The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 23, 1848, Image 1
WPM , • , • //- r ESTABLISHED' IN 1786. NISONIBLkeIL&SI& Lestherikal7. AL - ers, Fortm.a. ?Jaw !!.. Gr i erPitubut6l4 k ,Coasigung&as of WearAn tratttei &kicked, endlib cal advosee. made, ic require& . kblviGni „oot ri.,,„,,„_ 'irskozaws mak . anus sank AUEST. ES, ,Wltelesks and Retail Drug rg;ists, oiLlionly salt.. Gulf tsks, pa ROW C ILEFIERTSON,*boIesaIe Grow.. Lther7 el., BA. PAIthIIO3TOCE. k. Co., Wholesale , awl Re . tail tail Druggists, eon= Wood sts;,- itOKLEY MITII, Wlri2leinte ofOCCM 6134 Sr Wood urcet Pittab • ' , CaA.AIIeAI4ULTY a (V., , Font nod c~ Taladou bleseisats, Canal Nuin, • WI& Amu; JO= 1. agsniona, isn&aux. CIOLEMAISI RAILISAN, & Ca, litsanfannuors of, CarringAV and Asia& A.'lL and Spring SAW,: and in Cosa ninon/AP of nyn , 7 do acripuon, onnutactory on St Warehouse 43 Wood °pp.:wins Su Clarks Howl. -JanW WIVALLT ZILTUART, .Wholicele Groom, deal en in Produce an Pirbbelik, o oo7 an of Übe end nand • nub th sebl7 • =muff riousu & , ii&us c =4 ,qii)Wheeirsears , an.&&,4akrebsassisad &Wen it Produces mod Pius. burgh Muisfseisios,Pki.V7 Wpod sti,butusettud wassitni. , maxi, wcoo: I,oll=Ek :117kolesale Ozoteta and mas.b.u.kaa Ag.a. Rat *lea. . MOM Wileroad Ittp Frar4m., ilus• BLXII:Ei Plum, Forte , NLiontbntarei . and defiler -91LLIJMENt, LONU ALUZER, Bell and Drug Pimalan sad On MIMI, 100 non; between and Bonthfield smote, Paathafta, Pa. .ILip Micheal- .pains given far alaCapper and Biwa • • -dais • ..)• , ,5:f.1.1.,f143;ff• - • , r ,, n7T , 117•Tiq fIaILARY RIPONOT, sod . Red Lead Munn. thetver f likut: and Oil Merchant, corner of 'At. guy and O'Hara sta., Pittsburgh. . - }Oa ILLWI =Ms SOLOS DMZ= /11. 1.. li c arettau ' l, ffnirie N le W ra * P G roducTiioa.5 Cam o Water, and 107 Finns GUCCI; Pdtoboeob. nord, 701 IN SCOTT & co„; Wholesale Grocer; Forward aVing and. Commission lierchaiqs,Dealers in I'r,. dace and Pituburgh Manufactures, No, 7 lhstunteiFial Mow, Liberty aucel, stew the Canal, Piusburigh, Pa. T! BEYAN,"Ltentitying .Diadller, and \ Vhokiile U. dealer la Foreign and Ammon Wines mild.. goon,No..llll.4befly Wee% and =Diamond alley PiWb . jyl7-dly JAXES IS ittc4lUlltli, , (late of film er Alpo and J MeGaire,) llemtrun 'War, eq.:Mules .1/tidings, ..T41.111333 A. TCHN, & eeessors ta Y Lewis HuteHUkison & ISO Co, Commission blereharas t and Agents of the to. Louts Meson Sops .11elnesy. Ala 43 urster&ala &oen suer.u r Yinsbusgh.. • T - : IL BLACK, Merchant Tailer, - "Exclaiago Bail. diapra,th. Clair az:, Piusbargh. lulOtl TWIN S. , DILIVOILTH—WbbIesaIs Grocer Pro. -dote and Commission Morciakt, No. 24%5'2.1 at., Ystubargh. jez4 • 11 . 011.N.D..2.10EU&N, Whoyerale Deupsist, and deal- U le Dye Suds, Pelatsethls..Veredeees, ao-,A. 0 . Wood sueug one door Bout& of Disoutod y, Pat ts- J - 0 , 1" T WIN 11. AIELLO*, \Thelma° • lieteil dealer U ia Mule and /banal InCrumeas, &Adel BOOMS Paper, Plates, Meet Peas, QuWs, Printers` Cards, sad Stationery generally, No. el Woodsy PiusburgAL _ll r , oupLt or taken in trade. . T SCHOOAIMAKER. &Co Wbolesalo,Drugpsts, U No. ACWood street, Piosborgh. • 7WEYII,IOIILXIN t. SON Commia.ou .d For t, Merchants, No. IS niteny at., (opposite bmidclield /I.4l3ampaces now. Le 10tIN D. Davis,wootioao..,« and wood ' ociS TOIINSTON t BTOCKTON, Booksellers, YritaCr• •tlidTaper,Mannfactwers, No. 44 Al.wkct at., l!nt.s. TL, HEALS'S Book Siam, 4th, Den/ Market PUCCI, . Classical, Theological, 'lmprint!, School, bliss& lalscassond Methodist Books and thadonary. yy. #OI.IEKMN Os Co. Banker and lachanac 7.lWLZl,pautlriZucs‘l,7l....atal Jd eta, Mitcham's its Chummy purchased as, dm maxi rote.. octli - TORN MUER, Wholesale Grocer, dealer in res. IP dace, Yin ber& dlanotastoces, Tat Fla.', tc. &r -ex.; N. We. • janrs JOILII MTh, - =WAD NWT. FLOVD," (lab .J. Floyd&V,odW•olelsde • Urges No. 1.92 Libetly street ! seP3 JAIII3 MIZELL, ' Grocer, Gel:mita° • Altlataam, and. dealer in Produce sod - • • Vesuvius Irma Works. - If W V ) ,Vier=r e toifrollit:7( ° ,.c. " l,:!li quality. lyiur-boase,4l water and 105 front at f. WATERMAN, Wholnale Grocer, Forward. ing And Entmllasion Merchant, Deal. in Yin. ManametianA Awl Produce, 'l.m. '3l Waler et., and 112 Front in. , • ~ ' L b~tdlnß I . fr...IIIIIIVON, Wialesalo'Groexia,lron aud Commissmi Mar-butts, dealer. in Fittstmush;ilailuftetp.res,lsios.l3 and 115 • Wcoan, , . • 14. 4 .R . CER, BROTHERS & 011-, Ceouniesion Her emu, Pluledelphis, kir the satahl ptodues gej liberal advances made on emu . qryt:te. - L' . Frei 'Eu N , .. ew . w .. 144. A l / 4 2; 17 .5 . V . : id , ... is. 114 Libay/C , mat.- abacr.,• &awe. ALLLN & .Coraraiegaa aad Fararardi at. aztax ag iderehaata, Water and .trout us., • b.:trees Ws. alaccress. . ILLEIt k HICKETSON, Wholesale sirocco, awl Ccentlsekte Merck.% N 0.1713, Liberty at; Pikes eCO2I) & RNLI, Whalen& stud Retail Hat and Cap.Mano6etuucc~eaa,~ •nl deaden in Fancy Fara oom co Wood ancrliftb eta. Ant l d i gr I' d a l g i s lit Fore' and . noareatio Dille of Exchange, yettiliemee Dep; it, Beak Notes and Specie: jjje•Mollectioip mad cp all prin eil!ak rake • • • • vibe United &Mei deet d jusle Woe:. and Coon . Co o . adman sad Forardang NerchooW rio• 4%19 11)0/113HT moons, wl;2'tc.ip 6ioeier, gtetifyylg Zikr Insailki, daisies in Prodnee,filisikargh 31.11/11C. ULM. and all kinds of Fames and fElognertie - Wines and Lknana, No. It Libeny - wee, hind a eel). lam wet of magmas old 'Monongahela whiskey, winetorill be sold W.I. (prevail, . _ ..:ant:kly 130BERTSON• A. KEPPLlCT i . Yriaddee Deader* and 11 Cond&s&o . fiteletuou, O. 110 Sccond!treet, nom` LE.17..111, Jr., Impactor and Denlei in Foreign &&11 Boakade. dada ti Itirdvme and I",arpada Pri ma of alt deseviptio.„ N 0.15,1 Wood gcuAits• BAlLD,Wholathlo and Saudi Dealer in Lasther, Motheth, Moomakere Tooth and hind -Tartan' and Coda's' Tooke, and. Miriam' 011, IN Wood l,Yidwmgh. saga L . AL: ROBINSO!'i /k..Co.,Wholesale Uroecrs, r . rod . ne and Conetplssua Iklerehanu . ,and De knew hp*. urgh Mumfacuates, No.1,1(1 lobeny st, 154,bur6b, FBEKT DALZELL & Co, Wholoanin W aders, ,Camtairdon and Forrranitng Mamba/31;4nd.* rriodana and r&donrgh Manufactured, Libenr oL ROUT.. r iv Tl . 2ll:2A r t b il g lkter La u t i oecr, bal no: 1441 LibenT FL • fJYIY 1121 .BiNOLDS is.ll/IEF:, Forwarding and Cceannari MaTablaP, tor a* Aillegbeny Weer Trade, deal /a. Groomes, Viaduct, Pineburgh Idanurnenne adelaknidaofLune. _ • Meagher, prices, in cash, pad al all tunes far corm UT rya Cllmatt or Pena and leads era j811.41 OALX0111) dr. Ca., Commisikm Meiehmals, Idb min : aM" opposita Smithfild, Ikalers la }lour, d Seeds, also Dater, Lug, .#a• aP ,44 / cc Mml L.MIIIIDION,IVhoIessIe and Bea Dealers Pp in Idilliaar Meats, 'Laces, Maier, cad Ankles, No. 4elMarkst suety:hi:kw ahoy e Third st, . U&CILLTT, & Wliolesald, Donlon lo I. 1,7 Parer sod Donnlit 1/4 Goods. Rd. Wood at -4,1 11AESAISOU, Wool Unctuous, Deleon '...PDO.U.Floostsod rroduce gnu:wally, sod k'onrartting .00d Connudoo. •Idascisats, Wo. us Water .., Woo. U. BALLSI.EY b Ce., Wkolesalc Grocers and Ynnisco dealers. N. 241 Market stroci r litur nen rah .and As., North side. now 4,2 • .21.14--Macco o oF liionnie,) Ua ale .and niansasetruer. of Yripur• lisngings nod Scar% tad dealer in wrung, prinung, rind .serapping - gape; is 7 Wood , 5t..;,15, Pa !Wes and OW% same parensood at' thir &klieg market price. . i. II=ITrIIISOLO/1. ga ,Cous loco , prod XJ.TI4ED. 'l4° 17 --- •, ritixtnnk. NON. OONNLLOILST, ltpx, yhokaale tiro • sans Yarsraterre and tam,Ursou itetelurs, bastrigh Manufactures and Wasters kW- Ersyss earafte tarsal. new wozebouse,OOl stand) lest 'swam at haat 5. nod Mare-cry Lao. • StItUEL M. RIES, Yowuci and Coo4oliaon manes tootan= lMW n:L odoee m Mt - uCain, mu • dYI M Y BUM *lamas Grouts and Comma. . :olar-Mau, sad dealers Ist Product.. No. 25 Put a4' b. 11 , 011 t Agent tar Mexican aul4isara and • ,I'l lo ...itg at aa °Mee of Wm. E. AY.. uq Fab Bei% lth st, rimbartk. 'HI eon is Iramfal toad alike at Wubingiaa, will attend us air lossisro atm hea 9,l4apeaco to applicant. CARDS. BowFli—Coranasion and Forwarding Market wren. Mal • • 30113 D. WIDE, . DAVID .ICDASOLUB. WICK & DIVANDLa 4 S, (nieces.," mica,' Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Cortunission Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nail Glass, o,,,,,Lyarns, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, corner of Wood and Water streets, Pittsburgh. IV. WALLACE, Mill .....lurillirFur, --- 71. - Ws log establishment, N0.244' Liberty st., near'tha mat's ur li. GARRARD, Dealer in Flury nd Staple Dr y y Goods, No. 717 Market street, Pittsburgh.Pittsbu rgh. nort.34ll • '{fir w WILSON, Dealer in Warebe, , , Je elry; Sliver MI., Military Uo2ala, &c. , No. 37 ' Slar? ket at. nov7 W ft. MURPHY, Whol e sale ad Retail odrer erDane e ' mo d I Founrals. D7 " IaTARRICICSLUITIN a Co, Ikutkers, Deniers in Ty Exchange, Bank Notes and Coin, comer of Third 41./ Wood meets, Pittsburgh, Fn. 10.310,_ IISO. Won& WAIL, YOUNG & Co.—Dealers fa leather hides, &c. tit Libesty se. janS4r • "Ur MITCHELTILEE—WUIesaIe Groton, Rectifyi. , era, Wine and - Una. , .1 ama 31...641.4 . Snail eme 11.../0= itOlt Store, and Pittsburgh Man mewed snicks, ha. on hand, at all times, a full and general userUnent of goods In their line,Watei street, tear CburY Ailey, Pittsburgh. • auld No. 45 Market n., three doom algae 4 ntTt burgh, will have constamly on hand a well retorted is aOrtment of the best and freshest Mehentee,which he .will .itti he moat reasonable terms. Physlcuots wading. orders, will be promptly at ended to, and rap. plied with ankles they may rely ore gettuic i r: ne l ky_p ft re Thici" fro ' m !A u er . terith 'e a c t any an d 12ur of . th -lifrof;t7&e l sarp meek of fresh and good Porfar )gal.' Eeth , ?Drt y l a bt WOR3L9, Pittsburgh, hi:mdse. e*met We% Carpo r t Cerdl4 B ' "g , Witter JiLt,"P.Mird/t1 (Suceenors to Arbuckle tc. Avury,) Proprietor' A LEDOUX A Co., No. 77 Canal street, New 0r .P11.. leans, Agems for J.ll. Armanes Extensive Steam Sugar Refinery. Always on baud a large stock of Loaf, Powdered, Crushed, Clarified and Bastard Sugars, in Tierces and Barrels. Also, Snort. lipase Alolnues. Prices liberal, and a fair allowance made snail sales of or above SO barrels. • ' metal Slattotagalkela Meets Stable. ROBY.= a PATTERSON h. opened the large stable au First st, muting through to &caudal, berareen Woodard atoithsetd sta, in the rear of the Monongahela House, with an entirely new stock of thaws and Carriages at I n ith i, l3l=tran u tl r a . lest styles.. Manes keplytilge- H Denier . EATON, Deer in Trimmings and Vasimy Tortois Shell, Ivory and lion, Combs, Voider. Yams and Worsteds, Buttons, Noodles, Pins, Topes, 13mstes, an., No. MI Meager mina, lictoren Om mood nod iW a., Pittsburgh: lOW SADDLERY 11111DIVAILE STORE, R. T. LEECH E JR . , I NO. 133 WOOD IFITTSUISIIO/1. 'llALlN b t: . r h eii , e m ainX y i li , f , rtint th e e r tgo . t u int r,, aL; announcing to eouninnera an mat d dealers, that I =I pre pared to famish tberawith•alt gouda in tny line, Oa still Letter ter ms than heretofore. Buyers wilt recollect that dealing 'exclusive) Ur Saddlery Hardware and Carriage Triounings,l obtain thezehy, advantages that enable we to der- camped tiou. Call, we, and lodge for yourselves. DOI' PITPSSURUtt STEIIS:IVORKS AND SPRING t==l:M= Sale JON% so. • JONES & (WIOG, ANUFACIVREILS of upnup, sold hater , reel, Ili plough clod, meet plough walgs, coach and, ellp- Uompriugm y hammered iron ues, aunt dealers ialuol• lona* castings, Glee ngine lamps, and coach In/whom+ generally, corner oillasa and }rma .13, !quait., &PEKIN TEA Fourth t, :tear Wood—All quuntines of.Grecii and Black Teas, done op in quarter, half, and nue pound packages, ranking from:Ai cis. rrpound EA. Jyf E A. JAVNA, .Act. fur Pekin Pea Co. LAW. OFFICES. WM. TIMULIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pa• 'ILL also upend to collectiou• and all otbrr bum. riess entrusted to him ut Butler and Aitimtrong counties, Ps. Meter to J. & R. Floyd, Liberty .1.1 W. W. Wnliace, do , James Al:tribal, do t rittpbuqh. dly My & yWooJ st. ron7 11. swEtrzEit, Attorney nt Low, office...ld - q., opposite at. Charles llo,oi, Pittathirgb,will olso attend promptly to Collections, 111 W mitiagton, Fayette and Omen counties, Pe ' IttIFELL TO Blacketock, livl &. Co, 1 Church & Carotin., '..Parsburst. LI J. HENRY Attorney and Couni,lhel Low, .D. Lhio. ColleCtiO. ht neunlieru Chip, and in Indiana, and in Kanuelb.prumptly mud care fully uncurled to. Connessiouer to, We Stale or num. ylvaniu, for inking nekilOwledgalentn, . Itzrzn no —lion. 'Wm. ssnn. /r. Son, Curtis, Church Casothen, Wm. /lays, & Las •• • • • W Office Nont #• oi - ou;in street, nbover and nislithlirid. feblidtcwly ••• . UN LU P &SEWELL, utioroey at Law, (Mew. on if Iwtwera - J 4th lac • SW ORWAILD /a SWARTZ WELDER, Altoineys F Law, have removed thew OIL= to the South side o' koarth et., leetvreen Cherry Alley and Grant greet. ars!. TOSEPII KNOX., Auorney at Luur, Pivabucgin Pa., J has retested the practice of his profeatiou to tun of. bee, Pio. 7, BaketvelPs lister et.. occupied, chants bia ahsence, by T. J. Itighutrand J. Chrtely, P...4tinturtf jUlibi L. GALLATIN,,Anonni.Low, Office o 4111 between Graut and nuonnield, numb sin:, rinalnugh, Pn.4 will also-atteu4nrompay to business in the aajcumg counties. oetb-ly • ur a U. his B .C. ) ; ' ,OL ° 22:t Cam st, nem door to Alderman Johns. apt:ly ORLANDu LOOMIS, Attorney a; Law, office, au . Lb lag west, above swithfiall . apl7ly. INSURANCE DV.LAW ARE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. l, UIIN FINNEY, Jr.,Agent at Pittsburgh for the Del aware Alutaal Safety Insurance Company of Phila. alleluias. Fire Risks upon buildings and cuerehandim 01 every description, and Marine Bimbo upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, mica upon the most favorable terms. Irr Office in the Warehouse of %V. D. i lotions tr. tiro., N 0.37 Water, near Mullet street, Pittsburgh. • N. IL—The success of this Company since the exult.- lishatent of the Agency in Win city, with the prompt ess and libera li ty with which every claim upon thew gee loss has been adjusted, fully •Wttresint the agent in inviting the confidence and patronage MIAs friends and the communit y at large to the Delaware M. S. byte ranee Comp y, While it hit the additional advantages inalitutiOil among the most flourishing in Philadel phinas having an amplepaid-in capital, whiehby the operant:xi of 11l charter Is consmutty increassug, as pelithiglo each person tenured his doe abate at the profits of We company, without involving bun in any respousibilny . whatever, mid therefore an. possessing the Mutual pAtimple directed of every atom roue fea ture, soul in its mint amactive form. iinvd ._ . • • FILM AlllO IILALUNIC INSUILANCE. •rillIk: I usurauee Company of North AILCM., ltiftlogli J. its duly nutbunsed Agent, the autocnber, ode. to makopermastent and limited 111111.111.1.0 WI popeny, ill this city and us vieintly, and . VII A1#11.1.3. by the Cu. nal and Arms. . . DIRECTORS.. . Arthur 6 Catlin, „ Cletees Taylor, Snail W. idlleF. 111111..0 White, Edward Mann Jacob m. 11.4., John A. Drown, Jobs It. nea t John Waite, lure.' D. armalt Thomas P. Cope, Wm. Welsti, Samuel V. Stunk, ..... Mantes aortae., Samuel Brooks., ' S. Austin Allibousl, Amalfi 0. COFFIN, PIC3I. Ilmrag 1). Shuman, licc'y. This is the oldest Insurance Company in thii United Annex, having been chattered in NW. Ito charm . is perpetual, and from list high xtending, long experience, ample incluis, and arinding tit mks of un eglos hux ardoua chathemr, it limy be CUMidered as offering am ple aceinity to they üblic. W. P. Jupdes. - Ar the Gonad's !Loom of Atwood, Jones A. Co, Wa ter and Front streets tunys - - FRANKLIN - FIRE INMIIIANCE CU.. qua; Franklin Fire Insurance Company, of phiti, will atake luso mace, permanent rind ou every description oiproperty, rittrburgti and We surrounding country, on tavoratile terms. pan,' has n perpetual charter. 5401sOnoimitl la .rtoituagent, Fund tholltidart • •, Mice corner of Thiid and Market streets, thusliargti. IVARILICK. AKcnn. I== 1 1 . 11Lusiilx . sig i nc . t .o dulluul c ttszt i Ate i nt i r i f , t1zAins , r• continues 10 elms insurance, against loss or titnit;.:: whist tire, on buildings, nantsuainti., Saranac. , and property, not altztthalunloult, In this City sod Vicinity. .4114' CllettltAtioll sewn/. st. 1r WE IitiLISCRILIER has Loco uppitinied Agentlou tem. virile lostizartee Company et N.L . 11111 Amebea, and will issue Policies awl atiend to the other banners elate th.peithy t al the warehouse of Atwood, Joins •41, CO. • Will. P. JUNKS, wane Cl INDIA RVUU Eu 0001)5 . • JUST-FLECEL2P3),'per Lspreer, large assownwl kalia /Lubber hood,, comprising -2 dot Meer,' Costs, 4 Jar Traveling !lags; . 4 " bank do; -4 pairs Pants; 4 " Pea do, 1 " Camp Blankets, " Reefing Jute., 1 " Cusbions . 1 " Home Covers,. a Life Preservers; LWyards o(4-4 Carriage Cloth, filn, strode; LY dos pair Leggings, of darereut styles,' 2 " Capes, with alcoves' 2 " • wainatt 1 " Dun Cowry, all of which will be sold cheap toe cash:wholesale or sew!, at No 2 Wood street. oral J PHILLIPS. Patent Beds AAIG AA CASKS lu. binsprott et &nem lamas, Nut lend' an; from steamer Northern Light and for oarth by W tN Airavara.titEr,!,, myth ' ICU Itherty 4 A tiENCY OP TIM HAZARD POWDER COMM- A& NY, for the sale of Rule, Huck audCauister Pum— aed of very impeder qualuy. Cm , customers will he *spatted at my Your dorm/ the day. apl77tta JOREDH DILWORTH, ditt,l7 mad st EOM ~,-. °a~ - '~ Y W.=~ ~ .. . , • , ' . . . ... . . . ..' . . . . . 1 . ' . ' , . . . . . , .. . . . - . . .... .... _ . . , • ' . . ;.. . . . . '',". ''' " '" • ..-; . - "- -',' , 4 1 . ' 2. .. ' •••'..‘ . ".. ". : '..a . - . . . -. .... • , • ~ • :".. " - - i . ...". t.:, ... ~...';''.',.; ' ~ ..:,!;.. ~..., •._ .... 1, ' : : .. ._. ...."': ~..:'...,:: ' 1 1 . '.: , , . P . • . . . , . PITT LITERARY. To Conakry Merchants. ALARGE STOCK of School !books, Paper, Station ary, suitable (Great:ay odes; moon whiuk Writing Papers, ofitne, medium and common qu'llit Letter Paper do do do do Note . Pope r do do do do Note and I,eUer EitVelopes; 'RM.., Pencils, Wafers, quillsond Steel Pens; Window Paper (yard wide) plain and printed; Bonnet Boanbi, of different quallues, Clank Rooks, in great variety; Fatuity; School and Pocket Kitties; Crown: medium, and double crown wrapping paper; Illetiorkes Etlectic Spellers and Renders; liors'Ec' Iced° Anthmetic ' Cobb's Primers; Spellars and Renders; Sanders' do • .. do do Arithroctits, by Adams, DaviikColburn, Smith,SUrek tort, Shuman, and others. GOOgrapnics; by Ittltehell,Olney, Morsepood rich, Purley, and others. , Grammars; by Smith, Kirkham, Bunions, Weld, and others. For sale at low prices, by MELLOR, • 81 vrood 51,3 door aha.a 4th. The highest =Act price paid for good eased raga, u cash. aple =l:2 "lk TILTON'S POEMS, illustrated. IlArper's new 111 edition of the Poetical works of John Milton, stilt , a memoir, and milled remarks on his genius and wri tings, by Janes Montgomery, and one hunared and twenty engravings from dntwatis by Barney. In two volumes. Seawards Gam Tarramcsa—The Guar °pallets. sad Acu, at the .Apostles, in Greek, with kktglish notes, ethical, philosophical, and aiegedeali maps, hulalvdr eta, tog they with the I.istles and apocalypse; the whole toratin,g the Nevi Testament—km: des use bf Seltruda Colleges,' and Theological Scounaries. By Rer.l. A. Spencer, A. Al. A Now Novzb—Mideummer's bbre,—.A fairy tale al love. By Itlrs. S. C. 11.11: L1363' Ilavar 12.—The ran' of henry the Fourth, king of France and Navarre, Dy. O. P. R. ,Issues. Complete lu four pans, par; 2 vols. cloth. Far sale by, JOFINKPON h.STOCCTON, Inn 9 Booksellers, comer of market and 311 eta BWAS—At the Apollo Iluildinge,Founli street, near Weed.7—lreland's Welcome to the Stranger; The Czar, lib Court and People, by J ll , Maxwell; The Orators of Ranee; • • The Lived «f We Apoatlee, by Bacot; TM Puritans and Ow Pnomples, 67 E Hall; The Comtitudons and Galion. of the Iloly Apostle,' with. Prize Esaay; .Allisotes Life of the Duke of Marlborough; PicandeCa Life of Christ, in:its biannual connection and Inatorical development; Harper's end Appletou's publications generally. School Dooks; Paper, Statiotuary, de. dyer ;. I. READ - IVEW BOOKS at the Apollo Hui Ming., 4th street.— .111 • The Military Lire oflolto, Duke ofMatlborough, with colored maps: by A Allison. Second Vol. Chalmers , Posthumous Works—Scrip. tore Headings. The Life ofJcsus Christ, ilk its hiMorical commotion and historical Oct:elopement: by Augusto. Pieender. Translated from the Ch (lemon. edition by Joko Mc- Clintock and Ch. E allumenthal, Prole...ten in Dick inson College. loorth Vol. Pictorial lEmory of England. • Now nod Then, by Dr. Warren, anti or of Ten. Thousand alrear, and others too numerous to mention. Call and see. &pia J PITICSIDUILCIII ITEJILAVIC =STITT:MIL quits Institution, wider the supervision of Slr. and Mrs. Goshontos will open for thereception of pu pils, and will he continual at the sane pLace on Laxity street. In cousenuende of some dam,e holing taken place, a few vacanciei hare oecurreeniul those &di ot. of placing their daughters under their core, would do well to mike an carry application. For tunas see circular, or apply to the Ynitapal. ap3 FORWARDING &COMSSION. DANE111101,1filt: i. CO. Tutieep euMmlsstoM MEliciLLlftS, ID Saab - Wharves, sad No. 117 Sarah Water at. PHILADELPHIA. EGSAo itallana the trade and dealers generally, of B eithiburgh.that they have made such arrmigementa with the Virginia manufacturers and the Growers of the IVeat, West Indies, and edict plates, as will insure a large and COL../ supply of the following demeip nous of 'Furnace°, which willbe geld upon as arrow maiming tennis or any other house in tine city or ciao wham, and all goods ordered trout them will be war• rented.equal to reyrracroatiour . . 11/4,M1; Daming.; . Coon; Vara; Porto Moo; Penult.; }Stied Leaf. to. Cuba; 'villa; # Skald. Garcia; Al v)—ltrnuch's celebefited Aroutatie Stag Caven dish, with a large arroratient at tabor popular brand., and so:tinier at FrOtlllllF, 12r, I tit =in r: and 10,i Virginia 'Portal, Le., sweet d plata ' it wliole and halt boxes, wood and tin, tor,ether with ever); vattoty of article belong to the trade. &MUM A. Num. NESIIITi t GARHJETSONP F LOUR, .F ACTORS, Produce, Commission and Fornesnllng DIEILCIIA PITS, 42 Norm Wukrwri, aaa 1.9 Wolu Sr. 4 BIBLALIELBILI.A. Rks. to—John IL Bow Co. Halms, Sweu &Co. Barrroll,llearia & Co. Booth, 13wskley . Jr. Cu. • • Allen & raxton New York. Waken, & thrnicy, BalOsnors. : Bugaley tc Smak, Burbridire,Wils.n & Co• Browo:& Co. P , thbu r lib• Kier & Jones, [DJabr.ll..l cokk . ortrant&trA.P.l42,l4lloll.l(.4 to act address. • 4n...zandly FLOUR .FACTOUS. And General Commlesion Merchants, .• N 0.13 :kn..= limn, PLIILADKLI'ILL's. I.E.FEIIENCES—IIenrY lira - & Co, Plusbursh. Rodgers & &berlock, / 0. ,,,,...,L ' • . S. kkhaoley & tk,u, $ A. AL January, Maysville. Charles Bash.; Jr., Louisville. Millis, If umplareys Ic Co. - Aisne', Bro. & Co. llitillurs' }Wed 1, Pother, opl:My Luigi, & Cousluery, No York, GEORGE COCHRAN Commission and Forwarding Merchant. SO. th HMO ST;, err:enema, ONTLNIII. to transact t s general Codual uto n n hunt. nese, especially in the pOtehase and sale of Ameri can Manufactures and Produce, and ln receiving and ibriewrding Goods consiowed]to his care. .As - Agent for the Alitnasactures, ha will be constantly sopplied 'with the principal articles of Pittibu Alanaliciare at the lowest wholwastl_eLrice. Outer. and cousignidents are respectfully solicited. . •*7 n. V. COMMA. . 4 R SOYL2SISO3. V. CONWAY L CD., PRTSNIOUTII, Oble Corn on and Forwiuding Merchants and Produce Dealers—also attend to the Purchase, Sale and Shipment of Pig Iron, coat, eze. rcr. Tat Jooso Jr. Co., . Brown, Barley &V.. 0., Lore., ter.g lc Co., Henry Graff, Una, L.odoo> & Co., D. Lee. te. Co., 1400, 2311. &Ca, Clarke Zr. Thaw. atom J. L. A- a. W. A 2,1301 1 ,0% Eato of 1111 turgh, P . Late of NialliviDe, Ten& LE MER 4.ANDERSON, DEALER% IN COVION, FORWARDING & COM MISSION MERVILANTP., Au. 8 /KOMI MISZT Ana lardainh,T,cut riSlr.en, 0010- Refer to Ncroluotts rrig generally, I% Ptlolys&. _441.1 GEORGE Lla OCAGE 11 ERRV, FORWRIHAU Mill LIEUDIIMION SEECIIANT, AND DEALER IN iron, Nails, Cotton 'Morns & Pittsburgh Morathistures generally, 30. 10 Wm) trtranwuti ILILTIONDAS & 111fitellilln• , - ALEX.'LEVY & BRO'S. CINCINNATI AMID 141•. LOII/116 (Albr to satl to ealtet heathltblasteat, all kinds of lief , clotobse, at Wu lowest rates of Cotruat.tioas, and are alwafts prepared to wake atlreuees. 'lle heat of tele ream, giveu If required. Letters addiesced to dater hou,, well ba promptly attended to. jyStaily a. Etowah. WV. C. V. Nialtitl. B. sCunsPros • - COVE, MARTIN 4 CO., Produce and Commission Illerchouts, No. A, Oupkitt's Raw, Exettattge Itahrotow- Oar. handeat & Col, J oho li. Ratalttl, tioo , Jenkiuv, inlocsont M. &Ilea h Co, Seller* & flotoptots. rkuith & ShaeLleu & White, Pitts. burgls; A J Wheeler, TO rtbauglutt *bey & Co., Cincin nati. I.lal 1•.1S rtoratrom, or. H. .10 . 11.1.. .THOLIPSOIS & OAIOI.IOELL. COMMISSION M ERLinse CHANTS. Dlasanniet u 1' ed 011, N. Pr Columbia street, • Canotatrart, latax opttlly EI - Caatt paid for Flaareed.„fal WM. U. CLARK, Forwarding Merchant, Brownsville, Pe. 4ntenn panktesdi m. We Fotavardnig of !iodate, kn. 0.. • Inc; wig information, apply to FOKSYTII CAN, Water .1. Oetii • & PATCII, COMMISSION iderMERCHANT;SL. /11. de W eeeeee *T. Loony . Win give prticular attention to dm-salting of Ptle duce and to order , for purcnaring. , Itnitat att-ittorgo Morgan NC°, Pittsburgh, he. . natal woos ii. mama.; AMACW 1. 1111,111.1. • 'Luvc "" %Ia:VAS CD &DUNCAN, AUCTION 4 COMMISSION MBSCllittell, (et the old stone of Seto/ ..4..Oheptod,) tiuhvtilq Teetteuee, %Ult.', give plouipt awl &MIN; ¢11.11013 le th.i.lollo TV oC Dry Utiods,tiroecrier, owl rilvrendodite. Art, erally. They (eel prepare w.attend bull the ,e),art. 1ne,41.• 01 thus Luting", veteiently unit (dcallil& id op Rood s lot alteitogrn secolulomperatiLty. kelev to Al. Allen; & Coi J . . W. Donor & Co., Phu burgh.duet , : qp - ISAAC CRUSE, GENKILAL cum:antiwar amitonswr, FOILTIIENO.LIuP PILUDINE/ PRO VISILPAS, N 0,1,5 " U l 7 S' lll=flltE, AIM it.w......--Alercluotto of Pi tsburgh. - IVticelmg. V.—IL. Crumb, I Itoma -dean -- NOTICE TO 811IPPEILV. Wti u ltx u e n t:t r e . u , zo u th . :: KYMittl to tar O. prercor, w Dore we writ truiivoct Waviness ov toured, Maul it Vino house can Le criictrd, arrangetrieuto havorit a1t0 . ..1y Loco wade lot that ituryovii. Itotos will always to us rus ususcus Sur IViilerr to receive iteigh. A C.aAN . LT T b &Co sap LYMAN, a ll E .d, E f 2 , C 0. • I Faii 1 1U 111E11%1 iiNT$ l I.IOSTON. • • • Parana attention paid to itto male or Woo di and tibia , • id advances arida ea eousignmea . toylCdrewly . ZITFAM - LVJATINTE r kEbT Full ted,l4 rwe Garr 10 of the fine premier Wyoming for anti, as aecum mudaurrg term.. For WittSCYl.l, SA W HAAS ett/13.11, sp7 - ire] Watcr Sad % FR/ t its PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY , MORNING, JUNE 23, 1848. COPARTNERSHIPS. ' COPARTNERSHIP. -' • T. OGAN & MNNEDY have this dayassociated la with then, in the Hardware business, Philip . Wil son and'Edward Gregg., The style of firm will here after Iva Logan, Wilson & Co. Thin arrangement rests den It dcarable to close the Old heatless ea soon a. possible. All persons whose liabilities have matured,' are especially`, requested to snake indnediate payment. Piusburdb, Jan.', INS. . , •, , lt OGAN, WILSON. dr, CO.. —lmponers and I) Weolesale Deafen; in Phaticrt and Detnestic Ils dJ ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, the 119, Wood.irekt, leit i k . burghiare now fully preplan' with a recently 111/ 5- ted .took of Hardware Cutlery, &e.valettrer Very g ee , Inducements to wean, Lava., bring dc.rmu. d compete to price. with any of the Atlantic 'cities,: A stiest head imextenside assortment of Sittantrdb Hardt ware, viz: Shovels, Spades, Forte, Hoes, Vtees, he., all orwhich will be sold at the lowest manufactures'. Prices. . ~. I, janl, IV CO.PARTERI3IIIP. - ?. .. .. .... aTHErubacriberi haring recently entered lute partnership under ibe Mane of Out usher, long, it. Allller, for tho purpose of cerrying on the Bell and Ilrasa FoUnding and flu Fittior, bu.i.g. in .11 in branches, hare taken .the stand formerly men , pied by IL Gellagbeq No. IPJ Front meet, between Weed and SteltUald sta., where they ere prepared to execute 11.11 Olden too l.kll/, Firm.. Ulttillip, be Clrbrt • Zeuription, and Gar Fittings with neatness and dot patch.' Steamboat jobbing promptly attended ta. " . . It. GA.I.LAWIER, MILLER. N. R . —The ottentien of hisnitinista and Engineers is invited to our antiuutractitto metal, for a reduced price, which lea been pronounced superior to Hobbit's by noratiers'who have used both. fiteamboat builders and the publio, generally, are:al o requested to tall nudes, amine our _superior double Lewin. Porto Harem for steamboat awl domestic on, _ OALLACHIEE,LUNG, & MILLEH. der.l7dly -- - - ; .' • ' .. 1 - Dlerepetlen. 1 T il h E .l4o k rralin ' r i ny ' m li ttlZ e ' o n thte d" n a ll= to the let inst. The business Will be closed tuthe'ohl `Nand by either of sts, ueleg the tome of the &infer ft=ri. lit : II:dell:1 .i' tilVitt:l% .* , we w o oed b' ll n l i tr :- .: - .e..tray mum these oulebted toe, emit ..73 ‘ m 1J 0 .their acomitte. 11. D. JOHN D. II'COILD. I -: jaidd KIND CosPartaatirshly. Pete r) ; J WM aistes B PI bn'i otd,ln ' t= " sty:Vl L ' ! ' &,1J & Co., will continue the Rut. Cap. toe d Far business In oil Ha verbena branches, wholesale and retail, at the old stand, coma of Wood and sth streets, whet& they solicit a continuation of the patronage so liberally be stowed on the Old firm. JOIIN D IWCOHD. 1.21 JAMES S. brt.:o3lD. TN retiring from the old and wall knowit, firm of J. Weald k. King, I mow respectllly recommend to the patronw of the public my successors Nealls. ANON fr. CO. Ole D. !KING. ,• Ciabartme Takagi Sotto*. ,W. ST (ENS of Wheellwr, F.Shanberger j:,r e , of Juniata, and J. A. Stockton of Pitteburgli, hare Wu day entered into. eo.parutership ander style ' lino of Stephens, Shoentrelger & Co., at the Anchor .ironworks, Wheeling, Va., for the porpnee of , utanu. • factoring iron asul - nails of .eery deen&Poon. IL W. IRANI L.. A. V. 21/01rinnla C.. I. A. A TOCILTOM. STEPILESII, 5110ENREILGE11 CO. ANCHOR IRON WORKS. 'Whetting, Yo. Manufacture all kind 'of boiler, shret, bet iron nod nails, A. steel 'ohmic springs an d I.lleB. lkiug eon. created with Shoenbergegs old Juniata works, we can oder an article of Junstita iron (branded Shocnbergerl equal in soy made in the - country. All of which mi l be sold at the Pittsburgh prices. Warehouse of the • works comer of Monroe mid IVate 1901_ DISSOLUTION.' MICK Co-panne:rah p t the wastenhers, ander the .1. arm of Leary Hutchison te_, is this day dissolved by moan] donwna tither ads will attend to the Kt• Clement ofthd firm, and use its name for that parparaa. LEWIS janl jApryjA . 1111311111 SON. CO•PARTIN Eft/S.IIIM qmiEunderugned have !Las de y formed n co-partner• ship, under the am of Junes A.lluichioon jut the purpose of 'cautioning the business heresiolore curried on by Lewis, Hutchison Co, and solicit a continuance of the pStrorisus hitherto estendesi mthe house. /AMISS A. LEWIS 1). HUTCHISON, J Pittsburgh, Jm.l, DMISOLUTION—The Forint...hp hitherto exist ing ander duistyla and bror w Malin:non O. Ind ell, Ls this day dissolved by wows( eanwilL John Ml tell havink dispowd of Lis entire interest to IL Wed. man. Tho business of the inie firm will Lo wined by IL IVightroinsarho is authorized to ow the name to We Into lino for that porposs. 11. witar spratiLlw (jaly I All] J. DALZEILL. TIIE Subscriber Is now prepared to nunorfacture oil kinds otEottoo and Woolen aloehinezi, at the saorteat notice: Orders leant R. Woßaman'. Lonnie Sbub,,ror. nee .Laberty •attd Water abr.., will runt won prompt attention: -11. WlGlrmAis, lieatok at., between Federal twd Ilbuldutky sta., aprattly Allegheny etty. Tilrrdittl.lailMr—The partnership emstwa between, LP the subsentters, under Wu, st) to otrostolexter Co, was dumolved.on the lit mat. Ly mutual rostsent. It. IV. Pousdexterrs anthotisedro settle all the business or the corn. It. W. POlNuF:s.:rEtti Nt./7ICE-ILavitt6 parelituwd the entire ithrWit of C. 11. (tram, in the Into concave of Poindexter iv. Ca., nod essoeinted my ean,Theodore Poindexter, with we: the bestow. will Le iontimied.a. usual othler Ilse style of Poindexter ,V,Co. spar • II W PCINDENTCR„ TUhilWaLintiNELN doing losat.suider rata j wow of &whets& &whetted, at t heirFoandry un Third street. bare this day, by mutual ronseint doool ved their eo-pannership. All the.e knowing metre 'mice* indebted to the fine, are reittiestail to eon nt W eir-warehouse ea Lawny' Street, opposite head of Wood, nod mettle; and all having claim. against theta will present theta at the saute place foe nutmeat JOHN AirtiluicA, JOHN haelloldiON. Ark' I. Int& iip&tha 10115 d ttAbIUEL IVIULITMAN Lev lug arrocierwl themselves together under the !inn bof John Furen /Co; for th e purpone of conunninr, the beelines or the " Lkniunenle Line," will continue to transact a general forwarding and commission noel less aline old stand al the Canal Ithran. Liberty street. JOILN FARItEIV, SAM'L AVIGHT.SIdig.._ , jultl44, IN , Ur in l y CW .d tr 1 . 1.10 r e. ca lk: 11) . 11. um. -niForLd , fa.... of Fourth rold ted idlarke " t ' s m ts, ° 4.10, coutrueueiug Feb. 4, 1148. Tie bowlers for the veal be eotolucted under the former style of uterVO iV 11.Mtlftl'HY Young having ibis day assaetaled with high John IL. ' , Mune, the kn. *ter Lowness *lll hereafter be conducted under the lirrn of WIP. Young & Co. WILLIAM ICCUIiG, ana /NO. it. 111•CuM.;. MEDICAL. SCI [grant. .- Sauct, Columbiana ea., Ibt11( DIL D.SAYNM: Mau erc feel bound to you and the atliteted . publie, to avail myself of this up porturthy of giving publicity to the erinlOnthinry elects of your Expectorant on tuyeelL (laving been afflicted for several years with u severe cough, hectic feve tt and its nOonantallt diseases, and seemed only doomed to linger out a short Inn miserable existence, until the fall of OM, when, bang more aerate!) . attacked, and barb% resorted to alt ray lonaer remedies, and thepre rcriptuts of two adze lutist respectable physicians in the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the consolation of surviving but a few day, or weeks. at itarthest—when the last gleam of hope was vanish, I had recommerukti to me your klapecmrautt odblessed by that tieing who. does all *togs in the to of the means—soul contrary to the expectations of my physicians and friends, I woo in a few dnya raised from mg bed, and was enabled by the am of & bottle, to auoncl my busineas, enjoying since better health than I bad fur ten years previous. Reepectfullyyours, &a., DM W. Earn. , .. For sale in Pituthurgh, at the Pekin 'Yea 510,0,7' Fourth street. antrat }Piltsburgh. A. 11. Mu., N. Y. City. B. 1.. Fog micrtoca, th W. Paitaseruc, • Wholesale Drug Store let the City of New York. T I 1 t% .1 11 ' 01 :11 ' 22;/3 n ' l l s f l ' u o s go l : Y 4 ;MT ad In the ! e the oily of New • tot, and are proposed to supply Druggists and eolturry Merchants with Drugs, l'alum, Dian, Dye-sures t Forego and Alarm:air Pelfutnery, blander, WCILVVI . hiA11.3.54 M i ne their own importation) and all other unicles in their of boo. r em, or a superior quality as low as they eon be pur chased to this Or any eastern city. • .New York, Febt6 B. A. F AIINESTOONA Ca. Marcher'. Chrome Green. O rAINTEIIB, BLIND fdAhlriltS, die.-We, the understgaird, Pointer. and Mout Makers, of the city it New York, have used and tested, and mu nowniing s now article of Chrome Green, nunititheturcd by Geo. fi. Marcher, of thil City, and find it to work well, pro ducting I. tine brilliant Forts Green uppeumnce, with very oopcnor body, andTectommond it to our brethren in We trudo on 111 every. Particular the best Chronic Green we have ever usetL New Torkflune 1, 47. Pigsed by 9I firms of practical paiutens of the city of New York. This unequalied Chrome Green may be hod of IL F. SEIA.KM, No 57 Wood street, who has the exclusive agency log its snle in YittiLurgh.utortti A. Fine Bet of Tilethforr :118Ce ik ca. IIITE TEE7II, FOUL LINKATII, GEAL:fiIY ffand unhealthy teeth, after be g once or twice cleaned with Jones` Amber Tooth Poste, hove the appearance of the most heautiful ivory, slid tit the soma taut silo so perfectly innocent ond ex ' quisitely fine, that its constant doily bee is highly ad. vontogeous, eve. to those teeth that are in a pax) eon ! ditto 0, giving them EL beautiful polish, and preventing prematuro decay. now, already decayed it prevents hem becoming worse-It alto futon ouch as are be coming loose. and by perseverance it will tender the foulest teeth delicately white, mid snake the breath de liciously sweet. Sold by WM. lACILSUN, Ni Liberty • street. inartd --- _ - Lk, PALIINICISTOOkEtri VEILDIIFUG/iv A FYN weeks Waft, olioof chiltikeNngetlatiout ,4111,fitre n eon, was unwell fur several days, ainlOhe , Ouch increased so alurtnitt that I feared acatti vinh.l be the result. Having . card of , the good effects ,wahoestoelis Vertalfugli when thirainistated to ttie thin tenor tte:ghbors, and thinking toy child might b oo . 1.,1314,..1 . 010 some of We symptom, d gave it one and a half teaspoonfuls of the Vennifugc, and to ray great stunishment it almost 'imminliately discharged utlween =Ai and 2OU largo walla. nonfatal wan soon dcs a,„d sod it is tow 'CM ark ably rreeioas to yeroofogo, iltoworras would occaswaally , !wont, nod . I often feared it would die front iaeDA WSON. stmagulutiou • Tioursta, V.‘itta.go AP° , OW , p minx, boestan• Goodt BELLE I L p, J FAMILY nIEDICTNES.. Coo ,. as Jefferson Co, Pa, March'l, EAU. Mglt E V'S'r, 'ha...early sold all the Ver. Mau and Ct. Wu §yrup you scut toe. ' Your Ver . without tertunt the best ever offered in this proved good wherever The Cough Syrup and Liver Palls hove also giveu om- Wootton. 'Your Wt. +rob '.l SCOTT, Patio ter. Prepared and sold B SELLEBS,S7 Wood at.;' sold by Br Cassel, 6th %Yard, DM Curry, Allegheny; W StaillTem mord Istrga." llll3 ,ita.k ANpoorip Y4hl; intuitions food, which uture tam acid 0 0 thb atlnnutn,' laud is now universaltyle+o statentiedlty the faculty in g. eftre . ne t e . to • Grigl, ti to , , d. = or pisi oom. u h 'Ar o io i : ali+, and a otornsUengtheuittg and .witolesonto food for iufautt. Ear Wolff „. Isamu:its, I mum. - . woo d at Lux,x1,2,114.a . . . LiGHT STREET BALTIMORE. goon sat vararront.roratcroas. .112:31111S1 bola long end widely known as being lone Of the 1310. conunodions in the city of Baltimore, firm meently undergone very extol sive alterations end 'laminas:meats: An enure new Wjitg has been added, contatriing numerous and airy sleeping apanments, and extensive bathing roomy. Ladies' department her also been completely Morganised and hoed up in a most unique and beauti ful mylb. In fact the whole arrangement of the House hu been remodeled, with a single. .eye. on the part of the . pniprictors, unsaid, the comfort and'pleasure of lbetr Guests, mull 'aided they confidently assert will 1c Miamian comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every sub- Menial and luxury which 'the market afoot*, served up inn superior style,' while in the way of Wines, Re., they not be surpusesl. In 'pee Acton begin say, that nothing willEleft undone on their partoind oath., part of thew awl ts, to render this Hotel worthy the continued pate go of their friends scathe public generally. 'Moyne. for board have also been reduced to the fellinking woo: • Ladies' Ordinary, . 01,75 per day.. . Gentlemen's " 1,411 N. Malaga; Wagon of the House will al waya be Mined at the Car and Steamboat Landing., of winch will convey baggage to and from.the Hotel, , free e. ••4 PEARL STREET HOUSE. 01110. TllEsuhrdribera having purchased the entire interest of Col. Or P. William*. late of. this well known establishment, beg leave to EMIT to theirilriends and the public generally, dint they have taketr this commodious lintel for a term of years, and will,exert their hint energies to make it a desirable, holm for Travellers and City Warder. The Hotel is speck,ur and admirably planned for convenience, light and air, having • number of pallor. adjohting chambent, presenting unusual allflCooll,l Th'i MECOt proprietors haring had the experience of yoga I. this city and, elsewhere, u ere, hope they will be t mi n L tf i' t uld e '"'"d undividedgiro ea ahrtiueSon. .TM. location 01 the Pearl Street 'louse OtICOtO26OO- Otigib e; having . frotos on Walnut and Third streets; so that it ts,,equally deiprable in view of the COOlEtiktiets of Ito Illeu Mee, OT ITUTTNIONt for Louden.. It is mar by the Honks, the Pon Mee, tin Masonic - flail, Odd Fellow's Hall, and but one square dimwit from Main Weal and two !Mares (throats City Wharf, thus adoring the greatest inducement. espect. ally in country merebents and generally to all persom inning Ciactnnatif JOHN NOBLE, tatch27 111 N A. INHALE EXCHANGE. HOTEL. COZEN, or PENN MID IT. MAUI ST., ermannutts, Or. 1211esub.crilicr having assumed the manage .meta or this Meg established and popular Hotel, reiMectfully ans to Travellers and the Pittilie generally, that he mme dwi be et all times prepared to arteommodate theittin all things desirable In a well regulated Hotel. The Homo is now bring thoroughly %%paired throughout, sjud new Formlare added, and no pat= wilLber spored M mate the Exchange one of the very bestliotels in the country. ' The utidetruvwd retipectrully solicits a continuance of the very,ltheral patronage she House has heretofore received:l THLOIAS OWSTON, • fELOOII • ' Proptetoi. no. 111, moan, entarr, eammishests. a, TIM: subscribers, under the firm of Bridges do West, have purchased Mr. Jones' interest in this establishment, auddititio by the strictest attention to the WAWA and costaert goests, to merit a con tinuance of the liberal pornaitage heretahare received by its former prognetoo The louse] has been thoroughly renovated. and re. rioiyett; we therefore feel ofsurea we cab welcome oar, friend, and the public to acemmoodations equal to any In bin city of Philadelphia: N. W. Mal DGPS, .Jlr.rdtt T. !NO. WIIST. COI.. LAME AND 51211. CINCINSIII. THIS estatiliahrneht in now in the beat order for the reception of the Traveltnit reline. Hoeing un,orgoitt thorough effete during the pant w inter. tutd/haviog the utast experieuced men in the went Mr - id - riot,. deportment...l dutier myself dint .11 will he {dented who coll. The location Is Central, colo n:whe., mute enem., Fare It per day. Cincinnati, 31arch 13, . Nt. FL MARSH. ?d, 11. —Although rot eanctly a new llnimm, it the FterlC-711. new Whisp on the old handl. twat! TIIII.IIICILSICHITONPIS GALT 1101/6E IS. 2 A RIS TIIROCISNIOItION brio to arquaint his friends that ha is :main lessee or untx where he hopes to meet all his old &leads, IlStUr1111: them and the public', that no etiort shall be imared to make an somasnable who faros him With their patronage. • jaulldly ust4rEm - 'r sTAES — IiIOT.g . LT C 111011,1.7 mw - uvimtrn. /APPOSITE. late Gunk eit' the Uttimd States, Phila. delphia. POPEmama( Proprietor. TT (MARTS IiTTLEITT , ANALATOY—llubart's ' nlyas of 111,Imp'lltaleas Aoalocy of KT boon, Nu- Turn; nod Revealed, Yo the eonsittuttou nod oloiW of 'tattler. watt mesas. .Use; Criminal, t.tneatons Tor on. notinabou; revised tool ndopted to the net of schools., by Charles L. West, Fe ovyot of glance, Institute, to toe eitss• of AI N 7/1 1. 1. ° : ' S k. YLS IieTUT V., DE AIIIICMAS, te.—Tba de Senecrowl de Araleltillf, Parndoia, nod 8000100 T‘eipiorts of Cteem, sod didl.ife AlUens, by,eorniltas Nepon, with lingltalt Notes, CeltiOnl and Charles Anthon,L. L. D. • THE 1101'S SPRING DIX/N—Descriplion of the Seasons, Sorcery, Rural Ilk.trod Country /mow werne7 by Thulium Uilter rob di Moscato.. .S.S.NOVEI. 111. 4 11tILYA1T—Tae Children of the New Fores; by Copt. klan7art. IL N. • SIR TIIFXWORE BROUGHTON, or Laurel IVateq• by O. P.R./men.. The shave warts received file day, and for eels by JUIINiCrON /Is RPOCRISCS, oyls Llooksellere, cur. market and Id stn MMM New Paper and Book Establistuncat, 7,- Wow., Sr.. acme. Forum. AND Mae.o attat ratlit ' d! b a U l ' arg 'ib e7tu h t , lt v o e fj o tlit , r ' elrotlit t es 'a r o ule ' d W alit ' l plain white nod One Writing and Letter Paper, coin nerctal and packet poet Flat Cap. demyd' medium Wrung patiera, for blank litiokr; medium an d royal mu lured Prtnung Papers; medium, delay and car Day 800. and Led.ra, superuir paper and best haittern binding; School %looks of all kinds; standard o n In. Theology mid - Sciences; gold and noel Peas, %Valet,Bill' Pilo., mc. dm. • ttluub Books Grail almea ruled to pattern, and bound in the most substantial mouser. . COIIrY Merchants *applied at lowest wholemde pri c e ( o r cash, or rags at cash Price*. Jolt TRINTINU.—Raring • Job office in connection with our establishment, we are prepared to execute all orders fur plain and fancy Priaung—books, pamphlets, cireulart, beanie. cards, oflasling, with dein patch and at low price*, ELLIOTT& ENGLISH, myt 7b woof sh between Oh and diamond . A,h T OUR STORE on Market street, No ati, between 3:1 and 4th, may at all tones be found a, large , mock of Theological and hfiscellunioui tkaks. Now book. receiv ed aa.ooa as published, and sold at law est , rices,__Mr_publications of the American Sunday at 00l Union and Alassauhusens Sabbath School So ciety, alms) . " on band. Catalogues furnished on ap plication. 'ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, my 2 46 Market at:between 3:1 and dth . - - - I\FEW DOOK:4—Lectures bn Shalspeare, by 41N Iludsou, in tworolumes. ' Poe Power of the Pulpit, or plain thoughts addressed to Christian ministers; and those whe hear them, on the Inductee* of a prewhed Gospel, by the Rev. Gardiner Spring, D. D. ': The Petmalli and his landlord, by, the Baroness Knowing. Translated by alaryilowat. Lemartine's Girondists, Vol. 111. History of the Gi rondist, or personal memoir of the Patriots of the French Revolution; Hata unpublished wanes—by A. de 4.0- I“Urlitiel few copies of each of the above works received this day and for sale by IIerIINSION A. STOCKTON, Ilook.tellers, my3U corner market mid 3d its ECPUltilli ON SHAKSPEARF'S Life nod Char. acter, bin Thcatncal Labors, ho Poems, Sonnets, - c e lty 111 , : 'Judson. alio Power of the Pulpit, or thoughts addressed to Christina ministers and those whet hear them, by Gard ner Spring, D. D. The American Practice Condensed, or the Family .•sician, being the ennentilic system of medicine, on aabto prinetples, for all elessen, Wllnach, M. • For sale by 4:laJolr tc ENGLISH, 'Market st, bet. ad and 4th, and, 75 wood st, bet. 4th lied :Demand alley. , myall Books. TIISTORIPJ--Roltertsatis, Gibbon's,'Hus linell's, Stud. Europe, Prescott's !Mexico, Per*Ac e • attithelet's Prance; Arnold's Rome, Harpers Ptctorial ExtglnudiNichulte Rome, Hallam's Cotimenniorial Histo ry of Englwd; Arnold's Later Itoruw,Coutmonwealth; Seltertirs home; Iltarnet's History of Menem meet; with 'mins; alieldleAger; A fill's Crusades Wel Chin- Itiryt,Hrowning's Urstory of the Huguenots: 'Merry's 'legume I Works; Soot History uf rho l'uritanstaloers French line, Taylor's Alen.' or Anc't and Plod. /home ryj Introducuou Ihe ll:story of the Church, by Jawing hightley's Rome end Eitglend; Itunke's Popes. The above, With many other ralnablo works, for s h abby marl ' J L READ ' l3klOKS—Lli of Cromwell, by JT Headley Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. IL Bethel • • do do Jacobus on Gospels,Matthew, with Harmony; I.ccturrir on Shaks•peore. yob.; Pall, of !Ate, or Sketches of the Way o Glory and Immortality; Footsteps of Alersinh; The-Ccuivetili by author of School Girl in• France; Sow and Then, by Warren; Sketches of Lemons, on Parables nod Miracles; Helmut's Welcome umhe Stnuiger; • • heaven upon Earth; Ilewkroon,.o tabu al and fur England: It vols. Fur sale by uhuorr & ENGLISH, jelu -• 75 wood and 56 mercer sts N inallec of the I Lawry of Umiak:no; wileries of Lecture:, by C. Guyitue. • dtwounie as the life, character and public servi ce,. older:ow Rent, lute ChilleCnalf ai the nate: of :tie Vorh; delnicietl before the judiciary and bur of the city and state of New Vorkl by dolui Duce tlirtary of Ilieglanth from; the lavacinu of Julius C ear to the reign of Viet:art:id by MU. Mural:ma; woe edition, mewed end calarged, with commie:tot by Kim itubhin. ntyla I\TPAIT 111)0iiti—Just ce'cooled trust the publisher, .1.1 and for tale at the illethOditt Hook Store, 4th at, near Wood. '!'upper'. Proverbial l'ldlosopity, so three styles of btatlior, a beautilul book for a present. l'reparalsou tot the Sketches of Stetsons ou the Parables and Mitacke o( Christ, by the authorial' the l'alpit Cyclopedia-sits) sketches ' Po. The English Pulpit; collectioa of ser mons by the most eraineta livilGt tlivittes of Fah:land. Slcelartak Vom—Chati4 Liam!, Chestnut topic, bush est thou me, Sacred blediudions. tpl4± .. , _ - LIL CTNICAL MIACIIINE4 tuid.lll.indiwo Mina Es talus, for oeseletnies, schools and rlectro Medical dipporatim tied Elactro Mechlin., fur physicianu and invalids, Minch • Thermometers, warranted. Relined and prrpnred liulto Pmehn: Chemienls, l'er speedy.; Flaw Masa for opticians; ow sole It' • MAKE tc eo, N Cotner market Meet and We diamond, caution on Mm e& . ' . ' tny3e NEW WORK UT /1E.101.1.1—.110 LIM of Milker Cromwell, by . J T aulbur ..Napoleon ogg mbb Molc," 'The acredltfouutains," Vasil: ingbn tool bit Genenthr," etc. etc: Heccired this day and for onle - by JOHNS WON Jr susocroN, - Jcg cur market cad :kJ am —_ - - 0 WINSTON & STOCKTON, yo ve j received .11. • Folmbiag Review, No. Mi; &P.', 1,3,1 and 1,1.4 k pnodY Edauburg tdatorine for mi 31.1 HOTELS. GANT 11008 R, BOOK TRADE EtEX=T! )I.II.IOPaNCIOTT a. TH.11114 , . . . c i r Lete Striekler &Co i l 11,1".N.,h'aideu,"c0,..,1" 'th e bet p roo f titirood and Smithfield Pittsburg`. 1 r iderStr hioiriug deceased and the mrviring partner Mr. Lippencott, bering ussociated himself with hlr. Wm C Styr, the business will hereafter be conducted under the apt. of LOP"' con & Bars Trial of n safe in Cincinnati, (k—tVe the undersign .l:were present at the testing of one oftS Strickler it. place d mproved Phcenli firsproof safes.. The safe was to nfurnace on the public landing, and subieklcd •to the intense heat of a stone cold fire ;for _more titan three hours. In our hour and a half the safe came to bright-red o heat, the door of the furnace was then closed, which 'Caused an Increased and steady heat (Dr the balance of the time, until the cast him wheel. were partially melted-Mk the furnace was than thrown down and the safe deeded and opened. Theimeney, papers and books which it contained wore as Petfect as when placed there, the binding. only of the hooks tieing in jured by the water in cooling the safe. We bare so hesitation in recommending it to the • piddle as 'a• safe superior to any we ban over seen tested, and believe that it will stand - any heat which might be produced, zeel4 a beta which wdbid melt it la a solid mass an, I. Worthington, Kellogg k ke7n n etrifetj. U V rn hi er, S Mugs Co, &cerium, hlayard & Wm Manse, Mead et Winstor. We, the undersigned, selected 'tlsei safe spoken of Aabove, Mint a lot in .ton of Trubir & Aubcff,th. .o.genl. ..0 SPEINCISP., sdETS I • Defoe to Cook & Harris Brokers, Piitsbuthiti • Heise Hemet & Co, do do fleadklnlls' DLL urramorr. 0005 a. wwx. r. a. monaas.• LIPPENCOTT £ QO. iII'ANUFAC I . tlßEfts of Ilserimere,l and C ut Steel Shovels and Spades, Ag and Hatchets, Mill, 14 Cut, Circular md Gin Saws, h ayed Manure Pork', Hoes, Mattocks, Pick., kt., having ccitnplcted ail thei arrangements in the fionstruction of hew cachlnery, and in seeming the befit workmen film the most cell. bored establlstimentMf the East are now Minufactul• log and will keep constantly on hand jand for sale all the above anicles, having availed_themselves of the latest Improvements, and are determined that In work .pk.ship and materiallhey will not Ins , excelled. They promise to produce nhiegs equal, l i p not vowelise, la any that can be had lo the East. The ,Ittalte the atuth. lion of dealers to an examination o their stock baroin purchasing elmwbere, as they aro cofivinced that they will be able to fill all orders in tbeirilino to the entire WillioClloll of enrollment. YVarebou,M, Water strxt, 4 doors West hlortongahela House, Pittsburgh, P. N. IL—Persons baring business With Wm Lippea cootplease call on Lippeurptt & Co. LIMEZ.4 W. WOODWDLL. elltabargla Farsatitairo Wdzo ROOMS, ta, Torra marks f. sjEA large and splendid asolotment of Farris:- lure, suitable for Blesonboata,lfotels and pro vaie dwa/llngs, coast:war on band and mode to mkt. 'rbe p resent stock on baiid C3llllO be exceeded by tiny mufactory iii the western country. Persona wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call ; wi 1 ma determined my prices sballtileare. ' Part of the muck molars in.— '•. . . 50 sofas with PI alb and Ilairiel4th teem, 2 dos Mahogany Nurse Chairsi 14 pair Divaus; • . It doz fine malaiganythairs; 1 ' It mahogany Work Stands; II dot mahogany Rocking ebolii; 15 enable top Dressing Bureau. s ' m "i ar r li th le ‘ _ thu' lop Work Stands; i. . •Is btierry Work Stands; t i Maliottily,slliple;Cherry, and Pop)ar Bedateads 01 aII ileicripuens,,and a large asoornacut of .common furniture and.ctiiirr, too numerous to laention. mannf - I LADIES .A 121.1 CAUTIONILD AGAINST I/SINU connoN WHEY are not aware how frightfully any:triads it Is UT JL Mask in—how aki nineroughb`how Tsl• low end unitepithy the appears:Alec usiag prep. v red rial!' Beside. it is injurious, AMA:Lug alt.T. quantity of Tend: ' . We have pr J UN a bcautifal trOgethltle article, which we call JUN SPANISII LILY it perfectly innocent. being purified a all deleteriCari :writhes; and it imparts to the Ain a haturals heulthy.. alahasteb clear. Living wh at the game trine Mitt. a . a tollartle On 11. akin, making it sfilt and month. Dr. James Anderson, Practical aroma 'of Masao ehusetri, my, -After anidyring Jones' Spanish Lily White.l finiL It possesmethe mom behatiful and natu. rat. and at the tame time inn white I eye, saw.. I rthinly. can conscientiously secountlend its use to all whose skin requires beautifylng.” as a Loa. Sold by Whl. JACK:4W. cat Li , erty IL mstrAl Pitt Maclaine Work. andlifonsidry. TWIN RIGI rr & Co., ore propel* to build Cotten 0 mild. AVoolen blecbruery . °yew slexrption, suih as Carding blaebnies, Spinning Finales, Speeders, Drawing Frames, Railway Beads, Wupers,Spoolers, Dreseing Franw4, loom, I.lard Grinden, Le. Wroasht Iron Shafting' law n all .ire. , of Caslron,Polliee and limnr. ulnae lawn pager. slide d bend eo, and awls of all knob,. Caning.% of very desenplion fornisbed short nonce. Pasterns spade to order to Geantig. limn tee. Stea ripe for bett ing . FaCrierics, Can Boa Window Saab and fancy Caw q. generallyie'llnlers rlb at the Worehottee of J. Palmer a. Co., tiberly enact, wit kayo prompt anew Refer to Black - stock, lc Co Ji Co, G. F.. Wnruer. joljnlnvin & Lou' IP:Usburgh ; G. C. &J. 11. Warner, Steutrcnvalle. • j. 19 IJUQIik..NE Spring., Azle, Steel and Iron Works. • COI,E AN, MAILMAN Co., boring completed Weir new works, am' now "[impaled to manufac ture every description of Conch Springs, Iron Add. American, Mister, Spring and Plough dul all .fires of 14.11, square wdand how, %Wel they oar fox sMaonliteral terms, at thetr ware- Louse, No 40 Wood .neon; where they alms keep on hand •complete and handsome assonment of Coimb 'frountings Carriage Hardware, Malleable Castings, N/Ill• and Iron. C., 11. & Co., have suede nnungetneuts ed . thlifessrs. Day fr. emus, manufacturers of Shovels, t‘pinies, Forks, die., and will. knp constantly on band every artiela lauds by then.. Denies, ore respectfully soLeited to all, as prices and terms will La made fiber/IL fintS Hew ILlbardware Meese, JOSEIPIi WOODWELL, corner of • Wood and sic, Pittsburgh. Ilev= • tog withdrawn fip:l3 the firmol N inset and Woodard]. do the 1.1 of January, talc pleantirero announcing to my friends in the city and amen, that 1 hove opened ray new store at the above namedplace. Having purehnsed toy goods for rash, mode arrangements with manufacturers in this country atid Inc Europe co-be constantly. supplied; I aro Wily EirePll.ll tuniish IlandEare ofallkinds, on at good term. acid as low as any house Dun or West: Merchants and ottfaas are respectfully . invited and examine my stock; before purchasing•else :schen, The following' crimprises part of his stock: - Steamboat and saddlery hardware gun trimmings,. files ignylors steel, cutlery, edge tails, anvils, ewes, lock t s; lutches, *ovine, butt hinges, wrews, Union Fac tory plan., saws, mahogany boards and veneers, and ell other exudes connected with the hardware bunt netts. • mehlltf CIS y Dagverrlan 06.1:11.ery. emu germ., rust melee entries. 110CiE begs leave to int - ore:like citizens of Pitta burgh end viciaity,rhat he bar taken the Degneri rianliouras lately occupied by Mr. Porter. 'The pub. lie ore as wired that all the Isle improvernetrla are seen, red;lalul will be brought into operation by Mr. Hoge; who has be im • a confluent opeywor since the art wait beet discovered. Entire nattstaction is guaranteed tki all who may become lus patrons. Mr.'ll. will refer will, pleasure to Mr. Porter,in whose establishment he has operated for the last twelve °tundra Fatally Pori. Waite, kntgrnvings, Deyuerieotypes, tee., ,accurately copied. Likenesses taken, in any weather, and set in lockets, Invest pins, casts and frames. lustruetione t.erett in every bratich of the . art s ind,,p paratus furni!Letl._ jeihu, g", WS' I BRIM'S, MOSS ROSE, AND BOR.—Jo la rec etved per /ICI= i hie Cutedmia, from Europe, I spleridol and choice crillectron of Gooseberry Tree., • the largest and roost excellent sorts; French Bowl. 1 hip. Rums and DV:art . /Bios Provence Roses, togethe with out lourdre4 yards of Box, the bordering . ; for sale at ROBINSON'S, Pinto stowt, near Wood, where um ; be build the handsomest and best collection of Cm ry Birds mod Binl Cages in the city, with Canary an. IlemPSeed, by the pound or bomb up 27 rro DRY GOODS AIERCH TR- A. AN A Mason • j. Co, GO Markets,, have received 6 cases ot'clies . ponied L:owns uud Marino, Creases of Fretted do, of every annoy of style, 10 Coors of goes' style Gin loons, 4du new style Print.; 4 do blue ind troop Co mum, Mr du bleached htmlim, all width. Also , eeSes bleached, brewer and blue Drill.; Cottoned., Checks, Gingham., &v. he., all of which will be offered et ll e lowest Eitilelll wholesale prices. lora ----. Piiiiiiiilaohlao Shop. : I TX WlGllTSlAN—Manufacturcr al all kindit of Cots . too and woollen nidelrinery, Allegheny city, P. The above works being oboe in lull and successor' bp maim, I urn (impanel to execute orders with dispatch fur ell kirelseirtimeldnery in ray lore, such it willow., pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding machines, radwrrys. drawing formes, cpceder.,, Ihro•sile, looms, woolen only double or single, ler merchant ur country work, mulesoucks, &c.; slate and hand lathes mad tools in giro cod. All kilo!. of oh at Mg made to order, or plea pie ce fur gearing factories or Mills ut reasonable charge. Itrym so—Kennedy, Childs & Co, ipackstock, Bell )o Co., King, Peonock & Cu., Jas. A. Gray. Nharlitgasul Owls DiresslugSuloon. 1 li k ts A l ClL Td N aut . L 0 ,L',77,1,'T.:,,Trf,411.f",P14 h ".:.1 j bLumpoeurog Saloom it the *orlon style:aad are premrol to ' waiter. graham. at CUM ,whir ase, male:rt.. pa,Crrus. They.. prepared to wait oil all that soy call without dairy,. Thauklul tor past Boors, we solicit a mallows. of the same, al our Saloum, career of UolmslretteadthaDiamaid, (back of Alm:Leder # (toy'sy7 Good. 510 e,.) 50 rte, j L,... AND BRASS FOUNDRY. FUI.TON, Dell and Urals Founrier,hes Cr built and commenced business at his old . d, here he will /02 pleased to coo his old cram snd formic . ' Church, rthramboat, and Bells 'of every CUE, from ID to Krald pounds, cast from pailcrus of the MOM nom , ed models, and warranted hs be in the bead material, Alinerul Wm, Pumps, Counters,7thiliug, AC., loge ther WIIII every cur My of Brass Cmthig... f minim], 11..4 ...11011111filVA lit the 11,01,0111160. M A. E. is ilte tole proirrictur of iioollll'sjArri-Arrm ... SM.., so 'Lowy cilebrated for she redurtim i li of oration 10 machinery. The Boxes rod Campos an can I. had of him at all 111110$. *l,ls Ploughs, Plough Castings, Wagon I.l..lsitzur, cipvEs, &C., Al' IVHOLESALIkI. Ilexes, ,ftos • ~111. M Hose nod heir Hose, far men, women and -11= ROGER rr HALL, of the old ethic ren, with it large let of Mk, command lisle thicad firm of R. &S. Had, is meerdse. Ghosts* and Mks; rust recessed Morn die importer. and , luring lathe if uao I 1 lies of for sale wholesale end mud, by Ploughs, through Castings, Wag- plat ' ', ..- ...._ ____--__ I , H EATON &Co un 10..e5,d:C.,...111i thellllo - OVCIOCII. of the Leath Peacock, lilmow, and other Ploughs, °MOW./ boil 11....113c0. I 'Warehouse, 116 I,lbofly street, Pittsburgh, oppo the Bay Scale; Fuebory, in. Allegheny clty, near Colobi (marry of Mc... lihaekstock, Bell's Co. , ': , - detely --;"; . .:: IN. at:J. GLENN, Rook Wisdom. ' - W i 5 0r Z%. '1,1, 1. ` 27. ,', 7 1 . ,',' .1 1 . 11 . 0 .:1, - ri:.7. ' „ " , ' 1:: , ` ,„7: 1 . we are prepared La du any work m our Inn, With el patch. Waatrentl to our wo r k turromally, and s lii racoon Wilt be given in tepid 10 its maim., Lail' do fatality. thank Booko ruled to any patient and balm! :11 rrmually. Mick n ru nand.. oral d books bound e o bully or raptured. Names 011 oil books in gilt lei r Those itiat have wart In our line too leveed to cal Pnce. law. . • nr7bela±l_ To Vontraolonkand 11.1 era. FOR SALE very low, to ed. de bodices de led lirat of Coodetile .1 !Wielder, Spar or Vpital Woorsof eupetior aduldstelore. tPirsi I CONSTASLI; - WWI wood JusTlltAi v lorge — suul tpleudid atscoolie of Cloths, Crovao4 lot tale by L WILLIA.SI6, Altre.l Tallot IPSO omit. blostougabble ' ' ' LYND'S CARPET 36XPORRIRI• FOURTH ST., BELOW WOOD. • T . IM Mbscliber respectfully Mee. Me attention of 1 the owners and captains 0.. beaus citizens and strmigers visiting Pittsburgh, to his lam and splendid ! stock a earpeung, now forsalo ha new /tares, Ilk greet. They entrust of every sanely 'of the latest and moot fashionable styles of Camis,Oil Cloths, lee, ever brought to the Western market. siore has been built expressly for the carpet businessoutd has, (tenant less bf expensed been fund up ibllte most magnificent Tha carpets receiving are of the talent denim with the richest and moolniliant colors. • ' • They comprise, in part. of the fo;losriugt Sorrier Tapestry, anew AP - gTgliah and Arnericaullme , sels - Intz u ertal Inundo, new she- Sagor . Ingrain; new de • gh; . Exedngratn; Plami and twilled Venitilun .Esirlsuper cord twilled do; Royal do; blimp Pelt; Abend • ut; Po l ka; lote,Ae• Wiltdm Tufted; Chenille; • - Comtism; • gut lode; I do' do . • 6 14 do der • , Cod., list, mg and hemp carpet, cowman oil aka, oil elbth table ser erworted aad linen table covets, windOw shades, coloredlerat rearting, sairrods, trimutp, carpet [dam., sad all wil tothe goods nsuelly kept in carpet stores,' all which tbe sold on as roes de toms as any ut tie city. Raving In.!. ar rangements with one oftbehugest instrusfseturers in the east, orders for style Of earpetwill be promptly for, warded by telegraph,•and delivered in one week, at A am of the menu(turm's e. paretrasing elsewhere,. wake() ponfide mmalloofoie nt cab sell 00 cheap as they can be parehawd mete eastern etties. "add JEWELRY.. =MI 01171:::21 .N.w. ra l as d ,vNiakttreet . .10 rad lever Watches; 45 siver lever Watch., f.glisli; 29 eilver &whatever snick.' eg 1 „.. silver Llkene 'watches; 95 eaves warder wale ;19 fin* gold new style earrings; 5 dosplain geld hoop ringg dos ...led !togs; 2ste— si/borna, playing. a variety of peordar aug 11 gross gee' elides, all uses. • • eANdY GOODS 5 de: fine FIIIII3, silk endpaper; i 59 doe common Pang 0 dck fine velvet bead begs, new styles; 19 Jon fine crotrket bead bags, nekr 'styles; 5 dos fine crotchet pan* new styles; kid. fine parasols, assorted; Sem,. tassels, friers*, gilt and silver, for regaling 10 do: Eke' flower yeses, assorted; dos fine Steel screw pin cosh. ions; do: fine leery screw pin cushienwr 1 don flee woosfecrear pin estAtioni. A fine assortment of new — ll:KaWeril A A Wawa tr. co, rktaburgb. Ell.l — Tl5. i C. ' New York. • A. A. slues & Cow Nek no Market Miceli - . between 3.1 and 4th sts, bast& Ra.; lave .recently opened their new and - elegant store, with au eateuare stock of rich Spring and S M ummer Goods, comprising upwards of three haw dred packagots,' of the Immo and :most fashionable' stylek, erchants througlsaut the country am partign lady myna' to call and egaminc our stock,,ai item . tulip p to offer oar goods , at the. lowest }]mein m cr e rices. One of the firm residing in. New Yo be constantly sending'us fresh supplies of Ilre MOM desirable goods, thereby siring us eve fa cility,in the transaction of our business that coa ti be possessed by Eastern Moues. Prices are therefore guaranteed to be its low bathe lowest New York and Philadelphia rote.. ap7 lITHITY: GOODS Fon DlitßiSk.--Open this mom' f ug, at W 1111111.1111 4 S Dry Goods Robs.. north Casicomer of 4th and Market sw; a full assort- . meat Of white Goods thr dresses, such as Sans Mus-. Ras, Plain sod fifth- Mull Mud do; barred Jackoneth; plain Mulls and Jimkonets. Alai to styles of goodslor Evening Dresses,iticluding a few patterns of mitire'new styles klnbroidered Muslin Robes. i" . .fry , i Near goods will he receiving daily for •'•-•,• to come, eluding newest styles 1.100. Goods, Linen and French Gingham', Prints and Elnuties, very low. blerchants are invited to ezaraine the goods and pri les la wholesale rooms, up s tain. The inmortinent arie and prices very low. ' ' L'NEN Luerers AND Guiplilol2E—W a mui . phy invites anentioe to his 05.50(11,1trtt of above good 4 of various Shades and qualities; also, damask,. figursd Linen Lustre, for Ladies' Dresses. A large as forming ol hue Dolman, Manchester, and Rene), Haigh/auto, of newest styles; also, lloylis Priuts—a lull' assortuAnt of these s - cry desirable goods, - isieludios pink, lilac, blue and ddoblc purple, of =eve and bertuu iiil palm . , brown i Fren Dress lawns—Pink, blue, lilac, bwn and butf, of west patterns and fast colors; small bgill do' foe tnfings. Also, Drillisatines, of largo unit mall bg ores, toil ladies' .d infants' dresses. . . klabrpidered Saris. dress pat:uns,_ for eve:link-Arco t ses, nes styles; colored damask nit-loons, do; and ,a full a n atant of Aissues, berages, greandioes, crisp., shawl ink, all. northeast corner o(Fourtli and Mar, tit s ure Is. - sirs' . • AlCkitti. Ton. KELLY &Co., (successors xo Robb, Wine kl !ironer A. Co.) MERCHANT TAILORS, IQ' Cheat nut strep-i, Philadelphia, beg - leato to inform the friends and patrons of the /ate firm, and almoners visiting this city, Wilt they are awn in receipt art. Spin); Anil :Jamul Fashion. r 'Also a chalet end select 11.11.011. meat o ,Westor England and 'French Cloths, Caul mere, adVestings, to which they respectfally invite their al °dots. -- . arAialbak /c, DV FXPREMS—Gents' Suanner Goods! Super sin LII g i nailed React, Debit Clothe, and rich styles' Casein: res.; Ouch and aol'il eashruerehes; Queen's acil Su flier thothe; fig'd and plain Dap d'nieE Yes doge; cry choice alurecilles, Cashmeres, Silks' and. Satins, lid lig'd Linen Mills. cheaper ye!; RUBINSON'S ClothStorti lost Du . s, arcill tte colon wcodand OM Ma SPRING Dalt GOODS ILA ELETV a WHITE, No. PO Wood street—are S sec lying a very large sad extoasive Macao( fresh Soling ry Goods ; orrery recent patches.; and bonght under e must circumstances; and which they are powered, and will sell to merchtuni, at a very small agymice on the eastern cost. We would request all merchants. visiting our city to give o• stock a fair examination, and we lee! coati• dept th . z will be entirely sutisdal of the cheapness of ours 107 DiGS--Sup Prenels.tig'd Casists,Silks, amit y ns res s and • white blersedles. cugrns—so Freac •. flesh iniponed, all Wort, qualities and - prices. CAIIiSMIERES m every style and'onaLity. CASH- M 1 - tB—Sup • silk worp. Queen , Cbuth, Summer Clan, • desirable coatis:pros genti.'svear ' as once. below y site city. 11.001NSOMS ClsithS/ore, apl7 corner ads and wood els SHACKLETT 01. h ALE DEALERS IN DRY DODDS, No. • Wood street, have ou hand, and are comma ; so ring during the buitindm mason,. a lafge and ve asrtment of DRYROODS, winch they ot , ••.• rehants at tow price!, and - reasonable terms. lug that they eau give entire . mhsfamion, they • ntly invite all lambent& vidung the city to gave nail. ap4 ly re< ./ citats I fcr to Miley confid them MASON Ze C0.,60 Market inset, are opening .IClllllie anormien of Oren tioodt,tust re. .per Expren, comprinug the largest and most able stock of Dren Donis to tie found in out angst which we meadow, 40 pa extra rich em- d tail de Cheire, a mew article,. aad the most le goals in thmiaarkett also, Beau snipe Chid ge,' re s,Tissues, Mohair %ripe, trench iSCOildll, DGOODS.—A' A ALAND:9 S. Co, CO Markel n cot, have just reed si splendid assortment ot Dress Goads, among which may be fouad—klgared, plain; 'laid and sniped !image of all wanks; silk mum mohair stripes, Unchadicrs, WWI -trips de Liable , plain do Salm, At ebonies,. Macy MIL, krencli - Jacon us, am. &a. apl9 OE3, AC.—JklesanileiteDay have now open" D a beauutal unlit stiiped and plaid lkvages, o( the tweet !maim and newest styles imported; alm, splen did ain and brooks black Iterages and Pubic., salon 'd French LAwns,Lincis-Lustres and Gingham% a full . sortinent blk, plain - mud satin stripe de /Alma and fi e Alpaca.. All here goods have been purchased at the late per amp:. auction sales in New York end Philadelphia, &veil be sold at a great reduction Dom regular prices: • ALEIXANDER A DAY, my - comer diamond and market n e II Atesanderk Day hoar received direct m the importer in New fork, tot emir* cone of. svall . to CILMOLL Crape Shawls, contalniug u couiploia altar cut of embroidered mud plain .bawl., of all co itus •nd qualities, !loin SW to t 3.4:. The 'tubes are reo pectl Ily mailed to exam:due 'these shawls, behoving that umof them tote superior Loony before offered dilsu mice, They will be sold rctunikeibly i ebeap.. ° itcrE .PORCELAIN ti - IgAlerf —Tap radiacrilici w hairint received the sole Agency for vale ofJonca, Vat c s CU'i Plate, 1/eli, Pivot, i'ibitar and bisztapt. deuces Teeth, larder Deans. , opecial attention. ' • JOEL. MOILER: Dream and Apothecary, • .cos wood and Ida ate • VES--A paid 1116011111.1 of ladies and gents lack ',Shan and colored Cotton, Lisle Thread, and l ' ldbet Gloves, lame aise., ALui, 'French Kid Gloves, an excellent article, and lines; Jail opening by • .. • SIIACKLET/: MUTE, 99 wood Guvrs AND 110SIEWS , 4ust ree'd, WU dor ia , - tX dies black, white, brawn and slate Comm Hose, ficanl cent. per pair up the fittest ilaaliiy Aim, Du due p ems Cullen Shalt Alpo; DV dos. tide, thread, salt and hues tilosesi - also,L canons Ladies Dojos hid Glove. Dealers cud utherslhat wish hoedown at the abana article., Will <hea. al up' SMITH tr. 30111ISON'S, del market st . .. ---- - S'WM 6001)8.--Stcoll Bog Clasps, do liedgoon- Tdit in ho city; Meet leads, do Bag Tuogalsi do Bo ilig do Poise Bogs; do do- Clospo- do 'fides; dn. Kay Bingo; do Top Condo; just,nreil al itie ;low Fundll 7540 , d !Matti street. yiK___ ' - . . KINSKY & KNOX'. - 111TEGOUD 3 —A tint linonment of plam. and suipodthumbriespinin and ent'rdJaconch, St2 . l. and Scot. Ltaoh Ltiehop Lawn., N w o o, ',potted Mallti Victoria Lawns, Torten. tcgethar with a onLI assortment of 80nin..., ptait and foncrltlotht, Lana:Edging., In.erungs, do. ao., all of which hare hut arrived 'froth Inc Ito ppnent, and 'for Nile low to the trade, by - ntYl7 ' 81/ACKLErf & 'WRITE WELRY—Fine Gold Miniature C..; do do Lack !'u for Hair; dodo Break Fins; do do kir Mop., Finger Bantig do do chard tam.; ear . do •kob do do • Penn. and ,Penaidio do' Bracelets'. and. pa: Those In want °lune . harelry wall 'do atilt* on at beton, parent... - - wild IMISEY & KNOX, nairket at IF:MMUS AND SHIRTINUS—AIexunderA Day hurs just received a wry superior assortment of si um/ bleached liheetilags, ot the moil selebrated misstate, of ell widths &Ad qualities; Also, blesehril brawn Meetings, of fair goditici, al Sit per MIL • `A~ l INY _. ~ r.. lYy''C'~._ VOL. X.Nr_ NO. 27:3:::‘ MEDICAL • TO THE PROFEIM•0118 AND MEMBERS 0P,T1113 .• -111:11DgCAL SOCISTMI, • •• • nether, wtr..-orrd'biligtitir • INTIM ITFXlSTAT.FsThesubsetibtr tespeel• fully ro il, your Int/11140¢ to Dr. 134amerre_Onta man, expressly intended Inc presdrvatlon or the , • health of both sexes—whether it nose* frees In Phthisis, or cut( consumpnon, Debility. of tho Lump, Bronchial Affections; Asthma, Pleurisy Deranged am, Disordered - wine C afe , e Liver, Spleen: or Kidney., h e - eased Spine, holie Despepaia,% Palpitation of the ,- • Henn-L.l oflil.cular or Nano. Pow. Am fee. DR. C. IL - BARRETT'S 'GUARDIA-MI col.a to trio immediate retie for Femalesauffering form ties, and al (other • Utotirie dithered. acid diseases men. _ dental to loatnan, whether occasioned hy acid vest feet, or any similar - tuludicknis expienri; and all this without the um of medicine; n. the most .delielne and • sensitive lady ran at soy moment apply_ lf to herself without the possibilitYpf Meaning any rink or danger, • or any unpleas.t results arisi. Mom it;and with the certainty of obtaining itamediats • ' ":"E. Dr. Barren' s Guardian hoc catch-pe.y, onel Of thin:natty honsbugs n( the day; bet ft oils.. an oraccument made upon strictly mientific principles, in accent... with the leant of Electricity and Galvanisiu; sad for • • neantrasiderability• and efficacy, - Mallet) , samamew everything oldie kind ever bethre offered to die public T:?. for the relief ofdisesse, told, in the rangirage of one ef the most enlightened menet' the-day, so .proneunced to, • be “the greatest di.ovety oft. age: , . Ajsenod of no law Man four yeah occupied • by Dr. Barrett min../ the Guardian au present state Of perfectlonring which time , it has bean is the bands °twine of the most eininent physicians of • • the North and South, us well as in the dwelhngs elms memos families, who have used it tor ail of .the above • purpows, with the most perfect streessointisho have cheerfully given their ac ed. approbation of its • • efficacy and value, e. eirbyrefening to Dismal of Insimetioni.conspenying it. •' 01. C. B. Barrett's Guardian is secured frominnovit , '; - • dons by neatens front the Oohed States Patent Otte, and be bad either with. or without his illedico-Fl.tos The Gap e bledieo-Fleetro Colrain/, in point of beau= • • • ty, workmanship, dambilimand power, emu. be SEW passed or emu ...tied, atid the minceihee feels thar hi hzards nothing la the.sertionthst it will be fon. to P a te,, too. power rinffeSeney in the creanment. one rennival dieentes;• by - Gahm.= and y, than. any other .tustnimem, - either,. the. United • States or Europe. , ThpAledieo.Elecer. Aledico-lUectro Galvanometer .-' is weromted in every respect, nudes.. common ordil wiry.. will tail a life.usee,'sod is br far Week - est, becanse the best, instrument ever offered to the • .' public. A manual accoinpanies thera,' giving the most ample. instructions, of practical experience, so thou it readityintellimble mike mind of every one, whi l e We • ••••• •dy or s is such a eat my Any Informstion grannunisly give., and al: cemum andes cheernilly answentd - per m either rola- • , don al the Mentally or Guardian. ••... • Meilical MGR are invited to call and examine Diger- . • rett's'Griardlan, .d test its efficacy. • For sale by IL RICHARDSON, sole Ageot, 71 Nar• ••• riot s; Pittsbargh. OTER 3 , 0 0 0 PERSONS in Philadelphia ' alone, C. testify , to the orenderful efficacy of Out , 2! powerful remedy, . IMOMPSONS COMPOUND SYRUP OF TANANA • WOOD NAPHTHA,. • ' , In Pulmonary. Comemptiou, Chronic Brotichitis and - "Sore Throat, nat.., Chronic Csitarrh, , Sploing: of , • . Blood, Pain in the Side and Breast, Difficalty. of . .11ternhing,•Whooping Cough, Cmep, Weak Nerves • • . and NCINFOO-STiernors, Reitman. of die 11earG,otoo, , • • .•,•• Liver Complaintiind Affection of the Kidneys. . • , This medicine, the interior of a mart who gam the subject of Pulmonary, Bratielual.d Peacoat diseases die most rigid enanintinion,has now tmen 'before the • public near four yeah. 'During this period it Una pen. tbnned sorbe oldie most reinaranble cures record of Pohnonary Consuniptionsecuont the. recommenda. lion and use of physician. to their practice, and the • vrantiest approval m tfact..ds of persons in ordinary ' .d seven Cobb, thnigus, Hoaramiess, Spitting of • . _ . About four year hot I was ettarked with that - Fever, which lest am in a Miserable gale of he in esteems debility with n gametal prostration of Om ayes tea„ with violent pains to thebonnet and Mu of appe liar, consequence of *hick I was unableum emend to • my usual betimes', or pertain any kind of Watts I ' applied to several physictans and used various red.- dtee,but without:my Wasik; iatil bad despaired Of ever oltuuniug rearepry,of my former. health. ..But scene time lam Juno I was tinted to try Thonison , a. Com pound ttyrip orrar end Wood Myths., and .itietedlble as it may appear, by the time 1 had token three haute. _ the debility, pain end every to of safeties were eumpktely removed, - and lar u able to auesur wifltaa stored health to my 111110.1.V0eatirrall. TINCLAIIDY,.. ( • Of Diekinsonlownshlp, Camberland co: • _Rend the following. tantrum*, front a respectable member of th e Society arnica's, in Poughkeepsie, N. - VALUABLE TESTIMONY. • • ' 'This - May certify that iu :the sprmu of ISIO, my health was very feenle; Doss alined milutain bathe side. with other tiltunang symptoms, andAtaMmed much' from great debility. Al that time I' pachaied tarn Mates Dume two bottles of Thomson's Compound Sy. rap of Tar and Wood ?Naha from which texperien cad . great benefit, my health being now good; 'end cheenully recommend the article w. all persons who may be suffering with the debility, vnatisymplOrmi of edseline. • •, • •.• ARAIIAIII Poughkeepsie, March Prenmed only by. Ainsext It Ilfemoo, et the E. comer of Fifth sod Spruce streets; Philo. - Sold' by I...WILCOX, pituburgbf and by.dragglsts• generally. l'rice Sal eculsoir Oct .0011nr per bottle. A STR&I.A. OR . DIFFICIILTY. OF DICETATILING., - .L 1 This disease is caused bye paroxysmal constrict awl of the air cells; it I. very debilitating, trlmast Cans. mg suffocation. DR. SWEETSER'S PANACEA Witlm. only certain cure. - floarecness can be entirely eared by a free use oittr. Sweerser's Pantmea . • . Cetera:, of common Cold; which, lf negleCied, will mradnato m' Consumption, re effectually: relieved 'and' ;rued ba.Dr.Sweaser's Panacea • Bronchitis, if unchecked, will effectually lead to Bronchial Consumption, but a timely use of Dr. Sweet . tees Panneea will effectually rose n. • Inflabotuation of the Tonsils or Sore Threat..i.-Thls disease often leads tO•teli01111 COrt!CtitidOcct from neg. t, melt on ulceration of the throat. On the first syrup. • Dr: Sweetser's Panacea should bet • procumdand used reply.' . ..Coughs - and Colds find.. sovereign remedy MTh'. 'Sweeter's Panacea. . • Pneumonia Notha—A' very fatal disease, not - thing from a violent cough and Colder* a dabilitated nr bro. ken down constimuniS aged persons ore subject to it.— Dr. Sweeter'. Panacea should be used - on the first tyroptonts, Nei:Wham a cough t:1 Cold. , Shea SwentaThildebibtantig cornploinr will meet with e timely chock, by using Do. Sweevees Panacea Comnropaoa—lf on the first A ppearance ofeonsuMP. 'dye symptoms, which are pain to the oldo and breast, 'Pg!:wining of blood, If Dr. Sweater's Panacea s .:e4 no danger need be appreheudoL , • When the Lungs, the Windpipe, or Ilronchial 'Tab. income clogged stp with phlegm SO MS to'lmpetio respi ration or breattung, Dr. Sweerser's Panacea.which is k powerful Expectorant, should bOtakbre according 'to distiessing epiffmale, so prevalent in one elimate t is speedily Dr: Sweeverbi • . Price sl43r Voule, or six babies far $9. Far sale WM. JACKSON; b 9 Liberty i!gis of ' nor:ably - Tr. - OWES LIDARHOUND :AVER; Jep. wort Cough Candy is °rend to the public -as a pleasant andeffeenve remedy forcougha, colds, hoar.. nese, Asthma, Phallic, Whoop. tougbflothtop.... Croup, Sore Throat, Bronehilia, and general erecnons of the Chest end Langs. In such ;wait ialosbmt to have adbrded decided and permanent relief, and f ro m its rapid tale and 'great success as a remedy for rho shore diseeacawbere it has been used, It proud.a to become .one of the most useful and popular aulieMea, It is offeied em, as a ptettaant reliefus the consmoptive, amine amietent to vocalists and public speaks. gen, or The name of the preparation indicate• Its leading In. gredient,'..d it will be found to be by to means un pleasant to the taste, and may be used by children and adults with entire impunity.';- materuds used in the prep.ation ale , of the' best qua li ty, and it may be to lied n. in every rospeci a pure and gamine .articla Familiesanahl‘no doubt promote their comfort and health by keepli4 a supply, especially in the emu= of Colds.' - - This valuabie Coo. Candyia considered a great sal siatant so Mothers; beingaaperior to Oil tha-pateat Ba by dampen in creation, as children wore never known to cry when this candy is used, creep% for more. .n. trig al of this article will coneince anylpereoaof Its swear and the proprietors therefore dely any pingo in the Looted Stuns as p.locsa cheaper, more &sisal, Of tactic. remedy. Sold wholesale and retadi by the YSEEL, General-Agi., H 8.11 . . minter.3d .d market xis, Malih. • • Howe &Ca., Proprietors, No 1 College 11a1/ Cinch:l! TIrraVT;SA . LT, . th the Vetter, itch, or e ettL diseases of mho Ant ' , if thry toms who would relieve and eons them. . • '1 horrible to be obligelta rub' and scratch . when glued, but room horrible to abstain from It, [fin decency sake.„l when in company. Let ' it be remembered thou 0, LEIDY'S TBTrEII. and ITCII OINTAILIST is the • most °Meadow, of any other preparation in _existence in eating the Totter,lteh, and other diseases of shoal. • ho all diseases of the skin moat arise from the impurity of Ate blood and fluids of the body,' and where such dis ease ho of to standim, and the , Blood affected sherebY, if Dr. Leidrs'Sorsepstilla Blood Ms be toed 'with tie ointment, they will care any cue WitAlbiet, 104 if they'd° nolObe money will be reMmed by Dr. Leidy. Most eases, lunvever, beedeentally,eured • hy Dr. Leidy's Tenor told It ointment, unless the. ,aw,, s y s t e m to impregnatedlry the diseased bettors which will le completely carried off from the systern h ail Dr Leidy's blood par, end the surface of the Skirt ed UT the ointment. P ew? ointment IS eellta • A fresh sceptre/ thew? valuable Medicine. just to. oslerd gad 6r sob b lf A PAILNIiMICIC to f.W__earl Lilt. areal, also cor.eth &Wood stn. .-. Dr. W. P. IsklingPA Premium Plaster. DR. w. INlsAbil.l, ord. dical College 14 actelphis, now offers to th p ub! ic tea Behan Veg.. emble Preminto Plaster, the Onslities of which., after long and tried erpen k enee,os been suisaisionty to tahtuhed. To an women who may, be allieted with Prolapses Merin oy Pollee Womb, he recommends his plaster, guarsetemng. • sure and speedy cumin the short space of from two to I.hie ' applied with core rind rest—direardiny sill the countless inlitirdnientS nod menials* bandsges so long insm, This (o feels consmenueusin statuag. butunuelt as lie has not failed' M one ease oat of three hundred sad fumy-three Pa neuu •Al. for Rlteumatuun nisi Weak Breast or Back, at r tended with pain, there is nothing to erne! Bile Plaster in et:Cording ,corner effecting core - .For Wei by I. Wilcox, corner °CI/teamed and Market at Braun le Reiter; '` Liberty and St. PIIIT US' . • • ' Dr Sargent. " .Federal anator Dismon4Alle gtterty city JacClocs Al; Co, '“ Denman and Diamilitd,Dirdzinc-: hem.- .117EVF,R 'permit soy one to palm off upon you the 13 venous worthless mixturexpreparid byertenyrlnrj J. ignorant of the venues of medicine,, and hase4dbuite welt the principles of compounding them, eeek *MY to Ell their pockets with unlawful gain. IL A. Fantle- ' stock's Vertnifuge has-tor many yenrs been knotifn to s the POWs as a destroyer or wormy sod as sash, 'always ataimalnednhe highest repotattea, oral him been cousldered by the people as the only meatethe tbat wilt ertainly sine' worms.. If they exist in the system, they are brought out without thit.'"None . are gehnine, ' unless' the tame A. Patuu-stoek;•Fistslitirghi i P.. Is on the wfsppers. 1: 124 it ' frequently-Cutestr7 - re t' s L' A the *MIL They are often •Or cum!' - Amu' sine and leimutimismioffaratti ben'em4 -tablet. Itti• in the Stolo,lca, genera+ ptComes de,the en noebied,'silitst the lymph:des are continually aegremung, relict nk' es dmllsrenni. omen theautteong..-S 10.. {/ ..can bett mmour in tn. , . • 6.4.7 's Yer}ainuga 1.0 tkg desitoyvd, , velfl 1.4 • charged to de lae tqe• 64d . • v . ,t.i , 4= t . , 0i,i i7.,,-•?:-''.'g_3,:f,V4 •",Ig . zl