The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 10, 1848, Image 1

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    Eg'TABLISHED "NI 1786.
A NSON, IsarliAbl & Co.-11ble sad Leather Deal.
us= F et Nee Park. m.
cam Grier Pittsburgh, E. Levitt k
Co. r hiladeigthls:.
—Consignments of Western Leather solicited—, and In.
era advances made if moiled. febl:d6a2
A TWOOD, JONEit & Comaugueop end Far
b& erardipg Merchants, have relented' to their old
&and, \Twee andYtcntt streets, Pinebargh. eerdt
r=t1:0XT.01101= EZ66I.
a&UN & REITEgt,i. Wholesale and Retail Drug
gist., corner of Liberty and St. Clair streets, Pius
. maple ( t,
eCiassrius„ —N. S. BLOWS.
AMOWN { CULBERTSON, Whelesele Onsers,
•arid ComoSision hiercbonos, No. 143, Liberty
borgit.. Ps. p.
A. FAIINESTOCK fc Co., %Violent , " and Ile
no tail nroaTtata. comer Wood and 6th sta. jyt
DAULALEY lc SMITH, Wt.!cute ("racers, 18 end
El VD IV6bd street Putter h.
ClsinAN Cons.
.ULTY & Co., Forwarding and r
pawn. Passrcissais, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh pa. r
ww. art.intotn, • J(11131 I. mammy Jas. W. 111.0.2. a.
jrIOIIEdIAN fiAILMAN, te. Co., Manufacturera o
NJ Carriage Innis a s and Arica A. IL and tsp
Suol, and-de era Coach Trt;onting. of every do
satiation, manufactory an St. Clair et. Warehouse 41
Wood st., opposite S. Mules Hotel. isto?!
Art. swats.
lb IcuoCrocct, I
en uYroaco and Pitisarg .
Manufactures, cur
act of Liberty and liond sts, rittdargh, tebl
WY. I. IDUILMS, WM 1. 1.120=1. .
ENGLISH fr. HLTiNEI7, Gala iltirlish, .thdlaghe 1
4. La' A Wholesale Grocers, Gonunasicet and Fo i
'misdate Merchants, and deal= in Prodnco and Pins
burgh a...easel:rues, No. 37 Wood au, Demean Id aa :
3d suams. .11
F.. 1. =ram,._ am. sass,
iIIIKLEND, RILEY & Co., Wholesale Grooms am ,
.1.7 Communion Iderehous, and Agenu for thighto.
Cs*ton lams, Nos. 67 WIlJor, and 100 Front sta., Pit
burgh, ro. febo
1.1 BLUME, Pla Fouts Alantasturer pad deste
.L" • In In s ummems, 1.01 Wood ti,, uono stl
metal •
2,111.4GRE8, LONG Es MILLER, Bell sad B
IJ Founders sod Gas-Fluent, ItXt Front, beets
sod end Smithfield streets, PiuslArtglt, P.
Er Bighead pies gi•en COr old Copper slut Bola
ftkruhnut, No. 40 Wood smut. Pittsburgh. nayl .
yi mein - BRUNOT, - iVbito and Red Lead MAI
farturur, Palm and Oil Merchunt, corner ol
eut and 011ars au. Pittsburgh. • jelfit
insult Incssi, sows ilicur, rs,l l
raw DimEy & Co., Wholesale Wheats, Cons
scission Merchants, and dealers in Produce, Nos.s
'suer, and 107 Front streets, Prusburgh. novh
JOHN H. RANKIN, Attorney end Counsellor ai La%
end Commissioner for the t3uste of Pentasylr • •
Louis, Mo., date of Pinsbuigh.)
Rairsassoci•—Pittsburgh: Hon tV Forward, H• ••••
ton & Miller, hl'Crindless & bl*Clure, John I Par
Hiasells & Semple, M'Cord & ling. jeltlr
JOHN SCOTT tr. Co., Wholesale (honer*, Fora,
ing and Commission Merchants, Dealers in P
dace and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No, 7 Comma
Row, Liltertystreel, near.the Canal, Plusbctrati, Pa. {
• rnitttlY
BRYAN, Rectifying Dumber, and Wholes •
dealer in -Foreign and lkinsesne Wines and
qnors, No. 114 Liberty meet, and RI Diamond Al
Piusburgh, Pa.
.1 Antes`9 McGUIRE, Sate a the firm of Algeo
J • •
EleGnire,) Merchant Tailor, Pd. Charles Roil.' •
Third street. near Wood Pittsbu ;4.
J1111}75 A. HUTCHISON, tr. Co.—Staceessors
el Lewis littiehtsort b. Co., Commiutort Mere . •
sod Agents of the St. Louts Steam Suva Hefts
ha. 45 water and 99 frost streets, l'ittz.busgh.
8. DLLWORTH—WhoIesat Grocer, P
t) duce end Commitsion Merchant, No. V, Wood a
Pub h. land
j OHN L. i%IORGA.N, Wholesale Dregglst, and de
er in Dye Nola, Plurini,.oils, Vernlabel, ke., No.
Wood Buse; one door South of Diamond Alley, Pis
bur • h. 1. 0 1
T.6.M.E1l KERR, Jr., & Co., (sacconsor W Joseph
U .Dasia,) Stop Chandlers, •J d Wu er surest. 0r..31
Jtor a-ISr! 1.04, Wholesale and Retail deal
in Music andllnueal Instruments, School 800 •
Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, gull* Printers' Cards, •
Stationary geserally,No. IR Wood st.., Piusbrugh.
le Rags boo •ht or taken in mole. septa
JSCROONTSANT.2 Is Co., Wholesale Draws.
. No. 04 Wood moot, Piusborgh.
OLIN D. DAVD3, Auctioneer, corner sth and W
el wee Paulo. h. ..oe
ionxtyropi & STOCKTON, Elookselleryi Prime
U and Flip. 11.1.1mnfaohams, No. 444 not gt,
La h. Jei
1" BEAD'S Book Stare - kth, near Maet we.:
• Claaarcal . , Theological, ilitoarieal, Salch, Mame '
laactua, aad Melbalot BooLs acull Statumtry.
IF ROBERT ON & Co., lOwkers and Exchort,,
tt. Brokers, comer of Wood and ad ste, Merehumt
OliN QILIEII, Whotondo Grocer, dealer io Pn
LI duce, ritiabbigh ilionuisecureo, Tm,Nr...
eke, No. 212 Libor!). sL , Pittsburev. Oda
11=9...11 110T13.
& D. /LOYD,
FLOYD, Ooze J. Floyd k Co Co.) WOulesale
VI • Grocers, No. LW Liberty aver. upS
_ _
1.101E.S DALZELL, Whoksale Grocer, remenr,jon
Merchato, and dealer to Produce mod rdisburgh
S. d 4 water at, Fdlatough. "nth
Vestaviva Iron Work..
T E WIS, DALZEI4. it Co., tunnatactureds or a ll sr
ran Bar, :thee; boiler iron and Nada of the on.
quality. IV niche:am, dd truer and 105 from At
AgB WATER 16N. , Wierderairr Glocar, Forerun!.
rug and Corouriseurra Merchant, Dealer n Fits.
a Alsmarectures and Produce, Nos. 31 Water
and If! From P- j m
& biLIPTON, Wholuale Oscars, Fos
wastliog mud Cossumsasou blerels doalors
rodueo stud riusburgh Nlanotsotones, Nos. la soil 135
st., PiusburgO. 1.11,43
MERCER, BROTHERS -& Co., Commission At
ANL chants, Pluladeiphia, for the male cd produce ge
nerani. Liberal adVencey made on ontargrunents.
us: D. BOGUS. RAW= C. Lot
luf eGILL & ROE, Wholesale Grocers stud Commis
/XL shwa Merchants. No. LIM Liberty st., Pittsburgh.
ALENL & Co., Commission and Forwarding
'a Merchants, Wa t er and Fund sus, between
Wood and Market aut.tond
Wit. WIZEN C. W. 111C1.20.11.
it & RICKETSON, o.
Wholesale (lumen and
raCenennaston pg. Merchants., Nl7ll, Lawny stj.Zingss
g .
AS °CORD la KING, Wholesale and Bevan Hal and
Cap blanniatunes, and dealer. tn Fancy Fins,
conger el Wood and Flan sta.
0L2 , 1. SODii No 55 Market n., necond
door Croat center of Fourth, dealers in Foreign
and Domestic lints a Exchange, Ceruncatea Itcpon•
ti, Bank Notes and Specie.
fa. Collect:mu mid on all the principal crap
throe_; • • the United Wales deal
. -
F 0(:SDI:1r= tZholosale Grocers and Corn.
mission sail inns idessliants. Na 41 Winn
SUM. der&
tiIORERTILLOORE, Wholesale Wooer Ruadying
.1:11, Distiller; dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Manaus
tures, and nakinda or Foreign and Domestic %rows
and Liquors, No. ti Liberty greet. rrn hand I very
lap stock of superior old :Alonosigancla wbwkob
Whirl will be add low for coal. apLkly
EBERTBON & RUPERT, Produce Dealer Colgralukca bletebauLts, An. LO9 Sccond 'tryst,
sug& .•
fllertAlLD T. LEECH, Jr., Importer and Dealer in
, Foreign and potanairo klad&rry Hardware and
Camara Trimming', of all ducriptions, No. IZI Wood
at., Pittsburgh. avr.s
RIOIIARD DARD, Whole-solo ,aid Dealer •
-Loather, Morocco, 13normakare Tools and Find
Tanners' and Calm' Tools, and Tamara , Oil
lin 100 Wood at., Float reply
g 3os o • f SO• • , sate Grocers,
Cororrillsion Aterchto, and Dealers to Pots
urg h Ataintractores, No. IVO • Liberty at., Pittabugh,
OBERT Ddd 7 FI I & Co. l Wlndesale Grocers,
Couunissiou end Forwarding Iderchauis, dealers
Produce and Pittsburgh dianufactusas, Libeny
Pittsburgh, P. . fee*
ItOBT. A. CUNNIZIGILLM,. Wholesale Grocer,
Dealer in Produce and Piashargh hlanatacturae,
o. 141 Liberty a. yy
KEYNOLDS &5R1,7., Forwarding and Canunisslo
,hierchnuta, fur the Alleghenyßiver Trade, deal
ors n Groceries, Produce., Y u sgh fdanolitenire
and Chloride of Lime.
The highest amen, se cult, paid at all notes for ea=
try rag. Corner in Penn and Lrwia a.. Ater.)
Qmpli& JOHNIta/N, Wholesale and Retell Dam
. ., : e nic l e .,mli,t,ta.ry g orals, Laces, Mastery aso rsoe;
r• . 40 navkal street, Ud dour aLove Mr* •.•
rout/urge. ad. ..
• .• e. 1.114C111.411, 1,104 4 ....'..
slincu.Krr & WHITE, Wbolc .1. P.iler. in
lorelin Laud Domes. Dry Ooorls..No.W.Wood sr,
l'isoassgh, ......
_feblht _
~,„ W HAREAUQH, Wool li:razing, Desks.
O. :u Flour nod .Frotrao gaueraily, and Fannin:ling
ann;Comonseiou Merelanns; No. CO Water st, Film.
Sarra, BACIALNIC & Coi Wholesale Grocers cad
la Produce dealer., No PZI alesketerreet, between Gth
sod CMS. North .lde, Philadelphia' cora
- -
trrnauzuu. rOil =um; =mom.
'.LLEFIS NICOLS, Prodnee and Venend Com
-0 Wasson Merchams, No. - 17 I,lllrty Pinaburgb
wens, Lammed .aul Lard Oils.
VON NONNOORST. & Co., .Wholetalo (ito•
rots, Foraiatding and Conuniasion Merchants,
ta in Pinalituall alanafactarea and %Vegeta Yr..
dace, hare tentoven to Omit new draraboo"told wand)
No. 45, corner of Front. m and ei•
acla7 _
Ajkii • 111 nrardmg and Coamusion
ktexclunt, Maps . Produce mot Pittsburgh mum
ra E y.. 4 ,.-li - hotessie Unmet", and
co Commis
?detain/Os, our desists in Prisfueo. No. SO
d st., Pittsburgh. plat
Ail AL P. V9STER., Agent for Alaskan soldiers and
proem= penstons, al dm office of Wm. E. An.
y 's baildittgs, 41.6 at, PhrsborgA. Al son
istAto; general lard office at 'Wilibingtonorili wvmd
soy Wawa them free of espenee to syypesse.s,
n...arics, . . •
'WICK aPCANDL.M.9, (saseesson to b. J. D.
• ur I'Vaik,) Wholesale tirswens, Forwarding earl
Cloalirassion blerrehania, Orders ill iron, Nails, Glass,
lanes Yarns, awl Pittsburgh 2danafsi=drall,
Atolaar of ',food aut WILL.. meets.
. e., z 'L 3s'.:
'T .--- 1
. '
7 _ ..............:..........:...-
, .
. h \ _ __
__ •
NOV Ir " P C iTtlerm."' end
t lore ant, o. met at. between cm an.
lilarket etteeta.
tw W. WALLACt,MI-117n7ee antirrli Fianna-
6' lug establishment, No. y 44 Liberty et., near the
_ _
AL GARRARD. Dealer Easley and Stn le
W. D r y Goorls, No. AI Market street. Pawn, rep
•De al W • • •
kr:W WILSON tar ist d ate ea Jewelry.,
Silver Ware, Military cam &e.,No. 6.7
' IL hfUltrHY L lArholesale sad Metall dealer In
• Foreign and IJOMMIC Drp Goods, north east
torpor of hbukot =I Fourth sta. aug2l
- -
WA. YOtt3o,_ 110. a tr'craa
1 . - 1 YOUNG t Co.—Dealtre in leather hate, to
143 Liberty Ea. tahaAt.
- & M. MITCRELTREE, , —WhoIesaIe
Rectifying Distil and Wine and likquor
eltams, al., Importers of Soda Ash nod {gene 1.,0g
Powder, No. IGO Liberty u. Piunburgh, Po. itinSilly
0131r4 IMACIDCIat, 00011011 B. 302113.
BLACICSUELNB. Co.. Wltoleanir Grocers and
Vs dealers in Oils. Boat Store, and Piuobargh Man
mactared articles, have on band, at all times, a full and
general as.soruttent of goals in their tine, %Tater event,
mar Clmrry Alley, Piusbmah: aul3
JOLIN 51. TOWNSEND, Druggist md Apothecary,
No. 45 Market at., three doors above Thirdat- Pau
burgh, will have constantly on hand a well relented as
4mtment of the best and tresheat Medicinm, which he
will sell on the moat reasonable term.. Physicians
',chiding orders, will be promptly at ended to, and sup
plied with articles they may rely upon an genuine.
1D Physician. Preactipuons will be accurately and
neatli s prepared from the best ntateritils. Way boor of
the- lilso Y fo * r r &e h , L a large stock of fresh and good Perk,.
EAIGLE COTTON WO RK.:S,' Pittaburgh, Nlnnufac-
WEI, Cotton yarn, Candle Wick, Bening, Twos,
Coverlet Yarn, Carpet Chani, War &c. Ac.
OCH & Co.
(Successors io Arbuckle & Avery,)
Bing Proprietors.
ALEDOUX & Co., No. 77 Canal enact, New ea
loan., Agents for J.D. Armenia taint:nen Steal!
Nagar Refinery.. Always oil hand a large stork of
Loaf, Powdered, Crushed, Clarified and Bastard Bogue,
to Tierces and Barrels. Also, SUPII House lilolaitera
Prices ltbcrnl , and a fair allowance made on all antes
of or above du barrels.
Monongahela Livery Stable.
j r 6 j t Routuer H. rirrEitt , oN ha, opened
the large stable on Filet it, running through
to Second st, between Wood nod tbriontheld
eta., to the rear of the Mo.ogithela Bowe,
with an entirely now stout of Horses 'and Camila,. of
the best quality and towel styles. Horses kept at bee
ry in the best manner. J rbil y
addles' Ironmongery, Harness and Coach
Moss, Deer Hair, Varnish, tr.c. ae.,
Hit No. IXI WOOD Bt. Prrtn. son.
H. EATON, Dealer in Trimmings and Variety
a Goods, Tartnis Shell, Ivory and Horn Combs,
%%colon Yarns and Worsteds, Buttons, Needles, Pula,
Tapes, Hradec, &a, No. Mt Market street, betwen Dia
mond and 4.11 st., Pittsburgh. /Y 2 . 3 a1l
. ~ ;.
MIL , F. qr..'
CLL. /0.1=5,
4 p l3le flid blister steel,
Nl A p 2 2g F i l i ' s C [e r e t l : , 1.e.. I plough r wir , g.7.c.?. o .
n ." 4. liP,"
Sf'"nr"' " ' M a rc conch Mu%
r i" :insr%.ll C 7, uug ceret% i' r " ot ' 'R - ris c wad Front Si,,,
t, new Wood—Ail qui:wanes of Green slid
Black Teas, dove up in quarter, ball, and
0.. e pound packages, ranging iron:so ets. per pound
SIOU. jy4 A. JA I'MA .Agt. for Pekin Tea to .
lhalei, Pa
WILL also attend to collectlons and all other busi
nes tro
s custed to him In Under and Armstrong
cantatas, Pa. ltaler to
J. & R. Floyd, Liberty et.
W. W. Wallace, do
James Morahan do j Pittabargh.
dly Karts Cu Wood et. )5117
T 11. SWEITZER, Anorstey at Low, Mace 3d
EP a oppootLet. Chsulea Ito el. Yolsourekt, teat al.+
nut MI promptly to Colleenona, m t/t, aatonpon.. Fa) r.te
told Green eounues, -
Blaekotoei, Bell & Co,
Church& carothera, 1-Putsburgh.
D -T. Morgan, (tEe I3dly
- -
V J. HI...NRY, Attorney and Councellor uLaw
_Li e -Cuteinnan. Ohio. Collect lOUS to Southern Unto
- - .
and to Wdiaua. and ul !Contact:l:, promptly and ewe.
fully attended to. Commtastoncy tar the *tale of Penn
i eylvatua., for mite, Lep...snow, auitztuarledgmants,
• .
Rsrvir. to—Hon _ Win Bid! it Soil, Curtis ‘ Chureli
rdr, ,
• —.'-- ;slsusua.l Auussar, ..”.souilors sal lux
14Ca , oral awe of courtia •S 4 so omiLs.s•
• febl7d.t. wly
louts DUNLOP, J. HAL.. ifi1,b1.1...
initlet, S tr E ct -EL etl 4 .l " ?.l7ll l ll " Al. L'''' thbC"
lORWARD tr. SWARTldillatEkt, Atmrvey • a'
Gate, have removed wear when to the South mile o'
Barth st.. between Cherry Alley and Untast street
ROLILNSON. Attormi at L.ato, tom r
r ts r . moved Om OIL to the Exchange Buthitugs_ nt.
%arm, next door to Alderman J 04113. y
SYS:. FINNLY, lt, Agent Mt rimsburga lor L.-t
pawn, Mutual-4m .y imuranee Company of
voqlia. Fire kitialea upon buildings min meresianuize
V. /Ivy domnptiorb and Alarme Risks open hulls or
earrgs of vessels, token upon the moot favorable
the Wareham. of W./3.11.21=es
near Market street, Pittsburgh. tr. Bro.,
V,B—The soceens of the Company sine the ester.
Itsldatst 01 Ma Agent 7 tit this city, won tbe.formupt
111,10111d liberality with which every churn upon theta
for lOU has been athusma telly warrant the agent in
Invigilate confidence and patronage of Ms friends and
the ccountuaity at large in the Delaware AL ii. Insu
ritual Company, while ttIM the athlittonal advantages
as .isilitution among the snout hourtstung in Pluladel-
Phta - 4$ having an ample patfita capon), which by the
opernog of its charter m taussuottly mcreasing, as
poidlgt, each person tnsuretl has due share of the
protitsofithe company, without involving ham in any
rupee/Sag whatever, and therefore us possessing
the Mali p rinciple divested of every obnoxious tea
sure, Leibits
most attracuve farm novd
`libbsgarsulec Company of Nom Ambncu, turough
asltaly mahonzed AVM, the imb.rtber, odors In
"ePealluteut bud baLabil Inbutubee us/ properi),
Ckrabd its vieturty, and so abwmetus by me Cue
gal *.d given.
'Arthur DO;En, Ch.lee Taylor,
Sarah W.JOnea . Amigo. IA hoe,
Edward WM Jam,b M.Thorme,
Julio Siren, Ja w. IL feed,
John WISP,--
Richard D. Wood,
Thom. t.*bpe, Wm. We 1.34
tineemil P.SieLb, Franire Homens,
Sormiel „Jr S. Anson Alithotie,
O. CLiFFIS, Pres'L
Ha. bEa sacaa, bee y.
This Ileskiest Ineursom Companx to use United
~ .,r4V been chartered in 111.1. lis comic, u pc pemn4 Ulhom at. high stioadwg, long experience,
in at al, nem to so extra him
artiott• ebor/V.P., at 01a) be coneidercd as uttering tun
pie.- ellYbQ pubLic. W. P. Or:lfs.
At the Cc.ato r g Room of Atwood, Jones h fib s ,
Ii o
ter and Fronikreets Pittsburgh. may 6
bourn/me Company, of Purin.,
PhOi .aleake lom name, permanen a
t and bOrtleci
....V.7„__6C.04.11 of property, in Pitudiurgn we
elrlory, On IaVOI.Lie moos. law coin.
has a Porpeimi charier.
Capital, lkitilLfeki paid m.
Contingent, Et*
Odle. com.,ertod met Market suers, Pamourgh.
epllkif WARWICK MARTIN, Age..
TUE orulersY e ej uuy ataltonoce Agent of the Attie,.
hihit k e4 . itiraurtisice Company ot l'ntiatiennoo.
“otrinees in eject insurance ogautel loos or donut,.
agunst Vire, on blaidnigs, 0:11:11.611d1., :oratory and
property, not e.iftiosurdaus, lit thin city eon vicont,
apl4Vin trout! its
. _
rplIE fiLIBSCRIBELI has barn appointed Apia pro
tem. Ofthairlankhco COWOLOy of North AllicriCe,
and will tune PoVIA and attend w the other Internees
ci the Agency, 414 warehouse of Atwood, Julie. b.
Co. apt: %VAL. Y. SUALS., Neuter et
.., , ,
J .
UST LCUJEICk&r,,,,, Ea t .r.,.., a argr azaorttoent
"i" '
it..witott 4 " k `' .
t •-• "aro,
1.4 ..„‘
t t
t .tur 1,,,,utp, .1 Ottictent .ty
Cu w vers" th oil wilicki will be sold °hes
(or cash. window/a or royal, Ao.tree.spZ• J & II rHILLIYS
DIS.W. J. .111ADIGIILA, Dentria.
. OFNlCkluultulthlieldnirest, id dour
north ornasst went. lh. hisuou:r. 1.•
Ofosetfully tug prole.smool •
•it • ol PiUsburgh,
egb..V Viefulty , •
lantataces—Dr. A. N. hleDorren,
Vs. to..osiock;
Ctil L
hi,. latogili, o - n - : ;
yr.t kr rl . Wtov.. apll7nlCan
CALF 81tIN8 a Mal, French Call &ma, a
am boo .r'e' ° • 4 l ,. , _k, rhilanelptun
mater. tis 1" 1
J.O "'; 14.1 abart) .1
Iltyy L AWN'. ~:c i ttnr,w a Murphy
JJ .. tr. , ire h. re...
ved a taiga
fora aold at we:" p
W ot des
.ISraL4g6 ateire• wi'sAlfe,E-41or A'loNY4Lsoy
W IN a wlus.(3l*Udo7so,ititid., do L0. „ 2,
Ad toW lot MO by v 1101.,
lylt HuitsT 8 Cu
----.— 0.. 11. b .
A ' , dm . 'K of School Hooke, Paper, Station.
II o d. r 'ishle forcountry sales; among which
are V,
vti,,,,p „ -; of fine, medium and common qu'it's
Netter, - do do do do
ote ik, " do do do do
Note log Ko , oloP.K
Slates, ... Waferth Quill. end Steel Peps;
Window_ .. lyard made) plain and printed;
BonnetiPl . of different qvialines:
Blank ;., • great variety;
pomp, , sad Pocket Bibles:
Crown, , _ , and double crown wrapping paper;
m cG „,,s,., de Spellers and Readers,
i theriettes;
R'" E' •
Cobbha SP dII n and Reader.; o
" o •
A o th mo d dams, Davis,Colburn, Smith, Stock•
‘c 7l )...' " ' lebell,Olney, Smith, Morse,Ciood
f,,b7l ' hers.
Gran, Pur le y, ;,; th, Kirkham, Hellions, Weld, and
' Idw Bl p :Xi es, .l b t. r ti j d ll oo M re F ato " ?na ß' llth.
The to hen I pri c e paid !!!!!' good ml*ml raga,
in rush ...
. M... 1 ... .M 13 :Pne r, N . 0 . „ 0 8 1
... dcal ili w u k. : 4"" r o k n s 'i o hio f John im il :Ml:l ,.. to e. n, d art n wri ow th_
ii;PKts by Jam merry; and one hundred and
twenty engrav ' dmwunys by William ILervey.
In two volumes: -,
Spinet:xi G algstrt.—Tha four Giesbela and
Acts of the A in Greek, with Engliall notes,
Clltical, ph t io so " and ezeget/cal; mem Indexes,
ete, together w le ktmstles and aeocalypse, the
whole ,Coin Ow a l the um of
Schools, Cobeg Theological ficmmanea. By .
Rev. J. A. Seen N. A
New A driumme is Eve.—A fairy tale of
lave. By Mrs, 8., L
p ;
Jnata` Kamm; Th e life of Henry the Fourth,
J 5
of Pran ge moan, .BY G. P. R. James.
Coutleta In four P.P.= 2 no '' , clo th .
For sale by iAIIiSTON at STOCKTON,
lane llookaallb corium of market and 3d Sol
; 11 WORLDS - A pope
"- ; or o g p ,,,,; ; ;th ; e great discoveries and theo
ries of modern .' yby 0 la mhchril, •m. Di
rector of the Cin ' o "'" , ' , . , zitY
H oo gi oy i„, i ro l y .Abaind Rhine.—Letten from Italy,
the Alp. and the% , tiy J T Handley, =
andUm of Na
poleon hi. hi Waahington and hie Gener
al. tee. New andfled ediu°^-
stau e n ea of Co n; e Geographical and Geologi
cal oiettnen ees of Combeaubles ar Mead fuel;
including also, n d localities of the vanom
inmenel linurrunieusl urea employer! In arts and
!milometer.. Mu by Maps and Ditigrantei a e ..
communed by nearly armisticel tables, and MU an
ml) ars of amen! co bleu, Act prepared by Itich.
aril Crowling Taylor.
Jun received a few qlua of each oldie Agree works
—lar aide by NSTON & STOCICFON.
lye ' !ler*, COT market 1/..3d ma.
- DOOKSr - - - it the - ApitOutldingt, Fourth etre., near
_K) 11 owl.—lrclaug . (come to the Stranger;
The Cuor, his Conn People, by J B Ma gad!,
The Omni. of Fran
The Live s of the . by Bacon:
The Puritans and theittemtple. bf E Hall;
The Constitutional:4433oOn of the Holy Apostle,
WWI IL ?nor Ea
Allmon's Life of thecif Marlborough;
r•ii Life s
Neengefe of C l. ' ill 1111 btstorical connection
and hunencal de . cat;
Harper. and Applego publication" generally.
School Books, Paper, S mry, At.
apit7 v. J L READ
14,T EW BOOKS the Aro! II Building. lth street.—
.L 1 The Military Life Gob, Date of Marlborough,
with colored maps: by
Second Vol. ChalruerfrosKomosta Worlm—Senp
tore Headings.
The Idle ut Jesus Chi** 4 Mamieal connection
and historical deyelopessat lry Aurae. Neander.
Translot.l from the 4th ikrmsj adman by John Mc-
Clintock and Ch. E Bleenthl, "'minas°. in Mck
innon College.
• Four. Vol Pictonal fiery/1 England.
Now and Theo. \Citron, author of Tot,
Thou and .Year, and °Misr b.:isomer°na to mention.
Call and see. 91:1 J L REAM
r inns Institution undesta mperyision of Mr. and
Mrs. Loshurti, is null Ism lor the recepoan ofpu
pUt, and will as cen...40. sat. plane on Liberty
ntreet. In consenucuce ofgless changes haying taken
place, a met vacancies haviilecurred, and those donr
ous of piecing them dasightsistuder Weir care, would
du well to make au early gbenuott. For 'ten. nee
etreular, or uppls to the PdAtliel. opg
• ToiiACCti
No. NO &oath Wharves. and iiilt;ilr Sera& ,:iyater st
?LULA Da.no4,. . uis to tuforta ins trade cipitelaet• grorceally. or
khushargh. that t:icy have Itilec&teriatireanginti tits
with the Vaginas uotuatacturvia sad the. Grower , . of
the West, M, est ladle.. mad ottudipsce& as 'oral ...are
• 1.4 r ••• c••••.• appal 041ti.folltriving deserts,-
tams of Tobacco. whit& W4l bmie upon as accota.
aziodacing terms as tiny otbice huge fa this etty or el.-
&thee& and all gales oedemata:la Clem ortil he war
rantee vitae to repreacittattocc
Havana; at Domingo; Gans;
Var. Porto &tr.; Pentist}Seett Leaf Ics
Cohn; &pica, & Floeida; bacco; ,
ALSO--Bran , t • relellrated /arcane &tag Caren
! digt, ~. an • it...taunt/a of 04 popular brand&
ti f
r, 9 G, V 4. 2 stg l'tVil';.:'lll, %C3:•,-,4,,,tt,u,
ars., street ace plate, 10 thole &Ice all 'Goa., vrooki
and uti, together with every variety article belong
COMEallesiOS l mtl rorwardlng
No. cc NORTU W.nvcs, I 2 WATT.. ST .
1 . 11/i4D0..1'11
R.nev ro—Jottn FL Brown hQ,
14:4 " "
Lkac no, tt. f
Ltugamy a. C.,
Jew ‘ O ,,
Walter.. a. 411602:me
1.4:4;a1ey t Smith.
ituffaiclgc.W.fitost kt..l r...utK
I.l.utcy. crown & co, ,
Kor Jones,
liberal h dvancs rlinsollument. to OUT
arloress. mar-Jo,,lty_
P. C. SI.I...NUMCP_ CU al= ICO Pußi. W ATIt.•
And General Commissfiln
N 0.13 Sue. ui.cratraza.
REFERENCEII--Henry Geoff kC Pooborge.
RodP." Bh4l6° ' , lClueio Rata.
S :+cnooley k !Mk
A. M. JamowyAny
Douai, Ilumpbwto & Co.
Mercer, Bro. ham. PM!aura
Reed &
apI:MT Duulh & Coalman New lark.
Commission and Forwarthog Merchant.
wool, *Z., rrirratpsrsi
f lONTINUEZ to transact a genealliCollacussiou biesd
%,nem, especially in the parch...tad ale of Amen-
Can Manufactures and erodes,. ad in =easing and
forwarding Clouds cm/argued to huriptre. A. Agent (or
Wa hialdatruses, no will be competir suppised with
the printer/al articles of Pmsbarrialanahmare nt we
lowest wholesale pieces. Orders
_tpd consigumeem
are respectluller
U. V. CONWAY 4 , C0. -
DORMS:qui:Tit, Ohio Comsamsllll.ll PoncesWag
Merctuutts suld 'traduce Lteukri—slco as to
the Purchase, Saie sad bltlpment °Os law, Coal,tike..
=ma rr. t.
aslood, Joan & Co_
Lore a., SLerllnt; & Co., ll H rtntn .tr = & Co.;
Wog, Luntlany & Co., D. LtoILI & Co.,
Lyon, Shorn ar.. Co., Chan& Thav.
olarlOtty— dtiaziodt
V 1.14116 4. A 511.0111.01%.
Lam of utsburgh, P . Lath of :WA villa, Te 4411.
DEALERS IN corroN, FUR wAntisti A cosi
1110 1 1/11431 . oeure etoartiCia,Co. 3 . o,, " . "'
Reier ro 3h.rei4ant. gonarally, io INIINIrgtt. ajar_
W 1.101. Hai AL Clll.ooeas,
Iron, Nails, Cotton faro. it. Istit s borgh
]tan valor t urea ga nal luiy,
iii %ern. rrradr.ll. rt_qq, PA.,
a V CTIOIIEhIiS 4 COMMlShlullAuciuni.'
ALEX. LEVY . & 8110,8
CINCIN N ATI A t/ 5'1'..4 0 ,,,,.
../act to nail at either c010r...M..111, kt.. ..... „___
CilaitOisc, at lite /uWvet late. 01 Ceituriq..„ .m .. L 7 7.,
x... 4). prcparc..l to sta ke advatlcas. 11 . wat t „. :L L.
o..ccs iMen II required. Letters sidrq, , .. 0 ,,
- bou., 1.11 lIC pirunipu) Ultelided LO. ~,y
IL 1.108.4 CE WY. C. V. Nr...IN. i . „ 4. ..,,,,, 2 .
Product and Commission nerchants,
No. 6, Irapkia'a now, Escallop Aare, ilamatoar.
TO —l/av alJort, Nardera tr.1.:0.,J K. li tu d.,,
11.4,0 Jeltki4s, iltilimorei M. Allen & fit/left& Dil
coin. iitille.ll.on. Singh & 00, libilcidarl WIIII4 t Yin.,
".,1.. ~ tk loselri., 'l' 0 66aughlless to., Lancia
kruhr.PSON CARI L.
Aa,rl / 111 .141factlos&re of Irlblvod oil,
No. •51
;Tally . LL - ru u ,
WIN/. 11. CLAIIFL.:ti
Perawardlni, M.e, hall%
Attest,. paruru....rt, . 0
For any 1,1:0.11111itti, pi0:0 FUR
Mali b'W neer atsee
Will give pryingo attenuon to the
duce, and to order, for purr . ..ring
C&lrEa To—tieurgo &Wrgan n. Co., Iht
GENERAL VO/11/11110110d1 21/P. II A ZisT.
FOIL T PILOW Chi& I'll i sm Ns ,
Nl.* 10511 , 1 otr rurtl •\\ 114
It rannaNcia.-- ham. of huaburg
v - rnorclo & Co,
\1- r. I,uv. taken an Whet immediatee
V our torus wotehoo46, for the preae
will trans.. bionneu as usual, unlit a n
Le erected, amassment,. haring alresil
!Or shut i”Pnee. Mean inn always be
our wtoirf veceive freight.
C A M'Atit;L .
(S.tccoottors to flood, Hurd tt.
.Vorticalar nit9otion poll to the said of tV.
al advo.orea motto on clump
10y1641-wl y
p ',...
M.+, ~. ,:
.. - ':. 'aL~. .
-~~sF-~ay.u2~~t^~`~'..°.'.,i n% ,a nd , ~ } ~'C?4`? - ~v_rr_w..a~..h...~....-..~.-..,..e....~_..
T °GAN &
in have this day ansocimed
vnth them in the Hardwstre buainess,
ran and Edward Gregg. • • The style of BIM will here
after be Logan. Wilson & Co. This arrangement ren
ders it desirable to close the old business as Win as
possible- All parsons whose liabilities have mantled,
are especially requested to Make immediate payment.
Pinsburs,h, Jan L 1649.
OCIA N. WILSON & CO--Impernars .and
/ Woolreale Dealer. Foreleo and Domestlc Hard
ware, Gallery, Saddlery, !Lc., 119, %Vcwatt street. nth..
burehtare now fully preparetl with a recently impor
t ed stock of llardware-, Cutlery, tea.,lo oiler 007 rft 1
inducements .10 western buyers, being deterunned to
compete in prices wall soy of the Atlantic chins. :Al
so on hand on extensive aasortnientof Pittsburgh Hard
ware, via: Shovels, Spades, Socks, Roe., Vices, en.,
all of which will be sold at the lowest nianufattureSs
mica, falai
THE subser,bers hiving recently entered into
partnership under the name of Gal agher, Mogi
& Miller, for the porpothof carrying on the Bell
sod Brass Founding and Gas Vining busiumte in
all its branches, hove token the eland formerly corn.
pied by IL Gallagher, No. 109 Front street, between
Wood end Smithfield sts., where they areprepared to
execute all orders tor Belle, Brass Gassings, of every
description, and Gas Faings with nearness and de.
patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly attended to.
P. H. fiIIt.LEIL
N. EL—The =cation of Machiniste and Engineers is
invited to our anti-attraction metal, for a reduced price,
which has been pronounced superior to Bobtail by
numbers who have used both. Steamboat builders:urn
the public, generally, sue rile requested to call and ex
amine OW superior double bonen Force Pumps for
steamboat and, domestic th.e.
artn mao
e hip long existing under the Bell ot
T il hflord & " King s , o was by mutual consent dissolved
ott the Ist inst. The business will be closed at thesold
stand by either of us, using the name of the finn
that pumsse. Bemg dextrous to our bush.. --
closed with as Itule delay as possible we would i•
spectilalty request those indebted to call cud set...
their accounts. JOliN D teI*CORD,
1ec,19 D KIND
TOWS D. brCOLUJ having usoetatedwith bim hm
fl brother James ild'Conl, under the etyle of M'Cord
& Co., wttl cantina, the Hat, Cap and Fur busmen m
all as various branches, wholesale and retail, at the
old stand, comer of Wood and jib streets, whets they
solicit a continuation of Me patronage so liberally be
stowed on the old firm. JOHN D WCOH.D.
IN retiring from the old and well known firm et
ttreortl k King, I moot. tespeettly recommend to
the patronage of the puhlle my attetelf Ore, Nknen.
hl'eord tk Co. code H. D. KINi.
-- 667 nctae eahlp
Tr w. sTEI.III.:NS ot'Wheeling, F.. F. Sheentrerger
Es. of J unions, and J. A. Stockuin of Pittsburgh, have
this day catered Wine co-partnership wider style add
firm of Stephens, ShoeriberKer h Co, at the Anchor
11011 works, WheclinK, Vs., tor the purpose of maths.
factoring iron and owls of every description.
. _
IVlveling, Va.
Manufacture all kind of boiler, Mum, bat iron runt
11,111, A. lb steel elipue spr old agies. Being con
nected with glhocalierger's is old Juniata work., we can
oder an artiele of Juniata iron (branded Shoot:Merger)
equal to any made to the country. Ail of which will
be mid at the Pittsburgh prices. Warehouse of the
wort. cot are of Monroe and Water sta. myll
TADJSOL CITION—The partnershlp hitherto eibri
if tug under the style and hnn of Wightman h. Dab
is this day dissolved by mutual consent, John Dai
haviag 'disposed of Ms entire uncreat to IL Wight
maw The business of the late firm will be settled by
IL %Vightmen, who is authansud to use the name of the
labs firm for that purpose. It. NVIIiHTSI-614.
apcniti3us holy 1471 J. DAIeZELL.
THE Subscriber is now prepared to manufacture all
guide of Cotton and V. °e'en Machinery, at the shortest
imbue. Orden. left et It. NV lehtinan's Engine Sligo, Cor
ner littierty and Water Ater., will meet willtprOjriPl
allonlsOn. H. W
Leaeok sL, Initarcen Federal and ttandusky au.,
sprAidly Allegheny city.
the partnar.tup exutung tFetarten
11 we suusera.ra haat, the .I)Fc ot l'otsida.rta,
Co., am. da.aolvett 6nLFe. tat al coiner
K. W. IFF/Fotioxler autoon/Ft to .tile
le all mtu me Ouvoilesa
of the coutero. It 4V PUINDhATEIL
styricE—lfiv. tag port-Rased n,e enure interest ar c.
Brant. in me tole evneern ail Voinde stet
aseacteird my son, Theods, Puttidalscr, Meithe
business will he etruunued az usual tattler tilt slyta (Si
l'otodelice t arcAl It. 'V VOINDF.N.Te4L
VllTlCE—Jisenc• 1. tiara:Acid Las hit intuit-it tidhe
LSey Isoods llamas.. conducted u, the usuue gills.
oadersigurd. earner 01 ouria awlpt, Pitts
burgh, contutractng Fel. 4. i•il, Ttie I , ussues4 ant sue
pre,eut wut ba conducted wider rite kroner style a
munili %V 11 , 51 L
iO-PANTS EllB HIP— 11 1111 1 otalg
day useactatcd with hum John LI t't.'.uue, the es
th., business will hereaner be conducted ander the
firm at %Vat Young h Ca WILI.IASI NTH'S
5.15 /NO. R. BIVIINF
J ay nom' E..opes fox-routs
:baba. Cmunitnaom lit. Apr. tat, tell
D it alPd tee jA D pftl ' in.7t ' u --- an l •s t l a m) Zro d ( t ' tl d i ) 07
portunity . o(pving puoneit) to . me exdosards,bary
of ye n l
on to) sen. Having been addicted
for several years with a severe rove, Ceche (ecer
and its concomitant diseases. and .rested ostly'sluamerl
to linger out ashen but miseroble exasteisce, until the
tan of lam, when, being m severely flooded, and
bovine resorted to all m) to ore mer TM., and Me me
ss rtpuow• of two of Me suout rexpectable physic... 4 of
the umsaborhood without den, cog any hemeht, sir tee
consolation at swans ;no but a Tow days or week* at
ranliest—snieu the last slcum of hope was about to
casual, I had recommended to Olt your Expectorant
and bleesed by that'lleing who does all things la the
u( the means—and contrary to the •opectations of
lay physician* and Mends, I was u, a ft to day nosed
trona my Iced, and was enabled by the oat of a honk.. to
attend to my business. emoyuto mice bear her 2 ,11,1 than
I ban for ICU years pre•tous.
Keeps-canny ) heJAS. W. bbiend-
For sale m IbUsburgh, at the Pram Tea Store, 11
Fourth street.mar- 9
A. If. llctd., la. Y. City.
V. A.V.Ziiivrruca,
B. L. FAxmarruca,lPtusburgh.
Wholesale Drag Store In ilia City of
. •
arrant. to
the coy of Newl ark. and are prepared to mpply
Druggists rod country Merchants with bolas, Paints,
orb, Ilye-sturis Pore gn and Ameneao Pmfumery,
klander,Wesver & Mender s Chermeals, lot Mao own
Importation) nod all other erodes to their tole of buss
noss, of • superior quality as low as they can be-pur
chased lo this or any eastern city.
New York, Feble B. A. FA lININ'TOCK &
— )lll.solksor'iCksoonfue Greens
underogne& Painters and Illtud kickers of die crl)
oklicsr Yodt, bare used and wiled. nod are now using
a new article of Chrome Greco. infoluineturml by Geo.
K. klareber, of this esty. and bird it to work well, pro
ducing a fine brilliant Pans Green appearance, with •
very supenor body, and recommend tt to ma brethren
in the trade as to every go hest Chrome
Green we have ever used Now York, June 1, 47.
Signed by al firms of practical painters of the city of
'New York. This .fequalled Chrome Green nosy be
&Olaf E. E. SIiLLFILM, No 67 Wood novel, who
the etcluswe agency for kts sole 111 Pittsburgh. marl 3
A VIA* Bet of Tooth for SS Coots.
VT OUlJA—Yellow and unhealthy teeth, alter be
ing once or mica cleaned with Jones' Amber 'tooth
Pasta, have the appearsmce of the moat °criminal ivory,
aud at the same Who Ilia ro perfectly innocent and ez
minutely fine. but its C011..1.111 daily use is lushly ad
vantageous, even to those teeth Wat are in a good
idtton, giving nirm a beautiful polish. and prevelltung a
premature deray /Move already decayed ti prevents
lima becoming Ivitrar—ii shut Ilittlello such as are be
coming its by roar veranec It will rainier the
(Dulcet teeth delicately wane. and make the breath de
liciunsly .meet. sold by WM. JACKSON, oh Liberty
m era
its As V •usilifieruvivis IrealtirbUCTll.
AFEW wanks stove, one of my eloldreri, a g ed about
y ss a years, was anweli for several days, and the
Illness Increased so alarmin g ly that I feared death
would be the result. Havin g heard of the good effects
of Fahliestockls Virmntuge when administered to the
children of my ne. g hbors, and thinkin g my child mi g ht
have warms, trom smile of sy in g ulais, I g ave it one
and a half teaspoonf u ls of the Ver.-Mir, and to my
g reat utonishanint it almost tonnedintely disak a id g ed
helmet.. hilts and 01 large worms. It. health mitt WWI
restored, and it u now remarkably well. Previous to
°An a , the Venn...a g e, the worms would oceau t ioal/y
I. se in its throat, and I Mien tented it would die from
slnangulatiOn. JAS. G. DAWSON.
7_^' Y~
Venango et), Fs., April a, 45. aitl3
LOVE 111.11.1:—I4ati the lollowteg eartshifale:
Me. ,, thclua,VlLLlY, Ohio, May V, lea.
1 h.. lo cerlay 11.1 my hula daughter wne •1111Cled
with w, and tbut hoedkestrel remedies, so Cal.
led, without .) app.-cm ttrecl, tletog idiom., try
am gent No dm {duet ut the 'meccas of 2414,0 Venni
loge, Was seduced to give • trod Alter givotta
believed.vys, according to threctanu, my daughter wns
I have no hesitation in reins at as my opi
ion, that Sellers' Vorminago Is the best oetaut.
k ., iPared and sold bY 11, F. :leiter. No. 5Y Wood at.,
Bold ale* by Dr. C.sel, Jeth Ward, I) ht. Corr) , os
giteav, tied Wm. J. euttni, Maim...rev ill.. I.l'
Popeallar, beoneme Glow/
Cool. lirsomi, Jedernon Co, M01..1, I, 1 , -e
mil Li 1-,
stooge nod lough ,) sop ~.o lour
11111g0 14 WllllOOl 1124.1t01i 1114 1.'41 r Ver utle . thd 0 r %1112
„ 5 ,
Cough 's
; r
1 Li:4s,
iii I ICII A.i) 1'1.:1'1 kit
OINI '11. ` , 1 is me ilium enriitual remedy brio.
thr Or the cure Cl itch, dr) ami watery
pimples of ha ince, neck and uthiy, scaly erupt...,
and all other diseases of Ile skim Onitinelii r.
warranted Ire. Irma mercury, is perfectly sale, and
may be used at all times and under all CirCatiWtnnecs.
A fresh supply tii U.. valuable remedy received and
tar sale by 11 A NA lir; klb
• Ciirrier of Ist nod wood, also, corner Of Cith gad wood
street.. let
Null INVALIDS ANL/ INFAN'Vr3.--iIV knurly'. Ar
mX limit hiwder, a delicious and highly
nutritious loyal, which oc•iii lures acid On die stomach
and is now universal y rernendrd Oy Ow Iseult) in
prelareoCe to Bract, Sago, uim or plat. Arrow
a, bettor 'Lined to uce
anu u more litrenbilbintitiu sod w mree we uod
far inuring far /WU by
yr'cued .n
r " LT:
Lin, will keep euithianily balid a large supply,ertuch
they will furinsti in dewier. at the lowest market price
Mr malt. le'At J KIDi) et Co
VANILLA BEIANB—UI ID. fresh Vanilla Beams, of
• very superior quality, and in polite order, Just
received direct nom Mexico. Confectioners, toe cream
innkors, mid others edit Or supplied vary low by the
quantity, by B A FA lINESTUCK & Co,
corner let and wood .It
110 . 17 LE coars—to bales ree'd bud by
TOGO G.TO TEGOTION, rani-cram&
. ... . . ...._
fi THIS establishment long and widely known as
being on oldie most commodious in the city of
Batumi has recently undergone very exten
sive alteratio and improvements- An entire new
wing . has n added, containing numerous and airy
sleeping apartments, and extensive birthing roams.
The Ladies' department has also been completely
reorganized and hued up in a most unique and beauti
ful style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House
has been remodeled, with a single eye on the pain of
the propriettirs. onwards the comfort and pleasure of
their Guests, and which they confidently assert will
challenge compulsion with any Hotel in the Union.
Their table will always be supplied with every sub
martial and luxury which the market affords, served
up in a superior style; white in the way of lYines, he.,
they will not be surpused.
In conclusion the proprietors begin say, that nothing
will be left updone op their part, and on the pan of their
assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the pubbc generally.
The prices for hoard have Mom been reduced to the
following rates:
Lathes' Ordinary, 1111,713 per day,-
Gentlemen's 1,50
N. 13.--Tha Beane Wagon of the House will al
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
winch will mug baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of charge. • marnf
- ._ __ _
11:4.01;11 , fry y:4l
COLT= 0/ PM% AND al, ZIA, PM151113111:114 to.
2 The subsenber having assumed the manage,
meat of this long established and popular Hotel,
respectfully announces to Travellers and the
Public generally, that be will be at all times prepared
to accommodate them in all things desirable to a swell
regulated HoteL The Haase in now being thoroughly
impaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no
patte will be spared to make the Exchange nue oldie
very best Hotels hi the country.
The undersigned respectfully solicits a continuance
of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore
received. THOMAS OWSTON,
febtkla Proprietor.
T1111.00831011.T03i'8 OALT 11011181 C,
AFIIS'riIROCK:4IOON begs to acquaint his
(deads that be is again lama of the biALT
1101:$ b*, Louisville, Ky., where he bopcs to meet
ell hiosold (Weeds, tweeting them nod the public, that
effort shall be spared to make all eomfoilable who
favor huu with their taironage.
efko s
CHICUIVI ar., 1.7101,Z3 ..1"111 A.) rare sea
B." AI . . f PVPE U Irit 1 8 1V.1], 81.1'
ton p Proprietor.
r : ( the punlie that they hove reacted n shop on
Lacock, between Federal and Ltandurdty %treats. They
ore now making and are prepared to receive orders or
every denenot of vehicles, Coaches. Chortort, Ito
long Buggies, Piteetons. he., which from the.
long experience in the tnanufacture of the :shove work,
they have. they real confident they ore
ea to do work on themost reasonable terms with
those- wanting articles in their site.
Paying partiduher attention to the selecuon of mate
nals, and having none but competent workmen, they
have no healtanon It segments. their work. We
therefore .k the annenuon of the patine to this nutter.
N. B. Repairing done in the beet manner, and on the
most reasonable terms.
Stockholders, inks Notice.
HE Stockholder. in the Youghioaheny Navigation
Compimy are Imreby notified and required to pay
to Mr. Jame* littaltott, the Trenaarer of the Company,
the cum of Ten per cent on each share of their stock,
on or before We Plth day of Joly neat. and a further
of Ten per CCt on or before We lath day of Aw
gust nett the stockholders will alert take notice. that
the law oath/attires the collection of One per cent per
month, on inetalinen. not punctually matte, which. if
found neecutary, will be ealinced 13) order ot the
Board. ALEX PLUMER. Prue.
J LI Heap. Jell
r 6i Market street. do Gold Lecer he., lb do
detached do; 6do Lepine; It 2.ilver Patent Lever do,
aa do detached do, 6do Lepote do; Is Gold &mud
Chain, best quoin,
Al., a good atkortment of Brea. Pins, Ear Ring.,
Finger Ring., Gold Pen. hod Petted.
'lt. above goal. have been roCelved with the last
her weeks, sod be told at reduced &antes Per.
winhlng ro purchase a good and cheep Watch,
would do well to eat! previous to purchasing
/ 7-7 1 El.)l2[lA NANKIN:a, do —W R tslorpssy has a "h
a few days recesved an addl..] supply of
Londe le Naaktua. sold style., hoe biestalted Drsisa,
rensoion In, ischleached u.. fuse Lon! Issoin StorisssKs,
Inds [Anent, (very 'ow , white Cotton Hose Send col'il
do. I*.per Carahrscs, 14.4 . at tun Ur) &heist. house. .\
I; corner tilt and Mattes street..
Wholesale Room. up On,. »,"
Dr. PI e Lam • to Tenn
Illy le to canny Wet I purattne , d one vutl of
aloLanu'a IVornt eosne IKJ 10014 , :k.
alai gave to • aon of Mitte. 00141 C seven yr,“• out. too
oaapoona ha, although the anaont ton) . appeuz
arga, aft aave no doom but Were . wets upwanis of
rut., TAJC•• two.. passed from hint, umauunna
'ono ma quarter or an inch to two Inaba. long.
Itaa.• •eek. Carrot ro Tenn „Dee 17 I+l7
Leeching, Clapping and Illeedlig,
I: IL NU11.151:5. tbuere..or M IL
Li (Co :/.I Falls street, attwesla Waal and ,4111 k.•
Debi Fresh leeches received ihotallq --ono:ideate :di
Ileleretice, the pay ...has al rittst.orgh. Al.e
!featly and
I moat
my recommend to the physteton..fain•
Ines and all my tomer friends and patron , . Mr K It
Name Ed bring thorouVtly norm/dated en th tne unet
nen. and ..orthy w instrontsge
NI H. 01.:1.A.N1'
Manufactured T oboe c o.
tsDNS Loralry k Itoynce, supw:run evrcet i IP,
25 du Ai A Iltniti•
I, to to Pro, A Darcood'o S •
VI do do do 11f
25 do do rear: a lino Mud •
II da J Elownson
SI aid° do
I-Idt, du Wen Dacron
11 do T Wngln's
:I; do I, and,rroo •
o do I. r r's
5 do It Macon •
V do listellf
Jan landLeyi frOtO eteatacr nod eactetr. and en rale
•r HhoU.P, ul ejNolt a Co,
41 000 , 21 truer el end Di nouth vrturve/t.
• •
ANIWACTURED '1•11.11,5CCO--211 of .June
ilj hi hou's superior sweet Lb lumps.
75 half loss %Vett.. Old supenor sweet a. Mums
35 it Lawrence Lamer 51
`i Leutry k Remoter - 3s it La
YV Dupouside la Eurel Se -
1u McLeod a.
Lawreuee Lotter 5. k ds plug
Just landing trout neamer,,and (or sale hy
41 N water grand lON wharves,
my3l lquladelphia.
YA Plill—A/C0 tidl• Straw Wrapping Popes all ewes;
lUD moms wiled Cap Writing Purer;
- ruled and plain letter do. all gualuie.,
100 Val Cap;
2:0 merit mn Tr. Paper'.
ISO grow white mid blue it vets. Bonnet Boards,
LW reams dandle k:itrelope Paper,
10 •• llanlwera Paper, just reed nod for
• ale low by IttlYNOLlks A SIIKE,
Inyld4m corner peon and irwin
,lANCFACTUELED TOBACCO-1n tune and to a,
LW.nye, the fo ll owing brands el Tobacco. con•i1111-
menu froni manulacturer• of Ilichenond aiul Lynch
burg, Which will be sold to the trade at reduced taws:
AsALAtitianisia Os;
GU do John Rooker 6.;
110 do Henri. A James ls, Os and on,
21 do L. JOIDOS 010
It do IL B. Warwick .•••
14/ do J.lll. and Os;
21 do James Madman On. Lti WATI:RMAN
awirl • 31 issuer and 02 (rout sts
.thuserther odor. (or sale a full assortment of
j„ Ms Slops' Parent Block., Skive?" kth, adapted to
the trade. Also, complete setts of Stocks, adapted to
vee.el. (gall,' capacity, pot op and forwsioled to any
part of Union, without delay and at the lowest mi
ens. LIONMII VITA; for sale la 11:Antilles to son
purchasers. LSO W STAPLES,
apt-ermiumiTAS 36 Ithrroor Slip, New York
• . • ..
A CASKS Jaz. %apron A Son's brand% jest lend
"Vl' nag from COMlllet Northern Light, and tor rale by
BRITANNIA M ETAL WARE—Jan meet red from
the manufactory, Ltritaneta Coffee row; do Tea
do; do Sugar Bowie mad Cream Cepa; do !Mop do; do
large Pacheco, with Iola; do Molasses do do; do Coffee
Urea, welt lamps. For tale at low prices.
fey GILL ttiliT7'Y, eign Big Pitcher.
. . .
Dlnspratto. Psteut
CASK,Ice for
etlan b dtrig ltous Meet., North Catolt
JJ „.,
160 liberty street
SAILSAPARILI:it-41t1 1.1. of this
1. great syntig and summer tam:lmmo, this day reed
sad tor sale wholesale and wadi by
N li —An LL K. h. to Di. Townsend'. only agent for
Thlisburgh the genuine agtele may always be had at
No Si hi doani aural. OlVia
B) L'l - VON A Ft/Il be
edg binds, vbed—tulk groduslod lea/ gum , button,
Ur uodd nbuorgli do, Fasozucl du, Co•oboas
usol Drup do, Neu mid Plain do, logothor will. wbtt.
..rd LIIIC/I. tor "do MI ll 1 - 11.4 Cu'.
117 l'Esouolog Saute, suorket
--1. ,t0 d 0... do Ai,er'• 111 dl.l JO, 0.5 .0 K11 , 1r ,11 hug,
ve tm ploy, iv c , o•es, dye drt boot, Myer • ' , 0p... t,
A, °MAIM' do. al di. 4u du do Tlauslo. :Sector Leal do,
fecelVed tl.lld tor Nu. I,)
W4Cbin - lirodus, 4 cons" Pal Ash; CA/ dux
IL./ Tow leon itxrlo, Bee•wol; Sl/ 141 No 1 Soap,
my du altar lbutdlCA, iZ/do Post Fluads, 11)11bla ass d
No. lAdil Sugar, or rale by
Co-Partnershlp Blotter:.
EALD, IIUCKNOR & CO. have mounted with
LA. them m their 'tobacco and Commiamon bunnies,
howard Heald, (lam of Jacob Heald & Co, Baltimore,)
David C. Mt:Common, and John A. Werner. myl3
ba . ud a Orr &sentiment of Iron Slone Ware. laud.
;Ole le alcantooslo and hotel., which we Will soil
L.EI - 11,
apt? Pogo of ghe 111 K l'acbur, wood rt
f t,st
C N O S:i ii t , n t, l7l , iirr y ztLix
icrthiy, aid i:feted by Hie piece, at irlipleseilo
room. of MLItYIII,
notilicHil cot 1111 and market IL :id linty
ACOLV—W bhdsyelloss canvassed {ism. Lu Uu
1-P thdvvi da du neouldera, all of prune gummy.
geld SkLisL}LltS Ls ICOLS
*' Ebb AND I•RISIL' PUKE —IO bble Ale* Prrk; 5
joie , 9E6LERL4 a Nicot.s
qtADTARIC ACID-4 lb*, of . superior quality, re.
mired mad tor sale by
62TF.A.It I.IuAT OS a:KEST PUS SALE—Ono holf
of U. fine filt/ISICT tYyotnitot for sate on sec.rn.
modatinst torsoo Foe posttest:tars•nnutre of
SAr. W
611 - PPirarcovr Bean,
(Late J 8 Smeller ft.
iaIiit.TFACTIIREItS of Phardi
M Ore plod
.outh side, second street, between Wood rut
Smithfield Pittsburgh. J S Strielder haring deoe.ased
sad the surviving partner Mr. Jps Lippeneou, too' .
associated himself with Mr. Wni C Dan, the business
will hereafter be emaineted ruidet the sty% of Lippe* .
0011 ak. Barr. . .
Trial of • safe in Cincinnati, o,—Ws, the andersign
ed were present at the vesting of one of 38 &stickier &
Co'. improved Phinnit fire-proof saute ,The antis wen
placed m • [armee on the public landing, and subjetted
to the intense heat of a SWIM Cool Ere for more than
three hours. In one hour and a half the safe came to
a bright red heat; the door of the furnace was then
closed, which caused on Increased and steady heat far
the balance of the time, until the cast iron wheels were
partially melted ad' the lemma lean than thrown down
and the safe cooled and opermi. The money, papers
and books which it contained were an perfect as when
placed there. the binding only of the book. being in
jured by the water in mohair the safe. We have no
hesitation in recommending it to the public ss a safe
superior to any we have ever seen tested, and believe
that it will nand any hem which might be Pirsgt..edt
crept n heat which would melt it to a solid ma..
Ret i eZileU k j. U ‘ rtt 'h e itm r. ' ; , G L P ‘ l p e ' :s h e ir . " r' "" T
urns Seat T
S Dungan b. Co, Stedman, iilayard & Co, Wm Manse,
Mead & Winston
We, the mderegned, 'elected the safe spoken of
above, from a lot to the store of Truber & Aubetthe
Refer to Cook & Harris, Broken, Pittsburghi_
limsey limns & Co, do ffediktelYB
tad. uertractrer 10110 D. WIC. 1. It 00101-.1.
M .
ANUFAC fURERS of Hammered and Cast Steel
Shovels and Spades, Area sad Hatchets, Mill, It
Cut. Cireular end Cite 'Saws, Hay and Manure Forks,
Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, the.. having completed all their
arrangements to the construction of new machinery,
and in securing the best workmen from the most cele
brated establishments of the East are now manufactur
ing and will keep constantly on hand and Mr wale all
the above article., having avoided themselves of the
latest improvements. and are determined that in work
mauslup and mammal they will not L. excedind, They
promise to produce amens equal. If tot superior, to
any that can he had in the T.... They invite the atten
tion of dealers to an egantination of their stock before
purchasing elsewhere. as they aro convinced that they
will he able to fill MI orders in their line to the entire
satisfaction of purchaser, Warehouse, Willa( street,
4 doors West ltionottgahela How., Pittsburgh, Ps.
N. IL—Persona having business with IN to. Lippen
colt fr. Son whl please call on Lippencott 24 CO.
e 5, nusw Frahm . .
A large and splendid assortment of Furul.
ure, satiable for Steamboats. Hotels and pri
vate dwe/llnga, constantly on hand and
snaste to order.
The present mock oh bend cannot be exceeded by
any manufactory in the western country'. Persons
wishing m intrestase would do well to give me a call.
m I arn determstted my prices shall please. Pill 01
U. shock Consists in—
So mina with Plush and Hair-cloth aoveu;
2 don Nlnhogany Nome Chaim;
hi limit Divans,
12 del fitly mahogany Chairs;
IY mahogany Work Stands;
3 dor mahogany Rocking Chaim;
IS marble top Dreamng Bureaus;
u patr Woman,
• el marbly top Work Steads
Id cherry Work Stand,i,
Mahogany, Maple, Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads o
all dc•coptiosm, and a large au.ortinent of comma
tirnmare and chin., too numerous to mention.
LAMES ARE CALII(24ED AGAIDita 1.:11.11.10
TTHEY are not aware how hightfully injurious it is tc
the skin—how canny, hoer rtnagh t bow willow, yet
Lint and unhealthy the skin appears after using prep..
pared chalk' Resale) ti so , iltjurtoul, contenting a large
quest my of
We have prepared a beauuhtl vegotible article
attach we cal JONI-S' SPANISH LILY WHITE. It
to perfectly nutocent. being pushed of all deleterious
goal:tics; and it Imparts to the situ a neutral, healthy
alabaster, clear, hot white, at the same time actlng
to cosmetic on We sktn. making snit and smooth.
Dr James Andetsott. Precut,' Chemist of Massa
chusetts, says: analysing .lones . Spanish Lily
White. I find it possesses the most beautiful and nuns
vat add at the same lime ninoectit white I ever saw. I
certainly ran rousetet4ously recommend its use toll/
whose sent re area beautifying: . Pnee, '4 eetit• •
bon Sold by WNI JACKSON, eS latierty at. martO
Pitt Machine Weeks and Foundry.
(AIN W B.11;117 At Co.. are prepared to bold Cotton
61.(1 ..ten .Siacitutery of ever. descrtptooa. •nnh
b• Cardnie atoetnn., Spintung Frame, Sperdem
raNetne Fronton. Itantaray Heade, Warpen,Spoolera.
1./Teton:a Fr.nue... Lannon. Card Gander., Ste. VVruttatti
fro it Silaitutx to rot,l. a., •krog caul Iron. Pull,. And
itnoner• of Om pat terna ohtle and hand
and too.. of all 0. , :5. Cantatas of every dpacni.oll
os, rt l'aiicroo made 11.1 order lot
,earslte. Iron Sr. Sleam Yipe for iltr.
bog I Wlndow So. and :Juicy C
ita.;•• urder.. belt at Warehou. of J
I . l4lrwr & Co . !berry' area. will Move prompt anon
tiluelmtock. uet. & Co.. J. K. Moorehead &
Co.. t, to ar”er, Jon, Irwut & SOO, ,P,tuburgh , G.
C & \Varner tileuheorille ,a:119
Spripa, Azle, Steel and Iron Works.
HAIL, O. 1.• o . u,ving completed
'.J Melt aroma arc "ow vto,rarckl to manilla°.
lure ever) Gro.crtpuou oi I. ow. 11 and Eltpne ttprturs,
Iron Amermat,. Sprulg and Plough
,tec. 1111./ A.. .:Z.d• ..4. ••i.M, and round Iron.
who.,h.y oder .r •uir to, u:• rot terms, al :Ilea ware
s..\, 1.1 nod t.rrc they al. keep on
Mind • i l . . e
a...morel of Coach
Frunnamg., Carnage Harda•re, Malleable Cammga
7,111/1% Nod Iron
C. II &Co lota, ntedr orrankenrenta with Warr
Ile) &Crottr.lll4.l.lrlUrtr• ot Snore!, Sparta, Fork
a .
and vr,.rp41.(31.1.) 11.11 handever) art./
olaae 1.) thr to I .0.
are rrapectfully solactted t
ai. a. prlt.c. and Lenox 0,11 he wade la,ral. jr4
JlJsErll ‘VOtl/JIVKLL, corner of
Wo3tl mod t°l sta . hubburgh HMV.
Withdrawn from the Grin of
1V soaer
anus ood well, on the tat of January, IA:, 1
ideaaare in anosounelng tu my friends ut cny
and country. that I hat e opened my new store Si the
attune named pole, Malone purchaaed my good. tor
ca.n. aud susoir arcatigentanta wok inuntharturer. in
CO 110 and to Europe to Le constantly supsthed,
I am tail) peelored to suntook first - thwart of ail Itsmbs,
on as good tenor ant! us low as any hawse East or
lerchasso and othets are reapectfully melted
to call-nsid eSamme my .tock, before eke
b°r°, sultowthe eonspnara a pan 0101. stock:
Steamboat and sadd,er) turdware, gun trimensumt,
Los, Naylor. *seri. Cotter), edge took anvil°, vices,
lock., late be.. pc, the., butt binges. aeren - a, UlllO/11 I- ac
or) plants..awa, mahogany boant. and veneers, end
an other arllClra eMineettai with the hardware buo•
City Dagueririan Gallery
Tat ID stun, O.IJIIISY.
4.2 iiotir F. Legscaor to alio= tho Cigna. of Pats
ttrgh and wicat.ty. that 4! ha. taken the Dagutr
root Houma lately moupical by Mr. Porter. The pub-
Ito aft asaured mat all toe late 1011,113. meals are Peru
red. and wtll Le brought tato operoutto by Mr. Hoke.
Ivito hat been onn.tart operator erne. the an yr
hrei erNeovercil. VJltier sanstartion is guaranteed
nil who may uccume W. pkuortr. Mr. 11. wry refer
with picsku re to Mr. Pone, ot wow, cedabEkluitent he
lias operated for the lion twelve months. ' , entity Por
tman, imgrav trigs, Daguerreotypes, ke. accurately
copied. Lilt:net*. lia/.cit in any weather, and set to
lockets. breast mita, cases and dames.
Itutruction• given In every brunch of the art, and up
per.... hunk:led. ram
I:°Coll‘fr Ma rket ' 6 s
/ ' ll l e L vt C r! f e 2L' e '4 v . e r r e 4. A s
f h u ent
proton' Lawns and .t
le, 14 cases of Feconh do, of
every variety or style,
cos. of good style Wog.
hams, ado oew style Pnitts, 4 do blur a-nd onmg<
:Aldo Wet:tatted Mmlllts, all widths. Also, cases
breac ' tied, brown and bloc Cottograikee, Catena,
longhorns, he. inc., all or which will lie °tiered at lilt
Inmost Enter,, Wboleaale prices. ritytt
u la itTmAN—Alouu factun ol all kinds of cot.
XL. ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, l'a
'Ybe above works being now in hill and success...ll op
eration,' am prepared to execute order, with dispatch
tor all Mode at machinery in my line, .tech as willows.
pickers, spreaders, cards, pinning machine, railways,
drnwmg throssils, looms, woolen
cords, double or single, for merchant or country work,
uniles,racka, inc.; qlitla nod hand allies and umlaut gen
eral. All kinds of shading made to order, orplans giv
en for gearing (anilines or rinds at reasonable chug,.
Hayes ro—Kerniedy, Child. h. Co., Blacksmek, Uell
d. Co., King, POnneca & Go, !us. A. Uray.
. .
ALA FULTON, Ball mud Dress newler. Mot re
built and commence-0 ltdentesti at hi. cad timid.
where lot will be pleased to nee his old custom
ers and mends.
Church, Sicanthout, and Bolls of every size, from lu
to 10.tiU0 pounds. cast (tom putterits of the Moot epprov•
ed toodolA mud warruntetl is its et the lie. umiensts.
Muterut Willer Pututm, Counter., itutitog, in., toge
ther math every ear et) et Brass Custing, it required,
tut mitt mad [noshed to tar neatest Mellor,
160 libe ol
A. F. o. Lim sole proprietor of hdPistf.
MO. Mr., so Justly celebrated or the reduction of
Ironton to machinery. The Boar.. and contpoattion
can be had DI 11161 al ell Mom al.! y
Plough., Plough Castings, W•giiii
ILUHF.Ht HALL. of tOO old
Om 01 & S. Hful,ift manuine
tartar. la quaillitio• of
tffoodbo, l'iougn Costing.. fA'sg
-00 Iftf./V, C. dopforedit•..... ul too Loafer(
doll °do-, nous,. of tho lotsn end
ooat 11.1. V
110. I ~,,, 1 ,- . offdforOff. avW Lila
dir 5....• t .1
df u, l Lieu, We
ULF:NIA,UuoLL 11/nslera
, L. mt. ~lorec•Ormif
41,4 Id L:lrcrali:',l . lll*Liarliti, herr
wt., :Li, Litt:y:l3i to Liu i:orx line Will: :lc.:
patch 11 e atz,, lo stor, peflonally. and natl.
Sc given in regal, uoatuea. alid
litauX I,uuito rul,l 10 nn) and hound rub.
All 11011.0) • LlAntxn. uumour•pr Did Ouuk• bound cure
lull) or r•putu..l emr. put on Lou. tu gill Irtirr..
tom taut huvi vvo,• in our illc urn utvtled t cull.
100 no-Aro
Sondy and Ilossv•rCaasial
tI , IL: ~1./“u
f• GI IAIM .no) and itaavur Canal
j Lonti,no. are hereto, nutihen that uu clevuon 10,
I.n(een , :. of ..atd Company 11111 oc holden on Mr educe.-
an) , the 1. , 10 day uOllO,l nelt, al 10e Canal L/Ioee, In
w o,•tx.m, 0/11u. Leiverra Ike hour. of DJ o'Olock,
II and 4 0 ., 001/, of said day.
rrtary 8. 6 I' 1: Ca
Cast and %V rougo t Iron nailing.
r i. " Zy b o ' es " u7s r g * c;::. l. l:l7: r v ' S ' r; o l;e ' sc '' ;• " p ' urt ' o ' C ' I ' l - 1
turtling, for LiA2 , lll l / 1 ,. Celllttie/1“, L,ourchos, C. at 4.
1..A.M0N t
re:NJ:W.Im Lrutg 41, Allogrtwo,
To Contractors • nal Lint/dors.
VOI: GALE vot) low, tto con, Um 61451/4.1.1 of trio
1, low tinu oil:lc/astable & Stnoltier, 3 pair of Vault
Door., el oupenor 111it.1141.11.114111. Apply to
CON:I , I'A BI.E. 114;11.1i1. Sr Go.,
st, tat door from wood
JUST RIX. - .F.IVY: large and splendid...lmam
et Cloths, C..1.1/11f ebunga, Cravat., Ice., and
tor wale by I. V. ILLLA,II3, MC[0•111
mye under Monongahela Iloilo, amithfielil et
UUA ASH-13 , 2 caelia Soda A, nom Tennant%
lactorli tviiiegew, pcoiland, TILL :vow W.., %a
arrive per •1.1“.61 Empire and American Eagle; 44
casks et which are of Mu pure.; quality, tut danteass
manitheemre. le POINDEXTER is Ca
YOURYIi ST. maqvir woora.
T HE uI, I , : s... itscri em be ga t retße .p atil tai ly resa tut..., ittitslhe ci istte u :d .. dn . al d
Amore trisititig Pialtbargb, to his large and splendid
stock of carpeting non for sale it tie new stores, 4th
stteet. 7:0,7 everY variety of the latest:and
moat radilOnable styles of CarpensOil Cloths, Sr. ever
brought lei the Western market. :The store bas bees
built eßprenly forthe enpet bush.. and 11 . .. 4 ( r ustrd-
Votek'petne,) been fitted up Li the most tern
rn Ryles
Mac Upon receiving are of the latest desigt. with
Olphest and mostlinlliant colon.
y e 00460166, in part. of the following:
Serpi?. Tapestry, a now ar
ngusa and Ames*. Dame
I=l Ingrate, new sha-
Str="2. lnsraiq new de-
Comm. do
Man aid twilled Venn:len;
Extra steer cord twilled dm
Royal det .
Sheep Pm;
Chenille, •
Alli Cant;
Jute, &o:
yard mode:
do do
2 do do
4 do do
6 do do
Cotton, list rag and hemp esspet, common oil cloth,
oil cloth table coven worsted sail linen table °oven,
window shades, colored and plain matting, stair reds,
trimmings, rave bindings, mad all other goods usually
kept m arnet stores, all of whie h will be sold on as
re.ostable terms as save the city. Having mach Ir.
tempi:mats with one oiMe largeSt manufacturers in the
NIA, orders finallystyle of e wpm will be promptly for
warded by telegraph, and dehtared mom week, at •
small advance Milts manufacturer's price.
Purchasers are particularly requested to cell before
purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident we can sell
64 cheap as they can he purchaSed in the easten gide.
marls E. W. WIND.
• , _
NEW and splendid variety, at
street .
50 gold lever Watches; 42 silver
lever watches, Fit6hsh;t silver , detached lever wan h
cin 20 silver L'Epitie watches; tlfl silver , gunnmr
watches, 1.2 fine gold chat.; 1 , 103 new style ear ctoya;
5 dos plans gold hoop runs; 6 dpa assorted ring. 2 00-
deal bO.ll, playing • variety 01 popular sin; Id gross
steel slides, all sizes.
5 dos fine Fans, silk and paper, Sodas common Flnni
6 dos hue velvet Mail styles; In dot fine
crotchet bead bags, new styles; 5 doz fine crotchet
purses, new styles; 25 dos hoe parasol. assorted; Stars,
tassels, Burge. gilt [1.114 salver, for lo dos fine
flower vase. as sort e d; 'l dos fine steel screw pin cash
ews; I doz fiats ivory screw pm cosi:nous; 1 dos Fine
wood screw pin casino.. A hue assortment of new
Toys, tn. Sc. mastr9
co, • d. usrlions &CO,
Pittsburgh. New kink.
A. A. Mason &
IVO. 60 Market street, between Sd and 4th star, Pins
-11 burgh Ps-, have reeendy opened their tow sod
elegant store, with au exteeslde stock of nth Sprang
and Summer Goods, cososinstug upwards of three hun
dred pintas-as, of the latest and
. 1110 , l fasnionable
styles. Merchants throughout the country tee particu
larly maned to call and examine. our stuck, 63 it one
wfemuou to oder our goals of the lowest F-t.aern
wholesale prices. One. of the firm residing in New
York, will be constantly sending us den supplies of
the sirs. destrible goods, Inc/shy gin.. every ho
catty to the transacuon et our business that could be
cossetted ay Eastern 11..4. Prier. are therefore
guaranteed to be as low as did lowest New York and
Philadelphin rates. ap7
Door Dato.:l
1 pti cioth..4
WHITE GOODS FOR DaSirilla this morn
TT Mg, at W R MURPHY'S Dry Goods House
honk cut corner of Ith and 'Market Hs, a full rittort•
meat of white Goods for dresses, such es Swills blur
plait and fig•d; null Mull do; barred Jackorle.;
plus Mulls and Jackonets.' Also, various styles of
goods for Eventag inclmbag tew patterns of
centre new styles EnthruidereirMustia Robes.
117 New goods will be receiving daily for a week
to come, Including nee est styles Dress Goods, l i mo
sad French litugnams, and Chnures, very low.
Merchants are muted to coma., the goods awl pri
ces in wholesale moms, up Muir, The usuruncut
large and prices very lute. apt,
phy Invites attention to his assortment of above
gJoila of eout shades and ditalitier; alao, damask,
heed Linen art Lunt . ... Mr Ledo,' thrusts. A. large ai
stardnent or her Earlston. Manchester, and Ftecen
timuitmnit of newest style. also, lloyrs Yntits—a lull
assortment wt se very desirable good, includuig
lack, Mu., blue and clout,te purple, of new sad beam,
tdl patients.
French Dress Lawny—Ptak, blue, lilac, brown and
Waif, of newest patter. and rust rotors, small hg'd do
for tuinia. Also, lirtilt.linc,of large untramall
ures, for Dulles and infait.' tires/sea
EtabrOidered Swiaa dress patterns, for evening dres
ses, new styles, colored dattlask tarletons, do; and a
lull assortment of Ileintea, berages, Kreitaddtca, crape
shawl, he., at the northeast corner of Fourth and Mar
bet sweets, apu
• - s GiCifills
TORN KELLY A Co., tstioccuors Robb,
a/ beerier & Cul MERCHANT TAILORS, lied Chest
nut street Phtladelph,s, beg liave to 'Montt the (Heade
.d patrons of the tate tinn, and strangers viaithig this
[sty, hot they are now nn,
in and
of the Sprlng and
Summer Festoons. Alto a choice and select mason-
Weal 01 liugland awl Preach Cloths, Cum
in... cud Veattegt, lo which they respectfully mute
the r &neutron.
liAcKu.:rr So. P 9 Wood street, are
receim .g a very large snit ertentuve stock of fresh
Namur Dry Goon , . of very recent purcoase, and nought
ulider the most lavorabie encustsmuces; and which
they are prepared, add wdl lied to merchantuat a very
.all advance ou the eastern cost
Wewould request all merchants vistung our city to
give our Hoek a tar eaatrailltdou. and we feel confi
dent M I will be courtly swished of the , eaciapoess of
oar apl7
ijk,TilltUS—Sitp French bird Sauna, Cute
if lure, and wt.. Marseilles. CLOTHS — .Yap
tresh truourted, all color., qualities and pr....
rIASSItiERES to every style and quality. CASH
AIk.RE FYS—Sup silt warp. queen's Clout, Summer
knout, and desirable at:mauve& gents' wear, at poets
beide, any to the coy. RODlttitiON'S Cloth Stare,
apl7 corner S. alai wood sts
1ITIIOLl:MLE UhALbliS l\ Dill HOODS, No,
11 o 9 Wood street, sav
head, and era
I) receering durtng the business seuou, a large and
eitenstreenrol 1)115` CIDOLkt, winch may af
ter to nuachants at hod prices, and reasonable torms.
liellering tiley can glee sure saustatmon, they
voutalcutly umte all uteri:Minis vtamag me city toga.
Mesa a call.
A A. MAW 5e40.,60 Distract street, are opening
• extetistve assurtmeut Dress lmaculs,
cowed per Express. comprotillg the largest and most
instimitahle stuck ot Drew tioods to be tumid in this
.ty—ustoup“ which we mamma, 40 pa extra rich rm.
la... Wrest !toil Sr Uue vre, a new aruelee, and at; most
destralitr gouda to the marseti • with stripe
has, Uercgca Twattes, Mohair Stripe, IrettaltJarottett,
a.c. aptr:
rklik:Sat Iid)ODS.—A A g).kita c o , au Malice}
turret, have just recd a splendid ..011111C1.1l on
kness bloods. momng which rosy be tounst—higured,
pls.. pia. and stripoll boraga of all gualittcs; silk
ass., mob... stripes, Oro/iodic., .nuts stripe de
Laute, pia. do Sada, St Olathe*, I WIC y Silk, }ranch
Jaconetts, te.c. lip la
L) RAOES, &C.—Alexander s. Day have how open
a ...dal *atm suiped and plutd Dotage*, di the
guatalat alai newest styli s, unportact, it.o,splou
. sial plain sold bidChu blaak sfarages and Palaces,
spietaidd Preach Lawns, Lille. Lustre, andUalghtdus,
lull assurucoat Ilk, sad .at. stripeLantos
cud Ewe Alpaca..
AU. thole goods nano beed purolt.ed al gut into per.
otoptory suctson sloes In:Soo lutx nod Pluladelploa,
ate sold at n groat reduction from regular pincer,
AL K.N.A4N itn.d. On Lot,
myl corner dunnond and mark. in
`l4AWVl_`t--Aleaanderk Lay have reccivey steer
O tram the Importer is New f ork, nu rallies taste of
grim]. Can Crape PthaWls, conlaniung a complete
urvoriumat of eintormderce and plant shawls, oi all co
lors and qualm., from NO to Sr. The lathes are rea
per:nutty invited to eaaraine Meste shawls, 'believing
lust some of Wens are superior att.)" beiore ode red In
this market. They will he sold remarkably clamp.
Attu, NM Thaw.: and Ddragc Shaals god itieurtbi a
tall aasortment, at remarUatily haw panes,istri
t IDYL PORCELAIN I.l4Abc: —Tao wlenscriber
ha stag reeeiVen the solo Agency tussahs of Jones,
IN site tr. Co • Plate, Will, ?Wet, Molar and lilac saps
daunts Peeth, invites LA:MUM' special attention.
JOEL MOHLER, Druggist wad epotbeetiry,
twit cor wood and asti ets
t LOVES—A good aasolUnent of ladies uul gents
%_r l want. mad colors. Cotton, taste, 'Fittest',
nu and (SIOVrI, , largo tile. Also, blaat sod
colored FretiCll Kal Worse., an axcallout ornate, cad
1.41*.a014 /list upetling by
qJ J 4 ,11ACAL.k7IA Wlill'F, 1N wood
1)../V V- , Apt) 1 11 )Sigir—Just rved, sWdot La
al., Liar I. w itre. itryWlL 1-lollula
1.0144 1 4 eve., pvt p.m' up the yualliy. Also, lixo
dot yrnta 1.01.011 il/1) Jo< IlAidS, shroud, .lit
iinenCar.” Kll.l
1.0 , 11 - • Ova,ra•and other% thl.l vs - lob burp.. 1.1 tli<
+.llllll h Johilist)S'S. 40 market
• • ---
Jut, 410‘ nit.l I.:I Hose. Or !nen, wongen nod
larlos WI of 5214, cotton a01.11.4t• presto
aud revet!eu irou. Lac. uoporirts 4..41
nisw ~ J A.IO•LAar 11.11 1,A.1,
tirt. F . if FAWN k C.
S 'A ttr ' ati n. .: l ll . l) U irittrTlO. ' •Zal, 110
I do, lid l'oraf 1.1. pa; blideN
Kt King, do Top vaiUs rce'd at die Iwo , FMIC y .I.tar•et
sw— and Setorh Java hloslitis, bilbop Low..
N.rooka, .potted Victoria {,17•10c T• 110104
wale //MI a toll astaartruout of Itiolonetts.
pluta and saucy \^u., Lace*, LAlgtogs, loserlloga, Co.
or.. wl 01 which hove just arrived iresh from taa im
porters, and tor saw lovr to the trade, by
JEIV I:La\ —F... (told Anatatura• Casco, do do 1..0c k
eta tot Ilatrt do do Llredol do do tlar Ritsgs;
od do Huger ttinErsi,d du tidal, do du tut.
00, do do I . cocita and too, ao do ittracctrta and
CWT.. 'l•hoa %woo t.ot oda Jewett.) , wid do well to
apt onus Uotore purrhetatog.
my La atat act at
VINE SHIEIT&i Murphy has
open tau dismay a isuales *apply Of Shoos ref)
asperses Isn4ah
Long Shutstu; Alusinoq We, fee
WUWaIe sty, and has emulously on heed On ilirMorl
[twill Of every grarle 01 ouoluy s, at low. cosh.jysiees.
AhO, knob Lane' for iturfiug• n od booties'q ? of . porn
doe, and very cheap, at northeast C. 0 1 .112, o +llllh wad ,
Marliel Moot..
liiiiefiliTitr—AlotrbOder tr. tray
bore Jun received f Veg . , /WM. ogooritasso. of
ii - vvro gt. , d I,, ...b.dbit4.UnSlS 01 We moat Celdliptltd
tmU/111.411.,01 . 01131i1id1il turd qpythj es; g d.
and blown bberbogs, or bur qualtues, at eft per yard.
VQL. XVI. NO. 3.
by Jr A. et U. P../A3l,.Cirteitinati. the folleanng
new end ralbable.Works—
DoMph.% Etirpeditin • I. tintaining a sketch of the
life of Col. A.. W. Domphan; the Comlla:4 of New
Mexico; Gee. Kearuera Overland Expedition to Cali.
, Doniphanie Campaign against the Navijoe, and
blo unparalleled ?Web upon Chihuahua and Durango,
and the Operation, of Don. jigiee at Same Fe; with •
nap and Engravings, by T Hughes, A B of the
Begimin of 4171 CNvalry.
LC . .
Massey of Renterlry—tu , Antiquities sad Natural
Citricisitiac Geographical Statistical and Geological
descriptions; with anecdote. of Pioneers Life, sod more
*tan one hundred Biographical Sketches of distinguish
ed Pioneers, Soldiers, Statesmen, Jurists. Lawyers, is,
&r.; Illtistnibed with forty catgrauringq by Loans
Colhas,l vol. octavo.
The Twelve hioruhs , Vol unteer, or Journal of • Pri
vate in the Ternnossee Fremont or Cavalry, in the
Campaign of Merino. &mug ISBUI-17,,naining on as
roc.% of aw Ainrh of the Be*.i . incrit to Vora Ctn., a
deseriptlon of the Country pissed over, instrrers, cus
toms, ho. of the people; Elketehes of Cain, Life; so
ccer& of al/ the nation of other Volunteer It. it mints,
and • fall Hawary of the !ideate. War, Lim of e Kil
led and Wounded, iike; illustrated by • largeoinber of
mercer views and plena; by Geo. C. Fortier n , 1 volume
octavo. deel .
New Paper and Book Esteblishment,
I .
78 Wean r-, Bettye= Forts .an Dumas° Attar.
TIRE, sit scribers have just opened, at the above
/. stand, latieVloek of different analities ruled and
plain ' , MI indhlue Writing and Letter Paper, emu
menial and packet post Flat Cap, damp and medium
writing papers, for blank books medium and royal co
lured Printing Papers; medium, deny and cap Day
Books and 1. 1 .2e75, superior per and best Lumina
binding; Se Books of all kinds; standard works in
Theology , and Sciences; Quills, gold and steel Pens,
Wafers., War, Bill Files, he. he.
Blank Book. of all sizes ruled to pattern, and bound
in the most substantial manner.
Clountry Merchant. supplied at lowest whole., pn
ces for cash, or rags at cash prices.
JOB PRlNTEBl3.—Having a Job office in connection
with ow establialtinem ; we are prepared to
_erecute s„
orders - for plain slid limey Priming—hooks, pamphlet.,
circulars, business cards, bills of lading, sic.. with des
patch arAwt low prices., ELLICITt to 9;NOLIStI,
myr 78 wood st, between Ith and diaronlid nil.,
tiT OUR STORE on blanket street, No hi, betweeo
34 and ith. may at• MI limos be found a large
stock of Theological and blisiellaneous Books. New
books received as soon ai published, and sold at low
est prices. The publications of the American Sunday
SCII.I Union and idassaehusen• Sabbath School Sw
ciety, always on band. Cotalopes furnished on ap
plication. ELLIOIT to I...NOLISIL
.r.,1 rd market st, between hid mud Jib
New Books.
JILL alysts of Bishop Ruder'. Aualogy of Religion. Na
tural and Revealed, to the consotonon and cows° 01
nature, with notes. Also, Cranfurd's l e biesuons for ex •
mosianon; rreised and adapted to the use of school.,
by Charleat t ., Wes, Principal of Rutgert Inst./lie, in
the city of New Vorl.•
ele4o4,ectio., /141110.10.{, Paradox., and
Sumanium Scipio. of Cicero, and the Life of mucus,
by Cornelius Nepos, sash English Notes., Critical and
Vry, by Charles Anthou, L. D.
L*101"S L. SPRING ROOK—Description of the
Seasons, Scenery, Enrol Life, and Country Arouse.
memo. by Thomas,r, with All illustrations
A NOVEL BY MARRYATT—Toe Children of the
New Forest; by CsapL hlatryntt, R. N.
SIR THEOJX./Rt. BROUGHTON, or Laurel {Yager
by O. P. IL James.
The above works received this day, and for sole by
myls Booksellers, nor. ndirket and 3/.1 sit
ElAker & Scrllbner's Publli:444lons.
RE subscribers Lunn been appointed age. for
the sate of the pablicznione of Me 'above weti
known publishing ho.e, have a fall supply of thew
books on hand, which they can sell at the ensteto pri
ces, wholesale and retail. Among the work, which
have Men recently Issued by Mem, which have been
highly recommended as exceedingly /CildTOtting and
tamable, may be fond—The Czar, km Cohn and Peo
ple; Ireland'. Welcome to the Summer, Bethel Flag,
by Dr. Spring; Napoleon and Ms Marshalc Washum.
tan and his Generals; The Sacred Mountains; Orators
of France, 'reaching a Science, the teacher an A nu.;
Charlotte Eber.abelles Uniform Works; T. et. Arthur .
Making Haste to lie filch, Mates have Wings, kceptug
up Appearances, Demur and Creditor eke. ke.
Also, the works from the press ofitoi l bert. Caner, the
character of whose publications in we ll known. Tao--
rennet; Theology, in 4 vole.; Italdane on Hommtv; Me-
Chey.'s worker, The Courant, by author of Girt
an France, tee An. Neon books received as 400 n
a.published. EbuoTT &
troll 7b wood and SO market aN
EW BOOKS—Lae of Cromwell. by Jr Headley
J. Power of Um Pulpit, by Hardaner Spring, U. U.
Antic! slog, do
Jacobus on Gospels, hiallhew, harmony;
Lcebsrus on Shukspeare, cols;
Pooh of tile, or Sketches of the Way m Glory and
Footsteps of Illeumh;
'The Convent; by author oiSchool Cal m France.
Now and Than, by Warretu
Sketches of L.etnoott, on Parables and klirneles.
Irelands Welcome to the Stranger;
Reason upon Earth;
Hasekston. • tale of and for Englund. 2 cols.
For sale by ELWUPTh lINGLISH,
. 2, wood nod .58 mantel sot
Vf3W BUOIS.S--.Jrukt received .t the Apo::o ri
ins., iW wreet, and fur sale by J. L. REAL/ Bo
obythe lilgtO ry ui Loutstfut. n sertes of Lecture.,
by C.Gartute.
A duwourac on the life, character and public servi
ces of Janice Kent, WS C hancellor °into ...ate of New
York; deurered before the judiciary and bar of we
city and awe of New York, by John Doer. •
llsuury al Rag Oval, from the 111 , 1.i011 of Julius cu.•
sar to the reign of Victor.: by Alla Markham; u
edition, ',rued and enlarged, with guessions; by KU..
Robbma. myth
TEW BOOKS—Lectures on Slusspeare, hy t 1 .v
lludso to two volumes.
The Power u,
of the Pulpit. or plsiu us - ht. sada 1•011
to elansoms onmasers, and Muse w hear went, vtt
tntiucuce ore preached (Slope!, by ..e Rev. Liars:war
Sprats, L). D.
The Peasant and his LandlorL by the Baroness
tioornug. Translated by Mary lin s
Lamartine's Girondists, Vol I (tawny of the
rondo*, or persustallll.l2olr of We w 'nom as We Frso r h
Beroomoth from unpublished suslues—aly A. de La.
A few copies of each of the adore works receie
this day and to; •ale by
JOHNSTON & :rI'OCMIVN t Bookseller,
reyM coreer atizeet and :NJ we
tELTUR.&4 ON SHAKSPDARE'S life end Citus:
ewer, like Thwarted Labors, hat P.llll, enact,
&c., by H N Hudson.
The Power of the Pulpit, or thoughts addressed la
Christian till/111.1.1 and Mose who heat them, by Lini a •
rte r Spring, D. D.
The Amerledi Potence Condensed, or the Fkint'y
Physician, being the scientific system of medicine. es
vegetabie principles, for all eldas, by W Bead, NI
D. For d'e by ELLKYCT ts.ENOLLBII.
.50 'nark. id, bet. 3d and 4th. tool 7,0 wood et, hot. 40h
and thamood alley. myeu
HLSTOHlM—Robortsmis, Rollin's, Gibbon's. Rus
selPs., Mod. Europe, Prescott s medico, Peru. he .
iduelri's France, Arnold's Home, Harpers Pietoros!
England; NieboMe Romer, kinliam's Constimitional fionoi
ry ul kaiglaust, Arnold's Lams Homan Gommunwealin,
dchioifs Home; Unroof, History of his own dines, with
wows; Hallam's Middle Ages; hLI. Crusades and Chiv•
wiry, Browning's llonory ot tho Hopimuns: iilderry's
'fishmeal Works, Neal's History oftOo Purirans, Thiess
numb Her 'Coylor'shiandoloi Anetsuld Mod. 'Law
y, lutraluenui, to the History of the Chnrch, Jury u;
Xi - Odor's Helmeted lingladdi Raiders Popo* The
above, with many Other voidable soothe, for solo by
mart J L REAO
-1 der'. Guide, a practical treatise on Grecian and
Itiman Architecture, toguther with specimens of to
(Sothic MM. Also, Practical Treatiaes, on geometry.
Decimal Practioaa, Xleasunnion, Tngonometry, mud
Carpantary and Jomery, embracing ail me uncassan
detWy aud patucularly adapted to thaartimu of the
leas experienced. By Cheater Hills, prartMal archner
' payload and improved, with adilnionsof Thin and
School House Asetutecune, by IPAtulm, mebitact i and
Bantaed,b q. Secprid reamed edition. Poe sale Li)
yeim J MaiftD, Apollo Banding.. dhi se
NEw BOOK-4--Just received front me pcannutet,
and for sale at the %tethodtst Book Store, 4th et,
near Wood. Ripper's Proverbial Philosophy, m three
styles of bunting, a bantling bookies a preset..
_ Preptirauou tor the Puipm
Sketches of Hennons on the Parables and Miracle,
of Chain, by the author or the Pinpu Cyeiopektta-cur
slietehes, B.C. The English Palpit; coltectiiitine rrer•
mons Ly the most eminent living divines of Ess„;rsrol.
Itimmiusts•Vou.--Dotng Good, Chrstum Love, yob •
got thou ,rte Ittatreil Medumums. . mytil
1 UV ' .4 SUNUS-Wateh you brill by baylight,
ks Sti't Ansel:tree; Huey LE,More; Wilma Bummer,
untying the yr, Gondolier How, The -r,v. Bird,
1 Fury Boy ; one OW woes t oh Thunting; Low
Banked Car; y Mother Deur, Udo not, say I rove
thee not 66 ive. but don't Forget' The 'Ceamerron.
Angels Wins , Morning Dream, ' Sweet Jessie W. , .
loons and 6 Wei The North/and for Me Marry
Bawer. P o lc by JOHN H MCLL'Ott,
_ .
IFL: OF CROIIWELL-Just reemvesl-?per wood.,
Lliesdley:s Lot or Co/more/4 or one vol.
Furth cud it. Llfects, or Fragments Iron] in) Port
Folio by Mr. Palmer.
Web.. or Grace; totem.. Lae, by Vpharoi Line nr .
Fam, by Upham; Memorials ofitiethodism. by 'kV. A.
Ste,..i Tn. ,bnsbah Pali., a coikcima Pt ••e111.1.0,1
,y I. Most el:mince{ Inrilli divines M Haglund; skemb
es al Sermona oil Me Fannies runt allraersto He nn d er ..
Loy oil:Arm_
41;L t } t . ,net
(LEN. ZACILMLY TA I LtAL—Portratt of lieu Z.
T•yl.r, by gotta) , n.ic. P.WAlalode super
unnlance suul direction* ay. Itadhr4l)&l dicer.,
tram unpnal Watch Wren from We, at Camara".
Capuun &atm, A it C.
Connor, V :Cary; George A M'Calt, A ti; George
ms, popcgrapclest Etconcer, . party Icgc r•
4. 1 s JOILSS'/Xtet & ttiltOtiVON,
."'„‘„ ilooksellers. car &A taut market an
_ . .
p tdlCfl LPAT/ONt l e aruroaou,) oared without
nyeettuns, or nadst, t,} the "New and
Improred $l , h./LUTON'S EIdVALEN CA: a moat
and nutruoons regnant,* ten d . AIM. Whin ,
TrVaLt. en Consnyntion, and the use
and value Or the Ervalenta hold otny at the Ain.slau
muldusga, Ala street, near W 004.1„ by
• _2,14
NJEW WOES—Lena. from Italy, a tie. , and r,
vie.teditionr by IT Hetultry
stio.nauctary ¢a4 Stellar Wortds/ a popular eaPn.
141011 cubs great tuseovanes and tbesluea of nuniera
Astronomers, 14 a, left. of len lee/area by OMS/tr.,
e/I, A. :11., Director of the Culcumatt Observatory.
'lle above worcsrast roe dans/ for usSe. by
IT3 WOOd and .5d mart. sr
Another supply of Chlakoring's Plano
6",14:7 bn
Wtk week, by „lOUN 151 XLI.OH,t1. wood .r Bain
thald Age pt for Ciackenzig's Pilaw/ for Western
xr-Ew won EY—The La.,./ .
cratErarell, by J T Headley, author Of . Napcoeou
wathia Hatabals, , Haered Hoolatalrual , ~ Yoab-1/300/1
1/300/1 and La Wain*" eta. ete. 'Waved ilia da
arts box sale by JAHINSTHAI & STOCKTON y
Bookaellem, sad d as VHANCE—Outlioni of the Hlab of Ylaobb, from
We gazinat woes to. the po Wiwi of 1,644—ta
ocaooLiaad Warne**Bl l .4% 1 ;4
queliddas lOt dor exatiOtoiHoo ef. •
- , .!,,o,c-cj.,' „).„-
~ • ..., t ,d 7!,.Y1 "k,'