ill/W[llBON b. C.Agents for Si. Loom .Sl=l2 :Lagar Refinery, No. 45 Water and Si Front strew, Pitiaburgh, P., bare in ,torn the following aa. ..41nettl Of rernsed Sugar. for rale for 5 bra double refined large Loaf; 1060 bbls Not 21, ; 6, land 13 small do; 250 do Powdered; 130 do Crurh r J . r__o clarified. m3l, SIPSDRIELD - Sad; .arh, branded Si Steele Son. Liverpool; 30 do do do Jame, Masprait & Sarin, do; Sro bags Rio Coffee; SOS boxes 7re, @ZIG and 10114 W Clara, for rale by JOHN GRIER., Ithesy at 1011 1 .:LVERIZEDLDAP SUGAR-140 Md. Nos 2. 4, 4 and? LAW' Suzan tr, half eases Levering's don dlo refilled do do,• 40 bbls Lovering'. coarse pulverized do do; 20 do pulverized do do jaM reed and for sale hilLLElitc FUCK ETSON ETV ORILHANS SUGARS AND MOLASsiEg__4oo N bhda pnme N 0 Sugar; Eau Lb!. N 0 Molasses, 400 do intoned Nos Loaf Snore, in store .d for sale by 617 ' fIANALEY & SMITH, IS and 2u VitESH FINE CDT CHEWING TOMACCO--At. Millers and Jno Anderson'. Just reed and for side by HEALD, BUCKNOR & Co, 41 north water and 16 north wharves. te24_ Philadelphia 1 A b RA .,6 ! . ...MA F TOBAC . C o r d )-394 ..peri tk o al,es ueen Irainks 3 tura jeer lancrseg r inan brig Althea :l obe; ) 11, - ; rate by I'l 4 BUCKNO44& Co ("AMMAN YIPE. 4-41.44 b. alld 3 gross German 47 ,pipes, wetbunt bowls. just Iwnling • Wow pkt and corsets, by jeX4 ° HEALD, BUCKNOR &Co FlBl, Craw, llallartore, MA, wm be glad to biro orders from Id. friends to Pitaburgh sfid elsewhere, fur the purchase of shad and Herrings du Hui; the season. Orders executed with d.pateli, and at Watsat noes. Charges (or purchasing light_ ntarl9 YKO/Nilbfitln&MF-26 boxes double refined large Lou; 446 I' , " '2, 4, 6 6, 1 rukd 8 mall LOW, tab s crashed; 1.7.1 bbls powdered; 2, M. caulked; la mare and fur sale by JAAES A DITICIIISON & Co, naar69 Agents fit Louis Steam Sorer Refinery . • • - Lnroz A R—ld tails Cineli“l2l.l Vinetsr, pure. I and y Int from suns Lewis Vet:el, and tor sale by jy IP %VESTON DOWEN. o front st CICITTON.PEATFIERS AND WOOLLTti bales Cot lota lb sack. Feathers; I do Wool for sale by hylPIP,* OORN,N._ Q PIRITS TURPENTINE—Di Ibis Spirits torso KJ pine, just received on C013.1601111e0( and for sale by SRN R Y C cos sth st insel‘n! ay!, 'ICI IPTIO tierces fresb ff:r sale by PIPES AND PIPE HEAD:Z.—Et) ban W law Pipe lag do Stone Pipe Heads, for side by BAGALEY & SMITH L OIL- " ,L;17 1 O gA ' Z n e d PAYTT3L ' I ? r " I - 1 " SULAR HOUSE, NI/LASSES-1W bl/Is a H /Hula. •as. &upend, quality, bow lauding au4 for au a b) ;5'14 HAtiALEY &ISM! 100bbla new to J Jloeherel new lancing and for sale by jyl4 HAG& LEY & I\TO. I, d TWIST TOBACCOc r 1 .1 8 , ke b r loading from .11 steamer Yam:Emma load f aid DALZ ELI. TARY PP-ACHES—SO bushei• recetemg per ;ieeme. 1,/ Feint:m=l.Pd for sale low to claw eoumpumem jfai JAMI I)A I.Z ELL ECIAF9--103.000 Kentucky Scram, ieceired os 0 commission and for safe by _ .1714 OW COCHRAN, 93 wood st MWATillblllB—Prirne article on band and An sale by 17 , 4_ (11:0 COCHRAN SODASII-15 auks btu blueprint Pone' fire y Patent Soda Aati, iu store and (or sale by .114 W A IR 111/TCHELTREF., 160 liberty at I)LEACIIING POWDER-03 casks of les(unman &So.' first quality Chlands of LIM, for sole hr) /114 if h M ItIFFCHELTREE /0 COFFEE—IS 4 bags prime, reed and for .o e oy R JY I 4 FRIEND. FIRM - A. Co. Ll' water st VI ACKkIREL-30 bias oevr No 3, reed nnJ for de /XL by . JYI 4 FRIEND. RH EY &Co DER SKINS-300 lbs for sole low Lo close consign- UM M. Ibl 4 FRIEND, RHEY h. Co rf t;l:l2%-l7socks Fwgra, I TO 4asi m l i n , V i l .d .1)1 3 70 front st -----. r_I_INSENC7 5 nteka Ginseng, Just landlng and f .ales — _lY 13 WESTON BOWEN i - F LOVR-61 bbls in store and for sole by jyl3 ISAIAU DICKEY & Co, from st rreirmtuc ACID -- 100 lb. for sale by .1 103 pIRON-IIRON-100o—loo tons. Ohio Furnace Hot Shut. art A. king per Ilirggolth 60 tons Brooklyn Sumac tho. Hut /Own, for sole by HURLIRLDGE, WILSON ac Co, Water St 10 METAL —5O tons cold blast Charcoal Metal landing from mmal boat BB Vincent, and for sal Jyl2 JAMM DALZELL, 24 maim st DEER SKINS-3 bundles Deer Ski7l.7ll7surre and Tor sale by JOS JAMES DALZELL Bt OZZJl . P.J—Co rsa,l : w nt:' , ) , - 0 red oboe alct:Loingntltel, JANIk-S DA I.ZELL - LILY Nk.TTS—A small lot, toed colors, for sale or ry loss, at 133 Wood at /Yl2 31jcINERAL WATER CORKS-7 boles of a superio quohty, nreeircd and tor rale by 711 BRAUN & REITF.R VIAL bale of • small lo.e, for rale bl JyitBRALN & !OUTER • ITIAI.. CORKS-3 Ltura of o large for sal! I.] a V jyo liii•LN RuTilt lytatc L cull fp;4lls, of a superor qualay, re i..6y C a r l t ' y TARTAR-2 bbl. for .ale === RN-1711 bu. Shelled Cow, le.i reed and for .ale by nil ar. CULBER7rIO:4I ANILI4.I HENCP—II/bd. Lan reed and for sale by 1511 _BFLO‘Via h CULJ3ERTSON WWINDOW (sLAS2S-11100 bs. do 10.j1V. V 12frdo 10.s14; (Su do 709; 40 doli,‘ls; 3.1 do I/ x 1.5 10 do *tzar, for sale by --- j7ll y F VON BONNHORST 3 Co IiROOIIS-23 dos crust large g h. Brooms Pn do Rochester dd; LI do Corn do; for sale by jyll S F VON SONNHOKBT & Co IRON-10 tons Nos 24 and 26. Juniata; for sale by S F VON BONN ROHM & Co DEEY-2 blils pickled; 1.51.0 lbs dried; for sale b) " 1911 S F VON. BONN HORS]' &Co NI.A.c,K.t„R,EI;7I - ;:in7.l 3 ;N . '",.Lti`Nl7,°,E4 l :&`.°' B ACON—Ira*, LW, Salta;cUO do Vboonirry. foy aalr by U'll 8 F VON ISONNEIOHST & IIALM to. for sole by 1)41 O P V.NNHORST &Co `OAP-150 bozos brown Cbilmotne. )o.p; II do No I do do su do Yellow do do Id do do No I do do 9 do limo No I do do Jost recelved and for gale by ./Tb M 11.1.111 k RICKETSON - • 1511.; 011 . :/AL--40ootri r oubdry P4h.o, (41 I tole by JY 3 FttIEND, RIIEV &Co aucka Flamm., for sale by JYa. WICK a. O4CANDLESS GLAMS --141 his Window L. 1.4; 72 do 1.0X13 doi . 43 do U. 1113 do, bat sole by & NrCAN 1111 , COLATE—Ita b. No I Norfolk Co. Cbotoratr. g„r ori do 1 , / Baker's No I caracolarei lauding and (or rare by jya BAC A. ALF:I Tr.2-4a Chen. Ifyson Tea just reed j j and for sale by jeld DULLER a RIOEETSON - - 7I I ACKEREL—r6U btla new N 0.3 Mackerel, /com a/. tag ger Canal and for safe by 1710 JAMES DA LZELL Cll6E3E—lin Ls. prime Cheese, receiving per lake !Ina 4111 d for milt i) I n JAA11....4 ELL i IREAM c4lE.FSE.—llarze & Co.' sopertor Crease A./ Cheese, equal . to any made m the United State , for .ale by . 8 & VI( 11ABIJA UGH, isr3 . 53 water and 101 frot t me GOVV-1--AX) lb* rest rec'd turd for sale by SYS . J KIDD it Co COIII I MEXL - 501.01.1amtiag and for sale by *lb I 1 C BID WELL "Dki bIe:FAL.—WIOO., Hope Furnace, oelected for foundry use; for pale by GEO A IMMO', joie ID woos at II IOFFEE-180 b. 411. Primo Rio; IS do do "JCoar.i ‘,./ Coo . ale by jeZ3 D 'WILLIAM S DlO METAL-75 tons Pig Metal, (Comberhuni Riy. A - eLy landing from steamer J J Crittenden and for sala by ingno JAMES DA LZELL 'IVO 3 MACKEREL-di bbl. reset ring per canal and 1,11 for sots by : Jet. 3 /AS LtALZELL Pl(3 AIE7AL-40 tons landing front Malt Be Witt Clinton, and for sale by ten, JAS DALzELL ___... rinntRErAiMBER-2 casks for robs by J. jertlit .9• URAUN & REITER_ . _ ri , ENRA DE SIENNA-i rook for sale by X ies , BRAUN er. Rturtat VNETLAN RED, lEnglisbl-LI casks for sale by icaS DRAIN It Rfili'Vß GRLIDSTO - NES.-A lot, of -Rainbow's" supenor Saw Brigliton tinndstoties. from No 24 to at, mot received sod (or sale by irzt DROWN & CULBERTSON M1,L . T 8 " 57 m ' h i,l'afAT. d c l l3ll . 4"lN A DROWN LI27IZIS—A lot of good quality 4:1 brown 0 , Ai Coml.{ ijoens, just opened and for ...le low. j7 lO _ ,__ ALKIANDFAtr. DAY INSEEJJ 01L-10 bids Linseed OH, Ted and for sale b • _jyto_ . _ , J KIDD& Co Ca" al TARTAR-4M lea just trod and for sale by jy DJ ... _ • J KIDD & Co . ... ._ _ • 11CILY LIQUORICF.-200 lbs on hand and for sale by J•I0 J KIDD & Co ' 1115Mr'll J..thiP- - -Ifiltlbiree'dandloi;inie by A j• 10 1 KIDD &Co . . DOWD RIIEUBAR/3—= [L.A. .1:1 Car rude by jytli J KIDD& Co w Q ALT-410 kul. Nail Ball, lauding an d kir sale SbY /T 9 Zi" 0. SCOAR-43 had. N 0 Sugar in nom and for . sale by Liyn] WMTON BOWEN, 90 (ruin p .. . AA" OLASSES--fie bib) 'Plantation' molasses for /IL by WE TON BOWEN DB OTTON-40 bales Teuneme for sale Gby WESTON DOINENI BURCKHARDT'S LARD OIL—A Urge supply. on hand nue fur sale at tbe dog warehouse of Jeri) J KI DD & Co_ LErrEit PAPER— reams (some very fine) Is) more and ins sale by jell. ItIiINOLLS & 81IER SLVILATAJS—a tans recerrinF and ler sale by feat Wier DAL,21:1,1, le Co, liberty st tes in store a ir fovsrlllll::.:7l.6wrsoN OPS- a) bales (Of We Ly .l 3 BRoWN k CULBERTSON Y ELLOW NANKINS —Two b.l.s genuine Noa kins, for gale by. re.e sit/xi:LE:TT e. w urn: ACKEILEI4-50 poi No 3, largo, Mackerel, non it al. calved and for sale by POINDEXTER k co bbli - Nos 7, t, o and 10, koutsi nue I.oaf, , 3) do Lovering's trashed and putter! zed Su.ars, for sate try mern POINDEXTER &Co . _ ENEI:A 011.--2 Lbls Seneca Oil, reed from Salina gratis and SR sole by KIER &JONES, Cann) ilaein OPLAR LUALIIRR, ant. Pine Joi n , fin wla by W. W W hta• eattnUieftrer Cheese, hi •w'e gad for malty, 004 ACAta DALZELL aCo 1848 i JVLY. I W Saturday, , C 1 Sunday. 31 ,:ditndas, I Tueschiy, Wednesday, J Thn ruin , 4 Friday, 1561 74 615 4 57 7 3 723 4 57 7 5 634 1 55 7 I 541 5 O. 7 n 10 47 5 1 556 LI 59 5 R 65. morn. PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADE Orrlca Prristataati Gazerra. Saturday Moraina. July 29,1,18. In reviewing the transactions of the market y ierday, we have nothing new to notice. Nye ob serve no important variation in the prices of any article; every thing is very quint, and sales ereen. !hely confined to limited or retail transactions. The weather continues very pleasant for the od ranted season. The river is again gradually re ced:ag, bat the depth in channel is still amply suf. iciest for all the purposes of trade. FLOUR—The demand Is rather hunted, and prices are a little disposed to a further decline.— The receipts yeatenlay were light, and very little was done in the way of first hood sales. A few small lots were sold at the river at 4,37; and from store in lots amounting to shout 120 bids at 4.620 1,65 c p hbl. I'ROVISIONS—The market continues very steady, and prices generally are well sustained.— We note sales of City cured tram smoke house. as followy—',l24 Ms shoulders, at It; 9n30 Cis hams. at 6e, and 2000 Cis sides at 41c p 124 or pr ime Western cured bacon, sales are regularly effected at, for shoulders, 4c; aides. 41044, and hauls at 51 06c p 111. Of lard, we note sales of 60. kegs Nu 1 It 7e to M. In butter, very little is doing. Sales in kegs at Al, and of fresh roll from store at 120 Ile re M. CHEESE—SaIes 30 boxes m small parcels au GROCERIES—W e have no change to notice in the market. Regular limited sales of S 4ar at 5051, and for best CO small guaranies at Zitc 4.1-111 Uf N 0 molasses, at ..274025, l f loaf su gar at ktielle, as in quality. 01 ILio cotter, at 710 DI Uf sl{ molasses at tbia•lZz rp gall. No :nrhoton tho prices of other artAes under th 9 head. CANDLES—The market is without change, with sales of City star at 2'2u• of mould at 1016 .1 0, nod of dipped at .9e p lb. GREEN APPLES—SaIes from first hoods at €4,2:41,37c DRIED FRUIT—Sales of peaches at 51,50. and of apples at 70(ii73c b • Oll t .S—We nave no change, to note to prices Salve of linseed at 7.6e,9nd of lard at 520 4> gall Of Tanner,' Oil, there are vanous qualtut, to the market, with Wes raapag from 517 to f.. 19 tt barrel. LEAD—Sales:of pig at 4,, and of bur at .1; tb. LEAD PlPE—Sa'esi et prices reogusg, for the venous lands, from tit to 121. c p foot. EOSlN—Sales of common or crude N (' at SI 03.121 c ip HAY—During the past week, sales to a limned amount have been made from wagon, at i„',b4 TAR—We note moderate sales of N C at 51 p barrel. TALLOW—Little doing in the article. We quote nominally et p m. SOAP—Regular sales of Pittsburgh warmgated at 10Ie, and of common rosin at 56iSia P BEESWAX—The market is quiet, and but ht.- tie Ming; we may quote nominally at 22 cis per pound BROOMS—The market is without change.— supplies are about sufficient to the demand; and sales are regularly effected from store at Sl 1.25 c p dog. for common merchantable, and Or best kinds, 51.752i2.22 tr doz. BCC CET3—The market to withoat any im• portant change. Sales Gum atom of 50 do. In Sm iled lots at 2,25 p don. The market is fairly sup. plied with patent Beaver, and prices continue firm. BEANS—The market is doll with limited mks may from store m (lie (hr mined, end 75c :for a rood ortJele of purely whit, CRACKERS—The market is quiet, with no chance in prices. The following is a correct hat of prices. _ Water Crackers 53,75 f bbl. Butter do 4.50 Pilot Bread 350 - Sugar de Soda Crackers 7c p lb DRIED BEEF—Regular sales are effected from store at bruit Tux Many Silt:races—We understand that the fine steamer Mary Stephens, has been pdrehatwd by Capt W C Stewart, and will hereafter run the trade between Cincinnati and Memph,.. St Louio, July 22, 184 S. Rts - rae--The steamer Mandan, reports the Mi.. stun falling, with 31 feet water above Weston, and 4f feet water below. The strainer Dubuque, Which hat left Si Peters an the 15th 11.4 reports that OW St Peters and Mississippi rivers were low end falling; St Croix, Chippewa and Black rivers falling-, Wisconsin river rising. The Illinois is falling, as is also the river opposite. It was quite warm yesterday, and some rain felL—Rnion. M1=!! Sea• York, July 24.—At market—l.2oo heel' cattle, chtedy from the south, 20 cows and Ca and 4,200 I. beep and Lambs. Pncee--Beef cattle are not sa plenty, and pr. coo J any thing. are a fronton higher than last week. Sales at from 6.00 to 7.00, a. in quality.— About 100 head reunion unsold. Cotes and Calves sold at from 520. $2.5 to .17,50. All taken. Sheep and Lambs—Sales of the Conner at SI ,25 2,7: , to 4,50, and the latter-at from $l, $.2 to 2,75.- 300 Hey sell• at from 45 to ifo p ca - t: and strew. from $'4175 to 53,50 per 100 bund:es..—[Coor. Enq. • Clll2e. •re honorehly .sured that the follow a; are the actual qualluen oi :la bottle of Joxas' Co ol flair Restorative. If they doubt our word. thry adorn thew highly 00ze... who hove 'led it Alr. (leo. Beckett, 41 Elm st. New York. Me,. Matins, Reeve., klyrtle avenue. Brookly n. ' klr. IVrti Tompkins, 91 King st. New York. Mr. Thomas Jack/too, Montages Island. Id K Cuileit, late barber gteumbout S. Amerlea And more than a hundred others state. though dos must suffice. that it will force the hair to grow on the head or lace, stop it falling o$ strengtheu the roots, removing scurf nod dandrul from the MOM and making light, red or gray Lair assume a fine dark look, and keepink dry. harsh or wiry hair moist. soft. clean and beaulitul, a eery. very long time. SAM at tVM. JACKSON'S 49 Liberty st. JYP Cuaraga Ls strangely destructive to the hu man cuticle. (or skin) the sudden chairge from heat to cold, and the smoke reuses yellow. dark, coarse eon,. plesions. Then it is requisite that the pores of the skin should be kept open—that their mouths should be freed from Impuritywas thus the 61101.1 Reuben Philo. phers Cured al l disuses—they computed th at more seadi ses and unhealthy •• ours left through th the Dore. of the skin, than any tehe,r*itlet of the holy It is necessary. therefore, to keetetlie pores open—all !tumors are dispelled from the skin from the pores, wheu they Wash wlth Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. I have seen it cure the worst d oldest cues of Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Old Sores, Barber's Itch. Sore Head, Ringworm, when every other internal and external remedy had faired—nu rdhet rendering the skin white, clear and soft, though it be (Chow std co is won derful—it removes Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, A arse, lorplacer, and disfigurement of the skin—but persons must be particular and ask for Jonas Soap—to he had in Pittsburgh at WIII. JACKSON'S, sign of the Big Boot, EV Liberty st. Price Wren.. uovlSldAwly Fax Ortioranc, only true and genuine Liver pin, pre pared by FL K A Bizniz.", (.).. July sth, Lsbt. Mr. E.. E Sellers--Being nearly out ot tour celettra• tel Liver Pills, which are fast gaining precedence over all others, you will please send lu dozen hoses. You will please send them ns soon as po•whle. s• teeny valuable Item. =gin Iry lost should we not have these when railed for. for so high do they stand is the C 61111211. non of the people here, that many per.. cast aside the prescriptions of physicians and nee the pills ill their stead. Venn, respectfully, A. inner A Son Prepared and sold by IL E. SELLERS, 67 Wood at, and sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and Al legheny. 1711 Don't have yellow dark Teeth--they an be matte pearly white by one time using • box of Jones /Lather Tooth Paste 11 hardens the gums, sweetens the !serail, he. Kohl eg Liberty .1_ imirlthlts noir - That winter skin of hem, than snow, And pure as monumental alabaster," All females have skin like the alone, who use Jones , Spatosh Lily White. It maketh pare mossy, yet nuts rally whits. Sold at tdit liberty street. /1' 11 - /TT7_ bbl. la .fort an i ct s f , or i lt Debl y ucm, k Cr VEATHERS- - 100 nicks glow landing .4 for sale by A: 417 ISAIAH DICKEY &Co G u l, s, ri Nu " "`" %by DACONI SIDES—Ma lb. for sale by /Y 3 RHEY & Co etOPPERAS-40 bbl., In good order, for sale by jai° 1 settounimAk &Co VVINECIAII.--23firis titegitria cis esi.k• what. seine do t al atoge and for sale by jab _ MILLER & RICK ETSON TAR -ii-40 bbls Wilmington, N C Tor, on hand and for We by 014 o lI.LEIL & KEFrd)N Mrim AR-40 dbd o prime N Sugar, an do do fair Sfor We by iy id IVINDEXTER &Co • • - - WRAPPING PAPER-160, bdl. Mammoth Strow Ibo do Double ale bum do do: CV do Double Crown do do; loud do bleclium do do; LAE do C dodo! to rtoro And for aele by J.. REYNOLDS SHER Eeswex-2 . hauland ior salTe - hy 100 'UMW & AZT EtORD POWI' OF PITTSBURGH ARRIVED. Lotus McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Lake Ene, Murry, Beaver. Beaver, Clark. Wellsville. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beat' a'. Battle, Jacobs, Brownsville. Camden. Hendeeloon, ArTKeeaport. Hudson, Poe, Sunfish. Q. Adams, St Loota Nominee. (new) shipyard. DEPARTED. Beaver. Clark, Situ/Dena/ill, ',IUD, McLane. ',vilet, Brownsville. Camiden, Hendrickson, Brownsville. Baltic. Jacobs, Brownsville. Lake Erie, Murry. F3eaver. Michigan No 2. Gilson. Beaver, Shenandoah, --. Cin. Rniggfild. Cope. Cut The ever lent evening at dusk was 4, feet 0 inches water in channel, by pier mark and fall ing • •- PASSF.NGER ARRANGE:IIIF-NTS FOR Frio. For Philadelphia every evenin at o'cloci. by Leech's hicks... Office °p hll Iha United States Howl. Steamboat Packet Lsne. leave. duly for Cincinnati, 10 • X. Passers', Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore and Plulade:phsaLine di .. •• Island 6P. ?dad Coachdirect to Ptuladelpinu 9 s. st and I,y r. a. IVestes n arid Southent Coach Line. 6 0. a. North-Wester,, via Cleveland. daily, 10 s. a. Erie and Westcrn New York, daily, 9 North-Eastern toslarleiplua, daily, except Sundays, 4, A. .111 - - - --- ARRIVALS AND DEKARTURE OF MAILS. Fl?.stern Alm! yin Plaliudelithla. due 3 A. Xt., nionea 11 Id W ern, AI ail. w & due •r. elores SA. X :411101. via Baltimore &W.bingion. due r.. 11 el's SA. la Nom. l\',..ier.i Clrerland. due 10 L. Y., closes 9♦. X Flrie nud We.trrl, Nr‘v York, due • r Y., closes r L. x n never attempt to counterfeit a worthle•• article. he,ce valuable medicines are frequently trona. ted. The kn., , Ito counterietta a utedtenfe eouunil. a. greet u rune ti It were a Lank note ur the COlll Of Ih.• Inted State, VI A Fuhitcatock Vertottur,e, I. lac Intl) •ate and certani cure for worm.. has bees, remote ninon] ill izinn) arenotta of the eountr), and ;lemma 'hould t, on then . guard when purehaaing to set the 6entnne arucle. prepare , ' At Potaburgh, Pa. 01,21 - - foobsb.atllv old fellow, rend thts, and be no longer banl, whtakerle. nod !mole., - Aif W. Jack eon, of en Litwin atreel., Pittsburgh. Pa. comfit on the 3.1 of February. 1,77, Ow 71r. Thu.. Jackoon' s a head. on the top, was courely l.nnl for 15 years, and that by t 05115 two .It bottle. 01 Jone , coral Haar Restoruhve, oe lour II Froavutp Ino and illicit :".old to Newark b) , OL11:3 S SON. 274 Broad R VAN 11l :-.Klllli. runt. r of Woad and Nantucket 01.. tourast Wor.. by thr.r trroutton. anumenl the wen— n(' t iIIUCLO, or atone ru the stomach. in which, si ao.-toe!. oivol, themselves and tt Said they iced atop, d. ut.o it deprtk ed of it me) the 'he erfiiirated Vernit•uge prepared hr H. A. FAH:l4>iTheK, ?Mahon:h. Pa... admirably adapted in operation, fir, to remove the proler tins moon., and; econdl). to t.spe I/It rehtterrd heipleu. and lender by 1,-- :ng debudril It a remed) in which every COI, 6denee run be placed. and that lies anss• - erod the purpose is mantle. trout the hundred. uf certificates at.: on or its favor. RATES OF DISCoUNT -- ' HA Cho 01- Lnaa.;ohr•A 1 -Chnt her • , e s .r, H k EIOLEUES St. 602115. t Esehange I/rokers. Ao 55 Ala: k r t stree. near 1110 • Peort•ylvon la. Iridium/L. Bank oft . .tuarurgh •• • •Par State Ilk 4..Llnwebes• 1 Exchange Bank Pargentralerrp •• • • n slerch. & Alan. Bank -Par Viriginia. Eit.L.ofl'htiatielphoi • • -Par Egehange in of Va.. • 1 Grrard 8ank..... •• • . par Farmer. Bk. of Va• • - " Bunk of Germantown par Ht. or the Valley,— . " Cheat,, County• • par Ilk of V•rgatra '• lklawarr Cu.. - • par 51 & 51 HI . %Vl...cling i •` Nlontkornery Co. • •par• do Afore ad town• •• • l '• Northamhrt land •pat N. W. Hans Va.—. i Columbia Bridge C 0... par do Wellaburg•-•• • 1 Doylestown Hank par do Parkerstrurg• --- " Farmers' Ilk. Readrpg• par Tenn Hoer.' Bk Buck• Co. par Bk of• • • . 5 F. Fmora irk Lar.eas`r• par Far. & Merchln.,Bk • " LA:marvel Co. Bk.• • • .par Planters' Bk.- A •• • • . Lancaster Bk. par Caton 8k....-.. ,• U. Male, Dunk• . —3O Missouri. Brownsville Bk. par Slate Bk of Mrsaatin•-• 1 Weald astern Bk. I North Carolina. Gettysburg hßk • • I Bk. of Cape Fear I Charanersburg• • •• • • • " March's Ilk., Newnern• V Susquehanna Co. Bk.• 3 Slate Bank V Lehigh Co Bunk, - South Carolina. 1.....x..ta0-t.• •- •••• - Camden Bk ..... •• • • 5 Slrrldletown 1 Bk of Charlestou• • • • • 2 Carhse . Coalmen .al Bk • • ..... V El, L:0. •••• • • • ••••36 He or Georg - clown 2 Farmers' and Croy ors' ilk.or lianiburg• •• • • • V Bank. Was ireaburg • . 1 Merchants Bk ••• -•--- v Hart !drag " Planters & Alreha's Bk • S Iloresdale ..... -••-• 1 Ilk of South Caroana •• X Lerrumr. Par Maryland. p m ,,,,, ... .... Balumore Ilk•.• • • • •par W yom•nk ••. I Prune .00 R R'er.p .10 1 ark Ilk I Cumberland Rk. of A lle- Wool Branch Bk. 1 ' cb•riy • . I Her,/ None. . ... -• . Far. Bk of Alaryland• • " M&01 Bk Pars do. . Farmers' et Mechanic. " City /S. Coen, •fer p— - llk Frederick Ohio. Predertek Co Bk.• —• • " State Ilk. and thane hag I Hagerstown Bk Mouth Vicuna; " Al neon! Bk • •-• 1!c. ..... • • • a P.tapaeo Bk. 1 S• C•a rsv.r.a. 5,,,,,,,,,, ... • " Bk nf t 5 evaninster • • •• Michigan. . • :.,,- ~,,, H a . r . r , ..... a Ilk of S. Cbs•r•••••-•- Corombuf do•“ Ilk or Byer IlArser.• •• .- Crrelee.ll. ... . • •••,gan Ins Co-.. .. 5 'Laces, le ...... -•-• ” I ar. & Alech'l Ilk 5 • Wisconsin Territ.y. 1 ;:,c o u l r ,:,: 7... ..... _ 70 Mar h-F , reIn.Co.SIII•Ce I Alassd lon • -----•- I 'Comrades. Sandusky •• • - All aalyent Bartka 5 4:000, •- • . . • • • • • 1 Bank of 1-"eg rand Note@ ciaa,:aart.-•.—.._ i Gold &Specie Valne. Xenia o Napolcons .. • 3fb 'myn a , ...... ..... • ' .Y • • 2 x5O 220 Western Braene . • • " I:ag•s. old • •.• 1000 Franklin Irk Color:att. 0 Ear, new •• •• • 10 00 cg r lh ogr th e .- ..... .. " Doubloons, Spussh 15 00 Like Fzie••• •• • • •• " Do. Patnot 1.5 50 Hamm • - " Sovererges .... 1 h 7 Lave arta r •• ..... -- -10 Ga. nen. 500 Ilarnilton 13 Fredenckad'ora V ha Granorrre• • •• •• .....'5O 'Ten Thaler" • • • • • 7SO FarsCrs Ira Caaton••-•50 l'en fiallders •• • • 2PO Urbana • ......... —5O lented'ors - •• • 410 'Kentucky. Ekehange. Bk of Kentucky ...... • 1 Neer York i pro Bk.of I.ursville '• Phrladelphi• -• } pro. Norbern Ilk KenTuly• •` Bldt.1”, • *prat ff••• York-C.'', Banks, par latency 8k...... . Consulting Engineers& Counsellors for Patentees. Qt.., (or prorunngd defelnitng Paten,. Impart', into on Mee an han., anol appheanon of +e,•• rmalson the An, and on Amen.-,.n and Lave. of Pa 1,3114. PROF WALTI.P R JOHNSON. late of Philade.• phi. a.. 11 Z ROHRINS, of Washington city, (tone aided 1,1 Hazard Knowles, I,sci . la!e NI sr tun., of Ins Una ,' Other., ha) e ne.oe.o.rd themselve• i.v.,ther :or the pro sreubon of the above larancPatentossoct.n. ratter lheir orbee. a: theire or before Ike sound and will ds. vote. their until...deli attention to forwarding the inter• not of Inventors or others. who may consult them or Mare business in the, hand.. ii/IOV/1.% hn. for ins post twelve years held the post of ni the L' oiled States Patent OMer, and resigns that svoanott to tube pan in the present undersak...g Him talents and peculiar Bin e. tor the 111)1.11111. °Mr r 1,11 long led by him, have been fully recognised by Inventors wherever the office tine.... known • The office et Mrs.! . Jb. t. 0n F street. oppoatte tne Patent Odic, %\nsbastzton. t:,,,ortere contututst• cosmos post patel. sr,' be pros:quo attrutled to n/ato Ittatlollsll3l,:,druarlltlrs t-elot.- tte paper, orepetcd—attd mods). procured stns. dest red—on mutate:RlO.. term. Lettere of eAsetry. ripe, ed to be ...wend miter csarruttations bal . must be ac. cornpouted by . le.. afire dollars In ;Le chit/es 01theirolfice which perusing to the P•- Writ Liesss. M J & R ortil ne assioned by a legal gentleman of the highest professional character. and lolly conversant with Nlecbenice and other Scientific subject•. rtir...krdawlyS RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., 1. h. ORAL•It 11 Saddlers' Iroamongrry, Harness and Coach Inn:micas, Mote, Deer hair, Vernieb, te. Sc., IYII No ISA Woo St Portion aoo klagar and Molasses. lIHDS Yrone N 0 Sugar. .ql. , 16 bids hoal Sugar. NO. 2.6 and 7. 14l do Prune Ness Orleans 2 do Sugar House do In Piers and (or sale to) & dI MITCHELTILEK I tot 1 11,rtv Ras - WarelOoelee. rip)e. b urliest porn in rash paan ran ! (or good gle ra l also, canvass, bah" rope; gross tore; baglg, wool en rags, Ice._ by I. W. CHAD gn WICK. •on v9ne n, l of o-on • • NIJIA RUBBER lIALLS—..% dozen solid India Rob ber Elan, of different colors We can furnish this article to merchant' , al very low price, in large gnan.. tities. at the India Rainer Depot, N 0.5 wood st. J A II PHILLIPS IREIS LAWNS, VERY CHEAP—W R Murphy jnortheast corner of .Ith and market .ts, ho. recei ved a large lot of Lawns to lfl els per ) N, thereto. fore sold or. higher Prn'eal Summar Goods orener.lly also opening at reduced prices. Dl6_ - - QL N DRIES-73 sacks Feathers, 2A do Umsng, 4do Deessrax, 7 do Dry Pesch...l;2 do do Apples, 9 do Flaxseed, 2do Wool. Ido Waite Llessit,2 b b l. Urease Lard, I boo Peacock Fly Mashes, to arnve on steam er Camherlasd—for tads by Isl I ISA IA II II KVVA re, front .t 117 ESTEILN NEW 1011. K 11101.4—/ oat received, a lot of probe Wcatern New lurk Bor., which we will .ell by the bale at coati vent,. ii 11a se l le i h r e C :w l. : ' d C a F for Z i o r o7l:l7ey h rlry F l L : c y7r;pe " ll: n n3 for !4•le by j 21 , if FATON It Co • • • 111E12. 4 E 7 —:10U tun WeALcrn lieverxe Cheetc, recel ving culd fur /sale by • JY3 ft DM & Co. liberty at IORI-100 manila Virginia Corn, to .tore and for male by renii J & It FLOYD RUMP FORK-14 bids received per .11.1M0f hoot arid ler vile by ie2o BRO%VN & CULBERTSON LARD - 25 recd Lard, lust red elkd far pale by myLT. 1 A M F-4 DA I.ZELI, LARD OIL--CAI bide Lard (hi, Just reed alld lor sale by atria SELLERI4 & NICOLS ....__ FLAXSEED 01L—ra bblr. for pale by ray . ..% SELLERS & NICOLS ._.... 5 1 ;0`:x.,11 .. .". do Bd t .' / I :FilliJ4 d lf . 4(YT ld S ll4/1: TIIIIIIAI J/Q A- A fresh supply Tidey',.rw iy 7l. R" . I.iB' P ll fuTrale e° A7 "Id Md =r•e'd andi loood - y we, KERRY :YU Pa wood .1 WOOl.-4 auras Wool, (yr:railed,' reed and for rale by jy6 OW A BERRY BLEACHING POWDP:Ii—'N c.k. Mooching Pow dcr. Jo. Alumna. & Son's brand-10Am received, the remainder iii.orrive inn few days; for aria by - " " l eap R' & M rrr H Er., 16n libelist ITT s Uti A ll. hhde prune, for .•I. to y .1.1 • /5 3 FRIEND, 'MEV y Co _ 611'‘—"‘I "4"r VND, KTIF.Y & Co rs EISIIYr. GF.RAIAN COLA:xi:SE—Id dos los% rt. eetv;ol sod for sale by 7e20 I KIDD &Co GLASS-314 boxes ELMO Olass; yy do 10X12 dodo; 11.10 do 10X14 do do; for .slo by 4413 'LUAU &NOT &V MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, C poi:idea., of Pittsburgh Gazette WASHINGTON, July 2n, Is 4 N :5.5 - ex.—The following are the yeas and nnyn on the Compromise BA ferw—Atcheson, Atherton, Benton, Berrien, Bor. land, Breese, Bright, Butler, Calhoun, Clayton, Da• iris, of Mississippi, Dielrenwsn, Douglass, Downs, Foote, Finnegan. Houston, Hunter, Johnson, of Ga.. Johnston, of Md., J Atiwn, of La., King, Lewis. Mangum, Mason, Phelps, Rusk, Saha/num, Sprn• anon, Sturgeon, Turney. Westeou. Yulee--33. Arlo—Allen, Badger, Baldwin, Bell. Bradbury•, ClarL, Corwin, John Davis, Dayton, Da. Dodge, Fitch, Fitzgerald, Green, Hale, Hamlin. Meteall, hi 01cr. Sties. Underwood, Upham, Walkee—'4l. Alts , a—Canteron. Pierce, and Webster-3. Hogs—The House was engaged on the order of the day --the President's Territorial Message; but owing to a derangement in the Telegraph line. I am unable to give the particular.. Pnixrdiusints, July 25,1515 Advice,. have Leen received at New Orleans banging Mexican dates to the Ilth instant. An engagement bad taken plate between the Government forces. under Busiamente. and the Insurgents under Paredes, in which the harmer were defeated with the of rido men. It IR re, ported that li - trauma to mcnally woundrd. In ' , reliable that Herrera is overthrown, and that the exiattog t;OVern/Ileilt diwlL:ved I=2==!l2llMl Indians, after several severe engagements. Corresponds., at the Pittsitorsh bassos. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PUlLsrisixtrts, July 2S, G e M. Flour—. Moderate tales at previous pilots. for western 55,12 pre btil. Corn Mrst—Ssirs at 52.50. Wheat--Sales of Prime Red at 05e. The market for wheat to dull. Corn-sales of Prime Yellow at 52c. of Prime White at 45c Cotton—There was n Netter feeling mi the mar. Let ma.lity, and wane inquiry. Cotlee—Salea of Rio at 616filc. Whiakey-snles at 2.1 ii per gallon l'orr•rponJcncr tn.. 1%11.1..0 Gaze, NEW YORK MARKET New York, July 2S. r n. Flour--The market 1 , -Jay won tient with good Eastern and home &mond, wail 511:0/4 to the amount of 0000 blds at prevtous prices Grain—There is s steady demand for Coro Sales of prone White al Mtafis. Sales of l ."/ 000 bus prime Yellow at We. Wheat—There ts a good demand for milling par. proses.—,ales of 2000 boa prime Res! at 91)c. Other grants are quiet. Provo-quns—There to le.. movement in P or k . _ market is steady,; with sales of tltN) !Ads at Into qt.:Lisbon!. Whiskey—Sales t n lilt's at . .."?..`l2l. Couttn—Pnces have ellghtly advanced wah sales of trot? loak.. Corrr.p.nndence of the Pittshureh Ctest,. BALTIMORE MAKET Bahristuss, July 6r. a Flour—The receipts eoritinue light, with sales of Howard street at Wheat—Sales of prime Red at $1.. 1 ‘,... of prime White at $1.115. Com—Sales of prime White at 411 e; of prime Yellow at 4 n6lsl:lc There is very small demand for wheat, but corn is in good request_ Rye—Sales at 90e per bush ()at Sales at 33u per bush. Proviecons—kialea of Mess Pork at $ll ril 1.n0; of Prune at 5.9. flacon—Salre of Hams at 'lig'. the market is active. Lard—Sales in hbis at 'v. in kegs at Wl:iskey—Salem in lib's at *.!1(er.,11 r. Flour—The market 10 steady brit not scab sales at S 3 , ;'t per ldri. Cntam—There a nolltmg dotug. and toner% are unchanged. Whaley alesat I:qc per gal. Grocenew—Are Without change. The market is ye, dull l'ne , nuns—Renlain unaltered. but firm Baeen 11l 100 k Ing up. Sales of Haut, made al !visfi,. and Shoulder, at : 1 1iiltn. The weather ha. been rainy all day PATAPbcO FEMALF: IAiSTITUTE. THE PRE•I'II'AL. Mrs. et. Pn, r•L• hn• n•d iong prt,n, ••• inrecign4 s. I .fleriar, 110411,.011, end it v•r•I flown lo On. pa n• 'run, nt r torn], eon nrenon thr Troy t 7.. 1 • ••••-tannur, vv.ln ,r 111.1 e, N;. F.nman Vlnetnl. u• thr author o. I, • non.. ny. Lod an • •rrtr• nror•• on NSW', Ptnloan•phy. he . bundryn. YA• Lae•nun dr. he Pninpsro Verna.. In. lute •donot onion flue /111,t11,, Na.k CI lb , depot lb. Ilatiroad dte etruct. ;) ot F.241e011l in., wr.l haintnore. oda who,. a. ocoh rotnatio... there .• C011..1 Lott uy liatirouds and recteptkes— Th , for fora ccoonnodao.on the scasou Ia 01 dressed erande , erected or a chaste style orsrono at co. eipeuse. ot 11.1 present Prow , . pal aoled by the edema. a.ol assomastre ol iter husband. the Ito. Job.. hs• smut $41.0 add:nous and ttnrotorecnondo 'Foe ad...cent grn0...).. con.ottog of el toe . es sett, h•loelne to tne In •taunot. are .tuated. and adapt.] man) oci• vantaer. ,or he.... find reerrotton . , Ir rm. lur thr schorarruc. 5 rar tor board and 1.1, 11‘11 edirt atroir. ate &art r tro cnrargrr. lunar r Cue r o ruamerital t•rantrtrer, ler . turort, and torrly,ll r•ri A board or five Truater• Thotna• /3 1.. r. Fry. Prn•rdetett /mere a grt.erai nurr•ight or toe r nun •nd ntutto•erntrert ot 11.0 Itt•6ltitiol, Ted. dt Hey Wu, it \Vhattonehnen t• V/Wer A rrendroi ehaplat.. Ihr lir. Wm 11 C.aritr n g•tult.a.e. et. 1 tele rul e,r e• Profrarot o f Mru.s. pm -opt, are/ ' firhfi , / •tren tele, qt. expertettred anti e Prettrtpoi. Sits• lirovrter Ihrte arr a••orta••el 16, ar, ettreep tnr ere/ encru. , ion rut t • oultr• r•Jdell. :II he SIO•i• Lour. F I re. clew!, air of I 11..erreur• oils at.rr kl ° e ve. .nar 01, tenteur, tern, • c., ~d deem., ht. Inn. win.,/ to itorer•.• 'l L lrret ore en r-teuter Alle...lative I ts .1,1•11, t terr•natt Proteraors of ihr Nun° two I'ne.ed. Pluerarora cot •o• - • , Menne und dd . euetur and our ot thr 14.1tp and . ory,a, nod l'oaeotor drawmc and pacactr ui wo. rotors arte Prt on the L n., er•tty of teT Mart Isoa is lector, oa ow on, wean ora He n: Cromwell La •• enc , ary a. .I nw., ,•• An, orgno , nzatio.n otricat 414,i te.,lAra into 'hr •hovet with the arrnoattaw prattled. ea; e the l'utapaco Innttotte to o thyrrhlt a a oat', Or L tort ritt• I) tor the perwenog 04 relate cola titan in oaeto: and oral.. tai raochen It 44. coo, ay an act n; aro, past... volt the power o, w•a , . inc ,o who p... through a pre•erdteo caw, a 'owl> F.ain art I an a rept, ro :444 Rt Ifet , Latta, lytot ttarrtaln to toe Looceaao lawman Al Litt, sod -. b. Inter rattonattot; of t he 1 4 otaiwco Fetna.. Insti tute ha, off rtled and ',voter attlence, ti more were neenlnd, how contp-Oat Llr• l'hePpi tr. to su•tnot boost twat, in on ouor no ale cour,no It• It; ;d Tl, Hosed 41 1--1 name,. cott•tottor of tne Chancellor Jolon•on, Amon) .und, as , ronned o Inn, •r, • anal dictoguishenl geol,artiw, rrom thts.a nd other tt.tate•, t tar reported, 4 'clutter. tr I 7 The examination who to hoe tnt wri• to conducted a••to sats•fy Mut the roar, or 0w1..., Ind is rho ugh. varmint and amp u u tun it I.laoti L. perfern/Y uodenitood. and that when a )I,IIK holy ha. pinureJ throush Inc classes at Me l'stanteu !tos one. end bre. onburd woh the elry red cotton, L tertncli are there .3 sedulously mettle turd. the t. prr par, d to adorn any statson. ttt wbreh it luny Le her fu ture lot to be placed. In view or the Web intellectual and moral culture. which. in our Judgment, the pupils of the Palaparo etuoy. as Well tit the unsur passed salubroy co , the climate, the beauty of the •re herr. sn a We conveniences or access WIl/1 Whir' It is favorod. we are perst.atted vre rani. too swot, y commend It to the public patronage Extract from • report ur Po otetpal, (kr , 1,47 • Patrons of 'anon* etwittian nominations hone eVliilYeti 10 VIC the Intl/tattoo their support and trien tl tbilop, and as • due return. the rut ne tplet Man are espected. Control, ray among us i• doter. menu 'teed We endeavor to tram up our pupil. n• ebrosuno, rely. mg much on the muncimo of re inner. habits and esnin• A Northern school in all its eential feature* end char but divested of all that s which tgLt on otienaive to southern feelings is planted in a AOlohern climate ' Thal, Insotooon is, at all lime., open for the trerp. two of pupils. Those who wish to an so, ramno, du- VIICOIIO.. Applications may be made in !tire Lincoln Plielpo. Ellicott. Mill. P. Office, Maryland. N. IS. service. of well quelitied teachers for schools and families, may uniaily be obtained by DR. plying to the l'alapsco lonntole, In win , ll i. a Normal Oepartinent, for the trannlng and improv einem of leach er.. 113y1.1:114wInul (fl ror e . loLea ,:y doeur!; einti!To A n , , ,. ;:ruzran i, nl . l . ll.; t re, "" Cu eMA7'll Ells—Co randy (0r..1e b) 1.14 IKAIA II DICK 65' k bird. N O. bids Pulverized, 0 hule bble uf..oned Lou(, for pule b) J 11 W11.1.1,01:- , .RT y K POWD „ -11N111rga s n A r i g A o i to:1 1 7 , u , 7::v . R A (. 1,:1 . 18 , - b •X y boo 0" Ault • ; .. .1 1 , 1 7r i t A er ms oo, CA t f4 . l) ,, Lr o .— r ; d .rI ,' VIT.ItTAPS " S C u r r h o y . P l td , I L T c Ars ,,c ; S andaPne ?,17 gntne?t :nd ir T Bl% m ,w.rl Hnt n i t t , l , NO-121)1.1B on con 41g . urn e . 1 1 I t c and y I IY, GEO W SMITH & G. Brewers. Pitt surer 37 . wood S 7 .,, L; y hd bur )a I e l a d i t s „ , l, l l l;4l. i n L g 1765T.1,13 1,11.-11 bbl. pure Linseed Oil, landtog from steamer Deaver and (or sale by IY 6 MOM & 8111711 CHEESE -296 bus %Western Reserve Cheese, prime qualify, laittbng irons sour Irate Erie, and for sale by ty6 BAT/ALEN & . _ 1, 7 1 , R11.11311 REPINED BORAX-41M lb. just reo'd and for sale at the drug warehouse of Jya J K 1711)& C 6 OfIOCCL.I-5.1d0s Madras, KIII San.; VD do French Morocco Also, a trash supply of 'Taico and ...dr. Root Morocco, Just rcc'd and (11( sal mp e al low poem, Bra WM V 48.1186 Co & Co 1)11: AIETA 131 tons Pig bleml, landing from I.steamers Z Taylor and De Win Clanton, sod mr sale by 1.31 J AM ES DALZEL `.7 O SUGAR, &C.-110 hhdo pruno N Hagar, 250 bills do do Molasooli, w Ito, and for oo jot) JA IS DAT/ELL WOOL-72 neks in store and tor ogle by Jill ISAIAH LUIALEY & Co, from st • Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gaze,. CONGRESS. Corre.poodrnre of the Pitt burgh I;airne IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO CINCINNATI I%IA F:T CI NCINNATI. July s /I DRY GOODS. SEW SOMMER GOODS ROY TOE YM loll( AND PIII-LAIMLYHIA ACCIIO,- are non opening a fine estock or frebh Summer TT (;ood.. direct front the New York and Philadel phia Auction, where they hare !wen purr ha.ked with n the lawtwo week, at a very great Auer/lice, there by enabling no in odder tar twiter bargains than a. nave eve e r aone I , efor In calling the •ttention of the cen. Pii.hurgh and vicinm our price is,ort inerit.. we do so with We C.fitirria, Ot our price. het, wen aa will ensure perfect ..utotiagn and to all In, - yr, either by whoiermle or rend!. a fine chance now offered (or proeuring great bargain, Among thow ioat reeetved are— A lot of vet). cheap cord and 11Dr fig'Bl k ~trtp'd • •• Ltelat end dark Lawn, • •• I , tngbarnm, n(eztra fine blk fig'd and ptriped Baregc, which are n very great bargau, . A lot of handoome Cott Parys. for Indic% dross.; do Itght colored nod black Ilareke. ver) cheep. donew style silk Vesting do do very hood:ionic Borege Stiswln. do very r I.ean blk do do do fine WY 3lnrwill‘ Surf.. drr hendnortie Parnnols nod Paranoleds. do do Arttficoal Flowers, do very cheap Edicts Luntrer, ALSO—A hoe mock of •oiter Frroch Cloths tt,til en , nimere,N, hoe and colored Linen ett.. Summer s *** Drop d' Fate. ike he A ittrge “%nortinent of tit • nil price, Tioniiiv• Checks. . whirls, .• oLtb•-• /11, 111 our 111V11, 11e Vl ll ,l/11 1111,101 I'llpr. ALEXANDFIik lIA V. %market NIV or of the d..ttriutitl A. A. MASON & 60 NI A KKET ,T. 13 1.:1 WEEN Tkilfw 2c VOL R 111 I 3 F.ING ie.troun of reelort.,!thr, stork prrelou• 10 theconimencetnri, ot the Fall Trade. will nth, their ext , n , ove and tn•o/onnhle I ,, ortrocett for n feu er1,... at grew') rrdue,d priers A,,,,,, the, a.. AOlllll,ll (uoh.l cler. ero 01)1e- of Ikreert, Pulni)lli .I*('heve. Sok, nod)lu-tin. A n. tyro ore r , oured .e. (0, , y o‘tr third o.ll,:•ivr. nod ronh evel3 kllOl., n •11'.. A I , w I,or 0114 M er.11.,.., .howl e ,1•1 re. r, .(I 0,11, ,uld el !retool, Jrnne• o Sentrh I.l,eham 1, ,wlll , seo.d 1?1 t• 1141,' more eo• goo.: 1 ,Jl,lOl Ana., wait d . o a. to , ‘ m‘ 1 nod .1. , 100,01 h'ft Ine. de 1.11,, 121, good Alpaerit 1 -1.• ht,o bons 12r The, MOO k 01 duri green purr Sat, nr, Pure..lettere. noniprreihe upwnr,ln or SW of rye!, ): qtrultv WI I, °Perna nr vrry low rn,n. World PAPA, Cunt trocrne°gn, nleo, kiptl• nr.un,m. r mules and i'vronadre ME=Zil= Merchant. w..:1 C‘..•ya,find at our•atu rnorn• aa Jar, 4,1 tlt.•truhlt. ttu a•torutrat Ur :rood. at uotally tun.: 1.1 ram,. boh-rt. and at ••qua.iy prtces Only en. price. irn‘n whi , h no del int Jon r •, made. KNOW A I. I. N THAT BENNETT & CO. I [Ayr rrmovrd !tom strePt. thrtr newj and /rumens, n•lxi. •},nivi in kn,‘. HI, I ll‘k I:R HA lA. 4'1.1/ I 11A{/.{AR. No I, Mark, unn .1 un,, , I,p-or urr rror. yrtr r ortrr 'roar of our rt) pr, to o thr •irmocrr , or., .4 Co 4 .rorr. • U,C. IC/1 i.ll, . 1111. prrultnr or to. re.• 1 I lo• all out o rn... orrr corll.urri•arrou.. rrom• :01 or hrrb rr.e , r.l vnro.ty or • ,. /1.1,1111,/, zrrnrrn. props to Use u...n perle, Olyer and rertulrmry Thr proprie• wr• take rn•urr •1...r,a irtr, thr•r I .rolrllrr aro , C 0 1 ,11.111,, '0 r pr.r.rro.arr) atrun,r• tl, rho corn., rrom ormotry —w ve of nu plarr 011 1, • /I I.A I , • 1 I nro re,,,,,„ 4 oop.,rier. uotl 01011141.0 ”cr. otrze of 1 . ,...) uod ' frsson or. llopter. •okl t. Emong loco str.-I,toc• ti \ 110 t fi LOY,* 'to. Viat, tom, Tans, tY.J.e 4.1 otter tiro.• I: w00,.n.1a In Art,. •0 .. / xi..l C/o - Oo•rort nordie vrorkod t v..11140440t! Ivory and Fonoo r Fan.. h01.,10‘ Aod 1,, t 00... I.ent• Hooter. looyr. . eil/.1,•15 wororo. II•or HArsl - •. Com . and "l'uoth \‘ ' iroiovr rOold• • mot rrooooo Tio.or• Tr ougooor.. ' , tor!, Of not, • nnil r• r wtoro Ow. odor oo :o‘orkoor. icort• :1 o a more. t..lllh.rtet IIIIE IV I.IIOOS. Vtlft 11..klurpa, II La. lanny recrived a lull asaorunent OF wi,Lt. g•aott• for Ladies Dicasek inrluding It skansa do. Nanaook do, plant incnocts, anaall bor. rid do; utnn Larred do For Evrenna Dresans—Walie embronfered skalf. Nlosilna, rank embroider...l Tarlton do. War do. nen. in damask .anprd and trnor etn,unicrrd on. p.a:n wane and .1500 co ornd do. al.o. ronie rrd and NJ takltna lrk us< ard. tor Evantna Ihraank. Inaek Lane 0 15001. `roil, o.ld C. 510 rench and nroten anent, work Cohar. rtt 1,,541 4eatallui an le I. , nres Carrn , rn. Mandir. r. nten.. mourn on nu. a I al mu,. raki, plc', at I. rlO rnat torlier 01 tin and 111.1 r,, stt. To Country Plerehonts. .A:XL/ Jr Arr .•rer.. have re 1 - 1 retard easea tlottirer• tarar , t . t•he Ira S•rw Aurora fireoir X reio i 4 dn. 1.L11.,..10, I.e.rrr do. Ciriera llrar rad F . arrow,. 4ea Paha Leaf II•hr. Ir..* nod Roy.. letetrortt Itrurd Ani here. Iltourer. err, Nur,' At... armor., 1-adre• i'rroor t Mao. 'ro, rrt rtre lore, to lot. do. treat. Ito Ito., or door. ar0etr0n........ lIV p. %Vndalett• Cr ;OP trot larrett .Arra• r hr. roar rtr d Thread I..aec• Ar.o. a oo: a‘rarr. moot or Cond. Hutton. Titre*, \ red a• II • I lery Jevre'ry. le aI of , 10.4•11 they .. oder a [reit rodtreetornt rrt pr er• to roarer...era oral I 1/V . XII RINI r,• . . nam• %:1/14.•11. •I, le• -uooner , a rechiretl pr.,. Asoof •u NI•/ to, 1 ,1,0.1110 RocKl wan • me.) - 111 AP \ Ao, of bra, Loot out, Ron , Jort woo., • ,on‘ SI. vornrr Lo ~1 lla k.ti• WhOlrlaPt room* on 'lel, —I . !manor. (rain Ha .1 HI \441-24-1.44: p 14,4.4 •thl outhred .44, odopto4l :or n. snol Fr0r0th...... th. 1.11114 WC tly o p a , 144,„,44,. rt,trol du, 2 o 44-• o. ant' 144.444 14,4 tio dr:,.r4 .4 :•J .I , • x• they 441:. 11.1 orml4 dra:t 4•1:14 I Ile no. 14.4,4444 , 11.•oo4o t :sock!. 1.1 p• r•th. 444 J. e • iti,e Ulu; a...Jot 24.41 tur.14u4.4 and 25 per rot onooper 111Py mnrkr.t—ror• re/ .1 Ste 3, . woo,. °vt .1. or, v 41141 .44 1.1.4 44.4. 0 .• 4:: ~, ,se, 44thr•r•!Ivy dr .4 rood% o IP ,04..1 I I 1.1 Itl,k NCH 4'1,4 R 1.1 1 n•e.esetrlt• 111 1,1 ry •••••t rriuhe. ot Ire ell air‘l ..d i.or • i..~ ~ .~.. ~.. a -. t. w .. ~,n rl t• .•4 vi• • •unlm,••• eor so.l end J4 , ••••••t .10 4k, I. 1) ,, ')./iI,AI, r • r ) no • r r. 8. 4 c t r " . . . n 1..11.1 • p. 0., .•.0r,...1 of L.ek Moh.,• , fllt rind s, Shnw's, .11 erult Crap, rn:hrr...'rr•.l. Aire ...I 1 a,. • , ) , e It,! \r:'. • Inl Curr• etp, p , “311 ,••••t If nsd hr noic:34. ROOM' LI, , rir, ru, •. to tot del. M . MON kris xt .os . {1.A9.1. It.{ `'l DI- ft e 17 , a ha , 1., t Ir. a • at at. vue, thult u r has , rver 1.4 - Ivre .... I to I.X \ It ADA 1, N at 01 thr 4.unlotad (r iellll.irar. v• ryil the vulnriler a•aa., r•-c k!,NID It A DA 1(1.11I I • . . lee, el:: • urred Nett• e • . • • • . r Also, 10-4. II 4 sod 1,-1 hens, llolonet:s imporied , Real Lats., In :rlercer County. xpre••l) tor s 4111 , 1 ,10,11 , 1f.1! 01 NIONI.I/10 Ne".•, ior A Lin', 5tnr, , ,,..L".. ~,, IA , eltuate on ow oily •solos, just rreeised i.,) Flair Ettessin, i ,s, ts thr 011,0ge "I \‘ e•t tl,d jeVO .11.1C01,,f7 h wttrrF:. PO wood si l dleset, It destr.,..• ~,, 71.1 ,1.11. A.,. u Lot und oond D,..... •,.. 11 , ,, , .., ,r,e,l itir a Tuvent W Urrirr!':,'"rl„),!.,..o ..,m,',..,-',.,5,!,:-:!7„" . „.1”..„7,h. , , ',. Sta„cl, in the vtlluer u- tiroin,,, , :c„ . on :oath :one of Is.SIA II DR 1,1.1 , 1 / 4 o 1:ood• for ladies. •urli as French aird South h Nlull 1 Oh.. Tt r.1. '" .1 " t, oter d-11.1 Po,: ••.• Slush:ls. Nansooks. S.ll/0 herd Jaeotrets. Or, sell ) ril " . irrw Also, \k Ade llothirt Ribbons, at northensi ear. I POr Rant. tier of flub and innrltet o• bries , lwellt., wilt. ars, . col 'mood o,se: ril so,. -/- u. linhotii, 11. C.! EN:IIA , , FOR SKIIrI A—A supply loi•ly feeei ,,,,, ~ .., „, ~.,„ ~,,1 ,„. r ,„ , r ,„ r , r r ,., 01 , ~ “ rr ,. 0 ved Ai., corded u. 41 Nlarse,~ situ, iil-o . Nlosqudo Not., .td e ainl rolored oole lint, eds for „„,., ~,. ~,,. ~v „ ~,,, r , f ~,, r. Am An o „. 0 .. n,. do, at dr) goods house of Oh' II Nll HPIII, .eus,.., oat .e... 1 mono for the ... Applr to 01 ) oril,ast eorner 411 end market mt. , ~,,,,,,, AT \\ Ur it.. JOSE.. ACo -- - • • ll , lIIIEA Li LACES so —Smith& Johnson. 46 Market st. . F R or ents I Env lust reeldU eartona more of those wide Ishread f a A now three sthr) , raik dwelung hots. di, Luce., from to ets pi, yd Op. Also. ono estrum Ql' l% ) lie sto .etPossession ot veil on the first oi do, edo Paris Point do. al. 15 eurtOli• I Aohl or sooner d required inquire 01 COllO.l Liare• Deniers and others will Ilitd it to their ru., JP II FLOYD, 1.1 liberty .trey; .:I to ea.! as they sett! Ire sold at extremely low 1 Moir }tent. P , •• _ _____ A two alory brwk dwelling woh whottl 5 eery. IVi OSqUITo 7sl - 7rll7hri—W R Alurph Wow rer a : o of groinid. mtunird oif Ihr hank of the Utile river, jr nth oupply of NlowiuPo Nelling.Prdioll mod Arndt- l . .0 I l i, borough of NI nrhester Apply to WO., ilr, urrru. blur uud lourr.d. ad All w.o • l ,Iwll JANIES A 111. - IN'HISON tr. Co. holnlidit lor do. very %%do. nod olirrrill of low prwe• I To Lot. I, y 111 C piece al yowl fel; THRI.T. dwell/lir hour,. Attuuted .4th strret i )111SM-A largo u••orliorld of blur. blur and on. .ft''''^' r. , '", ' 'Ldg , ut 9 ." ~t , of P , MOntrg4 Al i :mgr. and loncy Prolte oi 0001., me•truble .I) le •..., a r,,,,rd 70 by 21. wet. t o x roncrnirnt ~... mod guido), fuel °peeing mud lor meld no die trod,. -. l'. 'll . ^ o• 1 01: . . ..... .. (rude at n , . non: wood. Alan. a Iran.. dwelling. . . . . extraordinary low rarna. ti) the raae. An. tan ran, -. unit ail 31•11 . of 'round eneineral and under n-il. SHACKLE:VT A WIIITI". ni , ~ ca., r.l..nie on 11tuo I nnr, ,rm the city of Alleght- J D lb 11.1.1ANIS. ‘IV 11 , 1 , :1 v ...F.5 1 % . 1 t .F ;. ' ,, D , 1 , i v 1 e, t i i ,, 0 , f i , M. , - } ) , 1. 01 N , 1 . a . a0 , a ),; ‘.... , t :. 0 . , ' ..- 1111 flood went . . _ No. on Mark, went. 11l eases or printed Inn ir. .ini To Etreevers. '"• ' • ftletllnt. 5 ..4. ',nod rat le of Langlisno. Id• new an, le 1 . 2 . . ' ' II • ' II 1.1 ' lIR l ' l I% I ' thr I ' IIIIIIIII- ' th H "' - ol l'ancool, odo cdCollolindxs and Summer talon, 111 ~i 7 r ' ' ' . 4i. ',‘,!'"-,""'' n"3" : ".. "un' On do i . nroo.k. of every variely. Alan. !Wiliam., Lae ~, I' `"":',..l rrl ' I ; ";.-II."1..I.I.:1•:,) nil " ,, v "raPi r •d r....-e. 110.2,, 'abreact.. liorneraira. 4, e., )rt e • ..,: .. ' „ '' , 7," \ ‘ 1 ,',....',' ‘ ','," 1 . '„,` , , , ' - ','.„ r r n. `",,7,,",',' :,' . 7,';,','''' ''' '' 1 All --i, FA/kr/Nip, kr.' - ;in enrunra low prtned ani Itlll/%lNi h. CCI.I3F.Iii FtiN, J . , 111..41tr11l ) 41..,. I.nera loraernriga Xitailinga. pi'ri ,10.^.^1 1.1.5 liberty at nod lola-) si-ii.. ii: an. Intrat minas...ton, ruiit one. niil ' ~,,r,,,,,,;, SIIAI2IiI./.:I - Ear X / I . ... " MI " " " ' I. H .1". 1.1. I."" . by 'ell 11111 I • -i, ,tier od tit t• WV thr , •r .tor) !did It I% nrelinaire I ' i'LIVE- 4 AND M I T I , )--- ' ,1 .tt , 0 Jolinwn• 40 mar • . i .i Wo.) al rent, onnunied uy It Tna.riar A C.o. 1,7 Iwn rarer, have race. , d • larg• stock 01 /0, .ilid II i,-..- ,-a ail 111001 per ) ear •hort Sat Fillet 1d../... and Any• d!.. 1,• in Tti n. 3... n:n 7 INMI X% lI.StiN, Jr ,ilk and Linen Woo., Alan, , 01010110 01 liarou ha: : - Waves. winch will hr auld at who/Lamle a nD If 0111,• To Let. tramely low , F 111 4 .... 11 0 orw 01,.. 1. mor, fii, roof byre)! Morn on ' .--- aeeund r.t how . orcupied tor A.warli Fauna e fat {A\lll ESTER GING liA MS-A ot Invoice of rett 1 ..6.M." runt :ruin I.! et ., A ., , , , r;1 i z ,,i 1x,1'ef ,,,.., in Moncheater I, iingharn, of new and handaotate , pattern., received yeslerd.ry ot the Dr) Linn,. fl.u.e janlo , 24 woad vtreel of pre4 V. S M 4 ,441111 ! - To /Alt. I GIL AND ' , A:54.4 ,N t 11',...1.1 , ,,- A ,reneral 01, ' ..-1.• Eh, •n: ~ .t.1.., .. , I.' part of No wart , 11'1 ,ortmeni of NI, 01. d Ntiotoot Marlin. to oo , :ts a h,,,,,..„„,... r, , ,..41:, throl Appl) In Orraae,,u.i received at \n;3 mart et , riteet.nurtnorOt I 1.1. IS IfrALZELL, h Co, roriter ot the dtunioud Jatil9 54 water atraeL . D D. ALFA AN 11E11 h DAY For Reott - - B lUtlt;F.S AND TI , SI'I.S- A A ,\.ani h 1 . 6. i i A ' 1,. T00n..., :11,, -AI atory 03 the wurehou. /Market at. have tardier Ted4red I/I fl, on,' ,an • 0c...ifn. , 1 ov Lug sol.r . r,..era. nett the toot or ro o f f Brrages %lid Tlll,, •Isr , .. , rettatin,, NV,...,1 ..,tret--- a good location tur a ~,,,,,,,,„, chair Wipe., Po 1.1. do t'heve, •e. 3, • , ~,,,,,,, o t ~,, In.nrui.. • other. LAWNS AND hilhaLINS--AA Afivoto ' ,n." - i't '''''"" A GARRE4)I It /ell their ed tent VC eesoriment otprtnt For Sale., 0 end 3111111.4, to gteatty reduced pricer. JY, A Moe two ,tory brick krone. on main .t net, pAregheny city. near t h e upper bodge, orb- io, ~ SUMSIES STUFFS-A A Slo4ott ACo will ofThr lb. • I t o r) in trout b) ltaidrep Por leo.s tuna", a remainder of their Swatter Stuff& at whotetale i d,,,,,, A tt • ASHINGI'ON. AN •i. once., )yo ' For Rent. ' 7 . 1 . 1" 121. r r 0.4 NV 11. t. IM /t ack DONE LIVITONS-JhU h — I I ~, ~,,,,., g proof watrehootte •14 feet front by 1) Su.pender. Fl . , and 'thin Hutton,, of a very 111.11 , 0 kit , 0 ;;;; . , - ;,7 0 1" . „:. 0t „, ~, „ l „, ~,,.‘;,, 1,,,, . 0 4_ or ounhtl ettd fitnOtt ' OO rr'''''' " 0 r ' .. 'r u.... .' er . llZ - e A tAii,:ku:ietioqt,:::::0(.,::10AIAX::hs:71:::::,,,,,:,.:1,:::: for eeln by 'r ' _ ___• SIIACKLIt7UI' A. t 1 ;% ,, 1141 „, it i t .t ~,.,,, - - - - Poe Rent.. ii6'l'sti. , . 1 A H., -.400 11, .alorted No, C ‘../ N... Co I' o 1., ...n , "...'. " '", ".a Coedit, ' Aron I int of itobea r DALZELL A Co, l'ut /nu, cut 1 , 011 s• 1 , 111111.V e tot stde ut Emmett" utters' 1 . ,-; _ L , n. • ," tovrest puce, by 1 • 141V-ND, Itil EV A- C.. tatrellt strL ot. 1, 3 age., for mannfecturere , f 10AL 1.:4-ND Ftqt SAI.V-Searn ante eon) land • g_t tin ~ttie, liu.,te In t0...d of tfte Alononfoltgla D.,, J ACQUA SU ISAPEA-Two be;r4 bleached taro- i r,i .,, ,, urns , .„,, L, ,, 1, ,, h„,.., , no, v.i,, coal, t/ ask COUon Igniter, 3111. opener II )yil to ,,, a ,„ rr , w „,....... i ogle . / will to/ ne 2.s ld i o t t e a ttc ‘ l s tu i t i tg A.. o t k,t or A grie .ciii Lo w / "4 1tortte m ee Lit app l y to 06 TRAINSPORTATION. REED, PARKS & U.'s. PACKET LIRE. S 4 8 REA VF.R AND CLEVF:LA LINE. van WA,RREN Canal Pur k eI—SW A LI.OW, Capt Ford. " • 0 , 71-:AN, Capt. Walters ti}: of thnnhove Parket+ ;nave Bearer every day, / arren (Sunday. excepted, and arrive toil morning al W hnre t hey evenly-et With Ue Man Starea for Akron and Cleveland. prnstne a: each of these risen. nigh. One olt1n• Peek.. leave Warren daily. at 5 1' Wand arrive al Heaver in lime to lake the morning mrinn hoar Mr l'ittyhorzh CO k LEFFINGWELL. Warren. / Proprirra M B TAYLOR. IIEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE. 1r11.101,1 rt , ,ra 1,1111 If 10411 110011.1. Carla: Par Capl Jeffrie. t"Yrurcitere. PoPork. Leta Nam Trtthy. 1 . 111YONIA : 1. BroW11; Sayer halm new alit! •plendol Paaaenger Packets have onnieneed rum., hel.v.een DEAVER AND ERIE. tkin run reqularot tea the •eason - one hoar , eat Erte every toorni•tc al • o'clock. ritel one ler". titg Henver every eve tin: anfrratatey niter the aryleo the ••eninltnit NIIC I O,O horn Vai•httreh hey t• are lie w rorntortahtt r. eel. and tell run Ihroiezh n tarty hour. Pu.....rteere tn •nv itotitt nn toe I.axr• or to Niagara Fall, vet, lint! thin route the nto•t eren.ortu. ana,ap o /I,o o y. ie t • .hrough ie a.. port. on th• Luke Can he prueurrd it) 002 10 100 prorr t et nr • NI.ED. PARKS& Co. Braver. JIIIIN A CA 1.rt111 . 1. Alt Pitt•hurgh. ror Water and Smithfield •ta. AGENT , itarn.on. Pedalo. N C M Reed, Erie. Pn C t' %%Lek Greorro.6l, Ntrar/entl anti King. Ifig Bond. l'a.. . • & saarp•hurgb, It I Snaron. Pat It Vtatitriv•./Nt:ttitki. Pa. W tetieteelt.tnt. New , aatie. Pa •t I Country Merchants take Notice! . TK hk j.l itt4 510,10, oil, Hinton a r otter for to.e pintor+ to two 1 trolls I l'nper. * l .l 95 In £ll 50pr ein 21itl/ .t nnf o rapt tio t o yo d o 55 1 5 in 1141 do 10 Octi Ila.i*.int•. tit srl. to ti pr Nee, 5.0141 AnirrirAt. ',tot tit. 124 10 do 10: Trat••,11•01 .odor. oI our own rroi•tritero- dr•irott and nt trorr: 01 110 111,41 So • r in 4j,.. of 2) on To: tte and %Trapping Twine 01.1! . 14 :'Atzt 114 to I, rt. per le e n'ot iittt• o ner ..roods in the tame prot.roon • t. arni,•• rn poii•• i you will call Lod I. 1.. 0 Alatden Nt.reYork N A 'FAA ERS 2t. CO eO . orit. Jr,,', 1 -1. ,c2-Uns• MERCHANTS' %V AY FHEICIFIT ir-Ar-4=t2 184 S, _nt.4lla. ".1.1 1,1 :.11 , 141,1..1,111, OT WAI #lO. 011 . o. 11?: A'n• .4.:1111", lr'./.1•:•-•) for ;he Ape,n! ar ron.,•••,••• • • r tP•I , ,•• 111,. Proprl,,,A •.r vr,- ; •••re . .hr) have rr r• •pr o>^A r• reApecouliy l'•••.$•• .T. , 1 It pro:norm., SAL/ di.pettrt: lVt,ft'l :I A %%1;1 I.:14 A I,llnl_ 1.1 - utt,pr. THIN JoIEN SIILLER .4. Co. . . . Jut.. A M . A., 1 \ en np Pittsl.urr.h FlPtvkax , ....-I . ltlA , nr,n-7,11:11 SLocia, J & .r •••. nJ II Snornlwrqr r. R: , ; . 1.1011 •k rrr. A sou 0, JOilll l'urk^r. tt in l.ehnier Pettra•ylvastie C•nai .& Road Ea peva. Feat Packet Line, IS4S. FRONT rll - I',ltil.ll T. P1111.1..11,L:AllA S. DAL -10, Ctoo l ollo,. 1 p 1,.. are I..lormed that th,. L on 1 1 ..0 ..o.rnerice ,troing on the 2241 lost, arid con. thrum: ~ ,/I ihr r•raron Theare new. and of • ntriNerlor r lam, with en• gyre greater comfort. The err, ore 00 U 11 0 11 0/1.10.10000. A boa. ra:o • :.e ',rt. and travelers are re cuerried to hI. and ea:oh/he Mani unlore engagmg pas l• .Ir.• on,y othe do:nr• through .I One oithe boats ot . :h,• Line rvLI, /env, the :rod., 101 1 00,10 C. :F.. Hotel. norler tr , rore, tour evcry night et ply Tlnie :t1 ann. For Inrioritinhon apply nt the ri:r" Monongar,in /1 1 /10.0. Or 10 ULF . ..EC/1,4 Co r,“ t'nhx!Horrit, Merehant•' Trenspo . rtation Line n-$a AND 8 \ oo,u lu our ore u forwArded loo• ourrout moo. 1:1.• O. 1. ), ,r. • .! nil r i NILI4I+ITf &C., so•tr, Ilaironoro PIONEER TRANSPORTATION LINE , IS4S.'fflaitElt IS' .I I 1.11-I,LA:htslt. 1 , 1 \ Act,ll•. / . ..burth. 11.1-.1 . A' 10.11A1.1.. ALelll%. o ‘l , , 1 .LUTS, VAL U ABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. _ rh. re • :rood two (rm., a•ap. n arle, choler arta . ~,, aa , n..7:an•inens In all,, pi,ru:alea renul N era, BO P. 1101• 0,1 r • P. craart, ni•ove,,Annlific..l MM=MI:TISII =BIM Property in AllegOesej tlty - for Sole. 11141 na 11, rIII'. • 6v 1i WI \ \ prtim.e, St rwm Kocine •nt: Sum , 111111 for Salo. r,. ,• Ir ; ' /Leal• In Ohio. ATRA(i „,.•, , I 0 , to> the Cp> ato, a river 14,1 .1..- provunteht ton unonprot "'lto 11. the vi r us, of lVarre.:, l'oord »>. aor tr grown] 111 the re.). ..1 .r >. f ruitiloOl Co, wt.). Got- daret.,.,g too.•.• , :o. for a thereinto. ~.r tv evert> Ar>> or at Inc proper>) Art rj ncrostunottal. lento! I - >IA 11 01,'1:1.1 SHION AOL EC FIATS. 4 MI , . ti:or to addloon hte own Uhl litthtel r”, ni Ilan. hae made arranue•l4 menu. Wllll Met,f • Belt, & moet th.,nonate Itarnr. 0 the coy rri New YOtE Olen rng• .upp y to. ext., hue eth k and tumor la•, re, rived lew rase.. eent'ery, earl he united 0 11 n a Chille q. at rill new /la, an.: !hip blot, ...moth...a •dreet, steroid door *oath nt Fourth. whcrn may ele found a rectal vanety oh /Int, and Car. ut hi, own 111311111211-Nre. wtortraJe and re tell fiats made to order on %Port nollee. jnel J A Nllh ,, W 11.80 N & CO., . 4 (SLICCCE.S4O, ‘l ' Cord & Kino Fa•hlonable Halteta," C:01 . 11(1 . Wood and FlJih Sutra. DAR I'V:I:LA It ell? 11‘1011 yard to our Retail Trade. lwoorinen can re:o upon getUug the, fipte alt.l Cars from our eglethilellthellt Of the ern and wokrartaruuur, 01 tor hArrors rrlt.tou Ilhd 01 the LOWEST ether, Country Merchants, purrhuanth by hiolhattih. turitnil and eol, our Stork; an hic can with co,,Gd.,,cc that itairiiicariln,Abrrf ethut, it will 4.01 iiiktrer In a companion with any boa, hi Plislaili-htios. F. ....atonable 'Hat and Cap Manufactory. AIiEOHUE ..S. ANStil fTZ, Anent, reopccou I. Inform. hue friends and Out pu..tic /citeru:;) that he has CO mmeneed the manufacture of Hats and Cap. 11, No T.i Wood street, one door abovr t.i.. rorner of ,4coad. v. here ha has now on bald a !so. a.oortment of Hats clod Cap.. of his civil manufacur... whtch he will dispoi r. of oit The moot reaaotial.le tem-. whole.ole and ',tail tor cosh or city acceptance Data made to order nt thr .honest notice nret , lm ---- STE AW GOODS. DEALER-4 are ta,ted ttiocramtne Ft II PALNIEWS ,ttock of Straw Goods. on 1:, spn, ‘ ty , i ota,oond In port of DOS N!. 'I'S Florence Braid. Eturli-h Dun- I. do. Arnert e r. udm 00: Chun Pearl do. r0t,.., r e en. Itut:ood do. Fr , ,ch La t.. Fon,. limtp.l., k e II ATS—lrrhorn P.m Leal. Pa , ttunn.rea,- ) SLra.... do Bran! ft. all, al m.d. Pre.ol do M., A r,Se r•. o.,kbonx. Sc Straw 1.1 m 4 Spring F. Lahiona — ioir ILAMcCORD <F. Co.. re NI . I7OML , ‘T arfL c c d v r n • rh . 1 7r ; 1:...z•1e Unix Qua da,, Thrir iriw.da awl c, Wm,. are requ t. , rd thwr .o-.k of Sl:in:lK fiat, received from , Neu. York. ai Weir nor.., corner oC.Sit. Wood marl ALFRED II:. KEE VIL. yJ Cli I`l , -s Fit •htattml.l.. 11.11trr Itt PatalmraS Prlni: poi 71 '^ •tre,i Manufft , lc., .13.1 etreomtniklattott r, of 77 4 - KW strro, attti V,r,..t prt t tumt •Itertnto.t Fur• my., Is - - . St3l3llCll FASHION FOR . HATS.— rrer.ved I .ota Ncw York. ate Stlmmt, ft , r hats. ott".-touttg of Witt, Deaver. Prtt, ~td %Vitae French ta.ttrt,-rt Ilatc with Ventilator. rhot, tta wet aela De atatit4l.!lght flat re•,,c1:1,1 tuvitel.l to ca:l Mtttallf mnl 75 wood door , at.ove Jlh . _ C O — PARTNERSHIP. L.,. tne 0 ./t 1 •nlc 1.1 FUN W A u:.aci m. .1)1c Rd firm of CI. MA NG. Hoe., !•1 ametar to.) ll'aalur•gton atrreCm the 6th Wa,l arid Pltl.burvh ola hrm ~t 1 elt,cr e. t2./c A.1.r 6 E1 , I'VHI.I iN ROBI.RTSON Fon Vol NVOrc•, .h.) I. 1:44. •rr rrr h'rratrir.lll.atrr•Jt erglorr- I rr rrr .111,1, • r.Ort urrierr Irtrort 1•••• I riot, rivr r 11, .1 act rrrir• Port Pttt Glas• Works. \yr rool•ini.i, 0,1 II:1 •tt e.1;z.a.1 pin 1.1 Gia• • mo.• rm , mluutif I-r•nt at c—r V9O rpr•tr r.o! 11111 i l'trNt ht-tbur • I .ImT R1.1A1;, ROW ICINFN k C., lie .1 .1 c..nct t.. %au°, ta 11111 Av..v 11 . urg4 t.1,, , %1 AKE i• „t fic,n, trti .tree:. ,tz onattc Row, - id door 1r0.., trwhri. Re •.norn,tion and the rates of tunaon nit ibe %Ks.. nrre'ol..rn I,r m"reec c/reulfr or e.p;:y to .N Nh.trALS R .ieresice ms,) Le Inn4t. to the tollowing gee: r• men: MMS orF• /lon C P1,1).)4,41) licv t • I He, Re', I) II Rt 11.11). :s H ,A )),-.), • H 1.13 e), Pekt cut sod. Ash. 'l'll . sod. A.L. is• ' S Son I;r•• y unit!). henrie Um 10 r. k n meg willm,lfc eurreney ginde such large r •• I'V ,•• tlll , ..otig ign......rurer. of (vs Ey arl anng Ind,vol r-• -ttn 1.1. r) onto , ". . M "P. - Crtt't Arlo , dra cr. ertr-:-. 11:1,ettrt .t front it, Antnr .•r. 1-. A. tain t _ tt, ..r.t •...Artirt,l A rAt.rt t. Amt . - t for the Itt., tr. dA. 'Art-A.O rretrlar - le.t. throurrwA pt t or , Inch wt rte.l rot .!trt lowest Mart. or Arrrovret 7 re & M &It r 1, r1:1. -, 141 , V Ir. - I )1.A ErAl2l & %It •• A •J,:” . ,Jon vrcao rvr, t:e• 01 tom. r.: .4trositoto .4 II NI L rrelo x. r the 1111,111., rvoar tr, • HA .ers I: nt •Le 12 , :olle. to) J 11.4• div 000 a. pnl , oot end ut• Alo•r•Ul., %•,:toongtoo .1d ....At: ',v . ,: and ,rmed Alt 000: o , Cori —Eh , Ir. ctrl el .not Vet• (11•., 1.0000. Ls,4 Litt V. 1,1 VS rott :tt s iiill , l,llld IP, •,t1 111::Jr•oro, I 1,11:y I.^”rly LAI 01111.0 , •et of rmiterni rotnou•Lll.4‘, , ,:rvput,r, 11:Llo ard Crow1:11:1 T., :or. ,•• ret,“ ru tew ropy, nach of the al.ove %Auer. ,lOCK I,IN, 11, J cor market et .1% Ai • 1L1,1.01 ,NIITII. Vlanufecturcr or Cotton ii Id V V 'r‘ . . ~. , il. l''' br ' . '" e ". 4 •' • ''''',.' ' cdk nod co/o,d Colton I. /loges for rink awl florin ito Petite:its. (hurl, Nice. and Nair Stalin.. F. ring ts. rustle to circler int the sh.rtesi coo, . ... ono, rd Maide n Lane and Wtiltam. entra .. nt No -5 Iltitisso , re.rt. third door. over Ahnet Jr I, i•' ,n/re, No iKi NI“/...1 lan , twlr ry 11. Faun A Maxess .• , 11":',Icr.'nell:1'',•11"„tI,I:rrr'll.t.-.1-t-iijrl*o'eer'scTirtiL:riti"cr'r'e'l la; i ": P" ! ' 7, "'' 'n ; "" re ' r:n n' t„ ~. 1.1 per lw o •es-rin, rind air persons 1 iI.II hi ,•• „;:,-,::,,,,„;;,: „,„,„ ,„„,„,... ...• ,:..., made i.,- ot Mein give thern the preterenre to loaner, er. cc‘c ~,,,, rc ,,,,,„. e ,c o c, 1 :. they bell g mach hetter tor they "IN loin" h gra.. nnn : ,„,,,„ „, „„.. ,:., tn .. , :,v. longer: thel tint trek a drup.and nein! aci . Cure In coin. i „,, 0 c„,„... Al .0un—u.5.,,,, 0 , . t u n a ..' .. r. p.n.°. to re,:her. nie 1 we Inn creu.nte,or wit,. tg 1 re d 5 „, .hinhint i Liver-A°, h. I t '' .' end the re 1...., irn's hot tiler 1 , 11 be Mended 3o , , e , . c .,,, „„ r „.c y ..., , 0 , ~,,, ~ '.' '''''. 1, .0.1 et 'he ' , hut Re,. r Lep°, ,Nob Wood .t tn. coihp etely oprenu. e t. 1 ' "", , hr ., 010 , 11 , Al I'l J A II P,llll.l.llnr_ i re „,,,, ,„; r „, m c ,,,,,, k r ,.. hc. I „ na) t• _ ' whenever desired .. 1 4 , 1„.EcTitte MAi 111. VIS. a: Troth fit.ito Sic. 1 - ..•e1. - o. I „ .0 , , , „, ~, , ‘ „ crch ~,, i D si m . cc „ yr , I' _aA Magnetic N.. ,1.11,, trieli dale,. eastern ot•tio• 1 - . , I:, 5 ,„,,., ,: ii „ c „ .., '''''' "r' ' '' "'"." ''' "'"'" '''''''' L " ; '""" ' T"" -- '"',, . ' ~:,,',' •u, re. .. I tee the Ai•o. C0r.i...• a-, Th..rmolue.,,. Ac, : " ... l l ''l er ott • d • I • 1)4 )101e b) RI AKE A t .i. • I to Shall per 110tOr ,iirt,r ..,.meet .., :i the dolma ~,, 1 . 1 11. A. F•hrke•toek it Co's Rabe fie en ' , 1 cIN LI —lllretrrett) 01 .. lnd .11.111,, Ir‘l 11 . , Lb, ! r\ nigh P'‘ . . ,. 1 . 1.. F.", cc _ieer_ne. otht.... st., /Hr j_ tot, othichons sad m the cum...tire a ....e, :.,.• • wed al ennolny... It A Vann... h e, Ar n . ~.1 •1 . y Euv AS I'll.:L.F. . c' Ii , TEA %I I . A. K t NI. - Jam re. ~,c r co . ~,,:, ~,,, „,„.„,,,,, _LI reived liy egy..i.... 5011 p.,. loin, It uotier cah.un Rc c „,„... -,,,tc„cirnsr i..„..,,, i r r 1 I eekitte. tor ci"itrie rii ~, .......,' . .. 1 '" .... •prnitt A, hr Tne Polio. 6,g cent:led, .. ircha Le -trig tour ii the 1, ~ kind that ha. ever broil oilered .br c ~„,,,,,,c „ ~,,,, k,„„,„„ r „ rm . „, gear,the purpOefe, 440 est. the ant:neon .st mit •teaost,,nt 11l- .! ~,,,,,,,, ~." ..,,,,,,,,i y ~,, from . 1, rr. to it It re, save them al, at anion.. or .ut Of. , .„,,,,,,,,,, ~„„,„.„, , rul l, fly „...,„ •,.,,,,, nccnc, en aO3 litiricr iv once pealed It Nlii nut re, Ire o rder ~,,,,,,, ~ oc , ro , h oc , I rcr , , 0 ~, .type,, „, 1 1 l Packed hgeot 1 . e1 . .." ..''..., ore II ... .M . ` . order th 11.,.. mein wn olt—the mulcting ti,. esti.. St. LO MOO 1....4. For 7010 ~ M. l.'llt E . '" o ‘" ' Ec- ell nie wes .nteltr.e. ,:.hint. aituation 1 l ^ n. ar-d n troi- Pol. Nod Wool. ll ../ ,-, J, II P 11 1 1 •1.11' I . l i e c . 12, A F ann.:stock & IV, itoarlacte„.. a .11 icier _---- ..- GREENWOOD GARDENS. o , e or • rico spinier.... I experie.iercl tour •ed about nor Lot• 1 and n lint( iniil ie &Knot rico v - iisyrv.,,, Ikv inin 11.c10.A. ...,, t, , ~,,,,,,d id .- . t , _ tt t ~ ,t,,,t, and. tt,„ 1 i each at in, him" u. 3 11,0. re d.) • )'.' '.....' L.' , • • “ rely • C. las mare ( 1' ,.. c, " , : . ' p , " :. ‘ ,,,',. ~,,, „m„,cry.,„ T„,.,, c , c r „ r rrr , rc , recleired from any other p.n., ei, , rw: , ,et .... mare 71 , 1 , ,r. , ,1, ,;,,,,,,,,;,.„...,,,,,, 1 .cs t r „ sr. ir , ....„ „,,, ,„ , .. i .. 0 . , ~ „:., ~.... ~ , ,,r , 7 L o u r ri,L,,07:::::rri,c,,:u.,...e..,,,t,r0„.,,init. in : e z‘ 1 ,, a 1 1 ,,,,, 1 .,, n ,d h 1 t . La .., e c s ::: ., : ,.L,, a r r, r;" re,., l‘ " '''"' " r '' -i'''''' '' '' "'"'" ' 3° ' ' July 1; n ', the ' ' GEoRGE; P.",-"'T " V M for her last trip to the err) hr sate wholesale and rern.:l)., II A FA H 11,11: K A [royals& view too the l , nrilen is hid...ratable In F . . ~, . beauty. _ Wl,' & Co. corner m ood and firin . and 11 0r..1 .1 , 0 , Vim c chja ; ..!..._.'---- --- pet.. A g m T . I ,j e U r ß al ' e k yr r '' IC I : -41,1 :1 . : 1 1 • 0 4 :A1 ' . r ; a u ctl ° ;1,7. "` - Dr. Rod's 'Tonle anti Antl-Dy•pepti o rtanono Sean, 01 all kinds, werguing /corn 11.4 , la PILLS. i Won pruudy 01 supertur worksoanuttp. THE genernl proper., or 1.e.... Pie, arr. CIF,. 4 As•orted Hollow II ore, light patterns; Coal Cooling S live, l'urgatnee and l'onte tr. the .retrunii, 8101 . . Woad do de, 0..01 / .. .1.3 . 1, turd Hallam 0101 its, der. sluing trOM iMpflldeircic to the, Ar. AUCII I. 11, 4- lor thurrhe, warelicahr, Sc re . nes, and .srattnea ohe hr - .c0n... licA.l,r a, Urt ,, .. and 'crew Fronts, for parlor, chamheys, I &c, where a Medicine is rent..., ,ii, thindcl h....e1l 1,,,,b,..,,..,1". ... vYnT .p ee int enontnn., oh.; 04.1.111 Ir, 3.10,,,hc sod mono, cectrogs e Iva nons. Iclntils e beets give altoca.l itrtrardlAte rein,' nau-ca Of A.ILTIII it., & NICHOLSON, smarms. elm. Its porrallec licr . oceit aPoil toe eon.- 3y1:allIm ty. bend of Wood or Bch we , 1.80,4,111 Is genic. and cricannr/, and I. L. i c ,- . opyrues nuns rt .trrnira to tiro d&rennee hr .:,..•, y njiti.NlEN, ATTl. ZATlUN'—Gentleriren, we hafe r t r„„ „„„,;„,,, 0 r,„,„,,, ro „„,,..„,„ ~,, ~,,„ }0ur,,,..‘ reeetc, ,, Lthrew, . (turn Electlthiloor ter , r cccrrc f or , c , ifir ord,„ 0cc,,,,cm,,,,. , h „". ' '' ;P ti11 'i 1'e.....j171 . 1 - " 0 ‘' ...e. "_ __,_.... y, t• ',a... 0 The pnco.hay been reduced Croon so lei 2 :C.114:1 .107. call nod es aut.llo , he aisle, -ei you Wl ll anew.= o.onn .IFicricic wholesale mud renal r, Leger than Icicther, and souranal4 eacrla. - e - f.ot cheat ec, ; li A F., us.K: ,- ralt S.V., 'ilia l:ouplatss wall Mena colt be tarn...bed...l a very, i .... earaclr inna and wavd. and n:i. and sap ..ty low pr:co. /yl.l Ja 4 4.11/..L.Wep 6, Ftn>4 a I 1 OW I EXl'll AIN BE BROKERS, - WITSSZY. HANNA t CO., .DAIgEFILS, EXCHANGE. BROKERS, and deafen DI in Foreign and Doman, Exchange, Certificates o Dermsne. Bank Note,., and Specie• Fourth stmet near ty opposite, the Ralik of Comm a p. Current moat) received on deposno--Strid Cheeks for sale, and co!. iced°ns made on mealy ail Me principal points in M. United Stems. MMIZ=MI!!!I Advance, made on consignments or Produce, hip pod East. on lateral terms. mchts a. acmes e nose, DANKERS and Dealers in Ft•itange, coin ant j.) Bank Notes, No. 55, Market street. Pitutherch. Belling Rates. Exchange. BoTing Rates. • New York .1 pr Cl/lemma. I die Btuledelpitk, oo Lou/grata, 0 do Ba,amore. do 81_ Louie, • do Boymg Rates, BANK NQTE.S Au yule . Rate. (On. '2 Ai. Co 0 ScrnOrders 9 di. lothus.a. '. do ItOnof Note, Kentucky, •• do Peancylvatna Cl "do V,nott,a, •• do New York do •• do do Whechng, 4do New Orleans, udo gdo Maryland. .do ;1 1 11E111 11 1111.1.. .14,1 C CURRY—Bankers and Fa change Brute, Dealers 111 Foretgn and Itudavtne Time andS t & ut. nuance,CernEettes of Depostte. Hank Note. and Cunt. No to Wood street, third door ItC:0 1 1C Fourth. west std.: mar 111( WILLIAM A. HILL & CO., DeptAtte. Lia.nk Note, and Sp , ,,e. No. 54 Wood one doc r above Fourlt, haat Bute, Pmaborgis. Pa. FOREIGN RICH AGE. BILLS on En.a.ol. Ireland. and S,,o:lantl bought to any 1 11114114111 atthe Current antra of E.xchange Ai.. Dral, payable In any purl of the Oki Countr,... from LI to 110 U, at the rate of AS in the 1 Sterline withou:deduchun or d,scount, by J(rSOUA ROBIN. :41)N. Europe, and l•euerni Agent, office sth 0 one weo ot wood. • aatntnj KRAMER & "" D KEEN AM) EXCHANGE BROKERS, deal," .0 t:• Foreirri and Dotnet.ic Pills 0( hane. of tlttexte• of Itcpomite. Bank Notes and co o LII. cuce of suoi Wood 10.(0./. d3rectly opposite Citer:o4 Ho tnall2-411y te W ItS FUNDS— Kentucky, Mu.rrun. auk Soles, puretts.ed zt the lowest rev,. by y. HOLMF-S. & SOSS, dein 3.5 Marko •trret 13 ILL El OF EXCEIANGIF.;—Sight Check. on Nem Vorg. PbJladelptua. end Hu:Urn., Conotar.::: . for N 1101261 E, & gONS. 3.5 Market rIOLLECTIONS—Ornfix. Notes. end.Ar”rynan.. k part 0 , 11, L'unm. miNt t0,0r,. • rr r .n. /1.1 , NS II HAIN. .eau 61iNNETS Iw) LLINEOUS YOUNG LADIEIV SEMINARrr ALL1.,11,1 MEDICAL THE ONLY RESIEDYS 'TART, VEA:t1.4.141.E EX 1 RACT in inval /.I. ble remedy for Fialepue Fiu or FaHuta Sick ts• .rstowna, Spnama. at. It no well known. that it tune "'mammal. phyrne , ano have prouoonoed EP I I . , neurable It hoe battled nl: throe. 61.11. and boar.ted power or all mediator., and ronoequently tb• oriqd• Lao. oulfered through a miser-AU:a ea-fence. a ~c eded up that, .teeo on the ...tar nt W. 411 deference. however. to •hr opinions or greata,,tl learned -ee ony Natha. !ern cured HART'S Cil,E r.k 111. E F:XI RACT, For sixteen 'jean. ha. been , eatedmuay per.° who Lave outfered actth tam dreadful dtrease. and every ca , e where it had • fair tn•l. 14aa eaecte.: Parmanetst cure. nt 26 years and 6 month, eared by the th, tru:v wonder - hi; medteine Read the ',list remarkable ease of tbr son , ee. of Phthidelphia. en..l with I. K'tneer V years and r , months. Iner ro-e I incianel. Seot:antl. (l-fIILKIIF and Franc, cc nrdtrli the most eminent physicians, and expendma meetica:ireannent and so three iho sane dollar, returned awn his son to us c,ni November lest. without remdring any henchi rrll.l.- er, and was rum] by along HART'S VFAI-.T 1131.. F. EXTRACT. Mr. Witimen Secores Letter to Des. Ivens and It I have 'pent over three ,011.11.1 dollars :ar to-. rifle and medical attendance I adoh.ed lOW 10 IVlth w: ..11 I did I W.: England. I conanWd the most eminent respect to his case; they rosint led prescribed accordingly I remained tnn... without perceiving arty change for the hen,. .1 cost me about two hundr.-.1 and blip ;dn., d , py the phyucians. and the moat that I wee..., i. their opinion that nay :Km'. cnse was tt0p.,•15 yelp ineurah.e. I aecorth,:, len tdnald.dt. anti nled thromyh Scotland Garmany and . rraher. and r. turned home In the month of .N avn am far from - belor rurrd whrt. 1,1 I an, t... Ln of thr thrw 1., concluded to try Harts VeKetai) , e 4..xtract ttairmenta and rer,hratra of go many 'earr.....,thr - . twenL) Am./ thaly stnnarag, and / can I am I.ot sorry I Sod I, the WM, of Hart, •. c wus realorril to pertlei reason. which ,vaA ro•le ns to bu.iness. is court .y w-. 11 t Urfore hint, of We, ~.2aal) end tow:u.,..s•lte 2- bore ot age. ant! 27 ....ars and nine has been stilieled with this rito.i drrad,u3 o; do eases. bill thank Gal het out goal nen.ih. Now. geistleincii, faith W 11,0.11 wnr. I doiol 3n To say that I rhmll he ever grntefu. to ts.o .s Hunt, and ns I hire enr:ose you otie hundred dotistrs. have no doubt but that you will Citing thts ts a• and we a dttrerent thing. The debt of e still rime you, but pies, aeeept the present lo.notta interest on the debt 111 advance. Yours eery respertiu.ty ILLIAM BECORE TO TOE AFFLICTED. • OD! of the proprietors of this invaluatue meth,. was afflicted for severs; rear• The disease bad produced the wont elect unou system, viz: Loss of memory. unnesoity oi in.nd. aisi a perfect prostration of tho nervosa system. 110 11,1 med the skill of the best phyric:s.ns for •• vs, and grew worse under their treatms,. and he • ~.v• that this medicine was his on;y then life. and was thenfore determuisd io strs n • - and to perseve .1,1, use. whir nhe a. -...,,. • .• A,. a perfect rr.tarat.u, to 12..a..11. . tl• ue.l Ituinterrupte.l Wes ould refer In ... • • . vs boon d Ly E Dcusio,t .1, _.• • 11111, reside.. at Voraer, Ncw Vcik W Rennet. amt.): 171 lirand 1 Elawordl, acyra yrcrs. 11 Dn Joaepb M'llnupt.. .11110 year, Et, L.,/) II W :3mlLh. Ncw Vt,rk S AeliY. Hver.:7 yawl, M,41 h .11•Ketf. tr.-•:n;7 year., l'orky.., Nlval F.Crane :we', year, il:!Ilan..••-••- • •: Wm H Parsc:, ye,r.. Jacob Pray, four yea, Philo joanson. cu{b, }cart. rir•. Judge Randal:, D 4 li.: Sroadm, v. New Thama• !Clone., of the Capt Iran"... Sta. • ilr.Ogeport, Hate-ran, also mode to Dr W L. Monroe, utulford, 0. Rev R.Jellarll u3.-r.por. Y T Rev T Mr la.cpL 13rnd!ev. 7,L 11 'Joughlon, 2172 F10tr0:...,, ,Nlrs Jornex Ilortholf. 0,4: an r., Johan Faber. 17, Enanttoth 1) A kiltenton,ll, Delaney a:, !amen Snattn. 135 So. , To:lt Charles Broa•u. 100 Wats. All o( artoon /nay cal.ed upan, 71 d, paid Nowlo- or re - gazed by Dr 9 fiarl," ;.at. Irana h Han] F THOMAS h Co, 145 Mat., Y.., 3d toil 4th sr.. eon WO .hilt at, between: Cinonwtn; Ohio, arhoinan.le and retail r.,..,L2.4 for all south Aid Weal. I. WILCOX. Jr. eerier of Mil.rt,n r e Dla mono. only aft tn Cnnso'g Pa MEDICAL & SURGICAL OFFICE, No. 63, DI AAIWID Al. .r 5". (7,./ d OON Vtro,,d rt.rket. 2, es,.. 1 , .4: : ::'-' ,-#' - i.' , . ,),,,p- : 440, I .W . C 4r , . j. t-t - Tr.:;N , ' q,R ‘ 3 . * . l''. . ` , Af r i . * 4lll % k, k , t ' .. :%V . .. A DR. BROWN, !wen regular)) . educate:l :o thr nt• prolramon. and t.cec nlr •ttna gnnara: practt-• 'ln hI3 wantmrtr. thow and . .el Ste coda p:atnt. tor ...Inch h.• opporann,r• and exprriencc preu•tar'y ntta fv him II year. a•scl....tu. dcw.n• d ...nary Wax:met:l oi those twup!.tiot. dutch, A .h t.t,te has more crncttc.. /now pa. t.c . c.1.1.1 ran ay., co • to 11, :ut I nf nmply quaint, 11150 to odhr • and .nnaf .t d wnth dehcate thaaares. an.: al: actory • nc -raj Iron, Itr Brown would Inform thow n'll,l • I w a th•oloo, :•• nava becoutc chrontc I.) • 1..• cr graveled too u•.• ooy ur the colon. :f law their comptanti• ran I.n. ratth•a., Ow, nch', curcd. havtne civen 11.; caw,: • . 1:r • tr•a.inon• coso, of inst,:r•-• rno porno, of ollbo .... va n t l. ••• th• part.c.a.n. .t. tiny- lone and onaue.wa.o and thrar cues trcated ul „„ a!„,nt mann., rrnuted 01/1 I> ndlnvttganoli. orturh ..,ta„„ g , enral prhouce of n/c.l-1., out oof do 4,3•••• to orilopturn.—Dra, wath Hernia to cx:„ a. ,aa " thus dawn,. th.,„, °Awl': ...Pair:, , • p1,..04 road ensues very lo -•:c.artg thetr daara.'e a .1 , tom, can °luau.•••• •, • ' a addre.,taig T I:ON% \. Vo• , .1 , Lug . fee. Ilrhee No ns. op Hous, irt - No can no pay. SIIINIA OR 1 , 11 , 11C!'lr , ' , 1(% .t 1 :ion or 11, n. 7 en .•. tz , rem de .t.•ufrocrtuon SWETTSE-1" . \ I nr.. rum, by n !rt.- r•r u. Dr. C•Farrh. or rum:non ! •` r• , • t termtlior Con•umption. t• c.ffeetvz.') r , ..,T• • v: d Cu •,1 :•vvee , ,er'• Purace • Ilronrh rT• Brom II:a mpum, but a a, •t• wr • Pluturea oh elet rurr I,!intantatton of toe Ton u.. or •••,...• r - lend• r. nn to sernn . .. lert. ‘..11 uicerninn. of the throat On toe r.r.t •1,3 - tom.. Swee“er . • Panacea ' , boa!! be used fr,ly Couch. and Cold. r..d are Veretra rsole.:zn re io•cei , r'• Panacea. Pneurunnta Not —A very (Pa: from vtolent couch I.oid rod n: n de:.flrated tl,- u d 1)r Sweetcrs Panacea couch 1.••• n.e.l o.• ns: ~r V I .yroutopta, winch arc couch or en•el Nlght de..ntto.. tn 'nett frith a tnnely cbccit. by tir ••••.. • 14. • '4..• • 4 1. Connucnotton —ltor. .he fir.t . ;•• wattuip:num wtt•nh arn a nom,. ~••• : or 1,111111.! DI I,ood. it Dr • • Pn. ler 't • 'reel) . used, no danger nets' apnret:.,nnsi When the Lung, Jr,' W.n..1,1.• or t. , • rceolne eloaced up with ;Wren: .n o• n •,,, • . 'nosor I.reathiug. Dr Suro, , nosverru: Fapectorruit, Onouttl is .. . t!:c threct•on . laduenea l'ltt• •plienve, an , climate., Is I;erdo cum] S Prier 51 prr bou'e. or air bow,. lor YS Fir icy lb I J hi'Kr4ON, ',wen) hr big boot T 750,000 PEItSON st AVE: ta.rll Ur i tor. . ..v•• I,en cure I el rl•en.•.• lo•o• , 11 , nor.i. •4 , ,111it/ [lnv, r Lri.. curt, 0. COuaul . IVA.) have Pent cured of L,' , per•ol end I ./Ver Comp:gots, 7.1:00 huee i, , urrd altar A• , b,A, .5.1. e/ bus, beets cured of general praVra. J". 01 135 .I... l onavecured of Rheurnat, r.b.s. w. h t te ot th•eased 2. ir, unve been cbredul 1.,,er t'nrac.n. tt.:.•' 'cu • v arc! t,. r , eaisti elie.t. W1:0 01. 01 voice. w.benpuie cougu. er cbgabtalou, whoch riug lib., , 0 e. prove 1.11:b. • • t ~,c r „on succesatul rem-11) i,t . (art Lt,.. blwee eon:pi:os ‘Oll ha•our ...lent cold u•ed o re, •1 t b u . Pu rot in ter, autl P... , e ,1 a r ov, /1v of II. pny., - .t A der•on. v..:1 4 PPebr. un. reed, , ne t u , I ss . or, '
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