12=MEME COMMERCIAL RECORD. EM2ECI2I Bas Mawl Moon , * , sett rl•09 1 phases. 7 SI -- FIT' - 712 712 • 7 12 874 72 941 7p 1047 • 712 11 SD 7.91 own: S • if,46 rei.l 7- 1 It 6.17.61., - 4 eaxidart, 4 4 23 • 2$ 240611 Y, 28 IS Wobarstisi, 4 28 21 -Mt May - 4 38 PITTSBURGH' BOILBD 07P TRADE / „coutrinizToe. JUNE W vox satcalour. ; onice Pmsennura Gammon, 1 Thursday Tioralng, June 29, 16184 '; I Tharnarkets yesterds'y were generally very /rim Li , et, and areas rendered doll by 'the frequent show, sra i diain. 'Which fell awing the day. • Furrat—snetal =lull kits attired yesterday by„, •• , they were mainly to-the Ordersof deal. /[stra berg, we heardid very little being done in the way of Oistli sales. Western store Of about / 10014491 u. rear lots Were reported tom at I 43800 5 Guitio—T 6 tot showed no change from paeans • 'q uot e moos. Receipts ; continue very light, sad • small sales only are effected at kir. - PsonsiccoOirThe market is needy, but inn. /Legator Balmier Len city enrol bacon are ifulateted at, Bir . 44o . tilders, 3; tidal, 4, and hams - 514 lb. • Western cared bane of a good gnat. ityis sold, at, from a •1; to le kern dm the above dtroesi 'tr./ Osiocourn 7 -We have coo eliamPr m` BoBoo 01180 ,Salesof N O new at 41054, of loaf gm anodises, 273 0 e;13 10 cooee, 810781 c, . and rice at 5101511: plb. The grocery inert-et ia pretty well supplied, and price, mann . , The ; eilowing is a list rid - prices of Ron and Wheat itediferent markets of the, Union, at • I the lanai all. - - I • Wheat • • 94 - 25 " eat deT;l j . 5 7 : • 1 1 • Daltimorerci • ' 62, - ; Cincinnati, ' 3 85 Louis,.::Lo4sicville. 400 .. 60 St 3 75 70, -- New Orleas 'so' 90 125 Nashville, ' 500 95 Detroit, 450 . Bosun, :6 00 157 Diamond,: 5 75 125 , Rochester, , 475 9 75 132 _ LAZE MPG' ILTSTROId TYE OPENING OF ;NAVIGATION TO ,FLINE 22. - . • , Tbe subjoined : ls a 'table ogilgt leading articles ; isolid here Darn:the opening rnavigation to the .• 22d - June, thiamine. • • Flour: . . ..... . . 370,113' When' ........... 1,399,456 199,291 , Pork.... ........ ' ..bbli 12,556 Beef - onus. snores nom WIZ onoten or animation • • Aptiended is'a table of the pi , tenon by anal from rem • oath's great I nland -artery • Flea, Ashes... Wheat '4 , Butter tam" . c"f ,Stkveg . Toui ;.-{qutralpAdv,ertiser. 1 ~,,, . •le—Pricets tinged from . on the beef, equal to 1.1(0475 Hogs—Silee of hogs ?eel's DIPOILTI SR lIIVSI4. . t•Vowieninnei—Per Financier-75 hem tin plate, Wm B HolMes 3, brcr,l3o do do, 2d Leech & son; 7 elan wool, Clark 2e Tbaw; 1 hoz plants, J* Mon. bomb; 2 bgs feathers, 1 bbl flour, bag 5 mks bs eon,l3 Leech Et co; 1 box, M .Allen • & co; 114 bls hemp, J.lrvin son: 14 Ws bob, Walliogford & .ces 13 Hob tob; Jas A Hatoblnaon do co: Per.l.l"Crinenden-70 tans pig rostal,llMlzell; 105 bbls whiskey, J Parker; 1 cob, 1 box; Mobany & Ledlir 25 bbb hams, 11 Graf; 9 bhds beam, 4 sks kathen,Nl Allen & co; 113 sks potatoes, N N Hopkins; 427 d hides, Clark de Thaw; 2 bdb, H G P.ickaty; 5 mks hobs, Wm B Holmes & bro. • Per Hinggold-1 a& hardwire, 3 Walker ;1 do ao . J Woodwalk 1 bbl sager; 11 iiebell; 29 ski kn. then, Atwood. Jones . etc 4 : bis, 1 client maze, W Bingham, 23 tons pig metal, McCurdy & Loa . mik Per Zseksr7fraTlar -0 sks amoc . Clark ea Thaw 21 bbbi eisma4 Lambert & Sbiptw 40 :OM pig metal /as Nigel]; 1 sk ..11/1304 bi le deerskins, Wick & McCia4lear, 1 lot rap, Jobnium &Stock . Per Loyallkla' rma-21 kis croon, Moorhead & Copeland; 22 hhds hams, 12•Bers & Nicol. 100 bbla lard, S George & ors 9 aka feather, A Gordon 116bbla whiskey, k Partial 12 do do, 'Miller & lticketani; 40 toes metal, McCurdy & Loomis St. Zords—Air Colorndo--760! pigs :Vend, Cur: ling & Robertson; 66 bbk whiskey,Riller & Per 7 Q A&una---547 pka buffalo tuber, 24 ble wool. D T Morgan; 9 hit& 1 bonrnab, la Allen & co; 22-tia iroolallugbam; 483 pp lead, Girlies . Mania de eg 25 bru lemoneat. Bruce dr 25 tee haens,}l Graff & on; 118 bbla loaf sugar ,{bee sitar, 4 bf da 30 bbls a h mime* Hutchison & .ere 332 nin &mbar* Al Allen & Per Nonb Dver-1 box medicine, J Kidd & an; Bbp venol, la Allen dc co; 3 ban dry gooda,ls bag; haris, 11 Gras dc porll rbbds lob, Geo Wei nue 29 aka father., n ski ginge,' A Gordon; 3 lardbbb oil, 1 Jar prwrves,Jas Karr & w. . . BromustillPer Idiom duwm 77Iqp sails, 03 bus iron, 365 hf bas Ours, 23 bbls Soar Pet Loais IdcLano--000 horse dr. bow, 8 WI" - Opar; lumber, 400 do do, toad . owner.. , . . .hfooomaild City-Per Anow-2Ei !ibis Boar, a einpry ale ldgs, 7 API Pdset 75 bu wbett, own. er on board. . . Afeeigirs—Retllaw--.16 hb4. tob, J A Roe,• 16 Ron do &Ng Mizell; 1 csk becoo, Bushtteld . , . Ilrellsni4—Per Bear er-2 fan goods, I I Vdccx; 30 las cheese, Wick de McCandless; 3 calm Wei+ stas, ft Doha; 2 bbls Mon, A P 11 a oohs I C Bidwel4 L do sma, Torryth & - - Per Om Lb Co 15 adds door, I S - Dilarottb; bdle paper, L •43 &As floor, L Water { man; 1 bale wale, ' de co; 16 eks wool, 1 `Myers, Humer tc , co; 143.b1ds dour, owner; 1 bbl esuieed, B bdta piper, Chriatiaa Advocate; 135 aka bran and Aorta • • Learirarl'ir Dodds's:lgo-2 Midi fob, 7 . 11 elf• batter, I bbl soap, 11 Balza & Du; 4 like lard 1 & lob, I bbl flaxseed, bbls beans; 1 kgy s lisb, J Dilworth; 58 Ude tob,'D Leech .& so; 103 bbls flour, Jai McCully; 7 aka wool, J A Beg bbls wheat, Ptwegdey;l2l ski oats, & IC'Floyd; 3 hbBs tok 19 ski wool, 23 do rage... 142 do oats, 1 0 4 soap, J C Bidwell; 54 bbh whiskey, Boyd& & Bicketson; 4 do &at, owner *booed; 5 bp ocean . . Ma(mg— Per Con id i-37 ski W 013,1, .1114'w Allen & or, b bbis tingrar, D Herbst; '25 .krs brooms Welson; 163 Ws floor, Holm & Mcillresr; 64 bbls lloor,ll ski wool, owner .board; I box mdse., How Et WeCmdless; 1 box, gabs, Ilkioknes & bio; 12 bbls flour, 13 A Simplon. • Bonn—Per Like Erie-0 WM seorebinp, 48 lon cbeels,l Dickey & co; 11 bbls Sou, 8./ila. =lO mks wool, Murphy & Lox; 22 Ears iron . & bro, 1 bbl ptasb; 31 bf bbl. ale, C P '241T0 Stinsocay Ma exciCla al .Pala Extraetop—lt is now conceded bt medi cal thn ConwelPs Mt Pais 'Extractor, mane. farinsed br Comma & 'Coortland st. N ' l4 100. 2 " , .cadcvorabe century. its effects are = ii4 lidractdores. All pains an rimmed from Many &a, sada amernal sores, Jo a Pm =M. tet its spplir.A...; bulbs, the 'sue on the most dell. ./ ate Ma, leaving ea .seas—..b. Is equa ll y beneficial in / . all binds of inflawszatmAlltiatees, web m sore ?Cp. Pim Silfai.w, Whits Swelling v.* Ilicanr: .Scem. chlibui.,. Erysipelas,. Wes, Tie immature, &e: WI ad& wid as proof to all We sayAM name of many &alma phyaicians who Me it in MW pracilea sod tumbrels of the clergy who --prebte itto theirpoopk4KEnd parent kook constantly= tworl, in mess Muckiest by One, life may be lost with out a, bat by its ose all banes Inv subject to ris control, Me. ale are destred. Cantion—Pmentber sod sat for & Connell , ' Maec o a y l PAM Ex:tractor, tam. fumed by'Conetrek & Co. N Y, and no other. _ Sald by VIM . JACKSON, Agent, for UNIT, hesd of Wood. Orr • Awe you Burt cdf, diu you kw tun gray . , it hardy is It dry, or dirry, I Use tUs,yau ear make it all, silky and ion, Out awl bulthy, and beauteous u ads balfof talus. AU lobs,* this, you Dave but tbret thillblutto eve For • books( /oust klabibuttsufve. f Endes, If you have bad halt you would isally Of be tadsbed at lb. belay Oho .a Woe shilling bottla Jams , Onal flak Ratans ohs* onl4 It roods tna one ' ;dal,Doll uea Llbgrny zia7194.1h.17! . Sfits'o s ' lik 7chsio i 15"i7 iisoro Errw oohrs ' im," i2=Boap . thls 4 r the *tee. X We wetreilt cottiWatio:47 , w ee we knew 1110 be an we wets. • Al aleoasoatie,,the troa Jose Soap is perhaps the only sittekt GM mewl, lug realared impurities and Cleated sad btunaka the skis, makln[ 11 1011, Ckary Moe* cod yam as als hgasCs., Bold by IVAL JACK SON. 1 39 -WPM mar29 pita as mamma/dal alabuter. 0 • "All &males have akin like the above, wbo use Jor e . 4 ,g,A,LArlerblta. It eass* pave snowy, yat awso Ts{ - v... ,Seie at et pualeecaerett. mule , ••- • . =MWM=M PORT OF PITTSBURGH 4-rxrr =us myna ,13 Atlantic, Parkineon, Brownsville. Louis McDime 13ennes, Brownsville. • Las Erie, Many; Beaver. - Consul, Kinney, Wheeling. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. IZETaylor, Lucas, Cin. • Cope, Cm. b Co pee, Moore, Beaver. , Arrow, Nelson, Brownsville. Loyal Hanna, ITDoaal4l, De Witt Clinton, Devinney, St Lonia. North River, Dean. St. Louis. • . Anadne, Bray:lumina. • DEPARTED. • • •rtes ver, Clark, Steubenville: iyouis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Make Eje, Murry, Beaver. _ Miobiiito No 4,--, Beaver, Bahie,Jacobsalie';ronimlis, t Caleb Cope4docue, Beaver and Wellsville. Danube, Cock, St. Louis. Financter,liountz, The river evening at dusk woo 4 feet Inches Water ,in channeL by metal mark, and ' ' PASSENGER ARRANGERFNTS FOR lINS. Foe Philadelphia •very' ceenufir at V o'clock, by Leech's PaOlsets. Office opposite the United Slate. Rotel. Steambriat Packet Line, leaves daily for Cincinnati, IC Paasenger Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore and dlieet 6 ttl . thlladelphia, I Mail Coach andl2l r. Western and Southern Mall Co&eh Line, 0 A... North-Western via Cleveland. daily, 10 A. IL MA and Western New York, daily, 0 s. ac North-Eastern toiladelphia, daily, except Sandays, • • 4,n ar, ARRIVALS AND DRPARTUTIF. OF MAILS. Eastern Mail via Philadelphia, due 3 A. r., closes 12 At. %Vest% Mail, Cinein. & Lounor, due 8 t. x . , canes 3 a. x. eoath.viaßatimore &Washington, due 8 P. a. era 5 A. 311 North Western via Cleveland, dna 10e. a., closes 9 a. x. Erie andylVesarn New York. due B.t. x. closes 8.. a. - 1 • • UT' The number and forrnidable 4 character 'of dis eases p4Matlng in • diseased state oldie liver,: has bogchallenged the attention of medical men. some of Siete diseases,•classed under the general term of consninptice• have:been supposed incurable, and the unhappy pinent was allowed to die, without medical science beingenabled to offer him a hope of recove -4llappily. this canto longer be the ease.. A reme dy hushicen otand which wilt all these complaints, .of hatever character, oriole from - gßM, m o e r i n t °1 - ectdirectly on the liver, and by correcting its opendion and purifying it 1 - 1.061 . disease, cots off and eXtispetee the complaints which hove their origin in the diseases of thls organ. Remedies hitherto propoi. for_these diseases hare failed to operate upon the seat adds disease; but Dr. Allan?, Sills make them. se lees *lt upon the action of dm liver, and by cleans ins the' fountain dry up the imp . = streams of disease which - thence derive their existence. For sale at the Drag amt of J. KIDD k. Co. 60 wood at. tete Tan acme .i.res • Cuaaml—The originaL only true and gel:mine La'. Pill, prepared by Ll h Sellers. Paean-row. Va., June 11141E15. efiled R'E.Seller•-•Sosue year. since 1 eras much ben by rising your Liver Pills, and /3 YU • great .offerer now. elide. you one dollar, and wish you to and toetibe Sronb of ir In Liver Pills, by mail. Be partiesdar.sl, send Ow same kind—Limy anted like a ebarm,wheril took. diem before. Perri b 1 IL SELLEILS, 57 Wood FL Sold y Dr. CasseL fob ward; 11, kb Curry. Allegtreuy; lies &dill, Teruperaneeville, and P. Draro,.Lave.. mineable. CAraces.—All other Lirer rills are coon scram at imithiicats. , jell 'nelcol anklet otto to the Ma' Atop V - To m Am Lasse.--Coassmek's Nerve and Bone Listimeta and Indian Vegetable Elixir. MI. most Meet.' =re for itlammatista. Paid by %VU. JACb agnlV..llgent far Pittabargt. nor Ifidatartlea RATES OF DISCOUNT. bbl 530,059 .... 40,935 12,531 .cks 6.009 ..&i 1,140,552 &AT DL.IC:UU N. ROLM Eutaw Brokers: No. 0 . - Penusyll , austa. Bank alPinsbamis ••••Put Bank Par PilefrcfNAlan. Bank .Par Bkanfrhgadelpkin--par Girard Bank par , 5{°.779 2,4/92480 .• • , 290,719 g ..,. 2,994,773 «... 501,663 .... 901,191 .pll5 410,072 ...it 7,661,563 27,513,000 ...., 2,493 $297,037 93 Ba "nk_of Germantown • •p • Cheater aul) , • •par '' Delaware C 0.., • •P. Newnan:err C 4• .par Nenbmaberland• .100 Colnenbla Bridge Co.. • pis Doylestown-Bank par Farmers , Bk. lleadink-Par Fansen'llk. Beaks Co. par Fanners Wk Laneaa'r•Par Laneagaer Co. Ilk , • • •Par , Lancaster 8k....—. • • • Puri U. Blares flank. 30 Brownsnlle .11k..• ..... par' Washington U. = 7,1 1 , 34...- • 1, Vaspiehanna Bk.• 2 a.r.lugh Co Bank, G. rnawp. ...... •. • • •• - • " : Ere ......• . 40, Farman, and Drovers, ade to day, at 4,25 Bank, Wayouburg• - . EU...rubor; " lio,ndolo IL Lignooon PowArt'le ".i Wyomi.vO .. .... Yoh lit.•• • WestßranoS BA. . I i Ralief Note* • • ..... —• Mt AT Bk. NO.a.do• .i Cir, &County' io. Scrip—. " Oh State Bk. and Braneibei 1 Moanaleasant• • " 13t. Clairarille.,,•••—• • " Nanette. ..... New Ll.ben• •:. Cincinnati Banks. Colom6m.=6o 6miniLe•-• • —• numTitle . ' Munilloa •—•— Seadusiry 1 Gesuum DuTom Wens= Remergre- 6n o'k Columbus Warrrie..• ..... •• " Ilumillos , r. 13 Gransilk SO B'k Caut05,...44 6..43 _ KoratusklP Bk of Keanteky tI Bk.of Louisville Nothern Bk. RooWk . ) , ' In" York—Cny Baas, slew avitixEse 4200 D-8 nog vas trio roan AND Clinahatztas arena". :TV - fil are now opening a fine rock of fresh Summer 11 Good.. direct from the New York and Pialadel phia Auctions, where they have been purchased with in the last two week.. at a very great saerifiealhere. by , enabling us to offer 'ger better bargains than.we have thee done before In calling the emotion of the eiticens of Pittsburgh and Its violnlry to our assort ment, we do so with the confidence Moor prices being such on will ensure perfect satisfaction; next to all buy er. either by wholesale or retail, a fine ehenee is now offered for proems - mg great bargain, Among thorn just lot o f are -• A lot of very cheap coPdand blk fig'd Silks; " " Light end Clark Lawns; i„ Ginghams; • "7 - oTertnt fine blk gird sod striped Berne, which are Every great bargam, A lot of handsome Cots Pally., foe lairs dresses; •do light-colored and black Barege. very cheap; do nesscatyle silk Vesting ' • do Lo handaOtaa Binge Shawls; • da • very cheap blk do do• do die blk allk Mantilla Scarfs; '• to bandsonte Psrssols and Pasantlens; I,do . do Artificial Flowers; slovery stomp Linen Enures; ALSO—A fins stock of toper French Mamma tar. simsrer, white sad colorinli Lines Dfillinge, Manner ns, Samsser Varalnients, Iran Etc, Ac. Sc. A largo arsorunent of Prints of all prices; Checks, Marlins, te., to 'dila. as well u Other arti cles onr rule, we invite die spacial - attention of C. , b buyers. ,ALWCAtipFR is DAY, 1 'tom 73 market st,N W ear of the diamond ---• ' A. A. MASON 4k , CO.; 60 IHAKKET ST.. BETWEEN THIIIO tc.FOURTII, 'DEING desirous of reducing their stock previous to JUI the commencement of the Fall Trade, will oiler their *receive and fastuonable assortment for a few weeks. at greatly reduced price. Mumma their as. semen% ma ybe (amid excellent styles of Bosses, !mutes, Grenadines, Yelmyrinines, &Cheat', Dress Silks, Lawn. end blushes, !it. etc., all °Candela are reduced In price fully one third. Their stock of Shawls is very extensive, and com prises every known style: A few cartons of come and silk Shawls just received will be sold extremely 4nw, 4 taus reel Scotch Ginghern,vrill be eold at LO Mai usoal pride tO . ALOT, Sumitomo mad Dwall, shuns on the Ede Emulsion Canal, in the .sge °Mast Mb:l- .w a desirable location fora merchant Abe, a Inn to tgood Dwelling Mose well gaited 41 a Tavern Stead, the village of Chaugerdle,_ on Slate WO el Me. Terms easy. ISAIAH DICKER & Co. table Water and Front eta. Store to Aunt. • T O RENT—The lower floor and cellar of store No. Water st, adjoining Messta. Borlori4l, Wawa & Co. Enquire on the premise& or of .• • YOUNO, IWISEN & PLUNEET?, .rogirtelm GS water at tiTf - Vr. A MIT in the alb wad, 49 feet en Loges etn - Dby SO feet on Clerk etrees oar of the aim desirable la cations in the 6i ward. For man aselrteibe .114 scribes at the hfethodiel Book Store, 4th - m ar MOW erectt,, or ti his 'Tarn k • , For Basal. apl A two nary brick dangling with about az acres of g ro und attached, simatod as Oakland. ;The ace is well stocked with Gait of all kinds, and is a desirable location for • Wail; being endraly oot of reach of the river and dirt of of An omits!a leaves oakland hourly for the einr. Anal% Jin2o . ATWOO J &CO TTract of Land Solo. HE substriber will nen on at commoda for dag terms, a valuable traett f unimpOoved land,--situate On dm road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen mile. from Pittsbuigh, and„looet melt mi e. from the WWII of Freedom on the Oldo over. The tract eon. mint 401 acres end tiO perches, Wier measnre.: . The land is of an excellent quality, about Nacres cleared, and well watered, and will be so d either in whole or infarms of eonvenientrire, to cul t porch... For further particulars enquire f WM. BOYD, Any Law, office on 4th st, above , thneld, Pittsburgh. my2ffidtvelf T . - ProfertYll.llll4llwietty tw - e - 4.filk. - - T H L E ot z:g a ribe% , o t ter s jO co r: d al a . kiiiibarnf c o. lioig , u . Common ground, on easy terms. aquae or g _ W. 0'11:ROBINSON, Any i Law, St Clair st or ofJAS ROBINS-ON, the premises. toyl7Altruftt T Pow Boa IpWlli: e s "' t—Po tkxa Ues ' lion bri loon d &So Lest O n f Nor sooner If required. Inquire of set J& R FLO i I.9ll . _ ,.. Etreet. liter Rea A two story brut about 5 acres of ground, munited on the b , oft io Ohio river, in the borough of M oche r. Apply to mill 1.1.111 Z A • IMON & Co. - . To Let. THREE dwelling houses 'mated on 4th .trees near canal bridge, angle el. of Pittsburgh. Al. so, a room 75 by 93 feet, th a eonvemieni en e on 501 et., near wood. Al . a fisme dwelling, two snider, with an acre of tea • , • endowed and under cnlneation, simata on Ohio lane, . the city of Allegh. :k j Inquire pc J D WILLIAMS, n . 110 wood street To ~. Brewers. FOR SALE OR RENT, the Pittsburgh Rm. eiT, with all Qtr brewing• apparatus, mama on Penu street and Harker'. allcyJnel now occupied by One. W. Smith & Co. Possession men on the Ana day of April ensuing. For terms, &e: enquire of .- BROWN & CULPILMISON, fehlthf- -, - 145 liberty it IkWAREHOUSE FORSALE—The subscribm offers for sale the Woe Mory brick Warehouse on Wood street, occupied by R. 1 . 41.91. & CO, It rents now for Sl= per year. ' apt? WSL WILSON, Jr. • t. ..› a wat Ti., .newthree awry Pm p _rootbriek woe on eond . now concerted by Edward Evanm Mr rent frontlet of dont next_ _lignite of J SCHOONMAXER & oe, Jaol9 111 wood meet istThe subscribers will rent pan wiz. house now aiezEiAzeztiEtriuL, laelY water stint. a« large room on the 2d story of thriweyeboa cupied by the auhicribers, near Me foot Vemd street--a. good location for a Meentbd •Anney or en !menace office. ROLUIANS I GARRISON MMt 4016 A Fine two story brick home, on main stree t, ARLAHeirh..9 city, near th e upper bridge. 'Pb. lot Is RI wet in wont by be deep. For teems inquire of delbtf A WASHINGTON. Rh st. ...s Por Want. • THE large fire proof warehouse, 91 feet from by 80 feet deep. on ueond st, near wood. Rent nod. era 'inquire of .1 SCILICONMAREM&Co., d 16 . i 2l wood a Poe Seat. • . A Smoke Houses situated on Plum alley, for wet. inquire of ROBERT DALZELL & , Liberty sweet . doel3 CAL LAND FOR SALE—Save* sera tool toed Re sale; airs to in bend of the Monceicebeia River, above Brownvi lle, Po., baying a 7 foot vela of coal, which will be sold in exchange for goods. For partica• arsapply to Nell] S A. NV ILARBAUPH, 33 woad et DRY GOODS. KNoW..ALL MEN THAT BMW3BMT & CO. H . AVE removed - 6mM Market stmet, to their new splendid and immense estatelshment to be knowu as the TOWER HALL. CLOTHING BAZAAR, •No. lei Market meet, between Fifth and Sigthe PeszAmm. rtes. • The proprietors feel a mien me in promulgating whatin any way might appear e the usual Bombes.' tie exaggeration of some in t. rade. bet will beg to quote the following notice f newfmar city papers: s he of the gremert cariositie that our city MEW. to the stronger, I. Bennett & Co` groat clothing white , No. wg Market street, betweeu sad Sixth, which ben been ruled "Tower Hull," from the peculiar Finish of die front. The bedding is mt Immense one, =Main. inderven capacious rooms, all of which are stocked with every variety, of seswonabls garment maned ln the Moot perfect order and regularity— TOO proper tors take great pee in showing em Width( and contents to citizens, particularly grangers, aud to m ore coming fram the country—We knew Of no place more worthy of a 'Wit. . nothtdm 'LsH. EATO N I CO. we 110 W Meeirillg ditiirtrom . important and manufacturers, a large assortment of Fancy and Staple Trimmiege, lionery and Variety Goode, among which are—Black and cord 31antilla Fnngen do do Drew do; F.mbroulary and Tisane Gimps; Twitch damay and other dress Buttour. Watt Silk Lace; Idnan cambric Hark; Artificial Flowers and Wreaths; Chanusettea, needle worked Collura, Rid,Bags and thwack vory,Lltorty and Feather Fans , Kid, Silk and Lille Gloves; (Arta Hosiery, Gloves, Ac; children.' and iromens' Hoziery:' 'Hair Brushes, Combs and Tooth Knishes AVrtuloar Shades and Trimmings; Trunmatga; Sbins, of mean' and youths' sires, In. de", which they offer on favorable terms, 'at their .tore, &I Market at. near 4th. 1.14 NIIFIIITE GOODS FOR DRFSSIM—W Si Murphy y y los larely received • tall.rnment of white goods for Ladies Dresses, includln —Seotchniull Mu. lins; Swiss Mr, Nansook do; plain atones; sma/1 her red dm satin barred do. Also, For Evening - Dresses—White. embroidered Swiss Muni.; pink embroidered Tannin do; blue do; new style damask striped nod embroidered do; plain white, blue, pink and straw colored do; also. embroidered and Swiss Muslims, by the yard, for Evening Dresses; she, Black Lace Shawls, Scarfs and Capes—French and Scotch needle work Collars; an assortment pf Armand beautiful style Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; mourn- in do; all 11l lowest cash prices, at limb-east corner and market ns. leg 4 band LIFER ELK FRENCH - CLOTHS—W . R Murphy vites the attention of gerulensen wanting Cloth. to his wsortment of very ben make of French and English Cloth. A few pieces very superior black French,Jun reed; elso, Doeskins and Cassimeres; in great variety; summer Cantmeres and Tweeds, for mews' and boys' swer. black satin Vesting., white Marseilles do; gents white and bordered linen cambric Hdkfs; roper white and colored silk do; gents Gloves, Hosiery; Ike.; Genre. ?amino' mid cotton Undershirts, for summer wear, blk and fancy Cravat Ginghim and Jaconot do, the. re.7 • ToCountry Et•iiihavate. QMITII AND JOHNSON, 40 Market street, bare re 1.3 coined IS ease. Iloonets. consisting in part of plain Straw, Aurora Braids. Vietiiia do, Gimp do, Dan te do, China, Pearl and Florence; S eases Point Leaf Hotl, Infinite and Iloys/loghom end Wald do,• Art. hoist Flowers, every variety. Also. rryt its/. Ladies Cotton Hose, humid censper dos, up wane' kneel quality; 1W dos Gents half. 1110.;.• good amertment of Lisle Thread, Silk and ConoqGkrreniaps silk Mktg, Reps Weddeas do,loo dos Linen Cambno do; 13 cu. tons Cottonand Thread lam. Arso, a good smolt. meat of Comb. Batted, Threads, Needles, Pins, Cut. Ivry. Jewelry, fire., in all of wlnek they LH .offer a grew indueement in prices to purchasers. arty_ CsPENED YESTERDAY, ai w R Murphy's Dry V Goods Houle, northeast corner of Ith and Market streets—Glossy black Silk, for Memillas; neer style Dress Ginithano blk and white Crapes; blk, white and mined Cotton How; French Linen. &se. So. Also on baud, • good wsionment of block globale, Mk Silk and fancy Barageiand Nett Shawlw 'Oita ..d crab Crape do, plain and embroidered; black lace Shawls, Scarfs and Caper new style fiord Netts for Cape. Ceps, Sr plain wnstlllonds and Nen. ko. Wholesale Alum up stain, where an excellent a. imminent of Print., dro. is always Imps us low price.. je2l rpHREAD LACES. —Sruith A. Johnson, 46 Market a; J. harejust reed 2 canonamors of those wide Thread Laces, from lib ts Ter yd up. A 1.., one Calloll of . Alrelam do; ot, db rotts Point do; Mee' eartotur cotton Laces. Dealers and others end it to their' interest to call, as they will be sold at extremely lour: prices. lone assortment of blue, bloc litMrir- , ange, and fanny Prints, deem 'tearable styli and quality, rust opening and for sal* to the Wade a extraordinary low rates, br the case AM. e 7 9 wurrs WHOLESALE DRY 000DS-4 A Mason I Co!: have just received at their Wholesale Rome: No. d 0 Market street, : eases or printed Hosting,b do ot i r , oP7 aryls: kuirtl do Plailatthi t of every variety. Also, Ribbons, Hecei.' Gtoves. Hosiery, Showle.Domeatien, ke. ie. jet T ACtEI, EDGINGS, 7,4,-21 CLItOI I / I low prided-ant is medium Edgings, Laces; beenings,Qoplings; pi and lane) Nele,-oftltelateet importations, Joel by - Jell sucia.Err rwarre elatrilavignliiiKiatszlwMinh) , itairrik,'- cclued additional • supply of the abovorguarde? Warding brown endwhitelmeen and white, ice, al • • firer- fleeces cover gayer, very neat Plaid. .11e17 MOK/DitErTditinNG—W -14 MurPhY Wee iee 4 his supply of Mosquito Netting, British eadArnee , gre blue and barred, of alltridthr, . If 'r ebinoti ii fordo, corp redo, and offered at re. 'by ita wee of peed. .! la EYD Irat.—khobroidered Silk Glom, adder end colored; Lisle do, colored; Usopply lately ved a Dryooode Housed, • ' • • • )817 , HUGH D: ING. • ix litioViraMtVatria, Dt "4.,"1/41"z=1::"Atr"-- and Domestic Hookup, cof tout= of Doom; ~ • EXCHANGE mall die pcinel p el e iti e w of: ,b e fkrr nal• in was to ripen, CURRENT end received en deponite. ComecTioNs on ail emu of th e Unkunill du lowa men , epleedlwkw3mT Slll7ll3llTant • • . a i tra atufßankaste Reelliee (l3lB 's, cenki, "k e ' ol Bank Now, nal epee* Fourth tune; near, ly ten Bank of Pin=k. ik,, =n .ty knakina neZe pdmeipal!pokt• b 3 The Milted Baum 'OWL • hWilma Penns paid fin Snatin lad AIDSIiO • • Advaatesuoade consign:mum of Prodnee, ahlo • • Earl, on Iberia woo. . HOLM= Ni. SON, BANXERS and Denims in Exchange, Cob and Bank Notes, No. IS, Market anon, Realm& Bell Razes. New V Exchbge. "*"Baying Rate. do Cirvio, • I tils Philadellaa do Ladrrille; -2' do 8... ,. 1 / 2 1 4. 00 ., R..... do r 2 11.. 6147: ----. 9db Co. k. Bon; 8"IA S • die • India* "do Reliallotca, •. "do gantaelrf, "do Peobeyhe.ma Cy " do' New York ' "d u o IThi er? Wheeling, il do Now Brims, 4 430 Tooneibee, 9do Maryland, odo LOW /OR Q. 1:071. _ . .... . L 110,11ISICHILL. _ .711 IIII; ICOlin? BROKER/I.&011. EXCHANGE DEALERS, Onus, No:SISNAnas max; , •i WO . . WHEELING, VA. 10 , , __ 0:141 . 11 t In+ C. MIT. Uk CURRY—Danken and Exchange Brokers, tak= In Foreign and Domestic:, Time and :Eels of Ezetunge,Cerriliernes ofDereone, Bank Noms and Coim No IS - Wood atm; third door below Rom* wen side. • - mann( arnar.mric. - laLL CO LexINIZERS, EXCHANGE BROILERS, as Hooka Fenian and Dranankillegehango, Ceniloaxas of to, Bank Nos* .21 Spain Pio. 61 Wood air one door above Family East auto, Pinaburp, Pa ocHidAarP ' raj on - Eoglantrlaad, sod flocels bought to any amount Oarnort Hite of Exchange. , Drafts payable hs say part of the Old C00n,,,., .6clos SI to ADD; u.tba rate '0(113 to thot withoot deduction or dleeoaat, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, &tripe= and Oesonal Ague, dlQro 6th tt one door wag of wood. acne alma usual , • • laowsso mann • miasma. i 'ILAN* BA.NICERS AND EXCHANGE munteits;ate.. in Fore'4n and Domes to Elinor Excheage, tlfcates of Deposita, Bank Notes and Coin, corner of L end Wood streets, directly opposite Bt. Charles Ho:. te - WICIITALRN If VIDA— . • Ohio, • • . a"" kennicky„ alsosan, . Bank Note. purchased as the lowest nun, b H y • N. OLMES A SON, dell . -, .. 35 Market street DILLS New OP Y ZIOHANCI*-43101C4.k. .L.P or • . Coactsaily for sole by NOLA & DON. _d_.elo lde:Mt et. COLLECTIONS—ThatIa, Notes, and .ltereptaai ces, payable is any part of the I;fe4 collected on the most favorable team. N. 1107• & SON. delo 66 Mart et HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. PAIIMONAIIILEI HALTS. 4THE subscriber, to addition to his owa ii —nufacturins of Hats, has made erring. punts with Muer &bee &Co., She most fashionable haneri of the city of New York,) for ® ales supply of hi. emrs Ark sat Hats, and havin,e rum received a fens cams, gentlemen can be suited with very rich and beautifo that by callingoo his new Hat and Cap Store, Smithl.cld street, second door south of Fourth, where may be found a great .varieny °Mats and Caps of hi. own - weathers., whedesMe and sc ull. Hats made to vier on short notice. slat . JAMS WILSON. , C 0 , 0., Mammon to hPConi k lang) Paslnlosable Hatt•es,L, -Cantor of IVexti and Fiffla PAIITICIILAR attention paid to our Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and Cap. from our establnt tg the our maraztas and aroackauanr, of thea , wash and ai the row rhea • Couttuy Merchants, patettaalna by wheaeale, are respeetfoUy invited to gall and annum our Btoet• as we an say with confidence thaj,"a regards warm and rata it will not surer Ina. comparisowAtth any house Philadelphia. „ febl7 litaahleamble Sat wad Cap .1111011taraotary. AiiIECI . II3E ANSIiUTZ, Agent, respectfully. informs his friends and the public' generally that be has commenced the manufacture or tut. and Caps at No. 33 Wood street, O. door above the corner of Second, wbere bn bas bow on hand a fine aasortment of lints and Caps of his own manufactins, which be will dispose apt the most reasonable terms, wholesale and retail, for rash or city accept... Hats made to order *Me shortest notice. apPo...lm .• • STRAW GOODS; DEALERS are' Welted to 'examine FL H. PALMER'S • monk 'erf Straw Goods, of Tin sprintl i vNtin=l c i a n =i t !' E. liA t,.... Ts..l stabbi • American do do; China Pearl do; &burg do; Rutland French Lace; Face? Gimp, ie. ke. HA born, Palm Leaf, Panama, Fanny &raw, do Braid, Itu and Braid, Pedal do. Also, Artificial IFlowers, Ribbons, Ro. Straw Ben. net Warebouse.os marketai . - , mares Spring .14•111.1•11241 for 18*S. , _Oa .311-nOOILD & oe., .• - Nan Wcosa At [WWI ISAITZIS, lirunman., the Spring Style of itatathis day, A L ? I I ' aturday, Match th, IR& eir friends and mummy am reqiiesteita call and nimbus their stock of Spring Hats, poet matted from NOW Yo k, at their store, corner °Mk and Wood its. tiara . _ . . 411-AII.ITILMSM B. MMEVEL. CHEAPM3r nahinuable Matter.in Pittaburgh. Principal .Btote,M Framalik soon. Manufacturing and accommodation Sum, cot. alwaysillard street and .Irugin alley., Mahan prices paid for shipping Fors. znyddy dit' 88 l" b /Ma aaava.,- JUST received from New York, , the, Siminta Style for ham,ronsisting of Whim Beaver Pearl end White French Cashmere Hans, with Ventilators. Thom ed to eall. In want of • bcautifejight Hat S. are rgeetfully - invit . 18 SA may 29 aimed et.. 3 dome above ith TO SOAR MAKERS. trirE following choice SEGAR TOBACCO, cerefet ly selected. are conlidemßy offered to the trade: 40 balsa prime dark St. Sara wrappers 4D 'l' " tillers • t " '" Yarn wrappers 40 " " " Geis. 67 " • " very choice Ygnary- " • Menses minx Connections% Seed " il SO kb& Kentucky tfcgailasif. lianincky by remit. SD bin Doct Stevens' Oronoko Chewing:T l obacco. M" P. Roblation's Homy Dew " Grunt's, Benton% Bey'. and otheibrds op. 611 . 1 b 3/ bbls =per Scotch SNUFF 60 • B 0 ks Garrett% „boales and loose ta,m sago " ~ f 3° toe Fllr ' ros Also, 4Bon, and Wooden TOBACCO PRESSES; with bar and necessary tools, traded for soy oCher good a Albite abort:aside's, will be sold low, and on good terms, by W A BOYD.of A., reyoo3Mwilt cor Pratt mid liollingswonhsts Baltimore Poonsylvaala Rail Road Company. IKTOTICE berets given that the fourthlestalment of 4.11 FIVE DOLL hPS per share on the Capital Stock of this Company, Is required to be paid ou or before the tat day ofJulypext. The oM instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per,shate, on or before the Ist Jaye( Sep. %ember, and th e siith iustabsienrof FIVE DOLLARS per sham on or before thq lat day of November next, at the othee, No. 79 IValutll litreet, Philadelphia. Payments will be received of ooe or mom instal :meats. or the stock:ll4 bripaid in full at the option of the stockholders, and interest will be allowed from data 'f a r :l6= e (S . not paid punctually, will be su bject to the penalty ofoneper cent. per month, as requited by law. VEORGEN. BACON, Treasurtr. . • . • . . , N. B.—loicalstiabb. will be recet.v.l by W.ll. DEN NY, at Blanufatiovars' h blerr.balue B. • myllaitodatlyl COTTON DUCK. FURS subscribers are operating the largest establish ment in the United Statbs, In the mmanfactore of thsa 9ali Intek;and offer lfor see to the dealers It, Pittsburgh, at their lowesi prima. Duck of superiors quality, of every desetipdon of width and weight,. suit able for covenag Steamboats for Awnings, Tarpau lins, Tents, Sacking, Sonoma, &a , 72 inc heavy data; 88 lus h do - so d 84 inch do do • n 44 [nett do do 42 inch do do • 5 ' 0.3 21 loch Atilt, from No. 1 to No. IC , , 4.4 loch lbsiens'..- No. I in N 0.1%; • Ft'o , ' 27 and 14 Ina heavy twilled Duck, ho. ' Deal.* will dad an advantage in porehasingfiom manufacturers direm, rather thanat second hand. • GAMBRIL,L, CARROLL & CO, Baltimore, Md. . Enna . . N the Orphan% Coon kw the County of Philadelphia. In the mattes of the petition of Robert himiLted 4 -• • - •• On motion of - James Hanna, Eau., Attorney for Wil liam 'one of the heirs of said decedent, the. Court grunted a =ls upon the other heir. and perm. Interested in the Real Ernie& of said decedent, and to shier cotta Why the estate, appraised by the Sheriff's inquest, should not be sold, returnable on the first Fri. day to July next, and thee once of end rule be even by admutisemtut twice amuck, for four 'reeks, in one public ttebrspaper,.published to the 'city of Pittsburgh, nod for the same time imonAnowspapor published in the elm. Of Philadelphia. , • (r. a] tWitueas the glut:. Edward Meg, -fudge, at PhlitidelPhia, this wend' day of June, 0040. .• • JNO. A. J.LSW/S, Dep. Clerk°. C. , Aelfalailatihaterat✓illeaie - t — • LMEC:Sof Math: dental on' the E:ele of wa. 2d4Ctilghl, dereeserhaving beesegianted to the 1112ditligliltli; all persons having clams or detalede night.* field IMAM, are lacerated m make, known the Without delay,- to Robert !WlCnight, at bbindlee on gnat etreetrAnd all means indebted to the acme ore Lep:llo4W weak. itaarditiinteepeent. • t tit t CATHARINE. arRIUGHT, - ) • • r, ROB ERT brb2lloll7', , tliblialateltt_ • '• 0 AND COMONEESof goodh Omni by lanes Ursa, aro hereby ruled that in cora grim af Oa destruesion of Ur Froirot Atroduet, no ietil be delivered by as without wrtten orders fro* the owners and eanaluneer io &maid than at that,. additional . norm. . takta - 'JOHN hIePADEN Co . ;',L SY STEAM TO THE AQUI:DUCE._ L E i tt , kth?....w.illrezd=eamboat Foremen wW bA; o u t w PhiMslpkia and Baltimore as usual, with. out ant &lay: For Cattikei iMortation *tate on thit *Sea, atone Hoar, or ot Latch 3 Co., .nthe Canal Resin. - •. • r Valhi PURE tutiais—The eaboontion inuring, te ookb A = 4 / I hruix It= u' * n4. now [Oshawa' to Ml orders An r• quad% at . 114. = etitlatti pttatla l We' of prent•Wzon an hells ,politi.U, WI other; ,fra bunk. Aow A WANDLTY Co,Canal Bute. M I r W ai:2rikb&P 4 .':!:- TiFf4,....„. i.. ii' - g:.'. -0T 1. .7.. a:. ' 1 14.ti., ..; ..... MEDICAL -- kid!!:IYI:t.11,-2.t:4 .I.li . . • rmims WI. ABLiE.EXTEUCT Ii an Inmelue ble remedy for nrileptic Flo or Falling Richness, um., Spasomlre. It is well keel.; that from time Immemorial, physicians hems pronormed .tie Fits incurable. It has bathed all their skill end W boasted power of all medicine, end ornamently thou. • sands Mrs salfered through a ensemble eximence and liens at last yielded up their on the altar of insanity.. With all deference, Ith . ..crag to the ophrions of the . great end 1..3 . 1, v msa n y r that i lhas her, cs T red. , . HAR For sixteen years, has been totted by many perMgg who have' =Leered with this dreadful &sok w t every mule where It has had a fair trial, has deoc:co • Permanent ens.. Me of SS years and 6 months, mod by the use of this truly wonderful nualleina • , •• - - Read the following remarkahle cue of Rio Son el Wm &me, rag, or Philadelphia; Witted with F4l - 'Fite' 07 yam and 6 months.' After timelline hrongirEngland, Sc Germany tad Renee, cona• tutting the mat eminent physichens, and ;xding medicine, medical treatment and =vie three mad dollars, rammed with his son to this country to November last, without , receiving any, benefit whets. er, and was cored It rasing HARTS Vkai relax EXTRACT.' • Mr. Wiliam Secore's Letter to Ike. Ivan! and mart Ihave spent rivhe three thousand dollars for me& tine end reediealmwadance. I was advised Make a Ens an Hun With him; lei eel did:. I firet visited England. combed the most eminent Ph h' 'there in respect to his .eme; they examinee him . end 'prescribed accordingly. I nenelned thrte. months wthout parceling any,change far the better, which coot me about two hors re d and filly doll...pocketed by the phyaiciana; and the mom that I received was their opmton that to cams Ms hopeless end posi tively mutable. L 1 accordthgly le6England, and tra.., elled through Scotland. Germany and Prenceothel re turned holm -In the month of November Ise, with my sort as far fronsbeing cured as when I left. I sew your advertisement in one of the NeW York papers, and concludol to try Rert'a Vegetable Egan.; seeing your statements and certificates of inemany. cores, some of twenty and Miny years' standing, and I can assure you I am not sorry 1 did so, as by the use of - X=l Wpm; hie Extract Worm, he was restored to perfect health. His rem., which wee so far gone to to - unfit him for • business,. is entirely restored, with the prospect now before Sunt, of life, heelth and met:Mesa Ile le now 19, years of age ,•and ir years and 6 menthe o(thn time has been !Mimed with this most dreadfal of db. easem but thank God he is now enjoying good health.' , Now, gentlemen, faith without work. don't be li eve ht. To say that I ...eh= be ever grateful to you is one , thibll7..d .1 here enclave you one hundted dollars, I bare no doubt bat that you will . think this Is another and quite a different thing. The debt el gratitude I still .ore yea, bra please to accept the present amount az interest on the debt, advance. . Yours very. respectfully, _ . L. • (Sispred,) WILLIAM SWORE TO THE AFFLICTIiIit • one of the proprietors 'of this Ihvalstable medicine was, allikted for several years with Epilepticerits. The Mamie had• produced the worst tacet upon his gat em, vic Lots of memory, imbecility ofmind, twe • perfect prostration of the nervous 'gym. Ile hod tried the skill. of the best physicians for Berea years, and grew worse under their treatment, and ha' blew that this medicine wee hit only hope for health and life, arid seas therefore determined' to LK i ta fair tnel, and to persevere in he use, which he. and the rends' wee a perfect restonuion to health, whi t was Conti, rte. 'lied anMterropted for neuly ' en yours. - ' We weld refer to the fo wing persons who hare been eared by tuung.Hart's egctablo Eruacti Col EDettalow's daughter is !afflicted rine )cars, resides atTonkant, New Yark. 1;, • - ~- ---, W Benne nine years, 171 Grand st. ,_ -, , ---- 13 anon years,l2 Dover at ~. • 'Joseph hinhetral, nine years, Ean Brooklyn, L gii u w smith, Nil. York Canton Mum . - IS Ray', ..___twenty years, anon Island. Ma E MW.en4 - twenty yenta, le - orkvilli:- AllawE clone, twelve years, 119 Ilaunnerely sisi - Wm 11 Parnell, UMW...ht. yeara,r,Norfolkaitl ' Jamb Petry, fear years, 174 Delimayet _a - - • Philo Jobs ßon, twenty- Mght year., Greencastle, Pig • ledge B.. , ett 94 East Breradavy,'Nny Yoa., Theramil II lonqs, of the US Navy, . - -. _ Copt Wm Jemmy, Btato at Dridgeppri, et Reference also made to ' _ _ . • DO W it011206,611116:14 0. ROT Richard Tamtt, West Dairppoct Net , Re. T L Dashnolf,ltelthiaofe, ald • . Jar Joseph Bradley 117 Orchard si r N. Y. ' • Moot., ZTJ EiaMocuth et;, • Mrs Junco Bonholl, ilhectu, Chuto co. John .118 Ylizaboth • do • D A Richto, I V Delmany at, •,' — do Jain Smith, 136 Lictrolk et, -. do Chula. Drown,loo Wales 0, • • All of which may La c 5.141 upon, Cr adputd, yogi Paid ' 11:r ?r or ound by D. 8 MAT, (IIU:lva-n; /luta Now Tt.- • • , G F.TIIOVAS & Co, RS Main s‘ between 3d arid' 4th ma, mid 162 Milli et, between Rth rind sth utmota gairtuaH 0614. wholuolo agetua fur ihe ; •••• •' • • • • ~ L WILCOX, Jr., corner o f nuke: rood the Dial mood, only art in Pittsb'g P e .. - julnlawlv -- litilLg /11b - 10AD 0 F.DION. s - - - -, No. Obs.D/AMOND ALLEY, •a few doors beim Wood street, to . • . : 4- • • • •-•- . •Mk 41.0*Aills - baving n ern • .. . • - ~..„ . : regularly e , tinned to the medical" _.,, -.,. profession, and been for some time -' ' . h•- ' ,: jf r!' th general practice, now naafi.. . , . ~- sd , his attendna to ;the tierament, of • ..,. $ 4 l . thaws. primne tad- delicate emu) ~ , . \ plaints for which"hls opportunities, ). i' ",..''.... 1% and Ife j i :::ll:l:2'..l;',llrjar 10 .1007 IC treatment of those complsinta,(darmg which ,- time babas had more practice and has cured mare pas '. news than can ever fall to theiiiit of any, private prat,. tanned amply qualifies hint' to offer assurances of mitt. 1 r il renT ' d i scuss, 'n no d .11 %rj i". 7 'l' t° t",1111_ f.m... Di. Brown would inform those arßicted • with private diseases which have become' cheering by time or eg. - graveled by tlie use of any of the- common tiostrums of the day, that their complaints cm be radically and thow . oagitly cured; be having given his cerefal - IllttllliCel to .. the treatment of such nisei, and succeeded in hundreds of instances in curing persohn of inflammation , of the • neck of the bladder, dud kindred diseases which Men result from those cases where other. have consigned them to hopeless despair. lie parte daily invites such RS have been long and mmccessfidly trea-d b y others to consult him, when-every tater - anion will I, pivep them. and their caws treated in a careful, thorough and intelligent manner, pointed outnya long rapt rieute, study • , sod l investigation, which it I. Impassible Minima engril 1 ss : 1. t . neral practice of medicido to give any irjHernia. or Huptura.—Dmllmtvh also invites per sou afflicted with Bente to call, at he has paid partic• aloe attention fo this disease. ..: • • 7 . • Skin disease.; also Piles, Palsy, ete., sgemdily eared. Charges eery low. - N. ll—Patients, of either sex living at a distance., ty staling their disease in writing, ;tying all the rympj toms., eau obtain:medicines with do ss for ote, hy addenaing T. BROWN, M. IX, post paid, .d endue. ing • fee. • Office No. 4 6; Diaroand-alley, opposite the ',mealy Rouse. • • • ID" n No care o pay. &OIL A hIERCHANT OFTIIIS CITY, who had been of dieted with theasthme for four years, had taken almost every thing. Ili. ithysicians constantly aunt. ded him. and he hod expended over two tbousaluidok lan. Re neverbelieved in advertised to.ediones, but considered thereall hambiths. At last .Ite tried Dr. Tayloi's Balsam of Liverwort, from = Beek man stm et, New York, and In six weeks was 'entirely mired, hav ing taken only threelindes.. This is Only ono of many cues where iron* try objections to op atent Medicine have prevented perso from using Ibis medicine, who. have expended hundre na ds of dollars to their phymeitins in ireth—end in the end owe their recovery so the infal lible- efficacy of this purelyetable preparation. There no mistake, that this m e dicine is supevior to any remed y :. prescribed by. medical adviser,. This medicine has taken IN yenta to mature, end is thesu mo remedy for diseases ever Introduced to the'nublici norm Pains. Cerruti...sin nuornems or Bourn Ctstsmi—Sedieving rdr a long time with these complains,' hathgiven op ell hope of being muted.' I bad consult, rd the bolero° Mid homeopathic d :more in vein. I had . usedmoury article s advertised, lint found no relief.- In despair I had giveirep'the else of ell medicines. Hear• ing of the great virotes of Dr. Taylor's Holum of Liver. wort; unitthe err., at cures , it hnd performed, Induced me to try H, and to my milt joy nnd notoniektnent, woe ketier daily. I continued its tire,oleo his tenor. Coated Pills. until I am entirely cured. - 1 - Dr. Taylorfa Balsam of liverwort is the best medicine in theworld, for these complaints ; and will cure every one afflicted. SETH:LAWRENCE., . • Captain of thir,Naney;of New York. Anima Ccatto.-1 have snared from the - As:limn a very . bang time, and have used every medieiriß'l Hold obtain for its cure fuin, until I tried Dr. Toiler's Regain of Liverwort. This medicine bur afordetkine most manifest benefit, and-is, in MT opinion, it cure for this distressing disetue; more uspeciolly. us I know of many eases amookmy friends, where Rhos been hilt. ly sueeeisfuL Persons interested are bodied to call at my residence for further Information. • • • ••• • " MRS. S. RUTON, 219 Laurens ss Sold in Pittsburgh by J D Morgan .93 Wood sg J Townsend, 45 Market 64 II Smyser, eor Musket and 3d sort Henderson" & Co, 5 Liberty st Price minced U 5111.50 per bottle: • ••;- ; , ie23. • lot A. FiIiN,F.SIX3CK'S Pucurnotoc or Cough lie- Ale Sam, has a great advantage over many-other Cough preparations, as its pleasant taste permits it, m ew used yahoos nicortrenience. But its value t 3-11., Balsam consists in the spesdinets of its cute, We hare' known some of the shoat desperate 'coughs, some or which head been running on for a r ionsiderable length olltinro.ule..ltaloosertoltom. thereat inter, every one is liable to take eoltl pad , - uhfess great precautions are used.' . Wet feet Wad Undue exposure. to the inclemency' of the weather often lays dm' fituudation of backirg. eroup i tt, which needs &quick remedy to prevent serious We • have numerous eerdficates of cures which it has Renamed, 'many of which ore front persona is this city and the neighborhood, smd they ore a saticient auterence "Printout ass another wont in its favor. - • Pyred. end for ro le wholesale arid retail by, B A .PAt }ZWICK Co, corner of wood and Ist end Iv and thitSlA • • "`-' Dr. EoWs Tonic and Antl.Dyspopts I ' PILLS. • HE "d g are P a ' adV cr i c to rill. o n m " re C Z l ; arising from it indict, ke.., such sYiek. non and soreness °Late atm:each. heartburn. headaeli, Ice., where a medicine is_reguired._ this mon is very applicable; for Its carminative and sooth ingo cf. Peels give almost immediate relief 'when encore et sicknels exist. ha purgative operation upon tit_ mum ...soh and bowels is gentle aid effectual, nail its tonic properties_impart strength to the dine/live organ., ten et. enabling Mete orgaue to perform their prupgr teet.. with order regularity/ I The price has beenreduced from SO to •ss cis a Lox. For sale wholesale ...I email by . . . • 'A TA lINESTOCX corner final and srbod. and 6th and Wood ata' It Agentaior rivaborgh - • • lk COWAN'S WORM KiLtriti. far superior to all AIL other remedies for Worm.. • • . . • June 14/10MR. Tins cm& certify that I gave to two of my eaildren, three and five yew-sold, two eaTooofals j‘Riffran'a Worm Killer, to each of thon. Phu youngest passed allergy worms, the trnalleo conld lent have measured •—• less than seven inches. .The eldest parsed so large a - camber that we not begin to count them: 1 barn used all the popular remedies before the poblio tor - worms, tun can say with a elear eolmicitee, Morgan./ • Worm Killer Is far superior to any now before the pub. t 4, lie. - : .• SA3ICEL JOHNSTON. Bakerstown, Allegheny roomy, • . • Prepared andeold ' wholesale and retail by the pro prietor. JOHPI , D MORAIIN, Druggist, • • tea_ ''WoOdatreekTntuburgh. • • -r 12DIPS CELFMRATED ITCH AND TEITEE, La OINTMENT is the most effeerool remedy. before. Me public for the cure of utter. Itch, dry and wetemc'..... pimples or the Jars; sleek and 'hely, e. scaly WWI; and WI other theca of 1110 This Ointelthl: warranted free from' reireary, is , perfectly safe, • may be _used at all times and wader. all eireenstantle.' , i A snlgy Of the valuable weedy received mod ". A FAIINCTOCK.k. comer of Ist amt wodli, also, metro( Mb nod wood . streets. Trilnit been senora - Rd sole agents for the sale , of Berekhann A. Co' s superior Lard: .00, consmntly oh hands large aepply,arlards • they will:Ain:ash to demlire at the lowed merits% pries.' for eash.i . • /EXPO& and to many melt of Dress Prince; rre4 eea 1.-*' press it; hula • F H EATON d_Crea C 3 AND SHOULDEIIS7,Omr cluddlt, *" "41°1.4 I' , I WROWN kanaszago zi ==M MEE MEM