THE PITTSBURGH GA7SITE, PUBLISHED BY WHITE Et CO PITTSBURGH* TUESDAY MORNING JULY 11. 1958.‘ PHILADELPHIA. NORTH AMEBIC AN. Mire rtmerne_nts and Subscriptions to the North Ame evil and tinned States' Gazette, Philadelphia, received and forwarded from this office. NEW YORK EXPRESS. We will receirSi and forward free of expense, ad vertisements and sub•eripnoni for this paper. COAUIPEUCIAL LIST AND PHILADEL. PIMA PRICE CUB-BENT. satmerwoona to rtas valuable paper will be reemveal aruldlfroarded from Mi. office. • s ... - sOr - Tmt Prrmacatm DAILY Garcrus I. putSisked • Daily, l'n-Weekly, and Weekly.—The Dail y t • Seven snLars per manna, We Trt-Weekly is Five Dollars per annum; the Weekly is Two Dollars per annum, strictly sn adronm. ir3 - AntintrrtsaA. arc earnestly requested to hand in their favors i.e.rc 5 r. a., and at early in Medal a. pracueutile. Advertisements not inserted fora pe, find Imp will invariably he charged until ordered MA Democratic, Whig RsITA/2111A1011/1, FOR PRE!RDENT, ZACHARY ,TAYLOR. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. !MILLARD FILLMORE, ELECTORAL TICKET. SENA'rOItIAL EIALTOR-S. Titolran M T. Alliairmen, of Washington. Join 1'...7,0.0001404 0( Lebanon. DismucT ELECTORS. 1. Joseph G Clarkson. 13. Henry Johns on,. Y.3, John NVetarrill, 14. William Colder, 3m IS. William M'llvaine. 4. Them %V. Durriy,d. 16. Charley W. Fisher, 6. Daniel II Ilnn.r. 17 Andrew G. Curtin, 6. Joyhun Dungan. 16. *rhos R. Davidson, 7. John D Steele. 11. Joseph 3larkle. b. John Landis. SU. Daniel Abuew, 4. Joseph Sehmucker: 91. Andrea' Loom.. ID. Charley Snyder. 21. Richard Irvin, 11. Whll•tu G. Marley. 21 Thomas S. Sill. lY Franeli Tyler. 24. Snarl A. Parvianee FOR CANAL COM*SSIONER, EVER MIDDLESWARTH, Math:ammoniac and Whig Nocialnations FOR CONORMS, MOSES UAMPTON, /OH I.IIII3YELT LEWIS C. NOBLE. of Indian, CHRISTIAN SNIVELY. of \Val.. M. SWARTZWELDER. of Pitt•burgh HENRY LARUE. of Matilut. 8.0E0[61, lIEZEKIAII NIXON, of Lower St Cialr JOHN SCOTT, of ROM DANIEI.. AZCL:RDY, of Elizabeth Borough Arorrolr" JOHN K. FOSTKR. of BoWynn. THE PEOPLE'S PLATFORM _ . . . . hnCe no private purposes to accomplish. no party purposes to bald up. no enemies to punish—nothing t serve but my country " "The pounce given by the Constitution to the Execn live. to ii,crpotc his veto. is a high conservative pour er, which P.0{.1,(1 never be exercised except to case of clear ViO'..lolt of the Constitution, or manifest haat • au wait of consideration by Congress." "'The personal °plutons of the Mdtvidual who may Imppett to occupy the of choir, ought not to cthirol toe aCtson at Congress 0(100 question. of do melt. policy, nor ought his °Wee.ns to be interposed where quen110:211 of constnuuonal power have been sallied by theveiny. departraeoll go:Merriment, and lelitlic.Ce4 in by the people." - I.lpou the to [sec. 01 the tuner- the currency, the tin provernent of our great hignweys, rivers, lakes, and harbors, the will of the people, as expressed through their in Congress, ouyht to be respect ed and carried out by the Elettillvo ^War, at all tunes, and under all circumstances, Is a a1f11011.1.1 a amity, lo be avoided. compatible with national honor." - The priumples of our rover - new.. well as its true policy. are opposed to the Sabine.- 110 ii of other nutions. and the dassnerobemsent of other countries by roughest. !or. in the language of the great Waelungion, 'why should we quit OUT Own to Stand oil foreign ground.' '' Z TAYLOR. See next page for Telegraphic New. Welcome to Use VOllll2 Yesterday, about 12 M., the firing of cannon and tinging of bell;.. announced that the Pennsylvania Volunteers from Mexico were appronclung. Near. ly our whole population at once poured upon the Monongahel.i wharf, where the scene will Most inspiring. The immense crowd of men. women, and children. the ringing of steam boat bells, the firing of cannon, the military music,the shouts of the assembled thousands,altogether formed a moat animating scene. Only n portion of the Pennsyl vaaio volunteers came up by this deet, consisting of the John Hancock, Taginini, and the Perinsyl vimia.steamers. The volunteers were drawn up in such positions on the boats as to make the best duiptay of the. numbers and condition, and they presented a 'very respectable appearance. We were struck with the order and quietness exhibit ed, no dilrerent from the almost wild enthnamsin and the disorder displayed on their departure.— The change may be attributed paruy to disaphne. and a good deal to the subdued feeling engender ett by the hardships the poor fellows have under gone. A Mexican campaign is well calculated to quench the warlike enthusiasm of the most ambi tious for military glory. As soon as the proper arrangements could be made, they were landed, and marched through the streets, where the moat eager curiosity was moor tested to see theikeby the immense crowds who lined the side walk. They looked as if they had seen great hardships. roost of them presenting a very haggard aspect, which their embrowneB cam. *irons and busby beards could,,not disguise.— We could not but think, that tlib money spent in display and parade, would be 'laugh better laid oat in providing them with comfortable quarters, fresh clothing, and the many necessaries they appear to need. Probably this will also be attended to. _ W2l;heurtg.welcome them home, and we trend the -. -41land in home sufficient delights, to corn . ,pensale it, some measure for their past sufferings. May the country never again have occasion to make so heavy a draft upon their patriotism. But-many=very many are not here. The large companies, in vigorous health, which left this city ,adds state, return sadly reduced in numbers and physical vigor. Disease, and hardship, and the field of battle—all the concomitants of war—have claimed their share of victims from this common. wealth. Pence be to the ashes of the dead—long life and every earthly happiness to the living.— Nevertheless. those who unnecessarily caused these sacrinces must he held to a strict account. A telegraphic deapatch, in another column, an tit}unces the resignation of Gov. SurNe.. All hope of recovery havinz ded, he has yielded the- helm of state to the hands of his constitutional sweet.' sor, Wn. F. JOHNbON, Lvt , who holds the -- otfiee until January next. An election for Governor, to till Gov. Stn. - xx's unexpired term, of two years, from January, 1'49, will take place on the second Tuesday of next Catcher, in three months from this day. The Whip of this :7tate by this event, which we sincerely regret on account of the comic which „ _413.11 produced it, have an unexpected and addition. al duty to perform—that of redeeming ow beloved state, from the Lands of the party which has No long controlled as deNtwira, and in many ;lungs so mismanaged as ada,ra. Can we elect is \t, iug Governor I We can rry— and dace go at it m earnest, we believe we can.— The pa o!tnajic.l in this .tats, once so Alrnat dable, has been grow. .iig less for u number of years • vigorous exertion and victory will crown our effort. Who shall be our candidate' Persoually, we have no preferences. We have plenty of good men; but we ought to have one who a able and willing to take the stump, and work like a Trojan during the whole Cantpano>.—WALT - 68 FoRWARD, of our own county would do admirably, and would poll a heavy vote in the West. Jan. COusra, of Adams county, would be highly aceeptable, to the whole State, and would make a strong candi date. Mr. M'Kr-Nris.a or Gen. Mutais would rally the whole force of the party. We have plenty of material, only let us go to work harmoniously.— Let there be no personal feeling or ill will engeo detect. The stake in too great to nsk any thing on that score. If we come up to the work to a spirit of selfeacnfice, resolving to du all we caa, honestly, vigorously, perseveriegly, harmoniously, to secure encomia, we shall have cause of the most hearten rejoicing, after the result of the October election is known LETTER nno Gicer- TAYLOR Tu ABBOTT Law. asecs.—The following was pubhsbed no a comma. citation in the Northampton Courier M r . Eduor--I perceive that you call for the "ev. idenee" which Mr. Abbott Lawrence po s yese,,,,, concerning Gen. Taylor's political views. I hap. pen to dame some little of the matter, and will Mate whin I know, for the benefit of the public.— The ',evidence" a contained in a letter from Gen. Taylor to Mr. Lawrence, and though this letter I believe, pnvnte, still it certainly ought to be published. In one place he says in effect., and I think in so ninny words, that he "is a Whig, e j w . gya a Whig, bat never an ultra Whig," while in anoth er place are these very words hi l tedto Me Presidency, I.lArr.A saw nay Cabinet from the PU REST AND , ABLEST WHIGS IN THE UNION." These words I know to be contained in this letter, and tf I mistake not there is. more to the atone diem. I hope you uvilljiriveynblie ay to thin statement and oblige A Wan% ZI=M 1.. 1110111111A9* , or:Tinis leNistmgra . T7 — ANNqUNCING TO CONGRESS THE END OF THE WA WITH MEXICO. Tb th, Senate awl Have of Beraenuoireir of the Elnitad &eau I lay before Congress copies of a treaty of peace, friendship, limits and settlement between the I'm ted States and the Meximtra Republic. the mull. cations of which were duly exchanged at the U. ty of Queretaro, in Me-Taco, on 'the 30th of May, Queretaro, Thewar in which our country was reluctantly involved in the. necessary vindication of the na tional rights and honor, has been thus terrainn, tad, and I congratulate - Congress and our common constituents, upon the restoration of an honorable peace. The extensive and valuable territories ceded by Mexico to the United States constitute indemnity for the past, and the brilliant achievements and signal successes of our arms will be a guaranty of eecuntyMr the future, by convincing all nations that our rights must be respected. The results of the war with Mexico have given to the U. crates a national character abroad which our country never before enjoyed. Our power and our resources have become known and are respected throughout the world; and we shall probably be saved from the necessity of engaging in another foreign war fn. a long aeries of years. It is a subject of congratulation that we have passed through a war of more than two years du ation with the business of the country unmterrup• ted, with our resources unexhaested, and the pub he credit unimpaired. I communicate for the information of Congress the accompanying documents and correntsmoenee relating to the negotiation and ruUtication of the treaty. Before the treaty can be fully executed on the part of the I. , nited Staten leginlatiun will be re quired. It will be proper to make the necessary appro. pronto. kir the payment of the twelve millions of dollars stipulated by the twelfth article to hi, paid to Mexico, in four equal annual instalments.— Three millions of dollars are appropnated by the act of March 3,1647, and that sum w•as paid to the Mexican Government after the exchange of ratifications of the treaty. The fifth article of the treaty proviles that.. la order to designate the boundary hne with due pre. wnion upon authoritative maps. and to establish upon the ground landmarks which shall show the limits of both republics, as described in the present article, the two Governments shall each appoint a commissioaer and surveyor, who, before the expi ration of one year from the date of the exchange of ratifications of this treaty, shall meet at the port of San Diego, and proceed to run and mark the said boundary is its whole course to the mouth of the Rio Bravo del Norte.' It will be necessary that provision anMild be made by law for the appointment of a etlimiliSSlOln er and a surveyor on the part of the United States. to act in conjunction with a commtestoner and a surveyor appointed by Mexico in executing the stipulations of this article. It will be proper also to provide by law for the appointment of a "board of commissioners - is ad judicate and decide upon all claims of our citizens against the Mexican Government, which by the treaty have been assumed by the li. States. New Mexico and Upper Calffininia liar" been ceded by Mexico to the United States, and now constitute a pan of per country. Embracing near ly ten degrees of latitude, lying adjacent to the Oregon Territory, and extending front the Pnrin , Ocean to the Rio Grande, a mean distance i if near ly n thousand- miles, it would he difficult in esti mate theVelue of these possessions to-the . iiited States. They constitute of themselves a Country large enough fors greet empire. and into m•.lii. 501011 is second only in importance to that 01 Slana in 1603. Rich in mineral and agricultural resources; with a climate of great salut,.iv. they embrace the most important ports on the. whole Pacific coast of the continent al North America. The possesruon of the pasta of Sec Thee, Shorts terey, and the Bay of San Francisco wid enable the United States to command the already valua ble and rapidly increasingammerce of the Pacific. The number nicer whale ships Mane employed iii that sea exceeds -seven hundred. requiems Mont than. twenty thousand seamen to iistitgitte then, while the capital invested in this particular brunch of commerce is estimated at not been than forty millions of dollars. The excellent harbors of Up per Cabkirma will under our flag afford security and repose to air commercial marine, and Amen can mechanics will scion furnish ready means at ship budding and repair. which are now so Muer. wanted is that distant sea. By the acquisition of these I pumesnions. we ore brought into- immediate proximity with dm west coast of Amenea.. from Cape limn to the Russian possessions north of Oregon, with the islands sit the Pacific Ocean; and, by a direct voyage in steamers, we will be in leas than thorny days of Canton and other ports of Chinn. In this vast region, whose rich resources are soon to be developed by American energy soil enterprise, great must be the augmentation of our commerce, and with it new and profitable demand> for mechanical labor in all its branches, and new and valuable markets for our inanutacture, and agricultural products. Wittle the war has been conducted ?itii great humanity sod forbearance. and with complete sue. eels on our part, the peace has been concluded on terms the most liberal and magnaminous to Men co. In her hands the territories now ceded had re. mamed, and it to believed would have conftnued to mul°, almost unoccupied, and of tittle value to her or to any other nation. whilst its plirt 41 our Union they will le productive of vast si be-nri,t. to the United States, to the etxrimercial wand an.: the general interests of mankind. The immediate establishment of territonxi g ernments, and the extension of our laws ovrr these valuable possessions are deemed to be not only Important, but indispensable to preserve onler and the doe adinuatearntion of justice within their Lmits, to afford protection to the inhabitants, and to facilitate the developement of the vast resources end wealth which their acquisition has added to our country. The war with Mexico having terminated, the power of the Executive to establish or to continue temporary civil governments over those territories. which exuiled under the laws of nations whilst they Were regarded es conquered provinces in our mill:tory occupation, has ceased. By their cession to the United States, Mexico bra no longer any inpower over them, and until Congress shall act, the habits:rats will be without any organized governs mint. Should they be left in this condition, eon fusion and anarchy will be likely to prevail. Foreign commerce to a considerable amount is now canoed on in the ports of Upper California. which will require to Le regulated by our laws.— As soon as our system shall Le extended over this commerce, a revenue of considerable amount will be at once collected, and it is not &fabled that a will be annually increased. For these and other obvious reasons, I deem it to be my duty earnestly to recommend the actual of Congress on the sub. sect at the present session. In organizing governments over these territories fraught with such vast advantages to every portion of our Union, I invoke that spent of concession. conciliation, and compromise in your deliberations in which the constitution was framed; in which it should be administered, and which is so indispen sable to preserve and perpetuate the harmony and union of the States. We should never forget that this union of confederated States was established and cemented by iondred blood and by the coin. mon toils, sufferings, dangers, and triumphs of ah its parts, and has been the ever augmenting source of our national greatness atkil of all oar blessing*. There has perhaps been no period, since the warning so impressively given to his icountrymer. by Washington to guard against geographical di visions and sectional parties, which appeal,. with greater three than the present to the patriotic, sober minded, and redacting of all parties and of all sec lions of our country. Who can calculate the val ue of oar glorious Union ' It is arnodel and ex ample of free government, to all the world, and the star of hope and the haven of rent to the nis. premed of every clime. Hy its preservation we have been rapidly advanced as a nation to a height of strength, power and happiness without a paral• lel in the history of thewurld. As we extend to blessings over new regions shall we be so unwise as to endangerits existence by geographical divis ions and dissensions. With a view to encourage the early settlement of these distant possess... I recommend that ere grata of the public lauds he secured to all our citizens who have settled, or may in a limited pe riod settle, within our In elecutioirsof the provisions of the treaty. or den have been issued to our military and naval forces to evacuate without delay, the Mexican pr, me., cities, towns and fortified places in our tfil nary occupation. and which are not embraced in the territories ceded to the United Stoles. T he army is already on its away to the Untied States That portion of it, as well regulars as volunteer., who engaged to serve during the war with Mexi co, will be discharged as soon an they can be transported or marched to convenient points in the vicinity of their homes. A part of the regular ar my will be employed in New Mexico or Calif,. ma, to afford protection to the inhabitants. and to guard our interests in these territorles. •• di The old army, as n existed before the commence- Merit i 1 the war with Mexico especially if authork ty be given to fill op the rank and file of the seve nil corps to the maximum comber authorized du nog the war, it is believed will be a sudidient force to be 'retained in service during a pond of peace. A few additional officers in the line and staff of the army have been authorized, and these, it is belie, e g , w ill b e r-cc.:miry in the peace establishment, and should be retained in the service. The num ber of the general officers may be reducx.l, as va. nannies occur by the casualties of the service, to what it was before the war. While the people of other countries, who live under forms of government less free than our own, have been for ages oppressed by taxation to sup. port large standing armies in periods of peace, our experience has shown that such establishments are unnecessary in a republic. Our 'landing army is to be found in the bosom of society. It is compos ed of free citizens, who are ever ready Wink° up arms in the service of their country when no em ergency requires it. Our experience in the war just ckuted fully confirms the opinion that such no army may be raised upon a few weeks' notice, and that our citizen soldiers are equal to any troops in the world. No reason, therefore, is perceived why we should enlarge our land forces. and there by subject the Treasury to no annual increased charge. Sound policy requires that we should avoid the creation of a large standing army in a period of peace. No public exigency requires Such armies are not only expensive and winches. nary, bat may become dangerous to liberty. -BadAes making the necessary legiatative pmvi• 'um b• the execution of the treaty, and the eat. blishment of territorial governments in the ceded country, sve have, upon the restoration of peace, ad= Important duties to perform. Among these I regard none as more important than the adoption of proper measures for the speedy extinguishment of the national debt. It is against sound policy and the genius of our institutions, that a public debt should be permitted to exist a day longer than the means of the Treasury will enable the government to pay it off We should adhere to the wise poli cy lath down by Prestdent Washington, of • avold nig the accumulabon of debt, not only by shunning occasions Of expense, but by vigorous exertions In ume of peace to discharge the debts which una voidable wars hays occasioned. not ungenerously throwing upon posterity the burden which we our. selves ought to bear: At the commencement of the present Adininor tration the public debt amounted to ,Venleen nld• lions seven hundred and eighty toght tnousand seven hundred and ninety nine dollars and sixty two cents. In consequence of the war with 3,lez• too, it has been necessarily increased, and now amounts to sixty five ;maimus seven hundred and seventy eight thousand four hundred and fifty doh lass and luny ono cents, Includlng the stock and Treasury notes, which may yet be issued under the act of January 2, Intl', and the sixteen indlion loan recently negotiated under the act of Man•li 31,1,!5. In addition to the amount of the debt, the treaty stipulates that twelve millions of dollars shall be paid to IVlexico, in four equal annual instalments in throe millions each, the first of which will tall due on the 30th day of May, 1e49. The trusty alai stipulates that the United States shall "assume and pay - to oar own Littlens the claims already liqui dated and decided against the .Mexican and - all claims not heretofore decided against the Mexican Government - to an amount nut exceed ing three and one quarter inillionS of dollars. - The `liquidated - clams 01 cittlens of the United State. against :Mexico, as derided by the punt booed of C-mintissioners under the Convention between the United States rind Mexico of the tutu of April, 11,311, amounted to two millions and twenty sin thousand and one hundred and dully nine dollars and sixty eight cents. This sum was payable in twenty equal annual instalments. Three o f them have been paid to the Mexican Government, and two by the United States, leaving to be paid 01 the principal of the "liquidated" anionnt assumed by the United States, the aura of one million tive hun ered and iiineteen . thousand sir hundred and tour dollars and seventy•six cents, together with the in terest thereon. These several amounts of "liqui dated- and unliquidated claims assumed by the Utyted States, it in believed, any be paid as they fall due, out of the accruing revenue, without ire testi° of stock or the creation of any additional public debt. I cannot recommend too stnaugly to Congress the importance of husbanding all our national rrsoury ces, of limiting the public expenditures to necessa• ry objects, and at applying all the surplus at any time in the Treasury to the redemption filthy- debt. I recommend that authority be vested in the I.a. ecutive, by law, to anticipate the period of reim bursement of such portion of the debt as may not be now redeemable, .d to purchase it at par or at the premium which it may command in the market, in all cases in which that authority has not already been granted. A premium has been tit, tamed by the Government on much the larger portion of the loans, and if, when the Government becoines a purchaser of its own mod:, it shall coin. mand a premium in the market, it will be sound policy to pay it, rather than to pay the senn.annual interest upon it. The interest upon the debt. it'll, outstanding Treasury times shall be funded. troth the end of the last fiscal year until it shall fall due and be redeemable, will be very nearly equal to the priampal, which must itself be ultimately paid. Without changing or modifying the present tar rl of duties, so great has been the increnee of our emomeree Under its benign opernt..n. that the rey -tour derived from that en, and tram the sales of the public lands, will, it urre contidentiv lishieved. enable the lovernment to de•chargeannuMly .ev erm millions of the debt, and at the same tinic NEW. the means of incense necessary appropr,ll,,ilA fir all other limper obiects. I'lll' s n Congress .hall authorize largely increased expendoturr• for ob jects not of ab..aute necrs‘ole the widde debt existing before the Mexican inwar and that created during . continuance, Illy ne i.a.d without any increase of taxation on or peop.e before it will fall due. 1- tatn the restoration of iie.tee we -di ie.! pt n policy suited to a state of lien,. d the earliest praclimible payment pubic debt should be a cardinal prim-dile M saws Profiting by the experienee in tilepast. lcr should avoid the errors into which the :moor) was betrayed, shortly niter the close oi the ar so. Ali Great Britain 1615. In a tele tears idler test penod a broad and latitudinuus construction 01 tile powers of the Federal tioveinment unii nn iiidy received but too much countennue, u the country was burdened with a heavy pubbr del t. large, and in some instances unnecessary and travagant. expenditureswere HU tistrtz ett it grew The consequence was. that the paythent it the dcht was postponed tor more than item: rears and even then it w unit'accompi.sheil Is the stern will and unliendmg ax :policy Id Prr•dlinit Jackson, who mode Its payment n measure of los. Administration. Ile resisted the attempts which were made m dtvert the publie naincy that great Once!, nail apply it in wales-to' and ex tra vegan: expenditures to- ether obj e cts them ~ fitiore thou doubtful eaust.tuoutisi tuttiority and expediency. It the Government of the I 'toted States ebn,t.ob serve a proper eronorny in its expeildttures, and be contmed in its Salon to the conduct of uur earn relations.. and to the few general objects of it. care enumerated in the constitution, leaving nll mm n.opal and local legislation to the States, our great ness nation. in moral and physical power. end wealth and reisiurees, cannot be calculated. Ily pursuing this poltcy, oppresinve operant.: uncipitily and unjustly upon sections and classes, will lie avoided, and the [seriph,. halt C.IIINC i'l complain I. will pursue their on interests. under the blessings of equal laws and toe protectlon of a plat and paternal ilrovernment. fly nit-staining front the exermsa of all powers not clearly conferred, the cement of cur glorious l'anin, now tlumbertng thirty Mates. will be strengthened as we grow in age and Increase in population. nod our future destiny will be without a parallel or es. ample In the history of nation.. WA.SIII;Cork,. July T TlP}:e n Mr, nr .—Tne Iroclamat..m of the ranticatiun of the treaty wan signed by use Preaident on theith. An we putiltsheil n eupy at the treaty shortly utter ns ratincution by the I . : bb ed :Mates 'sums. it a nut neeeanary we attonfd teen it is full again. The folluirtng Lathe article defining the boundary line The boundary line between the two repubhcs shall commence ka the 'tilt of Merle., three leaguer from land. opposite the tumuli of the It m Cirande, otherwise called Rio Bravo dei N me, opposite the mouth of Its deepest branch. .1 d should have more than one branch emptydie d. reedy into the sea, (min thence tip the mirblie of that nver. following the deepest channel, where it has more than one, to the point where it •Irik..l the Southern boundary of New Men,. thew r westwardly, along the whole southern boundary oi New Mexico, (which runs north of the town rs:.ert Pa.o) to its western termination. thence northward along the western line of New Mexico until It .t 1 tersect,S . the first branch of the river ,or it it sbottri not ,ntersect any branch of that river then to the point on the said line nearest Wench branch, and then in a direct line to the 'anted thence .bow's the middle of the said branch and . of the said ny er, until it empties into the Rio Colorado mem, across the Rio Colorado, following the division low between I pper and Lower California, to i"Kr 1 1 .1 citie The nnhern and western limits of New Men co, mentioned in this article, are those laid downin OM map entitled, "Map of the I sited ,Mraic.., State, an organized and defined by earl 0, - ,1 0! the Congress of said republic, and constructed no cording to the bent auttionties. Revised edition Published at New York in ISI7, by I Ihsturneil The twelfth article states the "constderation which the I sited States will pay ho this extmtsii of territory. The money to be paid is fifteen nitl lions of dollars, three millions of %Moll was to be paid to Mexico on her ratifying the treaty, and the remaining twelve millions to be paid in four annu. al inslitlMents of three millions each. with interest at six for cent. The [ ' filed intates moreover sz;rees 1.1.111111 C all the claims, of every Lind. against Melte° by our citizens. on the day of the slung of the treaty A great Whig Festival wrt; held at Philadelphia on the 4th mat. at which letters were read Iron] many diaungumbed citzens. Among utile,s we observe the following from the Present speaker of the Serrate ill thm state From A. lfmc. w. .lAAnctun. httrvermo. luue 2s, I,l^ Edward 1/10, I.sq.—Dear :Sir —My I, .‘x tenets from house during the last winter and Curing. and the cos...Tient derangement of my 11r1Villt• bU3411.1111, will prevent my attendance as your erle. liratuan of the apprswelung annweranry of OW national existence. to which you have so loudly invited me. I would rejoice to be prearist at any derannxtratum of the friend, of 'Taylor nod Ells. more and the country,' that I aught add my ma, to the good cause. All things in thin region are bright and cheering. I remain, truly, your friend, WM. F. JOHNSTuN. .Taylor and Fillnanre”—The standard hearers of the Waal party—Anienean honor, American industry, American enterprise and American Ines. unions, con find no abler and better defenders and supporter,- liy the Committee—The Hon. If tn. F. —Au eloquent orator. a superior debater, and patriotic legislator. Viaiaro, voa TarLos---The pub hahed at Richmond, Va., by Ina M. Crave,Esq, a paper which takes a rather independent stand in ?oldie., and favors the abolition of slavery which 0 say. is an evil to that great state. The lost Issue, has the following paragraph "Our mind is now made up, that we hove no ah ternative left us but to urge, with all the enemy we can command, the election of Taylor and Fillmore." We have been to some Ova or six County Courts, and tho Way the straight outs from the democrats to Taylor ore showing themselves, 11 a caution hereafter to evikdoera We have heard over one hundred democrats say, that they were going to vote for Taylor. IVs ,tote now, at thatArethhold the campaign that Virginia goes triumphantly for Taylor. Did ever any one know Crane to make a statement that did not come true i The fountains of the great deep of democracy in Vir ginia are to be broken op. She will appear both beautiful and grand on the morning of the bib of November. Brace up, men, for the work goes harvely on. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gamete.. &nectar. Seataos July 6th, 1648, I am sojourning fir a few days at this delightful watering place. being somewhat of an invalid, and anxious to test the efficacy Mlle waters which are so 1,1 4 1,11 Y extolled by our medical men. for their wonderful curative properties. Although these springs have become famous in oar own and ad joining State.. Cher are comparatively but little known beyond. Their difficulty of access has pro bably ~perated against them. They are, however Lei:inning every day better known. and ere lung. ' we are 'shelled. they will become a formidable ri val to Saratoga. The scenery surrounding Bed thrd far surpasses that of Saratoga. or in fact any of the Watering Spas of Germany, most of which I have visaed. It is hardly necessary for tee to enter into a minute desorption of the vaned paunch°. which BriltOrd presents.. either to the Invalid seek ing health, or to those who inertly resort no these places for the purpose 01 recreation azd amuse ment. both. however, cannot tail of finding all that they desire here. The company, as yet, is stime what Mimed, owing to the extraordinary bad weather we have experienced fur the last lew days. A very large number of rooms have been for some tone engaged, and a very Brilliant season la utak-united. ( . 01. Anderson, the amiable and popular Proprietor has. during the last Spring, add ed am area: any important improvements to the Hotel 11.1111 grounds, which add very much to the comfort and aitraetions of the place. A large per ty of the fashion and beauty of your city arrived last evenlng, ...lei. to the gratitieation'of the Colo net, whose kindness for Plusburghers is somewhat proverbial. We km nil the roads from Pittsburgh here in most exeellent condition, and both the sta ges and ' , uses equally no. Those who arc going East sett be amply compensated for any fatigue they 11/11y soder. by the unsurpiused variety and beauty of the scenery upon this route. It cannot he exceeded. Among the guests here seeking health. is Judge Saunders, of Louisiana, the neigh bor and friend of General Taylor, and who. as you dig/Weiss recollect, gave those:satisfactory expla nations ut the Convention in Philade4.hia. as to the views and principles of General aylor, which doubtless caused his nomination. The Judge says that no Whig will ever have occasion, in case Gen. Taylor is elected. to regret Clint be voted fur him. I understand that the feeling tar the Old Hero is rapidly diffusing itself through the interior of the Key Stone State, and there 11% hardly a shadow of a doubt ns in the . electoral vote of the State being net iur hail in November next. In lituite, yours, THE PRI., ecl. M he National Intel' Ibtencer. :a publishing the Presidents Ildessage which will l,e htund in another part of this paper, MEE The reader's attention will he strongly arrested by the Message wh,hilie President sent to Con gross yesterday. touching our Mexican relations. and there are fen, we presume. who will not be amused at the clean In credit set up by his Excel. len, on account ot foe war into which be so un necessarily and unrighieously plunged the country, and which, alter costing us some thousands of val. unlde fives mid some hundred or two millions tit money, we are c‘fricated from py agreeing to pay our Mexican claims ourselves 0.01,11 we went to war to Make. Me, o pay, and giving her many snare to n.nke peace, for it cannot be ser.• —u•ly urged that the &slant deserts which Mexico grants us OW 1111 r r•tmvalent tOr the money she receives irides d. might well adard to give her her bales as moch to fake them law': again. It is nctcu purp,se. however. 10 enter into an e r xa natfon the 1:0 . 11l• 0101, M0,Nit.“1,1,,, mi T!, duismance of its topics. ft., fallacies. and its miss. ossafuntinas inert II more rching and tor. m e can give to them today Fr iii the NV.1,,11,1011 pre, ur Ire t rhou.l4, 1.1• I met .n a tea. dal...' vue of the T.,y .FI moi tor I...mielatm. an intelligent and pit',/,' :7...tut:min.—one every inch a man. and twat , .,;) tireoutee, or atning part!. lan andnio..t.e.. Ile line,. ; Parlor iotte.y. and moaned me Mot While the old Gene ral arid,! :Marne b. the I . ..tioditittional right,. of the Smith mu I I ten:lndy and abiding faith. th. rt,ijoon :• • ).,, rrIOJI . ti General Taylor has bix reatsPlia o tllld they show hull to Ike a man of •agn:•.to. and tri.t..Ma tt , and l usts, li e dui.r:s, to r, and upon a re• memut propi. lie does not :h..L slavery a des. rot, tustmoton. even where it exotts of right. and 1t . ..W1 rt., 111 - 1 , ,,1t t Inc easr. Ile holds. In., that 1 o:d'r equ.l:.o font, /1111,441 t, and Intprne. id, m.VC.Itt ts.avery upon any of the pr ,n la n try of the territory of tue I I. 15 the tail. Ln a athrued otam pattr,n paper. xupp rz,uts Taylar and Ftittuure, pub fished ,u Weallititzbut by t meurge N. Gadeon. Tertns—Stugle ,uhattrtpt..,n. no cent., t wel rc cope•+s turn y o a ~to.t,tt arc title to 111 r. Hampton for aln, publte d..-ument. !Dal A fralra f France an , .V...taand u . from the ear ert times to the re tul/011 Taylor. L. L ri vo uladelph.a,Tnotnatt Cop Thar t•undenrted and excellent of Franco, .• .mended pr in. k, the OW of :Soltoola, though thout.andt of Our young utiles and gen. detueu would he thud/ hotter engaged in exam. fling 413 441341.W4ve and enlertairizog pages, than 4rl rt-rid4n the 41.1 novel. questions for tannin natitti, are appended at Ine rind of each xenon. and the v. ,r, .11u Itruted wno ntttner.l engra Vnigp. It J, the ttrvt Antericno, nut the herd En g. MEM fl„ ln.rrNa,ew Heade., or course of reatitnir I a Natural li,tory Science and Laeratore.te etted tar u%e of By Wm. I) Swan. 1'1,1.1°1044a. Two., C.perthwatt li the w.,rk zs worthy of n. tine appearance. mum mdeed te, nn excetlent rending hooa. The !rtatn!v d.bne thrlnselvc. in the etecubun botb 01 this and Ibe above uol,e Vtl WO, I,v I. II Me;1”, \,,,.‘1 V ,1 . 1 N - irrns.—Tliert. were luireil , e , inpuote• oi v.dunteer,arnced here yesterday,on the steamboats Tag hunt and John Hancock, which compri At, in part the :second PennsylVanla Henn oder \V ;racy, and the Bath:nom bairn in The krdowina is a hst of the °dicers. so by as we have been able to learn their nestles. Lent Lot H. Lawry, ilol. W Hugbes. J\V ;...ry . w Surg I'. S. A., • It iiii t, ng Sorg wan Ileinehtneot. It hint..,Ad, t. ut wr li og t . J 1; win. 14-gt. Coninionoiry tins lame, :11iiier, John Humphreys, f.. 'A' 11. Ilileyer, Parry. W Brown, I. iyil 'F.lglonan M.n it Joon It Kenney. Leine \V !intik o. II Woo. H A Ilainbright, li. R. Doi vi..U. .1. I nger. H. Irwin. I . \V 11, Soleneki, E. I. Acer. I. H'. Thornton. G. Klopher, W. Fenitield, J Kw, H. \V West, P. Henry, J. Flute and R.ll. Lht v/J lon it, Seria Mdiur. I P. Sbellcrust, wr. Alger Sergt In". II Toner. tint major. Iltraltnattant. was urrestro on lust zatudatiletzten.. tee BUtialu police. -Ile had 6cell indicted in Erle county. N 1 , in I ktr datatng up the lealtes al the dead I, the purpow td selling them It, illientelans Ills real name ts It /105 W. Fl , tvey. hut It appears he had changed a 1., I/ II Tl, lb bon wort And W Jordan on a • barge. noble by Metotrs NI Alien .1 . Co, ol the /rnter )n1,1114 'rondo:oily „mauled property 01 ttuntlry Lod , . iron/ Onto crtrtlit/Jr• requited, ntler 5 lull hearing, the e,.,• berme huh:: Hepburn. In the discharge ol the delitntlnnbr WE are repteeted 'tote that the Fourth ward int Met E.•te,tle. wJI be opened, kat the chit dire of the ward. In flew weeks,or etc noun a* the d.reetort• CIIII mut, the hettevetry arrangement!, and wit I.eeout: eted untO the new Atthoul Lowe, on Peen .trier tonalsed letterb,.l iireuirnt and second Penneylyan. Reyeneni., wrre Lleiryned nt New Orleans. (111Ve been le:eught to tees by Lteuienant Lew.. end dep. ,. err&rn - th'i?lThrtt,Olfie e for dettribtwon. A 11/.`o.—The PAlshurgh AnnunkLoutereuee nuns in Session, has aiwinted Rev. 1(61let Hop kins. 13.)1., Agent for this city, in the pin ee of Rev. .1 1. Read Tv ec—A tont of second hand nonpareil and brevier type for sale at tuts °slice, suitable for a country paper, and in good condition. Does your halt tall off. does your hair turn fray ti harah. t, dry. or duly. I pray• ' ll4 111.. you ca.. !rutin tt son. salty and fine. Dark and healthy. and beauteous tax this boor of mine And to have thi•. lon have but three shelllnp to give For a bottle of Jones' Ilan. Revtoruttve Reader. If you have butt hint you would really be itts: tontsbaa at tan lovely elfeet a three shilling bottle of Jones' I:oral Hair Restorative ha, on It, tt nerds but one trtaL Bold nt tai Liberty so: novllhi&sely tE r ou fooitsh. stl:y old fellow, read all, and bet no longer bald, whtekerle•s and hairless Mr. W Jack son, ot e'er Liberty street. httsburgli. Pei, certifies on the 3d of February, DA:. that Mr. Thus Jackson's head, on the top, was entirely bald tort) years, and that by using two 3s bottles tit Jones' Coral flair Reatorauve, the hair in lust and thick Sold in Newark by S OLD' dr. SON, tr. Broad at, it VAN BUSKIRK. currier a Brood and Nantucket at mann/ 1:17 . Lathe. who too , Jon.' Spu•irdi have •Iwaya a fine whet.- tranapareiii .kin Uf Wt. • trial will saguay any unc Sold way Pittaburgh, at S 1 Liberty st. “ovilitlander.l7 Whit Executive Comalit In imrsnance of a resolution passed at the last meeting, I hereby announce the names ofthe gen tlemen composing the Executive Committee of the Rough and Ready Club. for the county of Alle. gheny. P. A. MADEIRA. Pres . t. R. R. R. Duman, A W.hington, ) Recdg Sec v.. W. U. Le:alie. Henry Woods, ) N,Vm. Boyd, > Gorrespond,4 zs v% Samuel Palmer. ) Pittsburgh—T. J. Bighorn. do David Ritchey. do George Singer. do John M. Crosson Jo Robert hie Killglit do John Allen. do N. Buckmaster do Dr. J. P. Rea. South do John Beck. Lower St. Clair—E. Jones. Manchester-4ohn E. Parke. Birmingham—Thoa. McKee. City of Allegheny—Jame. McAuley. do do Wm. RI. Bell. do do Simpson Walker. It7Tug Clots ra Is strangely destructive to the hu• man cuticle, for .k,nl the sudden change limn heat to cold. and the smoke causes yellow. dark. L.our., com plexions. Then reuulatte that the pores to the skui should be kept open---lhat their mouths eliou.d he heed from impurity—'twee thus the imam!, Rumnu Phnoso .pbera cured all diseases—they Clllllplllrd lllat more dise•se• and unhealthy vapor len through ill Len ores of the slcan, than any Miler bun, or the bo,lv nlt ec esaary. therefore. to keep the pore. open—ad humors are dispelled l'ruin the skin from the rore•, when they wash with Jones' ltaltati Chenncal Soap I have seen it cure the wt 4/1 orde.l ea.e. of Sart Rheum. I.:rytopelm... lid Sores. Bar . ,,er • 11, ti. Sore Head, Ringworm. when every wher and es ternul clearhad (tiled—n. rife, rendering the .1/ and soft. though 0 he yellow rind emir., It WWI' dertul—it removes Freckles, Tan, Sunburn.. lorphew, and disfigurement of the .km—bui T.- sons niust be particular and ask for 10:m..a be had to Pittsburgh •1 IVNI JACKSON +tgo or the tilt Boot, (9 Libertynt Price 50 CCIIIA 110,19 d& y V - USETIAN Puorea NIP-APR-1r 011 W If/ 1/G pessful in any undertaking. )i. s 'use Me crop at e rTberetore.nave eough. isTes ExPec - roItAXY and be eared tor it i. proper means. Have you Asthma or if/thrall) or breathing, then the only efficient means flint is to use lo) tic ' s Expectorant. which xlll to iniinediateq oyervome the spurn %hid, contrite. Mr diameter of Use tubes, and loosens and bnngs up the mucus which clogs thorn up. and thus removes ever) olostrucnon free re..pi ration. while at the same tune mi niflamination IA sub.. dued, and a pure IA eel - tans ior rdrrtril ilnot tun Bronchitis. ' , pint, of 'Blood, Pleuri.).or in fact an) Pulmon•ry Atrecnou, then use la) tie ' , L111.,101,1111 and relict 111 certain. and you will titt.l that you haie used the proper means For sale in Pittsburgh at she Pei., Tea Store n 4th street nem Wood, vt. - e ttiiuld c.. attention to Ono excellent reed) (Srl a ell11•1/111,11.1011. a.nd ell nt affect/um. titthe •Thrum and Lune. Hay tug .enrol Liness few yearn pam mon a medicine this Lind. wr het , y experi ence Mated tt• end Om prepared ni recommend it to otheri Niint•ter• t•r miter I.slnic speaker, afflicted with ttronchial AM .‘1 great lionelit from Ili n.e. It prepared tit be piquet.. mid ill ciaa.ies w.!, Lint itante and riti "Leto. medicine in Mr darn.... for Sohn, le cominettiled Mid, I reas epel JOIIIIIi. For Pair...the Yr¢un Tea `L., ra h Fosr.h tot 15 F arcs Say Aar[ Cr itar , Icy 0., rod- cf r), L.... • I, at Pills —Tire :nl:owirnr ir.nor from a Iderk:) reaped , told, prorlennan or %V., I :ndn Park., couloy. la, trittinphlat tart/111011y rd‘or lot• crr, mon. annr 'rho.° who ander), and, nor altroonor droeure c had inanediute rr! ~., 'rad a riarrdi ur the uac or an Da' Nl'l.alor's NV!, V. , taaa It r sr.o, ..Nlc•rdr Kadd 0111 ono }oar nzo I rc0e,, , ,1 our agrin a lor or Irr Inver -. . I wold Inimeabately and Na •uppop as posailr., NVlwn I rrerns other Pi, I SS, al .• 6..11 mudr.ring warn an Rita, nye and Fr i ,. , q L." u.... Al. oi ~ lo c, recored to neonll I lo d. • r coon rctuet1,...mi....," I is J'IAA 11111,1,..‘,1 For •a.e I/rt.:P.olc J KIDD& 61, ...,„„j TILIST ct.111.4811 . —T11.• tarn, all GIN :r.i.• and arcianne j.rver Pa it 11. prraaarrd la,' It I . : 5r...,• 1 . 10.3711,W.N. .1111, r H lla••••aarrat—a•oinr• yratr• •aalase I nra. : • rtatrd las ta,an, 'our rr 1•1:•• and a• I mai a grrara atual,,, 1a.,. I r.aa-aaa••• saw alma r a , al wa..l:• to ant or. Inc worth c•I it na I. r eL.i purtteulur nu •••raal Oa , •aaal.• 1.1.1 trar• tia•n•A ::to gittr n,to. a e I °petted. antl hr.ett but a tr. n Lane • . edt II . tfae gtvett guard •atiefact.on. Z.., It• J 1.1.4 Wttat ale puha , . WY/...e., (jA tt nyt,,e. and Ido tot vriah to yet Cut I haf f,tf 0210 . th•er Whe,. ) our n,..”1 V 1,1• I fni.tlc he tefd fife eau. place tu send If sheuhl want afore. hu: ./ I have forgotten NVtil yu Cu,, the vourb.e•• to der for oft era duorn o On the rcertrt ffi 1 . 1 - I'ER Ftl, t'. it For sok. ut the Drug 'tor- of .1 KIDD t u ,„, at. eet YVorcre !,) tiocr IrilatiOn. arroirsirt •• rs coo or mucus or slicer r in r , o they Involve mu .1 h the odoicarr •IlLii ler deprived or .1 .i,e Tic sr, bran,: VeTr ‘ si:l t ri a g i s . r d prepared l,‘ It A Pa., is artisu r'• op. ratio,. rust. to remove Coe proteellni: MUCUS. 3.1L1 •ect. t!!y clpel the worup 1,,1 , Ae red hornless arid tender rug thus denuded It is a reined) ii. tcrril every roc. Irdeirce earl he placed. cud that i: has is ilom• purpose is ruanaest froth the hundreds 01 C , rt., airs given in Cs favor Lj Saiz Rheum. Srurvy. 1,,1 ,or. • I'.ry.y.c.rr. Itch. Chap., ,orr 11.-tta, : 4 4Irc !kart,. Pim Jour. Soap it nacd by lun4 11/15,C111114 m nyoL comic the •bove, and we would not ..on,seu'iou. •e:I wa- knew n tO I.' all we •tate A. • rostnerw. the true Jon,. Soap perlotp• the ottl) artrewever known tr.. removed ittrouros,s and ro•ared anti Iw:wattled the kko, tnakolg It wt. e.en: wnooth and whoe •10. tnnon • Nod !, WM !At:A -nt/N. Idt•erty Veilow T.,eth mad rulrld Spoaucy gums l, death: I. repul.gre All could Ils•e leed4 a. white a. twar , . s.wrat breath—hard guns..—ota or :11 . Wn) delay al) llama And u u box of lone. Tooth Paw , It coats but leb ar 1., and I. rrall) 1/euut t rt, It go,. he tea, a but cuu.mul. lnadd ta a rgu laberly al uovlUd.t •uly [l7- Men never attempt to eounterlert aructe. Pence valor... 'HMI...CS Y, trv.itteutl) nun., rd. knav• woo countertettv a It...dirn control, great rrutte a• t' were n bank note or the coin of the Lusted Staten. If A Fah4. , stor, \ ernutogr, vrhtrh II the univ sole mad r.rtat a cure lan ortn, net, redo 1111111} •et.lloll. of :he rout. v utt.l per.ons vt/00111 1.. e on thrtr tru.trd Wll,l pure-tl, get the genunir Brune. prepare, •t Paltourgu. :ta l'o ap2l Don't have Foul Brenta—ll you bare oar turlo mantling home or Jour. Ault., Tooth l'aate Thal urn( make your breata sweet. whiten ) our, sold lalarrly nov Ital.!. rely fl while . , 10.11 oi twr., Ulna .now And pure o monntnrulw n1at.1.1., • All Irinale• he,. skin 1.4, wn.n.r ,'1.111511 I,y Innkella ral .N.nd et ettATll,4 11:111. LE ,- Don't have relfow dark Teeth—they f en I e made pea rf v whee by 01, tone tofttift ef of Jofff • Ault fer Tooth Pane It hank!• he elm*. •effet no the breath, de. Sold al elf I.f be et, •L !fog IfhlA y ALT The vopartuership heretororc xr.true rrr Iln ruihscriber, Puroltuller. or the l'uturrurFn tette, under the firm or Erauturr Brook. rk Co r. rhos day dursolvrd by tnutual ronsenr The rro.our•• r hr. raw firm will 6. rt.:rued by Sam: Burro, ErtAsTl v It HI it l'inclourgh. June N. I-4- • DIED coerdly mlrrnoon, l'n He•oo and Mary Ann Iran., 'fhr mend. of Lhe lumpy at, m.prr n,li . sattend the lutter,il Ihl. atictllsos at 5 5, 10. r, 1f,./11 father's tt re..lenre a t.y Mleghe, Nty. CIUMMIE Vcrtsalcrh•it I." 1\.•u..• rlr fl t: Jul, la. $ Truaters 01 OW I.a. Ihnalasos hitsc this day deulaml u ti.V4i.llll 01 bac pc, ccul or. the Capital Stock paal Ihr prom. 111 111.. last ;az triontha—u loch hr lo ,tock hold,* or tee, legal rrpreaentatives, al Om "dice of thc Work., on or alley the Illtn tn.! M CHRIST 1 .151 l'reasurer RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., 11,11 • 04.11. 1.1“1..4 • Suddlcr•' Irotrolooqcr, Ilarrtra- nod Coach Trrrolorr, N 10.4. prr r Harr V arrtr.ll,lll`.kut. lIMIIMEI tos.: ro,t, rTr.• r11116F:?ai I , llrsLit NIt:111' I, I. J T 1- 10 N.llO • ••- T• 6 15 \ • 5 5.s NI • 5' ISi'2.LLANI4.;OUS,. \ t:; - I -... • . I ~ :* x s er ,r • m \I \ =MEE N ,„ a Imr~pr . mr, •-lun ti•• • :1:• • I tr,ertt, or • u. J.. Lt•kJ.• A...1,a. Nu:, raw t , azt A , • .ruled r~l r.. Ja Chic Lerlnfes Plpatos \ AlFl.l.i/li, • \ • 0 E=EM iltasinroa Tax for City Purpo• MEE 1)1.‘ \ IMl= 11 I. , ~ ME= =IBM r .1 \ I I r ~r.~.~id~~~rr.~~i ~,, 't.i~n It V . 11l Antenrs.t. rime 1 I N,. • ti nt tN\lll' , ..; "1 at thr nr3l, "14'114i.. arxr \ raa.t. 100100 01, .411 •101, -,• 1,1111, 1 . 011• • FANCY 1)11V COOi)S. SEAMAN 4 MUiR, '4l Lirond.vor N e w I AN1..11.1.01111 \ A Itli7fTE:;tlWl. .IN4 turt/ItS \lr t• i• ,not•tork brio, ir ; w*.. %I • \ r urn• fur [II.) )rnr• • I. r , 14 • .•• uuteuet.., u .l , “ :.,t:4.400) • ttt t .t o and • v V .trett ' Cotton I. Itttelt, I , tor 1./rt,•••• to t , t toot, t tti t ,e t . .stik 1.. t to I atittlt. to ortlct tot tor :11.11,1:1o,, Itout, vt Mau, .. t 1 tt,:t.,,trttort. \.. •Zt R 1, 1 ,1 .r A. 1, • s. \ .41 LIA A :\ L*.lt a DA STEAM BOATS CINCINNATI & PITTSBURG/I . ■' DAILY PACKET LINE, wu3 wail known Una aplendtd paseenger Ste. ~ non ronn.o.ed :he large, awittein. I fin,,taed and !brio...hell, and most poweriol boats o water. oi tne Vext. Ever) isecommodsuon and n e, tort iunt•inonel eau provure. has been provided for I ~• er• The Late has been in opernuon for five p. , - arted a noluou of people without the leart t totue.r per , ou. Th. L o ." vedl be at the fon t‘ oed cree: tor day previous to 1 4 1 . 2 .. R, h ,t tb• re non of oeteu: and tarentr3 of passengers on the re noes tar paaange mosey inset be pan The• ISAAC .\ InrroN. Cuill A. Li 1 . 11.&F.3. l'lttot,trgtt rye ry Sultan) Dttort.los •1 IU IN'tt,,-ttg et er) .tn.atloy cyclitttg at ID r MONDAY PACKET. T' • Nit).‘;‘,NI.AIIII:I.A.K , r0.• ,, r) /nor., at 10 \'h. r‘r..lo:l; at It . 1. 3a. 151= J • - . F.. II tIFIR:1, No 2, Capt. l'atnuur,t, es en l'u,--aluy nuamug al lu o'cl• 10 WEDNESDAY PACKET. Th.. NI:V. !No ND N., Capt. S. lAA s. ~.• very 11 ranc , ..114) nOrning ll n r na.,,,a r‘,. V. canandny carman at IO ESE THURSDAY PACKET 11 , MUM.] ANT rain lita•c3, w:11 leave ThL.nula mg - al hre Tivar.en, rs,thsty at to r FRIDAY PACKET In .• .'1..1•1 1 1.ri 2. CA( v.. 11 ler", V (.1 1U u fl.Kk . %% tier r .'apt xol Igave 1 . 1 .araa e ,, rs ,aluhiav .nur ,ui at 100'eloel r . Naturth., a‘ v% ft DAILY LI \ AM PACKEN, • k , i i- n 4 . • etoelg, A NI an.l 111 he ,atAly nud lieuvrt tlll , 11 l/ l• :11111 ~ I'‘l% al 11. some me.; ' " =MEE .•t• L_ .intaking t~J. 00.1 itrrt,... Patiohurgtt sit elizillitllol.l. ILsie lyr catring 6e,s,e.t Nrw Lisbon Lind PI It •r rote.. than :0 the Om tor) ler, e hoed op two tir.t cl 1..11. o ak•r. korrootlonort or prgssrogenr . ro run LI, roor,ci.orr with the writ trio •Ir CAJ.I,II Col . !: No.! lIKA wid cootie h: 1/1,0%. wit:. the l'illrurgb tibd ( " 1110 111, li141:, .tenn.eri doivn the ir , rk , •I \I! ..... kr ; k r proprietors pitorge the • . 1 ::21:1.1 " ,7;Lr ni T r.l .k "1:"°1"11110' j Ilt p1;111A, k1;1 , • a%V lIA i