The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 24, 1848, Image 2

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211011.78 AMEIII.IOAN.
Advertisement& end Same:tenons to We North Amor
ous end United ItiAtesUmette, PlOLdelptatt, received
Aire will mai. sad (omit tree of oxpme, ad
Vardamanla alai oabouiptions for &la over.
DEMPmescrau Ds LT Elszerzi psblisbed
Weekly, end Weekly —TI Deily is Seven
Adler, Fey anima; the Tri-Weekly 4 Ilya Dolls,' poi
ke Weekly Is Tyro Dollars par oanum,
Gs hews.
sawsYria Coeueszetal Intelligeass,Doesestle, ST l r..
River tiors,,lmports, Money Markets, ite. see
DemperatiolWkli Nossimatlanß,
21,11011AILY 'TAYLOR, '
ArrHarrussre sad Whig. Noothrotross
!,•! FVftcoNauttris,
••- • -"tosz•ltampTos,
~.; 0V rrrrrtroarr.
Vol r,sirltasr;
I.EWIttC.NORLE, oflodioor.
1 - • CIMINTIAN 81NVEVY, of Arai..
hi. StVAIITZWELDEE, of Pittabergh.
NRONj of Lower St. Clair.
JOHN scarr, Hos.
, • DANIEL 211VVEDY, of pinlyeth Borough.
: 1110MAS VAIRMAN "" 7of Pittsbursh.
.10FiN t. y 061711,, of B•lihrin.,
Mumma Oneespandenee of the Finsbergh Daises.
• :Washington, June 21. ,
Among the recent acts oldie Government and
ton eu, have bees dm Order to tummy the Dead
Sea, to make astronomical observations m Chili, to
mooed the =Tent and direction Gramma, to es•
tablish a system of lair= al Exchanges, to give to
the French GOvenunerm. a set of the ',kinetic/tit
Staintlanl of Weights andlitleasarev, to distrAmte to
foteign countries some of the healthful voltunes
. .
which were the.fruitiof the Exploring Expedition,
and I eintairry to add, a refcsal to consider any of
the' N3llOlll, bills ott the Improvement of Rivers .
and Ifartswi. Otaf civility to foreign powers is far
bvimi4loceiensa Of justice to 'Wilmer:al necessi•
lies of the oonntry A Whig Adminhundion can ,
acme redress the onuttrY of these wrongs. The
international exchange bill passed the Home yes
terday and the Senate today,—the :weights and
measure billnamed the Senate yesterday, and the
Chili appMpriatinn passed, the House last week.
Sat it would be easier to remove the Alleghenies
than to obtain any sublanntial Democratic atte_,ngth
in favor of the Commoree - "of our Men ,WMiem
Itivers.and Harbors.
There was a resolution before the Home yea
tardily, to erect a imitable monument zto Jowl
. QUIITCT Ana's, It Was opposed by Melina Bow
lid and Henley, LocOocos of the ogre School, and
ultra enough, it would wen], to quarrel over the
graves of the dead. The subject was passed over
, for ths,aiil and Diplomatic. Bill, which contains
• Appeopriation;Tur this boincb of the poplin ser
vice, io the amount "of $2,700,000.
There was alarge . Whig Ratification Meeting
held boa evening at Georgetown, and Mr. nom.
TOX XIM:ILMOZWItIe SptaliTTO 3 by iavitatioc
. The SLACTLY and Lrmnaz busoreartorr ik
balisitare riropiated is. the House of Ramses.
tatir*—end there was soaie sparring last ere.
sink upon the iferadential questicis. The Loocifo-
Cast in their plight are !canal .that the Whigs wall
sit be consistent is their support of Gm. TAYLOR.
Their 'Lahti springs from' the apprehensions,of
ibeisatieipatird result of the struggle in Novella.
- Mr. Human, of MasS, allerdisoamsing pointed
ly today of the power of hoogreio over the lead
twice of Slavery in the Territories; and'hiaintain
ing his positionbp n powerful array of authority,
Pudica!, legislative and personal, folbwed,on to ex ,
press his opinion of the Irunitution of Slavery. Be
regarded it as a great moral and political evil, and
a esteeming it he should be recreant to .his con
science, and constituents it ha did not oppose it.—
There wee a time too, be added, when it was so
considered by ruginianswhert the Slave trade wee
spoken o 4 'as a dispace titian:nutty and a stigma
upon the AIlleriCISU name, when Virginia was op
' posed to the evil, and would not extend it.
Mr. Ildliard, of Ala., wished to know if slaves
were increased in number in consequence of the
extension of slavery.
Mr. Hodson so delicately as
,poasible, in the
presence of the large concourse of ladies and mi.
"ers'hinted at the system of propagating the slave
speedos; kw purposes of profit. 'There wee a time
' in the history of Virginia, when slaves Were of
but little value, but the increased curuire of cotton
and sugar tattle south had made them of greater
Mr. Hillierl claimed that the increase showed
they were not as badly !treated as was represent-
•Mc iludion supposed that slaves were as a
• whole well treated It wan foF the interests of
insiders that they ahould be, bat be misted there
were none'plesent, who would not adroit slavery
1' to be a great moral evil, and so esteeming it, he
opposed it.
Mr. Saurus, of Ohio, wished to put a question.
Did Getteral Taylor entertain the same opinion
of slavery as the gentleman from Massachusetts ?
Mr. Iftnivin in
true Yankee style, and to the
infinite amusement of she House, ,iateeeeteth the
. estinarlinaiy visit of Oenend Oafs to the icily of
Cleveland last week. The . speech pf welcome
Sad reply had been a source of fun and *Moment
, 'among the nembers through the 4 , y. General C.
bad no opinion upon "the question if extending'
slivery, and none upon the subject of Intemal
.Prelmlrnts, even m the heart of the Lake City.—
I Them vas, he said, too great a crowd and too
, -much poise, to allow him to argue the muter.,
The members Of the Home laughed aloud at
4tia new caluhition of the noneomminaliten the
- Loonfoco candidate ir the Presidesicy, , artd in the
ace of it, one of leis; eupPorters in Coligrese,luul
be err:mussy to say that Gea'L Taylor bad no . prin.
• Mr. Reason ha the coarse of bia speech was
Vida asked by Mr. Labor, of Ohio, if bolding tho
cipiaicaul be did, of the 'elided= of Slavery, be
could:vote Sari:Ma. Taylor, a Slayebobler kir Prow
The wavier mu the wand one, and One which
should commend itself to every Whigfropa n West
State. 41-a between a Southern mw, be mid, born
at thus lionthja the midst of Shively, and looking
,umin it in a different light Pima the Nook, as well
'pan lud#l, as from education, and a Northern
rdough tux," Inrefoi 'the Slaveholder, jest as r•
'amid prefer sa Amen man too hyperste. There
*was no mistaking thin sort of freedom of speech,
and it waidisOult to restrain the audience (ram,.
narked want* when it wan uttered.
- . Thespeech o(Mr. Hawn throughout was rise,
mudy, coneerdttive, every way worthy of an
American Representaive. It was in inch good
tamper, too, that &where; members could not take
,seuelnion to it, and the manner showed that one
/ mai be true to principles, and yet find • reedy
haring in the midst of those ready to resist anotli
arta the death. •
nth ins also said upon the Internal Ith
prneement question, to show the increased hotel.
ty of the glen body of the supporters of that Ad
'ministration to the Internal • CotorMern of the
On, long, Won, unitai, vigorous pall and the
Wh}g i pattywlldentsWote both the right and
lilt the Wad to claim bar shore of attention
than general government. .
t. . •
Nam Yams Cox' Euren—The W/14 . 0 , 1110 I
tal CcuttlatOrtiiibe City of Icitk, =der the
kieuswo io!eir second thought, moo ...baud
to nay the iMateithans of the Plalad&phia Com
„nom- Oa lifoodel emthoil Met, at a MI meet.
t at , !• i mitts af 47 to 7, the fathering resoled=
TAMA", k vookta, 'Pat ibis erol coat.
is:kw; aarrosaarair *air pialtotwo to rea tha atais,
Wad • ral4F4l. tao astemblad dokyka of the
Willoott atm Word Statak trill sow em
ly la the support of the Why ticket, and
ens Abet toe Ohne tato:deft tesiti&tut elm>
tbaa, beilevner the eateleep fee bedded 6? be •
Whig; and thit. if eleghe4l. vsll the moms=
Ceindi ripcifise
". I Tkir:Westikni Etal.l - '
We raderstand that the Dire toes of thin road
have appointed Solonion W. Roberts, one of the
mat distinguished 'Engineers in oar cou n try, to
take charge of the location of the mad. This in -
Latinos selection will not only give confidence to
the public, that the mad itself will take the true
direction West, to embrace within as sphere the
greatest amount of travel from the Laker, hut at
tract also that ken the River, by the roads pro
jected and now in the mime of construction—
north 'easterly towards. this city. The 04io.and
Pen iill#lllllill Rail Road must, theraficre, Become
the base line to whick these, atucliniy mils will
converge, and pour MO its channel the travil, end
produce of the great Vest, and, en like manner,
receive Gore it the merchandise from the East, in
its transfer to the cities and town, between It and
the Lake tummy, on the one band, and the Ohio
River on the other, swailing its aggregate business
to en amount which no man can now calculate.
Many of our most acute fellow citizens have
all along viewed such a road, as now projected, as
the one only in which our greatest hopes and bur
est prosperity were copcerned—that must bring
wills it the largest harvest of wealth, aad most im
mediate increase of population—which, in truth, is
the greatest increase of wealth any city can poor
seas., We are sure they are in ibis not mistaken.
The flue of road to the weetern boundary of the
'State of Ohio will penetrate the moat productive l i
wheat and agricultural region of that great State,
treating with population of proverbial industry—
and-dotted throughout its whole route with towns
and Villages, daily advancing in a population re.
quiring large supplies, created by • the industry as
this city and its environs In every way in which
we look at thie,work, its surpassing claims on the
community swell in our viewto a magnitude that
is almost inconceivable. The accepted day of our
katanea, in all that readers p community prosper.
one in its.basineas relations, is at hand. It remains
for ourselves to secure it, thoroughly and perma
nently. Let us, then, be true to ourselves in a
measure upon whichour benjudgmentsunite. Cen
tral Ohio is looldng at our movements with intense
interest, and we have the strongest assurance.
Goal the counties, towns and villages through which
the road will pass, that they will do their share of
the work promptly and efficiently. We must meet
them with a corresponding spirit, Ova may be that
other improvements, which are now invoking their
ail-operation, may. ssuhdraw their favor from oar
doors, and leave us to lament in sackcloth and
ashes, our indifference to ourown best interests.—
This city is the natural, nearest, and best market
Or the product of their labor.' - lhat the facilities of
travel and transportation which lines of rail road
in other directions may offer them, may wrerdtheir
business intercourse from us; and the nid which
they:now tender to connect themselves with Pitts
burgh, be poured into the construction of roads to
carry trade and travel from us, instead of to our
city. We all know, that 'facilities for travel beget
trove—le, likewise, oftmde, in all itayarnincations.
We rattat., therefore, keep pace, or rather take the
initiative, nod be in advance of works calculated to
divert the one or the other. Let 'us not slumber a
moment over this great object of our hopes and
wishes. Let it be the business of every man who
has a stake in our midst, to promote and encour
age the taking of stock in this company, and oar
word for it, we skill moo sec the brightest day
which haa ever yet shone on the destiny of Pitta.
Geo: Cass nailed upon the subject; or a
This man, who. if elected President of the
ted States, will rule the country by knee of execu
tive influence—whose voice, and whose veto, as
he Wove in the Steps of his usurping preileceir
tor, is to be the law of the land—whose opinion
is to be paramount to that of the people, as ex.
pressed in the voice of their representatives—this
man luta given to the world, not merely what he
DO. and lie has recorded it in the archives of the
country, by a solemn VOTE, op= the very ques
tion which now so agitatesthe whole land, and par
Scalar's , the State of Ohio. The Cleveland Herald
says: -Odic Sate Jour.
The injunction of secrecy having been removed
from the proceedings in the Senate in rehaiiin io
the Treaty Ninth Mexico, the RECORDED VOTE
of General Cass answers this question by his dell
evils set—an act that admits_of fewer construc
tions than a cendidate's wurls. We grid in the
it:re:mid as printed in the Natimuil intelligancer, the
.Ibllawing etc*,
Wiihnigton, Jane, 21
On motion, by Mr. Baldwin, to insert at the
end of the filth mode the following word to
wit •
'Provided, That Mere slain be neither slavery
nor involuntary servitude in the territories here
by ceded, otherwise) than in punishment of crimes, -
'whereof the party shall have been duly convict-
• ABM debate the question was stated, .Sholl
these worth stand as a put of the fn article r
And It was detennined la the negative, Yeas 15,
- Mesare Atherton Ballisoin ante Claitoa,
Coneria„ Davie, of Mass.,riklyrors, Din , Grave,
Hale, Adler, Niles, Raps, Sprumar,-Uphem.
Those who voted in the negative are—
Mears. Lars,* Ashley, Atchison, Badger,' Bog.
by, lkl2, Beaton, Berriin. Bradbury, Breeze,*
Brigid,* Butter, Calhoun, Cameron*, Can,* Grit.
temins, Davis, of Mist, 'Dirlinava,s, Demean,*
Down', Petals,* Foote, Hannegan,* Hunter, John
chf Md., Johnson, of La., Johnson, of Ge, Lew.
Mamgun, Mason, Moore, Pewee, Rush, Sevier,
SturgeorsfrTanter, Underwood, Puke.
Whigs in italic. Doughtimea in italio with a S.
Not a Whig Senator from the-Free States voted
against the gumantee for freedom whirl, was ar•
dently desired by Mexico, while the fallowing Lo
caroms from the Free States voted against the tree
proviso—Allen,Uteese, Bright, Cameron, CASS,
Dickenson, Douglass, Feleh, Hannemm, Sturgeon.
Under these "circuratratmes,' the unerrogatory
yesterday was perkirlly cruel
In the correspondence communicated 'with the
Treaty, Mr. Trist Mates that the Mexican Coinmis
rdoners were very anxious to, incorporate such a
provision into the Treaty, and assured him that a
proposition to intruders the Inquisition into the
United States would not he more revolting to its
inhabitants trum" was the prospect of the introduc
tion of slavery to the popnlation of Mexico.
Ow *hipping and Betting White Neat
liirmy of our readers will ricmilect what n
bream was raised eight years ago, by the Lora,
co presses and dump speakers, against Gen. Has:
arson, about certain laws for porlishing white mem'
which they laid he bad sanctioned, while Governor
of the Territory of Indiana. What horror WO c.c.
praised by the kindhearted, devoted Democrats, at
the conduct of "Old Tippecanoe." Ntlimt will L they
wri, then, when they have the dreadful
brought home to them, that Gen. Cue, when:G.l;v
-amid Of the territory of Michigan, signed raid op
proved thir fallowing act
"AN ACT, f o r the Tunis/mut of idle and :amp
tin * persons."
Section 1. Be it enacted by t.s Govern , and
lodges of the Territory of Michigan, that any Ins ,
dee of the Peace. on conviction, may sentence any '
vagrant, lewd, idle or disorderly persons, stobborn
servnts, common drunkards, common nightualk •
era, pilferer., or any persons, wanton or Gonnienut
'in vetch, indecent behavior . , common milers or
brawlers, such as neglect their calling and employ
ment, mispend what they earn, and do not provide
for themselves or families, TO BE WHIPPED, i
delivered over to any constable, to be employed
in labor not exceeding three months, by such
oxistable to be HIRED OUT PM THE BEST
'WAGES that can be procured, the proceeds of
which to be applied to the use of the poor of the
county. -
Made, adopted and published at Detroit,the 20th
day of July, 18113. • LEWIS CASS,
Governor dale Territory
_of Michigan.
Pros , aling' Judge of the TerritoryorMichigan.
JOHN Gomm, •
Judges of the Territory of Michigan.
"Potomac," the Washington Correspondent of
the Baltimore Painocfrom whom we have copied
thelaw,. ret wmkg—ultram the foregoing, copied
from the laws of the Territory of Michigan, it
would seem that Gen. Cass was as fond as any
' body else of selling 'poor neighbor whitemen"
into bondage, when they Were top poor to provide
for themselves. What willOen. McKay and his
fanner colleague. Mr. Hawkins, who published a
joint cis-cider against Gen. Harrison for signing an
act,as thq rd/rged, to sell "poor neighbor white
men into bandage"--what will they gel nowt'
TATOU cuss.-A friend whq has tested the
katorkm recipe, saysthe Boston Traveller, INZEUVI
WI that the cake is capital, and that it pcsseases the
rare quality of keeping Old tor smogs. So that
if made now, as .Ratificatkitin cake, it will be fresh
Cor •Election• nib in November, and still good
foe "Inaaguratice cake in March nest. There is
jut "herd cider" enough in ft to make it go down
Rama 701 TA17.011 Can--. Seven eggs; two
• -.
pound. mu; one and Ulf pounds boner ;
wren caps ; one end a half pounds =mans
or chopped ; &me notm•P ; a tablespoon'
felof cinnamon; 1 pint a( cider ; a tesepoonfald
Tax Pittsburgh Gamete in tittle atiatakam=
We have 'tao liability to the Baltimore and Ohio FL
Coetpasty,ll. this thee, awl seem will have bas
WC the asows: slata—Whoging Tuna.
Address or the State Ceatzel Committee
- Itatilying,the tominatlonsi
Whip of Pennsylvania! Your State Central
Committee appointed by the Whig State Conven
tion ofMarch 15;15484nd their tint otlicial duty
to be. that of announcing to On the nomination, by
the Philadelphia National Convention of Gen.
Zsmistm Tunas, of Louisiana, for next President,
and of the Hen. Miuxtri Ftuaniar, of New York,
for next Vice President, of this great Union. Ha,
ing consented to the Convention which made these
nominations, as a Measure neceesaryto secure that
concentration and unanimity of action so requitite
to success--having participated in its deliberations
by our delegates regularly and fairly chosen--hav
lag by such participation bound ourselves as a
Parry, as Whigs, :as individuals, to abide by and
support its decis ion, your Committee feel author
ised, under these nrcumstances, and in cows
quence of the noble and unanimous response
which greets this ticket in every county of our
great Commonwealth, to declare to our political
brethren in other States, that the Whigs of Penn
sylvenia, with one universal acclaim, ratify the
nominations and will record that ratification on
lth of November next in the most emphatic man
ner, by giving - the electoral vote of the Old Key.
stone for Taylor and Fillmore, without peradven
ture and without foil.
Whigs of Pentisylvania! to announcing these
nominations, and your °pellet assent to them, your
committee are well anima; that a majority of you
probably cherished is your first Choice for Chief
Magistrate, that other gallant soldier whn, from
Canada's" the gates ofble_xico, for forty years, by a
series of victorious deed., has abed a halo of glory
over the American' arms. Your committee alai,
know that thousands of you hoped again to battle
under that true-hearted civillian whose 'white
plume" ao often has been the guiding signal for
Whigs in many a well stricken political field.—
Your enthusiastic assent to the nominations, there
fore, it the more honorable to you, and is the
inrongest evidence of your slum of the high claims.
the moral fitness, sterling character and sound
principles of the nominee. Of General Taylor it
re 44 necessary for us to speak. His deedstave
engraven his name on the luean of every Amen•
can citizen—for ills the name of the Hero: around
Whose brow played the golden sun of Pak, Alto and
Resaca, and arse form was: enveloped in the
lightning blaze of Monterey and llama 'Vista.
Whigs of Pennsylvania.. Ryon do your duty in
the ensuing contest,. the election of Gen. Taylor is
not, for one instant," - doubtfel. • But it is nght tb
warn you that you have a subtle, untiring enemy
-opposed to you, who, already in posae t oiaa of the
public offices of the nation, will struggle the more
desperately to retain them. - To conquer this
well trained veteran band, you mUstne TOO.
]TOUGHLY ORGANIZED in every election dis.
trict is the Commonwealth, iii , auch a mannek cis
will leave ao hope to our opponents of overcom.
ing our superior numbers by their superior disci
pline. The Committee hays had this maUetit•
der careful consideration, and have concluded
make the (allowing recommendations:
lst.—That on the coming_ Fourth of .% "the
Fnends of General Taylor" unite in'the ditrelent
counties, townships, or horoughs, to celebrate the
birth day Moor Nation in the usual, or any appro
'printe manner, at which songs may be sung, toasts
expressive of the sentiments of the people read,
and speeches delivered. in exposition of the life,
'character and principles of our candidates.
2nd.—That as soon as possible, no organisation
in each county should be commenced, not only in
boroughs and townshipa, but in School Distnets,
by means Committees of intelligent men; and that
whenever practicable , Rough and Reay Clubs
Should be formed; and every.,effort made through
than to circulate newspapers and documents to
inspirit, to confirm, or to inform. • For the pre...t,
instead of Mass Meetings, your Committee would
aiiiise popular Taylor Meetings in brieships and
small districts, at- hich those who dm able to ad
dress the people, idgitild make it a point lobe pre
3d.—The subject of holding great Mass Meetings'
.the Committee have now under consideration, nod
tins constantly engaged in oonespondefise in re,
lotion thereto. Au it is desirable there should hi'
no clashing in
,the times fixed for holding Mass
Meetings, it is requested that whenever such a
meeting is contemplated, the propose!l of it advise
with this. Committee, through its Chairman at Han
risbargh,. in refined to the ptoper time and place of
holding it.
With these brief recommendation., the Com.
mitten submit the mauer to the People. They are
impressed with the conviction, that an efficient or
ganization upon the part of the rum. or Ten.
Lon on FILLVOLL, is nil that is Tv:Leone carry
Pennsylvania, by a majority of from 10 s) 20,000.
Already ,the evidences a cordial unanimity of
feelinc—of enthusiasticdeiotion to the Whig MUM'
, ;. .
Free Territory
To the Whig Party of rennylvania
einbodietlitt the notaioces of all, COLIVCIIIIOI
—of zealous and vigorous derermiamion to rescue
the country from its present vicious administration,
or those who would pursue a similar. policy—are
'numerous and overwelmning as they are most in
spiriting. The Whig Party of Pennsylvania will
present a united, a determined .0 victorious front:,
In the ensuing contest. Alroady the fire of victory
lights every Whig eye—the glory of approaching
triumph ghlildens every Whig countenance; and
our opponents read in the one and in the other the
handwriting of their defeat General TkI(WIL our
his friends anvec suairsanra!
• Chairman.
11torroir hichfmnarr, DAVID W. PATTI:IMO;
Turmas E.Coonua. Canna F. Miuxe,
Roam . Lamers, DAVID Coons,
WAILM . TON Tovwsnn, far 13voiret,
- -
Fi.n.mcn N. Bucx, Dm. V. L...airmter.,
Bev. Mucous, • lout,
Gr,ans. Lus, D. A. Fmrcr,
THOMAS I. Wereoa, L. D. WErvoer,
Gsxmar. Escrry, JOILN NloansoN,
IL H. Errcz. IL W.
S....mvxr.. W. Puxsox,
.State Contra/ Coocariu
E. C. Thar.uranoN,
Q. Who wore a black• cockade in early life .
A. LeWin Caen
Q. Who wrote a boo4ipreise of the Kiag mid
Court of Frauce? -A. Littri3.Case.
. .
Q. Who is opposed to the Wilmot Proviso, and
in favor of extending Slavery over Territory now
free? A. Lewis Crum
Q. Whose. voice Is ever .for war regardless o
the lives and happiness of his felkrwman. A. Th.
voice of Lewis C/1214
Q. Who voted to censure Zachruy'Taylor, and
the other heroes of Monterey, for their horninity
and regard the the lives of American soldiers. A.
Lewis Cinsa.
.Q. Who brought in a bill to defraud the gallant
Mexican volunteers of n portion of their 7lges.
A. Linda Cap.
Q. Who lens hung in effigy by the Penneylv.
nia Volunteers in Mexico. A. Lewis Casa
, Q Who signed bill to whip "poo# neighbor
White men." A. Lewis CMS.
Q. Who approved a law, to hire out 4 peor neigh
bor white men" by compulaon,—to .44- them for a
term--and take fmin them their earnings A.
Levis Coss
• Q. Who wrote the Gamons letter to the Chicago
Convention? A. Lewis Cass.
!(Q. Who is the Prince of Demegomes end
D=4164.11 LEWIS CASS, Lococaeo nanb
nee for the Presidency of *the United
Some of our cotemporariee seem to think kiwi
the running of a third candidate by the Locofocd
Bambumers, 'and the dissatisfied Whip, will
throw Hie, election into the House. We do not so
understand it. In. order to this, it would be ne
cessary for the third candidate to carryon or more
Staten. But is this nt all probable? New York in
the centre of the great Bamburner niovement, but
what chance is there for them to carry that state
even with the aid of the 63w dissatisfied Whip they
can rally to their standard. None in ths world.—
They may poll &their candidate as many votes as
the Old Houlnas wilt for Cass,—still Taylor will
have : an'CiierWhelming majority over either. So
will it be in the other States. Whatever strength
the new organisation may have, In any state, it
will still he greatly less then either one or the oth
er, or both of the regular tickets. The real, true
contear, is between Taylor, sad Casa—and it mauled Sy the' people' in November. Not
a Stale but will go for one or the other, except
South Carolina.
The nomination of Mr. Von Buena, by the Utica
Convention, creates a most important cm In the
history of politics and parties. in this country. By
this act the formation of n pw.vcrful patty is inuno•
vably beld—a Mirty which, in all likelihood, if go.
vented by moderation and a spirit of concilis.
towards those of other parties who agree with
them in their :great Free Soil Principle, will
rule the destinies of this country before many
yearn. It will be watched with exceeding
Wrest by the whole country—by the North with
sympathy—by the South with alarm and Leal;
mim e It throws the destiny of oar glorious
Union; in a great measure, upon the Whig
party. If this party remainsfirm, decided, flub.
fel, it will exerts benign and est influence - AN
on the ragtag political element man d it. ,;
On, Foos Lewis Case!—The Old Fox of Kin.
&shook is now taking his revenge, for the trick
played him by Cue at the Ballimote Convention,
in 1844. Cass dekated Van Bureu s nomination,
then, and the 'Sage of Biuderhooitwill defeat the
.Priools of Douglifaces' now—will lay him so WM.
plfer-IT on the shelf, that he will Inver hi heard of
more, except as the groat 'used up.' , Taylor is'
now. slue of New York, Michigan,. Wisaxutinilso
diana, and lowa, with a cheering prospect - if Illi
nois, New Hampahlre, and Mine—all Locofxd
States at the last election. Indeed, we zhould not
be surprised to see the Bamburnen and Wilmot
Poniao Democrats of this State, get up au electo-
ral ticket gar Van Bow
The Whig candidate the the Vioi,Previdency is
welt entitled tots!, placed on the same ticket with
Zachary Taylor, and probably no man of the whole
party could have been nominated who would
have given more satisfaction to the, independent
friends of Gen: Taylor. Millard Fillniortpt a an.
live of-this State. He was horn in Cayuga coun
ty, atn place called Summer Hill, on the 7th of
Jannary, 160041 is father, Nathaniel Fillmore, was
born iu Ihnlinkton, Vermont, in 1711 ; tie emigrat
ed la early life' to the Western part of New lark,'
then a wildenWand in 1819 purchased a farm
in Erie county, which he gill cultivates. The edo.
rational advantages enjoyed by young Fillmore
were very slender; the Bible cud such books as
were used in the very common schools then exist.
ill& were the limits of his literary pursuits until
the age of fifteen. when he was apprenticed to
the wookarding business in Livingston county.—
He was afterwards placed with a person in the
same business in the torn where his father 'Maid.
ed, and passed',Mur years at the trade, detrouring,
,in the meanwhile, the contents of a small -village
. .
. _
At . the age of 10 fortune threw in his way a
benevolent m., who had the penetratiOn to dis.
cover the youth's good parts, and the lambent°
place him in a condition to cultivate therm •This
gentleman was the late Walter Wood—a man
whose name should be held in reverence by all
who know whit it is to struggle with adversity and
gather knowledge in the thorn beset waysides of
early poverty.,. Judge 'Wood for this benevolent
gentleman was a tattler, possessed a Good library
and a handsome fortune. lie prevailed, up.,
young Fillmore to
_quit the trade of wocaeurd•
tog and take to the study of . the law, that being
looked men asibe only profession which conga..
'fy a man for high umnon—a sad (Oct, but one that
-cannot be denied. The clothier'. apprentice put ,
chased the- remainder of\ his time, and studied
low andatirveying in the office of his benefactor
until he was 21. During this time his partly ;up
parted himself by teaching school
In 1521 , he removed to Erie county, and enter.
ed a lawyer's °Mee in Buffalo, where he pursued
his legal studies, and taught a school for his sup
port, until 1623, when he won admitted to practice
in the reurt of Common Plea. Frau this time
his course::has been up, up, up. He dent ausimenc.
ed pmeniung in his profesaion .in the village of
Aurom, jri Erie county, but returned to Buffalo in
1830, where he still reside. In 1929, he was elect
. Sit a member of the Stone Le,giehuure, and was re'
elected the two succeeding years. It was daring
his term of membership in the ~State Legislature
that the-laws for the imprisonmentjfix debt wei
abolished, and it was in a degree owing to the ite•
tivity, eloquence, and indefatigable zeal with which
he advocated the removal of these villainies relics
of au nge•of superstition and darkness that the
friends of hummity succeeded in p.m y wipi
the foul blot from our still Mfficiently barber..
rode of law. A person reared in the manner in
which Millard Fillmore has been, could have no
acm e plhy with i lt:La t phe had not ar:prig
i e t:
muted three horrid law. from our Statute Book,
and not left a remnant of theta to oppress the poor
and unfortunate.
Mr. Filltuore is a Protectiontst Perhaps it was
his early occupation that has given his mind a tea
fleecy to doctrines as much the offspring of barb..
eons ignorance as the law foe the imprisonment Car
,debt. But he is, at least, a consistent protectionist
,—ho du. not talk Gee trade while framing it tariff,
and while crying against the 'oppressions of the to.
stnetive policy give his vole in favor of the system
he denounces, as we have seen the self called free
traders doing in Coharets. Give ns,hy Ali
such tariff men as Millard Fillmore in preference to
such free traders as Btichanan and Walker. We
have. little faith in modified free trade as in mc.
tiled virtue in woman. In 16, x2, Mr. Fillmore was
elect. -to Congress, and again in ISlid, when he
distinguishe'd himselfby his report on the New lee
say election case. Ile wm reelected to the next
Congress bb a largely increased majority, and was
placed qt the head of the Committee of Ways and
Means, in which post he gained great disunction
by his energy, aptnesa, and Industry, and by the
wisdom of has measures, and the ability with which
he advocated them. At the close of this Congress
he declined a re-election sod reamed the practice
of his pnifession at the re-election,
In 15.14, he was nominated by the Whig. for
Geyer., of the State, ins op to Silas
Wright, but was unsuccesefuL Last year ha was
elected Comptroller of the Stale i And has filled the
otlice with honor to himself and moilt to the Reo.
pie. He is now the candidate ofthe Whig party for
the Vice Presidency of the hailed States, and Ss.
Mg a man of the people, is worthy in all respects
to preside over the representatives aft. people.
Mr. Maimre if , in his 19th year, a tins luoly Wk.
ing man:: with a sanguine temperament; a 1•11.-eoro
mending presence, and a grave Inn good natured
couateuenoti. He is an excellent specimen of a
syncline northern Yankee, as Old Rough find Ilex
t - ly is of the - Southern breed. They are both unit.
dulterated Americans, who, owe nothineto
titioes circumstances, but have been self created
by their own native energies. The colleges in
which they have acquired their knowledge are the
busiest and most trying hams of every day life.
We cannot doulgtheirelemiouby a greater =jell
.ty than any Praiderdial tickeLsince the day. of
Wiihington, nor that the country will rejoice and I
'grow prosperous under their beneficent
• ',Loral Affairs.
Coisrt of quarter illassions.
FYlwr, June 7J, 1615.
In the ease of Burkholder and other's, indicted
Pr assault and Ileum on Mr. and Mrs. Chase, the
jury returned a verdict of guiltyon the several in'
dicurienta Motion made for a new trial.
A surety of the peace case, on oath of Mm. Mr.!
Laifirilm, of Manchester, against Thaddeus Bell I .
and Hugh Hutchison. The brmer was reqUired
to give bail in the sum of 3100, to keep the peace
for tana,years, and the Latter in $250 bail 6Jr the
asme length of time.
Commonwealth vs. Nicholas Somers, Cu On is;
.halt and battery an Gotheb Popp. Jury returned
aserdict of guilty.
COMmonwealth vs. Anthony holey and winh.i.
Merryman. This was another case Irma Allenby.
sty city, for surety of the Peace, on faith of Was.
Boley. .11 was a very trifling me, and scarcely
worthy the attention of the Court. A. Boley was
held to bail in $5O, to keep the peace for two
years, and pay the coots. Merryman was dia.
Nicholas Somers was indicted fin' roaliciois
mischief in taking Lknett the sign of Gotk(b•Popp.
Found guilty.
Gotletb Popp was indicted kw selling liquor
without a license.
Commonwealth vs. J. Setthers, stealing mo
ney from the clerk's dresser of the steamboat
Comet. Jury to give their verdict this morning.
. _
Annamv Sutors,-The Grand jury, on-Thursday
food "four bills' Zr arson, against this individual,
who is charged with firing several stables in vats
one parts of the city, on the morning of the 12th
of May last, when so much valuable property was
consumed. He is still in jail on the hut charge of
setting fire to the stable of James Mackerel, on the
night of the sth instant.
A Swinnum.—A kdlpvi who lately net up an
Intelligence Office, in this city, calling himself J.
Trimble, has turned out to be a second .Arthar
Brown, 3r." When appltyations were made for
situations, he would recytnl4he names of such—
, arse one dollar each—there tell then to call cant
day, and when they called, he word.) say to them,
thutthe situations were filled, butt° come in a dap
or la, and be would have others to fill.7. 4 This way
he picked up a good many L dollan. , • ,
0130 young. man was induced kridvance him
ten dollen:of a hundred required to go into pert.
nership twthe same businesi He 'soon ascertain
ed that the bininesti was neither honest nor profit.
able; and, during the absence of the pirMer on
Thursdey,;he refused to receive. money from ap
Omns, and refunded what had been paid biTn.—
Ile bail Trimble arrested that night, took him to the
Mayor's Office; and compelled him also to refund
what had been paid biti
lizemu or TIM Cm.—The National likai
gencer remarks upon the necessity of every good
citizen, ,and ,house-keepers Who are desirous of
promoting the health of the city, to unite waft the
proper authorities to keep the 'emirs and alleys
free from garbage, offal and Milan vegetables, and
refuse of every kind. The, same caution will ap•
ply to this city, and weltrint; br the credit of the
„place, and more particultiall; to vicuna the health
:of our citizens during the toot summer monthe,lhat
our streets, lanes, alleys, mind all the petilie planes
will be kept clean and in proper order.,
ANOTIMIL DIFATH 10.0.11 MANIA Parr —Coroner
Richardson was cidWc_l out yesterday to bold an
inquest upon the Inidiof Otis Young, Seoler of
Weights and Measuref, which was found in a field
near Manchester. 5
The deceased was addicted to hard drinking nhd
his death was caused by manta pan. He bas
held ilia above office for a number of years, and
besides we learn, kept' n liquor store.
There have already been twenty applicants for
his office, which is received hunt the Governer,
and Is considered a pretty profitable one.
Arzzarixn - Siiiiiii.Wai. - Schlock, a return.
ed regular soldier, an intemperate man, made two
unniceesedul attempts to commit suicide, a few
days ago at the rendezvous, On Liberty Wreak—
He first tried to bleed himself io death; and men
attempted to hang himself to the porch in the mar
of the budding. In both than attempts he Was
discovexed in time to prevent their execution. He
h im been committed to prison.
Gall% DOOIL—We are indebted to the
politeness of the publishers kir iha July numb= of
this deserwrill Pordaf medesdua lob= racked
that haishilim the estimation of the massrail.,
and asps:clad - y the ladled, that It is superfluous to
say swathing more in its 'prase. This number
commemodi a new volume, the 37th, and ponstunt
inditicniat charactet in its illonationn
Correspondence Pittatrargh
Conecondemse of the Flustough Gamy.
hine 22,
The. Semite egireed,to meet .bevafter. at 11,
• • .1 I
The House resolution, r as to the final adjourn.
;nem. came op.
Mr Badger offered an 'Amendment that Congress
reaseemble on the 2d Monday of November. .
Mr. Hennepin preferred the 2d Monday ape
rtuber.. .. .
MrAtcheson advocated 'Me amendment in a
few remarks, undid Wei Mr. Clayton. •
Mr. Buper wiz opped 63 any *sent action on
the resolution.
Mr. Foote charged the whip with desiring to ad
journ to avoid the slave question.
. Mr. Mangum replied.that the whip were ready
to meet eey issue, and charged Gen. Casa with ta
king both sides of the Proviso.
Mr. Foote defended' Gen Cass:. He said that
Crum Led favored the Proviso, but having seen his
error, was now opposed to it. '
After on exciting : political debate, the Senate ad
•. .. without taking a vote.
Mr. Vinton 4104, for the regular business, be
iog the considatiitina of the Senate trills. The bill
relative to the Naturalization low was then taken
up and agreed to.
On unation ofMr. Vinton, the House went into
committee of the Whole on the Civd and Diploma
in appropriation bill, which Was deluded until the
hour of adjournment.
Exeludve Comspondenee orthe Pittiburg h Cincue.
' .ruturtirtna, line 23, ISttir
E[•l'resident, Matrix Van Baum, of New York'
and limy Don.; of 'Wisconsin, Vice President,
tenni been unanimously nominated by the Barn
burners' Convention at Utica. Both geattenten
accept the nomination. _
Utica, June 23, ISIS
—The Convention reassembled this mornieg.'
. A letter was received (tom Illinois, numerously
signed, urging, in stkong terms, the nomination of
MrVan Buren. The letter closed in the fallowing
language: • • ,
•We want Martin Van Duren nomihated an
candidate in the Preitidency. Slave poiver broke
hint down
in IPM; and be will brake that power
'down In
A motion was then mode Cirthe nomination of
President and Vice President,.hritiii voce voting ,
which resulted in the choice, by acclnmation, of
Idartin Van-Buren, Or the Presidency.
Mr. II Dodge area then put in nomination kn. the
Vice Presidency, who was also chosen by wan.
mation. •- • . ,
11:51 doubt-is entertained that Mr. Van' Buren
will accept the domination, notwithstanding , his
letter to Benj. F. Butler, In which he exikesses a
wish to remain in priinte lifir
The Convention passed a resolunon in Glvo'r of
the freedom of the Public Lands to actual rattlers,
at a price barely sufficient to cover the expense of
Alter the plan Ea organizing and carrying on
tha campaign was read, the Convention Malty
After the adyMrnment of the Conventionorlarge
Kase Meeting was held, which was adtheased by
Manua Morton, of Maas, by Mr. Taylor of Cie
einnati, and by delegates from Illittnitt, Indiana
-nod Wisainsin. .
conetpotidetwe of the Paatbarra Gazette.
- ' • ~Philadelph June 21 , al. K.
Floor—Sales to a moderate tent at 53,37. ,
Wheat— , Sahns of prima at 51, 2 131.23.
Corn—Sales of prtrne Yellow at 5161530. to the
extent off b,50/ bushel.; sale* of White at 41. •
Provisions a& very Mal . • ,
unlruaomE MARKET,
; Barnet., June 23, Sr. n.
Flour—Moderate said at preview rates. brat.
Cr. generally are awaiting the steamer'. new.
Cern—Sales of White at 51033 e; Yellow at 43
1i146e. •• - t. •
Provisions Tire without change.
• Groceries—There rano change to note.
The Eastern markets generally, are dull.
New Your.; June 29,3 r. K.
Flour—The market is steady. but not active.
Cori—Corn W without change; yellow at 51c..
Wheat—Sales of inferior red at 1,1.5 c p be.
Cotton—The market is quiet.
Provisions—Sales of mime pork at 55.. Sales
of mess Pork 01045.
Correvatulenee of the Pittsburg__b Ouette.l
''.Cincinnati, June 2.3, 6, P.
Hour—Moderate sales at 3,6%11%75. The mar
ket to day Was steady but not active.
Grain—ThegrO market is without chile.
Whister-MmWrgte sales-at-15e p gall. bleu ,
kit quiet.
Sugar—Baks of 100 hhds of Lair at I,l66llenper
Provisions—Are without change. Prime lard
in keg is held at le
The weather is very unsettled, and it has been
raining most M . the day.
G. Trirtmes'Vtrws cc rim TairnaL—A late
number it the Ilxitnll• Angara, sari
- .We have been favored with the subjoined
tram Gomm recent letter from John Buehler, Eeq,
of Baton Range, La., the present residence ,W . Gen.
Taylor. ton gendemart to this town, who firtmerfy
resided in the same place. Mr. B. is a gentleman
of great respectability and high Winding, who
would &cm td say anything which he did not be.
lieu, to be strictly the truth, and is moreover per.
tamely acquainted with Gen. Tayki, whom be
states to be "a gm i rarsf mass.' What Mr. it.
MOWS by this, may be welt by penning the tic,
"The repeal of the Twill' 0f18.12, by the act of
IMO, has been rood :Mims to the country, and
particularly to the sugar Planters of Louidarus, and
unless we can get aomechange in the Tariff for
protection, it must hr.]; op many planters, who
have but recently Commenced the culture of sugar.
I feel, of course, much interest is die approaching
election. My choice of all Men is Mr. Clay, if
there is any probability of getting him. If not, I
shall be very lunch pleased to have Gen. Taylor,
whom I know personally tube a 000 u Wino, win
c Tours Max, as I recently had the pleasure of
hearing him express his viewer oa this subject.. I
think, beside, he is the only , Whig that can get the
vote of this State."
New ILucturntam—Moses - Norris, Jr., was cho .
salt to the United Stales menate, Air six years from
the Fourth of March next, by the New Hampshire
Legislsture - on Tharsday, the 15th umlaut. The
mute in the -,Ssnate wan For Moses Norris:A,
LOCO, la; Jonathan Kittredge, Whig, 1; Ass Fow
ler, Ind. 1. to the House, Mr. Norris bed 153
Kittredge 70: Fowler 39;• Anthony Colby 5; Gem
Y. Sawyer 3; John Preston 22,, Geo. W. Nesmith 1;
Edmund Worth, 1; Many }Mud, /i Jared Per
k# ll, i•
.Mr. - Norris takes the place of Chucks G. Athei ,
ton—better known in Now Hampshire as tpluir
AthertonL:dtaving been the author.of the «Kim,
tcd Twenty First ltale of the House of Represetv
tatives by which the Petitions of, the Freemen of
the North were contemptbnusly spurned from their
National Legislature. It we. probably In view of
this dirty carrion to the • natural allies that Mbar.
ton wee promoted' from the House of Re s Presentn•
tires to the &neut.—N. Y. 15ibutte.
Doughfacee aye, that a good one What Love
you to say now about the itortnern Touglifonenr—
Fire Press.
Why,we oily.have tom' what ws ahem's have
said, that GetteruMur I. the greatest Lcorgbface'
on earth. No roan would sell.his vote for so mall
a favor, no man would Strawy his constituents fix
so small pay; no man would write no mealy kruers
expreasurgaomauydifkrentoptruonkin one month;
on the-Terns 'questknii. no man would write no
glowing a euklry on Louis Philippe or any other
monarch; no man would play lecond fiddle mho,
K. Polk and slavery as soon as he. Ile is the .
Prince of 'Doughficara, That's what we have to
say about 'Northern Doughfaces.'ttple_# Adv.
Aracoon&--‘ An a othdainstie Clay Z 1144 who had
held out manfully spina Gen. Taylor, was among
the crowd at the reception of. Gen. Cass, in this
city, says the Trenton State Gazette. Senator
Allen wan speaking, and in the 'course at his re
mark., denounced Gen. Taylor as &thorough Whig
as ;noir who, if eland Prosidow, would: carry
into cornasion 'curry', Whig wawa! • •
"Goad" exclaimed the Clay man • "that Milt,
the Taylor stock fulltwenty per cent in my /Mimic
The Courtier des 'Etats Unis, *WO at New
York, remaking upon General Taike's nomination
for the Presidency, sap-4 It wain all probstdlity,
result in giving to the Union a P/011iblUlt of rue
modesty and simplicity, of siaguhaty oorrectyudg•
meet, and of triediancenty. Surely,. adds the
Comic. 'the nation ought to be satuiled—for
Washing one do not spring up every day.'
Gas.'isnoz comma Norrn.--The, poniar i te
Journal ofJonat 19th, his the Ma parasra
II a fast that General Taylor-Imi been allotted
to Frederick as a witness be the Court of In.
witty. Ha is hourly expecteihme on hilt way,—
lt is ttetterd that immediately after the close of
pillow'. trial, Han. Scott is to he tried on charges
prefarred by Pillow, and that Gee. Taylor's testi
thnony is wanted in this cue.
_ .
druntamm- P lfloernague anastedafe ll okr,
day, named J der picking a man's pocket, at
Hughes, on Water street. He got something over
three dollars in money,' and several other amides
of small value. Most of the money has hien re.
covered, and the fellow committed to Ail
RIM= Or Till PalattvAllik. At. the
ragmen ofmanc eiesena a public meeting snll be held
al then , CLAW MOM. (formerly W
tel. on Saturday, June 24th, at o'cicielt "l ,V ;1.,3
make arrangements for the reception of our rallamt
Pemmican= Volunteer...who= =tura from Idealcp
ore may lielenerpect. jela
On Thursday evening,t_ld inst- by the Ret. •
Kerr, W. C. Peals to ?Lanus H., qaughthr ofJohn
Page, F 9, of Birmingham. •
1 REasassfattlarad Tobacco. i
48 Bxsu.ntry B Royster's superior .weer 5 ipti
Wdo M A Ruder's " . lb '.
19 hf do Pried & Ilarsroars " h 5. , t.
21 do do do , h uadi . •
95 do do Petal A Harwood " " 5.4. IL "
14 do J Robinson " hits "
57 hfdo do • " h 5 ~
93 do do War Dawson ha "
33 do T 'Wright's " h . "
37 do °Anderson ' h h a
9 do LT Dode's ' a' h rl h
5 do II /daton's
9 do Mania. - ii 4 i 4,..
4 ' " "
Jitst landing from steamer uld'pseketiu - unit or .solo
by rt . HEALD, RUMOR 2r. 5.0,
r 41 north water stand 16 north wharves.
je94 Philafelphia
YARA LEAF TOBACCO—Ntibales Yang Leaf Ta
baceo, wrappery, and superior quality,-1, 2 and
3 ems-just landwg from brig Anthracite; f4r sale by
(NEUMAN PlPFZ—ntjl bzii and . 3 gror OEMIII
vr Pipes, medium bowls, Jost landing hobo PM nod
forook by Ind 4 HEALD,DUCK:9II. &Co
Miner's and boo -Anderson's, bust refd and for
sale by HEALD, 11UCKNORfe Co,
Al north water and In north wtearres, •
144 Philadelphia
T . • • .
11E subscribers have on hands 00 casks Soda Al.,s
Jag Aluspratt & Son's, first quality, betog the bet
anon or their spring etoct, which they will /sell at il[c.
per, or 13e currency. , ilaving made each purge soles
to Use pnacipal glass and soap menusacterers of this
ity, they deem it onnecesearrto say MT rsittrih rut."'
of the bread.
They 'take this opportunity to sponse car custom
ers and dealer. generally, that they barn #rdered large
pro e m same manufacturers us EngkendLthe brst
shipment of which inner's° ist time My the fall trade,
regular applice,yhtougisout the
season, which they will at.the low s
market price
for cads or approved bills.
ji24 W & AL kIITCIIF:LTREE, 160 hbetty at
NEOVBOOKS.—Loiterings in Eurppc; or Sketches
I 7 Travel in France, Belgium, ilwarerland, Daly,
Austria, Prussia, Oust Britain and 'lreland, with nn
appendix, containing observations a, European chan
ties and medical institution.. It) , Juba W earson.lll D.
Angela, a novel. Ii the author of "Emilin IVynd
ham," "Two Old Men's Welt,. etc, i.
Self-Control, a novel. Bp Mary Brunton, author of
• Vol. Dolly Scriptural Readings. By the late
Thomas Omlmam, D. D., L. L. D: ,
, Pan Tne•Tbousand and Onti Iletpers'
Vllliam the Cottagrr, a book for ,ehildren. By the
author of "Ellett Herbert," ler . .
The above works received OW dap and for sale by
Journal. Amateur, Port and Chronicle copy. -
FRANCE—Outlines of th e Historlr of Francs, from
the earliest times to the-Revolution of 1946—fat
mhools and families—with munerois engraving", mid
questions for the examination of proiils. • . 1.
Journal, Atnerimut. Post and Chroniehteopy„ I
ovrars SONGS—Wrdeb 700 , will ijt Daylig ht; LWidow Maehreel Req . O'llomi indlub Sullsll , K
Slaying the Deer; Gondolier Row; The Two WA
Fairy Boy; Ask rue NH what I istet Thinking . ; LOW
Banked Can My Mother Dear; 040 not say I love
thee non Forgive, bob Forgeul. The Cmonelion;
Rom& Whisper; Morrung Bream; Sorbet Jenne wk.
Young and Simple; The Northland for Me; Moly
131/wn. Por sale by JOHN II MELLOR.
le% , I dl wood s;
Hand Street Bridge. •
N election for one President, ten 6laisagers, one ATreasurer and one Clerk to conduct the Losing.
of the Hand Street Bridge -Company; for the moue,:
TT ear. will be Old at Me Toll 1103 pool, rod of seal
Bridge, on the Brut Monday of Jul hem, corommicing
at 3 o'clo c k, P. N. WM. MO SON, Fraeilket.
NV boo justireceived an invoice of Wh ite Dress
Goods for holies, rods as French and Scotch Mull
Moline; Neelook; Satin hoed Jaconata, 6e, airy
100. Also, White, Bonstet Ribbon; eV' northern *Coo
net of Ith and nistrketsts.teed„
VilliGllAMal-66 . invoice of keel
01. Manchester Gingbarns, of new. and bandsiime
pithern6 rereivod yeoenlay at the Dry Goods Rouse
ot Joel{ • R ?it URPily
CHECKS-6f Stuart's gni-nu
ll facture, commonly on 'Laud, and . cold by the wee
or yard at the Dry Goods Howie oh
NEW sLACK i ta ,, Fle— .6, l , 3b , bls lajr,e ; Klac d t o e r_al;
Landing , and for sale by I
5 t o i x s y .
b ‘ y li n tin g i
j luid: Ido Ilo!tr . s . g . i . I. rg s trd
4“ .
SILO r E TUREAD—A TigV ii f i o , l solo
CORDED "LB' , -"" t`detrutqiisnr
TORESS II 7 m 12 inches, ?or cabby
1.1 Jen C ARBUTII7.IOI .
QR.I.IIRATUS—.S tons reerivin2 and I.r sale by
jell 4 ROUT O Co, liberty st
HEESEr—l.sotas Western BeserrO Cheese. In stun
and foi4alet by is 24 HOIST IIn,LZELL et Co
10 Refinery, rased perateamar Hail Columbia and (o
sale by
iettt BOUT DaLZEI.I.
EASS-251016 Ibr sale to toe
S_67 jell DALZEL I f6 Co
SUGAR-100 hhda N 0 Sugar; bl• b Nast:, 6 and
Loaf Sugar, in atom and for sale by
' It ROBISON & Co, 19 , 4 libenr .1
bbllht /11cn,17414gbIsc!„._4
R ICE tierces Rien, in sinre I t nt,gal c igy . 6
gibLEV-1-- ---
RATUS—p .w lons Saleratus i Adcllin c sal . e
aresit—e casks Potub, in gore and for sale by
jell R ROBISON & Co
7)10N ANDNAIL-4-19 to nasorta k Uar Iron; s;
a j leira IN. 1, in store tsel for
i stl i t z ta isax
lot AFON—LOAOIbs is stooks house; for sale by
S A FTI N i ffa r t!autital qUelit i ;, nd ariti ' gre - e a tly e
duced price, jam reed. ALEXANDER DAY,
]Smarter at, N E cot of the diamond
CISCSUM) NETTS—We hare just opened s lure
• lose blosgaito Netts, of an excellent qualiry an
remarkably cheap. jet? ALEXANDER & DAY
UND=3-36 sacks Pealbers; 13 do Gauen:xi 4
bbl. No 2 Lard; Tao Flowed;' 13 sacks do; 1 box
rearock Fly Brushes; Ldo ao Yang to arrive and for
eale;by jeR 1 ISAIAH DICKEVA Co, front •t
narTON—ebodes Val crerbecl for sale by
CIIIFME-1-Crbonea now landinc for otde by
‘ji-j±;2. ISAIAU DICKEY & Co .
RAIL ROAD GUlDE—Doggett's Rail Road Goble
and Gataiteer for 1E49, with Beehonal Maps of
the peat totem of travel. A few nook, s reeeired and
for sale by }eel ' OILNETON I STOCKTON
ittrACKERFI , - 0 50 bbl No 3,large, Mackerel, jest re
.lll calved and for .1 • by •
SUGAR—IOO bada N Sugar, in .tore and for sale
by MINI/EXIT& & Co
LOAF SUGAR-1W bls Nos 7, 9,9 and 10, L00,.i.
.nalonP, 311 do Lo crushed and pulveri.
=I Sugars, for sale by 'e2l POINDEXTER &Co
CHRESE-13 blis prior iW R Cheese, for sale bi
SNAYS.'. ROOP-4 satkp Smile Root, in core and
for sale by 0211 POINDEXTER &Co.
erel ; Maps. inspection; W do No .2 dodo do; ludo
.1 do do do; ss do No Haldrnore Herring, just teed
and for sida by jell MILLER & RICXETSON
hytailA §I.IGAR—M4b.t. Whim Marina
Jim received and formai, by '
InpRAtIL SUGAR—ZO bap llnerllBegn:Tr - t;, tore and
eatoni nod Vamicells, ))on ree'd and for sole by
pp WELT MALAGAWINE dr clicks sweet :Rola
17 p Wive, itott received owl for taloby. , , •
MILLER & RicXwrs oN
ATOUNG 'NEON TEA—lb half alexia Young'Hy
X son Tea, just received and for sale by
r k T
tr IM 4 P i"1
ford la _ROWN ILUA N
brAMS AND SHOULDERS—Our own curing, in
',HU. Here and for sale by'
j and for sale ind for sale at the drug warehouto of
Jed,/ J KIDD &Co, GU wood at
Ur caved aild for tale by je3) J KIDD &Co
LAnDOlL—Bulakhanlt's bean—lb lob's in nun, and
.fin saleby . je2D• J KIIDD 4. Co •
11141 4 /LNTS' lIATS—Just received, 1e Infants'
j_ Stec Year! Hats; also,' ease Misses Isarb eas oru rims,
and for Wei by SMITH, dr.JOIDLION,
ieoo 4O market
SUGAR-5% landing from steamer !lan Colum
on commandant and far sale by
EILEACIUNG POWDER--20 - 01 — ailleaching
der, .Itta Musprnit de Son'. brand—lOnnt facetted,
the remainder to :olive in • few ileysi for stile by • ,
je.2o %V hl 160 liberty al
CEV3Z-11U ban prime Chios, lop sale by
JAMES D4W,XELL, al water st
QUPER FRENCH CLOTIIR.—Wa have just opeaml
X 7 a fine lot of blk French C
whieh we are Sri ,
ling numb lower Rum we have aver before sold the'
moo quality.. ALEXANDER A. DAY,
e2O 73 market st, N W ror of the diamond
3'fool, BLIC CASSIMERES—A. lot of very cheap
Wool bit Castbaeres, among 'which are same
lighl tenure, very suitable for the summer season,
just reed by Jew 'ALEXANDER & DAY
TIOWSHONO TEA-30 balf.ltests sup Fowsbong
X Tea, in store and for sale by .
Jeeo Jlk. K FLOYD, Round Church Buildings
Ec:o 'V A
jeSu bbLs uiVaviin p
.mdroy L .by irps
FISIEL/-80 Md. No 3 large Mackerel; Oo Lb!. Not
-ILarrings SO LW* No l trimmed Shad, landing and
for sea b . Je o o lt FLOYD
GLA),ltea't> 4 :2ty — ' 1.2 1 2 "Avagn.
PEPPER AND ALLSPICE-90 bags Fcppec, IA do
I Spice, In !tote and far sale by
SINGIWIX. O O .8130AR-- , 60 bbl( Now 1, 6 ltod ON
0 Reflood, bl„ . store and for We by
TT AHD 011.—itiVols and half Ads, for ssld, low by.
ANCY SOAP-10 biiClocionsdi, for salellos py
Qi.1110138-21X 1 Ithde N 0 Bum; r 0 bias eru bed do;
la 20 do pulverised do; 20 do Load°, kale and for
loboby W *,e BROWN CUL Rsox
OLllBElM , •9 l lobbts N 0 Molasben 93 do SA;
AL Mut do, in core and for nide by
/939 BROWN cuumOsoN
Jabal D. Davis, Anotiasseir.'.
Dry Goode Dry Goods! lax AM:POW •
On Monday morning, June tki, at 10 o'clock, et the
commercial Solos Room, earner of Wood and FMIII
streerstMedl be add to- close consignments, an eaten
sive asiortment of tihrglish, French, German, and
mer'can D , r Goods. -
At 2 o clock,
I crate queensarare, assorted; 52 hr.
on safes tor counting house and steam boar; 5 rota
chests I( II tea; It half brn Virginia tobacco,. ues.
1..,, hatchets, bey and Mina= forks, .00r11 broom.,
platforM aud counter' smdes. carpeting, looking glue
ses, window blinds, • genial assortment-of second
hand libusehold furniture, moves, kitchen utensil% ire.
5 At d o'clock.
A large assortments•T spring and annuster clettai s d•
retail nockordry goods, fine able and pocket eutlerr,
gold nbd .ileer watch., rewelrp, saddlevtridles,
trucksiGerman fancy goods, , :e • ,•
relD . DAVIS; Aact
; , Books, Penland PaPer at Atittion.
ON Paturday evening, the 2lth nut. at a o'clock, at
the Coironerciel Pules Room, comer of Weuttund Pdlh
streets, will be sold n huge collection of venni - 14e mite'.
cellattentis Lacks, embracing standard work, on limo!.
gy, biology, poetry, ana, sciences,Antaie,' de. Also,
One leper and cap writing paper, family sad pocket
Bibles, ',l o ok books, piano '
. mune gold and steel pelts.
Bookai r an be examined on thealtentoott ofsale.
jolt a JOHN D DAVIS, duct •
Low nto Muse surf LN, Ifaxseltatii Form:fon
and Groverioclat Atation.
Dane Slth, sigv`clock,l'. M., wilt be
soW on tbn preinites, the unexpired - term of a kase,
having .l years to NU from theist day of Apri1,1.94.
one lot orman] situate no Prospect street, above 10- .
gnu, having a front of ttd feet,:and estending boa IVO
feet to POpler alley, on which is erected a cooveniern
brick dwelling house, subject to a groodd rent of SPI,DI
per k,, v.
A ii:alvantity of household footnote, groeerjey
queenswore, dc. jets JOHN D DAVIS, - Atict
Lout efs' and Lot is thi city of Allegheny, at
On SMarday. Jane 24111, at 8 o'clock, P. :11.", at the
Commercial bale, Room, corner of Wood sad Fifth st
will be sold, the unexpired term of a lease on a,Lot. of
ground, hiring tea years to tun front the Ist day of
April, XnP..., situate on the north side of the Diamond,
having a Pont of 17 feet, and extending back IP fee!, ,
solace' tin en alums! groami tent 0(60, oa whieh as
erected Agood well finished Promo Home, salted for a
store endArrelling, at present occupied by John %r.-
ine:yral show the property to those disposed to
P7hl*ei T'""
JoHitPD DAVIS, 'Alta..
; .;
G'rcat of. Imported Nina, LiDiari, Hamm,
I. &gars, . ,
iQullonday, Jane 90th, commencing. at In o'clock-,
A. hl„ at the warehouse of P. C. Mario, corner of
Smithp4'd nod Front streets, will Lie split without re
serve, his entire-stork, amounting to .nearly SAWN.
A large proportion of the Wine. Liquors consist
of sotne. of the most celebrated brands, and various
vintagek, ranging, from 1530 to let?, and ; of direct im
Sala ,will be continued from day to day until Wan,:
sold, af the owner is declining the buslimse. • -
5100,45 which ore the following, viz:— •
g7gpsks superior French Ilrandy, choice brands
Peach brandy, very 4,14,- -
toiPes superior Hoilaud Gin; • • ! ,
lePtilsks Port Wine, varlinis brands;. • '
and casks White Wine; • !
Di:Pipes kladeint Wiw, selected timid; 7
Wqr pipes superior paloSherry Wince 1" . •
•• dry and sweet Malaga Wine;
' " Tenerille f
Lisbon do
" Red i do
hhds St Estephe Chock rd.
IBuncheon Irish Whiskey; 1 I
• !Ar do Ind 9 libtrJamalca Spiritse,
SO btils Old Rye Whiskey; •
hods, guar., and pints London Porter;
SS - bottles East India:Ale: .
31 doz bolder very Rue Claret Wine; -
Sh baskets Champagne • do •
J 3 doe Corded., assorted;
Illbas Wine and Suit:glon Dittere;!
• Rt dozenjwitles linshdics, very AM; •
u " ()Id Rye Whmkey;
,tO,OOO superior Review Segam;
• lh hos fine quality 'Pot:wren;
Babas and halves Sardians;
!":."W bbl. Cider Vinegar, .
trZU Copperas; . -
tat large Inures Loaf Sugar,
1.204011 Syrups, Pepper Sauce, Brandy Frail,, TOM.
Ciduip, des Playing Cards, W sli
ines d Liquors
in shod casks.• 'Together with Mewl costs tools,' fa
ult* and n great vanety of other articles.
Erj• Cuutlotrues will be ready on the 10th, and goods
zangto crammed previews to the sale. jeg •
• l'aluable Neal Estate at Auction.
(Tye Saturday, Jane 24111, at S o'clock,'P. 111, at illy.
Commercial Hales Harass, comer of Wood and Fiftls
sirkets, will be mld , attai valuable WI of Granath No 70,
iu the Original (limo( lots of the borough of LarwrenCe
villYglinvutg s front of St/ feet on Dacron street, and
extending hack 170 feet to Cherry alley, on which is
gritted • good two: story Brick Derelllng'llouse,and
othir improvements, with fruit toren,. lte., at ptrient
ocOupied by Charles Odenweliler. I :
Also, lot NO LS2., M the plin Of lots laid oat by Tho-
Mali ...kelt:having a front 0104 feet on the north side of
PrOorylvania arcane, nearlyopposite the ebatempla
ted :lite for a bridge over.he Slottringahela rirer,_lo
connect Pittsburgh and liirrairtgharth and extending
buck IN first fo 111/1011.14:<y.
'firms, one third moth, residuein two equal annual
payhmuts, wok hat' Mit
4017 JOIN D Auct
• • -• •
S. po.. , Manager and Lapera
Benefit and last awe-ammo • of UM
SABLE. HAutomsrs.
J.SEVA Ititi!, {0 tommeuee with
• • BLACK' k`iII)S.USAIi. .
. _. ... .. .
IVllliato `'_ -
Cotd.„Crowuee' - . --.--:.., . . 111 r. Reynolds.
SL f oan M. Posit.
To be followed by . CONCERT, sort i by the Sable
• e Ilarmonba. .
A sox. for sr .c as nancinco ron ram am. coanr-
Alter which. D./SCE; by Allis Anna Malvin*.
To: conclude With .Concen i p.. by 1...4,1A.
xs or Aroo2oo,o.—Dre ss eqele, .50 cu; Setold
150 , 5'.2.5 A.Gallerv. 91
T AST 71111-I , —Tlos present (Friday) June •W, 1845,
Will repeat his• IRISH EVENINCt; “ntaining
31inidul Anecdote, _favorite Recitations, Comic Sta
tic.' and his ern. Song,, nt the APOLLO HALL.
Ilikets W cents—so be bail at the Monongahela
flonre, 31, illeilor's Music Store, and at the door in
the estuning. . • . .
Dopra upon at IL to commence to 8 o'clock.. je..W
321 Broadway, 3l•vir
TAI POETERS.AND JOBBERS of Silks, French prm.
led Barees, Laces, Bob Ale d
uos, Shawls; Hosiery, Gloves, Lawns, Borabaunee,
They invite country Merchants, visiting Neer York',
to esamine their stock before making their purchases.
, Mr. Muir was for many years of the &Mae of A. T.
Stewart & Co., from which he retired on the Ist of Jam
le4G; and Mr. James Dickson, (who has au intertsf
We business,) was also favorably buma in tharestab.
. Nolice to. - ravel
42'4 "
Tim subscribers have -engaged the light draught
steamboat DOVER, to carry passengers to and
from the Aqueduct at b'reeport.
She mill depart daily at 7 o'clock bribe unnriziag, hum
the Mot of Ittirin meet: -
Paasenger. trill breakfast oi; board, and will be
punctual at the hour..
For passage or infisanktion, arplk to •
NV; SOTO 1, on. House
Or D:Lb.T.CIIIs Co., Canal House,
Fare—Nine Dollars through! • .-
Lly this arnangeroeut. peasengers will go through in
less thno throe days and u half, passing over the rail
/pad in daylight.
OYESTERDAY, at W klurphyas ,Day
k./ Good. House, northeast of 4th and Marker
treeta—Churry black Silk, for Mantillas.; new atyle
Drem Giughams; Mk and while Crapes; Mk; whito and
mixed CC4IO/1 iiO3Ei French Lukens, Se. Sac.
Alea on hand, a goal 111.10Milellt of Mack Mohair,
blk SAS and fancy Damage and Nell Shaw* whim and
Crape do, plain 'and embroidered; - black lane
Bhawla, hearts and Capem new Myra Gatd Netts (or
Capes, Caps, de; plant wash Bloods and Nana, de.
Wholesale Rcems up mans, where incexcellent as
sortment of Prim,, Sc. Is ahrays kept at low prices.
Ohio asid Pennsylvania Rail Road . 01.-
BOOKS for subscriptunt to the Capital Stock ord.'
Company, will belled on the Vila June, at the
Exchange bank, and at the bookitioreaor,Johnston &
Stockton and Fred. Kay S. Co., and-will continue open
from day to day, wider the suporintendeuce of the un
dactigned. F. LORENZ,
rekOoller&wltuS' W. ROBINSON.
.13sogiar assd Mcd .
148 1 41 1 1i p bt i i ' ; . il s N ga ° r 6 , Wont, 6 and
111 do Pnine Now Orleans Molsies;
37 do ••• SugagPocissi . -.
In more sod (or sale bl• • • -
je23. - - IGO liberty at
N 0.3 MACKEIIiL-31 Gbh large No 3 Mackerel
Just received via canal issid for inlet by
M 00 fine ARSEILLFS StIRTS-1 whim Skirt, jos
opened by • $ SHACKIeI D .4I-7 E;
17 t wurr
$ 9{l woad ft
T.T.DriUiag, nteditosi quality. jost opened by
YELLOW NANKI —Two bales genuino N.
king, for sale byjeta tIIIACKLETY ft IT
. 111 . 17;
I.),LACKDHESS SILKS—An invoi ce of litavy ;lank
JJ Louring bilks; very soule,tor moues,
An., Jun oltcrt.l biLACKLF•Tr
-DRAT llTll—Omicara PrencitTsrap D' for
summer coats, Ac ., jwt opened. by.
• jeltt _ ; H.IIACD.LEDT .4. WHITE
CASlllilliltliTN—Two cases blank Frishnierertn i
fine finis/Oust reeeived by
bhds prrae N O Sugar; 600 bbls N 0 Molasses;'
'4OO do assorted Nos Loaf - Sugars, in store and thi solo
by 017 113/14ILLEY d BUM], in out *1 wood st
710 COFFEE.--23/ bap prime Green Rio Cake,
11 landing Ilia day and lei side by
jel7 • IIiGiALEY & 8511T11
_--• - - • -
&"11TUCKT TOBACCO-505 kegs rit,..6
11 bacco, favorite brands, (or sale by
017 RANALkIII & sum
Axrt.-rtutri RESERVE: cliEllnl-297 bag., w
y R Chem, fine qplity, landing mid for sak by
' lel% - • RAGALEI &
DINFALO AOlll f --Now landing erg...,
13 Shenandoah, &13 sPortedJinfialo a, in prime
nailer, direct from Fort Rime, (yellow Sipe, 14,,
ih:nlM e .,T
OILS --50 bbls Linseed Oil; 75 do No 1 laud do;
do No 2 do do; 12 do iltearina do; 1 bbd pare
Sperm do; 1 do bleached Whale; 5 bbis do do; in mom
and ler Old. by. Jell; • SEIJ.ERS k NiCOLS
widirD GLOVES --Embioldcied Bilk
.0 and COioll9 Udedo, echned i •o. supply lately.,
ctrived at Dry Goods House of •
_jell • • • tV
BROOD9-80dox largo Emndltd. fol. We by
ERESII LEMONS—A few boxes Fr.h Lomas,
lost received and for .sle by
Pik muumvon
DAILY PACK ET . 1:i . 1 ,4 i E.
Xlalart. n. 4.; Nee
laid famished, and neon powarthrboata on the
waters of the -Wes& Every atearanandasion and coot-
fors that money can procure, Wu been inovided COT
esetterts The Line has been in omen.. fee fi're
--has eawied a rainier, at ➢➢ aeo p le without the lea. LAW ,
ry to their Persona. Ito bow evil{ be at the foot or
Wood meet the day previous io starting; nts the meek
non of freight and the entry of passengers on the sego.
ter. In all eves. the postage snatety most be paid lu •
The ISAAC NEWTON, CapL A. 6; NAM.. , a -
ea.). Saadi) rooming at 10 a`aloakr
Whaelimetrary Sunday avenina , at 10 P. as.
Nay. ,1/347.
The MONONGKIILT.,g,,capt STONY, will leave Pitts.
aural. every Monday reortnitg n.lO o'elockf Wheeling
every Monday evemag at 10 P. Y. 7 _
lease Piusburgl, sway Tuesday morning 4;10 O'cbath;
Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 r. at..
TLe NEW ENGLAND No. 3, Copt E. rime, will
leave Eittobasti .eve ry WW
at ves:DT morning. %••
wheel Log ry Wednesday exerting a 1 101. Yi,
The BRILLIANT, BAP , . Nur. vrlll. h,eve
burgh every Thursdayisorußurtgllo **deck; Wheebag
every prredayeveutogr at 10 n ac
The CLIPPRPIUD,nr'v.°'" No::, r
orning 1 1 T i o'.x . ''ll o l k k ; a ''O'rlw , e "
burgh t r.
„en, flidllY erenrng
The EIESSENGEB, CmpL S. E will home Pio&
borgh every Saturday morning at 10 o'clock Wbwty .
every Saturday evening ar.lo
- - -
Leaves Pittibergb daily, at 9 o'clock, A. Id, and a.
rimes at Glasgow,-(mouth oldie Sandy end Deaver Ca. „
gral,) at 3 o'clock, end New Liston et 11, same night.
Leers. th e to at 0 o:elock,
• P. AL, (leakier the
trip canal t river daring the rugbt,) and Glasgow
at 9 o'clock, A. Af.,arsa armee at Pithibtulh el 3 P.'
M.—thus making a continuous Imo for uni79.o..Paw
burgh,. In
and (meat tt between New,Lisla amt
burgh, in shorter tint. 1.114 at less rates than by any,
other routpr
The proprietors of thi• have the pleasure
forming the public that they have Stud terolint elan
Canal Boats, for dm liceoremodellon of passengers and /
freight, to run in connection with the well kerma, i
steamers CALEB COPE and BRAVER, end connect.
ing, tilarigoic with the Piusburgh end Mud. •
eau and other daily lines of steamers down Abe Ohio
and Alississippi rivers. The proprietors pledge than- •
selves to spate 110 ripens, or treble ID 111120r0 COOS
fort, safety and dispatch, and isk of Me public a share
TO, j Pitt •
. - —S. & W:ILSRBAUGI ty
HANNA? 4C4 New Luba,'
ntyltitf J. HARHAL Ulf& Co. •
IVOTICE.--The steamer DEA VER,C. S. Clarke, ems
ter, mill knee eller this melee, for Wellsville poem
aily,at 9 o'clockla the morn':. .012 4
PITTSBURGH & nuomisavnaas
. .
Duet" Packet Limb.
• er,.. following new boals.comilote
, too ior the present sensorLANTIC, Capt. James Dasiontaa
Capt A. Jacob& and LQ
APLANE. Capt E. &anew The beau ate entirely
new, and are ailed up lajth . out regard to cavern*. Ea—
ery comfort that money can proenre has been provhie& '
The noels wiltleave the Monongahela Wharfditaat at .
the foot of Does at.. Pawengera .will be punctual oa
board, as the boats will certainly leaie t Ma adult ,
sisal boars, BA. M. and 4 P.M • ' jam%
Fort wum..cs r a, CINCINNATI. &
0 ,. Ifaoacaa BAZOLIUT
7. Perry;commander, will leave for
at 10 o'
Louisville and all intermediate porta •
: every Saturday,'.
'For freight or passep apply ein bean' no to ' •• :
• The Telegraph has been builtexpressly fora regular
packet, and Woke view entirely to the comfort of - joas,
sooner& the accommodations , ere inferior to no boat
on Lbe Western water. • apla..
- Ike
n Ii7I;II " !E r IiGLAND:
A I APCltire, muter, will leaveforl•-
he eboreAnd . intennecliats ports on
dir, 010 o'clock. • • • •
For treight or pawage apply on board. -
The fine new passenFer steamer
• s
Conley, maser, will tains fors oboe. .
nd inure:mains ports this day .
For freight or paseege s apply on board-
. . EOM ST. LOUIS. _
iAL, The spletaild steamer '. *. .• ,
• • * FAIRMOUNT, • • t
hltert, master, Sill leave for shorn
intermediate its this day. : ..,.;
For freight or passage, apply on noerS. , pen -
7-- - . - FO BC.CITCLViATI', f
, Tluinew and light din :,
ught sunaaire
Xmas; Tanner, will leave cof Up,
nova end linennesibue pore on this L..
day. For freight or passage apply onboard. jett . '
The fihe sew meteor , : - •
Thozhpeon, mastrwil9 r l 4 , eave fa ' s .
eve andinterrelediate xis this de,:
..g.,!Lpply par:
_The splendid new stew:act : •
Jacobs, muter, will Have foiatiova
®and iatermediata porta W. day. .•.
;Mat passage., apply - on board. jai/
,The new and aplandid slaantor
Lucas, mater,_ leave (or above
d intermediate potta °nada day.
For freight or pitaange, apply on boant. YO
_ The light drstret steamer
Crozier, roamer, will leave W Omer
sad interaterliala ports this day.
:For freight or passage, apply on Ward. jado
The new enamel
Barke;reaster, will leave for tbe above ,
dlntennedorte pone die day, at. UV
A. Id. For freight or passage applron board. je37 -
The sne new steamer . , •
Iknrstm, master will le a ez for atm v
entetmedlateparta day. sr
• For freight orpassage, apply on Ilard. -I jel7 .•
- ' The steamer ...
.11 , Clere, master, will ran as a regain/
afternoon packet from PlEtsbutitt to'
Cincinnati. She leaves ea her .first trip, under the new
arrangementomil 3.londay, at 4 o'clock,i.. M. -,
- ray«? .
Sllkililatt I'IITSBURIni AND -zaNrsvuaa:
, Tba fine new nesweri
• Moore, master, Will ;pine, Pitts burgh,..
arty tot above. • -
This boar is entry way ad•pted the-to
paean:lgen. She runs in" connection with the Jenny
Lind + which meets bar at Haverty. Par freight Or pas—
ante apply an board... , •ntyla • •
rux $v itExtaNu AND BIt100007 .— " - -
The nerd and substantial La. Wein
draw, Poe Blaster, tars restunett'irei
regular trips between 'Wheeling, Bridgeport and
burgh, honer Pittsburgh on Mondays end Therfdaya.
The new and fast steasnes .
Bararsotaster Roe a:b. e .
teteratediale Retaken W . i d e ee.
days end Sattudays of each week . tospakr.,, ter pup.
y toad or te
lerrraßußoti & wffiazuricr eAcKEL;
. tw it . .
1 ' • at masses ,
cor -
Dom) . 4 - Xbur r Mill leari
40.1.1 X Vitiestrr, 319'117.1,
W`T b ..
unday; at 7 atlee • euesdaY.precisely.
The Consul will late, is ells
Pon . 4 "C ".."'"'"fety of s ha• Lain:n.4 l, ifis e rodded. a Th os to
~,,.b 0a„ „.„"747."" flded with a self-sating *atm (nerd to
6 - .."„r or , 4siona. Far Cre p illV E r t garmialy:3l
• earner of and Staithfiald
M. ..pazrotrr, xmaAusru AND BIONC!NLIAIIF,
.. .._.
The new latillUet . ..
k•S'.." '-• t •DE PATCH, ' '
- NelsOn neuter, will Yon' .as'Abbicti.
install: Pittsburgh eireyy Monday_
Wednesday nod Friday, 91 0'c10e1c.....55., lad up.,
nnn gd 4 Ci , ieeesi•Tas4a7, l lantay=dtlatanlay,_
at Et oclock, a. se. 'Yoe [might or passage, apple on
REPRESS .itilia,ltsKertucta.,,kuuDEL
-rt k #6. nre gam running two daily Wks
v i itlai & f ir r r r onTle r t r s . . t° Tll!;r d f !`tri ,Ti f , ab g
eso'cleek. . a.
DY ansagrmen; l'assengene mil go: through is
Jean than Omen and a hall' day, pausing overeat, hno...
dred and liftf miles or an dayhea. - -
ir"" l4l 4 :4lPrtre a j g glLT &Co
1 , 16 AfosongabelA Was.
MBE / 848 L. Nat
duly. Produce and therehantLee taken at row a rLll:,
2deredandine (nxn Beltintore brought out at Canal;
rntex Ti,.,,, Ire dark. J C 1 1 1DWIZL, Ast,
• Water 9, doom shorn tdong,e. flonae,Pinabergh,
myl7 02 thetth Chrulate et, Balthoterh.'
EINITII - & — 0O3
NFollat .thelr friend. and the public that they hay.
J. no longer any =MCC tiOD era their late antablialn;
meat in
Penn weir, known abbe Piuobargh
hneing:remered dm& entire bounces to ate l E ' t
ItHEWII2Y, in Pitt street. • znyliedamlyal
ITIELEXAPH 1CT1G.....01 aseetbig thefltiat
holders °Me Atlintie and- Ohio Telegraph 03to.
peer, will be held et the Aso_enees Hotel, in the city of
Yhtladelphts, on Monday, hey 3, at P. Id, tho
'p.p.. of a.pennanent organn of tho Company.
Aupenwm Interested ens requeeled to attend. tly or
der of :bd . /load:of Din ctors..• ,
iaral EL DOWNING, Presidia.'
rt/lIMP,-60 his prima W It Cheese, fee sale by.
vv _tete •`• I' VON BONNNEGESP Gel