The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 17, 1848, Image 3

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r. , '18 &C bfidi
.7 8. 11sittation llolsVer ll3 , 30 N 0 Soir; 61,0 bbls
LW Loaf Sairar L loo,blgr, COCK if to of
' ' RI i lt ew pin &dm ANN , rewired by Lim AN
- w4.1.11.11TCM.• TREE
INES-40 qr casks and 90 Ind, tibia Port, Sweet
' Malaga, and &Wiring Wines, eolnprbior some
vary choke and superior bras di, rreeireo and for sate
on accommodating arm. by • 2
• mit - Wk M MITCHELTIME.I9OIiberty at
PATENT PODA ASR-40 emits limes lansOrall •
Soun first 'quality Soda A' jam reed per wormer .
ben Rosh arid for sale by ; •
apkt , Wa AI MLA% 7EE.tMliLettyM
AIM HS IIIiTCIIInON Po r Acenta for St Lon.
eil Meant Sugar Hefinary, No. 45 V, titer and to Front
pimbnegh„ Fa., hare in More the following am
aortmentbf refined:toga., for sale loam
hut doable refined large (.00IWU Lbla Nos.% 4,
. , and i entail do; 2:11.1 do Powdered; MN do c n , g 4,
ed, 45 do Clanked.- • • soyll3
took Soda ish, branded 51 Rtekle
JO Son beet - pout al do do do ]amt.
llospran k Sone, dm 200134. H. Chiron; 300 Loris
70,-t , MO mat Glass, for Late by
a• h Corn; 0
S L t 'l l ' il t 2lo ' lrer Seed; I rsittTlings; gl der o ßarlety.
bet. Slot,; 1 look Eggs, landing nom steamer thope
grid tr axle to) 14.. HES LIALZELL
iIiANSKED 011.-10 bola; in Ipti t o g 0r d, 10 . 0
eeired aod for .Ir
oty2l/ • 14 Ii.SELI.HMS, 5 7 wood 4l
tlibtA&":o--It l L Tame
ads eaf co, received per
• etemer New. Etigle.lNu 2, and fru sale by
cori4.l • JAB A HUTCHISON & Co
RAZSg=4ll:= l,, tars Wiens, for sale We
B " .. c. „ 1 .11;1r. " kft— 6"*W.M. ' MU "'
mr , 3 /Mil A:HUTCHISON Co
I 1 4=Qu bbl. Liniend (AL lard ankr,ls do Lard
CRI, do do; Spon,Wk„sle, a&bed and Comadoo
roardannzenl 4tur . tir rale - it reduced prices, by
ny‘t • - I • 'SELLERS & NICOLS.
_ .
riLtrroß 011-51..b1 . 4ti0 I. om ncV and for
vi by .mycs . • J KIDD& Co
• S
P e5 . , %1 NO 4 1 I D s
b e d A ri t = l d Zg% P%%;
Crib larii do blucbed winter fipenu ma; 18ri do Fall
do; 19:0 do bleaclied reinter Whale Oil; do N
W Whale Olt rut received and for tale by •
rrOBACCO—Iu bre Yid*.ll, rr Robinson's Congress
J. Tol/acco; 10 do Illattimore Plug dodo; 10 do lay
ers` extra Lump do; jam reed and for sale by .
• •
(110ARS—I0,900 Cigars, very superi
or; on =Ake rio I de la CMS do dcr, 13,0131.1N0 2 and 3
do ion received awl for note by • •
BZIL SUGAR—tie hag. Brazil Sugar, just reed
and for sate by are i MILLER d.RICKeIII4.4N
TRITE ILIVANA B UOAR-' 7 ilrLite Havana Boor
td ord.. so,d for • ide by . • •.. -
Doable NLISIrd loaf Suitor, just al and for solo
Spictu LOAF SIJOAR—Vid WO. No 4,36nd 6 Lou
k'r role tow
LASS- , 1.50 bsa E1X117,:,6 do 139; .
40 do lONA 14
t r T do 10X14;• for sale low 67
XTEW ORLEANS SUGAR-43 Lida prime N 0 Sal
VI pa; WAD fair dodo; for role by .
saytfa LIONVEN, 70 front i
•30 000 '
PIICENIX. FIRE JIRICK, just received
aud cur sale by
m ' C A httANULTY dr, Co.
CHI b. Cheese, for we lar• to elope coo
signment by t jai ENGLISH &BENNET/.
REASE-7 bbls Gilman, now twitting Gout Meitner
Ur Cumberland and Wattle by
ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, front .t
TH .reamLE S
Cumuezlmd and yr-l i lor landing front
jai ' ISAI/ a II o DrCKEY A. Co
. _
TIRE PEACHES—ILO bus Tennessee., in store and
1.1 for sale by i i 57 ISAIAH DICKEY k Co.
XT 0. BUGAII-01 hhdaft N 0 Sugar, received
.1.1 by steamer Telegraph and Whale by
itESS ronic-4a bbl. prime Meat Pork, juor ro,Pd
23, and for salo,bp k.V7 HARRAUGH, •
jolt' 53 .raser and 104 from at
FEATHE4.9--Just received end for sale by
ieo _Gal , COCHRAN, Z) wood et
ET& TURPEPITINE-2:1 bbla jest reed and for
side by ion lIRAUN 6. REIT=
ANILLA, DEANS—Prime quality, jest reed and
totes elby jefl BRAUN & REITER
OIL VlTRlOL—VJearboys Art reed toad for role of
the hug Stant of tes J Kipp
ALUM—tio Obl7lWre anaGi ---- la al ila - driig
anaelause of jes J KIDD tr. Co
4 1./LEbi.rt.. EV -- % - .ND 1 -. 0:3 - E L/LNIMENT-30
.11. /crossbar rocs /led awl for sale by
• jeM.l kIDD &Co
HF MP BEEll.l , our tibia for sale at the drug ware
house of Jes • KIDD & Co
jpISHIYaI 'BOOTI3-72 des ludia Robber Fishing
j: Boots, jug nen by expreis sad 6r sale at the In
dia Rubber Depot, a Wood grant. • ,' •
MULDER LISOCEO—L doe Shoulder /leases, 1--
0 dirt Rather, toeelyed try 'express sad for sale at
the India Rubber 1kp05.5 Woad street. - ' •
Keutorky %ward Seed,
A 11 . 137CHLSON & Co
EGAR AND MOL.ASSEY—SO tads NO Sugar; art
IMIs St Jamas S If Malays., lauding from steamer
Swan and for sale by •
Joie' • • ' BAG/11AX &SMITH
(CINCINNATI SOAP—WI la. No I Soap, per anon
Monottgeltela.dOl sale by • MER E
jest • • • BAGMAN & SMITH , hevariettet. at Me wire ni
ATS AND LL'slti.EY—SMUletob Oat. and NW bush .iC3 (OM. &GINTY
1.../ Batley, to arrive an Monday; foriale by . bbis Poet, on band and for sale low to
t • S& W 14.ARUAUGli, , close by red TAAFFE & O'CONNOR
.1050 • • watar Mad 104 &MUM
2 - 1
OFLN- WO boob Cora to
In store and for sale by
0111.:E.SE-50 Z•nruo Chet., Ala rce , d and
' • S . & WRaj to atuor
&lens Neehann.Xlis:just
jeto ied d far. zle by
H Cherse, for ule
. .
lotT, Roney, t i l o ttitad T for agile by _
kave.oistaold We 0011 tileiniVe 100111OCU of
black rod inney Silk. to be found hr the • jaw
tdrACKENt.:L-134. Obi. prune 333 3, Ilassaebuoun
innettlou. now landtonntront .Ntagaro. on
cowidatoord nod tor solo by
rAh Itni second, new wood or
BODUCE-44 , bbl. F Flour Rl> do Corn Meld, hi
U do Cora, ltltho OKI*, Waldo *boo Beams (or ule
_J C BILIVELL, bruer
$u( -:;j3 eaulig esatent - Zed . for sok lair
to Ode by leg J C BIDWELL
DRIEI; BEI:r —3OO it ion sale by
,es• • =from st
I,llBRlUtilio /sa obis toe sale by
F VON oosNoossr k Co
bbla No .1, fur side by
AIL -463
CITANS-306.7.• HAW Ir 6Cglan, for ule Ly
l ea s Y VON N Vt./HST a vo
DINJIOIO4-4,0 Jae Filt La ;I' Ituelteri;4
tur W< fiy , r yr: 1195 N M
llL`vr Vo
ITlNlEGA"—lirrphr,urar,..sue4 purr Cider Viueor,
Cy r eb b r vaIN ,sow..ituit,T 6 co
13ARLY.N-43 oela Vote', received •per ;Vurch
Leer, audler de
. .
ELD-44 1 / l ißiAtiairiga Lead, Reei:ed , y.r P.a./
L lawea• add
JAMES A, tit.-reliffixi
HALE OIL-101M. G.graal..lovr by
. _ _ _
VITRAL-15 carhop for wile by
- kJ my1:0 ' St.:1100:4111AKER &Co
1014=4 GOODS—A A Mason A Co: honour opened
1/ Sips 104 Loma eSLeetioso. oho, a yis 04 Pillow
44 White I.lwo io grew variety. n 022
Rio COQee
C 3 lnd for Ws b i r m rt . ? "'
.. g
...,_Ett ifd t
Tl HY 7eeez t°.. Ttvds
hhds &maned Lissom oa , consignment;
kg sale by , ml3l J R FLOVO
F ISH-11:9 tads Not lkorrin.for .aje k br ,
P OT - 7 19 easkt pare Potril
1„)&111*- - -ii . b . bla White Beaus; for sale by '
.1. 1 . Mai " kIiSLOYD
RlCE—Llicists bin Carolina Rica, (or yak by
w- „ ILTAVyr
DllOO5O-8:1 dos - on Corn Liroom, for bY
-40 tom Alleiblany Iwo, kir see by
AR-501Mo N C Tar, in Lae order; for nide by•
r 073 1 ,Jt R FLOYIik
•YOLORED ICURTEI,2I:O roo , d and for side ti
nrf3l C ARUM NOT
COLORED MUSLIN—d esade reed ddii; isle by
IIR 61.011 ES AND MTITS—A good assortment
on . baud and for .1a by ar3l C ARBUTHNOT
ThiaLgr—Warboali prime Obi* ilarlay,Nst Wan
• sand Lrsea by . 8k W HARBAUGH,
.• Wenner and 104 front Meet
IDYE FLOUR-78 tot& join ree'd and lot tale t,
io3 . 8 t W FIARBAU
'MATH/IRS AND GINSENG-0 auk. Settlers;
CI do eibomog, now lauding from Emmet liom
*Awls:do.' for sale by .. • - •
$3 . ' . IS.IAH =KEY & Co, trona
OLPAICItHIMIITING—&? tad" is awe end 4,e sale
I by • je.3 • MALLS DICKEY & CR,
chiL VqlUOL—iii4boyslo.i 2.01 .64 Pg bi
la let - • - R 8/3.I.ERS
FOZISICZTreasks prime, (far retailing)
mud for sale by ' E SELLERS
Floor, ill Aare imdfor sali low by
F Lllikft
-lub Ml BENNEI 37 wood et
OLASSM-111 kegs blemle Idsdasses, in rtes and
sILL f0r. 1 . 10,, 0.3 puusu a at-vparrr
firJUUNG-78 bu Heeling; Mr sale low to close
consignment by •
..I,lilltid4bLiebearellrrWe e a s , b . tald:,4ust I,l:Wang !roan
• . • SatCre-11,0A a. imperim n. 14,
ditra OUNAlatesso boob kr sae by
jel4„, • , PtAtAEITIICICEY &Co
this roorniug a farther supply of tho 44 vfifT
supanor British Lonstilont Shining Muni.; Auto, fine
Lountala do, and 'has continently on hand an anion
meta Df eyer". grade of quality, at low cash prices.
Also. Irish Linens for shirtinfts and bosom, of pure
Gate, and very cheap, at turnheatt sinner a 4th and
'Market stream. . kid
ith ARASCILS.: PARASOLS:.—W R blur ply has open
II this morning a Seth .1011113.1 of groat snit and
rapt, Parasols, L ead Colored do, (tacit stripe and cold
do, at lowest puce.. jell
jlattee'd another rope!y of superior brown and
'white British Pont., of enurely new and berfiniful de
stem. to'which the attention of the ladies is blotted
• ' `
VULAPI: $ .4011Z12.11 au DR.
ky Leask and embroidered Crape Shawls. ui • very
superior quality, received by
ALEMANDEII tr, DAY, :5 - maract st
jolt • :11 Weer of the diamond
fl 911Ttii/gi e Fl r f i gt-ziittgc „ c , ivll .
ry cheap. and to which we ina , ne the ,
attention of the
ladies. jab' . ALEXANDER Yr DAY
Ftli, - ;` - oz.cer' , tr,z.rd.l.dAr',.iVu; .e gh•a ! dis3
etsewaere, for the purchase of shad and lignin ' s* do.
season. Onlent executed with despatch, and
at lowest rates. Charges tar purchuing light. inarint
DEFINE :11 SUGARS-4M Lose. iloubla relined large
it. Loaf; . /lb bbla *4, 5., 11, 7 and N SWall LISNI; gni
bid. ...bed; 171 bbl. puwdeted; Su lablp clarified; iu
cure nail iiir sale by JAMES A 11UTCUISaa A. Cu,
maga Agenui Sr Isuis Steam Sugar Refinery.
- Ll;ltts.l k ,lrotlitzbt p t pmu
6:gand kir +ale by bHACKitRIT up."
• iv / wood .1
. '
TIRESSI.4OOIIW—d A Niowin Co,tpo Merkel .
barejuti reed t cute. 0(403 Own, uuu4., rutn
prizing Itereite.,Groundzita., Pore or eb eit p
Chadian •v• dc.
Q HAWI2 , --A A Macon A Co have ob band ovary
0 Tarim) ut :Admix. winch they are aulliug ot redo
nIMiIIASIS-A A Naomi & Co. have received 111.
Urnew my* of liiughaihs. which they are gel
hog at'the Grimm. tow pnee of Priem. ir l .l
kJ eon* Co, have reverend 4 eases of Commence and
Summer compruing every arylc. ennoble for
11111111.11 . wear. inyta.
WHINGES-1W proves bulliwband elm silk Fringes,
1_ lane* and coCd.juw received by
lOU._ paeuct.Erre, WHITE
— 7 -
rrlESOLiliAlde-2.12 cotes French and Earlenou (Ong.
bawls, summer *Wes, opened mud lor axle Ly
Qii*Wl.S-A good 11;h1.1/ UCH{ of Om and fancy
1.3 summer Shawl...non opened by
- ,
• L're'.?;....u, ".r.d J "
CO wood sr
WTr r ra li e L. jy ' "UNEr— J 4 ,,kt 1/AtV.Pl and
rent 21 utaer 5i
iIBACO'7I-412.0 lb. canon eared Meat, landing (non
onearner Elide.= and for sale by
1 ARD—lu kegs No I raoirlt Lard; itfettoro awl Co.
A.a .ale by jelV 4 JAM6r3 DALZELI.
ARD 011.--du bids No I, D'uding l. .
RIME SHOULDERE-- , 6 eityks mt teed.
CORN -6 bb.ts Shelled Corn, for male bi
L l 3 — & OP i fired and (or solo by
DAR LEAI)-40001bain more and for sale by
S •
110 T-20 ter, owned,reed for rate by
HTllP—blanillo end Missouri Henn+, in store and
for szle by jell,: /AS A HUTCHISON &Co
tilifilEll9-3 bags prime Kentucky Fenthurs, jest
reeeteed mud for, sale by
relit JAS A HUTCHISON fr. Co
ACON m4-5 casks Hams, a very iaperiocar
title, just received and for sale by
TOBACCO-15bro lb. Lturp, noperioequality, reehf
J. on roosignment and for Sale lOW by
iuroNt.-k - BELTS—A fm as samples, received by
in express and for sale by je3 J& fl PHILLIPS
CAMBRIC -4 eases cord C43llbfit, b
ADDLERS' THREAD, di , erent color', far sale by
‘Shl • E TlißEAD—"Titleya" grecs. half bleaclied
1.7 and white, for ule by leg C A ItLIVIIIMIT
TN/44 RUBBER CLOTHlNU—Cumpritioi-, Ism/
stock, such as Ca' sats, Sacks. Pea jackets. Capes
with , or without sleeves. Leggings of three ditlereut
kinds, Hats, ke., all to be had at the laths EttAber De-
Pok hos 3 Rood st. tea , / 4 It PIM/APS
T O r ll m A m 7 i 3O-12 r tv; : r n s w” llijLtsir so ist a lsp o tie .l e: i, landing
_is7 14
12LOER—Mlbli4 receiving from stair Consul and for
sale by la JAMES DALZELL
13ars AN6 PEARLS-27 casks Pearl Ash; 13 n do
_ ro, do; for sale by jee LIAUALEY & SMITH
suppyj i s i k a r t n:i i l m ass o l r for
ii w 4 by jen
T O TA SII—Ica.ks reed this
Wa are now receiving a ni44 awortment of this
cheap arid beautiful ware. je3 GILL &GETTY
FLOUR --W bbls Om and for side by
'jes - N. , TASSEY t BEST
, .
M. A . C .l lb e l•Zr.Lc' —No
i ll And lact .i c k :llTll d for
, S
j A .—A/ LLI • received a
rly YE—A fety Lags Rye, in store and for sale by
Vir RFIANS-3.5 bbl. small Wane
_Ream, tor
v sale b y jel S ATNRMAN
f 1041 N LIRODNIrb..-15dOr gin bandied . Coro I.ouotfka.
aj tor sale 5y let L 5 1N ATERMAN
FLOCK-03 bblr Rje Moor. for
rale by
Lb j , je I j • LS Y 1 A e.RAIAN
FLOUR—Z 3 btON 'our; prime,
just rec'd d for
hale Fl
IA wanted al a reasoonble &stma, by
S an W
rny3l 53 Nvateeband 104 torobsu
OILS -7V bbla Gil &ON° I Lanl do; 211
No V do. Alaa, sp... and Whale Od; io store
and (or solnal reJared pnrca, by
A. day received.' The allsntion of rteanthont moo
tod other* nro w. swell forge. is 'pawkitWirly
L EAt y r... put , IprPt tiaffeta Lead ii in nit uo
u re myr and , ior
CIASTOII 011,, Lhlg ter'd pet fieiuner SWiA• Boy;
U.for eale by nayl7 ,AI ALLEN& Co
L01"/ON —74 _.b.ics Ibr 1.011 . to clan comp.
WM, by myl7 111tOWN& CULBERTeON
la Lq Wertkro Neur York, re
ri WYK — Ito .
• and for sale by
ISN KAT -:A1 dor Fated Moythe tiisenkll..;
63 to: rule by My", J k It FLOYD
W r , ;eks colu m mo r n , Wod, In k itrrnt;
(or u 4
ENECA. (111.-2 LW. ' , opera Olt, reed from Snliva
Sworks sod fur solo by
YUPLAR LUMCIE. vul Vlese Joiee, kr sale
iTtitt W W. WALLACE.
bbl. Daft & Jesiup pure Lard Oil, tor sale
SAFETY I , IISI-3 Ibis for, vale b
csakiDaeon, for. rde by
_JOHN S imi.w9wrn
rpainim mus —Mark Mantilla Fring“ and Gimps.,
1. and k.wranent antes. Fringes; reel by ea
puma it m)I9 EATON & Ces
norm*: COILKS—IO tiiic.iiiijator.A. by
P trivia , BRAUN te RPITER
Lyeetes- r q cad/ Ides tre,'d 1 d for s!LI, by
17 mylS Tway,' & BFT
"ale by
1.1 01'S-44i bales Ileps, for sale by
ll.mylal J 8 DI LAVOILIII
T e r y . A ., C=Lie d 1 ; 11i., landing from elixir
.12, 6 4ASIBI D.1112F.1.1,F11 water n
kelle Lard r iast tviliand for sale by
• -- - JA:111.9 DALZELL
THIHAIED SHAD-20 bblo No I Shad. just med and
for tide by mr.Sl BELLES. & HICOLS:
LARI)OLL-07 bbls Lard 011, just rec'd •nd bar to,le
by mom, bELLEKS b. NICX/Lb
F LAISEIP 01L—.4.1 Lbb for — sale
N . (.: 31. N . 1.7:6 m AR- 7 100 . bpd st t handaime . New Orleans
.7 2 *. • P'
ROSIN-75 bble Rood Maria, to arrive per steamer
Dr Taglima from New. °dram and for ado by
rayall ' POINDE:XTER Ca
VEA . l;i i s! . ftN cuk • tre 1;a
t n , n , ;l l. tr i m ; l , l% . t,y
CIOrTON•SO T.D.PeI! Cmion. In 41.1 e
forsikle by m,ZI %VIBT 134.1kV1CV,90 Irma
TIT ELITE L'EA D—loo keg. pure k — Vhite Leed, in nun-
Y sad foisalel by , nkyku wf.:ST BOWEN,
ROLL BUTT . Ell-4 bbts and 9 4et PrePh }tuber,
NM received .d for ..le by
mr&S' tlk W HARHAIMI
5t. 3 14 77 1 2 4 i t1r . 9 2. d a r t::= 1 . , reFeired per steamer
SHAWLS --A A 2daaort &CA , bare reed upward.
of 1500 Shawl. , of every kilid,coroprzeids yoube yr•
ge.PeriffCrePe.:4ll, and Satin Shawl. red
PARASOLS --A A Mason A Fr:bave reed sloo¢tora
°ribose very nee, dark Vt. Parasol:. sur2s
I. AMU bk. e IL-110 Yard 151 b laucfrug 11.0111.0111100
pirefoUld l'ut rale lux , me/Lose colisirometd,
br ,• JAME: , DALZEIA, '
DCA 11RI9ON'Slunildrut Copying Presses; Ilarri-
Lk wits Columtiim Inky 'received mud fur eale by
relr'_ W I
IN I MELLOR, el wood st
WOOL' WOOLii—Sbe Wallas; market price loess!.
will le paid Ibr &Sweet yriules of clearswelf
wasbed Wool, by W HARRAUGH, -
, 015 • CI Witt, 8=1.104 from street-
1 unday, 4 :2 , I 7 93 743
19 Monday, 4 a I'7 23 531 ,
20 Tuesday, '4 32 731 1 - 9 41
91 Wednoaday, 4 37. 7IM 10 47 I
Thursday„ 1477 • 721 11 39
23 Friday, • ,4 37 777 mom.
t. S. c1.48.E. W. c NIVIIMV. S. F. VON Bute :Lola,
Oenci Prersannou Gkzrrre, 22
Saturday hicirning, Lune 17, 1t4b.5
The weather yesterday was veay warm, and
little was doing to the market in the way of sales
We found tip material change is the prices from
previous daye , citiotations.
FLomt—Very little has arrived during the past
few days, and the market wutinum quite dull—
We heard of sales of a feu . limited lOs from tint
hands, at 3,75 p bbl. Regular .tore sides are ef.
fueled by the dray load at prices tainting, accord
ing to quality, from 3,67 to 4.1210 p bbl. The
market is flirty supplied.
Grua—The Marliet u with.iut change. Mod - r
crate isle, are eileeted at previous rates.
Coati Mast.—Sides from more at 1.62 p
En FL;nrx—Suppltes are limited, and not inueil
it donor in the artmle. We quote at 2,15013 p,
SAWN—The - market a lirady, but Rot 111.1.11(c,
regblar ;We. of beat ally, cured 111/111 ntualai
:house at, for shoulder., 31a31; std., and
lams at tilarde ft Th. Std.§ of western. durett
:well at 21a2i, 31, and 4llpyt 113 in quality.
Latin--la dull, with moderate sales at previous
.quotations—Sales 3d boxes Mrestern Reserve at 6
@die p !b.
Suaaa-4.tdes of several small lota kir, by Mal
at fratbic ir D 3; of ordinary fair at 4i, and of twat•
Anon at ale to Tb. bales of loaf at prices ranging
from ntol lc tb. •
MOI.A.M—The market is quiet, but prices eon
twee tinn, watt regular sales of N Cr at 27a2tic
Arid of S flat 40015 esp gall
Corprx—,Saleliof Rio ai io inferior lo
Benue--We note moderate sales of kty at 910
Friu--Sales ot - at) bids No 3 mackerel, at 3,a5
bbl. Regular of other kinds at limier
rates. t
Ftrantaaa—Tbe market is a but e dull with reg:
attar limited :ales at 300.12 c p m, as m quality.
Rica—Sales by the tierce at 4 , :larre; by bbl at 5 p Th. • 7
Rosy—Sales of crude Cat $303,121e per
Tait—Sales of N C at 6,2504,50 ar LLL
DR TED Farre—The,market is institive, with sales
of peached 4 I,so;sina of apples at 80c p bu.
Steamboat Building.
The following is a list of the Stearabotas built
and entered at the Custom - Ficus° in Pittsburgh,
from the first of November, 1517, to the 16th of .
June. ISIS; with the days of entry, tonnage, and,
the names of the Captains of each:
Samos Entry, Tonnage Captains.
Diadem. 'coy 5 .176 S R Stewart
Gen. Jessup—Dec 10 375 Wm Pope
Cumberland... " 10 122 Andrew Maer
liit Carson....3an 7 281 I Eaton.
And Fulton.— " 19 350 A Fulton
Enitic 31 169 A Jacobs
1 ‘ 31 1613 Jas Parkinson
Hope No, 2.... " 31 51 la. Matkiews
Paris Feb 3 243 F Marratta
Savanna " 14 339 117)eniaou
Rrilluat " 22 3132 R C Graze
West'n World " 24 • 339 Alex Norton
Grind Turk.... Mai U 0.9 ' Nevins Robirds
Ware........." 10 ,99 Ezekiel Gordon
Oriental " 13 '250 SamlYanhook
5tar...... : 54 • Bob' 'McClure.,
Greenwood—Apnl 21 •'4i Jas McGeorge
A 51ason 21 32 J W Siddall
•• 25 24 - Thos Hughes
Euphrates • 2ft 137 .1 N Calhoun
Virginia...... GI Win T Dawson
Shenandoah... " 13 lb° Geo S Bowman
I Q Adams—June 3 191) The. .1 Gregg
Had Columbia •• 7 116 Havel Green
It is worthy of remark, the) of this It.) of boats,
only tive—the Geo. Jessup, the Kit Carson, the
AndrewiFul on, the Wester,, World. and the Gtand
Turli—ttyre built to run out of the Pittsburgh trade
all the rest, 19 gu Lumber, a number of which
ore of the large class boats, Ore now regularly
engaged in the Pittsburgh trade, auiPruaning from
ttda point •to clutoinnati, Louisville, St Louis and
New (Menai,'
There are seven steamers, altar light glean, Lam,
finishing at our wharf, and will be ready in •
short time to enter the trade.
We are inktrtited. %hitt these are eight
tea ether boats now VII the .1.14 . 6 at Ito different
yards, which will he tiniebed m tattelat cuter the
Calf trade.
Tue 11,10YON.11Z1A Wiuss.--As the river,,hss
now soar receded ma io . have left anisad the vie
tire pavement of the whar4 there is a tiow t itortzti
lenity the repair.; teach use very much needed --
The pavement shag Ilse lower pan of the wharf
has bCcome so loosened by the washing of the n•
reran to render it tittScult for a dray to pass over
It 111 Salo, places, and we hope the opportunity
will be tutprovetf, and the wharf ICI that quarter
be put in goal repair again.
The importance of the City aintioritie. {.f tap
the wharf in good repair, suggews 1111.tif in III.) ISCI
of the large and increasing revenue receiveil ttow
that source. The:increase of the whertage of
1b47 over that of 1846, we ate informed by Mr,
McFadden, the city Wharf Master, amounts to
53,282 37. This is nis important fact, and goe. to
.hoti the growing Importance of our dourishing
City in a commercial point of View.
Rtvris--TLe °dicers of the steamer Senator,
down yesterday from St Peter., report the upper
ruing rapidly all the way down. The
Haydn, reports the Osage river falling and the
Missouri rising, the rise being from above. The
Illinois It rising slowly below Peoria and at eased
above... Hence to Cairo there is now plenty of
water or the largest steamers, and the rivet is
slowly swelling.
It was quite cool yesterday morning, but toward
evening it became 0761 . 111 nod ptensant.--fSt Louis
Ciiion. June 9.
Spirit of Mr polaestle Markets.
New Orleen., June 7. EMS.
• Sales of Linton yesterday, 3,50:1 bales—prices
ealy—Muldling, 5165 f; of sugar, 250 bads—no
change-in prices; of molasses, confined LO smell
lots, at 17620 c; of flour, 100 bbl. Illinois, on pro
vete terms, and 96 Missouri, 150 Minors and 400
second St Louis. at 4,25- , -Inerket quiet and prices
drooping-, of corn, two fl atboat , loads, one mined
an the other yellow, wintaining 0500 to 7000 bu,
at 30e; 2700 necks white, at 351 c, and 600 at 360;
of pork, retail transactions, at 9,5060,75 for mem,
and 7,50 for prime; of beet; 50 bbla prime at 7,00;
Of brume, 20 oinks shoulders, at 31c, and 10 clear
sides at 4 in, retailing x 141; of green meat;
30,000 lb* at Sic hog round,,,of lard, 200 kegs
prime at '7c; of whiskey, 181 WI, at 151 c--retai-
ing at. 151 c. • •
St Louie, June 9, ISIS
Very little business Will done in the market to
day. Tobacco continues very dull. Salami{ hhds
to day-1 Wide Refined at 31 to 1,10; 2at 1,30, ;
at 1,75;1 at 1,90; 1 at 2,45• 2 bhds Paned at 2,roa
2,90; 1 et 3,05; 2 at 3,2003,30; 1 at 3,65. Sales
hemp-0 and 25 bales prime at 375; 25 bales at.
77,50—du11. Of f10ur,,2 to ZOO bbls In lots, mete
ding 100 hots Florence at 3,15014, and 1000 bbls
Marine, city; an private toms. Of wheat, about
5000 be, including common spring at 60c; good
mixed end fair fall at 6566110; prime and choice,
700172 c—a further decline.. Of corn, 160 sks at
201 e; 84 sks at 200.-11 decline. Nothing done in
oats or Wick worth reporting.
Bale. Bacon-70 asks shoulders, at 21r, and a
few small parcels at yesterday's rates. Of lard, 40
bbls strictly prime, at sc, 14 kgs at same, and a
few inconsiderahle parcels at 41014 c. Of tallow,
3 bbls at 6c. Whiskey in steady at 151317 c.—;.
Bales Sugar-42 hbda fair to prime in lots from
Levee at 3104 c. Freights were taken at the ask
ing price of yesterday.
Nashville, June 11, lel&
The river has about raniket water on the shoals
and haling. _..
Cotton—Prices continue to range between 3 and
lie The quantity on sale ia larger Than is usual
at tlaa ICILsOft of the year..
Tobacco—None received for pale:
LI lam works, 4 yule
Chalmers' Indy la Senputhe Remlinill
Memoir of te s able...vol.
The Courent h .by the au th or of ' ry Schoolgirl to France.'
' lady Mocy. or Not of the World, by Bee C D Tay •
lor, M. A. • I •
Margaret, or the Pearl do
• ?dark Chalon or th e M , anehont's Clerk, du
Life of Pollak', author of 'Course of Tow.'
The Listener,thy Carolina Fr);
',mature. on Shakspeuns. by H N Halton;
Life of Oliver Cromwell, by J T Headley;
Napoleon and his Marshals .do
Washington and his General., do
Power of the Pulpit. by•Gorditter O,pring, D It
Retbel Flag, du
Religlou Teaching I.y Example; • •
Polpit Orator. of Franey, by Turn/mil; '
Genius of Scotland,
Life of Roseland 11111; nee Clionsh•Polpit,3 von
(Winona( France; NoviantiThant. Bethune'. P.M.;
Margaret Mercer;
Jacobus ou Matthew, adapted to Union tjuestion.•!
Arthur'. Popular Tahn—"lllebes In the World,"
;thl•king Halos W he Flier? "Riche. One • Wings,"
Pliceping up ApPearances,' 'Debtor end Ctidttor,"
• 7dmacd mad AO market
11 . 0412..P0WD ,
i l.;- Ig3 kep li gailtalaarrm e
• ii
2 vier 5 ATES iv 1.11,11!‘nt.--e4u.nG
'.Lake Erie; Murphy, Beaver. • " -
-sticlaigan Gilson; Beaver.
!Alkuttic,Parlansoui BrOwnerville.
'Louis McLane Bennett,': Brownsville.
Camden; Heildncloon,,sl'Keesport.
Gondolier, Lyon, zit. Louis.
Ca' upani.,--.:_zt Louis.
Lake Erie, Murry, Bayer.
Michigan, Banes, Beaver,
Beaver, auk, Steubenville.
Wellsville, Rams, B,alieh.
Louts McLane, Bennett, Pri.,wnsville.
Financier, Kounir, Cia.
The river last ever.% et dusk wne 2 feet 5.
inches Water in channel, hp metal war{, said
St. Lulu a--Per Gundoliel es !Reel, Lippen
colt At or; 344 bbls-Yrttiskey, Aliller S. Itirketsoo; 1
trk mite, Wm 'Bingham; 7 bls wool, 11 coke At.
iNiurgan St err 33 esti. & Timm; 111.7
pies bullish., rotes, A 13eeleu; 1 Mix books,„WVick,
eryOu bales hemp, 41 kgs shot, to;
WO dry hides, .1 B Buyard;
Miietieil; 1 lot Aug metal, Living:4:4i, ItosidesilX . i.
-4 asks basis, J Sc H Moore.
Whorl/rig—Per Coutparthou-77 bin cotton. 0o
blithr sugar, Itr.: bble whislcy, 10 Ira rice, .1 %V
tirrxr; in sLs feathers, Carwu 1 NlcKnigh4 - 30
bls cotton, For,yilt SI co, 1 trk, I ke t t. 1 Vkg cube,
Forsyth dr Door.; 20 Ithds tot, b: Herat bbls, ou
Armgrour& Rosrell. .
Nonn'a & Clark'. Orand and Squalls
. Plano.
c l!Esuissitrmuld?p ctr unto:: !e pa
1 atbo‘ r ,y,a r: f‘e t ,c,
~,y the
veral applcans for be, so ,
agency of Messrs
'SJIAII . 6 S. Clark's PIANO FORTL:r, for thin city, be
: will keep caltstant and varied supply of th•iir instru
ments Tim Pianos co Nu/111 ok. Clark hove
been known if nlus vin for ao long u time, Ltd to
favorably, that it fo r eisjred almost superfluous to
soy any thing hi thei prooe They have always Livel,
fav_orites with Pirtslairgh public. and from thififirst
h a ve Of menus boo : this city to die , preseut day,
have Leen preferred to almost every other make. They
hove proved themselves fully worthy oldie pavans ,
arid confidence thus tanidarsted; and, when and roost.
der that die first requisites of a goo fy limo are volume
of roue and otirability. it 0111 readi he admitted .that
We Piano Fortes of Ninths& Clark, New York, Loge
sarcely theta equals thertainly out their superiors) id
the world. As vac. are always more satisfactory nod
conclusive than worths and a lung owl labored enloi
urn might he looked upon but on mere assertion, I r e
subsenber begs leave to subjoin a row attic marry in
stances where Nam. A Clark's Pianos are owned, and die slumber of years they have been in use,—
rico Oden, Esq., a Pianu of Nunn. A. Clark's. in
constativus. for go years.
31rs. Judge Dallas, :a constant use mr 1M year .
Geo Itepp, Esq., Economy. do le ..C
Bowen, Esq. do 19 "
Mrs .1 Perk, . du 17
Jae Croman. IVlonouenhele House , le 11
Mrs Oliver, t!ewickly eerninery. la "
HOLI Judfe Shale, ,
Jame:F.l%volt. Evl.. IS IS
Vs McDowell; / . 10
Altem Bell Jr, Esq. t
,-. 9 s
The above pianos have Leen earefuly vmuninmi by
the subscriber, and were found in excellent enter and
toa remarkable state of reservationp with regent to
ne and exterior. They have given entire satisfac
tion, and, in the words of Sic ownets. ..have cost less
, a the way of tuning and fixing than anFotber pianos
'they have heard of. So far Irmo being,Lehind the age,
with regard to the improvements and pcsiections.of
modern Macs. !loos Nunn. & Clark may be consi
dered tm occupying their acknowledged position, now
as before, vim One of the Soh if not the very Grit, io
thetr line of bunion... For the toformation of thew un
acquainted with their late manufacture, Ms subscriber
would refer to the folhiwingt
.. . . . .
Jae II Murray. FM. D Long. P.N.
Robert AlrKnight, F:aq. I D lrwin, Lay.
ilirat• Park. J S., Seq. D Stoer, Erg.
Dr Hobert Snyder, S Lotbrop, rag.
Caps A Norton, (steamer Fayette Brown, Esq . Se-
Western World.) nattat7 of the S. _Merry
Copt W Ward, I. Wilcox, Jr,. Esq. t
G. Grant, Fat,. W Timor, Faq.
J Parker. Eaq. John V !delete, Esq.
E Detheridge, Esq. P ',Snowden, F.. 1
J Sterling. Esq. W Mackey, Erg.
N Holmes. Jr., Erg.
T Usarainedin?r, Esq. Nese Lisboa Ohio.
RC, Oaniel Ravin, Sea - lei:ly Uemluary.
St Y .- nines Seminary. fixers of Mercy, Young.
town,. Pa.
R W Cunningham. Esq, New Rag's, Pa.
klaslemEsq; 'Washington, Pm
Mn E MeEann. }lnabeta. Pa.
J.ain c Eming, Iletim/y, V..
Charles thppen, Flog. !dill l.eei Farm., Veunngo
The at:barring, pledgee biatarlf that he stallaell" the
Manna of,Nottos & Clark town than Thom Mara oth
er make. ammo) ytalar. 111'.NRY
At J It'oodweirtndThin at
ALSO—On hand and for sale. a large lot Myer) , so•
perfor rtatum. =de by i . 1 ,73. Clacker:of. or
-.-- - .
Chlekarlnra Grand and Elquaraplanaa,
For nVerrwin Puns...ran.
?twill' THE nirbsttritter Irgs in inform bin
- friends tool the poulte.ttort he Mori:rn
appitintod by )01125 etickertsitt, Esq.,
.oi Llornitn. Ms.,, We !role sacra to
N%'enrtern rentorylrattia. tor Wr nate of :1111 cetettrared
riratatl and riyuaro ItlA:tr/FORTI:S, . all
rupply wltt be towns knoll arid we, ante at the name
i trtres no ettarred OTT Choi, rio'n: at him factory itt
gmnre) for Mr Chtta,mgo'n Nara. hem item,
aaughtwr and oldained ganglrt a IL4I fuoVielluit Ott du
hart of thasolgocrilmr that May extgar t urttionabl) the
bent Itiaiio Fortes troundaramad In the Unit4d r , angrt.
la regard go Tone itb*most 41.41:14.1qC2:11) - - of •
.011 tit. her. ag l nimed Igy toOtd emillem
sa dos amatory and from Elmore, that they krt. equal to
Erard's of Patio, or Etroadwood's of London, and from
Vie poperiorknowledgo and a:penance of Mr. Melo
m •OgeettOn of mammals, and the ingnmoai
and nolndanigal mode oiconatraetiost. are tar more da,
CIILIe tit .gt :toy Ei.rupt.tit tnatnattomit
It i• ttu contended Mat Chickening . . are the only
good l'iatton mode to the I.:inted brave—Mare stra,utat
nyethrr entshlislimettl. os well in Boston tin in New
'n aud l'huladelpum. tor manufacturing Piano 1t;1 , ...1
of high reputation, whose Insane:mats arc eacelient
alai deservedly popular, and art rabidly taking the.
platte of the ictenot instruments travailed from Europe
eatemtvely In former yearu: Dm at IS contended that,
among Um. eminent Amen.. thamelone inanufae.'
wren: Lt. tadrkerine stands at Me head powutug
eminent talent and nlll4 ununng Industry. ceperteute
of •CMI, thirty-time 'emit. Prano-forbi 1121.111artu ter,
with abundant pecuniary means to amble film to carry
nut Ins plans in ploilitetne the sail novo-roar. at
rue curare. nen!
'Maw who are onneyoronted web the wryer... mer
its of Chtekenog'm Plano, ere re..peolfully referred ru
the following perform, who have them to use
Prof. /i.Rolaboet.• Copt W J. Kauuu.
Prof. ihnglorm, - C tut
John Chts/ett. L. Seymour Cower. Err. "
Wilson IldCandlevs. Ery Dwell. .b h :temple, -
/oho Snyder. Esq COI J 411,4 11•Jr1,13,
hi H Drown it tiro D T 11101 1l
14. k:aq.
Water/211n Palmer, Ertl ach S Ft:Wool E+; lidllmans ft Garrasou, Mr.
11 li
I.DRIFY GIME E.y. Dr A rpt.ll.l.
.{Vick t IFCandlees, Kramer ty_ Ireton
Mt. d Ft Foeter, Pon. We•nitthreo.F. - totle
Dr.lwinoyare . . VC:stshm_gip n , P.
• E, .411thhnnt, Lag , lin:ornate t. l'a
F H. 011phint,E•q. do
J. CoHling, fteq.„ Ilredy's Hood, raw
A. Hrewer t Esq :New Litho.. Ohio
Mme.. . It. Appleton, Iu
Daniel Peak,'Etrq.. it, Cleo
Together with very
mnrr.. huh Jetnnta un
11Cef.111,7 rr. Odd la this leo
Thou , who visit HO.I. during Me summer months,
and wish to make thole sr :v.,: on, Iron, )le. Chic I,ormet
stook, will plass. tall an Ms subsstilus fne lent,. to
Mr. Chickerlog It/{l\ II NIL:I.I.OR.
ieledl .Iv/in.:lief 4 -I Wii,!“.1.1, 19t:shun/b. Ps
• •
et gorionto Onhots. Cooking Stove.
'Or. V.- BRADLEY looting procured - the s en t
ii to manutacture and mll tbn above named
etoves, take pleasure in making be fart known that
they arevoryprepared to funtmh Cooking yttme mu
pertorld.any'other in use. The stove ii constructed on
entirely new principles. it being thel °ay stove ever
made where./he oven is hewed by horeir alone made
and used by draft separate from the fire and smoke
One, thereby =lrina this the only Hot Air nitre over
made or patented in theAnited u s ed, and ihe only
stove aver made where cold air le used by A drab to
protect the Inside plates end graduate the beat of the
oven. It requires not more than one , half the fuel that
other stoves do, and will operate equally as well with
coal as with wood.
Td Horn. Kean= use htsgrus es eiII,SIBASS,
Your attention is reepectfully invited to. the No. II
Universe,which is designed for stenmboato
and public house., and possesses decided advent...
over any other stove now in use. Jew dtwhottlet
(Rho. Roux in .....Tettan Pleaerrgat. Uncurl.)
MR. CATOWS Schhol will be opened for the tee...
tion of pupils of both sexes t ou Monday, the 24.1
of May. Patronage 1...0.11111y eolichrtl.
Pittsburgh, April 211,18.44
fturritesea—Ree. D. Riddle, D. D.
Stockholder*, take Notice.
Filockholders netbe Youghiogheny Navigation
Cud:potty are beret, notified and required to pity
to MY. James Ilatnitton, the 'haunter of the t 'omra /IV,
the sum of Ten per cent on each chore of Owir
on or before the Ifith day of July oust. and a futtlicr
sum &Ten per cent. on or before the I.C, do, of So.
gust next. The stockholders will also take nonce, that
the law autliniteet the collection Of One NU cwt. per
month, on hostalthente not , punctually made, which, ii
found necessary,. will be nforced. By order of the,
Dourtl. ALEX PLUMED, Press
J Osarcit,tseifY. jel4
To Contraeters.•
SEALED PROPltfital44 wilfbe received et the lacier
1.3 of WINImn It. urn, Wood street, Pittsburgh, ca
ul Tu_ rattily, tile sYstli lost, at 4 o'clock, P. hl, for gra•
ding the piece of rood known mi"Kwart's Hill," on the
Pittsburgh end Coal Hill Turnpike Road, agreeably to
slidpD lan and specification to be seen at thi,tore nl
sill proposals •to be accepted, mina Is'
sun per pod for clay, Mose
rl/141 tot
.sinol bidder will be required 11. give se 1,
liir'inill.lolperforrnat l e v hie emitted, seal
he satisfnetury to the Board or filabilyers.
DR. W. J. MADEIRA. Dent'
OFFICE on Smithfield sirs, ,
north of Titled street. Dr. ill
coectfully tenders his professi
aces LO the CW2E11110( l'otsbt'
legheity aud vicinity.
Iturascsces—Dr. A. N. eleDowellt
- P. Fahnostorkt
Dr. Robert Simpson'
mother Supply or ettlekerloire Piano 1 ,
Fortes. •
A. T. WWI, D. D.
Rickard Edward,
Luke Leanne.
W. W. %Wren.
Henry Wi.kineen.
1 -
4 , S!'Y t. ANDERSON. Proprietor, rerperifully in
. L/' form( the relebroied mid fashion
able wideriny plea. Is tuna ufetwil, and Billy prepared
for the reeepSion and acentninoilation of Wieners. z .
.05 regonetag the mill pond lima dm imprint, a CrT)
valuable White Sulphur Spying bat been ditclowdi
the water. of wltielt are nto trot Inferior rtmie of the NC
famed White Sulphur SpringsoiVirginia.
Fayerieueedisiervinta and fine Band of Si:orie have
bean enanged, bind every provision made to secure the
catmfort of risiteni. /calm
i vi t i t • y o f , yrup.2 ) : .r ro ., !l , 4 l: .?? — .) . . 4 be s
75 half bast 137:lister Old superiL ' sweet hit lumps
lie Lawrence tallier .• 5. i•
" Gantry I Roviver ns k as.
do " Dupont (de la Ene,t fie
IU IdeLeod
Lawrence Limner Zie A.G. pine
Just lattiltne from steamer, and
, for rule by
lI N water st and 16 N wharves,
teplD r . Philadelphia
SIX new Farrell, of Roserroal, 6 end di cc
tare., will be received and ready fur aide during
this week, by JOHN H MELLOR, al ', c .d.%
Pole Agent for Cbickenlig's Plain* for Western
Pennryliranie- • ieri
Adsalutstrat Deo. Sale.
LI. Elie personal propany of Oentge Bailey ikeld,
A .
Le .old at Job. Meilen., in East 'Liberty,
Feebler iournablp, au Aloud ay, lath June, at 2 o'clock.
Also, law nett. ink and bileren in a lease of the Mon
Wove Farm. . T
jeliLid APKELVT, Adner.
grew Warr abetter.. •
THP.bigheet price m cuff paid tor good clean rage
also, CLIMB, bele tope; gnu oiboan l tlemA
en rean I. W.g l A a„l
Comulting Exigi2loollA C 0111.11.0110118 for
platenterst •
Mee for procuring. and defending Patents, imparting
infonanuon on Meths..; and the application of Sel
ectee to the Arui, linden American d Foreign Laws
of Patents.
ROP. WALTER' R. JOILTSON late of Phallic!.
- D
.E Oh* ood R. C.ROSHINS, of ' Vuttington city,
(tirbq aided by Hazard Knowles, Esq. late Alachineet
of, United States Patent Offiee,)• hove associated
the Ives toge th er for the proreernion of the above
bon chee of profeesiont.lic eine. either . their office,
at t a Patent Office. Or before the Cour. and will de
vot their undivided attention to forwarding the inter
est of Inventors or others who may consult them or
pl tie Walnuts in their hero. Mr. Knowlei lieu for
thepert-twelve years held the poet. of Machinest in the
United Btates Patent Office, and rebg that' situating
to take part in the present undertaking. ati
Ric talents
and peculiar Morey for the Important Whee so long 51-
led nykinci,•have heed fully recifignived by Inventors
wherever the office itaelfis'known.
The ofiice -
3lesiws. J. e—H. is an F street., opposite
Itife Paient Mc& Washington, D. C., where communi
ennuis, post paid, will be pnnuptly attendedho; exam
minim * made, drawing, specifications, and hit reqlliF
ite papers prepared—and models procured when desi
red—on reasonable terms. Letters of enquiry, expect.
ed to be answered after examinations bad, must be ae
cotapanied by n fee office
lade duties of their office which pertains to the Pa
tella Laws, Meseta. J. a. IL will be assisted ky a legal
gentleman of the highest professional charffeter, and
tally converiant with Meclaiunce and other Scientific
sulaects. ' myiat:d&wlyS
1 , 11 „. 1-i t and e :, r t a . i . ra;d , noticed 4u o t u h u c 7 C:.7 , a ,
vansan,wheicifteunaplainl i s :f made ag ed
amst Co? pia
, mg inaa 1.1,7 Goode t..tore, oil Markel strett..
betvettea Third and Foutth sUreta, 00 a or diAttuc
tivr murk, a “Golcienlko-
Messrs. Y.& S. seem to claim that they - have the ex
chalice right to use such a sign in Pittsburgh: But an
they shiwi no legal ratnirt for such exclusive right, I
shall continue to use the - I have adopted, or any
. other that / choose—satisfied. that my doing sots no de
parture from mercantile usages, nod op iniringertm.
of my neighbors' tights. And I feel sure Marlin'tom
onsets merchunt will object to my using such signs as
I think proper. Fair, open and honorable -competition
seeks no such exclusive rig t. and makes no such
childish complabit.
. seek not to insure, vi oily y, Mamie Young &
:Stevenson. All who CiINU4 de with them Cal/ a.
course doom, and all who cb se to call at my store, at
the sign of the vtiolden lies-Rice,' on Market street,
between Third nod Fourth, will there find as good a
moth mid assortment of Dry Goods, for wile a, cheap,
and on as liberultertas, an ran be found at the oval
. - Bee-klive"Vii my complaining ucighlmrs.
That is what I call nor basilic. competition; and I
do not believe Messrs.-Y.& S. will gain much [Leers-
Villa to theit custom, by ouch rally dSorta to place them
selves before the public, in their mamma annuls of
tniofod too. tnyd9 WILLIAM L. RUSSEL
• •
Nevillitslcal Instrument.
JOHN H. MELLOR., No. ttl Wood street_ has revel.
red and now open fur sale. a supply of Cit•aarre
improved patent Melodeons, price Sis _ )
Forgho benefit et those residing et a thstartee, hod
consequently unable to inspect he Melodeon before
purchasing, the following description is given:
The owes are made)fif rosewood, and are as hand
' meetly finished •5 a Piano Forte, The xey-board i.
precisely the same Of the Mato or organ, and the tone,
(which is very beautiful.) closely resell:l4ms that of the
flute map of au organ. The mstrumenl can be irantedi
utely made portable witleint detaching city part, the
bellows ',riding tutu the Lowly of .he inatrunient, and
the legs folding under, Moving the whole in a compaet
fume Each instrument has a packing case, and the
'Abode when peeked weighs only 43 you ate. The vol
tlne. of tone is equal, to that of a smell organ, and by
ineme of the swell may Le increased or diminished at•
pleasure; it is %efficiently loud fur email churchea. and
Is well caleu hued for • parlor Instromott. nip.3l
pms. INSTITUTION, under the charge of the SP. I
f i r
of !away, situate on Shmenson Street, •<llllll
of Penttalvartia Avenue, is now open (or the reception
of patients.. The, medical gentlemen clutched to the
Hospital are— -
urt.ilreucE, DR- Mehl EAI., •
Nonpaying patients arc received as formerly. ray
patient. will be received et the rates adopted for the
Lower wards $3 per wolf.
Upper wards (in which each patient
has a mparats apartment) f , 5 per week.
These terms includemedical attendance and medi
cine. l'ay patients can have any (regular) physician
they may make choice of at their own expense.
Clergymen o( an dehomiontion allowed la curt
patient, when dented by them.
The Mercy Hospital Is delightfully situated 111 an
•pen, airy part of the city, hod within te s.". l .''''''sik
of the Court Mouse.
Application for the adotinnipo of pettnnta, can Ire
wide tither, to Dr. Snyder or
YAhtEtl ta..ArceLy:
m_p!:17.1.• Clan of Conntlinee of hrey fiorpanl.
. _
111 the Orphan's COLE/1 for th e County orPhiladelphhe.
In the tanner of the petition of Unbent Martlatal,
Un motionofJames /Fanne r Fag., Attorney for Wil
liam Manisa, one of the heirs of said decedent, the
Court grouted • rule Upon the other he i rs and persons
interested in the Heal Hamm of said decedent, and no
• ahem canoe why the estate, appraised by the .Sherta's
Inquest should not be sold, returnable on the first Fri
day in July Oral, and that notice of said rule Le given
byadvertisement twice *week, for In,. week.,fin one
palate newspaper,.publirbcd In the city of rutsbufithi
and for the rotate urea in cite nertapeper published an
the city of l'biladelploa.
I 4 al Wooer. the Hun. Erlivird Ring. Judge, at
Philadelphia, this AC ell at day of Jut., Iris,
JP:O. 7 .A. J. LEWIS.
7a t• Dep. Cerk 0 C.
Dr. Eoff's Tonle and Andl.Dy•peldie
rit" t4 P ;; I :1 t r tlt ' h lit h e ' common '..r
e arum, Inas imprudence in ditt. de., such a. sick..
.sumo dl or
. headach,
Ar.. t
herew a medicine 8.. motored. this vorubtuation t. very applicalk, tor it. cartuitxdive .41 aootbin;
ice. gyre *limn: immediate relief' when Etawea
ateknea. eclat. Iu purf,...ive open:ion upon the ninth
seta and bunel. t. gent.. and effectual. and it. to
properue• Impart rtreneth to the thgelt;ie Utraus.,l
theritty en•l , ltn,here orgau. to perform their proper
function. with crderinr.d repulanty
The price Ea. 1,1 redoced-frnat to cts a toe
,For male wholearaq Ind rend! by
. • II AEA fin - SIX./CK k Co,
cornet front and wood, and fah and wood . ti jell . Agents foe Putsbefalt
( lAN t , AVI.; 15 to 25 per net. I , y . purchwong
'bra, Cl.trrlis direct fn. the wren,
• .
ES)C11:It ILIIIC lIA El. hove niwiwd wart.
house. NO NIS Worth 'lllird eirrel. above Race, second
door tlexan of . the. Eagle /WWI, where
they wrll ale vies keep on hand n complete assortment
of Votent llnaue Corrioce 101 Clotho. at, Cu. 40, 41
nod 54 inches Figured, Painted, nod (inn. <el
the Inside. on DrilLlng and' Lento. TnLin
Cloth: of dm sn4,l Jr•irelde ponce., J., 40. 44 auJ St
r.che 4 aide . Oil Cloths. inetu,2.,welleeth 0: fee:
wide, well sca•thn,l, and the Leave., elle pa,rtes.
all az theu awn uppeufeetare. Transparent \lcptio%
Under.Carpc . te, de All kroode warrantuL
Ste rn Engine rand Saw BIM for Als4lc.
rl 'if •al ACTIIK. born, :lbw their loweraw:MlLL.
•NO PIANO. in suerevirtil operation, of.
Ce Omar upper Mill. with no Bream Litg ide and Lath
oloy and:the Frame litiAidritd• coin
tanning then, tor role on raarohahle and accdnitin,da
tot d terms The .teem engine in an eiCallentlifir. and
all the wort> in the dovrtng and Loth Conittgrestsb.
Itsturients are to good order and condmon, and h pur
chaser tau remove the whole nod put them Intoiopera.
bon In.orsollser place ' in fees than .iotp days., I}ettere
port paid, directed to the rebscrthers, will
be, promptil anended
p.9ittle a:I.:VILLE IL CRAIG d ••:tia;
rime onderstined offers for Sole it nuto , notiartmtv
1 of brick tor building, sidde by his St eani Press.
improved intichitte, for which be Ms obtained a hay t.
and avec.. give purchaser. • written gamma l . that
they are strung., and nut resist frost and vvet}serails
et nod iml she lest moisture or dampness than oth
er Mick. possessing greeter body
and supenor texture
mud inueh rum, durable in every . respect, cac•Ltick
being subjected to • pressure of several tons, and poe a handsome smooth surface andevisti dtpts.,
the) make a (tont equal to the beat front brick.
/hey hare !lin , . the pc r.teli .11411C111* to all luiso
have purchased. .1 kiln eon be area at any works, and
specimen at the Gazette office. t
Those having supplied themselves. tor their buildings.
and wishing handsome (tont brick, or superior;hand
and subs: pining beak, eon obtain them
Dian /11%16in; June :12, lEsl 4 . II
nsfiristoit. fill1.6(.4111 A VIM13.1:10.
(idea at the'Eloharme, Baltimore.
e " d „ ' a - i
Moro itirirßß'ruphlodr.p6lchr.lornerdedfmmUel-
Moore iirest of Intaborgh. Pa.
Aarcs—The charge for a telegraph despatch to or
from Baltimore, Pittsburgh and NI , heeling, is 45 earns
for the first ten words, 010 3 cents for each additional
Ul \o charge is wade tor the address and signs
f e.
I:nul the completion of the South %Western Linn of
Telegraph from Memphis, Tenn., to New Orleans, des.
patches con befonvordrd In Memphis try this mule, and
mailed fur Neer Oilcans. jel l•
The Allegheny Cemetery.
A7' the 1111.1111neemni of tb Corpnruioni, beta on
inn ihe :Whin incp.m.., wen- norm,
mouldy re.eloMed Manager., fur Me co to
THOMAS M. IRAN F, heal. unt.
, Jr., Secretary and Trensto
The annual 'mamma presented tir
Company in a very prosperous condalo
in the elly Is N 0.37 Wan, street.
adiurs ibe
OIL Their other
NIL Willi= Thorn;
Mr..l3enj, Wearer.
14 t: CIIIakiNVELGLJ rel:T{3er
iteridlcy's Life of Cromwell In one Vol.
Bluth and its Edema; or Fragments (rout
"folio: by Mr. Palmer.
Riches of Grace; lutenor Life, by' Uglier.;l..lD of
Falih, by Upham: Memorials of MeModium. by es. A.
Stevens; The English Pulpit, a collection of sermons
by t h e most eminent licluu divines of England: Hunch
es of Sermons on Me Partible. nod Miracles: Nentidees
Lau of Christ. J L READ,
jet° Buildings. 4th street
e r ti l e T .c li VnVi i- An A- dree. r ?Varch, Pland * streeLpin=r i s n .
Mg a great column of tang, of goodquality, built in the
bear meaner. and io perfect order.' Enquire& the
store of
itadilliker4orT 83 MueBivl at
ousgs, LOTS, F
4. 1 nuatin SLLE,
O. nooss•
HE ontaersigned, administrator of the eagg' Arm
Clair 31eFarland, deed, offers for Sale-on ac.
nomModat in g term., a very pleasantly located Route
and Lot, LteighbOrilOad of Slinernilli, ad j oinin gproperty,ofdk,ander Breckenridge, Esq. faThe Sense
a two stow Inmate slith basningat--the lot
contain. one acre, on which a. • very tearer and
Choice SO Lotion of every variety of Bug, narA n. splen
did varl'ay slariabbery. Forpartienlars, refer in the,
Messrs 1 aerrons. Mr. IL P. Cain, or Mr. Wallis Boothe.
jeSad _ ALEX. IVILSOB. Adm . r. -
Tract of Land Tor v'
THE u u a b t:ralra b' e r t .74 cell on
'hate on
rand le Jute from Brighton to - Franklia, abofit eighteen
mites, ft um Pittsburgh, end about eight miles from the
town r Freedomon the Ohio river. The tract eon,
Mitts acres' mid 20 perches, strict meat - lure The
Bred is of as cellma quality, about 90 acres cleared,
and w 9 watered, nail will be sold either ii whole or
in fa sof couvenient sire, to suit purchasers.
For trtherparticalars enquire of %V )tl. taITD. Atc'y
Sr La office on lth et, above Praithueld Pitlabargh.
_my altrwlf S '
••• • • ,
THAT property lately occupied by .11.
on Crate street, PM! FiDliiil6.lll,
• ty, sold on accommodating leAat, The
lot is le feet 4 inelie• on Craig street, ronaitM through
-to the • nel ILO feet. There te t good two story fronts
dwell'. house on the premiers, lately bah, tad the lot
is well i *proved, cocooning ravarlery of elifSee fruit
trees. g.rape,shrubhery, c. This property is convesi
ently Wooled for per ::. doom. Ini•istess in ram. PM.-
burgh or Allegheby, and it a desirable roeidence. Title
indisputable. For terllls apply to %VAL BA)V1/. Altos
ocy at Low. offiro no Fourth street, above Smithfield. .
nploltf •
•0111 -
ATRACT of loud. 911 acres, 10 Harrison, Pomp, Co,
ott the Cuyahoga river—about natter.,. int.
orovament. Also, too unirnp . roved lots in the village
f IVarrett,Trunibidl Co., (di teet by vu. Also', a lot of
Frahm] in the centre of Hartford, 'Trumbull Co, with a
fine dwc/ling limus and sture—one orate begt stands
for a merchant on the Western Ilesorve. Any or. all
this prolirrly will by sold ona very accommodating
& CO., •
10140 ' Water and Front BM
East Estate In Merest County.
A LOT, Storehouw and Dwelling, situate on the
.4 - 1. Erin Ex.nsitin Conal, in the tillage of West Mid.
dieter, a destralde loom:ton for n mereloun. Also,
Lot and good Dwelling !louse well wined fora Tavern
Stood. in the villoge of Othgevalo, State line of
Olio Terms Low !SAUD DICKEY & Co.
fehla_ IVater nod Front sts.
. _
g fore to
RENT—The lower floor and cellar of note No.
50 Water adjoining hlessrs. Ilurtoidge, Wilson
& Co. Ea - quire on the premise., or of
SO water et
Lot •
A fArr,n Oth ward, ti [mien Lg. street by 60
feet Or Clark loreee one of the most desirable la
eabotw to the 61h word. Po: terms apply ta the sub:
ember ar . Book Store, 4th near Market
strect, ee at O t
ti dwelling on Clark street,opMe . E.
Trevino's linacery store. ifeblol - L
• - •
tr,2 A two story brick dwelling with about sir acres
kßel pl a ceund
.anaubed. satiated at Oakland. The
shias is well stoeked - with fruit of all kinds, and
ill a desirable location for a famil; being entirely oat of
rook of the over and din of the oily. An omnibus
leaves willhod hourly fur the atty. Apply to
Propf,rly lea Allegheny City for Bole.
'POE si.Lliscribers oder for sale a number of choice
LoW.Vonle in the Yoromi {Verdi fronting on the
Common ground. on easy terms. Inquire of
W. Oil. ROBINSON, Any at Law, St Clair st
ofJAS ROBLN SON. On the premises.
my! or T
1110 A new three story brick dwelling house on
'ylie street—Possession given on the first o
pril or sooner ifrequired. Inguir,of
• jolt J k R LOl'o. tin liberty street
For Rent.
••• • . •
2 A two story brick dwelling with about 6 acres
or ground. Fttuated on the bulk of the Ohio rivet,
lu the borough of Al :lel:ester. Apply to
To Lot.
TIMEX dwelling brassya situated on 4th meet
near caned in bridge, the gay 'of Piusburgtb Al
so, a room ITi by Oil foal, with a cone Went en.
on Ith sr, near rroaL Alra, a frame dwelling,
irr, wills an acre of ground enclosed and under
items , on Ohio lute, ia the city ordslleghes
of ' .1 II ITMLLA3L4,
110 wood Creel.
To Brewers.
, SALE Olt LIE NT, the Pittsburgh Brew
. ith alt.,a brewing apparatus, stmate do
treet and Barker's alley,and now occupied
with h Co. Posseoion gown <mute Srst
. rnthlng. For to m% he. enquire of .
143 Liberty 1. .
na IIi , A t E .. OUSI. FOR SALEi - - - Olscriber
on W Cad azre e t, Oc z c b a re p s i sto r y tiy b rick guer h fr:W.
It rent. now for MOO per year. • '
apt 7 . • WM WILSON, Jr.
Pe in
by Geo ;
day &Avail
sere ex that sinry fire r ; „7 - (''''ward ,!-- anvnnq ,
rei and .L
`N. Ist or,(prll7JeT t j
jalll2 J 1•C1100:01.11:Ell
24 wood street.
sotowribr, soiO tont parl at the ware',
ocupo,ll4 them. {only to
54 r Ntrort,
21,,0n.* r„
For Rent.
ee room m. M. 141 nom . , of the tenrehou..i'
c.I Ihe cll•sentokro. neu Coin 'Ol-
str,ert--. eau.' location tor steambo4i
I riunince Calf,
• la
(let' LI
agatley or nn
ul I
Par Sale.
two ...tor) boo,. on 01010 week;
upp, bridge -The lot iX
hy tem. tnquere
4111•1 •
__ . roe
zr v.rehousc...,l . lert 'tont by:
-•err.:4l q. near wood. Rent mat:
I ~477111P0NALig123,4
I rem I
• 0
A riAlre F:tun."d l'lum . r.e
lAymc of Rot:Lra DALZELL Co.t
LI . Asel3
(10AT . LAN I ,l lle . serrs cold
1,, for ilk bend 6(11.e Vo,k.l.cmhela
a!Aly Ann retv, of
*1..11 tyl3 t.c Aychri,e goo.l, Y'or
an Off I) to iout:sl b L•W ILARIiAUGII,S.I wood oI
kNolv dl. I. MEN THAT
_ •
TI -I AVE rrmo•ttl !tote. it.! ttteet. to their n
j ~:et.tid nut to I, knot
lc. the TOO. CH UAI.I. t'1.I)I1lI C HAZAAR.
r , l3tket sum:, between I mu end Putl-aot.
The propri• rots L el a - relaclee or -in pnainutgating.
any tier int; ic appear biro the usual licnthas...
Ito ra,gecatien of K./v.- in the trick. bar %sill Lek id ;
,ur.te thr ofli11•^ one.c(Our city papcnt.
• I :or of the greatest • that cur ray erfosd
to sireugrr. is [Women .t Co's crew clothing guare.
No 1,1:M40,i street. bein,rn Fifth and tligth.
Inns r Iyhed -Tourer lion.' irorn the peculiar fin,.
of the front Tire building is all tunnen‘c core. onntaii,
coven capacious room. all of whit h nr, clocked;
•aitl. every var?iy of ie....ride anrinenc, arranged::
unapt perreci order and regularny. The proprie ,
groat pleasure in ehovrour th eir building and-'
1 - 10,11. re nix.lll%. particularly onager., and 1.0 0.1
frp. the country , we know of no place mo
worlk‘, of 1. cayMati
AND nyvtatig darnif the present week. at
Dltllfi'h Cheep Loeb clothing Store, i n Libertlid
street...ll(olC largest. cheapest, and Most fashion.?
Ide .rock or Goods, adapted int gendemen`e epritig ooh
Inmn, ev o f
for ea.!e to l'uteburgh.
The proprietor of the above: esnalilisionent bess
invite die attention of his friends unit eoitotners to hie]
present largo nod fiuttionalile stock, which hawing,( been just ,i,i t eha e ,d to the ',cr.,. depresobd stale 0111
todde in iln•
one ruin,
not only every 3
thnx that iv and fashionable, but is ninth lower
in pnee then can be of by Sure houses who par
chase only in early spring
It lain, impossilde to convey any Suing liken comet
idea of the extent, beauty, or cortlitY of the sioek, it'
w:11 not ben itentid,d hut it i 4 .2 all win ...suit :
their owes nom-, unit ridl v‘nniinc for them.:
wiyen good.
surpre, any 111{11Z in thw game line nu th, cily, idol;
id rtre rnore dr. r urd h.dred, br
any thing in ii, auction otide, with oil their
peridetio, chip yd.
P. S-4Jract. in 11, o.lioll, ~,dur ed in an
t.. o .
1 fushionnble alyle and , ...intatial ninnner.
ir; H. EATON CO. a. now teeming direct (rook]
. importers and tav01a...J.2, a ;sr,: an•ortrnent
of Fancy nod Sdtp'e Trimasoas. Iloaiedy azd
Good.. mosso; syhiett me—Slack and 31n0u110.1
rriorc.. do co , . Urea do; Embrotdery ml
thaw., datley and stud ßuttotiq blade_
"Silk Lace. Lill4ll cambric Ildkta; Artificial Plower(`
and IV rentl.n. QLetm.rnee, o.:edle worked Collarog
steel and PtirAce: otty 010 Feather Fan,
KO. Si S. 1.e.1e ~eot• Moves, hql
cloldreoe' Itt.d women: Hooter}, kluir.llroshely
Ltru. , llo. Windom Shad., sod
Tailor Trinutosi, Shirts. .orot.' and youths' site,
!Sc. e, wlsch they otter no ,vorahle irrom, ttl thei ,
/tore. ILA Market floor 41h.
triirrr; GOODS FOR vitEssE—lv ft Man,lky
Les lately received Is toll assortment of whit,
goods for Ladies Dow.", including—Scotch mull Must ,
lin.. ' Swiss do; Nansook do; plain Jaeoneoh Ztllll/1 but
red do;_satia barred do, Also,
Fur the Ihe.,44—Wltite embroidered Swi4
'amain.;pink ontbroidered Tarlton do: blue do; neiv
style dantasksitiped nod enibruidered do; plain whili•
bide, pink and dtras' eolured du; also. embrgideted oOd
So dark
Muslin, by dm yard, fur I.:voting Dresses; lhO,
dark Lace Shawls. Souris and Caprs —French adsl
butell work Collars: tut onsornneto anew mid
utitul sly le himetsCambrie Handkerchiefs; moon
ma do; all at lasi - V..4. ces ..0 co
1h pri, at north.rner
oi'ldt nod market sty, • Beni.
ciArrits-• p. Alurp4r
I.h , hihith , the :Mention of getalerneit wantln t ; C 1014.6
to id. of of very best make of French and
ElieliAt Cloth, A 'roe Piet,. very I.uprrit,r bleik
rreeeltile-t reed; nJoo lhoelikein end Cu...thews, is
great enricty, .Ifller Co,sitneres anityweeds, thr
mene` end boy. , we, Week retie Ve l iniege, white
111nr.heilleht du; gents white hied bordered linen hhhoolheto
'defer white end eidoreit elk do; grootlflovik
Ilimicri,&r;. (deuce, Merino hind ry iol Irtiderthirja,
for burnmet seve; 11. end. I.lncy Cravats: liisighfind
awl Jecothel do, 1:e.
' --- Totountry 'doveliAiltii.. 1
4,! Mail AND Jt/lIN:iON,O4 Alartut strrct. hour c
r s .l rturrd 1.5 rua, , llonatur.euttuttnlc :a part el pl. in
l. , trUar. AutorA broil., Viet° in do. Wrap do, koloc to
do,- Chinn, retail and Floruocc; 5 rind nOo, l A .(
WO, !Wain , and 1.,,,p , ' Leghorn and Braid do; AO.
tiouti 1.1,,,,,... every vn,rty. Alrt,SuUdor. 1,A.,
Conon Ilunt., twat 12 ern,. in, dor, up to thu -fairy
qualit); Ilk, don Goo. half llose; n good twartrountor
Lida 'l' brunt], o,lk .d Colton 1 iloy ,, g; 75 ps silk 11001.,
1101 p. ‘4, ~,tut , do, 111 , dor Linen Cambric do; 15 Ca,
tuns Colt. It and Thu:ad I-act, Ako, a good glefoft.
MOOI oft: out, Bunn, TOroods. Nrctiles, Pin., COI.
cry. Jcw,lry, Fr, itt . al , ~f which lltuy will olTer A
1:1!11indo , C1111 . 111, ot prlcutLit.i2rlgllasers. , ti t ypi
r r ifft}l.l,l) 1,,, dr. , . r , Ollll, A. Into -n-, ra Mullet ,t 4
I, Laver,. rced tr , .artiou. enure 011114, WidsTia,4,..
Imre., 110 ' 111 121 Vt.: vd 111$ Al 0 , 0 ,,„„,,,,, ~,
hlrrlilin do; 0n..1 'rills Pri l itt d,. also 15 crop
coo°. Lune.. and II tern will find it to thiar
interest to call, as they will he told al extrcturly Low
prior.." „ , ' , l .
PIUNTS. -A hug , . a...on:Dent of blue. blue and or
tinge. and limey Prima, of cacti . depirable •ty:c
and quultly, Jun opening and for sale in ibe trade at
rim:lora:tory low rm., by tile ease. hr.
.jc3 : SIIACRI-1,711' ,r wiirry
W ri tiv i 'e l lu i ti a ;c D,l allrtitt4irOi:Zint.t.2:
No. no Market PIM*, 11l 'ow, of printed !Awing and
Aluslitts, 5 do Irna' 14) lu pi sintehon, 4 do corn r‘Yte
Of Calico.; 4 ad of tOnottades - and Sommer SION, 14
du P 01,4015., of emery variety. Also, lirldrons, later,
G10 , V. , , Vlattury,sliawls.Dolvteztica, 00 Ac. i. 17.
T ACES, EDGINGS, cartons Ito...panned nod
1.4 medium Eslgnins, Loses, losertlngs,Qahno,s, pl's,
and fanny Neu, oft's* latest Impartation., jut opanad
by Jel2 suecurrr WHITE
• - .111. MOMMES it .SMN, a
Exchange Stelkers, Nol 05 31alket street, near eta al
Pertnayl anlia. Indian..
Bank ofPlll.O Mb ----par State B'S kilrartchen• , Li
Exchange Par S•ateScrip • - • •• "
Week. &Ma Bank - Dar • Wirt/Lula.
Bk,offltilado hie , ••• Michelle Bk. of Vet- II
Girard Bank. , •••••••••0 Partners Bk.of Va. -•• "
Bank of Germ 10.11, .p Bk. ofthe Valley,— "
man, unty• • •par Bk. of Virlinin. "E
:4 neun-ot Co.' -•nar 31.71 M. El , Wheeling la
1 ,
" Monlgom ry 1:1'•9113 do Mormnown• —l5
o Northu rland-pat M. W.8..5 va._ I
cou,,,,,b,..ged i v, Ca - pax do Wellshnr3 151
Doylestown Bank par do Pad...retell.- -• •
Farmera•l3k. Enadlng•per, . Tettneasite.•
Famern' Bk. Ettcks Co. par ' B k. of Tennesse••• ••• - It
Farmers Ink Lunca.a'r•par, Fa &..Ilerchhr,E4.-- ••
Lancaster Co. elk, •'. •parlPlantera: 8k_.,.. '. - 7,..7. • . •!
Lannon, 8k..• ....•• • 049Itinion 11k. , ..777-3:-.-?. ... a
U.Chotac Bank-• ==...301 ellseactri.
Bnowanville 0 RatiState Bk of Itli.comi.... 15
Waahmaton B . 5 'North Garonne.
Getlyiburgh Bk •-• • 15 .1 8k.0f Cape Bear It
jhambersnorn• " IMereh's Ilk.. Newl•ern - 2
unquehanno . Cra lix. -'State Bank _ 2
Lehigh Co Ban , -I Sent!! Caroline.
Lewoatown• • •• • • _;Camden Ilk ..... •• •• 2
giddlemen •-• • 7 •- • • 1 Ilk. of Charlene!, • • • - 2
511 . 51, . • .... • • •• • " Commercent St •-- -•- 2
airre Bk. • ••• . 40 ilk of Geore,liown ..... 2
• - artners' and . Drover.. inr.of liamborg.•-• -• 2
- Bank, Wayn !burg- 1 •Merchteas Ilk
• taralburg ••• • ....... " !PP.:tern ..17lecha'ank 2 -
In 7endale II:Ilk:of Soud• Carnlina• - 2
Gelman • ••• •• •• • • •per: Naryland..
"oniv/Ile •••• • •• :flaltnnore Bkhan••••!••••O".
V foaling ..... ;- - • 15 Renee 511 RtScrip .10
v.., ng..• .... ....... 1 !Cumberland Ilk'. of All& .
Helier Notes • . ..... -. •• ;For. Co. of 5154y1m1d• • "
d/r. !NI 1:k. Pin, do. " ;Fermeta. , to 31-telionicc . "
.;Sty &Counts. icrip•-• `• ! Ilk. Fluderick a
Ohio . !Frederick Co:,1.14.••-•-•
State Ilk. and II alleles Ifllagersuram Bk 0
Mount Heenan:: •••• • • •• 1111ineral Bk ' . It
!Steubenville ...... .. ••••• ; Pamp WO Bk1i• • .... -• • 1,
St. Oak:11911c 1 ashlngunk4l4 • ... --. "
-Monona " ,Bk.ofWeautimeter .t • • ,
New Linbon. , ~' Bileialgun.:
Cineinhati„Banka •• :Bk. of St. Claar.• • ••:--
Columbus ido• "!Ilk. of Iliver - Ralten•!..
Caelevine • • " !Mxbigan Ini. C 0.. ., • • 3
Xaningine ••••• -- . .-• " !Far. k. Mechbs Ilk ' 2
Putnam • —....-.• .. • " . Wlte °stain TT ril Vy.
Wookter •- • ..... , 70'31c7.2cTireln.Co.Miliee 6
M 3 "ailloa • • •• .... . 11! Canadal.
Sandulky , • - .All solvent Bank, •-• • 3
Geaugn ..........15 Bank of, England Boors
N0rwa1k..........- ! •• • •—sl 700. .5 nut:
Cleveland• —•—•• • .• 15 Cold& Specie Wile.
Xenia ...... • • •• • .•" INaleonc
Dorton, ..... . . .... . " Du ca ts-.. .-_ 13.23 !t 3 0
Wectetu Iteaervo •• • --- " !Engle, old • ..• .. 12 00
Franklin/Pk, 0 lEagle, now •••• • 10 09
Chillicothe: " ;Doubloons, Ppant.b. 10 1711
Lake Erie•!• ••• ..... " ifito. Patriot ..... —• 15+0
&iota- " itiodrereigan •• • • - 4 .3
5 Ou
Miondten ' 13 !Frederiekod'ont 27 ED
:Granville 60 'Ten - Thaler.- •• -7• . 7 ell
!Farr:pro 111 Can:on-49 i'ren Entlders • - • '• 790
'Urbana'l , --541 Louis Pots. • •• • • 4 .241
Kentucky.. ,• Exchange., '
Bk of Xeritacky.l . --.. If 'New York pan
Bk.of Llanlreille- " 'Philadelphia ' pew
Natter. Bk. Kettluly• " Baltimore -- •• ,•
New York-City Benkr,pny. Interior Ink*--- ;pun II
I .
H C3H;b. KING,' '
Chrrics., cos. Ft corr . ir. •sot Posr Orator. Ali.,
ALER in Colo. Biota Notes, Tinto 13ills, Foreign
Dand Dotoesd • Erchonge, Certificates of Deporn.
EXCHANGE or principal video of the Union;
ids received on ddisosite.
In all parts of the Union. at
, aplO:dlwfivellraT
ANNA dr, CO.,
GE BROKERS, and dealers
tie Erch.nga, Cenidcates of
Specie, Fount! scree...near,
Pinsburgb. Current atone?.
:lir Checks for sate, and
then principal points )11 the
d for Foreign end American
Advadoes med.
ped East, on Übe
on con6granento of Progloce;ship-
I toms._ . inchls
Dealer. i n Exchange, Coin and
o. 56, Marke , t o sueg y ;l
pr Cincinnati 2 di,
do Louisville; 2 do
do St. Louis, do
° YTES. Baying truce.
2 die C 0..% Scrip Orders, 2 di.'
.• do he Notes,. • "do •
" Pennvylvaiun Cy "do
do Neer York. do "do
fdo New Orleans, " do
2do Maryland, "do ._.
B .
ANKE.B.B and
Bank Notes,
Neatßolling Rotes.
do Mean.
No. H Nooxot crszrr, ' • •
mvun I
Dealer. in For
Bill. of L.:change. I
tont Unil4 Now W
wen Bide.
.. • " ona a. arra
- " - . , rraakera iad FAtharge Broke
roma and Bottler:tic Tnno and S .
Cenifieatos of Dep.:ire, Monk ."
S .
load sweet. third door below £
wu.Lutni HILL & CO., A , 7:,*1,,,.?„
DANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, su 1) iu Farman and Tkraumuic Exc
Depuoe, Rauh Note% and Specie. .\o. 643Aroial
one door ether, ' , earth. East ude, Piit3barAtiapi4.-
FOREIGN Excii A !vcar.; ",- ~ - .., • ,,, - :4
DILLS. F:ngn . u.l. Irrlattd. otot ttralt
4 .
Ilany amouot Ski 441, Catrel4.l.ll,
Also. ItrittlsrmyttYrizi.atiy pan 0 af'
front 11,3 LIMO st the at.
at' thOrtittahtl
wit:lotn.lerkt,o l . or ditrocut. bi
t4t:C. tStrotwur, a.Ld Ccueral:Alita COM
lycpll diFt.FT.Y
P.rchastil at tar lowe.t tARAII OI.S 4i,I ,
BILL OF ESC C , - • pd,V
New la., -
'ongaptly far setlo by
&I() .
C •
OLLECTIONEI —Draft, Nore.. aud'AcieNtip'
p,yntrir Pi :my pen of the Union. eoPecird 4 pU r
Ilic mo.t iuvoruble tempt. N. 110131 ES k SON:• is
THE irobsekiber. in n addino to his °oak
manufacturing of Hutt, has made arrange. Il i
moms with kleasrs lichee Co., (the most
fa hatters of dm city of New York,) fora reg
ular supply of his earn fine. Silk Hata, and havingjuat
received a few rue., gettderneu can be suited 'oath a
very rich and benutitu. , bat by calling at his new ilat
and Cap Store, Sink:Acid street, second door south of
'Fourth. where may Ike found a great c'oriety of lints
Bildt:tips of his born monufactore, wholesale and re
tail:. Hata made te order ou short entice. •
oPIJ .JAitirai WILSON.
co" st
• iSuccecsom to Nl'Ctird". l / 4 King)
r••hlonable ItetteraiJ
Corn of Wood anal Fifth &reds. ,
PARTICULAR attention paid to OUT Rend) TradC.
L Gentlemen can rely upon getting them Ham and
Okpa from our establishment of the urn Id.A.TU.A. mid
'l•witatittaorstur, of tho kakrimr nuts, and at the
untryere nts, purchasing by wholemle,mre
re.pectfte y insfli to Gall and•extinane oar - Stor k; .
see my sr' • confidence that rut regards assu-rr
and rut s . it will' not ..tfer in a comparison smth 1311) .
haulm iu Philadelphia. - (ebb:
AFaahlortaiaHas and Cap Itlanafaatai — y. Glit/RC:lj ttl.• AbiSHl.ll . 2. Agent, .respeetfully
informs his friends and the public generally
that he hasainnmeneed the teattufacture of Hats
and Caps at SoiiMl Wood street, one dour above the
corner of Second., where he has now on hand a fine
wassortment of /fats aud Cope of his own maaufacture,
hich he will &Immo( ou the most reasonable terms.
wholesale and retail, fur cash or city acceptance.
Ili`s made to - Aidce at the shortest notice. apalkitin
:toDEALERS 'Mra limited to examine IL H.
PALMER'S stock of Strom Dothi_ Of Mc
spring lily!, commis< w eed in port of
noszwrs—Floretice Braid; English Dun•
Multi.: do; Atari+. do do; Chinn NATI do; IMburg do;
Rutlwtd do: Priiiich Loon; Emmy Gimp. Ac.
MIA-TS—Leghtiiii, Palm toil, Palma, Funcy Stamm!,
a. Braid, Rutlatil Braid, Pedal do. •
Alio,tArtificiull Rosary, ILiblions..—Ac. Scram Bon
net Witifu 3
ehok,l9 murk. .r.
-• suarli
- net ppr ,ge .._
h , .
sin Fasio for 184$.
m n.
.coD•a. Co.,
ist , (LATE • as'coari & mod oarraaa: Mll,
llTlLL . V a c y dNi . c r t
I lglrrylo of Han Mi, • dap,
I heir friends Hid customers are requested zn cal and
examine fiteir stark of Spromilotr. m,f rcorived from
New Mill at Mar more, confer °NM and Wood co
144 ;,.... /LTA? ED U. KEEVIL zi via.
eIiFAPL. 'l' 'Fashionable - H.:, in
' • ..S ..
Pittaborillr,2 l'inicipol Sinre, 72 Fourth
- street. alanninoiniing and nee...dation 'Store, eor
tier of %Viand nirdyt and Virein alley. Highest price s alwny • paid for4ipping Furs. wryihly
ceived frora Now Yo rkohe Spring Style of Hain,
which he will inunduce on Annirdny, March Ch.
All wore in want pro nen t and superioe Hot,wiil picaw•
call nnd eratuitni at No 73, Wood streol,3d door above
.. . . .....
iji l ta -Ta L F ASMOnt•-- - S. NIOORE has receiv
d from New York, dirt Fall style of flats wbsull
he will loirtaluce this day, Saturday. Aug. :::L.
All 140, lo want Of A Ilolt nod superier hst would do
well tr. call at No '..3. w ood Strut:L:4) door!aluars .4th.
a e-h.
_ .. .
JGST circa from . ..Irk. the Sutr,t,
lrn Style for hat.. contesting of Ittletc Itottver. Itr.•
and White en 4nin., il , •. t't ••• t..
invited to nal:
vctive rti
de•ie....ltl uor n.crol ''
g•md• I.rd 113,1 , 1 by Wtßu,al o il-r
112- owbern ttod Cat.igneet to !onward them at
..10 , 1 , 0 4 orAEN
1,V511...1 i AtiCi:DCA`r
L ZI :C :1 1 0 't 1;1:: ' ;ii.i ' ll ',fi gii ‘ lr e l " . d ::l:7l7Ta . T.lC ' ll i :r 'i t r ;
elll 1¢
o.Y.ed to PhOnOrlplaio Mid katoinotre ^0 tuLLUI. With-
Vitt NO, tleloy. For .turairr ovoroloooo ouirc zo
1110 officr: - Moooogutiole flou., or oak I.rech &Co..
ILLtlo Fooot oroOo .-
.".11ENIX u1111:11--14e .00,00 or foor
; Oeto oppoolicd-sale 03 - 010 orioof , clort,
for thr 1114 1 C lh, r001.00e.1 -Cioroix
now joopto r d to 611 ordcrs to r noy couroo, ,
cloh. t 110. For vie flronv, 0 ,
nll 1.11111, throe loick'l finer - Meru
'Tomo-1.044c , an hrluy -01porior otto4 1-rit4,
tilt In too! ' C A ACANULTI.S. Co Canal Basin.
.430 •
S O Z A ,n, V. 4 ~ 117 ,‘
orrivu pt. r s . a Vatirn Fax'', 44
cnagy crulticti .0 of th c o.tut.t quality. thriljlaxlit..
. . .
TILE 031:Llt SDI
remnlc for Epileptic Elliot Felling Sielasesch
Contrultions, s,Ppons, Ap... It Is well banns, that Am
time immemorial, phystuiens lrce.pronouneed RAT.
tic Fits Incurable. Ithac Next' all their cad tril
homed power.or mCdicinc, and consequently thcre
sands hare suffered through a =durable eziumasousi
at last yielded up their Vies op tbet "alissz-of.
With. nU clerocce, hossever,.'}o_ the op/sti=
great and !waned, 'ea sart'zat it hes bean omit • ..
For Satrapw
years, has be.teste• bY ettenY IPOia0:41
who bare suffered with this. Onwifol dime land
every ca. vibe 7 it has had a fair trial, hag e •
Fits of :11 years. and 6 months, wised by the 11.111 ad
this truly wooderiiihmedieine.
Read the fifilovnee rere.arkable case of 'hewn of
Wee.A.Sceore, Eq., of Philadelphia; attlieted with Eph.
leptie Fits 41 years awl 6 months. After imams
throne) Engl.d. Scotland, Devaney and Fran., cams
suiting the most en anent phyeiciaas, and expeadiat for
medicine. medical treatment end advice, three dines
send dollars. returned with his eon to tide comatty 111
November law, without receiving any benefit Wham.
er, and was cured by wina • i "
kle. William Sesore's Lent+ to DMA an. end Hart.
I hare spent over three thousand dollar, for ettedi•
' eine and medical attendance. I tau advised to take a
tour to Europe with hire, eel eh I id:.d I fast visited.
Engl.d. Icahrulted the most eminent phMearte
there in respect to hie ease; they ermined - and
prescribed accordotgly. I mmalned three months
-without pereeiving any change for the better, which
eon me almut two hundred and fifty dollenpocketed
by the fili)sieians• and the most that I received was
their opinion. that my web. cam was hopelma and posi
tively Moe ruhlo. I accordingly. le ft Wind, and tray.
elled through Scotland. Germany and Franca, and ea
turned home id the month-of November. WI, :Fill my
sou as far from being.urn! as 'Aiwa I lett
p 4ass your
advertisement to e of the New York. nt, and
.concludedeo try Iln's Vegetable Extract, maim ran
metope:it. and certificates of ea many ewe; so
twenty and thirty yearstejandies, inns I elm.. .ego,
I am ow eorty I did FO, as by theuse of Hart's N'esW.l4
bile fixtreet alone, he was restored to perfect bury , llia reason, which wee se far gone 611 to unlit hem
iii.l,lllC6A, to entirely restored, with the proven UM .:
berPre Into. of life, health•and usefiditesa. Ha Is nose
29 Tears of ages .and
2/' years and 0, mou th s of Lk;
time has been auffeted with thin moat dreadfid. of Ms.'
eases; but thank Cod he is now enjoyieggood health. .'
Now, gentlemen, faith without worke, I don't believe
in. To Key that 1 churl be ever greteftil toy. Leone'
Ming, and us I here enelose you one Weide. dollars, I
have lio doubt but that you will think Ible is another
and quite a different thing- The 'debt of gratitude I':,
attune:re Yon, bat please to •ttecept the pres.ent motes
as interest on the debt in Mdse.°. • .
You ra very respectfully,' ..
afflicted ' One of the mei - Whin of Oil •invalaabia esedulee
emu for several Teem With EttilePtie Alla,
-The disease had pralaced the_werat effect e pos his
system, vim Loa, of memory, imbecility of min and a
perfect proarration of the neoila apneas. 0 had'
tried the skill of Me bffit iv piriel clans Mr sewn year.,
end grew woreiistuder their treatment, and ha knew
that this medirine wee Ws. only hope for health and
life, and was therefore detennined to pre it a fair Mat s
wad to persevere in us nee, wide, he did, and Memoir
was a perfew restoration to health, which was cootie
awl tuunterrupted for nearly alma= years.
Via would refer to tile toilotnng penonseitto hays
.been eared by astute Hart's T:gershle P.lmen
Col .1; Denaleor's cutughtt r os anlieted nine y.uo
in at Yonkers, Pima York: .
W licatiet, nine yeers,l7l. Goma et.
.5 Ellsworth. seven year:, If Donor at.. -
Joseph ==o ust, _ nine years. East Brooklyn, La
II W Smith, Ti - ew Turk 'Custom House
B Kelly twenty year., Etatea [eland... , .
MArtra lnfec t, twenty Teem, Yorkville.
H Crane. twelve years, Ltd- lb:unmanly at.
WmWall Pare W,it - se-MY-fem. yEars, =Norfolk MI
Jacob PeUy, feu years, 171Delaneyit.
• Philo Johnson, twenty- eight years, 0 manual* Ps •'•
/edge .R.m.ffall, 04 Era Broadway, Na., York,
Thomas 11 Jones, of Se 9 Nary- -• z
. Refe Cap rence d e n J
made nmnes,
to Stale et. Bridgeport, Cl
Dr TV L Monroe, Guilford, I ' - '
Rev Richard Tog-en, Viem t meant N.Yi
Ilev TL Reattach', er.ltimana . .... "
Mr Joeepla Btailley,lls r , •. •• ..Ksw,
C El Doughton,=TElgh•.*llt 'N . 0.U.A . 1
Ilre Jeerer Der:self . OreePW ..• • rii , iNjY. -
John Faber, I= Ibliaal•OMlTei'', - ' -. do
DA. Richton,lsB DeLtooleffie , ' "., 'do )
James Sinith,lll3 Br/folk - W.IA
Charles Brain, 1RWM404, - '71.1.,.;
,7-.. do
All of which may ha erilhAriptss, s• • • poll
paid ' Pi. 2 4 , 4 ;„,,, - '.. -
0- ?reamed by Dr fOtharrlrans dr Hart)
New York. ',..--.,-iti
0 F T110bL4..9 . -130,- 1111.1frbetween NI 11111 i
4th sta, and If) ..,,Seasideir4th and ea streets,
wacinond, Oldoi,, ialtdiretall agents for the
south and wer,c , 4.':-, , r-',' , ..;.; , ..,,r
L WlLCO_Vlthirtro*earfAlarket at and the Ithij
tan d, only . a . R . r . ,Paafd FL) I Jelerdawly .
TO THE .1 . 7 .7 . - abfaltfl, SI RNIBEIRS OF TEE
- - -0.', , .. , nflatflOtfavar
Mot iers:
_..,___lrirtwis'ss nsr Daughter
IN I .N *I/TIM:9.-11m subscriberrespect,
i Jr. ' - artinstron to Dr. Mamas". Coax.,
max,* ' , totendtV for the preservation of the
hsahijaarladetETr itarl,as (roes Incipient
LT=l - IssttMa, "" lTu b r ‘ i!lT, fie th arl ' gt7d . •
Diem . 4 - , • . the Liver, Spleen. or : Kidneys, Die
. . -- . • Alfikole. Dyspeptui, Paltntatiee of the
4 . tiler or Nervous Power, rex. der:.
• ~•ry . . 141 - PXS, GUARDIAN comes to the
.'" - ...„...,. , F011'ema1es ,suffer. frem Irregular&
, .. PT ....... . er Uterine.difficulties and diseraes inch:
,S . .S - Es_ 'ff. • an, whether ocegaioned by cold, wet
r 1 ff . .•.- , ' miler injudicious expospre, and all this
lii ...Ifs. se of medicine; as the Moat delteate and
1 samOfflofiftly curiat coy moment cpply it to herself
~ i..t.Cfe possibility of inctirring way risk or danger,
.. ./e vauplensanl results arising from it, and *nth Me
.. • of obitinietv immedi reliel .
ADr. Kerte:re liumillan 14 none ewe lep any, or one of
• tietimeiny bombe, e m
the day; but it I au Instrument
Medi upon strictry scientific principlee, in . as
I . with the laws of Electrieity and Galva:etre; .sad
Ines.: durability. and etheazy, it:finite.] stirpaaa“
see rywi,l4 •; .i ill. kitid ever before offered to the public
Fir the Te te:ef disease ani. in the languiefe of one of
Ilh. me:, eilliTAea 4 men of the day, is pionenineed to
Ibe' OW Ilea., dlse es,s, of :8o
A bt nod of no less nine her yeus hrisb4en occupied
, 1 y lir .01 ,- rell in bringing time Guerdthn tri its present
i .:rte of perT•Ation--o.unno. which dine It he. been in -
I I , L. h4i.Js s ot
40Irte of the
en '
physicians of
Ws Norih aml smith,. .nhli as lathe dive:tinge ann.
mere, 'Wars. whci himE used it tor allot' the above
. perceive. welt the mem pen , et inteeees s and who hare
ebterftely 'Moen thetr lingual fled approbation of its •
etfieeey•ed vable. al Can be 'seen by referring to the
I )lanual of lii-nruc does accompauying It,
, fir. C. B. !barren's Guardian is secured from inner.)
i not• hyit h a d,onen , iron th e Lieited Suites Patent Oflice, •
, and.he el.her with or withent ins Medico-Electra'
I C..lvanomem
'lime s ethun-Ebviro GevanOnsrter. to point of beau.
. vs. orkmeMPllip. durithihn and p0,:1,1'. cannot be ear
re-,d or e rei
ailed. and th e subscriber ends that
in- bazar.. net veb h
ire in c asserneu that it will be found
L ip un. , ..i se more power end eff clic). in, the' treatment .
41hd remove! radlsiasee. by Wiavaidurt and Elecuieis
lgil ‘.. hn.t IMy nth T instrumset, either in the United ..
A CT I . :JUT,. 'The 21Tedico.Eieene Galvanometer.- ..-
,_brilarrunied . in ....ery rezpact. and with common ordi i .
,-.lettry tie e wi:l ie a it nic-tin,, and is by far the Weep
Vlab..bellow , e tif , ' ! , e ,. . instrortrna es sr offered to.the
.)),A minuaLaceorepenws lien. doing the most
~.. Mettaiction...ofpra. noel expArictiee. so that it
.s. yletiiiirible•io the. mind Cl evmy our, while
)-o't frftr"'hy of o trungentent is Adch that a child may
L. s ., : s , • with a.. ' .
',•.)4 , , foam. gnu:mot:sly given, and MI comae--
a. - any nuswered per mail, either in rola.
- OM , . rositeleanumetcr or Guardian. -' '-
.9.2,1m•14 istetirentil to call and examine Defter-
I.lllar- '
rat dtf
Car,— -. LLEY, '
street, to--
nag been
ame time
tent of
in o
• qualify
ere pa. .
.1 pr..
areal of
c there,
r Or sr-
_........5w0n mitre.= at'
_es, complain. can be radically and thee;
,ugh , slued; lie having given his mined attention to
the treannent of such covey, nod succeeded ill hwdreds
of inateeees is easing pemapte of hillaminmen of the .
neck of the bladder , end k Wilted diseases *Melt - often
result from throe caws where minim hare °goal i e% . '
them co hor e/ess despair. the particularly inettes so --
ILS have been long and unsuccessfully treated by others
to ionsult him, when everytiafaetiou will la Oren
them, and their cases treated in ea a careful, thorough{ had
intelligent manlier, pointed out by a long expeneitea,
et udy, and investigation, which it is impassible for thowt
engaged in general pincher. of medium- to-gae any
one class of disease.
10 - Hymns or IttiplOte.--.Df. Brown also Instal per. -
elms afflicted with fistula inVall, as he has paid pude-
War attention to this disease. •
Skin disemer; also Piles, Palsy, etc., speedily oared.
Clusters very low.
N.' a-Patient, of either see liviee at h distance, 10y
stating the diseare. in wining, mug all the aympl
toms um obtain medieillell With directions for use, by
addressing T. !IRONY - N. .).1. D., post,paid, sod reels,.
thrice No. 67,Dianamul alloy, appetite the •' ssesiy . .
Da" No cure no pay. • , deelL
UFgeALt-TeikiONl,Th--o —nr—iii;ll-e
lgeinin Liner t' llls , lireard ay RNOles.
Wn-carn.ur., Gallia en; Ohio, AMY /AIS TWO.
itlr. R. E. Sellers: *tier ecverni-y ears use or your
Liver Pills, in my practice, I am prepered to say that
they aro just whin you -and those whit have used them
represent them to be. vim-The beat preparation for I ' .
liver, cumpleint and iscase'r arising trap a ,depwr.d.
state Of the lver, that has over heels •
f aredf to the pr. 1 ,
li e. r 0 „,,, e. i „. L ,I, cl. NV ntAL D. 'i <-
Prepared end sold he' R. Eh SEI.LE.RS, 17 Wood at, ,
Pitubureh. D. Al.turly. Al egheny r ooddruggisup,
' glb+.4l.aer
• '.covet of
e*sl I r
IVl . l.l,lAiq t:CIIOLEY, U. 11../tYAN. ISAAC AI.
SIN4I:R. JOIIN bevin6l:6-
..otted IbrursclVCA together under rig: ityle end title
of S.:holey, Ityun In Co. for theinanufauture of Wood
Type, arid us their type Is oho:ether made by mach'.
e,T)..11.1e iltvmition of 'saw: 31. Singer, one of tbeflle,
they feel confulent that ifory . olfer minor:. perfect article
of type. umd nt notch i 0 .e 1 lutes Ilion any heretecote
raTdr,e in the Unoril Stalar ; and ire .1141,1, reedy to fill
orders for the same.
ord , r. addressed tmtteholey, Flynn & Ca., at
these eater in Diamond ntley, between. Wood- and
smim tie.,l street, ,v,tt in punctually attended to. ..
Piopr•Linrs of uctsmsprrs, on copying this sg.
c••-t.rerar th
hi, rind 'mating us their paper, milt
„.,.•, mieme Mcir pay'n typo, nn purchasing
~ •.- or Men , bill for advertising. • •
Nti AV Gil-St-11 PACTOLIT,7-7
A • I•tiOrrir a • 11. nmuld respectfully ins -
A ti„. r , nuuln• ;h.! Lbs y have erected a shop Int
t. nova. n'us - , s t
ud Seder-al and Stualusiey stanza: 'Mr/
urts tat.. so., stud urn prepared to receive ander* for
Coaches, Chariot's, 11s
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tor ; exptatesun i ate l lla , u l- +lClUtt,of acme .044 .
and she tuesaitt s tb. y bat c they Manonfirtent they aro
.earli<4.l to do mom on thr ittu-t reasonolin terms with
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it.ylll; pu•tural rt o ao the ;elect - inn of Cato ,
a re, Si,,, lin•rill,.: 140/1.1 but torsilsatias•satorkuseth they
have no hciiuron warranung - their work. Wa
therefore nth n auSeulsCnt ille publle to this =Per.'
•N. II liercirm; donain the . hest inmates . , and Co tha
most rcuteuttettle qtrs.,' •'• •• • -'• jennf •
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ETTEtIe In A ..... it.ietration on the Fatale of.gainid
,1• lbsursnon cl-ect, of Mifflin Tprisnlp, havethis
Intim Vr0..1 sutuctiberi. ALI persons Sat,
.1••••setl, the cstste .std deceased ma make Lams
mrt umn, P.ose elalrits against' mad`
raluSs: nut sus:scut sheen Or sclllcOntsh •
• • llitLl.lttat COWAN,
.13As, Apy..S.NOßGßASNllirrHltille':
— Gr i zzL u t ...w.s .,-41.tiN .,.., 1 4i lUS_L. T L: . LACKS 6,r
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