The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 21, 1848, Image 3

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AMES A. HI:MGM:ION CoA, Annists Mr Si. Louis
IF Steam Sugar Refinery, N 0.43 Waxer and ter Front
*net; Piel:lbirrob", bays - in stray the Toadying as.
BOtelhient orrefinedSorra, for salelow,
1. ,
5 5 double refine large Iota; into bbls N 0.%
; 6, 7 and Sataandeu MO do Powdered; SW do Crush
ed;‘,ls do CliCrtfied. • mild .
k;RRIDRIES—,3O tasks Sod; 'dab,
,Lptraml74 Steele
ScoL,Livemool; 30 do •do do James
tos.Mittl &Sons, dm 230 bags nio Coffee; 300 boles
7.19 - , Sill and Mir/ if Glass, (or sale by
.. .
-- - --- • - - -
:DALTIy st
pI.MVERIZEDLCIA P SUOAR,44O bbls Nos 2- 4.6.
0 and 7 loaf Sugar; Z hall eases Covering's don
dle refined do do- 40 Idols Covering's eoarse pulverized
do do; 40 do pulverized do do; just reed and for sale
- MEW ORLEANS SUGARS AND11*A.,...5111*-100
Di kthd. pth,,,, N 0 Rogerr; Ka Ws N 0 Niolnues;
40D do romorted Nos Loaf 60 in store sa d for sale
by lel7 BAGd.LEY tr.l3fill7o 1$ and 00 w• .. a
and Jno Anderson's, Joat ree'eand for
oak by HEALD, HUCKNOR & Co,
It north water and 16 north wharves.
JeW Philadelphia
Xj- ARA LI 7 IA — P TOTIAT - 00- - T9O - b — ales ions Leif
j. bacon, wrappery. and impartor quality-43 and
arms- past Landing from brig Anthracite; for sale by
GERMAN PIPES—W 4 kas and 3 groan German
Pipes, median bowls, just landing from pat and
tar sale by- j224 HEALD. HUCKNOR & Co
Crum, Baltimore, Md., will be glad in
hare orders from his friends in Pittsburgh and
elsewhere, for the purchase of Shad and Herr - mg. do.
ring ittasenson. Orders executed with despatch, sud
.at lowest rates. Charges forprtreharinglight. mnral
RE,FINED SUGARS-20 boxes double refined large
440 bbts 2, 4,6, 0, 7 and a mad Loaf; SIO
bbls crumbed; 178 bbls powdered; &I bbis clarified; In
care and for wile by JAD4ES A HUTCHISON & Co,
loar2o Agents &Lords Steam Sugar Refinery. ,
TINEGAR-11 bb! Cincumuti Vines., pure, I.d
V tug (mmstmr Lewis Weisel, sad for sale by
• • iY IS • wF3IoNIIO:IVEN, 70 (rout at
nun 10 sacks Feathers; 1 do Wool; for sale by
.• ly M.3to A. GORDON.
QPIRTI I S TURFEIIINE-2: 1 Has Spirit. .Tureen
pine, just received an consignment and far sale by
•sjykalas, ter st end market alley
unman Lash Rieh i p A nnezd a for by
TOPES AND PIPE HEADS-150 b rit White Pipes;
X 100 do Stone ripe Heads; for We by
01.1..-11 bids Lard ted,lnuding from Pioneer
Land for sale y jyl4 SAC/ALLY fr. SMITH
SSOAR notistlgoLessF. , 43. —ts6 bbl. S
sea, superior quality, noor landing and for sole by
N _
EWMAtIrtHEL--KTObbis new No 3 Mackerel,
nom. landing and for sale by
jyl4 BAGALEY &
11\TO. 1, 6 TWIST TOBACCO-16 begs I,iinding from
Hamner Fairmount ru.d for sale by
DIY PEACIII-50 bushels receiving per steamer
Fairmount and for sale low to elate consignment
EGARS—IIIS,OOO Kentucky Segura, tcceired on
commission and for .% by
GEO COCHRAN % 'wood In
VEATllEJlia—Prixon article oa hand and for sale by
.r 17 3 4 " 13113 COCHRAN
ObA H— IS casks Jaz bluspratt So.' first
; 1.7 quality Pent S o da Asb, in store and for sale by
714 ,•\V & AL MITCEIELTREE, WO liberty et
m or e Jas x M .a usp r ia b l y t
syl4 Cl kir k M MrFCHRLTRET:
"Ell ID COFFEE 157 bags prim reed =1 for saleby
jyl4 FRIEND, RH kIY & Go,'S7 water
iItACREREL-30 bble new No 3, we'd and for sale
.13 4 FRIEND, RHEY & Co
EER. SKIIV-300 I ba for tale low to Nose consign
1J mans. , jyl4 FRIEND, RHEY &Co
sai-Iss Feathers, just landing sod
j r for sale by WESTON BOWE.N,
JY 3 70 front at
GINSENG -5 snekspiuseng, , t=e: 4 ll7 3 g o tl for
sale by iYI4
LOUR—C 4 bbl. .
Ita store lute for ante by
ISALLII DICKEY h Co, front st
T AT I3 LEIC ACID-400 Ibi CotAsji , s t l . &
LG IRON-100 tons, Gino Furnace Hot Blau, tun
ring per Ringgold; W torts Brooklyn Furnace,
in Co. Fa 4 Hot Blast, for sole by
IYI2 seater st
Apia METAL—Cat ton. cold. Elam ChareoalMetal.,
landutg from canal boat DD Vszteent, and for sale
by tyltt , JAMES DALZELL, Y 4 water st
DFR."88.11.18-3 bundles Deer-Bit
for*. by jY I2 JAM EfbALTEIrd
- DACON SIIMZ--Country naiad Bacon,' Sides, in
17 storelmcl for sale low, to clone a consignment.
--- • -- - - •
IDLY NEITS—A mural 10, said colors, for sale re
ry kiss, st 137 Woad st. .1712
MINERAL WATER CORKS-7 bales of o sapenor
quality, recnired and for sale by
. - rt i fORIL..4-1 bale of n
VAL COSE.3— 3 bales of large size, for sale by
. u uilpertur qualUy. rr
MI TARTAR-2 bbbi ibr .at by
rIORN-172 bee Shelled Cora, it&-t reed and for. ale
ANLA BEISP-10 bales just ree'd for sole
WINOOW 8 . 1.A.V9-1000 bxe 8.r.4 ISO do Rai*
12:do 16114; Gado 739; lo do 12:c1., LI)do Uzi.%
10 do 21101 x, (or s ale by
EL00.113-25 dos extra Imo Ff. h. Biooms; 2A do
JO Rachel., do; ^3 do Com do,• for sale by
SSE' IRON-10 tana_Nos 24 and 24, Juniata; for
saloilty J)11 SF VON RONWHORST tr. Co
EEF-2 bbls paled; 1594 1bs dried; 4or tale by
XSA 'CIi:EIKEIL—No 2 arid 3, in half and yr bblx; for
AU sale by jyll 8 F VON HONNHOM3T &Co
BACON—OXID bbi. Sid.; NlOdo t.. 4 .ct fo
hor solz
ALM SOAP-1.5 b. -
Ifi; itate by
S CIAP,t box:: brrex i i co Sc
do dr;
110 do Yellow do do
• la do dodo I do do
9 do 'Rosin No I do do
Jost received and for sole by
BROWN LLNI.SiS—A lot orgbod-quallty 44brown
Coating linan4 just opened and for sae low.
. 'T. DISSED OIL-10 bbla Linseed Oil, reed and for
~ ~.1.1 sale by - jllo . J KIDD fr.. Co
(*MEAN TARTAR-3W lb. jest ree'd and for gale by
a. (*MEAN
fryto J KIDD &Ca'
. o
QICILY I.IQUOILICE-200 lb. OD band and
A 7 by 010 J SlDDrr l'
~ - tio!O , 4)JALAP-160 lbs We'd and for aa.lo by
4 _..... . . _
10 0 lrD IiIiEUItARB-000 lbsJeut rei.d.d for see
br ;ylO J & Co
V.—Z.O 1 . .10 No 1 Salt, now landing and for sale
ItT R 81.70A11-43 hbda N 0 Sogarin storeand for
. onla by Uytii Wt....WION BOWEN, 90 front a
'►,iOLASSES-38 bbis •PhOoatiou' nrobaaee. for .el.
.1111 by bye] WESTON EUWEN
COTTON—SO boles Tennessee for sole by
_ _
131311C/CHARDPS LARD OIL—A Largo supply on
13 .0. 171 ..tfor sole at We drug unatolmil' a
ETTh s R PAPER-31X) maths (some very tlna)
jj Mote and comae by Ir.ll RZYNOLXO & /MEE
13 .A.LIgiATUS-8 tons 'emir - emir end for wale by
jai itORT DAUM:Lir& Co, liberty wt
RICE -0 les in store era for salo low by
WOKS-4D bales Corolla by
IV NANKINS-Two bales demon; Nan
j, kips, for sale by jell/ sitAcia.urik. WFITXF:
*ACKEBEI-501031 - "No 3,laige, Mookorel, lasi re.
calved and for
LOAF SUGAR-1110 bbl. No* 7, BO and 10, l.nisi
ana Loeb 311 do Lovering's nrushed and polv.n.
sod Wars, for sale by jell POINDEXTER ACo
SARE ROOT-4. sacks Snake Root, in store and
for Mk by lea POINDEXTER le Co
14 AGEEBEL ANDBVIRRING--1:TO - Iiiiis fldaes.
oral, Mars. lttlpeellol4 Oil do No 2 do do do; lo du
I dodo: :15 do No 1 Baltimore Berriny, just reed
and for kale by jen MILLER b. RILKETSON_
_ _
tt+, b White Sap,
BRAZILSUGAR-60 ba Ks Brimil Saw, in sta. and
for Mile by re2l MILLER & HiCKET'SON
ARD-4 bbla No now 'bunting, from steamer En-
A. Pbrarrai for onlo by j . 27 DICKEY &Co
Fy...x. , lrth . rob sold 1 tlere . e, now landing
ren ki-ior pain by
fIOTTCILN-37 bales now Isaing nod for .aln
*.."/ I DICKEY & Co
SAPKIRE-20 bblerefined, now on 6md and lot
tale by jerit !DICKEY &Co
• SRN Beane. Oil, ree'd from Salina
Elt& JONES, Canal Basin
I_3OPLAR LUMBER, 044 Pin. Joica for .d. by
F VON BONN 0 - LASSII bbls for sale b;
len HORST Co
WHITE FISH-20 bbl. to arrike, (or sale by
• - VV 1 .27 S F VON ItONNIIO,RST k t Co
Txr p • PAPER-40 reams Straw Paper , ( or
yy sale i b l y NC
Rocic POW I/J.R - 1011 kers for sale by
SALMATIJS-..ltoosfilaleraiiii. in store and for sale
by je74 . R ROBISON & Co
PATENT SODA ASII-60 cask. James htusplan &
Sores ern quality Soda Ad; joss reed per steamer
Den Raab and for sale by
461 AV ie. Al AUITCHELTREE, DSO liberty st
FLOUR -600 bids Fondly Flour, for
...DEPPA:R AND — A - ELBPICAPInigiVePPer, In do
Allsee, store and for sale by
Jeb? m _ . JA FL FLOYD
SINGLE LOAF SUGAR—AO bbls Nos 4, 6 and U N
0 Refined, in store and (or sale by
je2o J L R FLOYD
L&RD 01L—In bbl, tad half Mots, for sale to by
FANCY SOAP-10 Las Cincinnati, for solo low by
je2J 1J oNN &
5 041 4 , 1 : 7 7 lt , liz o d e e i : Palm;
, r)0 10 41: IV E, Ik . no C . atlz
for .1 1 . by le2B J IxAVlLliikblB
.../ •
2S. , .
15 -'3.2.4;&;u2;:i:
0 Monday,
18 Tucaday,
19 Wedisesday,
.10 Thursifey,
yesterday west generally dull, mid sates
confined entirely to limited or retail transactions to
The 'Weather teas very worm, the thermometer
nmying from SO to 56 deg. in the shade. The n.
ver is gradually receding, but owing to the light ,
new-of the trade is that quarter, there is still a
sufficiency of water in channel kir all business
Fictut—The receipts were limited, and the
small sales effected from first hands showed a
slight improvement on previous days rates. Sales
in lots amounting to about 100 bbls at the river at
14,60 c sp hbL Regillar dray load lots are disposed
of from store at 94,656A4,70, with retail or single
barrel vales at $4,75614.87 a bbl.
Grum—Very liNe IS doing in any hind. and pri-
C.R.s are entirely:nominal \Ve may quote oihea
'from first hands' at 75, and from store at 80c v. bu;
rye at 150 e; barley at 45; earn at 3.50:17, and oata a
290 p bo, from store. Very little is brought in
and lades are on a limited scale,
Paommons--The market continues very firm,
with a slight Improvement in some articles, panic
olarly.bacon, which is decidedly - pi the advance.
From smoke Minim, the article is passing off freely .
in limited lots, at, for shoulders, 3101 c; sides, 10
4.1, and a little duller then other sorts; hams at 51
66c # brisk,4ist which rates we uote sales of
some 10,000 IDs. Sales of 10 bbls No 1 lard, at
61061 c p 111. Rutter is scarce with small sales of
null to bbls-at 94110 c; of fresh roll, we note tales
from store at 12414 e, according, to quality.
Fisn—Prices have partially ddchned, but the de.
mend is tolerably brut:, at the fallowing rates—
salmon, $1.9; shad, 50; Nu 1 mackerel, $11611,50 ;
No 2, SS, and No 3, $6436,23 by the quantity; her.
ring, gibbed, at $6 # bbl.
Gimamiss—With a quiet market we can no
tice no material change from last quotations. Su'
mu is sold by hhd in limited lots at prices ranging
from 41 to 51c p lb; coffee is dull, with regular
limited sales of Rio at 7103 c p lb; molasses may
l?e quoted firm, with sales at 27026 c, as in quality.
Sales of rice by tierce, at 51c p 111. Other articles
Cullman—Sales 30 boxes W It at 5d15: cur per
Otte—Small aale's of lanl at 52, and of littered
54a55 cta per gall
floor—Sales of an eseellent quality from store
at 18ic p 14
Pta Merse.,--The quantity of pig metal now ly
mg on the Monongahela wharf; is immense, probo.
bly larger than ever known at one time. This is
owing in part to the tardiness of holders in rem°_
ving the metal from the wharf, to their playa of
deposit, and pally to the present doll state of the
market, when it is next to impossible to niche
sales at living prices. Of Hanging Rack metal,
which comprises nearly the whole of the supplies
now iu market, we have heard of only one or two
small sales at prices not made public.
Butoess—Very little is doing in ate market. A
sale of tons was reported tons yesterday aul.'7o
f ton.
The hue etmmer , 74eharyTaylor, Lucas, mas
ter, mill leave let Ciaiirmati thm day at 10 o'cbcl•
P. hi.; Bee adviertimment.
Spirit of the Danube/1e Markets
CANAL Recarrn--Flour, 3056; Pork. 320; Whis
key, 506; Wool, 76,319; Butter, 09,245; Lard. 1 2,-
977; Bacon, 41,360; Sugar, 13,920 iron. 147,210;
Pig, 116,400; Nails, 122,748; Glass, 36,550; Potters
ware, 4500; Coal, 50,002; Corn, 8,423; Wheat, 1 1 ,-
Als.tfarts—The asks are tHIO bbls dour, on pn
vale terms, Good brands of floor can be ohoune4
at $1,44c:44,50; 2600 bu wheat, 900, 1000 do., t o
pay wheat borrowed to fill contract, 95c; .1200 Ira
.ts iu f uFlnts, 2S, 500 do, 271 c; 110 bbls ei<lill
heavy fresh pork, selected hogs, 010,50; 20 do
pools, 6,31; 20 bbl, whiskey, 19c; 100 'Corning' . do
Ibc; 55. T. Love Roscoe," do in lots, ISc; 12 kegs
butter Root learns, 9010 c; 9 do from boats, 9, 91,
91c., 200 bbl, fine salt, $1,181; 125 sacks do, 121 c;
10 Ws linseed oil, We.
From teams, Wheat Me; Corn, 33c: Oats, 2,x.
Armes AND Wasrar.s.—The steamer Mary
Blase, from St Joseph yesterday, reports the Mir
souri falling at that point, with bur feet water in
is the chaeoel from thence down to Weston. Be
low Grand River, there is a good stage of water.
The Eliza Stewart reports the Misstssippi felting
rapidly at Galena. On the Lower Rapids, she
(mad three ket of water, and the river was swell,
Mg slowly. The Illinois is reported to be to ex.
reflect navigable stage horn Lasalle down. The
weather yesterday was clear and warm.—[St Lon.
is Repub., July 13.
• Wernifel Wamars--The river at this port con
tinues to decline, and in the 45 hour. ending Sun..
.day evening had receded about two feet.H . Cia
rirTare Ctrathre Is strangely destrueuva to the hu
man cuticle, (or skin) the sudden change from heat to
cold, and the smoke causes' yellow, dark, coarse com
ptertio.. Then it is requisite that the pores of the skin
should he kept openat their mouths should be freed
from impurity-4w. thus the atmient Roman Philoso
pliers cured all diseases—they computed thatmore
diseases and unhealthy •apors left through th
the 00rell of the skin, than any other outlet of the may
It is necessary, therefore, to keep the pores open—all
humors are dwelled from the skin from the pores
when they wash with Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. I
hale seen it cure the worst and oldest cases of Salt
Rheum, Erysipelas, Old Sore., Barbeelatch, Sore Head,
Ringworml, when every other internal and external
remedy had failed—its etfent rendering the skin while,
clear and son, though it be yellow and coarse, m won
durful—n removes Freckles, Tau, Sunburn, Morphew,
and disfigurement of the skit—but persons most
be particular and ask for iONIDS Soup—to be had to
Pittsburgh at WM.. JACKSON'S, ugn of the BiLiksot,
89 Liberty at. Prize 50 cents. novllhlrevrly
113' Clt u. are honorably assared . that the follow
ing art the actual enelities of a 3a. bottle of lomo' Co
rul Bair Restorative. If they doubt our wont, they
cannot these highly respectable citizen., who hove
Mr. Geo. Beckett, 41 Elm at, New York.
Mrs. Mediu Reeves, Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn.
Mr. Wm- Tompkins, El King et, New York.
Sir. Thorrum Jaelison, Montour'. Island.
H. E. Cullen, late barber steamboat S. America.
And more than a hundred others state, though this moot
sake, that it will force the hair to grow on the head or
fade, stop it falling off, strengthen the roots, removmg
scurf.and dandruf from theirocos, and making light, red
or gray hair assume a fine dark look, and keeping dry,
harsh ob wiry hair moist, soft, clean and benutitul, a
very, very . long time. Sold at WM. JACKSON'S %,
Liberty au SYIb
IT IS Jon Wltur is W.F.:D.—Say all who ever used
11I'L.ene's Vermifuge: Real the following letter from
, an agent: . 3 twee., Canoes Co. N. Y.
Feb 20th, le4e. 5
J. Kidd & in your agent eras here I had Just
opened, and he left bat a few dozen of 1111.ane's Ver.
mange, end I End it is going oB very fast, and thus far
it boa given good satisfaction, and has proved to he
just what the public wards, and see have got It lg.:nag,
and Ido not wish to get oat. I have but one dozen
lell. 'When your agent eves here, I think he told me
some plate to send if I should went more, bat if be did,
I have forgotten. Will you have the goodness to or
der for me sil dozen rime on the receipt of this_
For sale et the Drug Chore of, KIDD & Co, .0 wort
street. eft
TIM eel= Lite. Costae—The on only true
and Romanic Liver Pill, prepared by R K Sellers.
Pielerrrows, Va., June 7th.
Nr R E Sullen—Rome years since I was much ben
efited by using your Liver Pill., and on I ant a great
sufferer now, I endow you one dollar, and wish you
to .end me the worth of it in Laver Pals, by mail. lie
parucular to .cuff-the tune kind—they acted like a
charm when I took them before. Yourv, he.,
Prepared arid sold by R. 11 SELLERS, 57 Wood rt
told by Dr. Cassel, sth word; D. 51 Curry. Allegbemy;
W. J. Smith, Tefftpemnecville, and bruvo, Low-
Cotrom—All other pals called Liver Nits ore court
terfetto or imitations. jcyl
rDoes your hatr tall off, does your hair turn gray
i 7 harsh, r• dry, or dirty, pray?
Ills thu you can make a son, stlky stud fine,
Datk and healthy, and beauteous as tins hair of none
And to have gas, you have but three stuffings to give .
For a bottle of lone,' Hair Restorative.
Baader, if you have bad hair you groold really be as'
WlOgled at the lovely ttreet three shilling bottle or
Jones' Coral Hail Ratoraive has on it; it needs but one
trial. Sold at 69 Liberty novi9da.wly
"Tbararbiter skin of hers, than snow,
And pan a topimmental alabaster."
, . .
All female, have thin like the above, who use Jones'
Spanish Lily White s it makenh pure snowy, yet nate
rally white. Sold al Erg Liberty street.
Rheum, ~curvy, Old Sore,, Er ysipelas ~curvy,
Itch, Chap*, Sore Heads, Sore Beanie. hut
Jones' Soap Is used by many pbytuctuns in dos coy
in curing th e above, and we would not conscientiously
sell unless we knew it to be all we state.
M a epaulette, the true Jones' Soap Is perhaps the
only aniele ever known that removed impurities and
cleared and beautified the akin, making it sod, Maar,
=tooth and velum as all infant's. Sold fir WA!. JACK
SON, 51 Liberty street nutria
pT The eopennerahip heretofore exhiting between
thetenbserthera i as Publishers of tire Pittsburgh Go
ren., adder the firm of Etarma Brooks & Co., ir Wu
day diasolved by mutual consent. The buminem of the
lain firm Wolf be closed by Saud. Haight
irr Ladies who one /ones' Spanish 1.1 y Whin., have
always a fine white traniiparent km. Of Ihrs a trial
Will watisfy any one. Cold only in Pittsburgh, at trY
Liblity 9t, nmrl9daadwly
I \tams
I phase.
445 715 - 4'15
46 714 711
405 714 434
47 7 13 9 41
42 712 10 47
12 7 12 11 91
49 711 ;morn
OTTICI Prrarausou Gairerra,
Friday Morning, July 21, IJIS.f
Cleveland, July 17, Ibll3.
Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville.
Lake Erie, Marry, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Michigan No 2. Gilson, Beaver
Baltic, lass'ilei, Brownsville.
Camden, Hendrickson, M'Keeststrt
Wellsville, Barns. Sunfish
America, Calhoun, Cm.
Newark, Hurd, Beverly.
Columbian. -. Cin.
Highland litary,Nit. 2 Burk, Cm.
Beaver. Clark, Steubenville.
Lours McLane, Bennett, Brownsville
Lake Erie, Murry, Beaver.
Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver,
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Camden. Hendrickson. Brownsville.
Amenmn Eagle, Atkinson, St 1.14191.
J.Q. Adams, -, St Loam.
Jewess, Bougher, St Louis.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
The river laat evening at duel: was 3 feet 6
ache. water in eliatinel, by web,' mark and fall-
End grport —Per Hudson-17 bhda tob, Jim A
Roe, 9 do do. I) Leech & co; 9 do do, Wm Bing.
ham; 10 21k11 wool. I.) Leech & co:-45 lolls paper, R
Robmson & eo: II bbla dour. Lambert & Ship.
Loug.rcrlls—Per Had Colombia—lb hhde tob, H
Graff & co; 70 do bacon, H Graff & co; 12 oaks 1
Ire do, John Gnu-, 12 bgs leathers, M Allen & co;
209 mks flaxseed, Isaac Pennock; 1 box mdse. D
Leech & oe; 10 bhls alcohol, 5 do ivory black, B A
Fahnestock & co; 5 coke ginseng, Carson & Mcs
Knight; 1 box mil.. I) Fitaximmons; 71 dry Wes,
N Stout! 14 bxs glass ware, S McKee de co.
- .
For Philadelphia every evening at 7 o'clock, by
Leech's Packets. Office opposite the United Stains
Steamboat Packet Line, leaves daily for Cincinnati,
10 s..
Passenger Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore and
Philadelphia n a. icland 6 r.
Mad Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 x
and 164 P. X.
Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6 •. a.
North-Wesiern via Cleveland, daily, 10 n.
k:rie and Western New fork, daily, 9 A. a.
North..l:astern toiladelphia, daily, except Sundays,
4, • It.
_ - . , •
Pastern Mail via Philadelphia, doe 3 A a., closes 12 a.
Wesen Mail, Cinciu. & boutsv, doe d P. sr, closes 5 A. r.
South. viaßaltunore & Wiushinvion. due 8 r. u. el's ss. a
North Western via Cleveland, due 10A. u., elosea 9 A. a
Erie and Western New York. due 8 r. closes 8 A.
In - The .11, Angelic expressiou of some females is
grateful to view, while the repulsive, coarse. muddy,
yellow faros of ethers, excites disgum—the same with
males. Could such people he
in to try a cake of
the true Jon.' Italian Chemical Soap, thev would he
enraptured wth the change They would have a deli.
care, clear, while skut, while every disfigurement or
erdpuoti would he removed and cured.
- . •
Vellum:Leg Num.—Persona who have bought cheap
eouuterietts and unma,na of thin, and have bad no el•
feet produced, mutt try that, the ongtoal. blind, ask
for Jones' Soap. For sale at WY. JACLSON . A, Ether
ty etreel. Mat 24
N. nuipnas a ,soN,
Lls r hang , Brokers. So. 56 Mari et street, near Its st
Posumaylvactlos. Indlesurs.
Book of Plusburgh • • -•Par,State Irk & Branehes• • I
Esehartge Bank Par:P.PateSer:p• • • • • • "
Meech. k Man. Bank • Par, Virginia.
Ilksnfl'h:lndelplua • • •par:Exeltange Bk. of Va.• I
Girard Bank par,Furmers Bk. of V. • • "
Bank of Germantown • par:Bk. of the Valley,— "
Chester County • • •par,Bk. of Virgin.
" Delaware Co.• • . par : sl. Al Wheelng I
" Montgomery Co) • -pall do Morgantown- •• • I
Northutrterlaad• .parlN. W. Boni Va.— I
Colocana Bruise Co.: • par: do Wellsburg •• - . I
Doylsottown Baal pad do Park el sbu rg •
Farmers' Bk. goadwg•par Tennessee.
Planers' Bk Bankn Uu. par B 5 of • • • • 5
Far me, ll'k Lannas'r- par F. t slnrcb'ts Bt.
Lmnengtet C Bk.• • • ••- - "
Lm outer Bk • • • •• • • . par;Umon ilk
U n , lntet Bank • •-• • ••••30
Browner:lle Bk. par 81-ale Bk ofSlinsoun.•• • I
Waslungwn Bk. North Carolina.
Geuvelarrtillk.•-- • 1 Bk. of Cape Fear. ••• . • V
Chambersbarx. • ...... " !Meech's Bk., Nevrirern • V
Sturquehanno Co. Bk. 3 Stare Bank 2
Lehigh Co Bank, —! South Carolina.
Learistoorn• • • ICamrlea Uk ...... •• • • 2
M Lddielown
Cart it 0
I Bk. of Chatlesion• • • • V
'• Commer..2: 132 -• 2
Fame.' and Drovers' Bk.of liambunt. •• • • •
Bans, We, nests's. 1 Merchants Bk
Hannshary ....... ...•. Planters Mecha's Ing •
LACES, EDI olNtiS, cartons lowporedo, no ,
medium Edg - Inga. Laces. Invooortonors.tionibote, pro
and holey Net. ofthe latest import...non, in..t opened
by Jell SltAr :rr a Nv IIITF:
CIS AND /t Jolortrano. 4a mar
toot haver ereoved large cock 000 long on,
short NOY tsloves and Mons. Al., la •le Turra,.
Solt and Larva Gloves. o• cartons 01 Ira,. kW
Gloves, winch woll be bold at wholesale sold
tremely love
R ( N h lor m l A o 1 , o o i. o . 2 . e n .Lre n.r
patters, re NI
ceived )ester
at lb. Day looodo lion.e
of , W Ii MURPHY
L LI:AN I) NAN SOO k IILSSI,INtot—A genera: aa
rortme no 01 1101 l and N.tooothok 11.10 o.•ooorviii
dresse•, mat re
c.-Oar, at N., mark...Fret...llo, et
Ilk of Rover kinosco• • • o— . rtoor 1
of tLe
York Bk. • • 1 Cumberland BL of At le •
West Branch Bk. I ghan y \ • I
Netter Now. •• • • • Far. BA. of !Hwy mud
M a 11 Irk I'm,. do " Famiers' k Meehunw.'•
C.OO R Connte rq.• Bk. Frederick
Oh 10.
State Bk en•t in any her 1 ,Iliegermenrc Bk ••• - •
Mount ISrosan, •• • • • • •• Ndiveral Bk
f asapw. Big
‘,.. ~h
PIL4 11.1“ssa6.
Colafoll 1* a.
NAchtglul 10.. Co
I /!= El
- All solvent Banks ••• • • • 3
I Bank of linglaud Not, •
- _ • •
I Gold Speele Value
.Nnpoltoos 3 to
Xenla • •
Wettern Reserve • --• " Eagle. old • •• • ludo
Franklin fl'k 001umbas Engle • oo rr •• •• • 10 00
choldmthe ... Doubloons. Spanish. 16 GU
13 Fredencked'ors $7 tO
SO Teo-Mater,
Farrn'ns 1 k Canton• —9) Ten Ganders
Urbana —• SO .Lookadbsrs• •
Kentucky. Exchange.
Bk of Kentucky New York pro
Bk( Itouctudir. • • •• • ^ aielpha ••• • -- pro
Norbern Bk. Ken lo'ky • Baltimore - prat
Neer Yerk—t3cr Bunks. par Interior B'ke •--
E ham.. Mix day exec/elated ornil vs Eno,.
Urrnatooa. H. L. Haman,. and RIABCti et lI
LOW. 111 the mumfamure and .ale n FLINT GLASS
WARE- "de , rho olyle and firm of er6l-064, Havana
.an & Co.
'Manufactory on Walla.,loon street. 0 the 601 Ward .
Warehouse, corner Wood and First street, Pittsburg lt•
. The bosun.. of the old firm twill besettled by colter
of the underawnett. ALFRED 11. CU RUM,.
Fort Nu Glans Works... July 1, 1040.
We ure minnufactunng and keep constantly or hood
• general as.ortment of cut, pressed and plow FLINT
GLASSWARE. Also. Viola Olin, Window Was,
hr.. for sale or the most accommodating terms, at our
.rehouse. corner Wood and First sweets, Pinshurgh.
ry4:d&wlm'r CURLING, ROBERTSON h ll.
RTHERS & NICHOLSON arero selling off at
moderate priers the following artic w
Platform 23<itien of all kind..weigning mum 100 to
3UOO pounds, of supenor workmanship.
Assorted Hollow War, light panel.; Coal Cooking
Stoves; Wood do do, Coal bhp. and Balloon Stoves,
for churches. warehouses, ht. he.
Plough. and Plough Cenaings of ennoue kind*.
iyl7:&lrt luherly, bend of Wood st
LECTRIC AC.IIINES. at from 85 in Std . , Eleetro-
EMagnetic Machine., from different cutent
facturers; Marine Clocks for steam. iroata, canal boats
and (n00n... Also, Chemical., Thermometers,
corner market et and the diamond
N. B.—Electricity or either kind mbnimetereil at rim
direction orphysicians. JYI7
VrlSlTtiftS TO THIS IIETHHAT cm be furnished
V With a Lunch at all boors of the day, •Ivo, lee
Creams. Fruit Coofectumary, /se. The steamer Green
wood makes her regular trips. usual, leaving her Pitt
street lanthug at CV A. M., and at half past each hour
(Accept 14) until 104 P AL— leaving the Garden at IU
P. M. for tier last trip to'the guy.
A moonlight view of the Garden is indescribable in
its beauty.
ceived by express, 500 lbs India Rubber Steam
for cylinders of steamboats, he. This stuck,
being much the hest kind that Mu ever era offered for
the purpose, we call the attention of our steamboat en
ogineers to it It will save them • great amount of labor;
r when a cylinder is otter peeked it will not require
to be parked again before making one or two trip to
St. Louts and hack. For sale at the India Robber De.
poi., No 5 Wood at fyl3 J fx II PHILLIPS
"[JOSE! HOSF:.! HOSIT!—Just reccived,alarge as-
JUL sonment of blunt Elastic Sone. This article has
beenm use two seasons, and all petunia that have
mode use of there give them the preference to leather,
they beteg much Leiter, for they will last a greatdcal
longer, they not leak a drop, and need nu care in com
parison In leather, they want to greasing or washing,
sad there t. no mistake but they can be mended. T•
be sold at the India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood at.
IYI3 J & H PH11J,11.3
VIREMEN, ATTENTlON!—Hentlemen, we have
_l2 received three secuonv of Gum Elloine How for
your inspection and Intl We therefore invite you to
call and exane the articles; you will find them much
better than leather, and some 15 cents it foot cheaper.
The Couplings with them can be furnished at very
low price. • iyla J& H PHILLIPS,6 wood vt
latruaiza a.ln ULLBg 1.1
Saddlers' ironmongery, liarneu and Coach
Dee., Deer Hair, Varnish, Sc.
ITH No. 1:0 WOOO So. YtTrinitMao.
Sugar alittolasses.
148111M-72,th.r8Nug:rrl'Z',6 end 7,
HI do Priam New Orleans blolasser,
.17 do Sugar 1100.0 . In
lit store and for sale bZ
Intl 160 liberty al
NOLA RUIIHEIC HALLS-Atldosett scan' India Kuh
-1 lc, Halls. of rhtlerent colors We eon tunnsh Mot
crock to merchants at very love prices, tit large quoit-
Übe, at the Indio Rubber Depot, Nob wood at.
northeast corner or Oth end market sts, ha. meet
ved a large lot of Loon. to t'J ets per yard.
fore sold at higher ;mere.) Summar Goods generally
also opening at reduced prices. JY ,,
lESTERN NEW YORK HOPS—Jost received, •
lot of prime 'Western New York Hops, which
will sell by the hale at mght rents.
Brewers Pitt street
I) der. !as Aluspratt & boo's brood-10rue received,
the rrlnumder to iarnve ro n few days; for sale by
jell/ W h M NIITCHELTREE, 160 liberty at
- -
1\ tva A R-150 birds pAr t n i e g. t . s . rle . b . z .,,
OLASSI:S—StrU bblii for wale by
mancor4 srm-4a lb. ( 4
Jr 3 MEND, amEir & Co
Correspeatleace of Pletabsurgh
Conrespoodeoce of the Pa burgh
WASHINGTON, July 20.1u4'5.
SVUTE—Mr. Underwood moved to arueud the
rules ranking the uhfinished business at the doge
of the meson, the regular bustness ut the begle
sing of the next: laid over.
The naval appropnanon bill was then taken IT`
and the amendment sinking out the advances to
snail steamers was discussed by Messrs. Allen,
Douglas, CAlhoun, Hale and others, when the u•
tuendment was agreed tu.
Mr. Lewis moved a reconsideration. The inn
bon to reconsider was entered on the journal.
Mr. Clayton gave notice that lie would, tumor
row. call up the Territorial Bill, and press its coo
sidemtion, until a final vole wits obtained.
On 11101.1011 of Mr. DIX, the Senate Went into El.
ecuttve settntott, and after a short tune spent, the
Senate adjourned.
lloi - se—The civil and dtplottinue appropnottun
bill was taken up and debated.
The item appropnating 81:1,000 for the improve'
meat of the Savannah river, was debated, and ups
to final passage by yeas and earn, the appruprul
tion was defeated.
Mr. Turner moved a reconsideration of the bill;
and ou mutton to reconsider, was laid un the to.
Mr. lientoo aaid he did not know why the wings
shoald vale against the apprupnation.
Mr. Gentry said that they saw the Urmw•rata
v./Ling that way, and they followed suite.
Alter a warm political debate, the lloto, ad
Correspondence of the Puteltursh Casette
Harrnsburg, July 20, 1545
Death of the Governor. His last hours. The
Governor, after a long and seven illness, bid this
world a lasting farewell. He died precisely at
seven this evening, surrounded by his intends and
family. He was perfectly resigned and aware
that me hour of dissolution had come. His re
mains will leave here on Saturday morning for
their final resting place, the TILAPPF., in Mont
gomery county.
The Whig Suttee ornmatee axed the :net tiny
August. for the meeting of the Why; Convens
Corrosponalroce oCrire New York Tr'bor
Pluierlelpara, July '2l),
Adele.. from New York and Baltimore Indicate
that the markets are entirely unchanged in prices
and somewhat dull.
Thin te usually the ease in July, w hen Mr Sponga
and sea bathing tempt people from some.
Correrpondenro of the Pittsburgh Genet,
Cincinnati, July 20, it, p
There is no marked change from yesterday
The market is, if any thing. duller.
Grain—There in no alteration in grain of any
Whiskey—Sales to day I:4611
Harley is without change.
llnoon—Sales of Shoulders at 11ati3:031e, limns
—Sole. at 505:051e.
Lintwed Od—Sales at &O. M53.5`.) ens per gai.
LACI-:$ —South r Johnson. VI Ma: 0.1 si
L havemst re'd I) cartons more of those venle Thread
Laces. from 191 rt. per yd up. Al.. one carton ut
!derail/1 do, one do Purls Vona do: 14/3 , 0 IA earton•
cotton Lace s Deniers and others wol tt to their
Inter.. to call, lut they .11 be sold et eltremely
TIIIINTS--A large un•ormlent of blue, I.4Je maor•
ange, and fancy Yrlnn, Ofr very deblrubte le
and quabt), jual openntz and tor %ate to the trade
exLraordinary tov rale., by the once.
have ow receives! at Weir \Choir...lle Rooms,
No. 60 Market street, IU isse• of primed I.svres and
Musk., .5 do good atyle aft Giughtifus, 4 do new sti,
of Calicoes, 6 do of Cotlouades awl Summer :Cons, 11
do Parasols, of every friar - ivy. Also. lirtflionv, fart
Cilove•, Home ry, Shawls. Doulevties, he. I
• •
BkitAliF-. 1 AND TI.S.SCE:I--A A ACO tAI
Market ot, Lave turthet pre, in... a
nortment Of ttrrageo. and Ti•pur,, al.l.
Gruntes.Mohatr otrtpr./., ru.. de Cheek a r
1. &email! sell their extenskiv , o••onrae,,, of prmo
.1 Lowly , and AluAlma, •o petotly reluer It prier•
STUFF,c—A A A V., will °Et, tr,..
rematuder of their :+ummer Wull. al crhoi,e,e
100:SE If UT - FUNS-3M great gnus. white and 'heel
I) Suspender, Fly and Slur, Buttons. of sup
mar qualny and hoo, lust reed on eonsuimenent owl
5.5 tor sale by SIIACKLKFF kVt lIITE
'yl 99 wood •1
JACltcAan DIAPER—Two b.., blrarLed
I\l4 CottiS& Dlapc r. lu.t peneNE b)
• _ •
MKER.EI..-50 bble . taew No 311 sr tee,
Lng pe• cape] end lor
ANDi't rrros-1 7 1r• g • Fenthrry und
4 1: la cby cotton, per
b,-FA ur l y r,.lthe
r too received nod lor.alr by
y 1-_ uhari.:R & co. 41 Aster
4.2 H. :110LASSF-S.--I 1,1,14 St Jima., Itrfmrry S II
Itl:aagoes, reed on ro.sognotent. prr otnr
for sale by J) YOINDLIXTF.Ii & Co
S L' f f r A . l . l ,T tl y (Md., N
117' RA PYINC, I,‘ll. 77777 lath S.ra.•
Paper; 100 do 1/oolple !11..horn do du. 4b do
Double Crown do do. 1000 do Mrdiunk do do• 1200 do
I, C dodo; in oorc and fur ,ale I.y
1,, LAT BOATS Vo l t SALE—Iv isry
Het Boat. for sale. }lntim rr of
jr2l3 corner of Penn and Iru
1 ,, 1;t . ..0r:r: serge,, a large cork.
A 7 just received sod
je26 HEYNOI.I)S h S111:1-:
FOR SALF.-A lathe, wuh a lot of .hafts,
ke A 1.... good .et of illackarroth's Tools.
gum, of :yI7 BLAKF.dt
WCXJL.-2.laaelca in store and :or sale by
2y17 te Co. front
LARD —OO Obis to store .d.l for tole. by
I,IF,ATHERS--100 sacks now landiug and for 41, y
G iN i S ri l•;.No-114 saeka now iA an i tl A n i lf
CI REAM.: LARD-10 bbl. i ,,A ul iA .T 4 re D zif
ti ; . :r y a b air. l.n by
for sale, by
/Y/7 _ Post Huddle Ks. cur wood and Sth
Jlli UDE PAFFE and Gum Lotenges. Vmulla Re.c
Lemon no Liquorece, just rued cud fur mule 1/)
Airr_c l ltEs--73 gross for sale 1/y
JOEL/ 0111.1-. H
_ .
fifil.:Alll OF 7'AJITA/I-1W its or y
‘-../ /Y l7 JO ///11.1.31
V ANILLA BRANS—For sole by • /Yl7 JOY' 10111. ER
A 61)"" and
'l' ttY
11 ' :\Pk ol i eb .l I{
GL . A a r . .. 1 4 T ...6110 bit, assorted \
r . A c s n , L :!;. e n zc d nod n
7 SRI F. 1.1 APPI.P-. .asks Dried Apple., sec n ihot
day and for sale Ity 1)7 TASSEY
a ton.
by toll Alet , :l i.,,A for
/Y , lir wood
WTy l.--.1 sacks 1 1 % , :rt,(w.....d. , , , , , r , y1 A a i 1.: Jniv , ralc
ITOR SALK—One Keel 800, or Barge, and . onerlal
r Boat. F.nquire F:Ntil.l:3ll IIF..IINrm
:17 woo.'
6 / 3 bx::taler i n= II
and (or Bale ,Tyy
LINBRED 0 11 .--11 hhl. pure Linseed f bl, ,andittg
from steamer Beaver and for .41, by
• .
f bx• Western Reserve Cbeese. pr ie
qualtry, landing Iron, stmr Lake Ere, and for .ale
by ITo ItAl t ALFA & SAI ail
lJ and for sale at t h e drug warehouse of
/Y 3 / KIDD& Co
M 0 N 10 , C m (? , 1, 0 3- . 50A 3
m. rl l
, t 1
alt .apply or Tampon +ml
Madras Boot Morneco, not we'd nod for war, at low
prices ea: WAI
Ili NIKI'AL-150 tons Pig Metal, landing I
Y ~ ~,
sten/writ% Taylor and Ile \Vitt Clinton, and tor
sale by joaXl JAMES DALZ
(/. SUI.d R, &C.-Ilk/tads prime N °Sugar,
libls do do Molatase, to store and tor sale b)
- - _
lx reivad and for sale by 'egg/ 1 KIDD A
(lOPPERAS-3010d., in good order, for sale by
,113 J SCIMON)IAKEit 41 Co
' IN4-Y5 —l4 blots Cuter Vanessa, q: conk. ss Aite
vine do, to soard 4.111 (or sal., by
IAR--401.b10 Wilmington, N C Tar, on hand 1141.1 for
sale by tell MILLER & RICKY:TM/ \
rIVITON-150 bales for sale by
plUl:rel.-110 u Foundry
.y jvl FRIEND,
'UMBER .73--0 sacks Fat n., for sale by
r WICK &
I LAW—III 03(.10 Window Wass, I 0X I 2
kj - do; 43 do VXI2 do, for iflin by
raw.. nu NEW inn LTD 1 . 1 - (II.,DILPULL seITIONS.
AAT F. are now opening fine stock of fresh Summer
TV Goods. direct from the Neve York and Plinadei!
Om Anent:it*. vrbere they have been purrii,ed AO
at the tart 14th week, at u very great 'aerial, there
by enabling U. to offer far heuer bargains than WO
aave ever done ilekire In the attention or the
-diZene Of Plltthurylt and It. C.eleov lo Our nethel-
Mein, we do vi with the roulitienrz of our prier , bin.,
tnob a• iiii•ore perfect i.ati•fneitott. anti to s.: igiv•
ere. either by Whohienie or Wad.• hoe chance la
offered for pr th oeurn credl :mthem• AMOtIF 1 hO,
;net received are
A lot of ‘ery rh , ap , ol.laml Mk d .t p'.l
" Laght and dark Law..
•. of extra fine 1,11. avtl •trlped ILare,c, srborh
are a ven ,rean 14,4a°.
. . .
-• .
li , 410. ,, ..1nreti .11..11..t. I. v..ri clireqp
nr.v ,Ir •tik \'..•,:.r dig
.10 vrry Bar,, Shaw',
do very rhear 1.. k du
du hoe l,lk •ok
da losollaoine Para.ol. and Para.o.eit...
Arlthetal Flower.,
dovery cheap Lulea
ALSO— A tole .lock Frrocla Clotlt••wt.!
ao.I colored Lou, Doll .
1 - 11‘. Slllllllll, Ilte. A.! F., .‘
large ......ortme of all !once,
l'he-r al .
10 Wlllllll. /0c well a- ot.. r hru
otir we the. spe..!al
market at. N\V roc •fie
A. A. MASON & CO.,
- -
60 M loirr 1{1.711v ThiltD p)( writ
ot utork ot“
II irk, roinmearrov.ol 01 Fall Trade. 04Ie
Ihrlr .0.0011100 Inc 0 00
rekn. at grratly reduced prwe• AlllOll,l tartr to ,
sonmentfound ricelleni CyleA ni
140reg0, itrrnadmr,rinoo,
ell'i.rvr. 10.0,0 Silk, 1•41..11% and Niu.n0,...5.0 . .
al:which 2,0 0,10001101 pr wr 00) on. 1111 / E1
Thett..oo - 1 Stiitwl.. 00ry ,tolo.lvo. :0010,00
pH., ever) knox •I`:.A t• 0 crap.
mik Shawl. ;0.0 0,0,0,: 1,0 1.0 010,00010 tow
4 ens , . rrn, Se.ttell tototi.7oo. 1••• 0...1
l 0 ,1.11: pi-10025000, gout H0;10.111'400,0 , lor Anwr
wan do • lOW a. 'I aril I • 0 r. 00,10 ' , mar%
lii. 1,3.• 1;01000 It.l.
1000 i Ile
Their •toc 16 coi dark cret, purr Swol wit
letirk. comp r.i ac., up W rtill to :AO. 01 t.,rr) Sty , .
and I'— c , (Fr r,cl vrry, low ',lt..
Broad Cloth, i 111 al•n. n.
Its intl. of •11.111.1 r r t$ .Icl 'ovon nth..
IlouNekeeptil, and .:oinv•tlr I.t.tta of rvet, ale•yrzp
k.rg , nml dt 1411
iuttnol iii ra.u•rn alkti t.t
Only ono pro,. I. ton w Inc n no de voolon ran
N U H. A I. I. Al N Tll A T
BENNETT a, co.
1-I,AVE r..”1.1,..11r0m HP.!Thitl.••l.l,rl..lolol.ll'llelN
I\llli lo be. 1n,,,
ux the TI /W 1.12 HAM. l'l,l/ HINI. HAZA All. Nu.
1 , 1 Marl,: •11e, ! , n.,,•, Frim °lll
The propriotor, fart n relorini•re m pronniltrnsin
what in any ,n) might ppr, it, the nnoil
hn exar,raiirni .... tho t.og
nrono, 11,0.11/0 , that our on, 111! , ,, , .
thr •naiinrot. Co • yr.—. onnt.,
No 'Marken atr-rt. lo.iorren Foil) and Stn. who'
toga horn opkti (OM ;no prou.inr tin,
0! no. onan,ote ono. coHni..l
rs• .....4 •044^
.I.e 0n.1..r telt r 4, eropr,
tor • re1y;;1 , 4,4,..tre I/I itho,, mg' th...r 11111.fillg
coote,.. ourfo. partr..ularly •1runite.r......4.1 tilt,
rott..:ry—wr know oi ILO p 34 , -r
worthy of a 'll.l
I..vr, threl, from
• O:C$ 1/1311111:It
of Valli, Tr 3,1 5,,•)
er. W.
Fr ingi .1.. co lirr.“ n'..l
I,inp.. dup.-) a,' u
SCA. I.ed. dud rd. 11,A..
and ?of.,
1,11, and Lode
6,:dren.' Rad women. CotiVl
v, 'V ~,, ddlow 1.k.1•.• rind Erdurninv..• Tl - 1111111,, TV, VOIIIII,.
a.' 3 . 00 - 1 1,1 011, I.,idxlde. tem,. tile"
goods od !d0t,.1 .••
In.••‘• do N. 1.43011 tiO. Jue.....• • ono.. hur•
sod do. •stot borrod do
- . .
For I:vicaing Ithr.t— embroldereal Sw••
TH:itcat •!“. du, •letv
Ir dxat.-1, ••• .1
Li ,- pink ,r/I , Ar rui , coldrmif
S.• Nluai:•••. EVI-11:111: , ..••
Scole t•••r1. 1. .t., an•
lic[1.1:111.. e
mg 110.:0Nr.
ot 404 and ntar‘vt .t
To Country here hunt..
QMITH .1:\ , N. Je llitrket •Irr•rt. hay.
rr4v.-11 1.5,a.,. llossnrts • 0 • 1 •1 , O11.7 O• )•:)'•
B&B). hild BO) • ti•tal Art
F.o.wer• c••.•
l'oroa Iroin 75 • •••.• j.. ,•• /:to•
ry . II
..~ ~_
W.R [Nll'l2l'l4l hes orsthied uh.huht,
V . c•sr re:11, ,hr And Z..
shah. • 1•111.1 , 1,101. k 111
CIII..aSI . lic•NN uot t•i t•rn
91!a, :a.. enm. r Mnrl,
1, , 111N1iE. , - -lot* pit,
lat' t Ft
told Fotittql I.ittrlt ittt.a•••••, ttlttri,
It,ttg resnostrd tht- tt••••
ttrt At. Ittet•• I- nil
Wit, .turlt.•4d VhO
nere•sc, G vet ti.r4r
orr n. •r 11,< .1“, -tor,
Alt IL,. unlrd 'II, ',lv v..i. r.
wbolr•ig.r.ll. ,111 ,eft•at
rr:l, 7.‘ \\ 11 Th.r;
no lu• n..ntunent
retich 2t.r•.
7kt.41 ac sAI I
e::::! .. “ . 0r: ,,, d7. , g12:• VI 41, , •It Trd an,
, 1•114/
tatfir, Cra•sitisi
Tree t of Land for Sale.
, iti it itti aro,. 33333 otittogt Leon;
.0s 111 U al, traits in ut "aural,. lasi& situate on the
•i road irailific front Itriorton io Franklin. about eighteen
i• n, • . •ittiii l• r 311,1, Irian tile
tt: tt tit Fri.. nom na inn liniu Inver The tract ro
~ t•- MCI , - •trict mentaure The
• • • r i • rt.: about lia acres
• ' tir atid tit lai sold either in whole or
ellittr Fo nin net• or BON D. Ally
n 4: altoi e Stnithaeid, YtnalnarKh
a. •
Property Its Allegheny City Air gnle•
, I`ll/. iitir•iter. nth, int saw a number oftnc..,
ir 1 I. ti wait , lit Ine sera,' %Yarn. fronting on the
onra, ,rnntlil itt, rat, term 4 Inquire of
1111 lit \ at Law St Clear lit
I 7 ntl .kiit MINS( /N. 00 the pr mews.
m.. 17 thiv•i T
1 . 12•ITI-.HI/A1 NV ti Nlt•rph, •
nape, ••• e
A.-. oil rs ~,,, 111,0 : :i• 4 NI.: 11 1 • Silk R 11•1 Nett ',law... who,
crab Crepr 4R
efArCa,.. 1,1, 104111 WlOll 1 1 . 0 101 4 N....
4011111,11 01 S.. 1..1.1% a• m. 0., r
teve plecr• •ui • , r• neat II 11111
421 / . I , R FRENt'll t 11e itnve :art °to,.
111 a tote .ot ot rtrara t . .talt. tat it, vte ate o
illO,lllll, tow, lltaa we hat , toter ttt
•aitte ttualav A IWk
1 , 2 11 .1 o ti..l
\ r or
vv t
iight Irs.urr L -ummer sear, ~,
u,‘ tl 1., %EX ANI/UR
A 1'0,41 111/ NEl'l,-- tutu pi.,
what. 1•1111 t . 14114 1.110. liarr...l \.l...extra 4,
A 1.,,. 111-4. 11-4 andhear, llouinvu...
xpreq.) ior .uos.rn,r arto iv m N10.4/ulto Nen , lOC
city %airs. ,une rrvrtve.l tp,
SIIAI ki.vrr MUTE, 119 wood al
w trE „, t., , ,,
Good• for <a tcnr:r
I.llra, tuld Sontc, \hill
Mu•hola. Nanwok., Saua 41 Jaroll[l , v , ry
low A:., nt
nrr or 1111 nrul ,•
F. , * A two •lort. hark do oiling with about tax tires
2of ,rottm.
"` h. 1. otunted at I takland 'roe
r'arr %. a..:1 •Idid a r tl o ,th in, ro all told, .tod
ot ot tit't,ral.b. ',, , ,•,:t , a moo. brotg rottrely out of
tench or ow 1.,1 a., I •.rt of the t It,' Au otto.atus
oatttuot boo.) rot the itti Al t l4 to
w, ATtVtitlit Jr Ctib t l . A. Co
For Rent.
AA tow I het r silty hawk Ilwrilmg holt., on
it t or. ortt, - lh ... e ... col given on the tart of
Aped ot t.ctone, o 1,-,nred Inquire of
lttth J A It F I,l'll, Ilotltherty pltret
Chlckerinkt's Pianos. i For fent.
nHiN 11 1, 11,11 t. No hI % \ d A TWO •tory Ittirk delhog wlth about acre,
0n 04 ,,,.. tor
~,,, ~ ~,, ,„„ r .,, „.,,,,,„,.,..,.. , igt ,m. o , Kr...of , Otinted on tilt bank of the Ohl° river.
r „... ~. ~,,,„,,, „, ~,,,,,,,,„, : .U., it OW 1,100,11 iil Ni orlolles Apply to
of l'anbodorte. trout the tom... to, 1 , At.'t J A NIES A HUTCHISON k Co
or /toot. , 'tor kttrtur. lio•bot A1...‘ To Lot.
No I A I{,wesvootl I root Immo ..... l ~kk I ..0 . .. Fit''
.11 1. 1111(1.F: doe, ow hobo, stunted on dth otreet
tr. lg. :..-rkt vault: loolre, of the etty ot I t itt.littrah Al
:1 A- '1 • •.. a *,,,i1 7., by 20 feet. with a enovenient en
- rll ."d• ~,,.. ~, At,, - -..r rta 4,11 Al-o, a frame dwelling,
•• carted fie • :7. - . u. 3 aztv,.., u.. Arl norr of grown' tondo...el nod under
A , ,
„-,,,. 0,. •on.ll. to. 111,, lane to the coy of Alleghe-
A - t' ' ~ 111 , . , 1, ,
„o , ..,. 1 Li NVILLIAMS,
AIAII T 0.1.1,51 cOnnlnlo.ll,,S, ...,,,, lill wood oared.% Rottttwood o'sert eat I ...ape l tow. It octavo Ili, .. I
Inude I, A 111.3, h. C.. N 1
A Ito•otwasol. e!, r.I woo:MI.11.1 , 1.1/ 11 . 0111 1 1 .1 11 ,
lie tootivo. ellu ll
de lo lin. Aluo l liollait 1,• \I I.
vont now ol WI t0..1 ttd , ,,tottal rmole 1 . ..0.0. al
the low I.r .'r 1.1
A vett -nit, od won ~.111.1 11ia.... ntt//t, 1,, 11, /
1.:1. L.. 61 k ,/ in .". litoo-wood cit.
A 1111.1.0g0.. .....0...111.3n. 1 11
It: iono •
C.ll, .
A tonlott.tott -.....0r0i hood llowo, 5a.,1,. I, \..,1
"or .0, I.) JtIIIN II ~i lA, 11l
-I %Vats! .reet tole apott tut thre•crirtg • Ihno , ,
N Vent.. a Pron.) ',wt.&
_ . . .
Mplendlit Ness Pianos.
ffgl.ll: tulotetlter. es.,. 10 dr.,
~... ior tbe Itntd to rt r,,, , -1. it.• -1,, , t,
42 dart. wte or Ott lootoott or Itt• trot L
tootle bt . ' , toot. A l'bott N 1 0 , k 0• I Illd Id. I'
dll Bonn., 11......... orni .• .o 7 et , i.e... or toot w
and coalkoga,,y., .1111Ororo .1 'dd. a lid 1111.4.•
II lil;VIIVIt.
Lill At tVoodv, e 1 1 ... tt:l h''„,.l -,
vOUNG LADIES' stantitinin
lot, erre., •••,r...! vs Aut. , a.-bb
..c, very. sy 'Or at
by It. Neer of nrci
‘2l-:M:RASt 11.11 SKI RP , — A z.ntel) revel.
vorded Nln• . . Lob,
MOKI/11110 winte alld Comrt, %role Robinette lot
do. at illy goo?, house of \ R I Rl' H\,
Lortherut rot., 4th anal mark,
• 1.1.C..111,1
A.eltsnto Sets). Ith•
I mem, oh the fir.. lion , ith. Seterniher
oh Feder hl .treet, I/I 'ohene.le Item *. flow 1,11
the hrhive ,
The rou;er ill+troeuon 4,1 tette , of MlllOl
th, semi!. is, •
For Eno, .11111.. 11/10710.. , 11 rarulni apt.i
io tho instritrior. Mr W Mr, *i.t
Referenre MII in the tol lOW I fli, 1,11.
Ur Melt
T F'
Rev II Elliot, I Rev I) II Hnl,l •
Mr II swar, Rev II In,
Sllk anti colored t, n 11 4 ne.e..•
Pnrs..ol. Frit, •
tnnde "rd., .1.. Flr .1 ~,,
STolur..rotnei nasll ~,,, el,rance
No eiG \\'llll 01
ttreel, Ilitrd 11.1. creel Ely.'
store. No Mned<n Lane. New Yolk. lylo
Pala! Fa , ket—SW A LLOW, Copt. Ford
• I WEAN. Capt. Wooer.,
f7pre r :S l T.:4 l 7rn - ve ß Tx7rn ' o " n7n d o nY al
aro,. whore they conne, the Mail 5W.... for
Akron mod ocinnO. arrt,n,o nt ench of then< Moro.
1,,f0r, '3.111 on, or the Pocket, Immo WBrTell dally,
or f , I' Beaver tn time to tote the
rtoomt , ont for Potoburolt
oirrES h I.F.FFIN6WFILL, Warren. p r op n r
1 . 1 V• i—1 . V.111 . 1-TIN I‘. Cam Jeffnea
TT.I.XORA nt. •• Pollock;
I.Aka Ear.
• I . I•TTONIA. ••• Brown;
The :kw:el...4' and Ppleudid Peuenser Packets have
ennime, ed runtime ERIE
and will run regu!urty during the %c—one boat
leaving En , ev.ry onsrinita at a o'clixa anon.
and one lean
Inn Beaver T very evraina : immediately aller the ar,
al of the r'elortboat Micldion flout Pitt.butlch
The boat. are new and comfortably formatted, and
will run throughin forty hours Passengers to arty
I.,idt on the lake, or to Niagara Pall, will find this
thenrontiortable and expedition', Ticket" ,
the eh I. ail porw int tite Lake can be procured by
app. OW 10 me proprietor.
lIVEIL PARKS k Co, Beaver.
.11 , 11 N A , AI'IMEY. Agt Pitwburxh,
eor Water and Smithfield
At TENTS C lode ro•on, Butfalo, N V
CReed. Erie, Pa
C C Greenville, Pa;
Nl'Farland and King, Big Bend. Pa,
Fla). Ai Plumb, Shariwburgh, Pa,
)I alas. Sharon, PD C Pc
NV C.311111.1211E.. New Castle, Pa al
Country Illerehante take Notice:
1 - 11. WITI.I YOU.
TgA i'll{S l'o .n 4 Maiden Lane. Ilan. Hinton
A I.,nnynn n n, oiler 'Or *ale, in quantities to suit
Inn reams Rule • Cup Paper. at $1 25 to 151 50pr rni
2.u. do Ruled Loner Paper, Ila to 1 511 do
Inure :lii IV rappinq Paper, 25 to I tin do
In lion ml'. Paper Ilsiiirnizs. at srig to Oct. pr piece
.1.000 do Anierwan dn. 121 IS do
5.00 u pair of 011 Transparent Window Shade. of our
ineinre. lieautitul designs and colors. It from
SI Ist, Al 50 per pair
ii.. of Word Twine and Wrappting Twine of all
kinds tro '4t Ito 15 eti per Ih
We also oilier goods in the sante proportion.
wr ii....ranise to please you if you will call and
nor n- -d Lune. New York
A IT.A VERS /it Co
New York. Sone. I ie•2s.d3w
1.1,1,11 fO9 ETA.. TWAMTAt.o" . Or WAY ITAIIIBRY
131-71 A% 1.1 IN 11611r...ti1e, Johnntoan, Hol
la) •I.urgh. Water atrcei. Illuuungdon Co) and Pe
tot Gm rdetrlll•tvely for the tweet.] art
ttttatrt or the wxy hattitte•r. The Proprtetor,
tittattliat tor the very littoral mirage they have re
. t ttt! dun, the. lat, two yttartt. wonkt retspectfolly
thtttr att, the pulthr that they a now 6111.1
it t tita tell to tit•,,,r good. at any poin re t
on the
tt,t 3
al ,111;1.1 R• with promptness and dittitatrh.
rH & KID,. /A , A lARF.
Pi. worth
A NI .1/.IE) - & Co:reeal Pai+Lurgh.
Rkexnev Fa,--P,t:kl•ureh--Smah & J &
M, & J H Skoenberger. R Robinson & Co. R
Moore Hnenley & Joke Parker; Wzo Lehner &
I,r P
Penneylvanla Canal dk. Rail Road litx
presa.rast Packet Line,
f , 1 111 p 0110 ,.
o,e It..orlMrlnlinV I.. Formed that tht.
, 1 ., 0.1 the 2 . 2 , 1 •I,dl von-
aud ot stip,mr c:naa. with r
ent,m• wh:ro Igo , greater comfort. Tine
:lr• are t4r vokl•trua uoin
A i. • ipc lo port. and travelers are re
t.• ILJa caaavur them 6eiore engaging pas
Wart. wt.) tune doilar. thrtato I One of the boats of
loppoAtte U S. Hotel.
ao „
tte I , :ne ;It •ny. For theornosnott apply tst the
Nlottong.thr.ta I tow,. or to 1.)1.1.:ECH /c Co
ettnal lia•to
Merchants' Transportation Line.
, ArgAlf.ASI)
MI: I 01.1.1 . 111.\ A NI) BA LTl7llOlll'.
lur care war bc forwarded
V.:1H,F:11.1,1, A RI;VNOLDS.
mod ..1,5 Markt.; Thorn
1111.1;.. 11 klkkurr S Cn.
,matr• what, Ibiotrooro
•,• 111,114p411, I
D • 1. • 12 4 U u:
, R , V NCAN. Am..
V. rert
KAILi & , I A RSII ALI.. A.,01..
woe, italomlore.
iioi SE6, I.OTB, FARMS, &;,.
I "2,
y lan-. a • •r. r... • ...wated How,
ar• ad;alau,
.• k a. I.ratler H .•. •ra r Tn.. 11,—.
•y 1.1•111(` . .1117 ..aarancal-11.e. Ito
, raa .:v•r'Y a-ad
!run. andx
l'..r rurttoular, rearllic
Nlr iil . 4 am. or air
VA L ISL hl P It() PE ItT le FOR BALK.
F .tht,t orhupted liy H
tat , to t rah: •11 , .: Rolunson. Alleghony
• -• •• 3 ,, outtoottaung term,. 'rise
,• Cl:tut M i t,. ruloung through
l'ht•rr ethxl two story thane
I.ttrly of
nod Itt , . lot
o.ithsh,, hrtety ot rho., fru,
• I
- I 1.!•1
!Le , 4:lr.:t• In convntn.
r, aati...l Tor Im-ralL• , L ~, ar.mes.... in eillta
!..r7h; , - r.-4Ltitare Tine.
I or A M BOYD. Attor
-1,,.... off:, e anovr Smittattld
Real Relate in Ohio
TRAr Po. ,altt. to'res...t liarrn.o... Portage Co..
ri on the t'u rver--11h011t arm. under tin.
too unonproved 10111 I n the vina,
of Warw....Trutt...all Cu, h 0 !vet by 90. A 1...., a lot of
re m :lt i e n t I itthige of Hanford.
o. 7,—"hda.
for a merchant on the Western Reserve. Any or all
tins property will be ?old on very accommodattng
terms. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co..
falai) Water and Front ate
— Rosa Rotolo In Manor County.
A LOT, Storrhouxv and Dwelling. situate on the
F.r.e me village of \Vent 1111.1-
...ever a dcw.ent., i for a merchnnt Alan. a
ot and coral oeaco..
well rioted fora Tavern
'lll/111, 111 the wt....dud...1., on State (tile o.
Onto 7..reas rite. ISAIAIIICKEY •t Co.
fel , ll. '(Voter and Front ate.
For Dent.
ro I.l.rowers.
I ,i.;. (II( It txr. the l'lttAlwrgh
uJn ?u firm
v i't1•44.1”11011 ~ .Cll 011 the firm
4v 0 , FUT trrm...k e. e:.,turr of
14S hiwny
Hi .1 ,i 1 -101.• trber
• ' • ,••. ••••'. ',•••• utor• on , it ‘‘
tt• •., ••• coi.l• 4 It Tantlrr tt.
direr prodfl.rick •t
ov ;re, l'Alward F:vritt•. ow
Inquire tot
11 wood street.
To Let.
pnrt nr thr wpre
App l y to
I 1 \VI , 1 , A1.7.F11.1..
54 water nirret..
For Rent
y rarher vsrvrellouyer
rrr , rl 411n.ti 444 1 6114111 /Of Ni,anibont
For Stir.
N two ,:ory lonolt hoo•r. on maul totrrt
jam, c.ty. !tont thr onto, rontige The lot t.
0 r .., . ;toot 1., too drop For term. ingot, or
I det.tot A WASHMGION. 4th .1
For Rent.
TllF:larcr 4, proof warehoune, 14 feet (root by
Lit 'o teat deri, 011 .crond nen,. wood Hew taoa•
I ow, re of J SCHOONI%IAI4I-:11 1, Co ,
drift 21 ~.we .t
•, : A Smote H.,. enualed un {Urn •Iley, for
I;rnt Inquire of ROBERT DA k
I.oberly elrect drrl3
11)Al. LAP.I) Volt ,ALE- - Ses en acres coal land
V.l for sale, Inmate el 1•v,1 or toe Monongahr.le Rover,
01•0,6 prOVranVale. Po ,Itaalag a 7 14,1 Vein of COAL,
',garb will be *old is exchange for good.. For pare..
ar s apply to 1.151 A IVHAILBAUGht p wood el
To Cabinet Makers throughout the
Tilt;character of Garmarrs Parlor Brum..o for
utFufldf vultvemeoce, durability and economy, be
ing now perfectly estaktlished N {{mem Petinsylva
ma, where the inventot resides, it Moat arises the at.
tension of cabinet makers in other pans of the country.
who are invited to promote their omit interns by ob
laming the right to anufu•mre bedsteadr on this un
proved plan.
The subjoined certificate from /1.0 the principal cat,
met maker* of Pittsburgh and vicinity. is conclusive
evidence not only of the unequalled merits of Garshitf•
lkdstend, but also of its deserved reputation with the
pub e.
We, the subscri /era, practical cabinet makers and
bedstead manufacturers of the cities of Pittsburgh and
Allegheny, Pa_, do hereby certify that we bare bought
the nght to mumfacrate bedstead, with Pbtatam . • Fa
lent Fastenings, and coytaider the game anpenbe to sit)
tostentngs with which we see acgitalated.
John Al' Farland, V elookert h Co
It II Ryon T Freiklebenn,
intact Lemon John M'Gnsts,
T Young &Co Robert Maher
J R Hartley James B Barr.
Joan Liggett, Jr. Jae Lowry & Son
Lowrie & Garbol Riddle & Drennan.
l'imitras Farley Ramsey & Atrlenand,
David Luker Mows Bullock,
Hugh Wallace Roberts &
J Natcrs Jot W Woodwell,
J Neehanse George Snyder.
Wm Hal/kit J M'Alasters & Co
Alexander Lawson
Pittsburgh, J my 1 . 1, le-Id
For Rights to make and sell the above Bedsteads. ap
ply to &MESE:LER F GAZZAM, Patentee
Patent Rights have also been sold (or the following
-Beaver, Mercer and Clarion counties. Pa.: Metes,
Gall. and Mercer commix,. in the State of Ohio; Ma
son, liourbon, Nicholseig,,Fayette, Scott, Gram and
Owen , in the Slat& of Ke ntucky, and the whole
right Mrcounties the State of Wisconsin lyltlw
Consulting Engineer. is Counsellors for
Office for procuring and defending Patents, unpanang
inionnation on Mechanics and the ;application of Sri.
mace to the Arts, and on American and Foreign Lan s
of Patents.
pROF WALTER R JOHNSON. late of Pluladel-
L phia. arid Z. C. ROUBINS, of iii.hington city,
flu he aided by Hazard ICTIOWIeII, Esq., late Alsclunest
of toe United States Pamitt Otheej have nssociated
themselves together for the prosecution of the above
branches of professional business, either in their otfice,
at the Patent Office. or before the Courts; and will de
vote their undivided attennon to forwarding the inter.
est of Inventors or others who may consult them or
place bosomss in their hands Mr. Knowles has for
the post twelve yearslbeld the post of Machinest to the
United States Patent Other, and resigns that situation
to lase pan to the present andennYing. His talents
anti peculiar fitness Kir the Important ethos so long fil
led by hu4 have been fully recognised by Inventors
wherever the office itself is known.
The office of Messrs. J. & FL is on F sweet, opposite
the Patent Office, W.hingtoa, I). C., where COMMUlll
[num.. pCMI pai, will bap rompdy attended to; exam.
tiletlol4t made. drawing, spectficationa. nod all requis
te paper. prepared—mid models procured b hen desi
red—on reasonable terms. Letters of enquiry. expect
ed to t, t answered after exalt/Melina. had, must be ac
coninuted by a fee of five dollars.
In the dune. of their office which pertains to the Pa.
tent Laws. Nlessrs. J. & IL will be assisted by a legal
gentlAriau of Me highest prOft•1 , 1011111 character, and
lolly Itoll,..aut !degas/tics and other
Business Tao tor City Purposes.
I NI pursuance of - An Ordinance providing for an in
ofr Revenue of this coy," passed 16th April,
I+la, nonce 1.1 hereby given that the City Assessor has
left in my office, for examinnUon by all persons inter
ested. a list of persons doing business in the city, in
conformity with said Ordinance.
SAC,' IV.—d, upon exantuttanon of stud list.emy per
ales shall think themselves aggneved by the sued as
seem-tient. they shall male the saute to an affidavel,
which affidavit shall also coutatn a statement of the
true amount of their Wee, as near as can be ascertain
ed; mid affidavit in be made and left with the City
Treasurer within two weeks from the date of the first
publication of the nonce aforesaid.
Sec. VI —That no appeal shall be taken but by tin
affidavit of the pereon or firm au - reeved; sued affidavel
to be conclusive evidence°, the farts sated in relation
to the amount of sale,. 8 R JOHNSTON,
City Treasurer.
Irr Office on Third street, next door to the 3d Pres
byterian Church
Steam Engine and Saw Mil for Sale.
subscrthers having now their lower SAID.M
I AND PtsconaMscuma In successful operation. .6
'er their upper Mill, with im Mew Engine and Lath
Cutting Establishment.. and the Frame Buildings con
mining them. for sale OD reasonable and necommoda•
The steam engine is an excellent one, and
111I ' llar wortsk an the .Sawing and Lath Cu.:lg estab
lishments are in good order and condition, and • pur
chaser can remove the whole and put them into opera
lion inother place, in less than sixty days. Lotion
paid, an directed to the suhaertbers, Fittaborch, will
be promptly attended to.
-11 lar expomtion of the great discoveries and the,.
ties of modern astronomy; by 0 M Mitchell. A a, Ih
rector of the Cincinnati Observatory,
Flcaeley's Italy, Alps and Rhine.—Letters from Italy.
the Alps and the Rhihm by J T Headley. author of
poicon and hi• Marshalls, IVesshingsmi and his (Setter.
als. kr Nese and reamed edition.
Stattsices Coal.—The Geographical and Geologi.
cal distinctiou• of Mineral Coothusultles or fossil mei,
including also. not
e,. aod leserdities of the various
mineral Intointmous substances employed in arta and
manufartare•. illustrated by Maps and Diagrams: un
otto:tined It) nearly JOU •iatittomil tattles, and I lOU a •
of uniteral emultosuble•. Ate, prepared toy liter.
ard Crawling Taylor
Jumrcovw..d a fewer rolor* of each of the ahoy, works
—ftn +al, try JOHNSTON ;K. STOCKTON.
Ingtest pnee in comb pool for good clean rugs
I nlw, can onms, bale rope; grams rope:bogging, wo,l.
on raga!, , by I. W. CIiA.DWIZ:K.
upit solyna at, bet. Deno Ir. liberty
in Foreign and Domestm Exchange, Certificate. of
Deposit... Bank Notre, and Specie; Fourth street, near
ly opposite the Bank of Plusher ghi Current money
received on depoinc—Sight Cheek. for sale, and col
lections made on nearly 01l the ptineipal points to the
United Steles.
The Matting premium Nod for Foreign and &mane.
Advances made, on consignments of Produce, ship-'1
ped East, on liberal terms. mchl.s
"DANK - I.:Ls and Dealers in Exchange, Coin and
Dank Notes. N 0.55, Marked street, Pittsliugh.
Selling Rates. Exchange. Buying Rates.
New York, fpr Cinetnna6 , 2 du
Philadelphia, Ido !Am./sonic, do
Baltimore, do St. Innis, 2' do
}toying Rau* BANK NOTES. Buying Rates.
Ohio, da Co. tr. Scrip Orders,2 the
Indiana. "
" do FtebefNotes, "do
Kentucky, do Permaybratua Cy "do
"do New York do "do
Vl M '', Wheeling, jdo Now Orleans, " do
Tennessee, 7do Maryland, "
1(.0'11 II ILL, W.. C. M.(
111 & CURRY—Bankers and Exchange Brokers,
Denier in Foreign and Domestic Time and Sight
BEls of Exchange, Certificates of Deposita. Bank Notre
nod Coin. No 2.5 Wood street, third door below Fourth.
west side mardi if
- -
1 - ) in Finings] and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of, Bunk Notes, and Specie. No. 64 Wood PL_
ntie door above Founh, East side, Pittsburgh, Pa.
linrc.lale ot Alm
oar, for +Kir on ar
13,1.1.$ on England, Ireland. and Scoliana bought to
any amount at the Current Rates of Exchange.
Also. Drafts payable in any part of the Old Countrunr,
from .1.1 to LlOOO, tit the rote of SS to the .L Sterling,
without deduction or discount by JOSHUA ROBIN
SON. Europeun and General Agent, office Sit st one
door west of wood. octlmf
41.1.0X1L& A
MICR &RA IIIII kuw""' "
Foreign •nd Demesne Hills of Exchange, Ger
uficater of Deprutille, Hank Notes and Corn. corner of
30 and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Charles Ho
tel may:l+4ly_
Iv EST latlingT
Bank Notes;
purchased at the lowest rate. hy
dclo 35 Market street.
New York,
Philadelphia. and
N. 110L51511. & SON
15 Itt arket
Coastantyly for sale by
de 10
fIOLLECTIONS—DraN, Nolea. ood,Aceeptan-
I,Jees. pa) ableany part of the Unton. eolleetetl oa
the no favora b le tern.. N. 1-10L3IFS fr. SON
50 Ntark.l.l
4 THE aubacriber, in oddment m ha own'3013 ring Hats, has made arrange•
merits arrange
s Messrs Hebert & Co, (the most
hahiuttable hatters o( the city of New York.) for a reg
ular ` apply of ha extra hue Silk Hata, and having just
received a few ease., gentlemen can be suited with
ver) rich and benuttfu , tt at by exiling at bis new Ilat
and Cap Store, timithl.eld street, errand door .oath or
Fourth, where may be found p great vanety or Hata
and Caps of los own manutaerare, whohaule and re
tail. liars node to order on abort notice.
4 (Surecieaors to :illCord & Mug)
F•shlonnble Settee.,l
Corurr Iraq and Fsph &redo.
ARTICULAR attention paid to our fteuul Trade.
lienllenten can rely upon getung their Hata and
Cape irons oar entalitiehment of the rim atantal&La and
R011.1.174(111P. of the LATIUM ante, and nt the town
Country Merchants. Tabooing by WhOICIILLIC. RI,
re•Terttulty 111 vued to call ontaxamitte our Stock;
we cell Arty with confidence that as regards QUALITY'
and roma. it will not starer m it tompartsou with .tty
house to Pittladelphin. febl7
Faahloulade Hatan7l Cap Haiauf.atory•
ir• I.EoRGE S. A NSII UTZ, Agent. respectfully
.2...: Informs km friende and the pub, grorrully i
that he has cornmer , rd the manufacture of Hats
and Cap. at No. 33 NV....d street, one door alwee the
eor tk et of Second, a' . re he has now on hand It hoc,
a.rorintritt of HIM TT -1 Cap. of /11. 04,1 manufacture, I
wlneh hr wtli dispo-.• o( nn The most reamottable ter nn,
wholes:tie and rett..l, for cash or city acceptance ,
Hots made to order ot the •horte.l notice op2o,Lin
k o DEALERS are r ,toned toexamine R 11. ,
PALER'S stock oh Straw Good, of the
sTrme style, compo.ued to part of
BON? , NTS—Florence Braid: Engitah Don. '
stable do. Amerman do do. Chum Pearl do; t oburg do;
Rutland do; French Lace. Pansy: hap./lc 2c
HATS—Leghorn , Palm Leaf. Pama. Fancy Straw.
do Brand. Rutland braid. Pedal do.
firrisag Fiaahlotai — lor - I 44.
Mu CORD & Co.,
at'coao rtmo.) Ale
47.113:. ‘r
" r" '" th "
T har tocads and cuatoruen. arc requnated to call and
Newraw Frock of Sphog !lota. lust reacts...l horn
New York. at then store, corner of nth and Wool sta.
- ra ALFRED 11. KEEN/IL, s ig io
ckEAPEsr Fmhiomble Hatter in
9111111Pinabuoth. Principal Store, 79 Fourth
week klanufacturtng anti accommodation Store, cor
er of Wool timer and Vtrgnt alley. Highem prteca
okra), paid for al upping Fars._ mytl: I y
JUST reeetved from Near York, Me Somsner
Styleerr hat., conamuna of White Heace k ,
end WM, French Cmannerc Ham, milk Venn/Mork
Thom tu want of a bcaunful, light Hat are 72er-tinily
myriad to call.S.
Mir . * 75 wood at, 3 doorw)Lboah
cor market
Rag 'Ware boas a
TUE OALT Euronr.or!
TTARTS VFIGETA.IILE rxritArr k sr, • 11-.,
L hit remedy for Epilcp= f., •
C-0117111.0/1, ff.pasma, hr we!! that
time immemorial. physminas have proaeunced
= FStr ineurable. It has lmilled a!/ their *kill. nod
boasted power of all medicine. elli.l coi iegimutly th
wads.Ve. !Meted through it e opt, re.
stint yielded up that Ines en the niece of /357111
With all deference. however. to the opinions of
!Real and learned, we sis 7 that it has lieno cured
HA.RTN. V1,61,1' Akil.F. EXTRACT.
For =teen years. =a been tested by many pe
who have suffered =ill this dreadful =wow.. an
every ease where it 1113 had a fair iris:, has effect ,
perm/1.111 CUR.
Flu of 25 years and 6 months, co ml by thy u
this truly wonderful triedreine.
Read the followum remit:aide case of the coo
Was Secure, Esq., of Pht,anelphim ant cted 'oth F
leptte Pas 27 yeah and 6 months. After travel
!trough England, Scotland, to moony anti France. ei
tulung the most eminent pin , expending
medicine, medical treatment and advice. three the
sand dollars, returned wet•h hot son to tats
November last, without n coring any ben ctit witto
er, and was cared by usnur
Mc. Watteau Sccore's Letter to De.. loots and lb
I have spent over three thouaand dears for tete
cm< and medical agendanec I was advised to tat
tour to Europe with him. en eh I did. I first van
England. I consulted the most ...nem phottlete
them in respect to his case; they exannned bon a
presertheed acconlingly. I remained three mon
without perceiving any change tor the better. wt.,
cost me about two hundred and fdly dediars revoke
by the plOsactans, nod the must that I revetmel
their opinion that my son's case wt. hopeles and i•I
t.,,otty mcarable. 1 accordingly left England. s
and to
riled through Scot/and. Germany and France,and
tented home in the month of totth
vonas far from being cured aswhen I Ira. I saw ys
ernseraeut lit one of the New York papers.
concluded to try Hart's - Vegetable Extract, seeing ye
statements and ceruficatee of so many corm some
twenty and thirty years' Handing, and I ern asinine.%
1 ma DOA sorry I dtd m, . ley the ore of Han's Vete
ble Extract alone„ be wus restored to perteet heat
lint re which WELPI so far gone no to unfit him
business, tsason,
enurelyramenored, loath the prospect on
before* bias of life, health and usefulness. He to
tga years of age, and 27 years and 6 month. of ra t
tame has bean afflicted with this most dreadful of t
eases; but thank God he is now etnoying good health
Now, gentlemen, faith without works I don't belie
tn. To say that 1 chat! be ever grateful to you is
thing, and as I here enclose you one hundred dotter.
have no doubt hot that you will think this is allot ,
and quite a different thing. The debt of crnulud
mil owe you, bat please to accept the present tunon
its interest on the debt m advance,
Yours very tespectfully,
- - - •
One of the propnetors of this orruluuble mem,
was afflicted tor several years With Epileptic E
The disease had produced the worst effect mum
system, no: Lou of memory, imbecility of mld, an
perfect prostration of the nerro. system. He h
tried the aill of the best 01).s-touts, for ,even yes
Ilnd grew worse under en
their irea , Ment. d ho ka
dm( this medicine was his only hope for Loam
end was therefor+, determined to give it a Orr
end to persevere m its use, which he dol, and the r.:l
was • perfect restoration to health, which ma col
nett nummrrupted for nearly airmen years.
We would refer to the followung perso:m who ha
been cured by using Hart's Vegctahie
Col E Densloer's daughter Was /IL iC{Cli tone yes
resides at Yonkers, New York.
W Benne; nine years, 171 Grand st.
J Ellsworth, seven Teals, 11l Dover et.
Joseph M' 'o yen" Eat,. Itrookiyn.
ti W Smith, Ne w York Canom !louse.
Kelly, twenty yeani, Staten blond.
Mi.. E M'Keef, twenty years, Yorkyllle:
Miss B Crane, melee years, LIU Hammer:l st
wm H Parnell , twenty-three yearn, 73 Nortell;st
Jacob Petty, four years, 174 Delaney at
Pluto Johnson, Poway- eight years, Greencont:e,
Judge Randall, 94 East Broadway, New Yore
Thoums B Jontat of the U 8 Navy.
Capt Wm Jennings, State rt. itrasspatt , Cl
Reef:aloe also made to
Dr W L Monroe, Goilforn. 0
- •
Rev Richard Tegemt, West Davenport N Y
Rev T L Briebolsi!, Baltimore, M
- - •
Mr Joseph Bradley, 11.5 Orchnrd , N Y
C H Doughom,=.l Faaatoonnt Et N
Mn Jam. Bertholf, Chester, Prange co. 1.: . r
John Faber, 178 Elizabeth Ex, tlo
D A Richton, no Delaney EL,
.. . , v
James Smith, 133 Suffois •t, fio
(barks Brown, 100 Crater st, Jo
AU of which may be calle•I upon, or übirsaLml, P'
New Y irr Drevufti by Dr 8 liewr, Gate Hs.
TIIOhLLS & Co, 146 :Awn st Itrds.,-on :41
4th sw, and 16a Mnhu st, between tod site
Cutottutan, Ohio, who/cads and re.s.!
south and west
L WILCOX. Jr.. corner of Mai ket st and tie I/
mood, only itrt to Yittan'a Pal42:assert
.01 This disease Is rowed by a peso, sine! roosts
non of the air cella: it is very debilitating, almost ea •
tins suffocation. DR. P.YRE,THERH PAN ACRA t
only certain core.
Hoarseness can he entirely eared by o fr., age in I
Soreetaer's Panacea.
C.Mrrh, or common cold if ne,retrd,
terminateln Consumption.. effectuaPy
cored by Dr. Swemnerm I'mnstecn.
Bronchia:, If unrnecked, err , tll4l4l, 144n0
Bronchial Consumption, but n urneiy of Dr. snow
ser'44 l'unnera etrectuarrly are 44.
Inflemmen, of the Tonstla ur ' , ore Torn nt -'ii aisenne often leads .coureuent 4 . 444444
lee, such Ks ulccratton ot the throw 4h, the lir, rnt
toms. Dr. risceetnerh• Panne, 0.44 be pro red n 4
used freely.
Coughs and Colds find n weereign rnuedyin
Elarreires Panacea.
Pneumonia Notha—A very faux!r.n.u!
front a violent eougJa mid cold on a ot I.
ken down commotion; aged per,o.
Dr. Sweeter`, Panacea mould Ira u..en f.
..yr9ptoma, which are • rough or road.
. • • •
Ntglit Sueeets.—This ileh:Lteum; eontpla.• 111.
WWI a umely cheek, bymune Dr t.swee,e r
Consetepuom—lfon the first n•; pea • • .I..un
hive symptonas, sortneh are pain .7t
epoch or sp•tuutr or blood, it Jr :sweet., • P4'll, r 1
&Lel) . used, no damper need be appreta..l,l
White the Loo, the 'Windpipe. or ilrouritte: Tut
become clogged up voth phlegm. ms to
ration or hreathang, Dr. Ltsvmusier's Purim-en.
a powerful Expectorant, should he taken a•ording
the directions.
ou i r ' c a l u or ' ate,Tti Th up i =r
Price SI per bottle, or me book. for SI.
For sale by WM. JACKSON, -9 I ihnov •ft
be big boot_ . 310-,1 •
... .
' -,---",.)., No. SS, ISAMONIi A 1.i.h.1.
'''',___ '- few doors below Woes ..trect.
,'":'--- no.rket
. "dr- - " - , DR.. DROWN, La nom
....'..!..- N., •,
~ regalarlteducated to the eund.,,
, ,
... ..,
.. prfmaion. and been for semi o
.' ' • e'. ." .. -'i in general practice, nom confo
his mtention to the. Trammell,
:'' ; . • *
those private ,c 1 delicate c
1 ; •
..- \ plant s for whieu hi. opponum.
.. , . t .
~_. .. ..7., .. .... an d . expe r nence pnculiarly qua:
II ears amufluou-: d :leer)
to ern • y de. treatment of those complim,..du r 11, Wo
time he has bad more pramme and him cure m i re
tent, thancan ever fail to the Lot of ray prmi, pr
tnioner) amply qualifies Min to offer assuces
sPeedY) permanent. and of...factory cure to rdra n
i a
antli delicate diseases, and all hostess aroun d the
Dr. Brown would inform those afflicted wuh yew
diseases whteh have become chronic by time or
gravated by the use of any of the common nostrdin
the day, that their complaints eau be radically and Li
oughly eared; he having given his careful attentiou
the treatment of such eases, and succeeded hi hiladr
of instances In curing persons of tuflarnmation of
neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which in
result from those cases where others hare consig:
them to hopeleas despair. He particularly melte, s
as have been long and unsuccessfuli y itostei f 4;
to consult him, when every Ansi:tenon
N and their cases treated nit a carctot.ihorou i li,
,onelligent manner, emoted out by a lord exiicrne,
study, and iiivesugabon. which it is itapoisible 'or th
t o n f &encritl practice of utolicine to give
EP - Herron or RuptUre.—Dr. Brown also invites
wN allbeted with Ilernot to call, as he has pact per ,
War attention to this disease.
Skringes diseases; also .4 Palsy, etc., speedily cm
Cha very low.
N. B.—Patients of tub sex living at a distance.
stating their disease in Ns al: the wy
toms, can obtain medicines with directions for 11.0.
addressing T. BROWN, M. D., post paid. and ate'
inga fee.
Office No. 65, Diamond alley, opposite Weav
Q 7 No cure no pay. deel
B. A.trahneatoeli — e... Co's Ettabefitole
IN high favor asan sternal application in indium
tory affitetions. and at the same tone a4l7llli:iTl ,
well as emollient. II A Fahnesines d Co' . s Rua.
Kmeal has been very beneficial in cases of CarK heamntism.
lilmumattsm. Glandular Swellings. Sore Tbman. hr
as. Sprains, tree de Th., following certtneate It
gentleman well Jt nown m item co,
^I some time ago accidentally from a ...tit
and severely sprained both my some The, ILY
diately swelled so that my boots had to lee ripped
order to have them drawn off—me suderinn me) e,
ed me eras mtense. In Om. situation 1 procured a .
de of D A Fahnestock CO . . liiinciacient, and a
one or two applicaunris I experienced morn renc
used about Stir bottle and a half. and in about
days the smelling entirely subsided. and I was cno
reueved from any other pain, and cope nence ivo ti
inconvenience from the fa I In nit cases et swol
bruise., rheumatism. err . I would most c g et o r n i ,, i
commend the itubefament
July 17,1,46 111.1,11/RGE BASSET!'
For sale urholeanfe and retail by U A EAHNE., f`l
C.l . corner of 61roa1 and 1 , n•41 and %Vaal
BA FAHNTIY — .STOCICS Pneumonic. or Cotten
. Sam, has a Mo t advantage over many
Cough prep•rationt, na its piensant tame . pertain.
be used wallow ineonvemenre But valve a
Balsam consists in the *bead nest of tta rure e h
knownsome of the moat de•perute rough.. son.
which had Cr.v running on for nron.odersaa Ir
o/ time, y telt almost immediately to It* power.
In such weather As we hare had during the
winter, every one is liable to take cold, tuileaa g
precautions are used.
Wet fret and undue esposare to the inclemen , -
a. weather anti, lays the foundation ut a nue
eou&h. which needs o quick remedy to prevent se
We have nwmerous eerufiratea of ruree whir
ham performed, many of which are iron. person
din city and the netgliborhooo. mud they ere a atribe
reference without sayung another wool
Prepared and for sale wholese.e r..s"
PAIINFSTOCK aa Co, corner of wood and I,
wood and 6th star tun raiT
Roff , a Tonle and, Antl-Dy•pep
THE general properties of thew Pl , :e are Caro,
tier. P11141..1140 and Tome. In lito rellolllo,l dt
dews artaing from imprudenre in diet, fee . such aa a
'mess and ...danced in the stomach. be Arbil: !wu :-
Ice. where a medicine is required. this
very applicable; for as carminative nod s o ta, i ,
feels glare atmoat immediate tle redef Abell naue .
sickness se It, purgause operation upon the ;
ach and bowls is geland ell - en - oat, and it :
properties impart streneth to the diee•Uve ore
thereby enabling these oreaue to perform the, 1 r
functions with order and regularity
'rh Fn., flu Oren reduced from fa , lo
For .al." wt.:Atonic alul roma by
corner (rout and wood. and ISt:, and
1Y1. 5 Agent‘ for i'otehurgb
Patent Male. Ask. •
TilEas'‘.llll7rb'art"A " q d tl 71. ," „17;h1.
attar of their spiang .tort, achieb they sell. • ell
par, o Adc currency. Itneing ;nadir .nch :nee
o the r e rincipal claeri and iioap ti.tIOFFIV.,r•
city. they deem. wince...lacy to any th,ite •111'
of the brand
They take floe oppor clny m app , ... n• •
ers 61.141 dealer. generally. rent they here prdered i
ly from the some inanuturture[e floglatt,b
shipment of vrtuch will nr tone po tbe felt tr
and thenceforward reebler lbfoo.bool
seneon winch they trill sail at the lowest runreet p
for email or approved bale.
le2l NV er. hl hIITrIiELTREY. If° liberty
QUNDRIFIIe--7:s : t aek • Feather, t:eneeng.
.1„7,1 Beeswax, 7 do Pry P•qtche,. w do do A, ve.,
Flaseeed, 2do %Tool, I Wbizelklean, ON , . Or
Lard, I box PrectotTrly Breaheel to arrnenon err
er Combeeland--fog wale by
/311 ISAL&H DICEY & Cofftrot