• - - .f11• .11 s • : I ghamtpcicasiolknNanhAmes , eau sad United Buda Gazefal, rsiladelphls, rectiTed NO., ' 5' 77 4114114140 ..., _mew TrixtmE EXPiLS reeeire .d sad' frmlud free oral. rie' fru p Pe Wet. failLT ()Aiwa iesblished . • Dolled per =e the Trirf T eekTY plre . lret% re ik'n' per mem the Weekly Is Two Wien .41 ettenet. 4.24 are maul/ recueud the hand is Wore 6T. and u eadiy ta to day es t, PtaatiCabL. Poi wise Mos e y amanntaltalli i iwoosk aad e, max W ien. Nem, Imports, e Maykets, &e. see Ismatasszems, • FOIL rsesmerrr, • 541.0EIALliT TAYLOR, Q . 111,IL .11.11. D. FOR:CAIIAL COMMISSIONER, NEIL ninDLEakwenTit, .• . . • IHlUaufaaslet And Whig Notiolnottlens. * . * FOR CONGRESS; picisza HAMPTON, auustwir SNIVELY, of M. SWARTZWELDFJ2, of Pittsbiritt. .HENRY LARGE, of Alai. of Looer Si. Coif. • .".- DANIEL ArCUILDY • of Elizabeth Borough , . THOLiEI FAIRMAN,of l'imbargb. 30/E1 K. FOSTER' bf tutrawb. •• Classeral Tayl4ll4 Claarecter. Mr...Crittenden% Speech to the trienda of Taylor ~. aitArillinore, at Zdarray's Yard, on Friday evening, was almost wholly an eloquent, warm hearted en. Icsyr of the character of General Taylor, pnblie and . 'A few of the 'points commented on, are 'l4 folloisi,-(*e do not pretend to give the ciao. This, the speaker said, he declaied from his own knairledge: ;He is a Whig, a good Whig, a tho rough Whig. I latow him to be a 'Wing, but not ,as ultra Whig.' All his political &aline are iden titled with the Whig Phr.t.T.: comootai. vayini - tv air arms: /LAIC On the uprightaess of genesis! Tayiee's chaise / ter, Mr. Crittenden dwelt with great einiestness, l 'as a trait which he knew, .and felt, and admired.— ' said he was emphatically an lemma ruin, and he defied the mamma of the old soldier to bring • aught eiminat him; impeaching his nprightneas i in • all' his' trativ•••••i• - s•v, during n public life of forty .; Tama . r His appearance and =miens bear the ati. peas of such inertial honesty, that peculation, meiniess, and rascality are frightened from his presence. General Twzrars. who has "been on habits _af intimate personal intercom-8i with him, said to the speaker, lately, that there was not o man the warld,Who bad been in the company of Gen. Tajdor five minutes, who would dare make an im. proper proposition to him- Diabonerly lees from • GIS TATIOIL IS A 31LN.01? GRIST Ammar. His whole military life - gave evidence of this— He never committed a blunder. or last a battle.— .. There is not another man in the army who would have fought the battle of Human Vista but General Taylor,--and aot another who would hove won IL - Examine tire whole history of his exploits, is their dilails,and you see the evidence of terreach tog sagamity, and great ability. Not mere scholastic learning.—he has never; gradnated at' e college—but his mind is lie* stored with that practical Lmowledge, which is no• gaited faun both men and books. He is a deeply read men, inxll ancient and Modernidainy, and in all maul relating iodic practical ditties of -life, civil and mgitary. is intimate tirith Plutarch, said the speaker,—a Plutarch hero tibriseif, as Might - as ever adorned the page of baton". ~Gen. Gibsen—lott all )mow and love Des. Gibson, - min of your own'ParUrylvanians, smut whostirepiii tiali forirfah and honetrwas proverbial, and whose - Ward was ravings the end of controversy, so im plicitly was it relied upon,--Gen. Gibson had told him, that he and Gen. Taylor bad entered the ar my nearly together, andhad served together al most constantly, until he, Gibson, retired, 'and-that diming that time, they had sat together on siren. teen Court Martialr , many of them importantand Maim:Vases, and in every single instance, Za. chary Taylorhed been appointed tadraw op the opinion Witte donre,—a brilliant testimony to his superior abilities, and - ripe leardidg and practical HUILA-MIT AND SLIITLICHT OF Gen. Taylor - , is_a plain Juiiiiimaning, uneaten. • ..tanous, gentlemairily man. There h is no pride, no simplicity airs about him. He toucans the utmost . simplicity of character.' When in the army, be fated jun ea his soldiers Csred--eSt the same toad • —dept under' his tent, and underiareat similar fa. tigrs--fisr lb months, in Mexico-never ileeping in house one night. His humanity, kindness, and -aiinplieity Hof character, bad won Oar MOP the hive of his addiers. They could approach him at • . times. He never kept a guard around his tent,ar • any pomp orParade He trusted hat' soldier; arid they trailed and laved him in ream Not a drop of his 'soldiers blood was abed by him, during the campaign. All the blood shed under his direction ,• ' was shed in battle. We bear of no military exc. cntiotts—no judicial shedding of blood.: His heart • mated to human woe, and ha was careful of the I •" .lives of his soldiers, and humane to the 'ening, and, to'thet vanquished foe. He is kind, noble, generous ) feeling,—s friend of the masses—l here 'is no aria. • Wares, about :,hin,4e is . a tree Democrat He '',;walladorn the White House, and - shed nevi light °tar the fading and false. Democracy of the day. ' wit , ch has far gone into its *ear sad - yellow leaf— •• bed will ern; inn nue, vigorous, verdant refiesh- 1 i se, Democracy On. Tartan PiptiLTINTS AO MAN roe. orramit ge.o a good and-tree Whig, but he will pro. scar r'nci mourkm. a: difference of opinion. lie hams, loathes - Proscription. He loves the free, indeiendeit utterance of opiniottillle has cam. ' Mended Whigs'and Democrats on the Bela of • . baule—bas militated Their patriotic demotion, sod , ' invisaible courage, MHO, standing,legether, der shoulder—has seen them Ggld, bleed and ... • die together, and God - 4.moid- he should proSeribe any man on account of a difference of politick! • Sentimems. Ile would as noon think, said the • : speaker, of running from a Mexican! ' ; i , Cm ii UTLOECII edamos. • •Hetre °idea, acid the ?Teske; to General Tay- Tor, because he Maim the §outh;Orid h .• , . holder. Are we not one,Yople? Do you not love • . the Union? :.Have I suet glib same rights as a Sen. ' itickhoo,to ail tie benedisofourglorious Union, that have as Pennuiyinumair We are one pea. pie, from the Atlantic to Sur Pacifiefrom our most • ~ Northern Line to the Rio Grande, wo are one peo. . • • •••• : itki—it is all ory coutarg—ii f silvers. Thereis ' no !reentry, there never miss a country; like thia. Reese, in her , mightiest. days, never possessed ao pain and splendid a country no this-so grand, so • • gem, so &nem' M. Our destiny in as glorious as ••• our country, if we hold and do notatiffer sectional prejudicerio divide on. We speak one , , • litypntips—otir Identity is the same—we we one J. • comolidated people—and out sowers line hitherto teen gkeiqua and "unprecedented. Shall we then . • divide in kering? . no! No matter where our man is from, if he is on American. General Tar lor;in his feelings, knows no South, no North—no : East, nerigess... He In 411.dmeriort! 'Where has he lived? In:his rem Sir gni) , years, Mikes% kr • poly Years, has been under the Mars and snipes . fof.the AmetseM. •EZSgilie• Hag of his. whole comotry. He. is it . natunsal . men-rhe has lived ...immuniser, wherever the flag waved is not - *whom man-41e Is an .ttotiritio.' pro. /ao one, eithir of the North or Soath, and hioi,fra the seeldent of birth . MIA Wiwi. KO modem= no man 53/ thiiossito• tioos of his Ste&s - 7arill you condatui him! Ho Li kind, getooiros, ixible old mao-- ., !,m. Ajiw. OLI. raun's num. ina tompentie unur-40 nova: dionk Iniubt ' ctipintt inlif%tik. Inbar ore tontinplosi oax-ririon's.tonttiontar or onazinro t , pmapy said the iirie . . 441:16 a 4aia you can: riot 44—a min otreatutot arii—a min yon o Apt POPrOrlitOtr man who never trsTnidere - - r. . - ~ ,~ k"`,d "1 _" z , "~...1-+r.~'L~,r k~:aßs":',~ `~s ~ ..~ >w.v~sy ~,~ ;.. r .a?.o-xs :ss:,s x ,s ;..:,Y+r ' g ad'., .?,.:; r4i ~r _:; ,< . . • BY Esusrvs . BROOKS &PO. • MONDAY MORNING, 3DNE jfk ista ...11',.1.-rat" l l:33/...T331011. .13 A MUG There Clll be no doutit, however, that the com plicity of Loan, Blanc in the conspires), of the 15th May, has been . established in evidence before the Minister air:him and Attorney General. These authorities have demanded of the Chamber the lib erty to prosecute hico, and in • spite of the alleged opposition of the Executive authority, a committee' has been appointed to report on the case. The Chamber has been thrown into great confusion by This proceeding. It appears that Louts Blanc, Ban' beg, and •Boubrier • breakfasted together on the 1 morning of the 15th, and. together conceited their meanies. The moieties are fahconfined m Via.' ensues, while AL Louis Blanc, after several days absence from the Assembly; tins again ventured to show his him there. Can the conspirators of the 15th.of Hay really be brought rto punishment.; on. der such circumstances' The 'decision of the corn. mines on Louieillane's case will disclose whether . the Assembly Is sufficiently strong to exercise's just vigor. Fresh disturbances have broken out at Lyons. It is staled that M.An Chemin hes hien appoint ed Minister to the United States. , The Phis 1 - owners Of Wednesday repay:ant continued !Burst. - 1 A committee of eighteen, one from each human, had been appointed to consider the proprietyof im peaching Louis Blanc. The prosecution . Is looked upon with disfavor. Vie assembly did hot sit on the Ist inst. The sub committee on finance hen reconimead ed the rejection of the tninisleriail scheme, with re wins the railways. Prince Louise Nogroleani who visited Paris_ 'sung three ego, has received orders ..to quit- Baron Rothschild's model farm villa bas been buns 1 ed by incendmries l parinance ofthe system, a detail of which tr.fintoditt BlOiNElf! PerN virz to destroy the g o e rgroiris g credit thro'lierpetual onkragerand compulsion. It inky.. Poled the ilighteningaway of AL Rothschild will I be a great blowat the financial means orate goy. eatunent. • 11 ' 1 • INTILLIMICIE MON TIM IVEITriErn re* newais rather lees warlike. •- Pramist has descovercel that the occupation of Jutland could - not be tolerated, and - she has with. drawn hes 'troops. A violent street Mot, arianw oat of the disputei infrequent in that city, alma in Barlii on the 26th. The National Guard charged the Psntle, and a good many were hart Order was not mimed nal an muly hour of the neat Iforelg3t . News by the America. 'Wea therdonetitta;Cppi,ltitildna, aim - 4rd at Boston on ;wieder evenint,;,.frow Liverpool wbinai . age Wed. °li th e 3d in tent.'- Sher via 36, lotus malnt'aile the mine fresiiHalifax to Box tim, endents degained 8 howl by a fri f She ar• rived up tolee berth lathe remarkably short ere eftin dap mug 'sight hours froin Liverpriol, bubo ding detention i oll and at Halifax. This, we believe, is the shortest passage ever made bino Liverpool to Boston. ..Therilmeri,2abrinps seven days later nein from We select, hint theiiew York Tribune, and other papers, the Mowing details ofthe news: • On the 211hult., in Dublin, Mr. Mitchell, con victed of treason upon the pre vious evening, was ante:iced to thirteen years traisportation, and immediately removed, under an escorlsquadron ofcavaliy, to &steamer ufwar, which was waiting to convey him to the convict depot at Spike Is land, in the Cove of Cork. His destination is Ber muda, whither be has already sailed, taloa incar cerated on beard a dockyard hulk. Intense excitement prevailed in Dublin up to Sunday 'rlightt' but has since given way to a deep_ and solemn si which denotes stern preface tion and resolve. A lence, liberal provision will bo made by the notion for the convict's Amity. ' • The European Times nya--"Wheci the verdict ,of guilty against Mr. Mitchell was delivered, a scene of great confusion ensued in the Court,lint the tranquility of the city of Dublin. was not ma terially disturbed. On the following day, the 27th ult., Mr. Mitchell was brought up tor sentence, Ind after seine speech es equally defiant as his previous conduct, of all aw thorny whatsoever,he was sentenced by the Court toll years' transportation. On them:nu day, be was conveyed in an ordinary prison-venni. a Gov. ernmert steamer lying close to the quay. We forbear to touch here upon all the tender and affecting circumstances of the sudden Parting ofthia unfortunate man with his wife, children and confederates. ,i,The sternness of ambition yielded Wore the overpowering claims bf nature; and bar: tied away as be was fr om the theatre of his crime, few can have kit more painfully than Mitchell, the deepangaish of seeing one's native land receding amid the grossine•watera This has been n stunning filo* to the Confede rate party. A great clamor bus been raised abottt the packing of the jury. to has been attempted to impeach the legality of the conviction, by showing that Roman Catholic Jurors were struck frtim the panel, and in the case of O'Brien and MuMengher no doubt this was the feet, but it seems to have been in direct contradie ton of the instructions of the Government By a vote of the Repeal Association, the wife and child= of Mr. Mitchell are to be adopted by the people of Ireland, and their comfort and education provided farm the public expense out of a sub scription Gar the purpose. • The types of 'this United /ridieson newspaper were immediately seized by the GOVernment,and his property sespresfrate.l. •That. paper is acme Jingly at an end; but arrangements are in progress for bringing out a new journal of-asimilsr tenden cy, under the sovereign .style, titleand dignity of 17 kids Fees. , The husguage of Mr- John O'COnnell at the Re peal Association, when urging 'the members to adopt the tannly of Mitchell, and in expressing in dignation agairurt the Attorney General, was par ticularly exciting. upon all Irishmen never again to speak' to the Attorney General, but -- to spit upon him as he had spit :upon the Catholics—not to expose themselves to be struck down singlY,- but to band themselves together as iletertruited: and united Irishmen. Mr:Mitchell arrived at SpikislaLsoil, Cork, on Sunday night, and wan instantly banded over to the Governor. He will immediately assume the convict. drew, and be treated in every 'respect like nn ordinaq convict. Frees the declaration of Sir George Grey, in the Mouse of Commons, it appears that the Govern meat has determined on carrying out the sen tence against him; of transportation beyond the sena In oinsequmsce, however, of the.bad state of health . under which the unfortunate man is suffer ing, they have relinquished the intention of senditig him to Noriblk Island, but have ordeal him to be conveyed Whet Majesty's dock-yard, at. Beatitude, - and there, on board the Thames Convict hulk, to Undergo his first year'. sentence. Ifer Majesty's steam sloop Scourge, adz guns, Coin. Wingrove, left Portsmouth on Monday. mor ning for Cork. to take qn board the unhappy Mr. Mitchell and other prisoners, and to' meted int medistely to Bermuda. Some partial disturbances have taken place in London at Bradford, Manchester, Leeds end oth, er Places Chartists have been the instigators of these tomuhs, which, in every. en*, have been ilmcat instantly suppressed. • . Oa Monday evening, a large assemblage of Chartists collected in Clerkenwe.ll, in London, but at midnight they quietly dispersed. On Wednes• day evening, similar meetings took plans but the arrangeinenti °film police, aided by et demonetra• lion of the milieu), men, were so complete, that the , 'mob, whenever - if appeared, , was speedily mattered. • • Diving the joasgweek tranquillity =sheen maim Seined in Pane, under the vigoroms administrate= of Gorr. Can - maze, with a large body of regular troops wider , has command. The auempts which have been severel times made to create • adult. since hive been at once supprmsed. •••• : • . The .NanonalAssembly, sarroundetl•by in im mense mifitary farce s 's=daily, and appears by ' Ines smiling. down to the business of practice! The detimninalion of the Assembly and the Ex ectitive to break up the system of organisation of labor, set on foot by M. Louis Blanc, but OCCuien• ed deep resentment among the recipients Of the wages of the State. The Executive first struck a blow at the - directors of the ourriers, ,M. Emile Thomas who succeeded 'M. Louis Illanc in the amitirlisr!,,gton of the akWers narionauw On the night of the 2Gth ult.:M. Emile Thomas , was suddenly sent for by a Minister - of Public Works, and suspended to his *lke by two civil engineers, and having been compelled to itign a resignation was sent on' in the custody of two agents of ;Police, to Bordeaux, or the neighbor- The . workmen demanded tbo reinstatement of LL Emile Thomas in his functions, and% since that time the rappel his been beaten almost daily: . Large assemblages of workmen hove been drawn together in various parts of Paris, bat be. leg kept in - check by thearerwhelmingkree, bock of regular troops and National Guards brought igniturt them. all the efforts. made to dislarbjbe peace, have been abortive: The persons acme* receiving de wages of the Slate canhat be kwer thin 120,000; It is intended to draft portion of these into the provinces, and thus break up the confederacy. The police have at. length succeeded in captur ing the redoubtable Blanqui, and also Flotte; whilst these notorious conspirators were at large it was felt that no security existed br public tranquility, the' talents and indomitable audacity of Slanqui rendered him especially dangerous, bar the trial of the prtemers, now confined at Vincennes, together wail the dinkiest! of the carriers, Las put the power of, the Execs:airs to a severe test- 'lf, how ever, a good understanding prevails betsieen the EXecUtlYe and the. Notional daiembly, we have no doubt they will annive this ordeal. The rela tions between the Executive nod tberAssembly me at length settled. The members Of the Exe• entire moat attend the Assembly Whtn forty mem bers require it. They have, however' a special right to be heard; bat they me egempt from gene rat attendance. • The article relating to the measure of deknee of the Assembly, has been finally passed by specify ing in the -clause that the President of the Assem bly has a paramount right of issuing the proper commands in the case of urgency and necessity. This contest has thus ended by the declaration that the Assembly shall protect MeV. and not. owe its protection to . Executive authority. Lamartine, Perceiving the feeding of the Amembly, acquiesced tons decision. It is stated that the Committee appointed to draw ups ainstilution has decided. nnaterriously upon . the iexpediency of having but one Chamber and -a' single President, both the result of direct popular elections by universal suffrage. the number of members to the Chamber is undecided, but it is said that the President 'will be ineapable of re election, Kul must have at least two millions of votes. The COSiltaiL4so will probably conclude its labors u about three week. A letter nom Trent Ulu a :t sharps/aka be. tweet the regular troops cetheidasnese and 110M0 Austrian regiments, assisted by • irregular corps, had taken place near tbelLake of Ida, which the latter were victoricos, having taken Caren; etrong post called Castel Lodicate,anikreptdeed the .Ltallatia as fir as Rocca d'Anto. Ma The Schleswig Holstein Journal, wider date of y 2 001, ennonnced that a Ccollision had taken plate - between the Danesand the Germane, at Sue derlirtt The Danet landed on' the main land and attacked the advanced posts of the German army ender the heigtos of Do Ike, while- atumber of gun ate . omailed the in another quarter, Loge numb= were stated to have been Uled and wounded on both aides; and at 7 o'ckek in the evening, the Germans retreated by Gravenstein, the Danes advancing aftm them. Mont 7000 went engaged on each side. ie reported that the Germans lost 1000 men and of cainnui. It is stated that a combined Ran, Swedish and Danish Hest was off Co. penhagen,Prince Constantine being otr board. An has Eaptere in anticipation of the overland mail, arrived with dales Aum Calcutta to April 10th, and &ening; May lit, No news , of in. • . • stescatazatocs urrixttorrtg. • The paper! relative to the dismissal ofSir,Henry Bedwer have now been laid before Parliament-- The London Ito been opposed to the English min istry, admit unequivocally that Sit Meaty Bialsrer gave no provocation whatever to the Sna.nish gur =meat; that there is no presentable charge or comPlaitit against him; and that the pretence:lW the Neivaex cabinet only wished the ambessr to quit Madrid to retire him from assassination, Leffler; and worthless. The issolution with respect to the ministenal proposition for the modification of the navigation laws wan met on Monday evening by, counter resolution, proposed by Mr. Harries, upero which the supporters and opponents of Mr. Lebouchere's measure in the House of Commcms had joined is. sue. The Counter resolution of Mr. Henies sets forth that it is essential lei the national interests of this country to maintain the fundamental princi ples'ofthe existing navigatio4a mw ss , , subject to such modifications as may be heist. calculated to obviate any proved inconvenient - Ott! the commerce of the United Nine= and itsdreneies, without anger to our national smell . The improved tone exbited in the cheraCter of trade up to the c lose of last weegekneral has been Lady maintained for. the last kw days, not withatanding the constant augmentation of cont. Mental Intelligence by no means r conducive to an expression of the prevailing feeling. ~Uamitigated ts derangemen on the Continent have greatly wpm voted the feelings of alarm caused by disorderly manifestations at home, and a TVICtiOn, though trifling, has of consequence been produced...! • On Monday and the two &flowing - days an in • subordinate ambit wan displayed in London, some parts of Yorkshire and thrtneighborhood of Man• chaster by armed assemblages of Chartists and Re. peelers who, with the avowed abject of making a sympathetic demonstration in !Reamer Mk Mitchell, whose fete is noticed above, and exhibiting r twit- lie defilume orthe Gorerament s have effected a considerable deal of mischief The immediate re stilts of these aemonsmations have been almost suspension of business in the several localities. The wanton destmehon of suns fitment proper ty ; the compulsory. closing of or km large establishments and collisions with the civil power in which the police and • special constables were beaten; the authorities, liowevar, hitviag moored to strong repressive measures, the disposition to riot has, with the aid of the military been greatly I checked ; but it into be feared that perfect tranquil ty is far from being moored. No lives were but, but several were 'rounded on both sides. The accomus tram the manufacturing districts though so much conflicting in many respect!, nie not in the main gloomy. -t)petetiorts in the past week have been limited, being almost wholly mu., fined to the execution of somei United States and borne orders, and a few the the German market. We are in receipt by the Overland Mail of some demands for the India market, but not to any camsidemble extent. The manufacturing meddle:l - the country is entice, and will continuo so un tilthe establishment of Continental harmony. The interchnege of trailic with the United I is at present the palladium of Great Britain. The monetary condition of the country sill, continues buoyant; money in plenty, nceotnenodar tion liberal, the discounts are moderate - 21re ea. tional securities are firm, though is the lent day or two inactive. Theylnve of muse been mate. or affected by the varying announcements re ceived from abroad, the necessities oftittle at home and the speculative opinion entertained reganling governmental probabilities generally. An impression is generally acknowledged that•l the present Mil:artery most abandon office befit!'" the closing of the season. From the late defeats which they have sustained in both Homes of Par lament. the growing unpopularity of the Irish pot,. and the great inadequacy of.the !revenue , • menthe current demands of the State. The funds, after much vacillation during the week, opened Bell yesterday morning with a large influx of mon ey Upon the Stock market the closing quotations were 63; to SSI forumsfer and Silo Si} Or no. count. Bank stock is quoted-lel Exchequer 37e 36spreminm. The condition pf the : Prink of France u repro, seated as int peeing, thoegh abwly Business is exceedingly depressed in Havre. Gera. Taylor's Views. Now that General Tattles has been • nominated by the Whig Cony Crwventioyes oar castlidito **the . Presidency, our =ilea will be interested in evc cry thing tending to / ibraidate his views on the proper policy of Ghverrament. We therefore re publish his letter totes. J. S. Allison, which cod taus probably hi/latest and 1113111 clearly dallied impresstons. • / Ethic Tvoran, "trail 22,1818. Dear Sir—Ml opinions have morally been so ten misconcetred and mist' eprescuted, that l deem it doe to myself if not, to my brands, to make a brie exposition of them upon the topics to which you have called my attention. I have consented to the use of my name as s candidate for the. Presidency. .1 have (rankle avowed ray own distrust of my fitness for that high station; but haying at the solicitation of many of my countrymen, taken my position as a Candidate, I do not heel at liberty,th surrender that position math my triends manifest a wish that I should re tina from it. I will„then most gladly do so. I have no private porticoes to accomplish' no pasty purpo ses to Wild up, no enemies to punitar 7 ootho w to serve but my country. I have been very often addressed by letter and my opinions have been asked: upon aimed every question that might occur to the writers tai affect. lag the interests of their country or their party. I have not always responded to these inquiries, for .. various reasone. , I confers, whilst I have great cardinal principles 1 which will regulate my political life, I am riot sot& cleanly onnier with all the minute details of h b eal legislanion to give solemn pledges to exert my liinflaceen if I were Preaident to I carry out thi I ' oidefeatthat measure . I have no concealments. holdpo opinion which I would not readily pro claim to my assembled conatrymenvbet crude Repressions upon matters of policy; which may be right today and wrong tomorrow, are perhaps not the beit test .of fitnese fur office. One who mulct be trusted without pledges, cannot be confided"in, merely on account of them. I will proceed however now to respond to your inquiries: First--I reiterate what I have often said—l am a Whig,•but not au ultra Whig: If elected I would not be the mere President of a pasty. I would en. I deavor to act independent cd 4 party domination.— I should feel bound to administer the Government • untrammelled by party achemes. Sacra—The veto power—The power given by the constitution to the Execu il ie to interpose his veto is a high conservative power but; in my opinion should never be exercised except in cases of deer violation of the constitution, or manifest bade and want of consideration by Congress.— Andeed I have thought thakkr many years past t the known opinions and wishes of the Executive have exercised undue end injurlousintluenee up on the legislative department of-the Government; and for this cause I have'thooglit our system was in danger of undergoing a ...eat change from its true theory. The personal opinions of the fedi. victual who may happen to occupy the Executive chair, oughtnot o contra' the action of Congress upon questions of domestic policy; nor ought his objections to be interposed where questions oleo. stitutionel power have been settled by the various departments of Government mul acquiesced by the people. Third—Upon the subject of the to if, the cur. reocy, the improvement of our. great highweya, river" lakes, and bettors, the ; will of the people, es expressed through their representatives /II Con• grass, ought to be respected and canted out by the Executive. Fourth;—The Meilean War I sincerely rejoice al the prospect of peace... My life has been dews. ed to arms, yet I look upon war it all Vines mid under all circumstances an a national calamity to, be:avoided if compatible with national honor.—: The principle." of our government as well as its true polity ore opposed to the subjugation of other nations and the dismemberment of other countries by conquest. In the language of the gnat Wash, inglon, "Why should we gait one own monied on: Alreign ginned ^" In the Mexican warner nation at honor has been vindicated, ampiy vindicated,- and in dictating peace we may well Alford to be forbearing and even magnanimous to our fallen: the. These are my opaiions upon the subjects refer. red to by you, and any report orloublicationi, writ ten or verbal , any murco, dtWermg is any es. nentiel particular from what is here written, arena. authorized and untrue. Lilo not know that Labial again write upOn the subject of national politics I shall engage in no scheme& no combination, no intrigue.. If the American people have .not confidence in me they might not to gyre me their inrirrage& If they do not, you know rite well enough In believe me when I declare I stfall be content. lam too olds *Adler to murmur against much tight authority. • Z. TAYLOR; To Capt. J. B. Althsort. Tins Colour or ti Conn tadi dregs its slow length along at Frederick, Md.' There is a pmspect, however, of its proceedings be brolight to a anddea close by the impinaiott of the commission of Gelll. Pillow,* well as one of the member,' of the Court, GetLlCtuthieg, bpi having been appointed "for the the Thisisnot the !tut of the verzatioasegairsttuttlbeitmaty ofpeacehat relieved at oC Tnz Albany Evening Joanna Jaya that the te• vomit, to the nomination of Tay* and Mauna, u t .unanintona and enthusiastic," ~~ ~.~... t~,_ %~;; =N22!MMRIM owraith • hem 15, 1.848. • . . &dad Council met, puma= to adjoartritteug of the Lla instant. • • Present--Meason Ate. BakewelL Maki Cot My, Coyle, Drany;_ghrimellill, /Kincaid, Lariblin, em, Lmenz, mutß, Menet Simplon, Tomah aid Mr. &tiptoe, President Mr. Denny moved that Roo d .Ske apthe Ordinance rehurre le the Mr. Black mzit g eatend, adarintleig the Ordinance for a the higher portions of the City with water,' erf be other purposes: Mr. B le, 'Crried. to akewell moved lay the ameradment on the tab The . origin the al motion, to take oP the Oldinance relative to B ad was then adopted. The ordinals.. entitled 'Az Ordinanc. grant/mg certain Pririleges to the Pennsylvania Rail Boad Cornyan y'--which wu rem/ a dowed time on the 13th instant—was thentak e ninct Mr. Lang moved tomzepd, by Irith li the Railroad Company lion" engaging the business of kiniarding merchants. A yrentlment adopted. Mr. Totten presented. a .Naitma unimeroady - signed, Papas Councils to lass 411rdinance, which was mid and sent to C. C. 'l Mr. Bakewell called fxr the third reading of the ,Mr.Balcewell tin Chair. Ir 4 Mr. Shipton moved that the ordinance he taken up by senics=.-which prevailed. , • The first wimp was 'then taken up, and reed .a third time, and passed. . . • Mr. Shipton presented a comnim:ilizirimi from the Recording Register. Read. • ' • , The 241 section was then • ban up aad. read e third time MrShipton made some remake, opposing the passage of this •n of the cede. ante. Mr. Totten advocated the On the final passage, Me, kr ix ealled,fer the yeas end nays—which was sup . When Mr. Kincaid moved to eat by inserting j 'providing the said mutt does extendbeyond the eastern line of,Dugpteum Way.' Amendment lost. _Preadult in the Chair. j • ' Mr. Blark moved that the father.lanendesatioa of the ordinante be poaponed fog a few days.... lag. The yeas and nays on the passage of this sec., 000 were ealled—and resulted as Molars Ayee—Messra Albin", BakinvelLghiskeyvDen.• Langhlini - torte, La P4'saa, .monor, Rimpson, Totten, 11. • . Nays—Man Black, Coyle, Drim,liillKincaid, President, O. „ - I The 3d section was them take:tap—ma a third time, and passed. r The ordinance wen then tike up a final p l sage—the Preamble- adopted-aid the Ordinance finally paued, by the fallowing vote—the ayes sad nays having been called for. Ayes—Mesan. Atkins, Bakerwell, Ovary, Den ny, Hill, Laughlin, Layng,Loreez,llPGiO, Murray, Simpson, Totten, 12. P Nays—Messm. Black, Coyle,- Drum, , resident, 5. The Ordinance entitled 'Ace Ordinance Dr sum' plying the higher portions of the City with Water, and for other purposes,' which in C. C., May 25th, was read a third time and pried-;.i. S. C., May 39th, read Ist and 3d time; and laid over-wrus then called op--area Mr. Bakewell moved: to emend, striking out all except iitla to Ross and paring Wylie Street. Mr. Black moved to ley the aritendment on the. table, which prevailed by the following 1u5e....-the ayes and nays having been called kw by Mr. Bl at*: Ayes—Messrs Aikin", Mack, Coyle, Dorm, nal, Layng, Simpson, Totten, President-9; Kaye-411in= Bakewell, Caskey, Denny, Kip' raid, Laughlin, Lorena, WOW, Mtmay-8. Mr. ArGill moved to =mad by striking out city bonds, and insert cub. Mr. Drum moved to lay the amendment on the table—which prevailed by 'the allowing vote—the yeas and nays having been called for Teas—Messrs. Aikin, Bleck, Coyle, Drum, lip, Layng, Simpson. Totten. Presiient--9. Nays—Meer., Damsel!, Curly, Denny, said, Laughlin, Lorene, MUM, liternly , ="B. • Mr. Denny moved to amend, by authorizing the Mayor to ,borrow on ; Loan any wen or soma not exceeding $lOO,OOO, on certificate" under the aeal of the corporation, of MOO each, bearing him...* of Ii per oft,can per ann ato—payabler half yearly at the ank Piusburgh, itzt 'Abe &Md. to he milocne able in 181.—this teeeeifo bOIMIred, to be pad to the Treasurer, and applied by him erelmirely to the parnenl of warrants drawn is the purpose .;of definying the expenses Moaned in carrying oat I the partitions or this ordinance.- • Mr. Black moved to lay the amendment on the joolo, which was lost by the allowing vote4-the 'feu and nays having keen called for - Ayea—Merimi. Aikine, Black, Coyle, Drum, Hill, tilos, Simpson, President-8. , Nays—Messrs - Bakearelk Caskey, Denny, Km odd, Laughlin, Lorenz; broiu, Murray, 8. . . Mr. Laughlin moved to amend the anima:lent. by inserting- after the words . payable in bonds' provided the bonds are not sold a a gmater di. want than 10 per. nest Mr. Black moved to lay the amendment to the amendment on the. table, which was Last by the following vote—the ayes and nays aroing:been ! called for • Ayes—blesasjAikins, Black, Coffniprtup, Layng Simpers; President-ill. Caskey, Denny, Kin caid, Lnagklin, Loren; MDfil, Murray, Totten, 9. Lienamendment to the amendment was then ta. lasitup,• and carried by the fallowing vett:4-Idr. .111:Cell calling for the men and:lmre Aym—gfeaws. Bakewefl, oesmr„.Drinty,Lair. caid, Lamed* Lefte; M'Gdi, Murray, President' N yag aye-l—Mesera. Aikin, Black. Coyle„-linun, 1101, La, Sitn Touee-8. The amend ieco, meatas amended wee then taken rip, and lost by the fallowing vote—Mr. Mrrili fa the yeas mad nays: • Ayes—Mmass. Bakevreli. Casket, - Denny,. Kin. raid, Laughlie, Laren; IiPGM, Murray. S. Nap—Messrs. Aikins, Black, Coyle, Drum, HA .Laing, Simosoa, Totten, President-9. Mr, Black ealied kr the third maim and final peallign of the Ordinance. Mr Denny moved that the Ordinsace be taken up section bisection. Bahewell summed the motion, end mated that he was in Amor of the first section of the Or. Maalox, and was doe:loos of voting by it. Motion of life Denny ad d. The Ist section was read kind iwased`hy the lowing mote. • • Ayer—Mears. Aikim , Bakewell, Black, Casket, Coyle, Denny, Hill; Kincaid. Lem, Laren, MU , vet Simplon, Totten, and Pres:dent—lS. Nam—Menrs. Laughlin and MVOI-2. The 2d maxima was read and adopted; by the fallowing vac Yea—Meiers. Black, Coyle, Drum, Hill, Laing, Simpson, Totten, President, 9. Nays—Messrs. Hairminall, Casket Denny, Kin., csid,Lortilia, Lorenz, Marray.9.' The third and burgh sections' of the Ordinance IrePripassed by the time The °Minnow was then taken-up on the final passage, and by the fallowing vote. Messrs. ..C•skey and Murray declined voting. Ayes-3081ms. Aikins, Bleck, Coyle, Drum, Hill, Laing, Simpson, Totten, and President-9.- • Nair—Messrs. Bake well, Denny, Kincaid, laugh. Messrs. Learenz,Mllll-4. Mr. Balorwell read thi, hallowing . owi.ip,.., which wes ordered to be spread on the mitimes and re ported with the proocedings of Council. The undersigned, Members of the Select Coon• nil of the City of Pittsbargh, acting under a solemn ' sense of their responvibility to their constituent!, and their consciences, and in the . avereise ardour undoubted rights, do hereby enter their e arn, yet i respectful Protest against thepusage of th est e Ordnance providing for a supply of Water thr the Viva, Wards of the City, and fa other mimosas, .reasons kr' the Wowing, mews- tranyequaltpimeNtant First—Because the .Ordinance was irregularly introduced into the Select Council, at • Gore when the appropriate coalmine as prepared to report upon one of the most important 'objects imbrseed in it, through the unprom&nted'eet of suspending the rules of Council against the dee.ision of the President, by the vot e of n mere majority, in viola lion of the uniform , of legislative badies by which the consent it least two thirds of the members present is fired for the anspeemon of the Rules. Secensd—Because thin ordinance; involving the expenditure of a sum far exceeding the amount appropriated by any former ordinance, and indeed so vardhuthefriends of the 4 nelauribllVOrla tuned to nuke eaydeanita estimate FM the subject, hasbeentoreed throughconnals,withoutpermiuirig any discussion of Ito details, either by the approprc are efanding ootannuees; or by especial eoramittee. Third—Because all efforts to publish this ordin ance were Maimed, thereby preventing the citi. sans, who will be taxed to defray the expenses incurred by it, from having an °pp:inanity of in. specting their representatives, in relation.to this its passage important measumorevenorreeregaimet Fenn-6-80.-am this ordinance will Unequal and unjust in Its operation, imp:ming an awed= bertben ;mon the taxable Inhabitant* of atop?. ' lion of the citizens kw the exclusive dm-4dd. privileged individuals residing in Ober districts thereof Fillt#Becieuse it is equally contrary to wend legislation and established custom bled - ode Moue general law, trebled. that are utterly incentrenial in their.natenr, thereby wen n' a danger:ad proce• dent for the future action of uouncila. Sixth—Became this ordinance authoriliat.the lime of an indefinite amount of City Bonds, will materially kluge their credit, and prove highly , detrimental to three persona who have taken an bonds, In full reliance upon the faith attic, city, and WiU fur th er, by reducing their value to the c amel tors, to whom it is porpoied Winne them, compel I the skid contractors dm?' exbodatant price for their workand ACCIII2IO 142 =Milt add. ad will prevent ; the prosecution of any other ma be. Provements,.hoWever imperative their necessity y Seventh—Because a -larger extent ' af grsdialf and paving is authorised by this ordinance than can poldbly be accomplished In the present year , from the tyof obudamg the propermateria* end will, mended occasion an enormous advance in the price of that description of labor. i THOMAS BAKEWELL, • .T.AS. KINCAID as. B. muase CASE} seam Y, • JOHN Sl'GrLiy IMPS LAUGbilai HABILUit F. DENNY, LORENZ! • 74:7:1ffLai:41.1. Sincicar.-114hiffx ER, • member at the rittmarredi kat, artawred !Weide; by euttimbia dm; GA WI Friday. XINIII The zwireiss on nithij eight to b Ni. taniieu, weebrae suid serthesiewie. e . Ir ani chows, whith in.l. - weikin riseintiesepted the varixts speakers in their Omit Jeanne The speakers were Mt Loiwud, Mi. Critteethart, Mr. Grim, and Mr. Lazo* and all sapaited duiseseliits with great ezedit, and to the achreetion dthe sieheuee. The Wowing h a list of 04 - of& oaf on the ceeesion: rancturrr. _ HON.- WALTER FORWA D. of_Ffthles vica mesumw eL Pion A: W Loomis, . Samuel Rodebttry: i Mae Jones, Hon HEIZO3S? Denny, Wm Gates, of Pitts: bomb; John Monism, Cot Wm Robinson; Alle limn' diri EektraitaJonea,Robe!t Whams, low er St. Clair; James I J MW IWm Cavin, Versa* Mumma ' ; 'Jan YiPlbscob,_. • Eliza:elk; James Spoor; COI A aighhindi, ROOK Zachary Weinrich . , lariri seawall* Alfred Lloyd, Simko.; Ahmander Me. Res, Robin ; An d Marsha; North IMAM; John Hickman, South Fa Roo Duff; Ohio; John Byers, Findlay; / Mixeki Iced Unarm, Plum; Otpt ames Blur,fer; Thomas Verner, Baldwin; John Magill, West Deer; Lewis Peterson, EU: Deer =HOI/ Cornelius Darragh, Piu; Pee, Bates, Rieserve; Jahn CYHan, Indiana; John Emrich, Pine; James hVlCenitey Suodgrau, MiMis; James Fife, Esq., Snowden. _ =smut= I. II W Williams, Eon, David Ritehie, EN, Ron: ry Stimple,Esq.,.l? 0 no Eisi, Pinata*, Paul A Way, Ohim John Miller, Sharmburgh; J WElherr . on, Lower St. Clair; G H Tower, Eliza- Noumea comma nova—This stove combines all the Mood qualities of foram ohm, and besides poaseasee some decided hoopmvenlents. It is the , only dove where the oven is. heated by hot air . akine, made and oiled by a draft rap from the floe and smoke doer and itis 'ao me w.. ted as to prevent th e oven from ' unequally, which la a mon excelleat quality. vapor from meats or anything elle that Create 1:0; is carried off by the heavy drag from the Olr Au pnwenN Mg the darer of any article that ' bentecooked. Thee are many other palpab le ad which these swigs have over all , others, which 'claim the attention ef purchases". • See advertisement ' A We German boy, about T oll, was Atm' on lest Beturdaj, in fiei. He wen Weep when • ... Calnation mega he obtained w . _ . ed. A vanahman named it 'tt' eromily took him to Ida 'boom, wh may find bim. .. Har—We noticed • short time able coolisesii of the weather for t hot there has been a great • • : days fa the temperature. Last' F daY; the _thermometer ranged • gierii in the abode. A man named George Perpignan died sudden th•of earailliever, yesterdaynt may at tbe Wult: legion hoieL Tile __Coroner held an - inquest over los body, and a V'endiet was rendered accord. Saastan.—AgeaUemna AileTjhetty, who mu*. be a "chnrter," wan walking along very coolly oa Saturday . atomilf, with a line male in his hat on bin bead. We presume he intended it al a cooler gte e Scorr. 7 ll. LS duty to JAI= 1 .1 ••Ot., cum- kad. , nett here la a • tn to the Whig Convention which the Hero of the Age. FALL FALL Fiume I , When calla Mr. Truman Smidi, of aon, presented the g) lowing letter Loin den. Sam.: - Allsimmarms, June 3, lot& Dun &E — l hasten to oclammledge the non or Cl your letter Cl this date. I bdoot and feel all the force of the public views you have kid-before no. a kw days l had DOI supposed that my name inks It all likely to be Mons* before.the great Whig National Convention, now soon to meet at ,Philsdelphis to select the candidate of Whig party for the next Presidency of the United Stake. Whether! receive votes or not in that en lightened body for the high statism in qicessian, I shall as a Whig kel myself under every obligation that can bandit citizen to - his country to give to the Nominee, whether it he myself or. anot he r ; of the candidates with which my_same is associated, the moral influence and support it may be in my pow er rightfully to earn, and I ought not to doubt that all Whigs will be equally patriotic in the game good cause. Respecting the personal friendship which you send me, I remain, my dear Si!, Sti th . fully yours. %VINFIELD SCOTT. Hon. Timms Sxrnt. NATULVAL RZTOZ.V.-.41.0 India:Mil Congress in mama in the iity of Philadelphi a , one placed in nomination tbe following candidate; to be imp. piled by the National Reformer; at tha next Nil. yember elecion. . For Praiiicat—Gmerrr Barn; of N Far Fax .Pmaicriam--Wx. &Warr, c conespondent itfilie N. Y. Globe Barnbc that tßate tojmite i¢ tkil this ticket. Ne says it La &ticket which alba Ramberner lamas 30i/ 634 Free 'Trade and Flee Men." A-NM CoI7IIIT I.t Prearcvenit.— he Legno Ware in this State, al their last session, gassed a bill for a nays , cOunty, called "Forest," oat of the central poetioa4 that State. It is boned ot;erri• tory which a Arse yairs ago was a peril:lls arifider new It Is bounded by Elk, Vamp CleieLeld, Warien, Clarion and Jinja= counties,- and is Annexed witbiesgnificent timber. Amur= or &emir Err Ccowcorrarrl—h is not goo/rally knows that Come:mica had never passedit law completely abolishing slavery, and eight eV ten slaves are still is that Stata. The At• aembly; aEw &ye Dry ptuyeda btll abolishing It orever, and Compollieg the waters of the EMI AM! =llan to support them far the rest of doll. Ayes. ==732tt!El • • •• • meta for l UP:elide:my. Martin Van Ekren, it is the mid, wfil permit his name to be useCin this connection., The Evenhte Post oily' General *Vat wilt doubles' be eleetal President, sad tkuu Ite will Probably be the hut President from tba — Southem Swat he the nest tweuty )21111,-- - • • • Tenon. A Cowawrictrr.—The Whigs of New Loudon, Coen., fired a National Salute to honor of the ttoraimatione of Gen. Zachary Taylor . sad MI lard EThmore, oa Sattirday. •• A Stamm °aim-rum—A substantial Whigtnittz one of the strongest Locoloco townabipi in Frank. lin meaty, Ohio, happening in town at the time the nomination of Oen. TATUM IMIIIIIOOUPCI46bOOk his head dubiously, and island a settees eked:Wm.- - Ho said that twothiois of the "Dements" of the township would rime Ear him, and thus these 'men would lie in a Stronger 1112/04 than aver!' • • GIL% Cass—T3BB Albany Adaa, one of the on pas of thy 13,8=U/ryas, ealla upon Gem CO to daelfia bang a iyarulau, la froitlea opposioon to Geo. Taylor. ' -.. 1 I 1 G: Carre—spanadessiTh'i'P-I,llalnargh Oaseas. - . Correspondence or the Pittiburgh Queue. CONGFAIOIIS. • Wsionmsnet, June 17,1818. The Senate war engaged all day on ppm'. bills. Is the House, Mi. Rockwell called le the rep tiles order of bniiniss. ,The Have tbereksre meat into Committee Girdle - Whole Ilmine open pri6te Bale, Mr. Wick in the Chair,ind adenoma neje rcee and . • ,m. The House thin, Ojeented without traneeting any Maine= of importance. • C Waribintk;iTinTie 17,1617. The propo*alskt the new lona were opened to "T, area n • Mggs, for Riming de Bra, of London. got $14,300,000. Mauna Clark 411: 00, got $lOOO,OOO. Corcoran .e wholt amonoL EASTERN KAMM Philadelphia, Joss The eastern markets are eery dd. Them is nothing doleg owing to the excessive heat of.me wader. Prices f =Uhl as het quoted. 07' A Prmactstn Tsarnotav—Sellers' Linr Pills: The oa. T nut and ganairse Liver Pills. --Taatl,,, num:lama Co., Feb.41,184a ADE E Sellers-1 willJort add dm yostiLivisr Pills haws answered the nry blUt purpme la ray ;maim., end tram their salutary effects ra My 01 . 11 pm lions, lions, 1 can' earAdently and safely recommend m when I lave hlthtmo hesitated IMO wham of " M. i we r cMtd by B. E llgraElli i , i n oo d thr 1 a1 . 1 4 %471,5th wir4 . ..ll . ll_Csrry Allegheny; 4 P pram, Law P. Y'., , . [17 7.01 / 131 HALT "DLUlE — CalaMerg NOM sad BMW Labium mad Mass Vegetal& }. ofeetual taro doe libbumarjam. add by WAL MMd.Anal Poe Vibilbutbi , noyladawfbar • to im—rks Ckenting Hair' Lloaaert to no wail. MOM Jody estobwod as • we for as dim am any or all mina Ito eons are doom Ihr nolonablaZgold WWJACID3ON, ne for Rua- . • DIL iniann's PzirstacancAlin.ll7. I , af slater Mat Meant front en now in I Lamm oldie emontemier me mom. . • :.thown.u. Esavosa lt %%n., Jun 8,186 L • INlmeml. dais, The meal em u.lnaify meandem nab me • kit of . - lis Ltmorend Venniew, Oaf. which km be mid:. The peat Manes Met Any mania km indoeed ma it Mm; Ws Ws to yoa, Co me if roe Would csoc send ow soma soon; time had litedisisco lonm saidf . droa. end patent medicine. for drool Id yews, Wit e n seen no in Me tone of Pill. dim Me done so mod, good 11.0.11 , Lame's !Aver RIM and es 10 tat Vennifoge, !went Ito better prepataaion. I eoald mut pelt army eartillemee. trot do not think ft me mum, as the ankle Mreedy so well and (avertable knorn. Please dirwsni emu your milieu easseani °nee; Si dos Ye . raithiglii St do: Lima and do: L T . ontn ie ntrpeetiejty i, Me et the din; nom of J VIDD . Jr. Co, 60 woooir.7 ie. • laraWit Earsorimana—{Ye would toll attention to ' this =calm remedy kr Cooeba. onsumption, dadma, and all dons of M. Throat and Longa Hann ocrand tioieverichin • fear years puthad once. airs rat ed r a ocrilieine of Ude kind, wa kayo. by =pod., ears tow as excellent gnalitim, and are prepared to recommend it to inhana M ur al or other . speaken alflictod,riat bronchial arection4 lind cent boi c tra.fr . oz amCl: . /t b . 4 E. MI by a mina ealb and *S cants m edi cine Um idismues for which lt is re commended.—{Colomboa (Ohio) Cron and JonsnaL For sala ul6e Patin Tel Shwa, No. 70 Foutth street. my2i I: • irrlbe annual eloctiOn of Din:anon of the Mo. lout Insurance ,Commuty will be bald at the odes of 8.10011 Gormly, on 4til Meet, ou We fion Mondays( Job! nun. Sony. SaID:It . Citr . 4l.l2l,.noe t G "'" 4 ll.*risr 7 o ,i l egui fie tan nrykonsio aosi4 Cottony. • MREBELS, a Convention of the cremes of Alle gheny county assembled on the filst day of bley, icas the call of the r- ,. ..mtssionets of said coon. ty, to advise with them main the promiety of subscri• t Q g v?h "'a i tit t e Li vril n ern •e l "re Hail in tase Cc irtrali Coomissioners to 'subscribe for twenty thousand shams of mid Rail Road mock, and whereas We mid County Commotion did advise the tali Comelmionem to int. pose a condition to mid sebeenption, to win minnow said Company ebould finally establiskthe terminus of their mad within the limits of the city of Pittsburgh.. Tesonatoas, fully acquiescing a the Metre ofegh. the Convention, est* Me =pomace oldie trade and mos .perity of the city of nuisbnrily, that the terminals of Bald Med should bit knAtea lima, at • point convenient its shipping Mumma, and that only feellity ought to be given to Mid Company in the • location, of en access to their &mu, not 'only as vo• yards the <012116261113/ Me of said Ma 10 the COMM. =lifted th e interests, bat in by of die feet that the el ty of pituhargh hes become by the net of the Connty Stmmisnotters, a partacr, and interest ed in dm memo end profit to be derived therefrom. TherefiftreZ or four years the Mayor's of wed. No to Ws memo lip Bre I.—Be it ordained by the Seleet and COMM. Connell of the eny of Putelugh, that the right is hereby `reined to the Pernisyleams Rail Road Compa ny to enter and lay down eats through the seem of mid eityr to wit' Leah' Ferguson Street to a convenient point, to curve Into Ltbeny street, thence down Laber ty street to the riven and that the said Company shall have the prep to %revenge said streets with their eats and ma balmy; provided that, after possum the curve afore d, It shall not be competent for wildcats. rimy to exceed Many tune a speed of four miles an st., under melt pentilllcs as may hereafter be ordain. ed and enacted by Councils. Provided, also, that said company shell gyIR tunes hereafter be =biome, each mho and regiihubbrie as may be Mond mecum far the further protecUtin sad sacredly of the mama sad property of the mums of said city. sge,a_B. It (=her indebted snd cowed, Ike , by the authotity.sforesaid, that for the construction of • depot id ancommodals the tradd of the city of Pia. bottli, upon, sod . : from said nub road, that there be granted, and the sald authorities do hereby gnat to tthheePenasylmala i ßail Road Conmany, for iso ham as the said depot= be required by dm cud Pei:mgrs. t h e Rail Road Copany, the me of sat ground on the levee, or water front, of the city, upon which- the mid Company may co ne the necessary brimming at the peon mrposite the camera! Many street,- extending ot right angles era water street, thence to low water mark. and thence to the Alleghe ny tlyee—al a real of 113000 per mama, aria less quan tbityg t Mu the Company may occupy and me; the rent to to 'P'ati"%t'w MT: t a l e ' s:W a co ' sr " I P. = or e the th Watirrltriset to be add out at lent slat wet in ' width from the north aide of said 41401, and Y that the river 'side, and en& of mid depot shall be Minded on piers, so that free twee. to saml levee shall at all tunes be unebstmeted by emindanori walls, and kept open for peddle use and that die right to have a passage, at ast tionrvet is width , Motile Penn sueet, through, and by w hich mistimes, wagons, drays, and other ve hicles may have free access between said Pena street aM the ricer shall be reserredt Pa:ended, also, that . ttos e, ,=cy of mum% by said company, shall with the nght of dui *Seers of mid city to collect wharfage on said levee as though nick depot had not hies erected thereon: Provided, also, that said company shall al; pt nay time hereafter, either by themselves or tt4getile, enrage in tea Lentoela at fomenting mere Sac. 111..-410 it gamed and tartars:l, he., that any ordumnee incomistent with this ordinance, he and the swim LI hereby repealed. °ideated and mewed Into a law is Counar, this Idth day of.lam, A. 0.194 e. barrmr,l MORGAN ROBERTSON, Praia C. C. Ihenth Roams, Clerk C. C. ... JOHN SHIPTON, Prof:. S. C lace MOOR, Clerk S. C. - , Tay gen. Ma parents •, the tem4b• time of peer; whin • few end Sitar, 90 to 95 de• —,----- - 2b the lionensblei Wm . Ad v.. el Ala Coo of Got. .ral Quarter .' - of the Pasix, is 'mad for the Omni, e. N. . any . .fteson, • ritiSl4664, in.ie j e=Vyro42ll7t e ' w a - f cut, that your tirioner has prover biuntelf will lastarials.br: , iretwannottatioo :of travelers sod others, al his d eaing hrorre, in the borough .f re era, voi MT. 4' poor honors relit be please 4 to grant bins o lico peso keep a - Public' House of ant, toirimienS And riser petitioner, as in duty bound, will Prof. ;.1 We, the subseribetiseas of the of borough, do carol}, that the above petitioner is of good repute fer honesty. and tempeiance, and is wall provided with house roan and eakiveniences for the accommodation sal lodging of straigers and travelers, and that said tavern is - neeessar*, • J H Pluaket Clias Appleton, JO'. Fisher, . P , ernV'! • L Pierre, nr, , J &Lamy, Laae W Knell, Itsalie leder. Ng. s_.*A9ERS:44.' OJTCS the supporter ,1 comes op Free La- 4 16 - 474;17:17111eaPal bbh I" :C*3 14"k*i' azd far oak, by j449e I,ERS d pricois ANARSEILI,VI 7.laitit,Friiti„, Ski OD Wood a RITE LINEN...IIILL.§—prie case heavy P Drilling, .. • ps guaiaty.. moi ape:lW by 9 SHACKLEIT/k WHITE 'ELLOW NAN4blB—Tiarol bales genuine Nan kins, (or sale by; ola NNAdKI.hRT/L WHITE ' ,-- B3—Art Invoice of helyy bl k !Amin Silk., nety wiz* for Yawata, Idel ?t,1 2 /I.t opened by sascnen WHIM YPETE—OIie ciao French Deni D' Ete, for summer coats, 4., jut opened by jelP •.‘). saiortzrr & -- - - rumß jLEREITB4.O eys h e• btuk Clishmeretift finfah,urtnitieived EW Imams litchias ANDatowssEB-.400 prima N (9) So , .WD bbla N o Molassea; do mo d. oned Roa ma, in atom sad for Bade by j. 1 7 BAG ,It. SMITE, IS sod 10 wood at Rto COFFRE-24' , baits prime (keen Etio Cotee how Log this day Dd tor sale by - jet, BAGALEY k. gum( VENTUCKY TOB4CO- , && kap : No 6 Twin TO, burp, favorite binmia, for sale be jou RAGALEY & SMITH WESTERN RE3EiVE CHEESE-ISn boxes IV Chen*, boa 471.14' L i t=rS3ll7ll by : BUFFALO' ROBEENow. Landing- Mat 'steamer' D Shastandoab,MM aborted Buffalo Robes, in prim order dltem from Fornyierre (Tam Stone, Upper ridpppyly Offi th e:, F tn ' C"rdat '‘t?''''''A.34l3.E4t'F'l'l&'t OILS-40 bbl. LitteMl 76 th, Not Lard do ; - SO do No S do do; t 2 do Stevie. des. 1 bbd pore Sperm dm I do blesehed Whale; Sbbls do do; - in more , , SELLERS it NICOLS TNACON-slO hkols ye (no m,,.wliono -- s; 10 do D }eta Bidet as do Shodbittor onaTitsa.grigoth AUFPS AND Pl/1/tIF4OIIK— -10 oMe.s Park 5 do pram do; for WI 6j- - ° MU...FM NICOLS B AND CORN•42O able Mite Nem; 30 do. Cato,laLitale by al SELLGRat NICOLS Stell l.- e - r) hb"j!lett " Lomat at ' 1 I NG-12 We oliaonaignment and kr aaleTy• • 'tt G BIDWELL ii3N= Pto METAL—GO toos,-I opt Formed oeleete4 for fooodry use; for sale QEO IiBERRY, jel6 19or000 • OOL—el sacks. more end far side by IT Je OFF) A BERRI ASII-10easka Po jail 1 SCHOON M!MM COPPERAS -30 tads, iniboa order, for sole by . .14CHOONMAICER S TAM I,APEit-en.vgazzat, V u 'l..l!,;lti4•2lt.iisZgtiy 2 q"uk.""g' jels. MILLER t RICK6rBON PULVERIZED tIDAI, Loren 6, 4,6, ,E 6 and 7 Loaf Boger; 76 teals' cam g. doe.' die ießied a. do• 40 - bbis Irn Brings coarse pulverized :do do; El do pdleerized do u. ; just reed and ku.salo b Jar, , . MILLER RICKETSCON CUBATOUAccO dud? snapper do, ju. t _ JOS 1d Cuba Mlle, Tobacco; 4.5 •N and for web • • & ' 'LIRE:IH LEMONS—A kir bins 'Freab Lemoaa, ion rieelred and for sobs by /011 1 144• W NAMUR:NI Ir4RIED APPLFN—Id bbl Dried Apidesi reed and for able by NS&W iLIRSA UGH GREEN PARASOLS —SsiIth .4. Johnsen, Ur Market strew, have Na inev - receljed IMP peen silk end faw,eblc mitt vels. Also, assoned Won, ro h ca 75 nob a piece op ielS IiNESE—Z tux prime RJR, MN Wu da l itzr .de by jel6 TASBEII and 6". "JI je.fp/E:JL-2(ihalf b blftel&_,(btira by 8 WIND 4 o.aGedTbo;e_ ao; . aito . lV Gloss; LS) lalb ap 11,0.14 do far sale by '4" m TAssEirkalar ALAMANDER SAFES-41ron -Saks Un — and' la for Wile low to don elnlklotymat. jati • JAMES i..ZELL, triTONMales and for sale br , J. 115 Demi SOAP-430 bx. No tralm Soap, in store - and X km nle by IaLS JAZ DALZELL DEIACCO-60 keg. Wade by D 1 Ge 6 dyWel twist, Tecel.Di OLAMEs-60bb4 N0';,11do uleb J }• Souse 71"'t bbts asp'ol,l , W, Liv 'nb.l7iibilia wT by D mnilinn`PutrMiWthr. ula AIIIIINB-20 bza Al A 110 gal! do; 90 quarter do; for We ' Jets _ f l 17 , WU 6 drIAMILES...2I %my Sterizi4 - .3 do' Splinn &N A , do Btll4 kw sale by JelS : J D tVll r 1A6113 13ESEEM ' 7 71 AU 17 Thum & c44.alatt - .'132 REM *. O. straur,AT KOOKIONO4t Taman., the SOLIt Juane, tonsoceceng aulliWcheski A. ere toll 1.12 retmo Neer Orleans Terms wean (Kentuelty bank notes.) • ;ad. On Wednesday, Jane SW, at le o'clock, A ~ at edllhig.•.b.... ,Mr. David Hendrickson M , • otosOdarboirstrect. fourth door horn Do. geese. Way, grill be •sold a lam qoantity of good n'tolitY nod stall kept liOnsaboblPorwons, *hick has been used wily a to sleeks, Lwow which - sun—ma. hquany memory andbook esse,dtassing and eatenban berms, mahogany sofa, settee, marital clock, fenny "a 'mow. nbalto,,lCl feather. beds, tantrums sad budding wish . beduand h all ofestileb are new and mo lder.: „drqtalldir, Oil floor cloth; COMM waning, dining table, =MI ad itirkaocipto war m tinware, together with a quantity otkitcken tmmmre, Ar— to. • l e " • • • JOHNDAVM,,Aeci. • ~- , Viz/sails' Rad %rata& at ..istitios: -- • On Betarda&L'ene 24th, al 9 Weloelt ar ,P. X; tai t he s e.'" Z - be, ititZnab and tvth le kirdia round . No 214 in the t4 ortginel Oise of 1012 of We belie' oof leaitetteit ville, Itsnag a Aunt of, 60 GM. an Ikuvoin, street" and extending totekleo bet to Cho ager,lho i winch is erected a good two ol' Thick Mom, and other *movements, n th fruit wee", .Ae, so present eenalawl by Chutes Ider.. ,F ~. f, • . Also, ka No ISt In the plea of Ices /aid tote NM* , was geou, kaviror a oflll Oset oil the north side of ..,......, •Pmu/hranta seen pearly °spout. the contempla ted she fora bodge over. the Alonotivd• tela river to evaineet Pinch and Etioninghtun, and extending ' back 94 feat to lied= idler. -, Terms, one third C 0.)., tesidtte to two equal ,annite.l $919 , • . - Joint pziivis;•Auct Fr- ins &I•• bry dad, Assincni. ' _On Monday monung, J ma 12, at INeeloek,4l - Dans , Mametnial &les Rooms, comer Of Wood and PIN Duvets, will be sold wiihmit reserve, tor smoant whom It may concem-23 pea beivy Manchesim clartee patterns; 35 do nut color Ante newt pruFY do mode color and fumy mom de IMMO' ln do ham lawns and batsmen •de black md bine ac.X• dress silks; .do chsatelson do do; do Akio black swim mum cloths, checked twe ed s sad eassimeres, Inborn and ado bonnets; ale thread gloves tke , together wale • larg tK We. e manna= which may be sismined tot New and second hand fe oak mim p. m,-2sitrostaisa b achair seat miss,' large Inds mat rocking chairs, g =pall !dressing barna, witli eohnim sheiresonaops7 Itrem=eb.!3grgar aettik,A, irt,oo, l- ! Odd do 'do, Crneida, smelt fdo blank tea; J Las Itnearimunsh totmccooMdospa t. •4 blers,Mrs, &a. . • . . al 71 d'Orrak, p - r Boat, lean and, aap!pap.r &Jr 11 00 4 Aladin,' km. j toS ail* mainly • JOHN D DAVOS, IPITT/11118,641 TOLOULTRIL. C. 8. Pawn . Munger mattes 111,11E91T OF hOUREYNOL.w. Mesahr; Jams 19, 1848, to, comma. enth the The • • • Richard Dogos6 ' • Raiooldi, o. Grey` To conclOdo with ; • • • ONE 'Charles SwilUy ,k B.7.sads. Julio • • M Miss Peuis. R. D. MARBLE is espied, Sad wilYshonly sp. • Pero or Anzemost.—Drns Citely Sreul; fierord Mrs, TS su; ti - • • NAB= CLOCKS. pLANE&CO.,' sa l e oly thorined agents' in Pitts, .11 berg* fop the of k's Pinion Marine Time Pieces, invitees, attention a ho protein, add of the Mikan- and owners steamboats aid' canal boats in particular, to th eir fine essortasent.-Uf 'them excellent Chronometers. , • ; - Unlike the Pendulum Clocks,: MOW are warranted , to run with accurmy in any position., end - Subject td any amount of motion, consistent with the safety of:ir common watch, and an therefore the only clocks suit• able for steamboat; canal boats, railroad . .. and factodes,in which there is uteri Jawing.. They . are used extensively at the Emu in these 1./.1104.1_, and .g we pod sausfeetione •As Family Time riel4P, We, they me mach admired by them who have hied tilt¢l,orl account of their sonipecuntes,aceitrecy, neW nem, and the facility with which they me moved or set ap for use. Thaws who wish toPaclusse are re to candidly exemino Wri th e merits of oft is auricle, and without regard to the inshications • end &mow. taw ofinteresnid pewees, or of thosewsko knew noth ing about it. This Marine Timepiece with Kirk 's ha— entrance; lai , bat recently beta patented, (March, 11/47,1 and fam.ln this country, is• nut generally known, and even mane wor th y men in the, undo have bean &and 'denotaming the • whole affair, who' aws since discovered that they were aiming their blows at another matter etintaly—haviug, realiry, lunar sem or known any thing of Kith's (Lever shapinnentj Me, i, rine Timepiece. - . As we ere the only alithoriXed agent . in the city, oar, assortment will be thend the onir templet. .ose Mid as we keep nom bat those — which have Sarre tal e im provement of a "twining power in the spdag,a tins trust that thine who wish to parch.., will, in . justice at ham to themselym, examine oura before mynas from j a , mens mamma othearkeye r ~An article, similar in appearance, hen 'of not one fednit the value, can be • purchased ebourbere for km money. Thom, there fore, who regard nothing bertha price of nelock, need mt take the troublirtvcalL In crafty ease where a ht.:tine' Timepiece sold byes dou'ant give satisfaction daring the that three months aim use, we will •refondthe money paid for It, on its be marred without damage. Infonstadon respecting the merino/ the Timepiece can be obtained by refemng to the Cement arum IMP liar; Hibernia No 3, te; ahle, to Ide A Plateau id st, and ahem. • I LILA= & I • N V 7 meet market M luidthe diamond, ds . I • ' • I ITRAhlratittillEill. L ' AlikeakilB4B EXPEIESSVANAL PACKET UNE, To 4111.LADEL., PHIA AND BALTIMOIM • • • • Dra LEECH Yeaara no, running ewesy lima of conalution and from itteepart, 6 attack. neeting loth their packet,. They will kers every martung FARE THROUGH —NINE DOUAI& - By thin anangemeta, Passeagema will go through in• teat then three and a kW Any*, peaalog trrertene hun dred and fly Wes areallread in daylight. For pusage or infotatatinn apply in • • • WKsurcu, Azt Porn. Leech ik Qty • jell; hlontinpuleelalitmite PRINTS Q L CEDAR BT., NSW YORK LEE. .BR y En d WST r. ER warehoose /a the Le t a: IS4o l 4 6 or a the jou. P* PlYM l ttlt)oll3 . EXCLUSIVELY, at. law ;lifts-Ye t , ashildriagou all emulous Ton s a, 4 theknoreer Asvorteoent RIPP R I c od - They ate no opening Several /1 ed . Panksires, =tang Morey new style of Foreign end Dontentle many of which hove just been parrhaved, and ant d 2ered (or valelor Cash and abort coedit, sr PRICE/11.11DUCID . ONX TO F 1 BENTS-4-C per y low the Fumes Ap and oy,as per P runed CatsbeLe L witieh are eoneetted dmry, for the PSIHT w"Ux. — nougat, I NevoYerk,inne,lda• S , FANCY DRY:GOODS: , SEAMAN 4 MUIR - . .11111 Br'eadwayYork "imearEasazintostudiscayrp c kp4. J. IlataltzL i ttarest a Lsont . Earab 1 =44 n- IS(LD ALL,htirkLEVT,P.OIuMEs 41A.N CY (mobs. They Unite wintry 2 ilarelsa . t a qitillK New York, to examine their stook beGore theft porchous. Mr. Manson for many yenta of e bon gio &mart k Co., from which he rottred,on the Int of Jan. NA and Mr. JarnoiDkkson, (who has no interest in the buoj nt oas,) was also favorably . known In th at mob lisione • FOIL WALE. • Q.Tina! BOAT WRECY--Tbe •vagina , boilers and machinery 'complete, of a - atom whe el Mt= bo• (moaner Mom). win .be sold a. it loo, en the want, near Wood mace, If application Ed made hanseallaysly.- Alio, her cabin foranass, daces and noth,! beddiene, shale., cables, .clors, natio if tl, ml4l canat generally. 'The wreck is voty completo. jeI7FN • J FINNEY, a, No ,V Inner and rot s B a/e .IC IDWELL Q MALL min/qr . :4a I lAidEl—W 6 Morph). btu re. seised an additi onal .apply af the above garb, including brown and whirr, green and whits, trq . .also, • fill/ IHt6•• super auger„ very neat Plaid. Jan !dB"D GLOVES—Embroidered SilkOloves,,oldto and colored; Lisle do, colored; i supply lately re coved at Dry Goods House of • • . 7408 QUITO NEITIN.GT:449, R,laaspiTaltrAtma,el. aissaPPlY .r TIT= of all bridthai .I.ot 6ohfoaa far dO. whle,asid o ff ered at law p . Vben by :ha pieta ofY ar • rgesicratVirayate Sod& *al; 35. ca s t e 4 u rtie tal l Roca cituner North Carob.. W ;k. hI AIITCLIELTREE, Übe curet UOAB CUBED ; * HARIELT rce* Soga;& - Q 1.3 Bibtlao Hams, for .ale by .• & VUABnooas ds - 141r Holm co Molacces, Aar We by bi jel4 - ATWOOD, JONES lb Co_ DA . ks Shoulders', 7do Sides, .4 do.li • far-salo by jel4. ATWOOD, ACo HEESE-IWta. just 1..1.1; , for sale by Jab! • ISAIAH DICKEY IC Co, front st 1 AND-8D bbls No I,ln said dripplng order in attire JIJ übd for sale by *4 LULU( DICKEY Co Af -i-iii tz• - • ' A lot o •• • Satin 'hire Pis -I,3just opened by 44 • - ALE:LANDER DAY WEUTE.CRAM—Jasi • I .r 9e ! °(... z. ll ant=i Do DAI B 4 d' WI% BOlViii rak b/14; tV ? "SS -6M) bn all 8F VON 80. r I r itiEr allgs ludf txrllllV4i OTASII-0 C•Jk• extra '• • lest repaired cat P eaasigameat and 6)r sge l, by '• • jai Tve a mica-nos • MEGI RANDY FRUIT—IS c ues elxfece B"arid/ Ihd t,jut asceived apl far ask by MILLED :a SICICEISON talltit*lli ens Stewley psi) Ciikr, held %.1 received mad for We tit z , • Jell = LIM% RICEETBON INBRED au.—so IA ink; kau meetpa,ma ZLinilir,o.l4#.l TAR-40.4. Tu._0.1.4 br _Au par:ll3-.Constao7 for We 11 1 11/4 DICKEY &Co V 4 - 01C - SAIM ByJdaaU.oavisiAii said!: AMBIENT& 308 LOUISVILLE...-_ The bud main Gaunter • 1 env g BYRON; Clark; lalUdnr.neiil &ran above d intact:lndia:a landing", thin day. For height or • 111:0 - 101A 1 , 111 . 6 hi The neanter • • NE EN, Wain, manner W , wilG LAND l run na a malt, afternoon packet .fhan'Pittablugit to Cincinnati !ha leaves on her first tripoinder the tow ainanahment,.ocht Monday, at 4 cinionk,!". Rt..tr b - m K ", AET ... .. 1,,,,, : , , „‘,....,. ; The (tonne I V if MV 1110119211 T Moore, mower, vent lestve.Pittaborab arly we abois. '-i .. This boar is every y aidapted to' Me '<ontrost of panestwere. Sho reta in conneetion he 31111$1 •Liod, which meets barer Becaly. , withr ,For,freiato OT P 7 al. lace apply on boars... -I . _,..„,r.___",* arrt3 l ' un "I ' 3r b P e r neM and . Mb l'u ttnallal l"- Zerate . r amunDoat dens Poe abutter. las mama bar regalartripo between Whe e4rtg,'•Mridaeport and Maw burgh, karma Pivabmith on Mondays and'rbawdaYa The 'new andlittaldeauser Mereatetwer,:will to for Mew MI toWnwatas_porta on Wedome tare and Sam:days of each week. For *Men wan. lama* on board or to ..ii , , ..__GEO B MILTENBERGER. Ad t 1/79/11.1KOS 4sWILKELIET, Y', will leaSh forWM.bne. *0 MOSlday, _ Wednesday and Friday, Sala o'cloelpreeisely. Leave Who:eh:or enery.Tliesdey, Tneriday and P. lateen at rwei••••, • • , ,pn•-ber.. The Conant alit land unit ilea ®r emedial potts..— . Every aecamodation eau be pronued On the coo hot and rarely of paaseagers posh provided: .e l b . boat at also provided with a aeltar.ting safety gma to prevent expbslons. For freight or: lor to , DAVID t u elig i r Learesx 0(1•11111111 Wield sta. kIaXIMEIPORT,ZLIZAAMI Anil hlONONnajip„ La CITY PaCIZT. Ne . • DEISPATCH. bnia, Irnac- ats7 ar=and Peaky, Alt n eclat, a. and ity every T oesdabnondar and y, u erth?ek, a. X. For freAtl!, Pfman - - ECLIPSE, TIRAZIPORTATION LINN. , . I. . • AMR .184 S. p ,& i k_ . • RIPPERS and other. are lak•tated am u.s 1 . will con atm la nz=l.,,,etat the year, *saving, L.. 4, Prpdttee. sad tau la low tom .. gartdotti•nr s atiltal gt, Catta,l • Water at, door. above Moog. ihnioraltbalth. mall - • --.— PTA --.— PTA a2 South Chutes Be ire -- - tAT Voze"IIALE. • ' A grkttN.WEIZ BOATca'about ISO tatualtaataa, lista draft, ahem 2,,,,, manilla oat. twill". ha '''. a hatgao othaa s , . , .lpplicatiottis made aatna Empire,,, Jelhalt . ar . • ' -.-JAMES- J ''' INFORM Utah &hada old tha patina that .1.: ha lohat , r say .2=a anth_thair late • - tmeat la Raul cam a* do mouto g i t imanaandpulthair eatinaintaa.,,,ta *GLIM ;Wha ir t n . st K rOd *IC ,11 r)}3.A.X141:017..ti iltoblatzeigs amp -ib limo% o. do; to oo Ira Ilona' d odo Mvia Co Myerle lb do da, hooey d* Ileum 90 dwarf Wm. AIWA , mimic, Amoeba 60 do, ID do de 211,81Meiltar looddo; cored *Moot =reL odi etkom, crtVgt. ;limo orid 4 d a =l l 4l.lt oxc camtvi.= too's eclebouedi ?mai CdrualpationZ the us .0 vain e or ose Emmen. Bold only ol lbc Swat, 40, raw, near Wood, by • STEAMBOATS 7 • OLICILINZU DAI LY. VA:CICE IL 1 N knolm Use of sploodid pima* 81.41- na Is now toottemed of the and Molded and BIM eratere of the - Welt Ever .01. y fmt one ha. eeo W Men ender. ' Moo lux boon In operehntTv* yett —lmt carried a ndllion people the Irani*. %t a t their =a l ..' The=ertil be . 1 1; . I .r thlt . hhot of . of of detolit and the entry of punnet. no deD_Phget. ten In all eikaasala passage leitht he p.m In IVaDI7 PAC i‘e littAo =MOM Conn A. 1 1- irdscds 11 / leave rinidoorgh errery flasarr morning st ettost; Mil every &IMO emening • • - • . • - xcusztar-rAogiitk.'. TM moNoNa.unza, car. pm% ednia.m raw. burgh Vomv Monday noweing at to Vele* INbeeliog em 7 *Wily eventwoUo hh • • . IttrrilllllCr PA(r&L^T; • wen JEOBERNLt No. Capt.4.•lthworinas Immo Pittsburgh 'every. Tosodsy aiming ex 10 o!t al 'Wheeing ennoli Taming evening u3O v. - • . waii3aiDA.y.:FAcritc.4% _ The NEW ENGLAND No. 11; Capt. 8. Elsol u erA! Gave PillAwAte Weeneeder moeWo[ o,ik,cwheaurerery.Weausaa. TELIIMIDAT PACISAT. Th4 I IULLIANt.Capt. GRacr, will Dare PIaF b° 4 6 Than& mowing arloo'eleeleiWlAGsn' 6.4,=„reerag atter. - . parniir-rvicaurr. no CUPP ER 10.41, Copt Coons, will leave Pitts• b,Th own , ' Friday' =robe. al ICI o'clock; 'crubling cony Fr/day evenht g my/ t.m., • _ lIATIMDAY PJLONET. The 1111*IliS' ENGEM, Ccpt. & Hsu, Phu. burgh every Sattriday mooing atikOclook Wheeling ovary Saturday feotl,stiliells lt! P. NEW LL9BON ANDPITTBBUBOH DAM Y LINT OTOANAL AND STEAM PAC/E9 l . ' "it 4 i; , ; e PiMbazik daily, at 9 o'clock A. Stud e.C. rim st Cndrql . noath atria Sandy and Beaver Ca. at 3 de and Neri Lisboa ale, gam night. Leaven New at it ocalnek ;;P, -, 101, (tatrienc ihe 'trip anal to the river darlat th., 'V a" Cl polelock, A.. 14., and wives' 441, patgatt!= IL—thus, midanf , eantlaaoty Ilsga tor tommappan. senors and freight' betareen ?few T./das and Pinup Claret, in shorter time and avlnta Yates than byaay other roam: • • •.• propriabriaithiautt . hiest tie got= s and piddle that drip lurraftnadap two drat iisa nd Canal lorvha acentarianialaci 'of pesrinclara a knight, to run Zr. connection—with fie know. !comers CALEB COPE And 8FA99.14. and connect. mg, at Glancoor t istkia the 'Piustririgh , and assail:f all and ether duly lines of stearacnt - srorin the Ohio and Ilississippl rivers..,A!.illoarialort= 12. n• selves to can 'co eispenve troabl* .?a Mara tr" M• IOII LIEDAGifiTa. • cc AL . • • & FUNIIII 4 &Co./ J.,llrilientlcH t Co. ' • , NoTlCE—Thenteantar - =AVM.' C. E.iiarke mu ter, will leave after this Wrilsvple plincfd.r ally, al 9 a'aloelc 013 PnurinTritalt& lirl9-11144SyThiji - Maly ‘••••'• • PEBROriay • • I.p.Ays DAILY :WS A; M.; AXDII P . • mi. following fluor kola complete tee line .kr.the prim* mum AT. • LAVIN, Capt. Imes Paktum: TIC, Capt. A. Jacobi; and LOMB &M NE, 4.1. &ham The heave= entitely new, and rte Had ap.aritlacszt regard to expense, Br. err comfort thattnotaT Cu. Mean. hae M a Xamialtd. The Boats still leave the Monongahela %MA the foht Beer st, , Passengers Dil l Lie punctual Oa baud, as the' boat. will mutat, [CM at the adzes. -.• hottrs t S A. M. and 4P. M . total FOR Ivnr.etatto CINCINNATI 'k .LOI.I7BVILLIt.. ISSOma= SILITIOAT Panurr.—Ths • TELEoRAPH, , Perry, commander, will4eive fir 1,018111,We interseedia . pen. ierry Bazun!sy. ai 10 o'cick, precisely.. _ For (fright or pasa • Tlkti D~eoeSe Ztrnl h . t l been , "'""m FUR CINCINNAI _ Lu dt . t. For freighi.or amiaoLD, . • Cope, owner, arid jeaVe for the above • intermedgue pont Ws day. • • passage, apply col board. 7 - jell. • .FoR sT. toms. n - • light min x , Crozier, mastercorlll leave fix alms For f intenaedlalaVort. ;Ida day. relgator puns -amply- ea boaw j un POll CINCINNATI. ty4.meitti will les ia te r ? or the &Niel, ilderawdate =sel f day.. FOR cINCINNATI AND BT. LOUIS. • - new netliattr Alt HIGHLANDIIARY, 111trke,anottet, will laminar obey* dintenaediateportt thirday, at 10 0. l'or ( might or P=Nte VPly 4m - • L. FOR Sr. LOMB.. " • The hoe new Ineammerc: SURNANDOAR, ewman. saasler,vddlaane far above Jammu:dime porta 04 dap rat !hien Pr pansage, apply nu-beard: jOl7 -- -.- FOR sr. /Aims. splendid steams, . WYOMING, Murders, mazer, will leafs kre tarns inuarttediate ports this day. For freight orgulaselle tlPidir rilistard. isle a.FORSELOUIS Ann aiarmtots Rig . -- 7- - 'The arm steamer. ' ` Cox, suite; will leave for the altar. taistairdiotapotts this day. ri:Vit or itamagoista l t i o w r tA i,Ari . • RE•I7II.•'I7I7Z•ZIAT k . ,11C r lit - 'h ' e new and ler?* newer _Lo'ie manor, ..in lo.” for the day. Foresight or puny , * applf on board.. lett _ _____________ Tiorpo r ragiewroer Nome, master, will les,* ati ' ora "monitediard ta day. or paaarlye, ape por
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