The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 27, 1848, Image 4

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111•ther, W.lf• and Dauight•r
TNTIMITNITEDSTATES.—thesabaviber respect
1_ folly calla your mention to Dr. Bsturrir'sGma
maa, expressly. intended foe, the preservation of the
health of both acres—whether it anus from Incipient
Pkihisle,or early consumpnon, Debility of the Lungs,
Bromide! Affections. Asthma, Pleuriay, Deranged and
Disordered note of the Liver, Spleen, or Kidneys. Dis
eased Spine, Cholie, Dyapepsia, Palpitation of the
, Heart, Loss of Muscular or Nervous Power, he. he.
immediate ;Melo( Females suites* from Irregulari
ties, and all other Uterine difEcultiel and diseases mci.
dental to woman, whether occasioned by cold, wet
f v:agt s tt y e tute 4"ii ; ni dtue 6'"'" ; as e llo P r o m s "os't, and all
sensitive lady can el any moment apply it to herself
without the possibility et incurring any Mk or danger,
or my unpleasant results ariaingfrom It, and with the
certainty of obtaining Immediate relief.
Dr. BarrotPs Guardian Is no catch-pump or one of
Vie many Entottrugs of the day; but it is en instrument
made upon aridly scientific principles, in accordance
saint the lure of Lleetricity and Galvanism; and for
neatness. durability and efficacy, infiititely surpasses
everythingof the kmd ever before altered to the public
for the relief of diseue, and, in the language or one of
the most enlightened menof the day, Is pronounc e d to
be "ffie grain i est discovery of the age.*
tryAl7= f our
ruarTil'a"n beta
r i ' is oc p c grnt
state of perfeetion—daring which time it has oven is
the hands aurae of the most eminest physicians of
We North and South, as well u in the dwellings of nu
merous families, who have used it for all of the shove
purpose., with the most perfect success,and who have
cheerfully given then unionalified approbation of its
efficaey and value; al can be nu by referring to the
Manual of Instructions accompuying It.
Dr. C. B. Barre n 4 Guardian is secured from inners
. liana by a patent from the United Stain Patent Office,
and be had either with or without his MedicaElectro
The Medina-Electra Galvanometer, in point of bean
ty,workmuship,,durability and power, cannot be Ma
ar even entailed, an
the subscriber feels that
=tarde nothing intim usettion that it will be found
pawn more power and efficacy in the treatment
t.`'m removal of dirsasat, by Galvanism and Mectrici
ry, then any other instroment, either in the United
Bows or Europe. The rdedico-Enetto Galvanometer
hi warranted in every respect, and with common ordi
nary rare will last a are -time, sod is by far the cheap;
mn, because the hni, instru ment ever offered to the
public. A manual wrommantes them, giving the most
maple Estroctions, of practical ex - penance, ara th•t it
tsroadilyintelligible tante mind of every one„ While
IIPS• , e ?try of arrangeumut is such that a Ohild Only
with it
shay lafonts.nlon gratuitously given, and all commit-
Muttons diurnally answered per mail, either in rela
tion MID. Electro-Galvanameter or Guardian.
. . .........
Medical men are invited to call and examine Dr Dar
noriOnarcian, and tent na etlcany.
For sale by H. RICHARDSON, Bole Agent, 71 Mar
tin at, Pinabargh apZbdtf
OvEit ,o 0 0 PERSONS In ,Philadelptan
alone, can testify to the wonderfulaMeae y of that
worerfal remedy.
In Pulmonary Consnmption, Chronic Bronchitis and
Sore Throat, Asthma, Chronic Catarrh, Spitting of
Pain in the Side and Breast, Maceby of
Bitting. Whooping Cough, Croup, 'Weak Nero,.
and Nervous Tremors, Palpitation of the Hearn also,
Liver Complaint and Affection of the Iffidneys.
This medicine, the invention of a man who gave the
subject of Pulmonuy; Bronchial and Pectoral diseases
the moat rigid ezeininution, has now been before the
public near four years. During this period it has per
formed some of the most remarkable care. on record of
Pulmonary Consumption—itecured the recommenda
tion and nee of physicians In their practice, and the
amines% approval of thousande et persons to ordinary
sad severe Colds, Congas, in Hoarseness, Spitting of
Muni, fce.
About (crux years since I was attacked with Typhus
Fever, which left me in a miserable state of health, in
extretite debility with a general prostration of the sys
tem„ with violent pains in the brerut end lasi of appe
tite, In consequence of which I was unable to attend to
my wad tautness, or perform any kind of work. I
apmliedato several physicians and need various reme
d=ithout tiny benefit, and had despaued of ever
• recovery of my former health. Box some
lime last Jane I was advised to try Thomson'. Com
pound Syrup of sir and Wood Nam., end incredible
as it may appear, by the time I had taken three bottles
the debility, pain and every sense of .offering were
completely removed, and I was able to attend with re
stated health to my usual avocations.
Of Dickinson township, Cumberland co,
• Read the following testimony from a respectable
member of the Society of Friends, is Poughkeepsie, N.
"This may certify that to the spring of ISIS. my
health was very feeble; I was afflicted wuh pale to the
aids. with other alarming symptoms, and named much
from great debility. At that time I purchased from
Mows Dame two bottles of Thomson'. Compoond Sy
rup of Tar and Wood Naptha, from which I caved.,
eed great benefit, my health being now good; and
cheerfully recommend the vticle to all persons who
of• dean. be suffering with general
AdeP d
Ibilil,4 ty, wuWIL h em W,
Poughkeepsie, hlarch 15,1847-"
Prepared only by A.I.SZT & Damson, at the N. E.
comer of Fifth and Spruce sneers, Phila.
Sold by L. WILCOX, Piusburo; and by
generally. Price 50 cents, or One Dollar per 4 1=. 14'
rug _ .
J. LUNGS—The unprecedented success which Wu
Minded tho use of the
a all the various Iltima which Irritation of the Lange ILI
=ilea, has induced the proprietor again to call atm
don to this
The eharupshle member which marks our fall and
aviator mouths, is always a fruitful source of
These, If o4;gleeted, ve bat the precursors of dui fall
Das miesdoo, them how shall we olop the destroyer m
the bad? Clow shall we get clear of our coughs and
Ws? is of vital importance to the publle.
will be foetid in the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of this
we have from me to time published the certificates of
dozens of our best known eitizens, who have expen
eneed Its curative powers. These, wlth a mass of tee
Moony from all parts of the coutury,—from
Ministers of the Gospel, As., together with copious no s
tutes from the
we have embodied in pamphlet nn, and emy be had
gratis of any of o ar agents o t p ro= fo u3s t the concal•
have been used in this thy.
throe i:tont the (Toned States and Canada, and We cha
lenge any man to point out.
which, when taken according to direction. and be-
fore the Icings had become fatally disorganised, i t h as
aver failed to
:P7hy, then, need the maimed hesitate t st by resort to
- the nostrunu, gotten up by 11.• ce.t iedi e id.
,aals u led the usumed twat of some ees phy
- end puffed tato notoriety by certifies.
Jlens &malty unknown, Whilst a medicine of
to to be had, whose vouchers are at home r —rotr neigh
bors,--many of whom it has
-to order that Otis invalaable medicine may be placed
within the reach of the poor is well the rich, we have
pin the price at,
toot one half the usual cost of cough medicinec lye
tbr mile by our agents in nearly every town and of
weer the west, who are prepared to give fall inforaia•
Son rabbet, to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor,
Broadway, Cmlimati, Ohio.
AMERCHANT OF THIS CITY, who had been af
dieted with the asthma for four years had taken
almost every thing. His physicians constantly aims,
ded him. and he had expended over two thousand dol.
lara It. never believed in advertised medic:saes. but
considered them all humbugs. Al tut hr tried Dr .
Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, from =Beekman ureet,
New York, and in no tweets was entirely cared. hav
ing taken only three bottles- This is only one of many
cues where imaginary M./rutinns to a patent medicine
have prevented persons from using this medicine. who
have expended hundreds of dollars to their physicians
in rain—and in the end owe their recovery Wain
efficacy of this purely vegetable preparation .
There is no mistake, that this medicine is superior to
any remedy prescribed by medical advisers. This
medieine has taken 29 years to mature, and is the au
test remedy for disc.. ever introduced to the public.
REl32llltlani P. Cocos, sxn ElnotTNist BlitrAlli
Could—fkiffering for a longtime with these complains,
I bad p'Veil up all hope of being cured. I had consult
ed the botanic and houimpruhic doctors in vain. I had
used many articles advertised, bat gaud or. relief. In
despair I had given op the use Of all medicines. Hear
ing of the great virtues of Dr. Teylor's Branum ofld vet ,
wort, and the great eniu it bad performed, induced
ese so try it, and to my great j6y and ostonishomm, I
was better daily. I continued its use, Also his Sugar-
Coated Pills, mad lam entirely cured. Dr. Taylor'
Balsam of Liverwort is the but medicine In the world
for these complalMs, and will mire every one afflicted.
Captain of the Nancy, of New York.
Auras Crun.—l have suffered from the Asthma •
-vary long time, and have used every medieine I could
obtain for its cure in ain, until I tried Dr. Taylor's
Holum of Liverwort. This medicine bin afforded me
most manifest benefit, and is, in my opinion, a cure for
this tilstrusbut diseur, more especially, as I know of
many cum among my friends, where It hasheen high
ly ioceessful. Persons interested are mailed to call
, at my residence for farther Information.
MRS. S. RUTON, 238 Laurens st
Sold - In Plitsburgb by I D Morgan 93 Wood se 1
bp.rket at, H Smyur. eor Market and
3 4 it, Headman h Co, 5 Liberty at Price reduced
to CLAD per bottle. icx3
- MORGAN'S COUGH BYHCP—It proven tle the
ay prat PanizelL In caring my alld's donfrasin
From the'Pempecance Benner, Nov 3 IM7.
Coosa lasser.-1 et are cot In the habit of puffing,
Math leo tskiznt medleinea but we feel &eked
to nwoucturnad Syrup to those who are 'et.
ed wish a cough. Afte r hams tried the oared reme
dies to remove • torment and distressing — cough, that
had On several days afflicted ono of our ehildreo, with
oat mucosa, we were induced to try hforgan's cough
roup, and by it relief was obtained us a few hour. It
proved to be the panacea in this rose to least.
Premed wholesale and retail hi the proprwtor,
JOHN D HORGAN, Druggist,
lith7 wood st, door below , diamond alley.
/?BOND LVIDENrE that Dr .1 A YNIC , 2 El
-1,. PUTMAN? le superior to •ail other remedies for
DembhhCombasptioa, Dassehitis, A abate, mod other Pow
aszteraelisse,is that the same persons who commenced the
of it to their fruato ten years ago dill prefer it to al
oSser ramedimorlimliad; vt.*“.7 han koolodmad
la try other preporatmos they have almost /bearably Imo
=A1.61,i14 the boleti which eras remosably
l from the high prams beamed by the proprietors,
aulhare rebutted to hruse James Eirescroaerrr,
• temody that hisi 0.117 failedlo Mime the. nod eriskb
probably arm had Hammel to amain pohmeary diseases
Eilltmeelooly by Dr D. Jayne Ehlhalelphis, arid sold en
4Zittrowti X. JA YNES
72 Pourtb a
J'fArrivs T . ONlC.—After rill this ettieht
Woken amhasetehakty preatototeatt Bevhat It profess
es—ldat bed artkia, without coy esorptloo, fartij
rastoratioa sod preerrratioo of the !mama hair. x ' . know
et imam= billftbei, miterit hair has heset restorell b heads
width bare beat bold tar years; aatt In think ars tatottotsfe
=Saar them Se rotoosemod to ait cos iradm who or
hair Mika, leaks a Mal of this Toiildittus
Jostoa ifaiL
For ads to Fildstamtais at the Peakia To iltsest, 7tt
FOCA Went. mir W'al starridtkerT
' other
ILA - ORGAI9I3 WORM KILLER lo far superior to all
•remedlet for Worms.
June I4M, MB.
This may eentifY that I gave to two of my candour,
three and fire year' old, two teaspandeleof ktomem,
Wenn Killer, to each of !hem • Ile youngest awed
• allasgereorms,the smallest eratb.rot base measured
Bea than wren Mehra. • The aide.' passed so large a
number that we caddies belle to Omni than I here
umt 'all the petit:dm rensedme .forojlte public far
bar cad ray vrith • clear enumerate, !dragnet
.6c rfel , depravers any now be i =kle
Bakerstown, Allegheny roomy.
'Tapered and told wholesale and 14 the pro-
Itelesem JOHN D MORGAN, Britain,
Wood strem, Plnterreills/ •
- , ~ •.., -•,--
•:t: ';"wirreP,'' , l-:•?..—,,,_
) R - f i l l: A -.
--'.-- i
( i•i ' 6 •
• .....el
~, ..
i ;. fa 11010 ar
cosrourirl =nun. or
Pander and Newby , of the Ape.
DE. most extraordinary Medicine in the World!
MD detracts put tip is Quart Bottles it is
tiall• Cheaper, pleasenter. and warranted se
prier to any sold. It ewes satinet
neneritiag, putristf, sickening
er ebt/stating the
The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla
overall °thy medicinetin that while henchman, the die
meet It invigorate. the body. ft Is one edits eery beet
Ever known; It not only purifier the whole syste m end
the person but it creates new, row cad rici
raTrrreairer poesessed by no other medicine. And in
this lies the grand seeret of its wonderful slicer... It ha's
performed within the law two yam, more then 160.00
tures of severe cases of disease; at Ina. 1509013 were
considered iticurnble. It has wined the byes of more
then children during the two past 11922011).
10,000 vases of General Debility nad
wrung of Remota. Energy.
Dr. Townsend'. Sarsaparilla inveterate. the .hole
system permanently. To those who hare lost their
muscular energy by the effect. of medicine or ind.scre.
tion committed In youth, or the excessive indulgence of
the passions, and brought on • general pbremal prostra.
elan of the nervous rya.; ladled.; want of ambition,
Punting sensations, premature decay and decline leaven.
to towards that fatal disease. Consumption. ono be en.
tire) y restored by this pleasant This Surd
per is far superior to any
Invigorating Cordial,
A. It renews and ...Nords the system. gr.. •CtIVII,
to the limb, and strordb to the muscular system. to •
01.01 extraordinary degree.
Consumption Cured.
Oissue Streatgam Coanrotptlon ran be cored.
BrlM4itl44 COSll•mrption. Liner Complaint I',44Ls.
Osiarrk, Galicia, Anima, Sistlissr of 81.4,
Soretzegt I. lA. C 0.,,. Rect. Final. :Writ
dcau, Difficult or Prof.. Expecto
ration, Pais
is tie Side. 4.c., A.
ises cas he nerd
!Cm York. April 1841
DR. Towirsawo--I verily believe that your Haman:
rine has been the MAIL. through Providence. of von.
my life. I have ter several years had a bad Cough. It
became worse and wane. At lart I raised Laryngeal..
tors of blood, bad night Sweats, and was crently
Lard and redneed, end did not expect to !IVn. I ilnrr
ouly used your Sarsaparilla a abort time, and there hw
wonderful change been wrought In ma. lan now able
to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, and tor
cough bim bill me. Y. c. well Imagine that I no
thankful fur these result.
Tour obedient servant,
WM. SMELL, 65 Catherine it.
Fennell!, Medicine.
Or. Townsend's Bersisparilla is a ...feral" and speedy
curs for Incipient Consumption. Barrenness,
Utori, ee Falling of the Womb, Costiveness. Piles, Len•
var... or Whites, obstructed or difficult Illentro.
thin. Incontinence of Urine, or involuntary din-herrn
thereof and for the metal prostration of the system
.Iml:ter whether the result of Inherent cane or cauers,
produced by irinulnrity, Innen or accident. Nina,,r
gen be more surprising thin In invigoVeross
on the hum. home. Pavans all wukness and lveri
nu' , from mkierit, at once became robot and full of
atergy under It. influence. It Immediately courier..
Big nervelessness of the female hams, which is the great
cuuse ol,Barremess. It will not be expected of us..
cases of so delicate e nature, to exhibit certificams of
cures performed bet we roe assure the ann.& that
hundreds qf cases have been reported to no. Thousands
of eases *here families have been without children.
after oring • few battles of this invaluable median,
hove been blessed with fine, healthy offspring.
To nether. mad Etimairied
T 11. Emma of Sarsaparilla has been esprmaly pr..
pared I n referrer. to female complaints No •firmale
who ho reason to suppme oho la approaching that
critical period. • TY turn of lAA^ ahead neglect yo
tale it, sa It ia embark preventiv• for any of the
tummy and horrible diseases to which females or.
rubYect at dd. rime of lit. Thb period may I. de
layed Pr, amend parr by yin, I•ll4diCily. Nor
l loos valuable far Moe who are approaching wcs
ma/Omni, it is calculated to win mture, by quick
ening Oa blood and invigorating the marl. 10-deed,
skis ntediely is invaluable for .11 the debut* dis•
ma to which women me subject
It beams the whole 'stem, renews permanent's Om
natural energies. by ventovilig the inepurnies of ths
body. am ea far mineilating as to produce
relamtion. which Is the ease of most medicines taken tis
thumb wanks:leo and diyam By minga few bottle..'
ibis toodieina many seem and painful surgical opera
rims may be presented.
Great Itlemming to Mothers rind Children.
It is the safest end moot effected me acme for purify.
Int the system and relieving the salterinc. •tienesia
upon ehdd.barth ever diicorered. it rtreninheni
the amt bet prevenn pain end dieeni.
creases and enriches the food. tiiose whoit
think it ts indimperuahle.. It is highly useful both b.f..,
and after confinement. am it tires silts dIVLILPNI...tI.I.6pI
upon childbirth —4n Coirtil ease. Piles. Cramps
ism of the Feet. Despondency. Heartburn. Yorint..ig.
Pain in the Hack seal Loma rola. Pam, Hemorrungs
and in regulating the secretions and equalising the •ir
ciliation it hut no eq. , The groat beauty of
medicine is, it 13 always oaks and the eaost delicate ni , e
■ most •oeceuhlly...." feu ewes requires ny other
median, in tome a little Castor Oil; or Ilagseemii,
n.taL Enemas in the open air. and Belt food .11. h
tAh noxlinine.,will always ensure • We and es..y run
Conned. Ghia, and variety of preparation. gee..
rally in use, when applied to the face very woe spod ft
•of its beauty. They clan the two. of the km Lod
check the circulation, wive a when net.. ts not t h art
-ed by diateue or powder_ or the skin indented he the
elkalies teed ha soaps. hesitates its own product:4o in
the e been face Mama: as well uto the garden of
rich and dellowly tinted and variegated flower. A
boo, actin and IssothityMrcolation of the fluid, or the
coursing of the pare, rich blood to the estreinaties
that which paints the counthoence in the moat ...ton..
me beauty. hie that which imparts the todrecribahle
thadee and lashed, of lovelmeo that AS admire. but
cat deecriba This beauty is the offspring or
tare—not ofpnader erne's. If there tot
a free and
healthy circulation, there L. beauty If the lady or
fair as drinn snow, if she punt and ti.e cosmetics.
and the blend is thick. cold and intone, she is cot holm
tifuL If she be brows or yellow, and there 14 pore and
settee Mop& it rises • nob bloom to the cheeks, and a
brilliancy to their eyes that Is fascioating ,
This le why the eouthern, and especially tFe Elp.o
lab ladle, an so mach admired- Ladies in the oorth
•Ito take bat little eserease, or are moaned in don
noon or ban spoiled their complexion hr the anon.
maion of deleterton• 'Mamas, if they with te
gain elasticity of step. buoyant etdrin. =perishes •I es
and beautiful complexknas they should ose Dr T....
nod'. Sarsaparilla Thougasids who haw. tried et. en
more than satiated, are delighted- Ladies of
st.tum, crowd oar elSee daily
!Voila to the Ladles.
Those that imitate Dr. Temeisenir 144aparilia he..
invariably milled their stuff • great knurly fee F.
aales, ko„ kr, end have copied our hale and eirristam
rrinch relate; to the complaints of womea ear I far vow
—other men who pat tip inedietne, have, Memo the grew
some. of Dr. Tommand's Sereaparilla in coandwers
incident to females, reentermaded althensch pm.
viomly they did not A amber ethos. Xlittireu. Pala
c aro injurious te females. se they aggravate d
and mammies the conmitotion. Dr. Town .end'. is the
only mid ben remedy for the onmerom female coin
plainte—it rarely, if ever fails of effecting a permanent
time. It can be taken by the most delicate fmealea
any etre, or by ammo expecting to been.. memo.,
tra the greatest advantages, as It prepares the system
asol prevents pain or danger. and etrearthem tioth
mother chia Be careful to get the genuine
Thu carafe:ale conclineively proves that [hie /larva.
pantie ham perfect control over the moot obstina. the of the Blood. Three persons cored in one boos.
• • • • .
Toww•gano—Dear Sir: I have the plemore to
Inform)am that three of my children have twee cored
all. Scrofula by the use of your excellent cued•csne
l'hey were afflicted very amend,. with hedger. hero
taken only four haulm it took them ••.y, for which
heel myself under great obligati..
0101010os of Physicians.
Or. Townsend I. ahnort daily receiving orden from
Physicians in different parts of the Union.
'V bit Is to certify dim we, the undermaned, Phymman.
attire City of Aftiskry. tare In numerous moos pmeortb.
.1 Dr. Townsend'. Baratiparillm and hobo., it to be
am of Um omit ad:table preparstio. in the market
. .
H. a BELiuGs, M. n
Aptll L ISO. P. E. ELME:NILS/a F. M. D
Owing to the treat rm... and im sale of Dr
TOW 0•001 1 .1. Barzaparills, a number o f oleo
oleo elle Isere
fernesrly oar Agents. bare encencoced realties , Sweep,
cslle Extra." giillrk Baler, Extracts of Yellow Dnel.
Le. They geoerally pot It op to the same shaped boot
Jae and soma tbato have stole and copied nw wive,
usemeow—they are only ' , Ostia.. haltaucele aud
atsnuld be avoided.
Principal 013lc; 148 FULTON Wes.. Son Plodding.
N. Y., Redding & Co. 8 State stenos, lbetoo. Dyott k
Pone, 1351 North Be.cood atnyet. Philadelphia; 8. F.
R•lac..DrakBfiet. Baltimore; P. M. Cb e H e .r.,
VVriyht & Co. 151 Chaeuve Styr.. N South
B t , e , and by ell tho prioctpel Ilene Merchants generally throughout il.e I'mted
weal In.has and the Can.lae.
N. D.—Persons Inners . lng for this mayhem, should
not be Induced In take ally oilier. Drudgios I.ot up
Sarsupari/las, and of course pieta..cllurj their own.
Do not be deeelyed by llpAginre for In
f en
and take no other. liesnennier the genu•
ine ..Toyrnsend's Idursapard n." sold by the sole eget).
R. lISELLEFL., General A. Retail Agent.
No. 57 Wood stet., and D. Al. CURRY. Allegheny
fiirtabit PEACE-1.1
34 , 7 m Mex ico,
necessity (or
r . .e , r ,d tvi t tine4 , of the
dildren Infante to au acme
pereede th l e ' o n(
nil shoe
medicines which contain opium , and ha. at length ste
t eesded In preparing arid ollerag to the
cite (oily answering every purpose Inn sit disenwe ot the
howelithout the use of that deletenous drvg or any
to injure in the least. Th. b
ut at Pen:
arena has
fully tested and tried. the hut twelve
months, by numerous persons, nod fiend to s all
the extraordinary airtime, and..0,.-
isuing effects a. set Garth un the hill of directions Le.
arrluea, Vomiting, Cholic,Orlping, Pains, Pin kites* and
Diseases arising from Teedung, acting immediately
without diaturtung any of the junctions of the truly,
Producing the happiest and most pleasmit Mai:talon
from violent pale to a tranquil and joyous mate of Mel
la to
be 711111 whole e Ze . and retail, of the Proprietor Dr.
JOHN PAR/SANT, Druggist and Apothecary; John
Elliott A Beckham, and moot other Ltuggtsta
u Allegheny and Pintabtilidt. / threl3
Just received of Dr. Townsend'. Sweep:mita, the
most extraordinary medicine in the world! Th. Ex
tyct Le pot up =quart bottles. It is &Ls times cheaper,
pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. It
cures diwAse without vornitlng, purging, mei/ening or
debilitating the patient.
jacia tare nil UM'S/re:a — Unprincipled persona have
'oopied -our label; and put up medicine in the seine
ahapcd bottle. Bea the each bottle bus the written .tg.
nature of B,P. Townsend.
vitß. E. SELLERS, Drugt, 57 Wood greet, between
a and Fetlillt, Is Dr. Townsend's only wholesale ,
and retail agent for 'Pittsburgh, of whom the geom.
artieJe esti be had.
D. Id. Curry, Ilea been- appointed the role agent the
Allegheny - ell/ of whoorthe putaine. artistic nen he j
I rigt4
r e NNIET AND CAP AIIIDON—a---IV-Irßarpli•
Lushes the attendee of boyen to • new supply of
pod,,OfileWlitt aryls and vary low. niyft
11 . F A CIOR lES.
• -
I . :matt 0411. /••
JonN 1/1 , HIGHT& Co.,
ARE prepared to hull° Cotton on,? Woolt7n Macho,
ery of every desettphoo, •uch as—Lardth Ma
dont, Spatrortg raroes hpoeders, Draw rtg ra e
riot datty I lead, Warpers,Tooollet,Spoot.••,
Frorne• Loorre•, Card Erduter, &t•, Wroug Ited,
tloaltdtg turned all sof (hod Iron. Yuri and
Hanger.. of the latest patterns, shde end hood t.atnes,
asor too!. of an k:nds of every drecrlptton forothlted on
Li ca I'unorns mad. to order for Gram., Iron
or Steam for heating Fttgior,o,
I ron ,rhtow 40.1, and lan,y 1:114.114% gene, ai:v
a • at toe Warehouse of J l'adrer & C., ,I. ~•
etty • rert, Noll, have prompt altooj'on•
Karoo TO
War ',took, & , Co.) K Moorhead & Co.,
, tamer, lone Irwin h Son. I . lushargh
C & .1 II Warner; Stetthenvoit. janl9
TAKEIt th,. usethatt to Intones n.a Inc,l ,
and the puhhe at large OR h ,r 1
lion to full open-moo, nn the ....e.ljnoe
of the Diarnon.l. Alleghi as. win., tnn
-=—= NAM .apply of 111,06, of voi ma. ro,ora
andqualinea,ureconlianny tea, :1111 bast,;,
also at Na 5 Woon vrxh.J k
11. Phillips' rindn waservoni
Vell/,11. Shatters made to order to the Lest ion..
Wind• repaired at th, ahorteet
N. 11. llot Bllnds bc pin up srilhout any
.n.nat grim, en that ihe y ran t.. era.. n 4 n
eh.l• in ea. , Wither orl wasbny um! 11,1 • I
ni " r rev. e
111„ , \ LICX4NI•11.:11. SON!,
V_ TA re,rrwr Of Prten AI, St gr
1, / , :hanxr• 1101...,c111,,,te o f t •:rr
.mor,n tour Ir,r - nds ••
u p , erarr.l It, turn and t,trod c
NI. 0( L'ildnnalivr, A ~.43 tro trvad
LI a
v [cut!) mad. Cv3,41...
cr, r. 4:.
OLIO, P.H101200 oi .I 1 11 , , • ard u•,,1 t 2
.1.4 •
••ara [wpm, ot, Wr kr. p a.
,OLrr vudL.,tl
IL,r pa./ twat, ,l.
and Tra/k,
, ult: 000, I,c, v., ry .!,• tlen , l
tit° ort rtik.ovible riot. we'purro., a I
Eezterl Ale,n , PO. • .ter nit • • cire -
IVe imv,. spIN. , :Li
htsr-e-- , . and ni,y numl,...r of In
int:cutlet' prmnpll) 0,111 nut, •u.t. ..••••5.1,
I'os *44 and *II Liervty Hrrat, 'tar the Canal
A LW Al'° on hand and 'nail, in °Wet. a large. va,.
ty of Marble Mantel,. Plersklenoc n/ , ,1
Iluevou Top., loath Slone, at, kr • al, who,.
made of the cho•rts' n 01:2111.11 - IUMCDIrt,
frIIVITMEy machos:, w.obe rur r
N. B. reckons ,vlH.o.e purch,, , Slasnr:•. 4:-
.nfonr.en that a.. noncr,e , ,h necc..•ary rnr thom
40 no 1 ton ILlrmarll tbern mph an illl.ele arr
rerpeets at good, andllraight. Ini ranee, at,
cd ) all cheap hi they eon 1. rthn In., for .10,r
Ear. Call and see J. 20
No R Mairkrt suet I, Ptlt•burßll.l . rnf.n:
••••,rt lr
iLlly ;qv, p.t t•on• to
att.; ..x.,mtno brore no, cart .oppi) tc, .11
rnr, otlog 1,1,1 4!
To, anal 61.,111 . 0n
• mil ena.7l: , er. C0., , ,0r lurk tor :
vcir vkr. , -:y 01 work ,n cut
'All/ RIFF fr. SH:10.
near Pitt.btergb..: P.•
rr,-th ma" , 80. 137, Wood stree, I'ws6tsri., o l
WILL row,. tly k erp ao,l a Food
v mont c: Or. of our ourii tohnoarture. o
r:perorli4a! e
Whhh.oti, und l
• 11 Chants Aft reeocrttolty to t.t uett
Ant Lc for ItotIlliclo:•.• as v., are th t•tut,...•tt to t.
r than hat , evc: ..era pion, to the pa,
C I. Itc.lll..jllllo.llcCo . .
C I. rc. 4 crctice. win th.l promptly
rurt u utur": ” aftl ,
t p
n nil :1,,r Warr NIA. ,
ten LI Market .1.11 Watt! • v. V....pbutal,
ll,'ortts cunt:nue ,a tu.i or. “orl w nr•
0. I . lo rl
vah prom Per: td•er• n rt. r•
oard ci.v.uur pi e, and r,
FROM i.r very . r,r(P:111,
hwy. loertb.d ..,
.educe b. to :„ r „
term of ent•. M^ oropy:ty by
x . eaptea. Bettye , vtrert. .rbolcb,:c!) byv.Jy
perauChurnu. Fru.. the root
al-ore bo.unebv r de.,re:e hop,- r
a and feCGIVe enart b! pub., pn.ronavr
NOOF on bond and tto_valoir to oYdr r, for an•y
f..ea, open and top Bugs; ev abd yvyt y p. Pi
...larrsoges mode to order. from geer...y
All - I . A F I A .1; :r a R t"„1 1 :
vltarvea. l'ha, S. ad, ,r eat, .....
a. e, j• und . I ,
Sun, altd ball hoe, 01 the lollowlyg approve,: c..:4,
Jotnet , II Groco
Graor & IVolinto.
r. Jr. Son.
1\ ebas.ll4l.
ume• Thom.. Jr
J Thomas k bou,
) I' ro.rx,
ntry a Roystr.r.
\I A Bauer
II• 105a0.....1 11,a,
PorGouz kotoopon. A
kcou. R01.....0u a au , a, I ,
R tral.. Joan Keo,.
..o.soo, J Not
‘...0y A Gra). lo It Jur...,
II lani,aon lor \ lo•r,
D NI Rraro... •
io.. a lea, orap,..r. h.G.r.
!.shorn Bract.
A 0.1.4,1,..
J Thom.,
Laiititto, A: A rslJ•tet,
J CabliJ,
J A t'.l9.
e A H.
Lgo de Cube do
,e 1 INanalgo do
Ito: & (kndea Ju pan 4•Te
• +)•wffie Jo
Kel.:ucky 'nano. grade. "
Val :ma leaf. su,or.:- tor celeox ,
Seed Lea! Penn a Cone. , etot •n• 1
.ib is Sao
,14•11 . :oo.e and bladder. , • %iseeev• ••.11.
,ua flava e• 11,1.•
I,,, ,n
Cal r:ad“kt hwy.. 'pc,
• &e f'011..1111..i.1.)111
811:N of 'TUE. lilt; PIT(
NE'“ & 41 I -nir
I , IIF. aul.arri na toil to ...:orun pot,
hat Itie'y now up.proz, al.
'le or
t snat. I.,lsar,ta. arr. 1intat....14
compriamg iat.-.3.t cowl tn.rst
tit,n. of
h Ct:;a p.. Ko al•n•nd ,
oho. 12 lies, patletor,
L.'e t rrs
A ere.. vanery of Tca :sets thrfe rem gal.,.
BrAirrurrs Breakfast mud 'Tea sets
It .rstet•—• Leautsful arbele '•l.2dren • Gothic,
P.M. Lamps, irornel,us. maker.,
gr •• [se. a genera, assortment
1,10 matron: owner. sod hotel pr ,, prlenorr te.
iu e.rarsone our ..orvelent of were *anat.,.
~..,,rtry M.-relautt.ean find Intr. on,•
lur rout.) . oa:es, whseh orth r
atoes betna entlrely /sew. w• 1. el a .liaLea of
Inr aide to plea.. all who
1 , 1 , E createst•nd hoot variety evorrtgered :n • , t
I,lorc—outdo ott tbr moat appro.ed
.•l nrot fottbtortoble Eaotrtn rettn,t• Intl rok. I
CiIEAP HUI.L. at 1107‘ EON CI.LND , ot, La
or 0. alr to order of ell bars and At ~1 pr,er•
I:nuotry Merchants and other• not e d
C13.r.00, the .Love In, thern.rivr, mg a
ttrLo.,olc or rem!, sod • I.bern , lodueur n us.,
toor.le purr:Fouler,
A w F , rT FR VELT
'l,l-; Proprietor ol tht. well known plat. of reartri
r 1
the pleaattre of Informing the public- ma! hit r ..
.lanntent having been thoroughly retitled and reptorml
and thr ground. elegantly laid not !anti
on, open for temr aecommalatton, and he flatter. inn.
•t`ntt mow who way leen, him V,ltt Ihrir t.olom
age w nl find all that they dense, or - n..1,14-.1 go Ihe
•tt .e and on reawmable terma.H., ~ tleternitned
*pore Ilit expense to inektng ht. rat abnehrnebt worm,
nl poldie patrOnage He ha. or commollsition. tor
motroling n lew famine.. lee Crean, and el, relrt
- , unable to the waeon, ttlalthshtly on howl
_ .
Monockgsbada nous. TallorlixgkiTCatr—
• •• • • .
Impel and Tonto, Seg. th
for t
the eltttens Polurgh and others. h
IA now ' opening at Ina rooms the Smithfield cr.,. um
der the ahoy% If °tel. u large and henuttlul tertnoth
ni l'lothL Cft.llllllP re.. sauna. t tit.. and robe aa V•thhg,
tO2 , IIICT swot% such other artole• as art requlred to
gentletneetht wear. His goods have het, cure-601y ••
...PIP& and are of the ...weal and moat (ash! .....
glyle, as W.ll aof aupenor qua, v. Ills rthdotner
may depend upon Isavnig their clothes made up to
manner which C.llOl Intl le gratify the mate of 11,
moat faattthona np24 Iv
TOBACCO -1U bus Branch & Walk°. 5.
odo do do calls pout.,
sdo do do 10v and W.;
10 kegs No 1.6 twist,
10 do Pah Cavendish,
5 do do Plug,
211 M do I.4rona
20 do hul(?..panoth do. for .ole Inc
.1 I) W11.1.1A
- .
MOKE 1101.:S1.1—.4aving taken the lame and . ~,,•
t,J who Smoke Not and Baron Storehou•.e nd•
onto/1g our IVarelsouse, on the I!anal Beam, we h re pre
pared no smoke and More bacon on nablo lens.
Canal begin. near ',lb at
A - -
SECOND HAND NANO, eon; orginot y ntni,
and ho. been to use about four year., price now
6175, or sale by JOHN II ME1.1.1 , 1t,
jet.) 81 wood street
sl'l,Alt--.5 prune, for sole low to close
. on.,r.toneat, WF:ST. DI
W 61.)b1if4-:-"A A All.Oll al Co Lurie uu
on , tuuvu aiu.orim,at of Whge 60046, rum
' Pr...? NI.II .7 , uuot, monk. Plrud Jueonel
N l.Ol:l4uV/fo°*. i Nu/1ti3'11 Z — . "0.1 t h 5re1 j 0 " 71..7 . 7 . ;: i . a1 . 1i . ..
rrmarkehly cheap.
_ALEXLiu ' r..f. DAY
_ .
fIOITOS-77 bales to arrive; for este by
I iff E'.SE—L2:S - Itozea hoer landingi for mote by
sat (BAIA IfDICK KV lc Co
1) AIL ROAD GUlDE—Doggetr. Rat' Rotel Gouda
116 and Gazetteer for DAN with Sectional Map. of
the great routes pf Garet. A fear roptee leCelVf Er and
lOTTON--53 bale. Tennessee Callon. in nom and
rir stile by inrel WEST tiorytzsi, DO from at
E 3-43 bbl. Plantation
' asde by
• S I,S
%V. MATI.a_ u:o.
wroxtt C!,v•••41,1
rl,llKuovct U. •;.ort
1 110.! pa,re,t . r. from P. , .. , /rt 4.:ti ryr.and or
t,tto l.oot t
In, I:. connect...l F.r.c. nod
f.r-t o'd•A°or, : r
Prt.itertV tor. ord.,: to a. tot.t •12 , I .....
do.patoo. by OA<
lOW\ A C ‘II.IIC or
r Voter 21111,/ 1 / 1 ,4f.1 . 1. •:• .4.4.4..
AGENT, -fiord Purl, & t-,r
IC Park.. N. co ou t,.
I & Cy. .trt. t.
& Co.
F Leo
&I. . C. 1111; f:.`p , `•l,
C Krot. A Tu11....
Wherter & Al. not.
‘Vt; :ti ll'i lu on.. & Co. \
\ Own,. \ 11.•
II .1 I .r.., C. opt
1s Is. ~+
PO2 .441.41Ti•C, •.O.
N 1•11Th s,11. Ill.1:1.11 A.ND I'll N
Proprooors 01 INs c:.•! •..b.l 5..1 5,1
l'ortnl.,c thr..r dr.
pot in Pro.dripina. to ,
on Market malt ;or,
th.r room to, now
prri•ared moiler M., reiiicr ~• t on-no,
lioodr e arn.. a..
II ar.. not O.`opord he
,tell Ind I'l, apir .t.
orely In l'ortablc or:lour
othor land. regusring , alo.
in...on:to, \o oo.nri,
In , 0 ,
ici•oth, or • tt.,•
prOItIN:V rad i.) uny
Jr/lIN lII.N
1't...•. •.. u:grt
feb24 Nl•rk et lionorwrk , • Jt.
JI/lIN AIeFADENIO , ,nr~ . nKn l d l'
ton Alerr'hunts, Canal
JAMES M I/A & F.ollr rnt
Jon •L - L7 A:11"M. 11,1 LI 1:1.00:11, , .
ma:, r:l.;cr Et,.l‘ve
1,1 aria nth. r : I ~. rom..!
to :hero
.L /r 1 a 1 , 10 LI. , \ r. It
. I . IIA %V. or
..1t),1.1'11 I.l'. tli”.
ro,lnu.• to tr01..n.,
at tl.eir Wort:low, on thou,: o• .! I
.pet It for ii C0W:V..11.1, O.
fro. Ids. J.\ NI,
P Mayr!, .. ;h.
Penn'a. and Ohlo 7 Tran•portation Co.
Dow,. Daily .r v . l
NlXTAlitin 11, uor
CLA EIKE & THAI\ c Cr..•!,,r1
LEIVIS & urn , o
coWLEN. I'LAR.I:I r 7-
\ V PORIACI:. \V. \
T HE ;tut , ;;•••,;;•;•r• h.t;r• ; v
etal patruida, hrttc,rc 1;;•: 1; ;1 • ; •-•• I•••u• •
:v:1 , 11.1. 1! 1..1:1(
U .
..A . NOILega . 6III4
(N)N POSED LN l'IRI:L t'} Fliz-T 4 I 44L
SECTS'S P1111.,14.:1.1 , 1ii . , A ND
lIALTIMMIE \ ',lst ItAILE , ,
W I: urt• repoi• t: :•; • ;,, - ,
.• • ;
V I:IV In HI KS of Conare*.-ILograph,cal
r.d Ira rompri.s, ftr oor. Of Nleinberm or
1C,•4 el nard !Intro. drawn from 14111,4.-
,• ur.••• mbll ra. It t the prolurnent rvrtxx of Itreir
••••• upart flux xzit‘ the pultural hscory
•r. or 1.1, I/I tne arr—rnr.t.lic
1,1 4.0 er /11,1, r•~tue
o•eplune and Alarus
rr.luurud Arl•ll',./. ,-
Pv.lshurgh. Marei, I. 1-4- I! •• •.: •ona I.) Job,/ S .U,kou
%AWL. • 2 • i,e• 1•Ir• i:11111.11. Pet.. John laird Jude
lER & 1.,•• '/ /!er • /p.a. uhtl pracuca me' c' - ut rat
Char •-/ 1r..r4.1'. author of .he
I . l.llndelp SSA St.t.
11l 'I tl.ll
. 1 7 : t E: ;;,, T . t
111 •Kv x.lllll I
PI TTS6I ItGli PORE' I 130%1 I INF.
iit:ZZ;ll I ZiLat
Fur lA, Trax,p,rat..,kt • /
rlsEit W.ll. 1.111i.A10:
1.k.1111 A 4,t
t)t \ L/R, A ..• 1.. , . • IL.
AI \ \ • • •
n 14,
m iggit n
off Mr Erte e
.r, feeee w
v pro,
fold ..,,nte rr•pe. I a
Ontreffee Of the, re, ota,
.1/ rrop f
1:1•.1 A •
Itll A o.'ll 0 .'11 —""
•PI 4 ror
Alt•tilQk C 11:.
nool lt/ . .1 Af•L iron
. on r, to
10r41,1 wookolt !I, I i ;Fk !ANL
•• nrt loorn •
al r,or •• • •nr,
lot 44,1 rtsll h 1,1,010.1
goarl• Ihr, h 4,441 •to Il.olooote n. d 1 1 ,0 ‘lor orb
to ot• 1,1 , and cng.•ipter. Li
tot •pec vo • • 1
Slnot• from Plola.on ltk.• ti
rn•r-I•oornJ J Robins rl. on. Ils•lo/nore •
roe only agrots
IN 4 I'IorrIr• 114oLtnorr
1 . 1D(.1.111 ,1 N Co, 1 , 00t , erlwroL
\ A 44 Itrown.,.l,
r 111.
Igit4kt UMW . Ik*34.
E./ Ihe t ruprtrius t tins mutts, Ls. 1.4‘ • .'••
Ars nes at timberland Imo Imusr of Mr k Ant k h:tt
th•l ut Edw... t
Pittsburgh and western tureen.. ars nut itrtl lit, I 1:.,
ly Iloiquoun , o IN Routh , 't•••1•• iho,tr...”
author ind agent of thin t.:tot the Eastern .t.e.
The ottly ages. nit
U W (;A-S 11,
EDU t.Ti; n ..13.1
der/ .1 II ROBINSON, 0. 1 00... t•
YOH (71,11.1111......a1, 1.1,11.1011,
I,IIL, NIrNI 11.111 A. W ri“
drum. Line going East, coliikrvi.Jig with Adni.J.• Ct.'.
Fare.* July, nt 801411101,
Through reeeipts will be given to onv I, Jr nt.oVe
pierces Mereliallifita and puck age• or n'L) "an or
weight forwarded
kxprr," clog. dolly at 1, 11
II I. It
n0V.311( /Is. Ittal h .
1,401 l .1
We•t ern Tranapor.tlon Company.
tilQy ir
tv• t.)
P.:AS. Old E•tablia ll tted I..lata• I ' , it%
I'Olllll.A I.PIIIA Mt NI I% Itlll A
VIA rr•olayt ...IA •No inmo .11 kg o•Im
API ,10., ;; ',1" . ` b1 ` ; ' . ", t7.7 ,, . g 7. d .1:,T,r ''" ‘: ' , ' , ' , ' „, ''' ' l " d i
,r apply to
U. LE UICII k Co, ?onAl llo.ln, Ez.burgli
lIARR 14 & LE1,141, Nos El k I. Sown 'llord •I
J TAI 'LOU SI/N. AK., No 11, N'ilt Hot
A. AM urrr, Agt.No We.t nircci, Nr , v \urn
Email urgb, Alorah lOth, IN,e, ennr.P,
- -
Paimmtger and Remittance °ince.
liA.i RUM b. CO. contrails to ort.i.: persons
from any Po. Of E.oglarid, Ir land. lid LI
Walt 1. 7 upon the most hl,o ru, tern.. noti . their
1.1.1 lily and attention to the Wt.t , r . fort of emmter mots We do not allow our passenger. to
be robbed by tl swindhng scamps that tritest the sea.
ports, as we tali charge of them the moment they re
port themselves, end see to then . well being, and de•
'patch them anth out any by th e first ships.—
We say thin fear) essly, as we defy DLIC of our passen
ger. tr. show that they were detained hours by
to in
Liverpool, whilst thousands or others were detained
• . •
•i•nths, until they miuld be sent in some old crud. al
11,14. rate, which too frequently proved their coffin,
We intend to pe dorm our contracts honorably, coat
hat it may arid not act weir the east lam season,
tkm.'rer racer, -who either performed not all, or
hen it rutted than convenience..
Drafts drown M I', .burgl lur smy Itorn from LI ro
1.1000, Tonyob . ny of the Nor metal botik, m lre.
Mud, Einem*, kfmk nod end
Europa. and General Agent,
fabl }Lib otos., OM door below WOod,
Valuable and Attractive New Books.
IA NI ARTINF7z, 111 story of the Gironthsts., 3 vols. 11
/./(< GI - Chevalier Bayard. 19 m a.
I. jua,r'Llfe Ilcnry the Fourth. of Fran,.
• Co. , Tu:Kr Cauca of rh:na, 12 ISO
1,, of . I .TduTTlThriouT ro, Tute•;Tn.
‘ITTve (iTenTlin T ,.. or [low Sht. :rows the
0, TIT TT:' , knTIiTeTTITTT Europe
t' TTTT Ile•Try'T. Sketr- he. 01 The w. r . 12
1.11-IV . I • 101 . ) of The Baffle of WµTerT, ,„„,
.1 Summer 10 , cotinitil. by Inrob Abboit. 12 mo
S , ntout:T . TT LTTerature of Lhe South of Europe. 2 vol.
12 my
N. 11.1 • A.!venturesMextro and the Rocky.
10,,a 1 . .!m0. muslin
1'0 , ..1/110. Works of Rev Thom Chalmers. D
L I. 11 D.
Prbrorai Astronomer: by Thos. Ark, L. L, D.
Jerry Relkaap. D D.. !baton. of New
and the Reformation. by John tbrott..M. A
khnntlom. Artth a new map of the Empire.
s \ tiltant.2 vole, 12 mo.
1m Ih.twer of the Pulpit, Gardtster Sprtstg. D D..
Inn T., Bethel Ray. by Gardiner rtitrlng. D D. 12 nap.
11. T R
len. hllll ,rttt n Sever the 'reacher an Artist: by Acv
The tar Ins Court and People; by Jolml3. Max well
, nukspe•re. by II N
'l'ho Art , . of America—lllustrated wtth nine engra.
ryory on •nd cont./nog simobes of the lives of
lomuo. ‘Vest. l•tuart. Trumbull. 11e Vr Kent i o
Pea, and 'rhos C 1,1 %10111; Y 01,4 Yu.
he of Vranny, conan .ketche s of the
I ..onymoe. Thiel - ,Napoleon. Darn,
honn lw, and other, with portrait. of yuch
Napoleon and .Marshals. 2 vol.. 12 too
Washlngton and ha Generals..! vols. 12m
.red :11.111,rtnif
The 0., totreiner with a large rollernon ni o:aliti
zied Wo•ltn. k'lnssteal and Sehool Hook, for ann. by
101INSTON & S roc llookselier•.
corner murk, and :Id 410
! DOORS . FOR THE SEASCHlT—lllutnntated
)I,lt, Oi sacred Poetry: a splendld tmportett s
unut Int...MOOS On Mee!, by sartauh tuarta
qtr.itt.ited pages by Schtnns and Stuclair. rteltly
nound to l'ltrkey mororeo and white cult; superb!) Oh
Trndid at! hlsnan lieepaalo. an annual (or 1,41, wall
tutzt tot ten engravulgs, by Sartain, bound to ar•
alootune i morocco
car!sinta• lboastnns and New Velar's Wreath for
I-4-. atnai! quarto volume. (rtted on snow White pa
per, entheihshed wnh •plendal met.UOt engl,llll4,
t. Ly tar the most beautnul Juvenile annual pub
usbed In the Ctuted !Slates
The Poetteal Work• of Oliver Goldsmith.,*. 8.. wiLh
numerous et 11511 e de•igns, by the Etching Club. in va
rious of landing
l'nonip4ou'it Seauxii, sevris:y•seven design., by
the I . :lching C . ub. in various styles of binding.
The' / . 111,1 and Poetry of America; by ft W. firm-
The Poets anl Poetry of the Aiicietit.. by Wi:liam
Pei,n. al; superbly' bound in Turkey morocco; aplet,
did/1 gn..
~.. • Poem, in various styles of binding.
iii Elegy 41untrated
Potbeal Work., in euei ou .
lard foils
ShnkspeaPe. •• '•
The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore.
aril other Poem., by Mary ilowitt.
Poem. by
IlenAlrycreel Nlountion•
The `with a greut vor,ely of other new work.,
n.sq:es of banding. suitable for gill book'', for
..ule by
dela Doukenilers, tor. Market &11
vl:llooKS—Chalmerii Se
C. Deily ScrtiOkire RP:tdOtr:
N Dint tr Lan 0,111 r. Fry, itiul vol.
Tor i ) , orot 'in:lloo4,r! in l'raner
ur Nut 01 like Wurial, by JD, C ray
t., NI A
.I., the Peurl, du
ur Ike
of k. ..1a of Tun, '
1.. niiek-pnare, I, II N Hudson.
I in ot id) rr J
Jood h.. Nlariduiiii ) .
l) d. and du
r• N. r c. li ) rr Spring. D I)
I ea. 1.) I.lariii
iretor• , France.L.) Yu u.,,
01 01 ,[01.1111.1.
Rr.ilood Vern Ciiitrun Pkipit. 3 I
Fraorn, Niiw add Th,,,
ret Nlniurn. m.
i..d• adapted to Union queeiton,
Tiur- - Hietu.• in the %%or '
i d Lr thel , ' • filches tin), \Vila,
IN-uyi,ieV Appearance. ' - INeloor arid Creditor "
7 , wood and Sri market r,
H H1 . 1.1..111 N,,1 ‘V..r•d ••••
•r. ror r rr•n ,ON 11110,1,1" iJ
PIA ,;..
llrorn a, Horna thr uarurr rt t r • o to ry
Hartle ri octavo Piny.. sax,
•P•r.l Itioua,, rnau . daat
!•1 Ihr Nl, , ,attaa \
•A•cu. and •o , ••an,a. mat:r P.m, a
li II S I I \
•cllll greLlt! ITISALC D 7 lb. r,
) FI ‘t atat tor ••••• .01 ham, o Ith
I I , .I.a. ..Not.. • raroan
\ . . ••• \ 1.... N l%•tt • I.mor.
• N• to NI
.• man other toaumonaal•
avec tmen of 11naerrr Art .1.1
t, .11.. lan Initoertng restart • troaa
gra.e. Pla131.(11•Ing
lorglolt. J.n. IN.
'lnNocio•ing biter to my mend. Mr
a I NaNNto refr•r” trona agrun eirrNasant
mot It I IrNt.• systh }out •
I • lot-P I raa a great tn..- a. on.
• k nu tn. on no par t I .14.1
J•a, 0:1 ntnrost an•ln your .• go
:on I moal• Foraa II KLYINER.
svnooo N •
. • turr.onr. roorna ut at
F.uropv. or ,kerr4
rt.oer. y.
LL i . y•ald 1.r..t lirnetu n”,l Irtaand.
~• ••crs al.. Eurareno , hrari
u../o.trut...h• ‘N" C•r.on 1,
• •utt.or of ••Fnulta nd•
NI,. • ra.c•.'
• novel II) NI.") Brunton.. or
tt , Reaottnr• lly the ale
ttattne U U. I. 1)
I rt. I h r. ounnotl and One Ntgitta. liatintra . I:•
od 1,1111,1
tro otungtor. n :wok for cht:dron 111 the
tt ,too Hemet, Ac
II • sn.. rottotred tin, and for •n :e by
,oil 11 , iiNt , ll).\ .N
I.W %lemons:, of the Introtturhort of
Met otti.ut 11.0 the Eastern Staters, eorurrtsang
• • •
110, • Of early prat...brr*. sketeb, ut
• • hr.: ri?ur .I.ltl rentim.rence• eurl) strug•
t • . . Rev A Stevens, A. M Just
,Nl..annr of Rev thfeld Afore!. (7 D. law dliationary
f b.a i
t . nephew, Rev if; R Wlllfarnson
Ma•\ bl•:toa, the Merchant's Clerk- I , ) Rev l'harles
If NI A author of eßeeorda of Man'.
I.ffe) Mar, ' - Margaret. or the !bawl,. de do
'A...11 al
arer axaormenf of new hooka. on
n1:11•: rf.c'ef , foff ELLIOTT& EN(I1.1SII.
311 mark, •I
11 1/OR.S-11.uory or use Untch /We
ul the wars and era npa.Kos araissig
oiq •.rorre, Irse ureek Patriots .n Flamm-roe.
I. r rorr.s.r, Iran i roe Turkish Vo re—in two vol.
e r wILI3 fluent row! molars and engra-
or the trfgn of Wilhain (ma
Itl - • h f o vols
t, • f tf..• •toff of thr Italy , crlptlfrfts
f I , Alowbr,), ftg tonfanee, frith SO eNtra-
r tirrr Irr. I,n4t, French Smite, and Sketches
'"" !AeLZI7IID e. BEEN
no marker street
Meta/le Frame Plano.
A SYLEN Al)I asaortment of Rooa
frpliltOOli Mahogany gTand ea eon Pi
ant, Jost a:moiled and for aale.
Al.o.two , Tlooltd Rosewood nanos,
, r 11/ 1. 0,1111111 . 1 ho. attachment, fmtahed
1, Me MO. toodorn .4 I, and tor sale al:
,2Z , I , BLUME'S, 11/ wood al
Hplendld Nem , Pianos. -
• -
I'll.:. ut....rawr prey... , i., Irn
for tilt P.&14, io ref
h. siork. era]
ti.p0.... of Om Uniance of 1.4. . lOC k on
band ett reduced r and on Insora•
• ..• .•
lAN 111,11.. 11l N rho., relevizon ol hal,.
trii4, f ou. & Vint!. N 1 . Itliti Jona. Cn/ekrrz.4.
of Ito,on. &in..., of Iron/ .1 lo 7 0 of r0r....0al
hiztl foultogaff). olds tlercill ptyles mol VII,.
0 A HAMA N —Expret.y denLgned for ian,
ll'r•ailleNg, in cour
l. of by Ilnrper tr. Dm-
Nr. , 1 wit l'o w r ornpletrd I lwe ve parts
ILrI 1.1 fast reccived and for *ale 1,,
opt. corner market and al ma
t PIINSPI'ON A STOCKTON. !Inv,. toot received th•
Eattot,trg Itr view, No 179. April, 1,1,, and Muck
'rood • FAIL Ito r¢ Mngozine for Mo,. my:to
oTASII- csakm extra Potash, rust rectavad oat
vtata.glancat alai fur tale
ID It ANI) V FRUIT-12 r .e. choice limitly Fruit,
113.1,4 . eiv,1 alul 1,, solo by
,I I MILLER t l / 4 RICK Eri.:ON
111. A II CIL/EH—Lc, Imln Economy Crab etur. Ju•
r.r,iy,l and fur sulk by
,cll s• iticicgrsoN
rvtt LW. loo•ord to tow sloplooO
cod., • ••t trecovell :sod tor iko.O. to
••31 •••11.1,)-11 d
C•k• j . y;il./. • J., I•—,xe k li p bo. ; /
c a o od .i, o w r Aole . :Jy
LA It I) I /11,—.50 bbl 4 superior. Ilurclihardi's /Irmo!.
lust reeei•eil and (or bale. by
))' J KIDD A. Co, GO wood sl
sacks superior Outs, reed per steamer
A,/ Ul,lcen, a and for hale by
/e2B J It FLOVD. Round Church Buildings
WEET MALAGA WINE.--thl yr casks sweet Al a / a
0 pa Wine. just received and for sale by
lIVEST INDIA lIONEY--.1 Hula just lauding and
y y for p.ule ley JAAIEY.3 DALZELI,
rely 94 Walet at I
IS X: W til."-)t
Co I
LAI^ tdre u nor ar.dd:r
.1 of I,le, 1., tunde ra/I1
,prured n ,111a-111.
" ,1(11,1111r, ttl:11
ri nod a,.:-cur. 111101 •ny
td.r L. ie. .. .. ,dd a di •upr nor leslure
mu , li wore ••uta r r•• re,det. r, idlck
I , rds,.ut,reled I. ,dr--dd. v. ra. :do., and N,••
neue„.4 auudd•otor. •udedh rd , :dde ddd eyedeJKr
.••••• ••• Nlxt,rt mud •I•
New Musical Instrument.
H 116LLuR •I .•rer.•. r. ,•
ved and now une, ~,r sui ; or C.•
ed i. 5
n. l ^ Inrnefil 1•;.•••• •. n d:•nvn,
can veguently unalne lon , per, Ntr-n,Honlur
purvlra.rinr. are 1nr,0n.,, devern..nrn .• Al, en
me vav are mde .. Ann.:
*onto o, . v
. x . . a• a;o•
111% v.',
di., Hop cn air organ T, in•rrun.
y made purno,e W 1,1111;
ne :: 1:• : ,4'
1..' I LL 1.-arrt 1;a•
e W 7,11 pat 01, VI 1 ,11 , 1,1
1.111, 10111, 1,
pit ,urc. %LAC,
tt•• ti matte t Nuntts
PLano nra..e. Ur Not
Ji.hrs )1 MP.1.1,1t,
ut lot
. \ \'II.LIA\f II( I.h:l'. u. It ll\ A\. I u.`.ar )l
stir , teat'ictritirrr r .nr
WI lor iriairitiise,
I) new 11. tt ;tit it niitlei.tti.
iicit the tntirrittort Ni r O. !O. firm
rrtr attirr n too, pericri art.rie
•vrtel, tow., rnie• Inuit tiny itrrrr
tirltirctl I'l rd F 4.1 arc now read) Co til.
ortie r •asm.
urdermßldre•teJ s c h o ,y . R,,, &
Ihr, °Mt+ ! , etw:Prlt Wood a.til
Snis , Otie t! •:reeL, :to punctua..y altrud-d 1"
oo :Inwc.potc...r• c Orflag
a - cc...maw,. 1,0 .n.. tkltd Uf melt aer,
.J,,,,,J‘n peers', t:tra pay c pr. °I, purrna,mt
thr WW, WC 11 / 1 /011.:1 o. Z/W:t lor ladvertotmg.
,e 7
BALI 111.11: 11LL.1.1,
‘VF-..1 . 111C , r, LINE
OBlee at the Exchange. Baltimore.
C/.I) RATE , -- I rhrirt:rs bare re.du.
Me....1,.•1t r w l'irok
rrurxrt or Whre,,tr, /1.1 rt rl inorr l,olori
rurr.:r. ort rept),, hrrsvartiCtlrrour tru•
Urirote ro or hr,trurrrh.
R AY' —Thr charge tor
1(.111 liskr,ruorr end
1,1 toe •rin and ri.:. ~or cur :urdolutter.
L J - c aargr made .or %date.. NMI s,grls
I torl thr rotortlrtatto or the .ounit \
Tr roltph omit %lc otittor. re. to
pu. to t . cr. Or Itoro rtlett to Mrot . toos route. nod
ruotord tor Neo ',at,
The Allegheny Cemetery.
A T t l ... be ,, t h ext . o , . / , t1 n r , C1 , 4 , 1 , 6, LO ;hr r.. hr.lll
ILO,. re-e.ecied Nlanagrrs torlh. ensul.", ~nr na
JESSE CA 111 , 11
J I, Jr 4 ,-retttr nitd Tr•a•urrr
eam.ux: stu'rinetal prroralr.l We ;Ida., or we
Culapan lin n prosperous. cuncLuoti rhea office
ine eity v. No 1; er vreet.
CIAN SALE troth la to 'JP' per purehh•int:
‘...• her (M. Cl.l)rits direct Irorn theunaho,•• hare,
1 . 0111111 CARSlll'llkict. hot e Optllt./ n ware
litht•e. No lii North Tilted mere, a,otr. •.eculi I
dour ,hurti hi the 1-itg:e Home, 1.•,,,.11. NA here
the. s• a‘t ay. keep on hand 41 nr•ortnien ,
Vaierit Ham.. Carriage Ih, I "rut.. Z., 3. 40. Jrt 4.
und M titcheA witi, igm.r , tl. l'hohe., and ot
the mord,on Nli.mth a,•l
cloth. 0, the nth. Or 111 ,hid a !
n• hale. F.oor p- ae• re.
, .
Av.., •rarp-tl. unit the .. .tt ot
thra own 111.1Y1,11,11, Nttl.papt
Shades, l'urpett, At A., goott. v•:.....1ett •
Y Produce abcl tarruhanow
Alerrhanclize li Baltimore I•ronnal. bbt at Canal
raw. nine ve .1.13, .1
Water .1. Y door. above 110,4 a Ilouo- I . .r.btsrKh.
1112,111 \ 5.4) 111,11 \I.
n.)17 NOU. t !owe. .t. kaloutore
An W.dwell's, Third st
a Strut,
o/o 1 . 3 A " 4 S
.11 , ily ° 11 9 : C k.. u '" Z.l !Vo l 7 i ii i kt A n . ufy
prilLA - Dh.t,
, ith S , Moot, a or the
A i i !. 01,1tIS
~,,,, W t, ,
i ., : , 4 ,,, ,,a,
vv ,„
1. ,
pomp , ,
Ix io , ch."" . ',. Thi,,s I, I , l.tlit \
atiended to
.. A U NII 'it'll:4l/N
-- - -
p, indires. on a trial of oue loud a hall
.L.r ignitions, none lo4i. pronounce Irani ann., our.,
pas.ed lot durability in tho ronstrui Dolt 01 lati tirid•ol
Ftittincetti. Price 1, 1 44 - 1,13 i.e.n to ioads 11l iruar,
mitred nine months u.e. Orders tor a second 9u.°)
Bolivar Brick. will be exoe•ted at lOU per M, it ao de
stred, without guarantee A stork ol the Urn quality
is now for sale at the warrliouse..Soan's Wham' Ca.
Boant. by SliAl%, ,11A1 . LA
trop arks
• s-p11:11
'1)1111:NIX FIRE tubscr.larri inivtinr
b„„.pin t r,l sot,. Agri.. by lite 111•Itylucturerlt
for the of tin, erir.briceil One,- are
now prepared to till orders tor any iniant,ty, at !NI.
cash, per 1,1041 Fur toe elolk Di tut - Duet •DI
nil illittis.litettft block. hole De..., eOlYtt
pidges ail bet., •.i,er •,r 1•. r•
tt it
00.0 DI ogle. C A I.l'l b. Co. Luna,
DORTAIILE',cry eionverbent t cle.
IMllowe and ell the abrae car. be carred by th ar r
.fira two men. A taw ,eat rrr 41.41 b•r wle Icy
VULOGV ON JOHN (jCIN , V ADA NI, —Dc:ivrrell
1.74 May 11th, 1 4 4, at Ow S,hoo: of thc :sixth
\visrdl, 191taburgh By It
Publiahed by JOHNSTON & , rm - h:roA nod fur
.ale by all th , Hoolocllrr. iii th, :Yj
I rVa " at7d
very comcc aud superiut bramls, cd and lur We accommodaung termi, by
my II by a AI bIiTCHELTHEK lOU bbm,Y
For the Recover of Dorman: sod Improperly Wob•
he,ll Rea . and Prr•woat Ustnle—the Sett:eruent and
A rhoratiott ot Co mo:e rr:ie.. Trto . astd other
eottroo: to. Ltsetoto•.• tr: ortui
I re :he • "oloota, not! Depeodethe r,ur
lo tto t toto,r, 0-1.1 Noe,oo.,:titz :or Pt:reknit., or
ot ut • ,tozo t •
the P 111111. 1 .0,.•
ulle Uni Sla.leo rea. I
..... and cl-• •
,trort. rtll,l n .err.
411,,Yel /It 11111,11 4041,145..... •-
non. and reldence•ol the. tart nave. trrdocto
bronnl, oght as to retnirt ort nerrnaary lhat
utt ,olter r.tulto.hal h•,:t, Int .t• tn.,rt Inc tan,
cartton of ~ who have loccn dr.utirtl. and to r•a,
.001 the e,non. or 'turn et• are the rldhlsoi brut to ton:t.
propert). nr Ihnt whir& to miroper.y v•lthh.od
Artte:e• tu the !ratting ,• Itm prun-ton.
ith.. [mon nr , npprattr.d. headed run 11.
iey - A
(.rent FlOllllO. tor - , notorbody." - Alert
nig• or . the Iloanhlon'• at orrr.te.. - Mr..
Ind," kr hr. the author• nt d Inch arrnenrra 'tv taw
yet • •eratn, prar. , ot ntivennzrr. ynn.r n,
ret 1. to wed upon pillage rrtltsti, L.• prod..
rieurturnt which may reeerr I,onunr..vra tnatten
thegains. and ho art- eettrra •penamd At.,
the •d t g bleat attow.e.ige t I I. aul,ert• they I. :or:a
The evtdracra of thi•l•etnn n tort are evrry
appatrnt. a• 01 no o. •n/nte to•rattrr hevn the
louhtlrd rn;wrtnnon. :tern rrOvetl end 11 n
vteu to thr vorreruon ot this i•vt. nar stizt•t,l , et
has rd . , ted Or moat eventtive arta ttdrotrina to ..httaty
the thydattsg, vrr.: a. rrt thr t.r.0.11, to. tin.—
%rho. thliornertl !, , Inn: , ..rnuttr• non or oihrr.l.e.
Wl,llO pur•ue inve•nnanon nt mallets otten Intett.•
• Ind re.oh• o'the 4,lo l l,twendowt ronentludr
A. retard. red, r. a•r te.n'and. e but& 0, 11 .•
!ha al. and l'rtnntnenoo, ant:
rvrr 11. revolt... 0. 111-0.. Inn I rtnotpul c•,311.
ha, :tree •olt,toed thr hang,. when n:wal • et,
•Iot 101 u•Aoti und cis 10,0,,
uhd Wahouelt there neve t •per,:n ps...rd
parttcular ptirpoer•. nll Lho.c u..ah gate rrierrte , tt,
. •
this sumert. sod whito were passed sut , seoment there
to. are sti , l avoid..., La rases of it.p.littnattts right It is
wt. however. intended tit hit: advent...moot to refer
antecedently Po the Amerte•n revolumon of 17:d. at
which prem.!. a artist number of persons •Motted to
rtous ways propert). ateknolutted Me •acion toy
the revolutionary party Tloo• aet. in itself. ell., as suitt•
Lyein to lead to etnittiealion where it was Oren:,
sorb tneltehtuala, tom when those •baholono. the
ease next in surce•soun to the menpossessor,
the sber none altered.• and aloenaonoto from honie and
manlywere made the harrier, to rokraut intorrotance
Another truillui sour, onstokhganuro ts found in
the Unclaimed Ltor 11.aok tot the Bank of Engiand,
hood this. furntshong 11 dim . ), each En., tatoimitle Mot
has ever egOiled hohler rot hnotted property. it the
Matli enhance the imprn.e.p.ed tinder, in public
The modes of laves:one, are ezcee tingly horneroo•
all parts hi Curry, lout oil Eolg.ooot par - mu:Fury so.
had the subscriber is prepared die M lle.
whirh he pooktesses tor lin aid of Me
Meant, übove al:udeil in Ile•ode• the•e there oz
property sitovely heyarultird. had whirr,. In
nue", p oseo u l notiote id the I, rie lo tvli. in den. sed.
eer ,es Involved .0 and 10 Ole hf !Le
Court r ot Chancery
In encases, even. or suppmenl Inotho!. ; emit. zoon the
most pony and •ati•thetury o..trillnlio.l ran be ntfoor•
e,' as to the iet•econheeled ti.e o.thon ,
does. ono molter liow remote toe . lor o seeming, Mi
lted, the I.l.vesitigation, void a here the r e •...e atrea•
rig cti-r, Undertake., ant at 1111rtielone per
who pretend too a Holt, rho bosoms, and who
hay. altogether tailed hi 01.111.11 ng. ur omitted to afford
the inn...lit/01i sought toy Me 01 their specrou•-
nes. and delusion. one loaner Is the more readily uncle,
taken, torcause hi the erenter sato...action in aidom
where the pre tehees th others have &Awned so mach
unmerited connote..
Inuse settlement 01 ClOlllO,l Trading and other
Debt, the oCre...ury Irgc mercantile sm
0 I . be brought to Leer. r esper.erme or MO a getou
t., in Ints parocutar broutch Is the ttest evotence Mut
emu be afforded aute • tl:l:a t . .:...fovea ota
matters 10/111011( ho
• -
ettl •tt 11 . 11i01,, 1 r 111 :tttot. , . :he usual
re.rutred 01 3, 31%00 1 ...Intr. t.t-ry trtlormrt•
ttoo rrt•ro ...tag 11, ;001131, :vie! the
orteratort wt.l at a.: tott• • .) and
13,4111 r, t.t AL.! !or dt.po.til of
tar wl2er. arc of tip,art-te.twr .tattrartrtr
trottAttlton. arr. orirtr , .: rm.. 01 01, 1113114 111211
10110, .1 . 1, 311. ,11100. trotr-t. te IP: 111.7 e,
,-rJ, partacuturt) I • •1. 7 t: I :ttr o
t ;;;;; 1113110 .10301, r,.,ttro.t.trd t tor po-t
pattl iii.Nril.‘,l FNMA',
Ili rt.r Ntwe 1 ork
Chn• Jutlcr ['was. N
Chas. Clarkihige A Co
& J T
H A Hwac ,, .. ••
!Alward ,:irodcr 1-;«,
A 1,: l're• Ifunk. Hutfu:o
;) 4.dtass ihishA rn
8.m..2,3 barn lu, 12. 1
pan the isle rt taut]
apt, tt•••trottoo to or
IS con,
DERRY & i 12K
Manta: tare,
OF ALL ”Lsclurrlotis
- -
resdalim Broocham. Spottor Blood. Pam in the Sole
and Breast Sore Throat lioancnes, Palpoauon
• o(the Heart NVlthapol; Couga. Croup. Ifives,
Nereou• Tremor, lAvrr Compßoot and
DoeasedJoey.. are rothea:,
cured I,
Dr. lEisraync's Compound Syrup of Wild
It i• niod d pennant to the taste. perrectly .air And
haniben, operation.. and ) et n oi the most
powerful arid certain reinedn, tor t 01 me
Jag, Cough.. C.d.., Agthina. SpOtnip !hood. Liver
C o dtPltnn , ni ihe Stele or Breast. and .ierteral
IN•obit ' ) or I t im•lnuuon. Was en, inverited '•i
the sail, ot roan roi the retie( or the adloord
Cortaiente• irol endear., of It! woodenu! nurative
• ronerris a r e dairy received froth all quarter , . t• rub
picaaailde to COUCCIVC Ine A.Ticrnratti .
ery that has beer, re.rev ell or toonatird Li)
we ealeu:ate the mullet., tooteat that she., unirur ti
at bereave, All ace.. wear, unit C 011.11.10115 are
alike affected by n. and the , eradicated from
the System. the ro.otriteion repaired. and health IV,
red by the '6,1.r op
ith salon inaoy dere •r• do wr
_lode 11
hold approachina to ail untitne, dray,
Wroth uprose
youth. troth their albr If,ere aaisC:•
ed with MUT 111.1 mrn,lN wine h
'saes the tot.rrablr shire ter Unta Ihe t• ond• th e
power of huiann ski:. li sutler e/a is ....I on.)
tariae a t ;lova} hr . ., cup
Cherry, they oiotbd theiti•eli e• awnier ,rocierd
than tiy gaping the rarrou...hrifo. tree relllethr• wab
o AM, I “ . ..rartr•l4l , ounal, 111,5 • Herne
dy• final. the ulcerated luuOs. P bolu `c ° i ntr.
'wears, itt toe sante lune lost r u o rid uod
eapertoratoth. The ra:l, u 11 will soon b.: unnteli
A; foto) nano of elOilliOrtahre health. 1 he public .mood
bear in hind: that Di *W•yn<
ph) 'avian. and has hod yea, of rape richer ,pe0n...0l tilt Lain, kneel. he The torgoial and orb}, vhu•
Ine urnele i• 'repay - il liilV . A N N no
m, 01 E,g.1.1, and knee 'lre ,, .,l'hou , nopaoi
.v. , rllEllllo.‘ll-: v
lie all the cure. tha n
t o• eer , ero recorded, 5 0 ' tint
Lately Sal' the aline, or iriedt,
.brunet winch uuw 4I11: .. I:I a
c isr
urololuy c•uniption. w hen I.: tiad LOll
devolved or Do. ii•wa!,rte t'orripottiol F.) run ot
Cherry t• a,, it pfElle.xce. anLe. :ne greaten:
tir the known wond
The Trio 11,11 th.
; D. 5tv0.,..--Dear .qtr.—Fort e good ut the 'white. I
feel inytell 111 duty hon. to le•I% :1/ the great csire
which your Compound Syrup t or t 1C rid Cherry ;tenor at
rd on me For in) part. I lee; as It every body ought
to know it. I was ailln•ted watt a VlMelit eough, son-
Dug or blood. night tweet., hoarsenesa
and sounu of
the Voice indicating an alarm., cote of the disease.
tppetite was gone. and my •Irength Lad so tar fail
ed me that my frienda and physician wore persuaded I
could not survive many day a. Al) si•ster,thy
. I
made inquiry where she woul I be
likely u to procure toe most ceriant relict. Sue was mid
that if Or Swa fie ,Compound syrup of Wnd Chem
toiled the rue. 111 t 141•5 then hope.ets. 1 our
mensume wet inmiethty procured, and the first not
tle gave rvuef. and by Ca t o ; time I had commenced
` booths. toy cough had Ott me and m strength War
much unproved In abort. It has made • pertect eure
of me. end I are al [hit preach! Mae as hearty • inat, a t
I with, and 11/4V14 gOOl.l re lo ockeve that the us< of
your medreme hasi raved ason
from remature grave
I shall be pleated to give arty fluor. p
.. respecting
my carse I .St Ratvick
chenter at. between race and vine eta, Plula
Contunaptives. Read! Scud" Dr Swo) he's Compound
Syrup of Wtld Cherry
In about the Icor 1037, I found it rtecc•sory in my
professiono, procure, to compound a niediertlt/ prepar.
taken tor Mszaoos of the chest and lung, pot tug
inure powertul heating properties 11/•ii atty other 'lnn
known for ouch diseates. In my COAII . OUND
oh fiL PDF WILD CHERRY, I hare been very sues
restful. 'l'he truly utonishing curet edeetruk, my
medicine noun spad its tome abroad. Or it Owes none
01 its sneer.. to manufactured newspaper pod. or for
grd cerUhrotet —the real intruitie merits of my com
pound to the cony cause of its Inmulonty Ito eatensive
•ale coon atoned the env) of Certalil specuiatunt tri the
111111C140114 of /11111 C lOW creatures..o much so Mat •
iew years from the tune Mut my ; . repuratron 11111114-
dured to the punlic and trl great deism.. a firm 111 MIS
city. finding that my preparatron had gamed in high
reputoncis4 to at <11,14114t prof/enter. come out with
what they caned Dr Wistur • Ltolsour of lid Chem.
Thsarespectable and popular pay s wum had no 1111/1,
to do wttli the article 010/1 poor am Patch 'roe name
of Dr Wtstar 14 attached to meat it appear E.! Lhis ur
e. practitioner
noOa. the original roventor of the pre.
paralion, tor It to t the art The above firth. the re
al inventor. sold the recipe and right to manufacture to.
Am. patent medicine dearrs Lnicinnau Mr the
Wett and South. mid another to New fork or the tart,
who afterward.. it isasserted, mad out to a drugg tat
Hostoti—so the number of hands Imo which II Ilnly have
changet4 is art enigmu it .
tome mace. they astert it emanated from a phy
amt./ ill l'ln.ladelptua in others. from a physician
M11114•61,11ell/1 Co It has lase.. and stratagem
•tomped to every lettere.
I There hove been a Limner aortic, prepnrulth. pur
porting ld ' contain Wild Cherry put out sine, front the
hands of inexperteuce. winch Srt public should guard
against,. they contain none of the virtue. of the ortg,
only genuine preparation, winch bear. the vtg
nature of Jr Sa - syna on each horde The present
manulacturer4 of their putts and false eeruftcates have
the daring effrontery to COLILIOII MO I,olllll4lpur
chasing ray inedicin e. the on I trot) genuine and ortgi•
preparation ot Cherry oclore the punt.,
which to pruned satisfactorily by the patine rev . nln or
the Cuinnanitirealth Of pottosylvanis.. wrll es van
out other otherul documetits, If. Sit Al,\ E.
Jai/eau:Pr 4ole Proprietor or the genuine
pound .Syrup lit 5101 Cherry, corner in Eighth and
Have Wee, Plioudelphin
Pa/hallo - in con he organic.] grotto. setting forth an
•rray of win convince the too. vVepir-
eni uf the wodderni. virtues in Dr t d, say 114 . '1 Lompoudd
'eyrop W..d Cherry Cad hint get non. :hut u.. M.,
rend. r.rcL4er the medividd. and sti • o
\ M "nit/RN .11arlict *I. 044,EN a .\U'uVDEN,
corner \ 0...1 a .1 I ober:, •ta. a .11.1.\F-S. lea Liberty
vt, It A It Co. corner of Fll,l and
'Wood nod , aul nM W.A. tout JUIIN :11111211k:L.L.
Allegheny e:ty marlS
We base Icon Wormed by Mrs Rose or •cure per .
formed°. hvr oy lir. Jayne's Alterative, which
p rave. tts idper.ordy ovi r every Other retheuy of the
taut Obi . Itti• ireit or the last sixieett years
a:LLIMS, attended
vri 4 ulcerlimn • eno tofu , /LAM of v•rio. bones, do ,
r ad . it ...n y p ceiv have been d.scharged from
the . rim, tt,lfe of i..e ciandroi, from hum her at
LP 111tt1.1.11.11.. 0110 r.oiti with legs, and t 4. t the 101 l
te t malll.ollC. aid . torn r *nee. orstiir• painful
oilers on other parts ot I,r person, sehtch have 613111 rd
ll or a ititr of the uniat eminent phye,tiall, Of
ill — Our.i.g a...pi or the Line her suffering. nave
liven eacro.h.dig end dep °rabic Shoot three imminv
ate 3r3.3 .30,1,11 try Dr Jayne, Allet,,ll e. I
t 3,1,1 If, had an rd
happy effect um. her,
u.ce.• to iv al. 3t fife •onic me tier getivra. rein.
..ecohievompi. tcif rt •tvreo. drat she now wc.ane
t+- wan roodocf . tre she commenced thr true
of OS truty v v mold, H eat bee root.
For fonder d. , ,,nna. on.nqu re or Mrs Rove. :No I . &
Filbert at. phi adeips.n
0 1 l Rtir I LA Ai\ U St kWh LLUI do SW ELL
INLS.—Scro tila in all its toultaplted lore.
I wilettier in that of I.: tug. F.v ti, eidorgeinen., 0 :de
1 glands er hones, Goitre, l \ lute Swell, nos, Lear.
! ki ncortrattem, Lanett, dowdtses Cl the Skin or Spine,
aral Puimousrt , 01.U1tq11.04, Ofalnate l'eurn one
nd the name cause, on.cti a a poisonous princip.e
mors or less Inn, rent in the human system. There.
!or, . unless thin principle rd ii be destroyed, no rani
cal Core can be "fleeted, but if Inc principle upon
, welch . the tbsease depends, to removed, a curt .
- y-Imost of necessity follow, no molter under chat form . ruim°"^r- frail.
N 1 ESslts IILED it,„CL I LER —I i s it • jury /
:he disease Should manliest stool!. Tn., therelore i n . ~,,, to at , totto i r i rrooor „.. to suite ...rot.,
: Is LAO reason way I len I.'t Al TLa A 'rt vI: Is so sin t t o ot , re.p ee s ttit , y ou , v, r ,,, 0u i 0 ji o i too „ rtry ',w oo ._
versally successtul In removing so ttiony inaltgnan I ' boor I fir•t used the Ltalsnin. :thou; eleven years 40 3
diseases, It destro:s the virus or principle /roar ; the ~51,51 /dirt 0 : wotelt I fie° gone no account of, I
t valuer Oust thsc.i.ecs h lye their origin, by entertnE • 1111r r !‘" "e 5, ' ,111 tute . " ,, l c ri , : l , l 3 u d ili , ..7 , ht tlt:L o ml
1 I into the turn...non, and with In< Mood is convey ed , :::: ' ,! 4 r . 'Z, o ":, t l o ' ry o . d t : o l to * „1„ . ,'„,„,, como U t r o r out r ~,fe ,
to attn. minutest Lit ore, remelting every p.aticle el , . 00rt .,„ it Ito . rt r oo , „ tot „,,,, c „,„ / l „ . „ ry r o , o ,
0 t „,„1,... nr to e •)s,, ,o Prep, red and bold 11l Ng., ' Ju)• It is errttooly u •ulc toed:cote. Ido trot know
, d month I lord Sir eel. I....I.:loll/L.4. i tout II •1111 rune • hoed c....r0pt10, not I bet.. 11
Sold at ;he l'eiln Tea Store, Nu. 71: Fourth st rec. ! wall he tli noud ' , set • P u 'veutive , and nre•nimou as
Pittalmrgn lacr ,3 l I better 1.1/11. cur . , Ido trecretorc. fur U., love or my fel
, , tow alea. earnestly reeutlipmild the tow of o. liallsoto,
ea rn • eotn IILI/111 I ion confident Mat it
I ABMS 11 nu Lse Gouts/too Inept.. C.., are ''” 4- P" r 3 P
tis• net, to, to sir preservtag nay We to nos day.
;,; -.. „ * .,; ' , a ;, " ,;:, ' ,1.7: - :,..! ' 7..1,t, ' , “ ; . ,?„,'",•1 r ,',%". ; , ' ,.; ; :,,L ° ; 1 1 1 . ..0*t0u Ju.
} ILL lt ; i ; LIEN:I.O . ILN rA a....0N5., 1
r bitestoes A. 1 o cunt. first .
unbcotth) , ne r d .rt
sir , ear. oiler u•isig prepared " r '''. U, A ' i r .,_ • .o
chats' ' ties..., it . truer..., 4•01/111.u.lipar0rge,uRn ' '''''. '''' .". r° " . " '''' ..d ."'" ' I. _ _ ' a..
till or tend . c hove proper. ti a ocuttotul ...tub. i ,„,.., ELLER'S IMPERIAL. tdultill S's ill P.—lt h.
artiete t . which cxll /o.\ Ls's sP A \ ISO L/1.1 I s',3 rower to cur, Prr.ornito. Fel.. 14, 1047.
W inFre i n i n perfectly .titiovent. Items pi, tied of al. l .E. si.u.s..--Aly wile our ior i can been subject
deleterious qu•orm .1 mports to die ss.n s mu. to a oi•tre.ang rood, seconiramed uruh asthma, for
rat, tient.). olutte.ter, e.ear, t. v .1. N.., •t the same the c..ce or wn.e,. ... y•etl 4/arc, i
cough remedies,
onte aeons as a cosencts og. ..he .kit. manna It son mod tne 1441V14, 4/1 the gnost ernment physicians In
and aloOlU.
I n 0m,..t....1. but sin was ultng By chance I heard
Ilr Jose,• Attar,. fine:.., l' of Melts. 1/end- impertut Cough Sy rtp, soil was Induced to buy
chusetta se, • • Alter et.ts.•• 1nc. ...,. •,' • Sp.,.,ti LAPS •bo :e tor trial. •sillitourli I had 1443 beltef that anydong
Willard find t ; ,,,, ..e•-,.. the do, I.euut.lul sod onto- 0..01.1 1,100,4 her comet., To my great surprise,
r a t, It the 'awe t.ror ...r.u......1 what I ever 444 I two .1.... gave her ortinedrate trio, She Is at woes
certa.nt], tan t our, tit.ou• y recommend .I.• us< to all i 11 . 0411,ed won u cough. nut two lennpoonsful of Syrup
whose sk n rens re. heoutlf)tng .. s.vot, ••• .p. it I sal ...shed. slier a trial of three or
1,7 - 11 1 .rteo tft, ern. It boa.
mu , , en ,,, ~, ~.,,,d. c 00„,,, Si cup . the /nest cough
Cy'so d hi. 1% M.. ACKSON, at h.. Lout arid Oboe med.... I hove ever tried cutter 0, the Old or New
Store, HO lolterly cane, / head 0: it 0,01. at the Lan of WurL
Wk. Fouts...,
the Etc Boot
rte Seventh Word. city of Pittsburgh.
Ladies Indies, I'm ustont.ed.
Ihe 01400, renal.. should imluce 101 who are
When you know that) rot are promised
amilited with rough or nunino, tu glee the S • tn.
A isturni,lifedtle, nmoy tirtt,..
al It mkt be hod for 2.S re,. a bon.. St i th drug
Thal you o .1. Pall uw comm. rho.,
1110/0 of It }/: SELLER 0,7 wood at.
And I.k • den.l) yenow ,F,lgt,
toid by Ur Cassel. sth a nod add U 14 Curry, Atte-
The . 9reme of laughter suit of talk .
Shutt' city
If you would use a tuns in JONEnt L.ll, y•erliite, .1 - -
• • -
Polent Block Sort ..stig Tn...
a woolJ give your niqg an omboster yet natural wig,te
t the your
use clear 0:1,1 a.m. in Sold at \' t WLY INV kiN I'ED th
—For e and Permanont
SON'S, co L,oeety at Pr cc 25 cents per not LI Cure of HERNIA or It ~.P1 CUE (Soiled to •11
air, '''f - ' '
IitLi Nu SLIP, /11141,11 YuRH...
ilyttui+ %V HELD odes tor sale at the lowest
, Manufacturers' pnces. u very avvart
al - PAPER. compel,. .ria every 11,11111,r v
adapted lathe Wants or canal:mars in all sect.ocs or the
courary. Paper of all kolas made to order at ikon
not .re
I.te ittoek of PRINTINIi PAPER ts ants., e.
• parlor' which is of very rope r.or tiny
of very desertpLoo, Imp° , rd t twd kept em. . 1.4111) op
Ilan-, VIZ: ,re Ciotti . % tin
Meat:huts Powder, Moe Li Ammar too, Twine . eke ,A e
P•rak, Bale Rope liras& Rope. Rip/tot
purr. Paned. tor at .eh the highest pr c ‘....•1 ks
pod 11 ,- Y .New .ort.
Dr. W. P. Inland's Premium Plaster.
r Ili P INLAND. of the Medical Colleg e 1.1 Pink
I_l ade'lphia, now oder.qo the public his Indian Veg.
etubla Premiunt Planer:the qualities o alum, aver
long and tied expenence. ha. been sati.lnelorily as,
tahltshed. lb ail women who mug he afflicted with
Prolapsna Uterta or Fallen Womb. tie recommen. tits
plaster. guaranteeing a .n th a speedy rure In the
short spa, of from two to thee week., epplied
care wnh
andee.l--discarding all the routines, ill•truments
elpensive Lard ing. long 01 The he feels
ron.riennou. tit slitting. ina.inueb tu he hr.e.not failed
to one clue out ot three hundred am! fin)-three pa•
Ai. far Rheurnati.rn and Weak Breast or Bar k, at.
tended with pain. th u nothing to excel Mi. Plaster
in affording relief or e ere
ffecting • cure. For wie
I. Wilcox. corner of Diamond and Market st
Braun & Rene, • ff.therty and St Choir ate
Dr I ,argent Federal and Diamond, &Ho
pei.), roe
m ar yuck & Cb, Del.Bll and Dtamond, Birmtog-
~, u, ....m lr DA IL I'. 1111-11 t ti-KLY le WEEKLY
At : s t 'asst. Bsnl43ngs , 34 st, am , M. Pool QlOl.l.
It Al• E 3 ll fli` ADVI4RTItiIIhI6.
Otte ...-rtani ol 11 line., or tea 1... ....... $0 50
two ,nsertlonit wahout tlteration, 0 75
Flute • ..... ..... 100
One Week •. ~
l'wo W“.... • . .•........ 5 .50
Pit roe • . -
..... ..... 3 W
One NI iiqta, ' ...... .. .400,,
Ton '• '' 600
Phrte " -•• ...... 750
TWCA Cit - allengia to the World. 1. f . Longer inoertmetoesita in anMe proportion.
N'll . viVE DOLL., RS he be paid to any one One ruudre, n months without alterattOri....lo 00
who 0,11 Prettier • 4 101 of Mei, green or dry, that - • 111 °
cannot be attracted with Hoit's Improved Chemical 1. „1,
~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, square for 6 Months, 5 00
. .....
soap 1 have the Sulilltilellall of taym.g to toe people of ".. .
10 00
this place, that Mitt antete, by my own Improvement on Ir.
.t, now stands unneeded i.i the country tor ex, ran Sing o " .. "I'''''; .”"bthb' renewable at
Pib i m" ' 2.1 °° oo
grease, tar, pitch, al, pram, or any other greasy sun. ' ' •-• • II
• • - net
str.nce, from .t.I kinds ot gutletueti's or ladle.' .sous,.,, I. .• 0 ..1 ,t •..111 .. l adle for 11 monthe.....• • • 10 w
talc c.Otaa, manna mewls, Itmms. holtucts. I ... .q. tt ,, '-' mouths,
.r&"L'e" P1e",3"9, 30 00
he, without inotrinri anything that part 'arum.. vent not p,,,,-tt square, 0 . 0 111Ciii, BOD
adore. More than one thousand ittenloal ta dltrereat
wags,' Utl •1•111- WilliLLY flit Dalli P.4./.111.
pare of the country have told me they would not be
endout st, if It cost one dollar per cake. In trying flits i Coo squire. 3 . ' er "" .. fl 50
Soap on more than 300 articles of light s in, anima al- •' - each additional 1ne0rti0n,........ S 7
pauses. sr,. elite...a, I have only found three pieces, 01 Brailtratal Ca./1118.
Silk. two of alpacca and four of call.. on which it p lee ~,,,. ~, 1e... 0,,e ,a, 6 00
changed the mien therefor, before petite, 0 one light
.. .. . r ~,'. .4 ,
6 00
dress try a trample or the dress iftnt. I state due peewee .
lam determined not to recommend it any stronger Mut • " ' " one year, doily& weekly, 10 00
I know to be strictly true. N 11 11011: .. ..
•• ail mortilm •' " 00
Price, Da on per cake Sold. wholemlo and retil
For tit line., or lead, One tvertlon, ........610 .R 1
decry . 57 woad a
risEAS-30 half chest. Yll Tea, 30 do do Inv.:nal do •• ' ° Phree, " .... I(A
1. 30 do do Gunpowder do, 311 do do black do, We., . - . Toro d . o6 u m .••• 6 1 00
'y tits Gunpowder and Yid m nom and for sale ~r ~ ~, ,- ~,.• s ,--.,0‘..1,
1050 011050014 4..0111.51filit1001t...'• .- ', 5, """ b °I)
TWOOV"- ve.,4111 ge
E 53=
OR Eib T It performed by °retinal a.* mlypr
Alasxl &sawn* Li PUS, is,gpared and old by B. E. 3./I. ‘
! Lrits.
MOMS' V•PrOIT, W.thaorehusd j
July Ihth, 1617. 5
E. Seim mass ormiuty Layout/Id thstateichid
induces me loadd roe humble tesuranay faroe.of yogujamiy
I celebrate: haver Pill. I hove Jett. red dotag to fh a an,,
cdhccmg .0 Darc Crockett 's mato., -be sure you art .01.
thro abetd.•' . Muss /tithe Malay pnearatious of
had Taunt, honied .0 th• alLms, host soul into obbvieto shwa
I your Ltr, P. Is lure hero offered to the pub ic and, indeed,
Ito here they willuse them tit" as they just
v. 4. lcp,estal them be hee d adhetted *tilt fjne
(Imo my youth. hove suffered monis employ."
hazy rentoent phestsestu, to whom I paid much clomp; bath
log much blood. 'peva rozostentud physsektul thou. to death;
nut rated nr o banes, so d 'seen up es thscutabis. la
13 , 7 I sr. mdtreed to l . y your L.. Pas, host .iCKni OOT
hIL roe hos of wheel. woos* eutfacteut to keep um clear
of pens., and all oh. other .ympulau, for •0 least
;73 noun. hour Pt.., an alp the best cud... I trb , tte.l.l
I be,ig, roil., ant grzpshg or gist,' much sock.... lb. slack.
sett. out pte zwr tam, rel.•l I bete Lem themll
m 1 storm
tor h or 7 ye." soil hutultode of hotel and ha thmer
beard • r tomplenst uttrted by yhy out oho km alma
uree. t us,4
tusorredeti ntschat ~,, y other in that
. ...I short us. 0111 ...I. them all.
!reoomusrud them to all
utteduag phytic,
t ob./ter for Lots, Comilleoti or Bt.tonts &chow I um
.laCZ hut mono. 4 , or the Blue Plll. litutpact
i foil. )...trs, • J L Mout.
A I.: 'PION —A, inert are other Pills before the public
colon L.. Pills persona who ouni toe 111.:.."11:1111 It: should
a sh for nod take au other Limo Mote prepared and saki by
oSIULLEILS. Yt !t; 11,tum-st beau.•cc, Thud and Fourth
d by Dr l••••t., Filth Ward, D 11 evear,Alleihrly
n .
Ylydropathy, or the {{ • itt•r Cure.
Inn .110 . 111i1S returns his stueOTO
thanks to the etliY.cos 01 ha...burgh and Allegheny
,t) for the very ii,eral Aupport a/Ili enCouragement he
as. received Vraht.. 0100111 a That the Wn•
tor rote shou:d acqulre. such celebrity, t• neither
otrange itity fily• II is ,o “*.derell how great
a number of rases of evt-ry, nf dtseasee, kith
acute and chrome. 11.1001.000 04,0 11 a 'whoa.. use
of it I , ennaity. where It originated, sox thousand
al the worst rain, that were xtven Op by tito ni t s., s k i t.
int o v•teta , n. of Europe ea nwuruhte. were eared by
10 ,tontoria: Prieatutia, the launder n." the. Water Curs
In I.ngtand, Ers.we and Atnertea, of hope.
le.. ear. 11010 bent cured oy and the
p umpe r }
droontni. o%iabl .10000.. two: aureesafill open.
lion In the l ntirit , tutes, •pnal cowmen in favor alike
Dr Alorri• having pe rm anently establiabed honed(
In the city of Pittithurgh. three doors wnithweat
tII r alley, on Pena •treet it now prepared to take •
number at boarders and treat them at h.• house, and
those who pre ter being treated at their own
will be punctuatly awl ntit.ziol:v •attended. Ile may be
ronnsteed at et, other nom I u p M., end
~0 0 t ; to In in the evening
II —Ever) var.ety at bath. made uao of An .he
Water cure, ~ritt for 1/11111 • and ~.1 1, 11‘.11, can be oh.
tad nt Ine Alban:ruin. on !Ahem •treet, when: they
ho ut e- been recently erected for the retire .• aae of HT.
drunainte patients. and where carry otention will be
a/ e VI, b
to ) e
the pone and attentive proprtetora.
Ge•l. lengths!. Reinesly.
-1-4,0 H. Cough, Cold, A•uttne i_ionsoinptiord The
AND ONLY REM Elil for the cure Of the
thid.o....s the LIALSA-11 UP
ihtdovered 1/ the reielprided Or Buchan, of
10..t.1011. F 4 ddind. and Introduced into the United 3tatea oconeoleto •,.I,eode,we 01 the 'weenier IV
' I
he 'r
of tin, rnealsciue . tk,
cure ol worotas the 4121111 . 1 e.
Azoot ttt tto oil., tot 1411.111 the n worst possible ea
st tt Ott. touttil t i
the c o rnotuntty - cues that seek
relit, tit Vitt./ Runt soy of the dosoloon re-merliee of We
Jot . and /b. ve hen glree up by Lae mos td istined
pit) ...elan. a. cottermed end T lioottln
-011 aA cured. and w dl rare toe mo ot desperate
rm, It t• no quuelt rio•trern. hut • stoluivd Eng-
II 411 medicine, oi ....II ;4..1 etheadY•
Evrr, tnnoly len Laded ,tair• shoold aupplied
tool. liar hosiht tlatt,rout II:Ilea/II of Lite, not only to
couolrract the celleusupuve tendendier of the e
hat hi be u.ed n. o prevellbve 111e.11,111111 in all C 0...
rolds roughs. •
•thlung blood, ' , hill ni the std a and
rare. , rnzation and .orenens brotilltur,
dallculty of brewing. lever. nigh, sweabh ertletb.
town :Lod gebrral drhully, asthma. thtlueuia, whooping
cough ditil croup
Suit/ large :ditties. m i ll per bottle, with full direc
tion. for the 'veer:thou of beenh.
honphleta. to/awning a mans of rogls.ll and Amen
run r • r:lfiruter. Atot onto, •booriog the u n ..
equalled tnertt. Liu. 1,-111 K.:: 1•41 Remedy, may be
otttatineti of the .txrtst.t. gratutiou,
1L . t.0 ante Itt . lb A FAIL\ rung A Co,
olid ‘VEMNI and Wood and atu its marti
L' DUNI Lea lint ASA rill N:11, a well known andpop
I' Clerpinan Of the Protebta rtes thodiat Chart
The Linde...wird hdytng been altldu ring the put
Winter Wi th a dtst.ate or the atom.. n. sometimes pro err. poin in the oinnhatti for ten or twelve boars
w , thout .11:erntis.ton, end liner havtng triad
bows recnedid3 drab I.ulc ettect. was furni.ihetl with a bottle
VDT Dt 1, nes Cdrotinuude Balsam. Thui he aced &L
-ein-ding to the Uri . ..cliets. and found In”riahly that Ole
medicine eaur.ed trio pain to abode in three. or four cue
-111, and in Etttetn or twenty m.notesevcry eoeuy
•en.a.ion rr. cautery quieted. Fn.- rileirreine Was •ri
Wll^llCvrr inernrclivi oil.. approach Of
paid wrotc,xree.vtd, And the patn draa Inereb, prevent
ed Ile cont.tint.l in a, Me rnttlitute entry evening
and kornet M1,11`0,111.
and ht • rear wee,r
tat....ft re c..rct..:.a; r retie •
ea 10111 large +/low ti, 01 rriiprr •,iirr pain. rrelin ex
hem in:, thereto,. Can rinn 1 y reCtirrilineod
/a, nCr i•II1. IL, autary medic in
for d..tcascs of the owniach 11.3 d howt, A SLID/ND
A,.eg hefty eity,jyJl
F.” e n TEA STOR
./C4, 3.11 ihe Drag
• r V: Att Z .tre, A1441..417
Purify ]"our limood.
l ii).t'lier4 p 'reßlv. i l t>u ‘ s -- w Ue tle ' r ' l ' w t ti ' s " s ' e t rre ' ll ' :lt c
with a r e
Complaint In et) ,egs,. and had been
for some mouttts under the car et physician. They
said my case was attn.% me urahle, and they could do
but little for me. I was nearly helpless, but with oho
crutche• could with difficulty get about. In May
hon. I purchased of you. and commenced using Bus ,
yob, ttlans‘Pwatt./... Alter the use el Iwo bottle., the
• romMetteed heutlitd. and I laid tondo my crutch.
en, u.nng only a eagle I dispensed mile My can. and
a: the end Cl the tourdt. won to well as to assist all day
,ig •Iteep I u all, I used bye bottles. TM
Acrotttla and sores ha, e aft healed up, and snipe, last
I have .e• 11 110 appearance 01 the disease, but
have commued. end ant now, at the most portent health/
I stele with confidence. hopmg that mut rs may be ben
glued in Me seine way , that me Snrsopertlia sold 17
mi. has been Ms means and the on/y means of effee.
lug .0
J. t ltt)•Jt;
Por sae w.holcsale and mt., by
dery B. A. FA EINESTOCK & Co
cor trout P wood so, ei corner wood &Oasts
E C.ctun Acuda Acre', for 014•"14,
Cf.. 141 .a Ro.<, tor •,
AN....e Cream. aO,
NJ, On, Hoeg, Porrcla.n
F.:. gam en; uay. perfume,ta avrnder, Angle
!, powder p.. 1., pattrre•,
r„ ~oo.::l.ttio.g . fragrant extracts
rer .celt• tct roapa,aaa-
mph `on:, ito.c 1.41,
r.aap, Sodaw, in a greal
p• ,u4l Ivcr.Yrd, r arrr .al e lry
a,ll car 0 , 11 a maa.l cu
rot ct.l . r,”l•••.iust at the arm. ram vn enva %tat tittA) Lte 7 , 17111. f pad of
,:g near.) . Loh., er.l oil, richr• to pre.-
lirre ott a:/) pan tn . andlllofrtetty ar.liera• truth to
SU, ntOvntnettl made rrcr It e.rn Lc r.Ora
/11,111 , •Lit tnlcralt•eltult. tillltt • Cut, J• vtfecten. The gut,
~en hare rrtO, ari.l.lKeellems to rran.u..lertlrrr
31 Iltt. se r.luable tit ,vpc.r or sty',..n
/e pr. et, an./ have 11,.m truer for •are dlr., ortace, No.
oithric,rl et near 01x Ur, t'.ll...rtrsn.
1.0. 0% AIR',
SEI : LER,: , .--
ERAIII , I,I- - Supe riur to ask) I h;••
U., r 're. Fa) , lte cuualy, 1..., slsrell +,'4.
Mr K. K. herriq ecrUly Oat I have used
>our Vermfur my la tiny, and t.etnso it equal, if
no; .up-rtor I usvc ev, I gave tootle of
myone dose, wtswil tApe:lcd atwut eU won..
Prepared end %old by R 0; %Vocal el
Sold by Or eueel.slll We'd, 11 Curry. Allegheny
1 ,nntn. lempereneevillei end I' Learn I.
tn ye
.;a4l ree . i iodaltl:rCt