ipti.4viizi at, at): VEVA 'ALVA ,BY kaarreus BROOKS A. Co: • • PITTAILIIII/011s OiVEDNESDAY MOUND:G. lOND R 2. OM" ylimanscranktu. acing=acing= ru . AUXBIOIIII. -- Adaardamaaa and Sabmaxadatenie Nonlasadr tan an& tredied dhase•Oansua PmlWdDhia r received MVO/ TOE= irsrams... _ rsesivlD and forward free of expene, ed 'minimum:Ma and sot saipticnts ger this para. . PPM= hrsivioni Datur chumna te putelelied Tereekly, eta Wesekly.—Tive E Duly . ts Seven. Del W lass pet warm; tb• VW...4 1 17 ln wow the Wpekly Is Tine Dollars peruteleF, et, ICTAirrzeinas an windy monad the heed in NV tams before If. shiend as early in to dap es F tairsiCosesievelal lintßigenee.Doceestie, Mar pm, River Nitre, Wipers., Money-Market; k.c. eeo WIN Me. • Denim:l.l.llQlicraig*Rlanitnatlensi FOR PRIZIMMTR TAYLOR, FOE VICE PE.&' , EDFP.IT, I. — FoltemuLommaemmtEit, !heft .1111DIDLZIWARTII,' Asi ale mid .Wig Iltamtiodons FOR CONORESS,• • • • 310 . 13E11 igAisp.rcks, 701 LOSSUBLIf7 • tzwis c,ziosbc, of Italians. CHRISTLIN BNIVELY, bf §IVARTZWELDEIL Or Pittsburgh. HENRY LARGE, of !Min.' lIEREEWI NIXON, of Lower R. Clair. • JOHN SCOTT, of Rosa :. <LW 07 illl mesa DANIEL wcußoy, of Elizabeth Borou , THOMAS kAIRMAN, Of Pittsburgh. acmcoti :JOHN E, FOSTER, of Baldwin. , rditional paiiespialites of the Pitutbarg4 Goalie ■shies& against the Whigs, ~ • - 'Warms:von Jane 16, Pan ia a. mutinied effort on the part of the "Loan Porn' ," and the uncompromising oppo. wr'thi riGeneridTAYkrriziral upon a third Pull orgaziliniom. Blechinery of an sorts in put to .„. . work,and it is demonsirated that others thanthe two greet patina knew how to pull wires, and 'neat disconl when any-thing;is to be ginned thereby.; The third party movements in Ohio and Idrateaclumens, however, were all independent of dirt risemiriatans at Philadelphia, andwould Lan been personnel in, had !in result been different from what it is. The call from Ohio was :Land by threethoosand Abolitionists, and others, a month belrma the mectiug of the Philadelphia Convention. Sci atlldnuichu and the Mr. Wilson, whose Amer& see announced, had prepared for this op ? Slain in any event, if an out and out Abolition: in Was . not nominated. • I cannot sea u , pqn what principle orcommpn =taw or common honor, men • can perticiPate in the action ofn National Conve. non, and then nine to acquiesce in it, because 'their own favorite candidate is not nominated.— Upon the nine prinCiple Gen.' Taylor's friends might Inn rbolted,” and the Convention cane to a imad understanding with them' upon this point, bens 'thn.would act in concert. From this evidences of pullic opinion now in ',lhis city, and particularly from the free Sintes,tbnie is saisioubt.tbat the Feat body of the Whig pony , will rally ripen the Whig nonlineea * New York ii netts n An* lira by an overwhelming vote, or is no truth in man. Pennsylvania ni mare certain for him than it was for Harrison, io lnia, and he peinocrano Members orCongress from the Fey Stone tremble es they anticipate the malt-- Thai will try to arrest it, WS cannopuccaed, tor .-ia the choice between * Taenon an . Cass, every VAinking #lll muss see the immeur odds in favor of the *zippiest man, flat honest wl&er,sind the Iran patzice. ilium can we of the West, with i Protec tive-Pelf to secnrewith Riven and Harbors io improve; with a couch' , to serve and rave by re• tistsmas to Executive tyranny and despotic power, denten , in such emote - 11h'. Who will rally recess , folly upon the-tide of the.oncintry, if party (action, madoessios partyditappointmenharomadeto con - triate to the perpetuation of a dynasty like that Gait which the country has sulleral for the last four yetsa Let Anti Slavery men and Peace min beware, as they value the blessings of Peace aid Fteedom,how they coraribute,incidenudly and trulirealy;lo the. present elate of things. Such warnings trutyltiunnocesuuy,bmit is imposaibleto be blind to the efforts malting bete at the aeat of . Chstr!,ntmera, by all sorts of combinations and al. - lietwes so drive Whip into organisatkios which are jell], eillonly, and call continually. Some of Pas !schemes are, seeking to unite disaffeciest men of both 'piglet, and I hear diefneßf §enatot Ntian,af Cond., mentioned as • pastille candida4 Ice the Pretidency from the free ststat, on the part Of those who seek to break down presentingena intim& • Congreas lute_.given the day to Private thro' bet: fe;ihaee pamd. All is !Tale a the Wir Department in prepare ilium Miami for di banding the Army.- The rev' lars,'lwnveirer, find no relief, and will be sent main .ly upon the frontier station.. The demands of the Government tipon the Army and Navy ere most inexorable, and relief Gum its exactions under the new organization, will be more occasional than er • Cr., 1 Patent. Oates Report. Hone or RarainscriaTrecs, Washington, Jane 7d, I 91& . •E. Benoze, Eeq..—Sin--Cortgretz recently pws. ed a law authorising the publication and binding of a large number of the Patent Office Report. for - "the year 1947. The number to bepublished will place at the disposal et each member of Congress • between three and tour hundred copies of a most intelvallag and neatly bound volume, containing over 60Q paps. This work is printed rind bound et the phltlic pease, and should Ito dis es of in a manner best • calculated to promble die posed public good. To this • • end, I would suggest, that the School Directors of each district In Allegheny county, or such other • persons collie citizens may appoint, should take immediate measuies toestablish in each district, a • - public Library, where these and other public doe - umenla could be placed, and than become accesii - hints) ill the inhabitants of the district. , • This would -f orm a nucleus wound which I would hope to see gathered, • large and value. hle asentment of popular, interesting and useful , works. Moreover, I hope befimit; long, to see a Hoene Departmenteamblished bit this Govemment.l ix the colleMion and diffusion of information and statimies, on the sulgeet of agriculture, runnel.. ~• tares, and the indawry and enterprise al the coon try Paerally. ' I will not enlargeon this sithjeci at present. I leave it to the wisdom of the people to give to Use 'naval= such consideration_en, may think proper. Vay'respectfulist, yours, HAMPTON. Mr. Ilsarnme to ourajudgment has shown the grog spirit of a Representative, in placing the books vmed by Congress at the disposal of his comsat. eats. They are paid in from the public" treasury, and should be distributed for the common good. where theywill he of the most service to aIL It is usual far members to receive a great many value . Us Books in the course of* session. enough to add • an troportan - t value to any public library, or to snit' ke the valuable nucleus of a net's msocin. F Om. • vdered to be The /Vent Office Reports are onto, to . bo ed,byCongeea ; forthefirstTime, and will be wet out therekire, in iegbpd state CmAneservution. We know of no way In which they can be as &gunny ,"distributed, oe-. as satiolmorily, or where they can does much (Oa:4 as in the manner pro• read, and we hope the plan recommended for Melting theta by schiNat districts may be adopt: 2 In ell the school dietncis of New York, and in mini in New England, there are valuable School Libraries; and it would be areal service, not only ea children; yonitg In yews, hat to children of the burg growth, if good libraries could be 'ennbliab• ed every school - district or the Union. . Catinnt Barrel 'noun Lrives Cm—The Port. laud, (daine)'.ddrertiSer well says: "We would sitter, ten dates over, that john C. Calhoun should •b. Proitient than Lewis Cass. Ig Mr. Calhoun sr ithoohl have a neieetneeeit rtmo it is true, but wrerthelless, a mach more honorable roan, and a *lsom friend of peace. Bat there . /abut little in det public life of Mr. Cus to command either re. ".' aff'4 or e n t bi is M , •;„ "Vossolfsionsoctreysior eGot. Jilmageu. • •-•tiettoos nrcedred in New . York, hum Monitmlbo, t dared Int ta,stetes Monsgs'• troops (which st . thelast animus, vier, within . * shots &once urged cipr,) had met with a decided repulse from the Marscrao, peopla iud dun upwards of 1900 ~vforo___ takes pdscinets and ithinin number killed.— j:Dropertiettlate are Orem 1 4=r i =!== . The opposithori to: the Whig noogoatioa, by i 'poritog ottlieptok eee dfy ciaywhigiiaN. F York City, is assuming a ,fictioim character, :which de stroyi4/Ithe , ;respect one =light inlierafise• kel for an bOnest Marencerof opinion,lin ,regard to the beg shodidsite for the siirl l Sint of khe pony. " • A meeting was held in that e 4, on Friday even. ing lait, of so anomalous a char. ter, that the cdi. torii there seem undecided sob name to give h. The ' Cann", uys it will not so ;far disparage the Whig!, party as to mill it it Whig 'meeting; and the Commercial says, 'a Whfg meeting it certatairw. not.' 'The' Thlinree calls it, 'it Whig city meeting: It was called by the Delegates of the city to the Whig National Convention,to repOrt their doings— but as it was andenaoOLl before band, that the nc mit:unions would be opposed, those who abide by the nominations were advised to stay away. The meeting was not large—the Tribune says three thousand—but it was sufficiently disorderly, and broke up in a sort of a row., . The meeting was organized by the appointment of Philip W. Kansas Chairman; md Messrs. Rial beet D. Holmes, C. AL K. Paulson, and Meccas D. flaruck as Secretaries. The first itpdakeriwee Mr. N. 13. Meet, wht, pre noted or length the Report of the City Delegates to the late National Convention at Philadelphia:— The speaker complained much of the proceedings of the Convention, but in closirre, declared his in tention of nbidiug by its decision. Horace Greely, of the Tribune, followed, and as he deservedly has many warm triends in this'nee tion, who are anxious to knowwhat course he in tends to pursue, we copy the soliohkof his remarks, ns reported for his own paper. 'H. Greeley, being called for, said in substance: I an glad, fellow citizens. of this opportunity to bear testimony, to the fidelity, zeal, nod efficiency. of your Relegates at Philadelphia in the support of our great leader and champion, hoary Clay. It Was through no Malt of theirs that he is not again our candidate. I have listened with interest to their report, as presented by Mr. Blunt, and can attest its general faithfuhices. Ido not, however, no fully concur in the conclusion, that the condi. dates nominated must necessanly be supported, even by the Delegates, merely &Tows they have , been nominated. I understand our obligation to support the candidates nominated by a Whig Con vention to be based uponand measured by the fact that such candidates embody and are identified with great =dinel principles of nor party. [Gener al assent.] If General Taylorsliall thus consent to be the Whigeandidate,whatever our personal pm ferences, I feel bound to support him. [Murmurs of dissent.] But if he choose to stand on ..No Party . grounif"--to run as the candidate equally of nil the parties'that shall see fit to nominate him—and re fuse to stand the exponent of Whig principles—. I cannot see how Whigs can be bound by o Whiz nomination to support him. ]Applun.e.] lint, with the defeat of Mr. Cloy, I have cemed to seek or 'desire to lend public opinion in this reinter. I wait the action of the Whig party nod of the friends with whom I have hitherto acted, rather trilling to he governed by than solicitous to shops that action. To this succeeded a repetition of cheep: and tu. Multuous cries, which ceased on the appearonce of Hon:Dudley Selden on the szano. He artnouncediltis intentioa of env:clog Taylor and Fillmore to the last, end „amidst tremendous confusion and boisp,said—' I nominate Henry Clav as our ran didaus*r the Presidency.' Thir was received, says the , Tribune, 'with tret..adou, cheenag which continued a long tunic: No man wJI regent this mole than Mr. Clay himself. Governor' Jones, of Tennessee, was then intro, dtteed:M the meeting. lie, however. declined la king nay part in the present pro,eedings, and de clared his intention of making his pcsit,on Loosen to the Whig.: of Teromosce. An elihri was made to pass some resolutions, hut the confu•ion ed to increase,' until the stand was. two down in Is zs*. The Courier says a great ninabcr L COa were present, and that the Cason Ranier Do:xi...- tiet was large and noisy. Notwithstanding these unhappy Milken: es. in the city, and a very few murmurs of d,content in other parts, there is no doubt that Taylor and Fill more,will carry. New Yurk.by an overwhelming Majority. The Whig Press of the Sur, ha,. with great unanimity and zeal, with the emeontlan of the Tribune, 31 far as we have * seen. entered upon the support of the Whig noun/Unions, and the well known and leading Whip of the Stale. also tAI-e the same course. We have already given loiters front several. and -we append another from that well known, and justly admired, and leading Whig, Wm. H.tieward: Atmcr,v, Junel3, GvaLsnrm—Yonir letter in behal f of the Wi General Committee of th e Cityof New Tee, tavl. ling me to attend and address lb:. Whs.. :I`l4F;s Meeting to be held in that city to morrow, bits been received. The inttl-rening time will be too short to permit a compliance with an invitation whiclt mophes much respect I cannot, however, pass by sun. able an occasion cm- expressing my cordial eNtil. escence in the nominations made in Philadelphia. I shall cheerfully give to the nominations my support, confiding in the eminent abilities and mn tun of the candidates, M the wisdom and patr:ot: ism of the Convention by whom they were neon: acted, and. in the known aeration of be Whir party to the maintenance of law and public order —the fosterinfof NatMrial In,hi.try--the Onprove• meet or the National Ite,ourccs--the preiervnlion of Peace, by the exercise of justice and in,ider, lion in nor foreign relations--the equal .prnlcelmn of individual rights, nod the constant melioration and ultimate removal of all lan, and OlrOtirOnnr oppressive upon any class of mankind. I am, Gentlemen. Wall greet respect, Your humble servant, WILLIAM IL SEWARD. J.•IL Hobart Hawn, Joseph IL Taylvr, ftrid Rnyai H. Thayer, Committee of Carre,pondetTe, tee. Gen. Cats arrived in Clevelonil, on lost Thurs. day afterwoon, and was received with civil cod mil itary honors, and was escorted to his 'lodgings. at the New England House. Soon after his arrival he appeared on the balcony, where he was intro duced to the people, by Judge Wood, who among other things told, him, that the peop6 would L•t!f' glad to hear his sentiments on the Unproven:lea' of Western Rivers and Harbors, and on the Extension of Slavery. In his reply, the General blinked both Limbo ime • thins. The True Democrat says, that in his reply. "he spoke about crowing the OhinWheit the. try was a widerness, inhabited by sa r engest of en during the ha rdshitii; °film early sertleinent; of bar ing served his country long, in peace and war, at home and abroad, ke. (Some wag ruggested that all that might be a good reason far passing the li for a contribution, but none for making him Pres, dent.) As to the Harbor improvements and the 'Wilritot'Proviso, he referred them to his votes, and gave them tin understand if that was oat scusLic ory, they must wait fir to inaugural for an am sorer.!' The Herald sap, that after ineetinq Wood's posers on the subjects of Western improve_ meats and Slavery, with the:tnost unequivceal eva., sion, be proceeded us follows: "Flora Ciriaeue. So long as - we are all blesmil with the bappyl privilege of speaking and acting with (reagent oh topics of public pulley; r.n long Will elm eiliZeLle be divided in peliiical sentiment 60 long will they be separated into different partles each struggling, Air the 'muter)y. This state of things is unavoidable in a free government--st May i.e called the tux paid by Freedom. Therills oat. Le. fore you a severe eAnltt,t; bill the pruspeet 14 It cheering one. Go on, and our triumph, will be an approyul of the course of the prpent adinuil.trk Con, and will give direction to the one which shell succeed." So, here it is, Gm Cass's election is to be a rat. Mention by the people, of all the nets of the present destructive administration—the 31esierin War. the , Eateusion of Slavery, the two hundred million . , of deLt, the Veto of river nod harbor I/ilk, the ths graceful coupe on the Oreiton question, the do. struction of the 'TaritT of 'l2, and the hundred other evils inflicted Upon the country, by Polk, Wallies, du Co. t. Not only so - -tnarkihe words—the approval of the course of the present administration, by hp election, says Gra. Cast, .wili per throw:on it; the one whist Ad/ enter f.'" All the evil+ of the tires. •ent administration We' to be perpetuated. We are to have another ward:wing, 01l N orth . Am , r i,,, an. .e.‘ing,,:avwtexten . dinc, improvement of river and hartior.vetoing, debtecontra: ring and home-labor pmstrating administration! Are rho people of the North prepared fur this!—if not, vote fur Taylor nod Tips treaty of Peace, it seems, was not received in Washington, by Major Graham, as stated. Ile left the • city of Mexico before the ratification had reached there. The Baltimore Patriot, however, 'of Saturday ellernoon, states that a despatch had beep received in that city, on dint morning, bring , big intelligence that Mr. Buchanan Las official let teft'from Messn, Sevier and Clifford, the S • Commissioners, informing our Government of the ratification of the bfezican treaty. Since the above was written the N. Y. Courier. brings the following official announcement : We are indebted to the Collector of this. Port for the following important notification: WAlntscruoir, June itith,l6lS, Treater, Department, Friday,-Tune 16., Official ugelligence from Queretaro of ilia ratifi• calk:mei theTreaty-oircace with Mexico, has just been i»mmutiicded to this-Department in Mc despatch to the Secretary or State from our Com missioners, Messrs. Sevier and CliiTord. R. A WALKER, Sec), Treas. • G encralMaehairy•Taiyacia, •- ' -- NCNi - that Gen. Tlylor is the Whig Mutt Hate for :Presidni, it is pioper that the people should !apt his character as a Plan, and cairn:we much nth. 'take, the more he is known, the better he will be liked. The following article was published some weeks since, in the Bostori ' Trayeller—s paper of high moraLeharecter, which takes no sides in pot iticstiThe writer evidently speaks from positive knowledge: Messrs. Edi!ors.-1 do not know in what esti.a• tion you hold Gem Taylor in a political point of view, and do not know as you prefer him to Mr. . Clay. or that you would support Ins claims to the Presidency, or co:taller him as in iny degree quali fied far that of.. lint I believe you would be willing to do him justice a 3 a man. Let him be ! as he may, he ought riot to be charged with crimes and conduct of which he is not•guilty. Gen. Tar lox has rendered some service to his inalilitlt."lle - hasbeien.honored (or that service. His name, witiMut bin knowledge it first, has been misprinted with' , ilie Presidency of the Union. Ile hail already .felts e : penalty which is paid for such dikinction. -Ilia private Ine-at once becomes public,-01l the evil he has done in his lifetime is spread out before oilmen. Acts and deeds repugnant to his nature, are ascribed to hint—his morel character in admil• ed with the voice of a trumpet—Me del.ce let , bin nod hardly heard. With permission, I wish to bey a few things in respect to General Taylor.— They may be inter.ting—they may do some jure tier to the character of a worthy man. Gen. Taylor is a male of medium stature, large frame, with a massive chest and shoulders, and though not imposing when on the ground, ha ap pears thielyinu horseback. From long exposure to the climate of Florida and the far South, his. Com plexion is almost the color of ranhomtny. The sane muse bas effected his eye-sight, and helms formed the habltof.half cloning his eyes. lie looks, when not in conversation, as if he was quizzing some, one; but when engaged in conversation, his eyed sparkle, and his lace lights up with iutelligence. 7 . Ile is exceedingly fascination in social life. flair and.unassoming in his appearance and manners ; he reminds one of a New Hampshire farmer, who had seen ranch bard toil. Ile is distinguished for great common sense, for modesty in the utter ance of his opinions, and great gmtness in ad.. ring to tharwhich he conceives to be right. Soft& -senni ago Ire woo called to Washington to unravel some perplexing matters in connection with the Indian Department. He displayed inch profound knowledge of that whole ilepartmeet, he undid the knotty question,yrith such dexterity, and display ed such strong common sense and practical Wis dom, that a bureau was offered to hint in that de partment, but declined. • Mita:Mir relations an, honorable—Mrs. Taylor is one of the most elegant - women in the army. And that is great noise; Far tome of 'the most ele gent nod necointilished Indies in Itie country arc united in marriage to our army. She inelegant in lice person .d her manners; a lady of humble, bit decWed piety, being a member of the Episcopal ff Much. His sou has recently graduated from 'fide College. His daughter is distinguished for ticeomplishineuts and beauty. She has declined attars from loony of the °dicers of the, army, In' dish to the desire of her father, who does not •ish to see her married to a wilier. Gen. Taylor is not e profane num. Ile has been .•• red of profaneness. Words said to have twat altered by hint on the geld of blade have gone through the Union. But no one who knows Gen. Taylor believes such a report. Men who hove been synth him in scenes most trying, under eirmunstan. I es, the most provoking, never heard hint utter an oath: he refrains, front principle. Gear Taylor was two years in a furl as the corn. mender of . 10190 men, runny of whom were anrong the worst of the race, iu that, swearing le. as earn , gion es plumes; the very moral sense seemed to rlaniand an oath n test of a gentleman. The chaplain Übe 'um, with .Gen. Taylor during the whole wmmauJ , nud saw him under eirctinistan ees of tire greatest provocation, toys hr never heard an nom front his lips. Ilia principles and praotice iu this respect are known to the whole ar my. Gem. Taylor in a strict teetotaller. He conforms to the castor otl6c =my, and keeps on his side hoard such Immirs as are drank in tire army; but he plestieslitsideers o n ly in cold water. At the of it ),rade. i it is etiquette on the part of the odicers to call at the headeuartert and pay respect le the Gomi - onntler , in.Ciiti-l. It is et .p.iette on the hurl of the tkenulantler to Clow the Otlierri to drank iris health.' It by teen (Inc. Taylor's run min tar years in poer out Ins glass oreold water, turd dunk the health of the staff ,n that alone. When he ns%innerl the command of gat Snap, he found latenaperance in be the peevailmg :nti.ro-nororot and Ines had been ex. lmu.f.l. It was prrlX,Cii to attempt to reform the men. Gen. Taylor geed Me chaplain his warm carper... by atithably'aml canonic.- Aud ali know that m the army ofttlaM,T . can Le done with. t the col ci tge .....ranmullrr A eitanie watt seen at ~ n rc cad . 1 a !CI, thin two Years, more than GJD reartard men caorchidila procession wall badjes !Md:Anal,. Some of them echo joined tar error . hi' the:, intemperance, obtained their dtsebarge Gee:Taylor, nufl recanted home to their fantihes.mber tees. Some of them act.M good !Asp Boston at this prerent time. Goa. Taylor ;.1 a frfend tyl the :Sabbath anal 4t pubhc worship. canner judge men severely who are fa the Lands of nommface.. m Gen. Tay was. at New Orleans a few months ago. By .uols a rifled. tl. Adorn.. Mr. Wchater. and alters, must be set 'flown as enemies to the Sabbath. A samae act, over which. a. rallthe arm, they had no otdr.d. must torch Inere than a Meg Lk. It is a C. 11114011 thing for officers In the army to take en ereaMoa the oinftham, by walling or MIN: after public worshm. Inamfg the whole tics he was at f. at Jesup, Lie chaplain 'S.F.) he never tIV , Gen. Taylor riateg for eseretse, nor tat much in tralktng betas his quarters. • die regarded the Sabbath as essential to good order and morals, and he threw - the force of his example fully 16 as favor. Ile was regular and devout at puhlte worship. Whenever the chaplain ,preached, whoever °lle was absent. Gen Taylor was in his place. in polates Gen. Taylor la a Witt; to be has ever beta remmled. The army- is' o place to xis. gni, n MAO'S morals, his politics or his relimon.— A. thousand of sixteen hundred ruin onallned for yearsja a small fort will learn tacit other's °pat io... '1 and decided, but moderate, Gen. Tay. or ha. always been hunt as a \Vhig. some of his stall stern cm:ant politimana, Gen. Twiggy for example.. Sating en a log or a camp stool, the polams of the COMM"' have been discussed by Gen. Taylor and his warm. Huth Democrats and Whigs have regarded lion as n Whig. The fact that he bore a shofroth...Hi would an soon hare been disputed as Ms pl.:110111a pOlitics. TAYLOR a Shiro.- 7 A large and enthusiastic Whig Irdnicatiou Meeting was held sa Steuben ville, on last Saturday evening. Nearly every scanty and every mesa in Ohio has responded to the Whig nominations. Ohio, we think, may now lie considered safe Gtr Taylor and Fillmore. The Cincinnati Atlas remarks: 'The Crisis is post. The thing ie virtually not. tied. The fears of our friends and the hopes of: our enemies concerning the receptioti which the Whigs of Ohio would give to the nominations of tho Wl:ig National Convention, lift abbe passing away. It is nestled that the Whig preen of Ohio will du its duly; the \Vhig masses of Ohio will do their duty,iand the vocal . ' the State will be cast decisively quid emphatically in favor of Taylor and iWe have heard:from all the great are. [ions of the Stateilist, West., North, and South. The great body of the party is every where ready to give tip Peratinal prelitriinces to the emergency of the bws, and the good of the cause. A few yet hesitate, but they grow fewer every day; and oohed a little more time fir mkt .nsiderstion has been given. they will be few indeed.' The only portion of the State in which there is any serious °pi...Cr". in the Western Reserve; hut this hi doily growing hiss. The opposition would have been ahout the smile, i ad Mr. Clay been no. tnianted. Mr:tiiildnuts deelated, in a speech in his district, lately, that he could not support Mr. Clay. There is a 'good deal of restiiieness already manifested by the Whigs who have resisted the nominations, on account of their , association with Liberty . men. and olio, small ultra parties. They say they intend to support the regular Whig min ty ord. if they Jo, thief trill be found, before November, the foremost in the fight fur Taylor and As the contest is between Taylor and Coes, they cannot help choosing !Old Rough and liendyLiu preference. =E!!! We learn fruit the Waahington Union, of l'un day inst—(kir strange ash may woad in theear'S'of this'newspaper organ of this goy.' eminent is published on Sunday morningq—that. at 3 ochwk, inn Saturday ahernoun, the sealed bids fur the than of ,igteen millions of dollars were or anted 1.4. Mr. Young, chief clerk of the Treasury. in the Resetice of the Secretary, of the heads of Istrennaiol the principal bidders, and apectaturs, in the large entrance hail of the Treasury Wpart. merit. The tune taken up in opening and nriang, ins' the bids NVU3niore than two hours. Thu total amount hid was 530,333,1.10, nearly every dollar at a preitiistu. The' whole . loan Was bid for .in the nettle of i‘Coreriran Sc Riggs, for,theruselves, Baring• Brothers t: Co, of .I,ndon, and others," at tr pre. untiesof x32]00, the premium offered by them above. par amounting to 5163,200. They were the 'highest bidders fur about 51.1,000,000 i the remain• ing $•{000)100 bringing a premium ranging from 3 th) m t 5100. Thu Lola] ressitteittili*ed is idiom halfa tndlion of dollarr Cossix-neur roe TATIML—Ad the Whig pa. pars in Cunnecticet have endorsed the nomine• tines of the Philadelphia Convention.. So far as Connecticut la concerrned there need bo no fear of the result. She will proudly beardlp the Whig banner, and give to TAYLOR. and Fim..noxe nex fall a majority worthy.of her bra days. The Senate has confirmed the appointment of Luna Toucey, of Connecticut, as Attorney General of the United States lathe place of Nathan Chtlbrd, retained. The Senate has also continued the appointment of Arthur r. Bagby, Envoy and Minister to Russia, vice Ralph J. Ingersoll, recalled at hie own request; and Calvin Id. Ingersoll as Secretory of L-811 /UM to the Russian Mission. -,:. _.., .Local Court of Quarter Sessions . Afternoon of IV 0 n y —The next . thing Mag are pearml wail' the case of an humming swain named weaver' from.the neighborhood of Brookville; Jetrenort county, who claimed security to, his pee , son agaiiiian individnal of the naroirofFratopum from the same place. I .tappeinthatpooriVeaver loot bb wife once upon a tine , in an affair , d'aisour, and th4t. •Framptin was suspected of berm; too kind a .neighbor in this matter.. The matins of Weaver wished to show that he could cotton° hii harp to the dulcet strains of . "I'll weave my love a garland A sweet flower geekandr and his testimony in relatinti to lodging provided by his wife file Frampton, had induced him to console himeelfi as a philosopher should do, ii7there be any such thing as philosophy in love affairs, and accordingly Mr. Weaver has come tothe concha.. man, "there ta ns good fish in the SCI as ever was caught," only he did not wish to have his nerves further disturbed by threats to kill and murder which Frampton had sworn to execute. it apkared in evidence that the present coin. plaint leas a cordial:rim of an old =ape that happened is the country,' and that there remains upon We criminal calendar (of Jeffinvott county a charge for anfrery, to be sealed by the aid of a Court and Jury, for the benefit of the pnesent lie" gaab , Inch of the ' part*, a was direcied to enter into recognizance to keep the peace, and each to pay his own costs. Behnke:Myer vs Blackmaee of Birmingham for surety el peace, eame up in order.- The pevor cuter it wan thought injured his case by a show of feeling, not the most favorable in a Court. Black, more was sentenced to pay the costs. Yeseerday Foreasen.—The President and AOOO. Mates present. Tila ease of die Commonwealth v. Alesmtder M'Clurg, fora libel on W. ht. Foster, late. keeper.. of the Athenaeum, occupied the ineaoda.. The emir wan ably defended by Messrs. Darragh and William; who gave tha law . of libel in eaten. so. The Judge, however, repeated what Lord Mansfield said many years age, that it is a hlel to speak the truth of, and concentie.g, anyone where its tendency leads to a breach of the peace. The jury frond the defendant guilty. Afternoon Sessian.--Sundtv mesa =auk and battery came up in the afternoon. • • Commonwealth a; Thad. S. Bell, of Manchester Ile ,pleaded guilty, on a charge of assault and bat- Eery au Wm. Locks, EM. Fined SCX:r and cords— /dr amt of funds he was rent to mil. Commonwealth va. C.l:l:ie. Deraidant plead guilty 112 a caw of assault. d lawary. Fined 00 and cogs. Commonwealth vs. Franey—also a charge of assault and batter. Fined WO and costs. We might tabs occasion to remark: that the de. readmits in all the abotte eases should parka an in- dictment against his majesty. King Alcohol, be •brigglng them into such troubles. There was filthy case of an swinish awl battery between Germans of the names of Housback and Eggu. The harden of complaint vas, that one woman had swept data upon l the steps of the cons. plateaut, vhro, in ,return, said that her neighbor— the defendant—was no better than she ought to be, and used some other language not to be repeated. To sustain the complaiat übout this trill,. some amen of mothers occupied the seats within the bar, to the neglect of their domestio duties et home. Denci-sairt ra Arsacuray.—The hot weather appear. not to affect much the rascals that infest our aster city. On Sunday eight Most, the dwelling house of Mr. Morgan, residing tithe bead of Mid' die alley, was entered by a burglar at a window of the lower story. He toad, noise enough terwate MAI : Morgan, who awoke her husband, and be drove the scamp out of his house, ash no plunder except one dollar—and that a countirfeit Mr. Samuel MlZain'a house wan : also entered. on the name night, doubtless by the same fellow, and ransacked thottingWy, and robbed of taken from the pocket of an apprentice oflfr Calla cher. named James Barrett, who boarded in the house. Mrs. ME:aiu was awakened by the fel loa'eearch:og under the pillow of her bed, and was' ea frightened that she could not give warning to . her husband until the rascal bad etade Ida escape. Waxamr--Yeaterday, lodge Patton ordend the Clerk of the Quarter Sessions to record a Gus' of 520 on cut absent juror. 'Under this judgment or Jeerer of the Court, about twenty will suffer, in the language of the Corr, the paim and peeatties that neglect of attendance. Prom the Ilolltileysborg T lIE .PILLOW.O ACE• eT LAJTItIOW 0.111.7 T. Our Army. in a dreadful eitir It mill not be denied. A rate that holds a lolly place Among the can tried; A ease without a pantie! Amongst Lie human race, A esse---rnost tenable to tell— . A mondroue---Pillow-ease. old Siva—a man of wine renown.— The chid of Lundy'. Lane, Who taught the Mezteaus to walk Right Spani.h ttt New•Spitbli 111.1 services art all forgot, Ilia person In dtsgrace For 3darcy's almost smothered Scott, Within this pillow cnse. • our officers are tried and true • Our Army brave and hold, And there the owe. and conduct too Of Pane is enrolled, And now among our friends and gets, In triumph or disgrace, Whereer this monstroull pillor guns Well'have a Ptllmmuaae. 0 long in monumental lama MailPoliCs transaction* stand;. Santa Wh o Anon gate ■ pan, • And Pillow a command, •Ju.t draw the contrast, fnends, I beg, Betweettilids.lovely brace,— The hero of the wooden kg, And oi—bas - Cocustett—Ltaraorm. Accinaneo—We ate pained in being called on to record another swami. boat disaster,ly Which several persons, it is Buy, owed, last their live,. On the night of the ldth mst, an the Snitana, bound from New Orlnas In this port, was ascending the chute of Island - No. 35, about sta miles below Randolph, her officers , described a boat descending, and -immediately made every exertion to avoid a 1,011.1i011. The descending boat, however, miataking probably the movement of the Sahara, changed her course in each a manner ati to run across the bows of the ascending teat The engines of the Sultana were stopped, and an attempt made to backwater, supposed that some were .itrowned, as several twee Imuckbut not in time to prevent the collision oT the two boat. • Th,e_derdine beat, which proved to be the Grey Eagle, bound from Cincinnati to Mempltia, wax struck on one of her sides, aim the head of the boilera.• The Stearnpipe was broken, and mow unfortunately, a number of persons scalded. Five were known to have been scalded, and it is; ed overboard. The hull of the Grey Eagle was much damaged. The officers of the Sultana immediately render , ed every mulatto«, in their power. They rescued' several persons from drowning, and took charge of .the scalded. Alter towing the Grey Eagle to the shore, they reufained with her three boors, nod did nil they could to ameliorate the condition of the sullercrs.-4. Louis Union. ilsi.rinuaa, June 17,1519. Major (keen! Winfield Scott has taken his de. partitre from Proderickoind will visit the Shenan doah Springs to recruit his 'health which has sug fermi severely from the fatigues of the campaign, and the exercise of mind to which he hu been ex. Pena. • Gen. Pillow is in town. The Goon of Inquiry will meet agnin on Wednesday Sci the summing up. SHAM! Susam!!—A Loco . kico correspondent Of the Cleveland Mindenler, in • letter Metal Chippewa, Ohio, urges his party to organise air the .campaign. lie eayt--.Thia thing of merely look. ing out and wishing the cane God speed, without putting nor shoulder' to the wheel in earnest, our. selves, avids about as much towardsconquering • peace or gaining - it victory as Gen. Scott's burning wax candles tad humming eferXerias in the Meer lean churele Such ei the spirit of Locogicoiem. ME LATE TRAM= AT MANCIIEThEI ex. mnination of Dr. McNabb, his .on Horace; and —legal's, charged with having caused the death of Sarah Farber, was riontiuded but evening after .-tedious wiling of two days. The math is so fol. Ides: Dr. McNabb is fully committed far trial; In galls is bald to bail In the sum 0f51,500 to anivrer (Ur "aiding, counselling, hiring and procuring the commission of an offence;" and Horace McNabb disdirogeil..=—Boomefotintal, 14t1s. Tnx SIATE SCUTORS — COMpIiS2Ig onexhird of the body—sohose terms expire this year, are 1* William A. Crabbe, 15* Ner Middleswartb, 2 Henry L Benner ; 21 Samuel Hill, 4' Win. Williamson, 22 Cherie. A. Black, 7* John .P.Sanderson, 23 E. G. Creacrall, * A. Kerr Swab, 23 James L Gillis. 14' Jordan,. Sig Whip and five Democrats to go oat, and we shall elect beveri Whipgs to km Deonocrata foe their . suceenors. Old Wultington will not ere thinly per mit . herself !Ode lo be mluepresented to the . w .„ Senate.—. Worth cletwicarc ,B.`• A 11. count THAT Cat az CAnniAHHHHH—It teas announced a few dap ago that Gen. Taylor was about to visit Washington city. 'The Wish. ihton Union! Coutradicts iL It is now rumored, says' the Lousrvillo Journal, that he will visit Washington on the 4th of Much nosh Can the Nom conundict )..,Br3tAcittra. R. 43 "rormaleolO or Pitialmortit Ossetia. gersagradestaot.the Pludaugh Ossetic.. 1618. Mr. Webster maimed a memorial (nit the Chicago Coiereatiort, which wee rented to a Se: lei Committee. 1 The bill emeadiagNainraliution Lan waa!{a . I 'ken pp. The !awls so imeoded, as to preyed the temporary dame of those who have &elated their intentions, kid - violating their right to Nam' uralisatort Papers Agreed to. The johd resolution restoring the &adult= Mail to theßietarhaul Rail Road route was debited. Houski—Air...:Surt was elected Speaker during the absence. attdr. Winthrop, who is milked to Mr. Wentwarit presented the Memorial of ate Chicago Convention. , The consideration dtrthe pr titian was pattposted WWI Wednesday. The Hon. Andress Stewart moved to suspend the mies in order that he might oder a resointWa instructing the, OW cli”el• On Ways and Means to report a bill increasing the duties ~etulartiries, and on foreign aserofactureecompetini with Ameticari labor. The motion was negatived—two thirds not voting for The House hereitter will meet tt , l 0 doccy; A.bti• Wmatcarros,.Jone.W, 1648. Sascarr--Mr. Fe6h presented We credentials of Mr. Farmdi, who was sworn and took his seat: The Nome Bill, in relation to M. de Vattemere and &joint resolution l from tlM Library Committee , , for the piMentation of a aeries of Weights and -Mantes to France, was agreed to. • ;The &nide then proceeded to the conaideration of the order of the day--being the Indian Appro. priatiOn Mr. Dix proceeded with hie arguments advocat ing the amendment ollcred Mr the purpose of do ing justice to the Cherokees remelting in North liciurn—Mr. Burt presided, in eon/Nuance ig the Bpenicer's nbrenee. After .the reading of the report from the Com• mittee on the Militia, Mr: Houston, of De!aurora, introduced a resolution authorizing this Clerk to employ Smith's iuveution for , taking the yeas and nays. Alter some discussion, the resolution was laid ou the table: Me Ring reeled it resolution authorising the Library Committee to erect a granite monument to Mr. Adams, in the Congressional burying ground. The Opposition was opposed by Messrs. Healy and Bowfin. White the question was pending; Vinton moved that the House resolve itself into Committee of the Whole on the Civil and Diplo- math: Hitt. • Mt. Lincoln made a .pocch in Caviar of Internal Improvements. Mr. Wick read from a Whig speech of Mr. Hod. son, and asked Watch were the sentiments of the gendeman'a candidate, Geo. Taylor. • *r. Hudson replled by reading Trom Gen. Cuss's Cleveland speech. • -Ile said Cass was trucklidg M alavery, • an& he preferred Taylor—an honest mm-to a hypocrite. Ur. Ficklie asked if the man who concealed his opinions were not a hypocrite. Mr. Hillier d having obtained the door, the Com mittee road, and the - Howie adjoumed. Conospoo6eato of Ito PO:Waugh come*. Terrill* Ikons' In Martinique PHILADELPHIA, June 19, 1519. The Brig Oalambus, b. arrived at this city fiom the French islind Ahrtinique, hiring on Imar d aapassengers, a large number of Planters, who had'. escaped from the ternlile revolt °ldle shores in'thai (inland, who were massacring the white inhabitauto, and oxsonittingsvela !mainlines. Some families had been abut up in their houses. which were set tire to, and consumed with their tin" inmate.. The revolt commenced m &- Petrie:, Gov. itastoland, instead of eallini out the S'citiliers to quell the revolt, had in the midst <Abe excitement, proclaimed the abolition of Slavery as deemed by the French Republic. t.luder i .: these cirionscances, all the ishrt4nbabitants, who could had ded from the Island, and fears were entedained, that still greater atrocities would be committed un lingbelp we...paddy great. Correzzandenee of the Piltentfrh Garotte. vh• Zen LINO. PutzAnuricta, June 20, ISIS. Ten millions of the newloan it is said hare been taken otikUvign ecenont. Arrangements had been effected, with foreign capirolists by Corcoran sod Riggs, by which they pledged themselves to take large =ousts at fore per cent premium. Corrotiotalastaz of tim Masbateb thorns. littorroottoa at Porto Sleet Pitmans:Erma; Jane W. ISIS. Aceounts have been received of an insurrection of the Emir.* of the Spanish Island of Ptirta and that many perverts have been killed. Cazzespoadeace Of the Pittsbargh Gazette. rifILADELPIZIA, June 21, ISIS. Gen. Qurrusa addressed ahublic meeting here list !tight: end paid • high Compliment to the Pennsylvania volunteers. Corre.ponilenco of the Pinaborgh Queue. New York, June 20, 1878. Mr. Snowden, fire many years connected with the Courier & h.:tummies one of its Eddore died this morning. lie vas hied/ esteemed far his many virtues. The American steamer Herman, sailed to day at noon, gar Bremen, with 62 passengers, and 3200,000 to specie. Correspondence or the Pittsburgh Gamut,. - PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Philadelphia, June 20,6 r: Flour—Ssles of good Western broods at 5,3301 540 per MIL iGrain—Rdes of prime red wheat at 1,2201,230 per bii. Corn at 51c. Rye, sales at fi9o per ho. Cotter—Sales of Louislnna at Ya Sales of Upland at 71c, to the itzteul of 3000 balea. Proviskins—Pales of bacon shoulder. In dry .salt at 4c; ham s at siesli. The market is brisk. Lead. 6rm. There is good demand kr Luse lots.. Sides to anise. Lard—Prime No I keg is held at 'h. There Is no chinge in other articles usually spoke of in the markets. - Csstres deuce of the Pittsburgh GUM.. N YORK MARKET. New You, June 24,4 r. u. Flour—The m rket is steady but not active. Grain—The market for corn and oats Is dull— , Salm of prima whoa corn at 00c; yellow is held without purchasers at Slo per bat. Provision There is less mtiventent,in pork, the market beinifheavy. Whiskey —Sales in bids at 231 c. Rice—Sales aro steady at previous rota. Cotton—The market is quiet. • BALTIMORE MARKET. . Bairmoax., June 20, 0 r. a. !Flour—The market to dull, irith 'more sellers then buyers. Bates of Howard street at 55,1324 i OP per WI W6wt—Salesof Red at lOirdrlloa, kw interim; Sw orally prime 17043135 per tmahel is asked. Coen—Sales of prime white at 40042 cu. Sales of =allow at 4%147e per basheL 'alesat 7i per lb; Mrprime No-1, in kep t 71 as le asked. • • Pearrialont—Tbere i . activity in any article. Quotatiotui aro steady.: There is an increasing de• tend hr provisions. Vinuorbou—The followkig . la a ropy of • titer Just received from an 111MM In enneYet. lAttlet of the same character 11. received daily. Uktionnu.s, DebrOaD Co, Tams, June 8,4519. • Aleuts. J. Kidd k Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.—Dinar Sirs: The agent for hltLenes Medicines hitwitkme a lot of his Liver Pill Venallage, all of which have beau sold. Tn. peat virtues that they cozens lmi induced me to Send a note to you, to .4,ll'pm:would not read Ufa !lotae more. I have read medicine some-1 have bee. selling drugs and patent Medicines for about 12 ours, but have into nothing in the Conn of Pills that hes done so mach good as hilune's liner Pills and as to the Vent:Lange, [want no, better prep...dun. could send • great many certilicate• but do not MLA' It no. ornery, as the article Is already so wed and favorably known. Please forward me at your earliest conveni ence, 94 de. Vermiture, 44 dos Liver h 4 and 6 dos Long Symp. You reapeetfully, TO DENSON The above - sinkable preparations can be had geno lee at the drug store of 7 KIDD k Co, 00 wood et manTs Exescreasar.—We world call attenuon to this excellent remedy ler Coughs„Colds, Consumption ' Asthma, and all .affections of the Threat and Lungs Having anent time. within slew years past had occa sion to use a medicine or this kind, we have by experi ence tested Its excellent qualities, and GOpropel.d to recommendt so others. Ministe or other public. speakers a mt s ted with bronchial ~ &erections will And great benefit from Its ass. Is prepared by • witnni, Ac physician andel clamored!' find it a sere and errt mations medicine in the 'diseases for whiehit Is M oonlit...let —reolumbes (Ohio) Crews nod Jouinsle For sale at the Pekin Tea time, Na 70 Fourth 41.711 L mylls 1 guns, ;the—'h nwe z" ge c"j artlia be" "'en/ et. uovadarmly • • Er W. B. Totnuarooltit Milvaina tafonai. u. War you ban charge of Foarth atm! above Cherry alley; Hata so,why do such pile of mbblah ro blockyop ray !tall th'e str yoo eet and permit ell the pars meat, In Bon i /lea comer.--Larpatelt. Caßio lVe every enode partietTaf, do ke k rtr d y ;111'r:4cl acorn lo be JAMEII BOOTH, JOHN ILkRTLET, Walt! THOS. GOSHAT, . Lt it by S 8 es ...* • hum 71/t, , Arse. etllitm=eame yams sines mash PM am& by osations Lira Pill!, 1%1 ititj d ' ma a wimfriit to sand no ;cob oft% Lire d s 9 Pai. by maLL -7 12: . partici:lli to send kod—they 10 , lAN shatoittrhls v o I took them Worn. Ir c olt= . /41mo:quid sold by IL BELT ro3, Wood st. Sold by Dr. Cassel, Sth ward; D. M. Cony, Allegbesty, IV: I. Smith, Tempel...l2,We, .ttod P. Drava, Law. . . . . . . . CArnas.—All Other pills called Liver Pills are cowl terfelie or imitaliOnS. feel ErrTo van Hazy atm Lsaa.—{Vocostocre Nerve and Bone Liniment and Indian Vegetable Elixir, is the most erinetnal cure for Rheumatism. Sold by WM. JACK. WIN. Arrant for Fittebargh. notlNd&Ar6m7 FANCY DRY GOODS. SEAMAN 4 MUIR, 291 88888 way. New York. TMPORTERB ANDJOBBEILS of Silks. French prin .". ted Barnet, L ae., Distal:aeries ; igen- Whawls a lM=AsAar p tail=b y , oc z bs. They Ismimemmuybreveltan . w i tizina New York, to examine *Mir mock before thew purchases. Me. Blair was for maw Team of bouse A. T. Swarms &Co, from which ha retired on she Ist of Jan. 1d414 ondlir.lesees Dickson, (who haute imerest is -Me huainisaa was also favorably knowwin that mat. Lielonent. - mar3o:y itgORGAWS WORM KILLER Is to superior moll 171 other remedies for Worms. June 141 h, leen The may eenlfy that I gave to two of my caltdren, three and five years old, two . easpoonfuls of hlorgen's Worm Eiller,m each of them. 'lle youngest passed adlarge worms, the smallest could not hove measured less than seven inches. The eldest passed so large • number that wp could not begin to count them. I have need all the Popular remedies before the public for aromas, bat can say with a cleanconscieuce, Morgan's Worm Killer is for Impeder to any now before the pa th!. SAMUEL. JOHNSTON. Bakerstown; Allegheny county. . Prepared and sold - wholesale and r etell by the pro prietor. • JOHN D.hIORGAIY, Druggist, . ' Wood street,' Pittsburg_ OPEIVED :YESTERDAY, as W It Morphy'. Dry Goods Muse, northeast corner of 4th and Market streets—Glosity block Silk, (or hianti ll w new style 'Dress (anthems; blk and whanCrapost Mk, white and mixed Cotton Hose; Freaeh I Ol. Also on baud, a good essortment of black .Mohair. blk Bilk and fancy Range and Neu Slaw hite and crab Grape to, plain and embroidered; Look leee tilhamlp e ttear,fe and Capes; new style Id Netts for Copes, ap., Vict;op stairs n wash , ods than where no execelletst.as sortment of Prints, tat. always kept at low priers. GF.N. ZACHARY TAYLOR.—Portrait of Gen. Z. Taylor, by N Corey; under the immediate mom intendanee and direetimm of the undersigned officer; from an original ...ketch taken from life, as Camargo, by Captain too, AD C. • DConnor U 8 Navy; George A hVCIII,4IG; George Meall, Linn Topographical Na neer; Harry Inger eon, U Navy. JOHNSTON st STOCKTON, Mgt '.Dookeellete, cor 74 and market Its R . E.:— AIL EISIADGUIDDokgetrs Rail Mond Guide and Geismar for IRV.. with Sectional Maps of the great routes of ultra A few copies received and roe sale Li r jeill 'JOHNSTON doSTOCKTON tr ACFEREG— bot Nreadnere, Aleekerel,jun re I~leuved End foredo; by" • • Pal ' e 4 , cPOINDEXTM &Co QUO/X-100 bbd. N Sugar, In story and for Ws by joN • _POINDEXTER it Co L' - • — doiso . 'n 'll crashed and pairrri ee. lad; ge g mama a ca. U`d Bum*, for ask by jell POW Clik7.llE—:ll3 bys prime W R Cbeeto, for sole by jela POINDLXTER Jr Co `NAYS ROUT-4 auks !balm Root. in store and 1.3 for oak by jell POINDERTFAtta Co 'lUir A CREREL AND lIERHINGL-20 Ude No 3 Neck. .111. ere!. Mu.. inspection; Ado No 2 dodo do; ludo I do do do; 2$ do No I Baltimore Herring, Pus reed and Bar sale by le2l MILLER k RIC KgrEON IJAVANAi SUGAR-20(bn Madre Havana Baer, jam received and ferule b). rein MILLER. & IHCKETSON BRAZILSUt7ItB-30 bags Buell Sops, in store and foe sale by -jell MILLER & SUCKETSON I►,{ACCARONI ANDVERMICELLA—Z boots... in moil mot Veresicellso tut reed and for sale by 1 81 MILLER & RICKEIVON SWEET:MALAGA WINE-20dr ciisksvireei Male p Wi ngless received and kw tale by 0.21 MILLER & RICKEISON 111%.2,0N TEA-4u half atlas Young /iy . • 1 ton Tea,• just received end Coe tole by • • -.•- • MMDZM= TR,2f,t2 Jed) A. 119 AND 811OULDER3—Dur s own curing, in I,EL store and for sale BRO%rfi a CULBERTP.4. rime ondotafgard biting been appointed mak moms 1. for Um wale of &urethan& & Co's auperior 011, WM keep couriantly ou haad a large mpply,whialk tbry*ill'furaish to deal." at the lowan market vim, for mob. /00 J KIDD& Co. (11OWNrIENIVS SARSAPARILLA—W.Ow reed and for sate and for .ale al We drug warebonso of jeWl I KIDD & Co, CO wood or 10MINE (AMMAN COLAGNF.—..Io dor. pm re G elynd and for .ale by lei) .1 itIDO k. Co LA RD 011.—Elareltardt's twit--15 bbl. instore will for ule by le9 J KIDD .t Co. NFANTS. HATS—JEW received, I ea. Infanta . J_ Lee Pearl Hats; 4/vO,l 444 e Miasea Leghorn Mau, anti km sale by S.ll/TII t JOHNSON, ••• 46 marten UtiAlt-03 bids, land*/ (rola Meagher Hail Cohsm bta, ea eocuirmacot end siar .1.. bp 12011611T50N t REPPERT, 0101.21 tecoud st I)LEACHING POW DER-80 mks Dieseling Pow- A) den Ls Aluspratt &thralls brand-10,nm reeeiretl, the remainder to arrive in a few days; Mr sale by jeter W & Al MITCHUM:Et:, Ino !Many at eDIEFIVE-1Intb&• prime Cheese. tor sal. by . le9o JAPALLIALZELL. 34 water at SUPER FRENCH CLOT/LS—We have just opened st.film lot of blk French Cloths, whioh we are sel ling math tower than we Aare ever before sold the same quality. ALEXANDER k DAY. 090 73 market at. N W cur of the diunotal IVl L ooreli C tirtne k.2l— res. '—l n l e: t ialie r b ' a ri ee c so l' ru nr e of a light temare, very suitable for the summer season, mitt reed by red) ALEXANDER & DAY tOWSHONG THA-30 hal( cheats eup Penarehoug Ten, in store and for Nan by O • ' 3 ACII FLO), D, Round lburch lingchngt, • PPURRCIDER VINEVJAII-40 bbl iurpr Vinegar, id more gra lbr sal. by • j J tit FLOYD Obto No 3 large' !Miami; 30 bbis No I is t .. ilefiriors; SO Noi Trimmed elm', lauding and 7.40 J d It FLOIII LASS-30 bra OXIO and 10X12 Window (Ilur, in %Jr wont awl for sal. by jr.o J& R FLOYD PEPPER AND ALLSPICE—NJ bags Pepper; 10 do Allspice, is ems and for sole by ~ jeld) I elt FLOyD SINGLE LOAF NLIGAFF.4O bbls Nos 4,3 end ON 0 Refined, in store and for We by te9D / I R FLOYD LARDOII.—In bbls end hall) bbl., foa sal* low by Jeßi BROWN & CULBERTSON - - F ANCY SOAP-10 Im i gaz N mrl c lavi t lowNby I:OARS—WO bad. N 0 Sugaa• DO Sala embed dm S iM do pulterised do; 20 do Loaf do, in more and for BROW I 2 pl4ll3liilltsON OLASSEB-04 bbleN Oilolaasem VS do Soya . jli Hauge do, in More and for *Ma by • BROWN• CULBERTSON Ir b LAß—.7) half oboots Y H Tee; 7o do do Imperial do; Lt) Jo do Goopoodor do; 3, d o . do black dos au dai ly ss litiopoorder and Y 11, in sobre and b r solo by , unoivzt cuLaErrsoN No.a-arecumuu .34 bldg. law ?lad Mackerel, .javi rancived via canal and for vale by jell/ FELLEIts Nicots MAwn:llll , s SKIRTS-100 fine shin. skirni.inat opencil by SHACKLETT & Wlllll% lay 09 wood • t WWLINEN DRILLS—One ense — tinn4 P. iirrN Drilling, medium griallry.Just opened by SHACICLIHT lc WHITE YLW NANKINS —Two bales genuine Nib Wm, lb...bale by Jaffa SIIACIELKITA WHITE I_)LACE DOSS SILKS—An invoice of Seery black Jab Louring Silks, my wide, for Viseues, Ice Jost opened by jelu SLIACELETF h WHITE ETE—One cue. French Deep IY Eor, for JJ summer. Coale, he., Just opened by • jell/ SHACKLE:VT & WHITE CASHIitEELITS—Tero cases black Cashmeretter Sow UM, just received by jetil I ,SHACKLETT & WHITE XTEHr ORLEANS SUGARS AND MOLAY , SY-400 11 Lb& prima N 0 Sugar, NM bbls N U Moines.; 4uo do asiorted Nos Loul Sugars, in Store sad for sale by jell BAOALET & SMITH la and SU wows at Di 10 COFFFII-4661 bap prima Green Mb Corn, landing this day and for solely lIMIALEY k SMITH irIINTUCCY TOBACCO-200 kegs No 6 Twist T; bacao, bsvorito brands, for sale by joi7LUMLEY fr. SMITH 14.1 RN RES - 1111 . 1111 Clllll£9E-467 hoses I,w 11 Cheese, fine quality, landing and for sale by • HANALEI' re SMITH DUFFALO ROBES—Now landing from steamer Shenaudnah, Btu *mined lintfalo Robes, in prime nto, .direct (mu Fort hems, .(Vellow Stoua, UNA.; 511ssouri.) . Applyat the Fur Cmstpany's'.4 pimp, 3d street, near the PosAOthEe L to /cIA3t A. REEL KC obbla blamed Oil; 75 do No I Lard do; 00 No V do do; IS do linearity, do; I hhd pqte Spann do; I do bleached Whale; 5 blifs do do; in store and for Sal. . jell; SELLERS it NICOLE BACON—IO Ithda yellow canvassed Hams; Iu do Sides; 115 do Shoulders, all of prase quallty MIS . SELLERS a NteoLs, bbl. Mess Pak; 6 jIJ, do Prima du;la L r " str N e•y "—" 1010 SE,IERSk NldDLs L tr e t y r-150 brAlp I Palm J im ?, i zmu m. T o rr. c .sti ko ke.. lets 5 twit s reatinq and M ° •tl% (11.0.:2 for UNNY DAUB AND MUSLIN RACES-4ol3anny 1.3 . Dap and manila itinoks, in store Ind for . sale by jet 4 ' MILLIEJLA.HICIM.7BON S WAR CURED 11/0111,-46 tierces Sugar Cum! flacon Haws, fctsale by Jot{ ATWOOD, JOE JO\Ey & Co SUGAR UOUSI•i hIOLASSE2—Ii bble Sup" lipase Molasses, forsale by Jell ATWOOD, .101.(011 Co • ceeke Shoulders, 7 do Sides, R do Mow B for ulo by jets . ATWOOD, JONES/Co - - -- ClllELE—Mbosjustlandod; for tabs by V 1014 latsietkl DICKEY k Co, front sr ARD-80 !Ala No 1, is soodshipping ordei,inrie; j. 4 and for sale by jal4 =FEY & Co— poTIIII-6 casks (or We b y i [ID WILLIAMS IDARASOLS—A lot of haodoome both. Toro ools, join opened by jolt ALEXANDER & DAY VITHITECRAPES—teat re..., a lot of White TY LYN*, of to excellouttmalitY, for boatet 1b... Jell ' A 147: (ANDER A BAN IHEESE-1,3 Las prime W R Cb2eme, for sale by iilll S I' VON LIONNIIQRST . _ ' . IIICTION MUX My a, ha rp..Damt4Assitlipaser: Adkai‘iiiangar ' ISak °J r Oa Friday attemm, Jana fad, u .Sn'clock t u tba warehouse ablaut, John Irma I.Bon, adjouung the corner of Front Meet and Redoubt alley, will ho withsen name, quudiry of paean., liquors, stare fixtures, be., among which are the followiag, WI . Pews, qrs and eighths, French kliantly; pipe. Hollsad gun P bbl. old Monongahela whiskey; lab's keg. Va talacesu tiladeira winced do Havana Sews; J 4 half chest. gunpowder, 10,H end black tea; 6 nose. extra No I chocolate; 194. boo 9 by I/ 10 by 12,..16 by 14 ataLIO by Lb window glass; mead Penn?, eight.' MOULIONS.rt... 3I PUN madder, sogwood, roam, Maid candi shot, homage, writing paper, bcotch vi als, cor ks, s, Oarsman seemly, vinegar, sugar house mo lasses, 10; together with iron.aafes, desks, comer, bens stud scales to weigh 1,460 lb., Irmo clouts, liquor casks and barreluopper measures; Mtn sn o,ol l trunk, slam tools, tea le. be. Tetras at sale. • jag' JOHN I) DAVL9,,AueL DirGoods.' Di Goad str.ctuntwo. Cu Thursday morning, June 2?, ail() o'clock, ai the contatersial bales Boom, corner of Wood and nub streets, will be sold, for,cesh current awls, • large coo. signorot of .fresh and fas/tlonnble spring and summer Dry (Roods, embracing a general variety, usually - k Opt by large dry goods boom. At o'chxk, : • New and second hand household add kitchen 'fond nue, gr oceries, queen...me. glassware, carpedng— also, one hair twat sofa and rockingoltair. - t At tl o'clock. .. • • • . 3 fine full Jewelled gold ancre escapement Initclies; caw. 18 MM. floe—Wlltrilata. 1 allot point lever wax., made' by liarison. .9 fine sihar fell *welled anew escapement watches, silver dials, regiilated movement.'d fine silver' jewelled patent verdeal Lewd). rVgaleted. very fine silver Lepluei, 4 boles jewelled, saver drat, gilt flowers, regulated. d double back giver Matches, geld plate, regulated movement. A /urge quamity of - Cerre. linty goods,clothlstg, dry goods, flue stuns, ...leo. fifes cutlery, frA. jam • . • J0H1.,1 D DAVI9 Auer • lionsehold Furniture at Auctijr... On IVeditesday,l June 111.1, at 10 O'clock,. AL, at the dwelling house of 111 J. David Headrick 10 roar,Woods klaibtay street, lough door quest,. Way, orllll be sold a large quantity of good quality and well kept household Foneture, which has been used oily • , acw weeks, among which are—ma hogany secretary and book cam,dressmg and common bureaus, mahogany sof, some, manner clock, fancy and COM.OII ch.; a feather beds, teaurast. bedding with babneads,"ali of which ate pew end cow• plan; carpeting, oil floor cloth, camou matting, dining *La, knives and Lorks,queeasware, tinware, together with • quality of kitchen furniture , kr- kn. • 2010 JOLIN 11,1 DAVIS, gut Ig=7=EMS On Saturday. Jane Nth, at 8 o'clock, P. 04, at the Commercial Salem Rooms, comer of Wood arid Fifth streets, av til pe sold that valuable lot of (Ironed, No 78, in the onginid plan of lots of the borough ofLawrenee haviug a front of 60 feet Co Burrows street, and exteuding hack 160 feet to Cherry alley, oar which jt erected a plod two story Brick Dwelling Howe, AM other improvements, with Bait Bees, tn., at peewit occupied bjChatlesOdenwelder. Also, lot I , jo 187, in the plait of lots Mid coolly The. • muScott, hark% a front of at feet an th e north side of retiosylvauls. avenue, clearly opposite the contempla ted slte for bridge over the Idonougahela. river, to contract Pltisburgh nod Birmingham, and extending back 94 feet to Bohm alley. . Terms, on third cuh,.residue in two equal manual payment.,lth itaterest. jell , JOHN D HAW'S, Ain' AhIUSEMENTa -PITTSBURGH THEATRE: C. S. P.mxit Manager and Lem ID' In ep i etiequence of tlth noo-arrival of Mr. D. Marble, theinager respecually Informs the publii. Met he has renuted,opow the celebrated band ofSi. hie Henna ate to MTh. one night longer,in orderro• give one of ihelr Select Concerts. . . • • Wammenstr, ices 210848, ect comatenee with a new Drama in 3 hos. mlled the •' '' ' I FRIDE OF THE MARKET. Alter which, a SELECT CONCERT, pan first, by the _ Babb, liermenbas. To be followed with a GRAND FANCY DANCE, by' I Atha Anna fdolente. The whole to conclude pmts.: old of Select Col, On, by the Sable USRIIIIIIII.II.. _ • 1 Mi. Neenani in bin celebrated donee ofLUCY LONG,' in character. Patna of AOMMLIM—Dress Circle, GO cts; Sego Tier. 35 et 4, Fit. Cs Gam,. tPL: ~ '1611.•1.01d/R11, , A UTHOR of Ja i Ldy a l o ttd n t z. AferA ki k a zill the AWL.NIIA LL, on Tb u inda June IRISH —,ee Wo.• inulee of. the National char ROM., mirth and melody Of Irelaad, interval-0l omit HIS OWN BONGS, accompanied by bimaelf on we piano forte. Chi this occasion will be given HORT CbMORE'D DREAM, an emblematic vision of American munifi cence and WA gratitude, with the celebrated ban of SHAMUS ITISEUF.N and the Comie %hon. Of NEW POTATOM to the condo of the evening, Mr. Lover will deg his popular mugs, THE BOIST,II , RO GER DOT and RORI O'MORE. Tickets for, eetttato be had at the Nonougahal Howe and A lt. Ilellat`fillattie Slam . !' =nl==el==l=l Am Ordbutztes, For supplying the higher porturompf the City critic Wow, awl for olkrr. yorpores. SEC. I —lte it ordanien and enacted by the citizens of Pittsburgh, in Xtelret and Common Connell, lis remb/eil, 'Hist the Water Committee, be and they are hereby authorised and required, as speedily as may be, mm1..011110 for propardsend contract Mr the MC non nod ...traction of a Basin on tho city propeny la Me Sera& Weld, together with'the necessary quantity of pipe, stop cocks, dex also, for Me areal= of an agine bolse at the present leant, with one or more steam engme4 prams, ire..—die coat lo be paid (ugh, tends of the city, bearing an Mania of six pa cent per ennuis!, and hating ten years to RP. Sec. IL—Br it also enacted, de, That the Street Committee be and they are hereby enchanted and re q,ired, as speedily as may be, to adve n t. for prop. tsad contact for Om Grading and Poring of the following streets—Sixth street, unto Smithfield street to Grant street; Filth street, from Smithfield erect lo Ho. street; Tonal 'Meet. limn Wylie street to Penn sylvania avenue; in the Fifth Ward, Liberty street, from Adams street to. Harrison street; in ite Sixth Wad, Wylie sweet, from Elm street to Felton steer Fulton street, from Wylie street to Centre amine, and Centre avenue from Fulton street to the eastern line of the Sixth Ward, and that from theneo,it be graded and nmeadamited to De Villiers weal. Also, that Pennsylvania ermine be graded and pa ned from the Canal Bridge to Dinwiddie strert;' in the Seventh Ward., Also, that Peon nicer be graded and paied from the hoe of •tbe Fifttnfiyeld b ?dostou.strcetAtt he, Nita Ward. The grading and paring akessaid to be 'paid for in Mods of tint city, beating an interest of els per mot per mum, hod hoeing ten years to can. Son. UL—lts It &so courted, tn., That the Cowan tee on Sawa be andare hereby authorised and atructed, to pee out the contracts for grading end pc , ring aforesaid streets hi Such sections and to m many difert•ot maselare as will ensure the speedy comp'. don of the work. Bzr.W.—Re it furthereweied.2e. , That Pike streei be, and the same as extended front MI prancer wanton non at Harrison street, in the FirthWartl, to Al cola , ny street, in the jilnth Ward, and that Satallatan street be extended front Al l street to Morton street, of the wune width and at the 'same distanee Snot' Penn street. and parallel Sienna that Pike waft roes to the Fifth Ward. and that the Recording Rognlaior be and be is hereby instructed to make a plan.and specifica tion of said street, and deposits thesame In kw office for pablie examination and inspectina e and,Faase pub. lie notice thereof to be trierli • two nawspepers; pub. linked in said city, as to required , by law. Ordained and enacted Into a larriin Councils, this lash day ofJene, A. D. Ibl d. (ArrErra MORGAN HOB N, Pies's/C.C. R. Boma Roamers, Clerk C. C. JOHN SIM PTON, Presi, S.C. Jona /Woos , Clerk S. MARI4JI4LOCH.). • "DLAS.Sk. CO., the only authorized egrets In Tins- LI burgh for the sale of 1000. Patina Marine Time Pieces, unite the attention of the liwbfie generally, and hof the officers and moneys _of ateataboats and canal ats ht Pericaler, to their hoe assomment of these excellent Chrounateters . ....• . . Enhke the Pendulum Clock', these are warranted to rum with accuracy in nil Prisitin, and =Meet ta any =want of motion. consistent with the safety of a common Veatch, and are therefore the only clocks suit able for. steamlions, canal boats,: railroad can and factories, in which there is mink tarrime. ' They. no used extensively at the East in the.. .unions, sod "give good satisfaction.. As nastily Tine, PIOCCO. We, they are much admired by those who have tried them,. Kenna of their compactness, accuracy,neat mesa, and the facility with which they are OLOTta or at up for use. Three who with to purchase MO Tetattesl - Weea d jdly Cannae into the merits of of this ankle, and without regent to the inairmations and dentine.- MOM of interened pe moos, or of those who know noth ing about It. The Marine Timepiece with Kirk's Im provement, having lam recently been patented, March,: 15.17,) and issued in thise.t.a', is not genera lly known, and emu some wo nky men to the trade Iswe been fond denouncing the whole adalr, who - have Owe discovered that they were aiming their blow. at another matter cannily— baring, is zenith never men or known any thing of Kith . . (Lever seep...one* Mn.: rine Timepiece.. • A. we are the only authonzed agenda hake city, our aseonenent will be found the only complete one; and. As we keep lione but those winch line Kirk , * late ism pertinent of a: "staining power in the opting + we trust that thwie who wish to purchase will, in Arnica at leap l then:weir., examine ours before taking from a mere remount elsewhere. An minim similar is ppearance but of not one fourth the value, can be purchased eisewhere for less money, Those, there fore, who regard nothing bunko price of • clock need not take the trouble to call. In every can whom • Marine Timepiece sold by of does not give Satisfaction daring the first three mouths of Its use, we will refund the money peld fur it, on its lAng returned without damage, Information impeding .oetnetita of the Timepiece can be ohmingd beferrum to the ailment of the Bril liant liitterntalitt h, he; also, to Mr A Fulton. and .44 IlLahli is Co, N W cot of market et and the diamond,' _Jal3 : • Vitraburgh. OBEIERY OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE ItApIX Al, OF - CHESTER. COUNTY.—A bold and partially suecessfhl effort has been•ninde recently to etrctilat, the stolen notes of the Bank Clover Coruny, 'Le tha Western parte( this Butte, 'O.O Pnhlin le ttletn•non tionedisgainit 7e . eirMg notes °COM mee pnorto weep indipatippp pi thlllisks tunui h.ju io'eu made M the Hellbent pan of this tState. Hine. of thli description 00011 pp front those gunners Mould, therefore, Ise regarded wnb panicular scrutiny. Therm Is but a small number of sores Of the old Is ones, how out, besides the stolen notes; 'and all whO desire to see the perpetmters•of this high handed and daring robbery brouahl tojunice, will be careful aboat receiving them. W. DARLINGTON, • . ' silent. ' PRIN IS ONLY. CEDAR BT., NEW YORK. LEE - di:BREWSTER.' • EatabliAttd a wen:6og*la thwyear w Oir the pus P*Raing.tilatlgg and tift r it VFTV, with low prices— eskikid.os, at nil mesons Wrthe r and e_Largest Ansortutent in WORLI) . They etre now opening &rend blotadreePeckeitee, coroproung eery new eyrie etrFnriten and Dooteatie OredecUeS Burl Ow** We jest bows pentuwed, end are cured(cputto for Cash and short credit, ad MIONS-ILUDIIOXIP • CLI S It TO CENTS per yard below the parse of .11 Mad tu, us per Fluted Catakeyees, which' am connoted Nly, tor the ufformatUda boi l lrs_ PaINT WAUXHOIIIIX, t • New York, Jame, ISM S. • 13 fU it °1 / 444—'"" 17m teNvnt!%.4 by.. rgr,..trewe.l7.l.r.by-e. Fre . h lemon., " Jett{ . • W HARBAUGH NI- STEARBOATB . OINOIIIIIIIATI t PVC'S/IEI7IIOII. . .• 4 , .. , .pk01cp.7-T,LiN E. mts win 6:Aii Smut Jona iistosu • • - ers Is now =posed of the largcsgswillsest, beer and furnished, end raestpOwardd bads ea the - waters of dm West. Era, aceotantodatism oral cow. fort that • can protars,las Wen presided dor Pea- . - mmesr:.TboUoe has been In opensuon for lee years —ha, carried • million of people without the team /ON- ./ . 4 W ri. tor i:stir poreress. , Th 7• will le: 7 7 7 th: : foot of good sue:et the day yrariops stansogy for the 7 tat- cases the...passage stoney retest he aid is • tIZIAT PACIARAC -• • • The ISAAC S ra BI m-ros, , apt. A. 0 .• mum , ' 6 “ leave. Pitegengh gym Sunday monting at 10 Dialed; Wheeling every . Sunday evening a; le . r. N.:. ' • • 11100iDailr PAOK.LT , 11.1 010 NONUAILF.LiA,C010. 9=0061 leave Pat. burgh every Monday morrJni ae ,100'elock; • Whali ng every Monday eieluag at 10 r. u: • . TIMIDLY PACKET. - .... The HUMANE& .10:_e, C r ept J.Airarcrevrri,lettl leave, Yittsbutxh every Teesilay =ruing at 10 o'clitelg Wheeling every Tuesday evening. at ID r. WkEINESDAT I - C 'The NEW — ENCLAND — Nd 2, Caph MS* Will leire Pittsburgh erery Wednesday morning a 10 •Yelisek . Wheehug every Wednesday ereningsa i 0 v. ' 'THURSDAY The BeLulea; Cap{; rill leave Pitht burgh every Thursday morels% at Ye o'clock; Nl,Rkeellag ervery Tha.rorlayerent?te .110 r. et. • • The C ES N 0.4, Capt: Camas, willleive burgh very Friday: morrung at 10o'clork; 'Meeting every Friday evening fat° r. lA. • ; • L L • 1 4 SATURDAY 71,e htEssENGEW Capt. S. 'Lae; will leave rtha. burgheYery Saturday atomleg at 10 el'eleeklybeel4l, every Seerday evening at 10 r. It. • - NEW RIBBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINE 9P CANAL AND BTEMB PACICEPS, „ (VI& OLisornr,) • • ' • Lehves Pittsburgh dailir, as 9 oieleck, and rives at Olasgow, (month of the Sandy and Heaver Ca nal,) at 3 o'clock. and New Lisbon at U., same night Leave s New Lisbon et G o'clock, Md., (=king the trip canl to the river daring the night.) and Gl a sgowa I at 9 Gig kick,- A. IL, and ems. at Pinsburgh tS P. - 11L—thus InOth4 -collOutkOLLS Inc for carrying pas , • wagers ned freight between -Nedr Lisbon insdPins• , lnlrgth thanes time and et - leas rates than by eny, The pthprietors thin Line have the pleisiire of in. I forming the public thit tkity have fined op toroarst, elesa Canal Inlets, for the .corrattodtaion orpiment:4.s end freight, So ran in connection with the well known steamell .C.A.1.P.11 COPE and BEAVER, and connect. snit , i,t3 . l=it ty wet . the P . V em b:rgh ao ,.4 Li Ol sely.,. anit Pdhrii.ippi ricers. ' The proprielis Pred the ge then. .1.. no spa. no expense or trembler to Inge tote (OM safe:ty wad dlspsta, anderk of the publina share of their patronage. • 1 I •i• • • • 4 , • AUTPORIZEcIAGENTB. • • 11. ILAHTLN, 1„„ . • S..k. HAREM:OIL ,v - Awit vVanr - R. HANN/tin Co. ' I • Flynn( J. ILLILBAUOIfn Co. New Lisbon: NOTICE—The Warner BEAVER, C. EC:tali:num.. ten, will Leavenner this coheir, for WelLnillnpunent. ally, at o'clock iu me morning.. • 13. 1848 .Z41. pz*Harutati& nuorptivrta ° Daily Packet Mins. •"• • • fignall4llY 1.843 • FEBRUARY SI, . • LEAVE DAILY Are 4. EL, AND 4 PILL " - The following new.boau 'complete tes, line for the present artavontAT LANTIC, Capt. Jaws BALTIC, Capt. A. Jcobs; and LOU E. Bennett. The boats are:entirely new, end are fined op without regard to expensa Ev ery comfort that money can procure bee beet, provided. The Beane will leave Me Alonougabeli IVhart Boat at the fot of:Hoss sr. Passengers will be pnereital booed, ea the boats Inll eenateli leiernet Meet, ilserrheari, 8 A. N. and 4 P.lll l'Oae mi t icia IyII:EELINg, CINCINNATI te.LOOLSVILLE. ,• • .. Ma.. 142 1 3 / 1 17.041.T Passxr.. , :tha SOW steamer • , : TEtionem, . :. 1 Per ry, toeurnnter, sealer. fir Louisville ...4 on itltermediata pons every Retarder, sale o'elok, precisely. . , '• •• • • - ~.. _ , r" ", ho ". P " MB ' l4l 1 1' . tirC c i o N W , A - or . ' Tee Tph hes been built expressly fin K g :clatter pukes, ma sk a sins entirely to the comfort of beat . se . ogers; _Sae socommodations am infetier to no boat the Munn Inters. • Nati FOR ..$2..1,01115. m 7 - . plindid atLantei . • . . . -', ' 144- • FAIRMOUNT,' • , • Poe, otester, null lea. Cor the 'dint*, total:lag:Bete ports Ildidey. For (fella or pw sage, apply. Dowd, - Jen . • ~ FOR CINCINNATI. ' • ~. Ratfrain Tonen•y - Pacatn. teat. 11 1 The tet , 7ll44 . taht awarder Honnu, ownr, win leave 'for the re .d intermediate pone on Toes. d. T. .F..r/I'..jlit. '.. F ... .V' .1 'F§." ..1... _....k!i..' I ... . FOB. CINCL'INATe .--- ' - The dee new steamer !""" ' '''',.: ... • '1.1. - WIS wurzu, -. Tbounnon, manor. will tear* for ilto !Sod kotermediate pone this da. roe fre ant or passage, apply Olti board. • -, _j« . 111 • r CINCIPLYkiL • • The splendid sew steamer ; • • 'sg NISITOII, • ' Jaeaba, lassies, will lea. rati6ore nd iatennetiale porta • For height OS passage, apply an beam, j,,63 FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. ,A The d Z d rC d Et 1Wr di rao7 Lucas, muter, vrill lease for above Eosin:4la or passage d fal fdl y doh3=o.!;:' jay Ig'J The light drartatearnar ifra Crozier, mast, leave for above d intermediate, parts this day.. For haigbILDIRt...NIF vaPPlt_et._ f i 'Oß CINCINNATI AND sr. tom. the new steamer . HIGHLAND RY, - Burke, masterovUl leave MA for thoiabors— intermediate ports this day, at , 10 A.M. For (trig orpamage apply on board. s , • FOR ST. LOUlic . The floe new steamer SHENANDOAH, • ' master, will leave for above d intermediate ports this day. For freight or passage, aPplv on board. . jell @LOU - 41d FITCSBUNCIII CINCIISNATI PACKET' The steamer NEW. ENGLAND, - ~sttgßl'Clunt, most.:, will Tawas a mishu; moon packet from Fittstmegh to. Ciacinnati: She leaves on her arm trip, trader Wm new nrnalfcreintirtert 3losidar, at I o'clock, P. M.. • • my* RUA/LAP '" tNS MLLE PrTTSBURGH AND PACZZr. - . ~ The gennent light &Scat steam.,- mil PHILIP DODDRMOE, Moore, master, Will leave Pittsburgh, rev:ltaly os above. • • . • This belat • is Imo way adapted to •the Contfort of" ptssenseis: She rens connection tbei Jenny Land, which oreeu her at Beverly, For freighter pee enrol- on hoent • • kW( 1V.111.11.1Mi AND' bßllikalite:: • ' The nein and sohsuotisl key wawa . drew Poe Muter, intetesomed hest tegvlu uips benhenn Wheeling; Bridgeport and Pins- Wish, string Pipabergh Co Mondays slid Thsuulays. ULAU ACICET FOR BLINF/S11.• tie ~ Tlta new and fast staantar t' • Barna4s4= 1daze.0.4417:: days and 41gtordays of each 'reek. gr traistkt or pow rd11:1VO3BE ;PITT /WIWI" it WILEMLIrIfI PACKET.; ; i ~.,,,4_• The swift mouser . eX.11 , 151.11, Dorsey rElsesey i waster, will leave _ to ,on onday,/ W.l.adn._ ..!rleekeY, l al to o'elo W e ee k p llay recisely. M - p I Lea y, at 'j ••••xl, • ni, ve wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday and , 8an.,„.., tardilpreeisdy ' Tlueenneel will huid so all the l nfienhedia. Pet. , 4 Every eecontodatloan that can be protured for Thee.. foes and wifely of paseseners luni been provided. - The beatis alsOprovided with t eelf-aennir eafety paid le • ruz i n ., t ely i beions. Pe fre l k a %g tamr IY so febi corner uf Ist awl Uaiititheld sift'. . mcialisrcrer, cuznitcy AND LA crry PACKET. a taw steamer r W matA,r, DESPATCH, 1 I le U*, ni ter,ow li ill above, aving Pisin .., wr y Monday Wertneeder and Friday,. at el wniv,el4./..V. and Jaw. nongals/aUty every Turaday,Tln:, m i n and Saurian az cielocN, a. a. Fnefreigk t or garage alrry on beast TO B. 1; cal 77 naa - t - 41848.111111t owns: iIANAL PACKET LINE,. PHILADEL; j PIRA AND RAiiTIMpRE: , LtEcita Co. ate now rnnniog twodatlylows of.eolehea, to and from , Freeport, eoaneetiar with Mate paeketa They will leave every Mornintat el o'clock._ PARETHROI.IOII—NINE bOLLAPP.. By this arrangemeni, Passengers will yo. tthrough , ' less t4n three and a half days, passing over one Yaw dred and Efly miles of railroad in daylight. _ For passagykinar m etnon - - left/ Ag ‘ronDongabelalfiroie ECLIPSE TH.A. I9II P9IITAT/01% LINE. •1848. SRIPPERS end others am informed mot Lims will continue to win throne:lout the year, lowsidle I daily. Produce and aserchanuire taken at low rues. • 3orrehandlce fete - Baltimore broom oat u Cana rates. Time as day.. c Wl ** , al,*dgalt* above Noose, Pittsburgh. J/I ROBINSON a 130 M 15 1, - • ' m 27 • 92 Saab Castles at, Baltimore. I ISTI* O.UP , SPOR. RALE. • s.„ ASTERN WHEBLIttrAT, of about 1 '1 150 tons h.the., 11tH ad= ten .months out. will be sold at a bargain, application is nude 00. Enquire, of JA.ES KRRIt, Jr., .• ol&rllw R, gavel ' GIZEP.M. ansitu >t CO., J. , NFOR3I the frieods and the public that th ey hav e no lodger any connection with their late esrabliah. Mew to Nan strew, known as the Pittablugh - haring removed their cadre b claims* to the I'.C, LIREWERV, ht Pal urea. • myl.S:dri T ° 4ll; cc .°l ' ., dt o Ar ß e ' . 9 :l:tot i f. ddo do do; go do Alyer's lb dodo; 23 do I.Yelem,‘ hon 4 64 plug; 12 coves,9o dwarf bpi. blyer'osuperjoi. Aromaue do; 60 do, 40 do do Thomas' Neckar/0.0.13- 4 Past received and for sale by ' RICYRTSO34 tri — Prt cAmod just bindle( lkom mearner North Caroli pa, and for sale by -W A Id ParcurxrßEF, - .190 line meet Ipt) GLOVlS — Embroid4red °Lures, white ; ea and colored; Lhie do, colord: • supply latsly m etered at MT Goode Ihnzseof ' jet?, • % lit WitPlilr i . II i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers