purchased my goods for
cash, and made arrangements with manulacturess to
tbs. ro any and to Europe to be constantly supphed,
I ant rally prepared to turrosn Hardware of all kinds,
no good terms and low as any house East or
West. filorchants and others are respectfully turned
to call sad humane ray stuck. before purchasing else..
where 'Ube folkoortng convenors a part of his stock:
Steamboat and saddlery hardware, gun. trimarans,
files, Naylor's steel, cutlery, edge toola ',ells, vice{
lucks, late hea scythes, butt Wage 6, screw., Union tar/-
tory planes, saws. mahogany Loud. Lod crofters, and
on Other 11111 a k. GOtllleCled woe the hardware bust.
se. •
Cif tl•gue [elan Gallery.
10101) 51... MOT Opines 00111.1.0.
NODE begs leave to inform theunseals of Pitts
, burgh and neinsty, th at he hai taten the Inguer
rtAb Roomsly occupied by Mr. Pones. The pub
lic an ensued that all the lase unproven:seals are nea
red, and will Lie brought into operniou by Mr. Hoge.
has been a connuit operator since the an was
bin dsnovermi. Entire satininuon In guaranteed in
all who may become bas patrons. Me. tl. argil refer
with pleasure to ildri Porter, no whose establinuneut he
hes operated for the last twelve months. ranllly Poe.
trans. Engraving., Laguerrnlypes, de,ncurately
copied. Likenesses taken in any wea th er, and set tst
lockets, breast pins, eons and limns.
Inatrueuotka given In every ',mach of Ihe an, and att•
parauks flarnlabed. telettf
DRY 000Ds MERCILLCTS- - A A Mast - 77"d
J. Co, nil Market at, hove received 6 oases of cheap
punted Lawns and Muslin', n Cale. of French do,
g at
every variety of style, to ceses of genad style tha ,
barns, ado nen , .kyle } Prima, 4 do blue and orange Cat
woes, 30 do bleached hlueluta, all widths. Also, eases
bleached, brown and aloe Cottonadea, Cheeks.
Gingham., /cc. de., all at which will be offered at the
lowest Kasten, 'wholesale puce & myl
--- Postai—
. . .
71 IVIGHTNIAIi--Alannistemrer or all lands of eop
ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa
Tie above works being now in lull and succeasiul op
eration / no prepared in ',lacuna ornery wall dispatch
for all kinds. of machinery in my lute, such as willowl,
pickers, spreaders, cords, grinding machines, railways,
drawmg names, speeders, throng., looms, woolen
cards, double or single, lar morcheat or country work,
mules, pie km, &e; did d nand lathe. and-tools In gri n.
All kind* of shading made In order, or plans giv
en fur gearing factories or mill. al reavaLable charge.
Rio. to—Kennedy, Childs & Co, Illackstook, ooh
Co,Klll . g, Pennock A. Co.. Jas. A. Gray.
... •• .
A FI'L WS, Bell mid Brads Fouuder, b•A re
burls and commenced busmen al hid old nand,
when be WILL be pleued to SOO ha old CLIStOrA•
on and blends.
Cherub, riteambeat, and Bella of every Wee, from to
to Worm, pounds, Oast Wow patterns to them:tat tapproe
ed models and warranted to he of the beat materia/a.
?Amara Wetter Pumps, Counters, Haulms, we., toga
ther with every vas ray ut brass easunits, it required,
turned and finished in the neaten
'lt. F. is the sole propnetor of irstinrre Awn-Arnu•
TION Omit, so Justly celebrated tar the raducuou of
notion in machinery. The boxes and COMpOIUi.
can Ire had of tom at all time. UAL_
Ploughs, Plough educin g ., Wagon
Homes, sea
- ttobEtu tiALI, of the old
Eno of It S. S. Hall, la manor.-
turtug lame gu• att 11e• of
Ploughs, ?tough Cardutgs, Wag
-0o hobo., Sc.,wou the tomproveureuts of the Leaver.
reuwelL llllroth, nod other Sloughs, of the threat and
hest putterds now to use.
K urersouse, 100 I..luerty street, Pittsburgh, opposite
the Hoy Swine; Factory, in Allegheny city, max t h e
lotto, Factory of Messrs. ttlockstoct,ktel. 3 Co.
tic tiny
w. ilkJ. 1;k515i, - liiio — Fr.
wI; arc mud finzaged we misuse busbies., corner
of Wood Mad lit id streets, Pittsburgh, where
we ego prepared to do .4 work in our boo with dca
patch. We tittcud to our work personalty, and satis
faction will be given in regard to 0* neatness and do
Blank !looks ruled to any pattern and bound nub.
manually. Mocker In nutooers or oat boot. bound can
lolly or rupaarr,l.. Nam. put on book, to gat letteN.
'1 kot toot UOOO work to our Ulm air inytted to call.
Prrregi low. _ cor.Aktr
St.li4y. &ad
THE 81OCCUaluct. En we Dula) . dud cleaver Calla!
Company, are beret. ) nauded that In eleatiou tar
usreetoteol aald.Cotormay Wilt at. holdeo oa
uay, the Kb day Or Augnin neat, at tat Canal Oat., in
,ow Labatt, (Ado, between we hoar 0(10 o'clock, AL
100 l a o'clock, I t . NI, of mod day.
CHAO. u. HOSTE77I3I I / 4
jyholtd twersdary d /1. C
Cast rand Wrong/it Iron ktolllnit.
sobscrioem am preparad to execute omen up.
j on saroratne terms tor every description at bon
lualing, for naleontre, Cemetenes, Ceurertea, em. Br
Craig st, 411egueny c.ty
To Cantrats tors and Builders.
VCR BALD, ray low, to eistsc the oust.. of the
r tote hero of Catotable Strickler, 3 pair of Volta
noon, of sopenot alumna., Apply 10
CONSTABLE, islikLEE a Co.,
opiEldf 2tl Indoor from wont
I UST RECEIVED—A large sod splendid anon/nem
of Cloths, Coattoeres, Vesuogs, Croat:ls, An, Fed,
for de by L WILLLULS,Dera.t
odd uuder Moutodubelo doom, sradtleld a
'lTli Ind eat/. •
QUI/A 'AS 41-02 marks Sala 1.12, from Tandem's
43 r*VarYi lasaiimv, [Malawi, via New OrMims, to
mnvepar steamers himare and Anteneaa a,.lei 44
casks at which are of the purest quality . , tor turd gleaa
armadacaive. POINIIthirEA & Ida
figs tbscriberr respernfally reqemen.thenumulon of
the owners and captains of bums, Mdseu and
strangers visiting Pittsburgh, to his large and splendid
stock of carpeting, Moo. (or sale at hts new stores, 4th
area. They consist of emery 'variety onto, Must and
send fashionable styloe of Carpets, Oil Clothsdre, seer
brae& ba the Western multex ill., store has been
bail expressly for thenaristm Itt.44..m,sed hiss, lt%snl
less of es:peas:4j beenfined np theraost - mag cent
modern stile.
The enrpets smelt are elite latest dwilign, with
the richest and mom ilimo color.
Thejneaqsrise, pa= of the following:
Sestr Tepees:7, • new u•
Engl . and American Btu
larr IDgia i n. ttew +4'"
illeTaini ' d°'
Floe loyalist
COmmon do •
Plain andrwilled Venblant
Ex:MUM cord twilled do;
Royal Mr,
Sheep Pain
JPWilto 44"
Brussels, •
Onsurso ot
Ysrd wale; do
I do •
I do do
4 do do
4 de do
Comm, list, rag and beans tar pi, common oil cloilic
oilcloth Wile eovelsonersted and Lamm table eaws
window shades, colored sod plant manses, stair
trimmings, carpet bledingi; and all other goods nsnall
kept earpet stores,' all of which will be sold an
reasonable terms as say to the city. Haring nude art
rangements with one of the larger{ aura etarersin th ‘. l ,
east, orders for any style of carpet will he promptly fo
warded by telegraph, and delivered In bee week, at
small advance of the eranufsentrer's price.
thlrchileers are eartsculaily requested to call before
parchuing elsewhere, es we feel confident we C. lea
as cheap en they can be purchased in the eastern cities.
Door Mots. 3
O 4 Moths.,
• •
NEW Ey , s, 07 Market
w ` d ials i* ' did °nne ir ,a
SO gold lever Watch.; SO silver
lover eratehe; Ett p liail de silver detached lever watch.
et; 20 saver L' mei wale. ; 45 saver rammer
watches; 12 fate gold chain; t don new style ear ring;
5 dot plain gold hoop ring; 6 dos assorted ring; 2 mei
sical boxes, pla
ar ying • ornery of popular aim t t9 grosi
EMI slides, all ea
5 don fine Farts, silk and paper; 50doscornman Pan;
5 don fine velvet bead bags, new styler, 10 dot fine
crotchet bead bags, new style; S dot tie erntehel
puises, new styles; 25 dos lee parasols, assorted; Stang
tassels, fringes, gilt arid silver, for regallasylOdasin"
&neer vases, assorted; L dna fine steel screw pip cos*
urns; I dot fine ivory screw pin cushion; 1 don find
wood screw pin cushions A One assortment of new
Tn fr.. Ike- maz99
a a MAIM. & CO., C. L. A-VIIMI Coy
Pittsburgh- New York.
A. A. Elena= & Cos s
NO. 60 Market street, between 3d and Ca as, Pau
laugh Pa., have recently opened their new and
elegant store, wi th an diviell!.. , 6 stock of Spring
and &manes Goode, composing trioxide of roe hint.dred packages, of ate.thurst and most tusaionabl4
styles. Merchants throughout the country are panic*
larly Invited 10 call and examine nor stocksrt. 11 000
ietennan to offer our goods at the lowest F asters
wnolesale prices. One of the' firm residing in New
York, Will be mummy sending on fresh /supplies of
the most desirable good; thereby gi•mrl
clan in the transaction o: our busthess that count be
possessed by Eastern Rouses. Priers ors- therefore
guaranteed to he as low es the lowest New York and
Philadelphia sates. • ap7
wHrrE GOODS FOR DlLES' , PS — nlzenthi...n.
y y leg, at W SILIRPII Y ' S Dr a y Goods Room
north eon corner atilt sad Market us, a fill assort
meal of vitae Gads for dresses, stub as Swiss Mae-
WU, plan sad frg'd; Mall Mull do; barred Jackonenr,
plan Molls and Jaekonets. A 1.., venous styles of
goods for Ere cing Dresses, int/Odin( a few patterns of
en tiro new styles Embroidered Muslin Robes.
IlZr" New goods will W secesi-u=ily for a week
to cane, including newest styles Grods, Linea
and French Lringaams, Prints and Coulees, very low.
Merchants ore ...troths erasable the goody and pri
ces in wholesale month, op 0.0113. The assortment
large and pnees very low. , spy
•j i .s phy knows rowanaa to his assortment of above
goods, of various shades and quainter; also, damask,
neural Linen Lustre, for Ladles' Dresses. A lame as
sone:tens et fine Elstorr, Mancheares, and French
Gloghants, of newest sty/es; also, NoyPs Prints—a furl
assorthoiot of these very desirable goods, Including
park, lithe, blue and doable purple, of oow and beauti
ful petunia. : •
run. Dress Lawrie—Pink, blue, bloc, brown .d
bud, of newest patterns end faatocd2a; usual fig/d do
for Warns. A 1..., Brakinunes s of large and small !gr
tinta, for lashes/ and infants' dresses.
Embroidered Sams dress panerna, for evinaing dres
ses, new style; colored damask torietons, do; and a
toil usoramant of ussnaa, bemires, grenadines, crape
shawla&e, at the northeut comer of Fourth and Mat
tat auteta. • opt
41. COl.O.
JOHN KELLY tr. Co., (successors to Robb, Mee
ier susiea Philadelphia, beg leave to arum the friends
and patrons of the law Arm, and strangers •iuung tins
say, that they are 00w 10 recopt or the dining and
summer Festoons. Also a chorea amp 'abet nso
mew of West of Poglaad sod Frence Cloths,
Men. Mad Ve21.1142, m which they respectfully invite
dria.r ancestors ata=l-ddm
_ .
HACICLETT k WlilTef , No. O 9 Wood street, are
reeeivng • very huge and pstensi vs stook of fresh
issirmg Dry (nods, nicety recebt purchase, Sal ca ught
under the moat (1.0113)(fl CAMOSILLILLiCtai and which
they an prepared, and will sell to ansehaun, as a. very
small advance on the eastern coat.
We would request all 'merchants visiting our city to
give oar stock • fair examination, end we leel coon-
dent they caul be entirety satisfied of the ettenpnen of
oar stock. apt?
IrD.l4ll3:GS—Sup newts Med canna, Silks, Cub
, mere., and white Marseille. CLOTIIS—nop
recite. tre.h imponed, all color., qualities and paces
ce.sst.enei m every en le nun quality. CASH.
AltiftErPn—eirup talk marp. Queen's Cloak, Summer
Cloth, and desuraale coatings tot gents' wear,
at pnces
UtIOP wt' th e city. ittkilPitiONl3 Clout Stere,
apt? earner Sin ann wood as
WHOLLs' ALE i&In:.LKIIS IN DLit' WrODlil, No.
49 Waal artel. bate on hand, and are conatnuU
ly receiving daring the burcramm •auoci, • large end
emmmire assortment of URI . opuirs, which they oll•
ter to inerehants al low prices,alul reasonable te
nailer/mg that they can p tim
ea enure sausuon, they
einthdendy •
all LOOOCIOLEIIa VISISIng the city LO give
them a call.
A A. MASON C0.,60 Market creek ate opemeg
.11, 4 ILO eltemsne assorunctii or Ores, tioodarrtst
ceired per kkcpress, comprising the largest awl Most
to/AUG.II4We littOel: of DIY.. Liot/tis to be roEth.l in this
cow—amongst which we tne.on. to pi Fulls rich ea ,, oroidered Foil de knierre,'s new und u e, and the most
desirable goods to the market; also. flat. 11 stripe Chat.
hew tiereges, Tissues, Molimr Stripe, French Jneriet,
e.c. ecc.
IRIB GOODS.—A A ALASolli & .Nuk e! J../ street, have just re `d a splendid assunnient 01
airess utioals. airmail which Laity be touud—Fisihred,
pistil, plaid and striped litc.rage o( al/ qusitinsl
ussuo, stripes, Cirtpudiers, sous pe de
Lune.,et, do Oats, Si Challies, tansy stri
!scour., &e. he. - spill
D ERAUCS, &C.—Alexander & Day Waco now upcu
fi a uoutuial cram atiipod and plaid liccages, of 1110
tallest StaallUe.• and newest nuponc4; also, apical.
Lll.l plans auto Uroclla Llaut licraticii and ritianaa,
apiendui Frouch Law., Limon Liiiiircs and iliothatas,
a tall aswrunaul lilk,pladu and Kan" wiper do Lantos
alt“ due A1i....
All these goods have Leen purultusad at the late pen
euiptory suction sales in New l'ins sud Philitztelpius,
& will he sista at a grunt reduction trout regular prices.
lay 4 corner dienneha and suarksit en
HAW LS—Ale/Ander & Day hare receivco owecr
h) nom the nnportei so New Sore, an Colas case of
geoutne Canton Crape Shawls, cont./nog a cumin.,
usorttneut ul embroidered and plans showta, Olen co
lors and nominee, trOrn 440 to Ito. The ladles are fete
pertiolly welled to elan:tote these shawls, believing
mai who,
of them ace superior to any bolero offered itt
du. market. jury mill Of said remarkably cheap,
Also, Sot Tettet nut benige Shawls Sod Scares; a
tosortment, at remarkably tow prwee. my 4
W il tiatott et the this Ageuey lT v "° • RC red
,ote a Co • Piste, Uwe, neat, Molar and Lascuspie
Mows Teeth, utinteeLimitotta' special attention.
JOEL NIUDLEtt, Drintiost and Apothecary,
apl7_ . _ _ roe weal and sth eta
LILOVES—A good assortment of ladies and gents
tk Week, white mat colored Cotton, Lrale, Thread,
Not soil /label Liloven, large size. Also, blase and
colored Freoch had thoiee, ml ezeelient article, and
largo .tier, lest opening by
• pit& & WHITE, DV wood at
GLOVE AND HOSLERYs*.Iost reed,. 500 dos La:
the. oho' St 'sluts, brown tout sluts Cotton Hose,
unto et scuts per pmr up Me finest quality. Also, Ism
dos pass Cotton Hod Hose; lou dos lola, thread, sat
sod Uucti litoses; W., 0 Carlo. Liiltlies BAjoy /DS
Wove.. Desists nod others that wish Inerieldos lu artleies, 'nil bud them et
spta/ sauTH 4e 4UIINOOI'S, 40 market n
Av dos How and half Hose, fOr men, woman and
cioulren, wish a lance lot of slit, cola, mad lisle thread
otores tad Alma, Just received Hoak the
ior we wholesale tad retail, by •
Q TEEL l.:001)S--Strel Lldg
In weclly; ,eOl treads, du flag Thistle; do
tared do, do Parse Itings; do do Cludpis do Wide.; do
tiny Wags; do'l'or, winos ,uat c'd al the dour Fundy
store. ISO Martel meet.
NYHITE. GOODS—% Nit assortment ofplata,Tkaca
stud striped CaruUrtue, plum awl elds t rd
Maas add treated blurt, hooa ftluallus, thattop taws,
Nausooks, spotted :wale., Victoria Lawns, 'lsamu
Altudiun, togeiter MW a tud assoraaeut of tidcdrun.,
plum aud !alley Netta, Lae., kstougs. Ittaeruega,
at , 01 wkttuh tuiya just armed desk frau , taa Im
porters, and for low N the trade, ay
JEVVELIIT —Fine (SolBlAllusature Cdad , i do do Lock
ett for Hair; do do Bream no., do 4d
de do Huger Kings; do do Uumud ,had adi de de bet.
lo" do do eeddlis and l'unsi do Jo Urscolets and
Cusses o, wun order lemurs vidl do wrll
e.d. on us brans purenosOM.
my Id lasNelsi
VOW. SHIATiIt; AII.IsLINS — W /4thuphy boa
.1: open tho.olurnmg . a turtaer,supply of you
repeater L.ll/111 Long Lica , storm% Muslim; am; Lea
Lotiadelo do, and hav eitatratitay 00 triad RR anon
meat ut every grade of itWWII, tit tow Ptah pncoo.
hue Lalear tot ',tuning. and :baiorns, a sq.
it., earl vrrY " . 2 ttheast coruet of gib luid
Aurget wee.. )el4
OIigI:TLNOS ;LAND B . I IIRTINGS—AIe;tander re /Day
A 7 ouva ~,,eatreda very, aaperiar dumontheat or
1:10V/11 and bleached Sheelleas. ol the most celebratil4
reanalestuns, el all widths and qualllicaN lases bleached
beeera %header.. PrAalt qualifie‘a; elte pet yard.
my 4
VOL. XVI. NO. 4.
by J. A. & U. P. JAM} . Ciorinnau, the foilpgriAlg
new and raluable Work-s
Doniphan's Paytedition—Contattung • sketch of the
life of COL A. W. Goniphan; the Conquest of New
NlegicoiGen Kewney's Overland Expectation to Cab.
forida; Deniphen's Ca rilplnge against the Nhtehos anti
his imparalleled .llarch upon Chihtlehue a./ Ihere , 4lo,
and Me Operatiounof Geis Igiee Swan wna
gap and Engravings, by Jahn T Hughes, A B of tt•
lst Beglmem Of Itrasoari
}Emory of Kentucky—i ll;
ts Antiquities and Natural
Curionniew Geographical St:Osumi and Geological
dweripticnis; with autsdates of Pioneers Life, and more
Wan one hundred Biographical Sketches of distinguisb
ed Pioneers, Soldwrn, Statesmen Jurists Lawyers D.
st Ant illustrated with (any nugravings; by Lew s
Collia VoL octav o.
The Tifetra.Bloadd V o teurteat, or domain of •
vate in the Tonneau* Regiment or Cavalry. In the
Campaign of Mexico, during IS4O-47, amine an 00.
count of the Much of the Regiment to Vera Crux, a
deaadpdat f therfauttry paned over, men .era
tottta, dn. of the people; Sketches a CAM, LAC, at
mune of RR the ;oboes of minx Voluntoer it •
and 411.1; Mantra thrall:eann War, Tdat nr r Kil
led and Wounded, de; Illustrated by a lamentlea,er of
correct views and plan; by Geo. C. Farber, t volume
New Paper wad Book frastabliaktonent,
Yg Worm Se., oarrOssit Foment ...51) ihiIIOSO All.l
. E:er =bawdier, knee lot opened, at Me above
tand, .tarn mock of different qualities ruled and
p.kite andisluo Writing and Letter Paper, com•
menial and pocket post Plat Cap, deddY mid
arritingeß.„ fns blank books medium and royal co
lored Ynnting Papery medium, dimly and cap Day
Bookaand s =aw, superior pope, awl beet Lantern
binding: Books Wall kuuls,• standard work. m • logy and &knees Qtalls, gold and steel Pens,
Wafer% %Vag, Bill Files, P.e.
Blank BoOks at all ekes ruled to pattern, and 60-kad
in the moat tabs:zonal manner.
Country Merchants supplied at lowest wholesale per
ea, 6t cash, or rags at cash price.
JOB PRINTING.—Having %Job °Ewa m connee tam
with oar establishment, we are prepared to execute all
orders for plain, and (army Truning--books,.pamptilem,
circulars, bnslnesa cards, bills Oilmling, Rn., with des
patch and at low prices. ELLIOTt tc ENGLISH.
my') 78 wood •Gberweim lhti and dleunund allay.
AT OUR STORE on Market street, No 53, between
3d and 4th. may at all aces be found a large
mock of Theological and Miscellaneous Books. New
books received as soon as published, and sold at tow
est prices. The publications of the Armoric. Sunday
Retool Union and Nlassachusects Sabbath School So
may, alwaya on Watt Causlognes furninhed on ap.
utTI 141 market at, between ad and 4th
New Book.
tnyris of Bishop Saner'. Analogy of Rebgton. Na
tural and Revealed, to the eonstitatton and wane of
pun t ., with notes Also, G . /ankle's (lemmas for ex•
aminationt myriad and adapted to the use of riboots,
by Cheeks E. West, Principal of Rutgers Insulate, In
the city. a New 34 . 0fk.
riu— , The de Seneetme,- Sc A1111C16113, Pansdoxa, an d
Sonanium Scipio. of Cicero, and the Llfe of !atm.,
taTConsellus Nepos, with t.tighsh Note., Cntmal via
!amatory, by Charles Anthon, D.
USE BOPS P•PRLNCI 11(10B—Desermtlon of the
Seasons, Scenery . ; Runt Life, and Country Amuse
-7:tissCt/VIL"Bl. Miller, with ad fll.tnuo.
pi the
New Forest; by Capt. Marryatt, R. N.
by U. P. R. James.
The above works received this day. and for tale by
myls Booksellers, cor. market and CA
Baker & Seribmerte Publlongterm:
THE sabsertbers having been appointed agen.. for
the sale of the publications of the above well
known publishing heuse, hare a fall supply of emir
books on hand, which they can malle
t thne.tern pri
ces, wholesale and retail. Among the works welch
have been recentl issued by Mem, which have LPVCII
highly recommended/11.11 exceedingly interesting and
valuable, may be found—The Czar, hie Court and Peo
ple; lrelnad's Welcome to the Stranger, Bethel Flag,
yDr. Bluing; Napoleon and his Warsaals; •Vaskieg
lOU and his tiencmls, The Entered bleuntains; Ora:ors *
pruned i
, T . e . ach i ttg Science , th e Intoner an Aril.l,
Charlotte P is Ualform Works; T. B. Arthur,
Making Haste to be Bich, Riches have %Emus, Keeping
up Appearances, Debtor and Creditor, be. be.
A 1.., the worts from the press of Robert Cartel, the
chancier of whose publicaboas is well known Tut.
renne's Theology, in 4 vols.; Haldane an Romans; Me-
Cheyne's werka; The Convnat by author of School Girl
in France, &c. be. New books received as soon es
as published. ELLIOT & ENO USN,
my 9 19 wood and Be market Me
_IGOKS--Life of Cromwell, by J T Headley
Power of the Pulpit, by liardoser Spmaiy, D.
Bethel king, do do
Jacobus on Gospels, gashes, with Harmoor
Lectures on Sitakspove, 2 von;
Path of tare, or Sketches of the Way to Glory end
Footsteps of Messtaik
The Comets; by author of School Girl to France,
Now ew.l Warren;
Sketches of Lessous, ou Parables and Nitrite.,
Ireland s Welcome to the Suseger,
Hem- en upon karat;
HaWkstau, • tale of and for England. 2 cots.
For sole by ELUL/ te ENGLISH,
HlO 72 wood nod Ott mercer sew
NTEW BOOKS--Just received at the Apollo Hulls,
IA lags, 4th street, and for sale by J. L. !MAD: BA
coaneeofshe History of Loamy:it; tisanes of Leetuses,
by C. Gaya..
A dtscourse on the life, elsaracter and public sem
nes ofJanzes Kent, late Chancellor of she INA. of Nes ,
York; delivered before the itultatary and oar of the
city and state of New York, by John inter
linuary of England, front the invasion of Jolla, Ctrs
sar to the reign of Yactorta; by
,Mrs. Markaarn, a new
revised and enlarged, with questions, by El e.
Bobbins. myna
• ---
STEW BOOKS—Leetanta ort Shaltspeare, by H
11 Hudson, in two valuta...
Thu Power of the Pnlpit, or plain ttrughts addressed
to Christina ministers, and those woe hear them, on the
oalloance oC a preached Gospel, by ~,e Bey. Liardiher
Spring, a H.
The Peasant and his Landlorl, by We Baroness
Knoremi. Translated by Mary How La.
Lamartine:s Girondttls, Vol. 111. thew, of the G
rondos, or plirsonal memoir of tho patoors °ribs likens!
Revolution; from unpublished soh orcs—by A. 46 La •
A Syr °obic of each of the above works rec. tteJ
Lion day tool for sale by
nny3o corner market sad 3d sot
actor, hr. Mclnnes] Labors, a,. Pot!ZIA. &MIMS
ora. 2 by
. 14 N Hodson..
The Power of the Pulpit, or tbougton sae
ChrlaUm mlumers and Now who hear them, /77.1 '
tier Spriog, 111).
- • .
Tne Amerlean Trance Condensed. or tha Family
Physic an, being the scientific system of, ots
vegetab, frinciples, for all by W Beech, M
It For sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH.
56 market st, bet 3d and 4th and 79 wood et, 'bet. 4th
em diamond alley. my)
IT'lSTORlTh—Roberison's, Rollin's. Gibbon's, Rus-
Well* Mat Europe, Proscou's .o aim, Peru, ac.,
oicaalet - s France; Arnold's Rome, Harper • Plctorial
England; Niebuka Roam; Hallam: Constitutional Histot
ry t Englatl; Arnold's Latcr Roman Corarnonwealie, "i
echnurs Rome; Burnet's History of h. owe awes, with
uotest Hallam'. Middle Ages; Mar. Crusades aml Chiv•
airy; Browning'. Hulot"' Of the Huguenots: Ttuerry's
Historical Works; :gears History att. Purtani,Thicrs
French Rev; Taylor's Manual of excl. and Mod. Hun,-
r)', Introduction to the History of Um Church, by Jut vis,
Itightley's Roma and England; Ranke's Popo• The
above, with many Miter vamablo work., for we by - -
mar/ J I. READ—
VG CARPENTERS AN Li Attekirrk.i.:rn— tie nau
roar. Guide, n practical treatise on Circe!. and
140111611 Architecture together with spectator. of them
Gothic sips. Also, ctical treanses ou Geometr y, Decimal Fractious, M ensuration,P Trigonometry, and
tninientuy and Joinery, mobil:icing all the peceasary
detadn, and particularly adapted to the wants "of um
lea. experienced. By chester Hills, practical architect
Revised and improved, with additionsof Villa and
Scnool Howe ArellttCettlre, by ki A.lll/1,
if Barnard, F-9. Second revised edition. For sale by
Nett BOOKS—Justrece,red Soot me paliamnri,
and for due at me %mato:last Book Store 4th d,
near Wood. Toppers Proven:dal Philosophy, in three
style. of binding; a besouiul book fora present.
Preparadon Mr the Polpd.
Slartches of Sermons on the Parables end Yrimeleagass.
oC Christ, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia—duttd4
sketches, &c.a Toe English Pulpit; COIIIMILOY of toe.
moriaby the most el:donut living diviner et - Eng:mid.
ALoct,rusg Youb—Doing Good, CAnum Lore, Lost
est MOO me, Sacred Meditations. [arta
LOI4R'S SONGS—Watch you will by Dayliatni
j Widow ALochrew Rory U'Alorq Indian Summer,
biayrn the Doer/ dondoner Row; The 'Pero Rude,
Fury Boy; tut me not What / am Trnkric, Low
Banted,Catri My Metter Dear, 0 do not ea, I lore
Woenog . _ Yawns, but don't Forget; The Coutoonon.
Angels Whapar; Aluntug Dregarb Sweet /wow In.
oung and dimplerVhe Nortatend for Ma Nlo,ly
Hawn. For tale by JOHN H MELLOR.
je24 31 wood it
LIFE OF CROMWELL—Just recerrrrl per ii - prcr;
Hemdity's Lite of Cromwell. m OHM r of.
- ..• . • • •• •
MIA ila Meet% Or FraflitcuM [AMU My Pon
Folio; by Mr. Palmer.
Riches a(Grace,. Interior Life, by Vphoin, Life of
Nub, by Upham; Memorials of aelbodum. by Hey. A.
Stevemc The k:nglieb Felon, a enfilett. 01 sermon.
by ItM MOM ezmoutt bring euvu2.o4 Eognandt Nowt,-
s of Sermons on We ?arab!. and ALirax-ies; Ne.1..1. •
life of Chris!. J L tt44.1),
lob Apollo Baildings. 4117 strut
GZACHARY To, YU/H.—Pon:an of Gen.
aj Taylor, by rk Co[fry: ibtiler tho W 41,5411.10 11.1.,
bubudabbe and We...A of Wet cludersigne, oglcera
Own an angina: sketch taken fromllfe, at Comargo,
by Caplan nano. A D C.
Connor, C 9 tasey; George A A 0: George
Moir L b, n , Tap:war/Meal easikteer , Harry loge--
kali LI ass,. JutthisruA STGarOgr,
real Bookaellera 2 coral and market au
rip:lST/PAT/034 teOstrtancs4l Rd wahnut
'WM.., or N.lllll, tty the "New' nut:
itnptarad W LtAtt.ll-IA'S KILV.A..EN.Ce.. , a nasal pat.
=Munn, •Cgetanto rwxi.
celebrated Treatise on LOntlipattOrt, and thc
and Cala* Or tin, Lnattula gold. oaly at Ilia Attalla
straet, twax Wtt.n.4.
KOOKS—Letters howsly, a new Did -is
vise.] edosow by J Floootoy.
Ybo Vlautoory bob Steilar Woridsi • povolor eiyo•
damn of (ha great OlEcoverres and theories' of mode,
AstvoiloosSrs, oi • gorica of tea teetarev by Osl4 Duch-
AL., Director of the Cuicovoriti Observatory.
The above worts Imo roa d and Coe onfoub7
ELLIUTI',4rip,W 4 I
.9 75 brood iusiJOWntoraci
T .
EW WOWS BY Be.A.BLKy—Thei Late otbity..‘
Cromwell, by.; T Headley, tottiar•of "Naporoo
and Ws Marshals,' - Ttus itlacred Aloulataurvt,' , -tt Wil
tagtos sad hte teelia n nue," ote. eta. Heceteed due de)
had Mr sale by JOHNH.I . ON & arucKtoN,
• -itookealic*-cor nutlet told Wade
I_, , BAlialialitots of toe !fisted of Franco, from
meemrtmel, home to the Revoltduen of /e-p—tor
.0110011 sad kunilles—with turiero al eogravit4e,' had
goadueasior th. e1 . ...dn . of owls- ,
jell! JUIJNYuwi &„ mrocwriaN
4.lJ. M ' AC loi g itsle F tisr "-F4 1114'
31,111 No 3 Alackorol, in wpm .14
jr.r4 eft w hekitztuoti
Cograi Dash Villoir.c fu More eij; isle
_DT irs&• 1.-AV liditliAtlGH
00i 0, 4loodiaglsale,by •
M , Wal DICKEY& 0?
•McA .- t; ' :'