TIE PITTSBURGII GAZETTE: BY Manus BROOKS a PITTSDILIAGEO SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE riosis. NORTH AMERICAN. Advenisematts lead Sabscriptiacu lathe:l.th Mot, um and limbed %saws Gasette., YhiL4NDhia, meeited 61341,faturarded fram els law • • • . NEW ironic EXPRESS. 'llte rective4nd forward free of e.rpeose,wd rerdwaaeoft and webeeripriaas for Ws paper. PTITRILIMIL DLILT GASSITZ IA published j 1 I,T .Weekly, lust Weekly.—The Daily is &nem Dollars per mum; the Tri-Weekly to Else Dollars per snaws4 the Weekly is Two Dollars per ammo, swiealy SW attilt7 De, • are earnestly requested the Wad &ear taahrs before SP. IL, and as early in. day as practicable. Democratic Wats Noailaatiette, " ma mamma . ZACIHA , ILY TAYZOIt, . or Lconsuar" . FOR VICE PRESIDENT, DILLARD. FILL ROUE, - FOR CANAL. COMUSSIONFA, 'PER lIIDDLESWA.RTIA, Antimasoialc and Whig NomtneAloAl 'FOR CO:4GRES, , MOSES HAMPTON-I 101 ♦ISXXELT. ' LEWIS C. NOBLE, of Indiana. • CHRISTIAN SNIVEL, of Walama' M. SWARTZIVELDER, , t.t.°Flrb HENRY LARGE; of Mifflin ascoaaaa, • iIEZEKLA II NIXON, yf Lower Sr. ClairV JOHN SCOTT, of EU. •,- nsec as tna carars. • 'DANIEL NITURDV,af ElisabaLli Boraigli ~..•aramarant, ; • • THOMAS FAIRMAN, of Piusalogh. • DOILY R. FOBTE.R.:4 of Baldwin. kistoonsi Correspototeoce of the Pittsburgh usu.! WAIIIIIKUTON, June 14,1818.1 `The trimuls of Nlr.Criitemlen, is C.gress, gate tom w brilliant public &liner at Columbus Hotel, Isai evening. It was upon the occasion of his re. • aignation of.his sentlic tlieScunte, about to Le ten dered- in view attn' entrauoe upon the C 111713.1 as the W b.g cautlidat,for Cosvcroor of lientucky.-- the fete, of reason and the thaw of soul, and je. IIUOU of the Whigs . . The 'Mils Matifientitin Meeting of tLo LT:strict '—woo kept Up far beissinl the noon of night, sod ...to vet)* eicsloeut speeches were made by the -Whig Members of Congress and other,. Mr Mt. Thompson, of Indiana, Mr. Utter, of New lark, were among the speakars, and the multitudes prank were enthusiastic in behalf of the nominees. Congress made but slow piogress yesterday upon the General ApproprlanotrtilLs. The Hogs° idjoirned up.m au nmeidmentliSTOSPA to the ;Naval 'Appropriation Bill asking fifty thousand dol -tars fur the completion of the three Marine Hoepi tala alreadi. begun' at Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Souisville. 'The Appropriation will probably be granted. It took only' a moment yesterdy to otr . taro 1 2 53 000 rirthe purchase of land adjoining the Brooklyn Navy, lard, and 5300p00 for the New , York ley Dock - : Some 530,000 were also voted losses sustained by Mosel 'employed in the Pew cock, Grampus, Shark and. Missouri, vessels lost _,in the public service. - 'r s. Was:unarms. Jane 14, 1848 OeMerat Casa yes the : War- .I alien See vies-. ' -It is one at thePrinful - duties of ~.. coiled upon'to act as public sentinels to value the in tegrity and fitness of men nominatedhigh MU . alai positions. Many 'things which w other, wise lie-buried beneath the rubbish of th past, or It , - dormant amidst the' more active present, Ttithtta - revealed before . the light of day--ez to the soarchink powek Of naafi Geoeral Caen' lie, which is as stiataly half told by his Giends, ank not half swanned by the publie,will not bear chain spaction which is claimed' for it. When an l ei. _., "an y agent, as ho was three many years, the'braneb ',of 'service with which he was ao ham .connecteff; ' wasnotoriously bully mhniaisteredi and, while at the !tend of the War Department, the complaints were:loud and constant at the bad fiith of the De partatlent over which he' presided. The position ' in.which General Cass has been placed by his friends, mates it necessriy to revive the past, and ' triptil the question, whether General Cass Is the fittest man for the position iel which he is called by ...: his.friends? We feu that the remembrances of the . pu; in his own putlic history, .will i prove him to _..be as. Li in his administration of duties as he --.• lati pywystl hintwarlcase and , uncertain is his opinions. General Ca. was Governor of.the Michigan ' Territory from 1813 to lint, and by virtue of this office, he was Superintendent of Indian Affairs.- , . His orgatiof acqtilhitigeness, however, made him quite dissatisfied with his amount of compensation, and, accordingly, we find him demanding ten ra. 'ions a day addition:a or $730 a year; and beyond all this, fifteen hundred dollars a year for extra compensisilon, as Superintendent of Indian Affeirs: - The Erna rat, per annum, was two thousand taw . haristraf and thirty dollars, for the Mina:tan.. at duties for which he was otherwise. well I l psid.7 l . The patutacily with which these claims were pyes ' ' and; do not Speak , well for his modesty, or Ice sense of. honor, The principle of payment reuse to be only upon the ground that .Iti the vie be long the spoils of otilee? On the 30th of April,l63l, General ' Mar • Legging steadily toy ten years, received $10,500, as aura compensation; and, an thel3th a RoVetn ter, 1837, 5 . 3,875 was allowed:lnmo t toklitionsf _' 'pay. The parficulars'of this mtge . :us be Found in Document I!2,2s4—Congress: Sepion, House of Representatives. ' ' , .r. • . In Document-21-I,Co the same tgress, I find the filming items, under* head ol'Altoratters mode . to Governors and Secretaries oeTerritaries to cow er expellees Watered on account of the impairs tending of Indian Airman, for . 0111 co and Clerk line, Re..—Lwants cam, - Micbigaujrolu October 9, • ''` 1913,10 Ma y '' , 1.44, 10 rations per . day, at 10 , cents each. ' 86,r10 ... -Lxhed, than by thermion of tha Whig party. Gen.,Taylor was not my preference; hn: l be. lieve him to be a true Wing, an 'tourer and cap: e man, optiosed to the neptivtlnn nl .Te.xee, v:itb and oppebed further ee argi*the haltada;ies of the Vann: and, although he lives in the Latitude where slavery is tolerated. yet Ido net behive that La desires or approves us extension. .His declared sentiments are a gum , antylhat he will never in the .liglaest rautnuer .terfere with the action of Congress when it steal rabid the existence of slavery in our newlyac quire,' territories. Lathe ruicrectudalivcc of tht people mod of the States be lett Inc ht. art up, that question, uncontrolled Ll:Executive indueni and ,Elvecutive votes, and weave safe. t need rs um confident, any . n..nran tr.whenever riled boring myp6icial term. the rights at lot inioy,sball find in me as unyielding advocate Thelasue will soon came; It is bi be Met in the then it is to be decided. continuance of Mr. Belli', ; people-of the free Sta.,, Alyea! t as labor to.linug Ouch our abs of peace, of prmiperity. 'Mans, by placing iu high For, in the words of that a whom Cone belongs to /intik boo been one at coni unrequited labor for the to words of Dam= WEE , i 1 Hall. LIND TROUBLED NIGHT '1 '6E NO STAR ABOVE 'ROMISING LIGHT TO HE LKTELLIGENT, PA. WHIG pwry op THE ASIIMUN. M. Cass Ital. ilad4lptila. Tlere has been [igenitidignatma and .snir prise expensed by thu.Whni pre.s, at Mr. Calsa . ” untimely visit to pbiladelp la. lie wind essay have managed to arrive there a day two c r asher Of later, itl•ttattl dtlintetlng h u w I I , uaesileil or bigot,. the thousands-uf Whign .assembled iu that city; at the great National Conventiiin. Circe:) , ci the Tribune thus notices 04:natter —The windfalls always tight on the. wumma aide. Gen-Taylor could] have been no .mated anyhow; then, won no chtinoe at Philadelphia to prevent it; bat Gen. Cass and his bodyguard coo. trivet to make the job a goal deal easier than it would otherwise have been Knowing well that the Whig Convention was to assemble there on Wednesday, and that 'Philadelphia would inevita bly be crowded with ardent Whigs on Tuesday evening. Gen. Cans left Washington su 113 to arrive in Philadelphia exactly at that time; and he and his clan were not content to come into the - City quietly by the Railroad so usual, but must .stop at -Wilmington. take 4 Steambaat, nod, landing, parade from the Delewsre up through the principal thug oughkiren including Chestont-street when it was utmost impassable with Whigs. to Jones's Hotel, which in like 111001:1Cf. wan crowded and surround ed by them, bands playing end follower* shoot. ing by the way. Arrived at the hotel, the hot, were calleskout to shake their mane. and roar de. fiance to the Wh las, and Senator Allen amen, them declaimed to a vast auditory mainly Whig, a n d of the moat imuhing and irritatipg harangue, by which the decencies of partisan controversy were . ever outraged. He proclaitned his own party the' exclusive champions of Equal !tights. and charge/I'We Whigs i with being the uniform supporters cc Inequality Caste and Special Privilege, when Inn well knew that in his very State of Ohio the great mass of the Whigs have for years been stroggring to give Political Rights to a dais of the People %e l. are utterly dented such rights by the existing laws,and kept inn state of debasement and dependilnee fdr worse than the serfdom of Russia. The laws of Ohio treat the People of that State who are guilty of colored skins as equal to Whiter in all matters of moral end intellectual responsibility—restrain. them. tarthetn; imprison them, bang them just like Whites; bat deny them any voice in making or altering the laws by which they are in ruled, an subject thew to almost incredible restmints as privations beside. Of these unrighteous and o massive laws, the_party which Senator Allen p claims that of Equal Itights is the' .steadfast sup. „porter and champion; while the party Ito slander. nosly stigmatises as contending liar Inequality and Privilege ia. their determined adversary . . There are, individual' exceptions on each side, but the general sentiment of each part is as we have...Aril , ed.' The ease is essentially the same in most of .the FreeStatra Can the man be tolerably honest who undertakes to face down these notorious acts Such an unlimly parade, such an insulting bub mane, of course 'exasperated the assembled Whigs, and impelled thousands of them to say, 'Though it tear one our heartstrings, give us n candidate who , will curdy beat these insolent bra. yoes—who will bent them'. men were never bita ten before I' Of course, lathe idea bad been se dulously and skillfully disseminated that the Whigs could areain& elect Gen. Taylor, and had but a cleaner , of electing any body else, this operated powerfully in fiyor of hie nomination. And if the Oasa caravan shmlN catch so unmerciful flogging •at the hands of Old Zisek, they mny thank them selves for , basing done their utmost to insure it.. Tavtoeia Kmeruclv.--The Louisville "Journal, gives the following description of tint reception of the news or• Old 7.ah's,”noinniation,an Ken. tuck :" • About halfpast ten o'clock yesterday morning, news ire 'received here by telegraph of the ionic .nation of Geo. Taylor tot the Presidency and Mr. Fillmore for the Vice Presidency by the Whig na tional convention at Philadelphia. The intelligence came by electricity, 'and 4 went with an elemrice thrill to the hearts of tboussulds of rejoicing Whigs in our City. Never. upon any occasion have we seen our party more elated, more buoyed up with enthusiasm and confidence. Almost every Whig lip wove its biightest smile, - and every Whig eye flashed with uowented brilliiney. Theconvention laurdone nobly; it:hu fulfilled the wishes, the highest expectsuons of the country; it has horpired the Whig pety with ocefidence the nothing can impair Hahareds of thousands of Whig • shouts. the omen of ;Whig vickny, are at this moment re sounding enough our whole - republic,' and the hearts of the Letedoeos are dating. and dyipg with. in them sr, the mod , • Pug Para - r—Ona Mc.—The Richman d.V7hig, lit noticing thaneminations, - What a party is ours ! What other that now in, or be.. heretofore existed, could at one time mama to a nominating coliVention such a lint of names. Zachary Taylor; Winfield Scott, Henry Clay: Dan iel Webster, John lg. Clayton; and John McLean; Such an array ofaalent is obsoletely . dee:ling.— . The least of these - men is qualified to be a leader in any party under,heaven. It is a proud reflec tion to the Whigaatilit their party should embrace.so much of all that renders man truly eminent, and that in making a choice, there was no neCereity to separate the goad from the bad, butte choose out of the very septa:luny of the former. For either of these great men, we should have gone with pleasure. Either of them, we are con . tident, would have administered the Government with ability and fidelity—either of them would have done - honor to the choice of tile party—either of them would have rendered his administration remarkable re a season when the art• of pence . were Miltivated , and when prosperity once more spread her mantle over the land. We left, as we said we.should do, the matter entirely in the hands of the Vonvention, certain-that such u avildeness of high.quidifications, as tile Whig party present* they , tiouni not go very far - wron,f. We I:,.nt deter. mineicfroin the very ..nuncement, to conjoin ibr UGIIMICY let him he w ho r e o nught , and had either of tae other dwirtgoe•hed getttlemett reertv• ed the immolation v.a. should. have been limed tlehticg as hard for him is we shad now light far Gen Taylor. Mi:.-Ftuxonr ro vr ..l• LIMIAtO. Titc .Nelv l'or;: 1.41, pil6;l,lAct rho fullowme ~~b ~.~r, i.le: „~. iti}s. tjeutlemets —i have the laittor to acknowledge the receipt of veer loiter. is, Mug me to attend a /sleeting to lie held. at the Froadway Tubs:Mack on the 11 of Jane, tor tire purposie of extending aril and sip - apathy to beta., in the present event. ful crisis of her fata l and I regret to say, that my of limal engagements are such as La JeatiVe me at that pleasure. No man who h. a heart Cue fell 10 [eel 1, .1: feridg cretin.. !Ur brave true have fought the hustles of the world. Lai her ow - in they have yet to 6ght; and why England .ntinues to hold her io .bjeCtion, nosinst her will .d by sae. force, IS to 11.1 . e etteeenlaeteble. Le it from the mere love of dominion, or the fear, thed . if Ireland , resumes her stand nowise the stations of the earth i that her distatMcolonies tray seek to sunder she (MP tie that Lindi them to the mother country '— Whatever may be the — motive a weals clear, that Set liaipals.predtleas to thighstd and ruinous to dreamt; and I trust the tune el not thr dinhant when Irlithmeo will agate breathe the free air auto intletwndent and happy People. Respectfully yours, As!.. • MILLARD FILLMOKE.. . s .lesissis. James !I'M., Fisk. ah, Laugh., Holier' •Ifsigash Wm F White. J C Derevaus, John T - IJoyle,.l. A MeGlenn, and Nelson J Waterbu ry. Committee. • , Ova llamas; Laance . tt tit.t.—c-Ittdcpendeui o he Philadelphia North American, the feel ing of many i n the iallew tug Paid and peril. "One parting word f as to I Imit glorious old chieftain who hasled the %V Lig imety al! its trials—who h.;ulli•red in all its.streg.gle* and who unliesitantly has sacrificed himself when. over xensionfor duty made the demand. It in within cry knowledge.'lipt Mr. Clay never. love permitted his naiad to lie presented as a Care didate ts•fore the Convention. but for the repeated and fir4imt solicitations of Wines w ditTerent quar ters of the ("elan, who appealed to hint. iu behalf of the salt. town of the part y, not to withdraw from the canvass. It necnsiouml me I ioth surprise and friortinotion to discover Vint one or more of the :,area which, had ',exit most zealous in pressing Mr. Clay to;f. pursue tins course, took the earliest opportunity to hbandon . hlnt in the .C•invention-, nit eminent serinees. his long life cf devotion .tis the Whig canse4lo ins Character. nil claimed toot he should have Imleit notitied of tdch u purpose in advance, no that Itn inight•have adopted such steps as would has '•• • —mooned with his dignity invidif•• to mole no' inviilitiun totitili is too to him, and Lich To reflector., 1112== whom' o WII . p ttll EM= ~.The fate uf Zeit. MMI=2 EM=!! New Hampshire, ha's been riseertsined. pears that she was 11w victim of evdrietion. afterwards wee under trust:nerd by the lather of her seducer, Dr. Manolivider, and drol. i eduxtyr.entr.• ..'Fire body wave then pinned in a box, whiter warm,,hrlvuotit w this nay by the Doctor himself, arid sold too trhytieirrn, tri.ah an assurance that all wan right. Whearlie body was taken to a dissecting room, it was aseertairied by - the eurtivon, rout the . apperiesuee of- th e body, that there was rout play tu tire 11121 let, and he or. dervdDretStehviabb to take it nway immediately. Thy 'Doctor thorn wool to the 1.x..t0r of tile 'toil - 4 at°. Lola him five dollars to illepore attic boily,iand suitireeted the rowed:vary id coning it to pieces nod throwing it into the vault. To this Le pretended to' consent, but einhalined the body and int - Jo:led the police. Dr. MeEnstile. his eon. and portrait printer, named trivial, have been arrest. ed as implicated in th. Thr body sons pack. oil in :y iv, ries end a'aulffirt armors, dm/ was I:,r Jeer., 'Clio porter boa no w in Ins nessioriLthe $.5 :nil ',Oil by Dr. NicKnatili.— Biov, 'rntorltri. Hosea sast - sun s: On. Pits,w.--.Ono of the very best pakes•rik the al:12•JO, and one which tarot e charateer of the mail most admirably, took place iu Frederick, Md.. into week, and has been narrated to us by an eye-witness. An old f Ir. ginin gentleman, and proprietor clone of the V,r gi is Springs, being ct Frederick ilar the purpow of prdeuring a band of isiusic for ibe sessou,at the Springs, had requested the musiciabs to assemble beim,. the !Idle! where be won staying laud ploye few Innei,elikt ha might judge of the character of their n3usic. Whilst they were playing, Gee. Pd low—wins had taken up quarters . - et the I lotel— Split... Wig it an honorable reception bar bin viarlike aclu,eveinents, .immediately raised his window, dewed, doffed lus heaver, acknowledged the honor: and retired,without having discovered the mistake. "Where ignorance is bliss' folly te.be wise '— Chableitoren Free Pre's. The venerable editor of Me Washington Union is in tribulation deep; at the tourer of the Elam burner" la New liorir, vs the Ibitawing extract w:11 conclusively ?lww: 'So •ttSient are the Barnburuer pr . to the city of New York, that they simovely treat :Avast". Benton, Allen, and the other iiiiirtaguistied cantns now on a visit to the Empire City, with ticeeut re• :rot_ The New York Evening Port asks Colonel Benton whether he has-,,come to New York •to propane over the grave of Silas Wright a tientrace• ful cooperation with his: assassins" The New York Globe insinuates that the friends and com panions of Goo. Coos have- gone to New it to establisit the thttuiniiirt of the slave Wider% over free territory.' • Nraxt. TAKLOS. AND MEE Iptui rwtv.—The &mum Atlas 0.)11161111 the Collowin very ituporlant • announceinent: • Col. Johnson, of Upper Pigda, Ohio whh was selected by the Whigs of :Zama, no thew delegate to the Convention—a staunch undoubted Whig— who his, M a long Joe devoted tb the cause—done it great imrvax—a delegate to liarrisburgh in 1939 and to Baltimore m 1914, and who has known Gen. Taylor long and intimately, writeir ire ,a letter below us, that ho in all we could desire upon this very paigt. Ile writes that he has heard him de. Clare, with much three, that he regarded slavery a great evil tct the country, and expressed a Wong hope that the time might arrive when we could get rid of it altogether; and Col. Johnson .declares his densest conviction that General Taylor "is the last man to countenance its being extended to ant new territory that may be brought iuto o the l Lion. The New York Tribune publishes an account of a •large and enthusiastic meeting of the Democrat ic Whigs of Now York," held on Monday evening lila, at which the 6,llnwing rtuallutions were palm ed:— • Resolow!, That a Committee of five from each Ward be appointed..by this meeting, for the mir. of obtaining signatures to a .01 fur a Maas Meetingt oithe Whigs of New York opposed to the nomination of the Philadelphia Conventioa. where upon it was .11rrolord, That a Committee of nine be appoint. ed hy 'this meeting to carry into effect the above And the Callowing 'gengenten were appointed unanimously; Dudley Belden, Harvey Hart, N. Bowditch Blunt, Nicholas Carroll, John C. Moore, C. hi. Si. monsou, James R. Wood. Dallici Graham, It Overly. - We take the follotilny from the Tribune, o Tuesday, as also indicative ofthe signs of th. The Young Men's Henry Cloy Club, buying held prrliminary.Meeting in the .treet, were ehly ad dressed by the Hon. J. W. FowLnet, Hutsca GRIE- Lsy, Esq. the Poughkeepsie Blacksmith, and sev. ergl other distinguished gentlemen, after which Mr. Robt. Davis, offered the following sentiment, ciehtch were unanimously adopted, and signed by over five hundred Whip who desire to 12ecolue members. From the "sentiments," above referred to, we, take only one short extinct, as the prastire which knows from the principle. laid down: ••"rherefore we cannot, and soul not support Gen. Tsyloi, as our candidate kr the Presideuer—De. venue to our principles demand that we should Thos. 13. Stevenaan, the able and fearless edict of the Cincinnati Attila, tins withdrawn froto that paper, because "he could not sustaiirthe nominee of the Philadelphia Convention for President, with that heartiness which his position teemed to re quire, and' which his nature would prompt in hia high oilier. Hence his withdrawal, to free himself from a situation liable to continual emberrasiment, and to admit in the columns attic ittlas)tinore ear nest aupport of General Taylor than he could give." Win. S. Callender take. his place. The paper will not sutler in his hands —he having considepa ble expenetice, connected' with leaniing and act idea : . i;t.f. , % , :, t. , ;.,i \ ;.;]:...-::,.,::,:'. Tau Wino llama° magi !intiwr..---There was' a large gathering of the frienda_ot Tayth r end more ofanay's 41,1, last eienia, to hear the Kentucky orator, Hoe. J. J. CtitteatlcK upon Ma. tent interest:air untie people—in retation to the unpottant poliutal eampiigit which we have jit,t entered;and in which we ate sow At the hoar appointed, the meetiag Wa.,ormnired by calling the Lion. W. Forward to the Chair, and appointing one Vice President /W. boon I.lh.ch:t of the county, and five Secretaries. . The Hun. J.l.Crittenden Was then_introditeed to the meeting by Mr. Forward; in a few knot but felicitous remark.. lie wet TiCeiVe:ltvOit notch apploooe and cordiality; and Hie ' , peach a. the wi iternbled multitude was Jae of great Line and elo quence, fully portraying the character at our 'rta n.l and Leader; General Taylor, and inapiring the :m -illrace with true sentimeuts in relation to him.— Re recounted, beautifally„the early !lobary oldie old General—bin brilliant and unprecedented vie. ...ice in the late war with Afe.co.-and dwelt via- veiny upon los traits of character aslona nf houtety, integrity, and possessingevery virtue nut ....entitles LI Stateeficin, .and every qualitiesti in that fitted hum for Uri. lifyfrest elation in the gint the per yle . Mr urlivt... ofßy then followed in a brief lon •precti 1k dv. /I potteulialy a l um Gra 1...1111. al •rilt:/olcLq, as embodied ta -irrovbig is. to info 3otiod Whig . pas tv .•001L1 Once, die utmost lA, A retika.rla li,.w d W EN. I.L.nUttn, COOSIAIII.—JIIIIO 1:41/. legt, the -returns of the late epegiel elegant], held in the ttreornt \Vara. were opened and exam:awed. when A wee bawd that Messrs \V. tl'El. Robinsion and Snead S. Shields. were elected. They pre. orated themselves and were duly swuru. Sundry pennons were pre.ented, among which. were the nalhawnig.our bolo A. Lamont and others, relates to •••• 4 pring Batenitea;' the 'petitioners rep. resent that great titjustiee hAt• Leed dove by the general use of the.. Italariersin the tuttrkel; they are so constructed that it oi for the ' Regulator of Weights to adpett them, and they are •neither amino= nue An weorderter with the sten. dart, weight. prevented he Countess and our Stale Legislature. The Cuuttols autbortred the proper Cdatituiltee to report art Ordinance 'troll:toting their use entirely within the intr. A peution trout James Anderxm John Geldtatt • and otliern7ittotriang that Ohio Lane at the Min. nimbler horungh tier, becomes in wet weather utter. ly impassible tin traveler, A opectal collimates was appointed to comer With the antlerrities Tauelteater upon the subject. Another (tutu the citizens of the pipt Ward rehatice to politic of 'Laguna% water, th;l . have be. mute no offensive us to engender sickness In the (entities residing near them. They . are indeed a great puteraner, and thewater wate r - should be drained • out or them. Gen. Moorhead, Chatnaan Committer au at, aulainittuti a report on sundry petatous that wet. helot° that commuter. Tilere,oluthatt accompanying ik.deelariug North Canal nt., Maui East I,auo to Federal at. open, and recommending the necessary. ..ter to be taken to carry• outalie ihtention or Inc remohnion, was laid upon the table. Sundry renolutious were passed: one odered by Mr. Sninpaon, authorizing the S .IIIIIIUCG on Ell tO hive the riliereat twe ronitie comps flies supplied roe!: with aileiur - iiliat fort of good hare. s Anothor resolution empowering:4lle Commit. tee nu Surveys Itt employ the serrOn of Mr. Kramer to 5131.1 Mr. Day In the Mtiiicy the city. at a salary not 41 eaceml St, 000 pe s t an Mr. Gray u•Vere,lcue, utcrocting the Schutt., to proceed t 0 relatictity the opeutng of tteeurcliug._to the eperial hot of the Loyisluture upOn the lubjeet. - Linn :Or C. U. I,ooaus--$-3,,,e error. hero% inadvertently occurred ;a the pubitcsiont following letter, we re-publish it, Pirrattratm, June Vt, fait. To the sr ert awl Conown Coancil., .-11tortng been called upon Y.v yon I”Cil opinion m relation to the po.er of the city to grant to the Central Reamed C,nspaul, me right to construct a depot, .extending from Lherty se. to Duque-one way, and from Wafer at. to law water murk, an the Moragagaheis firer. I would suggett the Propriety of granting to the Railroad Company the privilege they cab in the Point M a tense under tech reatricomot at pun may deem ad t care being had that the nity do nor tend lleemschrea Lei MDR. or better tole limo they pp,* see, Them' has a Ton; Ohre exalted • /Muhl in - the minds of toasty na to the titie , 'az that frur Lion of the Motaittgahrla whirl. vet. thea dottbio, even if fouit.l,l, can Le ovmhe.ro, Ly the plan itigifested. I have ma :he volidity of the title, fon tle. rs. on if , ta to Coe ant Case it is not ne•omary The city cas Janet to therlroad Company all the ie teilh .1 would are of ereeting • balding 0.,0h00 .r Ifte pllrpaSes Wlololll 411 any tomme: ~1.0 for defemeve title. The Itailrunti Cotittliseuy they, alter the lee.ee is istseth perfect their right t tiotwssion. steams! tug other (*Two. wh., b elauu, by atittlicathrsi t, he Cum; at tatter. , pe:- m the us:toiler diem:tea by me Ill!. luta :lab seetess• at their chimer. The plan suthge4ietl,d appear to ate, IN the ,he most advoertde lie the city to pantie. ne d'irs..y Jane v...4.ltput atcninui any r.vk or Lezittd tetdd ever G .C. - 1,0051 . 16, Suliciior far Gil. The reselutit.a offered by L. S. Johns, at the rat' saccitug, Lastog been separated front the preamble iet lashing up the form, tu tuttam to Mr. Johan tve republish it ax 1,..110.. The Whig entobdale, General Taylor dasingtushed in the war in Mexico. by admirable akin nod invincible courage. tempered lint twilhant victories by moderation pod clemency to! the van, goisbed the. a Ober to hit soldiers, even ,ready to reboot: tho.twants and ussustre their sorrow. Therethret Ranh,/. - That we hevd• every otatideueet; if elected Preside t, his generous nature will prompt bin ur sustain measures g./T the relief of those brave mac who wear the honorable badge of stoned. received m Mete ettuntry's battles in, Meal., and ace disabled from maintaining then, selves. . • J. . bletitolfflo Esq. of tleweertln rn.. w.. du he 15th Ingo,* *Awn El( A. 51..Itume E.l , ed nutted to pructiee an ao Attorney and :Counwilo ;tat Lew in. the Donnet tot Alkgheuy County. 11, the RAN., of du Paroborgili Gordo: The Journal of Thursday momina--obaractern ;ad by as usual fuiraris--reprvsents RobS. M Riddle moved in the Convention, • that a commit- tee be appefuted to interrogate Mr. Hampton, our nominee, aim his sentiments upon the Wilmot Proviso'—which motion was , onartiatostoly' a g reed to. It might ~be considered unnecessary to curreeti any ntieetittilinents which appear an that paper on the subjeck , —as it is coo generally known that the opposition of Mr. Riddle I. our Representative is altogether of a personal character. It is, bowers ; untrue titularly such unction was mode by Mr. Rid dle: and the'' explanation of time Journal of Friday morning is milady incorrect.. When 'Mr. Hampton's' nomination was oilman. ced, Mr. Riddle ruse and stated, that although the minority was small, their 'import could not be ca nceled, until they were satisfied that Mr. •IL was right upon the Wilmot Proviso; end suggested that he be interrogated on that subject. Another dele gate rose and stated that, if any further evidence were accessory to satisfy that genthtmant (Mr. R.,) he had no doubt, if Mr. H. were inteiregaled he would give him ample assurance on that point. The President of the Convention then annonno. ed the regular business of the lainventioa, and suggested that both the remarks of Mr. Riddle and' of the other delegate were out of •orderp—and the Convention proceededlo ballot for Recorder. • This Ma correct statement of the matter, and will be verifiedby the officers and members of the Convention, al Well SA the reporters present, except the Joortial ' and Chronicle. Mr. Hampton has bean nominated by the convention, and by a vote which is evidence of his standing with the Whig Party. Had that body, or any recognized Whig intemga tad Mr. Hampton, I have no doubt but it would be alike the pleasure and the duty of our Represen. tative to answer:promptly; but that he is under no obligation to submit to be interrogated by R. M. Riddle—the very man who refused to publish Mr. Hampton's declaration on the Wilmot Proviso, to. 'tether with, the best of his speech upon the floor of Congress, and who well know. that Mt. H. is both a betterWilmotlrvistr mean and better Whig than he is hiraselL Mr. Riddle, although the proliumed editor of a Whig paper, has, on more than one occuion, been recreant to his party. He was elected to the con vention under a natoac that he would sustain the nominations. Has he done itt And while he is pretending to oppose Mr. H. because he Is not good Whig, and hu charged him with having said *that it Mr. Clay were nominated, he would not support Mae and now miners supporti the nota• matron tor Mr. Hampton—he challenged the right of Major Willock to come before. our convert. non, unless he would give us some pledge that he would support the ticket! Verily, consistency, thou art mews!. When inch marifire recognized as leaders of a mty, it is not rause that the people refat .InEert. _I;M;M= KY MAGNETIC TELEGEAPH. COMMIDON4aIIiBiI Sf PttUDarg h Ottmtpotetettee of the Photsbarett Gazebo. CONGRESS. • WAJIIMICION, June 15, 18 5• The Pretddent called the Senate to °Her d%12 o'cbek. • t • - A mevaage was received kora the Hume, irnms e a joint resolution providing km thetra4apor taint, of the troops home, at the dose of dui war. , Meese, Benton end Cameron 'offered limend• memo, ore of which recommended the bestowal of time months extra pay to the poldien. Roth amendments being withdrawn, thkwiginal resolution was agreed to. The bill relative to the extension of the natural izaiion laws wan debated; when, the matter being laid aside informally, the Senate took up— Indian Appropriation Bill, After debate itE bill, wan laid aside, and the Senate went into Executive sensing. .411 i 'owe time , spent thereat, the Stilzakt.44 jourtted over outtl Priday. HO4se--4_lu the Hhose,hdr. lialtues eked leave to imii,dud7e a 101 l to reduce the tuileuhu tueo. Lers. Objections - belt% wade. The [louse resolved itself into CO. of the Whole uu the Naval Al,proprlabou , The etneuchneats oinyiug•out the law of last session, relative to the Docks M liitierv, ' . l 2 lhlsdeb phis, drill Pensacola, were negltlved.,. The 101 l was then ordered to be etarroered. when the Hoare ' nd)drrated over until Frulu. • • WatttNutt., June 16, I vitv I:ehtre the Senate a eOltinittliteation from Senator 11i,tglip, re signing Ins Seal iu the Senate. The order °film day, the to - iv:tie Lanett up.. No:other humors, woe trau , eeted. - Itoose- - The thee Li - the House was Laken up in i...lisetteeett at Sin Fottit'keelson Btll. , .WasturoroS,lttut 'The Senate rantieJ'the'ireety. With New GNU. L b, thy p.,3111 of Way over the 1,14001. 0. Pena • The Press:lent -rut in the no...tattoo id lion. Isaac Tonveroi Connecticut, for Attorney General of the. I 'oiled 6w:es. Also. the noutiontiOn yf Senator Ilegby as Mlnmier w Russis, riCe rce.iled. . • -Wedtamirol, Jude 10.1010. Sidj nt3hatn hits ed at Wash/141.as a,m-1 Ity.aseu. and . 'Ante. that hit. Saner had eti.• changed the natl.:Witta of the Treaty of Peace with M ahe tioverittneut Great Fire In Norfolk, Ira On Wednesday ingld u tire broke out at Markdk Va., which consumed 73 bonne., including the Bellic I rhumb. $300,000. Correryohilenc, of iL,Pols'aurgh Oaset.. Philadelphia, June 16, 1415. A great meeting was' bell lag night to !ugh preparattotte receive the Noluriteerrr. Cortevendanee of the Piuzburght:meetle I'HILADKLPHI4 MARKET. Philadelphia, June 16,6 e. a. Flour—The market is dull. 5,37 e bbl to oiler ed for : western dour, without buyenk Grain—The market is dull, with more selleri than buyers at the former figures. . • Cotton—titiles of Louisiana, at 71e. Sales of L'planil at 71 file fair. The market to firm - with !united mien. TheEtoek in rim hands is (tea. Provisions—Soles of shoulders at 3P:ii 31; sides at t vali. The Market Ore boron is active. Grocerie.—Sale. of -00 n Ilas Llcaaym at 01 p Ib. Sugar is firm. Lead—Sales of :400 Its at de. ninety day. NE* YORK MARKET: Scar Yori, June IG,'G r. The weither to day was intensely boi l lllaw—Tlin market, with inoilernie sales, is favnr cf the buyer. The demand in fallinr oil: Orain—There or !es.. &Aug in Corn, and the market.has a downward tendency, with sales of l'ror- Yellow at 304147 e. per bust:: rules of Osts :4 4 Cot, exttnt at 1054 prices. Rie—Ziales per torso., l'ori - There or leas no,ement in Pork ; but it.. ararlan strr&ly. IiALTINIOIti: itaLt moo; June :C 4 r. u. 11..rosa:NT rderste sates of Howard Sr. at Vi pt -r 1.4,10 tf 0111-SAles of Inoue salute Wi.eat at alp au : 'done red at Si 204'il YU per inr. White Coro an ...c.:111.j; at ctsi rind prima yellow at 4.35 , 1J0 ,ta pet' Provta43-6.04-4 qt Lard at ins as Whs.. awl No), in ter, J',4,,t,ritxxon Sbouldern are wild it 31e; Sides at /flea - filo. Sale. of lima. at 4 Paso par lb., accorslinglo quality. Prices of Ns. swamis have slightly tdraneedi rialen of_ptime Pilch at !S 25 . 39 37; aartof Mel. at fib 95 pan I %I. Sabra naf fri dry 'salt, Si i/els. mad Rama iv dry salt. at ca. . \l,'l a isters-S.'oter, ut ribly at 32 els per gall ) I;thit;lNN ATI MARKET. Cineinuati, June 16.161,, , I , :e. —The intake tgeth 16,ekrale live , c.l the buyer, walk .6:e. et 166 - M`l...hey--Sa!na 61 NM IA!. hi 141 Tee 6.11. het ilJt..feeg. (i,oceries a setlhont change. Prcereqpn, are without thnnin There i. both. int/ ST. TAKLS gARKET, ..' Sr. Lams. June IG , we, si p Ilegup--a` iv te. at SW to ris per n, ti, the intent 0! 100 S.. • rt 1.3,3 - , per I:11 Ib.. -ztala. of tame to fair at GYM prr b.ta at Wu per bush. BA—Sales of New .057,50241,75 Ca class. gu sc; some desk," ..k 51. There is 7 feet water at thi. pow ad mule as the Lower Rapids. G. Scorr.—.Pototnaoo,. the con.pondant of tW Eialtioson Patriot, _ Beare from a distinguished ogrwer of the array, who was present when Gen. Scott received the news, at Frederick, of the nomination aGett. Tay. for go the Presidency, that the veteran chief bore it like-whew. No look, no expression. exhibited, no muscle even Indicated a shade of chagrin:7 His party in Cuavention had decided between hi nsell; Mr. Clay and Gen. Taylor, and he had no plaint to utter. The nomination receives his approbation. u. angtey—lton e", fiali • ric i ak i n °'' t — lt T :tl W ; d free from y na wart; din ot fail to pr e wow* hair, re.ktoe Dolor ol Columbia. coon of baidness . it will inure than rotted your expectations. klany who balm lost their hair for IN years have had it restored to its original perfection by the use of this hales age, .ate or condition appear to be tio obstacle whatever; It el .calms that quid /low With which the delicate hair tube is biledil by which wean. thousatuls (whose hair was grey as the Attlactie 14410 have. had .their hair restored to it. natural color by the use bethis inval uable rerrady 111 all ease. offerer it will found the noMt pleasant oath that ton hr used A few applies bon. only tare orrastary to keep We hair Loin falling out. It Attengthetti the room it overt (ails to impart a lOat, gloat)• appearance. mold a/ a perfume for the toilet t is unequalled; &holds three times ao mochas other heir rettoutlittes and it alum effectual. The pentane wantlfactunul by Comstock ak Co.. XI Courtlaud arn - New York. • :Mid it, in Pittsburgh, only aenuttut, by WM. JACKSON, alt Liberty it, head of 'Wood, en Waehlognio, Pik, by Brreeity L Soo; in litowneedl, by Bennett Crocker; in Canonalparg, by, Ur. Coact; oleo, by our agents le; ovary lowa its to., Ohio and flit tionteddiwftmT arr. srestesost• :true AND Ostilio—Connen Magical Pain kburactor—lt Is now conceded by media cal matt that Genoall's Magical Pain Extractor, maw tattered h 7 Comstock & Cu fit Courtland st. , fil Y, is the greatest wonder albs Wilt ceniury.lte effects are tm/y Miraculous. 'All pains are removed front bunts, scalds, ik.c. and all external corns, Its a few minute. af i,e its gitpdeation; healing the rotor on the most dull. can alma, legato' no scar. It is equally beneficial in plea t and. o E f y l e a S n a t n. y , I d he m mat sm,cWat soSrwe elNliing and glean, Braises,. Sumo, ChUblauts, 'l2yaipelas; Mee, Tie Dokorcaux, &c. We might add B11:100110 all ...Jay, the names'of Many eminent physicians who els it la their practice, and hundreds of the clergy who praise itto their people. Kind yenta bacon coustantly on hand, in cases of arch/cut by fire, life may be lost with.. out 11, but by its as. all baba arc subject to to, control, =lee. rho vitals are destroyed. eaution—Retactuller and ask for Counall's Magical and tr actor, scamp , &Mira by Cemstock *Co. N Y, o other. • • Sold by WM. JACKSON, Agent for Pinsborgh,E9 tamely at., heed of Wood. ttuvlaltsweituT rzr Clarena are honorably aware,' that the follow , i r aj rir.eirthiLac.tual,itivonalitlladt.nyi tgaloeu.ofJoArslc; canals them highly respectable - chimes, who have triad it: . Mr. Oao. Beckett, 41 Elm at, New York. Mrs. Moults Reeves, klysle overate, Brooklyn. Mr.,%km. Yoinnk ICI ass st, New York. Mr. Thomas 4ac km., uc.ir at. Pittsburgh. IL E. CullenOate Lanai .Womb) S. Amenca.. And more thank hundred others state, though this mast same, that it will Corte the hair to grow 01 the head or lice, stop it telling od,..trungthen the roots, remoSug or cud daudrut bun tha satts,..ad maklag Ilea, red or grey hair turning a Inv dark look, sad kealtatlf drY, harsh or wiry Mar moist, son, clean and Leaman', a arm very Mug time. Sold at /ACUSON'S N liberty m. r A Purturniu`sTrinasont--Sellers' Liter Mr Theoriginal, only true aud gene/tie Liver Pills. Independence, Washington Co., Feb.til,l6lb. blr E E vrilljast add that, your lidesr bane answered the Very hest purpose my Malley, sad horn their salutary elects innjz . Gant prescrip tions, I can confidently and safely commend th em sphere 1 lave hitherto licaltated wit others of. great repute. Yours, N warrE; Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLEW, 67 Wood rt. Sold by Dr. Cassel, e els ward; M. Corm AllegireoTi W.J. Smith, Teuipranrevillt and Provo,. Law rancerdle. }eta. • Mip!A , rug nubs art, Lasts.—Cornstuck i s Num and Iluaeaem said Wiwi Vbgetable Muir, is the cost sPectual cure fur Rheumatism. Said by WM. JACK. gpiry. Agent for • Pittsburgh boulfstitsuiSur tryPir" boass, ece Hoye' llama. is an uncle more justly celebrated so • care tor tb• above Moo OOP or ob Other. Ito curve are almost cia waerabic.6 — ftld by WIC /*ORSON, ay [or barer,' Ml..eee Urn • Ana—no anonisking 4 , 7 sand for Mit great median iencare be . . on the -11 r -here ith. been inrooditeed, it. has eooioJd .a popuiotit77 nopeccedentedlo the anemia of metrical =en b ile)? no obtal t. it Rings, tttaoy rowans., need not be under the npensa of a-eking osedicel ad, vice, es theycan perchne - • box of the Liver Pips. with 'IIW - eh direction .will. be frunialieo, width loin work a spent • core. The followrop lener from ran agent shows, im ulerity in the section from which lener tinted: . ' - Burst Comm, ii, - ,DpgiED Co.. Ps., March 24 151 - . .1. Eton & Co., Woad sL, Pittsburgh! , Gentlemen—We find we can veil a great many tangs of Dr. IGlate's Pill, Mau your agent left witlCiput There Pills are rapidly rising in Mem, and we hare almost soldalt llas we bad. If )ott coo send or to or Itt dole more buses, they will last perhaps until yam agent can bring or a new apply, St J. KELLi''" Fer sale ai the Drug Store off. KIDD& Co., GO utood greet. felt, Fahra.Milßad..E.a.ci. - te at Auction. . , On Saturday, Jtine Nth, at b Wank, V. M s ai the Corenterklal Mslead Roomy comer of Wood and Fifth streets, Will be .oh that miloablelot of Ground. No It. in tIM omxinal plah of lots of the borough of Lawrestee vale, hating a frobt of Di feet on Burrow , stmt . ) and extentlidg hack IMS met to Cherry alley, Oa which It erected d good twit. story Stick Dwelling Limo., and other improvemetits, with fruit trees, Ac., at ~,, 1.. , __ -- - . I occupied by Charlis °demander. t . Jour* Fgexcromnr.—We would Call attenuent to I Also; lot No leggin the plan of lots laid out by Tho ,g4 excellent reins, fi g , c ogg h s Cold., c pgggggp ii ng, ‘ Mel =scaly hamar* font MA feet On the north side of Athgkg, and a .6 winos, a the The.,„. end 1 ,„,7,- g „, , Penstsylkattia ave*ueS nearly oppose the: comempla• facing ~,,,,e g within g lm, e . ) , l ~ h as ( s i„ gs I led site kW a briqe over the Monona/mid river. to k g\ non to use a medicine M . A.. kindwe have .y exit-, i Lack hl ° ,f g _ s lin g nn „.l. ‘ , Binn.. f hn.n . nod n'V" din if rove tested Ds excellent qualities, and art p parko to °On'. •-•.,°' df t' — ' - --,• ; recommend it to others. filiaitters or obit Mein scrod Ont tiond'i°nnift residue to two equal ontidni speakers afflicted with bronchial atlectiiinkdknls Led !Ps 0,0 with .. r ... greet pb y b :lelluu fi" idvi n"" all c ' ltses lt s i tlirS ' ird a i 'd t a s b lio ' t.i ' sr e " ill '. . '; ''' '1 . --t ..:: camas medicine in the diseases for winch An re , !Free :_tetlitf Dry Goad, at dactiah: . _ commended.--(Colambus (Ohio) Cross and Juotit.il . , it,, 3b1..1.3 , ...bong. d omi ID, m lu.' lock. ai d Dns' For sale at the Pekin Tea Store, No 11 l Fuartl, Ale, Continental halmbßooms, corner of Wood an Finn CO -4 I icer., pill Unsold without reserve, tor account whom --esso----- - i a may nun:ern-ots henry Moacksatc , Mtd hnin` .:-.P. it. . —..... '-_.._. : :tone's. 100teruw, color Arne riessuprliits; li L 1 .1.1 h,ty. ~3. 11°.' T dark ' .."T `.! • d color ‘ooti fancy mouse de 101 . 1 , 0 . 1 . 1,1 11 . lu e c mAntlser"' pe tit ) Tooth w kras "r te -yo r stil t s. b..th . Or. S ' ia a til t""V black " bfio crown cludi., checked tWeeds and csOsimeres, , !gestalt pod 0.0 ,tqlitsrtl. lisle thread gloves, together DIED. ;the hoge assoltruent which may be frau:toted on Yesterday utuniag, or hall past tt a i.:a..1. Miss ow- the inonymg Ikry. BAH Illockatax.. aged 611 year.. I • s o'clock, p. tn. • I New gut weans) hood fuoutarc, 6 .rpentitte back Her funeral will tike Og ee fia t t oo s s t k,si at 4 r hatr seal soak 1 !Ogg hale seat rorktog chuirs,l sup. o'ghwek, trout the rersdeure ur• bar iseplows, 10 Peon Itree1 tree t 4 u, vim :bureau street. 'Lltc friends orate family ate monad to attend r . storz i :lll ,, O ,. lw.so , t , e4r ,4 l.:ll , af. c t i s , t:s r l t c . s i, ci ti it o , , e n !t ho; Un Frlthly MAIIN A., eldest daughter tbdu do 60,11.611. goad ankle; Id du black tea; Vbes of Samuel and Oita Howard. • fine ca,Tudzsit loiaccn. aldo Slool.cigant, G do The frith. of Om Witt) . .to respectfully attend the burial on the corner or Eta and Liberty streets, this 113Sturdayrat 3 o'clock. P. 31. . . L TEAM {COAT WRECK—The engine. trotters and machinery complete, of a stern wheel steam boat (steamer Alert) will he sold as it Iles on the wharf, near Wood street, if application be made immediately. Alec, her cabin furniture, doors and sa.ls, bedding, chairs,' cab" •neliont - ogging sad outfit generially. The wreck as very complete. Applyro rellalt .1 FINN EY, Jr., Nu ht water at , SMALL DA FYI, trING lIA It 51 u orhy Lan re. ecreed on isidittininl supply in thc.nuie goods, including brOWII 'god whiw, green cod .ker also, a few pier es super super, r rry hen, 11,1.1 ' icy; T,NNIIPD I:ll.olf.klo—Erubnoide red Silk ()love, 'white and colored; Ingle toiored. •6/111IV lal %SILL/ANIS AILASOLS—A 1.1 os baildwa, Salm Tun. l'ar*' A so/104.1 opened by /ell ALA-AA:SUER A LIAS H e rr: v. : jell ALEk AN DI;11 1 DA.), B"th,d;il..-44'4-1":'; by talk "" 8- M.Witk:llz,Vrbi Co ' .1 .k a j :„71f!„ b :1 1! J'''y ;e ‘. l ''' l ' ll.ll .) l{7.l " IVA= Wetveil on uiyulo«ul .nJ for ..le b 1 dIII.I.KR k ILICLEMNON BRANDY FRUIT—I 2 tq1.."11 ebnice Urendy Fruit, jun received and tan nic by Jell 5:11.1.1.R & HICKKVSON— RAU CIDER . 4‘; 61.1. ErUllOrrly. Crib Cider, .lusj C Teeri yr.! and fur sale u) jal4 MILLER& R1C11.1.n.54. LINSEED Ull.-2Q bbl. Lill.led Oil, in fnie shipping order:POl tveeiretl link by jel4 HICIII4SON S TAR CANDLE: 4 — , •d:a . I . .t. e au t?, ju.dterrivrd and tor epic 1q jell ripAß—lobble ue hand and for j sale by j44 LER do RICKETtION R. CREF:SE--45 bo.e• R Chteee, Reuling l'"'.‘"'"'Jtjlhl't2l";;All!EC7jlab.yatersi ARC 01L—W Watt Ilsownle best Lard OIL inal°. Li anti tor stile by gala JAMES DALZELL VINEXIAR - 25 libln purr Cider Vinegnr, ion gala by inn J DILWORTH, g 7 wood al ULM: —WU bbl. S F Flour, for sale by „C jet 1S IJII.WORTII d C °l re t "I" '" Yl e /fl d N ' illt:( * ( l i ', Y l .V, Druggist ~...,IvetlrplL-1 reek tfetno; Oil, reed soul Our sale .0 by I jell 11)11:l. I) dIORGAN BLACCING-10Uarn Matenla Cludlenge, just reed and for sole bi .393 JOHN MUKGAN LISTAIt-1 bbl jusi reed and for sale by JOHN Dmottunr; •Cw 4 in retail, Ao t nrilcls, for sole by JUJIN MOHUAN . . :LL.LJUOr—l.rooks reed tool for Isle by JOHN D AIORUAIN Chronicle and , Dirpstch copy. r)Ilf METAL-5u tun• Plig Metal, Maud": turnace fur slat by 0: IAI/ALIN a , I , ANNI;RS• ull.--wo LW. Blow/I.oa, xuperiur, Cor salt by kIAGALEY h SMITH Imy:NCH - LitsYNis--I..ento nue Orbited Lawny, beeiniful tieyr pitterne, fast ree'd nail opened by rein toiAciii.nrr& WkirrE, in wood et Li tt—li bats entra, for gale by VON •ISUNii Fa L A ast— " k'" DEANry—.l bbk stoell white, toracen . • jel4:S YON Co , 'A7 by %f i rd:ll: k i t:a/x:11o. • l IHRE3I.I-114t , x‘ R Cueery, just rio'd sod for V ._2 leite by _jail WICKS AFCANDLESS DROOlll*-111dan Cons lirocone . , fin 111!it . Ly fel4. %%Wk./ CiaiIAJWS F 0 . 14t r Av ,," iLD WHITE. BEANS—rib bap in scorniiin4 for eale by IedDICKEY k Co • ~AUCTION SAIIB. By Thimk smigker.ask Jr, G n Alell.,iamilloAlrs, Ii)UISVIY.I.E, BY . . 1a IlWs. O. SUGAR eruclito:;"•'-m Tuesday; the SOtll:;June, eolituenelog at 10 o'clock. A. M., are w ill sell 119 Mule. prune New Orleans Serar, of Auetida. Teleas',ea.b, INeUtuckrbank Cotes.) BS Joh0:1 ! Davis, Alactl JOHN D DAVIS. Attet 'A •„_ , 1 t7i u'el.7l, p tu. . ' ' ' L 11.0.11. IvMr [Old tip paper, pC/IN ;lain* Cutlery . , thy 8.00., elothitig, tine %liirp: musical Inatnanients. jettl ; ItAIN DDAYIS, Attet Pop;r, Quacirimg, Un Simrds y craning, Juttei Ft, at g °Woe*,wl be cold at th e commercial *al. room earner of Wood and 6th ctrents, a large and valuable collectiou of MR book., embracing many atandard works--Oulupea Gibbou, vol.; NS'orks Jasebinut, Rollin , . Ancient HiglOlY. it vale.. rile edielomr of Hymen, •Shukepearo Milton. Young. Pope, Cowper, Plater, and inner Inver .; Scare Pictorial ameorted; lionyan'e 116 Dike, large odiuto, Cellllp26/011 10 the Hagler lerateesterd lhometary, Family Hiller and Prayer hooks to great variety, together with molly obit new dunk. which have rust been received, and. Will be open for examilia dollen day abode. Goo and steel pen; letter Viol rep paper. t Quadrant in good order. 'role JOHN he DO Vls, A.! Athasnistratoet7iale of Rea/ Essatv,,fu tit Nimth • . Inure. Oa Saturday afternoon, the 1714 last, at tt o'clOck %sill be .old on the promises, I.y order of Charles Au demon, Administrator of tits law Hoe. Ateletrom do ceased, non valuable Lot DI . C.:T*2lld; Hints at the car net. of Pena and Lumbar inceets,.havlag a from Cl s feel on Penn street, and extending! Pock Ill) feet Mulberry alley, on which is erected agood twit 11111 Frame Dwelling /louse. at preioint occupied by Diehard& and others. Also, Mal stag desirablelA) attain. on the opposite [Omer of, Peon and Camber a hciag the same sus as above. •Tine - .tralislutable Tenns at sale.. Ica JOHN D DAVIS, At.: Tuluny-Four Building La, in owl adjoining 7th Ward of tha City; at Allmon. Ou Saturday afternoon, the 17th ih,t, at 0 ololoek, will be sold without reserve, ou the premises, thelbt lcimingvery handsomely situated Real Estate, vies Lots Nos IR In,Rlinsd 111, in tha plan of Lois told nut by Samuel Wright, hating' each a front of 20. feet ou Dime... l mM, and eitteneineack upwarde of OW feeL w I alley NI feet widei adjoining property of !dr L T ; . . • • Loot N. V V, ln the pl. of loti, laidout by Alexander Millar, basing each • front of 24 feet on De Villiers street, and extending back 104 feet. 4 > A I 00, tau lots Laving cook si front of Eli feesotiCett. Ire ftvenue„opposita to the residelice of Airs AVM .d extending !lack KG feet but alley 11 ft "ride. Aket, 4 lots, has"ttg each a front of .141 feet ort De Vil liers iftract, and extending back 14 feet, tow alley 34 feet wide., Also, 9 lots in.that beantiftalgrrivemdio g the resi dence of D 91ahoo, LaviagVeach a front 00 Grove %Met of 21 feet, and extenditig buck 94 feet, to at alley 20 feet wide: Also, 3 other lap of ground, situate near the .eity line, one of which has a frontof a feet on Centre Ave nue, and 95 feet on liirkpatriek street. • . • Plans of the aboie properly may be seen' t the ;me don rooms. -•• • • . Tolosa( ode on first mentioned six Lots will benne third emu. reeiduo in two equal annual paymente, with interest. Ou the le Lou hut mentioned, terms are one fourth cash, residue in' Urn; equal annual payment*, with intent. Jere JOHN DAyltr y finer. - AMUSEMENTS. ME!M!(I= =a2m= eto co.meurc. w llItF:Al1 A7' SEA. Mr:trior. .Vlcy Cwakrt•:- •eecTrevamau:l hio.; 14 . A 0 N , tt i tel w h i s th ..tons Altdvint ' IJUX AND CO.t. . :slr. ?no: . - SlOnday—tlencEo orMIL REYNOLDS r ` , ER 11 RARELY. is eurgeged, mail snooty api kii.o3l or Atsiroos.—Dres• Circle, 50 cu; Second PC, 45;' Ga7leq,slo. • • • APOLLO 8AL1 .,. FOURTH itl.Tiltx:r, A FEW Lettiit.4 MOM WOOD. Lyl" request of utont rous bents of fetailies, the SA- L) MX HAIIMONISTnitime the Loam toisationme Met dim sull give Rom more of their online and itt. entertainments, which hare been intended by the natant, end twenty 0(.11 the pnuequal tides Octet IJutou,:m he: neer, elegant and wed ventilated:l4*Rn Halt. • • gruitechstme of Preirromme, Cfnnllsl of Sanyo, them Chotoscs, Iturtosques, Witticisms, Dances, 4. On whleh occautto they oil] slog the celebrated moor, for the first time, oROSA LF.E, or Don't be Foolish, • .aastaataau,23 caws—doom open al 7. to comma.. at a &clock. tel. 3 J C LIENSuIN I, Manager =:M= I)1.2.):/:• CU, tau Ludt authorised agents in .Pinte J. 3 hunk for the sale of Kirk's Proem ltfarine 'rime t•ieeea,invite the &Malou oft opebhe rat rally,. and of the °Meer, and emotes of steamboat.' and canal hame in particular, testbeir fine assortment of Wen . . . f ' • . . Vulike the Peridunnst Clocks, these are . iVerraiitad to run wt. licensee) in WIT youtiue, and biter - to any ottuuerd of mottoittooneeteni with the safety of a conmon welch, end are therefore the Only Clock, suit. able lot ...oats, canal %wale. rathoad can and feature.% nn which there is mach iffirriobf.. l. tiey ale used exienevily at the East its these 1413.360111, and "give goal san.tenon.” As Tamil* Time Plre.Geti. lg.. they are dutch admired by those who have stied accouut of their rumpus...se, accuracy t - ue. nets, and the facility with 'glitch they am moved or set up for use. Mtee who wish to purchase arc request ed to candidly eve.,e into the Merit. of of this article, and without regain io the insinuations and deeencia at.of int.:reeled te.rsons e ur of these who know coda keg shout it The Alf.. Ilmepieceleith Kirk's Int protect..., hlVelltqL:ll ently been pateutrd,tklauvlb iviZl aid rec eueutry, IS hat generally known, sod et - eases. worthy men inltie trade here t, bee sal'and o , oo4l,leiltg..litc whole affair, who have since ...erred thus the) mete .niuitkes their blun• as another matter entirely formgg. in minty, uever acre Or ilia/Mu any thing of fl, ..span ser erapeeek) nun ll...piece.' • As tee are the only authorized agents in the city. our. atestruentleill be round the aely . cagoule* , ore: and, we keep none but Mose': which have filth's late leo provenietit of a .retaioluif power in the spring,' we tryst that those who wish to purchase as justice - - et lot tolltemeelvet, esernliffe ours before taking rem a mere remnant elsewhere. An urtiele. emit. in app., ranee, but 01 um one fuerh the value.. cart be ifetekesed eltawbete ior kn. - Money. Thule, there tore. unto MNatd uothing trot the privy Warlock. need nut take the trouble to call. 1,1 ~tre.ry when:, a Moline . ttotepteeo .old to doe, out ell, ,utiefaction during the dnt three manlike of ha nee, we volt refund the money paid forit, on ita 'bettor tolurneil without delve, Informal:4m rotpreting tTe uteri. of the Timemete eau he &teat:tett by referring to Mr °Myers unlie Ma hout, tfibe.ruta d, Sc; also: .a Mr A Fulton. *1 a, and others. • - • BLAKE d Co, N W co, of market .t and the diewzogid, 1.. Miff EXPUEziS CANAL PACKET LINE. PkilA ANL , un.urimuatt. Tl LEECH k Co, are nom rousing INwo daily lines _U s of •ctioehes, to and rm Freeport, connecting with their packets '!'hey leave every . tnorning at o'cloek. . . FAllETllattllltilf NINE Do.l..kßek lit this arrangement, Ilassetigiirs will go through in less Man three and a half day., passing over our hun dred and Gfly miles of railroad in daylight. For passageor inforntation apply to j WM. SLilh.:ll, Agt or D. Leech t Co, jel6 ltlonongakela Howe: ,. PRINTS ONLY CEDAR ST., NEW YORK LEE & BREWSTER Established • warehouse in the Tett tto. for , the.Pai Trakm,Vlr.Bl7.•ll-Lgtssi'vrady, - .; - *• aRLD4 low ppo[itoCoCo -and u 1 ibldng, at all Nwnmenn • Thai am now opening !evens! Hundred Paek.,,,., 'febumnalug every new atyle.of Foreign' and Domesde recaluedost, many of which have Just been perelmeed, and are Graced far sale for Cash and Alton credit', st PAICES REDUCED FROM ri.• ONI TO FIVE CENTS par yard below the prices of April and Ala?, as, per prudad Catalogues, which are corrected asai, fqr the Information of buyera. • ' 'PIi•LAT WAREHOVIIITE, .4 - Neer York, June.l€47: _ ini,dad• FANCY. DRY GOODS-. • , SEAMAN dr MUIR , .• sal nro•dow•r..zi•w AIPORTERB AND JOBBERS of Silks, French-prin. I led Mediu, Deeeges, Laces, thatatnderles, nos, Shawl., Moslem Gloves, Lawns, Hornbeams, AND ALL urneft VADIETII.S OF FANCY 000D9. They invite country hlsreltattie, eleiting New York,' to *amine their stock heron making their purchases. Mr. Mule wen or teeny Yeats of the house of A. T. Stewart deo., Mao which ho rented on the let of Jets.. 184di and Mr. James Dickson, (who has ea Unmet In the basinteed was also favorably" known in that moth. liehment. • cititiZviaititTnTs: .; IFORM. theft frie,da and lite public. that may hive •DO /011ger 111.1Y . 00,41LC11011.Cuth their late ealahlish ment lu Pew, rote, kumea or the Pittsburgh ar.w.nr, haVillg removed their entirebarb*. rot POIN BREWERY, It, Pitt meet TBicco-*o boo Reach's& Jioblesoa's AL imp Tobacco., 15 do4Nyers's do dodo; 10 do Ina Mute. do do dor'2o Jo Mye fu do Jet an do - Ender.' *may Plot; tue..7,00 dwarf bone. dlyere Aromatte en; 411 do, 40 do do Thoraa!' Nectar tort teceired and for sale /ry- • •'• - a • -• mILLLE VICILETSON CiltatffSTlOSTlCoiiaVentii;f6yrfi, rd lor holm. try OK Ykloor end Icaproed RAW KO ,l Eav ALENAW. moo - poi. amoebae and tautrinon , 4e-tremble kerar. 111.'4 ,rtebrated 'Treatise on c.rttputirit, and.L ass end rain. of. tb, Errelente- Col d only at•tai.. - . , d-finalo /4,1414110,m, 4th arm u heat 'Wood, by • ..., Jell JL IiEJLEP ....on, R_ANNK:inarney end Counsellor allow, IP) and Contenirstotset • for the State 'of_ I :ontasylSaina - , 0; t a t. Lowe, ?do., (hoe of I . lnel:oust-k r • • •,-- • .. Rarreflatni-Elnsburybi Bow I t birrrartl;• heatp tou ACCatelleth M'C re; John E Parke: d Dawn. Jaa;napio... M'Cord King AHD-46 Obit No 1, an - good itaippnalfa x• -VE4 ,,T4 HEIL4'..-CCM=d7 jj and for sale by . ISAILH DleifEY Co ISAIAH Wit.o Blusp: s .att a p.steat Soda Ash 35 steames,Nardip.oh.: 1V 2 ' • IGO Ilbessissr,sq: tIGAR CURED sAlms—m thsyys 1.3 Bacon Buss. tor sale bV „ isle ATWOOD,'.IONE9'.k. Co SUtiAR Holltak: NUL bbli ' 140;146 Maim.* for tale by 014 AT1Y0911,,19: , 44.1 c• ACOI . -:i7414/441344;1dai5, 713 Sidra, litfoße D LI for We by 144.11 ATWOU,D, J . OrdE9 do C ( - 114.723E-9l6ms just laodot 'for an 1. LY jelt " le..AlMl7.nelfl4lT 4. et!, Iron! a "Ail, STEAMBOATS . ;'-fiC/NCINNATI & PITTSIBVBOII frA I PrE:, /HTS *ell: aurora late epleptifhpateetever fitesia • eve is semi ompeecte" orals/ haveeet,se Mee; bees abed mid furnished, sad most jarreerM boats eat the 'rater* of Lee Went ~ Es'erY aOeOMOI fort that money 0. procure, has bean provided tor pat wagers. The Lisle hes been le °pustule for five rare • million of people +file= 0+ 61 .. 4 at TT to Ikea person. 'The beam will be at the fax Wood meet the day previous loatarung, Mathis Meer. doo of freight sad the vary of pateeiolion" th° ter.' Atli' eases the paasailkoshoey_ Wag ,_ advance. " • • SUNDAY PACKS . The ISAAC NEWTON, Cap/ A. 0. Aleiart; leave' P , mlourTh ever ylvvanday nronsinll at 10 'Vapor Wheeling every Sunday . eerAingello - • MONDAY PACiik&T. , the MONONGAIIELA.,,Capt.Broca, 18a,;11 Monday 81.2roing at 10 'o'clock, WT C7trY Monday eeewup at toe. v. TIIIEVIDdIe PACKET. . • Th. /111.1EILX12, No. 2, tscptNt. !cave ViUslouryit