THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. BY EliA.lyl7B BROOKII b. Co. _ 'PITTIBBORGID TUESDAY MORNING. TUNE 27 ; ISIS. IPSULADIMPICIA. III:011011. .01311CIIIIDAN. illitrerdivervensa and Igabacriptiosia to the Nor . ear end United &Wee Philiedelpßdiv, received aigl forwarded two dais arbor. - • NEW YORK IMP' Wa will. receive and forward fres • of expense, sal "... : settisrawins and subscriptions for this paper. 47rremai Dan, Dew. Is . `PaL:liebea Daly, TrioNeelly, v.ei/ Weekly. -- , Poe Dulyis Seven • Dollar. per ahuula; Tn-Wpekly nve Dollars per enwsm; Ifm Weekly ii Delius per emu., wittly is atom..! • • remittent.: Comm cad latelligenee,Dookatiq Mar kets, Rivet News, Impure, tdiniey Markets, tee. sea -Wed page. Desekeiratle}Whlg Nominations, • FOR VIIESIDENT, ZACRARY - TAYLOR,,A. FOR VICE PRESIDMiT, • INILLAH,D,,•PILLPIORE, OTXII/ TOM. FOR CANAL. commissloNEß, . NSA MIDifIfLMSIMAIITH, • Or Tor. coirxrr. ' Aidlmasonta and , WLIQ NombutHous FOR CONCREA.S, _ • MOSES HAMPTON, • • ral aflfft3LT. o LEWIS C. NOBLE' of Indiana. ' CHRISTIAN SNIVIILY, of Walkout AL SWARTZWELDER, of Pituburgh. , HENRI' LARGE, of Mifflin. ' miasma', HEXEICIAII. NIXON, of Lower St. Om, JOIIN SCOTT, of Roc t1...13.1L 01 TIM. co me • • DANIEL =CADY, of Elizabeth lkirough. TIIO3IAS Pinaburgli., knrroit, oz' BABY 1. POSTE!, of Baldwin. gee First Page fortimelier:mous New ■ee next. page far Telegraphic Newe• 4 Fr:Monad Correspondence of the Ptnibergh Galen. Peace and Peace ad.weatlewas • Washington, June 22. •- The Ratifictilion of Peace is demonstrating its . • value by [motions to racer the. appropriations.— Taill and a half millions were Yesterday cut down from theddtvy bill, and the reductions — trom the Ar • my 641 emu bee great many millions TAe exit , of the Army from MexieV,--an eient which must • • be tor our brave soldiers; like Re deliverance of tha'eisikken of lamelosill prove 'a very costly serrice,but the Most •satisfadory which has been perrowited since the'brealing out of the war.— ' ' 131issed see the Peace makers, henceforth and at: - I aver more,--sniimay the tongue and hand ofbim :be palsied, whciever he may be, who would again seek to itivelVe the country in an unnecessary ,and unconstftutional war." It is refreshing to see •• tiny conceit of action in Congress, in bringing sloped a hduction of the War establishment. If now ROre were but strength enough to appropriate . ; Semen( the means of Government to advance the triumphs of Peace, it would be a redeeming vie. tud,•but there is a patty in power,- the prominent tfiee of whom, hold that the Conititation is a /dead letter. for all such purposes, mil nothing short • .of a new Administration will restore to the People ' their rightful claims upon the Goventmentould the , ; .t • money accdtaulated. by taxes uponliiheir industry •; 7 • and capital.. The political Ogee of the times look • more and 'tore auspicious Cat the 'Vhig nominee, I have • . seen letters to•dny from Ulnae of the moss prom? neat men in Ohio and MionullanseUs, and though • -it is true that many Whigs in these States are not ostisfiedimil that someyrilloppose the nominations, it nit. certain as the future can be, that unless 'all signs ore false, the vote of both of these „noble Whig States will Le given fir "Taylor and Fill. .moVe." Then if one or rimy thousands aro too there, many thouiands will some to them in :turn, ...Instil the hitherto lukewarm ant indifferent, owl • some from the common enemy. The more one reflects upon thiresolt of a succeslfol third par. - 'iyerganization, the more impracticarde the scheme . • isintode apparent,. It is Coos and firnin,--the exierislan'of Slavery,—foreign aggressive war,— renewal schemes of ennexation,—Eneputive usurpation, hostility to River and Harbor improve. „ttleate,—lnistility to Protection, upon the one side, aierrartzie and Flu-moss upon the caber, with auceessferesistance to all the darigeß?us inuova.l • tic= involved in war, nimentionossurpation, free trade and determined opposition to the domestic in• tercets of the's:Oen*: 'Who an hesitate under 'which hamlet to rally in such, a struggle. If we . love Peace, detest Slavery,. hate hypocrisy, and • would sustain a great -principle of public duty, , even ALSOnle self-sacrifice of esteemed persons,- - we cannot faker for n moment. E. 14 / / 1 There has been a political debate at last in the. Smote, provolted by the notorious Mr. Focrra, Of of Miss., and upon a resolutiou naming thoday 41r the adjournment of the two Houses of Congress. Nothing could have been More out of place than such n delmusupon sash a resolutiod,—but the Senator thought, - and his pUrty friends for a time concurred with that some vantage ground might be pitied over the Whigs by a sort of rough and tumble speech against old 'cough and Ready" and the Whig party. Mr. Foote, said he would consent to no adjournment ac,ortgmas before he made' the Whip show their Jonas, but at th e oboe the day he wai quite ready to adjourn, and ell his - party friends with him. Today, three• bee, the debate will probably fake a fresh start, r , Mr. Mug= being entitled to the floor.' Mr. Foote was very abusive of Gen. Taylor be. fire the adjournment, pronoancini him to be in• rcomPetent, ignorant; unsuited to the office, and • nothing but a soldier, andthis, too, iqithout opin. rots or principles. The letters which appeared as • his, it was stated, were' not his, brit no authority given, and nothing heard, indeed, but the rout idle declamation orfierce denunciation. None of Gen. %Taylor's friends would object to this sort of ',ar rangers, except as they might object to see so re spectible a body as the Senate disgraced by abasing and slandering such a min. General Taylor.. Mr. Fillmore came in for his share, and no did the whole Whig party. Even Mr. Wood. of Cleveland, the gentleman who welcomed Mr. Can to the Like City, was denounced as "an,ro pertinent Mow," one "inking fill y and impudent questions," because he ventured to express the hope that Gen. Can was a Western man, sus a 'friend of Internal lmprovements,7 and is a free Stun man, was, against the, extension of Slave territory. Impudence; indeed, to anspwit General Curs of debndlig free principles, free sad, or pro . section to Atnernena Commerce. The history ri(General Cu., so connected with the Wilmot Pinaviss, in Courtier's, Was briefly told pending this deflate. At the first session of the 29th Corigressa, - the Wilmot Proviso passed the Runner came to the Senior, n o d the Ccaninftteenf Finance, who retained it until :the 10th oiAugust, and thirty minutes before the Mose ail* session. The Calamine:l, of which -Mr.Losuriscif Alabama, was thrn Chairman, report. ed minus the Parrish.. -Governor Davis, of Kass. sPolas in opposition to the report, and Melia' woo defaced,—Ube wpoopoo- and the uf:niriso," to seinen Sivas an amendment. At this time, gee. Cum came to the N ride of the Senate, and in the presence of . nearly all the 'Whig Senators, declared that a wu Mr. Davies speech which had defeated the Proviso,--that he was ready to vote Gar i a, that all the Democrats from the fice &lies were ready Mu to vote, and that 'Mr. 'SUM', of Ohio, wimila have led ihe.way. Notwithstanding all this, on the lot of Match of the same wasioa, Mr. Cass twat: ground 'publicly against the Proviso, sail voted • agaima it in the ' Seaste,--still, however, avowiat that he woo a Glared ;to the principle, awl opposed to the place only, igaittst putting it iu the bill before the Sea. ale. iben t hoiiever,he Ita tate!' open potuuls saintl. the Proviso; and is one of its worst ea. it is such a coo silent jewel as tins that the ace salted Democracy put up against Gintend Taike, ■ man pieAgOd to extend Stave mnitory, :acid Douglass, of Illinois recently admitted in New. 'wows, mere pledged to the South than • aiss any SoMthern man could be,—or more of an - wtherent to SlitTay than a Stavahohlar here Wadi to devakce the deapenv lion ercha. .c.iii fiicads,atukttaar hitter parlous] ; sea upon Gen. T. eheies the .extent of that The Honser have today viand w Importait bill, acing away with that conaguetknia the eel- ti Lois in sane Of the POW/ by which a contisraed prriasee oifive:r . yesas to zequired kith° country before reoeiviof Ilio.oxerits of at:mm.l4, • The Otkows Brtx".hasiapin beeriescheil the Senate, tiller sleeping Litany dayi, Auld giving many Senators an-opportunity to wpm them selves kiiargaments upon the material queetions. The People of &evil, in the Giivenament whielr they hive Irwin:tied For theinelvea, hive inhibited Slavery from t4territary, and being temperate as well as Gee, they have a b o prohibited the sale or importation of ardent spirits. These are menial . : pal regulations, and without being liteurtly specs lied in the hill befiwe the Senate; they ore preen. eally acknowledged by declaring that Meer shall be kiven to these nets, as if they Were a part of the fundamental law of the territory. It to proposed by half n score of Southern Sena tors to strike out the taietion assenting to these en- actments, and various nmerelments bade been en' Greed favoring the principle of Slavery. There am liewever, as I write, but two pepding,—one of which,—moved by Jetlerson Davis, of Miaa.,—pro vidm that DOnsest.4 Slavery irony exist In the Ore. gon territory, while a part 'of the territory of the United Stab., and the other,—moved by Mr. Hale, of N. IL,—whioh proposes to incorporate the Ordi. mince of 'B7. In this form the Bill has twice pass. ed-the House of Representativee, andbean defeat. ed in the Senate. The South'ern Senators take more and more umbrage to Mouton - ore now, but have consented to allow a naked vote upon this section of the BilL There was so much of law, and so many abstractimas in the debate yesterday, that the quertion was hardly touchedupou its men Us. Mr. Dix, of N. however proposes to do I that on Mouday and being one of the ellamburro ine Senators may assume a wind, if he will. The rumored nomination of MAAZL•r VAN Br art and hfr. Donna, as the choice of the Barnburn en, in the two highest offices of the Union, was received with marked consternation, by the Demo cratiO party yesterday. The. Hunkers were lite• rally struck by lightning, as the news come by tel egraph. The subject excited much more debate and inquiry than anithing before Congress, exci ting as ayes some of the questions there under consideration. It in impossible that Net; York, should these nominations be true or not, should give her heavy electoral •ote for any other than . Taylor and Fillmore. The Democrats there may throw away one-half of their votes on Mr. Caw, and the other half on Mr. Van Buren, or any body else. In no event can any Locofaco candidate wry the State of New York. Mr. Van Boren was cheated out of the nomination in 1614,11 the friends of Cass.` He and theymay now pay the nominee in their own coin. The Poat Office Committee, of the House have reported a bill reducing the pima of postage to five coot., for one half ounce letters through the Uni• ted States.• The Chairman of the Committee in a report accompanying the Bill, proposes that the uniform rates shall be Two emirs for all distances, and this will be the reform nltitnately reached, and one that will in time, not :only cheapen the . great means of social intelligence, but yield on adequate revenue to the Government fur the support of the service. - • The House have passed a Bill to-day be more fully executing the provisions of the Wassres. and A61114.2111:4 rar..siv touching the escape awl refuge of criminal. The most important act of the day has been n Report from the Committee on Commerce, in re. 'ply to the Veto Message of the President, awl in fine, a vindication of the powers•Of Congress. h was drawn up by Mr. third, of lira. York, the able Chairmen Cif the Committee on Conunerce.— They were met with fierce apposition by the Southern Locofooos, Cobb, of Ga.; Sans, of S. (I.' .1 Houston, of Ala., leading elf in person, M. VAN Besms.The Port predicts that er.- President Can Buren will prompdy decline the nomination of the Utica Convention, and-advise the Dernor.mey to support Carr and Butler. When he reads the Sallavringdetters, his views will mate. Bally change. We copy from the Total:ie. 'Mr. Butler then proceeded to rendo letter ad dressed to Martin Fan Burro, and also his reply. Mr. Van Buren, in his reply, declares huuself in favor of u Free Territory, and heartily approves of the Worse the Bamburnem an taking, and say. that he cannot go either Or Caw or Taylor. The letter was a very able one. The Convention then adjourned till to morrow morning at S o'clock. It is thought that the Con. oration will adjourn sine di, to morrow ailernooo, alter which a tremendous Mass Meeting will be hold Subttattre ttf Bou..Afarritt Pmr&lrniaLettert. the • r • lints, Thursday, Juiro The-uststrowe of Mr. Van Baren's letter was to the fullowingetfect —lle announced hi. Jetenui• nation, previously,sapressed in 1811. to retire from political life, to b.,' unchanged. He declined to no. mutation. He reviewed the proceedings of the Baltimore Convention. He declares that all the Bamburners did was perfectly tight. ll.conorts them to persevere, nod to. make a ...parole nom- Motion. His language was emphatic and filled with emotion, yet strong and dignified. He re commends firmness His latter throughout is de cided sad emphatic, and to favor of Free Territory principle. He quoted eleven acts of emigre.s in support of his argument, embracing. the administrations of WaShington, Jefferson, Monroe, the elder Adana, Madison, Jackson, and his own. He declared that be could not vote for General Cass or Taylor. That the extension of Slavery was a moral curs. His letter was received with remarkable enthusi- Wistirsuipx,June 23, ISIS. We take the Wowing from the correspondence of the Noe York Exprem There are here ■ssemNed delegates not only from New York. but from New England, Ohio, In. diana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan. If they can do half what they say they can do, Cass and Butler will ' dump through' from the upper Lake States down to Maine. The ataim is up high here! Great speaking has been going on all the morning, by Messrs. Wash burn, Harrison, Gen. Nye, and ex.member of Con. pm Rathbun, from New York, and by Mr. Tay kir, of Ohio, Morton, of Massachosetts, fen Gov ernor, we Presume.) Delegates from Wisconsin, Indian., Illinois, and Ohio hare also been speak - . ing. The entbnaiumis wonderful; and the confidence of beating down Cans, o The genera) opinion among almost all 'the Barnburners' present is, that General Cass will get no one State in the Union, and that Martin Van Bornea chance is Dr better thanhis: At the hour of this my despatch, resolutions and on address are being read—and the Convention will after they am done reading them. A mass meeting, alter the Convention adjourns, is to be held immediately,which is to be addroued by the Rom Benj. F. Bader, U. States Distriet.At torney, Genera( Nye, of Madison Co., and others. We siddl- not take up the time of our reader; with a iormal reply to the splenetic article in yeo ierdsie Journal. We are willing to submit the whole question to the intelligent Whigs of the county. Mr. Hampton has received the nomina• tion, after a spirited contest, and as a consistent ; Whig, we shaU give him 'a vigorous and sincere support The Journal can make its own election, —it concenw not es or our duties. As to Mr. Hampton's position-on the Wilmot Proviso, wa presume there are not twenty Whip In the aunt ty who expect or &t ire any thing flare than his emphatic declaration; in his speech last March.— We to-publish Um refresh the memories orally who may have forgotten it. Speakiogof the great power of the President, and of its arbitrary exercise to compel submission to his will, Mr. Hampton says: ."Let a man hove the boldness to differ from his view; imtl let Lint have the temerity to avow that difference on this Hopr, and he Is denounced in the Union • Umbels the nears twentrartir hournv Fonlinrilb hle .miud walk the plank. He has but one alternative, either tp stand on the platform with tlio Enecutive, Or be pushed into the sea. For an instance of this kind, I appeal to the case of my colleague,. (Mr. Wilmot,) who but the other' day wan denounced far amartitag a princi ple 4alaicla is d a ldr ravd in the lawn of every i. 3/ fru imam—o rinriptz which kra way man reraial evresiminst, and in &lilac of sehtch lwdl stand hymy /*ague dt bay as law Aatturrdaiik. a seat In this Ball" Antursurran Dieu fru— , An important bill has Jun peseta' the two Boutin, of Congress, to pie vent the importation of adulterated drugs. The design is to create • suitable inspeenon at the Cue. Minibuses. It wan m the Spate, by Mr. Die,of N. Y, on authority of one of the N. York Custom Mouse officers; that adulterated Peruvian bark, wormenten rhubarb, deteriorated quinine, were among the commonest importations Of a larger quantity of Must pill, imported into New York, and which in in pure mate has 33 per cent. of pure blue mess,4here were but seven puts of the blue mass, and` 23 of common clay, 'and the - rest of sind. The legislature of Mississippi and the Physicians North and Smith, generally have petitioned to Contemns in the mange of this bill. The next step mud be to prevent the manufacture and sale of detonated drum at home, nod thin is a work for the State Legislature. . Father Ritchie, of the Washington Union,. up, aDdartin Vim Buren, by throwifig himself inhothitt wild and tatal eunent, risk to rise rut, awn.— We have= drarbt that the weld, non-nerred re- publican, 'oolflifflOr Dodge, will scoatithe whole OteISWIL W 0164 0E 4 4 like, 24 .We extract the GollowireinatenWtieg intelligence from the- *v Orleans Deana. Gea !fermis is elected Prealdeat of Mexico ; the exchange of the Ratified treaty between our Commissional, and the Mexican Government has 'oaken plea; the troops are moving towardi the seafarer.' ; and the projected expedition to l'acataa has tx:esivediti quietus Qtrarraw. ldfx 30,1545. It is now nine and a half' o'clocrat.night, and it is ascertained that Herrera is elected I the votes of eleven States agniast five. which cast their sullinges for Tries. On the first ballot Herren had S votes, Santa Anna 3, Trims 2, Pentraza nod • tkampo 1. So the Chamber proeeeded 10 decide between Herrera and Trios. Herrera received the j votes of the 61lowing Statm,Gnanantato; Mexico, Michoacan, °amen, Puebla, Queretaro, San Latis,Tamanlipas, Vera Cruz. Jalisco, and the Federal I)istrict_ Trias obtained the vote. of Chi• huahna, Coahuila4 Durango, Tabus.. and teem.- Herrera will enter upon the discharge of his duties tomorrow, The treaty has been exeltansed, and to-morrow toe ComAtinsioners leave. CITY or Mexico, May :11), ISIS. To day the divisiolt of Gen. Paterson tell for the coast. Day after to-morrow the division Of Geo. Marshall will leave- I look Sr the return of our Commissioners in the course of two or three days. Gen. Butler will start from, here shout Monday next, in company with Mr. Sevier. At the last ac counts Mr. Sevier was sick , st Queretaro. The Yucatan expedition, which was fitting out here, has been knocked io the head by Gen. Butler. It was an awful misfortune to the "go-ahead" of the Army. tints Can; lade 5 ISIS. The mail arrival last evening ; front the, city of Mexico. The news brought by it does not con. lain an item of importance. 1 sin infinmed all the troops in the vicinity of Mexico were ordered to that place, and are to be tient to this place by every convenience, to be transported to . the United States. CoL Bar MrtSiff==l JUPG 23. Uri., I 0 o'clock, e. _ isnnkhead will be in bere'this evening from Orizaba with nil the troops, with the exception of thirty or laity left to protein Government properly. A train arrived this morning from Jalapa, with sick soldiers. • I am informed all the public property in the city lot - Maio° will 'be sold there. if a like course is pursued at this department, it will ben great loss to the Government, ns it will not bring one.third of the price that would be had for the property in New Orleans. The "American Star" soy. the San Patricia prisoners, now that peace is declared, are to be sent to New Orleans, and there be dishonorably discharged. Citizens of the city of Mexico, it ap pears, have petitioned Gen. Butler for the pardon of these prisoners. The sick of the commend at Cuemavaca-330 in number—arrived at the city of Mexico on the 29th ultimo four men died on the road. The sick. nese is great at Cuernavaca. Lartm.—The Baited States Steamship Portland, which arrived at New Orleans on the ltith instant, brought over about three hundred and filly of the 13th Infantry, with some convalescents, discharged teamsters, Ac. 'The remainder of that regmlerit had embarked on the ship Rhode !eland, and was ready for sea when the Portland left. The Orizaba garrison, about 1,004 strong, under Colonel 13inkhead, and consisting of tbe 13th Infra. uy and Alabama battalion, arrived' at Vera Cruz on the morning of the Sth instant. sad commenced embarking the same day. The Alabama battalion tailed on the Mina the brigs or schooners Heroine, Mooring, and Musachusetts, We Mobile. Gen. Pattereatis division was dspected in Vera Cruz on Monday, the 12th instant, and General Marshall's on the Wiles:mg day. A letter from Mexico, dated the 3rd istant, says that Genera Kearny 's division was ordered to leave Mexico u Tuesday, the tlth 108111111, and General Worth's o Wednesday, the. 7th. The Michigan regiment w shortly expecte at Vent Cruz, from Cordova. The United, States' Commissioner., Messrs. Se• vier and Cliffiiid, were es peeled in the city of Mex ico on the 3.1 inttanL Mr. Sevier returns borne with General Batter. The New Orleanslletie states that the United States Quartermaster at that place took up, on the I4th instant, about five thousand ton" shipping, to proceed to Vera Cruz. for the purpose of transport. mg our troops to the United States; mating, when added to the -previous engagements in that city, front ten to twelve thousand tons of sailing vessels, exclusive of 'winters, enraged tor thisirrvice.— The rates that have beau pahl are ten 411illars per ton km the trip out to Vent Cruz and letch to New Orleans, and twelve dollars toe those who proceed to an Atlantic port The "easels find wood and water, and the Government all the other stores litreAnn the }lroise of Itepr aeritattra, oil Friday last, ltr. hunt, fiviu the I lota unlace WI Commerce, to watch wiey referred tit Met/lota/II of the Chicago CO.Velliioll °lithe fah o July,lMl7, made a report thereon, accompanied I. reaoluttous: [111$3!1!!2111!!!EIBIS:111!1 Staten ruts in Congress the power to appropnate money to open and improve !Aaiun, rod retnuee olnornctione, front meets:title stem..., in all omen where ouch' improvements 'are necessary to the pnAcciluil and /1614 of wmmarne with 1 . 41,411 notions or the commerce among the States. RFAulned, That the intervits of oar nation commerce. the 03111111011 defence, and general web. Eire of the IJaited States require a judicious ex., ciao of the ffireguing powers. it. Revalued, That the reasons assigned by the President in his veto message of December 15. 1817, tbr his refusal to, approve and sign the bill passed March 11,1a17, inking appropriation for the improvement of ,attain harbors and rivers, are deemed insufficient and unutisfactory. r 4. Resolved, That it would be inexpedient, and contrary to the principles of the Constitution, to give the general affisent of Congress, in advance of legislation by the States, to the imposition often. nage duties by lid, several States as a means of improving the perts and harbors at which such duties may be levied. 5. Rekalrid, That the report of the Committee on Commerce oft, the Memorial of the Chicago CO. vention, respecting harbor and river mffirovements, the President a Message of December 15,11117, on the same subject, and the bill referred to sad com mittee in relation te tounnge duties, with the mi eerily report on the same subject, be printed, and that the Committee on Printing be directed to on. quire into the expediency of printing extra copies of said report." The resolutions, giving rim to debate, were or• dered to he over. They contain the true Whig doctrine on the subject of Internal improvements, and will be carried out by a Whig Congress, when General Taylor is at the head of the Government. A Woxorxrct. Puktosirtos.—A singular phe-: nomenon was brought to light a week ago Tester: day, in the township of Greenfield, about eight miles from this city. The facts are Very nearly ss follows. The Messrs.:Grangers, in boring to find water to supply their steam saw mill, sunk a bur inch hole to the depth of 70feet, when they struck a vein or cavity. As they withdrew. the augur from the hole, to their great surprise, it was followed by a violent current of air, that threw up stone. as large as herfs eggs, ten or fiAeen feet high. For a few momenta, when•he hole was first opened, the air was accompanied by a stream of water which was thiown ten or twelve feet high. The water, however, soon ceased Doming, and the air gushed oar with; such force that the roar could be die tinnily heard fifty or sixty rods distant. On touch. ingfins to the air, it caught, and the flames nulled twenty feet high, and came nearburning the build. log covering the machinery in which it is located. They finally succeeded, with considerable ty,, in. stopping it, by' foreintp- down blankets, and driving a spate into the hole,,which was their Only Means of stopping the air or ins, and extinguish. lag the flame. For several moments. eller the bole was stopped, the earth trembled and shook, for some distance amend, as though an eruption wu about to take place. • The people, who by this time bad gathered to the number of. about a hen. deed, were greatly alarmed at these symptoms, and scattered with all possible rapidity, uppasing that wu about commg to a be 11.. ., that they were about to be blown up sky high by an earthqualm. From the time it was opened till it was that' closed, was almut six hotin, and the air gushed out all the time with unabated brae. It bas been opened ;several limes since with the same-effect. The power and force of the air doe`s" not seem to diministrin the least. The Messrs. Graugers are proposing to secure it with appara. tin so as to shut it all and let out at leisure, and test its real qualities. The people in that vicinity are all confident now, that it Can be conveyed here in pipes, and suciensfully ; used for lighting the city with gus, from this great natant underground Ba rometer. We learn that several scientific gentle. men of this city intend visiting it soon.,—/s.irair Advert cite, cone 20. it'arl. coo Tascm..—ln New Jersey, the Loco Poems have as much as they call do to keep down sponumeons combustion in favor of General Tay. lor. Their committee of vigilance for Burlington county have deemed it necessary to lasuelern ad. dress, urging their own panisans not to dimport Old Nick. the New Brunswick Times, 4 Loco paper. begins a long leader in this lugubrious strain. " We have heard that a few of our friends in the country have expressed a determination to, ote for General Taylor. Reports to this effect are now circulated, and among others, several Deinecrata of ituluenee are named as beinkin favor of Taylor' We do not believe half the stories whiCh are tidost in reference to prominent min of our party, but still think it proper to refer to the,this time fur the purpose of bringingit fairly befine oar renders." The Now York • Tribuon - thus announces the Banthornoto' Ticket: , - "Martin Van Buren for President and I.lrnry Dodge (United StanW Senator, late Governor of Wisconsito for Vice President is the ticket of the Free &id Democracy. It is is strong ticket, nod, if no (tither Domination. should be mode, will obtain o good many Whig votes. We should not wonder If the Hale ticket were to be withdrawn in favor of Des One. Whabif. Vqp Buren were to beat Can in the general vote of the Free States? We be. hove • ima would, if every voter could but under stand the question wherecti they are et issue." .I{anatsauson, June W.,1818. Governor Shenk issimiu secic!usly ill. His dis ease lull sneezed a new shape, and he appears to be almost in the last mega of consumption. His friends tinselittle hope of his Mummy. Ws learn that Gov. pods. declines the naming• non of the Gantbnepett Convention. ===l Ilseeptlinclieettwo Pursuant to notice, tOitr . ke . namber of nor cis. Rena met at the ;St. Clair Hon* tar the purple 4 4 authiniarrangenienis Saran appropriate reception of the Pennsylvania , Volunteer, now on their re. turn thorn Mexico. '-'Gen. J. K. itooßHF4li vans called or the Chair; and SAXIII:L ?ALM= and Eoscxo Swwop chosen Secretaries. Th, Chairman • briefly stated the object ei the meeting, when, on motion, it was •, •._ Rrsatird; That a committee be appointed Ly the Chair, consisting of not keg thanAhirty persona, to make minable preparations the the reception of the .Peensylvitnin Volunteers, expected to arrive ix this City during the next month; and that the meeting, when it adjourned to meet on next Wednesday evening, in 8 o'clock, to !tear the Report of the Committee. The Chairman appointed - the &flowing natimii gentlemen Members of this Committee :—.Jameri IL Mitchell, Jonas R. M'Clintock, Charles Shaler,Mar. shall Swartiwelderi Major Richard Beeson. Capt. Alex.llay, Charles Paulson. Cols Joseph E. M'Call, Capt. .John Young, Gen. Jonathan Loge' Gen. Jas. If. Watson, Capt. Thom. Varner, Cluirles R. Scully, James 11. Sewell; William B. Mowry, Rob. art M. Y.... Chambers M'Eibbin, James Watson, Wm. Boyd, John Morrison, Capt. P. N. Guthrie, C. C. Seeley, Col. E. Troeillo, Major J. B. Guthrie, G. W. Lang, John G. Bacholleo, Charles • Barnett, W. H. Smith, R. M. Riddle, E. Brooks, L. Helper, John Dunn, J. 11. Foster, Edmund Snowden,Smul. Palmer, Brown Irwin, John Coyle, Michel Rene, John hlnjor, Dr. Alexander Block, Capt. John'Bir. mingham, Cody Paterson, CoL W. B. Graham On motion, 1. K. MooMentlwila unanimously lected Chairman of the above . Committee. It seas Easohrd, That the Committee appointed, meet t the St. Cloir House, on Teeaday evening nut, t halfpast seven o'clock, r. at. , to attend the.duties f their appointment. ' _ On motion of Robert 11L Young, it wits Re. , olt.rd, That the officers of this meeting be appointed a Committee to address the Board of Canal Commissioner., and request them to allow Volunteers belonging to our Pittsburgh companies, with theiebaggage, dne..., to pus over the public works of dm State free of all toll. The meeting was thenaddiessed by Hai; Chides Shaler, Marshall Swartzwelder, Edmund Snowden G. W. Lang, and John I. Mitchell. On motion it was Resolved, That the prmieedings of this meeting be published in such papers of thiscity whose Edi tors will be disposed to give them an insertion. When, an motion, the meeting adjourned, to . meet again , at the time idaire spw.lfied. ' J. K.. , MOORHEAD, Ch'n. Sown, Pwr-ven, EIMUND .SIOWDICI, 5. s'"*""i". j Onrl3eak Table Appleton's Rail Road and Steam Boat. compact. ion. Being n Traveler's Guide tknaugh the Unit ud States of America, Canada,. New. Brunswick, and Nova Scots. With maps of the country though yrinah tho motes pass, in the Nordieny Middle, nd Eastern States. Farming r likawise, complete guide to the White Mountains, Cataltil Mountain., S:.e. Ningeria Fias, Trenton Fall6,Occ, Saratoga Springs, Virginia'Springs, Nail other wet, ering places of fashionable aeon, Nod containing full .d accurate deScriptioas of the principle cities, toarns, nod villages, the miniml and artificial curt ousities in the vicinity of the routes, with distances, Gifts, ,to. Illustrated by 20 maps, engraved on steel, includingA plans of ,dries, and embellished with 26 engraving. By W. Willing:its, New York D.', Appleton and Co., ISIS. William the (:stager. By the Author of "L•'[leu Herbert, or Family changes". a beautifully punted, arid elegantly f:rottett up juvenile bOuk - coutaiumg an irtitrueure Moral story•. 'New York, Harpers, I >IS. Daily Sei 7 i!autie, Readingsby the late lleanum Chalmers D. D., I. I. D. VoL 1. New I . 4.Crk, Harpers. This Vol. completes the work on Srriinure Ire?J Mg, .-must valitable devotional Lamk from the pen of our at theltriclitir ornaments that thd•chmrch can boast in this age. • Loitertags in Europe, or akeivhes of Travel in France, Belkintn, Switaetland, Italy, Anttria Prui. am, Great Britain, and Ireland, with an ippendis, containing observations on cliarities and Medical Institutions By John W. Balton, M. I lamer. • . Toe author being 41 Mydieal man, and on a'pris Its...dial tour, we may pretufne the hook will have apeciA claims to the attention of the faculty, while to the general reader, his oh:creations slam men and things may prove interesting. Toe above for sale at the Apollo Buildings, Jth Street, by 1. 1. (bred. M.,staiir, Juno 26 Conum;uwealill vs: A. IV.l4lma. A tippbog,.. Loiur case. Defen.lant plead guilty. Faird and costs. Cunamonteelltli v . r. John F. M'Etniveth iuditted for an assault and battery on 11. D. White. The parties were physicians in Birmingham. The jury returned a verdict of guilty. Sentence thin morn- ing. Nicholas Somers; who was found - guilty last week of-an assault and battery on Cnnleib Popp, was sentenced to I U days imprisonment in.jail, and fined S7a In the matter of Ilender'and Horn, thy jfiry re-, ,turned a verdict of not guilty of armpit and batte ry, and county pay the costs. - Commonwealth vs. Alex. Itogent. Indicted for larceny of clothing and other articles trout Mrs. Mary Young, at the lire on Seventh street. It app peered that the defendant had taken goods at the time of the fire, and it could oat ho proven he in tended to keep them. The jury acquitted him. Bernard Bums plead guilty to anlindicitnent ior selling liiinor by less Measure tban• a quart He kept a grocery, but not a liquor abOp. Fined $2O and cost. • Suannnah Bailey, Anna Eaton, Elizabeth Wil. Daniel Booser, 1111 d Jacob Booset,..weie dieted for keeping a disorderly house in Allegheny. The first and lest two defendants appeared and pleadhriot guilty—the other two were not in Court. To Basta.—We have been again requedetl, to call the particular attention of the proper aotbori• timk,m the very loathsome condition of the-Canal Bashi. Notwlthmanding the loud complaints against it, by Mose realdidg in its vicinity, and 'the 'repented remarks of the press relative to its un• healthy and offensive mate, it has been permitted to remain just as it was,--filthy and intolerable'—, Who is to blame in ilea matter? We learn, there was an appropriation made by Council., ample enough to cover the expense attendant on rlcan log it thoroughly out, brit no attention has !men paid to it. _ _ _ FalElesuaT steaDUCT.—The late dastruetiim of this work, was the seinee of much regret la ail parts of the country; but the tumouitiement of the fact, that the one OIL is hooked, and the be let into it tomorrow, will be received logs of great satisfaction, Few believed suticture could be re-built in the lithe 'promised, bUt titiough the commendable exertions of the G. nal ibpard, and the Superintendent., they have MI. ea it forward with the greatest possible speed, and have secured its completion in thirty days from the commencement of the work. Out (Leaders will beer in mind, Witt the large gale aehoice wines and !opium, will be ...ginned this morning. nt lUuclok, by 3. U. Davis, Atte. tioneer, la the warelmose of I'. comer uf Smithriehl and First ale. i.islio onieies under ineaon notices. • it , t r„„ lasso, mum Itringtl.—Tbe mom 'meeting of I ' en, to sympathize with the curcennian of oho Mitchell, the Patriot, was held in New York on Friday oight, heving Won poi poned from Motidefon element of the stoma. The meeting woo very largely encoded, and was ad. dressed by Horne., Greeley, Capt. Mcßeynolds, out Mr. hicliconk, resolutions ware 'passed, ilis• ointeciog the Imprisontimat of Mitchell as a crime against freedom, civilisation, mid the humanity of the oge; rind'a pledge was adopted,Nokmiely prom icing that the signers would not purchase any sr ' tide of British iiiiitunictum until John Mitchell ii restored to liberty, and Ireland to independintoe.— A meeting was held the same night at Fort Green, Brooklyn, which was very spirited.—Phiblielphie letl go-, Linz room Bloollraqur.—We kern from Clark, of the barque Morisco, arrived yeidinlay ..from Ponce, P. K. that a Stench Government schoouerhad arrived with some 50 posserigiwe bum Martinique. A report hod been received at Ponce when the C. left, that the white, inhabit:ode had air combled and drove the Wicks nut of the city. The Governor of Porto Hire had hewed a ptirc dominion on receiviogrne nein from Martiliqu,to the Slaves an that island, to avoid any locomotion, no they would be punished without toorip-cJrner. of Commerce. Duns ov Man MrrenUi.—Letters hasie been received in this utietry Rom tie Rev. Junes Wil. son, Prerbyterian nister at Lecumahlre county of Dery d ted May 94th, M at the the wife of John Mitchell, the Irish patriot died bin a kw days after her unfortunate husband was trinsport. ed. The shut: oral so severe open her, that it brought on premature conlinamen; whichtuutted In bee death. The oumnenee caused a very greet degree of sympathy: and it wu thought might end In e - popular outbreak.—Phd. Bd. Tax People's Convention, at Colambna, Ohio, bare adtonnted, iflar resolutions, and rencumending_a National Convention to to held at Iltuflik., New Yoric,on the 9th of August, to nomi net* candidate Roe the Presidency. Autaritlagrapky tits . gat Regis. We yesterday dined It Rarobiause;lo meet the. Rothschild, and very ammang Ii was. Re (Rothe child,tord as his life and adventures. • Re was the third scat of the became at Frankfort. "There Was not," be said, :loom enough farm nll in that city. I dealt Fa English rinds. One great trader came there, who had the market to himself: he Isms unite the great matt, and did us a favor if be sal us goods. Some how I offendefhim, and ha re famed to show me:his patterns. This area on:n Tuesday; I said to my father, I .will go to Edit. ' I could speak but German. On the Thursday I stalled. The nester l got to Eng. fled the cheaper goods were. As won as I got' (o Manchester, I laid mat! ell my money, things were so cheep. I made good profaL 1 soon timed that Were were three profits—the rate ma terial, the dyeing, and the manufactanag. I said to the manufacturer, I wall supply you with ma terial and dye, and you.iupply me with manu factured goods.' So I got three meets instead of one, and I amid sell goods cheaper than soy. body, to • short time I made my .£20,000 into £llOOO.O My success all tamed on one• maxim. I said,l can do What - soother man can; and so I ern o match 6ar the man with the patterns, nod for ail the rest of them! Another advantage I had, I was on offhaud man. I made a bargain at once. When I woo settled to London, the. Feist India Company had £390,000 of gold to selL I went to the sale, and bought it NIL I iknew the •Duke of Wellington man have it. I had bought a great many of his bills at a discount. The government sent tar me, and said they mast have it. When they had g ot it, they did not know how to get it to Portugal. I undertook all that, end I sent it through France; and that woo the best business I ever did." Another maxim, on which he seemed to place grant reliance, wm, never to have anything to-do with Sn unlucky place or an unlucky man. "I gave seen," said he, "many clever men, very clew men; m who had not shoes to their km. I never act. wilt Meal. Their advice sounds very well; but fate in against them; they cannot get on themseltes; and if they cannot do good th themselves, how can they do good to me?" By aid of these maximahe has acquired three millions of money, "I hope," said "that your children are not too hand of money-and business to the exclusion of more important things. lam sure you would vial that. Rothschild-4 am sure I should wish that. I wish them to give mind, and soul, aid heart, and body, and 'every thing to business; that is the way to be happy. It requires a great deal of boldness, and a great deal of caution, to make a great thrtnne; and when you nave got it it requires ten times an much to keep it. If I were to listen to all the projects proposed to me, I should ruin myself very ' Stick to one business young man," 'hid he to Ed. ward; stick to your brewery, and you may be the rent brewer of London. Be a brewer, and a bank er, and a merchant and a manufacturer, and 'you will soon Baia the Garret. One of my neighbors tea very ill tempered man; betties to vex me, and has Willa great place for swine on my walk. So. when I go out, I hear first, grunt, grunt, squeak, squeak; kit this does me no harm. lam always in. good humour. Sometimes to amnia- myself, I give a beggar a guinea. Ile thinks it is a mistake, and kr fear I should find it ont, off ha rune as hard as he can, I advise you to give a beggar a guinea sometimes, it is very amusing."—{Memoirs of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton. BAstckle Diatonic Fireproof Feint. • 'Thisl,inviluable article was found about three years iMce, in the tawrishipX Sharon; Medina county, Ohio; it Hes aut 20 feet below the silte• (toe, and is a very sin Mtler deposit; it impasse twit there had been an excavation In the rock about 'five feat deep over a surface clamps or Awe acres, nod the spate filled with thin metal. When taken, .from the mine, it has about the consistency of cold tallow, but an exposure to the air ten or twelve. days, turnalt to stone; we thereisre Sr. obliged to grind it while green,then grind again, wHich leaves untie enough to mix it with oils for user; alter it is pat on • few months, it turns again to stone, Zero tog a complete stone covering) towhelever applied- Dr. Chilton, of New York city, shows it to Leone of the, lest animal& that - denims used. Ile klund it to contain the following substances: Magnesia, e. 25 per cent. Alumnia, i 20 do. Su ex. 20 do. Bieck oxide of ,ton, 10 do. Au [olio ref of iron, to do. Lime, ' Ia do. Carbon, 5 do. . Jr` will there! re Le seen that. it eontaiva • very large proportion of magnesia and alumnia, two of the beat pratectives against are that cart he used upon wooden roofs. It is estimated that Sony mil boas of property wm destroyed by fire iu the Lao ted States the lust year, and probably three fisurths of the buildings in cities took' tire upon the' roofs from contiguous burning buildings; therethre is a dilly that each elliZ•11 owe., nut Only to hiruselt; but to his neighbors, to use all the means that wine within his reach. (and Doi WO cipeneivaj to guard agetinrt tlus devouring element. It not only i. a protection against tire. but against the action of weather, or you have, to all 1111.0.11 a persiTt stile roof It heutleen found valuable for dinfolkiwing uses; for eovenng Nall, for esrrtage painting, fireproof .afri, for cement to put ai joints of air tight Mere.. fur decks to 'steamboats, 4.w fences, and in all ea. ses where black paint as used. It is sold at V.l per hundred pounds, the which will rover this roctof a building au by 40; the cost of the sit la ,•alettit the same as that ofthg rosienal the wkia expense, therektre, for the composition ;ready to put on, will not exceed SG perl2oo square .feet. It is sufficiently tine to min with the oil .without grinding. The New Orleans Bee infornm us that Genera. Tnylor received the news of his nomination gar the Presidency with the most perfect equanimity. . 4 11 is composure (says the Bee) was no more die. turbed - at the prospect of presiding over the destil tries of the greatest republic in the world than it was when, in the thickest of the fight et Buena Vista ; he was winning resplendent glory for him ;elf and immortal honor for his country." The .4)elta" gives the particulars of the same event as follows: ully a happy and extraordinary coinCidence, the news of Gen. Taylor's nomination was brought down the river from Memphis by the steamboat Can. Taylor, Copt Morehead, (which, the reader will remember, was the name of the Prem. dent of the Convention.) As the boat approached the General's plantation, near Rodney, (Mist) she rounded to, nod the.passengers commenced -leg very loudly fur the old hem. After a While the General emerged from a log cabin 8114 came down to the landing, where he was met by Capt. Morehead, who handed him letter announcing Lis nomination. •Gen Taylor read it without the alighteat ap pearance of emotion; after which he quietly Elided It up, put it into the capacious pocket of. that fm MOLL. old brown coal, and, turning to the Captain, 'lfs a very floe day, Captain- a very fine day, indeed. "Yes, very fine,' responded the Captain. 'Did you have a pleasant trip dower "Quite so,' VV. the Captain's response. ,'Good morning, Cap tain. good morning, gedthrinen.' .gad Iheimper tumble old gentleman Waddled MI; bowing u he went lo the passengers anderew, who made the welkin ring with thew loud bourns for Old Zack.' for .A , ca u eetiast the ROUGH AND READY CLUB 1, 0 e i f,4l l Fsh . e.Y. will be held aelesay . er- N. 7. 01;1 o%l°.`'° '"`" on 11 °^" , ♦ "*'"g P. A. IHADE/RA, ' ie26 ' • Warman Unison:rec.—Tee commencement oleo ems of Wf. Insulation will take place this evening, in the Hall of the thaversiry. Orations will be delivered by the members of be Graduating Class, and an ad. dress will be delivered by _Professor Cherie. Elliott. She eitlans are respectful invited to attend. The exercise. wilt commence at 7 o'clock. The following i• th e order o exercises: MUSIC. PRAYER Mum Oration: Progr d e i r Stall, .c!il Oration: Alutability. By !loth W. Hervey, candidate for degree of A. 11. • Oration: The bloom of Poollusd—lly Juo. C. A. Mitr [igen. candidate for degree of 11. titt. Addrees—By Professor Charles Elliott. A. M. Abram. .. ...; Benediction.oa. . . • .. • . The Trustees ni • e equated to assemble Mt their chamber' a(7 oelolA, P. N. Punctual attendance re tired. jet? _ • ____ __ , X OUNDIOn the Allegheny arharf, between bfarhu• ry ' Kneeland the Potts, on last } riday, • SILVER V STCIL The owner ea ti get It by tailing at this odic.) praying property, and paying forthkadeeni•e• .2e!.,_______ _ janii. CALF SK I NS-a 0 401 pentane V:7 441`r.en,e,11 l C l 44ll l !ii i ns, a Beill Y s7gont lt ' ait 'i n ' t;fac;o h ry . of ' lr lif Ceavefonr. k lo . whiclellie lineation of toot nuthersie 101.4. Just miteind and for sale Icy mr yourlok Co, Sig' . -4. t 143 lilmity st .. - MOROCCO—dation Madras Rid Skins; India Peanut Morocco. Also, a Hash supply of Tampico and blgdrailloot Morocco, just recta and fur We at low --'11•111 YOURS k Cu _----- __. . _ . . • ORPI-14 ALI. (or sale by i leaf ei JP VON lIONNIIORST k Co . I) - ",t I'4 k Co OultivitaxlAW—as bIA. La . , 1 u; s yo:y RONNIIo sTk CO SIIOAR must: 1101tAssrs-23 bblx Mr sale by. lesl7 - 8 r VON BONNUORST & Co 111111.11811—ao bblo b arrive , rot male by W 6 VON BONNUORST /it Co MrRAPOINC: P.APP4-4u mama Straw Paper, la 91 sale by mill tl k VON LIONNIIORST &Co OCIC POWDER key. for sale by /e27._ 9 F VON I.IONIVIIORST & Co _ . CMARfb=7/3 boomer balmalf H Spanish Clears, io ogle by jrly ePYON IIONNHORST to, Co EATllgas—al slacks ..nowt hooting from stoome F F.upbrateo, for Mle by Jen I DICKEY &Co, frown sacks naw landing from steamer Ea Parana; for sale laY I len I DICKEY& Co y ARD-I.bblit No la now landing ammo, Ro. Stith, u for . :WSW I DICKEY &Co FLAX. lanai and I tierce, now landing from Mamma Iliplinues; for nalo by I DICEFS b. Co COI7ON-27 bale. no. boding and bar sale by I DICREY It Co 0 ALTPETRE—VO bbls nlood, now cowhand and lor uia b 107 I DICKEY &Co PlASldEllETTS—Towocues Llnek Caslararett. rnllah,,jua ertrivtml JeIP. MI./Li:KLETT tx. WHITE AUCTION -IM,Na By Joha.D. Davis, /Meilimier. Armspeary Salt rf doNis. Thotsday monsmg; how 80, ie o'clock, as sho col:morels' Us* Room, corner of Wood And FM sweets, will kw sold saestansive assodmant of foreign and docusde Dry Geods, erntossin4 the cost of. oserehow in netghboring town, who is declining Lcconts. 1 .11t2 o'clock, ; GO pair fly mew, rations qualities; Id cases super nu• tria silk hats; I crate queensware, aajorted; 7 boxes and pint tutoblerai I large show window, with shut. ten; 36 doe light window ;ashes; rdo con broom.; 5 tif chests' II and black tea; Meatus Cigars, Virgi nia tobacco, matches; shovels, spades,' forks, iron antes, copperas, Ste. Is poem/ assortment of neer and second hand hones bold furniture, embracing saes, dressing and common 'biennia% spring seal rocking chairs, nanny and cant. 33301161/i/M,P . Ork and wash stands, I pair mahogany 'distal tables, bedizen/14 looking glass..., window .—. . • . OM= A large 211SOMIlerlt or spring and summer fashiona ble ready madeelothing, boors and glues, omits, whips,,seddles, bridles, gold and silver watelies,jevrel• ry, Gun cutlery, mantel cloaks, guns, pistols, varirny goods, an. jear JOHN PDAVIS, Burt Great Salt of . layartal Wines, Liquors, Ilarana 8, 6 ,0 :.• fn. BY JOHN D. DAVIS, AUCTIONEER • On Monday, dune Alth,l commencing at In o'clock, A. 51., at the erehouse of P. Cr Martin, corner of Smithfield and Prom streels, will be sold without re• serve, his entire muck, amounting ; to nearly 320,UM). A large proportion of the AVinet and Liquors nom". of wore' of the moat relibrated brands, and various vintages, ranging num ISUr 1,1-12, 'and. of direct Im port:mon • Sale will be continued nom day to day until all are sold, as the owner Is declining . the business. pomg which see the following, vier= 07 cask. superior French Brandy, choice hand, 10 bbls Peach brandy, very old; ' 4 niPaa suPeriorkjoltand Gin; 5s casks Pon Wine, various brands; 70 birds and casks White Wine; 15 pipe. Idadeim AVine, selected brands; IS qr ppes sopenor pale Sherry Wine; , dry and sweet Malaga Wine; 2 l" Tenerife do 2 " Lisbon do - 0 " Red do S Mid. St Eatephe Claret du, • 1 puncbeon Insh Whiskey; • I do end 3 bids Jamaica Spirits; 15 bbls Old Rye Whiskey; ' birds, quells and pints Loudon Porter; be bottles Rut India Ale; 74 daz bottles very fine Claret !Vine; 38 baskets .Champagne do 0 dos Cordials, Parried; 12 bas Wine and Stoughton Bitten, 40 dozen bottles Brandies, very old; 50 " " Wines 3 - 10 n " Old Rye Whiskey; • 811,1:00 superior Mamma Sagan; 10 Irks fine qindity Tobacco; 38 bp arid halves Sentinels; 50 bids Cider Vinegar, 91 " Copperas; 30 large loaves Loaf. Sugar; Lemon Syrups, Playingauc, Brandy Frans, Tow, to Catsup IS dos Cards, Wines and Liquors in stand casks. Together with stand casks tools, a lums, and a peat variety of other Pricks. Ela" Catalopes will be ready on the 12th, and Pad, may be exampled previous to the pie. JeD • Ptutopcgmail PITTSBURGH THEATER. C. 8. Foam ' Manager sad Iwosee BENEFIT OF MR ROTS. Tranar,_Jan. 27,1842., to cortionnee with the CAMPEN7M OF ROUEN. Manson Mr. Rays. Antoine Mr. Prior. • Madeline Miss Porter After 'which, , SONG, " The Res," 31r. Archer. DANCE, by tin Anna Malone. Previon to which, STATE SECRETS. Gregory .-- Mr. Porter. iVednesday—lllSS JULIA DEAR sin appear. Posen or AMLIELON.—.WI.I Circle, 50 ells; Ikeon4 Mee 33 ea; P. g 3; Gollery, 20. IarRAPF/NO PAPER-1.93 Wls Mammoth Siva& Vr P.P.I 101) do Double Elelituu do dol 40ii do Double Crowe do do; 1( do Medium do dot IStu do L C dodo; in stare and for sale by AYR REYNOLDS it SHER L , LAT BOATS FOR SALE-1Y Bole subilanzial Boats fir sale. Enquire of REYNOLDS la SHE& corner of Penn and Irwin not SCHOOL BOWSS—Stalaffey's Series, a large stock, 4031reseive4 awl for sale by jel.v3 RfinifiLOLDS & SIII'V E7TER PAPk:R—IUU sesta* (awe very fine) in Ls store sail Cut Intlf. b y j...% REYNOLDS 8 PUKE Ariv . t .. rrro .od t and burr 4 Netts, esua Inns. Alm, 10-4,11-4 told 12-4 heavy iSobinetts. Impeirted esprest:y for o supetior prticle ot Mosquito Netts, tor coy sale., just 'rerete4 Ly j' 141121C111stirr.t WfllTY N 9 anal et" BURLAPS -3 6.les Leary Ouich, for weal eabklng for sale by 0.41 SIIACKLETT i. IVIIITI: CROTQN CIASTI44—An invoice medium .and good, dark sod hght colored Croton Cloths, opened by Je26 SLIACHLInT tr. WHITC _ • LINES CIIECIZS—A small invoice, very desirvbl styler, just rereive4 ti, lIIVIICKILARUTS LARD Isms supply tat baud and fur sots at Wu dreg win . of , ONES—PO see k• ellperjOr ree"..l per ilea Me r Diligeace mud fat into by leAl J & R PLO 11). Nowa Cpu!ell Building. CUt ., IN-Auu midis Virginia Cont. al sure and for sada L I DUMP PORK-14 I+l4. rece,ve . ,l per ...3Luer Ilril 1.11. iiMet an 4 tut sill! II Jed, • BROWN' ,t C.UI.IIFIC7N'ON lIICE-4 ten in PWIt and for Rik) lOW by jy inil6 BROWN in CUI.BEW.T 1111 OPB—Ri bales WI - sole b II J , 43 " BROWN 4 CULBERT:RoN (10770 N-q., bales in stole . lAtitii.a4lVityLzLi t or Douse Molasses, St _ jet 3 • ' JAMES DA LZELL (111E1W-I-4U big prin. W.E store and !rule by - i 5.105 JAMES DALZELL MANCHESTER GINGHAMS—An 111 , 031.1 of real Manchester Diaghatas, of nr , c , cud handsome patterns, received yeuenday at the Dry Gantt Ho-, • of 024 W ugspnl, i_jEAVY SHIRTING CIIELIZ.Ts—Of Stuart's mann- JUL facture. cortstaatty on hand, and oW by the piece or yard at Hie Dry Goods House of 1r.14 - •W R MURPHY , NEW MACKEREL-131,1,1n lone No 3 Mackerel; o 10 nuance Landing and for sale by _ 91.1LACII;OURN, Y l . Co F:20; 4; do Eko r . for . abs by sc7l 0 AlutulliNto.T SHOE . THRBAD-4 kph sßpply Tilley's, for sale by jsi74 C ARBUTHNOT CORDER ' Shlwrf-2.313, .4, for nabs by Hall, C-AREIUTHNOT ini,s BONE—No 7to I inches, for sale by D Jc24 C ARBUTHNOT SALMIATUS-6 tons receiving and An sale by jai ROUT DALZWiI.. & Co, liberty et CIIEERE—I6O &vs iVevtern Reserve Cheese, in more and Cor sale by j.2l' ROUT DALZELL kCo UOAR HOUSE IHOLASSESIObjbIa James S e reed pr , teamer Hall Co =b aosi in for sal by SSIALL WHITE IIEdISS-25 bbla fos sale as close by ICA • R DALZELL is Co 500616-160 bad. N 0 Stag.; bbls Nos 6, 6 and 7 • Loaf Sugar, io More awl for sale by /V It ROBISON & C 0,192 Isbeny st KOIASSEB-175 bbls NO SI olaxes; 40 Rik 8 H In do. for sate 0 *it R R(II4BQN k. Cu . _ .IC i V3 tremor Aloe, 1..0 st?ro kf t gat4.y a co at;6411.19-3 too; So4erows, roblotoTsidforsib; by - , lai a ROBISON h. Co _ IDIOT&611-4 cook. Potash, in mom &ad for role by 1 - jai R ROUISON &Co IRON AND NAILS-19 tans - assoftet Dar Iron; ISO IN: do Nails, In ;ore RYL ' OIIISON tr. Co MACON-30,00D Ibn in smoke bonne, for s iaQ by 'llOlO DCLIDSON it Co &Th ?DV rAtiAs. - HrOZlaome &atm Tore agi Porthole or• beautiful quality,:and at greatly re daced price, just ret'd. A LMANDF.II & DAY, je43 73 market n, N E ear ail,' diamond INOSIQUITO NETTS—We have hot opened o largo an lot of blosquito-Netts, of on excellergnably and remarkably eketp. 1e33 A.LEXAND tk. DAT 1114DRIFS-111 nolo' Feidhersi 13 do thrtieng; 4 S tddit No g Lonl l dd Fligfeed; IO sack, 444 1 boo Peacock Fly Betisbettl tro• do. Vino; hiorrive and for " 1 . 1 4 ISAIXH‘DICKRYI Co, front et 491T0N--27 bales to arrlvii fur oak by lJ WA? ISAIAH DICkIA &Co CIIaLSE-123 boxes now laltdiag; for sato by ISAIAIIRICKEY & Co nAll. ROAD GUlDE—Doggetre Rai! Rood Chide' and Gannon for IS4O, owl% Seotional Maps 01 the great route. of travel. A few copies reeeiied.and for sale by Jett JOHNSTON& STOCKTON . Vir A CKEREL-30 bbl No 3, large, 'Wickert.), tot ne" .. . 'ecivOd and for sold tjy IDOINDEXTER h. Co UGAR—tuu hb4124 systr, in store and or "ttelfd la br 1.1NT./. )1 4 . —r-M L i - ?,' • P.A4' SVGA R-10 41.4, NO.'. V dad IV, plord.. ooa Load NI do Lovermea rtvatted avd Polvert-, x olSegamy to mle tell ,BOINDF-XyLd!y.ce , niniEsE-il in. prone W by NJ 021MIND/ATER ate id "Sit AK Initßri- 7 4ere 1 t ,7• for sale by A mat rOINDII2.: , EB 1/,.,ty-Crtj A . C , 11 , 711; a n le .p. Di e l tito ß t li VV . d G o — ef I do do dot VS do Na I Baltimore . it . eryi4,,,Bast . rerl . tt sod Mr milt VS tool , tIIILLI,R Ricv:r4oN, RAYAN4 §I/VA tt—t it 4. Whip, juillecp,Ckl 01111 for mat k mextmoN ' PIIIIII u~v . taloa/v.Ol 1..) for Odd by jolt MILLER k elirr.4o R N 11 — YFRMICI-3.1.a. "ArceaCroni Ve N tm D icell lust ree'd J.LER K - F. F. BSCIN Ift'llf.,AsNa AND if by 1A1 111117 . k1l 1 127:Itatiltg7 ' ......... learre inurs2l l ,e - 1 4"" ... t 9 1 .. 0' in lan BROWN aCto.kiEliritfri CIF:MANE GERMAN CO NF N dusj pre ceiend and for gale by E.- jerk/ 4 KIDD k.. , ,C0 ' , LIMING !MON 711 A-11/ half ebilsts_ll,l* Hy. 2 wet MN Nit received ind for sdie by rat mita.Rit'ioitiCKErrfrPr • COLS-4 0 libls oil 4 75 do SVoliord 4o 20 kJ do No 11. do do; Id do Rearink do; 1.1 pate Sperm do; Ido ldearhed Wha l e - sbb tl ido do. no te ond odio jelo St.LLMIS k atuusows Conlid PreviesParri. Ala nOn's ColwaLinu hair received nod for Tide hi Jed MELLOR. blvecrOd er (WM-0 Wes An.ed ro by' - )el3. • JOHN DAIORGI.A_Ni dist SWEET eask SSreet Oil, reed and fad sale by ' Jeld ; JOHN. D MOSCHAN B"..TfoirtG;ll MECELLANFAUS, NEW SIINVILES GOODS 'WM SIM Mr YOLK 11.1 M PfALADISUrkI&ALCIIONS. WEare now opening a fine Mock df freak Sommer Goods, direct (rota the New York and Philadel phia Auctions, where they have been purchased with in the last two weeks, at a very great sacrifice, there by enabling oil to offer hr brace bargains than we have ever kite before In calling the attention of the tut.. of Pittaburgh . .d its victollt to out assort ment,' we do so with the confidence et our prices being such es will ensure perfect satlsfactiom - and to ell buy. era either by wholesale or 'cleat, • .fine chance is now odered for pr.uring greet .. bawd.... Among those lust received are A lot of very cheap !rill and Ilk figß d striVa Saks; " " Light and dark Lawns "' • Girtglesths of extra Env blk tied sad sniped Darege, which are e very grew Carp.. A lot Of haudAome Coto Polly', for ladies dretses; do light colored and Leek llareife, very cheap; do new style silk Vesting .. -do to very handsome Barege Shawls,. do V. 17 cheap blk .•do o d 0 . .. do the blk !silk klantilla heath, . • do handsome Parasols and do du • Artificial Flowers; Jo very cheap Linen • Luttrell; AI 45.0.—A fine stock of cm. French Clouts and Cal. isitatre, white and colored Linen Drillings, Cashmer etts,i,siontner Cansitacti . s, Dray. d' I-ke, Ste. de. A large assorthent ?mitt of all prices; Ttekingo, Checks, kluslins, Sr., to which, ca well as other ons et.ijit our Hue, we invite the special attention of cash !hirers. A N-We a r LEXADER AMAX', Jest market of the diathond . 1 1! A. A. MASON i 4 CO, - 150,11AKKRT ST., BIiTWREN THIRD I FOURTH, 11)RING desirous of reducing their stock previous to ..Llthircomutencentent of the Fall Trade, wilt oder their extensive and fashionable assortment for a - few weeks. at greatly reduced prices. Amongst their as- Kirtment may Oa found excellent styles of - Bernet!, Thrums, Grenadines, Pahayrinines, lntl aßtieve, Dress Silks, Lawns sad Muslims, le. &a, all of which are reduced is pnce fully one third. Their stock of Mewls irvery extensive, and com prises every knownstyle. A few carious of crape and silk Shawls just received Will be sold extremely low. . ese as real Scotch (Raritan', will be sold at 131 eta., :usual price 45 cents, goal English Calicoes Ute; Amer- Wall do as lota as 3 and re; wrought Collars 15e; Alas lia 'de !aloes Itic; good. Aliment Idle; Bonnet ftih tons Itte.' Their stock of dark green pure Satin Parako_ sfi Parasol. and and_ Panisolettes, comprifang upwards o CAM,ofery and quality, will be offered at very low r ates. Bided Cloths, Cassinieres and Vesting", lon, all kinds of summer stuffs and cononeoles. Housekeeping and domestic Gtaids of every desert?• lion. rehantsiwill always find' at onr o f rooms Is .:large Imp and desirable mt assormient of as Is tumidly found in eastern boasts, and at ly low P Only line price, from which no sec; non ean he made. je JUNE PRICES PRINTS CEDAR' ST., NEW YORK LEE & EREWSTER H ALEAe c e r e s n m til de asi t lile . d . th ut vaLlgs o tr p tg u luge . seas., to el.. their lurch for CASII AND SHORT TIME, and have just purchased .Crest Bargains, and nous opening ansoo d exhibiting_ CMIES New and choice style. of Dress and Fumiture.Prints, Wieddiv Shades, ge., which, in addition to their cus tomary extensive assortment, they ate atfeting at their usual small profits—and at from 1 TO 3 CENTS per Yard less thaiv previous primes unpteeedent• ed lowpriers, and improvement in styles for ISIS, se cures a general . preferenee (or this article over many dother kinds of Dress Goods, arid greatly ineresses the emand. LEE & BREWSTER confine their attention exclu sleety . to the pure hese mill) sale of Ameriem and For car. ?fiat. rho cum quantities of Mamie:tack, Coehe. co, American Print Works, Sprague's, Donnell's, Phil. *Allen's, and all olherdeurnble Myles of.Peintsoshieh are distributed by theta throughout the country, enable & LL to be the largest purchasers in the U. States, and securer to their etrablisliment &dm:tines ds- Puriwenl and prier's over any other House , and to which the aneution iterchant• is reipectiolly LEE Se BREWS Cedarst TO'SEGAR MAKERS rp . m following choice SEGAB TOBACCO, cirelk ly selected, are confidently offered le the tr_ade.. ert bales prune dark St. Jago wrappers Ypis wrappers •• very choice Ygultxy 1U " Havana " lA/ caw prime Connecticut Seed cu Itbds Kentucky Seger Leaf. Kentucky Ey soma' :AU has Dom. Stereos' Oronoko'Cbewing Tobacco. DJ • P. Robluson's Honey Dew. " Glad's, BOUM', May's and other lads sup. Cs lb Dl bbls super Scotch SNUFF Stu" l• Stem ;a hesslissairs " bottles and loose SOW Principe-SCALARS, 'Nato Semi ra.nUO Havana Carlon. that. - • . " - Corers 40,1 W " Barnow. smut - - " Erna. also o 4 Irons and a Wood. TOBACCO PRESSFS, with bars and streessury toolc,nl/ be traded ass any oat. goods. All the above articles will be sold low, soul on good test., by W A BOYD of A_ atinuoid cur Petal and llollinpu:cln.hst.• Italtintore =EMI • NOVICRI, Orphan's Coup rier Le Corrine - of Philadelphia. I lie loaner pitition of liorrort Moreland dro , d. • {,l4 . luotioti of James Hanna, Eq., Attorney for Wa llah blurtlatel, due of the heirs of aid decedent. the Conn granted a rule upon the other Lein and persons Unenvied in the dial lato(t of aid 'decedent, and 10 sheer curiae why the estniei appraisal by dip fibresials Inquest, should not be sold, reternabie . ou the lint Fri day in July nest, and that notice at sail rule be diem by adveniscutent Mien a week, for four weeacin one public ttetrspapre,. published iu the city of Pitt:burgh, sod fordo> sent time inOne neyrepaper published in the eity of Philadelphia. It_a] Witness the Hon. Mutated King, Judge, at Philadelphia, this seventlinayofJoise,lbla. JNO. A. J. LEWIS, Jel=Path: Its , p. Clerk O. C.' Penniylvania Usti Road Coixpaar. NOTICE to hereby given that the four th instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per share ou tho'Capital Stock of this Company is required to be paid ou or before the Ist day of J uly Jacob Tko fink instahneut of FIVE 'JOLLA P,S per kkare, go or before th e In day of !Sep tember, dad the math instalment of FIVE DOLLARS peralutre tutor before the Ist dey ofltiovember next, at the office, ,No. Walnitt street, Philadelphia. Payments will he received of one or more instal,. ments. or the crock tiny be,paid in full, atlhe op*a of the stockholders, nod interest will be rdlowed (tom date of paymenk 'ln Wmeoto not pool noAct.kils, will be subject to the penalty of ono por cen. Pbr month, n.tognirda by law. (!FORGE V. BACON, Treasurer. Nll. V.—instalments vrill M erchants received by W. H. DEN. ‘, al klanufacturere ` - COTTON DUCK. • subscriberattge °parads the largest estiblish- L mint in the Vaned States, t o the t h e of ;anon Sail their oci odor tassel,' to the dealers in nshore), at e lowest price.. Duck of superior may, of evay.deaription of width and weight, tail , he for eoirenng Steamboats for Minting*, Tapas ,s, Tents, Saktng, Dogma, ise, via— - • 72 inch heavy iloc4. • 36 inch -do rad hgnv, •51 inch do 'do EP, inch 33. 33. - • 43 bWil do, dt g . fe,E 1 12 1 1.4 h• Dock, airs No. 1 to No. Ilk ' inch. Roscoe - No. 1 to No.* Cllnd Y 34 inch beery milled Duck, kg. Dealers will find an advantage in purehasie , nufacturers direct, rather then at second he GAMBRILL.CARROLL d • Italtiroot FANCY VW GOODS. • /MAMA •ii - MUIR, •a a; os.dw !•w-York, hIPTEII.4 AND JOBBERS of Silks, French yrto red rdaslbm, iimetej, Laces, trobromieries, Kt= kgraZtra in Call. They invite country blotch., visitino New York, b examine area before Making tier; purchases. Mr. Muir was for many years ,a 1 Ure loam of A. T. 818, 7 Tfor hlWars'lLl to Twrorom ' sr =ltTa ho hoWhemh) orys ;MO Eavorab y known in Mamesusb. ishtment. - maraky Patent Soda A.L. vHE subscribers have on hands hh casks Soda Ash, J. hinspratt & Son's, first quality, bousg the bsd, •cc ortheir smug stock, .ich they will sell 041 a grlglcejupr.riery.. cod soap mada suck llfire ity, they deems unnecessary tp,ithity , f the brand.. • They take this oppor unity to .Pprise their custom. .t,aud . ,dmdbri genatully, Mat theybave ordered I Mt Mar manolhentrem an England—the iTil moment of which will arrive in time for Me 611 trade, nd Mencalbrorard regular supplies throughout the aeon , which they will sell ut lowest market nice • r cas orapproved Je w lV k u MITCHELTRI MasonfanttavelA 7 , ,abaccet. lINS Gann & Royaler s superior oven 5 Ipc P 5 do hl Illadeni •• 19 hido Priev& IlarwomEs do do "do "1G " MI do do• Pearl 8 llarwoml t. "b& " H do J Rubinson I " sop e ; .07hf do 4,_0 " I. 9 'nttirl:Cs ' 3: 4 0 Andersn . II do L T We's - -• n ' do 11 filaCenCa . " 8 “ • It Jo Banat •• lb " Jun lan dlng Inane steamer and packets, and for sale HEALD, BUCKNOR & Co, 41 north water at and 16 north wharves, Philodelploin "IVEEWBOOKS.—Loiterings Europe; of Sketches AA of Travel in Prance. Belginta. Switienand, lUdy, Vtvat . Wind. end, Iceland, with an Pontll2, eontaming utivermotiono on &woken ohm, tics and medical Matson.. Utrtioinn W Corm& 111 Angela, • hovel By the amine vd , Etnilin Wynd• • mt.: 'lwo Old NetisTalen, 2 ale. Belf•Controt t a noon. By htmy. Daman, author on 13nociplineY Pot. HI; Daily .Betioural Readings. Ely the tale• nom Chalmers, D. 11., le. L. D. • • Pont The Thousand and One Night, Harm.' 11. I.ll4rated C William the Cottager, a book 'for children. By the st Moe of "Sllen He ac, 'The above works received this day and for node hy MB4 JOHNSTON & STOCKTON - • W - elles to Tmaysleral EXPBE S3 PACKET LINE am••• , •-• h e 1 _ FIIILAUFI,IIIIA AND ItALTIMORFY ME subscribers Lave engaged the light draught I steamboat DOVER, tu carry passougers to And tom the Aqueduct et Freeport. Abe will depot daily or 7 o'cloel in Op ppreieg, hoer 10i0ol irllllllittCL Pessengent will boutkpot on•,boird, and wilt be unmet et the bout. , • For panne or mforattion, apply _IO - • W. 81.7TC11, Mom floore, • , Or D. Lr.cti Canal Basin. Dollars through! Dy this arrangement posamigerk,aritl Ira through tip les. than thrEoday.ead a 6.14 possinrover the nut /out in daylight. Cast mod Wrought Iron Railing. ,1,11.: subscribers are prepared to tleellie order* up. on favorable terms Sr every description of.irort ding, for llakoatea, Cemetenes. Chamber; am • A. LAAIONT e KNOX, ; AIM . efflif st,Allegbeny ear l _ 1 1 CryCOI: WOOLZ!—Tbe highest market price in mink j'ITT will he pall fur diderrut emotes of clean well, wslied Wool, Ity W 11A1411.111611, lea water stud ltur front street STEAMBOATS. CIIICINNATZ s IaTTIIALIRGEt • DAILY_P AC"K ET LINE. and r= P lr i sd :tom boab on the miners of Me West. Every accommodation and com fort that money can procure, hes been provided fnc inne miner. The Line !um been in operation-for:lm , 71= —ha anal milli. of geoid.. with o " the lee° " 4*- sy btte . petted; Ilia Was will be; at the fan of I Vood Str e et the day previous to Martini, the re",' Abort of Inn& inn' Wee ntry of passengers on lb. ref the • caces the passage money met be pew in advance. • SUNDAY PACIEZT. .lanehe I...MAC' NEverori, cot- 1 .""" , ve Piyabergh every Sunday morning et 1U o'clock; Wheeling every Sendsy evening at 10 r. Y. Kay Vh • E Clk: PA CKE T. d?NOtAH LA tln I 1• bug4.;o. tai ro:at 'le o'clock; Wheeling ev.„go„,hy.unnt . • Tl7llglin,LY PACHERTs , The JIIBERNLA No. 2, Capt. J. gusnscirsi 2rui leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday mommg at tO' o'clock, Wheeling every Tuesday avetung at to r. x. , • ..IiVEDINEIDAIE 10.111131AIGT: Tlik EVE:LAND No. 2, Copt, k;wow, will tear. Pittsburgh every Wednesday isocotag a lO o'clock; WhecAncocry Wednesday ovioniag aE Io e. w TUVR3DAY PACIART: The 'IIIULLIANT, Capt. Gault vs ill • kayo Pitt. burgh every Thursday rooming at 11l o'clock; Wheeling ersty, ThoTplay aoeatog silo r. i • • FRIDAY-PACKIIO. • - The CLIPPER No. 0, Capt. Caoderovill leave Pine. burgh every Friday rooming-at 10 ii`eitiek; Wheeling every Friday evening at 10 P. to LiTIIRDAY PACKET. • ,The hIMSEINGER.,. Capt. S. Rasa, trill leave Ana. burgh every Saturday atornbig at 10 &cloak... Wheeling every Batariday everung at 10r. sr. • • NEW LISBON AND. PFITSDUELO II DAILY LINE OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, 1 e *B. Mal . . • • (vu cor soolv,) Leaves Pittsbargh daily, n 9 o'clock, A. gl., and ar rives at Glasgow, Imotak of the Sorely and/Jeerer Ca nal,) at 3 o'clock ‘ hud New Lisboa at It; worm night. Leaves New Lobos, at 6 o'clock, P. hi., (taatieg Bee trip canal lo the river daring the night.) and Glasgow at 9 o'cloeks A. M., nod emcee at Pitubargh at 3 AL.—thus soaking a continuous line for carrying pu wagers and Benda between New Lisbon andlina. burgh, in shover time and at leis rates than by any other route, • The proprietors of this LIDO have the pleasure ofitt krating the public that they have fined op twoirst class' Canslßoati, for accommodation of paseengent and freight, io ron to Connection with the well known steamers CALEB COPEand BEAVER, and coroteet, ing, to Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and. nau and other daily lines of deanters dosin the Ohio and blissiniptu riven. The propoetors.pledge awn select to spare oh eznenie or .trouble to insure roe. fan, safety and dispatch, and ask of the nubile a share ofthety patronage. • AIITHOBIZED - AGENTS., 0 IIL BARTON, ' P. &W. IiARBAUOIL I mylLtl J. BARBA OH &Co. NOTICE—The steamer BEAVER. C. E. Choke, sus ter, will lure after this eagles., for Wellsville pestle ally, . sill &cloak the morel . 13 19 PITTSBURGH BROWNIIVRLLM Daily Paekat Llaa..• FEBRUARY 1.1, 18W FEBRUARY p.t. /BE LEAVE DAILY ATb A. M., AND 4 P. bk. Tho following now boats cempfeal too fine for the promos seetooto AT LANTIC, Capt. James WALT§ TIC, Capt. A..Taeobla and AVLAISE Caps E. pennon. • The twaw %re new, and are Tilted op without - tested so meas. ety comfort that mosey coo notate has been prosaic& Tho Doom veal leava the ittmongahrta 'Matt Dolt aS the foot of ROSS .3 L Pesomtarra will be pummel ea board, as the boats will certmely leave at tke adver tised hones. 8 A.A. and 4 P. M Isokkr/IEELING, CINCINN l & Loutsvrixn . ilmselat 'Savona - I' .Parieer.—The .. Dew abemer PersY, eicnsunter, led hike Gm 1 0 o ' coil all intermediate ports every &Lumley. at 10 o'clock, ptecisely. For freigkt or peerage apply on boerd or to , FUSSY &DUNCAN, Agetek Tbe Telegraph - has been built - expressly fora picket, and scab a view entirely to die cratint waging; Um accommodations an, inferior al NO DOC on he Western waters. . epld M=M •• The Gilt steamer - • • DANUBE, • Cock. Amster, will leave for the above _ _ . d idtermedtate poris ldia day. • _lee sever ou bond. /et,. •eces•tine sew steamer • -• SHENANDOAII, • - .Bowman, easter ' will kare•Par Share iaterwrillateporia this by.. For [{eight or•passage, apply outward. • • === The lista draught steamer. , , PRIENDSUIP,', - MOAN moos!, wal leave for tbnabsss ml istsnskoMme ports this day, N. For fteighnor passage opply_oo rd. • 11,27 ULAROKONCAY. PACKET FOR CPAcuttsAyi. TDS nos swam., PENNSYLY. ANIA,I my, usme , , Il.kave reintarly er-after nbo d e. a du, Igleamar Moorronshels. • , . . For height or passNE L L4pIT on Loanl. isss FOlt cripougxn: Tbs 6.116 steamer NEW ENGLAND, witgainAti sumer, will lave fo e shore anti intensedisie pops on thoheyi l et /0 o'clock. • For freight or passage apply ea board. • RN FOR CINCINNATI. • .. I Tbe.fine Or pease •I' steamer F' ' Conley, master y will leave for above AOGRAIW lowneedlae pone thieday. • For freight ormissage, apply ea board. ' - roe sr. LOUIS. • . The apleadid l I MIATICT • • ' , • ni.rt,m.ster, wia leare far above; it fated:Faith:de ports this day. for freight or gairsagei apply ea board... ae2ii FOR CINCOINATL ' The nenT4 Ight a z r gamer • ICOunti, tiniewr. will leave for the ve and Interisediale potu an thia day. • For freight or passage ap .1, on Wulf. • min • FOR CINCINNATL • ; re. fine newsteamer, wt.-rzEL., Tholapaon, raaater,erill keen Obr the ova alai intermediate Knuth..del. tat or passage, apply oa jean lx?=i1111 • • • The aplendid new swearer . ' Jacob., nanny will leave toi above al ntermeiliato pert. Ibis day. ' - For freight or pusage, • ply. on board, jai FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. . - Tidkust.r . mal ndeadid steamer " • ZACILAIIV , TAYLOR, Lucas, mastef, ~ ..4.1 leave Sm. above d Ituartaedtale porn ea this My. . . . .--- Ipplveat board.. yelp M;I=1 , .. ; The litkitti4lnlnsamer , aster Crozier, m, vrill leave usi &Shrew d intermediate porta thls dr,y. .§1f or h!.SIV , *POT r. . . ,d• • leip ELECaIXhA prriteußali &tificiNitim PACCEM • "'''''.. The _ ' 7 ' l7t r. Erimak. • - .' . MA:me, muter, wall run Ph 'retiree,. afternoon pocket them Ptuseurta l• Clueinnati. She I ma Oar !Lucille: seder thesear arraegemere.oext Mendel, at 4 Wolovk, P. P.M. .• - REGULAR PITTSBURGH • AND ; - ZANEIWILLE jiy* 4,...., . The fine new poi draeght steamer ' '".— • PHILIP DODDRIDGE -! , liaLoore, muter, will lease .Plasharah pearly as above. '' This hot is e'en' WeT adepted to the essahrit of Passengers. Bite runs to emmeetion .101 th the Jena/ Lind, which meets' her at poverty, FOr fie4lllida,M.• '." 70A 1 7 , 1 b''''' uan efIUDO Efßirtr_ wawa steamboat and substantial low wawa steamboat . ' /ITID:30,1, ndrew Pee blamer, has resmakllet molar nips be heeling, lbidespeei and VW. burgh, leaving Pinsbaralt on Alerstays and Thernlhra kioliberty s{ . RROULAR PAM= FOR suNnaik J . The nee. and fan naming ' • ' . WELLSITILLR. .- Barn.: manor, will trays , for above all ildonnediaar peas on Wefts. daynand ttinurdays of earn week. lor Orlin( or p as, maan apply on board or to - . ' 7 ' • teldt . am n •aiamMamass; Aet- d. wlfi KLLVO PACZST.;- Thestedletsantor . Dorsey lunney, muter, vr.4 gogyp I do 41,0:1 11) , The c..sul wall land at all the utterr,,a put. Every accommodation that can be erne rcd the .fan and moiety o . fsesenFers has be T h e boat ts also pfOrl Willi a pnfety fetyg,,urd CZ lll o t r e t irrn Pay nm e emi tly on tob4 ..thaf of tit and dratilifteldwa. - - ELIZABerIf AND hIONONLIAIIF. I.ACITS PACKET. The iieW 2,14 cf v at, atratP:7, P AL ria ahoy., errand PlusLareh every hlenday Wednesday. and Friday, at 9k o clock. a. lis t and Mo. neadahelateny every, Thursday and Saturday, at n • Y. freerbt or passage ap•ly TO T A RA VP. L 311897, 77- R ES IPLIS CA lB4g • 41 . AC):ETLLNE,' re. it I.l::l•MntA.Amit UALT/MPUE: s aea from 0.0,,e: 11 1) wal h•ave=',;'. . . FARETEIROLIGII—:CINE DOLLAjts. . • , this arrangentan; thaaallit leas than three and a. half .daya, paaao,,, on, on h., dred and 614.We-sof mitoad adayntio.. Foa pasiagaor inform non npply ielc WM. SVTCL!, 41. gt fort , . Lanh 4 co, • - lononobela Mum' SOL • sr. TZL&ASPOSTATIOS LINE. .1111.184% ,- a da RIPPERS and who's are inforotr4 that Ibta g o will continue to not throughout tha yaar, lernriat daily. Produce and areteltandits 'taken at /ow nom archandi.. from halm .. :brought out aLeartal rates. .Tinta. Rao da.4 " • C BIDWEL Av, water st, doom at.n. &kora. Hon.: Pittsburgh. J h ROBINSON ea /10EILM, m,17 • South Charles st.haltituora. rIBRAMTARTAR-1 MA just rred and Gn aala by _ja7 _ JOON D MOROAN