The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 05, 1848, Image 3

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    ef AXCESst.:HIJTCLIELSON & Co . llamas kg Bt. Ga n s
51- 3755 a5 5 5 57 Hamm No. tS weer end ta Fwd.
street, Pfitsbetgb, Pa., have in store the follsoring as
sortment ofres. Sugars, far sale lore
5 bas doable refined largo= Ibis Nos. 8,1,
5,6,7 and Small do Endo • .57151stentsb.
edt4,s do aortae& saylB
Sugar end nislassirs-
A 0 lIHD9 thuria N Ofimax;
, 1-10 46 bbls Loaf Sum Nos & 0 sod 7;
141 do Primo Ness Oriesds Nolsases,
• 27 do " Sups House do
Insttire end for sale by
100 liberty
SVNDB[IB--0O tasks Su% Mb, brooded El Bield.
Bon, Liverpool;..ll) de do do June.
Moore* & Sono; dot !dal bap Mo -Coffee; 900 boxes
7" 8.110 and 10411 W Gloss, for sale by
meld 922 libe
I. Miller's and JnoH EALD, Anders
=C on's, Just
OS& Co, reed and for
by M
41 nintharvAter and 16 no whante.,,
iTARA LEAP TOBACCO-46 bake YaraLee (To
bacco, arropperb end superior quality-4 2 and
uor,jest landing from Wig Anthracite; for We 27
ej ERMAN PIPES-11.54 b.ka and p pass Germs,
tj" medium booby Jan humbug from pkt sad
for sale by, ll.l HEALD, BUCHNOR it Oa
MUSH—ham Cruse , Baltimore, 2dd, will bo glad to
have oniony iftal biz (Heads I. Illusborgh and
elsewhere, for the purchase of Shad and Herrings di(
no iheneensoni Orders execiated with despatch, and
at Wormier.. Charges filf puretwinfrlight. otar2o
LO-230 bbls sutra, for family une lostarthiug
ICI7I, and for aide by JOHN S DILWORTH,
27 wood at
10FFEE-200 bog. prime green Rio, arriving and
~.) for gale by not 9 J MY 9 Dit,wozni
• ---
SOAP -80 bib Clocino_tti No I, _
_for ode try
'MO r IANItEt3;— , le
i tx Mg r eda s la t a i s a da i3 Mm E i4 , ad
BIIWMT9 AND TUB &- U don patent Rackets; a
dodo re* In stem add kr sato by
Q4LERATUS-180 Itajmu roo'd awl !Grade by
0- Trat J KIDD& Co
lON 11pETAL-4;00 tons Foundry sV e by
172P1w earn d.
MIELTRERS—Printa article on bend and for We by
.1:, 114 GEO CCCIIRA N
50.11.A,A911-16 casks Jae Aluapratt h Sous' fast
quality Patent Sala Aab, its more and for ule by
/Yl4 Wh M DIITCHELTR -' 100 liberty it
11)LEACIEING POWDER—At casks of J. Mosprau
floe' firs; qualliy Wendy of Lblle RIT sale by
iyl4 4lr &la irrciim..TEEE
RIO COFFHP,— F IIg E Mpraua, ro'd and Tor sale by
1 14 RHEY & 37 voter
ACICEDED-30bIds rum No 3, reed and to sale
DECESEINS-3:ID lbs for sale love to elate eons*.
scat Did _ FETEILID, atm' &Co
161F1THERS-17 sacks Feathers, .ru, and
Cotaalo wEsroii 131=.
Di from sr
G~es7HEbT6-6 aaeb j inwng~ }un 1 N and b
- LILOUIt-64 bbls %n mono and km sale by
19/3 , ISAIAH DICEY b. Co, liont
TARTARIC A(21)-400 lb. kw sale by
TOW IRON-100 tarot, Ohio Furnace Hot Blut,
ving per Rirggold; HI tons Brooklyn Furnace,
(Mifflin Co. Pa.) Hot Blot, for sale py
/7 1 2 water st
TERME PASTE and Gum Lozenges, Vanilla, Rose
t, Lemon and Liquodee, Pod reed and foe sale by
ATCHIiII-73 gnus tar we by .
CREAM OF TARTAR-4 Ths for sale by
11).&09-25001bs Bags, recd arbd for rale by
-lA , in TASSEY & Barr
BACON-8(0) lbs Blde ..rid Hams, in *taro and (ot
sale by /1 7 MOSEY & ErWr
GLABS—aai ban, angora:4lW... on band untd
win by 15l TASSEY ArBbST
IMED o r by seeks D Apple see'd this
L day and for sale by jr; ried
FLAT BOATS FOR SALB—I2 Ivse substantial
Flat Boats for sale. suaim of
ni - Not.ns & *MEE.
Jae corner of Penn and Irvin
CEIOOL ROOKS—Wtraftery'r Series, a largo cock,
received and for sale by
WOE BALE —A Lathe, with a lot of shafts, po ll ies,
&a. Also, a good set of Blar.tamith's Tools. En
quire of BLAKE & Co
Co, 60 Market in, bare just opened 40 dos of the
roost faahionablo Idyl= of Lunn Standing Collars.
-63 doz Mourning do; 20 - 0 - 01 Wrought do. jy 47
T ACE CAPS—A A Masan & Co. have just reed 12
-KJdoo Istdies 'Arse en.; .1., uv. tyles Chemi
se., Wrought eve*, Read Dresses, Ladles Belts, Le_
Ste. /TV
ELTltgek—A constant supply of Woollen Fake,
of different widths., suitable tor paper waters, coa
UM spinner., &c, ati be al hod or made to order by
the subscriber, Agent for the of
fad GEO. COCHRAN, 23 wood st
S WHEAT FLOOR-54 bbls extra Family
just teed isnd for sale by
jr2l YVON BONNHORST Co, ZS front ad
SOAP --200 bxs Cincinnati No I. Bon, in nom and
for ego by 1y23 0 BLACKBURN & Co
NEW WUEAT FLOUR-14 Mils extra Family
.Fleur, made taxa mrw white arbeati=and
10 sale by iyll9 BROWN &CU
EWANS-ATI Foss's Puna Co. we by
1) YE FLOUR-40 bbl,fm=le by
p. 1128 B.F VON RONNHORST & 60
ERMAN CLAY-50 b. German Clay, In prime
ord., received and fo sale by
SOAP -410 Su No I Soap, a prtme =bee, au eon
sigament and for sale by
VINE FLOUR—JO Obis Foul Floor, on ecto.4ro , nnt
. .54,50 Bola by jrn SELLERS ANICOLE
LARD OIL-55661s No 1; 95 do No 210 do Red Oil
for wool, for Bale by
INSEED OIL-40 bbl. Linseed Oil, on band and
1.4 Cornea by 1y27 SELLERS & bil COLS
hand and *sale low by
jy4J = N SELLETt & moots
ISOULD CANDLES-00 h. Mould Candle, on
AV/ consign.. and low nsla um
visii—ic bbls luge No 3 %ran
1r mare by
b. NI)1.8
X Ja.l7
TAM: Ed COFFEE—ICO bap Lairayra Corea,
_KJ Inn reed and for sale by
VVHITE BEANS-1D bbU oniall,knooJe
RMILAN CEMENT-10 bbla, for 4,010 by
ism S voN - BoNNEwasr &Co
BACON--800lbs Bid 1200 do NhoolderN IS I do
Llama, eozzorrenre for sale by
TECONEY—A fear boxes White Clover, for sale by
LOWSFILLE, U3SIE-20 bbl, for solo by
FFATHER -4 woks prime Knianek7 Foulke..
juin reaiyod and tor ado by
jyln P.OLNDEXTM k Co, llwan* a
ri INSEN6,S sacks no* I=oi:in- Or au
017014—' 40 bales le sum and for sale
by C'
COILCLLED BALTS-1.0 Ws case; fos sale by
irZ 18.1511.11 DICKEY k Co
MADDER --5 tads crop Mulder, now landing—and
for sale by Jy23 HAGALEY & SMITH
AiIACKBREL-25Bbblalarge No 3 Mackerel, (IBIS,'
.171. landing and for wale by
vi i.,,, NE T LAN REA (Englishp 7 d conks for call, by
RINDSTONES—A lotof "Buinboves" superior
Ur new Brighton Grindstones, from No 24 to .le, just
received and for tole by
brALT—Bddey MLR, in gam and far siala by
"DROWN LLYENS—A lot of good quality 4.4 brown
JUN Coaling Linens, ion opeued and for sale low.
ii,l ABEIIDOIL - -1 0 b b 1 s Linseed Oil reed and for
oh by )y10 1 KIM) r. co
Cit Ma d TABTAB-300 lbs just reed and for sale by
57 1 . 0 . l KIDD & Co
SQIZILY LIQUOR-ICE-20D lbs on hand and for sale
.by /110 - J KIDD & Co_
TjOW T DJALAF—IikiIbs ree end or ads by
X.:-....) W J KIDD t Co
oWII RIIEUBARB-200 Unjust reed and for sib
by int) • JKIDD&Cn
Wr—Pal atm No 1 sxmr lending ad for sale
XT O. BOOBS-43 hhdd N 0 Sum store and km
bl BO] WBBTON BOWEN 00 front st
IkKOLASSES-4=l Dbl. 'floatation' molasses for sale
M. by (jr3l WESTON BOWEN
notrini--o bales Teirilessoe - frusArW 7—.—
101IIRCICIIARDT'S LARD 01L—A large ,opply on
hand and for sale au the drug warehouse of
1 ETTER TAPER-30:1 ream (some eery fine) in
AA. stare and for sale by jeer, REYNOLDS & SHER
S AL A RATUST Rta ' Vnitd= I 4 st
ICE:4 ica in stare and for Nilo low
HOM- 20 bales for sale by
jets DROWN & CU
eW NANKINS—Two bales gallable Nan
s,tar Baia by jail/ SIIACKLEIT A. WHITE
*A2,,,Fift= bbl N
sale b o y 3 ,Wge, Moskerel, jut re-
LOAF BUOAR-133 Was NI:. 7,8, 9 sad 1O Lotus(
nos Lint, 33 do Lornires crushed and pnlveri
_end &tors, for sale by je2l PORIDESTEII &Co
V,RNECA OLL-2 bbla &taxa Oil, reel from Salina
• 0,,7 spas lad for ad o b
, Pi t t UMBER, ek; , ! d v Wc:te.a,. sale
0.13E-roo eximustra
; A trar tabor . Kam
'WM-4 cents B 8 Almau, for side by
::"431:11:i3.41303-,fl. Ms 131. .1 ma Edam 813
Volueyoucld ou empigniuein_petiaL_w s ky
a l y Mir - POWWM. TE33 it Co
r 1,1610-I.o*Littitrisals *y
a" , -reir" , " 41—
1/348= Lerml Son — Blood I .ms. I ris et,
30 Sanday, 457 75 793
31 Monday, 459 7 2 Et 34
1 Tuiralny, 459 7 1 941
14 - 141nosolay 5 0 7 0 10 47
3 'Thursday, 5 1 059 11 SD
4 P'riday, 5 2 059 morn.
la. zusgurs. ta , !limas.. GEO. WETILCV
Orrice Prrrammou Gflarrrr-,
Saturday Morning, August 3, ISIS.
The markets yesterday were unchuinged in eve
ry particular.
The weather continues unusually cool and pleas
ant for the - season; the river is yet in tine awn.
boating order, even for the larger chum boats, and
ins gettetaL way, there is a fair amount of husi.
ness doing.
FLOUR—The receipts at present, as well as
the sales, are barely worth mentioning, very little
is doing, and that little at drooping prices. We
note sales in limited lots from brat hands at 442"
@MIS., and from store ct $4, '2:4154,37 as in quid
GRAIN—We notice no change its the market,
with "mall sales. The following are the the nom-
prim'—Wbee, 800; Rye, 50., Barley, 45050;
Corn, 35037, and Oats at 28330 c p bu.
BEANS—SmuII maks urc effected at 6o'n7se.
bu, accordwg b quktity.
kets are mainly unehlnged, wad we quote regu.
tar sales yesterlay,'at kamer quotations.
• FEATHERS—Moderate sales are effected from
store at 3104 as in quality.
CANDLES—SaIes of Pittsburgh Star at 21c, of
mould at 1003110, and dipped at 9c yr IX
SOAP—Pittsburgh variegated at 101, and of
common rosin at 4/05c is 111.
CBRlME—Further sales of W It are effected
at 5051 c to lb. Receipts.ere light, and the market
is rather dull
Too Runs Tenant—We counted yesterday 38
steamboats lying along the Monongahela wharf
between the bridge and the point.
Of those boats, twelve mere engaged is the
trade, and either loading, unloading, or awaiting
the reception of freights, which present. a fait
show of business, taking into consideration the
present dull season of the year. Of the remaining
26, five, the Peru, Caledonia, and three not yet
named, are new boats, two of which are needy
ready to enter the trade. The balance are nearly
all undergoing repairs and repainting, preparatory
to entering the trade again on the opening of the
fill busineec
The boer'now engaged as actual runners in the
Pittsburgh trade, number from 2.5 to 30, which is
n large number, considering the present dullest
season of the year.
Tan river, in the forty-eight hones ending last
evening, had been on a stand will 6/ feet tenter
to the canal.
An immence quantity of ruin has fallen within
the last few days, which must cause the river to
rise. The sky is clear this morning and there is I
fresh breeze blowing. The growing crops, it IS
feared, has suffered from the heavy ran..
The Upper Mississippi and tributaneei were all
falling at the last dates, but there was still a very
good stage of water from St Louis to 'Cairn.—
Rtvtm eau Wsibrufm—The steamer Kansas
froha St. Joseph, lest evening, reports the Missouri
falling, and weather extremely dry—many of the
small "breams being nearly dried up. She found
bur feet mater on the bar at the mouth of Fishing
river, and four and a half bet on Boonville bar.—
The Illinois is falling slowly, with bur and a ball
feet water on the bars below Lasalle. The Mi.
sisaippi is falling above the Rapids, and nearly on
a stand below, with three and a half feet water on
the Lower Rapids. it is falling that at this point,
and there is now eight to nine feet water in the
Columbus, August 1, ISIS.
.Tirs WWI= AND Tar CitaPs—Since our last
the weather in these parts has been quite showery,
with barely enough of sunshine the that week to
allow the wheat to be secured. some of it .m s
damaged condition—but generally in good order.
Haymaking has been sadly interfered with. and
the crOimileit damaged by rams; oats, too, ant
suffering where cut, or-ready for the sythe Pota
toes look healthy as yet, as tar a, we have observ.
ed. We hear of some evidence. of the Mt is
other States. Com is growing very luxuriantly—
too math so indeed for the greatest yield, but the
prospect is, on the whole, good. In fact we have
seldom known more favoruble weather than the
past month has been for growing crops. Garden
vegetables, young fruit trees, Sec, have made as
tonishing growth, and the appearance of the coon,
try is exceedingly tine.--trallivator.
Rivita Tastes—A correspondent of the Louis
villa Courier says the number of steamboats on
the tdissippi and its tributaries is about 500, with
capacity to carry at cue trip 200,000 tons, or 7200,
000 tons per year, summing each boat to make
thirty-six trips in the year. But one-tenth of the
land in the river country is under cultivation, and
when it shall all be• cultivated, the Camber of
steamboats will be am*. This writer calculates
that the constantly improving husbandry will at
no distant day, double the moductions of the land,
when 10,000 boats will be demanded. Suppoaing
5000 of these boats should run below the mouth
of the Ohio, and each one should pass any point,
say Notches, once per Week, 714 louts would pass
that poirtfitich day, 30 boats each hour, or one
boat everyiwo minutes.
Spirit of tha Domestle Markets.
New Orleans, July 251--SrJes of Cotton . on Sat.
madly, 1700 bales--prices steady—Middling, 6i6
54q of suer and molasses, confined to a few amall
lota at previous rates; of hour, 264 bbls (50, 64 and
100 Illinam, end 60 second St Louis) at 4,821; 100
dunce St Louis at 555 100 at 5,121, 100 crossed
and musty Flue at 3,75; 61 Fine at 64; and 64 atat.
mon at 63; also, at auction, 752 Ws St Louis and
Illinois, damaged is Uncle Sam, embracing 100 at
4,40; 141 at 4,27); 149 as 4,10; 96 at 4,071, and 285
at 3,40; of wheat, 900 maim ordinary at Mk; of
corn, 320 sacks inferior mixed, in second band
bags at 31c; of pork, including mime transactions
on Friday evening, not before transpired, about
500 tibia in two or three lots, on private Lerma—
Mess retailing at 10,50, and prime at 8,121438 A
of bacon, 8 cask. Missouri ribbed sides, and 37
prime Cincinnati at 41, and Miasnuri shoulders at
3 increased inquiry for bare hams—at auction,
damaged, ex Uncle Sam, 55 casks shoulders, at
14e, it at 225, and 50 sides at 21031; of lard, at
auction, of Uncle Sam, 162 kegs at 71c, and 27
half bbls at 74.
*Cincinnati—Pei? Hail Colombia-6b hibie bacon
5 do ginseng, 4 bx.s books, H Geer 3 aka ginseng
D Leech & co; 7 bga feathers, 4 bb l mdse, A Gor ,
don; 3 birds tob, Atwood, Jones & co; 75 bids Sour
• Per Shenandoah-1 box mdse., Leech de co; 100
bbls flour, M Allen; 10 do. charcoal, S Bennett; 1
box books, W Bingham; 84 bls cotton, P McCor
mick; 40 buts apples, Wm Dyer, 52 bxs muskets,
J Birmingham; 5 boxes glass ware, G Mfltenber•
St Loutt—Per Danube-249 pkgs buffalo robes,
2 pair elk lulus, A &den; 110 coke bacon, Clark
& Thaw; 1 cab queensware, K E Neale; 500 pigs
lead, Young, amen & Pluhket; 2i ski" wool, 3
bbis male, LI Leech Sr ccr, 20 bbla clay Bennett &
bro; 51 ban md05,..1 Birmingham
Bcomr—Per Lake Erie-10 bale bags. 2 sks
rather., Ecgaley & Smith; 10 ski moot, .1 &
Floyd; 1 bus 1 pkg mdse, Smith &
White lead, Reis & Berger; IS ■b raga, 4 do lea
thers, 00 Leech & Rion.
Per Michigan-9 poe. marble, I Dickey; 39 Lge
comae twist, Friend, &bey ac co..
County Clorriontlost.
The And Masonic and Whig voters a Allegheny
county an segues:esti° assemble in primarT tneetings,
at the usual places, in the's:evert! election Districts, on
Hata:day, the 19th of August, L•e, to elect Delegates
to a County Convention, to amemble at th e ("oan
House, bn Wednesday, the gad of the same month, at
10 o'clock, A. Kim appoint Delegate• to a Whig i pste
Convention at Harrisburgh, for the nomination of ri
candidate for tiosemor, and also to nononate a candi•
date for Comtaissloner, in-place ofTlto.. Falrtnan, de.
The primary meetings, in th e Wards and Boroughs,
will assemble at 71 o'clock, P. M.—and throe of Me
Toad:whips, at 3 o'clock, P. 111.
Chelrmtm of the Committee of Correspondence.
loin E. PAW... &motley.
Me" Does your hair WI otf, does your burr turn gray
Fs it harsh, is it dry, or dirty, I pray?
If 'tts thou, you can make It sou, silky and flue,
Daub and healthy, and beauteoas as this hair of minel
And to base this, you have buCthree aldlllngs to glee
Far a bottle tar Jones' Italy Restorative.
Reader, if you have bed:how you would really be tag
banished at the lovely elect a three shilling bottle of
Jones' Coral Rea Restorative has on kilt needs but ona
Bold al RD Liberty st. nested/sway
ElTYOufoollah, illy old fellow, road Otis nod be no
longer bald, whiskerleas and hairless Mr. W. Juek•
son, of 130 Ltberty sweet, Piusboratt, Fa, cortifien or the
ad or February, 1647 that 111 r. Vb.. Jackson's bead,
as the top, was entirel l y bald for le. yenra, and"that by
toting two 3a bottle. o Jones' Coral Slate Restoranve,
the hair is marina fast and thick.
Sold inNewark 8. OLDS Se SON, 270 at, R
VAN EMMY, comer of Broad and Nantucket a
QT Bolt Rheum, &law!, Old Sores, Eryslpnliw
Barber's Itch, Chaps, Soto /leads, Sore Beards, Pm,
plea: •
Jones , Soap Is used'by ritanyphysicians In this city
in curing the above, nod we would not conscientiously
sell unless we knew it to be oil we rum,
eommetie, the true Jones' Soup is perhaps the
only :snick' eller - known that rammed impurities and
cleared and benutihed the skin, making It soft, clear,
Sinnott" and whno as an infant'. By
'Sold %Wit-JACK
SON, Sill iherty none,. MU=
e Chemia,lo more
. _
nhat whiter shin,of hers, Man mow,
And yew ae mpatextental atabeger.^
Alrfeatehte bane dui the above, who me Jones!
BpahtehuiryvbiK, , . tl =keit pure mow?, yet nwu
"rahrirldted iSeltretteltberty street jyll
- -t;;;
1 litoorTi—
Louisville, July 31, ISIS.
SL Lotus, July 28,
EW BOOKS—The Wriungsof Cassias hiarcedles
.11 Clay, Inciudnur Speeches and Addresses. Edited,
web a preface and memoir, by Horace Greely.
The First Book to Spanish; or, • practical introdue•
uon to the study of the lipsuush Language: containing
full instructions in pronunciation, is grammar, essrcis/
es on the 011endorff methai of constant imitation end
repetition, reading lessons, and a vocabulary. rho
whole adapted for the am of private learner., or her
classes under an instructor. By Joseph Salke/d, A.
Of, author of .. A Compendiard ofaissaicrd Arampi
ftlghWerts end Stolen, • tale - of tiornesti'e Ilk; by
Frederik• Bremer. Translated from the ortgmul un
published map welly; by Mary Hewitt.
The Dying Robin, and other tales. By Joseph Alden,
D. D.- Just received and for mile by
. .
Louie McLane Bennett, Brissivnaville
Lake Erie, Murry, Beaver.
Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Camden, Hendrickson, M'Keespcat.
Hudson, Poe, Sunfish.
Caleb Cope, A. Murdock. Beaver.
Shenandoah, -, CM.
Pacific, Campbell, Louisville.
Danube, Cock, St. Louis.
Louis McLane, Sennett, Brosinurvige.
Camideu, Hendrickson, Brownsville.
Bailie, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Lake Esl, Murry, Beaver.
Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver,
Roscoe, Javeas, St lonic
New England, McClure, Cia.
Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and Wellsville.
Hudson, Poe, Sunbelt
• The nver last evening at dusk wan 4 feet 6
inches water in channel, by pier mark and fall -
For Philadelphia every evening at 9 o'clock, by
Leech's Packets 0110. oppoaite the Coked SUMS
Steamboat Packet Line, leaves daily for Civamna r,
10 A. a.
Passenger Pecker via Brominrnille to Baltimore and
Philadelphia, 8 A. miand 6 I, a.
Mail Conch Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 A. a.
and 12 r. B.
Western and Southern Mail Couch Line, 6 A. a.
North-Western vie Cleveland, daily, 10 a. a.
live end Western Near York, daily, 9 A. a.
North-Eastern toileilelphia, daily, except Scuidays,
4, • a.
Eastern Aleut run Philadelphia, due 3 a. x., closes 19 it.
West'n Mail, Ciocin. &Louis,. due 8 r• X', an... d....
South. via/3altunore t&Weabington, due 8 r.x. el's 5 a. XL
North Western via Cleveland, due 10 a. sc., closes a L x.
Erie and Western New York. due a r. x., closes 8 a. x.
Fars& in 4,orra, ants Batons Courtanns.—Altho
long known as a sovereign remedy (or chronic eases
of Hepatic derangement, the proprietors of Dr.
hPLane's Liver Pills were not prepared for the follow
tug gratifying evidence of its capacity and GI2MIZIVe
power. in Ague and Fever, and Bilious complaints:
“blintsaktorao, Nov. 27, 11547.
"Messrs. Kidd & Co—Abota one year I was laboring
under a very severe attack of the Ague and Fever, but
by the use of AVLane's Liver Pills I was soon restorel
to perfect health. I believe them to be the best medi
cine (or Bilious complaints that has ever been ailed
for sale in this seetion of the country.
For sale at the Drug Store ot . J. KIDD & Co. , 60 wood
ErreHow Teeth and putrid breath,
Spongy gums like rotten death,:
le repulmve and disgusting
All could have teeth as white as pearl,
Sweet breath—bard gun:bi--omit or girt
Wily delayl—nay, quickly haste
And use a box oflones' Tooth Poste.
It costs bat 2S matt, and is really a beautiful article
It:givm the teeth a fine enamel. Sold in Pittsburgh
SP Liberty. st novilid&asaly
Dont have yellow nark Teeth—they can b.
=fele pearly white by one lime rising a box of Jones
Amber Tooth Paste It hardens the gams, sweetens the
bread', An. Sold at S 9 Liberty el. novlbilfstol
--- tuvrEs OF DISCO u NT—coRREcrED Y
Esehnege Brokers, No. 65 Market street, near fte al
Pernassyletuala. letdifszsa.
Bank of Palshargia • —Par State B'E & &Math. • • 1
Egehlutdc [Wok Par S'aterlerip • •• ••• "
March. & /11.. Bank •Parl
Bks..ofPhtbadelpht• • • ..p.l.l3lehange Bk. of Va:• • 1
Girard Bank DariFnmzen Bk. of V. • • .
Bank of Germanotarn •parlilk. of the V•Jly,—
Chemer Coanry• • •par Ilk. of Virginia.....
Dakmmtre Co . . .•p¢r M.& M. Bk., Wheeling
Montgomery en • •
•mu do Matorintourn• •• • 1
Northumberkmd••par N. w. Bank Vs—.
Columbia Bridge Co.• •
parl do Wellsburg. —• • • 1
Daylenown Bank par do Sarkentoorg•—
Farmers' Ilk. Readigg•par, Tennessee.
Famers' Bk. Backs Co. pas:Bk. of Tanneemee• •• • •
Farmers 11'k Laneastr•par,Far. & Merch'm Bk •
Lantraner Co. Bk.• • • •parlPlinten' Bk.—• •• • • "
L.aneasicr Bk . par Union Bk.
U. States Bank • • --MI
. - . •
Brownsville Bk. parlkate Bk of hlisaouri•—• I
Wasliingron Ilk. 21 North Carolina.
Getryaborga Bk.• • lin k. of Cape Fear• ••• • • 2
Chansbersbarg• • . 'March's Bk.,Nessliern• 1
Busquebonno Co. lik.• 3 Idtarn Bank. ••—••• • • • • 4
Lehigh Co Bank, —1 South Carolina.
Le•rrision•a• • 'Camden Bk-..... •• • - 2
Middleman, -- •• 1 !lir of Chireseston• ••• • 2
Carlisle ..... ••• • . •• • " Commercial BY I
Erie 8k ...
• •-• 40 Bk. of Goorretoorn•—• • 2
Farmer.' and Drorers' :Bk.of Hamburg , — ••
Bank, W eyttesbarg.. 1 .21erchams Bk
Ilarrtsbun4 " 'lntatters &Metbk , s Bk-
• I Bk. of Bomb Carolina. •
pot' Maryland.
1 . • pa
Wyoming ....... • • • • I Bulimic & 0 1111ticrip i 'lo
York uk. I Cumberland Bk. of AII
Wen Brooch Bk. I ahany 8 . I
Relief kick " • Far. Bk. of Mary laud • - "
M & M Bk. Pink do. " Farmer,' & Mechanics "
City &Goodly 'Scrip • " • Bk. Frederick ..... • • "
Otklo• Frederick Co. Bk.• • • "
Blom Bk. and Branch. I Hmferetadrußk "
Mouutricusent ..... • • " 'Blmeral Bk • ---- I
st,..beu i lie ...... • • • " P412111G0 Lik •--• • • ..... I
S. Chino 11C.
• - ,Blt.of .I:milliner •• • •
New Las!eoe •••• • --
Cu:eau:tau de.ues
•~ sk..l 2IL Clair --
nHt. of itvcr Bauer, •
cg. C
- solrentßanks• ••• • • 5
Bank of Ernd Notes
Claim .oold is, Spec le Value.
..... . 880
Westrm Raarwo •
; Eagle, old • •• • 10 60
Ftunklik Columbus " Eagle, new •• • • • 10 00
Doubloons,l3ps.malk. 16 00
144ke Frio— po.Patriat • I_4 60
i - ..i,rd i T.:
-10 fro
• • • .13 ;PrederieW'on. -- .67 00
Oranrille 30 Ten Thaler. •
Forney. B'k Gunton.--63 T'n Guilders
Kentucky. Exchange.
Bk of Kenmeky •
,Now Vt pral
Bk.of Lcuisville ;Philadelphia ••• • -- /pm
Barham Bk. Kenteky• • 'Baltimore • ••• • >nu
Now York--City Wan. , Wks--
Consulting Engin/um & Counsellors for
Mee for proem ing and defending Patents, imparting
informatton on hlechanies and the application of Sci
ence b the Arts, and on American and Foreign Lines
of Patents.
PROP. WALTER R. JOITN . SON, late of Philadel-
MUM phis, and Z. C. S, of Washington
. ccly.
Po ha tyded by board Knossie Esq., late Machmest
of Inn United State. Patent O ffi ce,) have issociated
themselves together for the . prosecution of the above
branches of profemional bustriess,nither in their Office,
at the Patent Office. or before the Courts; and will de
vote their undivided attention to forwarding the inter
est 0.1 . 1111rODIOT• or others who may commit them or
Masa business In their hands. Mr. Knowles has for
the pa twelve years held the post of Maehioest in the
Unclad States Patent Office, and rents that situation
to take part in.the ptreeent undertaking. Ifis talents
tad peculiar flumes for the important offiee so long fil
led by him, have been fully recognised by inventors
wherever the office needle known.
The office of Messrs. I k R. m on F Weal, opposite
the Potent Office, Washington, A C , where commind
cations, post paid, will be promptly extended to; exam
inations made. drewnigs , specifications, and all reigns
ite papers prepared—and models procured when desi
red—on reasonable terms. Letters ohinquiry, expect
ed to be answered after 0.201.11 ll• had, sawn be et
eon:Tamed by a fee of five dollar.lO
to the duties of their office which pertains to the Pa
tent Laws, Ues.n..l k R. will be ..stated by • legal
gentleman of the highest professional chuncter, and
lolly conversant with Mechanics and other Scientific
subjects. mylinultswlyS
eopartnershm heretofore extorng between the
name nbers, under the axle of WWI, Burhfield &
Hu, expired thm day by linnuttion. The bustnesr of
the firm will be *ruled by AMU' & Roe.
8. R. 13U8LIFIET.D,
Ptunburgh, July lb, DR&
The undenigned VIII commune the Wholesale 610-
eery and Commtimion bushman, under the firm of APGIII
and Roe, at their old .and, No. 194 Liberty .acct
Raving sold my :merest in We firm of hIVAII, Bush.
field th Roc to my former partners, AVM& Roe, I rate
pleasure ill recommending them to my friends and the
pablla jrzi S. B. 11USHFIELD.
- - -
IHE general properties of these Pill. era earmark
tire, Purgative and Tonic. In the common cliser
arising (Mtn imprudence in diet, a c , tuck as sick
nem and tameness of the stomach, !leantUrn, hendach,
!cc, where a medicine is required, this combination is
vary applicable; for its cumulative and soothing ef
fects—give almost immediate relief when 'nausea or
sickness exist. Its purgative operation upon the stole
aeh and bowels is gentle and effectual, and its tome
properties impart strength to the digestive omaos,
thereby enabling these organs to perform their proper
funetione with order and regniarity.
The price boa been reduced from 60 to 25 cis a box.
Pm sale wholesale rand retail by
corner front and wood, and 6th and wood its
)Yl5 Agents far Pittsburgh
HXAY DONNETs—sv R Murphy is gelling MTh's
remaining stock of Bonnets St greatly reduced
prices. Bonnets of last winter's styles, from 25 cents
CHEAP LAWNS—A large lot of Dress, Lawns, re
dated to Pff rents per yard-
colvetl, and offered very low.
DARK GINGSIAMS—Rich dark styles of GlOgilllll/R,
mho found an dry goods house of
ArrANUPACTURED TOBACCO—In store and to ar
DA rive, the following brands or Tobacco, consuls
meats from manufacuuere of Richmond and Lynch
burg, which will be .old to tie trade at reduced rates:
73 big Lamartine
60 do John Rooker Gis
110 do Henry & James 11, Set end
31 do L. June, GC
19 do IM. and Sin
27 do Jamas Madison 6s. L WATF.ILMAN
uteL and 69 front ma
ifeI The subscribers being dnfrone of closing out
their present stock of Tricamingsand Fancy Goods
before re...minim their new store, mill sell their large
asrtment of Puna at cost, - from and after ibis data.
The as/samosa' comprises some Witt different styles,
and at prices from 4 eta to 83 each.
420 F It FATON is . Co .
raisirtrial. . - v
ELLERS & NICOLE have removed to No. I ate
0 door *boys *0 WO stood.- . Ira -
Coirrespondezum of Pit*alyzilt -Gaseite.
Correspondence or the Pittsburgh Paton,
ICE,' Pons, Aug 4, 1818.
The steamer America arrived this afternoon.
having sailed on the 2241 oh. The Herman sailed
on the 20th.
lairusla—An alarming e - risis is at band in 1.1-1
lend. The City Council inet in Dublin Castlj
the 181 h.
The Lord Lieutenant had issued a proclamation
ordering the enforcement of the law fur the rein.
are of arms, and the arrestor persons having them
in possession without heense.
FP-A.IIM —Tranquillity prevails in Paris.
Cavaignac's popularity had been assailed by the
Editor of La Prease, in 's pamphlet, giving particu
lars of the imprisonment of La Martine, and via,
dicating his policy.
The Catholic Relief Bill bad been withdraws .
from the House of Commons.
The Sugar Bill, owing to some mistake, requires
amendment during this session.
Things abroad wear the appearance or return.
ing tranquillity.
The German and the Danish war a considered
at an and.
The war in Lombardy promisesa speedy term,
nation in peace.
Charles Albert is beeoming more popular.
The Sicilian Arch Duke John has been el, t. ,1
Chief of the German Empire.
Pm lanai s< Glassgow is quoted at lOu per ton;
sellers are offering it at dry.
The news from Ireland operated unfavorably on
the money market, causing a fall of 1 per cent. A
reaction took since is funds with a decline of I
Consols dosed at 871 to tot money and ac
count, havmg reduced 3 per cent.
Cowin—The week ending on the 21st cloned
with less activity, the Irish affairs having created
alarm. The sales of the week have amounted to
50,630 bales, closing with a better feeling. 700
bales Orleans sold at 3 to Gt., Upland 33 to 5 1' !
Mobile 33 to 41.
Corn bas advanced 2 toll per bushel. Cora
Meal la. per bbL
Flour, from C. States Wheat, 27 to 265. 61.;
Sour Flour 25 to 265; sales of Corn at 31 to nz,..
per .1.10 lbs; Meal 1-ts 6,1 to 13s. per 196 lbs.
North Carotins Election.
CArre.pontlettee of the thaNhurgh'ittozette.
Pu I LADELPfI Lik, Ang.4. ISIS.
From Cumberland county we have complete re.
turns, giving Reid. (Dem.) 1023 majority over
Manley. The Whip bad no ticket in this county.
The returns from Wake connty are also com
plete: Reel, 1293; Manley, 991. Senate,—Thes . 44
son, (Dem.)6l9; Hill (W 114 0 ,101. Showing mac
inocratto gain over last year's election of 250,
A despatch from Raleigh states that the Whigs
have elected the governor, and a majority in the
legislature by n diminished nisjority.
Correepondence of the l'awtaugh Gazette
&alma., Aug. 4, 9 r. x.
Flour—Sales of Howard Street at $4 7r,iitSs
93 ets. per hbL
Grain—The market for Wheat has a down Ward
tendeaey. Wheat--Sales df prime red at 60ra93e
per bushel to 105 e. Coro—Salta of prime white
at 430-43 c: do of pnate yellow at 4963,51 e.
Coresspoudenee of the l'inshargh Gazette
New York. Aug. 4, S r.
Flour--Sales of Genessee Si::•24 lb per barrel
The receipts continue light_ The market, with
moderate sales, is in favor of the
Wheat—There is an active tenuity, bat the firm•
nest of holders prevents large operations
Corn—Sales of prime white at nire.:)A, do. of
Immo Yellow at 60c.
RTL—tiales nt SlaiSle. The supply of anin is
Whiskey—Sales m bbla
Pronsuma--.Sales of Ness Pork at SI I 37r, do
of puma Prone at SO.
Correspondence of the Plusburileritt Tette
Cincinnati, Aug 1, d r.
Flour—The market toqiay t in favor of the
buyer, and sales were made at s3.:4trej.Y, bbL
Whiskey—Sales at 1.5:01fg
Provtmonie—Havon, saiea of aides at Ir. Soles
of abouldera 30.31, in Pork and Lard there is noth
ing doing.
Sugar—The market is heavy.
Molnases-v.There is no inquiry. The market be
ing dull.
frill'l 'HE subscriber. prevtotaa to leaving
(or One , Eart to rcplettotk 1.. awl, well
dorpotte of the balance 01 Ina nark on
band nt reduced ttnees, Anti on fa•ora•
bie term.. It consuls of a choice ',iceman n( hanott
made by Su., tr. Clark. t V—antl Jonas Goebert:in,
of Homo; 3141 a, of from 0 to 7 octaves, of rosewood
and mahogany, of different st) les and paces
At Woodwelr, Mtn] st
Valuable Flesh
lanes In Allegheny City
for Sale.
. .
rIONTEMPLAI7NG • removal from Allegheny city.
offer my residence there for .le. The premues
arc in delightful order, and every way worthy the at
tention of nay penult& wonong such property.
stmt. are selling yards of Calico for one dollar;
o, bleached Musa.. low as 4; env IrD
LNIERAL WATER CORKS--7 bales or a superior
.01 quality, received and ior sale by
• _
TEAL CONCS--I bale of a •11116111 %me, lor wale by
ArIAL CORKS-3 bales of arge sire, for eale by
V )yll :a
BRAUN it rib:mut
CREAM 'TARTAR-1 bbls for male by
CO6IN-172 bla Shelled Corn. sb, reed and for ude
by all Wit & CULBERTSON
MANILLA '''''lM"ll.-4°.;‘,1,-,;irerir.lir,iglx''
117 INDOW GLASS-1000 ban 00110 ISLI do lOx llf
195 do 10014! 000 foil 40 do 11101 S, 20 do 11115.
10 do 84.19 J; for mile by,
8 F VON BONN noßtu h co
BDFLOOMS-23 dos estsa tars, F. h. Brooms; S 0 do
@asbestos dot 1.8 do Cortlkdo, tor. sals by
iyll . 51 F VON IiONNIIOSIBT &Co
Clitkri — RClsll:lll tons Nos 24 and 23, inmate; !or
0 sale by jyll I F VON BONNIIORST.S. Co
bbls {tackled; 1500 lb. dried; (or sale by
f r u, - S F VON BONN/108NT hCo
ILT ACIFFX. 1-2,—No 2 and 3, In half and or bbls; for
AIL .31e by 1711 s F VON 8071NliORST &CO
BACON—luau bbls Sider. MX, do Shoulders, for sale
_by_ail P VON BONNIIOIt4T &Cu
DALAISOAP=-1.5 'as fur sole by
MACKEREL—Su Gbh. near No. 2 Mackerel, nett's,'
log per canal and for sale by
- • -
NO. 3 MACKEREL-23 bb lo Just recd and aisle
1J ma ' I sll(21A.
DARK CALIeOE44—A A kluon & en. will open
4.m ill . ts morning, 4 cases of rich dark Ca 11..., small
ISZI4 Ik K kn . h Co
I,II4A iy MEILS—IIk sacks agAttartutralatooby
INSF-Nti—S4 sacks 110 W lending and fr. sale by
BACON ALD 'l—Antstilbs for sale by
1-/ MENU, ItHEY & Co
COPPERAS—.7O Ws, in good order, for sale by
YIIiiiIAR—TSTIYIs Cater Vinegar, tt etgolgq white
wine do, in store and for sore by
- . .
TAR-46hbls Wilmington, N C Tut, on band and for
Pale by
SUGAR -40 dbdit ppm N 0 Sugar; 100 do fair do—
for sale by iyld POINDEXT-R 4. Co
TRAPPING PAPER-160 bills Mammoth Straw
Paper; 100 do Doublo gleimin do do; 400 do
Double Crown du do; lOW do Medium do do! 1001.1 do
L C do do; in store and for solely
le4o REYNOLDS & 9111.:11
DELMMAX-t , maks on hood and for sale by
JLI iyl. o o TASSEY & !EST
QALAAIANDER SAFER--21ron Safe. In store and
0 (or sole low to close consignment.
Jcls JAMES IiALZELL, 24 seater el
. 40 ni )0 P .. l7: fo N , I = X
I I: , 11 , 1 E BRICK, Jost received
V Vl y e
WINIXJW G1,14E6-4300 boxes 0410 W thou; LW
11 do 11LX It do do; 100 do IOXI4 do do; for solo by
lels TASSI4I* & BEter
X L , KATIII.:llet—II seeks prune Kentucky Feathers, in
store end for sale by
TRIMMED SHAD-20 bbl. No I Shed, Jost rec'd and
for sale by rorld !SELLERS k NICOLS
ICE-15 tierces fresh and, landing We day end for
sole by jytts kteollA.LEY 3 ShilTli
rIHEERE-40 bx• awe Cream Cheese, for sale by
C H /vs
FRIEND, HUEY & Co, 57 water st
P EARL ASII-7 earl. now laudieF, for sale by
/F 25 ISAIAH DICKEI tr. Co, from .t
I;tEATHERS-17 reeks owe lauding; for sale by
(Y4qUITO NETES—A largo lot of Atoaqulto Near,
fMI need tweet, fur sale cheap.
jos_ 75 market st,N IV ear of the diamond
AREOE PLAIDS—A lot of Jraudaomo Duette
Pleids, which we are telling at prices pretty be
low what We hays ever been able to orlin the Mate
qual4 for. l 7 ALMANIMit & WAY
noir rin raw von male ramienerriaarcnon.
TtrE are cow opening a foie stock of fresh Summer
7T Goods, direct from the New 'fork and Philadel
phia At/choru s where' they have boom purclussed•with
m the last two weeks, at a very great sacrifice, there
by enabling us to offer far better bargnirts than we
nave ever done before. In calling the attention of the
citizens of Pittsburgh and is simony to our assert.
meat, we do so with the confidence of our prices hemp,
such as will ensure perfecisatisfaction; and to all but •
en, either by wholesale or retail, a fine chance is now
offered for procuring groat bargains. Among those
just received are—
A lot of very cheap cold and blk fig'd i strip'd
4 - Light end dark Lawns;
4 of extra fine blk fig'd and striped Elarege, which
'are a very great bargain.
A lot of handsome Cote Pallys, for ladies dresses;
do l i ght colored and black Barege, very cheap;
do new style silk Vesting do
do very handsome Damp Shawls;
do vecheap blk do do
do fin b lk silk kfantilla Stir*
do handsome Purasols and Parmioletts,
do do Aruhcial Flowers;
do very cheap Linen Lames;
ALSO—A fine stock of super French Cloths sod Cs.-
simmer., whne and colored Linen Drillings. Cashmer
e., Summer Casennetes, Drap d' &a, Ar tie. A
large awortment of Prints of all priers; Tudongs,
Checks. liluslins, Az.. to which, as well es odic! arti
cles to our line, we invite tlie r y a =e a nir o t , :teash
15 market at, N W car °Cute Manumit
A. A. MASON A. CO. ;
MIRING desirous of reducing their stook previous to
the commenCOMellt of the Fall Trade, wHL offer
their extensive and fastnonable assortment for a few
tieceks. at greatly reduced prices. Amongst their a.-
.aortment may be found excellent styles of
Tissues, Grenadines. lharnyrnuiles, Poll
re, Tires. Silks, Lawns and Muslin, he . all
of v leh are reduced in price fully one third.
Toeir stock of Shawl. ts very extenave, end com
prises every known style A few canons or crape and
silk Shawls Just received. will be sold extremely love
4 easel; reel Senie Gingham. will be sold n lal et..
aseal price :Xi cents, 'goal English Calicoes loci Amer.
tean do ns low as 1 and 4c; wrought Collars 15r; Mus
lin de Lames talc; good Macro Mk; Bonnet Rib
bons Me.
Their stock of dark green pure Satin Pararols and
Parasoletwit, comprising p ards of 51a), of every style
and quality, be oilier t verylow sales.
Broad Cloth., Caskina • and Vesting.; alwi, all
kinds of summer slugs and Cottionades
Martini:3la aill always find at our wholesale rooms
as large t,tid desirable an ant tt good. a
usaally ',and eatnent hous e, and' at equally low
Only on• pace, from which no Elovoloon can I,
mad, jot!
HAVE Vinnoved tkom 11)2 Market street, to their new
splendid said immense astaellshnient to be known
as the TO\VEII lIALL cLcrrifici BAZAAR, No.
109 Market street, hetween Piflh and Sloth, PHILA.,
The proprietors feel a reluataisee in promulgating
what In soy Ivey might appear lake the usual Bombas
tic ex
of sums nt the trade. bet will beg to
quote Mc following nOtice from oils of nor day paper.:
ttOne fif the grestesl chnosttier thnt our cirt dfotits
to the airanger. is Kennett h. Ilo'• great clothing stow,
No. let Markel sweet, between Fink and Sixth, which
ho. been .101..1 Tower Hell," from the peculiar hus h
of the front The bedding as an immense one, contain.
ingtaeVult capacious rooms, all of watch arc stocked
With every variety or seasonable garments, arranged
In the most perfect order and regularity. The propne.
tors take great pleasure 111 showlug thew building and
contents to mourns, particularly stranger, and to those
coming from the country—we know of nu place more
worthy of a visit. mythiclin
TV h. lately received a lull aasortmcnt of white
good, hir LatheL Dresses. ineludote—isemch mull Mac
1111CtirrtrA do. Natwook do; plain Seconds; .moll bar
red do; as
toured do Alsu.
For I;veing Dreg:ma—Whim embroidered Sol,'
"dusk.; pink embroidered 'Furlion do; blue do, new
aryle danuma striped and embroidered do; plain wade,
blue, pink and straw colored do: also, embroidered and
tiwi. Slumlms, by the pant, for livening Dm., also,
kilack hare Shawl*, ttearfa and Capes—Freneh and
acorn needle work Collar.; an nuortmentOf new and
beautiful stylcl Linen Cambne Handkerchief,. inouno
lug au. all at hose. c•ati price., at north-cast corner
of atli and mirk et sta. lei
rg.7SIITRPII r ha. opened tho. morning, g, one
Y . case Umbrellas, inelndlng Amene. and Sewell
gingham. COLltill and steel frame gingham.
One C 114115 Parma:Us, ind/odlng green sann Turk, bib
silk and broarn silk. dratted cerna
Also, inns case bleached thills: also, Mantas Rib
bons, black and colored; whits Sarni do Linen Ging.
hams, and rations styles of summer Goods, selling at
reduced pnees. A lot of sober Manchester (Singhtuns,
good stylas, also lately received.
• " •
CHEAP BONNEI'6--A lot °innate! and other Bon
neu for last WIMM.'S shapes) whom of al horn 374 c to
SI at the corner of 4th and Market at,.
Wholesale room. on 2d story—entrance from 4th at.
11 ,,
- - • - - -- - --
12 IL FLATOrti CU. aro now recetving tlirect from
sniporters and manufacturer., a large atrrtottorltt
or Fancy and Staple MIS.111:114, lioXier ) nod V ark.; y
Goals, among whit,. •re—Ma..l: mad tolsl Alantil:a
Fringe., du do bre.. do, i.n...rtridery and l'sternt
Gimp.. Tassel, daisey and other 4re-a ttilttOtA; riot X
tfilk Lace. Loutu cambric. Ildkl-, Antficial Flower.
and IVreaths, tis , Ottextief, ITV trite w0r1..1 Collars,
noel Bags and Purses Ivory. Fltony and feather Fans
Kid. Stlk and I, Ale Glove.. Lents rtortert . lilorea, fitc.
childrenn' .d women.' tioxler). Mau Brushes Corn,
and To o th Brotmws Window Shade. and TrutimmeS
radon. Trnnungs; shins, of men.' and youths' tr.,
ke r &O.,whaett they offer on fiat °amble terms, at their
cored Market at, near 4th. Jel4
To Country fflornituunts;
0.411 TH AND J01111514(5!6.. 46 Market AllTeei..lllve re'
CI eeivert 15 eaves /tonnet.. con...m.4in party pinta
Straw. Aurora !Irani.. View to do. f ;trip do. c,
do, Chinn. Penni and Florence. 5 1 cten Calm I m o
Hata. Loont.' and Hoy.' Leghorn i Brat,: do. Ano
heal Flower. in every variety Al,. ion dot I_sthis
Conon Hose. trim 73 rend per doz. ilia to the Ernest
qaality; Ifo dor Gents half Hose; a g wortmelit to Lisle Thread. Stk and Cotton r ;loves 7 n nit tidal,.
ICC es Watidtras do. Itad dos I.inert, int. do. 15 ear.
ton. Cotton cud Thmad Laces. Also. a good anoint.
Leent or Combs Butio., 'llreolu, Needier, lnn. Cot
ry. Jewelry. &c . in ull of which they wth odor a
greet iorlarenteut in peke: to purehaser. myl3
IN .GE .
1119--Itajt turret. tti White Cotton, and White
£ auti colored I...inr. Fringes. adapted for Crlnhara
and French Linen laten.e. obviating the necessrly at
/wing removed front tie Oren. tresvaiduna. Mama 510.
hair Bullion Cringe. (Viii toner in n few days it va
ne. of filaitulla and Polk Dm.* Frrnge
Wholesale dealers are twitted to an rik, , , Li1,,,-
tarn, as they artll be liberally dealt urrill mist. The tut.
factures will dispose or the good. In person. and pled4.
• himself that they are perreer and or good measure,
•11,1 25 per cent brayer than any eastern market—eon
net of 5111 and Wood street., over tilt drug stale.
An agent Rented for thle city. who 1. eatribl:shed in
the wholeoole dry goods, with good references
ttivara the attention of gentlemen vranung Clouts.
to hi• nouvrtniritt of very hest make of French and
English elonio. A few pieces very utpenor Work I
Ercneh, just rec'd, also. Doeskins and ea...errs. In 1
great variety, ' , online, Ca...acre. nod Tweeds, for
memo' and boys' wrar. bunch 1.11111 Veaungs, Aline
Idar, , edles du, gent. and bordered !wen caenbrir
H. 11.., 'Alper white and colored sdk do; gents
Masonry, . Goose. Merino and cotton Undershirts.
(or summer wear: blk and fancy Cravats: Gutsitasn
and Jacortet do, he. e:
PEICYID YFSTERDA Y. m W ft dlarphy'm Dry
kJ Goods Hoare, northeast .rner of 4th and Aldrdet
street..,-4..t0.5y ;Jack Silk. tor Nl4llllll3l,new atne
Dress Llk and w bite Crapes, tol, white am!
mtxed Cum, I rrr. Fi=nch Linen., de. dc.
. .
Also on band. k good as
of black Mohm.r
a .
fitlk end tery liarege and Neu Shawls. whtte man
enab Crap, do, plant and embnadoted: bled: lore
Shawls. beans nod Gapes;w style fi(d Netts lot
m low
Cape., Cans, k plant wash Blonds atul . ens. Sc.
Wholesale Amens op stairs, where an excellent as
serunent of from., hr. is always kept at :ow prices.
11 7 10,ILKSA LE DRY Iif.TGDSA A alason h Co
y "have
J ana received at their Wholesale Rooms.
No. CO Alarltrt street. to rases of primed Lawn. and
Muolins. 5 do good style of Gingham, 4 do new my Ic
al Cancm,; tj do of t:otionstdes and Summer Stubs; 14
du Parasol.. of every variety. Also, Ifil , tems, Leee.
Gloves. Hestrry. Shawls, Dam are. he hr Jet
ACES, EDGINGS, he.-21.1 cartons low pnced mid
mediu Karnes, I.ltera, InserungQualings, prit
and Macy 501,. of Me latest Unlearnt..., pat openal
,141 - Lil'ass AND 51ITTS- , almllic& sOhnsrm, 46 mar
4rt street. have received a large Moth of long mut
short Pak Fillet Gloves and Mitts. Also, Lisle Thread.
Pills and Linen Gloves. Also, a canons of IlaJou Kul
Gloves, which will he sold at wholesale and retail ex
tremely low. itt29
AN - CHF:S.I*ER GINGIIAMS--An is ice of rue
Manchester Ginghturtn, of new and vo Mmdsonte
patterns, received yesterday at the Dry Gocnts House
of 1024 W S MURPIIY
NAN. MINLINS—A general as
-IV.I. 15LL A
sortme N nt lY is
of andNanoMok Mush. for Indies
dreases, Just termed at No 75 market street, northwest
corner of the diamond
tylo ALEXAN DER & DA 1'
Market Cl, have further reduced in prier titer at
vortment of Beragns and Tintuev; Alpo, Grciistionez,
Wankel. Mohair stripe, Poil de Chew. 02. J),
_ .
p MINTED LAWNS AND .111.;SLI.N8--A A Mason
& Co. will tell their interielve tausartmeuldpritit
eil Lawn" tied Al twits!, et friwttly redrierd prices. 17 8
SUMMER STUFF —A A Alnsois & Co. will oiler the
ramunder al th ea. Sammet Btu& at wholetnie
Li= /Y 8
SMALL R Murphy luolre
retved au addnioned supply of the above goods,
including brown and white, green and white, dr; elm
leer ;meets super super, very neat Plaid. Jel7
Q UI'IIR FRENCH CLOTHS—We have plat opened
o fine lot of blk French Cloth.. whirl, we arn mi.
hog mach lower than we have ever before sold the
same quality. ALEXANDER & DAY,
1010 73 market at, N W r or of the diamond
WOOL taLK CAS - SIMERED—ThiTr — i eery 'cheep
Wool hilt CMisimeres,4mongSshlat are autos
of a light texture, vary suitable for the summer season,
sat reed by jetth ALEXANDER & DAY
tl NEI - PA-ImM pieces and 15-4 Fit
ITJ. white and red end blue barred Netts. extra long.
Also, 10-107.1.-1 and 12-4 heavy 13ohinetts, Imported
expresaly for a superior article of Mosquito Netts, for
city sales, lust received by
je2fl SHACKLETT & WHITE, OD wood sr
TV has just received an involve of White Dreaa
Goode fur ladles, such ad French and Scotch Moll
Mutable, Nannum Satin heed Jaconets, ha, very
e E
low. Also, White Bonnet Ribbons, at oorthectst•
tier of Alth and merlon DM 024
§EAORAES FOR ESKIMO—A supply lately teem
ved. Also, corded and hlarsadlen Skirts; Ws°,
osquito Neu% whhouul colored: wlde Bobiuetts II”
do, at dry goods house of W R DIURPHY,
/y 3 northeast corner 4th and market sts
lIREA.I) LACE:l.—Snitch tr. Johnson. 40 Market iii,
1 have Just reed cormtu more of those wide Thread
Leen. ; from 10 cs er y d up. Also, one crton of
Illecitbn do; on l e
do t P p uri. /loud dui also la a cartons
cotton Laces. llealars rind others *Ai And It to Weir
Imarest to call, as they will be sold il unready law
pne _ '63
,ean,ll peen. blue end Morro, of all widthr,
batmen for
do. very wide, and offered eitppee.
by we p.m of yard. jab
R.INTS—A large msortinent of blue, blue - and or
ang, and funey Print., of every Meltable style
and quality, just opening end for isle to the trade ai
eztruonlmary low ram, by the Ulle, ha.
• •
BONE BUT'roNs—atm gram gross white and black
Suspender, Fl y Shirtßuttons, of • very supe
rior quality and finish, just reed on emu:lmmo sod
for sale by SHACKLETr d WHITE.
OD wood in
CCITI'ON YARNS, ic.--413,000 lb., unsorted Nos, C
. Yarn, Carpet Chum, Candle Wick, and Comm
Twne; SAI bales Baltiug, for sale at =animaters'
lowest prices, by FRIEND, RREIf d Cu,
JY 7 %imitator manufacturer;
TACQUARD DlAPElit—Tino bale* bleached Dm*
k Cotton Diaper, just °mined by
lealscalerr 4 wiirrE
akttan 1848.
Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford.
t' OCEAN, Capt. Walters.
riNE of the above Pickets leave Beaver every day,
kJ (Sundays excepted) and anivarnext morning at
Warren, where the 3 connect with tho Mail Stages for
Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these places
before night. Oat of the Packets leave Warren daily,
at 5 P. M., and novae at Beaver to time to take the
morning steamboat for Pittsburgh.
CES & LEFFLNOWELL, Warre n, . p repr i t . m.
Canal Perket—Pmmurryskia, Capt. Jeffries;
Txxougn, Pollock;
" Lsmn Elm " Trobyi
Pueroma, " Bronco;
The above new ant splendid Passenger Packetaltnee
wU nced running between BEAVER ANDLERIE.
and ! run regularly during the season—one boat
leaving Erie every 11710TOUI; IL 8 o'clock, *alone Inc.
tkaver every evening. Immediately after abs arri
val of the steamboat Michigan from Pittsburgh.
The boats arenow and comfortably furnished, and
wilt run through in forty hours. Passengers to any
poim on dhe Letea, or to Niagara Falls, will find this
route the most comfornible and expeditious. Tickets
through t.i all puns. on the Lake can Inc procured by
applying to the proprietors.
REED, PARKS& Co, Beaver.
JOHN A. CAUGYIEY, Aut. Pittsburgh.
car. Water and 'Smithfield sm.
AG P.NTSi—Jas C Harrison, Buffalo, N Y.
C M Reed, Bele, P.
C C Wick, Greenville,
APParland and Ktng, Ittg Bend, Pa;
Nuys k Plumb, Shaeasburgh,
V C Malin, Sharon, Pa;
C Mathews, Pulaski, Pa:
ft WCanenefeham, Nerw Castle, Pa. jyl
Country Merchants take Notice
.• .
A TRAVERS & 84 Maiden Lone, (low Hinton
& Truvoind offer for sale, in quinutipt to sun
• - -
1,000 reams Ruled Cap Paper, or 81 25 to $1 50 pr rta
2.000 do Ruldd I.etter Paper, 100 to 150 do
10,001 do Wrapping Paper, 25 to ISO do
10,10 U rollx Pap, Hanging*, at 5 eta to 6 eta pr piece
5.000 do Amerman Satan do. I 2 IS do
1,100 pair of Oil Transparent window Shades of our
own snannlacture, beauttful designs and colors, at from
SI tst to at 50. per pun.
Mt./ Ibg 0( Wool Tonna ana Wrappinp, Twine °roll
1001 g, (rota 1 . 4 to 15 co , per lb.
We al.o neve otheriroals
:Te d u .
New York. Jun.., 1-4, JoYnnlaw
18 48 ,•
rrw Pt.burgit. liol
1 ) , 1 , ) L 11 ,,... 0) t :0urg1z. W ale r meal.uouogdon Co) Rod Pc
This lane wm rimmed exclusively for the specie! ars
comm.:anon of the way busmen,. The Propnetors,
thankful lor me very khans/ patromge they have re
ceived olurtne the last two yearn, would respectfully mill
their inept!. and the public that they are now mill
hem, prepitre,'. to deliver !roods at my ponit on the
Canal awl Rail Wads, with prompt:mew and dispatch.'
Picks:llrib Jr. Woods, Johnslown.
John Stiller. Holliday iirgh.
C A SCAuulty S. Co, cunal Pitriborgh.
Rtretairems--Ptlishorah—Stnith & Sinclair; J k 3
McDevitt. II tc J U Shnelthrrser; It Rolnnson & Co: R
Moore: Ihisaley Jr: Stunh, John Parker; Wm Latimer &
Co; Ur l' rilloriteracr. iciad
Pannsylvenala Canal & gall Road Ex
preas.Faal Packet. Line,
184 S. ftM_
Tthlt /RE,
(Erato,: yr y for Passengers )
ton: •re respectfully Informed that this Line
aril; continence running on the iris; nag con
tina. throughout Inc Pennon
The bolt; are new. and ni a superior r rasa, with en
larged cabins. whir h srlll give precast comfort. The
can are the latest coestriomow
•. . •
A hoar will always tie in port and travelers are re
quested to call nod eraratne teem before engavng pas
rare elsewhere.
or.:) r Anlla r• Through ) (Inc orthe bow. of
this Line will 'cave tom.. C. S
eon), Callal. every login at aloe
clock 'Mac 31 days. For tnforrnation,apply at thy
(Kr, Slonoto,hela I tolls, or to I) LEECH &Co
)e2.9 Carta/ Basin.
Merchants' Transportation Line.
' 112 : 2 2 . ; 1848. MAI4I,
at'ottl rs r let tt,a vettl ht. forwarded
wi,utit .1. I n ctl loss rst r urrent ra.,
C A ID 1.11 h. Co .
Yettrt el. Pottatsrsh.
\ll.itr El I. Fr , & REYNOLDS.
NII4I 315 Marl et st, Plrtt.
,e2ll SttatttC. wharf. Ral4 more.
18-18. in_
Mn . v
rel,antls, trunAr•o, I
wer etrret. Pulsburch
Hot SES, LOTS, FARMS, ite.
. •
riIAT roprn, :Ht.., or vomed by It Num,
; t, rsir ormel tr llobmsoo.. Ahrgbmq
.k 1 011.11104iC mg terms 'Ms
•I ./I nr. otk nmoolg toro m,h
to Cato. met. Timme 1.. L'o4rti two story frame
:.1. ute Mtrly both. and toe I.
- •
wt, npno. ronnultnn: eare•ny of choice (run
tree. n tare. ellrann.er7. esr. properly 111 ("
enn) :Of tn eith o/l l'm.
Vell. er
r:n 1 nen Nenyrand n 1 1r.inbir reeidence Tn'e
inne.putnt, F' • tern., \ M BOYD. Anor
ney odor< nn our , •treet. above Sionlficid
Steam Engtete •Dad Saw Mill far Sale..
• • vow their lower Saw -Ma./..
Aar, PI-A NI,: MACHIN). nueeerstul °petal.. M
ier ill,: oilier Nllll. wtitt t tl• Steam F;atne and Lath
Cuntng E.4lllillll.lonr.ot and the Frame Ilatidt,. cote
tetnin:: thrtn. for 'al , lade and eccommoda.
lung 1,1,11. Thr enc4 , le'll• rtrellent one. and
a" the work. the Sh and Latt, Com, cp4l.-
,htne.ll. are in mod 0z,4., and coin:110w and a par
vaa•c nah.,..1 the who, and put t them into opera-
Mon in another p: are. ui than tizty deye. Letten
• paid. tlit.
anted to the euhnerthera. Pittehurrh.
• p:oin;t0) attended
.n.ll \!:\'ll.l.F; B CRAIG & SON
Kcal Lstate In °llia.
A TRACT oi land. 90 acre*, m liormort, PortAfe
/A on the y althea rtrer—..bool:9l hen, under int
o ar
reloeut. Also, two ut.•olnrored iota at the valans
of ‘Vreo.Trtsollt:ll t'n rVi leet by 90. A 1.,, a an of
grour., to the rent,. co liar:arra. Trambull Co., with
ft a, do non., atom-,011.1 the best . land. tor tht.trhat.l or toe IV r•ter.l 14 ,. ..erve. Any or nit
property wol be . cry
leble \ Vatter wad FTotit sts.
Tract of Laud for Sala
will we:. on accomtuodating term..
aluab.,. tract of nemrproved land, situate mi die
and leadine from Itriebtoit to Franklin. about eillteen
tutit, Worn / . 111,/ , 10 . 00. 11 about eight miles wont the
town of Frecolont on th e
Ohio river The tract roil
-101!111-1,1 aed r e ,trim tnewure The
land is of an excellent itl.out PO acres Bleared.4nd well water, d. and wig be mold rah, In whole or
to farms of cotiveent !W., 10 suit purchaser.
roe Atrther partt nt ellidr, enquire of W\l. BM It. Alt . ).
at Law, (once nit 4th et. above 6runtuteLLl, Pittsburgh
9 . 3lolltlecortf T
7 Property In Allegity tor Solo.
THE subscribers alter for sale a number of eboix
Lots, situate in the Second Vl' ard,, fronting on the
ommon ground, on easy turns. Inquire of
W. O'H. ROBINSON, Any at Law, St Clair at
or of JAS ROBINSON. on them...lllam
- - -
Real liCitate in Iffera•r County.
ALOT, Storehouce and Dwelling, spume oil the
Eno Evanston Canal. in the village of West Mid
dlesex; a dcairuhle Incauon for a merchant Also. a
Lot and good Dwelling House well sound Inc a Tavern
Stand, in the village of Orangeville. on Stem lino of
Ohm. Term easy. ISAIAH & Co.
fable •• Water and Front eta
For Rant.
A ten riory !park dwelling with about six acres
of ground warned at Oakland. The
place is well stocked wail fruit of all kinds, and
is a desirable Mennen for et 1,1711/.; being 011lItcly out of
reach of toe river and dirt of the city. An ominous
leaves oakland hourly (or the city. Apply to
pinta) ATWOOD, lONFiI k. Co.
For Rerit.
kitA new three story hrtek•dwelling house on
Vylie street —Ponsesnion given on the bra of
April or sooner if red:piton. Inquire of
J h
. 11 1:1.0YD,199 liberty street.
A two story line& dwelling with about 5 erres
of ground, snouted on the hank of the Ohio neer,
in the borough of Al nehester. Apply ID
TIIRED dwelling houses sint•ted nn 4th street
near cereal huidgc, in the city of Pittebarga. Al.
on, a room 7.5 Liy 211 tact, with a convoinent en
trance on Me in., near wood. Alan, a frame dwelling,
two rtorie, with au acre of ground enclosed and under
columns°, toortos on Ohio lane, in the city of Alleghe
ny. Ingw.t.:. of J D WILLIAMS,
Ito aootl street.
To Brewers.
jtiFOR SALE Oli B.EINT, the I' burgh Brew.
rry. with nil on brownie opparatus, on
Penn stre.,tot: Bo rlirr's alley,ond now occupied
try (co. YV sini , o P05....n00n given on the fast
Jay of April eosin. For ter., of
rebtllf 145 ;iberly st.
\\ AR 1.11401. SE I'o OR PALE-1 lie subserther
offer' , for sole thr thrro story brae Worehouse
nn W,rrl street, occupied by FL ann. & Co.
It rcpts now tor WOO r year.
only WM. ILSON. Jr.
2 The new three story fire proof brick star, on
toseond et now oecupted by Edwurd Evans; for
rent from tat of Apnl nett lo9utre of
Jurtl9 24 wow! street
----- To Let.
la The sulnenbertrent rent part of the ware
house ow oceopted by than. Apply to
I.EII'IS, DALZELL. ft ro.,
jonl9 34 water tura.
4dtA th neeroom ob the ntory of the ararohouee
or eupied by Ilte enhoertbers, near the foot of
44 "W00d creet—a goodineattost for mateotaboat
ageney or an Inectrauee other.
Ash A Fine two story brick house, on main street,
..faAllecheny city, neon the upper bridge. The ;ot to
2$ met in front by $l2 drop. For terms inquire of
de.l3lc A WASHINGTON. 4th st
For Kant.
juk THE Ingo fito proof warehouse, 24 feet front by
ZaSO feat deep, on second .1, near wood. Rent mod
erato. Inquuc al J 2CIIO4)NBIAKER & Co,
dela 21 wood in
A Smoke House, situated on Plum alley, for
rent. Inquire of RODERT RALZELL & Co,
Liberty Aortet.Bee t= riOAL LAND FOR SAL -Seven acres evil land
C(or sale, Lituale, in bend of the Alorrongabela Biter,
above DresetuyilleiPa4 haring - n. 7. fora awn credal,
which will be n old In exchanawft‘fonda. You/mien ,
%SR *My to Lod) S.I‘,WM.WAUQH Mwoodin
_lllll •111 A-i
in foreignamiDexarationExeilillCES Otilifiellieg el
aite,. Bank M
Ba ani, and Spee* Routh lanes, nem-
I Zeni q ri w on depeat the
to--a= for sale . , and col
tendons made en nearly all the prinripal paints In the
United Stales.
Aitranees reads ea =rape:man of Produce, slap
psi East, ea liberal terra. &esti
and Dealers ht Exchange, Coin an
.10 1131 4 tS ups Notes, No. NS, Malkin street, Pi tuber&
Ybellirates. Exchange. Baying Nat.
Neer Yor ' pr Cincinnati, . 2 tits
Plain:dee do Lenhrville. . 2do
Baltimore, do &As:cis, ,
Boring Rates, NB NOTE :El. Baying Rate.
Ohio, 2 dis Co. /t, Scrip Orders, 2 dis
Indians, . "do liteherNotes, ' "do
Kentucky, ‘.' do Pennaylvaxua Cy "do
"do Near York do "do
V nia,
do Wheeling, 4do New Orleans, "do
rebe nessee, 2do Ilaurland, ag o
Roman a mid- -.
am. C. COM
BULL kCUßßY—Bankers and Exchange Brokers,
Deakin. in Foreign and Domestic Time and Sight
Bills of Exchange. Certificates of Drhannie, Bank Nom.
and Coin; No ea Wood scram, third door below Fourth,
N ride.
in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificate.°
Depolite, Bank Notes, and Specie. No. a Wood it,
one door alave Fourth, East side, Pittsburgh, Pa.
BILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought to
any amount at
itk Current Rowe orExchange.
Alm, Drafts payable n any part of the Old Countries,
from to La ys
at the raw of Eto JOSHUA Sterling,
without deducuon or discount, by ROBIN
SON, }Swope. and General Arent, orrice sth at one
door west or wood. «OW
io Foreign and Domestic Dills of Exchange, Cer
tifiestes of DepwAte, Bonk Notes .d Coin, comer of
3d and Wood street; directly opposite St. Charles Ho
wl. mit724.
WEST antvbfirs—
Bonk Note;
porcbased at the lowest rates, by
dr to 33 Market STIVCL
BILLS OF . E XijitAXGreight ClUicks .
New York,
Philadelphia, and
Constantly for sale by N. HOLMES & SONS.
.10 33 Market at
COLLIOCTIONS—DraIIs, Notes. and Accept.-
and ees. payable in any part of the Union. collected o
the mast favorable tonna. N. HOLMES & SONS.
dclo 56 Market at.
citTHE sobiwriber, addition to his own
manufaxturiug of Hats, has made arrange
ments with Messrs Lichee & Co., nhe most
fashionable hatters oldie city of New York,) for a reg
ular supply of hi. extra Sue Silk Hats, and havins rust
received a few cases. gentlemen can be suited with a
very rich and beantifu that by calling at his new Hat
and Cap Store, Smithbold street. second door south of
Fourth, where may be found a great variety of Hats
and Caps of his own inmnfacture, wholesale and ria•
tail. Hats made to order on shoo notice.
& king) (Succesiorii to 111'Cord & King) flik b
A Fa•hlonabler Hatter.,
Corner of Wart! and Fifth &recta.
la ARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade.
1 Gentlemen can rely upon getting ;heir Hats and
Caps from our establishment of the Burr starkstiie and
wortousszar, of the iarser min, and at the town,
Country Merchants. purchasing by wholesale, are
reirpecu ' ully 1/I•ltcti to sail awl examine our Stock; as
ive can sap weth confidence that tit regards QUALITY
mid PHICE. /I not surfer in a comparison with any
hour. in Pinhole/pima_ 'kW
Fashionable Hat. wad Cap Itlannfisetory.
AGEORGE S. ANSHUTZ, Agent, respectfully
informs b. friends and the public generally
that he has commenced the manufacture of Hats
and Caps at No. 33 Wood street, one door above the
rower of Second. wham he has now on hand a fine
assortment of Haw and Cape 61 hr. own manufacture,
which he will dwpose of on Wet:twat reasonable terms,
wholesale and retail. for cash-or city acceptance.
Hats made to order at She shortest notice. ap.2olain
I ASV air(
DEALERS are invited to examine R. H.
PALMER'S stock of Straw Good., of We
spring style, composed in par: of
BONNETS-13orence Braid; F.nglosh Dan
stable do: American do do; China Pearl do; Coburg do;
Rutland do: French Lace. Fancy Gimp. tee. &c.
/JAM—Ler:wn. Pnlm leafiTananot, Fancy Straw,
do Braid, Rutland }Amid. Pedal do.
A.... A rl,ar Lai PION' rfl. RI/ 16 On, Oa. Straw Eton
rt W rrhou,e. 95 mark rl Mo 2",
Spring PoolOono tor 111 - 411.
MoCORD & Co.,
(UTE k. oylinoog,
W lLl L ilrod y. u 3 l a e;)l o 7
4 flrlog.!lyie o Hats dus day,
• . .
Their frooldv arid enotomers are requested to call and
examine their stock of Spnng Hats, iiist received from
Nevi York, at their store, corner orbit; and {good sta.
ro m ALFRED B. KARIM.. ot .
- CHEAPEST Faatuonab:e Hatter in
Pittsburgh. Pnompal Store. 72 Fourth
weat- Marmhacturmay and ace wmanalnlion Stare, cor
nr of Wood .trees and Virgin alley. Highest prices
&lam.), paid lor abipplagaVum.
• - rnyenly
RST mealy ed from New York, the Hammer
Slylc for bats. ronmAtuig of White Beaver, Pearl
and Haute- French Cosalmere Ham, with Ventilators.
now 1n want of • beautiful, light Hut are respeelfully
In.-end no call S. bIOORE.
marl , 75 wood at., 3 doors above 40
- - .
AXT - E have thin day asweiated with us ElnV./111
TT Drrnasbas, If. I. Rtaosest.: and Ronan Carr-
LING. 111 the manufacture and sale of FLINT GLASS
%VA ILE, under the style and firm of C.l-17(1,
31suufactory on Waahington street, in the 6th Ward.
Wasohouse. vont., Wood and First streets, Pittsburgh.
The bovine. of the old firm will be settled by <tiller
of :he undsra,gneil ALFRED B. CURLING.
Fort Pitt Glos. Works- July I. Urag.
Fort Pitt Glatiii Works.
We are manufitritirms and keep comitantly 04 hood
gEnltltli ms.ertment 01 cut. pressed sad plum FLINT
GLASSWARE Also. Vials, Oda 'Windom Glass.
k r., for saie on the MOAT tmeorninednung terms, at OUT
areltouse, corner Wood and Fleet streets, Pittsburgh
iplitlikalreT CURLING., ROREFtTSON it Co
rriiy.l O u t z t rt ut n.:, 6747 : : l, l: ,,f d t . hi r s to lt v,s a t tt , i m io ,l l ,7 lll l, ce ‘ e n t ;
on Federal street, in - edentate Root," td door awn
the bridge.
The course cu instruction and the rates or tultiou are
the same as bereiolore. •
For more urinate itrforrnanott, Aoe cactillar or .pplp
to the tostrortor, Mr. N MErcors.
Reference may el.o be made to the following gentle.
Dr T. F. Dale, Allegheny. Nee. C. Shaler. Pluzburgh
Rcv L. Elliott. Rev. D. H. !Wile
Mr H. P. Swartz, •• Rey. H. Dyer,
- -
Patent Soda Ash.
THE satins rthers hues on hands 2.0 cuts Soda Ash,
Ins Muroran h fir.t being the bal
ance of their spring stork, which they will sell at slic
per or slisc ens - miry Hutu made such large tales
lo the prilicipa, glass and rosy minium...err of this
rssy, th ey damn it unnecessary to say any thing in favor
sit lsrand
They take this opporunity to apprise their custom
er. rod dealers generally. that they have ordered large
ly trout Iltr same manufrotsrssrs In England—the brat
shipment of which will arri, time fur the fall trade,
and theuceforminid regular sappliess throughout this
season, which they will tell at the lowest market pnee
for cash or approved bills
lyk. MITCHELTREE, len Ithertyst
IR r exposit.n of Um great discoveries and theo
ries of modern ameononly; by 0 M Ml:obeli, • y, Di
rector of the Cit.:mono libsereatey.
lend leyls Italy. Alps and Rlnuto.—Lettera from Italy,
the Alps and the Rhine: by J T Hadley , author of Na
poleon and his Atarshalls, Washington and ins bener-
HI, See. New and malted eilltion.
Stattaues becigraphical and booing..
nal diruncuods of Nlineral Coalboattblen or loud fuel;
including also, notices and localities of too various
mineral Iniontiniots. substances employed in arts and
inanutaeuires illustrated by Maps and Diagms; ac
ompanied by nearly OIL etecolical tables, and ra lluO an
of mineral constiusublea,Stc, prepared by Rich.
ord Cron. Inn! Taylor.
loAlrecclsed ta few copies of each of Oa above works
—for Rule by JOHNSTON ef. STOCKTON,
11 , Book.Sers, coo market & 2d sol
W i col i o - r .' s ll j. ' i Ni ne t iT i Pnt li tres ' gri; ` l7Vl;tZ f ok C e... ' lZw .n in d g
21 , 1 , .AiLusiored Cotton Frlnges for silk, and gingham
Is. Uinip, Mohair, and Silk /Wilson Fringes
node to order Mt the shortest notice.
Siena. corner to Maiden Lone and William, entrance
No e 5 Witham street, third floor, over Abner ik Ely,'
more, No 65 Malden Loth • York " jylo
USRE! HOSE' . Ir is
DSEllll—Just received, a large es
sorPnent of (lure k7astie•Hose. -tn. article has
been in use two iseasont, and all passions that have,
made tree of then, give them the preference to leather;
they hemp much better, for they will lain • great deal
longer, hey not leak o drop, and need no care in cons.
plarwon to leather. they want Ito greasing or sleuthinSS.
mud there is no militate hat they eau be Mended. Tu
he sold in the India Ittdther Depot, No S'Wood at.
Ills .1 ik EI PHILLIPS
uLECCRIC AI At: LIMES, at from &Ito SIB: leeiro-
Li Magnetic Nlachines. from different eastern trlono
-I.mkgrer., Monne Clocks tor Ream luau, cartel boats
nod fortunes Also. Chemicals, Ilionnometerib &c.,
tor aisle by SLAKE& Co,
oorner morkot et and the dtemond
N Hen :nett) , of ebb, bud adtpuusmred at the
direction of phteicians. /117
- -
cerved by ukprere, 6W lb • India Rubber Steam
lucking, tor cylinden stermiboins, Re. This rude
being much the beet I.inct Mat hm ever beim orend for
the purpose call Me utietalou alma steamboat en
gineer* w , we
tt a mate thetas great amount of labor,
for when a c) Lauder w once packed it will not require
to he packed again before looking OLIO Or two miss to
St. Louis and back. For sale kt the India Robber Do.
pot, Nos Wood at la J II PHILLIPS
iy— -
VlSratz it
ITO THIS Eritt:AT• O. he furnished
FT with a JAnnia at all hours of the day; also, Ice
Creams, Fruit Confecnouary, Yrc. Theslimmer Green
wood make. her regular tnps urns( leaving her Pin
meet landing lit .} A. 51, and illend, hour
iczcept lb until Mr I' sL—leuViog e Gordeu alit
P. M. for her lard trip to or city.
A moonlight a ten of the (larder; Is Imiesenhable in
iu beauty. • byls__
tiEtTIIURS d NICOOLSON are now selling or st
moderate lances the following articles:
Platform Smiles of all kmdr, weigning irum MO to
30011.pounde, of superior workmanship.
Astorted Hollow Ware, hyitilpotterrui; Coal Cooking
Stoves; Wood do do; Cool Llilyuc and Balloon Stove.,
for churches, wonhougos, &c.l.
rirotes nod Grate Fronts, for parlors, chamber.,
knebens, !sc. ,
Plough.. and Ploith CaNings of vadotta kmds.
IYlL7mtha LdwiY, bend of-Wood .t 7
FIREMEN, ATTENTION! , —GemIemon, vas ktaxe
- .4..iv , rd three seam. of Gum Castle None for
your inspect:ou and Lnal. W therefor! Motto you to
Mal sad czarsinel the Jimmies; you wlll kodlhom Much
belt& thou leather, mad some 15 coon' foottbespor.
21ta !Cana*Ar arils them can be famished _u
tawOce. is 3 J 4 .9'4 11 441T/411M
- •
n'Aßrs VEGETABLE EXTRACT is an Inuit's.
„bin remedy Ibr Epileptic Fits of Falling Sickness.
Convulsions, Spasms, Sec. It is well known, that from
time immemorial, physicians have firm:named Epilep
tic Fits incurable. It has baffled all their stEl. and ths
boasted power of all medicine, and consequently thou-
sands have suffered through a miserable existence, and
at last yielded op their lives on the alms of inanity.
With all deference, however, to the opinions of the
great acid teamed, wel any that it has been cured.
For sixteen yews, has been tested by musty persons
who have mitered with this drudlW disuse, and in
every use where It has had a Oh has effused a
Fits of 26 year and 6
.months, clued by the nee of
this truly won:lord:8 medic ine.
Read the remarkable ease of the son of
Wm. Seem% Esq., of Philadelphia, afilmted ;pith Iku
!optic Fits 47 year and 6 month. After travelling
through England, Scotland, Germany and France, con
miring the mom eminent physicians, and expon&ng for
medicine, medical neotman and advice, th ree thou
sand dollars, returned with his son to this country In
November last, without receiving any benefit whatav
or, and-was cured
try using
kit. Wditang Secork's Letter to Drs. Ivan, and Hart
I have spent over three thousand dollars for medi
sine and medical attendance. I was advised to take a
nun to Europe with him, tel eb I did. I first visited
England. I consulted the most eminent physicians
there ip respect to his cosei they examined him and
presenbal accordingly. I remained throe month.
without perceinng any chtaige for the better, which
cost me abodt two hundred and fifty donate pocketed
by the physicians, and the moat that I received sees
then opinion &at my son's Case was hopeless and Na
tively mean:hie. I accordingly left 3at d, end trav
elled through Scotland. Germany and Franco, and re
turned home In the month of November last, with my
son es far from being cored as whet:Melt I saw your
advertisement In ono of the New York papers, and
concluded to try Hart's Vegetable Extract, seeing your
statement. and certificate. of so Many MOM, some of
twenty and thirty years' standing, and I can eeeoee you
I am not sorry I did so, es by the use of Hart's Veneta:
ble Extract aloe, he was restored en perfect health.
Wu teaser, which war so far gone a. to unfit hint for
businese, is entirely restored, with the prospect now
before him, of life, health and usefalness. Ho I. dow
29 years of age and 47 year, and 6 months of due
time has been elffieted with this most drendfal of dis
eases; but thank God he is now enjoying good health.
Now, gentlemen, faith without work. I dour, believe
in. To say that I chell be ever gremlin to you more
thing, and as I here enclose you one hundred dollars,
have no doubt bat that you will nunt , thi• Is another
and quite a different thing. The debt of grautude
atilt owe yea, bat please to accept the present ailment
es interest on the debt in advance.
Yours very respectfttl
One of the proprietors of this Invaluable medicine
was afilicoul for several years with Epileptic ray.
The disease had produced the worst effect upon his
system, Loss of memory, Imbecility of mind, and a
perfect prostration of the nervoas system. Ha had
tried the skill of the beet physicians for seven year.,
and grew worse under their treatment, and he anew
that this medicine wow his only hope for health and
life and was therefore determined to give it a far tutu,
end to persevere in its use, which he did. nod We result
was a perfect resonation to health, which was teno
ned antnterruptisd for nearly strum years.
We would refer to the following persons who have
been eared by tatting Hart's Vegetable Extract
Col E Deaslow's daughter was athietod nine years/
reside. at Yonkers, New York.
W Bennet, nine years, In Grand r t .
I Eftswordi, seven yews, lg Dover at. Joseph grDoogal, aim your., Eau Brooklyn, Lail
W Smith, New York Comma House.
S Kelly, twenty years, Staten island.
Muss E M'Reef, twenty years, Yorkville:
Miss E Crane/ twelve years, Ira Hammetely .ti:
Wm H Farwell, twenty-three years, 73 Nothlk;mg
Jacob Pony, four years, 174 Delaney at -
Philo Johnson, twany- eight yarn, Greerreaafte yfl
Judge Randuß, 14 East Broadway. New York,
Thomas R Jones, of the 1.1 8 Na vy. .
Copt Wm Jennings, Stab wt. Budgcport,
Reference also made to
Dr W L Monroe, Guilford, O.
Rev Richard Ilggett, West Davenport X Y ,
Rev T L BBaaaahhnneellll., Baltimore, Md
Mr Joseph Bradley 116 Orchard et, N V.
C H Doughton, 906 menet at N
Mn Jamea Senholf, cater, Oninge ea. NIT
John Faber, 176 Elizabeth et,
D A Richton, EIS Delaney st, do
James Smith, IN Suffolk at,
Manes Brown, 100 Water at., do
All of which may be called upon, or addreesied, Poll
[1:7" YlT , Q , mal by Dr S HART, flats
Ivan di
Neva York.
G p MMUS lc Co, 146 Blain et, between ad anti
4th am, and IX Male at, between 4th and sth streets,
Cinema** Ohm, airholemle and retail agman for the
south and wen.
L WILCOX, Jr., comer of Market at and the Diai
mond, only ag't in Pittab'yta iszklmaiy
„.• fear doom below Wood street, to
DB. BROWN, henna been
AA; . regularly educated to the medical
profescon, and been for !TO. 1.1.10
in general penance, now confine
tea': • • his &n . eon to the treatment or
'r those 44 those private and delicate coral
L L \ plaints (or which hut opportumues
end expenence peculiarly malt(
• )
sar a imn. years astidnonsly devoted
to study & treatment o( those complaantnOuring inch
tame he n as had more procure and has cured wore pa-
Heats tha can ever fall to the In , of any private prac
tmoner) amply qualifies ham to offer . 1 i:or-move of
epoedy, permanent, and muefactory care to all allhoted
sn a, dehe ate d.,... ntea , and all dmeases arising mere
Dr. Brown would inform those maimed with pnviste
diseases which have become chronic by time or up
p-avated by Use age of any of the common nostrums of
the day, that Muir complamts can be radically and thor -
oughly cured; he having given his careful attention to
the treatment of such eases, and succeeded in hundreds
of instances in runup persons of snflumnation of the
steak of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often
result from those cases where others have consigned
them to hopeless despair. He partiesdarly inures ano n
as have been long and unsuccemsfully treated by outer.
to consult hint, when every 1166.11f/C4Oll will be peen
theutind their cases treated in a careful, thorough and
intelligent manner, pointed out by a long erpersence,
study, and invesugation, which it is impossible for :hose
e o n . md s i o n f Elena practice of malletne to give nr l v ,
:sir:riles - ma or Rapture.—Dr. Brown else invites m t .
1100. afflicted with Hemm to earl, as he has paid purlie
u]ar attention to this disease.
. •..
Skin thmailes; also Pt' s, Palm- etc., spemliiy cured.
Charges very lour.
N. H.—Padua, of etch Mg at a distance, try
stating their disease m w riti,ie . giving all the romp;
tome, can obtain medicines lei,: directions (or Ilse, by
addressing T. BROWN, N. I)., post parch sod
th t4 L hcnio. 65., Diamond alley, opposite he avert) ,
ReEIIYA226II.—Dr Brown's newly discovcred remit'
dy for Rheumatism tea speedy and certain remedy for
at painful trouble. It tenor fail..
Oificc and Private Consulting Room, No. ed Dia
mond alley, Pittsburgh. Pa. The •Docior is away, at
Irr No core no pay. decig
iFTEE - A - YHIN - D
This disease is caused by a paroxysmal construc•
duo of the air cella; it is very debilitating. almost caus
ing .150.111011. DR. BWEETSER'S PANACEA is the
cert re
ain ca.
kloarseneas eon be entirely cared by a free use at Dr.
Baremser's Panacea.
Catania, or common cold, which, If aeffiened, cow
terminate its Coassomption, is effectually relieved nod
cared by Dr. Sweeter'. Ponseen
Bronchitis, if unchecked, will effectually lean to
Bronchial Consumption, but a timely use of Dr. Sweet
e' s Panacea will effectually cure at
bilammationof the Temal. or Sore Throat.—Tins
disease often lead. to serious consequences fromnee.
Wet, such as alteration of the throat . On the firstsymp
toms, Dr. Sweetseria Panacea ahould be procured and
used freely.
Coughs and Cold. And a umemign remedy' m Dr
Wreathes Panacea
Pneumonia Naha.—A very fatal disease, remlling
from a violent cough and cold on a debilitated or bro
ken down conathation; aged persons are Subject to it.—
Dr. Sweeter's Panacea should be used on the first
sycamores, which area cough or cold.
Night Sweata—This debilitating complaint will meet
with • timely check, by using Dr. Sweetser's Panacea.
Consumption-11 on the first appearance of consurnp
siva syMptoms, which are a pain in the side and bretmt,
math or spitting of blood, if Dr. Sweemer's Panacea is
y ase no danger need he apprehended.
NVben the Lungs, the Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes
become clogged up with phlegm so as to impede respi-
Mtioo Of breathing, Dr. Sweemer's Pectaca, which o
• powerful Expectorant, should be taken accordihg to
the directions. •
oar climate,sPee. ;Or".ecger'"ann‘
Price St per bottle, or afz bottles for SS
For sale by WM JACKSON, 89 Liberty 0., sign or
ha big boot novSis I y
alb o
yr AVE used Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, and
la been eared of diseases that would have proved
fetal, but far the aft of Uus extmordmary metheme.
f orm
to,Ouu have been cured of consumptton in venous
10.000 have been eared of Dyspeptic Constr...
and Liver Complain.
7,000 have been cured of the Asthma.
5,070 have been cured of general prostration of the
Nervous Sys.*
3,030 have beeneared or Rheumatic Par., with the teruleucy of diseased••
d..tra have been cured of Giver Complain and Cough.
2500 cured of Scefulotis comp/aims.
50,000 mow 1111,V0 been eared of coughs, colds, puns
in the side and chest, night sweats, want of app.',
lose of voice, whumum cough, debility, and 111010 y oth•
er complarina which bung on those dangerous
e• which so often prove fatal. Dr. Taylor's Balsam 01
Liverwort is the only Successful remedy for We Cum
of the above complain/a.
"My on, having a violent cold, rued o conch and
rase thick putrid matter, and finally, could not turn
over in bed from weakness. He had every symptom
of conmerption 116 physicians, lire,. Vermnie it on.
demon, sad he was incurable, yet strange no it may
appear, this meili4ne fully restored as health.
Furst • Munn 0/ C 0 5 1 0.1001.--411avma respect lin
the medical profession, I determined to consult them
to preferenee to using whas are celled • Parent Merli•
cities.' But for several months I have been muff.,
with Asthma, which hatted the rertuldma 1./ my phylu
m.. Tour nietherne I have always believed very
lionefieral or such eases. bledurg tar skill of ton med
ical advisers at fault—unbeknown ro any one. I preen.
red your traits. of Liverwort. which I deemed er very
valuable remedy—es n has had a mon wondertul
feet upon me, completely Isproono my eompirrum and •
rest. me to perfect health. lion may refer to nor
whenever desired." D. J. B.
Sold in Pittsburgh by J D Morgan, I) Wood ay j
Townsend, 45 Market at H Smyser, ur Market .4
3d seen Hendenon it Co, 5 Liberty sr. Price reduced
1011.5 0 per bottle.
B. A. Fahraeatineß&—oda Riabetaneleini,
N high favor as an external appbeation m intr...
tory afflictio., and at the same time a stimulant .
well tierne/trent. B A Pahnestock & Co's Rubefir.
dent has been ve
ar ry beneficial in canes of Chrome
Rheumatism, Glandular Swellings, Sore The o ,
B ros
Sp "its, &c. &e. The following certificate is from
a gentleman well known in thin I
Dome time ago accuientally fell from a scaffold.
and severely sprained both my axles. They ...-
dietary swelled so that my boom had to be upped. in
order 10 611•0 the= drawn 017 -11101•01rerina they car..
ed me was intense. In thrks allatatkm I prusurd a bot
tle of B A Fahnesteek &To'. Rtibefacmot, and alter
0110 01 two appfteritiofisfl experienced much relief. I
used aboutone boule.:. and a half and about two
days We swelling entirely subeided, and 1 m
was entirely
reueved from any Wei pale ; and expiring., no more
inconvenience from the call. In all uses of swahng,
bruises, rheumatism, I would molt cheulally re
commend the Rutiefhtlut.
July 17,10111 GOORGE BAssErr.”
For sale wholesale and retail by B A VAIINESTO(.7I/
Am comer of Wood and First and Wood and Sian
GUM W. 82111TIrik.
I NFORM their friends and th e public that they have
no longer any eonnection with their late catirbase
Mut In Pena .teem, known as the Piurburgt Brewery,
wk, 5 ,, moneyed their entire hniiincas to the-PONT
ERY, in FA Irma - rayliedrenriyS.
rrvi E high.t price in rays PeLikar dean _l aYa.eaovuS.bale nit
me; 'Lase rititaiwoo
en Mir 1kr0,07
rem' st.bstpißia p Wm ,