TRH PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO. PITTBOURGIIII SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 29, DAS. PIELLADELPIIIA NORTE AMERICAN. Advertisements and Subscriptions to the North Amer ces, and Visited Sunes Gazette, Philadelphia, received and Torentrffitst from this office. WirriF YOSH EX'PELEBS. We will memo and forward free of expense, ad .t.s and subsetiptions lot this paper. COMILEHCIAL LIST AND PIIILADEL. PHIA PRICE CURRENT. Sobstritftious to this valoskbla paper rreeival .ad forwaided fram this office. IPmrseusee Dams Gsssrre le published k y, Tn. Weekly, rind Weekly.—The Doily Is Seven a rruX Dollen per annum; the Weekly is Five D 011... annum; the Weekly is Taro Dollars per annum, striate isedveste. Mr - rADvairrairree are eruneady requested a hand in area, favors before 3 e. sr., and as early in the day or pritetkeabla Advertisements not inserted fora rpeci led time will invariably be charged WA/ ordered oat. Fos 11T127 Commercial Intelligeace,Domenic, Mar sets, News, ImporiA, fa ulty Markets, Ke third Me. Dirsiieematio Whig Nomlast/mils, FOR PRF-SIDFINT, ZA.OHAILT TAYLOR, FOR VICE PRIZIDENT, • KILLAILD FILLMORE , 07 low TOIL LECTOIIAL TICKET. SENATORIAL ELECTORS. Turmas M. T. 1111Imasor of Washington. Jona P. 8/.1M10150.11, of Ishianon. DISTRICT ELECTORS. I. Joseph G. Clarkson, 13. Henry Jolmcon, • IL John P. Wetherill, 11. 'William Colder, Jame. 11L Dacia 15. William Mlivaine, 4. Thos. W. Duffield, In. Charles W. Fisher, A. Daniel 0. 17. /oidrevr 0. Curtin, el. Joshua Deegan, 15. Thos R..Dovidso. 7. Jahn D. Swale, 19. Joseph Markle, EL I*, Landis, 1.11./ Daniel Agnew, 9. Joseph Sekanucker, 11. Andrew Loomis, 10. Charles Snyder, 212 Richard Irvin, IL ANTRIM G. Hurley, ILL Thomas S. sill, IA Francis Tyler, 24. Sum'l A. romance. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, NEIL RIIDDLIDOWARTII, haatisnasonio and Whig Nominations FOR CONORFSS, HOSES HAMPTON, /OS •61.81.(51 , LEWIS C. NOBLE, of Indmon. CHRISTIAN SNIVELY, of Wllklus M. SWARTZWELDEFL of Farthinglt HENRY LARGE, of Mil also/rota HEEEInAII NIXON, of Lower St Clair RIOITTTT. JOHN SCOTT, of Ross. TIMM OT TOT coru - ch DANIEL M'CURDY, of Elivaboch Borough JOHN K. FOSTER, o [ Baldwin. See next page ir a r Telegraphic News County Convention. The Antimasonic and Whig vote. of Allegheny county are requested to asseinhie in primary meetings, at the usual places, in the several election Districts_ on Sanixday, the 19th of August, ISt,. to elect Delegates to • County Convention, to as,..nble at the Court House, on Wednesday, the 'ad of the same month, et 10 o'clock, A. hi.. to appoint Delegates to a Whig State Convention at Harrisburgh, lor the nomination of a candidate for Governor, and also to nominate a candi date for Commissioner, in place 01 Thos. Faunnon, de ceased. eTea preimmbae m e 7 e l t t o n ' g c s lo , cnk .the . W3la.—rdasn adn dth Bor o o u f g h h ., e Towhshifrs, at 3 o'clock, P. . ROIS lI EIRT CAROTHERS. Chairman of the Committee of Correspondence. Jona t. Prise Secret.). The Gov 9 11 Election We publish, to day, the call fm a County Con vention to nominate Delegates to the State Con vention, to meet on the 31st of August- Our friends throughout the county, w•ho appreciate the importance of the success of Whig principles, wall see that no district is unrepresented. We would suggest to our Whig friends, in every district in which such action has apt i :ra•ady been taken, this propriety of making use of this occasion to perfect a complete organization. in view of the great elections to be held this falL There should be an active Executive Committee in each distract, composed of men willing and able to work, and who feel the importance of having the work well performed. Such an organisation in this county, might secure,its a Whig Governor. We are happy to see indications in every part of the &me, of a self sacrificing and determined spi rit,—hopeful of success, and willing to work for it. All personal preferences, as to candidates, are ta citly abandoned. The universal sentiment is. give us a good man whom we can elect, and we do not care who he is, or what county he comes from. It m the success of our principles we desire, and not of some personal friend. The general Whig sentiment, as far as we can gniber it, by reading papers from every section of the State, le settling down upon the present Gov ernor, Was. F. Jrraitoros, Esq., as the most suitable candidate, under all the circumstances of the case, and the probability now is, that he will be nomin ated by the Whig Convention. Although Alleghe ny county would like to have her Fintrani for the Whig standard bearer in the contest, yet Mr. John• stows nomination will recetve the cordial anent of the Whig party in this county, and he will be sup graded with a unanimity and real worthy of the . cause sad the occasion. Tux Taturromer. Btu--Our readers have I 'anted by our telegraphic despatches, that this bill has passed the Senate by a considerable majority . Of 'the preaert character of the bill we are yet ignorant. Thera may have been amendments , removing the objectionable features, but we fear not. Mr. Miller, of New Jersey, in his speech. made a very powerful and lucid argument to show that under such a law as proposed in thin bill, there mild be no appeal to the Supreme Court in a slave case, from a decision ninny sort of a tribunsi in California or New Mexico. He showed that it t„ . was even impossible to bring up this question Gom the State or South Carolina. He instanced the ease of Mr. Hoar, in which the Legislature and the whole 'State bad united to expel him because he only attempted to get a legal decision of the goes• non whether free negroes, citizens of another State. could be arbitrarily imprisoned there. As this is a vital point, untees some amendment was made by which such iippeal becomes certain and easy, the whole Compromise. as such, becomes • a farce, and more objectionable to the North than • the Missouri Compromise. 01 the probabilities of the passage of the Bill thlongb the House, there are various opinions. It is stated by letter writers from Washington, l bat the Whig members have held a caucus, and re• solved to defer the question natal the next session• and the fact that the House, on Monday last, pass. ed a resolution, by a vote of 126 to 49, to adjoura on the 7th of August, is indicative M a determina tion not to meddle with the subject at prese nt— On the other hand, it is confidently stated by Its friends, that the Bill will pass, and that there is strength enough to Lance it hastily through the Rouse. Unless it is so amended as to remove its objectionable features. this would be an event much to be lamented. The Steubenville Herald complains that injus tice is done to that thriving place by the manner of publishing imports in our daily papers. The talus tice complained of is unavoidable on the part of the press, as the copy of a manifest is the only guide. '4 that from Wheeling, Or instance, may take in a Portion of ber load at Steubenville, and atoth ea portion at Wellsville. Her manifest shows what she brings to this port Ola • trip from Wheeling. which is all our merchants with to know, an I L. all which the lamas can afford to publish, evert ii the means of telling from what port each article was shipped, were within reach. We fear our Sten, benville friends will have to submit to the eviL • Get. Tenet to Tess—Taylor meetings have been held at Galveston and Houston, which were numerously attended. The one in Galveston, was addressed with great erect, by Ovid F. Johnson, Esq., of Philadelphia. A Taylor State Convention Was to be held at Honston, on the third Monday of July, for the formation of an Electoral ticket. The Ovid F. Idhnson, mentioned above. LS the same gentleman who addressed the ratification meeting in Nes/Orb:was, and not Win. F. Johnston, as wee incorrectly stated. 0. F. Johnson, Esq., who is now swarm an advocate for Gen. Taylor's election, has been always known In this mate as a leading Democrat, and was a member of Governor Potteell cabinet, if we rotas not. Dram 09 au torsos—Western R. Gales, Esq., editor of the Raleigh (N. C.) Register and brother of the distinguished Jos R. Gales, of the National Intelligences, died at Petersburg, Va., on Sunday morning last. Ihr, was on ho return home from Old Point Comfort at the time, and was extremely ill. /boat one Inn:tared men are connnining onus• fee upon the inhabitants. of New I:lambi:l'o..7.- Requisition has been sent to the GosernoT, re questing him to call out troops. The Pottkeepsie Guards hays refused to act without anoxia from Cknentar. Tan PZIMIIMMINCY—.;•No. 5 To rho Editors of the Pittsittrgh Gwen,- Them is a prominent and momentous consider • ation presented at the tbreatthold of the prelfeat Presidential campaign, which appeals theinter. eat of every man who regards the manner and principles upon which this Government should be administered General Cass, by his own deciarauon and pledg es, and by the iteration of his friends, is pledged to the policy that has marked the administmtion of Mr. Palk. What is that...obey' Is it sound, safe, conducive to the great bitterestn of thin country and subservient to the hermony of our institutiot& When Mr. Polk came into the administration of M22= by his immediate predecessor, yet there was pence smatng upon all our land, and it was blessing and enriching all the chmttels and pursuits of life.— There was no nation - al debt. There wata surplus of ten Millie. of Antlers in the Treasury, and no thing that threatened a retina of the tide. There WOl5 - 8 tarQ that protected kerne industry nonnitut .c competition of foreign pauper tdnr, and gave to our manufactories a healthful activity to labor, a liberal reward, and to the producyr a steady de mend for the row material—capital wan large sod Increasing—money was aeekmg investment at the legal rate of interest--enternrine was stimulated IJ the steady development of the vast resources of the country, and government was working harm°, inanely. Such wan the auspicious state of things when Mr. Polk took tho helm of state. What has followed? In rather more than a year from the period of his entrance upon his official duties. he brought the country into alarming condict with Great Britain, by nu unwarrantable demand for portion of territory beyond our rightful limits; and' but for the Serene., of the Whig Party in Congress, we should have been precipitated into a war. as disastrous as ever scourged g country. Rebuked as helves in thin instance. It did not subdue his destre for war, lie turned his attention to poor distracted, miserable Mexico, and in direct viola tion of the Constitution and his oath of oince.—he made war upon this Republic, and all that has lowed that guilty and infatuated movement, is be. fore the country, and upon the country, within the knowledge of all. How in it now with the Trees aryl , Mr. Polk has not only exhausted the ter milli°ns that he found in the Treasury., but he has had to, borrow between sixty and seventy mil bane of dollars, and when the demands of the Government, consequent upon the war, shall be represented, the country will have a national debt of one hundred and fitly millions!!! The burden of this immense debt, we do not yet feel, (or, up to this time, it has beennothing but Zorn's:Cog-11in when we shall be culled upon to pay, Men the people will feel what a load has been placed upon them. Every man will hove to put Ms hand in his pocket to meet the demands of the tax gatherer. John Randolph used to say, • .C.l that he naked of Government, was to keep thoir hands out of his pocket and otl his person Mr . Polk's policy would never have suited Mr. Ran dolph. How is it as to the tend - as the wni Not setts tied with the tariff of 1011, that woe working admirably for the country, Mr. Polk and los port resolved to destroy it, that they might run n rev with Sir Robert Peel aur the principtes of tree trade Accordingly. the tardl of hit! was repealed. and the of 16 became the law of the land. Who was le benefited by this , - Have the manufacturers' Let the ruin that it lies brought upon many, and the embarrassment that it has brought upon all, .n -ewer. lins it operated to increase the demand tar labor and to reward it , Let the thousands that have been discharged fnshi etnployment answer.— Has it benelitted the producer of the raw dome-tic material, or the grower of bread stuffs , Let the farmer and the planter answer, at this tnonierd of their ruinous prices Has not the tariff of 'St , worked exclusively for the benefit of foreign capi tal and foreign labor? Let the large amount at iur portations from abroad, the quantity of specie tent has been neat out of the country, to pay for them, and the balance of trade, answer. How has Mr. Polk's policy affected the money market , Such has been the revolution that has figlowed lie nd• ministration. that money is every where saringcnt nod for all current business it is ate rote of troth one to one and n half per cent. a month. Such a rate of interest must met-Lt.:lily. tie ,1 has. lessen business, destroy enterprixe. and embarrass re cry thing connected with the use of money. The consequences allowing the war spirit, eyes tern of free trade, and the thorough revolution in all the past policy of the Government, has vitally affected the commerce, agriculture and mann., tures of the country to a ruinous state, anti is c on aloofly becoming worse. How is it with the no t ion of the Government upon our institutions This wed. with Mexico nod its baleful inert& hay brought up the most -emus and alarming subject, that tins ever threatened the bond of our Eaton.— Upon the subject of slavery and free territory, the country is convulsed with divisions and temper heretofore unknown, and in Congress we find the strife and conflict of adverse interests and divided opinions, that baffle all speculation an to their neat settlement and 16 portent-ms of evils. These me some of the fruits of Mr. Polk's policy, and with all of which, Gen. Cass has had a prominent Rod active partielpatMo. lle has advocated all, defect ded all, and is pledged to use all his influence to carry them on and carry them out to all their ,'oat sequences' Can the people, will the people become a party to these mad schemes of National !Weld, that policy which had its origin in party for the sole advancement of party, to the danger and detri ment of the country, be silstruned by those w ho are to reap the harvest of misrule and ruin' I cannot, will not believe it. With an abiding confi dence in the discernment and, wisdom of the pet* pie, I believe they will rebuke the twpirauous of Gen. Cass by electing hilt noble, honest, safe and faithful mrmpetator, Zachary Taylor, whose whole life is a guarantee of his disinterested devotion to his conntry. P. From the New York CArmlneretal The Indians In Yucatan. We return our thanks to Capt. Peterson. of this city, for the subjoined letter, which was addressed to him by the writer, Mr. Fitzgibbon. of the Belize Observer - . . Bourn. July 4, 154 , ,. As you are aware, immediately on my being re. leased from the unjust and illegal imprieonment I have undergone in the common jail of this settle ment, for publishingcertain articles in my newepa• per, I proceeded to Bacalar. in Yucatan, which place has just (Adieu into the hands of the Indians, to order to see and judge for myself of tire correct nees of the numerous and conflicting statements had heard. I proceeded in my own schooner to the mouth 01 the creek (in the RlUrtlorulo) which connects with the lagoon and thence in a large dorey In the town, or rather, I should say, us to. ins. The town of Bacillar, formerly called Salamanca de Bacillar, is built on an elevated ridge of land overhanging the lagoon of the same name, and contained a population of between 3000 nod .1000 souls. A body of Indians:who were ranging that state, under the command of a chief noised Jose Pablo Pocono, to the number of about 1.500 men, attacked the town on the 15th of April last Among thus entire body of men, only about one hundred had guns. The Yucatecos, on the contrary were well armed, and the town itself was strong ly fortified. On the land side there are seven small batteries and a breastwork of full a mdc and a half to length. These were all yielded wu bout a struggle. and the troops tell back on the castle erected to protect the place on the lagoon side and mounting some twenty guns and four mortars. The women and children anc the officers! abandoned the town to the Indiana and lied to Belies, or wherever else they could find shelter. The castle held out for Three days, when it capitulated, the besieged be ing permitted to leave the place unmolested, ex cept having their Areas Anted! Not o single per. son is known to have been killed during the at tack, except six Yucatecoes in the castle. killed by the bursting of one of the cannon. That many were afterwards murdered there can be no doubt. The Indica g,-,rito or war whoop, did more to take place than anything else, for it appears to have par eh:zed the defenders of he tows. I arrived at Sampler at eleven o'clock at night. and, was conducted by 'the guard to the chiefs qyarters; but sobs hid drank rather too freely, and Was Um drowsy to understand who I was or what I wanted, I was marched back nntta l to the kind tag and had to sleep on the lagoon, in an open do ray. In the morning I again landed and got intro. dared to the chief, and then proceeded to view the town. In nearly every street 1 Mond cannon hail been placed for its defence- Of the town itself 207 of the finest and best houses hod been destroyed in the !lush of victory. Here and there the most re volting sights were to be met; human corpses des Toured by hugs and dogs. These unfortunates had been murdered after the surrender of the place. sod had been dragged with ropes around the neck or legs through the streets, and there left.. In the grove yard I found the tombs hod been broken open and the bodies taken out and served in like 011[1.7. But the moat revolting and horrible spectacle wan within the walls of the cattle. 1 found Me par tially aorta remains of nine tauten being. The well was also choked op with bodies. In one an gle of the battlements I found the body of a female. in a partially decomposed sUite, and was informed that she had beau violated by eight of these sava ges, and then pat to death. The stench was be yond any thing I ever experienced. On the out. aide of the castle walla I should suppose there was a good handbirr row loader human hatr. Of course there is nothing like order in the tow —no men's life or property in safe a moment Not withstanding this state of things. however, severs shops have - been opened by people from the Be lize. I saw the torture applied to two unfortunate Spaniards who had been taken prisoners, and after wards saw them receive filly lashes each. The In diana are eantinually fighting among themselves, and scarcely a day pastes that one or more is not shot.. They appear to dread the interference of the United Pones, and say that, unless they are stop ped, they will not leave a Spaniard in the country. I My ill health prevented may staying more than two daya in the place, I therefore returned by the mune route, and arrived, on the eighth day from my I 4elmtnn , ntmain, dear sir, punk &c. ETD= Ova AND Gszzars Az T. July 25,1818. Gen. Taylor—Testimony of Pother Mc- Elroy. The late father Anthony Rey, and the venerable father McDroy, now pastor of the Endicou Street Catholic Church, in Boston, were appointed Chap lains la the Army of the United Stales, under Gen. Taylor, in 1E436. The talented and liberal editor of the Albany Evening Journal, Thurlow Weed, Esq., in a re_ cent stint to Boston, called on Father McElroy, and obtained from that distinguished Clergyman, the following character of Major pen. Taylor. Mr. Weed save "We called, a few evenings since, when in Dos • ton, upon the venerable Father McElroy, one of Gan. Taylor's Chaplains, who is now Pastor of o Church in Endicott street, and who is confessedly 1 among the most enlightened and devoted Philan thropists and Christians in the Union. He woo near Gen. Taylor through ha most trying scenes in Mexico. He confirms in the most emphatic language ' all the highly favorable opinions we had previously heard expressed by Maj. KirbaY, Capt. Henry and other distinguishes officers who have served long and reputably with him. Father Mc. Elroy says that Gen. Taylor is a truly good and great man. Courage, guided by prudence, an • justice, tempered with humanity. are, with Gen. Taylor, prominent character...nice, Temperance and simplicity - of bah:tend manner mark his course with society. Integrity and Patriotism stand out bold in all his official acts. In a word, Father Mc- Elroy expressed, as the result of a familiar acqaiw tance, his conviction that Gen. Taylor, in the ele ments that form his character, and the motives and objects which prompt and guide him,.bears a strong and marked resemblance to Ws.stundrem. "The conmirring testimony of good men, soldiers, statesmen and divines, in favor of Gen. Taylor, under circumstances which might be expected to provoke conflicting opinions, goes far to esuiblinh the patriotism and purity of his character. If there were reams in his cornet, his opponent*, now that he is a candidate for President, wZnild find them out and send their javelinsthrough them. If there were blemishes in his character, or stains upon his reputation, bin rivals would be sure to point them out, But while his friends refer with pride to Gen. Taylor's virtues, his opponents find him wholly unassaible." Ma. Hesse - rms.—Our representative, Mr. Hamp ton, is winning golden opinions in the neighbor hood of W.hington city, by kis abilities as a stump speaker. The Baltimore Patriot, in an arti. vie upon the campaign in Virginia, thus mentions Mr. Ifs. services: The meeting at Fairfax Court 1-louse, on Mons day, the 17th inst., was as full of interest, and as favorable in its termination to the Rough and Ready cause, as any that preceded it. Among the speakers on that occasion was Mr. Hampton, the gentlemanly and estimable Representative in Congress trom Pittsburgh. This gentleman, who fills his stanon in Congress with equal benefit to his constituents and credit to himself, has on a number of occasions, responded to the call of his political friends, and addressed meetings of the pen ple at various places m the vicinity of Washington city. The manner in which he acquitted himself has secured to him the fame of an eloquent and for . , ctble speaker, and rendered him quite a favorttt with the party. This is attested by the frequenc al the calls latterly upon hint in this way. Th. following allusion to his recent ...tweak at Fairfax Le made by the Fairfax News' Mr. Hampton was parti , illarly eloquent, an, held the audience enchained for more than an hour, while he declaimed against the extraortfina. ry stretch of power granted to the President by toe veto. lie also showed very conclustvely that the Taylor party had the strongest kind of a plat. lent to the Minion letter, nod that in Gen. Cass the Democrats had no filliforrn at all, for he had been for and against all thegending questions which have been agitating the country for the last twenty. five years. Vermont--General Taylor Accepted. Correspondence of the New York Trshone Gunner, Venues, July 21, Isis Mr. Grecier—Drur Sir—Vermont no longer hr. sdates. We have just held our State Convention. which was numerously attended and enthusiasti cally conducted. One of the Delegates at large to the Philadelphia Convention, llon.S.flomon Foote. made his report. When he inane the announce- I meet of his support throughout of Vermont's favor. its candidate, I leery Clay. cheer, succeeded cheer. That were absolutely deafening. Resolutions were adopted avowing our steadtast and unwaveong support of Whig Principles—a prntective Tarot. hostility to Slavery Extension, u firer adherent, tc t h e p ,,,,pl es of t h e firdwlrtn, at 17 , 7. Afc The proceedings of the Convenl,a were thhvenell l.y spirit stirring music. As was justly stated by our estimable oilmen, Ex Governor Paine, who presi ded with ability over the deliberations of the Con. mention, they had muatc to their instrumerim and in their souls too. The Vermont Whig song was particularly interesting. The resolution pledging our support to Taylor and Fillmore was passed nn amnion sly. The Convention adjourned to meet at the polls with three cheers (or Taylor and Fillmore, three more. and three more, when I retired—and 1 can't say but they nre cheering yet. yours, n. As the editor of the Pao is so much annoyed with the results of steamboat voting, we should ehantably withhold such announcements as the 11,, did not our duty as public jouruaLsts, require ns to ..note the passing tidings of the times: The following is the result of a vote taken on the steamer Shenandoah. on her late trip (own St. Lone to this par ll'entlemen. Lathes. :16 0 1 Taylor, GU. Van Buren The editor of the Feet perseits, "most solemnly,' in his statement relative to the Wheehng All we have to say is. that tiie. - I.Vlie thug Times" which came , tOll., keep. Taylor*s name dying at the head of its columns, and 31 that is "lowering it," we do not understand the meaning of the tertian. However, it is a matter of no great con sequence to us, tithe Post chooses to farther nook a statement. Every person who sees the daily .1103.3 of the Times. known that the statement is Earn MAI Dicalco—Asstiv az or Gra. a. —The stearnstap Alabama, from Vera Cruz, arri ved at New Orleans on the 20th. She left on the 15th, and brings over ore horse battery. and three companies of the find Artillery. Gen. Wo-th k also a passenger. The public property had all been withdrawn from Vera Cruz, and the only force remaining was the garrison. The final evacuation was corrected to take place about the first proximo. Gen. Wool and staff were nt the' Brazos ou the 15th, awaiting transportation. There was much sickness among the volunteers. ASSAULT ON MISSIONARIES IN CHINA.—On the Bth of March, three Missionaries, Messrs. Medhurst, Lockheart and Muirhead, went on a journey to Tsing-poo, about twenty-seven miles from Shanghai, to distribute tracts. and while doing so were molested by a party of grain-junk men, and after theyfeft Tsmg-poo on their return, by another pay of junk men, armed with poles, crow-bales, swords, and other weapons, one of them with a heavy iron chain. Having overtaken the missionaries M , they fell upon them furiously, whereupon Messrs. Medharstand Muirhead ran for their lives, but Mr. Lockheart was thrown down and badly beaten by the fellow who carried the chain. His two companions, after running some distance, and finding him absent, returned to his rescue, but before they reached him, he had jucceeded in get ting upon his feet, and ran. The pursuit was renewed for some miles, and being overta ken again, the party were much maltreated. Whilst warding off the blows as well as he could, Mr. Medi:tuna was struck from be hind with the bun end of a toothed hoe, the blow of which immediately stunned him, and he fell flat on the floor; the bystanders then came up, and struck him a number of times, lying on his face; among the rest, pee gave him a severe blow with a sword on the side of the knee. The other missionaries were equally ill-treated, Mr. Muirhead being so much beat about the legs that he was scarcely able to walk, and Mr. Lockheart received a severe wound on the back of the head, which bled profusely. The marauders, having beat the unfortu nate men to their satisfaction, proceeded to plunder them: and this done, they were or dered. back to the city, repeated blows being given on any . indication of unwillingness to proceed. As they urged them along, they declared they would not let them r under 85,000 a head; but on nearing the city all of them slunk away, their places being supplied by officers of the city, by whom they were conducted before a magistrate, who received them kindly, promised reparation, and gave them an escort home. , These junk-men are a portion of a clean who have by a recent change in the mode of transporting, the tribute-grain to Pekin, been thrown out of employment; and they have resorted to plunder to sustain themselves, as well as to intimidate the Government. The British Consul at Shanghai has taken up the matter officially, and will investigate it thoroughly—Chris. Caron. AMiCRICAS Taker Socierr.4:During the month of May this society has granted 1,663,000 pages for gratuitous distribution, commissioned 87 additional colporteurs, and remitted 5800 to aid the Paris Tract Society. POPULATION or nu-Ls—The recent cen sus of Texas shows the population to be 145,000, exclusive of Newton and San Patri cia counties. r^-%-+~....;.~...: a..j » .w.,.>,,..,, 1323112!=1 irtyoRTDD rot tuz DryTEAMIOII DAILY GAzETIM Whig Blaealng len Lawrenceville. At a Whig meeting, held in the borough of Low. renceville, on Thersdas, 27th toot., the ibllowing persons were elected as officers to serve daring the campaign Prealdent—Z. WAINWRIGHT. Vice Presidente—Dr..l... end W3t. flee. Sec . y.—John NL Harper. s'y.—W. Cable. Treasurer-1 Robison. The fisilovong resolutions, prepared by a Coin , awe, .naisting of J. M. I farm., Z. Patilfard ad Z. Wainwright. were adopted by the meet. Whereas, in vidw of the coming election the Whig% of the Borough of Lawrenceville, feel them selves called upon once more, tu take the stand to defend the great and cardinal principles of the par. ty which to them, seem of vital importance to the nation, and also that the abuses and errors of the present administration be exposed, Be it therefore Resulted, That as friends of the country. we will give nut support to such lien and measures as will tend to the perpetuity of our republican ineti• Unions. Belafred. That is Gen. Z. TAYLOR we recognize like the great Washing - ton) the true patriot, cite en, and soldier, who will carry out the principles (the constitution, and in so doing would earry out hose of the Whig party. Resolved, That in M. Fdimuoce, we recognize the true Statesman and philanthropist, who is In fw vor of the protection of home industry in oppose lion to Mreign competition. Resulted. That we are opposed to the further eztension'of slave territory Reza/Iva, That we arc in favor of the improve ment of our river* and harbors by the general go, erninenz Resolved, That the nominations of the Philadel phut Convention receive our cordial support at the coming election. iirmtleed, That we will use all honorable means of causing to be exposed the corruptions and in triguer of the present administration. Resolved, That we will one all honorable means to secure the election of the Whig nominees at the coining election. MING.—As it is now the proper season for the full enjoyment of this most wholesome of all luxuries, we would direct the attention of the pub lic to the Citizens' Baths on fourth street, =me' distely opposite Lanmees Exchange office. The proprietor of this establishment is every way prepared to render comfortable all who may favor lion with a mill. Arou, ilau..—The Original Virginia :wren dere performed kat night, to a large and Cul - Ilona ble audience, who were highly delighted at t tet perG.wmance. They perform again to-night. Se advertwement. MORSE, Fourth . 11.1, pal:hailed a pantphir entaled—'Polly Coo Frausay.' MR. CORWIN !, SPEEI7II.- - I . ..turnac: the well known Waslungton eorresiamdeat of the lla:t.rnor Patriot, mentions Mr. Circa •pera as bilOW. "Mr. Corw.n's •peeeh was a maaterbe alrevnneu su of tished oratory. .0 far ns I listened to it. Ile replied to Mr. Parlp. with great courtesy and force, and held a large audience profoundly atten tive. Mr. Corwin speak. bui ..•IJom. but when he Jors eprrl. there 11w11,rt1..n., delivered worth listening to' 1 regretted very much that Ivy an, cations tout: toe away from the Senate Chamber while he ava. !peaking, in spite of tuvaelf, lint account turn one of the moat etrapient and blushed orators 1 ever heard .peak. I niideratand he spot, Ibr two hours and upward.' A letterin the i t hitadetnnia Itaniettn. ' , peaking or Mr. Corwin', speech, any. After a speech rf tnrre boons, swept tile a consomme tire through the dry grasps under a high wind. destroying 111 its flames arguments. appeals, itutlu.riiree ‘l , ll3pl , 4llll.rlL—leasung the whole queet.on ut tile naLed trill of the adults , •on or exclusion at . s;averv. Corwm eunultb dud by planting himselfpon the rampartcif 1 7 , 7 to regard to all ihoseter,o,e, With the tethers it the I . orlSi 11111.1 tie ',Mid stand or cal!. :'enulont. menther4 I (mine who were present. the i,rge co,n,,,t.r•t• io It, xll:ernes. it I concur an the opm.. On tot r r.rav o I nide anal eitlurn: men Ole r, BLOODY A FY., —An adiny ~ courrerl at the Exchange Hotel in thin CI,. on Sithaday night. SO winch a man named Retort Marna., front Fay ette County. who had been a ,crgento iu Captain Coxe's company, That Kentucky Ergancnt, but lately n dell: to Geuend Mar.ha 1. wan dangerm,c Iv woundcd he a poach shot nred by ineutenant : , hackleford.ot Captain linrdin'• company. Fourth Kentucky Regiment. Lieutenant S r front 'Wahl, Ingtort county. The hall paaaetl innatall MorTiattn and although he was lull] alive 1341 night, d t. leered that he cannot !twelve We have heard various ...temente as to the muse of the arfray but tee do not think it advisa ble to publisri then, ..,tiat•hlefird i. in tail, and the cue will probalily be bri , r,t,hi up for rsanonatton before the police court th.v Journal, July '4ll SA , L7III CAROLINA Dr wr,•EL, .—The llariertrin • Mercury c imams the pox-et-dings of a democratic meeting, which it reprerenia to have been the hag• ert and most enihirwart, drairircariabon ever held in that city. A series of reiraiuti,na acre adopted denouncing len. Cass and the I lemortrat. IC ,GOtIVCIIIIOII. declaring their daterinination rapport , :en. Taylor Our the Prevideney. and , :en Wm. a Guilt, ex tie \ icc Prraidency. They ma, no mention of Mr. Folmar., Ward. Corm,. pondtng and r•tate Coln, were appointed h carry out the vthwl of the fleeting. —The Bel Wadi,. Amen 7ih, has the tolloselng —\V have •d BILEAIL n THE Can,. ran of the VlO,l of a break in the l'ennto.lvantn Canal. which occurred near Newport 'de, 'toles above Columba, by letters received. we expect boats will he enu bled to paw safely on Saturday nex'. THE Cup or Coil, WATRII.—A young Eng lish woman was sent to France to be educa ted in Paris. A few evenings before the fa tal massacre ot it Bartholomew's Day. she and her young companions were taking a walk in some part of the town where there were sentinels placed—perhaps on the wall; and von know that when a soldier is on guard he must not leave his post until he is relieved: that is, till another soldier comes to take his place. One of the soldiers, as the young ladies passed tons. besought them to have the charity to bring him a little water, adding that he was very• ill, and that it would be as much as his lite was worth to go and fetch it himself. The ladies walked on, much offended at the man for presuming to speak to them—all hut the young English woman, whose compassion was moved, and who, leaving her party, procured some wa ter and brought it to the soldier. He begged her to tell him her name and place of abode; and this she did. When she rejoined her companions, some blamed and others ridi culed her attention to a common soldier: but they soon had reason to lament that they had pot been equally compassionate, for the grateful soldier contrived on the night of the massacre to save this young Englishwo man, while all the other inhabitants of the house she dwelt in were killed! A Textecaasica is said that the "Rev. Mr. Chiniquy has administered the pledge of abstinence from intoxicating li quors to upwards of seventeen thousand persons, in the distnct of Montreal, during the last month. Amongst those who have taken the pledge from the reverend gentle man are several tavern-keepers, who have relinquished their business, and put away far from them the spirituous liquors upon which they had been trading. This speaks well for the force with which the Canadian apostle is prosecuting his cause.•' THE PEOPLE'S PL•TFORM "I have no prmete pimp.. to accompllah. no pony purpone• to build up, no enemies to punisu—nothing tO 'era e but ray country." iThe pose, given by the Constitution the Execu tive, to Intern..., hasvetu. ot it high conservative pow er, which should never be exercised except in oases of clear mutation of the Constitution, or manifest baste aril went of consideration Ly Conc.," -The peruntel opinio. of the individual who may happen to occupy the Execouve cham, ought not to control the action of Congresn upon queen°. of do mestic policy, nor oughtlus objections to be triterposed where questions of coinuttutunial power have been settled by the various departments of government, and acquiesced to by the people." "Upon the subjects of the tariff. the currency. the trn• prevenient of our great highways, rivers, lakes, and harbors, the will of the people. ns es pressed through their reprettentatives to Longman. might to be respect ed and emoted oat by the Executive." "War, at all times, and under all cacumniances, is • national calamity, to be avoided, if compatible with national honor." "The principle. tit our government. l• well sal Its true paltry, are ottimaed to the aubitiga non of other :rattans, and the dismemberment amber countrice by conquest, for, m the language of the great W.hington, 'why should we quit our own to stand au °reign ground.' " Z. AYLO R. IT Et /Cl 2 VitAe IS WANTIII —Nay all who ever used 'name's Yerratflige! Read the following letter from an agent: "9 menata, CIIIMCNO Co N Y. Feb..4oth, VAX. I J.Kldd Co.—Wit in our agent was bore hod m opened, and be 10 y 1 bat a few dozen of htl.sine's Ver. at milage, and I find it is goolg off very fast, and thus far it has given good sansfaebon, and has proved to be lust what the publie mauls, and we have got it agotng, and Ido not wish to get out. I hear bat one dozen left. 'When (bur agent was here, I think he told me acme place to send If ( should want more, bat if be did, I !min forgren. Will you have the realneas to or• der for ma akg dozen to Ire on the gz . it t of this. FRYER." For sal* at the Drag gore of .7 KIDD & Co, as wood wen l it Qp Anwoos PERrOMMASC. aS 1513 Oracc*—Te. FELTING—A constant:r b p i : lT or Woolley Felting, day—the 4.t of thn widths, aak la Deaver on 111Orldliy—M0 pC11011:11anGta 11,111 be giv- Agent f c , r th e menufeetnry. C'thththr. " the}' " s ° p! e ' rs, ". re, t:on hand " o i'. tre ' de to order r . b ‘ ; en, eondbeneing at We Laval hove, in the afternoon lye cocu RAN. 26 wood at and at night. Thid afternoon will be ut admirable oc- WHEAT FL01;11—Cal I,b,s extra Family ension for family parties and children to nut this Owe ! owl reed and tir sale by to see Mademoise/le Rosa, acknowledged to 1,0 we I /re . SF VON SONNIIOII , 7 Co.&front st believe, the best female performer that has yet appes. rIIII.7IINS-3.3 FOR'S FIL:e3II. for •ale I y ed. Mr. Aire may now well be proud of the strength I 'kJ Ire - F Vtt \ BONN tit MST k C, of his Troupe Aaide from his otath name, which is a tower of clenoh, Mademoiselle Ron and Glens, Rot would stone make the fortune of any event. Every Ming is well conduct.' here. and we are happy to had that the energetic measure's taken by the Mayor and Police have enurely dispersed the rabble who usually nicest circus extubiumm. Estrha Sams. —Tins favorste place tor lades and gentlemen as very tool and pleasant these hot I evenings. The concerts given at this establmkonent nre deitghtful in the extreme. We nonce the lathes form a large portion of the audiences. This evening a grand concert will be given by the Tyrolese singers. after which an Ethroptan Opera .111 be played, by Knees , Opera Troupe .• 17 - I.:SE ma Laura MILLM4-11 you wish to be So, petitul in any undertaking, you must always use the croper meant: Therefore, if you have it cough. use 1 lath is Exerkw.ntskv and be cured, kir 11 is the proper , 1111,1101. Hove ou Arthma or difficulty of breathing, thell lb.' ow, efficient means to care you Is to Use a) I pce want. which will immediately overcome the 'Tam which contracts the diameter of the lobes, and inetto and brings up the mucus which clogs them Up. slid Thus removes every obstruction to a free mem ration, while at the SIM! lime all intiammation tt stilt clued, and u cure In eertskol to be cdected. Hove you Brooch:1m, Spitting of Blood. Pleurisy. or fart oi l y , Pulmonary Affection. then use Jayne's and relict w certain. and you will hod that you have uP.ed the proper mean.. For sale in l'ituniuret at the Pekin Tea Store, 72 4th ; street neer Wood. Inni7 ' lung's Experroasirr —We would call attention to this excellent remedy lot Coughs Colds, Consumption, Asthma, and all affections 01 thy Throat and Lungs. 'laving several umea within a few years past hail oceu mion to uso it medicine of this kind, we have by experi ence tested its excellent qualities, and ate prepared to recommend it to others or ether public speakers afflicted with bronchial affecttona will find great benefit front 111.• 1111.. Itprepared by s anent, fic pity SIMI, and all classes w ill find it a safe and effi cacious medicine I/I the diseases for which it is re ended.—{Columbus (Ohm) Cross and Journal. MMEIMINEI Er The roll. Angelic expreuton or some females is grateful to view, while the repulatve, coarre. muddy, yellow lece. of ethers, excites disgurt—the some with males. Could such people be induced to try a with of the true Joacs' Italian Chemical Soap. the, would be enraptured with the change. They would have a deli. cute, clewr. white skin. while every disfigurement or eruption would be removed mid mired P•anceLJA Ncrrtca.— Persons who have bought cheap and tnattaUons of thin. isittl'ha•e had no et• teat produced. must try this, the ongtnal Maid. ask tor tunes soap. Ferule at We. JACIIMM . I , . nu I.iber• y street rintri4 Fes ea AND At,. ANY BLUM,' C0MP1.....4,11..—A1thn li rs long deu as a envereign remedy fur chrome rear, er 'knew . dertinfenseid, ProPrioM“ at Dr Nl'Lene I.iver 1 . 1,:e wore net prepared for lee follow• Ong 0111.11)111K cadence of or capacity and curative powers iu Ague and Fever, and I.lllleue complaint.: - NlaorsoNavan, Nov. t . 1n47 - Alessra. Kidd &Co.—About one year I was laborove wider a very severe attack of the Ague and Fewer. but L.) the use of :11 . 1.1111011d•er Pins I was ewet remort,l to y,riret ben/tA. I behave them to be the beat meth for Bantus erdnplattits that has ever been uttered bar •ale In this arebon orate country. • " JAMES SHARPE." For ta:e It ale 1)7116 Stmt. 0(1 K 1111) h C0.. w00l tirrel JY4 TIM ACM/ I.lca • luau:—The origin!. on .y tru• and genuine Lher Pill. prevare.ll , y it Yeller. P•rriernysve, %.• Jane 71h. I•Lie NIrR E Sellers—t 4 onse years atnee I wan murk ben ted a,,, your Low PM. stud tut I aro • srrat •Itt:orrr now. ..nclosc )ou one dollar. •nal wt.] 3°a to send me she worth of I.lrer by rem. I. . .entt thr some kind—the)charm us., I took them 1.1010. Yours. Prrparrd and wld by R. S, .57 w 004 •I. SOIll to Or ( - env:. sth w•rd, U. NI Cum, Ailrgaelly, W J Smith, Temperaticeetile. 11.11 d. Y Dralso. ACT:OS —All other [this calicd Lirrcr ru.• •cowl toie.. or Lmtratroor. ET Do, your hair tail off, d,oev your lair tUrv, gray I. II hArall, a it dry, or dirty. I pray . It iz• WU, you can make it watt. salt y and fine. Dark ...thy. and Imeauteous a. ihn• b cur tai tame And In have tn.a. y nu have bui:lhree andintga io give For a home hone, Haar Restorative. )uu Wier Lad half you ...lot really be uy totoshed at :he lovely effect a three alulluts hoole al Jones' Corul Has, }tumoral., lasuou o; ureds but one trial. ekold at eV Liberty at. novlUOSaty E.Y . e.lovt Teeth and putrid breath. Split.) rum, '.lo rope. drab. • ---- 14,Iumveand doorustang. I n :I:AAR-AA 10, A, coo"! bays iocot as u tole as pour!. r , 011 , ,5tl I,IW I. t,Fruo,-•l,l,rti gum -also sop, • ~, css H. t!.1.1(1, iN A iiCl`Cl:ra %%,,, drls,,,•-•••ouy . quo, s yimso• . . And 1..111,01 01.1oto,"Cooth Cu m••• t • EttAl AN CLA'. -Kai boa.- and rsoO., urarrasocti It roma but 'Li tout, ...d i• r ,..21, • lo.aattaml arta,. K.I . firm qualm two... •• .or rod .or •iiic by it:rivro the tectl, a too , eaunacl. "old In Cittaburiot AtillEK r. a. Kill efkti.iberny. m. uovlSKlka al) _ yI- 5 . , 1••• lin , ..•, v.-,..d .1 - t 111F:E.241-;-411 1.0. c1;:i Cu•am l Ilu.••••• tor ...rut Ly "":1 - i.A , 1.0n who use /r , ow Spuu.sJll.C.y White. have 1..... , IYZ S FHIE.NIi. HAIFA k Co.:.,7mmr m •larts)• a toot Wialr ~per •ltin Of Oat a trial ~,,,, .„...). nn , 0 ... , 04 on , . p,,,,,, nrgn. .. nn p E.. 1 \ 1 11., A:+11-7 ~.k..,0, Inolu, i,,,• ts',. I,v Ir , AIAII DICKEY A. Co tom. .1 Liberty en novlgalaildw I i 1,,, ~ , EAT , 111.R... 1 .- I 7 oars. nu ir.,lArinAlltitl lilt 10 ~7 Co ,!,, IJ - Oral tot•e • Foul Breath-If you hart., use • 1 two uniiing , uala of Jon., Amber Tooth Pam, Thet GlNsi . :oo _,,, n 0„,..„,„ ,‘„ ~,,,, wal amigo your I.scalla sweet- swisora your tooth. do - ~,,, I,AIAII Dickl:l A Co 8 •l LIT •••9 I.4l.criy lgt ,yl; , •dilvi 1 y A . . IOTTON-ili bales to more rod for •nle lo k-I 42 , ',MAU DICK EV ACo C•Ci/RCIILD OALII3--lo ut,...” ...tore. tor. 3 • lo ) I,j fr 'A lOAI All DICKI-:1 A Co N All ? R T lh"' 7 .M' T ' % "r''' t ' f r"'ifo•:ie.o „ AtAI:IN r ir. m 4 A , C KF: R 1.:1lug 7 .. i ~ c . . : 1. , , , lasio: No l ILK, ton,., ,1-1- 1)10 Add AIX)" A S , illll I{ ", :rt V ie - t i .l s. '" '' „ fr •;.3 " lb" 11 i . ' . ' :, d . t 1 0 .1 ... . ' 1 k ~ kt 'o ' . \ I ' l " r d „ '"' V )twill t'.Aiti 'IAN A TA H-110 ••I, • N C To,. ot .. 1 1 good order. tor sale by I , AI•AI.EY A. , AIiTH ' ,17, Jr u,,,,,,, ~..,.. ..‘ T c --,,:\\-1,„/ ,' - fi :,-/ JOHN 87.20AMOEH, i~-- Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer In STOCKS. Siums.. CRAVATS. SCARFS. HO SIER\ . UNDER GARMENTS. S I PEN DEUS, BOSOMS. COLLARS. MIIIIELLAS. DRESSING ROSES, ,tart LDER BRACM., HAND.. KERCH 5, MONEY BELTS. OILED SILKS. hr. he.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Merabants formsho.g Goods to the GELTLEME.N'S FURNISHING LINE. anll find at this establishment the latem styles, sod one of the beat assortment, to the e 71e factlittes of the subscriber for tmportlng and nt•nutacturtnc tare such that be can .apply' his et.- 0.. at as LOW PRICS6 for cash et any house In the Utitted r4tates. Those wtahltur to buy me melted to call and clam e h. assortment and compare prices before making their purr banes U tßtilA —W R Murphy has with fear days received an additional supp , y oi lonsdale Nankin... told stylo) hoo bleashed Ltn;ls. common do, unbleached do, ft. 1.00 Cloth Shining.. 1,101 Ltnens. leery low.l white Cotton Roe., lend etti'd do. l'aper Carnhrtes, he .at the Elioals House. L: corner 4th and Martel streets. Who;csale Roos. up sutra I t 2,1 WANTED.—Wanted an owner fors Flat Bout, which we. found adnft in the Allegheny nye,. shove the Piz Stile Island. on 1105 lth of July . - - - The,owner is requested to tome forward, prove said boat and take it away,or a will be sold according to low ,y•AP.w3tust MICHAEL SHADE . A/ A NTED.—A Net Nurse wanted munedistrl7, to V whom liberal wages will be paid. Inquire two doors below the Post lace. Robinson's Row, A Ilrghe plG METAL—WO tons Foundry Metal, for sale by ALEXANDE.R LAUGHLIN. f31:3 Ise corner Eatla st and canal, sth ward bhi. extra, for family use, prat arrirlug E and for +ale by JOHN 8 DILWORTH, IYD. trf wood .1 101 FEE-81A1 bag. prime green Rto, terronna .sad \_,./ for sale l,) 419 JOON &DILWORTH Q OA 8-8 U bat, einem nail No l, for rale by I. IyeJOHN n litii.wunTil Ity 1: r . 1;1.4/Un—,' bble tst rz . l.k rm. N4OI.ASSES-10 kites Maple Molasses, in store and for sale by )r.55 B.NOLIBII k ItENNKrr AND TUBS—ItIO doe patent Bucket, 5 dodo 'rube, to store and for rale by IYZ ) 101131..181i k RENN err p(Y i r y 7 It bbls Youth, z. n i ;to L r i e s ft 1 1 . 4 . 4 5 1 „ 7: , : y rr "ENII In II;TI;Sig';:;'' .0 hi. Lemon., in .mre and far Isle by A IsERATUS.—Le tone lat store •nti for stile by ,yzi RUBE Un LZ ELL, liberty st 13ELA RI. ABll--6 tona in store mud for sale br 11 » - A , itokrT BACON -MU lb. Shoulder,' 40t* do Sides; INI , O do Hams, reedibis day and for sal. by rimt.E-200 tart prone Cheese, for solo low to close consignment, by I? LA) R— ISZ Lb'. Flour, Irea/1 ground, poi reed per .12 Slolt Cinderella and linden, and for sale by /Y,51 a/ IIAI3/lAlaill WiNDOW ULASS-30) bit tqlo and 102.11 Uluy VI to nora and for gala by ,y2a 8 W OARIIAUGIi AUKEREL,--30 bbls No 3 Mackerel, in store and ANL for sale by lr N a W HARBAIIIS B A j ß , l . fi-KO bash Batley, ii3uas RA y KW AV lIKAT 1 , ,0UR-14 bbla extra Family Flour, mode i rom mote white wheat, lust reed and for sole by ly e BROWN & CULBERTVON SHOU, L DERS-40 pm:to bacon Shoulders, just revel, rd •nd for lode by .I) 2 ' BROWN & CULBERTSON i's(IFFI•:1.:--InO bag. prime Rio Calfee, rreenrin; 000 l for sale by jr4- , JANIE'S DALZELL IV, MACK EILIA-- for role oy JAMES DALZELI QTRAIGHTS OIL-83 bbl. for •ale by L - nn JAhIE44 DALZ DRISIE RIO COFFEE-1K) bog. Boufing Rod for sok by jr.N U BLACKBURN k Co MACKEREL -75 bble large No 10 ball do do No 10 10 liola do do No la NJ atm do do No I Sal mon. In store and for sale by 10 0 0 BLACKBURN & Co B AC , : y ON-6 6hd 3r • jo llacou Sta..t A r oe il lj L e i r ., !o e c , lo o se LARD bbl. pure Lard Oa, bt more and fur Jule by jyYs 0 LILACKSURN & Ca QOAP-2fdlbas Clue.• 111.1 Nu I Soap. 111 morn and 0 for sale by jyYs 0 I.ILACKBURN dr. Co SALT-41 tanks Dun.. kiln de v aL m ar tam 14y (or sale by *RI 1 D RYE FLOC ti—lU bbl , 'or ,a:e ff." S F VON BONNIIOEST EIMMIIEN=EI L " pik, STANDING COLLARS— A A Hn.ou , Co. 60 krk et it, have Just opt-ord 40 do t 0 , wort fahluonable otylei of Lad/rs ending Collar A:io, 20 dot Mournme to. On dot ht do. , 1.7 LACE: CAPS--A A Nlaann A. Co hare ju•t reed 12 doe Ladles t.nre Caps. Iro. ra.ue glyten .errs, Wrought Capt.,. Head Drc.sea. Lathca OIL -1500 galloon bleached Spero) Ob. 1,0(1 do ”n tura) colored do tit], Olp do bleached Who do do. 751) do brown TonneW (Id. cu": 10 bbl. Strete• do do. 10 do 'Brown do do. just reed and or sale by I)'INIILLER. 111,21,1-7rSON F'ISH-3110 1,1,:s No 1 Mackerel, 110 No 0 do. 100 half do No 3 do; do Nod Jo; 10 do No 1 do, Just received and for sale by •• - • I.:STARIS—.I2O keg. Long kland Muxtgrd; 1 , 0 L 0• MI. do do and elb eon•: 5 do do 00.5 It. cao. ,too reed on rOII4I4rnTG.I. nod for xate at Enotern pri ors. by I)*Z 7 MILLER & RICKI7SON 0(2 OA P—.loo bx a No I Soar. a prime ortß'lc. oo con; ,nuomrelt and for gale by 1) .27 'VINE FLOUR—I bbl. Floe Hour. on conalgnolent nod lor 'tole by Iy2l N14.1/1.., r ARD No 1, 2.5 do No 2. 10 do Red 011 jj forwool, for axle by iy27 ., , A NICOL., LINSEED OIL-10 I,bll Liosee.l Oil, on h.nd nod lor sole by , ) , 27 SELLERS a. NICOL,: %AKL:I‘I, PITC/1 AND CORDA6E—AIway• on k_f hund nod for male low 1/1 27 SELLERS & NICOLS MOULD CANDLES-50 his Mould on consignment and for sa . c ii) Jrn SI - AAA:HS bbs large No 3 Mackerel. for •ale l , v `se I. Le & N , . . .ICOL AGI:YRA 'COFFEI.;-1011 bap Lriguyra Code , . ij just reed and for mule by jrl7 Al I LLER & R rrsoN W HITE DEANS--20 [Alt mall. for mu:. try F VON BONN HORS r A co • • D OM A N CEMENT-1U W. 1.. for .ale J 1 26 F Vt) \ BUNN lIORCYA Lo - • PAC:UN--On lbs tides; LAW du snutadt rs, INC Jo Hans. country cured. for code by »M S P V 1.71 230:VNI1OR.ST k Co 11 0.N iy * Fg—A feu . lo,Ixps:!‘„1-:..:LciloCNIoNv;irizTszool..ry OUISVILLE I.IIIIE-141 Ws (or tale by I .IY*35 F VON HON NHURST &Co ir4:\ S I Coy 15 Irwin it A 111, 1 7:, Itedr• Lent Lard. in at , ? A re ss at i ltAto ,, r t s i t „:„l tty L , 8 1.7 j 1 ; 1 2 :11-2 I,g, for ad, by TASSEY & REST rer and for ant. , by . . !) - 4 1 ISA] Ail DICKEY & Co. front a; W 11 j 0 E f , ....5 T, LV011 ibs for ruin by LW( 'fun L IIAI AR - I,IP 1.,.a j . , 1. 1) .1 ~, ;:r elib y • - - sT‘Mu.", k 60 biwr Juat rcort‘rd n•re oi .up„-rtr ; I.tngbamr.. S II C ,, RCIIING li S-lonakx for .3.1.• I,‘ FIIII:N1). RIM) k Co_ 11 - 11-3 , &4*-1:11 W R Cheese. lust reed and V., Iu r Aar I,y ,Iti WICK & NI TAN ULM: , I. l' ' ' ) N " _i r " " " &i r tl . Ztr' / TI I 1 . .111 I sael. prune In .torr !or Awe by Ml= T R ,0 1.\ , 1: . 1 . 11 . 11 ,). 5H A I..)— m y e; Ltd. WL In ‘ u S sr -a tt i rtp A r S t;;;tl l nt l u ' t " t s' n t r ro . r i t.r o r l *ale or lots to mutt pure ort, rtr. Iry . . . 1,11,01R-1W cur, Lbr Pour :or r ,V 2.5 4 0 .2 HORTS-73 1,1141 ' , bona, lOC •.1:r 1,2 1 1.1 JIRO. et DILWORTH 0 A ;‘, Oata for mate Ity JOHN DILWORTH i i , t : r 2, R B A, ;us, 1 . , LI and tor by • JOlll ••• 1;1 1.,1.1<T11 Q A FF:I'Y FL I.y JY2S .11/11N 11/111.1.V0R D EFINF.D SDIA RS-11 I. lIR 1.1,C !oaf. NO 11 1.1.1 s 4. a d onlati Jn. 'Lit Jo In powdered, to story. end for saie : JAMES A 111.1 . 01150 N A Co. 11 . 7.4 Agent• of St. Lou. Sw•At Sugar Retwer, H. MOI.ASSF.S AND HOL W DEN SYRUP—a, .I. • $i hots. sII Moln,,e; .3 do do tioldro yrup, 19 hi do do dm, H If II gallon keg* do do for 1 : y JOI JAS A 11l TCHIhON & Co R-60 Md..% Ul.topir. tor .11c lowto 1, rlo.e coorrßirmeoi, by Jr" A tit 1 0111,0 \ CoL HEMP -1631..1<s tkw rolled lietur do, rtore rakle 110 T-44 so, !or I.11:< 1/3 1.) jy2-1 1 A" A HUTCHISON h Co LEAD -43U r.g• belena head. fiq ,ele by ))21 JAS A IIUTCIII,ON 3 / 4 Co JrJ4 C OTC IA UFF-31X1 lb•junt reed and for .ale by 0 JY2 4 J KI & SALERATL S-1600 lb. reed ;rad for sole by rs 1 KIDD .4. Cu LARD OIL-25 blds Burkhardt's. 011 band and or sale by Jyr4 J KIDD S. Cu M SNUFF—Just rec'd nor Cot 'Tobacco. war on - iiltod fur sale. by Jy2t J hIUU &Co —ltNlbusb Osta,jula ree'd anti for sale by 1-1 » %VICK lc NTCAN t/I.KSS_ COTTON Y AttiNS, &r —.V1,060 Ibr aseartecl Noe, 15U hara Candle W t tk, 1.51) do nutting, Carp., "I Kr; 7'w e, for role manu.acturrre lowest prices /Y2l - . . CIORN MEAL- 4 43 Att.nutio kiln dried Corn Meat. both while mod yellow. tit ...tore and (or ,116 by Jrt-tj tc 121,017 R— 11.0 Lod. fr. 1.1, ground Flour. 1.1 reed and JU for staloby W KI3AUGiI .• ACK EL-60 bbla No 1 Nlnekerrl, ston end •nlr by jra yr R W iIA HUAI GIl CORN—LWbunt, lrllow Corn. 111 4.ore and for by Ill_ h \\' lIARIfAI Gil MEE:W.-4o bls 0,141 Clit•exa, • tine 'MCC. kJ loon. and Inr pale by 1y2.1 ti Zr. %V II A RBA _ . vv . cub OO . L!V , V 1. 1: 0.1. —lh b a , Ittglivn mat Itct prlee paid p ivio r ej y . l; , rti NETTS . — A Inn, lot of Mottgutto Neu, 41 scum for •ole cbotip • • • B ' V t w a r i c ' ag o' s t h p ' !i ' e d ir g ' rea ß tl7l, g e 7 low what we have r , er Loco at.le to ofer the manta quality for. Jra , AI.EXANDF:R tc. DAY NANS(N)K Mt:SUNS—An e/rrheot notronment of Nxn.ook Alusluta.).lopClllll,lmd sc Iltng at very low pi wee, ut Mark, st. W corner of th.• Uts tood n-. 41 A LEXAN CIOFFEE—...O.O by, rm.: 1110 Codee, m ...pre and lJ ter b) k Co A RL.—I uu Lleld NO4 7. ^ and U Loaf Sugar; .10 do 1„) Loverlag's Crn and and do, lon sale by 1120 POINDEXTER 0. .0.1. 41 wait, at )EPPER-13 U sat ks Pepper. In .tore nod lor sale by l's,Cs DEXTER & Co A. Jy• _ MMMNIMII r,tx sale by JIYO POINDENTER & Co S O m 1 ), ..., A/,l u il —AI emelt -Trona ors" double rebuid, y jr4l I'OINDEXTIift & Co t-N. 'FL It :c l' Lr g iN-3.5 bid di s prune order. Alm rre'd and for Aele H A FAHNEHTOCK & Co, Iy2o COT., or and void rt. 1~ I/ J MACE ERKL-- . C. , 4i reed and for sale I , y j)9l. !WOW!. t echttEirrsoN s nor roux just reed le by 1111.1.. r VN Cll.lsEtt I SON F EA ,y - T ERS-31 iku s cic i ! 2, co LA , FI y IOII,--,W bble s lA ..o dl? 1, 1.7' b ale y 13 \lhilllßST & Co tiIIKESE-4 bx. Cream Cheese, for sale by jy' rF VON IJONNi1OILNI" & Co IV," 0 SUGAR —5 Isl.'s N 0 Sugar on cononsiment for sale by ri V VON BONN! tolt,T & ( ERMAN CI.A --.54 Lux YA rcc d awl Itr •elc by lT ) l'A N.. 1.31 A. 111.› r DKA RI. ASII—Ibt casks. prime article, on hand 11.111 i i for sale by /Y,,, 'I nri..E:V a L: v.s . r IV INDOW ti LASS-71M1 bxs assorted RaCIS, ito6l VI Go, to . .A.V3U. on baud and for sale by JTVU TASSEY t BEST Dry Goods, 4'r., at Airetton. On Monday ntortung. July M. al 10 o'clock. at the tr hal ' , ale. Ito'orz, corner of Wocmi and nith streets, VI.II Le sold, without n..strYe, of curren cy. the atoek ot a country store front an adjoining county rOTi.1•IIIIC o agrcnt vsnety atap!e land tan cy Dr) choice Anscrlcan and E.ogitolt prtols, upermie c.c.s. cassimeres. .atinetia, i.seeds. •14p.• rich siyie mous de lames. Liiukt we. dre.s gloves. hosiery. bleached and unbieciebtolawas, beerva, cambric and handkerchiefs. u merino shawls, segrine Silk. parent thread. hosier). gloves. ribbon., bonne. tigki and low r 0 tycilAtc ad* b urelm, 50t . .., rocking clma, mb:e.. lone, and common cOskr, looltmg u s.• se+. solar hard lamp, tranrimren! end Vrotnan win dow I.!..nds Clung, yr...env:etre, gir..ware, goer Y M tee. tot..cco. gar•..l/4: A qua./ y u• Loot. mid 'haws.. Ime .hut., with 'met% bo.omis and coharg. read, - made ciothiog, gold and al- Ner watch., jewelq, wlttp, trmika., Undies, faory. goods. ,kr ,>, -• • - • Sanurila) evening. the nth 1.1. at v o`cloc r, at inc Lonitnet end Snie. Hoom, CORIET 01 WOOli and Fifth 13= .• atreats, Yy di be gold a large cOIICCI/031 of raluable mrw crilanenua book•. mbraing standard work• oil throl gy. biamr). pi:wiry arta. tic:cocas, must, be. Aloe, nna latter ilia: can vruing paper, family and pocket , Wont book, piano mum, gold and noel peo•. A yo•oitty of engraving, on varioda suldects, be. Sr. lea eat lmim r, Itt good order. I Flu e Accord, ac A polio Roll, 4th no Vi tHnt 17" - vI it I N i t ~ A r iii t -..;, . r t lln t ita. .* , J. 4 • • F Senonton, Ilorn, Will continue their unique I:Ottoman Coticcrui at the above ttained place until further 110ber.wrih a change of Procototoo over) . eventog During thew rek tae Collipetlly will produce the Burleoque Indiun Deuce, Negro Statuary, fir.. w larm wn.rhectved al the Chest nut :et Theatre. with mune..< norlnnse • itoort open et past 7—to ntlari.Ce at I pant j" Cards of adnumon, rent• t) . .t , if WM. HORS. Agent =iil ItoisF.R & It EprEirr, t.,-con.l. near ,load sees t.y .11,11 N tni.woß"rii tow sate. ( IoNTEM 1 . 1.AT1N0.. o rmovol (rOrn A! li ahrny L/ I oder m)alttUlit t e ere for gip, l'hr premt.“ at, tlcitithttul Drier . ;1, 1t. 1 every vrtry worth) Ult. at troittm Ithy perttott ~Y.1111.' 1 , 11,1 ittoprrty tr- tu Nlntla —2l4' .: %V I'M... LA-IXTER arIEZMESIZ ALEXANDER k DAY. 7.S market st, N co, of the deoloond AUCTION SALES By John D. Darla, AnCUOnaar u'elock, RI •NO 4R0C1t8r...• Gttaar. 4, at diaduart. I ectl II droll:R.ler Inxtrucueut , kkw. t ez'me Mae rnoo or..< IY , " J1)11:i 1) DA Vll+. Aurt AMUSEMENT 6, 113=9 DAN ILIOE & CO'S CIRCUS I U LA 1S LAJNUER. I N comPlioner L.II the u.teut.lmltatlon 01 uutner cat• famt!..• vti.o . are 11.,:rooVu Imve. opportu ulty to wallets the F.que.irra, el-plays of and of l'ouny (lien Rot. Madtguis and. the residue of the Troup, the managers arc constr•ined to defer thet vont to Allegheny etiy until next yeti, nod to eahtlat it ore TWO 1/Ale. MORK, tuttuely. Fedny and day. July 2-th and 2YWI. or ai and l• o'cloet. stternoon and evenings each day. Zir Adm...., U. cent. onl) EAGLE SALOON, WOOD ST. iiRFIAT SI cut,ss oF"IHE VIRLINIA barge and Fashionable Andieueeel ==n==tl G Le RA r N w D , I.: c4 . ( ONCER ; L d by Yermrmauce Ly the Sable Harmonics Negro Songs, Extravaganxas, Banjo Solo. I.ney Neal to charater. and Negro Daticmg Chance oipoograintac 1110Itiy. For particulars see stancl bill, Adtussston only :ea cents. (Li — A great quaiany of the best lee Cream nerved up to victors. U.,' The beat order and decorum preserved through out me enure. establuMment. I=l= THE partnership .ate.s . exiiting between the aut.- ' feriae, ot the iransurtion ot the queen.vrare and (eters nusitiess. at the sign of the - Big Pitcher. - No 11l Wood street. Valsour,h, Wet diseolved by mutual eosemit on the Jay of July.' Alt ' , emits having demand. %ruin.t the late firm . :" . will present them to either et the aulseritxrs for eettlernenti ull per.ons indebted to said hem, by book ateoutit or oiherwiar. ar rrynested to make . Immediate payment to one or the e ostler of the undersigned VIM (;t:rrti NOTI , E —The rut scriber willsontinur the Queen.- and Was* bosoms* at the old •Intol. loan of the l'oehrr." No. lIL Wood Elie, t, and re.pectfuliy revue is a .hare ui pubite patronage. It JOHN GILL. r , 7 ,. 7: o t)t ra ,rJ a = l ,l, l 7;: v .h rr ii, n ,, t , h .z elpard dny to) hillltittion. The Imatnes• of 'he Arm wili In -aura ut )1liall& Roe. JA.,\IES N11,11.L. • S. EL HUSHFIEI.IJ, m..rEit C. H 01: 111=1 rim! , r•rgbrir .111 roramue the Whole)))Ir fro err'. rarren burr. "der the lam \l'/. i. 61,1 :I • • it.' I , 0 . . 4 41:111. )44 I.,Erea). )arra. - A)II. I) r. 11.1.. ALTEn C kit)).: Having sold ist Intel , . in the firm of. Bus& fieldsHu, In my lona, peainers. Ho-. I talse plrasure r , cumnrndlng :hem to my friends and he Pun. , " . 11' , 1 1. B.I.IISIIFIELD. BloOK.e— the NV Wings or Casstas Nlarcellas _LI Clay. Inc tuding Speeches anul Add:lre...ea Muni. Ith a pretuce and inenitnr, by Horace Greet).. The Ft. Ihaak 1/I Sparitah, or, a practical intralue• non to the tnutty or the ,pantah Language. containing tutl tit•nurt.orta In pro/ante:anon. a grammar. carrels. es on tete tittentlord method of cotitaant imitation and repetatort. roadlng let.eolts. and a rocalmlary. 'I he whole adapted tor the ase private learners, or for citisses n under an istructor. By Joseph Salleld, A AL, author or' - A Compendtarp of Clas•teal Anuqur Itrathern andSieters. • tab domesuethe; by Fregle‘Lia BrAmer Tran•loted from the origthal un pubithed manner Hp, by Nth.ry.Howi . t. The Uyine Ronne. Will other tales. By Joseph Alden. J oat reerlyell and thr solo by JOHNSTON & Sl OCKTON FANCY DRY GOODS. SEAMAN 4 MUIR, 391 Broadway, New York, Pl PORTERS AND JOBBERS of Silks, French prin. mit Muslim. Barer, Lace., Embroideries. Mere 110. Shawl, Hosiery. (Moves LAVA°, Bombazine, ANI) ALL. OTHh:R VARIETIES OF FANCI GOODS. 'they invite country Merchants. visiting New 1 ark. to exastime their stock before mokmg Weir pLITCIIIII,O Mr Moir u'llll for many years of the house of A. T Stewart & Co.. mom which he retired on the Ist of .11111 and hit lames laelisoo. (Who has an titteresi an the .1.111C.1.1 was also favorably known in that tooth 'torment. mar3tky 0 .63 Aare. Coal Land for Sale, rrte,Thu ,nc Monosissi.e.Krer. about ,U tulles tram hastsurga and chum thud Lock. in ute immetitate uetstbisorhood sts . Mei , sr. Lyon a. Shorts. sisal Me John Herron 'a parents. Thta line Lady at C.:al talk be .1.1 at the Low prier of trisl per ecre—one third In hand. balance at bar equal aim..t payments. without tsar.. intitsputalste Location errs good—cannot be surprossed. For!ber parrtasularst eqquire of S BALSLEY, wits, lira a um drast as stud pro prll. Residence it below Perry. Mr. Adams' Row. S. H There is Ul.ber sewn of coal on this tract. about GO fret above the lower. Of exOelient quality S. 11. Va/nable Ite•idenee in Allegheny City =EMI itgaL uinuglit ornmer CARo I.l\F:wttl Lcw jai nrgnin.o , phcautul Ire um, ~oti to It N A VS, libuette N . J tog .toot of uoV wt.,. Bonnet. of la.t t troin 3.1 rVIIIA - . CIIKAP I..AWNS —A large lot or Dreva I.awitv re• .luerd to 124 cent. per yard.. 00111 TE. LAX_ILY:t FOX DRES: , KS—A .ui•piy suo re. cet, ed. and offered very low. 'DARK dar \ 111)1e. v, to I t round at dry goods house of 1021 1V R MURPHI B,TV Alt:Hi23 & JESV b.l.l4V—Joet reect”,l at No 67 Market street, Ita Bold Lever Wa tr he,. 2., do detached do. 0 do Lupine; littilvar Patent Lever do, :P.4 do delacaed dc, 6do Lupine do, I- loud board Chat., hest quality. Also.. good assoruneat of Brea.t Pins, For Mugs,. Fierce Rings, (hold Pen, u.. 4 Felten!, 'I he above goods have been, reeebved with the lost five weeks. and unit be sold at reduced proms Per. sons wtmtung to pt,chnse , • good and cheap Watch. would do well to cal, previous to putehm.lng IrIII ISFIIII'LON h1N41.:1 - . Spit+ ndpi — P. ew PINco.. ?fillip Tilt: suttber, previous to lenvg for al e Ea b.e st lo oi replowsk his stock. will dtapoae to the balance of Ms stock on hand at reduceld prices, end on favora ble terms. It 000100000 Of a choice seleetioit 01 !bonus mad , . lip Num. & Clark, N. l'i, and Jonas Chicbero,e, of Uv...111, Moss , of from 6 to 7 octave, of rosewood and mahogany, of dtffereut styles odd irices H KLEBER, At Woodwell's. COST. 131 NV IiOLF.S+I.E oa r The subscriber. being` desirous of closing out their present stock of 'frimixiiiiss and Fancy limxfs before rerartlig to Cheir new store, will sell their large assortment of Buts at cost, ifom and niter this dale. The assortment comprises •nine thirty different sti le.. and at prices from eta to 8.3 earn. Y 2. !. H EATON t Co _ _ ORO. W. S.IICOI M. CO, INFORM lbw (muds and Cho pabltc that they have I no lonic? any eouttectlost won their hoe estaldwn anent lu Penn street. known as the Pittsburgh Itrewerl j having removed Wets enure 'busuteut to the PION r MISSAVKIIV. In Pet ors, taylhnl.k %el 8 / hi AT NAL Hi 11V.01,1/0111 011.1 k k_s •11,1 rota MIL 111101 and Satin Iltlthons. °pent d yes. terdrq . and odered low by theroe., . whoirenle rooms of ' kkr It MURPHY. /111 northrn.l ror and market at. Yd ' , tory fIiIEAP CALICOI-;Zi -A A cirSirrltTl k," street. we )aninot Callco for site alto, bleached 11.11118 as low aa 4+ c Ir2l %A ()squill NI TT: 4 —A A Marco A Co. have Just 11'1 ree d 500 pa of Mossiooo Nett., of variou. uult nes and wniths. , QELLERS k NICOL/5 imvo tetoovcd to No 10,ono L door Oro.. their old •lghd. 1101 Havanok Sopor.. tot Luxe, Wtotte L Brazil Sugar*, to bogs, for sal! toy • -- . . HAGALET A. SMITH at , lAlth. CALICOES—A A Mason . 1 / 4 Co. wilt open LJ this morning, 4 clues ut rich dark Cahoots, small C ntSt • ..,. PrA'rn FA:Ls A Y•II.I..IrrrON-1 , tAIIS• FCS/JC(.. .11 , bales Cotton.par -rawer Car/the/land, and for ... .Y l) 1 - JA.llli.o LIALZKLL , . ( Ilinil.N —On bun, .ot 41. I.y . _ k-./ /Y 3 FfilVaND, OMEN &Co WOO ,e IVI sucks Wool, in store an: for sole by 0 31 A D E RR Y / r;:r W 7cA lA y... . yd:ydu „ 1 ror t_i moo by A j l..*K i r.lllll,-20 htlf bbla No , t ! !!‘ rj k o, l. (o a r . Vt. py `OAP—:A nrs Croemnati :So 1 Soap, tu store and for J tale by I>4u TASbEY k BEST I ) I I , l2oS ni•, Pqr boo. for foundry urr, I.n ,eri JN 1911.1VORTII, 27 Wood .t 0 11.. ), . :, F.A.ON-..i CILII 10i Tale y LIRALIN h I".EITER I \IL LIERGAMOT—I Can kir sale V 33 k. REITIat 0 IL LAVENDER. ILlaroleal—l can (or sale by Da DRA.INS & REralit STEAMBOATS. CINCINNATI & PITTABVIRG/11 DAILY PACKET LINE. IHIS well known ane of splendid passenger SWlM cry Is twat , composed of tho largest. swi ft est, bes shml and funtothed, and room powerful hosts ou the yawn of the IVest. Every accommodation and COM tort that money can procure, has been prorated for pas. .eager.. The Lane has hoe it operatton for hoe years —boo camel • truth= of people without the least MM. rr to their perwns. The bouts unit •t the foot of ll'und street the day - previon• to starting, for the creep ,. of (re ht and the entry of passengers on the mu ~ In all eases toe passage mosey must be psid in ashram-, SCED•T PACKET. IThr I'SA Al: NI - .11 - 11)N. Call. A 11.LA•03, anal I . l;:rt•trrgh every Sundae morterrig .1 10 c 04 10 .1 11 ,lee,lag every Sunday averring al 101. Y. Nay 21 4 , ISI7. MONDAY PACKET. The Mt , NON I . B AIIELA,Capt..savaL. Kill lease 144 ., _ burgh every Monday muinma at to o'clock; WkCel.g every !a:outlay evenartg at tu r • . TUESDAY PACKET. The HIBERNIA No. t Capt. 1. Kuhr. lama, will leave Ptrtsttuttli every Tuesday morning at ID-We/00.k; Wheeling every Tues.lnv .ven,n l ; at 10 r. Y. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW KNGLAND No 2. Ca pl. S. Dus, will leare Pm.iJorah every Wedneeday morning at 10 hec Log every Wednesday evenmg at 10 P. X THURSDAY PACIART. The BRILLIANT. Cara lig keg. will leave Pitts burgh every Thurgday morning at Iticie/ock; WheeWy every chunday evening at 10 r a. Tbe CLIPPER No. 2. Capt. Celan°, will leave Pint Iturglt ever) Frulay morning at la o'clock; Wheeling every Fr. lay evening at ID r. Y. SATURDAY PACkfaslT - The MP:SSENCtE.FL Capt. S Rtmo, wilt leave PM. burgh every Saturday morning at IU o'elottt Inteallati every Saturday evetung at 10 r. Y. NEW LISBON AND virnqicicull DAILY LINE OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, raikir 184 w . Evagai cgs oi.ssnow.) Lea',Wl l'iltiburgh daily, at 9 o'clock. A. M., and Ar rivs at l/lasgow, (mouth of the sandy and Braver C.- nal. e l at 3 o'clock. and New I.lslan at 11, sum night. Leaves New Lastion at 6 o'clock. M., awaking the trig, canal to the nver durmg the nightd and Glasgow at 0 o'clock. A. 51., and arrive. at Pittsburgh at 3 P. M.—thus making • continuous line for earryingpas tenger., •,,,I weight between New Lisbon and raw urgh, to .boner use and at less rams than by az, other route The propnetors of this Line have the pleagere of ir forming the public. taut they bane fined up twortrst c' Canal Boats. for the arconortodation of pastiengers treighi. to run in routteetwo with We well km ,- steamers CALEB COPE and BF:AVER, and comet ing, at Glasgow. with We Yttulturgh and Chin', nil and other duly tows ul swawers down the Ohio an a d Niissrunppt Inver.. The proprietors pledge them selves to spare no expense or trouble to in-allre cons tort. rater, and dtapateh, and ask of the puhliaa sitars of their patronage. AUTHORIZED AC71.W715. 6 51. HARTLA, s %V. FIARBAU6II, Pi. sb mTh - R. 11ANNA, th Co. New Lisbon. ray Iva J. HARBAU6SI k Co. NOTICE—The steamer BEAVER, C. F— Clarke, mu ter, will kuve eller this notice. for Wellsville ?anew.. ully. so 9 o'clock to the moroins. Ol3 1848. PITTSBURGH ► BROWNIVELLIR DAR), Packet Line. FEBRUARY Ist, 1949 FEBRUARY Ist, t 94 LEAVE DAILY AT, A. AL, AND 4 P. M. The follow,stx new boats complete Me hoe for the present sesame AT LANTIC. Capt. James Partinelal BALTIC, Capt A. Jacobin and LOW! NI'LANII, Capt is 1;t11/1fIl The limns are arrthely ,tew c , and are fated up without regard to expense. Ev ery omfort that money ean procure has been provided. The Bost. will leave the Monongahela Wharf Beer al the foot of Ross sr Passengers will be punctual en board, as the boats will certainly leave at the &dyer. used hours, N A. M. and 4 P Jam_ PITTSBURGH S WHEELING PACRETT.: The swift steamer CONSUL, Dorsey P Kinney, master, will leave egolady for Wheelin, on Monday, Wednesday and Truitt), at lit o'clock recisely. Leave t% heeling every Tuesday, Th p ursday and Sa turday. at 7 o'clock. a In. precisely. The Consul will land un all the Intermediate polka.— Every aceomodauon that eau be procured for tiro com fort and safety pussengers has been provided. The boat is also provided with a self-acung safety guard to /nevem explosions. For freight or passage apply on hoard or to DAVID C'HERBST, corner of Ist and Smithfield sta. ~,,,, The new and liptil ditureit mauler NI r N 1:11NON, Alig s ounix, 11141.A.1 . , will leave for the • hove and intermediate ports this day. . For freight or passage 01111 on board. IFIN FOR CINCINNATI. hit The Vi t e n n L e i v i r . lah=t E s . teamer Moore. master, onll leave for above nd mermethate porta tht• day. top' p or hoard. irD FOR. ST. LOLIS. The hue new steamer I urn*- Do an, S tri ' e l s E t — e N r A‘A will ' taus for above d intermediate ports this day. For freight or passage. apply on board. FOR ST. LOl7lB AND ILLINOIS RIVIi2R. The fine steamer SWISS ROY, Davidson.ster, will leave for above and interm ediate ports this day. Far freight or passage, apply on board. 023 FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. 1.14 The elegant steamer RINGGOLD ..","•• Cope, master. will leave 'for the shove iniermediate pone this day. For freight or passage, apply on board. IPS FOR ST. LOUIS. I ,noght reamer eOYI4 ~, Is. ne new Thom.; d - — Will" ;cave for the ve an intemiediate porta regelael For irs•eht or pnsener. ipply board. Win • FOR i INLINNA 11. 44 The tine Al/11111C( n iEria l Goqley. tna ßi ste ° ?. 6 . R arrle D a E 've for above and anermedatte ports regularly.. For trete). or paaarnre apply on ard. jyll7 11 ~.....„..... 11‘ Th e p a n ne splendiil ß er steamer • • . Inst.., roaster, is,ll Inc. for above ®mid intermediate pormon Friday, 29111 In.l. of 10 o'e ock,A M. For height or poseinge; apply on board. .027 FmR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. The foie steaMer I "-- ii COLORADO, ...o,__ Gortuly, m will leave for above and intermediateaster, ports ihrt day. f .nr merght or passage, apply on board. WO The splendid new steamer VISITOR, Jacobs, master, will leave for above lutermedtate ports regularly. !or tretynt or passage, apply on board. _op REGULAR CINCINNATI FACET The fine steamer • HIGHLANDRR, Perkiest's, master, will leave for thr bore and internsetliale ports regular For freight or passage, apply on board /PR— FUR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. he new steamer HIGHLAND MARY' Rorke. me m., will leave for d. atm; • and Illtermealsate pone regglAtty. For freight dr Raasage appli . on dotard. frAJ FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOWS. The near and eplendid steamer ZACHARY TAYLR, Lucas, roaster, Neill leave for above wtd intcrulothnon ports regularly. For freagfil or pnvoree, apply on board. 411 FOR ST. LOUIS. The Rue rteamer JEWFSS, Aiggi sa lougher, master leave in the ova Cu unenneduun pans termini), .saget apply ou boenL JTUI For freight or FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. The *Redid steamer , N AIIERICAN AGE, Alkousott, roimmr, will leave for tha above & iniermediam porta regularly. For freight or passage, apply on hoard. ITO , . _ FOR CINCINNATI. owe. The light drought steamer •I PRIK.NWHIP, c-: (,:»i Davi., maser. !rare for dm above • d intermediate ports regularly. For freight or oateageapply on board. I I 0 FOR CINCINNATI. The rplenntel steamer J•eohe, rner N st l e A r, U rtal leave for above land intermen/arepone regulazly. For franeht or pausal, apply on board. 'yll.l FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. 4. The floe rtesr s raren r SWIM!! ilouhef, li CO F 2 l •:( A Z I:et V re N• for VID od interne polls reolioly. For ircsicbt pusege. apply ora board. 015 The splendid steamer , • FAIRMOUNT. Ebben, master, will leave for above and intermediate ports iogedarly. For (might or pa sage, apply on board. ryl4 FOR ST. LOUIS. The splendid swain., PARIS, Maratta, master, will leave for above and nnermodiate poos o n regular!). For freight or paaraige apply on board rto WILICIN% RElft I:I.AR MONDAYyAcKi7r FOR CINCINNATI. •••• Tbe hne manna., PENNSYLVANIA, ..ittlA4:- Gray, master, wtll leave regvd•rly ,a e • r Manop hereafter altos e, in place nI the etthela. tnt • :For freight or paaaage. apply on boweljeyp - FOR - -- The twat awl sabstantial low WU= steamboat , 4;14411:f HUDSON, regular tope urtsvera Llmigepert, Sanfia autd burgh. I. aving Utuaburgh wt .- Mondays and Thcmdcia 3Y7 3 he hue steamer '''''''`. IN N FAY ENGLAND, A J kreiiire. mender, will leave fere the above and tottermediato parts Ilia day. at 10 clo ck, to place of the BUM/all I , or fredrht or plumage apply ou boar& Li"cLAll Th l' e A rty. l: a r nd rif fas a t steamer —IL6- The - la I -..."-- WELL4VILL. Darn ti thaeler, will leav e for above ;dol intermerhate ports ott Wed.. dale and Saturday each week, For freight or pant sage apply on hood or to rebidGEO n MILTEVHERUFA, Art T- A , II , I :L ARIC ACID—Mai it,a on hood viii i tbo; j 7lz o by S `t h P r 0 P. CA It li. SODA-13 i i 0 lta loot rellaa Ik Co t tiala .... SALAMA:YDER SAFES -2 boo dal. to store and for /tale low to Close ecinersmoeote jell J a:il EN. IiaI.ZELL, 14 vale, at 30000 KICENIX FIREBRICE, past reeetvw4 "Ai fiat sale by arSO C A WANOLIT e Ce
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers