The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 23, 1848, Image 3

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    GROCERIES, &6.
ROCEIMES. &C.-105 bids NO Bw.Y; NO bbl
Nolasscr, .10 661680 pr EOM 3104.
OM& Loa Sugar, 100 bays Rua.calrec; 10 tea of
Mt*" 100 casks weal Soda ,14.; mewed by hue ar
00.01Nel!Chlesas, ud br s!leby .
WINE 9-40 air auk. mug 20 loot bbl• Port, Sweet
NT Malaga, anal Nadal ra Mims, astaprislag soma
very !hake slat superior Dna; reeeiaed mad for sale
0.4 acatanseadatiag emu •
e f T1iF.P..,160 I
rercrr goat Asa—v:l...k. Junes Ithasprasi
Son's Ern quality sods Ash, Jut ree'd per sumer
Rush alai for sale by •
: so% • . kg ILITCHELTItEE, ICO liberty ft
JAMESA. HUTCHISON k. Co, Agents for 131. Louis
Steam Sow Refinery:, _No. 45 NI oter and 92 Front
strcey pioot t orgh, Pa, hare in - More the following m
onument ofreln -sosors,!Mr sale . •
5 his doable rehoed Urge Lang
_lOOO LW Nos. 2,4,
eds, 0, 1 sod
Cla m ri oll fied. doc do Powdered; 523 do
myl Crus 9 h.
45 do
11NDI=5-4) cutsPada Ash; timetaed St Steele
Etem,,Ureopool; 3) do. do - do - Jame s
S c
s ems, aN
_WO begs Rio Cotter; 500 boxes
722, 8210m0d11022 Moss, for 4ale
•IV 01.1188-40' bi. FIXIB kir sale by
FrEJL-41 hafCbasts Younk T., L 'llst reed
awl bar We by lel4 MILLMA RltkTsori'
OTASO-11 casks extra Pninals,lest reetived on
consignment Aug for tale by
. kl 4 MILLER t Riersrsox
BANDY FRUIT-12 eases Cboiee Brandy. Flnit,
bast terelved and forma" by.
MILLER. R1CE:E654311
CHAR CIDER-40 bide Feenceei Corn Cider, Just
received eked Rd t 2/
T WEED OIL-20 bblaLinssed i Ens shipping
ordsr, jails ressivedand kr We
j. 14 . • • :.. lIILLE&i CIETSON
lIIAw-Obb Wiltairtm, N C Thr, on band mi for
~HAt /AU= a lucka.-rsoN
S VBAIIS N f.); bbl. ' Polverirell; bbl.
embed: q 0 bbli ouortedPsat, for sale by ..
ROCIC POWDER-103 top of go6d qualiry, for ale
AISINIEI-401= MR; 40 build° . 3) flouter do;
kl 5
__J •
rtIIbIDLES.-1111) bis Burin; 3 do Sperm do Edo
Star for ado by t - Ira • JI) WILLIAIIIB
5P1A4.11114 Tig r ittsP=P ;
QUGAR-40 hhils Rime it 0, on cowigomeot and
/...7 Gar salt J.O BIDV. waxer It-
IiCFERRIINO—LIbbIa os coosivtraeat aid in We by
CTILNALEAL—Sd bbls landing via far sale by
"dela , J C I.IIDWF./..1,
MICI METAL-60 s; ton Mope Foronee; 'relected An.
dtandry nee; foe ettle by OW BERRY, •
• . tlivrooo -
sto,re aatfrAtitai..
0TA513 7 40 eaakiPotesh, for We by
J.SCHOONDIAKER C 0.% wood et
bbl., rcdt go"Ntt ule by
THAW . PAPER—CO reami, extra viza'and
for sale by . Jell I SCHOONMAKER k.Co
VINEOAR-25bbIs Cider %listen 2 qr casks eshia:
wins da,ist store mad for sale by •
elandmot. LOAF AVM: —l4 Oats p10e . 2, ,, 1 4, 5 2
die reined do do; 40 . bi's Lev rbg's eoime " a:rned
do do; 20 do pulverized do .jist o&d and for sale
nIMATOHACCO-20 bal.* Cuba Me+ Tabaieo;
4 ° o In , !PPa • r du. Just reed and far gala by
MILLER & tuceersoN •
FLIED APPLES-Ibl.We Dried Apples, reed and
bY ielP H& 'V HAMM UGH
/111.EEN.PAII.a.SOLS—ftnin k Johnsen,* Mi . slier
I.JI - street, nave him received 10.1 . green silt nual
eltassmable akin Parasols.. Also, ON sosorted colon,
hom coma n piece up. jag
CREESEIS bzs WU, reed this day and for
was by lath TASSEY & OEM'
mAm( s imPL—SlU • hell . bbls ,
ITT ROM 6LASS-000 boxes 112101 Y °bow 1Z)
TT do 10X1I dodo; 101/ do 101E14 do do; .far sale by
ALCSILNDIRE SAFES—A kw Safes IA store allTd .
for sea kni 'fa close coastgament.' • •
iAN JANIS DALZELL, 94 Alder st
FANS AND coas-23 LLI. iiihue BMUS 313 Ju
Coro for sale b joie SELLER.t. NICOL.%
NEW ORLEANS SUOAR—eI hta - primo N 0 Su
• gar; 10 do fair dud.* for vile .
torS9 . NOW 70 front st
30,000 P aror lX F ry BRICK'
ret C A MCNULTY lr.Co
LALOg i l b.atslgdpoAorzbe
s pare Cider Vinew, for lode by
J 13 DILWORTH, 27 wood st
LOURIOO bbl - .sale
P Fkmx, for by
OBIEB-3 Lilco inn reed .d for ale by
IVEKT 911x7 task Sweet Oil, ree'd and kw sale
bLACIONG-400 ?d.,... Challenge, jut reed
J_ll and for sale h 7. lal JOLLY labliabLali
TARTAR—I 1)61 Just ., r ia 2 sod for
eretr 7""k " Nilariglitarsty
'• ME. YELLOW-3 “sks ise'd Awl at We by
10 hILT&I.-60 lens Pig Blanche furnace,
.L -for eal•Joll . I.s BACIALEY & SMITH
OIL-00 . 664k Ilrowa Oil &aped°, for
sale by Jea nectaufr& &burin
WRENCH LAVISB-1 ease too painted. Law.,
beeliqtd new pattern. }eat tee' d =I opened by
)elf • fit!ACI:Lt2T.k WHITE, 99 wool at
WEL/JUR-15 bb extn,for sea by
. S F vox BONNHURST fr. Co
L {ell ' " tom.
/S . F 41 , 1106NNHORlirri.. Co.
E&Nfi—S bblo small white,for solo by - -
ALERATUS-03 eba. Clevaleuid Saleratos,for sale
fa by . jel4 • WIC* ArCANDLESS
~ : E-114bss W E Csesse: just reed SW Gar
sale b jeld ' MCI( t IirCANDLESS -
ROOMS-49 do: comemnos, formic by
iel4 • WICK Ic 111VANDLESS
MILO:R.—at Dbl. Family Flow,
_far sale by
VILITE BEANS-50 begs_ u n
_store and r ule by
MET. CIIEFSE.-43 bores W Cheese, landing
_ from steamer take Erie and for sale by
red , • JAMES DA , 7 ; 1 VI sealer st
S .
TAR CANDWI-25 b. Cincinnati Blar
• 30 do do do .do
)anal cantivid and kw ode by
r :•••• • • dor. . . r .•.
. 1. Roeu,
)on rre'd„by elm. and for ule at the
die Robber Depot, No 6 Wood arced.
hiIOULDER BRACT:23-1 dos Slaopider Braces; lo
&a Rubber, received by express - and for sale at
India RabberDepotis wood street
11NVISTARDSEED-7 tadsiCentesky Mustard Pad,
131. le store et:WlG:male by'
ielo - a• JAS A IlUTClllsonrk Co
bble Pl.bricre ld s :II /Law . l h atd d leg iV P ft riefiZ
Swan earl for de by . •
CjINCINNAiI SOAP 1W bee No 1 Soap per smaer
dionoeiebely, fer talc by
:WO• • neo r sAuti!
Inralroserkendieo berb
Buk/ ' "ri ! '*" M* St r iV k Ar lo
MS 33 enter and 104 front lel
RN-90 bash Corn, in stoic and for sale by
cthrEESE. , -.50 bis Cream Cher , "sekrt reed and for
We by .., kW 43& W ILAUBAUGH
We by klO i. S 8 W IIARBAUGH
IDOTATOF23-411 ricks Gale. Nesbannoeb, jest
neeived and for nth, by
hlO - . • POINDFATER tr.: Co
• srlitllUltlE-- , RD las R Cheese, for silo by
HONEY 74 kegi Money, monk and
for Bala by.
11 rOiNpEXTEII. tr. Co
_ .
141.ACIE AND 'FANCY 'Blliibt—A.A a ssortme n t
JlJi.....llbaad th e snort antensisp assortment of
black era fancy &Lk. so be forand,lo lbe oily. jet°
PIIODUCE-40 bW S P Flour, 90 do Co Meal, 10
9oCoru, 10 do thos, do %Mir Boar; far sale
by Joe C 111DWF,111., wstem
8A1.113-40 DM* on cousiguroent mud tar iT
• I* close by it:BIDWELL
.11RiUS21 REP - 4 , -.1&& lbs for Dais by - •
' fONGS-15 for nbr by -
10f ACKERF..I.—n bbla N_ for la& by
cu . GA ..4 bu Halfflputlab Cipn, for webs
11.1 je 3
R 00313-00 do . in Igarr!led Itoeixe;
far WI by jr.3 7 SF VON BONN7IOIg
rrb Co
pgAR-109 bbls warranted • • re ad-erViite7;
~- by 10 81 , VON NIIOtBTk
B ARLEY -4124 sacks Darien retched per Noah Rim, and for ado by • ,
ielAr. • • A. GORDON.
L EAD—nogt= Lead, received per summer
4. 2 .- • - • JAII6 A lIIITCHISON kCo
, HALE 011.-10 bb4 for wile low by, •
IL VITBAL—Ibp•AIo fin sale b
TjrGOODS-& AlfCo havaTaa . 7oe -.-- a — ed,..
l EN lya 041 Lain 6besung%'" &
alma; 6 P. 64 P18 6 .'
Cam Ao; 34 White Ups& let great variety.
inoPPEE-gobn. Priam alien Catree. laadios
a..• -and Or uda try eaym J k.RVIAND
rillt&3-4151t1l cheats Tame 'llysan• IS do do q
ocronlari 40 dodo Y H and 0 p tee • • nd "-
• • Era •• ' J /31".14ZYD"
BVZP.r, rikamA4
FIZEICK-1 6 4X0, of . superior qaality, will ea
a% tho awl tawneeleer. foe wile by
1.14 • ' ISAIAH DICKEY &Co
4:1 Wei Cot* in non and int sale by
X open this morning a further supply of those 'sorry
sapenor British Long Cloth Shirting Ending; aMo, fine
Lansdale do, and las eonstamlTpn handsto assort
ment of every grade of quality, at lea' mash Priem;
Also, Irish Linens for shirting, and bosoms, of pure
fits, sad very cheap, at northeast canter of lth and
Market streets. 1414
p - 1 6 /,130 .0 1 4 1 , 1! ,, PATT - 1. : LS!—W , It t ld a tug . t k m.
satin Porasold, ' L.e:d Lokoed do, =nay stripe sodded
do, at lowed prices. -iel4
'lost reed another supply of superior brown and
white British Nuts, of entirely new and beautiful de.
•4111,11, Le whiek the attention of the ladies is invited.
sele •
CI . IAPE SIIAWLS—A . Aue assonment. of plain Da.
mut and embroideted Cnipe Shawls, of • very
qual=ed by
DOI B.,DAY, 75 market at
N W tor of die diamond
ARTIFICIKL£4-7ngt received :it Ite - tilni
W kg of White Anificiels, which we nie setting ye
vy cheep, and to which we invite the intention of ihe
lel4 ALEXANDER te 13 . Y
FISH-Imin Crim e Beldame, he glee* In
hare omenfrom his friendsrensburah. end
elseewhere, fin the purchase of Shad and Henna, du.
zing the tenon. Orden execeded with despatch, and
at fawning.. Charges for purchasinglight. mer.he
11=tratiVl a prIrb'°Vrd1 , x
.bbls crushed, bbls poo' retr 20 bola elerilieu,
store and far sale by JAM} A lILTCHIgON & Co,
marlp AgenteSt Louis Bream Sugar Refinery.
ARABOLS-13 eases milk, cotton and gingham Par
uola, tatoo 'spies and hAnd4ltua pnuernx inn open
ing nod for solo by ' SILACILErrI WIIITE,'
. DO wood st
TIRESS Goons--A A Masoo fr. Co, GO Market id,.
Jj lotto join reed l eases of itch ikon Goods, cow-
Bercges, Orcoodiues, Tinos, rare de Chose,
Cbollies, A e. he. • ie
HAWLS—A A Mason tc Co. tome ou band every_
vatiety orShawl*, watch they are selling at redu
'eed wave. •ira
G INGIIIOIB--A A Meson & Co. haw, received ea
leer style of Gingham*, which they aro mi
ller at the err!retne low price of 14 era
'Lo wade Lave received 4 cases of Commades and
Summar Sto comprising every style, suitable for
mem. weak. inyaD
RDIGFS--100 pieces bullion and cik Silk Fringes;
and Fol'd,just received by •
fIINGIUMS.-{llir cases Freneh and Earbdan (bug
ki baits, SeeSUMS Styles, opened and Coy sale by
QHMVLS—A,good asso' riment of plain 11/141 fancy
1J summer Shawls. just opened by
INSEtzi bus just reed end fo r
the drug warehouse of' J KIDD Jr. Cu,
jell ' . 'moat st
I!ONEV-13 6. tra just landingrind
jeW 11 Water it
13ACON-40u0 lbseoussig cured bleat, lauding Gem
steamer Iludson and for sale b7J
_ jcitt_
natio threr—Wrtuote further sales from mom
tpaSic ir
th.ta—Salea of Linseed at cisossc . , an improve
lent. Lar . ,d dwelling at 5105.3 e p gall
Br-ecs—White beaus are quite dull, mud limited
salsa only effected at 625750 per bushel, as in
nORN,LI3 Shelled Coiv, for sale Vy. ' Quality
ia2 IttGlLli, BUSIFIELD k non.
ARD-11.1 kegs No 1 Faso/ly Lard, in store angl for
sale by jag JAMES DAI2ELL
T . ARD 66121g0 I, landing. -
/ i.ig 11USOFIE1.D & ROE
.13 RI hl E BHAULDEELS—na'easks jusi re ell
je I !MILL, & ROE
lEATI-8W pigs received and for 'vie by
IDAft LEAD—IMO Main sum add for sole by
QIIOT—W keg., usorted, and for raid by
A. 7 jell) JAS A LIUTCIIISON 4. Co
nd Missouri !limp, in stona and
for sofa by join JAS A lILITCJILSON &Co
FEATIIERS-3 411,1 s prime Kentucky Feithees, just
received wad for sale by •
jettl , JAS A 1117CIIISON ai Co
B A ticte N ju l la meeirer,:t k l2rial,s - by - ""n°
rilOßACCO—lsbas lb. Lump, supenor quality, reel
-L n consignment and far sale lour by
ley TASSEV b. 111.. T
igigONTKY BELTS—it Mar as samples, received by
171 cypress and far sale by jes J Zr II PHILLIPS
rtAMBRIC-2 cams cord Cambric. roc mate by
SADDLERS' THREAD, diderent erriori, for sale by
Slion green, half blenched
mderbile, for sale by jeS C ARIIUTILNOT
stock, such as C 0.., Sacks. Pea Jarkebt, Cargo
louh or vrithoat alicrea, ll.egging• of three dile:sot
kitubb4lats. dre., an to be had at the Italia Dubber De.
toot. No 5 Wood st.• jes Jfr. II PHILLIPS
TOBACCO -12 kegs No 6 twist' Tascso, landing
frosastessner Nosougslielessa for 'role by
le: • JAMES DAL,: Fr .t.
FLOOR— 13 bbls rsreiving from run Consul and for
2.10 by
RAISINO-300 bra Bomb Raisim, in tore mid tor
sale by job BACAI.ET :4311T11
'DOTS AND PEARLSl3lrisks Pear! AM; 13 do
A Pot do; for We by jet, 11MOLE5' A 8311331 .
TynTE CRAPE—A fresh mpplyjmt roc'd and Mr
mile by, je9 • C ARBUTHNOT
P0T6911--1 casks reed this day mid fur tali, by
1.5 - - TASSEY h IiF.ST
A: We Are non receiving a nice avamment of this
cheap and beautiful warm jes GILL&GETTV
A =RICAN QLSIE.NSWARE—Can pc had in all
in varieties, et the moue, of '1
PITCH -5 bbl, Pitch, on hand and for lode low to
close by jes " TAAVFE & O'CONNOR
'FLOUR -20 bbl. in nom arta for sale by
.k 3 TASSFX 13F-ST
No good lorc l g l rkt am o,
C. SALTS—tali bble received and for sale by
RYE—Afew bags Rye, in store and for sale by
:urn= I3EANS-35 bbls small 'Caste Deans,,lor
.ale by
CNIMXI4 doz gilt handled Com Brooms,
YE PLOUR-56 bbto Rye rioOr t for bY
bbl. Flout, prime, tue , end (0 ,
F sale by • jet L 8 WATERMAN
.L 1 armed eta reasonable disco.; by
my3l . 53 water end 84 front as
011-5-46 bole Flaxseed Oil; .{.4 de No 1 lend do; 03
d 9 NO 2 22. £loo, bpenn end Whale Ciii; in moo
and foinale at reduced prices, by
iny3l 8.11-LERS Ir. NIC-OLIS
day received. The attention of steamboat men
and others niing small forger is partiedivly invited.
mug - . B SCAIFE.
LEAD-710 pigs best bal.& Lend, in store end
ode by •, 11 BRUNOT,
mit liberty .1, sth ward
('IASTOIIOII Ittas reed per steamer Swim Bo
I_l for sale by myl7 M ALLEN A Co
TECOP37I2 bales Ist sort Western New - York,
eseateg uld &r sale by
FLOUtt-w bids, Dadra), /d 1
and rot ade . by
DYTH.E BDEATIII3-00 do: Patent Scythe Sumas;
0 for ode by !kit FLOYD
wOOL-5 sacks coalman Woui, on collsigamenk
for sale by mysi ' 7 t R FLOYD
S l" ..o w n e OlL— cor ttla b S y eaeca Oil, !eed (tom Ball
nd.1,02V KIER & JONE:4, Canal Basin
YO U R LUMBER, end Pine Joice, for sale
W. W. WALLitebyr
LAILD—G LLl.Daft h /natty {aim lard Oil, bit mil
SAFETY FUSE-3 Will for oak by
ACON—lu casks Bacon, for solo by"
rviosTiiiiiis—llinek 'Kringes' and (Burp
and an'assortment of Dress Fr/lakes; rne'd by e
press at suyl:l _ II EATON A Co's
'II4ACON-1 casks Sides, reed uid for side by
VLOUR-2110 Uhl noddy Flour, for rale by. •
rortz J
balcs Hops, for 'Ale Gl s
1 ;
111 D t Avoirrn
• my
61111C - Cls—tie r liegs 1, No G twist, lauding - from sto
. New Eoglatol Rod for sakLp
stly2o JAMES DALZEI L wale: W
LARD -25 kegs Card, lust recd 225 for sale by
tiqUADIED £ll.l.AD—Zable Yb? I Maul, just . ree'd wd
byfar Tale ortY3 liIJ.LERS & NICOLS
r AND OIL—Ur !Ms 1..1 Oil, junt retbl and for sale
14 by mrx SY:LLCMS& NICOI.B
FXSEFIL)OII.-02 bbl e fur rule by
&0'. 4 3 I , I:I.,LEILSA PICOT .4
N O. ug li . L;GAß— . loo I,llde . t e . . n. Ne: o 7 , , , , , 7x
017100 per 'unmet Ear'' ,
by inyti POINDEXII:It &Co
I,USLV-7:7Lb10 good ItoMn, to MiITiVG tot Meal.
.1.1; TRAgliassi from Now [Memo, stml for mL . M . by
• my:',s INDEX I 1
RE.II-3 easke.metiree'a mid fur sale by
Y • myl3 R
C(M)YER'S WHITE GLUE-3 bbl reed +end far
_ _ .
COTTON—..% bides Tennessee Cstion , a store Al
for sale by myla 1 , 1/OST BOWES, PO (rout st
liEsth9Etie,43 beIT. Plantation Mulasseejti Ate
ILL end far sale by sera WEST BOWEN
WU/L'EAb-100 puns White Lest!, in stn
and (or sale by nty2tl wisr polvizz
13UTTER-4 bids and 2 las Fresh Buns
IX, jun received and for sale by
SIIOT-2 keg. sha h assorted, received per teem. ,
North River mai for sale by
SIIAWLS-44 blazon Y. Co, anon rued
of 1600 Phawla of ovely kind, comprising some ve•
ry sopa rior Crape:talk and Satin Sbniato. •inG
'IIpARA.OC Munn *. Co, Pave teed:Wenn
.11 - of those '417 ring, dark green rarnnolt. • my:*
LAim 0/1-0 0 bt , M,Labl Oit, landing I'44istem.
Illeitseoger t .nd for .alo ow to elope ebmtignme
Copyinn Proms; llorrb
H son'i—Colutotion Inks; reerryed and for rob by
lay JOHN II MELLOR, nt wood et
WOOL:NI7OOI2!—The highest remain price's, cash
• win to poid !of differentgnides 61 eteen well.
washed :Wool, by El Ss 11A1411A UV
_ ,63 water and IU4 (root streei
JUNE. I rises. I set. I ri•es. I phs•es.
7113 615
799 70
799 891
7M 941
7 23 10 47
7 23 11 03
4 33
4 31
4 37
4 37
4 37
4 37
17 Saturday,
IS Srulday ,
19 Monday,
29 Tuesdsy,
21 Wednesday,
21 Thursday,
21 FridnY.
OPFICZ gm-mum/it G•zerre.„
Friday ?doming, June 23, 1848.5
The weather yesterday was very unsettled, and
frequent showers of rain which WI during the day
prevented that activity which might otherwise
have prevailed in the marlret. There was how
ever a fair amount of business done in ■ generel
waj, with no important change in the prices:
Rom—Receipts continue very light, and there
is not much doing in the article A few limned
lots were disposed •of at the river, and from wa
gons at 3,01::Q . 54 p bbl. Sales of 200 lads In differ.
eat lota from store at prices ranging from 4,121 Q
51,25 p bbL
Itve F'urec—We note regular limited sales from
stofe 2,57(ii23 p bbl.
kZI Mir,ll.--Stipplies are light, and very little
in ci&ing• in the article. Moderate sales are effect.
ed at 1,6201,69 p bbl.
GRAIN—We have no I&rge sales to notire.—
Regular, sales occur from store at the following
nominal rates:—Wheat, Pam Rye, .11500; Barley;
40 urCoru, 0 00 31 c, and'Oats,at 26027 c p ha. ,•
Geoceartm—The market is without any import.
ant variation from yesterdays quotations. Of-N 0
sugar, sales cf several smell lots were effected
from store at 410 5 1 c 4V tti• Salo of 20 bbl" mc"
lasses at 2710'2fic p gall,lnarket quiet. Of rice,
regular sides transpired at 5051 e. if. a. Of Rio
coffee, 30 sacks fair 'tetra sold at !lc p
prime would rate a lc ggher, and common, In
lower thou the' above quoted figures.
Frau continues is good demand, and farmer quo;
cations are Hilly sustained. dales continue quite
brisk at the following mtme—Salmon,c $l9; Shad,-
9,500510; Iffabkerel No 1, best, 1312, No 2, 9,fi0,.
No 3,1,25. p bbl. Herring are sold regularly at
6,25 pbbl. •
Cnrcsr--Sales of good Wlt at 5106, far corn-
mon W R, and . e y a for cream.
Daum,Faurr—Limited tales of apples at 150
50c, and of peaches, at 1,50 c rim.
. .
Faarnsaa--Reccipts continuo light, and not
much is doing in the article. We quota 3U2i1.1c
the ruling figures of the market, with small
Lr.,us--Sales of 1000 16 pig u 4c, and of 500
Ibs bar at 41e ip D 3, market firm, '
Bornm--Sales of 52 kegs at 91c p Goal
fresh roll and print butter continue ta fair demand,
with ready sales from Pore at 12161ic p
Eons—Sales from first hands -at :;1e; and
from atom at 10011 c for good frealt 7 •-•
The steamer Tra.tarrarn was, at the latest ac
counts, lying high and dry: BeGrre. the last rise
commenced, it is said, she win lying almost as.
tirely clear of the water—what a pity. We hope
the rise will be sufficient to remove her, it7ii kary
ed, however, that it will not; in which cane she
must sustain more or less injury.
- - - _
The Mrasetora has been raised; and as the
Captain aad part of the VICIAr left yeatenlay on the
WdlseiUe to tale her m eommaad, we presume
we shall.short/y see her safely moored at our land-
illtimore, Juno 19, ISIS.
Cottle—Tberu were„,.l , o Lead of beeves ofreted
at the scales, to day, of Which 331 were scold and
46 Lend remain over. Prices ranged tßiat s3(riSl
lOU lbs on the hoof. equal to 1457:75 net,
making au average of .5.361 gross, which is
Hags—The extremes of the market ye $125
4i51,757 „Moderate sales are making within thew
117/ling—Per Cashier-1 bon mdse,
Leech dr co; 40 blits dour, 12 sks wool. Ina Mc-
Fades; 5 ban hams, 1 trc bacon, 30 bbls whiskey,
J Black 5 tms, 1 mit, bacon L 8 Waterman; 10
skawool,W Bingtmm; 35 bbis now, 1 sack 2 bids
mdse, 13 sks. do, 1 Dickey; 62 bbls dour, 51 ski be
am, E
&arm—Per Lake Erie-21 bas cheese, I Dick
ey dt. cm 23 do do, J Dotted d; co; 3 ban twine, 4
Ms batting, El bgetwisL FrienJ, Rimy dc c0;123
bms cheese, I A Clughey; 50 do do, same.
Do. fiCLairtzli followlat is a copy,
Lf a letter lust received from an agent in Tennessee:
even oldie now character are received dolly.:
Uonntrzus, Boor°. Cd.,Tsact ,Jane 8, 1842. •
Kidd & Pittsburg!. Pa.—Dear
The agent for fillonen Medicines left with tee a lot of
his Liver Pills owl Vennifh;e, 01l of which have been
sold. Tbe great vine. thorn:ley contain has induced
me to send title note to you, to see Vivo would not sottol
me some mow. I have read medicine scitne-1 hove
beeo selfing drug sseen and . potent medicines !Of &WWI:.
years, but have nothing in the Toenail Pills the.
hex done so much good es kl . Lone'n Liver 1711 s; sod
to the Terminate,' want no better preparation. lambi
send great ma ny certificates. but do not think it ne
• kcenssway , aPs
e a n fo t ecleo i n s aalrey
T so o o w t e arliest a c v o o n r v ab n
eon, -
24 dor Vermilage,f4 dos Liver Pills. and 0 den'
Long Syrup. Yours. respcyllolly, T O DENSON
. The above valuable plopotannos can be had genu
ine at the drug Wore of J KIDD & Co, 00 wood it
elp _
Tun acorn nms•Cuanxt—The oril, only true
and gent.. Liver Pill, reputed by R E llen.
l'scurrrowts,.Va., June 7th, lbah.
Mr E Sellers—Some years since I was much ban.
third by using your Liver Pills, and us Imo a great
sufferer now. I enclose you one dollar, and wish you
to send me the worth of it in Liter Pills, by moil. Be
portieular to send the' sane kind—they acted like a
chain when I took them before. Your., tat,
. . • • • •
Prepared and sold by R. E. SEI.LERS, 57 tVood
Sold by Dr. Cawel, 5W ward• I). M. Curry; Allegheiiyi .
NY: J. Smith, Terperanceville, and P jhavo i Law
Cantoot—All other pills callnl Liver Polls at a soon
torten. or imitations. jell '
. - .
[lj - Citlnas ace bonorably deuced bott l e
the follow
ing are the actual velum. of a as. bottle of Joxte Co
ral Bair itedoreuve. If they doubt• our word, they
cannot theca highly recordable ellizans, who bare
tried ie
Mr. Geo. Beckett, 41 Film m, New York.
Mrs. Moulin Reeves, Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn:
Mr. Won. Tompkins, tel King st, New York.
Mr. Thomas Jackson, 49 Libeny st, Pittsburgh.
11. H. Cullen, late barber steisubmg 8. Amerma.
And more Than a hundred others state, though this must
suffice, that it will force the hair to grow On the bead or
face, stop it falling off, strengthen the roots, removing
scurf and dandruf from the roots, and making light, red
or gray bair agrumg u fine dark look, and keeping dry,
harsh or wiry hair moist, soft, clean and beautiful,
rery,'very long time. Sold at WM. JACKSON'S in
Liberty st. ma 14
MrYou foolish, silly old fellow, read Mk, and be no
longer bald, whiskerlem and betides.. Ms. W. Jul
sot!, of eV Idberty wive; Pittsburgh, Pa, certifies on the
NI of February, 18471htit Mr. Thos. Jackson's head,
on the top, woo entirely bald forth yews, and that bb
tsiug !wo :y bold. of Jowl' Coral flair Restorative,
he hats is growing foot and thick.
Sold in Newark by S. OLDS dc 50N,V7d Limed et, R.
VAN BUSKIRK, corner of Broad and Nantucket st.
moral . .
tr.r . TIi . TIIC eau Larm--Cootatoeida Nem road
Moe itoneat lodiatt ',Vegetable Elixir, et the mord
effectual cure for Hheotaitisee. Sold by IVIII.JACSa
9 tic. Agent for Ihttaburgb. voytedadegral
ID - Don't Intim yellow dark Tecth—ibey imn b
muse pearly while by one ante 0.1116 on Lox on Jour
Amber:rooth Paste It hardens the gum sweetens th
breath, c. Sold el let Liberty rt. as,
115 , - MO have a Foul4l4reutb—lf lroo bore, gtm
tn . 10 Atoning boltWorionett . Amber Tooth Paste. 'll
will make yuur UMW: sweet, whine your teeth, lee.
sold at 13 Lihmilt ut. uoylGdAtetY
Irr bullies who use .1011 c.. time
always aG. white tranaporeot skin. of dee a trial
will astisfy any ono. Sold only in Pittsburgh, at ea
Liberty at. .novllidandwly
R 9 4I% I III:A r IP E A N , r bolra r nY 2 4 3 4l: i ll l y
succestful effort him been made recently lo enceinte
the stolen uotes of the Bunk of Chester County, In the
%Pestern party( this Stole. The public is agent eau
tinisetkagautn receiving rote. of this Bank,. of the is
curl, prior..., ImIS. There ere 'indications of similar
effort. having been made in the Northern pan of this
State. Notes of this description anteing from thow
quarters should, therefore, be
with particular
scrutiny .
Yliere is but a email number of rotes of the old is.
sues, now out, besides the stolen notes.; and all who
denim to we the perpetrators of this high handed and
darinKrolibery brought to justice, careful about
receiving them. • MILLINGTON,
jeltbkt. President.
I.)ACON—to Mule yellow cauvetamil clams; 10 do
Sidea; 24 do Shoulders, ..d1 in prime quality.
IkSS AND PRIME PORK-1U bbfa Men Park; 5
/VI lu prime do; for Rule by
ALNI INIAP-1%0 1...N0 I l'almSomp, in store and
j. foroale J
T r ol o I r AT:1—(2) krgot Nedr4 6 twist, revelvinif ;Ind
1 y /.5 ' JAS DALZk.LI.
Xff OLAbda , —.2i bbli N Cre cdo Sugnr Douse: fof
ffl„ sale by jelri J DWILLIAMB,IIIIvopI at
Dogs and muslin Narks, in store and for sale by
SECUS. CURED 11A./.113-1.5 tierces Su,,,r Oared
Bacon Miami for gala by .
j.;14 1 AWCKM, JONES ec. Co_
CiUGAIL nisu4; moLtiim—it loble Sagar House
0 N01a..., for kik by •
jeld ArWooD, loxes tr. Co
BACON-72 earls 81toublen4 7 do Rid., 2 . d0 Hanui
for sale jel ATWOU JON t• Co:
OHIU.NEL4OO otEll•nda: '
jel4, ISAIAH DICKEY a 1:41, Dont at
4 nrr 6 mama. warn IN.
Athuttic, Parkinsen, Bran/amine.
Louis McLane Bennett; Brownsville.
Camden, Hendrickson, M'Keespott.
Hope No 2,Vnebran, Wellsville.:
Beaver, Clerk, Steubenville. '.
Cesbier„--, 'DameLug. •
Robert Fulton, —, St Louis. i. 1
Lake Erie ' Murry, Beaver. 4'
Michigan No 2, Hilton, 'Beever.
Beaver, ark, Steubenville.
Louis OP, Bennett, Brownsville.
Foirmoun Poe, St. Louis.
La Erie,Murplry, Beaver. .
Michigan No 2, —,--, Beaver,
The river aez evening at dusk was 4 ket 6
inches water in channel, by ;petal mark, and
For Philadelphia every evenang . at 9 o'clock, by
Leech's Packets. Oleo opposite the United' Stem.
Steamboat Packet Liam, leaves daily for Cincumali,
10 A:.
Passenger Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore and
Philadelphia, d a. at. and .G r. a.
Mall Coaeh . Lim direct to Philadelphia, D A x.
and 12i r. at.
Western and Ma llen% Mail Coach Lined 0 A. M.
NordcWestern vie Cleveland, daily, 19 A. r.
line and Western Nei , York, daily, 9 A. at.
Nordokiastecu toiladelphia, daily, except Handily.,
4,• r
Essteru Mail Ina l'ldlodelpldn, due 3 , 311., closes ld ss
WWII Mail. Clnein. A LOWS., due S r. r, elOres 5 A.,ak
South. vialtaltimore tsWashittglon, due d P. sr ells 5, it.
Nonl3 Western via Cleveland, due 113,t.., doss 5,33 .
LYio and N Femurs Nes York. due S r. sr.. closes S
rp - Wfirms, bytheir irritation, augment the seem
don of mucus or slime In the stomach, in which, al
so, they involve themselves; and it is said they fsed
upon it, and it deprived of it they die. The celebrated
Vermiluge prepared b, It. A. FAIINITOCK,
Pittsburgh, Paios admimbly adapted in its operation;
fiat, to remove the protecting mucus, luta 'seconilly t to
*Simi the worms rendered helpless and tender by -
ins the, denuded. It is siremedyin which every con
fide/lee coo be placed;
and that it hes ermrered the
purposepurposeit Manifest from the hundreds o certifiCsies
given In its favor. je3
D'rellow Teeth ewl putrid breath
Spongy gams like roll[3ldestli
Is repulsive and
All could have teeth, as white a. pearl,:
- Sweet breath—hank Poses-man or girl
Why tleley!—say, quickly haste
Asti use a box of isdes"lboth Petit,"
b costs but TS can., nod is really beauttful article.
II prices the teeth a Lite enamel. Sold to Pittsburgh
tI LibartT,L nooltal/tarely
Ikres your hair WI off, doss your bair turn gray
I. It harsh, In it dry, or diny, I pray!
It'll. thus, you can wale it son, silty anJ gus t .
Dart and h.otty, and beauteous as W. kismet mine
And to hare - this, you bare but throe rbilliugs to give
Fora bonier of /ours' Rail Restorative.
Rearler,lf too tare bad hair you would really he as•
tonished at the lovely ra4l q three rldliin bottle of
Jouet!Coral flair Rertosative has our it, it Dee& batons
trial f ßotd et tal Liberty et.: nee Milady
frp Sajl Rheum, Scurry, 'bid Sores, Erysipelas
Barber's hal, Chaps, or /leads, ewe Beards, Pim
es. '
Jones' Sdap iattscd by many physicians in this 64'
in curing the abort, and we wank! not COlLSClCilliOntly
sell tusk. we knew itio be Owe ante.
As a.etwanotic, the true Jones' .Soap is perhaps the
only article aver known Mi. removed impurities and
cleared sadtwatuilul die shin, making it soft, clear,
smooth and white as an testa:a. Sol/ by WIS. JACK.
SON, MO Liberty street. mama
"That whiter akin of her, than *now,
- And pure as monumental alabaster."
All females here akin tike We store, who use done.'
Spanish Lily White. It inaketb pure snowy, yet nat.
rally white. .Sold at 92 Curartaat Street. marls
ajrPram, Som. ke.—The Genuine Hoye' Lumen
ce an article more justly celebrated s a care for Oa
above than any or Ml.:ahem Its marts are almost :la
bold by-Wall. JACKSON, Agent for Piro,
bomb. novislaworoT
ppo c K..
/Mte of pablle generally, and
or the °Seen and owners ti t steamhoe and canal
boats in parueular, to their fin Emmet:neat ihese
excellent Chronometer.
Unlike the I . ,;ndoltn Clock*, these are warranted
to run With accuracy in any position. ant subject in
any atllOaill of motion, cantonitent tar rainly 1,
condom watch, sad are therefore the only clocks suit
able for wean:Moats, canal koalk railroad ears tail
factories, in which there is moue timing They . ore
used. extensively Si the East in there Mention, and
"give good satisfaction." Ak Family Time ("imp,
also, they are much admired by those who have tried
thenk,on acconnt of their competitiv, ' accuracy, mat
ness,wini the frothily with sgklrh they ace moved or set
op for use. Those who yolk], 10 purchase ore !anneal
ed to candidly exenene ono the merits otofthin article.
mid without regard to the imintiMiatis and denunem
nonsof interested persons, in of thew who know troth.
ins about it The bt.noe Timepiece with KifICO lin
proyemeat. having list recently Men patented, (Aland,
te 47 o and issued in tam rOuntry, to not generally
known, and even some worthy in the trade hove
been Maud denouncing the whole stair, who hare
since diseevered that kiwi . wereaiming tinny Wows at
another matter entirely- loinna. ap tenth), never seen
or known any thing of (Lever scapeinent)
rine 'llewposee,
As we are the only authorised agents in the eity,our
R. 01 1 ,31.11 will ba found the only complete one; And
as we keep none bat those which have liirk's late im
p:unmet:it of a "retaining power in the wing," we
trait the iXbow who wink to purchase will, in Aloane
at least t 6 themselves, examine mt . , before Wittig irons
men tronlal elsewhere. An article, oilman, in
appearance, but of not one anted, the valve, can be
purehued elsewhere an less nsistssy. Thrum. them
rm.', who regard nothing lint dia pries of aelock, need
not take the 1.10111,14110 call. '
In every,cime inh ere Marina Timepiece bins
dons not Fite saliafaction Maier the find three month.
flu imeose mill intend the money paid for it, on it.
being retamed , reithimat derringe r
• Informarkni respecting the nierlis of die TiempieCc
an bmobleinell by referring to the olficer• °film Bril
liant, IliLemia fa I!, An; alio, to Mr A Fele.. 51 et,
and ahem. h. Co,
N W nor of motet sl aniline, diamond,
Ilva N•yr Book.
L AMARTINE'S History of the Girontlivie, 3 vole, 12
8101121.` Are of Chevalier Werth mo.
a. Y. R. lune.' Life of Henry ilie Fourth, of Pratte,
2 Vol. -12 ma.
evoilla's Consular Ciiies of Chine; 12 mo.
hleeruler's Lee of /evils Christ; vo,
Marvel'. Fresh Gleaning.; or a new Sheaf from the
old SW, of Continental Europe.
.:: ;. Capt.flettrylo Nkalthea or the Alaxican Wart Id mu.
Elutes 8:ago/film Ibuite of Waterloo: 12 ono.
A Summer to t3Cotland, by/at:tub Abbott, Cl ow-
EisattoodFs Literature of the 'South or Europe; Onto
12 isw. '
Rumours Adventures in bleairo end tha Rocky
Moantains; limo, muslin.
• osthumous Works of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, D. D..
I. I. D.
The Practical Astronomer: by Thal 'het. 'I.. 1.. D.
Life of Jeremy Belknap, D. D. 11th:orlon in New
Luther and the Reformation, by John Scot!, ht. A_,
TbeU.Ringdoro, with • new snap of the linpirei
by 13 W. Williams,2 cola, Pd. mei.
The Power of the Pulpit, by Barth:ow Sprinp., 11, D.,
The Bethel Flat, b Gardiner Sprsne, I},r IR al.
a Valance, We Teacher an Anierhpy Vey,
B.R. 11111.
The Czar; hi. Cann and Noble liy John if. ;Roswell.
!Lectures on Shabspestre, by H. N. Hudson. I
lTbe Artists of Amen ra.—lllustroted with one engra
vings on steel, and containing sirielies of the lives of
Allston, Inman, West, Stuart, Trumbull. Or Yuma
Rembrandt Peale and Thos. Crawford; 1 vid,S
The Orators of France; containing *batches or the
lives of Lamartinc, Tbiewi, Napoleon, Suomi, Mira.
beau, Gni.% and other., with portruint of each.
Headley . * Napoleon and Marshals; St soli ittrnel.
lleadley's Wasthingbon and his GetierulsorSula, 1 . 2 m
Ileadley'a Sacred Mountains.
The above, together with • largo collectiodsif Stand.
Ibd Work., Classical and School Hooks, for solo by
401INSTON A STOCKTON, Booksellers,
I Jab corner mnrirt land ltd sin
‘FEW AND ATTRACTIVR 111.10KS--Clialliters'Sc.
IA 'Dot works, 4 vela
• Chalmers' Daily Scripture Reading;
Memoir of the Life of Mrs. Fry, Rod col;
Thu Convenkhy the author of -Sch.:algid in France.'
Lady Marl, or Not of the World, by Are C Wray
ler, M. A.
Margaret. or the Pearl, • do
Bark Clifton or the Merchunt's Clerk, do
Life of Pollokonthor of "Course of Tn.,"
. The Listener. bp Flryr
-1 The
on Sbakspeare, by N
Life of Oliver Cromwell. by J !Dudley;
Napoleon and his Marshols do
Washington and his Generals, do
Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Sormg, It D
Bethel Flag, do dus•
Religion Teaching by Maniple; •
Pulptt. 01110f$ Of Franca, by Turnboll; •
Gent. of &Maud, . do
Life . of }Lowland Mill; Free Church I'ulint,ll vol.
Orators of France; Now and'llets; Ilethune's Pultrit:
' , Jargon, Mercert-
Jacobus on Matthew,adaptc.l to Ilniwt Questions;
Arthur's popular Talits—"Riches in the World,'
"Making ileste to be Rich." "Riches have Wings,'
"Keeping up Appearances,' "Debtor and Creditor."
For sale by LtIsLIOTI' &-ENGLISII,
- jet:: 76 areal and hot tosthet el
11 . 171111Un011 Ann W1110:1.Lli/.
Oglooat the Exchange, Baltimore.
RIFIDUCED RATLN.—The chentes have been redo.
ced oar all Messaged ' to or Iron. Baltimore, Pitts
burgh or Wheeling, and a rorreoponding reduruon
modemn all telegraphic deeputch, 6 forward/A front MI.
tirnore West of Pittsburgh, sPit.
Rsertsi:.-The charge for st telegraph despatch to or
from Baltimore, Pittsburgh and 45 reins
fur the first ten words, nod 3 eel. br curb nilditionul
I •
fj" No charge is made for the addrio.a and signa
Until the completion orate South Weatent Line of
Telegraph Crum Ilmnphis, Tent, to New tarleam, des
patch. capbeforwatded to Bllttothis by duo rm., mut
mailed for New Orleans. Jolt
The — AlleghesiyCiitiefery.
T the annunl meeting of the Cortmruttos, boo on
11. the 6th that, the following psons were 01191 In.
mousy rocketed Mummers for th ei r oming rem
TIIOAIAS 61. 110WR, President.
J. Fames, Jr., Sryrotory and Treasurcr.t
The annual statement presented the slain of the
Company, t o o eery prosperous condition. Their office
In the city la No..77.iVencr sineeL
Son't superior sweet lb lumps.
- 5 half has Webster Old superior s wectila lumps
I,aairrome !solder d La
" Gentry St Roarer" &
111 Dupont (de In Euro) Is
Lawrence's/other "Li &Ss plug
dust landing from stranar,llllll for role by .
• • 41 ?Venter es and 10N where.,
5731 • Philadelphia
- DorAsn—s .oaks for salt by •.
AIUiSOLS—A lot of handsome Staln-TOl;rnr;
sole, jest opened by
1111.11 TE CNAPlil3—,fiest received, a lot. of While
CNN ; col'an excellent quality, for bonnet Haines,
ARD=Eiibbla No 1, in good shipping order, in stare
aad fm .I.le by jelii LAIAU DICKEY. &Co
• "TILE GOLDEN uzisequirmr
•.d deed with
T isle of %Li '' p
Orllll aside signet. m7 l7N'y. tins& St ' e:
vanson, wherein complaint is mado against me (sepia.
Meg in front of my Dry Goods Store, en Market street,
between Tani end Fourth streets, us a sign or distina
tine mark, a.Goiden Eke-Hive." ,
Mesta. Y.& S. seem to claim that they have the ex
clusive right to use such a sign in Pittsburgh. Bat as
they show, no legal P. 1211 for such exclusive right, I
shall combine to use the sign I have adopted, or nay
other that 1 choose—satisfied that my doing is no de
nature from mercantile usages. and no infringement
of my neighbors rights. and I feel sure that no now
onsets merchant will object to my using such signs as
I think proper. Fair; open and honorable convention
seeks no melt exclusive right, and makes no such
childish complaint. •
1 seek not to injure, in .r . f ray, Messrs. Young &
Stevenson. All who choose to Wade with them can o.
course do so; and all who choose to call at my store, at
the sign of Me “Golden Bee.llive," on Market meet,
between Third and Fourth, will there had as good is
stock and assortment of Dry Goods, for sale as cheap,
imd.on as liberal terms. so eau be found at the. rival
"Bee-Hive' of my coondaining neighbors,:
That is what trill fair business competition; and I
do not believe Messrs. F.& S. will gain moth acces
seln to their enstom, by such silly etlorts to place them
seves before_tbd public, in thew .11/181.1t attitude of
injured men.niAS. WILLIANI L. RUSSEL
New Nueteal Inatrament.
0111 , 7.11.1111.11,1401 R, No. fit Wood street. hap m
4/ /cod and - uoWolsen (or sale, a supply ofeituart's
improved patent Melodeons, price' ea..
For the benefit of those residing at a distance, end
consequently enable to inspect he Melodeon before
purchasing, the fallowing dereripuon is given:
The cases are made
. of rosewood, end e ven:
somely finished as a Plano Forty, The irey4iciard is
precisely the same as the piano or organ, nad the tone,
(whirl, is very beautiful.) closely resemlites that of the
flute stop Dian organ. The instrunient coo he immedi
ately mode portable wiihout detaching any part, the
bottoms receding into the body of .110 111/01111111C111, mid
the Iva folding under, leaving the wholeina compact
Infinl Lack instrument ha. a packing case, cud the
whole when packed weighs only 43 pounds. Thu vol.
tune of tone is' al (a Mat of a stool! organ, and by
means of the swell may ho increased or diminished at
pleasure; it is efficiently loud for small churches, amid
is well calculated (or &parlor instrument. eny%
Consulting Etignseints COunsellors for
Office for procuring and defending Patents, imparting
Informative on Mechanics and the application of:sci
ence to the Arts, and on Americanand Foreign Laws
of Patent&
13ROF. WALTER R. late of Philadel
k iphin rind Z. C. ROBBINS, of Washington city,
Ito be aided by liataa Knowles, Erci late Machines%
of the United State. Patent 0.e,) ,
have associated
themselves together fOr tht, pro option of the above
branches of proissional Names , either* in their other,
at the Patent Mace, or, before th Courts and will de
vote their undivided attention to ort-ivarding the finer
kat of Inventors or other. who ia¢ consult theta or
place buviilifss to their bands. Ir. Knowlea bas for
thnpaat twelve years held the po t- of alaeltinest in the.
United States Patent Office. and calm. that situation
'to take part in th e present anti rtakitig. Ills relents
and Peculiar rime. tor the untie • m peace so long fil
led by hint, have been fully re. !milled by Inventors
wherever the office itself in know .
The °dice of .Iblrurs. J. k IL is on I , street, opposite
the Patent Office. Wubington, C.. where rounnuni.
canons, post pond, will be pomp y attended to; exam.
.inalions made, drawing, speCifications, and .1 maim
ate papers prepared—and models {notated when desi
ted—on reasonable tense. Leners of enquiry, expect-
ed td be answered after examinattonstad, must be se
tonapanied by a fee of live dollars.
In the dunes of tbiarodice.which. pertains to the Pa
tent Laws, Messrs. J. it IL will be assisted by a legal
gentleman of tbe Itiabist professional character, nod
Judy cutiversant edit Mechanics and other Scientific
sutceets. wIJS
. . • • • •
CAN SAVE trout per cent by purchasing
Weir all. CI.OTIItr direct trom the manniacturvn.
• PIYITER h CARNIIC/LAIIL have opened a wart
liotise,,No.lrt North Third street, above Hoer, sestood
door South of We Eagle Jlotel, P 1111.41,1134.1, where
they will always keep on hand a complete assortment
otPatetil ',7oAlic Carriage Oil Cloths. IN, as. 40, 44
Malik Inehes node. Figured, Painted, and Plant, on
the insnle, on Idnen. Table Oil
Cloths of the MOO desirable patents, 311,40,•ke and kk
inches wide. Floor Oil Cloths. ffetit IM niches to V feet
wide. veil seenoninl. mud Wetewest style of patterns,
all of their own manufaalury: Transparent %Vitulow
Slade, Carpets, he. All goods warranted.
• mmknAliut •
MllllllEundersigned Ott FOR
ers for sale et supekarr article
1 of bnek for building, made by his Steam Press,
impriased tnachine, for which ho hasolitainetta patnt,
and agrees to
purcbaxehh.e guarnhtee that
they are htrooger. and Will remat hot and wet wentik
err end it,Lilo moisture or daitiptimiv teno r ny oil..
et Inch, possessing crepes body arid supenu texture
arid ontelt more lurab nor f[FINCCI. each brick
boom subjected n pvesiiure of *testa' tuns, nod pos.
missing a handsome HiuOlil surface and even edge.,
they make front equal loth* lima mint lambi
They. is•ve given the greilest aatmfaction who
hare purr hued. A kiln can he seen Maly works. and
splint at the Gazette odic e.
Laving supplied : themselves for their Moldings.
and Idling finttelmenq front brink, or evertor hard
solid b u nny brick, ran ,Main Mem. •
Dirmiughnm, Junr IStr.T. ii
T. NO=ll .4111111 CAN woon Tire yarrottl. At - 'Tires
I.oei ad
nleilliSClniielvra together under
tyle end tido
Seholcy,f4 sit Co. tor the mania...tore of SVreht
Type, and sr their type I. altogether minie by maci
nery, the invention Ti Irate NI. singer, one Os the firm.
they I'4l ronfident that titer oiler • more perfect artirie
typijirMl niaeli levee, rates than any heretofore
otfenril it the Uniteit Sthlevi, awl are now wady to fill
°Weirs forthli rattle.
- AP milers addr e ssed to Schotry, Ryan & Co., tit
their °See to Diamond between Wood and
Smithfield streets, ta /a be puliciyally.attended to.
117 p pnetore of newspapers, en copying ass nit
veMsement months, and Feuding as thew paper, will
be enlisted to receive their pay tii type, on purchasing
three Ileler the amount of their hill tor advertising.
Inc r el l'. lL j" ait S tittlll ' ; ' y 7:4:GtrWrlc :t i e; i c o n -
Latork,betvirce e Federal to Sandusky streets. 'they
urn now making rind are preggred to treeive order, for
every ,leseription vehicles, Coaches. Chariot's. It ,
touches, Rugles, Plianntu, dr., de.. which front their
long caperitire.m the manufacture of the above work,
and the thcillues they hay, they fe,l confident they site
nibbled so do work on the most reniuniabie term., with
thole wantionr . nytlclea in thew line.
Paying particular attention to the scleruon ofruate
rink, nnd having gone but competent workmen, they
tdove no hesitation' in warranting their work. We
the attention of the public to this matter.
N. It. Repairing done in the twat manner, mid tim
most reasonable term& beam' i
I , 4'Y L .%%DERSON, Proprietor, respectfully en
foiatts the paW a that this celebrated mud fashinn
ntne watering place is now opened, and Polly prepired
.lor um reception and accommodation of visiters.
l/nremoving the Will pond near the spring.,
'linable White Futpbur Sitnne has beep disclosed,
th' waters of which are not Inferior to tho i e of the mr
finned White Sulphur. printpt of tirgimn. t/
Expenenced senorita .ou a fine Ilando Mu , m. have
been engenoth.anJ every precinct. made to necart the
f• °Wort of vlUters.
Stockholder's, take Notice.
lllStockholders in the Youghiogheny NuelA ar.lOllM
Company are hereby notified and required to pay
to Mr. larneallarculton, the Treasurer of the Company,
the sum of Well IVr cent. on each share of their crock,
on or before the Wilt day of July nest and a further
lain of Ten yer cent. on or before day of Au
least nest.
line stockholders will also take notiee, that
the Iner authorises the collection crone per cent per
month, on instalments not punctually made, which, if
found necessary, will be enforced. Ity order of the
Board. ALEX Prert.
J °went:We> ,
To Contractors.
cc EALED PROPOrtikl.-tit. wink, recelevsl at the store
L or IVlthant P. Eaton, Wood street, Pittsburgh, un
tl Tuerday, the dinth inn., at 4 o'cla-k. P. N.. fur gra
dng the piece of road known thi.liwart'sEill,^ . the
Pottlinrgh and Coal Elul Turnpike Road, ad - meal:ly to
Ow plan tent sinteltication to be seen at the Store ut
maid Ileum.
J All proprwals to It. accepted, must atom the
price per yard fur clay, loose ionise mad rock. The
sueresalal bidder will be ruquired to give security for
the faithful performance of Ent contract, such ar Omit
be waist - artery to the Board of Slanagers.
II DKlrafr,Pre,t.
letFitid W 111 HMI. Sec'''.
Sienna Engine and days 111 l for Bale.
rubecriberschavuig now,their lower Saw-Itloa.
ADO Yactiso Manumit in solece”ful isperation, of
fer Muir upper Still, arid/ Steam Engine and Lath
Coning IWtablishment,oul he Frame' Buildings con
taining them. foi isale soneble and mecum:twin
ung mints. Theateum entsre in sm eacallcut one, nod
nil the works ta!tbe Sawi and I—alls Cutting estab
lishments are in 'good order and condition, and n pur
chaser curl remove the whole and put them isito opera
tioii in anolltei plane, in les, than Platy days. Letters
peat paid, directed to Ike subarribers, Ittsburets, will
be promptly attended to
iJfliiLJ' ,ro,
AM Cumuli.)
(Iti"‘" ROM le ill 'l'Ylep L' 4 ol,7'.:,rfor the „eq.
both ileac, on Monday, the 2;0
of May. l'atrottuge whetted.
Piullourgh, A priP.M, 1,"1,1
' ' A. 'l'. I)
. Mr. George Albrrr. '
• Richard Illvvords
Luke Loomis.
IV. IV. Wilson.
,npVILIm ‘lleury Wilkinson.
DIV; W. J; 3IADB7ItA , Ilentlsl. -
X 4 7lFa)north of 4 i . "ii i sportfully to
his proles.. sor.
vices or tlic citizens of Pitoburgh, Al
legheny nod vicinity.
Russ:slot - Ks—Dr. A. N. MII;
Dr. P. Folinesiock;
i0ii0 . ..1 - ; - [;E
• ,
Mr. 13ein. Weaver. a p27,1r:. ,
1' 1 . 1 , 1". iJ - ii , ClitAIM7l4,l4-71iit reTeTiiiil pore.xprn..e.
1 4 Minill.ol Lifi, of Crolum.ll. in one Vol.
Fllltil mid is Meets; or
Frn l.
from my Port
Folios liy Mr. Pinion, :
Riches of tumor; Interioi life, by Upham; Lite or
Faith, by l'plimn; Memorial. of Methodism. by lb-s. A
Sievow, The nigh. Pulpit a collection of minium.
by the - mow Llllllll'lll being divines at England; Sketch
s or Sera r mos on the Parables and Miracles. Nmandi.r.
life of Chnw 1 LILLAD,
Apollo Pudding,. 411 i street
(t EN. ZACIIARI"PATI.OII.—Portrait of idea. 7.
45 Taylor, by NPitlay: under the immediate super
intendence and Ilitellll4lll of the undersiguod oiricorn,
rront nu original .kerb taken drain life, at Conanrco,
tLapturti Eaton. A
LGuunne. t: S Navy; George .14,1WC461. A 1,, George
Alrall. !dent Topogrupluetil Engineer; Harry Inger
soll, S Navy. JOHNSTON it
eo4ild mil market 151.1
Another kinpptyythieFei - liig , s Piano
Q.I.X new Vino Fortes, of fin.wood, 6 and GI ye
-10 tares, set I.° received and ready for sale Attiring
this week, by JOHN II 1'1141.1.014 al wood st,
Sole Agent for Clickering . A.Piancv for Weiner,.
Penneylvenia. ;ern
7n 3 e N el new, C s
Improved IVII . ARTIJN'S ERVALENTA,n a most pal
ateable end nutritious vegetable food. Alsiy, %Prier
. ton's celebrated Treatise on Coortipation, and the are
and color of the Eraulenta bold onlynt the Apollo
Hniinlings, 4th attar, near Wood, by
jolt . I. READ_
• virago house .
1 highest piict In cat? paid for good clean raga
b o i "°N , g",'.'olLly,
ape ways et bet. 'wan& .
- 17JHN /I.ItAffFTIN, Attorney ii . ndClinnsallor nt Law
' and Commissioner for the Slam of Pennsylvania
SLLours, hie., (late of Pinsbargb.)
Ittetatngts--Pitriburgle. Iron W Forward, Tramp.
ten it nr'Candless John E Parke,
Bissells & Semple Al'eard ft King. r 1 04 :IY
MOSQUITO NETFING--W . E, Artirpliy has d
16.1. his supply of Moaquito Nettuig,ltritish and Amer
ican, while, green, blue end Unwed, of all widiltlilso,
IMbinett fordo, very wide, end offered at low prices
by the Meteor yard. ' rel 7
HOUSES, LOTS; F; ; otc,
__, !. Pon sex. '
4 , nus.NT ... arm. SZSMIUMS, M 1 3M.1 nom ran
' court nom. , , ,
TME ..d.e. g ned, adntinietrator f thermuse of Ann
A. St. Clair:McFarland, deed, o . ni for We on ae
ewexteelating [erase, a very pleaeantly located Howse
nod Lot, nohx netghborhood of Waterville, adjoining
proterty of / Alexander Breekenrid b req. The how
ton two eta ry frame boilding,lri asement—the lot
contain. 0* ne acre, on which is , lraq settee And
choke eel , :etion of every variety of fruit, and a splen
did ' , Sex; of elsubbery. For pareetdart, refer to the
Mews. I lesions, Mr. IL P. Cam,'Or Mr. Willie Boothe.
ice:ay r I
• _ _..
ALEX. WILSON, Adrift'.
-- -.Qs of Lead for Bale.
rgtHE subacriber will sell on acmutimodating terms, a
valuable tract of unimproved land, situate on the
"tullesg front Brighton to about eighteen
from Pittsburgh, and about eight miles Goat the
townof Freedom on the Ohio river. The tract con
t... 431-acres and =perch., strict measure The
land is of an excellent tmality, about 90 acres cleared,
and well watered, and will sold either in whole or
in firms of convenient site,. suit purchaser. •
• For farther particalans enuttlisief WTI. BOYD, Au
at Law, office oneth at, above Smithfield , Pittsburgh.
my4rilkwlf S
A. THAT property lately occupied by H. Nixon.
ch y, on Craig street, near Robinson, Allegheny' .
eny, will be sold on accommodating terms. Thu
lot 33 feet 4 inches oh Craig street, running through
to the Canal ILO feet. There ut • goad two story. frame
dwelling house on rho premise.latelybuilt, and the lot
is wed im9roved, containing. variety of choice fruit
trees, grape, shrubbery, Ike. Thu proger, yis convent.
catty situated for per.. doing bustnceslu either Pitts-
burgh or Allegheny, and is a Suitable residence. Title
induputable. For ten. apply toWhL BOYD, Anor
ney at Law;office on Fourth street, above Smithfield.
oEt .
. A TRACT ofl.d, 90 acres, in Harrison, Portage graq
It on the Cuyahoga tiver—sd.dt 3/ acres order int.
provement. Al., two unimproved lota in the - village -
of Werren, Mambo!! Co., 00 feet by 90. Also, a lot of
ground in the centre of Ilarford,lTrumbull Co., with a
fine dwelling house and store—one of the best stands
for a merchant on the Western Reserve. Any or all
thin propertyr will ha V i z
iTtaArk o tr a ,
• Water and Front sta.
llial Estate do Mercer Comity.
j Eti
F ulrontitUl d ,ln ih d r ie 'U vlsigc! l o t ?Wer li;o1 ;" !
tiles.; a desirable location - fora merchant A 150,..
Lot nod good Dwelling House well suited Orr a l'avern
Stand, in the village of Orangeville, on State of
Ohie. Tennsuaay. • ISALiff DICKEY . fa Co..
- Storetea naloata
wt. RENT—The lower door and cedar of store No
tal Wt.! 04 adjoining Mama Bortiridge, Wilson
& Co. Enquire on the premises, or of
my:Rim water st
Lin in the 6 16 ward, 46 feet on Logan street by 6 qA feet on Clark street; one of the most desirable M
entions in the 6th ward. Far terms apply to the sub:
scriber at the Methodist Beak Store, 4th near Market
trey or at Inc dwelling too Clark street, opymaite
Tray - 1110's Grocery mere. [fettle) J L READ.
• .
2 A two story brick dwelling with about ita acres
a ground latunbed, 'situated at Oakland. The
place is well flocked with fruit of all, kinds, and
it a demirable location fora Dinah being entirely 'out of
reach of the ricor and dirt of thd. city. An olanihus
leaves uukland hourly far the city. Apply to
Anal • ATWOOD, JONE2t Co.
Property ha Allegheny City for gale.
?VIM Ault...arts otter (or sale a nunitter of choice
Com mon Lots, attune in the Second Itlftrd, fronting oo the
ground. on easy torsos. I quire of .
%V. OIL ROBINSON, Ally a Lan, St Clair st
. or of JAS ROBINSON. on the premises
ILA new three story brick 'dwelling hosse•on
WOs street—Postessiah given on the first of
pnl or sooner if to rirrd. Rendre of •
J & R ILClTH,l92liberry streeh
A two story brick dwelling with shout 5 neves
of grosmd, ettunted on the beak of the Ohio river,
in the twongh of NI nehester. Apply to •
• -
TI [RFT. dwelling houses situated ortAth street
near!ertnol bridge, to ilte•sity of Ihttaborgh. Al
so, a room 10 b y -'N foOt, with's tonventeut en
trance; on Oth 'sr., near wood. Also, a frame dwelling,
two starlet, with an arm of mond enclosed and under
eultivatlon, situate on Ohio lane, in thy city of Alleghe
ny. Inquire of • J It• WILLIAM,
)anti 110 wood street.
To Brewers.
COR SALE OR 1115NT.tba Brea;
ery, with all as brcassug apparatna, I.IC on
Peon ousel and Barker's idle viand noir occuphid
by Geo. W. Snails .t Cu. Caucasian green , . the Aril
yof Apnl ensuing. For tenua,Ac. enquire or.
febnif • 4 ••• • • 145 Liberty sl.
WARKtioUSF: PIM OALE.—The inbsenber
offer, hir l rate:the three story brick Wasebouse
an Waal 'Street, occupied by 11,Tanner tr. Ca.
It rents now far VIM per year.
TAe nest Mree story fire proof brirk von, ofi
secfind now ore uric. 11 Edward tlvanni fot
rola from lor of April next._ Inquire of
44 wood meet
2.Tlr .übscrtlen, will rent purl of The ware .
lump, now occupied by them iCpply
Co.,LCWIP, DM.,ZELL,'& o
Jnnitt M water garret.
tiA tarp- room on the Cal story of tbc wartbouic
occoptial by the onFocriberi, near the foot of
Wood street-co good location fora steamboat
myor 'n A. GARRISON.
.innl I
•'J e. tolrrodby Ito dee upper
p. Correa b Tirlyaire b or
41:1rd%, A WASHINGTON. 4111 M.
Per lEaao
TIIT. large lin. proof ornrelionre, 21 feet fontnt
fool deep, on recond , near annml...llent.motl.
erg Inquire 01 J SCIIIMNALAKEB Co.,
II 'rood at
A amok: More, enunted on Plum alley, for
rent. im.° 01 lIQUEKT DALZELL & Co,
I.iberiy street. . drel3
(10AI. LAND FOR SALE—Score acres cool. laud
Nj for sale:sittone in bend attic Monaagalselo Moo , .
above nrownsoill,.l'a-,having a 7 foot tern-p 1 cool,
midge on! Ire sold to exchange for goon. For Porto.-
ars spply to (ec:;;;J Sig W IIAItIIAUGII,73 wood st
lj AVE rrittovedfrum lug arket arca, to their new
.11 I pl.t 1.11111 and nutionice minstilishment to be 1.1/0.,11
. lhi Tuwt:n 11A1.1. CI.OTtIISO BAZAAR, No.
Nlerket between Fifth nod Sixth, Finnan.-
The proprietors Inc! n reluctance. In promulgating
wheel in any Lvey.rnight appear like the usual Boinlets.
tie ex aggeration of some tu the trade. bet will beg to
quote the following police from mil of *tacit); papers;
of the greatest curionitica that oar Oily if
to the . stranger. is Mennen .1 Co.' areatelothiug atom,
No. 1 , 2 Nlarltet street. lif .CWI Fah end Sixth, which
ha. teen styled T o n er Ball,. from the peculiar finish
of the front. The huildiug is Pill immense one, contain.
1m:1011011 capacious rooms, all of which. are mocked
with every variety of sessoimble gaments, arrenged
in the most perfect order and reaultaity. The prop ri .
tore take great pleasure in showing their building and
contents tog inrens, particularly stranger+, and to ItIOSO
coming froin Me country—vie k know of on plus more
worMy of n visit.mr2A.lm
ND ope during the present week, at WS!.
/1. lillilll - 'S%htv.p C.ll Clothing Store, lan Liberty
street. 99r of the largest. cheapest, 0101 roost feshione
lile stark of mode. adopted fur gentlemen's spring and
;rummer wear. ever of for vale In Pittsburgh.
Th.. proprikar 91 the above establisement begs to
iiirito the attention of Ids friend. and customers to ids
present largo end fashionable clock, which having
been just purchased in the present depressed .tile of
trade in the Eaten, edies, comprise• nof only every
Mule thin ie new need fashionable, but is much lower
in price than ran he offered by those houses who put
chum only in early spring.
II being impossible to convey anything like *correct
idea :al the encl., bendiy. or quality of the stock, it
still ind be attempted; het it is hoped all will console
their own intermit. and call end examine for them
.lveri. 'The proprietor feels confident Ma these good.
surplus any Ming in the same line in Me city, and
competition in price a; more desired dig (cereal, by
any Ming in tbe, trade, auction good,: with all their
nimerfectioas, note xectned.
. .
V. S.—lnlet. ia ILa tailoring line executed in the
most fashiodalile style amEsulorantial manner.
ruEddid tin
,3 11. EATMN CO. are now receiving diver from
- J: . romorters manufacture.. a large assortment
01 Fancy and Staple Trimming., Iliodery and Variety
Gouda, among which are—lllack and cold Montilla
Princes; do do i 11... do; Embroidery and Virago
Gunn.; drusey and other dress Bulimia; black
Silk Lae, Idiom cambric Ildkfs; Artificial FlOwers
and Wreath. Chenu.rom, needle worked Collars,
sicel Begs; Ivory, Dmity and Feather Pana,
Kid: Sdk nuil Lisle- Glove, limits Ilusicry.Glavra, ko;
children.' and women. Ilair Brushes, Coral.
and Tooth Moshe.; Witidow Shades and Trimuntra;
Tutor.' I'n Shirts, of MM.' slid youths' sires,
be. be., 'Mull thin'oder an rim... Table Memo, at their
store, 63 Market id, near (It,. jel4
Wurn: Etnill.S FOIE R Murphy
hal lately received a lull asiortment of white
or Liidie. Brea., including,Scotchamll Mal
lin.; Swi. diti Seamark do, plum daeoltera; mall bar
red do ; $.ll, barred do. Also,
For EA...lung Whim embroidered Swiss
Must., pink embroidered Tarlton din blue do; new
style daniuM striped and embroidered do; plain white. •
blur, tank and eiraw also, embroidered and
Swim the yard, fur Evening Deemer,. aim,
Meek Idire Shawl, Snarls and Capon—Free TI and
.'deuteli needle work Collura; an assortment of new sad
beautiful etyle Linen Cambric Ilanilkerchicia; mourn
ing do; all at lIIWeSt cash priceqat .nortlibearit cornet
or Ith and Mltiloel 41.4. jet/
S .
kJ invite% the Intention nigentlemen wanting Cloths.
to hit n...ornitent to( very neat male of French and
Eintlndt Cloth+. A low pieces very inpertor Wart
French. jutt teeth also, Doeskin. and' Ctmoirueres, in
errat yartrty; ninisnhr Cattintere. nod Treed.. for
turns' nod boy.' wear. black ontur Veltingo, white
r.eilles do; gent% white and bantered linen cambric
qiner v. our and colored silk an; gents Gloves,
llo.ntrY. At . \lrmo mid eonmt entlenhiele,
for rummer wrart: blk and fancy Cravats! Gingham
and Jneatn.t Jo,ke
To Country Illerehanti.
Qslrrii AND JOI IN SON 411111 , ,, . Love re
.ceived case,. Venue., COMPItAllig in pan of phut/
Son, An is Maul., Twin in do, (tulip tlo, Eclectic
do Eldon, Pearl nod Elurence; 5 caaes.Palm lacer
i , 161111, Bay , Leghorn and Ilraid a.WArti.•
hem; l'towel, le noon) variety. Also, WO dos Ladies
eonen llow. aunt 7.lecnia pot dun, up to the finest
. Inn dor Gent. Ind( Hose; a good assortment of
1.1.1 e, 5;11: and Cotton Gloves/ 75 p• ilk Lulls,
lin pa tt'addent ;I,lln dos Linen Cambne do; 15,n.ear
tuff, Potiorn 'lltreatl teen., Also a good soo mat of comb,. Ronan., Threads, Needles, Pins, Cut
lery. Jeweliy, /sc., in nil of winch they will offer ■
Ffert inducement in prices to purchasers.. m r y3
LACEA—tariiith k Johnson, 44 Markel at,
hnlettist reed cartonsmore of those arideThread
Lace, n o mlO/ is per yd up. Also, one tenon of
hlechlin ;10; one do Paris Poutt do; Woo 15 cartons
cotton Leer,. Dealers and others will find it to their
ndereat to call, as they will be eold at crlremely ow
p rice,' t jea
PINTS—A . largelt:/ortment of blue, blo: end nn
tinge, and fancy l'ruits, of every desirable style
and quality, just opening and for sale to the trade at
extr.rdinary low rat., by the case, to.
w ,..--
110LAIX DRY COODtb—A A Mason Co.
have JIM teeelved at their Whelnale Room.,
,No. R Illarkelstzeit, 1U eases of printed Lawns and
'Tlushini, Sdo good style of Gingham; tdo now style
bf Calicoes; It do of Collo:lades and Sommer Staffs; 14
do Parasols,. of every variety. Alm, Ribbons, Lace,
Gloves, Roue ry, Shawl, DCPRICSIi., &G. jel
f ACL4, EDGINGS, canoes low priced send
medium' Edeen., Laces, lesertiageMilluigs, n
r and:isery Nets. ol the !meet importations, just opt•noll
by jet:: SUACKLETT Winn
N. 110L11/1
Erejkaiin Brokers. No. Al
Pennisylvanla. -
Banko(fiusbannt • —par
Exrmange Bank Par
Merck. Alan. Bank 'Pas
Girard Book pay
Bank °Marna:mown. •
" Chimer Comty , -par
Delaware Ca.• - :-Par
" MnagnitorrOs• -Pa(
colmtt. Bridge Co.. • par
Ikrylestiann Bank par
Fo.raierii kding •par
Farnersalk: B ucks u Copar
Farmer.. Wk Lancaa'r.p.
Laneasur Co. Bk.• • • •par
Lancaster Bk.. --- • par
U. State. Bank•—•-40
tlimartorkilln Bk. - par
Washlngton Bk.• • • —•• •/
Getty...ere) Bk.. 1
atm tett.= Co. Bk.. -
Lehigh Coßaak , ' -
Loanitatrm• ...... ••• •
Ene at.t ..... .
'Farman'. and Drover. ,
Etank,.;'Wayneshurg.. I
Lebanon; par
; Yo y rk B
Wom I
Bk, ing
West u6nrl Bk.. ••• 1
Relief Notes
Al& AI Bk.• .
City &Canary Scrip.--
State Bk. and Brioches I
Mount Pleasant • •
• 0
Pt. Clainvilk.
Mancha........... -. a
New Lirmon• -• • nf.
Bineirmati Bank. "
Colombo. do.
.Cireleville•-•• • •• •
Zanesville ..... .--•
Wooster 70
Masaillon • -- I
- • • • ,
Cleveland•—•— I
Dayton ..... ... ••• -- • a
Western Rewrite. •-•
FranklinDk Colarobas
Chillicothe •
Selma- • .....
Lancaster •• '••••• •••• -.10
Hamilton ........ •• •• •13
(Iranian AO
Farm's APk Canton •-4Q
Urbana • ••
Kentucky. - •
Bk of Kentucky
Bl.of Louisville
Norbern Bk. ettuat• "
NOW Noik-City
11 di :SON.
Nukes street. seer Si
Indiana. •
&megPk kßranehes.• I
'Exchange B. of Va;.• 1
Partners ilk.oflta
Bk. of thoVallay,•—•-• "
Bk.of Virginia .....
M. fr. Id. Bk., Wheeling f
do' Morganton- •• I
N. W. Book Va.---• I
do.. %Vellapers I
do Parketshurg..-.
Bk.ef Tennessee•—• - 10
Fat. it 61tretets Bk.— "
Maio 13k of Alimouri.— I
north Carolina.
Bk. of Cape Fear 2
Starch's Llk.,Newbem• 2
Slam-Bank • 2
Booth Carolina.
Bk. ofCharlcslos•'•• •• *
Commercial Bk• • -•-•• 2
I . ok. of Gedreetown 2
Bk•of Hamburg—, •• 2
fierebahtsßk ..... -••• 2
Planters a blechas Bk. 2 .
? f South Carolina. • 2
Blur yland.
Baltimore Bk.- •••. •• •par
IlahaVe is 0 BRScril •10
mberhod Bk.of Alla- .
. .
Rhany' - k,• 1
Par. Bk. or Marylond••."
Parmere & Mechanics 0
Bk: Frederick
Frederick Co. 61 - .•-.... "
Hagerstown Bk
Mineral 8k....—,.. 70
l atT;rto "k ikk••-•--•
Bk.ollvdmednricr • • • • r•
8k..0f St Ciao..
Bk. of RiVer -.
Altehlgan Ins. Co••• • • S
Par.& litecles Bk
Wisconsin Territ.y
iisiotFirers.CoM ilsee
. Canada,.
All soiveniliaan•••••• 5
flu* of LnalalnlNotes
••••-74 70 i t ate..
Gold &Specie Vain*
Napoleons . 3 130
Dacus 315A220
Eagle, old • ••• • 10 60
Eagle, new •••• • 10 00
Doubloons, epasah. DI 00
Do. ..... —• 15 50
Sovereign. 9 83
Gaines, 5 00
Froderieksd'on 77 80
n Tinders • •• •• 780
Ten Dodders ••-• • 000
Louis!Pots• • • • 450
- -
Nov York
Ptsliatiolphia ..• • • prm • 1 pna
Baltimore • plm
par. Intoner Wks.— l
(Late of the inn of nrcora /t Sturm
Oretca, co. Foram rt. tan Kee 0771C1L
EALER In COW,' Bank Notes, Time Bala, Fore i g n Dand Dornesde Exchange. CarilSeatea at Depean,
EXCHANGE on all the principal cities of the Union,
for We in sums to nit purchasers.
CURRENT and par lands received oa deposits.
. tnade on all parts of the Union. at
the !sorest rates. apleallwksamT
Foreign and Domenic Eschew., Cenificates of
Eva' NW.. and Specie; Fotinh street, mar.
ly °mute the an o! Pittsburgh. Current money
reseived on depositc—Sght Cheeks for oak, and col
lections made on nearly all the principal
.poltas in the
United Runes. f
Guide higheeumnnimn paid to Foreign and American
Advances made .00 consignment. of Produce,
• East, on liberal term.. mcht
N. HOLMES it Kills
BANKERB and Dealers in Ii change, Coin and
Bank Notea, No..M, Market meet, Pittsburgh.
Rates._ Exchange : Buying RUM
New Turk, pr Cincinnati,. 2 dill
Philadelphia, fdo I.ou/sville, • Bdo
Baltimore *do St- Louis, ' 2do
Buying R ate., BANK NOTEI4. Baying Rates
Ohio, thsSeep Orders,2 dis
Indiana, "do Relief:Notes, ti do •
Keninaky, ado - lienusylearda Cy ado
"da New.l'ork‘,4 do "do .
do Wheeling, kdo New (Mean, • "
see .
, 2do Maryland, "do
tuna V, hot& • w.mnienzu.,
• Ormor., No.losamt mar,
DILL CURRY—llankent and Ezell-at:we Braker%
11 Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Time and Keil
Bills or Ezehange.Certificates °filet/mite, Bank - Wows
and Coin; NoYS Wood street, third door below Foorth,
west side. . • . mnal tf
, EXCIIANGF. BROKI-31S, and . Mulcts
.1 ,) in Foreign innt Di:untrue Exchange, Geritfiontesad
Dept:tone, Bank Notes, and Prete. No. SI Wood st-,
one door above Foutah,.hhist side, Pittsburgh, Pa. ,-
oontd&wP • '• •
PHIS on England; Ireland, and Scothtni]bnught to
any amount at the Current Rates of Exchange.
ao, Drafts payable in any part of the Ohl Countries,
from II to'Slooo, at the rata of Si to thn g Sterling,
vrishoot deduction or dicourtt, by JOSHUA ROBIN
SON, European antECieneral Agent, office 'Silt et' one
door west of wood. ' ' .11.511
ALL . . lIIILLIILiLunint
'area= ',Lux
El ill Forties oadDogestie Ens of Exchange, eel ,
[lkea. of Derosite„-Ttaut Notes and Coin; corner of
3d and Wood streets, directly opposite SL Charles 11.
• .
patchased at the lowest rams. by Bank
• N. fawns & SON,
.kto ; 3.5 Market street.
• New yark.
Philadelphia and
N. 1101.11 th k . SON.
3$ Market rt.
Constantly for liar° by
COLLECTIONS—Draft., Notes, end Acceptan
ce., payable in any pan of the Union, eollemed on
the most fait:noble terms. N. WIMPS SON.
56 Ittentet st.
4 ,TIIII sUbleriber, in addiuon to his own
it t
nianufacturing of Hats; haa rande arrange
ments with Messrs Hebei( & C 0.., (the mea l
fashionable hatters of the city of New York,) for a reg
ular supply *fins ern" fine Silk Hats, and basin&just
recentd a few casesouentlemen can be gonad with a
very rich and beautifu 'Mat by calling at his new list
aid Cep Store,SinitbLeld street, 'second door south of
Fourth, wherelnlay, be found a great variety of Hats
and Caps of his own manufacture, wholesale and re
tail. Ham mide to order on 'short notice. •
to M'Cord Si lung)
=F•ahlousble lla
Corner of Wood end Fill!. Street.
ARTICULAR attention paid. to our Retail Trade.
Pcart rely opon likening their Hats and
Capp flion our establishment orate ram purratsin and
woankanstur, pf the tan. anima, and at the Lows=
mum:: I • t
Country Merchants, purehasing bywholesale, are
respectfully invited to eau and examine our Stock; as
ncan say with confidence that as regards gnawer
d wawa it will not surfer In a Companion with , assy
houic In Philadelphia • Bbl 7
. _ •
Fashionable Hat and Cap elan tory.
,G.RGE S. ANSHUTZ, Agent, respectfully
informs his friends and the public generally
that he has commenced the manufacture of liars
and Cops sr No. 33 Wood street, one dour ethosd the
contecof is.ccottd, where he has now on hand a' fine
assortment of Hata and Caps of his awn manufacture,
which he will dispose of ou the most reasonnble terms,
whole ale and retail, for cash or city acceptance.
Heti made to order at the altonest notice. lava-Um
,DF.ALERS Are invited to examine R. 11.
PALMER'S' stock' 61 Straw Goods, of the
spring kyle, composed in part of
iIIONNI-7FO —Florence Braid; English Dun
table,doilAtnenean dodo ; China pearldo; C.' 'burg do;
Rutland do; French Ihice; Floury Gimp, hr. he.
HATS-. :Leghorn. Yoko Leaf, Panama, Fancy Straw,
do Braid, Rutland Mild, Pedal do. -t
Also, Artificial Flowent, Ribbons, Ac. Straw Boar
wareijouse,igi market st. ruarki
• 41 B,e lm sr Fashions tor
(Levu semen ik '[lra.) ItafDla
I(.L raluea therSpring Style of that.this day,
Saturday, March 4th, iota.
eir frihnds and customers are requested to rail and
xamine theirstockof Spring flats , boa t received from
New YorktAt their stare, corner of sth and-Wood sta.
mar 4
criIIAIPINT Faithionable Hatter in ,
Alla Pitt•Durgh. ,Ptineipol. Noire, 7 2 Fourtit,Witrb t
.0.0. Itignotlettiring and necoutmaltation Store, nor-1
her of WoOd.street nod Virgin alley. Highest pricer!
•Iwayspriiildor %hipping Furs. • niggly 1 ,
"PILING ST,YLE--8 AN/ORE hear= re- 1
.1 4 cured from New York, the Spring Style of /1.0, 1
which he will introdoee on Saturday, March 4th;
All ono ilia.% ofaneat and nipt.rinr Hot, will plea.
conned egionine MN° 73, Wood street, 3d door abuse i i
Fourth.' . ' i
AII4YAW. FAIIIMON,i—ei. AICerRN ha. veer.-
ed from New York, the Wall 'wino( 1100 Which
he WI introduce thin dity, Sahirility, • Ads. 2-0,)
ose iii want of a neat and euperior hat would do 4 ,
sell to Welt at N 0.73, Wood Ntryet, it door, above dal. I
s _ • .. . . _
. _ • .
4 sunatza - PASIIION FOR ifiAlifi.—
Jun. received from New Fork, the Fullmer
BlgleTor hilts, consisting of Whito . Bcaver s Pesti/
and W 4 to French Cessimere Hats, w ith Wallows. , I
Those in leant of yheaolifol, light Hat ere respectfully i
invited to call. 8. ?ZOOM,
ma ... • ! t 7f. wood at.. 3 doors ukase ith ,
OWNERS AND CONSIGNEIShf goods coming by
Reliance Line, art hereby notified that. in canoe
quenee ef the destruction of the Freeport Aemeduct, no
grads will be delivered by us without written orderi
Dom the owners and corrugates to forward them at
their additional expense. •
radiffiell — ilti. -- 007 -
lEF.CII A CO. will mod a atentaboat daily, at 7 A.
.1 AL, to Die Agnioluct, where Pastangem will he
convoyed to Philadelphia and Hiitimnrc a must, with.
out any delay. For further information tomtit", at
the office, Mouourahela !foam, or of D. Leech 4! to,
at De. Canal Basin. ' •
. .
been appointed sole Agents bt the insitufortuters,
thr the ride of the celebrated UT
Ow {denoted to illorders for any. quantify,
oink, per lAA& For the construction -of tunowes
allkindgthew thick, have
o ren pronointeett hq cote
petent jadges as being superir to 1101 other 'kite brinks
now in use. C A fiI'ASUIiTY & Co, Cane Berl& '
UDA .ASII-412 casks Sods Ash, hum mum
fomory,Glasame, Muskat, via Neve Wormy 10 ,
arrive per steamers Empire and Allittiflt Id
casks of *Mohan, of the purest qualitt tor Matta,*
msoufacturc. -.POINDEX &
! '
ble remedy for Lldleetic Fita or Palling Bakens:
oonsol s iens, Spasms, de. It is wel knoten, dm Hon -
time immemorial, physicians bare preacennedliktilelw.
tie Flu Incurable. Ithesbalfied all their skill, me ,thW. •
beamed power of all rnedicirte,•and consequently then.-
at have seared through a nits' arable asiaterree,sted:
at last yielded op their lives on the altar of Insardly.
With all deference, hoicever to — the opinion cif tbs
great and leaned, we soy that'it lice bees eared
• HANDS Vt.GEfABLE rnmecT, • •
For entree years, hue . been tested tY many menu
he have, suffered with this drndfd diet stain
p 'every ermanent cam where it bu bad a fidr Biel, hest a •
tare. • .
• Fits of 'M year. and 6 maths, mired by this toot
this truly wonderful medicin. -•
Read the following reemkable sassed the sea 011'
discord, Esq., of Philadelphia, afflicted withHM. •
leptio Flu ill year. and 0 months. After trarre
broach England, Scotland, Germany and Fence, cm.,
tatting the most eminent physician.s, and
medicine, medical treatment. and ad vice three 5. 4 •
sand dollars, returned with - hie men to Ms eountry la
Minister lam, without receirr: any benefit wham,
was cured b. • '•
Mr. William Secine'a Lette to Dr.. brans and Han.
Lhave epent over Mee lb mud dollar. for nu&
tine and medical Men nen. I was advised to take a . .
tour to Dwane with I did.;✓ I fins united
England— I consulted t eminent phystelefia
there inatspeci to his casg they examined him and
preacribell accordingly. Irettusined three month,
without perceivmg any change for the better, which •
cost me about two hundred and filly dollars pocketed
Lillie physicians, end the most that ['received was ; •
lOU opinion that my kin's case wen bopelen and Nei- -
lively incurable. accordingly Eatt4d, and trot. •
sitedthro "ugh Sccolmid' Germ*/ cod Poore r, and n.
armed borne In the month of November lam, with my
son as fer (Men being cured as when lick w your •
advertisement in one of the New York pa r en, and
concluded to try,Harre Vegetable Extract, seeing your..
statement and certificates of so many cures, acme of
twenty and thing years' standing, and I can tummy= ;
I am not sorry I did so, es by the can of Ilan's Vegeta: •
bier Extract alone, be wns restored to perfeet health..
Ira tenon, which was so far gene as to eat him for
business, is entirely reetomd, with the prospect now .
before tam, of life, health and esefaluesa He [snow
SS years of age, end 11l years and d months of thus
time has been elhieted with this most dreadful of dirs.
casein hot thank God he Is now enjeling good health,
Now, gentlemen, fahh without worb I den": belies.*
in. To say that I elndl be ever grateful to you is one
thing, and as I here enclose yea one hundred dollin, I J . ;
have no doubt but that you will dank this is fanotheir ,
and quite a different thing. The debt of gratitude I 1.
mill awe you, but please to accept the prennt awning /
as Interest on the debt in advance. _
. Toon very respeetfual
m. • ', •
• TO THE ArkacTED.
One oi the proprietors of this invaluable tnewebur
'Was afflicted for several years with Epileptic, nu. •
The disease had produced the worst efftipon his
system, vin: Loss of memory, imbecility of and
perfect prostration of the normce system:. a had
tried the skill of the beat physicins for sevennen,
andgrew worse ander theirtreatment, and he Imew • •
that this medicine was his only ,hope for health end
life; end we/ therefore determined to give It a Air trod,
end to persevere in its raw, which he did, and the result -•
win a perfect mutation to health, which WM CCM* ,
red muntermpted (oft: early sixteen Team • •
We would refer to the followmg peraone Who hat
been eared by mug Han's Vegetable Emmett
Col E Denslow's dmighter was afflicted nine years/
maid& at - Yonken, New York.
• W Bennet, nine years, 171 Grand st.
men yes* Et Dover rt.
/mph M'Dotgal, Moe yenta Eau Bmokleti, 1411 .
II W Smith, New York Custom House • •
Hells, ~_twenty years, Staten Bland.
bras blEmefi twenty years; Yorkville:
. Min El, ,`note twebelears,ll2llanamevely :
Wm if Panel!, twanty•threeyeare,73Norklk •- .•
• Jacob Petty, fear years, 174 Delaney M.
Philo Jobinan,rwenty. eighs years, Greemustlei
Judge Randa ll , Ent Broadway, New York . . . • .
Thomas It Jones, of the 08 Nary. • .
Copt Wm Jennings, Stalest Bridgeport. a •
Relemnee elm mute to
Dr W L thdlford, O.
Rev Richard Tagged, West DaTenpott Ka. •
Bov T L ItaahnelL Daldmom, 3fd, •
Mryaepb Dmulley, 115 Orehard st, N •
• Cli Donghton,223 Eilltealth et N
Alm James Dettbolf, Chaster , Orange de. NhT.
Joke Faber, 176 Elisabeth xi, do
D A Richton, 219 Delaney st, ••
• James 9nith, LIG Suffolk sr, de
Charles Brown, 100 Water st, do •
AU of which may be called upon, or addressed, pcsj
N Mr ?reeved by Dr min. owe hams Herta
Oew York. • •
P Tt.'O3LIS A Co, 146 Main at, between 3d and
4th !fa, and leb Main at, between 9th and ISM streets,
Cincinnati; Ohio, wholesale and Mtall *gents for MS
south and-west
L WILCOX, Comer of Market n and the ilrial
mond, only ag't inl'inabl Po. Ja2idavrly
~..., . No. etla DLUROND ALLEY, it
few doors below Wood strcet, to.
, market.
DR. DROWN, having been
reptile-1y educated to the medical
'lj:',.profession. and been for tame time
to general prance, now confined
s. • . his ancnUon to the treatment of
. a -,. 44 th ou private and delicate coral
/.;' \ plaint. for which hls opponnortim
, ... E, and experience peculiarly gush()
'N, fe......... ' MM. 11 years osednoosly devoted ':
to study A treatment o(those comploints.(duriag which'
time he hos had more practice boat has cured room pm.,
Gems thmennever fall to thelot of any private prat.
Mimeo) amply qualifies him Pm oder assurances of'
speedy, permanent, o r, sotrafactory co all alldietral .
with delicate dweaser, mad all Me re to
cum arising thercli
Dr. Brawn would inform those a:acted with private:'
diseases which limo become chronic by time or se
gmented by the use of any of the commoo nostrums of
the day, trairthew complanns can be radically and thor
oughly cured, he having gam, tilt careful attention to
Me treatment of such cases, nn s ucceeded mhundrede
of to.,,muces to corang persons f infintomatuto or the"
.Ilie bladder, raid kind d diseases which often
teach front those eases where tilers have comigued
them to 11 °finless desprar. lie p rdeulorly invites such
as bare been long and ...CC< d iseases
Welded by °Mem
to consult him, when every aiieu
usfnction will be given
them. and their cams treated tri reka, ilioncayik and
Intelligent milliner. pointed on by a long, experience,.
randy, and investigation, which . lis unpraubblo for that,
eugo,red to general practice of medic., t o . pm any
one elm( of diorama.
rcrHerllll or Rapture —Dr. Drown also lova. per.
mus rankled with
Heroic to call, as he hat paid pectic
tiler attention ro t h is disease.
Sem drachms; also Piles, Palsy, etc., operably med.
Charges very low
N. 11.—Patients of either see living at a distance, by
613t111 their disco.. zu writing, ming all the syzapj
toms. con anon median. with du...elutes for use, by
addressing T. BROWN, M. It, pool pool, and endue.
me n fce
. .
- Moe No. On, Dims:tond alley, opposite the averly
...117 - Noeure no pay. , , ' deel9.
,--t- v -, ----,--
A. FAIINFIWOCKT. Thteuniteile or Cough Bel
el4;h-prersahninttio'nit, an t italTe .u st ' si t = rte er penn ' n irs it to
h used 'without ineonreetehee. 'llut its value as a
leant cfteistrip the speedinestref he cure. We have
,11 wn imroo of the' most desperate coughs. soma of
w ieh had been running on far a tonsiderable length
ni time, yield-almost immediately tit its power. -
fa such wcathdr as we have. had during the pan
wjnter, every one is liable lo take. oi, unless great
precautions are used. ,
Wet feet and undue exposure to doi inclemency . of ,
the weather often lays -the tbundatoef of a hock ing
cough, addax nevi, a quick tomedy,to prevent action,
We have noineroits certificates - of cares which it
hoe performed, many of which lire from persons in
this city and the neighborhood, and they are a solheient
reference without saying another word in its favor.
Prepared and for sale whole ale and retail by B A
PAIINESTOCK h. Co, comer of wood and Ist and
wood and ilth en
• .
IIF. general propenies of. these Pills see Carolina
tive,,Purnative and Tonic. In the common disor
ders arisingfrontimuudence in dhit„&t., such as sick
ness and soreness of the stomach, hesetburn, heedaeh,
ae., where b medicine is required,', rhie combinatien is
very applicable: for its ennui :wine 'mid soothing ef
fects give
,almost Immediate relief when nausea. or
sickness exist. Its purgative operation upon the atoms
itch and bowels is gentle -and etlectualond its tonic
propenies iteptut strength to the digestive organs,
thereby euabling these mane to perform their proper
functions with order and regularity.
The price has been reducmPfrorp - 50 to 05 cis a box.
For sale wholesale and retail by:
corner front and waid,tanllsth and wood sts
jell .1 . . Ageottfor Pittsburgh...
ILTOIRSAN'S - WORM KILLER in far superiZto all
jay other remedies for WorniX. i
I ! June 144,16413.
This tonic certify that I gave to two! of my caildrem .
three and five years old, Iwo teaspoonfuls of ydorysi t es
Worm - M[l4v, us each ;of Mon.! The youn g passed
3G large worsasohe =ldlest COIII4 MA, have maw:trod
less than coven inches:. The eldeO. mooed so Imre
• numbe r that we muddiest begin to count than l hale, •
used all the popular remedies 4eG,ie the public for
worms, but can soy with a clear conscience, :Bargee's -
Worm Killer is use superior to nag now bctons - the pub
Bakerstown. Allegheny county, .
grepared•und sold wholesale and retail by the prli
priema .1011.31 D MORGAN, Druggist,
ten Wood street, Pittsburgh.,
• • •
JUI.D3STMENT is the most acct.:al remedy before •
the public (or the cure ot toner, itchsVW and watery ,
pimples of 'the boa, neck mid body.
nd all other diseases ofj the akin. Iles Ointment is
warranted free front Paticaill' safe, sad
may be used at all times sad nuder all circumstances. •
A Beata- gangly of this valuable remedy received and
for &Web). D'A-FAIINWIYWX. tk CO.
• corner of let and wood; also, corner of Cull and wood •
Pain 11l a nia.lllll Road Company.
XTOTI Ca: is hereby given that the fausttinstalment of
111 !FIVE DOLLARS per share on the Capital Stock
of this Compatty. is 1 . 4 q aired to be paid on oi beast
the Ist day orittly, next. - The filth insulate:it of FIVE
IXS.LA RS tier Out; of or before theist dnycif Sep
tember, and the sixth instalment of TIVEDOLLARS
per share on or before the Ist (layer Noienitici next, at
the office, No. 111-Walnat street, Otldldphib. i • .
Carotins will be received of ono or more instal
merits, or the stock may be paid in full at the option, of
the slockholders, and interest will hn allowed front date
of payment: t , , •
Instalments not p.ntd punctually, will be settle:et to
the penalty of one per rent. per month, as required by •
. • • .
N'..l3.—lnsa. !meat. will he re ctiv4 by W. IL DEN
NY, tit slnnu (acumen' & Merchants' Baca. —,..
L7Alroe3hilyl •
TilE subscribers are opet agihut he largest estillisls
Mint in the United Statesy• in them o.nofnetrun of
ttton Sail Puck, and offer for saln to thes dealers' is
untsnorgh, at then. lowest prices, %eh of superior,
o quality,oforery description of svidilt anti weight, .ip
Sro etreering.t4claniboats for Awnings, Taman,
litts„Tents. Sacking, Bottoms, ke Sias—, •
• 'Minch heavy duck,: '
St inch • do and , • -
Al inch do ' do •
.11 inch do . do •
42 inch do ' 'ds • "
22 loch Dock, from No. k to N 0.14
22 loch Ravens , No. Ito No. G;
sad 'll Inch heavy twilled Duck, ke. •
peeler* will no advantage in poichsaing. from.
inanafaeloters direct. rather than at woad band. •
m 1,4.211,1,4
ItlrD6VitillAllltt-1Y II 3luiphr has le-
Iv3ieived an additional 'auptily,of the above goods,
thetiiding brown andwbite, green and white, Ital alto;
eitw e. piec surievAnpee, very.
131tITANN1A Itl.T.Ar,W)ll:74nst p , reiveol from
.I).the manufactory, itrimangs Loden l'otg do Tes -,
dtl; du Soya, howl. amt Cream Cups; ' titop ar, d o .
large Pitchom' scith h&c hialasees.dodig do coircit,
For sale ot haw
(;ILL* (1017 Y Dir. •
U.n:arred'monAli en aPlioaated " aol7 RIMS
fM the rale of.Baretsedt & Cob mpetior.Lortr
c o
g o o p Ifrep entruuttly on hood& /RITA 1 1 10 PPIY,Wkial
dry &rash to &admits{ the, lowast maths Sprits
for vat., • ictO - • - JEEDDitai . `