The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 28, 1848, Image 1
!Ml' l 4-if -NAIAt LAPILAAI 00.- 1 41ide and Lowlier /kat; Worry ns.Ne.York.. ~ ~ . . .ILonnenur..-John] WWI r+ttqnnAhr.F. Levitt 4. P . Cosissunents of Weanta Lentboi solicited, and Lik. TalAdvaseen tosdniii. required.. feidAnen • , At TWOOD, JONES tc . Co- Communes.. and For.. /11. wanting AlernAnnyt* Lava rotumxl to their old nand, }Vigor sald Isnot streets, piui ar S L , ocr2l iDf4us ,REMER; I Vholesale and Hernia ,Drair .l.) ' bura, guts, corner of Liberty awl 64.. Clair ar r ests, Pilo. Pa • . ItOWN ,CULNEZEtTSON,.WhoIciiiIs Grocers; 11 and Commission Merchants, No. tea, Litienr Pittsburgh. Pa.. dal] Ix._ 44, F41141 - -.YTOCK.A. Co, WholmJe,,and Re. Lad Ikuigisa, euraer..Wood and Gibru...: lFl 1:1&_(1)411'd & SMl. l ll,lVttideaalo Gioner4 In and J-P W wo9.lalrent ritiaborgh.. ll A . • & Ca Forwardiog and CniTW ALereluna, Coital Basin, Futsbargh ' . _ e„.wa. rurzra J i Jaw. /.....I.Xpsoh. M. /I.4IIAUJI CO +/SOMA, lIARAIAN, Co4lihoriollotorers of Carriaige Setptiog. and Axle!, A. 1k nod poritsg &eel, ay.l - Wood dealrls in Cowl Truziating. of !Very de . m oppoo,Oor.i., ous factory' Claorki 4 1 0 1 .1- osi St:Clair as. Worehbooo - 4J • 'IOWA CMLULART, 'Wholesale Groton., des!. .L.`j ers ' Prods& sod fittiburtit Manufsoutzes ear 12sr . rE . lns Ustol AU, mmUsa, . • , • /ANN J. DUG • U gaiNErr, °Go LoglishrGallagher ILI .4. ed.) Wholesale Grocers, Comm Far ardalll.v4relote, and doGers in Produce sod Pins- NG'S, ' /scums, No. Wood sh, between td us! : 14 ._ : , 0 . 7R1EN .D2 1 1 .6Y-dc Co'.4 oleanla 'Grocers and Authonto, gold Agents kor Hrigleton Couon Yaw, Nos. S? War and pb buttrb, ' t ' feb, DLUMJ, nun Fone ilienoraetilter awl dealer FL , aura !It- Wood tt., near SM. VAUA6III43, — LIJNO h. AMA& pog.dc'Te audi lee rmel,,liciereco sod sad emalifield etreciii;Pieriburgh, re• price given for old Copper pea minp... ( 1 4 1 1CCIE COCHRAN, Ononielion sod Fori4iiirding elcrchote, No. Ve Pi - oniceeet. Pieetonple #6 , 10 firIIARY BauNot, Whin gold Inirteed Mania. _EL neuter, Poitipond Oil Merchant, conker city end O'llen Pitteliereti. - eelat • • . . T DICKEY a, Co..lVholes,ple 4roftn, Com. armors Narchaais, IRA deniers in Pnxbps, Nue.GO war, end Iti7 Front KIWI, I . .llttbdrgh. BUYS TOliN IL li&EElN;AtiornaLiand e.orrnar r ilor arLart. ty and COIASUiIIidOSIer for. Ilia Eats, l'etunyhrania hr. Louis, Mo., (laic or Pinitarratt.) • Hx•XacatsaLn-Pituburgar ILon (V Forwn,d, Damp. zoo & Miller • AVCandlesa & ILPCIare Jolm E Puke; Fliaaalia & Brwpla , 111'Cord le: King. . jelkly. 'TO WY tiCOTT h Co y cub Gram,. Forward fl lag an rn d CoanaanuL Merchants., Dealer., to Pro. date,and Alnunfaelarea, No,? CoMirlefeill I ...How , liberty olaraJirmar tha•.saai Pylilnirs kt,Pgr. . r .LY&IY • . T BRYAN, 'Rectifying And' 'Whotecalc ,eilealec RoreigiCand Doolesue \Vines and Li quors, N 0.114 'Liberty street,. - tug' : Lfiiiniond' Alley Picisbcrgig Pc' s J:MOGeire,) Merchant Tailor, licaquilluT m Thai street, near Wood, Pittsburgh.: • TAMPS IIUTCRISON, ,Co,—Saecer.sont to tr Lewis lhaehison t Co, COVIII6iS4OII Nerelotre auld Atents of the tiL Louts Steam &tgor Refinery. a, No. - 4.1 water seal 02 Goal sums 11u.sborgb: • Tr. IL BLACitrAterchiut.Taiior,, Elan*. Da. U et. Clam Pituburgh. • • jultht 1011 N S. DlLlVORM—Wholemala' Grrktt Pro t! dare and Cotosavfma Merchium, Noir 'WOW TORN v . mime esolo D at, awl &al er in Dye Viodix,roOdsoado, VoriZiaro..sN.: 93 Wood s000,•ouo dooiSoutt! tholoond by, Inns burgh. . I loot • KERR, Jr., d 0o.; (necosaor •Joseph u , /lsrls,)rilp Chandlers, ad Water stret oe3l TOM AIELLO*, IVlsolesalo nnd~Rpuil denier ' 11). i Alogo ond Noma] •Inatrtorkents, School Wok, Paper, Slates, Stbc/ (blllll4 Priutern”Carda, anti .• Mauattory gerserolly,tio.ol Wood flusO • v. Liao bouglu or taken is triolO,. urgls.. .LL eolS 41C1100NMAIIER • • No. Al Wood Eno, riuNnugh. ; TOBY:PH JOY/DOHA SON; Cotruni,,,d, Per if warding Marabouts, Bio: 13 Liberty ab,!j(ppusit e •141E,ro', 44,_p_toa_ OHM AHAWS, Auctioneer, corner tittittud %. Waal ' - yous3lx.*l h STOCIMN, Booksellers, Vi a.% ..itud, raper lanstuachamn, No. 44 Markets rine. L • • jet{ Book store, 4114 =zit Mar iy.:o=rhalso!.4*.a.ili,„ kct Wee!, T W. 11.01.1,ERTSON k Co., /Link - era and Exchange t i ef o t ,l lzkapb caco, of. IV au,d3J ata, Wareham'. 11-r Curz U try' La 'll.b"r j k x - the usual wax JOAN ORLE,He' Giocer, dealer in Yro • ' dd , r, fOlebers& Arsaufeetores, Wm et. Pitudealgh. • jaa3 roux noia; Kama. 72.0 m. &11.:PLOYD, Tale' Floyd & Co,/ Iltholuale , l broeere, o. ISM Liberty greet JAMJESAwc baur dealer NanuLewrea co Prod.:re and Prttrburgb! a Water at, ?Melberg!, jerrio • Yeastylns' Ivo.. Works. - • u alaiaux. a e,iaf ..tufnetoren of all si-1 an Lou, ilhost, •Uoiler sad.Ksik of al:Lobe.. 1.414. Worrhouce, b 1 cater .4114 trots al •• • . 1,7 botesale Grocer, Forward: jag and COSOUliele. Merchant Dealer iu Pitcej Martafechuan aud.Pnxtuce, Noe, M Water sly um: zurourr, • -- :lttostragros- 4 pr .AIkiLIERT E 5 - ItII'DON, itilaolesale Cloccp,Foy Waardlng nitil COl/1.111.1011 ,Alr.telutnis, deltas 414 c.. 1 . 1 h/14.g1a dlasznmetates, Nos. 13 and 1 ood eskargh. • 1 kW= 7.IROTAEILS & Co.,,Comelmean&ler:e Pialadetplus, for the sele-orprodete tia. a aeoui, icon atti WALT= C. zoo, NeGLLI.; ItilpFIELl3 Whoomoc tiroc:q and corturuyion Merchants ? tio. /p4l . • lkir ALLEN & co; Forsnudius ALL, gerelisit4, Water, luld . Front be;vree4 %V00..1 and M.A., W. GE= 'hiILLER , a . II.ICLIF...i.dttN, Vila= °roars 111:15i emotion:at llerchauts, N0..170, Liberty • • !- inal4l eth:181.1. to' KING, IVholesale aiiit Retail Mu . and 411: Cop Manufactures, nod dealers tn.-Fancy 212 cameras Wood and Fifth . ' ' • tatet .ICF" 60N, No. '65 - .l.Larker oh-,sec duot fens center of t'ourta,".loalera in Forennt ,and Skaueatie Bills of Ezr.hauge; - Ceralleatea efDepos. 0, Bask Nowa and Specie. . irptCollectiona: road on, all the principal elfief tbrauchoat. the United States. --• INDEXTICC boxers:oil Co deemsl saisaion and Futrardiu sweet g Merchants, No. 4I Wale - DoaxaridoonE, wholuw. • Abiluaillet,' dealer us Produce, Pritzburgls Abu Men, sii.kluds* of Foreigu end •Domestle Wio . siodjsidaors, I\o.ll Liberty wool. ;Uu bon sl , very bugs sock soperlor Dlonoogisholo 4.b.k01s ~„...sugsgh WU,. sold bwfoesu6 . • olll:OILY OBERTSON' & REPPERT-prottztee Valera 274 Coftnabiloiri Arischams, N0..1119 Seetad street, amairmona EitaßD, T. Lti.F.Cll, Jr, Imparts, au& Dealer in Po ' aa4 Dasnamaie Saddlery Ilardarue at • ' a ga of W daaatipaaaa Na. 1.T..1 wool al.;Pivabuma. - - : • np23 TjtiCHAB.Lt BAltD;Wholigsle•and-Reuitt baler in JAVlntalbar, Monnani 81Beentakere Tone. and Find. unp, ',annexe awl Cutlers' Toole,' aryl 'panne.. OA, No. /Oa Woalkt, Pittsburgh. • „. • "asala .11161114/S avmxac YMOLL. itlltSlo.l. ROMNSOX fr. C 0.., Insiesale Grocers, Produce MA,. and C.l.mission Merchant., .11d Dralenin rttr. • harsh dlannfactures, Len Liberty. al.l , Piusburth, IYOBEJITDALZELL & Co l . IVhalessie „1.1• Gr./ CoitstaisiJott g VOtaniulcaletChtintlytkale us Pixdutos lima Pittsburgh Alautisaeursyr.'tiberrgs DEYNCILIAS9IIEE Pozwat,linc lend Costuaisi ALL, Metelows, for daa AllegbenY Trade"desl - onto titocezies,' Ptodoec,Pittaborzir mu tfiteo Tboldgbetokletts'in eashipoid of all tiioUies!iou • UT .17 ~ r CornettaPeta sod Irwin atY. ' pow, OiLIiFOILL es Cm, Commission lilmohnots, en/ m s opposite Siniinfoinl, Dealers to " •...MI Seeds, sno 4.14-iy! • QUITU & 4011 NAON, 'Wholesale d noun! tnalsis 0„/ in - kWh:sty Chosta, an Lases, Hosiery and Falsely Anielso,/to. 40 Markit succi,nd dam above Third •"L C. snseumm, • • -- • T . EACKLEUT •it. %YURI?, Wholesale Dealers, =in eee lejenme DrY (roods. lio.flO Wood St. cis aed g."17.,..1.? r""'"'W Pit,.. .4a.- . HATIALF: Co.,llloissak Grocerstld eye t t a ch d apiallo: 2lll darketsucct,becircen . htli Rh. Nord. skte,s 11adelphia. .a t tr. rata . •totrg IntßaCtuts 41A - 1 - I — aarto. rrodoce and °costal Cam. tattaloa - Mire 17 Liberty at., PlUslargli. lawny Licaaci!tuadlard Oila. • • , ; - 071 In k Pi ' ical " io u rg a aud giattohictutes and %V l = Pos". worarcsaartal. air new watahonac,lald acaltil) cOrtaar c(Pstint at. and Lane. QadUEL.BL twit, VOtariiiling and Conuoissien 1,7 Merchant, Dealer to - PrOduce and Pittsburgh =mut. lactated snicks Cityll Basin; ticar 711 t at 64 • . Y s aarr. Whok..lo ihnrer. and Co L r k trl 44 7 . 1 asus.wdd dealer. Prodocor NO. .34 addicts n ud 349 " 6°1 1.....5 at-V.7° 1 116i Wtd.EAast :litacalap4htte. addltip ath — Scriiiiburgli. MY • .nn In /he gegansi land orate as 'Washington, will attend to di my 'taunts! line hoc orcspcnre to applicants. . • - - , , x ~1 • ' : . r ;;:ii,.., ~.5..., „.11::41, it•,=•2•---',4.',:-.;,;:;-,77....:;f44.- t . . ' :40. •. / , ' . •!. I ' , • -- t - • -"-•• r I -, ' - ' s F. T . ' . _ -• • ;..01 . • "' = Tirg - - - ILIT 8011/EN—Gommtssion and „Forwarding meLmeLlicstiO Front at. between Wood and raaa n. celes, trk4ll, 11.C.I;LiZzs. lirACK & imecessors to LA J. IL T, -- Wick,) Wholesale Grocers,' Forwarding and Commission alerelunds, dealers - in Iron, Neils, Glass, Cotton Van.. and Piltsburgliallmufnetures generally corner or WoLd and Water streetstntsburgh. -tiry 111.iir.CAL ir-; anir . estsblishment, Ica. 244 Liberty at., near the mars_ Yd. • • . VV. AL OARRAILD. D - ailer In Fancy and Slap!. , BO ' S Dr Good,n, N'o:79 Market sure; Pittntantit. -4 WILSON, pesder •nx Watch.. Jewelry, F.; Hilver 51, are, lab lazy Goods, Na.. 57 N- MURPHY L :Whaleiede and Retail &lac. in WNV Foreign and porneeficf Dry Goode, north Coot tomer or Market and row* rle. . • • augli NITARRICK MARTIN /r- Co,. Bunkers, , Dealers In V Exchange, Bank Notes and Colakorner ol Third aran %Food arrears, Pitelbazgh,Fa 7 _ • • novlaaly VaL 100. X. hi . CFI.I. TM YOUNG &Co.—Dealer* is leather hides, At. /431..ib.hay Jana-1y ;vv. aM. jMITCIIy_.TRF:i.:—.IVI T l c eal e , I troc.... i ryt tecouy and ow hda erd:Lords, oleo, Powder, N 0.16 0 Importers of Soda,./tel, awl itleoebuit Liberty to. Pittitbdrgt, Pa. janikily , kir= %Antrim, coo.. k 4 JONI. e`k BLACKBURN & Co., NT'booaale Grocers and 11../...0.00ra Al Oar, Boni Bloir, goal Potalo.agh Moo- O.thetured articles, Lave ou Land, at Ail time., a full and r.,urrat asaoraneut Of goods a their line, Water ameri, orareborrr AlieVrittabotsß. • • . • :yam :Tim -M. TOWNSEND, Druggist and ApotLecarf, ',N0:46 Market at, hrse &ors slave Thim.m. rms. Link aril! have constantly on band a well selcotsilsw sonatem of the beat and. timeliest Medicines . which be will sell on the mast reasountile terms. PkYMMuus benitig. orders, will be nos ritiended to, mid sup plied. with article s they may rely upo doe genuine.. l• Physicians they Le accurately any peattprepared from the hem nuiterisla, -2 E l . 3l. turen e lotte ettiek or Posh mot good - Peet,- UtAtILE EOTTON WORES, ..CO lure Cotton Tam, Caudle ‘yrek,.libutmg. Eoverlot Yarn, Carpet ttaeja,lll•47s:l: Co. • (Successors to Arbuckle & arety,),.; Prupneturs. A LEDOUX & No: Lamed street, New' Or !AO', leans, Agents fOr.l.l3.•Annant's Extensive:Steam :Sugar Refinery. ' Always ott Land - a large stock of in laafi Powdered Carrels, Alto, Sugar !louse Molasses. Prices liberal, and a air allowance atadc:on all sale, of or above fin barrels. •' 'Monongahela' Livery S table. , I.I,ROLIEfer 11. vArrhAsON hhs opened ROOF: large sin/Aeon hint sh running through to Second ay between Wood end running s through sla,ia . 111 e rear of the blaucogahela House. wide nu entirely new stock of Llorsea twit carriages of the beat quality Audi:Lust styles.: ii 0 11...r.d . hie hi in the beat manner. .t. '.ijnally iVooleu Yarns sad Worstedi, nrdttear, Needier., ries, Tapes, Ilistiles, de, No. CS Alarket street, betpieu tumid mei 4U t liusburgh. NEW SADDLERT'ILARDWARE STORE, R. T. LEECH_, JR. INO. 123 WOOD IST., PITTS/IVMM ITANINO reLlztlsbe:t mystk freui the trtt .o sonott e n7lhg to "cony. ers sta i d niltlers, That lunaprt pored to furnish themsehli in goods to toy line, on mil better terms than belmocore. sively" II thereby advantages that .enabiee*rae rl to defy competi tion. Call, see, soul bulge Mr yourselves. apt:. PITTSBURGii STEEL WQRES AND. SPRING ANL) AXLE FACTURE. • . reAccrogirs,,..7c;NES iituaa soul r. qrion. i I itrANUFACTUREICS of epritig al blister nee',. plough steel, steel, plough coach mid clip tie crinngs z hammered, omn ogles, and dealcni in Tel-. feeble eurtmgs,firo engine lamps and coach truntrungs F utrell'', comer of Rose and Front an, Pittsburgh, TEA STORE.=No. zt. Fourth k, Ileac quantities of 0n,.,,, and Black aeon, done up in quarter, half, And thte pound packages, rat:Ting 1191116 U eta per pound filaßh •tyl k.S. A. JAYN, Agt. for Pekin Tea Co. LAW OFFICE •WN. T1111131.1N. .A:I4O.IINEY AT LAW, • . • Burks, .Pa ni l : 11111 r ajl tirq Va. Rater to • - • J. R. Floyd, Liberty et. tVallasist, do . ' Jades hlantalt, Pittsburgh. dly Kay dr. Co., IVood Jan: T • 1.1: SWEITZEK.,;AIinsuri came 2.1 ay. .0.0 oppiwita h.l.t.,Chaslea Hoxl , k.inaburgh, will al attains promptly to Consultant, in 11 • tishirtstutt, Fayed. and Green counties, ' Blacio4ock, Bell it. . • Church &CamOben, ratalowelt. I: AFSEY Am D..T. ilaremia a 5 • • facially ra!zl.-1. and Indian& audio Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended to. Commimiouer tor the nate of Peon for taiLuel&pealtione, acanowletiscumns &a- ace. Area TO —Boo. Wm. Bell & Son Carus, Church & Carothers, Woa. Maya, Fau , dlocic , &• aLM lA/ ILLIA.IIS & lmeeemora to Loivrie aml Y V l% Attorwm ant alumeellore at Law. puice : , orth aide of eoorth suacq :heave .fablld&.wly I • 7-7 .11A.taaon SEIVELL. anoiveirtb LAW, ICI. vssnoth6ld, between 3.1 w d 4W paIVALLD t, SWAILTZWELDEII, Atiorneys s. ' tosur,lotenrelllo7.l W.I . OMR to the Saab lode so . l'oarth el, between Cluary Alley and Grant street. Apar. • TOSI:P/1 KNOX - , Attorney ot taw, Pittsburgh, Pe., V hne resumed the practice of his profeeefroft fo his of fice, N 0.., LtakeerclPs Sluildings, Grunt rd.. oecupted, thrung hie unmoor, by T. J. licglodu and .1, Gaiety, N.rilgtvif TOIIN L IiALLAT/N, rimy- uS,Lnor, &Moe or O 4th n, between Grunt and throilidichl, south side 'Pittsburgh, rdeo attend promptly to bushier to tlfo Wit.triPS : .• . . k1.;17.68N50N, Attunterrat Lori - , has r , , - t d Li* onion to the irsettnalghltulldins,r Cron . rt., next door to Aldern Johns. - iptTly _ dtio . nly at tam, odes ut G'43l9reNt7bove ataithl74l4.l. • splay BSIJILANCE, DILLAWALLIC.MIUTITAL INSLIRANCE Ltd 1 WIN FINNEY, Je.,Ageet at Pia.sbuith for the Lel FLF mirage alatualtlefetylimarance Compaay Mill tufelphar.••• Fire Risks upon lauldingeand teerelitual at every deserittitioit; sea :Reline Risks upon hulls a turves alessels, takeu epee the moss itiveishiv jer OlEte in the Ware housn'Of W. H. Holmes h Bro., N0..37 \Nate,, nearblarkat sweet, Pinsterr ‘ M.• fi:B.—The success of this Company since tint estate lishment of, We A.getief in this city, with the prompt and liberality with which every claim upon them for loss hail been adjusted, fully manumit the agent in inviting UM Confidence and pitronage of his tfloods and We ' community at large to the Delaware a a' fit.- uec Company, while it has We additional arlenntages Ya institution among the moat flourishing in ?Minitel -plCidas hiving mfrimplepohl-in capital, which by the operation of its chaster to constantly mash raiding to tatb• person. itisnrid his due sharerot the profits of she commuy.wjthout involving him In any ,responsibility ; whatever, and thereon./ .au posscvsnm the Mutual prnimplekthvested am every obnoxious fca tare, and in its most attractive foram. • nosy • • • • PLUE AND NADIA X' INSUIIANCE• I " tt;=rt " :llg 'Y it ' a f WOrd:utelinbiTi, wrJugL nizikeyernsabest buil flouted 111.1f1111 . 1,0 ou property, hi this thy, awl its vieleity, and oat ship..., by the Ce uta sail Rivers. DI R rx.vons. Aribus G COffin, San) %V. Jones, ikleranl Smith . John A. Brovro,; • John %V kne; llsonue P. Cop Gemmel P. South , , ttnnste, Taylor, Andirosc 'Jacob Al.lllnanis. John R. D . • /fiehard D. ll'ood, ; icut. franies N. Austin Adittoile, Alma UR MI COFFIN, rm.:l.' U. Suluateets, Sec ' • • . is the oldest SII.4IIMLICV Company I the United 'Slate., 'having been eltartered DIN— he charter Fie rpentaltjandintat its 144 standing, 100 eiperientit i nu iple weans, and avoiding 04 at un• extra has. antwe charaeler, rt may tie considered as catering an. pie security to the Ilidic. • • W. D. JUN ED. • Al the Countii•A Moro of Atiroal,Jonce A. Co., Wit ter nod Front stsecti,Ditleburgh. 'nerd • • - FRANKLIN IPLIIE INSURANCE CO. - lllllSFrantim Faro Insurance Company, of Malady!. 1. plata, will make load annals, permanent awl Iltuited VII every darcripiiou of property, na ibneo e .,,, afer th e . 4arluiuuling OU to ratable woe, :Flair COM. psy, has a perpetual Owner. • .Caaralal, - . adtaudrau ppid in, Coutiugaul, Fund I , fddlabfido Oinee corner of Thud awl Alarlef airecu, a ,IYAIbILICK,bIAICII:I, Adcan. -- - • .tnionxicilAieitiot Auter. j. =An Company of Philadelphia, &tannin. to elect iuxuranbe rgumAlubm ur ;haulage itgatitxt lire, cm buildings, uterenundize. rod plummy, tint extra haiarilone,lu thin city unit vicinity. tikXl COCHRAN, d wood ch. lIUBSCRIDEIt has Wen appointed Agent pro j„. tem. in the Insurance Company of North Ausetten, and tetit it.* Pontine, and attend to the other bustnet.e of the Atteg cy, - ailk2 watchman at Atwood, June& A. W. upitt Writ P. JONlli, water et -INDIA RUNNER GOODS. Uher RECEIVED por Exprens, a largo lallsorillieut . of India Ifidobor Goods, rouyvialug— k dos OdlOrra . ' Cao; ' kdol Traveling Llag4; 4 " back do; 4 •`. lours ramos; 4 ." roa do; I " Carovillookeog " v .H.641k.1,11kei4; I .tinfooos; Rom G " ' Lilo Pio...crank 100 yards of 4.4 CNtrogoL'loth, Sure uacic; 24 25; pal, Lagging., of diffectat styles ' , • 41 Capes, wiles/acre". • •1" (frui COVC,I4 all of which aill ha soh/ cheap Cot elk or retail, at No 5 Wood shack apts • ' - •JIY 11 PIIII,LIPS. A SKS Dm. llorprati bratf • 1 g trufa steamer Norther/J.1.4114 find ifir Ale Ly '111 . 4e PI .11414114EL1'1441E, . - • • .1611 !Rimy . at Acic'icy OPTIIE 11A ZA RD POWDER COMPA.. NY, for 2,2 sole 011511ih Rock and ea.i.ur Yens, aer of vecy.sapecior coy. CtliSlOtiMlS will, ha lipplfed at .2 hoot duriug the doy.. J4t2Erit D1LW0RT11,41,27 wood a • LITERARY• T . Col antry.Elereht.llllB.' A LA RBI: STOCK of :School Books, paper, , station. ary, dc ., suitable for eilitintry salesi iunong which are Writing Pak is, offne, medium and common qa'tr's titter Paper do do do do w Note and PapLeiter er , c vel do ' do, do opes; :slated, l'encila, , lValcis, Quills and Steel l'ons; kViarlow Paper. (yard wide) 'plain and priittedi r ' Bonnet Boaulalor different qualities; Blank Hooke, brpeat violet* • • ' n. Pallor! und Pock et.litbleth Crow raciluou, nod double r o le wrapping paper; 111cOuslie's R.:learn, Spellers and. Readers; Ray's Eclectic Audition.; ' Cobb's Primers, Spellers and Readers; ;Sanders' do do do A rithnietiei, by Adams, Ikaits,Colburn, Smith, Elio; ek• ton, Fulcrum, andoat ers. I tieria,-rapaies,by hlitchell,Olnry, Smith, dlorsa,arrop . • isn't Parley, and - others. I ' Grantmara, by Smith; Kirkham, Bunions, Weld, _rufd ts die. Fur sale at low pricas, by . • ' 'St wood' et . . 5 doors above- 4th. The ;highest mark et price paid for good relied:riga, .11.01. • New PWltlleallows. • • - ‘411,T0N14 iEALF, illustrated. Harpers near '3'l edition of the 'O Poeueal works of John Nihon, with a memoir, mid critical remarks on his , genius and wive .tiogs, by games Montgomery; and one hundred and wnty encruvings from drawings by William liarrey. In two volumes.- 'Or..vcsn's thISYJC Tars, umrr. , L , The lone Carpels and Acts of the Apostleey Greek, with -English notes, c Baal, plulomobicul, and exegetical; maps, indexer, 'etc., together- wnli :the Epistles andlypse; the whole forming. the New Testainent- t or the use of Schools, Colleges, sod Theological Samlnarles. Rcr.i. A. Silencer, A. ill.-- • • • • A New Novati—lilittsummer's Eve.-A laity tale Of love. Mrs. S. C. Roll. Jaime Ilagar IV. — The life !at Henry the Fourth,. king of Fronce, and Navrirre, (i. IL James., Complete in four parts, papt7; role, cloth. For sale by JOILNNION STOCKTON, isnO llooksell6rs, conic, of market and 3d its 1300}LS—At the ApollitSuildhigs,Fourthstren, near Wood.—lrelund's nodeleonn to the Menai.; The Czar, Ids Coon People, byill Maxwell; i • The Orators of Przutee; The ei et the Apostles,' by by Time Puritans and their Prinetples, by E !fall; • ' The Constitutions and Conon* of the' Holy Apostle; 'with a Prize F:ssay; Allison's Life of the Duke of Marlborough; Neander's Life of Christ, in its linsarleal conneeticoa and historical developethenn, • • Harper's and , Appleton' , plibriClLlOnli general School Ik y.aks, Paper, Stationary, de. • apl,7 V'EW BOOKS at the Apollo Buildings. 4th street.- 1 The kleitary Life of John, Duke of Marlborough, vunkolored limps, by &Allison.: Second Vol: Chalmers` Foethumous tore Readings. The Life ofJcsus Christ, In Ito historical couneCtion, nod historical develmenk by Asigustirs Neander.• Transluted from the 4th Berman Million by John Mc- Clintock and Chas E Blumenthal, Professors in Dick inson College. ' • • F Ilisf Now n and ounh:Vot. Then, , Ly Dr.tory• Waorten,England.r of• Ten Thousand nYca r, and others too numerous to mention, Call and see. •••(- apld J L READ. PITTSSURGII FEMALE INSTITUTE. !llHlS•lnatimum. under the supervision of. Mr. and Gushoru, is mill open for the reception Mon, p , and will Le continued at th e saute place on Liberty +trent. 'ln consequence amine changes having taken plate, a few vacancies have occurred, and those devil.- , out of - placing their daughters under their ram, would •do well to tunine nu early application. For terms see circular, or apply to the Principal. apd FORWARDING &COMMISSION, C. bssmitusertu, J. ...DO ZVI. CLLALLLES /Ls DAINENIIOWEat, its co. TOBACCO CuIISIBAION AIESCLAUT/4:- N0.:19 South Wharves nd No. 117 South Water al ' I'III.IIPII/A. TJEi.S to inform the Undoud doalers generally, Of .1/ Pt. 7l Mrgb, Mu they travemade such arrangements with the Virginia manufacturers and the Drawers of the ,sVell, West Indict, and lobe, places, m snit insure a large and Constant supply of tut following deserlp, bons of Tobacco, which will tre sold upon so accom modating tams as any other house in this city oielves where, nod all goods ordered from them will he war renteiteguarlo representation: - - 1100ana; . Sc Domingo; Conn.; Vu ~.t. ia; ---tl'ono Hie*, l'etin'a; ,Seed Lint to burro; ,ALsO-11ninel s 's aolehrsied Aromatic Stag Caren stri a birge amorwent of oiler popdlar brawls, nod qualities of pounds, So. es, lbs and Ws, Lump, se, li ts and Ite, liug7l.adieV Twist; Vi t o Twist, tic, Sweet cud plain, in whole and half boxes, wood nod tin, together with every variety of article belong ing to the trade. _ jelbdly K.. neenterant. HAILNET, NICa BIT, & CA AILRETON, FLOUR,. FACTORS, Pre:il:Lee, Comnalssion and For eardlng MERCHANTS ' - No. iel Noma 11'J:eaves, can la/ Werra Si, PHIL 11./k3./ . IIIA. ; Rows - to—John 11. Brown & Co. 1 llot.en Steen &Co. oLo _ . , , ' Bereroll, Heaver Jr. Co. • n'•••"‘Pb;n Smith, llogoley & Co. , . .• ...: Allen & l'ulna; . • New 'Vara. '• ; Waiters & Harvey, liallanota. • f lingeleyte yo fitly . • , Buror, Co }Ball i , l nroWwn&C&3. ; dgh; f Pinch . irj - Lilatal Cosh advances on etaelornenn to our ohne.. inaraaly ELLMAKER,• ECKY FLOUR FACTORS, And G•neral Con:mbar Merchattia, No. IliSourn Varga Smarr, • REFEREtitli.di-lkary Grad& Co, Pittsburgh. • ROJgers in &herbed, • . VS:Schooley. & Son, A. AL January, Alayirdle. Charles llesiwni, Jr., Louisville. llutilh,'llurnithwye k Piercer, Bro. & Bo.' Bead & Brother, aply Butati & Cousine l:d ry. New Volk. GEOG COCHRAN. Conamlaalon a n d lC Vartiardlng Merchant. :ft Waste triTs.o.l, glo:Vl'CillEdl to tratienct a general Commission hind lir gm, especialty in the purchase and resewrt ran Plisaufactures and Preside. and tand forwarding Goods 'consigned to hnicarr. da Agent fir the 31anutactures, be will be constantly wapplted with the prluelind articles of Pittsburgh llannfacture at itie , lowest' hoiewle prices. Orders and consignments are rarptalfally_stlicited. .1. F. • a. coarw.tir & o. , • 13ORTS141.1"EH, Ohio Conlmf Melon and FOrWtriulig 1, Merchants awl Produce Detiers-alao, oared to Lbe Purchase, Sale and Shipment of Pig Iwo, Ca.aktr.i. to Aevrocni, Jones & Lorenz, S,erling & Co., Waif, Lindsay Or. Co., Lyon, Menai it Co, • enarlltily Brow:), Bailey 8 Co. Deory Grarn D. Leech & Co., Clarke ,k Thaw. ' - Late of tittalturgh, . ILI - ohlasbville, LEHIVIER 4 ANDERSON,I ItII`q.EILI carl-UN, FORWAILDRi6 /111.10:1( lIIIERC/LANTS, NO. 8 r lo Bll . 80.'8 8118.0 WAS. C188188811;0818, Refer to hlreft.airts genentny, in Pittsburgh. .pp{ GEORGE A. BERRY, 1.1/110LUOALII GittlCifittati • i 1 1 0D.IVED1h1; AND L011211351UN filEKEDiht • AND DEALIIII IN lava; Nolte, Cotton Yarns & PlttslataFgh Minutiae tares generally, au. JO wow, 'moo, rarraartao, . _ 40t;TIEVELIIS k COillll6slUN ALEX. LEVY & BRO'S. CINCINNATI AND T. LOU/S. Oder to sell at <ala, esia.tatratnientollidutis to( Alec. chandler., tit dur &cords! rates of Citattrirsairant, tool are ahva)a prepared to make advances. 'Om beet of refe rences peen if required. Leiters' addrected to .idler tattier, twill In promptly attended to. jy3.4ty uoavl . v . 2). 11.12113.11 LOVE. MARTINE/. 'CO , Produce and Commission Merchants, llkises How, Exclan 1111 r , Mr 4, op lientler ge Co., Jahn K. aandol, ilugh del/kin", Baltinatre.;&l. Mien & Co, Mellen & &s -ews, Ransom°, :trait!. & Co., Shackled & White.Mma. bared; A Ince& r, TO<austmessey & Ctnirtit , a U. ' • • tottrUdlycl riansniun, • - w. H. etaavett. TiIOBIPHON CAItIPBELL.• COMMISSION MERCHANTS: • And alstaaraeturer• or Lleteetd•oll,:i No. Ml Columbia Arcot, . • CS 31.1”,11, 0111. • IF? i y ;LirirCuli paid for Nleteed.ZA.. W. If. /.41 tK, Forteardlng ilercisany'tirovrarrlll6,7;.-. Asunds.purticwartr in the Furwarilwg Sc. e of I'Juce r applyto pousrri AN_\Voter Aci cuN. bodeu. W. isarrixwa,' • • . Nina. T ,LIEWN et. PATC/1., e• ; COMMISSION MERCHANTS.; 40 Water street, ' SI. Loris, {Cell sare.sirticuini altrntion to. We Pro. loot, awl to raters fur purchasing. • Items Alurgair to Cu., Pillaburgli, nurl/ • • AnyaßW — tl47,[i ' iti 4,1 m/ m,. 5111 LPAU/J&DVPICA2I;}'. - UCTION 16 CUAlill3lilolll liEetaihhTf, (4, OW0(4 rinii,durk,A4 &b.p41,4) Uu. 1/411!1. !y i' t :P' 7,t/rce a r t ilo ul at ' r l ' r=.7l. f zet i , ° - erally. lhey pr , pat..ll4.• ' ■ 142itd 14a Opal.; I,nutr loutute,ll. bilielcUtly (,1.11.1ng isl • gora,,wr thou acecluitt)impuriiaLy. r". Rc.r w All., & male, & Pitts, harrb. • • • • decattsnl • • GENERA L CO 'ISAA MICIINS/ON CRSUE, FOIL SALE UV YHODI/Cli a. PROVISIONS, II ul id 107 SMATIVI. NV'moir, 13.4.131A101tE, Ala Itauscracus—filcrchanta of Xillalrurgl . L. • • • • ..._%%11c611?4, Crusl6lc & Co. marZfAiki IiOTICIA TO /111/PPEItn.77, qn • Wl:ouhtajuen'ittur" pt : e " so kl Z, ° O;ber ' e l'43 4 will transact buiiaess as usual tintil a I lew Mouse mut Lc elected, orraugemenw baring already inn souk 'far toil pu toes& Motto will always Lew readiites• gt our wharf w motive freight. _ C A APANLIVIT & Cu, ett.lllmip, IJI4M WOOE„ ------- • • 7 Al A N; ,FLE 4 titttc;tiltutts to Rood, Jittrtl k C 0.,) • .1 TEIVEUAL 1111111111s31011 1111511CDAIITE Pat - Ocular atthotton paid to too sate of 'Wchal, &IA litter- . • hi advostees made on cutonglitmenut. • • iNti•ainST — VCCltThat tLy Mir ree l I . :youioir ta_le aertnn- Ful.yaniculara entrairi a • Si W op? 57 Water aralyrapt eta r,-5; ; G+ COPARTNERSHIPS. •CO•PASTHICIZSEIEP. •• OCULN A . IaWiEDY have this daytostabinted LI with them in the. lLantivare business, PhiliP; Wits 'Km and Edward Gregg. Tim style of firm :alter be Logan, Wilson, /X Cox arlangalt‘G. :dart it desirable to ,kiss tlictoid business as las possible. All persona Whose liabilities have ono red, , xis especially requested na maim huitinliate payittent. Pittsburgh, Jan 1, lals. . . TOCIAN; 'WILSON & CO.—lmporters and -1-11 Wholesale Dealers in Persian mot Domestic Han/. ware; Cutlery, Saddlerygic., 1211, Woodstreet,pins. buryblant now naly.Prepareil with a recently inmos t./ stack of Dardware, Cutlery, &e., to oter very,greal inducements to Western buyers, being deterannell to co mpete In priest with any Witte Allende cities: Al. on hand an extensive astarnment ofPiusbusgh Hartb sfter, vim Shovels, Spades, Yorks, Does, Vie 00, all of which will be sold at the lowest inanufite ryes, Prices. . .; • . . CO•PARTNIfiIi . liPs aTILE sub....bent having recently - me . fut. pertherehip under the moue pe Gal egher, a Miller, 10(' the purpotge of eoliyittg ou the and Braes Fottothng and (Mug Fitting busin e cel all its [grouches, hare tokto•the stood formerly • • co -1 pied by U. thillother, No. 118 Front Wroth bon to Wood sod Smithfield sta., where they art prepare to execute allot:tem tor lklls, Bram , UastihYs, of en rY description and Gas Annoys with testate. and patch. Steitsuboatiotgbing promptly attended to. ; . IL GALLAMIEL ~ . S. A. LONG. I'. 11. •All LLER. • SL IL -The attendou of Machinists and Engineer. Is invited loom antis - attraction metal; for a reducedprice, ". thielt fit. 'hoot' 9thMomeed supdtior to Babbithshy nought's who have used both. Stehatbontbuthlere and the pabge, generally, are al,o requested to cull and ex amine our superior double begot Force Polope Mr Meataboat and dooesde ugh; g ' . • ' '' LUNG,,A MILLER. FEZZIM .1 1 %grd '' .4. " 1,14, " on the Ist Inst. The business mil ,be closed tallie old stand by gather of os, using the name of the finn for that purpose. Being desirous to shore OUt twantesta closed with as lone delay as possible, we mould to. Vacua). ragas.' Lose indebted to call aud aeldo then account*. JOHN D. M'COltib jati • Cet-Pinektmerships tj U b f ri l tie D s : Jant 'Ui es :1 1 1 ' 'L l' orIll ' ilnder the style o! M'CoiJ & Co., will coutinue the lint, Gip and Fur business in; 01l no 'rufous' branch., wholesale and retell, at the; old stud, corner of Weal and. 15th streets, where they, solicit • continuation of the patronage siildreally be Mowed on Geoid UM. JOILN D MCORD. Aadit • JAMES S. jN retiring twat the old and well known firm a l. St'Cool & Icing, I 'Moil reeycatflly . rmaimmend i • epatronage of dm pub li c my weerasora, Merin, & LaLS IL, KING. IND.Partas is kotialf EW. STEPLIENS Wheeling, 11 F.Shcenberger a ofJurtiata, and J. A. Suiektoo of Pittsburgh, hare tale day entered intoe copartnership ender style mad. firm of Stephens, Shoenberger ifc Co., ut•the &w h at ironworks, Wheeling, Vic, tor the. pusposo . 14 mono, factoring iron 4nd.nasts of eilary dummies, EiNVEI IL W. MAIM, S.T. 6110X3112107n, LA. • • STEPUENS, SHOENLIERCUM a CO. ASiCllOlt IRON WORKS. - • • -• • • • Wasaing, Va. • ' Mauofacutro all kind . of boiler, sheet, bar inut nails, A. Lt. steel eliptie sprgs axles. Being con netted with Shoenberger's old Juniata works, we ea otter an article of Juniata iron (branded Shocitherger equal to any made in the country. MI of which wi be told -at the Pittsburgh pries. tYarahowin of tb• works cattier of and healer sta.. -m•11. p j (~llti Co papa DISSOLUTION. ilrere, ' ualy ire by mutual eonseut Esther of lawill alien° to la Li- Sestets of We. Gnu. end use its name for thus purpose. foal - LEWIS WICIIISON, ILAON A. litrreii.LSON. • CO•PARTNE4II.BIIIP 4 iTIII/.4lentgual havo Om day formed a co.partner akip, under the rant of Jarae• llatchie. & Co., o the pup.. of co/Ain/nag the btaiitgese Praetor,. earned on /..1./..ewts notale/tn.& C9...41./Lheit • corotolmnen cu'tho patronage hitherto get..-41 m nat . Loom: • • JAhIEN d. /11/1 1 / 1 11e0.N, • LEWIS 11. IitTCHLSO/V. DIIIIIOLVT/QX—The pnrbterstup hitherto iug under the. Lybrand bt.Wwbbnan &Dal tbiA Jar dlivolvcd by mutual conment,-Jobrt. ull having diaposea of entire berrest to 11. WbLbt- Lunn. :The bulineLs of Ll* la. firm will L...11:10.1 by IL IV - Leaman:who is swthabiso us use the name of the Lat. firm for thus purpo.e. 11. WIGLITALAN. spCLUnth• [July t 7171-_ J. DA LZILLL. • ' elatnenber Is now itretuard ta at atnatiesetre bad. of Cotton and I Vosien,ldaelnerr. the Winstead notice. Orderetell at R. WittlittenetVe lualtine tiltop, cor net Lawny and Water etreets, meet with pp attention. 11. WICtIITSIAN, pt 'Awed: et, between Yederal and ea Nut, %Idly' • - • Allegheny atty. , • „ eunseriliers, under We style POiudexter tr.' Co, lens dissolved on We let inst. by mutual consent.' K. W. Poindexter is auttkonoidua settle allthei business o( We concern. ' R.' W. PO/NLEXTER. .O.u.GRANT. • • • NOTlCE , —llaving pur rimmed tbeentim inte r red of C. H. Grew., ill the lam concern of Poindexter A. Co.. and aassciated toy son, Theodore Poindexter, with sue, the business will be emithated as towel under the aty:e of Poindaiter & Co: ap9) IC W POINDECTER. rpm UNDERSIGNE-1 doing butintuss under me aunemsf Arthur* & Niebolson, at their Foundry, on Third street, have this day, by m u tual consent, dissol ved their to-partnership.. XI them knowing them- Wlves indebted to the firm, age toinicstal to call at eir warehouse on Libeny sun., upposite head of .Wood, and settle; and all having claims anai.t them will present them at the same place for.setartnent. JISIN ARTHUR:I, JULIE NICHOLSON. • _ a Mu A I OHS PARREN & SAMUEL. WIGHTMAN hav tr• lug associated themselves together under the. fire of John Fareen A Co. for the purpose of continuing U. buktnesa of the Boatmen's Line," will continue an a genepliorwurdiug and eon:mission be st UtAcilit a od ti the Canal Bassin, Liberty sir JUICE EMMEN, WIGHTMAN. OtTICE..--jarne* M. Burchfield hos tnterest lath. ..)T Dry Goals Business conducted in the name orde eignsd, comer of Fuerth. nod Market s., Pitts burgh,commenting Feb. 4, leti. The basins. (bell. preset. Will IseTonductod under the roamer style or. maw -R dl 1111 ,, —Wah. YoUng barb ela P y as 2 l' a m mt g willt hu, Jahlr the lea titer business will hereafter be conducted muter — tin lino of Wm. Young a. Co. WILLIAIII YOUNG.. kith JNO. 11.:111VAINFt. " MEDICAL. • Itsa J as, Columbiaua no., O; Apr. tit, Iffsll. IMIL.D. IA VffiES; lAtaa'llic-1 feet bound to )liii _LP and din ahcled to atoll myself °fans op ounity of givinglin Micky to the eZtraordiukry etc.. yonglispectomat on myself. Having beet, afflicted for several earitwith a severe mSugls, 'hectic fere cud Its ( eotteOutitant doxikere, and ,reitued Only doomed to huger out A shun but miserable rZiiitenee, until the fall of Iff,lo, when, being mare severely smirked, and haying resorted to all my Mina. mat...dies; mid thence. the seri/mons of two of the mon respectable, physieiene in neighbodscmil without deriving any benefit, or the consolation of sursiviag but a few days or' weeks at farthest—when the last gleam, of hope was about to viiaisll, f had tecommendeir to ant year Prix-currant awd blessed by that Being who does all things in the use of the means—and cantrary to the •xpeciations at my physicians one ftiedds, I was iu h few days raised from my bed, and Was enabled by the use of a bottle, to attend to mg bitsincss, enjoying since beff ey health Man , I had for tea years previous. ItegmetruPY JA.s. W. Emu, l'or sato m Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, V. Fourth Men. mitrAS if:6 F.Ateruecrl .A. &ilium, N. Y. IY. D. 1.. Imunwroca Pittsburgh. ti. LV:Paunmsson'. Wholesale Drug Store ha the City of Saw 1111,y.aagersigne.d bas.exionsig o ly 4 ;sygow.treed the the city otrew li }Pik, lin e r a a' re piepareir to oupply Druggists and country Alemhants For.v., and American Perfumery, ander, W h blandces Chemicals, of their own importation) and all other articles in thew nue of busi ness, of a. superior quality u low MI they can be yaw chased In this or any eastern city. New York, Pabla E. A. PAIINP.ErrOCK fi Co. Marcher's Chromes GI roan. ..•:.- T ° u2k . . 4 4 3." , ;a. % i t= Ay—Mg the vily Or New Yore, have tired anddUle, tested, end are flow Wing a new article of Chrome Orden, renuutheturcd by Coo. N. Marcher, oft city, and bud it to truck well, pro ducing roar er n brilliant Pena Green applesauce, With e very superior body, and reeterithend it do our brethren in the trade as in every particular the best Chrome thecn we have ever used.... Now lock, June I, 47. ktigued by no rmstita of practical painters-of the city of New Yost. ma . uequalied Chrome Green , may he of ritig, No or Wood street, who hes We egclusivnagency torus eats in Pittidnirich. taarl3 ; A Slue Met Teath — rerF.lii Canto. WHITE Tarrit, VOLIL LlkkolErd, IIk:ALT/1Y mid unhealthy teeth, tiler be ing, once or twice cleaned with Jaws' Amber/oath Paste, have the appea tithe moat beautiful ivory, and at the 114=11, thee i recce perfectly iunocent and es• quisitely fine, Wu its constant daily tiro Is highly ad vantageous, even In those trot that asp ins ' good con dithin, giving theta a beautiful polish, and pventing a prmaature decay. Those already decayed it prevents froth becoming poise—lt oleo (amms such as are In coming loose, and by perseverance it *lll render i he foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath de lieloasly sweet hold by IVOLJACKSLIN, Liberty street: E., ward/ L. PAHNESITOCK•II VlERattpuoic. APEW vreckaslnce, One of my children, aged about liSis years, was unwell for several day; and the. Whole incrensodlio alarmingly that I leafed death would be the result. Having heard of the good effects of Fahitestockls Venailage When administered to the Children of my acskbors, and thinking toy child Ought have wOnno, num some of the symptoms, I ova It one and a half mathoonfala of the Ifermitage, and to toy great 'aalonlatiment it almost Lestaediately diatherged ' between WM and 200 large worm., 'lts health *rooms Teetered, and it is now remarkably well. Praoous taking ilia Vercatfuge, the wanes wouldoemthionally ,„ throat, and I attest feared 11 would die from strangulation. • • J DAV/KM Tionesta, Vanartgo as, Po, AS. apl3 popular, beeassile (tooth • - SELL,EICIP FAMILY MEDICINES. Coot Snosa, Jederaug V&A's, March 1, 1849. 1/flt E hove nearly .old all the Ver• .111. unfuge laud Cough army you vent roe. Your Ver. omega Is without greetpuon the Waterer °Cared In We neighborhood, hoßpig proved good velteleyer wed.— The Cough Syrup and Liver Pills have oleo given err . tarantula. Your apt sent. J score, l'eoporod and Mlif Ly R E SELLERS,II7 Wood et.{ ' sold by Dr enrol, OM %Yard; DM Curry, Alleobehn& W J risnith,'Petoperatureville.- iTia—nilVAL,ll)-SAND INFANTS.—Whitney's row Root Raft Powder, a- delicione and 'highly nutritious food, which never lords held on the stoinech, and hi now tOuVersullirrecoliant , lided by the faculty in JrNrepte to Gruel, Sago, Toping& by Arrow rto e ot, ü better suited to the debilitated ammonia of Inaba, and a more strengthening land wholettorue food' fur Infant, Ens Mlle by R E SELLERS, warm Wain' el • NERD :AtIOIMVG;, JUNE HOTELS. POUNTAII-10TEL. . EIGHT STREET HALT lAIORE. Pool luarron, etioninkrom. VHS establishm nt long and widely known as being one of the, rat commodious in the city of Halumbre, has reeently undergone rely erten , sive alterations and iniprovemems. An •entire now wing . ban been added, containing numerous and airy aleepycits, it i ermbilu b t!ng rooms. , Im and fitted opeln union: anc7tez. l ): styi. In fact the whale arrangement of the'llouse has born remodeled, with a aingle eye on the pan of the pier/ninon, tawaads the comfort and pleasurenf their uncut, and winch they confidently 11.1C111 will challenge comparisan with any Notel in the Thine. Their table will a liraym be'rupplied with every mi. staniat and Ingory which the market affords,sarred up ill a superior style. while in the *lay of Wines, &.e, they will not be suriassed. • Will he lea la conclusion the proprietors beg to any that nothing undone on as their and he pa re their assistant., to render this part, worthythe onctinued patnllars. friends nod the puld,generally. Thews for board hare also been reduced to the following rates: • Ladies' Ordinary, 61,75 per day. Gentleincifs IAU N. IL—The; Baggage Wagon of the Rouse will M orhicays be(ne ed at the Car and Steamboat Landings, wh vo of charge. baggege to and fromthe Rotel, free mayktf PEAILL STREET IHOUSIC, okt. • fITHE mbscribers havmg purchased the entirr loteresOof Col. U. P. IVilliaroson, late of she well known establishment, beg leave to state their: friends and the public generally, that they hat exert ds 'commodious Hotel for a torus of year!, will e their best energies to make it a destrab home for Travellers and City Bearden. The Hotel! Is seacious and admirably planned f convenience;lightend air, having a number ofpario adjoining chinthers, presenting mutual attractions families. , The present proprietors having had the experience of years is this city and elsewhere, hope they will he ' able to 'give general satisfaction, being determined to give undivided attention to the bonne alone. The breadth, or the Pearl Street Bowie ta uncommon ly ciigilve, having fronts on Pearl; Walnut and Third ,streets, on that it is equally desirable in view of the convenience ofba.iness men, or retirement forTorivate 'boardeti: •It is near bptirellanks, the Pont Office, Me. blesoine Hall; Odd Pellow'a hall, told bat one squirm disikmfrata Mein street and two squares froulthe City ; ,IVbarf, thus adoring the greatest mducements, espect-' ally!. country merchants and generally to all persons eittling Cincinnati JOHN NOULC, JOHN A. DUMP:. ' ExcnaarGE HOTEL, • mkt an neerm Ann sr. mane lay PrPSIOSCIari, Pi. • The subscriber havlng. assumed the manage, merit erthis long estabinth.W. and popular and respectfally announces to Travellers and the Public gitterally, that he villl he at all times prepared to accoternodste them to all Wings desir ab beingle in a well regtualed Hotel. , The House is now repaired throughout. mid nevi Fannin?. added, and thorough ly no . pante will be spared to make the Exchange one orate very bat Hotels in the counwy. — The utulersigned respectfully solicit, a 6111.111M1111c0 of the very liberal patrona,ce the House has hiletifore • received. - • • "131024 AS OWSTON, • feb9dif • •Propriewr. . . CfIM.D. , . , BEDFORD MINERAL PEEING& VEPY L. ANDERSON, Pyopriecor, nripectfully in. 1.74 forma the kublio that Una celebrated mad fashion. Ohio riaterimg place is now opened, and (ally prepared for the remounts end eccommodetion of metters. eat% 15e e'Ve tb 41Pl i t i or r's 4i ' n ' g r 1 . 1 it 'e eele ' 7171:1 os e c v 7 the scateris of which, are not inferior to them Macho' (doted White Sulphur Springs of Virginia. ‘ Experienced servants and a Line Dodd of Untie bare tlood c .° T•dedi nod every Vrosirion Mack to secure the c .... oadittej 0,125 q, . jell:lin < TIILLIAKIIIOIITOIVIS GALT 11011715 Gr . InCIIIVILIS, Mr. II AIMS Tit ROCILMORTON begs to nemmint hie , 'friends that he is exam lessee of the HALT • HOlNF.lesideville, Ky., where he hopes to men , MI Ids old friends, asauring them null the public, that rip cifiric shall ipe spared to make all cond.:ll4We. who ''''-''_,_ilififiitz,..7-7-Al.l-.7.1-....-1.-1,11x— .:,... c.a. ' I ir, a anew Iron= at rifle .r.. - IT,I• tue Hank of the United riones„ Phila. .0 P delpiitik ' .{ kI.INWE MITCHELL, ' Proprietor. FU . RW7IYI NEW.COACH FACTORY,, at.l.mintorr. TgyfilTE, BROOLS & co., would rein p,c,r ay Mini the politic that they have erected a shop on Lasoak, between Federal end Sandusky strems. They every w de m o k t n i g n n v a e re h i p e r l e epCreodu to h e re s ce C i h v a e roiordser sp as.r Vouches, Boggles, Phtmons, , &e.. which from their long expertener in the manufumure of the above work, anti the facilities they have, they tulconfidedt they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable tem. with those waating L anicles in their line. , Paying particular attention to the selection , of mate.' slit's, and having none bin competent workOtese, tiny hesitationaave ' nhesitationwarrannug Moir secirk. We Unuefom ask the attention of the pabhe to this matter. N. D. Repairing done iu the Best manner, UAL on the mud reatonablere rms jtil U. . 4 NEW RUIN} STORE. 118 subscriber walla respectfully titimmoile that he as opened a new' retail Drug Store, on die corner Relieving that the wants of the extensive population out of Southfield street will justify him, he has spares/ no expense in fittnig up tic establishment, and q u ail_ tennined 'sheep no articles but those of the kiwity—of undoubted purity and genuineness A fall aanortment of Medicines, Perfumery, and anti alesusuallykepttoaiestabltabmemof the kind will be alWays on hand. ' , Hakim in. dwelling in the same hailding, all night calls will he alluded to parsimony. The business will ibe continued as heretofore,. at Mu' old stud on Market strut. 9 12 ' 412 L WILCOX, J di Woll.Bll. ki . EPI -2 ToN.-* WAGNER, Digine Miler., have commenced businus on Penn at, new the• Point, at die ntal,,attonent formerly carried on by Suickhouse • Nelson. Persons vristung to purchase swain ent nines for beats, or for other purposes, will please_ favor us with a rail, as wo.fiatter ourselves to be able to fur nish shun ones faulrable terms u any other esmb. lialtioint in the city. ; A:5°,lMM* mill and castings of everY deurippon can be had at the shortest notice. Rusum - u—Capt. Robb Beer, Monk. Peon, Fig., Church, Carothers a Co., IL Denny, Esq., - AI Allen A Co. CYPFIIAN PRESTON, -.492,2in • . ENOCH WAGNER. Stockholdrs, take Settee. 111111 E Stockholders in c he Youghiogheny Navigation 1 Company au hereby notifies' and required to bor. to Mt. Hamilton, the Treuurer of the Compaity, the sum of Ten per cent. on each share of there stook, 00 or before the 12th day of July nom and 4. &IC.; aunt of Ten per cent...emu before the 10th day of Au , gnu text. The stockholders will elan take notice, that the lawauthorises the collection of One per cent. per month,oa instate: Wits not punctually made, which, if found necessary, will be enforced. By order of the Board.' ALEX PLUMEH, Preen. J 11 Charts, Sec'.l, Belk Dr. RoLiaske lb Teanossee. 'l'lll9 Is to certify that I parekkaaed one vial of Dr. gloLims'a Worm Speak, 100 e two monittilligo sod gars bap f mine, some seven years old, Iwo aspcams fall, and although the mammy may appear Inge, let have no doubt bat there eras upwards of wo TikiliMlAtm woes& patted' from him, ineatiatuig Tom sec gaoler of au inch to two inches toms __Rotes Creek,parrol m. Tenn , Dag' 1617, Leeching, Capping asht'llfeedlng. KII ;SCRUB?, (Sacceasor ' Delany / . No 551114 street, betweem Woolf and Smith_ held. Fresh Imehei received montily-Liallendance all tours. Reference, the physicians Of Tint:ugh, Alle gheny and Birmingham 1 most Cheerfaiiy recommend to thutisy4iciaits, fain ilies and all my former friends and patrons, Mx K.' B. Norris as being thoroughly acquaintediiith the basi lic. and worthy of patronage: nt ar2X-ly - - D i t I CO u -11 bx hf S alone. 75 half bus it bster l&f,1 auperio P r ;tweet SA lumps " Lawmen Lender . Se U " Gentry & Rovwer "3a& 63 Dupont (de la Eon) ° Ss " • IS " AleLersl " Lawrence and 0 Sa &En plug Just lending from steamer, and for. eby • HEALD, DUCKNOR & Co, • . 11 N water at and 16N wharves, Philadalphie PAPlagrU bil i ttle:w lr y i r t r i t , p , Pa r per, all IliZ6l " an aniplgin 'all nnalinei lon " Cap; • ' • ..40 " medi Te• ape ; 1.3/ grow white um and blue& while Bonnet Bonn& lllli rearm Mwilla Envelope Pape g 59 " Headwater Paper just reed and I& /ale low by , nErsbun a NUKE, /eyllulew corner peon and lrwirelt• • SEIPP PATENT OLOCKSi ' fpllE rubscober otter. for tale a fall downtown of his Ships' Pilling Wanks, Skives, do., adaptcif. to the trade. Also, couvlete'seUs of Blocks, adnpleal vessel. of any capacity, put up and dirwarded to any p url of tlis Union,withoot delay and at the lowest pp. el. VITA: Inc rola In vitamins,' to suit purchasers. (la/ W STAPLES airlitochawTA3 33 Burling Slip, Now York AdMinlstratoes Nolte*. A f. persons having claims agaiust the Estate of the Jos. t a e Essay schweppe. win present thous for settlement, and alt penona Indebted to said estate, will please col and make payspont to JOHN IRWIN, Adm. • Ptsburgh,bbitch, 'll9. fowled:tell II water st TOWINISEND'S . S4RHAPABILL4-3 0 ban of this 'final spring and amount, median, this day rec'tl bed or sale wholesale and retell, by SN N. B —As R. E. E. E Ur. ToWnsend's only aELLEI gent for Pittsburgh, the ;mntle article may alwaya be bad at No 57 Wood intooL . • . " toyla DrrToNs Pc9cl4l,lF.S. orthefollow _Lk Mg Med., vim—Pin postdated leaf glum. buttons; Llnuidimbourgh de; .-Pautsisl do, Coanlian wit h Tassel. and Drop do; Nett and Plain together white nod cola Linen, for sale at VII EATON& Co's Trlmming • Stere,danutrket at & floblimaatcCu Lenin 1, Tobacco; 13 du hlyers's do do do; 10 do Ira ilurtstil do do do; do Myerts lb Silo 15 d o Enders' honey . 1 dew fis plug; Pt cave., 00 dwarf hone. blYM's anperwe Aromaticdi; AD do, 40d o do Thomas' Neetar Loaf dui Joel received and for aaleby n•IS MILLER'I RiCiarrS" J(ln DOZ Coin Broom; Censkt Put AA; 60 dui ULY Tow Vim; Itolbs Ileum.; AD bits No I Soppi 00 do :tar Candles; IS do Pint Flood.; niit'd • Non Loaf Bum Cur sale by• MULISH 4 DENNETT • nEAL4t , ttroaltrliaus• •lb .a.a. Stara An their Teltazett .Id.C.:llilluarlotalZers. Edward Heald, (late of /sear Heald CO, altimentt/ David C. MeCanuaba, and Jetta A. Warner. mytti T.,10R 'STEAMBOATS AlyallOTELS—We bare on hand a large !gaunt/aeon ellren Slone Ware, suit. owe far steamboats - and hotel. which. Are will selltow.. • • • OILL A 04.-rry, 2 _,. ; _ala el, an Oil rtigllen Mood .1 pA .m tr 7 !.o.lll,i 4 sl )1o r :b. Fara:sad Hama, do -KJeIUyZ"" o llatE7l7S%. gt . 01.8 ms AND i..a ; a Au, do prone it tot sale by . • Jed .• , .SELLESS 'COW 28 1848 .L; . ratattit LlNlortivri. .s : Ira k anna • • : . EsIiPPANCON'T & ..; 11A11St . '''.' ILate..l S Strickler & Co.) i f .47 •- I , IANUPACTURLILS of Plutenis. fins !proof oaks,. .0,,L south ale, eond beet, between.. WoodWood ind Smithfield Pittsborg se h I S Strickler hosing deceaid sad the serviving partner Mr; Jos Lippeneottafig associated himself with Mr. Wm C Ban, the Ob.*a will herealtekbe cot:dueted adder the style of lappet>. tort 13., , . .. ' I Trial ore safe in Cinclonati; Os.—We the na era gri• Coywere present at the , of one o?J S Striates * e r Cols Improved rheas rearafes. - The safe was placed in a futnacp on peak holding, and =hick WW to the lotense bettor a • coal fire for more le.. three hours. In oth hour and a half the safe come to • bright red heat the door of the bunsee was thee closed, which ceased anincreased and steady hest for the balance of the time, until the east iron wheel} were partially meltedoffs the furnace Ins then throwd delta and the late rolled and opened. The money, p.Pera and books which It contained were as perfect astarben. placed there,the binding ooly of the books being Sn o lured by the wilier in c t ling the safe. .We hive 130. hesitation in recommendin it to the public as a safe superior to arm we have e a seen tested, and Where that it will inA nay heat hid, might he produce* Xcept cheat winch would melt it to a solid mast '-..,.. K ' gti o n e t&ge i f ,,, t ilynthitm, ta v i, o ls p l== . lCamg * i. Ut i artAt n t , Stedirton, Bayard A C* Wm ?tire, - I We, the macre/elk selected the safe Vile( above, from a lot in the Store of Tither A Ass the Ageots C (ISPRING 1 8 J KELLAM. I . . , Refer to Cook &Ilan* Brokers, Piusborgbi . I Hussey Hannah Co, do do. ifeAdkvelyS .11.iliiiiir. tone b. WIC,. L. 5. xonnes. LIPPENCOTT & CO. . _I AL ANUFACIURERS of Mannered nod Cast Stec{ Sbollsis and Spades, dui and Hatchets, Milli Ist Cut, Circular and Gm Saws, Hay and Mame Poen. Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, he., hosing completed all their .arrougemente to the construction of new ....May s and in securing Me best workmen boat the most cele brated establishments oft.. East are now manufacter ing and will keep constantly ma hand and for sale all the ebeve articles, having evaded themselves of the latest improvement; ltd are determined thaliA work manship and material they will not be cradled. ' Thily I pr omise produce &Miele. equal , if not eniserier, to anyth deale r s had in the East. They mate the' auesl,- tintl efo an eruminotion °fads stook beds*. purchasing elsewhere, as they are convinced th at they will be able to fill all. order* intim/rhea to the entire' eenefaction et purchasers. %Potato.* Water street,. 4 doors Wmt litonouguhela House, Pittsburgh, Po. I N. R—Pereone hoeing business with Wm. Lipper! conk Son sell please cal on Lippe:leen &Ca ,• I . . JAMFS W:WOODV.IFJJ. Pitts :-• burgh Furniture Ware litroonses• j it tu A re l ,.srt ' ZlVeg h ' 'd assortment of Flinn mambo:us, Hotels and pria vote dwellings, constantly on hand Midi made to order, ! i The 'present 'stock on..hand 'cannot he exceeded by,. my notonfactory in the western cormary,lnonsr wishing to purchase Would do wok to give me call, sad tun determined my prices shall please. Part et; the stock consists in— , • : ' 50 Wks with Pinsk and Hair ...loth coven; . '' . • 2 dos Mahogany Nurse Chaim 14 pair Divans; 12 doz Site mahogany Chairs; . . 12 mahogany Work &sear, i 3 do: mahogany Hoehn/Chain; .l 13 marble top Dressing ktureans; 11 Ittirbl C top pair Ottomen Ai . • r : • b ork Stands; . / AbrZberry Work Stands; gat ' sy, Maple, Cherry, and. Poplar .Sedstenis el all dmeripumm, land a large assortment 'of twiner fidniture =lA:hairs, too nunterone to mentiou/ ' . . - - LADIES ARE., CAUTIONED AGAINST USING 1 COMMON PR/CPA/RED 013.1&;ACs lfplIEY ma not aware how hightfidlyinjuno. it is tit '.l Ste akitc-how coarse, how, bow sallow, yeb low and A hAlthy the skm rough, impetusail. ,ing Prepart pared chalk! lksides ills nuunosts, containing MAD. Quantity of lend! We have prepared a beautiful vegetable amid; which we call JONES' SPANISH YALE WHITE. It “ perfectly innocent, being purified of all . deleteriout gualities; and it imparts A dm kilt a:natural, healthY. alabaster, clear, living white; itt Mourne time acting ns a cosmetic on the Ain, nuking it soh and smooth. 4 Dr. James Andersou, Practical Chnlilli of ammu, Ays: "After onalyakm Jones' Spanialsii; Wh&e, I hod it possesses the mist beatitiful Ad fa r !, Ai id the same dam &lacteal white lever sa l :•.. certainly con conscientiously recommend its toe to all wLose slats requires beautifyilm.” Price, Z tents 0 bo. Sold b , y_____WI..L&CRSON, on Libeny M. mar'M ' ' Pitt Machine Werits wad' ironiadry. ennurraorti FA. • I TORN WRIGHT &Co, are prepared to hgild Canon t r. nod IVouleu illehineo: „Severe deAription, such ,aa Carding Marldues, Spinal Frames, Speeder& Drawing 42111ett n . Railway Heads. Weepers, SpAlera, Dressing Prunes:Looms, Clod Grinders, rec. Wrought Iron Shading turned; nil sixes of thtst Iran, Putties anal liAgers of the &nest pAents, Ade 'and hand Lathe& Ad tools of MI hinds. Castings of Amy desc ri ption famished on shun mice. Peuerns Made to order Mr Mill tieumsg, Dun Ratline, to. Steam Pipe (or heal ing-PA wises/ Cud Iron 15 Indoor Sash Mullaney Co& • tams gAers Ily. Orders •lea at the 'Warehouse of J. Pnbuer & Co., Liberty street, will hive prompt :men ' • tbrn. Refer to 1 3 1Akstotk, Bell & Co., I. K. Manehead i Co, G. E. Warner, Johalrusin & Son; Pittsburgh: O. C &J. H. Witmer, Symbeirville. 3 FAA j , . 114.1UTZNE ilf..lng. A zle Steal and Iran *arks: 'I LEVAN, HAIL:MAN fc Co, having completed 1./ their new work., are now prepated 10 manufd -04 Is every dexerthuon of Coack and klitplic Springs, Iron Axles, American; Miller Spring and ploogh Steel, and all Wow of amid), stjuana and round Iroa, ve'eh they offer for rile on liberal terms, al their ware liZte, No 43 IPood ;navel: 'where they also keep an nand • complete and Inualwitrie zuwartmeut of Coacha Ttinunings, d Iron Carnage /larderans, Malleable Castings. Nails an C, ILA. Co., have made arrangements with Meath. Car & Ctomr, nuthufacturers of Shovels, Spades, Forks,' .ke- and will keep constantly on lumd every article made by them. lleulers ate rtspectllilly nolmited to all, ac pnces and ten. will be made liberal. 17145' __,___, Nowillardwara HOWION ! heatll WOODWELY, comet f .4.,,,:.:__':;!!,t'i and 21ms, Pittsburgh. Itav ° - .3 , .i .. ., ~. nag withdrawn from the Arm of 1 lacer Kau 11 trodwell, On Um Ist of Jatmety, 1847 ; I tale pleasure in announcing toin i y 'friends in the edy and country, that I have open my new agora at die above Wanted place. flartug 'chased my goods Gar cash, and made arrangements iwith manutactuters In Ibis coantry and in Europe to be constantly aupplied, I am fully prepared to furuisX Ilardwate of all kinds, on a* good terms and ali low as any house East or Wear Aforchanw and o th ers arc respeellully invited to call and cavern< my stock, before purchasing elee where. • The following comprises • part of hid walk: Steamboat and caddlery hardware, gnu' trunnamm. files, NayloP• steel, cutlery , edge toola'novile, locks, /althea, scythes, nun thageL qq,,,n; uaion Ea. tory plan., SaVra, mahogany boards and veneers, end ell other articles nounected with the hezdwars bus'. ...,,,,„ tychllll Elliißlii-Ifier—i—r iieria — ireci - 17s g i. rattan Irian, roar OM= arltSnan. • Si gigiE begs leaven mform We eititene mr,Piim . Weigh and vicinity, that he has taken th e Danner nen Rooms leerily occupied by . hlt. Porter. The Inc ore inured that all the late etwrovemeets are sec. red, nod will brebrought Into emeradon by Ble, Hoge, who hn bete a napea rator since the art wne, ant dietsovered. Entire nese - action ea all whonnay become Ws paeans. lir. RU:wd'l4 ef:4; teeth plmesura to Mr. Porter, in who. establiehmeet he hes operated (or We lest twelve months. Family Por traits, &warble, Daguensotypes, &e., accurtely . opied. _L&esiene t taken in any weather, and ect, be lockets, bient pm., cases and frames. , Instruction give in every branch of the are, and ip. pttratis furnished. Patf g - AIk.IttEHTETCHIEN, IIIO X.. - -7lrea h.,T received per steasustup Called da, from &Boma, • t spiendid and choice collection of ti c berry Trlmb or tahluo.%ergs...tand m ast . c r ietl . leml .. so .c rt .,.. Fre ß tzt&Ho rtu r mob one bmithert yards of lion, for hordetiam Ws w e al ROBINSON'S, Fitili street, 'Mat Wood, where may be tom:tithe handsome:hand bee sollecuou' of Cana ry 13irds and WM Cages in the city, moth Canary Hemp Heed,tay cbe emu d or barierl. and Mat ' 111(1 -WHY GOODS iSIFECIIhi k ,J,, Co, - 00 &Nikes at , hare received 0 cases of cheap premed Lavems'end hluslina, ski cases of FU* do, of every warmly of sayle,lo eases 01 . good style-V iews, 4do new s tyle Prude 4do bhp:d a ted orange • mops, ill do bleached Muslim, all'esl Alto, cafes bleached, brown and blue Drills, Cot Ludes... Cheeks. Member., hs. &s., all of which will be ode:red at the lowest &mere wholesee prices. mr4 ------ pim -- 7 - 1. taiiih. se ,--- 7 ,------,, —, ix wicirrmAN —:u..ti.... at .)t ki.d. of don ga, e ton and woollen tueshmery,2seheny MM. , P. The above crocks beteg How in hill atiecasele op . eration, Ime prepared to execute orders with dispeach Pifor alt kinds or maskenery in my lute, stich s, venters, ckers, spreaders, cents, grueling macines, reenters, draweng frames, spieJers, thrones, knees, woolen cards, double, ur angle, for merchane or counuy work, owlesoackla e.i slide and haud lethes and twined ge:n. end. All lends of sbelitnn suede to °Met, or plat& giv en for near g factories or mills at reasonable chame. akrica In—Kennedy, Chdels & Co., Blackmer. Bell & Co., King, Pennock &Csk, Jas. A. Bray. • Shaving and Maar Dratiiiila Sadao*. ()LAC:Loll) a MOUNTAIN . 2 . hogosar4lim .1) npne aud hard up duns Ahem, }her rte sad nhempuopin Nome in She modem reyly, and us repkrad to . 'mem . ml& Id mmt on mw i 4*N - had pentane They peepirld In lag on au that airy ail inthoutklehy. Theaktel ler pka toroolota. solicit a magnum. Of De MIMS Si our Sok., collar of I.NiCentellstamilbaDmed, (Lana of Aterkuder 4 Clay's Betycods &tom) 4 DELL AND utties roviiiiiii; :I AL..4. FULTON, ltel and Ben ) otemlor, boo- ,..bailed commenced burmen at his old &land, whe he will be pleased to see his old canoe. era a d friezes. - • • : • Church, themuboat, and Hells of every 4 .4. 4 to M l,mki p.m., flpp fp.mpluierna orate on app m.. .remodell and warranted to Ire of the best tes t hLincrui Water Pumps, Counters, galling, he,, loge. ther With every 'army of Brass Callings, It reheated, turned end fi , /liteit m th e neatest manner. A. F. or tit nee proprietor of gatunia Anat•ililtal •,,,na Manz., Nally adelnaled for the redashou of motion in 1 ninnery. The Boxes and'emegmelitilen rho be had o hue a: ell dines. aldly Ploiag c, Plough, Cullers, Waigreig —,- 110/ES. al•al., RotiERT lIALL; of the old lima of IL lc B.llall, is inuientas. luring large Quantities of ranigna, Plough Casteens, W.g. nuava he. nu t, the linprOveltlenla of the Leriver. Peacock, ithion, and other Ploughs, Of the Wee had best panntnn now in not. Wnehoesse w:Liberty alreel, DlOdnargli, optaigg the Hay teca;ei Factory, in Allegheny cob mor , Age Cue., Faciury . ut !dente. Illackturck,Llet & Cl*. .. det.0 1 .Y:,.._, ..._ __....!_ —e....., ........ _' VVhy„ &,, . GLENN; nook Dl.deradi t _ LITE no sell engaged ea' the above bustetesa, Comet y of Wood and blend -Wens. Pillshargb, *here A% C are prepared torte 001' lwork In ous Lae , wille. 41e. 'patch. 'l'm :wend to our work panooagr, ggg !,,,,,, L i., lacoon will be vv.. In Irene to itaamegook raMMY. atbe du. , . ,Wenk ( looksed to toy paliaro and Inallldlalllo r.luntlally. itu numbers oeold booki boutulteitre. fully or repatmt. Names put on book* in gig Inter. TFrew hose that have week he dor line are invited tereelk _____ --___________,..____ M. R. DELLISIY. rear bALkkeery. Itrw,• la close leelnueueer Rte.! 41: late line Catlett/de Stielei t Par VW' eleer.,of ouperioreesintlielere. Apply le • • CONSTAULE, BUNK E . ello. door( erikei 1 1!.. , F.! k 4.74 VW-TAT:4RA and spleiitteavieltse !L:t ;:ind'l4,"'‘"lA`v7Liiauili.',';;Mlr4. .. , = 9 , 0 andel. hluuungigliela loese,elealtle. e el ' niscELWEoug. mando 2 do ' C. do _d do do 6 dO do Cotton, list, rag *and hemp carpet,' common ail elmb, oil dolls table covers argistelL ud linen table covers, window shades, cola.) and plain matting, stale rods, triminings, carpet bbldiugs and all mhergoods aerially keprin carpet stores,, all of Orion, w, l loe "sold on as reamamble terms as any tA the oily: ' Haying :midi or rangiosents with sloe adtheraigesk amentactureers in the cast, Orders fo6any style-of essy,ei will be piOnlillig tor- . warded by telegrsPh, and de.brered In .... 0, 7 , 4i?" a , small advance of the manufnallugr's pries • : I-A , ' Polphssers are parneularly requested to call . purchasing elsewhere, as Wagger tonfident we l l chop as [hay esilbetporchsied Lathe cumin ellieal masa' • , -E. W. LIMA' . / ~._____.....,...,..--.. . . JEWELIR77. . NEW ;ZED ULON 117.4121108, dd Tilliik: I street. .t.; 1 ' . . SO gold lever {Vetches; -48 silvor lover *etches, Vsh; alsilveriletachott lever mach os; 20 !silver L am watches; 96 silver guarder 'walcbs. g ol d gold oboists; bias MA style oar slop; 6 dos pp ,hun hoop rrAgs3 d dos Awned rings; gross drioS, playing a variety ot popular pin; 19 gross Cool aides, all slres. .: . -.-. , . , , ~ ... • ' . dos 61'Fitats, fr.c..3,,,=,....iiii0 fiat's... 4 6 dos She Velvet bud begvnew styles; 10 dos Eno crotchet bend begs, mew styles; 6 dos Ana crotches purer., new styles; 26doz inn parasolsossorrod; Stersi tasses, Plops, gilt sod silVar, for regshas; 10 dos lino /lower Vases, Assorted; 1 dos hoe stool screw pin oush, ions; I dos fins Ivory screw pin mulattos; 1 dos Go d wood sciow Tin cos/duos. A fine 'nom:Rent of new Torl, &CAC - ' li :171111: - .,• ...--.--,-- Ma 4 ~ urdi: • - Reit:Fa A.A. Mises & Co., -- - -- , N" a ' , ...,„.benween nd asid eth am Pius{{ burgh Se.. have, recently ,opened their RCW se elegante MOTO, vrith - au exteusive sulek of tich-flprini eties Upwards of three hou4 dred paekag'ai, or thew • latest - d most .fashiaimbld 1 styles. - Merehantsthrotighotil: the country are panieui. 1 larlr Invited Cet call mut a t our stook, as it out intention Ito Oder oar goods at the lowest -Eastern 'wholesalii Mi Ono or the - firm residing in Naar York, vrill Me te~ ou.t.tly. sending us treah ...PUB. of tha MOW deltrabie goods, themby giving at every lit: dlity in the transaction ot our busman . that could be P"....ved l bYlEastern Beene& Prieci are therefore . guaranteed to be as low as the lowest 'Nets York and i muadelphln rates. . • ' - • ap7 . in g ; at AY It BIURE4Ly•S k Err.'/TOP nor& east corner of 4111 and Marker ste,! a full snort, meta of white. Goods fiar dressery'surn es Eloise Mai n., plan lard I.g . d; Mull Mall do,. barred L lackonl plain Mulls and Jatkonets. A 1.., vstritern stTlok . goods for Evert= Dresses, inOludang a few patients I] tterrlstyles-EmbrorderodAbrnaa limbos- - • t .. irr NeUr goods will be AvcalViltig. daily for a weag nto came, itieirt=est• Pr nylon D e r t els . tna,. Lit derthsVare invited . usarntLe the pr one, eas .in whale/rale rooms, up stairs. The a m ,p ane, and prices very los!. . ~... :, • np:i .. 1 nn -- 51 - 1- iv n snq ji phy revile* sueanon to his asarnor.of abort goorls, of Yemeni shades aid qualatieN•also, slaurasa, agared Lineal Lawn, forLadres'Lltrossea A laige ord• skortment of fuse Ertrlston,. Manchester, sad 1. rauch '1 Ciinghatercof newest atyle , c's/so, froyr• Prods—a to I assortment of these very desirable good", attettrnrn; runk,,lilse,brueand deribre purple, Of . Army and beardr., '4ilitT:l:';izarsvne—Prnit, bloc, in.; 1. ....... 4 mv,, , ,rlv., ,,, ,A=l.l.,..rivgrdd zi d . ems, for ladies' and inflame draws: • , • .• •:. . :Embroidered flariss dress patterns, firtevening dte*. on, now ayle4; 'colored damask tarletorti, ,doi Arid keitueets, full assorts:ow of arssoesdrerages, gretrogrnes, crape shrirla,te at 14c,i'Dolheuteme mf Polin;s and Mat J • • • • tixt,-- i * OliN YELLy te Alri a, lrs umens/to beetles Coq hIEfrea&AiTTAILOEtn, eat street, Philadelphia, hele leave W the friends and pains. oe the late firs; wad at tulip, •Luth,g. this city, War shay aio Wee receipt Of the Spring and yammer Futuna.. choie e w d •e/ , . -* Wear attention. meat of West pf tEhtgland:afrd Petuch Cloths,'T mere.nd Vestinto, Scswhich they respectfully invite - --"tdthni. DY ESSI/D3S—sents fir} gle Casstrueres;-Ilsol Frenandch Ilabit Cloths, sad' sell 'styles cadud Cashmereumg (precu!sr Red Sommer Crud.; ftg'd st plain Drip 111. pew tinge; very chow hlarsedles, Cashmeres, Silks awl Smuts, grid Sg'd Linea Drilla cheaper yet:: , ROBLNSWPS Cloth Store, Yost Duildinga uru meStullw— .•, .• ..corer and ftLe sts T i BPI QuAckLurrvvtirrE, No. 99 Wood meet., — dio 10 1 . .61404 ve:uy large and 11 .1iiIIVII/OCret (real, t,ood, of very recent sad 'bught -74711tYmoit fUtorahte elitism= sad wludh Mayan: prepared,Aud mill sell to Istereltsau,st Seep: small adnuee ou IPS ....tent cost. - - -We would request all inerchmus-Viaiihsiour irr give our stock fcliciaminstion„ mid we feel so ul.. dent ther Will he otal t etT tettsSed of the cheapness of 0.11.0C11. spa. v . melts, msd white Mans:lllm , CLTH—sop reuch, fresh imported, colors, qualities sad priCo- Slalistr. - --- pric me every uric iti% anent) , CAS es H. alracrep warp. Queetealtlollt, bummer Canis; and ileairabln ottenagaint. /vetu' tabu, a[ prices beat ray in the cip.. BOrTibr.gighe.Ztatew WHIArpotE ftY31111"1 U""S't11: ly receiving Carl . Ole bu. lw,' Wantat, 'a We arid . eateurive,entortinent of DM' tictollta, which iltey br iar to rrerehanti at /ow priers, and rennanable learn believing Maly:hey acne give-enure nalmfaotion, b,y contidwaly invite all merchants viaiting the city togWe them it Can. . , . . . . A, -A. MASON e,C0.,60 . 1 / a rlrxt alined, arc opening .i an extanaive saionarardi Dre tiodds, tau w ee/rid per Exprera,vomrawasig the la w rgest. arid 11104 rub:W.B4a stock oriDreai(tool. to lie fo am! in ties eity,woongat wh ich%laureation, id pa extra Sea cit. brindered Pod do elierre, a new article , . and the , waif deal goods Itilho market; . lino, alan strip,' ChM ; Fare goods Mohair Stripa,. FrertehJsiVit, • . 11.11.1X1 GOODS.,,A ALASON k.00.46,12,4.‘ .1./ street, hare rust seell • •spladta., hot' moss Goods, asocuvetteli rosy tss trorod—Flgured, Waits, Orlidattti etOititi Berture uf 'qualiues; silk On., rasher stripes, •Grenstdiers. /94111 . •1tui de Lein e ; plain do Salto, &Chap.*, Sauey fritlk,Fre ?a Ach JacotlA .t.e Lc. rr • • • • • iTERAG.F...A. A.C.--..kriatul .Da ha noa omit 'D `a berntitalanin 4 1 .tipixruld plaid Bni ' s., of tbe emeit qualities and udscest atylis, hupened; aiao, Ohm did plaiu and totechl black Dermas tuid ulacas, splendid French Late., Linen Lustradiand Dingbains,. full ili woßmeuttilaiii an& ytit. sujii. ,da Luinek. suld Vse Alpaca.. r , ' All these triode.. beau parchased al the lati parr auptury nation sal. lia/lota Yinirand rniladeipina, & Will lw 31014 RI R &WRI iciltißtiost from rec.. prices. 11, ALEXANDER A DAY, , __ . . . .. TOmer dlaniond and market a Alusandes A. Day have received direct . aj Java illeinnnorterpt New . oil, an OW case /IF. of paoisie Caatial CTIIK !lauds; . containing a ..mina, essonweat of unbrilanired laud' plain shawls, o(011 to - /ors and yeantice, frank HU to Sn."flte ladies are res , Peeduily melted to adamant Janie shawls, belteviagr Ow Wane of thew ere aeParlor to any before tncre l . th Ire Z4ll :ale X b al l ad 'NT/ necerilnen; . 1 Wasatliatay lour aneca.- . • nays " WHITE Tv teceined tinsel.: A geuey fur sale alone., Iv Cite d, (Xi 's Vilna, Claw, Piro, Molar and Usaump,T:. dainael Tetikinvires Leanne. special alieetrae. • Nat JOE/4 0 /Ll..234lNugglat and Apoineelley, , corvvood dud Mb sta i.oruMaf of ladie. vita a./ Week; Wklue and 'colored 'Conan, Laslei.Threid Silk ma Thaw GlaTes, tarsaa4. .{4a( 'Moak wJ froaaa , Kitrwave,a, m aziallent•Auliele, and old; • 1 v tr. WHITJ3OI,9 se'odd, r_f LO V f.'4I:IVD liosteay—,Ami tee'd; Mb * d or - t. ky' Gros bfkle, withal brotrn'atid slate Corral 110.4 ‘,..6} evlns per pair lip thet• finest:m.l4; - Alta, 111, . do: cams Cott,. lialtlkue; lOU dos .U*. Wrimi, silk z.l; fives thoveg; also,. L_carpni.L.4,.. ,pajots Kid tilaivs. Dialpts s4d othAtiltlal wieb. LargWns ill the aboie inlelt.l/4-ilk_fistd.them at ap29 . • ~. Waml a JOHSRIV*46 market /4 1:11r0SliEK„ &, " wi .- - Mar 8004AM' allioat Iliad Itattlase7io .. -19LL.4 ' . ,1", 114.4 ....!"...,L11.5. lot of tilt ' aotiatT:ll' 71:1,','" ".1 '...a". ••••• ...Mg 'Just receimerrom t h e tattp a n. Pala ( Or matt Wittattaal awl retail by - - i ' NO! I , '. . ' .. - ' FluturoN.i ci. RAF I - 1 tittciiir-5.., B wo . o p . , i da1 V.:1 5 4 23 , 1,45i t ,5 , < v d b.:44, ysTar . 61. .7 KIM' Ito Tort'CraT• -°' ° 3 "i"P . I o'S &at lao' 8, ...4t/ asitei strut ... "'!.'7.- O '.P 'r.,F.TY, •. - .KINSEY a xbiox '.., Wliintsiow—Aio saolikehibri,bah;chk,a sod . o.l*d ehothzAls, Phlintod chit A J.cooe. a.. e.d ekotsti letak...or M.!lidsi ktishoP Lawns, Nsasooks, spotted Mull Vietons, Lawns Titietotr Aboditts, blather wills .• so il assonosont of Lawn., plain sod (odor Nona, k..ooos,;Edgiogs, buntings,' 454. to., all of which tore sturarrived nosh from'the lin ponanoind fosale lost to the made: by nlyl2 1 l• ' suncieLtrr & Wain , , J..... i .lftt r orr , Ell, , ,_,ukacrea°,l4;k . . : tit. Jo Anger Radasi . do do GUILTY' Chants; do do 000 'do; do do Penns dad Peng do do 'Bracelets and la s; Mom alt at no bef hi wan otb t ofloo Jointly Vrill do we; to. _________toylo . ~ KINtSXdOX ,EssOLlta_t .• I S.OI.;ETINGS ANL' tUKTNUIL=V ti,A aiaior D ayVog72C ln trttetg enem y , s. e 6at Zo . peertt 1=221 DRY & VARIEi GOODS. , • LIND'S CARPET aIEPOROUIL 'FOURTH Br" BELO W WOOD. • 7111/E,lNlMeriber re. P .44 4r , SUeilll OW outran. of 41. the oweCrk and_nentninn 9. .- how., n o d and fl lunge. yieiticg Pima?, 3:time Itrg, .pk.did etock of carpeting, now t sal lea new atoresonh otreeL They conategoregery sty f ie lateat aid hmest fashionable styles of Oil Meths, ke., ever !brought to the Western Fret. The Mere hat, beg,' mit eringuly for the ea t and has; (rema rkes of expease4 'been Hued nniniheinountwguLfacent r te e rn Eyler. kieTte.t e an ' d re' Zt ri bP,‘ . lista They - compose, in part. of th ' t BapenorTape try, anew az nglish , and &eerie= lieu. aelet I "- • trapnal e ingnuc.. new sba- Wtit; ,Surstor, ingrain; now do jinring. rain. rC.Ontentuk do 1, Piton and *waled Yenta.; r Extra super cord do; ' Stßoyal defo. Steep Pt; Che • - 411i Ltz i , Pis' latest dftign, With colPte, fonomin'r ! • Door afatW. OH Cloths. rilki l ; l 7.3o.ltalicriOial : llTt o 3U do : al o • 1 301 i di/ tianYowdd , ' d.; fia bldelaci 04 call Itbas Gilipowder and V /1 , suntiait forsal . -BROWN : k- PULBERTStri I j. dip-T.A,••• • - . •' ; • ... te r- : ~' ~'.~T~; •~~~~ t t. L. At f: laie.„l , 7S W Sr, Mem= r rIMIE übseribers have , stand, a large p ski white andblee piing nuncial and packet pest' Plat i. __ sesiting papers, for blank books lo edi mo and royal co ll.. hinting Papers; ineldir - diretr arid cep .D. Books and Ledgers,' superior- riper and best I.stern - binding; Solna Hooke of all Antlas Imandardworts in Theology and Sci.ces; Quills, gold land lute . Penes Wafers, Wax, Bin Flies, &eke, - - ~,. Blank Beaks of ail sues niled ittpatte*: and bound in the most subst.tisl nutniunr. 77.0_ , Co.u7 Merchants *applied at lervuou... wholesale Pri• c ' 2, t; o ntwiiztrn at ggqiltt.,......,l - with OUT estahlishitient, we arirprepared CO execute ~ ,ir g. d ` r e l " " d fitrailir'Prirdt,T.- p..r.:3 :T`" Dge.. ? •ELLAV.k.kius t i; ,',-.-• .r 2 7e wood iit,ketween th and diarecie L. ' -kr &tilt STOlti.. hiariet street, No 60, between al wed 4111, may , at.. dines be found a large - lock orTheologictr Miscellaneous Hooka Be,. wks received , as aas pahliatted,.nd sa c m law, st pm.: " Th i publi miens of the Anterie. usilay • cheol Union and klasoachnsistts Sabbath School So. nay, always on, hand. furnished on op.' ieatiou. ELLICYI7 ie. EI9LISEL, , urz • .SS rftiketst, between ' yd and 4th . __,___„__:_,_„_____, li'lii —•z-- Now 'nook.. ' - u... ' i ' yis of Elthop itull'SestAt Y . olFreigienZ is rural awl Reienled to the couititubon and course Ot. nature,. with note. Alio,'Crouturd's gienions for a / 4 . 5 , , &animism; revised Cud adapted to I . l lousei of *hoot. P,' by Chtnes E. West, Priileipal of Burger ' s Instibne, in l t the city of New York. • - -- , - • . • • ANTUONIS DE SENlXtfill, DS' Alai l Ste.—The de Senectute, de Andeibsi, ParsdoClM .* Somniunt Scipio.% of Quer°, utt.tho WO of . Anion. by Cornelius Nepos,•nrillt FaKlish•Notes, Cruisal and . E'lPlinongySet'flit,ifiATAlDOlLL.ltenrintiil‘ of tin . : Sencouss 50....ry, Boras 1.164 kn. Cout 4 Amuse. I:. ,e,a',4o-ih°:rz:rtg,lt'3lt'MA,dfthi- , '' Ye A FP i r tit)% 2 2LituOttgV,,.6,il.. m Water• ; ' 'lleAbove.w&_illsceive d thii day. and &Ludo IT . - - _.. JogNiiTom & STOCKTON, : • • Liookiellers, nor: market and 3d sts--; N.__To v vtllfi l,-- Rif ,, ,t,sr.r.a..ign' o r g v.pd.'" Bethel il r ag, : ',fut.. do ". '..lacsibus on.,Goepels, Manton ti,' wi th Llaratonr,. Lecture. onShekel:mu , 2 vote , , •'l l Blll Of Lif, or Sketeit ' es of the svgk La Glary end Footstep& of bieSdala; ' • - ' . 1 ' '• . . .111r1 Coot gt t; by author ofSchool Gu i lin Prance; L. . Now nod Then, by Women; . . .. . . Sketchei of Lemosts on Parables entl,"Miraele-S' ' ilreland.* Welconsedo the Stranger; ~` llearen upon Earth, . Ilawkstoia, 0 tale of and for Enirlendt 2 vols. ' '• For sate by : ELLIDIT trENGLISII, . jelowood and ad teuxet sts • ______,...,_____—..--,-..-,- -----........--,;- IiTEW DOOKS—Justreceived at die .2 , ,L011ia Build.: IT:lnge, Gh stmecand for sale by 3.11: HEAR: Ho-adutereof the History dr Louisiaa; ueries of Lectures, by-C. Gay.. 'A dueonrse on Life, amine, and public strid ers aflame Kent, late Chancellor of the Buda of New •Yetrk; delivered Decor:A the "judiciary -rami bar of 'the 'elfy and Mate of New,York, by John Doer, I'. , HistOrysif• to Ragland,frons the; vasimeof Juilits Ctrs sot to the Ira of Victoria; by A irs. Markham; a new. (editio Robbin n, revised and enlarged, with gumbo.; 6 7 s ' ' ' Just' sec veil the po m b r lishe , IN -l i l lYerfor sale et UM Met ho dist rot.k. Stare, 4th if: twat Wnsttd , ' T.PPedtl Proverbial les Philosopiry, m three sty of bUidieg; a beautiful book for A present. .. I . f t teparadon forthe Pulpit. •' ' • .._.. I . facetehmi of &intone on dm - notables and miracles of Christ,. by ,the author of die ,Pfpit Cyelopedie--NM; I.sketehes, St c. The. English' Polpit; 'collectMit f lex. 1 atooe by ths mom eminent living divines of EnglatoL idthmV.l4¢ Vota--,Doing,Good, Ciliation Imre, Loy. rmilthao ind,Serred Meditations.- ' ' my 24 . 1:1TIN---Iii.Kift,--itictunsaka N 1 1, nudism, hi two volumes.. ..- • e rower ow. „Pulphor Plain 661411'4 addressed Ito Chrietiontainisters, and thaw who hear them, an TA. : influence uDipreeshed Gospel, by OW Rev. Gardiner ' The Peasant and• lus. Landlord,. by the Dirtiness Kooning. Tr.:Waled by Mary How in. ..„-LainartinS's Glrandlos, - Vol. 111.. History of the Gi . randier, or personal memoir °Oho patriois of the Enoch Revolution- :fteust tuipublished imurees.,by A. de L I A-. ssi fdateoPtee of each of the above works received 'AL s.. this day›lnd formic by - • , . . ...., 4 STON A STOCKTON, Bookaellers, Oi I,ry4) 10, ° ..,.:.' ' i l._. ._ . , • coiMer militia auddel sts - ' Ltaye, •_.• _______-_—•—.- _ ic - i4.4 ON SDAKSPEARKIS Life and Char. eOM,I-, his Therancal Labors, kis Roscoe, Sonnet., ' Ae.,dry/LN Hudson. , . mic,PaYfierl ottledPolpic, or .dtoughts addrersed to Chrisuris antuinisters and thou who bear !hens by Gard. Tha Ammunm Practice Coodaneed, or the ;Fenn!'" dLyeiMen, being the setentilic iyityra of nuolicino,oo ' ~ oegembie prideiples, for all Classes, by . •sar Reach, M. D. Ear time by . ELLIOTT &ENGLISH, a ,SO market el f bet. ad and 4th, and TO wood et, bet. 4th' • nd,dinmond alley. • '. t -'• - tiaydo --- , - T't — l 7-77— lioacs7-'l7----- .Th„STOßlES—Robertsoide Rollins, Gibbon's, :in etrs, Mod. Etuope, Prescon's Mertmot &en, ~ ,S 4 michelet's Primes Amold's Rome,'Harper's Pietortal &gloat ailobtikrinallastde Consutotional Mao- . '.. ry di England; Arnold'. Later nornAll with , ochmi co Rome; Iturnet's History oflO CO s p lan e,wwith . notesiltillmspeMiddlo 'Ages Malts Growths 41114,CMV- . Wry; Droirtuors nuncio' of the 'Huguenots Tammy's' ~• IftsteriCal Works NeeiPs Ilistoryofths patina; Titters , &smelt Rev; Taylor's AluntuletfAnel and Mod. Hist. ryi Intioduction us the #iistory od the ChiliciSby Jervis , highytellsiene bud P.Mglaud; Rankles Asps. 'rhe above, Naha:may other valuable works, for sde by . ~ snarl, 1 . • . - ' J't. /TAD — S : . . ~ MO 4 RPENTERS AND ARCH rrtx..-f. Bon y do's Guide, a practical Weis:Wel ou Greet. Inn! Rocitan: Aran...urn urged... 'with speenneun. 'of the Gaunt nolo. • Alm!, Practicall`walisci• ou Geometry,' Occinuil Fractious; Alensanalloa, Trisonolaplry,' sod Caipenlery and - Joinery, eiribracengwll the nenessary details, i and- riarlicularly adapted:in flu, win. sof.the . leas e ddericncad.'llyCliester L prantiCal archlrecl. IlevisN and iroprored,,wllli odd Nille. ' and cichool g louse Architecture, by 11Aninin;arckillect,and II Barnard, klaq. Secondiewskl.editiori. Ric ialdliy • ,t.t...l . l:____-__J L READ, Ariollir,c,...lini : z .. T 0N; i 813.0 . 0 N68.....Viite1t you *II, brbaglight; jj Wichmr.lasehreet. Rory IPAloro; Lnatan gemmed,. • 1 Slayiniihe ,Dem Gondulter Roy;.. 'rho Tutol,llirda; '.... ulrY‘.Bo3l. Aak tor not what I aos ,ThinlolAt' Law. .., ' Banked, Ca r NT' Arediet Deat;' 0 Moot 'say 'liars thee Mrk' Forgive, butAoult Forgei;"The Cattraohos;'. 1 ~ Angels ilVitisger; Morning Drawn; Sweet lame was . • Yboneand• Sitiople; The Northland for Mee; ldolly 11 .7 , .1F r otisale by ~ .. JOLLNaI liiplt o y 4.. . _. j -4- 11 ic.fa. ALAC/111,7M4 11.1""...'1t0*- rata; for icadenties, schools end famillea . ~ ma Medical Apparatus ma FAectso . lltiagueur _ 1 Alneadoes, for.physicami and invalids.. • ,,, ' '. - Roach's Thamornaters, 'unnamed; .. , —..., • , . _ Refutial andprepared Unita Felehno-Chenticu peones; T ime [.Ws (or optlci_nzui" ali ‘ P r— ' for sale - by • i . - . hi AV om 4urnor market insect !wl tlittdismolid, e . otnitses , . ~ • IVEWIYOII.E HY HEADLEY—The Life ortineer Cdomwell, by J. T Heedley,Anthor •":Lagifeon 4 Al.tibale,"_ Th. Sacred AlotidatitAz,” 1.84 dab 41 4 Henna*" etd. etc! Reeeteed this dy , y ond tbr : b,. JOHNSTON 4t. STOCKTON,. marAet and Head li i /LASCE—Outliiiett of cho Ilietoty .of Foams, crook the earliest times to the Revolatlon of 1:34...f0r schools acid fantilliti—withoutnerans• entcrovio r and as; t!esotioce for the clentloattolt _of Itoptle. . JotINST9y O. STOCKTON TaIINSIUN STOCKTON,..Iutr just m ceiridthJe ItArriewilVo:lM'Apri6Ptaktd Marti wood'. titkittlturtr-ftlats for.- • en . !Man /11U.. WOOD *Mt Yileto.Cr, ix Strii; WILLIAM SCIIOLET, 11. ll:Rya:pi: 18AAe_31. . TT SLSGIM, JOLLY- IkAIOO.IIISON, - harm, — as. gemmed themselves together 'ender the !style . indirtle of Soboley, Ryan & Co, for the mtutotheture °Mood Type, and as their type innhogether made hy 'inachi- ' tier?, the invention .01 liaaafil. flinger, one of dictum, they feet confident that they' : offer &man perfect article alum, sod tat roach lower rate, than any heretofore,. offered in - the Lo tted States , . and are now - filt ___ , • All orders addrensed •to Seitoley, Ryan A CO - ., :at their office in Diemor4filley; between Airofiii, rind ' Smithfield streets, will be pauctually attended to.- ID' PrtiPrleenre of newspapers, cm espying this ad vertisement 3 menthe, and sentfing tar - their paper will l. • be catilledio receive their pay in t/Tes Wit PllilatlnnS -trace tunes the amount of their hill for ailvcilisiag. - . —_. AMERICAN TILLEGIR ' , naldritormi emrsarasui ado brammuth. ' MEd's- ai tie Bxehaase,.ll.lsiiimire• DEDUCED ILATES.—The charges have been red - -1. 10 red on ell Men ore or from Baltimore, puts [uaff._ or I Vheeling,:and n rorresPretdiog . Mdortirio madam all telegraplic despatches forwarded hom Bah. timo relVestuLllittsborgh, pa. ' n ; arra—The charge Cor • miepaph - deiptiteliro or from Baltimore, Pittsburg...di, boolloir m 43 room for the firer ten wordy' and 3 cents for oath additional ' 00 , Ng. rhorge is mhde for' the address and 'Si .' 1 . : • 4(l;ErdilarTfroc.ttietintap'br‘.;LrenlNlV"'j.rrl' LiP,!*.of patches can be forwarded to Al4hisby Maroc ' trti= mailed for Now Orleans. ' -7----7-1 4 11 .11 - bs".• Cosso, . "ii . An7tltge'biginnskt'llite" glfo ' lng ib* pett. ' ,,, °" ' held ~ .coolly gl- elected rd !allturers for th e eo.tu, , g c e eit, ' " . JOHN DISSETLT,)aiAS.M. "°VYE'V'"ki"L SENSE caraynumsi '.• ~ ' a' - - . , • . PIATLIANIEL 6 HOLMFE , • , !,,.,' ; , ge ' r , .- - IT )-11 MtiOVP i l D B L EV,IB, -- '. - - ' - - 1 ' .i . l•i= l ., t S B ee P teTt-and Tre . t h e e . ." "The album! statement -preaented'h - Mta - of the qComponyin a very prosperous conditiou. Phoirofiee ',. .! .55J1Y- c l !,?7;c ° '.. 3 LTF2.t._____...=<L______:_L e l 2 e' r o v SA c VE .fmat I6toZ uno us lwr ewd• Pufehasind their OIL CLOT /13 from the toantifectarera POWER &CAR:aRA ' have th e a., ware• house; N0."133 blortliThinl street, above •Face, second door, death of the Eagie. lloteh tr= l ttli; kZZrel, ' 4 ,11 °A. ` 17, 44%6, and 51 Inch. wide: k'foed, Painted, and 'Flaw, et , the Lunde, on Muslin °riding and Linen. Table Cid Cloths of the moat Ae.lralile pautpu, :440, btehee Floor Oil Cloths, itOM iuebe• fept wide, well seasoned, and th e newein style of u o on., all of .their *env. Weanntiteture.. Transparent. Wiodo Otilo mt!PeaiYyyiriaf~ Ham! Hose C 6. LIiOOKS for aubeeriptron m&meaplW Stock of du. 1.1 CootPeol. will be opened on the Mt lone, at the ''Fbdordo. Dente and at the bookstores of. Joheanws & r Stockton' and Fred-Kay & Co.„ and wilt cantina* peen freer day to &vitt:tiler theeneeridtendr6lllbd , on. wastl nkivir . . • . • ~ ,cußKerrrocsyp;N. =MEI Allanksp. i : I