The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 10, 1848, Image 2

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Pwrgirintarus - r=—
Tkitzuzi4rgol . /.444uG. 10,1
r> tiauiruta arowrivemmucan.
ea.eruae...ta - ..asuueripliortatalkinieniazi...4
can and Idnii &gm Cidiviites .Pliitade!phis, received
and iiimariled kcal thicoilsce, , .
• •
.ANVe , witcriVesli6lororiktdimo4 =pima, 24- . ial?ecriptions fo! this Oper.
• girripibrm Icithis valuable piper swill be received
1:17'751s ihrfuscasu - DAILY 6s.verrs, b Mablishad
Nay, ln-Wexkly, sod Weekly.-Ihe Dailyas Seven
Dann pertuilium; the Tn-Weekly is Fige.Dollsrs . pal
annum; litr. Weti:ty &Two Dallatsper usb,strsais
Fan :At icst C9MAIR . litad hiteligeUeatrk*rdei
ketypitores Nowa, its, Moctsy Dlirkvs;&e. sae
third Imre.
Demt.rallic. Whig IfonituAtlans,
MILLARD pzi.Lnosz,
pv szlexou.
THOXIS AL T. AVKinsur, of Wu/anion.
Joan P. Sornirmoson , Lebanon.
41. InsephO.Clarksols, 13. Renry/ohnson,
.2. John Wetbetill, it Wilb,m Colder:
;3. Jam e s AL Davis, 11. William ISTRAnvene,
.4. Thee W. DuE6d, 16. Charles W. Maher,
,5. Daniel 0. Muer, 17. Andrew O. Carlin;
0. Joshua Dungan, - lb. Thos R. Davidson,
7. Johnl Steele, 19. Joseph Markle,
8. John Landis, NI. Dame) Oven - ,
o."Toseph Sehroneker, 21. Andtme LoOdlmi
10. Charles Snyder, W. 11/ehard
L. William O. iluvity, 2L Thomas S.
12. Tmunis TYler, 2L Mini A. rurnanee.
Antlosaaanla and whileNaduatlons.
/1011£.11 EIAMPTOIII,
LEWIS C.I. NOBLE, ogodiana.
of Wain.
NIXON, of Lower 81, cur.
DANTEU M'CURDF, of Elisabeth Bocalit.
JOHN E. FOSTER, of BsWenn.
Soo next page for 'Telegraphic News.
Some dm since, we called attention to the fact,
that by reason of the vast patronage of the Gov
ernment and the veto power, the President was
Oared beyond [beseech of the people, and there
fore there was a growing danger, that at no distant
day ourlibetties be subverted. We Woo',
totted tins position, by II reference to the mode by
whtfelt.the scheme of annexation was accomplish.
ed; and the way in which the late war was com
menced. In both of theta., there was unquestion
ably a bold and glaring violation of the leder and
thespit . it of the Coma:dimly. The people were
not consulted; and even when their wishes were
-made known, there araa no attention paid to them.
Emboldened by the impunity with which these
deeds were done, Mr. Palk kots 'seen fit to veto
amnia bills which had passed both Houses. of
Congress by large majorities, the merits and demer
its of which had been far a long time carefully con
ahlered by the people. What is this but saying
20,000,000 of freemen---• Fellow citizens, you rouq
not presume to tell me what measures are to be
adopted—l em to judge of this—you are to take
what I choose to give you.' Such is the plain Eng
fish of Mr. l'oth's course. Is not this that One Mon
Powerdtwhich has ages mashed Europe, and
to :throw olf which the present revohrtions have
been set oo Wm? But what is to be ddne? I-low
can the GOVC-11113.{ be brought back to its true
position? la other wools, how can the.people be
permitted again to govern themselves'. We wu➢
try to answer these questions. There are now
two great vilitical panics—the one in power, the
a - other out. in n few mouths the question is to be
settled as to which of these parties shall mem,x
the power a the government during the coining
Gaor C., is the candidate for Pre-
sutect uitim bepocratic Party. He hae distinctly
pleciard binrscJl before tkin people to carry oat, if
elm-tea, the principles and views of the cciwing
tezuh4riaten. Of course this implies that he sp.
proves of the veer., which has been pursued by
Mr. folk•. lie approves of the war with Mexico
—the manner in which it was commenced—he
appnwes of all the vetoes. He believes that Con
gress has no power over the subject of Slavery in
any nor Tereteriet, end therefore it would ho
' his dirty t•. veto any bill which might contain any
clause on that subjeuL According to Ms own show
ing, it would be his duty to veto the river and hers
Ins bill, should it again be passed, although, while
Senator, he voted for it repeatedly. Such are the
pledges of General Qom They ate plum and
But how the case with the Whig Party?
General Taylor is their candidate. He has given
tt as his decided opinion, that the veto power, as
It has been of late used, is a dangerous power—
that it controls legislation, and threatens - our coat.
moo liberties. In accordance with this opinion, he
has solemnly pledged himself to the billowing
points: that, it elected President, he will swan
veto any measure called for by the people—be
will never so use it as to influence legislation. If
the people call for a National Bank, he. will rot
veto a bill establishing one—if they call for a Tariff;
they shall have it—if they ask for the improvement
of their rivers and harbors, they shall be improved.
If they derailed that Slavery shall never enter oar
territories, that demand will be the law of the land
—no veto shall stand in the way of Leedom. In
fine, General Taylor has pledged himself before the
world, that so far as he is concerned, the people of
the United Stales shall be free in deed as well an
in name. That they shall govern themselves, and
not be governed by their agents. This, then, is the
issue, and it is the great issue between the two
contending parties. General Cass pledges himself
tosmrry out the schemes of the present admin.,-
tration—Geteral Taylor pledges himself to let the
people do what they please. The Government ii
theirs, They may make each laws as they see fa,
and he will have those laws esecuttd. !fern,
then, we take our stand. We advocate the eleo
800 of General Taylor on thd simple ground, that
by electing blur to the Presidency we gall restore
the Government to the hands of the people.
The Texan Star elates that a million Mummies
have been discovered on the environs of Damp,
Mexico. They are in a sluing yostare, and have
the same wrappings, bands and ornaments, as the
Egyptians. Among them was gaud a sculptured
head, with a polguard of flint, chaplets, necklaces,
&c., of altercated colored beads, fragments of hone
polished like ivory, fine worked elastic tissues,
(probably our modern India robber clotb) mocca
sins worked late those of our Indians today, bones
of vipers, &c. h. remains to continue these inter
agog researches, and America will become an
other Egypt to antiquarians, and her ruins will go
hick to the oldest period.of the world, showing,
doubtless, that the ancestors of the Montextunas
lived on the Rile.
Tha SAlosn •
ag,appears In one of the Washington
100 . 1 n . of Wednesdays Nev Yotk Herald:
"The Albany Committee addressed Betts, o( Vir
fiYie. 'eking if Clay had pledged himself to Taylor.
Mr. Bons replied that ha had not; bat to day he
adds a pastscriptio Ms letter, in which he stated
that as soon as Mr. Clay receives Gym Taylor's
answer to
.the ,Whig noteleation, he will publish
a ward- do/tying his rucquiescence is Taylor's no.
mination,luul reggeoteg a separate Whig ticket?'
We too aullberirml by Mr. Bons to state, as a
runner of lattice to himself and Mr. Clay, and he
liar never made such a statement of what Mr.
Clay vifll do, and tint be has no teflon-Ilion from
Mr. Clay to the effect of the statement—National
OSEC.O3I to r, Ilousz.—The vote to strike out
the:Nnmot Proviso from the ball organizing the
Territory of Oregon, may be briefly analyzed as
Yr_es—(For strikilw mt.)
Free Susie Casettes, 11 I Free State Widget, 0
Slave State do 00 Slave State do, 27
Tut;l' 88, 61 Loco*, 27 Whig*.
Noze—(For Free Sod in Ores.)
Free Siam Lame, Free State, 73
Sitere.Stde Lilo., 0 I Slave State , , 2
-ToiakWhigs, 7 35 i Locos 39; Tesal
Orr the' Ralik passage, the vote, sued; Yeas 1.28;
- Nape lt=4o'majority foe o_gmnitan g Oregon with .
the Wilmot Proviso: The Free Stites . voted solid
for the lA' exesptlemis 0 4..,
liaeao represeating the Native Datnis in Peansyl
neia,...VOtetr,iititiktrai Emllt'of the Southern Mem.
bar:rimed:o the Y. 2Vilmrsv.
_ unprwed.esited.
111;714,,' ,
I,:oiatpro thstthisstge win yield tbrs yelF
41401,70910411tOdviees;oirirone gut' d than
ova year ! . ' - 1
. , t
. .
:l i l / 4 , 1 1
, 41..., • .
- .~_ . _~__ ¢ ~~
r`.M-~y~-~+ Y y .rte'" K ~ ~epvE>~•;.~ 7 ~f ~~~
~M;: ~~ `f- ~'~' # ..a ;F h ~~~s, ys ~ ~ ~ ~
,~- ~
-~+rT _,<-.k.. L.,.~_ ~n_~x;nr+ .>> ,_n.-~.~ Y ..~, ~~s - .,,, .r~ '~~ .- _.:. ....,. ~r ,_"~ .''.r.,~`. _... ~r ~ ~ rk~ t } ? I.s~ k , ~.c,y 4 t ~*' - ~v } ~....~' ~ ~ +';-
. _s.. -. _ _ ... .. -.. 1., .- .. .
v 3 .1 Virrea , "' P -
O •
• t • ' kg-4 Az',:pi
'FiCa*Waldiapreleisttdiistiq-' .
• -711 • i. - triitaiBC7ort; Mins 7 . Aess.
be.hrought anew into the r Serratif to'daSr, iti
it 'paZied'" of-Vero
amendments moved bf the Cixamittee on Terri
twigs It is agreed iF at the Ordinance of 'B7 aJial
bir'iterigei eta movionito it4eecognition.
words li4t,tfile Ofdgaring, may be inserted as a poi.
much as the Missouri Ccniiirotnise
Lute Emariutiiii freedont to all the territory Aorth of
30 deg. ohd,3oMin.,' and Oregon lies .north itf this
line,,be it =ism* that the Ordinaniin; of , ' B7; in
.beraby reeoguirnii and enforced over said territory.:
This hi Or spirit of the amendmeut, and it is idol
it may receive the sanction dale Semate;and
cattettromee ofthe Roane. '
The oilier anicildinentrenores the glibern
veto, which thellause by a very large ra
amok out. The 'Senate is Denatiasuic, =Pk'
House Whig, and hence the natural action f the
two Houses upon this question.
Some new and 'mohair disclosures bare been
made in regard to the extra pay to
Mr. Steviart, of Pennsylvania, cosideriziof thom in
the following resolutions, offered to theOmme qn
Saturday; hot the friends of Mr. Cassfronldtiot
permit the Tomatoes to be made. Thfre charges
are proved and illustrated in the docuOeuts refer.,
red to.—,-(The insulations were not resolved.] •
An earnest attempt will be made in the Rouse
to day to incorporate the River and EtarborAppm.
priations upon the Army Bill. Thy Democratic
members have, so far, succeeded iitsluvin
action upon these popular and necessary apprivri.
Thal - loose has fixed the basis or the Anity upon
the Peace Establishment, agreed upon in the Act
of Congress of 1812-158 compiunea of tarty two
men in. a company, besides the' staff, employees,
fica—Lmaking something less than 10,000 men in
The Senate under coves of a night session have
agreed to pay the Spanish GOvernment for the ne
groes stolen from Africa, byflniz and Montes, and
placed on board the schooner le Amiztad. After
the iiolation'of treaties by the Spanish Govene
ment—aller her own provision, that confiscation of
proprty, as well as freedom to_ slaves, !should at
tend the Slave Trade, and after the District Court
and Supreme Court, all declared there Slaves en
tided to their freedom, it is to be hoped Congress
will not be guilty of paying these men thieves kw
the human flesh is which they dealtilike con
trary to law and mercy. That question has; how
ever, to be decided by the two Houses. The Sere
ate has consented by only two majority, and sq.e
of the slave holders voted against the payment_
Allin bustle and confusion in these last day; of
of the session, and the people will be happily
of Congress, one week from to day.
The N. Y. Sun has the following later CIONVS from
Ireland, repriced at Liverpool by express, Just pre
viotis to the sailing of the America.
We ate almost in a stale of siege in this Mtg.—
Taday a proclamation was issued by the f.ord
Lieutenant, kwboth the county and city of Dublin,
callingon all persons to deposit and leave et the
respective police stations, on or before the 45th of
July, all guns, puttge, nod other tire areas, and all
gunpowner and IMMlltlitloll, ou pain, if convicted,
of being in:Trim:led two years with or without bard
pte police, who are armed with cutlasses, took
up a number of pdms and guns to—day throughout
the city.
An application havnig been made to Judge Per.
rut presiding at the Tyrone Ana., to admit Mr.
. John Martin to Erudite reftnied the same and awing
ly censored the conduct of the government for al
lowing Mr. Martin the privilege of writing from
Nourgata to the Felon.
- The Nation makes its appearance again tomnr.
row. Us leaden are as usual to the point and
equally spicy as to "Felony."
Mr. Q G. Daffy, from his cell in Newgate, fur
nishes an article headed -. Caul. B4i, in u hich
he reviews the count qdopted by the Government
for suppreving the demand for Repeal, and oh
servev, "It is a solemn and a terrible
to advise n 113U.] to peril its hopes in the limit,
nnld To permit them to fall to pieces by the latch
dry rat of inaction; to see them lost 'without hmor
or sympathy, or the chances of mdempttors ket
by tome fatal rowanlice or incapacity; that is me
hell in which there is wnsolfilson.
Referring to the revolnuons artuch have taken
place In the mecum:Ml° year of I etn, and glancing
at the results, Mr. Dulfy proceeded at length with
clear deliberation end full knowledge of all the
nerd and all the respottedsflity, but with enured
alai in your prndence and this . justiceotaar muse,
we hid F..eand.shoccie epeallilbetween annum.
anin , nad the sword. t formally proebnmed a.
war of independence, curd du rim Row is sqtrei
asorpeStrfgiotha le promptly fajilleit, in , cafturadly
The article concludes by expressing a wish tar
tracinportation rather than bee in Ireland, if the
Club be supine in toe boor of action, and are de
fettled by the military force of Englead.
The Nation also continues its political instruc
tion in the military affairs, and among other direc
tions &plains how polished mixs are to be preser
ved in a damp or under ground position, six:gm..
Lions as to window grounds. how to break.down a
bridge, or to relied.] one, and bow to blow up a
bridge, with practical remarks on gunnery.
A letter from Waterford states that that city to
greatly excited by the proclamation issued against
it. The notices are torn down as 1 , 0011 as pot up.
Mr. Meagher has issued a counter proclamation.
in winch be calls upon bce fellow citizens to imitate
the men pf Limenck and Tipperary, to be firm and
steady. and to organize calmly. arc:rimy, nod fear
lessly. Mr. Meagher in mockery of the Castle pro
clamation, put at the foot of his address--
'Goo Sore TIM Penner
' The Irish Felon' had not made its appearni.ce.
Tun vaunt or a sxu.e.—Whio can tell the vall
ue of a smile. ft wets the giver nothing but it is
beyond price to the erring and resenting, the sad
and cheerless, the lost and forsaken. It disarms
malice, subdues temper, Inn en hatred to lover re.
rouge to kindness, and paves the darkest paths
moth gems of sunlight. A smile on the brow be
trays a kind heart, a pleasant friend, an %action.
ate brother, a dutiful son, ■ happy huibana. It
add. a charm to beauty, decorates the face of the
daGarmed, and makes lovely womin resemble the
angel of paradise.
How true it is that the soul speaks through the
countenance. Its thoughts are all written there.
As the Divinity was manifested in the ace of Jr.
sus, to is the spiritual being reflected from the
face of humanity. In the been sad--is the span
grieved—the picture is at once thrown upon the
canvass of the countenance. But when the cloud
is gone sad joy returns, that same countenance is
all radiant with smiles—every feature beams with
delight. No wonder then that a smile has such
magic power. It is the language of spirit to spin',
amt.ajaeake of inward joys-of inward content.
meii ..
auchappineia - .. It cella of peace „VIMI - Gt4
and good will to all mankind. 11 tells of heave.
and paints the way to that happy land.
Lancaster County Mowing
The Whip of Lancaster county have held a
great meeting, 113 appears by the 431knaring letter to
the Philadelphia Inquirer:
Lows:Tot, Aug. 5, ISIS.
The mess county meeting to-day, wan one 1.1 the
largest of the hind ever held in this county. There
must have been five or six thousand persona pres
ent. The meeting was organized at 11 o'clock, A.
M. in the Court House, by the appointment of
THOMAS E. FitAnttile. Esq., as President and a se.
ry Mtge number of Vice Presidents and Secrete
nes. After the object of assembling was stated in
en eloquent manner, by the President, a short, but
eloquent address was made by Thomas. E. Coch
ran, Esq., of Thrift An adjournment , then took
place. At 2 o'clock, a processlon was formed, which
proceeded to an orchard belonging to Cot. Meyer
—where ti able nod spirited add:es was made by
Our. Johnston; who was AdloweU by the Mon. Jas.
Pollock, in a speech of thrilling eloquence; it was
argumentati re, con vineing, and pleasing, and drew
Furth great applause. He made hiinseft'ignite
ovate with the Whigs-of the Old Guardi while all
seamed pleased with Gov. Johnston' 'Hr. &e
-vane also made a bent and appropriate addres..—
At the dote of the 'Meeting the very curth trem
bled with the shouts and horses of the notltilltJe
Or Taylor, Fillmorc , Middleswarth and• Johnston
The Old Guard will du her part towards sealing
the duets of the Ccuentes is *Ma State at the at.
proaching election.
ship CompartV's ship Hermann, from Southampton,
(Eng.,/ July 21st, arrived at New York early on
Saturday morning. Tier intelligenre 43 been an
ticipated by the America, v.-Inca letl Liverpool on
the 211 oh. The Hermann brought 171 parsen
gers, and a very valuable cargo. Among th,, pas .,
wagers are Mr. 1). Murry, of New York, and Mr.
P. Frakier, of Philadelphia, bearers of despatehe.
Another steamship, the "Oregon," was to have
been Ist:imbed at New York on Thursday, being
the third vessel to rtztt4 the northwed coast II
America--under GOridntinent emdraet. Ihe Cal.
which is thii.plopeer, will take her deers
tisde 4w the Pacifie en: or about the 25th ofAmint
month. The Panama A forlhe same lb; is reeelv.
ring her machinery, add will be rowdy 10 leave fa
s tiersbnitinatitni in December. - •
"if Gou t at. Tams be choseci,lhe next Coif
V= will undoubtedly be Whig. Absolute Whig
rule will . thell be upon us—lVoskt!ngton Ukis77/
115 a but.
Do Whigs want any better assonwas than this
that all their exertions should be devoted to the ,
-.VOW= of Genend Taylor--Richinosil Thom
_ _ cstiatez.*srreshi; : -
iL .41 t , i01117,51X- YEAR'S SINCE.
,_,ltonotefrorsenk*4.4s9fany. note; and
on der farthest • verge - Of pop on at that
tismiklived in =MI, cabins- tYfia whet were
meta-in-law, and , depend ed onlfieir ek.
?Ogress =as limiters fir - provisions-for. their
lA:Lilies., On one ,of-those balmy evening!'
Mayi when' noture.wavrrising from her
.bed - .o - death and pittlinglinth her renewed
Wary, these 'friends " tOok . , their•ltusty ri fles
and wen t . to the almost untrodden„forest, in
qieet:of Mitnething tffneplenish theiriables.
httempany Was - their - oldest,- most experi
.eioeit and tasty do, who from the days of
hisynxith had been trained for ,the Woods,
and who had, become perfect in the science
of hinting, as fleet almcishe wind, and
' as - alert-as the tiger, yet k ~ thal was one of
Me Most docile of his race. Re was always
ready for anyeinengeriejr, but most delighted
in - combat with a bear. In this matter he
had suffered; for in his earlier life, like other
youngsters, he - thought he I knew more than
Ink Master,. - anifsevendliines, by taking too
vigorous a hold came off severely wounded;
but afterwards he had learned to maintain a
running fight ; whether heor the hemp/need.
The evening being dry and warm they
bid no luck, and concluded to .watch a deer
lick. The sun waS,,thronring his dying rays
on the tops'of the lofty forest, when the
rumbling of the distant thunder was heard,
and a black cloud reared its head. Some
polivision must be Made to meet the emer
gency; one went to peal some bark for a
!Metter, - and the other to kindle a fire and
crillect some wood; and just as the night was
clash? , around they were. aroused by the
barking of " Brill" over the ridge. While
we were preparing for the night he went to
reconnoitre, and came across a large bear.
The temptation was- too strong—he immedi
ately.made the attack, and wounded the ani
, real 'so severely that it took to a tree; then
he sent back the notes to inform us of his
position. We 'did not hesitate a moment.
Bath picking up our rifles and tomahawks,
set off at full speed, and soon, on reaching
the top of the ridge, we -saw the animal
clinging on the side of a tree. We pushed
forward, but by some means it learned our
intention ' let go, and mime down with a
crash on the ground. Bull flew at it strong..
ly, but finally the bear repelled him back to
us. We placed ourselves for battle, when
both of our - Pt-locks were heard to cry
"click, click." Af•this the bear wheeled
and made all speed to be off; we, fol
lowed on, hallooing, to encourage "Bull."
It was now so dark that we could not see
our hands before , us; still the lightning
trashed and the thunder roared. At length
we heard Bull again notifying us that he had
put Bruin up a tree • we rushed forward
through the woods and over' the logs until
We arrived at the place, and by the flashes
of lightnitlwe could see the bear. My
companion acing the heaviest ball, was to
shoot first, dI to reserve my fire for an
emergency the animal held by the side of
a tree. When it lightened we took-our po
sition, and at the next Bash the ride resound
ed through the forest. Down came the bear.
raging and howling. We both rushed urp,
tomahawk in band, but when we got within
a few feet the creature took another tree.
My companion loaded his gun with three of
my small bullets, and aimed again—down at
came again ; then I shot it, and an was
silent, except that we could hear Bull tug
ging at it. I took my tomahawk in one
hand, and felt for the bear with the other,
until I got hold of its foot, and found it quite
dead. The rain poured in a torrent, but we
endured ,it until the storm was over; next
morning we found that our prey was a te
male' and had cube, so we bore our prize on
our backs, and passed on to the bottom of a
small creek, and soon Bull reached us one
three fine cubs, tiro or three months old:
one we killed—it was more vicious than the
other two; we made captives of the lacer
Tem grew to be a fine fellow, and would
wrestle or take a box with any one, hut ii
would trot do to handle him roughly, or he
would return the compliment with inerealte.
So ended thin bitar hunt. 1 give this as a
sort of specimen of the onginal manner of
the backwoodsman in procunnu food for
himself and family. His hackvr - ood's wife,
his fat papooses, his dog and gam, were his
glory. t SILWA.wIII,II.
Dunua, Sunday Night.
Wrote or site Litioata..—A distinguished
writer putslorth the following theory, on the
subject of wages for labor:
a With refrtonl to wages, it may sound
straugelY:, yet l believe it to be nue, that the
-real interest of the farmer is that the wages
should be kept high, and for this reason A
laboring man is not a mere machine —a hu
man poor box, into whose mouth is put a
daily number of cents, never to re-appear,
but a living being, with wants and desires
which he will not tail to gratify the moment
he possesses the means. If he can earn
only , a scanty pittance, just enough to keep
him alive, he starves ou accordingly--his
food, bread and warg—a half-fed, half clad,
wholly untaught. animal, with a useless
mouthful of caniiverous teeth. But it his I
1 1 wages increase, he instantly employs them
I in comforts—in clothes for himself and tam- , 1
ay ; and as he rises in the scale, ventures on '
the taste of meal. He employs a tailor, a
' shoemaker, a halter, a butcher; and these
in tunt,muchase the materials of their trade
from the farmer himself, and the prayer of
the other customers ; and the farmer re
ceives back with abundant interest the dil
ference which he advances in the first in
stance between high wages and low wages.
It is for this reason that one of our shrewd
est farmers used to say, " Give our laborers
good wages and they will boy our beef"—
Thus, too, the bounties of Providence go
round a beneficent circle—and, after making
the laborer better fed, better clad, better
taught—in abort, a better man—the farmer
himself is richer for the very benefits he dis
penses. Depend upon it, there is no surer
sign of .national prosperity than high wages
- - , .and God grant that for many a long year
it may be the lot of our countrymen, whe
subsist by the Labor 'of their hands, to work
well—to be paid well—and to live well "
Metcrst. CULTIVATION.—What eutbbing,
ploughing, digging, and harrowing is to land,
thinking, reflecting, and examining is to the
mind. Each has its Proper culture and the
land that ii suffered to lie waste and wthl for
a long time will be overspread with In ash
wood, brambles, thorns, and such vegeta
ltiretriiiie neither use nor beauty, so there
will sot fail to sprout up in a neglected mind
a great number of prepidices and absurd
opinions, which owe their origin partly to the
soil itself, the passions and imperfections of
the mind of man and partly to those seeds
which chance to be scattered itt it by every
wind of doctrine which the cunning; •of
statesmen, the singularity of pedants, and
the superstition of fools shall raise.—lierke-
Elva:mix or rue Cue. REVOLAI
counts received at Philadelphia from Cienfuegos
to July 16, reiterated the report that our GOVCIP.
mem handed to the Spanish Minister at Warning.
ton, a petition presented and signed by the mitten
of thq Island, begging the annexation to the United
Statea. • In consequence, thereof, , untabers were
thrown into prison, and tried by Court Martini fur
conspiring against the Government
A letter in the Courier des Etats Vats states tha t
the Sardinian ambassarthr at Paris had received a
communication from Florence, stating that on the
4th of July, Pope l'iu• IX was struck with an at
tacic of appoplexy, and that his .inditioil excited
serious anxiety. The Fourth ofluly ism Reel/s to
have Leen fatal to reveryl of the great then of
Europe. It was on that day that Chataubruind
Hun. Abu:. Taunton, formerly member of Con
green limn the Redford (re.) District, died nt (1111111
Leesburg on the tad Mat., aged (2. The Dultriet
Columbia never bad a truer friend in Congreva
than Mr. T., and lite portrait, painted (of the Con
poration, now hangs in the City Hall, Washing ,
balivitTAxT won WAsuincrunt.—The Hudson
Bay Company, it is elated In despatches from
Washington to the eastern papers, have pn.s.
pose]. to oar Government to sell out sit then- 1,011.
sessions. The proposition Was discussed on Frt.
day to secret sessiott of the Senate.
Sr. Town. um Sr. Criork.--Capt. Davis, or
brig Emily, a: Ncr , York, on Friday, from St
Thomas, on the A3d ultimo, repona that order 110
been matured bu the islands, the blacks having auh•
witted and returned to their work. Every thing
won goiug ou as previous to the outbreak.
The follawing Leen, ul4 to be prophetic, have
been current for ninny genre In Germany:--4
would not be & king in 1848;4 would not be a end,
dice in lug, I would notbe &grave digger in 1850.
But j i►oald be wkiderreiyou pima in VIOL'
a . - ..
s 'i ntr zue,prrinatraiiiiitstrz uAzorra.
'Tut A useitiNS - Carroa'Pie . iiiitio.—Three of
these. estahlisEumiletewei - tecotatodheed opera.
tints, though but partially awned , via. hands
Thdraitoryoftlesark Blacloiciich;lteil dr C. 0., re•
named yesterday afternoon, with bat slew opera.
tiom.. A large number of persons assembled, gen
erally from euririsity to witness the going in of the
bdt tadistuzimuce of-any moment occurrec).
Going thence, however; to the', factory of lathes A.
,Gray,Esq„ a distuitiance rather mdre serious oc.
'coned. -Stones .were thrown at Mr. 'G., and his
worknatt,and micro! the &males threw un
sound eggs,—two of
'O hl& sirick Eir.sFrar—o. ne
on the shoulder asuitheethcram the neck—spatter.
ing in hisfiree and over his elothes. Aparendy
satisfied with this most unfeminine dancantration
of kleling, the rioters, or a portidn of them ' MI"'
ded to the Star Factory; Messrs Voeghtlyj where
they threw eggs and stones at the budding but did:
no damage.
This last mob was merely empanel:in( children,
led on by one silly girl of eighteen or twenty. She
being under bail kir participation in the law riot et
the Penn Factory, was induced by the gentlemen
who entered bail in her behalf to leave the acetic,
and things promised to become quiet when we left
the ground.
Gray has furnished the Navin. of Alleghehy
with several of the names of his assaannts, and ad
ditional arrests will be made.
The dishuhances may, we think, be considered
at an end, if the police continue vigilant, and the
fisctoriea, at least, which have resumed, will con,
tinne in operation.
Ataxia- NsvrosTrox.—Mr...'Eliward D. Tippet!,
of Washington City, called upon us one day this
weel.l4tith a model Ora newly invented balloon,
whicrge says can ho navigated to any point of the
compass ageing the wind or with it, eta higher or
lower elevntion, at.thewitl . of the navigator. The
President of the United States, the 'tea& ofDePr.""
ments, Memberi of, Congreas, Ste, he lays, have
all examined and spoken favorably of the inven
tion; as be will mote, fully make known nt a
lecture to be given at , Temperance Hall, on this
(Thursday) evening, at 'which time he will exhibit
the model, and explain its uses. ,
. _
Messrs. Eichbaup 0: Sample, of Allegheny city,
have a coo t for furnishing the boilers and 'team
machinery of a very extensive Cotton Factory,
which irbeing erected at Lebanon, Tennessee, 40
miles inland from Nashville. The steamer Com.
berland took put of the machinery on each of her
lag trips, and all of it will require to be conveyed
ken miles over land, afterabe delivers it at Nash
villa. The operatives in this new factory are to be
Lost AND trourm—Mr. McKinley, a passenger
onboard the Caroline on Tuesday accidentally drop.
ped his pocket book, contaning money and bond.,
amounting in all to !lame $5OO. The pocket book
was not mimed until the boat was about landing at
thewhart: It wan then remembered that miother
passenger, who was well known on the boM, had
been seen to pick up a pocket book imswering the
thmeription at the one lo.t, hut when march wan
made for him, he was among Ma musing. A war
rant wan IMMOdiftlely mooed for his arrest, but up
to a Into hour on Tuesday, he had not lieeu found.
Since writing the above, we learn that the tioel
was found to the Diamond in the afternoon, .d
when charged with the dam% immediately gave
up the treasure, and was antlered to depart to
Tux Wurstrao RfIrTY . - - Wr were admitted
yesterday, by a gentlettout at whom we eau place
every COOtiIICIICC, that the Surveyor brought on by
the Wheeling people to azarume their nut road
route to Cumberland, has pronounced it hurrat,.
cable, or nearly tto—one fitment, of seventeen
milee requiring bertcriv ma. nf rnnnaling. We
al® understand that one or two very large atoa•k.
holder, have lately become convinced that the
‘Vlteeling connection Zannut be desirable is any
A r the Mayor', Office I'eAt,rday, c"r11/."
- was calm a. a coultnergi ntortanor. timed
to hare dernesaed naelf as bexarruingly as poinahle,
leaving los honor and the polsce, the repo.. c.
needful dunng thc hot weather.
St:mem—The weathe r yes:terday was d.
dedly lararm—die warmest 01 the scrum. The
most 44tonate are they Who eau ft ow God shed).
umia, tad irschange the 16fluzir bilmit and *km;
dust of the city 4.3 r the pure brecies e( theeotm.
DCATU OF Lderv. Rotarana.—The Bellmore
Amerman, of Tueaday, mates, moon other item,.
of new. from Megicsk that Lt. 4 G. Rodgers, of
the 24 Regiment Dragoon', deed of yellow fever at
Vera Cm: ois the t:lat iva, alter an Mlle>. a tour
day. He we, from Uoiontown Pa, a graduate r(
the tellittary Academy, and a young Oincer of high
The tariff of Ihl6 reeiami, or the iron
manufacture, and wine other equally im p o rt imi
branebea of industry, must be stopped. Irelec.!.
many of the tollitqf mills in thee vimatiy have IC
ready mopped; and the only null lot the noutone•
tnre Mtuthicay Iron which a yetinayorl.: ha. be;
to finial! teintract 1 0 • (be Olidembuntii
road 5 1 00 tons at S63—eione third in ou.rk—iitel
clme Its door. like the tuttera.—teutoit Truudler
- - -
XPI-Aari. Lyrae Pa-lA—I - he great and Inner
tug demand tor these Dill., is the surest evideoce
their excellence. People try them end their recom
mend them to their netghbon No one who trio , err •
sufered Rom the l.rver romplaten. or from any of the
thsesoses anung front a dnordered wow of that ors,.
relied lu obtaining rebel if he tried It. 1111. sine's rah,
and thus they Lure worked their own way into pope
Grin b lbe astonishing corn which they are ever,
day performing. Read the following certificate
u Sitt.tousesia, Verna Co I'. 1
Apnl /61 /I , 1 , 17
'Mews. J. Kohl A Co --Geutlemen: I • write to u.
fonts you of the benefit I have received horn the use sa
Dr. lfrisantre Lae( rills f hare been severely ai
lbeleel with Laver complaint for a number or yens
and hare been very much relieved by the shore num
ed pill. lam nitotterto more Of AM, a I Linn
any Intl effort an caitro core; and am confnient bat
on fellPe a pod parry ofubeni A young lasi, an
vw,daintance of mom, used one or to down or tan..
lrid said they an
tottered bet More then y pill she had
ever used. She Is afflicted With ronsomption, or live,
romplant. r W Buri.cß "
Foe sale at the Drug Stine of J. !ODD/. Co. wood
street augtO
CtIAPII.V.VII-Llt, Largo GO, V.., July fte, If4+
Mr. IL I !tellers—Dear Sr, I take pleosorc mcrr
iifying ihs good etreels of yourtable Yeroofur
My child reill.efilir sick,and thinkl nought be wane,
I tried several kinds of Vonalfoge, dung any effect.
I concluded to try your Venniffre, which I did with.
ratisfactory elect, re much so theft fay lane daughter.
neer three years old, pi.sed something near one hat,
dred worms at one tone. then rceemtnended It to my
Wiao have inedlt with 'forces% so much to
that we sold out or two weeks /1e supplif which was
laid in for six months, and neatly eve7y ....Pc'
sou is cumuli{ to the store fortteners' Yernufuer
Respectfully yours, " 11. S. CIIAYAIA ti
Prepared and *din/ R. F. sp.u.Eits, 57 Wm.' 01 '
gad sold by deurgists onendly, Pl.butgli 111
leshany. .01 10
1517 - t'e rite Poona Alcmsta-1( you arlish to be ace
pewits' in any anderlaking, you moat always .use me
crop., marina,' Therefore, if you have • cough, Inte
J•eda's Pseacrwarr and cured. fur it s• OM proper
Rase you Asthma or slawalty of breathing.
shim the 'curly efficient memnu a, cure yoU la 19 on.
Jay =4 arprFtErnialwines;ll,l=3.lellOverfottle
il h :d a =l7an b' 4l I. c r7n7s ' ls c p Use mucus ;l el; flees them
up, slot thus remove, every obstruction to a free revs.
Mimi, while at the stone luteall Inflammation to sub
dued, end s cure is .etlFtom so be esfeated. Have you
Spisibily of - Wood, Pleurisy. or In (Oct any
Pulmonary Adamson, then use. Jayre's expectoraus
and relief is certain. and you will foul thus you hoe.
awa the proper we
For Bale in Pateburgle et the Pekiu Teri Store, 7y ch
Weal DO. Wood. 1.17
Arno EXPLCTOILANT.—We would call attention b,
dile excellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption,
Astinaa, and all affections of the Throat and Longs
Haring several times within slew years pan bed ova a.
sioti to am a medicine of this kind, we have by caper,
once tested its excellent qualitieromul are prepared to
recommend it to onsets. Ministers another nubile
speakers afflicted with bronebial affections will find
great benefit (non it. are. It is prepataby a wientt.
fie physician, and sit chivies will find it reale and effi
carious medicine in the diseases for Which n is re.
conorionded.—{Columbus (06101 Coos. and
For isle of the Pekin Tea Store, N.. 70 Fourth etre..
I . OIAVADID AWAY Chou Hgsuanti sou C1111.04.3—A
Cowarw Woµ•Al gALm KIODY.-1110 Own, w 14t.
faintly, or rather he into whose hands tbey had roll,
niter the decease of one te4 o °let nicd 'twin us stoves.
was taking them (role N. Carolina to soul. them to lir
diens, where they might be free. Will those who hay..
tweis guilty of separating husband sod wife, a mother
froth three dependant little ones, have humane teeling
enough in their heart. not to throw her. a stranger,
penniteire end utterly deentute, upon the cold charity or
eV unfeeling world; but lorry sh her with mein, Dint
ioanot her in qetung to W•ysiswourny. Indiana.
where she will had her husband and ehddren,and kind j
friends to look to in Moe of need. Beier to J. L NEW
ED" Men never attempt to counter:nil a worthless
oracle, hence valuable medicine. or e hvgatently muta
ted. The knave who counterfaiia a medictne
Its great a crime as it ware • bank note or the coin
of Ms Untied States. it A Fabne.lock . l Yeroolug,
whteb a We only pale and certain cure or wont, lom
bran counterfeited In tunny motions orthe country, and
pertiams should he on their guard when porebe.o, to
get Um germane article, prepare. at Pluabaa r a, p a ,
Q7* floor..acre DTKOCIRACT: . 01 . a Review of Lc
coroCoism, Crow l becotentencemoni of Om Adminis
tration' Of /Moos Folk, down w the nomination
of dem Casa lo Myrna: By E ti . Anatwonh. , . 111.
very emoting work, which has lately hewn pubilhed
In fills city, 4 for talc at all the Book Morse
QT Don't beim yellow auk Teetb—tbe7 can be
=do pearly white by one tore using a box et Jones
Amber Tooth Pow It hardens the gams, oratens the
breath, to. Sold at Liberty at. ' narfittlasely
• -cousati:Coartriniton.
alte - Antimasania: and •Nan kraals of At
etiauty are reviaated sem
in pitmary meetings,
at the akial pumas, Irrtha aereral rledliou uiruriel.
Saturday. the 11th of Aognst;latti, to elect Delegates
to a Cututty - CooTaution, to assemble at the Court
Moose, on Wednesday, the lad of the some month, at
o'clotk, tatimpoint Delegatea to a Whig Stom
Convention at: Hartisbd4b., for the nomination
candidatefor Governor, and also to nemoutte a condi
dotafor Commiasioner, in place of Timis. Fairmair, de.
'Mc primary mcetin;ss, in the Wools and Boroughs,
oteeitible 7i o'clock. P. 31.--tiod those go the
Tosehshipa, 013 o'clock, P. M.
- -
Chairman of the CommiROBER ttee T
of Comespomlenc S.
Jona L C ue , Secretary.
On the bill inst, by the Re, Wm. Reeves, M. Soto
lux Woven to Miss Selma Exma Gam men, all of this
Orphan'. Court Bale.
IDY virtue or an order of the Orphin , s Court, the on
densigned, adainistiators' of the estate of John
Riggs, deed, will expoati to sale by public vendne, en
the preathee, on Saturday, the Rd day of September
next, at 1 o'eloelc, P. EL, all that certain norm:ago br
tract of land situate in Snowden township, athomuis
lands of Arthur Morrow, least Phillips and other"
swarth:tins about sixty-three ree.horrutg thereon erec
ted it dwelling house, barn, and other improvements.
Thie property is very desirable. being near the
Brownsville State Road, within eleven miles of the
city, well supplied with coal and limestone, and the
land at excellent
For paruculars armoire of either of the undersigned,
Or Of F. C. neeigell, their Atterney.
amgra.wth•T EDWARD RIGGS,
Pellmsrlvanlsi College—Medical Depart
rum; Conroe of instruction fur the session 0f1514.19,
Will . cointnence on fiIONDAI, the 10111 of October
next., and continue uziol the ensuing it of Marcel it,
annual commencement to be held is moon therenner os
Anatomical ROOOlll open from Member lei in April
Ist Clinical Instruction at Pennsylvania Hospital
William Damien, M. D., Theory and Proctor• of
John NViltbank, M. D., Obstemea and thsemma
Women and Children.
kleury S. Patteruat, M. D , Malone Medic. and The
William R. Grant, M. D., Anatomy and Physiology.
;:ltivid (Anton, M. D, Principles and Pracuca of Sur-
Ilactinagton 1.. Ailed. /11. It, Medical Chemistry
Fants—Matnculation, &Vag wench Prorcsaor,3ls,od
Graduation. !30,00.
auglo-vrenT Registrar, No. PI Arch st.
{A 7 ANTED—A number of 21Cllirf wen, to go South
and West. Also, come to the New England
States, to set as agents for the sale of new and sepalss.
works. SUM per year profits., over and above their
expenses, will be insured thins, with nn opporunoty of
Clearing ROM per year, and more, of they are acuve
Some men now in our employ wall no doubt make
over RIAU/ per year, clear of ell expenses, and there
are chances for others to do the same. Each men will
have his thinner, and it will be neeertary • for them to
have tit leant 825 to SS., to obtain a good fitting out.
Apply to A WINCH.
, .
So. lIG Chemut rlulatlelptua
All letters must be post pant. augltt..tvl It°7'
of the lhoutond, where Volution Mulds el nil the
dtfrent sizes and return are kept on hand or toad, to
order after the [wool arid rno•I approved Fantern foal,
ions,ot the nhortrot none e and on the wont reasonable
the Lrap Rivitnit roll or tiplit Hunt Tranapri
reney unit Parr Cortniii. nl all the iliderriii wee. mid
paitenoi, on hand and In sale low lor rash Ind Veto
man Blinds painted ovrr and rrptirril. or taken in part
payment for new. %VEsTKR v ELT, Prrepr.
R —All work done with thr best oiatrinul rind
workmanship, arid warrunied to ;Ora, the MOO in,
Allegheny rnty, Ana 10,1.4 d.
Allegheny School for Girls.
FlithScs ot Ali. 1% rnCt. Sebool. rorn
cnence Moniny. Sepirguber Ith Room. In
Federal .treet. AlinKheny, rreXl 'loot koVe Ow Post
Ttnvs, for ot wee:,
Vint Cin.. 510 Erroll,
Senond i Is. In.rinan
Applwations 'nay i. made nt rlt An
derson street, Allegheny. near the !land Street !Judge
"01. 4.10 rot I-u Ell ILV.V.II.
Win\ KR/ ?"• i'S C V. /.. F. BR A TED '
t 441; ARE N EIV 41 . A LE VIA No E11WE1....4
Ni i SI Wood Forret. Innwero Ihtk.
finlizi i i mond alley •114/ PUUnh sr
reet. ha
n . oovv
ope and lOr .nae u larue AAR - Ml.ooloi
PI A N. / FORT)-:.. , Irmo the above 111311.
aouctory. 010. 01 uml 7 04 . 1• Pt, of the infest ,i,',., anal
velth all the renewonprovemeel•. v. tnen will ne .0:J
+e porennwra ul lhe - 11o•ton Ca•la Voce," II eurmtd)
sot 10
Summer Itattnut at Pleasant Green.
l.h KILO- tanning au now I.< accorroundated w ulr
jy..urd t ug. ut the well known 1 / 1 1111.1011 of /mores
Adorn., dee mon.. t• situated at We
Icrwer end oiNL.nehroger,tworuden Irma the city, corn•
;Act...) secrladed truil.notre, and surrounded byel.,
~ r gardens, old fronting the Ohio, win re the boats
rryureflly pams..licenitig without sat tag the gen e
rsl noretdric .1 de wear. The wan of I.IU/iIIC.I ral
pur•uo ht. nrugurou In the ctly. talr Insolent+ an e d
.trend hi. lecOvreloues witn los faintly. where :In r
the delltrul und pure brut-tug mi nt
ilnr country ' rtiyaltd cur trw - tr)• command he
tr.e..t toedreal ttleglarree !rum Irtn.burgn or Allegheny
Ilan • &rico OVllinuares (411 VI..111.3111) on the, road to
the etry—endatffireernwood packet land • a shirr, .1..
trot. the**, 'to am" fro difficulty occurs in R...
a..d own* r rty rutry,,lnne iron, 7ANI ur bun
pa., rum terms cu noardrag wilt be toutol
__ very truNterste.And no crlort .. spared to met etre..
, 0/11.414/b, 111
Fllit 11VN A CIII.LIERTSt I Individual. or moult portret wisbnig to
- 14 A RLEY NIALT-400 bushground nerd urtgrout.d. "7 with meal. i.e t regular boor. of 7ANI. 1 r ' the dar'4
We Jay, eat Le ve omnoJa
.l..• for race by noel° 1111.11IN'N 1.113
' rrounl P Etrei:ent stabling cod carnage rourn
rIORN 8801./SIS -Lo dor 'tin sale by : run nitro I,?zrzured. tangy 131
augltr P HO" 2, g ONTiIY REYOIET-- The (..r•ILI I ile Insurniree
LW: Nl}:l'A i “rnbertand 1.1..ver Metal. I VII Ann
holding trout snore trrlat and L. IN etrel. P.' , Lb. Pcv^oos boor “reo d .
the. , Ott.,
• re
• 511./ .1 AMES 24 orstet .4 dd..% the twd uco.d“.
tranr ,
Attakroc.—ol Y.. 40. L Lar.l, bhdollar on; tresds.y t 6 hl
.1 ;er C lit and; 4r•
~/ lag fecal I'lstttr rind
anglo JAlll,‘ 1/Al./1.:11.
..115nuee II Law.
(~ L AN throw .t sod Ited k7a mast., sat eon., ,t ; 3 Fekraleti
anent sod fur .are hy V Ftatercr •
EW FAI.I. t.i rOirS— A A Nla-mni Co.
Amer, are now nproosK rune, nod park ag,.. of
orar Y3ll Gond.. fl.Olllll - 0,111, 10 pan Ise*, A,
ham, Freorir, Muti,
13..0k NlttAns.., tlrilar... t 41,11. Larel
Alto till. -In 4b:, and i baii huls. .torr and ;o
. r IW
, 01, MUM' N At'LLHEUTN , N
t.) A C ,, N 11/ IC& I.l* r. All • jtlSt rer'il aial ;or
sold° 1;11.)WN /a
N. I I .: F 61.•:• uriou• gruates, for ta:r 1,1
/11t(Ill N I.lllls'r:4;Ni
I ‘ .N:4 -.. 12::
iorual ter, 4 ";',. 1. ;+•; ant 3
ataglo t. 11) COCHRAN. 2.. i wood •t 1 CitrgraaA;
q , WF:E.I), AND C ASSIMKRF-4—t an conlognoi,3l :3 o j iltrposolis
A ...Inn sale 41 a . ,.yji, u VA, OW lIRA N ,Il the•etbem are enau,d lor ER. , and ~ II
i ICHNI MI:AI.-411 Wok COT. Meal, Cr , A .....,. e - • • At II abJ ur.d..r IS
%., 10r..,m1 ... Frr .1 ta..d a., ..., .. T •
1111 1~
aaoo v , a. V HA RBA I ,Il
Inl I Er , zl I . "“itk-1.51.1.i. Me,. Pork, joss rev J !sod lor
. sa.,,y aualu 5 S. %I.' HARItAI ~ ii
it i . 11: „. 1:!. , Ol . It - . 2.i ul tid6; Illy
s Flo k ur %v pl i! t . r . 7i . ;
A d ! II f l u,
...2.'.... ' '
1,. No I ,ar.p. ill 'ion- tad in
1..1 lIA KB, C.. 11
1.... ~,
1.115•re..11,1. •turr•i,..l
iau.Nll , W 11AlillA11.11
N ialr 10 VI MI, 011
IUILDAt,k.—o : ) au.) I,u U Maur/la god In rre..l
Itupr. ,useriur .1011111). 101 ..eie low to e 10..•
couniouu.nL ,gU 1 i BIDWELL-90
, prash- Rup .s. :: . , ula l. ll 7 .., .14: j .: 1.1
augU 7.11 •E
m bla
. 1:1:g: No 3 .. , Nl A n . :.
S I ;u t . l . , }:T R WO
81. .- . 1 . 0 4 1:t0in
II au4
)RNT t INK ,tu k V ir r so alc
GuUnuJ 0nJ .... . . U)
J 1111/WELL
_ •
11. L1i ., 11 r 1 , .N „. 1.: 1,1., , : u 0 rt ;:i0 I IltraLt „. .tre . f ,.6 :ur
large cream Chersa, pat recez‘ed
•ue y F VUN BUNN HURST b. ru
j - • 1.11.' —IOW Ins for sale by
ll ll au u g7 . S F VON RUNNIIURST & Co
rlautntT2ol.. bbl,
wran,.l:74ang4 R ROLO4
& Co
1 . )11•E—lai lierre• !bee, reed and fur sale by
•ug I R RI 'BISON h Co
DIU IRLIN-21JU tone Pig Iron, Made and other lur-
J. bares, cobble ;or foundry and mill, ler
sale by aug.I _ R RIIIInON a Co
l'SO:VI SALTS-5 bids Elworn Eagle urk pi
jusl received and lor aerie
muga JUIIN MORI: AN. IlrugEt. werol
Di.ArKIN(:-5U Mown's Challenge Ilia,
jll ;or =lc by boy./ JOIIN
SIIF.I.AC —low/ Ibn Oulu Sbelac, (orange) for
.we by /wall JOHN LI !HOW, AN
lORKS-2 boles large Harke t ree'll and for sale by
VEX RF:O—SO bbd. NW reed and fur vale by
LI A VAHNEsTocK a. Co.
augll corner Wand wood .t•
SALERATHS— lo bbl., to bge.
ang7 nF VI, Ha INN lit 110er A In
I duo large
j . nog/
c 1 FAIARS-:IW AI Common Ci f bbr male by
IRLISHML) SUGAR-30 bbls Crushed Sugar. for
V/ sale kr atig7 WICK
lar 1111% LIKANS-411 bids small lot
solo by sus! WICK & 'WC A.NI/1.1.4_,
LILOUR.—..IO hide fresh ground Must Flour, unalats
labls Rye Fluor, plea are's! and for Vila
augl la S"WATI.: AN
*ALT`d—dll cults N bobs, an coreload for ALle by
1,.) AFa IN AND FLA NNl,ElJ—rarssa Oa. Resod, u Jugs
V aurseed, aust 'a:ceased and for suie Ir a
most L n ,1 A I . l:Ft NI N
“ 1 - t e t i I I /. tapir, ,s re I; t N ‘ a t le r / t ,.y tol N
I TL,H.1;1.,:,.\:1,'“1iN,1-i,'-, 0
:xi b 1.1., +,,i. t "rurile,til!!!, ,ult r . . , , d
JI -, , .ILW o
iG:FE - 1 , :) , ; ,.. - , ....1 , : ,,, L 1 7 , ,,, , ...1.1 „ 7 , 1 . 0: ; 1 0 1 ,, u ,, b1:17 , i L. , 2(2a)r 0 Cu, i ,
, l' 1 1 . :11111.1'.
1 , a:II a, watc{ alid 0( I.lnt ~ia. , e x it
8 4 ' , !: , ".1,1 1. '" --- '7,,,`,"",;;'a -1 :"..!`,,°);,T.','...,:l ; .-!
/rt . :AS-15 , 0 0 b.'l . he,as 1 .. 11, (Ir, nu 4 Itnr , erta; Tmia,
, t .,„
Fur .le by _ jrl , l PIIINDEXTEH 8, !...'a i.... 4-:
S " i ' . ‘ .... ` q, ' , l--- `,°. 7 .1` ,— "'",':,,'7' . L . ,,d01T1`:1X 4 . i i ll
~,,..0 . ITV :NEFfz--.1 A U.. . 0 ., ,i ~ h . v ,
j .„
. 14
' 11... APO 1 .5 vl 31144,11.1k0 NOI4 , 01 Vurtuu• .Iktult.
Ise. mud
IAMU 011.-2.5 bbl. Iturp,,,ta, .0) 110114 0:14 ‘OO
4 .42, Lti._
./".."• 1 . 11 0111111 N , fr .
MACCA . .DE.AIi SNUFF-,lta. reedaliclAr..,7l.e.obii
lY n , .._
!!!!_. '
TNuoiloAh?..cdov.ilwfoilro.a..l..:7„l, Coili,,
1 .i;.
0 11 /iII i2"'"h °34"":%!IZRi r ' N Ir! jAIV I LItiI'IS ..1 7 4
C U lTale l r i Ca l Oito 1-I , :ctioo . 40 Ba W o.s . . " tg:Z n arrin " 14' ;
no ' ' ), 11
Etc; Twmo, (or wee at tosnoloolurers loweel prio il
ire+ FRIEND. RURY te I'd VI
111111111 M
_Ehiiblittlet,lie'dlO•ll * *,..Cill e .
ffichrffiMmt, auto , -,,,
l'illiE neikl4ll tad IN'lnffir COM. ::. er;,,,,,
-.ll_ menses m this I.Ln:thou On lb h ,!_olovriZ o .„::
:Scioto:l uud continue; font moot • ~..,./Olt
Matey slier smceeded by the tip , ..00 Ammer
Seiston, which olio minim. four i. 'lt_ tru ao ,
tons preliminary count. commences . . 0 05
day hi October, and continues one ... ' r , ck ,,..
LL L. Hill s M. D., Anatomy and Opt ' 4'e S e $lO CO
g e 'r
L. h. Jones, AI. IL, Mucha !Medico s ' ,....00 . .., V , 10 10lint and Botany
J. 14. Oliver. IM. Lk, Chemistry and P '''
0„1.,5.. 1u .
W ugh,.Al
M . D., Surgery ad CI-,
..7 . , 0 00
• "'"
A. li. lialdridge, NI. 11, Obstetrics , •
of Women and Children 10 Ui .
J. II Bu c hana n , lll. D. Physiology, , .„. , ~,,,
Medicine sod Nledtcol Jump . -1. ..„,.
T. Y. Morrow, M. D., Pathology. ' .
in lel
Penner of Medicine. • ...... r„. 82. ~,
kintriculatffin Ticket, ea U. ~,L _ _ 000 .
duo.. Fee, SAO. Demonstrators ,_„,.... b ` 4 ' 0 ,.„,
M. One hundred dollar. paid ea ...7 ,1,,. ° ..
, 0 , ) ,„
, t o ,
Monday In November net t will ..
meat in full for the entire WORM . 7.. " . . 1 ,',.' " ... L ^ x '.
flalliculatiog Library, and Dem
r .
_, a Cull ond tho-
The course of iustruction eau., of.,,
rough pre.ototion or the various , 0(
. A , „„.„.,
cal science tough: in the leading ~.,s , i m , 00 ,. 0 ,, ,
together wttli much additional e u r;',",l(Ll,_
any other institution, viz: recent
00 .. 0 , pr ., -
vanes in phyoiokigY, bearing .1. 6 tem of Malmo
lice; • More thormlgh tnaP.ctiOrned system of
procuMedico and Pharmacy; and
a :, ,.i1k0 , . 0 ,
procure, bossed upon exffinsive . 0 „. ~,,,,,,, „
resesomb which erratum —old the Yee of met.
preserve the vital energies—to Ivo 0
__ Li.,
curial medicine, and geom. -- ..
with success many medical ot ~! o ,_“°°•°i__
.L. Lb O. O O ,
uncle th e usual resources of ta/ , ',„'
~_'......, or
lectures and csounnottons will 1t', 0 ,,,...°T... Co.! ,
dates for graduatton, is midi
~. .. FM.... y
MO regular Catlegl ,
"... of study,
bole sue " bun ofarhicti mum
. courses of medical term
be no this Ineututel or one tr- - ... . 4 . 0 Lb.' yeses'
'll3e lust.. WWI chartered/ 045. The classes Io
ottetulauce upon die lectures hf0.. 000
es follow.:
IMAO, ph 1.67, IV; 167-dg• ....Io.eedt.4
n In•00r three years 1 , 1 eta H, ‘,l_l_,
largest in the honed Mote 0 0,°_0.0. C o llegiate
(eofuer of Court mid Mum Vt . ..
tr4o, sufficient for the recepu , ,M 6 or bs
LEW Pupils.
Letters upon Lowness or s ChffiLmaton, moor
be addressed to the understg post paid. Notes 01
solvent Bonk o, oldie States 10ch rho is °°.
e l
side. wbe received to th tit of Inc.. Bused
May Ir eobtained to the eitL ehio n to °T , r i. r b er ., °°°
4-,Demo of t h e Faculty.
Cincinnati, July 70, 1640. : 00 6 0, 11. _
AD Ordl&a.or
EJialdidsing rzia fi riiigif,frad. 50" 4.. "
Alley., sr/ the „RP& Ward.
I.—Be t ordatned ettaacted by the entreat
of hachure, to SelectildC....B Conn.." as
.mbled. 'not the grades dWatcou street, Beech al
ley, Portorg errvet, Cohbootreel. St. Patrick alley,
Locoll et
Eagle , m o ra Apple alley Viekruy
1a.:a...nal et, Davtdeon Braun) et, Manua al,
Pride at, Sterna/Kt at, T A Chesnut et, Boyd et,
C oo p er .4 street, aud Yea.) leo
ma A velum, front Vote at th Jllmou , lle Stray , '
the 7th Ward, shall Ina p#l o lheollY heed ltd ee.b.
Wheal as deergnaled on marked A , 1,
bearour dale Novetuber 1!,1e 4 7. nod signed by the Re
cordate Regulator.
Ser.:l—lle It limber erSpri That the clerks of the
Col urtla, aster ohv proetraCknowledgnien, hr and
uglily on caul plans A. &
It. oleo. approval by co 0411
Sae d further baeed. Ac, That the said
plans sisal' be deposi I.d itlhe oat, of the Recording
Regulator, and ivr,lie I,4yr recortlF.tliereol, the Reg
ulators or other perwit,liteterlddden to take the said
plane out of the u/re viOxregulating, except by du.
it further tided, Arc . Thar the grade of
Bo)d .reel at its to,ter..eerloa with %Vatson strect. %hall
be It fret lower than ther4le ris marked on the plena
A. 2t It, thence roc bf KI Oa,turtn mu:ending grade to
the grade of Locust at, add front War:oti by an
02.10111 grade to Ilia Oda of Yrunny Iv•niti Avenue
W•lonn street Rhallhays an annum ascending grade
from loyd - at. to Chenal SA , astwordly. and front
1,„, y , Str w,,,aamy it than fun I ni fret per too
tees to Sl eet ump,e atreet PLingtsa qtr. shall Floe by un
110110011 ascendleg grade'," the grade of Locust •treet.
emahlrldied 6) sentiA tat of t i t. OrtilnalkCe
.hall noe bran aif.nn grod,. from Poyd street.
Rs now evaldt•hed. Lott. crown tit ~ a rd street, be
,mter, tioyst sod dooull RATeets, us sit Own on Ina plan
A , anything to SoCnOolat or this niolomitee tu the con
trary notwoltamedoi,
Skr s—h. et lartheratdruaed. Se , That the graalts
horrby ental , ..lled 0,111 1.., retort...l i !be tat < for
terorallog Leeds d.c.,littler .I,rection of Clerk. of
Ordained :little:wild into • late In Council.. this
let On ) . Aukast. A WI.-
A itrrt,l NlUltt/A., WI.
Prcelt. C C
II litutti.l. itulEt, Clerk C
JOHN :SinnuS, Preet. c C
JO. Nuoe , Clett S. C.
IJo he, :or, .tea t I yreit •!
Rho, I rle
WV. BA KEW Art-, 10r . h..0.,111
Retell Grocery fur Sole.
THE atm ate!, drattou• ttt r. I,i/11 Lever..,
k talth hitt orl otdt•eer ma. tattatt
lot ui argli waned Go' (rcedr. • s.l r•c cc: itt• staad.
ode °I ckr brake Alirghecc city. @cleated cm Reecccroct
-trret. ucktmelouly 0r.,1 the t'ultac itrtt4r, on the
1101,P1 rrio• nr stork U 1. r(.. , 11r. 1 wt.:. *elected tor
a triad bona . . teal •101, ta 01 • vet y wupertor
•att opport unit t •eltittin rtqu tatted A
tra•duellit rrethi r,lll yt, ca, and lartte,••tott eatt Lr
h al ;sok htli•
Tl,r Ilwat lad Stand ia vrt.:l a.lapted to the
HLa •adl, %mild pa) wet:. itt that tieighiortrood
•ii),vol. , ' ACIIISAJS alt IF:
NIA H WORKS (IN Wool) sT . ri - rstsu HGH
oYrlMfssto tnatmlacture Nimiurnemr. Burial
Stutt‘Torril,s, nerd Nor, Mame! l'ieres. Can-
PmeTopa of loteign end donirato marble, at
a rrpdar ud fair yarn.
B to monsuneu., vault, Sr formal,
ro . of al
ar ~ • 4 1., riptioit ‘Ol/1 - 113 a share or pbblic
For Kent.
.0 GO .1) Lire.. -101 l Brirk
tlouol4 bar I.mtdiitar, Ihnons; Boom and Hart ,
C0111111u:: d ' oci i" rirtf i l= t .11 'talftt.l.l Eat
Item COO/ ougi , dlw
*!U/'ICH ro NU:to:HANTS —The advertiser wk.
.11 ca. afirmaaeitholualitat as Clerk or Saleatuatt
a Clotitery estaliliphmetit Hearieetable tr.fermice,
be b vq, Aildre” to
JAMEN Y. K 11(11. Anor,..y at Law. tiakewel, •
Grans .trees. nearly opposite the Court
L p , a , tne
. . A ..
SZALLHATI. A Vea.l,.. tams Suleratn., fa, kale by
,1 4 1sariimt,-...0U lb. Kentucky Feathe for sale
J. bl uug3 WICK & NIVAN
SPICES—Ground Allapsee, Cusnaokon, Clo ea, hlua
tard, dr.t in 5 and In lb Cass., for .ale by
010 WICK &
11100OLATE.—kal boa Chocolate, for :ale •
(7 7
lIOUNI)OINCIEIt—te kegs pure U 51311, Ginger,
lb LT.
WO by augs WICK &
A Lkeg, No I Leaf Lard; for Lax lay
nt , ss &
' T 114.10 lII'S OIL-25 bbls for ralc
DRINK Silo CIIFFEE-I.a.t bag, landing and for
I. vile by ly'=l a IILACKLIOIN
bra nOlll 6.r )
4L' (125 J.. 111
••butlkali, ~vu, .1 kk
cor and us• r set 2tl .tor)
)11 ALINA - A A Alaaon & Co. ma '
• Iren,,,liteaelted Nlnalsts. uwpfl a , n ,
casa and sheet...sig. mualina
1" 4 . , 1/ 1.. " -- 1/.. ", 1 ... .JK MO; /U do I . 2 thyro, Id
%old (202 .11,.., tor 1u1,,,,
_ !, 2 0 _ J I) X% 11 . 1 . 1 1)122, 110 wood 21
11, 7 1 219 , 11 ,u 111 c t1LD r i. 2 ,
1 ' , 0 ,,,, tt0 i 1 0 1 ,2 ...:4:,....51;1212.1.1 Zion.
B tor too,: dollar
4CO N-4,1V0 lbs 1121t02, Sid, nod N111_41121,.. I/1
tub, hour, nod •Lorr. For sal2 by
- ' V It HOWSON & Co. 11,1 I.r rty .1
1 . ) 4K IN 12 1 . 1.K—. , ..,120u Ili. Sidrs. 17. r... 0 .1,, II oor
,!2.4,1 11 10.111,o)% .s o.
G1it:AN1 . .—...22.nt .1.2 t..
Y 22. 1 c ~) ".,‘
1i ii) ,T! ' ; ' , 1 ,..:1 1.1- ., 1 , '" ':474.."'"::"1'1::i'idi'...:,%""A:
It • ....11-tt,
`‘, 211 t,
‘ utigi It RthitSLAN.S. Co
J 1 \ 1, lEPP F.ll--31 , bx• ItrA;g4 •iround Prppe
aug 7 NywiiS WCANDI.E,s
1 ' .11 ” WA.. t . 11.13,• 5,:.4 lotaag Hy so n. Imperial,
uul,c,dci, ucd I• 1
us. .1 1111 l e Tea. %4 catty• do do;
le by ft.e: , I, K Jr. MOAN DIA . ,.
- - --
,A IS. 1,, 12.. n. , 5,a114 rump
• vetEdtbh Totrur tu..uper,o t b Y
• K 7 Wtc 11 , .AN
4.4.1•2, ,4•1 tre'd I
JA Ni I/A 1:z
UM--10 bble anti for snit. iky
outr4 1.1 • FA lIN .k
SlN—Zl. , bls ',our np,era,` . just rre'd and (or
!tale by 'tt A VAIINESTOCK & Cu
r...„0 , 4V,AI)-- . II.XXJ lb. Red I.ciul, itope r 10 r.ljutt rec . 4
and (or sole by_ oust J KILW b. Co
R.B. SA/IJA--40 . 4 R. pup Curt. Soda, loyio .od
fur sale by son I ' J RIDD.Y. Co
,ULIALT—WO Ault eyed and for pale by
Itutt I J hIUUh Co
OT ASH— b casks recemng from atm, Lake Fr.
1.11 , 1 fur sale by a4l , .114.51Lb‘ DALZ ELL
• -----
B 7 Jotua D. Davis ' Aualloair.
Ciaitua e as4/ Qams.rtrart Ot alactiOn.
On Saturday motmng, the tteh Oldt, if 10 o'clock, at
the commercial stiles moat, comer of - Wood and kVth
,f 1 b. yoldWithout rescrre,JOr cash, par
fonds, by order of.:lohn Porefte, Shea - of Alleghera
county-1 craw, Clung end eciatwaß, caltoracma •
bwidwam aasortment, ethic will be wild it, 101 l to
suit purcblocra JOLD'i D DAVD4, euct
. ,
Itqf Goadt, ft, at Auction.
On nuirsitsir nu:truing, Aug. Ilk Ist lb the
commercial tiores Room, earner of Wood and Filth
moll ha sold, without reserve, • large of
form,/ and ..101Uallt Dty soasistitig of
v•r ty Mika. /Withal= Flagitious, lawn, bet+
sartoes, clo!its, rolloolts, •Ipeecaa, bole
loyle prtnisp.. taints,fancy, blue MC
areas silks, black utbilltioves hosiery. itierirkr , o . l d ,
umbleacbcd stiostins, lasotts, be'rege% "'-
oandkerrehiets, itmenno shawls, sen-111cl sitl, patent
thread, tiosim •gloves,iileoched ad
brow usuicltusi
At 7 o'clock.
rtllitr‘r. •:ta OtoCiri,
Clam. querusantre, gra.awarr, groceries,
t o. b .cco, wpm, ,Orctody, wore pn. largo ali.ottraeal
0111 CW and scrotal baud 1, 0“ , ° beta wrm.r n ab " ° _ 4g
wbiert are, utahognoy was, sium,did dressing ~...
aoraMou bureaus, ditilit,r, break la•t and ceutre table.
liu<3' and corntaoli chub . , work and vra.l l steads,
bedstead,_ toolbar beds, trunspureitt window Wins,
carpeting, looking glass... Mantel clocks. globe larNe,
1 Complcie sel.l , :arkxulitlia took al good ord..
Ai 7/ o'clock.
Cutlery, /act/Ty, musical lootturocots, n largo al.
..ottineni or fuTTLionabla rcud) made ctothotrbio/U.
&Got, unThrellok.stoldle, velvpr., trunk.. gOIO
uw 'TIT. , watches, guts, tokluD, foot/ tool stapler t
rim/ goods,
nog, JOHN I/ DAVIS, Ace)
Winea, Layout', to., at Auction.
On Saturday toorinuir,.the IdthlU n'elorir, al
the warehouse 01 Mr ba I stile. Jr.. in Third atreet,
nearly oppiostie the Pura (nitre, will be .uld without
reaeve. tor cash current). a taunt) al rltlich Brun.
dies and Wilielhot various deactipUon, sit cask.,
Madeira, port sherry . and claret .vi 111 bOlik , -
. ..0/ bid, old Monongahela whiskey A lair, numhar
of iron bound bailels and Ii g lid
rectifiers: lc/ether with jrl sourly ul nth., amide. u•w
ally kept in it liquor store
augY .1.1/N II DAS IS, Aunt ,
411.101'1AN SERENA DElls '
(10485 (.141, Wrm"
Lr" DERS, to connection with the tormer Troupe, to
nue week, beginiiiitg this 531ondoyl evening. July 314
The evening, entermininent rill conuAl of a lira ,4
Concert by Me Tyrolean Voenlists: niter which lid
justly celebrated Land ul YAloopiao pereonders
make their appearance hod give Aerofs thew mind
table entermlninents, rosining o a f
Negro Songs. 01<M
Overtures, kateuvaganans. Ac .
Climige of prOrreumne nightly.
For particulars s email bills
Admission only ...05 ee
1 A great quantity' atilt hest Ire Cream set 2ei
up to VinnurS.,
[E The beat ord., and decorum preserved through
out the enure establishment. jy3l
Hudson's Panorama of Ole Hudson Rivet
rir I 1
seer lon hie )) ,0 1114 , ! , r7t11 , 12 r, 81:7 , 0f .. 1 ) b e w T, , rl , ll o
los Panorama at the olsove Hall tor a FEW I/All
ONLY, commencing on Tharsday evening, A ugoll
and 201100 w, Priday and Saturday veniugs.
in poniedon 12 00u wet 01 v 002205, and I...preset*
every elly, Town nod Landow, oil hat , New York Bay to Um mouth oi the 3lubnwk 11124
constituting elle of the largest sod most besunrul PuoS
rams. in the Wan Id
Admission duly . 4 cents—Children ball puce Tn . !
et• to be bad ill the principal lintels 0011 art the door
Doors open at 71—PaLoramu to commence nosol4
at 0 clock, precvsely. augqi,
Sot ran srnrtr. arm ay, WOOD • zip Ala altar rraart!
Original Virginia Serenader':
nod potatiVely thelf last prior to their acinalore
it. nip Tbs penonnunce eonelo.le
1.1 V/Nli YICTURI.- , 1,0r ETHIOPIAN I.RACE. , 4
Doors s .otj pant 7.--“ Y rotiottritct al !mai •
IL,' Cards V . ndnOstiOn, tto Cool, can lit
oblooted at the Monongahela floo4e, a n d nt nie dug
Hag no. ,ening
guy; -1;t
WM: ❑oaN. AgeJt
Splendid. New Pianos.
TIIE riber, prey tow, to leu
for tba Eton to reploot.ll sun. It. Noll
alt%Tv.... of the balance of !um muc,
bawl at rettuce.4 of no o n
trrtos. It congas. tan eboire sr./crtwa of 1 . .17
node fay Num. &
Ir o n .Clak . 1., and Jooos Clete
tiail.o.fott. Bala .of o 0, to 7 0.1111.11,11 , 01 11.1)C0 of
011111111LhUgt10), a/ 11111[01 . W 111) IC, prtc:ra
At Wuadvell's, .53 Third d'
11 -24
Pelanaylv Imola 11.11 Rood Co.
liar.lSO 21121-. Aterchy gorrtt tbat the FYI
lutmeni IA liar ver.hure.
gittie4 to pod on or before the ring
.i.teutuer o4 owl the ttutb lembAlmeht ou tle
hret day of November Itelt.
l , 1:0)1(.1•: V. BACON, Tren,ureir
N N—lrivtalmems trill Le reeetred by %Vas
Ihoovr, I
eofll.4:at9 AI enutorture r.' tam! Merchant, aut.
Fancy . .
fre•ll fromoropr.
'1." 1 . 1 : : .,•7 ,6 .:::,:: - ,':illy,::‘,"7.l.".„':u.r'„'ratvr' . %Ylt,l'eTi".t
beau purchased in I,uroke by Lilo. of the finix. si ohy
how prues. aurlng the moneuir) succredingtir
Freneh Rairulution! ,
This advantage, which they poaaess over any War
ho in the trade, will enable them to sell a verym
cellenit. l
article much below the market price
Merthants and others will advance their ran
, aieresia by ex
Ascit (Mulberzy)ltemreeti td ant ad sarectiv,
Wm. 11. Foster,
%.201.D1EW5 AtiENT, is now prepared to colleet kir
three uscinthe' extra Pap which has Leon graMed
by a late Ott of Congress to the Troops who hamre
turned from the Mexican War. and to the heirs sod
reptemutativesot those who were killed to haute, or
died of dimese incurred in the service.
Orem . . Itakewctl's DuiWalla. opposite the Court
!louse, Yttisborten.
0 ha. on land a fall tutsortotent of Alpaca and Ma
boa Lustre's, 01 the different qualities, inetudlog a few
vrty supertor. Alto, La and old Alpaeue.
har'd bit do; Witt stnped do; purchased trout the im
porter.. and conecqueney can tee aoltt at Intre.t pear,
hie prteen, at north root turner of 441 and Martel eit.
11101C13 DILF-S.S GOODS--A A Mason
cio.tug Weir largesia:k faskttattable wea r
ltoutla at stl:lrccatc, mduced prices: eunmatip',„,
regr, Greuadincs, Uranur., Pod' ch„,„ ,
1.. a blaik and y Silk.. k‘ ..
- _
Co, GU
IA Market at, are eloatug out a lad e ,of t o
rczo „ a „,
of Caheoeu, at folly hairthe usual prte— ioco , f„, ~0 , .,
lored Printuatt tic. •
0:;E: 110SE'!-700 (o I lutth 3 rqx no-,.
:Xx; u
Just reertred 1,1 D larch Co's Low, an t i r;.,, sale
at the If , hu Itultl,;, Depot, N. 5 %k ood st.
taws i S 1111IILLIih7
ACIIINE RAN DINC-1l e hare now on lend a
AL full al...uorlturnt of liun.ul.ited Indlanalther
chum FlandLnK. all widam. Crow .nebq to
'u 1.. ahid, we will tell of
and turriage saved lo tl.a purchaser. ntN. 5 %% nod
tug, J 111411I.I.IP:i
. _
( ) 11. CIA/ floor vertout
11.10 4 4
I 4: do t 1 ode era n artsl . l , can't be.
brat, 11, Psl,ll, • le 1114 . 11” V nllll for
onit. kt No 5 Woo.l mug, J& 11 f . lil 1.1.1 VS
cill,.o:).:=:;'—z„, ;.,0r':;,,',',77;',,`...,'' .kili.6,l%'.,"Lis;','ff'"
.. _ -
IV ool c .2 .. ntn: o - 0 7:1 ry Ittgbelq market pro, plud
._ `.Y W 11..kliliA UGH
C ' Vt . .nitle'lLnyElo 'tZr.lTCSUtlj.\'(':!7lir.l.l.'"
1411/1mr1 ) el
F.AII;, AP)}l-10 casks Prall Ash.
“...gritruditt and b asby
_ Klan A CUNNIN.,..,
W Unt FtWli AND TROI., . -
half do do, Id bbl..
rt•Aal for s4!yo lay euv
I A liti-10 bbl. No I,arara
I . .)EAU ASll
A Le°"° l —or
„C ' ll: , t . ,N Alell I .:wJ st
. 04 Alt F.1).-10 1 , 1,1111..0 eurtevlt Had. for
- _ °o' Z. , (.71101."Al Ah kCO
nll Dli!AF:11
e by
stors and foz tuilr
IyA 1111 I , lCkt• 1 r Co
- -
kj 2 , 4 ' 4' CURED 'Jerre, Schooley
“. an's (C111(11111111/ ermly Hum.. • , ,r)
r/ cul for solely .
5E1.1,p,r0,4 a laterti xt
_ _
1, , I :A l'll/.:f13-700 lin. tante Gem. V<.hor•• 1 0 71 trc . ..ti
„„,, 10 „„1, no,z & .\lil , !„µ
I /A OI, N-10 en,k;Shoolo,-, 1.001 r
I'.w,<rr 1104 I r .10'
1 : 141 1311,,N h Up/I'LliT. 100 ...cum] xt
/11 , 1 5 1 : 7 ilEakki6-7-Fl! . l.*AlLitr.u . l . o ?r , 7017 1. 1
V Y-.1
VINNACiAR—Iat for rale by
lJ auga PRIEN D &C 0,5: %val. rat
DEER fotsale_ ) 11•
.k.; . tc, Co
111 —
l 7 wr . le . P(l°..l•t• ItAiII3ANDLI.‘,Ir;
ICA U Ct.. HF. IS 74. n th
JAVA.eIe • k Al I • A•• _,s
0.4.1 . , ,, • . 41 in4c rot, v I w.
lor ,‘ I. A 11 . • A • .1, _v.
II i•i • • 0
,A[1,1:144,4_.1 •
,t1... "_311,b116 Cider V
• ,
Colla .
•Ot •on nnlitient T
oAI k ktu
_ . _
s -t 7 .5...1 Seed;
66,"bh"111,1.-cobbh N. 9 Fare, 91...kerrb a l.p)f
toy a3_a! ftyl.yl:l)
45 , , , kgr....1 bbh cua e j 0rg...;7 4 . , 1 , 0,
41 • ..-- "
A aLEV—.. Batley .°
L 1 W
mugl V
oil , .0, ~-44t egs 41..1 lobs.. to , ..i. by
A TSVV. 'Lb co
S . "KCl , ll3 s' '
corks 4cclugL),ljuolSl,
.}* s
ON ups(
Tehh. l'atioU t for ...Io by
aji • hTWOUD, JUNE:, h. CO
U :' La le Sugn, Ileum, p prsine artm
nue cuangament.
pal ATII UltL . JO:YES
lIT --- I.,AILMLA Al•tteutt tit
ifi,„ 4 , h ., • , ,
rer JO WVgl4
Collars, IlikAr"
Cents nte.Y .t. " 11, .tg ttt the lets price e 114
t.t .
J, It CI kivhstts L'ltittivh
VC ,
B .„
• •
• 7:;
& I
- 0)1,1L" PAcACET
Millet %peg known nue w splendid passenger name
ere 'lf' 110 Ne soMpoeed of the largest; mines; hea
unistxd sad tarnishes!, tool moot powenut boat. kat Ike 0
water. of the W. Every aceonsmoslauon and ease si
Curt that maguey can procuie, hua been provided,. va. .!..
f ij
sena.... The Una Liax too, in operation for o gear. ,
—haa earned a million a p.ple without the least Wa
ry to ills, peeve us The inJatS vein he at the fen of
Wood weer the du; previous it, seining, for the Meer
.on or treiain and Ott root) of paarengere on the refits- 1
ter. In all vanes the par Lumley must be pat in i
80/11 PACKET.
N, Cain. A. G. Matool, wt.
leuve l'lnahurgh every Saud. , tuoming ul 10 o'clock;
Wheelsng every Sunday evening r. no.
M. 1e47.
. -
The MONONt. , IIIEIA, , art. snyNa..ll/ leave PlM
urgt every l'iluatlay suall.Asa6 to chic:; Wheelans
very Monday ev,mlg at 11l r. et.
The /11BEILNIA Nu 9,
Capt. J. Kuaart.t.72,
cave Potaburgl, every Toe,4c) tuortung at o clock;
Vhccitcg every Taccday eveitstt2 Al 111.
The NEW I.NIiLAND No. 2. Capt. ITxas, will
cdod, ave Pittsburgh every trednenhi) at 10
Whee:tir every Weiluembiy eeen.ngm IDP. X
- .
The BRILLIANT. Capt. liaace, will leave Pins
harlot every Thurwley wonting at ID Wheelaag
every 'llier.eay evennie Sr ID r. at.
11. CLIPPF:R No. 2, Capt. N.... will Irave Wnv
burgh v,”-y Praia). montutg o'clock; Wheeltai
every Cnday eVrollllg 111 10 r. X.
The hIE , . , SENGI-:11.. Capt.Eso. will leave RIM.'
burgh every Suturdas munu, et le Want! Wheeling
every Satur.l t.
a) evetung IU
N 1!I 4 . agami
(via ukasur A
Leaves Pittsburgh Builtal o' ne
c j
lock, 'A. M.., and ar•
nvemat (..Ylii 41 the g•sudv sod limairer Ca-
Halo at .1 o'clock. sod New I.lsbuu at 11, muse night.
Leasks New List.. at o'thoek, Is. Al_, (soaking the
tnp canal to the ricer durtug the ntgbt,) uud Glasgow
at V o'clock, A. , and nrnws at lilt urgb et JP.
M.—thus malting n ftl/11/11000. line fur carrying pas.
it,rld 6,101 i between New lash., and
any shorter tame void 01 less rule% than by any
other route.
The proprietors of dos tote hare the plc...ate of in
fungung the ptblie that fhri have lined up two Cast chums
Canal ~,., f or the oevouultudoituri of poueogen.d
tretght. to run to connection with the well known
steatuern CALEB CUPP; and BRA VEIL, stud connect
ing, at Glasgow, with the Pionhorgh .ad Cin
nati nod other daily lin of rocinuers down the Ohio
and : n
o d noel,. rime, 'Pledge them
'wive., to spore tin ur trouble to iirstrre cam
tort, nitett . and dispatch, and 1,..k oi the public mbar*
ui then p3trulf Loge.
• It ItAN,,),A, &
mylla! J 1141I11.11.:(iif A t.o.
hlo7loE—The tueamer LIEA V ER, C. K Guke , may Will kaye atter tina natter. fur Wellmlle punctu
ally. at 0 o'clock to the morning 013
184 N.
Daily Packet Lino.
The foilowilig Ile.' beats complete
Me line for the present watoorn
LA NTIC, Cant lome.. Parkinson;
lIALTIC, Capt. A in col . ; and L,0W13
riI'LJLNE, Copt K Deunim The Levis are entirely
new, and ore fitted up without rovinfil to expruse. Ev
erycontibm Ono money coo prorure het been provided.
The Haan , will leave the Monongahela Wharf Moat at
the foot of Neat rt. l'oosengera soi:l be pullet./ on
ord. as the hoot, will eerimbry loom. ot the adver
tro,l hear.... A Al and 4 P NI
prrTsta PACKKV,
The swill steamer
Dorsey P rine7, roamer, will leave
.gelorly ( c c
h ,
on Alonday,
Wednesday nod Frola). nu 10 o'elock preeomly.
LCIIVe Cl'Leritog evory , 'Phut May and Ss-
Motay. at 7 o'clock, o m. mem...ray.
'floc Coma:lean loud ni ell the intermediate poets,—
Every •rcoraddanott that eon Le procured for the corn
an, nod aoira) of pasomiger• be, burn provided. The
Loot also proralrd mob a xlimoilog *view guard to
prevent exploarons. For freight or pawing., apply on
board or to DA t: MEREST,
pie W corner of let sod smithfield ets.
T. Itght drrag t v4e A aier
Thome, enewter, v. IP *eve 63e the
ore end inierrordiwe this d•p.
Pot ircis6l or passage, ripply Ott hoard oaf 10
''' ll7 'd o " lTTlTr g
•, Caw. R 1101,111 torte far above
and all Lat.- rmedtair port, this day, at
• -
For or mpply r , o hoard. or ia
auglo J NIi‘VTUN JONG&
The npleuchd new 5.14 . 1.11ef
/swabs, never, wal lean, •
and tutereuedtate portao
for abve
4.Pilquitr intivprrun - ovorr ----" " 141
Thy elrgaut . LOUIS.
anr ,
“t.oLD, n
1 tote nee ,,,, t leave for the above
Foe freight ur paanave. .note port thus dsy.
FOR hT. WOlrt ."P'Y auglo
c . fine strainer
orb, maner, arRI leave for the above
--,and lettenneabite porta dn. day.
passage twaty on board. aug•lo
...„. The tine uew tight draught steamer
f.,... . ,, a. LEWIS 1 Verna.,
'a - P .' ' , hompson. master, uoll leave for the
hove and intrrm.ltate ports regular
For fretgio or passage, apply on board.atug 10
. .
..,.. The new
, issol apletlulreamer
Luca, reamer. will leave for above
nal intermediate ports regularly.
tror neigh, or paarage apply on boar& _
Volt' ril
Alarette. master, will leave for above
and nnertnednite porta on this day.
For treseld ut 9:usage apply en bo N aztor
4 90_
~... The new a i m . 1101 draught
.1 'I VERNON, aer
rilaTilazoante, mastr, ortll leave
bore and inlermediate pot* L b .
For (reighl or passage apply on board. • 10p....
4 4 The fine new g. •3
en. 1/I.S.
rd IeIITIP for above
• For 11,00 Of Iterface. •ppl.- . 1100 day.
- FOR tliNe' ••• board. au6s
Th e En ,--
Coale RD it:KANDE,
inkp, moat., Will leave for above
For freight or p• ermeataie pone tbi,s day.
FOR k y: swge apply Of I 1•011111 slop
The T fine pleat-tier
wzi..fp• l'OnlIN(J,
A ra lno'er. maeter, will leave for abovs
aad t,tneelilte porta this day.
or pa,
.oe, apply on hoard. sag 7
11,1 i CINt.:ll , •Nkl I
114 I, Ino• •tenowr
ai&liglam' A I 111'Clare,nta.ter AND ,
' leer for
the "tome nod totrnnedtate
ol 10 o'clock to place ot the
ror irembt or pnAenge apply on board. en ,
The fine 'learner
1(.11 N.A ER,
Ino.ter. ual leave for the and n0,r0,n,.... pons [hi. day.
Fur :might or pounge, am ) on t.oenl •ur3
rb 4
F.l.l.ert, mina, wrdi leave for shove
Mar fret bt or e. and totcrotedtateporog egnlarly.
l it 'Mr rplentl.l , l74....raer steamer
:MG ;Apr Javens mast,. will leave for above
watt .triernt, , l4aze plJr.!llis day.
FJT frotgla nr pos-o;ie. bcr.rd
Lti,J suhmahltal Icror WM47
111 rf)SON,
And rr w Nite•tvr, ha. Inlarned Ir•Ir
inps ZWeVII find,rpon, SuaLsh and Put.-
!•argil. I. • vltig PUI.Lu rgh 011 M0L14 . 4)• .4 7ir/n4kr,
PACiii-,l' putt ,p:ppigi r r .
oc., and Put 51(,1:b.!( ri.i v
Hprnr, Irovc •nove
interno , lialr pn ‘Vetine•-
,y. nod Solo ton), of r , orh or2,k. For freight or pa.
.oge apply on board or to
_ _
791 nreadsw•y• New leork,
IN PORTERS AND JOBBERS 01131111 y Frarchyno
led ?amain", Harries, Lac., EngniAderim, Men-
Alo, Shawl.. Hosiery, Wove, !Awns HavAballitett,
till ALI. tkrlfEß fl FANCY t:tAIDS.
~,rolury . ~ New York,
at.., then .0, 1 ,, ,0re then purekaaea
Ate 51,t, ,••• tor tom., ea,• bonne or A. T.
A l'h nos. h ou the Ikt of Jan.
ha Al r Ja r . ` I It 1,0 an erest fn
121 that emote
'• Torst i e ., LiLi s al . A
Tiff: ml prowou ul lituse Pahl nee C 111171.11.2-
. r Tanen. In the n owrows
~,,, uhu.
in dn., r rut har
and w , reni-• of the Aron:lnch !sea/inure, kr adaeh,
fie., When, a toed/elite
fere 11 . ..., counb inatio. is
very applteable, kn. ettnentairve •nd ....h.( al*
atve altanint inenediat e reher ban nal:Ewa or
bir exit.. 11l purple v. orwentlen upon •.koo
itch and bowel. IN ge1.1.0 and mat, and .0s Ware
tnnrart SlltrlClll line
thereby establ.s a the, orgaw proper
functions with order and reraiwnY
'the pnee has b een ,cdoreil inn. 50 to Yi eta • box.
For sale whole,,nd e and reisffi by
ft A FA lIN F-siroc& &
ante/ ....t and w00d...A.16th nod wood •
v 15
Akeot• ftsr Fettabsr
/ s m. - 711E2N A.Nu IVEsTERN MEE',
DONS. Ate_
j 0 li' CARR, :11.3tu,ueturets „ •
• • Psta•el and leeis Ike., No 125
.nre , t, above Hue. DELFIIIA TLIRD
.It.oo and boalersta .'-
•011.ettes.1 of the above sentries, orns,f,
dueed pnees. An exAnatanuon y ,0h,,,:1"4"'
FA L ,F,, __Ekir 4 c....„ -
oar •11 1111 h, 1.1 beihd nt the —ewl 4n4
”almre land kIT Mae % yr?
L S ~(iistt-5