f 0 THE PROFESSORS AND NEMESIS OP THE MEDICAL SOCIETIES, Mother, Wile arid Daughter IN UNITED STATES.— The subscriber respect fully calls your attention to Dr Hourrna Grua trAe.l7o7.lgt".l:;Lc°:, the Incip ient Phthials, or early consumpoon, Debility of the Llngs, Bronchial Afections , Asthma, Pleurisy, Deranged and Disordered state of the Liver, Spleen. or Ilittheyit, De wed Spine, Cholie, Diaper.; Palpitation of the khan., Loss of klustalar or Servo. Power, Az. fre. DR. C. IL BAFIRRITS GUARDIAN comes to the immediate thlief of Females suffering from Irregular,- MIS, and all other Uterine difficulties and aliments incl. dental to woman, whether occasioned by cold, wet that, or any similar injudicious exposure, and all this without Wa use of medicine; as the mon delicate and saindthe lady ran at any moment apply n to herself without the possibility of incurring any risk or danger, at any unpleasant results arming from it, and with the CSltlLtlity of obtaining Immediate relief. • D[. it Guardian is no catentte.y, or one of 'Abe y humbugs of the Any; bat ti to an tostruracut made upon shortly scientific principleo, in accordance With the laws of Electricity and Galvanism"; and for neatnasa, durability and efficacy, infinitely carpaoses ankeything of the kind ever before offered to thepublic forth* rebef of disedse and, in the language of .one of the 11101 a enlightened Men ortbe day, is •thowninced to bonthe greatest discovery of the age' , A_penal ofno less than four years has been occupied . by Dr. Barrett in bringing the lituadinn to it. present Eats. perfection.—ithritre which time It his been In the hands of some of the most ertnnent phyothians of the North and South , . well as in the thorellings.of nu . moose families , who have used it for all of the above purposes, with the most perfect rotten., and who have obscenity given them unqualified approbation of its efficacy and soden, as can be then by referring to the Manual of Instructions accompanying 11. Dr. C. B. Barrett', Guardian is secured from anthem dons by a patent from the United State. Patent Office, and be had either with or without but Medico-Electra Ogvanometer. The Medico. Electro Galvanometer, In point of beau ty, workmanship, durability and power, cannot be sur sa or even equalled, and the bseriber feel. that =reards nothing in the assertion that it will be found to punning more power end efficacy in the. treatment and removal of diseases, by atihrantiin and FJeetrim =bra, any other inf.kiz i c e n o. LL . it , h t e ro r. i; no ll m n:t , td r Us warranted irevery, respect, and with emnmon ordi; nary care will gig a Ufa-is ms, .... t d o fa e r .r titz t ebeapd OM, beneath the best, iv aver public. A manual accompanies them, giving the moss ample instructions, of practicalexpertence, so that it u readily . intelligible tothe nund of every one, While the • we • Wl' 01 arrangement is such that a child may •—_....outthe with it. Any information gratuitously Oven, and all cheerfully answered per mad, either in rela tion to the Elecuo-Galvanomeicr or Guardian. Medical men are invited to call mid examine Dr Bar -- rotes Guardian, and test to efficacy. • For sale by FL RICHARDSON, sole Agent. 71. Mar. bat at, Pittsburgh- stpffifidtf vieft 5 , o o 0 PERSONS in Philadelphia O alone, can testify to the wonderful efficacy of that wirerfal remedy, THOMPSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR AND WOOD NAPIITIL.I, - • In Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic Biomeluds and Pore Throat, Asthma, Chronic Catarrh, Spilling of Blood, Pain in the Side and Breast, Difficulty of Breathing, Whooping Cough, ennui., Weak Nerve. and Nervous Tremors, Palpitation of the Heart; also, Liver Complaint and Affection of the Kidneys. This medicine, the invention of a man who gave the subject of Pulmonary . , Bronchial and Pectoral climaxes the most rigid e mmintotion, has now been before the pnblie Dear four yearn During this period it has per formed some of most remarkable cares on record of Pulmonary Consumption—secured the recommenda tion and use of physicians in their practice, and the warmest approval of thousands of persons in ordinary and severe Colds, Congo, ro Hoarseness, Spitting of Blood, Ace. -• • • " ' About four rpm since I was attacked with Typhus Fever, which leftme ton Miserable state of health,' In extreme debility with o general prostration of the alqt tem„ with violent pains ta the breut and loss of appe tite, lit consequence of which 1 was unable to attend to my usual lima:teas, or perform any kind of work. I applied to several physicians and used various teme emu but without any benefit. and had despturedot ever obtaining a recovery °lcon- former health_ Bat noose time last June I was advised to try Thomson's Com pound Syrup of Tar and Wood Napalm and Incredible as It may appear, by the time I had Ink. three honks the debility, pain and every sense of suffertug were completely removed, and I was able to - attend with re stored health to my osual avocanons. MARTIN CLAI:DY, Of Dickinson township, Comberlimit co. Head the following testimony from a rvspcctabl member of the Society of Fnends, in Youglikeilmle, N York. lfA LUAIII.E TFSTIMON “This may certify that in the spring of ib-sa, my health was very feeble; I win afflicted with pain In the ride. with other alarming symptoms, and wintered much from great debility. At that time I purchased (ram Moses Dame two bottles of Thomson's Compound op. rap of Ter and Wood Napthn, from Wttleil I crperien• mid great benefit, toy health . beiog bow good; ltd I cheerfully recommend the &ruck to all persons who may be suffering with general debility, with rympioms of a decline. AILAIIAM Psuglakeepsio March 15, 1947." Prepared only by Adastor et Ihcasou, at the Pi. F. corner of Vidti and Spruce meet* Phila. Sold by L. WILCOX, Pittsburgh; and by druggists generally. Price 60 cents, or One Lollar per Louie. SAL TER'S GiNSENG PANAbEA! rrso THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED LUNCH—The nripreccdenteil success which hes [tended the use of the an the various forms which irnutuon of the limp it mimes, h. induced the proprietor aft. to coil ave lion to this WONDERFUL PBFPARATItIy The elhathratile weather which marks our fall sad winter month., is always a fralifel coerce of COLDS AND Time, if neglected, are but the precursors of that fe destroyer, COSUDIF'riON The questlon, then, how Wad) we np i the destro ughs b e In the bAd! how shall we get clew el oar co and olds? ts of 'clod traportnnec to the publie. TILE GRE A T AND ONLY REMEDY will be found to the Ginaeng Panacea. In proof of th we have from Owe to time published the certificates • dozens of our hem known etthen., who have cape cored its curative power. The., with aina.. of to timing from all parts of the rountry.—troin MEDICAL MEN OF TIIE FIRST STANDING, hid:asters of the Gospel, En., together with eopionn n • does from the _ . JOURNALS OP THE DAY, we have embodied itlg pamphlet form. and may be had gratis of any of our agents throughout the emlnn. • HUNDREDS OF WJTM.ES have been used in this elm THOUSANDS AND TENS OP THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Canada, and see eha Lenge any man to point out • 9INGLE LNEcrerics• n match, when taken according to direction, add Coro We lungs had become, family disorganized, it has rear Ogled to ;u a Why, then, need the Maimed hesitater •I by resort ~• the tot.-nable nostrums, gotten up 'rya i cP •Vtlmiivid nals o ler the assumed nume of soon ea • d phy sleian, and puffed into notoriety by certifies. • per sons equally unknown? Whilst a morlieme et UNPARALLELED tYPICACY Is to be had, whose vouchers an at home,—ensr neigh. bors,—osany of whom it has BNATCRBD PROM THE GB AVE. . _ In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed within the reach of the poor as well the rich, Iwo have put the price at ONLY STOTT CENTS, jot one half the usual cost of cough medicines.. it ts for sale by our agent. in nearly every moo and village over the west, who 111 V prepared to Ore fell inform. lion relative to it_ T. SALT Proprietor, Broadway. Cincinnati, Ohio. 11:IERCHANT OF THIS errs, who had be. of theted with the asthma for bar years, had taken t every thing His phytudiuns constantly atten ded him, and he had expended over two thousand dol l.. He never behoved in advertised niedietnes, Lui eonsidered them all humbugs. At last he maid Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. from= Beekman street, New York, and in ns weeks was entirely cured, hav ing taken only three bottles. This Is only one of many eases where imaginary objection. to a potent medicine have prevented persons from using this methatne, who have expended hundreds of dollars to their physician, la vain—and in the end owe their recovery tot. infal lible efficacy eiXins purely vegetable preparatio n. There is no mis c, that this medicine is superior to any remedy prescnbed by medical ...ere This medicine b. taken 00 years to mature, and is the mu test remedy for dose.. ever unreduced to the nubile. Enzymatic Tat., COMM. son Snomvla, ire Haman Cazgy'.—Soffering for a long time with these complains, I had given up all hope of being cured. I had committ ed the botanic and hour zpothic doctors in vain. I had used many ankles advertised, bat found no relief. In despair I had given up the use of all medmioea. Hear ing of the great virtues of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liver wort, and thegreat cures it had performed. induced' me to try it, and to my great my ant 4 tw,mushroom., I was better daily. I continued its use, also his Sugar- Coaled Pills, until lam entirely eared. Dr. Taylors Balsam of Liverwort is the best medicine in the world for these complouns, and will cure every one la/clad. SIsTH LAiViteNee, Captain of the Nancy, of New York, Anna. Crstro.—l have suffered from We Asthma a very long time, and have used every medicine I could obtain for its mire in Vtlltl. caned Dr. Taylor's Datum Liverwort. This medirtne has afforded me most manifest benefit, and in, in my °tam.. a cure for this distressing disease; more especially, as I Snow of many cases among my friends, where it 6. hcen high ly socceasful. Persons intcresmil ore medal to "all at my residence (orients. , Information. MRS. S.W./TON, Sib Laurens Sold in Plnikorgh by .11) Morgan ti 3 Wood st; J Townsend, 4.5 hlarket st; H Smyter, eor Market und sta; Henderson & Co, 5 Liberty st Prim reduced to IRAQ pet bottle. IrfJ ORGAN'S COUGH SYRUP—It proved to he the al~greet Panacea in curing my child's distressing toug From the Temperance Banner, Nov 21947. Covou are not in the habit of puffing. dutch less taking *ern medicines, bat we feel disposed 10 teconunend Atorgart's Syrup to time who are afflict. ed with a cough. Alter having tried the usual reme dies to remove • constant and distressing cough, that had for several days aillictarone of our children, with out success, we were induced .to try Mellen's cough syrup, and by It relief was obtained In a few hours. It proved to be the panacea in Ws mire at kart_ Prepared wholesale and retail by the pmprunor, JOHN D . MORGAN, Druggtst, kb7 wood st, 1 doorDeloar Mammal alley: ASTRONG EVIDENCE that Dr JAYNE'S ET 1170..;TORit NT is superfor I°all other remedies for _CaasaaTtioa, Bruorhide, Altheemvusd other Pulmo nary rtreettous, that the same persme an° cornmettool the me of it n Start Dainties tea yeast qo still rake it to all other remedies of the kind; nawhere ny Imre ben lodated in try other prepentoms . they ban almost Invariably been dimppoinued m seeming the benefit which' eras reasonably otropatad from the hilh praises bestowed by tin props:non, and ntortved to the use of harm' EZIRCTO.I47, remedy that ham neer Doled to schen th em. and which probably ones had its equal in arresting pulmonary disease. Planted only by Dr D. Jayne Philadelphia, and solders .gierY ALEX. A Y fiEZ dectildikwtt 72 Fourth it 'TAY . NZIS HAM TONlC.—After Fein tine brume ontemitatiatly pronownee tt to lie what moats. beet article, 'Whoa any easytion, in me, farthe maddratioo aid procreate= of the hem. hair.' We blow jandanea when hair has been restored to had. which has beat MU M& P.M md we think ere cannot 4. =errar UM to reartamead to all oar readers who to lair hair, to make a trial of this Tank immediataly SeatonShit for ads in Amami+ Peakia Tea Store, 0. 7 Fermat Area; war Wald near'.4.ltarT XXOROAN u S WORM KILLER to far superior to all Mi . other remedies for Worms. June 14th, 1.948. This may certify that I gave to two of my eaildren, three and five yearn old, two , ertspoonfuls of Bleogsn's Worm Killer, to each of them. fhe youngest passed =large worms, the smallest eoult rot hove measured leas than yr., inches. The eldew passed so lame a number that we could der begin to count them. I have used all the popular remedies /•'ore the public for worm, but eau say with Welsar conscience, ZdorgaM Worm Miler is far superior to as row before:4m pub. Jaw RaMIIBLJOHNWOIV, Bakerstown, Idlegherty county. . Preparedand sold wholesale and yea by tree pie rimy. JOHN D MORGAN, Wood street. =lt - .WEDICAL . .. _ -1-1-... s ,:mfut:.----f, t..p - m - Ty 0. -mt , 1 il. +Ol - r et-i i t is DR. Towrinerrws SARSAPARILLA Muter irisd Blessisisr a. Aft The moo evssesilinary.Medicias is dm World This Er.trart u pad up is gimpy/rotas,: it is dais chomps, plea!aater,..f Var , a.ted prior t• ofaold. It spree viand rwriar. sr slibilitessig Parent. The treat beauty and superiority of this BIIMPLIiIIII aver Oodles medicines is. tit while k eradkales tim ab ease, it Inairans the s =kioneof the very best EIPIL IT AND MEDICINE! ' Peer known; it stormily pariSsulte wboler system and strengthens the person , but it emus, wen, plow end rich Etood : •pourer pommeled by moths, medicine. end in this lies the grand eecret of its wouderftri means. It has performed withbothet loot two nark ;note than 10%000 ruse. or @event cameo ofi at he WOO were considered incurable. It has saved the Urea of more than 10.000 childyen iitt)itic the two past seven. 10,000 eases of Gametal Debility mad want of Nervous. Energy. Dr. Townosnd'a Sarsaparilla' Invigoratei the whole system permanently. To rho-le who have lost their tauscularereew by the cp. , . of medicinal or Milieus -000 committed m yowls, qr the eseaalve indalgenee of use pan:sons, and brought on • general physi prtstra oon of the nervous spites.. lassitude, want o f.obilise, Writing setnationa.prematuredeay and decline, hasten. tog towards that fatal disease, Consumpnon, can he en. billy restored by this pleasant remedy. This Sorsa. patina to far supetiab to any' laviporatlng Cordial, As $t renews and limp:mates the system.gives activity tu the bad, and smstrxth to the muscular system, in • must extraordinary degree. Consumption Cared. Ottazus oaf Scrag/lea Covamption 000 be eared. Brencibitit Cowessotptioa, Loon- Complaint Cobb.. Oatarri, Cossgsbe, -lean, Sp of Mood, Sere:reeve* Lk* Oben, Ifectihnsit.ffight Scoots, Difficult or Profane Emmet, ratios, Psis u lAs Star. Ire, halm bens ilia Me be asstd. SPITTING BLOOD Ana Yor k U. Tovrest.no-1 vizily Dubow( that your Saga SY m L i, rale ha been the means, through Providence, of unytus mY life. I have for several yea.. had a bad Cough. fi became moneantivirorias _Akin. I g aiseglerge gamed. tier of blood. had eight livratta ea gety gebtle Luca and redoced, sad dielbot larreet to let* i have ot.ly used your flarraparllla a short than Bad theta her • a wonderful chaagebeen wrought Ls ma. I am no* able *elk all over the city. 1 nabs no blood, and toy rough has left nes. Yon can imagine that I an thahkful for there null.. Your °had wet serirunt WM. FLUSBELIe . 6S Catherine-. Dr, TowneencY•Sareaparilla is a unsnap and greedy cure roc Incipient Coonnuptiou, Darreutnetta Uteri, or railing of the Womb, Costiveness, Pile, Lrru. rorrhica, or White.. obstructed ce difficult llentatraw iota Incoutineacelof Urine, or insobsolvy discharge thereof end for the general pnwtration of the *Titer/n— -u. matter whether the recta. ofinhorragtanse or oauara, produced by irtuculerity, Mama or accideat. Nothing an Ito -room turprisitut awe ie., lartfroulifug crude a on the hpoianframe. Penult. all weakurea and laul. tutor from taking iz..t once become robast tool full al ...My ander nor niiimmee. It immediately counteract. the nervelessness of the female frame, which lathe grind cause of Darteuneaa It will nut be .petted of oa to camm of o delicate a nature. to exhibit certificate* of egret performed bet Co can assure, the aillirted. that huatlredeof cases have been mauled to us. Thousand. of ream whore rootlike hater been without chttaren, oiler mina o few bottle. of the Invaluable math:lee. hare boon blessed with fine. healthy oflapring. To nether. and Married tad/a. This Estrum of Sarsaparilla has been pared in referea.: to female wasuphdoMale ' who has reason to suppose sba i. appioachlag that critical period, • Tim tare of life:: .hood Neglect oi take it, as it is o certain preventive for any of dm aumennts and horrible dingoes to which female. are subject at thla dme of life. This period may is ds lapel/hr aroma yeses by swishy t i.emirs-ow. Nor la it less valositte Co. those wise are approachiag manhood, as it to calculated to assist nature, by quick ening the blood and I treigonatnithe system. Indeed, the naedieine it invaluable for all dm delicate due+ o• to which woman are wil,ect It braces the whale system, toners poimAttently the n rat by remoglog the izeporams of the bal ,t so y, not far ftititolattog es to produe. subsequen. r.lrtation. M hich is the case of omen medicine. tel.. ruf !.-,tale weekvess and due., By mine of Wine. el snodiritio. muty wren. and paanful forgive! ..91,11 tflou may be preventrd. Brent Blessing to Metiers nenf Children. It is the wrest and RIO, effectual eimbd.r., punt, hrz the system, arid relieving We sufferings attendent upon child birth ever discovered. It rtrearthens both We mother and child, presents pain and dieease. creases tad earache, the foul, those who have tued It Wilk it is andmpensable. It Is highly welnl both before nil after confinement. as it ;turret. ilmwees attendant mem übildbirtb--in Ceetirreew. Piles, Cramp., 11+,11- /.1 . or the Feet Despoodenev, Heartburn cubing, P in the Brick and tarn, False Paine, llemorrharn Peet In rerelanng the seweitoos and equalizing the rir rulltion ii him no equal the greet beauty or this ciedielon is, it is dw sent' and the 112 hit deliestr .e it most succuirAilly. o. • -awe moire an, other medicine, in roma • little Caner Oil, or Minnow, m narluL !Exercise in We Open air, and light foul with flier mullein, will alsreys ensure • safe and ear note durtuent. Benz/ly and Heald I ion:noir., chalk, and a variety of prep...las gene rally lo use, when applied to the foe very soon spoil o of to beauty. They close the por e of the skta and throb the eircolstion, whlcilt when nature le hot thwart. e d b y disease or poirarr, or the chin Maimed by the alkalies toed is soar. beautifies tts own prodoctum in the "human face Divine,. as Well o ier the garden al rich and delicately tinted and varieratod dowers. A Awe, active and healthy circulation of the flaide, or the coursing of the pore, rich blood to the eirtrmotties, that which pallets the countenance in the mot paean. site beauty. It is that which imparts the iedescribable shades and flashes of lovelinese that ell admire, but none out describe- This beauty is the off.pring of aw tare—mot ofrowir.r or soap. If there u not I. free and healthy elm:laden, there is no beauty. If the lady la fair a. driven know, of sloe paint, and use commence, and the blood is thick. cold and impure, she h not beau. Ifful. If sbibe brow. or yellow, and there be pure and active Mond, It give. • rich blown to the cheeka and • brilltanetii to their eyo that is laminating. Tho i. why lie southern, and especially the Sp. lab ladles, are to Mach admired. Ladles In the north who take hot little otortrlse, or are eoollned in close roosts, or have spoiled their' complesiort by the apply cation of deleterious toistoes, tf they •tah to re gain elamictly of steps buoyant spirits, eparklirse eye. and beautiful compfations, they should use Dr. Town. Sarsapaejlla Thousand. who hare octet it a , a:Lt , Dom otitifted, are delighted. Lobe. of every ....on crowd oar pllcc daily Notice to the Lettlice. • • • - . Those nut imitate Dr. Townsend's Sweep=lla, bare Int snakily milled their stuff a pray Retedy for Fr males, ice, and hare COPkd ''iretalt" • loch relates so the complaints oilman; woe I for wore —other mon who put op medicine, hank since the greet skean of Dr. Townsend's SarsaparMa in complaints incident to Clunks, re c omme n d -W theirs, although pre snarly uw r did not. A number of thdlie Mixtures. Pill, . are injerio. to females, ...they 4grkskte /MI undermine the constitution. Dr. Townseres hints wily and best remedy for On numerous female com plaints—it rare ly, Weyer falls of effmting • permanent cure. It too be taken by the most de ate females, in t ong ease, or by those expecting to become 11.1.tte.11, the greatest advantage., In it prep ares the system sod present. ps/n or dukes, .d strengthens both itunher and ehiLL De carehil to get die ermine. Scrofula Cared. This certificate cunclualvely prove. shot this Ban. pantie has perfect control over the most obstinate dls ea... of the Blood- Three penons cured to one house is unprecedented. Throe Catildreax. D. Tomosasto—Dear Sir: I hove the pleasure to throne you that there of my chlldreo Meehan cured olthe Scrofula by the, use of your excellent medicine. Thoy were adlirreid very severely with bad Soros ; have Mks, only four bottle.; it took them away, for which I Aid myself under great obligation. Woosterat • Opinions, ofPbysleicuts. Or. Townsend is almost daily receiving orders from Physicians in different parts of the Union. This is to certify that we, the undersigned. Physicians atlas City or damp., have in numerous cases prmerib. ad Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and bellese it to be arse arthe most raloahle r.pagitioeui in the nuirket 111.4`. PULING. M. D. J. Voil.BoN, 14. D. ILA. 85.1008, Y D •Dung, April 1,1847. P. E. ELEENDOIIP, M D 13E3:11212 Owing m the grew ruccraa .ml imnionae eels of De Toworetufs Sarsaparilla, [lumber of moo who were formerly onr Agenta, hare commenced making Barmy. ritia Extract, Bitters, Extracts or Dock, c. They graerally pat it op in the same shaped Imo dm and some of them hare stole mid copied our adve,. taxemento—they coo only worthies ipnations, and should be aroldcd. Principel oftc., 128 FULTON Street, Son Bulbling, N. T., Redding • Co., 8 Stale street Boston I Drat • Boa, North Second /street,. Philadelphia H. 8. Baer, Bruen:it Baltimore P. M. Cotest Chesterton; Wrlebt & Co, 151 Chartres Street, N. 0. t IttB South Preri Street, Albaoy and by .11 the prulc , put Drug. aisle and Merchants generally throughout the Coated %au, Weet Indies and the Curisulas. . . N. 11—Persons mguiring for thm =Melt., should not be &educed to take any other. Druggists pm up SarrsPals , les. and of *aurae prefer selling their own. Do ant In deceived byanf r inquire for Dr. Town sendls, nod take no other. Remember the genu ine 'Townsend's Sarasparal sold by the sole agents. R. E. SELLERS, General Wholesale A. Retail Agent, No. 57 Wood street, and 0. 51. CURRY, Allegheny Oily. J 46 PEACE! PEACE II line in staitto, BUT EX EVERY MC/TREWS /101MSTEAD. BE undersigned has long been convinced of the necessity for some medmine adapted to the use of iiildren and Inf.tot to supercede 'the use of oil those Medicines Winch contain opium, and has at length Inc cenled in preparing and altering to the public a medi cine fully answering every purpose for all diseases of the bowels, without the use dint deleterious drug, or .y other calculated to injure in the least. The Intent P.l ace& hoe been fully tested and tried, tign last twelve months, bynumerous pennons, tipd found In possess ail the extroordinney virtues, and la produce all the anton talking effects no set forth on the bill of directions. Ih arrheea, VOlLlitlllg, etbile, Unsling, Paine, Steknese and Mama. arising hoot Teething, enting immediately without *nuking any of the functions of the body, producing the happiest and most pleasant trananion from violent pun to a tranquil and joyous state of feel ing in the hula alters, To be had wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor. Dr. JOHN SAWANT, Dritggiet and Atlasesty; John Mitchell, Mott Se Beckham, and most Other Ih - egg - fats n Allegheny mod Pittsbta.h...... ' de l 3 DTOVFNSEND'S BARD , ApABILLA.-60 damn just received of Di. Thurmond , * Sarsaponlia, the most extruardlaary medicine in the world! This En v act Is pinup in q.h bottle. It is .ii times cheaper, pleas.ter, and warranted capering to any sold. It cores disease without v onaidulfsPunrider dnkening t'r debiliudingthe patient_ Lona OTT l tan -Utantiona. — lbaprptlcapento ns have copied oar labels, sad put up mine in the anon alltilmd holds. See that each bon e line the wmten stg• statute of S. Y. Townsend. 'R. B. HELLERS, Druggist, i 7 hVood street, between Third and Fourth, is Dr. Townsend's only whole.e and retail agent fat Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine anielerean be had. • D. Id- Can, has been appOinted the Wei agent for Allegheny city, cif whom the genuine eas e ls can be had. . aPd oNrcer AND CAP RIBBONS —W irMi7 — rirp y B invites the attention of buyer, to a new supply or above goods, of newest style and very low. mra . . . . ~:.:, : i.LitNOI.'A.,CIORIES. TILANSPOITATiOII LINER _ pITT MACHINE WOR/CUAND FOUNDRY, ^.,: - - , :ditolD fr vnizr., 4 01) - THE UNION LINE .... A . RE proymted to baUdCotton and WoollenAlackin; itaal= 1848. 4. - ,, ,, ,...,-7, A L ory„ 01 every_ description, sun u--Carding kla mncofcliinninS F rames, tlvdcris, Drasvng Frames BETWEEN PI7TSBURC II AND CLEVF.L.AN D. Itruhray Heads, WaiPell, Tw idcwriElusolo , t. WC...4i W. T. Marries, Pittsburgh, Fume., Looms, Card Grinders, an., Wrought Iron Rimy Puss A Co. Beaver, -4 , Proprc Sunning turned all sixes of Casa Iron, Pulf • and CasWroen & Cnsaarru.ls, Cleveland) Hangers of 114 latest patients, slide and hand lath es , TlTEalwrie Line Is now prepared la tra diport frin..tat and Walt of silkusda. andpassert i vrs from Pt, iburgli niid r1,.. , ..n.t. or Camino of ovary doreatption furnished ott short no- any point on the Canals and Laken nee. Patterns made to order for DLll Gearing, Iron One boat leaves Pittsburgh rad Cle,e.as: ,ak!... re •.- railing, to. Steam Pipe for heating Factories. Cast nine in 'connection with the sti•untimai, 1.„1„, ~,,,„ ~„d Iron Window Sash, and fancy C ana generally.— Michigan, between oa ts . a.iii Ito, :,,,,i 4 , Urderst aft at the \ . p ro mp ts of I. Palmer & Co., Lib- of loot elan steamboats p, , , I,;i 41..1 •,....- en El y . ..tra km.. ct, wall have e A prozp l t atte E mo. nuon k ... l a, EO., a E d er i s xp o . n ,, l h a , k b e y . Erie, unto,, add :\l,chigan. . •,. Rolm to Warner, John Irwin A Roam Pittsburgh. ' (/ Cl AI It Warner; Steubenville. --,------- janl9 Property forwarded to any purr of the T Liu, VI "AI WiNI T d MATHER. or JOHN A CAUCNIEY. A o , ritl, cor Witter and Stnitlifiedl rii. hitst.i., a ALLEGHENY VENITIAN !HAND FACTORY. AG ENTSi—Reed. Parks & Co. [leave,. R 6 Park! & Co. Yohagghown 0 JOIEN A. BROWN A E W Cotes & en, Warren; BM thus method to inform ha friend. D Bostwick & to. Ilreadpo :L . Sad Ma . public at large that his Faetorr A tr. t Clark. po rt; t 0.,. Aow to fullupershort, on the west side F Levrld., Ntwport; iri Diamond, Allrahrtay, where aeon J & E. Al Irhatieqey. Campbe:'-per., Sant simply of Blinds, of various colors I • 1 1.l Alliride, Harem.; andquaßues,areconmantlykepton hand, NI & C It gent. Vranana; aho athici. 5 Wood it, Pittsburg:lLE J.& Miner &Tunic. Cuyahoga Fal;,- 11. Phillips oil cloth anueroom. Wheeler & Co, A k ron; 611.11.4 abutters made to order in the best style. Barney, ini,n, & Co. ,hantu,l ) , Blinds repaired at the shortest notice. Wattles & F,..gle, l'feetia, N. B. Hi. Blinds will be pat up, without any add: , * G winiunia_a Co. Unruh. Al, a. nonal e-napnsa I a that they can b. removed M . mi . 111•Clure A {A'lli.onoi, bli,waii.,. Wiiii moot m ease of Aro or for washing; and without the all LI J Winflow,Chteu Ili of screw dr is oetfilly&wtarnly gu, apl4 RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, .-7:;:sL,A., - 1848. ftilla. WM. ALEXANDER & SONS, OFFIN MAKERS AND FURNISIIINtI UNDER- I.. , ,TAKERS, corner of Penn and Clair streets, *somata the corner lintel, entrain, on Penn meet, asP , nthillY ink= their frirnds arid the nubile, that they nre pr aced to furnish tad attend to everything in the fine of Undertakers. Always on band a large aw sorinunt of ready made Coffins, covered, howl and fin tithed ( Shroudsty. ban sainneri all belt and sacs ready made of flannel, Cambnck and meson, and nil alms mode in approved styles. We keep a large as sorment of wore awl black, eelleal, silk and katves, sable for pal l hearers and mearsers, crape, cope,col lars, and every thing necesssry for dressing the dead, and on reasonetde term, as we ptirehele W oar good. is the Eaten mom. Also, WINO/ platy for eageleleg he name and age. We have a splendid new hearse and herfee, and any another of the best carriages. Every thing amended at promptly and minimally. ornkl f W. W. WALL/I,Cln t PITTSBUB,CiII STEAM MARBLE WORRI3, Net. 914 and 00 Liberty sows, near, OH Caeca A LWAY/3 on hand and made teenier, a large eerie. ty of Marble Mantels, Pier, Centre Tables, and Bureau Topa, Tomb Stone; Monuments, dui all which, being made of the choicest marble, and manufacture d princtoully by machinery, will be sold low for cash. N. B. Persons • wishing to purchase Mantels, are informed that It la henutearth uuneoe soul for them to go... East, as I can furnish them with au article all respect/Ms rod, and (freight,manrunce, do, consider ed.) lac Coil hsap as they can purchase them for In the Eam. and atm. COPPICJI, 1311JitiNT IRO ,X AND TIN . WARE MANUFACTORY, S Market meet, Piusbergh, Penn.: TILE muluicribers having mode!mat Improvement. in th e construction of their COOKING - STOVES, respecuially invite persons building Steamboats to cell and examine before purchasing, ma we can supply them with Deck Stoves, Forges, and every other hued of Copper, Tin end Sheet Iron work necessary in forn]sh ing Stcernbust- We. Mao make to order on the shortest notice Sal Tubes and Chamber; Copper work for Steam Engine. end e very variety or work in our line. lebP SHERIFF & SHIRK - BENNETT 4 BROTHER, QFEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, Ittratilughooa, (near Pita...bar Riad Po. RareAowe, No. IV, Wood street, Pettanuega. irWILL constantly keep on hand a twd assort*. neat at Want s of our own ruanantre, and suptrtorqualny. Wholesale nod country Met• Chants are respectfully Invitrd to call and ex Monte The themselves, as we are dcW3l3lll2eJ to sell cheaper than has ever before bees armed to the pub tie. IL Orders cent by math tecomponied by the coop a ay reference. be promptly wended 10. rehab Y. rutavartr. ' lures Lanus FLINT GLASS ESTA,OLISIIIMEIIIT. IqULVANY St. LtalLIE munalamare and keep con smutty on band Cot, !doubted end Plum Elm tilawswars, In all its eancoes, at their Warehouse ear ner of Market and Water "tree., Pittsburgh. Our Works cantata° in fall operation, and we an constanay adding to our melt. wretch enables us to fill ortlers watt promptness. Purehren are respectfully sobs tied to call and examine prices and term°. notOdly COACH MAKING. ' • FROM the very liberal enee.agis diatik, ment the subset I ber has rcer . red since he has located himself in A tleybedy, hos induced him to take a leak, tor • , term of years, s the proprrry hi. now CieCYFIICS, illi Beaver street, unmeidiately beside the Fresbytelinneharch. From the long experience to the above bananas and a dente n. plea., he hopes to mer it and receive a share of public patronage. Now on band and finishing to order, Rockaway Bug. ties. open and top Boggles, arid every desorption of •ilb , bu Crusi age nsret ises made to order, fro 93-dlnm se•en JtyO-AHN•e F4 , 1)T11. t0 dollars 1 4I'it! - Z°.ll - , - rul'lti',otl l) ...LtAtlntja-"abirAr%Lt.'"•;; 10 N. atarres, Phlra, offer (or eale on aceomsnodaung terror. 0000 pkgs Manufactured Tobacco, ooneleung of pct.,* ball {wood., Ir Id's, 12I's and art. lumps; :Fa, C. and 4. plug, and 1.1/4 Lathes' Poo, to wlede soul half bole, aline. PAL:luring approved brands, Vi.l4 James II Grant. Ostioni A Bragg, Grunt A William, A Cabatims, S Jones A Sun, AV Ikmattl, \it eltster Old. J Thomson, James Thomas. Jr. All Atnalmend, 1 Tboinati A. Son, Landhorn le damp:end, 1 P Coates, J DI Cobbs, Gentry dr. Iloyster, 1 A Clay, Al A Dude', C A Hall, Green Hall, Wm Dawson, Pearl A. Norwood, J A Blackwood, Nadi Page, Keystone. W H Vaughan, Falmund llenry, Pocono: Robinson, Russell A R0b0t...tr.,. Xenia. Robinson I Co. Seth Halsey/MB R Metcalf, John Ender, Lawrence Lanier, J Robinson. Gray& Gray, D B Turner, R Jameson. York White, D SI Branch —Al—.so— Leaf Tobacco, wrappers and fillers; Yarn do do do Cienfuegos do do do SI Jag° de Cuba do do do St Domingo do do lemma tk Grudea ditt. pan d o er .d° Maysville do do do Kentucky varsous grades do dB: Virginia Leaf. suitable for mtinufamurittg and expert; Spanish Seed Leaf, Penn'a, Connectidat and Ohio; Virgtoda &.raps, oasts.; German Pips.; Pipe beads, Scorch Snu ff (loose and bladders.) ) laccouba Meal, Tonqua Beans, Hasidim bassi, Otto Rose; Bergamob Calabria Lugnoricm Patent Cavendish Knives, Spank, Ac Ac. PHILADELPHIA. mylb SION OP THE HIO PITCHER. NEW CHINA, 131LA9 tr. QUIONSWARE STORE No.lll WoooSrztrr. "' T • • • • • . HE suloscnbers wish to intone the public generally that they stems C9etlin & De , / and lame %lock of Cluna, Glass, Qacestshiare, Brune.. and Fancy Hoods. comptunry the latest arid most fashionable pull term of French Chula plain and gold-band Dinner Seta; do do Tea Superior Iron-Stone Dinner Flowing blue (S new patterns( Lrverpool A great variety of Tea Seta, different quake.; Britannia Breakfast and Tea Sots( Waiters—a beautiful article . Queen's Gothic.," Parlor Lamps, (Cornelius, maker() Glass Ware, against! assortment. Steamboatowners and hotel proprietors are a n craniums our assortment of ware suitable for inert Country &Urdu.' can find a large snick of article soluble for country sales, which we we! .11 al lea satiable prices. Our stock being entirely new, we feel satisfied of be tog able to p!eno on who may favor us with their cu torn. tainTiltlftwl GILL &GETTY. I&WQM lISAAC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor, begs to in form the citizens of Pittaborgh and others, that he is I/OW opening at his rooms on Smithfield street, un der the store Hotel, • large and beautiful usortmeni of Cloth.. Cassnaeres, Satins. Silks, and other Vestings, together wait such other article. as as. required for gentlemen'. year. His goods have been,carefully se lected, and Ore of the newest and mcwi fashionable style, as well as of superior quality. Uhl customers may depend upon having their elotkiat made up in a manner which cannot fail to gratify the taste of the most Oneida's., ap:alk/V T - D BACCO-10 bin Branch t Watkum' It do do do extra poundsi sdo do do Its and t6.i 10 kegs No I, 6 twist; 10 do Ptli Cavendish; 5 do do Plug; AlYu do Segan4 SO do half Spaalsi do; for sale by J D WILLIAMS MOKE: 110LIME—Liaving taken the loge and co. 1.3 modioua Smoke House and Bacon Stirreholue ad ktining our Warehouse, on the Canal IMAM, we are pr • pared to smoke wal Anne bacon on reasonabla term KIER & JONES, mare Canal baana. now 7th at ASECOND HAND PIANO, cost oristardly &SW, end he. been in use about four you's, rtee now 8175, for .ale by JOHN H MP , t 7 OS, tel 3 SI wood street IC U. SU(LILII-5 bads prime for wile low to do . 11 . :eon‘lgnmeitt, by tvKwr. BOWEN, WHITE GOOBS—A A Aluon k Co. have on !mod MI CIIGLISIVO assortment of Whim Goods, com prising MME:olas, Book, Plaid and Jaeonet of lIVC(7 y. m2O y M08Q1.7110 NET harajost . opened a large M lot of Aloaquao Nana, of an excellent quality and remarkably cienp. je23 ALEXANDER fr. DAY to //COTTON-97 bales " 7;t e t\ In ' eacllgy a Co _ fifIFSIC--C.l boxes now landell for sale by )e.21 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co TAIL KOAD GUIDE—DOESeII'a Bail Road Dottie and (gazetteer for 184/4 witbdSkatlonal Maps of the great Mutes of travel. A lbw copies received and for sale by jar JOHNSTON & STOCKToN norloN-4D bales Tennesess Ca_ slam and 4..1 far ale try sny2:l WESIs BOWEN, 90 front *OLASSES-45 bblirPlantnilon Molasses, in wiin, and fr.de by . 23 VVEST MOWEN FOR TBASSIVIII,rION ur NIINCILANUISS. BETWEEN PITTSISCIttiII-kND 1.1111.AD81.1.111A. pot M to a mum, large.' War-noose on Market f!, Lint they former' y ocrupsed. rod a.., t moved Men. room for storage at Potturg,. ate now prorated to offer much retort tact) tir e . trt p -tr trommt Goode carried Ly :ire or, not transhipped be tween Piemboreh and Philadelin... being earned en lately In Portable S-cion klout• To shippers or door and other goo& requiring careful handling tapping iroporUlince. No charge made Ihr teem'. tag or shipping goodie, or advancing chargra Goods Meaearded promptly, and upon US renamenble Mem" a, by any oth er Late. MeFADEN & Canal thuAon, Penn , httsburgh. JAMES M DAVIS it: Cu, feb24 217 Market 1 M Conmeree a., rlula J(IFIN 111cFAI/EN & Co. Fag telittlote and C.onnint non Merchant, Canal dncl., Pet, el Pao-nary, JAMES M. DA N'IS h I:ft, Flour Factor. and Commt non hlerehants, 227 Alarkot, tool 54 Cononttrce Ptithulelphla. lottsl Advade bie r n ahoy on Flour, wool dother mtees de m rcrlptte y m o o ld of Me of rr ti itt:unlit,. , conatened to them. (chid twoncrit , :,:a.tt ~.post dot weir to .1N tare. ity. n the Yentt'a and thou Um-t„ CLa Ithlt: THAW, of Pula/tit/111, and J LattLi• I I Lk.tt la. to our ci They Will conunor Lo tratutoet I•taeoletti fur L,,e• at thou Warehouse on Crud sir, a at, oatutt. toot . speak fur it a continuance of Or patronnae of uo•tr &t end. JAMIIt• tt. Phdadelptura, Alarch Atin, trio. Ponies. and Ohio Trans •a atUit Doubt, Ihnly Ilene of FIST CLASS NEW I:0A TSAND CA R., TO TIL/00,11.1 . 0.0.41 • - . A.Pa , crrlxs CLARKE &THAW. Canal Ita..la Fct,aur,-j. LEINIS & ut.m.ER. 219 Ji&S. KMEL & bron.l.:rtai CIJIWDK.N. Ct.& Ith & co.. 11.1 YOILRIC:K. Alt, New lat t. Mirll CO-partners h ip. Tiw-sulAcnber. ti hxar thi• da, a..hetho-al them, ‘r.4 together tinder the c! :e of Eh,- Jonr , for the purpove or contiruinz hrr , ,,•• torwrh.r . y by M Ka, .o ul eralgalrounge L . retntore writ-% In Noe, \ll . l I. ^I KWH, II JUNF.,, P)U4tallth, Match 1, /LIBEL'S PORTASLE EWA T composKS t.ll. LL.v.:.• 1.1. it stxTioN 110A'1' IUR eilli-ALIELPIIIA A ' BALTIMORE \IA C Al., 4. A Vir}: are prrpated tu tur. 0 , 110, fn yy the etbove mad tuo . t. 1•1,0 ck.pelrb, and at rt. owl .L.t) 0 t 11. [Mr noon of .Ir. w .1 ro.l iti Lta•tiat orr • ...much IL. our rung. al, ..,•;•• rn. lilleit - 11 through l at 31 I.,:cr ord.. r In ,t Pro, h, 7060‘ chants., and -a... .1... . San, Prahtun. S. LAters. r ash a.: rni., r•v,. t on- m. • ... . - ic rt., GM cr. nr Pau,. rc es, p. 1,0. .. ii UNION LINE. alia%Za f:"F-41 To Philode.p.-- t I mutt , =La /11.1111 . GRAFT a v 1 . .. I .J. DUTII.II. lIL .11111RE1 .• \ \14.,- - • C 11 r 1,.t . Joers F. Clarke, ,• VOTICE—The .• nod alter u .Jni. l ai U P.'. anolja I Pht.ailrl,l,4 ~ i ; .~ i~i ~ ~~, i::~ re NINUND G IRTII./1 , CHAS HI:MYHRE s. - HKNRY GRAFT. PatN,,.. PITTEIBURGII PORTABLE 130 AT LINE • i:••_!__' ; l 7,ls„, - 18 -1-8. t i ge_a4 . ll'or air Truarpurtatum /Err, rx...1 1 -Jur NTT:4EIU Min. 41111,ADI:I.Pill.s. IrAl.11.1144:1. \ 1 Oak. titercrttN Bueato.ta 1 Ca. l'h..atlc To...l.rveh to C.erst.u. THN old emabl.hrtl II; RI I ..per.,. JL, uon. proonotor. !lave :moo. r ....If • tneu, to for. Lardgood. at; • .1 •I on the moat tavorable TN. ,• tb;2l. Icor.. prontac.b... dc .• ,g tu.sar safety in tootle Di r en rr) - ..t.re les at each port. ofrord.rto on000•Loort. , . nod OWIO,II of rralcec .-cogezncr c , ,• near, and unremmtc.;•”..., .v, to theta a coututuabre Lh.,: hereby gratefully arkt0r.v.....1, AU conatrottneotc tr, soul • nt.r. geaaid. ao foarded Of Ch p arge for co rw oonsoooo. :oh r am ,o.". r,%torn, r • ore, No in. o rest, directly or indirecilv .• ..mainoai• All ronnunsca.., prompt, a•••• , 1,, im uon to the tollowing BORRIDOE & CARR. 1t7 4 Mao, .t. NM/W..lpm, TAAFFE A O'CONNOR. i'mial lion Pdt•titirao OVONNOILS A Co. North Raitiintrre wm. R . R1L....0N, +a Cedar'l. New Sore np.l LAKE ERIE ANLI'MICIIIGAN LINE. 18-18. S well known Lt., O +O,l/1, t 0011+ Lake Fite and llichrgnn, lictwcen 1i11.d.0 rah and L RI e, and freight unl p cr Cann: lira. be tween heaver and Erm alai C Herd'. dae of 61 •t class man:Moat, propeßtir• aysmls 0 , . do: to prepared to curry freight n.l • on the Ent-Canal. and Ltd". Eric 1101011 0/1 :1111•10+ Ifsk• Harnett every (..rutty for ..onvey:odifremln and pas. stagers with promptness and dtdpatrh. t hr. proprtetor and agents rear...dully alert Irony men. .. tinuance of tte con ; , r t clar ß c i; im REED, PARRS & l u !Xt...., Agta... JOHN A. CA1.1311E1", Agent. &pll or Water 184 S. --1 ECLrPss. TRANSPORTATION LINE. To and from the EILAIGIYI 0111r01. oio Conalorrland. 1 1 111Epropnetors of this popular line, lin re •Inee their noorganizatron •largely tuer.noted their turdittes to meet the ',rushes of •toppers. arc now prepared to (onward a greater 11111011 AI IJ) toe FIVE. BA 1 LINE, an .1w by additronal roguing wagon, at low rune Thio lint will run throughout the year. delivering good. Hiroo. tho agent, in spec hod and Poolturgh to owners end consignees at specified rotes and tune. Shipments from Philadelphia tor the line should be marked “Care, J II Rottlntion, Baltimore " The only egenut are. J R ROBINSON. tint S Cherie. at, Elultiniore tacEirros & Co, Crottorlemt. (V CASS, Browesvllle. _ kb; .1 C BIDNVP.KI- Puteburgh. ifigg JlMMedika E C IPS / . /s , l , P ro O p. lr i tT o !IF d tar ♦Sege! at Cumberland (mos ste house of 11.10(a.g . h. Ma talus lo Mad of Eslgertun es Co Pondsures and western merels.ss art uocfied that .1 Bay ty Hohmann. No 92 Bunch Charles it. Balßsnore ouly authormed opal of this Lm. :u 111( I :as , ern clue.. The sally agents are .1 C 11111%1 P,lL•bn V W g DOA it TON 4 , la , lJum'»r,.u d ./ B RIMINBON dedatt GREEN & CO.'S EXPRE imussusalia SS ro3 OnallithAltD, BALTIXIIR, WASOINOTON. 011.1,0 PULS, MOW VOii, IOOTON, Daft.AN ERCILANTS and Others tending sonde tire I , IIOMI. ed that tilt', la the thine, .utett. nod loct•t exke dittous Line going Kash connecting will Lo's .preaa daily, Ltattimore Through renew. II Le given to aoy M the above plat-ea. hlerchandite and package. of ant ..tte Weight forwarded. —Expreaa titters daily at 3 r. a. I, r SL Chorine Hotel VICKERY. Buil.ttnyt A •.‘, ttod at. •t J. FAXILREN & Co.. ma or I-11MM 101..7 •NU ,NAt BA NIN. TITTNIMILI P. EG /METZ & Co., NO. 356 XJ. RIR rtexr.r, miILA uistrittA. LINE REAM 1848 . FOX Tag I . IIIAAWORTATION OP ALL oIMy or DlZti TO ot FROSI PHILADIZLPHIA...IIALTI o ORE, NEW YORK AND 130FrON ►[T AIL kinds or lilerolmodizo ron , orned to P. K. From Plulruf elpion, or to J Parr, .4. Co Pookburgh, will Do promptly forwarded (roc Of controoun. marl NA ILYDEN aL - -• • PaaalUer and Remittance Office. RHEN & CO. commit, to Wing pee... from of Englottd, Ir - land. Scotland or Walei, upon the MCC 1,045, WWI their usual punemaltty and attention to the war. IL/11.1 00113- fon o(ethmigrutte We do not allow our inthsengem be robbed by the stomdllng .moms that tole. the IR,- porta, as we take Charge of them the moment They re port themselves, and see to tom/ well hem, end de spatch them without my detentoth by th e liMt tin' I. We say this fearlessly, at we defy one of our puss., pre to show that they were detattue4 hoar. I.y * el in Liverpool. whilst thousand. of others were aciaaneal Menthe, anal they could t.e sent ~d 'roll. e eh; p rote, which ow frequcatly prov to ed their t t a WO mired to_perform our contract, hquorau:y. east what It may, and not art el was the mi.e +eaaoa, with ether otlieem.—who other penthrzi,n pm nil, to when at tinned their COIIVV/1/GIIV, Drafts drawn at Plttaourgh for any sum from 1,1 to ERXIt i, payable at my of Sot ptuvlactat &that land, Agfaud,Rootland aud Wales. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Europe. and General Agent, (obi FOIL mem, Imo door Leioa , IVoad, I='''F r aga t , Valuable and delbreuldar*.N.parAtookit. T .01ARTINE'S IDleaser Of tbeffirbidisu, 3 cots, 19 roo. rum ti tole orCherttllet Bayard; 12 mo. P R. James' LI( or Henry the Fount, of Franre, volt--i. 9 non. tnith . a Cmoularellscaol: Clam.: gam Nrnoderft fe oflesda Chilit 9 co. Moran; Alarver. Fresh (ileasonrs; or a near:Sheaf from the sod heals of Clontoreutal Europe, corq 1-12nry's SkercheiortholVaxiean War: 19 mo. blerg• Story of Ike limits of Wakeroae c , Di mu A :Summer 10 Scotland. by Jacob Albotti Siornondi's Literature th4StouSi of Eampei 1 vole In no. . ituv Adventures on.l Advenres ln J1E:oleo nod the tioety Mutt:autos, 12 mo, muslin . Posthumous Works of Rey. Thos. Chalmers, D. D.. The PfaCtICIII Astronomer: , by Thoa..thck.D. Llie of Jeremy Belknap, D. D., Historian of Nem Hororathrm. Luther and the Reformatsor., by John Scott, M. A.. 2 val. The 3tLddle Kingdom, wnik • .w snatpof Lite Emptre;' S. W. Wtllinms,2 vain, 1g aw. The Power of the Pulph, by Gardiner Spring, IL It, 2 Eno The Teac L h l einhe al Science, G th a e r Teache r mn Artis t It atm by Rev. IL R, Nall. The Czar. his Court and People; by John S. 111a.rwc11. l„.retures on Shakspeare, bi 11. N. Hodson The Artists of Ameriet7astrated, with nine e oar. v ,ngs on steel, 'and commuting sketches of the lives of Allston, Inman, IVest Stuart: Trumbull. "Dt Yet on Rembrandt Peale and Thos. Crawford; I roca The Orators of France; containing sketches of the lives of Lamartme, Thien, Napoleon, Dimon, Mira -IiIII,AN and °WO'S, with portraits of each. /reedier, N'apoleon and Marshals. volt, IS am. Headley's Wuhingtoo and lusrleiteralug vole, lam I lesdley's Sacred Mountains Tor above, together with a large collection orehand ard Works. Clam:meal and School Books, for sale by JOHNSTON Zs STOCKTON, Booksellers, earner market and ad sr. red DOOMS POEL Tair. sicsaos—lllumsnixwd PosnrE a splesubd imperial 6 no, with beauti I inustration. on steel, by sarunn, irratAi illuminated pages try Remus.. and Sinclair, richly bound in TurkeY morocco and whit. cull, "rf bIY gilt. Tile Christian Keepsake, an annual for 64th with splendid meastount engravings, by Sartain; bound la at abesque morocco. Christmas Blossonts d New Testes Wreath for IStw, a mall quash, thintedonranove white pa pr.embellished with splendid menotwit engravings This is by far the most heatatifot juvenile annual pub lished in the Untied Stan. The Poetical Work. of Oliver Goldsmith, IH. B. with nninenms e, Suite designs, by the Etching Club, In ea nous styles of binding. Tbompson's Seasons, with seventy-seven designs, by the Edeloing Club, in various styles of Guiding The Poets and Poetry of America, W GtU wald. The Poets 111111 Poetry of the Aar-toms, by Willis= Peter, A II superbly bound in Turkey mortwco; splen aidtVilTiisi Poems, in various style* of Wading. Gray's Elegy illustrated . I Winan's Poetical Works, in Canons binding.. Lord lity rm . .. .ihakkriewe's The Yoeue.al Work* of Thomas Moore. Banat() and other Poems, by Mary flown Poesus by Amelia Headley'. I:barred Mounuuna The above, with a. at varier) , of other new workt, in gplaidial swima of binding, tunable for gift book.; for oak by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, L cor, Marked & .G. EW AND ATPRACTIVEID/COES--Chaluteis'ltte• lect work., 4 vol. , 'holsters' Malty Scripture Heudlnip Nll,llO// LI/C 3lre Pry, 2nd vol, The Cone ent.by the author of •Sehoolgtrl in France.' Lody Mary, or Not or the World, by key C H Tey• tor. M. A. It are an,. or the Pearl, do nrk Colton, or the Merchant's Clerk, do 1..0 of Pollok. nuthar of u Coureet of Tsrne" 'I ne I.lateuer. by (Kaoline Err Lonnie., on Shaktprere, by II N Lae of u:,,, etOIRW nil, by J T /Lindley, Neroteon and ht. 31arsIntle do u.:Lington and W 1 ,0,1,01, do Poo:, of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D D Bethel Plop do do Roirion lrachnti by Lounple, Orator. or France, by Turnbull, ...on. of evotland, do 1., of Rovrlrout filly Free Church Pulpit, 3 vole atura of Statue; Now are. The, Lionone•• Po, out. Alarwaset Mercer, Picot,. on 31. oncer, adapted to Coon (tocsi:too. Anton'. Popular Tak.- - Ht.,tnui Um Witt Id." ••11e2ing /limn to be Itteh L " Booboo have Wint,ts," -Keettlety Appeotrainto.- 'Debor end Crednor •` by • ELLIOTT O. ENGLISH, 13 Td wood and 55 market tit ortation Co. • "lilV I : llll .ll—Lotteetttg. in Europe. or Sketelars oi Preel to Frahrellel&turn, Swsteertstad. Pro. (treat &Bun and Ireland, walk. an ortytentllr rowel ni rtc otteervallorot on Datopean rlan.• • • ...etlli 'wat...won. By John NV etareon,:d D Ow author of '•F.tntha ',W -..11• u 010 etr, •••elpo t•Controt, a n ~r.. Mary Brunton. •utin FT 01 " 111. belly St:mantra' Re ad. 11 ~ , the let, T • 103. k. a 1,. I. 1. 6 Pon 1. Thr Molly/n.l and (inc Nits• Lit 11arpeJs' 11- a.,rans.l LL, r In.uk Int rn.otrea. •• . o ot•.. rt• - c:ve•l U. des) and or aa:.•liy ' JOILNIST()Nr & S'T(.l( h ruN_ l•\ lO)OEA—Nleusonal% of Ole Inuodor bon of 000 the K&Morit Flamescam P 11 1 , 1 ,11, 0 • rni4en - lai nollaP• itneatir oreogrWont, .1 et. !hes of couvobo, avnanitaa.enune• efite Cl.'!y attug a,-. .oeovselk; Rev A burro., A. M. Jo.t trwir oi fir I.r. Rovta Alter!. A A t late Mi•eionary , lo hit nephew. Rev R .111 y 1on. the Illecrttant : •(l,l-: by Rev Charles I: I ..t .k . aatnor of - Rerord• or a Good Moo • - Lady Vary.' - Margaret. or the Pearl." h.c tte. a 1..., a, %tab a large uwnment ot new Lwatits,ott .‘ t ect reet, v tug rtaakrrr F:Yt i ,21 RI market it 1, , Si GI. IS 11 BOOK 6-.11 ;story orthe Ural rtee .l.• r.t.tt.ort, aml of the want aml eatatmt.• avant( trttto toe struptlea of the (keel, Patriots an Emanetpa r rrnm; ry front the Tat kl..h Yoke—in two ' , W- Y 110 • —tp.-11.1:11 ropy with nomerew• map* and cage.- Icor' tlOistrouve or the reign or Will ram 111, from at I7t —ve,:ls fote portraits, to X vols. corps, oh o the curdy or the Holy trocipturea lafr, , Nlovhray, thr,lng romance, mutt SO cocoa- I a 110/y Land, French Stage, and Sketches :c t ..tua Just ree'd and for salsa kIoiXsNALLI &BEON _ re market 'moot .IKOLIggi ATTACTIXCENTs R.l - 111 , 11:1., and tar .slip• lon of chonee Piano -A, vetth n nil winhout nnoleninnu'a :Labatt Antatirmenl. by Nano-.d Clark, NV. tae of Norma*. tnlarkAn Polo., ono toe AalLeallr ill. wag taken no klnglanat by Mr n,onenntan um' among many other neannuontals orad in, rnonnn for this to-pen npecimen of American .6111 nnd nn,cnunty. e , iCtred the following remarks iPoos S 'fliatbrig, we grcancan Putman living. n.. I% M. Inca r So- —ln encloanng • lLeo y. )an y tter o my Mend, ALT i r Ern. ,, l. Pari, I cannot terra. from a expressing' ;aLou now much i we. pleased 41 your . .V.oltan A RUC h !nem.," whirl, I , onsider as • peat 1:11./..1 im provement. I ran ensure you that on my pert I shall of , . pleasure do 'natal...a to make your oaten lion I. sown. For sole iii /I KLEDER, Al Woodwell'a furmtnren rooms, aid of &Letalle Famine Plane. A SPLENDID mtsonment of Rose wood and Mahogany _grand action Pi anos, just fiaiehed and for sale. Alm, two eldendid Rosewood Piano., welt Coleman's cc/ablated Acelitme atnacheactent, limeacd the moat modern style, and 14 ..10 at • teak F BLUME'S, 112 wood ert UPERIiLy ILLUSTRATED, EDITION OFTHE ARABIAN NlGHTS—Expressly designed Cot lam. , reading, th eoemel of publicathm ley Harper Roo bore—New York. Tei tee completed m twelve part. Var rreetved and for ale by JOHNS - I'ON A stock-roN, corner market and 3d Pb TOIp:STUN A STOCETON, have Pam reeetred the kAttebteta Review, 170, April, 18dd, and Black. wood'sF.Mohorg klagottoc for May my 3u - - Wentersa•Tr - flaw Cteitigiany. • Ina§al 1848. oitLitlifitht2 °e a.. 1848. TO PO[ A Dl-2.P111A, BALTIMORE A NEVI YORE vt• surtaasataut. 4.10 . °taus RAIL ROAD,. ARE prrpa red to transport pads and produce to and trout the tate re eines on favorable term. Ad. Ares. or apply to U. LEECH tt. Co, Canal Etaitro Pitultrorat. HARMS , 1.5:52.11, Nos. 13 re 15 South . Thud on, Pb L J. TA YLOR s SON, At 51 . 4510 14, NYh Howard .1, Hal, 4 A. .A RIIUTP, Av. No 7 1% est street, New 'York. Pittsburgh March 10th 5949. ' mar2o ECLIPSE, ritssiPortsevrioar . LEXIE MNia 1848. ii iiEg a S i T ' ll PE continue t awl O ifi rti e n ro ti:r r o e ugltt the i t l lr '4i l . daily. Produce and Merchanditte taken r at thw e ntle a. Mere handl. from LtaltlmOre brought our at Canal rate, Time, five day l s. C BWELL, Agt, Water doors able H ID ome, Pittsburgh. OBINSON k 110E1151, myr led South Charles at, Baltimore. r 1 eji e _ DILICIE FOR SALE. • undersignd offers for sale a supeMor undo j 1 of brick for building, made by his Steam Pre., ; minorad macho, for which he hat obtained a patent, rod agrees lo give purchasers a ontten gitaraat. Choi they ore stronger. unit will resod frost and ere( wrath. er and imbibe less moisture ur dampness that any nth. Fr ock, poseestung greater body and superior tenure' rod much more durable in every respefft„each book being subjected in a pressure 01 several tong, and pot— sensing' a haadeorne smooth surface end el , . edges. • make front equal to the best from icrthl. They hare given the greatest satufaction' loan who have purehased. A kiln eat be eeen at orgeforks, and specinimi (melts ogre Those 'myth', supplied themselves for their hutldtngs,, end wtohtng hutolsosne from brtek, or supenor hard I not .toted paving brick, can obuun them. SALM CHEAP—A Circular Sew, with notable 1 fixture. (or emoting Vacation Blind 844, backs (or hri.hes, and other email work—now in Norkuig order chop which can be rented, math steam power, will ho said ata great bargain. To pc/von:with small mean., this afford. a good opportusitly to establielt sore sod profitable bantam., Apply to WM 11 SCIA.IFE, Ist street, mar wood 2w WANTED, I N ..tUU young men, tlandtan en preirrredd to go on Whalinty VOyages tp firat cl. raa &nip. All e.othing and other neciirary oracles i lush. 1.4 the yoytwe. Extra pad Fivers to COOP/Ts, Carponter. and Lilocksouth.. 'MS IA we rho pc. lon )oung nthn who wish to ore-the world, or berm& their hralth by n plr..aul ram voyage. of about two year.. None but Amertoan.rekm Applzpersonlilly to J. W. DOWNING. No. 0 IValnut street, Op .13.1 f, Innlanelptua. . _ pIIIENIX FIFIE BRICI(O—The anbaeither• haying been appended cola agent. by lha inahrthacturors, for iltr -.e.e of the. celebrated .. Yhtraz linclra , arc „w prrpfir•cl to fill order. for any quanrily, ot real., per lam For the conetruchon of furnace. of all km.. these rm.., bone been pronounced by cow belng aupe nor to all od. are hocks ~r n ylu ute. WANCLTY Co, Canal Roc. - - FUR STEAM B O A TS. j own', uLK F0R4.4.21,—A very ermveolool snide. Itch.. and all the forge rand, castled by the han• dlee o) Lyra men. A leo. last reed and for talc by • Ivo 111 Lou V ON JOHN QUINCY AlJAlSS—Dalsvered r,. I-rn, at the School noose of the Vlarth 'V, std. t .. otybory,fr liy H. M. Lifeekenrlce. Puhlothed by JOHNSTON & sToe - TQN, am/ far .010 by all 111 C Lkrot ecilors in the ciry. Jy3 MOLASSES—AI bIASI LugarkiouceMcliosos St Jaw.' brand, fur ya:c by jelki JAMES DAL:ZELL BiatcKING—WO J. M ...'. Ckpliznia, jot reekt oud renal. by jelj JOHN I7M(4OAN UCELLANEOUS. • , . N.ARLISIA cx,,ocKs. BLAKE k W., the ontj auttaniaott agents tta hurFh for the Mlle of klres Patent Menne Time Pieces, melte the attention of the public geriersile. and or the oth - eees and owners or stessabonis sod ears that Sellees Duni &fru:Vt :n o h medic l. ne I have oyez tried . &her /A:, - or New Wor Ur Surma Ward,.el . Plikaborrlt. The abase eardleato ahould bolus% fil air:who ase troubled with' won_ otlunt.u4 to givalie pyr•p • I,l ' ai. It oicazc „ toe WI, tprll rents a - bottlial the dng of Sol by Dr . 4mr_i„ fah anlad, st BE ra l ln) , copy'Alla . A I ' loaf _ _ ......Platura, Mock Biol.(' run, EWAN INFANTED--For the minified formaneed 1,1 Cute of lIERKL4 ar liU PTUILE. Igatee to aU hate y' nu, eve rio: claims of thy. 'Fran nottinaiii ths eorar annum ern wile weigh It may he worn. Toe pad or maws beteg smelly belesteedoo apcaap, tieblls to P.. - mg* 0. any Pert of as, tad thoroughly a4.pts ;wig' to any Movement made by the Unser., It oak ve mono mutton toterausavou, gnu a cure uegreothl, The sat, int. berg have madeacrtufgeMerar tot the f uleaueseturs 11 three valuable Trusses, to • eeperittiaWnint P.*/ detente, and tetra thew new for saurus Mmeolbee, n, t‘oltbfiettl at near truth, Pittstet ItiEo. WAXY, • Win U. to. KAUF MAN ELLEKS* VE , BIII/FUCiE-9upenetad ap I have ever used." _ • • UMW. Th., Fayette county, Pa: arch 4., M. H.. SILL2I3—i hereby , cerufynar . .llaavo wood your Venughp In my frumly, and bell equal, equal, .1 not ruinnorto any I arm ever need 'fiyalla to one of my chinked one &bee, aremls eXpelled_aband worm._ Eauams. Prepared end mid by Ft E SELLF4I37Wood Fold or Dr Camel, 61h Ward; I) al Corry, Adqgteety; W J Smith, Temperancevillm and. V Alta., Law renceville. myd . S Y b rGFS—An as m w y ltment just recfilo.grct.. PITTSBURGH GAZBITE, PU014311E1) DAILY, TRI-WEIOCLY d — WEYAL dw onzeso But&lisp, 34 Q , nam-ten ftATICII OR ADV/5.8.10 One i amnion of 1I lines, or ..... 50 6ti Two lase without 75 Throe " • "...... I°° Om Week / 60 Week. . 60 }.... 3 0(1 •• Otis tilouth, 4 00 - . Two •• Three " • i.e... • • . 60 I LT' Longer wirerusenieers in *erne proportion. Una square:6 mouth., 1•101012 t alt!ritlit •. 10 00 " " " " •• l 6 Each additioneal equate far 6 woeffui.4/... 6Oa " ••{.•. LP, 00 One sititare.6 montlia,ninewable at pleas:Um, 16 00 " " .• wi 20 on Each additional square for l 2 winathasi „ lUOO Two iguana, 6 months reWatde at plea-wire, 30 00 Each additional eqoarn:6 0 00 OX 21.1•11,11111.1.11 /X D/1114 PAIIIIIJ. One annare.3 insertions, • " each additional insertion 3.7 •IMIXXXS CAIDS. Ftoe tine. or less, one year, - 6 (Xi •• six months 600 •• one year, dai:y , dr.Weekly, IV CO 41 sit months • 00 4XXXIIIIIXXXXII IN zzzzz tAaaa. Far to or l e n, One Insertion, et, Tw° . »4.... 013 " ,„, 7104 , up.... 103 an! aNnIOO4 3 60 Si* 6 oo " Twelve • ;In C A.CratT 'bros•l MlSM•haniiattroo Emma L aißE. am pavan& and voial ls IL SIM., LEAL • . ... ~ Aloattlalietol s .WeeuporeittiV 40 0 00 0 .1 sit JL - E.'54//itti .Ji mai atdolytOptsois %Lew soltsea sot torld stylatonbio kindecklyin SetexitKyseeljnotti ealaliestad Leos. Psßs- A bts. dessast. debt Saflet . pera, adhaein to Day Cees-kedrit muds. Kw iansrstsse*sight, Omar. dos& at.cocu. may iteeptratimaitesgaran ... 4 9rk, 1..10 toils akitestestssme /tusablieimialea row/sees Mahar. beau °Eyed to lb. pals* =I, Salmi dis t r., i batiesteitey ertll l-sareiva them all," at tkey di* mi.al tloo raossamal them to b. , I hate lass /her mply:ilitt dirmitii; hor 144 .74ror ' 141 ps4, . tg d "t .4 , 4 1 .15 Sett boas; Sollisallyrietts vOor tondslito. I. is:r.4l Jiiii ietheid to lty oluteeeg t . '" ' " WELL, Otte boa steohlett baseatadleisatoollsono *Jar ..' 5. 6 d le Ilk shlet,aad all Os MCP !MCA:ft billhl least all emasts. Yost Pl/ta &mas thatattlealfmniastate wadi balm, wilidootriplet areviarzweb iliekttast. al thoston locbol gin 1:64 tomb eaLet I benlreitilAcitaq 4 .r km a or' '7 retlnq k 54 itcadeada of keses,ildtr ears, 'beard a five statithat uttered britoi Wit who sist them, - rdurrein , ao:rodoed alzoon mi miry vats tido kiiiehbomit fa • tweaks, ' - wilt" Smith lletta all. eseseitty hassoosos thew to all psrsoca together-OMS • afbilbar. fOr laver mint or Alilitaxialleol* s t= /Mite th eta .ste topttioe to Calomel se lbsElositilL ' JI. tlitSta liaMtt:-Ail tbs... other Ptisp li t = 'Cali= Um Pills, persons sem slat the() tall bend to ether than dhow pre *alll7 4 C MAMA No 57 Woodst bet Tbled•soil tsar& streets; geld by Dr.Cusas e /frith Irma. D M Cmunt e tkikhesty city. D Omee• entll 111:M: W. MORRIS ms um testament thanks to the citizens °Cigna...o end t,wheay city for the very lastmd ".1 , Pt.".4 °t he has received within the last itz Meats. ' Wa ter cent should empire nth celebrity. 'War atreage nor raysteriousoehen ir is considered OM great &number of eases of every variety of ditartseig smite sad chrome, have been cured by • Ned... es,. Or , t• In Ueostany, where it orignadad, F i e ,(rho wont r. c War were give. apkby We skil ful x. incurable, Were c red by the immortal Prima. the Mender of the Winer Cam. In England, Promo. toad America, Ilemmandefothope. less eases have been =reel. by A, and dm murolls Hydropethic establishments sow in cateessfal opera tion in the United States, speak sonnets to favor of the placate. Dr. Morris having Permanently established vim elt in the City of Pittsburgh, three doors southwest erre. win , . alley, On Penn street, to now prepared Ye sake • number of boarders and treat them as hie !mese, sod those who prefer being treated at theist:ma dwellings, will be pUlicrnally and thladhlty attended. at Hef ir b. from 7 to 10 in the evening. N. B.—Every variety of baths made are of in Jr Water mem bony kir LaMes and gembresea s Makhe oh , Mined at thaAtientertist, ou Liberty atteel, Whet. they have been recent/7 erected for the empress use id Hy dropathic patients, and where every attention ...seta be given aptai bythe polite and attentive proprieurra • lm Grout ilingrnakt Jitaxmosfigr s ~.._ P D ALVt ., r(ta.VL,in;',,y' c'hrgr,go,llr. above diens., is the litlfifilAßLAp6Ethi OP LIFE, discovered by the • celebrated - . London, Ihrgicutd, and introduced Lao the II . Stat us ander the inunedtatesupertisnandence Od i Zsa:rthork' The extraordinary mimes. of this. in tK I eons of Pulmonary diseases, warrants *hp eriun I Agent in soliciting for trmstnamt the sw=ti s l a ca ses that elm be foetal In Uwe relief in vain from any of the= istasedia lu o f the day, and have been given up by the stinel physicians as confirmed and lacuralre,A=. OA Balsomf has cored, and will cure; the *paws of cues. It la no quack nostrum, but sambled En- WI medicine, of known and saliddishediglosury s homy Lay in t h e United States littOlll4.4o4,lMlied Widi Huobmfs Hungarian Ails= . a Ilfa,sent only to cormtenrct the consumptive., tendcoMM , 4 04 ° but to be used a preventive medicate tot% 'colds, otroglis, 'epitting of bloodi pain .M ibb a and cheat, irritation and sorenew of the lungls, bro.:Mins, difficulty of bieating, heetio fever, menaw.macrawl- M o ien c and cr etin.eneml debility, isliuna, ilifinenan, , _ ugh and Sold in largo botdas, et al pee heck, with ihir three. Lions fir the ntatoration of health. Is • Pamphlets, eoalidaq a mass of can certificates, and other evidence, the un oqualled tneritave this great English. ' yh e btained ofMe ddicmpAit=: ..L • -I POT sale by id A g I so., wmaz at at and Wood and Wood and ells sta. . . marS DIU. . . rat.JAYNlti'll O A/M I IIBATIVE k = i & II htlathl the Rev ASA SION IS, a well . I" al. Clergyman Of the Proteslent=ha= This andeta4.ll havtealseMilfille Wet winter Mahe dilienite tifthe stomach, • pr ducing Realpsiaiti the atoognetiforletionweigehooni without muundulan, and alter heeler wjedleasious remedies with lioleeffest, wee Amdahl:id With 6 bor. of Dr la Jayne. Cirrookustloo Flalsont.• This beamed ac cording to the direetionsomAtoond telvarlablfillaittila ...cum ceased*. pale tosbausaa ten.. Wit. ruin. Mo., mad in finconer tummyminut unesay actuation was entirely quieted. The ru .every edlebie wan al terwardauseil whenever inclicelietWe,apploach of poloyeete pefeurtipl;ania the Putt ar Mehl. prevent ed. Ile conaßibt4 am' the 'ekiditteine every exedra and sometimes m the • harthint. and in a fenir weeks health MU 1.0 tarremored, that the Indio= pos reh. ed from • Mtge amount of oppreintive psir6l From at perience, therefore, be can rood:lend,- recoratend I) 1)4 lune', Commenters Balsam, . •eidniatr_Pcdkin tor data.. of theatinidsch and bowels, .1/49.11.14N0 For tale In Pittatorgh et the I= 9 .ger XL 7i/ Fourth street, near Wood, and-rho' el timbres Store of 11 P nth W • STY. Federal area. A 11... y Poultry Tear Wood. . , II FL 0. E. ridßLEY—Deas Sir: LastetprilWand do- AIL ring tbe previous winter, I was severely be astallhet with a scrotal°. complaint in my leas= t had on for mere month. under the ear° et phy Thal mid ray.. w. almost incurable, min. timid do but bolo for nu,. I was nearly helpless, the I aid of erutcheaeould with difficulty get soo n' do May lam. I purchased of you. and commemed Belo root Soutavaartas- After the userottive , ea, the sores commenced healing, and I•l•lde..Nkt orute6- ea, wins only • cane. I dispensed with toy Fens, and at the end of the fourth, was so well as to mil day a Mooring ahcep. In all; I died fief. NMI Th. amanita andlores have all healed up', and ce Mat swam. 1 have melt no appearance oftlardLtitaaa, bnl have continued, and am now, in the most parted heoltba 1 stale With confidence, imputation others May bob. carted In the same way, that the Sanaparalga sold Irl you, hen.. the means and the only mewled( ea.! CORNELIUS .I. RWE. Ina sir4lualosale and retail, by , I Vow R A. FARNUON /Leo cos from E. wood tax, & &Lb corner rat &sm. FM PRILTPURIZZLIf Cream de' Amanda Amerce ; for ah.olag i, CroUll in 11 ROW, lornhavmdi A.m. Cream, do; Superfine Rouge, on Porcelain men* • ~,,, Meow scent bag., Nano.. ar,to Leveed., Arial. term A 1111; Seanniderdallit, 0 .,0 f:,1 pauerug, ' ~i e i for he haadharchteMeent hog, Id loactllips, min able for erratum Penton. or Chinese powder: Indian vegetable hair ml, ! War'. oil, to fancy or eol4Moe wrehecni,Reee somas' " Lnea' lioap, Nymph Soap, Roca Lin saivi . ti of fine Shell soap; , memo map; together with a gm" variety perfirmery past received; for RA PA.IIN _ IC A CO .16 ear eoh & wood an , ____ RI XD T I MER 1 Bel d I owe us my fellow ereanares, — to tain t so . co:l i ond more respecting L . r Valeta/ale Puls . m . arey Balsam. Slates I ltrst the h appy erect of wtdel thd fnui, ir ars art ar= r7 : l lowa hadacestal wrens complaints and enacts at mi Inane, caw a law day. lance, and in avast inalspel nava med the Balsam Ilona with consMelp play phrbset maims. It has erected relief 8.1 cure Isal,Wary fear day. It la carunnty a safe andieins Ido min knew Mat It7l cure a fined consumption, but I Mims It will be many eases a Immature, and preyantion bettor am core; Ido therefore, toe the htetet . pd to = me M taw men, earnestly recom nd the use of e a in all pulmonary complabna. am confatem that It ban been the means of preserving *Mitt day. Boston Jam, ltl, Md. , PIiaIANCV X& For sale by B A ndurestoelr,'& CO, doWrst and wood and also corner wood and nth. jal9