" • ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS. A Nso x waPahjsr & Co.—Hide and Leather Deal- XL era 24 Ferry st. New York. Iticriesdascrssohn Grier Pittsburgh, E Leviek & Co. Philadelphia Consignineatsof. Western Leather solicited, and eral advances made, if required_ febtaldni A. TWOOD, JONEZ tr. Co.. Commuston and Par -I'l ~orSioq Masai:isms, hays returned to their old stand. Water and Pleat streets, Pittsburgh. *can FILIDOLIFX Map., saoaos WY2I. & s&ITER, Wholesale mud Retail Drug -131 gists, corner of Llbeny and SL Clair meets, Pius burgs, Pa CULSAER•O3, • WJWINI C ULBERTSON, Wholosale Grocers, tu,d Commission litivchauta No. 145, Lib.nT Pu.shorgh Pa. Je3tly. . A. FAIINESTOCK d. Co., Wholesale 11.011 Re . tod ihuggi.tr, corner Wood and 6th one. 14AUALEY & IsbarH. Wholesale Wow, le and A gu %$ ood street Pittsburgh. el A. 2t Co, Foreserchugssul Coos V. mission filerchauts, Clllll Basin, Pittsburgh Ps. ttich2 iN. =MAYAN JOHN F. Jo3 - NJ:Jos, JAN W. MAMMAS. j IOLEMAN, HAILMAN, & co. M 000 loo.o , " of %,..) Corm s.. Bprors and Axles, A. 11. ud .Frog Stool, And dealleolt to Coach Tnotuungs of every de. fanirllo34., Inuslogootory u Nt. Clair at. Warebouwo Wood at.. oppv.ite Of-CU:Liles Hotel. jao. R. 1./ALT. /0113 0.t(A.81 . UWALT GEBILART, Whoteedc ("r"..”•dc.l - erg au Produce end Pittsburgh Menutirchues, cor ner nt Libor, • .ind Baud sts, Phtsbiergit. iota) WY. /1.1221 I. Br(Xlar. UNGLISH & BENNLVT, (late ii3iKiish, Gallagher £1 Co.) Wholesale (inners, Commission slid For. sraniluix Merchants, wed dealers in Produce und Puts.n nßh Ilitaritilici , op2ti GEORGE A. BERRY, HOLIAInALIC 4/LOC./114, FOILWILDIAti 4111.1 LUJlaliabitM AND LIKALEi. IN Iron, Nal/s, Cotton Yarns L P,lttsburgn Mannfact urea generally, en le wog.. entila, rirrairs ALLTIONEEKS /41,011118blult NEKCIIANTN. ALEX. LEVY & BRO'S. CINCINNATI AND gr. LCOUIIi• Oarrto IdUser caralalchMcia. all ki.J• of Me r clissaaser. al Ilsc soWant sates 01 Losursassaloar, and are 11P.ro) prepared la cadre ads:saws:a I•co, al rev . - reed • s.leen requlrre Leasers addreicsea to Hiker hotsAe. ve3ll Ise prulaplly utlertacd 1/d"Il Imaalls. Lava c. V ars.atiN 11. a. ardarlorf LOVE, MARTIN 4, CO., Produce and Commission Merchants, No 5. !Inlet, How, EAchange Vlece. Hue[to—DavoLlsou, Stowers A Co., John K Handal, Hugh it - 114i., Huitottore, Al. Allen A. Co, Scllrrs N ,noth Cu. sherklett Whoe, nos u.,rFh. A J hero,. TO shaughltemnry &Co Cl/11.111- isati otartotll) Forwarding Mere hone, Brownsville, Pa Anoi. inato:u.uti, id Inc I.orlnarding ul l'ruduct. he pc. . . . Mlli= fo. rilZ w MATLIEWS A. PATCH, COMMiSSION MERCHANTS. LITERARY. - - . To Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK of School Books, Paper, Station. fr.e., stumble for country sales; among which axe lVriting Papers, of fine, medium and common grilt's Letter Paper do do do do Note Paper do do do do Now and Letter Envelope, Slatea, Pencils, Nl .ter., tjtalls and Steel Pens; INutdow Paper (yard wide) plain and printed; Bonnet Hoards. of different nuannes; Blank Books. on great vartety; Family, School and Pocket Iribles; Crown. medulla, and double crown wrapping paper, :Nictitate's Ecjecue. Spellers and Readers; Roy's I.:elect.. Arahmencs; Cobb'. Primers, Spellers and Headers; Sanders' do do do Arithmetic.. by Adams, Davta,Colburn, Smith, Stock ton, tknerson, and other. Lieogyaptnes, by klaeholl, Olney, Smith, Morse,Good rich. Parley, and others. (imminent, by Smith, Fick barn. 13ulimns, Weld, and others For sale at low pnres by .1 11 MELLOR. el wood at, Stloors above 4tb. The highest market prier paid tor good mired nista, in earth apt, =2! amt eduiou of the Ponicv works of John , Lilwn, re " : " th a memoir. and Critical remarks on his genius and iinga, by ionic. Moisigoinery. and one hundred and twenty engravings from drawnigs by William Harvey. ln two vo: U/DGIL. GILEXIt Trarssoccr.—The four Gospels sod Acts of toe Apostles, in I.:reek, wok English notes, etcoral. phtlempineel. and exegetical; maga, indexes, .. together with the Epistles and •poealypse; th whole forming Me New Testament—For the use of Schools. Colleges, sod "rheMogicld Settunanes. Hy tier. J. A. Spetmer, A. M. A Now Norm.—klidsuontster's Eve.—A fairy' tale of love. U 1 Mrs. S. Q. Hall. J Amu' Hear IV—The ISO ot Henry the Fourth, Icims of Frolic° COM Navarro, By G. P. R. James. Complete in four pan!. paper. cloth. Pot sotle by JOHNSTON k STOCKTON, e===tM=i!=l MMW=I ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., ==l liou.et• J ,cr.ock. wk. A M .wour), klaysk., Jr llowpore3 • tr. Cc. r. bru Hrrd r k Urooor. W. 114 &Cow...cry. New lurk GEORGE COCHRAN THOMPSON & CAMPBELL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS And ➢lsuufacturers or Linseed OH. 0/110 Lj • Ca..‘ .r MEIN2I2=II Luca, Io orticuler nitrnttan to Sim veltuig ul l • fo. due, ordetg tur vurrulix.ng tolurg.,t a,u Palifit,urgb. I.• ISAAC CRUSE OHNEILAL C031211b310:11 MERCII AST, I'llt ;L. CEA. I'lltu‘'lr.loNS, I=M2EM =lllll I.I.ALTINIUKE. Rita euxrcao--.llorr annin of ratabag o. ‘,/ Vu—lf ,r og o OT IC IL TO 811.1PYEILS. wul truaeacl buainew els 1., , uu4, UalLI a new lanlW can be meet; U. arrangrnuenbe haviag already but, ;node tut tout purroau lloula u alutuyn be to rcuJwe.. al out othurl Lot ruceive trotgio . . • C A M'AN curl . & CO, Cnt , Otlasen. 1.0,n• se LYMAN, REED & CO., (Soccemporn to Itccd. 6151iEdiaL LuntahiliN IMO:RANTS, RIP: lIIN PiceticUbar unentlon paid m the .RI , 01 \ Vaal. utd ai tida . mwa• Ine.• COuloginlicnte I ISAA r CNTEIII-- , F FOR SALA too. wool 0 toa,e Lne f tc acainer p.ortstog La" Lam arrual "'"'"" 1"‘" CCM, 4.7 :34 WSW . and Front lots PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY NIORNING, JULY COPARTNERSHIPS. CO-PeaTNEUSHIP. °GAN & KkIN.NEDY hove dm day rated , with them to the Hardware intaineas. assoc lip WII. son and Edward Gregg. The style or firm add bero after be Logan, Wilson es Co This •rratigement mu dc.• deautuole to clone die old Loam.* as coon p0...b1e. All perm.. whose habillues have mature , are especially requested to make Immediate payme t rittstme,h, Jan I, T°GAN, WILSON & oo..._th ‘ p o m r . and. j W..oleaale Dealers in Foretem and Domestic Hard bure. Cutlery. Saddlery, he.. 199. Wood street. Mine rgh: are now telly prepaeed with a recently impor ted clock of Hardware. Cutlery, dm.. to oder very great inducement. to western buyers, being determined to compete in prices w 1.11 any MM. Atlantic vide.. Al. SO gni band an extensive a.aanmentof Pinabursh Hard wa which Shovel., Spades, Forst, , Vices, de., all of which wtll be sold at the lowest manufacturer price..nnl ple7J3l4o , l3:Vlttial . . . . _ . 21 THE sub.r ben having recently entered into pasiterabip under too name o( Gat agber. long, & Miller. for the purtao. of carrying on the Bell and Brass Founding and Gas Finlay, business in all na branches, have taken the stand formerly ace,. pied by If. tiellagber, No. (09 Front street, between Wood and Stnitlafield sta., where they are prepared to execute all orders or Bella. Braes Cautniga of every dse ripoon, and Go F nillgs with ncagueu and dee patch. Steamboat JoAnne promptly attended to. 11. GALL-A(.114B, S. A. LUNG. P. 11. All LEH. . • . N. 11.—The attention of Machnosts and 1.-loom., Is toward to our mm-attracUon metal, for a reduced pru,. wlnclt has bran pronounced supenor to klabldt's by numbers who bare used both. Steamboat budder. and the publtc, generally. are al o requested to call and eg• 11.1111 e our super..., double Lelia° Force Pumplt for Ateamboot and dusuesur u Dis.Wstion on the iSi kilbt bl2ll/11,31e closed at the old stand by either of us. hams the he of Inc fitot to, that purpose. Beim, desirous to have ur closed wah as litt/e delay as pus•thle lle. would thermallyre closed request those tudetmed to call and settle eiraeCOUnta. JOHN It. NVCOR.D. Cr . .. Partnership. 01IN D NIT. 011.1.) havutg associated wall tarntos 0 brother James Nl'Cord, under the style of NrCord • Co, will cottuttu the Hat, Cop und Fur kismet, to all It/ various brooches atholearge tad retail., the old stand, earner of Wood and d th Tureens. totters they when a 00/11.1111.0011 Of the patronage RO liberally ha stowed on the old arm. JOHN D St CORD Ad" JANIFIS S. M'CORD. ITN retiring from the old and well known ftront:m Sl'Cord &mg, I moat reepeettlly recommendlo the patronage of the public my sueemisork Neste.M'eord te Co. - tat& H. I) KING. Co:iltrrine r.htp Notice. - W. STEPIII-INS of tit heeung, F Shisolierger i s of Juntan, and J. A. Stockton of Plusburgh, Inset this day entered intoe cstpartnenthm trader style and arm of Stephens, Shoenherger 3 Co., at the Anchor iron ork, IVheeltu g, Va., tor the purpose of manu facturwing Iron and muls of e • cry descripuou. Z. W. rrxrlicxx, 7. enomsznocx, I. A Irrocrrall. STEPHENS, 8110,ENDICELGER dr, CO: Manufacture all kind of boiler, ahve4 bar iron uml amts. A H. steel &dyne &putt/team! axles Being t-ooks meted A N tnhoenherger's old Inmate works, we c offer arucle of Juniata Limn Intended Sbnettlmlal co.. to au/ music iu the country An of which w be sold at Me Pittsburgh prices. \ arehouse of tlas works corner of Moor. and \ Velar eta. \ 113 SOLUTION—The in‘rtnemlop hol:me eolsis 11 mg under the sty. and firm of Witch:matt 2, this day dissolved by mutual coomot. John Lads kelt barmy disposml of his entire inhe, to It %%sight. ILn. The business of the mte firm veld be settled by Wightmart, who is authorised to use the name to the lam firm Mr that purpose. 11. NV IG HTNLAN spakklltw LIMY 14'1 J. DALZLI.L. THE Subscnber to now ppared to manufacture all kltols of Cotton and Woolen re Martnorry, at we shortest nonce. Orders left at R_ Wltriommis Engine Shop, cor ner I.:llwrty and 'Water Wee., will meet veal/ prompt at.nuon 11. WIttIITNIAN, E!SECINSI 7 parltte rbatit exisong between Li Me sulaterthere. eittiet u .tyre m Putinlexter l:o. wee attlteolved am Liar 1,, truth mutual consent R W l'ottlexter autuortactl to ...me all the Yonne.. NLYl'll7l , :—/Inving prin.l,l*,l the rm., 1.11•1 ,. .t Or . C. ii th thr in, y.. r.. 1 . 0,1111,1! r rr arra ...related 111) .11,13r- our wort I'ort,rlc.lter, wt. me. tile burr/13,...,1r cr , ritriarre. urat:tl urrtler the cyie or "p 2 rt SV PUINVEXTI.II, u GrArriltcrd mx. ran rriterest 111 the /I Dry tra.r.. lltr.rterra r to 11re is ut the truler.,rcd. ronrcr or Fourth arm Nlarkel +ls. Pitl. burph, columetterr, Fel. 1. 1--.171. tru.tres. ,or trar, prc,trt srul lre co:ducted u/rdcr the rorrirr, le or . run r,lll %V It NII 10-PARTSERsHII.--- K :,•rtr, . rrre• .rr. Irdr. Irri.rcr rum,. urrderthe Gr. or \) Yrr ouK Co N 1 WC/ l'r rt. m NG, Ps." N 31, MEDICAL Jayla”' M•peetoraat eLex, um.eatm ,(1. Apr 141. 1.41 DR D.JA NES. bean —t feel .onand lo lOU and ute aillActed pub .c, I• , 41 . •%1 t1.11.e!Iof Mt. up• porton", gtv pol , licity to the ca'reorthnaryedecta of I,,Lectorata an In) aell Ilat•log Leinonl , rteel for *es era. )e•rs orms a ...sere roegh. beetle ,evir and :ta Lammnt discao-a, ands eemed otd) n aid teger oat a:muta shorl but m,aorable existence, en, 100 fall or when, Geom. more severely attacked, and env/14; reaorted lormer remedies, and the pie s, , netona Iwo or the moat respectable ph) 10cm,.• te tee I,etetsborhotel wellota dew, mg I.,Cfil. or .o me eottlame, of aoret,,ag h: a zew days ot araeLA funeral—when the mat gtemn of hope was aoout vuo.sh. I had reeornmended toF pot, -Ipectoraat aced bleaaett o) that helne vt-hu t doe• m tee use of toe rue:we—m.l ewttrury to the•spoctellon. ol no) ph) ' al and inende I wa• in a few da). le/see MAIO my t,ed, and WlOl enabled uy the L.< ut • to ktleml to al) Lenora..;‘, y Ole Letter l// all I eel lor ) prevlooa lAAto t For al,. In Vittaourga, at Or .ca IrOUrti, s II treet I; A L j I. t }•llittabargh 111 t'almLat.,„) Wltoleeole Uri:lg Store in the City of :icor York. We .1) or Ncw 1 oti. s.d sre prerrer, irr •tri Idro 4 g r .,. S/e.rcual,:. ril Drug ,N , r in.c.• • ,01. iout 05511 11411 , rlarrort, arra arr uil. r arr." r 1, .I.n low :is Lar, rvii ,e -du., Fct , l6 If A I'iIINE,MCK Cn Marchers Chrome Cis-emu. 4 1'0 PAIN I 1 - K' 141.1 , 14 A kr.k4 4 , -Wr We uatirr•eraell, tra.l "real Arm•rra..l the ra New ler Ir. bare uweel trail lasted. arid are trow using • erw arta ie 01 r.kruanc Irrrtn. rnarrruarct•rer I , y taco Ninrenrr or Ims abal e ar aLe NV!. wr.t. erre iluces• • hire lartaraut P•ri• I rt,ll appturaLtre, Wall V• 1 1 .) upertor well. ed (CC JJJJJJ I.ICIIIJ 11 LI) aur krellara aL tar Ittulle Ver) pun,. war the Urrc. liner r ver u•cal w lurk. Jeer I. 47 Ly Ihrui•o4 pructic•J pwillere LWii ity ol 'fluen ue41.1.1.,rd ehroyle lsrec had ul IL F :+I.:I.I.FILN. N. .7 ‘N nod mr,et, w the et 4-:4./.0 Ugeoe) lot Pitteuttryl. mar,/ A Fine Bet of Teeth for 25 Cents. WHIFF. TEKrii. k•UL t, 1111h.a 111, IILALrm lA. —le.i ktttl unbeuttitttotttltt.aer fig bore a turitte cleaned n int An., •an Paste, have the appemano , of Lae moat neuot.tut Lair, andst tlic tilLac it in prrtentty quesotely tine, that ota eonatant oar Is highly ad vantageous even to tu....e teetto tutu are 1.. a rood cn dition, el ving Mon beautini.joh.n. and pre, tilting a premature decay. Those a:ready ce. loc. II prevents Irani...COM/Lag *forint—lt Inn, tuamns such 14 are be nottung la., and by perae•eranee tl 0 . 111 render the foul,t teeth delicato, unite. turd Mule the Wrath tte. itclOnnly ;tweet :Maki by It It JACKSON. Liberty street. mural B. A. PAlLliii.sTOck , i VtraCitirvuisT. A FEv. week. 0111 . 111) rit111.11 . .1.110,1[001.11. MINI, W. ..Weill . ol' nd the 11111,1.1 Increased SO ..111111gi) mmed death woued ter Um result. lismteg beard ollhe mood Mire. u 1 rollemock's Vurnalluge when admousterell Lo the uhddren al my he ghbor, and thmslut Iny , h.ld have worm,' rota some ni the ay mph..., II our and h 111111 MIIIIIMOUILIIX 4/ Vernutuge. and to my great 1.10111.1.11 t 14.111. l unnteumMly dtsehaNed he {Wee and - 410 iarge II .0111 wan .011 rratOrod. Bill II O , IIOW rern strk ably well i . 11,110. la L 1.1.1 4. Venni/U., the wWI. would oeramonnely rzSe nt It. throat, and I open geared would dm iron. 101,11gU11111011 JAS. li. DA WM /N. Tnone.ta. Venting° co, Aprt, ;I, ark.l L OOK Hl-;,,,,,!,0te.:1::1 I hi., in to certify that my rattle daughter ay. ntlLcted with worm., and trial uted scram remedies. wcl led, without any appal , . effect. Being !Wormed by the ogee t the, place of the .meccaot Sellers' Venni. idge. I m induced to give At a trial Alter gluing tew dose, u. •ccording to direction., my d•ughter Saw. relieved I have no tio•uation in gluing it as my optit• 10a, that Sebes,' Vert:comae t. thr be•t ratnot • . Preps red and uolcl by K F- ,uctu, Nu 57 Wood la. Sclu Woo by Dr. CILAY: I . 5 u N‘Arcl, V M Curry. !Ole glieny..cl J Linuth, j),l Popular, because GOOli: FA NI 11.1 ./. It:I N F: COOL. SrII.6NO, J eticr.uu I'u, Pa. Marc - 11 I. I-4- • u uitl m u w w o, i/luge u- .I. clerinson tioc r ol.Trrrd t.I IIII• lit.lslt4orlikleal. laa v 11,4 I tro,o goo.l wlktrew, u•ell Cough I, ray Mod iOlVe Kiscn •41. /Aim tiott our LA, scr,n Jet krrr. Po-unnotcr Vrrintred and wotil toy R E SELLERS, Wood st , L)' Dr Nrarts, U.ll Cuhf). I,‘ J trttlyrnt ti i.ir Mut. VED 111;11 AAD IKl ' ll,ll "IN FAILS 14t the ~,,, elleCto. romod, boturc thr puhlsc [or ourr :eitrr Jr, 1.0 ...or) I ..”1 tArtiy, n,lar) etupuouo. 01 Ille IL. s thtettsgrat Warryialc, Iree 111.11111 C,,, to og,. tk, .1.1,11/111 ho uorni oo .aue....] A 01111i.VA 110 reeord, e, roe, FAIINhATIP A 6 o conker utn 11,1 uuuou Street.. ,er Niro. n, o Nu: .1111111" It. uod I. now ) 001 ttttttttttttt uy Nte Lucully Is pr etrreuee to Nltgki. Tap.. a, at Artur• No, u• bent./ suued red,.` Luc deloutuled come, u ut au°. siLul more strelooftrunig 1.11/ loud lut ...tutu. Fur •oie It F. 57 wood ceps 011%.,) 011 II ...age ....,,ply.wairb 11,c, 111/111.1 /0,114,.. tbe 100. col MY/ IICI price ,a.h J I.ll:ANb—bltr , n) Bruns, In u y .uve nur unl I r proud utOcr, Jun rn re turn, turn, own u luoott Owlets. o'n cam blau , ,. tool t vr ry .ow by We LI .1 totlAy.,lt.o.:), SA_ 0, IY. •ouut In nuul wood rata bale& roc LI not for nob by jj /11:11'S.R FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE PO6O AT. TMSTON. PROITLIZTOILIS. 2ETHIS establishment long and widely known an being one of the most commodious In the city of Haltintore, has recently undergone very .' 01. i „Ixorn ut .1.1 illilt, ~,) _.. . NIA NIETAI. NV AHE—Juot o t eert,rl trout Plisug h.., Plough Ca.tlngs, Watson I t i K t i rre rA dr \ rturro : tor). britenrou Coif., Poor, rlo T., 1 Home, ele.e. Llo, 110 l a s s ,l.l O I. unLI t r 'rcun Cups. 0r ..01. do. err ter. tort, HI HAIA t . or tue ord rarer , riciter with rd., do Nur Lt..", dodo. do Coat, : brut or H A n Hutt, l• rarrorar.• I rra, Wltil liiIIIIM For •ute ur row pr.,. 1.1,11.110, raw qu.lorrirc or p.: ttr ILI. A. r e . F:171 :tor, Big / t oe., Prorrcir, e k•• 1,1. t orarrs, , urt• Musprall's Patent Soda Abil k . 0 .... .. , ...,., ~ ~ ...., , 1, 00,4 0., 0, 00. 0„.., ..,, 35 ,: , ,,,.. - ,,., , 1 7,;„,, , room wecurct North I ro tt, 0 1 A NI MITI 111111111. '''. IN, ~rr s ."'''' =lll j . 4 -\ l" ,i' n; 4 /.; 4 l:l ‘ l4 R .J7z;L I e l. r S 41 — c 1 6 A ," •-•':• N ' l, l• J , !look ni cad got litott,uit x. .1 . II) 1: 5F.1.1.) it , 11 ,„ •rrr t. • =UM art", may vlO., . „i 044 ~,,, .0.. No Si 7•l.o.l•liert 11/AfilTON,• ••• JJ log ...inch. viz —,lO. grallutt.ed itttry .. 4 „, and aaJcol'a I..iirn 10. •Ale •1 Fl'., • Trimming ~ 1 u.0.1 niarli.ol .1 Sandy and Beaver t. anal. I lu I. t, • Ri... re. ..11.00 •Sr mtui. a. 1110 X „L 5 NIII.L.LitIt kI..TN.N .., OU . l ' o. 'l: t and «r u ..Kw / run Ana/ Ing Nof l..al„ugar ror inyi A Ed, KNiIA, Co-Partnership Netter. EA/.1. 1 . Lai-10.0U A. have ...tiled wit., IA Umiak in I OlAirl i 0 and A 0414114.444 1.414/11C7A, o Contr a ctor. and /Solider.. ul 11.•uid In Cu. liu.i.inurc "I' ~\L}. Un . Liu 1111 J. 1114 A ui \ nTEANitiiiATS AND ruc ” ' 17,, /4,1 J J 4 IC4 4.4411114,1 ul Iron arr. •u.i • ,1,1. A ur. aiil • 27 %.4.. u Ow a. 441 I iN yellow cur., alum, i.. JO r 4.1.14 ,10.11 Jets, al. 0. prim,. 40511. i • . 010 - - AND btoii Ness Pars, 4' . '''` c Pc , ha,e. 44 yILL .0 plaits ao, aft , HOTEI t S EXCHANGE HOTEL, MISCELLAIsJEOLIB ri (hie rcr r•r, r runctorllly .111 1 , relicrrrerl I.lr, °NI..? 41 err., IMMEEM MEMO! 11111=MI=EIMI IS4S MISCELLANEOUS CaPPENCOTT & BARR, 11.8 , e J 8 Strtc k ler & I • • AZr u l.TA . C a T e l:ll , F o ..lt..:4 ,d proof saf n ea. nd I , nptlifield Pittelur;;h J S Stnekler having deceased and the suretetae partner Mr. Jo. Lppencott. haver aselerajvi h,...1( with Mr Wet C Barr. the busmese vel;1 heceafter Ile conducted under the style of Lippe. cott fr. Barr. Trial of a safe in Cumnnati, o.—We, the undersign. ed were present, at the testing of one oft S Strickler fr. Co'. unproved Phceing fire-proof safes. The safe was placed in a furnace on the public landing, and subjected to the intense heat of a stone coal fire for more than three hours. In one h., and a half the safe came to a bright red heat. the door of the furnace was then closed. whirh caused an increased and iteady heat for the balance of the time, until the eau iron wheels were partially melted off, the turniwe was then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. The money, papers and books which at contained were no perfect a. when placed there. the 6 111111 SW only of the books being In jured by the watercooling the safe. We hare uo hesitation in reconimendunr it to the public. as a safe superior to any we have ever seen tested, and believe that it will stand any heat which alight he produced. keept a heat arbich would melt It to a wild mass. Stmact, & IVltttman, L Worthtnglon. KlattNrg" - !& Krttett, Belt. Urn., \ V t: P Brae., Mum. r tl Dutt,lnt & Cot Stedman, Mayard & Co, Wrn Mead & \Vonttor. We, the undersigned. ..elected the safe .pol of P shove, from n :ot to the .tore of (culler & Aube tithe Agent. C t': SPRING Si KELLUM. , Refer to Cook & llorrt, Bmkort, Putslaurst; Ilu.oley i 111.114.1,1& CO. do do (leadkifly'S 100 1-IPPINVOrT JOHN II WICK. L.I .1016.1.71. LIPPENCOTT & CO. .C . 2 - I. s t p E e ft d .: .. o /1: . 7 . 77.1 ., 5 c rt h d m ea . :121 , 7 , 1 Ctrcular and trui Sow., !lay and Manure Pork.. Noes. Muttorks. Pty It it. he. having completed all their arrangements itie r.istrurtion of new machinery. and .o seem-dig the he., workmen from the most eel, brated estattic.hntente of the Kant are now manutitetur• mg and will seep constattit.y on hand and for sale all the above articles linvicg vv atted themselves or the latest improvements. and are determined that in work matt.lup nod material they yell, not be eseelied. nifty promise to produce ante es equal. if not pa r, to ny that can be lied in the Fie . They invite su the (Men non of dealers to an ezamistatton of their stock bafore purrhasn.G they are ron•tneed that They will he stale to WI ell orders in um, hue to the enure sattsfaelto of purr /111Ite I %% arr boil.. Water street. doors Mtmotigahein !louse. Pa S LI wtth Wut Icppen eon k "ton wit please nail on I.ippeneoll tr. Co _oet9d)) iMiMc!ia=l , J A Nloorrht-ttat A }• ttAttttrKh ti JI u II k 1 h,. , ,nve erevieerne:oA with Nle•er. I u .+ rltu. r tn..Ytpade, Pork, trig balkd every artie, retp . .. ;Cully ..,Acaegl New Hardware liuu•e. I It COrner :font ifte hMI 01 aLpptied /t juirl or Iti•oo.• • guoi trim= 1,• EZEIMItti 111111111 dre ~ e ttermllecCO.ltcas 01 1 . 1118-1.01 1.01 Lae 1,8,101 , %Ir l'orLer oyc deed u r to ‘deacte 1.00 an 11.11,0, .111 11 we.. fret, aFi . .e , aelle.y I • ur rre•4 ee. f.el/rYlei) 0...0 It, , reellecr. wed eetel lie ~.~.~~. .n... .~u: .L.. urt. n:id np. ,t? DRY & VARIETY GOODS LT/Virg CAILPET 31P0114.11.31• FOURTH ST., I.IV.LOW WOOD . THE subserther restvxtlitlty requests the attention or 1 the ovimers and captains of boat, mute. and strangers r tts'm rrh. to, his Inge and vpl en dtd - sleet of curveting. nove for wile al h.. how smies. 4th street. Theyconsist of every variety of the latest and most hishiormble styles of Carpets, Oil Cloths, kr- ever brought to the Western market. The eurre has been built exprevrly fur the coxpet business, and has, Iftravd lets o( expense,) been fitted tip in the mast magnificent modem style. the latest design, enth • lona following: Tbelpe 41 receiving an o the net.. and mint bnlbNt c They co:elm., Ln part. ig the &Tenor Tapeatry, a new at. LEl=l=l Imperial Ingrum, new auL Superior In,roaln; new do- Fn. Ingrain, Common do Plain and twilled Verutian; Five super cord twdied do; Royal do, =WM rf=i 4 do do Cotton, Inn_ rag and herrp carpet, common oil cloth, oil cloth table covers, wonted and linen table easier., window abode, colored and plant rontung, stair rods, trimming.. carpet htndtags, and all other goods usually kept In carnet stor-n. all Of which will he sold un as reasonable terms m any inlhe city. Having made ar rangements with no, ui the largest manufacturers in the east, order. for soy style of carpet will be promptly for warded by telegrapn, and.deliverecl it one week, at a Snail advance of the inanufacturer's pnre. Purchasers •re partteularly requests,' to call before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel cenfident we can .11 aa cheap as they assonnlcla 01 these. vend demrebte good., including pink. Ina, blue wad double purple, of now and beauu patterns. "' French Dress Lawna--Pmh, blue, lune, brown and Mid. 01 . newest palters. and loot eolora. anaull bled do foe Inmate. Alao„ itrnlia.unlc, of lur6e and Innen lig ure•. tor ladle.' mud ititualtb' Kruhrotdered arum datteron, for eventag dres ses, ncw styles, co,reo datunsit torirto,”.. do; and n u:l assortment of ussueti, Uera.geti, gte.tadtetea. crape shaws,hc., at the northeast corner of Fenno and Mar, set •lIVCIS. .P. 4 • A CARD. - • . J011:il KELLY k to, (successors to Robin, Wine -1.14,111, a M a i W lintleßANT reiLutcs, lIC elle., t street, l'hoade,phia. beg leave to litorna the friends and patrons of the iiite tiro, and straiisern i•taitiiii; thin that tn.,' arc now In receipt of the Npring and "...nattier FL-0.11.4 Also u circles and select tioniart illnill Ot Wt•l Of Fiyrlwld ,1111 French Cletus, Caavi• .neriin and Ventili t nii, to unlitalt they renpeouudy Inane t CWIIIIOII. itriasi.dttun SPRING DRY GOODS. ,k HI No 6 , ,J W0...d street, ore reertvt ,g a sc. y lar:e and eaten., ve stock of fresh ~•rtilk ; Dr) very recent porkttaso,tuld ”ought Oka most lov nreountances, and wturtt oe} are prepare, uod orou te *ell to titereikwols.•l a VC() ma!, advance 0.1 tite eA•tertt c Val. . • %VC %VOL,: .1.. 11,1 CLIII1,1,Aattng our city to ,Vit. our MIT CI &Mt. 1113011, avil t.e , Cci C011b• ilrot itirk. P . ,. tic C.:1110C.1,1001Aud pi Pie oi our ITESTINUS—,up ag u nierea. .1d watte aittporttA. nil co,ots. qualtue , .res f, t.it, in every at, Je yualtt) CA,I• at rai-: t I l's—,3up .tik queen ,tout S.timucr .tota. and de.trao.e coautN• tor soots. weer at prlcca or tow any iat use city.' NOW \ Ctollt apf cont. OW, sod Wou4 SIIACKLETT & uLALLIIz I , SI boODS, o. r rill owl naect, lo.tve 011 10014., and aro frfr“l/usineas.seamoi. a largc and exteorave oasaortnic,,, logy ol• Lu ,siec. .Lail.• 114,Ces, Oltd raaotar IC tonne ti,al to, givo roUre aataalucliOtt. the) 1,101.0 / 11 C1 . 1:14.1.:11.• vlsiting LUC ally to par went • [4,1 t A. Al • .40 Markel wee Teary opeutti, tut tate.. of Drcbe /ut. ry ,c Lae sergrat t.1..1 atom ...tooott..tv •tuc o. to or. tound Itt 44.15u.1651 ss Litt a .a .. .u..t'40 Ir.elint not Co/ re, unit .0, moil tte mon t .ooav mart, it.pro, natl. Coat ics, tacfc,cs, 110.44/ lrenctlJ aCOII.I tly IRE.L., Ulan,.—. A )lA;WT S Go, ru, r 111.41 ft, 11 alotatalal aastatintat l• au, &moat, Albin tau, Lc toutal ettg.tfed. ittata 4ml ptltLad lit.tret4t, t/1 41. ,uuttat, 5125 .I , enlc IL/11.W •atar.: 5//,14 stripa 01111,1 111.1 Cy Oita. t react] tuautteaw, &a At. a wad"lc otml wok,. •lac,.• plain a•..: /IA -Lad 1 . 14,act“ Ltaea Ltaara• a/Ad utatra 4.441 .aaux ,a aa, l o..ra,lout 4.14. 14, ,naka and .uu Wive ...1.41.1./C• A..ve svell vurtAmsed at Inc ,ate per• tu,‘"l, ,40.1 ,k ali o,4l I/I Of. 1.1/11.1Je1p4./.1 It. amd rcuucLava PIICC• t. , , S:I : S--Aicin.n.let a u.. 1 oi reit iii.i4 ouiii '616.6 0161 • l// • a... 1 6.1401,6 trout .40 ...tic. sr, res claluitie 11106 . , weak iire.ulicrior 10 eiti) ini o tore e in. in....rt. I 11, 6111161 so.o retour•aiy lariap uou ilxirggc Suateris uouth 1C1661666) 11 ./% 11 1/1) 4 I I'lnit:.F.LAIN nit 1161,6411 . 11/6 V V a.. viiig rrcei - vect LUC 1.46 C Ageiiii) tor 1 1 1.1011• 61r 6 1 , 0 Dula, 610161 1 1%1111 ugyi 4gious 1 crili 4.4“1441.4 •isteial Druggist gad Apottlevur). 107 itor •ou .stri •ta L. V I,— A `o(.1 acaortneceit Lc( Indica wed gcect• Alutc cowred Licer, I arc.c.l ,c.• . 15... exct. clic AI., cclacie aca c•c.ccurcce I eccccte I,We,, ate alcelice. art.:cc, Ana .itc., 0p191.111g I, r S. w W wood nt Irst ' e 6i lYjw \ ui Lettta per putt uV Itiote, 4..10 :tow, lut t, g, taz ,taLwat Ilul. hum, I. I.l<, MU°, Ana tow, wt. coo .- o , tliajou h. , C, marl, 110-r '" •Io 1.4 I tt Ll,p, do Fup w t A.,e) Alant/ ..n a. I e.) KINSEY k 111 t.ortutrot o'las r, t .4tni,rtt ly 1.. c% .4“,a1.•, spOLlctl tont Ls" .4., wu tt.t,titr to, Itt,t sa.ut Atte. tt, i , l 1 Ili ;•• I or itatr. do JO arc.. Vino, du I.ur •d , du tdPcr d.t. , K, do do do du l'eoc..• ajtal Ve„•, a'ta ull ul dot Jev. CIA WC., •WiCtIC to, It hi r tEy KNOX. wankel to _ _ - . ,liarrim, Murphy u,a• ..01Isdalt ltu. ma's 11 .sstro 611 Ass.rt CYfry Kraut:- of Ast,low cash pr. rs An. 3. Istsn L.Ancos sionto.,..34ll.osthos oi pan c".“ ea) ..usAy, al .11.0.1C•.1 e5...4.1c, el 4t., •' • • tIL:I7II.\ :.N1.12.111 0 nu., Lcce,cd u • cry. oupvrior 48....r.eut u t 1.11/a ~eatneat ot wont , cletorala. ulAnutaeluteraralA wwiu• tairt.lke, aaa urown-OatacuniN tur yualitits, otc era Mir VOL. XV. NO NARL VARA DY FOR P by A. & Y. JA.NIE.S. Cmcal near anal valualrio Worts.— Wni phn n's Expedition—,..ntothuth hie en Col. A W. Don&phon. the Col Mexico: Oen. Kearney's Overland Ex foram th Donnan'a Canapanth avuust th • rns unparalleled Maven upnn Chihuanu and the Opethuons of Gen jik e n e it t i bat lTUrlne F' nt of .Zllrsourib),thalry. Htatory of Kentucky—us Anode.. JGeacraptocal Stausucal desenpuonst tatth suet:doles of houses. than 0118 hundred Btodraptucal Sketch etl Poo teen. `Soldier., Statesmen, Jurs es, d.c., Illustrated wsh dotty enra Collost,l voL oetasa The Twelve Months' Vownteer. or rate in the Tenneseee Itegneent of Conti:tarp of Merle. dunitg 14441-17. count o f the March of the Reatntent dew wow, of the Country paused ove 1003.1., hr. of the people. Sketches of count& of all the actions of other Volt; and a full Htwory of the Merman V.' led and Wounded. fed; Illustrated by a correct raw. and plants by Ueo. C. octavo. 2=1:3 MEE= No Paper aneltoot Eats. 7 W omit Sr., errweer Finnan s.xn THE su bribers have Just opene• nand. • large stock of darlrein ql.l pian white and hlue Wnung and Len mermal and packet post Flat Cap. de •• writtug papers, (or blank onedi rood Panting Papers. medium. dem Books and Ledger", supenor paper • litniling; School Books of ad kinds: sr Theology and Science*, Quills, gold Wafer, Wax, Bill Pits, tee. kn. Blank Books or all sites ruled to pat in the most substantial manner. >Q Country Merchat. supplied at low nes for catithor rags at cash once', JOB PRlNTlNG.—liavtng a Job ME with our establishment, we are Prepare orders for plain and fancy Priuting•-•-4, circulars, business rani., bills of Isditt• patch and at low prices. ELLSYTC,k. nut 70 wood B. between •Ith and 011 Cloth.. t OUR STORE on Market meet 11 3,1 and Oh may at all times 0. stork orrheotogical and Miscellaneo bout, re yed goon an published, pnces rei . The publications of the A School Union and Maasactinsens Sao eicty, always on hand. Catalopi pile anon. ELLIOFT es my 2 545 market at. het... Now Books. LTOBARTS AN,w,x; IA ats.o of Bishop Sutler's Analogy tura/ and Revealed, to the con.utution nature, with notes Also. Cr...ord.+ nlllllla .11. revised and adapted to the by Charles E. West, Principal of Ratg tne city of New York. ANTHON'S DE :sENEcTuTE. I) Re —The de Seneetute. de Ammo., Soloman] Scipio. of Cicero, and toe I by Cornestua Nepos, with English Not Explanatory, by Cherie. Alltbn“. I. L. 100 BOY'S SPRING BOOK—Des Seasons, Scenery, Rural Lao. and C media try Thomas Miller, with at titan!A St/ VE:I. BY MARRY A rr—r New Forest, by Capt. Marryatt, R N SIR THFA'3UOIik. BROUOLITON. or 1.01. P. FL !antes. The above wuru.s ree.mved tl.l* day JoaNsrox myls eor . Baker & Scribner's Pub! THE: ...scribers having treen 1 the sale of the pubitrationa ot known publishing house, have a tult book. on hand. which they can mei: at cea, wholesale and real' Among th have been recentay issued by thens, highly recommended as erceedinTiy Valuable, may be found—The Corr, ins plc, Ireland's Welcome to the Strange. by Dr Spruar, Napoleon and his war, ton and his treuerala, The Sacred Mau of France; Teaching a zamence, the te Charlotte Elizabeth's Uniform Works; Making Huta to be Rico, Rabb. bare% up .4ppearances, Debtor and Creditor, . 1 / 4 .11., the works from the urea. or Da , character of whose putnicatauus as we reunc, Theology, in 4 vol• , Haldane o Cheyne s work.: The Convent. by autho in Hand, arc . 1 / 4 c. New books recr.i publianed. I''L tuyit 70 wood and VMS' rtili , —Lve or Cromwell. yl Power or the Pulpit. by Uardnier tl lrytnet r d o -taco.- 011 t:o.pela Matthew, w:tra I Incture. on shalss, earc. t: vole, Path of e or Stc:citc. a the Way linniortaloy: Prioteteps of Mosatalr, Toe eon. eonc by author of Sehooi Now and Then. by Warren: bae:chr. of latinons. ou Parables and Ireland Weteotne to the Stretncer, Hre , n, om,n Garth, /Deacon. a tale 0/ and for Ellgiand: For ;a ELIA(' . • yew ,:wod N : st recetvad at th• 4th .tract for sa:c by J. C. the 1-11. tor) of Lott/stana. a.< byC. Ciay.e. A 1/1•00111ne on the life, character ell Ces ri Jame. Kent. late Chancellor of Ili. York; ttelivercel before ine tudictary clay and slate or Neer York. lay inn iltatory of England. from the 111VM.1011 1101 10the relgn of Victorta. lay Mrs. Ms ectibon. revised and enlarged. W . . tine, Rotatnia, V'ENV lICHJES—.I to mecca on :make, fludeon. an two vonnues l'be Power of the Puiial, or Wain ihn to Chi - tonna mm.stars, and rho., u niduance bra preaened lannel, by ;he zyring, L D. The Ye WWI I and his Landlord. by linorrlng. Truns.alf4 by Mary rlovert Larnarttne (r.rondl•ta Vc,i 111. 11. rand. Or per.una. memory of rho pairs. ar , 0.4t,0n. iron unputriraaad to.rrve kstarune. Ait co, of each or above As QS) alol for %ale by .AILO N If rUCKI,,,.. 'n)3o LECTI:111:S ON sal( .iK.PEAI:I-., actr. Tls,4trte, Labor.. c. uyII N Hodson Tire Power ot Lie I'u4itt, or I:lough fI hntlan irtnni.e, arid Lhose w , lo eee cr :3prtaig, U. D The AMC nc an Preclme ehysacia,t. ueLng oclent,fic rnactple, tor all ch.... 0 u. For sale qty . . 1.1017 dr. 56 nacarkea at. net. 3d and 4th, Auld 71,1 and Llurnond etlicy . Books. ISTURIEB—RobcrLson ~ clod. Europe, Yreaeott rc .14.1 . 1 France, Arooul • Van, 11 ,AOund. ,\: chute Rome, Ha11...J05.. Co. -y of t.ogikadi Arnold a Latter Horn, ,huut a Haute; Hornet a ot tcs, . ?qua • t...r dry, tirowmog's illatory of Up: Hug, lt.tont,l ot ~ Neal +t Lawry of wv uch tic, I av,or • Mutual of latrodocooo w we Ilusiory ol ut; slot. y a Houle a,ul onrve. with tummy othcr ~ .Lou.Ne wort. tow, '0 CARPENTER, A N U dent Wink. a yracltCat trrattav ulna. AlCtistecture, tt,ser wttll utnic .tyre Pr,:lictst l a e citunt rr•etw...t. Alco•araltott, •rpetstwr) att.,l Jtatttery, ay ttt, tat clad, a ad partaCulart) allatttotl to t •• eipertenCod. U, C,ACII/CI pra Y.llll trtprovad: watt adds.....tkuOt Hou. ' Architecture. by II Aux I ,ecand ratri•ed etl,• Jett! j I. HEAD it.. VEW 131 UKS—Ju. yl and lor ./LIC toc ctriud r :1 ca! NS OWL le Prov,L,„ le ° .y.t4 tnad.g. • ocat,:u, I . ,,nranwn lur tue bertnons oU the Pere. ,) the nulhur ut the Pu:,..t Itelehes. he Tue F.nglieu PLout:. c KU.. U., the Mont einuerat .11,1•11. b. VOL', — but,, Ouod. Uur St WOO Me, Sacred NievUlgauou• OVER'S St.):St,S—,,sttett .too . w„ I, Vtoowltrre, RRoc)u More, toe Deer, uott,lotier Ro I w, ~.,) 43,1 0,,, .vitttt 1 am I ntlaand YIY .Dower hear.t) ce ,ot, Forgive, out Gout Forget. I Woutper, Ntorttiug Dretttu. and +toptr ITn Nottuotta,l Atwell For wate toy JutlN It ,ell LI t'l. OY CRO.I W u. rev., Headley • L.4le of Cromwell /a oal ruld ;La E.Eleels, or Fragm,, ( . 000: Ly Mr ra,fricr. Hach , . 01 Ulacc, interior LA, hi pawn. Mcmoslms Le, cos. itte I.ngti.o u y erlll/.<11; aVkl, til 111.11 a ul TAII,II. l'ay.,,r. Co.let I ,the II ..t.ttati.tee st.tt o f tit, le ngl,ka, lace, trant, HEMIN= C ONEVV/PATION, awn. etl It AR 11, - F:kVta..ENT t r.e.arcir,...nc•hpa .1. ',clue t.. 1 ,ce 1 - ..rcsiccta. .ticct ccut ,c 1: rr•J 1,1) J 1 Ikku,. J,ma • ~, .ac• grca4 kLacovrrn, and lolro 1,11 , 11/11.", 111 Vrrl.C• I,ll4CeliarGa Lae, i wur“ ,111. (Cr EI a Id !Of EL1.../url Auoth•r Supply uf-Clilaksy. - • ortea. IX liew Ytano lone, o. sy ,) tavt, Ut rt,cel‘cd ...• cc Y , oy /URN ELIA , Agest (or etuui,cr.,,, • (IRK ill iIEADI.I.I —TJ Crornwc.l, L) 1 T l'he sacred Alai, a. l L.e.c )cti L.'} AN' of we HPoo: tho•uritr.t oLoo• We klevuo. :Sllll 4 .114 wasooru k " , &st: on, for tn. a.m.oustauou of pup, :CM • 4 , JkL.4 U.\ 4 10 i . : 1: ~slg. ROOK TRAI JoriNSl U.'. A. li.u•••:..cra.. of