MEDICAL. lb Tt~ PROFESSORS AND MEMBERS OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETIES, ohoTO 0011.. • Mattt•r, 'Wife •nd Daughter TNT/IE WeTßDSTATEEL—Theenbseriber respect '. folly callayour attention to Dr Banairree Grain rase, expreaely intended for the preservenon of the health of both sexes.,-whenter arisen from Incipient Phthisis, or early eousainpnon,Debility of the Lungs. Bronchial Affections. Atthma, Pleurisy, Deranged and Disordered wale of the Liver, Spleen, or Kidneys. Dis eased Spine, Cholin, Dyspepsia' Palpitation of the HeaDß.rt, Lou of Muscular or emo. Power, C. B. BARRKfT'S GUARDIAN N comes to the Immediate relief of Females suffering from Irregulari ties, and all other Uterine difficulties and diseases bleb dental to womanOrbether occasioned by cold, wet feet, or any entailer injudicious exposure, and ell this without the use of medicine; as the mon delicate end senaitive lady can at any, moment apply, it to herself without the portability oiuncurring any rut or danger. or any tuipthasent.reaulu arising from it, and with the certainty of obtaining immediate rebel Dr. Barren's G uard ian is no catch-penny, or one of the many humbugs of the dayi, hot it is an mat:mama made upon strictly ecientiGe principles, by accordance with the Laws of -Electricity and Galvaniem; and for neatness, durability and etbeacy, Gr an ;m; everything of the kind ever before offered to the public foe the ,chef 01die..., and, in the I..age of one of the mow enlightened menof the day, ts pronounced to be “the greatest discovery of the twee A period of no teat than four yean hat been occupied by Dr. Barrett in brining the lanardian to its present tiara of perfection—during which time it has been in the hands of. wine of the most eminent physielans of the North end South, Ismail u in the dwelling. 0( . 0- memo= Wallies, who have stud it lot nil - of the above purposes, with the mast perfect ateums, and who have cheerfully given thetr eriqUaltfied approbation of its efficacy and value, as can be seen by referring to the Manual of lostructions accompanying it Dr. C. B. Bartett's Guardinn is secured from Innova tions by patent from the United Stales Patent Office, and be kad either with or without his Illedico-F.Jectro Galvanometer. The Idedico-Flectro Galvanometer, in point of beau ty, workmanship. durability and power, cannot tie sur passed oh even equalled, and the subscriber feels that he huards nothing to the usernon that it will be found to pommels more power and efficacy in the treatment and removal of diseases., by Gatv.ima and hlectrici ty, than any other iutrument, either in the 'United Stales or Europe. The hledico-Electro Galvanometer is warranted In every respect, and with common ordi' nary ewe will Make life-time, and t. by far the cheap: win, because the beat, instrument ever offered to the pollie. A manual accompanies them giving the most ample instructions, of practiul experience, an that it to readily intelligible to the mind of every one while the •w , t ty of arrangement is each that a child may with it. Any inform-Won granite:null . given, and all comma- Went°. cheerfully ansurered per mid, either in rela tion to the Electro-G alvanometer or Guardi.. iledicalnien are invited to call and extunine Dr Bar • ten's. Guardian, and test its effinacy. ' For tale by FS. RICHARDSON, sole Agent, 71 Mar tin at, Pittsburgh. - ap`aidtf r t 'ITER 3 , 0 0 0 PERSONS in Philadelphia ‘.../ alone, can testify to the wonderful efficacy of that pow-Milli remedy, THOMPSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP TAR AND wpou NAPHTHA, In Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis and Sore Throat, Asthma, Chronic Catarrh, Spitting or Blood, Pain in the Side and Breast, Difficulty of Breathing. Whooping Cough, Croup, Weak Nerves 'and Nervous Tremors, Palpitation of the Hear; also, Liver Complaint and Affection of the Kidneys. This modicum; the invention of a man who gave the the ofPulmortaty, Bronchial and Pectoral as the most rigid examinnuon, has now been before the public near four years. boring this period it has per formedsome of the most remarkable cures on record of Pnimonary Consumption—secured the recommenda tion and ore of physicians In their practice, and the warmest approvalof Rieman& or arson ortlinarr and severe Colds, Comas, to Hoarseness, Spitting of Blood, hr. ASTONISHING CURES. About four years since I woliatmeked with Typhus Fever, which left me in a miserable state of health, in extreme debility With a general prostration of the sys tem, with violent pains in the breast and loss of appe tite, in comequenee of which I was unable to attend to my usual bmmess, or per f orm any kind of work.' I applied to several phystchms end used va ri ous reme dies, but without any benefit, ansl had despaired of ever obtaining a recovery of my limber health. But some time tart Jane 1 was advised to try Thomson's Com pound Syrup ofTar and Wood Naptha, and incredible es it may . appear, by the time I had taken three bottles the debility, pain and every sense of suffering were completely removed. and I was able to attend north re stored health to my usual avocations. MARTIN CLAIMY, Of Dickinson township, Cumberland co. Read-the following testintony from o respectable member of the society of Friends, in Poughkeepsie, N. York. VALUABLE MTIIIIONIi. "This may certify that in the springof 1846, my health wan very feeble; I was afflicted with path to the side, with other alarming symptoms, and suffered much from great debility. At that time I purchased from Moses Dame two bottles of Tborrison's Compound Sy• rap of Tar and Wood Naptlia, from which experien ced great benefit, my health being now good; and cheerfully recommend the article to all who may be suffering with genesis' debility, with symptoms of • decline. AB • It •M WILTSIE. Poughkeepsie, March 15,1847.0 Prepared only by Alum. Rem., ea the N. E. corner of Fifth and Spmce streets. Phila. Sold by L.. WILCOX. Pt One and by druggists prowling. Price ED Cella, or 0110 Dcakr per bottle. SALTER:B GINSENG PANACEA! TO THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED LUNGS.—The unprecedented sueeess which hem [tended the oar of the GINSENG PANACEA n all the various forms which irritation of the lungs as surpea, has Induced the stroprietor again to call &nen non to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The ehangable weather which marks our fall and winter mouths, is always a fruitful source or COLDS AND COUGHS. these, If neglected, are but the precursors of that fell destroyer, COSUMFTION. The gnestion, then, bow shall we em the destroyer in the bodl how shall we get cle. of our coughs and olds! is of veal importance to the public.. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY ' will be found in the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of this we have from owe to care published the certificates of dozens of our best known citivons, who hove experi enced its ourauve powers. These, with a mass of th.ooy_ from all parts of the eoentry,—from MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, ?artistes& of the Gospel, Au., together with copious no+, Uses from the JOURNALS OF‘THE DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be had . gratis of artylcifamsttsotiMiTunmt the country. have been used in this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United Stems and Canada, and see elle [cage any man to point out a • SINGLE INSTANCE n which, when taken Recording to chreetione, and be. fore the lunge had become faulty disorimmud, it 'IT ever failed to - EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. Why, then, nerd the aldiemd hesitate! vo hy resort the unwrehle mama., gotten up by tr, o Indsvid stale o lee the assumed name of some rte • •.r- 4.1 phy sician, mod puffed into notoriety by certifier, , per sona up:tally unknown? {Violist IL litedielne Of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY is to be had, whose.votichen are at home,—our neigh berm—many of whom it has SNATCHED FROII THE GRAVE. • Inorder that Ibis invaluable medicine may be placed Within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have poi the price at ONLY PIETY CENTS, Put one half the usual cost of cough medicines. sits for sale by our agents In nearly ve, every . town and v il lage over the west, who are prepared to informa tion tri full infoa tion relative Mit. T. SALTER , Proprietor Broodwal 4 Cincinnati,.ohio. AMERCHANT OF 'THIS CITY, who bad been o 4 dieted with the asthma for four year. had taken almost every thing. His physicians constantly &nen dedhim, and he had expended over tworhousaml dol. lars. He neker believed in advertised medicines, but considered them all bamboos. ' At last he tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of liverwort, from 73 Beekman street, New York, and in six weeks was entirely cored, hart ing,taken only three bottles. This is only one of many cases where imaginary objections to a patent medicine hive prevented persons from using this medicine, who have expended hundreds of .dollars to their physicians in vain—and in the end owe their recovery to the infal lible efacacy of this purely vegetable preparation. There is no !mistake, that this spedicinc is superior to any remedy pregcnbed by medical advisers. This meelleine has mire 75.1 years to mature, and is the su rest remedy for diseases ever introduced to the public. BIMILLTIC Pains, BITCO4I, kV° BUORVIVISS OV Baum Cnzo!—Suffering for • long time with these comp lain., I had given _up all hope of being cured. 1 had consult ed the botanic and hocompac doctors in vain. I bad seed many articles adverdeed, but found no relief. In despair !bad given up the one of all medicines. Hear ing of the great virtues of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liver . wort, suisfilie great cares It odd and induced • me to try it, and to my great joy and astonishatem, I was boxer daily.. 1 tontuatied its use, also his Sugar- Coaled Pilliyuntit lam endrely cured. Dr. Taylor's Balm! of Liverwort is the best medicine in the world for these complaints, and core every one afflicted. SETH LAWRENCE, Captain Of s ue Num), of New York. &M Cris.-1 have uffered from the Asthma a very long tintc, and have used emery medicine I could obtain for its mire in vain, until I tried Dr. Taylor's Dads= of Liver:so& This medicine hasafforded me most Manifest benefit, and is, in my opinion, a cure for this distressing discium rmire especially, as f know of many cases among my, friends, where it has been high. ty meccasful! Persons interested are invited to call as my residence for further Information. MRS. 9. AUTON, 2113 Laurens st Sold in Pittsburgh by J D Morgan 93 Wood ani I Townsend, 45 Market st; H Smyser, cor Market and 3d sts; Henderson & Co, 5 Liberty at Price reduced to 11,50 pee bottle.jeZl ORGAN'S COUGH SYRUP—It proved to be the 111. groat Paruscca in curing my child's distressing . 0 40. Prom the Temperance Balmer, Nov 91517. Comma Stan,—We are not in the habit of puffing, much Ins ulnae patent medicines. but we feel disposed to recommend Morgan's Syrup to those who are [aim ed with a cough. Alter having tried the usual reme dies to remove a constant mid distressing tough, that had an several days afflicted one of our children, with out success, we were induced to try Morgan's cough syrup, and by it relief was otlsined to a few hours. It Fond to be the panacea ip thou ease at least. prepared wholesale and retail by theN, proprietor, JOHN D MORGA Drug Min, feb7 wood trt,l door below diamond eley. MONO EVID EN C E that Dr JAYNE'S EX. APECTORANT la superior to all other remake for Coftbst,Consoamtion, Bronchitis, Asthma sad other Palme asty, is that the woe mow ado commoceet Ws me of aria their trendies too years to. still prefer it to all otherrentedies of the kind; whore say lan beenindtioed to try other preptashom they ham almost Invariably hero diampointed he Toccoa( the benefit which woe remmably ogle gated from tha hick praise, bestowed Imthe proprietors, ENS two woneed to the am of JAMS' ETIZMOILOrr, Its • comedy 114 has parer tract! to relieve them, and which protaddy moo had its equal in motion realm:wary damage. hollered only by Dr D. Jayne Philadelphia, tot sold au Orml , bl ALEX. JAVNEPI deo:add-tett 72 Fourth o TATNEJSEAM TONlC.—Alter ring this mtlele trialomanhcatatirtga pronam it e to tie Ma m it proae a c ilext article, mit say exceptioa, in e, form tattOrMOD and proormlaa of Me hcom Mir. We know of =memo is Mem Mir has am restored to Mods which Imola. bald for yore; and we think meamotda Near dm to 'commend to all our readers who to =tk,cie kier' „to itaika• Mal dear Tonic immediately &atm AWL for ciala in Fttabargh at tbe Poakin Tea 8."0, N aT 0.79 marSdk Failliiitooitc Dam Weed lOJWAN'S WORM KILLER is far superior to all otheracinedies for Worms. lime lath, tEitg. Rids may cattily that I ga , te to two of y ealldren, three and fire years old, two teaspoonfuls o. Morgan , Worm Killer, to each of them, e youngoat wooed NJ large WOTIIIII, the smalleftt cou nt ot have measured lesathan seven inches. The eldest passed 110 =giber that we could be to count them- Vas: and all the popular ea,core the public kir worms, but can any with • clear conscience, Margin's Worm =eels far rto now before the pal? , lie. SAMUEL JOHNSTON. Baketeterein, All county. Vreparednod sold ar olerale and Marl Wee pro. iptteu.. JOEIN D mowiaq,=4 . Woodstreoc . . , MEDICAL litfrik T 4 r' , 11, r f i • AT ., -...- , ..!--..., . i - • 1 -1 lil . - i 14:1144 ----:-..-- :._'.! 4..... • - 1--1-.- - -,.. t...„. m. . • ......---..,..,....:-_,..,. • „., ~ ~ ..t. . ~, . .i-,17...., ,,,,,,% •::, ' ...'--,* 1.. tt lW I ~ # DT 0:11r1IF RE N D , P4 CONS.V" ZNIILLOS Or SARSAPARILLA. pander nod Monty of the Ai. The roost extraordinary Bledletne the World I Taia teemfa pat .*P to Qattrt Bottles: it ten time clew>, pleasanter, &MI tearrented re perior to arty earl It now without • OrrOtirff, pargiv. ricketier er dthilttatsze Patirrat. The great beauty and supewinrity of this BansparMa over anther medicines hi, eked while it eradicates the die. wise, it invigorates the bode. It is one of the very hew sPnem AND BUILDER; the MEDICINES Ever known; it not only purifies whole sysmns and s trengthens the person, but it matesme, pp rad Med blood: a power possessed by no suffer instils... And in this Res the grand seems of Demander - Ad success- It has performed within the tutted yeammore.than 100,000 cores of severe sues of Reims, ; et were considered incurable , It has saved the lives of mon Ihm 10,000 ehildren during the two past seasons. 10,000 canoes of ',tint of Denereal E n e rgy. ty sad iiery ana E .Dr. Toiniseadls Santaperflla invigorates the whole mimot permanently. To than echo hove lost their macular energy by the abets of medicine or indium, non mainlined In youth, or the excessive iodolgeme of thepassions. an biought on • gamma physmal Lion of the nervonsdtustm. lassitude, want of embalm, analog sensation, premature decay cud declinethaatio ing, towards that fatal dt.nan, Consumptiom cm be en tirety resumed by this pleasant rMy. This Sans. Penh is far superior to any invigorating Cordial, A.. it rimers and tutu:irate , the system, gives activity to the limb, and strength to the muscular system, to • most extmordaary ammo. • Consumption Cared. Olerusse and Stemware. Otnerareptios me be crawl. Brostaitis; Connizieption, Liter Complaint Colds. Clause!, Couple. deals. Seittiew of ntooe., Sorest. is the Chest Merle Mei. Night Sweats, Diftrall or Profue Espeno. ratios, Psis in the Side, lee, less ben end ca be ewe/ SPATTER° BOOD. Jon Y L ork, April N. 1847. DiaTowassthEo—l verily believe th at your Sarsapa rilla has been the means, through Providence, of gamut my life. I bare for wavered years had is bad Cough. It heathme worse and worsts. At lout I raised large Tootl. ties of blood, had night Sweats, and wth greatly debito tatill and reduced, and did out expect to bye. I hare only sued your SII2.IpUMIL a abort time, and there ho. • w ouderful chungebeen wrought in me. lam now able to vela all over alit city. I raise as blood, and my cooah has left ma You an well imagine that l tor thankful fin the. resulta. Your obedient semen. WM. RUSSELL, 63 Cadiedineot. Female llSaar-Um. Dr. T13.133<0d . 11 Sarsaparilla Is a rovereign and speedy cure for Incipient Cout:ape*n, Renounces, Prolapsus Uteri. or Failing of tho Womb, Fut..... Piles, Le. cerrhemi, or Whites. obstructed, or difficult 1.11.1111.- tan, inc sod fog the tuitinence of Urine, or involunt.7 thereof general prosumtion of the eystern— no matter wtieV g t o lie result of inherent u s manse cause produced by ark'', illness or accident Nothing min be more surprising than It.invigoratio. effect. on the human frame. Persons all wea k and L... tulle- from taking It at once became rebut and full of nergy under its odarvce. It immediately counteracts theite rvelesa.. of tho female haute, which is the grut cause at Barrenness. It will not be e.peered of us, in case. of so delicate a naure, to eabibit cern... of cur. performed but we t can enure the afflicted. that hundrenbiof cases have been reported to tout. Thousands of eases where Wadies have been without children, after few bottle. of this inulnatil• Mite beeb lessed with fine, healthy offspring. To Mosher. and Married Ladies. This Extract of Sarsaparilla bits been expressly pro. pared In reference to female complaints. No frazzle it.. ream.= to suppose she fa approaching that critical period... The turn of Isle should neglect to take it, sa it is a certain preventive for any of the numerous atid horrible Sinuses to *lnch females are eubjeet et this time of life. Tbi. period ow id 1. toyed Ito' several years bi.oring aciNcrac. Nor is it Ica. valuable for thod who aro approaching Ira crcaboal, as it is calculated to audit Won, by quick. ening the blood and invigorating the system. Indeed. this reedieine is invaluable for all the delicate elide aes to which women are subject. It brace , the Idol° ifystero. rem.. permanently the occral cuerriee, - by removing the impurities of the body, not so fee stimulating as to matinee subsennets relaxation. which is de vise °fluent retedicovs taken lot female weakness and discus, By using • few bottle.l this reediting many .were and painful eureka! opera came may to, prevents& Grew Blessing nilllTithernand Children. it is the safestuind me. effectual LlMairl33o far peril} , frig the ewe= and relieving the aufferings upon child.birth ever dbcovered. h strengthens both the mother and chfid. p•in and disease. In. creases will Ellrklles the food, those 'rho bare used it think it is indispensable. It is highly useful both before and after confinement as it prevents diseases attendant upon childbirth—in Coeuvenesa Pile, cramp, in:. 14 or the Feet Despondency, Heiuthurn. ‘'ounting. Pai tithe Back and 1.0/1.. False Pam*. Hemorrhage and in rerzileting the secretions and equalizing the or culatien rt has no torn , Tito peat beauty or DID medicine is, it always safe, and the most delicate use it most successfully. seer few eas quip any medicine, to some a I.^i Castor Oil. or Magnesia.. niefuL Exercise in the upan air, and light food with this medicine, will a/sraya ensure a safe and easy con. finesnent Bestiary and freselth. Comeliest chsik. and vanety of preparations gene. rally In nee, when applied to the face. very soon spo and il it of its beauty. They ciente the pores of dm akin. check the circulation, which. when nature Is not thwart. eel by disease or powder, or the thin 'yearned by the alitall.m. tiled to wraps, beautifies its Into production di the " human face Divinc, ^ as well ea in tbe garden of rich and delicately tinted and variegated glowers. A free, active and healthy circulation of the p o w, or the coursing of the pure, rich blood to the extremities. n that which pante the eon - nun:tee* hi the men exqui. site beauty. It that which imparts the todescribabla @hedge and Bullet of irueliness that all admire, but none can describe. This beauty u the offspring of W. tore—net afros/sr at se.p. If there not free and healthy circulation, them" la no beauty. If the lady is fair if driven snow, If the paint, .eel use conned., and the blood is thick, cold and impure. the ie not beau. Oki. If she be brown or yellow, and there is pore end active blood, it gives a 'Hal bloom to the cheeke, and a brilliancy to their eyes that le faseinatme. is whyi the southern, and espoctally the Span ish-fade. are to mock admired. tulles in the north who take but bole arereisa, or ern .intined fn clove rooms, or have spaded their complexion by the Blind. ender, of deleterious mixture., If they wish to re gain el.sticur of asp, buoyant sparkling eyes and be...Uhl complexion. they should ive Dr. Town. send's Sarsaparilla. Thousand. who hare tried it are more they saruffed. are delighted. Ladies of rrery tution, crowd our office deny Notice to the Ladies. Those that bode. Dr. de. Baroparills, have mwnriably called their state Arrest AlosnLy for Fe ole ~ and have copied oar bills and mrculart which relates to the tomplaints airman. wool for wore —other men who put op Medicine, have, since the great sateen of Dr. Townsend's BartapardLa in complaints . incident to fonalcs,reemtrniended their. tillbengb_re • viandy they did not. A number of tbexa Mixtures. rah Le, vs. inseam , to females. if they aggravate disease, and undermine the constitution- Dr. Townsend's is the only and best remedy for the numeroas female erns plainia—rt rarely, diner fails of effecting • permanent cure. It can be piken by the we delicate female. auy ease, or by'ttiodi expecting to become mother. with the greatest advantages, as it prepare. the eyetent awl peevents pain or danger, and strengthens both mother and child.Be.carefal to got the gauntry,. Ifilensfrals Cored. This certificate conclusively prover that this Santo penile has perfect control over the mom ohm/natedia eases or the Wood. Three person. cored in one house le unprecedented. Three Children. De Totricsmito—Dear Sir: 1 hose the pleasure to Inform you then three of my children have been cured oldie Scrofula by tbe use of your cscelleut medicine. They were efilcted very severely with bed Sore; bore taken only ton e bottles ; it melt ahem Way, for which I reel myself uoderifireat oblisatioo. Yours. reepeetfully, ISAAC W. ClLADitylerWoosterat Opinions of Phyoisions. Or. TOVlELlerni is almost daily r«eising orden train Physicians in different parts of the Union, Thu is to certify that ere. the ondorsigned, Physicians GCS= City of Albany. have n Othll@Too 3 t(.1.11 puce& ed Dr..Townscnrffs Sarsaymeilla. and believe it to be one claw most riltuble preparations in the myket lIL P. PULING M. O. J. WILSON. il. n. IL IL BRIGGS, M. D. Albany, A pril 1.1847. ELSEENDOILF. 14. D cAirritort. chant. the great success and immense lode of Dr. Townsmers Sarsapmilla, • :umber of men 'she seen formerly our Agents, hare commenced making Beersapsr r Extracts Elixirs, Bitters, Extremes of Yell.. Dock. le.c. They generally pet it up be the same shaped hot. des end soma! 111 AEISI hare stole sod copied our vireo tisetneuts—they ouly worthless Imitadom, and shookl•be avoided. Principal 001cic ISS FULTON Street. Bew Pniklienh N. Y. Redding & Co. 8 State street, Boston: Dyott Roos, 133 North Second street, Philadelia ; 8. 8. Hance, Drtmeciat, Baltimore: P. N. Cohen. Charleston. %Wield & Co., 151 Marvel Puget. N. 0.; 105 Booth Pearl 13treal, Albany; and by nII the principal Drug trios and blerchants centrally throughout the noted 4t,•11.• W,{ Indir.s.,l the Canada, N. B.—Permen. inquiring for this medicine. Mould not be induced to take any other. Druggist. put up Sarsapanllas, and of course prefer selling their own. Do not be deceived by any—tinpure for Dr 'Fawn send' s, and take no other. LE E . Remember the genu ine "Townsend's Sarsaparilla , told brsho nem.. R. E .SELLER, General Wholesale dr Retail ARM., No. fri Wood street, and D. 3L.CURRY. Allegheny oily. jean IZtMMUMEUI IN BUT IN EVERY MOTHER'SObIERTF.AD. A.E undersigned has long been convinced of the necessity ftir some medicine adapted to the use of Children and Infante to supelSceila the use of all those medicines which contain opium, and has at length sues seeded in preparing and offenng to the public a medi cine dully answering ceery purpose for all diwases of the bowels, without the use of that deleterious drug, or any other calculatod to Miura in the least 'The Infant Yard' acme hes been fully tested and tried, the last twelve months, brmuunroas person. and found to possess all the on.l.Ordinacy virtues, =xi to produw nil the 1141011- isiLing Hieing an set forth on.tho la of directions. Ih velum. Vomiting, Cholie, Griping, Pains, Sickness end Diseases arising from Teeththg, acting immediately without . thsthrlang any of the inactions of thea,bodY, producing the happiest and most piensant transition from violent path in a tranquil and joyous state of feel in in the rude sufferer. To be bad wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor Dr. JOHN SARGANT, Druggist and Apothecati: J ohn Mitchell, Elliott k ßeckham, and moat other Brugguts deel . 3 Aikenntronil Ihusburgh. E- TOW:NSF:NITS SARSASARILLA.-40 down D just received of Dr. Toweseud•s Surseperilln, the molt a2USLOrtialary medicine In the world! This SD- I:, ant al Ina up in quart tattles. It Is sit nines 'sold. pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. It Cares disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating thee patient. Loot OCT Spa Wrenn:lt —Unprincipled perm,ns have opted our labels, and pot up medicine in the stone shaped bout& .See that each bottle hos the written sig moure of S. P. Towazersit. • EL E. SELLERS, Dthegish 57 Wood street, berensen Third. and Fourth. is Dr. Tovmsetul's only • erboluide and retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whorl; the germuto Wilde eoa be had- D. h en m hem been appointed the sale ageni for Allegy airy, of whom die genuine article can be had. ape • LAINNET AND CAP AIIIISONAV It Murphy IDA. the 1=616 of burns to a new enp2lof AKKAAietneyem ewe MAN VI? AcirOKI4ES. env MACIIINE WORKS AND, FOUNDRY, 40H3 R I GHT & CO" . A" pie pared bulld,Cothuo and Woollen ril.hin ery of every desonpilon, web as—Carding Ma- Chines, Spinning Frames, Speeders, Drowmg Frames, Railway Ileada, Women, Tordleta,Spooti, s, Dressing Frames. Lome, Card Grinders, Lo., Wrought Imo Shooing turned all sizes of Cast Iron, Follies and Ituigers„ of the latest paitirof, elide and hand Lathes, end tool. of all kinds. Castings of eves? desemption furnished on short no. tiee. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron earllng, fee. Steam - Ripe for Mating Factories. Cast Iron Wtildow 'Sash,and fancy Castings generally trrdenta ft at the Warehouse of J. Palmer &Co., Ltle arty street, will have prompt attention. . . Blaeknork, Bell it Co, J K Moorhead & Co., G E Wainer John Irwin & Sons; Piusbargt. G C 21 .1 11 Warner: dteshelrC/1.• jmtlO &I.,LIIMENY iIIENITIAN BLIND FACTORY. JOHN A. BROWN iTARE) this method to inform his friend. and the peddle et large that is Factor/ '.Stow to &Depend:ion, on the west side of the Distoneid, Allegheny, where a eon want imply of Blinds, of verities colon . , rlso d q rt ( N ti o c . VV , lorsd7t ' T.giit l b ' ' ll I rg . n a I n ' . d i B. Phillips' oil cloth watermark. enitran Shatters made to order in the best style. Blinds rerouted at the shortest notice. N. B. His Blinds will be pot up, without any addl. tonal roepere an that they an be removed in • mo ment in case of fire or for washing, and without the aid of a crew dr e oet4d I y&wl am I y 'RBI. ALEXANDER kr. SONS, COFFIN MA KERS AND FURNISIIINO UNDER- V TAKERS. corner of Penn end St. Clair streets, esposite the Exchange Hotel, entranee off Penn street, respectfully inform their relied, and the public, that they are prepared to tarnish sad attend to everything in.: the line of Undertaken. Always on heed a large u orneent of ready made Coffin., covered, lined and fin i s shes% in the stir best manner, all wee and sizes ready made Shrouds of fa anti, Cambric g and muslin, and ell vies made to approved styles. We keep a large as vortment of white end black, cotton, silk and kat:loves, sable for pal I beams, and mourners, crape, caps, mil lers, and every dung necessity for dressing the deed, and ouresonable terms, as we purchase ail our goods as the Lament ewes. Also, ether plain for engraving the name and age. We have • spieudid new hearse sad heaves, and any number of the best carriages. Every Wing attended in promptly .. .ll punctually. oetkl y BETWEEN .141T:SBUltral AND PHILADELPHIA. rpm; Propnetors of this old emit Iniened first I Portable Bout .I,lllt, having removed their de pot At Philadelphia, to a much larger Warehouse on Market st., than they formerly ee mined. and also in creased theu room for woraga at arc now prepared to otter much greater far lanes to their frauds and patrons. Goals earned by this fine ale tan tratishlpped be tween Pittsburgh and Pluntdegnmi. being curried en tirel piern t.tecuon Boats. siuppers deur andr Foals reqng comfit; hadling. tins la 01 importance No charge mode Mr recei ving or shipping goods, or advancing charges. All geode forwardwl _._ promptly, and upon as reasonable terms or by any oat- W. w. wai.Lacar., PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE WORKS, Nas. SO and Yrla Liberty miss, new Lis Canal LW AY r 3 on hand and made warder, a large varie ty' of Marble Mantels, Pier, Canna Table*, and Bateau Top aTorob Stones, 01,10Mt11 &C.i all which, being made. of the ebotcrat sushi*, and manufoctored principally by machinery, will be sold low for cash. N. B. Persons Noshing to purchase Mantels, are informed that it is boareMrth aoneressary for theta to go East, as I can' rural& them with an insole in 511 reapects as good, and (freight, umurance, Sc, consider ed,) as cheap as they can purchase them for in the East. Calf and see. jes3 COPPER, BURRS? IRON, AND TIN , WARE MANUFACTORY No 8 Market sue., Pittsburgh, henna: rui lb: th7 h eo "k'n ctio b n or oT g th m ei ude r K;;E t IA P TT7T e I% respectfully invite persons bedding Steamboats to eel and examine before purchasing,. we can suppiy the • wroth Deck •Sinves, Forges, and every other kind Copper. Tin and Sheet-Iron work necessary in furnish teg a Steamboat. We Moe Make to Order on the shoriesi notice SA rubes and Chamber; Copper work for Stearn Engine and every variety of work in Our line. tekn SHERIFF A SHIRK SENN ETT ith. BROTHER, r./FEENSWAFfE hIANUFACTURENS, Blresninfrherna, [near Pittsburgh.] P.. I arehouoe, No. 197, Wood sired, Pigibtirgii. „k 4 t men , tly a k o ee r p o o; n hand aup=reasso.r,td • superierquatty. Wholesale and country Mer chants are respectfully ISlVlttli in call and ea ammo for themselves, 11.• I•re aft determined sell cheaper than has ever before beau offered to the peb- 117" Orden sent by mail, aocomiunied by the club city reference, velll b promptly ..ended to feb, P. MCLV•XI. JAY. F- L• 01.1. FLINT GLASS ESTAILLIBILDIENT. ULVA NY tr. LEDLIE manufacture and keep con 13'1 mane, on band Guy Montoled and Plain Flint Glasmrare, in all its varieties, at their Warehome cor ner of Market and Water streets., Pittsburgh. Our Works continue in full operation, and we are adding to our stock, watch enables us to 411 orders with promptness. Purchasers are respectfully wGr fired to call and examine prices and turns. tuyledly COACH MAKING - - - FROM the very liberal encourage t the embscriber hra renewed since sa • he has located himself to Allegheny, ; boa Unlaced hire to take a lease, (or a term of years, on the property be now occupies, in Beaver street, immediately beside aresbytensin.ess Churc h. From the long experience in tln. above bu and • des re to plelse, he hopes to er Sand receive a ahare of public pmronage. Now on hand and fainahmg to order, Rockaway Dog ace, open and top Snipes, and every description Carnage. made to nodes, from seventylve dollars I. want humans 101 IN SOUTH. 3IA H N } I . JFACALD.IELpD .o r 4 b;.. nonb wiser .i, and lb N. wharves, l'hafc, offer (oral on accommodating term /4,600 D pkg. blanufactumd Tobacco, comtiamig of pounds, hall poundx, lec 16's Ws and Tr, imaps, 5'.. 6** and S. plug, and ITs I.;dice Twist. In whole and half boxes., of the following approved broods, James II Gram. Ostrom A Bragg, Grunt A Willman, A Cab..., S Jones A Son, Itl'Donald. Weirstar_thd, J Thomann, James Thomas, Jr. A II Armistead, J Thorn. &. Son, Landhora & Armistead, 1 I' Coates, 1 M Cobbs, Gentry & Royster, 1 A Clay, M A Butler. C A Ball, Green Hall, Wm Dawson ' Pearl A Norwood, J S Blackwood, Noth Page, Keystone, \ Edmund Henry, PIN V ru H aux 'h iro 'o bi o n . son, Russell A Arkansan,: Ketm, Robinson & Co. Seth Halsey, K Metcalf, • John Ender. Lawrence Lottler, J Roblosom. • tinny A Gray, D B Turner, R Jamieson, York What, ... D M Branch. —ALSO— Havana Leaf Tobacco, wrappers and fillers; Yarn do do do, Cienfuegos do do ,do t Jog° de Cuba do do 'do St Dommgo do do do Nana A Guidea do, pan fine, Niaysville do do do' ',- Kentucky var.os grades do do: Virginia Leaf, sortable for manufactunng and export; Spatush Seed Leaf, Penn'a,Connecticut and Ohio; Vigor. Sgraps, sweet; German Pipes; Pure headt; Scotch Snuff (loose and bladders;) Macron. Menr. Tongue Beano, Havana bass, Om 1t0..'. Bergamot; Ac &c. Calabna Ltquonce, Patent PHILADELPHIA. my Cavendish Knit., Spank. lS SION OF THE HIO PITCHER. NEW CHINA, GLASS k QUEEN: WARE STORE No. 111 WOOD Stamm. TUE subscribers wt. to inform the public generally mat they are now opening a new and large .toe of China, Gino., Ctuceaswart, Britanma and Fancy (Sisals. compriaing the latest and most fashionable pat: terns of Emrich China plain and gold-band Miner Sea; do do " Tea t` Superior Iron-Stone Dinner w` Eloimug blue (h new puler.) o Liverpool - A great sandy often Seta, different qualtuen; 'imamate Breakfast and Tea Sets, Waiters--a ...gut article -queen's Clothier , parlor Lamp., (Cornelia', maker,) Glass Ware, a general assortment. Steamboat owners .d hotel proprietor. are invited to ellinline OW assortment Or wire imitable for th eir Une. COUntly rim find a large stock of articles suitable for country sal., which we will sell at rea sonable pnees. Our stock being courtly new, we feel satisfied of be ing able to please all who may favor . with theii cur tom. (stpl7uStrkwl ) GILL &GETTY. Monongahela House TIMOIi/ig Mirtstb ,f LAW:neut. IT SAAC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor, be to In formthe citizens or Pittsburgh and others, dint he 14 now opening at him rOOl2ll on Smithfield street, un der the shove Hotel, a forge and beautifulusortment of Cloths, Cm/minty:yes, Satins, Silk, and other Vesting*, together with other articles as are required for gentlemen's wear. His goods have been carefully se cted, and are of the newest and most fulnonable style, as well as of superior quality. His customers may depend upon having their clothes made up in • taunter which cannot fed to gratify the taste of the least fastidious. apdtil V _ • • _ • - T OLIACCO-10 2 bo o . Brooch do & W d a:kins. e ss . . m po..d. sdo do do 12e and 16.4 10 toga No 6 mist; In do PO Cavendish; 6 do do Piogi an 51 do Begwal 2 I D O do haltSpalush do; to We by WILLIAMS HOKE HOUSF.-3aving taken the large and co.. mallow Smoke House and Baton Storehouse ad mining our Pl'arehoum.on the Canal Blain, we are p• pared to smoke nod store bacon on reasonable 101133 HIER JOHM Canal basin. near 71b at. A -- -- SECOND HAND PIANO, cost originally 13=1, and has been to use about four years, pricenow 8175, for sale by ' JOHN H MELLOR, rel 3 81 wooristrect Ny a SUGAR-5 petme for sale low to clo 1 , 11 consagonwel, by WEST. BOWEN, /e 5 70 front on WHIYETGOODS—A A Muon I Co. tisve on ban. an extensive assortment of White Goods, cam prising Mob. Swiss, Book, Maid and Juonet Mulins of every. variety. MOSQUITO NET re—We hal`t just opened a large Int of, Mosquito Neva, of an excellent qualny and remarkably cheap. je23 ALEXANDER & DAY • CtyrDsN-27 bal. to arrive; for side by /ell CDEESE—L 6 boxes 00 NM I DICKEY for sale b & y Co e 9—• • ISAIA RAIL ROAD GUlDE—Doggett's Rail Road Dinde nod 43 ,, y ,,,,, for is&l, with Sectional Slaps of the great motes of travel. A few copies received and for sale by jai JOHNSTON & STOCKTON COTTON-60 bales Teraterneo Cotton "t.l gate and for sale by my 23 BOVVEN,9 O from in IkKOLABSE9-49 bbls Plantaxim I.don u We by 93 BOWEN TRANSPORTATION LINES, I TUE ONION LINE 1:t..."` . " .. " -M 13 14. 1 14 i b t i i l 7/—C 4j ss 4 BETWEEN PITTSBURf al AND CLEVELAND Hun, i'aaes I ,Propr's. W. T. Pnisbargh. & Co, Bearer; CLIAXII.I.III. Clevsland ) TuEabove Lane is now prepared to transport It - right and passengers from Ploshargh and C:evedand. or ypoint on the Canals and Lakes One boat leaves Potsburgh and C:eveland run ning in eonneeuon with the s..eamt.ont. Ists.• d Machtgan. between Pittsburgh and Lteavrr.d of firstclass steamboats. propellers. braes and sf hoot, e:s on lakes Ens. Huron sad Property forwarded to toy part ot the l'atost with dispatch, by WE 1' m ATia:R. or JOHN A. t'AL(.III-N.Arents. nor Water and Southfield st.. I'nt.burglt AGENTS: Reed, Parks & Co, Deaver, RI: Parks & Co. Youngstown, K NV Cotes & Co. Worsen D Bostwick & Co. Drendport. A & N Clark. Newton 1a.... F Co wan. Newport. J & M Whlttiesey, Catnionvilsport J M'ltride, Ravenna. M & C II Kent. Frattlinn. Miller& Tonle. Ca) - ahogn Wheeler h. Co, Akron, Hanley. Gibbs & Co. Sandusky, Watkins & Engle, Toonlo. Witham, & Co. Dviron. M'Clure & NN'illtanot.Mtlwauktr. \List H J Winslow. Closago. 111. npll RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, IS4B. JOHN NH FA DEN k Co.. Coil Bmin. Penn .l. l'ltipburgh JAMESII. DAVIS k. Co. feb•X tri Markel & 54 C.ommerce. ~.. JOHN McFADICV k Forwardnig and Coninn4 on Merchamns, Canal Baun, Penn IL.. JAMES M. DAVIS & Co, Flour Factor* and COMM,. Sion Merehanta, utri Market, and ni Commerce rt.. Philadelphia. ('hod D—Advrineee male by either of the above on Flom, Proc.: and other desoripuot. blerestandiie contigned to them. febtit 'l-OTICE—The suloge tilt< rt haveditto - eget! ofo ;hello 11, tercetin the Pentia told Otto I .•ne to Ct. d Lite; IAVV, of Pautotrgh, and JOSEP / - of ony. Tbe, will sonunue m trarinurt Ipus:ltre, for At thou Watehou.r. on Broada• 1,11! ist` speak for tt continunßce oL p,rortar.. 0: On, friends. co. Pluladelpnis, Mush sth. ISIS. paaa'a. and Ohio Trani; ortatlon Co ::;••••••,-.2=11 Dorsdie Daily FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CA RS, TTSTAJTro To TiA_Tartorrr coo:, urruu.. rrn AN➢ CLARKE & THAW. Canal Im., Ptrl4l.nrgli LEWIS & BUTLER. :&.9 Marx et . JAS. sTEEL & CO., Agt,, COIVIJEN, CLARKE & Co.. Nom, .r. W. PORIUCK, Agt., N We.: marlb o pa. tnera hip. Mill: subscriber. have thy. day D....rioted theot.viv 1 together under the .:)'le nl Kirr h Jour.. onr 717te u' r, eral pationav heretofore ego •o. 110 It F. JONI_A Pittsburgh, lilareh I. 1‘44. KIER'S PORTABLE BOAT LINE. COMPOSED ENTIRRI.V CLAss Ful BELTON BOATS. FOR lit:IA . 111A BALTLNIORE VIA CANALS.' RA 11.11 i r.a [Pa TTIE are prepared to eres,vs and forward rrr,c.ll TT the above anti Irtirrtrirdra, ir NI mu despatch, and at as lure uter us r r yrrar d line. The attention of shippers oilstone in ...earl con to Baltimore liu.k, it y Cr-qr.—dr, r ormuch •ur nrologrowoot rzoOr• I.- t art) •,t truck. through tu hotter ordor Oho. uo KIER A. _lt ~ •r. Pittsburgh. March I. 1.4; ' - •131 . 1- V. KIM K l e i h ß a n l l2n o r =7:: 7:1.7 ' Pr.turr. Ice lAberul cash advance. on roll., ~,...••.. , UNION LINE, Sia To Philade polo moo Z 4111.110“, HENRY GRAFF a w,w 1 . :1:. 1 / 1 .1 • 01 nn vui.I4UNIPIIREN SAL° No 117 NturVer Ph, C. H. 100:04 corner Nortl. sorry.,, •14 pa:: / „, Jon" F Clarke, No 11, CU I • XI(MCF,—TI, I, n(o, firm. 1.1 and alter tars date. at F. ••• .ar & Co., anr4at Plolatlclpasa. , 11,, UND G DUTII.H. CHAS. H Hl.l HENRY GRAFF. rir.buro ruartnt PITTIIE/1773,011 PORTABLE 110 AT LIN F. Mi=IIB4B.IIAIM Forth. Trn+-purtatum of Frre,ht t., If PITTSBCROH, EIMM2=I Nam/al a ft C.NII. rt. :Or i.Naf T • of V CONNI.I, rf , HlS.old eatabhahnl Ltor lonia; ta on,ra• tton. the proprietors. have ma& menu to forward g nod,. and 10, a. al on the most favorable term. lbw well known prompts...* ..1 .1, cwtar ult.) in low. ul [Ult se• at each port. kfforttlng lwrotiono.t.tti,,, , • •:.viwr and owner* td prodnrr—tocelh,r bernl•y arntefu!ly neknoss All consignor.. by and tor no- low n•rt.tvnri. Res paid. and for a anted to ant trnitt,md ore o r harp. fur romans-stun. artvanStrtn or •tort,r , No litterral. dirrrti) rtearrO.p.,t. All norrunurneatiour proutptis atroodori lo aopric °on lo the tollowtog agents IWRBIDGE tc CA98..17- Mark, al l'lrditok.nltts TAMMY A. rCONNOR. I ant.; Bas,, (YVON:VON-.A Co. North st. Itnitnnorn WM. B tat Cedar st, New fork nna LAKE ERIE AND MIC HIG A N LINE IS-is. j;r; ~i THIS wel' kilown camptimi: iit •manthriai• Lake Erte sand Mirhigan, ti and Deaver, and freight and pa•mticer Pna , Dont. t, tareen Beaver laid Erie, and M Inc. tit Om' elassatearnboats, propellers and v•met• on tor lapreparerl to carry freight and poriiritcrm to ail pair.. on the Erie Canal, and Laken Ere, Huron and lichi• Having every facility for convv!t•ig 'might and par. sengers with proingtimm and th • proprietor in d agents remyrectfury m'ieit mom Lima &con tinuance of their patroitage C R REED, Proprietor REED. PARKS A. ro, Deaver Agents JOHN A. CA / I EV. A, it. apH ear Water and Saiiihhi•id a.. I.,,,iliorrh 184. ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE. To and from the Eastern rinr.t. viivilUnsberimml rir lIE propnetors of this pUpte., have since their re-orgaumation largely Isteron.rd their hicOltio, to meet the villas. of shippers' rind are now rwrrplarc.l to forward a greater amount 1 , ) the FIVE BA N' LINE, no oleo by additional regular wagons at low nous. This lint will run throughout the year, delivering goods throe..ll the Wluu tit iitilllMOM and Paudiurgh to owners and consignees at .pen teed rates and time. Shipments from Pluladelphia ior the him should Le marked "Care, I B Robinson, Llultunore." The only agents arc, B ROBINSON, VUS Charles st, Baluntorr EDGERTON & Co. Cumberland. 0 W CASS. Brownsedle. febil C RIDWFaa. Pittsburgh. VCLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LIN E E 4 lb. Rrummtore anus popular Lom base chanced the Army at Cumberland from R. hOlf.l of Mrlietg le Ma Imre to that of Edgerton A Co Pittsburgh md western merchmts ere not fled that l Bay ly Robtason. No l Math Charles •t. Ilalt.mtre i. the aoly authonead gem of tht. Late in the Eastern Otte. Th. only *rots are C BMW ELL, Pt...burgh, W CA , IS Brovto•e Ile, 1:110A hTON 4 C.. Cumberland, B ROBINSON, Mittman. GREEN & CO.'S EXPRESS lot consaturro, .41.1:1111101C, W•511.13"70, lOULAUXI. rms. saw vista, suerrox, ALL Tit s c • ri IiIiCHANT and others ..,114iltIg good, ure mosso, lAI MI that this Is the fastest. nit,ll. and tisps ditiOUs4.lnin going East, eosoiceung wslll .chin. A Co s Kt press duly, at Italuspore. Throne, resew. will he givrn to any of shove places. kferehandszes and packages of .) size or wesght forwarded. Express closes doily ai 3 r II ti VICK.I'.RY, Agent, St. Charles Hotel Iluildincs. wood st P. K. PRETE A. 00. 336 NA.. trnoirr. BOATMEN'S LANE. 1848 . lOY TIIL3 111MTOXfATION 01/ £l4 II AVa OW DLZE TO tr. FROM PIiILAI/ELPIII A, lIALTI •.01(21.:. NEW YORK ANL/ Hut rO( irrmi kinds of Net eltandire r011,11e.1 I' K. Erma, Philadelphia, or to J. Parrett Pititiburge. will be promptly forwarded fr. Of COMltllitwOwftS. mart MEM= - - Paine:Lg.. and Remittance Om c•.. - ballAltiapEN A. CO. eottintue b rtti ,, yc from any part of England, Ir -land. Seottand nr Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with Melt usual punctuallty and a..., to the wants and ettut• fort of emongrants We do not allow our pa...engem to be robbed by the swiedllng scamps the, infest the sea ports, as we take charge of them the moment they re port et ch them and see to their well beim, and de spatch them without any dem.. by the first shms We say this fearlessly, n we defy one of our prawn. gers to show that they were detained lr• boors by I/I Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were detained months, until they'rtoold be scut In some old tr.- at • eh; p rate, which too frequently proved their eothus. We intend to perform our rolltroctr honorably. cool what It may, and ant art . woe the cut, seqlo2l. with e th er o rheens,—who either perforated not all. or when it sailed their convemence Drafts drawn at riltaburgh for any tom from tl to nom payable at any of the provtnetal Hants to Ire land, England, Scotland and Wale• JOSHUA ROBUISON, European and OCllenti Agent, Gild Fifth bleat, Imo door belonar-Woml Boma MUSIC, &c. Valuable and Attractive New Books. tiatory of the Girondists, 1 vols. 12 • ;Lem ., I.lce of Chevehet Bayard; 12 the. I' H James' Lae of Henry the Fourth. of Fhiteee mo Smith's Conn,ln Cities of Clime; If mo. Newider•. Lite orients Christ; 8 vo, muslin; Maerere Fresh Oleamnew ore new Sheaf from the and nettle of Continental Europe. Capt. Henry'sSamehes of the Mexican War l^ mo. /tei'• Story of the Battle of Waterloo; 12 mo .. .. A Summer In Scotland. by Jacob Abbott: 12 om oudil I..nertnure of the South of Europe; 2 cols 12 Inn Roxnm'a Adventure* in AinSico and tho Rocky AlmunntnN, 12mo, mu.. 1.1 humous iVork. of Rev Tho. Chalmers. D The Prarucal .kottronomer; by Tbo.. Dirk, L. I. D. Un of Jeremy Belknap. D. D.. Historian of New 11.niednre • Luther and the Reformnuon. by John Scott, M. A al, The ',fiddle Kingdom. with a new map of the Empire by . \ Williano,2 vole, 12 mo. Ile Power of the PnlpP, by Garthner Sprang, D. D 1.2 010. The Bethel Flag. by (t. Nino Spring, D. 12: 12 tno. fraclung a Setence, the Teacher an Avast: by Re. 13. It Hall The C7ll, hie Colln and People; by JoJut S. rila 1.-vrtures on Shakspeare. by H. N Halation. The Aro.. of Amencet—lllustented with nine engra att,g• on sleet, and containing sketches of the Ikon/ of Intonn, \ Vest Storm, Trumbull. De Vet to Itembrouth Peale and 'rhos Crawford; 1 vol. I so. Tue Orators of Prance, containing sketches of the lint , of I.ximanine, 'rtiters. Napoleon. Dorton, Mira benu. Coam and other, with portentts of each. liendle)'s Napoleon and glarshalg 2 vols. 12 too. Headley's \ Vanning - ton and b. Generals; g volt, Igra liead le y't. Sacred Idountunc 'lThr above. together wall a large collection of Stand -1 %York, ela.teical and Itchool _Mak a. for sale by' JOHNSTON re Frock-I'ON. llookselle, tes corner market and %Id at. BOOKS POLL THE SEASON—lllummated Gen. of Sacred Poetry, splendid imperial it v 0.., with beautiful illustration. on steel, by Sartain, and im illuminated pages by Schmitz. and Sinclair, nchly bound in Turkey morocco and white calf, superbly gilt. The Christian Keepsake. no annual for 151 M with splendid me:howls engravings, by Sartain; bomid io ar sbesque morocco. Chrism.. Bloasomx and New Year's Wreath for a small quarto volume, primed on snow white pa- , F er, embellished with splendid mezzotint engravings.— rt.• tA by far the mast beautiful Juvenile annual pub- hotbed in the United States. 'rile Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M. B. with tinnier°. et orate designs, by the Etching Club, in va rious styles of binding. Thompson's Seasons, with seventy-seven designs, by the Etching Club. in various styles of binding. The Poe. and Poetry of America; by R. W. Cris ..old. The Poets and Poetry of the Ancients, by NVilliam Paler, A. M.; superbly bound in Turkey moroecoi spies- . didly tr, Poems, in various styles of binding. Gray's Elegy illustrated. lemon's Poetical %Yorks, in various bindings. Lord Byron's, v 41 Shakimeate • s' The Poeucal Work. of Thorns. Moore. Ballad. and other Poems, by Mary liowitt. Poems by Amain. Ileadley's Sacred Mountruns. The above, with a great variety of other nevework., In splendid styles ni binding, suitable for gift books; for sale by • "VENN' AN It ATTRACTIVE DOOKIS--Cholute re :+e. 1\ lent worke.4 yak Cletloterb' Deily ,-rtpturr Reading: Memoir of the .11c of Mrs. Fry, end von T 1..• the author of . Sehoolgsrl in France. 1,e , 1) Mar), or Not of the World, by Rev C U Toy NI A. NI rettret, or the Pearl, do• do IMtl== 1:111=11=1:1 by Otrollue Fry, I.. , •turr. nn sheicsprare. by II N 'Hudson I.ile 01 thlver Cromwell. by j r Ilead We Marshal• N% ....moon and bin Generalg, do Power We Pulpit. by Gardoier Spring, I) D get.b..! Plag. do du I{.•figot. reach tng by Elumple; rulyul nnututr of Frace, by Turnbull I it ui Itawland Hal; Free Church Pulp... 3 vol. I /rah. 01 Vrauce. Nola , aud Then; Ilethune'K Poem aorarrt Mercer. oit Matthew. adapted to Union Question,. Arthur Popular Tales- - Riehea in the World, Mac..., Ila , te to he Hreh," - Mawr have - A--ptatr up Appearance.," “Debtor and Creditor." For rad. Et.uurr & • 7, wood ;tad market el 10 El% —Loitering. in Europe. or Sketebee 1 , 1 Travel in France, !tele - num Switcerland. Italy, Awtria Pro . Great lintasti nod Ireland. with an ronteutine onservatlona on Komi - wen chan t:, and nirdwnl 11.1101101 It. By John W Caraun. M U. 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