MEDICAL. • -- - Iro THE PROFES CAL SORS AND HEATHERSSOCIETEES OF THE MEDI, . . 11120ther• Wife and Datighter TN Tag MAIM STATES`.—The subm ri her respect dilly calls your intention to Dr Bassirrr's Goan num expressly intended for the preservation of the beahhof both sezets—whether it tunes from Incipient phthisis, or early consumpnon, Debility of the Lungs, Bronchial Affeedons. Asthma Plentisy, Deranged rind Distardered Mate of the Liver, Silken. or Kidneys, Dis eased Spine, Cholie, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Dart, Loss of Muscular or Nervous Power, !cc. &a DR. C. B. RARRETT'S GUARDIAN comes to the intetediate relief of Females suffering from Irregulari ties, and all other Uterine difficulties and diseases met dental to woman, whether occasioned by cold, wet =Amy ahadlay fajadclous exposure, and all this the use of medicine; 0.• the moot dehoste and elansithre lady can at any moment apply , it to herself without the possibility of inverting any risk Of danger, i c=tutplemant results arising from it, and with the ty of obusthingimmedihte relief. , Dr. Barrett , * Guardian Is no eatch•penny, or one of the many Immbars of the day; but it ta an instrument Made upon strictly scientific prinelplea-in accordance with the laws of Electricity and Oalvanannt and for neatness, damMlity and efficacy, infinitely surpasses ererything of the kind ever before offered to the public for this relief of disease. and, in the language o f o ne o f the moat callhditened men orthe day, is pronounced to be Who discovery of the amt.' , • A od of no loan th an font years has been occupied by . Banes in brin,giugthe thimdian to ite present Cate of perfection—dorms which time it has been in the hands of soma of the most eminent physicians of ea North and South, as well as in the dwellings ofno =MU families, who have used it for all of the above purpoies, with the most perfect success, and who have cheerfulgiven their unqualified approbation of as efftcacy alue, as raft be men by referring to the Manual of Instructions accompanying Dr. C. B. Barnett% Guardian ts secured from innova tions bey a patent from the United Panel Patent Office, and bad either with or without his hied:co-Elm:lre thIaTMLUMMGr. The bleffmo-Electro Galvanometer, in point of beau ty, warkonnwhip, darability and power, cuidun be sur er even equalled, and the subscriber awls that rl ' imi t tards nothing in the usertion that it will be found to mem mere power and efficacy in the treatment and removal of diseases, by Galvanism nod Electrici ty, than my other instrument, either in the United ‘ftUes or Europe. The Medieo-Electro Galvanometer is warranted In every respect, and with common ordd nosy can Vaal lag a life-nine, and is by far dm cheug • because thebest, instrument ever offered to the public. 'A manual accompanies them, giving the moat ample Instructions, of practical expertence, so that it nivadily intelligible to the mind of every one, while the try of arrangement is such that a child may • punne with it. Any information gratuitously given, and all comm.:- Menlona cheerfully answered per mail, either in tele don to the Electro-Galvanometeror Guardian • Medical men are invited to call and examme Dr Dar gates Cluardian, and teat its efficary. Igor mile by H. fUCHARDSON, sole Agent. 71 Mar lin st, Pittsburgh. atatattf (WEIL 5 , 0 0 0 PERSONS in Philadelphia O alone, can testify to the wonderful efficacy of that =remedy. SON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA, - • - in Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis and Sore Throat, Asthma, Chronic CRULTiIt. Spitting of srood, Pain in the Side and Breast, Difficulty of Breathing, Whooping Cough, Croup, Weak Nerves and Nervous Tremors, Palpitation of the Heart; also, Liver Complaint and Allecuon oldie Kidneys. This Medicine, the invention of a mon who gave the subject of Pnlmooary, Bronchial and Pectoral diseases the most rigid exemintinon, has now been before the public near font years. During this period it has per termed some of the most remarkable cures on record of Pnlzonnary Consumption—secured the reconimenda. don and use of physicians in their practice, and the warmest approval of thousands of persons in ordinary and sovere Colds, Congas, in Hoarseness, Spitting of Blood, Re. " ASTONISHING CURBS. . About four years since I was attacked with Typhu Fever, which left me in a miserable state of health, extreme debility with a general prostration of the ry tem, with violent pains in the breast and loss of app. in consequence of which I was unable to attend my usual binned, or periorm any kind of work. applied to several pkyuciam and used various rem• dies, but without any benefit, and had despaired of ev. *biathlon a recovery of toy former health. But so. time last June I woo advised to try Thomson's Co • posed Syrup of Tar and Wes* Napikka, and ineredib es It may appear, by the time I had token three bout. the debility, pain and every .100 of suffering we eanalpletely removed, and I was able to attend with r • stored health to my mend avoc haAHTIN ations. CLACDI", Of Dieki.on mwn•6ip, Cumberland Read the following testimony from a respectable member of the Society of Friends, in Poughkeepsie, N Tait. VALUABLE TESTIMONY. “This may certify that in the ,piing of lAA my health was very feeble: I was maimed with pain in the aide., with other alarming ,rnaptosns and imiTered much from great debility. At that time I from Moses Dame two bottles of Thomeon's Compound el m of Tar and Wood Naptha from welch I erperiem cad great benefit, my health being noon good; end L eheerfully recommend the andele to all pervious woo may be ~faring with getter.' wuh symptoms of a deeIinA AILAILA-M. WILTSIE. _ . Prraghkeepsie, March L5.1b4 7 ." Prepared only by Anon. d DSMION. at the X. E. norner of Firth and Spruce sLreets, Sold by RuaOX, Pntsburol, and by druggists generally. cents, or One Dollar per bonle. my 9 SALTER'S GiNSENG PANACEA! TO THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED LUNGS—The unprecedented P.C.C.” Willtql has ttended the use of the t.l the y • GINSENG frma uhic r htrta NA ta CEA tion of th e leap as sumes, hoe Induced the proprietor ea*. to call atten dant to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The cbangablewea th er which marks our fall and winter sonatha, is always a fruitful source of COLDS AND COI:OHS. Thaw., If neglected, are but the precursor" of that fell destroyer, COMMOTION Thu question, then, how shall we nip the destroyer to the toe how shell we get clear or our coughs and olds, is of vital Importance to the public. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found in the Ginseng Panseeu In proof of this we have from tune to tone puhluhed the certificates of dozens of our beat known citizens, who have erpe eneed its enrative powers. These. with a maw , a the tlmony from all parts of the country.—from MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, Ministers of the Gospel, ke., together with copious noi lures from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we hare embodied in pamphlet form. and may be had grois of any of our agents throughout th e coult. , Y• HUNDREDS OF BOTTLES have been used in this coy'. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Canada, mid ere ha enge any mum to point out a SINGLE INSTANCE la Ofilenod diteconn, n o d fore the lung" h become ally th sorgunned,n h ever failed to pljtqW EFFECT A PERFECT CURE Why, then, need the Atlinned hcannte! by tenon • the miserable noetrumts, eon.. uP by or o tuts Seethe amumed name of .me ce • phy deism end puffed into ootonety bycertiflca:s per se. equally unknown? Whilst a mmLeine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY to he had, whose vouchers art at home,—onr neigh bars,—many of wham it has SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. In order thou this invaluable medicine may be placed within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have put the price at ONLY NIFTY exams, just one half the usual coo of cough medicines. it is for sale by owagents in nearly every town and village over the wrest, who nearly are prepared tove furritiforma don relatiii to it- T. SALTER. Proprielor. Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. • • .• - AMERCHANT OF THIS CITY. who had hero at flictedwith the asthma for Lour years. had taken almost every thing. M. physicians continiuttly atten 'ded him, and he bad espended over two thousand dol lars. He never believed to advertised medicine, bill considered thew all humbugs. At last he tried Dr Taylor's BribiaM of LArerwort, from 73 Beekman street. Neor York. uld in so weeks entirely cured. hav ing taken only three bottles. Thu is only one of many eases where tmagmeryobiectioos to a patent niediente haveprevented persons from using this medicine. elm have expended hundred. of dollars to their playinclans in vain—and the end owe their recovery to the infal lible efficacy of this purely vegetable preparation. There is no mistake, that this medicine is superLor La any remedy prescribed by medical ad tiller, Th. medicine his Wren 1U years to mature, nod the ce real remedy All diseases ever inmsluced to the public. RB3OII.IIIIIIPAM, Conan, anal 5110617..4 or Bassin eosin,-81affaring for long tame with these. completes I had even rip all hope of being cured. I had consult ed the botanic and bonicepaduc doctorsat vain. I had aged many articles advertised, but found oo rebel. In despair I had given up the ime of all inealtetnes. Hear ing e( the great virtues of Dr. Taylor's Baltutni of Lave, wort, and the great curet it had performed, induced me to try It, and to my great toy 14.11il aatonbiliment, I warbener daily. I continued is. use, also his Sugar- Coaled Pills until lam entirely cured. Dr. Taylor'. Balsam of Liverwort 11 the beat medicine in the world for these complaints, and will cure every one allficied. SETH LAWRENCE, - _ Captain of the Nancy, of New York. Aaralas Coassu---4 have suffered from the Asthma a ,nary long time, and have used every medicine I could obtain for its cu. to vain, curl I tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Linlattaaara. Tins medicine has afforded me man manifest benefit, and is, to Ira) oplilloa, are for this &stints - Mg di.tua more especially, au I kn cu ow of many rases among my would, where it has been high ly mccesaful. Persons interested arc azivited to cull at my residence for further latormsuoa. SIRS. ti. ItUTON, 215 Laurens st Sold In Pittsburgh by J D Morgan 33 Wood et. 1 45 blanket sr; H etrayser, car Ninzket nod 3d stg Henderson O. Co, 3 Liberty st Price reduced to MAD per bottle. ' p a = _ ,(ORGANS COUGH SYRUP—It proved to on we • great Panacea to eurmg my child's distretrung From she Temperance Banner, Nov 31847. Cows Soror .—We ere not to Um habi feel Mst' of puffing, much leas taltucti ft. tamot medicines, but me pomd to recommend affla Syrup to tiIOAC who arc afflict ed with a cough. r hoeing tned the usual mote dies to remove a constant and distressing cough, that had for moreral days afflicted one of our children, with out sumer% we were induced to try filorgon's cough syrup, and by it relief Was °hunted in a. few hours. It be the panacea m this case at ICalAt. pVp to arect 'wholesale and retail by the yiroprteter, JOHN DMO AN, Druggist, feb7 wood 61,1 door below di ,1 ASYRON° EVIDENCE tbat Dr JAYNE'S EX PECTORANT is superior m un other remedies h., Cunha, Causomptloo, Bronchitis, p0t.... and oth s , r my Ms some persons who commenced the ew OIL la thei to years sgo s' ll prefer Ato all reneatica oath. kind; and where any mre been induced to try other preparations they base almost Inrariably beau =t d mi in recessing the beoefit which was rentortably from tbe togh pratsra bestowed by the proprietors, L lam returned to the nse of JAIIIII/' ExYamrotairr, as • moody that has aver failed to relime them, and wiUsh probahly merer hal its wynal in arresting pulmonary durum Prepared only by Dr D. Jayne Philadelphia, and sold im WlVlttlesrlf ES ALEX. JAY N, n Fourth at TA.YNYS NADI TONl4.—After kg this article trid, Ira anbeeitatiagly prams.. st So be 'what it profess erthe but article, irstkoal eny exceptisos, io sue, kothe Ireeturdisas feelass , 9999 of she busan heir. We know a ...bcaa imam= where hair has bora metered Is/heads tabialt Mrs tom aildbtr parr, zed we think we enact do ttaa 10 teecmmend toa oar readers who er tier hair, to make& trial of this Tonic isamedietel, .- Bustso M ado asi Far Fattbaralt at the Pealein Tea Store, tr.N0.79 willderT Faauthstreat. e urAZWirsei liKartaaNS WORN HILLER Is fur superior to all ertltOsalealimi fox Weans. June 14th, 1648. mbybetlitythat 'gave to two of m . y eaildren , three and Reviewable, two teaspoonfuls. Morgau , s WWII Biller, to becirot them. 'The youngest passed allhustonanu, the einellestbouli 2 . 0 t knee measured ISO than sevaninthes. The eldest passed to twee a samber that we could nos begin to count them. I have lewd WI the popular remedies boforo the public for Itilditti cur say with a clew conscience, Pitorgan , e • Worm MI.M. iv csx aperior to any now before the pub- SAMUEL JOHNSTON. rn,yq county. • Platte etilolesle and retail trythavrt. JOHN D NOWLIN, Woodetraet _ MEDICAL Du. TOWNSEND'S conrrovam &STEAM . or SARSAPARILLA. ;road, cad Blestfix; of tits Age. The most estraordinvy Medicine to the World I ITim Edna is ;ad up to quart Bout.: it is , than deeper, pleasanter, and warranted ro perix to nay told. It rum without remiting, M Tarr e , siekenisyg et &istrs's/ Ids Patient. The great beauty mad superiority of this Sarsaparilla ern sill other medicines is, that while it eradicates the din sem n inmoritsse the body. It is one of the very best SPRING AND NONNM.S. MEDICINES Ever known; It not only purifies the whole system, and strengthens the person, but It creates nerc, run end Me bOo k, a power possessed by no other medicine. And in tho hes the grand secret alb" wonderful seems. It hex perfumed within the loot two years, more than Inn,ooo eurrs of revere canes of disease ; et least 15.000 were renudered Incurable. It has saved the lives of more dam 10,000 children daring the two past seasoins. 10,000 eases of Deuced Debility and want of Nervous Energy. . Dr. TownseniFs Sarsaparilla invigorates the whole q.t.. permanently. To those who have lost their I.lllantes energy by the effects of medicine or indisere. don all:emitted in youth, or the OSCUMiTO indulgence of the persionk and brought on • gunnel Pb7. 1 . 41 Pr0.1m . non of the minions getup, lassitude, went of ambition, fainting semetions, premature decay end decline, hasten. no towards that fatal disease, Consumption. can 114 en tirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This Ursa. penile IS far suerior to any lov p igorating Cordial, A. it renews and toripirstes the system, gives Roark,' to the Itrobs anti .tret...,th le the muscular system, to • mutt extraordinary dem, Consotoptgo Cored. • Crleaue and Struagtiuu Cousmapuou co. be cora. Brmuhius. Counarptits, Meer Compta,.i Cold, Catarrh, Conyla..ehrtkout, Spicing of moose, Sommers in the Ckmrt, !Skate Fixed, IVlght Sweats, Difficult r Profit. Experk.. ratans, Pails in a. Side, 6'S aer bit mut to b. curet SPITTING BLOOD. free York, April 1817. Ile TOWNSISISM-11 eerily hatless that yens Sarsapt. riiia ha been Ne means, thtoesh Puttridance, of .setae my life. 1 hare f o r several years had • bad Cough. It beams scone and aroma. At last I raised large quant a, ofilood, had night Sweats, and was greatly debits label and reduced, ad did not expect to lire. I have only and your Sarsaparilla a abort time, and there ho. a a ottderftd change been wrought in me. lam nos Able to tixlk all over the city. I raise no blood, and my costa has deft me. Yon can well I ate thankful for these results. Tow obedient xerrsziL WIE RUSSELL, 65 Catharahe-ffL Dr. Townsend'. 4.a.rnapatilla is a aosereign and apeetly cur. the Incipient Connimption. Balit.O., Prolapses Merl. or Falling of the Womti, Coati Pdea, Lea rerrlirra. or Whttes, obstructed or difficult Stamina.. tinc Incontinence of Unne, or itivolustao7 discharge thereof. nod for the general prostration of the system-- matter whether the result of inherent cause or mons, produced by irregularity, invent or accidenL Nothing can be more surprising than as invigorating effects on the hummi frame. Persons all weakocn and 1a...1-uta, uta, from taking it. at mica become robtot nod full of n. my antler it. induence. It tnimedtately temperacty the of the female tenon, which Is the rest eau.. of Barrenness, It wW not be exported of to, in Cin.l of tert delicate • nature. to exhibit certificate. 01 cores performed but we coo assure the arnicted. that hundreds orates hare been reported no ex Thousands et cants where (noodles bare been without children, after mien a few boullo of this invaluable medium., hare bceutWeaxd with fine. healthy offspnrig. To itiotircre and 3lnts-rimell Ladies. This Extract of Sarsaparilla bee been expressly pre pared in reference to female complaint. No female wha has reason to suppose she i. epprosaing that critical period, • Ti. fires of hfe should neglect to take it, as it is n cert.', preventive for any of the numerous and horrible &mese. to which lamed. my subject at this time of life Tins period may ha to. Iswed for *reared years by an•yr die meleme. Nor to It less valuable for those who are apprmetung W> manhood, as it is aimless./ to nature. by quick. esing the blood nod inirsitOr9oloo the syntax. Indeed. this medicine ie nvaluable for ell the delicate dues se, to which women ere subject. It boners the whole system. rums" permanently the evert+, by rbmoN at; the impuraties of thy To. " mat [0 far sm.:ll2lone; no to produce subsequen , rel ration, which the caseate'. medmince taken for slc weakness and diems toy meat • fee hottics al th•- medicine many severe and peintul eargicel cpers maybe prevented. ===:l 1.1. Inc safest and mead effectual medicine tor purify. ins the system. and rebel in: the tut:rem, attendant ape n child birth ever dtuovered_ It rtrenmhens Imth the mother and child. prevents pun and dy.ease. In. ere and enriches the food. those eho have used it chi It it it indispensable. It is inchly useful Inch hero, n.: idler emilinement as tt prevents diseases attendant um•o childbirth--in Costiveness, Para Cramps. Snell. tor of the Feet. Despondency. Heartburn, Vointinic. Pain in the Back and Loins. False Paine, lirmorrhega eni an remilatinz the secretions and equalizing the cir cul.tion it hy no equal The grant beauty of this metiono te. it Is abet,to and the most delicate use it t.mst successfully. , eri l• ens. rmthire coy other me Brine. in some • Ilrtle Castor Oil, or Magmata. is useful. F.sertise in the open au. thd light food With Ohio medicine, will Omar, ensure a safe and easy man- Onethrot. Beauty and Ish • Cosmetics. Chalk, and a variety of preparation. gene ral,: In 34., when applied to the face, very soonspoil it of .is b...nuty. They close the porta of the skin, and c k the circulation, which, when nature is not thwart. ed ..y dithath or powder, or the skin hillamed by the el tlir• used in soaps, beautifies its own production in th, human face Diatom" as well IL• 00 the garden of rie:t nod delicately tinted and variegated dossers. A fre ~ active mad healthy circulation of the fluids, or the e... esinz of the pore, rich blood to the extremities, I. thir I which palette the countenance in th e mo. ex qua ` sit, beauty. Ilia that which imparts the indeacribahle th, in and do bes of loveliness that all admire, but no., can describe. Thia beauty is the offspring of net Ibr—tact ofpeader uncap. If there i.ot a free and cthy circulation there us on beauty. n If the lady is = fait Is driven .now, if she punt and use conned, an the blood is thick, cold and porn she ts not beau tlf t If she be brown or yellow, and there is pure Rod ar.•re blood. it ras • y rich bloom to th e cheeks, and a bin:honey to their eyes that u faacinettog. 'rills to why the southern, and especially the Span ish lathes. are .0 mach admired. Ladies in the north eto take but little exercise, or ar onfitted in close ro. ms, or have spoiled their complexion by the appli• remn of deleterious 'matures, if they wish to re. elastioty of slap, buoyant 'pima, eparkline eyes an I IA notiful complexions. they should use Dr. Town. e. d's Saemparilla- Thousands who have tned 0. nre thtthlied. are delighted. Ladies of every Jon.. read our office daily ===! Thre that. imitate Dr. Townsend'. Sentaparilla, hays vtal.ty called their stuffs ere. Ressdy for Fr Ns, kL. and have copied our bill. and circular , ‘...,11 relate*. the complaint. of women woe/ for .on. —.then 14.09 Who put up medicine, have, since the grew cr•s• of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla - in complaint, ident to female* recomnaendal•theint although pre i. only they did not A number of these Mixture, Pills. • aro injurious female... they asgrarate....b.i.e, under-mioe the co.ltustion. DT. Townaend% a the n• v and brat remedy for the numerom female eon, 1/1.—.11 rarely, if ever falls of effecting • permanent co r. It ran be taken by the meat dehoate females, my' cot , or by then expecting to becbme mothers, h the ;ream. advantages, as It prepares the sy.tem prevent. pant or danger, and strengthens both to , titer nod child. Be careful. get the genuine. 'lllll ecru fie/1A cooclosavely provea that tl. SUPr p•. ell. het , perfect control over the moat obattnate daa. r,e .of the Blood. rhree pertains coral in one boas. o • nprecedootod. Three Children, • a. Tntraemen—Deer Sir have the pleasure to rto that three of my children have been cured of he ft - crania by the use of your excellent mettimne. 71.-y were afflicted very severely with bad Sores ; have only fottr•bottlea ; it took them away, for which I el rn, :elf under peat obligation Yours. respectfully, ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wooster:t. Opinions ofPhodeinns. tr. 'l',.u.n.end is almost daily receiving orders frees PI: velem... in different parts of the Croon. to certify that we, the undersigned, Physic:Ana of the City of Albany, have la anateroa. caeca preterit, ed Dr. Towinten,l'a Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be on , , of the mo.ll valuable preparation. in the market 11. P. PTILING. 11. D. . - J. WILSON, M. D. R. B. BRIGGS, M D. Al,ny, Apra I 1641 P. E. EI.IIIENDORP, M. I) =DIM mg In 11,, wont success and tinmenan sale of Dr Tiocnsond's ititr•aptirdln, a number of men who very ',inert.- our Agents. hare commenced making Setup.. Extreirtn, Ef ir., Btaers, Extran. of Yellow Dock, Thoy nrarrally put it up in the same .taped Wo- J.., and onto. of them bane stole and coined our edger. it.....0.nt0--tfory aro only ,worthleaa imitation., and UTOld•d. Principal f PM FULTON Street, Bun Ruildiut. Y„ ReddL,q AL Co,, 8 Stele street. Bolton; Diolt Soaa. !TA North Scroud street. Phandelpha: S. R. II Awr. Raltonorn : P. M. Cohen. Charßounn , nary( , 151 Cburtre• Street. N 0 . 105 South I . M,,- • ARany , and I.v ell the proo,pal D/11/ ,n , : 11,Ah..nta gonenally throuahout the Culled •• . % Vt.? In•RA. and the Canada.. N R. Ingturlng for lass natnitente. 40.1.1 not I.e onua• any other Druggists put up Sar.apnrou, ~s ot ~u ruler sel , lng thrtr own. La, Hot to Ur , and I.y —inquire for Dr Town send un , l t,:... no wirer hogent, not taar..aponlla." sold ht the sole agents. R. 1.. SELLER.. Wholosala Lc Wog! Agent, No. 57 IA envi Ir. :11 CURRY. Allegheny coy. le•Ai ---- PEAZFLt PhiIACE NOT m11.1a), rd BIT BY EVERY ARITHER'S HOMESTEAD. TILE oroternimed tras long Leen cmiviamed of die nece.,,y Lur some medicine adapted to Me use of Children aud e lates to ,ape cede the use of all those tuedleittes itll - contain opium, and has at length suc ceeded in prAr.,img and o ff ering to the piddle a turd, eine fully rows v rum 0 .01 purpose for all does vs oldie howelv, noilmot the L. • otmat deleterious drug, or any other calculate Ito 11,..t0 W e tea.. The infant Pan: mahas tier 'loop tested si.l tned. the last twelve nta.,lt nonteVexl persons. snit ',AIM, io poswss theextritordionry virtues, rind to produce all the anon ithiliff effects as set rock on tho toll or directions. rh arrhcra, Vomiting. (none., Drying, Pains, Sick netts and is Diseases artrig from Teethlng, noting Immediately without disturbing any of the functions of the body, producing the lumpiest and most pleasant transition from violent pant to a tranquil and joyous state of feel enQ erg ing tit Inds To be hail wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor, Dr- JOHIV SAIIOANT, Drums: and Apothecary; j ohn Idiurhell, & Beckham, and most other Druggists o Allegheny mud Pittsburgh. deel.l DR. TOWNSEND'S SA FISAPAIIILIske-S0 dozen just received of Dr. Towinend's Sarsaparilla, the most extraordinary medicine or the world: This Ex tract isput up in quart booles. It is hit Liraeor cheaper, pleasanter, and wanuatederior to erty sold. It cores disease without vomiting, sup purging, sickening or debilitating the patient. Loon one ron Ihrrsnontt—Unprincriplect persons have copied one labels, and pat up medmine In the same shaped bottle. &rental each bottle ham the written sign harem of S. P. Townsend. R. E. RELLIMS,.Dniggia, 57 Wood ortreet,betareen Third and Fourth, IM Vt. Tclans,t , l', only wholesale and retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine article can he bad. D. M. cony hat been appointed the sole nem for Alrethemy city, of wbornAr genuine arbele eta bo epl Larirger AND ci. • EILDIWN - I.KFa invites the 'meatball of buyers to • cm iteppt of #10040( allOrmeblart . Mrp3 _ . . , , , MANUFACTORIES. PITT IitiCIIINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY, Prrisaraan, JOHN WRIAFIT t 0 0.4 A" prepared to build Conan and Woollen hlnchin cry every description, such as—Carding Ma chine,. Sprining Frame, Speeders. Dracong Frames, Ro•houy I NYarpete, Ticilleroarpootoi s, Dressing Fr.tutr , . looms, Card Grinder, ao_ Wroctott Iran Sattltir.e turned all sizes of Cant Iron, Pudies and linagerr. or the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kind, Costing, of every demo lotion farnialied on rhort tier. hatteres made to order (or KU (icor - mg, Iron railing, ale. SICII.IIII hoe for heatiug Factory... Cant Iron WindomScrh c and Laney Cortings Kenai-ally Ord. rr • ft at thr nrelmore. of I... Palmer le co.. Lib erty tt:re t, en U have prompt IRALMMOr.. Rata ro Blasi:stn. k, Ixu & Co., ' ilt Moorhead & G E %Varner. John Irwin & Song' Pim%lush. _ C & J If Warner, Steutreresille janlp ALLEGGENY VENITIAN BLIND FACTOR% . JOHN A. BROWN TAKES this method to inform h. fn,oll and the pahl . lc at large that lust Tartar, :(171;"... 1a ". 0 d r "'„04.71,t h .,7,.7.",:n05t f stoat supply of Blintda. e o n t Yana. colors :—=- 7 .1 and guar/ trasoac colutantly kept on bond, al. at No. 5 Wood at, Pittabargh.c If. Phdlipe' oil cloth wateroom. Vealtiall Shatters made to ardor in the hest style. ittadl rrpatted at all attortost notice. N. B llis Blinds will be put up, without any add, ..r-pttfe en that they can be removed to a soo ty,. .n ease of fire or for wash tug. mid without the aid tt , 1. -few dr e oet4dlyasslaroly Will. A.I.IC.X.A.NDEIL & BONS, IN Ala KENS Afill FURNISItINIi LNDER- I... , TAKERS, minter of Penn and Sr. Clair streets, oi•pmitte the IL:change flood, entrance on Pena etreet. tmircenuily inform their friends and the nubile. that hey are prepared to furnish and attend to everything in the 'Lir of L talc:rulers. Always on band a large aw ointment of ready made Coffins, covered, hued and file maeil in the eery best manner, all eons and sizes ready made chimed* of flannel, Cambric k and mats .ti. and ad size, made In approved styles. We keep a large as wronent of whir and black, cotton, and kid Gloves, sable or pall bearers and 'Tinctures, crape, cups, Col lars, and every thing reorder ry for dressing the dead, and nn reasonable terms, as we purchase nil oar goods in the Eastern elites Also, miner plates for cog - raving ihe name and age. We have a splendid new hearse and harse•, And any another of the best carriages Every nmg dtmnded to prnmptly tad pcinetually. oet&ty W. W. WALLACE,PITTSBURGH STEAM ntennu. WORKS, Mar. 244 awil 24G Liberty scat, Raw OA Cresol A LiN y V o A r NZ u on bi tan s t i l . alLd h, to . aii i s e t , o , oviej, e a4v i Lv , et s. rit; Burnes Tops. Tomb Stones, Monuments, to.; all which, lining made of the choicest marble, and menufecturcil princrpally by nmlantery. be sold low for cash. N. B. Persona cashing to purchase Mantels, nre .nfortned that it /s henceforth unnecessary for them to go East. ns I can furnish them with an article in all respect. as good ottal (freight, menranea, Az, consider ed.) as cheap as they can Purchase them for in the Ewe Call and see. leDO COPPED., SILICST IRON, MID TIN . WARE MANUFACTORY, No 9 Market sweat, Pittahurgh,Pennai - rliF stibeerthers having made great improvement iti the conaintetion of their COOKING STOVES renpeiitfolly vivito persona Pudding akeninboata to cal and< cornice before pure basing, ati wee. supply the Deck Stoves. Forge., and every other kind o Copper. Tin and Sheet Iron work uceeria ark in furnish m le to °pier o the anortret notice Sa TO,. and Chain nori Copper work for Strum Login a.. ken r rAty of work inour lion. SIWRIFF A. SHIRK SENN E_TT & BROTHER, 4FEENSW ARE NI AN UFACITRERS. Birmingham, tnear PlttabarghtlP.• /1 arehowe, No. 137, Wood area, Pittsburgh. §-) W I LI, constantly k cep on bond a rood ruwort. went of ,Warr, or our own maammoure. and super, quota) Wholesale and country Mes• chants am respectfully tncuml to midi and ea use for thernadsea. as we, ore detorrodted to sell cheaper than. has ram before been offered to the pub. 10 - - Ord,e Port by and i, narampanled by the cant or e.:, rewranec. w.ll b.. promptly atiended to. MIMS FLINT GLASS ESTABLISLINIENT. Nl i.LV L A y NN o . n k ha L L Dl 6l, ' , ' 7::. ` ,L ' d - Zrp 1 ,11,7 " .; Gnu, waft., ar e all ns varien" tUrl , W.lehotwe row t r/ Market and Water street+, Ptlasburgh. 0, Works annum= .0 full operation, and we are n 13 . adding to our f tort, winch enables as to till ln mrdr, with promptnes, Purehn,r, are re/yet:nal ty who- iced to call and ckammr. primes min terms. nt y COACH MAKING. FRONI the very liberal encourao ment tne subscriber has re acne. ' he has located Leo-telt' tn Allegheny 'd,rgtana-.... bus educed ham to take • letue, for term of years, on the properly he no occupies, in Beaver street, immediately beside lb- Preenyterum Church. From the long experience .116- .Ibn:a l.on,vrss and a desire to please, he hopes to tour .1 0.1 receive n share of public patronage. Now on ham: and amnions to order, Rockaway Bug open and top Buggies, nod every descrtption a Lear. ages made to order. from seventy-five dollars I. • I sersfishrt JOHN SOL TII 11. fs wharves, l'hsfa. offer for *ale an accommodating c to.hs pkgh Manufactured Tobacco. conershug of ssounds, half pound.. Yo. IT., 16 , , le'. and :Ifs. ushp., Ye, ifl and ers plug, mad I.l'. !emboss - I'w.. In whose and half boxes, of the followsug approved brand., esys Juror. If lira. Osborn & Braga, rani A \Vdliains, A Cabanas J ones A Son. 31'Donald. tlrbster UI,I, J Thomson, Jsrors Thomas. Jr. A 11 Amstrad, & Son, Lend horn A &musical, J 1' Conine, ~,tt.r, J3l Cobbs, Green !toll, Win Belau. Prarl A Norwood. J 8 Blackwood,' N a th Rage. Keystone. NV 11 Vaughan. b,dmood Remy, Portiaux Robin.n. Russell A Robinson Keno. Robinson A Co. Seth, Halsey, R Sirunn, Juhn Ruder, Lawrence. !Amer, J Robinson, imp 1. ,;ray, U Turnrr. Ft Jamieson. York White, D SI Branch. Ilaymin Leaf Tobacco, wrappers and filler‘, Vern do do do iNen'orgos do do do ''t !ago dr Cuba do dd do , I keninfo do do do 'norm A Gulden do. part fine, do 51 u +villa do do do Kentucky venous grades do do Virvinia Leal, sousbie for manufacturing and export; Spanish, Seed Lent. Perna, Connel'Ucut and Ohio. 'Virgule B,...raps, sweet, German l'ipra, Pipe heads; Scotch Bnotr (loos.: and bladders) 31aecouba Meal, Tongan Beans. Havana bass, Ono Rohe; Bergamot, Calabria Lig nonce, PWent Cavendish Kiaves, `Spunk, An &.c mylS SIGN OF THE BIG 'PITCHER. NEW CHINA. GLAS , ; k.LICEE.NSWARE STORE No. 11l Wan Snor, TM su bac niters wish to tnform the _white generally I that they ore now open e a now ithd large stock rat Oast, queensware, Brat and Fancy Gads.comprutng the latest and most fastuonable pot tern. of French China plain and gold-band Thoner Sets; do do " Tea• Su pet - tor I roieStone Dinner Flow tog blue 1 . /new patterns) " I FAverpxol " A smut vanety of Tee Se.. different qualities; Manama Breakfast and Teu Sets, Watters—a beautiful article . `rjueen's Gothic;" Parlor Lall/pll, 'Comeau, maker,l (Abu. Ware. a general assortment. tutecontsaat metiers and hotel proprietors axe invited to esseume our assortment of ware suitable for their • Country Merchants ram find a large amok of article Amiable for country sales, winch we will gel! al rea unnanle price. Our Klock being entirely new ' we feel satisfied of be ing able to plea.. all who may Moor us with their co tom. [apl7;dilltwl J GILLk GETTY. Mi. City before—mode on the most approved Eastern plans— and most fartuonabla Eastern patterns and colors. Also THE CHEAP ROLL, or BOS FON BLIND, on hand or made to order of all sixes. and at all prices. Country Merchants and others arc !netted to call and examine the above for themselves, as all will be sold whotemsle or retail, and a liberal dedacuon made to whoievalc purchaser, avidly A WESTERVELT ROSEDAL E GARDENS, MANCHEISTER. 1 . Proprietor of this well known place are.," ha 1. the pleasure of intorrtung the public that hts estah nslintent having been thoroughly refuted and repaired and the grounds etegantly laid out and decorated, t no (open tor teen aceottimodatton, and he flatten hmt selwl Mat those who may favor him with their patron age will told all that they desire, provided in the best aty le and on reasonable terms. He Is determined t• qua, no expense in making hot establishment worthy of pubbe patronage. He has acconantodatious to boards's', a few lashes. lee Creams, and all ref...b luetits unable to the season, constantly on hand. te:htt LEVI BURCHFIELD. !Monongahela Home Tailoring &stab- lishment. SAAC WILLIAMS, Draper arid Tailor. begs to I in torus the ca ri ltes of Pittsburgh and others, that h• is now opli euing at his room/ on Smithfield street, un der Me am Dote, 31 large and beautiful sssortMent of Crotlis. Satms, Silts, and other Vesting. touchier rent, such oilier articles as are required fo • . gentaanea'• oroar. Ills goals have born carefully se- Irrool.nod aro at the newest end snost fashionable.s of Aura:nor (lushly H. customs aa) Jrlynct upon ba•tug their clothes wade up su reauttor Mara cannot Isla to rstay the taste of ale mast ituouhou.. .ph4tly Brunch & Waukno , In,. 1 2do do do cilia pounds; ' 5 do do do 12* nod 160 LO kogs No I, 6 oxon; • 10 do Pgh envendtzb; 5 do do Plug; II do Sugurn2 do half Poona; do, for solo by 113 J U WILLIAMS, ' lORE H ten the large and cmn L 7 mute l/ouae ¢nd Bacon Soho ad Nutting our Warehousr,m, the Canal Basal, we um pre pared to .woke end store bacon on reasonable terms. KIER Jr. JONES, mad Canal bum, near 7th el.. ASEGOND HAND PIANO, cost onginally and has been in use about four years, price now Stun. fur sale by JOHN H MELLOR, telj al wood street X , it SeGAR--5 tants prune, for sale low to close .11 • consignment. by tVPST. BOWEN, ley 70 front st WHITE GOODS—k A Mason & CO. bare on hand an roomier s•sortntent of White Goods, corn ',bong Mull, Swiss, Book, Plaid and Amount Muslim, of every variety. 01710 MOSQUITO NETTS_—we have last opened a large tot of hloaquito Nana, of an excellent guano and remark ably cheap. wag ALEXANDER & DAY COTTON—g 7 boles to manse, for sale by m 2.1 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co CIIEESH-IZi Itasca now landing for sale by 21 _ISAIAH DICKEY &Co AIL ROAD GUlDE—Doggett's Rail Road Guide W and Gaunter for 1518, with 13cetional Maga of tttthhhh groat routes of tweak A few copies receired and for nttln by /MK JOHNSTON & STOCKTON • CIOTTON-60 We. Ten:maw stom and roma* by mit3 WV3T BOWEN ' S° fccaa re (111.AiM21-46 bbbi PIaMOM3I 413d*C.,02 M=ZEMMI!= TRANSPORTATION LINES. THE UNION LINE num 1848. BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND W. T. Hamm Pnutiorri, arm. Pssas tr. Co. Beaver; Cease - roan k CI/.111.213, Cleveland } PmPr.. TIIB above Late Is now prepared to unsispon freight and passenger. from Putsbragla and Cleveland, or any point on the Canal* and Lakes. One boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily. run ning m connecuon with the mennthoais Lake Vale and Michigan. between Pittsburgh and Beaver. and a Lae of first class steamboats, propellers, brigs and sabot:m e:a on lakes Erie, Huron and.bilichigan. Property forwarded to any part of the INtion with dispatch, by mai. T. MAULER. or JOHN A. CACOFLEY, Agents, cor Water and Smithfield coo. Pittsburgh. AGENTSRecd. Parks A Co, Heaver. OParks A Co, Xoungatoven, 0, E W Cotes &Co, Wlarren; D Bostwick & Co, titesutport; " " EEELE==EI F Lewic, Newport; .1 & E M NVlattle.y. Carephellepore, J lJ M Bade. Ravenna; M & C H Kent. Ironton; Attller 2c Tuttle, Cuyahoga Folic; • . . Vl'hoolor h. Ca, Akron; !I . nrn . oy, lerbll A Co, r3an dusk y; %ya9Ons h Eagle, - . G & Co, Detrott, Mir& Nl'Clure &Illwunkte, Wt. H J Window, Chicago, 111. apl4 RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, ; 1, ••••,==a11: 1848 . aqtla /OR TRANSPORTATION Or NICRPONNOIIN BET VPEEN• PITTSBEELM AND PHILADELPHIA. rrHE Proprietors of this old established and first 1 Portable Bow Lime, having removed their de pot in Phtladelphta. to a mach larger IVarehouse n Market st thou they formerly occupied, =a-also o now thcrr room tor storage m Pittsburgh, are now prepared tattler much greater facilities to their friends and patrons. Goods earned by this lino are not transkupped be tween Ihttsburgh and Philadelphm being earned en tuely In Mutable Sccuon Boma 'ro shmpers of Hour and other goods requirmg careful handimg, tht, oz of utoportance. No charge made for receivingor shipping goods, or atlmmetng charges. All goods forwarded promptly, and upon as retuonable tem. any (nth er hne. JOHN McFADEN Cnnal Basin, Pena ar. Etsburgb. JAMES M. DAVIS Jt. Co., . . . . feb94 t 27 Market & 54 Commerce at., Phila. JOHN McFA DI:N S Co., Forwaiafing uttl COMM.- non Merektutta, Canal Basin, Penn st, httatairgh. JAMBS Al. DAVIS & Co, Pour Factors and Commis- SlOll Merchant, V: Market, and 54 Commerce qt., Philailelpho. lithet fEreAdvances made try rimer of the above on Flour, NA 00l and other Joecripeons of Me rehainlire konaignod to them. feber4 OTICH--The subscribers hove disposed of there m il torest in the Protect and Ohio Line to CLARKE & THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEI'II 6 Lk:AVIS, of this city. They will continue to transact business for the line, at their Warehouse on Broad street, os usual, and be speak for it a continutmce of the ,patronage of their friends. A M k-S eTERL a. Co. Pieladalpnia, March sth, 1549. Pons Va. and Ohio Trona ortation Co. ; 7 . 112=15 • Double DaiAv L-no of FIRST CLASS NEW WATS AND CARS. TO TMANSPOILT HOODS tam,. fITTSSCIGU AIH, AMITE. C 171.19.. CLARKE & THA W Canal Baum Pittsburgh. LEWIS & BUTLER. 21.1 i Market st..Pluladetphin. JAS. STEEL & A. Broad street r WDEN. CLARKE & Co.7 , North at., Belt. W. PRICK, Agt . IVest street. New York marl& Co-partnership. - Tsubsenbers have thts tiny assomatt4l themselves j together ender the style of Kier & Jones, for the purpose of cononutog the business formerly carried on by Samuel M. /tier, and sollett n eouttummee of the lib eral patronage heretofore extended to the how, SAMUEL M KIER, 11 F. JONES. Paull:meet, March I, lOU. M=MM PORTABLE BOAT LINE COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF FIRST CLASS FOUR SECTION BOATS, FOR PIIILADELPRIA AND BALTIMORS. VIA CANALS,. RAILROADS. WE are prepared to receive and forward freight to TY the above and intermediate places with we:ouch despatch, and at as low rites, as any other responsible I me The attennon of shippers wishing in wind Pork or Ba con to Baltimore In bulk. It particularit requested, in untuch as our arrangements enable us to carry suck anodes through in better order than soy other line. EWE & Prop va Canal Stuns. near ithsh Plttsbarigh,.ll.lnrch I. 1.47 13 /0,111, matoon forwurdlng 3lrr IlLichßent..jaUlld} t o NVholexale Dralrr• 111 trap. B11.10(0. Prorloce. &r 1.14 r ra r..h advance. on °nog ,1.11, 1 1,1 „..if nT11.13, AND OWL 111,1•110. 1. PtuAburgh. 1 . 611.1.pn1a - UNION LINE, 'IZZCZ Wgll To Ptaladelpia a an attimore, irtA CaNAL MIL HENRY GRAFF 2! Co. Canal 13;sin. - Fiththath. DLTILH. 111. MPH RENS &Co.:So 147 Market., Phil C II KOOXII. corner North & earairept tax Halt lona F Clarke. No 11 Old Shp. New h ori, lUtilTICE—The style of our firms will he known from 11 and after thl• date, at Pntehurgh, am Henry Grad & Co.. and:at Phdadelphia. as Routh, Humphrey. & HENRY GRAFF. ,NDNIUND G DCTILII, CHAS. HUM PHRJ.INS, Philadelphia. HF-NRY GRAFF. Pittsburg rnartlaf PITTSBURGH PORTABLE BOAT LINE 1848. For the Trona - porta:son of Fre4ghz to avid f rom prrrsßußun, PHILADELPHIA. BALTINI N YORK. BOSTON„ Oe Boutimog & Caro. Philadelphia T & O'ComNoa, Pittsburgh iIS old established Lone being now on full open , Tnon. tbe propnelora have wade ellenlive arrange- Mentz to forward goods and produce with despatch, and on the most favorable terms They confidently hope th:jr well known promptness in d , hvernirgoods—ro.. co,lar safety on mode of carry tog —capon.. warehou ses raeli port. affording ucronlinodationa to %hipper., al and owners of produee--together mob their long rape rmitec and unremitting attention to business. will secure to them a continuance of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. All constginumna by and for this line received, char ges paid, and forwarded on any required directions free of charge for conunosston. ndvoncliig or storage No interest doreetly or Indirectly, in stestaboant All communicauons promptly allendeil 10 oti •pplica- Uon Da the following agents: BORBIDGE & CASH. Market st. Philadelphia. TAAFVE dt. O'CONNOR, Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. O`CONNORS & Co, North st, Bohn - note WM. B. WILSON, ".41 , Cedar at. New York. apS LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN LINE. igiamli 1848. jEgi i. HIS well known Line, composed of steamboat. Lake Erie and Michigan, between rittalnirgh and Heaver, and freight and pauenger Canal Boats be tween Beaver and Erie, and C M Heed's Irne of first clue aleamboabs, propellers and •essels an the Lakes . prepared to curry freight nod passengers to all points on the Eric Canal, and Lakes Erie, Huron and Michi gan. Having every facility for conveying freight and pas sengers with promptness rind dispatch, the proprietor end ascents respectfully aolicit from their friends a con tinuance of their patronage C M A REEI Pronetor. REED, .ARCS II t.o, Beaver. Agents. JOHN A. CA UGHE'r , Agent. split car Writer and Smithfield sta. Pit.burgh_ Mai 1848. I:Eiif. ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE. To and from the }lantern cum, via Cumberland. rpm propnetors of Min popiilar line. havel.mee their re-organirituon largely increased their facilittes to meet the woMes of shippersi and are now . prekared to forward • greater summit by the FIVE DAY LINE. as also by additional regular wagon• at low rates. This finis will run throughout the year. delivering goods theoush the agents in Baltimore and Plusburgh to owner. and consignees at specified rate• and time. Shipments from Philadelpa Ibr the lne should be marked "Care, 1 B Robnisn. hi Baltimore." The only agents are J B ROBINSON, 9 Charles st, Baltimore. FJDGERTON tei Co, Cumberland. tJ IV CASS, Brownsville. Feld J C BIDWEEL. Pittsburgh. E Againa& CLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINK— Proprtektra of Soo papules. Li. hoe changed the Agency at Cumbert.d from the house of Aleltaig k Dlt pure to that of Edgerton b. Co. rotatturgh and "moan, macro/lank are Deified that J Bay ly Robinson. No OS South Charka st, Baltmore. is the ouly authonmd goat of Sas Late to the Eastern 0R , ... The .ly agents are J C BIDWELL, Pittsburgh,' O W CASS Brownsville, EDOARTON CoOomberl.d, decrld J B ROBINSON, Baltimore. GREW*: 00. 0 117 ZPRESS 700 cc ass akbrsoak., 1.1111-4.0. ER EN TO., DOWION. LID Att.TIII ...TICS. en.. lir ENCHANTS nod others sending goods are Inform ed that this ts the fastest, safeal, and most expe ditious lino going Elul; connecting with Adnitus & Co 's Espreas dioly, at lialinnore. Through receipts will lie given to any of Ste above weight hlrwaNed.Merchandile sind packages of any to or Kcpreas clones daily at 3 r. s. 11 U VICKF.RY, Agent, nov2oal St. Charles Hotel Etuildtngsh wood st Western Transportation Company. M,Mtilat U 48 L :tftt C OPHIL Old ENnlh Ll.. 1848,T ADELPIIA, lIALTIMORE & NEWYORK VIA KK RR KK LVARLA •S.° ORM RAIL LOADS. ARE prepared to transport goods and produce to and from the alarm ,ctues on favorable terms. Ad dress or apply to D. LEECH L Co, Canal Ruin, Patsburgh. , HARRIS LEE. 131, Nos. 13 &15 South Third J. TAYLOR & SON Agw, No 14, N'th Howard st, Dalt. A. ABBOTT, Agt, No 7 West street, Now York. Pittsburgh Alvah tOth, 111141. mark° MENEE:II - - Pommel:wee and Remittance Office. llAPaneti & Ca cobubbb to bring persons from any pan of England, Is-land. Scotland or Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with their octal ploteloahry and attention to the whets and com fort of emmigrants We do not allow ourpassongers te be robbed by the awledlleig scamps that Infest the sea ports, as we take charge of them the moment they re port themselves, and see to their well being, and de spatch them without any detention by the first ship.— We ray this fearlessly, as we defy one of oar pease. pa to show that they were &united 4$ hours by us in Liverpool, while thentsanda of others were detained =nabs, until they could be sent in some old elan, at a eh 2p taus, which too frequently proved their codas. We Intend to perform our contracts honorably, cost what it may, and not tot ae was the ease bat season, with when iether gaite ofte he rs,—ertin n either performed not all, or t d tir conveience. Diets (balm a 1 Siunburgh for any sum from El m El OM payable al any of the unwind& Sanas In rm. Land,:Usiand, Scotland and Wale. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Humps= sad Gummi (01 nr. moSsit PooknyArLege BOOKS, MUSIC, &o. Valuable and Attractive New Books. LirT ANLARTINEW History of the Girondists, 3 veils, 12 too. • Simms' Life of Chevalier Bayard; 12 coo G. P. R. James' Life of Henry the Fourth. of France, 2 vole—lgloo. Storth's Consular Cities of China D 1 mo. - NeanderNi Lille of Jesus Christ; S ro, muslin Morvel's Fresh Gleatangs or a new Sheaf from the old fields of Continental Eunarie. Capt. Henry's Sketches of the Matte. War. 12 mo. i pries Story of me Battle of Waterlod; 12 ton. Summer ni otland. by Jecob Abbott: 12 nuit. Stsmondi's Lit S e c rature of the South of Europe; vole 12 too. Rumon's Adventorm to Metro and the Rocky Mountains; lY mo, muslin Posthumous Works of Rev Thor. Chalmers. D D., The Practical Astronomer; by Thoa. Dick. 1.. 1... D. Life of Jeremy Belknap, D. D., Hlebarmo of New re. Lather ond the Reformation, by John Scott, M. A.. I vols. The Middle Kingdom, with a new map of the Empire; by S W. Witham.. 2 vol., 12 mo . The Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spnog, D. D., 12 mo. The Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring. D D.; 12 mo. Teach/Jig a Science, the Teacher an Amu: by Rev. H. R. Hall. The Czar. his Court and People; by John S. Mratvrell. Lectures on Shokapeare, by IL N. Hudson_ Tlw A rusts of Amenea—lllustrated with nine engra vings on steel. and containing sketches of the lives of Allows, Inman. West. Stuart, Trumbull. De Vet on Remlirsndi Peale and Thos. Crawford; 1 vol.S vo . The Orator. of France; containing sketches of the lives 01 LaMar - 1111e, 'Mier., Nopoleum Canon, Mira. bean. Gulellt and others, with pentane of each. Ileadley's Napoleon and Marshals; t vols. Lt am. Headley's IN'tuhinfinn and his Generals; 2 vOlO, 12m tans. The Snored mot. The alutse, togeth with a large collection of Stand. aril Works, Classical and School Book., for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCK ON. Bookseller.. res corner market mud 3kats D 088.13 FOR TAB SlCASON—Ulummend gems of Sacred Poetry; o splendid imperial I vo. ; with beautiful illostreitions on steel, by Sartain, and to illuminated pages by Schmitt and &titian', nobly bound in Turkey morocco and white calf, superbly gilt. The Christian Keepsake, MA annual for 184 E. with .pletidid metuotint engraving., by Sartain; bound in ar abesque morocco. Chrietmas Blown. leaf New Year's Wreath (or Ikb; a small quarto volume, pruned on snow white pa per, embellished with splendid mezzotint engravings— Tins 1. by for the most beautifol Juvenile animal pub habed to the tinned Slates. The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M. B, with numerous Cl usite designs, by the Etching Club, in va rious styles of hinding. 'Fhompson's Season s, with aeventy-severt deslgna, by the Etching Club, to canon, style. of binduig. The Potts and Poetry of A/Ilene.; by R. W. Gris wold. The Poets and Poetry of the Ancients, by Williarn Peter. A. DI., superbly bound In Turkey morocco; splen didly irsh. Willie'. Poems in radiiva styles of binding. (tray'. Elegy illustrated. Hemsm's Poetical York., in venous bindings. Lord Byron'. " Shakspeeie The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore. Ballads mid other Poems, Mary Howiti. Poems by Amelia. Ileadley's Sacred Mouttuuns The above, with a greet vanety of other new works, In splendid mks of binding, suitable for gill books for sale by JOHNSTON & BTIOCKTON, MOO Booksellers, cor. Mask. & 3d sta. • EW AND ArniAerrvE BOOKS.—Chaliners' St .04 lee, works 4 vol. Chalmers' Daily Scripture Reading; Memoir of the Life of Mrs Fry. Sod vol. The Colt the author of 'Schoolgirl in France.' Lady Mary, or Not of Me World. by Rev C B Tay lor, M A. Margaret. or the Pearl. do Marti Clidlon, or the Merchant'. Clerk, do Idle of Pollok. author of ••Cour. of Tune." Tim Listener. by Caroline Fry. Lectures on Shakspeare, by H N Hudson, Lori of Oliver Cromwell, by J .r Headley, Napoleon and ht. Marshals Jo Washington and his Generals. do Power Of the Pulpit. by Gardiner Spring. 1) D Bethel Ping, do du Riiligion Teaching by Esampie, Pulpit Orators of France. by Turnbull, Genius or Shotlemd, de Life Of Rowland Hill; Free Church Pulpit. 3 vol. Orators of France, Now and Then, Bethune. Poem.. M argAret Mercer, Jacobi. on Matthew. adapted 4o UlllOll goes... Arthur • Popular Tales- - Richert I/I the `Making Haste to be Rich." °Riche. have Wing..' iiKeeping up Appearance, - "Debtor and Creditor" For sale by ELLIOTT & 70 wood and 56 market st X•EW BOOKS—llistory of CongroaioellrOgraphical 11 and Political, compersing Memoirs of Members of the t °ogre. or the Cooed States. drawn from authen tic rce, emutacing the prominent events of their live, and their vonneetion with the political history or the tby Henry Li Wheeler. Illustrated by nu tritrou• ims' steel portraits and Mc-simile autographs. Kirks. and queen.: or. Life in the Palace—eonsiafing 01 lll...uric al sketches 01 /emplane awl Alarm Louisa. Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, label. la II Leopold. und Victoria by John S C Abbott. Burn. , Note. on James. Pete/. Jahn and Jude Note, eaplanntory and premi en]. on the general pta. des 01 Janie.. I . eter. John end Jude by /doer, Barnes y or the Truoing Win, —a Domestic 'lnc I hurl,. Boob., ui.thor al tits t 0i... .... A. Harm, tie Lam or the Saxon ding, by sir Fulwurd Buhr, 1.. time, Bart Complete tii two parts P irt llnrporN Illustrated Edition of the Arabian Nigh.' Entertainment. r!, alio',u worts received thi. day. and for sale by JOHNSTON & arTOCKTON, 111 1 Booksellers ear Markel sod :al SIR C k erliars JOHN HMI :LLOR. No al Wood at, WRIER offer. Mr ..It a the lowest manufactu• rer's prices. the following assortment of !Nano-fortes. from the manufactory of Joau Chicken:is, Boston, Mass No I A 8./oevroml . Iron frame d o.'looo Piano. Vaal 6 61 ;MO 350 ". carved 6; • IL ° 373 400 • LINO TO CLOY. COXSIONYTATS. A Ho.ewa..l. carved Uotinc haze,a octavo Ytano tnadc by A Ia Uale & Co, N V. w74' A ito‘ewood, carver - mountmg, and moulded lea. 61 octavo, made by the Manhattan Co, N a co powerful and auhstaiittal made Plana, at the lour price of A ,ery supe nor aeon-grand Plano, made by Her,. Pans, ay octavo, Roaewood case, 400 A mahogany second hand, a octavo, made by F .... J. • 130 A mahogany se,ond hand, made by Nunn lark. 90 A mahogany second hand Piano, made by Nold IW For sale JOHN II hiKLIOR, el 44 onel sreeh sole Nee. for Chtekeringht Pianos, for Western Pennsylvania 010 .EOLIAN ATTACHMENT VFJJ and for sale, a lot or choice Pianos, with and without Coleman's -Cohan Attachment, by Nunns & Clark, N Y. One of N trans & Clark's Pianos, with the Attachment, was taken to England by Mr Coleman, and among many other lestanontals of ad nor main for Mrs elegant guncotton of American skill and ingenuity, elicited the following remark. horn Thalberg. the greatest Pianist LOMPON. Jan. In, ISA. My Dear Str—la enclosing a letter to my friend, Mr Erund, Pans. I cannot refradp from again expressing to you how much I was pleased withyour "..F.olian Attachment." which I consider uFreat musical im provement. I eon assure you that on my part I shall gre at plenum do my utmost to make your non known For sale by H KLFJ3ER. At Woodwell's furniture room. 3d st lsiEw ~* ,K—L Europe; ooenng• in Eupe; or Sketches of Travel in France, Belgium. Switzerland, Italy, Prussia. (treat Britain and Irelmd, with an appendix, containing observations on European chan ties and medical institutions. By John W Carson, NI D. Angela, shovel. By the author of "Emilia NVynd -11 RM. 141 Ha Men's Tales," ate. rigill-Contrtii, a novel. By Mary Brunton, author of Vol 111, Eliiily Senptural Readings. By the late Thomas Chalmers. D. D. L. L. D Part 4. The Thousand and One Nights. Harpers' Il lustrated editiod. William the Cottager, a book for children. By Ore author of i'Elleb Herbert," he. The above works received this day and for sale by )e24 JOHNSTON & STOCKTON - - NNEWBOOKS—hlemonala or the Introducuort of Methodism Into the Eastern States, comprnung biographical /loners of its early preachers, sketches of its first churches, and reminiscences alas early .trug. gles sad succesees; by Rev. A Stevens, A.M. Just published. hlemoir of Rev. David &bee', D 0, lam Misampary to China:by his nephew. Rev 0 R Wtlltuason. Mark htillon, the Merchant'. Clerk: by Rey Charles B Taylor. M. A., author of "Records of a Good Man'. Ltte.." -Lady Nary," - Margaret, or the Pearl." &c. f. The aluve, with a luge usortment of new hooka, on hand &lONE receiving. }:LLIOTT & ENGLISH, updt 56 market et 'ONGLISH BOifflrti—Hdory of the Greek de, CA elation, and of the wars and campaigns arising from the struggle. of the Greek Patriots in Emanctpa. ung their country from the Torkioh Yoke—in two veil unies—splmldid copy with namerons maps and ertgra vols. Letters. 111. mo-wore of the reign of William 111, from Iftlie to 1700—with fin. portraits, to 2 vols. Cmapnoton to the toady of the Holy eortptures. Harry Moutbray, thrtllng romance, with 30 emus ''%4l;r I. the Holy Land, French Stage, and Sketches to China. Just ree'd and f sale by ld or eDONALD &BEESON Wel lar market street illetalle Frame Plano. A SPLENDID mortment of Rose wood and Mahogany grand ammo Pi anos, Just hidshed and for sale. MAO, taro ft plendid Ralmoroal Planes, with Coleman's celebrated Sigma attachment, Rushed in the most modern style, and for We at Jet! F BLUM VS, 114 wood st Splendid New Flames. — tif f" , .. , . ‘“Fs UE •ub...b... previous to leaving fairhe East 'o replenish his stock, will diapone of We balance of his stock on hand at reduced prices, and on favora ble luring It consists of a r[/we selection of Pianos ioadc by Nun. i. Chalk. N V. and Jonas Crocker., of Heston, Mass., of from 6 to 7 octave, of rosewoval nod mahogany, of different ay lee and prices. " " H KLF:BER, At Wood...n[l'l,EO Third st UPERBLT ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF THE 0 ARABIAN NIU trrs —Expressly designed for Ism. iry rreding, in course of publication by Harper & Hew Piers, New Turk. To be completed in twelve parts. Yost Ist Just received and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, npe corner market and at sts JuriNsToN k STOCKTON, have Just received the Edinburg Review, N 0.170, April, IS4S, aad Black wood's }Amharic Alagastne for ltlay, myAi • - Derrnsii-9 °oaks eat" Ponuth, N c at re, on consusnnteni and ror sate by lel4 MILLER tr.. RICKETSON BRANDY FRUIT-1V cases choice Brandy Fruit, JJI Just received 11. n d (or sale by tel 4 MILLER I RICKETSON fiRAB CIDER—Mr Ws Economy Crab Cider, just received and (or sale by jolt NIILLER k RICICK NON LusrtELD , 111.10 bblal.m.rtil tAI, In fine slopping order • , rcectVell nod for slay by psll . MILLER a KICKETSON _ . . .. CA.STLLE SO.AY--SOD lbs on bend and for .ale by Iyll .1 KIDD, .k. Co, 011 wood In lAHD 011,-40 bids superior, Iturckbardes brand, j just received aa for sale by __l7a__ . KILD & Co, GO lanai la ‘ATB—GO sacks superior Oam„ reed per steamer Diligeme and for We by mO3 J t fl FLOYD, Bound Church Buildings • Q . WELT ALALAOA WINE—Mgr caste mem Male 1.7 Wooblust received and for sale by je2l MILLER d EICELTSON INDIA HONEY —3 bitchjut landing and W G S , tr T side by JAMh9 DALZE2.4 big II wave, la U 00 4 1 V (ILASS-304. ban %% At, 3 F VON AO 0113 T PURIN:InM EUROPE AN AGENCY. For the Recovery of Dormant and Improperly Wlth held Real and Perronal Estate—the Settlement and - Arbaratrou of Commercial, Trading anZi other Dehm Securing Parents for Inventions in lirrat Brstam, . . . , IrMand. and We 17.oMores and Dependencies WeJeon• nelonging. and Negonaung for the l'oreliasc or Sale-of the same THE principal object in the estrchlisninmil tho , Agency is to .et at re., in the Most sausinctory and economical manner possible, the nu mero us for property winch muiens of We I"...ted States reah% have. or imagine they possess 1... ..tad where. The efforts of deatguing nod nose rupumus 'mn hare been Betted) . engaged to induenctne a bear is hon this subject in Ingfdy quarters. wlth a view to petty pecula tion; and evldences of the tact have been so trrtmentiv brought to light as to render It urgently neemotary ad. an o ffice be establethed having fortts umect the fathom of those who have been deluded. and to estate thth the claim. of soch as are this ri g htful heirs to doubt ful property. or that which is tmproper.y withheld. Arucles in the teatime Menials M the principal mite. (the Citron are frequently appearmg, headed -Town ley Estate." -A threat Fortune for Sotnehodt ." - Meet togs of the Houghton's at %Tort-ester. - - Chase Meet ing;' Ac. !Lc , the authors of which are genera/1y taw • per. seeking pracuce, or adventurers. whose only oh. lent to to feed upon public eredulirt, Ly prmlueing nu excitement which may realize for themselves Itunied.• ate gains, and who are generally speaking. without the slightest knowledge of the subjecto they put term The evidences of arts being a tact a every where apparent, as In no one soigle instanee re have. their ill bounded expectanons been realised; and it ts With a View 10 the correction of this evil that the .unsertber ha. effected the most extensive arrangements to sanely the ingot ring, as well as to tumefy the curiosity of those who, Influenced by family connection or Otierwlse. wish to pursue the In of matters onen invol• vuig results ofthe most stupendous magnitude Ae regards real estate in England, the hulk of it is subject to the laws of Entail and I t nntsmetntorm and ever store the revolution nn Wert, the pnumpal estates have beeo aubjected tig the r [lenges which always en• sue on revoluttou, confuston, and change of dynasty. and although there have been special tows passed Mr particular pufposes, all those which have reference to this subject, and which were passed subsequent therm to, are null available in cotes of legitimate rtglit It is not, however. intended to this adverUseme titreter antecedently to the American revolution of 1 7 16. at which period, a great nutnber of persons entitled • noon ways to property. abandoned the same hy totnnog the revolutionary party. This act. in null. was suffi cient to lead to confiscation where it was directly held by such Individual.; but when those abandoning the atone were nest in succesmon to the then poese..., the ca. became altered. and alienation front home and family were made the harriers to nghtful tnhentunce Another fruitful source of nvestigation It mond in the Criclaimed Ihvolend Book of the Bank of England. and this. furnishing as it does. each Enghth name that has ever existed as a holder of funded property. is the main reliance of the unprincipled traders in public credulity. The modes of investment are exceedingly numerous in all parts Of Europe, but to England particularly so: and the subscriber is prepared to the lac ilitie• which he peens s, for an Invesngatton to any 01 the !newts above alluded to Besides all th ese, there property positively bequeathed, mid which, in conse quence of the absence of the parties to whom itemised, becomes involved nt and subject to the laws of the Court of Chancery. In all cneee. even. et euppoerd family emoiriton. the most posit and sausfactory information run be odor. ded as to the far. connected with the members of fem ales, no matter how remote. the date. or seentlitgly bruit the InVeittig•non; told where the case has alrea dy been undertaken by any of the numerous persona who pretend ton knowledge of this business. son who have altogether failed in obtadttng. or omitted to afford the 1 otbentattati sought by the 'noun. of then speciou, nese and deletion. Me Matter is them+e rendlly under taken, tweauee of th e greeter tali coon in indoor where the pretences of others have otatued--4,0 much ammented confidence In the actilement of Conirnrrr oil Trading and other Debts. the necessary legal and 111C0 . 111111, All.lllCll will be brought to hear, a experience or half reniu ry in thi• particular branc n h. la we I.e. evidence that can be afforded of the ability thlu ws:: bn I , ,towed 0., matters coming under mt. be on Inventory and others 011.000 g 1.00 rcA any/l 0001a1 01 F.OO/111 . I . an ha v -nie ed at a very tndusg charge 00, and a lt 10000 lees required to any glvett eountr, nytTy informa tion resperung the prohable experts. and the rriodu. operandi at all tore,be airrded. and the mediums,parucularly tit Ilmtland (11..po,dig tbe right. he.. are of the Eno,. ex 0 . 1,i ,, enaruet..l 1..- trodue:lon. are idso offered to inen 01 wrs.,ol 11 /01, teepee...batty Whatever belong. su In, department is ample The 10101111011. therefore. ill the puithr erat t• parLcularly goltrtied no di,. branch 01 the Ace a er. C 01.11011.10,1100, by teller ore request.] to be post paid .1111`.7 II ANI FALBA!, s WM,' street. Nev. %grit t at ?TIMM'. tO Hon Chas l' Daly, Jude Cl' Comm°ll ! F lea, N Chas. Car - Ridge & Co • & J. T. Tar.eolt. R A Ricicett•. Flag. Edward Schroder. C.nrtnneti lota ' A. Patch), ES.4 Pre• L Rutchtti BAtik likolatu y i.dtawyt.o&ra BRICK VOR SALE Tlll-: uoderatgned ode!, lor sale a auperior artiew of hnek for budding. made by ha. Steam l'rerr, Improved machine. for winch hr , ,htatneda patent. and agrees TO ove purchaser.wrlttrn guarantee :114t they are rtronger. and win fr.lrl troat awl wet wretn er and Inll , l4cie” Footrturr or darnonr.r than at Lnek. poosenstng greater hod,' and .dper.or trytury add moth tnore durahle rt rrN rat, tql , , being •objertni to pre r.urr ot .rvr ra, tots, and ,a_r•- •csadot a handumnr •nlooth .oriarr and evrr tor Ina), n trtro d, 14, !• ..r., hnvr iturehared A , hrt Ire at tor rt spec :mon ut the linzette other Thor, havingrtupplreti theot.elve. tor thctt . ..111;11111e•. soot ert•long hundettote trout Irnrk. or .upertor loort anti nolitl ituving bock,con übloor them IlirmEngharn,June It 1-4' New Itlnsic•l Instrument. CA./WARTS 131 /V EL NI F.LODEt 5N T 0 I H. MILLOR- No ^I Wood .trees, Las re,e, .ed and now open for •Zki, n ..tipid) , of t a•zmr, Improved potent ?lelodeons, price P. 1.. For the benefit of those resoluta at a ol.stunce, and consequently enable to tospeft he Melodeon hetet, purchasing, the follow n; dex-ripoon given. The are made ot rosevroml, and are as hand somely &tcases utted as a Piano Forte The soy-hoard 1. precisely the same as the memo or organ, the 1011, (which is very beautiful,) closely reserntoes 11111 DI the tote stop of an organ. The tnstrument can he mimed, ately made portable wulmut dotaefiing an:, port, Mc recedmg tato the hod) ot _he instrument. 11111 , 1 the legs folthug under. leavdtg the whole comp,a, t form Each Instrument ea. psclum ca and th , whole when packed weighs on'y 43 postal. se The v., Isom of to ts equal to that sal smel. organ. and by means of the sweil loop be increased or ohm/rushed et pleasure. ts sufficientlyloud for small churches, sod well calculated for a parlor Instrument 05y01 WOOD TYPE 1 - 11.6 eoarx •11.ELICAN Wooo TTVII. rarrovv. .r rrne Brloil. WILLIAM 11. II !IVAN. ISAAC M SINNER. JOHN B having ¢A !lactated themselves together under the bty In end utle of Scholcy. Ryan k Co.. for the manufacture 0( Woerl Type. and as their type a altogether made by machi nery. the Invention of Inane 51 Steger. one of the firm. they feel confoient that they otter a more perfect article of type. mid at much lower rams than any heretofore offered In the Limed Staten, and are now ready to till orders for the acme. AN orden addressed to g•ettoie). Ryan & Co. that thetr office m Diamond alley, between Wood and Smithfield streets, wilt IK punctually attended to rropnetors of newspapers,on copying dits ad• verusemeot 3 months, and vending us their paper. old he entitled to receive thou pay in type, on purchastng lIMCA the amount of their hdl for adverusing. je7gl.3. AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. 11•141111.0.. rerreaustuti WESTERN LINE °Mee at the Exchange. Baltimore. 13, EDUCED RATES —The charges have hero redo red on all Mettaages to or from Baltimore, Pot.. burgh or Wheeling, and a rorreoputithng reduction mule on all telegraphic devote he. forwarded from Bal. Whore Woo or htlahurgh. Pa. Reran—The charge for a telegraph dr.putch to or from Baltimore, Pttlaburek and A% heeling. to 15 er... for the lint len word., nod J cent. lot each addlno e oal word N‘l charge 1. rued< for the odd cc.. and 'Lena mre 1:11U/ the completion of the South Western hint of Telegraph from Memptm. Tenn to New Ortearta. dea. patch. eon forwardal to 3lempina I.) tin. route, and mailed for New Orloam. ell The Allegheny Cemetery. - Aru,':%:':,',7l,ll,7ll..°,l,ou',e,e=r.'Ve' held on re ntomly re-elected Marmarers for the enanotg gear THOMAS M. HOWE:, Pretodent JOHN BISSELL, JESSE CAROTHEILS, NATILANIEL HOLMES, WILSON NUCANDLENS, JOHN H. SHOF.NBERGER JAM}: R SPEER. J. FINN., Jr., Secretary and Treasurer Theannals! statement pre sente4 the nth,. of thr Comport I • verY F... .Porous rooditton The, nißec in the city Is No. 37 Water street ,e 1,2 COUNTRY MERCHANT% CAN SAVE trona LA to trr per cr. Iff ;w • ha-oto their OIL cLorits &reef mom the Mann r. •ure r• POTTER & CARMICHAEL have opcm..l w re • house, N 0.135 North Third street, above 0 0l door South of the Eagle Hotel. PIIIIJUII,IIIA. they will always keep Olt hand at complete ....o to of Potent Elutte Cordage thl Cloths. 2".. JO. lo Pt. !- and 54 Inches wide Figured. Panted. and P,nift. of the Lauda.. OD M.llll Drilltng and I.nonf l'al,te 111 Cloths of the most destrzahle patterns .at. 4, to a:.t.51 Incites wale. Floor 00 Cloths. morn '2- niche. to 21 te..l wade well seasoned. and the newest •I) le Si pattern.. all of their own manufacture. Trun.purenf onion: Shades, Carpets. At: All good, warranted tnytadan ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION 48 LINE. s i t:❑reratti ' m n e d tV ' rTlL m otm " htu n t " t t li d e ; b :nr " Teu l. ::; daily. Produce and merchandise taken at low rete• Merehandtse from Baltimore brought out at Canal rater. Tame, five days. 2 C BIDWELL. Al, Water et, 2 doors above Alonghi Mum Plush u rgh 2LI ROBES ziON BOE.IOI. inyt7 22 South Charles st. Battnnorr DERRY & NICKERSON Manufacturer% or AWNINGS, SACKING NOTIONS, O. 3114 South Front Strert, Back of 7 A. Wilson's Cabinet Ware Manley PIIILADELPIILA: ALL orders left selth S s. Moon, at the °thee orthe Merchant's Hotel, Ihtmborsh, smii hepromptly attended to. 'yip IS. II DKRRY scolds-die A. C NICISY:RSON . ORIGINAL .110LIVAR BRICKS. , UXPERIENCED Judges, on a trial ot one art and a halt .12., millions, since 11.45, pronounce this icle übsor passed lor durability to the construction of all knnl, on Furnaces, Price cash for loads 410 M. guar mowed nine months use Orders to ti second qualits Bolivar Bricks will be exeoated ul VA, per M, i n so d e , sired, without guarantee A stock on the tir.t quabt, is now for sale at the warehouse, •Sloann, Wlintri,' Cs sal Rasa,. by J SHAW NIA CI.AR.F:N. sepia' Kensington Iron Rork. PHOENIX FIRE LIFUCKS—he subserthers having been appointed sole Agents by the manufacturers. for the wale of the celebrated - tin:ems lirick•," are now prepared In h!I order. lot y Pll cash. per I,DOU For haveuctio or !urn.," all knulz, these bricksbecn pronounced by eon.. parent judges as being superior lo all other fire brlelk• now in use. C A AI'ANULTY A Co, Carnal Basin inpAl N:OU STEMS BOATS P ORTABLE BUlllik:9—A very convenient amen, lklimes and all the forst yen be earned by the ban. dles by two teen. A few tuLt ter 'd and ur net •L w e lt riIILOGY ON JOHN QUINCY ADAAIS-01./envered /Bay 11th. 11•43, the Stem' 'louse or the Siste Ward, rist•burght •IL M. Breekenridpe rubUsbed by JOEL "STUN & srocK FON and for sale by all she Booksellers in the etty 173 ES--40 qr casks and 93 Ind. bbl, Pon, Sweet and Alatletra Wtues, eoraprtuns saute very etusice and superior brands, received and or sale m secommedat bat ug Nem, by briyU W MI THEE, 160 Ilbetw It MEDICAL: CONSUMPTION, Arottma, Bronethro, Spittuth Wood, Path In the Sole and BrelthL Sore Throat. lithit , ouess, l'alpththon ni .e Heart %Whooptrig Cough. Croup. Myra, rvout Tremont, laYer Comilla. and Dwn.ont are ratheally cured by EMMWEEMiiiiiI t. mild and panes.. to the ULM, perfectly safe and I/I 115 operations, and yet a is one in the most power:al 11./111 ee newt remedies or Consultive/on or the Las d , Cough!. !'hid.. Asthma, Spitting Blood. Liver Complaint, Palos 1.1 the Side or Brew, end general Debt: sty of theConsunmea. that vas ever tuventrd by the! of man lor the retired!' ton allticted public Certificate. and evedeetee• its ...Indere! torture [...wen are daily recelved man ell quarters. It tna pe...l,, In ronceive the aggregate et sulfering and nits •ry Mat has :teen relieve, or b anis b,i by i i, nor eau ealculate the unmeline bettelit that shah accrue from it hereafter All ages, mans, out etthfUthilOtlll are cake it:reined by it, and the theease .• eradicated from the .. the rouse/nen. repaired, and health ret owedrsieln by the use of Da. Swat 'girt Coate, no SYRUP or Wu.n t'lnfaar. How m sufferers do we daily bee ho.d approaching to un unumely grave. wted, in the bloom of youth. from thetr relat,Wes cadinetp res ds, welt) that fatal :naiad) ,•CONSUMPTION. wihtch • the um...rattle sufferer mint het ts beyond the power 01 human skill. Ii such surfer,* would only inaleea trial al Dr Swayne's Compound Syrup of Weld Cheri.. they would hod therntelve. sooner relieved 0.11 11,y gulping the v tneffecuve remedies with *Melt our newspaper ous abound; this 'Vegetable Rema. dt' hems the nlcerated lauda stopping proms* night .wents. at the tome tune induciirg natural and healthy expeemranon, and hr patient will soon find tnmself in the ethl:l ment ofcomiortablr health. 'roe public should Lear in mind that Dr Swayne it a regular prarldung physician, and has had year. orexperience in diseases of the Lung.. Chest_ de Theenortginal and only Ern to aniete ne only prepared lift SWA VN E. N cor nere of Eighth and Rare streelltirhiladrlpletu ANC/THERM/01E cErtriFlCArli. Of the cure. that ha. ever been rtcorded, we may safely say the annals of medicine cannot furnish one to surpass Mi., .w stands as a live ua prom uf the curabdery of rowminpuon. even when hie had been despaired of Dr. SWX y nen Compoudd Syrup or Wild Cherry is an it professes iu be, Use greatest medicine le the known world. The True ktritokr of Lrfe 1.1 Health. Dn, So AvYa—llear Sir—Fur We good of the public, I feel my +elf ot duty bound to .trtify to the great out, veloch your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry periorm cd on me. For my part. I feel n. if every body ought to know 11. I was. arlbcted with a vtoleut cough. sp ttng of blood. night sweats, hoarseness, and scautd of the voice m alarmutg state of me M. 0., my appettre wasgone, mud my strength had m Car Pal ed run that my Irma. and physician were perduaded a ne would not sum, an das. .31 sister, ve was my care.taker m made In y quiry 4 where she . would be likely to procure the most certun re/tel. She w. told that ti Ile Swaytte s Compound Syrup of Weld Cherry tatted in the cure. my Mlle was Men hopeless. Your MettlCOlt was numedt aterocued., and he brat bot tle gave relief, and by Me ly l i mo I T had commenced t the stxth bottle. my cough had 101 l me and my strength Seam much Improved. In short, 1: u. ad, a pet cure of me. cud I an al In. 00 hearty geem I wuh, and have good reason m believe that me use of your rnedteme has saved me loom a premature grave I shall be pleased to give any m m foranon respecung my case. I NI a.m., al cheek.. et. between race . 11 vn tests, Piffle_ C A L7lO AV CA CTIUN'.' Consumptives. Read' Read' Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild'Cherry. In about We year 1'37, I Wand it necesry W my profcsalonal practice. to compound a medicin sa al prepar anon tor diseases of We chest nod lungs, possessing more powerful healing properties than any other hith erto known for such datetwes. In my COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY; I have been very suc cessful The trulyasmawhing cures effected by my medicine soon spread its tame abroad; for It owes none of its surcese tu manufactred nespaper pad for ged certificates—the real in u trlnsic w ultras of my. or com pound we only cause of as popularity. Its extenstve role soon excited the envy of certain speculaMrs in the whictions alas fellow creatures, so much to that in et Iris y or. from the woe that my preparation was Intro duced to tic public and S/I great demand. a firm in this cny finding that toy preparation had gunned a high reputation tor co lt. curative properties. came out with tlnatory ailed Dr W starsi Balsam of %VW! Cherry. respermlne and popular phystthan had no more will, the article than poor Sum Patch The non. of In' Wistat its attached to make It appear that this two it prartannier WWI the original inventor of the pre pit web n.not We Met 'roe above firm_ tile inn te- a. in e. ventor. sold W e recipe and righyo Itufurture to ..onie pawn ein. l2l It t lll/1.1 tor tue W.t and Noma. and ationicr in New ork we we, who afterwards. it is asserted. sold out to a druggist ea Boston—nein.' number of :lands Jim It may have changed is tot magma_ Insome player. thr assert it emanated from a phr• memo to Philadelphia, wother, Iron a physician tit Maitsuelimietts So it Mu tallwhotsd atid stratagem %ramped Ist every feature. Three have Ocen u number of other preparations par. porting to column Wild Cherry put out tuner, from the of Inexpertener, winch the public should guard moons, as the' contain no of the mules of the origi nal and only genuine preparation. vehteh bears the sig nature 01 Dr Ssvoyele on each bottle. T he present 41111.11• C wren; at their studs and false eeruhcams have the dal mg till - outer> to caution the public against pur chasing my medicate. the only truly genusue sad ortg, nal prvparatton of Wild Cherry before the public, which". proved sauslactortly by the public records of theCotnnionwea:th of Pettus, Is mon. as Well as van- MI, ONO/ OtrICIII/ a0,1111C1.. SWAY V . :. Invetor 1111 d 'me Proprtetor 01 ,the pawns. Com pound vu rap of Muhl Cherry, venter of Eagath and Re. e .Ireent. l'uladelphot Pamphlet. ran hat atattmetl grata, .mnitte forth an rat nap al t on. men ac Vl l u,rtat Comp...sal rt, \Ca., aml gattale. Mat a.. nta} tal Parana... Me mmitt at. mitt an mazy For *4.. whn.e.ale cool rcool. by the Arent. \VM MorLet OI.DEN a .S.NO‘VIJEN. corner %%004 •ce. JUNK :5.1,0 Ltherty LI A FAIINI- , 10C1i . . S Co.eortter of nr., ood Wood and Stx IVoal, mod J1..)1111i NirreitEu, A:lrglosey toy DR. JAYNE'S ALTERATIitt. We have been .nformed by %In Rose of a core per formed on her by Ur. JayveN Alterative, which proves its shoes:only over every other remedy of the Lod She hasiseen afflicted for the last sixteen years won NECRUttian or Will rE attended w:iu ulcerations and enfo, alien of verbena bones, do. Nag which time many pieces have been dtscharged from the motel bone of the entnom, from both her arms, wrists and hands, and from both legs, and from the left iv.: oral lone, and from the right khee, besides patrafal ulcers on other parts of her peivon, which have baffled ths 4k II of number of the melt eminent physicians of our e.t —during most of the time her suffenngs have been e ZVI ng .d deplorable About three months since sne was Induced to try Dr. Jaynea lteraL•c, igno-ti has had an usuntistbmfly happy effect upon her, by remov,ng all pa.n and swgllings, and causing the nice, 10 he al, while at the same tune her general health has become complete] y restored, so that she now weighs LS ins more than she did before she commenced the use of in, truly valoabh. prepation.—Rset Eve. You. For further information, wonm of bits Rose, No. lIR3 Ellhet t st, Phlltalelpitta. - . For ear Ylnnhargh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 71 F 0 ,1113 nt near Weal. S. UL, J . 4k , 0 AIN R : 1 1.: n S U n t i i. l olU L..0,0U.5p SWELL multip li ed whether in that of King's Evil, enlargements o the glands or bones, Goitre,'White Swellings, Chronic Rheu matism, Cauer, diseases of the Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary Consumption,iernanate from one and the name cause, which is a Avonom pnociple more or less inherent in the human system. There. fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, no tadi cal cure eon be etlected, hot if the principle upon which the disease depends, is removed, a cure must of necessity follow, no matter under what torte the disease should manifest itself. This, therefore is the reason Wk., i•TNE'S ALTF.RATIVc is so um versally alleCedsthl in removing PO many malignant disease. It destroys the virus or principle from wine., those &senses have their ongth, by entering into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed to the minutest fibre, removing every p.rticle of disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No. 1.; South 'Third Street, Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. "e 2 Fourth stree. Pittsburgh nach3l LADIES Who Use Common Prepared Chalk, sere often not assure how feighually .11)..11141. t is to the skin! how coarse, how rough, how ) chow, and unhealthy the skin appears after aslng prepared chalk! Litanies, it is Lammas, contatatng n large onar toy of load. We have prepared a benottlal vegetable artmle, which we call JONES'S SPANISH LILY WHITE:: It is perfectly tunoc.t.heingpuruSed of all delitermus qualities; and it imparts to the Min a nat. sal, healthy, •lahaster, clear, limns white, at the earns time &Meng as a cosmeue on the skin, making aeon and smooth. Dr. James Anderson. Praeucal Chemist of Almelo chase.. say, - After anal yo.q; .loiles's Spanish Lilly White, I find it pato:goes tilt moat beautiful and natu ral, at the same time innocent waste I ever saw. I certainly can conmtennously recommend its use to all whose skin requires beautifying." IQ - Price 25 cents a box. D., - 'Sold by Wll JACK:10:1, at his Boot and Shoe Store 89 Liberty street, head of flood, et the sign of the RI hoot. 128 Ladies. ladies. asioni shed,. %V bon you know that you arc pro good A natural, kte-hao, gnowy white, That you will still use eommou Ow • , And look a deathly' ycliow [right. The tome of laughter and of talk If you would UPG a box or /ONE'S Laly•whtte, tt would pee your skin an alabaster yet natural what, and at the wane Lane clear and - Improve It. Sold at JACKSON'S, tel Lama) tt Prtee stl cents per bon. re yf4 PAPER WAREHOUSE• O. 9.8U1LL130 BLIP, NEW YORK. IrRUS W FIELD offers for sale at the lowest Manufacturers' prlces. a very a...rt.., .90, incto of PAPER. compinsmg c very p0 , ,et.1. varmty, adapted to the WO.IIII of Consumers In all ar^t.ntle of the country Paper of all I, nds made to order st .Lori 1 isc stock of PRINTING PA PER I. WILL. • pert of whwit of vcry qual.ty PAPJECR MAKE.Ii s siA•ricitiALs of every descripuon. invoticd .d too callow wl on boo vtz : FelOng., ar ream. FoJr,lnn,er ng Powder, Mur l'ltraortame, Tw.r, rl.O RAGS 4 Rop, Gross Rope, tios6 c. r purchased. 101 . who.h h,ghosi pi. Cos:1 vs.:. he ;bold Newor.Jr. • . Dr. W. P. Isiluied•• Premium Plaster. W P INE.A.N D. IJI the ledival College 14 adriphia. now ad.r. to the public his Indian Yeg. rtatile Presillon Pia.iter. the qualm., to whirl, all, long and tried cape e. hni aeon sanefactoril) sih shed 'r. rol Women Who ntay 'pa afflicted wish Prolap.o. Pieria or Fallen lVoniti, rreorninencii his plainer, iio•rnoterina .ure apeeely cure in toe .hurt lov, OZ 'root nw u Ilse , woe". it applied won care and n:1 COU/ILLGIi mint rapen,ve tooeince• eii .oe. in tote. rriu. he feel. rotoirienuoul oi inainnucti die lee ha. not (ailed in 01, cane oat ol iiirec bandied and hity•ilitoe pa. I.ICII, Al.° fOr and "rak firm.: or 13aek. at• Irlleind WI1:1 pool. itierr I. notions to r. 1,1 tut. Plo•tor ol afford., rrlo•cor etleconz a curr For N‘ ox. corner ol Dialatni.l and Nlartrt•t 1/(.111Ii ItrUcr •• 1.00. rt, and St C.,or Sof,. •• Frdera. ot and lhookotoltA.k. enrol' co) Jtte Lknman and Diamond. I& ham. A Challenge to the World. I'l'- FIVE DOLLARSvent be paid to any one 1 who eirfa procure a 901 01 point. Creel; or dry, that e ,,,, n 0t ar teamed Ito t+. Improved Clem teal .040. DC the sausiar ~at tit irg to the I,noiale of :L., ;flag' , •.1. I: .12 , 1 by toy , .lopfort , torat r Von., tat, pi,en. 0,1, pn.n,. or oar inner greasy aub atonee. from ail kinds of kent•emen s or clothing, earpets, mlile cloths, memo shawls, lathe.' bonnet., be. 'canna% -Mundt wayt/ung that pure water wili not injure. Moro than one thommod persons „t different parts of the country have told Inc they would not be without it, It Coat one dollar per - cake. In trying Oats Soap on Moro than 300 Oft.c:e4 of light stika. •auns, al. pace., mad calicoes, I have only found three pfeces or stlk, two of alpacas and (oar of caneo. on which it chunged the noise; therefore before putting it on n light dress try • maple of the dress first , I elate thm roca ause I sm deternimed riot to recommend it anY sa , allcr than I know to tie strictly Iran N II Hoer. 101 Clm percale. Sold, wholesale sad retail by E den 24 57 wood at TEAS-QI Itiff chews H Ten, 30 do do Intpenal do 3u do do (rampowner d :lo dotdo black do, 3u cat, ty has Comport/net' and 1' u. *tore and for eat. lOW .• H/C. WN • CULBEirnicaz MEDICAL , CiREAT CUBS, w We 0(41 armed by 3 174•10 .04 crln Aand ceonme Laver ?W, prepared Lad aold by a a Moms.' FACTO., Weeticamethad Co, Italy 1911, 1847. ' 5 Mr R. E. Slam seem of May toyoa and thmeiMad induce, no to add my bumblit sow:am:lm faros of y0gi:1.5.31y eelehrated Cher Pals I ham &t0...6d doing m for plan, Mhentag to Dory Crockett l / 2 maxim, R. mire ym are nytht, then go ahead. '• Moo of the many fasparation• of capon. mi/ quacks, lauded the skies, ham gunk into ohErviaa.hato your Laver Pith ham been offered to thit pahtle. and, indeed, I belies. they NI -moo. them all," im they am jaat what you represent them to M. I ham boos abided with Lim Comp, am ! f r om my youth; !tam =faro! muck etripkpid mmy emineat phrociout, to whom I paid much money; hare 100 much bhod b.mroamed and phyateked almost to death; mood bor n' tunes, and finally glen op as isoutalith. A. I I wm uaduced to try your Liter Pita , and SOON COT IV ELL. One boo of tomb Lriarrir oakum la loop tow clear of paw /12 the eula, and all tho other symptoms, fur al brut IA motto. Tour Pill. me Om the best cathartic I ever mod, hem; mild, not griping or goetog much mimeo, at the stoea lei, hat pre OM moeb olief I hove kept them in My .tar. fur I ur 7 years mid hmdrod. of hazer, and ham moor heard a stogie complaint tittered by my on. who haa oak them. They ham soperceded ala i .. fi ery odwr thie mnfhtorhood, and in • short time will housh them W. earnestly noosomengs them to all proms dung physic, whether for Laver Complaint or BiLltmas Affections. 1 mo uth, them far enpirios to Woad orlhe Blue PRI. Respect fulCA ly your., J Matsu UTION—As there 1. other Pith briar. the public cacao Lim e Filth pow.. who Want thg ENUI NEthoold ask for and take no other than those propored and told by LL E SELLERS, No S 7 Womf-es between Third and Fourth held by Eir.Cmart, Filth Ward, U M Ceuta, Allegheny . Ilydropathy, or the Water Cartes TNOCTOIt MORRIS return. his samara .1) thanks to the mums. Pittsburgh and Allegheny chi) for the eery liberal support and encouragement he has received within the last me months That the Wit ter cure should myorre such celebrity, is neither arrange r mystenous.when it is coimilered how great a numbe of cases of every variety of dmeams, both acute mil chrome. have been cured by ti Judicious use of it lu Germany, where it ongnialed, sin thourend of the worst eases that were given up by the most skil ful pis) siciaua hompe incilrabie, wen, cored by the immortal Prieualli, the founder of the IVater Cure. In Kurland. France and America_ thousands of hops less cases have been eared by it, and the numerous HydrOprithie ealliblishrliens tow to successful opera tion in the United States, speak volumes in tato; oldie Pr 7l.CrThirrie haring pegirtmently established himself in the city of t Puurih. three doom soutbweat of Ir mo. alley. o Penn street, is now prepared to MIMI t number of boarders and treat them at his house, and those who prefer being treated at their own dwellings, will be putictindly and faitlifulty attended. Ile may be consulted ills other front I o'clock till 3P. std from 7 to loin the eVelillig B —Every vry of baths mode use of to he Wuter ear, both for ane ladies and gentlemen, eau be ob tained m the Athensum. on Idberly street, where they hate alnvallitc been put. . reeently., and erecte where d fur allentson will the express use of Hyt every be given by the whir mid auctitme proprtetorx Great English medy. h.z.NCie il , s. Asthma and Re Consumpuon! The ) ONLY 111 , -11EDY for the cure of the above dtwases, is the 11UNI:AltIAI)1 BALSAM OF LWY_ discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of London, England. and introduced Into the United Slams under the Immediate superintendence of the invemort The extraordinary success of this medmme in I cure of Pulmonary. dise ase., warmed the American Agent in whetting for treatment the- wont possible e•s sea that can be found an the community—cases that seek relief invain from any of the common remedies of the day. end have been given or by the most di.= ph ysimans as confirmed and incurable. The an Balsam hascured, and will rare, the most dewarde of caws_ It is no quack nostrums bat a standard Ettg• rise Inethcnie. of known and established eilficacy. Escry faintly in the United States should be sapplied with Buchan's 'lima - arum Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the consumptive tendeneles of the c but to he used as a preventive medicine in all ras h = colds, coughs. spit Moon, ting of MO, pain in the side and chest. sadsoreness of the lungs, broad* u difficulty of breang. hectic fever, night sweats, emaci ation and general debility. asthma, in fl uenza, whooptag cougn and croup. SOid in large bottle.. at 91 per laoule, with MI dine aorta for the reatorauoti of health. • Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and Amen can certificates, and other evidence. showing Minn equalied merit. of Ihl, great Engiish Remedy, may be ootmned of the A 4 ,11.. gratuitously For sale by b A TAFINEXPOCK & Co., corner of st and Wood and Wood and dth sts. snaM DR. JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BAJLMAII ROM the Rev ASA SHIN N, a well known andpop • ins Cleipllll. Or the Protestant MnWodlet Church The undersigned havtog been alibcted du ri ng the pant ismer with a disease Male stomach, sometimes pm ducang great pain in the stomach for ten or twelve hoots without intermission, and alter having tried •arions remedies with little effect, was furnished with a bottle of Dr D Jayne'. Carminauve Balsam. This he aged ac cording to the direction., and found invariably Matting nacditine caused the pain to abate in three or Run min. tame, and in fifteen or twenty minute. every uneasy sensation wan entirely quieten The medicine oral at. mover& used whenever indicationsof the approach of pain were peremved, and the p.m was thereby prevent ) lie tont/lined In oat the medicine everyevening and somenmes an the morning, and m a few health was en far restored, that the sufferer was rolje• ed from a large amain of oppressive pant. From es perience therefore, he can confidently reeommend D D Jay in , . Caron nauve Balsam, an a salutary medic its for d seases of the stomach and bowels. A tilliftlND l . ingheFty ,Jy3l rot sale A Vat•burgh •t the PV-IslN !EAei ty ATOR • 72 Fourth street,near Wow, and .1W II theDnyy Stern or ti V SCHWARTZ, Federal urea, Allestihruy Poxlf" our Blood. MI.L. 0. E. SIIILEN —Lie. Sir: Last Sprin and da tering presnous Willies, wverely with a Serefilloas sonar:taint an Lay legs, and had both for some mouths under the care of physics.. may stud my ease was almost incurable, and they could do but Unit for me. I was nearly he but with the sud of crutches could with didlenlty get about. In May las. I purchased of you, and commenced using Ban iisSearaltillisi. Alter the use of two bottles, dm sores commenced healing, and I laid aside my enrich es, using only a cane. I dispensed as my cane, and at the end of the foftrth, was so well as to as all day tn shearing sheep. in all, I used five bottles. Bat scrofula and awes have all healed ap, and sin. la. s umme r I have wen no appearance of the disease, but have continued, and am now, in the most perfect heal th . I stale end: confidence, hoping that others may be ban efitted in the same way, that the Sarsaparilla sold b yyou. h. been the means and the only means of effesn: mg tile cure. CORNELIUS J. ROM For sale wholesale and retail b dAte R. A. FiIt&ESTOCE a Co cot.' front F. wood eta, & also comae wood &Mists F/NE PRsIi.PVIRIZILIf Cream do' Ands Amens', for .heals` Cram a la Rose, tor shoving, Almonde Cream, doi Superfine Rouge,. POreeillin snout. Elegant se.t bags, perfumed with Lavender, A ogle terse AIME ileasuffal powder puffs, of all parer s; Eni.ased tend beses, e1...w yes Magian( eitlliela for the haffutkambiel ; seem bag. and Wort Soaps, sell able for presents. Pei lean, Or Chinese powder. Ind:an vegetable hair oil, Beues 0:1, in faller. conunori wrappers, (raw steel ed); J"m'' &mtt; Nymph Poop; /late L.p taive; bitch neap; blabs .oapi together ante a great varlet, Grupe perlamerr Met ;seemed; for sale by BA PAtINESTOCK &CO nolt3 cor am A. brood ina Pailinomairy Balsam. gI'ESES ftliED a CUTLER-1 feel it a duty I .011. owe to my fellow creatures, to state something more respeetnag your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam Since I first needthe Balsam, about eleven years go, the happy effect of which I then Fan an account I have bail several saran, complaints and attacks at my lungs, one a few days since, and In every Instance I have used the Bahiam alone with complete and puieet snare. It has effected relief and cure In a vary few de} s It is certainly a safe modicum. Ido not knew that it will cure a fiend consumption, but I believe it 1611 be in many eases a preventive, and prevention is honer than cure; I do therefore, for the love ot'=- w '" earnestly recommend the use of this l i o nallpry =opium. I tunconfident that It has been the means of preserving my lily to this day. Bomou June 11, '4B BENJAMIN PARSONS For sate by B A Fahnestock. & Co. corner dratend waod and also corner wood and oat tal9 Q ELLER IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP.—It has l 0 power to cure' Prrisaturon, Feb 14,1947 R a SaiLara —My wife boo for years been subject tTic a c d o i ffrac c :l ° ;l7 ,- sr,: d ., - .. t) 4h - f= s , r W had the advice of the meat eminent physician in England, bat all was unavatling By chance I heard ot Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to boy a bottle for veal, although I had no belief that anything auld remove her complaint To my great surprise, two doses Fave her immediate rebel. She is at Linea troubled with a cough, but two teaspoonsful of Syrup always stops IL I am .tinged, after a trial of three or lou r med Seevl e le r r 'sn Comu Syrup the O lde otcough /Jew World. Wa. Fantsormine, Seventh Ward, city of Putsbingh The above ceruLcate should induce all who are troubled with cough or asthma, to give the Syrup a ari d. It may be had for 25 cents a bottle, at the drug more of R E SELLErts, dr wood Sold by Dr Cassel, ath ward, and D Curry, AIM. gbeny cut tool Patent Block Bprl.g Trona, IM I ;WLY I h VENTED—For for re her and Permanent ittre of HERNIA or RC rruith: (Soiled to all of sapcnor claims of this Tram run.l.t in the tea. aurcime Cali With which it may be worn. The pad of wood lining neatly balanced on sprusgs, yields to pres sure MI an) purl of it, and thoroughly adapt. /ualt any movement made by the weak, li can be Worn without intermission, until a aura it c dented- The sal.- ..diem have made arrangement. for the unnulaetias or those salable Trim..., in a superior style, in PIM.] ip u. anave Mem now for min si Meir office, Na. n, ..111fir i d dh It near Sloth, Pirt.urgli. NEU WATT, )< M. K A UFFMAN. S F.L.L r EftS u d ' FIRMIFIA, k:— . Sapa roar io any I have CiltiLlitANT}.. Fayette county, Pal, March 4, '414. Mr K. E. Su-Leas -Iherobrf °cull . ). that I tray. ;mod your Vermaage LH IMmly, sad belleve neoal not Aupenor LO WU, h•Ve CVO, Ulltti. I Rave wore of my , rroldron one dwe, which expellmi about 90 worm.. Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, 57 Wood sr Said by IS Eadsel, SP, Ward, L M Curry, Allegheny, tY J Slant, Ternper.eevllle; ant Y Dray°, Lan— reneerdie my 4 YRINGE---An um:mutant Just reed sn4 for sat 0 tly tstyB J KIDD Is Co PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, YL I, .lITILIED DAILY, THI-w LEKIS b. SY EIIEL Y As hie (inane Bulldases, 3d EL, Elm. Ow Post KATES OF ADVERTII3/ri. One t nteroon of 111 line., or It.. $0 50 '1... L use i'llons withoutalEcraLon. 0 '75 Three ' ..... ..... 100 " •• One Wee). .... ...... 150 • ' " Two Wee lot ~.. ...... T. 50 three •• " - ..... .... 300 . One M0uth,..... .... 4 011 6 00 750 Throe Li - Longer Advertlielneota In same proportitm One Agorae, 0 mouth, without alteration,— 10 00 Each azhilttunaal ...pare fore months • IS " 10 00 U. s.leare, n wenths, renewable at pleasure, 15 00 •• •• a 20 00 Each additional square for 12 m0nth.,,,,,,,.10 00 Two squares, 6 months, re'vrable at pleasure, 30 00 Each additional square, b months, 8 130 PLEKLY OR TRI-WRIIILLY IN DAILY COSINE. One square. 3 Insertions, SI 60 •• " each additional .. 111 e. c . rtto . 31 . Fly; lines or let., one year. ....... ....... 6 00 Lit months . 6 03 one yenr, daily & weekly, 10 00 • " " 111 months " •DILLTIBIWYNTS IX WOOLLY AAAAA . For to lines, or len, One insertion, 7.5 " " Three, I UV Three menrlia, APO Six . 600 Twetv• 06 MG=