The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 23, 1848, Image 2

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era aVg j ir
. sactfitnnuded frte, ads oak.
. .
Wee will receive mad forwatt. free of expense, ad
Wortisomsou sad sabocliptioas tn this paper.
Weekly, sad Weekty.—The Deily is Seem
Dollars per weenier, the Ter-Weekly is Ore Dollen per
=lux the 'Weekly Is Two Dollen per azdrustu sawirip
Vox sour Coameretal busillionce,Doglecie,Mar•
am t Elm News, Lawns, Manor Mutsu, ar— see
.Desiearatiellilildie X .
1' • . Lotoim.
astistasonlo And o, . W . Mg NoslasOoss..
' :?3ICOj i tZa.II "' A CI BIPTON,
vox •111EXIILY. ,
LE, of Indian
CHRISTIAN. SNIvELy, of Wilkira.
Homy 7.4lEnr, of
NIXON, of I,Con,i E. Mir.
icniN Barr, a Ban.
DANLELIITCUEDY, of E3b:gmqh Dom4ol.
TUOIIAB F=lllT, of Firisbargh.
Fd(lndia Correspondence of iho Pntsburill Gentle
The Lou-Otteve Trade la the District,
51 - Vlaamiraroi,Jruna 20, ISt&
terms onomhich the Loon of the aizteen
=Timm of dollars haa been negotiated, gives very
-'; seaml satisfaction, and indicates`. aery &ratable
i ; " condition of the Mom truarket, Of the sum of fif
teen 1 ,
." millions bid for by Corcoran and Riggs, five
millions are for 13aringt, at London. This firm ,
wish' for this amount at once, and the effect of a
, I demand 'ln this quarter must be the remittance
i Dem, or what is practically the same thing in the
,;' .pmeent state of money market, the keep ing
hereof five millions of specie, which would other.
•; ' - wise go M Earcpc. I hear aflame advances of.
fated for. a portion ofthe Loan Mace the bids on
Saturday - eveele
•,-..!, ',
Mr. Csowts.ti, of Ohio, hasheenfintunate to ob
tain the unobstmeted introduetbn into the House Of
.ir a Dill, referredlo the Committee on the District of,
of Ckdrunbia, and urging the repeal of 'the .law
• of l'ebrunty 27, ISOI, and at acts sustaining,
•• , or tunny manner maintaining the institution of
Slavery, or the Slava trade in,the District of Co.
- lcunbis. The Bill was referred Without serionsop•
position. The attempt has been made many Miles
baron to bring faintrd a similar' bill, and once at
• lowa before this d ' the present amnion of Con
- . 'gresi'i but a Whig
with a South Catalina
Speaker in the C • Mr. Winthrop being ill
yesterday, and Mr. D art of S.C., in Chair us Speak.
. ' a pro trot, by resolutika,}—have received and,or.
dated to a first and itiacced' seeding, and apprca
priately referred a bill to do away with the odious
• ~„ Slaire trade carried on beneath the Stars and
.., "Stnpes of the Illapital of the Union.
The Slave laws now enforced in the' District of
- ' •• Columbia, ,are those whic - Kwere in opetitiion in
- - ~;', Maryland at the timeof the removal of the - Sent of
. • Governmeni They continue, witlr-all their oh.
.. soleteness, and in all their severity, as they were
..- . koty.sevitt years gone by. Thole Statutes.have
' . ..remained through the year that the Constitution
• `;., declared the'fareign Slava:trade to he Piracy. and
- far Mug years beyond.;;l!: would seem, if justice
• „
if not to Slumber forever;n f ind the law of program
, • . in not to stand fnat forev'eeln our midst,-that they
Can remain lo an longer.. . .
•.' .' -' Tlm Criminal Corm is in session, and among its
dates are the tiild . of the . Men found on board the
? - Pearl, and arraigned as negro stealers. It is
•• • -
thought that - the trial will hardly go on during the'
• " promeat term. The three prisoners harp eminent
, connsel,—aunong whom WO Samnel Fassenden, of
Maine, Ex-Govetaer,Sawarn, of New York, Ma
, 1 .. race Mania, of Mass., and a gentleman from Ohio.
' . ' -••• it. n.
Wasnictorm,hute 20,1815.
The - boast - or Itansussecrarsysa despatched a
iastr deal of ampartarit -business yarterdar
and . 'wfvo indications of a disposition to c lose
the session at en early day. The clown fo ot of
LOCO Foeolom stuck out most sionspietiously du—
ring ihe upon two questions—lnternal Im
;rovements and,theTariff. The memorial of the
gnat Chicago Convention waapresented by Mr:
Wesitiorth, of minois, and a motion to print wan
.by the pmminent men of the dominant
putt'. Thera was aftaish consent to the utterance
of this important paper to the Committee of Com
mach, and the resistance shown to the pettier up.
on the question of printing the memorial. The
.v.fftls wai:l22l° 56.
Ma, Stems* of Pa., obtained a commitment of
opinion nisei, Upon the question of the Tariff, by irk.
tit:Khmer* a Be.olatiod ituaricting the Committee
,• •of ,Vays and Melia to bring in a Loll imposing ad
, , &bona! &gibs upaniforaign Inxtuies,and also upon
foieign imports coming into rattans competition
. with the malaria - of the United, States. There
was a trial of. etrength•oport the introduction - of
' • these reablatians, and - although the motion was
'• bat tar mint arthe twathirds - neccwory to sha
pe:rid' the rules, them urns a vote of BCI to 82 in fe
'vat of dos anspeasion: The House, therejwa, In
itspesesidsei opinion upon two ingestion test epee
tiods remains Whig,-end under a Wbig Adana
' *ea= we may hope to see Protectien to Awed'
-can Cone:new en ay carried oat. •
‘.; • Amain other important. questions before the
s Noose, was the hill reducing the 'Postage upon all
minted matter. The boll reduces the postage oa
- newyspersto one and a half clone cent within the
ask% and one cant beyond the State,—abcdishing
all postage, hammer, on newspapers emulated in
the mammy where thei are peeled, or within thir
tymlles Ikea the plaessofpublicatlon. An abstract
oftids bill has before appr-sred in the Gazette.
;:;,. Another of the incident/ of the day has been
the pimp of a bill for establistuni an htterna
' Soul system of Exchanges, 'under the Padua
of Amish:u Vatemare: So many importing bills
are nevi: en hurried through Upon one flay, but
scam, of them have appropriations,' nail were pas
?eig, therebre, without. reference to the Commit-
tee of the Whole, where debate is alwayi in or.
andlwhere the previous question cannot be
Mr, Webster promoted the appropriate memo
riakfrom the Chicago convention to the Senate, as
-"StiPloied by some liPiwelohme roma n s, and the
* of the day was given to ajoint revelation to,
casing the =nape:tidbit aCthe Mail South.
. r..
, Give. Cass &aid the Velenteerai
(Moor the rcsolettions pawed by the Looofoco
ConTeooll Oa Wednesday, pronounce!, Canto be,
.Ths CAarcioe mid frit-ode oar gralfrost oar',
iu liGgriee
• What an utildnd cat! Surelythey macho speakiag
'itimically. We El thought the Democracy of
gill county molly Tery: friendly to our gab, lola
imiand if et they cannot mean what they:say in the
above entract..l.swtsCses a friend iindchampion
of air . gallant Soldiers! The same :Lewis Cask
who Toted to censure the gallant balms of Mon•
Ware The same Louis Cans who was hutig - iu
din by the bra ' ve _Pennsylvania voltintows, in
.Mexico, het bringing inn bill to reduce their pay!
die Medlin ad of our gallant soldiers in Mexico!—
The idea -is ilteurd, and ought to have called up •
s. brOad in the Convention that sanctioned such
' war; sad wholesale murder by belliierant nattoria,
but as to his being a friend to the brave soldiers
litho do % work, that is quite a different thing.
. avut.7-The Steubenville Herald is ale.
Waled Cuserts's whipsaw sompiair Tayior and
Farmi n k Ohio., The "Wagon Bop " win rally
is our ticket (nisi' trite Whig in that •State. The
Herald says, if Mr,. Corwin opens his campaign in
Pittaln Mak - Sterniesviill Will nudge arrangements
to have - . his amend deznatunndion nude them Is
Usti Glee Wending to their duty In this I*
;ta b . p.khave the kin&
. .
Val oat heweewi • - i ipport of the
.lama to radii'',
'' ilicer,exeuouely
rgeeted b 9. the 1..0u ' e VratoetPr'thic' , '".• on Watt**
sbouLi 1303 **see it.
, •
Ohl* oil.Peamisylvamto Rosa Co.
It will 4 - tairative4ly radiance to thoadveo.
imemeat Of the Catruitimicitias,`lddras. Xotena,
Denny, and calms, that books rill lie opened
at the Exchange Bank, and at the. Boahatares of
Johnaton de Stockton, and Kay do Co., on the '41.11
of Dane, instant, for raining mdmpiptiona to the.
capital mock of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail
Road Company, under the 'charter gootted by the
joint act of the Ohio and - Pennsylvania Lebele•
tut* at Mer last session.
So much has alreredy been said and written on
the vast Importance of this road, to the maninent
interests' of the trade and commerce of Pittsburgh
and its dependencies, that it wouldLeeem almost
superfluous to urge further argument upon this
community, to secure its patronsfe to. this great
work. The necessity of prompt, vigorous, and
united action, and liberal subscription of stock, has
become every day more and more apparent, not
only from the efforts that are making to penetrate
the central region of Ohio, facto Lake Erie, by lines
of roil road now in the course of construction, but,
likewise from recent movements, in eastern' pans
of that State, to combine a unity of action on ei
railway from Coltunbus, via Zanesville, to Wheel
ing. No one, whit looks With the eyes of sound
judgment and proirer foresight on these measures
of our rivals for: the great stake of western trade,
but must percelie the necessity of counteracting
efforts on oar part. The little and impoverished
town of Wheeling has recently given a practical
demonstration of the value she ects upon the ne
cessity of penetrating the table lands and fertile
districfs of Obicg and tlicsi gh some of us may view
her subscripticin of $300,000, to accomplish that
object, as vain and illusory, yet, coupled as that
city is with thekate of the Baltimore and Ohio
Rail Road Company,* must not permit ourselves
to believe that her subscriptior' r will be altogether
unavallible. There is 0111 i view, if no other, in
which it becomes formidable—it is a manifestation
of eespirit and determination to connect themselves
with the interior of bhio, which must have the el
k« 4 if no other, of withilrailing the attention of
that region from Pit:abut/kin the absence of like
ants on our piet. SupiienCal on our part may,
therefore, be fatal; and * would, consequently,
conjure our fellow citizens to awaken to the im
portance of the subject at once. The erisisis at
hand, propitious results are within our gmsp,tf not
now neglected; and events, have forwarded this
call upon the pubtio spirit of our citizens, for this
great object, which a few months ago were but in
anticipation. By the grand and liberal subscrip
tion of the county of Allegheny, the completion of
the road from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh has been
secured, bhond the possibility of a contingency or
doubt, within little, if any, over two years. That
subscription has =momd the necessity . of
sal contniution to that work, leaving our domes,
tic and personal means to be applied exclusively
to the Western Boad—a mad not second but fast,
as regarda all the elements of weabliand prosperity
to be derived front the one or the other, to this city
and its environs. We trust, therefore; that with
one heart and one mind we will come up to the
work. That we will not forget that there are migh.
ty and powerful combinations to contend with on
the North and the South—that though untrue has
done much for us in soil and climate, end commer
cial position, at the head of navigation of the beau.
dial Ohio, yet that art and enterprise, and public
split, by the construction of railways, are reveler.
tionizing the old and natural channels of trade and
intercommunication, and that wasoct must put our
shoulders to the wheel, our eaergie‘ip requisition,
in order that artificial improveinerox around us
-may not countervail the bountiesof nature, so law.
isbly bestowed upon this city.
Prcetrzrams—Smits Bamnr.—That we - shall
cury this State Dr Taylor and Fillmore, we can
not permit 4ourselves to doubt. Every ; Whig pa- ,
per, and several neutral papers, seppoitithp Whig
nominees with great zeal and effect. The whole
Whig vote, of the State will be rallied for the ticket,
beyond all doubt. Polk had only about 6.000 tun
ion's , over Clay, in lhii,oat of some 330,000inses,
•A very small change in aver of Taylor, will give
him a Majority—two or three votes in each Mr
erica will do it At the next election the State will
poll some 3110,000 votes, and we hope to have at
least 150,000 for Old Rough and Ready.' We
heer thatin the. Northern Counties, the name of
Taylor is a tower Of strength.. They were
shamefully gelled by our quizzical friend NOM&
less, in his celebrated Elation Letter, that they will
not be easily induced to vote for a free truth, Dem
ocrat *in. We ore told that Judge Almr.s,
Clarion, one of Polk's Electors, now goes for Tay.
Ice, Lesider other influential Democrats of that re
gion. How this may be in regard tette gentleman
named, we cannot say, an our own knowledge,
though it was given to no as a Cwt..: There can be
no doubt, however, Mat Genera] Taylor will run
well in the northern counties, and we fuel a cheer
fel confidence Mat we shall carry the suite for 'Old
Zach; in November.
Tam "Black Cockade" seems to worry . our
Democratic friend of the .Porr most dreadfully.—
He cries out most he"—a "Federal lie
We would kindly advise him to keep quiet. There,
is nothing gained by getting into a passion. He
cannot lie down old IlmelAh Niles quint as easily.
Besides we are told by an old iahnlata . nt, that it was
a common thing in those days, kr Federalists to
wear black cockadea,with a nice little silver eagle
stuck in the .center. lames Buchanan no doubt
worse one, and Ingersoll, and Woodbury, and oth
er; great Locofoco lights,as well as Cam. Our b4end
told us that William Wilkins, a simon pars Demo•
cmt, dyed in the wool,
_used to' sport a very fine
one, *Len PittsLurgh was . a amatry
"Long time ago.,
Cass, than, is in excelleaDemocratic company ;
and our neighbor of tha Post may tread on thej
corns of soma of his Democratic 6riencts,l4 shosd
ing so much heat about IL
Gres.Tsruna la NOE= Csaormrs.—The Raleigh
Resdaer:onotionees, "With feelings of the most
unalloyed gratification," the nomination of the gal.
lant old hero of Ruen Vista.
A spontaneous nuificallon meeting ums held in
Raleigh in two hours after the news of the coral•
nation wan received, whic4ks one of the lamest
assemblages ever gathered there, at which many
excellent speeches were made. The Register
"We were gratified to see a number of Gni fir
mer 'political adversaries present, giving dose at.
mai= tosthe remarks of the speakers, and, as the
resohniona-vem enceirialusly adopted, we take it
fai granted that they met their approbation."
Mr. Gales offered the fifilowing resolulion, whic-h
was adopted by acclamation ;
Resided, Thai we recommend to the iriends of
the Philadelphia nommations throughout the Old
North State and elsewhere, the kirmation of Tor
res, or Rough and Ready Clubs, 63r the purpose of
discussing . and . dialeminating .true .Republicars
principles and of makicg the election of our noble
Old Chief drintly sure.
TAYLOR In Meaucurarrra.—The NCR , Bedford
Nenery, the only paper in Masesehtmetta which
cupported the nomination of Mr.'Clay, hex !minted
the Taylor flag, and, among other remarlir,haa the
'lt will be seen that we speak of Taylor's elem.
non as a,foregone conclusion. That it is so is ad.
spitted even by the Loco Focos themselves, as we
have already shown-by mamma in our column a—
It Is a pleasure to know that Cass will be crushed
under the heel of the gallant old soldier of the Rio
Grande. Not only because be la the Whig 'Conti.
Dee do we prefer Taylor to Cass, but among many
grounds we peeler his position with regard to SM.
,very. General Taylor is a Southern man, with
Southern principle. Cass isthat nastiest of all
Mack■ N
n otthent man with Youthent prossions
--A mere today sycopkunt of the South, which
scorns and detests him, as the North dots, and will
repudiate and spit upon him.' '
rns•Drararcr or Corxernm.—The
following, which ve Wm from the Co ogreasional
Reports of the . National latelhgencer, *the(' il I, con
cerning Slavery in the District of Columbia, refer.
red to in oar Washington 'correspondence,
411 r. Crowell, by general consent,introd wed the
following bill, of which previous notice had been
given, to repeal the first section of an act oancem•
log the District of Columbia, approved February
27i 1801, and for other purposes • '
'Be it enortszl, ge—That the fine section of an
ad concerning the' District of Columbia, approved
February, 27,16 D., Hall, and all other acts and
parts of acts that may in any manner interfere with,
=gated, or sustain the institution of slavery in said
Dudriceebe and the same is hereby repealed.'
Tux orrnmencs.—Gen. Taylor sap he will not
eppeee the legislation of Comeau, untess each leg-
Islam le in violation of the Constitution. Mr. Can
is pledged to veto any lull thsa Congress tiny pass,
the °bract of which is to secure free kiwi= free
Though Taylor is a slaveholder, between
hint and Caw the free waxy Democracy cannot
prefer the hater.
We take the ehove from the N:y. Globe. It
empresses pretty nearly oar oarn aentimenta. Per
ham the Glotio • has more of the 'ame eon left. 'ilk
Gtlle inane grape then, Captain
thliciaL)l sofa of the PLISSIdettIIPI of the
Treaty of Peso& with Nook°
The Urdoit pahhah . es the fall:ming despatch
from our Commissioners, commsmieming, in on
isisn to our Secretary of State, the earinr•
'cation of the treaty of peace with Mexico:
Crrr Qtrxerro,
May2s 1519-9 o'c OF
lock T eit
. f
Sit—We have the satisfaction to , inform you
that we reached this city this alikernmin at about 5
o'clock, surd that the treaty as emended by the
Senate of the United States panned the Mexican
Senate about the hour of our arrival, by a vote of
33 to 5. 'lt having previously . passed the House of
Deputies., nothing now remains bat to exchange
the ratifications of the trerdy.
At about four leagues fruit this city we were
-met by a Mexican escort, under the command or
Col. Herrera, and were escorted to a house pm
wed by the government for our reception. The
Minister of foreign Relations and the Governor of
the city called upon us, and accompanied as to
dinner, which they had previously ordered. So
far ea the government is concerned, every
ty and honer
, t , i i sv i v o been o f
reign l e erei! as, and Iwtoiti:ic, the M , aarer ,
tote that he feels great satisfaction in meeting'
the ministers of peace from the United States. •
We will Write to you kignin"shortly, and more'
at length, as the courier IS On the &nt of depart.'
The city appears to be in n great tante of exul
tation, firourorbe going ofT, and bands of music pa.
railing in every direction. .
We have the honor robe, your obedientservants,
A. H. Scvnot,
. Haman Oilman:.
Hon. Issini Bucttassx,Se cretray of State.
bassamurt cOlkTatrnaNc--The brig Columbus
Whose arrival was noticed in our telegraphic bo•
tches, brings the following intelligence in addi
tion to that we •have already published. At the
time of 4We:t[ling, the 2d inst, the blacks were
massacring the white inhabitants daily.
thirty-six Perms., including women and child
ren, were oscine] occasion driven into shown•
the building set on fireirmd, with its unfortunate
inmates, entirely consumed.
The white inhabitants werefleetng to everyplace
that &forded the possability of an asylum from the
vindictive assaults of their foes. A number had
escaped to New Orleans. Some captains of yes.
sets bad declined taking any of the refugees on
board their tenets. kering attackfrorn the blacks.
The hew Governor appointed by the French
Republic had not arrived bet was daily expected
The St. Lucia Republican of May 27th gives a
long account of the breaking out of the insurree
tion, and after describing the burning of o number
of inhabitants on the 224 says:
Such were the monstrous deeds perpetratedthe
Monday night; and to prevent a recurrence, on
Governor, General Restoland, instead ore:WM.4w
aid theeoldipry and marines, ',showery themselves
in the nest eagerness to be called Garth, thought
Lease to grant the boon of freedom to the Republi.
Wroes apd murderers; and, accordingly, the
abolition of. slavery was proclaimed in all the
strive! of St. Pierre on Tuesday, the 23,1 hest and
throughout the whole island on the following day.
It may be better imagined than dermxibed whet
is the carousing GlG:tenets.., parading the
streets on foot, or mounted on horses or mules, with
all ants of Gags and banners, and shouting "Vire
to Liierv....l7re MUCUS! Vile Perhuour ka. Mr.
Partition has not yet arrived. The female popu.
Wien, white and colored, were thrown into great
alarm by the events of Monday night, and a large'
number of them,with many men also, tied on board
the vessels m port, which were lucidly numerous,
'about 2:3 or 30 in all, the larger ships received 200
or 300 ,ac #,. 'Many have aince returned on shore.
Mwer.suclurna—Rorponsibiliry nj Apothtearies.
—in Me criminal Court of New York, on Thurs.
day, a CO3O was hied which involved the question
of the liability of apothecary or his clerk- for
giving an improper medicine to a sick person.;
whereby death was produced. In this case, al
though the apothecary was acquitted, his clerk
wle9prepared the medicine Mil convicted of man.
The prosecution grew out of the unfortunate
death of Mrs. Hart of the Battery, about a year
. ago, from taking laudanum, as is supposed, instead
of rhubarb. That lady being indisposed, sent her
grandson, yoUng Lent, to Grrion's drug store, corn.
er of. Grand greet and the Bowery, to buy a dose
of rhubarb. Lent went into the shop and saw the
• 'ncipal clerk, Brayton, either making °emending
a pen, and young Ring, behind the counter—the
latter a lad of 15, who hod been an apprentice of
Dr. Gaion's for. about five weeks. Lent having
asked the bay Ring for sixpence worth-of tincture
Of rhubarb, Ring. asked Brayton where it wllll.
Mr. Brayton pointed M a certain .portion of the
-shelves, where rt seems tincture of rhubarb and
the laudanum bodies good near tog4ther. Young
Ring poured the liquor Into a two ounce vial, and
nearly Elect aad•thea labelled it tincture orains•
barb. 'Lent then asked Ring how much abiuld be
taken at a dose! Ring went and inquired on the
subject of Brayton—who replied that if the person
to take it was an adult the whole should be token
at once. Young Lent gave the medicine to his
grandmotheroeho drank It, and was in 14 hours a
corpse. '
When the medicine was sold to Lent, trr.Guion
was absent from the store—but had given 'orders
to Ring paver toxell in his absence., but under the
drrection of Brayton. Dr. Gulon attended upon the
deceased while dying, and declared on examining
the phial that she bad taken laudanum from the
same. The Coroiver's iuquestrenderod a verdict of
derdlthy laudanum.
After a short absence, the jury. returned a VVr
diet acquitting Ring—arid convicting Brayton of ,
manslaughter in the Ch degree. '
Wiscomax.—We have the Message of the Gov
ernor elect of this new Statp,- transmitted to the
Legfilatere on the WI inst-'ll. is not atrociously
long; and is in the main fair and judicious. li re
commends Common School Education, Legal Re
form, the erection of a State Prison, the modifica
tion of Capital Punishment, so that only the deli!).
irate marderer shall be put to death, while the
manslayer in the heat of sudden pataion shone
imprisoned for life ; the abolition of Militia Parades
and Mainers ; a Direct Tax, moderate Expend,
ture, and no Repudiation; River and Harbor Im
provement., and Homestead Exemption. He
characterise, the Mexican War as mifisrtunate,
but on our part justifiable, and points with gratifi
cation to the march of Freedom in Europe. On
the whole, the Message is a good one, and gives
us n huiper opinion of the young Governor than
pe hadpievtously cherished.:
Tho islature was organized on the 71b N
Whitesides of . La Fayette, Spenkerrin" the House,
D. N. Johnson, Cleric; H. G. Abbey, Clerliot the
A Caucus of the majority was held on the even ,
iog of the 7th to select U. B.3enators. On the fast
ballot, Dodge bad 26 votes, Dunn 21, Walker 19,
Strong 14, and 25 ecattered among sin others. On
the fifth ballot, Walker received 33 and scan noire.
natcdion the seventh, Dodge received 35, whiCh
put him also in nomination. Judge Dunn had 2.1.
The "Daily Wiscotutin" say■ the lucky men aia
firm friends of the "Free Spit' principle. They,
• ere elected on the, first bnllot next morning by
the following rota:
.Lwo,..lVelker GliWhigs..Whiton.....23
bodge 601 Collin" 23
—N , w, Yunt Tribune.
The'nkies are brightening in the Western Re
serve. The Chrome!" at Women, Trumbull noun•
ty, gives unmistakable evidence, that it will soon
bear the names of Taylor and Fillmore, at the head
of its column's. In an article, stating its desire to
preserve the unity of the Whigs of old
sad that no better Whigs can he found in the coon.
try, it remarks
To our opponent {who feel a lively:intereci in the
welfare of Whigs, at this particular moment, we
say "hands ofl" we need none of your coonseL If
Arm, to choose between the two candidates now
in the Geld, no whig will falter in his duty. When
'the choice is to be made between Ifs hermot
eon Vista, the honest old itoldier, and the truckling
demagogue, who though a northern man—has
mortgaged himself to-the ,oath—we feel confident
every \Vhig will any, of the two, give us Taylor.
At no period in the history of our pony, has such
calm delifiertition and forbearance been morn loud.
ly called Go, and we hope in the collision cf mind
With mind on the all engrossing topic, no acrimony
of feeling will be indulged ijn, let kindly feelings
prevail—let no remember—VlE ARE
Mlctrtoart I;. 8. Se4roa.—Tit)s }ion. Thomas
Fitigerahl, of llerrien county, has been appointed
by the Governor, U. S. Senator, to till the vacancy
oseasioned by the resignation of , Gen: Cass. The
Five Press says:—
This appointment is unexceptionable. Col. F.
has occupied many prominent places in our State,
having been an active member of the State Senate,
a candidata for Lieut. Chivemor, etc. He will do
credit to ghe State and the station to which he hoe
been appointed.
Tanott's nuns.—We understand, says
the Vicksburg Whig, by a friend just up the river,
that Gen. Taylor is to take the, place of +d
Broulte, as commanding officer at New 07rs and
that the latter will raceme Ins old comma at Jet:
!croon Barracks, Mo.
TIIL editor of the Post says, "ha confidently be
haves that dol. Mack will be elected by o hand•
some Aughty of votes." This coo only excite a
smile of derision, among all parties. We shall see
how mach confidence con be placedin his "confi• .
dent beliernter the second Tuesday. of:October.
MOUS EWLIU ON TUE trrimr.—The "old Sell-
Dollar" addressed a largh Taylor and Fillmore meet.
ing at Dayton, Ohio, on Thursday evening. TI
Journal male - spoke in three quarters of an hour
in a moat effective manner.
. .
Horses. Greely aays Ito does Dot think that the
I.4aakmea' of Michigan; who are aspiring to,Gew
Casis..vemat place in tho Senate, need trouble .
themselves, tuvOleu. Gam Will probably want the
place himself arler November.
•,. &soca
i •
. • Hesse 'fleeter, ,
Tbe many saga= geoendk Occasional bathe
demoralizing seams incideit to the ;gips Baca
In this vicinity, dieing the pass week,'suggest to
us, the propriety of giving a synopshiof the Isw,
the violation of which, proves to an evil of no
common =ignite:lc We have availed ;nowise,
of a digest of the Pennsylvania Sedates, from
which we collate that, Horse Rating involves per
engaged in thatgambling patellas, in an of
fence, subject to a fine of fifty dollars. The animal
employed in such races becomes - kaffeited,-11,0
Sheriff, his deputies, the supervisors of the public
roads, and Overseers of the Poor in the district,
where the race is held, are authorized and dewed
to prosecute offenders, and the proceeds of sale.
arising out of the seizure of such animals Ound
thus employed, are to be put into the county tress•
my.. Bets upon those °occasions are void, end
money lost maybe recovered back. -
'Wu may notb . ioquire, why isit, that with a good
'and wholesome law, our community may be pan•
bated by a hosaof Elatliegs, who docktothniplace
on such occasions, to rob and plunder our Moan,
ea:dente youths, under pretext of admiring the
speed of horses! The truth is, gasibling hat
Owned itself upon the rising generation 'so thro ,
°uglily, and the sins connected with this vice are so
apparent, that the greatest plunderera engaged in
this business are not willing to mums the prop.
'er position r which their nefarious profeuion anti
ties them to, and hence we find an extreme anxiety,
by this very class of men, to promote Racing aa
cover to their infamy.
'ale race course is the fruitful ground far mor•
der, drunkeness and robbery. The young man who
is seduced to bet upon the speed of a home, will
not hesitate to visit thrschamber or death, where
cards and other devices are propOsed to chrot him
ont'of his money; and liquor is furnished' to
degrade humanity below the bust.'
Our readers require no mural lecture against
this vice, but they 'held know what the law is to
counteract and protect the community against the
evil, of which, there is such a general complaint
and for this purpose, we have condensed the pro-
visions of the Act of Assembly,—ample in all its
details tobanish Ham Raring from this section of
the Stale, provided the others of the law, charged
with its execution have regent to the moral and
religious 'obligation of an oath.
Tnnasnir, June 22, 1848.
The Court was occupied principally with the
case of the Commonwealth vs. Henry L Burkhol
der, proprietor oftha United States HOtel, implead
ad with Mr. &mike, on an indictment, and with
Henry Kennsge, fur assaults and batteries on Mr
and Mrs. Chase, who were boarders at the hotel.
The defendants in theie cues allege that they
were compelled bo resort to sufficient phyaiced force
to expel from the house the said plaintiffs, who,
from drunkenness mod disorderly conduct, had be.,
corne - a nuisance to it, and, besides, were greatly
in debt for boarding, which they were repeatedly
asked toseule, but kept putting it of, until it almost
amounted too refusal to pay at oil.
Rye Four Saks at $3,56 per bid.
Wheat—Sales of inferior Red at $1,16a1,16.
per bo. The market toe wheat is very dulL
Corn—Salet 0(6,500 bushels of prime Yellow it
51652 c; asks of Oats in 37c per bush.
Cotton-Sales of Louisiana at 7lahe i to the ox'
tent of 1500 bale.
Provisions—There is no activity in my mark ,
Quotations are 'ready: Prime Pork is held at
Mess at 511; Rams &I; Shoulders 4e. Lard—The
market is inactive. 4 .
Codes-7 The Coilee Market is active, with sales
of 3500 bags on private terms.
Vfhiskey—lSales in bids at 23e per gallon.
BALITatopX, June 22, 6 p. u.
Juvrcum .51sarm.—We spent a few, minutes at Floor—Sales of "Toward St at 5,62 p bbL The
market closed with veiling but buyers. The
the Second Weed School Rene:4 l eeterde Y scen. . .lupply of City Mills is small ' , with moderate vales
nt 5,75 ft bbL
noon, and were highly gratified at the performance •
of a portion of the Juveniles in the female depart - . Grain—There has been no sales; of wheat war
meet of that school, under the instruction of Prui! thy of report, hot Owl , in firm nod- o good Moen;
tenor Binglunn. The manner in which they peril
with sales of prime wlute at 41c, and of yellow at
deiatis p bass The coming harvest hew unsettled
formed the 'Bogle /torn,' and 'sterol other reef ; the giaitt mcriret.
ryliu!e pieces, was highly gmtifymg, oni abowed j Provisions-1 bear of no sales to day worthy of
most conclusively what the infant mind is capabld4i-rnPnO• There is nothing .doing ezelpt is plated
of craving al, under the gmdance of one so well • '
Vol. 12. N. Y., Harpers."
This volume completes this magniLeent work,
which loss been noticed in this paper as the vol
umes were issued from the press. It is a noble
monument of the wisdom of the Father of his
Country, the great, the good, the immortal Wash
ington: The complete work, or soy of the vol
umes COI be bad of J. L. Read, Apollo Unildings ,
4th at.
The Ilarpers have just issued" Tho Peasant and
his Landlord;' by the Baroness Kooning, trends•
Well by Mary Howitt. Complete in two Arts for
50 cents.
ipudiftesi lor the task ea he wlssistabtlients 740•tinESAIBMilunar.. 1 / 4
We view this as a happy regulation in tho'pub. The Whig. ormaiinor..!leld
lie schools of our city, all of which have their reg. cation meeting on Tuesday eVening bat, in Menu.
tiler days of singing. Them in nothing better ~ml. meet Square, but were disappoint...l in the capect
culated to relieve the young mind when burdened Union of hearing Mr. Webster. The AMeliellil
by the fatigue onasequent upon hard study, than NAVE
the pleasing and delightful exercise of singing.
Wsk:oxia—A girl who bad been lately employ.
al in the family of Mr. Hopewell, Allegheny,came
near killing one the children, yesterday. Shanty
after the girl went there, she expressed a desire to
make a visit to the country, to see 11000 Giend.
and asked to take the youngest child with her, to
which the parents consented. But instead of go
ing to the country, she %vent into a.doggily and
got drunk. She then canted the child up to one
of the canal bridges, and had it not been tbr the
timely interkrence of some person near head, she
woidd have thrown the child over into the canal,
and killed it. She was taken byfure the Mayor
and committed foe thirty days.
lisatow Encar.—The steamboat Doyer mime
very near running over 4 small 4iff with two
boys in it, last evening, in the Allegheny river.—
Had it not been for the prompt action of some of
the bands in snatching them up into the steamhmu
they would both hove been drowned.
Staves—Two alave girls were brought to the
Merchant'. Hotel on last Wednesday, by their
master. One of them was told that the fact of her
owner bringing her into a free state voluntarily,
was a virtual relinquishment of all legal claim to
Set service. She immediately decamped. The
other was sent on board a steamboat far saki keep.
A vote was takeli ‘..or the diferent candidates
.for the Presidency, on hotted the steamer Fair
mount, on her upward trip, a fatC days ago, which
atomd as follows..
For Gen. Taylor.. ISO
..;For Lewis Qum, none !
•- • .
la the ladies' cabin; there were a large number
of ptengers, - and Cans bad only km votes, the
rest befog for Taylor. Straws allow which way
the wind blows.
" Tue Aquicot - cr.—We paid a visit to this place
on Monday, and had the pleasure of walking en.
tirely across upon good solid footing. During the
past week, rather more was done that. wits general.
ly anticipated.
By today, (Wednesday,l it is intended to hove
the work so far adianced that the frames of all
the Spans being completed, - they can proceed •at
once to flooring the trunk of the Canal, and ma
king the towpath. It is also expected that they
will he able, at the same inn*, to take out all the
'trestle wore underneath the structure. The
work that has been done to the piers has been of
the mom solid description. The Aqueduct Itself
will be far superior to its predecessor in every re
specL Much credit is certainly due to theenter•
prising members of the Canol•Coard . 4e the energy
displayed in the prosecution of this noble piece of
work.—Fte.yort paper of IVrthimloy. li
From the Albany Argus of Thuridsy Morning.
flphellt. of the Ihw York Dentoorwiy.
Morena Duxocasvta Marna is Tao 7.—
There war an overwhelming rally of the Demo
erney of Troy, to ratify the nominations of Case and
Butler, in front of the Court Hourein that city, on
Thar:day evening. It in aeknowkdged to have
been one of the largest gatherings ever withered
la that city, and was characterised by the utmost
enthusiasm and animation, '
Front the Albany Journal of Saturday Evening.
The meeting foes large; Intl it did notprs* the
nominations of Cass and Butler." The resolution
affirming theoeilominaUous was voted down. four
to one It seems quite impossible to ratilyeass's
nomination, even at a Hunker meeting.
Tim voice ov • vrnms.s.—;-The Whigsof Cham
paign county, Ohio, held a meeting on Saturday
hut, and invited their fellow citizen, Governor
Vatic° to be with them. The old veteran ate dept.
ed the invitation to the bllowing charactesiatio
Canine, 14th .Xutie, ISIS.
Gant/amen will, with great pleasure, be with
ynu of your Taylor meeting on Saturday evening
the 17th Mat, and an I eonaider myseS'enlisted fur
the war, lam at your service, and the service of
my brother Whigs, from now to the 7th of Novem
ber next. With great respect, your friend
I. Corwin, and others.
-”.—The tam
this yetiriebetween two and three weeks earlier
than usual, and the crop abundant. The William*.
mport (Washington County) Times of Saturday tam
any Asmara We already commenced culling
bundan. it
crops or grain, and the wheat mop ls very
The Leonard Town (St. ldruy'a) Simeon of
Thuriday says the Itarreating Lad alio COMSIIMIO'
ett, with I prospectof 4 morn abundant yiekl than
has been known Am seve ral , yearn. Al th ough the
season fin wheat has been good, yet well Pound.
ed complaints ore made that the drought and late
cool weather tome materially 'Heard iha oats and
corn. lkilt.A!nmoconl
•o et Plittalpurgi
rThe lifica Cgarresqla= .
Phlidelphia, .Nie 20,1E45.
The Causeation at Usieit was emus . ised et wan
to day. Thomas Farrington teas selected as
Jan Van Bums, Pres= King and Samuel
Young, were among the &degas& There was
loud applause When the nominees were called.
The uominationwel probably be made to mos.
row. Martin Van Buren is laelp to be the cendi•
DetergeafromWiaccoin,Oldo,Connecticat and
Massachurotta, are in attendance, and participa
ting in the poroeedinga of the Convention.
The Chair appointed a committee from each Ju.
dicial district of New Yolk, to report officers far
the permanent orgmhzation of the Convention, and
to prepare in address and resolutions. •
Adjooroed tdl4 P. N.
UTICA, Jane 22, 4 P. 14L
The CominiUee on Officers, reported the Hon:
Samuel Toting, of
,Banunga, for President. The
nomination was received with iremendons ap
plause. Fight Vice Presidents were chosen.
The speech of tbn President was receiseVatith
enthulittual He said they were proud of being
Parabri.iitera , -tIHo thunder and, lightning were
sornetimei Barnbamers.
Speeches were delivered by Messrs. - Smith,
Grosvenor, King, John Van Boren, and Boller,
which created great excitement.
Mr. Boiler read a letter to Martin Von Buren,
aid his answer. Mr. Van Buren deck tres lumaelf
in favor of free territory, and approves of the
course of the Bamburners lie says he cannot
`ore for Clue or Taylor.
The CanvenUan adjawned until to morrow
morning (Friday)at 8 o'clock, a. 31.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. -
Cincinnati, June 22; 6, r. tr.
Flonr—Moderale sales at previous quotations.
Grain--The grain market is without change.
Whiskey—Sales of 300 barrels at 15 cents per
.Pnivisiona—There is very Me &Sing in . Pio,
:ion*, and prices are without change.
Oil: Sales of Linseed Oil at 50X2 eta per gal.
Groceries are without change. .
Cheese—Saleset Gets per lb.
1 . LoUISVILLS., .11/11e 22, r.
There aro but four. feet water in the Canal at this
place. . ,
New You, June 22,8 r.ri.
Flour—There is no marked change from yes
terday. The market is, Keay thing, duller.
Grain—The market for Corn and Oats is dull.
Soles of prime White Wheht at 81,27; sales or
prime White Corn at 49c, and of prime Yellow at
53! frle per ha.
There is no change' In other articles usually sp.>
ken of in the market. •
Correspoodenee of the Pittsburzh Gazette. .
Philadelphia, June 8 r at.
Flour—Salesof Western at $5,37 per MA The
market, pith moderate sales, is in favor alike buy
Com Itleal-:-Salea in a regular way al $ 2 ,G 2 F.
"It woo asubject of universal regret and disap.
pointment that severe iadispersition prevented the
atter:dance of do ;lon. Daniel Webster at the
meeting. He came from Washington to Baltimore
on Monday evening, ailing with lacipiept diarrhea,
and during the night his indispolition increased so
much that the intention of speaking in public was
forbidden yesterday by his medical advisers In
the attention, be took his departure with! is food
the steamboat for Philadelphia, expressing;
the wish that on some suitable occasion hereafter
he might be fainted with the opportunity of ad.
dressing: the Whigs of Baltimore. It is well an
derstood that the great orator and statesman of
New Ennlandiif his health had permitted, would
have been found at this meetiog an ardent sup
porter and eloquent advocate of the nomimulons
of Taylor and Fillmore."
Notwithstanding this disappointment, the meet.
leg was a very spirited one. Resolutions were
parsed, and speeches made by Hon. IL W. Tbomp.
arm, of Indiana, and Coke= Gelkat, Esq.; and the
meeting adjourned with three cheers for Taylor
end Fillmore.
New Yozz, Jim 20,1813
Mr. Haleolio veteran editor of the Journal of
Commerce, in 4 one of mu mom influential citizens,
is now lying st thopoial of death, with slight hopes
of recovery. He has been in a critical sit soon
Mr a week rut; and lingered on until the present.
His loss will be severely felt in the business comma•
nity, of which he has always been an active and
prominent member.
Tim Scam Errs or Two Mrs— , The hears
of the people must be prepared lot War."—Lewis
Cass, to the Senate of the United Slams.
"1 sincemly rejoice at the Prospect of Peace.—
My lifit has been dented to arms, yet I look upon
war at all times and under all circumstances, as a
natibnal calamity, to be avoided if compatiblewith
national honor."—Zachary Taylor, in his 'Allison
letter. r
' , IWO ! ' might swallow ,the whkle of Mexico with
out beers hurt by it."— !Lewin pun in the Senate
of the United States
"The principle* of oar Goventment. as well as
its true polfey, an opposed to the subjugation of
other nations, and the dismemberment of other
countries by rosnrem In the language of the great
Washiegton ' Why should we quit our own to
wand on for eign ground.' ”—Zachary Taylor, in hut
Allem Lauer.
Compare thne tagetkercrander and determine
Ex yourself which utter. the mos t Christian like,
humane, and patriotic language.
DaFFOX , 4IIII,EZOoIitIaCy J. J. Roberts, the Preit4
dent of the new Republic of with his wife
and daughter. arrived at this port Rua monting, in
the be .Nehemiala Rich, Capt. Carlton, from
Liberia• April 21, via St. Thomas and Turks Nand.
Ile is acoompeniipil by the Revs. R. B:Wilson, J.
J. Paine, and A. F. Russell, Mrs. J. N. Lewis, S.
Harris and' lady, and Mi.. M. Mono.—ltoston
Trate/kr of ;.Fn:lay.
The NentrYorit Commercial say; that President
Roberts will visit that city in a faw days, and that
during his stay he will occupy the house of Anson
C. Phelps, Fag., who, with his lady, is at present
on a visit to the Fropean continent.
Cot. Dotarrnan—The Clay County Tribune,
publisbedik Liberty, Minoan, the place of CaL
Doniphan's iesidence, says:
Warburg wen, in several Democratic Papen ip
Missouri, that Col. Doniphan declines to Wan
Elector on the Whig tiLtket: 1 - ,bste, where helivee,
no suck. kale known, and it is reasonable to up•
pole that iteroald be known hero u emu as at
distant places.
The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore
Patriot oornatuniedee the Mowing ode, uwritten
by a distinguished mother of Congress"—whom,
we suppose to be the Hon. Jos. 11. Ingersoll. .;
Haugh awl (Rudy Ode.
Who goes for Zech?
Said Tan to !tout Jack,
Why I, eays the we hearted gallon
Not a &weep or Pat •
Het will throw ughis bat, • 1
And hurrahlor General Taylor, •
Hurrah for General Taylor
Tlie lade at the plough
• Main Ste it now, ••
And the wadded are ;tiff, atraog and steady,
Bat, master and boy,
Glee three cheers for Old Rough and kesdy,•
Thee cheers Zr old Bough end Ready.
Every mountain and plant,.
From Texas to Mine
River, mine, house and taming steeple,.
This pave and the tray,
By melt aridity day—
Harrah for the man of the People,
Hurrah kr the man of the People.
Magid' always true,
Preay Bel, and wow Sue, -
Warm° theft Baden& to Snug and gay;
hem tOstrate,
Wham boom we tram
From the Saline to strong Monterey,
From die wrong Monterey.
- is palm. nalleik a large ember Of
:Dv tinenehap met or . the Town
Hall, In Elisalgth borough, aPameday. thn 17th int;
etrise puTpooti of eating into emodderation the prop*,
'sly of lakunrcoonsel relative too.y Prote(,presented
intim Convention lately held in Kitsbrash, spa= the
Babserip ban to the Ventral Rail Road,
wawa .11r.Jobn Kidd was appointed Chaimoom Mnd
Andrew liP.Kirdey Secretary. i
Ranammo„ , 7lmt lan will take counsel as to the <potae
to be. panned in carrying ant orpi Protect so thaa it
lazy beaseertalued whether saidsTownahip may be
liable for her proportion of said stock, and re
Township. Itouglis and Warde it the comity, die
minority, be invited to coqmerato soch man 2
they may deem proper. JOHN JUDD, CWpi
ASDISIV PriOstiv,Seey.
Pennsylvania Tab!Pacers!
Harm or um Yasanara.vra Vtd.rancess.—AV,the,
request ormary caned's, a public rltetkg will be Veld
. at the ST. CLAIR HOTEL, lanadari )vaildnatda Htt'
tel.) on Saturday, June 24 h, at 8 . 'clock, Y. to
nts=Tot¢tTe e rs, th w e b " Vfit ' i o rt o u n tn e ra n o '
we rnay 5000 expect. _ •
dieted with thesisthma for Mut - years, had taken
almost evety thing, Dis physiciansrdonstandy &Men
ded him, and he had expemled over iWo thousand
lars. Ile never believed in adve rt ised medicine t
nsidered them all humbugs. At last he trl
ylor's Balsam of Li, ererort, from 74Deekman
New York, and In six weeks was rot eared, lw
ing taken only three battle. This is .yely one of rainy
cases where Imaginary objections to 9 patent medicine
have prevented persons from swing this medicine, Who
hare expended hundreds of doUars te.their physicians
in vain—end in the end owe their recovery to the infal
lible efficacy
. of des purely vegetable preparalion.
There is no nestake, that thinutedicitre is superinr to
any remedy prescribed by medieval adviser. Ilia
medieine has tokens years So Matsui, and is the; se
zest remedy for diseases ever introduced to the politic.'
Ramona= Pans, COC6II, aim Sttotirrais or Bat ant
Cirattn!‘—flutreting for • long time with - Mese complsihis,:
I had given my all hope of being cared; I hod tOliilllt-.
ed the botanic and hotorepathie doctors in vain. i bad
used many articles advertised; but (*ld no relic('- In
despair I had given up theme, of all medicines. • Hear
ing of the ,great virtues of Dr. Taylor's Dais= of Lfircr
wort.;and the great mires It had psSormed, induced
me to, try it, and to my groat joy a ttstoniahroaM, 1
wrar batter daily. I continued its use; . -niso his Sugar-,
Coaled Pills, until lem entirely eared. Dr. Taylor's
Benm of liverwort ix the best medicine In the world
for three — complaints, and will care every one apitted.
Captain of the Neney,3if New York.
Autism Ccasto.—l have suffered from the Asthma a
very' tong time, and have used every medicine I could
obtain for its cue in vain, mail I tried Dr. Taylor's
Balsam of Liverwort This madleinc4ms afforded me
mon manifest benefit, sad is, is my opinion, a cure for
this distressing disease; more especially. es I know or
men). caste among my friends, whom has been high ,
ly successful. Persons interested are; invited to milt
at my residence for further Informatio4
MRS. S.'HUTON, di,9 Laurens sr.
Sold In Pittsburgh by J D Morgan, p 3 Wood et
Townsend, 45 Market atj H Sniper, eor Market and
ad sun Henderson .t Co, s,Liberty it.' ll'rieereduced
to SIP per bottle.. Je23
Ohlo aad Posaarbranla Ran Road Co.
Capital smock of this
Ergt:„.'","wblll2":pen'elirn the
Exchange Bank, and spite bookstore* of John/toot
Jnn , at the
Stockton and Fred. Kay & C 0.., and anti conlinue open ,
from day to day, under the superintendence of the un
dentigned. . F.LOB. ENK,
FRED. r.tilf,
Hagar stud
48 HHES Prone N 0 Sopr;"
40 bbls Loaf Sugar, Nos 2,6 and:.
141 do Prism New an 5601M5e44
2: do" Sugar Ifoose Et& -
In store stud for sale by
R & M 611Td14EILTREF.,,
j 414 lWliberlyet
TELEGRAPII NOTIBN.A meefing of the Stock
holders of the Athumc tied OltieSTelcgraph Cow
pany, will be held at the American Ifoml, in the city o
Philadelphie, on Mooder, - Joly asic P. At, for th •
'purpose ofapermanent organisation - 0(Mo Company.
All peruses interested are requested to attend. By I r
der of the Board of Directors.
Irjerk3i 11. DOWNENO, Preaident.
5.3 Pamela of a beantifol quality, a n d ot greatly re
doted pride, just rec ALEXANDER 8. - DATt
lad market at, E coeof the diamond
AIOSQ UI TO STFITFA—We !rave /Si , ‘Tvlltrs IsIT.
lotof.Slosquiro Netts, of an esealleat quality and
remarkably elreop. re 23 ALEXANDUR & DAY
_____,..... _...„.
VUNDRIEZ=33 sack. Feag.r, 93 do Ginseng; 1
1,7 bbls No 9 Lard; 1 do - FlAssSed: IS sank. do I box
Peacock Fly I.lmabms I do do Fansi' to arrive end for
We by Je22 ISAIAH DICKNY& Co, front at
COTTON -27 bales to arrive; for iiale
IIEESE-125 boxes now landing: for aide by
C •
RAIL ROAD GUlDE—DogginistAtail nowt .Guide
and Gazetteer for let_, with Sectional Map. of
the greai routes of travel. A few capita received and
ItritCKEREIe—ZA bbl 3,largednlackerel i jitat
ceived and for vale by
SVGAR-100blu1a &tzar; in btore Irbil for Co
by jr.ll POIDOLLICVER a co
LOAF SVGA bbl. Nw 7, kf; L and tO. Loo.i.
ono Loaf, 33 do Loveroor. ortikhed and pulverb
3,'d Sujtajo. fdl 'ats by join poi:tut:x.7lm &Co
IitEFAE-43 bo. prime R Cbiese. focsole by
SARE IOIOT-4 socks Orillool. in - alore and
for se e j2l POINDEXTER & Co
ere, Mal. inspection; 30 do No 2 doflo . do; lb de
1 do do dyr, 45 do Not Valbroore !Jarring, just reed
and On .46e by -• jtCr- MlLl.kart RICKETSON
IorAVANA SVGAB—tO Lbxs Wale Ilovono Sogar,
14 just received Ind for rain by i' , ,
r --,
IL. SUGAIi-50 bags Brazil. agar, in store and
B for sale by re2l :VILLA lIICKETSON
ducal and VannicellLjust rai'd and for sale by
WEEMALAGA qi.backs ivreerMals
gx Wine,rant 'retired and for Axle by!
YOUNG HYSON TEA-40 half c.tiests :Young Hy
4 . 0 T 4 Ol /o.t received and forAale by
test MELLF.II-4. iumersoN
mem: AN BOARMI 0 Bob, Boa reed
sod for sale by BROWN a:; cuLDERTstri
H MS AND SHOULDERS-- tfor ownenring, in
store end for .ale by
jet!) BROWN .i.cULI4:RTSON
di. and for rate and for sale at the drag Nvirchoure of
JeSl KIDli &Co, Gi wood at
eeired far We by al.! J !ODD& Co
T MU) OlL—Elurekbazdra best-15 bbls ia store aud
,L 4 for gala by kir° J KIDD &C,o
.11`IFANTS' lIATS—Just ramimd, Icatai Infanta'
'Jl33lita Pratt Ham; alao,l ease Mims Le mu Flats,
md for sale by . JOI fiSON,
3 45 tbarkat at
UNta m —Wit :a, m Ingrain from 4ertmer 4ailColum
" gatle.44°.kitr.A.EßT,
JeSIMI 109 "mond st
ate eel
__p sold We
mine quality. ALEXANDER t DAV,
lade 75 market al, N W rot if the -diamond
oWOM BLK CASSIIIERES—A lot of fiery cheap
Wool blk Cass/mem, among which MO snore
lighttesture, ♦ery suitable for the summer season,
vu reed by jetlO ALEXANDEIi & DAY
- DOWSIIONG TEA-40 balf.ebusti iup iPowshong
Tea, in store and for
jai) J& /1 FLOYD, R ou nd Choral truildinge
DUILE CEDER VINEGAR-1n bids supr tinennir, in
siore odl for sale by Jen : Jt R ELOWP
Fl9lll-30 Lids No 3 large Mackerel; 310.61. No 1
liertingw, 901.64 Np 1 trinnoed Shad, Modulo and
1 . 12 kW t J k I i FLOYD
G LASS -50 bz. SX.IO and 10X19 Window-Glua io store and for sale by jear JIGRIFLOYD
EPPER AND ALLSPICE—gab/Igs Dep cr , .AO do
Allspice, in storeld far snle,by
SWOLF.LOAF SUGAR—SI bag Nos 4?.-3 and 6 N
0 Refined, In stone and for selq,y
jefeto - Jlc R.1.7,01(0
LARD OIL— , In bbl and half bbls, for oi,le lour by
ANCV SOAP—lb b:. Chicitinuti. fat salb iow by
5U0M1...4-70U hhils N OSagar; lads dgaished do;
20 do pulveriand Jai 20 do Loaf da in azi7to atid int
OLASSI , J.-11n0 LLI. NO la:do Sugar
Howie do-, in blare and rid oak by
IEAS-30 bolt chests Y ItTra: 30 do do Ioiperial do;
3U do do Gunpowder do: :10 do doblark dui :Al cat
ty bra Gunpowder and Y li, in store and fat Bale by
Jew • • BROWN A. cumnarrhv N
U. 3 MACKEREL -31 Lail% large No 3:Mackerel
}ail received via cowll and for joule by!"
jeltl SELLERS d !,,'IICOLS
MALIFILLW SKIRTS—NO fine while j use
opened by SHACKLE:I7 WhITE,
' nein nee.wood
HITS LINEN DIIILLS—One ewe :wavy Paul p
medium quallly , m opened :4
• bins. for ulc by jalb slincKLErt h lw-ipTE
1). ...I i .
LACK DREt....Si NILES—Au Invoice of heavy black
District-SIT, very wide, for Vilifies, fllaitiillu,
Sr.flusi opeue4 y tclU NUM:KLETT e.3viirrE
TIRAP Di ETE-si)no cue French 'Drop i)' Etc, for.
summer coats, etc., Just openest"by . , • .
• Jew 811,1,Clit.EIT /c 11VIIITE
`tiIIIMEIETTS—Two s----
. .
received ` r
111 kb& pnme N O Sugar; tuu bble N Ofildals ;
410 do assorted Nos Lord deo" In more and for eat
by jell LIAGALEY AMail, 18 sad My wood .t
RIO COFIFFX-420 Leg.. prime Green Ain Co; ffe
. landing this &yid:Afar sale by
el 7 IiA,GALEY/68MITl1
eco o 'r‘.lk3 To-
ENTiI 'rOnACColltoloyN.
Kr6iico e , Om mac Lraay,
ESTERN mesenvt: ctirs4Elis 7. i;:c;i
w It Chance, fact quality, landing and tit sato by
kV] BAUALEV Blllllll
I.IIVPPALO 111011M—Noar lamlntg troth steamer
4.l:libenandottb, 6110 smarted Buffalo Robes', in prima
enter, direct from Fott Pierre,. I Yellow Btoe, Upper ,
Atissouri.) •
Andy at Itta Fur Cessapany's Agency, 3.1 *met, near
the Yost Office, to Jai= A. ttEELEN.
ILS-10 bido Liosoed011; 75 do Not to . id do; V)
VdoNoll do do; 19 Stoari do;Z1 lOW puny
bpatal do; t do Wombat Vitiolo; tibia. do 1o; in more
sod for ooto by ..1010 BELLFIRS b.NICOI.B
EMW') CiLOVh3—rnaliroidered Eillk Indere, white
and cokrtad; Lisle do, colored; n supply lately re
ceived at DryGoodeffoanc of f;
id? tV rt 41.1121111 Y
B l rll lB-6 °d°' i r; VNIV I A lit ' , it ' ll ba y
LIDIONS—A few bum Free!, Lemons,
L. Nat received sod for sale by
)03 d W 11A103AUOH
~'~ 4 ;..._... _
Sylut D. Davis. Alaatioi.imi
Dry Goode Dry Gcal.o Anctim. •1;
ththlondey maitu — ng, Joao 96, mlO o'clock, at tha
coneannend Saks Boom, corner- of Wood and Falb
u - sreets, will be sold, to close consignments, an even- -
enlassonment of English, French, German, and A- -
=Tem Dr): Goods., I
1. Oats qua:tan-are, assoneth /2 las es..."reeds;
n safes for counting house and steam boat; I Lair
ax t..; 6 hair Lit Vingisiswbsscs; sm. "'
veltiii /mullets, hay and mum , ark., co.. Income,
plapsm and [o¢llll/ 11.1.1C/ 1 / 2 carpeting, looking glas.
se,ni-Wintdow blinis, a general assortment of second
Win household, funtitere, stoves, kitchen ntentils, te.
At o'clock.
A.targe assortment of spring and se= clothing, a
meal stock oldsy goods, fine table and lXicket "a 1 "1 ,
gobk and silver watches, jewelry, saddles, bridles,
Gen:1.11111er goods, he.
Jeri , JOHN IIi,DAVIS, Atm'
/kat, Pen:slat:el Pain: at Auction.
ON &Munk/ c.exaag, the 24th lost, at s o'clock at
thepommereinl Sales Room, coMer of Wood ohd fifth
stream, will be sokl a large collection of vdttolde miser
eellaseous Nooks, embracing student works oa *cot
gy,liutorr, iSoeuT, tat . si seances, mask de. Also,
hoirletter map vrntang paper, tam& and rocket
Bane., black books, piano moue, gold and stec pews,
l!Aokscut be examine an the afteincroo of sale.
74. •
.1044. Y DDAVIS, Acttt
Lauof a llonx and Lot," Ilorstkold For:firma
amf 'Groceries, at Auction,
dh Satuday, Imre :i4th, at 3 &clock, P. M., will be
sold on the premises, the =expired tam of a .ease,
har - ing six years to run from the Ist day of April, 1346;
oak, lot of ground situate on Prospect Meet, above la.'
gar& haying a front of Oa feet, and exteudlog back ll*
fegt to Poplar alley, on which is erected a coureuient
briek dwelling house, subject to a groadd mato! MAO
Aso, a quantity of household fumiture,_groceri es,
materaware, jeltt JOILY D DAVIS, Anti
FO •
Ilan of 'louse and Lot in•the city if allegAc,fiat
Onamrday, Jane .2411, at d o'eloet, P. AL, at the
Ciamereial Sales Room, corner of Wood ond . Falitits,
wiLthe sold, the anormred term of • team ent • Lot of f
Val,dlllZiffunt to tau
Irr.l he theThett r .,t
keno.; a front' or 17 feet, and ,tiending bank GO feet,
subject to an annual ground rent ofsls, on which is
eineted a good well &tailed Fnune House, suited•kw a
state and dwellingon present occupied by John Nene.
set, who wdl show the property to thous dispoeed to
purehase. Terms at sale.
. .4 21 ' JOKNIY
pevis, Ant.
Gain Sate of Imported Wine; Liquors, unman
fe• • - • •
tht Monday, June 26th; commencing at 10 o'clock,
Ai IP, at the vra rehouse of P. C. Martin, corner of
Stilithfield and Front streets, will be sold without re
nerve, his entire monk, amounting to nearly MAUL
A large_ proportion of the Wines and Liquors eonsist
of woe of the most celebrated branda, and 'ratio...
vintages, ranging from 1930 to 1942, and of direct int
portauon , •
Sale will be continued from day to day until all are
sold, as the Owner is den lining the business. -
'Among which aro thatolloormg,,vist—
:l7 casks superior French Brandy, choice tiraitds
Wbbls Peach brandy,•very old;
4 ripe. superior Holland Gin;
53 casks Port Wine, various brands;
70 Idols and casks White' Wine; . •• .
19 pipes Milstein Vane , selected brands ;
5 gr pipes mperior pale Sherry Wine;
In': dry . and sweet Malaga Wow, •
"2 • " Tellerilre • do • "
" Lisbon
'• • Red da
b hltds St Estephe Claret do
puncheon josh Whiskey; s.
• 1 do and 3 MOJamaica Spirits,
• es bbls Old Rye Wloakey;
4 Ude, quarts and pints London Porter,
.5d bottler East India Ale,• '
74 dos - bottles very fine Claret Wine;
35 baskets Champagne do •
0 dos Cordials, assured; • '
12 Loa 'Witte and Stoughton Bitters; .
du Boren bottles Brands., very old; •
50 . Wines
10" Old Rye Wlttekey; . .
tAOOO superior Havana Seinom •
10 Les fine qua li ty Tobacco; • • ,
38 bzs and halves Studious;
50 bbls Cuter Vinegar,
..Jiarge loaves Loe(Sugar;
Leitilit Syrups, Pepper Sauce, Brandy Fruits, 7 . 0613-
to Catsup, 15 dor P/aying Cards, Wines and Liquors
to stand casks. Together with stand casks 'tools, fix
tures, and great variety of other articles.
UJ' Catalogues will be ready on rho 12th, and goods
may Le ciasamed previous to the sale. ' jell
Aflasinistiotors • Sale of Groceries, Liquor; Store
- Fiaturcr, ;T. •
Oa Friday atlernoon. June Aid, at 2 o'clock, at the
warehouse of Messrs John Irmo & Son, adjoining the
corner of From street and Redoubt alley, will Le sold,
Asitbout reserve, a quantity of groceries, liquors, store
•firnires, &c., among which are the following, rtss-10
half ropes, gee and eighths, French I.lrmuly; :1 pipes.
Holland go; 5 LLD old Monongahela Whiskey; 12 lkss
legs Va tobacco; Madeira wa ne/5 do Ilavarta &gars;
14 half chests gunpowder, 11 and black ter 6 boxes
extra No 1 chocolate; 191 loos 011)9, Inky 12,10 by
14 and 10 by 15 window glass; graand pepper, cinna
mon, giuger, saltpetre, madder, logweal, rosin, mould
candles, shim batting, writing paper, Scotch naaf i vi
als, sorts, German succory, vinegar, sugar house otos
lasses, Sc; together whit tam safes,. desks, counter,
beam and scales to weigh 1,4110 lbs, wont chests, liquor
casks nod barrels, copper measures, grata shovels,'
nuck,•store tools, f ixates, the. Terms at sale. •
jell JOHN D DAVIS, Aunt. •
Valuable Real Estate at Auction.
On Saturday, lane 11th, at 8 o'clock, P. M., it the
Commercial file Rooms, comer, of Wood and Fifth
streets, will be sold Mat valuable Jot of Ground, No 714
in the original plan of lots of the boraugh of Lawrence
sills, liartng.n front of Whet on Darren street;xud
extending back 150 feet to Cherry alley, on which is
erected a goal two 'story Brick Dwelling Hanoi, rind
other improvements, with fruit trees, frx., at present
occupied py Cherie. Odenwelder.
lot•No led, In the plan of line laid out by Tho•
teas Scott, haying n front 0(24 feet on thin north side of
Pennsylvania avenue, nearly opposite the contempla
ted sue fora bridge ever the klononguhela river, to
connct Pittsburgh and Birmingham, and 'extending
back e 94 feet to Union alley.' • •'
Terms, one third cash, residue in two equal around
payments, with interest.
Jell JOHN D DAVI% At:et
C. 8. Perna . Manager •and Lethal
F.D., Jr= Idly, to Commence with the ,
LavneeLinarowl r Mr. Prior.
Alley Croaker Mr. Porter.
Anne sa Porter.
To be followed by CONCERT, part Ist, llift by the Sable
Atter which, DAIICE, by Miss Anna Malvin
To conclude with • Concert, part DJ, by the Sable
Press or Atottengoz—DrerfCircle t SD cu; coed
15ar, SS etg Pit. trg Gollo,y, 5:1, •
lAST TlME—This psresent Wrtdoy),lttne 23,1848,
' s wall repeat hie 1111911 EVENIhG, contenting
rthiel Anecdotes, favorite Recitations, Comte Sto•
ries and his own Songs, at the APOLLO HALL. "
'Ticket* 83 cents—to be had at the Monongahela
Home, Mr. Mellor. Maio Stom, and at the door m
the evening.
Doors o. aat 7Lso commence at 8 o'clock. jeRl
A. A. MASON iga• 004 • • • -
DEMO desirous reducing their stock previous to
up the commencement of the Fall Trade, will oiler
their extensive and fashionable assortment fora few
week. at greatly reduced prices. Amongst their as.
sortment may be found excellent styles of
Bereges, .Nunes, Grenadines, Faluryrinines, Foil
dEheve, Dreul Silks, Lawn. and Muslims, he. Am., all
of whleh are seduced in price folly one third..
Their stock of Shawls is very extensive, and 'coot.
prises every known style. A few certain; of crepe and
silk Shawls Just received will be sold extremely low.
4 cases real &Dick Gingham, will be soin at uk eta.,
usual price tliS cents, good English Calicoes 10c; Amer.
wan do as low es 3 and 4c; wrought Collars lac; Alt.
lin de Laines We; good AlpaccalEje., Bonnet Bib.
Their stock of dark green pure Satin Parasols and
rnwlett y
comprising Upwards ed eland, orevery style
..d qut, will be offer a very low mi..
Broad Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting 4 also; all
Md. of summer stuffs and Commodes.
Merchants will always find ai our wholesale room
as large sun! desirable air assortmen t ofgoode i
usually found in cistern houses, and at eirmilly 10.
Only one price, from which no deviation can be
EstaLthited • warehouse in OW Tear litStS . for the . pur
pow ors q , plymg the City awl interim — M.le wlth
low prices—aid eslabhing, en all swoon, •
They are now opening Several Hundred Paekigeli,
comprising every new style of Foreign and Domestic
production, many of which have just teen Nudism!,
and ma adored for role fur Cash and short credit, at.,
per yard below lizolMCe. of April and May, ns per
printed Catalogues, which are coniecti l / 4 1 daily, for th
information of byers. •
• Ne*York,Jotte, LSD. I
351 Drosolvr•y s Ea*. ork,
MPORTERS AND .101.111ERS of Silks, French pno
-1 tad Mullins, Bareges; Lanes, Embroideries, Mari
nos, Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves, Linens, Bombazines,
They invite eountry Merchants,visiting Now York,
to examine their stock before making their pare hews.
Mr. Muir was for teeny years of the home of A. T.:
Stewart* Co., from which he retired on the Ins of Jan.
Itita; sad Mr. Junior Dickson, (whci Wm. Interest in
the hukitsess,) was also fnorably known in that estab
lishment. • trialitlky
- • -
Folio* to Travel>lorsl
1 1116 subscribers bare engaged the light ilismgbt
1. steamboat DOVER, to carry passengers us and
from the Aqueduct at Pmeporb , a
Rho teal dellertdaile at 7 o'clock In the momiug, from
the foot of Irwin street. •
Passengers will breahlest on- board, be
punctual it the hour.
For paasagn or irlionatulort, apply)* •
NV. SUI'CH, Moo. Roue, ,
Or D. LEX.CII/ Canallhsain.
Para—iue through! .
I. ldr a lls a zriga
y m . e . t d pane .
t zurs o.i will .g go o, thang .
th. h nal lu
load lu daylight..
nrENED YESTERDAY, Wlt Murphy's Dmi
Roods House, [motional comer of 4a, and Market
- tercets—Glossy black kr Mantillas; new style'
Dmee tihmhants; blk and white Cmpem blk, white and
mined Cotto n Hone; French Lames, ae.
Also . . hand, a good assomment of block Mohair,
blk Silk add (000 y Berne irld Nett Shandr, whito and
erste-Crape do '
plum mud embroidered; black lace
Shawls, testes sad C it y.; use style kgM Pleats for
CePea Caps, Act plain wash Bloods and Netts, Lo.
11Tholesnif ROOMS UP Min, wham an excellent U.
Anent of pint', ice. alwaye kept at low piece
111EDIE-441 bye prime WR Clic - ea', for ado by
DA - 1 is Y e,A c x LIN E.
ms• F eu bum, aloof va..414 , ..
OOw Competed and rz-.=.011
Waxen of the Went Every accommodation and co.
Cm Mat can procatefhae been porridad for pas,
setters. The Ina been to operation for five years
O corned
of rooplo .ilhow U. 1 .4 i.. 1"
ry totheir persona The Locate vita be at. theloot
Wood street the day previons to maniac, fat the nm.
boo of freight and the entry of peso:opts on the raw.
ter. le all cases the yentas/ye money anon be putts
The"ISAAC liEvrrox, lami*New..
fears Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at I.oyekrer,
Wheeling arery gouda) evening at 101. ti, _
a,1247. • • .
The MONONOAIIE7.6, cept. Sress;vrill leave ritle•
burgh every 3loada7 =meg se l 0 coelli.ek; Vilbeelieg
every blowley averung at /0 P.IL
Tho innErene s. 2, Con 3. Egagnirmssia t lial
learn Pittsburgh item Tuesday morning at 12 ettelotto
Wheeling amp Tomas.. evening et tOc
The NEW ENGLAND Na A Capt. N.:Dsas; 41311
leave Pittsburgh every Weittesday moraine_ at' 10
ee tw k i enty Wedlitsdly Oraing at 10
The BRILLIANT, Capt. Gases, *ill leave Pitts
burgh every Thursday *wain at le o'eleelrj Wheellag
every Thursday 011T1=11 V /0 T. -
. missy PACKET. -,
The CLIPPER No. 2, Cape aux., will leave Bib
burgh every Friday moaning at 10 atioek; V 1124224
avety Friday avenue at 10 T. . -
The linssEcaEß, Capt. 8. Rase, win leave Pitt&
batikrerery Satanlay morning at 10 o'cleek iyluaa/lag
trrea7 Batozday arremeg at 100. x.
1811 8, Emai l
• .
. .
• LaitreirPirtskurgb d.lip tag o'clock; Al .M.,'Ord ar
rives at Glasgow, (month of the Ilstosli , Wilk Deaver
at 3 o'clock. and New Lisboa at 11, puns sight:
Lesvos Nosrtiststo et P. DL, (=kW,*
trip canal to the river llorins the nightj and flellsakor.
obit o'clock, A. 11., and arrives at Piushoro .1 P. .
AL—thos ratikkor a coorisuoons line for c
mosso and. insight between New .Lisboom • '
burgh, is shorter time end at loss cars dish by say
Theptoptietonofthi,Lm have the *atra Mb
forming the public that they have fitted up emo flat Maas I
Canal Bmni,en the asecinunedallon of passengers and
freight, to ran to connection with the well -. lumen.
steamers CALEB COPE and BEAVER, and t013133e .
tog, at Glasgow,. with, the Pittslsitith asd (3#.6.n.
nau and other duly lines of steamers down the Ohio
and Mississippi rivers The pftp ri etors pledge *db.'
selves to spare no expense or trouble to insure ems
fos ,, safety and dispatch, and ask of the pallets alms
(3 u. asirrtav, •
myllitf lIAILIIAVOII te Co. - New 1 .' 60 E 4 7
. .
NOTICE—The %reamer BEAVER,C.-Fallarke, mas
ter, will leave after this 111:1*14 for Wellniller •yoeta
ally, at 9 o'clock lathe motrung.^ .
Daily Packet Lino.
- The fo llowing new berm comphits
tee line 'for the present aerie, I.T.
• LANTIC, Capt. James Thu=
TIC, Capt. . /sear, and
hPL.ANE,' Copt /3ennett. The boats are enthely
sew, and are fitted op without regent to expense. Ev
ery eamfon that matey can procure has been provided,
The Boats will less* the Atoltongaltels What y the Toot of Russ st. Passengers will be t umel <a
board, as the boats will cement, leave a rho adm,
used hours. SA. AL and 4P. AI . Jinn •
itnewLett B.l.2oltena reCitte—The
new steamer •.. , i
4 Perry, commander, will lean tor
bauistrillit and , ell Intermediate parts every Saturday,
at 10 o'clock, precisely: w' .'
For freight or passage apply on board or to
The Telegraph hat been built expressly fora reglilar
packet,' and
i th a vim entirely lo the comfort er mu.
*eaten; thccOmmodatioas are inferior to no boat
on tbeilrestern waters. •. ' .aplB
!the splendid stammer ° s
Ebben, master,-millkart for above
d iinermedisto portirthis day.
For freight or poteage, apply 1311 boon': Jet!'
The new and light draught SteSWOT
MT. VERNON, •• •
frond; roaster, -will leave 'for
ve and lulemndiale ports on this
_For freight ?rpttaaago apply on hoard. JrTl
. • The fine new income.. • .
Tbompeon, master, will learn Gsi the
Len__nd intinmeillala misting day.
- •
, The splertdid v tl s e . steroer • .
' l / 4 " -Jolt% roaster, will .Ih . e . e forjboro
For freight or posuge, applytt board.thi4.
The new and splendid meaner
ena, master will on
.fin able
haermeddoe ports on this day,
For freight or mama., tti , P4 =lewd. 10210,
The light ilraittht Mesmer
Crosier, master, will leave Gm iilarra
d intermediate ports this day.
For freight or passage, apply ea board.
Dual:mallet, will kart awtheabota
intermediate pont this day; at 10
N. Foe! atid P.A I IOI .OW/m board: 'Jai'
lb. fine new eteamer •
Denman, master, will leave for tegre
intermediate pare WI day,.
Ferfreight Or assage, apply OA board. , . :Jan
manor, alll ran no a itipsprr ,
altemoon pocket Irmo Plasbosgh to,
Cancionati. tike leaves on her arst trip, node: th• um-
orrangesoooknextMaraloy, au* o'clock, P.M. •
The dne new
HlLlPati m drai n gt 4 .ll anikr
Moore master, will Dave Fitts/ilia/ilk
This beetle every way adapted us th e candler et
passenger. She
Lind, which meeu her ar Denney. . For freight wr pan
name •oply ne baird. • my93_
The neat nadanlisiamial lowWita
Andrew Poe !dew.. Itaa Minima km
regular trips between Wheeling, Thidgeport end Fin.
burgh, leaving Fiushargh oo Kandeys,ead 21tratialay.
The new`nd Las newsier
ja il L a
Baraceonaster, w il l lane Am elbows
all La teraseeiata pore on
Aiwa and Satunlaye of each week'. Fat Itrigheempa.y
ger b il) ply ea healer .
iermiumou & WHEELING PAFFET.; ,
• • CONS:'
Money I' Kinney, master; tirM Maya
mire&Warty , for - Wheeling; an , Monday,
%Vadneaday and Frtday. Id n'oblelr
' Lame Wheeling every Tannish Tharsday - end fa.
=lay, at i o'eloele'a ea, precisely. -
The Consul tell! and at all the intermediate
Erery areantodation that enn be procured gar them,.
fort and safety of passengers tan be. provided...; /La
hoot to also provakd.nritli nal&aeung safety gnarl Is
For f rirvlt • * 7
fah( •
• • eoraer of Jet and Sailutnetd
. . . . .. -
The nave Calmer
• ".
®I L
caving nater, w h il l ran
Wednesday 1= Frda, rtnba ra lock a l
it, sa o d nday,
isongahelaCityarely Thesday,Tharsdayudthatorday,
at to o'clock, s. as For Ileaght or pomp and oa
rh LEECH & Co. ant now moans hho daily Does
Le of coaches; to and from Freeptorc
with their patkets. They will learn .. 01 1110n31 4
Ry thia oroiremoit Ptmottrni aryl go through. in
less thint three and a half day., passiatoser ono bis
grad and sate saes ofsailrond Man
For passage or idoviaatices apply to, ,
• II'AL Agt for D. Leath & Co,
xle : . Monongahela noose
QUIPPEES and others are Informed that this . Line
17 will continue to ran thronboat the year, leaving
daily. Produee and me rchase . taken at low ratea..
Merchandise from Baltimore broneht out . at Canal
noes. Male, Ilse days.. C 131DWELL,'Agt,l
Water al,ildoontabare Moves. Boma, Pittsburgh.
myl7 9:lllauth Charles el, Baltimore.
J. de ea Guide • practical tzestise au Grecian and
Boman Arc biteettins. losellter with Vbezbetut of the
Gothic style. Also, PIIKIK11:I1e adsaa on Gexaisetey,
Decimal Fractious, Mainland/ea, Trliptiaoraty-
Cariteulaly and Joinery, ccultacteg all the. tweet/MT
details nrid particularly adaPted at the Cants or tlm
less eipericaced. By Cheskiril=pcactical asichu“,
WWI =mot end
House Arciteczare, by H Austin, uthibecybul
klamanl, Eau, &coed mused WW1:0...F., “bs try
• jer2 J L REAR •... ' .
GSO. W. SMITH & CO., •
INFORM their friends anlithe puttliellastileihave
longer soy reateetion swat their' Ws establish.
meta In Nan street, Sworn. as the Pittsburgh Brewery,
haring_ removed their entire badness %a POINT
-BREWFXY in Pitt street..
. .
rro bz. Reset &
J.. Tabu - do Zdyersi Robl "" .1
do do 'lei Ono Woes lb de d &PA I
L .,. ° " /Ten ..
dew Se plng; 12 eeees,lXl k wrY
Aramiatm di dada, 40 do do w , Perwr
Jew meal...! n
and lor eete e" " 1441 ";
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35 5.y3 . 1ge , r .. 1 ttpag r Aortb Carob-
A At Air= unaluzu,:"
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