.tl== MEDICAL. =MI=DrO=MICUMM MEDICAL SOCIE 41E8, A. TO TV. T Mother, Wife mud Daughter IN THE UNITMFATF2i ..übtenber reapret.. fully calla your 'auenuon to Dr Itattextrr'a lr exa. MAX, expressly intended for tic omit-maven of the health of both salea—vrhettler itono,' trout Inctrartn Miami. or early con•umption, Delohly of the hung., Bronebrel Affection', Asthma. Yietinsy. Deranged and Disordered taste or the I.tver. Spleen. or!Ur a:ad Spine, Clothe. Dyegetwa.' l'alpatation se Herm, lArnt of M.eular or Nerves 11• rower. he be . IM. C. R. uArtitrrrs (.L Alf DIAN COM,. be immediate relief of Female. audering Dam Irregular,. net, and all other l•tertar thlheulta, and lineage. inet. dental to wonion. wheihorn Vl, • I 1., cold. wet feet, or any mmtler intotheloo• expo, and all chit without the tier of medic/ ne. a, tho run, del/rate and senatire Judy can tot any 1110111[111 applehornet( without the poostlohtt ot thearrlng any nt h danger. or any unpleasant ret.ult- areong Iron it, and with the certainty of obtaining inuned,ntr ra net. • Dr. Barrett's Guardian is no catch-penny. or one of the many humbugs of on- day: but it is an instrument made upon strictly scientthe inineiples. in accordance with the laws of Eleetricny said Gal% ininnr, and (or neatness, durability anti efficacy. inuminly surpasses eeerythitM of the kind ever betore offered to the public for the relief osdiaee,c. and. to the language o( one o( the most enlightened men of the day. is pronounced to be “the greatest discovery of the. age." A period of no Its. than (our years has been occupied by Dr. Darren in 'dinging the Guardian to no preoent state of perfection—damn; which nine it hn• reti . the bands of ensue of the most cmittet t ph yitetano oi the Sank and South. a. as tin the tiwetlan, 0 , "tt memo. families t who hove used!n nor ail of the. above purposes, thewie most pent success. mid who have eheerfaill Ftv Met , unqualdien appr rete h oanon of tie efficacy and value. ow eon he remit by rrtng to the Manual of Instruction, neeompuii, st. Be, C. D. Marren'.truardinn is secanst (ram innova tions by a patent from the UttliCii Stale, Patent ()frier. 'end be bad either with ur v. :Mout hi, Medico- Electra Cialvanomemr. The Med...Elm-Ir,, Galvossootneoer. on posnt or heat, *7, workmanship. sterol busty and poi er. cannot he passed or or even equaiied, and the oaah•crober feel. that he hazards nothong su the avorertvon that u writ he found anQ vat r t. by trot salsas ouit h ertnrl z , than any other a n rumens. ...User no the I.Onsted States or i-4,rope. Tile Methro-Elertro I onsonnotneter is warranted on every resprct. asni wino roftiltiollords' hazy care will lent m.0.-none. anti is by oar she cheapj est, because the hest, solvtruent ever inhered to the public. A manual act-emerr% them gsysng the mwol ample instruction.. ovi prai r ie,! experience. CO that ot this readily intellyble the i rto snd ot ever, - o , ne. while e • e•-• • tty Of arvangement 0 reeh that µ child may , rah It Any inforn,alois Grattutou•ly glven. and all rotntnu luetattonal chnetiall) an.woreJl per either in re's. two to the Eleetro-Galvanont,,, or titiartltan - klediealknen era mated to call and examine Dr 8ar r...04 (Merman. and met an etheary. For sale by 11. RICHARDSON, note Anent. 71 klnr• ket at, Pittsburg!, aptnedtf OVER 5 , 0 0 0 PEIO,I4ONs u, Pluludeliana elone, ran manly to the wontl , l,ll ethency of that powerful remedy. THOMPOOri's COMPI.I'NO SYR Cl' OF TAR AND IiZENEUM In Pulmonary Con,romput•rr. Chrourc Bronrhrus and Per,. Throt. AM/111111 Crrrenrer- C.rarrit. Sp,noug or Blood, Pam in rrur ,rrre rrrrrl lirtrnrd, Drawnlty o EITC.IIIIIg. Wlrrnrpror,,rll. Croup, eat Norve• and Nrcvon,r'rrrmor. on or the Heart. rilrro. . • Laver Complaint and non ot the . This medic e. the inventtoit ol a intia who save the subject of Pulmona.ty, Bronchial and Vt•vtorn I thsvaae, the most ergot exastonutton. ho. now keen before the ',abbe near writ year, During lug period It hag to, formed some piths moat re tuarlorde r otos oil rt-cottl POIMOOOrY C.2lll.oouplum—,curt.,l the rooollllllloll.lA bon and use of plt)..taas to their prooncv, 11.101 tor warmest approval ot thousand , or p•-rsoto, In ordinary sad severe Colds. Cougt”. to Hoarse..., bputtog 01 Blood. ke. About four year. enure I wini tinseled with T-fpliut Perch which lett nn. m asfersis.b. %tale of hea:fli, in extreme debility with a yenerai ..... or the sy.• tern, with vmlent pains lit< broads and ut ute, in consequence of which I mu , tiatile to uuend to my usual bustmc., or pertorm any kind of won k I applied to ' , eyeful sib, vurions reme• dies. but without any bench , non Simi ilc•pairrd of eve obtaining a r..i..ni,ery or sorin-r health Hut ..tie tune net June I wa. to is, Tlionasiou, Com pound Syrup error and Wood \t,:11:1 sled increilitile as it May appear. by trio time I nail ti sciiWire. boa:, the de6/Itty, pain and e•ery Fr'll, t.i wcre completely removed. and I wo. sib, to attend with re. Stared health to nip u.ual avocation. =EI •• Read me rodorrioa 1,.:11110 root a ro•rpectrtrir member or Orr Sr Arr, or Frootal.. I/1 Pouehhcop.ro. York. =EI . . _ . "Tbia may ea rut, - that •pruig of I--7., my Walth was very ler LI. I was nth/c teal walL porn en the aide. with other alnrso,mc•ynkpions. mad +urfe rod ruur h from real debtlity .\I tt.: I:II, I purr-towed worn Mows Dame floor borne. of Thoonon'a Cotnporniel ,y -rup of Tar end Wood Noma, ruin 1 expert.. ced peat benefit. le) health Inutur now noon, nail t cheerfully rrenititinnui ma art.,. tn all ro., .00 who may be audenlig WWI ort.era.l d.b.nty, wino mar of &decline. AR...IIAM WII.I`SIF- Poughkeepaie. Mardlt 15.1-40" Prepwed only by A aelaul h 1 at N F.. corner of FM.II and Spruce ~reef.. Ytnia Sold by L.. WILCOX, Patr,trurtra. and by drugelet generally. Prree bo er.nt..,nr Onr: I.ro!:kr per Lamle. ylir ASTIINIA, OR DIFFICI 13') lIF 1112P:ATIII.V(i7 Thu due atte vau.rd I.y rator)..runl rottstrue two of thenir cruet;a vt.rt .I,..toottoc. itlrnnot utgtottroention. t+ VA \ EA t• the o ittoe ° Te 'a ne a se aar :Obe entirely eurntl by fine tote a DT Blveetzer's P.n.:eat _ Catarrh, or common void, olorb. .Inrolrried. terminate in Co.no4oton. it ed.—ma ;e:lovr.d and oared by Dr. Sweeb,r s honwel 'ironclad, if unchecked. will eaertuudy hutd to Bronchial Consumption. but a meely non of Or. SW(5{- tees Panacea mill effectually cure a_ . Inflamrusuon of the Toits,l4 or ',ore Tcront —Mat disease often lends to %erio. ron•equenca , from a:e lect,ouch as uleencron of mroat tor Ll,l Syllip toms, Dr. Sweeuer's Neuman 'Mould too procured and used freely. Coughs and Colds End crelen remedy to Dr. Sweeter's Panacea Pneumonia Nothe—A very :atil atceitse, reninung from a violent cough and void u delolititted or bro. keu down conatituuon. ag a ol prreen. 141, miner' to it Do. fiweetor's Panacea ahouttlbe tined on the rani erniptorns. which area couch or vont Night Sweatn—Thn deluntainut complaint vela meet with a timely check. by LIIII/IX Dr rxeetv.r , Panacea. Consomption.—lf the fir, aititi of eonnumn. tine isympumns, which a, als In lererriiiiett gate teal lireart, omigh or synnlif of blood. ii Dr Pormetaer'n Pmiarea la freely %Medi no daligrr need i.e appriitiritited When the Lunge. the IViotlpuo.. or Bronernal Tubes become clogged up with phlrata a• toP,,de ',po tation or breathing. Dr buten rr Pnnueeo. w bleb IS a powerful Expectorant. should he taken' according to the threcuons. Infltierva.—Thiot drotrerirma epitle m.r. provrtlent orir Is speedily eared Lp). Ur ..veer. et num ce•-• Price SI per bottle. or •1r loOdes for SS For sale by WM. JACKtII/N, Of he big boot. norSisly HALTER'S GINSENG PANACEA! rro THOSE SUFFERINL WITH DISEASED I LT./MS.—The unprecedented RUCCCSA veluch hou vended the use of the n all thevanous forum which Irrnat:oti of the lungs sum., ha. induced the prourtetor agars to call eaten than to thus WONET.RFI.I. RATION. The eheng - able a-eathrr which markt our fall and winter months, 1. always a (runt& .urre of cciurs AND tht1:1.11, These, If neglected, are but the precur.nrc of that fell destroyer, The question, then. how inan we nip :;:e destroyer to the bud? bow shall we get clear ot our coughs and olde I. of vital llllportan., the 1,0 THE GINA AND fiNLY RE.NII-1/I,' . _ will ha found to the r:oivesig Patiarea 10 proof of this We have from Mile Iv mar putM•bed the aefltilclft[P of dozens of uur hest known r who have experi enced its cursive prset, Tneve.tup-ns. nun a may., of ter limoeyy from all parts of toe eountre.—iroin AILDICAL Filet' Ministers of the Goepti. to::rtner Vain COVIOUS nos tiers from the J , )I:ILNAI.S THE DA E. we hove embodied la pamphlet form. aml may be had grail. of •ny of our . ,rat. Itivoulzhou. coµmry. f I UN 1/11 t.IJS have been need in thin city THOUSANDS NPS - - Ogreaghout the Untied Stale. anti 1 . lenge any man to point DUI a INSTANCE n which, when taken neeordo.e zu threw... and I,e• fore the lungs hart I.G.COthe d..oreanue.l, ,1 has aver failed to • EFFECT A PERFECT CL'RS:. Why, then, need the aallcied flestlate! by resort to the miserable nostrums, gatton up by u, r.lndlvid stala u ler the assumed othme 01 . • ply. do and puffed Into flown.). by rerufv, •• . yen sons equally unkutsn' , Vl•ilst otedirme of UNPARALLELED EPFICAcy la la ha h. 4, whoa vournr r, urn aL nutne,—our relyh I,4no,—many of whomnn. SNATCHE:I) FROM THE GRAVE. In order that MI, invaluable no.dicilic may be placed within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have put the price at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, Just one half the umiei (.0.1 of rolyt t teedlynet. it is for aale by one agents in tie rir.y tv cry town and village Mer the wesi, who are prepared 10 gnve tun inlonti•- Lion relative to it. T Proprietor, Broad , uy. t meln:so, Ohio. . _ D. W. P. Inland's Premium Plaster. H. W. P. 181..1\U, of the Met:text 40i,t,r irr Phi, adelpitta. now . oder. to Ow outdo. ht. Italian Vet, viable Premium Pla.ter, 11. onaltue. ot htt aaer long and toed eXperteure. ha. 'teen vitt.lneturtly et. tablished. To all WO(Of 11 t•tall Illay Ito xtht , ter .Mt Prolapsus Uteria or Fallen \Vault, he reeonaotend. pluiter, avarentecuor ure toot tweedy cure in the abort space.of front two La thee week.. If uppited was one and resi—doteardoL4 all the / . /. and expensive bandage: so low., to tette. Tlu. he !eels eansettentions In noting, Itta.enueb a. he ho. not holed in one .eue oat .1 three hundred /al it httytturee pn uenut. Alito for Rheumatism knit IVrak tirem.t or Ita&lr, at tended with pain, they nothing to ejPei till. Hailer in atrordlng mite( or etrecting a care For ~ ale I. Wilcox, comer of Diamond and ' Market .1 Bra. tr. Reiter, I.therty and : 4 1 Melt .i. J Sargent Federal 11 iand Diamond. AO, gheuy cur Jacques Is Cu, •• Denman and iholnonal Than , A Challenge to the World. 'TWENTY-FIVE DOI.LA I he p.. 1 at any one who will produce a spot of paint. green or dry. that Cannot be aitraetesl with llon's lisprov,l Cbtfaiseld eoap. I have he itausraeMtin co .a .rig m Ins p f tppt, of this plate, that Mu ante le, by my omit illIplOVrIP•ril it, 001, nand. unrivalled in this roan try Iryv xtriteiing !Team, Lan, pitch. oil, paint- or ant . other erea•y rots MOM Iron all kinds °I gentlemen . % /inapt-. t 4xlltt/tS t canine ; table eloins, merino iibitarlii isintiris, e, ot4Woo inturing anything Mot pure ander will not Were. More than otie thou Land tic reel, tit tltltitiftlft pane of Me enontry hose told tlsc lb , y ariivol tint be without it, If it eau one dollar per i like In trying chi. Seaport marts than "gai &Melt, of light silk.. sudsy.. p.c.., and calicoes, I have only fonhil three pieces of wit, taroof alpace•, and lour of COIN . to write o ehanged the Cann therefore be :ore indium it oh a light area tey • supple of the dream first I stahr tblit.riectaSe 1 •61deteretilled net Lo reenomend it nay .conger lean I know to be .trimly true N II lion. junco, IS I Cu per rate. Sold i vatiotetalv and retail by : doal i E 57 wood si ASTRONG EVIDENCE Out Dr JA Y NE'S ES PECTOBANViv supervor aU oda.ndtes fo r Congbis Consumpann Bronbitiv, Agin+, nd rei efrpejalia, is that the MI. isnot. mhos . ..sewed Me MN OE lb in their frenilies ten years ago. still prefer it to nal oMaTretnedbui of tha kind; end when any her. Leen ibdoeeJ to try other preparations they have elnant Inatinly b ire •d{.aoomisdw receiving the benefit which VW manually paned from the hisb praises beau:tared by the propels, hey end ben sinned to the uce of Jaren'ar r, am • reseal Mat bee never faded to nonethem. and which pogably neer had Unequal to arresting pub:nanny done.. Prepared only by Dr D. Jayne Philadelphia, and cold cm 11..1k7 *LEE. JAYNEH datilldkunf TJ fonllll at half cheat. Vll n, 30 do do Imperial r..= Gunpowder do; 31; do do black do; 30 Gunpowder nod Y 11, ui ..ore and for emit yoslo BROWN ar. CULBERTSON . . ez;- - ...:' . :14 , 1f;..mx••=4 4 , , . ? „4: ;e .,._. . ..: i ..,712, 1 J 44. ~1. 5 : - , -. „ :: ' J_L. .. 4 ;• ei1.),.• : . : ,;,, , ,;:;:,-,, , f 1 4 - ""---" 6 •C4eFft" . - . 1 " .. • ...* ... - 4:a.;:..50i.. 64,...k0z..4,4,:.5;;;;e; 116. TO IT IYMEND'B mirror:yr , EXT.CT 01 •. . SARSAPARILLA. Weed.. nod MeAsk,. of thz The mott ratranrdionry Modattne in die World Thin Earn , it p. Quart Ruttier tt ta fiats cltr ape, rleascater. and ..-rawca su. 'try' , : a, .old. It cures u..tlsovit con. ti ,,;u y t ra=igestereg Patinal. The great beauty and nineriontr of Um Shrasparille over all other medicines is, that wink it eradkatoe the iltw e.we. a tee tbo body. It w 011! of that eery beat SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINES I .ter known it not only punnet the whole wintery. and ~reugthut the person. but it Ttaaes new. purr and rut. blood • power posseued by no other eiedwinc. And in On lie. the druid Peeret of. wonderful success. It hoe p-rformed amino the bat two years. Inore than 1110001 rtdew of se vent oteen Of theatue . et Gast !WM were e.unaelernd incurable. It bee saved the livee of wore nion 10.000 cluldten during . the two ham manna, 10.000 main of General Debility and want of Servos. Energy. Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorates thn whole .tent permanently. To those who hare lost their t. .ox.culiir energy by the erects of medicine... induce.. n committed in youth. or the excessive indulgence of paesions. and brought on a general physical tem of the nervous system, lamitude, want of nentillson, f-,nting sensation, premature decay and cm towards that fatal disease, Comumption. ran he en cely restored by this pleasant remedy. This Sorsa. ..rule is far superior to, any Invigorating Cordial , it d invieteratesthe eystent. gire• actinty renesm an I • the hint, tam! strength to the muscular s) stem, in • xeet extraordinary degree. cannanation Cared. ('lour and ,trrne-thei. Coareseptims rem be cared. ffroachits, Conimmaption. Liner Coseptatnt Ca:de Carnerk Cavite, Astasse. Spitting G. ad. SO I' t,"11 the //w o o Niseat - -Santo, DifAcull nr Profane Expertx. enfien, Pain in tis .Side. lfe. Anne becx nweLesta be ogrui. New York. .Aprr2W- Da TOWNSUND--1 wanly behave that your Sarsapa t has been the loamy, through Providence, of savuot on, life. I have fur several years had a bad Couh. It h. -our won* and worse. At hot I rauod largo plant, tt.!. at. 100.4 had night Sweats, nod wt. greatly debtli tot d and re d rd, and din not expert to ht.. Phave sed your Sarsaparilla a short ttata • nut there. has a o• u dotage been wrought Au no, I 0171 tin* able 1•• • il4 all over the ray. I rats.. on blood. siol Int has 101 l toe. You ca. well itnagiur that 1 alt t I 4ful for these results. Dr. Town...ld'. Sampanlla o a no preito and speody rpro for Inciptaot Con mb C... suotptroo. liarrrontel., Pro!now ri .r Falln. of thp Wo. .vette., Ptl.. L. • -tor, pr WIMP% !ebotructed or difficult !net! oru.. t... !prominence of Unrn. or int !Auto..., ~.chine th•-r•of, nn.l for the central pr o noon of the •vinern— IP. waned whether the moth of onirrpot con... or optito• prodoced Irrenulartty. Innen. or orreplent. Nothiez ibe inn, suel an than it. invontratt. rifootr! .• tlna human (razor Peron* .11 weaker...a and lot., (ram taltaur it at maw Iwcon, rwtwkat and of • •i• rzv under stq tufluence. It inatacallatel) cwwateract• o•wwrlewanesa or the friwate fnme. which ia the neer., can.. of Barreantaw. It • not be etreetnl co( in au••. ..rdrlocate a unturta. to exkwhat .and...... of t,. perforated but iv r can uontre the aillietriL that L !aired. of ease. have been reported in us. and. of cues • here (auntie. bare been without cloldren. talerll.l. fior bottles of Om Invaluable medicine. hese been bleiued with nu, healthy ottopnod. M= This Extract Sancsparilla nag Iron •aprenalv pre. to.treol in reference too female complaints, Au femle hn beosreason to supinne sbe approattunc that croinexl -person." The tarn of tiff: . shoal,' neglect ill tlk• IL MS at isa certain prercnbre fur soy of the oninannas and horrible diseases to which fienialcs are 20,cl nt thisof hie Tins pertool only b. dr layettfir scorraf years be vrita thas sterdsrine Nnr ta it h.O valuable for those who are epproarhinr sr.. es nnonboal, 'n calcurnee.l to sou. nature. by quirk, SSNMINMES to which >unitn aro n»hjo* t. IL bract , the *ha, aystrm. r.tott.Ask perattoo.tally the t. rat "tketta.orttta the, impurstit.. of the not a. fore alt/Int la In raduca r. , ...cation. %loch uthe cast. of natal ittedtrzo, talL Co, ir"de 'arahnrsat and dues*, B. "staid afa sr Lottlea of 114.4 Inaattente, many set are and itaintul %drltknt oltt , t t may Le preYentrd. 4. rent 814-noing to Mother. nod Chilairrn. It at th• odesl and ote.l effectual pnlictry. for rundv , sod relteetno auffermtc. utmmlant uttmo clold birth ever tintetmerr.i. It ...myth., lattlt the numb, and child. pr mtettte ova awl 111• rreaaea •nd cotton...he feted. thot. who have toted it I. tneht.ntrataahlr. It htzhly is both lutfn, tottl after cone.•moot. tt• ot ittntrtas deem.. attradant uttett rhtltilurth—in Irmo, rm.., PM, t•reyntity. urn , vt: th. Feet. Itr.pundettt v, Iltetrittairm it mama, i•atu to the Back antl lama Past.. ritlrreulaltoo thr trcrettens anal equal...me; lit. cir runttion it by on ow:tat Th. gre., tyriy., .11 11,1. otedirlor ty It nivropt ti m, use r .0.1 .oe,..fully. f , ..• "zoo, ' , lntr. ADY ollntr et n licsom in Puree a little Ca.o r or Mazn.stio, is .4ot Eterenten the open uty tool litht Omni with Itti• medictn• alma). et Your. u .lift anti en. coo ba.tonnt Chnlk vrtrie , y of pnparntines r.llv in use. when applied to the face, seri sone ipi.l to ot s beauty. The. Se pores of tf,e :nod a • the eiroulatiou, which, nature. , not thwart ..1 by disease or ponder or oho ikin Inflamed by the •.I aloe. awed in Prows. beatittiSes its own production m • hymen 1 . 3(0 [twine." as well auto the earden of ti and delicately tinted and variegated llosters. A active and healthy csrculation of the Mod., or the c•mring of the pare, rich blood In the extremities. is which paints the countenance ut the most exoni. •, twenty. It Is that whsch imparts the indeveriliehle shades Lad f.hea of lo,littees that on admire. but none can deteribe. This beauty is the offspring 'of Ito . 1001-001 ofpoieder or soap. if th•re I. not • free and I,,lthy circulation. there ano beauty. If the lady IA Nor as driven .1101, if she paint. and use cosmetic.. wal the blood ss thick, cold and impure.. she is not boo. • lf shelie browm ore and there 111 pre - and settee blood, it gives rtc bloom to the cheeks, and • ioxlitaney to their eyes that Is fathinateag. This is why the souther. aud especially the ripen. ish ladies, are ...Duch admired. Lather tu the mote utka but Intl. , exercise, or •re confined in close or have spoiled their complex.. by the appls. • o o of deleterious mixture, If they Irtzh 10 cr. ,il..l[llV stet, buoyant s. aparkhne eyes • .1 beautiful complex.... they should use Dr Towo• • Sarsaparilla. Tbommads who bare tried are T thusred , are delighted Liolics of every ctowd our Otly Matte. to the I.nditta. Th;we that imitate Dr. Tow naentre nareeparofln hew. arteley celled then. etuff • 'rear Remedy for Fr 0..:ee.21,,, Ar. and have eopintl our toll. end rn nine. .uett rel.., to the complateut of women word for *or. -- ether roe, who put up medicine, hat... once the teo.rette of Tow Sanupartila tn rornplettut ttlent to frotalea, reettounenfltul thew.. although pre they dui not. A number of these Mt:titre.. NIL. A . an , [uprse. to females. at , they signet.. glean... • untlernune the gonetitunon. Townsetuf t. to the tu sod bast re rely for the nolo...roue female coot te.otte—it rarely, deaf.. fails of effectiag • permanent r o•e. It ran be taken by the moat delicate gentalea nv raze, or by those e a pecttng to heron,. mother., • the greaten etlaantagee. att • pr ev e n t, tn o r d a nger, end Itraogthena both Piel her anti elnia. Be careful toget the getgiue. This certificate conclusively pr.,. that this Sarre. p ...Its has perfect control over the inert obstinate dm of the Bleed. Three persons curd in one Sours is iiiiiirceedentod. Three Children. Its TowtragStr--Dear Sir I have the plenoure to n you that three of nay children have been cured of Ide gcrofuls by the u.e of your excellent ruedwine, •ere taloned very .ly with had SOM. , have ..n only four bottle. , it took then, away, for which IA myself under great obligation. Your. respextfully, ISAAC W. CRAIN, 1011Wtroeter.. =OM Opinions of Plsf.friorto. lir. Ttivensend is almost daily owe" mg order. town Ph..lClLOJdiffert parts of the UlllO/1. T certify t hat we. the underugurtl. Ph) stems. of the City of Albany. have in mun.. cases prescrib Tuon.en. Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be tn oho of the most valuable preparation. in the worker. If P. PULING, M. M J. WIL.SON. M. D. It. 11. B11.11:11P. M. 13 Aprll 1.16.17 P. F. El./lENI/OPF.III vrtorr• Ilia yreat socreas mu, mamas , mde of Dr. Townsend's Darsepardix. et number of men who w are formerly our Agents, have commenced makmi Pary•pe• rill. Extracts, Elixirs, Dater, Extracts or Yellow Dock, They yeoman) , put it up m the same shaped i•-. 1 des. and enure of thong hash stole end mowed our adv.,. ll...aants—they odd only worthless imitatiows, and sh.mld ho avoided. Pt.nrepal Otrene, 12G FULTON Strart., Pun Pluilitinx. N. Y Redding & e State street, Bosun° Dytiti 172 Ninth Second wee& Philadelphia, N S Ilnioce. Drum,mt., Baltimore. P. M : Wronta & Co. 151 Chartres Street, N. 0 ion South Pt 0 I Siren, &Pinery sod by all the principal Drim r .:• Mere/Mimi minendly throughout the United Pm in • Wii.l Indian and tb• Canadits. N R -Pmaono montrltte for this Incdteme. •h0t,1,1 not be !adored to take arty other Drugglt.t. p., Lt;, lottlolctturre prefer sellmg then ~wii. Iw not lte deceived by,r,t)—lmitstre for Dr row.- ..tend,. turd is: , no other 1;7 - Remember the ge,to• tne -Townsend s Sat . ..amanita: sold try the role utteitts IL E. SELLERS, General Wholesale k Retail Arent, No. ..57 11'ood street, sod It. NI 1:1' /IRV Allegheny etty. - -- PICACE I PEACE I I In relit: MIT rve E ny 510THR'S tiosti-xrEAD tinilmrsignod has long been 1 ,11,1111,11 01 liir accessll y for some medicine ad Nara tn the .are of Children and, lidants to supereede the or of all those inectienie, w.lich,contain opium. and has at length sue. m pi:Tari oz and ad - Mug to the Imi•lir a 111,11- vie. fatly' aor, raring ever, pullx, , for all dhrettre+ol the Low rli.. watt°. It the UK. of that deletrratur iliac or al, nth. r relents. dto inure in the trail. The latent Vaal ace, hart hem, fully terted soil 11 . 11. d. 111 V 111. I. inniith, by nincietini• per , ....•, and mond powe. , . all the extraordtriet; tmum and to produce all the a-tn isking raw, wt oil the kill oit directwor th. •whom. lig. Sic k neAs and Diseases attune from Teething, acting Inaneduitely without distur4ine any of the iinicittinv a the hwl), producing the hafriii., and inn., pira.an trarromni from violent pain to a 'rewind nod in) ou• ).1111! 01 ICCI. Lag in the little stifle, r To he had wholesale nod retail. of the Proprietor. Dr .1011 N sAituA...4r. Brom:. and Apothecary, John Mitchell. Elliott it. Beckham. and nuei other Waggon. n Allegheny and Put.hiirg IT dre 13 I > a. TolvnisHN LYS SA It'tAPA HILI.A —5 , , dozen not recelved of Dr Towitsenirs Sarsaph rani, the mom extruordatiary medicine to the world . 'rho. Eu. t• art 1 4 put up in +tort homes. li .tt nun , cheaper. pleasanter. and warranted superior to any odd It cures downs. without vosniting, purging, ockerinig or debilitating the paih ent. Lie ty.. sou Iktirialorra—Unprincipled persons have copied our labels, •nd put tip tnnihrlar in the saute aliaped tattle. See that each bottle has Me written sig nature of S. P. ToWnsend. . . . . • FL Ft. SIILLERki, Draggich 57 Wood ctreet, betweeni Third and Fearth t lc Dr. Townsend's only whalestuo and retell ngenc &n Pittaborgit, of witont the geltuute article can bo had. D. DI Curry Mot been appointed the tole agent for Allegheny city, op whom the genuine had. .p 4 13 7= 11415 -- t — kilitiligipt- V it lthk,il6- jpor r luw the amputee of buyers urn new supply of obovrgoods, ot-newrei 1)110 004 very low. myi MEDICAL-._,__ SPITTING BLOOD Y , Pur obnti•nt .•rent WM RUSSELL, a Catherine IL =EOM 131=1 ==l -M-Ali UF AGT 0 RIES. PITT MACHINE VVORKS AND FOUNDRY, Prrytuu non, PA. JOHN 'WRIGHT a. CO., A Rl' prepared to build efil.4ll and Woollen EV Alachtn cry ot every . 4.1,,0rt,p1:00, such no—Lartitng Ma- Drnu• .g ' BETWEEN PIT'I'SDI . RI,I lAND t I; .11r10,...11r .111,3.1%. OLlperl. Winet,,Spooll.ll,l,ll, NV. T. 1,111 Hon. P:.1..1..1,11 Fratria, Carol ko, Wrought ton Rggn. PAM, A in 5r.3.11.11( turned all race of Cara Iron, Pulite. and cnAwrogo I lanr,n, of p,,,terni,alsde nod hand Lott.r• rl , lll- . . above. I,ld, 1 , 110 p.op...rrd .T.o. took of all k Loth and pr...rn, n tr udd 1, 1,1 nt every de , nr.tion furttokhed on •lion Air Cana , a , al I•COA Pgalerzto mei, to °Nor for ',oaring. Iron t i t 10114 r, i'tl.l,llr , th al .ove.' - rn•n.F, 1, 4 Pipe tor hi.unng Far-. • 1.1.1.,11 ralliloollOn Wlll, lb,' I r. • Ira" ‘V•'.".. StOtt, no , runny' Cao.ntr. Nltelouat. 1,01.0,..,, P od een oow,t and R. I tr.lern. on at the NN Arehouxe of J. l'a'mer A. to , of hr.tr a vItt11111•Onl, ta•o. y (CC have proutin auennom. e•• on Ilk , . nx,l Nlo.lat,to Rggxe to . Prop , !, Itir , Vlll.l., dlo, part ,!..• I ,••. & K Moorhead & Co , I. • A .111 r, John 11,Vill S Nina, PaurOargh. JoIIN A \ r: C R J II Warner: Plnuhens,Rc . r Water mai Snotaf...,-t• I ~1, 1 AGrxr: Parr. I:1, Park. A Co. Y.,. •-loa, I.: t & C.,. NN 4:0,, A t. o A A. N •, • por:. .1 a 1::11 ~ ' e,,:;, : ., I I, N1'11,111,. AI & C 11 Aran. &Wier& Ttotte. co, ,•10•1:1 Wheeler A Co. A/Fon. Barney. (A,....., & I -flute. Tot. ,, ri N 1 d!tarn. A Co 0,.tr,0t. NI Cairn ti..a••••. Nh, A aut,,.. ,•. /I .1 if to.low. C 1,, ,, :faro I:, tipi I RELIANCE POILTAISLEBOATLINEr len* ALLEGHEN tr . VBNITIAN BLIND FACTOR . JOUR A. BROWN TAK}S this method to inform his fn-ml' and din pohlie nt Inrge that h.. Fuelor 6 . 111 M 1 opera:am. on the it %itir ---. or the Diamond, All when. u non slant ',apply of Blinds, of runup.colors and iaey are constantly keptoll head, also at No. 5 Wood st. Yitteitinret, at J 11. MEI ipn . oil cloth water/wise Venttntn Shatters made to order lu the best style. Bjtuds rzporrnd ut thrt shortest notice. •ry.• • • • . N. E. Ulu 111,nd, .II be pea uor p, abotat •ny add, ud! ...demur un ;bet they eau be recnovrd u nue ment or - rtrr or roe duk.h.ng. tout ve.tirout are atd of FL crew dr e urt4.ll 3 - AA...LW:II V Wl9. ALXIANDF.Itt A SONS, IOFFIN MAKERS AND FURNISNINU TA corner or Peon mud cr. Clot: Ktreetts, al , o.tte the Exchange 11m...entrance ou Peon *vet,. re-preuul:y tittorlo lr.rntla tarot Iha pablte, that hay arc Itrepraed to tUf /I/ 611 aad attend to eve rrlong 11/: !Ma of telettakcr.. AIWA, no handa large et. I.tof reaJy made COltilta, covered. heed stud fin- COI) be.., wanner, all Nu. and Ma.) mode rohfuuda of tla o.oe;.eamttrtc. and meet., uadr or approved nt) lea. 11e keep n leer kl:tr.,:ttot nvltr c road lAat-ic. cotton., It atollolt, for pal I I,areru and tonormers, crape, rape to . kind evet:; tittay necem lor drettstng Me dead. and Oa Tll.onalde “ rms. It, r co art 101 oar rood , . .11 the I...tem cams Aiwa .llonf plate , :In tLe name and ajar, We have I ~trot rot, I CUI•t . her •e• and any ntint,er ol the 1.0•0 CO/ r.n K e. for,' ' 1 01 n0 .‘” , ndeel to promptly nod nunetwdy 0ct.,1 v W. W. WALLACk, - - PaTS64II4I:IIFootM WOREs, Non. 244 and 212 LiWely street, now Ins Canal A I.W A on hand and made to order, large rare ty of Marble Mantels, Pier.eentie "raldea. and 41u wait Top., rota , Stone, hlolluMeht•, , a;. hie h. being made of the choice I.OIIV. and maim lai..vora principally by machinery. will ba sold low for rani ' N ff. l'e •woihing to purchase Mantels, are .111 - tinned that raons hone, torth uit afer•nalli) tor them . to go no., a. I can tarnish them with an article itt all inperi• a, good. CM./ 11,10t.Innuranrc, he, eons-hit as cheap an they can partisan them no in the Gail and :ice COPPIaR, NIIERT IRON, AND TIN , WARE MANUFACTORY, No 13 .Markel strect.. Yitt.lourgh, Perton• 9 , 11 F nuhacrthera having made 6 ....al improvement. tikr conrarurtion 01 ale, CUOKINI. resprcuuliy Llloa prraons buddina Steembon L. In 0.1, and ci..olne hcforc purehlmnc. a. we can supply tht.En w.th Dar,l Stove., Forge, and even olio, 1001 01 Copper, TO/ aod 8110011ron 0 , 011 acce•mary .114 a it,amboat. al.O mate to ardor en toe .10/rO-11 0010-0 Sal New. and Claao3l.er, Col ,r vvork F'you,. and ear; varo.ty 0( nort I.t oar 011.• S/11.11411-1 , ^IIIR BENNETT BROTHER, tlrr:f.: wn r. r NIN:\ L'FA(7CREI.S. Fltrmllaghrttek.incar PlLlsburgh.i P. Viaroi. - Axse, No. 137. Wtuod el- J, PttiPburgh t.L.r - rovrtarrrry nn Irr.nd a orr-r. fr. Wnr, oyCGi f our own ortotaror, Er rit tupvr.or qualr!) Wilol2tl, .I.tl Mr' are ,irrctlorr)CAE 01, c ' t 1119,0 Irrr rLemar.• • arc 4 , :e....tw0 trr rwr; clret.per rl.no crect tr, n run: toccu oa. rc.l lY In c put ; • Orrt- re er-nt try mnri, acrenOr ;MIL rd Ir) C rrierco,r. a.il 0 promptly u p c ,,,,t 44 I. 1,-, FLINT GLASS .11.:..STABLISIldl ENT. I\l I .!; V r \on rt e n' 37o " u ' i l l• r‘ i '' :„T d r ' l .vear...,n aur,Loa, .1 the, Wnrr!.o.z:c ror /Irr 01 Mark, WaLet • ,rert, 11, ,N rt , I 01,1., lit lull OP, ,Clin ts .1 are lop .•ni, , l• n ad.fig Lc, oat s• 11,1 i ea an 1.••• pralllrl,lolF are r.• ,tlu.,, Rol. .; nad rneca ri130.9 MAKING COACH FROM the very I:,ertli ~. tcuuntre Jr.... Mont the round .1., L O+ retenved n.no - e •o:Tern2,. he hem Inmutt nt eons. ;1 no .k,tr.e,poal, has educed hart to tale d lour, nor a ldem of yr., 611 We property be Incur occaptra, in Braver stre e t, domed.tooly tner.de the l'reetepternan (lamb From Ili, lung el pet, nrr is tNe above Luanne. and a tin sire.n pm...1.w, Lc hop,. to to r nt eel r,fe , yr !Mare on WOK. panrunpord. Nom. p hand and finnorong no end, r RoPlaortny Nur. .nee. open nod top Lttgg,e, and t:t r) Jew Larrnages made to order. from .eve nty•Cive J..1,nr1 to 6.1.1.‘ !I um, rra. I JO/IN 411;*1 11 • N ttarve, oft, lur on acconotrodirtout t . r4r , Ar.-d ol uJ J.. 1 Irs. ,•, a.,•lhrt't •. 14 iolitowmr II 11-I.orr. h Itragr. I.rouo A Cu1 , ,01., r..14,1r.• Dow,' I, c10t..., 1 J Tbout.4 , ll. J.Jni•—• room:, Jr A Arms.:rnd So, ndltorn h A. MI •I. Ad I I' rower, J Cobh, 1.• .or, rc J A l'hry, NI A Itutl , r. A I.ro-cti 11,1. N m L>IIH.LOII. I', url Norwood. J n. llNck wood I's N...ystonr. II :111013, V.lsmin.l It- Puru Rus,l.l S a/A.1.11..1 K , llll. H 111.11,011 Co Sin J.. 1311 End J lli.i n...L I, ll I. r. M•••• - e..i. • 1.0:11, 1.• •• 1,11, it Soil. \ Code, L. M Iln. —AL.S,— Ilxyaua Lent Tul..evo. v•rappera and W. 1.., Vitra du du do theddirgo.do do J Flo do Cuba U do .du St Domingo do do oo do Isuria A Candela do. part Ltd.. do Mal du do do K,dde va.odn eradr• do do , V,ttn I d.nt. ',null,. for nteoufarturlnd nod , srort. Spat, ten rwod 1,1111 . 0.. Conneendut nod t Ittol I .%rgthitt Scram , . 1.0,-t. 1.01,0ri0 l'lpr.. hoe Id-1,d., ,utru :qudiwo.r awl Idudderc) M•droul. Nletu. Tongan Ilevann 000 lie... Be run... 00,01,1,0 Loquortre. Patent Ca0.0.11-ti k rove, Spnok Ar Ar I'lll toy SIGN OF THE BIG PITCHER. NEW q1:1-.1.1N,. WARE r•VOILP: No 11l Woon I Ir . 1 7. , n r irk ttnevo.warr. Brsianoia ,•11 roinprL.,J, and Ull./.1 lanloonul, writ. of Fr-nch China piston anti gold•bend Dino, Set, do do si.lpertor Iron-Stone DIIIIICT •• blue 12 arw pollorn 4 ) I, , •rpoul Or.-ul varlely of Tea Sal,. differrnt qualcc., Britannia Breaklaal and Tca ‘Vanrr.—a l•rounlul anleir -I.lorch'•Goth.' Tartar Lumps. (Cornelia.. Inakcr,i Ir% are. a e.-nera I no“.ortinent Strunl.ne owncr. anal hot, propsetor. arr ill v0,.,1 In ciunnou our tia.ortineol wrote min a!, tor then Country Mcrelmnotr.s Lod n In r, mock 01 of ielr mr rounit) a. wLich we well .1.1114 100 ot.el,:r inset, Our r lurk being entirely new, we 6.1.1) .nlosfied of Ito log able to plea., st:l who may tuvol Ibeqr co. inm [npl7.dtfkvil ) 611. b& GE TTY. sold ror stet and ,oto.10.• Milig3k . 18 IS. ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE. To of trout th, 1.4., ti rlaod. proprietor. al ths, ha“. their r-orkranstatons pv.s•••l lo , .llltws t. T- inert tho ws.tu-s of .supp.,-. and a, oow pr.oured 4c.r ° —.. dc a PP ..v ` d Ea".. P l.n° . Id larhtonubla Edll4{El /I patterns and colors. Alan a. tor, ard grrs ter allow by bm i „, VI , r „„. II S 1 1.IN:. Tin: CH P ROLL, or LIOSION BLIND, on hand n ,. 0 00 „ or u,s4e warder of all and at all pricey . ood, tor. lot , ac,st• in Salim., C4.untsy Nlorehants nod other. , are lovstrd to tall and , 0 auaa. ,. , and ciao, 0.. t above Inc thrta.riv,... oil will sh .. aaraa, (rata aa . ~,,, aLoi ,, ale or resat!, ainl a 11100.1 deduetion made to „ Cara. I 'wan : oa, vrnolr•uP, porch:acre. uvl y A W PXTER V ELT 'rho only agent, rd. B FII,BISsoN, 1 ()RING'S Tit'IF:SIAM , GLUFIF.I4, rationing all i.l the late dtmoremes, and litegrophicol Improvement, alto the I rtnkr of the met celebrate:l rtrcunsnait tote,. Gun) lend true Sin:this uew Eaglish Globe, with addttareas and enpriertmentrby down & :•111101. (Guyed by Roswell Sark. I.( it I VU'S CEL ESTILL. GLOBES, ettutanietag all dm kunwe rats. ntbral:, Sr Crayoned from the works A blareared ik I.a i Silk Hatteras, Mayer. Brad by, Herschel. !dental, ot, the tr.ractiorts el the Astroneco eat namely of Iradm, de, 4:e From Iflutill's New Eno trinbe 1,11114101.1 A gtorktuu hove just mce.resl. few pazn or Me e.ubes, vurymg st., as follows: 1 Pa/t 12 nacho. iu dsamoter, "0. glob., 6 " Amer6 , 4l.. Chromele, and Journal copy. ROSEDALE GARDENS, 1IANCIIFX1'1.:11 r VHF: I . Topnetor th, well known pluer of mewl he. the ol Intorao,g the pub!, Ulm In. r.teh• MI/111 heel. thorouVltly refuted and repnacul. the ,notrid. eleuantly laid out and decoruted Is now nevi tor lemur ureottonod.tros, and lie duller" lota. thut ilosee who may luvor-Lont with their patron age wt:l hod ell that they drAtre, provoled in the I.e.t et, le and on reamotable ten.. lie ts deternoned to .pure no erprn.rl/I autkotg 10. estuldt,hint• al worthy of publov patron., lle hae oreomsoodationv to iumrdinu A ir-w luoulte. lee CsiettmA, and all ref, Oh mem,. suitable to the eeu.on, conAtuntly on hand I.EV I 131:11CIWIELD Monongahela House Tailoring E•taki. man= I , 4 A AC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor,begs to to loon the..ittezna Yotnfitirgh and other*. that lar i• 110 W tipvrotiq at lan room% on Southfield street. wt. der the above Hot,. a large and beaulttal siasartotent rupth.. l'or.sourre, Sauna. Silk, and other VezonF, toile., With loch other tirucle• arrvlutred to! eeolletneel, wear. lit, goo& have het carefully . leetvd. awl urr of the newest and 010.1 la,fitottahle weq tot of Kuperior quality Ilia customer. tt depend upon Isavan, thou clothes wade up /II moon, which cannot tail ut grfwty the taste of the to..t ha.toltno, e T cw.,,:.,-101,r, Branch & IVatkins' ss. do do du egint pounds 5 do do do Its and Ilk, 10 kegs No I, 6 twist; 10 do Pglt Cavendish; 5 do do Plug; Gl Jo . ki n all .4 411 do; for sale by mys J S&WEE 111 R'SE-- flo 'nog taken the large and Coq. stiabouA Smoke llouw Kul Bacon Storehouse att. woo nu our W are lonwe. no the Canal Butt& we are pre patrol soloed sod more bacon Oil reascatablo terms. KIER & JONFS, nannl Canal beam neat 7th at SFASYND HAND PIANO, cost onginally $3OO, A innd bag been in use about 001 yea's, prwe Dow 8175, ort std., by JOHN H MHLLOR, Jcl3 al wood sweet N. 0c,..,5.Ug1i,,A.11,,--s,,,bhybde lo to d o .. TU front it WMITE uouot.-: -A A Mason & Co. have on band sn extensive assortment of White Goads, com pumng MWi, Perms, Book, Plaid sod Jaeonet Metter" vanely. mylIP TRANSPORTATION LINER TUE . UNION LINE 8-18. 18-IS, Astt: O . 00,11,•11., M( - 1.,,,1, 111-711‘4:Y1:' TF.4 IT,HL 114.11 .I.NIJ E 1: tt 1111,10 I.l' 111:\ ,„„ , 11111., r ar , 11 1 •: lani) the) for - mt.:l.. • kip , ••l .1,1 • •.. Mol 1 . 11,,,,11 Ir• u•I puirut, Ink•J.• corrio.l 1.1 111.- :1 ,, r r 1 • :1111,..I• I lerin a- I r , \ l'rr, • • •tour,i. .1.1111-,s M \ I, J. 10.1 :,, AN OA IS ACo r l'a••lrt • nll.l eloglad,phia 1. U./"Adv•it4 , 111717ir r.' oth I sindother ol Vern to The.. 70; 21 NY, rl „• ' ... r rn TilAw.•o. !. I. n:hey w 1•v•..1t• • 1441 . Olt' I -0 'ln the a N% 011 I: 44, •:14 •••li.k. 11141. i 144 r.P°4liur i. a r4rl r Zr ' , .. l°, Or o'oool3 It irmt. Naha& \I are fitlk. 1-1 Penn's. and Ohio 'Tesnaportiallon Co ?..414 I Jur, PR AAAAA To I P/4 I I r. It is!' t.l - ‘,, I.+h 131 11.1 It 'l„ ?: ' rr..,.. %%DE \ RkE. • • TIIF "'" '' • Ch..4.;r• - h I I-I- ;.• ; MEMM !CUM'S POBT A lILIL BOAT t011,,f I \ Ilh) • I I ThiN 1.11h.‘14.:.1.111% hti.burgh. Marril I ' -17 •••11 I I :RR it • vliul•l4 •: No • •• 46; Tao Phi pal Stlg•l il;. I ea. I.ltAi Nr 1 ‘ , 1 * N1 , 1•1;ITIII; , ,„,, ; 11.{. 111 111,1/0 1, ••• ; • 111 I.:R '"."‘ • PITTSBURG II PORT A /ILE BOAT LINK 11-11 1 . 1711•MII. HI.II. 1'1111..‘ 1.1 1.I•i , i 1 1!‘1. I PRI . lrrith iu r. it \ A Moltill 1..1: a 11.1 . 11, ',Alt 1 -4. LAICE KELM AND )lICIIIUAN LINE. IS IS. n 141 v. r pncl I r.c. n •.1 irre.l EIMEI int,rs WM, pro •• aro! and ngenlN rt.porttuo, 11,1,11 1.1••.1 Illstkllre 01 11e1( 4a1f01./0 . NI It JO/IN t Al /ll.sr tat4E- 1 . Zat 4 L l. * l a Agruery .11rieritrerleard irr.nr tire It.ra „r s„ & lie gar, tr. that rrf rat. rlrra a I rr Prlialaargh earl •••••1. ru rarrrharrt• .r. trar i.• .1 I 1:.• I) I•crla u•tur N. W.) N•uth I trarit •II ,rg ar..r• r• r.rriy arathorreed agew ol Lrue Fle•erri r ti agearis are DM= r tjr.,%: fIit:HAN oil.. prittlott, trt thitt tit! , itt Ihr. la 1.1111./1.k.1, 1-:lprett. dully. at Haiti... Thrott.olr.t.pt• ♦III 1.. tt.v., attuvo plea Nl•trritantlt, and pi! /sag.. tt.•: •Lttrt or welgtlt for.nriird. Iv prrmr •luvr. dad y 'I r II (. 1:121 A •son, nov,mlif St 111,1,1 e. 1101rI .1 CORN. 14 1.1.11 - 1 %lA. - • Nil 4 ANAL P. K. PRETZ e. co., nu To. 11/410.1, 1 . 11 BOATMEN'S LINE, 18-18 . v.. 1114 nt.t3nrt , orryno..l DIZE Tt, FICO‘i 1.11 1 1 .A1 , 0.1 . 111A. IcAl.ll . . . NI-AV ANII) INI lII\ km‘lot of 3.lnr , haeolu, lo k Plokolcl . plon. or to .1 Fair., P,i1.1/urglE well to• promptly turwurdc.l free 01 c0m00..,,m. marl 1846 AND 1847 laat MHERAIR TO THE BART BY MONONG,IIJELA ROUTE, VIA DROWNSVILLE & CUMBERLAND. TIIE undersigned ere now prepercri to loFtverd pro. duce. he., to the Eastern Markets during the ens. ing Winter, on the 1111081 favorable .1111 , 1, by thin ex ditiou. mule. All property eoneigned to as wilt be forwarded at the lowest rules end with despatch. Merchandise received by r his routeptly (or worded. d C BIDWELL, Ag.L. prom Pttl•bargh. Ii W CABS, Borwesvilie. nornr? E FAIERTON A C.n.Cumbarlead esaks and VO Ind. bid. Port, Sweet Ty Malaga, and Maaelra Wtnrs, volupristng soots vary choice sad superior brands, reeetved and for sale on accommodating ierros. by myll W a. P 4 MITCHELTREE, 160 liberty sl =EiMi Valuable and Altrastive New Boot.. NI AIITIN th E't4 lbotary of the Gtrouat, 3 role. 12 I too ,aao..' 1., , 'he Bayard, 12 rno. • I. 14 J•111r, 12fr callrury the Fourth. of Franee. Som.!, • eantau/ar Clue* of ClllllO.. 12 ow amtrr'• 01 Jrwe Chrua. , o.lnu.aa. ,Fre•lt 111ralone, or now `rhea,taa h.•,tia of t onuneatal Europe. lirar) 01 tbc Nlexarua (V.,, tao ,ry OT Bat, Watrrloo. 11,,.., A ~,,, ~otlund.l,) Jacob Abbott. 12 ow I.,,rature ot ihr South of Europe • 12 ow i:d{lw • Adventdrel 111 Mrticu and the ft,, , k) 11,. 1111,1111 illl/11tul• 01It Tlm. ~ :Italmer%. D. LE I. I. \ YI I 12 tno I 1,. 11,11,111 a, IFy Gerd., Sprusg, D. 12 mo. , 4 ctence. the Teacher nil Ati.. by Rev 11 R I no• etar. hot Court and People. lo) Julia S Maxwell. 1.,• Slntk.peare. by H. N lud.on • rt..l, 01 Amelien—lllu.trnled'wltllluneenra eel. and rontatot, .ketches of the 11,6 of Inman, %Ve.t. Stuart. T\'e:rumbull. lA, e, ale nod TllO4 l'lnwlard, 1 vol.. no 1'4.• 11rotor. 01 Pratte, ronta.i/004 441enchr• 64 Lbe. ot Lamortirle. Thiers. Napoleon, Dorton. Nl,ru. ne n,t,l others, vt tilt portrait. al euelt \ .tpoleon and Alarshula, 2 vol.. 12 Imo '. 11 n.htngton and ha Generals; 2 vain. I lex.l 1. t'. sae red Nlountatna. tether wah a lane collection of 1% .14. 1, ether nod Sel4ool 11001,4 or .ale by 111NSTON k sTock - roN, IWok roller.. corner market awl .41 si• _l3 UtniS I'OR T !MAHON --11“ninaled of Saerrd Puttr), a mplend/d unp,sal v.., s braolLio: illu•tratlona on %nevi, I.y Sarum, and ~a,,• by Srhnntt and Stnclatr rirldy 1.“1. cud...) morocco and calf. •unertkl,, .:dl I in- Cllnrayan liceinucke, an annual For PA-. N. .... ,nount eng ravingr. 1.) . Stumm, bound Alt a, 10... run.. and Nr.lre I rot , \Vr...tilt for •Inull quarto ruluron. prtetirrl Oil 'mow while pv mbr.lh.hetl with rpleTulitl nirzzolint engrir, rug. by tar the Ireauurol juvenile !annual pub 1.1 are I , iitted ',trues \Vurk•ldurault. , 11.1klit rou- r . I usu., by the F.llll/11K Club, In vc •:) u, Thonsils.on'• `Wass.", with sevi.,ity.wven design+, by the F:whing C . ub. in v 5..., .Iyls, of binding and l'swit) rn A nierlea, by 1t W Grin. foe 1 . 1.1. and Poetry of the Aortente, by Wilk.] Pee, A kl ; toperl,l) Wood Turkey suoroceo,.plcu dhl.v ell: thIA Poem.. to verioun ~.1) les of lotitthog. 13,y 1.3,•ey tilunhuted Were! Peeheld Wurlt, invar.,. bohl,thqt. 1;!. he, • I he Work. , of Thnme• Moore 1t.t:,a,1 , hod Other Poem, by Mary Ilowtit Poen. b) I •thhej • hperce .MOtitatilt. MEI= S I r 1.11 ,1 ED4.1.14T1.N h. Co, wubcrtand. W ASS. Brown., J 4.J.1.ur5,15. J W W I'A,S Or. 1 , ..1)6 Alt TI 4- I'.4ettb. r w.l J 11 11.111 N.,, 161U/110r.. BOOKS, musk Ice, 1'I:1011,1i ioaronosiser 1. 1. I) 1.~:...: Jer,sl) I.clknnp. U D. flr.nonall ut New tlrr Iteturmalion. I,y John •eon. NI A. Lr \11,1.11.• Kintzflont, wiLL a new ot.p of the nopar. 1\ V. illiatos.6.2 v 01... 12 010 Po,. .r tot um Pulp, by Gardmer SpyLng, 11 D nhovv. rtrnt varlrty nrothrt Neva workc, Di bludirtr..uont., lor hook-, or I..tINSTONk :TOCK"l'i /N. or MorkeL .1,1 I L ! FAS A \ I, A VI; li‘nnilA—Ctia.lterr. rk. I v... IMFSeriritJ, Rrrt.ll•4 I t u.r F (nor, I Id, \Jar, \ I.) It, i II Ito' I . it.r =EMI • .10 11,11,1".1 I irrlefU. , . tiO r rt..) a. I.utiliner SprieL/ . 4.. . I ••.ti I . ir•tior• •PI I , ullfe I.irtit.ul.. I . lurul 11111. I•rer t r. Puipii 1, oi • J • • .., isi I r - tut II i •••• !tick " Itwilri• lease • F2SI,I.ISeI. itra,ez •1 V erm, 1,1 Errroi.- 1.4.e..1-• 1 ..t 11,1Kmin, lz.iy. 1't.•... lirorrio Hod Ire..nrl sttl. trh 1' " " 1 % 11 1 ' " 1, a llllll, ' ll , - 111111 a V)” 4. r• U) Mary Crt/Ellon, author of lllScr.plurka ii) Illy :air I • II 1/ I. I. I/ • n 1.~h,1 I~.r rl~il~lir.~ lip I.~r .. . 11~. ~. .~. -1..• -I,t,chTio. N 1 • k NI. k• IL.taz • rk Charlr. al .S aulaor -I<,eord•i a "..I Ma. kl.tr • klarqerrt. or the 1,11.1" Sr la, an.k, 4w ol et 4 LOOK• Oli litt 1'.1.1.101 - 1' F.N131.1,41. :dt mart rt GLISII ROOKS-II the • ttrret war. eod vattipu.,, .• 14,.• vor,rs. MESE ,f ;,turel foluantc, 1,111...r0 eDgra ~ I loiv French :Stage. and eketcher b rn , and tor aulr by Me DON ALI) .4 UE-'uN :41 t Metalle Frame Plano. A ,Pi.F.‘ Di i , woortment a o. Prill... w .. 4 a" , M. , .g. ,, Y grand act.. I'l - ,Lvo fito.Oled and - for ,oLle a a ll. t.“ idendol llo.ewood Pt .0.. o ~ . t u...,,.,., • ~...odno,l.+.olla/laltuelonem. toustird .. 000 l modem o, ic. and fur sal,. at I' MA Mr,. IN wood .t r ,,, p 1 4 it A S :r . t:l) FltliT it 04 TM , I,: . n•n i ) 1, ' v . 7t:r " ;,, d .: ° & ' , \• .‘ l'o t•r• pirtr.l iveriva part " ; J 1 .11N , lk STrrl'K 111 N, .rrner mark. •ml 91 •1 t .11N, \ A Slk r‘ have mkt rreelved th r) , 7so 17n, Apri. 1-4,. and Black • •••••I • i kla.g t,m , cm Ma, my .1.1 =MI! 4.J1C,1 vcry vnitvrtlient amele. I.rcntne.l I.) Ow 1.2.1.• Western Transportation Company. MMAlat D. LEECII & Co•• ic , ,,0„ Old Established Line• 10 1%.1 . 1111..., 1rI:1.1'111A HA LTINIoRE j, NEV 1 . 4)11K 1•ENN71,,, ANDgrwrdn Oll. HAIL Mute. It 1,1 to nnA fk. ?pri) II 1.4:1,1:11 8 Co, ,Nooil Homo. Plosburg6 11A It ItIS No. 13 A 15 ',oil, Ttora - 31.rha J 11.11 K & .N. Apt., N o 14, Nl6 liowordit;ilult A miutrrr. Agl. No 7 Wr.t Now 1 ort, Alurch lUth. 1.4.1mar20 ECLIPINE TRANSPOIii—A;I7I-01-11--LINII Min 1 S N. nail 4..llll . rEttS 1111 d 0111[1, arr. rniuoned that this Li k:1 o con tom.. to run throughout the year, leaving dad.. Produce and utorehanuire taken it low rates. Nivlchandoe Irnnt Firsituno, brought our at Canal .11..- Tun , , bye days. .1 t: UI OWELL. Age, \ cater •t,u dtarrs above Along'a Mous, l'ittahurgh. J It ROBINSON Ar BOEHM. ait I' trl South Charles it, 111111111101, Paeaenger and Remittance 001tim II AN RUEN h rontmue to britia pecans front pity purl 01 E.ataland. Ireland ....4.eolleMd or Wale, 141,011 the 111[1.4 Werra.] terms, with then en.uni punctuality and attentson to mewanta old rom loll r nano., rant. We do not allow our pawns/110ra to Ia robbed by tat' SWIedII.IIK that tale. the sea. port... a. we. late charge ul them the ment they m.. Iwll tteetnoeivr,. and .ee Meer well being, o atpl de. -paten theta wttltout any deteteteun by the first lbe Mr. we defy une of our paelarli. gel. to •how SiM nee) were &named 4d boon by as In erpool, winkt thou•need- 01 other. were detained 0 , 1111 they could hr Aetet at some old craft, al a It 2 p Ate. which tun trequently proved their roam, e mtend to In.nei.olrete our contract,. honorably. cosi what it ma). and urn n. wan me raae sealant, na rmer olherra.— who ratter perlormrd not all, or w hen et ..led darer reet.rentenee In ati. drawn at Plull,urgh to any .um from XI la payublc at nny of the rovtnc k tal Bans 111 Ir, I",ngland, Scotland and JOSHUA ROBINSON, European and General Agent, Fifth street.•ne door twlow Woo,J. s r I lit' VARA:4II, , - liatolattnte ' , atm 'ita Te -"I. of u brautlitil quaoly, anti al Kr e=r re ol pm,. ttott rre'd. ALF:NAN DER k DARR :3 mark., at, N M, ror Ut the diamond 1• ; \I, 111,0,N IEA—.IO hall rio,t• \ oung fly l'ra just recrlved and for auk 1.. y 11.1.F1R k 10.4.;.KT5t yV - I.otaced 00, do Nu 1 Lard do. 11 , / N.; 2 do .10 12 dotmearme do. 1 11101 pure , 10. I do bleavhed Whale; 51)1 , 1K du do; in more aria for 1,0 o.ltl 8E1.1.1'.H.... h NIe()LS I I A . i , i , !1 . 15 , ..! ,, N;: .. ii , 11N 11 N1K1.1. 4 qt., 71 Wood lot It n v f.O , 5511 al: i; Ll' E-3 1.1.1. reed and for \_/ur 13 BRAUN h It FITFIL . . C " "" " .1 I"'7il try Uru4gtat 1 11..511 Inn ting r i ,i , ii; t ic;; .... e x ; R d • ft ,, 7 Co valc ~i V/1. highest market prtee in east] V e pant h., 1114.0,11 grades or clean wall on.. I.y W HARB.11:1,11. 01 water and 104 troist street N4:11,4 We havejustopetted a tare< .110.,utto Nrov, 1111 excellent qurdity and nbly rhelip teo3 6.2 UN DRIES-311 .nick. Feathers, la do Ginseng, 4 0 bbl. No 11..01, 1 do Flaxperd; 13 suck. do, I cos. Pearot . k Bruvhen 1 do Pane, to arnve and for •/11, ,1,! try 10 !ISAIAH DICK4IS . h t'o. front 0 bules Cu arr i tz6 A fol i c s Vi rtrz El. h"""ow I ;4 " A d l ' A " li (117etA !b l 1 co RAaIL eer for l 4,, with sn,colnlontadsilipu.sdoe, the great routes of travel. A few copies received and tor sale by tell IiNsToN STOCKTON lOTTON--40 bale ' 4l ‘t avec Cilui, into e tar 0 0 1 0 try my• ISOVVI.:N.I/01ront 11 . 1 " bLASSE. , -43 1.00 Plantation 31oloasea In more ALL at al for stile by inr. l .l WE-V4T Hi WEN • 1111.ACKING-100 dot hlaisou'v Challenge, past reed and for sale by 1117 JOHN U 1114.414.1 AN MISCELLANEOUS. MARINE CLOCKS IDLAK.E.k CO . th e only autitortzed agent. In NU- E, numb wf We Fair of Kitt PtElent Maxine "htne Ptcee , atteotitto of the tttatite ge,oe•ily. and of the tac..rt unJ tr.ner. .lestruintut• tw r d canal boa. tII puritrutar, Weir Win a..ortment "r Were t'immontelett, nuke the l'eudu.ion Cin ka. the, are warranted to inn whits ng•eurae iii any 1.41.111011, and .objec t amount of motmo. con.i•witt with the !lb., 11 i ;i wau h. and lOC therefore the uni% rim" fur wennit , unt, canal boat, railroad ea. and hietorie•.inch there o much ,arnne The r e are wird ex feit.iive,. nt the FALAI in thee. ituntaw. aid • etre good •ntoitaction " Faintly Tone Ihece, al.o. tiles' are much admiredinox who have tried then, acihiu.it of {bell comport:l,s, accuracy. nen, new. and the hiriht, with which the are inoe.l or +et up for uw . Thom . who wt. to purchnw ere reque•t• d In enintot:) exanunet trurj{lie toe,. oi of lure arti,e, mid Ix ithout reKard to the tiltifiluation• and 11,11Y11,13- tionsof iiiter,ted per..., or of there who know lion, alaut it The Murmur Timepiece with Kirk ' s pro, enter. having' twit reeemty heen patettled.tmarh. 1-47.1 and ned oi thi• country. in not Keiteraity ,now ii. and even some worthy lllEll 11l the trade hive Lein tound denouncing the witole*trair, who nave noire thacovered that they were 111111111 K [heir blows at another matter entirely -- haring. in reality. never. ur known any thing ot (Lever iwapernetw. , Ma rine Timepiece As wt. are the only adjhortred agents in the city. our assortment arch be found the only complete one. and as we keep none but Him, winch have Kirk's lair an pro•cment of •'retaining power lit the sprinv." we r .41 that those who wish to purchase will. 01 ; wince at least to themselves. exanitrie ours newt, taking from a mere remnant else when. An article, %MUM, 01 ~ppenrance, hut of not one worth me value. can he purchased elsewhere tor less money. Those. there fore. who regard nothing but the prier, of a clock. need not take the trouble to'eall. In every ram where a Marine Tiinepteee sold by or not give satisfaction during the fast three mouths or its u-e. we will ',and the money pead for It. on L. returned without duntage lotormation respertitte the Marl. of 1110 TOllellir re can lad obtained by referntig to me of the Bril liant. Ilibernia Nu b, Sr' alsa, to Mr A Fulton. at st, and others 131. A KE to o, N cor of 111 arks gt votl the diamond Nit.burgle • New Musical Instrument. CAKIIARTS IMPROVE:I/ 1111.:1.1)DEtiN• JOIIN It NI fiLI.OR, No. rI Wood .treet. has re vcd now Open for .01e. a+upt,ly of Ca • urt'w ooproved patent Mel.teottr. price SA= For the benefit of thone feuding •t o dt.tanee, and con,quently unable to inspect he Nlo.lodron beiore pdreltaseng. the folly...Ls, dt , ertpuon L. given. The etkOCA are Made of rosewood, and are am hand. sornely thothed as Kano Forte 'rhe y-hourd to pre.,.ely the sante a... the pLaito or oruito. .ad nee tytte dateLs vet . ) beaubful.,losel) re.einhie , thet of the dote 'lop of on organ The ...trout,. ran be Lininedt ulel, etude portable wt , hout deteriong any part, the bellow. receding Imo the body ofate inent. and tee Logs foldtitg under. leaving the wboleKtrum in a compact tom Each 111•In111,0111 ha. a p.king case, and the hole whets packed .elght only lb pound• The vol o, tune 1., rano: thol ut organ. and by or thr 4well touy tin-rented dinnittalted at pleasure. it to sufficiently loud tor small churches. and L. wen calculated tarn parlor ut.trurnent ow -it WOOD TYPE. SCHOLLY, IL II RV AN. ISAAC NI SINGER. RHIN N NIORRISGN. having woed thenwelves together ninler Ihr .tylr and ha ..1 hisholry. Ryan Co .tor the Ivanufacture of Wwn r, yr hn.l torn 1, ye altuyelhcr In.& by ',menu thr .hrrhuon of lYnne Sihgrr. unr of the bras they . feel ronfhloul that they oder 3 more porters icy.art 05 t yllO 0554 hi Inurh lower /311e11 than oily herein.- rdele.ll“ the Coited and ure now wady to hi ordr r..h, the !Lame All orders adnrer•rd r Sehnine. &Co , al Ilavirl.l Diu I ‘% L.NI and ernnthbeirl street, .10 lAe punctual , ) ul!ended In Propetrl3rt newlkpaperr. nil copying Itnr ad rrt I.•elnent 3 months, awl paper.'NM I.• rnlnn,l lo /reel, :Ilea pry 111 II iburellrenng Li,...llllket the 11.0%111i 01 their 1.111/ 101 . ertantity. ti,tru AMERICAN TELF.GII.APII COMPANY elrrrkit, ROll kNolr.,l_oo. LINE OBlte at the Exchange, Baltimore. 1)1:1 , 1 LI, rile l'hume. have berit Nle.Kuz,... to or ir :::::luttiorv. t.t,/, 01 ‘‘ 1411 cortr.puinlo.o fetlurlsol 111.,.10 011 M..llologruploc devlllthr • lorWolllc.l hunt Ha: in.wre Wt.. 01 Pt...Wm:lt. Pu —11” . charge tut t. tvieFruplt Jc.pntch to Ituot 1.12:10,00, 1 . 01.101,11 /kO.l k\ rnr oc hr. trtt n.L.I I v...., her tn. h u,Liato,o‘ N.,ltar, .• tot the addre... I ut., the nryl.t 'thenih, , ester. 1 ..f T. !eyraph it Men.ph.... Trull .to N..w dea• n be fors, en to tb... route...n.l lor ra 0.1rn... 1 The Allegheny Cemetery. A ~,,,, re elected Nlanderr•lor the eo.uote ,cure I . re•t%eat JtIIIN BISSELL. )11daderrt IttllNll. 1 , 1101-INKItAtttE.R. d Ess R J 1%,,re Jr ,Seeretats 1111,i Trr:1•111", 1..• 1.11 1 111,111 atittir• or at o, vet) ideperou- cotolittod Hear tate edt et. No Steleer •to et ;els, DESMESIMEM & CAR rirr,- o,arcr• h. r. I Norm l'lnnl .rnoN r. r• .rrcurirl rn , r, --our. or tir , ratrie. Mtrz..nerarrtir.. or, I/O, A Ell rilwriy- /rep art .411-1 a • rrurrrrrre a--ortroca. Intient nar,D , Crarr,zrza 31i. mtri. aria rat . 111Ch4 . • NI& NIAIrd i . 11.111...1. Pion, 01. Oir. int.lr. on Nirr•mr 1111-1:11, nna Talolo I it 1 nl the ItIOISI rl.--rrnkr. pain..., .41. ;U. 4,1 rtn.l ar-• ,Arr Fluor r arrn, hr. IV Ito WV, 11.01tr . d. IMO nr•wr••t -is or paarcrna. D'l thr-Ir ONO rrmsru A nratnr , TrIIINIoIf ‘‘ intION l'arperts. de I, arratercrtl 111,5 f , u 1 Nt Jti- Oltio sod Pennaylvaol• Roll Road Co. ior •subeer.boo . Ceot. Snuck ot t4:. Ctaupi.), opeited o,L Iv. Jab, .11 Fes, ...Jet. , a.. 1 booketorr. ot illlOl ,011. k. ton ntel Fred ko, 1 Co . r., 1/11111e Upral und,. r the •..ermtendenee !lie uu F 11111IF-NZ. HARMAR OFIN , FRFID Y I'L ARKE FeIOCF: SON DEKItY 8c NR:KEtiz.).\ , Mll=9 A WAINGS, SACKINIi I.lorloll, AI , IN COVEIL , AND I.IZAIN Alo. 354 booth Prout Street, Baek 4 1 .4. Cithmrt Warr Manury Pill PIIIA A l• t• w S Nltwo, e• thc (1.. millauCt w t, ,quiaptly 101,1.1